Maintenance History
Maintenance History
'05/27/2014 •• - 13:57 SOUTHERNAIRCONDiffONING '• ·o HE. TING, INC. EST. 1974 175 PARK ST. HER ANDO, MS. 38632 HERNANDO 662/429-4429 MEMP,HIS 901./526-0914 TOLL FREE 1/800-898·0511 FAX 1/662-429-4521 MESSAGE:·------+------....------- ._.,... ____________ _______ ..,.. ,_ 05/27/2014 13:57 l4167 P.OOUOl� INVOICE Southern Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. 175ParkSt Hernando, MS 38632 Ph. 662-429-4429 Fax 662-429-4521 Ph. 901-526-0914 Toll Free 1-800-898- �511 M·tli- llh'l•][rl!·I Md1f.if:W a1:0+1·• Rowsey Furniture 1160 Stlteline Road Southaven, MS 38671--0000 Rowsey Furniture 160 Stateline Road ,outhaven MS 38671-0000 I ..• I � 20251 20202 20252 6.00 4.00 16.00 .. • COD I I •J"'l"".L....... 0417 • Check and clean per sch du1e, 4 package units, 6 split units 20x25x1 filter 20x20x2 filter 20x25x2 filter TOTAL -- · -� --- -·------- -----···... 0004757 0000002417 8/19/2004 $0.00 ... ---- 05/27/2014 13:57 :4167 P.003/015 Southern Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. 175Pa.rkSt Hemando, MS 38632 11172/2004 I .,.,. 4.00 • COD I • 0418 ... . . Fall ct,eck & clean 20x25x2 filter 20x25x1 filler 2ox2ox2 fitter TOTAL ------ ------------ 0004757 Rowsey Fumlture 1160 Stateline Road Southaven, MS 38671--000D ···-··••i.•11: 20252 20251 20202 0000003127 ¥iU1¥ii•M �owsey Furniture 160 Stateline Road �outhaven MS 38671-0000 1.00 16.00 4.00 llhi•ltaj:I -a•tii.,W M•t·Si Ph. 662-429-4429 Fax 662-429-4521 Ph. 901-526-0914 Toll Free 1-800-898- )511 I INVOICE $0.00 05/27/2014 13:57 :416( �- 004/01� Southern Air Conditioning & Heatin� Inc. 175ParkSt Hernando, MS 38632 Ph. 662-429-4429 Fax 662-429452J Ph. 901-526-0914 Toll Free l-801J..898-P511 M•Mi . I . ..• COD , Ck & Cleaned units, repI Iced fi�ers & belts. Under Contract Labor Replaced 2·1" Bearings SUBTOTAL TAX TOTAL PAID Check 10940 BALANCE . 0004757 Rowsey Furniture 1160 Stateline Road Southaven, MS 38671.0000 . ----- ---·-- 0000003645 ¥1:0#i•M .. 2.00 2.00 IHl'l•ltd!fll NB1tiM 2121/2005 Rowsey Furniture '160 S1atelfne Road Southaven MS 38671.0000 .. INVOICE --...-�. --- ---- I 0401 65.00 60.25 •... l 130.00 120.50 $250.50 $17.54 $268.04 $268.04 so.oo , V;JJ (. I J (.VI'+ 11). �0 tf'tlOI INVOICE Southem Air Conditioning & Heatinf, Inc. 175ParkSt Hernando, MS 38632 Ph. 662-429-4429 Fax 662-429-452] Ph. 901-526-0914 Toll Free 1-800-898 0511 M·J§iM 11;,1·J@JI E1tiM. 5/6/ZOOS 0000004168 I Rowsey Furniture 1160 Stateline Road Southaven, MS 38671-0000 ... I • COP Routine maintanence an also replaced conclensor fan motor Labor 1.00 1.00 1.00 40C98 motor 15rnfd capacitor SUBTOTAL TAX TOTAL PAID Check 11517 BALANCE .. .... .. . 0004757 Eiiftli•W f<owsey Furniture 160 Stateline Road Southaven MS 38671-0000 ·---------- - -�- ___ r . VV':.J/Vl:.J - ..... · ·-----··------- ·-·-·-··-- .. I -1-t•""'• 0401 •11111er•11••- 65.00 299.60 38.68 65.00 299.60 38.68 $403.28 $28.23 $431.51 $431.51 $0.00 Y,J/ (. I t,Y I .. INVOICE Southern Air Conditioning & Heatini , Inc. 175PatkSt Hernando, MS 38632 MIJ,SiW ll�VZ•ltill W'iiiiW o;a:. •1111+1·- • Rowsey Furniture 11&0 Stateline Road Southaven, MS 38671-0000 Rowsey Furniture 160 Stateline Road Southaven MS 38671-0000 .. 16.00 4.00 6.00 '-"• 20252 20202 20251 0004757 0000006141 1/11/200& Ph. 662-429-4429 Fax 662-429452 Ph. 901-526-0914 Toll Free 1-800-898- 05l1 I .. • COD I • 0417 ...... , , l Quarterly Ck & Clean of �II units & changed fitters Per contract 20x25x2 fitter 20x20x2 rater 20x25x1 filter TOTAL -----·w•--• _.._. - -·•-·-•,.,___ ._ ·-------·•-·--•-•-•·-� • - - $0.00 · VO/�!/�Ulrf l.:J.:>t, W"+ 101 Southern Air Conditioning & Heatini,, Inc. 175ParkSt INVOICE M·t·51 Hernando, MS 38632 iltN°J@:ftl -a•�ilM :z/1512007 Ph. 662-429-4429 Fax 662-429-452 I'". VVI/V 1:J 0000008929 Ph. 901-526--0914 Toll Free 1-80()-898 0511 0004757 4i:Oili•# Rowsey Fumiture 1160 Stateline Road Southaven MS 38671�000 Rowsey Furniture 1160 Stateline Road Southaven, MS 38671--0000 '""· I - !i. . .. coo I 0417 .• ,......1,·•- Per Contract Checke<l a d Cleane<l 6 units in discount store and 4 uni sin main store TOTAL ··-----·�-�---·····-.-... �--·--·- $0.00 Southern Air Conditioning & Heati%, Inc. 175ParkSt Hernando, MS 38632 Ph. 662-4.294429 Fax 662-429-452 Ph. 901-526-0914 Toll Free 1-800-898-0511 M·MI 11,TJI: 0000005516 0004757 •1:t1fli•M �owsey Furniture �160 Stateline Road Southaven MS 38671-0000 ••• Mlhll•Jr3M 8311-ilW 1017/2005 • 511: INVOICE Rowsey Fumiture 1160 Stateline Road SoU1haven, MS 38671-0000 I • ...... -- . - . COD I 04-01 .... .. Ck & Cleaned A/C units, K;k heat, changed fillets. adjusted belts Per Contact TOTA� ----�-�--.......... -----...... ____ ___ .. -·-� ,... ...._ $0.00 - 05/27/2014 13;58 114WI �. 00�/01� INVOICE Southern Air Conditioning & Heatin � Inc. 175ParkSt Hernando, MS 38632 Ph. 662-4294429 Fax 662-429-452 Ph. 901-526-0914 Toll Free 1-800-8980511 1tilW M·t·Ni-Q l1�¢t•lta¥11 M30004757 4i=Olk•M Rowsey Furniture 1160 Statellne Road Southaven, MS 38671--0000 Rowsey Furniture 1160 $1ateline Road Southaven MS 38671..0000 .. . I . . coo I • 0401 ....... Commercial contract ( k and cleaned au neaters per contract, replaced filters ck belts, 2nd unitfrom front nee<ls iignttor 1.00 TOTAL --------·-·-- 0000010935 10/31/2007 ......... ._.. - ·--..-·····--- -----.-.-·--·- $0.00 05/27/2014 13:58 i141�( r.VIV/VIO Southern Air Conditioning & Heatin1 , Inc. 175ParkSt M·ffli-- Hernando, MS 38632 Ph. 662-429-4429 Fax 662-42945Z: 2/12/2008 Ph. 901-526-0914 Toll Free l-800-89& 0511 -= . l1�N·U3P 8311-ilM 0000011691 0004757 NM:Uii•W Rowsey Furniture 1160 stateline Road lsouthaven MS 38671-0000 . INVOICE RoWl!ey Furniture 1160 Stateline Road Southaven, MS 38671-0000 .: - I -- . coo Completed Quarterly Ma nteoance. Checked Heat in Discount Center (last 2 r)Of11S), replaced condensing fan motor and (2) lgnitiors. Labo( 1.50 1.00 2.00 Condensing Fan Motor HP lgnitor, Trana SUBTOrAL TAX TOTAL PAID Chee!( 16659 BAI.ANCE ·-------...._ ··-�- ..". . ____..,.___ ----- - -----·--- - ------·- I I 0401 77.33 423.42 120.00 116.00 423.42 24-0.00 $779.42 $54.56 $833.98 $�.SS $0.00 • 0�/21/2014 1�:�� ffct1or r. v111v10 Southern Air Conditioning & Heatini,, Inc. 175ParkSt Hernando, MS 38632 Ph. 662-429-4429 Fax 662-429-452: Ph. 901-526-0914 Toll Free 1-800-898 0511 M·Pi=518/:2008 I . . . coo . ·-- --------�·---··----·--- ---�-------... I • 0401 ...... , l Cleaned & Chec!<ed A/C units, Replaced filters & belts. 20x25x2 Filter 20x20x2 Fdter 20x25x1 Filter BX68 Belt BX62Belt TOTAL . 0004767 0000012316 Rowsey Furniture 1160 Stateline Road Southaven, MS 38671-0000 •'"'• - ,,w�,.,a,, -S!�if;W ¥1;11:ii•W Rowsey Furniture 1160 Stateline Road Southaven MS 38671·0000 16.00 4.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 INVOICE SD.DO · uo,�,,�u 14 1.:s.o� ill'+ 10 I INVOICE Soiithern Air Conditioning & Heatin�., Inc. 175 Park St Hernando, MS 38632 Ph. 662-429-4429 Fax 662-429-452 Ph. 901-526-0914 Toll Free 1-800-898 0511 817/2009 . 1.00 1.00 0004757 0000016357 41111+«·• Rowsey Furniture 1160 Stateline Road Southaven, MS 38671--0000 Rowsey Furniture � 160 Stateline Roa cl Southaven MS 38671.0000 I r . V le,./ V 1:J I . ...... COP ECA check & clean as p r contract 4 Gas Pk Units, 6 Cond Units rap!aced filters Filters 6-20x25X1, 4-20x20X2 16-20x25x2 TOTAL ----- ---·--·-----·...·--�.--.. -- -·- I • 0417 . . $0.00 05/27/2014 13:59 #4187 P.013/015 Southern Air Conditioning & Heatini , Inc. INVOICE 175ParkSt Hernando, MS 38632 Ph. 662-4294429 Fax 662-429'452l Ph. 901·526-0914 Toll Free 1-800-898 PSll 3/30/2010 ¥ifiltli•M a: Rowsey Fum!turo 1160 Stateline Road Southaven MS 38671-0000 �owsey Furniture � 160 Stateline Road Southaven MS 38671-0000 I -· . 16.00 6.00 4.00 20252 20251 20202 0004757 0000018100 .. . coo I . -. I r.,.,,,1a1•1,i•- Need to do check and cf an. Change all fitters. (4) Package Units and (l Split System Units 2Dx25x2 filter 20l(25x1 filter 2Dx20x2 filter TOTAL $0.00 · 05/27/2014 13:58 li"411:il �.U14/Ul� INVOICE Southern Air Conditioning & Heatini Inc. 175ParkSt Hernando, MS 38632 Ph, 662-429-4429 Fax 662-429-4521 Ph. 901·526-0914 Toll Free 1-800-898-1}511 3/912011 0000021236 0004757 ..§Hi=I(•# s:::••P'!l-·e� Rowsey Furniture 1160 Stateline Road Southaven MS 38671--0000 Rowsey Fumlture 160 Stateline Road outhaven MS 38671-0000 I COD I 0405 • ��·..·a.m1111111111111�·•·· R1111....•1a··mm111m·m•· ECA checi< & clean Replaced filters and checked all units, Done 1/26/11. TOTAL $0.00 '05/27/2014 13:59 Southern Air Conditioning & Heam, g, Inc. 175ParkSt . Hernando, MS 38632 Ph. 662429-4429 Fax 662-429-452� Ph. 901-526-0914 Toll Free 1-800,.89Skl511 0000024978 wa1�1,w 0004757 4i:Uli•M Rowsey Furniture 1160 Stateline Road Rowsey Furniture 1160 Stateline Road Southaven MS 38671-0000 Southaven MS 38671-0000 •0 20251 20202 20252 11ntt·1a1·1 3/9/2012 Nii·@ 6.00 4.00 16.00 INVOICE M•ttii I coo I I 0417 • \•111 ECA Checl< & clean Cleaned (4) Package Untts and (6) Spnt Systems 20x25x1 filter 20x20x2 filter 20x2sx2 fitter Compressor Locked RolOr Amps CRHH07SJOAOOOROKOCO 10302L443R Evaporator Coil Leakio! Merle suppose to get p1 ce to replace unit TOTAL $0.00 AU STEIN MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 4119PI.OGBONROOSTRD. MEMPHIS, TN381l8 90l-3S-ll00 Rowsey Fuxniture & Accessories 1160 Stateline Road E. Southaven, MS 38671 We app.i:cciate the opportunity to submit this proposal for the Preve;irl:atiw Maintenance Service and Inspection Agieement. This Agreement is intended to provide the inspections and main!enance seI'Yice for your heating and cooling equipment tliree times per year. Spring, Summer and Fall. Following :bis Letter ofintrodnction you will find the descriptions ofthe tasks that will be performed for each type of equipment.. Also, a list of the equipment and a Summary sheet for a fast reference oftbe .c,.gtee:ment is included. Toe system air :filrers will be changed four times pei: year, at each inspe.:tion and mid· Winter. At the conclnsion ofeach inspection the:re will be a report outlining any problems or deficiencies found. Repair prlciI!g ao.d/orrecoimncndations will be offi:red as necessaxy. Please co:nt:aet us at yow: convenience if there are any questions or ifwe may be of my service. /!RP� Respectfnlly submitted, Phil Aust.em. 660009t�06 -----·-·---·--- ---�-� . ·--------------- ---�------ . Austem Mechanical Contractors; Inc Equipment List Job Name: Rowsey Fumiture Address: 1160 Stateline Rd. E. Desi=ation Unitl Manufactnrer Trane Uoit2 Trane Unit3 Trane Unit4 Trane Unit5 Heatl AD:P Heat2 ADP AEU-1 Lennox CU-1 ' Leon.ox 10HCB42-llP AHU-3 Lennox Lenn,og: CU-4 Lennox AHU-5 L=ox CU-5 Len:o.o.� AHU-o Lennox CU-o Lennox Upst:ai,:s Unit Heater Warehouse l UDitHeater WarehollSC l &Handler CU-2 AHU-4 Ground B� &OUHG3/4-100A·l S898F27&01 80UHG314-l 00 6398H05418 Lennox Showroom Gro1I0d Showroom Ground Ground Showroom S898F27807 10ACB42-11P Lemiox CV-3 Location Air Handler Wa:rcbouse 2 Condensing Unit Warebouse2 Afr HaIJdler Wai:ehouse 2 Con<lensing Uni! Warehouse2 AHU-2 z;d ...... I 1emiox Model/Serial YCH180B3HOEA N3110088D YCH1SOC3HOBA N30104427D YCH150C3HOBA N30103695D YCH180B3HOEA N30101827D .52SEC314301AA 3398£61873 SEP-175A-4 6397M08113 SEP-175A-4 6397MO&ll3 80UHG3/4-100A-l 639&H05432 6398H05429 10ACB42-!!B 5898Fll932 80UHG3/4-100A-l 639&R05441 10ACB42-11P S898Fll940 80UHG3/4-100A-l 6398H05431 IOACB42-11P S898F27803 80UHG3/4-l OOA-1 6398H05438 IOACB42-11P S898F27802 Warehcuse2 CondeDSiDg Unit Waiehouse2 Air Handler Warehouse2 Condensing Unit Warehouse2 Air Handler Warehouse2 Condensing Unit Warehou.se2 Air Handler Warehouse2 Cond=ing Uoit Warehouse2 660009S�06 --- ------· ------ -.------ __ _.____ -·---------...... . I Packaged Heating and Cooling Equipment Itemized Services During Comprehensive Inspections the following tas..'lcs will be perfomi.ed: 1. Check and log (3 -times year, Spring, and Fall) per • Unit operation for proper refriget2nt charge B!ld visual leak check if necessary • Cond:nser and Evaporaror pteSSitte • Retum and Supply .Afr Temperature • Volts,, Amps and Condition ofcontacts " Operational and Safety Controls set point • Operation of Condenser Fans • Check and tighten electrical cormectlons. in control panel a Lubricate and Check F8Il.S, Bemings and Shafts fur wear and proper alignment Condenser Coils (Cleaned during Spring Inspections) • FilterS Replaced during each Inspection and in Mid Wmter ( 4-timesperyear) 2. Toe Fall inspection will also include �e following: s Visl.llll inspection of the Heat &::changer aD.d Burners and clean as needed at the beginning ofthe heating season £ 'd • Check operation ofthe combustion. blower • Check and if flXJ.uired cah'brate fue Heating Safeties 660009£�06 --· -- ,,. -----·-·- --·------ - ----- -- -�- Split System Heating and Cooling Equipment Itemized Services Dming Comprehensive Inspections the following tasks will be penormed: l. Check and log (3 -times per year, Sp.ring, Summer aod Fall) • Unit operation. fox proper xefrige�t charge and visual leak eheek if necessary • Check Refrigerant Piping for signs of leakage, check insulation on suction line pipmg • Check Outdoor Discomiects, tight:n electrical connections • Condenser and Evapomto1 pressure • Return a:w:l SUpply M Temperature • Volts, Amps and Condition of contacts • and Safety Controls set point • Operation. of Condeoset Fans • Check and tigbteu. electrical collllcctions in coritrol panel • Lubricate and Check Fans, Bearings and Shafts for -wear and pmper alignment • Co1.1.dc:nscr Coils (Cleaned-ODritlg Spring Inspections) • Filters Replaced during each lllspection.2111d in Mid Winter ( 4-times pet year) 2. Toe Fall inspection will also include the following: • Visoal inspection ofthe He& Exchanger and Bmners and clean. as needed at the ofthe beating season - Ch(:ck operation of1be combustion blowei: • Check and ifi:eq:wred calibrate tbe Heafuig Safeties • Check ductwod<, vacuum retum eir grilles 660009&�06 _ -------··---·-· · - �---... ·-- ... Unit Heater Itemized Services During Comprehensive Inspectio ns 1he follo l. �k l!JJ!l log (1-time per year, Fall wing tasks will be perfooned: ) • Unit operation for proper air thro w and pattem • ViSl.lal inspection oftbe heat exch anger aud bumei:s, clean as needed • Check fan motor aod lubricate if reql.lired • Test Combustion Blow er Motor • Check Gas Yalves for leakage and prop er operati <>JJ. • Check Vcmt Sysrem and Cap • Chee]( !llld Caho.ate limit and cycle conttols as • Check Thermostat, calibrate as need ed 660009t:�06 ------------ ---- .. nccessazy AGREE?vfENT SUMMARY Preventive Maintenance Program ·� 1. This Proposal is intended 1o provide a comprebeosive preventative mamtenance si:nice and inspection progiam for the listed RVAC equipment. 2. Austein Mechanical Co.nt:sctoxs, Iac. agrees to provide priority response to requests for emergency service. 3. This Proposal is for tbe listed scheduled services only. Additional work required v.ill be mvoiced separately. 4. This Proposal may be modified by mutual consent should eqtiipmeot be added or deleted. 5. Th,is Agreement is fou period of One Year from Q- 1 <\ cl -B..� • 20 \3 to 20\'\: and remain in effect from year to yean:mless tenni.nated b:i,· either party by giving written notice at least 30 days prior to the aoniversary date. price adjusane:nts, when necessary, will be provided at least 30 days before each anniversary &te. 5. AB a Contract: Customer You wm receive contract labor rates on. an wo:rk outside ofthis agreement. Contract labor :rates are 10% below oomial labor i:ams. 6. Pricing: The cost ofthe Agr=en:t will be Four Th.onsand Five Hundred TwCIXty Dollars ($4,520.00) per yeai:, oc $1.,130.00 per Quarter. Payments are due 30 days net from invoice date. Austein Mechanical Contractors, Inc "� "L� Rowsey Furniture 6600096�06 ------- -..-�-------�· ----�------- ---� -- - ----