Nautilus CARES - Nautilus Minerals


Nautilus CARES - Nautilus Minerals
Community Accountable
Responsible Environmentally
Welcome to the first edition of the Nautilus Minerals CARES Newsletter. The intent of this newsletter is to
present Nautilus’ Community, Environment, Health and Safety principles and initiatives. The CARES Program
governs the way we work and how we do business. Nautilus’ first project, Solwara 1, is located in New
Ireland Province, in the territorial waters of Papua New Guinea.
What’s in this issue?
• Community Participation
in Exploration Campaign
• Community Consultation
• Supporting education in
• Nautilus hosts workshop
to develop the EMP for
Solwara 1
During 2012 Nautilus Minerals will
be holding community consultation
meetings at various locations in
New Ireland & East New Britain
Provinces, PNG and Tonga
Community Accountable
Community Participation in Exploration Campaign
As part of our commitment to contribute to the local communities where
we work, Nautilus provides educational opportunities and encourages
local participation in our activities. In the first quarter of 2012, we
conducted an exploration campaign in the Bismarck Sea.
Mr Hilary Tevita Meria, a third year student from the Kavieng Fisheries
College in New Ireland Province, joined the exploration vessel as a Marine
Mammal Observer. Hilary was responsible for logging any sightings and
the behaviours of marine mammals. Participation in the exploration
campaign formed part of the work experience component of Hilary’s
Of his experience Hilary said, “I can be honest to say that this work
experience offshore is a one in a million opportunity for such students...I
am very proud as a New Irelander to be in the exploration of the minerals
within the provincial waters. I also recommend my fellow students to be a
part of this program to experience what I experienced. And as this was my
first exciting experience I would really much appreciate to be part of this
exciting new industry in the future.”
Contact Nautilus CARES
PNG Country Office: Port Moresby
Phone: +675 321 1284
Tonga Country Office: Nuku’alofa
Phone: +676 21 733
Project Office: Brisbane, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3318 5555
If you would like to stay in contact, provide
feedback on anything included in this
issue or request further information please
Hilary Meria on the bridge of the exploration vessel | AIM & TSX: NUS OTCQX: NUSMF |
Nautilus hosts workshop to develop the EMP for Solwara 1
On 18-19 February 2012, Nautilus Minerals held an expert workshop in Salt Lake City, USA (which
coincided with an international ocean sciences meeting), to begin to develop the Solwara 1 Environmental
Management Plan (EMP) and monitoring program.
The goal of the workshop was to identify the elements required for inclusion in the EMP. Delegates, which
included representatives from the PNG government, marine scientists, NGOs and other groups, were asked
to review and identify the goals, data requirements, mitigation and management measures, recovery and
rehabilitation options and monitoring requirements for the Solwara 1 Project.
The information will be used to inform the development of the EMP and monitoring programs. We look
forward to further stakeholder consultation, which will occur in due course.
Community Consultation
We have been conducting community consultation in Papua
New Guinea since 2006 and in Tonga since 2008. To date we
have visited 56 different villages, met with more than 22,000
people and conducted regular meetings with provincial and
national governments.
In 2012 Nautilus will continue to maintain an open channel of
communication with the communities of PNG and Tonga. The
map below shows Nautilus’ focus for community consultation
in PNG.
As there are no villages or communities located at the Solwara
1 site, which is located at 1,600m water depth in the Bismarck
Sea, the company’s engagement focus is on communities
located closest to Solwara 1.
Nautilus supports
education in Tonga
Nautilus Minerals continues to support
the study of science in Tongan schools
by sponsoring the annual National High
School Science Competition run by
EcoCARE Pacific Trust.
This annual event aims to encourage
high school students and their teachers
to participate in the sciences, and
promote further education at a tertiary
Nautilus Minerals has supported this
event for the past three years and will
continue to do so in 2012. EcoCARE
also distributes school and science
equipment sourced from New Zealand to
participating schools.
Map of Papua New Guinea showing community consultation locations since 2007
Previous winners of the High School Science Competition
Please consider the environment
before printing this newsletter. | AIM & TSX: NUS OTCQX: NUSMF |