history meets - gsg
history meets - gsg
HISTORY MEETS GERMAN ENGINEERING HISTORICAL PROGRAM · PRODUCT LINE 2013 GSG PRODUCTS by SPECIALISTS GSG (German Sport Guns) founded in 2002 by Dietmar Emde, Manfred Nienhaus and Michael Swoboda, became within a short period of only a few years one of the leading manufacturer of firearms in the Caliber .22 LR. With all the different versions of the tactical GSG-922 and with one of the world most recognizable brand Kalashnikov, GSG offers a complete line of military style firearms. With the GSG-1911 German Sport Guns offers to the market one of the finest 1911 pistols in Cal. .22 LR. The GSG 110 round Drum Mag is a MUST for all GSG firearms shooters. „German history meets German Engineering“ In the beginning of 2012 GSG started the Manfred Nienhaus ceo German Sport Guns 2 production of the legendary Schmeisser StG 44. This perfect replica gun comes in a wooden box, original as the equipment for the German Army during WW II. In 2013 it´s only consequent, that GSG willl complete this line with the MP 40 also under the brand Schmeisser. A new family of GSG guns is born: The new GSG-922. A new compact pistol and versions to meet different customer requests. Gun enthusiasts use GSG Firearms for target shooting, just for fun, for plinking, for small game hunting or for practical shooting like IPSC Shooting. A company Slogan? GSG makes it simple! Products by Specialists, satisfied customers all around the World, for this slogan GSG stands for! Dietmar Emde ceo German Sport Guns Michael Swoboda ceo German Sport Guns 3 GSG-1911 · CAL. .22 LR INCHMADE GSG-1911 WALNUT GRIP When John M. Browning invented his classic pistol in 1911, he could not have imagined that for over a century it would remain the standard of excellence in the industry. The .22 LR version developed by GSG retains the 1911`s classic uniqueness along with exciting new technology and features, including several safety functions to meet todays rigorous standards. From casual plinking to competitive shooting, the GSG-1911 belongs in the hands of everyone who wants an excellent pistol at a great price. Technical Data 4 GSG-1911 Walnut Grip Caliber .22 lr HV Weight 975 g / 2.15 lb Length 218 mm / 8.58 in Magazine 10 Barrel length 129 mm / 5.08 in Trigger weight 1.900 g - 2.500 g 4.19 lb - 5.51 lb System Single-Action 5 GSG-1911 · CAL. .22 LR INCHMADE GSG-1911 AD-OPS GSG-1911 WALNUT GRIP GSG-1911 STANDARD GSG-1911 · CAL. .22 LR ACCESSORIES 10 Round Magazine Art. No.: 411.01.03 Conversion Kit Cal. .22 LR Art. No.: 411.01.04 Silencer Adapter ½ 28 Art. No.: 411.30.18.0 Faux Supressor Art. No.: 411.30.0002.0 Click Adjustable Rear Sight Art. No.: 411.01.50 Bridge-Mount Art. No.: 411.01.10 Flashlight Adapter Art. No.: 202266 Dot-Sight Art. No.: 202506 Plastic Grips Art. No.: 411.20.43.1 (right) Art. No.: 411.20.44.1 (left) Wood Grips Art. No.: 411.20.47.1 (right) Art. No.: 411.20.48.1 (left) Belt Holster Art. No.: 201243 Sparepartkit w. black Lacquer Art. No.: 411.01.14 Grip Safety GSG-1911 GSG-9 Art. No.: 411.20.04.0 GSG 1911 Dog Tag Art. No.: 203533 GSG 1911 T-Shirt Art. No.: 902403 GSG 1911 Keyring Art. No.: 203534 Technical Data GSG-1911 AD-OPS Walnut Grip Standard Caliber .22 lr HV .22 lr HV .22 lr HV Weight 1.070 g / 2.36 lb 975 g / 2.15 lb 975 g / 2.15 lb Length 320 mm / 12.6 in 218 mm / 8.58 in 218 mm / 8.58 in Magazine 10 10 10 Barrel length 129 mm / 5.08 in 129 mm / 5.08 in 129 mm / 5.08 in Trigger weight 1.900 g - 2.500 g 4.19 lb - 5.51 lb 1.900 g - 2.500 g 4.19 lb - 5.51 lb 1.900 g - 2.500 g 4.19 lb - 5.51 lb System Single-Action Single-Action Single-Action 6 Mil-Spec -80% interchangeable parts 7 GSG-922 GSG-922 · CAL. .22 LR GSG has another winner with its new 922 pistol. The perfect size to fit any hand, the 922 sports an over-all length of 7˝ and a height of 5.5˝. It is constructed with a CNC machined aluminum slide, which provides maximum hardness and durability. Designed for years of economical .22 LR shooting pleasure, the 922 has a threaded barrel and is available with or without faux suppressor. GSG-922 AD-OPS GSG-922 Technical Data 8 GSG-922 AD-OPS Standard Caliber .22 lr HV .22 lr HV Weight 977 g / 2.15 lb 905 g / 2.00 lb Length 279 mm /10.98 in 178 mm / 7.01 in Magazine 10 10 Barrel length 86 mm / 3.39 in 86 mm / 3.39 in Trigger weight 1.900 g - 2.500 g / 4.19 lb - 5.51 lb 1.900 g - 2.500 g / 4.19 lb - 5.51 lb System Single-Action Single-Action 9 Kalashnikov · Cal. .22 LR The ORIGINAL KALASHNIKOV WOOD d e in an Ma y h ni s k a l ov Ka The name Kalashnikov is recognized around the world, even by people who have never held a rifle in their hands. The GSG-AK 47 is built with expected German quality, and is priced to jump off gun stor racks. And to make it even more appealing, GSG has been afforded the honor, directly from Mikhail Kalashnikov himself, of allowing this rifle to bear his name. m r Ge Technical Data 10 Kalashnikov Wood Caliber .22 lr HV Weight 3.200 g / 7.05 lb Length 927 mm / 36.5 in Magazine 24/15/10/2 Barrel length 450 mm / 17,72 in Trigger weight 2.500 g / 5.51 lb System Semi-Auto 11 KALASHNIKoV · CAL. .22 LR THE ORIGINAL Rebel · CAL. .22 LR All metal and plastic parts of the GSG Rebel are reworked by hand. With the help of a burner GSG created the special ”Used Look“ to the wooden parts. These parts, also the hand-guard, are additionally taped and the stock is wrapped with the remains of a well-worn headband. This combination of ”Used Look“ and tape gives the AK 47 Rebel a unique authentic appearance; the look a rifle from a ‘Freedom Fighter’ but in a gun intended for days spent on the range, target shooting and ‘plinking’ with its .22 LR calibre and 22 shot magazine. It can also be used for small game hunting, especially with a scope fitted. KALASHNIKOV WOOD KALASHNIKOV RIFLE 110 ROUND-KIT NEW PRODUCT KALASHNIKOV RIFLE REBEL Technical Data Technical Data Kalashnikov Wood Rifle 110 Round-Kit Rifle Caliber .22 lr HV .22 lr HV .22 lr HV Weight 3.200 g / 7.05 lb 3.480 g / 7.67 lb 3.200 g /7.05 lb Length 927 mm / 36.5 in 927 mm / 36.5 in 927 mm / 36.5 in Magazine 24/15/10/2 110 24/15/10/2 Kalashnikov Rebel Caliber .22 lr HV Weight 3.200 g / 7.05 lb Length 927 mm / 36.5 in Magazine 24/15/10/2 Barrel length 450 mm / 17,72 in Barrel length 450 mm / 17,72 in 450 mm / 17,72 in 450 mm / 17,72 in Trigger weight 2.500 g / 5.51 lb Trigger weight 2.500 g / 5.51 lb 2.500 g / 5.51 lb 2.500 g / 5.51 lb System Semi-Auto System Semi-Auto Semi-Auto 12 Semi-Auto 13 Kalashnikov · Cal. .22 LR ACCESSORIES 24 Round Magazine Art. No.: 407.00.03 15 Round Magazine Art. No.: 407.00.04 10 Round Magazine Art. No.: 407.00.05 2 Round Magazine Art. No.: 407.00.06 Dot-Sight Art. No.: 202506 Tacworld Red Dot AD-30 Art. No.: 203226 Scope 4x32 Art. No.: 202765 Scope 3-9x40 IR Art. No.: 202766 Magazine Coupler Art. No.: 407.00.08 Flashhider Art. No.: 407.00.07 Triangle Stock Art. No.: 202717 Tactical Mount Art. No.: 202711 Ouick Mount 1“ & 30 mm Art. No.: 203052 Mount 1“ Art. No.: 201017 Mount 30 mm Art. No.: 201753 Steel Mount 1“ Art. No.: 203265 Side Mount Art. No.: 202915 Kalashnikov R.A.S. System Art. No.: 202714 Kalashnikov R.I.S. System Art. No.: 202713 Folding Fore Grip I Art. No.: 202715 Abbey Wood Polish Art. No.: 202687 Abbey Gun Clean Art. No.: 202688 Abbey Lens Cleaner Art. No.: 202685 GSG-AK 47 Keyring Art. No.: 203535 14 15 SCHMEISSER · Cal. .22 LR SCHMEISSER StG 44 The StG 44 (Sturmgewehr 44) was developed in Germany during WWII and was the first ”Storm“ (or assault) rifle to see major deployment. Retaining as many of the original specs as possible, the GSG 22.LR version of this piece of history flawlessly sends 25 rounds af ammo accurately and quickly downrange, and is perfect for casual plinking, target shooting and hunting. Stunning wood finishing, easy-to-adjust iron sights, and simple safety features add to the StG 44`s superb level of quality. For US customers packed in an old-world style pine crate Made by the Amish craftsman, the StG 44 offers everything to make any shooting experience a memorable one. Technical Data Schmeisser StG 44 Caliber .22 lr HV Weight 4.500 g / 9.92 lb Length 946 mm / 37,24 in Magazine 25/10/5/2 Barrel length 414 mm / 16.3 in 16 Adjustable Trigger 2.200 g - 3.800 g 4.9 - 8.4 lb System Single-Action 17 SCHMEISSER · Cal. .22 LR StG 44 StG 44 · Cal. .22 LR 10/25 Round Magazine Art. No. 10 Magazine: 444.01.04 Art. No. 25 Magazine: 444.01.03 18 10 Round Magazine short Art. No.: 444.01.06 Scope Mount Art. No.: 444.01.09 Point Sight Art. No.: 202500 19 SCHMEISSER · Cal. .22 LR The MP 40, manufactured from 1940-1944, was used as standard pistol in the WWII by the German Wehrmacht. According to estimations it has been built more than 1 million pcs. Both the MP 38 and the MP 40 were developed in the company Geipel (ERMA) and are based on the construction of the MP 36 which was engineered by Hugo Schmeisser. The GSG-MP 40 will - exactly like the StG 44 - be shipped in the original looking wooden box to the U.S. customers, which is an additional great feature. 20 SCHMEISSER MP 40 NEW PRODUCT Available 2014 21 SCHMEISSER · Cal. .22 LR MP 40 Pistol NEW 22 SCHMEISSER · Cal. .22 LR MP 40 Carbine NEW PRODUCT PRODUCT Available 2014 Available 2014 23 GSG-522 · Cal. .22 LR Black Edition GSG-522 SD RS German Sport Guns GSG-522 makes an ideal training tool for law enforcement, military personnel or civilians. Ergonomics and handling are similar to that of a law enforcement rifle, while the long rifle caliber offers an immense savings over 9 mm/40/45 caliber ammunition allowing extensive range time with the GSG-522 at a minimal cost to the user. Technical Data 24 GSG-522 SD RS Caliber .22 lr HV Weight 3.515 g / 7.7 lb Length 690 - 840 mm 27.2 - 33.1 in Magazine 22/15/10/2 Barrel length 840 mm / 33.07 in Trigger weight 2.500 g / 5.51 lb System Semi-Auto 25 GSG-522 · Cal. .22 LR Black Edition GSG-522 · CAL. .22 LR BLACK EDITION GSG-522 CARBINE RS GSG-522 STANDARD with reinforced retractable stock (Not available in the U.S.) Also in Light-Weight Version available! GSG-522 SD Also in Light-Weight Version available! GSG-522 SD RS with reinforced retractable stock Technical Data GSG-522 Carbine RS Standard SD Carbine Caliber .22 lr HV .22 lr HV .22 lr HV .22 lr HV Weight 3.370 g / 7.42 lb 3.008 g / 6.63 lb 3.280 g / 7.23 lb 3.060 g / 6.75 lb Length 690 - 840 mm / 27,2 - 33,07 in 714 mm / 28.11 in 855 mm / 33.66 in 855 mm / 33.66 in Magazine 22/15/10/2 22/15/10/2 22/15/10/2 22/15/10/2 Barrel length 414 mm / 16.3 in 230 mm / 9.06 in 414 mm / 16.3 in 414 mm / 16.3 in Trigger weight 2.500 g / 5.51 lb 2.500 g / 5.51 lb 2.500 g / 5.51 lb 2.500 g / 5.51 lb System Semi-Auto Semi-Auto Semi-Auto Semi-Auto 26 GSG-522 CARBINE Also in Light-Weight Version available! 27 GSG-522 · Cal. .22 LR Black Edition GSG-522 · CAL. .22 LR ACCESSORIES GSG-522 PISTOL Also in Light-Weight Version available! 22 Round Magazine Art. No.: 402.00.07 15 Round Magazine Art. No.: 402.00.11 10 Round Magazine Art. No.: 402.00.08 2 Round Magazine Art. No.: 402.00.09 10 Round Magazine short Art. No.: 402.01.05 B&T Tactical Folding Stock Art. No.: 202911 Reinforced Retractable Stock Art. No.: 402.01.565 Folding Stock Art. No.: 202262 Advanced Folding Stock Art. No.: 203042 Tactical Handguard Art. No.: 202263 Fore Grip Art. No.: 202267 PK Tactical Handguard Art. No.: 202223 PK Tactical Handguard Art. No.: 202269 with Rails Flashlight Adapter Art. No.: 202266 Laser Adapter Art. No.: 202265 GSG-522 PK Also in Light-Weight Version available! Technical Data GSG-522 Pistol PK Caliber .22 lr HV .22 lr HV Weight 2.675 g / 5.9 lb 2.300 g / 5.07 lb Length 474 mm / 18.66 in 388 mm / 15.28 in Magazine 22/15/10/2 10 Barrel length 230 mm / 9.06 in 119 mm / 4.69 in Trigger weight 2.500 g / 5.51 lb 2.500 g / 5.51 lb System Semi-Auto Semi-Auto 28 29 GSG-522 · CAL. .22 LR ACCESSORIES SD Conversion Kit Art. No.: 402.01.19 SD Handguard Kit Art. No.: 402.01.18 SD Faux Supressor Art. No.: 402.01.20 Silencer Adapter GSG Art. No.: 202551 Magazine Clamp Art. No.: 202264 Bi-Pod long Art. No.: 201744 Bi-Pod short Art. No.: 202553 Spare-Part Kit w. Loctite Art. No.: 402.01.539 Flashhider Art. No.: 402.30.17.1 Dot-Sight Art. No.: 202506 Mini Red-Dot 1x22 Art. No.: 202661 Red-Dot 1x40 Art. No.: 201754 Tactical Luxeon Flashlight Art. No.: 202706 Weapon Case 98 cm Art. No.: 201062 Weapon Bag 100 cm Art. No.: 201815 Tactical Sling Art. No.: 202902 Scope 4x32 Art. No.: 202765 Scope 4x28 Compact Art. No.: 202399 Scope 4x32 Compact Art. No.: 202400 Scope 3-9x32 Compact Art. No.: 202401 3-Point Sling Art. No.: 202554 Leg Holster for 3 Magazines Art. No.: 202925 Shoulder Holster PK Art. No.: 202926 Front Sight Set Art. No.: 202672 30 31 GSG ROTARY MAGAZINE 110 ROUND CAL. .22 LR GSG-522/5 ROTARY MAGAZINE With the Rotary Magazine Line GSG offers a perfect accessory part for all shooters they love plinking. 110 times fun at reasonable costs. Available for most of the GSG Guns and soon available for the Ruger® 10/22. Technical Data 32 GSG-522/5 rotary Magazine Caliber .22 lr HV Weight 800 g / 1.76 lb Height 220 mm / 8.66 in width 160 mm / 6.3 in Capacity 110 rounds 33 GSG ROTARY MAGAZINE 110 ROUND CAL. .22 LR Technical Data Technical Data Kalashnikov rotary Magazine Caliber .22 lr HV Weight 800 g / 1.76 lb Height 220 mm / 8.66 in width 160 mm / 6.3 in Capacity 110 rounds 34 GSG 522/5 rotary Magazine Caliber .22 lr HV Weight 800 g / 1.76 lb Height 220 mm / 8.66 in width 160 mm / 6.3 in Capacity 110 rounds Technical Data RUGER® rotary Magazine 10/22 + SR22 Caliber .22 lr HV Weight 800 g / 1.76 lb Height 220 mm / 8.66 in width 160 mm / 6.3 in Capacity 110 rounds 35 www.gsg-guns.de German Sport Guns GmbH Oesterweg 21 D-59469 Ense-Höingen Tel. +49 (0) 2938 97837-0 Fax. +49 (0) 2938 97837-130 info@germansportguns.de www.germansportguns.de www.facebook.com/germansportguns
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