Fiscal Year 2014 - Youth Services Bureau of Illinois Valley
Fiscal Year 2014 - Youth Services Bureau of Illinois Valley
Our Mission “Helping young people and families succeed by serving them in their home, school and community.” 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Youth Service Bureau of Illinois Valley One Year Can Make A Difference! Youth Service Bureau has much to be thankful for this past year. As the newly appointed Executive Director, building and renewing strong community bonds has been critical to our organization's success. YSB continues to reach a strong network of advocates and supporters, together creating meaningful, long-term relationships. We strive to increase and broaden our services to support those who we serve. We look toward our future to assist deserving children, adults and families with encouragement and hope in their daily lives. YSB responds with tremendous care and loyalty to support 20 counties within Illinois. The response to our services has been tremendous. Emphasizing our message to serve children and families in their home, school, and community remains steadfast. YSB's mission is one agency serving all needs as its top priority, to all neighborhoods that we are called into. The strength of our agency is our staff, retaining 1/3 of employees who celebrate tenure of at least five years or more with YSB. We are honoring an employee who has been with YSB for 30 years. I have highlighted some of YSB'S most recent achievements for 2014: (1) Maintaining a balanced budget throughout a difficult economic time at the state and federal level. (2) Expanding the Parenting program in the Rockford region. (3) Sustaining Hope House and its commitment to providing a supervised visitation program for children with a history of domestic or child abuse, achieved without federal grant support. (4) Medicaid Treatment Program Audit passed successfully with ratings within 90% state percentile compliance. (5) Redeploy Illinois program expansion into both Bureau and Grundy counties. Direct staff recognition for successful implementation of the “Parenting with Love and Limits” model. This program is projected to achieve stellar performance measures that only a small percentage of child welfare agencies have been able to accomplish on a national scale. (6) Excelling in a Department of Children and Family Service Fiscal four day audit. (7) Achieving Level 2 Benchmark evaluation status for all YSB Foster Care teams conducted by the State of Illinois. (8) CQI (Continuous Quality Improvement) audit concluded that YSB programs are at an excellent capacity to conduct CQI activities and produce reliable data. I reflect on the many achievements our agency has gained proficiency in. We continue to accelerate our programs and exceed our goals in providing the highest standards for our families. YSB strives to be transparent and accountable. That is my promise to you. Along with that promise comes tremendous effort and support. Without the continued support of our many friends and donors, none of our services can reach their truest potential. Your gift will make a difference. I look to Individuals and corporations that sponsor our agency with the hope that each will realize how we can grow together and strengthen our surrounding communities. Your generosity provides a new opportunity, another chance, or opens a door for a child or family to overcome hardship. Thank you for all you do to support YSB, Frank P. Vonch Executive Director, YSB Save The Date 2015 Events Blue Ribbon Campaign - Month of April 3rd Annual Blue Tie Affair - April 25th YSB Annual Charity Challenge Sponsored by Illinois Valley Building and Construction Trades Council— August YSB 27th Annual Children’s Challenge Golf Outing - Sept. 11th, Fox Bend Golf Course, Oswego The Work We Do Foster Care Street Outreach A program for children in state custody who are unable to remain safely in their home. Children in foster care stay with a family who provides safety, nurturing, support and role models for change. Foster care is meant to be a temporary, short term solution to an emergency situation. Foster placement may be for a single day or several weeks and some continue for years. (Available in 20 For young adults ages 16-22 years of age who are living in unstable and nontraditional living arrangements. Youth are linked to area services, taught independent living skills, and aided in finding jobs. It is the goal of YSB to keep youth off the streets and safe. (Available in counties) Children First For divorcing parents who have been mandated by a Family Court Judge in the 13th Judicial Circuit of Illinois to participate in an educational program regarding problems and issues of divorce when children are involved. (Available at LaSalle, Putnam, Bureau, Stark and Marshall counties). Transitional Living Program Homeless youth (ages 16-22) are helped in finding safe and stable living accommodations and services that provide basic life skills, job searching, mental health services and educational opportunities to make a successful transition to self-sufficient living. YSB offices in Ottawa, LaSalle and Princeton) (Available in LaSalle, Putnam, Bureau, Stark and Marshall counties). Runaway and Homeless Youth Redeploy Illinois Serves youth 9-17 providing crisis intervention, short term counseling and linkage to appropriate services for runaway and homeless youth that are at risk of running away or becoming homeless. (Available in LaSalle, Putnam, Redeploy Illinois was created in 2004 by the General Assembly to provide services to youth at risk of commitment to the Illinois Department of Corrections. The program is funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services. The 13th Judicial Circuit is one of 11 Redeploy sites in the state. Youth Service Bureau provides intensive service to these youth and their families, thus reducing the incidence of criminal recidivism in the community and incarceration of adolescents in the Illinois prison system. Bureau, Stark and Marshall counties) System of Care Provides various services to assist in stabilizing a child in foster care placement. (Available in LaSalle, Bureau, Marshall, Putnam and Stark counties) Intact Family Services A program established by the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) meant to provide reasonable efforts to preserve families to enable children to remain safely at home and avoid separation and/or placement of the children. (Referrals by DCFS only in Bureau, Du Page, LaSalle, Marshall, Putnam, Stark and Winnebago counties) Referrals are made by the 13th Circuit Court Juvenile Probation Officers and the State’s Attorney’s from Bureau, Grundy and LaSalle Counties, working in conjunction with the Juvenile Judges and the Public Defender. The Work We Do 2nd Chance Second Chance provides services to youth who would otherwise be removed from their homes and communities due to high-risk, unmanageable behavior. These adolescents have demonstrated significant emotional concerns which may include mental health and trauma issues. Intensive services are provided to the youth and their families through Youth Service Bureau. The program is funded through the LaSalle County 708 Board. Referrals are made by the LaSalle County Juvenile State’s Attorney’s office and the LaSalle County Juvenile Probation Department. Solutions Counseling Offers intensive out-patient and mental health therapy treatment by Master degreed and licensed therapists trained in child and family centered intervention; Includes individual, marital and family counseling. Counseling is available for Children and Adults and most insurance companies are accepted. (Available in the following offices: LaSalle, Ottawa, Princeton and Streator). Community Services Community Services/Restitution works closely with local courts, Peer Courts, Police Departments and Juvenile Probation to involve young people in meaningful work projects to “pay back” their community for petty delinquent offenses. (Available in LaSalle and DePue.) Hispanic Center Provides families with information in Spanish and links them to services in Spanish. Includes collaboration with Illinois Valley Community College literacy programs. (Available in Bureau, DeKalb, Grundy, LaSalle, Lee and Putnam counties) YSB Child Development Center A child day care facility licensed by DCFS, the National Council of Accreditation for Children and Family Services, and QRS. Accepts children ages 15 months to 6 years of age. (Located in the city of LaSalle) Traditional Parenting Program Provides parents the opportunity to enhance their parenting skills, set appropriate expectations and limits. Clients must be 21 years of age or older. Referrals are made by the following: DCFS, Probation, self, Churches and Community. (Available in Rockford, Freeport and Belvidere) M.I.S.T.E.R. Parenting Program A parenting empowerment program, culturally based for African-American fathers. The goal is to increase the number of intact families and help fathers recognize their significant role as core to the success of the family unit, clients must be 18 years or older. (Available in Rockford and Freeport) P r o g r a m S t a ti s ti c s Hope House Youth Outreach Runaway & Homeless Solutions Counseling Foster Care Community Services Hispanic Services YSB Child Development Center Street Outreach M.I.S.T.E.R/Parenting Redeploy & 2nd Chance Grand Totals FY13 FY14 45 209 47 374 722 500 1052 85 92 162 42 45 218 57 269 1037 375 1599 111 87 254 41 3,330 4,093 How the Blue Ribbon Began Child Abuse Awareness Month first began in 1983, but the blue ribbon symbolizing child abuse awareness did not appear until 1989. Bonnie Finney wanted to remember her grandchildren and all children who have suffered from abuse. Bonnie Finney inspired the blue ribbon child abuse campaign. In remembrance of her grandson, Bonnie tied a blue ribbon to her van antenna. When Bonnie was asked why she chose the color blue, she said “I never intend to forget the battered, bruised bodies of my grandchildren. Bruises are black and then eventually blue. Therefore, blue serves as a constant reminder to me to fight for our children.” Illinois Valley Building Trades Best Friends If your name or organization does not appear on this list, your contribution may have been received after June 30th, 2014, the end of the YSB fiscal year. Your donation will be listed in the 2015 Annual Report. Individuals Mr. & Mrs. Robert Agostinelli Honorable & Mrs. James Brusatte Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Kerry Bryson Ms. Ellen Anderson Mr. & Mrs. John Burns Mr. & Mrs. Rich Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Butchko Mr. & Mrs. Frank Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Charles Butler Ms. Lana Atkinson Mr. Lonny Cain Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Aussem Mr. Tim Campbell Mr. & Mrs. James Bagley Mr. & Mrs. Robb Caputo Mr. & Mrs. Charles Baker Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carey Honorable & Mrs. William Balestri Ms. Dana Carnes Mr. & Mrs. John Balestri Mr. Robert Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bannister Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carter Mr. & Mrs. Mary Bartman Mr. & Mrs. Ron Chalus Mr. & Mrs. Rickey Bates Ms. Michelle Cherny Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bazydlo Ms. Julie Cibulskis Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Behrens Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cibulskis Mr. & Mrs. Ron Bengston Mr. & Mrs. Rich Cibulskis Mr. & Mrs. Mike Benjamin Ms. Dorothy Cioni R.E. Berres Ms. Vickie Claggett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bima Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Clancy Ms. Rosanne Bonini Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Clifford Mr. & Mrs. John Bonk Ms. Susan Cole Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bouslog Mr. & Mrs. Steven Conrad Mr. Chuck Boza Mr. & Mrs. Dave Conrad Mr. & Mrs. Sean Brannon Ms. Shelby Cook Mr. Brian Branson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Corgiat Mr. Barbara Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Corrie Mr. & Mrs. John Breslin Ms. Sarah Cotter Ms. Marilyn Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Teresa Coutre Ms. Nancy Brown Mr. & Mrs. Tim Creedon Mr. Kenneth Brown Mr. Lew Cushing Individuals (continued) Senator & Mrs. Gary Dahl Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Folmar Mr. & Mrs. Larry Dalton Mr. & Mrs. Dave Fowler Mr. Paul Danekas Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Francis Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Lonna De Vore Mr. Geoff Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey DeMoss Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Freeburg Ms. Bridget Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Laverne Fullerton Mr. & Mrs. Bert Dieter Mrs. Esther Funk Ms. Betty DiGusto Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ganiere Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DiLuciano Mr. John Garvin Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dippel Ms. Cindy Gates Mr. & Mrs. Frank Diss Ms. Mary Ellen Gelbuda Mr. & Mrs. Bret Duesdieker Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gerding Ms. Gyl Duesdieker Dr. Anthony Glorioso Mr. & Mrs. Donald Duesdieker Mr. James Greening Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Duffield Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gretencord Mr. & Mrs. Kent Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gross Ms. Andrea Durbin Mr. Tom Hall Mr. Bradley Dutcher Dr. Mitchell Halper Ms. Carol Edmonds Mr. Jerry Halterman Mr. & Mrs. Chad Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hammers Honorable Karen Eiten Ms. Louise Hammond Mr. Thomas Ellenbecker Ms. Irene Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Craig Emmett Ms. Karen Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Faber Mayor Scott Harl Ms. Mary Fabricius Ms. Marjory Harmon Mr. & Mrs. Richard Farrell Mr. Jason Harmon Ms. Kathy Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Gary Harmon Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ferracuti Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harmon Mr. & Mrs. James Ferrero Mr. & Mrs. Bart Hartauer Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ficek Ms. Barbara Harte Mr. Sam Fisher Terry Heap Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Fitzgerald Ms. Nancy Heiden Mr. & Mrs. Dale Flaherty Ms. Amber Heider Mr. & Mrs. Sean Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Hein Mr. Tom Flynn Ms. Krysta Hermosillo Individuals (continued) Ms. Loraine Hess Mr. Jamie Kummer Mrs. Mary Hettel Ms. Sue Kusek Honorable & Mrs. Joseph Hettel Mr. Marty Le Rette Mr. Jerry Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Larry Leadley Mr. & Mrs. Rick Hill Ms. Judith Leamy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hines Ms. Alice Lee Mr. & Mrs. James Hinterlong Mr. & Mrs. Jonathon Leigh Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Hixon Mr. & Mrs. Guadalupe Leon Mr. & Mrs. Arch Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Greg Leonatti Mr. & Mrs. Burton Horowitz Mr. & Mrs. Oran Linder Dr. Eleanor Howell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Loran Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hylin Mr. Roelif Loveland Dr. Renard Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Judson Lusher Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jansz Mr. & Mrs. James Lusietto Mr. & Mrs. William Jaraczewski Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Maierhofer Mr. Brian Joehl Mr. & Mrs. Steven Malinsky Mr. & Mrs. Jim Joerger Mr. & Mrs. David Manigold Mr. & Mrs. Matt Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Markwalter Ms. Jacqualyn Karlosky Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Martin Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Kastigar Donna Martin Mr. & Mrs. Donald Keeley Mr. & Mrs. Janice Martin Ms. Lori Keenan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mattingly Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Judith Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Ed May Mr. Michael Kesich Mr. & Mrs. Perry May Ms. Jennifer Kiesewetter Mr. Eric May Mr. & Mrs. Don Kiesig Mr. & Mrs. Larry Mayhall Dr. & Mrs. Paul Kim Mr. & Mrs. Henry Maze Mr. & Mrs. Timothy King Mrs. George Maze Mr. & Mrs. Dave Kistenfeger Mr. & Mrs. Roger McCabe Mr. & Mrs. William Kline Mr. & Mrs. Donald McClure Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kluemke Mr. & Mrs. Dave McClure Mr. Andrew Kokosa Ms. Rhonda McClure Ms. Hilda Koppens Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McClure Mr. & Mrs. Ed Krysiak Mr. & Mrs. Frank McConville Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kuleck Mr. Richard McCurdy Individuals (continued) Mr. John McDonnell Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Omolecki Mr. Larry McGrogan Ms. Jill Orr Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGuinness Dr. Philip Ortiz Mr. Randy McLaughlin Ms. Marcy Paddock Ms. Darla Medernach Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Palmer Mr. Verllin Meinz Mr. Joe Park Mr. & Mrs. Dave Mencl Mr. & Mrs. Doug Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mencl Mr. & Mrs. Dan Paulsrud Ms. Lisa Messaglia Mr. & Mrs. Mark Peasley Dr. & Mrs. Scott Millington Mr. & Mrs. Gene Peisker Mr. Wayne Modaff Mr. & Mrs. Gary Peterlin Mr. & Mrs. Jim Monterastelli Mr. William Pfalzgraf Dr. Don Morehead Ms. Pat Picco Mr. & Mrs. Tony Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pigati Ms. Pat Msseemmaa Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pillion Ms. Vicki Mucci Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Pinter Mr. & Mrs. Scott Munks Mr. & Mrs. James Pirages Mr. & Mrs. Richard Myers Mr. Tim Puhr Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Nagle Mr. David Rabideau Mr. & Mrs. Shane Nagle Ms. Laurie Ragan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nagle Mr. Ethan Ragan Ms. Selma Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rankin Ms. Marcia Nelson Mr. & Mrs. John Riva Ms. Leatrice Neumann Mr. & Mrs. James Riva Mr. & Mrs. Sean Niklas Ms. Linda Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nixon Mr. & Mrs. Jo Rohleder Ms. Theresa Nodland Mr. & Mrs. Marty Ruhland Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Northcutt Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rutkowski Mr. Donald Norton Mr. & Mrs. James Salisbury Ms. Carol Novak Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Samolinski Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Novotney Ms. Theresa Sancken Mr. & Mrs. Steve Nowlin Mr. & Mrs. James Sappington Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Nussbaum Chris Savage Mr. & Mrs. Gary Obenhaus Mr. & Mrs. Brian Schieber Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Oldenburg Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Schieber Mr. & Mrs. Edward Olszewski Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Schieber Individuals (continued) Ms. Martha Schmitt Mr. Joseph Taliano Mr. & Mrs. John Schnier Ms. Delores Tattersall Ms. Janice Schoening Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Terrones D. Renee Schroeder Mr. Kent Terry Mr. & Mrs. Mike Schuler Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Thornton Ms. Maryann Schultz Ms. Jan Toraason Dr. & Mrs. Christian Schwartz States Attorney Brian Towne Mr. & Mrs. James Schwarzbach Mr. Randy Tuftie Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Schweickert Mr. & Mrs. Frank Turk Mr. Bill Seibold Mr. & Mrs. Gary Turner Mr. & Mrs. George Shanley Ms. Judith Urba Ms. Carol Shaver Mr. Mark Van De Wyngaerde Mr. & Mrs. William Sherman Bobbi VanSchaick Ms. Kelly Shymanski Mr. & Mrs. Frank Vonch Mr. & Mrs. John Simcich Mr. & Mrs. David Wakeman Mr. & Mrs. John Simonton Mr. & Mrs. Tom Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Simonton Ms. Mary Irene Walsh Ms. Diane Slager Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walsh Ms. Sandy Smith Mr. & Mrs. John Walter Ms. Mercy Smith Mr. & Mrs. William Weber Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Smith Mr. Mike Weiland Vicki Smith and Carol Kozlowski Ms. Constance Weir Ms. Violet Sobkowiak Mr. John Westerlund Mr. John Spaeth Mr. Monty Whipple Mr. & Mrs. David Spicer Mr. Michael Wielgopolan Ms. Lynette Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Duke Wildey Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Williams Ms. Marlene Stillwell Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wilson Mr. James Stimac Mr. Robert Windy Mr. & Mrs. Curt Stoelting Mr. & Mrs. Cletus Winkelmann Mr. & Mrs. O. J. Stoutner Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wood Ms. Jill Strell Mr. & Mrs. Peter Woodbine Ms. Antoinette Strezo Ms. Tracy Wycoff Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Swearingen Mr. & Mrs. Gary Zeier Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Swingel Ms. Tonia Zens Mr. John Taliano Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zwica Corporations/Foundations and Organizations 1700 N Farnsworth Building Partnership Double D Express Acolus Wind Power Edward J. Kuleck, Jr., Ltd. Allstate Exelon Employee Giving Campaign Armstrong & Associates, Inc. Fairmount Minerals Foundation Armstrong & Surin Attorneys at Law First Federal Savings Bank Ottawa Associates in Human Development First National Bank of Ottawa Counseling, LLC Floor to Ceiling ATS Properties, Inc. Ganiere Appraisal Service Ball and Son Fabricated Products Gary L. Ahasic D.M.D. PC Basalay, Cary & Alstadt Architects Gladfelter Funeral Home, Ltd. Bears Den Goldberg Weisman Cairo Beck Oil Handy Foods, Inc. Bill Walsh Automotive Group Heartland Bank and Trust Co. Boilermakers Local 60 Heartland Granite, Inc. Bull Valley Golf Club Heat & Frost Insulators & Allied Butterfly Landing Workers Local 17 Cantlin Law Firm Herman's Package Store Casey's General Store Hi Way Restaurant Casey's General Stores Hicks Accounting & Tax Service Caterpillar Inc. Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP Centrue Bank Ottawa Hometown National Bank Chamlin & Associates Hometown National Bank Chi Journeyman Plumbers L.U. 130 U.A. Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates, Ltd. Chuck's Cheese Company Hueneburg Financial Group Clegg - Perkins Electric, Inc. Illinois AFL-CIO Coilplus Illinois Illinois Cement Cosgrove Distributors Illinois Urologic Health Surgeons Country Financial Illinois Valley Building Trades Council CYR Financial Illinois Valley Business Equipment Darrell K. Seigler, LTD. Illinois Valley Labor Management Davis Pension ADM, Inc. Industry Labor-Management Dixon Golf Dominicks International Union - UAW International Union - UAW Corporations/Foundations and Organizations (cont.) International Union of Operating Engineers LU 150 OSF Saint Elizabeth Medical Center Ottawa Funeral Home Iron Workers Local Union 444 Ottawa Savings Bank Jackson Kahl Insurance PAH Occupational Therapy Co. Jeff Perry Buick, GMC Peak Group LLC John Service & Sales, Inc. Pediatrics Center Kankakee/Iroquois & Construction Peru Federal Savings Bank Trades Council Phalen Steel Construction Konen Insurance Agency Pipefitters' Association Local 597 Laborers Int'ntl' Union of N. Plasterers & Cement Masons Local 11 Amer - Local 996 Plasterers Local No. 5 LaSalle State Bank Polancic's Meat Market Latino Family Services Premier Orthodontics, Ltd. Law Offices of Mark N. Lee, Ltd. Rainbow International Restoration & Little Fashion Avenue Cleaning Local 6 UAW Reilly Law Office LLC Local Union #51 IBEW Renfro Auto Center, Inc. Louie's Car Care Schweickert & Ganassin Lumberman's Wholesale, Inc. Segal Consulting Marco Consulting Group, Inc. Shanes Office Co Marseilles Sheet Metal Sheet Metal Workers International Michael J Grabowski D.D.S. Association Local #1 Mississippi Sand LLC Sheperd Middle School Monahan Law Group, LLC Sikich LLP My Buddies Dough LLC DBA Speers, Reuland & cibulskis, P.C. Fire + Wine Stahelin Enterprises Neu Family Dental Stars & Stripes News Tribune Steinberg's Furniture, Inc. Nishijima Accounting & Tax, LLC Stumm Insurance LLC Northwestern Illinois Building and TechniSand/Santrol Construction Trades Council The Allstate Foundation OPCMIA LU 11 O'Reilly Auto Parts The Cheese Shop The Digital Store Corporations/Foundations and Organizations (cont.) The Glass Shop, Inc. Vaughn Financial LLC The Riffner Firm, P.C. Vergrzyn Sarver & Assoc Theresa Ellerbrock, Supervisor Village of North Utica/ Tiers of Joy General Fund UAW Chicago CAP Council Weber & Associates CPAS, LLC UAW Local 469 Will & Grundy Counties Bldg UAW Local No. 551 Trades Council UAW Wisconsin State Cap Council Woodruff Johnson & Palermo Unilock X-ercise Science, Inc. Unimin Corporation Zamin Insurance Agency United Auto Workers Region 4 United Express System, Inc. United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers, and Allied Workers, Local 11 I n Ki n d Do n ati o n s 1st Farm Credit Service Blain's Farm and Fleet AFLAC Blue Beaker Alfie's Inn Blueberry Hill Breakfast Café All Points Travel Bridget Photography, Inc. Ambrosis Salon Brothers Country Supply Angie's Pilates Bruce Jewelers Anne's Hideaway Buchar Family Chiropractic Applebee's Buffalo Wild Wings Arby's Camp Tuckabatchee Around the Corner Candy Casa Mia August Hill Winery Cedar Creek Ranch/Gunsmoke Grill Aurora Park District Crawford's Automotive Baker Hill Pancake House Culvers Ballydoyle Irish Pub Curves Bee Hive Restaurant Dayton Ridge Golf Club In Kind Donations (continued) Deer Park Community Church Girodano's Famous Chicago Pizza Deer Park Country Club Grand Victoria's Casino Didough's Twisted Pretzel Co. Graphic Electronics, Inc. Domani Café Gruv Yoga & Sculpt Don C. Anderson Insurance Harner's Bakery Restaurant Douglas Carpet One Floor & Home Health Mart Dunkin' Donuts Hilton Hotels and Resorts Eastside K-9 Pet Lodge House of Blues Edible Arrangements Illinois River Winery Elgin Books and Coffee Illinois Valley Surgical Association Elgin Jewelers International House of Pancakes Elgin Key and Lock Co. Jake's Bagels and Deli Elgin Public House Jamaka Me Tan Elgin Symphony Orchestra James Hardie Building Products, Inc. Encore Salon JC Whitney Esther's Sueno Jeremiah Joe's Exelon LaSalle Station Jewel Osco Exposure Salon & Day Spa Jimmy John's Eye Care Professionals Jimmy's Charhouse Restaurant Fairmount Santrol Jobst Memorial Family Video Kaus Photography Video & DJ Fetching Frieda's Kayla Jean's Shutter Dreams Financial Plus Credit Union - Ottawa Kenny Corn Fire + Wine Kernal's Gourmet Popcorn & More Fireside Lounge Kroger's South First National Bank of Ottawa LA Fitness First National Bank of Ottawa La Mexicana Fox and Hound Bar and Grill La Vi Spa Nails Fox Valley Repertory Lasalle County Farm Bureau Francesca's Campagna LaSalle County Sheriff's Office Frank's Pet Shop Laynabella's Garrio's Pizza Villa Legacy Professionals, LLC Geneva Kayak Center Lin Garden In Kind Donations (continued) Love Circle United Methodist Church Roxy Cinemas Luigi's Pizza and Fun Center Rutland Student Council Machelle's Backstreet Bar & Grill Salon Couture Mama's Greek Couzina Santa's Village Azoosement Park McHenry Country Club Senica's Oak Ridge Golf Club Medi-RX Pharmacy Shampooch Pet Grooming Mike & Denise's Pizzeria & Pub Shedd Aquarium Monari's 101 Skoog's Restaurants Mr. Tequila's Sonic Nicole's Hallmark Stage 212 Nikarry's Restaurant Starved Rock Hot Glass Obee's Sub Shoppe Steak N' Shake Office Max Target OHS Junior Achievement Club TGI Friday's Old Second Bank The Cellar Bistro Open Range Southwest Grill The Corner Salon Ottawa Pavilion The Hair Studio Panera Bread The Spice House Papa John's The Times Papa Murphy's Pizza The Turf Room Paramount Theatre The Village Grille Paul's Family Restaurant Tidy Heide Peoria Chiefs Tones Cones Pine Hills Golf Club TPM Stems Pizza Hut Tracy's Boat House Poor Boy's Pub Tracy's Row House Quizno's Triple J Ice Cream Raging Waves Trista's Cutting Edge Randall Crossing Restaurant Uptwon Bar and Grill Reddick Mansion Association Valley Flowers and Gifts Reddick Public Library Van's Frozen Custard and Burgers Rhonda Johnson Photography Walmart Rock Paper Scissors Wangs Garden In Kind Donations (continued) WCMY Ms. Lori Hines Wendy's Dr. & Mrs. Brian Hughes Wide Water Gallery Ms. JoAnn Johnson WLPO Mr. & Mrs. Roger Koch Woodman's Foods Ms. Jennifer Leonhart X-ercise Science, Inc. Ms. JoAnna Lewis-Ludkowski Zazu Hair Salon & Day Spa Ms. Sally Mareta Mr. & Mrs. Rich Armstrong Ms. Eva Markey Ms. Carrie Bentz Ms. Trudy McCarty Ms. Jennifer Blanton Ms. Loni Meyer Dr. & Mrs. Garth Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Joe Navarro Ms. Julie Bute Ms. Stephanie Neuman Mr. & Mrs. Victor Dalzot Ms. Sarah Reckmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Kim Diss Ms. Cindy Robertson Mr. & Mrs. George Dulian Mr. & Mrs. Brent Schaefer Ms. Maria Durdan Ms. Renee Thompson Ms. Lisa Fellows Ms. Joyce Trost Ms. Debbie Gallagher Mr. James Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Hartman Ms. Alaina Weatherford You can purchase a Blue Ribbon yard sign for $10 to show support for Child Abuse Prevention Month in April. Contact YSB for more information. 2014 Financial Profile Revenue Expenses Audited financial report available upon request. 2014 YSB Board of Directors Chris Faber President Peter Corgiat Vice-President Barb Rutkowski Secretary Doug Patterson Treasurer Ellen Anderson Jim Bagley Rev. Rickey Bates Hon. James Brusatte Kerry Bryson Dr. Renard Jackson Sean Nicklas Robert Riffner 2014 YSB Foundation Board Steve Bouslog President Kim Jaraczewski Secretary/Treasurer Jeffrey F. DeMoss Kathleen DiLuciano Bret Duesdieker Nicole Gayan Joseph Nagle Vida Schwartz Tami Thomas-Leonatti YSB OFFICES 2014 Ottawa, IL 61350 Main Office Aurora, IL 60505 Glen Ellyn. IL 60137 LaSalle, IL 61301 424 W. Madison 815-433-3953 Fax: 815-433-3980 TDD 815-431-3001 1700 N. Farnsworth Suite #18 630.820.6303 Fax:630.820.6306 800 Roosevelt Rd. Bldg. E, Ste 102 630.474.9600 Fax: 630.474.0019 12 Gunia Dr. 815.223.4151 Fax: 815.223.4155 YSB Child Development Center Mendota, IL 61348 Rockford, IL 61101 Princeton, IL 61356 901 Grant Street LaSalle, IL 61301 815.224.4244 Fax:815.224.4310 1007 Main St. 815.261.4101 Fax: 779.221.3080 308 W. State St. Ste. 475 815.316.1977 1702 1/2 W. Peru St. PO Box 516 815.872.2119 Fax: 815.872.2099 Streator, IL 61364 Web Address 110 Oak St. 815.433.3953 Fax: 815.433.3980 424 W. Madison Street Ottawa, IL 61350 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 587 OTTAWA, IL