2001-02 Annual Water Quality Monitoring Report
2001-02 Annual Water Quality Monitoring Report
Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 Part 1: Summary Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 Acknowledgements: Data Analysis: Douglas Partners Pty Ltd Editorial: Brendan Atkins, Big Box Publishing Pty Ltd Report Project Team: SCA Bulk Water – Hydrology team, SCA Communications team Design: Advertising Designers’ Group Print: Eco Design – Eco Print page 2 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 Contents Foreword 4 1. About the Sydney Catchment Authority 5 2. Why water quality is monitored 6 3. About this report 7 4. Sydney’s water catchments and supply network 12 5. Where water quality is monitored 18 6. Water quality standards 22 7. Key findings 24 8. Summary of results by system 26 9. Trends in water quality 32 10. Where to go for more information 33 11. References 33 12. Glossary of terms 34 13. Contacting the Sydney Catchment Authority 37 page 3 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 Foreword Each year the Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA) undertakes a comprehensive water quality monitoring program for the rivers and reservoirs that supply water to Sydney, the Blue Mountains and Illawarra. Water quality during 2001-2002 was generally good. Despite the wide extent of the Christmas 2001 fires in the Special Areas surrounding the SCA’s water storages, there were no immediate adverse impacts on quality of water supplied by the SCA. Monitoring for medium-term impacts of the fires is continuing. A summary of the results of the water quality monitoring program for 2001-2002 is contained in Part 1 of this report. Parts 2, 3 and 4 provide more detailed analyses on: performance of the water delivery system in relation to the SCA’s Operating Licence and Bulk Water Supply Agreement; results of river temperature monitoring below major reservoirs; and monitoring for SCA operational and planning purposes. Over the next five years, the SCA aims to identify and mitigate those activities that may adversely impact on water quality. Priority measures include: reducing sewage discharges and sediment load, improving the quality of stormwater and other urban run-off, and endorsing sustainable land use and vegetation management. The SCA has also adopted a proactive strategy to reduce the incidence and severity of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) outbreaks by identifying and mitigating activities within the catchment that contribute to cyanobacteria in our waterways and storages. The SCA’s water quality monitoring program continues to inform the development and delivery of our projects that ensure the bulk raw water delivered by the SCA continues to be of the highest quality. Graeme Head Chief Executive Sydney Catchment Authority page 4 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 1 About the Sydney Catchment Authority 1.1 What the Sydney Catchment Authority does The Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA) is a NSW state government agency responsible for managing the catchments, dams and infrastructure that provide Sydney’s bulk water supply. It was established in 1999 following an independent NSW government inquiry into Sydney’s water supply. Drinking water for Sydney and surrounding areas is collected from five primary catchments, occupying 16 000 square kilometres. It is stored in a total of 21 dams, holding over 2.5 million megalitres of water. One of the SCA’s main tasks is to supply quality bulk raw water to its customers, which include Sydney Water, local councils in the Southern Highlands and the Shoalhaven and a number of direct users. Sydney Water and the Councils then treat and distribute the water to nearly four million people - about 60 per cent of NSW's population. 1.2 The SCA’s responsibilities The SCA aims to ensure that its catchments and the supply infrastructure are managed and protected to: promote water quality minimise risks to human health, and prevent degradation of the environment. The SCA takes a lead role in managing its catchment areas by: monitoring water quality across the catchment. establishing partnerships with stakeholders such as councils, government agencies, community groups, customers and landholders having a formal role in planning and development in the catchments page 5 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 offering grants and funding opportunities such as the Healthy Catchments Program, sponsorship opportunities and collaborative research, and monitoring water quality across the catchments. Through these activities, the SCA fosters teamwork within the SCA, across government and with the community to help protect and clean up the catchments. Its charter gives the SCA a regulatory role in the way catchments are managed. This helps to reduce the risk of contamination arising from inappropriate land uses. 2 Why water quality is monitored The SCA’s water quality monitoring program is a key tool for managing the catchments effectively and providing quality water to its customers. The monitoring program assists in understanding the threats to water quality throughout the delivery system – from streams to storages – while indicating when water in the catchments and that delivered to customers, meets agreed national standards for water quality. There are many risks that could lead to the contamination of Sydney’s water supply. These include: disease causing organisms (pathogens) sediment, which affects turbidity metals, which affect the taste of water nutrients, which can cause algal blooms algae, which cause odour problems, increase treatment time and cost, and may impact health, and contaminants, such as pesticides. The SCA uses the data collected from its water quality monitoring program to: provide early detection of possible contaminants in the water to help protect the health of approximately four million consumers page 6 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 ensure that the untreated water that it delivers to customers such as Sydney Water is of an appropriate quality. This is turn enables these organisations to give greater assurance to their customers that their drinking water meets Australian Drinking Water Guidelines assist it to identify and target possible sources of contamination in the catchments and storages, and help it identify emerging water quality issues so that it can address them in its forward planning. The SCA also has a number of statutory obligations that guide the content of its water quality monitoring program. 2.1 Statutory responsibilities When it was formed in 1999, the SCA’s charter set out its statutory responsibilities in order to maintain its licence to supply water. Several Acts of Parliament define the scope and mode of SCA operations, primarily the Sydney Water Catchment Management Act 1998. The SCA’s day-to-day activities are governed by three key documents: Operating Licence (granted by the Governor of NSW) Water Management Licence granted by The Water Administration Ministerial Corporation and administered by the Department of Land and Water Conservation (DLWC), and Bulk Water Supply Agreement (BWSA) between the SCA and Sydney Water Corporation. Operating Licence The SCA’s Operating Licence enables the SCA to: manage and protect the catchment area and infrastructure, supply bulk water, and regulate activities within the catchment area. The Operating Licence conditions require the SCA to meet its objectives and comply with water quality and performance standards. The SCA is audited on its performance each year and the Operating Licence must be renewed every five years. page 7 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 Under the terms of its Operating Licence, the SCA monitors water delivered to its customers for the characteristics specified in the BWSA (Table 1) as well as for the characteristics listed in Table 2 of this report. This list from Schedule 4 of the Operating Licence includes substances not substantially removed or reduced by water treatment processes. Water Management Licence Under the Water Act 1912, a licence is needed before water can be extracted from rivers or dams. The Water Administration Ministerial Corporation (WAMC) is the licensing authority for this Act. The WAMC granted a Water Management Licence to the SCA in April 2001. The licence, administered by the Department of Land and Water Conservation (DLWC), sets out specifications for water transfers and releases, including environmental flows, and specifies monitoring and reporting needs. The SCA releases environmental flows from reservoirs to maintain the ecological health of downstream rivers. The SCA also monitors the effect of these releases on downstream river temperatures as required. Bulk Water Supply Agreement The SCA has developed a BWSA with its major customer, Sydney Water, which addresses both the quality and quantity of bulk water supply. In the BWSA, the SCA agrees to provide bulk raw water to Sydney Water’s nine water filtration plants (WFPs), and meet national water quality standards set by the Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC) and the National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC). The SCA also supplies raw water to WFPs owned by Shoalhaven City Council and Wingecarribee Shire Council. BWSAs are being finalised with these customers. The BWSA with Sydney Water sets site-specific standards at each WFP for characteristics such as turbidity, alkalinity and colour, all of which determine the treatability of the water. The standards vary between WFPs because of: differences in the design of the WFPs, and differences in the water chemistry between source catchments. The guidelines applying at each WFP are shown in Table 1. page 8 Sydney Catchment Authority 2001–2002 Healthy Catchments, Quality Water 3 About this report Each year, the SCA reports the results of its extensive water quality monitoring program. As well as meeting the SCA's statutory obligations, the report aims to provide stakeholders, students, researchers and other members of the community with detailed information on the quality of water for which the SCA is responsible. More specifically, this report aims to: detail how the system has performed relative to water quality criteria at each location map the water quality in catchments, reservoirs and delivery systems interpret the results of the collected water quality data summarise and explain the findings in plain English wherever possible describe water quality trends and problems identified by the monitoring program report on targeted studies, and report on measures planned or taken to eliminate unacceptable water quality. The 2001-2002 report is presented in four parts: Part 1: Introduces the SCA and its activities, provides an overview of how the SCA collects, stores and distributes water, and explains why the SCA needs to monitor water quality. This part then broadly sums up all of the SCA’s water quality monitoring activities and results from July 2001 to June 2002. Part 2: Details how the delivery system has performed in relation to the SCA Operating Licence and Bulk Water Supply Agreement between SCA and Sydney Water. Part 3: Details the results of river temperature monitoring below major reservoirs, undertaken to fulfil the needs of the Water Management Licence. Part 4: Summarises the results of monitoring carried out by the SCA for operational and planning purposes. The full report can be viewed on the SCA’s website (www.sca.nsw.gov.au). page 9 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 Analytes (Unit) Catchment o Temperature ( C) na Storage Reservoirs (Lake) na Delivery System (site-specific guidelines) Prospect Warragamba Orchard Hills Macarthur Nepean Illawarra Woronora Cascade Greaves Ck 10.0–23.6 8.8–24.1 8.0–25.0 10.0–25.0 10.0–26.6 5.0–24.0 5.0–25.0 Dissolved Oxygen (% saturation) 90–110 90–110 na na na na na na na pH (pH unit) 6.5-8.0 6.9-8.1* (LB) 6.0-7.2** (O) 6.27–7.87 5.72–7.65 4.80-7.65 6.15–7.20 5.06–7.54 6.00-7.40 4.40-9.20 Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/L) na na 21–45 0.8–14 0.5–45 0.6–7.6 0.5–12.5 0.5–31 0.5–10 Hardness (mg CaCO3/L) na na 28.5–53.5 6.4–32.2 2.1–30 5.2–23 2.6–22.8 40 1.5–6.6 Turbidity (NTU) 25 20 40 60 183 10 11 15 40 True Colour (CU) na na 60 40 60 48 70 60 60 Total Iron (mg/L) na 0.3 3.5 1.3 5 1.12 1.0 3.0 2.8 Total Manganese (mg/L) na 0.1 1.40 0.35 1.45 0.37 0.07 0.25 1.00 Total Aluminium (mg/L) na 0.2 2.58 0.95 1.00 1.401 0.4 0.18 1.00 Total Phosphorus (mg/L) 0.050 0.010 na na na na na na na Total Nitrogen (mg/L) 0.50 0.35 na na na na na na na Thermotolerant Coliforms (CFU/100 mL) 150 100 na na na na na na na Enterococci (CFU/100 mL) na na na na na na na na na Chlorophyll-a (µg/L) 7 5 na na na na na na na Algal ASU (per mL) na na 1000 500 1000 5000 5000 1000 1000 Cyanobacteria Abundance (cells/mL) na 15000 na na na na na na na Toxigenic Cyanobacteria (cells/mL) na 2000 na na na na na na na (mm2/L) na 2 na na na na na na na Cyanobacterial Biovolume Part 1 - Table 1: Water Quality Guidelines References: SCA (1999); ANZECC (2000); HRC (1998); NHMRC (1996); SACC (2001); SCA (2000); SWC (1999) Notes: * LB = Lake Burragorang and Prospect Reservoir; ** O = other lakes. na = not applicable. page 10 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 Part 1 -Table 2: Guidelines for trace elements and contaminants (for Sydney Water WFPs only) Analyte Guideline Unit Total Arsenic 0.007 mg/L Total Barium 0.7 mg/L Total Boron 0.3 mg/L Total Mercury 0.001 mg/L Total Molybdenum 0.05 mg/L Total Selenium 0.01 mg/L Total Silver 0.1 mg/L Iodide 0.1 mg/L Aldrin 3.0 µg/L Amitrole 1.0 µg/L Atrazine 20.0 µg/L Chlordane 1.0 µg/L Chlorpyrifos 2.0 µg/L 1000.0 µg/L 2 4-Dichloro-phenoxy-acetic acid 30.0 µg/L DDT 20.0 µg/L 0.3 µg/L Diquat 5.0 µg/L Diuron 30.0 µg/L Total Endosulfan 30.0 µg/L 0.3 µg/L 300.0 µg/L 20.0 µg/L Molinate 5.0 µg/L Paraquat 30.0 µg/L Picloram 300.0 µg/L Propiconazole 100.0 µg/L Temephos 300.0 µg/L 10.0 µg/L Clopyralid Dieldrin Heptachlor Hexazinone Lindane Triclopyr Gross Alpha emitters 0.1 Bq/L Gross Beta emitters 0.5 Bq/L Source: National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (1996); Schedule 4 of the SCA Operating Licence page 11 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 4 Sydney’s water catchments and supply network Drinking water for almost four million people in the Sydney region is collected from river catchments to the south and west of Sydney and stored in a number of lakes and reservoirs. The water is subsequently released into a network of rivers, pipes and canals that transport it to water filtration plants (WFPs), which treat water supplies for consumers in Sydney, Illawarra, the Blue Mountains and the Southern Highlands. Water is also released from reservoirs to maintain the ecological health of the downstream river systems. Part 1 - Figure 1 presents a diagram of the SCA’s water supply network. The SCA’s bulk water supply is collected from the river systems of five major catchments: Warragamba Upper Nepean Woronora Shoalhaven, and the Blue Mountains. These catchments span 18 local government areas covering an area of almost 16 000 square kilometres. They extend from the headwaters of the Coxs River north of Lithgow, south to the source of the Shoalhaven River near Cooma, and from Woronora in the east to the source of the Wollondilly River near Crookwell in the west. Table 3 summarises the characteristics of each system. page 12 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 Part 1 - Figure 1: The SCA’s water supply network with links to SWC’s WFP’s and delivery network page 13 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 Part 1 - Table 3 Specifications of major delivery systems in the water supply network delivery system major storages total capacity (ML) catchment area (square kilometres) Warragamba Lake Burragorang 2 057 000 9050 Upper Nepean Cataract 94 300 130 Cordeaux 93 600 91 Upper Cordeaux 1 775 Included in above Upper Cordeaux 2 1180 Included in above Avon 214 360 142 Nepean 70 170 320 Woronora Woronora 71 800 75 Shoalhaven Lake Yarrunga 85 500 5586 1200 Included in above Fitzroy Falls 23 500 Included in above Wingecarribee 34 500 Included in above Lower Cascade 319 20 Middle Cascade 159 Included in above Upper Cascade 1700 Included in above Lake Medlow 297 5 Greaves Creek 311 7 Woodford 850 9 Bendeela Blue Mountains Note The total capacity of a reservoir is the amount of water it can hold when full. Operational restrictions reduce the amount of useable water that the SCA can supply to its customers. page 14 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 4.1 Warragamba System The Warragamba catchment is about 9050 square kilometres, with the lake itself covering 75 square kilometres. Land within the catchment is predominantly natural bushland and unfertilised grazing land. Twenty-five per cent of the Warragamba catchment is a declared Special Area, comprising mainly unspoilt bushland in which public access is restricted to protect water quality. Lake Burragorang, formed behind Warragamba Dam, is the largest reservoir that the SCA manages. With a total capacity of more than two million megalitres (ML) - four times the volume of Sydney Harbour - Lake Burragorang supplies up to 80 per cent of all Sydney’s water. The Warragamba delivery system consists of large-diameter pipes, which transport water by gravity from Lake Burragorang to WFPs at Warragamba, Orchard Hills and Prospect. The water is monitored at numerous points in the lake, in the pipeline and at the inlets to the treatment plants. 4.2 Upper Nepean System Four dams on the Illawarra Plateau collect water from the Nepean, Avon, Cordeaux and Cataract rivers. Together they provide an additional supply of water for Sydney, via Broughtons Pass Weir and the Upper Canal. The main purpose of Avon Reservoir however is to serve the Illawarra region. The Nepean Reservoir has the largest catchment (320 square kilometres) of the four reservoirs. Land within the Nepean catchment is predominantly either natural bushland or land used for grazing and cropping. Forestry, intensive agriculture and mining are also found there. Nepean Reservoir supplies water to Nepean Water Filtration Plant (WFP) as well as to Macarthur and Prospect WFPs. The Nepean WFP supplies drinking water to the surrounding rural area and the local townships of Bargo, Thirlmere, Picton and The Oaks. Cordeaux and Cataract reservoirs have catchments of 91 and 130 square kilometres respectively. Much of these catchments are Special Areas, containing largely unspoilt bushland. Cataract and Cordeaux reservoirs feed the Macarthur and Prospect WFPs. The Macarthur WFP, operated under contract to Sydney Water, supplies drinking water sourced from the Upper Canal Delivery System at Broughtons Pass Weir to the Camden, Campbelltown and Wollondilly local government areas. The Prospect WFP is also partially supplied from the Upper Canal. The Avon Reservoir has a catchment area of 142 square kilometres and is mainly highly protected bushland. Water is transported from the upper reaches of Avon Reservoir by gravity and, in drought times, by pumping, to the Illawarra WFP. page 15 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 4.3 Woronora System The Woronora catchment is predominantly bushland and covers 77 square kilometres. Woronora Reservoir, located on the southern outskirts of Sydney, delivers water via a pipe system to Woronora WFP, which supplies approximately 100 000 residents of Helensburgh and Engadine. 4.4 Blue Mountains System The Blue Mountains catchments are predominantly bushland covering more than 20 square kilometres. The three Cascade reservoirs at Katoomba, and lakes Greaves and Medlow near Medlow Bath, are the five of the smallest reservoirs managed by the SCA. The system provides water to residents of the mid and upper Blue Mountains. The Blue Mountains Delivery System is a complex network of pipes that can deliver water from both within and outside the Blue Mountains catchments. Greaves Creek Reservoir typically supplies the Greaves Creek WFP, with Lake Medlow as a supplementary source. The Cascade reservoirs supply the Cascade WFP, which can be supplemented with water transferred from Lake Oberon on the Fish River, west of the Great Dividing Range. 4.5 Shoalhaven System The Shoalhaven System includes the Shoalhaven Scheme, an engineered network of dams, canals and pipelines, built to transfer water from the catchments of the Shoalhaven River to Sydney during times of drought. It is also used by Eraring Energy to generate electricity. Its major storage is Lake Yarrunga, at the junction of the Kangaroo and Shoalhaven rivers, which covers an area of 8.3 square kilometres. The Shoalhaven catchment covers an area of 5586 square kilometres having a mix of land uses, including bushland, dairy farming, beef and sheep production, and rural residential. When required, water is transferred via pumps, pipeline, channel and river from the Shoalhaven system to either the Warragamba or the Nepean systems. The SCA releases water downstream into the Shoalhaven River for the Shoalhaven City Council to distribute to its customers and to help with the health of the river. The Bendeela Pondage is a very small impoundment in the delivery system connecting Lake Yarrunga with Fitzroy Falls Reservoir. The water supply for the residents of Kangaroo Valley is drawn from here. Raw water is treated at a WFP operated by Shoalhaven Shire Council. Wingecarribee Reservoir supplies water to Wingecarribee WFP which supplies many residents of the Southern Highlands with drinking water. page 16 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 4.6 Hawkesbury-Nepean River Below the major storage reservoirs in the Warragamba and Nepean catchments, the HawkesburyNepean River is sustained by: flows from local catchments flows of treated effluent from Sydney Water’s Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs), and environmental releases from SCA storages which help maintain and improve the ecological health of the river. The Department of Land & Water Conservation licences various water extractions along the length of the Hawkesbury-Nepean River for agricultural and some industrial use. Sydney Water also draws water from the river at North Richmond to supply consumers in that area. page 17 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 5 Where water quality is monitored In 2001–2002, the SCA undertook extensive water quality monitoring throughout its entire water supply network, covering: the catchment waterways the reservoirs the delivery systems that supply water to filtration plants (WFPs), and the rivers downstream of the reservoirs. The SCA works with catchment communities to monitor water quality in local streams as part of its Streamwatch program. The focus of this program is on tackling pollution sources by working in partnership with the community. The results of Streamwatch testing can be viewed at www.streamwatch.org.au . 5.1 Water quality in catchments Natural catchments Natural bushland yields relatively clean water that has few of the nutrients that can cause problems in reservoirs. However, heavy rainfall after a prolonged dry spell can bring high sediment loads, leaves, branches and native animal droppings to the rivers and lakes. Generally, the SCA does not monitor the quality of water coming from natural catchments, although it monitors wet-weather water quality and has also assessed the water quality impacts of extensive bushfires in 2001–2002. Around 25 per cent of the water supply catchments are designated Special Areas. These areas of unspoilt bushland close to reservoirs act as a buffer zone and help to stop pollutants from entering the reservoirs. They are managed jointly with the NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS), in accordance with the Special Areas Strategic Plan of Management, which can be viewed at www.sca.nsw.gov.au/publications . Public access to Special Areas is restricted to help protect water quality. Agricultural catchments Runoff from farmland can bring soil, animal droppings and traces of agricultural chemicals, such as fertilisers, pesticides or herbicides. The SCA works in partnership with farmers throughout the page 18 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 catchments to try and minimise the amounts of these materials that find their way into streams and rivers. Urban catchments Urban areas contribute many undesirable impurities to water, from oil and grease washed off roads, to household and garden chemicals, rubbish and animal droppings. The SCA is supporting the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and local councils in raising public awareness about the need to improve stormwater quality. The SCA is also funding infrastructure works such as gross pollutant traps. A note about wetlands Some hollows, depressions and other poorly drained areas called wetlands hold water for some time, allowing specialised vegetation to develop and grow and forming habitats for a diversity of aquatic or semiaquatic animals – invertebrates, fish, frogs, waterbirds and mammals. Wetlands can affect water quality by filtering sediment and transforming nutrients as the water passes through. Wingecarribee Swamp upstream of Wingecarribee Reservoir is a significant peat swamp, and several other types of wetlands can be found in SCA catchments. 5.2 Water quality in streams and rivers Once the rainfall has made its way into streams and rivers, instream processes begin to affect water quality. Examples of instream processes include: nutrient assimilation by algae, sediments and biochemical transformations oxygenation by flowing water, algae and streamside vegetation disinfection by ultraviolet rays in natural sunlight, and riverbank erosion and streambed scouring which contribute sediment to the water column during periods of high flow. Some of these features of streams are useful where treated effluent from sewage treatment plants is released to rivers. The effluent must meet strict quality standards set by the EPA and Department of Health before being discharged. The long distances between the discharge point and the dam wall ensures that instream processes protect the health of supplies. Additionally, the SCA monitoring program helps to protect human health. page 19 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 5.3 Water quality in reservoirs The quality of water stored in reservoirs is determined both by the quality of the inflows and by inlake processes. Inflowing rivers transport materials such as nutrients, sediments and other contaminants which may then be transformed as a result of: settling biochemical action, and thermal stratification. Thermal stratification in particular plays a large part in determining the quality of water in reservoirs and lakes. Thermal stratification Surface warming from the sun, or inflows of cool river water, help the water in the deeper reservoirs to form separate layers, especially over the summer months. The upper layer (surface layer) is warmer and less dense than the cooler bottom water, leading to a water density gradient and eventually to two layers separated by a sharp temperature difference (called a thermocline). These two water masses can have distinct characteristics (apart from temperature and density) which together affect water quality and living things (especially algae). Stratified reservoirs can increase the concentrations of several undesirable water quality characteristics, such as: metals such as iron and manganese (Fe and Mn) nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen (P and N) algae and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), and turbidity and pathogens during wet weather. The SCA artificially mixes a number of its reservoirs to prevent the water quality problems caused by stratification. For example in Woronora Reservoir air compressors bubble air into the bottom layer of water. The bubbles mix the layers as they float to the surface. In other storages, floating fans drive the surface water downwards to break up the thermocline. This artificial mixing circulates oxygenated water from the upper layer throughout the reservoir, replenishing oxygen lost from the bottom layer, and preventing metals entering the water from the sediments. page 20 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 5.4 Delivery systems The SCA monitors water quality in the pipelines, Upper Canal and at the inflow points to the water filtration plants. This monitoring program helps the SCA to ensure the quality of water supplied to the water filtration plants via the delivery systems meets agreed standards. The SCA also provides drinking water to picnic areas at Avon, Cataract, Cordeaux and Tallowa Dams and Fitzroy Falls reservoir. Each week, the SCA monitors the quality of these water supplies and assesses the results against NHMRC (1996) guidelines for public health and aesthetics. 5.5 Rivers downstream of reservoirs The SCA releases water from reservoirs to maintain the ecological health of downstream rivers. The discharged reservoir water can be colder than the receiving river water. Although the ecological effects of decreases in water temperature are not fully understood, the SCA monitors this potential environmental impact as part of its commitment to the environment. A total of 12 sites, either immediately downstream of the discharge point (discharge sites) or many kilometres away (reference or control sites), are monitored each day on the Hawkesbury-Nepean, Woronora and Shoalhaven rivers. The water temperature at discharge sites is compared with controls to assess the impact of the releases. page 21 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 6 Water quality standards The SCA has adopted nationally recognised standards and guidelines for a range of water quality variables within each part of the water supply network. Different guidelines and standards apply to each part of the supply cycle as water passes from catchment waterways into storage reservoirs and then into the distribution system or downstream rivers. The source of each guideline and the component of the water supply system to which it applies are listed in Table 1. Catchment water quality is measured against ANZECC water quality guidelines (2000) and the Healthy Rivers Commission (1998) guidelines for river water quality. Standards for water supplied to WFPs from reservoirs are detailed in the NHMRC Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (1996) and are also listed in Schedule 4 of the Operating Licence. The BWSA specifies site-specific standards for the quality of water supplied to each WFP. The results in parts two to four of this report identify where guideline levels were not met. 6.1 Guidelines for catchments and reservoirs The trophic (algal growth) status of catchment waterways is usually assessed against ANZECC Guidelines for Protection of Aquatic Ecosystems. In some cases the SCA has adopted more stringent guidelines than ANZECC, such as the Healthy Rivers Commission (HRC 1998) guidelines for algal nutrients and chlorophyll in the HawkesburyNepean River and catchment, and the Sydney Water (SWC 1999) guideline for pH in storage reservoirs. Guidelines for cyanobacteria Cyanobacteria are microscopic single-celled organisms sometimes known as blue-green algae. Like all algae they become a problem when they occur in high densities (‘blooms’), usually because of warm weather, high nutrient concentrations or both. Apart from clogging filtration equipment and imparting tastes and odours to the water, some species exude toxic compounds that can cause illness and even death in stock and humans. The guidelines for cyanobacteria are recommended by NSW State Algal Coordinating Committee (SACC 2001) and NHMRC (2001). Based on these, the SCA identifies any instance when the total number of cyanobacteria exceeds 15 000 cells per millilitre (cells/mL) or toxigenic cyanobacteria of more than 2000 cell/mL. Such events trigger additional monitoring which includes analysing for the presence of algal toxins. However, different species of cyanobacteria and algae vary greatly in size and shape, which can reduce the effectiveness of guidelines based on cell number alone. For example, a low cell count of a large-celled species may indicate just as much of a problem as a high count of a small-celled species, yet may be within the guidelines. Also, some cyanobacteria have extremely small cells that occur in large masses, making counting inaccurate. page 22 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 Recognising these differences, the SACC issued a guideline in February 2001 based on cell volume for non-toxic cyanobacteria in recreational waters. The SCA has adopted this guideline which recommends a maximum biovolume of two cubic millimetres per litre (mm3/L). The biovolume guideline was applied to samples from reservoirs used for recreation, namely Lake Yarrunga and Fitzroy Falls Reservoir. Where toxigenic species are detected above guideline limits, the concentration of toxin must be measured. The recommended maximum level for microcystin, a toxin produced by the cyanobacterium Microcystis, in drinking water is 1.3 micrograms per litre (µg/L) (NHMRC001). This is measured as microcystin-LR toxicity equivalents for other types of toxin. Higher concentrations are hazardous and require actions to be taken to minimise the risk to human health. Metals in lake waters The NHMRC (1996) guidelines for the quality of untreated drinking water (Table 1) were applied to concentrations of the metals iron, manganese and aluminium (Fe, Mn and Al) in the lakes. However, where bulk water customers have site-specific standards for their WFPs, the SCA no longer applies separate guidelines for metals in reservoirs. 6.2 Guidelines for delivery systems The SCA strives to protect public health by monitoring the levels of a number of contaminants in raw water that may be difficult to remove during conventional water treatment. Drawn from nationally recognised standards for drinking water (NHMRC 1996), these characteristics include the specific pesticides, heavy metals, chemicals and radiological substances listed in Schedule 4 of the SCA Operating Licence (Table 2). Site-specific standards for each WFP owned by Sydney Water are contained in the BWSA and are shown in Table 1. page 23 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 7 Key findings 7.1 Catchments Catchment water quality was generally good. The main adverse impacts on water quality were related to dissolved oxygen, nutrients and algal growth. Also, thermotolerant coliforms were detected above guideline concentrations at a number of locations. Wet weather frequently resulted in increased turbidity and thermotolerant coliform counts. 7.2 Reservoirs Water quality in the reservoirs was generally good, although patterns of dissolved oxygen depletion and elevated concentrations of metals indicated thermal stratification at a number of locations. Guidelines were exceeded most frequently with respect to nutrients and algal growth. Cyanobacteria concentrations in the Blue Mountains, Nepean and Woronora reservoirs were mostly within the guidelines but were exceeded in other reservoirs more frequently. Toxigenic cyanobacteria were rarely detected above guideline concentrations at any location, and positive detection was limited to Lake Burragorang, Lake Yarrunga, Fitzroy Falls, Wingecarribee and Prospect reservoirs. 7.3 Delivery systems Water quality in the delivery systems (the water supplied to customers) was very good, with most characteristics within Operating Licence and BWSA guideline levels. Some minor exceedances of the guidelines for hardness were noted in the Warragamba, Nepean and Blue Mountains delivery systems. Elevated pH was occasionally detected at Prospect, Nepean and Cascade WFPs. Minor exceedances of the temperature guidelines were noted at the Macarthur WFP. Algal counts were detected generally above BWSA guideline levels at Cascade and Greaves Creek WFPs but only once at Macarthur WFP. The high algal counts were dominated by green algae and large-celled diatoms, and these may have reduced filter run times, by clogging the filters, at the affected WFPs. 7.4 Rivers downstream of reservoirs Monitoring of temperatures downstream of reservoirs showed there was no impact in the Hawkesbury-Nepean and Woronora rivers. Some impact was noted in the Shoalhaven River immediately downstream of Tallowa Dam between November 2001 and January 2002. 7.5 Picnic area taps Tap water quality in the picnic areas of Avon, Cataract, Cordeaux and Fitzroy Falls reservoirs was generally satisfactory and had improved since 2000–2001. Tap water turbidity always complied with guideline concentrations. Elevated levels of thermotolerant coliforms were detected at Cataract picnic area on two occasions. The pH, which has no effect on human health at these page 24 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 levels, was occasionally outside the guideline range at Cataract and Avon picnic areas. Colour was always within guideline levels at Avon picnic area, while at Cataract, Cordeaux and Fitzroy Falls this guideline was occasionally exceeded. 7.6 Special investigations, events and incidents Bushfires Special event monitoring was conducted in January and February 2002 to determine what impact the Christmas 2001 bushfires and subsequent rainfall events had on water quality in the reservoirs in the Sydney catchments. Post-event monitoring showed that there was little immediate risk to the offtake water quality from runoff in bushfire-affected catchments, and this was attributed to the relatively small inflow volume involved. Monitoring is continuing for any medium-term impacts. Algal events Algal samples from both the Greaves Creek and Cascade WFP inflows exceeded the maximum 1000 Area Standard Unit (ASU) specified in the BWSA on all occasions. The algae were dominated by green algae and large-celled diatoms, which may have reduced filter run times by clogging the water filters. Cyanobacteria in these reservoirs were rarely present above guideline concentrations. Algae exceeded the BWSA guideline at the Macarthur inflow (500 ASU) on one occasion only. The observed value of 504 ASU was only marginally higher than the guideline value. No algal events were noted at any of the other WFP inflows. Wingecarribee Swamp monitoring Wingecarribee Swamp immediately upstream of Wingecarribee Reservoir in the Southern Highlands is an area of special interest to the SCA because: the swamp potentially affects the quality of water stored in Wingecarribee Reservoir and supplied to residents of the Southern Highlands, and the Operating Licence requires the SCA to report annually on the implementation of the plan of management for the area peat swamps such as this are unusual in mainland Australia and Wingecarribee Swamp is home to several species of rare plants and animals. The upper Wingecarribee River has elevated nutrient levels (nitrogen and phosphorus) from fertilisers washed into the river from agricultural land in the catchment. The peat mass of Wingecarribee Swamp and upstream agricultural land contribute elevated total nitrogen, total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a to the Wingecarribee River. page 25 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 The reservoir does not tend to stratify, and metals concentrations remained below guidelines throughout the year. No Schedule 4 substances were detected at Wingecarribee Reservoir. Dissolved oxygen in the reservoir was depleted on 27 per cent of occasions, more frequently than in 2000–2001. The pH was slightly above guideline concentration on all occasions (similar to 2000–2001). These measurements are consistent with the observed abundance of algal growth. In the lower Wingecarribee River, turbidity and chlorophyll-a exceeded guideline concentrations, suggesting that elevated nutrient levels are encouraging algal growth. Water quality at the Wingecarribee WFP complied with Operating Licence conditions on all occasions. Low levels of toxigenic cyanobacteria (microcystin-LR toxicity equivalents of 0.5 micrograms per litre or less, well below guideline levels) were detected from February 2002 to June 2002. Pesticide monitoring No heavy metals, trace metals or pesticides were detected above guideline concentrations (for pesticides, the guideline level is the detection limit) in any part of the Warragamba, Upper Nepean or Woronora delivery systems in 2001–2002. No Schedule 4 substances were detected at either Bendeela Pondage or Wingecarribee Reservoir. In previous years the SCA has completed a number of studies of pesticide use including: assessing levels of agricultural and industrial contaminants in inflows to major storages reviewing and assessing sampling methods and monitoring program design for pesticides, and assessing pesticide usage in SCA catchments. Single (‘grab’) samples are unlikely to detect pesticides where these are present at very low background levels or even when they occur in ‘spikes’ from specific events (such as rainfall, pest or weed control operations, or dumping). Once in the system pesticides can settle or decompose. The SCA has reviewed sampling methods for pesticides (Bales 2001) and has trialled lipid samplers that can be left at a site to accumulate pesticides for up to four weeks at a time. This method provides an indication of the different types of pesticides present in the water, but does not enable estimation of their concentration. By integrating the fluctuations in trace levels that occur over time, lipid samplers have detected pesticides in around one third of samples taken from inflows to lakes Burragorang and Nepean. These studies identify that contaminants are present in specific areas. However, the results cannot readily be compared to guidelines as they are qualitative only. With further development, these sampling techniques may be further refined to allow more effective monitoring of contaminants at WFPs and greater assessment of the risks they pose. page 26 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 Hotspots pathogen monitoring The SCA has been conducting research into the source and distribution of pathogens within the Sydney drinking water catchments as part of the ongoing Hotspots Program. Most human pathogens are the result of faecal contamination of water supplies, and some pathogens can have intermediate animal hosts. This project examined the variation of sources of faecal contamination across the SCA area of operations. It sampled raw water, sediment and treated sewage, as well as droppings from a range of domestic, native and feral animals. Overall, the results give a snapshot of pathogen levels across the catchments during dry weather. They show that introduced, domestic or feral animals, and treated sewage effluent, rather than native animals, are the major sources of pathogenic organisms in SCA catchments, with the types of pathogen being broadly related to the source type. The next phase of the Hotspots Program will address variations in pathogens over time. Summary of water quality incidents The SCA Corporate Incident Management Manual sets out the appropriate responses to incidents which are classified according to risk from minor to emergency. Incidents can relate to water quality, water supply or a number of other contingencies. Between July 2001 and June 2002 the SCA logged a total of 27 incidents in relation to water quality, (Table 4), one of which was classed as an emergency, three as major events, and the remaining 23 as minor. The most serious incident occurred in March 2002 when monitoring detected a high count of thermotolerant coliforms in a picnic area tap at Bendeela. Immediate action was taken and resampling found the threat had diminished. The number of incidents notified under each category is shown in Table 4. Full details of all incidents, and the SCA's response and follow-up are outlined in Part 2 of this report. Part 1 - Table 4: Summary of incidents class minor incident number 23 Examples unusual water quality characteristics such as high turbidity or pathogens in raw water samples major incident 3 thermotolerant coliforms detected in picnic area taps; WFP failure; cyanobacteria detected emergency total 1 high levels of thermotolerant coliforms in picnic area taps and low residual chlorine 27 page 27 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 Wet weather events The 2001–2002 monitoring year was dry until after the severe bushfires of December and January. Runoff from a number of rainfall events – two in February, one in late March and a small event in mid-April – was monitored to determine any impacts on catchment water quality. Overall, wet weather samples had poorer water quality than dry weather samples, indicated by higher median concentrations of most variables. Monitoring detected low levels of pathogens in inflows to Lake Burragorang and Woronora Reservoir in wet weather samples taken after the Christmas 2001 bushfires Artificial aerators in Woronora, Nepean and Avon reservoirs were switched off in February after heavy rain in the catchments. 8 Summary of results by system This section summarises the performance of each delivery system and presents a graphical summary of water quality indicating: aesthetics (based on turbidity) trophic level (based on phosphorus, chlorophyll or algal concentration) health risk (based on thermotolerant coliforms), and recreation (based on thermotolerant coliforms). For each indicator at each site, the number of observations outside the guideline ranges was expressed as a percentage of the total number of observations and assigned a colour as follows: red: greater than 75 per cent yellow: 50–75 per cent green: 25–50 per cent blue: less than 25 per cent. The coloured icons on the following maps (figures 2 to 5) indicate water quality and its effect on users across each delivery system. page 28 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 8.1 Warragamba Water quality in the Warragamba delivery system was very good, complying with Operating Licence and BWSA conditions on all occasions for all parameters, with the exception of occasional minor deviations from the hardness and pH guidelines and two detections of very low levels of Cryptosporidium oocysts. Performance of key water quality indices is illustrated in Figure 2. Part 1 - Figure 2: Warragamba System – Performance of key water quality indices 8.2 Upper Nepean Water quality in the Upper Nepean System was excellent, complying with the Operating Licence and BWSA conditions on almost all occasions. The Illawarra Delivery System complied on all occasions for all water quality characteristics. At the Nepean WFP inlet there were infrequent exceedances of the pH and hardness guidelines because of complications with the sampling procedure. page 29 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 Minor exceedances of the temperature and algal guidelines were experienced at the Macarthur WFP. 8.3 Woronora Water supplied to the Woronora WFP during 2001–2002 met the standards specified in the Operating Licence and BWSA on all occasions, as it did in 2000–2001. Performance of key water quality indices for Upper Nepean and Woronora are illustrated in Figure 3. Part 1 - Figure 3: Upper Nepean and Woronora Systems – Performance of key water quality indices page 30 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 8.4 Shoalhaven Water quality at Shoalhaven and Wingecarribee WFPs complied with Operating Licence conditions on all occasions. Performance of key water quality indices is illustrated in Figure 4. Part 1 - Figure 4: Shoalhaven System – Performance of key water quality indices 8.5 Blue Mountains Water quality in the Blue Mountains Delivery System generally complied with Operating Licence and BWSA guidelines except at Greaves Creek WFP where algal numbers always exceeded the guideline and hardness frequently exceeded the guideline by a small margin. The pH guideline at Cascade WFP was frequently exceeded by a very small margin. Performance of key water quality indices is illustrated in Figure 5. Part 1 - Figure 5: Blue Mountains System – Performance of key water quality indices page 31 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 9 Trends in water quality The SCA monitors long-term trends in the following key water quality characteristics at reservoir offtake sites. chlorophyll-a total phosphorus total nitrogen dissolved oxygen, and pH. The trend analysis takes data from the 2001–2002 year and adds them to previous years. It uses a statistical procedure called linear regression to determine the significance of any patterns. From this analysis, several significant trends emerge. Chlorophyll-a Greaves Creek is the only reservoir where chlorophyll-a concentrations are increasing. Chlorophyll-a primarily indicates the presence of algae. Phosphorus and nitrogen Total phosphorus (P) concentrations are decreasing in Lake Burragorang, Lower Cascade and Nepean reservoirs, but are increasing at two locations in the Shoalhaven System: Tallowa Dam and Fitzroy Falls. Total nitrogen (N) is declining in Nepean and Woronora reservoirs but increasing in Cordeaux and Lower Cascade reservoirs. Both nutrients can stimulate algal and cyanobacterial blooms. The observed trends can be explained by considering land use and rainfall patterns in the catchments. Dissolved oxygen and pH Dissolved oxygen saturation is decreasing in Nepean, Lower Cascade and Fitzroy Falls reservoirs and increasing in Avon and Upper Cascade reservoirs. Decreasing pH was apparent in Nepean Reservoir while increases were apparent in Avon, Woronora, Greaves Creek, Lower Cascade and Upper Cascade. Dissolved oxygen and pH can vary depending on a number of factors including algal concentrations and operational activities such as artificial destratification. page 32 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 10 Where to go for more information More detailed information on the SCA’s water quality monitoring program can be found in Parts 2, 3 and 4 of the 2001-2002 Water Quality Report. This is available on the SCA’s website at www.sca.nsw.gov.au. 11 References ANZECC, 2000. National Water Quality Management Strategy. Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality. Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council, Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand. Healthy Rivers Commission, 1998. Independent Inquiry into the Hawkesbury Nepean River System. Final Report. Healthy River Commission of New South Wales. NHMRC, 1996. Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia. NHMRC, 2001. Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia. Updated Fact Sheet 17a. SACC, 2001. Media Release on Guidelines for Recreational Use of Water (January 2001), Metropolitan/South Coast Regional Algal Coordinating Committee, Department of Land and Water Conservation, NSW. SCA, 1999. Sydney Catchment Authority and Sydney Water Corporation Bulk Water Supply Agreement. SCA, 2000. Bulk Water Quality Incident Response Plan. Sydney Catchment Authority, Sydney. SWC, 1999. Annual Environment and Public Health Report, 99. December 1999. Sydney Water Corporation. page 33 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 12 Glossary of terms Word Description aesthetic Considered pleasant to the senses algae Simple chlorophyll-bearing plants, most of which are aquatic and microscopic in size algal bloom Rapid growth of algae in surface waters due to an increase in nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus alkalinity The capacity to neutralise acid analytes Physical and chemical properties analysed artificial destratification The breakdown and mixing of layers in lakes using artificial means such as aeration and propellers catchment Area where water is collected by the natural landscape. In a catchment, all rain and run-off water eventually flows to a creek, river, lake or ocean, or into the groundwater system. chlorophyll The green pigments in plants composite sample A sample made up of other samples or collected at more than one location contaminant Biological (e.g. bacterial and viral pathogens) and chemical introductions capable of producing an adverse effect in a biological system cyanobacteria A division of photosynthetic bacteria, formerly known as blue-green algae, that can produce strong toxins cyanotoxin Toxin produced by some cyanobacteria detection limit The smallest concentration or amount of a substance that can be reported as present with a specified degree of certainty by definite complete analytical procedures DAPI Confirmation test (for pathogens etc) using the 4’6-diaminidino-phenylindole staining technique which targets DNA nucleic material diurnal Daily dissolved oxygen The amount of oxygen dissolved in water. environmental flow Water released from reservoirs aimed at improving and maintaining the ecological health of the river downstream epilimnion The warmer upper layer of water in a stratified lake eutrophication The enrichment of a body of water with nutrients, resulting in a tendency for excessive growth of algae hardness A measure of the concentration of calcium and magnesium ions in water, frequently expressed as mg/L calcium carbonate equivalent (mg Ca Co3/L) grab sample A single sample collected at one location hypolimnion The cold lower layer of water in a stratified lake indicator A parameter that can be used to provide a measure of the quality of water or the condition of an ecosystem macrophyte Large aquatic plant mesotrophic Water bodies or organisms which are intermediate between nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor morphometry Characteristics of lakes that can be determined by simple measurements like depth, volume and area page 34 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 Word Description nutrients Compounds required for growth by plants and other organisms. Major plant nutrients are phosphorus and nitrogen parameter A measurable or quantifiable characteristic or feature pathogens Disease-causing organisms, such as bacteria and viruses pH A measure of the degree of acidity or alkalinity; expressed on a logarithmic scale of 1 to 14 (1 is most acid, 7 neutral and 14 most alkaline) physico-chemical Refers to the physical (e.g. temperature, electrical conductivity) and chemical (e.g. concentrations of nitrate, mercury) characteristics of water phytoplankton Small (often microscopic) aquatic plants suspended in water potable water Water suitable for drinking, on the basis of both health and aesthetic considerations reservoir An artificial body of water, often behind a dam sediment Soil or other particles that settle to the bottom of lakes, rivers, and other waters stratification Arrangement of layers, especially of water having different physical or chemical properties in lakes surface storage Reservoir taxa Any group of organisms considered to be sufficiently distinct from other such groups to be treated as a separate unit (e.g. species, genera, families) thermal stratification The formation of distinct layers in lakes based on temperature thermocline A region of rapidly changing temperature in a lake, found between the epilimnion and hypolimnion thermotolerant coliforms Bacteria used as a primary indicator of sewage pollution. Thermotolerant coliforms may in some instances include bacteria of environmental rather than faecal origin toxicant A chemical capable of producing an adverse response (effect) in a biological system at concentrations that might be encountered in the environment, seriously injuring structure or function or producing death. Examples include pesticides, heavy metals and biotoxicants toxigenic Capable of producing toxins toxin A poisonous substance of biological origin turbidity A measure of the amount of suspended material (usually fine clay or silt particles) in water and thus the degree of scattering or absorption of light in the water trophic status Categorisation based on the level of algal growth and nutrient enrichment in a lake eg oligotrophic (low algal growth and enrichment), eutrophic (high algal growth and enrichment) water column The region of water between the surface and bottom of a lake or river water filtration plant A treatment plant that improves water quality by removing impurities through filtration water quality guideline Scientific data evaluated to derive the recommended quality of water for various uses page 35 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 Acronyms used in this report Acronym Description ASU area standard unit ANZECC Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council BWSA Bulk Water Supply Agreement cfu colony forming units DAPI 4’6-diaminidino-phenylindole DMR Department of Mineral Resources DOS dissolved oxygen saturation EPA Environment Protection Authority HRC Health Rivers Commission IFA immuno fluorescent antibody NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Services NTU nephelometric turbidity units OC organochlorine pesticide PAC percentage annual change SACC State Algal Co-ordinating Committee SCA Sydney Catchment Authority SIEC Sydney International Equestrian Centre SRA State Recreation Area STP sewage treatment plant SWC Sydney Water Corporation WFP water filtration plant page 36 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 1 13 Contacting the SCA The SCA's head office is in Penrith, and there are a number of field offices throughout the catchments. SCA Head Office, Penrith Sydney Catchment Authority Level 2, 311 High Street Penrith NSW 2750 PO Box 323 Penrith NSW 2751 Phone: (02) 4725 2516 Fax: (02) 4732 3666 Office Hours: 9.30am - 5.00pm Website: www.sca.nsw.gov.au Email: hotline@sca.nsw.gov.au EMERGENCY REPORTING Report all fires, chemical and fuel spills Phone: (02) 9751 1988 (24 hours) FIELD OFFICE LOCATIONS Goulburn Office Moss Vale Office Newo House Shop 1 23-25 Montague Street Old Argyle Centre Goulburn NSW 2580 256 Argyle Street Phone: (02) 4823 4200 Moss Vale NSW 2577 Fax: (02) 4822 9422 Phone: (02) 4868 0300 Hours: 8.00am to 4.00pm Fax: (02) 4868 0306 Wednesday and Thursday Braidwood Office Operational Offices Park Lane Cordeaux Dam Braidwood NSW Warragamba Dam Phone: (02) 4842 9400 Kenny Hill Fax: (02) 4842 9402 Burrawang Blue Mountains ISSN: 1446-2028 page 37 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 Part 2: Monitoring for the Operating Licence Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 Acknowledgements: Data Analysis: Douglas Partners Pty Ltd Editorial: Brendan Atkins, Big Box Publishing Pty Ltd Report Project Team: SCA Bulk Water – Hydrology team, SCA Communications team Design: Advertising Designers’ Group Print: Eco Design – Eco Print page 2 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 Contents 1 About the Sydney Catchment Authority 5 2 About this report 5 3 Monitoring for the Operating Licence 6 4 5 6 7 3.1 Warragamba delivery system 6 3.2 Nepean and Macarthur delivery system 6 3.3 Illawarra and Woronora delivery system 6 3.4 Blue Mountains delivery system 6 3.5 Other delivery systems 7 Relevant water quality guidelines 7 4.1 Compliance monitoring for drinking water guidelines 7 4.2 Compliance Monitoring for the Bulk Water Supply Agreement (BWSA) 7 Data analysis 10 5.1 Data collation 10 5.2 Statistics and comparison with guidelines 10 5.3 Trend analysis 11 Results and discussion 14 6.1 Warragamba Delivery System 14 6.2 Upper Nepean System 16 6.3 The Woronora Delivery System 17 6.4 The Blue Mountains Delivery System 19 6.5 The Shoalhaven Scheme 21 Special investigations, events and incidents 23 7.1 Bushfires 23 7.2 Algal events 23 7.3 Wingecarribee Swamp monitoring 24 7.4 Pesticide monitoring 25 7.5 Hotspots pathogen monitoring 27 7.6 Summary of water quality incidents 28 page 3 Sydney Catchment Authority 7.7 8 9 Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 Wet weather events 29 Protecting public health 30 8.1 30 The SCA – protecting public health References 32 page 4 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 1 About the Sydney Catchment Authority The Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA) is a NSW state government agency responsible for managing the catchments, dams and infrastructure that provide Sydney’s bulk water supply. It was established in 1999 following an independent NSW government inquiry into Sydney’s water supply. Drinking water for Sydney and surrounding areas is collected from five primary catchments, occupying 16 000 square kilometres. It is stored in a total of 21 dams, holding over 2.5 million megalitres of water. The SCA’s task is to supply quality bulk raw water to its customers, which include Sydney Water and a number of local councils in the Southern Highlands, Illawarra and the Shoalhaven. These customers then filter and distribute the water to nearly four million people - about 60 per cent of NSW's population. 2 About this report This report is Part 2 of the Sydney Catchment Authority’s annual water quality monitoring report, 2001–2002. It details technical results for the monitoring program undertaken to meet the requirements of the SCA’s Operating Licence. In other parts of the annual water quality monitoring report: Part 1: Introduces the SCA and its activities, provides an overview of how the SCA collects, stores and distributes water, and explains why the SCA needs to monitor water quality. This part then broadly sums up all of the SCA’s water quality monitoring activities and results from July 2001 to June 2002. Part 3: Details the results of river temperature monitoring below major reservoirs, undertaken to fulfil the needs of the Water Management Licence. Part 4: Summarises the results of monitoring carried out by the SCA for operational and planning purposes. The full report can be viewed on the SCA’s website (www.sca.nsw.gov.au). page 5 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 3 Monitoring for the Operating Licence The Sydney Catchment Authority’s Operating Licence requires water quality in reservoirs to comply with National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (1996) with respect to iron, manganese and aluminium (Part 2 - Table 1). It also defines health guidelines for water characteristics that may be difficult to remove during water treatment (Part 2 - Table 2). Additionally, the Bulk Water Supply Agreement (BWSA) between the SCA and Sydney Water sets limits for characteristics such as turbidity, alkalinity and colour, which in turn determine the treatability of the water. 3.1 Warragamba delivery system The SCA monitors water quality at the inlets to three water filtration plants (WFPs) in the Warragamba delivery system. These are Warragamba, Orchard Hills and Prospect WFPs. Hardness exceeded BWSA guideline levels occasionally at all three locations but only by 8 mg CaCO3/litre or less. The pH exceeded guidelines by up to one pH unit at Prospect on only three occasions. 3.2 Nepean and Macarthur delivery system The Upper Nepean system delivers water to the Nepean and Macarthur WFPs. Hardness and pH guidelines were exceeded twice at the Nepean WFP inlet, possibly because of sampling procedure complications. Water temperature exceeded the guideline on a few occasions and algal concentrations increased just above guideline levels once at Macarthur WFP. 3.3 Illawarra and Woronora delivery system The quality of water supplied to the Illawarra and Woronora WFPs complied with both the Operating Licence and the BWSA guidelines on all occasions. 3.4 Blue Mountains delivery system The Blue Mountains delivery system supplies water to Greaves Creek and Cascade WFPs. On a few occasions, hardness exceeded the guideline marginally at Greaves Creek WFP and pH page 6 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 exceeded the guideline at Cascade WFP. Algal counts at these WFPs were generally above the guideline. The high algal counts were dominated by green algae and large-celled diatoms rather than cyanobacteria (also called blue-green algae) and consequently their impact would have been limited to a reduction of filter run times. 3.5 Other delivery systems The Shoalhaven Council-owned WFP servicing Kangaroo Valley and the Wingecarribee WFP are not covered by a BWSA but the water supplied to them complied with the Operating Licence (Schedule 4 requirements) on all occasions. 4 Relevant water quality guidelines 4.1 Compliance monitoring for drinking water guidelines Under the terms of its Operating Licence, the SCA monitors water quality in the catchments and reservoirs (Part 2 - Table 1). The SCA monitors water delivered to its customers for the characteristics listed in Part 2 - Table 2 which includes substances not substantially removed or reduced by water treatment processes. 4.2 Compliance Monitoring for the Bulk Water Supply Agreement (BWSA) The BWSA between the SCA and Sydney Water sets site-specific standards at each WFP for characteristics such as turbidity, alkalinity and colour, all of which determine the treatability of the water. The standards vary between WFPs because of differences in WFP design and in water chemistry between source catchments. Table 1 lists the guidelines applying to each WFP. page 7 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 Part 2 - Table 1: Water quality guidelines applying to the SCA’s water delivery network Analytes (Unit) Catchment o Temperature ( C) na Storage Reservoirs (Lake) na Delivery System (site-specific guidelines) Prospect Warragamba Orchard Hills Macarthur Nepean Illawarra Woronora Cascade Greaves Ck 10.0–23.6 8.8–24.1 8.0–25.0 10.0–25.0 10.0–26.6 5.0–24.0 5.0–25.0 Dissolved Oxygen (% saturation) 90–110 90–110 na na na na na na na pH (pH unit) 6.5-8.0 6.9-8.1* (LB) 6.0-7.2** (O) 6.27–7.87 5.72–7.65 4.80-7.65 6.15–7.20 5.06–7.54 6.00-7.40 4.40-9.20 Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/L) na na 21–45 0.8–14 0.5–45 0.6–7.6 0.5–12.5 0.5–31 0.5–10 Hardness (mg CaCO3/L) na na 28.5–53.5 6.4–32.2 2.1–30 5.2–23 2.6–22.8 40 1.5–6.6 Turbidity (NTU) 25 20 40 60 183 10 11 15 40 True Colour (CU) na na 60 40 60 48 70 60 60 Total Iron (mg/L) na 0.3 3.5 1.3 5 1.12 1.0 3.0 2.8 Total Manganese (mg/L) na 0.1 1.40 0.35 1.45 0.37 0.07 0.25 1.00 Total Aluminium (mg/L) na 0.2 2.58 0.95 1.00 1.401 0.4 0.18 1.00 Total Phosphorus (mg/L) 0.050 0.010 na na na na na na na Total Nitrogen (mg/L) 0.50 0.35 na na na na na na na Thermotolerant Coliforms (CFU/100 mL) 150 100 na na na na na na na Enterococci (CFU/100 mL) na na na na na na na na na Chlorophyll-a (µg/L) 7 5 na na na na na na na Algal ASU (per mL) na na 1000 500 1000 5000 5000 1000 1000 Cyanobacteria Abundance (cells/mL) na 15000 na na na na na na na Toxigenic Cyanobacteria (cells/mL) na 2000 na na na na na na na (mm2/L) na 2 na na na na na na na Cyanobacterial Biovolume References: SCA (1999); ANZECC (2000); HRC (1998); NHMRC (1996); SACC (2001); SCA (2000); SWC (1999) Notes: * LB = Lake Burragorang and Prospect Reservoir; ** O = other lakes. na = not applicable page 8 Sydney Catchment Authority Part 2 - Table 2 Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 Guidelines for trace elements and contaminants (for Sydney Water WFPs only) Analyte Guideline Unit Total Arsenic 0.007 mg/L Total Barium 0.7 mg/L Total Boron 0.3 mg/L Total Mercury 0.001 mg/L Total Molybdenum 0.05 mg/L Total Selenium 0.01 mg/L Total Silver 0.1 mg/L Iodide 0.1 mg/L Aldrin 3.0 µg/L Amitrole 1.0 µg/L Atrazine 20.0 µg/L 1.0 µg/L Chlordane 2.0 µg/L 1000.0 µg/L 2 4-Dichloro-phenoxy-acetic acid 30.0 µg/L DDT 20.0 µg/L Dieldrin 0.3 µg/L Diquat 5.0 µg/L Diuron 30.0 µg/L Total Endosulfan 30.0 µg/L Chlorpyrifos Clopyralid 0.3 µg/L 300.0 µg/L Lindane 20.0 µg/L Molinate 5.0 µg/L Paraquat 30.0 µg/L Picloram 300.0 µg/L Propiconazole 100.0 µg/L Temephos 300.0 µg/L Heptachlor Hexazinone 10.0 µg/L Gross Alpha emitters 0.1 Bq/L Gross Beta emitters 0.5 Bq/L Triclopyr Source: NHMRC (1996); Schedule 4 of the SCA Operating Licence page 9 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 5 Data analysis 5.1 Data collation Data collected between July 2001 and June 2002 were consolidated prior to analysis by extracting them from SCA’s water quality databases. A list of sampling locations and their site codes is provided in Appendix A. The dataset from catchment sites was divided into two categories based on the flow at the time of sampling: wet weather and dry weather. The data from reservoirs represented water samples taken as: grab samples from specific depths in the water column single composite samples representative of the surface layer (epilimnion) or both grab and composite samples. The data used in the analysis represented either grab samples from three metres depth or composite samples from the epilimnion. This collation enabled long-term trends to be compared with guidelines. Throughout the year, samples were tested for Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts using a two-stage identification process of Immuno Fluorescent Antibody (IFA) followed by exposure to diaminidino-phenylindole (DAPI). The consensus from experts after Sydney’s 1998 water quality crisis was that water authorities should act only when detected oocysts or cysts take up both stains, a convention observed throughout this report. In other words, Cryptosporidium and Giardia results are given for oocysts and cysts which stained first by IFA and then by DAPI. 5.2 Statistics and comparison with guidelines Part 1 of this report presents graphical summaries of water quality throughout the supply system (Figures 2 to 5). Appendix B presents a summary of statistics for each water quality variable as a box plot while Appendix C presents a summary table of data for each monitoring site within the system. page 10 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 5.3 Trend analysis 5.3.1 Long-term trends Five key water quality variables measured at each reservoir offtake site since 1990 were analysed for trends using linear regression. These were: chlorophyll-a total phosphorus total nitrogen dissolved oxygen and pH. The results are summarised in Table 3. For those sites where a significant trend was detected, the table lists the typical annual change and standard error relative to this change. Values are given in the units in which that variable is reported throughout this report. Positive trend values indicate rising levels, while negative trend values indicate falling levels. Table 4 shows the actual change in median value for each of the variables, over the last three years. 5.3.2 Chlorophyll-a A significant trend in chlorophyll-a concentration was detected only at Greaves Creek (DGC1) where a gradual annual increase was apparent. This has not been accompanied by significant trends in nutrient concentration. 5.3.3 Nutrients – total phosphorus and total nitrogen Trends in nutrient concentrations in reservoirs are affected by the water quality of inflows, which in turn is determined by land use in the catchments. Rainfall patterns (frequency and intensity) will also affect the amount and timing of nutrient input into the reservoirs. Total phosphorus concentrations are decreasing in Lake Burragorang (DWA2), Lower Cascade (DLC1) and Nepean (DNE2) reservoirs but are increasing at two locations in the Shoalhaven System: Tallowa Dam (DTA1) and Fitzroy Falls (DFF6). Other reservoirs showed no significant trends in total phosphorus concentration. Total nitrogen is declining in Nepean (DNE2) and Woronora (DWO1) reservoirs but increasing in Cordeaux (DCO1) and Lower Cascade (DLC1) reservoirs. Other reservoirs showed no significant trends in total nitrogen concentration. page 11 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 Part 2 - Table 3 Long-term water quality trends in SCA reservoirs 1990–2002 System Site Warragamba Upper Nepean & Woronora Blue Mountains Shoalhaven Chlorophyll-a Total P Total N DO µg/L mg/L mg/L % saturation DWA2 nst -0.0008 ± 0.0004 nst nst nst RPR1 nst nst nst nst nst DNE2 nst -0.003 ± 0.001 -0.017 ± 0.003 -1.57 ± 0.78 -0.044 ± 0.027 DAV7 nst nst nst 0.67 ± 0.34 0.030 ± 0.016 DCO1 nst nst 0.006 ± 0.002 nst nst DCA1 nst nst nst nst nst DWO1 nst nst -0.002 ± 0.001 nst 0.044 ± 0.013 DGC1 0.25 ± 0.09 nst nst nst 0.085 ± 0.019 DLC1 nst -0.002 ± 0.001 0.005 ± 0.002 -0.40 ± 0.16 0.062 ± 0.020 DTC1 nst nst nst 0.77 ± 0.37 0.074 ± 0.029 DTA8 nst 0.0013 ± 0.0005 nst nst nst DFF6 nst 0.0002 ± 0.0001 nst -0.26 ± 0.11 nst DWI1 nst nst nst nst nst nst No Significant Trend 5.3.4 Dissolved oxygen and pH pH The interpretation of trends for dissolved oxygen saturation and pH is more difficult. Both characteristics can vary from day to day, and fluctuate depending on time of day, amount of daylight, the presence of algae and other factors. Over the longer term they are affected by operational activities such as artificial destratification. Nevertheless, the measured dissolved oxygen saturation has been decreasing in Nepean (DNE2), Lower Cascade (DLC1) and Fitzroy Falls (DFF6) reservoirs and increasing in Avon (DAV7) and Upper Cascade (DTC1) reservoirs. Significant trends in pH were found for reservoirs in the Upper Nepean, Woronora and Blue Mountains systems. Decreasing pH was apparent in Nepean (DNE2) Reservoir while increases were apparent in Avon (DAV7), Woronora (DWO1), Greaves Creek (DGC1), Lower Cascade (DLC1) and Upper Cascade (DTC1). Water transfers from other reservoirs such as Oberon, together with artificial destratification, may be increasing pH values in Blue Mountains reservoirs. page 12 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 Part 2 - Table 4 Yearly comparison on median values of each water quality variables System Warragamba Site DWA2 RPR1 Upper Nepean DNE2 & Woronora DAV7 DCA1 DCO1 DWO 1 Blue DGC1 Mountains DLC1 DTC1 Shoalhaven DTA8 DFF6 DWI1 Thermotolerant coliforms Turbidity Chlorophyll-a Total N Total P (NTU) (µg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) 1999-00 1.1 2.9 0.33 0.007 1 2000-01 0.9 2.5 0.28 0.006 1 2001-02 1.7 2.3 0.26 0.004 0 1999-00 1.6 3.0 0.31 0.006 2 2000-01 1.6 2.8 0.26 0.006 1 2001-02 1.7 2.5 0.27 0.006 1 1999-00 2.0 3.5 0.39 0.009 1 2000-01 1.6 3.2 0.35 0.009 0 2001-02 1.7 2.0 0.33 0.007 1 1999-00 1.0 5.1 0.23 0.006 1 2000-01 1.3 4.9 0.20 0.006 1 2001-02 1.5 3.3 0.20 0.005 0 1999-00 1.7 4.7 0.22 0.005 1 2000-01 1.1 3.9 0.20 0.005 0 2001-02 1.5 4.0 0.24 0.006 1 1999-00 2.3 5.7 0.28 0.009 2 2000-01 1.5 5.5 0.24 0.006 1 2001-02 2.0 4.7 0.29 0.007 0 1999-00 1.7 1.3 0.22 0.004 1 2000-01 1.1 1.0 0.22 0.004 0 2001-02 1.5 1.4 0.21 0.004 0 1999-00 2.1 3.3 0.20 0.008 2 2000-01 1.6 2.2 0.20 0.007 3 2001-02 2.0 5.3 0.17 0.004 5 1999-00 1.7 2.5 0.25 0.005 3 2000-01 1.6 2.3 0.25 0.006 4 2001-02 1.6 1.7 0.26 0.003 4 1999-00 1.5 5.2 0.35 0.007 4 2000-01 1.5 6.8 0.32 0.009 2 2001-02 1.5 5.0 0.34 0.007 4 1999-00 5.1 11.6 0.35 0.023 69 2000-01 4.1 6.8 0.32 0.022 22 2001-02 5.3 6.8 0.37 0.023 54 1999-00 3.4 6.5 0.42 0.014 1 2000-01 2.8 5.7 0.36 0.014 0 2001-02 4.0 10.7 0.50 0.014 1 1999-00 4.4 8.2 0.39 0.016 2 2000-01 2.8 5.7 0.35 0.015 1 2001-02 4.7 6.8 0.44 0.015 4 Year page 13 (CFU/100ml) Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 6 Results and discussion 6.1 Warragamba Delivery System The Warragamba Delivery System (Figure 1) consists of large-diameter pipes which transport water by gravity from Lake Burragorang to WFPs at Warragamba, Orchard Hills and Prospect. The water is monitored in the pipelines and at the inlets to the treatment plants. Overall, the quality of the raw water supply from the Warragamba delivery system was very good, almost totally satisfying BWSA specifications. No heavy metals, trace metals or pesticides were detected above Operating Licence guideline concentrations in any part of the Warragamba delivery system. At the Warragamba and Orchard Hills WFP inlets (HWA1, HBR1), hardness was the only variable to exceed guideline concentrations. One sample at Warragamba (HWA1) and two at Orchard Hills (HBR1) had hardness above the guideline value of 53.5 mg CaCO3/litre. In both cases, the maximum hardness observed was 60 mg CaCO3/litre, which is only slightly above the guideline maximum. In 2000–2001 no samples from Warragamba and one from Orchard Hills exceeded the hardness guideline concentration. At the Prospect WFP inlet (PWFP1) hardness marginally exceeded the guideline of 53.5 mg CaCO3/litre in one sample, with a concentration of 61 mg CaCO3/litre. The pH was above the guideline maximum (7.87) on 25 per cent of occasions (three samples), with a maximum pH of 8.9. No samples exceeded the alkalinity guideline. The frequency of guideline exceedance for alkalinity and hardness in 2001–2002 was lower than in 2000–2001 while the frequency of pH exceeding the guideline was greater. There were no public health implications from any of these exceedances. Algal counts were always within guideline levels. The SCA maintains close cooperation with SWC in the monitoring of pathogens in the water supply system. During the period October to December 2001, there were fifteen low level positive detections of Cryptosporidium oocysts in the inflows to Prospect WFP by SWC. There were however, no positive detections of Cryptosporidium oocystsin the filtered water. The results were referred to NSW Department of Health, who advised that there was no risk to public health. An independent review of the results was commissioned by the SCA, which also concluded that the observed results would be categorised as normal. page 14 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 Part 2 - Figure 1 Warragamba System and monitoring sites page 15 Sydney Catchment Authority 6.1.1 Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 Performance assessment Water quality in the Warragamba delivery system was very good, complying with Operating Licence and BWSA conditions on all occasions for all parameters, with the exception of occasional minor deviations from the hardness and pH guidelines and a number of detections of very low levels of Cryptosporidium oocysts. 6.2 Upper Nepean System 6.2.1 Nepean Delivery System Nepean Reservoir supplies water to the Nepean WFP (HNE1) (Figure 2). Cataract, Cordeaux and Nepean dams feed Macarthur (HUC1) and Prospect (PWFP1) WFPs. The Nepean WFP supplies drinking water to the surrounding rural area and the local townships of Bargo, Thirlmere, Picton and The Oaks. The privately owned and operated Macarthur WFP, under contract to Sydney Water, supplies drinking water to the Camden, Campbelltown and Wollondilly local government areas sourced from the Upper Canal Delivery System at Broughtons Pass Weir. The Prospect WFP, partially supplied from the Upper Canal, is considered part of the Warragamba delivery system, discussed above. At the Nepean WFP inlet (HNE1), pH and hardness exceeded guideline maximum values (7.65 pH units and 30.0 milligrams CaCO3/litre respectively) on two occasions, reaching pH 10.5 and 42.5 mg CaCO3/litre. These values were probably caused by raw water which is treated with lime before filtration; the partially treated water can backflow from the oxidation tanks via the rising main. Sampling protocols will be changed to ensure that future samples are collected once the plant has been operating for a reasonable time. Water quality at the Macarthur WFP inlet (HUC1) was very good, except for a minor instance in which temperature exceeded the guideline maximum of 24.1°C by 1°C, and algae exceeded the guideline of 500 ASU by 4 ASU. These minor exceedances posed no health risk to consumers. Temperature did not exceed the guidelines in 2000–2001. Minor exceedances of the colour and total iron guidelines observed in 2000–2001 were not repeated in 2001–2002. page 16 Sydney Catchment Authority 6.2.2 Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 Illawarra Delivery System The Illawarra Delivery System (Figure 2) transports water from the upper reaches of Avon Reservoir by gravity and, in drought times, pumping, to the Illawarra WFP. The water quality in the delivery system is monitored at the inlet of the WFP (IWFPR). The quality of water supplied to the Illawarra WFP was satisfactory, complying with the Operating Licence and BWSA at all times. 6.2.3 Performance assessment Water quality in the Upper Nepean System was excellent, complying with the Operating Licence and BWSA conditions on almost all occasions. The Illawarra Delivery System complied on all occasions for all water quality characteristics. At the Nepean WFP inlet there were infrequent exceedances of the pH and hardness guidelines, apparently because of complications with the sampling procedure. Minor exceedances of the temperature and algal guidelines were experienced at the Macarthur WFP. 6.3 The Woronora Delivery System The Woronora Delivery System is a pipe system that transfers water from the Woronora Reservoir to the Woronora WFP. Water quality in the system is monitored at the WFP inlet (HWO1). Water supplied to the Woronora WFP during 2001–2002 met the standards specified in the Operating Licence and BWSA on all occasions, as it did in 2000–2001. Performance assessment Water supplied to the Woronora WFP met the standards specified in the Operating Licence and BWSA on all occasions in 2001–2002. page 17 Sydney Catchment Authority Part 2 - Figure 2 Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 Nepean and Woronora Systems and monitoring sites page 18 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 6.4 The Blue Mountains Delivery System The Blue Mountains Delivery System (Figure 3) is a complex network of pipes that can deliver water from both within and outside the Blue Mountains catchments. Greaves Creek WFP (HGC01) is typically supplied from Greaves Creek Reservoir, with the option for additional supply from Lake Medlow. The Cascade WFP (HCSR) is supplied from the Cascade storages, supplemented with water from the Oberon Reservoir, part of the Fish River Water Supply Scheme. Water supplied to the Greaves Creek WFP was generally of good quality, except that hardness frequently exceeded the guideline maximum by up to 5 mg CaCO3/litre, a minor amount. Water supplied to the Cascade WFP was also of generally good quality, but pH frequently exceeded the guideline maximum of pH 7.4 by up to 0.1 pH units. Algal counts, dominated by green algae and large-celled diatoms rather than cyanobacteria, were above the guideline 1000 ASU on all occasions at both Greaves Creek and Cascade WFPs. The presence of these organisms in abundance above the guidelines is expected to have reduced the filter run times at these WFPs. 6.4.1 Performance assessment Water quality in the Blue Mountains Delivery System generally complied with Operating Licence and BWSA guidelines except at Greaves Creek WFP where algal numbers always exceeded the guideline and hardness frequently exceeded the guideline by a small margin. The pH guideline at Cascade WFP was frequently exceeded by a very small margin. There were no public health implications from any of these exceedances as they were all recorded in the untreated water. page 19 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 Part 2 - Figure 3 Blue Mountains System and monitoring sites page 20 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 6.5 The Shoalhaven Scheme 6.5.1 Shoalhaven Delivery Systems The Shoalhaven System includes the Shoalhaven Scheme, an engineered network of dams, canals and pipelines, built to transfer water from the catchments of the Shoalhaven River to Sydney during times of drought. Power generation involves regular exchange of stored waters between Lake Yarrunga, Bendeela Pondage and Fitzroy Falls Reservoir. All the water quality monitoring sites in the catchments and reservoirs of the Shoalhaven System are illustrated in Figure 4. The Bendeela Pondage (DBP1) is a very small impoundment in the delivery system connecting Lake Yarrunga with Fitzroy Falls Reservoir. The water supply for the residents of Kangaroo Valley is drawn from here. Raw water is treated at a WFP operated by Shoalhaven City Council. Wingecarribee Reservoir supplies water to Wingecarribee WFP (HWI1), which supplies many residents of the Southern Highlands with drinking water. The Operating Licence specifies monitoring for Schedule 4 substances (pesticides, heavy metals, chemical and radiological substances). There were no detectable levels of Schedule 4 substances at either Bendeela Pondage or Wingecarribee Reservoir. 6.5.2 Performance assessment Water quality at Shoalhaven and Wingecarribee WFPs complied with Operating Licence conditions on all occasions. page 21 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 Part 2 - Figure 4 Shoalhaven System and monitoring sites ( 0 10 HWI1 20 Kilometres DTA3 DTA10 DTA8 Lake site DTA1 Catchment site Delivery System Site DWI1 DFF6 DBP1 E706 Kangaroo Rv Rv Kangaroo DTA5 E847 R S S SH H S S HO O H H OA A A O O L AL A A IVE H H LH LH LH LL LLH A A HA H H V V E E AV A A N N VE V V E EN E N N R N NNeerrr iimmuu nnggaa CCkk Jervis Bay E890 GGilillalam maato tonngg CC kk Moonngg M aarrloloww ee RRvv CCkk ddyy Reeee vv gg RR rraann CCoo CCkk rroo BBoo E8311 E822 E891 E860 Nowra Braidwood Braidwood JJeemm bbaaii ccuumm bbeenn ee CC kk page 22 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 7 Special investigations, events and incidents 7.1 Bushfires Special event monitoring was conducted in January and February 2002 to determine what impact the bushfires in December 2001 and January 2002 and subsequent rainfall events had on water quality in the reservoirs in the Sydney catchments. Post-event monitoring showed that there was little immediate risk to the offtake water quality from runoff in bushfire-affected catchments, and this was attributed to the relatively small inflow volume involved. The main impacts observed were increased turbidity, increased true colour and some additional influx of debris. Water entering the reservoirs was frequently cooler and more turbid than the stored water and tended to form a layer under the warm, clear surface waters. The turbid inflows occasionally reached the dam wall but generally remained below offtake levels and so did not impact the quality of water supplied to the WFPs. At Woronora Reservoir, the catchment most affected by the bushfires, operators avoided turbid water close to the offtake level by closing the east outlet and opening the (higher) west outlet. Monitoring detected Escheria coli and Clostridium perfringens at high levels in inflows to Lake Burragorang and Woronora Reservoir in early January 2002. This result indicated possible faecal contamination of runoff from bushfire-affected areas. E. coli at Woronora exceeded the Minor Incident Event Level specified in the SCA Bulk Water Quality Incident Response Plan (2001). Particulate iron levels were also found to be elevated in inflows (Woronora River, Bee Creek and Honeysuckle Creek inflows) to Woronora Reservoir. 7.2 Algal events As reported earlier, at both the Greaves Creek and Cascade WFP inflows, algal samples exceeded the maximum 1000 ASU specified in the BWSA on all occasions. The algae were dominated by green algae and large-celled diatoms, which may have reduced filter run times by clogging the water filters. Cyanobacteria in these reservoirs were rarely present above guideline concentrations. Algae exceeded the BWSA guideline at the Macarthur (HUC1) inflow (500 ASU) on one occasion only. The observed value of 504 ASU was only marginally higher than the guideline value. No algal events were noted at any of the other WFP inflows. page 23 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 7.3 Wingecarribee Swamp monitoring Wingecarribee Swamp near Robertson in the Southern Highlands lies on the Wingecarribee River immediately upstream of Wingecarribee Reservoir (DWI1), a shallow storage reaching a maximum depth of 12 metres. The reservoir supplies water to Wingecarribee WFP (HWI1), which in turn supplies many residents of the Southern Highlands with drinking water. Wingecarribee Swamp is an area of special interest to the SCA for statutory, operational and ecological reasons: the Operating Licence requires the SCA to report annually on the implementation of the plan of management for the area the swamp potentially affects the quality of water stored in Wingecarribee Reservoir and supplied to residents of the Southern Highlands, and peat swamps such as this are unusual in mainland Australia and Wingecarribee Swamp is home to several species of rare plants and animals. Wingecarribee Swamp suffered a collapse in 1998 after heavy rains washed a large section into Wingecarribee River, permanently altering the swamp's sensitive peatland ecosystem. Responsibility for the swamp was transferred to the SCA when it began operations in 1999. The swamp is now jointly managed by the SCA and National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) as part of the Wingecarribee Swamp and Special Areas Strategic Plan of Management. Wingecarribee Reservoir, which is downstream of the swamp, was also affected when a significant amount of peat and sedimentary material was washed into the reservoir as a result of the collapse. As part of the plan of management, ongoing water quality monitoring is conducted at several sites in the swamp, using both physical and chemical water quality indicators, to determine the effect of the swamp collapse on stream flow and groundwater inputs to the reservoir. This section of the report summarises water quality monitoring in the Wingecarribee catchment in 2001–2002. The SCA has made available a comprehensive annual report on the broader implementation plan for the swamp. page 24 Sydney Catchment Authority 7.3.1 Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 Results The upper Wingecarribee River experiences elevated nutrient levels from fertilisers used in the catchment, although monitoring in Wingecarribee Swamp suggests the swamp is filtering thermotolerant coliforms, nitrogen and phosphorus. The peat mass of Wingecarribee Swamp and upstream agricultural land uses contribute to elevated total nitrogen, total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a in the Wingecarribee River, and most likely explain the observed water quality impacts. In the reservoir itself, the Operating Licence specifies monitoring for Schedule 4 substances (Part 2 - Table 2). Being shallow, the reservoir is not prone to thermal stratification, and so metals concentrations remained below guidelines throughout the year and no Schedule 4 substances were detected at Wingecarribee Reservoir. Dissolved oxygen in the reservoir was depleted on 27 per cent of occasions, more frequently than in 2000–2001, and pH was elevated slightly above guideline concentration on all occasions (similar to 2000–2001). These measurements are consistent with the observed abundance of algal growth. In the lower Wingecarribee River (E332), turbidity and chlorophyll-a exceeded guideline concentrations, suggesting that elevated nutrient levels are encouraging algal growth, with consequent consumption of dissolved oxygen and elevation of pH. Water quality at the Wingecarribee WFP complied with Operating Licence conditions on all occasions. However, nutrient levels were high, with total nitrogen exceeding the guideline concentrations on 90 per cent of occasions and total phosphorus exceeding guidelines on all occasions. Chlorophyll-a and cyanobacteria exceeded guidelines on 82 per cent and 96 per cent of occasions respectively. Low levels of toxigenic cyanobacteria (microcystin-LR toxicity equivalents of 0.5 micrograms per litre or less, well below guideline levels) were detected from February 2002 to June 2002. 7.4 Pesticide monitoring The SCA strives to protect public health by monitoring levels of a number of contaminants in raw water that may be difficult to remove during conventional water treatment and that may therefore affect water quality at the consumer’s tap. Drawn from nationally recognised standards for drinking water (NHMRC 1996), these characteristics include the specific pesticides, heavy metals, chemicals and radiological substances listed in Schedule 4 of the SCA Operating Licence (Part 2 - Table 2). page 25 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 The results of the water quality monitoring program show that no heavy metals, trace metals or pesticides were detected above guideline concentrations (for pesticides, the detection limit is the guideline level) in any part of the Warragamba delivery system in 2001–2002. No Schedule 4 substances were detected at either Bendeela Pondage or Wingecarribee Reservoir. In previous years the SCA has completed a number of studies of pesticide use, including: assessing levels of agricultural and industrial contaminants in inflows to major storages reviewing and assessing sampling methods and monitoring program design for pesticides assessing usage of pesticides in SCA catchments. These specific investigations have detected pesticides in around one-third of samples taken from inflows to lakes Burragorang and Nepean. These trials compared different models of passive samplers that were left in place for four weeks to accumulate pesticides. This method provides an indication of the type of pesticides but does not enable estimation of their concentration. Grab samples taken over the same time period failed to detect pesticides in many cases. The different results of each sampling method (passive versus grab) occur because contaminants: are present at very low background levels appear as ‘spikes’ from specific events (such as rainfall, specific pest or weed control operations, or even dumping) become integrated over time into the passive samplers, and can settle or decompose. These studies identify that contaminants are present in specific areas, but the results cannot readily be compared to guidelines because they are only qualitative. With research and development these sampling techniques may be further refined to allow more effective monitoring of contaminants at WFPs and greater assessment of the risks posed by contaminants. page 26 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 7.5 Hotspots pathogen monitoring The SCA has been conducting research into the source and distribution of pathogens within the Sydney drinking water catchments, as part of the ongoing Hotspots Program. Most human pathogens are the result of faecal contamination of water supplies, and some pathogens can have intermediate animal hosts. This project examined the spatial variation of sources of faecal contamination across the SCA area of operations. It sampled raw water, sediment and treated sewage, as well as faeces from a range of domestic, native and feral animals. The sampling period for this project covered the period from late autumn to early winter 2002, a period with little or no rainfall in the catchment. Faeces from domestic animals contained higher levels of bacteria, viruses and pathogenic protozoans compared to those from native and feral animals. Cryptosporidium and Giardia were found in at least one sample from each of the domestic animal species. The highest median concentration of E. coli was found in poultry faeces. Clostridium perfringens spores were highest in domestic cat faeces. Cryptosporidium oocysts were highest in the faeces of domestic pigs and Giardia cysts in dog faeces. Across the catchments, water and sediment samples from the Shoalhaven appeared to contain lower pathogen concentrations than those from the Coxs, Wollondilly and Wingecarribee catchments, with some samples testing free of pathogens altogether. The Shoalhaven catchment also had the lowest electrical conductivity and turbidity levels. The upstream site on the Coxs River contained the poorest water quality in terms of pathogens. Analysis of the data obtained from sampling the final effluent from 11 sewage treatment plants (STPs) on three occasions found Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts on at least one sampling occasion from each STP. Goulburn and Wallerawang STPs typically had the poorest quality effluent. Overall, the results give a snapshot of pathogen levels across the catchments during dry weather. They suggest that introduced, domestic or feral animals, and treated sewage effluent, rather than native animals, are the major sources of pathogenic organisms in SCA catchments, with the types of pathogen being broadly related to the source type. The next phase of the Hotspots program will address variations in pathogens over time. page 27 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 7.6 Summary of water quality incidents The Memorandum of Understanding between the SCA and the NSW Department of Health mandates response plans for incidents that may pose a risk to water quality. The SCA Corporate Incident Management Manual sets out the appropriate response to incidents which are classified according to risk from minor to emergency. Incidents can relate to water quality, water supply or a number of other contingencies. The SCA has developed response plans for high-risk (but low probability) contingencies such as water contamination or the failure of delivery infrastructure. For water quality incidents, the SCA may order additional water quality monitoring as part of its response. 7.6.1 Results and discussion Between July 2001 and June 2002 the SCA logged a total of 27 incidents in relation to water quality, (Table 5) one of which was classed as an emergency, three as major events, and the remaining 23 as minor. The most serious incident occurred in March 2002 when monitoring detected a high count of thermotolerant coliforms in a picnic tap at Bendeela Picnic Area (HBP2). Resampling found the threat had diminished. Of the three major incidents, monitoring detected a high count of thermotolerant coliforms at a picnic area tap at Cataract. Immediate action was taken to flush the system and re-chlorinate the supply. The presence of high levels of thermotoernt coliforms in the drinking water does not pose a health risk in itself, however their presence is an indicator that other pathogens, which are less easily identifiable, may also be present in the water supply. NSW Health and the World Health Organisation have indicated that new guidelines should apply to the monitoring of water quality at picnic area taps. This changes the focus of monitoring to the monitoring of e-coli at the service reservoir, in preference to residual chlorine and coliform levels at the tap. Responding to the perceived risk, the SCA has developed drinking water safety plans in conjunction with NSW Health for its picnic area supplies. It is important to note that under the proposed new guidelines, these would still have been classified as major incidents. An incident at Woronora WFP saw diluted backwash water discharged into Woronora Dam for a short period. Monitoring did not reveal any significant impact on raw water quality in the reservoir. Cyanobacterial levels in Lake Yarrunga (DBRE) near the Bendeela Boat Ramp triggered a third incident but re-sampling showed no problems. page 28 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 The minor environmental incidents included two bushfire related events and four minor contamination events. Part 2 - Table 5 Summary of water quality incidents Class number examples minor incident 23 unusual water quality characteristics such as high turbidity or pathogens in raw water samples; dead animal in canal major incident 3 thermotolerant coliforms detected in picnic area taps; WFP failure; cyanobacteria detected emergency 1 high levels of thermotolerant coliforms in picnic area taps and low residual chlorine total 27 7.7 Wet weather events The 2001–2002 monitoring year was dry until after the severe bushfires of December and January. Runoff from a number of rainfall events – two in February, one in late March and a small event in mid-April – was monitored to determine any impacts on catchment water quality (discussed above). Artificial aerators in Woronora, Nepean and Avon reservoirs help to prevent thermal stratification of the stored water over the warm summer months. Aerators were switched off in February after heavy rain in the catchments. Overall, wet weather samples had poorer water quality than dry weather samples, as indicated by their higher median concentrations of most analytes. Low levels of pathogens were noted in the inflows to Lake Burragorang and Woronora Reservoir in wet weather samples taken after the December–January bushfires (see Bushfires 7.1). page 29 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 8 Protecting public health 8.1 The SCA – protecting public health The SCA is committed to delivering safe, healthy bulk water supplies that meet all of the required quality standards set out in the Operating Licence and Bulk Water Supply Agreement. Poor quality water can make the treatment process less effective, more expensive or both. 8.1.1 Reducing risk The SCA manages threats to water quality throughout its area of operation - including inappropriate land use, disposal of treated sewage effluent, chemical leaks and spills, and other events - through a comprehensive suite of plans and programs. The water quality monitoring program provides an early warning of potential problems in catchment streams, reservoirs, delivery systems and picnic area taps. The SCA monitors specific threats to human health such as pathogens, cyanobacteria and pesticides. The Bulk Raw Water Quality Management Plan is a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to protecting the quality of water entering, stored in and supplied from SCA dams. The plan addresses the challenges of maintaining and improving water quality by integrating a whole-ofcatchment management approach with appropriate water delivery solutions. The SCA has developed a Corporate Risk Management Plan to identify events and activities that could affect the SCA’s abilities to achieve its objectives. Risk treatment actions have been developed for those risks assessed as ‘medium’ and have been incorporated into divisional work plans. A five-year Pollution Source Risk Management Plan (PSRMP) has been developed to identify and mitigate pollution sources in the water supply catchment. Actions under this plan include the systematic identification of hazards to water quality and catchment health in the SCA’s area of operation as part of the Environmental Assessment of Sites and Infrastructure (EASI) projects. The Corporate Incident Management Manual and Bulk Water Quality Incident Response Plan set out in detail a framework of procedures for the identification, response and management of water quality events. They define what the SCA must do, in response to an event, to ensure that public health is not threatened. The Blue Gren Algae Contingency Plan sets out procedures to be followed to ensure the effective management of blue green algal blooms across the SCA area of operations. page 30 Sydney Catchment Authority 8.1.2 Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 Other actions The SCA is minimising any threat to human health from its activities by: artificially destratifying reservoirs to help prevent the conditions needed for blooms of algae and cyanobacteria conducting ‘hotspots’ research to identify the sources and distribution of pathogens in catchments assessing agricultural and industrial contaminants in inflows to reservoirs, and targeting more efficient methods for detecting trace levels of difficult-to-treat chemicals in water supplies. 8.1.3 SCA business plan The SCA has produced a business plan that, among other things, sets clear objectives for minimising the risk to water quality. Over the next five years it aims to: reduce discharges of treated sewage effluent to catchment waters improve the quality of stormwater and other urban run-off reduce the sediment load on catchment waters reduce the risk of poor water quality resulting from bushfires ensure that new developments have a neutral or beneficial impact on water quality, and improve catchment health through sustainable land use and catchment management. The business plan sets clear targets for achieving the above objectives which will result in water quality continuing to meet or exceed agreed criteria at least 95 per cent of the time. page 31 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 2 9 References ANZECC, 2000. National Water Quality Management Strategy. Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality. Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council, Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand. Healthy Rivers Commission, 1998. Independent Inquiry into the Hawkesbury Nepean River System. Final Report. Healthy River Commission of New South Wales. NHMRC, 1996. Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia. NHMRC, 2001. Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia. Updated Fact Sheet 17a. SACC, 2001. Media Release on Guidelines for Recreational Use of Water (January 2001), Metropolitan/South Coast Regional Algal Coordinating Committee, Department of Land and Water Conservation, NSW. SCA, 1999. Sydney Catchment Authority and Sydney Water Corporation Bulk Water Supply Agreement. SCA, 2000. Pollution Source Risk Management Plan SCA, 2001. Bulk Raw Water Quality Management Plan SCA, 2001. Corporate Risk Management Plan SCA, 2000. Blue Green Algae Contingency Plan SCA, 2002. Bulk Water Quality Incident Response Plan SCA, 2001. Corporate Incident Management Manual SCA, 2000. Bulk Water Quality Incident Response Plan. Sydney Catchment Authority, Sydney. SWC, 1999. Annual Environment and Public Health Report, 99. December 1999. Sydney Water Corporation. page 32 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 Part 3: Monitoring for the Water Management Licence Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 3 Acknowledgements: Data Analysis: Douglas Partners Pty Ltd Editorial: Brendan Atkins, Big Box Publishing Pty Ltd Report Project Team: SCA Bulk Water – Hydrology team, SCA Communications team Design: Advertising Designers’ Group Print: Eco Design – Eco Print page 2 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 3 Contents 1 About the Sydney Catchment Authority 4 2 About this report 4 3 Monitoring for the Water Management Licence 5 4 3.1 Summary 5 3.2 Temperature monitoring downstream of dams 5 References 7 page 3 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 3 1 About the Sydney Catchment Authority The Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA) is a NSW state government agency responsible for managing the catchments that provide Sydney’s bulk water supply. It was established in 1999 following an independent NSW government inquiry into Sydney’s water supply. Drinking water for Sydney and surrounding areas is collected from five primary catchments, occupying 16 000 square kilometres. It is stored in a total of 21 dams, holding over 2.5 million megalitres of water. The SCA’s task is to supply quality bulk raw water to its customers, which include Sydney Water, and a number of local councils in the Southern Highlands, Illawarra and the Shoalhaven. These customers then filter and distribute the water to nearly four million people - about 60 per cent of NSW's population. 2 About this report This report is Part 3 of the SCA’s Annual Water Quality Monitoring Report. It presents the results of water quality monitoring undertaken to meet the requirements of the Water Management Licence with the Water Administration Ministerial Corporation, administered by the Department of Land and Water Conservation (DLWC). This report is a companion to the Annual Compliance Report produced under the requirements of the Licence. In other parts of the annual water quality monitoring report: Part 1: Introduces the SCA and its activities, provides an overview of how the SCA collects, stores and distributes water, and explains why the SCA needs to monitor water quality. This part then broadly sums up all of the SCA’s water quality monitoring activities and results from July 2001 to June 2002. Part 2: Details how the delivery system has performed in relation to the SCA Operating Licence and Bulk Water Supply Agreement between SCA and Sydney Water. Part 4: Summarises the results of monitoring carried out by the SCA for operational and planning purposes. The full report can be viewed on the SCA’s website (www.sca.nsw.gov.au). page 4 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 3 3 Monitoring for the Water Management Licence 3.1 Summary Daily monitoring of river water temperatures in the Hawkesbury-Nepean, Woronora and Shoalhaven rivers showed negligible impact from water released by upstream dams at nearly all locations. Immediately downstream of Tallowa Dam however river water temperatures were reduced by up to 4°C from November 2001 to January 2002. 3.2 Temperature monitoring downstream of dams The SCA’s Water Management Licence (DLWC 2001) requires environmental flows to be released from storages to help maintain the ecological health of downstream rivers. Water released from storages into rivers can be colder or warmer than the receiving water depending on the position of the water offtake in the storage (deeper water usually being colder than surface water), with offtake levels usually set to meet drinking water quality requirements. To investigate the effect of water releases on downstream sites, water temperature was monitored daily in the Hawkesbury-Nepean (nine sites), Woronora (one site) and Shoalhaven (two sites) rivers. The monthly median temperatures are presented in Part 3 - Figure 1. 3.2.1 Hawkesbury-Nepean River The water temperature at sites downstream of water releases was often cooler than that of the receiving bodies, but the change in river water temperature was minimal. This was probably because release volumes were relatively small. For releases from Warragamba Dam to the Hawkesbury-Nepean River, Penrith is the downstream site and Wallacia is the control site. There was no significant difference in temperature between these sites, both of which followed a seasonal pattern throughout the year. 3.2.2 Shoalhaven River Downstream of Tallowa Dam (E851), water temperatures from November 2001 to January 2002 were below the expected seasonal trend by up to 4°C. Water released from the dam has reduced page 5 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 3 immediate downstream water temperatures significantly during this period. During the year, a study of water quality in Lake Yarrunga also identified that temperature of releases had an effect on the downstream environment. Options to mitigate these effects are being investigated. 3.2.3 Woronora River The water temperatures downstream of the Woronora Dam at the Needles (G0515) were monitored for the purpose of establishing baseline data of the seasonal pattern throughout the year for comparison with, once environmental releases are commenced early in 2003. Measured temperatures were similar to those of the Hawkesbury-Nepean River. Overall, the downstream effect of release waters on ambient river temperatures and ecosystems was negligible, with the exception of the Shoalhaven River immediately downstream of Tallowa Dam. Part 3 - Figure 1: Effect of dam releases on downstream river temperatures page 6 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 3 4 References SCA, 1999. Sydney Catchment Authority and Sydney Water Corporation Bulk Water Supply Agreement. SCA, 2000. Operating Licence. WAMC, 2001. Water Management Licence Issued to Sydney Catchment Authority, Water Administration Ministerial Corporation, New South Wales. page 7 PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING 1 About the Sydney Catchment Authority The Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA) is a NSW state government agency responsible for managing the catchments, dams and infrastructure that provide Sydney’s bulk water supply. It was established in 1999 following an independent NSW government inquiry into Sydney’s water supply. Drinking water for Sydney and surrounding areas is collected from five primary catchments, occupying 16 000 square kilometres. It is stored in a total of 21 dams, holding over 2.5 million megalitres of water. The SCA’s main task is to supply quality bulk raw water to its customers, which include Sydney Water and a number of local councils in the Southern Highlands, Illawarra and the Shoalhaven. These customers then filter and distribute the water to nearly four million people – about 60 per cent of NSW’s population. SYDNEY’S DRINKING WATER CATCHMENTS SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 1 PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING 2 3 About this report This report is Part 4 of the Sydney Catchment Authority’s water quality monitoring report, 2001–2002. This part presents detailed technical results for the monitoring program undertaken for operational and planning purposes. The monitoring data has been compared with guidelines from the Bulk Water Supply Agreement (BWSA) (Table 4.1) as an indication of water quality, however there are no compliance requirements for operating and planning data. Catchment monitoring In other parts of the water quality monitoring report: Part 1: Introduces the SCA and its activities, provides an overview of how the SCA collects, stores and distributes water, and explains why the SCA needs to monitor water quality. This part then broadly sums up all of the SCA’s water quality monitoring activities and results from July 2001 to June 2002. Part 2: Details how the delivery system has performed in relation to the SCA Operating Licence and Bulk Water Supply Agreement between SCA and Sydney Water. Part 3: Details the results of river temperature monitoring below major reservoirs, undertaken to fulfil the needs of the Water Management Licence. The full report can be viewed on the SCA’s website www.sca.nsw.gov.au. TABLE 4.1: WATER QUALITY GUIDELINES FOR CATCHMENTS AND RESERVOIRS Analytes (Unit) Catchments Reservoirs Dissolved Oxygen (% saturation) 90–110 90–110 pH (pH unit) 6.5-8.0 6.9-8.1* (LB) 6.0–7.2** (O) Turbidity (NTU) 25 20 Total Iron (mg/L) na 0.3 Total Manganese (mg/L) na 0.1 Total Aluminium (mg/L) na Total Phosphorus (mg/L) 0.050 0.010 Total Nitrogen (mg/L) 0.50 0.35 Thermotolerant Coliforms (CFU/100 mL) 150 100 Chlorophyll–a (µg/L) 7 Cyanobacteria Abundance (cells/mL) na 15000 Toxigenic Cyanobacteria (cells/mL) na 2000 Cyanobacterial Biovolume (mm2/L) na 2 References: SCA (1999); ANZECC (2000); HRC (1998); NHMRC (1996); SACC (2001); SCA (2000); SWC (1999) SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 2 0.2 5 Notes: * LB = Lake Burragorang and Prospect Reservoir; ** O = other lakes. na = not applicable 3.1 MANAGING SYDNEY’S WATER SUPPLY CATCHMENTS 3.2 RESULTS The SCA’s bulk water supply is drawn from the catchments of five major river systems in: • Warragamba • Upper Nepean • Woronora • Shoalhaven, and • the Blue Mountains. 3.2.1 Warragamba Catchment These catchments span 18 local government areas covering an area of almost 16 000 square kilometres. Part 1 of this report provides a detailed description of each catchment area, reservoir, delivery system and sampling site. Coxs River (E083) showed good water quality with only one sample recording dissolved oxygen outside the guideline range in dry weather. Wet weather sampling indicated pH values exceeding the guideline on one of two occasions and total nitrogen exceeded the guideline value on 60 per cent of occasions (6 samples). The frequency of readings outside guideline ranges decreased relative to the 2000–2001 data for pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, thermotolerant coliforms and total nitrogen. As in 2000–2001, the quality of inflows close to Lake Burragorang was generally good, meeting guideline concentrations on most sampling occasions. Outer catchment sites more frequently failed to meet the guidelines, particularly with respect to pH and dissolved oxygen. The lower Nattai River (E210) showed generally good water quality in dry weather with all monitoring data within guidelines except for turbidity, thermotolerant coliforms and total phosphorus on one occasion and total nitrogen on two occasions. The lower dry weather coliform concentrations observed in 2000–2001 continued in 2001–2002 and can be attributed to the recent upgrading of the Mittagong Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). Wet weather samples were outside guideline ranges with greater frequency than in 2000–2001 for dissolved oxygen, turbidity, thermotolerant coliforms, total nitrogen and total phosphorus. Chlorophyll–a was not detected above the guideline in 2001–2002. The upper Nattai River (E206) water quality was outside guideline ranges on fewer occasions than in 2000–2001, although total nitrogen and total phosphorus were regularly above guideline levels and dissolved oxygen was below the guideline range on 50 per cent of occasions. Wet weather water quality was also outside guideline ranges for turbidity, thermotolerant coliforms, total phosphorus and chlorophyll–a on fewer occasions than in 2000–2001. Dissolved oxygen and total nitrogen were outside guideline ranges at a similar frequency to that observed in 2000–2001 (50 per cent and 100 per cent respectively). SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 3 PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING Catchment monitoring cont’ Catchment monitoring cont’ The lower Wollondilly River (E488) showed improved total nitrogen concentration with no guideline exceedances in dry weather. However, dissolved oxygen measurements were outside the guideline ranges more frequently in dry weather than in 2000–2001. Wet weather samples showed a significant reduction in the frequency of guideline exceedance for thermotolerant coliforms and an increase in frequency for total nitrogen, total phosphorus and chlorophyll–a. The central Wollondilly River (E450) showed similar dry weather water quality to that in 2000–2001, except that thermotolerant coliforms were always within the guidelines in 2001–2002. In the upper Wollondilly River (E409) and Mulwaree River (E457), dry weather water quality deteriorated relative to 2000–2001, with pH, dissolved oxygen, total phosphorus, total nitrogen and chlorophyll–a regularly outside the guideline ranges. However, wet weather water quality improved with respect to turbidity and chlorophyll–a while the frequency of guideline exceedance for thermotolerant coliforms, total nitrogen and total phosphorus was similar to that observed in 2000–2001 (50 per cent, 100 per cent and 100 per cent respectively). No wet weather data for pH or dissolved oxygen was available in 2001–2002. Similar conditions were observed in the Wingecarribee River (E332) although turbidity and chlorophyll–a exceeded guideline concentrations at a greater frequency than in the Wollondilly River. This suggests that elevated nutrient levels in the Wingecarribee, Mulwaree and upper Wollondilly rivers are encouraging algal growth, with consequent consumption of dissolved oxygen and elevation of pH. The upper Wollondilly River is affected by a number of treated wastewater discharges in and around Goulburn that may be a source of elevated nutrients. The upper Wingecarribee River experiences elevated nutrient levels from fertilisers used in the catchment, although monitoring in Wingecarribee Swamp suggests the swamp is filtering thermotolerant coliforms, nitrogen and phosphorus. Dry weather water quality declined slightly in Little River (E243) from 2000–2001 with pH, dissolved oxygen and total nitrogen falling outside guideline ranges occasionally. Wet weather sampling declined also, with turbidity, total nitrogen and total phosphorus exceeding guidelines more often than in 2000–2001. Dissolved oxygen was outside the guidelines in the Kowmung River (E130) in dry weather more often than last year, while thermotolerant coliforms exceeded guideline levels on one occasion only in dry weather. Wet weather data for this location showed an increased incidence of thermotolerant coliforms and total nitrogen exceeding guideline concentrations. Sampling in the Kedumba River (E157) showed fewer exceedances of total nitrogen but a slight increase in turbidity, dissolved oxygen and total phosphorus exceedances. Wet weather sampling showed fewer exceedances of dissolved oxygen and thermotolerant coliform guidelines, but more exceedances of pH, turbidity, total nitrogen and total phosphorus than in 2000–2001. Werriberri Creek (E531) showed a reduced frequency of dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll–a concentrations outside the guideline ranges in dry weather, with dissolved oxygen below the guideline range on 91 per cent of occasions and chlorophyll–a not present above guideline levels. Dissolved oxygen was depleted at this location on all occasions in 2000–2001. A slight increase in exceedance frequency was observed for thermotolerant coliforms, total nitrogen and total phosphorus. Wet weather monitoring indicated a decline in water quality with a slight increase in exceedance frequency for dissolved oxygen depletion, thermotolerant coliforms, total nitrogen and chlorophyll–a. 3.2.2 Nepean Catchment 3.2.4 Lake Yarrunga (Shoalhaven) Catchment The Nepean (E601) and Burke (E602) rivers are the two major inflows into Lake Nepean. The dry weather water quality of the Nepean River remained good, with no guideline exceedances except for total nitrogen in five out of eight sampling events. This frequency of exceedance is higher than in 2000–2001. Wet weather water quality improved in comparison to the 2000–2001 data, with fewer guideline exceedances for turbidity (eight per cent), thermotolerant coliforms (33 per cent), total nitrogen (71 per cent) and total phosphorus (nine per cent). Dry weather water quality within the Shoalhaven catchment was generally within guideline concentrations, except for dissolved oxygen, which was below guideline concentrations on numerous occasions in all monitoring locations, and total nitrogen in Boro Creek (E890), which exceeded guideline concentrations on 18 per cent of occasions. Guidelines were exceeded more frequently than in 2000–2001. Dry weather water quality in the Burke River was also generally good, with only a slightly increased proportion of samples having pH and dissolved oxygen measurements outside the guideline values. Wet weather water quality was generally good, except for occasional non-compliances for dissolved oxygen, turbidity, thermotolerant coliforms, total nitrogen and total phosphorus. Guideline exceedance frequency was generally similar to that of 2000–2001. These exceedances are most likely related to agricultural land use within the catchment. 3.2.3 Avon, Cataract, Cordeaux, Woronora and Blue Mountains Catchments These catchments are predominantly bushland and so require no water quality monitoring sites. Water quality is monitored in the reservoirs and delivery systems only. Water quality in the catchment deteriorated during wet weather. Chlorophyll–a regularly remained within guideline levels except in the Kangaroo River (E706), Central Shoalhaven River (E861) and Gillamatong Creek (E891). Dissolved oxygen was frequently below guideline concentrations at all sites except Boro Creek (E890). Turbidity was frequently poor in wet weather throughout the catchment, with the exceptions of Gillamatong Creek (E891), Mongarlowe River (E822) and in the Shoalhaven River downstream of its confluence with the Marlowe River (E861). Concentrations of thermotolerant coliforms and nutrients (total nitrogen or total phosphorus) frequently exceeded guideline levels in wet weather at all locations. Nutrients and chlorophyll–a across the catchment exceeded guidelines more frequently than in 2000–2001. Dissolved oxygen and thermotolerant coliform concentrations exceeded guidelines more frequently or remained similar to those in 2000–2001. The observed impacts on water quality can be attributed to the land uses within the catchment (detailed in Part 1). The Oaks township is unsewered and is a possible source of thermotolerant coliform and nutrient contamination in Werriberri Creek. The elevated nutrient levels would provide good conditions for algal growth and may contribute to the elevated chlorophyll–a concentrations and depleted dissolved oxygen observed in the creek. A reticulated sewerage system, which would reduce these impacts, is currently under construction. DAPI-positive Giardia cysts were detected in dry weather in Kowmung and Kedumba rivers and in Gibbergunyah Creek but not in Lake Burragorang. They were not detected during wet weather. Those from Gibbergunyah Creek are probably from the Mittagong STP which lies upstream of the sampling point, which would explain the relatively high numbers of cysts detected (up to 576 cysts/100 litre). Low levels of DAPI-positive Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected in Werriberri Creek (E531) in both wet and dry weather (possibly from The Oaks township), and on two occasions in Lake Burragorang. SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 4 SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 5 PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING Catchment monitoring cont’ PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING 4 Lake monitoring 3.3 PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT – ALL CATCHMENTS 4.1 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Water quality in the catchments was compared to guidelines specified by ANZECC (2000) for dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity and thermotolerant coliforms, and by the Healthy Rivers Commission (1998) for total phosphorus, total nitrogen and chlorophyll–a. 4.1.1 Lake Burragorang Water quality in the Warragamba catchment was generally good, complying with water quality guidelines on most sampling occasions at the inflows to Lake Burragorang. Water quality in the outer catchment sites was not as good, with more frequent exceedances of guidelines for pH, dissolved oxygen, nutrients and chlorophyll–a. Water quality generally deteriorated in wet weather. Water quality in the Nepean catchment was good, with dry weather guideline exceedances limited to total nitrogen in the Nepean River, and pH and dissolved oxygen in the Burke River. Wet weather sampling showed poorer water quality in both rivers, particularly for turbidity, thermotolerant coliforms and nutrients. Water quality in the Shoalhaven catchment was generally very good, except for frequently depleted levels of dissolved oxygen throughout the catchment during dry weather. Total nitrogen exceeded guideline concentrations at Boro Creek on several occasions. Wet weather samples showed poorer water quality than in dry weather, with higher levels of turbidity, thermotolerant coliforms and nutrient concentrations. Chlorophyll–a exceeded the guidelines during wet weather in the Kangaroo and central Shoalhaven rivers and in Gillamatong Creek. Water quality in Lake Burragorang was generally good throughout the year, with thermotolerant coliforms below guideline levels at all times. Turbidity was at or below guideline levels for 99 per cent of the time. Some other characteristics exceeded guidelines, however, as outlined below. Cyanobacteria were frequently present in excess of guideline concentrations at all locations within Lake Burragorang (42–92 per cent of occasions). Toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected at some of the sampling sites within Lake Burragorang but were rarely above guideline concentrations. Dissolved oxygen concentrations were outside guidelines in 26 per cent (DWA9, Warragamba Dam) to 84 per cent (DWA27, Wollondilly Arm, 23 kilometres upstream of Warragamba Dam at Bimlow) of samples, largely from supersaturation of the water. Supersaturation may indicate excessive plant or algal growth but is unlikely to directly threaten aquatic biota. Supersaturation may also result from wind action and was observed on numerous occasions in reservoirs in 2000–2001. Dissolved oxygen was depleted at some sites, but was not recorded below 68 per cent at any site. While depleted dissolved oxygen can threaten biota in reservoirs, any risk can be reduced with artificial destratification systems such as those in place in a number of SCA reservoirs. The chlorophyll–a guideline level of 5 micrograms per litre (µg/L) was regularly exceeded by a small amount at some sites, with a recorded maximum at any site of 19 µg/L. For instance, 67 per cent of observations in the Coxs River arm 36 kilometres upstream of the dam wall (DWA19), 32 per cent in the Coxs River arm 37 kilometres upstream of the dam wall (DWA21) and 30 per cent in the Wollondilly River arm at Tonalli (DWA39), were above the guideline level. High chlorophyll–a concentrations occurred many kilometres upstream and posed little threat to water quality at the dam. Sites complied with total phosphorus guidelines at least 93 per cent of the time except for the sites DWA19, DWA21 and DWA39, which had 33 per cent, 40 per cent and 70 per cent compliance respectively. These are the same sites with elevated chlorophyll–a concentrations and were all many kilometres from the dam wall. Total nitrogen guidelines were infrequently exceeded (on up to 7 per cent of occasions) in locations away from the dam wall. The exceedance rates for pH were generally greater than in 2000–2001, although the maximum and minimum pH values observed were within 1 pH unit of the guideline range in all cases. Overall, pH tended to be alkaline rather than acidic. The observed pH, nutrient, cyanobacteria and chlorophyll–a concentrations indicate the potential for problem algal growth in Lake Burragorang. Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected at low levels (7 oocycts/100 litres) at a site within Lake Burragorang (DWA2) on three occasions during November and December 2001, two of which returned positive DAPI tests. The single Giardia cyst detected was not DAPI–positive. In summary, all characteristics were generally consistent with 2000–2001 results except for pH and cyanobacteria, which were outside guideline concentrations more frequently than in 2000–2001, and minor instances of Cryptosporidium oocysts which were not detected at all in 2000–2001. SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 6 SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 7 PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING Lake monitoring cont’ Lake monitoring cont’ 4.1.2 Prospect Reservoir 4.1.3 Nepean Reservoir 4.1.4 Avon Reservoir 4.1.5 Cataract and Cordeaux reservoirs At the two sites in Prospect Reservoir (RPR1, RPR3), water quality was generally good. Water quality close to the pumping station at the end of the south-western arm (RPR3) was within guideline concentrations except when turbidity exceeded its guideline on one occasion and cyanobacteria on 83 per cent of occasions. Toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected, but never above guideline concentrations. Water quality in the Nepean Reservoir was generally good, with exceedance frequencies for total nitrogen, chlorophyll–a and cyanobacteria decreasing relative to 2000–2001. However, dissolved oxygen and pH were frequently outside the guideline ranges. Thermotolerant coliforms were detected above guideline concentrations on one occasion. Total iron and total manganese exceeded the guideline concentrations on a number of occasions, continuing a pattern observed in 2000–2001. Exceedance frequencies for these metals in 2001–2002 were however slightly higher. The relatively small Avon Reservoir catchment comprises highly protected land and mainly bushland. Consequently, there are no catchment monitoring sites for this reservoir. Water quality sampling is conducted at the junction of two channels which flow into the main lake at Upper Avon (DAV7). It is from this point that water is abstracted to supply the Illawarra region. Cataract (DCA1) and Cordeaux (DCO1) reservoirs are similar both in size and water quality characteristics. Both storages discharge to the Upper Canal Delivery System. Cataract Reservoir discharges to the Cataract River, about 10 kilometres upstream of Broughtons Pass. Cordeaux Reservoir discharges to the Cordeaux River, 20 kilometres upstream of Pheasants Nest Weir which diverts water through a tunnel to Broughtons Pass Weir. At the mid-lake site (RPR1), pH and cyanobacteria were frequently outside guideline ranges, although toxigenic cyanobacteria when detected were below guideline concentrations and pH was within 1 pH unit of the guidelines at all times. Dissolved oxygen was occasionally outside the guideline ranges, and total nitrogen exceeded the guidelines on one occasion. Cyanobacteria counts exceeded guideline concentrations at both sites more frequently than in 2000–2001, as did the pH at RPR1 and turbidity at RPR3. However, no instances of elevated chlorophyll–a at RPR1 or total nitrogen at RPR3 were seen this year, unlike 2000–2001. Other characteristics remained consistent with 2000–2001 measurements. Water quality in this reservoir is known to be susceptible to wet weather impacts due its proportionally larger catchment area. The observed increases in turbidity and total metals are typical of these impacts. The depleted dissolved oxygen concentrations observed at this location are related to thermal stratification of the reservoir (see Part 1), which can also result in elevated metal concentrations. A lake aerator has been used during the warmer months since 1995 to help combat this problem. Total cyanobacteria counts exceeded the guidelines occasionally; however, no toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected. SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 8 The most frequent exceedances of guideline values were dissolved oxygen (48 per cent) and cyanobacteria (40 per cent). No toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected. Chlorophyll–a exceeded guideline concentrations on only 12 per cent of occasions, less frequently than in 2000–2001. Nutrients (total nitrogen) and particulate metals were occasionally above guideline concentrations. The monitoring site is known to be susceptible to increases in turbidity and particulate metal concentrations after wet weather. These effects have been observed to persist for only a few days after a wet weather event. The pH was occasionally elevated and dissolved oxygen was outside guideline ranges on 58 per cent of occasions, probably resulting from excessive algal growth. Total cyanobacteria counts exceeded the guidelines, however toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected only twice, and were well below the guidelines on both occasions. Water quality in the upper 12 metres of these reservoirs was monitored regularly, and was found to be generally within the guideline levels for most characteristics. Cyanobacteria and chlorophyll–a concentrations exceeded guidelines on three occasions in Cataract Reservoir and four in Cordeaux Reservoir during the warmer months (November 2001 to April 2002). These occurrences were more frequent than in 2000–2001. No toxigenic species were detected. Nutrient concentrations in Cordeaux Reservoir exceeded guidelines more frequently than in 2000–2001, which may have provided more favourable conditions for the growth of algae, leading to the observed chlorophyll–a and cyanobacteria counts. Thermal stratification resulted in oxygen depletion in the bottom layers of the lakes with subsequent diffusion of iron and manganese from the sediments into the deep lake water. As the reservoirs are not artificially destratified, natural mixing in autumn results in peak metal concentrations and depleted oxygen near the surface. A similar pattern was observed in 2000–2001. SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 9 PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING Lake monitoring cont’ Lake monitoring cont’ 4.1.6 Woronora Reservoir 4.1.7 Blue Mountains reservoirs 4.1.8 Lake Yarrunga 4.1.9 Fitzroy Falls Reservoir The water of Woronora Reservoir is relatively low in alkalinity, and is slightly more acidic than the waters of the other reservoirs, a characteristic of its catchment. Water quality was good, and generally similar to that observed in 2000–2001. Chlorophyll–a and cyanobacteria were within guideline concentrations at all times. No toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected. Monitoring was conducted in the Upper Cascade (DTC1), Lower Cascade (DLC1) and Greaves Creek (DGC1) reservoirs. The monitoring points are close to the water supply offtakes. Lake Yarrunga on the Shoalhaven River had poorer water quality than the other reservoirs managed by SCA. The lake stratifies in summer resulting in depleted dissolved oxygen and elevated nutrients and metals in the bottom layer, particularly in the deeper locations of the Dam Wall (DTA1) and Yarrunga Junction (DTA3). Seasonal mixing of the lake brings this poorer quality water to the surface. The maximum total iron concentration of 12.91 milligrams per litre was observed at DTA3 in May 2002, consistent with natural autumnal destratification. The Fitzroy Falls Reservoir is relatively shallow (average depth 4.5 metres) and is therefore less prone to thermal stratification. Consequently, metals concentrations were below guideline levels on all occasions. Turbidity and pH were also good, with only 2 per cent and 1 per cent of measurements respectively being outside guideline values. Dissolved oxygen was similar to that observed in 2000–2001, with 33 per cent of observations outside the guideline range. Depleted dissolved oxygen levels occurred in cooler months and may be related to destratification of the reservoir. Supersaturation in summer months could be related to aquatic plant growth (which was within guideline levels), to wind action, or both. Total iron and total manganese exceeded the guideline concentrations on one occasion in autumn, probably because of natural seasonal mixing of the reservoir. Water quality in the Blue Mountains reservoirs was good in 2001–2002. At Lower Cascade (DLC1) pH exceeded the guideline on 83 per cent of occasions but by no more than a small margin (a maximum of 0.8 pH units). Dissolved oxygen fell below the guidelines on only two occasions (14 per cent of samples). Chlorophyll–a exceeded guideline concentrations in Upper Cascade (DTC1) less often than in 2000–2001, possibly because of water being diverted from the Fish River Scheme. The maximum cyanobacteria concentration decreased from 11 000 cells per millilitre (cells/mL) in 2000–2001 to 5277 cells/mL in 2001–2002, and on no occasion exceeded the guideline level. Toxigenic cells were detected only three times throughout the year, and only at very low levels (53 cells/mL maximum). Total phosphorus exceeded the guideline level less often than in 2000–2001, but total nitrogen exceeded the guidelines more often. At Greaves Creek (DGC1), water quality was also good, except for consistently elevated concentrations of total iron, which exceeded guideline concentrations on all occasions as in 2000–2001. Chlorophyll–a exceeded the guidelines more frequently than in 2000–2001. Dissolved oxygen was below the guideline range on 40 per cent of occasions, which is less frequently than in 2000–2001. Total cyanobacteria numbers exceeded the guidelines only once throughout the year and on the one occasion that toxigenic cells were detected, they were at a very low level (12 cells/mL). Total phosphorus (82 times or 100 per cent of occasions) and total nitrogen (61 times or 91 per cent of occasions) almost always exceeded the guidelines. Elevated nutrient concentrations are consistent with regular chlorophyll–a and cyanobacteria counts above guideline concentrations at all sites. Levels of toxigenic cyanobacteria detected at DTA1 and DTA8 had microcystin-LR toxicity equivalents of 0.3 and 0.4 µg/L respectively and were well below the guideline value (1.3 µg/L). Across all sites, thermotolerant coliforms were detected above guideline concentrations in 10–33 per cent of observations. Although pH exceeded guidelines regularly at all locations, the values were all within 0.5 pH units of the guideline for reservoirs (pH 7.2), with the maximum pH of all sites (pH 7.7) observed at DTA3. The neutral to mildly alkaline nature of these waters is not a problem, and the results are consistent with those obtained in 2000–2001. However, the nutrient loading was high with nearly all observations for total nitrogen and total phosphorus exceeding the guideline values. Algal growth was abundant under these conditions with chlorophyll–a exceeding guidelines on 94 per cent of occasions and cyanobacteria levels exceeding guidelines on all occasions. Toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected exceeding the guideline level of 2000 cells/mL for 25 per cent of the time, but microcystin-LR toxicity equivalents were 0.8 µg/L or less, well below guideline levels. This pattern is similar to the 2000–2001 results except that nutrients and chlorophyll–a exceeded guideline levels more frequently in 2001–2002. Dissolved oxygen was depleted (below the guideline range) on 50 per cent of occasions, more frequently than in 2000–2001, and pH was elevated slightly above guideline concentrations on 96 per cent of occasions (similar to 2000–2001). These measurements are consistent with the observed abundance of algal growth. 4.1.10 Wingecarribee Reservoir Wingecarribee Reservoir (DWI1) is another shallow reservoir, having a maximum depth of 12 metres. It is not prone to thermal stratification, with the result that metals concentrations remained below guidelines throughout the year. However, nutrient levels were high, with total nitrogen exceeding the guideline concentrations on 90 per cent of occasions and total phosphorus exceeding guidelines on all occasions. Chlorophyll–a and cyanobacteria exceeded guidelines on 82 per cent and 96 per cent of occasions respectively. Low levels of toxigenic cyanobacteria (microcystin-LR toxicity equivalents of 0.5 µg/L or less, well below guideline levels) were detected from February 2002 to June 2002. The peat mass of Wingecarribee Swamp and upstream agricultural land use are known to contribute to elevated total nitrogen, total phosphorus and chlorophyll–a in the Wingecarribee River, and most likely explain the observed water quality impacts. Similar to the pattern observed at Fitzroy Falls Reservoir, dissolved oxygen was depleted on 27 per cent of occasions, more frequently than in 2000–2001, and pH was elevated slightly above guideline concentration on all occasions (similar to 2000–2001). These measurements are consistent with the observed abundance of algal growth. SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 10 SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 11 PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING Water quality in Lake Burragorang was generally good throughout the year. However, non-toxigenic cyanobacteria were regularly detected above guideline concentrations at all locations throughout the year. Dissolved oxygen concentrations regularly exceeded the guideline at two locations, DWA9 and DWA27, 14 and 23 kilometres upstream of the dam wall. Chlorophyll–a and total phosphorus regularly exceeded guidelines in areas well upstream of the dam wall. They are not considered to have affected the quality of the water supply. The pH was within 1 pH unit of the guideline range in all samples, but tended to be too alkaline. Prospect Reservoir showed generally good water quality throughout the year despite minor exceedances of turbidity, pH, dissolved oxygen and cyanobacteria concentrations. The indicator map of the Warragamba system (see Part 1) illustrates the general performance of aesthetics, eutrophication, recreation (catchment sites) and bacteriological health (reservoirs), as outlined above. Of note are the eutrophication indicators in the upper Wollondilly and Wingecarribee rivers and the outer parts of Lake Burragorang. The Nepean Reservoir showed generally good water quality, with improved frequency of compliance for nutrients, chlorophyll–a and cyanobacteria, although dissolved oxygen and pH were regularly outside guideline ranges. A lake aerator treats thermal stratification at the site; nonetheless, elevated metal concentrations were detected at a greater frequency than in 2000–2001. Avon Reservoir too showed generally good water quality, but concentrations of dissolved oxygen and cyanobacteria outside guideline values were common. Toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected, but within guideline levels. Nutrient, metals and pH occasionally exceeded guideline concentrations. 5 Trend analysis in reservoirs Lake monitoring cont’ 4.2 PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING Water quality in the Cataract and Cordeaux reservoirs was generally within guidelines on all occasions. Nutrients, chlorophyll–a and cyanobacteria were occasionally outside guideline concentrations. A pattern of thermal stratification was observed which affected dissolved oxygen and metal concentrations in both reservoirs. Woronora Reservoir had good water quality with only minor exceedances of the turbidity and pH guidelines; however, dissolved oxygen was regularly outside guideline ranges. The map of the Upper Nepean and Woronora systems (see Part 1) indicates generally good water quality throughout the catchment, but highlights the eutrophication found in Avon and Cordeaux reservoirs. Water quality in the Blue Mountains reservoirs was good. However, pH regularly exceeded the guidelines at Lower Cascade by a minor margin. Nutrients and chlorophyll–a exceeded guideline levels in Upper Cascade, although less frequently than in 2000–2001. The only exception to water quality guidelines at Greaves Creek was persistently elevated iron concentrations, also observed in 2000–2001. The indicator map of the Blue Mountains System (see Part 1) highlights eutrophication in the reservoirs. Lake Yarrunga had the poorest water quality of all reservoirs managed by the SCA. Thermal stratification in the lake led to depleted dissolved oxygen levels and elevated metal concentrations. Nutrients exceeded the guideline concentrations on almost all occasions. Chlorophyll–a and Cyanobacteria also frequently exceeded guideline levels, although toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected only once. Thermotolerant coliforms and pH were also regularly above guideline concentrations. Fitzroy Falls and Wingecarribee reservoirs had generally good water quality, although nutrient concentrations were almost always above guideline concentrations. Chlorophyll–a and cyanobacteria concentrations were often above guideline concentrations, probably as a result of nutrient enrichment. Low levels of toxigenic cyanobacteria were frequently detected but remained within guideline concentrations. Dissolved oxygen and pH were also regularly outside concentration ranges, probably because of algal growth. 5.1 LONG–TERM TRENDS 5.1.2 Nutrients – total phosphorus and total nitrogen Five key water quality variables measured at each reservoir offtake site since 1990 were analysed for trends using linear regression. These were: • chlorophyll–a • total phosphorus • total nitrogen • dissolved oxygen and • pH. Trends in nutrient concentrations in reservoirs are affected by the water quality of inflows, which in turn is determined by land use in the catchments. Rainfall patterns (frequency and intensity) will also affect the amount and timing of nutrient input into the reservoirs. The results are summarised in Table 4.2. For those sites where a significant trend was detected, the table lists the typical annual change and standard error relative to this change. Values are given in the units in which that variable is reported throughout this report. Positive trend values indicate rising levels, while negative trend values indicate falling levels. Table 4.3 shows the actual change in median value for each of the variables, over the last three years. Total phosphorus concentrations are decreasing in Lake Burragorang (DWA2), Lower Cascade (DLC1) and Nepean (DNE2) reservoirs but are increasing at two locations in the Shoalhaven System: Tallowa Dam (DTA1) and Fitzroy Falls (DFF6). Other reservoirs showed no significant trends in total phosphorus concentration. Total nitrogen is declining in Nepean (DNE2) and Woronora (DWO1) reservoirs but increasing in Cordeaux (DCO1) and Lower Cascade (DLC1) reservoirs. Other reservoirs showed no significant trends in total nitrogen concentration. 5.1.3 Dissolved oxygen and pH 5.1.1 Chlorophyll–a A significant trend in chlorophyll–a concentration was detected only at Greaves Creek (DGC1) where a gradual annual increase was apparent. This has not been accompanied by significant trends in nutrient concentration and may be attributable to water transfer from the Fish River Scheme. The interpretation of trends for dissolved oxygen saturation and pH is more difficult. Both characteristics can vary from day to day, and fluctuate depending on time of day, amount of daylight, the presence of algae and other factors. The data will be affected by the time of day when sampled. Over the longer term they are affected by operational activities such as artificial destratification. Nevertheless, the measured dissolved oxygen saturation has been decreasing in Nepean (DNE2), Lower Cascade (DLC1) and Fitzroy Falls (DFF6) reservoirs and increasing in Avon (DAV7) and Upper Cascade (DTC1) reservoirs. Significant trends in pH were found for reservoirs in the Upper Nepean, Woronora and Blue Mountains systems. Decreasing pH was apparent in Nepean (DNE2) Reservoir while increases were apparent in Avon (DAV7), Woronora (DWO1), Greaves Creek (DGC1), Lower Cascade (DLC1) and Upper Cascade (DTC1). Water transfers from other reservoirs such as Oberon, together with artificial destratification, may be increasing pH values in Blue Mountains reservoirs. The indicator map of the Shoalhaven system (see Part 1) indicates the generally good water quality throughout the catchment, but highlights eutrophication in the reservoirs and risks to recreational users in the Kangaroo River from thermotolerant coliforms. SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 12 SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 13 PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING 6 Picnic area tap monitoring Trend analysis in reservoirs cont’ TABLE 4.2 LONG–TERM WATER QUALITY TRENDS IN SCA RESERVOIRS 1990–2002 System Warragamba Site DWA2 RPR1 Chlorophyll–a µg/L nst nst Upper Nepean & Woronora DNE2 DAV7 DCO1 DCA1 DWO1 nst nst nst nst nst –0.003 ± 0.001 nst nst nst nst –0.017 ± 0.003 nst 0.006 ± 0.002 nst –0.002 ± 0.001 –1.57 ± 0.78 0.67 ± 0.34 nst nst nst –0.044 ± 0.027 0.030 ± 0.016 nst nst 0.044 ± 0.013 Blue Mountains DGC1 DLC1 DTC1 0.25 ± 0.09 nst nst nst –0.002 ± 0.001 nst nst 0.005 ± 0.002 nst nst –0.40 ± 0.16 0.77 ± 0.37 0.085 ± 0.019 0.062 ± 0.020 0.074 ± 0.029 DTA8 DFF6 DWI1 nst nst nst 0.0013 ± 0.0005 0.0002 ± 0.0001 nst nst nst nst nst –0.26 ± 0.11 nst nst nst nst Shoalhaven Total P mg/L –0.0008 ± 0.0004 nst Total N mg/L nst nst DO % saturation nst nst pH nst nst nst: No Significant Trend TABLE 4.3 YEARLY COMPARISON ON MEDIAN VALUES OF EACH WATER QUALITY VARIABLES System Warragamba Site DWA2 RPR1 Upper Nepean & Woronora DNE2 DAV7 DCA1 DCO1 DWO1 Blue Mountains DGC1 DLC1 DTC1 Shoalhaven DTA8 DFF6 DWI1 Year 1999–00 2000–01 2001–02 1999–00 2000–01 2001–02 Chlorophyll–a (µg/L) 2.9 2.5 2.3 3.0 2.8 2.5 Total N (mg/L) 0.33 0.28 0.26 0.31 0.26 0.27 Total P (mg/L) 0.007 0.006 0.004 0.006 0.006 0.006 1999–00 2000–01 2001–02 1999–00 2000–01 2001–02 1999–00 2000–01 2001–02 1999–00 2000–01 2001–02 1999–00 2000–01 2001–02 2.0 1.6 1.7 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.1 1.5 2.3 1.5 2.0 1.7 1.1 1.5 3.5 3.2 2.0 5.1 4.9 3.3 4.7 3.9 4.0 5.7 5.5 4.7 1.3 1.0 1.4 0.39 0.35 0.33 0.23 0.20 0.20 0.22 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.24 0.29 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.009 0.009 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.006 0.009 0.006 0.007 0.004 0.004 0.004 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 1999–00 2000–01 2001–02 1999–00 2000–01 2001–02 1999–00 2000–01 2001–02 2.1 1.6 2.0 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.3 2.2 5.3 2.5 2.3 1.7 5.2 6.8 5.0 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.25 0.25 0.26 0.35 0.32 0.34 0.008 0.007 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.003 0.007 0.009 0.007 2 3 5 3 4 4 4 2 4 1999–00 2000–01 2001–02 1999–00 2000–01 2001–02 1999–00 2000–01 2001–02 5.1 4.1 5.3 3.4 2.8 4.0 4.4 2.8 4.7 11.6 6.8 6.8 6.5 5.7 10.7 8.2 5.7 6.8 0.35 0.32 0.37 0.42 0.36 0.50 0.39 0.35 0.44 0.023 0.022 0.023 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.016 0.015 0.015 69 22 54 1 0 1 2 1 4 SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 14 Thermotolerant coliforms (CFU/100ml) 1 1 0 2 1 1 Turbidity (NTU) 1.1 0.9 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.7 6.1 INTRODUCTION 6.2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The SCA maintains popular recreational areas near most reservoirs for local residents and visitors. The SCA is responsible for providing the drinking water to all of its picnic areas. The quality of the water supplied in picnic areas at Avon, Cataract, Cordeaux and Fitzroy Falls reservoirs and at Bendeela Camping area, is monitored because the water supplied at these locations is not treated at a WFP. Turbidity at SCA picnic area taps was within the guideline levels on all occasions. During 2001–2002, supplies were monitored weekly and the water quality assessed against the NHMRC (1996) drinking water quality guidelines for public health and aesthetics. The NHMRC guidelines state that thermotolerant coliforms should not be detectable in drinking water on more than two per cent of occasions. All sites were within this guideline except for Cataract Picnic Area (HCA1) where thermotolerant coliforms were detected on eight per cent of occasions. The NHMRC recommends that a residual chlorine concentration of 0.2 to 0.5 milligrams per litre after a contact time of 30 minutes should be sufficient for disinfection. The contact times at picnic area sites is difficult to measure but may be short during peak demand periods such as at weekends and on public holidays. Chlorine residuals below 0.5 milligrams per litre were frequently recorded at picnic area taps. NSW Health and the World Health Organisation have indicated that new guidelines should apply to the monitoring of water quality at picnic area taps. This changes the focus towards the monitoring of e–coli at the service reservoir, rather than residual chlorine and coliform levels at the tap. Responding to the perceived risk, the SCA has developed drinking water safety plans in conjunction with NSW Health for its picnic area supplies. The main implication for the SCA is that it must ensure correct dosing of chlorine is provided and that sufficient contact time is provided in the service reservoir, for disinfection to occur. The aesthetic quality of the tap waters was satisfactory. The pH was within guidelines on all occasions at Cordeaux and Fitzroy Falls picnic areas, but was occasionally outside the guideline range at Avon and Cataract picnic areas (five per cent and seven per cent of occasions respectively). Colour was within the guideline values on all occasions at Avon, but occasionally exceeded the guideline at Cataract, Cordeaux and Fitzroy Falls picnic areas (four per cent, eight per cent and one per cent of occasions respectively). Overall, water quality in picnic area taps had improved since 2000–2001, with a lower frequency of guideline exceedances. SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 15 7 PART 4: MONITORING FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANNING Cyanobacteria monitoring 7.1 INTRODUCTION Regular monitoring for cyanobacteria was undertaken in the reservoirs managed by the SCA. The SCA’s Bulk Water Quality Incident Response Plan (SCA, 2000) specifies guideline concentration for cyanobacteria at 15 000 cells/mL, and for toxigenic cyanobacteria at 2000 cells/mL. 7.2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Cyanobacteria did not exceed guideline concentrations at Upper Cascade (DTC1), Lower Cascade (DLC1), Nepean (DNE2) or Woronora reservoirs (DWO1). Cyanobacteria were detected above guideline concentrations on at least one occasion at all other reservoirs with very frequent exceedance of the guideline (greater than 75 per cent of observations) at a number of sampling sites, mainly in the Shoalhaven System. Cyanobacteria frequently occurred with elevated nutrients, particularly phosphorus, suggesting that limiting phosphorus concentration in these waters can control cyanobacterial growth. Cyanobacterial occurrence was generally similar to the 2000–2001 data. Cyanobacteria exceeded guideline levels infrequently (less than 25 per cent of observations) at Greaves Creek (DGC1), Cataract (DCA1) and Lake Yarrunga Shoalhaven Arm 7 kilometres upstream (DTA5). They exceeded guidelines regularly (25–50 per cent of observations) at Avon (DAV7), Cordeaux (DCO1), Lake Burragorang 300 metres upstream from the dam wall (DWA2), Lake Yarrunga at Bendeela Power Station (DTA8) and Lake Yarrunga Kangaroo River arm at Reed Island (DTA10). Frequent exceedances (50–75 per cent of observations) were seen at Lake Yarrunga near the dam wall (DTA1), Lake Yarrunga Kangaroo River arm at Yarrunga Junction (DTA3), Prospect Reservoir (RPR1 and RPR3), Lake Burragorang at Junction 14 kilometres upstream of the dam wall (DWA9), Lake Burragorang Coxs River arm 24 kilometres upstream (DWA12) and Lake Burragorang Wollondilly River arm at Tonalli (DWA39). Very frequent exceedances (75–100 per cent of observations) were seen at Wingecarribee Reservoir (DWI1), Fitzroy Falls Reservoir (DFF6), Lake Burragorang Coxs River arm 36 and 37 kilometres upstream (DWA19, DWA21) and Lake Burragorang Wollondilly River arm 23 kilometres upstream (DWA27). Toxigenic cyanobacteria were identified at Fitzroy Falls Reservoir (DFF6), Lake Yarrunga (DTA1, DTA8), Wingecarribee Reservoir (DWI1) and Prospect Reservoir (RPR1). Toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected above guideline concentrations on a total of twelve occasions, however the level of microcystin-LR toxicity was always within guideline levels. In addition to the routine monitoring, 15 sites (7 additional) are monitored on a weekly basis from October to May each year as part of a summer sampling program. This program may be extended if measured levels exceed certain trigger levels. SYDNEY CATCHMENT AUTHORITY WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT 2001–2002 16 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 Part 4: Monitoring for Operations & Planning Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 Acknowledgements: Data Analysis: Douglas Partners Pty Ltd Editorial: Brendan Atkins, Big Box Publishing Pty Ltd Report Project Team: SCA Bulk Water – Hydrology team, SCA Communications team Design: Advertising Designers’ Group Print: Eco Design – Eco Print page 2 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 Contents 1 About the Sydney Catchment Authority 4 2 About this report 4 3 Catchment monitoring 5 4 5 3.1 Managing Sydney’s water supply catchments 5 3.2 Results 5 3.3 Performance assessment – all catchments 9 Lake monitoring 4.1 Results 10 4.2 Performance assessment 15 Trend analysis in reservoirs 5.1 6 7 8 10 18 Long-term trends 18 Picnic area tap monitoring 21 6.1 Introduction 21 6.2 Results and discussion 21 Cyanobacteria monitoring 22 7.1 Introduction 22 7.2 Results and discussion 22 References 24 page 3 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 1 About the Sydney Catchment Authority The Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA) is a NSW state government agency responsible for managing the catchments, dams and infrastructure that provide Sydney’s bulk water supply. It was established in 1999 following an independent NSW government inquiry into Sydney’s water supply. Drinking water for Sydney and surrounding areas is collected from five primary catchments, occupying 16 000 square kilometres. It is stored in a total of 21 dams, holding over 2.5 million megalitres of water. The SCA’s task is to supply quality bulk raw water to its customers, which include Sydney Water and a number of local councils in the Southern Highlands, Illawarra and the Shoalhaven. These customers then filter and distribute the water to nearly four million people - about 60 per cent of NSW's population. 2 About this report This report is Part 4 of the Sydney Catchment Authority’s annual water quality monitoring report, 2001–2002. This part presents detailed technical results for the monitoring program undertaken for operational and planning purposes. The monitoring data has been compared with guidelines from the Bulk Water Supply Agreement (BWSA) (Table 1) as an indication of water quality, however there are no compliance requirements for operating and planning data. In other parts of the annual water quality monitoring report: Part 1: Introduces the SCA and its activities, provides an overview of how the SCA collects, stores and distributes water, and explains why the SCA needs to monitor water quality. This part then broadly sums up all of the SCA’s water quality monitoring activities and results from July 2001 to June 2002. Part 2: Details how the delivery system has performed in relation to the SCA Operating Licence and Bulk Water Supply Agreement between SCA and Sydney Water. Part 3: Details the results of river temperature monitoring below major reservoirs, undertaken to fulfil the needs of the Water Management Licence. The full report can be viewed on the SCA’s website (www.sca.nsw.gov.au). page 4 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 Part 4 – Table 1: Water quality guidelines for catchments and reservoirs Analytes (Unit) Catchments Reservoirs Dissolved Oxygen (% saturation) 90–110 90–110 pH (pH unit) 6.5-8.0 6.9-8.1* (LB) 6.0-7.2** (O) Turbidity (NTU) 25 20 Total Iron (mg/L) na 0.3 Total Manganese (mg/L) na 0.1 Total Aluminium (mg/L) na 0.2 Total Phosphorus (mg/L) 0.050 0.010 Total Nitrogen (mg/L) 0.50 0.35 Thermotolerant Coliforms (CFU/100 mL) 150 100 Chlorophyll-a (µg/L) 7 5 Cyanobacteria Abundance (cells/mL) na 15000 Toxigenic Cyanobacteria (cells/mL) na 2000 (mm2/L) na 2 Cyanobacterial Biovolume References: SCA (1999); ANZECC (2000); HRC (1998); NHMRC (1996); SACC (2001); SCA (2000); SWC (1999) Notes: * LB = Lake Burragorang and Prospect Reservoir; ** O = other lakes. na = not applicable 3 Catchment monitoring 3.1 Managing Sydney’s water supply catchments The SCA’s bulk water supply is drawn from the catchments of five major river systems in: Warragamba Upper Nepean Woronora Shoalhaven, and the Blue Mountains. These catchments span 18 local government areas covering an area of almost 16 000 square kilometres. Part 1 of this report provides a detailed description of each catchment area, reservoir, delivery system and sampling sites. 3.2 Results page 5 Sydney Catchment Authority 3.2.1 Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 Warragamba Catchment As in 2000–2001, the quality of inflows close to Lake Burragorang was generally good, meeting guideline concentrations on most sampling occasions. Outer catchment sites more frequently failed to meet the guidelines, particularly with respect to pH and dissolved oxygen. Coxs River (E083) showed good water quality with only one sample recording dissolved oxygen outside the guideline range in dry weather. Wet weather sampling indicated pH values exceeding the guideline on one of two occasions and total nitrogen exceeded the guideline value on 60 per cent of occasions (6 samples). The frequency of readings outside guideline ranges decreased relative to the 2000–2001 data for pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, thermotolerant coliforms and total nitrogen. The lower Nattai River (E210) showed generally good water quality in dry weather with all monitoring data within guidelines except for turbidity, thermotolerant coliforms and total phosphorus on one occasion and total nitrogen on two occasions. The lower dry weather coliform concentrations observed in 2000–2001 continued in 2001–2002 and can be attributed to the recent upgrading of the Mittagong Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). Wet weather samples were outside guideline ranges with greater frequency than in 2000–2001 for dissolved oxygen, turbidity, thermotolerant coliforms, total nitrogen and total phosphorus. Chlorophyll-a was not detected above the guideline in 2001–2002. The upper Nattai River (E206) water quality was outside guideline ranges on fewer occasions than in 2000–2001, although total nitrogen and total phosphorus were regularly above guideline levels and dissolved oxygen was below the guideline range on 50 per cent of occasions. Wet weather water quality was also outside guideline ranges for turbidity, thermotolerant coliforms, total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a on fewer occasions than in 2000–2001. Dissolved oxygen and total nitrogen were outside guideline ranges at a similar frequency to that observed in 2000–2001 (50 per cent and 100 per cent respectively). The lower Wollondilly River (E488) showed improved total nitrogen concentration with no guideline exceedances in dry weather. However, dissolved oxygen measurements were outside the guideline ranges more frequently in dry weather than in 2000–2001. Wet weather samples showed a significant reduction in the frequency of guideline exceedance for thermotolerant coliforms and an increase in frequency for total nitrogen, total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a. The central Wollondilly River (E450) showed similar dry weather water quality to that in 2000–2001, except that thermotolerant coliforms were always within the guidelines in 2001–2002. In the upper Wollondilly River (E409) and Mulwaree River (E457), dry weather water quality deteriorated relative to 2000–2001, with pH, dissolved oxygen, total phosphorus, total nitrogen and chlorophyll-a regularly outside the guideline ranges. However, wet weather water quality improved with respect to turbidity and chlorophyll-a while the frequency of guideline exceedance page 6 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 for thermotolerant coliforms, total nitrogen and total phosphorus was similar to that observed in 2000–2001 (50 per cent, 100 per cent and 100 per cent respectively). No wet weather data for pH or dissolved oxygen was available in 2001–2002. Similar conditions were observed in the Wingecarribee River (E332) although turbidity and chlorophyll-a exceeded guideline concentrations at a greater frequency than in the Wollondilly River. This suggests that elevated nutrient levels in the Wingecarribee, Mulwaree and upper Wollondilly rivers are encouraging algal growth, with consequent consumption of dissolved oxygen and elevation of pH. The upper Wollondilly River is affected by a number of treated wastewater discharges in and around Goulburn that may be a source of elevated nutrients. The upper Wingecarribee River experiences elevated nutrient levels from fertilisers used in the catchment, although monitoring in Wingecarribee Swamp suggests the swamp is filtering thermotolerant coliforms, nitrogen and phosphorus. Dry weather water quality declined slightly in Little River (E243) from 2000–2001 with pH, dissolved oxygen and total nitrogen falling outside guideline ranges occasionally. Wet weather sampling declined also, with turbidity, total nitrogen and total phosphorus exceeding guidelines more often than in 2000–2001. Dissolved oxygen was outside the guidelines in the Kowmung River (E130) in dry weather more often than last year, while thermotolerant coliforms exceeded guideline levels on one occasion only in dry weather. Wet weather data for this location showed an increased incidence of thermotolerant coliforms and total nitrogen exceeding guideline concentrations. Sampling in the Kedumba River (E157) showed fewer exceedances of total nitrogen but a slight increase in turbidity, dissolved oxygen and total phosphorus exceedances. Wet weather sampling showed fewer exceedances of dissolved oxygen and thermotolerant coliform guidelines, but more exceedances of pH, turbidity, total nitrogen and total phosphorus than in 2000–2001. Werriberri Creek (E531) showed a reduced frequency of dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll-a concentrations outside the guideline ranges in dry weather, with dissolved oxygen below the guideline range on 91 per cent of occasions and chlorophyll-a not present above guideline levels. Dissolved oxygen was depleted at this location on all occasions in 2000–2001. A slight increase in exceedance frequency was observed for thermotolerant coliforms, total nitrogen and total phosphorus. Wet weather monitoring indicated a decline in water quality with a slight increase in exceedance frequency for dissolved oxygen depletion, thermotolerant coliforms, total nitrogen and chlorophyll-a. The Oaks township is unsewered and is a possible source of thermotolerant coliform and nutrient contamination in Werriberri Creek. The elevated nutrient levels would provide good conditions for algal growth and may contribute to the elevated chlorophyll-a concentrations and depleted page 7 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 dissolved oxygen observed in the creek. A reticulated sewerage system, which would reduce these impacts, is currently under construction. DAPI-positive Giardia cysts were detected in dry weather in Kowmung and Kedumba rivers and in Gibbergunyah Creek but not in Lake Burragorang. They were not detected during wet weather. Those from Gibbergunyah Creek are probably from the Mittagong STP which lies upstream of the sampling point, which would explain the relatively high numbers of cysts detected (up to 576 cysts/100 litre). Low levels of DAPI-positive Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected in Werriberri Creek (E531) in both wet and dry weather (possibly from The Oaks township), and on two occasions in Lake Burragorang. 3.2.2 Nepean Catchment The Nepean (E601) and Burke (E602) rivers are the two major inflows into Lake Nepean. The dry weather water quality of the Nepean River remained good, with no guideline exceedances except for total nitrogen in five out of eight sampling events. This frequency of exceedance is higher than in 2000–2001. Wet weather water quality improved in comparison to the 2000–2001 data, with fewer guideline exceedances for turbidity (eight per cent), thermotolerant coliforms (33 per cent), total nitrogen (71 per cent) and total phosphorus (nine per cent). Dry weather water quality in the Burke River was also generally good, with only a slightly increased proportion of samples having pH and dissolved oxygen measurements outside the guideline values. Wet weather water quality was generally good, except for occasional noncompliances for dissolved oxygen, turbidity, thermotolerant coliforms, total nitrogen and total phosphorus. Guideline exceedance frequency was generally similar to that of 2000–2001. These exceedances are most likely related to agricultural land use within the catchment. 3.2.3 Avon, Cataract, Cordeaux, Woronora and Blue Mountains Catchments These catchments are predominantly bushland and so require no water quality monitoring sites. Water quality is monitored in the reservoirs and delivery systems only. 3.2.4 Lake Yarrunga (Shoalhaven) Catchment Dry weather water quality within the Shoalhaven catchment was generally within guideline concentrations, except for dissolved oxygen, which was below guideline concentrations on numerous occasions in all monitoring locations, and total nitrogen in Boro Creek (E890), which exceeded guideline concentrations on 18 per cent of occasions. Guidelines were exceeded more frequently than in 2000–2001. Water quality in the catchment deteriorated during wet weather. Chlorophyll-a regularly remained within guideline levels except in the Kangaroo River (E706), Central Shoalhaven River (E861) page 8 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 and Gillamatong Creek (E891). Dissolved oxygen was frequently below guideline concentrations at all sites except Boro Creek (E890). Turbidity was frequently poor in wet weather throughout the catchment, with the exceptions of Gillamatong Creek (E891), Mongarlowe River (E822) and in the Shoalhaven River downstream of its confluence with the Marlowe River (E861). Concentrations of thermotolerant coliforms and nutrients (total nitrogen or total phosphorus) frequently exceeded guideline levels in wet weather at all locations. Nutrients and chlorophyll-a across the catchment exceeded guidelines more frequently than in 2000–2001. Dissolved oxygen and thermotolerant coliforms concentrations exceeded guidelines more frequently or remained similar to those in 2000–2001. The observed impacts on water quality can be attributed to the land uses within the catchment (detailed in Part 1). 3.3 Performance assessment – all catchments Water quality in the catchments was compared to guidelines specified by ANZECC (2000) for dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity and thermotolerant coliforms, and by the Healthy Rivers Commission (1998) for total phosphorus, total nitrogen and chlorophyll-a. Water quality in the Warragamba catchment was generally good, complying with water quality guidelines on most sampling occasions at the inflows to Lake Burragorang. Water quality in the outer catchment sites was not as good, with more frequent exceedances of guidelines for pH, dissolved oxygen, nutrients and chlorophyll-a. Water quality generally deteriorated in wet weather. Water quality in the Nepean catchment was good, with dry weather guideline exceedances limited to total nitrogen in the Nepean River, and pH and dissolved oxygen in the Burke River. Wet weather sampling showed poorer water quality in both rivers, particularly for turbidity, thermotolerant coliforms and nutrients. Water quality in the Shoalhaven catchment was generally very good, except for frequently depleted levels of dissolved oxygen throughout the catchment during dry weather. Total nitrogen exceeded guideline concentrations at Boro Creek on several occasions. Wet weather samples showed poorer water quality than in dry weather, with higher levels of turbidity, thermotolerant coliforms and nutrient concentrations. Chlorophyll-a exceeded the guidelines during wet weather in the Kangaroo and central Shoalhaven rivers and in Gillamatong Creek. page 9 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 4 Lake monitoring 4.1 Results 4.1.1 Lake Burragorang Water quality in Lake Burragorang was generally good throughout the year, with thermotolerant coliforms below guideline levels at all times. Turbidity was at or below guideline levels for 99 per cent of the time. Some other characteristics exceeded guidelines, however, as outlined below. Cyanobacteria were frequently present in excess of guideline concentrations at all locations within Lake Burragorang (42–92 per cent of occasions). Toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected at some of the sampling sites within Lake Burragorang but were rarely above guideline concentrations. Dissolved oxygen concentrations were outside guidelines in 26 per cent (DWA9, Warragamba Dam) to 84 per cent (DWA27, Wollondilly Arm, 23 kilometres upstream of Warragamba Dam at Bimlow) of samples, largely from supersaturation of the water. Supersaturation may indicate excessive plant or algal growth but is unlikely to directly threaten aquatic biota. Supersaturation may also result from wind action and was observed on numerous occasions in reservoirs in 2000– 2001. Dissolved oxygen was depleted at some sites, but was not recorded below 68 per cent at any site. While depleted dissolved oxygen can threaten biota in reservoirs, any risk can be reduced with artificial destratification systems such as those in place in a number of SCA reservoirs. The chlorophyll-a guideline level (5 micrograms per litre) was regularly exceeded by a small amount at some sites, with a recorded maximum at any site of 19 micrograms per litre. For instance, 67 per cent of observations in the Coxs River arm 36 kilometres upstream of the dam wall (DWA19), 32 per cent in the Coxs River arm 37 kilometres upstream of the dam wall (DWA21) and 30 per cent in the Wollondilly River arm at Tonalli (DWA39), were above the guideline level. High chlorophyll-a concentrations occurred many kilometres upstream and posed little threat to water quality at the dam. Sites complied with total phosphorus guidelines at least 93 per cent of the time except for the sites DWA19, DWA21 and DWA39, which had 33 per cent, 40 per cent and 70 per cent compliance respectively. These are the same sites with elevated chlorophyll-a concentrations and were all many kilometres from the dam wall. Total nitrogen guidelines were infrequently exceeded (on up to 7 per cent of occasions) in locations away from the dam wall. page 10 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 The exceedance rates for pH were generally greater than in 2000–2001, although the maximum and minimum pH values observed were within 1 pH unit of the guideline range in all cases. Overall, pH tended to be alkaline rather than acidic. The observed pH, nutrient, cyanobacteria and chlorophyll-a concentrations indicate the potential for problem algal growth in Lake Burragorang. Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected at low levels (7 oocycts/100 litres) at a site within Lake Burragorang (DWA2) on three occasions during November and December 2001, two of which returned positive DAPI tests. The single Giardia cyst detected was not DAPI-positive. In summary, all characteristics were generally consistent with 2000–2001 results except for pH and cyanobacteria, which were outside guideline concentrations more frequently than in 2000– 2001, and minor instances of Cryptosporidium oocysts which were not detected at all in 2000– 2001. 4.1.2 Prospect Reservoir At the two sites in Prospect Reservoir (RPR1, RPR3), water quality was generally good. Water quality close to the pumping station at the end of the south-western arm (RPR3) was within guideline concentrations except when turbidity exceeded its guideline on one occasion and cyanobacteria on 83 per cent of occasions. Toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected, but never above guideline concentrations. At the mid-lake site (RPR1), pH and cyanobacteria were frequently outside guideline ranges, although toxigenic cyanobacteria when detected were below guideline concentrations and pH was within 1 pH unit of the guidelines at all times. Dissolved oxygen was occasionally outside the guideline ranges, and total nitrogen exceeded the guidelines on one occasion. Cyanobacteria counts exceeded guideline concentrations at both sites more frequently than in 2000–2001, as did the pH at RPR1 and turbidity at RPR3. However, no instances of elevated chlorophyll-a at RPR1 or total nitrogen at RPR3 were seen this year, unlike 2000–2001. Other characteristics remained consistent with 2000–2001 measurements. 4.1.3 Nepean Reservoir Water quality in the Nepean Reservoir was generally good, with exceedance frequencies for total nitrogen, chlorophyll-a and cyanobacteria decreasing relative to 2000–2001. However, dissolved oxygen and pH were frequently outside the guideline ranges. Thermotolerant coliforms were detected above guideline concentrations on one occasion. Total iron and total manganese exceeded the guideline concentrations on a number of occasions, continuing a pattern observed in 2000– 2001. Exceedance frequencies for these metals in 2001–2002 were however slightly higher. page 11 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 Water quality in this reservoir is known to be susceptible to wet weather impacts due its proportionally larger catchment area. The observed increases in turbidity and total metals are typical of these impacts. The depleted dissolved oxygen concentrations observed at this location are related to thermal stratification of the reservoir (see Part 1), which can also result in elevated metal concentrations. A lake aerator has been used during the warmer months since 1995 to help combat this problem. Total cyanobacteria counts exceeded the guidelines; however, no toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected. 4.1.4 Avon Reservoir The relatively small Avon Reservoir catchment comprises highly protected land and mainly bushland. Consequently, there are no catchment monitoring sites for this reservoir. Water quality sampling is conducted at the junction of two channels which flow into the main lake at Upper Avon (DAV7). It is from this point that water is abstracted to supply the Illawarra region. The most frequent exceedances of guideline values were dissolved oxygen (48 per cent) and cyanobacteria (40 per cent). No toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected. Chlorophyll-a exceeded guideline concentrations on only 12 per cent of occasions, less frequently than in 2000–2001. Nutrients (total nitrogen) and particulate metals were occasionally above guideline concentrations. The monitoring site is known to be susceptible to increases in turbidity and particulate metal concentrations after wet weather. These effects have been observed to persist for only a few days after a wet weather event. The pH was occasionally elevated and dissolved oxygen was outside guideline ranges on 58 per cent of occasions, probably resulting from excessive algal growth. Total cyanobacteria counts exceeded the guidelines, however toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected only twice, and were well below the guidelines on both occasions. 4.1.5 Cataract and Cordeaux Reservoirs Cataract (DCA1) and Cordeaux (DCO1) reservoirs are similar both in size and water quality characteristics. Both storages discharge to the Upper Canal Delivery System. Cataract Reservoir discharges to the Cataract River, about 10 kilometres upstream of Broughtons Pass. Cordeaux Reservoir discharges to the Cordeaux River, 20 kilometres upstream of Pheasants Nest Weir which diverts water through a tunnel to Broughtons Pass Weir. Water quality in the upper 12 metres of these reservoirs was monitored regularly, and was found to be generally within the guideline levels for most characteristics. page 12 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 Cyanobacteria and chlorophyll-a concentrations exceeded guidelines on three occasions in Cataract Reservoir and four in Cordeaux Reservoir during the warmer months (November 2001 to April 2002). These occurrences were more frequent than in 2000–2001. No toxigenic species were detected. Nutrient concentrations in Cordeaux Reservoir exceeded guidelines more frequently than in 2000–2001, which may have provided more favourable conditions for the growth of algae, leading to the observed chlorophyll-a and cyanobacteria counts. Thermal stratification resulted in oxygen depletion in the bottom layers of the lakes with subsequent diffusion of iron and manganese from the sediments into the deep lake water. As the reservoirs are not artificially destratified, natural mixing in autumn results in peak metal concentrations and depleted oxygen near the surface. A similar pattern was observed in 2000– 2001. 4.1.6 Woronora Reservoir The water of Woronora Reservoir is relatively low in alkalinity, and is slightly more acidic than the waters of the other reservoirs, a characteristic of its catchment. Water quality was good, and generally similar to that observed in 2000–2001. Chlorophyll-a and cyanobacteria were within guideline concentrations at all times. No toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected. Turbidity and pH were also good, with only 2 per cent and 1 per cent of measurements respectively being outside guideline values. Dissolved oxygen was similar to that observed in 2000–2001, with 33 per cent of observations outside the guideline range. Depleted dissolved oxygen levels occurred in cooler months and may be related to destratification of the reservoir. Supersaturation in summer months could be related to aquatic plant growth (which was within guideline levels), to wind action, or both. Total iron and total manganese exceeded the guideline concentrations on one occasion in autumn, probably because of natural seasonal mixing of the reservoir. 4.1.7 Blue Mountains Reservoirs Monitoring was conducted in the Upper Cascade (DTC1), Lower Cascade (DLC1) and Greaves Creek (DGC1) reservoirs. The monitoring points are close to the water supply offtakes. Water quality in the Blue Mountains reservoirs was good in 2001–2002. At Lower Cascade (DLC1) pH exceeded the guideline on 83 per cent of occasions but by no more than a small margin (a maximum of 0.8 pH units). Dissolved oxygen fell below the guidelines on only two occasions (14 per cent of samples). Chlorophyll-a exceeded guideline concentrations in Upper Cascade (DTC1) less often than in 2000–2001, possibly because of water being diverted from the Fish River Scheme. The maximum page 13 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 cyanobacteria concentration decreased from 11 000 cells per millilitre (cells/mL) in 2000–2001 to 5277 cells/mL in 2001–2002, and on no occasion exceeded the guideline level. Toxigenic cells were detected only three times throughout the year, and only at very low levels (53 cells/mL maximum). Total phosphorus exceeded the guideline level less often than in 2000–2001, but total nitrogen exceeded the guidelines more often. At Greaves Creek (DGC1), water quality was also good, except for consistently elevated concentrations of total iron, which exceeded guideline concentrations on all occasions as in 2000– 2001. Chlorophyll-a exceeded the guidelines more frequently than in 2000–2001. Dissolved oxygen was below the guideline range on 40 per cent of occasions, which is less frequently than in 2000–2001. Total cyanobacteria numbers exceeded the guidelines only once throughout the year and on the one occasion that toxigenic cells were detected, they were at a very low level (12 cells/mL). 4.1.8 Lake Yarrunga Lake Yarrunga on the Shoalhaven River had poorer water quality than the other reservoirs managed by SCA. The lake stratifies in summer resulting in depleted dissolved oxygen and elevated nutrients and metals in the bottom layer, particularly in the deeper locations of the Dam Wall (DTA1) and Yarrunga Junction (DTA3). Seasonal mixing of the lake brings this poorer quality water to the surface. The maximum total iron concentration of 12.91 milligrams per litre was observed at DTA3 in May 2002, consistent with natural autumnal destratification. Total phosphorus (82 times or 100 per cent of occasions) and total nitrogen (61 times or 91 per cent of occasions) almost always exceeded the guidelines. Elevated nutrient concentrations are consistent with regular chlorophyll-a and cyanobacteria counts above guideline concentrations at all sites. Levels of toxigenic cyanobacteria detected at DTA1 and DTA8 had microcystin-LR toxicity equivalents of 0.3 and 0.4 micrograms per litre respectively and were well below the guideline value (1.3 micrograms per litre). Across all sites, thermotolerant coliforms were detected above guideline concentrations in 10–33 per cent of observations. Although pH exceeded guidelines regularly at all locations, the values were all within 0.5 pH units of the guideline for reservoirs (pH 7.2), with the maximum pH of all sites (pH 7.7) observed at DTA3. The neutral to mildly alkaline nature of these waters is not a problem, and the results are consistent with those obtained in 2000–2001. 4.1.9 Fitzroy Falls Reservoir The Fitzroy Falls Reservoir is relatively shallow (average depth 4.5 metres) and is therefore less prone to thermal stratification. Consequently, metals concentrations were below guideline levels on all occasions. page 14 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 However, the nutrient loading was high with nearly all observations for total nitrogen and total phosphorus exceeding the guideline values. Algal growth was abundant under these conditions with chlorophyll-a exceeding guidelines on 94 per cent of occasions and cyanobacteria levels exceeding guidelines on all occasions. Toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected exceeding the guideline level of 2000 cells/mL for 25 per cent of the time, but microcystin-LR toxicity equivalents were 0.8 micrograms per litre or less, well below guideline levels. This pattern is similar to the 2000–2001 results except that nutrients and chlorophyll-a exceeded guideline levels more frequently in 2001–2002. Dissolved oxygen was depleted (below the guideline range) on 50 per cent of occasions, more frequently than in 2000–2001, and pH was elevated slightly above guideline concentrations on 96 per cent of occasions (similar to 2000–2001). These measurements are consistent with the observed abundance of algal growth. 4.1.10 Wingecarribee Reservoir Wingecarribee Reservoir (DWI1) is another shallow reservoir, having a maximum depth of 12 metres. It is not prone to thermal stratification, with the result that metals concentrations remained below guidelines throughout the year. However, nutrient levels were high, with total nitrogen exceeding the guideline concentrations on 90 per cent of occasions and total phosphorus exceeding guidelines on all occasions. Chlorophyll-a and cyanobacteria exceeded guidelines on 82 per cent and 96 per cent of occasions respectively. Low levels of toxigenic cyanobacteria (microcystin-LR toxicity equivalents of 0.5 micrograms per litre or less, well below guideline levels) were detected from February 2002 to June 2002. The peat mass of Wingecarribee Swamp and upstream agricultural land use are known to contribute to elevated total nitrogen, total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a in the Wingecarribee River, and most likely explain the observed water quality impacts. Similar to the pattern observed at Fitzroy Falls Reservoir, dissolved oxygen was depleted on 27 per cent of occasions, more frequently than in 2000–2001, and pH was elevated slightly above guideline concentration on all occasions (similar to 2000–2001). These measurements are consistent with the observed abundance of algal growth. 4.2 Performance assessment Water quality in Lake Burragorang was generally good throughout the year. However, nontoxigenic cyanobacteria were regularly detected above guideline concentrations at all locations throughout the year. Dissolved oxygen concentrations regularly exceeded the guideline at two locations, DWA9 and DWA27, 14 and 23 kilometres upstream of the dam wall. Chlorophyll-a and total phosphorus regularly exceeded guidelines in areas well upstream of the dam wall. They are page 15 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 not considered to have affected the quality of the water supply. The pH was within 1 pH unit of the guideline range in all samples, but tended to be too alkaline. Prospect Reservoir showed generally good water quality throughout the year despite minor exceedances of turbidity, pH, dissolved oxygen and cyanobacteria concentrations. The indicator map of the Warragamba system (see Part 1) illustrates the general performance of aesthetics, eutrophication, recreation (catchment sites) and bacteriological health (reservoirs), as outlined above. Of note are the eutrophication indicators in the upper Wollondilly and Wingecarribee rivers and the outer parts of Lake Burragorang. The Nepean Reservoir showed generally good water quality, with improved frequency of compliance for nutrients, chlorophyll-a and cyanobacteria, although dissolved oxygen and pH were regularly outside guideline ranges. A lake aerator treats thermal stratification at the site; nonetheless, elevated metal concentrations were detected at a greater frequency than in 2000– 2001. Avon Reservoir too showed generally good water quality, but concentrations of dissolved oxygen and cyanobacteria outside guideline values were common. Toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected, but within guideline levels. Nutrient, metals and pH occasionally exceeded guideline concentrations. Water quality in the Cataract and Cordeaux reservoirs was generally within guidelines on all occasions. Nutrients, chlorophyll-a and cyanobacteria were occasionally outside guideline concentrations. A pattern of thermal stratification was observed which affected dissolved oxygen and metal concentrations in both reservoirs. Woronora Reservoir had good water quality with only minor exceedances of the turbidity and pH guidelines; however, dissolved oxygen was regularly outside guideline ranges. The map of the Upper Nepean and Woronora systems (see Part 1) indicates generally good water quality throughout the catchment, but highlights the eutrophication found in Avon and Cordeaux reservoirs. Water quality in the Blue Mountains reservoirs was good. However, pH regularly exceeded the guidelines at Lower Cascade by a minor margin. Nutrients and chlorophyll-a exceeded guideline levels in Upper Cascade, although less frequently than in 2000–2001. The only exception to water quality guidelines at Greaves Creek was persistently elevated iron concentrations, also observed in 2000–2001. The indicator map of the Blue Mountains System (see Part 1) highlights eutrophication in the reservoirs. page 16 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 Lake Yarrunga had the poorest water quality of all reservoirs managed by the SCA. Thermal stratification in the lake led to depleted dissolved oxygen levels and elevated metal concentrations. Nutrients exceeded the guideline concentrations on almost all occasions. Chlorophyll-a and Cyanobacteria also frequently exceeded guideline levels, although toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected only once. Thermotolerant coliforms and pH were also regularly above guideline concentrations. Fitzroy Falls and Wingecarribee reservoirs had generally good water quality, although nutrient concentrations were almost always above guideline concentrations. Chlorophyll-a and cyanobacteria concentrations were often above guideline concentrations, probably as a result of nutrient enrichment. Low levels of toxigenic cyanobacteria were frequently detected but remained within guideline concentrations. Dissolved oxygen and pH were also regularly outside concentration ranges, probably because of algal growth. The indicator map of the Shoalhaven system (see Part 1) indicates the generally good water quality throughout the catchment, but highlights eutrophication in the reservoirs and risks to recreational users in the Kangaroo River from thermotolerant coliforms. page 17 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 5 Trend analysis in reservoirs 5.1 Long-term trends Five key water quality variables measured at each reservoir offtake site since 1990 were analysed for trends using linear regression. These were: chlorophyll-a total phosphorus total nitrogen dissolved oxygen and pH. The results are summarised in Table 2. For those sites where a significant trend was detected, the table lists the typical annual change and standard error relative to this change. Values are given in the units in which that variable is reported throughout this report. Positive trend values indicate rising levels, while negative trend values indicate falling levels. Table 3 shows the actual change in median value for each of the variables, over the last three years. 5.1.1 Chlorophyll-a A significant trend in chlorophyll-a concentration was detected only at Greaves Creek (DGC1) where a gradual annual increase was apparent. This has not been accompanied by significant trends in nutrient concentration and may be attributable to water transfer from the Fish River Scheme. 5.1.2 Nutrients – total phosphorus and total nitrogen Trends in nutrient concentrations in reservoirs are affected by the water quality of inflows, which in turn is determined by land use in the catchments. Rainfall patterns (frequency and intensity) will also affect the amount and timing of nutrient input into the reservoirs. Total phosphorus concentrations are decreasing in Lake Burragorang (DWA2), Lower Cascade (DLC1) and Nepean (DNE2) reservoirs but are increasing at two locations in the Shoalhaven System: Tallowa Dam (DTA1) and Fitzroy Falls (DFF6). Other reservoirs showed no significant trends in total phosphorus concentration. page 18 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 Total nitrogen is declining in Nepean (DNE2) and Woronora (DWO1) reservoirs but increasing in Cordeaux (DCO1) and Lower Cascade (DLC1) reservoirs. Other reservoirs showed no significant trends in total nitrogen concentration. Part 4 - Table 2 Long-term water quality trends in SCA reservoirs 1990–2002 System Site Warragamba Upper Nepean & Woronora Blue Mountains Shoalhaven Chlorophyll-a Total P Total N DO µg/L mg/L mg/L % saturation DWA2 nst -0.0008 ± 0.0004 nst nst nst RPR1 nst nst nst nst nst DNE2 nst -0.003 ± 0.001 -0.017 ± 0.003 -1.57 ± 0.78 -0.044 ± 0.027 DAV7 nst nst nst 0.67 ± 0.34 0.030 ± 0.016 DCO1 nst nst 0.006 ± 0.002 nst nst DCA1 nst nst nst nst nst DWO1 nst nst -0.002 ± 0.001 nst 0.044 ± 0.013 DGC1 0.25 ± 0.09 nst nst nst 0.085 ± 0.019 DLC1 nst -0.002 ± 0.001 0.005 ± 0.002 -0.40 ± 0.16 0.062 ± 0.020 DTC1 nst nst nst 0.77 ± 0.37 0.074 ± 0.029 DTA8 nst 0.0013 ± 0.0005 nst nst nst DFF6 nst 0.0002 ± 0.0001 nst -0.26 ± 0.11 nst DWI1 nst nst nst nst nst nst No Significant Trend 5.1.3 Dissolved oxygen and pH pH The interpretation of trends for dissolved oxygen saturation and pH is more difficult. Both characteristics can vary from day to day, and fluctuate depending on time of day, amount of daylight, the presence of algae and other factors. The data will be affected by time of day when sampled. Over the longer term they are affected by operational activities such as artificial destratification. Nevertheless, the measured dissolved oxygen saturation has been decreasing in Nepean (DNE2), Lower Cascade (DLC1) and Fitzroy Falls (DFF6) reservoirs and increasing in Avon (DAV7) and Upper Cascade (DTC1) reservoirs. Significant trends in pH were found for reservoirs in the Upper Nepean, Woronora and Blue Mountains systems. Decreasing pH was apparent in Nepean (DNE2) Reservoir while increases were apparent in Avon (DAV7), Woronora (DWO1), Greaves Creek (DGC1), Lower Cascade (DLC1) and Upper Cascade (DTC1). Water transfers from other reservoirs such as Oberon, together with artificial destratification, may be increasing pH values in Blue Mountains reservoirs. page 19 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 Part 4 - Table 3 Yearly comparison on median values of each water quality variables System Warragamba Site DWA2 RPR1 Upper Nepean DNE2 & Woronora DAV7 DCA1 DCO1 DWO 1 Blue DGC1 Mountains DLC1 DTC1 Shoalhaven DTA8 DFF6 DWI1 Thermotolerant coliforms Turbidity Chlorophyll-a Total N Total P (NTU) (µg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) 1999-00 1.1 2.9 0.33 0.007 1 2000-01 0.9 2.5 0.28 0.006 1 2001-02 1.7 2.3 0.26 0.004 0 1999-00 1.6 3.0 0.31 0.006 2 2000-01 1.6 2.8 0.26 0.006 1 2001-02 1.7 2.5 0.27 0.006 1 1999-00 2.0 3.5 0.39 0.009 1 2000-01 1.6 3.2 0.35 0.009 0 2001-02 1.7 2.0 0.33 0.007 1 1999-00 1.0 5.1 0.23 0.006 1 2000-01 1.3 4.9 0.20 0.006 1 2001-02 1.5 3.3 0.20 0.005 0 1999-00 1.7 4.7 0.22 0.005 1 2000-01 1.1 3.9 0.20 0.005 0 2001-02 1.5 4.0 0.24 0.006 1 1999-00 2.3 5.7 0.28 0.009 2 2000-01 1.5 5.5 0.24 0.006 1 2001-02 2.0 4.7 0.29 0.007 0 1999-00 1.7 1.3 0.22 0.004 1 2000-01 1.1 1.0 0.22 0.004 0 2001-02 1.5 1.4 0.21 0.004 0 1999-00 2.1 3.3 0.20 0.008 2 2000-01 1.6 2.2 0.20 0.007 3 2001-02 2.0 5.3 0.17 0.004 5 1999-00 1.7 2.5 0.25 0.005 3 2000-01 1.6 2.3 0.25 0.006 4 2001-02 1.6 1.7 0.26 0.003 4 1999-00 1.5 5.2 0.35 0.007 4 2000-01 1.5 6.8 0.32 0.009 2 Year (CFU/100ml) 2001-02 1.5 5.0 0.34 0.007 4 1999-00 5.1 11.6 0.35 0.023 69 2000-01 4.1 6.8 0.32 0.022 22 2001-02 5.3 6.8 0.37 0.023 54 1999-00 3.4 6.5 0.42 0.014 1 2000-01 2.8 5.7 0.36 0.014 0 2001-02 4.0 10.7 0.50 0.014 1 1999-00 4.4 8.2 0.39 0.016 2 2000-01 2.8 5.7 0.35 0.015 1 2001-02 4.7 6.8 0.44 0.015 4 page 20 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 6 Picnic area tap monitoring 6.1 Introduction The SCA maintains popular recreational areas near most reservoirs for local residents and visitors. The SCA is responsible for providing the drinking water to all of its picnic areas. The quality of the water supplied in picnic areas at Avon, Cataract, Cordeaux and Fitzroy Falls reservoirs and at Bendeela Camping area, is monitored because the water supplied at these locations is not treated at a WFP. During 2001–2002, supplies were monitored weekly and the water quality assessed against the NHMRC (1996) drinking water quality guidelines for public health and aesthetics. 6.2 Results and discussion Turbidity at SCA picnic area taps was within the guideline levels on all occasions. The NHMRC guidelines state that thermotolerant coliforms should not be detectable in drinking water on more than two per cent of occasions. All sites were within this guideline except for Cataract Picnic Area (HCA1) where thermotolerant coliforms were detected on eight per cent of occasions. The NHMRC recommends that a residual chlorine concentration of 0.2 to 0.5 milligrams per litre after a contact time of 30 minutes should be sufficient for disinfection. The contact times at picnic area sites is difficult to measure but may be short during peak demand periods such as at weekends and on public holidays. Chlorine residuals below 0.5 milligrams per litre were frequently recorded at picnic area taps. NSW Health and the World Health Organisation have indicated that new guidelines should apply to the monitoring of water quality at picnic area taps. This changes the focus of monitoring to the monitoring of e-coli at the service reservoir, in preference to residual chlorine and coliform levels at the tap. Responding to the perceived risk, the SCA has developed drinking water safety plans in conjunction with NSW Health for its picnic area supplies. The main implication for the SCA is that it must ensure correct dosing of chlorine is provided and that sufficient contact time is provided in the service reservoir, for disinfection to occur. page 21 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 The aesthetic quality of the tap waters was satisfactory. The pH was within guidelines on all occasions at Cordeaux and Fitzroy Falls picnic areas, but was occasionally outside the guideline range at Avon and Cataract picnic areas (five per cent and seven per cent of occasions respectively). Colour was within the guideline values on all occasions at Avon, but occasionally exceeded the guideline at Cataract, Cordeaux and Fitzroy Falls picnic areas (four per cent, eight per cent and one per cent of occasions respectively). Overall, water quality in picnic area taps had improved since 2000–2001, with a lower frequency of guideline exceedances. 7 Cyanobacteria monitoring 7.1 Introduction Regular monitoring for cyanobacteria was undertaken in the reservoirs managed by the SCA. The SCA’s Bulk Water Quality Incident Response Plan (SCA, 2000) specifies guideline concentration for cyanobacteria at 15 000 cells/mL, and for toxigenic cyanobacteria at 2000 cells/mL. 7.2 Results and discussion Cyanobacteria did not exceed guideline concentrations at Upper Cascade (DTC1), Lower Cascade (DLC1), Nepean (DNE2) or Woronora reservoirs (DWO1). Cyanobacteria were detected above guideline concentrations on at least one occasion at all other reservoirs with very frequent exceedance of the guideline (greater than 75 per cent of observations) at a number of sampling sites, mainly in the Shoalhaven System. Cyanobacteria frequently occurred with elevated nutrients, particularly phosphorus, suggesting that limiting phosphorus concentration in these waters can control cyanobacterial growth. Cyanobacterial occurrence was generally similar to the 2000–2001 data. Cyanobacteria exceeded guideline levels infrequently (less than 25 per cent of observations) at Greaves Creek (DGC1), Cataract (DCA1) and Lake Yarrunga Shoalhaven Arm 7 kilometres upstream (DTA5). They exceeded guidelines regularly (25–50 per cent of observations) at Avon (DAV7), Cordeaux (DCO1), Lake Burragorang 300 metres upstream from the dam wall (DWA2), Lake Yarrunga at page 22 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 Bendeela Power Station (DTA8) and Lake Yarrunga Kangaroo River arm at Reed Island (DTA10). Frequent exceedances (50–75 per cent of observations) were seen at Lake Yarrunga near the dam wall (DTA1), Lake Yarrunga Kangaroo River arm at Yarrunga Junction (DTA3), Prospect Reservoir (RPR1 and RPR3), Lake Burragorang at Junction 14 kilometres upstream of the dam wall (DWA9), Lake Burragorang Coxs River arm 24 kilometres upstream (DWA12) and Lake Burragorang Wollondilly River arm at Tonalli (DWA39). Very frequent exceedances (75–100 per cent of observations) were seen at Wingecarribee Reservoir (DWI1), Fitzroy Falls Reservoir (DFF6), Lake Burragorang Coxs River arm 36 and 37 kilometres upstream (DWA19, DWA21) and Lake Burragorang Wollondilly River arm 23 kilometres upstream (DWA27). Toxigenic cyanobacteria were identified at Fitzroy Falls Reservoir (DFF6), Lake Yarrunga (DTA1, DTA8), Wingecarribee Reservoir (DWI1) and Prospect Reservoir (RPR1). Toxigenic cyanobacteria were detected above guideline concentrations on a total of twelve occasions, however the level of microcystin-LR toxicity was always within guideline levels. In addition to the routine monitoring, 15 sites (7 additional) are monitored on a weekly basis from October to May each year as part of a summer sampling program. This program may be extended if measured levels exceed certain trigger levels. page 23 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Part 4 8 References ANZECC, 2000. National Water Quality Management Strategy. Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality. Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council, Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand. Healthy Rivers Commission, 1998. Independent Inquiry into the Hawkesbury Nepean River System. Final Report. Healthy River Commission of New South Wales. NHMRC, 1996. Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia. NHMRC, 2001. Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia. Updated Fact Sheet 17a. SACC, 2001. Media Release on Guidelines for Recreational Use of Water (January 2001), Metropolitan/South Coast Regional Algal Coordinating Committee, Department of Land and Water Conservation, NSW. SCA,2000. Operating Licence. SCA, 1999. Sydney Catchment Authority and Sydney Water Corporation Bulk Water Supply Agreement. page 24 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 Appendix A: Monitoring Site Codes Sydney Catchment Authority Table A 1 Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix A Catchment sampling locations and descriptions Code Description E083 Coxs River at Kelpie Point E130 Kowmung River at Cedar Ford E157 Kedumba River at Maxwells Crossing E206 Nattai River at The Crags E210 Nattai River at Smallwoods Crossing E243 Little River at fire road W4I E332 Wingecarribee River at Berrima Weir E409 Wollondilly River at Murrays Flat E450 Wollondilly River at Golden Valley E457 Mulwaree River at The Towers Weir E488 Wollondilly River at Jooriland E531 Werriberri Creek at Werombi E601 Nepean River at Nepean Reservoir inflow E602 Burke River at Nepean Reservoir inflow E706 Kangaroo River at Hampden Bridge E822 Mongarlowe River at Mongarlowe E851 Shoalhaven River downstream of Tallowa Dam E847 Shoalhaven River at Fossickers Flats E860 Shoalhaven River at Mountview E861 Shoalhaven River at Hillview E890 Boro Creek at Marlowe E891 Gillamatong Creek G0515 Woronora River at The Needles E8311 Corang River Page A-1 Sydney Catchment Authority Table A 2 Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix A Lakes sampling locations and descriptions Code Description DFF6 Fitzroy Falls Reservoir – mid lake DTA1 Lake Yarrunga near dam wall DTA3 Lake Yarrunga Kangaroo arm Yarrunga Junction DTA5 Lake Yarrunga Shoalhaven arm 7 km upstream DTA8 Lake Yarrunga Bendeela Power Station DTA10 Lake Yarrunga Kangaroo arm Reed Island DWI1 Wingecarribee Reservoir at outlet DWA2 Lake Burragorang 300 m upstream of dam wall DWA9 Lake Burragorang at Junction 14 km upstream DWA12 Lake Burragorang Coxs River arm 24 km upstream DWA19 Lake Burragorang Coxs River arm 36 km upstream DWA21 Lake Burragorang Coxs River arm 37 km upstream DWA27 Lake Burragorang Wollondilly River arm 23 km upstream at Bimlow DWA39 Lake Burragorang Wollondilly River arm at Tonalli DCO1 Cordeaux Reservoir at wall DCA1 Cataract Reservoir 30 m from dam wall DGC1 Greaves Creek near dam wall DLC1 Lower Cascade 25 m upstream DAV7 Upper Avon at valve house DNE2 Nepean Reservoir 200 m upstream DTC1 Top Cascade 20 m upstream DWO1 Woronora Reservoir near dam wall RPR1 Prospect Reservoir at centre RPR3 Prospect Reservoir near supernatant discharge point Page A-2 Sydney Catchment Authority Table A 3 Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix A WFP Inflow locations and descriptions Code Description PWFP1 Inflow into Prospect WFP HUC1 Inflow into Macarthur WFP IWFPR Inflow into Illawarra WFP HWO1 Inflow into Woronora WFP HBR1 Inflow into Orchard Hills WFP HNE1 Inflow into Nepean WFP HWA1 Inflow into Warragamba WFP HCSR Inflow into Cascade WFP HGC01 Inflow into Greaves Creek WFP HWI1 Inflow into Wingecarribee WFP DBP1 Inflow into Kangaroo Valley WFP Table A 4 Hawkesbury Nepean River – main stream locations and descriptions Code Description N92 Maldon Weir upstream of Stonequarry Creek N75 Sharpes Weir downstream of Matahil Creek, Camden STP N67 Wallacia Bridge upstream of Warragamba River N57 Penrith Weir upstream of Boundary Creek N44 Yarramundi Bridge upstream of Grose River N42 North Richmond upstream of North Richmond WTW N35 Wilberforce upstream of Cattai Creek N26 Sackville Ferry downstream of Currency Creek N21 Lower Portland upstream of Colo River N14 Wisemans Ferry downstream of car ferry Page A-3 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 Appendix B: Plots of Monitoring Data Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B1 – Chloraphyll-a Concentrations (All data as ug/L) Page B-1 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B2 – Colour (All data as HU) Page B-2 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B3 – Disolved Oxygen (All data as % Saturation) Page B-3 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B4 – Electrical Conductivity (All data as mS/m) Page B-4 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B5 – Filterable Aluminium (All data as ug/L) Page B-5 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B6 – Filterable Iron (All data as ug/L) Page B-6 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B7 – Filterable Manganese (All data as ug/L) Page B-7 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B8 – pH Page B-8 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B9 – Suspended Solids (All data as mg/L) Page B-9 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B10 – Thermotolerant Coliforms (All data as CFU/100ml) Page B-10 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B11 – Total Aluminium (All data as ug/L) Page B-11 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B12 – Total Iron (All data as ug/L) Page B-12 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B13 – Total Manganese (All data as ug/L) Page B-13 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B14 – Total Nitrogen (All data as mg/L) Page B-14 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B15 – Total Phosphorus (All data as mg/L) Page B-15 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B16 – Turbidity (All data as NTU) Page B-16 Sydney Catchment Authority Water Quality Monitoring Report 2001–2002 – Appendix B Figure B17 – Other Variables for Hawkesbury – Nepean Sites Page B-17