Newquay Tretherras 2015 Prospectus
Newquay Tretherras 2015 Prospectus
NEWQUAY TRETHERRAS the comm un of rt 40 y it PA BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST PPR O E R OBBA NE A TTEEN EY || BB |B EE RE MARK ABLE E PA R T R R PI NS BE I EEDD 2016 O UR BES T 1976 1976 T OF THE FU U PROSPECTUS WELCOME TO NEWQUAY TRETHERRAS PART OF NEWQUAY EDUCATION TRUST You cannot imagine how proud I am to be the Executive Headteacher of Newquay Education Trust and its family of academies. staff don’t just go the extra mile, they go the extra hundred. They are passionately dedicated to ensuring students succeed in every possible way. Tretherras has a well established forty year history and tradition of providing education of the highest quality, in a vibrant and inspirational setting for the Newquay community and its wonderful young people. The Board of Directors together with the Leadership Team are committed and ambitious for every single young person. We believe they can all achieve, and will give our time unstintingly to ensure we provide the best education possible. Nothing else will do. Tretherras students are a joy. They know education is important and take full advantage of the incredible range of opportunities open to them. Our talented 2 I sincerely believe that our relationships and ethos are inclusive and special: like a family. It is, without doubt, a very happy place to be and morale is extremely high across the whole academy. My unswerving belief is that schools are places where dreams can come true. Where an inspirational community, working together, can lead to students becoming the best they can be. As an academy that achieves results that are consistently and significantly above national averages, I know it is the quality of relationships and our vibrant, aspirational ethos, which is the key to this success. Quite simply, we put every one of our students at the centre of everything we do. I look forward to meeting you personally and to us working in full partnership to ensure that your children are inspired, achieve remarkable things and become the best they can be at Tretherras. Mrs. Sue Martin Executive Headteacher National Leader of Education National Support School 3 WHY CHOOSE NEWQUAY TRETHERRAS? • We are a happy school with a strong ‘Tretherras’ family ethos. Newquay Tretherras is an ambitious and inspirational educational community which believes in setting the highest expectations and aspirations for absolutely everyone, from Year 7 through to the Sixth Form. • We are part of the Kernow Teaching School Alliance and our continuing professional development for staff ensures that our teachers are highly trained specialists in their subject fields. • We value every student equally and provide a totally inclusive, challenging and rich learning experience underpinned by outstanding care, guidance and support, enabling everyone to succeed. Our safeguarding of young people and our pastoral care is excellent. We have high expectations of students’ behaviour and their positive attitudes to learning and school life. Mrs S Karkeek Chair of Newquay Education Trust and National Leader of Governors expectations of academic success in core subjects, to develop students’ literacy, numeracy and scientific skills. We run an NT Student Excel Programme for our gifted and talented students. We have an excellent Learning Support department with a highly trained team of Learning Support Assistants to give individual support for students with Special Educational Needs. • We enrich our curriculum through an extensive and unique out of hours provision which embraces volunteering, a wide range of Sports and Arts, and high quality Science, Technological, Engineering and Mathematical opportunities (we are STEM • We believe passionately in empowering Champions!) We are a Duke of Edinburgh all students to become successful life-long Award Licensed Centre and offer an learners who are self-aware, creative and adventurous Outdoor Education programme. resourceful enough to meet the challenges, We have an Activities Week and a Year 7 careers and opportunities of the 21st century. camp every summer. We are proud of our Our school is well-resourced with Sporting, sporting and creative arts success and NT Arts, Technology and Library facilities, and we Sport and NT Creative Arts are strengths of are looking forward to a new building and the school. state of the art Science laboratories soon! • We aim to nurture “educated people” • We have a dynamic and inspirational with opportunities to grow emotionally and curriculum, which aims to appeal to the physically, as well socially and intellectually, interests and needs of all our students. We spiritually and culturally. Our Social Moral have a track-record of high academic Spiritual and Cultural provision is outstanding! success in public examinations. We place We offer Careers’ Guidance, the Young emphasis on a traditionally broad and Enterprise Scheme and enriching Work balanced curriculum and we have high Experience and Internship programmes. 4 “Tretherras is great because the teachers are fantastic at helping us achieve our full potential. They care about us doing well.” Year 10 Student 5 BE INSPIRED … By a dynamic, inspirational and enriched curriculum The school curriculum at Newquay Tretherras aims to inspire and challenge all learners and prepare our students for the future. We are proud of our traditional, broad and balanced academic curriculum which supports students to become confident individuals, responsible citizens and successful learners who can fulfil their early promise and latent potential within and beyond the classroom. We offer Mrs S Fairbairn Associate Headteacher specialist extra help and support for those with special at Newquay Tretherras needs and barriers to learning. Our lessons follow our own ‘Tretherras Way’ and students experience a personalised approach to their learning through developing key learning skills: motivation; resilience; collaboration; creativity; responsibility; self-awareness and an enquiring mind. Links between subjects, events and activities are made to enhance learning and students are encouraged to see their learning within both a British and a global dimension. “The academy’s curriculum is broad and balanced. There are opportunities for students to follow three pathways: the academic; the applied academic; and the vocational; both in the main school and in the sixth form. Students receive good advice to guide their choices.” OFSTED 2013 6 NT SENIOR ACADEMY PHASE 1 - YEARS 7, 8 and 9 Our programmes of study in Years 7 and 8 build on the prior learning, knowledge and skills that students acquire in their primary schools in Year 6. Students will also follow some courses for the first time as discrete subjects. The National Curriculum applies to pupils of compulsory school age and the statutory subjects that all students in Years 7 and 8 study are: • • • • • • • • • • • • Miss J McGlynn Senior Assistant Headteacher Leading NT Senior Academy Phase 1 English Maths Science History Geography Modern Foreign Languages Design and Technology Art and Design Music Physical Education Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) education, including Health and Citizenship Computer Studies and ICT Students will follow a programme of careers education, sex education and religious education through SMSC. Our curriculum also includes non-statutory programmes of study for religious education, personal well-being, (including the requirements for sex and relationship and drugs education) and economic well-being and financial capability (which includes the requirements for careers education). At Tretherras, GCSE study begins in Year 9 which acts as a foundation year for examination courses. We focus on developing students’ practical skills for life and work as well as thinking, communication and examination skills. Many students will follow GCSE and OCR programmes in Year 9 and during the year will opt fully for their chosen courses to begin in Year 10. We offer an extensive range of courses in KS4 which cater for individual needs and aspirations. All our courses offer clear pathways to further study in the Sixth Form, Higher Education and Employment. Our collaboration with local schools and colleges means that, as part of the Atlantic Consortium, we are able to provide students with access to specialist expertise and facilities in a range of Vocational NVQ and Diploma courses. In Year 9 students will continue to study a broad range of subjects and opt for their chosen courses from a wide range of courses and assessment options in a variety of subject areas. 7 NT SENIOR ACADEMY PHASE 2 - YEARS 10 AND 11 In Years 10 and 11, all students follow a core curriculum which includes English and English Literature, Mathematics and Science. In addition, all students follow a course in Physical Education and SMSC, which includes Careers Guidance, Ethics & Philosophy and Citizenship. All students in Year 10 undertake a week’s Work Experience in the summer term. Mr R Higginson Senior Assistant Headteacher Leading NT Senior Academy Phase 2 The English Baccalaureate (the EBacc) is awarded (but not certificated) to students who gain GCSE grades A*-C in English, Mathematics, Core Science, a Modern Foreign Language (French or Spanish) and a Humanities subject (History or Geography). The thinking behind the EBacc is that it encourages students to take a broad and balanced academic curriculum. It is highly valued by Universities and any student with future aspirations to study at University should consider following EBacc subjects carefully. However, we believe that the best courses and subjects for students are the ones that suit them best, which they enjoy the most, and which offer them clear progression to study and training beyond Year 11. This is why we offer a very broad range of subjects to give our students the greatest choice possible. A BROAD RANGE OF SUBJECTS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 Art Applied Learning: Agriculture, Animal Care, Construction, Hair and Beauty, Motor Vehicle Studies Applied Science Biology Business Studies Chemistry Child Development Computing & IT Dance Design Technology: Catering, Engineering, Food Technology, Graphics, Resistant Materials, Textiles Drama English Language English Literature • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ethics & Philosophy Geography History Health and Social Care Hospitality and Catering Mathematics Media Studies Modern Foreign Languages Music Photography Physical Education Physics Sociology Science (Core and Additional Science) Sociology Sport “Students make good progress so that, by the end of Year 11, they reach standards which are above average.” OFSTED 2013 9 CONTINUING THE FAMILY A high percentage of our Year 11 students choose to continue their education at Newquay Tretherras Sixth Form, which supports and challenges students to achieve their highest academic potential. The Sixth Form regularly provides candidates for Oxbridge and Russell Group universities as well as Medical and Teaching degrees. Mr J Hammersley Assistant Headteacher We are recognised by Ofsted as having “a Sixth Form that Leading NT Advanced provides a range of courses to meet student needs.” Our Academy Advanced curriculum consists of 32 courses offering Level 3 qualifications in AS, A-Level, BTEC, NVQ and National Diplomas, as well as re-sits for English and Mathematics GCSEs if required. The Sixth Form tutors form strong relationships with students. Our students have high ambitions to further their academic studies, and can expect to receive outstanding care, guidance and individual support. Students regularly review their progress and are closely supported to ensure that they achieve the grades required to enable them to take up studies at University. We are especially proud of our excellent record of students progressing on to Higher Education. We strive to ensure that students are following courses which are right for them and support progression into their chosen careers. Newquay Tretherras Sixth Form is a very warm and friendly place which provides the opportunity for students to develop their leadership and personal skills alongside academic study. Sixth Formers are role models for our younger students and are integral to the success of our school. 10 NT ADVANCED ACADEMY YEARS 12 AND 13 The courses we offer to students in Years 10 and 11 offer clear progression to qualification in our Sixth Form. In Years 12 and 13 there are A-Level courses offered in 27 subjects, including many of those studied at GCSE. There are also a range of new subjects that allow students to broaden their academic horizons and understanding in areas such as the Arts, Sciences and Social Sciences. Alongside A-Levels, we offer a range of BTEC courses, which are more vocational Mr A Booth in nature and are assessed by both coursework and exams. Post 16 Lead Co-ordinator These subjects carry the same UCAS tariffs as A-Levels and at NT Advanced Academy are widely accepted by Universities. Our enrichment ‘Futures’ programmes give students the opportunity to follow courses of interest to their future careers. The programmes are designed to develop interest in careers such as Mathematics, Medicine, Science, Sports Science, and Teaching to broaden students’ knowledge of these vocations. All Sixth Form students undertake work placements and can gain leadership experience. We also deliver a programme to offer support to students applying to Oxford, Cambridge and Russell Group Universities as well as specialist courses such as Medicine and Veterinary Science. Subjects offered at Sixth Form • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A-Level Art A-Level Biology A-Level Business Studies A-Level Chemistry A-Level Computer Science A-Level Drama and Theatre Studies A-Level English Language A-Level English Literature A-Level French A-Level Further Mathematics A-Level Geography A-Level Graphics A-Level History A-Level Mathematics Applied Mathematics Further Mathematics A-Level Media Studies • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A-Level Music A-Level Philosophy and Ethics A-Level Photography A-Level Physical Education A-Level Physics A-Level Psychology A-Level Resistant Materials A-Level Sociology A-Level Spanish A-Level Textiles AS-Level Core Mathematics BTEC Deloitte Cambridge Nationals BTEC Business Studies BTEC Dance Cambridge Technical Certificate in IT Cambridge Technical Introductory Diploma in IT OCR 11 OUTSTANDING SMSC We are committed to the highest standards in Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education for all our students. Our delivery of SMSC provision is something that we are proud to call “The Tretherras Way”. It is the total combination of a rich and rewarding academic curriculum, dedicated pastoral care and support, and a comprehensive programme of extra-curricular clubs and activities such as Year 7 Camp and Activities Week. We have developed a set of seven core skills that are relevant in all academic studies, pastoral activities and extra-curricular opportunities because we believe they will be central to our students in the 21st century. These themes are explored during the academic year and achievements in them are celebrated throughout the school and at specific award ceremonies. Each year group has a Tretherras Way Award which is amongst the most prized accolades in the school. “The spiritual, moral, social and cultural provision is outstanding.” OFSTED 2013 12 THE TRETHERRAS WAY The themes of the Tretherras Way are explored in every element of our curriculum. • MOTIVATION – to understand what is it that makes us want to do the things that interest us, to accept challenges, celebrate success and to develop the confidence to lead interesting, successful and rewarding lives. • COLLABORATION – to explore the importance of being able to work in a positive and focused manner with a range of other people, building skills of communication and negotiation, whether it is a sporting context or as part of any successful team. • RESPONSIBILITY – to appreciate the importance of personal responsibility across a range of decisions and issues, through showing initiative and adaptability, such as the increasing importance of making environmentally responsible choices. • CREATIVITY – to examine the ability to develop skills of imaginative and innovative thinking not only in Arts subjects but also increasingly in contexts that appreciate the value of originality and imagination to be successful. • ENQUIRING MIND – to realise the importance of applying skills of decision making, research and logic, not only in Maths and Science but across the full range of academic and pastoral opportunities where problem-solving is important. • SELF-AWARENESS – to develop the self-reflection that is necessary to identify strengths and weaknesses across academic skills and pastoral challenges, to develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and to be able to make healthy choices. • RESILIENCE – to recognise how to build the ability to accept challenges, overcome barriers, resist distractions, and to build the confidence and self-esteem that are central to building successful and rewarding lives. Year 10 Outstanding Contribution Award 2014: Young Enterprise Winners, Most Innovative Product 2014, Best Customer Care, Retail Excellence for South West and Cornish Company of The Year. Year 10 Outstanding Contribution Award 2014: Super Typhoon Disaster event organisers raised over £2500 for ShelterBox UK. 13 JOINING THE FAMILY We strive to be a supportive environment for all students in the “Tretherras Family.” Prior to pupils beginning at Tretherras we work in close partnership with our local primary schools to establish good relationships with younger pupils, and to provide opportunities that ensure their transition to secondary school is as smooth as possible and a pleasurable experience. Ms S Goswell Associate Deputy Headteacher Director of Care and Guidance We run a series of Youth University programmes in the Autumn term for Year 5 and 6 pupils to help them get a feel for what we do at Tretherras. Each Youth University session is based around one of three themes: Science, Mathematics and Technology, the Expressive Arts and NT Sport. These sessions are focused on giving young pupils and their parents the opportunity to experience learning the Tretherras way. We also offer a series of ‘See Our School In Session’ mornings in the summer term when you are welcome to come along and see our school in action as it is on a normal school day. In addition we provide the opportunity to come and talk to teaching staff from each subject during our Open Evening and Open Morning that takes place each September. “Parents have a strong belief in the ability of the school to teach and look after their children well.” OFSTED 2013 14 NT HOUSE SYSTEM Promoting Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Development Purpose of the House System: • • • • Provide a welcoming environment, allowing social integration within a stable and secure structure. Encourage and support students in the Performing Arts, Sporting, Social and Academic competitions. Introduce community involvement by nominating a chosen charity for the purpose of fund-raising and raising the awareness of global and local needs. Create a sense of belonging by encouraging pride and responsibility in the House. • Encourage a sense of purpose and achievement in a variety of activities. • Introduce opportunities for leadership and mentoring through interaction between year groups. HEADS OF HOUSE Miss C Ellis Mr D Ellery Mr D Bettle Mrs K Solomon Mr M Bartaby HEADS OF HOUSE We have 5 houses at Newquay Tretherras, named after Cornish Lighthouses, each with their own Head of House. The names of the houses were selected by the student council and voted on by the whole school. Examples of Inter-House Competitions: House Sports Day, Charity House Days, Inter-House Sports, Performing Arts, Debating, Chess Club, Quiz Games, Residential and School Day Trips, Academic Competitions etc. 15 SUCCESS AT TRETHERRAS • Headline results have been above national average standards for the last 6 years. • Students' overall attainment has improved to become significantly above the national average. • Science performance is in the top 10% of the country. • The gap in attainment between the most disadvantaged students and their peers has continued to close year on year at Tretherras. • The progress students make at A-Level has been improving year on year with subjects. Core subjects of English and Maths are above the national average year on year, even when including private/independent settings with selective intakes. • Performance in vocational subjects in the Sixth Form is well above that nationally. • A high percentage of students go on to a sustained education or employment/ training destination than in the rest of Cornwall and nationally. • A great proportion of students go on to a Russell Group University (the top 24 British Universities) than they do across Cornwall. 16 17 CELEBRATING SUCCESS ACADEMY AWARDS At Newquay Tretherras we strongly believe in celebrating the hard work and achievements of every student. This culture of rewarding students, who are being remarkable and performing at their best, permeates throughout the school. Success can come in many forms and we celebrate it many ways. Recognition of our students’ academic success is celebrated with Presentation of Certificates evenings with prizes awarded to the highest performing students at GCSE, A-Level and in Vocational courses. Each Academy has its own Awards Evening recognising the highest performing students and those making the most progress in the academic year, as well as those who have made outstanding contributions to the school and wider community. Sporting and Artistic success is also highly valued at Tretherras, with separate awards events recognising the achievements of students in these fields. Our belief that rewarding success is central to inspiring young people to be remarkable and to be their best, means that the smaller day-to-day achievements do not go unnoticed through the school’s rewards systems of e-praise and house points. Head Boy and Head Girl Awards presented by Executive Headteacher Mrs Sue Martin. 18 Community Service Award presented by Chair of Newquay Education Trust, Mrs Sarah Karkeek. Winners of the Headteacher Award celebrated at the Key Stage 3 Awards Evening. Prize winners at the Key Stage 4 Awards Evening. 19 “There are numerous opportunities for both competitive and non-competitive sport. More than half the students represented the academy at sport last year.” OFSTED 2013 20 NT SPORT We have a range of excellent facilities on site for our sports programmes which we are continuously looking to develop. These include a 3G Astro, Dance Studio, Gym, Sports Hall and extensive hard court areas and playing fields. Our partnership with the Newquay Sports Centre gives us full use of the entire complex throughout the school week to extend the range of activities and events we offer, adding an indoor climbing wall, glass-backed squash courts and indoor cricket nets to the facilities available to our students. We also work closely with the Heron Tennis Centre, Newquay Waterworld and various other clubs and providers in the locality and actively encourage our students to continue their involvement in sport within the community. Many pupils have excelled and have represented the County, South West England and their Country in sports including Rugby, Soccer, Netball, Cricket, Hockey, Cross Country, Athletics, Surfing, Tennis, Trampolining Dance and Golf. We also have a hugely successful and accredited Sports Leadership Programme, supporting various activities and events throughout the year. The NT Sport team is made up of 13 experienced and committed staff who are supported by a number of other individuals from within and outside of the school. Many are experts in their chosen sports, coaching at County and Regional level. Physical Education is taught for two hours a week with a focus on participation and engagement. Students experience a variety of activities in all Key Stages which aim to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding and promote a healthy active lifestyle. Regular inter-form and inter-school competitions also takes place with students representing their form groups in a variety of activities. Students also have the opportunity to study GCSE PE, GCSE Dance, Level 2 Cambridge National in Sport, A-Level PE, A-Level Dance and the Level 3 Cambridge Technical in Sport as they progress through the school, with many achieving notable success. A newly designed Future Sports Science Course is on offer to extend and support those students considering a sports related degree or vocation. 21 NT OUTDOOR LEARNING Outdoor Learning at Newquay Tretherras provides an exceptional opportunity for students to develop themselves. It encourages meaningful experiences in an exciting and adventurous way within a framework of safety. These adventures will be not only memorable but life changing, whether students are kayaking, rock climbing or navigating across Dartmoor. Involvement in these challenges will enrich students’ day-to-day learning, build their confidence and develop leadership skills. The values your child will gain from these unique programmes will set them apart from others and show their true character in further education and to prospective employers. In 2012 we were privileged to be awarded, at St. James Palace, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme license due to our extensive participation and adoption of the scheme. Outdoor Learning at Tretherras offers the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Climbing & Kayaking, Winter Mountaineering Skills and Outdoor Leadership. Outdoor Learning is also delivered through BTEC and OCR courses. It supports the curriculum and features in our summer Activity Week programme, particularly in the Year 7 Camp. 22 The Outdoor Learning department at Newquay Tretherras runs an annual Winter Duke of Edinburgh mountaineering trip to the Highlands of Scotlands. 23 NT STEM CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE Newquay Tretherras - STEM Champion School (STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) At Newquay Tretherras, we are committed to promoting STEM and its ability to provide students in the South West with the key knowledge and skills to reach their potential and develop into the Scientists, Engineers and Designers of tomorrow. We achieve this through a broad curriculum which offers a number of excellent opportunities to study STEM subjects. We also raise the awareness of STEM through a wide range of enrichment and extra-curricular activities which promote the prospects and potential of STEM for students in Cornwall and their future careers. Our TASC programme offers Leadership opportunities and STEM enrichment to inspire our 6th form, as well as giving students the opportunity to explore higher level STEM courses and related careers. We work with a wide range of local, national and international businesses, industries and organisations which collaborate to enhance students’ learning and their progression to rich and varied career pathways for their futures. “The Headteacher has high expectations of staff and students.” OFSTED 2013 24 NT CREATIVE ARTS Newquay Tretherras has an extensive Expressive Arts programme that is based around the subjects of Art, Photography, Music, Dance and Drama. We encourage creativity, collaboration and enquiry in all aspects of the curriculum, both in lesson time and in learning that takes place outside of the classroom. Creativity is valued as one of our seven core NT Learning Skills. There are lots of exciting opportunities for students to develop creativity, work with others and to nurture individual talents. Newquay Tretherras has a reputation for providing high quality arts experiences both within the curriculum, including at examination levels, and as part of our extensive extra-curricular Expressive and Performing Arts activities. We offer an exciting programme of productions, with the annual Christmas Concert providing students with a platform to show their talents as musicians and singers, whilst the summer Dance Show features dance in a wide variety of styles from ballet to hip-hop. The annual Art Exhibition highlights the skills of our photographers and visual artists across painting, printing and sculpture. Additionally, we offer our students regular opportunities to visit dance and drama productions in Truro, Plymouth and London. Your child will be able to work alongside professional artists and dance students will regularly contribute their talents to community events. Whether it is visiting a musical or dance show, performing a full Shakespeare play, exhibiting their art or photographs or learning to play a new instrument, there is a wealth of opportunities on offer. Commended for Portraiture Art at Falmouth School of Art Create Ed Exhibition 2015. Newquay Tretherras students perform at the Royal Albert Hall for the School Proms. 25 “Extra-curricular provision and participation are outstanding. Two thirds of students regularly attend after-school clubs.” OFSTED 2013 26 BE INSPIRED ... Beyond the classroom We enrich our curriculum through an extensive and unique ‘Out of Hours’ Learning Programme, which embraces volunteering, an adventurous Outdoor Education programme, a wide range of Sports and Arts, and high quality opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Many staff from a diverse range of curriculum areas give up their time at the end of the school day to provide opportunities for all students to pursue their interests and develop their skills and talents. Extra-curricular opportunities strengthen students’ enjoyment of school life and their relationships with staff. We provide free refreshments to all students who stay for after school clubs as well as two free buses that leave the school after activity clubs finish for students who wish to take part. There is something to appeal to everyone! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Acapella Music Amnesty International Art Athletics Basketball Biology Board and Card Games Business Carnegie Book Award shadowing Chemistry Chess and Drafts Computing Climbing Cricket Cycling Dance Drama Dungeons and Dragons DT Engineering English Fitness Football 5-a-side football French Green Power Hockey Homework Club Jazz Band Jujitsu Club • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Junior Choir Indoor Rowing Learning Support Maths Master Class Model-making Music Netball Newquay Strings Philosophy Primary School sports and science events Puzzle Club Reading Group Rock Shop Rounders Rugby Samba Band and percussion Science Scrabble Spanish Skate Club Ski trip Tag Rugby Tennis Theatre trips Trampolining Triathlon swimming War Hammer Weights & Conditioning 27 “The school has extraordinary opportunities which are available to all students. This includes being a part of the school council, going on fantastic trips and doing the subjects at GCSE which you love.” Year 10 Student “I have enjoyed meeting all the new teachers and getting to know new friends. All of the clubs I have been to have been fab.” Year 7 Student ACADEMY AWARDS “I love Tretherras because the teachers make the subjects they teach enjoyable and challenging for students to aim high.” Year 8 Student 28 “I didn’t realise the school had so much to offer.” Year 6 Parent “Tretherras has always been filled with such support and friendship which is why I have independently chosen to go to Sixth Form next year.” Year 11 Student “The support and guidance from Newquay Tretherras Sixth Form has helped me so much in achieving my goals. A very memorable and rewarding part of my life. ” Year 13 Student OUTDOOR LEARNING 29 ADMISSIONS Starting your journey at Newquay Tretherras is an important step and we want to support you by making the process of applying as easy as possible. We warmly welcome any enquiries that you may have regarding admissions. Please feel free to contact the school so that we can arrange for you to speak to our primary liaison officer, who will be able to offer you advice. All applications for Year 7 places should be made via the Cornwall Admissions Common Application form (CACAF). More information can be found by visiting: On application you will not require additional information from Newquay Tretherras, but if you need further support, please do get in touch. How priority for a place at Newquay Tretherras is determined: We will endeavour to provide places to all Year 6 pupils who are currently educated in our partner primary schools, where they have placed Newquay Tretherras as their first preference. Newquay Tretherras has long prided itself on its family ethos, with generations of students from across the Newquay area passing through our doors. In line with this, the Academy’s Directors recognise that a large number of our applicants have siblings already studying with us here at Tretherras and have therefore placed this as one of our highest admission criteria. The full details of our admissions policy are available to view and download at: We look forward to welcoming you and your child into the Tretherras Family next year. 30 “Such a great school with teachers that really care about each child and what they can achieve.” Parent of Year 6 Pupil 31 NEWQUAY TRETHERRAS BE INSPIRED | BE REMARKABLE | BE YOUR BEST Many thanks to all our students and staff for taking part by appearing in this prospectus. Trevenson Road, Newquay, Cornwall, TR7 3BH Telephone: 01637 872080 Email: Web: Facebook: Twitter: National Teaching School STEM Centre Of Excellence NEWQUAY EDUCATION TRUST KERNOW COLLABORATIVE TRUST National College National Support School LICENSED CENTRE NEWQUAY TRETHERRAS