Final Technical Report of the Marine Review Committee to the
Final Technical Report of the Marine Review Committee to the
l- I I I I I I I I T I t t I l I I I I I '".015 sq u&c)0c TECHNICAL REPORT TO TIIE CALIFOR}.IIA COASTALCOMMIS SION H. Mitigation N4ARINEREVIEW COMMITTEE, INC. William W. Murdoch, Chairman UniversitYof California Bwon J. Mechalas SouthernCLtifornia Edison Computy Rinmon C. FaY Pacific Bio-Marine Labs,Inc' PreParedblt Richaril F. Ambrose Proi- ea PrinciPalInvestigator: RichardF. Ambrose Contributing Staff: Todd W. Anderson BobetteNelson Roben Stoughton SusanL Swarbrick BonnieM. Williamson FebruarY1990 "t I I tI ll ll' ll l: I l, I l, I I l. l' I I 'l I T I I I I I T I I I I T I I I I T TABLE OF CONIENTS REPORT SUMI\{ARY......-....-.--- -----..--..-""' 1 Chapter 1: Introduction-....-.1.1 Overrriewof mitigation.---...--.-.-..: 12 Monitoring........ 13 Summaryof resourcelosses....-. 1,.4Literature Cited....... xru """""""""o""""""" o'ooo""o""""'o""""' 3 5 8 11 sEcTIoNI.I.oSSREDUCTIoNTECHNIQI]ES 15 Chapter2: Intnoductionto lossreductiontechniques t9 2.1 Summaryof SONGSOPerations )\ Chapter3: Intake sYstem 3.1 l-ossreductiontechniquesDo\ilin use"""' 32 Structruulsfoanges Travsling screenmo$iEcquons.....""" 32.1 --jz.t.tPotjntialreductionsinIosses".........-......................... """"""""' 32.L2 Technicalfeasibility 32.13 Costs....-.. 322 323 Infiltration beds-..o.-'..oo.."'o"-"e'-"" 'o"F """"'o Porous dikes.----.. 32.4 Barriers)Etems 325 Movin ihtakes.' 325 Movine o"""""""'o' 33 Behavioral 333 Ugbt 333.1 I 3332 Strobe sYstem"'Chapter4: Discharge nowib use"'-" 4.1 Lossreducdontecbniques i.i ttaooifvbottomtoPograPhY 4-3ModifydiffuserPorts'::::'--"""' q7 Plaeeltructures-overdiffirserports"""""4.4.1Rocks 25 30 30 34 36 36 37 38 40 41 46 46 50 52 53 54 54 54 57 59 60 61 61 62 & 67 68 - TABIJ OF CONIENTS (continued) 4.42 Stnrcnrd units--..---.. :'--'::'-':-' or triple-pointdischarge--'--' 45 Changeto single-point .--.-.--.-..... 4.6Relocatedischarge ..-.-........"""-""""""' 4.6.1Moveinshore 4.62 Moveupcoastor dorpncotlst...."""" -..-..-...-..-.' 4.63 Moveobhore 81 of existingcoolingsystem Chapter5: Replacement 81 85 87 102 103 104 5.1 Cootinsto\rters reductionsin losses" 5.1.1Po-tential impacts S.l2 Associate6 5"13 Feasibility 5.1.4Costs.............. 52 Coolingpondsandcanals Chapter6: Modifrcationof operations"""""' operatiolsto avoidcriticalperiods"" 6.1 Scheduling in losses reductions 6.1.1Poten:'tial " 6.12 TechnicalfeasibilitY 6.13 """""""'t' Costs........--.-..-oo----o-ooo---.i 62 -- Reducingflow 62.J Potintial reductionsin losses 622 Tecbnicalfeasibility 623 Coss 70 11 74 75 76 78 -"""""""' ".--""'-"' """"'-':"" ow""""' 63Combi".i":p:iiJiJ[i--ilii["o"ti"erngreducinsfl 6.4 Modification bf heat treatment Proceoures"'-'-'-"""o""""""" ""'E 'x""" Section I Literature Cited.-........""o""""' t07 107 108 115 124 L26 t28 133 L36 r38 141 L43 sEcTIoNILREPI.ACEMENTIECHMQIIES 161 CtapterT:Introductiontoreplacementtechniques......o-o..o. Chapter t: Artificial reefs""".-"-"""""":'-"""o{"'.-@c".."'od..$.!$imilgilyofartifrcialandnanrralreefcommrrniti€S.'-.*-... -'-g.Ll q,oontnity stnrcture' s.ii Fitu densitY.-..- ""o'{"..x""'oo"€""!o"""o"""""""' S.13 pisc,rssioll--....o.-'-""-..-"""o"'o"'--.-' onoteKeIp 5r v oI usu 'litrsull,re6vr l)mDansou c#il;6fiin'[.$ffi$&'i;i-san -anA 8.13.1 "11 . ?enOeton Anificial Reef""-"o'.*"-"..-x'-.. 82 Fish 82.1 822 ..aaaaaaaa.aa.a" 165 169 169 t74 L79 181 186 187 194 I I 1 T I I I I T I l I I T I I I I I 'l i I 'l I l I T I I I I T I il il I il it I I I T TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 822 Grourtb 823 NaturalmortalitY82.4 Fishingmortaliry825 Dissussion...--'..-. 83 Desiepandlocation...-..-.-.-....-----..."o" o-..------6.--. 83.1 Desiep----... 832 l-ocation............ 833 Size 83.4 Costs'............. 8.4 Impactsto soft-bottomcom-Gltiei 8.+.i tntaunatandepifaunalorganisms 8.4.2FishpoPulatiohs 8.5 Overallevaiuation of riiiiiiourcles"""""" 8.5.1In-kindreplacement ol resources substinrtion """""' Out'of-kiid 8.5.2 t94 195 196 198 200 200 2U 207 zLO " Chapter9: KeIpbedcreation..-.-.--.... 9.1 - "9.History.......---. fi N'il;;i;;.ntitment to artificial reeB""""' -.-...-9.1.2TransPlants """"o""""' Technicalconsiderations-.92 '"g27TeiiisiJ*. andstabilitvof kelpbeds""""" ---9.2.2Techniques 923 Costs........--.-.93 SumnarY of coastalwetlands""""o-"'{"""""""""" Chapter10: Restoration in southerncalifornia 10.1value anduseof coastal_wetlands io5 - - potJ"tial applicationat SONGS"' :t02.t In-kindieplacementof resor[ces"'-"""''oo.-'"-'lOzi Outof'riria substinrtionof resources ......-..d@.oo..od--,.-. coastalwetlandrestoration ro-g'SuccJsiiul '" JoSli-p.iigoiog wetland1estorati9.1 !lol:,9:'o"''o"'r"" 1032 MonitoringwetlandrestoranonPro!:f:*"""""""'Project""' 1033 Oete"riiilijiU. to.ilii of a reitorLtion -:--::'-' wetlandl restored im7 Ma6tena"& of California 10.4 The potentialforwetlandtiitiotioo in Southern - --103.i hvailabilityof wetlands """'-"" 1oiqzcosts...-.-. """'o""""""o"" ro.5- -'i Discussion-..--.-os I out-o-i-Fod/off-sit9mitigation ioS.z Valueof a restoredwetland"""""""' ur Zl3 214 215 217 ZZ0 zz3 224 226 ?28 ?29 ?33 235 ?36 239 240 246 246 249 a7 251 E4 255 E7 251 258 267 267 268 769 q TABLE OF CONIENTS (continued) Chapter 11: Fish hatcheries....-.-.--...... 11.1 Introduction-.........-."'d" 112 Hatc"herycasestudies .....'o""""" lL2.L Salmon tl22 Marine fish species.--..-.--........"""""'-" '-"""'-"-' 113 Discussion.......... Chapter 12: Other mitigation techniques"""""""' 12.1 Coastalpresewation.-....-..... 122 Research......... 123 Water quality improvement....""""" 280 28t 281 282 284 287 SectionII Uterature Cited SECIIONIII" n5 n5 n6 n5 n8 RECOMMENDATIONS 313 Chapter 13: Recommendations 313 315 319 327 324 pischgBo ""'-""""""'-""""""-""""""""" fut obtioqlb: Moving $e 325 rg.4 ODtioriZ: Preventionandmitigation 325 """"""'-" flow.-...................-.-. 13.4.1Fishlosses-..---..-....326 13.4.L1:i{;;[JdutJ opirationsandreduce 331 "";"""'-" n'.q-12 ttigb'retiet adfrdal reef"'-'--@do'''o 332 13.4.13Restorewetland.-...-o.*....6...@..oo....o.....o..-..x.o.......o....... 334 t3.4.LA'CiilrriorO; 336 nlauce fishimpingsmentlosses"--""o"""o"'do"o"'-"'-"""" 338 ty impacls L3.42 Kelp forestcommuni338 artificia riet witu kelp"'-"'-"""""'-.-' B.4zfrl;;:;li;f 341 'oo'--""o"""""'-"" 13.1 APProach..---.igi Surnnarvof potential nitigatign techniques""""""' 133 Option i: gftangesto the coollngs]Etem-"' B3:1 Option t3; eeering towers..... 135 Summary APPENDICES at SONGS Appendix.4. Descriptionof coolingsystem A-1 B-1 lanrae""" fisb of losses Entrainment B. Appendix of anificialandnanrral'reeB' c-1 Appendixc. Methodsusedin Fall 1986survey D-1 AppendixD.calgulatingthesizeofanificialreeftomitigateforfishlosses-. lv I I I t I l- I I l' l' I I I T I I I I T 'l r LIST OF TABLES I i I Table 1-1 ,l Table 1-2 I I ,1 I Table 3-2 I I I ,l I T t I I I l Table 3-1 Table 3-3 Table 5-1 Table 5-2 Table 5-3 Table 6-1 Table 6-2 Table 6-3 Table 6.4 Table 65 Table G6 Table 8-1 Table 8-2 Table 8-3 Examplesof west coastmarine mitigation projects"' 6 ---"' Summaryof soNGS effectson tbe marine environment 'M"impingementsunrivalfor six speciesof larvae' 9 of deepwater intakesfor entrainment Consequences of fish larrrae...... of deepwater intakesfor entrapmentof Consequences midwaierfish........... of closed-cycle Summaryof advantagesand disadvantages coolingoptions..." ToxiciW and concentrationfactors of elementsused i,"ffiiililil!i':;iifi;.:.:-:.:.].:---.-. 33 43 45 88 ChemicalcompositionofwaterdischargedfromsoNcs........96 Possiblereduetionin entrainnento!,$h larvaefrom -"ffii"-"titg 110 now duringcertainnonths 116 Operatinghistoryof SONGSUnits2 2nd3"""""""' t?2 at SONGSUnits2 and3"""""""' of outages Summary L27 at soNGS Normalwinterandsummeroperatingparaneters at SONGS t29 Potentialsavingsof fisb larvaefrom reducingflow enuainmentunder Reductionin ichthyoplankton no* r.f,"tiIiiloJno* r"auction"'-"""""" different 140 Speciesrichnessand densityof fish on artifrcial o"""""-'.aira naturA reefs----.---occurreneofspeciesoffishonartificialandnanrralreeB-...t1L and Densities of fish at PeadletonArtifrcial Reef 183 the SanOnofre KelP Forest Table 8-4 Peldleton Densities of fish over microlabigs at Table 8-5 Young.of.yearfisbatPendletonArtificialReef....l90 ArtincialReer;iL;d;6;df;tP-ff;t': v 183 List of Tables(continued) Table 8-6 Soeciesrichnessand densityof young'of'year oh artinciat and nanral reefs...-.--. Table 8-7 Comparisonof concreteandrockpilereefs Table 8{ Estimated standingstock of benthic fuh on artifrcial asd natural reets......-.- 209 Table 1G1 The occtrrence of fisb speciesin coastalwetlands in SoutheruCalifornia.-..--..-...-. 24 Table 1S2 arm Abundanceof benthic invertebratesin the eastem of Mugu Lagoon... 245 Table 1G3 AbundanceofmostcolnmonbenthicinvertebratesatMugu Lagoonand Tijuana EsuarY... 246 Table 1G4 List of speciesof fish that qre -qtrist at SONGS wetlands 248 coastd il.ilit"fiJiii il S"rthfi Cagfornia Table 13-1 Comparisonof annualfish productionfor marineand esnrdrinehabitas for mitigatingthe effects Ust of potentialtechniques Table 13-2 losses Summaryof potential mitigation techniquesand Table 1S5 Table 13-3 Table 13'4 of soNGs.........-.....-......-.-.-'- ;i"t .*fd Lirlauced or c6mpensated"" SONGS320 Options for reducingor mitigating the impactsof different Reduction in ichthyoplanktonentrainmentunder "'-"""""" flon, schedules..---.-*--...o.."""' 191 202 n3 316 617 328 Table 13-5 Conbining mitigation techniques' ExampleS"""-"""' 335 Table B.1 Common and scientific nalnesof fish Species"'Monthly densitiesof fish larrraenear SONGS"""""" B-21 Table B2 Table B-3 . Temporal patterns of ichthyoplanktonabundance ngar'SONGS Table B-4 Table B-5 ---*o€.-.-"""o"'.-oo"oo""'"'-"" entrainmentat SONGS Anticipatedichthyoplankton from Possiblereductionin entrainmentof Eshlarvae rescheduling-------. B-22 B-23 B-24 B.E I I I T I i I I I t I I I I I I I I t List of Tables(ConL) TableC-1 TableD-l TableD-2 TableD€ of reefssurveyedin Fall 1986"""""""' Phpical characteristics of Sizeof artificial reefneededfor in-kindreplacement kelpforestfuh losses-..--'. calculationof artificialreef areaneededfor out-of-kind mitigatioo Estimatesof biomasslost--.--... c-3 D-11 D-L2 D-13 This pageintentionally left blanls I I I T I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I 'lI I I I I I I I I I l :l I I I t LTSTOF FIGURES Figure3-1 Coastalregionnear SanOnofre Nuclear Generatiqg Station.... Cbangein intake flowpatternwith avelocity cap' Figrre 3-2 Intake screenwellarea-.....-.--......""x"" Figrue3-3 Travelingscree!.€...o@...o..o........o...' FigrueG1 SeasonalPattemoftanralfishabrrndancesDearsoNcsl09 patternof entrapmentof jwenile andadult Seasonal 113 fishat SONGS:Numbers. Figrre 2-1 Figrue6-2 Figrue6-3 Figure6-4 Figrue8-1 adult Seasonalpattern of entrapmentof juvenile and frsb at SONGS: Biomass-. Savinssthat could be achievedwith different numbers oi-oTG operatedat two-thirds flow""and Cluster anatysisof fish assenblageson artificial -.o.-....""" naftral reefs. 26 28 tl4 131 t72 Figure1S1 and Location of SouthernC.aliforniacoastalwetlands major rivers Figure1G2 Huntingrcn BeachWetland""""""""'o@ Figrue1G3 :,1il:"'1f;*,,T* lf,ffiffS"""1ttf Bf$lt.'fi 26t Figrre 10'4 Huntinglon BeachWetland (photograph)'-'--"' at SONGS""' Schematicof offshorecooling systemstrudures A:7 Figrre A-1 Figrre A-2 FigureA'3 Figrre ,4'4 Figrre A-5 FigureA-6 FigureB-1 242 260 263 A-8 offshoreintakestnrdureforSoNGSUnis2and3..........."..".. A-9 3"""""""' Screenwellstnrctureat SONGSUnits 2 and at SONGS Diaeram of vertical traveling screenused A-10 Units 2 and 3 .-.*.--*""".-'o"""".-"-.*.-' Units 2 and 3""' A-11 Scbematicof salt water flow througb SONGS for SONGS Elevationsof offshoreistake and screenwell A-tz Unia 2 and3.-.-....-.-...' abundances' Seasonalpattern of total icbthyoplankton 8'-26 att yeatsiombined....'-""o""' J' Lisr Of Figures(ConL) FigureB-z SeasonalPatrcm of larval northern anchovydensities' all yearsiombined B-n FigureB3 Seasonalpattern of larval queenfisbdensities'all B'28 Figrre 84 FigureB-5 Figure8-6 il#;'db'il;a:.-............... Densities of northern anchovylanae at Impact and Control sitesftom 1979to 1986--....." Densities of queenfishlarrraeat Impact and Control sitesfrom L979to1986-.-.-..-. Densities of white croaker lanae at Impact and Control sitesfrom L979to1986-.---.... FigureB-7 FigureB-8 FigureB-9 Densities of arrow gobylarvae at ImPact and Control sitesfrom 1979to 1986..--..-.. Densities of shadowgobylawae at Impact and Conuol sitesfrom 1979to 1986..:.-.-.. Densitiesof cheelspotgoby-lanrzeatlmpact and Control sitesfrom i979-to i986. B'29 B'30 i B-31 t B-32 B-34 FigureB-10 Densities of jacksmelt larvae at Impact and Control FigureB-11 & Controlsites Densitiesof total frshlarvaeat IFPacty;;-."*bine{.....-..--.-. 8-36 FigrrreB-12 at $p"tt &-Conuol Densities of northern qPchorry^larvae ar'v""'scombined "" B-3'7 Figrre B-13 Densities of wbite croaker lanraeat Impact 'rt?'rf""886............ -----:.--- ff"?iiilu-iilJiilJiizTilii'be-;a-ro; & Control to 1986andfor all yearscombrneo minusanchowat Figrre B-14 Densitiesof total fish lawae1986 ImpactA Conuoffii"s conUin"dfor 1979to anti for all vearsco-dlinJa-r"""o""""""""e"""' &C'ontrol lantqqg!Impqct FigureB-15 . Densitiesof queenfrsh igsoanilforallvears iii.iiooiui"io t6t rs?i to combined Figure8-16 B-3s for1e7iltiiidd,-datr;u combined iiio*i6ilu-ii"ati";.h;io9y""It"snledfroml'e7e e'r'o'oro'ooir Unis 2 and3 Annual Pattem of opeptio"s aI.SONGS rg18""""' r-u"rii:fiile;efii5i; between I I I T I B-38 B-39 840 B-41 I I t I I I T I I I I I .l I r'' rl il 'l ,l , I I I I I I 'l ,l tI :l I I tl T l I I List Of Figures(ConL) FigureB-17 Ooerationsat SONGSUnits 2 atd3 by month between i"[i,fi"iir'gifr;;l""riirl68E:-...- r,42 Figrre B-18 TemporalPatternof iclthyoplanktonentrainment at ScE generating;dl;;.:.::......"" B,43 FigureC-1 Map of Fall 1986suweysites.-.-..... Figue D-1 Processusedto estimateareaof rockyreefneed-ed C4 dlLi uv5oNGS""""""""' D-14 to replace This pageintentionallYleft blank I T I t I t I I l. I I I I I I I I I I t t ,l II I I I t ,l I I I I I I I I I I REPORT ST]MI\{ARY has substantial The Saa Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) in the San Onofre adverseeffects on local fish populations and organisml living lead to reductionsin Kelp Forest; it is also calculatedtbat local lossesof fish lawae Tbeseeffectscould be someadult fish populationsin the SouthernCalifornia Bigbr losses and replace lost mitigated by a combination of techniques that Prevent 30 possibletechniques resources. This report evaluatesthe feasibility of more than information for the for mitigating the effectsof SONGSand providesbackground madein the Marine Reviewcomrrittee's Final Report mitigation recommendations to the California CoastatCommission mitigating the effecs In its Final Reporl the MRC Presentsnro options for respondsto the directivein of SONGS. Option L Changesto the CoolingSystem for nrecotnmending"' any CCC Pennit 183-73that the 6snmittee be responsible 2 znd 3" (condition gfuangcS it believes necessaryin the cooling sysrcmfor units coolingqyste4 conversionto 8.4). Tbe Committeeconsideredtwo chongesin the the only Committee member cooling to\pers or moving the discharge;Dr. Fay is and no member recommends recourmendingthe constnrction of cooling tolrters' Mitigation respondsto the cccs moving the discharge. option 2: Preventionand promisingmitigation measuresand to 1979resolution requestiqgthe MRC to snrdy no net adverseeffect on the marine reco'mend measures"to assurethere wourdbe environment.*option2consistsoffivediffereuttechniquesforreducingor for mitigating the impacts to the San mitigating fuh losses and one technique operations during periods of high (1) avoid community: Forest Kelp onofre volume of water flowing through SONGS' abundanceof fish tanae, (2) reducethe xru n (3) constmct an artificial reef (4) restore a coastalwetlan4 (5) reduce the in-plant loss of juvenile and adult fish by ia5t^lling sonic devices,urercurylights or other four devices, and (6) create a kelp bed. Different combinations of the first techniques could each result in complete nitigation of tbe Bight-wide fuh losses' The Committee unanimorsly recommendsthe adoption of Option 2' by In this sumlnary, loss prevention techniquesare discussedfirst, followed 13' lsshniquesfor replacinglost resources.The last chapterof tbis report' Chapter sinceChapter13briefly discusses the MRCs nitigation recourmendations; discusses provides a the advantagesand disadvantagesof the most promising techniques,it of the useful summaryfor tbe reader who doesnot require a detailed review of all I I I I I I I I techniquesevaluated. Loss Prevention to Althougb many different loss-preventiontechniqueshave been developed developmentand reduce impacts associatedwith power plant cooling $Etems' most SONGS or are not testing has fOsusedon power plants that are much smaller tban to evaluate tbe located on the coast of a temperiate oceaq making it difficult severaltechniques feasibility of uing tbese techniguesat soNGS. In spite of this, the lossesassociated merit further consideration, and it seemsfeasible to reduce with the operation of SONGS. xw I I t I t I I I I I Intalcc :t I il I T I I I I I I I the intake flow at soNGS; Fish larvae,juveniles and adulu are entrainedby periodic beat ueatments of the in addition, juvenile and adult fuh are killed during coutd tikety be reduced by seeling systeu,- The loss of juvenile and adult fish sgnic devicesand merctry instAfing sonic devicesnear the intakes and by instafling (FRS)' Sonicdevicesreduce Ughtsin the collestion area of the Fisb Return Sprcm they would probably be most entrapment by figbtening fish awayfrom the intakes; anchovy' Mercrry lights northern as such species schooling effective for transient into the collection bay of the would attract fish that had already been entrapped during normal operation' but FRS; they would improve tbe effectivenessof the FRS during heat treatments(whicb their greatestvalue might be for reducingfish losses fhb killed in tbe plant)' Botb of acconntsfor about Zavo ofthe total biomassof to implement' but their tbese techniques would be relatively inexpensive required at SONGS' effectivenessshouldbe field-testedbefore tbey are on or passthroug! the traveling Many fisb are killed when they are impinged and juvenilesr cannot actively avoid screens. Some of these, especially larnae they must be physicatlyexcludedby entrainment; to redue tbe los of these fisb' located at tbe intake or at the traveling sometlpe of barrier. The barrier could be SONGS,usingscreensor other barriers screens.At tbe high fl6y ratesthat oceurat (e.g.porousdikes,infiltrationbeds)toexcludefishattheintakewouldPresent (especiallythe removal of debris)' &d maintenance effestiveness, with problems screeDsat tbe traveling screens increased pumPing requirements. small-mesh other modificatisDs might ninimize would retain larvae and small fisb' and xv impingement losses; however, this technique has nary potentid technical rfiffisulties and questionableeffectiveness,so it is not recommended' Dischoge The nrbid p\rme resrlting from the dischargeof water through the difhsers Kelp of SONGS UniC 2 and3 has cased the los of resogrcesat the Saa Onofre Bed (SOK), including gant kelp, kelp bed fish' and benthic invertebrates' plume or Modifications to the diffusers could reduce the turbidity of the discharge to the move the plume avtay from the sensitivekelp bed habitat' Modifications amount of turbid existing diffuser s),stemwould reduce turbidity by reducing the gncertainty about the water entrained into tbe plume, but there is considerable but effectivenessof these modifrcations; there would likely be some ls6aining, costly (up reduced,impact to SOIC Moving the dischargeawayfrom SOKwould be impacts of to several hundred millisn dollars), but would ccrtainly eliminate tbe effecl (Moving SONGS' dischargeon the kelP be4 and would have little adverse Within existing the dischargewould not reduce the impacts of SONGS on frsh') would be a single' engineering constraintsnand asSgmingthat the new disc'harge somewhat point discharge rather than a difhrser, the dischargecould be moved or moving the farther of$hore, or upooalit or donmcoastfrom SONG$ Modi$ing beca'se lessmixing dischargewould require a variancefrom the thermal standards plume would impinge with ambient seawaterwouldresrlt, and in somelocationsthe on the shore. imFacts to soK Althougb moving the dischargewould sliminate ongoing someresidualirnFac6tothekelpbednightstillneedtobemitigated.Becausean I I I t I i I I r I I t I T I I I I T ,I .I - imFacs to'the kelp artificial reef with kelp could adequately mitigate recommended' commgnityfor a much lower cost,moviqg the dischargeis not I 'l 'l I I I I I l I I T I I I I I Replacmten of cooling sYstent cycle sseling would Replacing the existing cooling qntem with closed of water used minimi-e impac,tsto marine resourcesby gfeatly reducingtbe arnorrnt that seemfeasible at for cooting. However, the only closedCyclesssling $6tems (from salt drift and some SONGSinvolve cooling to\r,ers,which haveenvironmental (high profrles' noise) discbargesto tbe ocean), safety (gfound fog), and aesthetic for constructionand costsas well as high financial costs($500million to $1 billion to reduced efficiency of an additional $1 billion over the lifetime of tbe plant due technologieshave not the towers). Also, some of the most suitablecoolingtower there would be logistical been demonstratedon the scaleneededfor SONGS,and cooling towers would be problems (e.g. SCE does not or*'nthe land on which tbe built). M odfuinSPlan oPerations reducing the volume of water The loss of fish larvae could be decreasedby plant operations at specific that passesthrougb the cooling systeEl Cfrrtaifing reduction in impaca. Fish larvae critical times could rezurt in a disproportionarc April than during the rest of the are far more abundant during February through in March and April could year. Eliminating the florr of water througb soNGS by 25 billion laRrae'antting the reduce the amognt of fuh larvae kifled by soNGS techniquewould be minimized by baving esdmatedlossesiD half" The cost of this soNcs,lgfuglingandmaintenancescheduledforthisperiod,althoughthereare ,rvii t time cverY technical and logistical dif6culties with having SONGSrefuel at the sarne year or everyo$er Year. Reducing tbe flow of water througb SONGSwhile the plant oPeratesat full power would also reduce tbe number of frsb lan'ae killed by SONGS' Reducingthe volume of water flowing througb the plant by about one'third apPearsfeasible' the althougb this would reduce tbe effrciencyof the plant by about}Va Reducing and cost flow by oae-third from February to May would reducelan'al lossesby 26Vo' about $5 mitlion peryear for both unialosses' The MRC hasrecommended,as one possiblemeansof mitigatingfish of time decreasingthe number of larvae killed each year by reducing the arnount the flow SONGS operatesduring periods of high larval abundancesand/or reducing of water through SONGSor other SCE coastalpower plana. RePlacinglost resources mitigatedby If lossescannotbe prevente4then SONGS'imfac'tsmustbe resourceswitb replacinglost resources.We co:lsidertechniquestbat replacelost resources identicalresources(in-kindnitigation), andthosethat substinrtedifferent promising replacement for lost resources(out-of-kind mitigation). The most wetlandtechniquesare constnrctingan artificial reef andrestoringa coastal xvru I I I I I I I ll l, l, I I I I I I I T r ,l I I I I I I I,l : ,l I I I I I t t I t Artificd Reds reefs can srpport communities of fish' natural reefs' The imrertebrates and algae that are similar to those forrnd on and algae) production of sessileand sedentaryreef organisms(suc;has invertebrates produced by (as opposedto is increasedby artificial reefs, but the anount of fisb is clear evidencethat attracted to) anificial reefs has not been determined. There gfowtb' are enbanced by some aspects of production, such as recnritment and from increased fishing artificial reefs, but there may also be negative effects reefs has focused on mortality. Most concern about fish production on artificial scraPmaterials; a large small artificial reefs and artificial reefs constructedfrom the limitations artificiat reef constnrctedfrom quarry rocikwould likely circumvent many different qpes of of these small reefs. A large artificial reef could fumish resourcesfor fuh' Fish babitats and microhabitar and an increasedvariety of food properly designed a*raa on a large one' Fishing tbat are transientson a small reef migbt remain as residents would not be as attractive to mortality night be reduced on a large reef since it concentratedin a small area' fishermen if fisb deusitiesare lower and fish are not it seemslikely that an Thus, despite the unresolved question of fish production' location of a nat'ral reef would artificial reef tbat mimics the size,configurationand natural reef' The MRC has provide suitable in-kiDd mitigation for inpacts to the asin-kind mitigation for imFac'ts recommendedthat an artificial reef be constructed to the kelp forest comnnrnity(seenext section)' will involve a higher degreeof using artifrcial reefsfor out-of-kind mitigation mitigation because(1) there are no in-kind for use their than uncertainty scientific on artificial reefs and (2) there is quantitative data on tbe amount oi trsu produced no agreed-upon metbod of determining the relative values of the fish killed by SONGSand reef resources. Nonetheless,properly designedartificial reefs certainly produce resources,aad so represen! along with wetland restoration' one of the two best available techniques for enhancing marine resources. The MRC has recoErmeDdedthat 3 high-relief artificial reef be one possiblemeansof nitigating fish losses,&d has estimarcd(usingmethodsdescribedin Appendix D) &at a 6Gha artificial reef would provide adequate mitigation for the fish losses caused by soNGs. IGIp bd cteation Kelp beds are a valuable marine babitat in SouthernCatifornia For impacts bed tbat result in tbe degradationor destnrctionof a kelp bed, the cleation of a new or restoration of the existing bed is the most straighdorw"arAmitigdtion technique' the Restoration of the affected portion of SOK would not be zuitable because imFact is ongoing;the creation of a new kelp bed is preferred. substrate' Giant kelp (MaoocystisWrTqa) almost afuva]ratUchesto a hard hard zubst'"tt' so attempts to create new kelp beds have focusedon providing trew reeB, when the s'ch as an artifrcial reef. Giant kerp bas grcwn on sweral artifrcial but very kelp eitber recrgited natgrally to the reef or was PurPoselytransplante4 attempt to create a few new, self-sustainingkelp bedshavc been created' Thts, any uncertainty involved' new kelp bed as mitigation Eust recognize that therc is partiorlar, tbe location r{owever, stepscan be taken to minimize the uncertainty. In reef appear to be of the tew Maoocysrrs bed and the design of tbe artifrcial importanf to create a Despite limited successin the PasL it should be possible I I I t I I' I I l' I I I I I I I I I I 'l I t I 'l I I l 'l 'l I I I I T I I I I I In addition' an persistent, self-sustainingkelp bed gnder the proper conditions' The MRC artificial reef will Produce other reef resources(seeprevious section)' to mitigate has recommendedthat a 120ha anificial reef with kelp be constnrsted for the estimated80 ha of kelp lost from SOK Wetlotd restoruion restoration could SONGShas no direct effectson wetland habitats; wetland wetlands' but it provide some in-kind mitigation for fisb speciesthat use coastal would mostly provide out-of-kind mitigation. Coastal wetlands are rare and effort by state and valuable babitats in Southern California' and there is a major wetland would produce federal agenciesto restore degradedwetlands. A restored important habitats for Barine resources, inclurting fish; it could also provide and educational endangered species and migratory birds and valuable aesthetic resources. in higb demand and Coastal wetland sites in Southern California are for most sites' Thus' it restoration/enhancementplans havealreadybeen developed be restored as mitigation may be dif6sult to find an aPProPriatewetland that could faetor in determining the for SONGS' effects, and land or*'nershiPis a major of soNGS' impacts' The small feasibility of usingwetland restorationfor mitigation SouthernCalifornia Edison is portion of tbe Hgntington Beach Wetland ownedby wetland is technically possible' a one alternative; althougb restoration of this before it could be applied as number of obstacleswould bave to be overcome anount of credit to be assigRed mitigation for soNGs, including determining the for the restoration. for A rrifficult problem inherent in using wetland restoration as rnitigation (e'g' SONGS' effects, once again, is assigning a rmlue to dissimilar resourccs midwater fish and wetland habita$ so &at values of the lost and gained resources not been can be balanced. The scientifrcbasisfor asy evaluation methodologr has has well develope4 so sone zubjective evaluation wifl be Decessary' The MRC judged that restoring 30 to 60 ha of coastalwetland would be one possiblemeansof I I ] t mitigating the impactsof SONGSon fish. Othq Techniques a fish In some circumstances(i.e. where jwenile production is liniting), juvenile fish that hatcherycould theoretically replacelost fish resourcesby providing frsh stocls is could be releasedin the wild. Tbe use of hatcheriesto enbancemarine There are a recent development,and its feasibility is just beginningto be evaluated' of using a fuh at least two seriors technical problems that limit the feasibility marine fish have hatcheryas mitigation for frsh lossescagsedby SONGS' First, few all speciescoua be been raised in a hatchery sinration It seemslikely tbat nearly of time and money' raised in a hatchery but probably not within reasonablelimi6 Eany marine fish Secon4 little is looum about tbe 6itical factotl liniting smolts' the populations. For example,despitea large production of hatchery'reared col'mbra washington successof enhancementprograns for salmonidsin British information about the life and oregon has been limited. It is clear that much more dynamicsof the populations histories of marine fisb the Processesunderlying the before it can be determined and the nanrl'e of potential bottteneck$ is neccssary population Btindly restocking wbether a hatcbery could evenPotsftally enbancea apoputationfromahatcheryhasahigblikelihoodoffailure. I I t I I I i t I l I I I I I I l t are coastal land Three other potential out-of-kind mitigation techniques These could acquisition, information acquisition, and water quality improvement' midwater fish) that are be appropriate for mitigating impacts to resources(sucb as to generally accepted diffrcult to replace in kind. However, tbey do not confonn packagerecommendedby nitigation guidelines and are not Part of the mitigation the MRC. Monitoring SONGSmust be All of the techniquesfor replacingresourcesimpactedby similar impacts consideredexperimentalbecausetheir successfuluse in mitigating crucial to monitor any has not been demonstrated. For this reason, it is implemented technique implemented technique. The criteria for successof each c:rn ununbigUously must be clearly defined so that subsequent monitoring contingencyplan so tbat a determine successor failrue. Equally important is a oftheoriginalmitigationplanresultsinitsmodificationorthesubstinrtionof a new plan that preventsan unnecessarylossof resources. I t I I I I t pul -t I This pageintentionally left blanls i l l I It I t I l, t I I I l t I I I T I a CHAPTER 1 t INTRODUCTION I I I I I potentially be This report evaluatesthe feasibility of techniquesthat could Generating Station used to mitigate the adverseeffects of the san onofre Nuclear wasto provide (soNGS) on the marine environmenl Initially, one aim of tbe MRC T I I t I I I I I I I the sesling rystem of information to tbe CCC concerning possible sfuangesin the California Coastal SONGS to prevent or. reduce any adverseeffects. In 1979, without requiring Commission recognizedthat some effects might be mitigated of glang€S in the cooling qystem(Fischer IgTg). In this rePort' the feasibility plant are consideredalong techniquesthat do not involve stnrcturalchangesto the technicalsupportfor with those that do. The purposeof this reporr is to provide the its Final Report to the the mitigation recommendationsmade by the MRC in California CoastalCommission Beforetbefeasibilityofpotentialmitigationtechniquescanbeevaluated'the in the Final Repon impacts from soNGS must be identified. Theseare Presented totbeccqwithsrpportingdoourentationintheTechnicalRepors;this information is zummarizedin Section13' that could be used to After tbe impacts have been identifie4 techniques Three sourceshavebeen usedto mitigate them need to be defined and evaluated. in this report' Firt' snrdiesinitiated identify the particular techniquesconsidered directly related to mitigation (Sheehy by the Marine Review committee that were 1981,ThumetaLtg83,Arnbrose1986a,1986b)orrelatedtopartianlartechniques 1983b' 1983c' Allen et aL 1984' (Lockheed ocean science Laboratories 1983a, t Cbaptcr 1 DeMartini1987)werereviewed'Most Ambroseet aL 1987, Ambrose!987a,1987b, a of theseshrdiesfocgsedon artificialreefs,althougbAmbrose(1986b)considered wide range of techniquesthat could be applied at SONGS. Second'ideaswere involvedwitb mitigation'esPecially solicitedfrom anddiscrssedwith manyagencies I f, f, fi tbe CaliforniaDepartmentof FishandGame(CDF&G), the U'S' Fish andWildlife we service (Fws), and the National Marine Fisheriesservice (NMFS). Thir4 exa:ninedthe relevant literature; this was partiorlarly important for identifing an potential techniquesfsr reducinglosses(SectionI). Throughoutthis process' attemptwasmadeto identifyinnovativenewtechniques. techniquesthat section I (chapters 2 througb 6) of this rePort discusses or couldreduceresogrcelossescausedby SONGSby modifyingthe coolings)'stem glengeS. non_stnrctural techniquesthat section tr (chapters7 through12) of this report discusses lost dueto SONGS.Chapters8 couldcreatenewresourcesto replacetheresources andfish througb 11 evaluateartificial reefs,ketp bed creation,wetlandrestoration in ctapters 8 and9) hatcheries.creating a kelp bed on an artifrciarreef (disctrssed Onofre Kelp forest could serve as in-kind mitigation for impacts to tbe San out-of-kindmitigation community. An artificial reef could alsoserveas primarily techniquesevaluated' for frsh irnFaGtscausedby soNGS, 4 could the other Chapter12discrssesvariousothertechniques' (Cbapter 13)' discussesthe The final section of this report, SectionItr madein the Final Report to the technicalbasisfor tbe MRCs recommendations, of soNGS' This sectionis california coasralcornmission,for mitigatingtbe effects I t, I I I I t, l, htroduction t I I t I t I I T I I I I I I I I I I recoFmendations intended to provide supPortirg documentationfor the mitigatioB in tbe Final Report to the CCC' 1.1 Ovdrviewof mitigation operation of the Many developmentProjects,including the constnretionand imFacts' Tbe San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, result in environmental meansof allowing resource concept of mitigatingtheseimpacts has developedas a quality' There is no use, in spite of i15imFacts,while maintaining environmental from the National universally accepted definition of mitigation, but definitions wildrife coordination Act Environmental policy Acr (NEPA) and tbe Fisb and directed specifically (FWCA) are commonlyused. Becausethe F'IVCA definition is at frsb and wildlife resources,it is reproducedhere: lossesto a project "Mitigation' means (a) lesseningwildlife resour@ lossesthrough the througtr lossprwention measuresand (b) affs9$igg nse of other stucturA and non-struc.turAmeasure$ a project to T-oss preventiod means designing and implementing avoid adverseinPacts uPonwildlife resources' 'Compensatiou" means comPletel]' (i.e. LNVo) gtrSegifg losses to wildlife resourcevalues"' agencf cbargedwitb prinary Tbe Fisb and Wildlife Service,as tbe federal hasdevelopedan offrcial Mitigation responsibilityfor evaluatingimpactson wildlife, The statedpuriose of this policy is "to Policy (copy appendedto Ambrose 1986b)' Protectandcorsewethemostimportantarrdvaluablefisbandwildliferesources Nation's nan'al resourcesn(usFws while facilitating balanceddeveropmentof the I I Chapter 1 are (1) that 1981,p.7644). The fundamentalprinciples ggiding the F'WSPolicy valued resources;and (2) avoidanceor compensationbe recomurendedfor the 111ost scarcity of the that the degree of nitigation requestedcorrespondto the value and compensationare habitat at risk Two fundanentally different t,?es of mitigative resources that are distingUished. In-t<ittd replacement of resources involves play similar roles physically and biologrcally similar to'those being altered and that resources involves in ecosystem function, whereas o6'of-lcind substinrtion of in any number of resources that are pbysically and/or biologcally dissimilar is generallypreferred' especially characteristics(Ashe 1982). In-kind comPensation 1981)' for highlyvaluedresources(USFTWS rests with the In Catifornia, the authority to require mitigation measures CDF&G' FWS and permitting agency, although a number of agencies(such as and helping to develop NMFS) sente in an advisory capacity by cornmentingon in C:'lifornia do not proposed mitigation Plans. Althougb the different agencies general philosoptry used to have a formal, coordinated mitigation policy, the guidelines establishedby FWS' evaluate mitigation proposals follonn the federal form of mitigation' especially Thus, loss prevention is generally the most desirable phasesof a project" Inwhen this can be implemeuted during the pre-construction desirableform of compensation' kind/on-site replacement of resourcesis the most generallyless preferred' However' witb out-of-kind substinrtion of resourcesbeing for presewation by both local and wetlands have been accordedsucha high priority federal agenciesthat wetland restoration is viewed asa relatively valuable mitigative action, evenif it is out-of-kind' 4 l I I I i I I t I I t I I I I I I I t I 'l I I I I I T I I ] I T I t l I t Inrroduction its application in the In spite of Californil'5 ssmmitment to mitigatioq Most local coastalprojeca marine environment is a relatively recent development. or wetlands (Table 1-1)' that have required mitigation have involved harbors,baln babitat around soNGS' Tbese habitats are very different from the open coastal of tbese projects' Furthermore, babitat destnrction has been the primary impact to habitat degadation' whereasthe impactsof soNGS are more varied. In addition of resources'eventhough the entrapment of fish at soNGS resultsin the direct loss it doesnot alter the midwater habitat. 12 Monitoring mitigation A significant obstacleto recommendingand evaluating'possible lack of relevant information' techniques in tbe marine environment has been tbe mitigation is a relatively new Perhapssome uncertainty is inevitable, since coastal by the general absenceof phenomenon,but the problem is certainly exacerbated that have been implemented' follow-up or monitoring snrdies for techniques can be madetowardsmore Without a critical evaluation of a technique,no progress the future' Furthermore' witbout effective implementation of that technique in of a partiarlar techniquecannotbe determined' follow-up studiesthe successfulness in a sinration such as the open coasr' Follow-up sftdies are particularly important previously' where few mitigation techniqueshavebeen implemented snrdies to be an important' I have considered monitoring or follow'up In somecase$such as pneumatic integral part of most recommendedtechniques' witl be neededto confirm that they guns and mercury lrghts, the follow'up snrdies providetheamountofmitigationprojected;oncethisbas.beenconfirmed, q, I - Chaptcr I t l.'i €F C rlr z 4 F iF ,9t & E'ei't8'38'3i:r vl € o\ t s Es ;s Eg 3 .gias ig ia €B i Fe z F F e E I € z = 'tt 5 € ''E I 5 .g € tr3 ! GI -: (D : ?o € ll, P Fir E c € o0 = .) --cS a z E 04 E= Eglx >F-E *OY OEH L IE E -a, € c I -r| I ' b c O I 3 E € tt r{ i>s FO= I E qFl on ni EE FI t o U Hst 9E O.F I I l, g^ siE fi! €Er l E E q i;-? ?5e E.:: ;= .H= EE E3 EE Ff F: Ft € € I ?I+a srin ?3ta sEEn SEEfi Eh sB i=i*': !! Eui* EuE" *==$- i=-eEFE3?g Er, E= ;5?a 5s E: al I 0 l- lr E;; Bei **F!ggFE?;:E= t s3iEaiEe3iE$Ei?s:! 4 E a FI !E. i. Eg EE i?E EEr €€i EiEEgEi$a EEsEss f, r, 4 tn iEI EgE :g:AEgsF 2 ;) l. F Zz 5 oll E=g !EF.C ra 65C o- 6&88 I l' t t I I I I -l Istroduction t 5 I 4 F .g t T l I I t E$ z EE x "aee -r .Et E !.iot Ll,C' ii E= 3s, i1a ;€ E5i s€E r=3 c E E TD !rr9 E;g gEE,i EiEE iiifu Eig? ea:E E:Es 5g€E; 5€EEB -E 3€E! sg:i -69V E ?€r € = €gRE EE*E 4 L- -i .E: =3C o s'E E sal E 'tr €a*E iE,eBEcciEgEE z t a! E:*E;Fg EEEF3[ & I I I I HE .la;Et. E.*i€ Ec z t I l I I € oF€ I q,cl iio EP Fs z F YZ I E o trl0Y i>s l-O= !l E t -,c Fo! >Fe lro a .:E t= E€ Ae aro E4 ^s !t eE Er <E gb vA e4 E' c. FJ o r'; eE l2 F- F a EI: ,:;E ;s: g trF E EE *3= g\6 >r = ti Eor 4!- e.F a >.9 E9; € r=g ln g C a "E t a,, o > b !t E a ub !b3 ;'E 3 3= r<5 Eii= :uu-BeE ;EsiSrgai!es? I Chaptcr1 been defined additional monitoring will not be necessary.Specific objectiveshave technique for most o&er techniques,with Eonitoring needed to confirm that tbe of the has achieved its objestive. I have discussedthe objectives and an outline monitoring neededalongwith eachrecommendedtechnique. are not Note that there are other recommendedmonitoring programs that 20 of the related to mitigation techniques. Tbeseprpglarnsare discussedin Chapter MRCs Finat Report to the California CoastalCommission t i I t 13 SummarXof resourcelosses The operationof soNGS has affectedorganismsthrougb two I I I I maln frsh' that are mechanisms:(1) kiuing organisms,especiallyimmanre and adult plume that taken into tbe plant with the coolingwater, and (2) creatinga ffibid Bed (SOK)' These affectsthe kelp, fish and invertebratesin tbe SanOnofreKelp the associated lossesare discussedin detail in the Final Report to the CCC and andTable 1'2. TechnicalReporsi we briefly s'nrnarize the impactsin this section in SOK The MRC has measuredadverseeffectson the kelp community Tbe area coveredby including gant kelp, frsb, and large benthic im'ertebrates' on averageby about 80 moderateto higb densitykelp in soK hasbeenreduced that wouldhaveoccurredin the absence hetares(ha), or 6}Vobelowtbeabundance bared sandbass (e'9 sheephead' of SONGS. Fish living near the bottoh in SOK 70vo (toughly 200,000frsh and black zurSerch) have been reducedby about baveocetsredin the absenceof weighing25 MT) belowthe abundancethat would grchinwere of 13speciesof snailsandof thewhite sea SONGS.The abundances T I I I t I I I I I T n Inuoducrion I I I EEE l I I I g-€ tro =T =Gt t t )\ c.E F. \r tr= 5E tr e-G| (J U U o -oE c ./DZ E- g E {r = X U g €fr !t tr -g i9, tod, .L c) o u, \ \ c) x i) t c) 4) ,a \ () q) t G' G z tr u, E t) 6rE .!, F(: oe -sE t HIAE .) -a ra (n o 3! S F a) v, ,I2 Fr N X A rx \0 4) € '5; G' F .E 9. VY J G' 3 T? E= n) I E () .gi tc B. G ES6 '9,: a) th2 oE a) .9 EE€ =E a) FE ; = .a) E I v) z U2 ;E b r.l €€E: !! I E u2 t o .J e) & 5 I c? & EE e +hr=3E E E E := x t) E U) e) U) G' tt 0 e) ? g (, G co tr EI o I b tr o 1' G o 0 a) u, EI g, {) x a) E 6 'E o Be tx tD U2 t) I GI .) .! a) v) F 1) I ' o0 c G C) o z G' g '= 0 s g Eg ;f,FE 'Ef : .: niE E €€ v, =FE H EiiFisE € L o0 E a) !flfiEt E{? =2 ? , ;i -F E l'-Ea-es E U2 I i;EE€ O 9 .a, o o ?€ E EF c c vt q) t) EI HEEH5= 'l I l Y,g th -6 o$l I I I I I I o €<rI1 v) t t o € -€ {2 E E-b e s Z € .=E () o I 1) v t) v ,n E g v) at) u T .! 9. (! (.) 3g .t) q Cbapter 1 below the levelsthat'would bave also reducedzubstantiallyQAVo-9OVo) occurredin the absenceof SONGS. The MRC calculatesthat there is a substantialimpact on the standingstock reductionsin of a ngmber of fisb populations in the SouthernCalifornia Bight. The a loss of standing stock are probably between one and ten Percent' rePresenting severalhundred tons in standirrgstock some The MRC has also measureda reduction in the local abundanceof reducedby midwater fish populations. The local abundanceof queenfishhas been 2'3 km from between30Vo and70Vo,dependingon location' out to a distance of' A similar soNGS, relative to the abundanceexpectedin the absenceof soNGS' SONGS redustion occtsred in white croaker, but over a smaller area In addition' This estimate kills at least 19 metric tons (MI) of fish Per year in i15intake systetrL long term the was made in a period of depressedfish abundance'and over the anount killed will be about 51 MT Per year' which no substantial other parts of tbe community that were snrdied and in animalsassociatedwitb adverseeffectswere found are: the zooplankto& a rmge of thb soft sediments' semi' sandy bottoms (including invertebrates living in or on sand cTabs' some planktonic organi$$ and bottom-dweuing frsh), &d intertidal as a result of soNGS' groupsassociatedwith sandybottoms inceased in abundance operations. I I I T l, r l J n I I I t t I I I I 10 i lstroducrion I I l I I I t l n t I I I T I I I I I 1.4 Literature Cited pilot snrdy on the Alleg LG., C.P. Onuf and M.S. Love. Lg84. Results of a hatibut in the distribution and abundance of young-of-year California 1984' vicinities of Alamitos Bay and San Onofre-Oceanside,May'June, Report to the Marine Review Committee' Evaluation' Report Asrbrose,R.F. 1986a.Artificial Reefs. volume L Review and to the Marine ReviewCommittee' 186pp' for mitigating Anrbrose, R.F. 1986b. An evaluation of alternative techniques Report to the impacts of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station' Marine ReviewCommittee. 168PP' and nanrral reefsin Ambrose,R-F. 1987a Comparisonof communitieson anificial Report to tbe Southern California witb emphasison fuh assemblages' Marine Review Committee' related to mitigation: Fastors Ambrose, RF. 198?b. compilatibn of information of gant kelp' life history influencing the recruitment, grourtband persisteuce tectrniques for seagrass surnmaries for nearshore fish species, and restoration. Report to the Marine ReviewCommittee' Ambrose, R.F., M.L Patton and S.L swarbriclc 1987' comparison of fisb assemblagesonnanrralandartificialreefsinSouthernCaliforniaReportto the Marine ReviewCommittee' 48 pp' 11 Chapter 1 Ashe, D.M. Lg82. Fish and wildlife mitigation: description and analpis of estnarineapplications..CoastalZone Motagementlounal l0: 1'52. DeManini, E-E. tg87. The effects of operations of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station on fish. Final Report- Report to the Marine Review Committee. Fischer, MJ- tg7g. Statr recommendationson radiological dischargemonitoring and conditions to be addedto pennit A 153-73for the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant Memo to tbe State Commissioners,November 9, 1979' C-aliforniaCoastalCommission- t l f' I t il LockheedOcean ScienceLaboratories(I-OSL). 1983a PendletonArtificial Reef' Benthic and fisb communitydevelopment,September1981- November 1983' Final Reporl Volgme I. Report to the Marine Review Committee' Iockheed Ocean ScienceLaboratories (I3SL). 1983b. Pendleton Artifrcial Reef' sildy, Final Report' Volume tr. Report to tbe Pterygophoratransplantation Marine Review Committee. t I t t t Lockbeed Ocean ScienceLaboratories (LOSL). 1983c. Successionon Pendleton Final Arrificial Reef: AD artificial ieef designedto suPPotta kelp forest, Report, volume ltr. Report to tbe Marine Review committee. t2 I I t I I I I I T I t t t I Introduction and habitat 1981. Artificial reefs as a means of marine mitigation Marine Review improvement in Southern California. Report to the Sheehy,D. Committee. 68 PP. Thum, AB. 1985. Technical review of 'Artifrcial Reefs: VoL I' A teview and committee' analysis,"preparedby Richard Asrbrosefor the Marine Review Mitigation: Final Thum, A, J. Gonot, A. Carter and M. Foster. 1983. Review of Report. Report to tbe Marine ReviewCommittee' 78 pp' Fish and Wildlife United StatesFish and \ilitdlife Service(USFWS)' 1981' U'S' " serviceMitigation Policy. FederalResstqa6($): 7 64'4-7663 t I I I il J I t I I 13 Chaprci 1 This pageintentionallYleft blank p I J' I t I I t I I I I t I I I I I t I SECTIONI LO SSREDUCTTONTECHNIQIJES 1: I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I l I I I I I I CHAPTER2 INTRODUCTION TO LOSS REDUCTIONTECIINIQUES for mitigating an 411 things being equal, the most preferred technique '' techniquesthat explores section This impact. the avoid to is impact environmental the loss of resources' could potentially reduce the impac-Aof SONGSby preventing changesto SONGS' One class of techniques consideredhere involves structural Stnrcnrrd changes are althougb noD-stnrctural techniques are also included' (permit 183-73)specifically reviewed becausethe operating permit for SoNGS (including the construction of indicates that modifications to tbe cooling system substantialadverseeffects cooling towers) could be consideredin order to reduce on the marine environment. of the local biological The only technique tbat would cenainly eliminate all of soNGS' Although this effects of SoNGS would be to stop the operation it would not mininize alternative would eliminate local environmental effects' generatingstatiors' becausePowerwould haveto producedat other regionaleffec,ts Uke SONGS' SCE s other whicb night cause greater environmental impacts' so fish larvae and older fuh generating stations use once-throughcooling systems' soNGS producesvirnrdly no air lifestageswould be killed during their operations. would provide hasto be producedby pollution; when SONGSis offline, the power it Basin' Even though scE would one of scE's oil and gasplans in the Los Angeles available first (8. Mechalas,penonal use the most fuel.efficient plant that is emissiorsin the Basin aswell ashigher communicati,on),this would result in greater District is very concernedabout costs. The South C-oastAir Quality Management would need to aPProveany alrangement to and Basin, the in emissions increased F. Cbapter 2 penonal communication)'In run SONGSless and Basin sations more (Mechalas, shutting down SONGS the context of the entire Southern Californian environment" perhaps more severe' would be expensive and would result in different, and environmental impacts. reduce tbe impactsof A secondloss-reductionalternative that would greatly SONGS from an open cooling SONGS on the marine environment is to convert way to convertSONGSto systemto a closedsptem (Chapter5). The most obvious towerswould reducethe amount a closedsystemis to build coolingtowers. Cooling so would virnrally eliminate of seawatertaken in and dischargedby SONGS, and to increasedsedimentationor impingement and entrainment lossesand lossesdue 8d would largely shift nrrbidity. However, cooling towers are expensive, to the terrestrial environment' environmental effecls from the marine environment impacts would affect human Increased ground-level fogging salt drift and other safetyand terrestrial organisms' Theremainingtechniquesforpreventingresorrrcelossescarrbecategorized struc$ral chongesto the discharge system, intake the to changes stnrcural as system,and nonstructural changes' (Ctapter 3) would be designedto stnrcnrral cbangesto the intake system the plant or to retun entrappedorganisms prevent organismsfrom being taken into or substantialrossesdue to entrainment suffer to rikely most are Fish to tbe ocea& juvenile is designedto minimize the loss of System Return Fish The impingement. (seeTechnical Report c)' Therefore' and adult fish, and it is reasonablyeffective reduce the intake systemwould be those that the most important changesto the I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Inuoduction to lossrcductiontechniques that might reduce lanal entrainment include: entrainment of fish lanae. Qfoanges intake barrier modifying the traveling screens, infil63dqa beds' Porous dikes' very promising' SlStems,and relocatingthe intakes. None of thesetechniquesseem would be designed Stnrctural sfoengesto tbe dischargerystem (Chapter 4) near tbe primarily to eliminate or reduce increasedsedimentationand/or nrbidity set of techniques present diffgsers. These techniquesfall into two categories. One of sedimentit modifies the existing diffuser q6tem in order to reduce tbe amount there is uncertainty entrains. Severalqpes of modifications seem promising, but the tlpe and/or about their effectiveness. The secondset of techniqueschanges bed areas' location of the dischargein order to avoid the sensitivehard bottom/kelp of soNGS on the changing the location of the dischargewould eliminate the effects obstacleswould San Onofre Kelp forest communiry,but technical and regulatory teqhniques,conversion have to be solvedand the costwould be high. (A third set of to closed-cyclecooling is disclssedaboveand in chapter 5.) tbat would reduce Nonstnrctural changesinvolve awide variety of techniques would reduce the number a variety of different imPacts. Someof tbesetechniques most promising norstntctural of organisms taken into SONGS (Chapter 3). The to reducefisb gunsand ligbt sJ|stems cbangesto the intake qEteE include pneumatic would not be feasibleat imprngementand beat-treatmentlosses. Other techniques barriers designed to reduce the soNcs, inctuding tbe following behavioral bubble curtainsand water jets' entrapment of juvenile and adult fish: eleetric fields, (Chapter 6) tbat could reduce Finally, there are changesto the operation of SONGS reducing the amount of water passing losses. The most promisrngof theseinclude schedulingsoNGS to be shutdown through tbe cooling systemat soNGS, and i Chagter2 in some of the techniquesevaluated in section I have been disctlssed body previous rePorts to the MRC (e.g.,Ambrose 1986),and there is a substantial power plants' of generalinformation about reducinglosses(especialtyfish losses)at Southern California Edison has also sponsoreda number of snrdies specifically I I I I I and l:rson directed at evaluatingpossibleloss-reductiontechniques(e'g', Schuler et aL 1980' 1g75,I-awler, Manrslcyand Sketly Engineers tg/g, L982,Thomas t workshave McGroddyet aL tgSl). In additionto thesesnrdies,a numberof generd 1981' been reviewed(e.g.,Hanqon et at. lgn,Hocgtt et 41.1980,Dorn and Johrson I I of kelp during periods of high abundanceof fish.lanae and/or high probability recnritmeBl. Micheletti 1988). This sestion is comprised of five chapten. This cbapter (Chapter 2) tbe intake summarizesthe design and operation of SONGS. Chapter 3 discusses losses(velocitycap systemat SONGS,including existingtechnologiesfor reducing be effestive' Chapter and Fish Return Sptem) and potential techniquesthat night to the existing 4 diss'sses the discbarge qnteq including possible modifrcations existin9 cooling system sJ^tem. cbapter 5 considersthe feasibility of replacing the modifications to the with a closed-cyclecooling sJEteELFinalln Chapter 6 disclsses Each chapter includes a operation of SONGS that could reduce resourcelosses' and,where possible'a rough discussionof the technical feasibility of eachtechnique migbt be saved' An attempt estimate of its cost and the amount of resourcesthat and reasonablefrom those hasbeen made to distinguishtechniquesthat are feasible mitigation are discussedin tbat are not; the actual recorlmendationsregarding SectionIn. 18 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Iatroduaion to loss rcduction tcc'hniqucs 2.1 Summari of SONGSOPerations for reducing The first step towards developing or evaluating techniques and how it interac$ impacs from SONGS is to understandhow the plant operates summarizesthe relevant witb the phpical and biological em'ironments.This section Generating Station' and design and operation features of the San Onofre Nuclear SONGS' Much of this briefly discusseshow the dischargeaffectsthe water around Report; in partianlar' information is reported in more detail elsewherein the Final L The more detailed physical oceanographyis presented in Technical Report feasibility of some of the description of the cooling syste6 neededto evaluatethe techniquesevaluatedhere is presentedin AppendixA usedto cool the reactors SONGSusesan oPencoolingsystem;oceanwater is (MW)' while Units 2 and3 in each of its 3 rurits. Unit t oPeratesat 436Megawats through a single intake located each operate at 1100lvf\il. Unit 1 takesin seawater seg The cooling water Passes 907 m offshore at a maximum flow rate of 22 mtf raised about 105€ and is through condensers where the temPerature is located 750 m offshore at a subsequentlyrenyned to ttre oceanat a Point discharge intake strucnrreslocated 976 n depth of about 7.6 a. Units 2 and3 bave seParate theseunits oPeratesat a maximum offshore and 200 m aPart alongshore. Each of about 9"G and discbarges flow rate of about 523 mslseq raising the temperanre water back through diffusen' begin about 1795 m and 10&4rr The diffuser systemsfor units 2 atd 3 unit 2 diftrser is located2?0 m upcoastof offshore,respectively(Figure 2-1). The m in lengthand has63 dischargePorts' the unit 3 diffuser. Each diffirseris 750 19 I, I I I I I I I I Cbaper 2 FishReturnConduit Dischorge unit2 unit3 -: "r"L OffshoreIntskes Diffus I B. DISTANCE FROM SHOREIN IOOO FEET 7 -\ UnifI Dischorge E 207 {-F - 30= 11 40 H -t 50 / ers 60 vlew(B) of the -g (cross'shetf) ptan vlgw(4) ?ndslde -onorre Ftgure2-1: Expandeg the hiJear gniratingStarionshowing coasrarregroniiiti- sin pipe r6rlrf5ollc5 untts,ihe discharge for of u;1-nia1E-pipes otacemenr tdr Untts2 and3' imtti ino thediftusers I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I lntroduction to lcs reduciou techniques 0'8 m3/sec The individual jets have an initial diameter of 05 m' each discbarging the bottonr' are with an initial velocity of 4 m/sec. Ports extend 22 m above alternatelyalignedatanglesof+25ofromthediffrrserlines,andtiltupwardsatzv from tbe horizontal (SCE 1981). mixing of the hot The diffusers were designedto provide efficient thermal ambient seawateris dischargewater with tbe cool ambient water. Inweak cturetrc' tines greater than the entrained in the dischargeplgmes at a rate that is 7 to 10 rate of up to 550 m3/sec cooling systemflow, creating a total dischargeplurre flow ctrn rise to more for each of Units 2 and3 @ischer4 aL LgTg). The enuainment least 90Voof the water in than 20 t mes the dischargein strong currents' Thus, at The initial upward tbe plume is entrained by the flow of water from the diffrsers' tbe dischargetowards momennro* due to the tilt of eachjet, and beatedwater carry will spread at the surface' the surface. In weakly stratified water, the plume In the summermonths' achievinga thicknessof 3-5 m within 1 km of the diffrser1 the plume never reaches thermal stratification is occasionallyso pronouncedthat water' the plume reacbes the surface; due to rapid mixing with the cold bottom extendsseveral hundred m thernal equilibrium at mid-deptbs The plgme often stretchup to 2 km beyondthe offsbore from tbe end of the unit 2 dihrser, but it can the plume is frequently directed diffgser. Due to the prerrailingdoumcoastcuren1q to\ilards the SanOnofre KelP Bed' The designof the diffuser hasbeen optimized for thermal dispersionin order tomeetstaterequirementsfortherrraldiscbarges.Turbiditylevelsinthedischarge the increasedturbidity in the plune were not consideredin the design. However, plume has negativeeffectson the marine environmenl t. Chapter 2 The coast at SONGS is unprotecred and the area is hydrodynamically of water that compler Ircal circglation pattems are determinedby tbe interastion beds' flows into and out of SONGS with local curren8, toPograPhyand kelp are rarely LongSbore currents are faster than 5 cn/sec about half the time, but and the faster than 25 cn/sec Much of the flow is due to reversingtidal curents, 2 wfsec mean drift is only about 4 cn/sec doumcoastin summer and about have been downcoastin winter @eitzel 1988). Flow Pattemsaround the diffusers by an investigatedempiricatly with the releaseof dyes(EcoM 1987)and described a complete analytical model (EcoM 1988). Neither of these snrdies provides only surface description of the flow patterns around SONGS. The dye stgdiesshow depth profile flow on a given day. The model usesa simplistic linearly increasing the effects of and a simple constant ambient cgrrent model and does not include of the water that is nearbykelp beds. However, the studiesseemto agreethat some offshore' entrained in the plgrre comesfrom inshore,but most comesfrom water' The water in the plume is generallymore tufbid than the surrounding of sestonand the The bigber turbidity in the plume renrls from the distribution increasestoward the shore source of plume water. seston ooncentrationgenerally of seston The plume is and tourard the bottom becausethese are the sources water tbat is entrained by formed from water tbat is dischgged from the plant and the diffusers bas a higher the dischargedwater. lvater tbat is dischargedfrom because the intakes are seston content on average than the surrounding'water is more nrbid' Tbe sediment located inshore of the diftrsers, where the water 6 mg/l (range: 2't5 ag/l); at full concetrtration of intake water is tpically arognd are transPortedthrough the flow, approximately 54 metric tons (MT) of sediment plume comesfrom closer inshore plant per day. Water that is entrained into the I I I t I j I I I I I I I t I I I I I rl I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Innoductioa to lcs rcductionterhniqucs entrained water mixes and lower doum than the anrbientwater it displaces. As the water column' where it with the dischargedwater, it warms up and rises in the displacesthe lessrurbid surfacewater. / water and inshore The relative contributions of sedimeng from bottom However' it is clear water, or dischargedwater and eutrainedwater, are Dot known' sedimentsin the plume that sedimentsin the intake water cannot acco'nt for all the concentrationsof 7-12 water. Measurementsof sedimentsin the plume indicate water in spite of the fact mg/l,wbicb is sligbtly higber than concentrationsin intake If only water that that the intake water is diluted ten-fold by water that is entrained. plume watel would be was relatively sediment-freewas entrained, the turbidity of much lower than hasbeenmeasured' z3 Chapter 2 This pageintentionally left blanlc' I I CHAPTER3 t INTAIG SYSTEM I I I I I 3.1 Loss reductiontbchniquesnow in use I I I I I I I I I I I to reducetbe lossof fishat SONGS: SCEalreadyemploptwo'techniques velocity capsand a Fish Return Sptem' cap. is fitted with a velocity Each of the intakes for the three units at soNGS of the intake for The cap is a concreteslab supported tzm abovethe opening (Figrre 3-t). It is designedto Unit 1, a,,dz2m abovethe openingfor Units 2atd3 into the intake would produce a horizontal flow freld; without a caP'the flow field or escaPefrom a horizontal be vertical. It is supposedlyeasierfor adult fish to avoid dependson size and species' flow freld. The ability of juveniles to avoid entraPment so the verocity capshave Lanrae generanycan not es€pe from the intake current, little effect on the entrainmentrate of lanrae' Variors rePor6 (ThomasA aL $fj},Iawler, Manrsky and Skelly Engineers capsreduce the entrainment rate of \ILZ,EPRI 19S4)have indicated that velocity instanation of verocity caps reduced adult fish. weigbt (1g5g) concrudedtbat ag}voreduetion in fish rosseswhile annual en*apment by gilvo. scE (1974)fo'nd period after the caP was removed' a cap was in place compared to an l&month a velocity cap reduced cntrapment of Schuler and Larson (1975) reported tbat the general oonsensushas been that anchovyby 85-90voin the laboratory. Tbus, fsh' However' several reports have velocity caps reduce the entraPmentof adult For of the capsmaynot be asgreatas claimed' indicatedthat the effectiveness -p I CbaPtcr3 rtI :, . l l 't. t- til$fl] I :*fi1ll Il$il t$l illHl'l i. I g rt U -a a) oo EE .= tt I - c oE 0 EO el o a C) u 1fiffi'.t, I .lI\YF:'I 3) o qa o ;E at , A Ea r{ l. o =o a) ! d TE CL o'a a !o 'r at 9-s +l rl ll t, bt tE o A gg o Er (!O ="3 (( tl ij:i ;'.,..': i:.'."': l'.?-" ffi')l llki.t .:r1 {..1 1==t) a.l ii'.o' r' t'i .'+ mS;::i l.-l ll tto--o,f gE o P"* 6 (, Eg €$E r,s o sat -l B c o -{ U. , t.'! ;r? t '.7:;-i'-ili'i}: -:'-;''.:L -l o ,'t..i: 26 .t, d t o d 3 ' €aE E=ggE:E ..E6 t-- +t l. at I 5.o.o.r l:"\': f ?:.' Itl.;:.-r-rt_'..1i', ;.r'' 3.'-';':i -..]-J'; - .. I I I I .f:E o tr= EgE tt (,- I I I T I I I T I I I I I lntake SPtem t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t in tbe density and exa6ple, Sharma (1973) suggestedthat natgral flucnratioD by Weigbt (1958)' distribution of fishescloseto the intake, which was not addressed and Stupka and Sharma is tbe most important factor affecting fish entrapment' enhstce fisb (Lg77) suggestedtbat the velocity caP at soNGS may acnrally entraPment. employedat soNGS The Fisb Renrn system (FIIS) is the secondtechnigue entrapped at Unit 1 are to reduce the loss of entrapped fish. All of the frsh through the evennrally killed by being impinged on the traveling sseens' Passlng heat treatments' Units 2 screensand dying in the condensers,or being killed during diverts fish before they are and 3 are each equippedwitb a Fish Renfn Systemthat ocean' The FRS (Figure impinged on tbe traveling screensand regrns them to the (louvers)' a quiet area with a 3-2) consists of guiding vanes, vertical bar racls sluice' The guide vanesare collection bucket, an elevator mechanismand a return flow of water acrossthe louvers aligned witb the iiseming flow and ensurethat the reducing the Pump bead los is uniform. Uniform flow prevents nrrbulencp th115 guide entrapped fsh into the througb the rystem. Tbe rranesare also designedto through the louvers that is easier colleetion area by producing an eveD'steadyflow can result in suddenbursts of higb for the fish to senseand avoid. Turbulent flow the fisb to become impinged or velocity flow acrossthe louvers that could canse the incomingflow and are angled at rnjrued. The louvers are located to oDeside of of tbe louvers are Lf 4" wide with a about 20p towards the flow. The vertical slats separationof3/8'.Tbelouversrotateperiodicatlylikeatarrktreadforcleaning. Thelouversarerotatedonceashift;rotationcanalsobetriggeredautomaticallyby (whicb would occur if material began to a pressure difference acrossthe louven builduponthelouvers).smallhorizontalshelveslocatedataboutone-meter ] I I I Chapter3 o o E (r, (r I rf) o (l) U' CU L- -? I b.9 Egl @ -g C) o E, t-. I L- o @ GI crl r\ = q) E = L g t,8 -,8b I ct I = Er .E- 'c) C' JA --- ->r .-F c)i- = o -o r; o a> -aA <rl c, c, (l' .> o (9 c .o CN E'r I f*- >\ 6 o, o t- g' ol c' t- alF -(o € '= 7t = (J ,gl -c,l ( Jl .nl L- () o) E 5f -- b tr a o dl I Eg bE cggI 6iEt L- ,t- o- 9E =ctg o CL gil b -l $ tr) Har I Eee EtsI I Ea$ qEi I F€E I I I I T I I I t l I I I t I I I I I I I I I I Intake Systcm of the water' Debris is intervals oD the louvers belp lift the accumulatingdebris out hauled away to a wasbedwitb a higb pressuresPrayinto a sluice, and is evennrally front of tbe purnPsand Iandfill. Traveling screensare downstreamof the louvers in catcb debris that passesthrougb the louvers' area where the Fisb are guided along the vanesand louvers into a colleetion Uaveling screenat the flow is a quieter than the rest of the intake area' There is a greater along the edges back of this area- The flow througb the collection area is can acormulate in a than in the center, so fish and debris (such as kelp fronds) The water in the collection relatively quiet zonein the centerof the collection area. 6 mx3 mx 1m deepsitson the areais aboutg m deep. Arectangularbucket" quite fill the collection area; bottom of the co[ection area. The bucket doesn't m in the ftont and back' there is a gap of severalcentimeterson the sides andl/2 shift' the bucket is slowly The top third of the bucket is mesh. During each 8'hour sluiceleading650 m (-1ft/sec) lifted out of thewater and dumpedinto areturn as many times as necessaryto back to the ocean. The bucket is raised and dumped area; when few fish have remove the majority of the frsh from the collection emptied, the bucket might only accumulatedin the collection area since it was last fish the bucket is raisedsix or be raised two or three times, but when there are urany fiShalive to the oceanis evaluated seventimes. The nrccessof the FRS in renrning in Technical RePort C. 29 F Cbapter 3 32 Struchral changes plant sesling Many technologieshavebeen developedand appliedto Power testing' A brief water intakes; still more have been conceivedthat require further to SONGSfollows' disegssionof sone of tbesetechniquesand tbeir applicability ' been proposedor A wide variety of physicalbarriers to reducefrsb loss have aad irrigation canalsas implemented at hydroelectricdans, water diversionprojects vertical traveling well as power plants. These barriers include stationary screens' screens'veilical drum screens (which are used at SONGS), horizontal traveling rapid sandfrlters (Hnnson screens,horizontal drum screens'perforatedplates,and in this section discussed et at.1977);the most commonor promisingof theseare 32.1 Tlaveling scrcenmodifrcations usedat soNGS' form a Vertical traveling screens(Figure 3-3), suchasthose around two horizontal shafu; continuousbelt of scree' panelstbat rotatesvertically is submergedin the flow of water' one shaft is located abovetbe water and the other side of the screens. (At soN'cs, Debris and impinged fiih conect on the upsueam so the material tbat collectson the screen$ traveling the of up$ream are louvers the the slots in the lowers') As the belt traveling s6eens has first passedthrougb the water and washedfrom the screens rotates, tbe debris and fisb are carried out of whicb carry it to a collection area The urith 3 high-preszuresPrayinto trougbs, when exceptduring periods of heavyclogging' intervals regular at rotates belt screen the front and back side of the screen benreen level water the in tbe difference automatically triggers the rotation' I I I T I I T I I I I T I I I I I VERTICALTRAVELINGSCREEN . CONVENTIONAL .SCREENDRIVE SPRAYNOZZLES FORCLEANING DEBRISTROUGH HIGH WATER SCREENBASKETS IOR'TRAYS"} WATERFLOUV l.CLEAiI WATERFLOW ts DIRTY LOWWATER -_ : FLOOR OF SCREEN STBUgruBE cof. : schemati Fisure3-3 S:Jl€ ".ri'l[%i,ff"i5ii3'3fl.::h:ilit|;l'rT Ec'reens,the direction ol Screel troughandsPraYnozzles 31 I Cbapter 3 .Fisbthatareimpingedonorpassthroughthe6gyglingscreensatsoNGS t of fisb are killed. Severalmodifications could potentially enhancethe survivorshiP screens that contact or passthrough the scteens. The small fisb that go througb the edgeof could be retained by a smaller meshscreen(0.04). The lip on the lower water to help eachscreenpanel could be modified so that it lstqins severalinchesof low' cushion the impact on fish as the screen rises out of the water- A separate pressgre spray could be added to remove frsh and lan'ae before the high Pressure I I I I to the sprayremovesattacheddebris; the more gentle sPraywould causelesstrauma include fish and larvae than the higb pressurespray. Additional modificatioru could the screens retrofitting the screen drive and bearing systemsto rotate and wash an extended continuouslyso that fish and lamae are not held agninstthe screensfor t renrrn the period of time. Finally, a retum conduit would need to be provided to impinged frsh to tbe ocean. in modifications A number of snrdieshave evaluatedthe effectivenessof screen been conducted reducing mortality of impinged fish. Most of these studiesbave The results showthat in freshwater,on the East coast, or in the Pacific Northwest is species-dependent' when sgeeDs are nodified" zurvivonhip varies widely and Point Nuclear Plant Suwivorship ranged from llo for bay ancbovyat the Indian i^"rediate zurvival rate at the (Texas Instruments Inc. 1978) to an overall 97Vo pasotal communicdion to l.awler, Surry Power Station in Virginia (M. Brehme4 Manrslcyand Skelly Engineers1982)' Alaboratorystudyoftbesuwivalof6lanlalspeciescommontoSouthern variable as well as size' and california waters found that survivonhip was highly from very (fable 3'1; Edwards a aL 1981a)' survivorshipvaried species-dependent I I t I I I T I I I I I I I t t I I I I T t I I I T I I I I T brafe System The effect on low for kelpfuh to >9S[ofor large topsmelt(Edwardset 4L t98la)' and other long-term suwival was not tested,brrt is more relevant becarse abrasions if they are not damage due to impingement on screensmay be debilitating even immediately letbal. Therefore, the effective survivorshipmay be substantiallylower were anonalous than the data presentedindicate. In additio& some of the results than (e.g, much lower survival for large cToakerat 15 cnfsec for l-minute duration at higher velocities,Ionger durations,or a smaller size). Table 3'1 coutrol survival (fron Edsards Mean lmpingcneut survlvd for sir ryccies of laruc' correctcdfor gt S6XCS ls 40 cn/sccond' - Indicatcstcsting not gl C!. 1981a). Florvrate at the travcling *t conductcd. IMPD{GEMEI\TTSURVWAL AT DURATIoN (MlN) AI'ID \IELOSTY ((Itl/s) SPBCIES Sr I.ENCTII -IM1NUTE30 otr/s $ orl/s CarccoRv (ln'{) Sndl Medium I.aryc 72-9J ili3 183 SBdl Mcdium brgP 9JJ-fLs 14.ii-15l} t82-n3 Aachovy SEdl I:rge 180 3L&370 Itulpfisb Small krge 14.1 7 r89 tA Croakcr Small l-atge fia B.t-z,8 96 ,8 Goby Small 13.0 lm Topsmelt Gnrnion 45 s{/s -4MImtrE15 ot'rls 30 cN{/s 45 q{/s a 62 69 98 1m & I 1m 51 2t v 3 35 69 40 lm 55 69 81 81 70 : $ ; 6 ; 94 gI 1m 41 86 69 98 92 v 81 u v 0 9 u ; 0 n 98 n 1m y7 lm 1m 98 98 33 n Y i Chapter 3 in losses for of screenmodificationszlrenot adequate The snrdiesof the effectiveness The if they were to be used at soNGS' predictingpreciselytheir effectiveness that screennodifications relatively high sgwivonhips for some speciessuggest to be oneof the few aPPears night reducefisb losses.Furthermore,this tecbnique tanrallossesat soNGS. However' strudurarchangesthat mightsignificantryreduce Most of tbe snrdieshave uncertaintyabouti13effectiveness' tbereis considerable thatwouldbe foundat SONGS' conditions or species the of rePresentative been not foundin southerncalifornia is larvae frsh on (1981a) cr et Edwards by The snrdy sometimesanomalous'Od and variable were results the but relevantto SONGS, of the lanraeused' In additioq no the snrdyonly consideredthe immediatesuwival the inpingedfish througha conduitto renrrning of impact the considered has snrdy by a phprcal danagewould be incurred nrbstantial that likely seerns It oceaL I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I larr,qorevenadultfisbafterbeingimpingedonatravelings6een'washedoffof flushedbackto tbe oceanthe screeo,dumpedinto a renrrnconduitand modifredssreenswould result in when rsed in coniunctionwith the FRS, the of adultfrsh. Most (about84vo)of rates mortarity the in reducdon onrya sma' alreadydivertedby the FRS are 3 and 2 units by entrapped adult fish that are Report c)' Even if soNGS' raveling before reachingtbe screens(Iechnical (seeTecbnical fish (72 MT) that are impinged 800'000 the modifre4 were screens ReportC)wouldnotallsulvive,sincetheywouldbesuessedfromimpingement' of we canmakea very rougbestimate ocean' the to trip return the handling and on survivalratesof fish traveling data the using by saved be how manyfish might I I I TD I I I t T I I t I t t I I I T larale SPtcm through the FRS ranged from througb the FRS. Short-term (96 hrs) survivorship large species(Table 17 of 68Vo forsmall species(exceptfor anchovy)to t}}Vo"for mortatity due to increased Technical Report C); these values do not include ocean The sumival of fish predation on diverted fuh after tbeir. release to &e ocean would probably impinged on modified traveling screensand renrrned to the primarily becarse the stress on be much lower than survival of diverted fisb' teDd to be smaller than imFinged fish would be much greater. (In'Pinged frsh also rnrlnerable to phpical da:nage diverted fish, which probably makes them more that one-third of the 72 Assuming discharged') when predation and returg during 2 & 3 would be savedby screen MT of fsh that are impinged annually at unis 2'4 MT of fish' An -sdificarions, the savingswould amount to approximately by modifying the screensat Unit 1 additional savingsof adult fish could be realized killed' However' the acrrrd biomass becauseit hasno FRS, so all entrappedfish are possibleat Units 2 and3 becausethe of fisb savedat Unit 1 would be lessthan that 4 MT (TechnicalReport C)' roral biomassof fish enrapped at Unit 1 is only traveling sceelrs stemsfrom Perhapsthe greatestpromise for usingmodifred of fisb rarrae is partiorlarly diffiailt to ros The rarvae. fish saving for potential their to be the most feasible structurd prevent, and modified traveling screensapPear modificationtosoNcsforreducingtbelosoffishlrarrraeatallthreeUnits. However,itseemsunlikelytbatmanylarrraecouldsurviveimpingementonascreen' a low-pressurewash) and return through a with (even screen the from removal tbe adual savingsthat could be achieved conduit to tbe oce?n' Questionsabout recommendingtbem for preventing larval witb modified traveling s6ee1s preclude losses. F Chapttr 3 Technicalfeasibilitv &e Several technical difficulties are associated with modifications to screen traveling screens.Tbe'pressuredifferential (headloss) acrossthe fine mesh a clean will be higher than for the existitrgscreeL For example,the head lossacross screen 0.02. qnthetic s6een is t1'pically three times that of a conventional 3/8" (Mussalli et aL 7981).Thls would lead to incteasedpumping cos15and maintenance' increased and migbt require larger PumPs. An additional consequenceof the lower pressuredifferential acrossa frner-meshscreenis that the water level will be qluse cavitation on the pump side of the screensthan the current level, which could drive problernsat low tides. Problemshave alsobeen encounteredwith tle scleen periods (I-ondon systens when continuous oPerationwas attempted over extended to provide 1980). The screenwellhydraulicsmight alsoneedto be modifiedin order (Lawler' Matuslcy a smooth approachflow to enhancethe survival of fish and'larvae and SketlyEngineers1982). I I I I I j t I I I I t range from Cost estimates for reuofitting a conventional traveling screen at each Unit (Lawler' $13,800to $110,000for each of &e six traveling screens atl of the follor'ing cost Manrsky, and skel$ Engineers 1982;note that these and conversionsfrom earlier estimatesin this report are given in 1988dollars, with the on whether or not fine figures based on the Producer's Price Index), depending cost The estimatedma:cimummesbscreeningand continuousoperation is included. cost of stnrct'ral modifications, of $13 million for botb units does not include the I renlrn conduit,or plant downtime,any of which could 36 exceedthe screencosts' T I I I I I l- I I t I I I I I T I I I I t I T I I I IrrtaLs SPtem expense'To changetbe If required, larger PumPswould involve a substastial need to be slenged" at a pumpiDgcapacity,the pump impellor andlor speedwould penowt communication)' PIus cost of several million dollars/pump (J. :Ist higber' slightly reducing the downtime. In addition, pumping costs would be ef6ciencyof the Plant. 322 Infiltration beds of a horizontal network of Infiltration beds (or artificial frlter beds) consist or other filter media (such as collector pipes placed beneath nanyal sediments water is drawn through the gravel) on the bottom of the sourcewater body' Intake are that the velocity of water infiltration bed. The primary advantagesof this s)'stem small frsb larvae and eggs'are witbdrawn is extremely low and most animals, even et al' 1980)' Filters of this tlpe physically excludedfrom entering the plant (Marcy flow rates are low (Richards have been rlsed for many years at sites where intake for a 1000 MW Power plant 1978), and a design concePthas been developed requiring a flow : rte of'42sf/s (StrandbergL974)' is the accumulationof debris' one of the major obstaclesto infiltration beds Porr,erand Ught Company'sMontour A t?,m3/min systemat the Perrrrsylvania clogging could not be prevented because abandoned was station Electric steam for a washingon hrblic Power (Marcy et a!.1980). A proposed95 m3/min slFtem SupplySptemnuclearplantwasrejectedduetooperationalandmaintenance the flow for units 2 ztd 3 is 3144 problems @ichards 1978). By comparison' not beensolved;periodicbacldlushingseems m3/min. The problem of clogginghas Chapter 3 nrrbidity in the to be the most promising solutio& althougb it can ca'se excessive zurroundingwater. soNGS in 1978 SCE snrdied the possibility of using 3s infil6alion bed at require 160 (SCE 1981). Tbey concludedthat a nangal sand filter s!6temwould A porou gravel acresof bottom and 288,000ft of screenedcollectorpipe per unit' silt and sandduring sl6tem would require only ? acres'but it could be coveredwith reversingthe flow of storrns. It is possible that the gravel bed could be cleanedby above)' Thus' the water and/or air, but this technolog has trot been tested (see SONGS' While this nahral sand systemwould be required for reliable operation at stagesand size classes s),stemwould be excellentfor reducing entrainrrent of all life of constnrcting of fish and inveftebrates,the impacts on local benthic communities and maintaining this large systemcould be extensive. about SCE was estimatedat Cost of constnrctingthe infiltration bed investigatedby glgf rniltion (t S}vo),anorder of magnitudeabovethe cost of one offshore intake conduit (Lawler, Manrskyand skelly Engineers1982)' 323 PorousDikes I I I I I I I I t t I I t T Theporousdikeisapermeablestonebreakrraterthatsurroundsanintake. I inner corecoEPosedof small The mostcommondesignfor porousdikesincludesan annor layersof larger rock andan outerlayerof large rock coveredwith successive I water all that so water the of stoneor castshapes.The dike risesabovetbe surface The dike is designedto reduce I enteringthe intakepassesthrougbthe porousdike' the velocityof tbe intake flow' (2) the entrapmentof organismsby: (1) lowering I I I I I t I I I I T I I t I T I T I I T fil8}€' SYstcE porous dike' and (3) the excludingorgarismsas water is filtered througb the behavioralavoidanceof the dikeby someorganisms' power plants' including Porors dikes have been used at a number of River' but this technigue LakesideGeneratingPIanLl:ke Nuclugenand Merced et4I' 1980)' remainslargelyuntested(Schraderandl(ea&ke tgTS,Marcy tbem from the intake Porousdikesare designedto excludefish by frltering et at' t98Lb'Ketschke (E'dwards water or causinga behavioral(avoidance)response is that fsh will bave 1981a). One potential problem with the filtering Process beforetheyarefiltered out by alreadypenetratedthe coarseouterlayersof tbe dike to retum throughthe outer the frner inner layers. To survive,tbe fish mustbe able of a dike is too ooarseto filter layersto openwateJ.The materialusedfor the core dike can potentially a out very small organismslike larvae. Thus,while Porous that it will not effectivelyexclude excludeadultsof most fish species'testssuggest larvalfish.otherbiologicalfactorsthatrequirefrrrthereraluationincludethe of constnrctionon bentbic potential attractionof fish to the dike and the impacts communities. ArangeofconcepnraldesignsforSoNGsbasbeensnrdied([awler, dike wasdesignedto providean intake Manrskyand SkellyEngineerslg|g)' One for one unit The dike had a f,ow of 56.7 m3/sec,which would be suf6cient and rose abovethe oceansurfacc' The circtrmferenceof approxinately370 m wasabout0'015m/sec and the bead dike the approaching culretrt the of velocity lossacrossthe dike wasabout0'6m' F Chapter 3 The additional head loss associatedwith a retrofrt dike installation could require modification or replacement of componentsof the existing intake system' risk The stnrsnral integnty of the dike in the open ocean environment may be at is The effect of long-term sediment transPort must be snrdied' Finally' tbere must clrrently no method for cleaning a dike so the effect of long-term lisfsuling also be considered. Both biofouling and sedimentationcould c:uxiesevereclogging I I I I of the dike stmcture (Keschke 1981b). finat The cost of constnrctionwas estimatedat $1648 million' dependingon the of design criteria and the material used for construction. The time and cost snrdyingsedimenttransPortat the site would haveto be addedto this' I I I 32.4 Banier systems t or Barrier systemsconsistof meshnet or rigid screenmaterial placed around the intake in front of the intake opening. The barrier is placed at a location around on the where the intake gtsrent velocity is very low, so tbat frsh are not impinged I ,screensor nets. If tbe mesh size of tbe barrier is small enougb,it could reduce the entrainment of larvae aswell as larger fish' at low flow Barriers have been testedin freshwaterand estuaryenvironments A simple barrier rate$ but bave not been extensivelytested in the oPen oceall probably have little placed around the existing intake openingsat soNGS would be so higb that larvae would effect on larval mortality becausethe flow rate would (such as a manifold be impinged on the mesh. Alternative intake alrangements t I T I I I I t lntake Systcm I I I I I I t I T I I t I t I I I T serious engineering arrangement of multiple intakes) are possible, but Present challengesartd additiond coss. mesh performance of fine A laboratory study sponsoredby scE examined the fouling commouto cylindrical screenswhen exposedto the qpes of debris and The study concluded Southern California coastalwatets (McGroddy et aL 1981)' nacrophytic algae in less that an offshore screenq6em could become cloggedby reliable metbod has been than a day, depending on ambient conditions. No rates in an oPen ocean developed for cleaning screensat intakes with high flow of cleaning'whicb could environment. Air bursts have been proposedas a method from the screens' Flow be effective if currents removed the debris as it is blasted result in cloggingon the reversal has also been proposedfor cleaning. This might removethe debris' clogging inside of the screens,and agaur,culrents are neededto associatedwith anchoring is not the only probleq there are additional diffieulties the screensin the oPenocean. 3J.5 Moving intakes are removed from the area The organisms that are taken into soNGS and quantities of species imrnediately around the intakes. Therefore, thc tyPes be different if the intakes were enrained and entrapped by SONGS would likely or doumcoastof SONGS' If fewer Iocated in a different dePth or were uPcoast intakes were relocated moving the organismswould be taken into SONGS if the the lossesdue to soNGS' intakeswould be an effectivemeansof reducing F Cbapter 3 The MRC has collected data on nany different midwater tara (which are at risk of entrainmentor entrapment)at different locationsaround san onofre, and thesedata canbe usedto indicatewhetherlossesare likely to be reducedby moving the intakes. The major losseswe are concernedwith here are ichthyoplankton and midwater fishes. In order to evaluate how the enrainment of fuh lanrae worrld changeif the intakes were moved .to deeper water' I have compared the densities of ichthyoplankton in shallow water, where the ihtakes are orrently located, to the densitiesin deeperwater. Using ichthyoplanktondensitiessamplednear SONGS (A&B during the operational period, I have compared the densitiesnearshore B for Blocks)with the densitiesoffshore(@D Blocks)(Table3'2)' (SeeAppendix greater more details on the ichthyoplanlctonsampling desigfr") Fifteen specieshad probably midwater densities offshore than nearshore; these species would water' In experiencehigher entrainment rates if the intakeswere moved to deeper with deep' contrast, six specieswould probably experiencelower entrainsrent rates losses water intakes. Eight specieswith relatively high estimated adult equivalent while five (AEL) would experiencehigber entrainment rates with deeper intakes, It appears that higb-AEL species would experience lower entrainment rates' of SoNGS on fish moving the intakes to deeperwater would not reducethe impacts larrrae. if the intakes were I-anral entrainment rates might conceivablybe different are differences in moved up- or downcoast, depending on whether there the coast' The MRC ichthyoptankton abund3ncesat different locatiors along an Impact site 1'3 km sampledichthyoplankton at two locationsalongthe coast' I I I I I I I I t I I I I T I I I I t I I t I I t t I I T I I I I I I I T t rntake Systen Table $2 consequensesof deep'waterintslsesfor entrainment of fish lgrvae (18A & B Blocls) Ilata pr=sentcdar: uidwatcricbthpplanKon densltiesncar':hore pcrio4 rcc opcrztionel tbe and otfshorc (C & D Bbcf.s) oca't SOXCS durirg ratcr entrein lntalcs rbc IntldlD Tcchrical Rcport 5. ID th?rr prcscut location, & D C froo xatcr fron A & B Blocls; lf movtd oltshorq fbey would cntrain BoE lf cntrslnmelt the Blocl6. Spedesritb the ntio AB:CD<1 would crpericucc8llacr tntsbs are morrcdto dccpcrratcr. I.ARVALDEI{SITY No./1m M3) SPECXES Califomia corbim Blach croalcr Sanddab Friageheadsp. Yellos'c.hinsculpin Bay goby Unid. blenny Northera lanPfish Northera anchovy Queenlish White croakEr Diamond turbot ChccltspotgobY arrow gotry Sharlon,gpby Jacksoclt C.aliforaiagruoim Califomia clindtsh Recf finspot Unid. LclPfish Giant kclpfisb A&BBLOGS 9r4 1380 yn 257 fil TNA C&DBIJOCI$ 4r,l,.4 4frI25 r269ts TM utn 16954 77lXB5 75W7 99125 t94tl t43498 ztlrffi 765tU5 695f/JB 63301:} ?fin 2W 3(B0 2938 3450 ilw gtv 4''8 8366 11019 14541 xzt Lva w5 8219 1?81 M 3595 n55 'tl Relo AB:CD 0.o2 0.03 0.(B 0.o3 0.(X 0.04 0.(B 0.(B 0.10 0"11 0.16 0"60 0.71 045 090 2.Sl L76 3.JJ? 3gl ?.m F Chapter 3 from SONGS' downcoastfrom SONGS and a Control site 18.5 lm dowucoast data for A' & BParker and DeMartini (Technical Report D) re rewed MECs were no consistent block densities at the two sites, and concluded that there and Control differences between them- Ichthyoplankton densities at the Impact the two sites; sites are presentedin Appendix B. There were differencesbefiPeen more commonat the for exarnple,white croaker, iuTowgoby and shadowgobywere site' However'there Control site, while jacksmeltwere more commonat the Impact were not different betweenthe were no consistentdifferences,and total abundances or downcoastwould two sites. Therefore,it is unlikely that movingthe intakesuP reduce the entrainnent of fish la:rtae' the entrapmentof Finally, it is possiblethat moving the intakeswould reduce compared'thedensitiesof older lifestagesof fish. To examinethis possibility,I have the operational period midwater fish in shallowand deepwater near SONGSduring (deep water) stations' (Table 3-3). Ten specieshad higher densities at offshore more specieswould apPear while 14 specieshad lower densitiesoffshore. Although that would benefit is to benefit fron deep-water intakes, the number of species would not walrzlnt moving small and it seemsgnlikely that this slight improvement lossesthat would the intakes @aniorlarly in light of the higber ichthyoplankton result). the intakes could reduce the In conclusion,it does not aPPearthat moving entnainmentor entraPmentof fish by SONGS' I I t t I I I I I I I T T I I I l I I t t I Intake System Table $3 of midwater lish consequencesof deep-waterintalcs for enrspment (ss catfl pcr unlt ctrort CPttE) Data prcscDtedare midmtcr tisb abundances dTitrg the opcrstional ncarshorc fshallod) ard ottshore ed"tP1-;d-SOxcs lntalcs l.' l" Pttsc't location' the Dcriod; scc Intcrim fcOnicaf Rcport mort dccp ratlr' wouta entraln shallow t"toi ff noved of"notq tlcy grt3ggr GntnpEcot lf thc Spocieswith tbe ratio'sballow:deep<1tJtfitipiti*ol tntabs arc noved to dcePerratcr' t I I I I t I I t t I I T T FISHABI;I\DAT.ICE (cPttE) RArro SPE@s Barred sandbass PacificsardisP Pacificma*crel Bat ray Jacl maclercl Rormd hening Kclp bass Salcna Whitc scapcrch Whitc scabass Paeificbarracuda Whitc croaker Sharpclia flYingfish Quecnfish Pacifrcbunarfish DeepbodYanchory California halibut Catiforniasco'rPioa5sh Sargo Nortbera aachory SilvcrsidcssPP. Wdlaye surfPcrch California corbina Ycllowfin croakcr Snau-ow 0.m 1.(B 4'g3 oa 6f7 L.fl 0.(B 380 0.13 3n t-s;l 030 fi'.93 337 020 0.10 0.10 0.10 $18.8rt rzm 0.60 on sa Dg 0./A ?sffi 39.42 1.10 ?p59 L79 8.m o24 0.10 234 ,& 0.17 2'955 L62 0lrt 0.03 OIB 0.(E %Lgl 2y 0.10 0.(B 0rn STIALI,OW:DEEP 0.m 0"04 0.13 021 0"23 0.42 0.43 050 054 0.70 L37 1"t10 LJ6 L93 2.$ ?# 333 333 333 4.47 5"13 6.m gJX) t t Cbapter 3 33 BehavioralBarriers have been ln addition to physical barrien to entraPment' variou lsshniques reduce proposed or implemented that take advantage of fuh behavior to species and entrapment rates. Fish behavior varies greatly among different condrtions' lifestages of Esh and is influenced by environmental and physiologicd for all speciesat making it difficult both to find a behavioral barrier that will work under partiarlar all times and to predict bow effective a technique will be to test and circrrmstances.However, behavioral barriers tend to be less expensive techniques' implement tban stnrcttrral barriers, &d so g2rnbe valuable mitigation of fish include Behavioral barrien that have been proposedto reduce entrapment screens'and lighq sound velocity gradiens (which are used at soNGS), bubble electric barriers (Hanson4 al- 1977). 33.1 Sonicdevices each have been entrapped OveraI, J.f minien juvenile and adult fish (36.9 MT) the Fish Renrn year in Units 2 asd 3 (Final Technical Report C)' Although fisb' nearly 800,000(72 MT) system (FRS) diverted about 8lz'of tbe entrapped (3 MT) killed during heat fish were impinged on the traveling screetrs'66,000 divenion througb the FRS. sonic treatnents, .trd 411,000(4.g MT) did not survive the intakes, sonic devices night devices night reduce these losses. Placed near inside the plant sonic devices reduce tbe number of fish entrapped at SONGS; the number of fisb impinged on might direct more fish into the FRS, reducing travelingscreens(especiallyduring heat treatments)' 46 I T I I I I t I I I I T I I I t t I I I I t I I t I t I t I t I t I I I Iotakc Sptco can startle fish and Soiric devicesprovide 3 high-ga$ry acousticoutPut that of sonic deviceshave alter their behavior near the device. Several different t)?es common device is the been proposed for reducing fut enfapment. Th.e most firing chamberand pneumatic gUD,or'!opper", which stores bigh-pressrueair in a wave in the then explosivelyreleasesit througb portholes to cf,eatea soundPressure speakers'an arcrange of 200 to 2000psi. Other sonic devies include underwater nfunmms1n, gnd a'fishdrone. (McKinley et al' 1987)' gnq an impast devicecalled 3 I have foqrsed on them; Since most work has been conductedon pneumatic gurls, aspneumaticgunswith however,the harnsrerhas the potential for being as effective McKinley and Patrick better reliabitity (McKinley et a1.1987,Patrick et al' 1988' (Smith and Anderson 1988). Broadcastunderwater sogndgenerallyis not effestive 1e84). Their fish awayfrom an area' Sonic devicesrely ol fisb avoidancebebaviorto keep the characteristicsof a effectivenessdependson hon'a speciesrespondsto to certain frequenciesand partianlar device;for example,somespeciesmay respond from the sourcs of the sound not otbers. Becausethe fish must actively svim away effest on the entraimrent of in order to avoid entraPEent, sonic deviceshave little larrtae. pneumatic guns; they do not Fish bave been shown to avoid areas with short'term (EPRI 1984)' Long-term become habinrated to the sound over the been tested' If habinration occurs'it habinration is a potential problem but has not reside in the vicinity of tbe intakes' would most likely be restricted to fish that northern anchovy indicate that white Results of a snrdy on white croaker and gun anchovywere still respondingto the croaker habinrated fairly quickly, but the I Chaptcr 3 night be most after five hours of testing (Norris et al. 1988)- Pnegmatic guns anchovies)away effective in redirecting tralsient schoolsof fish (such as northern of alewives from the intakes. They have been nrccessfullyused to exclude schools Patrick 1985)' from the intakes at the Pickering Diversion System (Halnes and make up Pneumatic gunscould be very effective at SONGS,sinceschoolingspecies Report C)' a large proportion of the fisb entrappedin the plant (seeFinal Tecbnical I I I t & Electric at Pneumatic guns were tested by Central Hudson Gas Dlpamite was Danskasrmer Point (Lawler, Manrsky urd Skelly Engineen 1984)' t intake trash racls' used initially to break up frazil ice that acsunulated on the for breakiug up Subsequently,powerfrrl pneumatic gunswere found to be effective I pneumaticguDsas a method the ice without killing nearbyfish. The effectivenessof by comparing of reducing en6apment of fish at the plant was evaluated rates from previous impingement rates with pneumatic gUnsin use to impingement slightly lower when years when dpamite was used. Inpingement rates were saldy are inconclusive pneumatic guns were in use. However, the results of this ab'ndance of fisb between becausethere was tro control for changesin the local dpamite yearsbecause years. Also, impingement rates could be bigber dgring the could not escaPefrom the frsh that were stunned or killed by the dyna:nite blasts intake cturent. IntbeEid.1970's,sCEsupportedapilottestofpnerrmaticguns(Schulerand ia the Long Beach Generating I:rson 1975). A pneumatic gun was deployed the forebay at the time becagsethe Station forebay; there was no flow through gpn was cycled continuously'fish Station was trot operating. When the pneumatic in open areasreactedmore dramatically avoided the area within 3 m of the gun; frsb I I I I I T l I I t T I I I t I T I I T I I I I t I I I l t IataLe SYstem of and Larson also report two sets than tbose in more protected areas. schuler intake of tbe Redondo Beach obsewations of tbe pnegmatic gun at the offshore grrn' the dense concentration of fish the of operation Upon Station Generating After three hours of continuou within 3.7 m of the device vacated tbe area and near the pneumatic gun' Schuler operation, tbe density of fish remained low 'sufficient stimulus to reduce produced Larson concluded tbat the pneumatic ggn fishconceutrationswithinal&ft(3n)radiusofthedevice.' requestedthat SCE perform a (EPRI) Instinrte Research Power Tbe Electric 1985' SCEs Redondo Beach station in more extensivetest of pneumatic guns at is testing Devertook place' This testing Preliminary plans were developed,but the sritical to the final evaluationof this conc€Pl of sonic devicesand other Several studies have comparedthe effectivenes found pneumaticgunsto be more Effective bebavioral barriers. Patrick et 41.(1988) hammers McKinley and Patrick (1988)found ughB. strobe or c|Iltains bubble tban strobe ligba for sockeyesalmon than effective more be to guns and pneumatic especially et ar. (1988) found that strobes, smolts. on the other ban4 Matousek effective; or pneumatic gnns' were most wben combined with bubble @rtains at duslg under certain couditions,srcb as effective only were arone guns pne'matic and alewife and especiallyfor blueback herring i Chapter 3 Potential reductions in losses in the Sonic devicesmight be effective at two locations: at the intakes and of savingS screenwellsinside the plant. The types of fish saved and the amount would differ at the nro locations. reducing At the intakes, sonic deviceswould probably be most effective at possibility of the entrapment of transjeut schoolingspecies,sincethere would be no by SONGS habinration with these species. Schoolingspeciesthat are entrapped spotfrn include northern anchovy, queenfrsh, jacksmelt, white croaker, salema' grunion' Some croaker (aggregatesfor spawning),walleye surfperch,topsmelt and than othen of these schoolingspeciesare more stronglyschoolingor more 6ansient For example' and some would undoubtedly be more susceptibleto sonic devices' per Y€8' might be a northern anchory, with 42 million (4.8 MT) fsh entrapped periodically move prime candidate for sonic devicesbecauselarge anchovyschools that much of the into the area of SONGS' intakes. The enuapment data indicate are entrapped anchovy entrapment occurs when very large numbers of anchovies happensto pass over a short period of time, apparentlywhen a school of anctrovies reduce this entrapment too close to an intake. sonic devices might be able to substantially and sonic devices' McKinley There are few data on the actual effectivenessof a hammer and 66Vofor a Patrick (1988) rePort a diversion rate of,75% for migfating salmon smolt at a pneumatic gun when used to gulde downstream 1 m/sec' No sttrdieshaveestimated hydroelectric plant, evenat culrent velocities of environrnent' which is likely to be tbe effectivenessof sonic devicesin the marine I I I I I l t I I I I I t T I I I T Inta},e Slrstem I I T I I t I t I I t I I t t I I I I on the efEciencyor quite different. Since there are Do relevant guantitative data many lossesthey might effectivenessof sonic devices,it is diffrsult to estimatehow reductionsin losseson the be able to prevent. I havebasedmy estimatesof possible to keep in mind horv little nine schosting specieslisted above, but it is important information theseestimatesare basedon' Thescboslingspecieswereentrappedatarateof5'486'142(24'8MT)fish effectivenessof 1074' per year (Final Tecbnical Report C). If sonic deviceshad an (25 MT) frsh per year' At L0Vo they would reduce entrapmentby about 550,000 not be entrappedwould be effectiveness,420,000(05 MT) of the fish that would At 50Vo effegtiveness' anchovies and 110,000(1.4 MT) would be queenfisb' weigbing 12'4 MT' a substantial entrapment would be reduced by 2.? million fsh not be entrappedwould be reductiou. z.Lmillion (2.4 MT) of the fish that would In terms of the fish killed by anchoviesand 560,(D0(7.1 MT) would be queenfish' entraPment of schooling fisb SONGS UniS 2 and 3, z 50Voeffectivenessagainst weigbing 5'4 MT' The totd would reduce the fisb killed by 608,000individuals million (15 MT) to 66em0 (9'7 MT)' entrapmentrosseswourdbe reducedfrom 127 in biomasslosr These savings z 4Sroreduction in number and a 36Vo redueion soNGS kills more fisb than we tetm' long the over if, larger substantially be would c reports tbat tbe long-term average bave measured;for orample,Technical Report be 52 MT/year rather tban tbe 19 fisb kiu from soNGS Units 1, 2 and 3 could MT/year we havemeasured' optimistic' altbough the few shortFifty-percent effectivenessmay be overly appropriate testing could reveal an even term tests indicated high effectivenessand gunsachieveda16Voeffectivenesin higher effectiveness.For exartple,pneumatic i Chapter 3 1989)' excluding alewives at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station (EPRI However, for this evaluation.50Vois taken as the uPPerlimit of effedivenessupon which to basepossiblelossreduetions. an sonic devices could also be used inside the intake screenwells as additional technique to reduce fish losses. If thesesonic deviceswere not operated fish continuously, they migbt increasethe efficiency of the FRS by directing more migbt be into the FRS. As with mercury lights (seesection 9223.L), sonic devices heat most effective during heat treatments. The fish that are killed during water Beatmen6 apparently do not move to the Fish Renrn Systembefore the used to temperatlye m the screenwellsbecomesfatal. Sonic devices might be have frighten frsh into the FRS, wbere tbey could be removed safely' Sonic'devices this use has never been proposed for this Purposebefore, so their effectivenessfor since heat not been tested. However, the potential benefits are imponant' by soNGS treatmenrs comprise a sizable portion of the entraPmentlossescaused valuablefrsh (SVobynunber and{}Voby weigbt at Units 2 znd3) and larger' more possiblereductions are killed druihg the heat treatments. A rough estimateof the in heat-treatnent losses,given in Sestion333.1.1, is 15 MT. t I I I I I t t I I I I t systeu15have been Pnegmatic guns are conmercially available, and test (E"RJ 1989). Pneumaticg'Ds establishedat pickering Nuclear Geuerating station the air cylinderswhich would require routine maintenanceconsistingof recharging pneumatic ggns as they wear drive the pneumatic guns and periodically replacing pickering'Nucrear Generating Station the pneumatic gun out. During the test at T I I I I lntalre SYstem I I I I I I t t I t I I I t I I I I I due to worn seals' and had some operadonal problems, primarily with leakage problemswere encountered required frequent maintenance(EPRI 1989). Similar witb gun failure being during tests at the Roseton Generating Station in 1986, being required to causedby wearing of the o-ring seals,and weekly maintenance major concerns minimi-e this problem. Maintenance problems remain one of the (K Herbinsoq scE' pasonal regarding the implementation of pneumatic guru communication). spring gulls' The hammeris a The harnsreris a potential alternativeto Pneumatic similar to that of a mass device that producesa sound that is somewhat the end plate of the pneumaticguq but the soundcan easilybe alteredby changing lower than for the deviceand the maintenancerequirementsshouldbe substantially may exPeriencepremanre gUn. However, there is someconcernthat the hammer constanthammering' failure becausethe end plate cannotwithstandthe teiting' The cost estimate for CosS could best be estimated after field Beacb (dso an open ocean testing pneumatic guns for one yeal at Redondo (EPRI 1984)' It is likely that tbe actud ewironment) was estimated at $245,000 $500,000);this was one reasontbat (perhaps greater even be would SONGS cost at EPRI,penonalcommunication)' tbe testingnevertook place(w. Micheletti, l Chapter 3 332 Electric fields then drift away Electric frelds are designedto momentarily snrn fisb' which This will not from the area of risk and recover safely dor*,nstre'm of the hazard' draw stunnedfish work for power plant intakesbecausethe prevailing culreBt would limited in the ocean into the hazardousare& Electrical scrsgningEystemsare electric barriers are becauseof high electrical losses(Hoortt 1980). In addition' hazardousto humansand other animals' T I I t I I t 333 Light systems I to or repelled Depending on the tlpe of light, fish can be either attracted useful for reducing losses from a ligbt sjFterlL Two qpes of lighs systernscould be lights'whicb repel thern' at SONGS: mercury lights, which attrac'tfrsh, and strobe t t fish' with merarry light Various tyPesof light have been proposedto afiract first snrdiesto demonsuatethe frequently being mentioned as effective. One of tbe by Patrick and Vascotto potential effectivenessof mercury light was conducted of alewife in an experimental (1981),who found as increase of.L3TVointhe number chambercomparedwithaconuolchanber.Inaddition'alewifewerecontinuously period' Several recent stgdies bave also attracted to mercury light over a 48'hr to guide fish (p'ckett and Anderson indicated that meranry rights could be used but all of thesestudieshaveemphasized 1988,Taft a'I. 1988,Williams et aI. tg88), findingS' Meranry light effeAiveness the preliminary or restricted nature of their but may also depend on the season . certainly dependson the speciesinvolved, I I I T t I I I I Intake System or eventhe rate of (Williarnset a1.1988),whetherit is day or nigbt (Taft et at' 1988)' in evaluatingthe changeof tight levels(hrckett and Anderson1988). For examPle, Taft et al. (1988)state: stanrsof existingfuh'protection technologies, species and Merorry lights also modifred the behavior of some behavior can lifestagesin tbe lab and field evaluation confirmed this attraction to be exploited to alter fish Passagerates. Tbe field results mercury ughts did not alwaysprodrtt the desiredor expected test results in all ,p".i6 or under alt tist condifions. Therefore' additional field should be applied with caution and possiblyonly with verification. to guide entrapped It seemslikely that a mercurylight systemcould be used collection area' Improved fish out of the screenwellsat soNGS and into the FRS all times' but it would be guidance of fsb into the FRS would be advantageousat to heat treatments are partiorlarly important during heat treatments' Lossesdue and involve larger and more important (20V0of the biomasslost at Units Z & 3) could be realized by ustng valuable fisb. It seemslikely that considerablesavings mercury Ughtsto guide fisb into the collection areas' usedin a sinration similar To my lnowledge, mercury lights have neverbeen tbeir effectiveness'Two previous to tbe one at soNGS, so it is impossibleto predict effectivenessof the lights' however' $udies provide someindication of the potential rightedwith parick and vascotto (1gg1)found twice as many arewifein chanrbers et al' (1988)rePort that nearly twice as in control chambers.Taft canal when mercury lights were on as many salmon were blpassed at wapatox when the light were off' Cbaptcr 3 Potentialre&tdiotts in losses be SONGS can A very rougb estimate of the savingsthat might be expectedat heat treatment calculated by arbitrarily reducing the presesl imPin$ementand impinged by Units 2 mortality rates. For example,the amual estimate of biomass quite small, and may be and 3 is 72 MT. Most of these frsh (at least 45 MT) are to mercury ligbts in unable to svim againstthe intake flow evenif they are atuacted ligbts' the of the remainingfish could be savedby merorry the collestion bay. o l* the 3'0 MT of fsh killed savingswould amountto about 1.4IvfT. At least0.3 MT of If half of the remaining during heat treatments eachyear consistof small species. to about 15 MT' fisb could be savedby nerorry ligha, the savingswould asrount on the order of 3 The total savingsfrom installing mercury lights might be roughly the acnrd increasein MT. This estimatewould be higher or lower dependingon this diversion efficiency diversion efnciency due to the mercury lights, and how ghangcsfrom speciesto sPecies. of mercury lighs Becausesome sttrdieshave indicated greater attradiveness provide the highesteffestiveness wben they are cycledon and oB ffi pattern night off most of the time' and then at SONGS. In partiorlar, the lights might be turned Return system' turned on immediately before operatingthe Fish TecladcalfeasibilitY problems with implementing There seem to be no particglar technical has somedistinct advantages'The mercury lights at SONGS;in fact, this technique in the co[ection bay of the FRs. The be would lights the for location likely most I I I t t I I I Istalc SYstem of the istake g6telDr so collection bay is one of the most accessible areas maintenanceof tbe ligbs would be relatively easf' Costs the cost of installing a Althougb I have not seenany published estimatesof mercury tigbt system,the costsworrld be relatively small' realized by using mercury It seemslikely that considerablesavingscould be ligbts should be tested at lights fish into tbe collection areas. Merorry that are possible' SONGSin order to estimatethe reductionin fish losses ligbts provide an effective A number of snrdieshave indicated that suobe of tbe gilz;afi sbad tested in behavioral barrier to entrap6enl For example56Vo an in,.r''ent velocity up to 1.0 fps tbe raboratory avoided a simulated intake with ligbt (Patrick 1982a Patrick and when the intake was illuminarcd with a strobe tested extensivelyin the freld' Vascotto 1981). However, strobelights havenot been california suobe lights in the and no tests have been performed in soutbern turbineintakeofadanapparentlyincreaseddiversionofsomesnlmonidsduring thedayandsteelheadatnighgbutdecreaseddiversionforsomesalmonidsatnight to haveuo effect the following yeal' (Haln 1988);furthermore, the suobesappeared when s8obeswere use4 althougb the Sockeyesalmon smoltsavoided a da6 intake than sonic devices(6G7svo')(McKinley effectivenessof strobes(s6%) was lower to strobetight divertedor repened65Vo snrdy, fierd patrick another In lggg). and results at Hadley ggvoof eels at risk (EPRI 1gg4). However, preliminary Cbapter 3 of sbad Falls/Holyoke indicate that sirobe lights had no effect on the behavior under any condition during the test period (Taft et al. L988). The effectiveness of strobes undoubtedly depends on tbe time of day' fish' since nubidity, and speciesconsidered;it may also depend on the size of the aL 1982) larger eels were repelled more successfullythan smaller eels (Patrick A lights and the intensity and duration of the flash. The effectivenessof strobe devicessuch app€rs to be enhancedwhen they are usedin conjunctionwith other plant as pneumatic gUrs or air bubblen. Effectivenessat a Hudson River Power 62Vowith increasedfrom Z3Vofor strobesalone to 56Vowith a pneumaticgun and by L9Vo an air curtain; however, all three devicestogetber decreasd effectiveness (Matouseketa1.1988).Fish apparentlydo not habinrateto the strobe' conditions' Becausestrobe light systemshave not been testedunder relevant The few tests it is impossible to predict how muctt they migbt reduce entraPment' of juvenile and conductedso far suggestthat, at least for somespecies,entraPment testiog is neede4 adult fish migbt be reduced nrbstantially. However, additional could ' be particularly in the Soutbern California areq before this technique of strobe lights consideredeffective. These tests should considerthe effeetiveness well as during the day' for different speciesand should employ the ligbs at night'as be attracted to the light Testing also needsto evaluatethe posibility that fisb would entraPment rate might form far away (although a demonstrably lower, overall lossesin spite of the indicate that strobe lighs could effectivelymitigate entraPment attrastiveness;. l* I I T T I t t t I t I I I T t t I l t I*akc SPten with instalting a There probably are no serioustechnical problems involved to be suPPliedto the strobe system at tbe intakes, although Power would need intake area. low' No stnrcturd Tbe cost of a strobe light rystem would be relatively There would be some 6erlifigations to tbe existing systemwould be necessary' the intakes' ongoingcostsassociatedwith maintaining the lighs near 33.4 Bubble curtains on the bottom of the Bubble orrtains consist of a qntem for releasing air 'screed or qrrtain of bubbles near the intake watel column to create a rising tried in conuolled tesS and opening. A wide variety of bubble Patternshavebeen plants located in at in prototlpe installations. Bubble screels havebeen used Power bubble screensuzually result in fresbwater or esnrarineenvironments. In general, (Andrew et aL t955' Bibko er al lessthan a1yvoreduction in the entrapmentof fish Hydro (Patrict 1982b)'therewas LgTl,Zweiacker et aL :f/n).In a snrdyat ontario were 1l5edunder low-Ievel ligbt a T[gSVoreduction in entrapment when bubbles strobe light' the air bubble curtain conditions. When used in conjunction witb a under variousn'bidity conditions. could be as effective method of fish diversion Bubble$rtainshaveneverbeentriedintbeopenoceanofSouthern their effectiveness' However' the high c:,lifornia so it is impossible to predict conjunction with frequent high currentintake flows at soNGS Unia 2 and3, in undoubtedlyput seriousconsraints on the would motion, water wave-induced and F- I Chapter3 effestive at effectivenessof this system. Bubble curtains seeln unlikely to be SONGS. their cost Bubble curtains do not Presentany serioustechnical Problems'and would be relatively low. 33.5 Water Jets to guidejuvenile salnon in a Water jet cgrtainshavebeen usedsuccessfully an intake test flurDe@ates and VanDerWalder 1969). However,frsh approaching that a florrr rate are often respondingto the plant-induced intake flow. It is likety the behavior of rougbly equivalent to tbe intake flow would be required to influence in relatively calm fish in sucb a sinration Water jets would seemappropriate only at SONGS' water with low intake flour rates;they would probably be ineffective I I I I t I I t t t T I T I I I I I T I I T I T I I t I I J t t I T I I t CHAPTER4 DISCHARGE SYSTEM in use , 4-L Inss reduction techniquesnow diffusersin order to Units 2 z'Ad3were designedto dischargewater through the California State Thermal compty with the thermal dischargerequirements of water mixes rapidly with Plan. The diffusers.are designed so that discharged temperature to less than 4'F entrained water and reduces the maximgm surface even in the absenceof above ambient beyond 1000ft from the dischargestrucAlre' plume surfacetemPera$res are curTe1ts. With the prevailing longShorecturents' The cost of designing and generally 2oF or less above ambient temPeranyes' to about $76 million for installing each systemwas about $124million, as compared a simple singlePort discharge. dischargewas the thermal The primary considerationfor the designof the to ninimize tbe environmental standard; tbis standardwas presumablyestablisbed from SONGS' However' the discharge the as such discharges thermal of impacts standar4 also produ@saplume diff.ser glEteq whictr effectivelymeetsthe thermal water' and this nfbid plume has tbat is frequently more nrrbid tban the ambient of organisms,partianlarly thosein the direct and indirect adverseeffectson a variety Reports B, F, J and K)' The potential (see Technical bed Kelp onofre san discbargehaverevolved around ways SONGS' to due losses reducing for techniques plume near SOIL of reducing or eliminating the trrrbid i Cbapter4 (U'S' Atomic The Final Environmental Statementfor SONGSUnits 2 & 3 s)'stems:(1) Energi Commission1973c)evaluatedfour typesof altenrativesssling discharge systen singte-point discharge, once-through cooling; (2) multi-point differentials; (which was adopted); (3) once'throughsysteEswith lower temPeranrre considersthe and (a) open- and closed-cycleseawatercooling towers' This chapter alteruative' while frrst nro of these alternatives; Chapter 6 considers the third Chapter 5 considersthe fourth alternative' at SONGS might Severalpotential changesto the existingcooling system a plume over solt reduce the n[bidity of the plume or avoid having superior' The more Unfornrnately, no one alternative stands out as clearly while the least expensive expensivealternatives seem to have more certain results, plume and affect transport of alternatives might actually increase turbidity in the flow patterns' Also' most sand and sediment by affecting local currenS and the amount of water modifications to the existing diffuser qFtem involve reducing standardsif entrainment is entrained; soNGS Eight exceedthe current thermal reducedby 50Vo. Inordertoevaluatefullytheirfeasibility,designchangesneedtobestudied we present preliminary in more detail than we can provide. Nevertheless, evaluationsin this section 42 ModifYbottom toPograPhY of nfbid bottom water one possible techniquefor reducingtbe enuainment wouldbetoplacerocksaroundthediffrrserssotbattheflowofentrainedwateris I t I t f I I I I I T I t I I t I I I t t I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I t Discharg;cSystem redirected so tbat more redirected. It is coDcei\tablethat entrainmentflow could be watel colrrmn and less water is drawn from the top. and mid-depth regions of the from the bottom, nrbid region- fi[bid problem of entraining Logistica[y, this would be the easiestsolution to the or underwater water because it would not require any plant downtime could be lowered from a construction The rocls to modiff tbe bottom topography darnageto the ports' The barge, althougb care would bave to be taken to prevent enhancing the marine rocks would also act as an artificial reef, potentially no plant downtime' this envirorunent (see Chapter 8). Becausethere would be cost of acquiring and technique would be relatively inexpensive, altbougb the placing the rocls would run into severalmillion dollars. with this technique' There are two serious technical problerns associarcd that' in tbe absenceof very Fi$t the volume of the make-upflow may be so large entrained in spite of the strong density-stratificatio& bottom water would be be needed to ensure that the modified topography. Hydraulic modelling would this technique would have strucEre would modis the flow as e.:rpected.secon4 in the area The line of unknown effects on the long-sboretransport of sediment ncatci" sand' increasingdeposition near rocks used to modify the topographymight night spill over into the area tbe rocks. Evennrally, the acclmulating sediments sediments,tbe height of the Por'ts near the diffrrser Por6. As the area filled with acnrauylead to a worseningof the abovethe bottom would be reduced"whicb courd of the diffusers bave indicated that nrrbidity problem. Recent obsenntions problem with the existing diffuser design' so a be even may accumulation sediment l Chapter 4 needsto be viewed any technique that might increasethe acsumulationof sediments witb caution predictions of This cannot be considered feasible unless accurate problems entrafurmentand sedimentation patterns indicate that tbese Potential techniquedoes would not be serious. Given tbe qrrrent state of ogr knowledge,this not seemto be worth consideringfirrtber. 43 ModiS diffuser Ports Envirsnmental The original diffgser design presented in tbe 1973 SONGS port extending3 m Impact Statementincluded only 30 Ports per diffuser, with each 1973b)' Althorgb above the bottom and dischargingwater vertically (SCE L973U by a small margin' laboratory model studiesindicated that this designwould meet, rise at 1000ft from the state tbermal dischargestandards(lessthan 4oFtemPerature redesignedwith 63 ports' discharge) in a curent of 0.09 loots, the diffrsers were at a 2V angle in order to each raised 2 m off the bottom and dischargrngwater thermal requirement with no increase the rate of thermal diftsion and meet the time, the orieinal design'witb curenl Although it was not a designcriterion at the than the clurent design'would ia vertically oriented discbargeat about 1 m higber of the tubid bottom water' It have entrained less water, and in partiorlar, less on the existing diffgsers' but would Dot be easy to reduce the number of Ports tbat would reducetbe n'bidity modifrcationscould be made to the ports themselves in the plume. I t t I 1 I I I t I t I t t I I I I I I l T T I I I t t T I I il I I t I l Disclarg;e SYstcm would probably be to The most effective modifrcation to reduc ttrrbidity by replacing the ports' increasethe beight of the por6. This courdbe accomprished stnrctures over tbe ports as disetrssedin t\is section, or by lowering prefabricated would increasethe (seenex seetion,Section4.4). Raising the Ports off the bottom botton' thereby reducing the distance between the dischargeopening and ocean amount of turbid bottom water thatwould be enaained' angle at whicb water is A secondpotential modification would be to alter tbe of dischargedwater upward discharged. If pora were altered to direa the flow design' the offshore (instead of upward and offsbore), as in the originat SCE reducethe enuainmentof componentof the flow would !e eliminated. This would up by wave action It would inshore water, which is more nybid becauseit is stirred entrains' also reduce the total amount of water tbe discharge tbe velocity at which the Finalln entrainment could be decreasedby reducing by increasingthe size of water was discharged. The exit velocity could be decreased in proportion to the decrease the port openings. The enUainmentwould be reduced in exit velocitY. Thereductioninentrainmentofbottomwatercannotbepreciselycaleulated (1989) provide tbe follon'ing qualitative without scale models, but List and Koh ,wben tbey entrain approaching. tbe diffrsers are operating in a s'rrent, analpis: fluid.FortheoriginalSCEdesignwithverticalports'almostTsVooftheoncoming that were achrally constnrctedachieve flow would have been mixed; the diffrsers full(1007o)rnixing.Becausetheinstalledporaarealmosttffivoeffrcientinmixing flow, Erbid water near tbe bottom is almost the discbargedwater with tbe oncoming t Cbapter 4 SCE design' the certainly entrained with tbe discbargedwater. With the origlnal seafloor' Thus' tbe 25Vo of.tbeflow not mixed isprobably the fraction nearestthe less turbid bottom tall vertical dischargePorts of the original designwould enrain water than the original design" might be reduced Althougb List and Koh's analysissuggeststhat enrainment reduction would come by EVowith the original scE desiga and that much of this the nrrbidity in the from the most nrbid bottom water' it cannot speos how much of modification of the plume could be reduced. However, it seemstbat sometype reducing the turbidity discbargeports could be consideredcapableof substantially I I T I I I t of tbe plume. ] the surfacewater Any technique that reducesentrainnent flow will inoease on the anount that temperatures. The actgal changein temperaturewill depend surface temperarures entrainnent is reduced. With the present difftrser desigR tbe thermal standards(4oF 1000 ft from the discharge stnrcture are well within can be tolerated within the above ambient), so some increase in temperatgre zubstantially(which is' after existing standards. However, if entrainment is rcduced would exceed tbe thermal all, the goal of modising the diftrser Ports), SONGS Board atdlot Regional water standard,and a waiver from the state water control For this disc'sion of the feasibility ot' Quality control Board would be required. that srrch a waiver could be possible mitigation techniques, I bave assumed obtained. scale glsdsling to confrrm the cost of this option would include hydraulic the design"fabrication of the uni6, effectivenessof any modification and frne-t'ne I t I I t I t I I x I I I T t I I I t 1 t T I il I I t I I Dischargc SYstem run into hundredsof tbousands and installation of the units. Scalemodeling would the oristing Portswould meet of dollars. It is 'nlikety that a simple modification of gnit would probably need to be necessarystnrctural requirements, so eacb port nozzles' cost s replaced witb a new unit. The original Poff, with ahrminum/btonze assuming a similar cost for $100,000 each (J. ,sg pasonal comtnanication); $12 mntion for all redesignedports, fabrication alone would cost aPProximately removing tbe existing poru ports on both diffusers. Installation would involve and replacing them with (whicb have been c€ment-keyedto the diffrser conduit) of a saddle tbat fits over modified units. Tbe existingPorts have a base consisting the ports would involve excavating openingsin the main dischargePiPe. Replacing (an expersiveand difficult procedure' arognd the existingPorts, removing the por6 and Kob 1989)' placing the new with a risk of damagingthe diffuser conduit; List ports were originally installed)' porrs over the pipe (usrngthe methodwith whicb ttre costswould probably be in the and backfrlling around the new Ports. constnrction (1989) estimate constnrction costs of range of millions of dollars. List and Koh the potential danage to the difftrser more than $25-30million per unit, but note tbat These operations could begtn complications' construction cagse could conduit additional costsfrom plant ninirnizing outage' plant scheduled dgring a regularly take longer than tbe plant is routinely doumtime, but tbe entire operation nigbt offline,inwhichcaseadditional.costsfromdifferentialfuelcostswouldbeincurred. 4.4 Place stnrctures over diffuser ports CoveringthedischargePortswithrocksorotherstnrgrrralunitsnight way plume' This techniquewouldmodi$ the discbarge the of nrbidity the reduce Chaptcr 4 that water is eutrained,but would not require costlyport fabrication and underwater coDstnrction. 4.4.1 Rocls One way to alter entrainmentwould be to cover the diftrser Portswith rocls. The rocls would reduce fts sa6ainment of ambient seawaterby reducing the momentum of the dischargebefore it mixes with &e ambient water- The warrt dischargewater would rise directly to the surfacefrom the reef due to buoyancy.All of the offshorecomponentof &e momentumwouldbe blocked,and thus the plume causesof would no longer tend to flow offshore,eliminatingthe inshore-to-offshore the nrrbidity. I-esswater would be entrained becausethe velocity of the discharged water would be lower. The anount and source of entrained water is difficult to predict acarrately without scale modeling, but it seemslikely that there would be less of the nrbid bottom water entrained. The temperatureof surfacewater would also changewitb changesin entrainment flow, and tbe modified diffuser might not meet the requirementsof the current Thermal Plan The implementation of this techniqueis conceptuallysimple: rocls would be practice' it is carefully laid over the porc until &ey completelycoveredthe ports' In might dif6cglt to handle the large rocls that would be used, &d their positioning damagetbe dischargePortsthree In addition to the difEarlties of carefully placing the rocls, there are steyns technical obstaclesto implementing this technique. The most seriousobstacle over the Ports' from the increasedbackpressurethat would result from piling rocks t t I ! I t I t t t t I I T I I I I t I I t I t I I I I I t t t t T t t I I Discharge SPtem dischargesystem' Tbe present pumPingsJ6temis nrned to the head required by the Larger PumPs Placing rocks over tbe ports would greatlyincreasethe head needed' system would be required to achievea greater head,but the designof the discharge the pumps' limits the amount of increasetbat would be possible. Simply replacing the cost of which in itself would be expensive(severalmillion dollars Per PuEP,Ph$ The designof the downtime and the higher pumping costs),would not be enougb' and hydraulic sJ6teq including the elevations and dimensionsof the condensers (i'e" bead) seal well weir (seeAppendix A), is gearedspecifrcallyfor the Pres$ue it into tbe ocean' neededto move tbe water through the condensersand discharge in order to so the entire system would probably have to be re-engineered accotrrmodatethe increasedbackpressure. effluent water' The second obstacle involves the potential recirculation of and less initial Since the discbarge plume would bave no offshore momennlm water might dilution, soNGS' efluent might accumulatelocally and tbe discharged increasingin recireulate through the cooling rysteq with the dischargetemPeranrre (1974) dissussthis proportion to the Percentageof reciretrlatbg water' Koh a aI' problem for the Unit 1 discharge. rocks over the diffusers Finally, it is possiblethat the reef area causedby the Tbe outward flow of tbe would increasetbe deposition of sandnear the diffgsen' on the reef' but other discharges should keep ligbter sediments from settling Since tbe reef would be mecbanisms might lead to increased deposition' transPort' it nigbt intercept sand' perpendiarlar to the normal longshoresediment If a low-pressurearea develops which would then aclumulate around the reef' zone could form a sandbar behind the rocls, sandthat settlesinto the low-pressure Chapter 4 cause less reported to the CCC that a 5ingls'peint discharge would probably chrnging environmental damagethan the diffirser s:Etem(l"fRC 1980)' Therefore' reduce the the diffuser systens into single-point or triple-point dischargesmight resourcelossescausedbY SONGS. wa)'s' The diffrsers could be changed into 5ingle-point dischargesin wo all of the cooling First, the discharges,6temcould be changedin place' Essentially' sealed water could be allowed to escapefrom the end of the diffgsers and the PorE farther offshore off. Second,the dischargecould be movedto a new location,either Section4'6' or up or downcoast;this alternativeis consideredin the next section' discharge There are advantagesand disadvantagesto modi$ing the existing lessen the impact of system into a single-point discharge. This change would would be less soNcs' dischargebecausetbe plume from a single'point discbarge area than the plume tufbid (it would enUzin lesswater) and would cover a smaller maoy, including the fast from the diffirser. unfornrnately, the disadvantagesare night be continuing that the discbarge will still be close to SOK and so tbere througb the impacts to tbe reef from the plgme; sestonflru (mwcmens of particles a problem with recirculation area) night still be higher than normal; there might be at.197$; changesin diameter of plnme water into the intakes(SectionA5 in l(oh et large Pressurehead loss if all the of the existing difftrser piping would imposea very reverseflow capabilities would be cooling water were to be pumped offshore; and intake lines impossible (List and severely reduced, naking beat ueatment of the Koh1989).Discbargingfromtheendofthediffuserswouldrequireatthe and pumps' and might not be minimum the replacement of both PumP motors cooling q/stem becauseof design possible without complete re-engineeringof the T l t I I l' I t I' T l I I I I I I I I 72 r t I t I DischargeSFtcs tlpes the same In general,placing strucftral units over the diffgsen would provide of of reductionsas rocks,but with fewer disadvantages.The acnrd installation tbe sea floor the uniE would be fairly simple. Some preparation of tbe surface of would around the diffirser Ports would be necessary,but tbe astud installation t basicallyinvolve carefully placing the uni6 over the Ports. I I ovel the Although sogre of the problems associatedwitb placing rocks uniu, severe diffrser ports would be ameliorated by using prefabricated strucnrd problerns would remain As witb rocks, the most seriousproblem is the insreased t (The strusturd units backpreszurethat would be added to the diffgser qEteIL inner sides would g:tgsebackpressurebecausethe dischargedwater would strike the t I t I t t I I I l t The added of the units rather than being dischargedfreely into tbe ocean') would probably be great enougbthat larger PumPswould be required baclcpreszure recirctrlation of and/or the cirsglation systeEwould need to be re'engineered' The The possible plgure water would be about the samefor stnrctrual units as for rocks' less severe problem of increasedsedimentationnear the difftrsen would be much stability, a stnrctural tban for rocks; even with the broad baseneededfor structural a 'nit would have a snrallerfootprint than a pile of rocls covering Port 4.5Changetosingle.pointortriple.pointdischarge Tbeinitialdesigncrircriaforthedischarges}6teEsforUnits2znd3focrrsed of tbe dischargeplume' on meetingtbe thermalstandardsratberthan the nfbidity environmentaleffectsof the However,tbe MRCS studieshaveindicatedtbat the effect on &e marinebiota warm-waterdiscbargeare likely to havelittle adverse In facL the MRC has already comparedto the effectsof nfbidity in the plume' - operationwith reversedflow (Ust and Koh 1989). I I I to Althougb r€placing the difhser Ports witb three dischargePorts appears It would be be technicatly feasible, tbe offshore constructionwould be significanr neq relatively simple to btock off tbe untrecessarydiffgser Por6; however,installing large ports would require excavationof the existing diffuser conduil consmrctiDg t I t- Cbapter 4 high to allow normal serious lirnitation; however, the AT would probably be too diffirser new dischargeopenings,and attachingthe large Por6-three times for eacb on both line. List and Koh (1989)estimatethe cost of constructingthree large Ports diffusersto be $3C40 million, ptus any costsfor down time during construction 4.6 Relocatedischarge of the RelocatingsoNGS' dischargewould eliminate the adverseeffect the kelp bed' dischargeon SOK becausethe plume would no longerimpingeon downcoast' The discbargecouldbe movedin four differentways:inshore,uPcoast' would incorporatea and offshore. In all cases'it is likely that the new discbarge waiverof the thermal single-pointdischargerather than a difhrsersysteq sincca of the dischargedesign'and a standardswould be neededin mostcasesregardless singte-pointsystenis simplerandlesse'xpensive' Althougbmovingthedischargewouldeliminatethenrrbidplrrmeoverthe impactsto the be4 SONGS SanOnofreKelp Bed (SOK),sd thereforeanyfutgre as sedimentscoveringthe has already impacted SOK Residual effests,nrch dischargewas moved' It is not cobbles,night persistfor sometime evenif the I t r t I T I t I I I I I i I I I I I I t I t t I I T I I I I I Discharge Systcn This doesnot aPPear pressurelimitations.on the condensers(List and Koh 1989)' to be a viable alternativewith three large However, it would be feasibleto replacetbe 63 diffuser Ports were 5imil31in structrrrd dischargePorts (List and Koh 1989). If tbeselarge Ports m in diameter and would design to the Unit 1 discharge,they would be about 3 and Koh (1989)propose dischargecooringwater 5 to 6 m abovethe seafloor. List pipe sizesin the diffusers that they could be placed at the end of eacb of the three they would entrain a (see Appendix A). If thesePorts dischargedwatel veftically, system' (If the ports are smaller total volume of water than the Present diffuser volume as the Present angled up from the horizontal, they could entrain a similar As with other techniquesfor diffusers and meet the state thermal requiremens.) entrainment and thermal reducing entrainment, there is a trade-off betweenlower dischargestandards of a careful assessment Erraluatingtbe triple'point discbargeoption requires to determine the hydraulic head the cooling water q6tem hydraulics in order the potentiar for recirc'ration of available to drive the modification, enaruate is s'fEcient flow a'ailable to drive dischargewater, and determine whether there treatments' List and Kob (1989) tbe sptem in reverse f,ow mode during heat possible co$equences of conducted a hydraulic analpis evaluatingthe modiffing thediftrsergeometry.Thisanalysisindicatedtbat(1)thetotalheadrequiredfor but not enorrgh to be of siggificant norrral operation would be slightly higher, would be coruiderably lower than with concern, and (2) the reverse flow capacity AT acrossthe condensers'Sincethe higher the existingsyster\ rezulting in a higher flow, which occur rarely' this is not a AT would only aPPlyto periods of reverse C}.agter 4 locating the As mentioned above, there is a problem associated with 'througb the discharge close to the intakes becausethe plgme could recirsulate from the Unit intakes. Koh er at. ([g!4)harre discussedthe problem of recirsulation of water' the 1 discharge. BecauseUnits 7 atd3 dischargea much gfeater volume possibility from recirculation problem would be serious enough to eliminate this I I I t I consideration. j of dollars' Costs Costs would probably be in the range of tens of millions is scheduledfor would be minimized if constnrctionwas performed when the plant t be needed' refueling and maintenance,althoughadditionaldowntime might l[ ,| 4.62 Move uPcoastor downcoast moved awayfrom To avoid the recireulation problem' the dischargecould be closeto SONGS' the the intakes, either uPcoastor donacoasL As with a discharge beach' dischargecould take place in shallowwater or acrossthe would cause some new Moving tbe discharge upcoast or downcoast would probabty stem from the environment imFacts. The prinary impact imPastwould be similar to the constnrction of new pipeline to.the disctrarge' This If the pipeline ran along the impact of the original constnrction of the difftsers this is already a bighly disnrrbed shore, tbe beach habitat would be disn'bed; sinc-e alvay or deposited over a very habitat (atl of the beach sedimeng can be eroded likely be a temporary perturbation short period of time), constructionwould most construction' however') If (It would compromisepublic accessto tbe beach dgring would be destroyed and tgrbidity the pipeline was zubtidal, soft$ottom habitat I I t I il t I I I I I I I tp I I I I t I t I Dischargc' Systcm possibleto estimatethe intensity or duration of theseresidual effects,but until they disappeareda net loss of resourceswould persistthat shouldbe mitigated' 4.6.1 Move inshore it The problem with SONGS'plumeis not so much how nrrbid it is aswhere occurs. High nrbidity is the norm closeto shoreand closeto the bottom. SONGS' however,movesnrbid.water offshore and up into the water column over SOK One solutionto the nybidity problemwould be to haveSONGSdischargecloseto shore' near the surf zone,where the water is alreadynrrbid' a The discharge could have nvo confrgurations. The discharge could be to single-point underwater discharge,much like the dischargefor Unit 1 but closer like the shore. Alternatively, SONGS eould dischargewater across the beach, water tbat discbargeat Diablo canyon .In either case,the efluent would Eix with spatial was already nybid, so SONGS' dischargewould have little influence on the would not be distribution of nsbidity in tbe area; in partiarlar, ngbidity bver SOK t higber than normal I I environmental Moving the dischargecloser to shorewould causesome new likely be substantial impacts. U the dischargewas across[he beacb tbere would and utilized the erosion of the beach sedimenB. If the dischargewas subtidal impacts (from existing pipeline, there would be some temPorary construction impacts would be nrrbidity and constnretion barges), but the environnental due to the discharge' minimar. Although the water temperahrrewourd be elevated it seernsunlikely that it would baveany important effects. I I I t t Cbapter 4 constnrction' constnrctioncostswould be lower. If SONGShad to be offline during costswould be higber 4.63 Move offshore could Kelp bed Relocating tbe difhrsersso that they extendbeyond the san onofre The discharge eliminate tbe adverse effects of SONGS on the kelp bed' over the kelp would need to be moved far enoughthat the plume no longer spread depth is 30 m' The bed, perhaps as far as 15 km farther offsbore,where the water likely' a single-point dischargecould then be fitted with either a diffuser or' more construction' sincethe discharge. This oPtion would require signifrcantunderwater also have to be buried dischargeline is buried in sand and the qrtended line would for proper anchoring. impacts' Extending the discharge would cause additional environmental habitaf Enrichment of Constnrction would destroy a limited area of soft-bottom would be expectedfrom the the benthic biota (infaunat organismsand bottom fish) existingsystem;if a single'point extendeddischarge,sincethis hasocc'rred with tbe 'enrichmenf might be more concentratedthan with the discharge was use4 tbe different impact (for present diffuser s!6tem, possible cauing a qualitatively around tbe discharge)' These exanple, different speciesmight inyade the area the region around tbe discharge' lTpacb would be exPectedto be restrieted to dischargestemmingfrorr the use of a Qfuzngesin the therrral characteristicsof the untikely to cause any substantial single-point discharge in deeper water seem impacts. I I I I l t I T I I t I I T I I I t rl Discbarge SYstem 'r I .; t I t I .I I I I I I I I I I I water was discbarged would be increasedduring constnrction. U SONGS' cooling of the beach sediments' acrossthe beacb, there would.tikely be substastialerosion from the dischargewould If the discbargewas subtidal" any increased nybidity area it seemsunlikely probabty bave minimal effects. In the high'energ inshore in any case'based on the that the disc.hargewould causeincreasedsedimentation; the discbargeare more likely MRCs data on soft bentbosand bottom fish, effectsof likely that any increasein water to be positive than negative. Simitarly, it seems discbargingthe heated water temperange would bave negtigble effests. However, thermalstandards' closeto shorewould definitelyrequire a waiverof the witb this technique' There are no.major technical problems associated require layrng pipe to the new Moving the dischargeaway from the plant would procedure' The distancethat could discharge arc\which would be a fairly routine on the headmadeavailableby not be reachedwithout changingthe pumpsdepends the difftrserPorts' with a singlemoving tbe water severalkm offshoreand througb 750 m longer aod stili point discharge,the discbargepipe could be approximately Thus, the dischargefor have the samehead toss (J. lst pasorul communicdion). plant upcoast or downcoastfrom the soNGS could be located as far as 35 km of Unit 2 discharge'750 m-long (present configuration of 19?5m to tbe beginning using a single-point discharge) without diffuser, plus extra 750 m gained by pumPs;this would include tbe coastlinefrom existing the to modifications significant uP to SanMateo Creek' oppositethe weigh station south of SONGS CostofmovingsoNcs,discharge3.5kmfromplantwouldbeatleast$70 J. Ust' penona! communication),and pipeline; of $2000/ft on (based million the if the dischargewas closerto soNGS' course, of more. considerably probably t Cbapter 4 while the new communication). If SONGS could not oPerate for six months (1980)'tbe dischargewas being tied into the existi'g q6teq as suggestedby Ebert overall cost of replacement fuel costs would be at least $96 million- Thus, the extendingthe diffusers 1 km migbt be rougbly $200million' I I I I I t' I I I' I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I t I CIIAPTER5 REPI,ACEMENToFHilSTINGcooLINGSYSTEM coolingsystem The most radical approacbto reducingthe effectsof soNGS' a closed'cycle system' would be to replace the open-cycle cooling qystemwith plants using river Closed-cyclecooling systemsare now required on inland Poriler thermal load on aquatic water for cooling becauseof the adverse effests of the less important for power communities in rivers. Although therrral effects are far would still reducethe plants locatedon the oPencoast'closed-cyclecoolingsysterns systems intake and dischargeeffectsof an open-cyclesystem. crosed-cycle'cooling of coolingtowers' include cooling pondsand canalsand many differeut t)?es t I I I I I I I I I I 5.L CoolingTowers from the once-througb The substantial environmental impacs resulting by reducing geeling systemused at soNGS could be greatly reducedor eliminated towers have been successfully the quantity of water used for cooling. Cooling or in situationswhere the employed in caseswhere abundantwater is unavailable' are unaccePtable' Because environmental effects of once-throughcooling systems lessof tbe volume of water usedby the cooling totfrersat SONGSwould use L}Voor Regulatory Commission1979)' there once-throughcooling qntem(U.S. Nuclear losses,and the dischargelosses would be a proportionate decreasein the intake measuredbytbeMRcwouldbeeliminatedsincetherewouldnolongerbeanrrbid pIume. F Chapter 5 to tbe atmosphere' Tbe hot Qssling towersUaqsferthe wasteheat directly as it drops iown the heigbt of tbe water is pumped to tbe toP of the tower and cools tbe condensers' cooling air enters tower; the cooled water is recirqilated through are manytyPesef gesling towers There top. tbe at oria and bottom the at the tower tbatlJsedifferentmethodstodropwaterdownthetowerandpumpairupthetower. below' with their advantagesand The basic t)?es of cooling to\ilers are discussed disadvantagessummarizedin Table 5-1' come into direct contast' The never water and air tov/ers' cooling In dry by tubes' and heat is transferred water is dropped through ao aray of thin lost takes place' since water is not evaPoration no ody; convection and conduction toevaPoration,drytowersrequireverylittleadditionalwateroncetheybegn they are expensiveand do However' water' fresh use therefore, can, operating and Reduced heat transfer will increase not uansfer heat as effectively as wet to$rers. 5 to can be expectedto decreaseby the tgrbine back Pressure'and plant capacity casein a design (which would not be the nrrbine optimized an wi& lcVo,eveD (not The enersf cost for a planned soNGS)' at as such reuofit operation sote than the cost oJ a once?'\vo about is s!$em cooling retrofitted) dry tower I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I throughggglingsystemduetoincreasedconsmrctioDcostsanddecreasedcapacity. DrytowersarenowrsedinEuropeandAfricainonlysqall(<200}vf\il)fossilfuel at a winter' They have never been used in loads peak with climates plants in cool Po\rer station larger than 200lvf\il' to drip throughthe open air' water cooling the allow wet cooling towers type of but alsoby conduction' some evaporation' by primarily heat transferring waterdroples' Drift eliminators the slow to used is gravel as porousmaterialsuch : Replacement of e*istiag cooling I I Table $1 options. summary of advantages and disadvantages of closed<lcle cooling t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MgI}IODS ADVA}IIAGES DISADVAI\ITACES a Cost* (MrLuoNs) requires-zffi acres/uait land unarzilable inexpcnsira,rcquiresless land than coolingPonds requires- 100acrcs/unit; salt ddft land unavailable Dry towers opcratewith little makeuP water,so canrse frcshwater; uo evaporatioqso uo foggingor drift techaologthasuot been demoostratedon this scale; expcnsive,oPeratiagcostuP8Vo; Notsy 5m Mechanical draft wet towers rclativulysnall, so lessvis.imPact; cancontrol cxit temPcrature; most cfficieot and leastarpemivetorcr largevolumeof makcuPwateE rcquircsfan Power,aoiq6 salt drift and grouad-lcralfoggingProblems n0 Natural &aft wet towers quict (no fan poler); rcduccdfoggisgatd &ift problcmsduc to heigbt targcvolumcof makcuPwatcri wry largc (500't8ll) and uncightl$ salt drift 4m rcduccdwater rcquirencB6; efrrciencysasg asset towe6; rcduccdfoggingand drift technologthas not bccn deoonstratcd 93 this scalsl sill rcquires salt watcr; high ssst 450 Wct/dry tou,crs CoolingPonds/ Casals if land is ine.:rpcnsive arnilable SprayPonds/ Canals . is for consmrcion and tic-in ooly (1988 rtollnn). Docs oot includc plirnt dqntimc eod Fduccd Plsnt crFcity' = Cbapter 5 water droplets being are added at the top of the tower to catch 'nevaPorated wet cooling towers are used: carried up with the exiting air. Two tlpes of towers use fans to force the mechanical draft and nan'al draft. Mechanical draft reducedif additional power is air through the towers. The size of the tower can be the most gemmonlyused tlpe of usedto drive the fans. Mechanical draft to\ilers are towers compared to natud cssling to\iler. The advantagesof mechanical draft flexibility becausethere is more draft towers includs lower capital costs;greater which reducesthe visual impact" control over watef temPeran*e; and a smaller size, for ground level fogging and drift' Their main disadvantageis an increasedpotential in shape'which is the optimal sbape Natural draft towers are large and hlperbolic of naoral draft towers are that for nafirral convection flow. The disadv:rntages large towers (-500 ft) and visible construcrion costs are a littte higher and the used' they are quieter and cost not are fans since However, unsightly. are plume (if ground level fogging and salt drift reduce towers the big5 Also, less to operate. I I I t I I seatffateris usedfor cooling)' have to use seawaterbecausethe All wet cooling to\ilers at soNGS would water supplies (u's' Atomic Energt water requiremenE would exceed fresb have been used only rareln and they Conmission 19?3c). Saltwater cooling towers be 10 to as SONGS' cos6 are estimatedto bave uever been used at a plant as large tower' but cost ovemrns seemlikely freshwater egtrivalent an for than bigber 20vo in the tower water would concentration salt high A tecbnorogt. given the unproven increasing tower, decreasingplant polr'er by reduce the effrciencyof a wet cooling Ecodyne, lrlc-, penonal communicuion (J. Gianrbastiani, pressure back nrrbine 1e88). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I Replaccoent of existing cooliag systcn feanrres of Wet/dry mechanical draft to\rrersattemPt to combine the best economicalcooling botb wet and dry sssling towers (e.g.,lower water use and more in a dry tower and in the zummer). Heated water is frrst passedtbrougb tubes as This allows tbe then allowed to drip througb an oPengravel bed as in a wet tower' is much water temPeranse to droP as low as it doesin a wet to\iler, but evaporation use fresbwater in Iower than in a wet to\Per. Evaporation is still far too great to 200 MW rangehave SouthernCalifornia, hourever.Only a few Po\ilerstationsin the equivalent to a wet used wetfdry towers. Thermal performanceis elgected to be tAVohigher. tower,but the costof the more complicateddesignis usuallyabout number of reasons' Cooling towers decreasethe efsciency of the plant for a the water to including (Reynolds1980): (1) Entra Porveris required for Pumping becausethe water the tower, which in the case of soNGS could be substantial for fans in the caseof would bave to travel 1 mile and uphill. (2) Enerry is required Cooling towers cause higher turbine back greater temPeranre of recirculated cooling tower mechanical draft towers' And (3) pressures. This is causedby the Webster Engineering Corp water compared to a once-throughqysteul Stone and plant would be more than (1978) showedtbat energt loss for retrofrtting a nuclear for the Indian Point plant 4Vo, andcaPacityloss would be about SVo. The EIS a 9Vo rcdvCrion in peal predicted a 4Vo decreasein annual plant caPacityand generatingcapacity. 5.1.1 PotentialReductionof Losses the tlpe of tower employed' The degreeof lossredustionwould dependuPon eliminatingthe intake and discharge Dry coolingto\ilerswould usefreshwatbr,thus t Chapter5 watertaken losses.Wet coolingtowerswould gfeatlyreducethe anounJof ocean tbat a hlpothetical andretnrnedto the ocean: parkhurstandMchitr (1978)rePort per secondfor once1000lvf\il nuclearpower plant withdraws2152a$ic feet of the once-througb tbrougbcoolingcomparedto 43 cubicfeet per second,or ZVo and 3 with coolingtowers. (Note: Each of SONGSunia 2 flow, for closed-cycle achrallywitbdraws1&40cubicfeetper second') towen' The The reductionin waterutilized is aboutthe samefor reuofrtted a once-tbrougbcooling PalisadesNuclearPowerPlant, originallyoperatedwitb with mechanicaldraft systemusing water from Lake Michigaq was retrofrtted of water from Lake cooling tov/ersin 19?4. This changedecreasedthe intake tbat at heast95Vofewer Michiganby 85Vo.A snrdyof the impacton frsh revealed there was also a fisb were impinged after the cooling towe$ were installed; that were impinged reductionin the total weight and the numberof fish species EIS (u.s. NuclearRegulatorycomrnission @endaet aL 1975). The IndianPoint would be lessthan4Voof 19?9)predictedthat the water rsed with coolingtouters and impingementwould be that used for once-tbroughcooling and entrzdnment I I l' I t I I t I I I reduc€dbYa similaramounl I TheEls.forSoNGsUnits2znd3predictstbatgTvofewerfishwouldbe I once-througbqystem(u.s' Atomic killed if coolingtowerswere usedinsteadof a I plume would probablybe trrbid tbe to due losses lg?3c); Enerry Commission completelyeliminated.$imilarly,theElsforsoNGsunitlpredictedthatintake I if mechanicaldraft coolingtowers volumewourdbe reducedtoZ-3voofpresentflow I wereused,essentiallyeliminatingentrainmentofmarinelife(U'S"AtomicEnergl 1973b)' Comsrission I I I'r Repliaceneat of cxisting cooling s)Eten 5.12 AssoeiatedImPacts I t I I I I l I I I I t I I I I t the reduce Atthougb the installation of sssling towersat SONGSwould greatly lossesmeasuredby the MRC that are causedby the once-throughcooling These associatedimPactswill rysteq cooling towers would produce new impacts. of cloud be discussedin six categories: DrifL blowdown disposal, possibility formation and fogging,ait quality, noise,and aestbetics' Cooling Tbe water used in cooliqg towers containsa variety of solutes. the sals towers at SONGS would circulate sea water, so tbe water would contain corrosio& presentin seawater plus any additivesusedto confol scaleformation, the elements sedimentation,and fouling in the tower (Birchall L979).Table 5-2lists through the wet commonly associatedwitb cooling to\rrers. As this water circulates During glp goeling cooling towers, evaporationconcentratessalt and other solutes' These process,some of the water forms small droplets,termed drift or carryover' fall to the gfound' droplets escapefrom tbe tower witb the air sUeamand eventually potentid for danage due Becausethe drift containssalt and other solutes,there is water' to the deposition of thesematerialson vegetation'soils,and TheSoNGsEIS(U.S.AtomicEnerglCommissionlgT3c)predictedthat would escapeas drift' and o.Itvoof tbe circulation of mechanicaldraft towersflow gAVoof the drift would be that 4500 lb/hr of salt would be depositedon land' depositedwithina3-mileradiusofthetowers.TheSoNGsElspredictedthatthe and 1,089lb/acre'mo' (0'05to depositionrate would be between1815 lb/acre-mo. soNGS depositionrate is 03lb/ftz-yr are tbe figuresin the EIS). The predicted F I I I I I I Cbapter5 Table $2 cooling tower operations Toxicity and concentration factors of elements used in Po*tr Fron Flnsl Enviroomcutal Statemcnf Sborcbrm Nuclcar Encrgr Commission,1972(Aft€r Etchholz19tS)' Eernart Colccnttrtion Frctorr Plutton Brown Algr S 6-6 Brc 2.8 oc l r?,'q) 6100 cuc l?,000 s2o l-: AsH3 toric to ptants;slighttYto mammals Modcratcly elgac' tftllf;;|.tgrtr.en N lg,(xto ?J00 Pc pbc ts0(X) 4l,.n)0 lo.oo0 ?0,0m E*cnridro8nors.nbmt uffJo:Hi:,1,.#il?1"#.Li.t *cd Plents; '\'. 3'4 sic 2900 I I ",:l,3i"."r"ffirrrdo-";1'jgnru*,,i:.Jl#it1gg,?,i"lirn'rroxictoorganismsandis hishlvsoto invcrtcbrat*; 92 ?src I' 'ndg'ccn Pbnts; rofungi ^nililu['r"*"#il,T ffii:Hls;vcrvroxic 2s0 Hsc Snc h Environncnrel ToxicityD (not inFcted) Funclianr to organisms ,ffiXl?,J..1"??"T.."r0, Br2isvcrvtoxic;Br'is rclativclvhermless clz, clo', clor'erc highlvtoxic cl'is rctativclvharmlcss; 0.052 tffi5l,:T&Tr"o crc sc Phnq US' Atomic Brnti.t,ls structur.l vitel in m.ny ways None cumulative vcry toxic ro mort plenrs,modcratclyro to mrmmels; f*n Ersrri.l ro,omcpr.n. taffilr#l;:?;$#::;3.un. Nonc Er*ntierror[orsrninns I planktonand firh Rclativclyharmlecs;conccntntionshighcrin I ' 'li;;*iU;f;1,,m;g*'P''t$:T'''x*ff$:13' t uscdbv rungharmfur' in mammalian vcry toxic to Plantssld grecnalgee , c by phnr roors todctomunrnels;uptek ""$ffgHH[or,*.;i*litt _I I I modcnrcdzcd orylntsms-s&' tunr' cActixntrbtor rgccicsorgeFn known. I I I I I I I i I I t I I I I l t I I I t I I I I t Replacement of cxising cmling s:lstcur from the seashore: higber than nanrral deposition rates found severalmiles inland rangng from 2'6 Talbot (Lg4g) cites a snrdywhere background deposition values However' tbe lb/acre-mo to 31 lb/acre-mo were neasured several ln inland' near the surf zone: predicted SONGSrate is lower than the salt sedimentationrates failing near tbe Moser (1975) measureddeposition rates of about 900 lb/acre-mo surf zone,dropPrngto les tbat 250lb/acte-mo300m inland' to 0'001voof' For nanrral draft towers,the amount of drift would be reduced indicatesthat the drift the circulationflow, or 450Ib/hr depositedon land. The EIS Mateo Valley' If the might impact an agriarlnyal area nro miles away in San detrimental impact on to\ilers were located near the State Parb they could have a on the spatialpattern of tbe vegetationthere. The soNGS EIS doesnot comment the salt tolerances of the the deposition, or seasonaleffects. It does not disctlss on native vegetation' native plaint speciesor the Potential effects of salt deposition from the plant" it does Although the EIS mentions a tnrck farming business2 miles not cornnent on the ambient not mention likely impactson the croPs.The EIS does to the ambient level' The EIS salt levels or how much the tower would add relative commonin the are4 but it does statesthat 7 to 8 monthswithout precipitation are be gfeater where precipitation is Dot discussthe fact that the impact of salt might from vegetation' It does not not frequent enough to remove salt acstrmulation important fastor in assessingthe comment on the relative humidity in the arc4an et aL L977)' degreeof damagedue to drift (Moser L9?S,McCune Snrdiesinvolvingapplicationsofsalineaerosolssimilartocoolingtowerdrift ontofoliagehavedemonstratedthatsolutesareabsorbed(MulchiandArmbruster 1975,1981,1983,Moser:tgls,McC\rneetaLtgTT,FrancisandorrtisTg7g'Taylor f Chaptcr 5 |987). |-arge 1983,ArmbrusterandMulchi 1984,Hofrranrret aL et.aL Lg75,1980, necrosis'lesions'stunted enougbquantitiesof salt can be injruiors plants,causing depends reproductiveoutPul The enent of the darnage growth,and/or decreased meteorologicalconditions' on manyfastors,suchasageandqpeciesof the plant and that the salt is far more For orample,simulationsof salt drift havedemonstrated (<60voRH) (Moser harmfulat higbh'midities (>g}voRII) thanat low bumidities in timesof low precipitation' lgls,McCune 4 aL Lgn) esPecially cooling towersis often A literan'e review revealedthat vegetationnear onlyfoundcloseto the towers; damagedby salt drifq but acutenegativeimpac6are towersare not known(Talbot the chroniceffectsof long-termoperationof cooling towerscirculatebrackish tg{g). A freld snrdyat Chalk Point, Md., where cooling the towersfor nro yearsprior &om km 9.6 and 1.6,4.8, sites at was conducted water, towers' No negativeeffectswere to operationand5 yearsfollowingoperationof the the closestagriculnrralareq determinedon tobaccogrolltn1.6km from the towers, andArmbnster 1982"1983)' In a or at anyof the more distantsnrdysites(Mulchi drift did not aPPearto harm native satt the FL Point, Turkey at study short-term (215n) sitewereinjured;plam vegetatioD.only the c{ltivatedplans at the closest towers)werenot affected(Hindawiet at the other sites(430E to 32 km from the I I I t I I I t' I I I t T I Rochow(1978)obsenledhighdepositionratesofsulfatearrdcalciumwithin towersin Michigan g2 mof the palisadesNuclearptant mechanicaldraft cooling I vegetation' the to with extensivedamage (which'ses water from l:ke Michigan) I Therewasno commentaboutvegetation trees' of defoliation complete including is usedin the oak Ridge Gaseous chromium Hexavalent towers. the farther from I I aL L916). l- t I t ,1 I l I I T I I I I I I I I I I Replacement of cxisting cooling systen Diffrrsion Plant in Tennesseeto inhibit colrosion. In a short-term experiment lasting 7 weels, Parr et aL (1976)examinedchromigrr damagein potted tobacco They plants located 15, 200, 600, and 1400m downwindfrom tbe cooling to\Pers' levels found that plants did acclmulate the drift-born chromiuq but by 1400m the of cbromium were indistingUisbablefrom background. Chromium deposition was less damagedplants at the closestsite, and leaf growtb at the 15 and 200 m sites the authors that at the 600 and 1400m sites: on the basisof this short-term snrdy, 500 concludedthat there will not be significant accumulationsof chromium beyond levels in the m. At oak Ridge GaseousDiffusion Plant" the chromium and zinc this has vegetationdecreaseto neal backgroundlevelsat 1 mile from the towers; (Taylor et aL not barmed the native vegetation, but did harm the tobacco croP of chromium 1975). Anotber studywas done to determinewhetherthe deposition Plant' The on fescue grasswas seasonalat the Oak Ridge GaseousDiffusion with highest chromium concentrations ocsurred in the winter, coresPonding previous studies' the morimum oPerational level (Taylor et aL 1983). As with of chromium was highest chromium levels were found near the towers; the level reported to be insignifrcantat the 1500m site' Anotherpotentialhazardofdriftisthedepositionofsdtsandothersolutes towers, Edmondset into the soil. In a general discussionof the impacts of cooling would exceedincreases aL (Lg75) predicted that nanrral variability in soil salinity of sdts from cooling towers due to cooling towers, and did not think that buildup of deposition at would be significant. Simulations of salt drift and measurements and Mulchi 1984' Mulchi and the Chalk Point Generating Station (Ainrbruster were depositedin soils' the rains Arnrbruster 1983) showedthat" although salts Point area afevery Pelrneable returned the soil to normal. The soils in the chalk Cbaprcr5 washes with excellentdrainage,andthe regularPreciPitation(averagngL02cn/yr) have only the solutcs away. They predictedthat towersat Chalk Point would rninimalinpact on the soils. The anount of salt depositionnearthe coolingtoute$ from the in GalvestonBay, Texaswas as much as 12fr) kg/ha-yr at a site 100m q aI t978)' torvers,but was small at a site 434 m from tbe towers(Wiedenfield but were Levelsof salt in the soilswerehigh aroundthe salt water coolingtdwers, depositedthe immeasnrablebeyond434m. The authorswaln that asmore salt is of the poor effects may be measurableat greater distancel and that because calculations' drainage, the potential for soil degradationexists. Based uPon I I I I j I wouldqot Roffuan andRoffman(1973)predictedthat coolingtowerdrift generally I (like Southern areas arid in but migbt insease the salt contentof soil siguifrcantly, l Califoruia). I groundwater Finalln there is the dangerthat drift solutescould enter the groundwater supply. The army draws600 acre-feet/yearfrom the San Onofre I the impact on tbe suppty (u.s. Atomic Enerry commission1973c). whether I Otber studieshave aquifer night be sigdfrcantwould need to be investigated' lndian PoinL the EIS addressedthe problem of contaminationof aquifers. At I unlikely' higbly be would groundwater predicted that intrtrsion of sals into the of sartdrift on aquifers T Roffmanand Roffman(1973)carctrlatedthat the infruence hundredyears' shouldnot be significantevenovertime periodsof several I towersat soNGS' it Basedupon the presentanatysisof the impactof cooling I vegetatio& of drift on the rocal is not possibleto determinethe stateof the impact I soils,andgfoundwater.However,itseemsliketythatdriftwouldbedetrimental' I I I I I I I I I t I I I I T I I Rcpliaccmeat of cxising cmling qrtcn but that the damagewould be restricted to an area near SONGS(perhapswithin a radius of a few miles). Becauseof evaporation and drift losses,the solutesin the water in cooling towersbecomeincreasinglyconcentrated.A portion of this water' called blowdown' is periodically or continuously discharged;it is replaced by make-up water' The blowdorpn contai1s concentrated salts plus additives used to Prevent corrosion, scaling,and biologicat gfowth. In the caseof SONGS,the blowdownwould be discbargedinto the ocean Technologt for removing some of the solutes exists (Edmonds et aL Lg75,Anderson et aL 1984,Eichbolz 1985) and certain toxic materials may degradeor evaPorate(Holavarttr et aL L984q 1984b,Blanchardet cl 1987),but muchwould still be releasedinto the ocea& life Tbe consequencesof blowdown solutesfor marine water quality and marine are not weU snrdied. The Indian Point EIS (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory increase the corirmissiou LgTg)predicted that the sulfuric acid added would 'itt concentration of sulfate ion, but it would be within water quality standards' The EIS predicted chlorine concentrationswould exceedwater quality standards. would not adversely that if the blowdovtn was within water quality standards,it impact organismsin the HudsonRiver' water on Tbe few srudies that havi addressedtbe toxicity of blowdown caulot be extrapolated to organismshave not measuredrelevant Par?metersand raised in a reservoir that soNGS. For exanple, several speciesof fish were F Chapter 5 contain received blorvdowu water that was high in chromium- These frsh did not was any higber levels of chromium than frsh gro\rm in gncontaminatedwater' nor did not bioaccnmulatioa of chromium deteeted @lwood et aI L98O)but the study longevity' assesswhether the elevated chromigm had any effect on growth rates' raised in health or reproductive rates of the fth. A snrdycontrastinggrowth of eels those river water with eels raised in warm cooling tower pond water revealed that in their raised in sssling to\rrerpond water do not have abnolrnal levels of metals thosewaters liver and muscletissues,deqpitetbe higber concentrationsof metals in becausethe eelsare growingat a greaterrate (Romeril and Davis Lg76),apparently (due to the elevatedwater temPeranrre)than the rate at which they can acctrmulate eels would metals. However, Romeril and Davis did not examinethe rate at which tower pond accumulate metals when held at norrral temperanres in the cooling of the animals water, nor did they compare the mortality rates' feanndity or health It apPears in &e sseling tower pond water witb animalsin the natural environment' has not been done' that rigorous rcsting of the influence of blowdown discharge present in the although rwiews of the effests of chlorine and otber solutes (EPRI t979, Central blowdoun document the deleteriors effests of these solutes Electric ResearchIaboratories 1975)' water of saline coeling tower An indirect test of tbe toxicity of blowdown is the rse were not adversely for irrigation In Maryland croPs of coru and alfalfa 1982)' Engle 4 aL (1985) affected by this water (Mulchi and Armbruster 1981, saline cooling tower water and irrigated corn and alfalfu crops in Minnesota witb on tbe"other' hand' Amjd and found that the crops were not adverselyaffected. Kban(1986)foundthatalthoughwateringplantswithcoolingtowereffluentsin plant growth' Becausethe power India did not reduce germination' it did reduce I I I I I I I I l I I I I T I I I t I I I I t Rcplaccmeat of cxisting cooling s]'stelr plant is dischargingchlorides, sulfates,solids and other pollutants, they suggest treatmentof tie water beforeit is discharged. The SONGS EIS calculated that blowdown would contain 100 ppt of I I I I dissolvedsolids(which is three timesthe concentrationof solutesin the oceag34'7 ppg ru.S. Atomic Enerry Commission1973c).This waterwould be dischargedinto the ocean. Table 5-3 showsthe compositionof the dischargefrom the presentonce- T qualitv I I I I I I I I I I If cooling towerswere installed at soNGS, the resultingreducedeffrciency would mean that the plant could not provide as much energf as it doespresently' through cooling system. The SONGS EIS mentions periodic use of sodium hypochlorite. 'The concentrationof total chlorinein the receivingwaterwill be less than 0.1mg/liter for no more than six 15-minuteperiodsper day." plant For example, the Indian Point plant predicted a 4Vo decreasein annual need to capacity and a 9Vo reduc1on in Peak generating capacity. SCE would necessary' replacethe enerry lost due to reducedefficiencyat SONGS. It would be Althougb SCE therefore, for SCE to generatemore energ/ at its fossil-fuel plants' would first generateelectricityat its mostfuel-efficientplants(B' Mechalas,penonal produce far more air communication),any additional use of these plants would pollutan6 into pollutants than SONGS. Furthermore,theseplants would release by constructing the sou& coast Basin- on balance,air qualitywould be degraded coolingtowers. : t Chaper 5 I Table $3 Chemicalcornpositionof water dischargedfrom SONGS' StatcDcrt (us' AtoEic Elc4y Frou Table 3J of soNcs uults 2 and 3 Final Earrironmentsl joUl"Edison' Discbr*p frou 98ryoTl8 Comntssion 19Rc). Bascdon inforuatioa supplicd ty clted wlll not ch8rge' Unlt 1 noustbe addedto obtaln total amounts,but conccEtrations PERUNrr (B/DAY) iltAxrrfi,tMREI.8ASE ADDEDBY }lrnrnau"v OCCURRING EACHTJNIT CHEtrlucAL Boron Bromide Calcium Celluloscseala,of Chloridc Chloriae (frec residual)c Coppct' Fluoridc (Hardacss,total) Magnesium Nickclc Nitratc Nitrogco, orgalic Phoepbates,as ortbo Potassfttn Sodium SuUatc Sulfidc 46,000 65x1d 4.0xld 10 20x 1d ?uod 1S1m 14,000 62xtC' L%xilCf, 1 34m 1m0 1m x ld 3.E(t 1.05r ld ?-&xLd $m 4.6 65 400 2so 145f 1000 19,980 60 70 50 0.m1{.01 1.4 6ZL8 2N Ltn 0.00(B 034 0.10 0.10 380 10J00 ?655 0.10 460d 1.0 115 33 m a5s 3&@ e50f 0.60 I Arn'acr rirt Errinun cmccotntionsronld mrrduringFknic llryroutd bGdly bdf of GEd llil' rtic! citqfitilgretcr b gti* dircbrrgp froo llrO crlrpcrtur ooty' c Crblrtcd froar iafornltirn ruplicd bt$GePPlicrots' d au.d o rrsnncd Drrinuar cirrcioo nre' MA)grfl ,!,1CoNcENrRAror'l' T.IANJRAII,.Y OCCURRING (PPM) 6dcE3t neiarcouce ADDED BIY EACHTJMT (PPM) INCRE{SE (vo) 0.09 0.05 0"08 0.07 < 0.1 14.4b < 0.1 0.07 0.0@ o* 0.m? 4-s 0.* 0.ffit 0.wng 0.000665 0.m4 ofr 1S L92D. 0ffi1,2 l I I j I I 7G7tr a.CI1 0.0? 0.fl ?5,3d 0"67 0s7 4.0 0Jn 0.o7 0.rr o.l2 I I I I T I I I I I I I I T I I I I l I I I I I I I I I Replaccment of qistiag cmling systsn 5.12.4 CloudFcirmationandFogging Qssting towers releasehuge guantities of water vaPor into the atmosphere that can form clouds under appropriate meteorological conditions. A model developedby Neiwiadomshi and Haman (1984) predicted that large Po\rer plants (5000 lvf\il| could increase within 5-7 km of the plant by uP to 70Vo,given favorable conditions. They recoulmendthat this possibilitybe closely examined during environrnentalimpactshrdiesbefore coolingtowersare installed. Tberefore, concetn exists about their potential for modifying the weather. The degree and frequency of cloud forrration dependson tower constructionand meteorological factors. An extensivereview for the Indian Point Unit showedthat cloud fornation due to coolingtowerswould occur,and the cloudsmight alter precipitationPattems in an area The plume from the towen at Indian Point was predicted to reduce sunshinefor a few minuteseachday,but the increasein precipitationwaspredicted by to be gndetectable (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cornmission1979)' Observations Kramer et aL (1976) in West Virginia showedthat the cooling tower plumes can new modi$ the local atmosphere,both by increasingcloud cover and by creating (1975) cloud formations. Shadowingeffect on the ground occurred. Car"Fistron found a precipitation band extending30 km downwindfrom a nuclear Po$'erPlant in France,&d an augmentationin the agount of snowfallthere' is a potential A further problem is tbe possibility of ground-levelfog: This hazardous(Hall er hazard becauseit could make driving near cooling towers more that foggingbas not aL 1987). In the Indian Point EIS, a review of foggingrevealed united states,England been a problem around nanrral draft cooringtowersin the rt Chapter5 would be small (4 or Switzerland,and they predicted that the increasein ground fog Mechanical draft hr per yeal) if natural draft tou'erswere installed at Indian Point' towers' sioce tourershave a greater potential for producing fog tban nanrral draft One Indian Point they releasetheir water vapor at about 50 ft insteadof 300''500ft' year if EIS estimate Predicted an increase of nearly 100 hours of fogging Per mechadcal draft towerswere installe4 . touter would The EIS for SONGS Units 2 and 3 predicted that a cooling conditiors' produce a plume and sometimesfog under some(unspecified)weather I'5' The SONGS and that tbe plume could reducevisibility for driverson Highway the frequency. EIS stated tbat this would only happen rarely, but did not estimate visible, or whether The EIS does not mention how often a plume is expectedto be due to a plume are any changesin precipitation Pattenuior in the amount of shading Cornmission1973b) expected. The EIS for SONGS Unit 1 (U.S. Atomic Energt towetswere installed' estimatedan increaseof 90 hours of fog Per year if cooling pump' airflor-induced Sourcesof noise ia soeling towensinclude tbe water waterfall noise (Edmondser rcsonancg fan noise (in mccbanical draft towen), and aL1975).Theloudestoftheseisthewaterfallnoise.Theanorrntofnoise the flow tbrougb the tower' produced by towers dependson their size and type and and 90 DB' the noise level at toqrersis uzuallybetween80 that states Edmonds , in modern societY,and Noise pollution is a growingand seriousproblem los and deafness- To Put the excessivenoise may'causeprogressivehearing I I I I I j I I t I I I I T T I I I I i I t I I I I I Replaccoent of cxisting cooling slatco table magnitudeof noiseProducedby cooling towersin perspective,the folloving presentsthe noiselevelsfor somecommoDsounds: 100db Powermox/ers tarm tracor iackhnmmer -motorcycle (8 m) jet (300m) I I I t I I I dieseltnrck bnsy'citystreet 80db 70 db garbagedisposal vacuumcleaner freewayaaf6c (15 n) averaqetadory freighi train (1a n) dishwasher Noisesabove80 dB causehearingdanageafter long'term exPosure' I l 90db where The influence of the noiseproducedby cooling towerswould dependuPoD the towerswere located. Ednonds et aL (L975)predid that the noisefrom is similu: cooling towers would probably not affect wildlife adversely,as the sound area)' to that of a waterfall, a soundfound in nature (thougb not in the SanOnofre tonespeals Suchsteadyand gniform broad-bandrandom noiseswith no large Pure a recreational in mid-range are easyto adapt to. However, if the towers were on from the area or near a state beacb' visiton dg"t find that tbe noise detracts ft (Capanoand serenity of the area- Soundlevels can be as hrgh as 60 dB at 2'000 may find the noise Bradly tg74). If the towers are close to work areas' workers rright not offend or it amroyingor objectionable. However, at a distance,the noise The Indian Point study migbt not be noticeable above the sound of trafEc on I-5. at sites used by people at included an analysisof the augnentation of noise levels would be necessar!'at various locations surrounding the towers. Such a snrdy SONGSif coolingtowerswerebuilt' F t Chapter 5 California SONGS is located atong a very scenicportion of the Southern of gently rolling terrain coastline. The area is characterizedby 'nobstructed views with cliffs leading dou,nto sandybeaches. Cooling towerswould require more than room besideSONGS 30 acresof land, and SCE has statedtbat there is not enough Southern California to place them there (J.8. Palm et,penonal communication)' two possibilities on the Edison (J.B. Palmet, p*sonal commtadcation) suggested The aestheticimpact of inland side of I-5, one of whicb is on State Park land' be highly visible; typical cooling towers would be substantial. The towers would (However' it is possible nanrral draft towers are 400 ft in diameter and 400 ft high' B' Mechalas' penonal that less-obtrusive towers could be constructed; the visual impact would be communication.) On dayswhen there is a visible plume, iself and would be visible much greater than the physical structure of the tower that the plume producedby from a greater distance. For example,it was predicted extend as far as 20 to 30 miles the Rancho Seconahrral draft cooling towers could 1973a)' A large number of before dissipating (U.S. Atomic Energt Commission segment of Interstate 5 is people would see the towers and plume daily, as this would be necessaryto tell how uaversed by thousandsof motoriss daily. Modeling and to surveywhat t)?es of use visible the towers would be from different.locations, visible from' fall within the areasthat the to$'eF will be comrdssioa 1979) stated The Indian Point EIS (u.s. Nuclear Regulatory be tbe most significant social and could to\r'ers cooling of impacts visual &at the Act also recognizesthe importance of economic impact The california coastal visual qualities of coastar areas shall be aesthetics, stating that "the scenic and I I t I I I t l T I I I T I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I T I I I I Replaccmentof cxistingcmliry systcn (Section3051 of the consideredand Protectedas a resourceof public importance" Califoraia CoastalAct). tbe CoastalAa As one meanqof protecting the scenicqualities of the coasL nanrral land forms" states that development should "miniqrioe the alteration of about the need (Section30251). In keepingwith this Policy,the Permit was explicit The constnrction rc minimize destnrction of the coastal bluffs near SONGS' of additional bluff associatedwitb cooling towers would result in the destnrction location of the area The extent of bluff destructionwould dependon the specific the freeway(abouta coolingtowers. If the towerswere locatedon the intandsideof the freeway and mile from the plant), it would be necessar)'to nrnnel underneath other hand, a more into the hills, defacingat least some of the seacliffs. on the were constnrcted extensive blutr area would be destroyed if the cooling to\r'ers downcoastof Units 2 and 3. 5.1.2.? Summar.vof AssociatedImpacts IfsoNcshadbeencoDstn.lctedwithcoolingtowersinsteadofusingaonce. on the marine environment througb spsling systeE,someof the substantialimpacts terrestrial impactsand new would not have occ'ged. In their place,there would be to estirnate' salt drift would be marine impacts,the magniode of whicb is difficult the tolvers' Noise levels would detrimental to plants, but probably only close to slightly more frequent' but these increase, and it is possible that fog might be impactswouldprobablynotbesubstarrtial.Blowdowndisposalintheoceanwould Perhapsmost substantialwould be the add toxins to the marine environment. Chaptcr 5 destrustion of the coastal detraction from the aestheticaPPealof the area and tbe habitats,partiarlarly the coastalblufB' sesling tonrerswould In addition to the impactsEentioned above,the use sf efEciencTand the decreasethe efficiency of soNGS becauseof lower condenser into higher electricity costs additional pumping requireneuc. This would translate for usersand greater air pollution in tbe south coast Basin 5.13 FeasibilitY tecbnicallyfeasible' Although retrofrttingsoNGS Units 2 and3 is probably wouldincludetechnologtthat this projestwouldPresentmanydiffiegltiesbecauseit is untestedandbecausethe scaleof the Projectis solarge' with drift and Althougb dry torrers do not produceproblemsassociated small (<200 tvf\l/) fossil fuel blowdown,they havepresentlybeenusedonly with are only rsed by a few plants in cool climates. wet/dry mechanicaldraft toqters about lgvo more than wet posrer stationsin the 200 tvf\il riange'and they cost beenusedat a plant as large as never have towers cooling wet Saltwater to\rre6. of tbe unProventechnologt' SONGS,andcostoverrunsseerptikelybecause if the plant were originally A retrofit of a plant is more diffisult than the intake pipesare currentlypointing example, For towers. 6psling for designed adaptthe sl6tem'it would be To towers' cooling by use for the wrong directiou out andbackup the beacb' A to build a ctrwingpipelinefrom the plant necessary to suPPortthe pipe wouldbe necessary scE engineersaid a hugeconcreteancbor I I I' I I I I I r I I I I t I I I I I I I l t I I I I T I I I I I I ,l I I l Replaccmcnt of cxisting cmling systcE the againqt the force of the water. This plan would also require a tunnel below freeway for the pipes to carry water up the hilts; it is not lnown whether tbe Department of Transportation would give SCE permission to tunnel under the freeway. Because"theto\rers will be 200 feet uphill, a large pumping capacitywould be required. is cooling towers require a great deal of space. Edison contendsthat there not sufficient lpace next to the plant and that they would therefore need to obtain land for the towen. The nearestPotential locations,either land owned by the Marine Base, or land from the State Parlq are about a mile away and across on Interstate 5. It is not known whether SCE could acquire permissionto build theselands. In summary,the scal. o, *, constructionneeded to retrofit SONGS with of the cooling towers is enormous. Many technical asPectsrelating to the design design towers would have to be overcome. Although it seernslikely that these botb problerns could eventually be solved, the solutions are likely to be costiy, is implemented' frnancially and in terms of delap as unProven technologt land that doesnot Furthermore, there are logistical obstaclesrelating to the use of belong to SCE tbat might not be solvable' 5.1.4 Costs Thecostforreplacingopen-cyclecoolingwithcoolingtowersisquitehigh'as plant operated by was demonstratedat Indian Point Unit 3, a nuclear Power york. Natural draft coolingtowerswere used at consolidated Edison co. of New i Cbaptcr5 the reduction in the an estimatedcost of $338 millis4 not including the cost of peak capacity' generating capacity of the Plant (4Vo of.averagePower zrrd 9Voof towers could be Consolidated Edison Co. 1979). Table 5-1 indicates that cooling qpe built expectedto cost at least $40S500millisq dependingon the cooling towers at In 1981, SCE estimated that the cost for converting to in 1980dollars (Gardner soNGS would be in the rangeof $800millisa to $1 billion by SCE put the total 1981). This estimate is probably still valid. Recent estimates and $1 billion' In cost of retrofrtting cooling towers at between $500 million remaining life of the addition, they project an additional $1 billion cost over the (J' Palmer' SCE' plant due to reduced efficiency caused by the cooling towers penonnl communication). costs if In addition to the frnancial costs, there would be environmental towers can have signifrcant cooling towers were used at SONGS. Cooling through the deposition environmentar impacts,both on the terrestrial environment of biocides and corrosionof drift, and on water quality becauseof the addition inhibiting chemicalsto the cooling water (Section5.12). s2 Coolingpondsand canals I I t I t: t I r I I I I t I I but soNcs).UsingsPraypondsandcarralswouldreducethesizeofacoolingpondby I still be neededto cool the water from a factor of 20, but at least 1fi) acreswould I I of rejectingwasteheat' coolingpondsare an economicalandprovenmethod lvfw (i'e.' 2000to 6p$ acresat require about 1 to 3 acresof level land per I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I t I Repliacementof cxising cooling s)lsten fogs SONGS. A buffer zone of 30G500m is required to confine the effectsof steam and drift effectsto the site. There are two major problems with cooling ponds and canals' First' the scarcity of fresb water would necessitatethe use of salt water' and salt drift can damagethe surroundingterresUial environment(see Section5'12'1)' The drift from spray ponds is likely to be less extensive than from cooling towers' but nonethelessthis alternative would result in shifting environmental effects from the marine environnent to the terrestrial environment.. Second, a relatively large anount of land is required. The land requirementis partiarlarly difficult to solve' SONGS is sinrated along a relatively narrow strip of land on the Ca:np Pendleton Marine corps base. The coastlinenear soNcs consistsmostly of narrow beach power bounded by high bluffs, with San Onofre State Beachjust upcoastof the plant; the SanDiego Freewayparallelstbe coastabout30C500m inland' Southern which are used C-aliforniaEdison has an &4-asreeasementfor SONGS,68 acresof traa bave by the three units (SCE 1973a).Tbus,only about 16 acresof the originat ponds or canals' been left undisturbed,which is clearly not sufficient for even sPray if additional It is not known whether additional land might be available,but even sPacefor land could be obtained,it would be difficult or impossibleto find suf6cient the freeway' even a cooling pond. There is little flat area on the oc€an side of found directly nortb of consideringtbe top of the blufts; sufficient area could be side of tbe freeway' soNGS, but it would be at least 500 m away on tbe other ldgistical dif6culties I-ocating a cooling pond at this site would encounterthe same noted for coolingtowers(Section5'13)' Chaptcr 5 for The dirfreulties and uncertainties associatedwitb finding sufEcient land this coeling or spray Ponds, along with the new environmental effects, mean that alternative is not feasible at SONGS. I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I T CHAPTER6 MODIIIICATION OF OPERATIONS (1) Three types of modifications to plant Operationsare considered: while the plant scbeduling operations to avoid critical periods, (2) reducing flow continuesto operate,&d (3) modifying the heat treatment procedures' 6.1 Schedulingoperationsto avoidcritical periods mitigation Qglailing plant oPerationsat specifrctimesmight be a reasonable (Marcy et al' 7980)' technique if it results in a disproportionatereduction in impacts involved This techniquehas been utilized on the HudsonRiver, where the utilities to reduce were wilIing to implement flow reductionsand scheduledsbutdowns et aL 1984)' sn6?inmsnt in order to avoid constructingcoolingtowers(Barnthouse of fish and While tbe plant is not oPerating(i.e., producing power) the entrapment not alwap comPletely sl6ainmsal of fish lawae are greatly reduced. Lossesare (often 50Voduring part of eliminated when the plant is off-line becausesomeflow producingPo\r'er'but fisb the siheduled outage) ocors even when the plant is not be substantially lou'er' mortality are reduced because the flow rate would of kelp recruitment could Scheduling SONGS to avoid operation during periods kelp recruitment e'ents to alleviate the problem of water nrrbidity and allow normal occur near SanOnofre. Cbapter 6 6.1.1 Potential reductionsin losses were seasonal Shutting down SONGS would be most effective if there was very seasond variation in the risk to a species. The abundanceof fish lawae spring' The (Figure e1). Most specieswere most abundant in late winter/early in fact' March alone abundanceof alt speciescombined peaked sharply in March; while April accounted accounted for 3l7oof the total ichtbyoplankton abundance, ichthyoplankton for an additional 25Vo. Details about the monthly pa$erns of abundancenear SONGSare Presentedin AppendixB' the savingsthat The ichthyoplankton abundancedata can be usedto evaluate This andysis is could be achieved by resctreduhngthe operation of soNGS' presentedin detail in APPendixB' be achievedby A substantial reduction in the loss of ichthyoplankton could aPPearsto be the restricting plant operations during early sPrin& This technique ichthyoplankton By ceasing one most likely to be effective for reducing lossesof 25 billion fewer lanrae operations completely dgring March and April, rougbly aruing the qrrent losses would be killed than under the presentoperating schedule, with estimatedadult equivdent in half (rable G1). cousidering only the 13 species by not operatingSONGSin losses>!Vo,827 million fewer larvae would be killed this savingscould be increasedto March and April (agaig ortting the lossesin half); SONGSin Augsr more than 1 billion lanraeby also not operating If,theplantdoesnotproducePowerinMarchandAprilbutoneormore pumpscirctrlateswaterwhiletheplantisoff-line,thesavingsinfishlarvaewouldbe I I r t t T. I I r l. l. I I T t I I I t I I :1 I I I I I ModiEcation of 3500 rf) E 3000 o c) + 2500 \ o z 2000 = a 1500 zLd o 1000 z Ir, = T t I I I I I I l I t 3500 SPECIES TOTAIMINUSAhICHOVT r7) E 3000 o o + 2500 \ o z, 2000 E a 1500 = ld G z fi = 1000 500 0 j J iMAMJ AsoND nearSONGS' Shownarethe p.aT9.qof larvaltish abundances Figure&1: Seasonalmlnusnorthernanchovyfor each estimatedoensrryot totatrisn ririi;;E-iotaiiarvae andllow rate of larvalabundance tunaton wiiiuJ i month. Astuat "';#fi#,;i';ititE5 throughthe Plant. 109 t Chaptcr 6 t Table 6-1 possibtereduction in entrainrnent of frsh lanae from eliminating tlow during certain months' total- spccics Data an prescutcd for total spccics,northcra anchory (the most abundsEt specics), (AEL spocics)' Loss minus anchory, and 13 spccicswlth csrims&d adutt equivalcnt losscs ?1% (sce prevcntedms calcutatcdas the number of lanae that would be entnined in thc months notcd (sce Tsble 82) minus the number that would not bc enaained under tbe prcscot opcratiug scbedule Table BS). I t T- Irss PRE\EI\rrED BY EUMIt'IllrING FLow DURING: SPEoES/ GROUP FEBRUARY, ldARcH & ' APRJL T{ARCH& APRIL t ldARcll, APRIL& AUGUST Vo x10e Vo 3.82 68 z.An, 55 52 2.4444 n L.74L4 y 0.9G8 6 10488 53 1.1388 58 auccolish 0.09t9 18 o.wn, $ a24T' 52 Giant Lelpfish 0.0c$ t3 0.m29 .A 0.0011 18 White croaler 0.6650 76 0.75@ 86 0.66ru 76 Califoruia gnraioa 0.0017 10 0.m17 10 o.wu 1:} Blacl croaler 0.qxxxp, 0.06 -14 .olnu 0.m$ 43 0.m49 63 0.0180 12 o.mD U x10e Vo Total 25432 49 Northcra aachovY L.6444 Total minus anchotry Califorairacorbina Chcctspot gobY 0"fl'70 Recf finspot {xm06 5 -14 xl0e 0.00qxl2 0.06 -14 9 0.0il5 {.00106 -14 l.. Arrow goby 0.01?2 32 o.wz n 0.0195 X Jac}snelt 0.923 n 0.0493 60 0.s23 52 0.q20 9 0.0052 A 0.m47 2L ShadowgobY Diamond turbot 0.0(B3 30 0.0053 48 0.0035 32 California clingFsh 0.0019 19 0.0019 19 0.0035 v TotdAEL sPccies 0&6942 48 0.9$t42 55 L.0Lw2 59 I I t t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I T t I I I t l l I I t Modification of oPcrations at SONGSis to lessthan indicatedin Table 6.1. The generaloPeratingProcedure refueliqg and have no flow through the .PumPs during balf of the scheduled maintenanceperiod, then have two of tbe four pumps operating during the other In recent half of tbe period (A Dykes and D. pilmgl, penonal commttnication)' mighl be expected years this bas Dot alwa)Ebeen the case(seeAppendix B), but it to occur in the future. Unit if only one The savingswould be only half as g;ezt as indicated in Table 6'1 a 24-month was offtine eachyear,aswould be the caseif SONGSoperatedon be reducedby fuel cycle; even in this case,howevet,the loss of fish larvaewould 25Vo. further reduced From a Bigbt-wide persPecdve,the savings might be replacementPower' dependingon which fossil fuel plant SCE operatesto provide replacementpower is The impacB wiu be quite different, dependingon whether the intakes' If SCE produced at a plant with offshore intakes or harbor or canal is similar to that operatesa plant witb an offshorc intake, where larval abundance entrained into that plant near SONGS, more lanae will be killed when tbey are actualnumberwill dependon thanwould be the caseif soNcs wasoperating.The of electricity generated' For the volume of water passedthro-ughthe plant per lvf\il gPm/lvfw generated'while ormond exarrple, soNGS Units 2 and 3 circulate 755 were identical off of San Beach cirsulates 3t7 gpm/MW; even if larval abundances would kill only half as many lanrae as onofre and ormond Beach, ormond Beach electricity. Nonetheless' operating soNGS to generate the same amount of OrmondBeachinMarchandAprilwouldreducethesavingsoffrshlarr'aeshownin TabteGlbyabouthalf.ThesituationwouldbequitedifferentifscEoperatesa Cbapter 6 abundant plant with a harbor or canal intake. At tbesestations,frsh larvae are Dot if they were in March and April (Appendix B); thesestationswould kill few larvae operated in place of SONGSin March and April. the Variors combinations of pumP operations could further reduce 63)' For entrainmentof fish larvaewhile rninimidng the costsinvolved(seeSection (Section 62)' in example, reducing the flow of water throughout the winter savingSthat conjunction with no flow in March and April' would greatly increasethe could be achieved. not have a Unlike the case for fish larvae, the older lifestagesof fish did adult frsh can be Biurout period of high abundance. The risk for juvenile and I I t I I t I I I FigUresG2 and G3 assessedusing Eean monthly entraPment rates at SONGS' species present these riatesfor the older lifestagesof tbe most commonlyentrapped combined' The at SONGS, queenfish and northern anchovy,as well as all species number (Figrre 6-2) entrapment of northern anchovywas highly seasonal,for both months would be and biomass (Figrse &3). Restricting operationsdruing summer soNGS' effect on likely to reduce the enuapment of northern anctrovies.However, summermosths are anchoviesis negligDle sincemost anchoviesare found offshore; so restricting operatioru arso the months wben tbe demand for power is higbest problems for SCE with regardsto druing these months could causeseverelogistical was somewhatlou/er during providing replacement Power. QueenfrsbentraPment year (especiallybiomass,Figure 6-3)' the winter months than at other times of the which plant operations could be but there is no limited period of time during Similarly' tbere is no period restricted in order to reduce queenfishentraPmenl could be substantiallyreducedry during which the total weight of fish entrapped I I T I I I I I and aclult tish at SONGS: tweJrll-e engapr-n^ell,ot total ot pattem Seasonal Lncnow-and Fiaure&2: nurhuer.oriu'dlhlithlj9ryiJrn the esgm-CteE Nrrmbers. shdwr,-are rn;46 for queenfish' #fi-diriiii.-lroiiinE-i'rringe 2and3 i{-ij;c fishentrapped to 02 vl E t! E 5 0.'l = jrsoND JFMAUJ NOFTHERN Al.tcl-lchff ol o a g, lrJ E = 505 = J F U A U'J jrsoND 15 ID o o t g trJ E = = z .!r r ffii UON1H 113 s o N D Cbapter 6 adult fish at SONGS: Ftqure &3: Seasonal Pattem of glqapment ot fwe-nlle 119 anchow ancltoEl gr6mass. Shown are ttre eqtlmiteo otomassoriuSe-nfi6n, northem 3 ;th montr. noiei6e-i-n-Jnges ln scale for blomass' fish entrappedai"inGE;A 25O0'r OUEENFISH I I I I G !t 15Oo o 2 3 tooo 6 t" 500 FTi n j j A s o N D NORl?lERtl ANCHonrr I I r' o -" t = I I T T T o E JFUAUTI jAsoND 7000'r 60005t!00. t ttl - o 2 = o E 1000, 3000 2000 1000 0 jFuAu.l j isoND I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I t l I I I t Modi8cation of oPcrations limited period of restrictingplant oPerations(FigUre6-3). Tbe absenceof a very a very effective peak abundancemeanqthat reducingplant operationswould not be techniquefor reducingthe lossof juvenile and adult fish. kelp recruitment At the San Onofre and San Mateo kelp beds the higbest SONGS to occurs in tbe winter and spring (Technical Report K)' Rescheduling the problem of water avoid operation during recruitment periods could alleviate San Onofre' Tbe turbidity and allow normal recnritment events to occur neal to 4 weels per year' conditiors necessaryfor kelp recnritmenttypicallyoccuronly 3 it very diffisult to but tbe timing of the recmitmentwindowis unpredictable,making However'restricting scheduleperiods of restrictedoperationsspecificallyfor kelp' and April (the time flow any time betweenFebruary and June, including March unl<nownextentproposedfor reducinglamal fish losses),would increase to some kelp recnritmentat the SanOnofreKelp bed' the chancesfor successful 6.1J TechnicalfeasibilitY at soNGS' orrrently' It certainly is posible to ceaseproducing Pou'er varioustimes for variousreasons' soNGS occasionallydoesnot producePowerat 1984to 1988'Units 2 and 3 did not as noted in Table 6-2 andAppendixB. From flow on about 46 of tbese daln' produce power about 116 dayslYed, and had no at soNGS' but rather how to The problem is not ho\trto ceaseproducingPower havetheplantoff|ineduringthespecificperiodsofcriticatlyhighabundancesoffisb larvae. q Chaptcr 6 Table 62 OperatingHistory of SONGSUnits 2 and 3' - ildicstes Do outag3. . bdlcatcs scbcduledrcfueling outsgls. MoNIfl/YEAR UNIT 2ScIrFt I.eD Fonco OUTAGES (DAYS) e16 FonCP OUTAGES SCHEDULED OUTAGES (oevs) (oavs) ao data 0.9 no 12185 L/s7 2/s7 3lsl 4ls7 qQ JJ data ,xlf aoa 113' 1.6 s/s7 4.1 6/s7 7lsl 8/s7 t ea elsT t.r a LO/gl tna Lu87 12/gl 1/8r 2/A 3/8 4/8 5/8t 6/8 7188 8/8E UNIT3- tt LO/% Lu% OUTACES (DAYS) € 1L6' 0.06 9a 149 4"8 t't o. tla tf|a t.l !o data ao a data elt8 10/t8 u/88 12/8 Llt9 2lw 31t9 4/8 slse 19.4 10.9 I I I I I T I I l' L4 rot avoid operating during citical Two alternative strategiescorld be used to refueling and maintenancewould periods. In the frrst alternative, all of soNGS' I I I T I T I I t I I I t I 'l I I I t ,l I I I I I I I T Modi6cation of oPerations SONGSwould take place during the period of highestichthyoplanktonabundances' principal difference being operatefor about the srme number of dayseachyear, the marntenanceare that its sffline periods, during whicb refueling and scheduled abundances' performed, would coincidewith the period of highssl ichthyoplankton wben ichthyoplankton In tbe second alternative, SONGS would be offline period fe1 lgfusling are highestin addition to its normally scheduled abunda.nces and maintenancewitb and naintenance. If SONGScould not coordinaterefueling would have more daysoffline the period of highestichthyoplanktonabundances,it periods' Operating fewer eachyear in order to avoid oPeratingduring thesecritical greater enissions of dayseachyear would causetrro environmentalconsequences: of fish lanrae' Greater air pollutants at other SCE planS, ild lower savings to replace the electricity not emissionswould occur becauseSCE would need fuel plans' Lower savingsof producedat soNGS by generatingelectricityat fossil be entrained at other Power fish larvae would occur becausemore larvae would thesestationswould be required to stationstban would othenrise be tbe case,since can be minimized by operating operate for more daln. This latter consequence Mandalay' I3ag Beach' Alamitos' plana witb protected or harbor intakes (sucb as seasonarpattem of ichtbyoplankton and unia 16 of Redondo Beacb), where the B)' Also, there would be a savingsin abundancesis quite different (see Appendix planS in general) cirailates larvae in any casebecauseSONGS(and nuclearPo\Per than do fossil fuel plants' more m3 of water per K\il of electricity generated that soNGS refuels at exactly There are technical difficulties with irsuring very timing of refuelingin a nuclearplant is the sametime eachyear. Managingthe the issueis much too complicated complex,manyvariablesneed to be considered; I Chapter6 disctssesthe to be discussedin detail here. The simplifiedanalpis that follorvs length of the technicaldiffisglties in trro categories:problemswith adjustingthe April)' and the fuel cycte to matcb the critical periods (paniarlarly March and at a nuclear uncertainty associatedwith schedulinglsfusling and maintenance powerplanr the lengthof the fuel cycle of higbestlan'al soNGS couldin principleavoidoperatingduringthe period units did not operate abundanceif both unia refueledon a l2-monthcycleandboth a 24-monthcycleand duringMarch andApril eachyear,or if both unis refueledon and April' A L2Units 2 atd3 alternatedyearsof not operatingduring March than the currentfuel montb cyclewould be shorter,and a 24'monthcyclelonger' cycleusedat SONGS. would involve Adjusting the length of the fuel cycle used at soNGS core designis ortremely redesigningthe fuel and how it is placedin the reactor. for a fuerloadingplan are compler The variablestbat mustnormallybe considered numberof freshfuel assemblies tbe fuel enrichment(frssilecontetrtof the fuel), tbe of the fresb and partially sPent to be loaded(reload batci size),the aEangemeBt used to control tbe ercess fuel assembliesin tbe reactor' and the techniques 1979)' SONGS'coreutilizesa 16x reactivityof the reactorduringtbe cycle(Graves posts'there are?36 pin positionsat 16 arralt' witb 20 positionsreservedfor guide I I' I I TI I r' f: l. I I T I I whichfuelrodsorbrrrnablepoisonrods(boronassembliesthatareusedtocontrol startedwith 100poisonrods' the SONGS Althougtr placed. be can tbe reactivity) I (D' Pilmer' used now are thousands and core designhas becomemore complex I I Modifrcation of oPcrations I I I I I I I I I I I T I t l I I I t absorber (also borou) is SCE, peyolal communication). In addition' a neutron sf geg6slling reactivity'and dissolvedin the reactor coolalt as an additionalmeans designof eachnew load of fuel at the concentrationof this ftuid can be varied. The departuresiD core desigD' SONGS,which involvesfine-truring rather than dramatic (D. Pilmer, scE' percotul typicauy involves a $250,000 engineering task " involve would design core the commwication). Obviously, large shanges in substantiallYgreater efforts' constraintson core design' There are both technical and regulatory/safety fuel (with asu)' the the of enrichment the include The technical corstraints worthiness of the fuel rods (which distribution of power in the core, and the The regulatory/safetyconstraints currently are used for npo cyclesat SONGS)' different scenarios'sucb as loss of under behaves fuel the Properly tbat irsures at full power)' coolantaccidensand transientevents(e.g.,uB in the core after refueling a fuel Becausea portion of the old fuel remains quickly' It takes a number of cycles achieved be cannot length partiorlar a of cycle desired cycle (and even then the the achieve to reactor new a of after the starnrp in to unexPectedeven6' as described due pernrrbations coDstant cycle undergoes would changein the lengfh of the fuel cycle the uext secdon). Similarly, any large take at 18 tj24 mOnthsper cycle'it could cycles; several over achieved be to ueed manyyearsto implement substantialchanges' and arrrently replacedat eachrefueling, At soNcs, balf of the fuel rods are unexpected Power Days (EFPDs). @ecause the fuel cycle is 525 Effective Full wilr usuallybe betweenscheduledoutages,there shutdowru force frequently events rl I Chaptar 6 fuel tsed at SONGSis more than 525 calendar dap betwega sgfuglings') The enrichedto 4.Lcioa{J. Longerfuel qcle be enrichedto a To achievea longer fuel cycle,the fuel would need to to be replacedduring greaterextentor a higherProportionof the corewouldneed witb longer fuel cydes eacbrefueting. In fact, tbere are few nuclearPowerplants a'U, whichmightallowSONGSto moveto a than SONGS.A 4.9Voenrichmentof the CalvertCliffs nuclear 600day cycle,is orrently beingusedfor the frrst time at yet (D' Pilner' penorul power ptanL but there are no operationaldata available possible'Southern commaticUion). Altbough a longer fuel cycleis tbeoretically the state'of'the-art(D' california Edison feels that the c'rrent designrepresents Pilmer, S[ff',Penonalammunication)' Shonufuel qde a shorter fuel cycle at There are no technical diffistrltieswith achieving plannedfor the units (soNGS soNGS, a8d i8 fud al2-monthcyclewasorigiully SCE onsiders tbe longer fuel Final EnvironmentalStatement,19?3). Horever, l2'month q'cle' A longerfuel cycle the over advantages considerable have to c,ycles at SONGS(therebyreducingthe generated electricity of amognt tbe insreases operatingand maintenancecos1qreduces amountof fossil fuel bgrned),decteases t T. I I I t I r I I I I t I I theqrrantitiesofliquidandsolidradioactivewaste(someofwhicharediscbarged the at spentfuel producedand stored into the ocean),and reducesthe amountof I site(Nunn1989). I I r I I t I I I I t I I I t I t I T t I t Modifrcation of oPcrabons units for refueling and Most importantly, it is not possibleto scbeduleboth corsiderations' Tbrs' at maintenanceat the sane time due to safetyand logistical period' and becauseof the most one unit could be offline during tbe March/Aptil period it is unlikely tbat the possibility of unexpectedextensiors of tbe refueling other unit could be scheduledto irnmediatelyfollow. and logistical advantagesto O,r,erall, there are frnancial, environtnental' cycle SCE hasmovedawayfrom a 12-month longer fuel cycles. As a consequence' to the Presentcycleof 18monthsor so' FlsibilitY in fuel cYcle in the length of the fuel Finally, it is worth noting that there is someflexibility EFPD' there is a window of 525 say, for, designed be might fuel the cycle. Althougb which tbe unit could be shut down' 25 dayson either side of the 525 EFPD during load was designedfor bas ramifrcations Shutting down earlier or later than the fuel early' the fuel assembliesthat are for the following cycle: if the unit is shut down than expected'wbereasif the unit reactivity more have cycle next the in again used less reactivity' The changesin reactivity is shut down late these assemblieshave next cycle(which requiressomelead would necessitatechangesin the designfor the next fuel cycle' time), 3sd rnighl alter the length of the Full PowerDap (EFPDs) Fuel cyclesare designedin terms of Effecdve eventscanocculbetweenrefuelingS ratherthan calendardays.VariousunexPected the outagesthat Table 6-3 summarizes that alter the schedule. For example, -r I Chaptcr 6 time period January occured betweenrefuelingsat SONGSUnits 2 znd3 for the eyeutscansedSONGSto be offline for 1987and May 1989;on average,unexpested periodvariesin length 28 dala betweensgfuslings.In addition'the actuallsfusling that needsto be from sycle to cycle, dependingprimarily on the mainteoance work is required' Tbeseunexpected performe4 but also on wbetherunexPected eventsaffestthe total tengtbof the fuel cycle' 1987and Sumnary of outages8t SONGSUnits 2 and 3 betweenJanuary May 1989' DA 88.9 6E.3105.6 3 0-203 4 L6fi5 4 Outagpsbctrccn rcfuclingS:l Schcdulcdaaintcnalcc EquiPmcstfailure Adninittttatiw 55 991 r99 ?J.M LO l I I lI I Table G3 Sche&lcd rcfucling Perids t 2s 0.0.1 4 Opcrator error I I I I I I t Subtotd this rePrsseltsa I Notc that data for 3 of thc 4 fuel cyclcswcrc Dotcomplctq so t misimum estimatc' I I I i I t il I I I I T I I I I I I I t I T ModiBcation of oPerations unpredictable and varied clearly, with a rigidly fixed fuel cycle length and SONGSto refuel during all of outageperiods, it would be impossibleto schedule Edison bas developeda Monte Marcb and April in everyyear. southern california commtnication)' Their Carto simulatiog to iUustratethis point (A Dykes,penonal (log-normallydistributedwith a model usestbe probabilitiesof unscheduledoutages from 60 to 270 days'althoughthe median of 45 days)and refueting outa$es(ranging to demorstrate the increasing longest observed outage has only been 106 days) of eachfuel cyclewith time' This uncertainty about the startuPand shutdowndates of the fuel cycle'it would not considerationindicatestbat, regardlessof the lengfh with March and April every be possibleto schedulea fixed cycleperiod to coincide year. of the fuel cycle,as mentioned However,there someflexibility in the length into the Monte carlo model' in the previoussestion,that hasnot beenincorporated the operatingperiod in order to contract ot extend to used be could flexibility This savingsof fsb could be substantial Furttrermore, Aprit. or March be offline during of Marcb and April' Finally' it achieved even if a unit operated during a Portion probablyisnotrealistictoexPectapartiorlarleveloflarval.savingseveryyear it a partiarlar period regardles of (unless tbe plant is forced to shutdown during be over three or five years' might averaged reduction, target A fuel cycte). flexibility in the fuel cycre (perhaps achievabreby ma:rimal use of the available cycle)' combinedwith a somewhatlonger fuel rl Chapter 6 6.13 Costs strustural changesor Restricting Plant oPerations would not require any additions to the Planl but would resultinadditioualcostsiflessPo\r'erwere generated. doumtime(for The additionalcostto scE wouldbe minimizedif scheduted April' SincesoNGS must lgfusling and maintenance)occurredduringMarch and schedulingrefuelingdlring be down at sometime for refuelingand maintenance, with wouldreduceresourcelosses abundance the periodof greatestichthyoplankton in the previoussection' minimal additional coststo scE. However,as discussed the fuel to this alternative,both in termsof len$hening there are technicalobstacles refuelingfor any partiailar cycleand in the uncertaintyof beingable to schedule calendarperiod. TherewouldbebotheconomicandenvironmentalcostsifsoNcswereto operatingduring sritical periods. avoid to order in year each dap more offline be at full capacitywheneverpossible; BecausesoNGS is a baseloadplanl it operates electricityis needed.Tberefore, other scE plans are brougbtonline asadditional that would otherwisebe offline wheneverSONGSdoesnot oPerate'Powerplans duringa periodof maximalPower Elrst be operated.ff soNGS operationsstopped scE systemEight alsobe a problem; entire the of capacity reduced the demand, periods of higbest do not encomPass however,the time periods proposedhere po$rerdemands. I I I I I I t I T ; I I I t I I I I I - I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I l t t I t Modifrcatiouof oPcrarions costs becausemore Dountime at soNGS would result in additional fuel at other (fossil'fuel) expensivealteraative fuels would be neededto generatePower from rougbly $4 million per SCE plants. Estimates of tbese additional costsrange million per week (Eben week (8. Mecb alas,perconalammwication, 1989) to $7 estimated the replacement 1980), depenrling on the cost of gas; SCE has recently Full Power Day (EFPD)' power fuel differential to be $1.1 million Per Effective to be ofrline during all of Preliminary estimates of the costs of forcing SONGS million ('A" Dykes' penonal Marcb and April suggestan annual cost of $3G40 communication). if scE had to generate There would also be additional envirownentalcosts soNGS being offline' These power at other power plans in order to makeup for are located in more populous ptants have higher emissionsof air pollutants and ln addition' theseplants have areas than SONGS,so air quality will be degraded' additional organismswill be kilted if open cooling q/stemslike those at SONGS,so capacitiesin responseto lower higher-than'normal at operated be mgst plants the actual additional lossesat otber power production at soNcs. As noted above,the specificplant operated' Plantswitb plan6, and the overall net loss, dependon the additional lar'ae becausethe seasonal harbor or canal intakes wourd kill very few is very different from that at soNGS locations these at larvae of abundance would kill more lan'ae' Regardlessof intakes offshore witb Plants B). (Appendix that would be generated at soNGS' which plant operated to replace electricity larvae because ther flow rate Per MW' there would still be a net savings in generatedatotherplarrtsisonlyone-halftotwo.thirdsthatofSoNGS. -l I I Cbaptcr6 SONGScouldbe operatedat reducedflow throughoutthe year' However' a nrrbine the condensertemPeratureis alreadyaround91oFduring summerwith Increasingthe AT from 20pFto 30oFwould back raise the condensertemPeranreto 101oRwhich would lead to a hrbine larvae pressnreof about2.T Hgand reducedplant capacity.Furthermore'mostfish B)' The are lessabundantduring most of summer(exceptAugust;seeAppendix oPerateat most cost-effectiveschedulefor protecting fish larvae might be to back pres$re of.23" Hg (fable tr). (seenextsection)' reducedflow onlyduringtheperiodsof higbestlarvalabundances t t I I I I 62.1 Potential reduction in losses passivelyinto the Sincefish eggSand lanrae are killed when they are brought SONGS plant with the cooling water' reducing the volume of water flowing through et aI' 1980)' Tbe would result in lower entrainment of fsh eggsand larvae (Marcy in water flow' As with savingsthat could be achievedare related to the reduetion periods of highestlarval reschedulingPlant operations,reducing the flow rate during reducing the flow by abundanceswould result in tbe greatestsavingF' For exampie' larrrae,of which 161 million one-third during March would save 541 million fsh losses >LVo ("AEL belong to species with estimated adult equivalent in lar'al frsh losses(table G species")(TableG5A), which is about zlgzoreduetion f' I I I I t I I reducing but March andApril are the monthswith highestlarvalabrrndances, than a million larvae each I the flow in Februaryand May could also savemore month.l\etgvoreductionthatcouldbeachievedbyreducingflowbyone.thirdin I I sB). i Rcplacement of cxisting cmling I I 'r Table 65 SONGS Potential savingsof fish larvaefrom reducingtlow 8t A- and the present o-P"ratiogscheduleat soNGS' Data are the total numbcr of lish larvae killed eacblaar under of total the ls spcdes TotarAEL uy the number that could be savedby reducingow rhrugb s-oncs "ne-third. the lit specieswith cstimatedadult equiwlent losses)17a I t I I I I I I T TALENTRAII{ED WITHPRESEI{T SCIEDUI.E JN.I (dd) SPEqES/ GRoUP Total fi.42 Northern AncbovY 31.11 Total minus ancbovY 1950 Total AEL species 17.m B. IARVAESAVED WITI{ ONE THIRD l.EssFl,ow FEB IVIAR APR }YTAY JUN AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 0.48 0.11 025 0.82 3.L2 5.41 4.11 1.05 0.43 039 0.81 0.03 0.06 0.61 359 2.n 0.n 0J0 0.09 020 024 0.18 28 0.66 025 0.08 020 0.15 0.12 0.41 1.81 L.U 058 033 030 055 020 0.06 0.19 0.l:} o.B 034 1.61 151 0.48 0n 026 030 pcriotls of time' percent rcduction tD lsFsl lish lossesfrom r=ducing nov by one-tbirdfor ;necrrred )17a ls$es equivaleal ls the total of the 13 specieswltb estimatedadult Total AEL spGcrcs ,t il I I I I I JUL (x1d) SPEqES/ Gnour N{AR & APR (2 Mos) MARCX{ TO }YTAY (3uos) FEB TOT4AY (4 Mos) (5uos) }IAR TO MAY & AUG (4 Mos) FEB To lvlAY & AUG l:8.gEo 2tn% tl2Vo 8.6Vo 26% Totd t9S% 2L.$Vo 8.4Vo D2Vo zLS% Northern Atr&ory Total minrs aachovY {l:7% nJ% n8% 262% u.t% L8.4Vo 2L2Vo 82Vo %.4Vo 2A.4Vo Total AEL sPccies Cbapter 6 and MarchandApril couldbe improved to l7Vobyreducingflow betweenFebruary in Augtlst May, and to almost 29Voby reducing flow February to May and which Reducingflow in Februarywould mostly affect nofthern anchovylarvae' nrmber of deminatetbe icbtbyoplanktonduringthat month;althougbthe absolurc is not northernanchovylarrraesavedwouldbe substantial(230mi[ies), this species August zubstantiallyimPactedby SONGS. In contrast,reducingtbe flow duing since would add considerablesavingsfor the speciesmost impactedby SONGS' (after specicswith high adult equivalentlosseshavetheir third higbestabundance soNGS by March and April) in that month. Reducingthe flow of water througb thesespecies' one-third during the four monthswith the highestabundancesof of the species March to May and Augfrsl would savemore than400million larvae by nearly with high adult equivalentlossesand reducetbe impactsto thesespecies I I t t I l- 25Vo(table 65, Figrre ea). techniquefor Reducingtbe flow of water throughsoNGS is a very flexible have been preventinglossesbecause,once variable'speedmotors and controls of months' ([n installed,flow canbe reducedin virnrallyanymonthor combindion and any additional contrast,refueling can only occur fu a singleblock of time' greaterthe number periodsofline would be ornemelyexpensive')Obviously'the the savingSin fish lanae; of mosths operated at two'thirds flow tbe greater Tbereis no obviotsbreakhowwer, uroremonthsalsomeangfeatercoststo SCE' help determinetbe most point in the sanngFthat couldbe achieved(whicbnight but there are diminishing cost-effestivenrmber of monthswith reduced"flow)' retumsasmoremonthsare added(Figure6a)' T I T I I t I I Modi6cation of I T 5 t 4.5 I I t a .9 .- I T I I t I -o <^ v.v €, E o tt \1 U 3 o (6 (o L 5 10 8 11 AELSpecies r+- o b 1.6 -o F z 1.4 t I I I I I 1.2 01234s 9 10 11 12 Numberof monthswithreducedflow dtfterent numPersof months operatecl Floure 6-4: Number of fish larvae kllled wlth eq trrb-tntrosnow.rhe-numo"tir"hlhlin-".::t-il"::g:lt:gJl.?':Sjpttlotl ff$;gii adun i;ffi-sumor;d;;ies*ttnesttmated ![i*l!3i,ll3[,6.'{iet"Jl'"EH: losses > 1ch' { t Chaptcr6 I that Snrdiesby Thomaset 4L (Lg80)and Marcy et al. (1980)have indicated reduced flow lowered the nrlnerability of tbe otder lifestagesof fisb to entraPmeot' savedat However, there are not enougb data to estimate how many fisb nigbt be might soNGS. Ebert (1980) suggessthat tbe velocity cap and Fish Return sptem be killed not be as effective at lower florv velocities,so that more fisb might actually different flow at lower flow rates. However, analysesof entrapment data during in higher regimes at SONGS .indicates that lorver flow rates did not result entrapmentrates (AppendixA of TechnicalReport C)' be As with frsh larrrae,entrapment of older life stagescould Potentially of highest fish disproportionately reduced by reducing flow during the times peak abundances densities; in reality, only anchovies have a limited period of (Figure 63), so reduced flow could not be timed to coincide with Peak abundances of older lifestagesof frsh. reduce nrrbidity' In theory,-reducingthe flow rate through SONGS should Ketp Forest community' thereby reducing impacts on kelp and the San onofre jet velocity by a sinilar Reducing floil rate by a third would reduce the diffrser would also be amount, and therefore the entrainment near the diffrser Ports in partiorlar would be reduced sligbtly. Moreover, less turbid bottom water plumelike more quickly due entrained becausethe dischargedwater would become (List and Koh 1989)' However' to its reduced momennrm and higher buoyancyflru mixing with the nanrral crossflow' since the present diffrrser gives essentially 7a0vo decreasedennainmentwould be List and Koh (1989)believe it is unlikely that the significant. r t I I f l I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Modificatiou of oPcratioos 622 Technical feasibilitY be achievedin two Reducing the flow rat; during normal oPeratiolls could blpass gate posible ways. The simpler method would be to oPenthe recirculation recircrrlation of tbe used during beat treatments (see Appendix A) to allow Partial could be modified to 6ssling water. Alternatively, the pumP motors and controls designdoesnot allow operation at variable speeds. (Unfornrnately, the condenser would be the simplestway allorv simply shutting down one of the four PumPs'which of the condensershell; to reducethe flow rate, becauseeachPumPservesa section without coolingwater') shutting down one pumPwould leavea sec{ionof the shell t by increasingthe Both of tbese methodswould reducethe plant ef6ciency thereby increasing condensertemperature abovethe 20"F for which it was designed, J I productionis anrrently the nsbine back Pressure.Under normal operatioruPower operating limited to ?SVowhenthe coolingsystemhas only three circtrlatingPumPs stezmvelocities inside (Milter 1989);Power is limited in order to prevent excessive 1989). The plant was desigRed tbe condenserand subsequentnrbe damage(Miller that are associatedwith a for the partianlar steem velocities inside the condenser result in stnrctural daurageto the AT=20.F, aDdit is possibtetbat a higher AT could not be a problem (Lisg penorul planr However, it now aPPearstbat this would t l I I I I I I communicdion). is tbe faa that it reduces A major drawbackto the higher turbine Pressure condensertemPeratureto 30"F from ptant efficiency. For exanple, increasingthe b.yapproximately038' Hg' resulting 20oFwould increasethe turbine back Pressure generatingcapacity(ust and Koh 1989)' in a loss of 10 to tzMW (aboutlvo) of not consider Southern California Edison engineerscontend tbat List and Koh did velocity, that the water-sidefilm coefficient of heat transfer is dependentof water I I I AT' asd that at reducedvelocity there would be a much greater effect on the overall Hg (D' that the increase in back pressrue would be 0.99" Hg rather tban 038" t Chapter 6 a reduction Pilner, SCE,penonal communication). A plant-specifrcmodel predicts pilmgl, p*sonal of 22 lvf\il/unit (Wharton 1989) or n.4 lvf\il/unit (D. communication), or about 25 Vo,rather than 1S 12 lvf\il/unit. effect on In addition, tbe higher nrrbine Pressurecould havean undesirable This trip is one of the safetyfeanses for the hrrbine, the high exhaustPressuretrip' 1989)' Normal anrrently.setat 45" Hg with a pretrip alarm at 35" Hg (Whanon to 23" Hg' pressurein the low-pressuresectionof the conderuervaries'between1'7' rePorts that the Although List and Kob prediet an incneaseof 038" Hg Wharton plant thermat model predicts an increase close to 0'8" Hg and Pilmer Qtenonal commwication) reports an increase of 0.99' H9 wharton states that this is "a of a plant trip significant reduction in naryin to trip which increasesthe likelihood with possible challengeto plant safetysysten" limitations of this scE has e.xpressedconcern about the potential hydraulic As a[rently operate4 the tecbnique @. Pitner, p*sonal commwdcation). the cooling water througb circulation pumps provide 45 ft of head neededto Erove fL SCE estimatesthat reducing the rystem; tbe condeosers(water boxes) are at 35 produce only a 20 ft head' so the the flow by one-third would allow the pumps to conditions, the qlstem would water boxes would be at -15 ft head. under these oPerateunderavacuum(likeasiphon);SCE'sconcernisthatthe.l5ftheadmight betoolargeavacuumforthesystemtooPerateproperly.Ifthisisthecase'alesser l lI I lI I I I t I I I l I i I I t l I I t I I I I I I I I I I I Modification of oPcations for e;cartple,a20Voreductionwould produce redustionin flow might be necessary; to a 30 ft head,which is likely to be adequate.It is alsopossiblethat modifications systen or the cooling q6tem or operations, sucb as adding an evacuation operated periodically running the qntem at full flow, would allow tbe qystemto be at one-third reduction problemswitb Finally, SCE has indicated that there might be unanticipated experienced running the pumps at different speeds. These PumPspreviously have such problems from torsional vibrations; although solved for culrent speeds' is apParently problemsmight resurfaceif the PumPsare usedat a differentspeed' It would needto not possibleto anticipatetheseproblem; rather, resonantvibrations problem) become be investigatedat different speeds.If vibrations(or someother maYbe apparent, various modifications or' at worse' replacementof the PumPs necessary. the plant at In conclusiorl it aPPearsto be technically feasible to oPerate variable speedmotors reduced f,ow. Reducing florv througb SONGSby instali"lg energt demandsof the on the circglating cooling water pumPswould reduce the nrbines due to higber cirorlating PumP$ but also leduce the efficiency of the per unit (List and Koh 1989) tgrbine pressures,for an overall net cost of 5 to 7 MW or l7lvfw per unit @. Pilmelpenorul commtnication'). SONGSat reduced In addition to thesetechnicalconsideratiors,operating tbermal standards' soNGS' flow but full power would require a waiver of current to 20"F (seaion 3'b3 condensers operatinglicenseanrrentlylimis the AT acrosstbe requiresthat the plume not of the Thermal Plan). In addition,the thermalstandard j Chapter 6 discharge be wanner than 4oF above anbient at a distance of 1000feet from the the (Section3.b.4of the Thercral Plan). If the flow rate at SONGSis decreasedbut po\per level stays the same, water will be discharged at a higher temperature' tbat Aszurring tbat water flow was reducedby 33Vo,Listand Koh (1989)calorlated that the tbe offshore regulation (4.F at 1000 feet) would not be violated, but variance condenser discharge temPeranrrewould increase by ltrF, and a inplant would be required. At any rate, for this evaluationI have assumedthat the thermal MRC has standards are not a consideration It is also worth noting tbat the to affect the concluded that the higher dischargetemPeraturewould be unlikely Coastal marine environment adversely (Final Report to the California I t I t t I I Comrrission). t 623 Costs I I I I I T T I I I using the The two alternativesto reducingflow while oPeratingat fuU Power' in their costs' recirculation blpass gateversusinstalling variable speedmotors, differ pumping water tbrougb Opening the blpass gate would not reduce the costs of The recirctrlation gates SONGS,which is proportional to the ctrbeof the flow rate' to be replacedmore would erode considerablyif usedin this manner,so would have be dischargedinto the frequently (at additional cosS). Finally, wafin water would increasethe mortality of intake embayment (as in a heat treatment), whicb might older life stagesof frsh. motors were operating at a In contrast"pumping costswould be lower if the by one'third would reduce lower speed. Reducingthe flow rate through SONGS savingof 4'7 MW pumping pou/er demand by a factor of 3.4, for an electric Power i t I I I 1 I I I I I ,l I I I I I I Modification of oPcratioas involve a considerable (List and Koh 1989). Rerofining the pump motors would for the circulating water capital cost becausethe existing constant speed motors and controls' List and pumpswould have to be replacedwitb variable qpeedmotors million per unit' based on their Kob (1989) estinate this cost to be more than $3 yariable speedmotors and controls for recent experiencewith similar horsepower could !s higher, possiblyby San Diego METRO. SCE has indicated that the costs (1989)alsopoints out ttrat tbere an order of magninrde(wharton 1989). wharton the circulating system (e'g.' are numerous uncertainties involved with modifyrng reducedconditionsthat would possiblevibration problemsin tbe PumPsat these significant operational concerlrs require pump replacement) that could become and/or increasesin the proposedcapitalcosts' pump motors' there would be an Beyond the capital costsof retrofitting the of the plant due to the higher nrrbine ongorngcost from tbe reducedpower outPut that' with the water flow rate reduced back pressures.List and Kob (1989)'estimate increasedby 10"F' tbe operating by 33[oand tbe condenserdischargetemPerature tvtz lvf\il; tbe electrical demand for by reduced be would unit each of capacity of lower tban at PresenEfor a net loss each set of pumps would be 4-5 lvfw Koh unit (List and Koh 1989)' List and generatingcapacityof about 5 to 7 MW per enerry' computed using the current (1989) estimated that the cost of the lost and an estimated load faetor of $0.0451KwH of cost enersl purcbased averaged that the year per unit' [rivharton(1989)suggests million Per $1.G22 be Svvo,would a levelized likely be bigher by a factor of'2 on adual replacement Porrer cost wiu for soNGS.UniS 2 and3 rs 90vabased basis,and that the actualprojectedcapacity upon a two'Yearfuel cYcle'] q Chapter 6 wouldbe SCE'spreliminaryanalpisindicatedthat the net Powerredustion units greaterthanList andKoh'sestimate'about54'8tYf\il' for the two considerably pou/er combined. Using SCEs 1991 projection of the cost of replacement flow (S0.048IKWHannualizedcostof burninggas),the net annualcostof reducing million for both for the four months(Febnraryto May) hasbeenestimatedto be $5 cost has a nnits combined @. Pilmer, pmonal commnicAion)' This annual presentvalueof $25-30millis* wouldresult In additionto frnancialcosts,the reducedefficiencyof SONGS for the lower in someenvironmentalcosB. It is likely that scE wouldcompensate ptants' As noted in output of Units 2 znd3 by increasedoperationof fossil fuel of air poltutantsandare fossilfuel plantshavehigherernissions section6.13,SCE',s quality in tbe SouthCoast located in more populousareasthan SONGS,so air that would needto be Basinwill be degraded;however,the amountof electricity be small' Some generatedis quite small,so the environmentalimpactswould also if they are openatedto larvaenight be killed at po$/erplans with offsboreintakes relative to the savingSat replace SONGS'enerry; however,this would be Uivial yield only a L'25Voredustionin SONGS,since a33zoreduetionin flow ratewould I I l' I I I I I l' I l" I I po\peroutPuL I 63CombinedApproach:ReschedulingandReducingFlow I of frshlanraeand minimal A compromisebetweenthe ma:dmumprotection I disruptionofplantoperationswouldbetocombinereschedulingPlantoperations I the flow rate by 33Voin February' witb reducingflow rates. For example,reducing of fisb larrraekilIed by nearly500 May and Augustwould reducethe total number I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I Modifrcation of oPcrations during March and million individuals, or l}vo. If Units 2 and 3 did not oPerate Using these two April, 25 bilIio n (50Vo) fewer fisb larvae would be kitled' reducingthe overall techniquestogetherwould savea total of 3 billion fish larvae' would substantiallyreduce impact of the unia 2 and3 by 60vo. This combination losses,reducinglarval the impact of soNGS on specieswith high adult equivalent 137million l8'7Vo]from lossesby 57Vo(827 milli on l48.6Volfrom berngoffiine and having SONGS offline in reducing the flow). (Note that tbe savingsachievedby power plants with March and April would be considerablylower if SCE oPerates offshoreintakesto producethe replacementpower') CombiningthesetechniqueswouldalsobebeneficialifUnit2alternated occurif they operatedon being offline during March and April with Unit 3, as could larval fish lossescould be a 24-month fuel cycle. For example,each year the April' with an additional reduced by Z|Voin the unit that was offline in March and during this time' and g.SVosavings achievedby reducingflow rate in the other plant February'May and August'for a ag.gfosavingsfrom reducingflow in both plantsin total savingsof 44Vo(Tables6-5 and 6'6)' add some certainty to the Finatly, combining these trpo tecbniqueswould for SONGS' If SONGS cannot be uBcertainty of schedulingrefueling periods everyMarch and APril" reduced flow offline for normal refueling and maintenance of larvae are saved'sincethe flow could be used to insure that a minimum number could be reducedat will' fr I I Chapter6 Table 5'6 different llow schedules Reduction in ichthyoplantcton entrainment under and llow reduction" A Total ichthYoPlanldon MoNn$wrff No Fl,ow FtsB, Momrswmr 6lVoFt-ow Nooe Fcbto MaY NONE OVo 26% MAR & APR lvlAR TdAR. & APR lvlA& AP& & AUG n% 49Eo 8% 55Vo 47Vo s% 7t% &% Iasses ) l9o' B. Specieswith estimatedAdult Equivalent MoNrHswm{ No FI,ow MoNTI$wml 6l%oFtow Noae Fcb to MaY NONE wb a% NIAIR ' 28% 42Vo MAR & ADR. FEB' tYlA& & APR lYlA& APR, & Auo 48Vo 55% 59% v% 59qo 65Vo l' I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I t Modifrcation of oPcrations 6.4 Modification of Heat TreatmentProcedures Heat Biofouling in the cooliqg s,6tem is controlled by heat treatments' (about every 6.eatmentsare done wben flow througb the systembecomesrestricted during heat 6 to 8 weets). The power production of the plant is reduced to SAVo treatmentsto treatments (Miller 1989),and this is costly. However, the use of heat asd thrs eliminate biofoulers gfeatly reduces the need for chlorine treatmenS operational reducesthe a:nount of chlorine dischargedinto the ocean. Tbe current twoprocedure at SONGS during heat treatments is to recirsglate approximately allow the water thirds of the normal dischargeflow back through the condenserto about an hour' to heat up to 150"F (41€). The temperatureis maintainedfor When the water is beated,tbe flow is reversedto cleanout the intake systert. fsh that were The heat treatment procedure kills a substantialnumber of generally tbe largest entrapped but residing in the screenwells.These fish are qPecies,and comprise individuals entrapped,include g1anyeconomicallyimportant are killed becatse' for 20Vo ofthe biomassof all fish killed by SONGS' The fisb Systembefore the rise in some reason, they do Bot move into tbe Fish Renrn kitled during heat treatments temperanre kills them. Initially, many more fisb wpre however' the heat treatment becausetbe temperanrre was increasedtoo quickly; is now increasedslowly' and procedureshave been modified so that the temperature into the FRS' ail of the fish shouldhavesufEcientwa:ning to move proceduresmight reducethe Severalmodifrcatioruof the current operating it sbould be noted that scE s loss of fish during heat treatments; however, -t I Chapter6 to minimizethe mortalityof frshduringheat havealreadybeendesigned procedures procedureswould treatments;it is nnlikely that any further modificationsto'the duringheat havemucheffecton losses.The temperatureis alreadyraisedgfadually build-upmight treatmen6,but it is possibtethat an evenEore gradualte6Peranre andinto the collecdonarea;the be more effectiveat drivingfish out of screenwells might of this procedurecouldeasilybe tested. In addition,fish losses effecriveness were emptiedfor a be reducedif the collectionarea of the Fish Return System sincesome longerperiod of time duringthe warm'upphaseof the heat treatment's' of this Potentialprocedural frsh toleratefairly high temperanrres;the effectiveness frsh miglt be changecould alsobe testedeasily. Finally, survivorshipof diverted for a long enough enhancedby insuring'thatwater is run throughthe renrrn sluice periodof time. heat reatment Althouglr these possible modifrcationsof the culrent gtd@ the fhb into procedureshouldbe teste4 the primaryproblemseentsto be effect on frsh guidance' the FRS. These proceduralcbangeswould have little for drivingand/or attractingfrshinto the collection potentianyfeasiblemecrranisms in sections33'1 and333' havebeendiseussed are4 sonicdevicesandligbt systems, l l" I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTIONI LITERATURE CITED impacts Ambrose, RF. 19g6. 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DocketNo' 5G206'EIS-CA-73-1688-F' to Final environmentalstatementrelated 19?3c' cornmission EnerSt Atomic u.S. t I I t theproposedSanonofreNuclearGeneratingStationUnits2and3. SoutheraCaliforniaEdisonCompanyarrdthesanDiegoGasarrdElectric Company.DocketNos.5s36}and5s362.EIs.cA.73-0518.F. I I SECTIONtr REPT.ACEMET.{TTECHNIQTIES This pageintentionallyleft blank I I I I I I I CIIAPTER7 INIR ODUCTIONTO REPLACEMENTTECHNIQIIES (seeChapter1)' Although it is generallybest to avoid an impaa if possible with mitigating an impact by replacinglost resources under some circtrmstances resour@sfor lost similar resources(h-tdnd mirtgation)or by substinrti4gdissimilar Wildlife Service resour@s(ow-of-lcittdmitigation) is acceptable. The fish and in California mitigation policy, which is generallyfollowed by resogrceagencies method' especially establishesin-kind compensationas the preferredreplacement I (USFWS1981)' for higblyvaluedresoruces I I I I I I I I I I I impactsin'kind are The most promisingtechniquesfor mitigating soNGS resources reef-associated constructingan artificial reef to replacefub and other 9); tbesetechniques (chapter 8) and creatinga kelp bed to replacekelp (ctrapter supPortsa kelp bed' In can be combinedinto constnrctingan artificial reef that (Cbapter10) would provide addition, tbe restorationof degradedcoastalwetlands b'ySONGS;at least15 fisb in-kind mitigation for someof tbe fish speciesinpacted speciesat risk at SONGSoccurin oastal wetlands' and generallyacceptable The out.of-kinaltedniques that seemmostfeasible areartificialreefconstructionarrdwetlandrestoration.Constnrctinganartificial be s.bstinrtedfor resourcesimpacted rcef would produccreef rcsources&at courd it is reasonableto concludethat by SONGS. On the basisof existinginformation, but it is not possibleto predict with somefisbare produced ou artificial reefr, In addition' there is the problen of confidencehow mueh production occurs' witb the dissimilarresourcesimpacted equatingthe resourcesproducedon the reef 161 t Chaptcr 7 need to be by SONGS,such as water-colgmnfuh; yet tbesedissimitarresources the difficulties coEparedin order to deterEinethe sizeof reef needed.In spiteof appropriate in determiningthe size of reef neede4 an artificial reef would be an enhance the rcchnique for mitigating impacts of SONGS because it would productivityof the marine environmenr impactedby Most of the speciesof invertebrates"algae and fish that are zuch exceptional SONGS do not occur in wetlands. However, wetlands have techniquefor resogrcevalue that wetland restorationwould be an appropriate in-kind technique mitigatinglossesthat cannotbe preventedor for whichno feasible difficult to comPare exists. As with constnrctingan artifrcial reef, it would be very a wetland' tbe resourcesimpactedby SONGSwith the valueof restoring Virmally any There are other alternativesfor out-of-kind compensation appropriate out'of-kind technique tbat producesnatural resourcescould be an in this sectioninclude mitigation tecbnique. Other techniquestbat are discrssed quatityimprovement Fish fisb hatcberie$coastalpreservatioa'researchandwater effeAsof SONGS'and tbe hatcheriesare not consideredfeasiblefor mitigatingthe mitigationguidelines' other three tecbniquesdo not conformto generallyacceptcd Report evduates the Tbis second seetion of the Mitigation Technical that couldbe rsed to mitigate the irnpactsof feasibility of replacemeuttec,bniques are corsidered' The techniques soNGS. Both in-kind and out-of-kindtechniques reports to the MRc (e'g', sheeby consideredhere have been discussedin other 1987a)and elsewhere;this report 1981a,Thum et a1.1983,Anbrose 1986e1986b, updatesand summarizestbesediscrrssions' I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I t T I t I I I I I I Inuoduaion to repliacamenttcchniquas Chapter 8 This section is comprisedof five chaPtersbesidestbis one' on artificial evaluatesartificial reefs, including the evidencefor fish production mitigation' reefs; artificial reefs could be used for either in'kiDd or out'of'kind kelp bed lossesiD' Cbapter9 evaluateskelp bed creatio1as a meansof mitigating the restorationof coastalwetlands;althoughwetland kind. chapter 10 discusses be primarily outrestorationwould producesomein-kindnalue,it wouldmostlikely as mitigation of-kind. Chapter11 evaluatesthe feasibilityof usingfisb hatcberies such as coastal Finally, Chapter LZ evaluates otber mitigation techniques, presenratiorqresearcbandwaterqualityimprovement' t I I I I I I I I I 163 I This pageintentionallvleft blanh I I l I I I t t l t t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CHAPTER8 ARTTFICIALREEFS Summala afiificial The main concftsionsfrom this chapter are: Properly desigRed are similar to reefs can suPPortcommunitiesof fis\ invertebratesand algaethat organislDs thosefound on natrual reefs. Tbe productionof sessileand sedentary asrountof (suchas invertebratesand algae)is incteasedby artifrcial reefs'but the reefs has not been fuh produced by (as opposed to attracted to) artifrcial production, such as determined. There is clear evidencethat some asPestsof be negativeeffects resnritment,are enhancedby artificial ree$, but tbere mayalso productionon artificial from increasedfishingmortality. Most cogcelnaboutfish from scraP reefshasfocusedon smallartificial reefsand artifrcialreeB constnrcted quarry rock would likely materials; a large artificial reef constnrctedfrom reef couldfurnish circumventthe limitations of tbesesmallreeB. A large artifrcial food resourcesfor fish' Eranydifferent tlpes of habitatsand an increasedvarietyof residentson a large oue' Fish that are tlansietrtson a small reef uright remain as it wouldnot be asattractive Fishingmortality night be reducedon a largereef sine concentratedin a smallarea to fishermenif fish densitiesare lower andfisb are not productio+ it seemslikely that an Thus, in spite of the unresolvedquestionof fisb locationof a naturalreef would artificial reef that mimicsthe size,configurationand natural reef' Tbere is more provide sgitablein-ki1d mitigation for impactsto the rrncertaintyassociatedwitbusinganartificialreefasout.of.kindmitigatioubecause of fish produced' Nonetheless' tbere are no quandtativedata on tbe amount kelp) that are sufficiently properly designedartificial reefs (either with or witbout 165 I t Chapter I wetland restoratioD' largecertainly Produce resources' and so rePresent' along with one of the two best available techniquesfor enhdncingmarine resources' Introduction their Artificial reefs have been constructed for cennries, althougb popularity of widespreaduse bas only ocanrredin the last 2&30 years' The recent as a fisheries artificial reefs is linked to tbe perception of their usefulnes to organizatioDs manageEeuttool and the desireby variousgovemmentandprivate benthicorganisms increasefuhing luccess.Becausefish are found aroundthem and as a (algaeand invertebrates)grow on theq anificial reefshavebeen coruidered et al' 1978'Stephens potentialmitigationtechniquefor at least10 years(Swanson andPisanti and Palmer !9|9,Sheehy19814Grove198eGroveet aI' 1983,Spenisl Several'mitigation 1983,Thum et at. tg83,Alewas andEdwards1985,Davis 1985)' (seeTable 1-1)' For reefs' have been constructedin California and other states concretepipe in San example,in 1981a small artificial reef was constructedfrom Long BeachHarbor was Diego Bay to mitigate a fill projecq atrdTHUMS' reef in harbor' Recently' a 7'aste built i! 1982to mitigate dredgrng3ad filling in the in Washingtonto artificial reef (witb rock covering35 acres) was constnrsted 4 at' 1987} In spiteof tbese mitigatefor the lossof 7 acresof breakwater(Hueckel actual contributiou of artifrcial application$ soEe resour@agenciesquestionthe and Wildtife Service'pasonal reefs to fish production (J. Fancber, U.S. Fish remairs controversial' communiUion), andtbeir implementationin mitigation TheMRChasmadetworecommendationsaboutartifrcialreefs.First'the possiblgngans of that a bigh-reliefartificial reef be one MRC has recomrnended 166 I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I 41ifiaial as out'ofmitigatingmidwaterfish lossescagsedby SONGS;this reef would serve that a low-reliefartificial reef kind mitigation. Second,the MRC hasrecomrnended t Kelp forest witb kelp be built to mitigate SONGS'impactson tbe San Onofre applications' community. This chaptercoDsidersissuesthat concernboth of tbese I I appropriateI Most of tbe discussionis relevant to both applications,but wbere Also note distingpishbetweenusingreefsfor in-kind versgsout'of'kind mitigation t I I T I t I I I I I I t ysefs the artificiat that the MRCs recomneudatioufor in-kind mitigation requiresthat reef for in'kind reef supporta kelp bed; tbe generalevaluationof usingan artificial a kelp bed mitigationis givenin tbis chaPter,but the technicalfeasibilityof cteating in Chapter9' on an artificialreef is discussed Tobesuitableforuseasin.kindmitigationartificialreefsmustreplacelost requirement' the resourceswitb new, similar resources. Two aspectsof this nanrral reefs and the similarity of anificial reef comrrunitiesto comrrunitieson discussedin the production of resources(especiallyfish) o11ar artificial reef' are (Section82) is first two sestionsof this cbapter. Tbe productionof reef resources mitigatiou' The third alsoa major concernfor rsing an anificial reef asout-of'kind asPectsof the designand locationof artifrcial reefs sectionof this cbapterdisctrsses tbe impacts of (including cost), tbe fourtb section reviews information about last sedion providesan overall artificial reeB on soft-bottomcomrrunities,and the enaluation Pra,iottsMRC snrdrigs TheMRChascornmissionedseveralstudiestoevaluateartificialree8asa (Sheehy1981a'ThumeraI' potentialtechniquefor mitigatingthe effectsof soNGS 167 'l section' we discuss(1) tbe and nanyal rees in SOuthernCalifornia In this on of assemblages community struc$re (i.e., speciesdiversity and composition) on tbe two reef qpe$ artificial andnansal rec$ and (2) the densitiesof fisb I I I I I I I I I I I E.1.1ConmunitY strucfur I Chaptcr 8 severalfield programstbat 1983,Ambrose1986a).In addition,the MRC sPoDsored Laboratories(I3SL collected data on artifrcial feefs. I-ockheedOcean Science detailed snrdiesof t983 q b and c) and DeMartini (1985, 1987)have conducted sufvey of artifrcial and PendletonArtificial Reef (PAR). Ambrose conducteda Resultsfrom the survey natural reefs througboutsoutherncalifornia in Fall 1986' in Ambrose (1987a' are $mEarized in this report and presentedin more detail in AppendixC Ambroseand Swarbrick1989);the methodsrsed are sulmarized 8.1 Similarity of artificial and natural reef communities on artifrcial and Mauy snrdiesof artificial reefshavecomparedcommunities Bohnsackand Sutherland natgral reefs (for a general review of frsb snrdieq see Aom man'madematerials 1985). Most of tbese stgdiesfocgsedon reefs made of artificial (including tires and concrete). There havebeenvery few comparisons and nanral rcefs can be Tbe similarity of fish communitieson artifrcial diversitiesof asselblageson the by comparingthe compositionand species assessed (198?a)in Fall 1986representsoBeof two typesof reefs. The zuweyby Ambrose strudure on artificial and nanral the most detailed comparisonsof community reeft, and thesedataare presentedin this sedion 168 I I I I t I l I I t I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I Arti$nal recfs the Fdl 1986 Forty-onespeciesof fisb wcre samPledon the reefs during than oD natural survey,witb more speciesfound on artificial ieefs (Mean=l8'?) ricbnesswasa result reefs(Me an=ll2;Table 8-1). The differencein total species or artificial reefs of sigprficantly highgl qpeciesrichnes Dear.the bottom richnes on (Mean=153rre.10.9specieson nanrralreefs). Althougbhigherspecies et al' Lg84)'mostsnrdieshave artificial reefshasbeenreportedpreviously(Stephens (Randatl1963'Fastand reportedequalgr higherspeciesrichnesson nansal reefs et aI' 1985'Matthews Paganlgl4,Smith et at. tgfl} Alevizonet 611.lgss,Burchmore 1e8s). reefs,altbougha Most fish specieswere found on botb artifrcial and natural on the other werefoundon a bigherProPortionof onetlpe of reef than few qpecies equallyoften on (Table &2; Arrbrose 1987a). Most cogrmonspecieswere found blacksmith'California both reef types. For exaqPle,kelp bass,black zurfperch, reefs' opaleyeand senoritaand rock wrassewerefound on virnraltyall sheephead, ocssred on a bigher pile surfperchwere the only relatively commogspeciesthat proportion of anificial reefsthannanrralreefs' Clusteranalysiswasrrsedtoindicatethesimilarityofthefshassemblageson reefsclusteredcloselytogether different reeB (Figr'e g-1). somepain of artificial (e.g.,TorreyPinesandPendleto&andMarinadelReyandHerrrosaBeach), artificial reeb as a whole did not indicating tbey were quite similar. However, levels,as would be expectedif tbe fish segregateinto their owDclusterat higher reefs' In fact mostof the on tbemwerenot similarto tboseon nanrral assemblages someartificial reefs' clusterscontainingnanrralreefsalsocontained 169 Cbaptcr 8 Tabte &1 on artincial and n8turel neefs' density;fiaf and Speciesrichness lron bcstbh end ratcn'coluEr trrlsccts Bcntbtc rnd retcr coluna spcdcs richncss ras dctcrolned b bcstbic tr:ruccts' tlttr€lull (Ambruc l9&/a). Total richncrs * J bdudcs aff spcUcs-rccorOca spcdcs lth"eat nr= slgnlficently trarsc.,ts, end frsb{cngth samplcs" Totat s@cs ti.b"c""^i;-Ghl" s a df'P d{,P= o'noo; B€nthle t {J5' t = e.n,u dttfcrcot b.fiEGD udfidsl rnd nabnt J-Crotrr, ncthods duc'to -oia not bc cslcd;tld for mtcr colunn ranplcs = 0JXXlrl). Fon dcustttcs, rttldstd.*or, tbc bcuthoc ms signlflcrntly dltrcrcnt uscd to sanph dltrcrcnt llfcstags (scc Anbrsc l9t?a). D."rib,-; ud nalrnl rtUs tt = 354rA df' P = 0lnA)' bctrccn.rdtrdd - Spcd,sRichness BENII|IC WAMN' TCTTAL COUIAT ONIIEF Dcnsily (No./l(D o3) WAIIR BENn|IC @LT,MN frigAlt ItEAl.f SE - ARNFIChLITEEFS TorreyPincsAR PeadlctooAR NcrrportEc.cbAR I-A HarborBrc*rrtcr - itsklc l-A tlarborBreakrrtcr -oursi& Kiag HertcBrellrrtcr HcruceBcrcbAR MarillDdRcYAR PiEsPdltAR nincoa OittrtuO MEJII{ (SD 0 0.56 0 5t1.68 t 45.0 (3r.9) ?/96.,2, t 1t 2l fl 16 A 56a?($5) 2,,,2 (erz) 20' (16!) 2rE3 (t2) a.7 (5,,3) 1t4.10 0 0 15616 309.{t 137(oro) os Qta ra2J (as.:E) a t5' 0 2 0 8 13 2l 2, It Ea6 (uBl) 9|oo (zt6.e) s0r.6(56) 3te.7(64$ t2 l:l m 16 19 16 3 0 0 5 9 t2 l6 a Itl u3(e5 .r0r) I.IATTJRALRS Mrrilc Stlcd nlcf frJoltrCorG nef DclMrrRccf BurtGlP t s PulgrsRccf BorCrlY6 Sra Onofr KclP'Meio Sro omfre f'rlP'l{qtb S.t Mrtco tGb tloMrn Roct l4u!. Bcrcl l{qth PclicenPttilt PoiatViccotc DotDiwTbctt FLt BEt Rincool&tP MEAN (sD I ':t ll l1 7 6 10 10 9 t2 t2 la 16 ltl l0 l0 ror (oJ5) 5 2 5 2 0 0 5 5 6 2 5 I I 9 a 3 3J (o-at) I I I I I I la 16 l7 t2 tl l0 12 14 L t! n u tl l9 a ll ra3 (o.dt) 170 513 013) uL7 (425) srs ca,? 1gj (7e:) wt (431 s6.1(4.t 316.f(995) e..7 (lt.e) fla2 p.3) s5 (8ar) rs3 (!93) 16s,0c2e5) 5n3 05&7) 83 (nn 6r, (ur) ns (27) rr.t GiIr2) 5ZS' 7iI, 11692 0@ 0 0 lo.t3 na l@16 4.16 w0 rt95t 0r0 t1.{5 zto. ta t2a7 (sSiD I t I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Artificial rccfs Table &2 rcefs. Occurrenceof speciesof trsh on srtilicial and natural a spccics occurre4 tnduding dl T,he proportions of srtiticisl or Datalat r=efs on cbierb and tish leEgth sanplcs s' lifestagps of tisb seen in bentbic and watcr column trarsccts or for sport arc lnitlcatcd by (Ambrose 19t?a). Spociesthst aFefisheil ati, -.-"rcially SPECIES Scoryaanagunau Sebastesatmvinns saiceps Sebastes sebastessermnoides Sebastescar''|gtlts Sebostesniniaats Sebastesrasmlligu Sebestescauinus OryIebiuspkus ScorpuicltthYs msrnuatus Pamlabrs clatlvaats Pomlabrs nebulifa Traclurus synmeaias Anisotremusdoyidsor;tii Qteilotrcms sanurutrl Ginlla nigricotts Medialwu califomiasis Embiotor'oiac.kuti Phancrdanlurcaus DuulidttltYs vocca HypsttntscuYi Rhocochihtstuates BtsclryistittsIffieLJ HypsyPPs rubianfuts Quontis pwtaiPbllnls S cmicossYPl*tsPttldcr Arylulis califonica Halichoens senricinas LythryprwstuIli bryphoPterus nidtoHi Pl*roni&tltYs annosts MicrostomusPacifiats PamlichthYscalifonias Hetemstidrusmstonls ' GibborzsiasPP. Altoclints holdei Atheini& Hetmosilla@tnos RathbunellasPP. Sarfu chilicttsis Tdalds scmifasciao COI,${ONNAMES SpottedscorPioufstf IGlp roclfishs TrcefsF Olive rockfishs Gopher rockfisbs Vermilion rockfshs Grassrockfrshs Copper rockfshs Painted grcenling Cabczoss Kplp basss Barrcd sandbasss Jack maclercF SargoF Blacl croalct' OpaleYC Halfmood Black surfPercts Whitc surfPcrcb Pile surfpcrchs Rainbor'; surfPerchs RubbcrliP surfPcrch IGlp surfPcrch Gadbddi Blaclrslnith Califomia shccPhcads Seoorita Rocl *rasse Bluc-bandcd gobY BlackeYcgobY Turbots Dowr soles Califoraia halibuts Giant LclPfish I(elpfsh sPP. ' Island kclPfsh Jacksnclt,ToPsnelts ZcbraPcrchs Ronquil Pacific boniloF LcoPard shatlf 771 IIEEFTYPEI'hnrnal AXnnctAL 0.40 OA 0 0.?0 0 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.60 020 LM 080 0r0 0.70 . 0.60 1.00 0.90 LM 050 LM 080 0.60 050 0.70 LM 080 0"90 1.00 0.40 0.CI 0.10 0.10 0 030 0r0 0 030 0r0 0.10 0 020 0.06 0.19 0.06 0.19 0.06 0 0 0 050 0.06 LM 0"88 038 038 0.06 056 081 1.00 0.13 0"69 0.63 025 0.63 0.69 0.75 1.00 088 iln 025 031 0'06 0 0.06 025 0 0.13 0.13 0.13 0 0.06 0 'l CbaPer 8 ooa oo oo o oo =",;;EFE -='2EEq -=EEETi=qE=:=E -cEecE E--t Gg: = = - - . - ? i ! g E O-C- ) E EP Eoa .9xP =tt o F 50- ff; ?rI g te I Ftl= =gE r-d D.= I I l, Eg-i g.e I I EEE iE3* I I s;gl €Et 3 . t ov t -rt- E+EE CE;E o -- o EF ' I I I I t oO Eso JG z > EAEl gE.EE 6oPE 6E E E E:€g LTz I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Artificial recfs and The data from Ambrose(1987a)indicatethat, overall,the composition on artificial and natural reefs in SouthernCalifornia diversityof fisb assemblages artificial were similar. Theseresultsagreewith npmerousotber stgdiescomparing fish assemblages and nanral reefs that have found a general similarity in the 1983q (Russell Lg75,Jonesand Thompson1978,Molles t978, Bobnsack1979, Miller 1981' 1983b,Walton tgTg,smith4 at. tgZg,stone4 at. Lg7g,Gasconand Stepbenset at. Lgu. Alevizonet al. tgSs,Mattbews1985). alsosomedata Althoughmostattentionhasbeenfocusedon fish,tbereare reefs' The on algal and invertebrate assemblageson artificial and natural with a detailed similarities of artifrcial and nanrral reefs are summarizedhere, evaluationglvenin Anrbrose(1987a)andAnrbroseet 41.(1987>. reefs were The algal comrrunities found oD artifrcial and natural algaewashigher quantitativelydifferenL Perce1tcoveror densityof mostgfouPsof pyrifera)occurred (Maerocystis on natural reefsthan on artificial ones. Giant kelp comparedto 40Voof' the more frequently on nangal ree|g-(70Voof nanrral reefs ptants also tended to be artificial reefs), and the densityand size of giant kelp signifrcant)' Mean algal greateron na$ral reefs(atthougbthe differenceswereDot high coverof foliose red algae heigbt was greateron aansal reefsbecauseof the sensitiveto location and and kelps. Algal assemblagesseemedpartiorlarly of the differencesbetween placement of artificial reefs. For example,much the depthsof the reefs,with the artificial and natural reefs can be erplainedby Artificial Reef and Torrey Pines shallowestreefs (the brealcwaters,Pitas Point 773 'l Cbaptcr t nrbidity may Artificial Reef) zupportiagrelatively higb densitiesof algae. Watel alsohaveinfluencedthe algal assemblages. rees were Overall, the inrrenebrateassenblageson artificial and naAral and the quite sirnilar'. The cover of sessileinvertebrates,partictrlartybryozoans' reeB' while densityof the gorgonianLophogorgiatendedto be higber on artifrcial StronglocaXrottts anemones,bivalves,the snail l<elletiTkeltdii and the red urchin reefs. Total invertebratedensitywas frutciscarus had higber densitieson naftral not significantlydifferent betweentbe nro reef tlpes' t.12 Fish densitY artifrcial reefs Mary shrdieshavefound that densitiesof fish are higber on et al' 1979'Wdton than on natural ree& (Fastand Pagantg|4,Russell lg7|,Smith Iaufle and Pauley1985,Mattbews1985)' In Califoraia severalinvestigations' Pendleton Ardficiat Reef (PAR) has been the subject of than oq nro nearby Jessee4 at.(1985) reported a higher densityof fish on PAR d al.[g[, LgTg,Stephens Kelp Bed (SOK)' The natgral reefr, Las Pulgas Reef (IJR) and San Ono&e comparedPAR and LPR CaliforniraDepartmentof Fish and Game(CDF&G) also 4 al' 1986)' DeMartini (1987) and fonnd a higber Jensityof fish on PAR (Iogstad of fish than SOK but noted fognd that PAR bad higber densityandbiomassdensity on PAR wasmucblower because that the standingstock(total numberor biomass) tbe artificial reef wasmuchs;sraller' fish Arrbrose (198?a)'benthic In the sunr€yof reefs in Southerncalifornia by on nanrralreeB (Table 8' generallyhad higber densitieson artificial reefsthan t14 I T I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Arti6cial rcefs (Ctromis pwaipbnis)' 1). Mucb of the differeucein densitywasdueto blacksnitb high (697' 529 and Blacksmitbdensitieson three artificial reefswere particularly Beacbartificial reefs' 2g7 frsh/L000m3 on PendletoD,Torey Pines,and Newport one natural reef (300 respectively). In contrast,density1125thiq higb on only panern in fish densitiesis fish/1000m3on PalosVerdes). However,the obsenred (which doesnot include not entirely due to blacksnith; the densityof sport fisb (mean=145/1000m3vs' blacksmith)wasalso signifrcanttyhigher on artificial reefs fractionaldf resultfrom 80/1000m3on nafiral reefr,t=3.946, df.=22.L,P=0.0007; Satterthwaite'scorection for unequalvariances)' variabb on both The densitiesof fish iD tbe water colulDnwere highly differencebetweenthe tn'o artificial and nanrralree$, and therewasno significant reef t1pes. is much higher on Previous strdies have often shown that fish density and Sutherland1985;for artificial reefsthannaturelreeft (for review,seeBohnsack consistencyof this pattera is an exceptio1,see Burchmore et sI. 1985)' The reef tyPesthat have been snrdied somewhatsurprisinggiven the wide rrarietyof boats, quarry roch and ooncreteblodrs' (including reeft oolstnrcted from 1fugs,, that are that placementfeatures(i'e., piles of material rubble and pipes),suggesting specificconstrustionmaterialsmaybe isolatedfrom natgralrockyareas)ratherthan richnes anddensity' contributingto the generalPattemof higbfish .Randall(1963)arrdRussell(1975)suggestedthatthepositionofanartificial determinantof fish densityon the reef in the surroundinghabitatwasan imponant sandplains' isolatedfrom nanrralroclry reef. Artificial reefsare usuallyplacedon 'l Cbaptcr 8 rat'o' Both of areas;they are alsousuallyfairly small"wi& a high perimetet't(>area which fuh thesefactorsnigbt influencethe sizeof the area'srurounditga reef from distance are attractedto the reef. Assumingfish are attractedto a reef from a set a (zu& as 300 q as rePortedby Shimizu[1981D,small reefswill attract fish from radius of an Iarger are4 relative to reef size,than large reefs. For example,if the of areaof ardficial reef is 10 m and it attractsfish from 300 m away,then the ratio 100m' tbe attractionto reef areais 960:1. If &e radiusof the reef is increasedto to reef area absolutearea of attraction increases,but the ratio of atUactionarea m' the ratio decreasesto 15:1. If tbe radius of the reef is increasedto 1000 larger area decreasesto 0.69:1. Small reefswill attract fish from a proportionately densityon the than large reeB, so the fish atnactedto the reef will occurat a higher reef. may This putative relationship between reef size and area of attradion smatl) generally explainwhy the artificial reefs tbat havebeen shrdied(which are large): the artificial have higher fish densitiesthan most natural reefs (which are to their size' Tbe reefs night be attractingfrsh from an area that is large relative on a small pef (and densityof fiqh on a large artificial reef might be lower &an benreenreef similar to densitieson large nanrralreefs)becarseof the relationship sizeand the areaof attractionreefs, especially In addition to placcmentfeaftres, the designof artificial maycontributeto higher fish their greaterstmctual complexity(Smith4 al' lng), densitieson PendletonArtificial densities.Jesseeet 't1.(1985)attributedhigherfrsb that the ratio of reef surface Reef to tbe relief and height of the reef,but alsonoted areatoreefperimeterandthedistancetoneighboringreefsandhardbottomaleas t76 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t Anificial rcefs and could be important. At present, we lxrow too little about the behavior aspecls populationbiologr of Eost SouthernCaliforniareef fisb to identify critical reefs' of reef design- However, two speciesthat were abundant on artificial mention' blacksmithand barred sandbass(Psalabrs ndttlifer), deservepartiarlar Bray 1981' Blaclsmith rely on bolesand crevicesfor shelter@beliagandBray 1976' of Andersonet at. tgSg);anificial reefsbaveabrrndantsheltersitesin the interstices were forurd their rocks tbat seemto be ideal for blacksmith. Barred sand bass Because predominantlyalongthe perimeterof all reefs,at tbe sand/rockinterface' per unit areathan of their design,artificial reefshavea lelativelylongerPerimeter on artificial natural reefs,and this may explainthe higher densitiesof sandbass reefs. Onefinalaspectofartificialreefsthatmayinfluencefishdersitiesisthe conspianous biological commgnity growing on the reefs. One of the most of giant kelp characteristicsof nany reefs in southern c-aliforniais the Presence presence (Macroqstispyrifera),a largebrownalgathat formsa surfacecampy' The nanral reefsbecause of glant kelp did trot influenceour comparisonof artificial and on the two gant ketp densityon the reeft we sarrpledwasDotsignificantlydifferent 1987a),along with a reef tlges (Ambrose 198?a). However,our data (Ambrose coyet !979' Larson and number of other shrdies (Miller and Geibel 1973, stronglyinfluences DeManini 1984,Bodkin 1986,1988),indicate th* Maaocystis in deterrrining of fish iD the water column,and thusis a key fastor the assemblage theoverallfishcommunityonareef.Therefore,theabilityofanartificialreefto in the designand planning supportgiant kelp shouldbe an importantcorsideration of the reef. TN I Chapter 8 qm Althougb Fant kelp is clearly an imponant influence,frsb assemblages reefs' For be zurprisinglyinsensitiveto tbe biological characteristicsof artificial (Grant et al' example,fishes appearedat PAR within dap after reef placement Moreover' tbe 1982),long before there was any biological structure on the reef' in which the Nmber of fish qPeciesat PAR increasedquickly during a time bryozoan invertebrate and algal community was dominarcd by the encrusting algalturf (Ambroseand Anderson1989)' It seemsthat the Cryptoarachnidiumand fish assemblagewas not dependenton the cover of partiarlar "babitat'forming" in attracting species.Instead,physicalstnrshrreapPearsto be at least asimporturt (seeHelvey and Dorn fishesas the developinginvertebrateand algal communities I I I I I I I 1981;HelveyandSmith1985). I and the biota The generallack of relatiorship betweenfish abundance a dilemma ocanrringon PAR and otberreefs(e.g.,Holbrooket at'inpt"ss) Presents I I I I I I I I I I reef' It seenslogical with regardsto enaluatingthe amountof 6sh producedon the more fobd resourcesfor that, as an artificiat reef sgcbasPAR developedmore and production' However'fish fisb it would be contributingto greaterand greaierfrsh high densitiesmusthave were abundanton PAR beforeitprorridedmuchfood; tbese high 6sl densitieson stemmedfrom tbe attraction of fish to tbe reef' The Presegt its afirasdvenes to frsh' so PAR may atsore$rlt (tO sone unloown degree)from tbat the reef has increasednet the existenceof food resourcesdoesnot guamntee wereProducedon the reef' productivityof fub nor that all of the fish on the reef a TheinvertelrateandalgalspeciesonPARmaybemoreimportantasfood andshelterforyoung.of-yearfishestharrforolderlifestages.FishdidnotrecTuitto habitat pAR until it was two and a half yean old; it is posible that the resnritment t78 t t t l" I I I I I I I I I I I I Artificial rcefs Ambroseand Andersou at pAR was not suitable before this time (DeMartini 198?, 1e8e). 8.13 Discussion beenbasedprimarily The valuesof artificial reef enbascementeffors have invertebratessuch as on the abundancesof fishes and economicallyimportant Ngmerousshrdieshave abaloneand lobster (seeBobnsackand Sutherland1985)' tban somenatural reefs' indicatedtbat artificial reefssuPPofthigberfish densities beenusedto suggestthat The comparativelyhigherdensitiesat artificiat reefshave is the casedependson the they are beneficialto fisherymanagement.Whetherthis factorsthat causethe higberdensitieson artificial reeB. and henceincreasefshing The abitity of artificid stnrcnresto attract fsh, Fish Attrac'ting is well established.krge numbersof fsh aggegatearound success, 1985),whictrare simplyratu or Devices(FADsxKtima and wickham TgTL,Brock and manyshrdieshavereported underwatertites" that haveno resourcesfor fish, (Turner of adultfishshortlyafterareefhasbeenconstnrcted significantabgndances tg74' Russell1975'Molles Fein and Morganstein1974,Russellet aI' et a1.1969, 1981'Tubb et at' t98L' wilson er aI' 1978,$shncasf,and Talbot 1980,Ranasinghe structurallysimplethat they could not 1gg1,walsh 1gg5). However,FADs are so and the fsh found on artificial reefs be increasingrecnritment,growttror survival' individuals,are clearly not produced large partisularly constnrctioq after soon there. t I T t79 'l Cbaptcr 8 t It is generallyacloowledgedthat the higb densityof fish on new artificial reefs is due primarily to aggegation;the implication is that older reefs,with more of mature biote haveproducedthe higb densitiesof fsh. However,'higbdensities reefs' fish on older reeft could also be due to aggregation. Someolder artificial nrch as the Newport BeacbArtifrcial Reef, bavevirnrally no algal or invertebrate populationsthat could provide food for fisb yet still have higb densitiesof fish' few food Other reeft, sucb as the HersrosaBeacbArdficial Reef, uot only have fish occur resourcesbut also havean oPeBstrucnrrethat provideslittle shclter' yet densities at high dersities. The behavioralresponsesof fhh that result in higb reefs' around FADS may also be responsiblefor high densities on artificial abundant Therefore,the preseuceof high densitiesof fish evenon reefsthat have of fish' resources,doesnot guaranteethat the reef has increasednet productivity for fisb nor that alt of.tbefish on the reef wereproducedon the reef' The evidence in the nextsecdon productionon artifrcial reefsis discussed DewW is A distinction betweendensityand abgndanceDeedsto be made' of the total area the number of fish in a definedarea (e.g.,no./1000m) regardless in a prescribedarea of habitat, whereasobttttdozceis the total ngmber of fish distinctiou in (usratly the areal extent of the reef or babitat oramined)' This For mitigative termiaologr is important, especiallywith respestto mitigation production'but when zuch purposes,there is no nrbstinrtefor rcalistic estimatesof than density for indicating esdmatesdo not exisL abundancewould be bener area (DeMartini 1987' mitigative value in comparisonsof habitats of unequal DeMartinietal.|g8g:ArrrbrosearrdSwarbricklgSg). 180 I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I T I I T I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I Artificial recfs (PAR) Density-abundancerelatioruhips at Pendleton Artificial Reef for using illustrate a coucepfirallysimple but nonethelessimportant coDsideration densityand arrificiat reefs as mitigation for impactednangal-reefhabitas. Both (SOK) in abundanceestimateswere determinedat PAR and SanOnofre Ketp Bed PAR was25 1986(DeMartini 198?,DeMartini et sI. tgSg). Overall"the densiryat 27'26 times times greater than that at SOK However,abundancpat SOK was SOKversus higberthan at PAR dueto its muchgreatersize(approximately88 ha at PAR givesa L2 ba at PAR). As'with numben,the total biomassat SOK and fishper unit clearerpictureof mitigativevaluethanbiomassdensities(theweightof at SOK area). Tberewasa muchhigherProPortionof juvenitesat PAR (70Vo)than in (l}Vo). The combinationof higher dersitiesbut smallerfuh at PAR resulted total biomass comparablebiomassdensitiesbetweenPAR and SOK However'the of fisb wasabout75 timesgreaterat SOKbecauseof its greaterarea' pendletonArti6cial Reef, conceivedas a meansof evaluatingthe potentid evaluatedin Anbrose of usingartificial reefsto mitigatecoastalimpacts,hasbeen to serveas mitigation for and Andenon (1989). Although PAR wasnot inteDded wouldservesucha PurPose' soNGS'impacts, it is instnrctiveto considerhowwell it of impactedSOK An erraluationof PAR'spotential to ProvideiD-kindrePlacemeDt betweenPAR and soK resourcesmust include a comparisonof similar resources to different interPretatiolg' However,the necessarydegreeof similarity is subjea ocample'similarity in a fub resulting in divergentviews of PAR's worth' For in terms of overall speciescomposition'total fisb assemblagecould be assessed numbersorbiomass'orone-to.onereplacementatthespecieslevel. 181 Cbaptcr 8 level' the At what level of similarity shouldPAR be evaluated?At a general 1987)' A fuh speciescomPositiooat PAR wassimilal to that at SOK (DeMartini PAR was cluster analysis (Fig. 8-1) based on fish assemblagesindicated that l I I (Ambrose basicallysimilar to other SouthernCalifornia artifrcial and nanral reefs at PAR wasmost similar to two other 198?a). In this analysis,the fish assemblage similar to a artificial reeft (Torey Pines and Newport Beach),but it was also and Barn Kelp numberof natural reefs,includingTwo Man Rocb ks PulgasReef in the SanOnofre regiotl densitiesof However, there are considerabledifferencesin the relative of blacksmithwas speciesbetween PAR and SOK (Table 8-3). The density total fuh numbers extremelyhigh at PAR. This fish representeda major portion of productionof young-of' at pAId and also accountedfor 9|Voof the total estimated Garibaldiwere year fishes(DeMartini 1987),yet wasvirtually absentfrom SOK had much higher also commonat pAR but absentat SoIc Conversely,SoK in the relative densitiesof senoritaand kelp bassthan PAR' Thesedifferences indicatesa relatively densitiesof speciesare reflectedin the clusteranalysis,whicb andPAR' low degreeof similarity betwcensoK (soKM in Figure&1) Wbrydothesemarkeddifferencesindensitiesexistbetweenthetworeefs?A betweenthe physical likely explanation is that they rezult from the interaction pAR, and the microhabitat associationsand habitat characteristicsof soK and of high-relief rock piles requirementsof partiarlar fish species.PAR is composed slope,perimeter (ecotone)' with numerouscrevicesbetweenboulden. The crest, weresamPledat PAR' Tbe fish on and sandare clearlydefinedmicrohabitatsthat 182 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I Artificial reeB Table 8'3 Ihnsttics(no./rfi}m2)ofsclcctfisbspeciesrtPendletonArttficlslRccfGAR)euit Kctp Forcst GoKl' at tro locations (soK out, soK r!) withb tbe san onofir Data fton lhMartini (19t7). PAR Blaclsnith 963.9 LI <0.1 Gadbaldi 11j] 0 0 Kelp bass 4.6 60.8 79.r Seuorita 30.0 746,J 2808 I I I I I I I I I I T SOKTN SOKour Table 8-4 at PcndletonArtlfrcial RlGf caR) Ihnsltics (no./l0fl) d) of rdccr nsb spccicsovlr mlcrobsbltsts (= ccotone) 1be crtst' slope, and perimetcr and gt the San Onofit Kclp Fonst tSOil. tbe repr:scnts ltc canopy uicmbabltat micnobibttats corarEpond ro sanplcd sttatr rt PAR and Ooor sca tbe as wlthi; te tcetftorest' and tbe botton is dcfrned upFr 3J m of ratcr SOK ar: fiom lhMartiui (199) and "oto.o ratcr colunn up ro 15 n la heigbl o"tt iot-i,g1 and Tcchnical RcPortJ. € -PAIIC"EST BlacLsnith 7gs STOTE PERIMETER N:I v9 soK- CAt{oFY Bcnrou 0.1 1.1 Gatbaldi n9 4J 0.9 0 0 I&lpbass 9J LI 1.1 5.02 15.4 Senorita u}A BS 15.0 66.9 38.9 183 I Chapter 8 I and PAR use tbese miqrohabitatsdifferently. For exarrple' botb blaclsmith garibaldiweremostabundanton the crestregionsof modules(fable 8-4)' no In contrastto PAR" SOK is a cobble'bottomkelp forest that hasvirnrally as vertical rock relief and few crevicesand interstices,but it hasMaooqstis canoPy colum!' well as bonom microhabitats.(Tbe canopyincludestbe upper 3 m of water and where Mrcrocy*is fronds form a mat'like layer at the zurface') Blaclsmith the lack of garibaldi were essentiallyabsentat SOK (Table 8-3), perhaPsdue to speciesat high-retiefrock alld crevicesfor shelter. Senoritawerethe mostabundant with giantkelp (Fedetet d t974; soK perhapsbecauseof their strongassociation wereobservedat Bernsteinand Jung1979).Few senorita'other thanyoung'of'year, and most were PAR. Kelp basswere also more abundantat SOK (Table 8-3), that are closely found on the bottom (Table 8a). Two other speciesat SOK the kelp perch and the giant kelpfhh' were Presentat associatedwrth Macrccystis, soK but absentat PAR, wberethereis no Maoocystis. (or a reef like Tbe dissimilaritiesbetweenpAR and SoK suggestthat PAR at pAR) has only timited ability to sewe as in-kind mitigation fol impaos to fsll soKMostofthedissimilaritiesseemtoresultfromthedifferentmicrohabitat limited ability to sewe as in-kind t]?es occlrring at PAR and SOIC PAR's would not be suitable' since nitigation doesnot meanthat a different artifrcialreef physrcalcharacFristicssimilar to no artificial reef has yet been constructedwith that is reef hasa fub assemblage thoseat soK it is not surprisingthat no artifrcial at soK (Fig' 8-1)' Nonetheless'a low-reliefartificial very similar to the assemblage to on sucha reef would likely be more similar reef couldbe built; the assemblage 184 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I T I I I I I I I I I t Attificial rcsfs more suitablefor SOKs (especiallyif it supporteda kelp bed),andwould be mucb in-kind mitigationof SONGS'effectsou SOIC Mitigative vahte of PendletonAnificial Reef potential PendletouArtificial Reef wascoDceivedas a testof tbe mitigative Nonetbeless'it is of of artificial reeft ratber than to actuallyserveas mitigation In this section' interest to assessthe actualmitigativevaluethat PAR migbt have' for the effectsof we briefly evaluatePAR's ability to sewe as in-kind mitigation SONGSon tbe SanOnofreKetpforest(SOK)' and the most Two important resourcesthat would be impactedat soK kelp and the resident amenableto in-kind replacementby artificial reeft, are giant invertebratesatrdfuhes' fsb assemblage.Kelp provideshabitatfor manyspeciesof of artifrcial and fish abundanceis nearlyatwap centralto mitigativeconsideratioDs commercialand sport reefs,undoubtedlybecauseof the economicimportanceof resources'would PAR fisheries. Giveu that kelp and fishes are important for their los? adequatelycomPensate Apersistentstandofkelp(Mrcroq*borPterygophom)wasDever (Ambroseand Andenon 1989)' The establishedat PA& deqpiteuansplantefforts suchas senorita'kelp percb' lack of kelp probablyaffectedthe abundanceof fishes tbe abundanceof certain grant kelpfisb, and young-of-yearkelp bass. similarly, been low' It is clear that PAR invertebratesassociatedwith kelp must also have kelp and the organismsassociated could Dot sen|eas in-kind mitigation for giant with it. I Chaptcr t Although kelp could not be replaced,it is possiblethat the fish assemblage observedat PAR could serveto mitigatefish lossesat SOIC However,the uumber of fish producedby the reef (asopposedto the ngmberattrastedto the reefl is very rlifficult to assess.A maximumestimateof production can be made by assuming tbat all of the individuals on PAR havebeen producedon PAR. It is likely that somefraction of tbe fish on PAR (perhapsa largefraction) is attractedto the reef, rather tban produced on it, so this estimateis undoubtedlytoo high (DeManini 1987). However,evenunder this assumptionPAR falls well short of SOK in fish by abundance: the standingstock of fish on PAR is 4Voby number,and lVo biomass,of the standingstock at SOK (DeMartini 1987,DeMartini et al' 1989' ArnbroseandAnderson1989). I I I I I I I I 8.2 Fish Production the one of the most controversialaspecaof artifrcial reefsrevolvesaround attract questionof whetherthey actuallyincreasethe productionof fish, or simply for an fish. This questionis important becauseattracdonalone is not accePtable of artificial reef tbat is meantto offseta los of resources.The simpleredistribution reef would not biomaqs that ocsurs when frsh are attraCed to an artificial would be provided' compensatefor the loss of resolrces,sinceno Dewresources contribute to fish For this reason,determiningthe erilent to which artificial reeft artificid reefs as production is a critical stePtowardsevaluatingthe usefulnessof mitigation. that The snrdiesthat bave been cited most frequentlyas demorutrating have generally artificial reefs increasefish productionin the marine environment 186 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I Artificialrcefs a nearbyDaturd cogpared tbe densityof fisb on an artificial reef witb densityon the necessary reef (e.g., Stone et al. LgTg). Althougb rece't discussionsabout haveclarified the cotrponentsof production(e.g, Bohnsackand Sutberland1985) increased point that local incrcasesin densityare not necessarilyindicationsof Alevizon and production, some researchersare apParentlystill confised (e'9' Gorham1987). Produstion Fish production refers to tbe rate of changein fisb biomass' alive at anytime includesthe sumof growttringrementsfor all populationmembers by higher iu a given period (Chapman1978). Productioncan be insreased natural causesor recnritment or grourttr,&d decreasedby gfeatermoftality from production;althougb due to fuhing. (I-'nigration and emigrationdo not alter fsh not cbangethe total tbey changetbe spatial distribution of fsh biomass,they do to measurethese amountof fub biomasspresent.) Unfortunately,it is very diffictrlt the acmd amount componentsof fisb productioUlnd no one haseverdeterrrined artificial reef' Tbe evidence of fisb productionresultingfrom the constructionof an in detail by Anbrose for fisb production on artificial reefs has been reviewed (1986a);the followingsectionssummarizeandupdatethat informatiou. I 82.1 Recruitment I I I I productionby makinghabitat Artificial reefs couldpotentiallyincreasefrsh Sincethe number of fisb strongly or other resourcesavailablefor new recruits' 1978)'andyouDgfishare infigsasgstbe amountof production@ackielandLe Cren youngest age'grouPis frequently very botb uumerogs and fast'growing the To estimatethe contributionof importantto overallproduction(chapman1978)' t t t Cbaptcr 8 recnritmentto production,two factorsmustbe evaluated: (1) Is there recluitment to an artifrcial reef an4 if so,how much? (2) Would the recnris havebeenequally successfulelsewhereif the ardficial reef did Dotexist? artifrcialreefs The term nrecnritment"has been usedwith different meaningsin different stgdies;it is used here to mean the settlementof larval or post-larvatfish (or the birtb of fish without a larval stage),as opposedto the movementof fish to a reef, which is immigration. Yogng-of-yearhavebeenobservedon temperateartificial reefsby a number of researchen(including Parker et al. tgTg and Woodheada al. 1982)' In California, Turner et al. (1969) reported small juveniles or young'of'year for a number of fish speciesfound on artificial reefsin SouthernCalifornia partiailarly pulcher)' Young-ofsenoritasPryjuli:t califordca) and sheephead(Smticossypttrts year rocldsh (sebastaspp.)havebeenrecordedfrom the Sanhris obispo county Ardficial Reef (sLocAR), an artifrcial reef in central california, from 1985 Recent through 1987 (Krenn and Wilson 1986, pasonal ammnication)' information ftom SIOCAR indicatesthat young-of-yearrockfish occur at higber densitieson the artifrcial reef than on nearby nanrral reeB, possiblybecauseof laiaeua on the artificial reef higber densitiesof the overstory kelp Neteocystis (Krena 1987). One long-term snrdy of fsh recnritmentwas conductedon Pendleton wereobservedin 1983,trvoand of 11frshspecies Artificial Reef. The young-of-year 188 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I T Arti6cial rgcfs From 19&4tbrougb a half yearsafter PAR was built (Table 8-5; ISSL 1983a)' on the reef each year 1986,the young-of-yearof 8 to 12 specieswere salnpled in speciescomposition (Table 8-5;DeMartini 1987). Tbere were somedifferences and rock wrasserecnrited in of recnrits in different years;for example,sandbass differencesin the reliative 1983-84,but not in 1985-86.Therewerealsotremendous far tbe most abundantspecies abundancesof different species.Blacksmithwasby on PAR in 1985-86. on PAR, comprisrng95.98voofalt young-of.yearfisb of recnritmentof fisb The surveyby Ambrose(198?a)providesa comparison recnritedto aftificial reefs' to artificial and natural reefs. A variety of fish species of artificial reefsthan to On average,more speciesof fisb recnritedto the benthos of all speciescombinedwas natural reefs, and tbe mean densityof young-of-year natural reefs (Table 8{)' On higber near the benthoson artificial reeft than on dense on artificial reefr' No average,young-of-yearwere frve times more of the nvo reef t)?es were differencesin the young-of-yearin the water col'nrr the young'of'yeardensityfor a dominated blaclsmith PAR, for uoted As detected. anificial andnanrralreefswas uumberof reefs,andmucbof the differencebetween and gobies(whidt were very due to youug-of-yearblacksmitb. when blacksmith differencein young'of'yeardensities dcnseon oDebrealurater)were exclude{ the densityon artificial reefswas young-of-year betweenttre two reef typeswasless,but still sligb0yhigherthan ou nanral reefs' Tbesuweyresultsmustbeinterpretedcautiously.Eachreefwassampled bias was detected (Anrbrose 1987a)' only once, Dd even though no temporal a recnritment period would bave provided entire an over information detailed in onlyone t}e suneywasconducted addition, In recnritment. of estimate better 189 I I Chaptcr 8 I Table 8-5 Young-of'y&r fish at Pendleton Artificisl Reef' 19t5} ru: Ilrta for 19Ei O sunrc'y$I{ISL 19838)and 19t4 (1 $ntGy; IhMartbt lrc lot dcnsltics but X colhctrd uslo, 61fcrc'i mcthods,so l,n*ctoe ls W mcsn csdmatcd are data prcccntcd. Idodcal mcthodsrere uicd h 19tSand 19t6; (Dctvtsrtinl f$D' par dcnsttics ovtr tlc cotirt ncf bsscd on 3 surtlt cach - lndlcetcsyoung'of'ycaraot prcscnth anysurtys for liat par' Barrcdsad bass Blact pcrcb Bladcye goby Blacksnith Blucbandcdgoby Califorda sheepbcad Californiascorpionfish Garibaldi IGlp bass Paiutcdgrccnling Pilc pcrch Rainborpcrch Roctctrassc Sargo S€sorita Zcbra goby 1983 1984 x x x x x x x x x x DENsnY(No./lmM1 19186 19E5SE MEAI.I SE MEAl.r 63 205 8ffi2 108 32 0.1 16 x x x 2L6Z 25 0.(B 45 *it 815 3361 2t 42 0.1 2. 11 5/,25 0.1 1 0.15 03 x x ;"' x 8A 02 45 0.(X 50 B5 8289 ?2r3 3S?9 5&15 168 65 z2 Totd Isdividuals Total lldiYiduals minrsblaclsnith Numbcrof spccics 65 8tfi 12 11 190 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I T I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T Arti6cial rccB '#X?5h:* onartiricialandnsturalrters' snd mtcFcolurr! trllsccts Bcnthic srd ralcr column spccies richncss ms detcraired from benthic srttfrciBl and ns&ral rccfs (t dilfe_rcntbGttDlGD (Ambmsc 19t7a). Bcntbic specicsriciaess dlftatnt betrcen "r" "igoifr-otly slgnlficanoy = 2J9,A dt,p = 0Jl1). Denslty of all cpeciescomiined near the bcutbos*as artlncial and narurl rcefs (t = 3fi6,A df' P = 0.005)' Psasity(No./$m te) waten BEl.lnflc ' Cot utto'l tvlEAl.t SE MEAl.r SE - Richncss Spccics Warzn Belrmc CoutMN ARTIFICIALREETS a 8A (r2S) e.6 QS'n 5E3 (4?.e) &s.4(17.O 0 0 0 41.6''(11.79) 4 IE 4?.e0r5) r4a 04.E) 1 IE 0 0 4203(955) 50.0ea7) 30.6(ra) r2-t (&2) I xrs (5:) rE125 (ULre) 0 0 t3$ (5ae) 6a5 (6.25) lJ(Mr) la{3 (5{?o) 327 (rtst) ToceyPincsAR Pcadlcton AR Ntn/pofi BcechAR l-d Harbor Brcaloater - insitlc a 6 3 7 Lrd HartorBrcrFatcr - outside King HartorBrclkratcr Hernca BcrchAR Marina Dcl ktAR Pit$ Poiot AR Rinot Oilbbnd MErr{ (sE) 5 3 2 2 a.l (0J0) 0 0 0 I NATT,RALREEFS Mrrinc Strlct Rcaf bJolla Cot/eRccf Del Mar Rtcf Ban Xclp l.lsPulFs Rccf BorCropl Srn Ooofre ' Mril sen onofre IGIP'North Srn Mrtco F'clP TroMrn Rocl f.eguor Bcrcb North Pclicrn Poiat Poi$t Vicaltc Doo'r Dive Thcre Flet Roclt Rincon KclP MEA!{ (SE) 3 3 3 2 2 I 2 I 3 1 3 5 3 1 0 2/ (03r) 83 (63) 63 (3O) 0 26458 (l{&95) 0 u458 0C.0e) 0 0 0 0 10.42(5.'t0) 10.42(E3o) 0 t0r2 (5.'12) 0 0 ' 25ln (1336) Lj3 (8-?3) 0 ?7.?(t t) nJ $730) 83 (45) fi (?!2) c3 (4.4) 50o (34t) 47.9 (41O) rt8 (165) 3 0 I 0 0 0 D l4 3 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 2.1el) 16? (14.4) 2"1(ar) 125.0(?3.7) r8t (tor) rt8 (s8) ns (aa ce Gll) 191 I I CbaperS year; since there is yearly variation in reqnritmeut successfor many species (Stepbenset al. 1986),the 1986 surveywill not be representativeof all years' Nonetheless,the surveydemonstatesclearly that fish recnrit to artificial reefs; in fact-artifici"l reefsnigbt provideparticularlysuitablesettlementsites. Marine fish populationsare sometimesregardedas either habitat/resourcepopulationsocsurin a lirnited or recnritment-limited.Habitat-or resource-limited ,,saturated"environment in which existing individuals utilize nearly all of the essentialresources.Under theseconditions,additionalindividualscan only survive and reproduce if more resourcesbecome available. In recnriunent'limited populations,in contrast,the size of the populationis determinedby the numberof individuals that zurvive the planktonic stage. Thus, when condidonsare more to favorable(e.g.,more food and/or fewerpredaton)' more individualswill survive settleon reefs,and the populationwill increase. fsb' We do not know if babitatlimits the populationsof mosttemPeratereef For example' but proponentsof artifrcial reefsoften implicitly assgmethat it does' attraEtedto an it is sometirnesargUedthat it does not matter if fish are simply artificial reef will artificial reef, becausea fish leavinga natural reef to moveto an which another Ieave a 'space" or "oppornrniqf behind on the natural reef into to artifrcial reefs individual will recnrit and grorn;by this reasoningevenattrastion only valid if the fish will result in higher fub production However,this scenariois emigrationto a population is babitat-linited. In a recnritment-limitedpopulatioa r92 I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I l I T I I T I I I I I I I I I I Artificial rccfs Dewhabitatwould havelittle effeeton the total uurnberof fish recnritswouldbe avarlableto fill the "space"left behind. on a reef becatseno few (uzually snall) Tbere is evidencethat habitat may be liniting for a the recnritmeutof temperatereef fish. For example,shelteravailabilityinfluenced Destsitesinfluenced the blue-banded golqv&ytWtuts dalli)(Bebrents1987),8d nichoki) on a the number of breeding male blackeye gobies (Coryphoptmts suchas blaclsmith and SouthernCalifornia reef @reitburg 1987). Otber species, nestingor rubianda), mayalsobe timited by the availabilityof garibaldi(Hypsypops sbeltersites(seeBray 1981,Clarke1970)' However,therehavebeennosnrdiesonhabitatlimitationfortbevast is no evidencethat habitat majority of temperatereef species,and thereforethere There are numerousstudies limits temperatereef 6sh populationsin general' rather tban indicating tbat coral reef fish populationsare recnritmeDt-limited that 1986),whichsuggests habitat-limited(e.g.,Williams 1980,Doherty1983,Victor facL Doherty and Williams (in the samenigbt be tnre of temperatereef fish' Iu pcipulations'including those in press)have arguedthat the dynamicsof reef fish by fluctuatioasin recruitment temperatecoastalregions,wilt be stronglyinfluenced timiting the higherdensitiesof If resources(but not babitat) are sometimes detrimental' By concentratinga young-of-yearon artificial reefs could acnrallybe othenvisedispene to less crowded large number of young'of-yearthat "night of a cobort of recnritsrnight be survivorship and growtb post-settlement habitats, the reef wasnot tbere' lower on an artificial reef tbanit wouldbe if 193 Cbapter 8 We needto loow muchmoreaboutthe populationdyaarnicand community interacdonsof tenperate rocky-reeffish than we Presentlyknow before we will be able to determine tbe relative importance of tbese different factors. The uncertaintyabout the facton that are linriting fish populadonsleadsto uncertainty of resruitmeut to artificial reefs. Even if fish recnrit to about the consequences ardficial reefsin substantialnumbers,constructingan artificial reef wilI not result in elsewhere' higberfish productionif the recmis would havebeenequallysuccessful 8JJ Growth Some information on the growth of fish on an artificial reef has been collectedby Dewees(1970,Deweesand Gotshall 1974)on a 30 m x 8 m reef constructedfrom tires. ThirteentaggedcopPerrocldsh grewan averageof'273 mm younger over 191 dap. Diet information suggeststhat somefish, especiallythe ones,fed on organismsthat grewon the artificial reef' is Most of the evidenceon the contributionof artificial reefsto growthof fisb reefs indirect Severatsttrdiesbave shownthat organismsthat ocetrron artificial Turner er were important itemsin the dietsof somespecies(Pearceand Chess1968, (Hueckel al. Lgilg,Lindquistet aI. tg85). The work by Hueckeland his colleagues providessomeof the 1980,Hueckcl and Stayton1982,Buckleyand Hueckel 1985) to fish growth. It best evidenceto date for the contribution of an artincial reef reef, at leastsomeof demonstratesthat, while fish are in the vicinity of an artificial it is not clear tbem receivesubstantialPortioDsof their diet from &e reef' However' weeksor months'c:m what proportionof the overalldiet of the fish, averagedover on an artificial reef for be attributedto tbe artificial reefs,sincefish might forage 194 I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I T I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I Adficial tcefs an artifrcialreef only a few dap beforemwing to otber areas;evenfsh capturedon couldhaveobtainedfood from natgralrockysubstrates(Hueckel1980)' reef' othersdo Although somefisb on artificial reefsappearto feed on.the York and Soutb not. Eleven speciesof fish collectedfrom artifrcial reefsoff New faunafor food (Steimleand Carolinawere not highly dependentoDreef'associated witb Torrey PinesArtificial Reef Ogren 1982). Diet informationfor fuh associated fish were (=Bureaucrat Reef) in SouthernCalifornia also indicated tbat some. (Daviset aL'1982)' eatinglargenumben of animalsfrom the surroundingsandarea is tbat anificial reefswill attractfsb as long as there Mottet (1981)hassuggested of foodon the reefitselfis not essential' adequatefoodnearbythe presence artificial reefs is Much more detail about tbe feedingbehaviorof fsh on to groutth' Even needed to determine how much artificial reefs contribute somefood for some Hueckel's snrdies,which indicate that artificial reefs funish quantitativeestimateof the fish, doesnot providetbe informationneedeilto makea informationcould increasein fish biomassdue to an artificial reef' The necessary to measgrefish movements' be gatheredftom time/energ budges,t^gsng sttrdies gut-contentandforagingbehaviorsnrdies'etc" 833 Natural mortalitY assumedto be higher than Suwival of fsb on artificial reefshasoften been complex refuge from predation' on nanrral reeB becausetbe forner offer a higber on artificial reefs' and these However,the densitiesof predatorsare also on the reefs' DependingoDthe predatorsprobablyincreasethe risk of predation 195 'l Chapter 8 I small fisb could be relative strenglhsof thesetwo oPposingfactors,mortality of been an attemptto either increasedor decreased.Unfornrnately,there bas never t measruesurvivorshipon artificial reefs. I I I I E2.4 Fishing mortalitY mortality may Many fish speciesexperiencemortality due to fishing' Fishing artificial reefs attract be partiorlarly important for fish on artificial reefs because reef comparedto anglers,so frshingpressureis oftenmuchheavierover an anificial artificial reefs simply a nanrral reef (Turner et al. 1969,Matthews 1985)' If' on the fish stocksin a conce1tratedfishing efforl they would haveno net effect (CPIJE)is frequentlyhigheron artificial reefs'and region- However,anglersuccess expendedin an areaand this maylead to an inc:easein bo& the total fishingeffort the biomassof fish han'estedfrom the ocean' reeft is evenlnore The potentiallyheavymortality due to fishingon artificial reeB are considered'Fast important whenthe frsh attractionpropertiesof artificial to artificiat reeft' but not in and Pagan(1974)found that fish movedfrom natural to an artificial reef was the other diredion Similar unidirectional movement Solonsky1985)' Out of the 272 detestedat Monterey,California (Matthews1985, that were recapturedawayfrom fish taggedin the Monterey study,all of the fisb natural reefsto the artificial reef- An their original rocationhad movedfrom the to the nanrrarreef could haveresulted absenceof movementfrom the artificiar reef reef' so that fish that movedto the from the high fishing Pressureon the artificial by the fishingmortalitywassuggested artificial reef were cipnrred by anglers' High 196 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I t I I I I I I I I I I I T Artificial rcefs snrdy were caugbt by fact the gTVo of.the fsh recapnred in the Monterey (Matthews1985). sportEsbermen reefsmay drarnatically The MontereysnrdysuggesBtbat fishingon artificial of fishingwould dependon lower tbe survivorshipof fish on the reefs. The impact to nanrral reeft and the urany factors, including fishbg Pressurerelative on artificial reefswill impact charaeteristicsof different species. Clearly,fisbing gobiesand blacksmith'are not different speciesdissimilarly. Somespecies,sucbas by fshing' Fishingmortality caughtby fisherrrenand so are unlikelyto be affected suchas kelp and sandbass' is potentially very important for manyother species, time and place' Fishing The impaa of fishing will vary accordingto species, pressurecouldalsobe controlledwith restrictiveregulations' on two sPatid scales' Mortality due to fuhing could affect fish production mortatitycouldreducethe From the standpointof an individualreef,higherfishing it might not have regional' or amougt of fsh produced on the reef, although greatertotal However,if artificial reefslead to a population-wide,consequences. they couldresultin lower standing bionass of fish berngharrrestedfrom tbe ocean, California'wherema$ystockare stocks,partiarlarly in a locationsuchas Southbrn about overfrshing' By reducingthe heavilye:rploitedand there is alreadyconcero mortality causedby artificial reefs statrdingstocksof somespecies,higher fishing couldpotentiallyreducetheamountoffrshproducedinanentireregion 191 CbaPer t 825 Discussion i3sueof fish Application of tbe phrase"attractionversusproducdon' to the tbat attraction productionon anificial reeft is perhapsnisleadingbecatseit implies On very simple and production are munrally orclusive. This is not the case' maybe operating' artificial reefsor Fish Attracting Devices(FADs) attrastios aloue (and certainlythe Horvever,the existingevidencesuggeststhat most artificial reefs I I I t I I frsh production quarry rock reefs consideredhere for mitigativepurposes)increase but or productiono" to somedegree.The relevantquestionis not "is thereattracdon t reef (taking into rather \rhat is the net increasein frsh productionon an artificial to redize tbat an accountpossiblyincreasedfrshingmortality)." It is alsoimportant I not otbers' afiincial reef night increasethe productionof somespeciesbut I an artificial reef' There are no dataon the actualamountof fish producedon blacksmith' is almost The production of some specieq such as gobies and recnrit to artifrcial undoubtedlyincreasedby anificial reefs. Both of thesespecies gobiesat leastare so reefsin southerncalifornia and neither is fshed; in addition' near tbeir settlementsites' sedentarythat they probably do all of their feeding recruitment-limited'artificid unless these small, sedentary,unfished speciesare I I I I I I I I I I reefsincreasetheir Production comPonentsof fish production However,for otber speciestbe gairs in some For manysoutberncalifornia might be reducedor eliminatedby lossesin others' cenainlyincrease{ buJwe do not fisb species,somecomPoneatsof productionare increasesmight be discountedry' have enougbinformation to determinehow these in pbrtiorlarlyfhbing mortality'so overallchanges in other comPonents, decreases 198 t I I t I I I I I I I I l T I I I I T Artifieial rccfs datlvatus)afi produsdoncannotbe estimated.For exanPle,kelp bass(Pualfrru' that is obtained sandbassrecnrit to anificial reefs,but the ProPortionof tbeir food Thus' for most from artificial reefsis not knoum,and they both are heavilyfished' information about speciesin SoutbernCalifornia we do not have enoughspecific well enougb'to their use of artificial reefs, nor do we u1derstandtheir ecolosr by an artificial determinewbether(or to what degree)tbeir productionis increased reef. production Unfornrnately,the speciesthat we are confidenthaveincreased nor are they sPecies importantsPecies' on artificial reefsare not the economically there are wa)Eto that are likely to be'heavilyimpactedby SONGS' However' reefs. The principal reduce the uncertainty about fish production on artificial bowever' of an artificial reef is that it might increasefshing mortality; disadvantage or reef size or design fishing mortality can be controlledby restrictiveregulatiors to artificialreeBas (seesection85). Sincethereis evidencethat fishrecnritaswell are similaron artificial naturalreefsand that benthicorganisms(on whichfish feed) to concludethat artificialreefs and nanrralreefs(Arrbrose1987a),it is reasonable produsdon' of appropriatesize,designandlocationcanincreasefish will occur on artificial Even if it can be assumethat somefsb produAion pulPosesto estimatehow reefs,it is critically imponant for out-of-kindmitigation muchproductionresultsfromcorstructingareef.Estimatesoftheamountoffish producedonartificialreefsareneededtoestablishdefinitivelythesizeofreef in moredetailin section833' requiredfor mitigation;tbis subjectis discussed 199 Chapcr 8 In spite of the uncertaintyabout tbe amountof fish they produce,artificial reeft provide one of tbe few oppornrnitiesavailablefor enhancingnearshoreEarine resonrces,so they could be a valuabletechniquefor mitigatingunavoidablemarine losses.The challengewill be to insurethat the sizeand designof anificial reef ued for mitigation is appropriatefor the impact" 83 Designand Location With the caveatthat importantasPectsof fish productionhave not been adequatelyevaluated,and that gains in production could be negatedby heavy fishingpressureon artificial reefs,it seemsthat artificial reefscouldbe appropriate for mitigating resourcelossesor enhancingfish populations.If artificial reefsare to be achievetheseobjectives,important questionsaboui the appropriatedesignmust addressed. E3.1 Design I I I I I I I I I T I I The most commondistribution of materialsin artificial reeB in the United however'the Statesis to depositall of the reef materialin one place. In California' t piles' or modules' material for most rccent.reefs has been placed in discrete possibleadvantage separatedfrom eacbother by exparsesof sandysubstrate' One I (i.e. habitat along the of separatemodulesis that the amountof ecotonalbabitat is placcdin only sand/rockinterfacc) is higber than if the sameamountof material to test the importanceof one pile (Grant et a1.1982).lhere are few data available juvenilebarredsandbass' ecotonalareato fsb. However,higherdensitiesof older on the ecotone young-of-yearsenorita,and blackeyegoby (coryphoptmu nichoki) t I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T Aflificial rcefs 1987)suggestthat comparedto tbe crest of PendletouArtificial Reef (DeMaaini 'Fish densitiesin tbe sandareasbetweenmodulesat ecotoualarea is importantpAR were also highsl than in the surroundingsand area (DeMafiini 1987' during the Fall 1986 Andersond al. !ggg). In additiou,barredsaudbasssarrpled of all reefs (Ambrose surveywere found predominantlyat tbe sand/rockinterface modular and 1987a). unfornrnately, there has never been a shrdy comparing of modular "single-pile" reefs, so the Dature and extegt of tbe advantages construstioqif anY,are Dotknown. be maderegarding When desigUinga modularartificial reef, a decisionmust betweentbe moduleswill the appropriatedistancebetweenmodules.The distance andspecies influencethe degreeof movementof fish betweenmodules'the density effectiveareaof the reef' compositionof fish in tbe areabetweenmodules,and the effests of different sPacing Unfornrnately, there have been no snrdieson the Game constnrctedan pafien$. Recently, c,alifornia Department of Fish and by differentdistances'and artifrcial reef with two setsof modulesthat are seParated this inlormationshouldbe availablein the future' have been oonstructedfrom Most of tbe artifrcial reefs in SouthernCalifornia a nanrralsubstrate'and it is quarry rock Quarry rock basthe advantageof being of the reefsincludedin the Fall relativelyineryensivein California However'two of the communitieson these 1986suweywere madefrom concrete.A comparison reefs built from quarry rock is concretereefs to communitieson four roclcpile found on the concretereeBwas presentedin Table 8-?. The numberof fish species but the overall density of fisb was slightly higher than on the rockpile reefs, are large)' The dersity of young-ofsomewhatlower (althoughthe standarderrors of tbe densityon rockpileree$' year Esh on concretereefswaslessthan a third 207 Chaptcr 8 Algae and iuvertebratesalso occurredat corsistentlylower densities.The concrete the reefs were relatively deep, which confoundsany analysisof the influence of provide concretealoue. Nonetheless,thesedata suggesttbat concretereefsmight somewhatfewerresogrcesfor fish which couldaffectfish production' Table &7 t rcckpllc rccfs T\vo concretc rcefs Ncnport Bcscb ald Hcnoss B'8cb) atrd four (Ambrcse (Torrey Pines, Pendleton;Marins Del Rey and Pttss Point) nrcr=sampled point contaa't 1987a). Percent cover information nas collec'ted using a randoo lu Dor mr I mctho4 algal and invertcbrate densities wtr: colletcd using dctallcd quadmts, ioa nrU inforuatioa ras collectcd from visual transccts: methods arl prcscnted in Anbrose (19t7a). I - RooenE- MEAI.I SE MEAI.I SE L2 00 1.0 6..1 1.0 LJ3 0.60 425 6.9 3051 632 632 431 l:}io raJ4 zrs 3109 y2 05 lmJ 4.15 168 5n1 19L0 330 1780 106.9 AI.GAE TotalVo covcr of alg3lc Undsrstory kclp density (No-/100 rn2) INVERTEBRATES TotalVocotr of scssilcinwrtcbrates totd acasityof iavprtcbrates(No./n2) FISH Nunbcr of spccics BcathicDcositY- dl lifestagcs BcnthicDcasitY' Youag-of'Ycar 2W t I Comparison of concneteand roclspile reefs' - Coxcrere- I I I I I I I I t t I I I t T I I T I T I I t I I I t T I I I I I Aniscial rcsB fish species Reef beigbtmaybe imponantfor attractingor supponingertain in otber snrdies(see (sucbas blacksmith);its importancehasalsobeensuggested tbat the relief and height of PAR Mottet 1981). Jesseeet al. (1985)suggested natural reefs' contributedto tbe high fisb densitieson PAR comparedto nearby the densityof Data from the 1986srwey suggesttbat reef height nigbt influence Hgrt"t artificial reefs somespecies(Ambrose1987a),but there is no evidencethat of many fuh produce more fish. Patton et a!. (1985)suggestthat tbe densities artificial reefs may speciesare "saturatingfunctioru"of reef height,so that tall wayof producing andmaynot providea cost-effective actuallybe 'over-engineered" be more important fish. It seetrlsthat a varietyof heightsin an artificial reef might of micTohabitats than maximumheight of the reef, since the increaseddiversity possibitty has not been might have a greater effect on fsb productioq but this snrdied. likely to play an The srustural complexityof an anificial reef is also reef (Smitb4 al' t979)' important role in determiningthe densitiesof fsh on the artificial reef could The variety of microhabitaa existing on a large, complex reef' On a smaller scale' a increasethe number of speciesthat reside on the refugesfor many species' The stnrcturally complot reef could provide abundant blacksmith'aPPearsto benefit most commonfish speciesin the Fall 1986suney' rely on holes and crevicesfor from the complexity'of artificial reefs: blacksmith et al' tg89)' andartificial reeB shelter(EbetingaadBray tg76,Bray1981,Anderson haveabundantsbeltersitesintheintersticesoftheirrocks.Altboughstructural has not been a thorougb sildy complexityseemslikely to be important' there of fuh on artificialreefs'so it is not relatingit to the productioqor evendersities, ChapcrS possibleto predict the effectsof high or low structuralcomplexity,or the influence of different t)?es of complexity. t32 lacation The site chosenfor an artificial reef may be more importarrt&an the design of the reef (Ogawa1982). Two aspectsof reef location tbat could influencetbe communitiesthat occur on a reef are the deptb of the reef and its proximity to nailral reefs. The depth of a reef can havea substantialinfluenceon the communitythat developson ir In somelocations,shallowreefs may not be feasibtebecauseof navigationalsafetyconsideratiors;otherwise,a wide rangeof depthsis available' In th. p.rt, most of C-aliforniaDepartmentof Fish and Game'sanificial reefswere constructedin water that was at least 20 m deep. More receutly, california Department of Fish and Game has constnrctedree& in relatively sballowwater' includingPAR (15 n) and the PitasPoint Artifrcial Reef (11 m). The mostobviots differencebetweendeepand shallowartifidal reeb is the high abundanceof algac fisb on shallor reefs, especiallytbe kinds of algae that are likely to enhance glay enhance fish populations (Ambrose 1987a). Maaocystis.which also In populations,g.ew only on tbe shallow artificial reefs zuweyedin Falt 1986' higber on addition, the densityof somebenthic fisb, includingyoung'of-year,was shallowreefs. of their shallowdepth breaknratershad someof Perhapsas a consequence 1986survey' the higbestabundanccs.ofalgaeseenon artificial reefs in the Fdl I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Arti6cial rceB Tbe diversiryand Three of the four artificial reefs witb kelp were breakrvaters' than on the other artificial densityof fub on breakrvatersalso tendedto be higher of sport fish young-of'year and nan[al reefs. For example,the highestdersities of fsh in the watel occured on breah*'aters. In additioq the higbestbiomass tbat a breaktrater' columnon artificial reefs occulredon brealflr'ates. It appears a rich and abundatrtfisb tlpe configurationmight be an effectiveway to generate evaluatewhich aspectsof fauna However,there is not enoughinformation to t brealwaten contributemostto their biologicalcommunities' I I I T of that occurson a reef will dependon the deptb Sincetbe fish assemblage a depththatwill developthe the reef, an artificial'reef shouldbe corstructedat informationto predictprecisely desiredassemblage.At Present,thereis not enough different depths. California the communities that will develop on reefs at l' I I I t I I t a seriesof experimental Departmentof Fish and Game hasrecentlyconstructed JJ m deep'so informationfor artificial reefswith setsof modulesbetween15m and Orrrently' it seernsmost tbat depth range should be arrailablein tbe future' for in-kind replacementof reef reasonablethat an artificial reef constn'rcted the impactedreef; there is not resourcesbe placed at about the samedepth as the depthsof reefs constructedfor enougbinformation to developguidelinesfor out-of-kindmitigation the distanceto tbe nearest A secondaspectof reef placementconcerns in relativelyurstructuredhabitas' such placed are reefs artificial Most reef. nanrral from nanrralreefs' Althoughtliis isolated is that location a in bottorns, as'sandy reefs ability to attract frsh' and is type of location may maximizean artificial ' 205 Chapter t it is oot frequentlycited as a criterion for siting a reef to be usedto enhancefishbg necessarilytbe bestlocationfor mitigativ: purPoses. The Only nro reefs in Catifornia havebeea constructednear nanral reeB' enhance San Irris ObrspoCounty Artifrcial Reef (S[,OCAR), which was built to ready roclfish recnritment, was constructednear Danrralroclry regions to allorv Pitas Point colonization and movement of speciesocanpyingroclsy habitats' in Artificiat Reef (formerly called Ventura Artifrcial Reef) was coustnrcted For species relatively shallowwater approximately500 m from a naturalkelp bed' have little with planktonic larrrae, distance to a nanrral reef would probably juvenilesand influenceon recruitmentto an artificial reef. However,movementof reefs' The adul6 would be facilitatedry the closeprorimity of artificial and nanrral of species proximity of a nanrral reef would also be important for the recnritment over sbort that are live'bearing (such as surfperch)or have larrraethat disperse reacb an isolated distances. Specieswith linited dispersalmay find it difEcult to only dispenesover artifrcial reef. In partiorlar, gant kelp (MacrocysisWifem) g2j2)' and the failure of short distancesunder most,cirqrmstances(see Section to the lac* of in kelp recnritment on most existingartificial reefsmay be due Part PitasPoint' which is nearbykelp beds. (In this regard' it is intcrestingto note that brealsrater that zuppora near a kelp be4 is the only qnificial reef that is not a kelp bed would greatly kelp.) Positioningan artificial reef adjacentto an existing artificial reef (see section enhancetbe probability of establisbingkelp on the fishing gl;L2). Placingan artificial reef near a nafiral reef might also reducetbe reef would provide adjacent pressureon the artifrcial reef becausethe natural frshiugsites. 26 I I I t I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I l t I t I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I ertificid rcefs 833 Size reef One of tbe most critical decisionsaboutreef designinvolvesthe sizeof needed that will be requiredto achievea certainlevel of resources.The sizeof reef to the to mitigate a partianlarimPactdependson the quantityof resourceslost due amountof i-p".t, and the resourcesthat will be providedby the artificial reef. The reef is resourceslost canuzuallybe estimated,but the productivityof an artificial on artificial diffrcult to predict becauseof the uncertaintiesabout fish production usedto estimatethe sizeof reefsneeded reefsin general.In addition,the processes for in-kind versusout-of'kind mitigationare differint' reef one approachto the problem of determiningthe size of anificial to require 1:1 neededas in-kind uritigationfor damagesto a naturalreef would be reef impacted'a replacementof habitat area; that is, for everyhectareof natural assumesthat hectare of artificial reef would have to be built' This approacb reef and productionper gnit areawould be the sameon the replacemeil artificial reef that rnimi6 $s tbe natural reef. It seemsreasonabletbat an artificial would produceas trlany charaeteristiGof an inpacted nanral reef (includingsize) nany different tlpes of resourcesas the nan[a] reef. A large reef could furnisb it could supPorta habita6 and microhabitats. Placedin an appropriatelocatio& invertebrates,tberebyprovidingfood for a of algaeand associated rich assemblage numberof fish sPecies. reefs,we might be If we knewmore aboutthe productionof fish on artificial replaceall of the lost resources' ableto build a smalleranificial reef that wouldstill 207 Chapter 8 The biomassdensity(i.e.,weightPer unit area) of fuh is higberon artificial reefs (1) fisb than on mnrral reefs (Table 8-8; Asrbrose 1987a). If we assumethat production per unit area is Proportioualto biomassdensity,and (2) large artificial ree& will have the sameaveragedensitiesas the small artificial reeB surveyedby !o Ambrose(1987a),then a smallerartificial reef might suffrce.However,there are data to indicate tbat either of thesetwo as$mPtionsare true' The smaller size that an artificial reef canbe constnrctedto produceresources estimatepresupposes that at a higber dersity tban the na$ral reef it replaces.In fact, it doesseemlikely produced' differentdesignfeanres of artifrcialreefsaffectthe amountof resources potential and that thesefeanrrescouldbe manipulatedto maximizethe production of possiblerelationships(e'9" of a reef. Someof the existingdata are suggestive basedon Secdon83.1 and Ambrose198?a),but theseare untestedrelationships expected densities"and there are no data on the amount of.productionthat couldbe the from a partictrlar design At this point, there is no evidenceto supPort a nanrd construstionof an artificial reef that is smallerthan the areaimpactedon reef. that to build an'artificial reef To insrre adequatemitigation' it maybe necessary artificid reef on is larger than the areaimpactedon a nanrralreef' Becarsean the nanre of the fish nrch a scale has not been buitt, it is diffigult to predict very large artifrcid reef comnunity that would developon one. Fish densitieson a reefsbecausethe would probablynot be as higlr as on the existingsmallerartificial there is no information area of attraction would be proportionately smaller; if the artificial reef is to availableon how fish productionmight vary' Furthermore' about establishinga kelp supportgrantkelp (see Chapter9), there is uncertainty Giventhese bed andthe kelp probablywouldnot coverthe entirereef' 208 I I I I I I I I t rl I I I I I I I I t I T I I I t t I I I l I I I I I I t I Attificial rccfs artiticialandnaturalreefs' stoch"rJil:fi|o" standing Estimated stocl ras cstlnrtcd by slzc of rccf and biomassdcDsttyue fmn Anbruc (19&r.). ststdirg C6." n"nt"at-r-ctt rcr: samplcd$ 2 or nultiptyiug bionassdcasltyon I rycf b-y1b. ;1z" "i-th3Ji. rleosltyfor tbc sltcsms uscd' bionass 3 sltas;to cstltDstsstandlngstochfor thcset;G, ti;;o" - Ana (rra) Biomass BEttlnflCStandhg Dalr;tty (iil'T/ha) Stor* (Id:T) Werun@unm_Biomass Dauity Stnding Stock (Mtfiu) Urff) AKNFICIALREETS Tor:eyPincs AR PcndlctonAR Newport Bcach AR IA Hartior Brcalrwater outside lA Harbor Breakcater inside King Harbor Breakwater Hermosa BeachAR Mariu Del RcyAR Pitas Poht AR Rincon Oil Islald MEAI{ (SE) 0 0.000s 0 0.048 0 0.0001 0 0n8 2005 0.0R 0347 0.%2 0.061 0.ltf 0.ofi 0 0 0.012 0.621 0.tso 0.o25 0 0 0.005 0.&t 0J41(03{x) 0J1? (0.00s) 0I5o (0.0t7) 0.ln 05(B L958 0.18 1.40 581 0f65 0359 0.783 a.4n tnL 4:t5 0.42. 3.86 o24 032 0.45 281 0244 0'252 0.la1 0.620. 0,2,r 2.2oJs) 0n 0.'{$l (0lf6t) NATT,RALREETS Marirc Strcct Rccf LaJolla CorcRecf Del Mar Rccf BaraIGlp hs Pulgs Rccf Box Can)tm San Onofrc KclP MaiD (4-1) San Onohe I(eIP North (m2) SanMatco KclP a4.m $Jn $"m 16Jn MEAN (SE) 4s540 0.174 0.164 0.ltt 37,36 I}.U0 t.162 0.r:n 2.m 0.1911 104.m l- o2e8 n92 0.404r 23.00 3Lm 55Un 680 gu (n7u 0.0121 l- 0.012 0.0uJ 0.001 0 0 0 0J5t 1 Foff/ 0.016J 0.193 0 0 0 e.058 t- 0578 o:ly2r 6l.8,v2 0.06?1 l-0.036 4J7o 0005J 0211 0399 0.495-l 0.%1 l- 0501 0.086J 'o3tl 4353 r2ffi 0.141 oMl 01 0363'1 TWo Man Roct LagrrnaBcach North Pclicaa Point Point Vicentc Don'tDir,eThere Flat Rock RiaconKclP 0.136r F o2m omJ 2A9 n6Mt 224 .s32003tv3) 32f2 0328 o.u6 l-0.s0 2w 0.m4J 0.m4 0.925 0Jr32(0J114) 3t3t e.m3) I Chapter 8 would be to build an uncertaintiesabout artificial reeB, the conservativeapproach reef' The MRC artificial reef that is larger than the impactedarea of the nanral for every t ha of has recommendedthat 15 ha of artificial reef be constructed a loss of 80 ha of nanral reef i6pacted (Appendh p); sincethe MRC estimates is recommended' kelp dueto the operationof SONGS,a 12$haartificialreef on artificial reefsmeansthat a large The lack of informationaboutProcesses should be viewed as artificial reef used to.mitigate impactsto a nanral reef it sucha reef wouldbe appropriatemitigationbecause experimental.Nonetheless, if it (1) mimicstbe is reasonableto expectthat it couldreplacelost reef resources location' and (3) is impacted reefs structure,(2) is placed in an appropriate sufEcientlylarge. Unlikethesinrationwithin.kindmitigatiorr'thereisnoclearlinkbetween to completelymitigatethose the Bight-widelossesof fish and the sizeof reef needed for developrngsucha link The loses. Furthermore,thereis no establishedmethod MRcestimatesthatg60.hahigb.reliefartificialreefwouldadequatelymitigatethe derivethis estimateis irnpactSof SONGSon midwaterfish; the procedureusedto presentedin APPendixD' t3.4 Cost quarry.rockartificial reef near San In general,the costsof corstructing a Departmentof Fish and Game bas Onofre are well known becausethe California 2r0 I I t I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I i I I I I I I T t I artifrcid rcefs 'tbeareabetween recentlybuilt a numberof reefsin this area. To constructa reef in DanaPoint andPendletonArtificiat Reef,tbe quarryrock would costaPproximately $30/toninstalled(DFG,penozal communication)' as well as Of course,the costfor any specificreef will dependon its design has been location. Neither of the two artificial reefs proposedas mitigation 'high-relief' and "lowdesignedin detail" althoughthey are roughly describedas have used relief;' reefs. To estimate the approximatecosts of these reefs' I an PendletonArtificial Reef (PAR) as the basisfor comparison'PAR has "vetage this to be a heightof 43 m (Ambroseand Anderson1989);I coruider marcimum the height high-reliefreef. In contrast,I considera low-reliefreef to be one-quarter to constnrct of PAR, and so it would use one'quarterthe amountof rOckneeded PAR. l from 10,000u.s. tonsof quarryrock' The total areaof PAR wasconstructed 3 ha; the rock PAR, inctudingthe sandareasbetweenits eightmodules,is about t sametopographyas itself coversaboutt ha. A high-reliefreef, constructedwith the about 1O000tons PAR and a maximumheigbtof about43 q would thereforeuse I I I I I t I It would cost$15of quarryrock/ha, costingabout$300,000/ba(or $12Om0/acre)' reef recornnendedby tbe 18 miltion to constnrctthe 6&ha high'relief artificial MRC asmitigationfor midwaterfisb impacs' as much rock as tbe A low-relief artificial reef would use only one'quarter (or $30,000/aoe)' It would higb-reliefreef, and so would costabout$75,000/ha artificialreef recommended costabout$g milrion to constnrclthe 12&halow-relief OnofreKelp forestcommunity' by the MRC asmitigationfor the impactsto the San 217 l Chapter 8 reel (Note: this cost does not include the cost of establishing kelp on the artificial which could be an additional $1-2 million) 8.4 Impacts to soft'bottom communities plains, Ardfrcial reeft are almost invariablyconstructedon extensivesandy viewed as typically at great distancesfrom rock bottorn, becausethese areasare modification' being generallyunproductive,and hence most amenableto habitat soft-bottom However, artificial reefs could adversely impact the existing beneatbthe communitiesin severalways. Finq the infauna (organismsthat live For most surfaceof the sediments)directlybeneathan artificial reef will be buried' this losswould reeb tbe actual area of soft-zubstratecoveredis relativelysmall' so reefs could not be very greaf although the cgmulativeeffect of many artificial wave and current evennrally be substantial. Second,artificial reeB can alter of the patterns (Iurner d at.1969),resllting in changesin the pbysicalstrudure sensitive)' There nearbysoft-bottomhabitat (to which infaunalorganismsare very on tbe srrrounding is some evidencesuggestingthat the effectsof artificial reefs ($U norcd shallowsco-ur soft-bottomhabitat may be very tocalized. Daviset at' Artifrcial Reef in Table ceffectsup to 15 m from BureaucraticReef (TorreyPines grain size or 1), but there were no measurableeffects on sand rippte Pattems' predatorsassociatedwith a reef organic carbonbeyondthe scouredareas. Third, Finally' coDstrudion may feed on the organisrnsthat live in the adjacentsediments' suitablehabitat for flatfish and of an artificial reef could resurtin the reductionof potentially detracting from their other fisb associatedwith soft-bottom habitats, below under the general populations. Theselast two possibleeffectsare discltssed topicsofinfarrnalarrdepifaunalorganismsandfshpopulations. 2L2 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t i I I t I I I I I T I I t I I I I I t Artificid resfs 8.4.1Infaunal8nd epifaunalolganisms were affectedby Daviset at.(Lg82)found tbat only two taxa'both epifaunal' from within 30 m of BureaucratReef. Seapens(Stylatutoetongata)wereeliminated grazi\gby reef-associated tbe reef, and reducedin densityuP to 80 m away,due to s DiopAra splendidissittuand D' ontata fisbes. Tbe nrbe-dwellingpolycbaete with distanceftom experiencedincreaseddensitiesnear the reef' No relationsbip category;in all cases' the reef was detectef for anVinfagnal speciesor taxonomic from the reefs was more variability betweensamplescollectedthe samedistance collectedat different sites important than differencesbetweengroupsof samples infaunal populationsare les along traDsects. Davis et al.'sdata suggestthat witb anificial reeB than large' sessileepifauna sersitiveto disturbancesassociated in SouthernCaliforniapermit They suggesttbat the life historiesof manyinfauna rapidrecolonizationofareasdisnrrbedbyreefcoDstructiotr. Reef' conductedin A similar snrdyof infauna aroundPendletonArtifrcial Tbe effectof in AmbroseandAnderson(1989'in prep')' Fall 1986,is summarized ornata was most obvious;Diopatra the reef on the nrbe-dwellingworm Diopatta For all other speciesand occurredonly near the modules Qrcnonalobseruation)' betweendensityand distanceftom taxonomicgrouP$ no consistentrelationship wereno consi$entdifferencesamongtbe modulewasdetected.Furtberurore,there insboreand offshoresidesof the reef' transectsplacedon the uPcoast'downcoast' doesnot dranatically affect infauna suggestingthat cgrrent and/or spell exposure may haveobscuredsomeeffects,but densities. High variability amongreplicates tbe effect of PAR on adjacentinfaunal the data from this sildy suggestthat densitiesis smdl. 2t3 Chaptcr 8 t.42 Fish PoPulations Becauseartificial reefs could result in the reduction of suitablehabitat for flat6sh, the constnrctionon an artifrcial reef migbt be expectedto bave a negative reefs effect on residentflatEshpopulations. Walton (1982)hasshorrnthat artificial can actually enhancefladsh populations; however, his reefs were specifrcally artifrcial designedwith semi-enclosedstnrchres tbat are rarely incorporatedinto not frnd reefs. A zubsequentsnrdyby the WashingtonDepartmentof Fisheriesdid placedin a an increasein flatfish densitysurroundingconcretereefsthat were not reef with the appropriate semi-enclosed Pattern(Hueckel1981). It seemsthat a flatEsb designfeaturesmay result in increasedflatEsh populations,but otherwise populationsare not likely to be enhancedby anifrcial reefs. virnnlly no Exceptfor the sfirdiesby Walton andHuec;kelon fladsh, there is populations' infornation about the effect of an artificial reef on resident fish the proportion of Obviorsly, an artifrsial reef removessomesandhabitat; however' that tbey would habitat coveredby anificial reefs is so small tbat it seemsunlikely fsbes' significantlyaffecttbe overallstandingstockof sand'associated areaby allowing Artifrcial reefs could increasethe dersity of fish in a sandy to occur in otherwise reef-associatedfish that feed in soft'bottom habitats of fish on an artifrcial inaccessibleareas. Tbere are no data comparingthe density the reef wasconstnrcted' reef to the densityof fish tbat occurredin the areabefore of frshin the areaaroundthe Honrcver,DeMartini (1987)hasestimatedthe density that extendedto 75 m away PendletonArtificial Reef modules. on tno traltsects closeto the modules'but no fish ftom the modules,fisb were found on the sand 214 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I Artificial recfs I I T I t I I I I I I data suggestthat were observedbetweeg 30 m and 75 m oD tbese transests' These for a sandybotton fisb density near the Eodules was somewhathigher than normal but that this effect did not extend beyond 30 n' 85 Overall Evaluation reefs for There are still questionsabout &e suitability of using artificial that occurson mitigatioq mostly revolvingaround the amogntof fisb production to produce fish, artificial reefs. Artificial reefs have frequently been assumed reefs in the althoughthere have been no srudiesof frsb production of artificial it is knorm that marine environmentto substantiatethis assumption In facL aboutthe productionof fisb artificial reeft attrastfisb, but someof tbe assumptions For this reason'it on artificial reefsare questionableor scientificallyunsupported' artificiat reefs(reviewed is importantto considerthe evidencefor fish productionon of thisevidence'I believe in Anbrose 1986a,t987aandthis chapter).In the context by settingconstraintson that the uncertaintycan be reducedto acceptablelimi6 of the conceroscan be how an artificial reef is usedin mitigatiou and that naDy t tracedtotwoprevailingasPec6ofmostartificialreeB. I I I I I I Fist'mostartificialreefsareDotbuiltlikenaturalreefs.Quarryrockisthe elsewbere'Instead'@rs' ships' material of choicein Califorqiq but is rarely used be used'and virrually etc' 111ay tires, appliances,concreterubble, discardedtoilets, an artificial reef' There are anypile of junk on the oceanbo$om canbe considered from piles these materials legitimate questionsabout whetber reeft constructed prefabricatedree$' sucbasfiberglass produceas manyfish as nanrralreefs. E-ven not immediatelyobvioushow much reinforcedplasticreefs,are so differentthat it is 215 I Cbaptcr 8 t constructed fish production.theywillsupPorLFgrthermole,manyaltificiat reeB are from most as discrete Eodules or iD other configuratioDstbat differ markedly fish canbe natural reefs. Careful scientificsnrdyis neededto determinebow nany producedby theselnnatural'artifrcial reefs. reefs Secondmost artificial reefsare small,muchsmallerthan mostnafirral artificial and that would be impactedby coastaldevelopmeut(seeTable 8-8)' Botb proportion of fish natural reefsprobablyattract fsh, and it seemsprobablethat the for small reefs' on a reef that have been attracted to tbat reef will be higher on nautical Furtbermore, small artifrcial reefs, which are almost alwaysmarked artificial reefs charts,attract fishermenaswell as fish. Fishermenare attractedto efforts and the becausea small reef size allovrsfishergrento concentratetheir success' A large higher densitiesof fish on artificial reeft provide higher fishing would havelower artifrcial reef would Presumablyattract fewer fsh per ha and so becausethey might frsb densities. Sucba reef might be lessattradive to fisbermen the large size would aot catcb fish as quickly as on a small artificial ree! and large artificiat reef precludeconcentratisgfishingmortality in a smallarea Thus' a would rninimi-e the potential negativeasPecBof artifrcial increasedfishingmortality imposedon fish populations' reefsby mirrimizingtbe Itscemsreasonabletoconcludethatanartificialreefthatperfectlymimicsa many frsh as the nanral reef' Danrralreef would, given enoughtime, producc as statemenc givenenougbtime Note that there are two qualiffing conditionsto this andperfectlyrnimickinganailralreef.We}nowlittleabouthowmuchtimeis pendleton Artificial Reef suggestthat 10 years or more needed;observationson a higb degreeof similarity to a may be required before an artificial reef acbieves 2t6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I t I I l I I I I I T t I I I I I I I I Arti$cial rccfs mimicking a Banral similar natural reef (see Ambrose and Anderson 1989). As for providing the physical reef, the assumption is tbat function follows foru' i.e., that of the resources stnrcture on the ocean bottom will lead to the development on an artificial reef are Decessalyfor fisb production' and tbe resogrcesthat develop same location' Agai& the same as would have developed on a nanrral reef at tbe will be to mimic an this assumption seemsreasonable if not Proven. The challenge of lost resources' impacted nanral reef well enoughto provide in'kiDd replacement rritigation' By Arrificial reefs could be used for either in-kind or out-of-kind (including fisb) are making tbe leasonable assumption that similar resources exactll' how much fish produced on similar reefs, we can avoid having to know it to be used as in-kind production occurs on an artificial reef in order to allow approach can be taken mitigation. But there are definite constraintson how far this reef for use as out-of-kind Most importantly, it cannot be used to design an artificial to know' in absolute terms' mitigation. For out-of-kind mitigatioA it is necessary trade off with the dissimilar how many new resourceswill be produced in order to is a seParate'difficult lost resources. (The procedure used to decide the trade-of reefs are discussedbelow' probleuu) These nro possible applications of artificial E5.1 In.kind replacementof reef resources AttheSanonofreNuclearGeneratingStation,thereefresorrrcestbatareat bed' specifically giant kelp' benthic risk are the resourcesin the San Onofre Kelp The main criteria for deciding whether it algae and invertebrates, and kelp bed fish. these resourcesare: (1) Are tbe is feasible to 'se an anificial reef to replace 217 I I Chaptcr 8 (2) Can resourceson artificial reefssimilar to the resourcesthat will be lost? And theybe producedto equalthe losses? reefsare A number of snrdieshaveindicatedthat comnunities on artificial weregenerally similar to thoseon natlsal reefs. Algal and invertebrateassemblages algaeand similaron the two qpes of reefs(Ambrose1987a).Becausethe benthic found olr an invertebratesare sessileor sedentary,the production of individuals on an artificial artifrcial reef cansafelybe assignedto the reef. Producingglantkelp and located reef will be discussedin detail in Chapter9, but a properly designed artificial reef shouldbe ableto supPorta kelp bed' on artificial and nanrral . For fistr, the speciescompositionof assemblages artificial reefs' reefs is generallysimilal, and speciesrichnessis at least as ligh on (if any) of fish As discgssedin this chapter and elsewbere,the absoluteamount on the produced on artifrcial reefs remains unknorvn'but undoubtedlydepends that artificial reefs specificreef and speciesof fish involved. It hasbeenestablished hasalsobeen someaspectsof fish production,suchas fish recruitmenL It "ol-o we do not knorvthe establishcdthat masy speciesfeed on artifidal reef$ althougb degreeto which growthmight be enhanced' Theaboveinformationindicatesthatartificialreefscouldprovideresour@s reef resources'but the question tbat are nritable for in-kind replacementof natural Mary of the differences of fuh (urd otber resource)productionis stitl unresolved' influence fish producdon are between artificial and nanral reefs that could is that frsh on artificial reeft may dependenton the sizeof the reef. One difference shorttime beforemovingto another be more transieut,only stayingon the reef for a 218 t I I I t t t I t I I I I I I I I t I I l I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I Arti6cial rcefs found on artificial r'eefsare site; in additiorUit is likely that many of tbe fisb migbt be minimizedon a large temporarily attractedto the ree&. This problem the relative z)ne of attraction ardficial reef, where the large size would reduce yariety of habitatsmight increasethe around tbe reef, and tbe size and gfeater differenceis that predationmay residencetime of fisb found ou the reef. A second densityof predatorson these be higher on artifrcial reefs becauseof tbe higb* higb densitiesof fish on artificial reefs. However,if attractionis contributingto the of atl fish species'including reefs,large artificial reefsshouldhavelorver dersities is often higher on artificial predators,than small reefs. Finally, fishing Pressure As mentionedearlier' the reefs, leading to increasedmortality.due to fishing' densitiesoffishmightbeloweronlargeartificialreefs;combinedwithalargerarea likety that fshing pressure(and of hard substrateavailablefor fishermer\it seems so per capitamortalityfrom fishing fsh) woutdnot be concentratedat a smallarea' shouldnot be higherthan on a nanrralreef' aboutfish productionon Theseargrrmentssuggestthat manyof the concems a large,complexartificial reef' considering when alteviated be may reefs artificial result in lower productiou increased The componeDtsof frsh production that fishingmortality' sbouldbe no different iucreased especially and mortatity natural reef of the sasresize' Tbus' it seems on a large artificial reef than on a nanfal reef by buildinga largeartifrcialreel feasibleto replaceresourcesfrom a natural Ifadecisiontoreplacereefresources.byconsmrctinganartifrcialreefis resolved' location'and especiatlysizemustbe made,manyquestionsaboutdesigu Theconseryativeapproachwouldbetoconstrugttheartificialreeftobeassimilar approachcarriesthe leastrisk to the this reef; nanral impacted the to as possible ztg t Cbaptcr 8 resourcts. It is posible that a more efEcient designwould produce the same alrogat of resourcesbut allow tbi reef smallerand lessexpensive;however' there are two seriousproblemswith trying to identi$ zucba design. First' slanging tlpes of tbe configuratiouof the reef is likely to changeto somegnloown degfeetbe resourcesthat develop on the reef, resulting is somewhatles similar resources being produced. More importantly, mucb more precisequantitative information by a mustbe lnoum aboutthe resourceslost and &e resourcesthat will be produced particular design- Both of theserequirementsare problematiq but it is clear that affect there is not enoughinforsrationto quantitativelypredict how different designs a "more resourceproduction (see Section83). Therefore, attemptingto design state of efEcient" reef, althougb possiblg is a risky alternativegiven our Present processesthat knowledgeabout artifrcial reefs. In fact, the uncertaintyabout the be larger operate on artificial reefs mean that the artificial reef should probably than the areaof imPactedreef. t.53 Out.of-kindsubstitutionof resourres tnore The ue of artificial reefs for out-of-kindsubstinrtionof resourcesPresents aspess must be diffictrlties than their use for in'kind rePlacenenl Two I I I t I I I I I I I I completereplacement consideredin order to insurethat the artificial reef provides producedby an artificial reef of lost resources: the absoluteamountof resources to both the lost resources' Erustbe.know& and an objectivevalue mustbe assigned and the resourcesproducedby tbe reef' t absoluteamount of fish The problems witb attempting to determine &e above' For in'kind replacement productionon aDartificial reef havebeendisstrssed I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I T I I I I I Attificial rccfs a reef $31 rnirnicsthe of resources,this problep can be circugyentedby building whenconsideringthe impactednahrralreef (and allowingan extramarginof safety an oPtionif an artificial appropriatesize). Replicatingan impactedhabitat is uot accurateestinate of tbe reef is to be usedfor out-of-kindmitigation Instead,an Currently' there are Do amonnt of fuh producedby an artificial reef is required' with varyingdegfeesof datato providethis information Severalqpes of estimates' but thesewould comprise inacanracy,could be attempted(see DeMartini 1987), and Los Angelesare little more than gueses. (Note: The PorS of Long Beach useful inforsration in this orrrently funding a project that will provide the first yearor two') regard,but the resuls will probablynot be availablefor a Tbis problem is It is atso dif$ctrlt to Placea value on nanrral resources' No method for intrinsic to any attemPt to provide out-of'kind comPensation' on an artificial reef hasbeen determiningan objectivevaluefor dissimitarresources artificial reef will necessarily devised,so determiningthe value of resourceson an to this problemis described involvesomesubjectivity.The approachwe havetaken in AppendixD. need to considerusing an Avoiding resourcelosseswould eliminate the amount of fisb producedand the artifrcial reef, witb its uncertaintiesabout the asout'of'kind mitigatioa At SONGS' rclativevaluesof differenttypesof resources, Short of shuttingthe plant however,the resourcesare alreadybeing impacted' resourceswitl be losL and some dos,n or cosstructing cooting towers' some In spiteof the uncertaintyabout techniquemustbe usedto replacetheseresources' provideoneof tbe few oppornnities tbe amountof fish theyproduce,artificialreefs resources.Restoringa wetlandcanalso availablefor entrancingnearshoremarine Chapcr 8 enhancemarine resources(see Chapter 10), althougbtbe tlpe of resourcesdiffer from thoseproducedoDan artificial reef. Thesetwo tectrniquesil's 5imPlythe most feasible methodsfor reptacingnearshoreresonrces. Much more information is neede4 partiarlarly about frsh produstiou on ardficial reefs,before artificial reefs shouldbe gsedroutinely as mitigatioo Nonetheless,they do provide an option for minirni-ingtbe deleteriouseffeetsof coastaldevelopmenu. m I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I CHAPTER9 rEt p BED CREAIION Kelp The operationof SONGSadverselyaffectsa portiou of the SanOnofre affested Bed (SOK); in this case,the impact is on'going' so restoration of the kelp portion of SOKwould not be suitable. Thus,if feasible,the creationof a new becauseit bed elsewherewould be the most straightforwardmitigation technique would resultiD in-kind replacementof resources' tbat a kelp bed be createdon an artificialreef The MRC hasrecommended Kelp forest as io-kind mitigatiou for the impacs of SONGSon tbe San Onofre the feasibility of creatinga new kelp bed by cornmunity. This ctrapteraddresses the technical reviewing previous atempts to create kelp beds and disctlssing kelp bed' (A considerationsthat must be addressedin any project to create a for in'kind general evduation of artifrcial reefs, including artificial reefs used chapterare: Most mitigation,is givenin Chapter8). The major conclusioruof this doesglow on many attemptsto createnew kelp beds havefailed; however,kelp a kelp bedfor mitigating man-madestrucnfes. A corservativeapproachto creating to existingkelp stands' soNGS' effectswouJdbe to build tbe new bed adjacent aboutMaaoqstis Drawing from the experiencesof past attemPtsand knowledge for succes' biglogr, this approacbseemsto havea reasonablechance 9.1 Histora habitats in Southern Kelp beds are one of the most valuable marine of their relative rarity (comparedto the vast California; perhapsas a consequence Cbaptcr 9 meny resource expansesof soft bottom or eveu kelp-lessbard-bottombabitat), valuable managementdecisionshave implicitly assumedthat kelp habitat is more (Maoocystis s?r oth"r t!?es of habitats,partictrlarty sand habitats. Giant kelp (Fosterand Schiel1985)'so ffiaa)plants nlrnsslalqralr attachto a hard substrate substrate' mostattemptsto createoew kelp bedshaverelied on providingnew bard possible6sans sf Thus, it is not zurprisingthat artifrcial reefshavebeenviewedas increasingthe areatextentof kelp bedsin SouthernCalifornia reefs. artificial There have been severalinstanceswhen giant kelp has grown on below,separatedaccordingto whetherthe kelp Thesecasesare discussed to establisha recnrited naturally to the reef or was PurPoselytransplanted&ere where kelp has kelp bed. There are trumerousother cases,not disstlssedhere' Harger 1985) grown on man-madestruduressucbas chain nenvorls (Neushuland andundenraterpipelines(Fosterand Sctriel1985)' 9.1.1 Natural recnritmentto artificial rcefs on severd artificial Giant kelp hasg5oumnatgrally,for a short time at leasq supportedMaaoqstis for reefs. A cal reef in ParadiseCove(in SantaMonicaBay) to other SantaMonica severalyears,evenservingas a sogrceof kelp for transplants 1958;by Decembcr'density Bay artificial ree&. The kelp wasfirst notedin Ostober had35-50planSuPto 3m tall' wasas high asn,plan,g'lrm2.By April 1959,eachcar since the car bodies Thp kelp surrrivedfor a few years before disappearing; there was Do zubsUate disintegfated a short time after the kelp disappeare4 availablefor kelp to becomere'established' 24 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I T I I I I T I t I I I Kclp bcd creation giant ketp BureaucratReef (nearLa Jolla) alsodevelopeda nanral standof construction' shortly after its constructiorl Iu June 1975,only two monthsafter juvenile MaaoqSis were observedon the reef. The juvenile planA were Bear L976'juvenile unattachedadult plana that bad drifted ogto the reef. By March A dense ocsturedin densitiesof up to 20 planu/mz (Daviset al' t982)' Macrccystis wasbuilt" The zurfacecanoPyhad developedby July Lg76,L5monthsafter the reef and hasnot ketp bed persistedfor nro years,but wasdestroyedby stormsin 1978 plantsbavebeenobservedat Bureaucrat becomere-established.Snall Maoocystis but have Reef in recentyears(Wilsonet al. tg84.Anrbrose,Perconalobseruation), not persisted. reef in The most recent natgral recnritment of giant kelp to an artificial (PPAR) in Ventura SouthernCalifornia occgrredat the PitasPoint Artificial Reef itself established County,whichwasconstnlctedin 1984.A $and of giantkelp had were madeto by 1986and basnow persistedfor severalyears. AlthoughattemPts apparentlyrecmited transplantgrantkelp to the reef, most kelP plantsin tbe bed planS occurredalong the naturally (Ambrose, pasonal obsavation).Most of tbe trqnsPlantsites (Wilson crest and upPer slope of ttre modulesand awayfrom the in June 1987 and TogStad198?,Asrb:ose,pasonat obsewAion). Obsernations were two or more yearsold zuggestedthat at least someof the Maaoqstisplans supPortgiant kelp; (Wilson and TogStad1987). PPARwasspecificallydesigoedto (only l1m deep)'is a it is one of the shailowestarrificial reefsin southerncalifornia reef to an existingnaturalkelp relativelylowirofile reef,and is the closestartificial of PPAR' it is apParentSuccess bed (between100to 500maway). In spiteof tbe for only a few years'so it is too worth noting that the kelp bed hasso far persisted 225 Cbaptcr 9 greater early to concludethat the long-termpenistenceof kelp ou PPAR will be than on the ParadiseCoveandBureaucratReefs. One artifrcial reef off the coastof Central California (the San Luis Obispo (but not County Artifrcial Reei or SISCAR) has also supponed a kelp bed Manocystis)for severalyears. Bull kelp (Nqeocystis)recnritedin very high uumbers tbento SI-OCAR shortly after it was constnrctedin 1985,and baspenisted since nanrral Severalfactors probably contributedto its success.SLOCAR is closeto propagUlesdid not haveto dispersevery far to reachthe roclry areas,so Nereocystis for reef. The oce:lnogritphicconditionsin CentralCalifornia maybe more suitable stonns kelp growth than tbose in SouthernCalifornia' excePtfor severewinter fish (which do not affect Nteoqstis becauseit is an annual). Finally, herbivorous are not commonin the area,and gfazingat SI-OCARwasinsignificant' 9.12 Tlansplants The IGlp bas been traruplantedto artifrcial reeft on numerousoccasions' Monica Bay reefsin first kelp transplantefforts to artificial reefswere to the santa from herbivores 1959and 1961(Turnct et 41.1969).SomeplanS were Protected eatenby herbivorous after transplantationbecauseunProtectedplans were quickly plantsnrnrivedonly a few fish (opaleyeandhalfmoon);however,eventhe Protested mayhavebeencaused months. It wasthoughtthat the failure of initial transplants tempennrre limitatioos by by high water tempet?tures,but an effort to overcome d at' (L969)believedtbat the usingplants from Baja California alsofailed' Turner of the water in Santa ultimate failure of the transplantswas due to the nsbidity availablefor photosynthesis' MonicaBay,which severelylimited the amountof light I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Kclp bcd crcation Masocystis oD Considerableeffort was also sPe1t trying to establisb giant kelp plants were Pendleton Artificial Reef. Both adult and juvenile 1981' 1984' Califorqia transplantedto PAR on severaloccasions(Wilson et al' wasDeverestablished' Departmentof Fisb and Game 1983). However,a kelp bed by fish (Wilson et 4l' Transplantedplants appearedto havebeen sevetely grazed Althoughrecnritswere 1985),and other factorsmay havebeenimponant aswell' adult planS have been seep near transplantedadults, only occasionalsolitary observedat PAR. produceda selfThere has been one casein which uarsplant efforts bave n t977' a transPlant sustainingkelp bed oD an artificial substrate' Beginning in the l'os AngelesHarbor operation to an artificial substrateiu 9 m of water four years'more generateda kelp bed (Rice 1983)' Over a period of successfuUy PalosVerdesPeninsula)and than ?00 adult ptana from Abalone Cover (on the breahrater' The plantswere Baja California were transPlantedto the SanPedro nylon line and anchorchaiu' In atgched to floats,whichwere in nrrn attachedto reared in the laboratoryon twine were also addition, young plans (Sporophytes) establishedand growingalong ransplanted. By Allgust 1978,kelp wassuccessftrlly to the plants'lagtrrd recruitment tbe brealurater. In spiteof stormandfisb damage the bedwasapproximatelyt524 m occnrredin the transplantareain lgTg-By 198?, longand25mwidealongtheinsideofthebreahrrater(Rice1987)'andseveral outerlns Angelesharbor' smallerbedsbad developedin otherareasof have been successful(e'g" the Altbough transplantsto natural subsrates AngelesBreakrvateroperationwasthe PalosVerdeskelp bed restoration),the Los self'sustainingkelp bed on an artificial only transplantthat resultedin a persisten! 27 Chapcr9 manyreasonswhy the a$emPs to establisbkelp substrate.Tbere are undo-ubtedly on artificial reefs have failed; likely facton include low tight levels (due to depth and turbidity), high water temPeratureand low nutrient availability, 8d grazing in more detail in Sestion42;the published pressure.Thesefactorswill be discussed infotuation on the influence of these fastors has been reviewed in Ambrose I I I t I (1e87b). t There has been one attemPtto establishan ortensivekelp bed on a sandy substrate. This project, conductedby Kelco under contract $'ith California I I Departurentof Fish and Gane, focgsedon a kelp bed in SantaBarbara County' Although successsee6s feasible at the Santa Barbara site, wbere the Channel a Islandsprwide protectionfrom largesvells and nanrralkelp bedsoccuron san{ kelp bed would be unlikely to sunriveon sandysubstntesnearSanOnofre' 92 Technical consider:stions bcen have Data on the facton influencingkelp growtb' recnritmentand survival (1985)' compiledin Ambrose(198?b),and are reviewedin Fosterand schiel when If a kelp bed is to bc createdas mitigation,thesefacton Eust be considered hcre' Instea{ the project is beingdesigned;however,thesedetailsar'enot reviewed kelp bed are general factors that migbt influence the dpamis of a man-made to create kelp beds are discgsse{ and some of the techniquesthat can be 113ed briefly reviewed. ?23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I T I I I I I ' IGlpbcd crcation and stability of kelp beds 9J.1 Pereistence flucnEtions'and Natural kelp bedsundergofrequentandsometimesefireme have documented local extinctionsare relatively cornmon A number of snrdies (e.g-,Daytot a al' thesefluctnatiors and attemptedto explaiDkelp bed dpamics and complexity 19&t,Ebelinget at. Lg85,Harrold and Reed 1985),but the*divenity predict the dpamics of any of factorsinfluencingkelp bedsmakeit very difficult to here becausea manpartiarlar bed. Tbe dynamicsof kelp beds are considered bed for mitigationshouldbe at leastaspersistentasthe madekelp bed constructed it is replacing. with globalor Ircal extinctionsof.Maaoqstbbedsare freguentlyassociated 4t' 1985)' conditions(Daytonand Tegner1984'Ebelinger regionaloceanograPhic is little that canbe done and so affecta largenumberof bedssimultaneously.There man'madekelp bedwouldbe to avoidwidespreadextinctionssuchastbese,and any conditions' aslikely asa nanrralbedto be affectedby generaloceanographic and of individualbedsundoubtedlyaffect their stability However,characteristics of factorsinfluencing persistence.Daytond al. (lgg4) haveexploreda number Theyconcludedthat relative tbe patch dynamicsand stabilityof kelp comnunities' (e'8".competitionfor ligbt patchstabilitywasdeterminedby biologicalretationships a glvenareaandphpical differences and nutrients,sporedispersal,grazing)within (e.g.,storms'wavesurge)betweenareas.Someofthefactorsthatmigbtbe below' importantare discussed ?29 Cbaptcr 9 The location of z Mamcystk bed is importanu beds that are regularly damage' zubjectedto violent storns are obviorsly morc likely to experiencestorm beds' probably fluctuate more, and might be lesspersistentthan more protected bedsthat The kelp bedsoff the coastof SantaBarbaraCountyare an exampleof for long are relatively protected from stotms, and conseguentlyhave persisted agoby periods. (Note, however,that eventhesebedswere destroyedseveralyears partiorlarlYheavYstorms.) choiceof If a kelp bed is to be qreatedasmitigationfor SONGS'impact'the as closeto location may be constrainedby the desireto producetbe new resources a locationthat is the impactedsite aspossible.Thus,it might be possibleto choose of Santacatalina more prorectedthan the san onofre reglon,suchas the lee side san onofre would Island or SantaBarbaracounty, but.creatinga kelp bed far from San Onofre' result in a signifrcantloss of kelp resogrcesin the regon around local loss shouldbe Becausekelp beds are relatively rare in this regioU such a too closeto SONGS avoided,if possible. Howwer, the createdkelp bed cailrot be or it too will be impactedby the planr I I I T I t I I T I I I I t Akelpbedmaybemorelikelytorecoverqui*lyfrompernrrbationsifithas Most snrdiesof'Maooqstis a high probability of receivingsPoresfrom otber beds' on tbe order of a few rieters dispersalhavereportedvery limited dispenal ability' Dean and F.R Jacobsen' (Andenon arrd Nortb 1967,Dayton et a1.1984,T,4. 230 I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I IGlpbed crcation with naturalrepersonalcommunication).Thrs, it seemstbere couldbe a problem seedingof kelpbedsthat havedisappeared. M@oqstis thal under certaincircumstances' Recentsnrdieshavesuggested (D' Reed' penorul spore dispersal may be greater than previously thought et al' t985) and the ammrmication). IGlp bedsin SantaBarbaraCounty(Ebeling recoveredrapidly due to california channel Islands(Ambrosed 'l1'.i\press) have strudureshave tong-distancecolonizationof Maaocystis.ID fact severalartificial being locatedseveral developedkelp bedsshortlyafter being emplacedin spite of Ig7t,Davis et aI' kilometersfrom the nearestkelp beds(Turner et oI. tg6g,Fager' 1e82). at distant reefs are The dispersal mechanismsleading to recruitment nbouncers'(ketp plans that probablyvaried. However,in the SanOnofre regioU are attacbedtbat they have so much buoyancyrelative to the rock to which they provide a consistentinput of bounce" along the oast) are commonand could a kelp bed on an recnrits to an isolatedreef. Itr fact, the problemof establishing recnrit to the reef' but rather isolatedreef maynot be somucboneof ge$ingkelp to suchas fistr grazing' For getting enoughrecnritmentto overcomeother facton even6 at PAR (Calfornia c*ample, there were a number of nanrral recruitment but MasocySisDever Department of Fish and Game,penonal communication)' establishedon the reef' recnritedin sufEcientnumbersto becomefirmly Theseexamplesindicatethatlong.distancedispersalofMaoocystisis.a infrequent'For example'the kelpbed uormalphenomenor\but it maybe relatively in 1980.Barn Kelp is quite isolated at Barn Kelp, southof SanOnofre,disappeared ?31 Cbapter 9 from other kelp beds,and kelp hasnot yet re-establisheditself. It seemslikely that loog-distancedispenal of.Mrctocystiswill evenhrallylead to the re'establishmentof Barn lklp, but the distancefrom Barn Kelp to er6ant kelp beds has probably prolongedthe period without kelp. Proximityto kelp bedsmay alsoaffectthe succesof efforc to establishnew kelp beds. Many of the attemPtsto establisbuew kelp beds on artificial reefs appearto havefailed becausetransplantedkelp waseatenby herbivororsfistr' and there was linited recruitmentfrom the manipulatedplants. Theseproblernshave been implicated in the failure to the transplantattemPtsat PendletonArtificiat Reef. Placinga newkelp bed closeto an establishedbedwould eliminatea number any of potential factors. Herbivorous fish would not concentrateas heavily on supply transplantedplanS becausethe nearbynailral bed would provide an ample of food, and tbe naftral bed wouldprovidesPoresfor recnritmenl for Close proximity to a naftral kelp bed is probably not a prerequisite close:o establishinga neu/kelp bed,but it couldimprove&e oddsof success'Being reducethe an existingbed would enhancethe chancesof recnritmentand might tbe stability of intensity of fish grazingat the new kelp bed. It could also enhance to more rapid re' the bed by providing a nearbysourceof spores,which could lead establishnentafter a local extinstion Substratestabilitywillalsoinfluencetbepersistenceofkelpbedsbecause a hard plans (including thosein the vicinity of soNGS) require most Macrocystis I I I T I I I I t I I I I T I I I I I a Kclpbcd ccatios I I I I t I I I I T I I I I T I I I I l sedimentmovemeDtcan substratefor attachment. Heavy sedime1tationa1d/ol coverhard substratesand reducethe areaavailablefor kelp. when placingrockson The burial of hard substrateis not the onlyProblem' nsinkninto the bottom and a soft-bottom,there is the dnngerthat the rocks will aroundisolatedrocks disappear. A number of snrdieshavedosgmentedscogring of the rocks;this problemis mostsevere that evenhrallyresultsin the disappearance bottoms. on unconsolidated a 9.2.L.4Size bedsto their variability There havebeenno snrdiesrelatingthe size of kelp it is reasonableto expectthat or the probabilitythat theywill go extinct. However, fluOuations' and perhapsmore smalt kelp beds will experiencemore exgeme for mitigativePurPosesis too extinctions,than large beds. If a kelp bed ceated couldlead to a lower longterm small,high variability and/or frequentextinctions averageofkelp resourcesin the bed thanexpected' smallketp bed heavilythari a In addition,it maybe easierfor frshto graz|a largekelp bed (It Wilsou penonalcommunication)' 922 Techniques Mostoftheeffortforestablishingkelpbedshasbeendevotedtodeveloping and preparationare also important' transplanttechniques.Ho*,ever,site selection that the removalof denseunderstoryalgae Oue focusof site preparationhasbeen I Cbapter 9 (Ambrose and Nelson 1982" could inhibit the recnritmegt of juvenile Macroqstis preparatioahasbeen the Reed and Foster 19&a). A more important foctls of site 1983)' Urchins control of seaurchinsthat grazeon kelp plans (Wilsouand McPeak are not likely to be a major problem on a new artifrcial reef, but if necessarytbey canbekilled or manuallYremoved' Fisbgranng,partiailarlybyopateye(GireltTnigricans)andhalfmoou damageto uansplantedkelp' (Mdiafuru catifomiatb),canalsocarseconsiderable Bay reeB' damagedkelp transplantedto the SantaMonica Fisb gfazing.aPParently At Palosverdes' PendletonArtificial Reel and the PalosVerdes Peninsula gi[ nets' and fish attemptsto control fish grazingincludedfish traps,spearfhhing' efforts to control gt&xng exclosures;noDeof thesemethodswere successful,and wcre eveaually abandoned(Wilsonand McPeak1983)' plans (sporophytes)to Most projectshaverelied on traruplantingadult kelp were usedto attactrthe establisha Dewkelp bed. At PalosVerdes,two methods plans wereattachedto floats tbat plantsto the substrateflililson d al. LgTg).Somi SmallerplanA wcre secured were attachedto ancborchainsby 05-m nylon lines' Other methodsfor transplanting directly to tbe substratewith inner tube circlets' placingboldfasain weigbted adultstbat havebeendevelopedmorerecentlyinclude meshbagp(Neushutand Harger 1985)' uansplantedadult or juvenile Although most kelp re$bration projectshave (1981)usedembryonic earlier life stagescan alsobe used' North Maoocystisplants, kelp bedsin southerncalifornia' but Maoocy*issporophytesto attemPtto establish attemptedto establishkelp on the successcould not be demorstrated. Neushul I I T I I I I t I I I I T I I I I T I I I T I I ;l IGlp bcd crcation a solution containing Pitas Point Artificial Reef by sprayingtbe reef boulderswith boulders beforethe'boulderswerepiacedin the water'but the kelp gametopbytes solutionwasappliedand no kelp plans were appareutlytoo hot whengametophyte were nal commwication)' Microscopicsporophytes wereproduced(J. Benson,pelro LA Harbor @ice outplantedas Part of the effort to establisha kelp bed in tbe life stageshavenot 1983). As witb mostrestorationattemPts,outplanr usingearly in the harbor' it is not had suitable controls,so altboughadult plants did gfow possibleto knowwhethertheycanbe attributedto this technique' I 923 Costs I on tbe techniques The cost of creatinga new kelp bed depends,of course' kelp bed is createdas and intensity used to establishthe kelp. When the new effortsshouldbe madeto mitigationfor ongoingimpacts,asin the caseof SONGS, the net lossof resources' establisbthe bed as soonaspossiblein orderto minimize scale'suchaswith PAR' it Suchan effort would be labor intensive;evenoDa small large'scalemitigationproject' could cost hundredsof thousandsof dollars. For a be severalmillion dollars' tbe costof activelycreatinga kelp bedwouldprobably I I I I T I I I I I that a kelp bed be createdon a 12$haartificial The MRC hasrecommended size would cost about $9 million reef (section 833.1). A low-relief reef this (Section83.4),inadditiontothecostofactivelycreatingakelpbed. 235 I Chapter 9 93 SummarY so there is The rcchniquesuied to transplantFant kelp are well'establishe4 term' However'very little doubt that a kelp bed canbe establishedover the short California' despite few new,self-sstaining kelp bedshavebeencreatedin Soutbern atteEPB to establish all the artificiat reefs that havebeeu constnrctedand all the a new kelp bed as kelp on artificial strustures. Thus, any attemPt to create involved' The mitigatiou tnust reco grln that there is considerableuncertainty know that it will' problem is not whether kelp wilt grow on artificial reefs-we qu have that kelp will grow on a Rather, the problem is how mucb certaintywe to provide general pasigdat reef constnrctedfor mitigation we know enougb be confident about gUidelines,but tbere remains too much uncertainty to predictionsof kelP growtb. orperimental PreviousattemP6to establishkelp bedshavenot incorporated or failure, so cause(s)of the failurescannot designsthat would help evaluatesuccess previous atteEpts provides be determined. Nonetheless,an evaluationof these kelp bed creation Most artifrcial someinsightinto tbe importantfastorsinfluencing have been placed too deep for reeft (which were not designedto have kelp) water (e.g, SantaMonicaBay). Most Magocystis. They havebeenplaccdin turbid limits the nanrrar dispenal of artifrciar reeB are small and isolated, whictr the ga tg probtem (becaue Maooqstis A the reef and migbt *acerbate macroalgaeis not anailablenearby)' herbivorotrsfish concentrateon the reef and to the absenceof kelp on artificial These conditions have probably conUibuted to createkelp beds' ree6 and strouldbe avoidedin future attempts 236 I I T I I t I t I I I I T I I I I T l I I TP I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I IGlp bcd crcatior to create a Despite limited successin the Past, it should be possible kelp bed under tbe proper conditions' Fosterand Schiel persistent"self-sustaining and pbpical (1985)note that timing of placement,proximityto nailral kelp stands' of a kelp forest relief appearto be partiorlarly imporrint for the rapid development 'seeded"with be should reeB that zuggest also Tbey reef. artificial oD an rtarious soonafter placement,andmayhaveto be manipulatedat Maoocystisspores reef adjacent times (e.g.,removegrazersor sessileorganisrns).Placingan artificial First' sucha location to an existingkelp bed wouldprovidenvo importantbenefis' for kelp growttrand conditionsnecessary would be likely to bavethe oceanographic storms)' Second' reproduction(e.g.,adequatelight, nutrien6,andProtectionfrom well as biomassfor the nanrral kelp bed would provide a sourceof sporesas vicinityof the San herbivorousfish. In addition,if the newkelpbedis createdin the wouldbe closeto the lost resources onofre Kelp Bed,the new ketp bed resources (i.e.,it wouldbe nearlyon'sitemitigation)' of kelp bed that As witb artificial reefs,it is necesar)'to determinethe tlpe lost kelp resources'Two mustbe createdin orderto achievelBVocompensationof of kelp and the size variablescould affect the sizeof kelp bed needed: the density by a one-for'onereplacement of tbe bed. If the lossof kelp plans is to be mitigated a smaller'but more dense'kelp of plants,itwould theoreticallybe possibleto create dersity of kelp at a site are very bed. However,the processesthat determinethe not be certainthat kelp densities complex(seeTechnicalRepon K), andonecould the areacoveredby kelp may would remainhigb over the long term. Furthermore, in kelp beds tban the number of be more imponant for the organismsthat live to base the decisionabout plants. Tberefore,it would be most appropriate on the sizeof thebed' completecompensation 237 I I Chaptcr 9 In mary areas,including the region around San Onofre, the availability of nritable hard substrateseemsto limit the size of kelp beds. However,not'all t availableDanral substrateis coveredwith kelp, so the area coveredby rock would haveto be largerOan tle areaof kelp needed.There is alsoucertaioty aboutbow T I I Buch of a reef designedand built by nan will be suitablefor kelp, and whetherthe kelp communityon an artificial reef would be asproductiveor diverseas a natural a community. Finalln there remahs someuncertaintyabout being able to create self-zustainingkelp bed as discussedin this chapter,eventhougbI haveconcluded kelp that a properly designedand locatedreef bas a good chanceof developinga larger bed. Theseconsiderationsindicatethat an artifrcial reef would need to be . tban the areacoveredby the lost kelp resourcesin order to be reasonablycertainof providingadequatecompensation the There are no scientific data that can be used to determinehow large judgement artifrcial reef needsto be. Rather,the sizeof the reef mustreflect a that about the importanceof the variousuncenaintiesinvolved. The MRC decided Since the a 15:1 ratio would be appropriarc for SONGS (see Appendix D)' reef size is estimarcdloss of kelp bed area is 80 ha, &e recommendedmitigatiou 120ha ?38 t I I I I I I T I I I I T I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I CHAPTER 10 RESTORATION OF COASTAL WETI"ANDS effests Tbe SanOnofre NuclearGeneratingStationwill not haveany direct provide in-kind on wetland habita6. However, wetland restoration could wetlands' replacementfor somefish speciesimpactedby SONGSthat utilize coastal out-of-kind Except for these fish species,wetland restorationwould constinrte mitigationfor SONGS'imPacts. in In this chapter, I review the general value of wetlands,partiortarly or out-of-kind SouthernCalifornia,and discusshorpwetlandscouldprovidein'kind I with respectto the lossesresultingfrom tbe operationof SONGS' compensation wetland stepsfor completionof a successful also examinesomeof the Decessary in Southeru restorationproject, and discussthe poteutial for wetlandrestoratioB California are valuable The tnajor conclusionsof this chapterare: Coastalwetlands agenciesto restore' habitats, and tbere is a major effort by state and federal could provide indegradedwetlandsin Southerncalifornia wetland restoration for the mostPart it would kind mitigation for a few speciesat risk at SONGS,but a restoredwetland constitute out-of-kind mitigation As out-of-kind mitigatiou also provide important would produce marine,resources'including fish; it could asd valuable aestheticand habitas for endengeredspeciesand migratorybirds alreadybeenmadefor most educationalresourc€s.Becauserestorationpla$ have wetlandthat couldbe restoredas wetlands,it maybe difficult to find an aPProPriate Huntington BeachWetland mitigation for SONGS'effects. The portiou of tbe Chaptcr 10 of this owuedby SoutbernCaliforniaEdisonis one alternative;altboughrestoration wetlandis technicallyPossible,a numberof obstacleswould haveto be overcome the before it could be applied as mitigatio! for SONGS,including determining amountof cedit to be assignedfor the restoration 10.1 Value and use of coastal wetlands in Southern California which provide' The value of wetlandhabitatsstes$ in part from the functioru they include (Adanus and Stochvell1983): (1) Hydrologicfunaiotts' including For example' flood reduction, sborelinestabilizationaod groundwaterrecharge' storrnsand wetlandscan function as bolding basinsthat con6ol flooding during root systemsof reduCeerosionfrom runoff by temporarilystoringsurfacewater' and (Thayeret al' 1978)' the marshvegetationtend to bind sedimentsand retard erosion uPtake' As (2) Waterryality impwement from sedimentacsretionand nutrient sedimentsare runoff water passesthroughcoastalwetlands,curent flow slowsand improved by the deposited,thus increasingwater quality. water quality is also settling' absorptior\ removal of nutrients througb phpical Processessuch as chelatio4 aFd filtration, and chemicalprocessessuch as cbemicalprecipitation' from the (3) Foodcluh s&tpPort exchangereactions@ourneand Wolfgang1983). important fish and provision of habitat and food, especiallyfor commercially the mostproductivemarine shellfish. In gened esfirariesand marshesare among material from vascularplans systemsbecauseof the addition of primary organic beween marine and (Thayer et a1.1978). coastal wetlandsare an interface wide variety of microhabitaSthat terresrial envifonmentsand tpically piovide a rangeftomemergentvegetationtotidalclreelsandcharrrrels. 240 I I I T I I T I T I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T t T I t t Re$oration of coastalwetlands (Figure 1G1)' The extent of coastalwetlandsin Catiforniais very limited mudflats' bays' Before 1900, there were about 380,000acres of salt marsbes' 105'000acres lagoons,slougbsand esnrariesalongtbe Californiaco:NL Only about greatest;lessthan257o of wetlandlsmain. The lossin SouthernC,aliforniahasbeen in Sorensen of the acreagepresentiD 19m remainstoday (USFWS!979, teponed in the state and Gates 1983). More thzrt60Voof the coastalwetlandsremaining Cornmission havebeen severelydegraded(California CoastalTnte Conservation is very small (onuf er 1975)and southerncalifornia's sbareof undisnrrbedwetland al. 1978). States,coastal In contrastto the broadcoastalplainselsewberein the United confinedto Dalrow wetlandsin SouthernCalifornia are small and discreteand are (7*dher 1982)' river valleys that are separatedby coastalhills and mountains whichare suessfulto Additionally,tbe semi-aridclimateproduceshlpersalinesoils' wetlandsdiffer from vassnlarplanS (7*dlet 1983). Since California's coastal for different reasons wetlandsin other parts of the country,tbey may be valuable estimatesfrom Mugu than tbose cited for wetlandsin general. For examPle, to wetland I agoonin Southerncalifornia indicarcthat produetivityis low compared (Onuf a al't978)' Onuf areason the Atlantic 9d Gulf Coastsof the United States and SoutbernCalifornia et al. (1978) suggesttbat the critical naluesof Ccntral from any exceptionalrichnes coastalwetlandsderivefrom tbeir rarity rather tban very important as habitag and of the systeuls. Soutberncalifornia wctlandsare feedinggroundsforendengeredwildlifeandmigratingbirds@otand1981).ID resourcesbecausethey are addition, tbey are valuable educationaland aesthedc oPensPaoe,usuallyclosetourbanareas'ttrathasabundantwildlife. 241 I I G uJ ChaPtcr 10 : : E uJ TE TE E u, (, E 2 u TE o z E = <a ! ! !o I o o G o (B E Ea 6 o gr a O?g o: gJ t .E = TE z l F E U 99 a5 z ll tr f- z o G b b z> TE tt ;t, o = -o o € = (! o tr L o =-;a - u, th IEfrHg E= -v, u, ;g P *? 3=. |r|tr z(r= ta o (J B u, \ ;- -ar a < 58= e tt-a v a1; FT grg J> Our 90 == gRFSRF 6 H U' o (., U'C \ .( 6 \ I o b z I v 6 >E a< {. a, () =< :3 z o C) => >cl =3 >U' = o Fi a 242 r!(D NR I T I I I I I gliliiii:gil Efr c u, I I I E;lil:!iii JX 6> a g, o o (t E? g I :Q J +O G3-- gl tr s=Eg: g A zo o; F< tt Eo le 3 Et lr ?Ei P-E-E (9 = o o o t o t t(9- G tA (s o rE3 u, o (, I tt c - b I I II ' l xu, Ful o b I ! |l, G _.i.iidri_.iGi I I I I T I I I I I l I I I T I T l I T Rcstoratiu of coastal SoutberACaliforaia bals, esnraries'Earsbesaad tidal creels and chennels are utilized by a variety of fish sPecies(Table 1D1). The most abundantsPecies include topsmelt,arrow gobies,california killifis[ shinerPerch,'diaEoDdturbot, stripedmullet, and Pacifrcstagbomsarlpin There havebeenfew estimatesof the densitiesof fish in SouthernCaliforniacoastalwetlands,but Allen (1982)e$funates a total biomassdensityof about75 kg/hain Upper Neuport Bay. (For comparison' tbe biomassdensityof benthic fub on nangal reefs sampledby Ambrose[1987a] rangedfrom 86to 9}lkg/hq with a meanof 327kg/ba[N= 16reefsJ.)A few of the speciesthat utilize wetlands,such as California halibut and shiner perc\ are valuable commercialor sport fisb species.However,the primary coutribution of Catifornia coastalwetlandsto fisberyvaluessee6s to be tbe provisionof food to higber trophic levels,includingterns,beronsand other fishes(7*dler and Nordby 1e86). Most of the fisb speciesthat are found in SoutheruC-aliforniawetlandsare young not strictly wetland-dependent.Manyfish speciesscboolcloseto shore'and (onuf a a/' fisb maybe svept into lagoonsandtidal channelswith 1fosiasemingtide risk of 1978). Althougbthesefish maybenefitfrom fastergrounhratesand a lower not utilize predationin esnraries,theywould almostertainly surviveif they could that are tnrly esnraries(Lenantonand Potter 1987). However,there are somefish cheekspotgobies dependenton wetlands. Speciessuchas &e arow, shadow,and wetland habitats' and tbe lougiaw mudnrcker spend most of their lives within halibut' Recent wetlandsalsoappearto be essentialnrsery groundsfor california by the Marine Reviewcomnrittee (Allen et worh includingshrdiescommissioned andlagoonsin aJ.Lg} ),hasindicatedtbatjuvenilehalibutare commonin bap I I Chaptcr 10 Table 10-1 spocicsthgt stre sampled at The ocgurrrncc of fish spcciesin coastal wetlands la Southcra Crliforaig. Inctuded arA indicatcs abundaa$ P indicates st least two sitcs orwcne prescnt as llraac. R indicstcs rarq C inaicatcs conmon; r j;dd; I lndicatcs rcsidcn4 n indicatcs lrrvs.f Juvcnllcs; tndicatcs prescng - lndicatcs not caugb3ln sanples. DUnter:f. COI\'MONNAIi,C topsoelt specklefin midshipman bay blenny Califoraia hdibut Pacific sardine Pacific staghornsotlpin California toungrefsh California killiftsh barrcd surfpcrch pile surfpcrch walleye surfpcrch black pcrch shiacr pcrch deepbodyanchovY slough anchorry northem anchovY arrow gobY longiawmu&uclcr checkspotgobY shadowgoby opaleP stripcd mullst diamond ttrrbot sponcd turbot horayhcad turbot spotfrn croalcr whitc croalcr Califonia corbiu quecafish Pacific mackcrcl kelp bass spotted sandbass barrcd sandbass California barracuda bay pipefsh spccfbd salddab grunion MUGU IAGooN1l COT.oRADO Lacoox3 BAt' A' A A!, AI.IAIIEIM UPPER NE1VFORjT BAY5 TuuAl.lA Esm;en:6 A A R ; A pl A R A R ct R c : on c", c cp, R c :, R c A c R' R c o : R T' R ct c c R' c R Ar R c.r c3.l RJ Rr R nj R c c pl A c c c c c c R R : c A A A pl R R :, ; R R R c ni nj .pt pl R : R R' cp, ct c c R Rt pl R, R : R : a al.tgls;s Allen 1982;6z'sdlet , oouf ard e'amneo 1983;r onuf cr eL ttrg;! A[en ard Hora 1gr5;' Klingbcil andNordbY19t6 2& t I I l R R t I I I I I I I I I I I T l I I t I t t I I I I I I t I I I t I Rcstoratio of coastalsetlands and Soutben California,but extremelyrare alongthe opei coast(seealsoKraner Hunter 1987). of imrertebratesoccursin the soft'bottom A rich and produstiveassemblage shrdies' habitatof SoutbernCaliforniawetlands.Combiningdatafrom a nrmber of 7*dlerand Norby (1986)rePorttbat morethan 75 speciesof im'ertebratesocclltred in wetlandsinclude in the TijuanaEstuary.The mostcommoDbenthicimrertebrates (1987) bivalves,polychaeteworu$, gastropods,ad decapodcru$aceans' Ouuf dat4 sampled invertebratesin many different habitaS in Mugu Lagoon; his of sruunarized in Table 1U2,indicatesan averagebenthie invertebratedensity samples' about 1500/mz. Although smatlgastropodswere not abundantin Onufs tbey can reacb extrenely high densitiesin somehabitac; for example"4ssiminea or morein califomica ztd Cerithideacalifomicacaneacbrcachdensitiesof 10001m2 the compositiooof the coasal marshes(7*dler 1982). As would be e:cpected, varies?mongwetlands;for example,densitiesof common inverrcbrateassembl4ge Benthic invertebratesin MuguI agoonandTijuanaEsnrarl'aregivenin Table 1S3' invertebratesare an importantsoulcleof foodfor birdsthat usewetlands' Table 10'2 Mugu Lrgooo' Mcan Abundsnce of bcotbk brcrtcbntlE ln tbc astcls la of 'J'71. Taxononic (lwD rt dcustties rrc ror .II rl|a"r".tt nportcd by onuf (198/)' Onuf il prcscntcd c.tcgoti.s gftcr Ouuf; indivtilual tsn lrc MEAl.t DENSITY(No./M2) Larce worn-likc Smill worm-litc Largc gasnopod Snall glstropoa Biwlrcs Largc cnstaceans Small crustaccans Saaddollars 474 516 2, 185 TOTAL 1556 n5 Lt2 74 , 245 Cbapt€r 10 Table 1(}.3 Abundsrcc of uost somno. bcnthic ilrcricUratcs Et Mugrt Irgmu (frou Pacrson 1!175). and liiuana Estualy Dmlrn (No./Ml CottruoNNAr||E MUCUIAGOON TuuaxeEsruarY Bivalws C4ptonyacalifomica Prototlws stotnhea Sotguinobiotufralli Tageluscalifomiouts Falsc oya Littlcncck d"Purplc-hinged d^Jacknife cl"- 273 59 {l 9 35 76 14 Decapod crustaccans C.allisnssacalttoniozsis Ghostshrinp 88 Sanddollar 37 a 35 31 Echircdcrrs Dqfuestqsstias All othcrs I I I T I I I I I T I t TOTAL 102 Potentialapplicationat SONGS 103.1 In-kind rcplscementof resources provide A number of frsh speciesare at risk at SONGS. Sincewe{ands rePlacement habitatsfor fish, wetland restoratioucould Potentiallyfurnish in-kind likely to incur the of fisb lossesat soNGS. However,manyof the sPeciesthat are wetlands' gteatestlosses,suchasqueetrfuhand kelpfish'are trot abgndantin coastal a6 I t t I I I I I Resto'ratioaof coastalwetlan& I I suchas Most of tbe comYnelcialot sPortfish specigsthat are at risk at SONGS' in Califoraia cofti!4 kelp bass and yellonfin croaker, are also rarely found t wetlands. Nonetheless,some of the speciesat risk at SONGS (Table 1&4)' coastal including the arrow goby and diamond ftrbot, are often abundant in I I wetlands. Out of 27 speciesidentifredin Table 1&4 asbeingimpactedby SONGS' in 15 are reportedto ocgly in wetlands. Sevenof the 15 speciescan be common I I I I I I I t I I I I t be wetlands,and three species(arro* goby, diamondturbot aDd toPsmelt)can these abunda*. Restorationof wetlandscould provide in-kind replacementfor species. wetlandsalsoprovidehabitatsfor nrmeroussPeciesof marineinvertebrates providingin' and somealgae(7*dler 1982). However,there is little Possibilityof conuastto kind replacementof invertebratesand algaeimpactedby SONGS' In during fisb whictr are highly mobile during their lifetimesand can utilize wetlands onelifestage'benthiciurlertebratesandplantshavelimitedmobilityafter are setlement and have specializedhabitat requirements. wetlaod conditions do not occur unique,andthe invertebratesand algaeimpactedby SONGSgenerally in tboseconditions. rralue' Thus, restoringa coastalwetlaudwould provide someitr-kind repliacement are impactedby but most of the speciesof im,ertebrates"algac, and fish that tbat are impactedby soNcs do not occurin wetlands. A few of the fisb species have relatively low soNGS are abundantitr wetlands;bowever,these species impactsfrom SONGS' economicvalue or ale likely to experiene relativelyminor as northern anchovyand Someof the speciestbat are courmogin wetlands,sucb clear that restoring a white sroaker, are Dot wetland-dependent'and it is not wetlandwould enbancetheir populations' 247 l Chapter 10 Table 1G4 Ilst of specicsof lisb that are er risk pt SONGS and/or occur tn Soutbcra Califorde coastsl C ndi33t33 sontlon ead A lndicatcs sbuldsDt, bsscd on rbundanccs ln thc Evt ;ctlud;. rrtlands suEE rizcd in Tablc l{FL SPECIESATRNil(ATSONGS hrPtaNTlossoF Ir{flaNrLossoP EGGS,IARVAE& Jurrym-es& I,SSIN tr(EI,PBEDS ADULTS quecnfish whitc croaler kelpfsh spp. California gnrnioa black croalcr Califoraia corbina c.hcelspotgoby recfEnspot arron, goby jactsnclt shadowgoby diamoad nrbot C.aliforuia alingfirh nortbcra anchory Pacificbuttedsh urallcp srfpcrch pllmdncroatcr. whitc scapcrch salcna barcd saDdbass tclp bass spo6n croalcr topsnclt Pacilic clccttic cel bladc pcrch rahboe'pcrcb California shccphcad x x x x x x yc F ;c ;c ;A x x x x x x x x x x x x 248 yc 1A r x 1c x x xA x I I T I I I I I I I I I T I I I I T I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I T Rcstoration of coastal wetlaods 1tA22 Out.of-kind substitutionof rcsourees for tbe effectsof wetland restorationcouldbe usedas out'of'kind mitigation of lost resources repliacement SONGS. Althougb resour@agenciesprefer in-kind 1986b),out-of-kindmitigation to out-of-kindreplacement(usFws 1981,Ambrose replacementexiss' or when canbe consideredwhenno feasiblemethodfor in-kind region and the substinrted the lost resogrcesare abundant elsewherein the of these criteria apply to resourcesare fiIre and valuable(Grene[ 1938)' Both a restoredweilandwould wetlandrestoration- Althougbboth an artificial reef and losses'for the most part provide a limited 2itlount of in'kiDd replacementof fisb fish' Furthermore'tbe mostthere is no feasiblemethodfor producingmid-water are abundaut $rougbout tbe impacted species,queenfisbasd white 6oaker, are raxeand valuablehabitaa southirn california Bight,wbereascoastalwetlands in SoutbernCalifornia. value' As noted by southern california wetlandsclearly baveotceptional from their rarity' California coastal Onuf d al.(1978), muchof their value comes species' Foufteen of tbe wetlandsare important habitatsfor many endangered as rare or endangeredby the federal speciesthat use coastalwetlanis are listed Canadagoose'Anerican peregfine and/or stategovernment'includingthe Aleutian and Ligbt-footedclapperrails' falcon, Bald eagle,California leasttern' California Californiablackrail"CaliforniabrownpelicarlSarrtaBarbarasParorv'Beldiqg's Morro Bay kangarooraL SantaCruz mouse' hani'est marSh salt sparrow, sarrannab gartersnake(usFws 1979'National Francisco San the and salamander, long-toed bird speciesare residentsi! endangered Audobonsociety 1986). Three of the 249 Chaptcr 10 SouthernCalifornia salt marshes. The Light-footed clapper rail builds floatable trests nestsout of cordgrassin the low intertidal marsb,BeldingissavannahsPiurow in in pickleweeddominatedEidma15bareas,and the California least tern lests plant coastaldgnesand feedsin marshes(7*dler 1987).In addition,an endangered species,the saltmarshbird's bcak,gf1n$ only in a nalro\rrmne atthe upper limit of I I I I I tidal influenccin sdt marsbes(7*dlet 1982). t for Catifornia's coastal wetlands provide imponant wintering habitat in tbe migratory birds. Approximatelyfive'Percent of the waterfowl population I pacifrcFly*ay inhabit Califoruia coastalwetlandsduringtbe mid-winterand almost geese 100percent of the population of Canvasbackducksand Brant and Aleutian wetlandsare usethe wetlandsat sometime duringtheir annualmigfations. Coastal grounds alsousedasstagingareasfor migratorybirds enrouteto andfrom wintering Audubon in the Central Vallen Mexico,and Central and SouthAsrerica (National Society1986). not valuesthat are southern california coastalwetlandsalsoprovidesignificant qpacewith directty tied to natgral rcsources. Becausethey furnish open resogrces' In abundantwildlife, wetlandsare naluableaestheticand educational becauseErost are Southern Califoraia wetlands are important 35 oPen space of proposedwetland zurrogndedby denselypopularcdlrban areas. A ngmber the Ballona Wetland restoration projects in Southera California (for example, for public restoration Plaq National ..{udubonSociety 1986) include Prograns are also important research accessand educationalcenters. coastal wetlandareas are not ctearlyunderstood sites. The impactsof disnrrbanceon wetlandfunstions restorationprojectsbasedon and the criteria for determiningthe zuccesof wetland t I I T I I t I I I I t I I I T I t t I t I I I t Rcstcation of coasal wetlands wetlands are a diminishing wetland firnetious are not yet established- coastal need for continued resour@ ia the United States and there is an immediate researcbto addresstheseproblems (7*dlet 1983)' 103 Successful coastal wetland restoration successof any wetland Two factors that are irrportant in promoting the the monitoringProgram' restorationprojectare the designof the restorationand is difficult to evaluate Tbe successof past wetland restorationprgjects plans were not cleady becausein most g:$es the objectivesof tbe restoration the permitting Processwils outlined and the projectswere not monitored after 1982'Quammen1986' cornpleted(Josselynand Buchholz1982,Rae and Cbristie projectsin California 1988). There havebeena nrmber of reviewsof restoration are variable,often becausethe and the conchsionsabout the uumbcr of srccesses and Joselp 1986'Race criteria usedto judgesuccessdiffer (ftace 1985,Harvey 1936,Quarnmen19S6,lgSS,SanFranciscoBayConserrrationandDevelopmeut the questionof how effectivelythe commission1988). Few snrdiesbaveaddressed restoredwetlandsreplacedthelostfrrnctionsandhabitatsofdestroyedordegraded I sites(Quammen1988,Zp'dler4 alt988} I I I I 103.1 DesigningwetlandrestorationproJects I the goalsof wetlandresbrationproject canbe designed' Beforea successful The successof local Projests'partiorlarly the project shouldbe clearlyidentified. ptanshavealready small areas,will be enhancedif regional thosethat encompass Cbaptcr 10 beendevelopedto identify the habitatsand ftEctionli that are mostimportantin the ecoregion Ios Angelesand Orangecountieshavedevelopeda regionalplan that stressesthe importanceof preservingthe region'spresentwetlandsand tbeir value, and increasinghabitatsfor endangeredspecies. It also sgtlins5 site-specificgoals and guidelinesfor the designof restorationprojects (State CoastalConsewancy 1e82). There are a number of important fastorsto considerwhen developingthe designof a restorationprojecr Thesehave been outlined in detail elsewhere t t I I I I I (Williams and Harvey 1983,7*dler 1984)and only a few of them are mentioned T here. I Onceregionalgoalshavebeenestablishe4the plan for a specificsite should Dot proposeto fulfill all the regional.goalsbut shouldcapitalizeoo thosethat are I I I I nanrral attributes of the site (Zcdler 19&4). Therefore, before a site plan is developed,the site shouldbe carcfullysaurpledto determineexistingresoucesand wetland functio1s. This is partiorlarly important not only for developnentof the plan but also for srbscquentdeterminationof the successof the Projecl Specific specieggfouPsof speciesor wetlandfunetionsshouldbe targetedfor enhancement maximize so that the designcan incorporatethe proper mix of habitat tyPesto as inresourcerralues.For exanple, the designof a wetlandrestorationto be used of fish kind mitigation for fish lossesat SONGSshould naximizc the asrount habitat (e.g.,tidal creeks,channelsandponds)' site' Particutarattention shouldbe paid to the toPogfaphyof tbe restoration the The period and dep& of tidal inundation are major factors determining I I I I I t I I I t I I I I t I Rcstoradon of coastalwctlands by toPogfaPhy disuibutiou of wetland orgianisgsand are greatly influenced can have (WilliaEs and Harvey1983). Smallchangesin elevation(05 to 1'0 foot) factors affeeting irnportant effects on plant cogg16ities (Zedler 1984)' Other very seasonaland hydrologt are also importanf In SouthernCatiforniarainfall is with little fresb large inputs of fresh water can occurover a short period of time' is extremely water input during the rest of the year. As a resgll tidal cirqilation imFortantto coastalmarshes(Z.edler19847*dler a al' 1986)' alsobe carefully The potential for sedimentationat tbe restoredsite should (7*dler 1982)' Natural considered. Wetlands are latural sedimeut sitrl6 be invadedby marsh sedimentationcasbe usedto createmudflatsthat will" in time' can also fill in vegetatioD(Williams and Harvey 1983). However,sedimentation are dredgedduring restoration'tbey tidal creeks,channelsand pools. If c.hannels can may require subsequentdredgingto be maintained. AD additional Problem t t are tolerant of the ariseif dredgespoilsare left oDtbe wetlandsite' Few species unvegetatedfor years extremesalinity of the dredgesPoilsand tbey often remain I zone that will separate Another important designonsideration is a buffcr the surounding arca Buffer tbe envirosmentaltysensitivewetlaod habitat from they restrict public ac@ss zonesare particrrlarlyimportantin lrban sreasbecatse (sorensen zurroundingS and canprotect wetlandspeciesfrom impactsof unnatural spac provideswetlandwildlife and Gates1gg3,7*dler 1gg4).The additionalopen t t I I I t (7*dler 1984). .withhabitattbatcanserveasarefugeduringpeakfloodingperiods. E3 Chaptcr 10 103, Monitoringretland rcstorstionprciects The success of wetlandrestorationprojestsqrnnotbe determinedunlessthey are carefully monitored. In the past,monitoring of restorationsfor mitigation was rarely required as a part of the permit requirements (San Francisco Bay Conservationand DevelopmentCommission1988). Monitoring requires a longterm, welldesigned snrdythat must be started before the restorationbeeinsand comparedto reference sites (Qtranmen 1986, 1988, 7-edleret al. 1988). It is important that quantitative data be collectedbefore restoration using the some methodsand sites,and over a sgfEcientlylong period of time, so that a statistically and ecologicallymeaningfulcomparisoncatrbe madewith post'restorationdata. Monitoring studiesmustbe long-terrr becausecoastalmarshesare dynamis are commou(7*dler et a1.1986). A monitoring systeg$and natural disnrrbances program must continue for several years to determine the resPo$e of the communityto a wide rangeof environmentalconditionsthat caDvary seasonallyaod emorg years. High annualvariability in communitycharacteristismay be the rule 'averagestates'(7*dler et to determine and datafrom manyyearsmaybe necessary ar. 1988). If vegetationis plante4 or new speciesare introducedor encouragedto reproduce recnrit to the site, it may take yearsto determineif theywill successfirlly and if populationswill becomeself-zustaining(7*dler et a1.1988)' Many curent (R' wetland restorationproposalsin California require a 5 year monitoringperiod cy,pasonal communication)' Holderman,California StateCoastalConserrtan year to Sampting at the restoration site should occgr at least once a haveto determineannualvariability. However,different -peciesor firnctionsmay I T I I l l I t I l I t I T I I I I I I Rcstoration of coaSalwetlas& by factorsthat be monitoredat differenttimesduriDgthe yearif tbeyare influenced problems zuch as the vary seasonally. If monitoring occursat least annually, t invasionof exoticspeciescalrbe corected' I I I I I I l I I the most visible A monitoriqg program shouldnot focus on only a few of species)'but wetland characteristics(zuchas dominalrtvegetationor endangered t I I I I I to be of characteristics mustsamplea wide raggeof ecoqntemattriburcs' The list of ecorystemfunctioD' monitoredshouldincludethosetbat are importantindicators (Tndlet 1984)' For as well as .thosetbat tbe public views as important assets soils' toPograPhy' example,datashouldbe collectedon charaderisticsof hydrologr' at the restoration site trutrient dynamicq algae,vascularplants a1d cogsumers (7*dler et 4t. 1988). of a restorationpnoject f033 Deternining the success is ctrrently highly Evaluatingthe suces of a wetland restorationProject (t1.1988)' The dercrmination of wbat controversial(referencesin Zedlet et objectiveqthe criteria rsed for constitutesa'success'will dependon the Projea omparisons. Projects should be evaluation,and tbe referene sircs used for a high potential for achieving consideredsuccessfulif the restoredwetlandshows natrrralfuggtionalatuibutes(7*d|ete'4t.1988). funetionsof southeracalifornia 7*dler 4 at.(Lg88)havedevelopeda list of tbe similarities betweenthe salt marshesthat sbould be assesedto determine "reference"masbes' In panicular' they restoredmarsband nanrral' gndistgrbe4 E5 Chaptcr 10 have allowed wetland restoration to be used as mitigation for Port development projects. Because of the high demand, most stritable wetlands bave already been claimed, and land ownership is a major factor in determiniqg the feasibility of using wetland restoration for mitigation- I I l I t 10.4.1Availability of wetlands Becausewetlandsare in higb dernandin SoutheruCaliforniq the availability of a par-ticularwetland can change rapidly dependingou recent political or commercialevents. Wetlandsthat could potentiallybe availablefor restoratiouas mitigation for SONGS'impactsincludethe BallonaWetlan4 SanDieguito Lagoon' San Diego Bay Salt Worls, and the Tijuana Bn rr],; however,the anailabilityof thesewetlandsis far from certain It is alsoposible that unanticipatedcveatswil tbere is only onewetland makeother wetlandsavailablein the future. Nonetbeless, that would certainly be availableto SCE for restoration' the Huntington Beacb Wetland. The factor of land onmershipfavorsthe HuntingtonBeachWetland as tbe most likely wetland to restoreas mitigtion for SONGS'efrects The Huutingon I T I I I I I I Beac.hWetlasd was once part of an o6ensivewetland rystemthat coveredmore than 2950acres. Most of the systemwasdestroyedby developmentand agtriorlnrre' t A plan to but 115 acresremain in the HuntingrcnBeacbarea(Coas et al. L987). the restore a$-acresite in the remainingdegradedwctlandwasdevclopedtbrougb I I I I city of combined efforS of the Catifornia State Coastal Conservancy'thG oumersof Huutinglon Beacb,the Huntingon BeachWetlandsCorsernancy,and tbe the marsbwas tbe property (C,oatsd a1.1987,Eliot and Holdetlpn 1988),and 258 t l I l Restoration of coastd wctlasds land in the opeDedto tidal excb2ngein February 1989. SCE owns 14 acres of to any degraded Huntingon Beacb Wetland that had not yet been committed I partianlar use, and which could Potentially be restored for use in mitigation' I property The wetland area that includes the ?S-aererestoration site and the east' and oumedby SCE is bounded by tbe Talbert Channel on the nonheast and owned land the Pacific Coast Higbway on the southwest (Figge 1C2); privately thtough the separatesthe 25-acre parcel from SCE s land. Three city streets Pass and there is are& A higb levee separatesthe wetland from tbe Talbert channel of the culrently no surface tidal flow into SCE s proPefly. Tbe wetland character and seasonal site is maintained by periodic fresb water runoff and the tidal are degfaded fluctuations of the local water table. However, wetland functions when it was compared to functions in the salt marshesof the historic wetland area t I I I I I I t t t t t I t linked to the oceanby tidal flushing (Coas 4 al'7987)' wetland species Pickleweed is the dominant plant in tbe wetland area Other grassand fleshy fo'nd at tbe site include sickle grass,cattail, alkali bulrusb widgeon condition' jaumea Few speciesof water birds are able to use tbe site in its present the winter' None of Only a few ducls, shorebirdsand beronsbave been seendgring in soutbern california the three endangered bird species that are often fousd clapper rail and Belding's coastal wetlands, tbe California least ter!' Ught'footed in i15present condition (CoaS ssyannahsparow, has been observedin the wetland SCE property in tbe summer et at. Lg87). There is no open water habitat on the on the site is coastal sdt months Qtenonat observation). Most of the vegetation area is'coveredwith roads marsb (Figure 1G3). However,much of the salt marsh of SCE s ProPertyis salt flat' and tire tracls (Figure 1e4). Furttrermore, about hatf E9 Cbaptcr 10 Flgure1(l2 A HuntlngtonBeachWetland: ownenshlp.Ownershlpot the Huntingrton BeachWetlandls dividedamongpubllcand prlvateowners. f,$l!! Conrrvrdon m $@ lI hdutltLl En ?gYPto.lscdon tgyPtod./corlt wdotl *En t*SrwlngConrnllarl tand use plan ot the clu ot B. Gertltlecl]3nd use Plan. The coastat TiJ[',x*sf"#gEil:#d;'""lli"::]:'m"*miisiononoet i Restoratioo of coastalwetlands I I T o 6 o I I J o |! l! t0 o E -o o q, 6 o t sgF I I I I t o o oo <t G HE E ?Et 3b E G o et) C) rr-t J t\l !l 3 I ii () EEE Ea$ HgE btP E=E 5FE =FS ffr \' ii dlrr t, r.l c, J3l{$ l*, rl i' l''rI 'I lit r 'i\ ril l1i1tlI (i:r; ,.\ ,\1, '1, t;,' ll bi iel '!i ii .)l qir 3t -l ;lri t: cal ; (g= =os ilr l I \ I l:'::l A I t\ x 11, GG FI Isll tET ETs t 6 tt o I I I I I I t0 = o I zuJ C) g uJ x : i .4 II I J C' G o o ol ,;i ll = r\- {!i#1,, rlltt ,rl lri'rl # liN i 'ilu, ffi {,i\\ .N li,',r ,.1 ir't ill,i '\xr; ,l'r .i :' rl _t I t, \t' d'Zffii. [], i r ti ri'l ',-rl , \r: d 'lr \ffi .!lr' I rU\ ',-,1 'l i \tl ti tl J\ .\ . : I ll,\ t, ll I !l ,i , , d 1r',1 r f? rt ti {- gl l , Il o1 l,rgil I , r' rr j, .t\ il ,r. lrr l ti:t r 1'l\ \lt i I i 11r llli ir ''l,r{d FgF d Eg€ EEE sag 8a 7=. ? v6 C) 6 uP r: r.t gE o - ? -o . tr5E P;E g -ox "a- 3€* ttuJ= trE 9(9 5_ -J <6 9t g6 +6 >3 5 C) -==: 6i "*- UJ = z =t9 UJ go a = 2 z z o 3l) 7i l,l gl o 'uJ ,'' I - ,) ?51 gJ o I !! C) r t Chapter 10 is with virnrally no vegetation(Figure 1G3). It is clearthat the valueof the wetland low comparedto what it would be if it wasrestored. Before restoratioa,the channelqntem in the ?S'acrerestoration site also pool dried up by mid-5|lmmerdltring low tide, althougb one moderately deep wben retainedwatcr and supporteda few fish. During a frve'monthperiod in 1979' was culvertswere installed to oPenthe restorationsite to tidd flushing the area reportedly a productivewetland. Ponds,which were sirmpledby the C-alifornia Departmentof Fish and Gameat that time, containedopaleye,kelp bass'California and halibut topsmelt, shiner sur$ercb, stagborn sctrlprq California killifish' The yelloufin goby. (No data are availableon the abundanceof thesespecies') channelsalsocontaineddenseclarnbeds(Coats4 aL 1987). levee tbat Tbe zi-ase site was restoredin February1989by removingthe channelsin separatedthe areafrom Talbert Channelto restoretidal flow. Existing and create the marshwere enlargedto increasethe areaof mudflat and low Earsh to insuretbat openingsinto the flood control channel Severalpondswere ceated fish' The the marsh retains somewater dtuing low tide as refugia for resident cndangeredbird restored area should eventuallyprovide babitat for the three gfeatlyenhanced' species,fish and iwertebrates;the nalueof the that (1) the area is Pretiminarymonitoring resulg (Gorman d at.1989) indicate (2) the divenity of marine undergoingrevegerationwith wctland plant specier agd the abundanceof fish invertebrateshasincrcasedgfeatly,(3) both the diversity (4) tbe number of bird are increasingwith time sincetidal ftushingwas restore4 increased geatly following species aod individual birds using tbe wetlands wetlandrather thanupland restoration,and a higberproportion of the birds are I T T I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I T I I T I I I .lJ t{ 9{ Eg.g' E;U iEs IE H 6 ED(,) e;g PgE EEE EEA t I I t L #H gE€ r Er9 gH; +, to Fr *) E;g >y IU u) ;=E(sE i3 D -Ea9 I 'l t t t I f t' *ta, tse-g EEEH €EEg ;ilF FggE I I I t 6IF 6=o 263 l I I T I I I l l t t I I T t t t t I l I I I l I t t I I I t t Rcstoratiou of coastal wedads usingthe area Californialeasttcrn hasbeensuccessfully species"(5) tbe eDdaqgered for foraging,&d (6) water quality is near nornal Theseresuls indicatethat the value of this wetland has alreadybeen enbanced.In the future, cordgrasswill be planted in the low marsh zone and pickleweedin tbe middle and higb z)nes' will monitoring will continue, and work on displaln for an interpretive center continue(Gormanet al.t989). Althougbno restorationplan hasbeenproducedfor the lA.acre site owned by SCE, its restoration could presumablybe similar to tbat of the Zs-acresite' Removingthe leveefor the Talbert Channetwould providethe SCEsite with tidal by additionaldegfadedwetlandacreage' flow. Althoughthe two sitesare seParated value tbeywould be connectedtbrougbthe flood channel"whicbwould increasethe for of both sites. Becausetbe SCE site is so degrade4there is great potentid enhancingits value. If.the intent of the restorationis to maximizeiD-kindmitigation scE site for fuh lossesat soNGS, tben the anount of openwater habitat at the the shouldbe maximized. If out-of-kindmitigation is acceptable(or preferable), site' with restoration plan could be quite similar to the plan for the 25'asre species. naximum habitatfor endangered I AltbougbSCE'slandintbeHrmtin4ionBeacbwetlandhastherrndeniable SONGS'effectsis adrantageof alreadybelongingto SCE,its valuefor mitigating t t to limited by severalfactors. First' it is not clearthat SCEs'holdingis largeenough Of course' provide completecompensationfor the fish lossescausedby SONGS' wetland' sincemuch of tbe SCE migbt be able to acquireadditional land in tbe it may Dot be able to renrainingdegradedacreageis prirately owned. Secon4 lossestbat wouldneedto provideenougbopen-waterbabitar Most of the resources t I l 265 'l Cbapter 10 I be mitigarcdby wettandrestorationinrolve fisb species;tbe restoriationplan for tbe ?S-aqeparcel doesnot emphasizefish, and it is likely that SCEs parceldso is not t ideally nrited for providingfish habitar T I I I If the HgntingtonBeachwetlandis to be restpredas nitigation for SONGS' effests, the value of the restoration will be set by the constraina of the site's includingits size. It would be possibleto manipulatethe abundance characteristics, of sometlpes of habitatsin order to maximizetbe habitat value of the site, but it will not be possibleto create some habitat t)?es. For example,the amount of standingwater on the site could be changedto zuit tbe partiarlar nitigation need' but a relativelydeepembalmentcouldnot be created.Thtts,the challeugeis likely to revolve around tbe questionsof (1) &e designof the wetlandthat will produce the ma:rimumresourcevalue that can be obtainedon the site, and (2) how mucb resourcelosscanbe mitigatedry that partiorlar restorationdesign Although SCE does not already owu land in other potentid wetland an restoration sites, the restoration of otber coastal wetlands could also be is acceptablemeans of mitigating SONGS'impacts. Thc San Dieguito Lagoon wetland' larger and contains more oPen water than tbe Huntington Beach t I I I I I mitigating Restoratiouof the SanDieguito Lagoonwasuntil recentlyconsidercdfor this proposat developmentin tbe ports of Long Beachand Ios Angeles;however, t possiblethat the wasrecentlyrejectedby the california coastalcommission,so it is has an area of lagoon would be availablefor restorationby SCts Thc wetland I I ,l I I the san Dieguito about 120 acres,with a water area of about 33 acres' Thuq and resourcesthat Lagoonwould be able to provide substantiallymore resources Beacbwetland' are more similar to the impactedresourc€sthanthe Huntington I I I t t t I I I t I I t t I I t I l Restontion of coastalwetlan& A nrmber of otber ooastalwetlands,including Ballona Wetland and the Tijuasa Esnrary,niglt potentiallybe consideredfor restoration There is alreadya plan to restore 175 acresof the Ballona lVetland as part of the mitigation for a separatedevelopmentproject (Mea L988),but it night be possiblefor SCEto sbare sone of the costsandreceivemitigationcredit t0,42 Costs Costsfor restoringwetlandsvary tremendously,in Part dependingon the partianlargoalsof the restorationand the pre-existingconditionof tbe wetlan4 but targelydependingonwhetherthe landmustbe acquired. The recentlycompletedrestoration of,9.7ha (25 acres)at the Huntington Beach wetland cost $488,000,or $50,000per ha The proposedrestoration of BataquitosLagoon(as mitigationfor developmentin the Portsof Long Beachand Los Angeles)is expectedto aostabout $15 qillion for 160ba or $94,m per ha Restorationcostscould!s highsyif the costof acquiringthe land is unusuallyhigh' For example restoring 18 ha in the Huntinglon Beae.hwetland migbt inrrolve purchasingthe land for $25Q000/haand restoringtbe wetlandfor $55,000/ha'for a total cost of $5J;rnilliqq or $305,000per ha If land aoquisitionoostsare bighsl' tben of coursetbe total restorationcostswiUalsobe highsl' 105 Discussion SONGShasno direct effecton wetlandbabitats. Wetlandrestorationcould during provide iD-kindmitigation for speciesat risk at SONGStbat use wetlands I Chaptcr 10 t pan of their life. In large part, however,restoriDga wetlandwould constinrteoutof-kind mitigatioo Restorationof wetlandhabitatasmitigationfor SONGS'effests t would necessarilybe off-site. Wetland restoration may be an acceptableEeans of mitigating SONGS' impactsbecarsewetlandsare rare and extremelyvaluableresourcesin Southern California However,this method of mitigation preseutsa number of problems. One potential obstacle,disanssedabove,is the possibilitythat a suitablewetland here. cannotbe acquiredfor restoration Two additionalproblens will be discussed The first, tbe use of out-of-kindand off-site mitigatio+ involvesthe philosophyof mitigatior5 while the secon4 the vduation of dissimilar resources,presentsa technicalchallenge. 105.1 Outof-Hnd/otr-sitemitigation The curent mitigation philosopby of federal and C,alifornia resource agenciesdeemstbat out-of-kind,off-site mitigation is generallythe least'preferred altetaative. This philosophyis basedon the aryBmentthat overallProiectulrP4cts wiU be rynt-y"d I whenmitigationproducesresonresthat are assimilar aspossible to the lost resoprces. The acceptanceof out-of-kind resourcescould be risky' especiallyif the impactcd resorucesare highly value4 rare, and/or subject to substantialcumulativeimpacts. on the other han4 out-of-kindmitigation can be acceptablefor commonresourceswith relativelylow resourcerralue(USFWS1981), suchasperhapsmid-waterfish. 268 l I I t I I I I I T t I I l l I I I I I I I Rcstoration of coastal wctlands of Off-site mitigation could result in an inequitablegeographicdisuibution resources.It seemslikely tbat a restoredwetlandwould be far awayfrom SONGS (especiallyif tbe HuntingtonBeachwetlandis chosen)and therefore,the impacted area would locatly have a net loss in resourcevaluesin spite of mitigation' The importanceof the distancebetweegthe impactand mitigationsitesmay depeudon the specificresourcesthat are beingmitigated. For example,for wide'rangingand in ubiquitousspecies,suchasthe mid-waterfish speciesimpactedby SONGS,a shift the geographic distribution of resogrcesmay not be importanf But local replacementmight be essentialfor mitigatingthe lossof importantspecies,sucbas grantkelp, that are relativelyuncommo1or patchily distributedin the area of the impact I to Witb resPectto SONGS'imPacts,wetlandrcstorationwould be used the mitigate fisb (primarily mid-waterfish) losses. Because,for tbe most Part' t baverelativelylow tesourc€value,andarewide'ranging impactedfisb are cotDmOD, resources' and becauserestoring a wetland would enhancerare and valuable I SONGS wetland restoration would be an appropriate techniquefor mitigating t t effects. I restoration Perhapsthe largesttechnicalproblem inherentin rsing wetland axevery different' as mitigation for soNGS', effectsarisesbecausethe resources I t I t 10.5.2Valueof a r:storeil wetLand a value to dissimilar Ideally, an objective, quantifiable metbod of assigning the resourcesthat are resourcessbould be devised. In the caseof SONGS, witb associated impactedare primarily rrid-waterfish. (Kelp bed fish, invertebrates l Chaptcr 10 irnFacte4but the MRC recommendsthat these "15s i-p"cts be mitigatedusing other methods.) Restoringa degradedwetlandwould kelp beds,aad giaat kclp are pro.vide wetland resource$ including associntedspecies of birds' fish and iwertebrates. For L00Vocompensationof lost resources,tbe rralue of the lost resourcesmust balance thc .nalue of the restoration (Note that, from the perspectiveof mitigationbookkeepiq&the nalueof tbe restorationis the inseasein wetland resourcesover the resourcsspresentbcfore restoration) Yet how can thesevery different tJpesof resourcesbe equated? There presentlyis no conse$;usregardinga tectrniqueto be usedfor valubg resources,especiallywhenthe resourcesare dissimilar. Severalmetbodshavebeen the valuc of wetlandhabitats(e.g.,HEP, McCollum 1988; developedfor assessing and .Adamgsprocedure,Adamusand Stoclsrc[ 1983),but noneis very satisfactory noneis tailored for coastalwetlandsin SouthernCaliforaia(7*dler 4 aL L988).For SONGS,wetlandrestorationmaybe mostueful for mitigatingthe lossof mid'water fisb, but to our knowledgethe value of mid'water frshpa sa has never been assessed.To datg' mitigationfor projectsthat adverselyafrectmid'warcr frShbave focused on providing similar habitat nalues. For example, a modified HEP procedgrewasusedto determine(1) the rralucof open-waterhabitatthat would be lost as a result of port developmentin Los Angeleq and (2) the amountof open' water habitat that would need to be createdin BataquitosLagoon in order to in the compersatefor this loss. In this casg the dwelopmentProjectwould result habitatlossof mid-waterfish habitatrather than directlycarsingfish mortality,so a of midbasederaluation couldbc gsed: Howerrer,SONGSwill not causethe loss have to be water fisb habitat, so the valuesof tbe mid-waterfish themsclveswill determined. I I I I t I T I I I I I t T I I I t li I I I t I I I I I I I t t I l I I t Rcstoratioa of coastaluretlads If wetland restorationis choseuas a techniguefor mitigating someof &e effectsof SONGS,it seemslikely that determini4gthe amountof credit that should perhaps be assignedfor a partiarlar restoration project will be diffrcult and controversial. The scientifrcbasisfor ary evalgationmethodologl has not been developed,so somesrbjectiveevaluationwillbe necessary.(Eventhe U'S' Fish and Wildlife Sewice's modified HEP im'olved the zubjective best professional judgement"of qualified expera.) As Onuf (1985)states'"the determinationof the policJ' relativevaluesof grosslydifferentkindsof habitatis a matter of interpreting that the same whichassumes not the applicationof a methodof habitat assessment resourcesare at issue." The MRC hasproposedthat, dependingon the particrrlars,30to 60 ha would derived adequatelymitigatefor the lossof fish causedby SONGS'This sizewasnot metbodologlexists' by applyingan evaluationmethodologtbecauseno aPProPriate Rather,the MRC judgedthe relativenaluesof tro proposedrnitigationtechniques' ha of highartificial reefsandwetlandrestoration.The MRC hasestimatedthat 60 carsedby relief artificial reef would adequatelymitigatethe mid-waterfish impacts on the specific SONGS (see Appendix D). Tbe MRC judged tbat, depending equalrralueto wetlandandrestorationplan,restoringa wetlandwouldprovidefrom twicethevalue of an artificial reef (on a per-habasis)' comparedto a! The MRCs judgementof the value of a restoredwetland in this chapter,includingthe artificial reef is basedon a numberof factorsdisanssed roles as nurseryareasfor high productivity of coastalwetlands,their impoftant marinefishandfeedinggroundsforbirds,tbeirprovisionofhabitatforrareand value' As oneexample'we can andtheir visualandeducational species, ssdangered n1 I Chaptcr 10 l considerthe reliativeproductivityof coastalwetlandsand zubtidalreefsin Southern Califorda As noted in Chapter8, uo estimateof fuh productionis availablefor t Southern California subtidal reefs Honreve&Allen (1982) has estimated fish T I l I I productionfor a coastalwetland (Upper NeuryortBay), and comparedproduction ir this wetlandto a variety of other habitaa (Table let. Estimatesfor two sites, the Newport Bay littoral zone and MexicancoastallagooU night be considered indicative of the levels of fisb production that could be achievedin a restored wetland in Southern California These two habitats ranked anong the most productiveof all habitats,and were muchmore productivethan tbe purely marine (Fnglis! Channeland GeorgesBank) habitats,whichmiglube representativeof fish productiono! a temperatesubtidalreef.. There is one final concern about rcstoring a wetland as mitigation for t established. There is reasonablylittle doubt about the ability to modi$ and superficially improve a wetland. Howwer, recent evaluations of wetland I I I restoratio$ have srggestedthat they freqgently do Dot achicvetheir goalf and there is doubt about the ability of tbese rcstored wetlandsto assumethe full I functions of a natural wetlaod. Tbe potential for restoring rraluable,degraded of wetlandresogrcesis appealingbut there is enougbuncertaintyaboutthe success t wetland restorationsthat this techniqueshould be applied cautiorsln with the I realizationthat it is still elgerimental I SONGS' impacts. Wetland restorationhas frequentlybeen used as a mitigation techniqge, &d in some respects,the technolog of wetland restoration is fuily zn I I I I I I I I I I I I Rcstoratioa of coastalwetlands Table 10-5 comparison of ennual fish prcduction for t!8rhc end csnnrine babltas. .Moditred lnom Allcn (19E2),cftcrG FfercncGsto the cig[t origirsl sbdies can be found. Vducs arc for all spcciesccept nber: notcd- ESM{ATED ANNUAL PRODUCAION I,CALEAI{D (convwr/u2) HABNAT Delaware salt Barsh ctcck Nenport Bay linoral zone Mcxican coastallagoon Cuban frqshwaterlagoon No. Carolina celgrassbeds Bermuda Coral Rccf Tcxas lagoon (I4ura Madrc) Fngli<h Channcl pclagic and dcmersalfishcs GcorgesBank commercialEshes I l I t T I t I I I n3 t02 9.4 8.6 62 4.6 43 38 1.0 0.4 This page intentionally left btank I I I T I l t I I I I t I t I I I I I I I J I T I I t I I I I t I I I I I CHAPTER 11 FISH HATCHERIES 11.1. Introduction of lost fish A fuh hatcherycould potentiatlyprovide iD-kind replacement in the wild' The resogrcesby providing juvenile fisb that could be released adults and rear larvae requiresa thorougb successfuluse of hatcheriesto SPawD of a species,at leastthrougbthe juvenile knowledgeof the life historycharacteristics adulS and tbe life stage. There must be a reliable source of reproductive Equallyimportantfor techniquesfor hatchingandrearinglarvaemlrstbe available' of juveniles' releaseof hatcherystockis an uuderstandingof the ecologr successful juvenileslive? What The questionsthat needto be answeredinclude: Where do survivalin the juvenile sizesbouldthey be whenreleased?Wbat facton influence survivorshipbe habitat? Is the speciesrecntitment'Iimited? How canPost'release maximized? (salmon)hatcherieshave The major conclrsionsof this chapterare: Existing snrdies'The in spiteof substantialfinarcial coss and ortensive had limited success stageof developmeut'with use of hatcheriesto enhancemarine frsb is in an early of releasinghatcberylittle knoum about reariag techniquesor the effectiveness reared6sbiDtbewild.Becausetheseandotherproblemsarerrnlikelytobesolved a feasibletechniquefor mitigating in the near future, a batcherydoesnot seemlike SONGS'effectson fuh. n5 Chapter 11 112 Hatchery casestudies lLz.l. Sslrnon The ctrrent use of hatcheriesto enhancesalnon stocksprovidesa useful model to evaluatethe feasibility of hatcberiesas a source of recruits to adult populations. Pacifrcsalmonidsprovide one of tbe best oppornrnitiesfor success becausethey have been studied extensively(see McNeil and Himsvorth 1980)' Brood stock is readily availableand the requirementsof the early life stagesare known galmss speciesare anadromous;adultsmigratefrom the oiean into coastal ste2ms and rivers to spawDand juvenilesrenrn to tbe ocea&wberethey manre. Hatcheriesare usuallylocatedin streamsand rivers. SpawningadulB are gatbered as they move upstream to sPawnand, dependingon the species,juveniles are releasedinto either strermsor lakcs @rannon1984),wheretbey remainuntil they return to the oceanAll nations with major salmonfisheriesare orrently enhancingsalmon stocks (Healey 1980). One of the most ambitious effors is tbe Salmonid EnhancementPrograra (SEP), which was establishedin resPonseto the steady decline in Pacific salmon stocls and has been operating in British Columbia However,after 10yearsit cannotbe clearlydemonstratedtbat the the hatcheryprogran is a success.In fact' for one importantspecies,chinook' as measgredby the sizeof the cornnercial coastprogran hasnot been successful, canada,since$n. productionand wide catch. For example,despitea constantincreasein the batchery in the Georgia releaseof chinook smolS over tbe past 5 years'the chinookcatch of similar strait in 1987was the lowestin 25 years(Hume 1988). Tbe success n6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Fish hatcheries I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I states has also been salmon enhancemelt Programs in Oregon and Washingou limited (Hume 1988). for Pacific salmon The lack of successwitb many of the hatchery prograuts in general' One points out a rumber of risl6 associatedwitb the use of hatcheries (Department of potential problem is a reduetion in the gene pool of the stock sPawnersthan wild Fisheries and Oceans 1985). Because hatcheries need fewer mighl decline' which stocls to produce relatively large populations, genetic diversity in the environment is could be hazardousif the ability to adapt rapidly to changes life stages is probably affected. Since influence of natural selection in the early could swaEp the gene weaker for hatchery fish than for native fish, hatchery release fish' Weaker fish rnay be pool with the lesswell adapted genotlpes of the released decreaseand natural produced as a consequeDce'and ultimately fecgndity could can esEblish wbether mortality could increase. only long-terul obserrrations (Department of Fisheries depletion of the gene pool has these detrimental effects 3sd Qggens1985). will replace rather tban There is also the risk that hatchery stocls when a stock witb a higb zuprplementnatural stocks. Replacementwiu occur If time as a stockwitb a lower survivalrate' surrrivalrate is fished at the stock witb the higher rate of fishi4g quotas are deterEined by the yield of tbe andwill decline' The survival survival,the weakerstockis, in effect,overbarvested higberthan nanral stocls if hatchery of hatcberystocksin the oPeDoceancouldbe return to the sea' This couldeasily smols are larger than naturalsmoltswhenthey and the grounhof hatchery occur if tbe growtb of nanrral smoltsis foodlimited na$ral fisb"net benefitswill be lost' smols is not. If batcheryfish merelyreplace 2n Chapter 11 beenattributedto of the hatcheryprogam in Wasbington'has Jls limilsd success The the replagenentof nanrralProductionby hatcheryproducdon(Brannon19&a)' extent of stock replace6eut in the SEP Progfiun is presently unloown' but preliminary data zuggestthat t3Vo of.totalSEPproductionduring 1980to 1984was I I I replacementof naturalstocks(Departmentof Fisheriesand Oceans1985)' Althougb tbe number of hatcherysmoltsreleasedin British Columbiahas This inseased steadily, increasesin adult stocks have not met exPectations' indicatesthat facton that affest fish after they renrrn to tbe oceanare important determinans of adult stock size and may reduce the effectivenessof a hatchery in program. One possibleexplanationfor the poor chinookcatchin GeorgiaStrait During 1987is that oceanicconditionswer€ not favorablethat year (Hume 1988)' will be unfavorableyears,the resourcessPenton large scalehatcberyprodustion if wastedif the monality of smoltsis unuzuallyhigb. This is partiarlarty important the carryingcapacityof the juvenilehabitatis reducedduringpoor years" sgsanig Juvenile habitats could become sanrratedeven in years when very high' Smolts conditionsare favorable. Productionat a large hatchcrywill be releasedfrom a are often releasedwithin a narrow time interrr"aland if they are of tbe juvenile habitat singlesite, hatcheryfish could exceedthe carryingcaPacity near the releaseareacvenin goodyears' l:1.22 Marine fish sPecies Comparedtosalmon'theuseofhatctreriestoenhancemarinefrshstocksisa to be evaluated' Two species recegtdevelopmentwhosefeasibilityis just beginning n8 t I I I I I I I t I I t I I t I I I I Fisb hatcheries of Fish and have been targetedby tbe Califonria legislatgreand the Department the white Gane for researchwitb regardsto establishinga batcheryProgfiun: t I califomias' ,4straAoscionnobilis,andthe California halibut, Poalichthys seabass, are Do data on their These prograu$ are still in their ear$ stages,so there I undertakenjointly The rearingProgramfor the California halibut hasbeen in RedondoBeach' by DFG and SoutbernCaliforaiaEdisonat Edison'slaboratory juveniles reared from egg to post-feeding Halibut hav.e been successfuUy for raisinglarvaehavebeendeveloped' (approximatelyZcn long). The tec;hniques in adult halibut (IC although there is still some difEculty inducing spawning t I I I I I I I I t I I l- effectiveness. Herbinson,pasonal commrniuion)' TheprogramforrearingwhiteseabassisbeingconductedatHubbs succesful at getting two ResearcbCenter in San Diego. The progfam hasbeen regardlessof the uormal groupsof white sea bassto sPawDat aay desiredtime, eggshavebeen worked spawningperiod. Techniquesfor collectingand barching witb the effests of differeut rearing out, and tbe program is now e,xperimenting Some animals have densitiesand food tjpes (D. KcnL pas- contmaicaion\ estimatesof survivorshiP' sgrvivedat leasttwo years;work is continuingon fish is realize4 it is not clear Even if the potential for rearingyoungmarine for impactsto fish' For tbat a hatcheryProgramwill satisfactorilycomPensate nay be the nurseryhabitatfor youngexample,the bottleneckfor california halibut numberof younghalibut will suwive of-year(Allen et a|. tg85);if so,only a certain n9 Chapter 11 for no Eatter how many are release4 and a hatchery is not likely to be effective enhancingthe stock 113 Discussion Tbere are at leasttwo serioustechnicalproblemsthat lirnit the feasibilityof few using a fish hatcheryas mitigation for fish lossescaued by SONGS' Fint' given marine fish have been raised in a hatcherysinration It seemslikely that, zufficient time and mo1ey, nearly alt speciescould be raised in a hatcbery' provide' However,there are manypotentialpidalls with little previousexperienceto guidance,and there is no guaranteethat ary partiorlar speciescould be raised witb within reasonablelimits of time and money. Furttrermore,replacingfisb losses and hatcheryproductionwould requirea continuousoutlayof moneyfor operatioru maintenance.Secou4little is lnoum aboutthe critical factorslimiting ftmy marine historiesof fish populations. It is clear th:t much more informationabout tbe life and the Earine fub, the Processesunderlyingthe dynamicsof the populations before it canbe determinedwhethera nature of potential bottlenecls,is necessary restocking a hatchery could er7etPowfiatly enhancea population" Blindly populationfrom a hatcheryhasa higb likelihoodof failure. a frshhatcheryis The posibility of restoringmarinefish populationsthrougb mitigation technique' attractive, and hatcheriescnuld one day prorridea valuable and it would be e:cUemely However,they do not apPearto be feasibleat Present' resourcesimpacted' difficult to link the rraluea hatctrerycouldprovideto tbe 280 I I I l I t T I I I t I I I T I I I I I I t T I I I I CHAPIER ljz OTIIER MITIGATION TECHI{IQUES precedingfive chapters There are a n'mber of techniquesnot coveredin the None of the three that could be consideredfor mitigatingthe impactsof SONGS' the sensethat tbey are techniquesdiscussedin this c,haprcrare traditional' in and/or bave been applied consistentwith the FWS Mitigation Policy guidelines thesetechniquesoffers previouslyin coastalmitigationprojects. However,eachof mitigating impacts to partianlar advantages,especially when consideredfor to envisionan appropriate resources(suchas midwaterfub) for which it is diffic'lt tecbniquefor in'kind replacemenl t I I I I I I I I t I 12.1 Coastal Preservation somecoastaldevelopnent Ilnd acquisitionhasbeenusedas mitigationfor land couldseweto mitigate projects(Ashe 1982). Acguiringandpreserviqgcoastal from the operation of SoNGS' impacts to the marine environmentresulting inconsistentwith the mitigation However, resonrcepresernatiogaPPea$to be cxistingresourcesrather than policy set forth by F'WSbecauseit merelyPrcsenes for project'relatedresourcelosses' This producingDewresogroesto aogPeDsate tbe consequenc€sof having land inconsistencycan be seen by couidering as more and more projects were acquisitionas tbe sote mitigation technique: preserved'but the total amount of be would tand more and more completed, resourcewould dwindle' 281 Cbaptcr 12 r -nd acquisitioncould be appropriatemitigatiotrif the acquiredland would otherwisebe degraded. Tbe protestion of rare and valuable habitat (such as a wetland)mighl be seenaspreferableto the in-kind replacementof sseminglylessvaluableresources(zuchas midp€ter fish). Judgementsabout the relativevalueof different resonrcesare subjectiveand difficult to quantiff, and in the long term the value of preseration dependson the nature of the (unloown) funre development of the land. Viewed strictly from the standpoint of absolute resourcevalue, preservationguaranteesthe protectionof someresourcesat the costof others. But if the protectedresourcesare ar greatrisk, presernationmight in the loug run be the mostvaluablealternative. For example,wetlandhabitatis at greatrisk in Southern California in spite .of its perceivedvalue, and 7*dler (1982) argues that developmentin and aroundwetlandswill continueunlesswetlandsare purchased for publicmanagemeDl IJnd acquisition and presewation c:rn be traditiond nitieation if the acquisitionis tied to restoration In this case,tbe resourcevalue of a degraded habitat is enhancedthrougb restoration, and there need not be a net loss of resources.It seemslikely tbat most,if not all, of the land that couldbe acquiredin SouthernCalifornia would bc somewhatdegraded;Se acquisitionand restoration of land could &erefore be a valuablemitigation technique. (The restoration of in detail in Chapter10.) wetlandsand esnrariesis disggssed 122 Research Knowledgeaboutpartiarlar resourcesor mitigationtechniquescouldbe very valuable where actions or recommendatiorsby governmentagencieshave been I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ther mitigation tcchniques . hamperedby a l,ackof information- There bavebeena Dumberof casesin which snrdieshave been recolnmendedas at least part of the mitigation requirement' Recent exanples in Southern California (N. Gilbert' USFWS, personal commwi@ion) include: (1) A sftdy of an adjacentliagoonin reqponseto building oD a mes4 which was to provide information about tbe value of the lagoontbat decisions.(2) A sftdy of the impact of would be valuablefor funre Eranagement isolation on the ecologicalfunctioningand integrity of vernalpools,recommended as part of an overall mitigation packagethat inctudedpreservingexistingvernal pools. (3) A sndy of the effestsof shadingon eelgrassin responseto development - that would impacteelgrassbeds. In addition,a researcbinstinrtewasestablisbedas part of the mitigation'settlemeutfor HudsonRiver Powerplans (Barnthouseet al' 1e88). There are potentially seriousproblernswitb utilizing researchas the sole meagsof mitigatinga partianlarimpact- By itself,researchdoesnot directlychange resogrcevalues,and there would be somenet lossin resourcevalue,at leastin tbe short tenL tn rhis sense,researcbdoes not follorv tbe F'\ilS Mitigation Policy' flowever, the long-termbeuefrtsof properlydirectedresearchcouldbe nrbstantial' of and could ultimately result in increasedresourcevaluestbroughthe application as novel or refined techniques.This techniquewould be partiorlarly appropriate tbe nitigation for resourcesfor which no otber feasibletechniqueof replacing resourceexists. for the Researchwas an explicit coEPoneutof the nitigation settlement disputeover the impactsof power plans oD the HudsonRiver. In this case,the could not be impaca of entrainmentof fish larvaeby power-plantcoolingsystems -l C|tzgtet 12 resolvedin spite of manyyea15of hfaringS. Becauselack of informatiou aboutthe ecologyof the HudsonRiver wasviewedas a major impedimentto policy decisions concerningthe use of the river, researchon Hudson River ecolory was seenas appropriatemitigation As a result of the outd-court settle6ent,the HudsonRiver Foundation was establishedto coordinateand fund researchon tbe ecologyof organisnsliving in the HudsouRiver. [Jtili-ing shrdies to complanent other mitigation techniqueswould be asa extremelyvaluable. In eachof the casescitedabove,a studywasrecommended Eeansof acgqiringinformation abouthabita6 that would cenainlybe impactedby futrue developmentprojects; the information would help the resourceageucies of make funue judgementsabout proposedimpactsto tbosehabitats' And i! two the cases,the snrdywouldprovideinformationaboutthe babitatbeinginpacted' It is worth noring that monitoringsnrdiesto determinewhethera partioilar These mitigation project was nrcces$rl would not be appropriate mitigation' applied monitoring studiesare very important,providinginfo:mationthat could be Part to funrre mitigation projeets. However,theyshouldbe onsidered a necessary righr of the mitigationrequiremengrathertban mitigationin their own 1ll3 Water qualitY imProvement forrr of reducing Mitigation for a terrestrial project sometimestakes the producedby a separate' imracts that are similar to the Projest impactsbut are gnrelatedproject For example,the California Air ResourcesBoard has required cagsea net benefrtin the air that new sonrcesof air pollution, if permitte4 should I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Other nitigtim tcchniques air quality impactsin quality of the regolL Tbe policy is basedon the theory tbat anothersite within the one area can be mitigated by air quality inprovementsat 'airsbed' (Ashe 1982). For example,StandardOil bad agreedto reduceemissions for one of Standard's at a SouthernCalifornia Edison Powerplant as nitigation andprocesing proposedrefineries(Ashe1982).Similarly,mitigationfor oil dri[iug Channelmay include developmentsimpacts on air quality in the SantaBarbara Douros' penonal improvementsto emissionsof other operations off-site @' is that tbe project-related commwication). In both cases,the underlyingidea not beendegfaded' impactsare mitigatedbecausethe overallair qualityhas quality is tbe soutbern A similar approach could be used for water water quality as a result of California Bight. As mitigation for adversl effeetsof waterqualityat anotbersite dischargedwaterfrom SONGS,SCEmightimprovethe to water quallty could be within the Bight Any number of differeut impacts discbarges'SCE might improve( including sewagetreatmentplants or indusgial their other Southerncalifornia alsobe able to redue the water quality impactsat porverplans. ?a5 -l This page intentionally left blank I I t t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I SECTIONII LI1ERATURECIIED assessment: Adamrs, p. and LT. Stochrell. 1gg3./4 mahd for walod fwaiorul Federal VolumeI Criticalwiw od aryhntion concepts.FTIWA-IP'82-23' D'C' HigbwayAdministration lVasbinggoD' reef deploynetrton Atevizon,W. andJ. Gorbam. 1987.Tbe effectsof an artificial Conferenceon nearbyresident reef dwelling fishes. Fogrth International Artificial Habitatsfor Fisberies(Abstracrs):2' 1985' Use of Alevizon,W.S.,J.C. Gorh2r'\ R.Ricbardsonand S'A' McCarthy' (l,utjanidae) and gruuts man-made reefs to concentmte snapper (Haemulidae)inBaharnianwaters.Butl.Mar.Sci.3T:3.10. struc$res to mitigate Alewas, R3- and sJ. Edwards. 1985. use of reef-like environnent. Bull. Mar. sci' 31:.396' habitatlossin aDesnraxine andproductivityof the littoral Alleq LG. 1982. Seasonalabundane,composition, fishassemblageinupperNewportBay,californiaFish'Bull'80(a):769' 790. divenity andseasonalityof fishesiu Allen, LG. and M.H. Horn tg75. Abundance, Coloradol^goo4Alarrritos,Bay,CaliforuiaEsnrarineCoastalMar.Sci.3: 371-380. 287 Sectiootr Literaturc Cired on the Alleq LG., C.P. Onuf and lv{.S.Love. 1984. Resuls of a pilot sildy distribution and abundanceof young-of-yearCalifornia halibut in the vicinities sf Alatnilss Bay and San Onofre-Oceanside,May-June' 19&4' Reportto the MarineReviewQemmillsg. on tbe Alleq LG., CP. Onuf and M.S. Love. 1984. Resultsof a pilot snrdy in tbe distribution and abundanceof yogng'of'year California halibut 1984' vicinities of Alemitos Bay and San onofre-oceanside,May-June, Report to the Marine ReviewCornmittee' Report Ambrose,R.F. 1986a Artificial Reefs. Volume t A reviewand analysis' to the Marine ReviewComnittee. 186pp' 1986b. An evaluatios of alternative techniquesfor mitigating irnpacts of the San Onofre Nuclear GeneratingStation Report to the Ambrose, RF. MarineReviewComrnittee.168PPnanrralreefsin Ambrose,RF. 198?a Comparisonof communitieson artifrcialand Final Report Southern California with emphasison fish assemblages' nrbmittedto the Marine Reviewcommittee. December1987' Ambrose,R.F.lgsTb.Compilationofinformationrelatedtomitigation:Fadors giant kelp' life history influencingthe recruitment,growthan{ persistenceof for seagrass slrmmaries for nearshore fish species, and techniques resrcratiolt. 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AssessingthefunctionsofmitigationmarshesinsouthernCalifornia UnPublishedmanuscriPr 18PP' 311 I This page intentionallY lsft ltank I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I SECTIONItr RBCOMONS I I I l I I I I I CHAPIER T3 RECOMMENDAIIONS the basisfor the MRCs mitigation recoururendations' This chapterdiscusses the MRCs First, I discgssthe Permit and CCC guidelines that have governed the generally approachto mitigation (A generaloverviewof mitigation' including review acceptedmitigation priorities, is given in Cbapter 1.) Second,I briefly of SONGS' techniquestbat could potentially be 115edto mitigate the impac'ts to the Finally, I presenttwo optionsfor mitigating the effectsof SONGS,"Changes chapteris to Qesling System"and ?revention and Mitigation." The purposeof this rePort to the relate the infonnation presented in the first two sestionsof this recorunendationsmadein the MRC's Final Report to the CCC' l 13.1 APProach I l I hasbeenmandatedby The MRCs approachto developingrecommendations issuedby the CCC' CoastalC-ommissiouPermit 183'73and subsequentguidelines been considered(see Altbougb rrariors laws and policiesrelated to mitigation have havenot beenconstrainedor lirnited by tbem" frapter 1), the recommendations t I I I I I recommendingto the The permit statcs that tbe MRC is reqponsiblefor coolingsJEtemfor units 2 atd c;omtnission"anychangesit believesnecessaryin the 3" (Condition8.4). Condition8'6 providesthat: Shouldthestudyatanytineindicatgqhattheproiectwillnot.oTPll' oi stat. or Federalwater qudity witb the regulatory,"qno"-?i[ effects on the marine agencies, dr tbai ,ubrd,ii;i-"ddfi through the eDvlronmentare likely to occur' or 31s-.seeurrine' operation';i[;1;--Il, z -i'i]",r,-, 313 "piti.-s striit immidiaterv Chapter li! undertake5ugfonsdificationsto the ssslingsystemas mayreasolably be required to reduce such effects.or complywith sucb regulatory q anO be nade while conitiuction is.gginS^ reqgueme"ts-(*Ui.[-can -b!-.s q. the tUat if= towers Ln"orive as t"qniriog .ooling ;;itd condition further then recornmenaatioi).fti Gti-ConrFssion shill the Permil ssssldingly. In November t979 the CCC expressedinterest in evaluating means of mitigating adverseeffectsother than changesto the geslingsystem,and directedthe MRC asfollour: The Commissioualso migbt measuresrruErrr Or EUUgaUOIIl1easurcr recgSnizes that OperatiOnal Changes 6ffitieation .oip"'os"iJ-fot antdtine life danagesresuldngfrom ;A;il,"tt ihFrefore,requests io*-q,.I9lo,t":l^"91it-T 2 and3.' Tle Commission' U"i1s2-and..3..n.$qprf ofU-Ots th;6p!t;"iionof th;A;re-rafo" prompmg selecteq-PtggTq e$ects of selectect fea;fbility and effec'ts th9 feasibility titR,C to snrdy the Oe ihe tha reel as artificial an of ionstruction including -c"ti?otn1" -so"ii.ti,mitieation measures, Eaison The MRc slqqld il;?iiei' u" - Southern zuggEstedby b: there to assure ;83"il;A?U"i.."i*"t -igh-ue tatgo Io-iE[-&i*J?nEiii6J-d-fi Yolld_ *"itoo-Jotfr.-ogroperationof LL/9/79'4/4/80) SONGJUnisz a"o 3. (StatrReports The permit statesthat the Committee is responsiblefor "recommending"' (Condition any changesit believesnecessaryin the coolingsJ6temfor Units 2 and3" to 8.4), witb no mention of operational changesor mitigation Option 1: Changes Option 2: the Cooling Systenr"below, responds6 this charge. On the other hand' light of the Prevention snd Mitigation, below, considirs recommendationsin the MRC first November 1979resolution as well as the Permir Under Option \ canreasonably recoEmendstechniquesfor reducingas manyof SONGS'impactsas to mitigate the be accomplishe4 and then recomnends replacementtechniques priority was dosen remaining lossesto the Point of no net advene effecl This lossesis also gven beca'se the permit stressesreduction of inpacts; preveuting resourceagencies precedenceover replacing lost resourcesby state and federal costs and the (Chapter 1). For each mitigation technique, initial and ongoing 314 I I t I I I I t T T I I l t I T I I t I I I t I I I l I I I Rccoonesdations zmount of resourcesmitigatedare estinated. Horpever,manyof tbeseestinratesare rougb at best,and sometechniquesshouldDot be requireduntil testsdeterminethat they will substantiallyreducethe impactsof SONGS. Condition 8.6 implies that recommendationsshould Pass a criterion of and althougb the Commissionnakes the ultimate judgement of "reasonableness," what is reasonable,this chaptersumnarizesinforcratioDon this matter, partianlarly with regards to tbe risls and expensesof each tecbnique. Several technically feasible techniques are not recom6ended because of associatedimpacts' the uncertainty, eIPeDseor a combination of factors, all of which bear on techniques. of recommended "reasonableness" 132 Summaraof potentialmitigationtechniques The previouschaptersof tbis technicalreport describeand evaluateavariety due to of techniquesthat could potentially be usedto Preventtbe los of resources t t These the operation of SONGS or comPensatefor the value of lost resogrces' t the impactsof Table 13-2lists the most promisingtechniquesfor mitigating selve to mitigate' soNGS and indicatestbe resourcelosseseacb techniquecould nearlyall identified Two techniques,sseling to\ilersand reducedflow, could reduce once-througbcooling categoriesof impacts. Witb cooling tolvers' the existing all of tbe qystemwould be converted to a closed rysten, virnrally eliminating imPactsto tbe marine environment impactssnrdiedby the MRC. (Someadditional I I I I I techniquesare listed in Table 13-1. 315 Chapter lil Table 13-1 List of potential techniquesfor mitigating the effectsof SONGS AII tochniqucsr llclurling thocc lhat vould uot bc feasiblc or would not pnovide adequatc Ditigntion 8t SONGS, are hcludcd in this lisL The uost promising tcchniqucs anc notcd by t. Replacementtechniques Lossreduction techniques 'Constnrst artificial reef 'Create newkelPbed 'Restorecoastalwetland Constnrctfish batcherY Coastalpresewation Research Information dissemination (e.9, book) Water qualiryimprovement Intake Morfified 63yslling Screen (e.g.,low-pressrirewash,small mesh) lnfrl6alisn bed Porousdike Barrier wstems Movinq iirtate 'Sonic devices(poppen andhammers) 'Merqrry liehts Electrir!fi;lds Strobelishts Bubble cunains Waterjets Discharye i t I I I t I I I I t 'Relocate discharge (to shallowor deepwater, upcoart or do\rrDcoast) Covlr diffuser ports with rock Modifv diftsei Dorts (g.d. increasi heigbt/cxit diarneter, cn:rnseorscnargeange, Changeio singte-fon discharge Modiff bonom topograpby Reducefl ow/reducePower I l t Replacattmt of coolingsystmr rgsgling towers Cooling ponds Mdification of opmions 'Reduce flow/maintain full Power 'Rescheduleflow Modi$ heattreatmentProcedures 316 I I I I I I Rccommendations O A'EI €E=g t E+; =g E E s.9 5E E9 TE; l = a-- --ar E E€E E.gD: E u2 tv-- g t t I I I I l -O C) GI :-:-Es 9 'e I <8, = v & A.=.= Frt\tt vv*i .- €3s =Yg ? =t€ F\ -F-l AVA- ! t.^. EE€E B.s, E !erED e i o0ta .=b ET I I I I v -= E€ o F EEE F gF; t t Ix -:i yVV 38 .}E€ €: I I I --a LJF rr Eggag EE* - :E=9 s= E6 EEEE E..EE F F ? g gEgiF g:;5D -= =47y = z=a= Z Ef=;i E -s .gE:8 =.--E c) a) 0 t) R EF 3) s th -l) -s g .= !=E 4.2 E EaEE Blr l) 4 = : = i?€ = €.=€i, E ggE- .] EES.E ;. j i== = =ee? E IE=E E oE EO EF:N -=s) a= ==-= Z nEE a + + f3 . -= tiE = ? ? EI =r- g ET a) c; 1)ll & (2 c) h.E s5 q) !) -t! =#^sg o 1) I 0 \ €=-5a 377 ; E e.= E €33 E=ess =4z.=s I Cbaptcr lil t might result from the small volume of dischargedwater from cooling towers,and terrestrialand otherimpactswould certainlyoccur;seeSection5.12.) Reduongthe flow of warcr througbSONGSwould not completelyeliminate 3ny inpacts, but it could potentially reducedl categoriesof lossesto someexteul For organismsthat are entrainedby SONGS,reducingthe flow of water througbthe plant would directly reduce the lossesdue to SONGS. Tbe relationship between flow rate and resourcelossis lesscertain for giant kelp, kelp bed fishesand kelp bed invertebrates(Section621} but reducedflow might result in somereductionin impacts. The remaining frve loss preventiontechniqueswould reduceimpactson two the operationof SONGScouldreducethe losses or three resources.Rescheduling of fish larrrae and giant kelp. Changesto the diffuser system(either moving the dischargeor modiSing the diffrser poru) could reducethe impacs ou giant kelp' kelp bed fsh and kelp bed invertebrates. Finally, sonic devices,zuch as intake reducethe lossof entrappedfish' poppers(pneumaticguns),and light systems'could . reef The mostpromisingreplacementtechniquesinctudeconsmlctingan artificial in-kind and restoring a degradedwetland. An artifrcial reef could serrteas giant kelp' kelp replacementfor kelp bed fish and invertebratesan4 if it zupported by a restored iaelf. The amount of in-lcind resonrcestbat would be provided plan' A wetland would depend on tbe paniarlar wetland and its restoration bigb in'kind value' restoration tbat provided large oPen-waterareascould provide resources(e.9.'fish) as or at leastwould enhancethe productionof tbe sametypeof impactedby SONGS. 318 I I I I I t l I I I t t t I I I I I I l l I I I I t l I I I t I I I I t Rccormendations Either an artificial reef or a restoredwetland couldprwide out-of-kind value for any of the resource losses causedby SONGS. However, Table 13-2 also distinguishesout-of-kind replacementthat would result in tbe substinrtion of tbe 6amegeneraltype of resource(e.g.,fish). Altholgb this tlpe of replacementhasnot be distinguishedin establishedpublicationsor policies, it would be preferred over out-of-kind mitigation resultiqg in completely dissimilar resources. Botb an artificial reef and a restoredwetland coutdproducefisb as out-of-kindmitigatiou for midwater and bottom fuh speciesimpactedby SONGS. Wetland restorationcould also produce fish as out-of-kind mitigation for kelp bed fisb speciesimpacted by soNGs. The two mitigation options consideredin the Final Report to the CCC are sumnarized in Table 13-3. The componentsand alternativesof theseoPtionsare consideredin the rest of this chapter. 133 Option 1: Changes to the Cooling System Conditions 8"4 and 8.6 of the Permit state that, if the MRC finds that SONGS causes substantial adverse effects on the marine enviroument, the Comminee is responsiblefor reconmending "sucb modifications to tbe cooling q6tem as may reasonablybe requiredto reducesucheffects'.'"' Tbere are reasonsbesidesthe mandate of the Persrit to prefer stnrctural cbangesas a meansof reducingtbe impaas of SONGS. Strucnral cbaqgescould remove or reducethe mechanisrnsof impacq therebyinsuringthat SONGShas the leastpossibleimpact on the marine environment. Suchchangesnot only minimize 319 I I I I Chaptcr li! Tsble 1}3 Options for reducingor rnitigating the impactsof SONGS t Optioo lgl.hniquc ObiectitE Rccoonendatioa t 1: Changesto cooling system Optionla Coolingtoxfets Rcduccdl losscs Rcject (WM, BM) Acccpt (RF; losscs Reduccdisc,hargc Rcject Optionlb Mwing discharge Acccpt (Unaaimous) 2: Preventionand mitigation Ftshl-ossa Rcducc0oui Rc$hedulc o'pcratiousr Artiftial rccf (60 hdl Rcstorsrctlard (30toeOhdl Rcdrce inpiagetlcst losscs Rcducelanal fish losscs (l-10% se&rctimsis staditgstocb of sooe spcdes) ncOucefish iltaltc lcscs (21 tons/yt) Iklp fuat cmnunity impoa Artilicial recf (U0 ba) I RcplacelcclpconmunitYlosscs (80ha tetp ad associatcd irrcrtchatcs ald ftsh) 1 A combiaation of tbcsc techoiqucs could bc uscd as loag as ovcrall rcsult was complctc nitigation' 320 I I I I l t I I I I I Recommendatioas I l I I t I t 3 I I I I T I I I I t the impact a projest has on tbe local ecosj6terD,tbey also avoid tbe extremely rliffisuh problems associatedwitb trying to (1) estimate tbe value of resources produced by imperfectly understoodmitigation techniques,and (2) compare the valuesof dissimilarresources. In this section,I addresscturngesto &e cootiDgqntem at SONGSthat would reduce the substantial impacts of SONGS. I foeus on the two alternatives, constnrctingcooli4g towersand moving the discharge,that were consideredby the MRC in its Find Report to the California CoastalCommission U13.1 Option la. C.oolingtow€ns Tbe substantialadverseimFactsof SONGSare directly related to the intalce and dischargeof a large volume of water at SONGS;cooling to\r'erscould reduce this florp by 90Voor more, thereby substantiallyreducingall of SONGS'effestson the marine enviroumentthat the MRC hasmeastued. Qosling tos'erspresenttbeir own suite of problems(disorssedin SaPter.S). Any one of severaldifferent coolingtourerdesignscould be usedat SONGS,but all havetechnicalor environnental problems One designtbat seemssuitedto the Saa Onofre environment,dry cooling to$rers,hasneverbeenusedat a plant larger than 200 lyflil, so it is uncertain wbether the engineeringobstaclesof applying tbis technologr to a 1100lvf\il scalecould be resolved;furthermore, dry cooling towerE would be expectedto decreaseplant capacityby 20Vo. Wet cooling towerswould also result in a sigUificantdecreasein plant caPaclty. Any decreasein efficiency 321 Cbapter 13 would likely increase emissionsin the Los Angeles Basin, becauseBasin Power plantswould needto oPerateInore to makeup the lost power. Salt water would be usedfor wet gsolingtowe$ at SanOnofre becarseof the scarcityof fresh water, and the rezultingsatt drift could c:ilse nrbstantial terrestrial imFactswithin a few rniles of the towe6. Althougb a smallervolume of water would be dischargedfrom SONGSthan with the presentonce-tbroughcooling system'the discbargedwater would have higtier concentratioosof toxic chemicaJsand other sestnminants(which are r15edto preventcorrosion,scalingand biofouling). Retrofitting SONGSfoy cooling towerswould be a complexengineeringand logisticalproject SCE doesnot own the land on which the coolingtoweniwould be built but.would need to acquire it from eitber Camp Pendletonor the State Park. There may not be enougbroom to build the towersnext to Units 2 atd 3; if not' they would needto be locatedat leail a mile awayfrom the plant on the other side of the freeway. The intake pipes, which are pointing the wrong way, would need to be extendedin a sreeping cirarlar plpe out and back up the beach. If the towers are locatcd across&e &eeuay, thc pipcs would need to be buried deep beneath the freeway(tbe Department of Transportationwould haveto give permissionto nrnnel beneaththe freeway)and up into the hille, and additional PumPswould be needed I I I I t l" t I I I I I l T would to Etnte the water uPhiUagainsta head of about 200 feer The sea difB probably haveto be destroyedno matterwbere the coolingtowetEwere constnrcted' the Cooling tower5 are also likely to affect human safety by increasing would frequencyof ground-levelfoggrngaround San Onofre. The cooling towers produces have to be located adjacentto Interstate5, wbereweather conditionsthat 32, I I I RccommcndatioBs I I l t I I I redu@visibility on the higbtl|ay' a visible plgme from the towerswould sometfunes Althougb this would probably ocor only rarety (according to the 1973 Final Environmental Statementfor Unit 1, SCE estimatedthat conditions conduciveto fog would probably occur dgring 90 hrs/year), the probability of automobile accidens near SONGSwould be sligbtly highel as a result of constructingcooling towers. Finally, cooling towers are expensive,witb an estimatedcost of about $500 milliea to $1 billion for corstnrstion In additio& the decreasein plant capacity t would be expectedto costat leastanother$1 billion overthe life of the planr I I I T I Cooling tos'ers were consideredin the Final Environmeutal Statementfor Unis 2 and 3 and by tbe MRC in its 1980report to the CCC' and in both cases rejected as unnecessaryfor the anticipated level of impacts' None of the recent t I I I I t information indicatesthat theywould now be a better alternative' be If cooling towers are required, their environmental impacts would imPacts substantially different from the impacts measuredby the MRC; tbese impacts' should be monitored even tbough they would be lower than the Present of the 'The appropriate monitoring would depend on the design characteristics that would be towers, so it is not possible to anticipate the specific monitoriqg needed. 323 Chapter 13 1332 Option 1b. Moving the discharge .An alternative to cooliug toweni is to move the dischargeso that &e plume doesnot Passover tbe SanOnofre Kelp Bed- This would eliminate the impactson the kelp bed. This option has the following disadvantages(Section4.6): (1) Changesto the discharge system mlrst accommodate the plant's frnely'tuned hydraulic requiremerts, and this rest'icts the distanceat which a new dischargecould be located. (Z) There would be new impacts on the marine environment,some of whichwe are not able.topredict. (3) It would not reducethe adverseeffectson fuh populatiouq which are causedby the egtrapmentof fish. (4) Although impactsto the SanOnofre Kelp Bed would cease,it would take a period of time (perhapslong) before &e kelp bed would recover, dgring which there would be a net loss of resources.(5) The exactcostwould dependon the specificlocationand designof the new discharge(and would reqgire a detailedanalysis),but would be hundredsof millisa5 of dollars. gliminats ongoing Movigg the discharge is technically feasiblc, would irnpacts to the San Onofre IGlp Be4 and would qruse only minor new and enrrironmentalirnpac6. However,movingthe discbargewill be vety exPensive, with an the impacts to the kelp forest commnnity can be adeqrately mitigated artifrcial reef at zubstantiallylower cost for mitigation Tbe MRC wasunadmous in not recotnmendingthis technique of SoNGS'irnFacts. I I t I t T l, I I I l I I t I I I I t l I I I I I Recosncndations 1!1.4 Option 2: Prevention and mitigation Option 2 consistsof techniquesthat, combine4 could be usedto comPensate for the resourceslost asa result of the operationof SONGS. The goal of this option is to haveno net adverseeffea resultitg from the operationof SONGS. The MRC has evaluatedmore than 30 different techniquesthat could be usedfor preventingor mitigating lossesdue to SONGS(Table 13-1),most of which haveneverbeenadequatelytested. Furthermore,developmentand testingof these techniques has generally focused ou power plants that are much smaller than SONGSand are not located on the coastof a temperateocean* It is therefore dif6cult to evaluatetle feasibiiity of these techniquesat SONGS,and there is uncertainty associatedwith even tbe most promising of them. In addition, there t have been few attempts to mitigate Dearshorecoastd impacts, so there is little I I 1 Option 2 arethetechniquestbe Committeefeelsare the mostlikely to be successful precedenceor experiencefor guidance. The relatively few techniquesincluded in with no unacceptableeffects. The detailedrecommendationsin this sestionzre organizndaccordingto two major categoriesof losses:fuh losses,and kelp forest communityimpacts. t I I 1:i.4.1Fish losses The MRC has recommendeda possible combination of four differest techaiquesfor mitigatingthe fsh losses:(1) reducetbe numberof larvaeentrained I (by reduciag the flow rate at SONGS or other coastal Power sutions or by I 325 t Chapter lli schedulingSONGSso it doesnot operateduring periodsof maximumabundanceof fish larvae), (2) co$itnrct an artificial reef, (3) restorea wetland,srld (4) reducethe I I I t in-plant lossof juvenile and adult fish. Rescheduliagoperationsand reducingflow would preventlosscsof somefisb lawae, but a substantialnumberof larv"acwould still be killed. There is no feasible technique for replacing all of these larvae in-kind; althougb some in'kind repiacementwould occur on an artificial reef or with wetland restoration, these techniqueswould be primarily out-of-kind. An artificial reef or wetland restoradon would also serveasmitigation for anyin-plant fish lossesthat cannotbe prevented. This section discusseseach of these techniques. In addition' the MRC recognizesthat different combinationsof the frrst three techniquescould eachresult in completemitigation,and a frameworkfor combiningthe techniquesis presented' andreduceflow oPerations These npo techniques,consideredtogether becausethey could perhaps be implcmeutedin a complementaryFanner, would be rsed to decreasethe lossof fish tawae by reducingthe vohtmeof water that flows through SONGS' We presentthe in techniques in relation to SONGS, but note that an equivalent reducdon entrainment from lower flow at other SCE coastalstationscould be an accePtable zubstinrtion I I t I I t I I I t I t I I 326 I I I I t I I I I T I I I T I I I T t Reconrnendations Reschduleoperdiotts The water flow througtrSONGSis shut off regularlyfor routine rneintenance and refueling' By scheduling this donmtime duriry the period of maximum abundanceof fuh lartae, the numberkilled couldbe reducedzubstantially.If tbe 60 dap a Unit is doum for refueling and maintenanceoccurred during March and Apnl, lossesof fish lanne could be reducedby about 50Vo(table 13-a)' Obviously' more dalr witb no flow will give grcztersavins but higher costs(aPProximately$4-7 milliss/week)to SCE. Florv could be stopped each year dgring the period of highest larval abundancewith either a 12-month or a 24-month refueling cycle. There are technicaland financial objectionsto a 12-moutbcycle. Although difficult to achieve, a 24-month cycle, witb UniS 2 and 3 down in alternate years' would have the advantagesof fewer manPoweror safetyconflicts(whichwould occurif Units 2 zsd 3 were doqm at tbe sametime), a lower volume of radioactivewastes,and lower costs.Even an l&montb refuelingcycle,centeredaroundtbe goal of reducingflow fish ia March and Apri! would provide a substantialreduction in the number of killed. in In spite of the advantagesof,a2armouthcycle,unanticipatedintemrptions to any set tbe operation of SONGSand otber factorswill make i1 ditrianlt to adhere to schedule schedule(Section6.L2). In fact, it may be inpractical to require SCE period of time' The refueling and maintenanceat Uni6 2 or 3 during any specifrc of which period scheduledfor refuetingis subjectto a comPlexsuite of factors,nany lan'al fub loses canbe substantially are not under ScE s conuol. Nonetbeless, 3n Cbapter lii Table 13.4 Reduction in ichthyoplanlcton entrainment under different f,ow schedules A. Totd ichthyoplanliCon I I I I li MoNn$wm{ No FIrw MoN$rswrlll 6TVoFtow Nonc Feb to May MAR &APR IvIAR l, FEB, lvtAR, & APR lvIA& AP& & AUC 0Vo 32Vo 49Vo 8Vo 55Vo 26% 47% 58Vo TlVo 64Vo B. Specieswith estimatedAdult Equivalent lasses ) l7o' MoNn$wmr No Fl,ow I.IAR &APR, MoMlrswnH 67%Ft,o'vl None Feb to May F'Ets, MA& &APR lvlA& APR, & AUG 0% a% 8% 55% 9% a% 42% 94Vo 59% 65% I I I I I I I I I I I I Recommcndations t I I t I I I I I I I I I I t t t I I I reducedif SONGS can be scheduledto avoid operatioDsduring March and April' and the adoption by SCE of a policy that minimizes operationsduring periods of higb larval abundancesshouldbe encouraged. Re&tceflow Reducingthe rate of water flow througb SONGSwhile operatingtbe plant at full powerwould alsoreducelossesof fish larvae. The flow rate couldpotentially be reducedby 33Vo;a33Voreductionwould maintain the thermal standardof < 4oF increaseat 1000feet from the diffusers,althougb a waiver would be required to allow an increaseacrossthe condenserof 30pFinsteadof 20"F. Operatingthe plant at 67Voflow for February through May (and full flow tbe rest of the year) would reducefish larval lossesby 26Vo(Table 134). (Most of the savingsin February comesfrom anchovies.)Savingswould be somewhalhigherif flow wasreducedfor are not partianlarlyhigh in October more months;however,fuh larval abundances througb January, and higher water temPeranrresafter June would reduce the efficiencyof the tgrbinesand substantiallyincreasecosts. The costsof this tecbnigueinclude $10 rnitlion to retrofrt the pumps,plus annual coststbat dependon (1) when flow is reducedand (2) the number of dap with reduced flow. For technicaland financial reasons!it night be best to reduce flow duriag the monthswitb low arrbient water"temPeranlres'(One exccption: the potential savingsin specieswith hig! adult equivalentlossescould make operating to at reducedflow in Augustworthwhile.) Alternatively,it might be best simply powel allow scE adjust the flow in resPonseto ambient conditions and For requirements,as long as the requiredreductionin entrainmentwas achieved' 329 Chapter 13 tbe proposedFebruary-to-Mayreduction, the annual costscould be as higb as $5 million for both units (Section623). In addition to reducingthe flon' rate througb SONGS,SCE night be able to reducelarrratent'ainrnent by reducingthe volume of water Passingthrough coastal po\rrerplants besidesSONGS. Studiesat SONGSindicate that the thermal effluent from the plant is of little environmental concerlt. We believe that the I I I I I I environmentaladvantigesof reducedflow that can be achievedby havinga bigber condensertemper:rturewill generallyoutweigbany potential environmentalhazards t a at coastalpower plants. The gfeatestemrironmentalprotection might result from waiver of thermal standards at SCEs coastal power plan6 since this would few other Erostabundantand to reducethe flow of water throughthe plant during a the spedfic months. Of course,the actgal savins in larvae will vary dependingon I I I I I I timing implemented; no flow dgring March and APril and 67Vo flow during (Table 13a)' Even Februaryand Maywould reducelarval fisb lossesby nearJy60vo t May would yield a with only otre lro1th of no florr, reducedflow from Februaryto I combinedsvings of nearlY50Vo. t minimioethe volumeof waterpumpedthrougbthe plantsopuationsand re&rcelbw Reschedule to The most cost-effestivemeansof reducinglossesof fish lanraewould be larvae are scheduleSONGS,wheneverpossible,so it does not operate when fish or reducingthe No biological monitoring would be required,for rescheduling flow rate througbSONGS. I I I Recommcndations I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I T I I I 13'4'1'2High:reliefanificialreef An artificial reef would produce a variety of reef resources' the algal' inveftebrate and fish communitieson artificial reefs are similar to tboseon narural reefs, and tbere are data indicating tbat some fish production does occrr on artifrcial reefs. Artifrcial reefs are one of only two rcchniques(the otber being wetland restoration) availablefor produciqgnearshoremarine resources'and their usefor mitigating gnavoidablelossescould be appropriateif approachedcautiorsly' For exarrple, the problems associatedwitb using an artificial reef as out-of'kind mitigation include uncertaintyabout tbe amountof fsh produced(Section82) and the need to comparethe value of dissimilar resources. The size and designof an artificial reef used as out-of-kind mitigation should take into account these uncertainties. ' Any estimateof the sizpof'reef neededwill be nainly a bestgpess'and since with tbere is no impact to a qpecific habitat it is not posibte to come up the fuh replacementratios. To estimatetbe reef size neededto compensatefor to area of losses,I have convertedtbe fish lossesfrom biomassof mid-water fisb none of tbe reef. This approac;hrelies on m"ny rpugb estimates,since virtgally information is acanrarclyknonm' and on a judgementabout tbe relative Decessary and the wortb of midwater fub verss a roclsyreef cornmunity. Thesecalculations, Using the values assgmptionsuPogwhich they are base4 are givenin AppendixD' would comPensate describedin Appendix D, I estimatethat a 6trha artifrcial reef a smdler for the all of tbe unavoidabtefub losses.(As discussedin Section13'4'1'4' to mitigate the fisb artificial reef could also be combinedwith othei' techniques losses.) 331 Chapter lil Monitoring the mitigation reef is an integral part of this recommendation' The physicat stnrcture of the relf should be monitored immediately after colstnrction to ver$ tbat it mee13the designspecifications;if it doesnot, additional principal constnrctiousbould be reqgired to bring it up to the specifications.The the evaluationof this techniqueshould take the form of a comprehensivesildy of frve anount of fish producedon the ree! to be completedover a period of perhaps years(and probably commencingsouteyearsafter reef constrtrction). Uncertainty in about the amount of fish produced on artificial reeft hampers tbeir use for mitigation, so the information from tbis snrdy will be extremely valuable evaluatingfuture proposalsto useartificial reefsasmitigation' Cost of constnrsringa high-relief anifrcial reef is estimatedto be $250'000 $15 per ha (SectionE3.4), so the costof coilimrctinga 6$ha reef would be about million nrrseries for coastat wetlands are naluable habitats becase they serve as and endangered somc madne frsb, are productive, ad prwide habitat for rare wetlandsremain and species.In SouthernCatifornie lessthan $Vo of,theoriginal would be an nearty all of these havc been degraded. wetland restoradon by soNGS' appropriatemeansof mitigating the lossof frshlarvaecarsed are: (1) I-ocuion' Two dirficulties with implementing tbis technique rWetlandsin Southern California are in higb demand for re$oration and the in the Huntinglon Beach alteruatives are limite4 but SCE owns some property I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T Rccommcndations wetland and there are several other possibilities (including purchasiqg more Huntingfon Beacb ProPeny or restoring another wetland such as the Ballona Wetland; Sestion10.4.1). (2) Amowt of restorwionneeded.As witb all out-of-kind techniques,it is difEcult to determinethe amount of mitigation neededto achieve the appropriate amount of replacement; this is paniarlarly 9iffi*tt under the present circrmstances,where tbe impacted resourcesare tied to a habitat (open water) that we cannotrestore. Furthermore,the aYnountof restorationneededwill depend on the specific design of tbe restoration: shallov-water habitats such as esilaries and embaymentswill provide more in-kind, and perbapsout-of-kind,value than most salt marshes,although marsb habitat that supporu endangeredspecies would be especiallyvaluable. While it is impossibleto determinepreciseiythe amountof restoratiouneede4we proposethat, dependingon the partiarlars,30 to 60 ha would adequatelymitigatefor tbe fish losses(Section1052)., If wetland restoration is chosento replace losses,tbe restoratioDmust be monitored carefully to iruure that it is successful.Previousmonitoring efforts have generallyevaluatedonly wbether transplantedvegetationgrew as expected;this is not suffrcienl Specificcriteria for srccess(ie, partiarlar hydrological,physicaland their biological cbaracteristicsthat must be realized) and tbe time frame for If achievementsbould be establishedwhen the restoration plan is developed' monitoring indicatesthat tbeseobjectiveshavenot beea accomplisbedon scbedule, is made additional efforS shouldbe required to ensuretbat the bestpossibleeffort over a to establisb tbe target comrrunity. The monitoring would be completed period of perhaPsfive Years. 5JJ Chaptcr lil The cost of restoring a wetland will vary tre6esdously depenrlingon tbe qpecificproject, and especiallywhether of not tbe land must be purchased' Using a to $300,000Per ha (Section 10.42), the cost of general estrrnateof S1001000 restoring30 to 60 hawould be benreen$l millieg and S18million mitigatinglossesof fish lalae Different combinations of the previors three techniques (reducing ssg,einmgDt,constructing an artificial reef, and restoring a wetland) could each result |a gsrnpletemitigation for the lossof fish laryac. A frameworkfor combining thesetechniqueswould allow the CCC to choosea mix of the tbree techniques,but would insure that the impact is fully mitigatedis The relative value of reducing the entrainment of fish lan'ae straigbtfonrard: eac.hpercentreductionin entrainmentlosseswould be one Percent of the rmoutt needed for complete mitigation Of course,short of consmrcting prevente4 so soeling towers, the entrainment of frsh lanae €nnot be completely sone other techniqueEust be combinedwith this one' whether SCE From the perspectiveof the resogrcessavedit doesnot Eatter tbe flow of reducesentrainmentby reschedutingthe operationsof SONG$ reducing for reducing water through the plant, or both. Howerrer,tbesc two tecbniques Reschedulingthe en6ain6ent are not equal in eascof achierremcntor accpunting' in this repr{ since operation of SONGS wiU be partiorlarly problematic It migbt be most unexpectedeventswill certainly impinge on any desiredschedule' an averageof several reasonableto oQest a partiorlar.level of performanceover I I I I I Rccoomcndatioas I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I T years,ratber than requiring a strict schedulein any partiqilar year. In any case, ssglining both reducedflow and reschedulingwould provide additional flexibility for meetinga target reduction in larvd losses. orr best estimarcsindicate tbat either constructin,ga 6trha artificial reef or restoring a 6$ha wetland would omplercly conrpensatefor the los of fish larvae the Cfhis estimate for wetland restoration is rsed bere for illustration PurPoses; acnralwetland valuewill dependon the Danrreof the restorationProposed.) Based on thesenumben, one ha of artificial reef is wortb tNVo/60=t-67Voof the total mitigation neede( and each ha of wetland is worth tA0Vo/60=t.67Voof the required total. Complete mitigation for ttre fsh lan'al losseswould be achievedwhen the combination of techniquesadds uP to [ffJVo. For example,complete nitigation would be accomplisbedby the combinatiorugivenin Table 13'5. Table 1$5 Qsnlining mitigation techniques- Examples E)( TAE2 E,GIIPLEl AIIIOT,NT Rcductionin atraianeot 8% HigD-rcliefsrti$cisl rccf 24ha, Wctland rcstoratioa 2/-ba 335 REIAIWE VAI.IJE AMOT'NT REIATT\IE VALT'E Wo fi% s% 25ba 42% 0 0% .4% ryh Chapter lii By this method of combining techniques,each tecbnique is considered equally acceptablefor mitigation- In fact, there is an advantageto preventingthe entrainment of larvae, since this will reduce the los of real fish (as opposedto compensatingon the basisof inferred losses)and doesnot rely on the assumptions needed to determine the appropriate anount of out-of-kind mitigation On the otber han4 an artifrcial reef or wetland restorationwould satisfactorilymitigate any gnavoidablefish lossis. Althougb there is a great deal of uncertainty about the appropriate sizesfor theseprojects,one factor favorsuslng thEsetechniques: they will continue to produce resourcesafter SONGS has stopped operating' An T I I T. I l' I I ardfrcial reef or wetland restorationbas the potential for actually having a greater long-termresourcevalue than a preventiontechnique. losses impingement SONGSalreadyemplop two techniquesfor reducingrridwater fish losses: velocity qIPs on the intakes, atrd the Fish Renrn System. Althougb these two 20 rcchniquesreduce the ngmber of frsh entrappedand killed by the planl at least to 50 metric tons (MT) of frsh are still killed eachyear' Tbere may be new techniquestbat could be usedto reducethe inpingement potentially of fish. Meragy lights and sonic devicesare two techniquesthat could has reducethe impactsof SONGSon midwaterfish populations' Neither tecbnique evaluated been adequately tested in the fiel4 so they shoutd be experimentally for units 2 and 3 is before being required at soNGS. Tbe alrangementof intakes be operated paniorlarly suitablefor controlled testsof thesesystems;a q6tem could I I I I I I I I I 'l Recooncodatioos : I I I 'r I I I I : ,l I I rl :I I I I I I at one unit, and entraPrgert when the qstem is operati4g compared (using simultaneors24-hoursamples)to entraPmentover tbe sameperiod and flow rate at the otber unir To control for differencesin the speciesentrapPedby the two Units, tbe test and control units could alrcrsate betweenUnits 2 and3 during a seriesof trials. Effectivenessshouldbe evaluatedin rcrms of overall fish entrappedand on a basis;both numben and biomasssbouldbe considered.The tests species-by-species shouldbe performeddruing normal operationsand during heattreatmeng. MercuryEghs Merclry lights would be usedin the Fish Renrrn Systemcharnberto attract fish out of the screenwell.This could increasetbe diversioneffrciencyof tbe FRS at all times, but would be partiarlady important during heat treatmentsbecausetbe fuh killed duriqg heat treatmens tend to be tbe largest and most economically important of thosekilled by SONGS(Section333.1). Meranrylights (perbapsin conjunctiogwitbsonicdevices)rnighlbeabletos:lveuPto3MToftheselargefish per year. The costof mercurylighs is estimatedto be rougbly$100'000' becarse they appear to be a simple and Meranry ligh6 are regg1gtrlended inexpensiveway to reducelosses.But they night not be worth implementingif they are not effective or do Dot Proveto be simple and inexpensive,so a feasibility smdy shouldbe performedbefore they are implemented" Sonicdevices be Sonic devices,sucb as pneumaticgtlns ("PoPPers")or "harnmers'"could Return placed in tbe screenwellarea to increasediversion of fish into the Fish Cbapter 13 in the Systemand/or at the intakes to reduce eutr:rPmentof fish' Sonic devices enfapped' screenwellisea are likely to be effectivefor all speciesand sizesof fisb benefrt the most because they are (perhaps in disproportionately kilted dgring heat treaturenr. Sonic devices frsh per year conjunctionwitb merorry lighrc) night be able to saveup to 3 MT of is rougbly (Section 33.1.1). The cost of sonic devices in the screenwell area although large individuals night estimatedto be about $100,000. schooling sonic devicesat the intake would probably be most effective for in tbe vicinity fish. Transient schoolingspeciessuchas noftheru anchovywould be dispene of SONGS,intakesfor only a short time, so sonic devicesmight effectively If the sonic these fish away from tbe intakes without habinration to the devices' will saveabout 0'4 devicescan reducethe entraPmentof schoolingfrsh by S}Vo,they comprisea large MT of fish (section 33.1.1). The speciesthat would be saved and youngerfuh runbq of the fisb entrappedfy soNGS, but they are the smaller entrapped' The cost of those entrappedand do not conUibutemuch to the weigbt of sonicdevicesat the intakesis rougblyestimatedto be $300'000' 13.42 Kelp forest communityimpacts '.w-reliefartifigiplreef wth kelP Kelp Bed could be The fractiou of tbe ketp communitylost at san onofre qnd maintains a kelp bed' replacedby consmrctingan artificial reef that develops becausethere is substantial Few artificial reeB have been used for mitigation (SeAions82 and g'L2)' To insurethat uncertaintyabout the resourcesthey provide I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t T Recomncndatiors an artificial reef provides adequatemitigation for kelp losses,the reef sbould be Iarger than the imFactedree! since (1) kelp would probably not cover the entire reef, (2) the densityof kelp night be lower on the artificial reef, and (3) the kelp communityon the artificial reef -ight not be asproductiveor diverseT th" naffial community. This approach,in which the ratio of createdhabitat to impactedhabitat is greater than one, has been used extensivelyin nitigation The MRC has recornmendedtbat tbe artifrcial reef be 15 times the impactedarea; in the caseof SOK where the impactedareais 80 ba the artifrcial reef shouldbe 120ha In order to insurethat the communitythat developson the rnitigation reef is as similar as possibleto the impactedcornmunityat SOK the physicalstrudure of the reef shouldbe as similar aspossibleto SOKs. In partiarlar, there are few kelp bedsin SouthernCaliforniain which the kelp plantsgrow on'cobbles"or scattered boulders as in SOK and this phpical stnrcture would be needed to replace the charasteristicorgaqisrnsthat live in this habitat- Ideally, the substrateitself should rnimis SOK that is, it shoutdconsistof cobblesand bouldersidenticalto thoseat SOK However,there is a risk that a low-relief artificial reef will be more Proneto being ingndatedby sand tban a high-reliefreef; this risk could 6s gsingsomelarger rocls and havingoccasionalareasof somewhathigber relief. Two difficulties with implementingthis techniqueare: (l) I-ocation ldeally' the reef shouldbe located as closeas possibleto SOK but if it is too closeit also will be impacted by SONGS. Likely locations for the mitigation reef include upcoastand dou,ncoastof SMK and severalkm downcoastof SOK Becausethere is a possibitity of unfavorable physical conditions (e.g, high nrbidity aod sedimentation)in unlsrownlocatioru,potentialsitesshouldbe tboroughlysurveyed 339 Chapter 13 before &s final location is determined. As an additional safegUard'the reef couid be constnrctedin stages,wi& ongoingmonitoring and a careful evaluation of the for data before each stage to insure that the site is nritable. (2) Teclmiqu?.s ketp. Nthough kelp is no\rrpresenton severalartificial reefs,there have estabtishing been manyproblemswith establishingkelp on artificial reefs. Different tecbniques are available for establishingkelp, including transplanting adults, ransplanting in an sporophylls,&d ouptanting juveniles. Thesetechniquescould be employed experimentaldesigndgring thc frrst year after constructio!' with a decisionabout has yearsmade after their effectiveness fte rcghnique(s)to be usediu successive been evaluated. this Independent monitoring of the artifrcial reef is an integral asPectof quickly on recommendation First, it is essentialthat grantkelp becomeestablished establisha the reef and that it persists. Performancecriteria could be used to giant keip timetable for giant kelp development,for orarrple, establishnent of on within 3 years; if monitoring indicatesthat gant kelp has not been established cornmunity is schedule, additional efforts should be required nntil the target invertebrates established. Becausethe densities of frsh and benthic algae and at SOK in the shouldevennrallybe similar to the densitiesthat would haveocctu,red absenceof SONG$ inpacts, theseorganismsalsosbouldbc monitored' $75'000per The cost of a low-relief artificial reef is estimatedto be rougbly reef is estimatedto ha (Section 83.4); the cost of establishingkelp on the artifrcial g23). The total cost of constructinga 12$ha bc severalmillion dollars (section million low-reliefarrifrcialreef with kelp is estimatedto be abouts1s12 340 I I I I I I '- I I I I I I I I I I I I I T Recommesdations t il15 SummarT Two options for mitigating the irnpacts of SONGS oD the marine environment, correqponding to Coastal Commission directives, have been consideredby the MRC. The first option consisg of large-scalecba'ges to the cooling sJEteEat SONGS,either replacingthe open-cyclesptem witb a closed'cydecooling to\r'er or movingthe discbargefrom SONGSawayfrom the SanOnofre Kelp Bed' Although eacb of these techniqueswould zubstantiallyreduce the impacts of SONGS,each also has.associatedtechnical difFculties, othet environmental impacts, and higb costs.Dr. Fay recommendedconstnrctingcoolingtowers;the MRC wasunanimous movingthe discharge(Table 13'3)' in not reco?nrqending The secondoption consissof a variety of techniquesto Preventand mitigate Iossesdue to SONGS; this opion was unanimorsty recotrtmendedby the MRC' Impactsto fish resourcescould be mitigated by reducingthe flow of water througb SONGS, rescheduling the plant to avoid periods of high larvd abundance' constnrcting a ligh-relief artificial reef, restoring a coastal wetlan{ and foru of implementing new techniquesfor reducing impingementlosses' Tbe first complete these techniques could be used in variors combinatiogs to acbieve t could be replacement of lost resources. ImFacE to the kelp forest cornmunity regioa mitigated by constmctinga 120ha low-relief anificial reef in the SanOnofre I I I 341 t I t This pageintentionallYleft btank I I I I I I I I I t I T I I I I I APPEI{DICES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPEI{DX A DESCRIPTIONOF COOLINGSYSTEMAT SONGS Note that, througboutthis appendix,we usegallonsper minute (GPM) and feet per second(FPS) rather tban the metric equivalentsbecatrsetheseunits are usedalmostexclusivelyby engineenandin the releventdoc@ents. Operationof SongsUnits 2 and 3 SONGSUnits 2 ztd 3 are similar in designand operations. They differ in only 2 aspeds;they are mirror imagesand the dischargepipe for Unit 2 extends farther offshore than the pipe for Unit 3 (Figure A-1). The following sections dessribetbe stnrctue and operationof both ttsits. Intalre Eaenrrnil !35 a separateintake structurelocated970m offshoreat a deptb of 9.1 Dr; tbe intakes are?-00m aPartatongshore.Each intake is 85 m (28 ft) in dia-erc, and extendsvertically so that tbe openingis 2.9 m (g t/2 ft) abovethe bottom (Figure AA). Thereis a3 m (10 ft) lip aroundthe openiqg.The intake has a velocity cap that is supportedby columnsand lies LL m Q q abovethe opening (Figrre A-Z). About 52A m3/s(830,0mgpn) of water is drawninto tbe intake at a crurentspeedof 05 m/s. Tbe watet is transportedto the plant at a velocity of'22 m/s (73 fps) tbrougba 55 m dianeter pipe that is buried about t2a underthe surfaceof tbe oceanbottom- A muchsmaller,auxiliaryintakeis locatedabout30 m sborewardof the prinary intake'and is availablefor emergencies(e.g-,when A-1 sonething happensto the prirary iutake, sone water is still able to enter the plant througb the auxiliary intake). Inplant The intake pipe connectsto a 45 m (16 ft) squarebox-conduitonshore,at the seawall On the plant-sideof the seawall,there is an openslot in the top of the couduitfor a stopgate (alsocalledthe tsunami gate). A reinforcedconcretegate canbe'lowere4from the plant yard,dowuthis openingto closeoff the box conduit and prevetrtwater fron enteringthe plant throughthe intake pipe. Down stream from the stopgate openingis a gate counectingthe intake and dischargeconduits which is openedto reckqrlate heatedwater during heat treatments. The intake conduitthen transitionsinto tbe screenwellsmrcnrre(FigureA-3). B'ffles at'Jre entranceof the scrcenwellspreadthe water flow over the channelas it widensand the water velocity slonn to 0.8 m/s (Z7Ss). The channelwidensto 125 m (41 ft) . <^ ? overa distanceof 21.7m(715'ft) andthennarows. As it narrows,the mainvolume of water turtrs througb a 7@ angle and passesthrougb traveling bar racks and screetrs. Guiding vanes aligned with the inconing water'flow in the narrowing channeldirect the water so that the florr overthe bar racksis unifonq thusreducing turbulence. The renaining water is firnnelled into the collestionbay of the Fish Retum Sprcm (FRS). There are 6 adjacentsets of travelingbar racls and screens(Figure A-3)' Each bar rack is made of articnlatedpanelsof vertical slats- The slats are about 1/4" wide, 2 t/T deepand 2 fr higb; rhe l/a ' surfacefacesthe oncomingflow of the water. The gap betweenadjacentslatsis about 1l/T' Debrisis trappedon tread for slats as water Passesthrougb the racft. The rack rotates like a tank A-2 I I I T T I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I T I I I I I cleaning. Rotation is triggeredarrtomatically(usuallya fcw times a day) by tbe about 4" wide, attachedto pressuredifferenceacrossthe raclc Horizontal shelveso the panelshelp lift the accunulateddebrisout of the water. Debris is washedfrom the racls witb a highpressge !pny, and travelsthrougba sluiceto a collestionbin Debris that passesthrougb the bar rack is collesad on a 95 'nm (3/8") mesh traveliqg screeudirectly donmstream(FigureA-3). The screenalso rotatesand is cleanedby a high pressurespray(FigureA4). The debrisfrom the screeDstravels tbrougba secondsluiceand is collectedin anotherbin Evenfirally,all tbe debrb is transferredto largerasb containenand hauledawayto a landfill. After passingthrougbtbe screens,a small volume of water is withdrawnfor the rack and screenwash and for nuclearco6poDentsseling (Figure A-5). Tbe punps for the bar :ind screenwashremovewater at a rate of about0.13d/s (2000 gpm),but tbe water is dischargedbackinto tbe screemn'ell.hrmps for the nuclear componentcooling loop eachwitbdrawabout 1.1m3/s (17,000gpm) of water; one to four pumps (usuallytrro) operatesimultaneorsly. The remainiugwater (512 m3/s)is pumpedfrom tbe screqrwellby four large cirorlatingPunps. EachPumPis gpm) and 11.6n (38.0ft) of head. a wet pit-t1pePuqp, rarcd at U|.0 m3/s Q-A7500 (Onefoot of beadis tbe energrreguiredto purrp x anount of waterto a heightof 1 foot abovesealevel) Lesstbas 0.1 n3/s (1,000glrn) of the uater is usedJor the Fish Retgrn System,Z1 m3/s (34,000)goesto the auxiliary ttrrbine plant cooling loop, andthe remaindertravelsto the condenserwhereit coolsthe steamgenerated by the reactorto operatethe nrrbines(FigureA-5). The elevation of the bottom of the screeuwellstnrctureis -26 ft, wbere 0 elevationis mean sealevel (Figure A-6). As the PumPswithdrawwater from the screenwell,water from tbe btake pipe nshes into tbe screenwellundertbe force of A-3 gravityto take the placeof the water that was removed. There is an "energrcost" associatedwith the trarsport of water into the scriemnrellfrom the intake stnrcture. This costresultsfrom fristion betweenthe inner surfaceof the intake pipe and the florring water, and arbulenge as the water passesthrougb the bnffles into the screeswell The costis measuredin feet of head(tbe sameBeasureusedto rate the circulatingpuEps, seeabove). As a result of the lossof headfeet aswater Passes whenall punps are operating the througb&e intake pipe and into the screeurpell, level of the water in the screemrellis about8 feet belowEeaa sealevel Sincesea level changeswith the tides,tbe waterlevel in the screenwell canvary from about3 ft to 10 ft below 0 elevationduring extremetides. As the intake pipe becomes fouledby scssilemarine organis65suchasmusselsandbarnacle$the beadlos due to friction inseases. This causesa further drop in the water level in the screenwell. The intake pipesof both units are periodicallyflushedwith heatedwater to remove fouling organisnsandthusrninimizethe headlossdueto friction The cir-arlatingpunps are placedso that tbe intake ports are at an elevation of about At ft- The intake ports mustsit well belon'the surfaceof the water in the so tbat air is aot drawninto the pumps.If a pury sitsin watertbat is too screenrrrell shallorr,a yoilcx wiU be createdas the punp nrcls water from the screempelland air bubbles\rill bs dracn into the pury (cavitation). The bubblescan da'nagethe propeller bV pitting the nrface of the blades If too much air in drawn into the Irunp, itwill loseprime and shutdoum. The condenserhas nro shells (also called waterboxes). About 125 m3/s (199,00)of watcr is transportedfrom eacbpunp to tbe condenserthrougb zL4 m (8 ft) sqlrarebox conduir The conduis from two pumPssuPplythe uear shell and the conduitsfrom the other two punps are routed to tbe far shell (Figure A-5)- A-4 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I T Each conduit traositionsto a pipe whicb risesvertically and theu turos to euter the coadenserwaterbor As the waterpassesthrougbtbe condenserat a velocityof 2J m/s, the teurperatureincreases10.?'C(20oF). Two pipes from each shell of the condensercarry the hearcdwater to a conmon 4.9 m (16 ft) squarebox conduit for discharge.lVarcr from the uuclear componetrtcooling and the nubine plant coolingtoopsdso flow into the ooElElon dischargeconduif The combinedflow tbenpassesover the sealwell weir. The seal well weir is a dam that maintainsa constantlonrerlimit for the hydraulicgradeline to ensgrethat water siphonstbrougbtbe eondenserproperly. If the hydraulicgrade line is too steep (e.g, during extrene low tides), tbe siphoning effect of the side of the condenseris excessiveand causesa ciranlatingwater on the dise.harge break in the siphon in the condenser. When the siphoa breaJrs'air enters the condensernrbesandthe efficiencyof the heatexchange Prooessdeclines' Dou6streaa from the weir, a crossoverbox conduit branchesoff tbe rnain dischargeconduif Normally, the gate at tbe entraoceto tbe crossovelconduit is close4 but during heat featments it is openedto allow recirarlatiou of heated water. jrst Tbere is an open slot in the top of the dischargecoaduitfor a stopgate upsaeamfrom the seawall At this Poitrt tbe dischargeconduitis right next to the intake conduif A stopgate, like the one for the irtake, can be loweredfrom tbe plant yard into the opening,to closetbe conduitandpreventthe flow of waterout of or into the plant througbtbe dischargepipe. A-5 'l At the shoreline,the box couduitjoins to a 55 m (18 ft) dianeter discharge pipe that transpors the water to the diffrser. The dischargepipesfor Unit 2 asd buried 1'4 m .Unit 3 extend 1950m and 1150m ofthore, respectively both are under the srbstratesurnace.At the end of eachdischargepipe is a difhser' Each difrtser is 762 m long and has 63 pottt, spacedL?2 m apart Each port was designedto rise ?-7 mabovethe bonon with a flared'openingthat is positionedso thatwater is dischargedat a 2@ an$efrom the horizontal The pora are alternately atignedat anglesof 25oto eachside of the pipe pointing ofthore' The maximum dischargevelocityis 4 m/s. At intervals of.?54m alongthe difftrser,the diameterof (18 ft) to the diffgserpipe decreases W L2m (a ft) from an initial diameterof 55 m 4 final diameter of 3.1 m (10 ft). The decreasein pipe dianeter maintains a in the diffirserso the dischargevelocityis relatively relativelyconstantbackpressure I I t I I I I t I I I I for all63 Pora. coDstaDt I A-6 I I I I I I I Fish ReturnConduit Disehorge I unit I t I I I unit2 ,"L Offshore Intokes Diffuse T I I I I B. DISTANCEFROM SHOREIN IOOOFEET I I I I I I I I T ?]0+ { .F - 30= '11 40H-{ 50 / ers 60 Figure A-1. Schematic of ofishore cooling system strustures at SONGS. 'l t z?tFtt tr\ r/t r.?lt nitEE -jl- \ Y : 'ol'c 'iLl', !'-d toct I fE^ atlvg. lsl!i(E- I r-c 3 t:-o' l/.'I|rug €rai':- t*- !! -r' ?lErtE ! =- Etr3.E_rr.. cap FioureA-2. Oftshoreintakestrueturetor SONGSUnlts2and 3' Velocity teFes to reducethe entrapmentof fish' A-8 I I .F--J tt? -rEl o .>-T ot t t I I I I I I I I I I f, i'i I I o o ? le h\ C) = tr t- b I e:r ll ,t- at od EED c) i? H'= 9 l bl 3 o o @ f'- cn jEt .BF or.E - T(^9 {l l I F o c, I -'l lol Nl o EF b F bb JE frc z!2 r-|= I At LiD I ,rB-,8b Ll (l, f -.ozl i o - @t W II I aa- g = ttl 9; X () o eaa (9 ol 3r c) t- ? = 6g 'r -3 q) f'- aaD =.> .-F (9 ()l- .o (J L- .(J q) b Eg 9o i= -Eg 7- -nq E ttl oii g) ? ._ FI - L'- e- 66 o9l -- (r' U) -aA JA -t I I I I --l E o=t E, - a ? o .=b -t!-<-f s L- l- od fi b3F..l r-.1 bL EE - |','J E F,l cEl H tfl t1 - L?.1 | qrl 1:l"l A-9 b -l qr ro EH OED AE E'F lL6 -..SBEEN DRIVE SPRAYNOZZLES FORCLEAT.IING DEBRISTROUGH I I HIGH ITATER _rlj OPERA?INGDECK llT-i I t SCREENBASKfiS (OR'TBAYS") IYATERFLOW F DIBTY I I I I I I I I WATERFLOW l> 'cLEAr,l tuArE-L _to.!Y - I I t FLOOROF SCR-EEN STRUCTUBE FigureA-4. DlagEmof yertlsaltravelingscreenusedat SONGSUntts2 and 3' I I I I I t Nuclear Component Cooling AT=19.2oF 7.0fps Fish Return System AT= 19.2"F 7"0tps SaltWater Pu.mps 3t, o oqt O Screens Screen Well 2.7 tps o= EEE ;rs fE r .Yvrer r / Gate HeatTreatmentRecirculation Schematicof saltwaterflow for Units2 or 3 at SONGS I I I I I o o J (u @ o (v) o ci € SJ o u -r a o z o a :t 1r lt-Jl L- o o I ll tt ll ll 3 l!npuoQ o ) ( \ ) 3 o ( (I ) 3 3 v) 6 o a I O Ch t( E F J rl( H o o o o io $ N o 3 o o \. (! o (E 'o b o b & cg r{ .q \N \ Fl Effi frEiIT EiT o o o ta- ' CN .9 (U o IJJ d I T tl lIJl $ dutn: orlc I $ o E ct) lJ- I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I t I t APPEI{DX B ENTRAINMENTIOSSES OF IIISH I"ARVAE The most ertain tecbniqrrcfor reducingthe entrainme.ntlossesof fisb lawae (ichtbyoplankton)is to resuict the operationsof SONGS. Becauseentrainment lossesare directly related to flow rate, reducin,gthe flow rate will result in a proponionatereductionin entrainmentlosses;this posibility is disctlssedin Sestion 62. ReschedulingSONGS'operationsto avoidperiodsof higb lanal abundances night also substantiallyreduceeffrairment; this possibilityis examinedin Sectiou 63 and this Appendir Densities of fish traruaeia tbe field have been used to es irnate the entrainnxentlossesdue to SONGS. A similar approachwas employedto estimate the adult-equivalentloss due to SONGS(TechnicalReport D). Thc calculations preseutedbere are trot as detailed as those required for the adult-equivaleut analysis;only the temporal panem of larval abundaicesis neededin order to determinewhether a partiorlar period of reducedintake flow csuld result in a substantialreductionin eutrainmentlosses. Icbtbyoplanktondata were colle6ed over a period of eigbt yeats and in different areas,as outlinedbelow. In the first part of this Appeud8 I comparethe temporal abundane Pattents of difrerent sample combinations iD order to detergine &e appropriatedensitiesto be usedin the anatpis In the secondpaft,I estunatethe larval lossesthat coutd be preventedby schedulingthe operation of SONGS to avoid critical periods (times of partiarlady higb ichthyoplanktou abundances). B- 1 81.0 Data Collection Marine EcologicalConsultantsInc. (MEC) estimatedthe densitiesof eggs and fish lanne near SONGSfrom 1978tbrougb 1986. Data were collectedat two from SONGS,and tbe Conuol site was sites: the Impact sirc was 1-3km donmcoast 185 km dowucoastfrom SONGS.Eachsirc wasdividedinto 6ve cross-sbelfblocks (A-, &, C-, D-, and E$tocls) extenrlingto about 7 km from shore. Three deptb strata (bottom 05 m, top 0.16m, and the water in between)were sampledwithin eachbloclc. The two blocksof greatestinterestfor this analpis are A'and B'biocks; A-block extendsto about 1 km offshore,and Bblock extendsfrom 1 km ro about2 lcn- A detailed descriptionof the samplinglocationsand methodsis given in tbe Interim Technical Report 5 on Fish Larvae and Eggs (l"fRC 1988). Technical Repon D on Adult-EquivalentLossis alsorelevant(l"Rc 1989). 82.0 Choice of samPle densities Ichthyoplanktonwere sampledin five different nearshoreblocks at two different siteswer a period of sevenyears;it iS not c)eata prrori whetherit would be most appropriateto combineall the data or to analpc somesubset ID this section,I considen (1) whetherto usedatafrom A & B blocksonly, or to average only' acrossall five cross-shelfblocks;(2) whetberto use data for tbe impact site or control site only, or combineddata; and (3) what yearsto include,iuld whe&er Dot to distinguish between preoperational @efore July 1983) and operational periods. B-Z I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 82.1 A and B Block versus Cross-shelfDensities The intake risen for Unir 2 and 3 are locatednear the boundaryof the Aand B-blocks,'sothe intake water is withdrawnfrom botb of tbeseblocks. Of course,tbe proportion of water withdraumfrom eitber block probablydependson prevailing oceanographicconditions. It seemsEost'rsasonable to assumethe nrmber of fish larvae withdrawn into the plant would be best estimatedby tbe densitiesin A & B blocls. Horrever,it night be bener to usethe cross-shelfdataif its temporalpatternis the sameastbe pattem h A- andBbloclq sinceit constitutes a larger dataset. Furtbermore,someB-block sampleswere taken as far as 3 km south of tbe intakes. For thesereasons,I havecomparedtbe densitiesin A & B blocls with the densitiesaverageacrossA throughE blocls. When all years and all speciesare combine4 the seasonalpanern of ichthyoplanktonabundancesin A & B blocls is quite similar to the cros-sbelf abundaocepattem (Figue e1). In botb casesrichtbyoplankton'were most abundantin February,March and April. However,tbe relativeimportanceof these three monthsdiffered. In the cross-shelfpattern, March was had a much hlgher weremucbEore abundancethan either Februaryor April" whereasthe abundances eveninA&Bblocks. Differencesin the abundane patternsbetr*'eencross-shelfand A- & B-block sarrples can also be seen for individual species. For example,the pattern for northeruandwy larvae(FigureB-2) is nearlyidenticalto the patternfor all species combined;this is not surprising sinceanchoviescomprisea majority of the larvae. For queenfi,sblanrae (Figure B-3), ttre cross-shelfand A- & B-block abundance B-3 pa$en$ were not the so"ne. gussnfish lanraewere relatively more abundantin the suntrler montbs in A & B biocks; the higbest abundancein A & B blocls occurred h Argurr, whereas abundanceswere higher in May when densities are averaged acrossall blocks. Becarsethe abundancepattens were somewhatdifferent for A & B blocits conpared to cross-shelfand the intake water courcsfrom A & B blocks, I have chosento useonly the datafrom A & B blocls. B22 Impact versusControl Densities The analpis of adutt-equivaleut loses assumes that the average densitiesat the Impact and Control siteswere equal. Parkerand contemporatreogs DeMartini (TechnicalReport D) reviewedthe data for A- and B-block densitiesat the two sitesduringthe preoperationalperiod;the operationalperiod dataweretrot reviewed becausethe ichtbyoplanktondensitiesmay have been influenced by SONGS. No consistentdifferenceswere found betwecuthe Impaa and Control sites In this section,I comparethe Impactand Controlsitesover all years5ampled. The temporal patteros of larval densitiesfor all years combined at the Control and Impactsitesare presentedin FiguresB-1,B'2 and&3; I bavecbosento nse only data from A & B blocks,so the comparisonfocuseson thesedata For total species and northeru anchovy tbere were sligbt differences in absolute densities,but the seasonalPattemswere vety similar at the Congol and Impact sites. For queenfisblanrae,there wiui a bimodal abundancePattenrat the lmpact site that wasnot Presentat the Control site. B-4 I I I I I I T I I I I I t I I l I I I l I I I I I I I I t I I I I I l T I I Differencesbetweenthe Control andIryast sircscanalsobe seenin Figues 8.4 through+10. Thesefigurespresentdensitiesat eachof the nro sampli4gsites over all of the yearssampledfor the sevenspecieswi& densitiesthat exceeded20 larvae/aO0nF. In atl cases,sone differenes between the nro sites can be distinguishe{ and thesediffercncesare fregueatlysrbstantial MaDyqpecieswere not consistentlymore abrundantat one site or the other. For example,northeru anchwy (Figure B,-.4)were more abundantat the rrrrF36 sitc in 1980and at the Control site in 1986. On the otber has{ somespecicqsucbasjaclsmelt (FigureB10),weregenerallymore abundantat the rrnFactsitc,whereasother species,suchiis aro\il goby and shadowgoby (Figrres B.7 asd F8), were more abundantat the Control site. Note that higherdensitiesat the Control sirc couldbe dueto SONGS' impacqand for tbesetwo speciesthe differcnccsbetweenrt'rPaAand Controlwere mostnotableafter SONGSbegauoperations. From thesedatq it is clearthat thercwereno onsistent differencesbetrveen the Control and Impact sites: the relative importanceof a site dependedon tbe speciesand year in guestion- Theserariations ntay or uray Dot be random; it is possiblethat one site was consistentlybener for a paniarlar species.Nonetheless, the lack of a consistentdifferene betweenthe sites suggeststhat combini4gthe data from tbe nro siteswoutdprovidethe best estimateof generalichthyoplankton abundance. B23 Interannud Variation in Densities To evaluate tbe imponance of interannual variation in lan'al fish densities' the abgndancepatterDsfor tbe ning ye315betweeu 1978and 1986are presentedin B-5 FiguresB'11 tbrougbB-15. Note that relatively few monthswere sampledin sorDe yeats'no sanplesweretakeain 198aand SONGSbeganoperationsin July 19g3. There dearly were nrbstantial differences between years. The total ichtbyoplanktouachievedhigh densitiesin 1980 and 19g6,apparentlywith much lorrer densitiesin interveningyears(Figure B-11); hoverrer,the period of highest abnadancewhenall yearsare combine4March and April, wasnot sampledin most yea'rs'Northenr anchovies(Figure btz),which constifirtethe largest.componeutof the ichthyoplankton'and white croaker (Figrre B-13) followed the samepatter* when northern anchovyis excluded,the abundance of all other qpeciesis somewhat lover in February and somewhathigber io A,rg,rrq but otherwisethe pattern is similar (Figure &14). The overall abundancepattem for queenfishwasproduced nlmssl entirely by the paftem in 19g0, wheu queenfishappearedto be most abundant(Figure B-15). Note that arrow goby and shadowgoby (FiguresB-7 and B{) appearedto haveincreasedbetrreenrgTgasd19g6. As with the comparisonbenpeenImpact and control sites,tbere were no consistentdifferelces amongyears.In addition,sanplingwas not intenseenoughin eac;hyear to choosca nrbset of years. It secmstbat combining years all sampled would prwide the bcst-estimateof senerali&thyoplanlctonabundance. Howwer, it is importaut to reqli''e ihat somemontbstvereonly sampledin one or a fenryears,so the data are not basedoE a very largesamplesize. (On tbe other han4 it is worth notitg that this is perhapsthe best ichthyoplanktondatasetever collected for a segnentof SouthernCaliforniacoastline.) B-6 I I I I I I l I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I R3.0 Calculation of potcntial savings This sectionconsidenhorr the number of fish lailae that are entrainedby I SONGScould be reducedby restrictingthe operationof SONGSduriqgperiodsof t 5x10 Lzrvze/yar: see Technical Report D arrd Interim TechnicalReport 5) are higb ichtbyoplanktonabundanes Current estimarcsof lossesof fisb larvac (about I I I I I I I I basedon tbe operatiqghistoryof SONGS,that is, the pastflow rates. The flow rarcs I by the numberthat would not be entraineduaderthe curcnt operatingschedule. I I I I t used iD calculationsof ichthyoplanktonlossesinchded all periods of reduced operations,includingscheduledoutages. In this section,I evaluatehow scheduliqgoutagesdruing the period of maximumichthyoplanktonabundancecould reduce overall larval losses. Fint, I considerthe past operatinghistory of SONGSin order to prwide a basisagainst which proposedchangescan be compared. Nexq I considerhov the timing of outagescouldaffecttbe numberof fish larva€entrained.atSONGS.I cal$late how manylarvaewould be sparedby stoppingthe flor of water througbSONGSduring a partiorlar period of time. Of course,Iarvaaare not entrained during outages under the crrrrentoperatingschedule;we are interestedin the differenceiD larval entrainmentbtween the qrrrent scheduleand an alrcraatiw schedule.Therefore, the numberof larvaenot entrainedundera proposedoperatiqgscheduleis adjusted One final concertris alsodiscussed.Whin SONGSdoesnot operate,Power production mrst be increasedat otber SouthernCaliforaia Edison facilitiEs. I considerwhether an alternative operatingschedulewould rezult i11highgl lar%l entrainmentat theseotherfacilities. B-7 I I I 83.1 Operatinghistoryof SONGS Larval losseswill be reducedany time SONGSoPeratesat a lower than normalflow rate. OperatingSONGSat a sustahedreducedflow rate is considered in Sestion62. This Appendix considersthe resourcesavinp that can be achieved so I by schednlingSONGS'operationsto avoid periodsof hig! tarvd abundances, focus on periods when there is uo flbw througb SONGS,and hence no loss of ichtbyoplanktonFigure&16 showsthe total uumberof dap Units 2 atd3 did not oPerate betweeuthe period January1, 1984and July 31, 1988(L674days). During this period'Units2and3didnotproducePou,eranaverageof3}voofthedaln,or about 116 dzys/year. Some of these periods of no Pouterwere causedby unscheduledoutages(seeTable 63). Periodsof no flow occur during scbeduled outagesat fairly regular intemalsof about 14 months(Figrue B-17). On average, Units 2 and 3 had no flow l25Vo of the dap, or about 46 days/year' Most scheduledrefueling periodslastedfor about nro months(Figure B'tZ,Table 6-3)' but of coursethe annual averagewas lessthan two monthsbecausethe scheduled outagesdid not occurat l2-month inrcnrals. In the fufirre, Units Z a\d 3 may oPenrteat a somewhatdifferent rate' Funge fuel cyclesare scheduledto be 5z5 EffectiveFull PowcrDap (EFPDs)long that or about 18 months UnschcduledoutagesEight also be les frequent now periods are SONGS has been tbrougb several fuel cycles. Futgre refueling of these scheduledto be 70 dalr long @. PiLner,pasonal commwdcation).In sPite tlpe possiblefutgre changes,the datapresentedin this sectionare indicativeof the B-8 t I I I I I I I t t I I I I I t l I of operating schedule expectedand are tberefore used as the baseline agairst which I a proposed uew sc.hedulecan be compared t B33 Larvaeentrainedby SONGS I I I I I I I I I I I l I I T In this sectio&I ceilculatethe numberof fish lanae that would be entraiDed if SONGS were to oPerate at t0f,1Vofl6np during the period of highgsl ichthyoplanktonabrmdance.I havetargeted 13 speciesqftfo high estimatedadult equivalent losses(see Table B.1; unidentified keBfisb which has an estimated adult-equivaleDtloss of.4.97Vo,is tbe only specieswitb >7VoAEL that was not analped), as well as total ichtbyoplankton,northern anchory, and total minus anchovy. Severaldifferent periods of time are coDsidered,rangingfrom two to three montbslong. Fish larvac were most abundantduri4g FebruarytbroughApril (Table B2; For all speciescombine4 37Voof the annual abundance ocg15redin Marcb,24VoinApril andt77oin February(fable B-S);thrs, 557oof tbe ichtbyoplanktonoccgrredin 2 moathsandT2Voof the ichthyoplanktonoccurredin 3 Fignres 6;3 and e1). months. This pattera is stronglyinfluencedby northeruanchovybecauseit is by far the mostabundantspecies.However,the generalPatternexistswheuancboviesare excluded (Figure 63), and 53Vo of.the total ichthyoplanktouEinus ancbovies occgrredin March and April (Table B3). The 'nat'' conuibution of ancboviesto tbe abrrndancepanerg is to increasethe importane of Februa41when anchovies are exclude4only |Vo of.tbeichttryoplanktonocqured in Februaqy. B-9 I I Datz on the combined ichtbryoplankton tzxz' demonstrate that a disproportionatenumberof larrraeoccurduringa few qrcnths'so that restrictingtbe openrtionof SONGSduring thosemonthscouldresult in a substantialreductioni8 losscs. Of course,individual taxa have different abgndanccPattens' Table F3 pr€seat the larval abundanceof lj} qpecieswith estimatedadult equivalentlosses (AEIs) s:rcesding1% (Iechnical Report D). Mary of the specieswith high AEIs were abundatt in March and April Nine species(queenfisb'gant kelpfuh' white goby and croaker,black croaker,cheekspotgoby,alrort gory, jac}smelt, shadow diamondtqrbot) had more tbas tAVoof their larvaein Marcll w-hileseve! species jaclsmelt (queenfisb"gant kelpfisb,white croaker,California gnrnioU agow goby, three aud California clingfish)had more than t\Vo of their larvae in ApriL Only l$Vo of' species(gant kelpfish, sbador goby and diamondnrrbot) had more tbat their lawae in February. the The estinated number.of larnaethat would be entrained(an4 hence' in Table B-4 lossesthat would be prwented if SONGSdidn't operate)are PreseBted nnd Marcll April and for three periods: March asd Aprit' FebnrarythroughApnt' and the August Based o! the general Patten of ichtbyoplanktonabuadance be the trro abundancesof the tf, specieswith higb AEI'5, l'Iarch and APril would 33 billion best montbs to eliminatc &e flonr of water throrgh SONGS' Nearly full flow; more larvacwould be entrainedin March andApril if SONGSoPeratesat more than 1 than 2 billion of theselarrraewouldbe nortbernane.hoviesIa addition' dtring March billion larvac of the 13 specieswith AELS >l%owould be entrained are commos' and only and April Howwer, few of tbe specieswith high AEIJ entrainedduring queenfishand white croakerwould havemore than 100,000larrrae March and APril. B-10 I t t I I I t I I I I T I I I I I l I I I I I t I I I l I I I t t I I t Restricting tbe operation of SONGS during February would also disproportiouatelyredue the total los of ichthyoplankton(Table B4), sinceabout 1 million larvaeare eutrainedin February,but the reductionwould consistprinarily les tbzn0J%o.Giant of anchovies,whichhaveanestimatedadulteErinalentlossof kelpfis\ with an estimated adult eguivalent los of 6.88V0,were much more -\an abundantin February otbernonths (TableB.2). Hon'ever,relativelyfew giant kelpfishlaryaeare entrained(6.98x1trper year; of tbe 13 target sPecieqoaly black croaker had fewer tarvae entrained), &d losses to this species could be compensated iD-kindby buitdiagan anificial reef with kelp. As in March andApril, white croaker is the AEL specieswith by far the greatest number of laryae entrained. A numberof ichthyoplanktonspecieswereErostabundantin summer(Table B-3), as reflecredin tbe small peak in abrurdancein August (Figure 63). Species in sumner includequeenfis\ California with higfi AEts sd high lar%l abundances grunioa black croaker, Catiforuia corbina reef finspot and Califoraia dingfish. in Marell six comparedto the nine specieswith high trf,I5 and > tlvo abI,Jtrldance specieshad > 107oabundancein Augrrst Fur&ermore,four of thesespecies(black croaker,Califoruia corbina reef finspot and Catiforaiaclingfish)were mucb Elore abundantin Augrst tban in lvlarch. Substantiallossesin someof the Eost-impactedspeciesould be avoidedby schedulingthe plant for no flow in August as well as in March and April. The numberof queenfishlarrae eutrainedin Augustis equatto tbe nrmber entrainedin March and Aprii combined(Table Ba). Atthoug! black croaker and Califonia B-11 corbina were not commoD,they were very abundantin AllgUsEwith 15 and 6 millisa larrraeentrainedin that Eoutb, resPectively(TableB4)' Finally, note that very few specieswere abgndantin Septemberthrough Jannary(fable B3); only tlVo of the ichtbyoplanktonocctrred during this forumonth period. Coincidentally,tbis is the period when SONGSEost frequentlyhad no-flow conditioos(Figure 8-16). In additiorUSONGShas had relatively few noflow daysin March and April, when the ichthyoplanktonwere most abundant'or even in July and A,tg,ttq when some of the specieswith high AEIs were most couunon The past operatinghistory of SONGShas by chancebeen alnost the losses' oppositeof the optimalschedulefor reducingichthyoplankton B33 Larrae sparedunder presentschedule the numberof larvae The numberof dals offline/yezt wasgsedto estfutrate that are sparedunder tbe presentoperatingschedule' (Under actual condidons' for SONGSalsosometimesoPeratesat lessthan full flow, but this hasbeenignored the same the sake6g$rnplicit] in this aullEts.) Note that soNGS is uot ofline at Over a long time eachyear @gUre Bl.7), but rather can be of,ine in alry month' of no-flow period of time, eachmonthwould be expectedto havcthe samenumber the pastfew days. (FigUre&16 demotstratesft4 this hasnot beenthe caseover larr"acthat are years,but wennrally it shouldbe.) Tberefore,tbe otal numberof averageentrainment sparedunder tbe presentscheduleis estimatedby rsing the rate over all montbs,asfollorvs: B-t2 I I I I I T T t I I I t t I I t I I I I I l t I t t I I I I I I t I I T I t Numberof Irnae Spared Per Yirar Mean Density ofLarvac No. Moutbs With No FIow Per Year Florv Volume Pcr Montb For example: Total No. of I-arvaeSpared = Per Yi:ar l'7$/d x 2'76xlF nr/no x 15 mo = 737xlfflanrac A similarprocedurewasrsed to cal$late tbe numberof lanae of individualspecies that are sparedunderthe presentschedule. Uuder the preseutoperatingschedule,737 million larvaeare sparedduing tbe 15 montbsof tbe year when SONGShas no flow (Table B5). Most of these Iarvae(62Vo)are nortbern anchovie$but 245miilios of tbe larvaebelongto tbe 13 speciesYift high AELS. 83.4 Potentid reductionin entrainnent of lish lrrvae To estimateroughlytbe numberof larvacthat canbe savedby rescheduling tbe operation of SONGS,tbe number of larvae that would be sparedusing tbe present schedule(Table R5) has beeu srbracted from the number entrained during the critical months (Table R4). The ichthyoplanktonlossesthat migbt be preventedby rescheduliqgSONGSover three different periods are presentedin Table 85. For example,if the flow of coolingwatcr throughSONGSwasstopped during March and April roug$y 25 billion fua lart'aewould be killed tban under the presentoperatingscbedule.This would cut tbe culreDtestimatedloses iD half. B-13 the The savingpcould be iacreasedto 68Vo of.tbe clrrent lossesby also eliminating cooling s],sten flou, in FebruarY. 'When only the lil specieswith high AELs are coDsidere4827million fewer larvac would be killed by not operatingSONGSin March and April; this savingp itr could be iacreasedto trlore than 1 billion larvae by also uot operatingSONGS Augusr The additionalbenefrtof not operatingSONGSin Augustis not obvious when the numbersof all higb-AEL speciesare combinedbecarsewhite 6oaker' in Augrsl a;'eby far the mostabundantspecies.However, which are not The the importanceof August is clear when the averagereducdonis cal$lated' March & mean reduction in entrainmentfor the 13 high'AEL speciesis lSVoin March& April, and3|Voin March,APril andAugust' Apnt, }SVoinFebruary, The savingpthat could be obtained by reschedulingSONGS' operations the would vary from speciesto qpecies.With SONGSsffiins in March and April' ftom 875 lossof white soaker, wbichhasone of the highestAEIJ, couldbe reduced flow during million lan^e to 210 miltion lanrac, a reductioir of'76Vo' Having no jaclsmelt in half' March andApril would cgt the lossesof northernanchoviesand ftom on tbe other han4 not all qPecieswould necessarilybenefit the best months reschedulingSONGS. Althougb Marcb and April maybe overall somewhathigber for schedulingsoNGS to be ofline, somesPecicsmay experience millisa more California lossesas a resrlL Of tbe 13 specieswith higb AEls, !'l if SONGSis offline corbinaand 1.06milliou more reef finspotwould be entrained be an increaseof about ia March and April (TabteB5); for both speciet this would Augustin the time period t4Vo isthe number of larv.aekilted. Hovever, including B-14 I I I I t I I t T I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I t t I SONGSis scheduledto be ofEinewould resultin a substantialreductionin lossesto thesenro species.In facq Doneof tbe 13 tr;gl-aEl specieswould experienceless than a !2Vo rcdustionin lossesif SONGSis scheduledto have no flow in Marcb' April & AugusL and jackmelt, Catiforuia corbina white croaker, queenfishand northern anchoywould elgerienceaSETSVoreductionin losses. The savings calculated in this section were based on SONGS' recetrt operatinghistory,Le.,46 dap per yearwitb uo florv througbthe planr The savings would be lower if SONGSoperatesin the funre witb fewer dap witb no flow. Tbe savingswould be only balf as greatif only one unit was offline eacbyear, aswould be the caseif SONGSoperatedon a 24-monthfuel cycle. 83.5 l"arvaeentrainedst other poxer stations If reschedulingSONGSmeansthat more larvaewitl be impingedat otber po$'er stations,the savingsattributed to the &e reschedulingmust by adjustedby the increasedlosseselsewhere. In order to evaluatsthis possibility,we need to know the seasonalpatten of entrainmentat the stationsthat would be generatepoiverwhenSONGSis offliae. One approachto making this adjrstment would be to comParethe daily eutrainmentrate at SONGSby month witb the daily entrainmentrate at otber stationsby montb. The ouparison would be basedon tbe absolutenumber of larvae entrained or, better still, tbe nrmber of lanae entraiDedPer megawattof electricity gvfW"; generated,since.thatis what will determinehow much water is pumpedthroughtbe other plants. (Note that uuclearPor*'erplantsusemore water B-U per lvf\ile than fossil fuel plants.) The analpis for eac'hplant would parallel the atat)'sisperforoed for SONGS,with the larval entrainmeutunder the mitigation schednlecompared to the entrainment nnder the present operating schedule' Unfornrnarcly,this approachis complicarcdby the fact that we dos't know which stationis likely to be gsedasan alrcmativeto SONGS(S(E choosesthe alternative basedon a co6plex setof fastorq includingcostof fucl andemissions)andwe don't havetheir operatinghistories A simpler approacbto'this problem would be to ask whether increased operationsat other SCE geueratingstatio1sin February,Marclf April or August would rezult in disproportionatelosses I have rsed SCE data to exanine the at otber SCEstations. SCEdoes seasonalentrainmentpattens of ichtbryoplankton not colleetichthyoptanktonabundancedatanear all of its of&horeintakes. Instead, of andbiologicalcharacteristics Schlotterbecka al. (lg7g') categorized&e pbJrsical the severalintake typesin the SCE qnten Data from OrmondBeachGenerating were Station(OBGS), identifredas rePresentativeof offthore velocitycap intakes' at El Segrrndoand Huntingon Beach Generating used to estimate Stations.Datafronllal'ocsGcacratingStation(actuallyrrrnbryl.osAngelesWater used to and Pover), representativeof canal/embay6eutharbor intakeq were Stations' estimateentrainmeatat Mandalry,Long Beachand Alamitos Geuerating of King Datawere alsocollcctedatboth tbe ofthore (Units1 &8,near the mouth Beach Harbor) and harbor (UniS 1{, within King Ha$or) intakesat the Redondo over about GeneratingStation(RBGS). In all cases,ichtbyoplanktonweresaslpled it is possible oue year, so it is uot possibleto consideryear-to-yearvariationt and of the long-termaverage' wasnot rePresentative that the year sampled(1979-1980) B-16 I I t I I l t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I l t I I I I I I I There were two distinct temporalpattems of entrainmentfor thesestations (Fignre B-18). Ormond Beach and Redondo Bearh Unis 7 & 8, which have offshoreintakes, had temporal pattems that were fairly similar to SONGS: tbe greatestentrainmentocsrred in lvlarch. At OBGS,tfushigh entrainmeBtin Marcb was due to botb northern ancbovies(20.7Voof the total annual entrainment)and white croaker (la.6Vo); l4Vo of.the larrracwere eutrainedio Apttf, and no other month ontribute d >t}Vo.'The pattem was someuftatdifferent at RBGS Unia 7 and 8, which enuained a great mary white croakerlarnae in Jaauaryas well as March;no othermonthcontributed>l0Vo. A different patteru occured at HGS and RBGS Units 1-6, where highest gsueinment occured during tbe summer mouths. At HGS, entrainment was dominated by Hypsoblemhs and gobies, and May, June and August each contributed >107o of the total annual entrainmenl RBGS 1{ entrained many cbee}spotgobiesand reef finTrots,eqpeciallyin Juneand September,althougbJuly alsocontributed>L$Voof the total annualentrainmeur The entrainmentat HGS and RBGS 1{ wasrelativelylow druing February througbApnl, so that increasingpo\r'erproductionat theseplants (andprenmably Mandalay,Long Beachand Alarnitos GeneratingStations)if SONGSis scheduled doum during this time would not result in highgl total entrainmenr Althougb entrainmentys5highestin the sunmer at HGS andRBGS 1'6, it wasonly tlVo anid 9Vo,respectively,dgring fugnsq so that iucreasingporiler production duri4g this time would not result ia high additional losses.The entrainmentat RBGS 7 & I and OBGS was more 5imils 1s SONGS,altbougb white croaker was more important at RBGS than at SONGS. IncreasiagPuBPingat RBGS 7 & 8 during B-17 March and OBGS (and presumablyHuntingtoaBeachand El SegundoGenerating Statioas)duringMarch and April would renrlt in somewhathigbertotal larvd losses at those stations,so if thesestationsoperiateat a higber level becarseSONGSis ofEine dudng March and April, thrc savingscalculatedabovewould need to be adjusteddoqrnuardsomewhal I have not attempted a quantifredadjustmeutbecarseSCEs entrainment data were collectedduring only one year,while the MRCs data from the Impact and Control sitesclearlyshowlargeinterannud differesces. I I I I I I l I t t I l B-18 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I l I I l I APPEI{DIX B LIIERATURE CITED InterseaResearchCorporation(trtQ). 1981. Halaes GeneratiqgStation sssling water intake snrdy(316(b) demonstrationprogram). Preparedfor the Los Angeles Department of Water and Porer, Los Angeles, Califsrnia November1981. Marine Review Committee. 1988. Interim TechnicalRepon 5. Fisb krvae and Eggs. Report submittedto the california coastal commission. Marine Review Committee. 1989. TechnicalReport D. Adult'equivalentloss. Repon to tbe CaliforniaCoastalCommission SchlotterbechRE, I.B. krso4 P. DorA RC. Miracle, R.G. Kanter, R-R- lVare, D.B. Cadien and D.W. Connally. t979. Phpical and' biological categorizationprocessfor selectionof SouthernCaliforaiaEdisonCompany represenative 316(b) study sites. SoutberuCaliforuia Edison Company ResearchandDeveloPmentSeries:79-RD-68.46 pp' SoutbernCalifornia Edison Compauy(SCE). 1982. Alamitos GeneratingStation 316(b) demonstration SouthernCaliforniaEdisonCompany,Resealcband DevelopmentSeries82-RD-96:41Pp.with appendices' I I 1 I B-19 SoutberuCaliforniraEdisonCompany(SCE). 1983a RedoudoBeachGenerating . Station 316(b) demonstration Soutliera California Edison Company' Researchand DevelopmentSeries82-RD-98:46 pp. with appendices. SoutheraCalifornia Edison Compary (SCE). 1983b. Ormond BeachGenerating Station 316(b) demonstration Southeru California Edison Company' Series82-RD-100:31pp.with appeudices. ResearchandDevelopmetrt B-20 I I I I T I t l I I I I I I i I i I I I t I Table B-1 Comnon and scientilic namesof lish species. Northen anchory and il] spccicswitb estimatcd adult cgutvaleut losses >1% wre targetcd" Adult cquivalent lossesfjom Tcchnical R4on D. AEL = Adult equivaleot loss. SPEcES/GRouP SCIENIINC}.IAME Vo AFjL 12-70 Quecnfsh Sedpltttsplius Giant lclpfish Hetemsticlutsmsmsus 6.88 r$fhite croaker Genyonemtslineaas 750 Califoruia gruniou I.curcskes teruis 4591 Blacl croaker Qteiloaernasoatnum 3.891 C-aliforaiacorbina Menticbrlus undulatus 355r Cheekspotgoby Ifuntts glberti 3.04 Reef frnspot Patulitttts lntegiprwtils L% Arrow goby Clevvludia ios L& Jaclsnelt Akeinopsis calilalziouls 2.45r Shadowgoby Quieuls)'cstfu Lt4 Di"-ond turbot Hypsopsaoguailu 2(b California alingfiqh Gobiescrhqsfut 1.43 Northenr aachovy Engrulis morb <0.10 I Loss througb juvcnilc stagpincstinable (se.cTcchaical Report D) B-27 l I I TableB-2 Monthly densitiesof Iish larvae near SONGS. t (the most abundant Data are deuidcs (numbcr of larvae/4{Xl u1 for total spccics,nortbern enchorry losscs > 17o' equivalcnt spccies), total spccics miaus anchory, and |jt spccics si1tr 6rin"c4{ edult Ihasldes bsscd oE A. and $.bleks, lgpact and Cong.olndl fcars combined. sPEcrEs/ GRoup DENsrrY6 /mM3) TOIAT, JA}I FEB T{AR APR TVIAY JUN. JUL AUG SEP OC'l Total 8v2 115:.,&265L?frn51321819041824555129400 Northera Anchovy 5Z{2 89 126L t762 trjg Total -inus anchovy 32fi 57 24 Queenfsh 789 o 7 vz Giant kelpfish 10.1 0 33 White croaker t4,/,9 1 tu California grunion 8.4 000358 Black croaker 5.8 000.800.6 Califoraia corbina 1:}O 000005020.69250'1 Cbeekspotgoby a 1310810?pL4 Reef finspot a.0 000.1000J6J45050500 arow goby t9 Jacksmelt tx 16.1 103 t4J Shadowgoby 36.9 15 5.0 5:7 Diamond turbot 185 o 32 Califoraia clinsfish 16.9 0 Total AEL specics 2W 39 DEC t2' t4 29 329 L26 4L 101 7t 83 224 656 8 0'2 0'04 0.6 05 0.4 0'7 0'4 0 0'6 8 2 3 1 2 49 74 43 96 N 50 2U 168 145 3n. 1y u 90 L2 1.1 ul t76 578 65 88t1 S4 NOV 1059.1 000 L60.90'1 150.6Lt03000 152'12vy 252512t47t035351 A3 L0 o-vz 0 0'03 0'4 0'4 55 18 4.L 1-1 3i 39 32 1'6 t'7 3'7 55 Ul 0t 02 0 02 L'7 05 4s 0'1 0 0.6 4.4 1.4 33 3-1 22 1'6 '02 0 0 lgl 7go nr a5 rx 1n 269 104 95 62 82 B -22 a t I I 00 14 I I T I I I t I I I I I I I I Table B-3 Temporal patteras of ichthyoplanliConsbundancenear SONGS. Data are pr:sentcd for total species,northera anchovy (tbe most sbundlDt species)' total ad lii ip."io with estimatcd adult cquivalent losscs >1%. Densities spcciesmious ancbovSr, based on A. and B-blocls,Impact gld Control, all lcars combined. Months wi& >10% of the roul abundanccarc shorm in boklface typa I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECES/ GRoUP JAI.J FEB Total !1 NortherD Anchovy LJ Total minrs anchovy L.7 T4AR APR PERCENTOF T TAL ABIJNDAI.ICE \{AY JTN JI,JL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 6.0 L6 22 49 Z9 0.6 15 43 4.4 0.9 08 1"8 23 03 05 62 273 2SS 8.7 5.1 45 9.9 3"9 :"3 3'1 22 3r.q US .11.4 23.9 33.4 23t 6.9 Queenfisb 0 0.9 11.? 1?.0 10.6 11-q 10.6 2E.4 83 Giant kelpfsh 0 32.1 12.1 r0.9 12.t White croaker 05 99 California gruaion 0 0 1.1 19t Black croakcr 0 0 g!3 Califoraia corbina 0 0 0 Cheekspotgoby 5.4 5.7 5.0 3.9 72 3"9 0 6'4 3sJ 3g9 45 0.6 02 02 0.1 0.1 3'4 0'9 35t 303 8-9 32 05 0'04 0 0'006 0 o 0 1-1 0 0 4.4 E2 0 1"1 0"03 0'004 0.4 0.06 103 25.0 r03 0 3.8 t2 4.1 13,9 53 0 0 Reeffinspot 0 Arrow goby L8 s.4 376-IL0J56 Jacksmelt ru 73 Shadowgoby 4.0 135 15.4 48 55 35.9 52 5.0 695192 6.4 92 5.1 143 15'6 505353 4.t 42 58 0 0 7s r0'? 3s 5"1 Ze s'4 Ls 402 11.r r7S 0J 0.(p' 0 0.02 03 03 4'0 8.7 . 4'4 43 9'9 U'5 05 ru 0 l?J Califorsia clingfsb 0 0 35 Total AEL species L.4 6.6 27.t 21J zu 10.0 10J 1.1 0.09 13 93 L6 8.4 19.7 13.6 13: 92 L"4 o 0 3.7 1'0 33 22 29.9 7-L 4.4 Diamond turbot Lg 83 B-23 4.8 43 95 I I Table 84 AnticiPated ichthyoplanldonentrainment at SONGS' Data are prcsentad for total specics,norlhen anchory (the most gSusdnnt species), and tlt spccicswith estimated adult equivalcnt losses toAl spccics minus ancho?y, -c"tt"i""a is cstimaEd by nultiplying tchthyoplanliCon >l?a Number of larrrc (9.07x106 ;3lUy for Units 2 and 3 combined) at fiov ratc SONGS tbe dcnsity tlmcs period considercd. bcing in thc of days numbcr dmcs thc SPECTES/ GRoup Nt uBERENTRA$'IED( x 101 ldARcxI, FEBRUaRY, lv{ARcH& APRIL& & IT,|ANAN APRIL AUGUST APRIL Total 328 42. 357 Northcru aachovy LL L9 1 1'7 Total miaus aachovy 1.19 ul3 L.42 Quecnfsh 0.156 0.1603 0316 Giant kelpFrsh 0.0017 0.0038 0.002 Whitc croaker 0.?9 0.881 0.792 Califoraia grunioa 0.0042 0.m42 0.0049 Black croakcr 0.0005 0.0005 0.ffi2 Califoraia corbina 0 0 0.m6 Chcckspot goby 0.9276 0.93/.2 0.(886 Rcef finspot 0.fixxx 0.00004 0.00304 Arrow goby 0.9249 0.wn 0.a72 Jacksnelt 0.0t1 0.061 0.054 Sbadowgoby 0.00y2 0.m84 0.00.19 Dianond nubot 0.0049 0.0069 0.m51 Califoraia "Iingf*h 0.0034 0.0034 0.005 Total AEL spccies Lgru L1916 L26n Bl4 t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t Table B-5 possible reduction in entrainment of tish larvae from rescheduling' sPecies),total spccies Data aF prcscntcd for total spccies, norlbern anchorry (thc most abuudaBt pr=vented $as' ninus anchorry,and 13 spccics wifb cstimatcd adult eguivaleut losscs >l7a Loss (sce Tablc 82) minus calculatGdas tte nuubcr of larne that would be entmined in tbe months notcd the numbcr that would uot be cntrained under tbe PrGscIt oPcrsting oclcdule" : AI{NTJAL I.OSSINEVEI'TTEDBY ELIMINANNG FI.oW DURING sPECrEs/ GROUP No. SPARED PERYEAR ATPRESENT T{ARCTI& APRIL F:EBRUARY, lv{ARcxt & APRIL lvlARo{, APRIL& AUGUST x 10e x1@ % x10e Vo X10e Vo Total 0.7368 25432 49 3.4832 68 2.8322 55 Northera anchovy 0.4556 t.6444 52 2.4444 n t.1474 x Total minus anchovy 02812 0.9088 4 1.0488 53 1.1388 58 Queenfish 0.0681 0.08i/9 18 o.wzT 19 02419 52 Giant kelpfish 0.0m9 0.0008 13 0.m29 48 18 White croaker 0.150 0.6650 76 0.7560 86 0.6670 76 Califoruia gruaion 0.005 0.0017 10 0.0017 10 0.m24 13 Black croaker 0.0005 43 0"0011 0n00m2 0.06 -t4 4J0U 0.0015 Califoraia corbina 0.000002 0.06 -0.m11 -14 0"0049 63 Cheekspotgoby 0.o206 L2 0.00u 9 0"0136 -0.00106 -14 0.0180 Reef fraspot 5 0.0070 -0.00106 -14 0.0019 24 Ariow goby 0.0077 0.@t2 31 0.0195 x Jacksnelt 0.0493 60 0.0423 52 0.011? an'.:n 0.s23 32 52 Shadowgoby 0.0032 0.0@0 9 0"0052 B 0.004? 21 Diasond trubot 0.m$ 48 0.0035 32 0.0015 30 $ 0.m$ Cdiforaia dingF<h o.q[B 0.mD $ 0.0035 34 Totd AEL spccics 02455 0&6%2 48 a.%742 55 1318242 59 B-25 t o c o 8 o = 2 8 U' ? -:oo EF; est lis ri ? ?, al i;e ggEgEBO Ef;ESggggC' 7'G'G' ar. i$p HoE 5 : F ;I 8 EE E-g o lo9 E"l -s"9 E.- 6 99c't E.E taF _7ia EE9 ::a EgEgSgEgo P3E EE9 ?2rlrGrGr- e E E d 2 8 { a I .t- - b o gE; ? rBs.* t igEEEgso Est g, .' € - gEEEEESO ""8*t FeIF e 8 -loo E -a ;s$ Iis 3;e i$p EgEgEgO TtGaGa?? = .E I E EE E >.tl gl 3o9 ac, 9€- F<g g0E E*E Ese =. ;; EgE EgEgEg 7rfiGa-- e c,9 6P- AEg E;: d - 5rS G?i- 8 EtE a { E E $8s.* l D9 E g ilgF tr gEgEgc kumr/r$llsc gEgEgo Ga.ra- RC{?' lamoor/!}o^lsl6 ravtr net B-n e 8 3E* H EE E AF =o FE E o('(,' nEe aE " 8 t8t80 ctGa? RStStRo =- rE; X gBE E E 2(/,15 6.9 13E; EgE 93e u< o reE EAo .o .Es EEF gSttc 81F* .||a d d =-*E3 = =J + o E A E E = E E .' .' : : 'b < 8 8888c Gaaa- tr Ee!93c ' - EEg€ a a -Y s3gF ggEs -?of, E(,'.g= =|,)-tt F,3sf ANCHO\^T NORTHERN IMPACT ro tr 5 2500 o t d:20oo 3 1s00 E n z H 1000 z LJ = 5OO 1979 1980 1981 1982 19E3 1984 CONTROL 3000 ro c 2soo 5 o -f d: 2000 3 E 1500 n z H 1oo0 z. a LJ 5OO 197919E01981198219E319E4198519E6 controlsltes lrom 1979to FigureB-4 Densttiesot northem anchoqylawae at lmpact and 1986. *29 QUEENFISH IMPACT ro E o o + \ o z 6 zUJ z lrl 1979198019E1198219831984198519E6 CONTROL ro E o o + \ o 300 z. E a 200 z u,J o z 100 L.t = 1979 1960 19E1 19E2 19E3 19E4 19E5 1986 Flgure B-5 Densitiesot queenfishlaruaeat lmpact and Controlsites B-30 from 1979to 1986' WHITECROAKER 100 80 l2 l- 60 lu) 40 IE lz | |J.J o z KJ = 20 n 1979 1980 19E1 1982 1983 19E4 19E5 1986 CONTROL 100 ra O O t+ BO o 60 6 4A z 2A z zLd r! = n 1979 1gEO 1981 1982 19E5 1984 19E5 1986 FigureB€ Densltiesof white croakerlarvaeat lmpaetand Controlsltestrom 1979to 1986. 831 GOBY ARROVV 100 fi- ts o o !l. \ c; z. \/ :0i 60 z tr.t o z lJ.J 2A 1979 19E0 1981 19E2 CONTROL ro E o c) rf C' = E a zu.J o z fi= 1979198o19E119E2198319E4198519E6 lmpastand control sltes''om FigureB-z Densttiesof arow goby laruaeat 'B-32 1979to 1986' GOBY SHADOW IMPACT fF) E O o + o z 20 6 z L.J z 10 lrl 1979 fo 1980 1981 19E2 19E3 1984 1985 1985 E O o s \ o z 6 ztrJ o z trJ = 197919E019E1198219E319E+19E51985 sites trom 1979to Figure B-8 Denslties Of shadow goby larvae at lmpast and controt 1986. B-33 GOBY CHEEKSPOT ro E o o + 100 o z. 6 zuJ 50 z L.J 1979 1980 1981 1982 19E3 CONTROL 150 ro E o o sf J 100 3 6 z Hs0 z u.J 19791960198119E219E319E419851986 and Control sltes lrom 1979to Figure B-9 Denstties ot cheelspot goby larvae at hpact 1986. JACKSMELT 140 ?,e 120 o o .+ 100 E o z 80 6 60 zLiJ z l.l.l 40 20 U 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 E 1986 CONTROL 140 r.) 1985 120 O o + c; 100 z EO F 6 50 CI 40 zIJ z UJ = 20 rl 1979 1gEO 1981 1982 1983 19E4 19E5 19E6 FigureB-10 Densitiesof jacksmeltlarvaeat lmpact anctControtsltes from 1979to 1985. Figure B-11 Densltlesot total tish taruaeat lmpast & Control sltes combinedfor each of tn6 yearssampledfrom 1979to 1986and tor all yearscombined. Only monthsin which sampteswere taken are labelled. r Incllcateszero denslty. r{- s g3 z"* E tn - trm e t 0 UAtlJJASO teto ?t I ? o z E an z E e g I 5!100 7! JOOo E g ? o 2W E .A t 3 a a e ba t r0@ 500 0 Drrn! \;t.urt'urE\r rr'l FigUfe B-12 DenSltieS gt nofthefn ancno!ry Entae af lmPaq a eglruer 1985and lor atiyears-combined'Only months in each of the yearEsamptedfrom 1979to r nrtticfrsa.pies were tifen are labelled. lndicateszero densl$' /) E I 2W { tsoo d z rom E o z o 7 ra 5 500 zqoo f, xI -+ 1500 e; z rooo E u1 = 6 7 soo 5 2000, 'r5@ tooo 500 2000, 1500 t@o 500 ivAvJJAsofiD FvA B-37 Figure B-13 Densltlesof whtte croaker larvae at lmpaet & Control sttes combined lor ea-cnot the years samptedtrom 1979to 1986and for all years comblned. Only months in which sampleswere taken are labelled. * indicateszero denslty. f & € to -d fr t 3 : ?, e 3 t E an H I t! 5 r? d - E a E AU,l,J.AS rf € g E E H FIA FUAU.l.JAsotlD at lmPast & Uonrror stles Figure B-14 Denslties Ot totat fish larvae minus anchorry gg6 and for all years-combined' comblneclfor each ot the years samplectfrom 1979io fi onty months In which samples were iaren are labelled. Indicateszero denstty' g cf d z 6 z H R 5 UAYt,JASO x200 9a 5 roo 3* Goo E o z H F 5 .t00 2oO r, tDll 120, r@o t& to 4S N 12@. r@0. t@, ro0, aoo 2m o iyAU.t.lAsoliD each of laruaeat lmpact & Controlsites combinedlorin FigureB-15 Densitlesof q-u-99nfish rige 1;0.!:; llii{fEmuineo. onlvmonths which trom19zs_to. theyearssampted r Jah'pits were'Ufen are labelted. Indicateszero denstty. m I t 500 3oo i d z 2N E 2cn o H roo 3 : 100 {oo 4@ ne I 300 o z ?fi E o zr o r00 t 0 a, tttt /,c I o 2 E al, z H 3 t ,lOO, JOO 26 rs ,l.FfaAL.r.J UNIT 2 9Bo o lL ooo trl E =40 zJ p2c UNIT3 9Bo o t! ooo g lrl (D = 240 J t- 92C 1, Januarv ri*n produce o,j""ri"o"l 8.16 Fisure *ar=I*;=,Gr"',0=t't nuriiet oi OtV" a' Unlt did not 1984anctJuly 31, 1988. OpenUi,s inOicate wnh no waterflow oays powercturing, pirti"urar mbntn;-"oridu"rs tndicairiiutu"t'ot period' t"re 1574Oail Outingthe sample througha Unlt. it "i" B-41 UNIT2 tt7 520 lJ. o g. lrJ [D = z 10 1984 1985 1986 1987 198E UNIT3 n d20 tL o E, Lu co 3 10 z 19E4 1985 19E6 January1' 1984and Untts2 alq 3 by To-$1|ry111r at SONGS FigureB-17Operatlons duringa of daysi unndidnotproducepower Jury31,19gg.openbarsIndlcate-numoer a unit' oriaG *nn nowatdrtlowthrough barsInc'caie-nuruet partieurar montnisoricr 6 (9 o c9 c) tt, lr, = EI TD k o o Ea3 HEfiEF = o o trl E EEiE i Essfr: ooo oo 88BB c.{ NaF o o (9 c) 3 EoEe'R E*E,-R g -AEE gE; :AE €Ei C9 E ttt EO o z o v7 = o: o I= o E c .l = a;EtEs = lL ? C)oc()e 6OtOOu) NC\|F? ('ox) r.lenNnrutrclA'lt\ET/rol oo !o lD ('ox) r.ienmtallr€lAltv! .tvrot v3 This page intentionaily left bianlc APPEI{DIX C MEfiIODS USEDIN FALL 1986SURVE'TOF ARTIFICIAL AI{D NATT]RALREEFS The methodsusedin the surveyof artificial and natural reefs in Southeru C-aliforniaconductedin Fall 1986 are sumnarized in this Appendix A more detailed descriptionof the methodsand analpes tsed is presentedin Ambrose (1e87). island, "nifi.ia werechosenfor this snrdy.For comparisog16nanrralreefsweresampled.Tbe 26 Ten anificial reefs,includingthreebreakrvatersitesand one reefssampledrangefrom SanDiego to Vennra (FigureC-1,Table C-1). Eleven uanrralreefsand foru artificial reefshad a giantkelp (MaooqstisWrifera)canoPyat the f''ne of sarnpling. Samplingmethodologlwas the snmeon natural and artificial reefs. Visual transectswere usedto estimatethe densitiesof fuh. A diver swamat a constant rate along a transectto minimize countingfish attracted1e hirn or countingfisb twice, and recordedall fub encounteredwithin a corridor of specificdimensions; to leuglh (Ambrose1987). Two fuh were placedin life-stagecategoriesaccord,ing typesof transectswereemployed:"adult"tratsects,in whichadult and subadultfish were cousted, and '!oung-of-yea/' Bansects,h which young-of-yearand juvenile fsh were counted. On eachreef, the transectswere locatedin two habitat t)?es: nearthe bentbos,and in tbe watercolumn" c- I Eigbt benthic tra$iesls, 3Sm long and spaced at least 5 m apart, were sampledon eachreef. In the "adult" 6enssgtg,adult and subadultfish were counted rfithin a 3-m wide by 15-m higb corridor. Young-of-year and juvenile fish were sampled along the sane benthic transects as tbe aduls and subadults, but after at least one-half hour bad elapsedto allow the fish to recover from the disarbance of tbe initial salnpling of adult fishes. The loung-of-year" corridor was only 1-m wide to allow a more detailed search of the substrate, but was 2-m higb to ensue tbat "young occurring off the substrate(suchas Chromispwaipirms) were included. Adult and sub-adult fish ocorrring in the water column were sampied by underwater video camera at a depth of about 3 m- Eight transects,approximateiy 3&m long were sampledat each site. Horizontai visibility was measuredand used to determiue the width and height of each transectbased on a previous calibration of the video camera- Young-of-year and juveniles were sampled in eight visual transects(2-m higb x 1-m wide x 3&m long) in the s2me area as the adult video survey. To determine the size frequency distribution of fistt, divers estimated the lengths of all fish seen during 3 [$min $vim around the reef. Literature cited Ambrose,R.F. Ig87. Comparisonof conmunitiesou artificial and nanrralreefsin SouthernCalifornia with emphasison fish assemblages.Final Report submittedto the MarineReviewCommittee.December1987. c-2 Table C-l Physical Characteristics of Reefssurveyedin Fall 1986 (sce Rcefs are numbcrcd within tbc tso typc of rlcfs h ordcr of occutl'cncGbom Sorrtb to North ratcr. of tbe srufcc! brcakratcrs ii nan.oarlc islElds tbrt rach tbe iig,ft A1-il.-jio63j13r No. REEF RB Cooe AnEA (ha) Dms l{sanr Srcre (D) SussrRATE (n) ATNIICIALREEFS Torrcy Pincs AR ?c Pendlctou AR .[3 Neuport Beac.hAR A4 L-4,. Harbor Brcakwatcr - outsidc A'5 L-4- Harbor Brealnater - inside tlarbor Breakcater King A6 N Hermosa Beach AR A8 Marina Del ReyAR .A9 Pitas Point AR A10 Rincon Oil Islard A1 TPAR PAR NBAR I.OAR 0"18 1.40 250 581 16 t5 U 11 3 11. 213F 3"& larserodq bouldcrs niiium & largprodr, boulders concretcpilings,sand boulders LIAR 415 9 9' 38.1o largeroct bouldcrs KI{AR HBAR MDAR PPAR RIAR 386 o24 032 0.45 2"81 99' 2J2 2t4 16' 39.& 13 4L.1o 113 47.9 large roc\.boulders coacretc Piliags sand larce roch boulders mfrium &large rod*' sald largc rodq boulders 2A (054e) 153 (15e) MEA}T (sE) 5 4 u3 16 ?J3 n.b 2t3" 55 (1.42) (4.61) I,{ATUNALREEFS MSR IJCR DMR BK LFR BC 24.6t 220.m' 214.M SOTN 53.00 16.00 n,t3 183 16 t5 725 t1 16L 1 1 1 tr & hdrock large rocJr,bouldcrs"saad bcdrod snall & mcd- rock, bedrock laree rodr' be&ock med- rock rai'a, A, med rodq sard snAt "oUUtc, soKN l(x.(p 15 1 13 cobble,snall & med. rock SMK TMR u4lp 162 185 N11 ksusa Bcach North N12 Pe[caa Point Nt3 Point Vicentc N14 Don't Dirrc Tbcrc N15 Flat Rock LBN PP PV DDT FR 23J0 3Lm 551.m, 55Lm. 55Lm. 185 154 Rincoa IGlp RK 6A0 u2 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 Marine Street Reaf La Jolla Cove Recf Del Mar Rcef Barn IGlp I-as Pulgs Recf Box C;anyon lv San Onofrc Ifulp - Mai! (+1) N8 San Onofre Kclp - North (002) N9 San Mateo Kelp N10 Two Man Rock N16 MEAN (sE) I t 4 soKM - l(X.m u4.(r 03 16J 1t455 (i1t.609) (030) Botb rccfs tG pan of tbe b Jolla rlcf goriP-lc1 Both reeG ere.!an of tbc S'" Oaofrc f.!F B€d Both rccls ue pan of rbc San MateoXctp !{ AI thrcc rects ire Fn of rhc Prlc Verdcs Peainsuh rccf mpler c-3 L& 18.& 0t tr.9 ua 158 r.6 (> tr 5 0. 35.0" 33"& 9b 18"& 10"s 4A (0J9) 11J' 6.59) mcdium rodq sand mcd. & large roc\ bedro€k' sand bouldcr san4 cobblc, rocks, bedrock snall rodr, bcdrosk boulde$' bcdroct bouldcrs, bedrock uedium & targe rodr' bcdtoclg boulders medium & large rodr, sand a c' - I Ilp al - o o b Y-2 atr b Lz-z (g -1I| ,I L o o - G' -- rS ('' - k= L c' a o € (, tl z z a ol +z- FE, 'lt l o I l\ F €{' <= lz e - o a c I N o ";!E a o c {.'2 r9 ?z :E: p:= b 6E 7io -tl EE (E= g9 gs =t :0 .o (,lF g6 6o >.E oo >o bb a a o c z9 3r cto :! .:a tQo Eg rFb a N =E 'EE -o: cLo tg- ='i ..o EO OE <o"*" si' .- y' eF 6 t E: <B o c-4 E o < c 2O @i= s0.E: \t3= E z Eg LO APPENDX D CAIfT'I,ATING TIIE SIZE OF ARTIIICIAL REEF NEEDEDFOR MITIGATION The MRC hasproposedthat afiificiat reefsbe usedto mitigate nro tlpes of impacts. First, an artificial reif could serveas in-kind replaement of SanOaofre Kelp Bed resogrces.Second,an anificial reef couldprovide out'of-kind mitigation for midwaterfuh losses,suchas thosecarsedby SONGS'killing of fuh lanae and eggs.As noted in Chapter8, a critical aspectof uing artificid reefsasmitigationis determiningtbe sizeof reef needed. Different proceduresare neededfor the two different applicationsof ar:tificial reefs, iD-kind and out-of-kiBd mitigation; the on size are processesused by tbe MRC in developingtbeir recommendations ciescribed below. D1.1 Size needed for in-kind mitigation As noted in Sestion 833, there is insufEcieut evidence to warrant constructinga reef tbat is smallerthan the areaof Daffral reef impacted;in fact, tbe generalgncertaintyaboutthe proessesoperatingou artificial reefsarguesthat the ardficial reef shouldbe largerthantbe impactcdarea There are no establisbedpolicies that could be used to determine the appropriate"compensationratio" tbat should be used. Other mitigation projects baveusedratiostbat rangefrom 1:1to 4:1 or 5:1 or more. Tbe MRC decidedthat a 15:1 ratio of artificialreef to areaof kelp lostwouldbe appropriatefor SONGS' D-1 The actual size of reef recornrnendedis basedon the area of kelp estimated to be lost from the San Onofre Kelp Bed (SOK) the operation of SONGS: 80 ba Using the 15:1 ratio, the sizeof artificial reef neededto mitigate tbe impacs of SONGS on the SauOnofre Kelp Bed was estimatedto be 120ba"or 300 acres' In addition to tbe impacts to kelp, SONGS has reduced tbe abundancesof kelp forest invertebrates and fuh. Becausethe kelp forest invertebrates are closely provide a tied to the hard substrateat SOK a 12Gha artifrcial reef would probably kelp 15:1 replacenent of invertebrates. However, this migbt oot be the casefor forest fuh. to the As noted in Chapter 8, the fact that no large artificial reefs similat proposed reef have been built means thdt it is not possible to predict the dersiry have (much less the production) of fuh that will occur on such a reef' However' I to estimate used tbe Fall 1986surveyof artificial and nanrral reefs (Ambrose 1987) the biomass densities that might occur on a large anificial reef' MT/ha Existing artifrcial reefs had a mean biomassdensityof nearly 05 reefs (Table D-1). Althougb fish densitywashigberon artificial ree& than natural 1987and dgring tbis and other surveyscomparingthe reef types (see Ambrose be the casefor a very largeartificial reef' All of Chapter8), this will not necessarily Reef) aod all other the artificial reefs sampled (including PendletonArtifrcial than mostuanual artificial reefs constnrctedso far in California are Eruchsmaller (Although reefs,and consistof isolatedpiles of rock in tbe midst of a sandPlai!' actualareacoveredby somerecentreeft spreadreef modulesovera largearea'the of a{stiug artificial reefs probably rock is still quite small.) The characteristics D-2 increasetbe uumberof fuh attrastedto the reefs,tberebyartificially enhancingtbe densityof fisb (seeCbapter8 asd Ambroseand Swarbrick1989). A large artificial reef, sucbas the proposedmitigationreef,would not attract zucba hi8&proponion of fuh, so that the fish biomassdensitieswould probablybe lon'er than ou existiug artificial reefs. The bestestimateof the densitytbat would occuron the proposedmitigation reef is perhapstbe avgragedensityfound ou the naturalreefssurveyedin Fall 1986' 029 MT/ha- At this density,a 12Gbareef would jrst replacethe biomassof fsb (TableD"1). lost"and 18S190ha wouldbe neededfor 15:1replacement Of cogrse,sincethe anificial reef wouldbe designed1e mimic tbe pbysical structue of SoK biomassdensityon &e artificial reef might be as low as it wasin the rnain portion of SOK 0.19LIT/h, i! which casea ?32-haartificiat reef would be required for 15:1 replacement(basedon theseestimates). SinceSOK had atreadybeenimpactedby SONGSwbenit wassurveyediD 1986,0.19MT/h might be too low an estimate;however,the 214-haDel Mar Reefhad a biomassdensityof low. On tbe otber ban{ the San only 0.17MT/ba, so this valueis not unreasouably Mateo Kelp Be4 whieibsewedasthe control for SOK had a biomassdensityof 036 MT/ha Overall,it simplyis not possibleto predict the densitythat would occuron tbe proposedmitigatios reef. D12 Sizeneededfor out'of'kind mitigation There is no clear, simple, quantitative link betweenthe Bigbt-wide lossesof fish and the size of reef neededto completelymitigate those losses.Likewise, there D-3 are few guidelines for developing such a link (The most cornffion approacb to this tlpe of problem, the Habitai Evaluation ProceduresIHEPI developedby USF'IVS' focuseson habitat values; since SONGS does not degrade the midwater fuh habitat' HEP cannot be used here.) In the absenceof a quantitative metho4 one frequentiy used approachis to reiy on test professionaljudgement",decirlingby consensuson a size that seemsreasonable to some panel of experts. We have choseninstead to try to calqrlate a value. The method I describs in this section has the advantageof being explicit about the stepstaken to arrive at a value (which is one of the principal advantages of HEP as well), but we recognize that our assumptions €nnot be verified and that our estimate depends in Pan on a subjeaive judgement' Nonetheless,it is the best estimate we can make. Our approach relies on rough estimates because virnrally none of the necessaryinformation is accurately loown- We have dealt with this problem by presentingminimun and maximum estimates. D12.1 Minimum estimate The rninimrrm size of ardfrcial reef needed to mitigate for tbe Bight'wide effeas of SONGS on frsh is 0 ha (Table DA). This rninimum size is based os complete biological compensationof the lossesof fish larrrae;that is, there would be no loss io s3srring stock in spite of SONGS killing 4 to 5 billion fish larvae' Althougb complete biological compensationis not [ikely, in principle it is possible' D-4 DL22 *T"- estimete The ma:rimumsize of artificial reef neededto mitigate for tbe Bigbt-wide effectson SONGSon fish is estinatedto be 240haOable D'2). Oru estimateof the sizeof reef neededto mitigatethe Bigbt-wideeffectsof SONGSis basedoDtwo steps(FigureD-1). First, we estimatethe biomassof adult fisb expectedto be lost as a result of SONGS'entrainmentof fisb lan'ae. This estimateis derivedfrom the analysesof adult-equivaleutlosses(TechnicatRepon D) and Bight-wideeffects(TechnicalReport M) and estimatesof the Bight-wide we coDvertthe estimatedloss,in tors, fuhes. Second, standirgstocksof tbe a.ffected to area of rocky reef basedon a judgemetrtabout the relativevaluesof the lost midwaterfi5bversusthe communityof organismsliving on a rock reef (includingthe tonnageof fsb ou a hectareof ree$. The estimatesof biomasslost due to SONGSare givenin Tabte D'3. The combined5gsrling stockof white croakerand queenfisbis estimatedto be almost 10,000MT (AppendixB in TechnicalReportD); with an estimatedadult equivalent ioss of about l1Vo tor thesenvo species(TechnicalReport D), and assumingtliat this adult equivalent los leads to a lT%odecreasein standing stock (i.e., no biological compensation;TechnicalReport M), we estimatethat SONGScausesa lossof 1000MT of thesetwo species.The otherspecieskilled by SONGShad lorper estimatedadult equivalentlosses,whichwe approximateas about tVo fsr tbe group as a whole. Altbougbwe caDnotestimatetbe standingstocksof thesespecies,it seemssafeto assumethat the combinedstockdoesnot exceed20,000MT, so the loss of these speciesis estirnatedto be 200 MT (Table D'3)' D-5 [This exciudes northern anchovy,which has an estimatedsl2arlingstock of 500,000MT but an adult equivalentloss of <O.lVo;Technical Report D.] Tbu, the naximtrm redustionin the standingstocls of fuh in the Bight is estimatedto be about 1200 MT. In order to determinethe size of artificial reef neededto mitigate these losses,we ueedto cowert the 1200MT of mostlymidwaterfishesto area of rocky reef; this out-of-kindconversionrequiresa judgementaboutthe relativevdues of midwaterfisb and roclryreef communities.Oue possibilitywould be to judgethat midwater fish and rocky reef fuh have the samevalue; this would require an artificial reef of 1200ha or larger (basedon fish biomassdensitiesin Ambrose we believe estimatebecause 1987).However,we do not believethis is a reasonable rocky reef communitiesare generallyconcededto be morevaluablethat midwater fish suchasqueenfishandwhite croaker. The rocky reef communitycreatedby constnrctingan artificial reef might be consideredmore valuable than the midwater fish killed by SONGS for several reasons:(1) The tjlPeof fish. Rockyreefszupporta numberof speciesthat have beea given a special protected status,nrch as garibaldi and black croaker; in contrast,none of the speciessubstantiallyimpactedby SONGSare protected. (2) The numberof economicallyvaluablefish. Roclsyreefszupporta high densityof economicallyvaluablefish, inclurlingkelp bass,sandbass,surserchesand rocldsh. Atthougb so6e midwater frsh, suchas barracudaand yellowtaif are economically valuable,theseare not impactedby SONGS..However,both white croakerand queenfishhavea limited comgercialand/or sportvalue: theyare comrnoniycaught of but they are not higblyvaluedspecies.(3) The permanence by sportfishermen, D-6 the rockl, reef. A properly designedand located rocky reef sbould continue to produceresourcesindefinitely,and in any'caselong after Units 2 and 3 havebeen dgssmmissionedand ceaseimpactingmidwater fuh. (4) The relative rariqv of rochvreef versussandyhottom in the SouthernCalifofnia Bight. For example,only l4%oof,theshorelineconsistsof roclryareiasin SanDiego &-ry, while in Orange Conntyroclry areascompriseonlry7Voof tbe shoreline,and relativelyfew subtidal reefs are fognd along 169rnainlandin SouthernCaliforaia (Ambroseet al. L989). rcclryreeft in SouthernCalifornia (5) Recreationaland aestheticvalpes.Becatrse support a diverse biological community coutaining macroalgae,multicolored invertebratessucbas sponges,tunicates,gorgoniaqsand nudibranchs,and a variety of fuh species,they providesignifieantrecreationaland aestheticvaluesto scuba diversthat are not providedby tbe assenblageof midwaterfisb. (6) The diversit'v and abundanceof organismson the reef, includinginvertebratesand algae(perbaps of fisb a rocky reef would includinBganr kelp). In place of a singleassemblage produce a full, complexcommunityof organisms.Thousandsof different species belouging to ma1rydifferent ta;ronomicgrouPslive on rocky reefs' Tbe roclcy substrateis tlpically coveredwith algae(20Voto 3AVocover)and invenebtates(40Vo 1987).I:rger invertebrarcs(sucbasgorgonian$suails,sea to S|Vocover)(Ambrose urchins and sea stars) are also conmoa; large inn'ertebrates(all species)had an averageof densityof ?5-30/mzduringtbe FaIl 1986zurveyof artifrcial and nanral reefs tbrougbout SouthernCaliforaia (Ambrose1987). And of course'there are Bany reef fish on rockyreefs;duringthe FaIl 1986surveytbe biomassdensityof fisb near tbe bottom was estimatedto be 03-05 MT per ba (Ambrose1987). [Note: be This suney onty sampledthe conspianousfisb on reefs; the estimateswould somewbathigberif the crypticspecieshadbeenincluded.In addition,the biomass densityof fuh il tbe watercolumncouldbe substantial(morethan 0'2-0'aMT/ba) D-1 for reefstbat supponedgiant kelp. A reasonablerougbestinate of the totai fuh biomasson a reefwouldbe 1 MT/ha.l In spite of the manyreasouifor judging a roclryreef more valuablethan tbe midrraterffi irnpactedby SONGS,there is no acceptedprocedurefor quantiffing the relative values of these two dissimilar resources. At this poinq judging the relativeworth of thesetwo resourcesmustbe'a societalor policy decisionrather than a seientificone. We believethat it couldreasonablybe determinedthat oneha of rockyreef supportsa communitythat is worth 5 MT of white croake&queenfish, andtbe otherspeciesimpactedby SONGS'entrainstentof their larvae' Usingthe conversionfactor of 5 MT impactedfish per ba of roclcyreef,the into 240ha of rockyreef (TableD'2)' estimatedlossof 1200MT of fish ua.nslates We think it is unlikely that the lossesare large enougbto require a 24bha ardficial reef. To arrive at this estimate,we usedmaximumvalues,we assumedthat biologicalcompensationdid oot occur(althougbso6e biomasscompensationseens likely; TecbnicalReport M), andwe judgeda ba of artificial reef to be worth only 5 MT of impactedfish. D133 Bestestimate 'lhe ir4Rgs best estimateof tbe size of artificial reef neededto mitigate SONGS Bigbt-widefish lossesmoderatesboth tbe estimateof biomasslost due to and the relativevaluesof midwaterfuh and roclsyreef cornmunities' D-8 We think that the estimateof 1200MT of fish lost might be too high. While we hink that it is unlikely that there is perfea compensationof lanal losses,some biomasscompensatioD seemslikely. In additioq we haveassumedthat late larval stagescannot avoid entrainmentand tbat dl larvae entrained into SONGSare killed in tbe plant; if tbeseassumptions are trot corect, the numberof larvaekilled by SONGSwil havebeen overestimated.Therefore,the biomasslost seemslikely to be between several hundred tons to more thas one thousandtons, and an estimateof 600MT lost seetrEmostreasouable(TableD-3). In additioD,the conversion rate of 5 MT of impaetedfish per ha of roclcyreef mayundenraiueroclcyreefs. We perceivea consen$rsamongmarinescientists(and the generalpublic) that roclryreefsare far morevaluabletban sandyhabitats. More imponantly, the rocky reef will continue to bave value long after SONGS bas stoppedkilling larvae. It seernstair to considert ha of rocky reef to be wortb 10 MT of impactedfish. These more moderateestimatessuggestthat a 6$ha artificial reef would mitigatethe lossescausedby the entrainmentof fisb (Table D'2). D-9 D2.0 Literature Cited Ambrose, R.F. 1987. Comparison of commusities os artificial and natr'ual reefs in Southeru California, with emphasis on fish assemblages. Final Report submitted to tbe Marine Review Committee. December 1987. Ambrose, R.F. and s.L Swarbrick 1989. Comparison of fuh assemblageson artificial and natural reefs off the coast of Southern Catifornia Bulletin of Marine ScienceaAz 718-733. Ambrose, R.F., D.C. Reed, J.M. Engle and M.F. Caswell. 1989. Caiifornia Comprehensive Oftshore Resource Study: Sumlary of Biologicai Resources.Report to the California StateLands Commission 146pp. D-10 Table D-l Size of artilicial reef neededfor in.kind replacementof lclp forest fish losses(36 MI). Biornass csdmatcs arl bsscd d $rruy of erttfidal rnd naarel rccfs conducted iD Fall 19t6 by Anbrosc (1987) rnd r=fcr only to thc bionass of frsh ncar tte boEoa; oD Dost reefs, biomass dcnsitywas much lowr in tberatcroluml. Ihe propoccd nitigntion rcef would scrve to replace rcsouFceslost at tbe Sal Onofn KolF Bcd (SOK), partiolarly thc Main portion of tbe bed dormcoast fmm the ditrusers. BIoNTASSEmMATE Sounc SrzF 1IEEDED (MT/HA) Repreceuenr 15:1 REFI.ACETT{EATT L1 Meaa of dl arti6cial reefs 0.4s2 80 ha 120ha Densiry on Pcndlcton Artificiat Rcef 0359 lm ha 150ha Meaa of all natural recfs 0.286 15 ha 187ha Mean at SOKMaiD Bed 0.191 188ha ZgZha Mea! at Dcl Mar Resf 0"r,4 n7 ha 310 ha D- 11 Table D-2 Calculation of artificial reef area neededfor out-of-kind nitigation fhe minimum cstlmaic ls based on thc assumpdon that therc is couplete biological compcnsation,so thcrc ls actuallyno biomrss lost duc to thc operution of SONGS. Tbe maximum csrinntc EssuDGsao biological compensadon(scc Table I)-3) and judges that 5 MT of midsater fish is worth t ha of roctcyrccf, The bcst esttnatc assumestbcrc is some biomass compensation and that rucky reef communities arc reladvcly more valuabla Btol,rAssLosr REIATTVEVALT'ES AREA OFROO(Y REEF 0 Minimum 0 Maximum 1200MT 5 MT fish = t ha reef 240ha Best estinatc 600MT 10 MT fish = 1 ba rccf 50ha D. L2 TableD-3 Estimatesof biomasslost lte maximum cstims& is bsscd on tbc assunptiou thrt then is no biomass compensatiou, i.c"na 107oAdult h equi".tent Loss sould lead to a lt}% rcduction L stafiing stoct. lte !Cg! cstimatc considcrs lhrt tberc"Esy be not may lrnre some biomass compensation,tratcrlarnl stagesBty b eUle to ryoid cntninmeug .Dd atl Esh killed aftar beiry cDtr'aine& SPECIES SIAI.IDINGSTOCK ADIJLTEOUrvALENTI.OSS BroldAssLosr 10Vo lVo 1000MT 2M MT - Maximum estimatc Queenfsh & while croaker All otber species* 10,000MT 20,000MT 12MMT Best estimate Queenfrsb& whirtecroaker All other species" 10,000MT 20.mMT 5OOMT 1OOMT t0% 7% - 600 MT 1 f,lduding aorthcra anc.hovy,c,hich bad aa adult cguiralcot loss <0"1%. D-13 Biomassof adult fish Relativevaluesof lost fish versus water-column roclcyreefcommunitY Area of roclcYreef neededfor mitigation to FigureD-1: Processusedto estimateareaof rockyreefneeded reptacemidwaterfishimpactscausedbySoNGS. D-14