ECA/ACW/NWDB/98 ,tf < Economic Commission for Africa African Centre for Women THE AFRICAN CENTRE FOR WOMEN'S NETWORKS The Database Manual 1998-1999 Table of Contents Introduction II. 2 Justification of the Database 4 information found in the Database and actions that can be 7 performed Utilization of the Database IV. information aiready entered in the Database ' 12 22 Ms. Pauie Assoumou Koki, Engineer and Consultant to ACW have developed the database on the Network of African Centre for Women from October 1998 to February 1999. This database has been developed based on the specifications proposed by the consultant in May 1998 and adopted by the Centre. These specifications were inspired by the experience gained by the consultant while managing the secretariat of the preparation of the Conference held in the occasion of the ECA's 4Cfh Anniversary. Therefore they were written so to meet the day-to-day needs of the African Centre for Women. The consultant has started to feed the database with information made available from the preparatory process of the ECA s 4(fh Anniversary. The present manual presents the content of the database, how to use the database and the information already available in the database. To complete this manual, the consultant will have an interactive session with all the ACW staff so as every staff can really understand the "philosophy" of the database. Individual assistance will also be conducted during one week. The consultant has tried the best to make a user-friendly database, to facilitate and encourage the use of the database. The database in an interactive tool on PC Computer, and should be used as such. The database has been made available on the Local Area Network (LAN) of the ECA. It can therefore be accessed from anywhere in the ECA, in any computer connected to the LAN provided that the administrator of the database has attributed a password. This manual Is merely a hard copy aimed at drawing attention to how the database could best serve ACW. Above all, the more the ACW staff will use, fill and modify the information inside the database, the more ACW will have a real efficient tool to support the Centre in its mission. Finally, it is important keep in mind the major points below: • a database can not run without an administrator. Therefore there is an urgent need to identify an administrator who will assist daily in the running of the database. The administrator will have also to interact with the consultant for problems discovered during the exploitation of the database. Given the short time assigned to the consultant for the development of that database, the treatments of errors have not been done completely. (As well ' known by the computer-specialists, as soon as you draw a single line of code;you have a great probability to generate errors). The users of the database should therefore not be stopped by errors encountered but note them so as for the consultant to correct them in a future collaboration with the Centre. The administrator of the database will also assist in solving errors due to an incorrect utilization the level of a user. The database is on the Local Area Network (LAN) of ECA. The running of the database is therefore directly linked to the status of the network. However, the administrator will backup periodically the database on a local machine. A database is in constant development, through its contents of course but also through the additional actions that can be developed to use the information within the database. This version is just the first release of the database. If needed, the database could be upgraded with: > more actions to performed on the database, > the possibility to share the database in the Intranet for the consultation of other ECA staff, > the possibility to send it to Internet so as to make it available for the clients of ACW. I. Justification of the database To realize its objectives, two major strategies of ACW are'. • Networking by bringing together institutions, agencies and structures concerned with the advancement of Women • Disseminating information on the status of African Women and best practices for gender equity. To realize these strategies, a good and broad knowledge of the largest number of the actors involved with gender issues, whether they are from the Continent or from elsewhere in the world, is crucial. The African Centre for Women has therefore decided to set up a Database on its networks. The database will be a shared database on the ECA local area network. Data were scattered among professional staff and support staff; Crucial data were often lost; There was no classification, no categorization of available data therefore there was no enough accuracy in targeting the clients of the Centre; There was no unique understanding nor standardization on the available data; Neither sufficient record nor track was kept of the work accomplished with consultants, experts, etc.; It was so far difficult to manage a large number of invitations; No updated mailing list could be kept. 1. To keep in one unique place information on partners, clients, etc of ACW 2. To make this information available to all the staff and to share them 3. To allow each professional staff and selected support staff to enter information 4. To classify partners and resource person according to their area of activity, the type of their structure, their country , their region 5. To keep track of the history of resource persons, experts, etc 6. To afiow information search by one criteria or by a combination of criteria (research by country, by area of activity, by classification, etc) 7. To be more efficient in targeting ACWs clients for meetings, publications, etc by selecting them according to their category, their area of activity, etc. 8. To manage invitations in a more efficient way II. Information found in the database and actions that can be Derformed fo;fa&5^j5g!g.^3^£i^B)£3^^ 1. The database contains information on the following items: • Persons • Organizations - • Meetings ! ~ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■• ~ " ~ "~~ ~ " Access to them \s easy from any computer fogged on ECA Local Area Network. Information Comment Title First Name Last Name Function Name of Organization In case the person belongs to an organization Management Level Takes the value 0,1,2,3 1: Head 2: Deputy Head 3: Head of a Department 0: Others e.g.: Expert, Resource Person, Employee, etc Category e.g.: Agriculture, Communication, etc i Area of Activity Bibliography Passed Invitations ACW invitations attended by the person Future Invitations Invitations that ACW intend to send to the person Sex Language Nationality Birthday Telephone 1 Telephone 2 Fax E-maill E-mail 2 Citv Country Adressl AdressZ Postal Code " ' P.O. Box Observations 8 Information Comment Name of organization Abbreviation Manager Name Classification e.g.: Bilateral Agency, University, etc Area of Activity e.g.: Agriculture, Communication, etc Persons linked with the All the persons entered in the database organization and who belong to the organization Language Telephone Fax E-mail City Country - Adress Postal Code P.O. Box Observations Information Comment Theme e.g.: 6 th Regional Conference on Women Place e.g.: UNCC, Sheraton Abidjan Beginning Date Endinq Date City e.g.: Lusaka Country Number of persons to be The target number for invitations, e.g.: invited 500 Number of persons already The number of persons to whom invited invitations have already been sent Organizer The division or person who has the first responsibility of the meeting. E.g.'- ACW, COES, F. Wege, etc Follow-up of the meeting Persons invited, persons who have already confirmed, etc - -- 2. The following actions can be performed on the database: (Still from any computer logged on ECA LAN) On Persons , Organizations Meetings Search the address of Ms. Wanjiru Kihoro See the professional history of Ms. Eugenie Aw Find the names of the staff working at UNICEF-Abidjan See the area of activity of unknown H&Os Find the name of the manager of the ECOWAS Look at the list of those who have already been invited for the sixth African Regional Conference Etc On one or a combination of the following items: • City • Country • Area of Activity • SubRegion • Region • Category • Classification • Name of organization e.g. Look at the list of Youth Organisations in Western Africa Look at the list of Ministers in charge of Education in North Africa Look at the list of Women Associations from U.S.A. etc 10 On • Persons • Organizations • Meetings E.g. Complete the areas of activity of a partner Complete the bibliography,of resource persons Add the information on an upcoming meeting Etc By Selecting persons according to their area of activity, their management level, their organisations Controlling the number of already selected versus the target number of persons Managing the list of participants for a meeting E.g. Send the "Study on the Access to Land" to all the Organizations of Kenya working in the area of Land Invite private associations of Cameroun to the subregional trade fair in Libreville etc "23 MI&AQittfCn '^um- • Listing of persons, listing of organizations , listing of resource persons • List of participants of a meeting Other reports can be added easily as the exploitation of the Database is going on and the staff define itself in a more precise way, its need. 11 III. Utilization of the database 12 Definition of few concepts 1. A database is a collection of information on given items. For e.g., the present database is a collection of information on three items; Persons, Organizations and Meetings. The items are predefined when drawing the specifications of the database. Only the administrator of the database can add an item to the predefined ones. 2. A record in a database identifies a unique entity. For e.g., information on the person Almaz Tebebe represents a record within the item "Persons". If we have information on 1500 persons, therefore, the database has 1500 records. If you want to add a new person in the database, you will add a new record. 3. A field represents the "unit" of information for each record. For e.g., "Name of Organization", "Abbreviation", nArea of activity", are some of the fields of a record from the item "Organizations". A field name can be changed or remove only by the administrator of the database. Field names have also been predefined based on the specifications of the database. However, you can modify the content of fields (provided you have the appropriate authorisation). 13 The buttons of the database To go to the first record of the To go to the To go to the last record of previous record of the database the database database To go to the next record of the To create a new record in the database SORT BUTTONS :T sort the database ascending or descending FILTER BUTTONS:To filter the database by a selection of a criteria FIND BUTTON :To find an information by EXIT "BUTTON: To quit giving the exact value of a field The buttons are essential for an efficient utilisation of the database. 14 Some of:fKe:;icreens:ap1| Database SCREEN: MAIN MENU g THE AFRICAN CENTRE FOR WOMEN'S NETWORKS - [MAIN MENU] 15 SCREEN: PERSON INFORMATION (Consultation Only) Utilisation: - - ■—"-•■ r *-•-.;• - *~.— ,■.*=*.,. * Consult the general information on a person * By a click on the adequate button: . Consult the area of activity . Consuit the bibliography . Consult the passed/futures invitations . Write a letter to the selected persons . Go to the screen for adding/modifying information Modify the General Information on the information of the person/Add person a new person AreoMf Activity of the mrson Other information on the Professional History of the person person Passed Invitations of the pe Future Invitations to the person 16 SCREEN: PERSON INFORMATIONS and Consultation of the area(s) of activity The Netwoik of the African Centie for Women - [PERSON INFORMATIONS! AREA OF ACTIVITY 17 SCREEN: PERSON INFORMATIONS and Consultation of the Professional History 1%, The Network of the African- Centre for Women - [PERSON INFORMATIONS] PROFESSIONAL HISTORY 18 ^^^ SCREEN: MEETINGS % THF AFRICAN fFHTRF FDR WHHFN's MFTWfiRKS • [MFFTIMfiS| 19 (Selection of Invitees) ^ The Nelwoik of (he African Centre (orWomen- Salle de conferences InfoPlus Counfcnr;. "f Cameroun Ziy^zz?. w-***»*»^£r«*Mfoyqr &g&£^s&&$~^. Gdjso'-Matoses Personne Ressourcj 20 (Assessment) 21 £&&jZg!^^ IV. Information already entered \n the database 22 STAN These informations are the basis for the categorization and the classification of the database. They allow performing research and extraction on the same common criteria. Normally, only the administrator of the database should change them, so as to keep the coherence of the database. 23 1. Area of Activity Agriculture Lands Childhood Lawyers Communication Peace Culture Planing Development Political Empowerment Economic Empowerment Population Economy Refugees Education Religion Environment Research Family Planing Rural Empowerment Finance Science Food Security Social Affairs Foreign Affairs Statistical data lender Technology Health Trade Human rights Transport Industry Women Information Women Empowerment Justice Youth Labour 2. Classification Bilateral /Multilateral Agency United Nations Government NGO Institute Resource Person Regional Institution ECA Staff National Mechanism Private Ministry University 24 ^^«T^J&£a^^w^E^^&^ 3. Language German Arab English Portuguese English/French Spanish French 4. City Abidjan Chiyoda-ku Johannesburg Accra Columbus Kaduna Accra North Conakry Kampala Accra-North Copenhaguen Kaoiack Addis Abeba Cotonou Kathmandu Addis-Ababa Dakar Khartoum Alger Dakar-Ponty fCigali Antananarivo Dar-es-Salaam Kinshasa Arlington Delhi Lagos Arusha Dembi Dollo Lakouanga Asmara Djibouti Libreville Athof Douaia Lilongwe Atlanta Dublin Lima Awassa Durban Lome Bamako Eschborn London Bangalore Freetown Luanda Bangkok Gaborone Lunaguna Bangui Garki Lusaka Banjul Gorky Luxembourg Beirut Geneva Madrid Betheseda Geneve Mahe Bissau Gisenyi Maiabo Bonn Hague Manchester Brazzaville Harare Mangochi Bruxelles Hargeisa Manilla Buea Helksinki Maputo Bujumbura Helsinki Mcrinas-Dakar Bulawayo Hisar Marshalltown Burma Houston Maryland Cairo Ibadan Maseru Canberra Ikeja Mbabane Cape Town Ithaca Melbourne Capetown Jakarta Pusat Miami 25 Middlesex Oxford Tangiers Minneapolis Palo Alto Tehran Monrovia .-■ - .f Paris The Hague... Montreal Port Louis Tokyo Moroni Praia Toronto Moshi Pretoria Tripoli Mount Vernon Quatre Bornes Tunis N'Djamena Quebec Tunis E! Menzah Nairobi Rabat Ulaanbaatar Namur Rio de Janeiro Vacoas Nasri Rome Victoria New Dehli Sacramento Victoria Mahe New York Saint-Domingue Vienna New York N.Y. San Francisco Virginia Niamey San Jose Wageningen North Bethesda San Vicente Washington Nouakchott Santiago Washington D.C. Ohio Santo Domingo Westport Oslo Sao Tome Windhoek Ottawa Sherbroke QC JIH Yaounde Ouagadougou Singapore Ouakam Stockholm 5. Country Japan Somalia Botswana Cameroun Sudan Tie de la Reunion Congo Tanzania Lesotho Gabon Uganda Madagascar £uinee Equatoriale Canaries Malawi Rep. Dem. du Congo France Mauritius Republique Netherlands Mozambique Centrafricaine United Kingdom Namibia Tchad Peru South Africa Burundi Algerie Swaziland Djibouti Egypt Zambia Eritrea Libya Zimbabwe Ethiopia Maroc U.S.A. Tie Comores Tunisie Benin Kenya Canada Burkina Faso Rwanda Angola Cote d'lvoire 26 Gambia Brazil Philippines Ghana Denmark India Guinee Finland Chihc Guinee Bissau Belgium Dominican Republic Liberia Italy Germany Mali Luxembourg Lebanon Mauri tanie Norway Mongollia Niger Austria Nepal Nigeria Sweden Republique Dominica Sao Tome et Principe Switzerland Seychelles Senegal Iran Singapore Sierra Leone Ireland Spain Togo Australia Thailand Trinidad <& Tobago Cap Vert Costa Rica Indonesia SubRegfon 6. Asia Southern Africa Central Africa USA East Africa West Africa Europe Oceanie Latin and Central America Near <$ Middle East North Africa Southern America1 North America Central America 7. Region Africa America Asia Oceanie Europe Near & Middle East Latin and Central America USA 27 8. Title Ambassador H.E.Ms. Mrs. Chief Mrs. Hon Ms Dr Hon S.S.S. Ms. Dr. Hon. Prince Dr. Mr Hon. Dr. Prof. H.E Hon.Mr. Professzur H.E. Hon.Ms. Rev.Dr. H.E. Ambassador Honorable S.E H.E. Dr. Honourable 5.E. H.E. Eng. M S.E. M. RE. Mr M. S.E. Mme H.E. Mr. Madam S.E. Mr. H.E. Mrs. Madame S.EM H.E. Ms. Miss S.EM. RE. Prof. Mile S.E.Mme H.E.Dr. Mme Sir H.E.M. Mme. Sister H.E.Mr Monsieur Sr. RE.Mr. Mr Sra H.E.Mr.. Mr. T.RK H.E.Mrs. Mrs 28 ij^iiras^^^i^ PERSONS Remark". For size constraints, only the First Name, Last Name and Country of the persons entered in the database have been printed. 29 THE AFRICAN CENTRE FOR WOMEN'S NETWORKS Listing ofPersons Abdurehman Ahwiede, Ethiopia Abebe Genet, Ethiopia Aaronson Mike, United Kingdom Abebe Almaz, Ethiopia Ababiya Gifiti, Ethiopia Abegue Salvador Eia Nseng, Ethiopia Abahoy Hebret, Ethiopia Aberra Tsigeroman, Ethiopia Abahoye Hibret, Ethiopia Abibi M. Daniel, U.S.A. Abajobir Letifa, Ethiopia Abraham Michael, Ethiopia Abassa P., Ethiopia Abraham Ruth E., Ethiopia Abate Carmela G., Ethiopia Abraham Dawit, Ethiopia Abdela Lesley, United Kingdom Abrera Thetis, Philippines Abdelkader K., Algerie Abzug Bella, U.S.A. Abdelkarim Y., Algerie Acharya.Meena, Nepal Abdella Hassen, Ethiopia Achieng Judith, Kenya Abdellatif Ben, Ethiopia Acquah Felicity, Ghana Abdennebi Souad, Ethiopia Adam Mahamat Ali, Ethiopia Abdo Ali, Ethiopia Adam Lishan, Ethiopia Abdoulkader Bamakrama Rifki, Djibouti Adam Fawzia, United Kingdom Abdul Kadir Anab, Ethiopia Addgahl Abugied Ahlam, Sudan Abduilahi Behdad, Ethiopia Addo Iro, Cameroun Abdullahi Sukkar Yusuf, Ethiopia AdedejiAdebayo, Nigeria Page 1 sur 42 Adei Stephen, Namibia Akpan E.B., Ethiopia Adeleye-Fayemi Bisi, United Kingdom Akyeampong Victoria, Ethiopia Adesida-Peterson Amanda, Ethiopia Af-Yahaya Saoud A.M., Ethiopia AdharAnuja, U.S.A. Al-ZIatini Abdel Hamid Mahmound, Ethiopia Adjibade Ncurou. Benin AlaetTaleghaniAzam, Iran Adly Emad, Egypt AIAwadhi Mohammad A., Ethiopia Adly Khaled, Ethiopia Albaruno Gloria, U.S.A. Adny Ahmed, Egypt Albejo Elleni, Ethiopia Adomayakpor I. Tsevi, Togo Albertyn Cathi, South Africa Adu Kofi, Ghana Alemu Tadesse, Ethiopia Affoue Yatie Yao, Cote d'lvoire Alemu Bogalech, Ethiopia Agarwal Bina, India Aiene Mba Margarita, Guinee Equatoriale Agoundoukoua Albertine, Republique Centrafricain Alford Michael, Ethiopia Ali Therese, Benin 'Agrebi Saida, Tunisie Ali Musbah, Libya Agwu-Jones Agatha, U.S.A. Ali A.A.G., Ethiopia Agyekum Obeng Theresa, Ethiopia Ali Said Ahmed Said, Comores Agyemang-Mensah Naana, Ghana Alihonou Eusebe, Benin Ahmed Sufian, Ethiopia Allab Fatitha, Ethiopia Aidoo Agnes A., Ghana Allafi Agnes, Tchad Akande Onikepo, Nigeria Allison Joan, Ethiopia Akapeiwa Simataa, Ethiopia Alloo Fatma, Tanzania Akio Hirazawa, Ethiopia Page 2 sur 42 Alweendo Tom, Namibia Andersson Hans, Ethiopia Aly Mahfoudh O. Mohamed, Mauritanie Andjaba Martin, U.S.A. Amadi-Njoku Regina, Nigeria Andrianasolo Aimee, Maroc Amae Kishichiro, Japan Andriankaja Andry, Ethiopia Amahan Ali, Maroc Anim-Addo Molly, Ghana Amal Daou, Ethiopia Aninyei Margaret Cleopatra. Nigeria Amamou Mohammed, Maroc Antonio Fefix, Ghana Amana Adjoa, Ethiopia Antonio Daniel, Ethiopia Amaral Aguiar Maria Odete, Sao Tome et Principe Anyaoku Emeka, United Kingdom Amassanyouka Marie Rose, Cameroun Aouad Abdelhamid, Maroc Ameen Peeroo A. Razack Mohammed, Mauritius AoudjitA., Ethiopie Ameiewonou A.K., Ethiopia Aouij Emna, Tunisie Amin Wali Youssef, Egypt ■ Ardaneh Fatemeh, Iran Amkongo Eddie S., Ethiopia Arends Denis, Ethiopia Amoah Ann, Ghana An Fine H., Ethiopia Amoako-Nuama Christina, Ghana Amott Rosemary, United Kingdom Amonoo Petrina, Ethiopia Arush Isterlin, Kenya Amougou Catherine, Cameroun Asangono Pilar, Guinee Equatoriale Ampoffo Abena Konadu, Ghana AsfawAlemu, Ethiopia Asfaw Netsahnet, Ethiopia Amsatou Diallo, Ethiopia Ashenafi Mogessie, Ethiopia Amsume Mane, Guinee Bissau Ashenafi Achamyelesh, Ethiopia Anania *, Switzerland Page 3 sur 42 Ashenafi Meaza, Ethiopia Aw Eugenie R., Canada Asmerom Girma, Ethiopia AworiThelma, U.S.A, Asombang W., Ethiopia Ayadokoum Alain, Benin Asrat Dedab, Ethiopia Ayalew Brahan, Ethiopia Asrat Kebede, Ethiopia Ayat Janet, Lesotho Assamenew Getachew, Ethiopia Ayele Kassahun, Ethiopia Assaye Mulu Gojjam, Ethiopia Ayeva-Traore Aminata, Togo Assebe Wagaye, U.S.A. Assefa Gohalem, Ethiopia Assegid Faben, Ethiopia Assegid Yene, Ethiopia Assiama Amah, Ethiopia Assie-Lumumba N'Dri, U.S.A. Assoumou Felicite, Cameroun Atangana Brigitte. Cameroun Ati Atcha Tcha-Gouni, Togo Atinafu Ketesela, Ethiopia Atnafu Tekiewolde, Ethiopia Atta J.E., Ghana Atwood Brian, U.S.A. Augustine Jean, Canada Auma Beldina, U.S.A. Page 4 sur 42 B Baliara Marcela, Switzerland Bafson David, Canada Ba Babacar, Ethiopia Ba Aly, Ethiopia Bamba M. Youssoufou, U.SA Baaii M. Abdallah, USA Bandaogo Christophe, Ethiopia Baca J. Chilala Odeth Ludorian, Angola Bangadi Boniface, Gabon Baccar Taoufik, Tunisie Bangura Yusuf, Switzerland Bangura Famah-Joka, Ethiopia Badawi Maisoun, U.S.A. Banny Charies Konan, Senegal Badr Marawan Zaki, Ethiopia Banyiyezako Gregoire, Burundi Badri Dina, Sudan Baricako G., Gambia Bagirishya Justin, Ethiopia Barry Nancy, U.SA Bah Ibrahim Sherif, Guinee Barry David, Ethiopia Baherle Michele, France Bassiouny Abeer, Egypt Bahri Fatima, Ethiopia Bassole Leandre B., Ethiopia Bahri Ahmed, Maroc " Bastiani Henriette, Ethiopia ■ Baier Thomas Michael, Ethiopia Bazile-Finley Joceline, Cote d'lvoire Baile Stephanie, France Bedoui Mongi, Tunisie Bajo Momodou Clarke, The Gambia Befecadu Hirut, Ethiopia Bakamutumaho Barnabas, Uganda Bekale Paul, Ethiopia BakhetOmarM., Rwanda Bekele Yeshiwas, Ethiopia Bakker J, Ethiopia Bekele Helen, Ethiopia Sakoniarivo Jean Delacroix, Ethiopia Bekele Amare, Ethiopia Bakyono Anne Marie, Cameroun Page S sur 42 Belcher Wendy, U.S.A. Bentsi-EnchillNiiK., U.S.A. Beleoken Elvire, Cameroun Berhantu Leyikun, Ethiopia Belkhenchir Fadiia, Ethiopie Berhanu Lealem, Ethiopia Bellamy Carol, U.S.A. Berne Solomon, Ethiopia Belle Kourouma Fatoumata, Guinee Berrezoug Mohamed, Tunisie Ben Abid Mohammed, Ethiopia Berthe Ethiany, Gabon Ben Barka Amine, Tchad Berthelot Yves, Switzerland Ben Mabi Malika, Maroc Betancourt Mariano M. Lores, Ethiopia Ben Mahi Malika, Maroc Beyane Ethiopia, Ethiopia Ben Ramadan Mohamed, Libya Beyene Tekie, Eritrea Beyene Tilahun, Ethiopia Benboubaker Zohra, Maroc Bezzabhe Mulugetta, Ethiopia Bendow Zerfinesh K., Kenya Bendow Zerfinesh, Ethiopia BhanuChitra, U.S.A. Benedcio Ernest Kamanga, Ethiopia Biancamaria Pomeranzi, Italy Bent Madhu Devikarani, Mauritius Biha Giovanie K., Ethiopia Benkhaiil Rachida, Ethiopie Bile M. Pastor Micha Ondo, U.S.A. Benlounes Rachid, Ethiopia Bilhan Murat, Ethiopia Bennacer M. Larbi, Ethiopie Bina Argawal Abed, U.S.A. Bennet Erieka, U.S.A. Birru Girma, Ethiopia Benson Obua-Ogwal, Uganda Bitoneaw Meseret, Ethiopia Benson Opral Mason, Nigeria Biyong Pauline, Cameroun Bent Lekhlifa Fatimetou, Mauritanie Blackden Mark, U.S.A. Page 6 sur 42 Blankson Kofi, Ghana Bro-Grebe Genevieve, Cote d'lvoire Blum Beverly, U.SA Brogini Paolo, Ethiopia Bogui Andre, U.S.A. Brookman-Amissah Eunice, Ghana Bongoy-Mawalla Doreen, Ethiopia Brown Keith, Ethiopia Boni Reine, Cote d'lvoire Bruns Barbara, U.S.A. Boni-Clavery Daniele, Cote d'lvoire Bryer David, United Kingdom Bonnelame J., Mauritius Budomo Yacinthe, Burundi Borg Laetitia Salvina, Ethiopia Bugnicourt Jacques, Senegal Bouah Tano Yoiande Eveiyne, Cote d'lvoire Bull William, U.S.A. Bouaziz Zakia, Tunisie Bunting Namtasha, Kenya Boudiaf Akifa, Tunisie Burn Nalini, United Kingdom Bouhrizi Y., Ethiopie Buruku Daisy, Ethiopia Boukoubi Faustin, Gabon Butagira Francis, Ethiopia Boukrif Hamid, Ethiopie Butegwa Florence, Uganda Bouiahya S., Niger Bwakira Maria, Burundi Boulu Jean-Marc, Kenya Bwakira Melchior, Ethiopia Bounemra Ben Soltane Karima, Ethiopia Byanyima Winnie, Uganda Bradbury G., Kenya Byaruhanga Edouard, Rwanda Brahiti Ali, Algerie Byiringiro F, Ethiopia Bremaidou Christophe, Republique Centrafricaine Breslin Carol, Ethiopia Briscoe Neil, U,S.A. Page 7 sur42 Chitiga Rudo, Zimbabwe Cabral M. Alfredo Lopes, U.SA. Chitra Ramulgon, Mauritius Caesar Ruth, Liberia Cho S.. Ethiopia Camara Mahawa Bangoura, U.S.A. Choi Kang, Ethiopia Campbell Epsy, Costa Rica Cholil Nunn, Indonesia Canepa Americo, U.S.A. Cholil Abdullah, Indonesia Cederblad Carl Olof, Ethiopia Chuma-Mkandawire S., Ethiopia Chung Shin, Ethiopia Chalbi-Drissi Hassania, Tunisie Cincone Lillian, U.S.A. Charles Fatou Fall, Niger Cinyanta Mutati Kasasa, Gabon Chatrapathy Madhura M., India Chatrapathy Madhura, India Clay Ignatius, Liberia Chawani B. Samuel, Malawi Coleman Adjoa, Ethiopia Chege Emily, Kenya Compaore Vivian, Burkina Faso Cheserem Micah, Kenya Conjoh Patricia, U.S.A Chesoni Atsango, Kenya Connor Joseph E., U.S.A. Chidzan-Nkhoma Maria C, South Africa Conway Pauline, Ireland Chigudu Hope, Zimbabwe Correa Angelique , Senegal Chikaonda MAP., Malawi Correia Ana Maria, Angola Correia Apofinario, Ethiopia Chikwata Jane. Zambia Correia Alex, Ethiopia Chinery-Hesse Mary, Switzerland Cossi Poulin Laurent, Benin Ching'anda E.F., Ethiopia Costa Semedo Odete, Guinee Bissau Chipande Graham, Ethiopia Page 8 sur 42 sWja^^^ Coulibaly Rosine S., Burundi Cummings Bon E., Ethiopia da Costa Xavier Acucena, Mozambique Da Hien Daniel, Burkina Faso Daber Guelleh Aisha, Djibouti Dadey S.K., Ghana Dahlan Rochjsad, Ethiopia Dairo Akinyele, U.S.A. Dakayi Kamga Thomas, Repubiique Centrafricaine Damia Benkhouya, Maroc Dampare George A., Ghana Dangou Loukyatou, Benin Danief Maricela, Ethiopia Dante Aminata, Niger Daoudu Olatunji, Nigeria Daraba Saran, Guinee DarerAnne, U.S.A. Davies Desmond, United Kingdom Davis Gary £., Zambia Dawit Fesha, Ethiopia Dawit Tison. Ethiopia Dawit Kibre, Ethiopia Dawit Abdi Brutawit, Ethiopia Page 9 sur 42 De Aissata, Senegal Diagne Pape Syr, Kenya de Amorim Maria da Graca, Kenya Diallo Abdoulaye, Sierra Leone de Assis Pereifa Africano Albina faria, Angola de Barros Maria do Rosario netto, Sao Tome et Pri De Dousa Carlos Quaresma Batista, Sao Tome & Diallo Issa, Switzerland Dialio Habib. Guinee Diallo Abdou Salam, Ethiopia Diallo Aliou M., Rep. Dem. du Congo de Fatima Monteiro Jardim Maria, Angola Diaro urn eye Agnes, Ethiopia de Groot Sophie, Belgium Diarra-Kambou Dieneba, U.S.A. de Groot Ulusay, Austria Diatta M. Joseph, U.S.A. de Loecker Stephane, Ethiopia Diawara Khadiatou D., Guinee Deddach M. Mahfoudh Ould, U.S.A. Diawara Mamadi, Ethiopia Dede Brownson N., Ethiopia Dibissa Martha, Ethiopia Dedress Dede Eileni, Ethiopia Dibong Marie Rose, Cameroun Degefe Befekadu, Ethiopia Dickson Kwesi, Kenya Dehne Hewan, Ethiopia Diejomaoh Vremudla P., Ethiopia DellJerri, U.S.A. Dierckx de Casterle Emmanuel, Mozambraue Demers Linda, Ethiopia DieyeBenita, U.S.A. Demis Hiroute, EShiopia Dikidjieva Vassilina, Ethiopia Demisie Worke, Ethiopia Dileita Dileita Mohamed, Ethiopia Demissie Sosena, Ethiopia Dino Danesi Visconti, Ethiopia Desai Nitin, U.S.A. Diokh Jeanne Yansunu, Senegal Dia Ibrahima, Ethiopia Diop Ngone, Senegal Diagne Gana, Ethiopia Pagel0sur42 Diop Sineta, Switzerland Douramane Anne-Marie, Niger Oiop Ndeye, Senegal Dow Jocelyn, Seychelles Diop Marieme, Senegal Duena-Loza Martha, Republique Dominica Diop DiagneAstou, Senegal Dufour Kwabena, Ghana Diouf Jacques, Italy Duguma Aynalem, Ethiopia Dirar A.M., Ethiopia Dula Pereira Maria, Brazil Dirasse Laketch, Kenya Dunn-Mouton Adwoa, U.S.A. DjabirM.Ahmed, U.S.A. Duran Paloma, Spain Djeddah Carol, Switzerland Duri Mohammed, U.S.A. Djeilouii Yamna, Niger Dyfan Isha, Rwanda Djinnit Said, Ethiopia Djogbenou Efise, Benin Dlamini Martin, Swaziland Dlamini Moses Mathendele, U.S.A. Dlamini Barnabas Sibusiso, Swaziland Dlamini Guduza, Swaziland DonkorS.M., Ethiopia Dorda Abuzed Omar, U.S.A. Dos Santos Carios, U.S.A. Dossongui Kone, Cote d'lvoire Dossou Bernadette, Benin Doucet Carole, Kenya Pagell sur42 - J- Engeback Per, Ethiopia Eckhard Fred, U.S.A. :•'.:■ Eno Jeannette, United Kingdom Efthymiades Efthymias, Ethiopia Eriksson Izabella, Ethiopia Egondu Rosemary Onyejeku, U.S.A. Ernest K.P., Ethiopia Ehui Simeon, Ethiopia Erwa Eifatih Mohamed Ahmed, U.S.A. Ehui Fatoumata Marthe, Cote d'lvoire Eshete Almaz, Ethiopia Ejerso Almaz, Ethiopia Eshetu Assefa, Ethiopia Ekaas Sissel, Italy Eshetu Dagmawit, Ethiopia Ekanem 1.1., Ethiopia Eskonheimo Anu, Ethiopia Ekeijuba Felicia, U.S.A. Essala Antoinette, Cameroun Ekwe-Ekwe Herbert, Nigeria Essoibeka Pacifique, Congo EiAlaoui Fatima, Maroc Estrela Maria Miguel, Cap Vert E! Alfy Ahlam, Egypt- Etienne Emmy, Seychelles El Jihimi Tahir, Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jam Etim Emmanuel, Nigeria El Rilani", Ethiopia Evans Ruth, United Kingdom El-Beblawi Hazem, Lebanon Ezechiel Ntcodimos, Ethiopia El-Egaily M., Ethiopia Ezemzeni Chmseddine, Tunisie E!-Tallawi Mervat, Egypt Ezzedine M., Ethiopie Elaraby Nabil A., U.S.A. Efgalyi Ihelam Abdu, Sudan Elgasim Khadiga Abu, Sudan Elsayed Osman Elsayed Fadel, Ethiopia Page 12 sur 42 aik^Jaa^^fe^^sa^aa^s^^ Fior Patricia, U.S.A. Fisseha Tewodros, Ethiopia F. Russell Paul, Ethiopia Fitila Ridd, Niger Fagbemi Ayodele Omoyiola, Nigeria Fitzugh Hank, Ethiopia Fall Charles Fatou, U.S.A Fall Ibrahima, U.S.A. Flippin' Namtasha, Tanzania Fall Khady, Senegal Foday J., Ethiopia Fall Papa Louis, Ethiopia Fok Lauren, South Africa Fall Awa D., Ethiopia Fokeiadeh Fawaz, U.S.A. Fafl Yassine, Senegal Foote Mel, U.S.A. FareauxAmulfo, U.S.A. Fort Lucia, U.S.A. Fatou Mariem Gaye, Mauritanie Foster Joana, Zimbabwe Faucher Francois, Togo Freeman P., United Kingdom Fayala Sadok, Tunisie Freymond Jean F., Switzerland Faye Makane, Ethiopia Fye Sirra, Gambia Faye Cheryl G., Ethiopia Fynn Ocran Sarah, Ghana Faztudo Tsidora, Mozambique Fekade Konjit, Ethiopia Fernandez M. Antonio Deinde, U.S.A. Ferreira Domingos Augusto, U.S.A. Fesseha Mebrat, Ethiopia r:nnies Wallace, Namibia Finocchiaro Anna, Italy Page 13 sur 42 Gebrewold Atebia Kokeb Kebede, Ethiopia Gebrewold Kebede, Ethiopia G. Zyambo Rachel, Swaziland Gedamu Tekalign, Ethiopia G/Ab Neway, Ethiopia Geneth Amdemikael, Ethiopia G/Yohannes Girma, Ethiopia George Mitike, Ethiopia Gabianu A.Sena. Ethiopia Gerda Hanna, Ethiopia Gabsi Lamis. Libya Getachew Edom, Ethiopia Gachukia Eddah, Kenya Ghaii Boutros Boutros, France Gallagher Deirdre, U.S.A. Ghebray Tekeste, Djibouti Gailowah-Hage-Ali Sarah, Ghana Ghebreab Luul, Eritrea Gambari Ibrahim A., U.S.A. Ghebreab Ghebregergis Liya, Eritrea Gankou Jean Marie, Cameroun Ghenna Kebour, Ethiopia Gaolathe Baleddzi, Botswana Ghirmazion Aseghedech, Ethiopia Gardell Kristina, Belgium Gidda Dereje Wordofa, Ethiopia Gasana Jean-Marie, Burundi Gilenesh Haile Itefa, Ethiopia Gasso'-Matoses Javier, Ethiopia Giorgis Belkis, U.S.A. Gatabaki Rachel, Kenya Giri Mohini, India Gayama Pascal, Ethiopia Gizaw Amare, Ethiopia Gbedji Houenaio Cleopas, Benin Gnanayan Hepie Albertine, Cote d'fvoire Gbetoho Sabine Clarice Juliana, Cote d'lvoire Gobena Abebech, Ethiopia Gbujama Shirley, Sierra Leone Godwyil Anne Marie, Ghana Gebre Egziabher Asmara, Ethiopia Godwyll B.G., Ethiopia Page 14 sur 42 Gokoolsing T., Mauritius Gyan-Apenteng Kwasi, United Kingdom Gomes Brandao, Guinee Bissau Gomez F.P., Kenya Gondwe Regent L.M., Malawi Gonna Yawo, Senegal Gonsalves J., Ethiopia Gopal Gita, U.S.A. Gordon-Somers Trevor, U.S.A. Gordon-Somers Joy, U.S.A. Govender Pregs, South Africa Graichen-Druck Gudrun, Germany Graisse Jean-Jacques, Italy GranotAvi Abraham, Ethiopia Grant Milton, U.S.A. Grant Mary, Ghana Graver Deepak K., Ethiopia Grover Indu, India Guebre Seflassie Hiroute, Ethiopia Gueye A, Ethiopia Gutllet Isabelle, Ethiopia Gupta Geta Rao, U.S.A. Gutema Hanna, Ethiopia Page 15 sur 42 H Hailemeskal Heywote, Ethiopia Hailesillassie Mehret, Ethiopia Habamenshi Callinie, Rwanda Habamenshi Callixte, Ethiopia Hailu Melkrist. Ethiopia Habte Giorgis Teketel, Ethiopia Hailue Mussie, Ethiopia Habtemariam Yeshi. Ethiopia Hakim Joy Kwaje Eluzai, Sudan HachaniM. Ali, U.S.A. Hakizimana Angela, Kenya Haddish Brahane, Ethiopia Halbwachs Jean-Pierre, U.S.A. Hadj-Hammou Nadir, Egypt Hamada Yasuhiro, Ethiopia Haffajee Ferial, South Africa Hamusonde Diana, Ethiopia Hafkin Nancy, Ethiopia Hanatani Takuji, Japan Haggag Ahmed, Ethiopia Handem Diana Lima, Senegal Haggar M. Ahmat A., U.S.A. Hanoomanjee E., Mauritius Hagmann Karl, Ethiopia Hanson Jean, Ethiopia Hard Djama Mohamed. Djibouti Harada Yoko, Ethiopia Haidara Fatou, Mali Hartoo Karl, Ethiopia Haile Alemayehu, Ethiopia Harkema Roe!, Netherlands Haiie Zelleka, Ethiopia Harney Mary, Ireland Haiie Lakech, Ethiopia Hashim Fawzia, Eritrea Haile Michael Tadelech, Ethiopia Hassan Fatun Mohamed, U.S.A. Haile Sellasie Tadesse, Ethiopia Hassan Sabir Mohammed, Sudan Hailemariam Turuwerk, U.S.A. Hayakawa Naohiro, Ethiopia Hailemelekot Abebe, Ethiopia Hayatou Sadou, Cameroun Page 16sur42 iEi5?^^M'^&^ Hazan Maurice. France Hussein Tani Ismail, Djibouti Hefny Magdy, Norway Height Dorothy, U.S.A. Ichoya Katherine, Zambia Hein Roma, Ethiopia Ifenne Enyantu, Nigeria Hemmings-Gapihan Grace, Cote d'lvoire Igbinedion Joseph, Kenya Heyns Etienne, South Africa Igodoe Assane, Ethiopia Heyzer Noeleen, U.S.A. Igwebe Sen, Ethiopia Hidaru Aster, Ethiopia Iheme Florence, Nigeria Hinda Hamid, Etfiiopie Ijumba Alice Francis, Tanzania Hocine Abderrahim, Ethiopia llboudo Andre Eugene, Burkina Faso" Holden Hart, Ethiopia Ilibagiza Ngoga Kibezi Rose, Rwanda Holden Pat, United Kingdom Intchasso Nharebat, Guinee Bissau Holik Wiltrud, Ethiopia Ismaii Ahmed Zeinab, Djibouti Holmes Rebecca, South Africa Ithana Pendukeni, Namibia Holmsen Sven Anton, Ethiopia Iwuji Dorothy, Niger Hooft J.J., Netherlands Hounkponou Gerard, Ethiopia Hulan hashbat, Mongollia Hunter Brcwn Irma, U.S.A. Hunter-Gault Charlayne, South Africa Hurrynag Hemsing, Mauritius Hussein Abdulmejid, Ethiopia Page 17 sur 42 Jones Terrence D., Malawi Jovovic Igor, Ethiopia Jack Samba, Ethiopia Jow Satang, Gambia Jafta Milly, Namibia Jagne Siga Fatima, Gambia Jale Dubaie, Ethiopia Jambawai Battu, Kenya James Tina, South Africa Jamieson David, Ethiopia Janneh Abdoulie, Ghana Jean-Pierre Marceili, Ethiopia Jean-Prosper Miamona, Ethiopia Jeetun Azad, Mauritius Jele Khiphusizi J.. U.S.A. Jessen-Petersen Soren, Switzerland Jingree Khemraj, Ethiopia Johannes Berthold, Ethiopia Johnson Gerd, Sweden Johnson CouaoviApan Leonce, Ethiopia Johnson Susie, U.S.A. Johnson-Sirieaf Eiien, Cote d'lvoire Jonah James O.C.. U.S.A. Jones Beverly, Ethiopia Page 18 sur 42 Kamanyi Judy, Uganda K Kamara Makallay, Gambia K. Gebrewold Atebia Kokeb, Ethiopia Kamara Ibrahim M'Baba, Ethiopia Ka M. Ibra Deguene, U.S.A. KamauNg'ang'a Anthony, Kenya Kaba Sidibe Fatoumata, Guinee Kambon Asha, Trinidad & Tobago Kabagaju-Okello Dorothy, Uganda Kamel Mohamed, Egypt Kabalu Celestina, Zambia Karnga Rameline, U.S.A. Kabarhuza Hamuli, Rep. Dem. du Congo Kampmann Martina, Germany Kabba Hafsatu, Sierra Leone Kan Yarubona Sande, Ethiopia Kabbaj Omar, Cote d'lvoire Kana Kwala Peki, Ethiopia Kabi Faith, Zambia Kanakuze Judith, Rwanda Kabira Wanjiku, Kenya Kane Mariam Ba, Mali Kabore nee Zigani Monique, Burkina Faso Kane Thierno H., Senegal Kabutha Charity, Kenya Kane ATssata, Mauritanie Kadio-Morokro Francoise, Cote d'lvoire Kankwenda Mbaya, Burkina Faso Kafando Patrice, Burkina Faso Kapanga Andre Mwamba, U.SA Kagendo Murithi Agnes, Kenya Kapila Surinder, Kenya Kagwanja Joan C, Ethiopia Karadja Zohra, Ethiopie Kaijuka Richard, Uganda Karelse Cathy-Mae, South Africa KajubiGibwaA.. U.S.A. Karibwami Jacqueline, Ethiopia Kalaule Ezekiel, Kenya Karlsson Matts, Sweden Kalinde S.A., Ethiopia Kasanda Peter Lesa, U.SA Page 19 sur 42 Kassim-Singhateh Safiatou, Kenya Ketema Seifu, Ethiopia Katepa-Kalala Perpetua, Canada Ketseia Mulu, Ethiopia Katunga Maureen, Tanzania KetsoV.L. Lesotho Kavindele Enoch, Zambia Khan Shamin, Tanzania Kawaguchi Shuichiro, Ethiopia Kharano Elizabeth, Zimbabwe Kayinamura M. Gideon, U.S.A. Kharono Elizabeth, South Africa Kayitesi Rusera Emily, Rwanda Khatib Omar Juma, Ethiopia Keakile B.. Botswana Kibirige Sebunya I., Uganda Kebe Nassoutoura, Senegal Kibora Ada Souleymane, Burkina Faso Kebede Tadesse, Ethiopia Kidane Atsede, Ethiopia Kebede Berhanu, Ethiopia Kifle Tafesse, Ethiopia Keblah Devine, Ghana Kihoro Wanjiru, United Kingdom Kefelegu Tigist, Ethiopia Kikonyogo N.C.K., Uganda Kefi Faiza, Tunisie Kileo Charles S., Ethiopia Keflu Habte, Ethiopia Kileo Charles, Ethiopia Kempers Nanny, Ethiopia Kindja Elise, Rep. Dem. du Congo Kengua Anastasi, Gabon Kinfu Mesfin, Ethiopia Kenisisha Rose Mary, Senegal King Angela, U.S.A. Kennedy Genevieve, Ethiopia Kingsley June Hope, U.S.A. Keramane Abdellouahab, Algerie Kiragu Jane, Kenya Kerenge Apollonia. Tanzania Kirsch Beatrice, Luxembourg Kessler Peter, Switzerland Kirungi Fideri, Uganda Page 20 sur 42 Kiryapawo Loi, Uganda' Kouyate Lansana, Nigeria Kisanga Maria, Tanzania Kpegba Zotsi Kafui, Togo Kisekica Mere, Ethiopia Kpotsra M. Roiand Yao, U.SA Kiwanuka Matia Mulumba Semakula, U.S.A. Krasberg Susanne , U.S.A. Kofa Marcus M., Ethiopia Kumah Opia M., Ethiopia Koffi Osie, Ethiopia Kuntour P., Ghana Koite Assetou, Angola Kwawu Jane, Kenya Koki Paule, Ethiopia Kwong Taye Wah Michel Wan Chat, U.S.A. Koki Ndombo Paul, Ethiopia kyambadde Samuel Ssenyonga, Uganda Kol S., Ethiopia Koloi K.C., Botswana Komarov Miroslav, Ethiopia Kondiano Faya, Cameroun Kone Tiemoko Meyliet, Cote d'lvoire Kone Moussa, Burkina Faso Konseiga Jeannette, Burkina Faso Kornegay Ellen, South Africa Koroma J.S., Sierra Leone Kosso Boua Lena, Cameroun Kotok Sharon, U.S.A. Koumare Oumou Koite, Ethiopia Koutaba Michel, Burkina Faso Page 21 sur 42 Lehembre Christian, Ethiopia Leigham Senait, Eritrea Labahn Thomas, Ethiopia Lekaji I., Botswana Labelle Huggette. Canada Lekaukau T. Masisi, Botswana Labidi M., Ethiopia Lekaukau Tshisimogo, Gabon Lagha M.N., Ethiopie Lekhfifa Fatimetou Mint, Mauritanie Lahcene M., Ethiopie Lekoa Caesar, Zambia Lakew Zemenay, U.S.A. Lemine Sidi Ould Mohammed, Mauritanie Lambo David, Ethiopia Lemoine Nathalie, France Lamine Conde Mamady, Ethiopia Lemoine Jacqueline, Senegal Lampen Jan, South Africa Lepine Jacques, Ethiopia Lang Urica, Sweden Lesard Gabriel M., Ethiopia Lao Pena Christine, LJ.S.A. Leteka Makarabo, Lesotho Laukkainen Asko, Finland Leteka Masuhla, Ethiopia Lavador Sebastia Bastoa, Angola Lewis Stephen, U.S.A. Lawrence Wendy, Canada Leyimangoye Jean Paul, Gabon Laye Ousman, Ethiopia Lijam isack Almaz, Eritrea Lazo Lucita, Philippines Lilian David, Ethiopia Lazreg Marnia, U.S.A. Lindenmayer Elizabeth, U.S.A. Lean Lim Lin, Switzerland Lingaya Jocelyne, U.S.A. Lebene Yonas, Ethiopia Linnee Susan, Kenya Legwaiia Legwaila Joseph, U.S.A. Lo Ndiaye Khardiata, Senegal Page 22 sur 42 M Loj Ellen, Denmark Lomayani Irene, Ethiopia M'bengue Ndiaye Aminata, Senegal Longwe Clarke Sara, Zambia M. Deng Francis, U.S.A. Lopes Carlos, Zimbabwe Mabiri E. . Cote d'lvoi:e Lopes Henri, France Mabonge Dona, Burundi Loretti Aiessandro, Ethiopia Macauley Dunstanette, Togo Lou Koue, Cote d'lvoire MacDonald David, Canada Loumabeka Tarana, Ethiopia Macharia Sarah, Ethiopia Loumeto Pombo Jeanne, Congo Machel Graca, Mozambique Louzet E, Ethiopia Madavo Calisto, Lowe-Morna Colleen, South Africa Madavo Callisto, U.S.A. Lowery-Derryck Vivian, U.S.A. Madisa K., Botswana Loza Martha Duenas, Dominican Republic Madjid B., Ethiopie Lukaio Rose, Senegal Maganga Christophe, Ethiopia Lulsegued Kidest, Ethiopia Maganga Angelique, Ethiopia Lumor Godknows, Ghana Magiad Nour Eldin, Sudan Lyambo Gansi Rachel, Zambia Magramane Lounes, Algerie Lycette Margaret, U.S.A. Mahamat Abdelkerim, Ethiopia Lyons Frederick, Kenya MahfouzAfaf, U.S.A. Lvttle Albert. U.S.A. Mahoungou Louis, Congo Mahugu Njuguna M., U.S.A. Maiga Mariam, Mali Page 23 sur 42 Maiga Fadimata, Mali Marcilly Penda. Kenya Maimouna Niandou, Niger Mariano Norine, Somaliland Maisa Doulaye, Niger Marico Oumar, Maroc Makhan Vijay S., Ethiopia Marres Pieter, Ethiopia Makinwa-Adebusoye Paulina, Ethiopia Marsh Pearl-Alice, U.S.A. Makombe T.A.G., Ethiopia Maruping A.M., Lesotho Maleiane A., Mozambique Masangu Mulango Jean-Paul, Rep. Dem. du Cong Maliboungou Jacinthe, Republique Centrafricaine Masebo Hanna, Ethiopia Mama Amina, Nigeria Masego Tlhoiwe Elisabeth, Botswana Mamboleo Milulu, Rep. Dem. du Congo Masi Betty, Malawi Manga Dieudonne, Cameroun Masimba Laban.O., Ethiopia Mangoaela Percy Metsing, U.S.A. Massaquoi Roland, Liberia Mangue Obama Nfube Ricardo, Guinee Equatorial Massho Mehary, Ethiopia Manirakiza Joceiyne, Burundi Massoutoura Diouf Khebet, Senegal Mankedi Julienne, Congo Matata Salvator, Rwanda Manson John, United Kingdom Matenjwa Nish-Muthoni, Kenya Mantsogang Odile, Cameroun Matingou Cecile, Congo Mapuranga Machivenyika Tobias, U.S.A. Matladi Tshepo, South Africa Maraba Arigye, Uganda Matshaba T., Botswana Maraye Dan, Mauritius Matsutani Hiroshi, Ethiopia Marcelle Gillian, Netherlands Mattossovich Dolores, Ethiopia Marcelli Jean-Pierre, France Mawampamga ', Rep. Dem. du Congo Page 24 sur 42 '£'S?^^ Mayambala Esther, Senegal McNeil Mary L, U.SA Mayor Frederico, France Mead Kaltoum, Djibouti Mba Clara, Guinee Equatoriate Mehari Mereed, Ethiopia Mba Martin-Christanto Ebe, Guinee equatonale Mbabazi Jacqueline Susan, Uganda Mekasha Werqu, Ethiopia Mekdoud Ramdane, Ethiopia Mbabozi Shervrah, Ethiopia Meko Almaz, Ethiopia Mbea Mbea Jean Hiiaire, Ethiopia Mekonnen Neguest, Ethiopia Mbega Monica, Tanzania Meledje Catherine, Cote d'lvoire Mbeki Zanefi, South Africa Melliti Imed, Tunisie Mbembe Achille, Senegal Mendes Maria do Carmo, Guinee Bissau Mbodje Mouhamadou Moctar Ndiaga, Ethiopia Mendoume-Nze Emmanuel, Ethiopia Mbogori Ezrs, Zimbabwe Mends-Cole Joyce, Ethiopia Mbongolo Mupetefe, Rep. Dem. du Congo Mengesha Aster, Ethiopia Mbuende Kaire, Botswana Mengistu Genet, Ethiopia Me Neil Ann. U.S A Mengistu Amelework, Ethiopia McCarthy Gallagher Deirdre, U.S.A. Menkerios Haile, U.SA. McCarmick Charles, U.SA Mensah-Adibuer Hilda, Ghana McDowell Chris, Ethiopia Merhtsidk Mulumebet, Ethiopia Mcgrath Thomas Jean, Egypt Meriboute Zidane, Ethiopia McKinley James, Kenya Mesfin Seyoum, Ethiopia Mesfin Berhane, Ethiopia McLean Moira, U.SA Meshesha Mekonnen, Ethiopia McNamara Kerry, U.SA Page 25 sur 42 - Meshesha Desta, Guinee Equatoriale Mohamed Abdul, Ethiopia Mohamed Sadik, Ethiopia Messele Rakeb, Ethiopia Mohamed Antuyaba, Comores Meyer Frederika, Ethiopia Mohamed ismail Hassan, Egypte Mfasoni Charlotte. Mohamed Hussein Mahad, Ethiopia Mholpe Geina, South Africa Mohammed Bedria-Mohammed. Ethiopia Miano Jane, Kenya Mohammed Mekiya, Ethiopia Michael-Gary Philip, U.S.A. Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Ghaffar, Ethiopia Michel James H., France Mohand Amer-Nadia, Algerie Michio Ito, Japan Mojidi Khadija L. U.S.A. Mickeison Kirsten, U.S.A. Mokgaio Dorothy, South Africa Miliingan Janine, Ethiopia Mokodopo Eliane, Republique Centrafricaine Million Abeslome, Ethiopia Molefe M.P.J., Botswana Miiulu ", Rep. Dem. du Congo Moleleki M., Lesotho Minhchau Nguyen, U.S.A. Molokomme Athaliah Lesiba, Botswana Mint Abdellah Mounina, Mauritanie Momo Mienje, Senegal Missambo Paulette, Gabon Monkam nee Ngao Felicite, Cameroun Miyanda Samuel, Zambia Monnet Marguerite, Senegal Mkapa Anna, Tanzania Monona B., Botswana Mkwizu Esther, Tanzania Monteiro M.Jose Luis Barbosa Leao, U.S.A. Moctar Moussa Mahamat, Tchad Monthe Tomo, Cameroun Mogae Festus Gont. Botswana Monyayou Odette, Gabon Mogegeh Valencia, Botswana Page 26 sur 42 ^'^5^^ Monyoncfio Maina John Kennedy, Kenya Muka-Mabano Madeleine, France Moog Renee, U.S.A. Mukarugomwa Venantie, Rwanda Mooketsi S.P., Botswana Mukasa Elsie, Uganda Mukasa Linus, Ethiopia Mooy Adrianus, Thailand Mukwaya Janat, Uganda Morei Claude, U.S.A. Muiaisho Dominic, Zambia Morgan Viola, U.S.A. Mulapesi Grace, Zambia Motsei Mmatshiio, South Africa Mulumba Tshidimba, Ethiopia Mottin-Sylla Marie Helene, Senegal Mulunda Muika, Rep. Dem. du Congo Mouiene Camiile, Congo Mumbengegwi Saiina Raviro, Zimbabwe Moumouni Aissata, Niger Mumbi Tembo Zoe, Gambia Mounina Mint Abdula, Mauritanie Mungai Everlyn, Kenya Mpassi Eeatrice, Congo Muntemba Shimwaayi, U.SA Mpay Jean-Marc, U.S.A. Munyua Hilda, Kenya Mpiere Casimir, Ethiopia Muoka Aetheibirth, Nigeria Mpofu E.S., Botswana Muoki C, Kenya Mselle C.S.M., U.S.A. Murithi Geoffrey K., Ethiopia Muchina Pauline, U.S.A. Mugambi Stephen, Kenya Muriu Muthoni, Senegal Mugisha Maude, Uganda Mushega Amanya, Uganda Muhato Wanjiku. Kenya Musyimi-Ogana Litha, Kenya Muhutu Jocelyn , France Mutemberezi Francois, Rwanda Mutukwa Gladys, Zambia Muiruri Patrick, Kenya Page 27 sur 42 Muyayeta Honorine, Zambia N Mwakawago Oaudi Ngelautwa, U.S.A. N'Oiaye Diakite Fatoumata, Malt Mwakisha Jemima, Kenya N'Dufu Benno, Kenya Mwalwanda C.T., Ethiopia Nacif Abdellatif, Ethiopia Mwambazi Norma, Ethiopia Nagawa Esther Sempebwa, Kenya Mwambazi Wedson, Ethiopia Nagbeh Martha, Liberia Mwandemani Kezia, Tanzania Naicker Arun, South Africa Mwangi Njeri, Kenya Nakano Keiko, Japan Mwaniki John, Zimbabwe Namuddu Katherine, Kenya Mwaniki Mebo Kabeta, Zambia Nana Benjamin, Ethiopia Mwanjabala George, Ethiopia Nandi-Ndaitwah Nutemba, Namibia Mwanza Jacob. Zambia Napaui Moheenee, Mauritius Mwencha J.E.O., Zambia Nassar Bahig, Egypt Mwesigye Hope, Uganda Navaro Florence, Ethiopia Mzumara D.W.M., Ethiopia NcHama Abeso Jacinta, Ethiopia Ndadaye *, Belgium Ndaruzaniye M. Gamaliel, U.S.A. Ndayishimiye Crescence, Burundi Ndeye Ndack Djakhate, Senegal Ndiaye Seyni, Senegal Ndiaye Mazide, Senegal Ndiaye Ba Soukeyna, Senegal Page 28 sur 42 Nignigaba leda'ama Takouda, Togo Ndlovu Eileen Siboniso, Botswana Nino-Fluck O., Ethiopia Nduku Kioko Margaret Kenya Njagi Isaac. Kenya Nduwayo Marie, Burundi Njeri Kamau Jean, Kenya Ndziku Tabu, Tanzania Nkamchor Emilia, Cameroun Negash Tesema, Italy Negash Mestika, Ethiopia Nkhomo Thandiwe, Zimbabwe Neighbors Charlette, U.S.A. Nkruman Gamai, Egypt Nesserata Buzingo, Ethiopia Noman Marwan Abdulia A., Ethiopia Ngandou Marceiine, Cameroun Nouuferesti Dholamhassan, Ethiopia Ngangoue Nana Rosine, Benin Nsang Nkwain Anne, Cameroun Ngezahayo Alice, Burundi Nshimirimana Brigitte, Burundi Ngoa Christine, Cameroun Ntakhwana Z.J., Botswana Ngono Kenmogne Yvette Claudine Cecile, Camero Ntandayarwo V.K., Ethiopia Ngu Ann, Ethiopia Nwokeabia H., Ethiopia Ngu J, Ethiopia Nyakamwe Christine, Rwanda Ngueretia Leon-Patrice, Republique Centrafricaine Ngwako A, Ethiopia Nyakirang'ani Deborah, Tanzania Nyambi Sam, U.S.A. Ngwenya Martyn A.R., Eritrea Nyambi Samuel, Ethiopia Nhfapo Welile A.W., Ethiopia Nyamu Florence, Kenya Niang Abdgulaye, Cameroun Nyandovi-Kerr Mary, Malawi Niekou Rosalie, Ethiopie Nyangang Claire, Cameroun Nignan Marie Louise, Burkina Faso Nyanin Ofiene Owusu, U.SA Page 29 sur 42 Nyoni Sithembiso, Zimbabwe Nzambazamariya Veneranda, Rwanda O'Gorman Davies Mel, Ethiopia Nzegwu Femi, Senegal Oben D.. Ethiopia Oben Dorothy, Ethiopia Nzenza Vongai, Australia Obeng Anthony, Ethiopia Obey Antoinette, Benin Obibi Ihoema, Ocampo Jose, Chile Odani Akio, Ethiopia Odipo Domonic, Kenya Odubogun Garba Kassey. Nigeria Oeri R.5., Kenya Ofosu-Amaah Virginia. U.S.A. Ofstad Ingrid, Noway Ogwuma Paul, Nigeria Okbamichaei Mathios, Ethiopia Okello Robert Macmodo, Zambia Okeyo AcholaPala. U.S.A. Okigbo Charles. Kenya Okombi Salissan Andre, Congo Okoroafor Cecilia, Ghana Okoth-Obbo George, Ethiopia Page30sur42 jakJfg^ Ouedraogo Ablasse. Burkina Faso Olana Samuel, Ethiopia Ouedraogo Halidou, Burkina Faso Olesen Henrik, Ethiopia Ouedraogo Ahoua, Burkina Faso Olhaye M. Roble, U.S.A. Ouedraogo Josephine, Ethiopia Omar Fayez, Ethiopia Ould Mohamed Lemine Brahim Vail, Mauritanie Onyejekwe Rosemary, U.S.A. Ould-Abdaliah Ahmedou, U.S.A. Opoku-Mensah Aida, Zambia Ousmane Amadou, Niger Opsal Knut, Cote d'lvoire Ouyahia Ahmad, Algerie Opscfioor Hans, Netherlands Ouyahia-McAdams Dominique Ait, Congo Osemobor Peter, U.S.A. Owusu-Sarfo Duah, Osman Hibaaq, U.S.A. Oywa Rosalba, Uganda Ostadhosseini Marziefi, U.S.A. Ozeki Yoko, Japan Otng Montshwari, Botswana Otobo E., Ethiopia Ouane M. Moctar, U.S.A. Ouaqouaq Abdelilah, Maroc Ouedraogo Seydou, Burkina Faso Ouedraogo Seraphine, Burkina Faso Ouedraogo Fati, Burkina Faso Ouedraogo Issouf, Burkina Faso Ouedraogo H, Ethiopia Ouedraogo Gilbert, Burkina Faso Ouedraogo Naziningouba, Burkina Faso Page 31 sur 42 Piggott Calvin, Ethiopia Palmer Alice, U.S.A. Pindar Usman, Ethiopia Pamacheche F., Botswana Plas Els van der, Netherlands Pangah Mariam, Mozambique Polacek Zdenek, Ethiopia Pankhrust Richard, Ethiopia Pomeranzi Bianca Maria, Italy Pankhrust Sylvia, Ethiopia Pommereii Christine, Luxembourg Paqui Hilda, U.S.A. Poornima-luckshmeebai Feebaluck, Mauritius Pasha Patience, South Africa Porter Phyllis, Kenya Pat Wiilie-Bongle, Ethiopia Poukawa", Ethiopia Patel Lilian M.P., Malawi Poukouta Prosper, Cote d'lvoire Patoucssa Celine, Cameroun Pretorious Heidi, South Africa Patron Pepi, Peru Pronk Jan, Netherlands Pavlic Breda, France Pule Maria, Botswana Pavlidis Maria, Kenya Q Pena Christine, U.SA Quachey Lucia, Ghana Pereira Dulce Maria, Brazil Perrin Rene, Benin Perttunen Irma-Liisa, Finland Peterson Amanda, Nigeria Petkov Vladimir, Ethiopia Pheko Mohau, South Africa Phumaphi J., Botswana Page 32 sur 42 ;: £ffi^ Reddy Rita, Switzerland R. Herzog John, Ethiopia ^naa ica^e Redjel Aii, Ethiopia Rabea M.T Ethiopie Reuben-Powell Barbara, U.S.A. Rahim S., Ethiopia Rewaka M. Denis Dangue, U.S.A. Rajab Radii Yousef, Ethiopia Richardson Yofande, U.S.A. Rajab! Seyed Hossein, Ethiopia Ricoveri Marcello, Ethiopia Raletsatsi Benjamin, Botswana Riria-Ouko Jennifer, Kenya Ramadjingar Nguemadjita Jess, Tchad Rissa Anne, France Ramdas Kavita, U.S.A. Rivington Diana, Canada Ramphele Mampheia, South Africa Riyami Khadija, Tanzania Ranaivondrambola Olivier, Algerie Robinson Nelcia, Trinidad & Tobago Robinson Judith, Australia Randie Wilma, Senegal Roble Amin Mohammed, Ethiopie Randriamamondji Maria, Italy Rogo Khama, Kenya Range Maggie, U.S.A. Romauid Mugema, Ethiopia Ranghet Boris, Ethiopia Romdhane Fatma Zohra Ben, Tunisie Rasheed Sadiq, U.SA Rasheed Idris, Tanzania Rosario Kenneth, U.S.A. Rasi Satu Marjatta, Finland Rosenthall Bertrud, Germany Rathgeber Eva M., Kenya Roshli Tsehai, Ethiopia Ravelojoana Gaston Edouard, Madagascar Rouquie Alain, Ethiopia Razafy Christine, Madagascar Rubadiri David, U.S.A. Rebeiro Luis Candido Lopes, Guinee Bissau Ruhaza Christine, Burundi Page 33 sur 42 Ruigu G., Ethiopia Russell Nancy, U.S.A. Saadi Donyazad, Ethiopia Sadasivam Bharatai, U.S.A SadikNafis. U.S.A. Sagawa Stella, Malawi Sahnoun Mohamed, U.S.A. Sahota K, Ethiopia Sai Obodai, Ghana Said Saadi Mohammed, Maroc Saim Nicholas, Ghana Sakiia Bujiku K.P, Tanzania Sala-Diakanda D.M., Ethiopia Salambere Alimata, France Salem-Murdock Muneera, U.S.A. Salih Omar, Ethiopia Salih S.A., Ethiopia Salim Maryam, U.S.A. Salim Salim Ahmed, Ethiopia Sallah Abdoulie Momodou, U.S.A. Salomao Virgifio, Mozambique Sam Ibok, Ethiopia Samara Noah, U.S.A. Page 34 sur 42 Samate Minata, Ethiopia Secke-Pouka Marie-Louise, Cameroun Sambo Manama, Niger Segbenou Rene\ Cote d'lvoire Samuel Nebiyu, Ethiopia Seif Sousan, Iran Samuel Kebede, Ethiopia Seitshiro B., Botswana Samulela Rosaleen Hazel, Zambia Sekitoleko Victoria, Zimbabwe Sando-Perry Ruth, Liberia Seleshi Elizabeth, Ethiopia Sandstrom Sven, U.S.A. Semou Diouf Bouna, Maroc Sangare Assana, Cote d'lvoire Semu Dagne, Ethiopia Sani Hajo, Nigeria Sendi J., Ethiopia Sanogoh Bintou, Senegal Sengendo May, Uganda Santangane Charity, Botswana Senghor Jeggan, Senegal Santos-Nitiema Opportune, Togo Sentle B.K., Botswana Sarbib Jean-Louis, U.S.A. Seqat Mohamed, Maroc Sarr Binta, Senegal Sequeira Oswaldo Miguel, Cap Vert Saryee, Jr. David J., Ethiopia Sequeira Braganca Albertino Homem, Sao Tome e Saul Peter Betty, Tanzania Sertse Meskerem, Ethiopia Savane Marie-Angelique, Senegal Sethi Meera, Ethiopia Sawyer Frederica, Burundi Sevensson Mass, Ethiopia Schtiveman-Watt Julia, Ethiopia Sewgobind Churmawatee, Mauritius Scott Jeannine, Cote d'lvoire Seyyid Abdulai Y., Austria Scrimshaw Sandelle, Canada Shabanah Mirvet Abou, Egypt Seaforth Wandia, Kenya Shakakata Regina, Zambia 5sur42 Shaw JA, Ethiopia Sire Oiakite Fatoumata, Mali Shawcross William, Ethiopia Sirur Neeta, U.S.A. Shengeb Mohiadin, Eritrea Sirve Heli Annikiki, Ethiopia Shenkute Solomon, Ethiopia Sissoko Naminata Dembele, Malt Shenshen OmarElhadi, Ethiopia Skogmo Bjorn, Switzerland Shergui Smail, Ethiopia Slimane Khater, Ethiopie Shin *, Ethiopia Smythe Amy, Sierra Leone Shinn David. Ethiopia Snoussi M. Ahmed, U.S.A. Shipanga Taimi, Namibia Snyder Margaret, U.S.A. Shivute N., Namibia Soiano Martha, Costa Rica Srtoatsehaye Betehu, Ethiopia Solbi Saddik, Ethiopia Short Clare, United Kingdom Somda Laurentin, Burkina Faso Sid Ahmed Feitmat Mint, Mauritanie Sorgho-Moulinier Odile, Senegal Sidibe Souleymane, Ethiopia Soumah Henri G., Niger Sidikou Fatoumata, Niger Soumana Abdoulaye, Niger Sikazwe Emily Joy, Zambia Souza Jose, Benin Silikam Isabelie, Cameroun Sow Fatou, Senegal Sow Ndeye, United Kingdom SHim Helen Kisembo, Uganda Sparaci Giorgio, Ethiopia Simpore Leonard, Ethiopia Speth James Gustave, U.S.A. Sine Samara Mamadou, Burkina Faso Squalli Hassan, Maroc Singh Makhan Vijay, Ethiopia Stals Chris, South Africa Singhateh Safiatu, Kenya Page 36 sur 42 -1^^ Starup Kathrine, Ethiopia Stephen David, Ethiopia T. Rose Finn, Mali Sterns Scot, Kenya T/Haimanot Redda, Ethiopia Stiebler Carolyn, Ethiopia Tackie Marian A., Ghana Strand-Gerhardsen Tove. Norway Tadria Hilda, Ethiopia Strintzos Maria, Ethiopia Tafesse Lulit, Ethiopia Sujaya C.P., India Takpara Issifou, Benin Sunassee Sathlamoorthy, Mauritius ■ Sunmonu Hassan, Ghana Tamisie Daniel, Ethiopia Tandap Lucas, Niger Svensson Mats, Ethiopia Tankou V, Ethiopia Swarup Vikas, Ethiopia Tankou M., Ethiopia Sweetman Caroline, United Kingdom Tano Yolande Evetyne Bouah, Cote d'lvoire Sy Ousmane, Maii Tapsoba Kientega isabelle, Burkina Faso Sy Mariam Baba, Mauritanie Tchangai-Walla Kissem, Togo Sy Oumar M., Ethiopia Teferi Mulualem, U.S.A. Syan Patrice, Burkina Faso Tekeste Bemnet, Ethiopia Sylla Fatimata, Senegal Tekie S., Ethiopia Tekle Kelemework, Ethiopia Tekle Afework, Ethiopia Telahun Masresha, Ethiopia Telewoyen Ella, Liberia Teilewongan Etta, Liberia Page 37 sur 42 Tiendrebeogo Alice, Burkina Faso Temane B.. Botswana Tillander Staffan, Ethiopia Tereza Balde, Guinee Sisseau Toia Patrizia, Italy Teriba Yetunde, Ethiopia Toko Diakonga Serao, Ethiopia Terrese Almaz. Ethiopia Tomasi Siivano M., Ethiopia Tesemma Ashenaf, Ethiopia Tommy David D., Ethiopia Tesfaye Berhanu, Ethiopia Tesfaye Taye. Ethiopia Tbpfer Klaus, Kenya Tesha John, Ethiopia Toure Adjagba Brigitte, Ethiopia Teshager Betheihem, Ethiopia Toure Diop Yacine, Burkina Faso Tessema Yeshimebet, Ethiopia Tovee Carol, Ethiopia Tessema Sefanit, Ethiopia Toyb Zahara Abdallah, Comores Thiam Mamadou Lamine, Senegal Toyo Nkoyo, Kenya Thiongane Awa, Ethiopia Traore G, Ethiopia Thomas A. Babatunde. Uganda Traore Idrissa, Mali Thomas Vinod, U.S.A. Trimeche Nejet, Tunisie Thomas Lucille, U.S.A. Tmjillo Catalina, Kenya Thompson Rosetta. Cameroun Tsangoua Siri Lucienne, Gabon Thompson Robert, Senegal Tsegaye Fekade, Ethiopia Thuo Margaret, Ethiopia Tshumba Leonard, Zimbabwe Tiagha Hannah, Ethiopia Tskabalala-Msimang E., South Africa Tiendrebeogo Anatole G., Ethiopia Tiendrebeogo Pauf Robert, U.S.A. Tiendrebeogo Blandine, Ethiopia Page 38 sur 42 U w Ulshoefer Petra, Switzerland W/Giorgts Haddas, Ethiopia Uritus Erin, Sengal WTWossen Marta. Ethiopia Uwimpuhwe Gloriose, Rwanda Wade Awa. Senegal Wakana Seraphine, Burundi Val! Ouid Mohamed Lemine Mohamed Brahim, Ma Walton Malaika, Ethiopia Van Den Berg Max, Netherlands Wambui Mercy, Ethiopia Van Dunem "Mbinda" Afonso, U.S.A. Wamwachai Marere, Kenya Vargas Liosa Gonzalo, Switzerland Wandira-Kazibwe Specioza, Uganda Vaz Turpin Francisca, Guinee Bissau Wanendeya Ida M.. Uganda Veiga Monteiro llda Ester, Cap Vert Wangari Maathai, Kenya Verdelhan-Cayre Genevieve, France Wanjohi Sarah, Kenya Vicens Fatimata, Senegal Ward Amelia, Liberia Vinogradov Yuri, Ethiopia Wasso Kisse Gina, Rep. Dem. du Congo VoikovVladmir, Ethiopia Waters CherriD., U.S.A. Waters Maxine, U.S.A. Weber Norman, Seychelles Weddady Mohamed M., Ethiopia Wee vivienne, Singapore Wege Francoise, Ethiopia Weiss Edda, Austria Weich Gita, Zimbabwe Page 39 sur 42 Wondemagegnehu Tsigereda, Ethiopia Weidetesae Tektina, Ethiopia Wong Danielle, Mauritius Weldetinsaye Almaz, Ethiopia Worker Anne, U.S.A. Weidu Weredweld, Ethiopia Worku Yelifign, Ethiopia Wendt Susanne, Denmark Worku Yelfign, Ethiopia Were Miriam K., Ethiopia Wesseh Medina, Liberia Wetherell Gordon, Ethiopia Whaiey J. David, South Africa Wierda Vincent, Ethiopia Wiersma Marijn, Ethiopia Wilhelmsen Merete K., Norway Will Harry, Sierra Leone Williams Mike, U.S.A. Williams David, Ethiopia Wilmot Jacob Botwe, U.S.A. Winn Julie, Ethiopia Wodajo Kifle, Ethiopia Wolde Grebriel Wudassie, Ethiopia Wolde Mariam Mesfin, Ethiopia Wolde Michael Fanta, Ethiopia Wolde Yohannes Joseph, Ethiopia Woldie Woredewold, Ethiopia Pase 40 sur 42 Yusuf Sifikisu, Nigeria Yacoubou M. Fassassi A., U.SA. Yacoumopoulau Lena, U.S.A. Yaker Layashi, France Yamine Djeflouii, Niger Yaou Aissatou, Cameroun Yeboah E., Ghana Yere Naminata, Cote d'lvoire Yere Lobognon Pierre, Ethiopia Yeshaw Ayalneh, Ethiopia Yeta Matondo Monde, Zambia Yifru Daniel, Ethiopia Yihindula Ngombe-Ya-Mwami, Niger Yilma W.E., Ethiopia Yisa Sarah, Ethiopia Yohannes Mahtsente, Ethiopia Yohannes Dawit, Ethiopia Yohannes Kelly, Ethiopia Yohannes Mahitsente, Ethiopia Yologaza Jonas, Republique centrafricaine Yost Carol, U.S.A. Yougbare Leon, Burkina Faso Page 41 sur 42 Zulu Eulana. Kenya Zwart Gine, Netherlands Zaatout D., Ethiopie Zambetakis Sirpa, Ethiopia Zambeze Amelia, Mozambique Zamchiya J.M., Zimbabwe Zami Brigitte, Republique Centrafricaine Zampalegre Adama, Ethiopia Zandameia Aiexandre Da C, Ethiopia Zang Samuel Roger, Ethiopia Zaouche Hamid. Ethiopia Zaoude Aster, Senegal Zarrouk Naziha, Tunisie Zeineb 8echedly, Tunisie Zelleke Guenet, Ethiopia Zambani Evance Felix, Malawi Zeoude Aster, Ethiopia Zewide Gennet, Ethiopia Zim Lazarus, South Africa Zimpita Patricia, Malawi Zongo Lea, Burkina Faso Zouad Bouaiem, Aigerie Page 42 sur 42 ORGANIZATIONS Remark: As for the Persons, for size constraints, only the Name and the country of residence of the organizations entered in the database have been printed. 72 THE AFRICAN.CENTRE_FOR WOMEN'SNETWORXS Listing of Organizations A Africa Confidential (London), United Kingdom ABANTU for Development, United Kingdom ABANTU for Development, Kenya ABANTU for-Development, Nigeria Africa Council for Communication Education (ACCE), Kenya Africa Division, United Kingdom Africa Japan Forum, Abebech Gobena Orphanage and School, Japan Africa Leadership Forum, Ethiopia U.S.A. Africa Numero 1 (Libreville), Academy for Educational Development, Gabon U.S.A. Africa Policy Information Center, Action for Development, Uganda Action for Development, Mauritius Africa Recovery (NY), U.S.A. U.S.A. African American Institute, U.S.A. Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce, Ethiopia African Center for Applied Research and Training in Social Development, Libya Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia Adolescence in Nigeria, Nigeria African Centre for Democracy and Human Right Studies, Gambia Advisory Commitee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, UNHQ, U.S.A. African Centre for Development & Strategic Africa Alliance of Young Men's Christian African Centre for Empowerment, Gender and Studies, Nigeria Associations, Advocacy, Africa Alliance of Young Men's Christian African Centre for Magazine Publishing, Associations, Africa Analysis, Kenya Ethiopia Kenya African Centre for Magazine Publishing, Kenya Nigeria Page 1 sur 29 African Centre for Monetary Studies, African Regional Center for Technology, Senegal Senegal African Centre of Meteorological Applications and Development, Niger African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights, Gambia African Communications Agency, African Development Bank, U.S.A. Cote d'lvoire United Kingdom African Women Media Center, Senegal African Women's Development and Communication Network, Kenya Kenya African Youth Coordination on Development and Environment, Kenva African Federation of Women Ghana African Gender Institute, University of Cape Town, African Regional Organization for Standardisation, Kenya African Topics (London), African Economic Research Consortium, Entrepreneurs, African Regional Industrial Property Organization, Zimbabwe Africana Studies & Research Center, U.S.A. South Africa Africaribe Micro enterprise Network, U.S.A. African Institute for Economic Development and Planning, Senega! Afro-Latin Women's Network, Costa Rica African Institute for Higher Technical Training adn Research, Kenya Agence de fa Francophonie, African Network of People living with HIV/AIDS in Togo, Agence France Presse (Nbo), Senegal France Kenya Ahfed Reproductive Health Centre, African Network on Ethics, Law and HIV, Sudan Senegal Akina Mama Wa Afrika, United Kingdom African Organization for Cartography and Remote Sensing, Algerie Ai-Ahram, African Refugee Foundation, Egypt Nigeria All Africa Conference of Churches, Kenya African Regional Center for Engineering Design and Manufacturing, Nigeria AH Africa Students Union, African Regional Center for Solar Energy Research, Uganda Alf African Business Women Association, Burundi Kenya Pa°e 2 sur 29 ^^[^s^^.ii&'^TT^L^a^^^ Ambassade de la Repubiique Gabonaise, Alliance Cooperative Internationale - Bureau de I'Afrique de I'Ouest, Burkina Faso Ambassade de Belgique, Ambassade de France, ^ Ethiopia Ambassade de la Repubiique Rwandaise, Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ambassade de la Repubiique Tunisienne, Ethiopia Ambassade de la Repubiique Algerienne Populaire et Democratique, Ethiopia Ambassade de la Repubiique d'Angola, Ethiopia Ambassade de Suisse, Ethiopia Ambassade de Tunisie, Ethiopia Ambassade du Burkina Faso, Ambassade de la Repubiique de Bulgarie, Ethiopia Ethiopia Ambassade du Cameroun, Ethiopia Ambassade de la Repubiique de Cote d'lvoire, Ethiopia Ambassade du Canada, Ethiopia Ambassade de la Repubiique de Djibouti, Ethiopia Ambassade du Gabon, Ambassade de ia Repubiique de Guinee, Ambass-rfe du Royaume du Maroc, Ethiopia Ambassade du Senegal, Ambassade de la Repubiique de Guinee Equatorial Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ambassade du Tchad, Ambassade de la Repubiique de Madagascar, Ethiopia Ethiopia ANFECOM, Ambassade de la Repubiique Democratique du Congo, Ethiopia Ethiopia Ambassade de la Repubiique du Burundi, Angola Radio (Luanda), AP TV (Nairobi), Angola Kenya Ethiopia Apostolic Nuncio of the Hoiy See, Ambassade de la Repubiique du Mali, Ethiopia Ethiopia Arab Maghreb Union, Maroc Ambassade de la Repubiique du Niger, Ethiopia Arab Office for Youth and Environment, Egypt Ambassade de la Repubiique du Senegal, Ethiopia Asahi Shimbun (Washington), Page 3 sur 29 U.S.A. , .. im Association of African Tax Administration, Asian Centre for Enterpreneurial.lnitiatives, "Camerdun ''""" '■■:B"rn^:"- India Association of African Trade Promotion Organization, Maroc Asian Centre for Entrepreneurial Initiatives, India Association of African Women for Research and Development (AAWORD)/AFARD), Assemblee nationale de ia Repubiique Rwandaise, Rwanda Senegal Associacao des Mulheres de Actividades Economicas, Guinee Bissau Association pour la Promotion de la femme Senegalaise, Associates for Change Int'l Consultants, Association pour le Progres et ia Defense des Droits des Femmes Maliennes (APDF), Mali Uganda Association des Femmes de I'Afrique de I'Ouest, Senegal Association Tunisienne Femmes pour un Developpement Durabie, Tunisie Association des femmes Pag-La-Yiri de Zabre, Burkina Faso Ateiier Mar, Senegal Association Emploi de Jeunes, Algerie Awash international Bank S.C., Ethiopia BahaT International Community, Ethiopia B Association Internationale des Femmes Francophones, Mauritanie Association Marocaine des Droits des Femmes, Cap Vert Austrian Embassy Development Cooperation, Ethiopia Association des Professionnelles Africaines de la Communication, Senegal Maroc Banco de Mocambique, Mozambique Association Marocaine pour ia promotion de la femme rurale, Maroc Banco national de Angoia, Association Mauritanienne des Pratiques traditionnelles ayant efet sur la Sante des Femmes et des Enfants, Mauritanie Association Nationale des Femmes de Dekhil, Bank of Abyssinia, Ethiopia Bank of Botswana, Botswana Djibouti Bank of Eritrea, Eritrea Bank of Ghana, Ghana Association of African Central Banks, Senegal Page 4 sur 29 Angola Bank of Mauritius;- Banque centrafe des Etats deJ'Afrique centrale, Guinee equatoriale Mauritius- r^t^ Bank of Namibia, Namibia's Own Central Bank, Banque centrale des Etats de I'Afrique Namibia centrale, Bank of Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone Banque centrale des Etats de I'Afrique centrale, Bank of Sudan, Congo Cameroun Sudan Banque centrale des Etats de I'Afrique de Bank of Tanzania, I'Ouest, Tanzania Senegal Banque centrale des Etats de I'Afrique de Bank of Uganda, Uganda I'Ouest, Bank of Zambia, Zambia Banque centrale des Etats de I'Afrique de I'Ouest, Banque Al-Maghrib, Maroc Senegal Tchad Banque centrale des Etats de I'Afrique de I'Ouest, Cote d'lvoire Banque central des Etats de I'Afrique de I'Ouest, Benin Banque centrale des Etats de I'Afrique de i'Ouest, Banque Centrale d'Egypte, Burkina Faso Egypte Banque centrale des Etats de I'Afrique dc I'Ouest, Banque centrale de la Republique democratique du Congo, RDC Mali Banque centrale des Etats de I'Afrique de I'Ouest, Banque centrale de Madagascar, Niger Madagascar Banque d'Algerie, Banque centrale de Mauritanie, Algerie Mauritanie Banque de Cap Vert, Cap Vert Banque centrale de Sao Tome & Principe, Sao Tome & Principe Banque centrale des Comores, Banque de la Republique de Guinee, Comores Banque de la Republique du Burundi, Burundi Banque centrale des Etats d'Afrique centrale, Gabon Banque nationale de Djibouti, Banque centrale des Etats de I'Afrique centrale, Republique centrafricaine Djibouti Banque nationale de Guinee-Bissau, Guinee Bissau Page5sur29 Guinee -Banque rationale du Rwanda, BAOBAB School, Cabinet de la Cooperation au Rwanda Developpement, Botswana Belgium Caisse Francaise de Developement, Ethiopia BASICS/ESHE/USAID, Ethiopia Caisse Francaise de developpement, BBC World Service (London), France United Kingdom Canadian international Development Agency, Bellanet International Secretariat, Canada Canada Cape Town University, Black Lion School, Ethiopia CARE El Salvador, Board Member, South Africa U.S.A Zambia Care International in Ethiopia, Ethiopia Botswana Family Welfare Association, Botswana Care USA Human Resources Department, U.S.A. Botswana Head of Sate Delegation, Botswana Caribbean Association for Feminist Research & Action, Trinidad & Tobago Botswana High commission, Zambia Carnegie Corporation of New York, U.S.A. Carnegie Corporation of New York, Lesotho Botswana Information and Broadcasting, Botswana BRAC Centre, Catholic Church Integrated Development Project (Caritas Netherlands), Ethiopia Bureau Consulting Development Communication, Tunisie Catholic University, Bureau de I'Assemblee Nationale, Bureau de Suivi des ONG, Cameroun Burkina Faso Peru CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Center for Development & Population Activities, U.S.A. Centra! Africa Clearing House, du Congo CAB international - Regional office for Africa, India Kenya Central Africa Mineral Resources Development Centre, Page 6 sur 29 Congo Rep. Dem. Central African Customs and Economic UNion, Republique Centrafricaine Centre for African Family Studies, Central Bank of Egypt, Africa Centre for Applied Legal Studies, Egypt Central Bank of Gambia, Central Bank of Kenya, South Centre for Development & Population Activities, U.S.A. The Gambia Kenya Centre for Development & Population Activities, Central Bank of Lesotho, Kenya Nigeria Lesotho Centre for Environment, Gender & Development, Central Bank of Libya, Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Central Bank of Nigeria, Centre for the Strategic initiatives of Women, U.S.A. Nigeria Central Bank of Seychelles, Central Bank of Swaziland, Centra! Bureau of Statistics, Singapore Centre for the Study of Adolescence, -Kenya Seychelles Centre National Hospitalier et Universitaire, Swaziland Benin Kenya Centre Regional Africain de Technologie, Senegal Centre Africain pour les Applications de la Meteorologie au Developpement, Niger Centra Flora Tristan: Women & Gender issues, Peru Centre d'Etudes pratiques de la negociation internationale (CEPN1), Switzerland Channel Africa (Johannesburg), Centre d'information & de Liaison des ONG, CHE,. South Africa Ethiopia Tchad Christian Health Association of Malawi, Centre d'information des Nations Unies, Malawi France Christian Relief and Development Agency, Centre de Recherche, d'Etudes, de Documentation et d'information sur la Femme, Ethiopia Tunisie CIDA - Programme Support Unit, Kenya Centre des Innovations pour Deveiopement, Mauritanie Citizens Civic Education, Centre des Recherches, D'Etudes, de Documentation et d'information sur la Civil Service Commission, Women's Affairs Femmes, Department, Tunisie Page 7 sur 29 Ethiopia Cameroun Coalition Women's Agency, Iran Conseii des ONG en activite au Benin, Collaborative Centre for Gender and Development, Kenya Benin Conseii des Organisations NonGouvernementales d'Appui au Developpement, Senegal Coflectif des Associations Feminines et ONG Burundaises, Burundi Conseii Inter-ONG en Centrafrique, Repubiique Centrafricaine Collectif des ONG Actives en Cote d'lvoire, Cote d'lvoire Conseii National de Concertation et de Cooperation des Ruraux, Collectif des Organismes de Participation au Developpement, Cameroun Senegal Conseii national des ONG de developpement du Congo, Rep. Dem. du Congo Comite International des Femmes Africaines pour le developpement centrafrique, Republique Centrafricaine Conseiller Special du President de la Republique Bamako, Mali Comite National de Concertation des ONG Constituency for Africa, Feminines, Congo Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Commission Europeenne, U.S.A. Consultation Regionale ONG de Jeunesse, Ethiopia Burkina Faso Belgium Coordinating Committee of Arab Peace Organisations, Egypt Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, U.S.A. Coordination des ONG/Associations/Femmes du Burkina,. Burkina Faso Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, Corporate Planning and Resource Zambia Management, Commonwealth Secretariat, U.S.A. South Africa Councii for Economic Empowerment of Women in Africa, Commonwealth Secretariat, Kenya United Kingdom Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa, Community Aid Abroad (Oxfam Australia), Ethiopia CREDE SA Universite, Conference des ONG ayant des relations Consultatives avec ies Nations Unies, U.S.A. Congress of South African Trade UNions, South Africa Page8sur29 Senegal Benin Cure de la Recherche Scientifique, Senegal Disaster Prevention & Preparedness Commission, Women's Affairs Department, D Ethiopia Dashen Bank, Ethiopia Division Femmes et Enfants, Dawa Relief and Rehabilitation Welfare, Division for Global Cooperation, Ethiopia Delegue a la PI an ifi cation, Burkina Faso Sweden Division for the Advancement of Women, 15 U.S.A. Department for Global Issues. Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway Dunia Weekly (Nbo), Kenya Department for International Development, United Kingdom East African/Nation (Nbo), Department of Administration & Management, U.S.A. Eastern African Sub-Regional Support initiative for the Advancement of women, Department of Development Cooperation, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Kenya Austria Uganda Department of Foreign Affairs and international Trade, Canada Eastern and Southern Africa Management Department of Foreign Affairs and international Trade, Burkina Faso Eastern and Southern African Mineral Resources Development Centre, Tanzania Department of Home Science Extension Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Thailand Education, Institute, India Department of Human Resources, Economic and Social Commission for India Western Asia, Department of Women Affairs Office of the President, Development & inter-Church Aid Economic Commission for Africa, Ethiopia Ethiopia Economic Commission for Africa, African Ethiopia Development Innovations and networks, Centre for Women, Zimbabwe Economic Commission for Africa, Cabinet Direction General de la Promotion Feminine, Lebanon Economic Commissio for Africa, Conference and General Services Division, Ethiopia Namibia Commission, Tanzania Office of the Executive Secretary, Togo Page 9 sur 29 30 Economic Commission for Europe, Economic Commission for Africa, Development Information Services Division, Switzerland Ethiopia Economic Commission for Africa, Development Management Division, Ecanomic Commission for Latin America and Chile ' " the Caribbean, Ethiopia Economic Commission for Africa, ECA Project on the Promotion of the informal Sector for Development in Africa, Ethiopia Economic Community of Central African States, Gabon Economic Community of Great Lakes Countries, Rwanda Economic Commission for Africa, Economic and Social Policy Division, Ethiopia Economic Community of West African States, Economic Commission for Africa, Food Security and Sustainable Development Division, Nigeria Economic Development institute - World Ethiopia Bank, U.S.A. Economic Commission for Africa, Human Resources System Management Division, Embassy of the Republic of Kenya, Ethiopia Ethiopia Economic Commission for Africa, Programme Planning, Finance and Evaluation Division, Embassy of the R epubiic of Sierra Leone, Ethiopia Ethiopia Embassy of Angola, Ethiopia Economic Commission for Africa, Regional Cooperation and Integration Division,, Ethiopia Embassy of Canada, Economic Commission for Africa, SubRegional Development Centre for Central Embassy of Germany, Africa, Economic Commission for Africa, SubRegional Development Centre for Eastern Embassy of India, Ethiopia Embassy of Iran, Economic Commission for Africa, SubRegional Development Centre for Northern Africa, Maroc Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Zambia Embassy of Italy, Economic Commission for Africa, SubRegional Development Centre for Western Africa, Embassy of Israel, Ethiopia Ethiopia Embassy of Ireland, Economic Commission for Africa, SubRegional Development Centre for Southern Africa, Ethiopia Cameroun Embassy of Greece, Africa, Ethiopia Niger Pasel0sur29 Ethiopia ^4^^^^ Embassy of Japan, Embassy of the Republic of Nigeria, Ethiopia Ethiopia Embassy of Malawi, Ethiopia Embassy of Namibia, Embassy of the Republic of Austria, Ethiopia Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon, Ethiopia Embassy of Netherlands, Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Cuba, Embassy of Romania, Ethiopia Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Finland, Embassy of South Africa, Ethiopis Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Ghana, Embassy of Spain, Ethiopia Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of India, Embassy of Sweden, Ethiopia Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia," Embassy of Switzerland, Embassy of Tanzania, Ethiopia Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Ethiopia Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Liberia, Ethiooia Embassy of the Republic of Malawi, Ethiopia Ethiopia Embassy of the Czech Republic, Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Mauritius, Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Ethiopia Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique, Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Ethiopia Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Namibia, Ethiopia Embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Embassy of the Holy See (Vatican), Ethiopia Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of South Africa, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ethiopia Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Turkey, Embassy of the Kingdom of Lesotho, Ethiopia Pagellsur29 Ethiopia Environmental Law & Land Use Law, Embassy of the Republic of Uganda, Ethiopia Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Yemen, Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Zambia, Ethiopia Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Ethiopia Embassy of the Republid of Sudan, Ethiopia '" ""'" * ^—"^ Equal Opportunities for All Trust Fund, Tanzania Ethiopia/NTO, Ethiopia Ethiopian Aid, Ethiopia Ethiopian Airlines, Ethiopia Ethiopian Gemini Trust, Embassy of the Russian Federation, Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopian Human Rights Council, Embassy of the State of Eritrea, Ethiopia Embassy of the State of Kuwait, Ethiopia Ethiopian Television, Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopian Television Oromo Programme, Embassy of the State of Palestine, Embassy of the United Kingdom, Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopian Tourism Commission, Ethiopia Ethiopian Women Entrepreneurs Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania, Ethiopia Association, Embassy of the United States of America, Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association, Ethiopia Ethiopia Emerging Technologies Univ. of Technology Services, Ethiopia Etobicoke Lakeshore, Canada Etv. Oromo Program, Ethiopia U.S.A. Enda-Syspro, Senegal European Commission to Ethiopia, Entoto School, Ethiopia Ethiopia Environment and Development in the Third World (ENDA SYNFEV), Senegal Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Environmental Development Action in the Third World, Senegal Germany Federal Ministry of Industry, Page 12 sur 29 Nigeria Federal Ministry of Women Affairs, Ethiopia--,—..- . _ Foundation Palmares, _ Brazil Federation des Associations Feminines du Cameroun, Cameroun Federation des ONG du Togo, Gender & Development Consultant, Togo Federation of African Women Peace Networks, Rwanda Femme Deveioppement en Afrique, Femmes Africa Solidarite, Gender Equity Support Project, Kenya Gender in Developement Office of the President, Zambia Senegal Switzerland Fond des Nations Unies pour, Trinidad & Tobago Ghana Associate of Private Voluntary Organisations in Development, Ghana Guinee Equatoriale Ghana Association of Women Enterpreneurs, Ghana . Fond des Nations Unies pour la Population, Senegal Ghana Association of Women Entrepreneurs, Ghana Fondation Antoine Francois Assoumou, Cameroun Ghana National Council on Women and Development, Ghana Fondation NDADAYE Melchior pour les droits de 1'homme, Ethiopia Global Coalition for Africa, Food and Agriculture Organization, Ethiopia Food and Agriculture Organization, Italy Foreign Affairs, Congo Forum for African Women Educationalists, Kenya Maroc U.S.A. Global Fund for Women, U.S.A. Global Women in Politics, U.S.A. Grassroots Development, Senegal et Social en Afrique, Forum of African Voluntary Development Organisations (FAVDO), Global Fund for Women, Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Democratie et le Deveioppement Economique Forum Maghrebin pour I'Environnement et !e Deveioppement, Senegal U.S.A. Benin H Foundation for Community Development, H.H.W. & Associates, Mozambique Page 13 sur 29 Ethiopia Head of Federation, Inter Press Service (Nbo), Ethiopia Inter-Action, Heinrich-Boll-Foundation, Horn of Africa, Kenya U.S.A. Ethiopia Inter-Parliamentary Union, Her Britannic Majesty's Embassy, Switzerland Ethiopia International Agricultural Institute, Hope for Women, Netherlands Ethiopia Horn of Africa Peace Centre, International Associates for Development, Ethiopia Canada House of Federation of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ethiopia House of People's Representatives, International Centre for Research on Women, U.S.A. Ethiopia International Councii on Social Welfare, Mauritius International Development Research Kenya Centre, Inades-Formation, Cote d'lvoire Indian Ocean Commission, International Development Research Centre, South Africa Mauritius International Federation of Women Lawyers, Innovacion Y Redes Para El Desarollo, Kenya Zimbabwe International Institute for African Research, Institut panafricain pour le developpement, Nigeria Cameroun International Islamic Federation of Student Institut panafricain pour le developpement, Organizations, Sudan Cameroun Institute of Economic Growth, Institute of Social Studies, Internationai Labour Organisation, India Cote d'lvoire Netherlands International Labour Organisation, Switzerland Institute estudios de la Mujer, Universidad nacionai Heredia, Costa Rica International Labour Organization, Switzerland inter Africa Group, Ethiopia Inter African Committee, International Labour Organization, Ethiopia Page 14 sur 29 Ethiopia K International Livestock Reseach Institute, Ethiopia Kenya Empowerment Centre, International of Alert Working for the Resolution of Conflict, United Kingdom Kenya Kenya Medical Women's Association, Kenya International Organisation for Migration, Ethiopia Kifumwa Garden- Women Development Wing, Tanzania International Organisation for Migration (IOM), Switzerland King World, U.S.A. International Organizations & Economic Cooperation General Directorate, Ethiopia International Planned Parenthood Federation, Kenya L' Association pour la Promotion de la Femme, Senegal International Women's Tribune Centre, U.S.A. L'Assembiee Nationale du Togo, International ZONTA pour i'Afrique, Togo Togo I'Association des Femmes Juristes du Niger, Niger Interpress, Benin Irish Aid Development Cooperation Division, Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland I'Association rassemblement Action Jeunesse, Algerie L'Autre Afrique (Paris), Italian Cooperation, France Ethiopia L'institute de !a Condition Feminine, Cap Vert J La Commission des femmes travailleuse de I'ODESTA, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Senegal Ethiopia La Confederation internationaie Syndicats iibres, Japanese NGO Center for International Cooperation, Tunisie Japan La Republica De Las Mujeres, JESSF/CiDES, Uruguay Benin League for Woman and Child Education, Cameroun Jeune Afrique (Paris), France League of Angolan Women, Page 15 sur 29 16 Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Les meilleures textiles du Cameroun, Employement, Cameroun Lesotho Council of NGOs, Fisheries, Liaison Unit of Non-Governmental Organisations, Seychelles Liberian Women Initiative, 'iii'-"._v*£' Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry & Lesotho Liberian Marketing Association, Ireland -'-"' Uganda Ministere de Jeunesse, Guinee Ministere de ('Action Sociale et de la Liberia Famiile, Liberia Senegal Ministere de I'Action Sociale et de la Famiile, Tchad Ligue Nationale de Defense des Droits de i'Homme, Niger Ministere de I'Action Sociale et de la Famiile, Burkina Faso Longwe Clarke & Associates, Zambia Ministere de ['Agriculture, Burkina Faso Ministere de I'Agriculture, Tchad Ministere de ('Agriculture, Rep. Dem. du M Makerere University, Uganda Congo Malta-Franciscan International Ethiopia, Ministere de I'Economie et des Finances, Mano River Union, Ethiopie Sierra Leone Maroc/Tunisie/APROFE, Ministere de I'Economie et des Finances, Tunisie Maseru Council of Social Services, Cameroun Mauritius Mauritius Ministere de ['Education Nationale et de la Condition Feminine, Gabon Mauritius Expert Processing Zone Mauritius McNeil Construction, Guinee Bissau Ministere de I'Education Nationale et de la Condition Feminine, Gabon Mauritius Council of Social Services, Association, Ministere de I'Education, Ministere de I'Education, Culture et Sports, U.S.A. Sao Tome et Principe MEHSWAGUN Community Development Project, Ministere de I'Enseignement Technique et de la Formation Professioneile, Congo Liberia Migrations & Developpement Local, Maroc Pagel6sur29 Ministere de I'lntegration Regionale, Burkina raso Ministere de la promotion de la Famille et des Affaires Sodale, -■ Republique Centrafricaine Ministere de la condition Feminine, Ministere de la Promotion de la Femme, Cameroun Burundi Ministere de la Culture et de la Communication, Cote d'lvoire Ministere de la Promotion de la Femme, Ministere de la Famille et de I'lntegration de la Femme au Dev't, Mali Ministere de la Promotion de la Femme, Burkina Faso Congo Ministere de la Famille et de I'lntegration la Femme au Developpement, Congo Ministere de la Sante, de la Protection Sociaie et de la Condition Feminine, Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, Congo Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, Guinee Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, Algerie Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, Faso Burkina Ministere de la Famille et de la Promotion de !a Femme, Cote d'lvoire Ministere de la Femme et de la Famille, Tunisie Ministere de la Femme, de I'Enfant et de la Famille, Senegal Ministere de la fonction Pubiique du Travail et de la Protection Social, Togo Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, Ministere de la Fonction Pubiique du Travail et de la Protection Sociaie, Togo Ministere des Affaires Sociales de la Luxembourg Solidarity nationale, Republique Centrafricaine Ministere de la Planification du Developpement et de la Reconstruction, , Ministere des Affaires Sociales et de la Promotion Feminine, Guinee Burundi Ministere de la Planification et du Deveioppement Economique, Ministere des Affaires Sociales et de la Togo Promotion Feminine et de I'Enfance, Ministere de la Prevision Economique et du Plan, Maroc Ministere des Affaires Sociales et Famille, Rep. Dem. du Congo Ministere de !a Programmation et de Promotion de I'Entreprise Prive, Congo Ministere des finances, Ministere de la Programmation, de la Ministere des Relations Exterieures, Privatisation et de la Promotion de I'Entreprise Privee Nationale, Congo Pagel7sur29 Guinee Cameroun Algerie Ministere du Developpement Industrie! et Commercial, Cameroun Ministry of Community development, Women Affairs and Children, Tanzania Ministere du Developpement Rural, Ministry of Culture, Benin Ministere du developpement social de la population de la promotion de la femme et de la protection de I'enfant, Niger Brazil Ministry of Economic Development & Cooperation, Ethiopia Ministry of Economic Development and Ministere du Plan, Cooperation, Mauritanie Ethiopia Ministry of Economic Development and Regional Co-operation, Mauritius Ministere Promotion de la FamiUe Affaires Sociale Solidarity Nationale, Republique Centrafricaine Ministry of Economy and Planning, Maroc Mintsterio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, Spain Ministery of Foreign Affairs, Ministry for Agriculture, Ministry for Cooperation, Ministry of Education, Gambia Ministry of Education, Ethiopia Ministry of Education, Ghana Finland Uganda France Ministry For Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Sports, Finland Ministry of External Relation, Women's Affairs Department, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Helsinki, Uganda Sudan Finland Ministry of Finance, Ministry for Home Affairs, Swaziland Ministry of Finance, Ministry for Youths, Ethiopia Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture, Liberia Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Zambia Ministry of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Sierra Leone Ministry of Community Development and Sociai Services, Zambia Pagel8sur29 Angola Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Iran Ministry of Insurance and Social Affairs, Egypt ■'■: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ethiopia Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ethiopia Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Botswana Ministry of Foreign Affairs - DGCS, Ministry of Justice, Eritrea Ministry of Justice, Ethiopia Ministry of Justice, Ethiopia Ministry of Jutice, Italy Ethiopia Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs, Botswana Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Japan Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danish international Development Agency, Ethiopia Denmark Ministry of Land, Swaziland Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Ministry of Land, Ressettlement and Rehabilitation, Namibia Ministry of Gender and Community Development, Uganda Ministry of Lands, Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Affairs, Ministry of National Affairs, Employment creation and Cooperatives, Zimbabwe Rwanda Ministry of Health, Ethiopia Ministry of Petreoium, Ministry of Health and Social Services, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Planning and Economic Mali Development, Kenya Uganda Ministry of Planning and National Development, Ministry of Industry, Angola Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs, Namibia Ministry of Health Solidarity, Zambia Kenya Nigeria ministry of social action, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Mali Ministry of Information and Culture, Women's Affairs Department. Ethiopia Pasel9sur29 Ministry of Social Affairs and Women's Development, Guinee Equatoriale 9 Mouvement National des Femmes pour la sauvegarde de la paix et de I'unite „: nationale, Mali Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children's Affairs, Sierra Leone .. - Ministry of Socials Affairs & Women Promotion, Guinee Bissau Ministry of Trade and industry, Mouvements des Meres Tunisiennes, Tunisie Ethiopia Mozambique National Association for Rural women in Development, Mozambique Ministry of Transport and Communication, Ethiopia Multilateral Co-operation Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan Ministry of Transport and Communication, Ethiopia N Ministry of Water Resources, Ethiopia NATEL1CA, Ministry of Women Affairs & Social Development, Nigeria U.S.A. National Bank of Ethiopia, Ethiopia ■"- Ministry of Women Youth and Community Services, Malawi National Bank of Liberia, Ministry of Women's Affairs, Congo National Centre1 for Women Devlopment, Ministry of Women's Affairs, Indonesia Ministry of Women's Affairs, Congo Nigeria National Commission for Women, Minstry of Lands Housing & Country Planning, Sierra Leone Mission permanente de la Republique du Congo aupres de ['Organisation des Nations Unies, Liberia India National Council of Negro Women, U.S A. National Council of Negro Women, Egypt National Economic Council, Malawi U.S.A. National Federation of STP Women, Sao Tome et Principe Mission permanente du CICR aupres de I'OUA, Ethiopia National Network of Homeworkers, Philippines MNet (Jo'burg), South Africa National Professional Media Women, Cameroun Mother + Child African Relief Organisation, U.S.A. National Public Radio South Africa, Africa Page20sur29 South National Union of Eritrean Women, National Women's Council, Eritrea Organisation des Jeunesses ELIP pour le Development des Actrvrtes Feminines, Cameroun Gambia Organisation of African Trade Union, Ghana Netherlands Development Organization, Rwanda Organisation pour la promotion et le Netherlands Organization for International Development Cooperation, New York Times (Nairobi), developpemnt des initiatives commUNautaires, Madagascar Netherlands Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, France Kenya Organization for Social Science Research in NGO Liaison and Constituency Relations Branch Focal Point, Division for Public Affairs, U.S.A. Eastern and Southern Africa, Ethiopia Organization of African Unity, Ethiopia Nigerian Agency for Voluntary Development Organizations, Nigeria Organization of Rural Associations for Progress, Zimbabwe Norwegian Agency for International Development, Norway Oromia Region, Ethiopia O OAU Ladies Association, Ethiopia Pact Ethiopia, Ethiopia Office of Congressman Jim McDermott, U.S.A. Pan African Women Organization, Office of Programme Planning, Budget & Accounts, Pan-African Employers Confederation, U.S.A. Mauritius Office of the Deputy President I.M. Mbeki, PANA (Dakar), South Africa Office of the Prime Minister, Parliament/Forum for Women in Uganda Democracy, Austria Organisation de jeunesse, Senegal Panafrican Emergency Training Center, WHO, Ethiopia Ethiopia Office of the Vice President, Uganda, OPEC Fund, Angola Benin Page 21 sur 29 Uganda Partnership Africa Canada, Canada Partnership Africa Canada, Ethiopia Partnership Africa Canada, R Canada People's Bureau of the Great Soocialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Ethiopia Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel, Burkina Faso RADEV, Ethiopia Radio DW (Addis Ababa), Ethiopia Radio Netherlands (Hilversum), Netherlands Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the United Nations, U.S.A. Region 14 Administration, Plateforme des ONG du Cap Vert, Ethiopia Cap Vert Region 14, Women's Affairs Department, Ethiopia Population Affairs Office, Women's Affairs Department, Ethiopia Port Management Association of Eastern and Kenya Regional Center for Services in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Kenya Southern Africa, Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys, Nigeria Port Management Association of North Africa, Tunisie Port Management Association of West and Central Africa, Nigeria Regional Institute for Demographic Research and Training, Cameroun Regional Institute for Population Studies, Ghana Prime Ministers Office, Ethiopia Regional Project on HIV and Development for Sub-Saharan Africa, Senegal Prince Claus Fund for Cultural and Development, Netherlands Regional Remote Sensing Center, Pro-femmes Network, Rwanda PRO-FEMMES TWESE HAMWE, Project Parity, Rwanda United Kingdom Reseau Africain pour la Promotion de la Femme Travailleuse, Projects of Egyptian Youth Supported by the UNIDO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Egypt Niger Page 22 sur 29 Niger Reseau de Communication, d'information et de Formation des femmes dans ies ONG au Burkina Faso, Senega! Promotion des Activites Feminines, Senegal Reseau d'integration et de diffusion du droit en milieu rural, Projet d'Appui aux GPF, Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Reseau des Femmes pour la Paix et la non Burundi violence, ^i£^^yj^_4^ Reseau Femmes et developpement, Comores Reseau Ivoirien des Femmes Entrepreneurs, Royal Norwegian Embassy, Ethiopia Rural Women's Association, Mauritius Cote d'lvoire Rural Women's Association of Liberia, Liberia Reseau Ivoirien des Organisations Feminines, Cote d'lvoire Reseau Ivoirien pour la Promotion de la Sante des Jeunes et des Adolescents, Cote d'lvoire SABAnews, Reseau National Jeunesse et Population, Senegal Reserve Bank of Malawi, Zimbabwe SADDC Task Force for the Implementation of the Plateforms for Action, Botswana Malawi Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, Reuters - African Journal, SASAKAWA - GLOBAL 2000, Ethiopia Save the Children Federation, U.S.A. Zimbabwe Kenya Save the Children Fund, Reuters TV/Visnews (Nbo), United Kingdom Kenya Save the Children Fund (U.K.)Reuters(Nairobi), Kenya Scandia Foundation, RFI (Paris), Ethiopia U.S.A. France Search for Common Ground, Rockefeller Foundation, Burundi Kenya Secretaire d'Etat a la Protection Sociale, Rotary Club, Maroc Ethiopia Rotary Club - Bole, Rotary Club - West, Secretariat d'Etat de la Condition Feminine, Ethiopia Mauritanie Ethiopia Royal Danish Embassy, Secretariat de la Francophonie, Kenya Secretariat Permanent des Organisations Non Gouvemementales, Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, France Burkina Faso Ethiopia Sectoral policy and Review Branch, AUSAID, Royal Netherlands Embassy, Australia Ethiopia Selam Children's Village, Pose 23 sur 29 Ethiopia Senat Gabonais, Gabon Sub-regional office for Southern and Eastern Africa - FAO, Zimbabwe Sero Business Women Association. Tanzania Sudan Council of Churches, Shonga Steel Ltd, SIDA, Zambia Swedish Embassy, Ethiopia Sudan Ethiopia Swedish International Development Agency, Ethiopia Sisterhood for Africa, U.S.A Swedish Save the Children, Smallholder Agribusiness Development Project, Malawi Ethiopia Swedish Save the Children, Radda Barnen, Ethiopia Society for Urban Development in East Africa, Ethiopia Solar Cookers International, U.S.A. Tanzania Media Women's Association, Tanzania Somali Women's Democratic Organization (SWDO), Somalia SOS Women, The Africa Fund, U.S.A. The Africa Fund, U.S.A. Cameroun South African Reserve Bank, South Africa The Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, Gambia Southem African Development Community, Botswana Southern African NGO Network, The British Council, United Kingdom South Africa The Coordinating Assembly of NGOs, Swaziland St. Yoseph School, Ethiopia Standing Committee on Social Policy, Mongoilia State Protocol Guest House, The Express Travel Group, Ethiopia The Green Belt Movement, Kenya Sierra Leone The Guardian, United Kingdom STD/HIV Prevention Programme, Medecins Sans Frontieres, Belgium, Ethiopia The Monitor,. Uganda Studio Ijambo (Bujumbura), The Muslim Women Association, Burundi Page 24 sur 29 Ethiopia The National Woman's Bureau^ ^.Gambia The Netherlands Embassy, Ethiopia Union des Jeunesses Ouest Africaines, Togo ^-"^■- ^ Union InterAfricaine des Droits de I'Homme, Burkina Faso The Ohio State University, U.S.A. The Panos Institute Southern Africa, Zambia The Permanent Mission of League of Arab States to OAU, Ethiopia The Perry Centre, Mauritanie Union Nattonale de !a Femme Tunisienne, Tunisie Union Nationale des Femmes de Djibouti, Liberia Third World Network, Union Mauritaniene des Femmes Entrepreneurs et Commercantes, Djibouti Ghana United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders, u Uganda United Nations Association of Ethiopia, Ethiopia U.K. Mission in New York, Ethiopia U.S. House of Representatives, United Nations Children's Fund, Ethiopia United Nations Children's Fund, Ghsna United Nations Children's Fund, Kenya UNited Nations Children's Fund, U.S.A. U.S.A. Uganda Gender Resource Centre, Uganda Uganda Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance, Uganda Uganda Women's Finance Trust, Uganda United Nations Commission on Women's Rights, U.S.A. Umbrella Organization of Hargeisa Women NGO's, Somaliland United Nations Development Fund for Women, U.S.A. UN Radio (NY), U.S.A. United Nations Development Fund for UN Secretary General Delegation, U.S.A. Nigeria United Nations Development Fund for UNFPA Country Office, Union des Femmes de Djibouti, Women, Women, Djibouti Kenya United Nations Development Fund for Women, Senegal Page25sur29 United Nations Development Fund for United Nations Development Programme, Women, Ethiopia Zimbabwe United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Development Programme, Ma roc Mozambique United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Development Programme, South Africa Algerie United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Development Programme, Burundi Tunisie United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Development Programme, Congo U.S.A. United Nations Deveiopment Programme, United Nations Development Programme, Egypt Rep. Dem. du Congo United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Deveiopment Programme, Uganda Zambia United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Deveiopment Programme, Ghana Mali United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Development Programme, Zimbabwe Malawi United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Development Programme, Namibia Senegal United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, Ethiopia Cote d'lvoire United Nations Educational, Scientific and United Nations Development Programme, Rwanda Cultural Organisation, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, France Kenya Ethiopia United Nations Educational, Scientific and United Nations Development Programme, Cultural Organization, Eritrea Senegal United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Burkina Faso Cultural Organization, Page26sur29 France United Nations Environment Programme, Kenya ~ * ~~ : r~ United Nations System-wide Speciai initiative in Africa, -U.SA United Nations Environment Programme Centre for Human Settlements, Kenya United Nations System-Wide Speciai Initiative United Nations Fund for Population Activities, Ethiopia United Nations University Institute of New Technologies (UNU-INTECH), Netherlands United Nations High Commissioner for United Nations Women's Association, Ethiopia Refugees, on Africa, Ethiopia United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, U.S.A Universite du Maine, Niger Switzerland University Abobo-Adjame, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, Cote d'lvoire Austria University of Abidjan, Cote d'lvoire United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, Ethiopia University of Ibadan, United Nations industrial Development Organization, US Agency for International Development, Ethiopia Ethiopia United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the advancement of Women, Republique Dominica US Agency for International Development, U.S.A. United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), Nigeria US Agency for International Development, Kenya Dominican Republic US Department of State, United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland United Nations Population Fund, U.S.A. United Nations Population Fund, Ethiopia United Nations Population Fund, Senegal Jnited Nations Pooulation Funds, U.S.A. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Switzerland Page27sur29 U.S.A. Vice President Office,Uganda, VoA (Nbo and Addis), VOCA/Ethiopia, Voice of America, Kenya Ethiopia Ethiopia Uganda w Women for Peace, South Africa Women in Development Department, Wabe Children's and Women's Aid, Washington Post (Wash.), Ethiopia Zambia Women in Law and Development in Africa, U.S.A. Zimbabwe Wegagen Bank, Ethiopia Women United for Peace and development, Liberia West Africa Magazine, United Kingdom West African Clearing House, Women's Action Group, Zimbabwe Women's Affairs Sector, Ethiopia Sierra Leone West African Management Development Institute, Nigeria Women's Development Banking, South Africa Western Cape Tertiary Institution's Trust, South Africa Women's Economic Development Organization, WHO ETC, Tanzania Ethiopia Women's Environment & Development Wildaf and National Women's Lobby Group, Organisation, U.S.A Zambia WINROCK, Women's Environment and Development Organization, U.S.A. Senegal Winrock International, Cote d'lvoire Women's General Union, c/o Ministry of Social Affairs & Social Security, Libya Winrock International, U.S.A. Women's National Coalition, South Africa Women's Net - South Africa, South Africa Winrock International Bureau Regional, Cote d'lvoire WMail & Guardian (Jo'burg), South Africa Costa Rica Women Finance Cooperative Zambia Ltd, World Bank, U.S.A. World Bank, Ethiopia Zambia Women for Change, U.S.A. World Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations, Switzerland Women & Development Documentation Centre. Women's World Banking, Zambia Page 28 sur 29 Worid Bank, U.S A. World Bank, U.S.A. Youth Resource Development Council, World Bank Institutional &Social Policy Groups, U.S.A. Worid Food Programme, Ethiopia World Food Programme, Italy Worid Health Organisation, Ethiopia World Health Organisation, Egypt World Health Organisation Office for OAU and EGA, Ethiopia Worid Health Organization, Switzerland World Health Organization, Zambia Worid Space, U.S.A. Worid union of Catholic Women's Organizations, Senegal Worid Vision Australia, Australia Worid Youth Congress on Food and Development, Egypt Woridspace, Ethiopia WorldSpace Foundation, Ethiopia Yamare Solar Energy - Bio Gas RD, Ethiopia Page29sur29
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