sports tourism - Terengganu


sports tourism - Terengganu
Faculty of Hotel and
Tourism Management
May - Aug 2014
By: Nurul Fatin Haq Abdul Fakah &
Sulaiha Mohd Isa
ports tourism, a type of niche tourism product that is generated
from national or international sport events, continuously
contributes towards the tourism development for the country that
is hosting it. Popular events such as the Monsoon Cup, Olympic,
and FIFA World Cup enthralled people around the globe to travel
just for the sake of watching these games on live performance. Due
to sports tourism popularity, Tourism Victoria (2010) highlighted
three benefits gained from sports tourism including economy,
growth of infrastructure and social perspective.
rom economic perspective, sports tourism provides great
economic opportunities by promoting the country at
international level through the chance for business transactions.
Believed to be continuous money provider for the citizen, sports
tourism, for example in Russia, is estimated to get $125 billion
in return from their investment when its government spent
$15 billion for Sochi Winter Olympics 2014. Their businesses
transactions occur through purchasing of merchandises, tickets,
and payment for hotels and transportations. Continuous
economic opportunities will transpire even after the major sports
event for those whom wish to experience the same experience
these athletes once had and thus, extra income is gained in the
long term.
is being organized and participated by world class athletes and
yachting club teams. With its ability to organize world class sports
event, Kuala Terengganu now can offer five stars hotels, great
facilities and international level of hospitality. The government is
giving their best on maintaining the infrastructure to ensure tourists
will receive superlative services during their stay.
n the context of social benefits, sports tourism enhances a country
socially when it allows cultural exchanges to happen. Tourists that
visit the hosted country are exposed to various culture and heritage
and thus provide opportunity for interaction. Le Tour De Langkawi,
for instance, a famous international cycle games held annually
in Malaysia, provides a chance for the tourist and participants
to explore Malaysia’s various unique culture and traditions of
multiracial citizens due to the route of its competition that crosses
several states in the peninsula. Various activities supported by the
local citizens aimed to promote different authentic cuisines, fine
arts and handicrafts, cultural performances and dances as well as
hospitality of homestays that enables the international tourists
to experience the way of life of the local people thus contributing
to world understanding and acceptance of different culture and
ith ample advantages provided through arrangements
of sports tourism, it is hoped that our country will be able
to continuously plan and organize world class sports event not
only for the economic and infrastructure compensation, but most
importantly for the social acceptance that is gained to encourage
world peace.
port tourism also contributes to the growth of infrastructure
since such events are usually held in places that is not yet been
recognized worldwide and with the chance given, the government
is hold responsible to develop world class infrastructures. For
instance, Kuala Terengganu was only acknowledged by the world
when the Monsoon Cup held in Pulau Duyung at yearly basis
i all! We are tourism extremist and in this Hotnewz August
special edition, we would like to share something on fishing and
tourism. This article is dedicated to all anglers out there. We are
never a fan of fishing though our close friends are fond with it.
We never try fishing but always impressed with all anglers who
are very fanatic in fishing. We wonder what do they get on top of
having to spend money, time and energy? To some people, fishing
is only a waste of time and boring activities. But not to anglers.
Some of our known friends willing to travel abroad just to seek
new fishing adventures. They always craved for more. They tried
several settings; lake, sea or even river. In an exploration of fishing
experiences and wanting to investigate more on how it feels with
this activity, we challenged ourselves to join a Kuala Rompin trip.
Kuala Rompin, Pahang is well known for tourists fishing activities
and they offer numerous sport fishing opportunities. So our
exploration begins. The weather was sunny. It took about four (4)
hours journey from Kuala Lumpur. We parked our car at the jetty.
We took a boat that can accommodate ten (10) people including
the boat driver cum tour guide.
We were amazed to see many international tourists there.
Being us the tourism extremist and in an effort to extend warm
Malaysian hospitality, we managed to interview some of them.
This is more to unofficial interview and socializing ourselves.
They came from various part of the world such as Singapore,
Hong Kong, Australia, Denmark and China. They highlighted
that Kuala Rompin offers various option of fishing techniques for
sails including traditional trolling, live baiting, lure and popper
casting. They agreed that Kuala Rompin warm and calm waters
are arguably one of the best destinations to catch the billfish.
We were stunned with these fishing activities that managed to
capture and attract many tourists. It indeed has a huge impact
on tourism industry. Just imagine the amount of money these
tourists spend on accommodation, food and souvenirs with
their prime focus are to fish. Interesting, right? In line with Visit
Malaysia Year 2014, government is doing painstaking effort
in promoting these fishing activities. Kuala Rompin offers
an affordable international sport fishing destination with an
exhilarating Malaysian flavor (Ocean Blue, 2011). The fishing
season begins in April and continues till November.
By: Nur Baizura Iberahim & Jazira Anuar
five (5) and seven (7) kilos weight. Our waiting time is worth seeing
the fish that we caught! We feel happy and superb. We guess this is
the beginner’s luck that our tour guide mentioned while we begin
our exploration. It is specifically for people who never involve in any
fishing activities liked us. Owh, now we know the feelings of fanatic
anglers. Our tour guide also highlighted that all the fish types that
we caught earlier can goes up to hundred kilos weight. Fantastic! At
the end of our fishing exploration, we learned something that is very
precious. When we managed to catch the fish, there is one feeling that
describe our total exploration. It is self-actualization that is beyond our
satisfaction. It’s a total bliss. Thus, to all fishing lovers out there, lets
your passion flourish our tourism industry. Let’s together support our
tourism industry by extending our fishing activities to various tourism
destinations in Malaysia and Terengganu, specifically. 
References: (accessed in November 2013), Fishing in
Malaysia. posted by Ocean Blue on 27 April 2011.
We agreed that we really had awesome and wonderful
experiences. We have to wait for nearly two (2) hours before
managed to hook up a giant ‘jemuduk’. It’s nearly nine (9) kilos
weight. Half an hour later, our excitement and thrills continue
with another giant ‘gerong belang besar’ and ‘tenggiri’. Both were
By: Muhammad Hairol Faizol Mat Zalan & Haslina Che Ngah
ospitality refers to generous and entertainment of guest
either socially or commercially. In our mind, when we heard
the word of hospitality it will refer to hotel. Hotel is a place that
offers accommodation, food, and beverages. In hotel, there
are many departments that are involved to run services such
as housekeeping department. Today, other institutions also
practice housekeeping in their establishment to satisfy a social
needs of customer. Hospital is one of the institutions that carried
out housekeeping task in their establishment.
The areas that are involve housekeeping in a hospital includes
wards, laboratories, administrative areas, doctors chambers,
lecture rooms, treatment rooms, waiting rooms, waiting areas,
kitchen, dining area and high-risk area such as operation theatres
and intensive care units (ICUs). The organizational structure of
housekeeping department varies according to the type and size
of hospital.
The housekeeping in hospital is highly organized to make sure
hygiene and cleanliness are practice to reduce the threat of
cross infection. Hospital housekeeping team is a department
that must perform this task. Their responsibilities is maintaining
a high degree of cleanliness and hygiene, ensuring safety and
security to patients, pest control and laundering hospital linen,
uniforms, and surgical suits.
On top of that, hospital housekeeping teams also has a
responsibilities to perform the task in wards. The task that
must carry out is preparing a bed for arrival patients, changing
By: Nur Fatin Ashikin Ramli & Maisarah Abd
ur best moment with HM111 3A and HM111 3B started
when we went to Langkawi. Our trip is on 15 January until 17
January 2014 for ‘Tour Guiding’ subject. We have so much fun
and enjoyed the trip. We started to know each others during
the trip. We went to many places in Langkawi but the most
sheets and the blankets. The team must ensure equipment around the
patient’s bed has been sanitized and disinfected properly. They also
will make sure the bathroom in patient’s room has been cleaned and
Hospital use a large quantity of linens, such as gowns, towels and
bedding on a daily basis. Linen staff and housekeeper are responsible
to gather, wash, iron, fold, and inspect all linens used in hospital. They
also discard old linens where applicable. Housekeeper will report to
supervisors which linens the hospital needs to replace to allow them
to compile a report for purchase.
A good hygiene environment is also practice in hospital by cleaning,
mopping and sterilizing all the areas in hospital including operating
room and diagnostic room. It is also the housekeeper responsibilities
to maintain a good appearance of windows, doors, curtains and other
surfaces as well as sanitary environment.
As a conclusion, housekeeping is important to be practices in a hospital
in order to obtain a high standard for cleanliness, maintenance, and
surrounding. People who fill in housekeeping positions in hospitals
must have a good commitment and ability to coordinate with other
team members and manage duties efficiently to best serve patients.
2. Raghubalan, G., and Raghubalan, S., 2009, Hotel Housekeeping
Operations and Management, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press.
interesting activity for me is Mangrove Tour.
Mangroves Tour is located at Langkawi Kilim. There are several
mangrove tour destinations in Langkawi. One of the most popular
is the Sungai Kilim Mangrove with its purpose built jetty, food stalls,
convenient wooden walkways and a host of wildlife attractions.
During the tour, we explored the bats cave and crocodile cave. This
cave is located along the Kilim River. The accessibility is only by
boat, and then we have to walk along a wooden platform through
a mangrove swamp, leading directly to the cave. After that, we went
to Gua Kelawar. We have to walk for 10 minutes before reaching the
cave entrance. Our next activity is watching eagle feeding. Eagle
feeding is one of the must do things in Langkawi. It will be our best
magical moment ever.
We have the best moment in Langkawi and it makes me feel to go
again to this place. We have limited time but everybody enjoyed
with this trip even though we are so tired. I hope that we will go
again to Langkawi because here, it has many interesting places that
we must explore especially as tourism students.
KLCC- “The Amazing
and Unforgettable
Experiences of
Petronas Twin Tower
Visit Operation”
By: Rahsila Emira Elias &
Norazlina Rahmat
n 21st October 2013 was my
reporting day to Encik Ahmad
Reezman, the Human Resource
Executive who in charge for
Internship at Petrosains. It is been
honored to be working at the
tallest twin towers building in
the world with the height of 452
meters above the street level. I
have got a lot of information or
the truth facts about our national
landmark such as there is 88 total
floors of KLCC, but the highest
floor open for public visit is the
observation deck level 86 because
two more floor up is only for
mechanical or maintenance floors.
The Skybridge is actually double
deck which is involved level 41
for public visit and level 42 for
staff easy movement between
tower 1 and tower 2. The main
function of the Skybridge is for
alternate evacuation route of fire
or any other emergencies. For your
information, the Skybridge is not
fully attached to the both tower,
there are 10 inch gaps that allow
the Skybridge to move or sway but
it depends on the strength of the
windblown which is 160/km per
hour. The total length of skybridge
is 58.4 meters long and the weight
is about 750 tonnes. So as a sky
guide level 41 and level 86 ,I did
briefing to visitors about the facts
and I have to entertain and assist
visitors whenever they needs an
assistance. Usually visitors will ask
to take their picture, so that is my up to the skybridge, then the
transit level 83 to the last station
responsibility to help them.
which is the observation deck
Some of the frequently asked level 86.
questions from visitors are “Where
the north is and where is the west? PETTVO are issuing 960 tickets
Because I need to see the sunset”, per day with 24 slots and only
“What is the total population in 800 tickets with 20 slots for
Malaysia?” , “Where is the Batu Friday. Usually by 11am – 12pm
Caves and China Town?” , “How all the tickets will be sold out. This
many people are working here?” , is because of the ticket are very
“How to cleaning the glass wall of limited for safety reasons. So all
this building?”, so it is important the person in charge at Q area
for me to answer all the questions are responsible to entertain and
correctly. How about the make sure visitors understand
about it. I enjoy duty at Q area
management and operation?
because I can communicate
PETTVO has an Acting Director, with many tourists from other
three Executives, three Supervisors country in the whole world as
and the rest are the staffs. The well as I can also improved my
operation of the day starting English language and increase
from the ticket counter where my confident level. I also learn
the people buy ticket ,then the some other basic language such
Q area where the staff approach as Arabic, Japan, Korea and Russia
and entertain visitors on how to in the way to greeting them into
get the ticket. Next is the check in their language, so it automatically
area where the person in charge makes visitor happy and more
have their right to control the comfortable with me. Tourists
flow of visitors entry by checking who came from China, Japan,
tickets, give pass to visitors based Korea and Russia Federation are
on their group color and batch normally did not understand
the tickets. Next station is a locker and speak in English well, so I
where the staff have to make sure did use the body language to
all the things that are not allowed make them understood and to
to bring during the visit need to simplify the communication. I
keep in the locker provided, then feel was so excited had a chance
we go to the helio station where to met and communicated with
the safety briefing are given to foreigners because it is challenge
visitors and we send them directly me in communication skill
to service lift for them will bring and customer service. Besides
that, I had bonding a good
relationship with all the staffs on
how to tolerate with each other
and I did well managed my time
to be punctual, responsibility
with the work given and respect
other person especially who is
older than me. All this manner
are same goes to the SCEVO
department even though I have
been worked during the normal
days where the science center
lack of visitors, but I have worked
enthusiastically. The different
between these 2 departments
is PETTVO got 90% visitors
of foreigners and SCEVO got
90% visitor of local people but
basically the main task of both
departments is same which is
provide the customer service.
SCEVO gave me an experience
on how to handle visitors who
is come from both secondary
and primary students. It was my
challenges because I need to
make sure that they understand
and follow all the instructions
during their visit. In addition, It
was my pleasured that I have got
an opportunities to be one of
the person in charge during the
Science Festival 2013 starting
from 16 Nov 2013- 20 Nov 2013.
Lastly, I can conclude that my
objectives which to involve
more and gain experience in
social working environment
especially in tourism sector has
been reached and successfully
Variety Of Cuisine in
By: Amira Armahat, Intan Shahira Mohamed, Nur Ain
Nadhirah Mohd Nazri , Hazwan Chomel &Haslina Che Ngah
n Malaysia, there are many types of cuisines offer to suit people
taste. The variety of cuisine includes Malay, Indian and Chinese
cuisine and not forgotten other cuisine that brought into Malaysia
such as Japanese, Indonesian and American cuisine. All these kinds
of cuisine are easily get in any hotel or foods stall along the journey
to any places.
Malay cuisine normally have a spicy, sweet and variety of ingredients
being uses such as lemon grass, pandan leaves, kafir lime leaves,
daun kesum, nutmeg, turmeric and wild ginger buds. Rice is one of
important parts in any type of food in Malay cuisine that is being
served with any delicious dishes such as rendang, sambal udang
(prawn) and asam pedas. Besides that, the most famous foods in
these Malay cuisine is ‘nasi lemak’ as it is being served usually in the
morning and comes with many condiments such as cucumber, fried
anchovies and peanut, sambal and boiled egg. ‘Rendang’ is also one
of the signature foods in Malay cuisine such as chicken rendang, beef
rendang and mutton rendang.
Next, Chinese cuisine are divided into Cantonese, Hokkien, Hainanese,
Teochew, and Hakka, generally milder compared to Indian food.
The best known and most popular variety of Chinese cuisine food
is Cantonese food. Chinese cuisine mostly use a variety of fresh
ingredients, touch of oil for stirring, and more to clear soup, starchy
foods and meat, vegetables and mostly fruits. It also has taken on a
spicier touch, often reinventing classic Chinese dishes. Chilies are used
frequently to best of fiery hotness to many of its dishes such as the
famous Chili Crab also known as Singapore Chili Crab in Singapore.
Clay Pot Rice another Chinese cuisine has a smoky exotic aroma and
best baked with a sweet Chinese sausage called Lap Cheong.
For Indian cuisine, it will come with something that is sweets and use
many kinds of spicy. Indian cuisine started influence in Malaysian
started in 19th century when large arrival of Indian migrants. Indian
cuisine can be divided into two mainstreams, Northern and Southern
Indian Cuisine. North Indian cuisine rich with diet in meat and use
spices and ingredients such as yogurt and ghee in dishes without
being overly spicy. Bread and chapatti replaces rice, which is the
center of most South Indian meals. Coconut milk, mustard seeds, and
chilies are also widely used in the Southern province.
Korean, Indonesian and American cuisine are also famous in Malaysia.
Nowadays, there are many restaurants that provide this kind of
cuisine since many people looking for something new to enhance
their taste. Bakso comes from Indonesian becomes popular from
day to day in Malaysia. Bakso is type of soup that have their own
meatball, mee hoon and others condiment. In addition, Sushi which
is come from Japan is also another popular food. Sushi King is one
of the famous restaurants that provide a variety of sushi. Hamburger
and steak are an example of American cuisine.
As a conclusion, no need to go far away to look for something very
tasty for your meal as Malaysia have all the things that you want from
others countries. Just name it, and you will get it. The taste is almost
quiet the same with the original country. So, don’t waste your time,
don’t waste your money, everything is in front of your eyes. So, what
are you waiting for? Explore Malaysia and you will see a variety of
food being served by the restaurant service provider.
Eating on the
By: Tengku Adli Tengku Ahmad Fouad, Ummul Nadzirah
Ahmad Tauffek & Nurul Aida Mustapa
cross the Seven Seas would be a magnificence vacation
experience by a person. Being on cruise and amaze the blue
sea will take the breath away and sweep away the stress. That
is what the Silversea’s World Cruise, the most expensive cruise
in the world, will provide to you, only if you are the millionaire
in the world. As it have many ships, the Silver Cloud, the Silver
Whisper, the Silver Spirit and the Silver Wind beyond Silversea’s
World Cruise, it have several type of dining specialize in each of
it that keep your stomach full loaded almost 24 hours per day
along the cruise.
Within the Silver Spirit, the main dining would be the Seishin,
Japanese word stand for spirit. It serve the delightful Asian
cuisine from Thailand, China, India, Vietnam and most special
from Japan that represent by the name of the dining. During
the lunch hour on Silver Spirit, you can enjoy signature dishes
from Japan at the sushi and shashimi bar. Other than that, the
juicy Kobe beefs are offer along with other fresh and authentic
Meanwhile, the Silver Cloud serve the special grilled food by
the poolside for lunch as you enjoy the fresh air. The cuisines
include fresh-from-the-oven-pizza. By the star show itself at the
night, The Grill take over and offer you to pick and grill your own
seafood. They also provide you with meat to be grill on a heated
volcanic rock plate at your table.
Exclusive dining provided for you at Le Champagne on the Silver
Wind. You can experience fine art of cuisine from fine artisan. Based on
Western delight, you will also experience the genuine regional flavor
that continually changes, but not the freshness, within the food itself
and it reflect the variety destination of the Western region.
After relaxing, you may enjoy the young night with a glass of cocktail.
The Bar on Silver Whisper provides complete set of expensive and
exclusive wine and liquor not to mention fresh juice and variety mixture
of mock tail while you enjoy the live music and dance floor for the night
entertainment. It welcomes you to blend and mingle around the other
guest on the cruise and having fun.
Finale, the experience on cruise is beyond amazing than the land
vacation and the Silversea’s cruise provides it all. Being the expensive
cruise is worth to be enjoyed by you. It not only gives the pleasant and
stunning suite, it also served the fine cuisine in the fine dining, done by
the fine food artisans and chefs.
Silver Cruise Ltd. (2012, November 1). Retrieve
February 12, 2014,
A story at
Langkawi Cable
By: Nurul Shahira Abd Halim & Maisarah Abd
n 15 January 2014, Students of HM1113A and HM1113B UiTM
Dungun, Terengganu, went to Langkawi for two days and one night tour
for our ‘Tour Guiding’ subjects. Langkawi Island is known as the Jewel of
Kedah. It’s located close to Perlis, which is the border of south Thailand.
These islands have clusters of 99 islands.
Our odyssey to the precious moments of Langkawi starts at 0815 in the
morning when we took our ferry from Jetty Kuala Perlis to Jetty Langkawi.
It took about an hour to reach Jetty Langkawi by boat. For the
first time I went to Langkawi, every step that I take, I can’t impede
my eyes from enjoying the beautiful scenery of nature. After
that, we took bus and our journey start. Our first destination is
Langkawi Cable Car. There are a lot of foreigner and local people
who wait for their turn to take the cable car. While waiting for
our turns, the group that in charge of guiding at cable car make
some commentary about this place. I see some foreigners who
look and listen to our commentary. I’m proud become part of
this odyssey when this is our first experience doing commentary
and we can capture the attention from the foreign tourists.
After crossing the first gate, we had to queue again and wait for
our turn. During this time, we were treated to some scenes from
documentary and Bollywood movies ‘Don’ shows Shah Rukh
Khan as the main actors which had their shooting in Langkawi
Cable Car Sky Bridge. After reached at the top, I can see almost
the whole of Langkawi Island. Inside the cable car, it’s funny
when one of our friends can’t open their eyes and almost cried.
She just sits and start singing to remove fear. It was cold at the
top of the sky bridge. We had 30 minutes to enjoy the scenery.
My heart felt very relaxed and free to see the natural beauty that
created by One True God. When I was at the top of the mountain,
I looked down and what I saw was everything as small as ants.
In a nutshell, we got our precious moment and wonderful
experience during the odyssey and during ride a cable car, the
panorama that we see can’t explain with words. Only the people
who have experienced the Langkawi cable car can know the feel
and how to subscribe the feelings. I enjoyed during the journey
and this is the first time I feel so happy and excited travelled with
my friends. In this life, there are many challenges that we have
to face so just believes with yourself and always remember if
there someone who strong enough get you down, then show
to them that you also strong enough to get up. Thanks for the
moment that I got.
The Behavioral
Style of Hotel
and Tourism
By: Mohamad Zaki bin Asah &
Norazlina Rahmat
hat is behavioral style? Some of us might have
that thoughts and questions in their mind and do not
know what it is really ‘Behavioral Style’ is. So, I’d like
to discuss a little bit about ‘Behavioral Style’ based
on my knowledge about ‘Behavioral Style’. First of
all, behavioral style is observable tendencies (action
that you can or experience) that you and other
people exhibit when dealing with tasks and people;
according to “Customer Service Skills for Success – the
5th edition by Robert W. Lucas of Webster University,
Orlando, Florida”.
The concepts for behavioral styles are based on
our actions or reactions taken or showed when we
or others deal with tasks or people. As a customer
professional especially in our industry, which is Hotel
& Tourism industry, we need to have knowledge and
we have to be aware that everyone is not the same.
You must be questioning about how one could
identify its own behavioral style right? Well, it’s not as
complicated as it seems to identify our own behavioral
style. Our personality forms based on our experiences
and environment. Plus, from the awareness of our
own or others style preference; that can lead to better
understanding of customers. From this understanding
towards these characteristics, it also can improve our
communication with the customers or colleagues,
build stronger relationships and also offer better to the
customers. In easy words, primary behavioral pattern
is referring to a person’s preferred style of dealing with
others. It means that what is the dominant behavioral
style of a person.
Normally we also have different characteristics but
with our own behavioral style we are more likely to
demonstrate the similar behavioral pattern. It’s much
better if we could adapt and relate on our behavioral
style based on our situation/scenario or environment.
So, that it would be easier to handle any kind of
problems effectively.
Moving on to the core of this discussion, which is the style tendency. We have four
styles; Rational Style, Inquisitive Style, Decisive Style and Expressive Style; (R.I.D.E)
In the other hand, we are exposed to not just have one behavioral style, like I’ve
mentioned earlier. We might change our way of approaching people based on the
situation or environment.
An important point to remember is that there is no “best” or “worst” style because
every style has its own advantages and disadvantages. We should be evaluated for
our strengths and not belittled because of what we perceive as shortcomings.
So, are you clear about behavioral style? Which one is yours? Well, somehow it’s
not hard for us to figure out about our own behavioral style. But what’s hard to
achieve is if we could adapt ourselves in every kind of poroblems. We also have to
appreciate every kind of behavioral styles available because by appreciating the
behavioral characteristics of people with whom we interact with, we can avoid
biasness or prejudice and serve better to our customers.
Halal Food in
Hotel Industry
By: Zuizzati Zulkefli & Arma Mohd Faisal Abu Bakar
In 2011, Malaysia be the top spot by
attracted the most Muslim tourists.
The growing of Muslims tourists from
all around the world to Malaysia has
led to the growing of halal hotels and
concern of halal food at the restaurants
of the hotel. To attract the Muslims
tourists, many of the grand hotel or
five star hotels in Malaysia had started
to provide this kind of food since 2006.
There are some hotels that have two
kitchens which is kitchen to prepare
the halal food and kitchen to prepare
the non-halal food.
hotels restaurants, the halal food also can
be found at the surroundings of the hotel.
For example, if the tourists have come to
the Kuala Lumpur, there are a lot of stalls
or restaurants that provide the halal food
such as Restaurants Pelita that offered
halal ‘nasi kandar’.
In a nutshell, there are necessities to
place the halal foods in hotel industry
across the world as the Muslims tourists
are taking the major percentage of
all tourists in Malaysia. By becoming
globally recognized as the world’s halal
hub, Malaysia have proved to the world
The factor that affects the Muslims that we are able to become one of the
tourist want to come to our country countries that get the higher demand for
is mainly because of the convenience the Muslims tourists.
to get the halal food. Because of this References
demand, our country is one of the that stress on this issue. To pacific/460152-malaysia-halal-hotels-lureget the halal certification, hotels need muslim-tourists.html
to ensure that their restaurant follows
the rules that have been set by the
government. Besides, this condition
also can affect the economics of our
country by increasing the flow of
money that comes in. These halal
foods can attract not only the Muslims
tourists but also the non-Muslims
tourists. In Malaysia, it is not hard to
find the halal foods. Besides at the
Thematic Indian Restaurant situated in Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala
Lumpur, Passage Thru’ India is the best option to dine in. It has
authorized by the Ministry of Tourism as Asia’s Top 10 Best Restaurant
and Best Indian Restaurant. Thus, the restaurant has gained the
popularity among locals and tourists.
Passage Thru’
By: Siti Nurhanifah sulong &
Fauziah Deraman
It is a converted bungalow made of many little rooms and each heavily
decorated with ethnic elements such as furniture, lanterns, paintings,
colorful fabrics and other decorative pieces which make the place cozy
and welcoming. The lilting melodies from live band playing a tabla and
a sitar also help ease into the mood and make the ambiance great.
The food is delicious and offers an array of specialties both from Northern
and Southern India. It is quickly served and guests authentically eat on
a banana leaf. The menus have the English description which is very
useful for those who does not understand the Indian terminology.
A basket of crispy spiced papadoms with some mint sauce is served
when the guest is seated to give the guests time to mingle and talk
while food is prepared. The menu available ranging from main courses,
salads, savouries, snacks to sweet desserts. Tandoori chicken (roasted
chicken with yoghurt and spices, prepared with traditional methods), Aloo Gobi (dry potato and cauliflower cooked with spices), Ghulab
Jamun (warm donuts floating in warm, sweet syrup), Kulfi ice cream (pure cow’s milk mixed with cardamom and saffron) and Mango Lassi
(yoghurt drink) is at most in-demand dishes in the restaurant. The price is competitive and the main meals are ranging from RM14 to RM18.
With friendly staffs and great services, The Passage Thru’ India is a great place for you to experience and authentic Indian cuisines.
Next Stop in Tourism: Music Festivals!
By: Syaheerah Mohd Sallehuddin & Arma Mohd Faisal Abu Bakar
usic is a big part of the entertainment business. But it doesn’t
just conquer in that particular one, whereas it is one of the major
contributors to the tourism industry. I’ll get to the music plus tourism
in just a bit, where now I really want to express my love for music and
make people understand why I am who I am and how music is a big a
part of it.
Whoever say they are not a fan of music, they surely are missing
something eclectic in their life. Me for one, am a huge fan of music.
Of course, at the age of 21, my reputation as a concert goer is not
yet impressive. As a part of typical youth, money is always the tricky
thing when it comes to the desire to attend the latest gigs. Thankfully,
I don’t actually mind of not attending each and every gig, concerts,
and festivals held in Malaysia; unless that particular music gathering
has the line-up of my favourite bands. The first ever music festival I
went to was the Rockaway Festival in 2011. I can’t exactly list out what
was the line-up, which artist came and all, but I know for the fact that
an American band, All Time Low, came to fill out an empty slot where
another fellow American band, Sum 41 had dropped out of the festival
so suddenly. The price ticket was superbly affordable that I just think
this could be a chance in a lifetime to ever see them All Time Low live.
And I did. And it was one of the best nights imaginable. Prior to the
concert, my friends and I actually went to KLIA to greet the band and
meet them in person, knowing that we will never get to be so
close to them as they arrive in Malaysia. The last gig I went to was
in 2012, the concert of two of my favourite American bands, We
The Kings and We Are The In Crowd. I must say, it is pretty biased
of me, to just want to go to the gigs of foreign bands, but each
and every gigs held in Malaysia will have several Malaysian bands
or artist performing as opening act. For example, at We The Kings’
concert, three of Malaysian bands opened for them, Oh Chentaku,
Kyoto Protocol, and Bunkface. So, if people accuse me of not
supporting local bands, I can proudly say, “I beg to differ!” Because
I do watch some of them live and it is in fact of a proof that local
bands are doing pretty good with their music since they can get
signed to be opening acts for famous, foreign bands. Local bands
have my best wishes because I truly do hope someday, these local
bands will be one of the line-ups in the major music festivals in
other countries like Vans Warped Tour in US, Readings & Leeds
Festival in UK, or Tonder Fest in Germany. And if I get the chance to
study abroad, I would definitely be bringing along Malaysian Flag
and be waving the flag during their set. Malaysians stick together,
wherever we go.
So, as you can see, music really gets me up most attentions, and
considering that I am majoring in Diploma in Tourism Management,
I might as well focus in a long-term and learn how to make it in the
tourism industry especially with the companies that specializes
in organizing such events, such companies like Talent Harvest
Agency, Air Asia Redtix, or even with established radio or television
stations. I remember every time I line up and wait for the security
to check my concert ticket, I would look around at the ushers and
be thinking, “How did they manage to get a job that allows them
to be in contact with all these awesome bands?” Now that I’m old
enough, I know what I should do to get myself into that part of the
industry. In hoping that luck would be on my side, I could work with
my favourite bands soon in the future. But I guess only time will tell.
Therefore, for now I shall just dream of enjoying live performances
of awesome bands at the next music festival in Malaysia.
Getting back to the original purpose of me writing this article, how
music and tourism in relative to each other in my perspective, how
I had an idea one day whilst doing an assignment for subject Travel
and Tour Management in Part 4, for my Travel Agency business
plan, to design a specific tour package for the young, music lover
generation called ‘Touring the Vans Warped Tour’. Vans Warped Tour
is a summer long music festival held in the United States, where
the festival would tour in the US from one state to another. Over
fifty bands in total, travelling to more than twenty states, for three
whole months of summer worth of wicked good music, I’d call that
a dream come true. Some travel agencies right now are all doing
standard style of tour package. It is always the same kind of tour,
Experience Europe or Discover Asia. Yes, it can’t be denied that a lot
of people are still interested in taking part in those tours. But I know
for a fact that those can still be achieved without using middlemen.
Speaking on behalf of my generation, I personally think they would
indeed appreciate a fresh and contemporary style of tour package.
I know I would appreciate it wholeheartedly because if I want to go
to the US and attend the Vans Warped Tour myself, it will be such a
fickle thing to do; to book for accommodations at each state, to find
halal food and drinks, to do the actual bookings of flight, and train
or bus to go from one state to another, and even to purchase Vans
Warped Tour tickets themselves, it is as close as to being impossible.
With the help of an intermediary, doing all those tasks will only take
a snap, then again as I said, this in my future clients’ perspective. I
know my part might be the difficult one. As for that, it shall be a thing
I have to stress about when I actually have a travel agency business.
I still have a long way to go. So many challenges I have not faced
yet. Even my first and foremost dream of continuing my studies in
England is not yet fulfilled. My journey in this life is still far ahead of
me. Although I am excited to know what’s installed for my future,
especially after graduating from UiTM Terengganu, getting my
Diploma in Tourism Management. For now, I am cool of just being
a dreamer for because I know someday I will get to the other side
and see that I have achieved what I dreamt about once upon a time,
when I was a wishful thinking young adult.
By: Sulaiha Mohd Isa & Zatul Iffah Mohd Fuza
An exciting experience of
eeling boredom travelling to same destination and
doing the same activities repeatedly? Then perhaps this
is a new thrill for those who seek something new - Astro
Tourism. Known as the “brain child of SPACE”, Astro Tourism
promises an exciting night under the stars. Those who
wonder the mystery that the universe beholds can now
unraveled its secret by combining travel, exploration and
expedition to isolated areas such as Belum Forest Reserve,
Perak with sphere of astronomy and space sciences. You
may need to bring binoculars, telescopes, telescopes
mounts, telescope eyepieces, filters and star charts to ease
observation. For comfort at night, don’t forget to bring
along flashlights, batteries, insect repellent, good music,
warm clothing and most importantly enough supply
of food and drink. With great luck, you might just come
across the right moment for the appearance of the milky
way, upernovae, solar eclipse, comets, meteor shower, star
clusters and many more. Or you can simply visit National
Observatories or Planetarium to gaze the sky. Now, this
is a new activity that you should ponder for a unique,
memorable and educative experience indefinitely!
Truly Vacation...
By: JaziraAnuar
aldives is among one of the last paradises on earth. Upon
visiting Maldives, you will be enthralled with the beauty of this
archipelago (Hass, 2014). Professor Dr. Han Hass was right. Maldives
really ‘WOW’ me and took my heart away. In this edition, I like to
share my journey experiences to Maldives.
Maldives is an island formed by coral. There are 100, 000 species of
coral can be found here. Coral act as the centre of the ecosystem
and it is the most complex ecological system on earth. A non-profit
organization (Protect the Maldives e.v.) had been developed to
support the Maldivian government in disseminating information
to tourists visiting Maldives. Tourists are reminded not to touch
the coral during diving and snorkeling. Additionally, tourists are
also warned to never walk on top of the reef. It is agreed that the
coral gardens of the Maldives are among the beautiful in the world.
Tourists need to respect the living space of the animals under
in reducing the strain on the environment. The main activity here for
tourists mostly outdoor activities such as fishing, snorkeling, diving
and etc. We also experienced a candlelight as well as barbeque dinner
at the sandbank.
Overall, I would conclude that the trip was a splendid, relaxing, friendly
and exhilarating experience. We really had a good week there. The
beaches were magnifique with clear blue water and gorgeous blue
sky. The guest house that we stayed is clean and homely. The foods
are delicious. The most important thing, the people there are friendly,
fun and accommodating. We will definitely come back again.
Hass, H. (2014), Protect the Maldives, retrieved from www. (accessed on May, 2014).
It took four hours journey from Kuala Lumpur to this small island in
the middle of the Indian Ocean. Upon landed in Male King Fayed’s
International Airport, we need to take a 1.5 hours speedboat ride
to go to Keyodhoo. It’s a fishermen’s village and all the residents
are Muslims. Halal food is not an issue there. Their staple food is rice
and fish and we had been served with various types of fish with
several cooking style. My favorite menu there is barracuda grill. It
tastes so tasty, fresh and juicy.
Time difference is three hours back compared to Malaysia. The
azan for ‘Subuh’ prayer is at 4.40am, ‘Zuhur’ is 12.10pm, ‘Asar’ is
3.30pm, ‘Maghrib’ is at 6.30pm and 7.30pm for ‘Isya’. The electricity
supplies is generated by a diesel engine on the island. They have
a powerhouse located near our accommodations. Same goes
with fresh water. It is produced by a freshwater plant, located on
the island. It requires an exemplary effort to turn saltwater into
fresh water. Therefore, all guests need to save energy and water
suluh supaya dapat merasai sendiri pengalaman hebat iaitu melihat
keindahan batu kapur stalaktit dan stalagmit.
Sememangnya, keunikan dan keindahan Tasik Kenyir ini terserlah
apabila tasik ini dikelilingi oleh pulau-pulau kecil dan gunung-ganang
yang menyempurnakan pemandangan hijau di sekelilingnya. Tidak
hairanlah, jika pelancong yang datang terpegun dengan keindahan
yang dipamerkan. Puncak tertinggi di tasik ini adalah Chergau
di Pulau Besar atau dikenali sebagai Pulau Chergau yang diambil
sempena nama puncak tersebut. Puncak ini dikelilingi dengan
pulau-pulau yang cantik seperti Pulau Bayas, Pulau Sumas, Pulau
Jelatang, Pulau Batu Pipit dan banyak lagi. Pulau Batu Pipit juga
dikenali sebagai Pulau Mahathir sempena nama Perdana Menteri
yang mengambil berat tentang perkembangan tasik ini.
Kesimpulannya, Tasik Kenyir adalah salah satu destinasi yang
wajib untuk dikunjungi oleh pelancong yang gemarkan tempat
pelancongan yang penuh dengan keindahan alam semulajadi yang
tersendiri untuk diterokai. Sempena Tahun Melawat Malaysia 2014,
jadikan Tasik Kenyir ini salah satu daripada destinasi pelancongan
yang anda akan kunjungi!
alaysia merupakan salah sebuah negara yang menjadi tarikan
pelancong kerana sumber alamnya yang kaya dengan flora dan
fauna. Selain itu, Malaysia juga terkenal dengan keindahan tasik
–tasik buatan manusia, antaranya Tasik Kenyir yang sememangnya
menjadi fokus utama pelancong datang ke sini. Tasik Kenyir
merupakan tasik buatan manusia yang terbesar di Asia Tenggara yang
terletak di sebelah Semenanjung Pantai Timur di negeri Terengganu.
Keunikan Tasik Kenyir ini disebabkan hutannya yang menghijau dan
dipercayai salah satu hutan hujan tropika tertua dunia, dan juga
menjadi sebahagian daripada Taman Negara Malaysia.
Tasik Kenyir juga terkenal dengan pelbagai air terjun dan gua
yang menjadi pilihan pelancong untuk menerokai sumber alam
semulajadi. Antara kawasan air terjun yang popular ialah Air Terjun
Lasir yang merupakan salah satu kawasan rekreasi yang menarik
dengan keindahan semulajadi di sekelilingnya. Kepelbagaian
ini telah mencipta banyak aktiviti rekreasi yang menarik untuk
memenuhi kehendak pelancong seperti berkayak, berakit, menaiki
bot, mandi sungai, memancing, meredah hutan dan sebagainya.
Khazanah alamnya dengan pelbagai jenis ikan air tawar memanggilmanggil kedatangan pelancong dan juga kaki pancing tegar, yang
tidak sabar untuk merasai sendiri kehebatan memancing di sini.
Selain terkenal dengan keindahan air terjun, Tasik Kenyir juga
terkenal dengan keunikan gua batu kapurnya yang unik, antaranya
Gua Bewah. Gua Bewah atau dikenali juga sebagai Gua Tahi Kelawar,
merupakan gua yang kebiasaannya diterokai oleh pelancong. Ianya
merupakan habitat semula jadi kelawar di dalam gua tersebut, dan
juga mempunyai ciri batu kapur yang unik dan cantik. Rahsia Gua
Bewah masih lagi diterokai kerana terdapat banyak lagi tempat
dalam gua ini yang tersembunyi. Untuk menambahkan lagi
keseronokan menerokai gua ini, pelancong harus membawa lampu
Ramadhan 1435
Oleh: Wan Nazriah Wan Nawawi
Majlis Berbuka Puasa Kakitangan
Hotel & Akademik Bersama Ahli
Lembaga Tabung Amanah Hotel
Tarikh : 14 Julai 2014 (Isnin)
Tempat : Dewan Gadung &
Dewan Bidara
Masa : 6.00 petang - 10.00 malam
ajlis Berbuka Puasa kakitangan Hotel & Akademik
bersama ahli Lembaga Tabung Amanah Hotel UiTM telah
diadakan pada 14 Julai 2014. Kehadiran semua kakitangan
Hotel dan Akademik, kakitangan UTSSB dan para pelajar
Latihan Industri memeriahkan lagi majlis ini.
Majlis dimulakan seawal 6.30 petang, dengan ucapan
pendahuluan oleh Rektor UiTM Terengganu dan disusuli
dengan sesi tazkirah. Selepas solat maghrib berjemaah,
kemeriahan majlis diteruskan dengan menikmati pelbagai juadah
berbuka puasa yang enak seperti Kambing Golek, Nasi Beriani, serta
lebih 20 hidangan istimewa lain di Dewan Bidara.
Selesai menjamu selera, majlis diteruskan dengan solat isyak berjemaah
dan solat sunat tarawih. Kemeriahan majlis ini, bukan setakat hidangan
makanannya sahaja, tetapi juga kemeriahan hubungan ‘kekeluargaan’
di antara warga Hotel dan Akademik secara tidak langsung.
Bubuk Lambuk Istimewa daripada Hotel UiTM Dungun!!!!
Tarikh: 17 Julai 2014 (Khamis)
Tempat : Perkarangan Dapur Hotel
Masa : 2.00 Petang
empena bulan Ramadhan yang diberkati, pihak Hotel UiTM
Dungun juga tidak ketinggalan untuk turut serta menjayakan
aktiviti kemasyarakatan dengan mengadakan program memasak
bubur lambuk. Aktiviti yang diadakan pada 17 Julai 2014, dengan
kerjasama Kelab KESUHA bermula seawal jam 8.00 pagi yang
melibatkan aktiviti memasak secara beramai-ramai. Kesemua
persiapan memasak dibuat secara gotong royong oleh semua
staf hotel, ianya sekaligus dapat mengeratkan silaturrahim dan
hubungan kekeluargaan sesama mereka. Pada jam 2.00 petang,
suasana program bertambah meriah dengan aktiviti pengagihan
bubur lambuk istimewa kepada staf dan pelajar. Semoga dengan
usaha sebegini dapat mengeratkan ukhuwah dan jalinan kasih
sayang antara Kakitangan Hotel UiTM dan warga kampus UiTM
Terengganu. BarakAllah.
HotNewz Bulletin Editorial
Chief Editor
Layout & Graphic
Wan Nazriah Wan Nawawi
Azahar Adzmy
Ybhg. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdol Samad Nawi
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azemi Che Hamid
Azlina Samsudin
Nazarudin Derani
Haslina Che Ngah
Harnizam Zahari
Malissasahila Abdul Manap
Rahman Abdullah (Reviewer)
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