montclair state university


montclair state university
48th Annual Fall MACUB Conference
Conference Theme:
Constantino Vetriani, Ph.D.
Life in Deep Sea Vents
Stephanie A. Brachfeld, Ph.D
Life in Antarctica
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Montclair State University
Montclair, New Jersey
The Metropolitan Association of College and
University Biologists
thank the following Affiliate Members for their
Anatomy in Clay
McGraw Hill
Garland Science
Please make every effort to support these affiliate members.
Their participation help us to keep the
registration fees at a reasonable price.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Montclair State University
Montclair, New Jersey
7:30-8:00 AM Vendor set up
8:00 - 9:00 AM
University Hall Conference Center—7th Floor
*Registration and
Continental Breakfast
*Exhibitor Displays
Ballroom, Student Center
*Poster set up.
9:00 - 9:15 AM
University Hall, 7th Floor
* Welcome
* Kathleen Nolan, Ph.D. President, MACUB
* Provost Willard Gingerich
*Quinn Vega Chair Biology/Molecular Biology
9:15 - 10:30 AM
*Introduction: Dirk Vanderklein, Ph.D.
*Keynote Address
Constantino Vetriani, Ph.D.
“Life in Deep Sea Vents”
10:30 - 12:00 PM
*Concurrent Workshops
*Exhibitor Displays
*Poster Presentations
12:00 - 12:45 PM
University Hall-7th Floor
* Luncheon and
Business Meeting
12:45-1:30 P.M.
University Hall-7th Floor
*Introduction: Dirk Vanderklein, Ph.D.
*Second Keynote Address
Stephanie Brachfeld, Ph.D.
Have We Learned about Life
from Expeditions to Antarctica?”
1:30 - 3:30 PM
*Exhibitor Displays
*Poster Presentations—Ballroom
*Concurrent Workshops
*Member Paper Presentations
3:30 - 4:00 PM
University Hall 7th Floor
*Poster Awards
*Ice Cream Social
*Exhibitor Displays
Ice Cream Social is sponsored
by PSE & G Institute
x 1:30-2:30 PM
Workshop 1 1:30-3:30 PM
EDVOTEK—Dr. Brian Ell
Teaching the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
in One Lab Period
Workshop 2
1:30-3:30 PM
ANATOMY IN CLAY—Chuck Roney and
Alyssa Pierdzioch
Understanding Muscle Concepts of Human Anatomy:
Building it in Clay
Workshop 3 1:30-2:30 PM
Barry Nitzberg
Workshop 4
2:30-3:30 PM
SIMBIO—Eli Meir 1:30-2:30 PM
Member Paper Presentations
Session A
RoomMember Paper Presentations
Session B
Montclair State University is
honored to host the 48th Annua
MACUB Conference! Many
members of the Montclair State Universityhave a long established relationship with MACUB, and we look forward to further involving our students and faculty in your activities. The Department of Biology is a
broadly-based department with research areas and course offerings
that span the range of levels of biological organization from molecules
to ecosystems, emphasizing the integrative nature of biological studies. We provide hands-on research training at all levels through a variety of research training programs and courses, integrated with our degree programs.
The Department offers six undergraduate programs, seven graduate
programs and supports the interdisciplinary BS in Science Informatics
and BS/MS in Marine Biology and Coastal Sciences, as well as the
Ph.D. in Environmental Management. We also participate with other
institutions in articulated medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physical therapy, physician assistant, nursing, and doctorate programs.
In reflection of the larger mission of Montclair State University and the
College of Science and Mathematics, the Department of Biology strives
to foster in developing life scientists the ability to critically examine
information and discover new knowledge through rigorous scientific
reasoning. Through research and writing intensive experiences in the
classroom and laboratory, students of the biological sciences develop
the practical and intellectual skills to succeed in rewarding careers and
become productive members of society. The Department offers general
education courses and multiple major degree programs and concentrations at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. These programs
are designed and implemented to promote educational equity and academic excellence through close interactions between faculty and students in the classroom, the research laboratory and in the field. As
with the larger mission of the University and College, the Department
of Biology seeks to develop and support appropriate activities and programs serving the best interests of the region.
A brand new facility:
The Center for Environmental and Life Sciences (CELS) is a 100,000
sq. ft. science facility devoted to environmental and pharmaceutical
life sciences research. The Center allows Montclair State's College
of Science and Mathematics to build on its collaborative culture to
combine strengths across disciplines and build research programs
of exceptional power. In the process, Montclair State University
demonstrates that it can make a large impact on the advancement
of science and technology, especially in the sustainable use of natural resources and improved human health.
Housing the Department of Earth and Environmental Studies,
CSAM's Centers & Institutes, shared core research labs, such as
GIS, interdisciplinary research suites, student study and lounge
areas and classrooms, CELS expands the university's science research infrastructure by 50%, addressing the acute shortage in
higher education research facilities that is driving more highpotential science majors out of state for their education and future
Welcome, MACUB!
Dirk Vanderklen, Ph.D.
Conference Chair, Montclair State University
Quinn Vega
Chairperson, Dept. of Biology and Molecular Biology
Montclair State University
Constantino Vetriani, Ph.D.
Research in my laboratory is focused on: i) the diversity. ecology and evolutionary relationships of deep-sea prokaryotes.
with an emphasis on deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold
seeps. and ii) the microbial adaptations to extreme environmental conditions (e.g.. thermophily. psychrophily). More specifically. we work on the isolation and characterization of novel organisms from deep-sea environments. with an emphasis
on thermophilic Archaea and Bacteria. and we look at community dynamics along chemical and physical gradients at deepsea vents and cold seeps. Our experimental strategies include
standard approaches in marine microbiology. such as enrichment cultures/isolations. and molecular ecological approaches. such as PCR. library construction and screening. sequencing. DGGE. and FISH. Furthermore. in collaboration with
biochemists. we use genetic engineering and biochemical approaches. combined with comparative protein structure modeling. to study the evolutionary adaptive features that allow
microorganisms to thrive in the extreme environmental conditions found in the deep-sea (e.g.. extremely high temperature
found at deep-sea vents). We believe that the integration of
multiple approaches is critical to understand the ecology and
evolution of deep-sea microorganisms.
Stephanie A. Brachfeld, Ph.D.
Stefanie Brachfeld is Professor and Chair of Earth and Environmental
Stud- ies, and Director of the PhD program in Environmental
Management. She is also an adjunct scientist at Lamont Doherty Earth
Observatory of Columbia University, and formerly served as Graduate
Program Coordinator for the Master of Science in Geoscience program.
Her teaching activities span Montclair State University’s General
Education Program, Honors Program, and bachelors, masters, and
doctoral level courses in Earth and Environ- mental Studies. These
include Introductory Marine Science, Advanced Ma- rine Geology,
Honors Seminar in Science, Earth Systems Science, X-ray
Microanalysis, and Research Methods.
Dr. Brachfeld has participated in 10 marine geology and geophysics
expedi- tions to Antarctica, the Arctic Ocean, and North Atlantic Ocean,
several of which included Montclair State University undergraduate and
graduate stu- dents. Dr. Brachfeld’s research has been funded by the
National Science Foundation, National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, Ocean Drilling Program, and Antarctic Drilling Program.
EDVOTEK—Dr. Brian Ell 1:30-3:30 P.M.
Teaching the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in One
In 1984, Dr. Kary Mullis revolutionized the field of molecular
biology when he devised PCR. Mullis discovered that he could
replicate DNA in vitro using short, synthetic DNA primers and
DNA Polymerase I. Furthermore, this method allowed for the
rapid amplification of a selected targeted DNA sequence. Mullis was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993 for developing PCR. Because of its ease of use and its ability to rapidly
amplify DNA, PCR has become indispensable in medical and
life sciences labs, replacing more time- and labor-intensive
methods such as Southern blotting. Today, in this hands-on
workshop, we will analyze a small region of the Bacteriophage
Lambda genome using PCR. This quick and easy experiment
has been optimized so that the entire experiment can be completed in one lab period.
RoomANATOMY IN CLAY—Chuck Roney and Alyssa Pierdzioch
Understanding Muscle Concepts of Human Anatomy:
Building it in Clay
In this Workshop, participants will learn human musculature by applying clay onto accurate, realistic scale human
models. The act of building from the inside-out enhances
traditional methods of learning anatomy. This approach
provides a unique alternative -- an active, hands-on experience that reinforces learning and empowers participants
with a strong sense of accomplishment. Perfect fit for
health science programs, physical therapy, nursing, massage therapy and more! "The Mind Cannot Forget What
The Hands Have Learned."™
(continued on next page)
WORKSHOPS (cont..)1:30-3:30 PM
Workshop 3 1:30-2:30 PM
In this workshop I will demonstrate how to use the Connect/SmartBook/LearnSmart adaptive learning presentation for your biology needs.
Workshop 4 2:30-3:30 PM
SIMBIO—Eli Meir 1:30-2:30 PM
SimBio develops simulation-based labs and interactive
chapters that allow students to play with key concepts
and important systems across many fields of biology,
from evolution to ecology, genetics, cell biology and
physiology. The SimBio materials can be used in a traditional lab setting, and are also widely used as homework
and even to replace textbook readings. The president of
SimBio will demonstrate some of our newest lab including Cellular Respiration Explored, Isle Royale, Genetic
Drift and Bottlenecked Ferrets, and others depending on
audience interest.
Member Presentations—
Member Paper Presentations Session A 1:30-3:30 P.M.
Room1. Promoting Sustainability Across Disciplines. Kristie Reilly,
Ph.D. and Laura Mackey Lorentzen, Ph.D., Kean University
2. Conquering Test Taking Anxiety: Exploring Positive Outcomes of Group Testing. M. Baralt and A. Lassiter. Berkeley
3. The Growth of an Assessment Culture in Bronx Community
College’s Biology Department. Dr. Seher Atamturktur, Dr. Shazia Khan, Richard LaManna. Bronx Community College of
4. Is A Picture Worth a Thousand Lectured Words? Drawing to
Learn in the College Biology Classroom. Alison Dell, Irina Ellison. St. Francis College, Mercy College
5. Learning to Experiment: Providing feedback on higher-order
thinking through new cyberlearning tools. E. Meir, D. Pope, J.
Conversano, K.J. Kim, S. Maruca, J. Palacio. SimBiotic Software, Inc. J. Clarke-Midura, Utah State University.
6. Using Traditional Research Internships to Engage, Retain
and Graduate Students. Nidhi Gadura, Biology Department,
Queensborough Community College.
7. Using Technology both inside and outside the Classroom:
How RNAseq, Metagenomics and Bioinformatics can be Combined as Both Teaching and Research Tools with Undergraduate Students. Jeremy Seto, New York City College of Technology, Davida Smyth, Mercy College
Member Presentations—
Member paper presentations Session B 1:30-3:30 P.M.
1. Aquarius Mission Deep Microbe Dr. Nasreen S. Haque
and Bernie Chowdhury. New York Medical College, Genomic Observatory Inc.
2. Synergistic effect of epigallocatechin gallate and
CystiCranR-40 on Animal and Bacterial Virus Infectivity. S.
M. Lipson, F. S. Ozen, G. Karalis, E. Wolfe, S. Ponnala, W.
Samarrai, and L. Karthikeyan. St. Francis College, Celsuk
Univ., NYC College Technology- CUNY
3. The Multicultural Lab: An Interactive Workshop on Ancestral origins, Race and Mitochondrial DNA. S. Danzi Engoron, L. Honey. Queensborough Community College
4. The Juvenile Hormone Sensitivity of an Enhancer Region
on the Foraging Gene Marium Sarder, Rebecca F. Spokony.
Baruch College
5. A Preliminary Study of the Vascular Flora of Caledon State Park, Virginia. Richard Stalter, St. John’s University.
6. A Preliminary Assessment of the Red Mangrove Population Genetics in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. James J.
Campanella*, Paul A.X. Bologna, Dena Restaino, Matthew
Lourenco, Melanie Lawrie. Montclair State University
Visit the MACUB web site at:
If you are a MACUB member in good standing
and have a web site that you would like linked to
our website, submit the URL address to:
Dr. Kathleen Nolan, Saint Francis College
Dr. Dirk Vanderklein, Montclair State University
Past President
Prof. Gary Sarinsky, Kingsborough Community College
Dr. Margaret Carroll, Medgar Evers College
Corresponding Secretary
Dr. Paul Russo, Bloomfield College
Recording Secretary
Dr. Carol Biermann, Kingsborough Community College
Dr. Tin-Chun Chu, Seton Hall University
Dr. Christopher Corbo, Wagner College
Dr. Fernando Nieto, SUNY College of Old Westbury
Dr. Donald Stearns, Wagner College
2015 Conference Chairs
Drs. Dirk Vanderklein and Quinn Vega
Montclair State University
2014 Conference Chair
Dr. Pamella Monaco, Molloy College
2013 Conference Chair
Prof. Robert Highley, Bergen Community College
In Vivo Editor
Dr. Edward Catapane, Medgar Evers College
Awards Chair
Dr. Anthony DePass, Long Island University
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Because learning changes everything.™
List of ALL MACUB posters November 7 2015
Rescuing Juvenile Hormone Receptor Mutants with
a Green Fluorescent Protein Tagged Version of the
Receptor. Stephanie Rene, Rebecca F. Spokony.
Baruch College
Comparison of Bacterial Communities in Caterpillar
Fecal Material, Compost, and Soil Using Next Generation Sequencing. Luis Jimenez, Isabella Canal
Delgado, John Smalley, Elena Tartaglia, Stephanie
Zapata. Bergen Community College
Direct PCR Detection, Cloning, and Characterization of Bacterial RubisCO Genes from New Jersey
Soils. Margarita Kulko, Ryan Kim, Stephanie Zapata, Theranda Jashari, Aidan Holwerda, Anna Gonzalez, Tina Choe, and Luis Jimenez. Biology and Horticulture Department, Bergen Community College
Bacterial Communities in Luna Moth (Actias luna)
Caterpillar Fecal Samples. Stephanie Zapata,
Elyssa Barron, Isabella Canal Delgado, Satenik
Melkoyan, Gissel Cruz, Theresa Aponte, Sara Lamcaj, John Smalley, Elena Tartaglia, Luis Jimenez.
Bergen Community College
Comparison of Bacterial Communities in Caterpillar
Fecal Material, Compost, and Soil Using Next Generation Sequencing. Stephanie Zapata, Isabella Canal Delgado, John Smalley, Elena Tartaglia, Luis
Jimenez. Bergen Community College
Direct PCR Detection, Cloning, and Characterization of Bacterial βGlucosidase Genes from Soils.
Theranda Jashari, Isabella Canal Delgado, Elyssa
Barron, Stephanie Zapata, Tina Choe, Satenik Melkonyan,
Luis Jimenez. Bergen Community College
Electricity Generation Using Microbial Communities from
New Jersey Soils. Tina Choe, Margarita Kulko, Ryan Kim,
Therande Jashari, Isabella Canal Delgado, Luis Jimenez.
Bergen Community College
Identification and Characterization of Endogenous Plasmids from Marine Bacteria Isolated from the Sea Urchin
Lytechinus varieagatus. Drew Ballard, Cristian Acevedo,
Jing ran Chen, Christine Priano, Lalitha Jayant. Borough
of Manhattan Community College
The Effect of Lead on the Growth of Phaseolus vulgaris
(beans). Elhizeh Hydara, Catarina Mata. Borough of Manhattan Community College.
Salinity Tolerance of a Marine Ciliate CoIsolated with Eggs
of the Sea Urchin Lytechinus variegatus. Grace Loussakou, Michael Llano, Lalitha Jayant, Christine Priano. Borough of Manhattan Community College, Rutgers University, The City College of New York
Alexander Disease and Homology Modeling of GFAP. Dr.
Rujin Tian, Irving Steel. Bronx Community College, City
College of New York
The Fight Against Food Waste: Is Food Recovery a Sustainable Option? Deborah Balthazar, Jamie Harding, Roni
Neff, Carrie Fisher, Caitlin Fisher, Amanda Buczynski. Caldwell University, Center for a Livable Future,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Maternal Behavior in a Serotonin-deficient Context: Continuing Analysis of the Pet-1 Knockout Mouse. Sapna
Shah, Jeffery T. Erickson. The College of New Jersey
The Use of an in vitro Isolated Brainstem-spinal
Cord Preparation in a Multilevel Analysis of Breathing Behavior in the Serotonin-deficient Pet-1
Knockout Mouse. Shota Kikozashvili, Anshu Patel,
Jeffery T. Erickson. The College of New Jersey
Population Structure and Parasitism in the Eastern
Painted Turtle (Chrysemis picta). Antonio Pappantoniou, Mario Castiello, Juliet Chin, Alessandra
Pane. Housatonic Community College
Comparison of Cytosine Methylation Between Eastern and Pacific Oysters. Brittney Vincent, Elizabeth
Mulligan, Ivan Shun Ho. Kingsborough Community
Decline and Distribution of Vulnerable Juvenile Atlantic Horseshoe Crabs (Limulus polyphemus) on
Plumb Beach, Jamaica Bay, New York. Emmanuel
Reyes, Dr. Christina P. Colon. Kingsborough Community College
Horseshoe Crabs Along the South Shore of Long
Island Have No Variation in a 700-bp Region of the
Cytochrome c Oxidase I Gene. Jonathan Hanna,
Craig S. Hinkley, Gary Sarinsky. Kingsborough
Community College
The Effectiveness of Essential Oils as Possible
Treatment for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections. Karla M. Cerrato, Mary T. Ortiz, Loretta
Brancaccio-Taras. Kingsborough Community College
World’s Most Valuable Living Fossils: Density of
Horseshoe Crab Eggs (Limulus Polyphemus) on an
Undisturbed Spawning Habitat on Plumb Beach,
Brooklyn New York. Kelvin Arhire-Thomas, Dr.
Christina Colon. Kingsborough Community College
Histamine Mediates the Response to Light in the
Sensory Motor Integration of Gill Lateral Cell Cilia
in the Bivalve Mollusc, Crassostrea virginica. Kimone Marrett, Danellie Semple. Edward J. Catapane,
Margaret A. Carroll. Kingsborough Community
College, Medgar Evers College
Beating of Gill Lateral Cell Cilia of Crassostrea virginica Involves Neuronal Innervation and the Presence of Gap Junctions. Nicole Dobey, Reniece Buchanan, Dane Frank, Margaret A. Carroll, Edward J.
Catapane. Kingsborough Community College,
Medgar Evers College
Determination of Whether Oysters in the Tappan
Zee Area of New York are From a Long Island Oyster Farm. Precious I. Aduware, Craig S. Kinley,
Gary Sarinsky. Kingsborough Community College
The Sand Fiddler Crab (Uca pugnax) Does Not Appear to Be a Vector for MSX (Haplosporidium nelsoni) Infection of Eastern Oysters (Crassostrea virginica). Sana Mian, Gary Sarinsky, Craig Hinkley. Kingsborough Community College
Do NuA4 and Rpd3C(S) Compete for Binding to
Chromatin? Maethinee Koonvisal, Daniel S. Ginsburg. Long Island University C.W. Post Campus
NuA4 Interaction with RNA Polymerase II is Stimulated by Phosphorylation of CTD Serines 2 and 5.
Mohammed Almish, Daniel S. Ginsburg. Long Island University Post
Understanding the Kinetics of Lymphocyte Activating Ligands on Cord Blood Derived B Cells During
Early Infection with Lytic Epstein Barr Virus
(EBV). Ayana McLeod, Gumperz Jenny, Nicholas
Zumwalde, Akshat Sharma. Medgar Evers College,
University of Wisconsin-Michigan
A Genetic Screen to Identify Regulators of Collective Cell Migration. Dheveline Louis, Jamal Mattis,
Andreas Mavrommatis, Monn Monn Myat. Medgar
Evers College
The Genetic Deletion of IL-13 Receptor in Mice
Yields Enhanced Neonatal Vaccine Responses. Fabienne Mondelus, Habib Zaghouani, Mindy
M. Miller. Medgar Evers College, University of Missouri-Columbia
Effects of Dietary Supplements on Blood Cell Tumors in Drosophila. Jermaine Wilson, Ligny Lugo,
Chiyedza Small. Medgar Evers College
A Rat Model to Simulate Seizure-Induced Laryngospasm. Lissette Guzman, Dr. Ko Nakase, Dr.
Richard Kollmar, Dr. Jason Lazar, Dr. Krishna-
murthi Sundaram, Dr. Joshua B. Silverman, Dr.
Mark Stewart. Medgar Evers College, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
The Neurotoxic Effects of Manganese on Dopamine
Post-Synaptic Receptors are Reversed By pAminosalicylic Acid (PAS). Loren Dubose, Kurt
Loney-Walsh, Edward J. Catapane, Margaret A. Carroll. Medgar Evers College
Scoring Sequence for Modelled Folding Conformation in InteractiveROSETTA Using HMMSTR.
Oluwadamilola Lawal, Christian Schenkelberg,
Shounak Banerjee, Benjamin Walcott, Christopher
Bystroff. Medgar Evers College, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Stereochemical and Mechanistic Studies of a Tyrosine Aminomutase in Oryza sativa. Zayna King,
Kevin D. Walker, Tyler Walter. Medgar Evers College, Michigan State University
The Chick Embryo Astrocyte-Neuron CoCulture
Model Is an Ideal Tool for Studying Astrocytic Neuroprotection. Christina Boetang, Samie Jules, Esther Yoon, Renée E. Haskew-Layton. Mercy College
Using Next Generation Sequencing Technology to
Elucidate the Microorganism Diversity in Different
Water Sites in Brooklyn. Fabiola Fontaine, Jeremy
Seto, Davida S. Smyth. New York City College of
Technology, Mercy College
Microbiology of the Built Environment: The Changing Microbiome of New York City College of Tech-
nology. Manuela Hoyos, Davida S. Smyth. New
York City College of Technology, Mercy College
Manipulation of Gene Expression in the Chick Embryo Brain via Electroporation. Margo McGrath, Natalia Plawiak, Martin McGrath, Renée E. HaskewLayton. Mercy College
Regulation of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors
(nAChR) Expression and Localization by the Actin
Cytoskeleton. Mike Berrios, Jennifer Morillo, Hilda
Manson, and Juan Brusés. Mercy College
Induction of Chondrogenesis in Mesenchymal Cells
Isolated from Limb Buds of Early Chicken Embryos. Amanda Cripriana, Conor Gallagher Jacinta
Marshall, Matt Murphy, Alysia Pemberton, Anthony
Tolvo. Molloy College
Akt Signaling in Cells Defective in DNA Repair. Britni Hinderhofer, Lauren Diaz, Stephanie Meyer, Anthony Mangelli, Maureen Sanz. Molloy College
Methylation Profile in Ovarian Cancer Implicates a
Role for GSK3β in Platinum Resistance. Jamie
Stern, Britni Hinderhofer, Tyler Walther, Nicholas
Branker, Peter Vath, Bryan Massey, Brandon
Michaels, Noelle Cutter. Molloy College
A Quest for a Custom-made Mesenchymal Stem
Cell in the Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases.
Natalie Fernandez, Caroline Winters, Maria Barandica, Abi Ocava, Michael Delsignore, Kristina Coppola, Jodi Evans, Molloy College
Chronic Alcohol and Caffeine Interact at the Level
of Dopamine D1 Receptor Expression in the Subcortical Forebrain. Alex J. Nanchanatt, Dr. Dennis E.
Rhoads. Monmouth University
Genetic Delivery of a miRNA Cluster with
Polycistronic siRNAs Reduces mRNA Expression
of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Human
Glioblastoma Cells. Imari Patel, Dr. Martin J. Hicks,
Mr. Dennis G. Urbaniak, Mrs. Diane E. Urbaniak,
Monmouth University
Effects of mTOR Upregulation on Neural Development. Jamie Himmelreich, Emily Lucas, Dr. Cathryn
Kubera. Monmouth University
Synthesis of Mini-Reporter Construct to Test Gene
Transfer of RNA Therapeutics. Kerianne Fuoco,
Martin J. Hicks, PhD, Bristol-Myers Squibb. Monmouth University
Post-Transcriptional Control of Gene Expression
by microRNAs Following Lipopolysaccharideinduced Inflammation of Rat Testis. Mitchell I. Parker, Dr. Michael A. Palladino. Monmouth University,
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck, Independent College
Fund of New Jersey (ICFNJ), Novartis
Multi-Functional RNA Antisense Gene Transfer
Strategy to Alter HGFR Expression in GBM. Priyal
Patel, Dr. Martin J. Hicks, Bristol-Myers Squibb,
Monmouth University
Design of a Pre-Trans-Splicing Molecule to Generate a Soluble Extracellular Peptide Decoy to Block
Activation of the EGFR Pathway in Human Glioblastoma Cells. Sarah Falotico, Peter Nekrasov, Nicole
Sivetz, Dr. Martin J. Hicks. Monmouth University,
Biotechnology High School, Bristol-Myers Squibb,
Johnson & Johnson
A Phosphorus Sediment Storage Assessment of
Lake Hopatcong (NJ). Alessandra Rossi, Kevin Olsen, Meiyin S. Wu. Montclair State University
Lipophilic Green Tea Polyphenols Inhibit Biofilm
Formation in the Cavity Causing Bacteria Streptococcus mutans. Amy Lynn Melok, Christopher
Chen, Lee H. Lee. Montclair State University
Lipophilic Green Tea Polyphenol, EGCG-S, as a
Potential Anti-Endospore Agent in Food and Milk.
Bushra Ali, Hassan Tahir, Lee H. Lee, Montclair
State University
Targeting Orthopedic Infections Using Tea Polyphenols. Christopher Chen, Siti Ayuni Mohamed
Yussof, Amy Melok, Yasmeen Abboud, Dr. Lee.
Montclair State University
Utilizing CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing Technique to
Eliminate Target Sequence from ICER Promoter in
Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Cory Haluska, Dr. Molina.
Montclair State University
Is Rolling Behavior in the Isopod Armadillidium vulgare Influenced by the Presence of a Predator?
Emily Brodkin, Christina Campana, Scott L. Kight,
Montclair State University, Tufts University, University of Delaware
A Preliminary Assessment of the Red Mangrove
Population Genetics in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. James J. Campanella, Paul A.X. Bologna,
Dena Restaino, Matthew Lourenco, Melanie Lawrie.
Montclair State University
Lysine Knockouts of Inducible cAMP Early Repressor (ICER) are Strongly Localized to the Nucleus of Transfected PAC2 Zebrafish Fibroblasts. Joseph Bulatowicz, Dina Edani, Rossara Nunez, Dr.
Carlos Molina. Montclair State University
Effect of Fertilization on Native and Non-native Wetland Plants. Martha Mahady, Dr. Dirk Vanderklein.
Montclair State University
Capturing Full Length Candidate Genes by Helitrons. Nico Carbone, Kaitlyn Socha, Wenwei
Xiong, Chunguang Du. Montclair State University
Does Social Context Influence Positional, Feeding
and Aggressive Behavior in Turkestan Cockroach
Nymphs, Blatta lateralis? Peter Cruz, Scott L. Kight.
Montclair State University
A Bioinformatics Study on the Binding between the
Tea Polyphenol EGCG-S and HSV-2 Glycoproteins.
Peter Stamos, Siti Ayuni Mohamed Yussof, Dr. Sandra D. Adams, Dr. Lee H. Lee. Montclair State University
Study the Inhibitory Effects of EGCG, EGCE-S and
PEGCG on Sporulation of Spore Forming Bacilli.
Richa Rana, Megha Rana, Shivani Rana, Priya Patel, Lee H. Lee, Montclair State University
Green Tea Polyphenols as Synergistic Agents to
Enhance Antibiotic Erythromycin Activity on Bacteria. Siti Ayuni Mohmaemed Yussof, Chris Chen,
Amy Melok, Dr Lee H Lee. Montclair State University
Foraging Efficiency of Immature Blatta laterialis
and Blatta germanica in Simple and Complex Environments. Stefania Ruiz, Scott L. Kight, Montclair
State University
Effect of Time and Temperature on EGCG and
EGCG-S’s Stability as Antimicrobial Agents.
Yasmeen Abboud, Emma Seidman, Lee H. Lee,
Montclair State University
NMDA Receptors as a New Therapeutic Target for
Cancer. Alix Duarte, Christina Faltas, Jan Osea,
Natalia Coleman, PhD. New Jersey City University
Effects of Habitat Degradation on Reproductive Tissue and Reproductive Potential of Eastern Oysters,
Crassostrea virginica. Bill Surena and Allison Fitzgerald, PhD. New Jersey City University
How Does Cultivating Oyster Reefs Revive Invertebrate Diversity In The Bronx River? Christian Bojorquez, Naysha Angelucci, Kaylee Saltos, Navonna
Turner, Dr. Allison Fitzgerald. New Jersey City University
Lead Toxicity in the Blood Brain Barrier. Christina
Faltas, Alix Duarte, Jan Osea, Dr. Natalia Coleman. New Jersey City University
The Effects of Invertebrate Colonization on Water
Flow Around Pier Pilings: Implications on Homeland Security. Kaylee Saltos, Naysha Angellucci,
Allison M. Fitzgerald, PhD, Jon Miller, PhD, Andrew
Rella, PhD. New Jersey City University, Stevens
Institute of Technology
The Colocalization of CaMKIIα with GRIP and Inhibitory Synapses Using NMDA and Glutamate as a
Stimulus to Mimic Brain Activity. Kehinde Cole,
Chisom Ogbuagu, Edgar Tello, Reed C. Carroll.
New Jersey City University
Molecular and Phylogenic Analysis of the Long Distance Developmental Signaling Gene FT
(FLOWERING LOCUS T) Kevin Colon, Terry L.
Kamps, Ph.D. New Jersey City University
Mathematical Model of Cancer Cell Viability After
Different Regimes of Treatment with Doxorubicin.
Margaret Massett, Mina Youssef, Jan Osea, Wayne
Eby, PhD, Natalia Coleman, PhD. New Jersey City
The Production of Byssal Threads by Geukensia
demissa Under Food Limitations. Na’Vonna Turner,
Naysha Angelucci, Christian Bojorquez, Kaylee Saltos, Dr. Allison Fitzgerald, New Jersey City University
Testing the Succession of Marine Invertebrates On
Various Settlement Plates. Naysha Angelucci,
Kaylee Santos, Christian Bojorquez, Na’Vonna
Turner, and Allison Fitzgerald, PhD. New Jersey
City University
Engineered Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein
Based Agents for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis.
Nicole L. Schnabela, Albert S. Agustinusa, Liming
Yina , Takeshi Minashimac, Thorsten Kirschc, Jin
K. Montclarea, NYU Tandon School of Engineering,
SUNY Downstate Medical Center, NYU Langone
Medical Center
Magnetic Nanoparticle-Functionalized Protein Biomaterials. Teeba Jihad, Sumayya Vawda, Lindsay
K. Hill, Jin Kim Montclare. NYU Tandon School of
Engineering, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, New
York University
Comparison of Copper Surface Mediated Toxicity in
Gram-Positive, Gram-Negative Bacteria and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bharti Kumari, Dr. Nidhi
Gadura. Queensborough Community College.
Synthesis of Pyrrolidinium Ionic Liquids. Chanele
Rodriguez, Dr. Sharon Lall-Ramnarine, Dr. Suraj
Dhiman, Dr. James F. Wishart, Nicole Zmich, Dr.
Edward W. Castner, Jr. Queensborough Community College, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Rutgers University
Development of Cathepsin S Inhibitors Using Ugi
Reaction. David Salazar, Aisha Ashfaq, Lilia Zhahalyak, Dr. Sanjai Kumar. Queensborough Community
College, Queens College
The Biodiversity and Ecology of Brachycera
(Insecta: Diptera) in Alley Pond Park, Queens, New
York. Gheorghe Proteasa, James A. Timbilla, and
Scott C. Sherman. Queensborough Community
Determining the Genetic Pathways Involved in Cell
Death of Copper Treated Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Haseeb Shah, Dr. Nidhi Gadura. Queensborough Community College
Examining the Effect of Anti-Phospholipid Antibody
on microRNA Regulation of Tissues Factor in
Breast Cancer Tumor Progression. Irene Sun, Dr.
Elaine Lin, Dr. Yuanyuan Wu, Dr. Andrew Van Nguyen. Queensborough Community College. Albert
Einstein College of Medicine
The Importance of Diptera (Insecta) in Urban Biodiversity and Ecological Research. James A. Timbilla, Gheorghe Proteasa, and Scott C. Sherman.
Queensborough Community College
Preliminary Survey Results on the Abundance,
Host Preferences, and Economic Importance of
Horse Flies (Insecta: Diptera: Tabanidae) in Ghana,
West Africa. James A. Timbilla, Scott C. Sherman.
Queensborough Community College
Extract from Plantago Lanceolata has an Important
Mucolytic Effect on the Respiratory Tract Mucus. Joey Costanzo, Dr. George Proteasa. Queensborough Community College.
Identification and Cloning of Pyrexia Homologs
from Hydra. Kathereen Palencia Serna, Susan
McLaughlin. Queensborough Community College
Cytotoxic and Cytostatic Effects of Single Walled
Carbon Nanotubes on Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells. Kervens Hector, Veronika Yakovishina,
Tirandai Hemraj-Benny, Ph.D. and Regina Sullivan,
Ph.D. Queensborough Community College
Construction of a Streptomyces coelicolor Rhomboid Knockout. Liliana Lara, Dr. Naydu Carmona,
Dr. Monica Trujillo. Queensborough Community
The PKD2 Activator Triptolide Stimulates Cnidocyte
Discharge in Hydra. Maria Villa, Susan McLaughlin,
Queensborough Community College
Are Hand-sanitizing Stations Reservoirs of Microbial Contamination? Marie Joseph, Tricia Griffith,
Cheryl Meddles-Torres2 and James A. Timbilla1.
Queensborough Community College, Stony Brook
Atomic Force Microscopy Measurements of SingleWalled Carbon Nanotube treated MDA-MB 231
cells. Mathiu Perez, Veronika Yakovishina, Sunil
Dehipawala,Ph.D. Tirandai Hemraj-Benny, Ph.D.
and Regina Sullivan Ph.D. Queensborough Community College
Development of MULA, a Novel Multicolor Cell Labeling System in Drosophila melanogaster. Nataly
Jara, Chris Roblodowski, Qi He. Queensborough
Community College, Brooklyn College
Understanding mRNA Trafficking and its Role in
Localized Translation in the Nervous System. Oscar J. Zagalo, Dr. Kevin
Czaplinksi. Queensborough Community College,
Stony Brook University
The Biodiversity and Ecology of Nematocerous
Diptera (Insecta) in Alley Pond Park, Queens, New
York. Scott C. Sherman, James A. Timbilla, and
Gheorghe Proteasa. Queensborough Community
Cellulolytic and Xylanolytic Bacteria Associated
with Bark Beetles in Fallen Logs. Sherwayne Morrison, Dr. Patricia Schneider, Dr. Raji Subramaniam,
Dr. Olga Calderon. Queensborough Community
College, LaGuardia Community College
Elucidation of the Role of Rhomboid Proteins in
Streptomyces. Wilson Nieves, Dr. Naydu Carmona,
Dr. Peter Novick, Dr. Monica Trujillo. Queensborough Community College
Inhibition of c-src Activity in Primary Bone Marrow
Cells Mimics the Decreased Expression of the Osteoblast Phenotype Seen in Tumor Cells. Ashley
Dinkel, Joseph Tarr, Dana Branch, Joshua Luster,
Thomas Owen. Ramapo College of New Jersey
Investigating the Role of CPAR-1 in Cell Division in
the Nematode C. elegans. Madeleine Maas, Gabe
Makar, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Testing the Efficacy of Two RNAi Strategies in C.
elegans. John J. Fritsch, Matthew Von Bargen.
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Adipogenic Differentiation of Rat Bone Marrow
Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Sophia Lazar, Alisha Malla. Dr. Thomas Owen. Ramapo College of New Jersey
Antibiotic Resistance Among Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus. Sophia Penkrat, Rebecca Bray, Dr.
Thomas Owen, Ramapo College
Antibacterial and anti-Herpes Simplex Virus Activity of Black Tea Polyphenols. Aline de Oliveira, Ga-
briella Appice and Tin-Chun Chu. Seton Hall University
Evaluation of Synergistic Antibacterial Activity of
Natural Compounds and Antibiotics. Jonathan
Valsechi-Diaz, Garrett Almeida, Tin-Chun Chu. Seton Hall University
Potential Zinc Stress Response Mechanisms in
Synechococcus sp. IU 625. Robert Newby, Jr. and
Tin-Chun Chu. Seton Hall University
Flow Cytometric and Microscopic Analysis of Cyanobacteria and their Toxins in Greenwood Lake.
Ruchit Patel, Robert Newby and Tin-Chun Chu.
Seton Hall University
Molecular Approaches in Detecting Cyanobacteria
and their Toxins in Greenwood Lake. Sally Tarabey,
Ruchit Patel, Robert Newby Jr., Jose L. Perez, inChun Chu. Seton Hall University
Assessing the Role of Adhesion-GPCRs in Visual
System Axon Guidance. Christopher Guevara, Joanna Garcia, Joseph Pagnotta, Alison Dell. St.
Francis College
A Study of Marine Biology in the New York/New
Jersey Harbor Estuary: A Multi-pronged Approach.
D’Angelo Fletcher, William Echavarria, Nazish Nawaz, Mauricio Gonzalez, Kathleen A. Nolan. St.
Francis College, Harbor School
Growing Neurons in Newtown Creek: Establishing
the Embryonic Zebrafish as a Model of Neuronal
Development Under Environmental Stressors.
Mazaharul, I; Hmady, M, Ortiz, G, Mazaharul, I,
Gresham, O, Nolan, K and Dell, A. St. Francis College
Analysis of Sea Lion and Fur Seal Vocalizations
Using Audacity and the Macaulay Sound Library.
Joanna Garcia, Nilufer Demirkan, Ashley Treharne,
Jacchione Volpe, Valerie Rodriguez, Kristy Biolsi,
Allen Burdowski, Kathleen Nolan. St. Francis College
Comparison and Contrast of Sea Lion Vocalizations
in Captivity and in the Wild. Khadija Khan, Kwun
Chan, Kristy Biolsi, Allen Burdowski, Kathleen A.
Nolan. St. Francis College
The Use of the Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds
to Supplement Labs and Field Studies. Kwun
Chan, Afia Azaah, Kristy Biolsi, Allen Burdowski,
Kathleen A. Nolan. St. Francis College
The Efficacy of Catnip Oil as a Botanic Tick Repellant. Rachelle Carino, Dr. Thomas J. Daniels, Dr.
Richard Falco, Dr. Mark Green, Dr. James Ciaccio,
St. Francis College, Fordham University Louis Calder Center Biological Field Station
The Efficacy of LifeStraw® Water Filters in Filtering
Enterococci from Various Water Samples. William
Echavarria, Nazish Nawaz, Kathleen Nolan, Mauricio Gonzalez. St. Francis College, New York Harbor
Effects of Nano-Selenium on the Growth and Antioxidant Activity of Nasturtium Officinale. Ariel
Crawford, Dr. Tetyana Delaney. St. Joseph’s College
The Effects of Salvadora persica (Miswak) on Biofilm Formation in Cariogenic Species Streptococcus mutans. Monique Salmon, Jill Callahan, Saint
Peter’s University
HEXIM1 Mediates Changes in Expression of miRNA
143 and the PI3 kinase Pathway in Prostate Cancer
Cells. A Novel Mechanism of Metastasis. Deodate
Davis, Yuvraj Singh, Manya Mascareno Ph.D. SUNY
College at Old Westbury
In situ identification of Proteins Using Microproteomic Approaches and Top-down Approach. Kendra Getaw, Vivian Delcourt, Julien
Franck, Isabelle Fournier, Michel Salzet, Fernando
Nieto. SUNY Old Westbury, University of Science
and Technology of Lille
Antimicrobial properties of clove oil and turmeric
against S. aureus and E. coli.
Joseph Agro, Kathleen Bobbitt, PhD, Christopher
Corbo, PhD, Wagner College
The Effects of Garlic, Turmeric and Lemon Marinades on Growth Inhibition of Salmonella enteritidis on Chicken Breast and Chicken Skin. Gabriella Ali, Dr. Kathleen Bobbitt. Wagner College
Effect of a Shelter Environment versus Ownership
on Domestic Dogs’ (Canis familiaris) Responses to
Human Imperative Gestures. Kelley Kilpatrick, Brian Palestis, PhD. Wagner College
The Use of Environmental Bacteriophages from
Waste Water in the Control of Salmonella typhimurium on Gallus gallus domesticsus and Lactuca
sativa. Michael L. Ufnowski, Kathleen Bobbitt.
Wagner College
Antibacterial Activity of Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus
Oil, and Lavender Oil. Monserratto Ruiz, Dr. Kathleen Bobbitt, Wagner College
Analysis of a Listeria Monocytogenes Infection in
Adult Zebrafish Central Nervous System; a Light
Microscopic Study. T. Mendez, C.P. Corbo. Wagner
Amyloid-β and HCC Complex Formation in Alzheimer’s Disease. *Joseph Persichetti, *Pedro Meza
and Arun K. Sharma, Ph.D. Wagner College
Stromal Cell Interactions with Epithelium in a Model
of Lung Injury. Jeffrey Sebrow, Namita Sen, Mathew
Lubin, Yakov Peter. Yeshiva University
ƐƐĞŶƟĂůĞůůŝŽůŽŐLJ͕ Microbiology:
A Clinical Approach
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