Conference - 2014 - Spelenderwijs mediawijs
Conference - 2014 - Spelenderwijs mediawijs
Jeroen Bourgonjon Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences 1 2 Bezingen wij vandaag nog steeds de lof der zotheid zoals Erasmus of is het terug hip om slim te zijn? En zo ja, wie is dan de slimste? Wie weet of Lacan een haargroeimiddel dan wel een psychoanalyticus was en kan ook zelf zijn digitale televisie programmeren? 3 4 5 3.2% has tried out games in class 2.8% uses games Usefulness Learning Opportunities 6 7 (Papert, 1981) Sherlock Holmes Mario 8 equipment for living that size up situations in various ways and refer to corresponding attitudes (Burke 1973) 9 10 1.56 argumenten per bericht 19.2% - 2 of meer argumenten 11 civilization Other games that have impacted me were Eternal Darkness, which (in addition to having an amazing narrative) led me to begin reading H.P. Lovecraft, which I love. Also Bioshock led me to seek out and read Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, which I also feel is a positive impact. 12 It sounds silly, but exposing myself to a lot of video games, books, and movies since I was young has certainly affected my outlook on life and worldview. Many people scoff at the archetypal hero and the notions he or she throws around, but those are things I've internalized and worked into the way I see things. If that's not a positive impact, I don't know what is. For me, games like Dead Space 1 and MGS3 made me realize that women can't be trusted with nothing. well-being 13 it helps me relax, laugh when I'm playing with friends and forget the problems at times. Lord of the Rings - I discovered the book during worst years of my life. This book … saved my life. Literally. :) They really have helped with my depression at times, and I was also a lonely kid so way back then they were particularly helpful. 14 15 So much so that I'm familiar with scientific theories dealing with string theory, and the 11th dimensions. 16 17 18 September 12 19 20 21 22 23 24