Glassboro High School Sports Hall of Fame
Glassboro High School Sports Hall of Fame
Glassboro High School Sports Hall of Fame Masso’s Crystal Manor Ballroom October 2, 2014 Appetizers ~ 5:30 PM Dinner ~ 6:30 PM WILLIAM E. McAULIFFE Bronze Tablet Agent 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® 315 North Delsea Drive P.O. Box 861 Glassboro, New Jersey 08028 Off: (856) 881-6330 Fax: (856) 881-0061 State Farm Companies Home Office, Bloomington, Il This Evening’s Program Refreshments & Appetizer Table (5:30pm to 6:30pm) Welcome David Kalapos -Sports Hall of Fame Committee, Chairperson Invocation Rev. Charles Harvey Dinner Buffet (6:30pm) Roast Beef, Boneless Chicken Breast Meatballs, Flounder in Butter Sauce Stuff Shells, Potato Salad, Parsley Potatoes Macaroni Salad, String Beans Almandine Induction Ceremony (following dinner) Master of Ceremonies The Honorable Walter (Rusty) Marshall (retired) Introduction of Class of 2014 Honorees Introduction of Former Inductees in Attendance George Johnson Benediction Rev. Charles Harvey Closing - Alma Mater ‘Neath the azure Jersey skies Alma Mater stands. Hail to thee, dear alma Mater, Alma Mater grand. Name that’s ever glorious Fame ‘twill never die. Hail to thee, dear Alma Mater, Hail to Glassboro High. Glassboro High School 550 Joseph Bowe Memorial Boulevard Glassboro, New Jersey 08028 Dr. Danielle F. Sneathen Principal High School Phone: 856-652-2700 Fax: 856-307-1189 Cynthia Bodden Assistant Principal Jeff Cusack ~ Assistant Principal/Director of Athletics/Health & PE Dept. Chairperson Director of Co-Curricular Activities/Senior Discipline/Facility Use Coordinator Good Evening Fans of Bulldogs Athletics: As I enter into my thirteenth year as the Athletic Director for Glassboro High School, I want you to know that I am very privileged to serve in this position. I have been fortunate to watch some of the state’s finest athletes compete for Glassboro High School athletic teams. Glassboro has a strong tradition in athletics and it is a tribute not only to those who have competed but to those who have supported the athletic teams over the years. 54/85 64/12 27/76 50/12 26/76 52/89 52/81 58/87 78/98 39/94 37/89 36/76 33/94 26/83 28/76 43/77 88/12 70/88 69/87 60/92 64/85 01/14 43/12 80/14 Louise Boyd Taggart William Taggart* Harry Tartaglione * Frank Toughill Gus Testa * Willis Skip Thompson Beatrice Thornton James Thornton James Tony Thornton * Sam Trifiletti * A. Claire Ruderow Turner* Howard Viden * Robert Viden Sr. * Ed Walton * Allen Ware * Aubrey Warrington * Chalette Washington Griffin Carolyn Williams Saundra Williams* Woodrow Williams James T. Wright Tariq Sakeen Wright Lillian Wolfbrandt Truitt * Beth Zimmerman Martin Tonight we honor former student-athletes. They have all brought honor to Glassboro High School and the Community of Glassboro. As a member of the committee, I proudly salute their efforts with their induction into the Glassboro Athletic Hall of Fame. Could not be happier for your recognition or more proud of you. I would like to extend a sincere thank you to all who have supported tonight’s induction ceremony and to the student athletes who have brought honor to Glassboro High School athletics. Your support is vital to the success of tonight’s banquet and it makes all the difference in the world to those who we honor tonight. Love ya, Nana Congratulations to tonight’s Inductees. We are all proud of you and your accomplishments. Sincerely, Jeff Cusack Athletic Director/Assistant Principal Teams in the Hall of Fame 1972 Field Hockey Coach Jean Bower 1975 Men’s Soccer Coach Audrey “Bumps” Groff 1975 Field Hockey Coach Jean Bower 1975 Football Team Coach John Aveni 1976 Men’s Baseball Coach Mike Toscano 1978 Men’s Basketball Coach George Sutor 1983 Football Coach John Aveni 1993 Cross Country Coach Kevin Timbers You make me proud to be your grandfather! Love, Pop Pop Driver Congratulations !!! You are always a role model. We are so proud of you. XOXO Mom and Dad Steven, Sharon, Laura, Andrew Barry, Dawn, Joshua & Daniel HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES 82/10 Chris Delia 70/76 Frank Mancuso 55/88 Dominick DePasquale* 69/08 Victor Chug Mangeney 39/93 39/76 Tex Dideo * 67/10 Walter Rusty Marshall 73/79 78/08 Sue Davis Donaldson 77/96 Deb Thornton Mathis 77/08 52/76 Con Domenic Donnelly 84/10 Joe Mazzeo 58/94 77/84 David Dorn 69/10 Jack McCulley 54/76 59/78 William McDevitt /12 James Doyle Coach 94/08 34/77 Jeanete Hutton Duffy 43/87 Doug Mecouch 81/06 76/96 Carol S. Lynch Egers 57/92 Vince Menna 81/90 63/98 John Emgenbroich 43/76 Lee Meyers 81/88 86/06 Glenn Esgro 27/77 Harry Miller * 59/79 53/76 Tony Esgro 29/76 John Miller 54/96 43/77 Fred Fanfarillo* 22/76 John Pete Miller * 55/12 47/92 Tom Fanfarillo * 48/90 Bernard Minor * /14 04/14 Jennifer Gennaoui Cartella 81/87 Nick Mitcho Jr. 51/91 55/96 James Moore 73/05 Robin Glazer 79/90 88/12 Mark Graves 33/93 James Moore * 23/76 /79 Warren Grodotski*Coach 97/12 Justin Newell /82 49/88 Audrey Bumps Groff * 54/77 William Patton 65/98 41/94 Jessee Harden * 84/96 Tanjia Perry 50/12 63/96 Craig Harper 70/76 William Pierce /08 44/12 Christine Hartsfield Wilson 90/14 Dale Pitts 97/08 /14 John Polillo-Contributor 65/76 George Hartsfield 73/90 70/76 Gary Henderson 56/93 Carolyn Priest 42/76 41/77 George Hill * 55/76 Charles Randall 59/92 43/94 Robert Hill * 78/98 Randy Randolph 35/76 39/94 William Hill * 94/14 Jesse Rappaport 33/90 70/14 Karl Hines 85/91 Sean Redman 53/92 48/12 Raymond Hubschmitt 63/05 Charles Repp Jr. 54/86 /76 Leona Reynolds 02/14 Terrence Holmes /14 32/93 J. Garfield Jackson * 88/06 John Jack Rogers 89/08 /84 Ray Rollins *Coach 56/85 Richard Jackson 46/10 Marilyn Campbell Plasket 83/14 Kevin Jeffers 67/06 Tom Rutherford 53/81 Peggy Reed Cannon 76/98 Janice Bower Jenkins 94/05 Mark Sahm 73/79 Albert Carino * 77/98 George Johnson 85/98 Matt Saia 60/89 Fred Carter Jr. * 64/10 Rob Johnson 68/98 Gary Saul 39/93 Fred Carter Sr. 27/76 Buck Jones * 73/91 Greg Sawyer 57/91 B. Fanfarillo Cassaday 55/92 Thomas Kane 61/80 John Shellenberger 74/12 Robert L. Chester 10/76 Ernest Schwobel * 70/76 Frank Kelly 78/14 Mark Clark * 93/06 Jeff Lake 32/87 Joseph Sivel * /06 Robert Cleary- Coach 73/84 June Mancini Kileen 78/96 Marva Bell Slaughter 00/12 Sean-Michael Cleary 88/06 Kimberly Kirkpatrick 63/06 Charles Charlie Smith 82/10 Bill Cioffi 42/10 Harold Knorr* 38/78 Roscoe Smith * 84/89 Caroline Cioffi 88/05 Samuel Laspata Jr. /98 Kim Smith-Bey 60/92 William Clark 54/76 Lorraine Boyd Ledden* 92/12 Ozzie Smith-Bey 73/98 Jo. Aliberti Colarourio 53/94 Paul Lee 63/96 Russell Snead 72/08 Dan Corradetti 69/98 Bill Lingerfield 75/12 Dan Sottile 68/98 Louis Corradetti 71/08 James Lingerfield 39/76 Warren Spaeth * 55/79 Nelson Cresson 84/89 Gordon Lockbaum /10 George Sutor-Coach 75/84 Steve Crispin 86/96 Ruth Lockbaum 40/93 John Steinert * 42/10 Austin Datz* 60/92 Ralph Loper 49/86 Joseph Stetson 49/86 William Datz 61/80 Dennis Lynch 46/12 Richard Strang* 70/88 Gwen Holmes Davis 33/80 John Lyons * 78/87 Anna Stewart Miller 29/08 Howard Tug Davis * 76/83 John Mancini 78/88 William Strain /83 Claude Abel* Pete Alaqua* Janice Aliberti Patti Aliberti Crossman Joseph Anstatt John Aveni *Coach Mario Ayala Phil Barca Kim Esgro Barcas Lynda Barratt Robert Barratt * Robert Bateman Donald W. Beach George Beach-Contributor James Bell * David Birts William Black* Roy Bloomingdale* Charles Booker * Nancy Boyd Toughill Jean Bower - Coach Gary Brackett Mark Bresani Joseph Brigandi Sr. * Joseph Brooks Alvin Brown Raymond Brown * Dors Thornton Bundy Burnard Bunn Gloria Byard-Coach Carla Camino Glassboro Board of Education Peter J. Calvo, President Chris Kane, Vice President Edward Keith Susette Jones June H. Longley Melvin McDonald Anthony Marino Ben Stephens Elizabeth Volz Central Office Administrators Mark Silverstein, Ed. D Superintendent Walter Pudelko, Business Administrator Danielle Sochor, Dir. Of Curriculum/Personnel/Spec. Ed Glassboro High School Administrators Danielle F. Sneathen, Ed. D Principal Jeff Cusack, Asst. Principal Athletics/Activities/Health/PE Dept. Chair Cindy Bodden, Asst. Principal Congratulations to the 2014 Induction Class of the Glassboro High School Sports Hall of Fame! CONGRATULATIONS TERRENCE HOLMES WE LOVE YOU! The athletes that sport the maroon and gold today are inspired by the rich tradition you helped to build that is Glassboro Athletics! On behalf of the administration, faculty, staff, and students, congratulations to the honorees and their families! FROM YOUR COUSINS THE HARRIS FAMILIES DR. DOLORES HARRIS Dr. Danielle F. Sneathen Glassboro High School Principal MORRIS & GAIL HARRIS GREGORY HARRIS CHET & SHELIA (HARRIS) DAVIS Past Accomplishments Breed Future Successes! Congratulations. Dr. Mark Silverstein Superintendent of Schools Mark Clark ~ 1978 In 1976, before GHS had a swim t e a m , Ma r k represented GHS in the Glassboro Games at Glassboro State College. W ith the help of Athletic Director R a y Ro l l i ns , a c t i n g a s h i s c o a c h , M a r k q u a l i f i e d f o r t h e NJ S I A A I n d i v i d u a l S w i m m i n g C h a m p i o n s h i p s a n d f i n i s h e d 9 t h i n t he 2 00 yard Freestyle and 10th in the 500 yard Freestyle. Ma r k w a s t h e f i r s t m a l e s w i m m e r a t GHS t o e a r n A l l S t a t e 2 n d T e a m H o n o r s i n swimming. He went on to Glassboro State College where he served as a four year Varsity Swimmer and was Team Captain. H e a l s o e a r n e d 2 n d T ea m A l l A m e r ic an NCAA Division 3 Honors while at GSC. Congratulations to all the GHS Sports Hall of Fame Inductees! Sean & Victoria Dalton Karl W. Hines Congratulations on Your Induction After graduating from GSC i n 1983, he remained involved in swimming for many years as a Coach and as an Official. Ma r k p a s s e d a w a y in 2009, leaving a wife and two children. Glassboro High School’s Sports Hall of Fame West Central District #2 New Jersey State Federation of Colored Women’s Clubs Inc. & Youth Affiliates Congratulations to all inductees! Rusty & Bonnie Marshall Please patronize our advertisers! Whenever you shop, please consider these local merchants first. Their support of the GHS Hall of Fame made this program possible. Congratulations Glenn Esgro and the 1983 GHS Football Team’s Accomplishment into the GHS Hall of Fame. “Job Well Done!” The Esgro Family Jennifer Gennaoui Cartella ~ 2004 Jennifer Gennaoui Cartella played first singles for the GHS Tennis Team from 2001 – 2003. She won the Tri County Conference Division Girls Singles Category (all three years), the Gloucester Tennis Tournament (all three years) and the 2003 South Jersey Interscholastic Girls Tennis Tournament. Jen gained state recognition as a two-year quarterfinalist at the NJSIAA State Tournament(s). Her senior year match record was 37 and 1, the sole loss in the NJSIAA Tournament. The Philadelphia Inquirer named her as the South Jersey Tennis Player of the Year in 2003. She was voted AllSouth Jersey by the SJ Coaches Association three times and named as the Gloucester County Player of the Year twice. In 2004, the Gloucester County Times nominated Jen as one of the “Area’s Best Female Athletes in the Past 25 Years.” She earned a four-year scholarship to Erskine College in South Carolina. In college, Jen played first singles for all four years. She was named as the CVAC (Carolinas-Virginia Athletic Conference) freshman player of the year her first year and player of the year for the next three years. She led Erskine to four consecutive conference titles, marking the first time the college won the title in over 30 years. Jen will be inducted into the Erskine College Athletic Hall of Fame in the spring of 2015. Jen earned her Bachelors of Science degree from Erskine in 2008 and a Masters in Occupational Therapy from Philadelphia University of the Sciences in 2011. Jen, her husband Mark, and their yearold son Mark Anthony reside in Philadelphia. Karl Hines ~ 1970 Karl Hines graduated from GHS in 1970. He played basketball and football, wrestled and ran indoor & outdoor track during his high school athletic career. Karl was a 3 year football varsity letter winner for the Bulldogs as an offensive and defensive tackle. In 1967-1969 his football team won The Olympic Conference National Division Championships. He was awarded a full football scholarship and graduated from the University of Delaware in 1974 majoring in Criminal Justice. In college he played as a defensive tackle and his team won the 1971 Boardwalk Bowl, and the 1971 & 1972 National Championship. The 1972 team was ranked 4th in rushing defense and 4th in scoring defense. Karl has been employed by the Delaware Department of Correction for over 33 years. He began his career as a Probation & Parole Officer. Through dedication and hard work he was awarded many promotions and is currently Deputy Commissioner overseeing over 2,500 employees who are responsible for the custody and supervision of over 2,300 offenders, both incarcerated and in the community. He currently serves as the Commissioner for the Interstate Compact representing the State of Delaware. Due to his concern with the growth and development of youth and young adults, Karl also serves as a board member on various civic groups. Knowing the impact sports has on young minds, he has coached Glassboro Midget Football, Naylor League Football in Wilmington, Wilmington City, Agency League Basketball (for 25 years), Senior League Basketball, and Senior Olympics Basketball teams. Karl has received recognition by the Delaware Department of Correction as Supervisor of the year, and Manager for Supervisor of the year. He was nominated for the Governor’s Team Excellence Award, and The Governor’s Award for Excellence and Commitment in State Service. Karl is married to LaVerne and they reside in Newark, DE. They have three children, Rickey, Kellye, Kristin and 7 grandchildren. Karl and LaVerne are both active members of Victory Christian Fellowship located in New Castle, Delaware. Congratulations Jesse L. Rappaport On your induction into the Glassboro High School Sports Hall of Fame. A well deserved honor! Your Family Hall of Fame Family Connections Parent / Child Donald Beach~George Beach Jean Bower~Janice Bower Jenkins Robert “Bob” Cleary~Sean Michael Cleary Fred Carter, Sr.~Fred Carter, Jr. Robert “Bob” Barratt~Lynda Barratt James Bell~Marva Bell Slaughter Anthony “Tony” Esgro~Kim Esgro Barca~Glenn Esgro James Moore ~James Moore, Jr. James Thornton~Debbie Thornton Mathis~James “Tony” Thornton Robert Bateman~Steve Bateman~Dave Bateman Siblings Beatrice Thornton Carpenter~Doris Thornton Bundy Lorraine Boyd Ledden~Louise Boyd Taggart Janice Alberti~Joan Alberti Colarour~Patti Alberti Crossman Saundra Williams~Carolyn Williams William Hill~George Hill~Robert Hilll Louis Corradetti~Dan Corradetti Fred Fanfarillo~Tom Fanfarillo~Barbara Fanfarillo Cassaday William “Bill” Lingerfield~James “Jim” Lingerfield June Mancini Kileen~John Mancini Caroline Cioffi~William Cioffi Gordon Lockbaum~Ruth Lockbaum William Datz~Austin Datz Kim Smith-bey~Ozzie Smith-bey Howard Viden~Robert Viden Sr. Terrence Holmes ~ 2002 T e r r e n ce H o l m e s , a 2 0 0 2 g r a d u a t e o f G l a s s b o r o H i g h S c h o o l wa s a s t a n d o u t i n f o o t b a l l a n d b a sk e t b a l l . I n b a s ke t b a l l , h e e a r n e d f o u r ( 4 ) va r s i t y l e t t e r s , s c o r e d m o r e t h a n 1 , 0 0 0 p o i n t s a n d wa s n a m e d t o t h e A l l T r i - C o u n t y C o n f e re n c e t e a m . I t wa s i n f o o t b a l l , t h o u g h , wh e r e h e r e a l l y d i s t i n g u i s h e d h i m s e lf . H e e a rn e d f o u r ( 4 ) va r s i t y l e t t e r s a n d wa s a m e m b e r o f t h e 1 9 9 9 S o u t h J e r s e y G r o u p I S t a t e Ch a m p i o n t e a m . W hile at G l a s s b o r o H i g h S c h o o l , h e wa s n a m e d t o t h e A l l - S t a t e F o o t b a l l T e a m , a s we l l a s t o t h e A l l T r i - C o u n t y, A l l G l o u c e s t e r Co u n t y, A l l S o u t h J e r s e y, A l l S o u t h J e r s e y G r o u p I C o u r i e r Post, and Philadelphia Inquirer All Area T e a m s . H e r e c e i ve d t h e M a xwe l l C l u b o f P h i l a d e l p h ia A r e a r e c o g n i t i o n . F o l l o wi n g h i g h s c h o o l , T e r r e n ce a t t e n d e d t h e U n i ve r s i t y o f F l o r i d a wi t h a full football schola r s h i p a n d wa s a member of the Gators football team. H e wa s coached by Urban M e ye r , n o w H e a d Coach at O h io State U n i ve r s i t y. H e wa s n a m e d t o the S o u t h e a st C o n f e r e n ce AllAcademic Team. Kevin Jeffers ~ 1993 Kevin was a 1993 graduate of Glassboro High School where he earned 11 varsity letters; four in wrestling, four in soccer, two in baseball, and one in track. Also, he earned one JV letter in baseball in his freshman year. Kevin was the member of three championship teams; one in soccer and two in wrestling. He earned all-conference honors for wrestling in 1992 and 2nd team honors in 1993 along with being Team Captain and a Region Eight wrestler. For soccer in his senior year, Kevin was awarded the Unsung Hero Award. He was also a Scholar Athletic for four years and ranked in the top 10% of his senior class. While in high school, he was a member of the National Art Honor Society, played the clarinet in the school band for four years, earned his Eagle Scout award, was selected to represent GHS at the Hugh O’ Brian Youth Leadership Conference and was a member of the Junior Olympic Archery Development program. After high school, Kevin went to the University of Delaware where he played soccer for the Division I Blue Hens but unfortunately suffered a career ending knee injury during the preseason camp. Kevin graduated in three and a half years with a BS in Agriculture. He majored in Entomology with a concentration in Wildlife Conservation. Currently, Kevin is a Biology teacher at Pennsauken High School where he has coached soccer for the past 12 years and volleyball for the past seven years. Kevin has been a teacher for the past 17 years. He started his teaching career as a Long Term Substitute Biology Teacher right here at Glassboro High School in 1999 and then moved on to Burlington City High school where he taught Biology and coached wrestling and baseball for three years. Dale Pitts ~ 1989 Congratulations to all members of Glassboro’s Sports Hall of Fame 2014! Dale Pitts, a 1989 graduate of Glassboro H i g h S c h o o l wa s a t h r e e s p o r t a t h le t e p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n b a s k e t b a l l , f o o t b a l l a n d t r a c k a n d f ie l d . H e l e t t e r e d t wo ye a r s i n b a s k e t b a l l . I n f o o t b a l l , h e wa s a m e m b e r o f t h e 1 9 8 7 S o u t h J e r s e y G r o u p I C h a m p io n s h i p t e a m ; n a m e d t o t h e A l l S o u t h Je r sey Group I and All Conference teams. D a l e wa s o u t s t a n d i n g i n T r a c k a n d Fi e l d . H e placed first in New Jersey in the high jump and 1 0 0 m e t e r d a sh i n G r o u p I ; f i r s t i n t h e G l o u ce s t e r County Championships in the 100 meter, 200 met e r a n d l o n g j u m p a n d wa s a m e m b e r o f t h e G l a s s b o r o r e c o r d - s e t t i n g 4 x 4 0 0 r e l a y t e a m . H e wa s also a member of Glassboro High School’s record s e t t i n g P e n n R e l a ys 4 x 4 0 0 r e l a y t e a m . H e r e c e i ve d a full football scholarship and attended Johnson C. Smith U n i ve r s i t y i n C h a r lotte, North Carolina majoring in Business A d m i n i s t r a t io n . W h i l e t h e r e h e p l a ye d a s a wide r e c e ive r and r e c e i ve d t h e Outstanding Freshman of the Year A wa r d . Dale’s family i n c l u d e s h i s wi f e D e na and their son, Damier and they reside in Charlotte, NC. . Jesse Rappaport ~ 2001 J e s s e R a p p a p o r t wa s a g r a d u a t e o f t h e C l a s s o f 2 0 0 1 . H e d i s t i n g u i s h e d h i m s e lf a s a d i vi n g c h a m p i o n wh i l e e n r o l l e d a t G l a s s b o r o H i g h S c h o o l . I n 2 0 0 1 h e wa s r e co g n i ze d a s G l o u c e s t e r C o u n t y D i ve C h a m p i o n , T r i - C o u n t y C h a m p io n a n d S o u t h Je r s e y D i ve r o f t h e ye a r . H e f in i s h e d f o u r t h i n t h e S t a t e F i n a l s. W h i le a t Ro wa n U n i ve r s i t y, h e wa s t h e E a s t C o a s t A t la n t ic 3 m e t e r c h a m p io n i n 2 0 0 2 a n d 2 0 0 3 , T e a m Ca p t a i n , a n d i s s t i l l t h e 3 m e t e r r e c o r d h o l d e r a t R o wa n . J e s s e t r a n sf e r r e d t o I n d i a n a U n i ve r s i t y a n d wa s e l e c t e d t e a m c a p t a i n i n 2 0 0 6 , wh e n t h e y wo n t h e B ig 1 0 s wi m m i n g a n d d i vi n g c h a m p i o n s h i p . H e a l s o wo n a n i n d i vi d u a l B r o n ze M e d a l . H e wa s r a n k e d # 4 i n t h e N a t i o n a n d wh i l e C a p t a i n o f t h e 2 0 0 7 U . S . M e n ' s D i v ing team, participated i n t h e W o r l d U n i ve r s i t y G a m e s i n B a n gk o k , Thailand and wa s a wa r d e d a B r o n ze Medal. In 2011, after a f o u r ye a r r e t i r e m e n t , Mr. Rappaport wa s n a m e d a q u a l if i e r f o r the U.S. Senior Nat i o n a l D i vi n g T e a m . He currently resides in Pittsburgh, PA where h e c o a c h e s g ym n a s tics. The Sports Hall of Fame Committee Congratulates All of the 2014 Inductees! GHS Homecoming Saturday, October 11, 2014 Parade at 10:00, followed by skits Football vs Woodstown at 2:00 Tariq Sakeen Wright ~ 2001 T a r i q e xc e l l e d i n G l a s s b o r o H i g h S ch o o l f o o t b a l l a n d b a s ke t b a l l . I n f o o t b a l l , h e e a rn e d 2 va r s i t y l e t t e r s a n d wa s c a p t a i n o f h i s t e a m . H e e a r n e d A l l C o n f e r e n ce 1 s t T e a m i n h i s J u n i o r a n d S e n io r Y e a r s . T a r i q wa s 1 s t T e a m A l l - G r o u p 1 Q u a r t e r b a c k b o t h ye a r s , A l l - S o u t h Je r s e y – A l l - G r o u p s 1 st T e a m a n d A l l - S t a t e 1 st T e a m Q u a r t e r b a c k . H e wa s H o n o r e d a s A l l - S o u t h J e r s e y P l a ye r o f t h e Y e a r a n d C o u r i e r P o s t P l a ye r o f t h e Y e a r . T a r i q wa s t h e T o u c h d o wn C l u b ’ s B a c k o f the Year in 2000. I n b a s ke t b a l l , T a r i q e a r n e d t wo va r s i t y l e t t e r s a n d A l l - C o n f e r e n ce C a p t a i n o f t h e T e a m . H e we n t o n t o East Carolina on a full a t h l e t i c s ch o l a r s h ip a n d lettered t h o se ye a r s . T a r i q t r a n sf e r r e d t o R o wa n h i s s e n i o r ye a r a n d p l a ye d wi d e r e c e i ve r . H e a l s o p l a ye d A r e n a Ball with the Austin W ra n g l e r s a n d C l e ve land Gladiators. He is p r e s e n t l y a n a ss i s t a n t football coach at GHS. Beth Zimmerman Martin ~ 1980 Beth Zimmerman Martin was a 1980 GHS graduate. She played defensive-halfback for three years on the varsity GHS Field Hockey Team and was voted the 1979 MVP and Best Defensive Player by Coach Joy Heritage. She was part of the All-South Jersey Conference Team in 1979 and 1980. She was selected to be a member of the Field Hockey Club of South Jersey, Courier-Post All-South Jersey Squad, and Olympic Conference Team. Beth competed at the varsity level for three years of winter track and four years of track and field. In 1977 she held the third-leg, sprinter position on the 1st Place 4x400 Relay Team in the South Jersey Group 1 Sectional Championship Team and the 3rd Place Relay Team in the State Championships and was named to the Penn Relay Team as well. Her team still holds the GHS record. In 1980, she placed 2nd in the long jump at the All South Jersey Group 1 Sectionals, and placed third in the State Championships, where she competed against Olympic medalist Carol Lewis. She won a full, field hockey scholarship to C.W. Post University where she was a starting player, until she was injured. She returned home to complete her education at Glassboro State College, where she graduated with a Degree in Criminal Justice. She continued her education at Shippensburg, earning a Master’s Degree in Juvenile Justice Administration. For the past 30 years Beth has resided in Hawley, PA with her husband James. Beth enjoys working with Children as a Mental Health Therapist. She has three grown children: Drew, Colin and Whitney. IN LOVING MEMORY OF: Richard Strang ~ 1946 Sandra Williams ~ 1960 Fred Carter Jr. ~ 1960 Joe Brigandi Sr. ~ 1942 Bill Taggert ~ 1964 Deceased members of the HOF since 2010. Coach Gloria Byard Glassboro High School’s Memory Walk You can support GHS & the Renaissance Program by purchasing a paving stone. The stone will be inscribed for you and placed in the walk. The cost is $40.00. Order forms are available in the high school main office. Stop by or call 652-2700 x71210. Coach Gloria Byard became field hockey head coach in 2002 for GHS. She has also coached softball, track and basketball at Glassboro over the years. Her field hockey teams won the 2005 South Jersey Group II Championship; the 2006 -2008 South Jersey Group I championships; the 1989, 1990, 1991, 1995, 2005-2008 Conference Championships; and were Tri-County Co Champs in 2003 & 2010. She was named Field Hockey Club of S. J. Coach of the Year and finished her career at GHS with a 151/67/14 record. Gloria Byard, a 1969 graduate of Woodstown High School, played field hockey, basketball and softball. She graduated from Glassboro State College in 1976 earning All American Lacrosse and Field Hockey honors. She was inducted into the Schalick HS Sports Hall of Fame, the Glassboro State College Sports Hall of Fame, the Salem County & Gloucester County Sports Hall of Fame, and is a College All American. Mrs. Byard is recognized as the first African American to play on the United States Women’s Field Hockey National Touring Team in 1978. Gloria started her field hockey coaching career at Schalick HS in 1976 as an assistant. She has received Coach of the Year Award as Schalick’s Softball Head Coach and recognized by the Salem Community College Field Hockey Program. Coach Byard also coached a HS All-Star touring team that went to England in 1985. She has operated field hockey camps in Camden, Gloucester, and Salem County, serving as an instructor, clinician and owner. Coach Byard retired in June 2014 after 38 years of service in the field of education. She is currently doing what she loves most, coaching the game of field hockey as Head Coach at Timber Creek High School, South Jersey Edge Club, and Gloria Byard Field Hockey LLC. She is married to Raymond Byard and they have 2 children, Toni (husband Kevin) and BJ, and 7 grandchildren. John Polillo ~ Contributor CONGRATULATIONS John J. Polillo has been a resident of G l a s s b o r o f o r 7 2 ye a r s . H e g r a d u a t e d f ro m G l a s s b o r o H i g h S c h o o l in 1 9 5 9 . A f t e r H i g h S c h o o l h e we n t i n t o t h e M e r c h a n t Ma r i n e s f o r t wo a n d h a lf ye a r s . W h e n h i s t i m e wa s c o m p l e t e d , h e we n t t o wo r k f o r t h e A t la n t i c E l e c t r i c C o m p a n y f o r t h i r t y t h r e e ye a r s . COACH GLORIA BYARD KARL HINES TERRENCE HOLMES DALE PITTS TARIQ SAKEEN WRIGHT 1983 FOOTBALL TEAM John has been married to Ginny for 52 ye a r s a n d h a s f i ve c h i l d r e n a n d s e ve n g r a n d c h i l d r e n . Jo h n wa s t h e vo l u n t e e r s p o r t s a n n o u n ce r f o r f o o t b a l l a t G l a s s b o r o Hi g h S c h o o l f o r t h i r t y t h r e e ye a r s . D u r i n g t h e se ye a r s h e a l s o c o a c h e d s e ve r a l A m e r i c a n L e g i o n t e a m s a n d va r i o u s t e a m s i n W a sh i n g t o n T o wn s h i p . A t t h e p r e s e n t , h e i s s t i l l i n vo l ve d wi t h t h e Glassboro School baseball team. ON YOUR INDUCTION INTO THE GLASSBORO HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS HALL OF FAME WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU! BOLES, BURT, DAVIS, HARRIS, HOLMES, LEE, JORDAN, McBURROWS, MALLORY, THOMAS, WILLIAMS FAMILIES SALUTE YOU! STATE & FEDERAL PHONE: 856-881-7575 LICENSED FAX: 856-881-8477 BOB’S LITTLE SPORT SHOP INDOOR PISTOL AND ARCHERY RANGE HANDGUNS ~ SHOTGUNS ~ RIFLES ~ ARCHERY 316 N. DELSEA DRIVE GLASSBOR0, NJ 08028 HOURS MON. THRU FRI. 10 AM-9 PM CLOSED FOR DINNER 6 PM TO 6:30 PM SAT. 10 AM—5 PM In Memory of Robert Viden Sr. and Howard Viden From Their Great-Grandchildren Kyle, April, Paige, Tyler, Jack, Katie, Cole, Elise, Katie, Hunter, Cooper and Max. George Beach ~ Special Contributor George Beach has had a long-lasting impact on the Sports Hall of Fame and Glassboro High School athletics. In 1975, as president of the Glassboro Board of Education, Beach approved the formation of the Sports Hall of Fame Committee. He served on the Board of Education from 1967 – 1991, spending 20 of those years as Board President. The school district named its administration offices after Beach in 1986. Beach has also been a longtime member of the Sports Hall of Fame Committee, and is a 1945 Graduate of Glassboro High School. George was also a founding member and serves on the Glassboro Distinguished Alumni Committee. He was inducted into the Distinguished Alumni in 2003. George Beach, Jr. was honored at the May 8, 2007 Glassboro Council meeting for 50 years of outstanding service to Glassboro’s Fire Department. He was given a proclamation from the Mayor and Council, as well as the Board of Chosen Freeholders. George is a champion for everything good about Glassboro, its schools, its community, and its people. 1983 - Undefeated GHS Football Team Row 1 left to rt.- Coach/AD -Bob Barratt, David Joyce, Gordon Lockbaum, Dink MacNeil, Darryl Fowler, Head Coach John Aveni Row 2 – Glenn Esgro, Tom Chang, Steve Bateman, Blaine Capano, Joseph Mazzeo, Pat Adams, J. Clowney, Irving Gustilo, Nate Culbreath Row 3 – Mark Gipe, Bill Stewart, Brian Donovon, Lee Frank, Quincy Wise, Mike Wigglesworth, Joe Delia, Woody Griscom, D. Stevens, Sean Redman, David Bateman Row 4 -.Tim Lester, Coach Steve Tucker, Rob Barratt, Frank Mancini, Ben Credell, F. Davis., Tom Wood, Tyrone Mears, Dion Schulde, Robert Turner, Coach Jack McCulley Not in photo: Coach Bob Siebold, Stats-Chug Mageney, Coach Lou Corradetti, Mgr.-Tim Ryan The 1983 football team recorded an undefeated season record of 11-0. They were the South Jersey Group I Champions, defeating Paulsboro in the semi-finals and Audubon in the final 16-8. Their season’s record was 387 points scored vs 56 points scored against them. Head Coach John Aveni was assisted by Jack McCulley, Steve Tucker and Robert Barratt. The freshmen coaches were Robert Siebold and Lou Corradetti. This was John Aveni’s second undefeated season, the other one was in 1975. Coach Aveni was selected coach of the South Jersey Touchdown Club, Philadelphia Inquirer and the Brooks Irvine Club. As a Group I team Glassboro was the only undefeated team that season. They finished 2nd in the Courier Post poll behind Cherokee. As a member of the Olympic Conference Patriot Division, Glassboro defeated Edgewood, Williamstown, Bishop Eustace, Cherry Hill West, Overbrook, Triton, Highland, Camden Catholic and Gloucester Catholic. Special Thanks to the Hall of Fame Committee Mr. David Kalapos, Chairperson Mr. Pete Calvo Mr. Bill Clark Mr. Robert Cleary Mr. Jeff Cusack Mr. Lou Fior Ms. Gwen Haliburton Mr. Joseph Herrschaft Mr. George Johnson Mr. Ed Keith Ms. June Longley Mr. Barry Rappaport Mrs. Jody Rettig Dr. Danielle Sneathen Mr. Charles Smith Ms. Anna Stewart Miller
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