February 2015 - pa state foe
February 2015 - pa state foe
STATE OFFICERS 2014-2015 ERIC BARNES JR Past State President Gettysburg Aerie #1562 DONALD MOFFITT State President Carlisle Aerie #1299 THOMAS “JACK” SHIREY State Vice-President Clarion Aerie #3807 DONALD L. HEARN State Secretary Waynesburg Aerie #598 TED MINICH State Treasurer New Bethlehem Aerie #1860 PENNSYLVANIA STATE AERIE, F.O.E. P.O. BOX 349, WAYNESBURG, PA 15370 PHONE: (724) 627-5300 FAX: (724) 627-5222 E-MAIL ADDRESS: PASTAERIE@WINDSTREAM.NET February 2015 LARRY LUTSEO Membership Chairman Bethlehem Aerie #284 DONALD MOFFITT Jimmy Durante Children’s Fund Carlisle Aerie #1299 TIMOTHY FINNERTY Legal Advisor Carnegie Aerie #1134 MICHAEL EPPLEY Webmaster Gettysburg Aerie #1562 DONALD W. LUMADUE State Trustee, 5th Year Clearfield Aerie #812 H. JAMES HINDERLITER State Trustee, 4th Year New Bethlehem Aerie #1860 STANLEY C. HILL State Trustee, 3rd Year Hanover Aerie #1406 C. MICHAEL CLEPPER State Trustee, 2nd Year Carlisle Aerie #1299 TERRY LONGBERRY State Trustee, 1st Year Meadville Aerie #429 JEREMY FRITS State Chaplain Sunbury Aerie #503 CLINTON SLIMA State Conductor New Brighton Aerie # 1342 JOSEPH BARGELLA State Inside Guard Nanticoke Aerie #834 RAY ROBERTS State Outside Guard Carrick Aerie #1520 Membership Goal 7784 ZONE 1 DISTRICTS: 9,10,11,12,13 and 15 JUNE 179 JULY 185 AUGUST 182 SEPTEMBER 226 OCTOBER 285 NOVEMBER 250 TOTAL ZONE ONE DECEMBER 206 JANUARY 269 FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY 1782 ZONE 2 DISTRICTS: 5,7,8 and 14 NOVEMBER TOTAL ZONE TWO 63 JUNE 108 JULY 100 AUGUST 95 SEPTEMBER 97 OCTOBER 89 DECEMBER 155 JANUARY 242 FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY 949 ZONE 3 DISTRICTS: 1,2,3 and 4 JUNE 200 JULY 162 AUGUST 153 SEPTEMBER 167 OCTOBER 158 NOVEMBER 172 TOTAL ZONE THREE DECEMBER 166 JANUARY 272 FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY 1450 PENNSYLVANIA STATE GRAND MEMBERSHIP TOTAL 4,181 State President’s Report Donald Moffitt Membership Chairman’s Report Larry Lutseo January 2015 Hello Brothers: I hope all our Brothers and Sisters throughout Eagledom had a great holiday season and will have a healthy and happy new year. Worthy State President Don Moffitt and I along with our wives will soon start visiting the remaining 38 Aeries in Pennsylvania to complete Don’s year. We are in the process of setting up the dates and times that we will visit these Aeries. We will give each Aerie advance notice. These visits will start February 7th and 8 th -----weather permitting. Since our membership has fallen off in the last few years, I would like to ask all Secretaries and Officers of each Aerie to work on promoting membership for the remainder of Don’s year and beyond for upcoming President Jack Shirey. Let’s make a final push for this year so Don’s goal of 7784 can become a reality. At present we have 3398 new or reenrolled members. We need to sign up about 4500 new members by May 31 st. Come on Brothers, I know we can do this. Remember, the ladies are starting to laugh already about possible costumes that Don and I will have to wear. We are presently at 72% of the Grand Aerie’s goal for the year. I would like to see Pennsylvania be number one ahead of Ohio. Let’s work really hard to achieve this goal. Thank you to the top five as of December, 2014. They are Freedom Aerie #1429-467%, Irwin Aerie #1671-258%, Connellsville Aerie #493-254%, Renovo Aerie #516-229% and Milton Aerie #1208-192%. Also thanks to the following Aeries: Burnham Aerie #4294 – New 155 , Carlisle Aerie #1299 – New 150, St. Mary’s Aerie #536 – New 102 and Littlestown Aerie #2226 – New 101 new or reenrolled members. Secretaries, please post the PA State Newsletter on your bulletin board so the members can read it. Members are the life blood of our organization. Officers, I ask each and every one of you to show the members how important they are to your Aerie. Thank your members for coming in and supporting the Aerie. Remember EMOAMA. EMOAMA – EVERY MEMBER OWES A MEMBER ANNUALLY Fraternally, Don Moffitt PA State Aerie President Larry Lutseo PA State Membership Chairman ADVERTISEMENT FORM FOR TESTIMONIAL BOOKLET FOR PA STATE AERIE PRESIDENT DONALD MOFFITT & MADAM STATE AUXILIARY PRESIDENT ANDREA SNELL FULL PAGE: $50.00 (5 X 8) __________ HALF PAGE $30.00 (4X5) ________ QUARTER PAGE $20.00 (2 ½ X 4) ___________ EIGHTH PAGE $15.00 ___________ PATRON LISTING (NAME ONLY): $2.00 ______________ PLACE AD COPY HERE OR ATTACH COPY TO FORM MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: FOE AERIE #1299 P.O. BOX 571 CARLISLE, PA 17013-0571 ALL AD COPIES AND CHECKS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MARCH 15, 2015 INFORMATION The PA State Aerie Office is located in Waynesburg, PA MAILING ADDRESS: PA State Aerie, F.O.E. P.O. Box 349 Waynesburg, PA 15370-0349 Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: (724) 627-5300 (724) 627-5222 pastaerie@windstream.net PA State Aerie Website: www.pastatefoe.com ATTENTION AERIE SECRETARIES: November Per Capita information is now available on the MMS System. Please make sure all of your 2014-2015 Officers in your Aerie have been entered into MMS. Any Aerie wishing to hold an Officer Training Class, please send in a written request to the PA State Aerie Office. Any Aerie wishing to have a PA State Presidential visit by Don Moffitt, please send a written request to the PA State Aerie. Any Aerie wanting assistance per the MMS system, Record-Keeping, Etc. Please send a written request to the PA State Office. -Mason-Dixon Conference April 10th thru 12th, 2015 at Wilmington, Delaware Aerie #74 -Joint Testimonial Dinner to be held April 18th, 2015 at Carlisle Aerie #1299 - 2015 PA State Convention June 4th thru 7th, 2015 at Green Tree Hilton Hotel in Pittsburgh. - Future Grand Aerie Conventions: Milwaukee in 2015, Reno in 2016 and Grand Rapids in 2017. Lock Haven Aerie #4298 donated $3000 to the Salvation Army in November, 2014. Pictured are Ron Bowes, Todd Kreidler, Celissa McCauley, Steve Workman, Major Charles Harris, Bonnie Saar and Gail Welch. The Aerie has supported 27 different Charity organizations in Clinton County, PA in 2014. FOE Aerie #4298 Lock Haven, PA ______________________________________________________________________________ If any Aerie has an individual with an illness or death please submit a written note or email notification of the information to the PA State Aerie Office. Pennsylvania State Aerie, F.O.E. PO Box 349 Waynesburg, PA 15370 Pastaerie@windstream.net TESTIMONIAL DINNER TO HONOR PA STATE PRESIDENTS DONALD MOFFITT & ANDRIA SNELL TO BE HELD ON SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 AT CARLISLE AERIE # 1299 26 E. HIGH ST. CARLISLE, PA. 17013 5:00 PM COCKTAILS 6:00 PM DINNER TICKET PRICE $25.00 CHOICE OF BEEF TIPS AND GRAVY, MASHED POTATOES, CORN OR BAKED HAM, SCALLOPED POTATOES, STRING BEANS ORDER FORM NAME: AERIE/AUX NO._______ ADDRESS: NUMBER OF TICKETS: BEEF TIPS BAKED HAM TOTAL @ $25.00______ @ $25.00 ______ ______________ TICKETS WILL BE HELD AT THE AERIE FOR PICK UP ON ARRIVAL MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: FOE #1299 26 E. HIGH STREET CARLISLE, PA 17015 PA STATE SPORTS SCHEDULES REMEMBER For An Aerie To Participate In a PA State Sports Tournament, The Aerie Per Capita Tax MUST Have Been Paid! PLEASE NOTE: All Sports Events are now open to MEN and WOMEN applicants. 2015 – Bowling Tournament– Lebanon Aerie #472 2015 – Pool Tournament – Carlisle Aerie #1299 2015 – Electronic Dart Tournament – Gettysburg Aerie #1562 2015 – Corn Hole Tournament – Littlestown Aerie #2226 2015 – Golf Tournament – Carlisle Aerie #1299 ANYONE WISHING TO HOST A SPORTING EVENT, SEND IN YOUR REQUEST TO THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE AERIE OFFICE GETTYSBURG EAGLES F.O.E. #1562 61 N. FIFTH ST. GETTYSBURG, PA 17325 Phone: (717) 334-5816 PA FOE 2nd Annual State Dart Tournament March 20 th , 21 st and 22 nd at Gettysburg Aerie FOE #1562 100% payback of all entry fees $20 per person per event Events registration closes 30 minutes prior Friday March 20 st at 7PM Luck of the Draw Saturday 10AM Women Doubles 301 open in/open out Men's Doubles 501 open in/ open out 3PM Mixed Triples 701 open in/double out 7PM Men's Cricket Doubles Women's Single Combo Sunday 10AM Men's Cricket Singles Women's Doubles Combo (301 freeze, 501 stacked and cricket) You must be a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles to play and your Secretary of your Aerie or Auxiliary must verify. For Further information please call 717-334-5816 and ask for Rick Secrest or Eric Barnes PA State Electronic Dart tournament Application March 20, 21 and 22 2014 each event is $20 per person Deadline for entry is March 15 th 2014 If you would like to play events and do not have partners please submit your application and we will find you a partner. Contact Name and Phone Number:______________________________________ Friday 20st at 7PM - Luck of the Draw Ladies' Men's Name & GAID#:_____________________________ _________________________________ Name & GAID#:_____________________________ _________________________________ Name & GAID#:_____________________________ _________________________________ Saturday 21 st – 10am Women’s Doubles 301 01/00 Men’s Doubles 501 01/00 Name & GAID#:_____________________________ _________________________________ Name & GAID#:_____________________________ _________________________________ Name & GAID#:_____________________________ _________________________________ 3 pm Mixed Triples 701 01/00 Name & GAID#:_____________________________ _________________________________ Name & GAID#:_____________________________ _________________________________ 7 pm Women’s Singles Combo Men’s Cricket Doubles Name & GAID#:_____________________________ _________________________________ Name & GAID#:_____________________________ _________________________________ Name & GAID#:_____________________________ _________________________________ Sunday 22nd – 10am Women’s Double Combo (301 “Freeze, 501 Stacked, Cricket) Men’s Cricket Singles Name & GAID#:_____________________________ _________________________________ Name & GAID#:_____________________________ _________________________________ Name & GAID#:_____________________________ _________________________________ Please make checks payable to FOE #1562 and remit to: Gettysburg Eagles #1562 Attn: Eric Barnes 61 N. Fifth Street Gettysburg, PA 17325 _____________________________________, Secretary for Aerie/Auxiliary:__________________________________,certify that the above named members are members in good standing of the Aerie/Auxiliary. I have affixed my signature and Aerie/Auxiliary Seal to attest to the fact. Secretary Signature:_______________________________________ Aerie/Auxiliary Seal FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES #1299 District # 9 Bowling Tournament February 28th, 2015 At Carlisle Eagles’ Lanes 5 Person Team Event HANDICAP: 80% DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AVERAGE AND 210 - USE CURRENT AVERAGE. IF NONE, USE PRIOR YEAR (S) SHIFTS: SATURDAY ( ) 10 A.M. ( ) 1 P.M. SELECT 1ST AND 2ND CHOICE ENTRY FEE: $65.00 PER TEAM DEADLINE: MONDAY FEBRUARY 16TH, 2015 ( ) 4 P.M. ( ) 7 P.M. SEND APPLICATION TO: F.O.E. # 1299, P.O. BOX 571, CARLISLE, PA 17013-0571 TEAM NAME:__________________________ AVERAGE AERIE # BOWLERS NAME 1.______________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________________ 5.______________________________________________________________ TEAM CAPTAINS NAME:_____________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________________________ TELEPHONE: ( )______________________ THIS TOURNAMENT IS FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. A TEAM CAN BE ALL MEN , ALL WOMEN, OR A COMBINATION THEREOF. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: BILL BARSH @ (717) 249-5953 X 3 DISTRICT HIGHLIGHTS DISTRICT TWO Meeting held January 18, 2015 with Bradford Aerie #2432 as host. Falls Creek Aerie #965: Monthly Quota: (8). Upcoming Events: District Pool Tournament March 21st and 22nd. DISTRICT THREE Meeting held January 18, 2015 with Elwood City Aerie #1246 as host. Rochester Aerie #1226: Monthly Quota: (1). Applications on hand with full fees paid (24). Activities: Shuffle Board; Pool League. Up Coming Events: Valentines Dance February 13 th, Chinese Auction, 50/50, Fingerfood. D.J. Crazy Al. New Brighton Aerie #1342: Monthly Quota: (4). Applications on hand with full fees paid (36). Activities: In house Shuffleboard League starting January 25th, Valentine’s Day Party February 14 th with D.J.; St. Patrick’s Day Party; Pool League currently playing. Donations: Several Members participating in the Beaver County Polar Plunge with donation to be made to benefit Special Oylmpics. Ambridge Aerie #1365 Monthly Quota: (6). Applications on hand with full fees paid (10). Up Coming Event: Groove Shakers; Sheer Element; The Messenger; Wine Tasting for Cystic Fibrosis March 14th. Events Held: Christmas Party for Members and Children. Donation: Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh $100; Beaver County Association for the blind $100; Joe Zerilla Scholarship Fund $50; Laughlin Memorial Library $25 for each deceased member. Sponsors 2 Pool Teams- B.C. Pool League. DISTRICT FOUR Meeting held January 18, 2015 with Ford City Aerie #606 as host.New Kensington Aerie #533: Monthly Quota: (7). Applications on hand with full fees paid (4). Activities: Kitchen Friday Specials $7, Saturday eat in only $.75 Wings. Pool League Monday 7pm, Dart League Wednesday 7pm. Events Held: Karaoke January 16 th, Angel Blue January 9 th, REAC January 12th, Children’s Christmas Party, Club Christmas Party, New Years Eve Party, Up The River Band January 23rd, Nicole Belli January 30th. Ford City Aerie #606: Monthly Quota (5). Applications on hand with full fees paid (5). Activities: Steak Dinner $12 February 7 th 3-6 pm, Elvis impersonator 8-12 pm February 7 th, F & S Banquet February 14th, Penguin Ticket Raffle. Events Held: Christmas Party Members December 13 th, New Year’s Eve Party. Up Coming Events: F & S February 28th. Donations: Lady Lil Scrubbers 3-6 Grade $500, PSPCC $2500, FCHC1 $2500, MVFD $2500, FCVFD $2500. Tarentum Aerie #699: Monthly Quota: (8). Applications on hand with full fees paid (5). Activities: Kitchen open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 5-11pm, Bar Bingo Friday 8-10pm, Regular Meeting 1st and 3rd Monday each month. Up Coming Events: February 7 th D.J., Valentine’s Dance February 14th. Events Held: January 31st Bokioki, Super Bowl Party February 1 st, Angel Tree for Kids, Children’s Christmas Party, Adult Christmas Party, New Year’s Eve Party. Donations: Highland Basketball $200; Tarentum Board Recreation $500; Meals on Wheels $500; Food Bank $500; St. Maucaro Foundation $500; Various Eagle Charities $3200. Indiana Aerie #1468: Monthly Quota: (9). Applications on hand with full fees paid (5). Activities: Kitchen open 4-10 M-F, 3 rd Thursday of the month Steak Night, Various Dinner Specials every Thursday, Monday Burger and Fries, Tuesday Pizza and Strombolis, Wednesday Wings, Friday Pizza Night. Up Coming Events: Fat Tuesday February 17th. Events Held: Casino Bus Trip January 12 th, Bar Olympics, Children’s Christmas Party, New Year’s Eve Party December 31 st. Donations: IHS Rifle Team $100; HIS Baseball $1897. Freeport Aerie #1732: Monthly Quota: (5). Applications on hand with full fees paid (5). Activities: Men and Women’s Pool Leagues, Meetings 2 nd & 4th Wednesday, Kitchen open 5-10pm Monday-Saturday, Karaoke January 24 th. Events Held: Club Christmas Party December 13th, New Year’s Eve Day Bloody Mary Bar 10-12pm, Bring your soup to share day, League Doubles Pool Tournament January 11th. New Bethlehem Aerie #1860: Monthly Quota (2). Applications on hand with full fees paid (3). Activities: Shuffleboard Tournament Monday 7pm, Free Juke Box every Friday & Saturday no D.J., D.J. January 23rd & 24th, Food and Giveaway for play offs and Super Bowl. Donations: Local Man involved in an accident $250. DISTRICT EIGHT Meeting held November 16, 2014 with Tony Angelo Aerie #01188 as host. Jeanette Aerie erie #844: #8 Monthly Quota: (1). Activities: Regular monthly meetings etings hheld every 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:00 00 pm. Tony Angelo Aerie #01188: Monthly Quota: (8). Activities: ities: M Men’s monthly meeting held 2nd and 4th Wednesday dnesday at 7:00 pm. Bowling Machine League game on Saturday nights; ights; C Comedy Night Saturdays; Ladies Bingo on Sundays undays. Will be starting Golf League for Friday nights with Ned in charg charge. Blairsville Aerie #1488: Monthly Quota:: (3). Activities: Regular monthly meetings held 2nd and 4th Thursday ursday oof the month. Trustees meetings are every Monday onday at 6:00 pm. Bar Bingo on Wednesdays. Bowling still going on also also. Derry Aerie #1612: Monthly Quota: (2).Activi Activities: Regular monthly meetings held 2nd and 4th Wednesdays ys at 6:0 6:00 pm. Also every year at this time Derry goess out and an gives $25 gift cards to a Teacher at the schools and the Teache Teacher gives the gift card to a child in need of shoes. Irwin Aerie #1671: Monthly Quota: (1). Activities: Regular lar mee meetings are 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 6:15 pm. Somerset Aerie #1801: Monthly Quota: uota: (1 (13). Activities: Regular monthly meetings 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 7pm., Trustees meeting every Friday at 5pm., ., Ladie Ladies Auxiliary meetings are 1 st and 3rd Mondays. DISTRICT NINE Meeting held January 11, 2015 with Gettysbu ettysburg Aerie #1562 as host. Lancaster Aerie #84: Monthly Quota: (2). Donations: Lancaster Boys/Girls Club $5500; 00; Lan Lancaster Mounted Police $3000; New Cumberland Saints Cheerleade eerleaders $3500; Lancaster City Fireman’s Foundation dation $$3000; Relay for Life $4500; Children Deserve a Chance Foundati oundation $3813.10; Lancaster Public Library $2500; 00; Susquehanna Sus Burn Camp $5500; Lancaster Co. SPCA $2500; Jimmy Durante Fund $2500; Diabetes Research Fund $5 $5000. Lebanon Aerie #472: Monthly Quota: (1). Donations: ns: Juni Junior Bowling $1000; Salvation Army $2131.52, .52, American Am Cancer Assoc. $2000, D’Angelo Foundation $2000, Lebano Lebanon County Food Bank $2000, Lebanon Police Dept. $$6000. Carlisle Aerie #1299: Monthly Quota: (22). Activities:: Bingo Bin Friday Night, Bands every Saturday night, t, Mardi Mard Gras Party February 17th, District Bowling Tournament February bruary 28 th. Events Held: Molson Glass Night January ary 21 st. Up Coming Events: State President Testimonial Dinner April pril 18 th; District #9 Dinner Dance that wa scheduled d at Waynesboro Wa Aerie #1758 will now be held at Carlisle Aerie #1299 1299 on March 7th. Donations: F.O.E. Charity Fund d $14000, $140 Bison Foundation $25000, Cumberland Police Chiefs Assoc. ssoc. $1 $1000, Hershey Medical Center $10000, First Nite Carlisle Ca $4500, Summer Fair Carlisle $5000, Carlisle Aerie Civic ivic Fou Foundation $15,500, Downtown Carlisle Assoc.. $100, Light Beam for Police $800, 200 America $300, Carlisle Little L League $5000, Safe Harbour $500, Humane ane Soc Society $200, Muscular Dystrophy $100, Hospice Central PA $500. $500.Hanover Aerie #1406: Monthly Quota: (15). Activities: Bands every Saturday Night. Donations: Heart Center enter in New Oxford $2000, Hanover Hospital $23,000, 23,000, York County SPCA $2500, Adams County SPCA $2500,, Child Children’s Volunteer Network $1000. Gettysburg rg Aerie Aer #1562: Monthly Quota: (16). Donations: Adams County unty SP SPCA $2000, Gettysburg Community Soup Kitchen itchen $$5000, St.Paul A.M.E. Zion Church $5000, Delaware Valleyy Colle College $2000, Robert Morris University $2000,, Adams County Food Pantry $200, Monahan Funeral Home $2200, 0, St. Ju Jude Children’s Hospital $500, Rabbit Transitt $5000 $5000, Home on the Range $1000, Gettysburg C.A.R.E.S. $5000, 0, PA Interfaith Community $5000, Gettysburg Community Comm Theatre $1000, Hoffman Homes for Youth $2500, Survivo Survivors Inc. $5000, National Fallen Firefighterss Foundation Foun $2500, Adams County Special Olympics $10,000, SCCAP CCAP $10,000, Gettysburg Little League $5000, Gettysb Gettysburg Community Soup Kitchen $10,000, Gettysburg Teener League $5000, Adams County School of Musicall Theatre Theat $5000, Adams Co. Children’s Advocacy Center Inc. $5,000, ,000, Ad Adams Co. Children and Youth Services $5000, 00, YW YWCA $5000, St. James Lutheran Church Childcare $5000, Adams dams Co. Independent Care $5000, Giant Food Store $1400, $1 Daniel Sullivan $5000, Dianna Crook $1000, Delaware re State University $2000, Millersville University $2000, 2000, W Wentworth Institute of Technology $2000, California University rsity of PA $2000, D.D. Dunlap Kidney Fund $430.85, .85, Mission Mis of Mercy $5000. Waynesboro Aerie #1758: Monthlyy Quota Quota: (6).Activities: Bingo every Sunday Night, t, Bar Bingo every Monday Night. PENNSYLVANIA STATE AERIE MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM The following Top Zone Producers will have their choice of a heavyweight hooded sweatshirt with Eagle emblem or $30.00 cash prize. TOP ZONE PRODUCERS FOR JANUARY 2015 ZONE AERIE NAME NUMBER PROPOSED 1 546 Michael Jordan 23 2 1671 Frank Hohman 12 3 1226 Beth Frazzini 22 In the interest of greater participation for the producer’s prizes, the Top Zone Producer(s) is ineligible for the lesser Top District Producer prize. The Top District Producer(s) has a choice of an Aerie hand tooled brown leather wallet or $10.00 cash prize. A minimum of three members must be reported to be eligible for a prize. TOP DISTRICT PRODUCERS FOR JANUARY 2015 DISTRICT 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 12 13 14 15 AERIE 429 328 469 1226 699 1134 861 844 2226 1406 834 834 1965 2666 464 828 4294 NAME Terry Longberry John Morrow Michelle Fisher Karen Kurtiz Mae Robinson John Rakoczy Sean Turner Raymond Tarquino Richard Valko Ralph Laughman Frank Lutchkowski Paula Pucci Ronald Klecha Francis Norbeck Michael Novotny Robert Anderson Tina Bowersox NUMBER PROPOSED 3 3 10 12 3 4 8 8 5 5 3 3 3 6 4 4 4 Please send your schedule to the PA State Secretary so we can list it here. Dist. No. Host Aerie Day 02 03 04 09 10 14 Brookville #469 Rochester #1226 New Bethlehem Hanover #1406 Plymouth #546 Uniontown #828 Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday 01 02 03 04 08 09 10 11 13 14 Meadville #429 Brookville #983 New Brighton #1342 Freeport #1732 Jeannette #844 Waynesboro # 1758 West Wyoming #1965 Allentown #110 Sunbury #503 Connellsville #493 Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Date Time February, 2015 February 15, 2015 February 15, 2015 February 15, 2015 February 08, 2015 February 08, 2015 February 15, 2015 2:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. March 15, 2015 March 15, 2015 March 15, 2015 March 15, 2015 March 08, 2015 March 08, 2015 March 08, 2015 March 01, 2015 March 15, 2015 March 15, 2015 1:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:30P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:20 P.M. April 19, 2015 April 19, 2015 April 19, 2015 April 12, 2015 April 19, 2015 April 12, 2015 April 19, 2014 April 19, 2015 April 19, 2015 1:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M. May 17, 2015 May 17, 2015 May 17, 2015 May 17, 2015 May 17, 2015 May 03, 2015 May 17, 2015 May 24, 2015 May 17, 2015 May 17, 2015 1:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M. March, 2015 April, 2015 01 02 04 08 09 10 11 14 15 Oil City #283 Bradford #2432 New Kensington Somerset #1801 Carlisle #1299 Honesdale #1858 Bethlehem #284 Point Marion #1932 Williamsport #970 Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday May, 2015 01 02 03 04 08 09 10 13 14 15 Grove City #1895 Clarion #3807 Freedom #1429 Indiana #1468 Irwin #1671 Harrisonville #4274 Nanticoke #834 Milton #1208 Dunbar Twp. #3293 Bellefonte #4320 Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday PENNSYLVANIA PER CAPITA TAX DELINQUENTS For the Aeries listed below that have not paid their per capita tax, please send in your payment as soon as possible. This money owed should have been earmarked from the member’s payment of dues. Remember for a member to participate in a state or national sport tournament or any event, their Aerie must have paid the Aerie’s per capita tax. Please don’t penalize your members. AERIE NO. AERIE NAME TERM DISTRICT TWO 727 ............................................................Kersey…………………………………….May. 2014 DISTRICT THREE 1246…………………………………………………Ellwood City…………………………….May. 2014 DISTRICT SEVEN 502 ............................................................Donora……………………………………May. 2014 861 ............................................................Canonsburg……………………………..May. 2014 1809 ..........................................................Bentleyville……(Pmt Plan)………..…May. 2014 DISTRICT EIGHT 1811 ..........................................................Conemaugh……………………………..May. 2014 DISTRICT TWELVE 2489 .........................................................Fairless Hills…………………………….May. 2014 DISTRICT THIRTEEN 134 ...........................................................Pottsville….(Pmt Plan) Nov. 2013,…. May. 2014 GRAND AERIE PER CAPITA TAX DELINQUENTS For the Aeries listed below that have not paid their per capita tax, please send in your payment as soon as possible. This money owed should have been earmarked from the member’s payment of dues. Remember for a member to participate in a state or national sport tournament or any event, their Aerie must have paid the Aerie’s per capita tax. Please don’t penalize your members. AERIE NO. AERIE NAME TERM DISTRICT THREE 1246 .........................................................Ellwood City ..................................May. 2014 DISTRICT FOUR 1860 .........................................................New Bethlehem............. Nov. 2013, May.2014 DISTRICT SEVEN 502 ...........................................................Donora ..........................................May. 2014 1809...........................................................Bentleyville…..(Pmt Plan) Nov. 2011,May.2012 ………..………………………………………………..Nov. 2012, May 2013, Nov. 2013, May.2014 DISTRICT NINE 1758 .........................................................Waynesboro………..May, Nov. 2013, May 2014 4274 .........................................................Harrisonville( Pmt Plan)…Nov. 2013, May 2014 DISTRICT THIRTEEN 134 ...........................................................Pottsville...................... Pmt Plan May. 2011, .................................................................Nov. 2011, May. 2012, Nov. 2012, May. 2013, Nov.2013, May.2014 2014-2015 Charity Fund Donations PA STATE PRESIDENT'S FUND JIMMY DURANTE CHILDREN'S FUND AERIE NAME Lawrence and Isabella Mendenhall Ambridge Aerie PSP Club Michael Hoag Bradford Aerie Reynoldsville Aerie Night Cappers Jeremy Frits Larry Lutseo Ken Witt Larry and Shirley Monn "In Memory of Big John" Reynoldsville Aerie Ruth and William Dooley District #14 Bethlehem Aerie District #2 Clarion Auxiliary Aerie Clearfield Aerie Tips at PA Hospitality Room at Grand Convention Scranton Aerie Tony Angelo Aerie State President's Charity Pins Dunbar Township Littlestown Aerie Night Cappers Punxsutawney Aerie Brookville Aerie Clarion Aerie Falls Creek Aerie Sykesville Aerie Reynoldsville Aerie State President's Charity Pins Michael & Sylvia Clepper Don & Ruth Hearn Lancaster St. Mary's Aerie Bunnie L. Pipher & Joe Schumacher District #2 Tony Angelo Aerie Carlisle Aerie State President's Charity Pins Edgewood Aerie Tony Angelo Aerie Ladies Auxiliary Scott & Carolin Brasile Don & Robin Lumadue William & Shirley Monn Larry & Genette Lutseo Ladies Auxiliaries District #8 AERIE NO. 1365 2432 540 284 3807 812 314 1188 3293 2226 1231 983 3807 965 4454 540 84 536 1188 1299 1801 1188 CHECK NO. 4216 309 1115 2725 8679 11107 11108 4870 337 14402 1306 2419 2567 398 1748 1482 207 1482 Cash 1657 6608 1883 2192 940 11337 1501 2047 3699 1752 6662 6417 1317 1768 7068 206 1382 1607 1691 2343 1522 510 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ AMOUNT 50.00 125.00 1,000.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 310.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 50.00 200.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 200.00 250.00 155.00 182.00 500.00 250.00 182.00 100.00 500.00 100.00 250.00 1,000.00 500.00 100.00 250.00 200.00 265.00 25.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 200.00 500.00 2,000.00 60.00 1,000.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 25.00 2014-2015 Charity Fund Donations Jimmy Durante Children's Fund - continued Blairsville Aerie Kutztown Aerie Bethlehem Aerie District #11 Richard & Shirley Cosner Blairsville Auxiliary Aerie Orville & Erma McCracken District #8 Ladies Auxiliary Larry & Genette Lutseo Larry & Shirley Monn Clarion Aerie Robert & Carolyn Wahls 1488 839 284 1488 3807 1353 5772 14533 1155 5812 Cash 8676 510 1522 2343 1961 2049 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,000.00 100.00 250.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 500.00 25.00 $ 14,484.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ AMOUNT 250.00 50.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 25.00 1,000.00 2,525.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ AMOUNT 50.00 1,488.00 250.00 100.00 1,000.00 2,888.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ AMOUNT 200.00 250.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 250.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 250.00 1,000.00 2,475.00 D.D. Dunlap Kidney Fund AERIE NAME Verona Aerie District #14 New Kensington Aerie Bethlehem Aerie Scranton Aerie Tony Angelo Aerie Eric Barnes & Jan Reed Carlisle Aerie AERIE NO. 1634 533 284 314 1188 1299 CHECK NO. 1559 340 267 14403 398 1776 527 7110 Alzheimer's Fund AERIE NAME District #14 Blairsville Aerie Tony Angelo Aerie Scranton Aerie Carlisle Aerie AERIE NO. 1488 1188 314 1299 CHECK NO. 335 1229 1745 398 7110 TOTAL Art Ehrmann Cancer Fund AERIE NAME Reynoldsville Aerie Verona Aerie Bradford Aerie Bethlehem Aerie Scranton Aerie Tony Angelo Aerie Nightcappers Michael & Sylvia Clepper James & Barbara Clark Lawrence & Isabella Mendenhall Orville & Erma McCracken Carlisle Aerie TOTAL AERIE NO. 540 1634 2432 284 314 1188 1299 CHECK NO. 11105 1560 8680 14399 398 1760 Cash 2048 6516 4267 8677 7110 2014-2015 Charity Fund Donations Diabetes Research Center Fund AERIE NAME Verona Aerie Lebanon Aerie Lancaster Aerie (Small Games of Chance) Carlisle Aerie TOTAL AERIE NO. 1634 472 84 1299 CHECK NO. 1558 4184 1778 7110 $ $ $ $ $ AMOUNT 250.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 $ $ $ AMOUNT 200.00 100.00 1,000.00 $ 1,300.00 Golden Age Eagles Fund AERIE NAME Bradford Aerie Bethlehem Aerie Carlisle Aerie AERIE NO. 2432 284 1299 CHECK NO. 8683 14404 7110 TOTAL Jimmy Durante Child Abuse Fund AERIE NAME AERIE NO. CHECK NO. Verona Aerie District #14 Carlisle Aerie 1634 1557 338 7110 1299 TOTAL AMOUNT $ $ $ $ 250.00 50.00 1,000.00 1,300.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ AMOUNT 100.00 125.00 50.00 100.00 500.00 100.00 1,000.00 1,975.00 Lew Reed Spinal Cord Fund AERIE NAME New Brighton Aerie Ambridge Aerie District #14 Scranton Aerie Tony Angelo Aerie Nightcappers Carlisle Aerie AERIE NO. 1342 1365 1299 CHECK NO. 9661 308 336 398 1793 Cash 7110 AERIE NAME AERIE NO. CHECK NO. Reynoldsville Aerie Bradford Aerie Verona Aerie Ambridge Aerie Bethlehem Aerie Scranton Aerie Larry & Jackie Boehm Carlisle Aerie 540 2432 1634 1365 284 314 11104 8681 1556 305 14401 398 3110 7110 314 1188 TOTAL Max Baer Heart Fund 1299 TOTAL AMOUNT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 200.00 200.00 250.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 $ $ $ $ AMOUNT 125.00 250.00 50.00 1,000.00 Memorial Fund AERIE NAME Ambridge Aerie Verona Aerie District #14 Carlisle Aerie AERIE NO. 1365 1634 1299 CHECK NO. 307 1555 334 7110 2014-2015 Charity Fund Donations TOTAL $ 1,425.00 $ $ $ AMOUNT 125.00 50.00 1,000.00 $ 1,175.00 $ $ $ AMOUNT 50.00 1,000.00 50.00 $ $ $ AMOUNT 50.00 1,000.00 1,050.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ AMOUNT 200.00 125.00 200.00 50.00 100.00 25.00 1,000.00 1,700.00 $ AMOUNT 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 36,597.00 Muscular Dystrophy Fund AERIE NAME Ambridge Aerie District #14 Carlisle Aerie AERIE NO. 1365 1299 CHECK NO. 306 331 7110 TOTAL Drug Awareness Fund AERIE NAME District #14 Carlisle Aerie AERIE NO. 1299 CHECK NO. 333 7110 TOTAL CPR Fund AERIE NAME District #14 Carlisle Aerie AERIE NO. 1299 CHECK NO. 332 7110 TOTAL Robert Hansen Diabetes Fund AERIE NAME Bradford Aerie Ambridge Aerie Reynoldsville Aerie District #14 Bethelhem Aerie Kenneth & Mary Witt Carlisle Aerie AERIE NO. 2432 1365 540 1299 CHECK NO. 8682 310 11106 339 14400 1025 7110 AERIE NO. 1299 CHECK NO. 7110 284 TOTAL Eagle Village AERIE NAME Carlisle Aerie TOTAL Charity Fund Donations PENNSYLVANIA MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP REPORT JANUARY 2015 AERIE NO. NAME MONTH QUOTA YEAR QUOTA PREVIOUS TOTAL January TOTAL GRAND TOTAL PER % DISTRICT GARY L. BAKER DISTRICT DIRECTOR NO. 1 DAN FELTENBERGER, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN 283 OIL CITY 4 48 313 WARREN 11 132 328 FRANKLIN 4 48 429 MEADVILLE 3 36 805 GREENVILLE 3 36 1895 GROVE CITY 2 24 4516 WATTSBURG 1 12 TOTALS:………… 28 336 23 78 37 10 42 21 13 224 6 12 9 3 2 2 0 34 29 90 46 13 44 23 13 258 60% 68% 96% 36% 122% 96% 108% 77% DISTRICT MICHAEL DELIO, DISTRICT DIRECTOR NO. 2 HAROLD DICKEY, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN 307 KANE 3 36 469 RIDGWAY 3 36 536 ST. MARYS 5 60 540 REYNOLDSVILLE 6 72 727 KERSEY 2 24 812 CLEARFIELD 6 72 965 FALLS CREEK 8 96 983 BROOKVILLE 7 84 1231 PUNXSUTAWNEY 11 132 2432 BRADFORD 7 84 3807 CLARION 9 108 4454 SYKESVILLE 4 48 TOTALS:………… 71 852 37 22 102 24 29 23 67 20 69 42 52 34 521 1 32 11 3 7 3 17 5 21 4 9 10 123 38 54 113 27 36 26 84 25 90 46 61 44 644 106% 150% 188% 38% 150% 36% 88% 30% 68% 55% 56% 92% 76% DISTRICT LOUIS PERONIS, DISTRICT DIRECTOR NO. 3 PETER PONINSKY, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN 455 NEW CASTLE 4 48 1226 ROCHESTER 1 12 1246 ELLWOOD CITY 2 24 1342 NEW BRIGHTON 4 48 1365 AMBRIDGE 6 72 1429 FREEDOM 1 12 TOTALS:………… 18 216 18 13 5 24 36 56 152 1 35 0 35 5 5 81 19 48 5 59 41 61 233 40% 400% 21% 123% 57% 508% 108% DISTRICT ALLAN DOVERSPIKE, DISTRICT DIRECTOR NO. 4 RICH HANCOCK, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN 533 NEW KENSINGTON 7 84 606 FORD CITY 5 60 699 TARENTUM 8 96 896 KITTANNING 4 48 1468 INDIANA 8 96 1732 FREEPORT 5 60 1860 NEW BETHLEHEM 2 24 4205 APOLLO 1 12 TOTALS:………… 40 480 36 34 49 49 43 39 14 17 281 2 6 6 3 0 12 5 0 34 38 40 55 52 43 51 19 17 315 45% 67% 57% 108% 45% 85% 79% 142% 66% PENNSYLVANIA MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP REPORT JANUARY 2015 AERIE NO. NAME MONTH QUOTA YEAR QUOTA PREVIOUS TOTAL January TOTAL GRAND TOTAL PER % DISTRICT VERNON C. DAVIS JR, DISTRICT DIRECTOR NO. 5 76 PITTSBURGH 2 24 1134 CARNEGIE 6 72 1520 CARRICK 1 12 1634 VERONA 9 108 TOTALS:………… 18 216 18 47 17 35 117 3 12 3 7 25 21 59 20 42 142 88% 82% 167% 39% 66% DISTRICT CHARLES E. WOLFE, DISTRICT DIRECTOR NO. 7 CARL DONLEY, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN 502 DONORA 1 12 598 WAYNESBURG 1 12 861 CANONSBURG 1 12 1356 BROWNSVILLE 2 24 1809 BENTLEYVILLE 2 24 2399 MONESSEN 4 48 4546 WASHINGTON 1 12 TOTALS:………… 12 144 13 14 24 12 27 39 5 134 6 0 27 6 6 11 4 60 19 14 51 18 33 50 9 194 158% 117% 425% 75% 138% 104% 75% 135% DISTRICT DAVE DEIST, DISTRICT DIRECTOR NO. 8 NED PENNAVARA, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN 844 JEANNETTE 1 12 1188 TONY ANGELO 8 96 1244 PATTON 2 24 1488 BLAIRSVILLE 3 36 1612 DERRY 2 24 1671 IRWIN 1 12 1801 SOMERSET 13 156 1811 CONEMAUGH 2 24 1859 BELLWOOD 6 72 TOTALS:………… 38 456 23 28 9 36 37 31 67 15 56 302 8 7 1 2 15 56 30 0 4 123 31 35 10 38 52 87 97 15 60 425 258% 36% 42% 106% 217% 725% 62% 63% 83% 93% DISTRICT MICHAEL F. FOREMAN, DISTRICT DIRECTOR NO. 9 MARK BAHR, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN 84 LANCASTER 2 24 183 YORK 1 12 472 LEBANON 3 36 1299 CARLISLE 22 264 1406 HANOVER 15 180 1562 GETTYSBURG 16 192 1758 WAYNESBORO 6 72 2226 LITTLESTOWN 19 228 4274 HARRISONVILLE 3 36 TOTALS:………… 87 1044 27 2 65 150 71 73 9 101 32 530 10 0 8 13 24 25 2 17 2 101 37 2 73 163 95 98 11 118 34 631 154% 17% 203% 62% 53% 51% 15% 52% 94% 60% PENNSYLVANIA MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP REPORT JANUARY 2015 AERIE NO. NAME MONTH QUOTA YEAR QUOTA PREVIOUS TOTAL January TOTAL GRAND TOTAL PER % DISTRICT MICHAEL HAVENS, DISTRICT DIRECTOR NO. 10 LONNIE SEAMONS, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN 314 SCRANTON 3 36 353 WILKES-BARRE 1 12 546 PLYMOUTH 3 36 834 NANTICOKE 7 84 1858 HONESDALE 3 36 1965 WYOMING 1 12 TOTALS:………… 18 216 53 6 40 98 30 24 251 6 2 23 15 8 5 59 59 8 63 113 38 29 310 164% 67% 175% 135% 106% 242% 144% DISTRICT MICHAEL KALIN, DISTRICT DIRECTOR NO. 11 HENRY SALINAS, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN 110 ALLENTOWN 2 24 284 BETHLEHEM 2 24 839 KUTZTOWN 3 36 1106 STROUDSBURG 11 132 TOTALS:………… 18 216 27 17 26 70 140 5 5 2 0 12 32 22 28 70 152 133% 92% 78% 53% 70% DISTRICT FRANCIS NORBECK, DISTRICT DIRECTOR NO. 12 626 POTTSTOWN 1 12 1761 LANSDALE 3 36 2489 FAIRLESS HILLS 2 24 2666 OXFORD 3 36 TOTALS:………… 9 108 18 49 35 23 125 5 13 14 12 44 23 62 49 35 169 192% 172% 204% 97% 156% DISTRICT JEFF GEORGE, DISTRICT DIRECTOR NO. 13 RICH STAHL JR, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN 134 POTTSVILLE 1 12 464 MT. CARMEL 1 12 503 SUNBURY 8 96 1208 MILTON 2 24 TOTALS:………… 12 144 11 5 89 51 156 0 6 12 10 28 11 11 101 61 184 92% 92% 105% 254% 128% PENNSYLVANIA MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT MEMBERSHIP REPORT JANUARY 2015 AERIE NAME MONTH YEAR PREVIOUS NO. QUOTA QUOTA TOTAL DISTRICT ROBERT R. ANDERSON, DISTRICT DIRECTOR NO. 14 JOHN KURUTZ, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN 493 828 1932 3293 CONNELLSVILLE UNIONTOWN POINT MARION DUNBAR TWP. TOTALS:………… 2 3 3 2 10 January TOTAL GRAND TOTAL PER% 24 36 36 24 120 61 32 19 42 154 11 13 1 9 34 72 45 20 51 188 300% 125% 56% 213% 157% DISTRICT ERIC HOOVER, DISTRICT DIRECTOR NO. 15 RON BARNER, DISTRICT CHAIRMAN 516 RENOVO 2 24 970 WILLIAMSPORT 3 36 4294 BURNHAM 5 60 4298 LOCK HAVEN 3 36 4320 BELLEFONTE 3 36 TOTALS:………… 16 192 55 34 155 44 23 311 0 2 17 6 0 25 55 36 172 50 23 336 229% 100% 287% 139% 64% 175% TOTALS TO DATE………………………. 395 3398 783 4181 88% EAGLEDOM TOP FIFTEEN OHIO PENNSYLVANIA MICHIGAN FLORIDA WASHINGTON INDIANA MISSOURI MINNESOTA CALIFORNIA NEBRASKA VIRGINIA OREGON COLORADO 837 527 509 504 483 360 164 154 129 128 119 96 95 ARIZONA ILLINOIS 95 92 PENNSYLVANIA TOP FIVE (PERCENTAGE) 4740 4294 1299 2226 2226 834 503 1562 1801 313 1231 PENNSYLVANIA TOP TEN YEAR-TO-DATE BURNHAM 172 CARLISLE 163 LITTLESTOWN 118 SAINT MARY'S 113 NANTICOKE 113 SUNBURY 101 GETTYSBURG 98 SOMERSET 97 WARREM 90 PUNXSUTAWNEY 90 TWO AERIES IN PENNSYLVANIA RANKED IN THE TOP FIFTEEN NEW MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP #7 BURNHAM #4294 #8 CARLISLE LE #1299 1671 IRWIN 1429 FREEDOM 861 CANONSBURG 725% 508% 425% FIVE AERIES IN PENNSYLVANIA RANKED IN THE TOP FIFTEEN LEADERS YEAR-TO-DATE 1226 ROCHESTER 400% #3 IRWIN #9 RIDGWAY 493 CONNELLSVILLE 300% #5 ROCHESTER #11 SOMERSET #5 NEW BRIGHTON FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES 103RD ANNUAL STATE CONVENTION JUNE 5TH-6TH, 2015 DOUBLE TREE BY HILTON HOTEL PA AERIE FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES RESERVATION FORM WITH INFORMATION COMPLETED MUST BE MAILED DIRECTLY TO: DOUBLE TREE BY HILTON PITTSBURGH GREEN TREE 500 MANSFIELD AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PA 412-922-8400-PHONE 412-922-7854-FAX RESERVATION DEADLINE: MAY 13, 2015 ROOM RATE: $119 PER NIGHT (PLUS TAX) EACH PERSON MUST COMPLETE FORM FOR EACH ROOM ALL HOSPITALITY ROOM REQUESTS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO PA STATE AERIE OFFICE. PLEASE CIRCLE ARRIVAL DATE: THURSDAY JUNE 4TH, 2015 FRIDAY JUNE 5TH, 2015 SATURDAY JUNE 6TH, 2015 DEPARTURE DATE___________________ (INDICATE CHECK OUT DATE) ROOM TYPE SINGLE-1 KING- 2 PEOPLE 2 DOUBLE 2,3 OR 4 PEOPLE PLEASE NOTE THE HOTEL IS 100% NON SMOKING LAST NAME:____________________________ FIRST NAME:_____________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________ CITY:___________________________________ STATE:________ ZIP:______________________ PHONE NUMBER:________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:_________________________ ROOMMATE: _____________________________________________________________________ EITHER A CREDIT CARD NUMBER OR ONE NIGHT’S DEPOSIT IS REQUIRED TO HOLD A ROOM. IF USING A CHECK FOR DEPOSIT, MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE DOUBLE TREE BY HILTON HOTEL CREDIT CARD NUMBER: ________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE:_____________ CHECK ENCLOSED: ________________ CHECK NUMBER: ______________________________ AMOUNT: _________________________ COMFIRMATION NUMBER: _____________________ CHECK IN TIME IS 3:00 PM AND CHECK OUT IS NOON. CANCELLATION POLICY IS 72 HOURS PRIOR TO ARRIVAL.