’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 www.MidwestEarlyFord.com a P d ckup r o Pi F 7 4 8 8 2 4 19 8 2 9 1 g in d u l Inc 800-543-5035 Front Cover—-delete this line before printing s t r April 2016 $4.00 1928-48 FORD INDEX 1-800-543-5035 -AAccelerator Pedal & Parts ........................... 52 Air Cleaner ........................................... 23, 50 Air Deflector Kit ........................................... 34 Alternator Parts ........................................... 23 Antenna .................................................... 110 Anti-Squeak Pad ......................................... 84 Arm Rest .................................................. 128 Ash Tray & Retainer ................................... 56 Axle Bumpers ...................................... 11, 21 Axle Parts ............................................... 5, 12 -BBallast Resistor ..................................... 59, 60 Battery Box & Parts ..................................... 18 Battery Cables ............................................ 81 Battery Disconnect Switch .......................... 81 Bearings (Engine) ....................................... 26 Beauty Rings ................................................ 4 Big Bore Parts ............................................ 22 Blue Dot Lens ............................................. 73 Blue Dots .................................................... 73 Body Blocks ................................................ 16 Body Channels ......................................... 151 Body Insulation ........................................... 17 Body Mounting Pads ................................... 16 Body (Steel) ...................................... 148, 152 Body to Frame Webbing ............................. 16 Bolt Kit (Body to Frame) ............................. 16 Brake Adapter (Hydraulic).............................. 7 Brake & Clutch Arm Bumpers & Seals .......... 8 Brake and Clutch Pedal Pads ....................... 8 Brake Parts ....................................... 6, 7, 8, 9 Bulbs .......................................................... 73 Bumpers .................................................... 105 Bumper Bolts ............................................ 107 Bumper Braces ................................. 106, 107 Bumper Grommets ................................... 108 Bumper Guards ........................................ 108 Bumper Parts ................................... 106, 109 Bumper Tips ............................................. 108 -CCab Mounting Wood ................................... 17 Camshaft Bearings ..................................... 27 Camshaft Timing Gear ................................ 27 Carburetor & Parts ...................................... 50 Choke Rod ................................................. 51 Cigar Lighter Element and Knobs ............... 54 Clock & Panels ........................................... 55 Clutch & Brake Pedal Pads ........................... 8 Clutch Parts .......................................... 30, 31 Clutch Disc & Pressure Plate ...................... 30 Coil ....................................................... 59, 60 Coil Adapter Kit ........................................... 60 Condensor .................................................. 62 Convertible Parts .............................. 138, 139 Connecting Rod Bearings ........................... 25 Cowl Band ................................................ 112 Cowl Covers ............................................. 149 Cowl Lacing ................................................ 96 Cowl Lamps and Pads ................................ 70 Cowl Molding ............................................ 142 Cowl Patch Panels ............ 149, 154-158, 164 Cowl to Fender Seal ................................... 85 Cowl to Firewall Seal .................................. 96 Cowl Vent Parts ........................................ 112 Crank Hole Cover ....................................... 37 Crankshaft Bearings ................................... 26 Crankshaft Gear ......................................... 27 Cut-Out Switch ........................................... 57 Cylinder Head Bolts and Nuts ..................... 22 Cylinder Head Nut Covers .......................... 25 ’28-’48 Ford Parts Fuel Blocks & fittings .................................. 24 -DDash Insert (Aluminum) ............................ 176 Dash Knobs .................................... 52, 53, 54 Dash Lights ................................................ 77 Dash Panel ................................................. 55 Dash Trim ............................................. 55, 56 Data Plates ............................................... 110 Decals ...................................................... 147 Deck and Rumble Strikers ........................ 118 Deck Lid Parts .................................. 116, 117 Deck Lid Latch ................................. 117, 118 Deck Lid Ornaments ................................. 117 Deck Lid Support Arm .............................. 118 Differential Inspection Plate ...................... 154 Dimmer Switch ..................................... 68, 77 Dip Stick ..................................................... 26 Distributor Parts ........................ 59, 60, 61, 62 Dome Light Parts ........................................ 77 Door Bumpers .......................................... 135 Door Check Arm Kit & Strap ..................... 130 Door Garnish Molding ............................... 128 Door Handle Escutcheons ........................ 127 Door Handles (Inside) ....................... 126, 127 Door Handles (Outside) .................... 124, 125 Door Handle Pads .................................... 125 Door Hinges ............................................. 128 Door Hinge Pins & Remover ............. 130, 145 Door Latches .................................... 129, 130 Door Locks and Parts ............................... 132 Door Molding ............................................ 142 Door Pads ................................................ 140 Door Patch Panels ................................... 149 Door Pulls ................................................. 128 Door Seals ....................................... 134, 135 Door Scuff Plates (Sill Plates) ................... 136 Door Spring Set ........................................ 129 Dove Tails ................................................ 131 Drag Link Kit ......................................... 10, 11 -EEmblems ......... 37, 39, 42, 64, 86, 92, 93, 117 Emergency Brake Parts .......................... 9, 28 Engine Mounts ................................... 25, 179 Engine Paint ............................................... 23 Escutcheons ..................................... 127, 128 Exhaust Deflectors ..................................... 19 Exhaust Headers ........................................ 24 Exhaust Parts ............................................. 19 -FFan Belts and Parts .................................... 45 Fender Bead .............................................. 39 Fender Boots (Rear) ................................... 86 Fender Braces ...................................... 83, 85 Fender Emblems ........................................ 86 Fender Molding .................................. 86, 142 Fender Panels (Inner) ................. 85, 150, 153 Fenders ................................................ 83, 84 Fender Parts ............................ 83, 84, 85, 86 Fender Skirt Seal ........................................ 86 Fender to Bed Bolts .................................. 164 Fender Welt ................................................ 84 Filler Cap (Flathead) ................................... 26 Filters (Oil) .................................................. 26 Firewalls ............................................ 159, 160 Firewall Insulator ...................................... 147 Floor Pans ................... 154, 155, 157, 160-163 Floor Board Seals ..................................... 111 Floor Hump (Rear) ................................... 150 Floor Mats ................................................ 141 Flywheel Ring Gear .................................... 31 Frame Horn Covers .................................... 86 Frame Horn Extensions ............................ 153 Fuel Gauge Parts .................................. 47, 48 Fuel Lines ............................................. 24, 48 Fuel Pump & Parts ..................................... 49 Fuel Regulator ............................................ 49 Fuel Sending Unit ....................................... 48 Fuel Tank & Parts ........................... 46, 47, 48 Fuel Tank Cover ....................................... 154 Fuel Tank Filler Door Parts ......................... 48 Fuel Tank Sealer ....................................... 46 Fuel Tank Welt ........................................... 48 -GGarnish Molding ............................... 115, 128 Gas Caps ................................................... 47 Gasket Set (Engine) ................................... 22 Gaskets (Intake) ......................................... 23 Gauges (Dash) ................................. 176, 177 Gear Shift Parts .......................................... 28 Generator Parts .......................................... 57 Generator & Starter Covers (Chrome) ......... 23 Glass Sets ................................................. 137 Glass Channel Kit .................................... 122 Glass Setting Tape ................................... 114 Glove Box & Parts ..................................... 120 Gravel Deflector ....................................... 109 Greyhound Radiator Ornament ................... 34 Grille Apron ............................................... 37 Grille Guard .............................................. 109 Grille Insert ................................................. 36 Grille Molding ............................... 43, 44, 142 Grille Ornaments & Trim ........................ 38-44 Grilles ............................ 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 44 Grommets ............ 9, 31, 32, 47, 51, 57, 65, 81 82, 108, 116 -HHats ............................................................ 17 Haywire Products (wiring) .......................... 175 Head Gaskets ............................................. 22 Headlights ............................................ 63, 68 Headlight Bar & Parts .................................. 64 Headlight Buckets ....................................... 68 Headlight Bulb ............................................ 67 Headlight Door ........................................... 67 Headlight Emblem ...................................... 64 Headlight Lens ........................................... 66 Headlight Mounts (Hi-Boy) ......................... 64 Headlight Parts .............. 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 Headlight/Radiator Grommets .................... 65 Headlight Reflector ............................... 66, 67 Headlight Rims ........................................... 65 Headlight Stands & Pads ............................. 64 Headlight Switch ......................................... 65 Headlight Wiring ......................................... 65 Headliner Kit ............................................. 147 Heads (Aluminum) ...................................... 22 Heater Parts ............................................... 82 High Beam Jewel ........................................ 77 Hinge Pins & Remover ..................... 130, 145 Hinges (Trunk Lid) .................................... 117 Hood .......................................................... 90 Hood Center Strips ..................................... 94 Hood Emblems ..................................... 92, 93 Hood Handles ....................................... 40, 92 Hood Hinges & Parts ...................... 90, 91, 97 Hood Lacing Kit .......................................... 96 Hood Latches ....................................... 95, 97 Hood Ornaments .................................. 40, 93 Hood Parts ........ 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 Hood Prop Kit ............................................. 90 Hood Pull Cable ......................................... 95 Hood Molding ............................... 94, 95, 142 Hood Side-Center Rest Brackets ................ 92 Hood Trim .................................................. 95 Continued on Page 2 Page 1 1928-48 FORD INDEX 1-800-543-5035 Horn & Parts ......................................... 13, 78 Horn Button & Parts ................................... 13 Hose Clamps .............................................. 35 Hot Lite’z .................................................. 171 Hub Caps ................................................. 3, 4 -IIgnition Coil ........................................... 59, 60 Ignition Ballast Resistor ......................... 59, 60 Ignition Lock & Keys .................................... 15 Ignition Loom .............................................. 24 Ignition Switch Parts ................................... 15 Ignition Switch Plates “on-off” ..................... 58 Intake Manifold ........................................... 23 Instrument Panel ........................................ 55 Instrument Panel Dimmer Switch ................ 77 -KKey Blanks ................................................. 15 Kick Panel Retainer Trim .......................... 140 King Pin Parts ............................................ 10 Knobs ........................................ 28, 52, 53, 54 -LLED Tail Lights ......................................... 174 License Bracket .......................................... 76 License Plate Frames ............................ 76, 77 License Plate Light ................................ 76, 77 Lifters (Valve) ............................................. 27 Light Bulbs ................................................. 73 Light Switch Parts ....................................... 15 Lokar Parts ............................................... 178 Luggage Rack .......................................... 109 -MMain Bearings ............................................ 26 Master Cylinder & Parts ................................ 6 Mirrors ....................................... 102, 103, 104 Moto-Meter ................................................. 34 Motor Mounts ............................................ 25 Molding (Body) ......................................... 142 Molding (Hood) .................................... 94, 142 Mounting Pads (Body) ................................ 16 Muffler & Clamps ........................................ 19 -NNut Covers (Chrome) ................................. 25 -OOil Dip Stick ............................................... 26 Oil Filler Cap (Flathead) ............................. 26 Oil Filter ...................................................... 26 Oil Pan Gasket Set ..................................... 26 Oil Pressure Sending Unit .......................... 26 Oil Pump & Parts ......................................... 26 Overhaul Gasket Set ................................... 22 -PPaint (Engine) ............................................ 23 Park Lights & Parts ................................ 67, 69 Park Lights (Amber) ................................... 70 Patch Panels ..................................... 149-158 Patent Data Plate ..................................... 110 Pickup Bed Floor Kit ................................. 170 Pickup Bed Parts ............................... 166-171 Pickup Bed Metal Strips & Wood ............... 170 Pickup Beds ............................................. 166 Pickup Body ............................................. 148 Pickup Cab Sheet Metal ........................... 164 Pilot Bearing ............................................... 30 Pistons & Rings ........................................... 25 Points ......................................................... 61 Porcelain Oval (Blue) ................................. 38 Power Windows ....................................... 180 -QQuail Radiator Cap .................................... 34 Quarter Molding ....................................... 142 Quarter Patch Panels ................ 150, 153, 156 Quarter Window Rubber ........................... 137 Page 2 ’28-’48 Ford Parts -T- -RRadiator (Walker) ........................................ 32 Radiator Cap ......................................... 33, 34 Radiator Grille Bezel ................................... 38 Radiator Hoses & Clamps ............................ 35 Radiator to Grille Brackets .......................... 33 Radiator Mounting Kit .................................. 32 Radiator Overflow Tanks ............................. 32 Radiator Panel (Upper) ............................... 35 Radiator Rod Bushings ............................... 32 Radiator Shell ............................................. 36 Radiator Shell Emblem ............................... 38 Radiato/Headlight Grommets ...................... 65 Radiator Shell Mounting Kit ......................... 33 Radiator Splash Apron ................................ 89 Radiator Stone Guard ................................. 36 Radiator Support Rods & Brackets .............. 32 Radio Panels .............................................. 55 Radius Rod Rubber Ball ............................... 11 Rain Gutters .............................................. 157 Rear Horn Apron Channel ........................... 86 Regulators (Door Glass) .................... 123, 124 Ring & Pinion .............................................. 12 Rings & Pistons ........................................... 25 Roadster Body (Steel) ............................... 152 Roadster Dash ............................................ 55 Rocker Panels ................... 152, 154, 155, 156 Rod Bearings .............................................. 26 Roll Pans .................................................. 171 Rotor (Distributor) ....................................... 62 Rubber Parts ...................................... 133-140 Rumble Hinge ........................................... 118 Rumble Handles ....................................... 118 Rumble Lid & Parts ................... 118, 119, 153 Rumble Seat Parts ..... 116, 117, 118, 119, 137 Rumble Step Plates .................................. 119 Running Board Braces ................................ 88 Running Board Covers ................................ 87 Running Board Molding ....................... 89, 142 Running Boards .................................... 87, 88 Running Board Splash Aprons .................... 89 Running Board Step Plates ......................... 89 -SScrew Sets ........................................ 145, 146 Scuff Plates (Sill Plates) ........................... 136 Seat Belts ................................................. 140 Seat Springs ............................................. 141 Shackle Kits ................................................ 20 Sheet Metal 1928-31 ................................ 149, 150, 151 1932 ............................................. 152, 153 1933-34 ........................................ 154, 155 1935-36 ................................................ 155 1937-40 ........................................ 156, 157 1941-48 ................................................ 158 Pickup .......................................... 164, 165 Shift Linkage Parts ...................................... 28 Shirts (Tee’s) .............................................. 17 Shock Link Assembly & Mounts ........... 12, 179 Sliding Door Lock Assembly ...................... 132 Smithy Muffler Assembly ............................. 19 Spare Tire Cover Seal ................................... 3 Spark Plugs & Wires .................................... 62 Speedometer Cable & Parts ........................ 31 Spreader Bar (Frame) ................................. 17 Springs & Parts ..................................... 20, 21 Spring Perch (Front) .................................... 10 Stabilizer Parts ............................................ 11 Starter (Flathead) ........................................ 58 Starter Parts ................................................ 58 Starter & Generator Cover (Chrome) ........... 23 Station Wagon Parts (Woody) ........... 172, 173 Steering Column (Tilt) ............................... 175 Steering Parts ..................................... 14, 111 Steering Wheels .......................................... 13 Stop Light Switch ........................................ 73 Striker Plates ............................................ 131 Subrails ..................................................... 151 Sunvisor & Brackets .......................... 132, 138 Swap Meet Schedule ................................ 181 Tailgates & Parts .............................. 169, 169 Tail Light Brackets ...................................... 75 Tail Light Bulbs ........................................... 73 Tail Light Housing ....................................... 74 Tail Light Lens ...................................... 72, 73 Tail Light Parts .......................... 72, 73, 74, 75 Tail Light Wiring .......................................... 75 Tail Lights .................... 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 174 Tail Light Stand & Pads ......................... 74, 75 Tail Pipe Brackets ....................................... 19 Temperature Gauge & Sender .................... 57 Thermostat ................................................. 45 Throttle Linkage .......................................... 24 Throttle Rods .............................................. 51 Tie Rod & Parts ................................... 10, 11 Timing Gear ................................................ 27 Traffic Light Finder ...................................... 56 Transmission Cover .......................... 157, 158 Transmission Mounts .......................... 25, 179 Transmission Parts ..................................... 29 Transmission to Floor Seal ....................... 111 Trim Clip Sets ........................................... 143 Trim Rings (Spare) ....................................... 3 Trim Screw Kits ......................................... 144 Trunk Arm & Spring Support ..................... 117 Trunk Handles .......................................... 116 Trunk Lid & Parts ....................... 116, 117, 153 Trunk Lid Hinge & Latch ........................... 118 Trunk & Rumble Seal Kit ........................... 137 Tune-Up Parts ...................................... 61, 62 Turn Lights (Amber) .................................... 70 Turn Signal Switch ................................ 70, 78 T-Shirts ....................................................... 17 -UUniversal Joint ............................................ 31 -VValves and Parts ......................................... 27 VDO Gauges ............................................ 177 Vent Window Parts ................... 128, 134, 139 Voltage Reducer ................................... 57, 80 Voltage Regulator ....................................... 57 -WWalker Radiator .......................................... 32 Walk-In Sale ............................................. 182 Water Outlet Housing & Gasket ............ 24, 45 Water Pump ................................................. 45 Weather Strip Adhesive ............................ 135 Wheel Bearings & Seals ............................... 5 Wheel Cylinder ............................................ 6 Window Channel Felt ........................ 121, 123 Window Channel Metal ..................... 122, 124 Window Cranks ................................. 126, 127 Window Frame (Convertible, Rear) ........... 140 Window Regulator .................... 115, 123, 124 Window Regulator Handle ................ 126, 127 Window Rubber ....................... 133, 134, 137 Windshield Division Bars ........................... 133 Windshield Frame ..................... 113, 114, 115 Windshield Garnish Molding ..................... 115 Windshield Lower Stanchions ................... 113 Windshield Parts ............................... 113, 114 Windshield Post ........................................ 113 Windshield Regulator & Handle ........ 115, 124 Windshield Rubber ................................... 133 Wind Wing Brackets .................................. 115 Wiper Arms and Blades .............................. 99 Wiper Drive ................................................. 99 Wiper Kits (Electric) ................................... 98 Wiper Parts ........................... 98, 99, 100, 101 Wiper Tower ............................................. 100 Wire Looms .......................................... 62, 81 Wiring ..................................... 79, 80, 81, 175 Wood Floorboards ................................... 111 Wood Kits ................................................. 140 Woody Wagon Parts ......................... 172, 173 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 STAINLESS STEEL TRIM RING For Spare Tire Cover, comes with mounting hardware 1933-34 Passenger 40-1350 ................................................. each 95.00 1935-36 Passenger 48-1350 ................................................. each 95.00 1934, V-8, Stainless Steel 40-1130-SS ............................................ each 20.00 1934, 4 cylinder, Stainless Steel 46-1130-SS ............................................ each 20.00 1935, V-8, Stainless Steel 48-1130-SS ............................................ each 20.00 SPARE TIRE COVER SEAL 1933-36 Passenger and 1932-48 Station Wagon 40-1351 ................................................. each 10.00 HUB CAPS A-1130-BSS A-1130-DSS 1928-29, Stainless A-1130-BSS .......................................... each 12.00 1930-31, Stainless A-1130-DSS .......................................... each 12.00 1932-33, 4 cylinder, Stainless Steel B-1130-4-SS .......................................... each 1936, Stainless, painted outer with stainless center as original 68-1130-SS ............................................ each 45.00 20.00 More Hub Caps on next page B-1130-SS 18-1130-SS 1932, V-8, Stainless B-1130-SS .............................................. each 20.00 1933, V-8, Stainless 18-1130-SS ............................................ each 20.00 Page 3 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 HUB CAPS O1A-1130-SS O1C-1130-SS 1940, Deluxe Stainless Steel O1A-1130-SS ......................................... each 25.00 1940 Standard and 1940-41 Pickup, Stainless Steel O1C-1130-SS ........................................ each 25.00 11A-1130-SS 21A-1130-SS 1941 Passenger and 1941-42 Pickup, Stainless 11A-1130-SS ......................................... each 25.00 1942 Passenger and 1946 Pickup, Stainless 21A-1130-SS ......................................... each 25.00 51A-1130-SS 14 inch, 4 rib pattern, Stainless Steel O1A-18303-14 ....................................... each 35.00 15 inch, 4 rib pattern, Stainless Steel O1A-18303-15 ....................................... each 25.00 16 inch, 4 rib pattern, Stainless Steel O1A-18303-16 ....................................... each 25.00 14 inch, smooth face, Stainless Steel 6A-18303-14 .......................................... each 25.00 15 inch, smooth face, Stainless Steel 6A-18303-15 .......................................... each 25.00 16 inch, smooth face, Stainless Steel 6A-18303-16 .......................................... each 25.00 15 inch, smooth convex, Stainless Steel 8A-18303-15 .......................................... each 25.00 6A-1130-SS 1946 Passenger, Stainless 51A-1130-SS ......................................... each 1947-48 All, Stainless 6A-1130-SS ........................................... each Page 4 BEAUTY RINGS 25.00 INNER WHEEL TRIM “BEAUTY RINGS” 25.00 1940-41, For 16” wheel, has 6 ridges as original, polished stainless steel O1A-18331 ............................................. each 60.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 AXLE PARTS 1107 1013 1012 1125 68-1194 HUB BOLT STUD 1936-48 Passenger and 1936-47 Pickup, .56” shoulder and 1.56” length 68-1107 .................................................... each 2.25 1940-48 Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup, .56” shoulder and 1.38” length O1A-1107-A ............................................. each 2.25 1946-48 Passenger and 1946-47 Pickup, .62” shoulder and 1.52” length 51A-1107 ................................................. each 2.25 HUB BOLT NUT 1932-48 Passenger and Pickup B-1012 ..................................................... each 2.00 1935-48 Passenger and 1935-47 Pickup, 2.68” O.D. 48-1190 ................................................... each 5.50 FRONT HUB GREASE RETAINING WASHER 1932-48 Passenger and Pickup, 1.82” O.D. B-1195 ...................................................... each 1.50 FRONT WHEEL INNER BEARING .75 .75 1928-48 Passenger and 1928-47 Pickup B-1202 .................................................... each 17.00 FRONT WHEEL INNER RACE 10.00 FRONT WHEEL OUTER BEARING BRAKE DRUMS (less hubs) FRONT OR REAR 1940-48 Passenger and Pickup, hub mounts inside or under drum 21A-1125 ............................................. each 125.00 1940-48 Passenger and Pickup, hub mounts outside of drum 51A-1125 ............................................. each 125.00 FRONT HUB DUST CAP 1936-42 Passenger and Pickup, threaded 68-1139 .................................................. each 7.00 1942-48 Passenger and Pickup, Push on type 51A-1139 ............................................... each 6.00 1928-48 Passenger and 1928-47 Pickup B-1216 .................................................... each 18.00 FRONT WHEEL OUTER RACE 1928-48 Passenger and 1928-47 Pickup B-1217 ..................................................... each 9.00 REAR WHEEL GREASE SEAL 1928-38 Passenger and Pickup, 3.19” O.D. B-1175 ..................................................... each 5.50 1938-48 Passenger and1938-47 Pickup, 2.84” O.D. 78-1175 ................................................... each 5.50 REAR HUB GASKET SPINDLE CASTLE NUT 1936-48 68-1194 ................................................... each 1932-34 Passenger and Pickup, 2.48” O.D. B-1190 ..................................................... each 1928-48 Passenger and 1928-47 Pickup B-1201 .................................................... each LUG NUT “CUPPED” WASHER 1928-48 All, Solves that worn wheel hole problem B-1013 ..................................................... each FRONT WHEEL GREASE SEAL 1928-48 Passenger and 1932-47 Pickup B-1183 ..................................................... each 1.00 REAR WHEEL BEARING 5.00 1928-36 Passenger and Pickup, 3.19” O.D. B-1225-A ................................................ each 28.00 1937-48 Passenger and 1937-47 Pickup, 2.84” O.D. 68-1225-A ............................................... each 35.00 Page 5 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 BRAKE PARTS MASTER CYLINDER COVER PLATE 91A-2462 1939-48 All 91A-7011136 .......................................... each 8.00 MASTER CYLINDER (NEW) 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-52 Pickup 91A-2140 ............................................... each 95.00 STOP LIGHT SWITCH 1939-48 All, Screws in Master Cylinder 11A-13480 .............................................. each MASTER CYLINDER OUTLET FITTING 6.00 1939-40 Passenger and 1939-47 Pickup, V-type 91A-2076 ............................................... each 18.00 1939-48 As Above, straight type 99A-2076 ............................................... each 18.00 MASTER CYLINDER BOLT 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-47 Pickup 91A-2077-A ........................................... each 8.00 FRONT WHEEL CYLINDER (NEW) Wheel Cylinders also fit 1939-41. Use in pairs when replacing 1939-41 as piston diameters are different. MASTER CYLINDER OUTLET GASKET 1939-48 Passenger and Pickup, .61” I.D. 91A-2151 ............................................... each 1.00 1939-48 Passenger and Pickup, .51” I.D. 91A-2152 ............................................... each 1942-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup, Right Hand 21A-2061 ............................................... each 55.00 1.00 1942-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup, Left Hand 21A-2062 ............................................... each 55.00 MASTER CYLINDER FILLER CAP 1939-48, All 91A-2162 .............................................. each 13.00 MASTER CYLINDER FILLER CAP GASKET 1939-48, All 91A-2167 ............................................... each 2.00 REAR WHEEL CYLINDER (NEW) 1939-48 Passenger, 1939-47 Pickup, Right Hand 91A-2261 ............................................... each 55.00 1939-48 Passsenger, 1939-47 Pickup, Left Hand 91A-2262 ............................................... each 55.00 MASTER CYLINDER PUSH ROD 1939-48 Passenger, and 1939-47 Pickup 91A-2143 ............................................... each 12.00 ROD (Brake Pedal to Master Cylinder) 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-41 Pickup, 3/8-24x2” 91A-2462 ................................................ each 7.00 WHEEL CYLINDER REPAIR KIT 1939-41 Passenger and Pickup, Front, 1” x 1-1/4” 91A-2221 ................................................ each 12.00 1942-48 Passenger & 1942-47 Pickup, Front, 1”x1-3/8” 21A-2221 ................................................ each 8.00 WHEEL CYLINDER REPAIR KIT MASTER CYLINDER REPAIR KIT 1939-48 Passenger and Pickup 91A-2004 .............................................. each Page 6 16.00 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-47 Pickup, Rear 91A-2128 ................................................ each 8.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 O1A-2001-S MASTER CYLINDER ADAPTER 1939-48, This adapter allows later model 2 hole master cylinders to be mounted to early ford 3 holt pattern 2140-ADT ..................................... each 70.00 51A-2001-S BRAKE SHOE SET 1939-42, Set does front or rear O1A-2001-S ............................... 2 wheel set 100.00 1946-48 Passenger and 1946-47 Pickup, Set does front or rear 51A-2001-S ................................ 2 wheel set 100.00 BRAKE LINING ONLY 1932-34, Asbestos lining, with rivets, 4 wheel set 40-2018 .................................................... set 90.00 1935-38, Asbestos lining, with rivets, 4 wheel set 48-2018 .................................................... set 90.00 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-47 Pickup, molded, 4 wheel set with rivets 91A-2007-S ............................................. set 50.00 91A-2028 51A-2028 91A-2027 BRAKE SHOE CAM 1939-41, Brake Shoe Anchor Pin 91A-2027 ................................................. each 9.00 1939-42, Round type, one per shoe, not included with brake shoes 91A-2028 ................................................. each 4.00 1946-48, Flat type, one per shoe, not included with brake shoes 51A-2028 ................................................. each 4.00 BRAKE SHOE RIVETING TOOL With attachments X-2018 .................................................... each BRAKE SHOE SPRINGS 40.00 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-47 Pickup, front or rear 91A-2035 ................................................. each 3.00 BRAKE RIVETS Pack of 50 B-2018 ..................................................... pack 3.00 BRAKE SHOE HOLD DOWN CLIP 1946-48 Passenger and 1946-47 Pickup 51A-2125-B ............................................. each PARK BRAKE LEVER LOCK CLIP 1939-48 All 91A-2106 ......................................... each 5.00 .75 Page 7 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 91A-2150 91A-2075 FRONT BRAKE JUNCTION BLOCK 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-41 Pickup, Brass 91A-2075 .............................................. each 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-41 Pickup, Bolt 91A-2150 .............................................. each B-2454 11A-2454 40-2454 78-2454 11.00 6.00 REAR BRAKE JUNCTION BLOCK BRAKE AND CLUTCH PAD 1939-40 Passenger and 1939-41 Pickup, Brass 91A-2074 .............................................. each 11.00 1941-48 Passenger, As Above 99A-2074 ............................................... each 1932 All, Original Style, Pyramid Design Rubber B-2454 ................................................... each 35.00 11.00 1933-36 All, Original Style, Pyramid Design Rubber 40-2454 .................................................. each 9.00 99A-2079 91A-2149 1937-40 All, Original Style 78-2454 .................................................. each 9.00 1941-48 All, Original Style, Round Ring Design 11A-2454 ................................................ each 9.00 BRAKE HOSES 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-41 Pickup, Rear 91A-2078 .............................................. each 17.50 1942-47 Pickup, Rear O1T-2078 .............................................. each 18.50 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-47 Pickup, Front 99A-2079 .............................................. each 17.50 BRAKE AND CLUTCH PEDAL PAD 1933-48, Polished stainless steel with rubber insert pad 40-2454-SSB ......................................... each 30.00 FRONT BRAKE HOSE COPPER WASHER 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-47 Pickup 91A-2149 ............................................... each 1.00 48-2473 O1T-2472 CLUTCH AND BRAKE ARM BUMPERS O1A-2456 1932-34 Passenger and 1948-52 Pickup, fits in metal plate under wood floor 7C-2473 .................................................... pair 3.50 48-2472 78-2456 B-2456 7C-2473 1935-36 Passenger, as above 48-2473 .................................................... pair BRAKE PEDAL RETURN SPRING 5.00 1932 Passenger and Pickup, Stainless, 3-1/8” long B-2456 ................................................... each 8.00 1935-36 Passenger and Pickup, 6-5/8” long 48--2472 ................................................ each 4.00 1937-38 Passenger and Pickup 78-2456 .................................................. each 4.00 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup O1A-2472 .............................................. each 4.00 1942-47 Pickup O1T-2472 ............................................... each 4.00 Page 8 CLUTCH AND BRAKE PEDAL WEATHER SEALS 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-47 Pickup 91A-2476-S ............................................. pair 6.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 EMERGENCY HAND BRAKE CABLE BOOT 1939-48 91A-2597 ................................................. pair 10.00 EMERGENCY BRAKE CABLE SPRING PLATE EMERGENCY HAND BRAKE CABLE ASSY. 1939-48, Two per car 91A-2113 ................................................. each Complete cable with housing that runs from hand brake handle to outside 2.00 2788 1937-38 Passenger, 60” long 78-2853-A .............................................. each 35.00 1940 Passenger, except 60 HP, 77” long O1A-2853 ............................................. each 35.00 1939 Passenger and 1939-41 Pickup, 70” long O1C-2853 ............................................. each 1939-42 Passenger and 1939-47 Pickup. 91A-2788 ................................................ each 3.00 35.00 1942-47 Pickup, 103.50” long 21C-2853 .............................................. each 1946-48 Passenger 51A-2788 ................................................ each 3.00 35.00 1941-48 Passenger, 87.50” long 11A-2853 .............................................. each 35.00 EMERGENCY BRAKE PAWL SPRING EMERGENCY BRAKE CABLE EQUALIZER 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-41 Pickup 91A-2119 ................................................ each 7.00 78-2814-A EMERGENCY HAND BRAKE CABLE CLIP 1937-48 78-2814-A .............................................. each 1.50 91A-2272 91A-2272 CABLE GROMMET BRACKETS AT RADIUS ROD 1939-40 Passenger and Pickup 91A-2272 ................................................. pair 10.00 EMERGENCY HAND BRAKE CABLE GROMMET ON REAR RADIUS ROD 1939-40 Passenger and 1939-41 Pickup 91A-2271 .................................................. pair REAR EMERGENCY HAND BRAKE CABLES 1939-41 All, 122” long, runs wheel to wheel 91A-2275-B .......................................... each 20.00 91A-2273-A 5.00 11A-2091 HAND BRAKE CABLE GROMMET 1942-48 Passenger, 107” long, runs wheel to wheel 21A-2275 .............................................. each 20.00 1939-40 Passenger and 1939-41 Pickup, fits in frame 91A-2273-A ............................................. each 3.00 1942-47 Pickup, 44.75” long. Takes 2 per vehicle 21C-2275 .............................................. each 35.00 1941-48 Passenger 11A-2091 ................................................. each 6.00 Page 9 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 48-3032 A-3030 FRONT SPRING PERCH 1928-31, Front Spring Perch A-3030 ................................................... each 52.50 FRONT AXLE BOLTS 1935-36 Passenger and Pickup 48-3032 ................................................ each FRONT AXLE BOLT NUT INDEPENDENT FRONT SUSPENSIONS CALL FOR PRICING 21A-3111 1928-48 Passenger and 1928-47 Pickup B-3036 .................................................... each 3110 1928-31, Passenger and Pickup A-3111 ...................................................... kit 100.00 1935-36 Passenger and Pickup 48-3111 ...................................................... kit 100.00 1942-48 Passenger and Pickup 21A-3111 ................................................... kit 1.50 TIE RODS KING PIN AND BUSHING KIT 1937-41 Passenger and Pickup 78-3111 ...................................................... kit 110.00 50.00 50.00 1935-36 Passenger and Pickup, 45” 48-3283 ................................................. each 50.00 1937-41 Passenger and Pickup, 43.65” 78-3283 ................................................. each 60.00 1942-48 Passenger and Pickup, 45.80” 21A-3283 ............................................... each 60.00 TIE ROD ENDS 1935-48 Passenger and Pickup, right hand thread 11A-3289 .............................................. each 16.00 1935-48 Passsenger and Pickup, left hand thread 11A-3290 .............................................. each 16.00 KING PIN REPAIR KIT This is the complete “King Pin” set without the King Pins. Includes all other parts 1932-41 Passenger and Pickup X-3111 ....................................................... kit 30.00 TIE-ROD OR DRAG LINK KIT KING PIN BUSHING 1932-41 Passenger and Pickup, 4 needed 11A-3110 ............................................... each 4.00 1942-48 Passenger and Pickup, 4 needed 21A-3110 ................................................ each 4.00 Page 10 1928-34, Tie-Rod or Drag Link Kit. Contains all internal parts for either Drag Link or Tie-Rod. 40-3305-RK ............................................ each 9.50 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 11Y-3306 11A-3306 21A-3306 FRONT AXLE BUMPERS COMPLETE DRAG LINK WITH BOTH ENDS 1932-34 Passenger and Pickup B-3020 ................................................... each 6.00 1935-41 Passenger and Pickup 11Y-3306 .............................................. each 110.00 1941 Passenger and Pickup, bent end type 11A-3306 .............................................. each 1935-38 Passenger and Pickup 48-3020 .................................................. each 8.00 150.00 1942-48 Passenger 21A-3306 .............................................. each 1939-40 Passsenger and 1939-41 Pickup 91A-3020 ............................................... each 8.00 95.00 1942-47 Pickup 21C-3020 ............................................... each 8.00 1941-42 Passenger 11A-3020 ............................................... each 8.00 1946-48 Passenger 51A-3020 ............................................... each 8.00 TIE ROD END COUPLING SLEEVE 1935-48 Passenger and Pickup 11A-3310 .............................................. each 14.00 TIE ROD AND DRAG LINK END SEAL SET 1935-48 Passenger and Pickup, 4 piece set 48-3332-S ................................................. set 6.00 01A-3353/54-S 51A-5464 STABILIZER SWIVEL 1940, Swivels for Stabilizer Bar O1A-3353/54-S ....................................... pair 60.00 SPRING PERCH BUSHING FOR SWIVEL 1940 51A-5464 ................................................ each 21A-5484 9.00 11A-3020 48-5783 91A-5783 REAR AXLE BUMPERS 1932 Passenger and Pickup B-5783-S ................................................ each 8.00 1933-34,Passenger and Pickup 40-5783 .................................................. each 10.00 1935-38 Passenger and Pickup 48-5783 .................................................. each 8.00 1939-40 Passenger and 1939-41 Pickup 91A-5783 ................................................ each 8.00 1941-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup 11A-3020 ................................................ each 8.00 51A-18197 RADIUS ROD RUBBER BALL STABILIZER INSULATOR 1942-48, Stabilizer Insulator 21A-5484 ................................................ pair 1942-48, Sway Bar Bushing, 4 needed per bar 51A-18197 ............................................. each 10.00 1932-40 Passenger and 1932-41 Pickup B-3446 ................................................... each 5.00 1.00 1941-48 Passenger 11A-3446 ................................................ each 5.00 Page 11 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 RING AND PINION SETS REAR AXLE AND AXLE HOUSING PARTS 1928-48, Rear Axle to Brake Drum Key B-4243 ................................................... each 1.50 1928-48, Drive Shaft Seal, Front, also Axle Seal Inside Rear Axle Housing, need one front & 2 rears per car B-4245 ................................................... each 5.00 1928-48, Drive Shaft Bearing B-4645 .................................................. each 15.00 1928-48, Drive Shaft Bearing Race, Front B-4655 .................................................. each 11.00 1928-48, Rear Hub Seal 78-1175 .................................................. each 5.50 1928-36, Rear Wheel Bearing, 3.19” O.D. B-1225-A ............................................... each 28.00 1937-48, Rear Wheel Bearing, 2.84” O.D. 68-1225-A ............................................. each 30.00 1932-48, Pinion Pilot Bearing 18-4625-A ............................................. each 45.00 1932-37, Rear Hub Seal B-1175 ................................................... each 5.50 1932-48, Rear Axle Gasket Set 18-4035 .................................................. each 15.00 1932-48, Universal Joint Gasket Set 18-4515-S .............................................. each 8.00 1935-48, Pinion Bearing Race, Front, 1 per car 48-4616 ................................................. each 75.00 1935-48, Pinion Bearing, Front, 2 per car 48-4621-B ............................................. each 50.00 1937-48, Ring Gear Carrier Bearing, 2 per car 68-4221 ................................................. each 50.00 1937-48, Ring Gear Carrier Bearing Race 68-4222 ................................................. each 25.00 Page 12 1928-31 and ’32 4 cyl, 3.78 ratio B-4209 ................................................. each 399.00 1928-31 and ’32 4 cyl, 3.54 ratio B-4209-HS ........................................... each 399.00 1932 V-8 and 1933-34, 3.25 ratio 40-4209-F ............................................ each 445.00 1932 V-8, and 1933-34, 3.54 ratio 40-4209-HS ......................................... each 475.00 1935-48 Passenger, 1935-41 Pickup, 3.25 ratio 68-4209-F ............................................ each 350.00 1935-48 Passenger, 1935-41 Pickup, 3.54 ratio 68-4209-HS ......................................... each 375.00 B-4012 REAR AXLE HOUSING REPAIR SLEEVE 1928-48, Rear Axle Housing Repair Sleeve, must machine axle housing B-4012 ................................................... each 35.00 SHOCK ABSORBER LINK ASSEMBLY 1935-40, 3” between studs 48-18055 ................................................ each 17.50 1937-48, 4” between studs 78-18055 ................................................ each 20.00 1941-48, 4.7” between studs 99A-18055 .............................................. each 17.50 1946-48, 2.39” between studs 21A-18055 .............................................. each 17.50 SHOCK ABSORBER BUSHING 1947-48 Passenger, for Tubular Shocks, 16 required, also the Track Bar Bushing for 1942-48 Pass., 8 required 51A-18197 ............................................... each 3.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 O1A-3627-A O1A-3627-B 11C-3627 HORN BUTTON STEERING WHEEL 1935-36, Passenger and Pickup 48-3600-A ............................................ each 170.00 1940, Standard, Brown O1A-3627-A .......................................... each 20.00 1940, Deluxe, Mahogany O1A-3627-B .......................................... each 20.00 1940-47, Pickup, Black 11C-3627 ............................................... each 20.00 6A-3627-BLU 78-3600-A 6A-3627-GLD 81A-3600-D HORN BUTTON INSERT 1937-39, Standard and 1937-39 Pickup 78-3600-A ............................................ each 170.00 1937-39, Deluxe “Banjo” 81A-3600-D ......................................... each 195.00 1942-48 Passenger, Silver/Blue background with Gold & Red accents 6A-3627-BLU ......................................... each 40.00 1942-48 Passenger, Gold background with Silver accents 6A-3627-GLD ........................................ each 40.00 3626 1940, Deluxe, with smooth horn button O1A-3600-D ........................................ each HORN BUTTON SPRING 250.00 1940, Deluxe, 15”, GM ready, fits most late 70s and 80s GM columns and aftermarket GM columns with splined shaft. Also fits original early Ford tapered shaft with keyway. O1A-3600-SR ...................................... each 275.00 1940 O1A-3626 ................................................ each 2.00 1942-48 21A-3626 ................................................. each 2.00 HORN BUTTON WIRE 1940, Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup, cotton braided wire with correct metal cap O1A-3671 .............................................. each 30.00 HORN BUTTON INSULATOR 1941-48, Passenger, unpainted 6A-3600 ................................................ each 170.00 1941-48, Passenger 11A-3672 ................................................ each 3.00 Page 13 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 STEERING SECTOR ASSEMBLY STEERING PARTS 1932-34 Passenger and Pickup, 13:1 ratio B-3575 ................................................... each 1932-34 Passenger and Pickup, 15:1 ratio 40-3575 ................................................. each 105.00 105.00 1935 Passenger and Pickup, 15:1 ratio 48-3575 ................................................. each 105.00 1936 Passenger and Pickup, 17:1 ratio 68-3575 ................................................. each 105.00 1937-48 Passenger and Pickup 7RC-3575 .............................................. each 260.00 1937-48, Sector Gear only, less shaft 7C-3575-R ............................................. each 78.00 STEERING SECTOR SHAFT BUSHING 1932-48 Passenger and Pickup except 1936 78-3576 .................................................. each 4.00 STEERING WORM SECTOR NEEDLE BEARING 1936 Passenger and Pickup, 2 required 68-3576 ................................................... each STEERING WORM 1932-34 Passenger and Pickup, 13:1 ratio, less shaft B-3524 .................................................. each 95.00 1932-34 Passenger and Pickup, 15:1 ratio 40-3524 ................................................. each 1935 Passenger, 15:1 ratio 48-3524 ................................................. each 95.00 STEERING GEAR GASKET SET 1932-36 Passenger and Pickup B-3581-AS .............................................. each 6.00 1937-48 Passenger and 1937-47 Pickup 78-3581-S .............................................. each 6.00 95.00 1936 Passenger, 17:1 ratio 68-3524 ................................................. each 95.00 1937-48 Passenger 78-3524 ................................................. each 75.00 12.00 STEERING GEAR OIL SEAL 1935-48 Passenger and 1937-47 Pickup 48-3591 .................................................. each 4.50 STEERING WORM BEARING LOWER CUP 1932-36 Passenger and Pickup B-3552 .................................................. each 12.00 1937-48 Passenger and Pickup 8A-3553 ................................................ each 22.00 51A-3517 STEERING WORM BEARING UPPER CUP 1937-48 Passenger and Pickup B-3552 ................................................... each 21A-3517 10.00 STEERING SHAFT UPPER BUSHING 10.00 1932-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup, Rubber Bushing w/Bronze insert 51A-3517-A ............................................ each 6.00 STEERING WORM BEARING 1936-48 Passenger and Pickup, 2 required 68-3571 .................................................. each 51A-3517-A 1932-48 Passenger, Rubber Bushing 51A-3517 ................................................ each 5.00 1942-48 Passenger & Pickup, Upper Column Bearing 21A-3517 ................................................ each 8.00 Page 14 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 B-3682 40-3682 48-3682 Brush Contact IGNITION LOCK STEERING SHIM 1932 Passenger B-3682 ................................................... each 3.00 1933-34 Passenger 40-3682 .................................................. each 3.00 1935-37 Passenger and 1932-47 Pickup 48-3682 .................................................. each 3.00 1938-39 Passenger and Pickup 81A-3682 ............................................... each 5.00 1940 Passenger O1A-3682 ................................................ pair 2.00 IGNITION SWITCH CONTACT BRUSH AND BODY 1938-40 Passenger and 1938-47 Pickup, bakelite brush and bakelite contact 81A-3704/9-K ........................................... set 20.00 1938-40 Passenger and 1938-47 Pickup, brush only 81A-3704 ............................................... each 15.00 B-3647 B-3569 B-3686-KA B-3642 B-3686-KC B-3686-KB B-3643 “HURD” STYLE KEY BLANKS B-3644 1932-34, Door Lock B-3686-KA ............................................. each 5.00 1932-48, Ignition; 1935-48, Door Lock B-3686-KB ............................................. each 5.00 1932-48, Deck Handle; 1932-48, Spare Tire Lock; 1935 -48, Glove Box Lock B-3686-KC ............................................. each 5.00 LIGHT SWITCH SPIDER SPRING 1928-39 B-3642 .................................................... each 1.25 LIGHT SWITCH SPIDER 1928-39 B-3643 .................................................... each 4.00 LIGHT SWITCH SPIDER RETAINER 48-3686 1928-39 B-3644 ..................................................... each 68-3729 .50 LIGHT SWITCH BAIL OA-11580 IGNITION LOCK CYLINDER W/KEYS 1935-47 Passenger and 1935-47 Pickup 48-3686 ................................................. each 1935-48, Lock Cylinder Retaining Pin 68-3729 ................................................. each 25.00 2.50 IGNITION SWITCH BEZEL 1947-48 Passenger OA-11580 ..................................... each 4.00 4.00 STEERING GEAR LIGHT SWITCH BRACKET 1929-37, Flange that light switch fits into, zinc plated B-3569 ..................................................... each 5.00 15.00 IGNITION PLATE-LEVER-BUTTON KIT 1940 Passenger O1A-3676-k ...................................... kit 1928-36 B-3647 .................................................... each 1937-39 78-3647 .................................................. each 45.00 LIGHT SWITCH BODY 1928-39, Light Switch Body and Housing B-11655-S ............................................. each 20.00 Page 15 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 BODY BLOCKS 1928-29 Pickup, 6 piece set 5000-AS .................................................... set 38.00 1930-31 Pickup, 6 piece set 5000-BS .................................................... set 38.00 1928-29, Coupe 5000-CS .................................................... set 48.00 1930-31, Coupe 5000-DS .................................................... set 48.00 1928-29, Roadster 5000-ES ..................................................... set 50.00 1930-31, Roadster 5000-FS .................................................... set 50.00 1928-29, Tudor Sedan, includes long blocks to mount front seat 5000-GS ................................................... set 54.00 1930-31, Tudor Sedan, includes long blocks to mount front seat 5000-HS .................................................... set 54.00 1928-31, Body Bolt to Frame Kit, cad plated, 36 pieces A-80045 ...................................................... kit 7.00 78-5001 BODY MOUNTING PADS 1935-36 Passenger 48-5001 .................................................... set 80.00 1937-39 All and 1940 Closed Car 78-5001 ..................................................... set 40.00 1940, Convertible O1A-5001 ................................................. set 45.00 1941-48 Passenger 21A-5001 ................................................. set 40.00 BODY TO FRAME WEBING 1928-48, 1-1/2” x 1/8” x 20 ft roll B-5000-B .................................................. roll 25.00 1928-48, As Above, except with adhesive backing B-5000-AD ............................................... roll 29.00 BODY TO FRAME BOLT KITS 1937-40, Closed Cars, 126 pc. kit, with rubber washers 78-5000-HK ................................................ kit 20.00 1941-48 Passenger, 44 piece kit 51A-5000-HK .............................................. kit BODY BLOCK TO FRAME RUBBER PADS 1928-31 All and 1932-47 Pickup, 16 piece set A-5001-P .................................................. set Page 16 10.00 15.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1940-41 1935-37 Blue Denim Tan W/Black Bill CAB MOUNTING WOOD EARLY FORD EMBROIDERED “LOGO” HATS 1932-34 Pickup, 6 piece set 88033 ....................................................... set 105.00 1935-37 Pickup, 2 piece set 88034 ....................................................... set Blue Denim with embroidered color Logo EF-3000-T ............................................... each 9.00 190.00 1938-39 Pickup, 2 piece set 88035 ....................................................... set Tan Denim with embroidered color Logo EF-3002-T ............................................... each 9.00 205.00 Tan with Black Bill and embroidered color Logo EF-3001-D ............................................... each 9.00 1940-41 Pickup, 6 piece set, replacement type 88036 ....................................................... set 120.00 1940-41 Pickup, 6 piece set, finger joints as original NC-88036 ................................................ set 249.00 1942-47 Pickup, 6 piece set 88037 ....................................................... set 65.00 BODY INSULATION SHEETING 1928-48 All, Tar coated sound deadner, 3’ wide x 8’ long x 1/16” thick B-5010-F30 .............................................. roll 12.00 FRAME SPREADER BAR 1928-31, Front Spreader Bar, Stainless Steel A-5035 .................................................. each 60.00 1932, Rear Spreader Bar, Stainless Steel B-5035 .................................................. each 130.00 1932, Front Spreader Bar, Stainless Steel B-5041-S ............................................... each 95.00 EARLY FORD “LOGO” T-SHIRTS 1933-34, Rear Spreader Bar, Plain Steel 40-5081-B ............................................ each 125.00 Available in White only, sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2XL., see back cover for color photo. EF-3002 .................................................. each 10.00 Page 17 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 B-5151 O1A-5171 91A-5171 BATTERY HOLD DOWN BRACKET 40-5151 1939 Passenger, Deluxe 91A-5171 ............................................... each 18.00 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup O1A-5171 ............................................... each 14.00 11A-10732 O1A-5151 BATTERY HOLD DOWN CLAMP PAD 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup O1A-5158 ............................................... each BATTERY BOXES 1932, Battery Box B-5151 .................................................. each 40.00 1933-34, Battery Box 40-5151 ................................................. each 35.00 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup, Battery Box O1A-5151 ............................................. each 70.00 2.00 11A-5175 1941-48 Passenger, Battery Box, with hardware 11A-10732 by Drake ............................ each 100.00 BATTERY HOLD DOWN BOLT 40A-5165 1941-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup 11A-5175 ................................................ each 4.00 BATTERY HOLD DOWN 1933-48, Battery Hold Down 40-5165 .................................................. each 10.00 5179 BATTERY HOLD DOWN NUT & WASHER KIT 1941-48 Passenger and 1941-47 Pickup 11A-5179-S ................................................ kit Page 18 4.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 11A-5259 Front A-5230-P 11A-5261 Rear TAIL PIPE BRACKETS 2GA-5230 MUFFLER 1928-31, Replacement type A-5230-R .............................................. each 175.00 1928-31, Duplicate of original A-5230-P ............................................... each 239.00 1932-34, Round 48-5230-C ............................................. each 60.00 1935-38, Round 48-5230-B .............................................. each 60.00 1939-40, Round 91A-5230-B .......................................... each 60.00 1942-48, Oval 2GA-5230 ............................................. each 1939-46, Front 11A-5259 ............................................... each 10.00 1939-46, Rear 11A-5261 ............................................... each 10.00 51A-18259-A 51A-18259-B EXHAUST DEFLECTORS 70.00 V-8 Exhaust Deflector 51A-18259-B ......................................... each 18.00 Ford Script Exhaust Deflector 51A-18259-A ......................................... each 18.00 MUFFLER CLAMP 1928-31 A-5251-S ................................................ each 10.00 EXHAUST MANIFOLD GASKET SET 1928-34, 4 cylinder, 2 pcs. A-9433-C ................................................... set 14.00 1932-48, V-8, set of 8 18-9433 ..................................................... set 7.50 SMITHY MUFFLERS A true 50’s sound that is resonated through Smithy’s legendary 22” mufflers. 3 1/2” diameter, 2” inlet/outlet SM-5120 ........................................ pair 70.00 EXHAUST BRACKETS AND CLAMPS 1935-38 Passenger and Pickup, all pieces needed to hang the exhaust system 48-5200 ...................................................... kit 50.00 Page 19 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 FRONT STABILIZER BAR RUBBER BUSHINGS 1942-48 Passenger 21A-5484 ................................................... pair 10.00 5465 FRONT SPRING 1932-34 Passenger and Pickup 40-5310 ................................................ each 1942-47 Pickup, 8 leaf 21C-5310-B ......................................... each 125.00 SPRING SHACKLE KITS 160.00 FRONT SPRING SHACKLE BRACKET BUSHING 1942-47 Pickup, 2 required 21C-5344 ............................................... each 6.00 MAIN LEAF BUSHING 1942-47 Pickup, 4 required 21C-5348 ............................................... each 6.00 FRONT SPRING SHACKLE BOLT 1942-47 Pickup, 6 required 21C-5465 ............................................... each 6.00 FRONT SPRING SHACKLE BAR 1942-47 Pickup, inner, 2 required 21C-5468 ............................................... each 4.00 FRONT SPRING SHACKLE BAR 1942-47 Pickup, outer, 2 required 21C-5469 ............................................... each 4.00 CENTER SPRING BOLTS 1932-48 Passenger and 1932-41 Pickup, Front B-5345-F ................................................ each 2.00 1932-48 Passenger and 1932-41 Pickup, Rear B-5345-R ............................................... each 2.00 1928-31, Front Shackle Kit A-5304 ....................................................... kit 20.00 1932-34, Front Shackle Kit B-5304 ....................................................... kit 24.00 1935-40, Front Shackle Kit 48-5304 ..................................................... kit 24.00 1941, Front Shackle Kit 11A-5304 ................................................... kit 24.00 1942-48 Passenger, Front Shackle Kit 21A-5304 ................................................... kit 30.00 1928-31, Rear Shackle Kit A-5630 ....................................................... kit 20.00 1932-34, Rear Shackle Kit B-5630 ....................................................... kit 24.00 1935-40, Rear Shackle Kit 48-5630 ..................................................... kit 24.00 1941, Rear Shackle Kit 11A-5630 ................................................... kit 24.00 1942-48 Passenger, Rear Shackle Kit 21A-5630 ................................................... kit 30.00 FRONT SPRING U-BOLT 1942-47 Pickup B3C-5455-A ........................................... each 7.00 LOWERING SHACKLE BRACKETS 1935-41 All, Rear, drops approximately 2 inches 48-5468 ...................................................... set 30.00 Page 20 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 SPRING LINER Controls friction and squeaks between spring leaves, 20 foot roll Passenger: 1-3/4” fits 1928-34 front, 2” fits 1935-48 front, 2-1/4” fits 1928-48 rear. Pickup: 1-3/4” fits 1928-56 front, 2” fits 1948-56 rear, 2 -1/4” fits 1928-47 rear. A-5310-P1 1-3/4” wide x 20 feet ............... roll 12.00 A-5310-P2 2” wide x 20 feet ...................... roll 13.00 A-5310-P3 2-1/4” wide x 20 feet ............... roll 14.00 REAR SPRING 1942-47 Pickup 21C-5560 .............................................. each 225.00 REAR SPRING SHACKLE KIT 1942-47 Pickup, Consists of 6 21C-5780 pins, 6 82Y5782 pins, 4 21C-5781-A bushings and 2 21C-5791-A bushings. Does both springs 7C-5630-S ................................................. kit 60.00 REAR SPRING U-BOLT 1942-47 Pickup 21C-5701-C ............................................. each 8.00 FRONT AND REAR SPRING ANTI-SQUEAK PAD 1933-48 Passenger and 1933-41 Pickup 11A-5599 .............................................. each 4.00 11A-3020 51A-3020 48-5783 91A-5783 REAR AXLE BUMPERS 1932 Passenger and Pickup B-5783-S ................................................ each 8.00 1933-34 Passenger and Pickup 40-5783 .................................................. each 8.00 1935-38 Passenger and Pickup 48-5783 .................................................. each 8.00 1939-40 Passenger and 1939-41 Pickup 91A-5783 ................................................ each 8.00 1941-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup 11A-3020 ................................................ each 8.00 REAR SPRING SHACKLE BRACKET 1942-47 Pickup, rear, Hanger Bracket 21C-5776 .............................................. each 40.00 1942-47 Pickup, front or rear, Bracket to Frame 21C-5775 .............................................. each 40.00 2-1/2” LOWER THAN STOCK REAR SPRING HANGER PIN 1942-47 Pickup, 6 required 21C-5780 ............................................... each 6.00 REAR SPRING MAIN LEAF BUSHING 1942-47 Pickup, 4 required 21C-5781 ............................................... each 8.00 REAR SPRING SHACKLE HANGER BUSHING 1942-47 Pickup, 2 required 21C-5791 ............................................... each 6.00 POSIES LOWERING SPRINGS 1935-40 All and 1935-41 Pickup, Front, reversed eye P-2040-R ............................................... each 175.00 1935-40 As Above, stock eye P-2040-S ............................................... each 195.00 1942-48 Passenger, Front, reversed eye P-2100-R ............................................... each 195.00 1935-36 All, Rear, reversed eye PR-36-L ................................................. each 275.00 1937-40 and 1937-41 Pickup, Rear, reversed eye PR-40-L ................................................. each 275.00 1942-48 Passenger, Rear, reversed eye PR-46-L ................................................. each 285.00 Page 21 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 ALUMINUM HIGH COMPRESSION HEADS 6008 59A-1068-O 1939-48, Edelbrock 59A-1068-E .................................. pair 595.00 1939-48, Offenhauser 59A-1068-O .................................. pair 595.00 ENGINE GASKET SETS 1928-31, Complete Engine Gasket Set A-6008-C .............................................. each 8BA-1069-O 70.00 1932-37, 21 Stud Engine, Copper Head Gaskets 18-6008 .................................................... set 140.00 1938-41, 24 Stud Engine, Composite Head Gaskets 81A-6008 ................................................. set 110.00 1949-53, Edelbrock 8BA-1069-E .................................. pair 550.00 1942-48, 24 Stud Engine, Composite Head Gaskets 99A-6008-SA ............................................ set 110.00 1949-53, Offenhauser 8BA-1069-O .................................. pair 595.00 1942-48, Copper Head Gaskets 99A-6008-CC ........................................... set 1947-48, H Series, 6 cylinder 7HA-6008 ................................................. set 1948-53, V-8, With Composite Head Gasket 8BA-6008-SA .......................................... set 1948-53, V-8, With Copper Head Gasket 8BA-6008-CC ........................................ set 120.00 115.00 90.00 120.00 HEAD GASKETS 1932-37 Passenger and Pickup, 21 stud engine 40-6051—Plain ..................................... each 40-6051—Copper ................................. each 26.00 39.00 8BA-6065 40-6065 CYLINDER HEAD STUDS Cylinder Head Stud, 2.34” 40-6065 .................................................. each 2.50 Cylinder Head Stud, 2.90” 40-6066 .................................................. each 2.50 Cylinder Head Stud, 3.59” 40-6067 .................................................. each 2.50 Cylinder Head Stud, 3.09” 48-6067 .................................................. each 2.50 Cylinder Head Stud, 3.25” 91A-6067 ............................................... each 2.50 CYLINDER HEAD BOLTS 1938-42 Passenger and Pickup, 24 stud engine 91A-6051—Plain .................................. each 26.00 91A-6051—Copper ............................... each 39.00 1939-48 Passenger and Pickup, 85 & 100 H.P. engine 59A-6051—Plain .................................. each 26.00 59A-6051—Copper ............................... each 39.00 1948-53, 1.94” long, V-8, 20 per engine 8BA-6065 ..................................... each 2.25 1948-53, 2.26” long, V-8, 28 per engine 8BA-6066 .............................................. each 2.25 BIG BORE HEAD GASKET 1928-48, Cylinder Head Washer B-6063 .................................................... each .35 1928-48, Cylinder Head Nut B-6064 .................................................... each .35 1939-48, Copper 59A-6051-BB ........................................ each 50.00 1948-53, Copper 8BA-6051-BB ........................................ each 50.00 Page 22 CYLINDER HEAD NUT AND WASHER ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 OFFENHAUSER ALUMINUM INTAKE MANIFOLDS GM ALTERNATOR MOUNTING BRACKETS 1932-48, Dual Carburetor, Generator mounts in stock location 59A-1090 .................................... each 275.00 1938-42, For mounting GM Alternators on ‘38-42 Ford Engines, plain steel. 916-67908 ............................................. each 50.00 1949-53, As Above 8BA-1075 ............................................. each 1938-42, As Above, Chrome 916-67907 ............................................. each 275.00 95.00 1946-53, For mounting GM Alternators on ‘46-53 Ford Engines, plain steel. 916-67910 .................................... each 50.00 1932-48, Triple Carburetor, includes offset generator bracket 59A-1074 .................................... each 325.00 1949-53, Triple Carburetor, includes offset generator bracket 8BA-1077 .................................... each 375.00 1932-48, 4 Barrel Carburetor 59A-1079 .................................... each 275.00 1949-53, 4 Barrel Carburetor 8BA-1078 ............................................. each 275.00 1946-53, As Above, Chrome 916-67909 .................................... each 95.00 GM ALTERNATOR PULLEY 1948-53, Uses original 5/8” belt to turn water pumps and GM Alternator, plain steel. 910-16250 .................................... each 18.00 STAINLESS GENERATOR & STARTER COVER INTAKE MANIFOLD GASKET 1932-48, V-8 40-6521 ................................................. each 12.00 ENGINE PAINT 1932-48, Generator Cover 59A-10000-C ................................ each 28.00 1949-53, Generator Cover 8BA-10000-C ........................................ each 35.00 1932-53, Starter Cover 59A-11000-C ........................................ each 30.00 HOT ROD STYLE AIR CLEANER 1928-41 Passenger and Pickup. Antique Ford Green, 12 oz. spray can M-200 ..................................................... each 8.00 All years, 4” covered chrome top, 2-5/8” carburetor opening B-9600-HR ................................... each 12.00 1942-48 Passenger and Pickup, Antique Ford Blue, 12 oz. spray can M-205 ..................................................... each 8.00 F-9600, Filter for above ......................... each 4.00 Page 23 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 FLATHEAD EXHAUST HEADERS FUEL BLOCKS Chrome plated die cast Fuel Blocks 3/8” NPT Inlet. Outlets are 1/4” NPT. MG-9283 Dual Outlet ....................... each 18.00 MG-9284 Triple Outlet ........................... each 18.00 1932-53, V-8, except 60 H.P., Fenton, Cast Iron 59A-9430-CH ................................. pair 295.00 FUEL BLOCK FITTINGS (Brass) .. each 4.00 HR-3129-3 3/8” NPT with 3/8” hose ..... each 4.00 HR-3130-5 1/4” NPT with 5/16” hose ... each 4.00 HR-3130-3 1/4” NPT with 3/8” hose ..... each 4.00 HR-3129-5 3/8” NPT with 5/16” hose 1932-53, V-8, except 60 H.P, Universal, Tubular, black 59A-9431-SH ................................. pair 165.00 THROTTLE LINKAGE 1932-53, Dual Carburetor, Adjustable, Non-Progressive 59A-2864 ........................................ kit 20.00 1932-53, Triple Carburetor, Adjustable, Progressive 59A-6271 .................................................. kit 85.00 1932-34, V-8, All, Tubular Steel, black B-9431-SH .................................... pair 165.00 1935-38 & 1939 Standard, As Above 48-9431-SH ................................... pair 165.00 1939 Deluxe, 1940 & 1940-41 Pickup, As Above 91A-9431-SH ................................. pair 165.00 1941-48 Passenger, V-8, All, Tubular Steel, black 11A-9431-SH ................................. pair 165.00 NOSTALGIA FUEL LINE Clear Red Fuel Resistant Superthane Tubing ...................... 6 feet 15.00 HR-9369-B 3/8” I.D. ............................. 6 feet 15.00 HR-9369-A 5/16” I.D. STAINLESS STEEL IGNITION LOOMS 1937-48 59A-12280-AS ....................................... pair 1949-53 8BA-12280-AS ....................................... pair Page 24 85.00 85.00 EXHAUST MANIFOLD GASKET SET 1932-53, V-8, except 60 H.P., set of 8 18-9433 ..................................................... set 7.50 WATER OUTLET HOUSING 1949-53, V-8, Polished Aluminum Water Outlet 1BA-8592 ...................................... each 14.00 8BA-8255, Gasket for above .................. each 1.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 CHROME PLATED CYLINDER HEAD NUT COVERS 1932-53 All, set of 50, 11/16” CNC-6062-AS .......................................... set 30.00 INTAKE MANIFOLD BOLT HEAD COVERS 1932-53 All, set of 20, 9/16” CNC-6063-S .................................... set 12.00 PISTONS 1932-37, 3-1/16, 3 ring type, flat top, sizes: std., .020, .030, .040, .050, .060, .080 and 100 oversize 40-6108-S ................................................ set 325.00 1932-42, 3-1/16, 4 ring type, dome head, aluminum, sizes: std., .020, .030, .040, .060, .080, 100 oversize O1T-6108-S.............................................. set 325.00 1939-48, 3-3/16, 4 ring, dome top, sizes: std., .030, .040, .060, .080, .0825 and 100 oversize 8BA-6108-S ............................................. set 275.00 PISTON RING SET 1932-42, V-8, 3 ring, 3-1/16”, full engine set; std.,.010, .020, .030, .040, .060 81A-6149 .................................................. set 65.00 MOTOR MOUNTS 1932-36, Motor Mount Set, 2 sets required B-6038-S .................................................. set 15.00 1937-48, Motor Mount Set; 1937-41, front and rear (4 sets required); 1942-48 front (2 set required) 78-6038-S ................................................ set 12.00 1932-42, V-8, 4 ring, 3-1/16”, full engine set; std., .010, .020, .030, .040, .060 O1T-6149 ................................................. set 120.00 1939-48, V-8, 100 hp, 4 ring, 3-3/16”, use with 8BA pistons, std., .010, .020, .030, .040, .060, .080 8BA-6149 ................................................. set 85.00 6211 REAR ENGINE SUPPORT 1932 Passenger and Pickup, 4 cyl. & V-8, as orig. B-5089-B .............................................. each 55.00 1933-34 Passenger and Pickup 40-5089-B ............................................. each 55.00 1935-36 Passenger and Pickup 48-5089 .................................................. each 55.00 21A-6068 1942-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup, 6 or 8 cyl. 21A-6068 ............................................... each 30.00 CONNECTING ROD BEARINGS 1932-38, V-8, with flange, std.,.010, .020, .030 48-6211 ................................................... set 240.00 1938-42, V-8, with flange, standard crankshaft is 1.998”, std., .010, .020, .030 81A-6211 ................................................. set 195.00 1939-48, V-8, 100 hp, standard crankshaft diameter 2.138”, complete engine set, std., .010, .020 99T-6211 ................................................. set 195.00 Page 25 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 6330 OIL SENDING UNIT 1932-48 All, 80 lb. 41A-9278 ................................................ each CRANKSHAFT MAIN BEARING SET 1936-38, V-8, std., .010, .020, .030 68-6330 ................................................... set 125.00 1939-48, V-8, std., .010, .020 81A-6330 ................................................. set 95.00 1939-48, V-8, .030 81A-6330-S ............................................ set 6615 6600 120.00 UPPER REAR MAIN BEARING OIL SEAL RETAINER 1936-42, V-8, 90 and 100 HP 78-6335 ................................................. each 40.00 6623 OIL PUMP ASSEMBLY 40.00 1932-48, V-8, New Short Body Pump 8BA-6600 ............................................. each 150.00 OIL PUMP PICKUP TUBE AND COVER 1939-48 Passenger, V-8, 90 and 100 HP; 1939-47 Commercial and Pickup, V-8; 1941-42 Commercial and Pickup, 4 cylinder 91A-6335 .............................................. each 30.00 1932-48, V-8, this works when using the 8BA short body oil pump 8RT-6615 .............................................. each 25.00 LOWER REAR MAIN BEARING OIL SEAL RETAINER OIL PUMP SCREEN 1936-42, V-8, 90 and 100 HP 78-6336 ................................................. each 20.00 1932-53, V-8 8BA-6623-A ................................. each 20.00 OIL PAN GASKET SET OIL FILLER CAP 1937-48 Passenger, with 90 or 100 H.P. Flathead oil cap. Also fits 37-47 Pickup with 90 or 100 H.P. engine. 78-6766 ........................................ each 15.00 1935-48, V-8 48-6781 .................................................... set 17.50 1949, 6 cyl. 8BA-6781 ................................................. set 14.00 6754 6750 OIL DIPSTICK 1935-48 Passenger and 1935-47 Pickup with 90 and 100 H.P., V-8, painted 48-6750 ........................................ each 20.00 OIL FILTER ELEMENT 1940-53, All 7HA-6731................................................ each Page 26 15.00 1935-48, As Above, V-8, chrome 48-6750-CH ................................... each 20.00 1935-48, Oil Dipstick Tube 48-6754-B ..................................... each 7.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 6306 6310 6312 6319 6256 91A-6500-AJ 6332 CAMSHAFT TIMING GEAR 1935-41, Press-On 48-6256 ................................................. each 55.00 1935-48, Bolt-On 91A-6256 .............................................. each 60.00 CRANKSHAFT GEAR ADJUSTABLE LIFTERS 1935-48, Passenger & 1935-47 Pickup, 22 Helical teeth 48-6306 ................................................. each 24.00 1932-53 All, 8 cylinder 91A-6500-AJ ............................................. set 200.00 ADJUSTABLE LIFTER WRENCH 6261 6262 6261 10.00 VALVES CAM BEARINGS 1932-53, V-8, standard, full engine set O1A-6261/62-AS ..................................... set Holds Tappets while adjusting tolerances 91A-6500-AJW ........................................ pair 42.00 1932-48, V-8, Intake and Exhaust 11T-6505 ............................................... each 14.50 VALVE GUIDES 1932-48 All, V-8, 2 piece 40-6510 .................................................. each e System 8BA Valv 8.50 VALVE GUIDE RETAINER 1932-53, V-8 and 1941-48, 6 cylinder 40-6512 ................................................... each .75 VALVE SPRING 1932-50, V-8 78-6513 .................................................. each 4.00 VALVE SPRING RETAINER 8BA VALVE PARTS 1949-53 Pass. & 1948-53 PU, one piece Valve Guide 8BA-6510 ............................................... each 5.00 1949-50 Passenger and 1948-50 Pickup, Valve 8BA-6505 ............................................... each 10.00 1951-53 Passenger and Pickup, Valve 1BA-6505 ............................................... each 14.00 1949-53 Passenger and 1948-53 Pickup, Valve Seal 8BA-6571 ............................................... each .37 1932-50 Passenger and 1932-50 Pickup, Valve Spring 78-6513 .................................................. each 4.00 1951-53 Passenger and 1951-53 Pickup, Valve Spring 1BA-6513 ............................................... each 3.00 1932-53, V-8 40-6514 .................................................. each 1.00 INTAKE MANIFOLD GASKET 1932-48, V-8 40-6521 ................................................. each 12.00 1949-53, V-8 8BA-6521 .............................................. each 12.00 1949-53 Pass. and 1948-53 PU, Valve Spring Retainer 8BA-6514 ............................................... each 2.00 1949-53 Pass. and 1948-53 PU, Valve Lock Keepers 7HA-6518 ......................................... per valve 1.00 Page 27 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 O1A-7354-RK 51A-7213 91A-7213 A-7213 78-7213 GEAR SHIFT KNOBS SHIFTING LINKAGE REPAIR KIT 1928-36, Black A-7213-A ................................................ each 4.00 1928-36, Brown A-7213-BR ............................................. each 4.00 1937-38 Passenger, Brown 78-7213 .................................................. each 12.50 1936-47 Pickup, Black 91C-7213 ............................................... each 15.00 1939 Passenger 91A-7213 ............................................... each 15.00 1940, Standard, Sand O1A-7213 .............................................. each 8.00 1940, Deluxe, Reddish Brown O1A-7213-D .......................................... each 8.00 1941 Passenger, Light Tan 11A-7213 ............................................... each 8.00 1946, Super Deluxe, Blue/Gray 51A-7213-B ........................................... each 8.00 1940-48 Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup, 3 spd., brass and rubber bushings to rebuild shifting arms O1A-7354-RK ........................................... kit 15.00 7288 SHIFT LINKAGE TO TRANSMISSION SEAL 1940-48 O1A-7288 ............................................... each 6.00 1946 Convertible & Wagon; 1947-48 Passenger, Tan 51A-7213-C ........................................... each 8.00 GEAR SHIFT BOOT GEAR SHIFT GROMMET 1940-48, Rubber Gear Shift Grommet O1A-7246 .............................................. each 8.00 1932-39 Passenger and 1932-47 Pickup, Black 99A-7242-B ....................................... each 16.00 As Above, Tan 99A-7242-T ....................................... each 16.00 EMERGENCY BRAKE HANDLE BOOT 600W REAR END AND TRANSMISSION OIL 1928-48 600W ....................................... 1 Quart bottle Page 28 9.00 1932-39 Pickup, Black EB-7000-B .............................................. each 5.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 TRANSMISSION PARTS 1939-48, Main Drive, 15 teeth 022A-7017 ............................................ each 160.00 1932-48, Main Drive Bearing 51A-7025 .............................................. each 40.00 1932-48, Output Shaft Bearing 51A-7065 .............................................. each 1932-48, Transmission Countershaft Pilot Bearing B-7121 .................................................... each 8.00 40.00 1940-48, Synchronizer Assembly O1A-7124-A ........................................... each 110.00 1939-48, Brass Synchronizer Ring 91A-7107 ................................................. each 8.00 1932-48, Idler Gear Shaft B-7140 .................................................... each 9.00 1936-48, Reverse Idler Gear 68-7141 .................................................. each 100.00 1932-48, Transmission Gasket Kit B-7153 ................................................... each 12.00 1937-48, Front Oil Seal 78-7052 .................................................. each 5.00 1942-47 Pickup, Rear Housing Seal for 3 speed 21C-7052-A ............................................ each 8.00 1936-48, Low/Reverse Slide Gear, 29 helical teeth O1A-7100 ............................................. each 110.00 1932-48, Cluster Shaft B-7111 .................................................. each 10.00 1940-48, Cluster Gear, 29-24-18-14 helical teeth 022A-7113-B ........................................ each 345.00 1932-48, Cluster Shaft Spacer B-7115 .................................................. each 10.00 1932-48, Transmission Countershaft Pilot Bearing B-7118 .................................................. each 8.00 1932-48, Transmission Main Drive Pilot Bearing B-7118 .................................................. each 8.00 1940-48, Synchronizer Repair Kit, Inserts & Snap Rings 51A-7116-S ............................................... kit 10.00 Page 29 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 O1A-7510 40-7508 CLUTCH RELEASE SHAFT 1940-48 All O1A-7510 .............................................. each 55.00 CLUTCH RELEASE SHAFT BUSHING 1928-34 Passenger and Pickup and 1939 Passenger and Pickup, 1” long x .94” OD x .887” ID B-7508 .................................................... each 3.00 CLUTCH DISC 1932-41, 9” diameter B-7550 .................................................. each 60.00 1942-48, 10” diameter 51A-7550 .............................................. each 60.00 CLUTCH PRESSURE PLATE ASSEMBLY 1935-41, 9 inch O9A-7563 ............................................ each 120.00 1942-48, 10 inch 19A-7563 ............................................. each 120.00 1935-38 Passenger and 1935-47 Pickup, thin wall, 1.375” long x .938” OD x .870” ID 40-7508 .................................................. each 4.50 1940-48 Passenger and 1940-52 Pickup, thick wall, 1.249” long x 1.4” OD x .872” ID 51A-7508 ................................................ each 8.00 7517 7507 7545 50.00 Core Charge, if used Core not sent THROWOUT BEARING AND HUB COLLAR SET 1935-48 Passenger and 1939-47 Pickup 48-7561 .................................................... set 7539 40.00 THROWOUT BEARING SPRING 1932-48 Passenger and 1932-47 Pickup 48-7562 .................................................. each 2.00 THROWOUT BEARING 1928-48 Passenger and 1928-47 Pickup, except 60 HP 78-7580 ................................................ each 22.00 CLUTCH BALL SPLIT BUSHINGS 1940-48 Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup O1A-7517 ................................................. pair 5.00 CLUTCH RELEASE ARM SHAFT WASHER 1940-48, Rubber O1A-7539-A .................................... each .75 CLUTCH RELEASE ARM SHAFT SPRING 1940-48 O1A-7545 ..................................... each 2.00 PILOT BEARING 1932-48, Ball Bearing B-7600 ................................................... each 9.00 1932-48, Bronze Bushing 78-7600 .................................................. each 6.00 Page 30 CLUTCH EQUALIZER BALL AND BRACKET 1940-48 Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup O1A-7507 .............................................. each 25.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 7521 7523 FLYWHEEL RING GEAR 7526 1932-48, V-8 (except 60 H.P.) and 1932-34, 4 cylinder B-6384 .................................................. each 34.00 7545 CLUTCH PEDAL ROD 1935-39 Passenger & Pickup, 1932-34 Pickup, 4” long 48-7521 ................................................. each 12.00 CLUTCH PEDAL RETRACTING SPRING 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup, 17.30” long O1A-7523 .............................................. each 5.00 1941-48 Passenger 11A-7523 ............................................... each 5.00 CLUTCH AND BRAKE PEDAL BUSHING 1932-34 Passenger and Pickup and 1941-47 Pickup, 1.78” long, .885” ID, .951” OD B-7526 ................................................... each 5.50 SPEEDOMETER CABLE AND HOUSING 1928-29, With oval Speedometer, keyed end A-17260-A ............................................... each 35.00 1930-48 Passenger and 1930-47 Pickup, squared end B-17260 .................................................... set 20.00 1935-38 Passenger and Pickup, 1.80” long, 1.058” ID, 1.129” OD 48-7526 .................................................. each 4.50 1939 Passenger and Pickup, 1.92” long, 1.193” ID, 1.254” OD, 2 required 91A-7526 ............................................... each 4.50 1940-48 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup, .71” long, .75” ID, .8125” OD, 2 required per pedal O1A-7526 .............................................. each 4.50 SPEEDOMETER CABLE TO FRAME BRACKET 1939-40 Passenger and 1939-41 Pickup 99A-17263 ............................................. each 10.00 EMERGENCY HAND BRAKE AND SPEEDOMETER CABLE FIREWALL GROMMET B-7090 UNIVERSAL JOINT 1935-36 Passenger 48-17265 ................................................. each 4.00 1940 Passenger O1A-17265 .............................................. each 6.00 1928-48 Passenger and 1928-41 Pickup B-7090 ................................................. each 120.00 1941-48 Passenger 11A-17265 ............................................... each 6.00 1942-47 Pickup, front or rear 21C-7039 ............................................. each 20.00 1942-47 Pickup 21C-17265 .............................................. each 6.00 Page 31 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 RADIATOR SUPPORT RODS 1928-31, Radiator to Firewall Support Rods, Stainless, 26” long A-8133-SS ................................................ pair 35.00 1932-38 All and 1939 Standard, Polished Stainless B-8133-SS ............................................... pair 40.00 Universal, 35” long U-8133-SS ............................................... pair 50.00 Midwest Early Ford is an Authorized Dealer for Walker Radiators. Call for a quote on the Walker Radiator to fit your application. B-8140/41-SS 40-8140/41-B RADIATOR SUPPORT ROD BRACKETS ON FIREWALL RADIATOR MOUNTING KIT 1928-48 All, for both sides B-8130-S .................................................... kit 5.00 1928-48, As Above, Stainless Steel B-8130-SS ................................................. kit 10.00 1928-32 Passenger and 1928-34 Pickup, Polished Stainless B-8140/41-SS .......................................... pair 14.00 1933-38 All and 1939 Standard, Polished Stainless 40-8140/41-B ........................................... pair 25.00 RADIATOR ROD BUSHINGS 1935-36 40-5283/4-2 ............................................. pair RADIATOR OVERFLOW TANK 10.00 13” long. Polished stainless steel tank with all brackets and hardware and instructions B-8005-W013 ........................................ each 45.00 15” long B-8005-W015 ........................................ each 45.00 17” long B-8005-W017 ........................................ each 45.00 19” long B-8005-W019 ........................................ each 45.00 Page 32 RADIATOR SUPPORT ROD “THREAD COVERS” 1928-39, Set of 4 B-8133-SSTC ........................................... set 25.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 A-8100-C A-8100-A 78-8100 77-8100 RADIATOR TO GRILLE BRACKET SET 1933 Passenger, 4 catches with mounting hardware 40-16628-AK ............................................. set 20.00 1934 Passenger, As Above 40-16628-C ............................................... set 20.00 RADIATOR SHELL MOUNTING KIT 1933-34 Pickup, Brackets tie the radiator to grille shell, die stamped and painted black, all hardware included 46-8094/6-B ............................................... kit 35.00 RADIATOR TO FENDER SUPPORT BRACE 1939 Deluxe and 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup 91A-8046 ................................................ pair 30.00 As Above in Stainless Steel 91A-8046-SS .......................................... pair 40.00 FREE SHIPPING Standard size UPS ground orders over $1000 are shipped free within the continental US. Free shipping does not apply to UPS over-size or overweight packages, back orders, or truck freight items. Larger parts such as, but not limited to, Running Boards, Bumpers, Headliners, Pickup Beds, Fenders, Tailgates and Firewall Insulators are not covered under the Free Shipping Offer. B-8100 40-8100 RADIATOR CAP 1928-29, Radiator Cap, Chrome A-8100-A ................................................ each 18.00 1930-31, Radiator Cap, Stainless A-8100-C ................................................ each 20.00 1932 All, Chrome B-8100 ................................................... each 25.00 1933 Passenger, Chrome 18-8100 ................................................. each 25.00 1933 Pickup, Chrome 46-8100-A ............................................. each 40.00 1934 Passenger, Chrome 40-8100 ................................................. each 25.00 1934-36 Pickup, Chrome 46-8100 ................................................. each 35.00 1935-36 Passenger, original style 48-8100 ................................................. each 50.00 1937 Pickup, this chrome cover is for use with the #78-8100 Radiator Cap which fastens the cap to the Radiator, this is a chrome cover only. 77-8100 ................................................. each 55.00 1939-48 All, Non-Pressure Cap 91A-8100 ................................................ each 7.00 1937-48, 4-lb. Pressure Cap, original style 78-8100-B ............................................. each 25.00 1937-48, 4-lb. Pressure Cap, replacement style 41A-8100 ............................................... each 14.00 RADIATOR CAP REPAIR KIT 1932-34 All B-8100-RK ................................................ kit 10.00 Page 33 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 B-18385-C 40-18385-C 18-18385-C MOTO-METER AND LOCKING CAP 1928-29 A-18352-AR .......................................... each 1930-31 A-18352-B ............................................ each 90.00 48-18385-C 68-18385-C 90.00 GREYHOUND RADIATOR CAP ORNAMENT 1932 Passenger, Chrome plated, die cast B-18385-C .......................... each Out of Production 1933 Passenger, Chrome plated, die cast 18-18385-C ........................ each Out of Production WINGS FOR MOTO-METER 1928-31 A-18353 ................................................ each 1934 Passenger, Chrome plated, die cast 40-18385-C ........................ each Out of Production 30.00 1934-36 Pickup, Chrome plated, die cast 46-18385-C ........................ each Out of Production 1935 Passenger, Chrome plated, die cast 48-18385-C ........................ each Out of Production 1936 Passenger, Chrome plated, die cast 68-18385-C ........................ each Out of Production QUAIL AND LOCKING CAP 1928-29 A-18385-AR .......................................... each 85.00 1930-31 A-18385-B ............................................ each 85.00 1932 B-18385-Q ............................................ each 55.00 AIR DEFLECTOR KIT 1940 Deluxe, polished stainless steel O1A-8327-B ...................................... kit 125.00 1939 Deluxe, ‘40 Standard, ‘40-’41 Pickup, polished stainless steel O1A-8327 ......................................... kit 125.00 Page 34 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 21A-8327-K 51A-8327 8260/86 RADIATOR HOSE KIT UPPER RADIATOR PANEL 1946-48 Passenger, V-8, black enamel finish, die stamped Steel 51A-8327 .............................................. each 75.00 UPPER RADIATOR SHROUD SEAL 1942-48 Passenger 21A-8327-K ........................................... each 1928-31, Original style black wrapped with red line hoses, clamps are original type A-8260/86-NS .......................................... each 22.00 1932-36, V-8, 12 pieces 40-8260/86-S ............................................ kit 35.00 10.00 UPPER RADIATOR HOSES Not for 60 H.P. RADIATOR LOWER TANK SPLASH SHIELD 1933-34 Passenger 40-16550 ............................................... each 50.00 1937-38 and 1939 Standard, with part number as orig. 78-8260 ................................................... pair 45.00 1939 Deluxe and 1940-41 All, with part number and metal support as original 91A-8260 ................................................. pair 45.00 1942-48 Passenger, with part number and metal support as original 21A-8260 ................................................. pair 45.00 CHROME RADIATOR HOSES LOWER RADIATOR AND GRILLE PAN 1939 Deluxe and all 1940 and 1940-41 Pickup 91A-8240-B .......................................... each 95.00 LOWER RADIATOR SHROUD SEAL 1942-48 Passenger 21A-8208-K ........................................... each 1939 Deluxe and 1940-41 All, Upper Hoses 91A-8260-CS .................................. pair 75.00 1942-48 Passenger, Upper Hoses 21A-8260-CS .................................. pair 75.00 8.00 91A-8286-FS MOLDED LOWER RADIATOR HOSES Not for 60 H.P. RADIATOR HOSE CLAMPS 1932-48, All, 1-3/4” diameter B-8287 ................................................... each 1.95 1939-41, Except 1939 Standard 91A-8286 ................................................. pair 26.00 1939-41 except 1939 Standard. Ford Script 91A-8286-FS ........................................... pair 40.00 1937-38 and 1939 Standard and 1942-48 Passenger 78-8286 ................................................... pair 14.00 Page 35 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 GRILLES & GRILLE PARTS 1931 B-8201-S 1928-29 B-8201-SH 1932 STEEL GRILLE SHELL 1932 Passenger, Smooth Steel Shell, no cut-out B-8201-S .............................................. each 275.00 RADIATOR SHELL 1928-29, Chrome A-8200-A ............................................... each 199.00 1931, Stainless Steel A-8200-C .............................................. each 550.00 1928-29 SMOOTHIE SHELL 1928-29, Made of steel with no hole in front or sides A-8200-AS ............................................. each 125.00 1928-29, As Above, Chrome A-8200-ASC .......................................... each 179.00 1932, With Radiator Cap Cutout as original B-8201-SH ............................................ each 295.00 MADE IN USA 1932 GRILLE INSERT (Imported) RADIATOR STONE GUARD—STAINLESS 1928-29, Stainless A-18700-AS ......................................... each 150.00 1930, Stainless A-18700-BS ......................................... each 150.00 1931, Stainless A-18700-CS ......................................... each 150.00 Page 36 1932, Polished Stainless Bars, with crank hole B-8200-OS ........................................... each 280.00 1932, As Above, no crank hole B-8200-HR ........................................... each 275.00 1932 BUG SCREEN 1932 B-8198 .................................................. each 45.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 40-8200 40-17799 ‘34 CHROME GRILLE & GUARD 1933-36, Complete Grille Guard Assembly 40-17799 ....................................... assembly STAINLESS GRILLE TRIM 1932 Passenger, Fits at back of Grille Shell 18-8234 ................................................. each 55.00 250.00 1934 Passenger, Grille, Triple Chrome Plated, original style “D” nuts on lower flange 40-8200 Bob Drake ............................. each 2450.00 1935 1934 A-8216-A A-8216-B 40-8216-A 40-8216-B CRANKHOLE COVER 1928-29, Stainless A-8216-A ................................................ each 4.00 1930-31, Stainless A-8216-B ................................................ each 4.00 1933 Passenger, Chrome plated 40-8216-A ............................................. each 25.00 1934 Passenger, Chrome plated 40-8216-B ............................................. each 25.00 40-8240 40-8240-P GRILLE APRONS 1933-34 Passenger, Stamped Steel, dimpled with crank hole 40-8240 ................................................. each 75.00 1934, As Above, smooth, no crank hole 40-8240-P ............................................. each 40-8234-CL STAINLESS STEEL GRILLE TRIM & CLIPS 1934 Passenger, Trim with lower clip 40-8234 ................................................. each 70.00 1934, Lower Seam Clip for ‘34 Grille Trim 40-8234-CL ............................................ each 7.00 1934 Passenger, Grille Trim Mounting Clips 40-20000 ........................................... set of 12 5.00 1935 Passenger, Grille Trim 48-8234 ..................................................... set 125.00 1935 Passenger, Grille Trim Mounting Clips 48-20001 ........................................... set of 32 8.00 1934. Pickup, Grille Trim 46-8234 .................................................. each 100.00 1935-36 Pickup, Grille Trim 50-8234 .................................................. each 100.00 60.00 Page 37 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 40-8217-B 40-8217-A V-8 GRILLE EMBLEMS 1933 Passenger and 1933-34 Pickup, Chrome 40-8217-A .............................................. each 30.00 1934 Passenger, Chrome, emblem sold separately 40-8215 ................................................ each 45.00 1934 Passenger, 2 piece with blue background 40-8217-B .............................................. each 45.00 1934-35 Pickup, Chrome, emblem sold separately 46-8215 ................................................. each 40.00 1928-30, Original style mount, also fits 1931 A-8212-A ............................................... each 20.00 1935 Passenger, Chrome, emblem sold separately 48-8215 ................................................. each 100.00 1932 Passenger and 1932-35 Pickup B-8212 .................................................. each 30.00 1933, Passenger 18-8212 ................................................. each 45.00 1934 Passenger and 1938 Deluxe 40-8212 ................................................. each 30.00 BLUE PORCELAIN OVAL 1935-36 Passenger, 1938 Standard, and 1936 Pickup 48-8212 ................................................. each 30.00 Flat Porcelain Emblem with adhesive back A-8212-U .............................................. each 1936 Passenger, Chrome, emblem sold separately 68-8215 ................................................ each 100.00 16.00 GRILLE SHELL ORNAMENTS 1936 Passenger, Chrome, Bullnose, as above but without V-8, emblem sold separately 68-8215-BN ......................................... each 100.00 1932 Passenger, Chrome, emblem sold separately B-8215 .................................................. each 50.00 1932, “Bull Nose” Grille Shell Ornament, emblem sold separately B-8215-BN ............................................ each 50.00 Page 38 1936 Pickup, Chrome, emblem sold separately 67-8215 ................................................ each 100.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 78-8200-GTS STAINLESS FRONT FENDER BEAD 1936, Fender to Horn Grille Panel Stainless Bead 68-8182 ............................................. set of 4 40.00 78-8200-GTS ’37 GRILLE TRIM SET 1937 Passenger, Grille Trim Set, polished stainless steel, includes center strip, 2 outer strips, top horizontal strips and 2 top corner caps, less clips 78-8200-GTS ........................................... set 140.00 1937 Passenger, Trim Clip Set for above, does Grille Trim and Hood Side Trim, 25 pcs. 78-20000 .................................................. set 20.00 68-8184/5 68-8157 ’37 GRILLE CENTER 1937 Passenger, Polished Stainless Steel, crank hole 78-8157 ................................................. each 30.00 CENTER GRILLE MOLDING 1936 Passenger, Polished Stainless Steel 68-8157 ................................................. each 45.00 OUTER GRILLE TRIM 1936 Passenger, outer right hand and left hand, polished stainless steel 68-8184/5 ............................................... pair 85.00 1936, Trim Clip Set for above, 46 pieces 68-20000 ................................................... set UPPER HORIZONTAL GRILLE TRIM 1937 Passenger, Polished Stainless Steel 78-8264 ................................................. each 30.00 GRILLE TRIM TOP CORNER CAPS 1937 Passenger, Polished Stainless Steel 78-8268/9 ................................................ pair 25.00 17.00 FENDER SUPPORT TIE 1937 Passenger 78-8232-B .............................................. each 30.00 ’37 GRILLE 1937 Passenger, Nice reproduction Grille, comes plain 78-8200 ................................................ each 650.00 ’37 GRILLE UPPER PANELS 1937, Fits upper corners of Grille 78-8242/3 ................................................ pair 1937 GRILLE EMBLEM 1937 Passenger, Chrome and Blue 78-8213-A ............................................. each 50.00 45.00 Page 39 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 HOOD ORNAMENT 1937 Passenger, Hood release handle and base 78-8215/18-K ............................................ set 140.00 HOOD ORNAMENT BASE GASKET 1937, Base Gasket, paper 78-8227 .................................................. each 2.00 1937 GRILLE TRIM 1937 Pickup , Right and Left Hand Outer Trim, stainless steel 77-8184/5 ............................................... pair 225.00 O1A-8209 1937 Pickup, Grille Center Strip, stainless steel 77-8157 ................................................ each 150.00 O1A-8206 This part on P. 43 O1A-8418 GRILLE CENTER PANEL 1937, Passenger 78-8209 ................................................. each 85.00 1940, Deluxe O1A-8209 ............................................. each 55.00 GRILLE CENTER 1938 Deluxe 81A-8157-B .......................................... each GRILLE NOSE ORNAMENT 1937 Pickup, Chrome 77-8215 ................................................. each Page 40 375.00 GRILLE ORNAMENT 80.00 1938 Pickup 81C-8213 ................................................ each 90.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 91A-8215/18-B 91A-8215-B 1939 DELUXE GRILLE TRIM 1939 Deluxe, Grille Trim Kit, 24 pcs., stainless steel, (less center strip) 91A-8332-K .............................................. kit 299.00 1939 DELUXE CENTER GRILLE STRIP 1939 Deluxe, Center Grille Strip only, chrome 91A-8168-B .......................................... each 1939 Deluxe, Handle only 91A-8215-B ........................................... each 38.00 120.00 HOOD ORNAMENT HARDWARE LOWER FRONT HOOD TRIM 1939 Deluxe 91A-8264/5 ............................................ pair HOOD ORNAMENT AND HANDLE 1939 Deluxe, with hood release handle, chrome 91A-8215/18-B ...................................... each 195.00 200.00 1939-40, Passenger 91A-8219-MB ............................................ kit 14.00 HOOD HANDLE PIVOT PIN “CAT WHISKERS” OR LIGHTNING STRIPS 1939 Deluxe, Chrome, for front of hood 91A-8266/67-B ........................................ set 1939 Deluxe, ‘40 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup, special pin that holds the hood handle to the hood ornament 91A-8216-P ............................................. each 3.50 74.00 HOOD LATCH SPRINGS 1939 Deluxe 91A-8223 ................................................. pair 14.00 LOWER RADIATOR AND GRILLE PAN 1940 Standard and 1940-41 Pickup O1A-8223-A ............................................ pair 10.00 1939 Deluxe, 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup 91A-8240-B .......................................... each 95.00 1940 Deluxe O1A-8223-B ............................................ pair 14.00 Page 41 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 11A-16606-A O1A-8242 HOOD ORNAMENT 1940 Standard and 1941 Sedan Delivery, complete with hood release handle attached, chrome O1A-8215/18-CD ................................. each 180.00 1940 Pickup, As Above O1C-8215/18-DR ................................ each 180.00 O1A-8206/7 1940 STANDARD GRILLE 1940 Standard and 1940-41 Pickup, die-cast, plain sides with chrome center O1A-8206/7-A ............................. 3 piece set 650.00 1940 Standard and 1940-41 Pickup, chrome sides and chrome center O1A-8206/7-ACK ........................ 3 piece set 750.00 GRILLE CENTER 1940 Standard and 1940-41 Pickup, Chrome O1A-8242 ................................................ Discontinued 1941 V-8 EMBLEM HOOD ORNAMENT 1940 Deluxe, with hood release handle attached O1A-8215/18-B .................................... each 180.00 1941, Die-cast chrome Hood Emblem 11A-16606-A ......................................... each (Also used to fill ‘40 Standard Crank Hole) 45.00 HOOD ORNAMENT HARDWARE 1939-40, Passenger 91A-8219-MB ............................................ kit 14.00 O1A-8145-A GRILLE UPPER SUPPORT O1A-8215-C O1A-8215-A HOOD RELEASE HANDLE 100.00 1940 Deluxe O1A-8145-B ......................................... each 100.00 O1A-8188-A 1940 Deluxe, Chrome with red background O1A-8215-C ......................................... each 25.00 1940 Standard, Chrome O1A-8215-A .......................................... each 25.00 1940 Pickup, Chrome O1C-8215 ............................................. each 25.00 1941 Pickup, Chrome 11C-8215 .................................................. Discontinued Page 42 1940 Standard and 1940-41 Pickup O1A-8145-A ......................................... each O1A-8211-B RADIATOR GRILLE LOWER PANEL 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup O1A-8188-A ......................................... each 100.00 1940 Deluxe O1A-8211-B .......................................... each 35.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 16868/9 O1A-8418 16954 O1A-8206/7 GRILLE MOLDING 1940 Deluxe Grille Molding O1A-16856-K .................................... set of 4 ’40 DELUXE GRILLE Includes Center Molding 1940 Deluxe, Right & Left halves, chrome, die-cast O1A-8206/7 by Drake ............................. set 750.00 O1A-8206/7 by Vintique ......................... set 425.00 80.00 1940 Deluxe, Bottom of Hood Trim, left and right, outer O1A-16954/5 ........................................... pair 75.00 CENTER GRILLE MOLDING 1940 Deluxe, Center Grille Molding only O1A-8418/24-S by Vintique .................... each O1A-8418/24-S by Drake ...................... each O1A-8418/24-SM, No crank hole, 1 pc. . each 40.00 70.00 95.00 LOWER HOOD TRIM 1940 Deluxe, Polished Stainless Steel, center O1A-16868/9 ........................................... pair O1A-16140/1-B 95.00 O1A-8182 91A-8104-PR ’40 GRILLE VENT PANEL 1940 Deluxe, die stamped steel O1A-16140/1-B ..................................... pair 350.00 OUTER GRILLE PLATES GRILLE TRIM BEAD 1940 Deluxe, Stainless Steel, Burlap Liner O1A-8182 ............................................... pair 14.00 1939 Deluxe, 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup 91A-8104/5 .............................................. pair 50.00 RADIATOR GRILLE TO CROSSMEMBER SHIELD SPACER 1940 Deluxe, Lower Grille Plate O1A-8434 ............................................. each 35.00 41 OUTER GRILLES 1941 Chrome, Right and Left Hand sides, USA made. 11A-16034/5 ............................................ pair 500.00 Page 43 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 21C-8201-FG 51A-8170-K—1946 6A-8170-K—1947-48 21C-8200 GRILLE BAR SET 1942-47 Pickup, chrome plated, 15 verticle bars in set 21C-8200-GB ......................................... set 495.00 1942-47 Pickup, plain, 15 verticle bars in set 21C-8200-S ............................................ set GRILLE TOP MOLDING 1946 Passenger, Die Cast Chrome 51A-8170-K ................................ 3 piece set 325.00 1947-48 Passenger, Die Cast Chrome 6A-8170-K .................................. 3 piece set 325.00 275.00 GRILLE TRIM CLIPS 1942-47 Pickup Grille Trim Clips, must trim to fit, 6A-20011 ........................................ set of 38 17.00 OUTER GRILLE 1942-47 Pickup, Outer Grille, Fiberglass 21C-8201-FG ....................................... each 225.00 GRILLE MOLDING HARDWARE KIT 1946-48, Zinc plated 51A-8170-HK ............................................ kit 51A-8332-S GRILLE ASSEMBLY 1946-48, Passenger, die stamped steel 51A-8200-A .......................................... each 15.00 480.00 51A-8453 STAINLESS GRILLE BARS 6A-17832-A 21A-17749-B 1946 and early 1947 Passenger, has groove, set of 3 51A-8332-S ............................................. set 140.00 1947-48, Smooth style, set of 3 6A-8332 ................................................... set 140.00 GRILLE AND BUMPER ANTI-RATTLERS 1946-48, Grille Bumpers between Grille and Fender 51A-8427-B ...................................... set of 12 6.00 1946-48, Radiator Grille Pads 51A-8453 ............................................ set of 4 6.00 1942-48, Front Bumper to Pan Anti-Rattler 21A-17749-B ..................................... set of 4 12.50 FENDER TO GRILLE CLIPS 20.00 1946-48, Painted black, 4 clips and 4 bolts per kit 51A-16046-K ............................................... kit 25.00 1942-48, Rear Bumper to Body Seal 6A-17832-A ........................................... each Page 44 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 21A-8646 78-8501 21A-8638 A-8501-AE 21A-8626 WATER PUMPS (NEW) 1928-31, Leakless style, stainless shaft, brass nut A-8501-AE ........................................... each 130.00 1933-36 Passenger, will work on 1932. RH or LH 68-8502-N ............................................ each 75.00 1937-48 Pass.& 1937-47 PU, Right, V-8, except 60 h.p. 78-8501 ................................................ each 75.00 1937-48 Pass.& 1937-47 PU, Left, V-8, except 60 h.p. 78-8502 ................................................ each 75.00 WATER PUMP REBUILD KIT 21A-8639 FAN SPINDLE BEARING 1942-48 Passenger and Pickup, V-8 21A-8626 ................................................ each 89.00 FAN GASKET—FRONT 1942-48 Passenger and Pickup, V-8 21A-8638 ................................................ each 2.00 FAN GASKET—REAR 1928-31, With Impeller on Stainless Steel Shaft A-8501-KSS .......................................... each 50.00 1932-34, Model B, Stainless Steel Shaft B-8591-SS ............................................ each 90.00 1932-36, V-8 68-8591 ................................................. each 32.50 1937-48, V-8, except 60 h.p. 78-8591 ................................................. each 25.00 1942-48 Passenger and Pickup, V-8 21A-8646 ................................................ each 2.00 FAN IMPELLER AND SHAFT 1942-48 Passenger and Pickup, V-8 21A-8639 ............................................... each 40.00 WATER PUMP GASKET 1937-48, V-8, except 60 h.p. 78-8507 .................................................. each 2.00 1BA-8592 A-8250 8BA-8575-B FAN BELT 1928-34, 4 cyl. A-8620 .................................................. each 10.00 19.00 1928-34, 4 cyl., Ford Script A-8620-FS ............................................ each 16.00 1930-31, Cast iron as original, painted black A-8250-B................................................. each 19.00 1933-36, V-8 40-8620-S ............................................. each 17.00 1949-53, V-8, Polished Aluminum 1BA-8592 ..................................... each 14.00 1933-36, V-8, Ford Script 40-8620-FS ........................................... each 25.00 1937-48, Generator 78-8620-C ............................................. each 15.00 1937-48, Generator, Ford Script 78-8620-FS ........................................... each 25.00 1942-48, Fan 21A-8577 .............................................. each 13.00 10.00 1942-48, Fan, Ford Script 21A-8577-FS ........................................ each 20.00 8.00 1950-53, V-8, thin belt, for Generator 8BA-8577 .............................................. each 15.00 CYLINDER HEAD WATER NECK 1928-29, Cast iron as original, painted black A-8250-A................................................. each WATER NECK GASKET 1928-31, Copper, as original A-8255-C .................................................. each 1949-53, V-8 8BA-8255 .................................................. each 5.00 1.00 THERMOSTAT 1937-48, V-8, except 60 h.p., 160 degrees 11A-8575 ................................................. each 1949-53, V-8, 165 degree 8BA-8575-B .............................................. each Page 45 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 21A-9046-K 1932 B-9002-MB FUEL TANK TO FRAME MOUNTING KIT 1932-48, All B-9002-MB ................................................ kit 1941-48 FUEL TANKS 1942-48 Passenger, includes 3 heavy gauge brackets with cage nuts installed and pre-punched pads 21A-9046-K ............................................... kit 30.00 Die stamped steel as original. Original Ford senders will not fit. Fuel sender opening will accept only aftermarket 6-hole senders or our new stainless steel 5-hole sender (O1A-9275) which will operate your original Ford gas gauge. 1932 Passenger, approximately 11 gallons B-9002 ................................................. each 1932 Passenger, approximately 16 gallons B-9002-LG ............................................ each 1933-34 Passenger, except Victoria, ’34 Victoria must order #67-9002, 11 gallons 40-9002 ................................................ each 325.00 1935-36 Passenger, cast neck, 14 gallons 68-9002 ................................................ each 325.00 1935-37 Pickup and ’34 Victoria, cast neck, 14 gallons 67-9002 ................................................ each 325.00 1937 Early, Passenger, cast neck, 14 gallons 78-9002 ................................................ each 40-9003 425.00 425.00 325.00 O1A-9275-ADT FUEL TANK SENDING UNIT ADAPTER 1933-35, New reproduction Gas Tanks using original fluid type gauges and hydrostatic senders need to order this adapter. Gaskets and hardware included 40-9003 ................................................. each 40.00 1936-48, Must use when installing modern 5 screw sending unit into original 6 screw gas tank. O1A-9275-ADT .................................. kit 30.00 O1A-9275 Late 1937, 1938-40 Passenger and 1938-41 Pickup, 14 gallons 81A-9002 ............................................. each 225.00 1941-48 Passenger, 17 gallons 11A-9002 ............................................. each 7.50 O1A-9202 225.00 FUEL SENDING UNIT ASSEMBLY FUEL TANK SEALER 1932-48, Designed to seal inside of gas tank and eliminate rust floating around in tank. Alcohol Resistant, Quart can 912 .......................................................... quart 30.00 Page 46 1936-48, All, six volt with float and gasket O1A-9275 .............................................. each 40.00 1936-48, Gasket for above 68-9276 .................................................. each 2.00 FUEL TANK SENDING UNIT FLOAT 1936-48, All, float only, brass O1A-9202 .............................................. each 10.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 48-9034 O1A-18416-B 46-9051 FUEL TANK FILLER PIPE 48-18416 11C-9030 18-9030-V8 GAS CAPS 1928-29, Chrome A-9030 .................................................. each 18.00 1930-31, Stainless A-9030-C .............................................. each 20.00 1932-48, Ford Script Locking Gas Cap with 2 keys 48-18416 ............................................... each 35.00 1932-48, Non-Locking, Stainless, As Original 18-9030 ................................................. each 20.00 1932-48, Non-locking, Stainless, Replacement Type 11C-9030 ............................................... each 8.00 1932-48, Locking Gas Cap with 2 keys O1A-18416-B ........................................ each 35.00 1932-48, Non-Locking with V-8 Logo 18-9030-V8 ........................................... each 20.00 1935 Passenger, threaded sleeve, painted gloss black 48-9034 ................................................... each 45.00 1936 Passenger, As Above 68-9034 ................................................... each 45.00 Early 1937 Passenger, threaded sleeve, painted gloss black 78-9034-A ................................................ each 45.00 1937 Late, Passenger, non-threaded, clamps into hose, painted gloss black 78-9034-B ................................................ each 45.00 1937 Pickup, threaded sleeve, painted gloss black 77A-9034-A ............................................. each 45.00 1938-40 Passenger, painted gloss black 91A-9034-B ............................................. each 45.00 1938-41 Pickup, painted gloss black 81C-9034-B ............................................. each 45.00 1941-48 Passenger, clamps into rubber hose, painted gloss black 21A-9034-A ............................................. each 45.00 1935-37 Passenger and 1933-37 Pickup, Gas Tank Lead Washer for tanks with threaded neck 46-9051 ................................................... each 8.00 9080 48-9080 9047 91A-9080 8287 FUEL TANK NECK CONNECTION HOSE FUEL FILLER PIPE GROMMET 1937-40 Passenger and 1937-41 Pickup 78-9047 ................................................. each 12.00 1941-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup 21A-9047 ............................................... each 1933-34 Passenger, except Victoria 40-9080 .................................................. each 8.00 7.50 1942-47 Pickup, Gas Filler Pipe Grommet 21C-9080 .............................................. each 1935-36 Passenger 48-9080 .................................................. each 6.00 12.00 1937-40 Passenger and 1939-41 Pickup 91A-9080 ................................................ each 6.00 1942-47 Pickup 21C-9080 ............................................... each 12.00 FUEL TANK HOSE CLAMPS 1937-40 Passenger and 1937-41 Pickup B-8287 ................................................... each 1.95 1941-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup 11A-8287 ............................................... each 1.95 Page 47 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 FUEL GAUGE ASSEMBLY 1928-31, Complete with inner and outer nuts A-9312-D ............................................... each FUEL LINE 50.00 A-9312-F 1935-48, Tank to Engine Gas Line, copper, with fittings 11A-9282 ................................................... kit 20.00 91A-9369 A-9320-S X-9300 18-9288 FUEL GAUGE PARTS 1928-31, Gas Gauge Tool Set X-9300 ..................................................... set 10.00 1928-31, Gas Gauge Rebuilding Set, with gaskets, lens A-9320-S ............................................... each 8.00 1928-31, Gas Gauge Float A-9312-F ................................................ each 4.00 FLEXIBLE FUEL LINE 1932-48, Firewall to Fuel Pump 18-9288 .................................................. each 10.00 FUEL PUMP TO CARBURETOR FUEL LINE 1932-48 All, with fittings, copper 91A-9369 ................................................ each 5.00 FUEL TANK WELT 1928-31, 10 ft. length A-9000 ................................................... each 8.00 FUEL FILLER DOOR SPRING O1A-9275 1941-48 Passenger 11A-16377-C .......................................... each O1A-9202 7.00 FUEL TANK DOOR BUMPERS 1941-48 Passenger 11A-16378 ................................................ pair 2.00 FUEL TANK SENDING UNIT ASSEMBLY 1936-48, All, six volt with float and gasket O1A-9275 ............................................. each 40.00 1936-48, Gasket for above 68-9276 .................................................. each 2.00 FUEL TANK SENDING UNIT FLOAT 1936-48, All, float only, brass O1A-9202 ............................................. each Page 48 GAS TANK GAUGE HOLE COVER PLATE 1935-36 Passenger 48-9004 ................................................. each 10.00 12.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 11A-9350 59A-9350 FUEL PUMP ASSEMBLY 1932-42, V-8, except 60 h.p., with steel bowl, includes gasket 11A-9350 .............................................. each 65.00 1946-48, V-8, With Glass Bowl, includes gasket 59A-9350 .............................................. each 65.00 FUEL PUMP REPAIR KIT ELECTRIC FUEL PUMP 6 Volt EFP-9350-A6 ........................................ each 75.00 12 Volt EFP-9650-A12 ...................................... each 75.00 FUEL PUMP MOUNTING GASKET 1932-48 40-9417 ................................................... each 1.00 FUEL PUMP STAND TO INTAKE GASKET 1935-48 48-9374 ................................................... each 1.00 1934-48 11A-9349 .............................................. each 19.50 48-9400-A 48-9400-B FUEL PUMP PUSH ROD 1935-48, V-8, 8.87”, cast intake 48-9400-A .............................................. each 10.00 1935-48, V-8, 7.872”, factory aluminum intake 48-9400-B .............................................. each 10.00 FUEL PUMP PUSH ROD BUSHING 1932-48 All, V-8 18-6025 .................................................. each FUEL PUMP DIAPHRAM 1933-48, V-8 68-9398-A ............................................. each 4.50 15.00 A-9158 A-9173-N FUEL PRESSURE REGULATOR SEDIMENT GLASS BOWL Model A thru V-8 A-9158 .................................................... each 7.00 SEDIMENT BOWL GASKET Model A thru V-8 A-9173-N ................................................ each Adjustable from 1 to 6 lbs. Includes fittings, hose and clamps. Fits 5/6” and 3/8” I.D. fuel line. Not for fuel injected systems. 9710 ............................................ each 30.00 1.00 Page 49 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 A-9600 Model 94 A-9600-PF AIR MAZE AIR CLEANER 1928-34, 4 cyl., die-cast aluminum finish, includes fine wire mesh screen, optional paper filter element sold separately. See A-9600-PF A-9600 ................................................... each 30.00 NEW CARBURETOR 1938-48, V-8 except 60 H.P., New, with new top, body and gasket, made from original tooling. 59A-9510-N Model 94 Style................. each 295.00 PAPER “AIR MAZE” FILTER ELEMENT 1928-34, 4 cyl., made to fit the A-9600 Air Cleaner. A-9600-PF .............................................. each 13.00 A-9590-T CARBURETOR KITS HOT ROD STYLE AIR CLEANER 1928-31, Zenith Rebuild Kit, with instructions, 20 pieces A-9590 ........................................................ kit 30.00 All years, 4” covered chrome top, 2-5/8” carburetor opening B-9600-HR .............................................. each 12.00 1928-31, Tillotson Rebuild Kit, with instructions, 14 pieces A-9590-T ..................................................... kit 23.00 1932-34, 4 cyl., Zenith Model B and C B-9590-Z .................................................... kit All years, Replacement Filter for above B-9600 .................................................... each 4.00 45.00 1933-37, V-8, except model 81, Stromberg 97 style 40-9590 ...................................................... kit 19.00 1938-48, V-8, works on all 38-53 style carburetors, Holly, Ford, Stromberg 94 style 81A-9590 ................................................... kit 21.00 1941-48 All, 6 cylinder 7HA-9590 ................................................... kit 23.00 CARBURETOR FLOATS 1938-48, V-8, 94 style 78-9550 .................................................. each Page 50 14.00 CARBURETOR TO MANIFOLD GASKET 1933-48, V-8 40-9447 ................................................... each 1.25 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 9700 14605 A-9700-B 9775 PASSENGER CAR CHOKE AND THROTTLE CABLE SETS 91A-9702 CHOKE AND THROTTLE RODS 1928-29, Includes sleeve, spring and chrome plated knob, 25 1/4” long A-9700-B ............................................... each 14.00 1930-31, As Above, 28-1/4” long A-9700-C .............................................. each 1932-38, V-8, Fits from knobs or knob shaft to carburetor B-9700 .................................................... pair 14.00 150.00 1942, Special, Maroon Knob, Red lettering 21A-9700-CTA .......................................... kit 150.00 1942, Deluxe and Super Deluxe, Butterscotch Knob, Red Lettering 21A-9700-CTB .......................................... kit 150.00 1946, Deluxe, Chocolate Brown, Red lettering 51A-9700-CTA .......................................... kit 150.00 1946, Super Deluxe, Metallic Blue, Red lettering 51A-9700-CTB .......................................... kit 150.00 1946, Super Deluxe, Convertible, Gray/Tan, Red letters 51A-9700-CTC ......................................... kit 150.00 15.00 1939 Passenger, V-8, Fits from Knobs to carburetor, includes splice joints 91A-9700 ................................................ pair 50.00 1940, As Above O1A-9700 ............................................... pair 1941 All, Light Tan Knob, Red lettering 11A-9700-CT ............................................ kit 1947-48, Gray/Tan, Red lettering 6A-9700-CT .............................................. kit 150.00 40-14612 45.00 B-14605 91A-9719-B CHOKE AND THROTTLE ROD GROMMETS CHOKE AND THROTTLE ROD JOINT 1939-48, V-8 91A-9702 ............................................... each 5.00 FREE SHIPPING Standard size UPS ground orders over $1000 are shipped free within the continental US. Free shipping does not apply to UPS over-size or overweight packages, back orders, or truck freight items. Larger parts such as, but not limited to, Running Boards, Bumpers, Headliners, Pickup Beds, Fenders, Tailgates and Firewall Insulators are not covered under the Free Shipping Offer. 1932-48 All, Firewall Grommet B-14605 .................................................. each 2.00 1933-37, Black 40-14612-BL .............................................. pair 4.00 1933-37, Brown 40-14612-BR ............................................. pair 4.00 1933-36, Gray 40-14612-G ............................................... pair 4.00 1939-40, Choke and Throttle Grommets with clips 91A-9719-B ............................................... pair 25.00 1939-40, Choke and Throttle Grommet, push on type 81A-9719 ................................................. each 5.00 Page 51 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 DASH KNOB SETS ACCELERATOR PEDAL 1935-48 Passenger and 1935-47 Pickup 48-9735 ................................................. each 15.00 ACCELERATOR SPRING 1935-48 48-9737 ................................................... each 6.00 ACCELERATOR PEDAL ROD 1935-48 Passenger 48-9727 .................................................. each 9.00 ACCELERATOR TO CARBURETOR ROD 1935-48 Passenger and Pickup, V-8, 10.75” long 91A-9747 ............................................... each Page 52 8.00 1932, 4 cylinder, Mahogany B-9270 ....................................................... set 25.00 1932, V-8, Mahogany 18-9270 ..................................................... set 20.00 1933, Mahogany 40-9270-A ................................................. set 24.00 1934, Brown Marble 18-9270-B ................................................. set 24.00 1935, Standard, Maroon 48-9270-A ................................................. set 40.00 1935, Deluxe, Ivory 48-9270-B ................................................. set 40.00 1936 Early, Dark Brown 68-9270-A ................................................. set 40.00 1936, Deluxe, Tenite Light Gray 68-9270-B ................................................. set 40.00 1936 Late, Standard and Deluxe, Gray Marble 68-9270-C ................................................. set 40.00 1937, Standard, Light Brown 78-9270-A ................................................. set 40.00 1937, Deluxe, Yellow-Brown 78-9270-B ................................................. set 40.00 1938, Ivory Pink 81A-9270 ................................................... set 33.00 1939, Yellow-Brown 91A-9270 ................................................... set 30.00 1940, Standard, Sand O1A-9270-A .............................................. set 35.00 1940, Deluxe, Reddish Brown O1A-9270-B .............................................. set 35.00 1941, Light Tan 11A-9270 ................................................... set 50.00 1942, Maroon 21A-9270-A ............................................... set 60.00 1942, Deluxe and Super Deluxe, Butterscotch 21A-9270-B ............................................... set 60.00 1946, Deluxe, Chocolate Brown 51A-9270-A ............................................... set 60.00 1946, Super, Metallic Blue-Gray 51A-9270-B ............................................... set 60.00 1946, Super, Grayish Tan 51A-9270-C ............................................... set 60.00 1947-48, Grayish Tan 6A-9270 ...................................................... set 60.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 INDIVIDUAL DASH KNOBS 1932, 4 cylinder, Mahogany B-9703 Choke .................................... each 18-9778 Throttle ................................... each 18-13741 Dash Light .............................. each B-11500 Starter Button .......................... each 1932, V-8, Mahogany 18-9703 Choke .................................... each 18-9778 Throttle ................................... each 18-13741 Dash Light .............................. each 1933, Mahogany 18-9703 Choke .............................. each 18-9778 Throttle ............................. each 40-701656-A Glove Box ......................... each 40-701606-A Ash Tray ........................... each 1934, Brown Marble 40-9703 Choke .............................. each 40-9778 Throttle ............................. each 40-701656-B Glove Box ......................... each 40-701606-B Ash Tray ........................... each 1935, Standard, Maroon 48-9703-A Choke .............................. each 48-9778-A Throttle .............................. each 48-701638-A Cigar ................................. each 48-13741-A Dash Light ......................... each 48-701656-A Glove Box ......................... each 48-18803-A Radio .................................. pair 1935, Deluxe Ivory 48-9703-B Choke .............................. each 48-9778-B Throttle .............................. each 48-701638-B Cigar ................................. each 48-13741-B Dash Light ......................... each 48-701656-B Glove Box ......................... each 48-18803-B Radio ................................. pair 1936 Early, Dark Brown 68-9703-A Choke ............................... each 68-9778-A Throttle ............................... each 68-701638-A Cigar .................................. each 68-13741-A Dash Light .......................... each 68-701656-A Glove Box ......................... each 68-18803-A Radio ................................. pair 1936, Deluxe, Tenite, Light Gray 68-9703-B Choke .............................. each 68-9778-B Throttle .............................. each 68-701638-B Cigar ................................. each 68-13741-B Dash Light ......................... each 68-701656-B Glove Box ......................... each 68-18803-B Radio ................................. pair 1936 Late, Standard and Deluxe, Gray Marble 68-9703-C Choke .............................. each 68-9778-C Throttle ............................. each 68-701638-C Cigar ................................. each 68-13741-C Dash Light ........................ each 68-701656-C Glove Box ......................... each 68-18803-C Radio ................................. pair 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 10.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 10.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 10.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 10.00 1937, Standard, Light Brown 78-9703-A Choke .............................. each 78-9778-A Throttle ............................. each 78-15053-A Cigar ................................. each 78-13741-A Dash Light ........................ each 78-701606-A Ash Tray ........................... each 78-18803-A Radio ................................. pair 78-7002145-A Cowl Vent Knob ............... each 1937, Deluxe, Yellow-Brown 78-9703-B Choke .............................. each 78-9778-B Throttle ............................. each 78-15053-B Cigar ................................. each 78-13741-B Dash Light ........................ each 78-701606-B Ash Tray ........................... each 78-18803-B Radio ................................. pair 78-7002145-B Cowl Vent Knob ............... each 1938, Ivory Pink 81A-9703 Choke Knob with rod ........ each 81A-9703 Throttle Knob with rod ....... each 81A-15053 Cigar .................................. each 81A-701606 Ash Tray ............................ each 81A-7002145 Cowl Vent Knob ................. each 1939, Yellow Brown 91A-9703 Choke ............................... each 91A-9778 Throttle .............................. each 91A-15053 Cigar .................................. each 91A-701606 Ash Tray ............................ each 91A-7002145 Cowl Vent Knob ................. each 1940, Standard, Sand O1A-9703-A Choke ........................... each O1A-9778-A Throttle .......................... each O1A-15053-A Cigar ............................. each O1A-11661-A Light Switch ................... each O1A-701606-A Ash Tray .......................... pair O1A-15032 Clock .............................. each O1A-17513-A Wiper ............................. each O1A-7002145-A Cowl Vent Knob ............ each 1940, Deluxe, Reddish Brown O1A-9703-B Choke ............................ each O1A-9778-B Throttle ........................... each O1A-15053-B Cigar ............................. each O1A-11661-B Light Switch ................... each O1A-701606–B Ash Tray ......................... pair O1A-17513-B Wiper ............................. each O1A-7002145-B Cowl Vent Knob ............ each 1941 11A-9703 Choke ................................ each 11A-9778 Throttle ............................... each 11A-701638 Cigar ................................... each 11A-11661 Light Switch ........................ each 11A-16917 Hood Pull ............................ each 11A-13741 Dash Dimmer ..................... each 11A-17513 Wiper .................................. each 11A-7213 Gear Shift Knob ................... each 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 10.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 10.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 More Individual Knobs on next page Page 53 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1941, Round Shaft 11A-7213 Cowl Vent Knob .............. each 1941, Flat Shaft 11A-7002145 Cowl Vent Knob ............. each 1942-48, Black 21A-7002145-B Cowl Vent Knob ............ each 1942, Maroon 21A-7213-A Cowl Vent Knob .............. each 1942, Butterscotch 21A-7213-B Cowl Vent Knob .............. each 1946, Deluxe, Chocolate Brown 51A-9703-A Choke ............................. each 51A-9778-A Throttle ............................ each 51A-701638-A Cigar ............................... each 51A-11661-A Light Switch .................... each 51A-701606-A Ash Tray ........................... pair 51A-17513-A Wiper .............................. each 51A-16918-A Hood Pull ........................ each 51A-7213-A Gear Shift ....................... each 51A-7213-A Cowl Vent Knob ............. each 1946, Super, Metallic Blue-Gray 51A-9703-B Choke ............................ each 51A-9778-B Throttle ........................... each 51A-701638-B Cigar ............................... each 51A-11661-B Light Switch .................... each 51A-701606-B Ash Tray ........................... pair 51A-17513-B Wiper .............................. each 51A-16918-B Hood Pull ........................ each 51A-7213-B Cowl Vent Knob .............. each 1946, Super Deluxe, Grayish Tan 51A-9703-C Choke ............................ each 51A-9778-C Throttle ........................... each 51A-701638-C Cigar ............................... each 51A-11661-C Light Switch .................... each 51A-701606-C Ash Tray ........................... pair 51A-17513-C Wiper .............................. each 51A-16918-C Hood Pull ........................ each 1946-48, Grayish Tan 51A-7213-C Cowl Vent Knob ............ each 1947-48, Grayish Tan 6A-9703 Choke ............................ each 6A-9778 Throttle ........................... each 6A-701638 Cigar .............................. each 6A-11661 Light Switch ................... each 51A-701606-C Ash Tray ........................... pair 51A-17513-C Wiper .............................. each 6A-16918 Hood Pull ....................... each 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 RADIO DIAL KNOBS 1946-48, Clear plastic with stainless steel washers molded into the plastic, sold as set. 51A-18803 ............................................... Discontinued Page 54 PICKUP KNOBS Choke & Throttle Knobs come with a 4” Rod molded into Knob 1932-34 18-9703 Choke, Mahogany ............ each 7.00 18-9778 Throttle .............................. each 7.00 40-701656-A Glove Box .......................... each 7.00 1935-39 68-9703-A Choke, Dark Brown ........... each 7.00 68-9778-A Throttle .............................. each 7.00 68-701656-A Glove Box .......................... each 7.00 1940 O1A-9703-A Choke, Sand .................... each 8.00 O1A-9778-A Throttle ............................. each 8.00 O1A-11661-A Headlight Switch .............. each 8.00 O1A-11500-A Starter Button ................... each 10.00 1940 O1C-701656 Glove Box, Sand ................. each 7.00 1941-47 11C-9703 Choke Knob, Black/Red C ... each 8.00 11C-9778 Throttle Knob, Black/Red T .. each 8.00 11C-11661 Headlight Switch, Black/Red L each 8.00 11C-8102145 Cowl Vent Knob, Black .... each 8.00 15055 CIGAR LIGHTER ELEMENT & WELL 1935-48, 6 volt, replacement style 11A-15055-A ................................. each 24.00 1935-48, 12 volt, replacement style B6C-15055-A ........................................ each 16.00 CIGAR LIGHTER KNOBS All Knobs come with Stud for Replacement Element 1935 Standard, Maroon 48-15053-AR ................................ each 10.00 1935 Deluxe, Ivory 48-15053-BR ........................................ each 10.00 1936 Early Standard, Dark Brown 68-15053-AR ........................................ each 10.00 1936 Late Deluxe, Red Brown 68-15053-CR ........................................ each 10.00 1937 Standard, Dark Brown 78-15053-AR ........................................ each 10.00 1937 Deluxe, Yellow Brown 78-15053-BR ........................................ each 10.00 1940 Standard, Sand O1A-15053-AR ..................................... each 10.00 1940 Deluxe, Brown O1A-15053-BR ..................................... each 10.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1928-29 1930-31 1940 CHROME DASH TRIM 1932 1940, 6 piece set with clips, on Glove Box & Ash Trays O1A-9271-DTS ........................................ set 75.00 INSTRUMENT PANEL 1928-29 and Early 1930, Chrome, Oval Speedometer A-11805-AR .......................................... each 38.00 1930 Late and 1931 All, Chrome, Round Speedometer A-11805-E ............................................ each 38.00 1932, Stainless Steel, as original 18-11804 .............................................. each RADIO SPEAKER GRILLE 1940 Passenger, All, Chrome Plated O1A-7004352 ........................................ each 75.00 75.00 CLOCK BEZEL ONLY 1940, Chrome O1A-9272-CC ....................................... each 20.00 1940, Plastic, Beige in color O1A-9272-CP ....................................... each 12.50 ‘32 ROADSTER STYLE DASH 1928-29, Open Car, steel A-136-AF .............................................. each 145.00 1928-29, Closed Car, steel A-136-AFCC ......................................... each 145.00 1930-31, Open Car, steel A-136-BF .............................................. each 145.00 1930-31, Closed Car, steel A-136-BFCC ......................................... each 1940, Zenith Radio O1A-9272-ZRP ...................................... each 25.00 145.00 1940, Philco Radio O1A-9272-PRP ..................................... each 25.00 O1A-9272-ZRP ’40 RADIO PANEL RADIO BLOCK-OFF PLATE 1940 Passenger, Stainless Steel O1A-9272-SSC ..................................... each 1940 DASH PANEL 1940, Beige Color, Plastic, with gasket O1A-9271-P ........................................ each 60.00 1940, Die Cast, Chrome O1A-9271-C ......................................... each 40.00 17.00 Page 55 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 21A-7004402 ASH TRAY 1940 O1A-7004804/5 ....................................... pair 90.00 DASH PLASTIC 1946, Super Deluxe, Metallic Blue/Grey 51A-9271-B ................................ 3 piece set 140.00 1946, Super Deluxe, Club Convertible, Wagons and Sportsman, Greyish Tan 51A-9271-C ................................ 3 piece set 140.00 ASH TRAY RETAINERS 1940 O1A-7004802/3 ....................................... pair 1947-48 All, Greyish Tan 6A-9271-A .................................. 3 piece set 45.00 140.00 DASH TRIM FINISH STRIP 1942-48 Passenger, chrome plated, not used with Chrome Dash 21A-7004402 ......................................... each 50.00 ’41 DASH PLASTIC 1941 Passenger, Tan, without clock 11A-9271-C ............................................ set 100.00 1941 Passenger, Tan, with clock 11A-9271-D ............................................ set 100.00 ’42-’48 CHROME DASH 1942-48,Die Cast Chrome Speedo Bezel, Radio Speaker and Clock Bezel, 3 piece set 21A-9271-C ............................................. set 225.00 CENTER DASH TRIM 1941 Passenger, die-cast, chrome plated 11A-7004402 ........................................ each A-5168 MERCURY DASH PANEL SET 30.00 1942-48, Mercury, die-cast, not chrome plated 29A-9271-S ............................................. set 255.00 A-5169 TRAFFIC LIGHT FINDER All Years A-5168 .................................................... each 9.00 Deluxe Traffic Light Finder A-5169 .................................................... each 20.00 Page 56 Call ahead to have your order delivered FREE to any of the major swap meets we attend this year. See page 181 for show schedule. ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 B-10505 51A-10505 68-10883 GENERATOR CUT-OUT 1928-39 B-10505 ................................................ each 39.00 VOLTAGE REGULATOR 1939-48 All, 6 volt 51A-10505 ............................................ each 45.00 1939-48 All, 12 volt B6A-10505 ............................................ each 45.00 1935-36 Passenger and Pickup 68-10883 .............................................. each 160.00 1937-39 Passenger and Pickup 91A-10883 ............................................ each 160.00 8A-10884 VOLTAGE REGULATOR TO FIREWALL GROMMETS 1939-48 All, brass inserts 91A-10610-S ..................................... set of 3 TEMPERATURE GAUGE ASSEMBLY 8A-10990 5.00 TEMPERATURE GAUGE SENDER SR-10606 U-10800 1940-53, 6 volt, single post 8A-10884 ............................................ each 45.00 1940-55, 6 volt, double post 8A-10990 ............................................ each 45.00 VOLTAGE REDUCER Reduces 12 volt to 6 volt U-10800 .............................................. each 14.00 You don’t need to change or modify your stock gauges or senders. Install the electronic Voltage Reducer on the back of each gauge. Allows you to use your 6 volt gauges and the rest of the car on 12 volt by reducing the voltage to each gauge. SR-10606 .............................................. each 15.00 GENERATOR BRUSH SET 1940-56 O1A-10043 ................................................ set 4.00 GENERATOR BEARINGS 1940-56, Front B-7600 .................................................... each VOLTAGE REDUCER All Years, You don’t need to change or modify your stock gauges or senders. Install the electronic Voltage Reducer on the back of the Instrument Cluster. Works on all gauges. Allows you to use your 6 volt gauges and the rest of the car on 12 volt by reducing the voltage to all gauges. Need 1 per car. D-10800 ............................................ each 35.00 9.00 GENERATOR REAR END PLATE BUSHING 1937-53 V-8 and 1947-56 6 cyl. 78-10128 ................................................ each 1.50 Page 57 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 40-11556 81A-11556 B-11556 18-11002-N12 B-11350 48-11556 STARTER BENDIX DRIVE IGNITION SWITCH ON-OFF PLATES 8.00 1928-31, Complete with spring, head, and bolts A-11350-RC ........................................... each 45.00 1933-34, with screws 40-11556 ................................................ each 8.00 1932-48 All, As Above, new modern style B-11350 ................................................ each 45.00 1935-36 and 1935-37 Pickup, with screws 48-11556 ................................................ each 8.00 1932, with screws B-11556 .................................................. each 1937 and 1940-48, with screws 78-11556 ................................................ each 8.00 1938-39, with screws 81A-11556 .............................................. each 8.00 91A-11500-B 18-11002-N12 May require filing of bell housing STARTER (FLATHEAD) With modern style Bendix 1932-53, V-8, 6 volt, Except 60 H.P. 18-11002-N6 ........................................ each 180.00 1932-53, V-8, 12 volt, Except 60 H.P. 18-11002-N12 ...................................... each 180.00 11A-11500 STARTER BUTTON 1937, Deluxe, Yellow Brown 78-11500-B ............................................ each 10.00 1938, Pink 81A-11500-A ......................................... each 10.00 1939, Light Yellow 91A-11500-B ......................................... each 10.00 1940, Standard, Sand O1A-11500-A ........................................ each 10.00 1940, Deluxe, Red Brown O1A-11500-D ........................................ each 10.00 1937-48, Chrome 11A-11500 ............................................. each 7.00 1937-48, Dual Post for 12 Volt System 2C-11500 ............................................... each 15.00 21A-11450 01A-11450 STARTER SOLENOID STARTER BRUSH SET 1933-48 All 18-11057 ................................................... set 1937-48 All, steel case, original style O1A-11450 ............................................ each 25.00 1937-48, As Above, replacement style 21A-11450 ............................................. each 15.00 6.00 STARTER MOTOR FIELD COIL 1932-48, Left Hand 18-11083 ................................................ each 18.00 1932-48, Right Hand 18-11085 ................................................ each 18.00 MODEL A STARTER SWITCH REAR END PLATE BUSHING 1932-48 All B-11135 ................................................. each Page 58 2.00 1928-31, Cadmium plated with Copper Terminal Nut A-11450 ................................................ each 22.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 Drive Gear sold separately Below 7RA-12390-C 12127-D 12127-E MALLORY DUAL POINT DISTRIBUTOR 1932-41, 3 bolt mounting, 6 or 12 volt, will not fit some stock fan configurations 18-12127-D ..................................... Discontinued 8BA-12127-E 1942-48, As Above, 2 bolt mounting 21A-12127-D ........................................... Discontinued 8BA-12127-D MALLORY ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTOR MALLORY ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTOR 1949-53, The UNILITE Electronic Distributor is triggered by a self-contained, photo-optic infrared L.E.D. system using Mallory’s time tested breakerless ignition circuit. Designed for 12-volt systems. 8BA-12127-E ................................ each 395.00 1932-41, 3 bolt mounting, 12 volt, will not fit some stock fan configurations 18-12127-E ..................................... Discontinued 1942-48, As Above, 2 bolt mounting 21A-12127-E ................................... Discontinued MALLORY DUAL POINT DISTRIBUTOR 1949-53, Dual Point Mechanical Advance Distributors come with a pre-set, factory installed advance curve precisely calibrated for maximum performance. 8BA-12127-D ................................ each 275.00 MALLORY CHROME ELECTRONIC IGNITION COIL The Mallory universal 12-volt high output Chrome Electronic Ignition Coil delivers the added voltage required by performance engines. M-29216 ...................................... each 45.00 DISTRIBUTOR DRIVE GEAR 1948-53, 8 cyl. 7RA-12390-C ................................. each 19.00 MALLORY CHROME IGNITION COIL FREE SHIPPING Standard size UPS ground orders over $1000 are shipped free within the continental US. Free shipping does not apply to UPS over-size or overweight packages, back orders, or truck freight items. Larger parts such as, but not limited to, Running Boards, Bumpers, Headliners, Pickup Beds, Fenders, Tailgates and Firewall Insulators are not covered under the Free Shipping Offer. The Mallory universal 12-volt high output Chrome Ignition Coil is engineered to improve the performance of breaker point ignition systems. Fits most original equipment coil brackets. M-29217 ....................................... each 45.00 IGNITION COIL BALLAST RESISTOR Heavy Duty Porcelain Resistors have a 200 watt rating and use threaded terminal connections for better wire retention. M-700 .......................................... each 18.00 Page 59 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 DISTRIBUTOR GASKET SETS 1932-41, V-8, Gasket Set 18-12104 ................................................... set 6.00 1942-48, V-8, Gasket Set 21A-12104 ................................................ set 6.00 COIL DISTRIBUTOR RUBBER PLUG 1932-36, V-8 18-12138 .................................................. pair 78-12024 1GA-12024-S 2.75 A-12029-FS 1937-41, V-8, 2 hole mount, 6 volt 78-12024 ............................................... each 85.00 1942-48, V-8 or 6 cyl., Ford Script, 6 volt 1GA-12024-S ........................................ each 70.00 1942-48, As Above, 12 volt 1GA-12024-S12 .................................... each 70.00 A-12029 IGNITION RESISTOR COIL (Model A) 1928-31, Original style, Ford Script A-12029-FS .......................................... each 55.00 1928-31, Replacement style A-12029 ................................................ each 25.00 1932-48 All, original style 18-12250-O ............................................. each 15.00 RESISTOR-FUSE TERMINAL BLOCK 1933-39 All, like original 40-12250 ............................................... each 50.00 78-12036-S IGNITION COIL ADAPTOR KIT The above kit eliminates the original coil on the distributor and allows the use of 8BA-12029 coil that installer mounts on top of motor. Coil sold separately. 1933-36, Coil Adaptor Kit for 3 bolt coil to distributor 18-12036-S ................................................ kit 42.50 There’s a good chance we have your parts in stock. Page 60 1937-41, Coil Adaptor Kit for 2 bolt coil to distributor 78-12036-S ................................................ kit 42.50 Coil, 6 volt 8BA-12029 ............................................ each 20.00 Coil Mounting Bracket B-12000-MB ........................................... each 5.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 21A-12106 FAB-12106-A DISTRIBUTOR CAP OUTER DISTRIBUTOR CAP 1928-34, 4 cylinder, Distributor Body A-12105 ................................................. each 18.00 1928-34, 4 cylinder, Distributor Cap A-12115 .................................................. each 4.00 1942, V-8 21A-12106 ............................................. each 24.00 1949-53, V-8 FAB-12106-A ........................................ each 10.00 21A-12144-S 21A-12144-S 1932-41 1946-48 DISTRIBUTOR TERMINAL PLATE CAP 1932-41, V-8, Black 18-12105-A ........................................... each 12.00 1932-41, V-8, Brown 18-12105-B ........................................... each 13.00 1946-48, V-8 59A-12105 ............................................ each DISTRIBUTOR CAP BAIL SET 1941-42 and 46-48, Allows you to use the “crab” distributor cap on 1946-48, 4 piece set 21A-12144-S .............................................. set 8.00 59A-12144 25.00 59A-12109 DISTRIBUTOR CAP CLIP 1946-48 Passenger and 1946-47 Pickup, need 2 59A-12109 ............................................... each 18-12116 59A-12106 DISTRIBUTOR BAIL WIRE 1946-48 Passenger and Pickup 59A-12144 .............................................. each INNER DISTRIBUTOR TERMINAL PLATE 1932-36, V-8 18-12116 ............................................... each 28.00 1936-41, V-8 68-12116 ............................................... each 28.00 1946-48, V-8 59A-12106 ............................................ each 40.00 6.00 18-12107 3.00 68-12107 IGNITION POINT SET 1928-31, Ignition Point Set. Gap at .018/.022, 4 cyl. A-12199 .................................................. each 10.00 1932-34, 4 Cylinder, Model B, Points B-12199 .................................................. each 25.00 1932-35, V-8, flat copper strap style 18-12107 .................................................. set 25.00 1936-48, V-8, one set does one car 68-12107 .................................................. set 24.00 Page 61 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 68-12201 FAA-12200 SPARK PLUGS DISTRIBUTOR ROTOR 1928-34, 4 cylinder and 1932, V-8, 7/8” A-12405-B .............................................. each 9.00 1928-34, 4 cylinder A-12200 .................................................. each 4.00 1932-36, V-8 48-12201 .............................................. each 1933-37, V-8, 18mm 40-12405 ................................................ each 3.50 40.00 1938-53, V-8 and 1941-47, 6 cylinder, 14mm 7RA-12405 ............................................. each 3.50 1937-41, V-8 68-12201 .............................................. each 40.00 1942, V-8 21A-12200 .............................................. each 9.00 1946-53, V-8 FAA-12200-B .......................................... each 3.50 1928-34, Spark Plug Connectors, 4 cyl., 3-1/8” long B-12275-B ........................................... set of 4 3.00 78-12300 1GA-12312 CONDENSOR 1928-31, 4 cylinder A-12300 ................................................. each 10.00 1932-34, 4 cylinder B-12300 ................................................. each 12.00 1932-36, V-8 18-12300 ............................................... each 20.00 SPARK PLUG WIRE SETS 1937-41, V-8 78-12300 ................................................ each 9.50 1942-48, V-8 1GA-12300 ............................................ each 1932-36, V-8, Black cable, flat spark plug connectors 18-12259 .................................................. set 51.00 9.50 1937-41, V-8, original colors 78-12259 .................................................. set 53.00 1942-44, V-8 21A-12259 ................................................ set 62.00 1946-48, V-8 59A-12259 ................................................ set 60.00 1949-53, V-8, with Boots B1A-12259-S ............................................ set 59.00 1949-53, V-8 7RA-12300 ............................................ each 4.50 CONDENSOR BOOT 1942-48 1GA-12312 ............................................ each 4.50 18-12113 59A-12113-S SPARK PLUG WIRE RUBBER SEAL 1932-41, V-8, takes 2 18-12113 ................................................ each 5.00 1946-48, V-8, set of 2 59A-12113-S .......................................... pair 16.00 Page 62 STAINLESS STEEL IGNITION LOOMS 1937-48 59A-12280-AS ........................................ pair 1949-53 8BA-12280-AS ...................................... pair 85.00 85.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 DIETZ KING BEE 1932 HEADLIGHTS 1932, Polished stainless steel, Ford Script glass, complete assemblies with single bulb reflector, 6 volt B-13000-SSA ......................................... pair 295.00 DIETZ STYLE HEADLIGHTS Chrome Dietz Style Headlights, 12 volt B-13000-DZ ............................................. pair 60.00 REPRODUCTION KING BEE HEADLIGHTS Chrome-plated with Quartz Halogen Bulb, wire and mounting hardware, 12 volt KB-13000-C ............................................. pair 90.00 As Above, Painted Housing KB-13000-P ............................................. pair 90.00 As Above, Stainless Steel Housing KB-13000-SS ........................................... pair 125.00 1932, Polished stainless steel, Ford Script glass, complete assemblies with two bulb reflector, 6 volt B-13000-SSB ......................................... pair 295.00 1932, With Quartz Halogen units installed behind original lens, 12 volt, polished stainless steel B-13000-SSQH ...................................... pair 295.00 1932, As Above, with turn signal installed in reflector B-13000-SSQHTS ................................. pair 325.00 1932, Powder Coated Black, Quartz Halogen bulb, 12 volt, polished stainless steel rim, Ford script lens BB-13000-QS ........................................ pair 295.00 1933-34 HEADLIGHTS 1928-31 HEADLIGHTS 1928-29, Ford Script Headlight, 6 volt, 1 bulb reflector A-13000-A1S ......................................... pair 325.00 1928-29, Ford Script Headlight, 6 volt, 2 bulb reflector A-13000-A2S ......................................... pair 325.00 1928-29, Ford Script Headlights, stainless steel with 12 volt Quartz Halogen assemblies installed A-13000-CQH ........................................ pair 325.00 1928-29, As Above, with turn signal installed A-13000-AQSTS .................................... pair 330.00 1930-31, Ford Script Headlight, polished stainless steel, 1-bulb reflector, 6 volt A-13000-B1S ......................................... pair 325.00 1930-31, Ford Script Headlight, polished stainless steel, 2-bulb reflector, 6 volt A-13000-B2S ......................................... pair 325.00 1930-31, Ford Script Headlight, polished stainless steel with 12 volt Quartz Halogen assemblies installed A-13000-SSQH ...................................... pair 325.00 1930-31, As Above, with turn signal installed A-13000-BQSTS .................................... pair 1933-34, Ford Script glass, complete assemblies with single bulb reflector, 6 volt, stainless steel 40-13000-SSA ....................................... pair 295.00 1933-34, Ford Script glass, complete asemblies with two bulb reflector, 6 volt, stainless steel 40-13000-SSB ....................................... pair 295.00 1933-34, With Quartz Halogen units behind original lens, 12 volt, stainless steel 40-13000-SSQH .................................... pair 295.00 1933-34, As Above, with turn signal installed in reflector 40-13000-SSQHTS ............................... pair 325.00 COMMERCIAL HEADLIGHTS 1933-34 Pickup, plain body, stainless steel rim and Ford Script as original, with one bulb reflector, 6 volt 46-13000-A ............................................ pair 275.00 1933-34 Pickup, plain body, stainless steel rim and Ford Script as original, with 12 volt Quartz Halogen kit installed 46-13000-QH ........................................ pair 275.00 1933-34, As Above, with turn signal installed in reflector 46-13000-QHTS .................................... pair 325.00 330.00 Page 63 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 DROPPED HEADLIGHT BAR HEADLIGHT BAR TO FENDER BOLT 1928-29 Passenger and Pickup, Stainless Steel A-13114-S ............................................ each 140.00 1928-31, Headlight Bar Mounting Bolts, Stainless Steel A-13114-MB ....................................... set of 4 10.00 1930-31, As Above A-13114-BD .......................................... each 140.00 1932 Passenger and ‘32-34 Pickup, Stainless B-13119-C .............................................. each 1932, As Above B-13114-D .......................................... each 150.00 9.00 HEADLIGHT BAR PAD HEADLIGHT BAR EMBLEM 1932, V-8 18-13122 ............................................... each 13126 15.00 13119 HEADLIGHT STANDS 1933-34 Passenger and 1935-37 Pickup, dropped, Plain 40-13126-P ............................................. pair 50.00 1933-34, As Above, polished stainless 40-13126-SS ........................................... pair 60.00 1933-34, As Above, chrome 40-13126-CH .......................................... pair 55.00 1928-29 A-13130-A ............................................... pair 5.00 1930-31 A-13130-B ............................................... pair 5.00 1932 Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup B-13130-S ............................................... pair 5.00 1933-34 Passenger and 1935-37 Pickup 40-13130-S .............................................. pair 5.00 1935 Passenger 48-13130-S .............................................. pair 5.00 1936 Passenger 68-13130-S .............................................. pair 5.00 1938-39 Pickup 81C-13130 ............................................... pair 7.00 HEADLIGHT STAND BOLTS 1933-34 Passenger and 1935-37 Pickup, Black, with hole 40-13119-BH ......................................... each 6.00 1933-34 Passenger and 1935-37 Pickup, Black, no hole 40-13119 ................................................ each 6.00 1933-34 Passenger and 1935-37 Pickup, Polished Stainless, with hole 40-13119-SSH ....................................... each 7.50 1933-34 Passenger and 1935-37 Pickup, Polished Stainless, no hole 40-13119-SS .......................................... each 7.50 Page 64 HIBOY HEADLIGHT MOUNTS 1932-34, Polished Stainless Steel, 9/16” hole BD-60500 ....................................... pair 120.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 O1A-13076 A-13075 HEADLIGHT SOCKET ASSEMBLY 1928-29, 2-bulb A-13075-B ............................................ each 12.00 1930-31, 2-bulb A-13075-C ............................................ each STAINLESS HEADLIGHT RIM 12.00 1928-29, Stainless Steel A-13001-ARM ........................................ each 30.00 1935-36, 2 bulbs 48-13076 ............................................... each 15.00 1930-31, Stainless Steel A--13001-BRM ...................................... each 30.00 1937-39 Passenger, 2 bulb 91A-13076 ............................................ each 25.00 1932, Stainless Steel B-13001-RM .......................................... each 30.00 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup, 2 bulb O1A-13076 ........................................... each 27.00 1933-34, Stainless Steel 40-13001-RM ........................................ each 30.00 1941-48 Passenger, 1942-47 Pickup, sealed beam 11A-13076 ............................................ each 22.00 1935 Passenger and 1935-39 Pickup, Stainless Steel 48-13001-RM .......................................... pair 75.00 1936 Passenger, Stainless Steel 68-13001-RM .......................................... pair 95.00 B-13065 B-14578 A-13044-ASS HEADLIGHT CONDUIT 1928-32, Headlight Conduit, Stainless Steel B-14578 .................................................... pair 1928-32, Headlight Brass Connector for Conduit B-13065 .................................................. each 10.00 A-13011-MB 6.00 HEADLIGHT RIM LATCH REPAIR KIT 1928-29 and 1933-34, Stainless Steel A-13044-ASS .......................... kit for one Rim HR-14578-SS HR-13020-B 7.00 1930-32 and 35-36 Pass. & 1932-39 Pickup, As Above A-13044-BSS .......................... kit for one Rim 7.00 1928-31, 18 pc. Unslotted Stainless Headlight Bucket Mounting Screw Set, for 2 headlights A-13011-MB .............................................. set 5.00 NEW HEADLIGHT LOOM 1928-32 Passenger and 1928-34 Pickup, Braided stainless cable with aluminum ends, wires included HR-14578-SS ........................................... pair 50.00 1928-32 Passenger and 1928-34 Pickup, flexible stainless conduit with threaded male ends HR-13020-B .............................................. pair 60.00 01A-11652 11A-11652 B-11655-S HEADLIGHT SWITCH HEADLIGHT/RADIATOR SHELL GROMMETS 1928-29, Radiator Shell Grommet Set A-8210-AS ........................................ 3 pc. set 2.50 1930-32 Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup B-14567-BS ...................................... 3 pc. set 2.50 1928-39, Light Switch Body and Housing B-11655-S ............................................. each 20.00 1940 O1A-11652 ............................................ each 35.00 1941-48 11A-11652 ............................................. each 40.00 Page 65 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 78-13030 B-13060 68-13060 78-13060 78-13060-CL HEADLIGHT LENS 1928-31, Headlight Lens, Ford Script A-13060 ................................................ each 22.00 1932, Ford Script B-13060 ................................................ each 20.00 1933-34, Ford Script 40-13060 ............................................... each 20.00 1935 Passenger and 1935-39 Pickup, Ford Script 48-13060 ............................................... each 20.00 1936 Passenger, Ford Script 68-13060 ............................................... each 25.00 STAINLESS HEADLIGHT RIM 1932, Stainless Steel B-13001-RM .......................................... each 30.00 1933-34, Stainless Steel 40-13001-RM ........................................ each 30.00 1937-38 Pass. & 1939 Standard, Polished Stainless 78-13045 ............................................... each 30.00 1939, Deluxe, Polished Stainless Steel 91A-13045 ............................................. each 30.00 HEADLIGHT LENS CORK GASKET 1937-1938 All Passenger and 1939 Standard, Ford Script 78-13060 ............................................... each 20.00 1928-36 Passenger and 1928-39 Pickup B-13066 .................................................... pair 4.00 1939, Deluxe, Ford Script 91A-13060 ............................................ each 20.00 1937-39 Passenger 78-13066 .................................................. pair 4.00 1937-38 and 1939 Standard, Clear 78-13060-CL ......................................... each 30.00 1939, Deluxe, As Above 91A-13060-CL ...................................... each 30.00 HEADLIGHT LENS GASKET RETAINER BAIL 1937-39 All Passenger, brass as original 78-13067-RB ........................................... pair 15.00 HEADLIGHT REFLECTORS 1928-31, Model A Headlight Reflectors, 2-bulb type A-13025-B ............................................. each 30.00 40-13061 48-13031 48-13061 HEADLIGHT LENS RETAINER CLIPS 1928-31, Model A Headlight Reflectors, 1-bulb type A-13025-C ............................................. each 30.00 1932, One bulb type B-13027 ................................................. each 30.00 1928-32 All, set of 6 B-13061 .................................................... set 3.50 1932, Two bulb type B-13028 ................................................. each 30.00 1933-34, set of 6 40-13061 ................................................... set 3.50 1933-34, One bulb type 40-13027 ............................................... each 25.00 1935-36 Passenger and 1936-39 Pickup, set of 6 48-13061 ................................................... set 3.50 1933-34, Two bulb type 40-13028 ............................................... each 25.00 HEADLIGHT REFLECTOR MOUNTING CLIPS 1935-36 Passenger and 1935-39 Pickup, 6 piece set does both headlights. 48-13031 .................................................. set 10.00 Page 66 1935-36 Passenger and 1935-39 Pickup, 2 bulb type 48-13028 ............................................... each 30.00 1937-39 Passenger, 2 bulb type 78-13028 ............................................... each 25.00 HEADLIGHT REFLECTOR RETAINER 1937-38 All Passenger and 1939 Standard 78-13030 ............................................... each 25.00 1939, Deluxe 91A-13030 ............................................. each 25.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 O1A-13045-B s lt kit 6 vo ble a l i a v a 6A-13045 QUARTZ HALOGEN REFLECTOR KITS Includes Reflectors with special sockets installed, 12 volt 1928-31, Quartz Halogen Reflector Kit A-13027-QK ............................................... kit 90.00 1928-31, As Above, with Turn Signals A-13027-QKTS ......................................... kit 105.00 1932 All, Quartz Halogen Reflector Kit, includes reflectors B-13027-QK ............................................... kit 85.00 1932 All, As Above with Turn Signal Kit B-13027-QKTS .......................................... kit 105.00 1933-34 All, Quartz Halogen Reflector Kit, includes reflectors 40-13027-QK ............................................. kit 85.00 1933-34 All, As Above, with Turn Signal Kit 40-13027-QKTS ........................................ kit 105.00 1935-36 Passenger and 1935-39 Pickup, Quartz Halogen Reflector Kit 48-13027-QK ............................................. kit 85.00 1935-36 Passenger and 1935-39 Pickup, As Above, with Turn Signal Kit 48-13027-QKTS ........................................ kit 105.00 1937-39 Passenger, Quartz Halogen Reflector Kit 78-13027-QK ............................................. kit 85.00 1937-39 Passenger, As Above, with Turn Signal Kit 78-13027-QKTS ........................................ kit 105.00 HEADLIGHT DOOR 1940 Deluxe and 1940-41 Pickup, Chrome O1A-13045-B by Vintique ..................... pair O1A-13045-DR by Drake ...................... pair 145.00 145.00 1941 Passenger, 2-Rib Style, Stainless 11A-13045 .............................................. pair 60.00 1942 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup, 3-Rib Style, Stainless 21A-13045 .............................................. pair 60.00 1946 Passenger, 1-Rib Style, Stainless 51A-13045 .............................................. pair 60.00 1947-48 Passenger, Smooth Style, Stainless 6A-13045 ................................................ pair 60.00 O1A-13082 11C-13082 O1A-13085 PARK LIGHT LENS AND GASKETS 1940 Passenger and Pickup, Glass Lens O1A-13082 ............................................. each 8.00 1941 Pickup, Glass Lens 11C-13082 .............................................. each 9.00 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup, Lens Gaskets O1A-13085 ............................................... pair 4.00 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup, Clips to install two Park Light Lens, set of 6 O1A-13085-CK .......................................... set 4.00 B-13007 48-13007 HEADLIGHT BULB 1928-34 All, 6 volt B-13007-D ............................................. each 1.75 1928-34 All, 12 volt B-13007-12V ......................................... each 1.75 1935-39 All, 6 volt 48-13007 ................................................ each 3.50 1935-39 Passenger, 12 volt 48-13007-E ............................................ each 3.50 13007 SEALED BEAM HEADLAMP BULB 1940, No tabs, 12 volt O1A-13007-12V .................................... each 1941-48, 6 volt B5AF-13007 .................................. each 1941-48, 12 volt B6AF-13007 .......................................... each 20.00 21.00 12.00 Page 67 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 O1A-13026 HEADLIGHT BULB RETAINER HEADLIGHT BUCKETS 1937-38 Passenger and 1939 Standard, die stamped steel, includes all screws and necessary hardware, less Headlight Socket 78-13026 ................................................. pair 200.00 1939 Deluxe, As Above 91A-13026 .............................................. pair 1940 All and 1940-41 Pickup, As Above O1A-13026 ............................................. pair 1940-48 Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup, holds headlight bulb to bucket, Stainless Steel O1A-13018 ............................................ each 15.00 200.00 HEADLIGHT BUCKET GROMMET 200.00 1941-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup, molded rubber Grommet, 1 per headlight required 51A-13077 .............................................. each 2.00 HEADLIGHT BUCKET RETAINING SPRING 1941-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup, 2 per headlight needed. 11A-13031 .............................................. each 2.00 HEADLIGHT BUCKET, LENS & RIM MOUNTING KIT 1937-38 Passenger and 1939 Standard, 23 piece kit, does 1 bucket 78-13061-K ................................................ kit 16.00 1939 Deluxe, As Above 91A-13061-K ............................................. kit 25.00 81A-13532 8A-13532 DIMMER SWITCH HEADLIGHT BUCKET TO FENDER GASKETS 1937-38 Passenger and 1939 Standard 78-13044 ................................................. each 4.00 1939 Deluxe 91A-13044 ............................................... each 4.00 1940 and 1940-41 Pickup O1A-13044 .............................................. each 4.00 1941-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup 11A-13044 ............................................... each 4.00 Page 68 1938-47 Passenger and 1938-47 Pickup 81A-13532 ............................................. each 18.00 1948 Passenger 8A-13532 ............................................... each 18.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 PARK LIGHTS O1A-13082 11C-13082 11A-13082 6A-13082 PARK LIGHT LENS PARK LIGHT ASSEMBLY 1941, With Glass Lens 11A-13200 ............................................ each 45.00 1940 Passenger and Pickup, glass O1A-13082 ............................................. each 8.00 1941 Pickup, glass 11C-13082 .............................................. each 9.00 1941 Passenger, glass 11A-13082 ............................................. each 10.00 1942-46 Passenger, plastic 21A-13208 ............................................. each 10.00 1947-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup, glass 6A-13082 ................................................ each PARK LIGHT ASSEMBLY 1947-48, Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup, Park Light Assembly, includes Rubber Boots 6A-13200 .............................................. each 30.00 8.00 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup, Clips to install two Park Light Lens O1A-13085-CK .......................................... set 4.00 6A-13085 O1A-13085 PARK LIGHT RUBBER BOOT 1942-48 6A-13225 ................................................ pair PARK LIGHT GASKETS 17.50 11A-13217-S 21C-13217 51A-13200-RP PARK LIGHT PADS 1941, Passenger, Rubber 11A-13217-S ........................................... pair 8.00 1946, Passenger, Rubber 51A-13200-RP ......................................... pair 20.00 1947-48, Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup, Cork 21C-13217 ............................................... pair 6.00 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup O1A-13085 ............................................... pair 4.00 1941 Passenger 11A-13085 ................................................ pair 5.00 1942-46 Passenger 21A-13085 ................................................ pair 5.00 1947-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup 6A-13085 .................................................. pair 5.00 TURN SIGNAL CONVERSION KIT 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup, replaces original, 12 volt O1A-13200-T ............................................ kit 35.00 Page 69 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 40-13302-TS12 A-13301-ES Dual Filament, 12 volt, Park/Turn Light, Size 2” x 2-1/2” HR-13302-TS ................................. each 12.00 COWL LIGHTS 1928-29, Cowl Lights A-13301-AS ........................................... pair AMBER PARK/TURN LIGHTS 160.00 1928-29, Cowl Lights with Turn Signal Kit installed A-13301-ATS ......................................... pair 180.00 1928-29, Cowl Light Mounting Bracket A-13300-ARM ........................................ pair 25.00 1930-31, Cowl Lights A-13302-ES ........................................... pair 144.00 Bulbs for above, 12 volt HR-13465 ............................................... each 1.50 Bulbs for above, 6 volt HR-13465-6V ......................................... each 3.00 UNIVERSAL TURN SIGNAL SWITCH 1930-31, Cowl Lights with Turn Signal Kit installed A-13301-ETS ......................................... pair 157.00 1930-31, Cowl Light Mounting Spacer Blocks. Prevents Cowl Light flexing A-13303-S ............................................... set 3.50 1932, 12-volt, stainless, turn signal kit installed, Chrome-plated arms B-13302-TS12 ....................................... pair 100.00 1933-34, 12-volt, stainless, turn signal kit installed, chrome-plated arms 40-13302-TS12 ...................................... pair 100.00 A-13340-TS All Years, Chrome, 12 volt and converts to 6 volt by changing bulb A-13340-TS .................................. each 25.00 A-13340-HD B-13324-S 18-13324-S 40-13324-S COWL LAMP MOUNTING PADS 1932, Except 3-Window B-13324-S ............................................... pair 3.00 1932, 3-Window 18-13324-S .............................................. pair 5.00 1933-34 40-13324-S .............................................. pair 3.00 Page 70 As above with 4-way flasher A-13340-HD .......................................... each 35.00 TURN SIGNAL FLASHER UNIT All Years, 6 volt A-13350-6V .................................... each 6.50 All Years, 12 volt A-13350-12V ........................................... each 5.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 TAIL LIGHTS TAIL LIGHT ASSEMBLY 1937 Passenger, Right Hand, black body, stainless rim, glass lens, no license light 78-13402 ............................................... each 35.00 A-13405 18-13402 40-13402 STAINLESS STEEL TAIL LIGHT ASSEMBLY 1928-31, Right Side, “DUOLAMP” , no license plate lens, Glass Lens A-13405-CR .......................................... each 29.00 1928-31, As Above, Left Side, with license plate lens A-13405-CL .......................................... each 29.00 1937 Passenger, Right Hand, with Blue Dot installed 78-13402-BD ......................................... each 47.00 1937 Passenger, Left Hand, with license light 78-13403 ............................................... each 35.00 1937 Passenger, Left Hand, with Blue Dot installed 78-13403-BD ......................................... each 47.00 1932 Passenger and 1932-42 Pickup, “DUOLAMP”, Glass Lens, Right Hand, no license plate lens 18-13402-S ........................................... each 30.00 1932 Passenger and 1932-42 Pickup, As Above, Left Hand, with license plate lens 18-13403-S ........................................... each 30.00 1933-36 Passenger and 1946-48 Pickup, Right Hand, Glass Lens, no license plate lens 40-13402-S ........................................... each 30.00 1933-36 Passenger and 1946-48 Pickup, As Above, Left Hand, with license plate lens 40-13403-S ........................................... each 30.00 1933-36 Passenger and 1946-48 Pickup, Right Hand, with Blue Dot, no license plate lens 40-13402-BD ........................................ each 42.00 TAIL LIGHT ASSEMBLY 1938-39 Passenger, fits either side, black body, stainless rim, glass lens 81A-13405 ............................................ each 20.00 1938-39 As Above, with Blue Dot installed 81A-13405-BD ...................................... each 32.00 1938-39 Passenger, with L.E.D. lights 81A-13405-LED ...................................... pair 80.00 1933-36 Passenger and 1946-48 Pickup, As Above, Left Hand, with license plate lens 40-13403-BD ........................................ each 42.00 PAINTED TAIL LIGHT ASSEMBLY 1932-42 Pickup, Right Hand, gloss black powder coated housing, polished stainless steel rim, no license light B-13402-DR .......................................... each 30.00 1932-42, As Above, Left Hand, with license light B-13403-DL .......................................... each 30.00 1935-36 Passenger and 1946-52 Pickup, Right Hand, gloss black powder coated housing, polished stainless steel rim, no license light 48-13402-DR ........................................ each 30.00 As Above, Left Hand, with license light 48-13403-DL ......................................... each 30.00 TAIL LIGHT ASSEMBLY 1940 Passenger, fits either side, black body, stainless rim, glass lens O1A-13405 ............................................ each 30.00 1940, As Above, with Blue Dot installed O1A-13405-BD ..................................... each 42.00 SEE PAGE 174 FOR LED TAIL LIGHTS Page 71 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1941 PONTIAC STYLE TAIL LIGHT TAIL LIGHT ASSEMBLY 1941 Passenger, Right Hand, chrome plated, glass lens 11A-13405-R ........................................ each 65.00 1941 Passenger, As Above, Left Hand 11A-13405-L ......................................... each All Years, without Blue Dots HR-13405-P ................................... pair 95.00 All Years, with Blue Dots HR-13405-PBD ............................... pair 95.00 65.00 1941 Passenger, Right Hand, with Blue Dot installed 11A-13405-BDR ................................... each 77.00 A-13450-R 1928-31 1941 Passenger, Left Hand, with Blue Dot installed 11A-13405-BDL .................................... each 77.00 1942-48 1932 1942-48 Passenger, fits either side, stainless rim, glass lens 21A-13405 ............................................ each 30.00 1942-48 Passenger, As Above, with Blue Dot installed 21A-13405-BD ...................................... each 42.00 B-13448 81A-13448 01A-13448 21A-13448 TAIL LIGHT BEZELS (Stainless Steel) 1928-31 Passenger and Pickup A-13448 .................................................. each 7.00 1932 Passenger and 1932-42 Pickup B-13448 .................................................. each 7.00 1933-36 Passenger and 1946-52 Pickup 40-13448 ................................................. each 7.00 1937 Passenger 78-13448 ................................................. each 8.00 1938-39 Passenger 81A-13448 .............................................. each 7.00 1940 Passenger O1A-13448 ............................................. each 9.00 1942-48 Passenger 21A-13448 .............................................. each 9.00 Page 72 1940 1937 1933-36 1938-39 1941 1942-48 TAIL LIGHT LENS, GLASS 1928-31, Half Amber Lens A-13450 .................................................. each 8.00 1928-31, Tail Light Lens, All Red A-13450-R .............................................. each 8.00 1928-31, Tail Light Lens with “STOP” A-13450-STOP ...................................... each 12.00 1932 Passenger and 1932-42 Pickup B-13450-G .............................................. each 8.00 1933-36 Passenger and 1946-52 Pickup 40-13450-G ............................................ each 8.00 1937 Passenger 78-13450-G ............................................ each 8.00 1938-39 Passenger 81A-13450-G .......................................... each 8.00 1940 Passenger O1A-13450-G ......................................... each 8.00 1941 Passenger 11A-13450-G .......................................... each 8.00 1942-48 Passenger 21A-13450-G .......................................... each 8.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1933-36 1932 BLUE DOT WITH CHROME RIM 1938-39 1940 1942-48 Glass, made in the USA, the good ones B-13450-GBD ......................................... each 5.00 GLASS TAIL LIGHT LENS W/BLUE DOT 1928-31 A-13450-BD ........................................... each 16.00 1932 Passenger and 1932-42 Pickup B-13450-BD .......................................... each 16.00 1933-36 Passenger and 1946-52 Picku 40-13450-BD ........................................ each 16.00 1937 Passenger 78-13450-BD ........................................ each 16.00 1938-39 Passenger 81A-13450-BD ...................................... each 16.00 1940 Passenger O1A-13450-BD ..................................... each 16.00 1941 Passenger 11A-13450-BD ...................................... each 1928-31, Stop Light Bulb B-13465 .................................................. each 1.00 16.00 1942-48 Passenger 21A-13450-BD ...................................... each 1928-31, Tail Light, Parking and Dash Light Bulb B-13466 .................................................. each 1.75 16.00 1932-48, License Plate Light; 1932-48, Dome Light; 1935-39, Instrument Panel B-13466 .................................................. each 1.75 QUARTZ HALOGEN TAIL LIGHT BULB (OFFSET STUDS) 1933-UP, 12 volt 40-13465-H12 ........................................ each 6.00 LIGHT BULBS 1937-40, Park Light; 1941-48, Instrument Panel; 193848, Clock and 1946-48, Radio 78-13466 ................................................ each 1.75 40-13461 AO1A-13461 TAIL LIGHT LENS GASKETS 1928-31 Passenger and Pickup A-13461 ................................................. each 1.00 1932 Passenger and 1932-42 Pickup B-13461 ................................................... pair 3.00 1933-36 Passenger and 1946-52 Pickup 40-13461 .................................................. pair 3.00 1937 Passenger 78-13461 .................................................. pair 3.00 1938-39 Passenger 81A-13461 ............................................... pair 3.00 1938-48, Tail Light; 1941-48, Park Light, when you have turn signals 11A-13465 .............................................. each 2.00 1938-48, Tail Light , Bright Bulbs, 50 Candlepower, 6 volt 11A-13465-6BR ..................................... each 4.00 1938-48, As Above, 12 volt 11A-13465-12BR ................................... each 4.00 48-13480 11A-13480 1940 Passenger O1A-13461 .............................................. pair 3.00 1941 Passenger 11A-13461 ............................................... pair 3.00 1935-38 All 48-13480 ............................................... each 15.00 1942-48 Passenger 21A-13461 ............................................... pair 3.00 1939-48 All, Screws in Master Cylinder 11A-13480 .............................................. each 6.00 STOP LIGHT SWITCH Page 73 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1928-31 TAIL LIGHT STAND AND PARTS 13 A- 47 0 4 13 A- TAIL LIGHT STAND RUBBER PADS -C 70 1928-31, Right Hand, Stamped Steel, Black A-13470 .................................................. each 8.00 1928-31 Passenger A-13471-P ............................................. each 2.00 1928-31, Left Hand, Stamped Steel, Black A-13471 .................................................. each 8.00 1933-34 Passenger 40-13520 .................................................. pair 6.00 1928-31, Right Hand, Chrome A-13470-C ............................................. each 14.00 1935 Passenger 48-13520 .................................................. pair 6.00 1928-31, Left Hand, Chrome A-13471-C ............................................. each 14.00 1936 Passenger 68-13520-A .............................................. pair 6.00 1937 Passenger 78-13520 .................................................. pair 6.00 1938-39 Passenger 81A-13520 ............................................... pair 6.00 1940 Passenger O1A-13420 .............................................. pair 6.00 1928-31, Tail Light Stand Reinforcement Plate, under fender A-13463 .................................................. each 3.50 1941 Passenger 11A-13420 ............................................... pair 6.00 1928-31, Tail Light Stand Mounting Bolts, Stainless B-16026 .................................................. each 1.00 1942-48 Passenger, Housing to Fender Pad 21A-13420/1 ............................................ pair 8.00 1942-48 Passenger, Tail Light to Housing Pad 21A-13520 ............................................... pair 6.00 21A-13470-K A-13463 B-16026 1932 TAIL LIGHT STAND 1932 Passenger, Right Hand, stamped steel 18-13470 ............................................... each 30.00 1932 Passenger, Left Hand, stamped steel 18-13471 ............................................... each 30.00 TAIL LIGHT HOUSING 1932 Passenger, Right Hand, chrome 18-13470-C ........................................... each 45.00 1942-48 Passenger, steel, with holes for ornament 21A-13470-K ......................................... pair 175.00 1932 Passenger, Left Hand, chrome 18-13471-C ........................................... each 45.00 TAIL LIGHT HOUSING ORNAMENTS 1932 Passenger, Right Hand, stainless 18-13470-SS ......................................... each 75.00 1932 Passenger, Left Hand, stainless 18-13471-SS ......................................... each 75.00 21A-13476-AS 1942-48 Passenger, polished stainless steel trim pieces that fit on top of the tail light housing 21A-13476-AS ........................................ pair 35.00 Page 74 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1937 TAIL LIGHT STANDS 1933-34 TAIL LIGHT STANDS & BRACES 78-13471-A 78-13470-A 40-13470 40-13471 1933-34 Passenger, Right or Left Hand, plain, black 40-13471 ............................................... each 40.00 1933-34, As Above, for use with rumble 40-13470 ............................................... each 40-13471-C 40.00 1937 Passenger, Left Hand 78-13471-A ............................................ each 40.00 35.00 40-13470-C 1933-34 Passenger, Right or Left Hand, chrome 40-13471-C ........................................... each 45.00 1933-34 Passenger, Right Hand, for use with rumble pad, chrome 40-13470-C ........................................... each 40.00 1933-34 Passenger, 4” Chopped, Black 40-13471-CHP ...................................... each 1937 Passenger, Right Hand 78-13470-A ........................................... each 50.00 B-13470-B 7C-13471-BK PICKUP TAIL LIGHT BRACKET 1928-37, Cast Iron B-13470-B .............................................. each 10.00 1938-56, Right Hand, Black 7C-13470-BK .......................................... each 8.00 1938-56, Left Hand, Black 7C-13471-BK .......................................... each 8.00 1938-56, Right Hand, stainless steel 7C-13470-SS .......................................... each 15.00 1938-56, Left Hand, stainless steel 7C-13471-SS .......................................... each 15.00 TAIL LIGHT /FENDER BRACE TAIL LIGHT WIRE SHIELD 1933-34 Passenger, Goes under Tail Light, Right or Left 40-16180 ............................................... each 20.00 1932-47 Pickup, Commercial and Station Wagon, diestamped metal, painted black B-13467 .................................................. each 7.50 40-13468 TAIL LIGHT BRACKET BRACE 1933-34 Passenger, Goes from Tail Light Bracket to body when using Rumble Step 40-13468 ............................................... each 10.00 1932-47, As Above, Stainless Steel B-13467-SS ............................................ each 10.00 PICKUP TAIL LIGHT WIRE CONDUIT 1932-47 Pickup, Stainless Steel B-14578 ................................................... pair 10.00 Page 75 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 13145 81A-13406 LICENSE PLATE BRACKET 1928-31, Front License Plate Clamps, Stainless, Clamps on Headlight Bar A-13145-SS ............................................. pair 15.00 1932 1937-40 FRONT LICENSE BRACKET A-13406 81A-13446 REAR LICENSE PLATE BRACKET 1928-31 Passenger and 1928-47 Pickup A-13406-B .............................................. each 8.00 1928-31 and 1928-47 Pickup, Stainless A-13406-SS ........................................... each 14.00 1932 Passenger, black B-13406-B ............................................. each 16.00 1932 Passenger, stainless steel B-13406-SS ........................................... each 28.00 1932 Passenger and Pickup, Black B-5034-B ............................................... each 30.00 1933-36 Passenger, black 40-13406 ............................................... each 15.00 1932 Passenger and Pickup, Stainless Steel B-5034-SS ............................................ each 30.00 1933-36 Passenger, stainless steel 40-13406-SS ......................................... each 25.00 1933-36 Passenger and Pickup, Black 40-5034-B ............................................. each 20.00 1937 Passenger, black 78-13406-B ............................................ each 35.00 1933-36 Passenger and Pickup, Stainless Steel 40-5034-SS .......................................... each 30.00 1938-48 Passenger, black 81A-13406 ............................................. each 20.00 1937-38 All and 1939 Standard Passenger & Pickup, Black 78-5034-B ............................................. each 30.00 1938-48 Passenger, polished stainless steel 81A-13406-SS ....................................... each 30.00 1938-48 Passenger, License Bracket Pad 81A-13446 .............................................. each 3.00 1937-38 All and 1939 Standard Passenger & Pickup, Stainless Steel 78-5034-SS .......................................... each 35.00 1939 Deluxe, ‘40 Passenger & 1940-41 Pickup, Black 91A-5034 .............................................. each 20.00 1939 Deluxe ‘40 Passenger & 1940-41 Pickup, Stainless Steel 91A-5034-SS ........................................ each 30.00 LICENSE PLATE LIGHT & BRACKET Stainless Steel nostalgic style, with rubber mounting pad HR-13550 .............................................. each 50.00 LICENSE PLATE FRAMES 1928-48, Please state year desired 13409-S .................................................. pair Page 76 15.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 HR-13409-CL 8A-13532 81A-13532 LICENSE FRAME WITH LIGHT DIMMER SWITCH All Years, Bright Chrome Finish, 12 volt HR-13409-CL ...................................... each 40.00 HR-13560-SS 1938-47 Passenger and 1938-47 Pickup 81A-13532 ............................................. each 18.00 1948 Passenger 8A-13532 ............................................... each 18.00 81A-13580 81A-13583 LICENSE PLATE LIGHT HIGH BEAM JEWEL SOCKET WITH WIRE 1928-48, License Light, Polished Stainless HR-13560-SS ............................... each 25.00 1938-40 Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup 81A-13580 ............................................. each 30.00 HIGH BEAM JEWEL O1A-13779-C A-13771-A DOME LIGHT ASSEMBLY 1928-36, Dome Light with switch A-13771-A ............................................ each 48.00 1928-36, Dome Light without switch A-13771-B ............................................ each 45.00 1937-40 Passenger, die stamped body, stainless rim, wire and plastic lens O1A-13779-C ....................................... each 30.00 1938-40 Passenger, fits in dash 81A-13583 .............................................. each 10.00 1940-47 Pickup, fits in dash O1C-13583 ............................................. each 10.00 DASH LIGHTS 1928-31, Original Style Dash Light A-13708-A ............................................. each 25.00 1928-30, Dash Light Cover for original A-13708 ................................................. each 9.00 DOME LIGHT LENS 1938-40 All closed cars 81A-13783 ............................................. each 68-13770 A-13769 6.00 8M-13713 DOME LIGHT SWITCH 1932-48 Passenger, Mounts on door post A-13769 .................................................. each 10.00 DOME LAMP SWITCH FOR DOOR POST 1941-48 8M-13713 ..................................... each 6.00 DOME LIGHT SWITCH PLATE 1932-48 Passenger, stainless 68-13770 ................................................ each 4.00 INSTRUMENT PANEL DIMMER SWITCH 1940, Standard and 1940 Pickup, Sand O1A-13740-A ........................................ each 25.00 1940 Passenger, Deluxe, Reddish Brown O1A-13740-B ........................................ each 25.00 1941-47 Pickup, Black 21C-13740-B ......................................... each 25.00 1946, Closed Car except Wagon, Metallic Blue/Gray 51A-13740-B ......................................... each 25.00 1947-48 Passenger, Tan 51A-13740-C ......................................... each 25.00 Page 77 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 HORN BRACKET ASSEMBLY MODEL “A” FORD HORN 1928-31, Powder-coated black, top quality, authentic “AHOOGA” sound, with brackets, 6 volt A-13800-6V ......................................... each 280.00 1928-31, As Above, 12 volt, Data Plate will say 6 folt so as to not compromise judging standards A-138002-12V ..................................... each 285.00 HORN 1933-34 Passenger, Right Hand 40-13830 ............................................... each 35.00 1933-34 Passenger, Left Hand 40-13831 ............................................... each 35.00 1935 Passenger, Right Hand 48-13830 ............................................... each 35.00 1935 Passenger, Left Hand 48-13831 ............................................... each 35.00 1935-36 Pickup, Right Hand 50-13830 ............................................... each 35.00 1935-36 Pickup, Left Hand 50-13831 ............................................... each 35.00 HORN BELL TO BRACKET GROMMETS 1933-34 Passenger, 6 Volt 40-13802-A ......................................... each 140.00 1933-34 Passenger, 12 Volt 40-13802-B .......................................... each 140.00 1935 Passenger and 1935-37 Pickup, 6 Volt 48-13802-A .......................................... each 140.00 1935 Passenger and 1935-37 Pickup, 12 Volt 48-13802-B .......................................... each 140.00 1938-48 91A-13912 ................................................ pair 6.00 68-16156-S HORN GRILLE COVER 1936 Passenger, stainless steel 68-16156-A ............................................ each 18.00 HORN GRILLE PADS 1936 Passenger, molded rubber 68-16156-S ............................................... pair 13853 6.00 HORN RELAY 1939-48, Replacement, 6 volt 7RA-13853 ........................................... each 16.00 1939-48, Replacement, 12 volt B6A-13853 ............................................ each 16.00 1936 HORN GRILLE TURN SIGNAL KIT 1936 Passenger, mounts behind grille cover 68-16156-BT ............................................. kit Page 78 75.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 WIRING Basic numbers only shown on illustration Order by Part Numbers shown in list of parts Wires have correct color coding and terminal ends. A-11646 We have many other wires available for 28-48 cars & trucks. Also complete wiring kits . . . Call for quote. HEAD AND TAIL LIGHT WIRING SET 1928-31, With Cowl Lamps A-11646 ................................................ each 66.00 1928-31, Without Cowl Lamps A-11647 ................................................ each 69.00 1932, With Cowl Lamps 18-11646 ................................................. set 119.00 1932, As Above, V-8 18-14401 ............................................... each 1932, Without Cowl Lamps 18-11647 ................................................. set 110.00 1933-34, Passenger, V-8, with 2 terminal Amp Gauge 40-14401-A ............................................ each 87.00 1933-34, With Cowl Lamps 40-11646 .................................................. set 106.00 1933-34, 4 Cylinder 46-14401 ............................................. each 116.00 1933-34, Without Cowl Lamps 40-11647 .................................................. set 112.00 1935-36 Passenger and Pickup, V-8 48-14401 ............................................... each 115.00 1935-36 48-11647 .................................................. set 119.00 1937 Passenger and Pickup, V-8 78-14401 ............................................... each 130.00 1938 Passenger and Pickup, V-8 81A-14401 ............................................. each 96.00 1939, Standard, V-8 91A-14401-C ........................................ each 166.00 HEADLIGHT HARNESS 1937 78-11653 .................................................. set 78.00 1938 81A-11653 ............................................... set 128.00 1939 Standard 91A-11653-A ........................................... set 116.00 1939 Deluxe 91A-11653-B ........................................... set 113.00 1940 O1A-11653 ............................................ set 102.00 1941 11A-11653 ............................................. set 110.00 1942-46 21A-11653 ............................................. set 103.00 1947-48 51A--11653 ............................................ set 103.00 COWL AND DASH WIRE HARNESS 1932, 4 cyl., color coded as original, wiring diagram included B-14401 ................................................. each 74.00 82.00 1939, Deluxe, V-8, uses Regulator and 2 Brush Generator 91A-14401-D ......................................... each 166.00 1939 Pickup, V-8 91C-14401 ............................................ each 206.00 1940 Passenger, V-8 O1A-14401 ........................................... each 187.00 1940 Pickup, V-8 O1C-14401 ........................................... each 190.00 1941 Passenger, V-8 11A-14401 ............................................ each 202.00 More Wiring Harnesses on next page Page 79 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 COWL AND DASH WIRE HARNESS CONT. HORN BUTTON WIRING 1941 Passenger 11A-14401 ........................................... each 202.00 1940 Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup O1A-14308 ............................................. each 30.00 1941-44 Pickup, V-8 11C-14401 ........................................... each 204.00 1941 Passenger and 1942-48 Super Deluxe 11A-14308 .............................................. each 7.00 1942-47 Pass., with horn in left engine compartment 21A-14401 ........................................... each 210.00 1944-47 Pickup, V-8 51C-14401 ........................................... each 216.00 1947-48 Passenger, with horn in front of radiator 51A-14401 ........................................... each 315.00 TAIL LIGHT EXTENSION WIRE 1935-38 All, runs from Headlight Harness to Tail Lights 81A-14405 ............................................ each 69.00 1939-40 All 91A-14405 ............................................ each 71.00 1941 Pickup 11C-14405 ............................................ each 91.00 1941-48 Passenger 51A-14405 ............................................ each 93.00 1942-47 Pickup 21C-14405 ............................................ each 66.00 OIL SENDER TO COWL WIRE HARNESS 1946-48 All 11A-14322 .............................................. each 7.00 WIRE ASSEMBLY, REAR LICENSE CONNECTION IN BODY 1938-48 Passenger 91A-14415 ............................................. each 14.00 TAIL LIGHT CROSSOVER LOOM 1932-48 Passenger B-14424 ................................................. each 22.00 COWL LIGHT CROSSOVER LOOM 1932-34 Passenger B-14428 ................................................. each 16.00 TEMPERATURE INDICATOR WIRE 1946-48, Crossover Wire on heads, V-8 51A-14432 .............................................. each 6.50 HORN WIRE 1933-35 Passenger, short pigtail wire to main harness 46-14436 ............................................... each 13.00 LIGHT SWITCH PIGTAIL WIRE 1940 All O1A-11652-W ....................................... each 15.00 1941-48 Passenger & 1941-47 Pickup 11A-11652-W ....................................... each 1936-38 Passenger 68-14436-A ............................................ each 20.00 1940, Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup, cotton braided wire with correct metal cap O1A-3671 .............................................. each 30.00 LIGHT SWITCH BODY AND HOUSING 1932-39 All B-11655-S ............................................... set 20.00 TAIL LIGHT SOCKET, WIRING AND LOOM 1933-36 Passenger, straight pins 40-13410 ................................................ each 9.00 1937-48 All. offset pins O1C-13410 ........................................... each 10.00 13.00 DOME LIGHT WIRING 1941-48 All 11A-14335-B .......................................... each 9.00 CONVERTIBLE TOP WIRING HARNESS 1941-48 11A-14339 ............................................ each 179.00 LICENSE LIGHT WIRING 1938-48 Passenger, fits in Deck Handle Base 81A-13412 .............................................. each 5.00 LICENSE LIGHT SOCKET ON DECK LID 1940 Passenger, includes lens, socket & mounting kit O1A-13556-S ............................................. kit 21.00 GENERATOR TO REGULATOR HARNESS 1941-48 Passenger, V-8 engine 11A-14305 ............................................ each Page 80 41.00 VOLTAGE REDUCER You don’t need to change or modify your stock gauges or senders. Install the electronic Voltage Reducer on the back of each gauge. Works on all gauges. Allows you to use your 6 volt gauges and the rest of the car on 12 volt by reducing the voltage to each gauge. SR-10606 .............................................. each 15.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 WIRING CONT. 14300 BATTERY CABLES WOVEN WIRE LOOM Original style fabric Woven Loom, protects your wires A-14407-K ...................................... 30 ft. roll 15.00 B-14487 B-14486-S FEMALE WIRE CONNECTORS 1932-48 All, single connector, most cars require 20 B-14487 ......................................... pkg. of 10 7.00 1932-48 All, Double Connector 59A-14487 .............................................. each 2.50 1932-34, Battery to Starter, 26.5” long 18-14300 ............................................... each 15.00 1935-36, Battery to Starter, 27.5” long 48-14300 ............................................... each 17.00 1937-38 All and 1939 Standard, Battery to Solenoid, 17.5” long 78-14300 ............................................... each 17.00 1939, Deluxe and 1940-48 All, Battery to Solenoid, 13.5” long 91A-14300 ............................................. each 17.00 1932-36, V-8, Starter Switch to Starter, 32.5” long 18-14431 ............................................... each 17.00 1937-48, Solenoid to Starter, 18” long 78-14431 ............................................... each 14.00 MALE WIRE CONNECTORS 1932-48 All, set of 10 B-14486-S ....................................... set of 10 14301 4.00 WIRING CLAMP ON FRAME 1932-48, Small B-14585-K ..................................... pkg. of 10 2.50 1932-48, Large B-14585-L ...................................... pkg. of 10 2.50 BATTERY CABLES 1932-34, Battery to Ground, 17.5” long 18-14301 ............................................... each 14.00 1935-36, Battery to Ground, 11.5” long 48-14301 ............................................... each 14.00 1937-39, Standard, Battery to Ground, 9.75” long 78-14301 ............................................... each 14.00 1939, Deluxe & 1940-48, Battery to Ground, 6.5” long 91A-14301 ............................................. each 14.00 TOP SWITCH TO CIRCUIT BREAKER WIRE 1946-48, Convertible 51A-14332 ........................................... each 20.00 ENGINE TO FIREWALL GROUND STRAP 1937-48, 8-1/4” long 91A-14303 .............................................. each BATTERY DISCONNECT SWITCH Fits all years A-14300-D ............................................ each 48-14433 25.00 9.00 48-14550-S BATTERY CABLE HOLDER 1935-37, Mounts under Oil Sending Unit 48-14433 ................................................ each 6.00 BATTERY CABLE TO FRAME GROMMET VOLTAGE REDUCER All Years, You don’t need to change or modify your stock gauges or senders. Install the electronic Voltage Reducer on the back of the Instrument Cluster. Works on all gauges. Allows you to use your 6 volt gauges and the rest of the car on 12 volt by reducing the voltage to all gauges. Need 1 per car. D-10800 ............................................ each 35.00 1932-34 Passenger and Pickup 18-14433 ................................................ each 3.00 SWITCH TO STARTER CABLE SUPPORTS 1932-34, V-8, mounts on bell housing, with Grommets 18-14550-S ............................................. pair 25.00 1935-36, V-8, with Grommets 48-14550-S ............................................. pair 20.00 Page 81 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 40-14600-ST HOT WATER HEATER VALVE B-14600-ST 1939-48, Screws into engine head 91A-15142 .................................... each FIREWALL GROMMET KIT 1932 All B-14600-ST ............................................... kit 15.00 1933-34 Passenger 40-14600-ST .............................................. kit 16.00 B-14605 40-14612 HEATER HOSE NIPPLE 1939-48 Passenger, for use with lower hose 91A-15160 ............................................. each CHOKE AND THROTTLE ROD and ’41-’48 HOOD CABLE GROMMET 1932-48, Black B-14605 .................................................. each 2.00 1932-37, Black 40-14612-BL ............................................. pair 4.00 1934-36, Brown 40-14612-BR ............................................ pair 4.00 12.00 DEFROSTER HOSE 1935-36, Gray 40-14612-G .............................................. pair 4.00 FIREWALL GROMMET FOR DASH WIRE 1935-48 All 48-14400 ............................................... each 24.00 Used as Fresh Air Intake and Air Conditioning Duct Hose on some applications 1928-48 All, 1-3/4” I.D. x 6’ FAA-18584 .......................................... 6 feet 32.00 2” I.D. x 6’ FAA-18584-2 ....................................... 6 feet 32.00 2-1/2” I.D. x 6’ FAA-18584-2-1/2” ............................... 6 feet 32.00 6.00 Midwest Early Ford Now offers professional quality: Stainless Steel Polishing and Reconditioning Call for more information Page 82 HEATER DEFROSTER NOZZLE/HOSE KIT 1940, RH & LH die-cast metal nozzles are made just like the originals. Comes with two, 24in. Long, 1-3/4in. Diameter original-style spiral reinforced flex ducting. O1A-18491 ................................................ kit 50.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 FREIGHT TRUCK FIBERGLASS FRONT FENDERS (Pickup) 1940 STEEL FRONT FENDERS 1935-37, State left or right side 50-16005-F ........................................... each 225.00 1938-39, State left or right side 81C-16005-F ......................................... each 225.00 1942-47, State left or right side 21C-16005-F ......................................... each 225.00 Die Stamped Steel, same gauge metal as original With Spare Tire Well—add 150.00 1928-29 All, State left or right A-16005/6-A ......................................... each 460.00 1930-31 All, State left or right A-16005/6-C ........................................ each 435.00 1932 All B-16005/6 .............................................. pair 1200.00 1933-34 Passenger 40-16005/6 ............................................. pair 950.00 1933-34 Pickup 46-16005/6 ............................................. pair 900.00 1928-29 All, Stamped Steel A-16025-A ............................................. each 39.00 1940 Passenger O1A-16005/6 ......................................... pair 1700.00 1930-31 All, Stamped Steel A-16025-B .............................................. each 39.00 FIBERGLASS FRONT FENDERS (Passenger) 1932, All, Right or Left, Stamped Steel B-16025 ................................................. each 39.00 B-16025 40-16047-B LARGE FRONT FENDER BRACES 1928-29, State left or right A-16005/6-AF ....................................... each Call 1933-34 Passenger, Right and Left, Stamped Steel 40-16047-B .............................................. pair 95.00 1930-31, State left or right A-16005/6-CF ....................................... each 200.00 1933-34, Support Bracket for large Fender Brace 40-16067-B ............................................. each 9.00 1932, State left or right side B-16005-F ............................................. each 225.00 1936 Passenger 68-16047 ................................................ pair 1935, State left or right side 48-16005-F ........................................... each Call 1936, State left or right side 68-16005-F ........................................... each Call 1938 Deluxe, State left or right side 81A-16005-BF ...................................... each Call 1939 Standard, State left or right side91A-16005-AF ...................................... each Call 1939 Deluxe, State left or right side 91A-16005-BF ...................................... each Call 1940 Standard and Deluxe, State left or right side O1A-16005-F ........................................ each Call 1942-48, State left or right side 21A-16005-F ......................................... each 225.00 FRONT FENDER TO FENDER BRACKET BOLT 1932-34 All, stainless steel B-16026 ................................................. each 1.00 180.00 O1C-16094 33-39 SMALL FRONT FENDER BRACES 1933-34 Passenger, Right or Left 40-16094 ............................................... each 22.00 1935-36 Passenger, Right or Left 48-16094 ............................................... each 22.00 1935-37 Pickup, Right or Left 50-16094 ............................................... each 22.00 1937-39 Passenger, Right or Left 78-16094 ............................................... each 22.00 1938-39 Pickup, Right or Left 81C-16094 ............................................. each 22.00 1940-41 Pickup, Right and Left, die stamped as orig. O1C-16094 .............................................. pair 30.00 Page 83 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 STEEL FENDER REPAIR PANEL STEEL REAR FENDERS Die Stamped exactly as original with wire bead installed 1928-29, Coupe, Roadster and Pickup A-16160/1-A .......................................... pair A-16160/1-A Best Available ................. pair 1930-31, Coupe, Roadster and Pickup A-16160/1-B .......................................... pair A-16160/1-B Best Available ................. pair 1928-29, Sedan, Rear A-16310/1-A .......................................... pair 1935-40, Universal, slight modification may be needed PN-40 (Specify Left or Right) .............. each 98.00 495.00 690.00 48-16180 78-16180 495.00 690.00 40-16180 REAR FENDER BRACES 650.00 1930-31, Sedan, Rear A-16310/1-B .......................................... pair 1928-29, Roadster, Coupe and Pickup A-16180-A ............................................. each 20.00 650.00 1932, Coupe and Roadster B-16160-A ............................................. pair 1930-31, Roadster, Coupe and Pickup A-16180-B ............................................. each 20.00 1000.00 1928-29 All, Sedans A-16340-A ............................................. each 20.00 1930-31 All, Sedans A-16340-B ............................................. each 20.00 1932, Sedan B-16310/11 ............................................ pair 1050.00 1933-34, Coupe, Roadster and Cabriolet 40-16160/1 ............................................ pair 800.00 1933-34, Sedan and Phaeton 40-16310/11 .......................................... pair 1933-34 Passenger, Rt. or Left, under Tail Light Stand 40-16180 ................................................ each 20.00 800.00 1935-36 Passenger, Right or Left, at bottom of fender 48-16180 ................................................ each 22.00 1938 Deluxe, 2 & 4 dr. Sedan, 1939 Coupe and Sedan 81A-16312 (Right Side) ...................... each 800.00 1938 Deluxe, 2 & 4 dr. Sedan, 1939 Coupe and Sedan 81A-16313 (Left Side) ........................ each 800.00 1940 Coupe Sedan and Convertible O1A-16312 (Right Side) ..................... each 1940 Coupe Sedan and Convertible O1A-16313 (Left Side) ........................ each 800.00 800.00 1935-37 Pickup, Right or Left, goes at bottom of fender 50-16180 ................................................ each 22.00 1937-41 Passenger, Right or Left, at bottom of fender 78-16180 ................................................ each 22.00 1938-41 Pickup, goes at bottom of fender 81C-16180 ............................................. each 22.00 1942-47 Pickup, goes at bottom of fender 21C-16180 ............................................. each 25.00 FIBERGLASS REAR FENDERS 1928-40, Coupe, Sedan, Roadster 16160/1-FG ......................................... each B-17772-C Call 16070 1942-48 Passenger 21A-16160/1-F ....................................... pair 400.00 1935-37 Pickup 50-16160-F ............................................ pair 410.00 Black Fender Welt, 25 ft. roll, 3/16” bead B-16070-B ................................................ roll 12.00 1938-41 Pickup, No tire dimple 81C-16160-F ......................................... pair 430.00 Rubber Fender Welt, 10 ft. roll, 1/4” bead 48-16070 .................................................. roll 12.00 1942-47 Pickup 21C-16160-F ......................................... pair 430.00 Page 84 FENDER WELT ANTI-SQUEAK PAD 1932-48 All, 1” wide x 50’ long B-17772-C .................................................. kit 29.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 91A-16008-SK FRONT FENDER TIE BRACKET 1933-34, Painted black, fits between front fenders 40-16088 ............................................... each 22.00 1933-34, Chrome plated 40-16088-C ........................................... each 30.00 FENDER WASHER SET 1935-40 Passenger, Correct size and rust resistant, includes rubber washers, 60 pc. set 91A-16008-SK .......................................... set 20.00 REAR FENDER BOLT SET 1935-48 Passenger, Exactly as original, cadmium plated, 18 pc. set 48-16007-S ................................................ set 4.50 COWL TO FENDER SEAL 1942-47 Pickup 21C-16068 .............................................. pair 1934 16.00 REAR FENDER TO BODY CLIPS 1939-40 Passenger O1A-16009-K ................................ 18 pc. set 1939-40 91A-16094/5 30.00 21A-16094/5 INNER FRONT FENDER APRON 1934 Passenger, stamped steel 40-16082/3-S ......................................... pair 299.00 1939, Deluxe and ‘40 All Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup, stamped steel, gloss black O1A-16082/3 ......................................... pair 350.00 1939-40, As Above, for Mustang II Front End O1A-16082/3-M ..................................... pair 350.00 FRONT FENDER BRACE PANELS 1939, Deluxe and 1940 All and 1940-41 Pickup 91A-16094/5 ............................................. pair 85.00 1942-48 Passenger, die-stamped steel, painted black 21A-16094/5 ............................................ pair 75.00 FRONT FENDER BOLTS 1939-40, Special Flat Carriage Head Bolts, bolts fender to Inner Fender 91A-16084-S .................................... set of 8 10.00 21A-8104-R 11A-16340-A 21A-16341-A REAR FENDER PANELS AND SEALS O1A-16188 1941-48 Passenger, R.H., die stamped steel, black 11A-16340-A .......................................... each 40.00 SPLASH APRON TO FRAME BUMPERS 1939, Deluxe and 1940, All O1A-16188 ........................................ set of 4 4.00 1942-48 Passenger 21A-16188 ......................................... set of 6 5.00 1942-48 Passenger, L.H., die stamped steel, black 21A-16341-A .......................................... each 60.00 1942-48 Passenger, Rear Fender Panel Seal 21A-8104-R ............................................ each 8.00 Page 85 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 FENDER BRACE SPACER 1928-31 All, needed between brace and fender, front and rear fenders. A-16100 .................................................. each 5.00 UPPER FRONT FENDER MOLDING 1947-48 Passenger, Right Front, polished stainless 6A-16003 .............................................. each 60.00 As Above, Left Front 6A-16004 .............................................. each 1941-42 60.00 1946-48 As Above, Right Rear 6A-16196-A .......................................... each 60.00 As Above, Left Rear 6A-16197-A .......................................... each 60.00 LOWER FRONT FENDER MOLDING 1947-48 Passenger, polished stainless steel as original 6A-16168/9 ............................................. pair 65.00 FRONT FENDER EMBLEMS 1941-42, “Super Deluxe” Script, chrome 11A-16079 ............................................. each 30.00 1946-48, “Super Deluxe” Script, chrome 51A-16079 ............................................. each 30.00 FENDER SUPPORT TIE 1937 Passenger 78-8232-B .............................................. each 30.00 REAR FENDER BOOT 1942-48 Passenger, black rubber as original 51A-16349/50-RS ................................... pair 85.00 1942-48, As Above in Stainless Steel 51A-16349/50-SS .................................. pair 175.00 1942-48 Station Wagon, black rubber as original 51A-16349/50-SW ................................. pair 300.00 FENDER SKIRT SEAL 1940-48, Rubber Seal that fits between skirt and body O1A-18990 .............................................. pair 10.00 Page 86 REAR HORN APRON CHANNEL 1932 Passenger, enough for both sides B-16398 ..................................................... set 8.00 REAR FRAME HORN COVERS 1932 Passenger, stamped steel B-16399-S .............................................. pair 160.00 1932 As Above, USA Made B-16399-USA ......................................... pair 300.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 Glue Not included STAMPED STEEL RUNNING BOARDS 1932, Passenger and Pickup, no rubber, as original. B-16450/1 .............................................. pair 225.00 RUNNING BOARD COVERS 1935-36 Passenger 48-16450/1 ............................................. pair 215.00 1928-29, Ribbed Design A-16450/1-RM ......................................... pair 1937-39, Standard 78-16450/1 ............................................. pair 320.00 1930-31, Pyramid Design A-16450/1-PM ......................................... pair 1939 Deluxe and all 1940 Passenger O1A-16450/1 .......................................... pair 495.00 1942-48 Passenger, steel 21A-16450/1 .......................................... pair 250.00 1928-29 Pickup, steel, Diamond pattern A-885-A .................................................. pair 1933-34 Passenger, As Above 40-16450/1-MS ...................................... pair 210.00 250.00 1930-31 Pickup, As Above A-885-B .................................................. pair 1935-36 Passenger, As Above 48-16450/1-MS ...................................... pair 210.00 250.00 1933-34 Pickup, As Above, 46-16450 ................................................ pair 1937-38 Passenger and 1939 Standard, As Above 78-16450/1-MS ...................................... pair 210.00 350.00 1939, Deluxe and 1940 Passenger, As Above O1A-16450/1-MS ................................... pair 230.00 1941 Passenger, As Above 11A-16450-MS ...................................... pair 210.00 1942-48 Passenger, As Above 21A-16450/1-MS .................................... pair 210.00 1935-37 Pickup, steel, Ribbed as original, with or without dimple 50-16450/1 ............................................. pair 725.00 1938-39 Pickup, steel, Ribbed as original 81C-16450/1 .......................................... pair 500.00 1940-41 Pickup, As Above O1C-16450/1 ......................................... pair 600.00 1942-47 Pickup, As Above 21C-16450/1 .......................................... pair 775.00 34.00 34.00 1932 Passenger and Pickup, molded rubber, has fold over lip molded on B-16450/1-MS ........................................ pair 210.00 RUNNING BOARD COVER GLUE Special Contact Adhesive, 1 pt. G-16450 .................................................. pint 10.00 1933-34 Shown COVERED RUNNING BOARDS 1928-29, Right & left with mat & stainless trim installed A-185-A .................................................. pair 265.00 1930, Right & left with mat and stainless trim installed. Complete with Splash Shield A-185-B1 ................................................ pair 360.00 1930, Right and left with mat and stainless trim installed. Without Splash Shield A-185-B2 ................................................ pair 265.00 1931, Right & left with mat and stainless trim installed A-184-B1 ................................................. pair 265.00 1932, Stamped from 15 Gauge Steel, with vulcanized rubber covers, heavy duty braces B-16450/1-V ........................................... pair 750.00 1933-34 Passenger, As Above 40-16450/1-V .......................................... pair 1250.00 1935-36 Passenger, As Above 48-16450/1-V .......................................... pair 1250.00 1937-38 All and 1939 Standard, Passenger, As Above 78-16450/1-V .......................................... pair 1250.00 1939 Deluxe and 1940 All, Passenger, As Above 91A-16450/1-V ....................................... pair 1250.00 Page 87 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 FIBERGLASS PICKUP RUNNING BOARDS SMOOTH STEEL RUNNING BOARDS 1928-29 All, Smooth Running Boards, (Not Covered) A-185-AS ............................................... pair 250.00 1930-31, As Above A-185-BS ............................................... pair 240.00 1932 Passenger and Pickup B-16450/1-SM ........................................ pair 215.00 1935-36 Passenger 48-16450-SM .......................................... pair 215.00 1937-38 All and 1939 Standard 78-16450-SM .......................................... pair 400.00 1939 Deluxe and all 1940 Passenger 91A-16450/1-SM .................................... pair 425.00 1942-48 Passenger 21A-16450/1-SM .................................... pair 250.00 RUNNING BOARD COVER GLUE Special Contact Adhesive, 1 pt. G-16450 .................................................. pint 1935-37, Ribbed, no tire dimple 50-16450-F .............................................. pair 220.00 1938-39, Ribbed 81C-16450-F ........................................... pair 220.00 1940-41, Smooth only O1C-16450-FSM ..................................... pair 205.00 1942-47, Ribbed 21C-16450-F ........................................... pair 290.00 A-16485-B B-16485-S 40-16485-S RUNNING BOARD BRACES 1928-31, Stamped Steel, front, left and right A-16485-B ............................................... pair 53.00 1928-31, Stamped Steel, rear, left and right A-16488/9 ................................................ pair 53.00 1928-31, Stamped Steel, set of 4 A-16485/89-S ........................................... set 110.00 1932, Stamped Steel, set of 4 B-16485-S ................................................ set 30.00 1933-34, Stamped Steel, set of 4 40-16485-S .............................................. set 30.00 10.00 RUNNING BOARD BOLTS 1937-48 Passenger, Correct style 78-16453 ................................................... kit 12.50 RUNNING BOARD TO FRAME GROMMETS 1942-48, Passenger 21A-16452-S ............................................. kit 15.00 C.O.E. RUNNING BOARDS 1941-47, Cab Over Engine, will fit 1938-40 but not correct, stamped steel 11T-16450 ............................................. pair 299.00 Page 88 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 A-16535/36-B2S RADIATOR SPLASH APRON RUNNING BOARD SPLASH APRONS 1928-29, Running Board Aprons with hump A-16535/36-A1S .................................... pair 215.00 1928-29, Running Board Aprons without hump A-16535/36-A2S ..................................... pair 215.00 1930, Running Board Splash Aprons A-16535/36-B1S .................................... pair 160.00 1930, Splash Aprons, front section A-16536/37-S ........................................ pair 100.00 1931, Running Board Splash Aprons A-16535/36-B2S .................................... pair 199.00 RUNNING BOARD MOLDING 40.00 1930-31 All, Splash Apron A-115-B .................................................. each 40.00 1930-31 All, Splash Apron to fit ‘32 Grille Shell A-115-B32 .............................................. each 72.00 1932 All, Stamped Steel, as original B-16527 ................................................. each 40.00 1932 All, Die Stamped Steel, Chopped 3” B-16527-CHP ........................................ each 40.00 RADIATOR SPLASH APRON MOUNTING KIT 1935-36 Passenger, Polished Stainless Steel 48-16462-S ............................................ pair 110.00 1937 Passenger, Polished Stainless Steel 78-16462-S ............................................ pair 110.00 1947-48 Passenger, Polished Stainless Steel 6A-16466/7 ............................................ pair 100.00 A-16400-S 1928-29 All, Splash Apron A-115-A ................................................. each T-16400 1932 All 18-17766/67 .............................................. kit 15.00 RADIATOR LOWER TANK SPLASH SHIELD 1933-34 Passenger 40-16550 ............................................... each 50.00 RUNNING BOARD STEP PLATE 1928-48, Ford Oval A-16400-S .............................................. pair 60.00 1928-48, Ford Script, 8” x 8.5” T-16400 .................................................. pair 60.00 MOUNTING KIT FOR ABOVE A-16400-MBS ........................................... set 2.50 Call ahead to have your order delivered FREE to any of the major swap meets we attend this year. See page 174 for show schedule. Page 89 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 Rootlieb, Inc. Hoods Rootlieb, Inc. manufactures a variety of 1928-36 Ford passenger car and pickup hoods. There are many different combinations of tops, sides and hinges available. We are unable to list all of them separately so please call for availability and pricing. Firewall & Radiator brackets sold separately 1934 HOOD (937) 325-2408 1934 Passenger, with handles, hinge and hardware 40-16611 .............................................. each 940.00 STAINLESS HOOD PROP KIT 1928-36, Universal, This all stainless steel kit eliminates resting your hood on the cowl. Includes all stainless steel attaching hardware. A-16613-SS ................................................ kit 40.00 MODEL A HOODS 1928-29, Hood, complete with handles and clips A-16611-A ........................................... each 460.00 1930-31, Hood, complete with handles and clips A-16611-B ........................................... each 490.00 32 18-166 0 B-1663 Firewall & Radiator brackets sold separately 1932 HOOD 1932, 20 Louver, complete with handles, catch brackets, hinge and hardware B-16611 ............................................... each 600.00 1932, 25 Louver, complete with handles, catch brackets, hinge and hardware B-16611-B ........................................... each 600.00 Page 90 CENTER HOOD HINGE 1932 Passenger, Stainless Steel, 32” long 18-16632 ............................................... each 20.00 1933-36 Passenger, Stainless Steel, 33” long 40-16632 ............................................... each 20.00 HOOD SIDE HINGE ROD 1928-31, All, Stainless Steel, 31 1/2” long A-16630 .................................................... pair 25.00 1932-36 Passenger and 1932-37 Pickup, stainless steel, 39” long, can be cut to desired length. B-16630 .................................................... pair 25.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 B-16750-SS HOOD PARTS PICKUP HOOD HINGE 1933-34 Pickup, includes inner and outer portions, made of stainless steel 46-16736 ............................................... each 115.00 1935-37 Pickup, As Above 67-16736 ............................................... each 115.00 HOOD HINGE BRACKETS A-16735-AR 1928-29, Hood Latch, 3-hole, Black A-16750-A ............................................. each 10.00 1930-31, Hood Latch, 2-hole, Black A-16750-B .............................................. each 10.00 1928-29, Hood Latch, Stainless, 3-hole A-16750-AS ........................................... each 14.00 1930-31, Hood Latch, Stainless, 2-hole A-16750-BS ........................................... each 14.00 1932 Hood Latch, Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup, Chrome B-16750-CH ............................................ each 5.00 A-16735-B 1932 Hood Latch, Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup, Stainless B-16750-SS ............................................ each 20.00 A-16750-PAD B-8221 40-8220 46-8220 46-8221 A-16750-BUM 1928-29, Rear Hood Hinge Retainer A-16735-AR ........................................... each 7.00 1928-31, Front Hood Hinge Retainer, stainless A-8220-SS ............................................. each 5.00 1930-31, Deluxe, chrome, Rear Hood Hinge Retainer A-16735-B ............................................. each 10.00 1932 Passenger and Pickup, front, chrome plated B-8220 ................................................... each 10.00 A-16750-CAP 1928-31, Rubber Bumper Set for Hood Latch A-16750-BUM ............................................ set 3.00 1928-31, Hood Latch Rubber Cap Set A-16750-CAP ............................................ set 2.00 1928-31, Rubber Pads for under hood latches A-16750-PAD ............................................ set 6.00 1933-35 Passenger, Front & 1933-36 Passenger, rear, chrome 40-8220 .................................................. each 10.00 1935-37 Pickup, front and rear, chrome 46-8220-F .............................................. each 9.50 1932 Passenger and Pickup, rear, chrome B-8221 ................................................... each 14.00 1936 Passenger, front, cadmium plated 68-8226 .................................................. each 10.00 1933-34 Pickup, front, chrome 46-8220 .................................................. each 20.00 1933-34 Pickup, rear, chrome 46-8221 .................................................. each 20.00 A-16752-S B-16751-S HOOD SIDE PANEL CLIP SET 1928-31, Hood Clip Bracket, Stainless, set of 4 A-16752-S ................................................. set 20.00 1932 Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup, Stainless B-16751-S ................................................. set 40.00 Page 91 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 40-16636-A B-16752-SS 48-16644/5-B HOOD HANDLES 1928-32 Pass. and 1928-34 Pickup, Polished Stainless B-16752-SS ............................................ pair 35.00 1933, Passenger, Chrome plated 40-16636-A ............................................ pair 100.00 1935-36 Pass. ‘35-’37 Pickup (can be used on ‘34), Polished Stainless 48-16644/5-B ................................... set of 4 135.00 40-16658-K RADIATOR TO GRILLE BRACKET SET 1933 Passenger, 4 catches with mounting hardware 40-16628-AK ............................................. set 20.00 1934 Passenger, As Above 40-16628-C ............................................... set 35.00 68-16628-KS 48-16658-K 68-16759-KS HOOD LATCH SPRING BRACKET SET 1934 Passenger, includes rivets 40-16658-K ....................................... set of 4 1935-36 Passenger and Pickup, includes rivets 48-16658-K ....................................... set of 4 75.00 HOOD BUMPERS, CATCH & BRACKET 75.00 1936 Passenger, Front Catch, Polished Stainless, rubber bumpers installed 68-16628-KS ........................................... pair 35.00 1936 Passenger, Rear Bracket, as above 68-16759-KS ............................................ pair 25.00 46-16606 40-8217-A HOOD SHELVES 1928-29, Hood Shelves A-16713/14-S ......................................... pair 50.00 1928-29, Hood Clamp Block Set, set of 4 A-16715-S ................................................ set 5.00 Included in B-16761 Hood Bumper Kit 46-16608 HOOD EMBLEM 1934 Pickup, Die stamped with blue background, includes mounting hardware 46-16606 ............................................... each 60.00 1934 Pickup, Chrome, V-8 on Hood Side 46-16608 ............................................... each 25.00 GRILLE EMBLEM 1933 All and 1934 Pickup, Chrome, V-8 on Grille 40-8217-A .............................................. each 30.00 HOOD SIDE CENTER-REST BRACKET 1930-31, Hood Bumper Bracket A-16718-S ............................................... pair 6.00 1932 Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup, Stainless Steel B-16761-SS ............................................. pair 25.00 Page 92 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 FRONT OF HOOD V-8 EMBLEM 50-16606 1940 Standard and 1940 Pickup, Chrome O1A-16604/5-B ....................................... pair 77-16606 45.00 HOOD SIDE EMBLEM 1935-36 Pickup, Chrome with blue background 50-16606 ............................................... each 55.00 1937 Pickup, Chrome with blue background 77-16606 ............................................... each 60.00 11A-8218-B 11A-16606-A FRONT CENTER HOOD EMBLEM 1941 Passenger, “V-8” 11A-16606-A ......................................... each HOOD EMBLEM HOOD SIDE EMBLEM 1938-39 Pickup, Chrome with blue background 81C-16606 ......................... each Out of Production 16607 16606 45.00 1941, chrome plated, die-cast, fits below the V-8 emblem 11A-8218-B ........................................... each 50.00 6A-16607 HOOD EMBLEMS 1939, Deluxe, fits hood and trunk; 1940 Standard, fits hood; 1940 Pickup, fits hood and dash. “FORD” emblem, retainers included, chrome 91A-16606 ............................................ each 15.00 1940, Deluxe, “Ford”, retainers included, Chrome/Red O1A-16606-C ....................................... each 15.00 1939, “Deluxe”, retainers included, Chrome 91A-16607 ............................................ each 15.00 1940, “Deluxe”, retainers included, Chrome/Red O1A-16607-C ....................................... each 15.00 6A-16850 HOOD ORNAMENT 1947-48 Passenger, Chrome plated, less plastic 6A-16850 .............................................. each 235.00 6A-16850-SET .......... Ornament with plastic 260.00 HOOD ORNAMENT PLASTIC 1947-48, Blue, as original 6A-16607 ............................................... each 25.00 6RA-16606-B 51A16607 HOOD SIDE AND INSTRUMENT PANEL EMBLEM 1941 Pickup 11C-16606-B ........................................ each 20.00 HOOD FRONT EMBLEM 1947-48, Passenger, “Super Deluxe Eight” Chrome with blue background 6RA-16606-B ......................................... each 60.00 1946, Passenger, Chrome with red background 51A-16607 ............................................. each 40.00 Page 93 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 68-16722-S 48-16722-SS Set of 8 HOOD MOLDING SET HOOD CENTER STRIP 1935 Passenger, 8 piece set, Stainless Steel 48-16722-SS .......................................... set 120.00 1939, Deluxe, Polished Stainless Steel 91A-16736 ............................................. each 1936 Passenger, 6 piece set, Stainless Steel 68-16722-S ............................................. set 120.00 1940 Passenger, Standard and 1941 Sedan Delivery, Polished Stainless Steel O1A-16736-A ......................................... each 35.00 HOOD SIDE MOLDING 1939, Deluxe, Upper Right Side Molding, Polished Stainless Steel 91A-16722-B ........................................ each 50.00 1939, Deluxe, Upper Left Side Molding, Polished Stainless Steel 91A-16723-B ........................................ each 50.00 1939, Deluxe, Lower left or Right Side Molding, Polished Stainless Steel 91A-16724-B ........................................ each 32.00 1940, Standard, Right Hand, Polished Stainless Steel O1A-16722-A ........................................ each 40.00 1940, Standard, Left Hand, Polished Stainless Steel O1A-16723-A ........................................ each 40.00 35.00 1940, Deluxe, Polished Stainless Steel O1A-16736-B ......................................... each 55.00 1940-41 Pickup, Polished Stainless Steel O1C-16736 ............................................. each 35.00 1942-47 Pickup, Polished Stainless Steel 21C-16736 .............................................. each 79.00 1939-40 Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup, Trim Clips for Hood Center 91A-20003 ................................................. set 5.00 Midwest Early Ford Now offers professional quality: Stainless Steel Polishing and Reconditioning Call for more information 1940, Deluxe, Right Hand, Polished Stainless Steel O1A-16722-B ........................................ each 40.00 FREE SHIPPING 1940, Deluxe, Left Hand, Polished Stainless Steel O1A-16723-B ........................................ each 40.00 Standard size UPS ground orders over $1000 are shipped free within the continental US. Free shipping does not apply to UPS over-size or overweight packages, back orders, or truck freight items. Larger parts such as, but not limited to, Running Boards, Bumpers, Headliners, Pickup Beds, Fenders, Tailgates and Firewall Insulators are not covered under the Free Shipping Offer. Page 94 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 O1A-16892-A O1A-16892-BS HOOD SAFETY CATCH LOWER FRONT HOOD MOLDING 1940, Standard and 1940 Pickup, Stainless with bead O1A-8216 ............................................... pair 65.00 1940, Standard and 1940-41 Pickup O1A-16892-A ........................................ each 45.00 1940, Standard and 1940-41 Pickup, polished stainless steel O1A-16892-AS ...................................... each 50.00 1940, Deluxe O1A-16892-B ........................................ each 45.00 1940, Deluxe, polished stainless steel O1A-16892-BS ...................................... each 50.00 LOWER HOOD TRIM 1940, Deluxe, Polished Stainless Steel O1A-16868/9 .......................................... pair 95.00 HOOD SAFETY CATCH SPRING WITH PIN 1941-42 (for cast hook) 11A-16897 .............................................. each 10.00 1946-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup 51A-16897 .............................................. each 10.00 LOWER HOOD TRIM 1941, Pickup, chrome plated 11C-8264/5 ............................................. pair 175.00 16868/9 16954 HOOD PULL CABLE AND HOUSING 1941-48, With Chrome Knob, cut to length 8A-16916-C ......................................... each 30.00 1941-48, cut to length, less Knob. 6A-16916 ............................................... each 20.00 HOOD PULL KNOBS GRILLE MOLDING 1940, Deluxe Grille Molding O1A-16856-K .................................... set of 4 80.00 1940, Deluxe, Bottom of Hood Trim, left and right O1A-16954/5 .......................................... pair 75.00 1941, Light Tan 11A-16917 .............................................. each 8.00 1946, Chocolate Brown 51A-16918-A .......................................... each 8.00 1946, Metallic Blue/Gray 51A-16918-B .......................................... each 8.00 1946, Grayish Tan 51A-16918-C .......................................... each 8.00 1947-48, Grayish Tan 6A-16918 ................................................ each 8.00 Page 95 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 HOOD/RADIATOR SHELL LACING KIT 1928-29, Radiator Shell Lacing Kit A-16739-AS ......................................... each 1930-31, Radiator Shell Lacing Kit A-16739-BS ......................................... each HOOD BUMPER SET 12.00 14.00 1928-29, Hood Bumper Set, 24 piece set A-16761-AS ............................................... set 12.00 1930-31, Hood Bumper Set, 24 piece set A-16761-BS ............................................... set 12.00 1932 Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup B-16739-S ............................................ each 12.00 1933-34 Passenger 40-16739-S ........................................... each 1932 Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup, 12 piece set B-16761-S ................................................. set 12.00 12.00 1933-34 Passenger, 14 piece set 40-16761-S ................................................ set 1935 Passenger 48-16739-S ........................................... each 12.00 1936 Passenger 68-16739-S ............................................ each 8.00 1935-37 Pickup 50-16739-S ........................................... each 1938-39 Pickup 81C-16739-S ........................................ each 12.00 12.00 HOOD/COWL LACING KIT 12.00 1935 Passenger and 1935-37 Pickup, 16 piece set 48-16761-S ................................................ set 15.00 1936 Passenger, 26 piece set 68-16761-S ................................................ set 15.00 1937 Passenger, 20 piece set 78-16761-S ................................................ set 12.00 1938 All and 1939 Standard and 1938-39 Pickup, 22 piece set 81A-16761-S ............................................. set 12.00 1939 Deluxe and 1940 Passenger, 14 piece set 91A-16761-S .............................................. set 12.00 1940-41 Pickup, 12 piece set O1C-16761-S ............................................. set 12.00 1941-48 Passenger, 12 piece set 11A-16761-S .............................................. set 12.00 1942-47 Pickup, 12 piece set 21C-16761-S .............................................. set 12.00 1928-29, Cowl Lacing Kit A-16740-AS .......................................... each 14.00 1930-31, Cowl Lacing Kit A-16740-BS .......................................... each 16.00 1932 Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup B-16740-S ............................................ each 14.00 1933-34 Passenger 40-16740-S ........................................... each 14.00 1928-31, Hood Corners, Leather A-16622-LS .............................................. pair 4.00 1935 Passenger and 1935-37 Pickup 48-16740-S ........................................... each 14.00 1928-31, Hood Corners, Rubber A-16622-RS .............................................. pair 4.00 1936 Passenger 68-16740-S ........................................... each 14.00 1937-40 Passenger and 1938-41 Pickup 78-16740-S ........................................... each 10.00 1941-48 Passenger 11A-16740-S ........................................ each 10.00 1942-47 Pickup 21C-16740-S ........................................ each 15.00 Page 96 A-16622-RS HOOD CORNERS COWL/FIREWALL SEAL 1932 Passenger B-35336 ................................................. each 15.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 HOOD HINGES HOOD ARM AND SPRING SUPPORT 1937 Passenger, Gloss Black 78-16796/7 ............................................. pair 40.00 1937 Passenger, Polished Stainless Steel 78-16796/7-SS ....................................... pair 80.00 1938-40 Passenger, Gloss Black 91A-16796/97-S ..................................... pair 1938-40 Passenger, Polished Stainless Steel 91A-16796/97-SST ................................. pair 40.00 80.00 1939, Standard; 1941-48 Passenger; 1939-47 Pickup, black 91A-16782/3 ............................................ pair 50.00 1939, Standard; 1941-48 Passenger; 1939-47 Pickup, stainless 91A-16782/3-SS ...................................... pair 90.00 1939, Deluxe; 1940 Standard and Deluxe, with small bracket, black 91A-16802/3 ............................................ pair 50.00 1939, Deluxe; 1940 Standard and Deluxe, with small bracket, stainless 91A-16802/3-SS ...................................... pair 90.00 HOOD SHOULDER BOLT 1942-48 Passenger, Gloss Black 21A-16796-S .......................................... pair 45.00 1942-48 Passenger, Polished Stainless Steel 21A-16796-SST ...................................... pair 80.00 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-47 Pickup, takes 4, includes special washer 91A-16610 .............................................. each 3.00 1939-48, As Above, Stainless Steel 91A-16610-SS .......................................... each 5.00 HOOD ARM SUPPORT SHOULDER BOLT 1940-47 Pickup, Gloss Black O1C-16796-S ......................................... pair 40.00 1940-47 Pickup, Chrome O1C-16796-CH ....................................... pair 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-47 Pickup 91A-16612-A ............................................ pair 5.00 50.00 1940-47 Pickup, Polished Stainless Steel O1C-16796-SST ..................................... pair 1939-48. As Above, Stainless Steel 91A-16612-SS ......................................... pair 10.00 50.00 HOOD HINGE SPRINGS 1939-48 Passenger and 1939-47 Pickup, Steel 91A-16789 ............................................... pair HOOD HINGE PADS 1937-41 Passenger, fits between Hood Hinge and Cowl 78-16746/7 ............................................... pair 5.00 12.00 1939-48 Passenger & 1939-47 Pickup, Stainless Steel 91A-16789-SS ......................................... pair 20.00 HOOD HINGE BRACKET HARDWARE KIT 1937-40 Special shoulder bolts, includes 4 bolts, 4 washers and wire 91A-16796-HK ............................................ kit 10.00 HOOD LATCH BOLT, SPRING & CUP 1941-48 Passenger, Polished Stainless, 3 piece set 11A-16925/29 ........................................... set 90.00 Page 97 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 ELECTRIC WIPER KITS A-17508-ANP Lifetime Warranty 1928-29, Closed Car, Heavy Duty, 12 volt, 2 speed, self parking, includes Arms and Blades A-17508-ANP ........................................... kit 369.00 1930-31, Closed Car and Pickup, As Above A-17508-BNP ........................................... kit 389.00 SPECIALTY WIPER KITS 1928-39, Closed Car WWK-2 ..................................................... kit 275.00 1928-39, Closed Car, with Intermittent Wipers WWK-2INT ............................................... kit 310.00 81A-17508-NP 1938-39, Closed Car, For installation in these years you have to add this Bezel Kit UB2-15 ..................................................... kit 25.00 1937, Closed Car, Heavy Duty, 12 volt, 2 speed, self parking, includes Arms and Blades 78-17508-NP ............................................ kit 389.00 HAND-OPERATED WIPER 1938, Closed Car, As Above 81A-17508-NP .......................................... kit 1928-31, Hand-operated Wiper, Chrome A-17655-AC ........................................... each 25.00 389.00 O1C-17508-12V UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC WIPER MOTOR 1940-47 Pickup, As Above, Complete kit as shown O1C-17508-12V ....................................... kit 389.00 Page 98 Electric Wiper Motor, replacement only, 6 or 12 volt, complete with Blade and Arm, self park, 110º sweep A-17508-E12 12 volt ............................. each 45.00 A-17508-E6 6 volt ................................. each 45.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 9 752 B-1 WINDSHIELD WIPER ARM (Hook Style) 1928-29, Wiper Arm, with motor mounted outside, painted A-17529-A .............................................. each 5.00 WINDSHIELD WIPER DRIVES Windshield Wiper Drive is direct bolt in replacement of your original Vacuum Wiper Motor. Easily installed using the original factory brackets and factory Wiper Transmissions. Furnished with a detailed instruction sheet for easy installation and adjustment. º Self parking º All mounting hardware º Heavy duty two speed motor º 6 or 12 Volt º Rotary switch replaces the stock switch 1930-36, Wiper Arm, with motor mounted inside, vacuum or electric motor, stainless B-17529 .................................................. each 10.00 28 175 68- WIPER BLADES (Hook Style) 1939, Closed Car, 12 volt 91A-17508-NP .......................................... kit 210.00 1940 Passenger, 6 or 12 volt O1A-17508-6V ........................................... kit O1A-17508-12V ......................................... kit Wiper Blade, 7”, Hook Style B-17528 .................................................. each 4.00 145.00 145.00 Wiper Blade, 8”Hook Style 68-17528 ................................................ each 4.00 Wiper Blade, 9”Hook Style 51A-17528 .............................................. each 4.00 Wiper Drives below will not work with original radio 1941 Passenger, 6 or 12 volt 11A-17508-6V ........................................... kit 11A-17508-12V ......................................... kit 145.00 145.00 1946-48 Passenger, 6 or 12 volt 51A-17508-6V ........................................... kit 51A-17508-12V ......................................... kit 145.00 145.00 WINDSHIELD WIPER ARM (New Wrist Type) 1937-39, Closed Car and Pickup 78-17529-WT ......................................... each 16.00 1937-40, Convertible and Station Wagon and 1940 Closed Car, New Wrist Type O1A-17529-WT ...................................... each 16.00 1941-48 Passenger, Right Hand 11A-17526-WT ....................................... each 16.00 1941-48 Passenger, Left Hand 11A-17527-WT ....................................... each 16.00 1940-47 Pickup, Left Hand O1C-17527-WT ...................................... each 16.00 1940-47 Pickup, Right Hand O1C-17526-WT ...................................... each 16.00 1932 Roadster Deluxe WINDSHIELD WIPER BLADES (Wrist Type) www.MidwestEarlyFord.com 1937-40 Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup, 8-1/4" 78-17528 ................................................ each 16.00 1941-48 Passenger, 10" 7C-17528 ............................................... each 16.00 Page 99 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 17515 WINDSHIELD WIPER TOWER 17541 WINDSHIELD WIPER PARTS 1937-39, Convertible, Right and Left, Chrome 78-17552/53 ............................................ set 145.00 1940, Closed Car, Right and Left, Chrome O1A-17552/53-A ...................................... set 1935-36, Closed Cars, Wiper Shaft Seal 48-17541 ................................................. each 5.00 145.00 1940, Convertible, Right and Left, Chrome O1A-17552/53-C ..................................... set 1937-39 and 1941-46, As Above 11A-17541 ................................................. pair 2.50 145.00 1947-48, As Above 7C-17541 ................................................... pair 2.50 1947-48 Passenger, Pivot Shaft Nut, Chrome 356094-S ................................................. each 6.00 WINDSHIELD WIPER ASSEMBLY 78--17515 1946 late and 1947-48 Passenger, large hole as original, includes chrome wiper tower bezels and nuts, accepts original vacuum motor or 12V electric kit, 51A-17500 ........................................... each 175.00 1937-39 Passenger, Wiper Bezel, except Wagon and Convertible 78-17515 ................................................ each 8.00 1941-46 Passenger, As Above 11A-17515-PR ......................................... pair 20.00 7C-17515 WINDSHIELD WIPER TOWER PAD SET 1937-40, Open Car and Station Wagon 78-17556-S ............................................... pair 5.00 1940, Closed Car O1A-17556-S ............................................ pair 5.00 1947-48 Passenger, Wiper Bezel, Chrome 7C-17515-PR ........................................... pair 24.00 Midwest Early Ford Now offers professional quality: WIPER NUT 1937-40 Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup, for original style arm, Chrome 78-17530 ................................................ each 2.50 Page 100 Stainless Steel Polishing and Reconditioning Call for more information ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 17562 WINDSHIELD WIPER CONTROL 17537 1937, Open Car and Wagon, includes Knob 78-17535 ................................................ each 40.00 1938, Open Car and Wagon, includes Knob 81A-17535 ............................................. each 40.00 1939, Open Car and Wagon, includes Knob 91A17535 .............................................. each 40.00 1940, Standard, Tan, includes Knob O1A-17535-A ......................................... each 40.00 1940, Deluxe, Red/Brown, includes Knob O1A-17535-B ......................................... each 40.00 1946 Passenger, Gray Knob, not a vacuum switch, includes Knob 51A-17535-B ......................................... each 30.00 1946-48 Pass., Gray/Tan Knob, not a vacuum switch, includes Knob 51A-17535-C ......................................... each 30.00 1940-41 Pickup, Tan, includes Knob O1C-17535 ............................................ each 35.00 1942-47 Pickup, Black, includes Knob 21C-17535 ............................................. each 35.00 17450 WIPER MOTOR TO ARM CLIP & SPRING ASSY. 1937-40 Passenger and 1937-39 Open Cars 78-17450 ................................................ each 4.00 1941-48 Passenger 11A-17450 ............................................. each 4.00 WIPER RODS 1937-39 Open Car and Wagon 78-17537 ................................................ each 4.50 1940 Passenger, All O1A-17537 ............................................ each 4.50 WIPER ROD GROMMET 1937-40 Passenger O1A-17577 ............................................ each 1.00 WINDSHIELD WIPER HOSE GROMMET FOR FIREWALL 1939 Passenger 91A-17545 ............................................... each 2.00 1940 Open Car and 1939-41 Pickup O1A-17545-A .......................................... each 2.00 1940 Closed Cars and all 1941-48 Passenger O1A-17545-B .......................................... each 2.00 1942-47 Pickup, Wiper Hose/Speedometer Grommet 21C-17265 .............................................. each 6.00 WIPER ARM TO MOTOR GROMMET 1946-48 51A-17562 ............................................... each 2.00 There’s a good chance we have your parts in stock. Page 101 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 REAR VIEW MIRRORS B-17690-SR B-17690-SS A-17682-SS A-17682-SR 1928-31, Closed Car, Stainless A-17682-SS ........................................... each 1928-31, Closed Car and Pickup, Stainless A-17682-SR ........................................... each 1932-34, Cabriolet, Stainless Steel, Oval B-17690-SR ............................................ each 62.50 1932-34, Cabriolet, Stainless Steel, Rectangular B-17690-SS ............................................ each 48.00 40.00 50.00 1935-36, Cabriolet, Stainless Steel, Oval 48-17690-SR .......................................... each 62.50 1935-36, Cabriolet, Stainless Steel, Rectangular 48-17690-SS .......................................... each 48.00 A-17681-SR Mirror clamps on any round windshield frame A-17681-B 1928-31, Open Car, clamps on windshield frame A-17681-SR ........................................... each 50.00 1930-31, Open Car, Stainless A-17681-SS ........................................... each 1937-48, Convertible, Polished Stainless Steel, with no antenna hole 78-17681-SS .......................................... each 55.00 35.00 B-17681-SS 78-17682-SS O1A-17682-SS B-17681-SR 1937-39, Closed Car, Polished Stainless Steel 78-17682-SS .......................................... each 1932, Open Car, Stainless Steel, Oval B-17681-SR ........................................... each 45.00 1932, Open Car, Stainless Steel, Rectangular B-17681-SS ........................................... each 40.00 55.00 1940 Closed Car and Pickup, Polished Stainless Steel O1A-17682-SS ....................................... each 55.00 6A-17700-SR 40-17681-SR 40-17681-SS 1933-36, Roadster & Phaeton, Stainless Steel, Oval 40-17681-SR ......................................... each 45.00 1933-36, As Above, Rectangular 40-17681-SS ......................................... each B-17682-SR 1941-48 Closed Car and 1941-52 Pickup, Polished Stainless Steel 6A-17700-SS .......................................... each 45.00 41-48, As Above, Oval Head 6A-17700-SR .......................................... each 45.00 40.00 B-17682-SS 1932-36, Closed Car & Pickup, Stainless Steel, Oval B-17682-SR ........................................... each 45.00 1932-36, Closed Car & Pickup, Stainless, Rectangular B-17682-SS ........................................... each 40.00 Page 102 6A-17700-SS INSIDE REAR VIEW MIRROR HEADS 1936-40 Passenger, Original Oval Style, Stainless 68-17682-MHSS .................................... each 25.00 1-800-543-5035 ’28-’48 Ford Parts ROADSTER MIRRORS HINGE PIN MIRRORS B-17700-P A-17700-WW 1928-29, Roadster Post Mirror, Polished Stainless AR-17700-P .......................................... each 40.00 1928-31, Closed Car, Right Side, with Hinge Pin A-17741-AR ........................................... each 35.00 1928-31, Closed Car, Left Side, with Hinge Pin A-17741-AL ........................................... each 35.00 1930-31, Roadster Post Mirror, Polished Stainless B-17700-P ............................................ each 40.00 1928-31, Windwing Mirror, Polished Stainless A-17700-WW ........................................ each 35.00 1932,Closed Car, except 3-W, Chrome with stainless steel head, with Hinge Pin B-17741 .................................................. each 40.00 1932, Deluxe Touring and Roadsters, Polished Stainless 18-17700-P ............................................. each 40.00 1932, As Above, Chopped 18-17700-CH ........................................... each 40.00 1932-34 Pickup, Right or Left, Chrome with stainless steel head, with Hinge Pin 46-17741 ................................................ each 40.00 1948 Coupe STORE HOURS: 1935-47 Pickup, Chrome with stainless steel head, fits left or right side, with Hinge Pin 50-17741-C ............................................ each 35.00 Mon.-Fri. 8:00-5:00 Sat. 8:30-11:30 Page 103 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 RETRO STYLE MIRROR DOOR HINGE MIRROR 1935-40 Passenger Car, Left or Right, chrome arm with stainless steel head, 4” head 68-17741 ................................................ each 35.00 1935-40, As Above with 5” head 68-17741-5H ................................. each All years, Die Cast and Chrome Plated SR-18402/3-S ........................................... pair 80.00 45.00 ROUND MIRROR HEAD ONLY FOR ABOVE 1935-40, Stainless 68-17741-MH ......................................... each 18.00 UNIVERSAL DOOR EDGE MIRROR Left or Right Hand, Chrome, straight arm, 4” head A-17741-U ..................................... each 20.00 O1A-18402/3 11A-18402/3 As Above with Convex Glass CNX-17741-U ....................................... each 38.00 UNIVERSAL CURVED ARM MIRROR All years, Chrome Arm with Stainless Steel 4” Head, Left or Right C-18414 ................................................. each 20.00 21A-18402/3 COWL MIRRORS 1940 Passenger, Die Cast and Chrome Plated O1A-18402/3 .......................................... pair 135.00 1941 Passenger, exact reproduction 11A-18402/3 - Right and Left Hand ... Out of production 1942-48 Passenger, Chrome Plated 21A-18402/3 .......................................... pair Page 104 135.00 3 or 4” PEEP MIRROR Right or Left Hand, 4” head B-18414 ....................................... each 20.00 As Above with Convex Glass CNX-18414-L/R ..................................... pair 75.00 Left or Right Hand, 3” head HR-18414 ............................................. each 20.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 BUMPERS 1930-31 1928-29, Front Bumpers, set of 2 bars, stainless A-17750-AS ............................................ set 290.00 1930-31, Front Bumpers, set of 2 bars, stainless A-17750-BS ............................................ set 290.00 1935 Pickup, front or rear, chrome 50-17750 .............................................. each 340.00 As Above, stainless 50-17750-SS ........................................ each 435.00 1936 Pickup, front or rear, chrome 67-17750 .............................................. each As Above, stainless 67-17750-SS ........................................ each 340.00 435.00 1930-31 1928-29, Rear Bumpers, right and left, stainless A-17814-AS ............................................ set 290.00 1937 Pass. front & 1937 Pickup, front & rear, chrome 78-17750-A ........................................... each 340.00 1930-31, Rear Bumpers, right and left, stainless A-17814-BS ............................................ set 290.00 1937 Pass. front & 1937 Pickup, front & rear, stainless 78-17750-ASS ...................................... each 435.00 1932, Front or rear, chrome B-17750 ............................................... each 340.00 1937 Passenger, rear, chrome 78-17750-D .......................................... each 340.00 1937 Passenger, rear, stainless 78-17750-DSS ...................................... each 435.00 1938 All & 1939 Standard & 1938-39 Pickup, front and rear, chrome 81A-17750 ............................................ each 340.00 1933, Front or rear, chrome 40-17750-A .......................................... each 340.00 As Above, stainless 40-17750-A-SS .................................... each 435.00 1934, Front or rear, chrome 40-17750-B .......................................... each 340.00 1934, Front or rear, stainless 40-17750-B-SS .................................... each 435.00 1933 Pickup, front or rear, chrome 46-17750-A .......................................... each 340.00 1933 Pickup, front or rear, stainless 46-17750-ASS ..................................... each 435.00 1940 Passenger, front or rear and 1940-41 Pickup, front, chrome O1A-17750 ........................................... each 340.00 1934 Pickup, front or rear, chrome 46-17750 ............................................. each 340.00 1940-41 Pickup, rear, chrome O1C-17750 ........................................... each 1934 Pickup, front or rear, stainless 46-17750-SS ....................................... each 435.00 1935, Front or rear, chrome 48-17750 ............................................. each As Above, stainless 48-17750-SS ....................................... each 1936, Front or rear, chrome 68-17750 ............................................. each As Above, stainless 68-17750-SS ....................................... each As Above, stainless 81A-17750-SS ...................................... each 435.00 1939 Deluxe, front or rear, chrome 91A-17750 ............................................ each 340.00 340.00 1942-46 Passenger, front, chrome 21A-17757-CS .................................. Out of Production 340.00 1947-48 Passenger, front, chrome 6A-17757-C ...................................... Out of Production 435.00 1942-46 Passenger, rear, chrome, Ford Script 51A-17781-C .................................... Out of Production 340.00 1947-48 Passenger, rear,chrome 6A-17781-C ...................................... Out of Production 435.00 1942-47 Pickup, front, stainless 21C-17750-SS ....................................... each 425.00 Page 105 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 B-17821/2 18-17821 A-17754/5-B 01A-17821 40-17754 REAR BUMPER BRACES FRONT BUMPER TO FRAME BRACES 1932 Passenger, Right and Left B-17821/2 ................................................ pair 69.00 1928-29 All, Right and Left A-17754/5-B ............................................ pair 69.00 1932 Passenger, “Shorty”, locates bumper closer to body, plain B-17821-SN ............................................. pair 100.00 1930-31, As Above A-17754/5-E ............................................ pair 69.00 1933 Passenger 18-17821 ................................................. pair 1932 Passenger and Pickup, Right & Left B-17754/5-S ............................................ pair 69.00 1933 Passenger and Pickup, set of 4 18-17754 ................................................... set 1933 Passenger, “Shorty”, locates bumper closer to body, set, plain 18-17821-SN ............................................ set 100.00 129.00 1934 Passenger, except Victoria 40-17821 ................................................. pair 69.00 69.00 1934 Passenger and Pickup, set of 4 40-17754 .................................................. set 129.00 1935 Passenger and Pickup, set of 4 48-17754 .................................................. set 129.00 1936 Passenger and Pickup, set of 4 68-17754 .................................................. set 129.00 1937 Passenger and Pickup, set of 4 78-17754 .................................................. set 129.00 1938 All and ‘39 Standard, set of 4 81A-17754 ............................................... set 129.00 1935-36 Passenger, “Shorty”, locates bumper closer to body, set, plain 48-17821-SN .......................................... set 100.00 1939 Passenger, Deluxe, set of 4 91A-17754-B ........................................... set 129.00 1936 Pickup, 4 pieces 67-17821 ................................................. set 129.00 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup, set of 4 O1A-17754 .............................................. set 129.00 1937 Passenger, 4 pieces 78-17821 ................................................. set 129.00 1937 Pickup, 4 pieces 77-17821 ................................................. set 129.00 1938 All and ‘39 Standard, set of 4 81A-17821 ............................................... set 129.00 1938-41 Pickup, 4 pieces 81C-17821-S ........................................... set 129.00 1939 Passenger, Deluxe, 4 pieces 91A-17821 ............................................... set 129.00 1940 Passenger, 4 pieces O1A-17821 .............................................. set 129.00 A-17821/2-S A-17783-E REAR BUMPER TO FRAME BRACES 1928-31, Coupe and Roadster, with body stands A-17821/2-S ........................................... pair 185.00 1928-31, Tudor Sedan, As Above A-17921/2-S ............................................. pair 185.00 1928-31, Rear Bumper Arm Cross Brace A-17783-E ............................................... each 55.00 1930-31, Small Brace from frame to inner rear bumper A-17798 .................................................... pair 39.00 Page 106 1934 Passenger, except Victoria, “Shorty”, locates bumper closer to body, set, plain 40-17821-SN .......................................... set 100.00 1935 Passenger 48-17821 ................................................. pair 69.00 1936 Passenger 68-17821 ................................................. pair 69.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 BUMPER PARTS POLISHED STAINLESS STEEL BUMPER BRACES A-17762-SS 1932-36 “SNUG” style Rear Braces are shortened to bring the bumper closer to the body. A-17758-SS 1928-31 Passenger and Pickup, Front A-17754/5-SS .......................................... set 199.00 1932 Passenger and Pickup, Front B-17754-SS ............................................. set 1928-31, Large Outer Bumper Clamp, Stainless A-17758-SS ........................................... each 10.00 199.00 1932 Passenger, Rear B-17821-SS ............................................. set 1928-31, Center Bumper Clamp, Stainless A-17762-SS ............................................ each 8.50 199.00 1932 Passenger, Rear, “SNUG”—locates Bumper closer to body, B-17821-SNSS ........................................ set 199.00 1928-31, Large Bumper Clamp, back plate A-17756-B .............................................. each 3.00 1933 Passenger and Pickup, Front 18-17754-SS ........................................... set 1928-31, Center Bumper Clamp, back plate A-17765 .................................................. each 2.00 1928-31, Bumper Spacer, Stainless A-17759-SS ............................................ each 3.00 1928-31, Bumper End Bolt, Stainless A-17834-SS ............................................ each 5.00 325.00 1933 Passenger, Rear, “SNUG”—locates Bumper closer to body, 18-17821-SNSS ...................................... set 199.00 1934 Passenger and Pickup, Front 40-17754-SS ........................................... set 325.00 1934 Passenger, Rear, “SNUG”, locates Bumper closer to body, 40-17821-SNSS ...................................... set 199.00 1935 Passenger and Pickup, Front 48-17754-SS ........................................... set 325.00 1936 Passenger and Pickup, Front 68-17754-SS ........................................... set 325.00 1935-36 Passenger, Rear, “SNUG”, locates Bumper closer to body, 48-17821-SNSS ...................................... set 199.00 B-17758 48-17758 BUMPER BAR BOLTS 1932 Passenger and Pickup B-17758 ................................................... each 15.00 1933-34, Chrome, Round Head 40-17758 ................................................. each 3.00 1937 Passenger, Front 78-17754-SS ........................................... set 325.00 1937 Passenger, Rear 78-17821-SS ........................................... set 325.00 1940 Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup, Front O1A-17754-SS ........................................ set 325.00 1933-34, Polished Stainless, needed with Bumper Guard 40-17758-BG ........................................... each 8.00 1940 Passenger, Rear O1A-17821-SS ........................................ set 325.00 1933-40, Stainless Steel Clad, Oval Head 48-17758 ................................................. each 6.50 1941-48 Passenger, Square Head, 1” long, used as outer bolt 11A-17758 ............................................... each 10.00 1942-46 Passenger, Tapered Head, 3-1/2”, needed with Bumper Guard 21A-17908 ............................................... each 15.00 Page 107 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 48-17772-S 1933-34 1935 1936 1937 1939 Deluxe 11A-17772 68-17772/73-S 91A-17772-S 1940 BUMPER GUARD 1933-34, Chrome Plated 40-17796 ................................................ each 30.00 1935, Chrome 48-17796 ................................................ each 50.00 1936, Chrome 68-17796 ................................................ each 50.00 1937, Chrome 78-17796 ................................................ each 50.00 1939, Deluxe, Bumper Guard, Chrome 91A-17796-B ......................................... each 50.00 1940, Chrome O1A-17796 ............................................ each 45.00 81A-17772/73-S 81C-17772/73-S 50-17772/73-S FRONT BUMPER ARM GROMMETS 1935 Passenger 48-17772-S ............................................... pair 14.00 1935-37 Pickup 50-17772/73-S ......................................... pair 14.00 1936-37 Passenger and 1938 Standard 68-17772/73-S ......................................... pair 14.00 1938, Deluxe and 1939 Standard 81A-17772/73-S ....................................... pair 14.00 1938-39 Pickup 81C-17772/73-S ....................................... pair 14.00 1939 Deluxe and 1940 All, Passenger and 1940-41 Pickup 91A-17772-S ............................................ pair 14.00 1941 Passenger 11A-17772 ............................................... pair 14.00 ’40 BUMPER TIPS 1940, fits each end of Bumpers, front or rear O1A-18383 ....................................... set of 4 250.00 78-17792 BUMPER BAR END PLUG 1932 Passenger and Pickup, Chrome B-17760 .................................................. each Page 108 81A-17792 11A-17792 REAR BUMPER ARM GROMMETS 6.00 1937 All and 1938-40 Coupe and Convertible 78-17792 .................................................. pair 14.00 1938-40, Sedan, Tudor and Fordor 81A-17792 ................................................ pair 14.00 1941 Passenger 11A-17792 ................................................ pair 14.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 FRONT BUMPER TO PAN ANTI-RATTLER 1942-48, Set of 4 21A-17749-B ........................................... set 12.50 REAR BUMPER TO BODY SEAL 1942-48 Passenger 6A-17832-A ............................................ each 20.00 RADIATOR GRILLE PADS 1946-48, Set of 4 51A-8453 .................................................. set 6.00 51A-8200-A 51A -81 9 51A -17 7 GRILLE GUARD 1933-36, Complete Grille Guard Assembly 40-17799 ....................................... assembly 6-A 250.00 44B FRONT GRAVEL DEFLECTOR 1946-48, Coupe, Tudor, 4-dr., Conv., stamped steel 51A-17744-B ......................................... each 200.00 GRILLE GUARD 1946-48, Front Gravel Deflector Trim, Coupe, Tudor, 4dr., Conv., stainless steel 51A-8196-A ........................................... each 125.00 1940, Ford Script Bumper Grille Guard, Die Stamped Chrome with Bolts and Stiffeners O1A-17799 .................................... assembly 275.00 GRILLE ASSEMBLY 1946-48 Passenger, die-stamped steel 51A-8200-A ........................................... each 480.00 08 6A-178 REAR GRAVEL DEFLECTOR LUGGAGE RACK 1928-31, Chome Plated Rack with wood strips A-18575-B ............................................ each 150.00 1947-48, Coupe, Tudor, 4-dr., Conv., stamped steel 6A-17808 ..................................... 3 piece set 250.00 Page 109 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 ACCESSORY RADIO ANTENNA 7C-18650 Mounts on side of Cowl B-18813-U ..................................... each 8M-18650 PATENT DATA PLATE 29.00 1928-48, Ford, Has blank area for serial number 7C-18650 ............................................ each 10.00 1928-48, Ford, Stamped with your number 7C-18650-ST ...................................... each 25.00 1939-48, Mercury, has blank area for serial number 8M-18650 ............................................ each 10.00 1939-48, Mercury, Stamped with your number 8M-18650-ST ...................................... each 25.00 ANTENNA ASSEMBLIES A-18650 99A-18650 PATENT DATA PLATE 1937, Closed Car, Deluxe 78-18813-D ............................................ each 92.00 1937, Open Car and Wagon 78-18813-A ............................................. each 92.00 1928-31, Ford A-18650 ................................................. each 5.00 1932-36, Ford B-18650 .................................................. each 1938, Closed Car 81A-18812 .............................................. each 92.00 5.00 1937-39, Ford 78-18650 ................................................. each 1938, Open Car and Wagon 81A-18813-A .......................................... each 92.00 5.00 1939, Closed Car 91A-18813 .............................................. each 92.00 1939-48, Mercury 99A-18650 ............................................. each 10.00 1939, Open Car and Wagon 91A-18813-A .......................................... each 92.00 1940-48, Ford O1A-18650 ............................................. each 5.00 1940, Closed Car, Standard O1A-18813-S ......................................... each 75.00 1940, Closed Car, Deluxe O1A-18813-D ......................................... each 75.00 1940, Open Car and Wagon O1A-18813-C ......................................... each 92.00 1941, Closed Car 11A-18813 .............................................. each 75.00 UNIVERSAL VIN PLATE All Years, Blank U-18650 .............................................. each 10.00 All Years, Stamped with your number U-18650-ST ........................................ each 1941, Open Car 11A-18813-A .......................................... each 92.00 25.00 1942-48, Closed Car, Center Roof Mount 21A-18813 .............................................. each 75.00 1942-48, Open Car, Center Roof Mount 21A-18813-A .......................................... each 85.00 1947-48, Cowl Mount 6A-18813 ................................................ each 70.00 Page 110 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 B-35190 48-35190 O1A-35190 7001730 PEDAL AND STEERING TUBE SEAL 1932 Passenger B-35190 ................................................. each 10.00 1933-34 Passenger 40-35190 ................................................ each 10.00 1935-36 Passenger, 3 pieces 48-35190 ................................................ each 10.00 1940 Passenger O1A-35190 ............................................ each 10.00 STEERING TUBE SEAL RUBBER FLOOR PLUGS 1941-48, The 4 plugs in the 41-48 front floor board 11A-5015 .................................................... set 6.00 FLOORBOARD SEAL KITS 1935-36 Passenger, Floorboard sets into these, between wood and metal 68-700364/5 ............................................ pair 85.00 1941-48 Passenger, fits on top of floor mat 11A-7001730 ......................................... each 10.00 1937-38 Passenger, As Above 78-700364/5 ............................................ pair 85.00 1941-48 Passenger, fits under floor mat 11A-7001731-B ..................................... each 15.00 1939 Passenger, As Above 91A-7011508/9 ........................................ pair 85.00 1940 Passenger, As Above O1A-7011508/9 ....................................... pair 85.00 1941-48 Passenger 11A-7011508/9 .......................................... kit 25.00 TRANSMISSION TO FLOOR SEAL 1932 Passenger B-35195 ................................................. each 10.00 1933-36 Passenger 40-35195 ................................................ each 10.00 1937-39Passenger 78-35195 ................................................ each 10.00 1942-47 Pickup 21C-35195 ............................................. each 15.00 1935-36 WOODEN FLOORBOARDS TRANSMISSION COVER TO FLOOR SEAL 1937-40 Passenger 78-7012105-S ......................................... each 10.00 1940-47 Pickup O1C-8112105-S ..................................... each 12.00 1935 Passenger, 2 pieces 48-700325 ................................................. set 60.00 1936 Passenger, 2 pieces 68-700325 ................................................. set 60.00 1937-38 Passenger, 2 pieces 78-700325 ................................................. set 60.00 1939 Passenger, 2 pieces 91A-700325 ............................................... set 60.00 1940 Passenger, 2 pieces 01A-700325 ............................................... set 60.00 Page 111 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 COWL VENT HANDLES 1932 Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup, Stainless B-700611 ................................................ each 20.00 45.00 1933-36 Passenger, Stainless 40-700611 .............................................. each 20.00 30.00 1935-36 Pickup, Stainless 50-700611 .............................................. each 20.00 COWL VENT HINGE 1932 Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup B-35260 ................................................ each 1933-34 Passenger 40-35260 ............................................... each COWL VENT RATCHET SPRING 1932 Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup B-35269 .................................................. each 5.00 1933-34 Passenger 40-35269 ................................................. each 5.00 COWL VENT RATCHET COWL VENT GASKETS 1932 Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup 18-700616 .............................................. each 15.00 1933-34 Passenger and 1935-36 Pickup 40-700616 .............................................. each 15.00 1935-36 Passenger 48-700616 .............................................. each 20.00 1932 Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup B-35276 ................................................. each 10.00 1937-48 Passenger and 1937-47 Pickup 78-700616 .............................................. each 20.00 1933-34 Passenger 40-35276 ................................................ each 10.00 1939-42 Passenger and Pickup 91A-7002330 .......................................... each 20.00 1946-48 Passenger and 1946-47 Pickup 51A-7002330 .......................................... each 20.00 COWL VENT SCREEN 1932 Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup B-700590 ............................................... each 50.00 1934 Passenger and 1935-36 Pickup 40-700590 ............................................. each 40.00 1935-36 Passenger 48-700590 ............................................. each 30.00 1937-38 Passenger and Pickup 78-700590 ............................................. each 40.00 1939-40 Passenger and 1939-47 Pickup 91A-700590 ........................................... each 45.00 1941-48 Passenger 21A-700590 ........................................... each 40.00 COWL/FIREWALL SEAL 1932 Passenger B-35336 .................................................. each 15.00 COWL VENT LID 1932 Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup, Stamped Steel B-700600 .............................................. each 125.00 1933-34 Passenger, Stamped Steel 40-700600-B .......................................... each Page 112 75.00 COWL BAND 1930-31, Stainless Steel A-1350 .................................................. each 80.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 A-37472-C OPEN CAR WINDSHIELD FRAMES B-37158 1928-29, Open Car, plain steel A-37110-AB ......................................... each 300.00 1928-29, Open Car, chrome plated A-37110-AC ......................................... each 475.00 1930-31, Deluxe, Open Car, chrome plated A-37110-CC ......................................... each 475.00 1932, Roadster-Phaeton, Chrome plated B-37111-A ............................................ each 650.00 1932, Cabriolet, Chrome plated B-37111-B ............................................ each 675.00 1933-34, Roadster-Phaeton, Chrome plated 40-37111-A ........................................... each 650.00 1933-34, Cabriolet, Chrome plated 40-37111-B ........................................... each 725.00 1935-36, Roadster-Phaeton, Chrome plated 48-37111-A ........................................... each 650.00 1935-36, Cabriolet, Conv., Sedan & Wagon, Chrome plated 48-37111-B ........................................... each 725.00 B-351000 18-37154 18-37118-S OPEN CAR WINDSHIELD PARTS 1928-31, Finger Pull with screw B-37118 .................................................... pair 9.00 1932-36, Open Car Windshield Finger Pull 18-37118-S ............................................... pair 12.00 1928-31, Open Car Windshield Frame Cones A-37154-R .............................................. each 7.00 1932-36, Windshield Frame Cone 18-37154 ................................................. each 8.00 1928-32, Windshield Pivot Stud B-37158 ................................................... pair 10.00 1928-29, Top Bracket Clamping Thumb Screw, 5/16NF A-37472-F .............................................. each 8.00 1930-34, Top Bracket Clamping Thumb Screw, 5/16” N.C., Open Car A-37472-C ............................................... each 8.00 1928-36, Windshield Wingnut, Open Car, Chrome B-351000 ................................................. each 7.00 OPEN CAR WINDSHIELD POSTS 1930-31, Deluxe, Open Car, stainless steel A-37138-S ............................................. pair 225.00 1932, Roadster, Phaeton, Polished Stainless Steel 18-37136-AS .......................................... pair 130.00 1932, 2” Chopped, Stainless Steel 18-37136-BS .......................................... pair 140.00 1933-34, Unplated 40-37136-S ............................................. pair 140.00 1928-31, Top Prop Nut B-37708 ................................................... each 9.00 1932, Roadster, Phaeton, Top Prop Nut, Stainless B-37708-SS ............................................. each 9.00 B-37132-S 40-37132-S WINDSHIELD LOWER STANSHIONS WINDSHIELD POST PADS 8.00 1930-31, Lower Stanchions, raw A-37136-B .............................................. pair 125.00 1933-34, Open Cars, Moulded Rubber 40-37132-S ............................................... pair 8.00 1930-31, Lower Stanchions, Chrome A-37136-BC ............................................ pair 195.00 1935-36, Open Cars, Moulded Rubber 48-37132-S ............................................... pair 10.00 1932, Roadster and Phaeton, Chrome B-37138-S .............................................. pair 100.00 1932, Open Cars, Moulded Rubber B-37132-S ................................................. pair Page 113 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 B-45453-S A-45475-S A-45463-S B-45482 CLOSED CAR WINDSHIELD FRAMES 1928-29, Closed Car, Coupe and 2 Dr., Aluminum A-47110-AR ......................................... each 240.00 1930-31, Closed Car, Coupe and 2 Dr., Aluminum A-47110-B ........................................... each 240.00 1928-29, Closed Car, Coupe and 2 Dr., Steel A-47110-ARST .................................... each 1930-31, Closed Car, Coupe and 2 Dr., Steel A-47110-BST ....................................... each 1932, Closed Car except 3 Window, Chrome B-45405 ................................................ each A-45477-S CLOSED CAR WINDSHIELD PARTS 450.00 1928-31 Closed Car and 1932-34 Pickup, Swing Arms, Chrome A-45463-S ............................................... pair 14.00 495.00 1932 Passenger, Windshield Swing Arms, Chrome B-45453-S ................................................ pair 20.00 650.00 1932, Closed Car except 3 Window, Plain Steel B-45405-P ............................................ each 450.00 1928-32 Passenger and 1928-34 Pickup, Windshield Slide Pivot Bolt and Nut Set A-45475-S .................................................. set 3.50 1928-32 Passenger and 1928-34 Pickup, Windshield Swing Arm Washers A-45477-S ................................................. pair 3.50 1932, 3 Window, Chrome B-52140 ................................................ each 725.00 1932, 3 Window, Plain Steel B-52140-P ............................................ each 450.00 1932-34, Pickup, Aluminum B-47110-P ............................................ each 240.00 1932-34 Pickup, Plain Steel B-47110-ST .......................................... each 395.00 1933-34, Closed Car, Chrome 40-45405 ............................................... each 700.00 1933-34, Closed Car, Plain Steel 40-45405-P ........................................... each 450.00 1935-36, Closed Car, Chrome 48-45405 ............................................... each 650.00 1932 All, except 3 Window Coupe, Chrome B-701276-A .............................................. pair 12.00 450.00 1932, 3 Window Coupe, Chrome B-701276-B .............................................. pair 12.00 650.00 1933-34, Chrome 40-701276-C ............................................ pair 12.00 450.00 1935-36, Closed Car and 1935-36 Pickup, Stainless 48-37112-CL ............................................ pair 18.00 1935-36, Closed Car, Plain Steel 48-45405-P ........................................... each 1935-36 Pickup, Chrome 50-45405 ............................................... each 1935-36 Pickup, Plain Steel 50-45405-P ........................................... each 48-37112-CL WINDSHIELD FRAME SEAM COVERS WINDSHIELD FRAME HINGES GLASS SETTING TAPE 20’ roll x 1” wide, 1/32” thick B-37001-A ................................................. roll 8.00 20’ roll x 1” wide, 1/16” thick B-37001-B ................................................ roll 10.00 Page 114 1928-32 Passenger and 1932-34 Pickup, Windshield Slide Nuts, Chrome B-45482 ................................................... pair 13.00 1932 Passenger except 3 Window Coupe B-701350 ................................................ pair 110.00 1933-34 Passenger 40-701350 .............................................. pair 110.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 WINDSHIELD ROLL-OUT KNOB 1939 Passenger and Pickup, brown cover as original 91A-7003120-B ..................................... each 45.00 WINDSHIELD UPRIGHT GARNISH MOULDING 1930-31, Upright Garnish Moulding, stamped steel A-37115-B .............................................. pair 45.00 1930-31, As Above, stainless steel A-37115-SS ............................................ pair 1932 Passenger, except 3 Window, Plain Steel B-37115-BS ............................................. pair 78-701392 78-701392 50.00 81A-701392 O1A-7003248/9 50.00 WINDSHIELD GARNISH MOLDING & CENTER CLIPS 1932 Passenger, except 3 Window, Polished Stainless Steel B-37115-S ............................................... pair 59.00 1937 Closed Car, Center Clips, Black, ready to finish 78-701392 .............................................. each 15.00 1932, 3 Window Coupe, Plain Steel B-37115-AS ............................................. pair 49.00 1932, 3 Window Coupe, Polished Stainless Steel B-37115-3WSS ........................................ pair 59.00 1933-34 Passenger, Plain Steel 40-37115-AS ........................................... pair 55.00 1933-34 Passenger, Polished Stainless Steel 40-37115-SS ........................................... pair 65.00 1938-39 Closed Car, As Above 81A-701392 ............................................ each 15.00 1940-47 Pickup, As Above, goes at top of molding O1C-8103092 ......................................... each 20.00 1940 All, Closed Car and 1940-47 Pickup, Windshield Garnish Molding, plain steel, right and left hand O1A-7003248/9 ........................................ pair 150.00 WINDSHIELD REGULATOR HANDLES WIND WING BRACKETS 1933-34, Chrome 40-701348 .............................................. each 11.00 1935 Passenger and 1935-36 Pickup, Chrome 48-701347 .............................................. each 11.00 1936 Passenger, Chrome 68-701347-A ........................................... each 11.00 1928-29, Open Car, Chrome A-18200-A ................................................ set 80.00 1930-35, Open Car, Chrome A-18200-B ................................................ set 80.00 1930-31, Closed Car, for any closed car with straight Windshield Post, Chrome A-18200-C ................................................ set 80.00 WINDSHIELD REGULATOR 1937 Passenger and Pickup, Chrome 78-701348 .............................................. each 1938 Passenger and Pickup, Chrome 81A-701348 ............................................ each 11.00 1933-34 Passenger, Includes mounting screws 40-701325 ............................................. each 80.00 11.00 1935-36 Passenger and Pickup 48-701325 ............................................. each 80.00 Page 115 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 51A-7043511-K6 RUMBLE AND TRUNK LIDS 1928-29, Roadster and Coupe Trunk or Rumble Lid A-1059-A .............................................. each 585.00 1930-31, Trunk or Rumble Lid A-1059-B ............................................... each 585.00 1932, Trunk or Rumble Lid, 5W Coupe and Roadster B-1059 .................................................. each 725.00 1932, Trunk or Rumble Lid, 3W Coupe B-1059-3W ........................................... each TRUNK LID HANDLE AND BASE ASSEMBLY 1940, Includes handle, base, bulb, wiring, pad, complete hardware, etc. O1A-7043511-K6 ..................................... kit 200.00 1941-48, As Above 51A-7043511-K6 ...................................... kit 200.00 725.00 LOCKING RUMBLE & TRUNK LID HANDLES LICENSE LIGHT SOCKET AND BASE MOUNTING KIT 1940-48, Includes Lens, Socket & all Mounting Hardware O1A-13556-S ........................................ each 21.00 A-702352-A 40-702352 1928-31, Chrome, locking, with keys A-702352-A ........................................... each 40.00 1932-34, Chrome, locking, with keys 40-702352 .............................................. each 40.00 78-702352 48-702352-B 99A-13553 35.00 99A-13564 TRUNK LID HANDLE PARTS 1940, Inner Base Mounting Plate 99A-13553 ............................................. each 16.00 1941-48 Passenger, License Lamp Handle Base 11A-13550 ............................................. each 28.00 1940-48 Passenger, Glass, License Plate Lamp Lens 99A-13564 .............................................. each 7.50 1935-36 Passenger and 1938-39 Wagon, Chrome, locking, with keys 48-702352-B ........................................... each 35.00 1937, Chrome, locking, with keys 78-702352 .............................................. each 11A-13550 81A-13572 99A-13572 B-41648 11A-13572 11A-7043511 TRUNK LID HANDLE GROMMETS 01A-7043500 1928-37 B-41648 .................................................. each 3.00 1938-39 81A-13572 .............................................. each 6.00 50.00 1940 99A-13572 .............................................. each 5.00 1941-48, Die Cast, chrome, with lock cover and keys 11A-7043511 ......................................... each 80.00 1941-48 11A-13572 .............................................. each 5.00 1940, Die Cast, chrome plated, complete with base, lock cylinder and keys O1A-7043500-B ....................................... set 95.00 1940, Die Cast, chrome plated, Handle only O1A-7043500-H .................................... each Page 116 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 A-41530 40-41530-SS TRUNK LID SUPPORT ARM ASSEMBLY 1928-32, Coupe, Roadster, with Bracket, Black A-41530 ................................................. each 18.00 1928-32, As Above, Stainless Steel A-41530-SS ........................................... each 48.50 1933-34, Coupe & Roadster, Arm only, Plain Steel 40-41530 ............................................... each 35.00 1933-34, As Above, Stainless Steel, with Bracket 40-41530-SS ......................................... each 48.50 1935-36, Coupe & Roadster, Stainless Steel, with Bracket 48-41530-SS ......................................... each 48.50 1940 TRUNK HINGES 1928-32, Deck Lid Hinge Kit A-41512--S ................................................ kit 16.00 1933-34, Roadster, Coupes, Cabriolet, cast steel 40-713570-AK ........................................ pair 125.00 1935-36, As Above 48-713570-AS ........................................ pair 200.00 1939-40, Coupe, cast steel 91A-7742700 .......................................... pair 150.00 1940 Convertible, cast steel 01A-6642700 .......................................... pair 150.00 1941-48, Coupe and Convertible, cast steel 21A-7642700 .......................................... pair 150.00 TRUNK ARM AND SPRING SUPPORT 1939-40 Coupe and 1940 Convertible 91A-7742400 .......................................... pair 140.00 1941-48 Coupe and Convertible 11A-7742400 .......................................... pair 140.00 1941-48 Sedan 99A-7044200/1 ....................................... pair 140.00 1939-48 All, Spring only 91A-7744236-S ..................................... each 13.00 1935-36, Tudor and Fordor Sedan, Chrome Plated 48-706850/1 ............................................ pair 95.00 1935-36, Sedan, 6 pieces, Pads for above Hinge 48-748204 ................................................... kit 6.00 Flatback Humpback TRUNK LID SUPPORT ARM HARDWARE KIT 1939-40 Passenger, special shoulder bolts & washers 91A-7744200-HK ........................................ kit 15.00 1941-48 Passenger, As Above 11A-7744200-HK ........................................ kit 15.00 TRUNK LID EMBLEM 1940, Unpainted O1A-7043370 ....................................... each 18.00 1940, Blue O1A-7043370-A .................................... each 45.00 1940, Red O1A-7043370-B .................................... each 45.00 TRUNK LID ORNAMENT 1947-48,, Passenger, Polished Stainless, blue letters 6A-7042514 ........................................... each 95.00 1937, Flatback, die cast chrome 78-706850/1-A ....................................... pair 150.00 1937, Humpback, fits Tudor and Fordor, die cast chrome 78-706850/1-B ........................................ pair 150.00 1937, Humpback Sedan Hinge Pads 78-748204-A .............................................. kit 10.00 1937, Slantback Sedan Hinge Pads 78-748204-B .............................................. kit 10.00 TRUNK LID HINGE LATCH 1935-36, Tudor and Fordor Sedan, Chrome Plated, with Keys. Also used on Mullens Trailers. 48-706902/4 .............................................. set 199.00 Page 117 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 A-52500-S A-41615 O1A-52500-A 40-765680 TRUNK AND RUMBLE STRIKER PLATES STAINLESS RUMBLE GRAB HANDLES 1928-31, Roadster Rumble Seat Grab Handles. Original style, 18 pcs. Includes mounting bolts and nuts A-41500-S .............................................. pair 35.00 1928-31, Rumble Seat Lid Striker Plate with screws A-52500-S .............................................. each 5.00 1928-31, Slide Striker Plates, for alignment of deck lid A-52506-S .............................................. each 5.00 1928-32, Trunk Lid Striker A-41615 .................................................. each 8.00 1932, 3 Window Coupe, Cast Iron, on Rumble Lid B-765680 ................................................ each 9.00 B-527102 A-52501 1933-34, Trunk Lid Striker, mounts on body 40-41615 ................................................ each 12.00 1933-34, Rumble Lid Striker, mounts on Rumble Lid 40-765680 .............................................. each 29.00 TRUNK AND RUMBLE LATCH 1928-29 Trunk and Rumble and 1928-34 Trunk A-52501 ................................................ each 16.00 1930-34 Rumble Latch, mounts on trunk lid A-52502 ................................................ each 1939-40 Coupe and ‘40 Convertible, Trunk Lid Striker O1A-52500-A ......................................... each 35.00 16.00 1940 Sedan, Trunk Lid Striker O1A-7043252 ......................................... each 1933-34 All and 1932 3-Window Coupe, Rumble, mounts inside of body under Drip Rail B-527102 .............................................. each 28.00 1935-36, Trunk or Rumble Lid Latch 48-52502 ............................................... each 32.00 1937 All, Trunk 78-52502 ............................................... each 32.00 35.00 1941 All and 1942-48 Sedan, Striker Plate, cast iron 11A-52500 .............................................. each 12.00 1933-48 Coupe, Convertible and Sportsman, Trunk Latch Striker Kit, with stainless screws 11A-7243252 ............................................. kit 35.00 1939-40 Coupe & ‘40 Convertible, Deck Lid Latch O1A-52502-A ........................................ each 32.00 1940, Sedan, Trunk Lid Latch O1A-52502-B ........................................ each 32.00 RUMBLE SEAT HINGE KIT 1941 All, and ‘42-’48 Sedan, Trunk Lid Latch 11A-52502 ............................................ each 32.00 1942-48, Coupe & Convertible, Trunk Lid Latch 21A-52502 ............................................ each 1928-31, Rumble Seat Hinge Kit A-41543-S ................................................. kit 32.00 1928-31, Rumble Hinge Pivot Bolts. (Special shoulder bolt set with square shim washer, nuts & lockwashers) 1114 ......................................................... set 10.00 30.00 1932, Roadster and 5 Window Coupes, Cast Steel B-41543-S ................................................. set 30.00 RUMBLE HINGE SPACERS 1933-34 All, mounts between Castings and Bracket inside of body B-526898 ................................................... pair 8.00 1933-34, Coupe, Roadster, Cabriolet, Cast Steel, Rumble 40-41543-S ................................................ set 60.00 1935-36, As Above 48-41543-S ................................................ set 60.00 1933-34, Instruction Manual, covers all phases of installing parts to convert to Rumble Seat BK-380 ..................................................... each 4.00 Page 118 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 40-725900 40-714008-S 40-775600 B-714008-S REMOTE RUMBLE SEAT RELEASE HANDLE RUMBLE LID STOP BRACKETS 1930-31, Rumble Lid Stop Kit. Includes stamped steel stops & platform supports with rubber bumpers & bolts A-41485-BS ............................................. set 18.00 1932, Except 3 window, does not include B-41484-S Bumper Kit B-714008-S ............................................. pair 15.00 1932, 3 Window and 1933-39, does not include B-41484-S Bumper kit 40-714008-S ............................................ pair 1933-34 and 1932 3 Window 40-725900 .............................................. each 18.00 RUMBLE REMOTE CONTROL ROD 1933-34, Coupe 40-775600 .............................................. each 25.00 40-41550-U 40-41551-L 15.00 UPPER AND LOWER SEAT CLIPS B-41484-S 1933-34, Upper, mounts Rumble Rear Cushion to Rumble Lid 40-41550-U ............................................... pair 8.00 B-41518-S 1933-34, Lower, As Above 40-41551-L ................................................ pair RUMBLE LID BUMPERS AND STOPS 1928-39, Bumper and Stop, 4 piece set B-41484-S .................................................. set 5.00 1928-34, Trunk and Rumble Lid, round bumpers only B-41518-S ................................................ pair 3.00 RUMBLE LATCH MOUNTING BRACKET 1933-34 B-527103 ................................................ each B-526812 B-526813 8.00 10.00 B-526814 RUMBLE HINGE SPRING BRACKETS 1933-34 All, mounts inside of body B-526812 ................................................. pair 12.00 RUMBLE SEAT REMOTE TRIP SPRINGS 1933-34 and 1932, 3 Window B-526813 ................................................. pair 12.00 RUMBLE COUNTERBALANCE TRIP LEVER 1932 3-Window Coupe and 1933-34 Coupe, Roadster, Cabriolet and 1938-39 Convertible Coupe B-526814 ................................................. pair 13.00 RUMBLE LID BUMPER BRACKETS 1928-34, Fits on top corners of Rumble area B-41519 ................................................... pair 15.00 A-41563-R A-41572 78-2454 40-2454 RUMBLE STEP PLATES AND BRACKETS 1928-31, Step Plates for rear fender or bumper, round A-41563-R .............................................. each 6.00 1928-31, Round Step Plate Pad A-41563-RP ........................................... each 2.00 1928-31, Rumble Step Bracket for rear bumper A-41572 .................................................. each 10.00 1932-34, 5” diameter, ’32 Bumper, ’32-34 Fender B-41563 .................................................. each 20.00 1933-34, Fits on Tail Light Stand B-2454 .................................................... each 35.00 1935-36, Fits on Tail Light Stand or Fender 40-2454 ................................................... each 9.00 1937-39, Fits on Fender 78-2454 ................................................... each 9.00 Page 119 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 48-701674 40-701674 GLOVE BOX DOOR SPRING CLIP GLOVE BOXES 1933-34 Passenger 40-701674 ................................................ each 1932, 3 Window Coupe 18-43000-B ............................................ each 20.00 1933-34, Passenger, All 40-43000 ................................................ each 20.00 1935-36, Closed Cars with inside door cover 48-43000-AS ........................................... set 20.00 1935-36, Open Cars with inside door cover 48-43000-BS ........................................... set 20.00 1935-37 Pickup 67-43000 ............................................... each 20.00 1937 Passenger, All 78-43000 ............................................... each 20.00 9.00 1935-37 Passenger and 1935-38 & 1940-41 Pickup 48-701674 ................................................ each 6.00 1938-39 Passenger and 1944-50 Pickup 78-701674 ................................................ each O1A-701662-S 6.00 40-701662-K GLOVE BOX HINGE KIT 1938-39 Pickup 77-43000 ............................................... each 20.00 1938-39, Coupe, Sedan 81A-43000-A ........................................ each 1933-34, Hinge, Spring and Hardware Kit 40-701662-K ............................................... kit 20.00 1938-39, Open Cars, Staion Wagon 81A-43000-B ........................................ each 1940-48, Hinge and Striker Plate Kit, with hardware O1A-701662-S ............................................ kit 40.00 20.00 1940 Passenger, All O1A-43000 ........................................... each 20.00 1940-47, Pickup O1C-43000 ........................................... each 20.00 1941 Passenger, All 11A-43000 ............................................ each 20.00 1942-48 Passenger, All 21A-43000 ............................................ each 20.00 25.00 1933-34 1940 Inside 1940 Outside GLOVE BOX DOOR GLOVE BOX REPAIR KIT 1933-34 40-43000-RK .............................................. kit 12.00 1933-34 Passenger 40-701650 .............................................. each 55.00 1940 Passenger, Deluxe (with clock opening) O1A-7006020-B ..................................... each 55.00 1940 Passenger, Standard (without clock opening) O1A-7006020-A ..................................... each 55.00 GLOVE BOX LID BUMPERS 1935-48 Passenger and 1935-47 Pickup 48-701671 ................................................ pair 2.00 GLOVE BOX LOCK GLOVE BOX DOOR STOPS 1940-48 Passenger, fits at bottom of dash O1A-7006117 ........................................... pair Page 120 10.00 1940 Passenger O1A-7006081 ......................................... each 1942-48 Passenger 21A-7006081 .......................................... each 45.00 45.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1937-39 1934 With Bead Stainless Add $20.00 1935-1940 There are two different types of 1935-36 doors, each requiring a different kit. If you have a U-shape channel with a rear metal bat wing channel and slots for rubber bumpers on the door and garnish mouldings, order the kit with A at the end of the part number. If you have felt material (cat whiskers) all the way around the window on the garnish moulding & door, order the kit with a B at the end of the part number. FRONT DOOR WINDOW CHANNEL KITS 1928-31 Fits all Coupes or Tudor doors, needs one kit per door or 2-dr Quarter Window A-45983-CK ................................................ kit 32.00 The following Door Glass Run Kits are exact replacements of originals. Each kit is complete for both doors. Upper window seal and window seal adhesive are provided in the appropriate kits. Where screws and door clips are needed, they are supplied in the kit. Door-to-glass bumpers, which fit into hole in door and garnish molding are supplied also. 1932-1934 1932, 3-Window Coupe B-45983-3W ............................................... kit 75.00 1932, 5-Window Coupe B-45983-5W ............................................... kit 70.00 1932, Tudor Sedan B-45983-2D ................................................ kit 70.00 1932, Fordor Sedan B-45983-4D ................................................ kit 70.00 1932, Victoria B-45983-V .................................................. kit 71.00 1933, 3-Window Coupe 18-45983-3W .............................................. kit 80.00 1935, Tudor Sedan, Rubber Bumpers on Garnish Molding and Doors 48-45983-2DA ............................................... kit 108.00 1935, 5-Window Fordor, Rubber Bumpers on Garnish Molding and Doors 48-45983-5W/4DA ........................................ kit 108.00 1935-36, Tudor Sedan, Felt Strips on Garnish Molding and Doors 48-45983-2DB ............................................... kit 115.00 1935-36, 5-Window, Fordor, Felt Strips on Garnish Molding and Doors 48-45983-5WD/4DB ...................................... kit 115.00 1935-36, 3-Window Coupe 48-45983-3W ................................................ kit 115.00 1937-39, Tudor Sedan & Club Coupe, long door 78-45983-2D ................................................. kit 115.00 1937-39, 5-Window, Fordor Sedan, Business Coupe, short door 78-45983-5W/4D ........................................... kit 115.00 1940, Tudor Sedan O1A-45983-2D .............................................. kit 110.00 1940, 5-Window, Fordor Sedan O1A-45983-5W/4D ........................................ kit 110.00 1940, Convertible O1A-45983-C ................................................ kit 66.00 1941-42 The lower guide channel below the vent window has two variations (see diagram at left). Please specify which guide channel you have. 1941-48 1933, 5-Window Coupe, Tudor Sedan and Fordor 18-45983-5W/4D/2D ................................... kit 72.00 1934, 3-Window Coupe 40-45983-3W .............................................. kit 99.00 1934, Tudor Sedan, Front Handle 40-45983-2DF ............................................ kit 99.00 Ford has two types of Coupes and the doors are different sizes. Measure the window opening and specify. Sedan Coupe (large door) approx. 26". Business Coupe (small door) approx. 17-1/2" 1941-42, Tudor Sedan (see above) 11A-45983-2D – Specify style A or B ............... kit 109.00 1941-42, Coupe and 4 Dr. (see above) 11A-45983-5W/4D – Specify style A or B ....... kit 109.00 1946-48 1934, 5-Window, Fordor, Front Handle 40-45983-5WF ............................................ kit 99.00 1934, Tudor Sedan, Center Handle 40-45983-2DC ............................................ kit 108.00 1934, 5-Window Coupe, Center Handle 40-45983-5WC ........................................... kit 108.00 1934, Fordor Sedan, Center Handle 40-45983-4DC ............................................ kit 108.00 1946-48, Tudor Sedan & Club Coupe (long door) 51A-45983-2D ................................................. kit 109.00 1946-48, Business Coupe and 4 Dr. Front (short door) 51A-45983-5W/4D .......................................... kit 109.00 1941, Convertible 11A-45983-C ................................................... kit 72.00 1942-48, Convertible 21A-45983-C ................................................... kit 72.00 Page 121 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 REAR QUARTER WINDOW KITS BACK ROLL-DOWN WINDOW CHANNEL KIT 1932-33, Tudor Sedan B-56786 ...................................................... kit 72.00 1934, Tudor Sedan, Victoria 40-56786 ..................................................... kit 1930-34 Coupe, 3 Window, 5 Window A-46108 ...................................................... kit 36.00 82.00 1935-36, Coupe, 3 Window, 5 Window 48-46108 .................................................... kit 57.00 1935 Tudor Sedan, rubber bumpers on Garnish Molding 48-56786-A ................................................ kit 110.00 1935-36, Tudor Sedan, with felt on Garnish Molding 48-56786-B ................................................ kit 115.00 1937, Tudor Sedan 78-56786 .................................................... kit 108.00 1938-40, Tudor Sedan 81A-56786 ................................................. kit 108.00 1941, Side Quarter Windows 11A-56786 ................................................. kit 108.00 1946-48, Tudor Side Quarter Windows 51A-56786 ................................................. kit 108.00 1928-31 1932 1934 REAR DOOR WINDOW CHANNEL KITS Door Glass Window Channels 1932, Fordor Sedan B-56791 ..................................................... kit 88.00 1933, Fordor Sedan 18-56791 .................................................... kit 88.00 1934, Fordor Sedan, Front Handle 40-56791-F ................................................ kit 88.00 1934, Fordor Sedan, Center Handle 40-56791-C ................................................ kit 88.00 1935-36, Fordor Sedan, Front Handle 48-56791-F ................................................ kit 115.00 1937-38, Fordor Sedan 78-56791 .................................................... kit 88.00 1939-40, Fordor Sedan, Rear Doors Only 91A-56791 ............................................... set 88.00 1946-48, 4 Door Rear Doors 51A-56791 ............................................... set 115.00 Front Door Windows Left Side PICKUP DOOR GLASS RUN KITS 1932-34 Pickup B-45983-PU ................................................ kit Metal channels that connect the door and quarter window glass to the window regulator mechanism ................... 1928-31 each 14.00 1932-48 each 32.00 70.00 1935-36 Pickup w/Rubber Bumpers on Garnish Molding and Doors 50-45983-PUA ............................................ kit 99.00 Right Side A-55962 A-45962 B-45963 18-45963 B-55963 40-45963-A 40-55963-A 40-45963-B 40-55963-B 48-45963 48-55963 78-45963 78-55963 O1A-45963 O1A-55963 11A-45963 11A-55963 99.00 1940-41 Pickup O1C-45983-PU ........................................... kit 99.00 1942-47 Pickup 21C-45983-PU ............................................ kit 99.00 Page 122 A-55962 A-45962 B-45962 18-45962 B-55962 40-45962-A 40-55962-A 40-45962-B 40-55962-B 48-45962 48-55962 78-45962 78-55962 O1A-45962 O1A-55962 11A-45962 11A-55962 Rear Quarter Window Channel A-56787 B-56788-A B-56788-B 40-56788 11A-56788 1936, Late & 1937 Pickup w/One Sided Felt, As Above 50-45983-PUB ............................................ kit 108.00 1938-39 Pickup 81C-45983-PU ............................................ kit 1928-31, Fordor 1928-31 Coupe & Tudor 1932 Fordor, 5 Window 1932-33, 3 Window Coupe 1932 Tudor 1933 Fordor, 5-W Coupe 1933 Tudor & Victoria 1934 Fordor, 5-W Coupe 1934 Tudor, 3-W Coupe 1935-36 Fordor, 5-W Coupe 1935-36 Tudor, 3-W Coupe 1937-39 Fordor, Coupe 1937-39 Tudor 1940 Fordor, Coupe 1940 Tudor 41-48, Fordor, Business Coupe 41-48, Club Coupe and Tudor 1928-31, Tudor 1932, Tudor 1933, Tudor 1934-40, Tudor 1941-48, Tudor A-56787 B-56787-A B-56787-B 40-56787 11A-56787 Pickup Windows A-45962 46-55963 77-55963 81C-55963 1930-31, Pickup 1932-34 Pickup 1935-37 Pickup 1938-42 Pickup A-45962 46-55962 77-55962 81C-55962 4 Door Rear Door Channels Available ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 B-792700 A-48105/6-S FELT GLASS CHANNEL KITS 1928-31, Fits all Coupes or Tudor doors, needs one kit per door or 2-dr Quarter Window A-45983-CK ............................................... kit 32.00 DOOR GLASS ANTI-RATTLERS 1940-41 Pickup, does both doors O1C-8121452-SET ........................ 4 piece kit 35.00 1942-47 Pickup, does both doors 21C-8121452-SET ......................... 4 piece kit 35.00 B-45830 B-46044 GARNISH MOLDING BUMPERS 1932-35, Slanted glass Anti-rattle, snaps on Garnish Molding B-45830 .......................................... pack of 10 4.00 1932-35, Rounded glass Anti-rattle, snaps on door frame B-46044 .......................................... pack of 10 4.00 DOOR WINDOW REGULATORS 1928-31, Right Hand, 4 mounting holes A-48105-B ............................................. each 38.00 1928-31, Left Hand, 4 mounting holes A-48106-B ............................................. each 38.00 1928-31 Passenger and 1928-34 Pickup, Right Hand, 3 mounting holes A-48105-A ............................................. each 38.00 1928-31, Passenger and 1928-34 pickup, Left Hand, 3 mounting holes A-48106-A ............................................. each 38.00 1932-33, Coupe and Tudor Sedan, Right Hand B-702700 ............................................... each 70.00 1932-33, Coupe and Tudor Sedan, Left Hand B-702701 ............................................... each 70.00 1934, Coupe and Tudor Sedan, Right Hand 40-702700-B ......................................... each 150.00 1934, Coupe and Tudor Sedan, Left Hand 40-702701-B ......................................... each 150.00 1935-37 Pickup 50-812700/1 ............................................ pair 150.00 1940, Tudor Sedan, Right and Left Hand O1A-7023200/1 ....................................... pair 150.00 1940, Coupe, Fordor (front), Sedan Delivery, Right and Left Hand O1A-7323200/1 ....................................... pair 150.00 GARNISH MOLDING CLIPS 1939 Closed Car, kit includes 10 clips 91A-7020930-B .......................................... kit A-48106-A 45.00 1938-47, Pickup 81C-812700/1 .......................................... pair 150.00 1928-48, Window Regulator Spring A-48105/6-S .......................................... each 10.00 1928-34, Window Stop Bumper, window rests on bumper when lowered A-48141 .................................................. each 1.00 11A-703536 WINDOW FELT FASTENING KITS 1935-40 Passenger and 1935-47 Pickup, Holds Felt to Body 48-703536-A ................................... pkg. of 10 6.00 1935-39 Passenger, Holds Felt to Garnish Molding 48-703536-B ................................... pkg. of 10 5.00 1941-48 Passenger, Holds Felt to Body 11A-703536 .................................... pkg. of 25 8.00 GLASS SETTING TAPE 20’ roll x 1” wide, 1/32” thick B-37001-A .................................................. roll 8.00 20’ roll x 1” wide, 1/16” thick B-37001-B ................................................. roll 10.00 Page 123 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 OUTSIDE DOOR HANDLES 1928-31 Roadster DOOR GLASS TO BODY SEAL 1932-37, 6 ft. will do two glasses B-45968 .................................................... 6 ft. 8.00 WINDOW REGULATOR REPAIR KIT 1932-34, 6 Tooth B-48105-RK ........................................... each 17.50 1935-39, 6 Tooth 48-48105-RK ......................................... each 17.50 1940-48, 6 Tooth O1A-48105-RK ...................................... each 30.00 40-702350 40-702350/1-L 1928-31, Roadster, Chrome, Non-locking A-702350-O ........................................... each 30.00 1928-31, Roadster, Stainless, Non-locking A-702350-SS ......................................... each 30.00 1932-33, Roadster, Stainless, Non-locking B-702350-SS ............................................ pair 62.00 1928-29, Coupe and Tudor, Closed Car, Locking A-702350-AL ......................................... each 40.00 1930-31, Coupe & Tudor and Pickup, Locking A-702350-BL ......................................... each 40.00 1928-29, Coupe and Tudor, Closed Car, Non-locking A-702351-A ........................................... each 30.00 LOWER METAL CHANNEL 1930-36, For Rear Roll-Up Window, glass sets in this channel B-47106 ................................................. each 10.00 1930-31, Coupe, Tudor & Pickup, Closed Car, Nonlocking A-702351-B ........................................... each 30.00 1928-29 Closed Cab Pickup, Non-locking A-702350-P ........................................... each 35.00 1932 Pasenger, Chrome Plated, Right Hand, except 3-Window, Non-locking B-702350 ................................................ each 29.00 1932 As Above, Left Hand B-702351 ................................................ each REAR ROLL-DOWN REGUALTOR 1928-31 Fordor, Right Hand also 1930-36 Rear Roll Down A-48105-B ............................................. each 38.00 BACK WINDOW REGULATOR HANDLE 1930-32, Coupe and Fordor, with rear roll down window, die cast chrome B-724470 .............................................. each 12.00 1933-36, Coupe with roll down rear window and 1933-34 Fordor Quarter Window 40-724470 ............................................ each 12.00 Page 124 29.00 1932 Passenger, Chrome Plated, except 3-Window, Locking B-702350/1-L ............................................ pair 75.00 1932 Passenger, Stainless Steel, except 3-Window, Non-locking B-702350/1 ............................................... pair 95.00 1933-34 Passenger and 1932 3-Window Coupe, Chrome Plated, Right Hand, Non-locking 40-702350 .............................................. each 29.00 1933-34 As Above, Left Hand 40-702351 .............................................. each 29.00 1933-34 Passenger and 1932 3-W Coupe, Locking, Chrome Plated 40-702350/1-L ......................................... pair 75.00 1933-34 and 1932 3W Coupe, Stainless Steel, Non-locking 40-702350/1 ............................................ pair 95.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1932-34 PICKUP 1932-34 Pickup, Chrome 46-702350 ............................................. each 30.00 1935-36, Pickup, Chrome 50-702350 ............................................. each 1941 Passenger, Chrome, Closed Car 11A-702350 ............................................ each 30.00 30.00 1942-46 Passenger, Chrome, Closed Car 21A-702350 ............................................ each 30.00 1947-48 Passenger, Chrome, Closed Car 6A-702350 .............................................. each 30.00 1935 1935 Passenger, Chrome 48-702350 ............................................. each 1936 LATE 30.00 1936 EARLY 1936 Passenger, Early, Chrome 68-702350-A .......................................... each 30.00 1936 Passenger, Late and 1937 Pickup, Chrome 68-702350-B .......................................... each 30.00 1937 Passenger, Chrome 78-702350 .............................................. each 30.00 1928-38 Passenger and 1928-47 Pickup, Exterior Door Handle Screws, metal frame doors, 4 stainless steel screws 1104 ..................................................... set of 4 1.00 OUTSIDE DOOR HANDLE PADS 1928-31 Open Car, molded rubber A-702356 .................................................. pair 1938 Standard and 1938-47 Pickup, Chrome 81A-702350-A ........................................ each 30.00 1938 Deluxe, Chrome 81A-702350-B ........................................ each 30.00 1939 Passenger, Deluxe, Chrome 91A-702350 ............................................ each 30.00 1940 Passenger, Chrome, except convertible O1A-702350 .......................................... each 30.00 1940 Passenger, Chrome, convertible O1A-702350-A ....................................... each 40.00 3.00 1928-34 Closed Car and 1928-36 Pickup, molded rubber with bead as original B-702356 ................................................... pair 3.00 1935-37 Closed Car and 1937-47 Pickup 48-702356 ................................................. pair 3.00 1938-39 Passenger 81A-702356 ............................................... pair 6.00 1940 Closed Car 99A-702356 ............................................... pair 6.00 1940, Convertible O1A-6622428 ............................................ pair 6.00 Page 125 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 A-702780-A INSIDE DOOR HANDLES AND WINDOW CRANKS INSIDE DOOR HANDLES 1928-31, Coupe and Tudor A-702400-A ........................................... each 1928-31, Sleeve Nut for A-702400-A A-702400-SN ......................................... each 10.00 2.00 1928-31, Open Cars and 1933-34 Roadster/Phaeton A-702400-C ........................................... each 15.00 1932 Passenger, Door Handle, Chrome B-702400 ................................................ each 12.00 1932 Passenger, Window Crank, Chrome Knob B-702780 ................................................ each 10.00 1932-34 Pickup, Door Handle, Chrome 46-702400 .............................................. each 12.00 1932-34 Pickup, Window Crank, Chrome 46-702780 .............................................. each 12.00 1933-34, Passenger, Door Handle, Chrome 40-702400 .............................................. each 12.00 1933-34, Window Crank with Chrome Knob 40-702780 .............................................. each 15.00 INSIDE WINDOW RISERS 1928-31 A-702780-A ............................................ each 9.50 1930-31 Victoria A-400 and some Fordors B-702780 ............................................... each 10.00 1932 INSIDE DOOR HANDLES 1932, Roadster-Phaeton 18-702400-S ............................................ pair 50.00 DOOR HANDLE ESCUTCHEONS 1932 Open Car and 1930-31 Deluxe Phaeton, chrome plated, set includes 2 escutcheons with 2 back plates B-46270-AS .............................................. set 17.00 1935, Closed Car and Pickup, Door Handle, Chrome 48-702400-A ........................................... each 12.00 1935, Passenger and Pickup, Window Crank with Chrome Knob 48-702780 .............................................. each 10.00 OPEN CAR DOOR HANDLE CONTROL RODS 1932, Roadster 18-702401-R ............................................. pair 9.00 1936, Closed Car and 1936-37 Pickup, Door Handle, Chrome 68-702400-A .......................................... each 12.00 DOOR HANDLE & WINDOW CRANK FASTENING PINS 1932-48 Passenger, except 1940 Deluxe, and 1932-47 Pickup, Steel Pins B-46250-P ......................................... set of 10 3.00 1940, Deluxe O1A-46250-P ....................................... set of 4 Page 126 1935, Roadster-Phaeton, Door Handle, Chrome 48-702400-B ........................................... each 14.00 1.00 1936, Window Crank with Chrome Knob 68-702780 .............................................. each 10.00 1936, Roadster-Phaeton, Door Handle, Chrome 68-702400-B .......................................... each 30.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 ESCUTCHEON PLATES B-48139-A B-48137 1937 Passenger, Door Handle, Chrome 78-702400-A .......................................... each 12.00 1937, Deluxe, Window Crank, Chrome 78-702780-C .......................................... each 12.00 1928-48 All, Spring that fits under the Escutcheon B-48137 ................................................... each 1.00 Universal Spring Loaded, Chrome Plated, Universal, fits both the Door and Window Handle B-48139-A ............................................... each 7.00 A-48139-B 1938 and 1938-47 Pickup, Door Handle, Chrome 81A-702400-A ....................................... each 12.00 1938 Passenger and 1938-47 Pickup, Window Crank 81A-702780-A ....................................... each 17.50 1939 Pass. and ‘40 Standard, Door Handle, Chrome 91A-702400-A ....................................... each 12.00 1939 Pass.& 1940 Standard, Window Crank, Chrome 91A-702780-C ....................................... each 12.00 1940, Deluxe, Door Handle, Chrome O1A-702400-C ...................................... each 10.00 1940, Deluxe, Window Crank, Chrome O1A-702780-C ...................................... each 12.00 1940, Deluxe, Window Crank, Dip Painted, Tan Knob O1A-702780-B ....................................... each 20.00 1940, Deluxe, Door Handle, Dip Painted O1A-702400-B ....................................... each 1941-48 Passenger, Door Handle, Chrome 11A-702400 ........................................... each 1941-48 Passenger, Window Crank, Chrome 11A-702780-C ....................................... each 15.00 10.00 12.00 1946 Passenger, Window Crank with knob, Blue Gray 51A-7023342-B ..................................... each 18.00 1946-48 Passenger, Window Crank with knob, Gray/ Tan 51A-7023342-C ..................................... each 18.00 A-46270 40-48139-A 1928-31, Inside Door Handle Escutcheon, Chrome A-46270 .................................................. each 5.00 1928-31, Window Handle Escutcheon, Chrome A-48139-B .............................................. each 5.00 1932-34, Closed Car, Stainless Steel 40-48139-A ............................................. each 6.00 1932-34 Pickup, Stainless Steel 46-48139-C ............................................. each 6.00 1935-36 Closed Car & 1935-37 Pickup, Stainless Steel 48-48139-C ............................................. each 6.00 1937, Closed Car, Stainless Steel 78-48139-SS ........................................... each 6.00 1938-39 and ‘40 Standard, Stainless Steel 91A-48139-C ........................................... each 6.00 1938-47 1940 1941-48 1938-47 Pickup, Stainless Steel, Spring Loaded 91C-48139 .............................................. each 9.00 1940, Deluxe, Polished Stainless Steel O1A-48139-SS ........................................ each 6.00 1940, Deluxe, Sand O1A-48139-B .......................................... each 4.00 1941-48 Passenger, Polished Stainless 11A-48139-SS ......................................... each 9.00 1946, Super Deluxe, Metallic Blue/Gray 51A-48139-B ........................................... each 9.00 1946, Convertible, Wagon and Sportsman, Gray/Tan 51A-48139-C ........................................... each 9.00 1947-48 Passenger, All, Gray/Tan 6A-48139-A ............................................. each 9.00 Page 127 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 11A-7023410-DK DOOR GARNISH MOLDING O1A-7022916/7 VENT WINDOW LEVER HANDLES 1940-48, Vent Window Handle, Coupe, Sedan and Convertible, Chrome Die Cast, includes Buttons and Hardware, for flip-out style windows O1A-7022916/7 ....................................... pair 55.00 1941-48, Includes 2 Chrome Window Cranks and 2 Stainless Steel Escutcheons, for crank-out style windows 11A-7023410-DK ........................................ kit 38.00 1941-48, Vent Window Crank, Chrome 11A-7023410 ......................................... each 1928-29, Coupe and Tudor A-342-A .................................................. pair 1928-29, Closed Cab Pickup A-842-A .................................................. pair 1930-31, Coupe A-342-B .................................................. pair 99.00 99.00 99.00 1930-31, Tudor and Closed Cab Pickup A-442-B .................................................. pair 99.00 1928-31, Tudor Sedan, for Rear Side Window A-442-ABR ............................................. pair 99.00 12.00 40-702420-A VENT WINDOW ESCUTCHEON 1946, Blue/Gray 51A-7023404-B ....................................... each 1946-48, Gray/Tan 51A-7023404-C ....................................... each 1941-48, Stainless 48-48139-C ............................................. each 40-702420-B 3.50 INSIDE DOOR PULLS 3.50 1933, Also used on some 1932’s, Chrome 40-702420-A ............................................ pair 70.00 4.00 1934, Also used on some 1935’s 40-702420-B ............................................ pair 50.00 VENT LEVER SHAFT AND BRACKET 1940-48, Stainless Steel, repair kit with mounting rivets O1A-7022938 ......................................... each 15.00 FRONT DOOR HINGE KIT VENT WINDOW REGULATOR REPAIR KIT 1941-48, includes gear, spring and rivets 11A-7023402-GR .................................. each 1937-40. Passenger, Hinges for both doors. All hardware and instructions are included. 78-702456-K .............................................. kit 225.00 35.00 DOOR HINGE A-56665-R A-56666 DOOR ARM REST 1928-31 Closed Car, Lower, cast bronze, undrilled A-46300-L ............................................... each 80.00 1932-48 Passenger, front, with padding & hardware A-56665-R ............................................... pair 75.00 1928-31 Closed Car, Center, As Above A-46300-C .............................................. each 80.00 1932-34 Tudor, Fordor and Victoria, rear, pad w/Clips A-56666 ................................................... pair 90.00 1928-31 Closed Car, Upper, As Above A-46300-U .............................................. each 80.00 Page 128 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1929-31 1928 A-35710 PICKUP DOOR LATCHES OPEN CAR DOOR LATCHES 1928, Roadster, Door Latch Assemblies A-35655/56-AR ....................................... pair 40.00 1929-31, Right Side A-35655-B ............................................ each 18.00 1929-31, Left Side A-35656-B ............................................ each 18.00 1928-29, Door Latch Knob, chrome plated, open cars A-35710 ................................................. each 7.00 A-46105-A 1932-34 Pickup Door Latches, Right Hand 46-21012 .............................................. each pair 1932-34 Pickup Door Latches, Left Hand 46-21013 .............................................. each pair 1935-37 Pickup, with Remotes 50-811850/1 ........................................... pair 210.00 420.00 210.00 420.00 250.00 1938-47 Pickup, with Remotes 81C-811850/1 ........................................ pair 250.00 78-702251 A-46125-S CLOSED CAR DOOR LATCHES DOOR LATCH SPRINGS 1928-29, Coupe and Tudor, Right Hand A-46105-A ............................................ each 30.00 1928-29, Coupe and Tudor, Left Hand A-46106-A ............................................ each 30.00 1930-31, Coupe, Tudor and Pickup, Right Hand A-46105-B ............................................ each 30.00 1930-31, Coupe, Tudor and Pickup, Left Hand A-46106-B ............................................ each 1932 5 Window Door Latches, Right Hand B-20012 ............................................... each pair 1932 5 Window Door Latches, Left Hand B-20013 ............................................... each pair 702267 30.00 200.00 400.00 200.00 400.00 1937 Closed Car, NOS, Passenger side 78-702251 ............................................. each 50.00 1938-40, Closed Car, New Reproduction 81A-702250 ............................................ pair 150.00 1928-31, Closed Car, except 1928-29 Closed Cab Pickup, 7 pieces A-46125-S ................................................. set 6.00 1932 Passenger, Closed Car, Black B-702267 .................................................. each 5.00 1933-34 Passenger, Closed Car, Green 40-702267 ............................................... each 5.00 1935-36 Early, Closed Car, Yellow 68-702267 ............................................... each 5.00 1936 Late and 1937 Closed Car and 1935-47 Pickup, Brown 78-702267 ............................................... each 5.00 1938-40, Closed Car, Light Blue 81A-702267 ............................................. each 5.00 1938-40 Passenger, Closed Car, White 81A-702267-A ......................................... each 5.00 1941-48 Passenger, Closed Car, Dark Blue 11A-702267 ............................................. each 5.00 1941-48 Passenger, Closed Car, Red 11A-702267-A ......................................... each 5.00 Page 129 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 B-162592-L6 B-702268 B-42150-B 11A-702268 REMOTE SPRING FOR INSIDE DOOR HANDLE RUBBER DOOR CHECK STRAPS 1932-40, The spring that controls the inside door handle lock “detent” position. Spring steel as original B-702268 .................................................. each 5.00 1928-48, Loop Type, 6” B-162592-L6 ........................................... each 6.00 1941-48, As above 11A-702268 .............................................. each 1928-48, Loop Type, 7” B-162592-L7 ........................................... each 6.00 1928-48, Loop Type, 8” B-162592-L8 ........................................... each 6.00 1928-48, Door Check Strap Bracket, Chrome B-42150-B .............................................. each 2.00 5.00 81A-732412/3 DOOR HANDLE REMOTE PIVOT MOUNT 1938-40, Coupe, Convertible, Fordor (front), Sedan Delivery, Right and Left Hand, complete with latch arms pre-connected 81A-732412/3 ........................................... pair 50.00 DOOR CHECK STRAPS 1928-36, Flat type “T” shaped, molded rubber with woven nylon inside B-162592-T ............................................. each 8.00 DOOR CHECK BRACKET 1928-36, Cadmium Plated B-162592-S ............................................. each DOOR LATCH REMOTE RODS 4.00 This is the rod that links the inside door handle to the door latch. One kit does both doors. Includes the retainer plates, return spring and mounting screws. 1928-29 Coupe and 1928-31 Tudor and 1930-31 Pickup. A-702401-A ................................... kit 30.00 1930-31 Coupe, as above A-702401-B ............................................... kit 30.00 LEATHER DOOR CHECK STRAP KIT DOOR HINGE PIN Hinge Pin Remover Tool—see page 145 1928-31, Closed Car, Plain 1167 ....................................................... each 1.50 1928-31, Closed Car, Stainless 1167-SS ................................................. each 3.00 1932-48, Plain Steel B-1167 ..................................................... each 1932-48, Stainless Steel B-1167-SS ............................................... each 1932-48, Stainless Steel, Oversize (.344) B-1167-OSS ............................................ each Page 130 1928-32, Open Car, includes Stainless Brackets A-702828-S .............................................. pair 24.00 B-702828-S DOOR CHECK ARM KIT 1.50 1928-48, Metal Arm with Rubber Bumper B-702828-S ............................................... pair 3.00 1932-48, Stainless Steel Arm with Rubber Bumper B-702828-SST ............................................ pair 30.00 7.00 1932-48, Rubber Bumper only B-46590-A .................................................. pair 7.50 3.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 STRIKER PLATES B-35705 A-46137 FEMALE DOVETAIL ASSEMBLY 1932-36, Open Car, Painted Steel B-35576-AS ............................................. pair 18.00 1928-31, Coupes, Tudors & Pickups, steel, with screw A-46137 .................................................. each 5.00 1932-36, Open Car, Stainless Steell B-35576-ASS ........................................... pair 25.00 1932, 3 Window Coupe B-702340 ................................................. each 8.00 1932-34, Closed Car, Cabriolet & Pickup, Painted Steel 40-35576-AS ........................................... pair 25.00 1928-32, Roadster-Phaeton B-35705 ................................................... each 8.00 1932-34, As Above, Stainless Steel 40-35576-SS ........................................... pair 35.00 1932, Roadster, Polished Stainless Steel, with screws B-35705-SS ............................................ each 15.00 1935-40, Closed Car and 1935-41 Pickup 78-702570 ............................................... pair 20.00 1941-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup 11A-702570 ............................................. pair 20.00 1932-34, Closed Car & Pickup, except 3 window Coupe 40-702340-A ........................................... each 9.00 1932-34, As Above, Stainless Steel 40-702340-SS ........................................ each 12.00 MALE DOVETAILS 1935-39, Passenger and 1935-47 Commercial 81A-702340 ............................................. each 10.00 1928-31, Two-hole Dove Tail, Open Car, Coupes and Tudors, chrome A-76819 ................................................. each 4.00 1935-39, As Above, Stainless Steel 81A-702340-SS ....................................... each 12.00 1932, Closed Car and 1932-34 Pickup, Stainless Steel 18-35577 ................................................. each 8.00 1932-36, Open Car 40-35577-B ............................................. each 8.00 1933-40, Closed Car and 1935-41 Pickup, Stainless 40-35577-A ............................................. each 8.00 1941-48 Passenger, All and 1942-47 Pickup, Stainless 11A-35577-A .......................................... each 7.00 91A-7622010-S 1939-40, Convertible, ready for paint 91A-7622010 ........................................... each 20.00 1939-40, Convertible, polished Stainless Steel 91A-7622010-S ....................................... each 20.00 01A-702340 1932-34 1935-40 1941-49 FEMALE DOVETAIL REPAIR KIT 1932-34 Closed Car & Pickup, 1932-36 Cabriolet, includes Die Cast Wedges and Springs. Does one door B-702574-RK ............................................... kit 8.00 1935-40 Passenger and 1935-41 Pickup, As Above 48-702574-RK ............................................. kit 7.00 1941-48 Passenger and 1942-47 Pickup, As Above 11A-702574-RK ........................................... kit 7.00 11A-702340 1940, Closed Car and 1941-48 Station Wagon, Chrome O1A-702340 ............................................. each 9.00 1940, Striker Plate Pads O1A-7022026 ............................................ pair 4.00 1941-48 Passenger, Chrome 11A-702340 .............................................. each 12.00 1941-48, Striker Plate Pads 11A-7022026 .............................................. pair 4.00 Page 131 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 DOOR LOCK ESCUTCHEON MODEL “A” SUN VISORS 1936, Roadster-Phaeton, Chrome 68-7622012 ............................................. pair 30.00 1937-40 All, Open Cars 78-7622012 ............................................. pair 1928-29, Coupe and Sedan A-317-A .................................................. each 70.00 30.00 1928-29, Closed Cab Pickup A-817-A .................................................. each 95.00 1930-31 A-817-B ................................................. each 139.00 A-46192-A A-46272 A-46168 68-47380/82 SLIDING DOOR LOCK ASSEMBLY 1928-31, Closed Cars, slide type, Coupe and Tudor A-46168 ................................................. each 5.00 1928-31, Lock Knob A-46192-A .............................................. each 3.50 1928-31, Inside Door Lock Escutcheon, Coupe & Tudor A-46272 ................................................. each 5.00 INTERIOR SUN-VISOR BRACKET 1932, 3-Window Coupe, dog leg style, Chrome B-47380-3W .......................................... pair 100.00 1933-34, Standard, Chrome Plated 40-47380/82-A ........................................ kit 50.00 1935-48, Closed Car, Chrome Plated Bracket, ready for upholstery 68-47380/82 ............................................ pair 60.00 DOOR LOCK ASSEMBLY 1932-48, With key, replacement type 51A-7121984 .......................................... each 18.00 1932-48, With matching keys 51A-7121984-PR ..................................... pair 30.00 1942-48 SUN VISOR BRACKET 1935-41 1938-47 Pickup, chrome finish O1C-8104101-C ....................................... pair 65.00 DOOR LOCK ASSEMBLY 1935-41, As Original, Flipper has indented circle with raised notch 48-702302 .............................................. each 30.00 1942-48, As Original, Flipper has raised teardrop notch 21A-702302 ............................................ each 30.00 INTERIOR SUN VISOR LESS ARM AND BRACKET 1940-47 Pickup, Black 01C-8104104-BL .................................. each Page 132 25.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 01A-701290-A WINDSHIELD RUBBER MOLDING 1928-29, Open Car A-37199-AS .............................................. set WINDSHIELD DIVISION BAR 6.00 1928-31, Closed Car & 1932-34, Pickup, Header Seal A-60550 .................................................. each 6.00 1928-31, Closed Car & 1932-34, Pickup, Sides & Bottom B-79500-AS ............................................... set 6.00 1940, Closed Car, 1940-47 Pickup, Polished Stainless O1A-7003078 ......................................... each 50.00 1941-48 Passenger, Polished Stainless 11A-7003078 .......................................... each 50.00 WINDSHIELD INNNER DIVISION BAR 1940, Closed Car and 1940-47 Pickup O1A-7003074 ......................................... each 20.00 1930-36, Roadster-Phaeton B-37199 .................................................. each 6.00 1932,Closed Car except 3 Window Coupe 18-701290-A .......................................... each 20.00 1932, 3 Window Coupe 18-701290-D .......................................... each 25.00 1932-34, Cabriolet 18-701290-C .......................................... each 75.00 1933-34, Closed Car 40-701290-A .......................................... each 1928-36 Passenger and 1932-39 Pickup B-704220 ................................................. each 20.00 1937 Passenger, All, 38-40 Coupe, 38 Standard Sedan 78-704220-A ............................................. pair 25.00 1935-36, Closed Car and Pickup 48-701290-A .......................................... each 20.00 1938 Deluxe Sedan & 1939-40 All Sedans 81A-704220-A .......................................... pair 25.00 1935-36, Cabriolet, Station Wagon 48-701290-CC ....................................... each 100.00 1940-47 Pickup O1C-704220 ........................................... each 30.00 1937-39, Closed Car and Pickup 78-701290-A .......................................... each 20.00 1941-48 Pass., All, without groove for Chrome Molding 11A-704220 ............................................ each 30.00 1937-40, Convertible, Station Wagon 78-701290-CC ............................................ kit 75.00 1941-48, As Above, with groove for Chrome Molding 19A-704220 ............................................ each 30.00 1940 Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup O1A-701290-S ............................................ kit 75.00 1940 Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup, for street rods, with no Division Bar O1A-701290-N ...................................... each 60.00 1941-48, Closed Car without groove for outer molding 21A-701290-A ............................................ kit 75.00 1941-48, Closed Car with groove for outer molding 21A-701290-B ............................................ kit 75.00 1941, Convertible 11A-701290-C ............................................ kit 1942-48, Convertible 21A-701290-B ............................................ kit 100.00 75.00 BACK GLASS RUBBER 78-701392 81A-701392 8.00 78-701392 O1A-7003248/9 WINDSHIELD GARNISH MOLDING & CENTER CLIPS 1937 Closed Car, Center Clips, Black, ready to finish 78-701392 .............................................. each 15.00 1938-39 Closed Car, As Above 81A-701392 ............................................ each 15.00 WINDSHIELD TRIM 1940-47 Pickup, As Above, goes at top of molding O1C-8103092 ......................................... each 20.00 1937-40, Convertible and Station Wagon, Stainless Steel Windshield Trim 78-741234/5-K ........................................ pair 375.00 1940 All, Closed Car and 1940-47 Pickup, Windshield Garnish Molding, plain steel, right and left hand O1A-7003248/9 ........................................ pair 150.00 Page 133 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 7021448 7022296 VENT WINDOW RUBBER MOLDING 1940 Passenger, Coupes, Sedans, Sedan Delivery, Closed Cars O1A-7021448-S ....................................... pair 40.00 1941-48 Passenger, Coupes, Sedans, Station Wagons, Closed Cars 11A-7021448-S ....................................... pair 1940, Convertible, Open Cars O1A-7621448-S ....................................... pair 1941-48, Convertible, Open Cars 11A-7621448 ........................................... pair 40.00 100.00 100.00 VENT WINDOW GLASS EDGE SEAL 1940, Closed Car, Fuzzy Type with metal insert O1A-7022296 .......................................... pair 16.00 UPPER DOOR SEALS 1933-34, Coupe and Tudor and 1932 3-Window Coupe 40-7043724-AS ........................................ pair 10.00 1933-34, Fordor 40-7043724-B ............................................ set 15.00 1935-36, Coupe and Tudor 48-7043724-AS ........................................ pair 10.00 1935-36, Fordor 48-7043724-BS ......................................... set 15.00 1937-48, All Closed Cars, Sponge Seal fits on body 78-7043724 .............................................. pair 12.00 1940, Convertible, Molded Rubber Type with metal insert and Mounting Tabs on back O1A-7022296-A ....................................... pair 16.00 1941-48, Convertible, Molded Rubber Type with metal insert and Mounting Tabs on back 11A-7022296-A ...................................... pair 16.00 1941-42, Closed Car, Fuzzy Type with metal insert 11A-7022296 ........................................... pair 16.00 1946-48, Closed Car, Molded Rubber Type with metal insert and Mounting Tabs on back 51A-7022296 ........................................... pair 20.00 DOOR JAM SEAL UPPER DOOR SEAL 1928-29 Coupe, 1930-31 Tudor, front and 1930-31 Pickup A-19008-A .............................................. pair 15.00 1935-36 Passenger, All 48-701884-5 ............................................. pair 25.00 1937-40, Convertible 78-711686-7 ............................................. pair 30.00 1928-31,Tudor, front A-19008-A .............................................. pair 15.00 1928-31, Tudor, rear A-19008-C .............................................. pair 1937-40 All, Closed Cars 81A-701884-5 ........................................... pair 25.00 15.00 1930-31, Coupe A-19008-B .............................................. pair 1941-48, Closed Car 11A-7020456-A ........................................ pair 25.00 15.00 1930-31 Pickup A-19008-A .............................................. pair 1941-48, Convertible 11A-7620456-B ........................................ pair 30.00 15.00 Page 134 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 11A-7043725-AS LOWER DOOR SEALS 1928-31, Fits Closed Car and Pickup A-19009 .................................................... pair 7.00 1932-47 Pickup 46-7043725-S ............................................ pair 8.00 1932-34, Coupe and Tudor B-7043725-AS ........................................... set 20.00 1932-34, Fordor and 1933-34 Phaeton B-7043725-BS ........................................... set 30.00 1935-36, Roadster, Coupe and Tudor 48-7043725-AS ......................................... set 20.00 1935-36, Fordor and Touring 48-7043725-BS ......................................... set 30.00 1937, Coupe and Tudor 78-7043725-AS ......................................... set 20.00 1937, Fordor Sedan and Touring 78-7043725-BS ......................................... set 30.00 1938-39, Coupe and Tudor 81A-7043725-AS ....................................... set 20.00 1938-39, Fordor Sedan 81A-7043725-BS ....................................... set 30.00 10.00 1940, Coupe and Tudor Sedan O1A-7043725-AS ...................................... set 20.00 1930-31, Coupe and Tudor and Pickup, 10-pc. set A-702610-BS ........................................... set 12.00 1940, Fordor Sedan O1A-7043725-BS ...................................... set 30.00 1928-29, Fordor, 14-piece set A-702610-CS ........................................... set 16.00 1941-48, Coupe, Tudor and Convertible Coupe 11A-7043725-AS ....................................... set 20.00 16.00 1941-48, Fordor Sedan 11A-7043725-BS ....................................... set 30.00 11A-701882-B 11A-7020535 BACK OF DOOR SEAL 1941-48, Convertible 11A-701882-A .......................................... set 12.00 1941-48, Coupe and Tudor, 9’ long 11A-701882-B .......................................... set 12.00 1941-48, Fordor 11A-701882-C .......................................... set 24.00 BACK EDGE OF LOWER DOOR SEAL 1941-48 Passenger 11A-7020535 ........................................... pair 10.00 B-46440 A-702610-BS RUBBER DOOR BUMPER SETS 1928-29, Coupe and Tudor, 10-pc. set A-702610-AS ........................................... set 1930-31, Fordor, 14-piece set A-702610-DS ........................................... set 1928-29, Roadster and Deluxe Phaeton, 12-piece set A-702610-ES ........................................... set 10.00 1930-31, Roadster and Deluxe Phaeton, 12-piece set A-702610-FS ........................................... set 10.00 DOOR BUMPERS 1932-36 Passenger and ‘32-’47 Pickup B-46440 .................................................. each 1.50 1937-48 Passenger 78-702610 ............................................... each 1.50 UPPER DOOR BUMPERS 1941-48, Closed Cars 11A-7023020 ............................................ pair DOOR SEAL KIT Includes all Seals and Bumpers to do both doors 1941-48, 2-door Sedan and Coupe, Complete Kit for both doors 11A-7020530-KIT ....................................... kit 75.00 WEATHERSTRIP ADHESIVE All Years 915 ............................................... each 12.00 3.00 Page 135 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1928-31 1933-34 1937 1940 DOOR SCUFF PLATES 1928-31, Coupe, 8” long A-46480-AS ............................................ pair 12.00 1928-31, Tudor Sedan, 19-5/8” long A-46480-BS ............................................ pair 20.00 1932, Ford Roadster Door Sill Plates, Stainless Steel B-138-1 .................................................... pair 70.00 1932, Ford, 3 Window Door Sill Plates, Stainless Steel B-238-1 .................................................... pair 70.00 MORE DOOR SCUFF PLATES 1940, 2 Door, Convertible O1A-7013250 ........................................... pair 80.00 1940, Coupe, 4 Door, Front O1A-7713250 ........................................... pair 80.00 1940, 4 Door, Rear O1A-7313262 ........................................... pair 80.00 1941-48, 2 Door, Club Coupe, Convertible, 42” door opening 11A-7013250 ............................................ pair 70.00 1941-48, 4 Door, Business Coupe, Front, 34” door opening 11A-7713250 ............................................ pair 70.00 1941-48, 4 Door, Rear 11A-7313262 ............................................ pair 70.00 1932, Ford 5 Window and Tudor, Stainless Steel B-338-1 .................................................... pair 70.00 1933-34, 2 Door, 3 Window 40-7013250 ............................................ pair 200.00 1933-34, 5 Window, 4 Door, Front 40-7713250 ............................................ pair 200.00 1933-34, Roadster 40-7113250 ............................................ pair 200.00 1933-34, Cabriolet 40-7613250 ............................................ pair 200.00 1933-34, 4 Door, Rear 40-7313262 ............................................ pair 200.00 LOWER DOOR SEAL RETAINER 1932-47 Pickup, mounts on Rocker Panel to hold lower Door Seal, right and left hand 7C-8120712-PR ....................................... pair 12.00 1941-48 1935-36, 2 Door, 3 Window, Cabriolet 48-7013250 ............................................ pair 200.00 1935-36, 5 Window, Roadster, 4 Door, Front 48-7713250 ............................................ pair 200.00 1935-36, 4 Door, Rear 48-7313262 ............................................ pair 200.00 1937, 2 Door, Club Coupe 78-7013250 ............................................ pair 200.00 1937, Business Coupe, 4 Door, Front 78-7313250 ............................................ pair 200.00 Lower Door Seal Scuff Plate Lower Door Seal Retainer 1937, 4 Door, Rear 78-7313262 ............................................ pair 200.00 1938-39, 2 Door, Convertible 81A-7013250 ........................................... pair 80.00 1938-39, Coupe, 4 Door, Front 81A-7713250 ........................................... pair 1941-48, 2 Door, Club Coupe, 42” door opening 11A-7013224 ............................................ pair 75.00 80.00 1938-39, 4 Door, Rear 81A-7313262 ........................................... pair 80.00 1941-48, 4 Door Front and Business Coupe, 34” door opening 11A-7313224 ............................................ pair 75.00 Continued next column Page 136 LOWER DOOR SEAL RETAINER 1941-48, 4 Door, Rear 11A-7313252 ............................................ pair 75.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 QUARTER GLASS RUBBER TRUNK AND RUMBLE SEAL KITS 1928-48, Coupe, 6’, enough for both Quarter Windows B-773540 .................................................. 6 ft. 8.00 1932-34 All B-7043720 .................................................. kit 15.00 1932, 5-Window Coupe, ends bonded B-7029904-B ........................................... pair 20.00 1935-36, Tudor and Fordor Sedan 48-7043720 ................................................ kit 25.00 1933-34, 5-Window Coupe, ends bonded 40-7029904-B .......................................... pair 20.00 1935-39, Coupe/Roadster with Rumble 48-7043720-B ............................................. kit 30.00 1935-36, 5-Window Coupe, ends bonded 48-7029904-B .......................................... pair 20.00 1935-36, Coupe/Roadster without Rumble 48-7043720-A ............................................. kit 35.00 1937-40, Coupe, ends bonded 78-7029904-B .......................................... pair 20.00 1937-48, Trunk, Universal 78-7043720 ................................................ kit 25.00 1938 Deluxe and 1939-40 Tudor & Fordor Sedans, with molded corners 81A-713540 ............................................... kit 55.00 REAR QUARTER VENT WINDOW RUBBER 1939-40 Coupe, with molded corners 91A-713540 ................................................ kit 55.00 1940, Convertible, with molded corners O1A-713540 ............................................... kit 55.00 1936, 4-Dr. Sedan, Flip-out Type 68-7329904-PR ...................................... pair 175.00 1938-40, 4-Dr. Sedan, Flip-out Type 81A-7329904-PR .................................... pair 1941-48, Coupe and Convertible, with molded corners 11A-713540 ................................................ kit 55.00 100.00 1941-46 Early Sedan Coupe 19A-7229904/5-B ................................... pair 1941-48, 2-Dr. & 4-Dr. Sedan, with molded corners 21A-7043720 .............................................. kit 55.00 100.00 1941-48, 4-Dr. 11A-7042559-SPR ................................. pair 85.00 1946 Late and 1947-48 Sedan Coupe 51A-7229904/5-A ................................... pair 100.00 TRUNK SEAL CLIP KIT 1941-48, 8 pc. Kit holds seal in the upper corners 11A-7244817-HK ......................................... kit 7.00 GLASS SETS TRUNK LID BUMPERS 1928-34, Trunk and Rumble Lid, round bumpers only B-41518-S ................................................ pair 3.00 Complete Pickup Glass Sets available in Clear, Green, Smoke Gray or Bronze. Includes Windshield, Vent, Door and Back Window. Normal Shipping in 2-4 weeks. Call for current pricing Available individually or in complete sets! 1940, Coupe and Convertible O1A-7243800 ............................................ pair 4.00 1941-48, Coupe and Convertible 11A-7243800-A ........................................ pair 4.00 Page 137 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 CONVERTIBLE AND CABRIOLET PARTS 11A-760-K WINDSHIELD POST TO DOOR SEALS 1935-39, Convertible, not Roadster and Phaeton 68-740928/9 ............................................ pair 35.00 1940, Convertible O1A-740928/9 ......................................... pair 35.00 CONVERTIBLE SUNVISOR AND LATCH KIT 1940, Stainless Steel 01A-660-K ............................................... kit 1000.00 1941-48 Stainless Steel 11A-760-K ............................................... kit 1000.00 TOP BOW SEAL 1935-36, Cabriolet and 1937-40 Convertible 48-7651312 ............................................ each 8.00 1941-48, Convertible Header Bow Seal on Windshield 11A-7651312 .......................................... each 8.00 1941-48, Convertible Header Bow Seal on Bow 11A-7651330 .......................................... each 8.00 CONVERTIBLE SUNVISOR KIT 1940, Stainless Steel, Sunvisors and Center Latch 01A-6604145-K ........................................ kit 600.00 1941-48 As Above 11A-7604144-K ........................................ kit 600.00 STAINLESS WINDOW CHANNEL CABRIOLET AND CONVERTIBLE 1932-39, Stainless Channel, fits on windshield uprights, rubber slides in this. 30” stick, 1” wide 18-45983-SS ......................................... each 10.00 1940-48, As Above, 3/4” wide O1A-45983-SS ...................................... each CONVERTIBLE TOP LATCHES 1940, Stainless Steel 01A-6603463-K .............................. 3 pc. set 600.00 1941-48, As Above 11A-6603463-K .............................. 3 pc. set 600.00 10.00 CONVERTIBLE WINDOW RUBBER 1932-39, Fits in metal retainer on top bows and on windhsield post, 30” length x 1” wide 18-45983 ................................................. each 6.00 1940-48, As Above, 3/4” wide O1A-45983 ............................................. each Page 138 6.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 CONVERTIBLE AND CABRIOLET PARTS CONVERTIBLE TOP IRON SHOULDER BOLTS CONVERTIBLE DOOR WINDOW FRAME SEAL 1935-48, Seals between Glass and Window Frame 48-7621478 .................................. per window 10.00 1939-48, Polished Stainless Steel, set of 16 bolts LS-1005 .................................................... set 225.00 TOP HOLD DOWN SCREWS CONVERTIBLE COUPE QUARTER TO TOP BOW PADS 1937-39 78-763244/5-B ......................................... pair 40.00 1940 O1A-6628530/1 ....................................... pair 40.00 1935, Open Car 48-7650820 ............................................ each 20.00 1936, Open Car 68-7650820 ............................................ each 15.00 1937-39, Convertible, for Windshield header, 3 required 78-7650820-A ......................................... each 15.00 1937-39, Convertible, Center Pillar, 4 required 78-7650820-B ......................................... each 15.00 1937-39, Coupe and Cabriolet, Top Iron, 2 required 78-7650820-C ........................................ each 15.00 21A-7621478 CONVERTIBLE QUARTER WINDOW FRAME SEAL 1942-48, Seals between Glass and Window Frame 21A-7621478 ........................................... pair 15.00 CONVERTIBLE QUARTER WINDOW CRANKS AND ESCUTCHEONS 1941-48, Street Rod, Chrome, Stainless Escutcheons, 2 Handles and 2 Escutcheons 11A-7923410-DK ....................................... kit 40.00 21A-7630106/7 CONVERTIBLE QUARTER WINDOW FRONT EDGE SEAL 1942-48, Seals between Quarter Window and Door Window 21A-7630106/7 ........................................ pair 45.00 DOOR CATCH BUMPER KIT 1940, Convertible, 8 piece set O1A-702610 ................................................ kit 8.00 RADIO ANTENNA HOLE PLUG 1941-48 Convertible and 1946-48 Sportsman, use this plug when original antenna is not used. 11A-7603454-R ........................................ each 8.00 Page 139 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 A-1033 WOOD KITS 1928-29, Tudor, Top Wood Kit A-1025 ...................................................... kit 543.00 1930-31, Tudor, Top Wood Kit A-1027 ...................................................... kit 549.00 1928-29, Coupe, Top Wood Kit A-1028 ...................................................... kit 442.00 1930-31, Coupe, Top Wood Kit A-1031 ...................................................... kit 442.00 1930-31 Pickup, Closed Cab, Top Wood Kit A-1035 ...................................................... kit 379.00 1928-31 Pickup, Bed Wood Kit A-1225 ...................................................... kit 235.00 ROOF SEAL 1932-34, Coupe 40-705018-A ........................................... each 15.00 1932-34, Sedan 40-705018-B ........................................... each 18.00 1935-36, Coupe 48-705018-A ........................................... each 25.00 1935-36, Sedan 48-705018-B ........................................... each 30.00 Body Wood Kits and V-8 Wood available, call for prices! KICK PANEL RETAINER TRIM 1937-48 Passenger, 22” long, fit other years by trimming, Stainless Steel BAAA-8102354-SS .................................. pair 30.00 CONVERTIBLE REAR WINDOW FRAME 1932 7” X 20-5/8”, outer stainless, inner tan WFBR .................................................... each 225.00 1932 7” X 20-5/8”, outer stainless, inner Chrome WFBRC ................................................. each 269.00 1933-34, 4-15/16” X 24-3/4”, outer stainless, inner Chrome WFCR .................................................... each 269.00 DOOR PANEL CLIPS All Years, holds door panels to doors, set of 50 B-20015 ..................................................... set 15.00 1933-34, 4-15/16” X 24-3/4”, outer stainless, inner Tan WFBRSP ............................................... each 225.00 1935-36, 6-7/8” X 24-3/4”, outer stainless, inner tan WFDR .................................................... each 225.00 1940, 6” X 20-15/16”, outer stainless, inner tan WFEC .................................................... each 225.00 1940, As Above, inner Chrome WFECSP ............................................... each 269.00 1941-48, 8” X 22-15/16, outer stainless, inner Tan WFFC .................................................... each 225.00 Page 140 SEAT BELTS 1928-48, Black with chrome buckle, Universal, 75” 7C-8123100 .................................. each 29.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 SEAT SPRINGS COUPE ’28-’29, Front Cushion and Backrest ........... Call for pricing ‘30-’31, Front Cushion and Backrest ............ Call for pricing ROADSTER ‘28-’29, Front Cushion and Backrest ............ Call for pricing ‘30-’31, Front Cushion and Backrest ............ Call for pricing TUDOR SEDAN ‘28-’31, Front Cushion and Backrest, 4 pcs. . Call for pricing ‘28-’31, Rear Cushion and Backrest, 2 pcs. .. Call for pricing RUMBLE SEAT ‘28-’31, Coupe & Rdstr. Cushion & Backrest Call for pricing PICKUP TRUCK ‘28-’29, Closed Cab Cushion and Backrest .. Call for pricing ‘28-’29, Roadster PU Cushion & Backrest .... Call for pricing ‘30-’31, Closed Cab Cushion and Backrest .. Call for pricing COUPE ‘32 5/W Front Cushion & Backrest ............... Call for pricing ‘32 3/W Front Cushion & Backrest ............... Call for pricing ‘33-’34 3/W Front Cushion & Backrest ......... Call for pricing ‘33-’34 5/W Front Cushion & Backrest ......... Call for pricing ‘35-’36 Front Cushion & Backrest ................ Call for pricing ROADSTER ‘32 Front Cushion & Backrest ...................... Call for pricing ‘33-’34 Front Cushion & Backrest ................ Call for pricing ‘35-’36 Front Cushion & Backrest ................ Call for pricing RUMBLE SEAT ’32 5/W Cushion & Backrest ........................ Call for pricing ’32 3/W Cushion & Backrest ........................ Call for pricing ’32 Roadster Cushion & Backrest ................ Call for pricing ’33-’34 Roadster Cushion & Backrest .......... Call for pricing ’34 5/W Cushion & Backrest ........................ Call for pricing ’35-’36 Coupe Cushion & Backrest .............. Call for pricing ’35-’36 Roadster Cushion & Backrest .......... Call for pricing PICKUP TRUCK ‘32 Front Cushion & Backrest ...................... Call for pricing ‘33-’34 Front Cushion & Backrest ................ Call for pricing ‘35-41 Front Cushion & Backrest ................. Call for pricing FLOOR MATS These are exact duplicates of the original Floor Mats. All Floor Mats have Jute backing as applicable. Some Pickups had no Jute backing. 47 48 49 51 54 55 52 53 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 66 67 68 69 1928-29, Brake to front, Black ...... 1929-31, Brake to the right, Black . 1932, Coupe/Roadster/Touring, Front, Taupe .................................. 1933-34 Passenger, 2-pc., Taupe . 1935, Front, Black .......................... 1935, Front, Tan ............................. 1936 Passenger, Front, Taupe ...... 1936, Passenger, Front, Black ....... 1937-39, Front, Black ..................... 1937-39, Front, Tan ....................... 1940, Front, Black .......................... 1940, Front, Tan ............................. 1938-40, Trunk, Coupe and Convertible, Black ......................... 1938-40, Trunk, Sedan, Black ....... 1935-39 Pickup, Front, must trim ... 1940-41 Pickup, Front, Black ......... 1941-48, Front, Black ..................... 1941-48, Trunk, Coupe and Convertible, Black ......................... 1941-48, Trunk, Sedan, Black ....... 1942-47 Pickup, Black ................... each each 55.00 62.00 each each each each each each each each each each 160.00 160.00 130.00 160.00 160.00 130.00 130.00 160.00 130.00 160.00 each each each each each 130.00 130.00 130.00 130.00 130.00 each each each 130.00 130.00 130.00 TUDOR SEDAN ‘32 Front Cushion & Backrest, 4 pieces ....... Call for pricing ‘32 Rear Cushion & Backrest, 2 pieces ........ Call for pricing ‘33-’34 Front Cushion & Backrest, 4 pieces . Call for pricing ‘33-’34 Rear Cushion & Backrest, 2 pieces .. Call for pricing Page 141 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 Originally came in two styles: We carry this style Hood Side Trim Quarter Trim Upper Grille Molding Set Rear Fender Trim 1939 COWL MOLDING 91A-700328/9 .......................................... pair 30.00 FRONT DOOR MOLDING 91A-7020934 Tudor, Right Hand ............ 91A-7020935 Tudor, Left Hand ............... 91A-7320934 Fordor, Coupe, Right Hand 91A-7320935 Fordor, Coupe, Left hand .. 91A-7720934 Convertible, Right Hand .... 91A-7720935 Convertible, Left Hand ...... each each each each each each 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 REAR QUARTER MOLDING 91A-7029034 Tudor, Right Hand ............ 91A-7029035 Tudor, Left Hand ............... 91A-7629034 Convertible, Right Hand .... 91A-7629035 Convertible, Left Hand ...... 91A-7729034 Coupe, Right Hand ........... 91A-7729035 Coupe, Left Hand .............. each each each each each each 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 HOOD SIDE MOLDING 91A-16722-B Deluxe, Upper Right .......... each 50.00 91A-16723-B Deluxe, Upper Left ............ each 50.00 91A-16724-B Deluxe, Lower Left or Right each 32.00 1940 COWL MOLDING O1A-700328/9 ......................................... pair 30.00 FRONT DOOR MOLDING O1A-7020934 Convertible & Tudor, R.H. O1A-7020935 Convertible & Tudor, L.H. O1A-7320934 Coupe & Fordor, R.H. ..... O1A-7320935 Coupe & Fordor, L.H. ...... each each each each 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 REAR QUARTER MOLDING O1A-6629044-B Convertible, Right Hand O1A-6629045-B Convertible, Left Hand .. O1A-7029034 Tudor, Right Hand ......... O1A-7029035 Tudor, Left Hand ........... O1A-7729034 Coupe, Right Hand ....... O1A-7729035 Coupe, Left Hand .......... each each each each each each 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 HOOD SIDE MOLDING O1A-16722-A Standard, Right Hand ....... O1A-16723-A Standard, Left Hand ......... O1A-16722-B Deluxe, Right Hand .......... O1A-16723-B Deluxe, Left Hand ............. each each each each 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 Page 142 Running Board Trim DoorT rim Cowl Trim Front Fender Trim (Upper) Grille Bar Trim Front Fender Trim (Lower) 1947-48 COWL MOLDING 6A-7002328/9-B ...................................... pair 90.00 FRONT DOOR MOLDING 6A-7020934/5-B Long Door, 2-Dr. Sedan, Club Coupe ................... pair 160.00 6A-7320934/5-B Short Door, 4-Dr. Front or Business Coupe ........ pair 160.00 REAR QUARTER MOLDING 6A-7029034/5-B 2-Dr. Sedan ................... pair 200.00 6A-7629034/5-B Club Coupe and Convertible .................... pair 200.00 HOOD SIDE MOLDING 6A-16722/3-B All ...................................... pair 160.00 FRONT FENDER TRIM (Upper) 6A-16003 All, R.H. ................................. each 6A-16004 All, L.H. .................................. each 60.00 60.00 FRONT FENDER TRIM (Lower) R.H. & L.H. 6A-16168/9 All ........................................... pair 65.00 REAR FENDER TRIM 6A-16196-A All, R.H. ................................ each 60.00 6A-16197-A All, L.H. ................................ each 60.00 RUNNING BOARD TRIM, R.H. & L.H. 6A-16466/7 All ........................................... pair 100.00 GRILLE BAR TRIM (3 Piece Set) 51A-8332 All, 1946 & early ‘47 w/groove across face. ......................... set 140.00 6A-8332 All, smooth face, also fits ‘46 ........ set 140.00 1946-48 UPPER GRILLE MOLDING 51A-8170/1-K 1946 car, red vertical grooves as original. ............ set 295.00 6A-8170/1-K 1947-48 car, no vertical grooves, also fits ‘46 ............. set 295.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 g al Moldin Individu ailable v a Clips TRIM CLIP SETS 5.00 1935, includes Grille and Hood sides, set of 66 48-20000 ............................................................ set 18.00 1935, Radiator Grille, set of 34 48-20001 ............................................................ set 9.00 1935, Side of Hood , set of 32 48-20004 ............................................................ set 9.00 1936, Grille and Hood Sides, set of 46 68-20000 ............................................................ set 17.00 1936, Center Grille Strip Clips, set of 6 68-20001 ............................................................ set 4.00 1936 Passenger and 1935-36 Pickup, Outer Grille Strip Clips, set of 16 68-20002 ............................................................ set 6.00 7.50 1937 Passenger, Grille Sides and Hood Sides, set of 25 78-20000 ............................................................ set 20.00 1938, Standard, Grille and Hood side—56; Grille and Hood side—12; Body Belt—58 81A-20000-A ...................................................... set 35.00 1938, Deluxe, Grille and Hood sides—10; Body Belt—58; 14 bolts 81A-20000-B ...................................................... set 24.00 1939, Standard, Grille and Hood Side Louvers—30; Body Belt—58; 14 bolts 91A-20000-A ...................................................... set 28.00 1939, Deluxe , Body Belt and Hood Sides—70; Grille Sides— 8; Grille Bars—82; Top Center Hood—8, 14 bolts 91A-20000-B ...................................................... set 47.00 1939, Deluxe, Dash Molding Clips, set of 6 91A-20000-C ..................................................... set 22.00 1940, Standard, Body Belt Clip Kit, set of 58 O1A-20005 ......................................................... set 11.50 1940, Standard, Body Belt Bolt & Nut Fasteners, set of 8 O1A-20006 ......................................................... set 5.00 1933-34 and 1935 Pickup, Grille, set of 12 40-20000 ............................................................ set 1936, Side of Hood Clips, set of 24 68-20004 ............................................................ set 1940, Standard, Center of Hood—8; Body Belt—58 O1A-20000-A ...................................................... set 4.00 1939 Deluxe and 1940-41 Pickup, Center of Hood, set of 8 91A-20003 ......................................................... set 5.00 1940, Deluxe, Center of Hood—8; Grille—16; Body Belt—58; Front of Hood—6; 8 bolts O1A-20000-B ...................................................... set 33.00 1940, Deluxe, Grille Clips, set of 16 O1A-20001 .......................................................... set 6.00 1940, Deluxe, Lower Front of Hood Fasteners, set of 6 O1A-20002 .......................................................... set 5.00 1940, Deluxe, Body Belt Clips, set of 58 O1A-20005 ......................................................... set 11.50 1940, Deluxe, Body Bolt and Nut Fasteners, set of 8 O1A-20006 .......................................................... set 5.00 1941, Convertible Molding Fastener Set, for Body Belt, Top of Hood and Fenders 11A-200000-A .................................................... set 46.00 1941, Molding Fastener Set, 2 Door Sedan and Coupes, for Body Belt, Top of Hood, Fenders and Window Reveal 11A-20000-B ...................................................... set 66.00 1942-46, Convertible Molding Fastener Set, for Body Belt, Fenders and Deck Lid 21A-20000-A ...................................................... set 40.00 1942-46, 2 Dr. Sedan & Coupe Molding Fastener Set, for Body Belt, Fenders, Window Reveal and Deck Lid 21A-20000-B ...................................................... set 59.00 1942-46, 4 Dr. Sedan Molding Fastener Set, for Body Belt, Fenders, Window Reveal and Deck Lid 21A-20000-C ...................................................... set 67.00 1942-46, Body Belt Clips—50 and Bolts—8 21A-20005 .......................................................... set 17.00 1942-46, Fender Bolts, set of 36 21A-20011 .......................................................... set 17.00 1942-46, Trunk Lid Clips—12 and Bolts—4 51A-20012 ........................................................... set 6.00 1947-48, Convertible Molding Fastener Set, for Body Belt, Fenders and Front Splash Apron 6A-20000-A ........................................................ set 39.00 1947-48, 2 dr. Sedan and Coupe, Moulding Fastener Set, for Body Belt, Fenders, Front Splash Apron and Window Reveal 6A-20000-B ........................................................ set 39.00 1939, Deluxe, Side of Grille, set of 8 91A-20004 ......................................................... set 4.00 1939, Deluxe, Body Belt and Hood Sides, set of 70 91A-20005 ......................................................... set 14.00 1947-48, Body Belt Clips—50 and Bolts—8 6A-20005 ............................................................ set 17.00 1939, Deluxe, Body Belt Bolts, set of 14 91A-20006 ......................................................... set 7.00 1947-48, Fender Bolts, set of 38 6A-20011 ............................................................ set 17.00 1947-48, Front Splash Apron Clips, set of 8 6A-20001 ............................................................ set 5.00 Page 143 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 MODEL “A” INTERIOR TRIM SCREW KITS (All items made in U.S.A.) Interior Trim Screw Sets include all screws necessary for complete interior of car, door sills, dove tails and exterior door handles. 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 290 1928-29 4-Dr Briggs without quarter windows 4-Dr Briggs with quarter windows .... 4-Dr Murray with quarter windows ... Roadster .......................................... Roadster Pickup .............................. Sport Coupe .................................... Coupe .............................................. 2-Door .............................................. Closed Cab Pickups ........................ Phaeton ........................................... 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 1930-31 4-Door Briggs ..................................... 4-Door Murray .................................... 4-Door Slant Windshield ..................... Roadster ............................................. Roadster Pickup ................................. 4-Door Phaeton .................................. 2-Door Phaeton .................................. Sport Coupe ....................................... Coupe ................................................. 2-Door ................................................. Cabriolet Slant Windshield ................. Victoria ................................................ A-400 ................................................... Cabriolet Straight Windshield ............. Closed Cab Pickup ............................. kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit kit 17.00 17.00 17.00 8.00 6.50 9.50 9.50 10.00 10.50 8.00 17.00 17.00 18.50 8.00 7.00 9.00 9.00 9.50 9.50 10.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 10.00 V-8 INTERIOR TRIM SCREW KITS Kits include all screws necessary for complete interior of car, including window frame, dash rail, instrument panel, door step and dove tail screws. Also, when required, the tube nuts and convertible rear window frame screws are supplied. The information for our kits was taken from original cars and they are guaranteed to be correct. There are several kits on the market today which have either the wrong type and quantity of screws or of a cheap inferior quality commonly seen in imports. Our kits are not a general mixture of screws and washers, but are the exact pieces for that particular year and body style. Page 144 Roadster .............................................. Phaeton ................................................ 3-Window Coupe .................................. 5-Window Coupe .................................. 2-Door ................................................... 4-Door ................................................... Victoria .................................................. B-400 .................................................... Cabriolet ............................................... 330 331 332 333 334 335 Roadster .............................................. Phaeton ................................................ Coupe ................................................... 2-Door ................................................... 4-Door ................................................... Cabriolet ............................................... 9.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 11.00 1935-36 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 Roadster .............................................. Phaeton ................................................ Coupe ................................................... 2-Door ................................................... 4-Door ................................................... Cabriolet ............................................... Convertible Sedan ................................ 9.00 12.00 11.00 12.00 14.00 10.00 12.00 1937 371 372 373 374 375 Coupe ................................................... 2-Door ................................................... 4-Door ................................................... Cabriolet ............................................... Convertible Sedan ................................ 10.00 10.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 1938-39 380 381 382 383 384 Coupe ................................................... 2-Door ................................................... 4-Door ................................................... Convertible .......................................... Convertible Sedan ................................ 10.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 1940 400 401 402 403 Coupe ................................................... 2-Door ................................................... 4-Door ................................................... Convertible ........................................... 12.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 1941 410 411 412 413 Coupe .................................................... 9.00 2-Door ................................................... 9.00 4-Door .................................................. 10.00 Convertible ........................................... 10.00 1942-48 1932 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 1933-34 9.00 10.00 16.00 18.00 18.00 20.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 420 421 422 Coupe and 2-Door ................................. 9.00 4-Door ................................................... 10.00 Convertible ............................................ 10.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 MISCELLANEOUS SCREW SETS 1928-38, Exterior Door Handle Screws. Metal framed doors, 4 stainless screws 1104 .......................................................... set 1.00 1928-29, Firewall to Gas Tank Bolts 1120 .......................................................... set 3.00 1930-31, Gas Tank to Cowl Screws 1121 ........................................................... set 2.00 1930-31, Gas Tank to Cowl under windshield, set of 10 bolts and nuts 1121-B ....................................................... set 4.00 1933-34, Gas Tank Cover Screws, set of 4, stainless 3170 .............................................................. set 1.50 1928-31, Floorboard Screws and Washers, set of 12 1122 ........................................................... set 2.50 1928-31, 2-Door Rear Floorboard Screws and Washers, set of 16 1122B ........................................................ set 1932, Floor Board Screws & Washers, 30 pieces 3140 ............................................................... set 1928-34, Door Hinge Screws, 5/16x1 with the correct flat head and recessed washer, 3 screws and washers 1166 .......................................................... set 2.00 1928-29, Roadster, Phaeton Door Hinge to Post Screws, set of 4 flat-head screws, nuts & lockwashers 1166-A ....................................................... set 2.00 1928-31, Roadster, Phaeton Hinge to Door Screws, set of 4 screws, recessed washers, nuts and lockwashers 1166-B ....................................................... set 2.50 1932-34, 3-Window Coupe, Door Hinge Screws, 5/1624 x 3” 1166-L ......................................................... each 1.50 1935-36, Door Hinge Screws, 5/16-24, Truss Head 3116 ........................................................ set of 3 3.00 1937-48, Door Hinge Screws, 5/16 x 24 x 3/4”, philips Head, Stainless with washer 7C-1166 ..................................................... each 1.00 1937-48, Door Hinge Screw Kit, as original, 12 slotted screws and lock nuts 78-1166-S .................................................... kit 12.00 3.00 1928-31, Closed Car Hinge Pins, Plain 1167 ......................................................... each 1.50 4.00 1928-31, Closed Car Hinge Pins, Stainless 1167-SS ................................................... each 3.00 1933-40, Floor Board Screws & Washers, 28 pieces 3141 ............................................................... set 4.00 1933-34, Center Floor Pan Screws & Washers, 14 pcs. 3142 ............................................................... set 4.00 35-36, Center Floor Pans and Battery Cover Plate Screws and Washers, 22 pieces 3143 ............................................................... set 4.00 1937-40, Center Floor Pan Screws & Washers, 22 pcs. 3144 ............................................................... set 4.00 1932-40 Passenger and 1932-47 Pickup, Door Hinge Pins 1167-B ...................................................... each 1.50 1932-40 Pass. & 1932-47 Pickup, Door Hinge Pins, Stainless 1167-BSS ................................................. each 3.00 1937-40 Pass. & 1937-47 Pickup, Door Hinge Pin Set, grooved as original, set of 4 78-1167-S .................................................... set 10.00 1932-40 As Above, Oversize (.344) B-1167-OSS ............................................... each 7.00 1928-31, Floor Mat Studs. Used to hold the floor mat in place, set of 4 1122-A ...................................................... set 3.00 Cage Nut, 5/16-24, fine thread 3145 ........................................................... each 1.30 All Years, Hinge Pin Removal Tool TL-100 .................................................... each 25.00 Page 145 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 MISCELLANEOUS SCREW SETS 1928-35, Radiator to Radiator Shell. The special screws the judges always look for, 12 pieces 1165 ............................................................set 2.00 1928-29, Radiator Splash Apron Screws, 4 stainless 1162 ........................................................... set 3.00 1930-31, Radiator Splash Apron Screws and Lockwashers, set of 4 stainless 1163 ........................................................... set 3.00 1930-31, Radiator Splash Apron Mounting Studs, 4 studs, nuts and lockwashers. 1159 ........................................................... set 8.00 1932, Radiator Splash Apron Screws & Nuts, stainless 3164 ................................................ 10 piece set 3.00 1928-32, Headlight Mounting Nuts & washers, set of 2 1124 ........................................................... set 1.00 1928-32, Roadster, Phaeton Windshield Pivot Stud and special Cone Nut, 2 studs and nuts 1135 .......................................................... set 7.00 1930-31, Closed Car Windshield Mounting Screws. Used with wood header, black oxide finish, set of 10 1140 .......................................................... set 2.00 1928-31, Special Closed Car Windshield Frame Screws. These hold the windshield frame together and should be replaced when changing the glass, 8 pieces. 1141 .......................................................... set 2.00 1932-34, Windshield Frame Screws, 8 special screws 3108 ..................................................... set of 8 3.00 1935-39, Windshield Frame Screws, 8 special screws 3108-A .................................................. set of 8 4.00 1928-31, Roadster, Phaeton Windshield Stanchion Screws, chrome, 4 pieces. 1144 ........................................................... set 4.00 1928-31, Headlight Bar Mounting Bolt, set of 4 1129 ............................................................ set 4.00 1928-31, As Above, Stainless Steel, set of 4 A-13114-MB ............................................... set 1928-29, Hood Latch Screws & Nuts, stainless, 36 pcs. 1160 ........................................................... set 4.00 10.00 1928-31, Oval Speedometer Screws, stainless 1106-S ........................................................ set 1930-31, Hood Latch Screws & Nuts, stainless, 24 pcs. 1161 ........................................................... set 3.00 .75 1928-31, Instrument Panel Screws. Round speedometer, chrome, 4 screws included in kit when required 1107 ............................................................ set .75 1928-31, Dash Rail Screws and Nuts, stainless 1108-S ........................................................ set 2.50 1932, Dash Screws, set of 7 3100 ............................................................. set 2.00 1928-31, Special Running Board Bolts 1171-A ...................................................... set 3.00 1928-29, Fender and Running Board Kit, cadmium plated, 200 piece set A-80043 ..................................................... kit 20.00 1930-31, As Above, 212 piece kit A-80044 ..................................................... kit 20.00 1928-31, Body Bolt to Frame Kit, cadmium plated, 36 pieces A-80045 ...................................................... kit 7.00 1930-32, Front Fender to Frame Screws and Nuts, stainless, 12 pieces 1164 .......................................................... set 3.00 Page 146 1930-31, Hood Hinge to Cowl Screws 1161-A ....................................................... pair .75 1932, Hood Latch Screws & Nuts, Stainless, set of 24 3162 ............................................................ set 4.00 1939-48, Hood Hinge Bolt, correct shoulder Bolt with drill head and spring washer 91A-16610 ................................................ each 3.00 1928-31, 12/24 Clinch Nuts. These are the D-shaped Nuts that are peined in place to hold the 1930-31 gas tank and the 1928-31 floorboards 1123 ........................................................ each .40 10/32 Clinch Nuts. Used on firewall and other places 1123-A ..................................................... each .40 1/4-20 Clinch Nuts. Used on Model A dash rail and V-8 floorboards A-1123-B ................................................. each .40 1928-31, Rear Wheel Housing Studs. Large flat head, holds rear fender to body, set of 4 with nuts & washers 1173 .......................................................... set 3.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1940 Passenger HEADLINER KIT FIREWALL INSULATORS New ABS Plastic Firewall Cover with insulation attached and holes pre-drilled, chicken track design. 1940-47 Pickup, Black, Kit includes: roof, sides of back window, below back window center, kick panels, screws, washers and clips to install O1C-8151968-BL .................................. each 160.00 DECALS 1934-36 All, Dry Air Cleaner Decal DF-1 .......................................................... each 3.00 PASSENGER CARS 1932 B-7001670-ABS .................................... each 255.00 1933-34 40-7001670-ABS ................................. each 1937-39 As Above DF-2 .......................................................... each 2.50 255.00 1935-36 48-7001670-ABS ................................. each 1935-36 All, Oil Filler Cap Decal DF-3 .......................................................... each 2.50 255.00 1937-39 Standard 78-7001670-ABS ................................. each 1939-40 All, Oil Bath Air Cleaner Decal DF-4 .......................................................... each 3.50 255.00 1939 Deluxe 91A-7001670-ABS ............................... each 1935-40 All, Oil Filter Decal (AC Type) DF-5 .......................................................... each 3.50 255.00 1940 O1A-7001670-ABS .............................. each 1939-41 All, Dry Air Cleaner Decal DF-6 .......................................................... each 3.50 255.00 1941 Deluxe 11A-7001670-ABS ............................... each 1939-41 All, Service Policy DF-8 .......................................................... each 3.00 255.00 1942-48 21A-7001670-ABS ............................... each 1939-48 All, Battery Warranty DF-9 .......................................................... each 3.00 205.00 1940 All, Jack Instruction Tag DF-18 ........................................................ each 3.00 PICKUP TRUCKS 1935-36 50-7001670-ABS ................................. each 255.00 1940 All, Radio Warranty Tag DF-21 ........................................................ each 3.00 1937-39 77-7001670-ABS ................................. each 255.00 1946-48 All, Radio Instruction Tag DF-23 ........................................................ each 2.50 1940-47 O1C-7001670-ABS .............................. each 199.00 1940 All, Owner’s Service Certificate DF-34 ......................................................... each 3.00 1937-39 As Above DF-2 .......................................................... each 2.50 FIREWALL INSULATOR CLIPS 1935-48 48-7001670-C ......................................... each 1940-48 All, Oil Filter—Replacement Cartridge Type DF-64 ........................................................ each 4.00 3.00 1939-40 All, Manifold Heater Decal DF-126 ...................................................... each 4.00 1946-48 All, Glove Compartment DF-128 ...................................................... each 3.50 Page 147 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 FREIGHT TRUCK FREIGHT TRUCK 1928-29 ROADSTER PICKUP STEEL 1928-29 ROADSTER BODY All steel 1928-29 Roadster Car Body. Must use original gas tank. The following parts come standard with the body—Dash Rail, Complete Interior Wood Kit, Wood Floor Boards, Seat Frame, Rumble Riser, Rumble Floor, Rumble Deck Lid mounted and hinged for Rumble Lid, Doors complete with hinges and latches mounted on body, Body to Frame Mounting Blocks. Any part of this body may be used for replacement parts for original body. All steel reproduction 1928-29 Roadster Pickup Body. Must use original gas tank. The following parts come standard with the body—Dash Rail, Complete Interior Wood Kit, Wood Floor Boards, Seat Frame, Door Latches and Striker Plates, Door complete with hinges and latches mounted on body, Body to Frame Mounting Blocks. Any part of this body may be used for replacement parts for original body. 1928-29 Roadster Pickup .................... each 4800.00 1928-29, Full Fender Style Roadster …. each 6800.00 1928-29, High-Boy Style ....................... each 6800.00 FREIGHT TRUCK FREIGHT TRUCK STEEL 1930-31 ROADSTER BODY All steel 1930-31 Roadster Car Body. Must use original gas tank. The following parts come standard with the body—Dash Rail, Complete Interior Wood Kit, Wood Floor Boards, Seat Frame, Rumble Riser, Rumble Floor, Rumble Deck Lid mounted and hinged for Rumble Lid, Doors complete with hinges and latches mounted on body, Body to Frame Mounting Blocks. Any part of this body may be used for replacement parts for original body. Body Less Gas Tank. Bodies shipped freight collect plus crating charge. 1930-31, Full Fender Style Roadster …. each 6800.00 1930-31, High-Boy Style ……………….. each 6800.00 Page 148 1930-31 ROADSTER PICKUP All steel reproduction 1930-31 Roadster Pickup Body. Must use original gas tank. The following parts come standard with the body—Dash Rail, Complete Interior Wood Kit, Wood Floor Boards, Seat Frame, Door Latches and Striker Plates, Door complete with hinges and latches mounted on body, Body to Frame Mounting Blocks. Any part of this body may be used for replacement parts for original body. Bodies shipped freight collect plus crating charge. 1930-31 Roadster Pickup …………….. each Crating Charge ............................. Car Crating Charge ........................ Pickup 4800.00 250.00 250.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1928-31 SHEET METAL Outer Panel Below Trunk Lid Cowl Patch Panel Rear Quarter Outer Door Bottom Inner Fender Body Corner 1930-31 DOOR BOTTOM PATCH PANELS (Sold in Pairs) 1928-29, Coupe and Tudor A-336-A .................................................. pair 65.00 1928-29, Roadster A-136-A .................................................. pair 65.00 1928-29 Closed Cab Pickup A-836-A .................................................. pair 75.00 1930-31, Coupe A-336-B .................................................. pair 75.00 1930-31, Roadster A-136-B .................................................. pair 75.00 1930-31, Sedan A-436-B .................................................. pair 75.00 1930-31 Pickup A-836-B .................................................. pair 75.00 COWL COVERS 1928-29, Smooth Cowl Cover A-117-A ................................................ each 295.00 1930-31, Smooth Cowl Cover A-117-B ................................................ each 295.00 COWL PATCH PANELS 1928-29, Full Cowl Panel A-114-A .................................................. pair 160.00 1930-31, All Models, Cowl Panel Patch with correct bead A-114-B ................................................... pair 25.00 1930-31, Open Car, Full Cowl Panels A-114-BF ................................................. pair INNER DOOR BOTTOMS 1928-29, Coupe and Tudor A-338-A .................................................... pair 37.00 1930-31 Coupe A-338-B .................................................... pair 37.00 1930-31 Tudors and 1930-31 Closed Cab Pickups A-438-AB .................................................. pair 37.00 295.00 DOOR TOP COVER PLATES 1928-31, Tudor, 1930-31 Pickup and 1928-29 Coupe A-45883-A ................................................ pair 100.00 1930-31, Coupe A-45883-B ................................................ pair REAR BODY CORNERS 1930-31, Roadster and Coupe A-182-B .................................................... pair 100.00 35.00 DOOR OPENING HEADER STRIPS 1928-31, Tudor and 1928-29 Coupe A-45890-A ............................................... pair 40.00 1930-31, Coupe A-45890-B ............................................... pair 40.00 REAR WINDOW DRAIN 1930-31, Coupe B-332-A ................................................. each 69.00 Page 149 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 DOOR GARNISH MOLDING 1928-29, Coupe and Tudor Door Garnish Molding A-342-A ................................................... pair 99.00 1928-31, Tudor Sedan, Rear Side Window Garnish Molding A-442-ABR ............................................. pair 99.00 1928-29 Closed Cab Pickup, Garnish Molding A-842-A ................................................... pair 1930-31, Coupe, Door Garnish Molding A-342-B ................................................... pair 99.00 RUMBLE AND TRUNK LID 1928-29 Trunk or Rumble Lid A-1059-A ............................................... each 585.00 1930-31, Trunk or Rumble Lid A-1059-B ............................................... each 585.00 99.00 1930-31 Tudor and Closed Cab Pickup, Door Garnish Molding A-442-B ................................................... pair 99.00 REAR BODY PANELS BELOW TRUNK LID REAR QUARTER PATCH PANELS 1928-29, Coupe, short panel A-363-A .................................................. each 70.00 70.00 1928-29, Coupe A-350-A .................................................... pair 59.00 1928-29, Roadster, high panel A-163-A .................................................. each 1928-29, Roadster, with correct bead A-150-A .................................................... pair 59.00 1930-31, Coupe and Roadster, with bead at bottom A-163-B .................................................. each 70.00 1930-31, Coupe, with correct bead A-350-B .................................................... pair 59.00 1930-31, Bead, 4’ long, for Patch Back of Pickup Cab A-850-B ................................................. each 70.00 1930-31, Roadster, with correct bead A-150-B ................................................... pair 59.00 1930-31, Sedan A-450-B ................................................... pair 59.00 REAR FLOOR HUMP 1928-31, Rear Floor Hump, 2 door A-458 ...................................................... each 85.00 A-181 A-481 A-381 PANELS UNDER SEAT FRAMES REAR FENDER WHEEL WELL PANELS 1928-31, Coupe A-381 ....................................................... pair 65.00 1928-31, Roadster A-181 ....................................................... pair 65.00 1928-31, Tudor A-481 ....................................................... pair 65.00 Page 150 1928-29 Roadster Pickup A-135-A ................................................. each 65.00 1928-29, Coupe A-335-A .................................................. each 65.00 1930-31, Coupe A-335-B ................................................. each 90.00 1928-29, Closed Cab Pickup A-835-A ................................................. each 65.00 1930-31, Closed Cab Pickup A-835-B ................................................. each 65.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 A-161-A A-351-B A-159-B A-123-B RUMBLE SEAT AND TRUNK COMPARTMENT INNER PANELS 1928-31, Coupe and Roadster with Rumble Seat,Curved Inner Panel A-161-A .................................................. each 1928-31, Rumble Seat Platform A-159-B .................................................. each 85.00 99.00 1928-31, Roadster and Coupe Rumble Seat Floor, used with Seat Riser A-151-A .................................................. each 75.00 BODY CHANNELS AND SUBRAILS 1930-31, Coupe, Body Channels, 3 pc. set A-331 ......................................................... set 85.00 1928-31, Roadster, Sedan, Body Channels, A-131 ................................................ 3 pc. set 85.00 1930-31, Coupe, Subrails, rear half A-332-B ................................................... pair 225.00 1928-29, Roadster, Full Length Subrails A-132-AF ................................................ pair 325.00 1930-31, Roadster, Full Length Subrails A-132-BF ................................................. pair 325.00 1930-31, Coupe, Rumble Seat Floor, flat panel A-351-B .................................................. each 65.00 1928-29, Seat Riser, used with A-151-A A-123-A .................................................. each 1928-29, Phaeton & Tudor Sedan, Full Length Subrails A-432-AF ................................................ pair 325.00 92.00 1930-31, Phaeton & Tudor Sedan, Full Length Subrails A-432-BF ................................................ pair 325.00 1930-31, Seat Riser, used with A-151-A A-123-B .................................................. each 99.00 1928-29, Coupe, Full Length Subrails A-332-AF ................................................ pair 325.00 1930-31, Coupe, Full Length Subrails A-332-BF ................................................. pair 325.00 1928-29, Subrail Extension and Floorboard Braces, 4 piece set A-132-EXA ............................................... set 215.00 RUMBLE AND TRUNK SUPPORTS, BRACES AND RAIN GUTTERS 1928-31, Triangle pieces that fit on each side of trunk compartment at rear A-160 ....................................................... pair 77.00 1928-29, Rumble Hinge Brace A-162-A .................................................... pair 65.00 1930-31, Rumble Hinge Brace A-162-B .................................................... pair 65.00 1928-29, Coupe and Roadster, Trunk Rain Gutter A-169-A ................................................. each 265.00 1930-31, Subrail Extension and Floorboard Braces, 4 piece set A-132-EXB ............................................... set 275.00 1928-31, Coupe and Roadster, Heavy Rear Crossmember goes on end of subrails A-165-AB .............................................. each 200.00 1928-31, Tudor, Heavy Rear Crossmember goes on end of Subrails A-465-AB ............................................... each 200.00 1930-31 Closed Cab Pickup, Rear Crossmember A-831-B ................................................. each 95.00 1930-31, Coupe and Roadster, Trunk Rain Gutter A-169-B ................................................ each 265.00 1928-29, Coupe and Roadster, Front Trunk and Rumble Compartment Braces A-166-A ................................................... pair 65.00 1930-31, As Above A-166-B ................................................... pair 65.00 Page 151 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1932 SHEET METAL Outer Panel Below Trunk Lid Cowl Patch Panel Inner Fender Rocker Panel 1932 3-Window Coupe STEEL BODY By Brookville STARTING AT 25,000 Plus Options Outer Door Bottom Rear Quarter COWL PATCH PANEL 1932 Passenger, except 3 Window Coupe B-114 ........................................................ pair 75.00 STEEL ROCKER PANELS 1932, 3 Window Coupe B-237 ........................................................ pair 95.00 1932, 5 Window Coupe B-337 ........................................................ pair 95.00 1932, Tudor and Victoria B-437 ........................................................ pair 95.00 OUTER DOOR BOTTOMS 1932, 3 Window Coupe B-236-3W ............................................... pair 110.00 1932, 5 Window Coupe B-336-5W ................................................ pair 65.00 By Brookville 1932, Tudor Sedan and Victoria B-436-2D ................................................. pair 65.00 5-8 Weeks Normal Delivery 1932-34 Pickup B-836 ....................................................... pair 65.00 1932 STEEL ROADSTER BODY BASE PRICE 11,500 PLUS OPTIONS All body parts available for above individually Page 152 INNER DOOR BOTTOMS 1932, Tudor and Victoria B-438-2D ................................................. pair 100.00 1932, 5-Window Coupe, 4-Dr, Front B-338-5W ................................................ pair 100.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 B-350 REAR QUARTER PATCH PANELS 1932, Roadster, Die Stamped Steel B-150 ...................................................... pair 79.00 1932, 3 Window Coupe, Die Stamped Steel B-250 ....................................................... pair 79.00 1932, 5 Window Coupe, Die Stamped Steel B-350 ....................................................... pair REAR WINDOW DRAIN 1932, 5 Window Coupe B-332 ...................................................... each 89.00 79.00 1932, 3 Window Coupe B-232 ...................................................... each 89.00 1932, Tudor Sedan and Victoria, Die Stamped Steel B-450 ....................................................... pair 79.00 1933-34, 3 & 5 Window Coupe 40-232 .................................................... each 89.00 B-181 INNER WHEEL WELLS 1932, Roadster, 5 Window Coupe, Cabriolet, may be altered to fit Victoria B-181 ...................................................... pair 140.00 FRAME HORN EXTENSIONS 1932, Front B-158-F .................................................... pair 85.00 1932, Rear B-158-R .................................................... pair 75.00 INNER TRUNK PANEL 1932, 3-Window coupe, Inner Panel at the very lower rear of car body B-41000-A ............................................. each 100.00 1932, 5-Window coupe B-41000-B ............................................. each 100.00 RUMBLE AND TRUNK LIDS 1932, Trunk or Rumble Lid, 5W Coupe and Roadster B-1059 ................................................... each 725.00 1932, Trunk or Rumble Lid, 3W Coupe B-1059-3W ............................................ each 725.00 OUTER PANEL BELOW DECK LID 1932, 5 Window Coupe, correct with formed corners B-363 ................................................... each 195.00 1932, 3 Window Coupe, Die Stamped B-263 .................................................... each 269.00 Page 153 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1933-34 SHEET METAL Outer Panel Below Trunk Lid Cowl Patch Panel 1933-34 PASSENGER CAR FLOOR BOARDS Rocker Panel Inner Fender Outer Door Bottom Rear Quarter 40-155 40-156-L 40-156-R 40-157 Front, 36” long ....................................... Center Patch Panel, left, 30” long ...... Center Patch Panel, right, 30” long ..... Trunk Floor, 24” long ............................. Call Call Call Call COWL PATCH PANELS 1933-34 Passenger, Closed Car 40-114-A ................................................... pair 40-161 75.00 STEEL ROCKER PANELS INNER TRUNK PANEL 1933-34, 5 Window Coupe 40-337-A .................................................. pair 95.00 1933-34, Tudor and 3 Window Coupe 40-437-B .................................................. pair 95.00 1933-34, Fordor 40-537-C .................................................. pair 95.00 OUTER DOOR BOTTOMS 1933-34, Tudor Sedan, Victoria and 3 Window Coupe 40-436-2D ............................................... pair 120.00 1933-34, 5 Window Coupe and Fordor Sedan 40-336-5W .............................................. pair 120.00 1933-34, Cabriolet 40-536-CA .............................................. pair 120.00 1933-34, coupe, Cabriolet, Roadster, vertical and horizontal Inner Panels with corner “T” Brackets. Not used with Rumble Seat 40-161 .................................................... each 110.00 OUTER PANEL BELOW TRUNK LID 1933-34, Coupe, Roadster and Cabriolet, Die Stamped 40-163 ................................................... each 285.00 1933-34, Sedan, Die Stamped 40-463 ................................................... each 175.00 Other styles available INNER DOOR BOTTOMS 1933-34, Tudor Sedan, Victoria and 3 Window Coupe 40-438-2D ............................................... pair 100.00 1933-34, 5 Window Coupe and Fordor Sedan 40-338-5W .............................................. pair 100.00 REAR QUARTER PATCH PANELS STEEL FUEL TANK COVER 1933-34, Stock, original style 40-16396-S ........................................... each 295.00 1933-34, With center mounted license recess 40-16396-LR ........................................ each 320.00 1933-34, Tudor, Victoria and 3-W Coupe, Die Stamped 40-450 ...................................................... pair 79.00 1933-34, 5 Window Coupe, Die Stamped Steel 40-350 ...................................................... pair 79.00 REAR FENDER WHEEL WELL PANELS 1933-34, Coupe, Roadster, Cabriolet, flat 40-181 ..................................................... pair 1933-34, As Above, die stamped, as original 40-181-B ................................................ pair Page 154 85.00 370.00 DIFFERENTIAL INSPECTION COVER PLATE 1933-36 40-700326-C .......................................... each 29.00 REAR WINDOW DRAIN 1933-34, Coupe 40-232 ................................................... each 89.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 Each kit does one door 48-236 EMS INNER & OUTER DOOR BOTTOM PANELS 1935-36, Tudor Sedan and 3 Window Coupe, Right Side 48-236-R ................................................... kit 189.00 REAR BODY CORNERS 1933-34, Coupe and Roadster, Specify Left or Right 40-182-B ............................................... each 115.00 1935-36, As Above, Left Side 48-236-L .................................................... kit 189.00 1935-36, 5 Window Coupe, Fordor, Front, Right Side 48-336-R ................................................... kit 189.00 1935-36, As Above, Left Side 48-336-L .................................................... kit 189.00 BODY TO FRAME GUSSET PLATES 1933-34, Metal plate that fills the gap between frame, body and gas tank cover 40-700134/5 ............................................ pair 45.00 1935-36 PASSENGER CAR FLOOR PANS 48-155-L Full Left 72-1/2” long ........ Out of Production 48-155-R Full Right 75-1/2” long ...... Out of Production 1935-36 SHEET METAL Outer Panel Below Trunk Lid Cowl Patch Panel 48-7010116/7 48-7746100 Rocker Panel Outer Door Bottom Rear Quarter Inner Fender COWL PATCH PANEL 1935-36 Passenger 48-114 ...................................................... pair 75.00 STEEL ROCKER PANELS 1935-36, Coupe and 2 Door 48-437 ..................................................... pair TRUNK FLOOR EXTENSION 1935-36, Fits between flat part of the trunk floor directly behind the outer skin. Fits all body styles. 48-7746100 .......................................... each 280.00 FRONT DOOR HINGE POST TO FLOOR BRACE 1935-36, Roadster-Phaeton 48-7010116/7 ............................................ pair 63.00 179.00 OUTER DOOR BOTTOMS 48-363 1935-36, 3 Window Coupe and Tudor Sedan 68-236 ....................................................... pair 75.00 1935-36, 5 Window Coupe 68-336 ...................................................... pair 75.00 OUTER PANEL BELOW DECK LID REAR QUARTER PATCH PANELS 1935-36, Humpback 48-463 .................................................. each 290.00 1935-36, Tudor & 3 Window Coupe, Die Stamped Steel 48-250 ...................................................... pair 79.00 1935-36, Flatback 48-563 .................................................. each 295.00 1935-36, 5 Window Coupe and Roadster 48-350 ...................................................... pair 1935-36, Coupe, Cabriolet and Roadster 48-363 .................................................. each 295.00 79.00 Page 155 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1937-40 SHEET METAL Outer Panel Below Trunk Lid Cowl Patch Panel EMS INNER & OUTER DOOR BOTTOM PANELS Includes the outer door skin and the inner structure. These pieces sold as a kit for each door only 1937-40, Tudor Sedan and Convertible, Right Side 78-236-R ................................................... kit 189.00 Rocker Panel Outer Door Bottom 1937-40, Tudor Sedan and Convertible, Left Side 78-236-L .................................................... kit 189.00 Rear Quarter 1940 1937-40, Coupe (Short Door), Right Side 78-336-R ................................................... kit 189.00 1937-40, Coupe (Short Door), Left Side 78-336-L .................................................... kit 189.00 1937 EMS COWL PATCH PANELS Cowl Patch Panel and Door Pillar Sections 1937-38, Cowl Patch Panel, Lower Door Post Pillar is included with these EMS products below, Right Side 78-114-R ............................................... each 120.00 1937-38, All body styles, Left Side 78-114-L ............................................. each 1939, Standard, Right Side 91A-114-SR ......................................... each 120.00 EMS-170 EMS REAR QUARTER PATCH PANELS 115.00 1937-40, 2 Dr. Sedan (long door) EMS-170 Must state left or right side ..... each 115.00 1939, Standard, Left Side 91A-114-SL ......................................... each 115.00 1937-40, Coupe (short door) EMS-171 Must state left or right side ...... each 95.00 1939, Deluxe & all 1940, Right Side 91A-114-DR ......................................... each 115.00 1939, Deluxe & all 1940, Left Side 91A-114-DL ........................................ each 115.00 1937-40, Passenger, Die Stamped Steel, universal 78-350 ...................................................... pair 50.00 78-437 STEEL ROCKER PANELS 1937-40, Coupe and 2 Door 78-437 ...................................................... pair Page 156 85.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 91A-7746100 TOOL TRAY METAL PANEL 1939-40 shown 1937 All and 1938 Standard Sedans and 1938 Standard and Deluxe Coupes 78-7746100 ......................................... each 255.00 1939-40, Coupe and Convertible 91A-7746100 ....................................... each 265.00 78-363 OUTER PANEL BELOW DECK LID 1937-38, Coupe, Roadster, Cabriolet 78-363 .................................................. each 295.00 1937-38, Humpback 78-463 .................................................. each 295.00 1937, Flatback 78-563 .................................................. each 290.00 91A-363-A 1937-38 PASSENGER CAR FLOOR PANS 78-155-L 78-155-R 78-157-L 78-157-R 78-158-L 78-158-R Full Left 62” long ............................... Full Right 62” long ............................. Left Front 27” long ............................ Right Front 27” long .......................... Left Rear 35” long ............................. Right Rear 35” long ........................... 170.00 170.00 90.00 90.00 80.00 80.00 1939-40 PASSENGER CAR FLOOR PANS 91A-155-L 91A-155-R 91A-157-L 91A-157-R 91A-158-L 91A-158-R Full Left 62” long ............................. Full Right 62” long ........................... Left Front 27” long .......................... Right Front 27” long ........................ Left Rear 35” long ........................... Right Rear 35” long ......................... 170.00 170.00 90.00 90.00 80.00 80.00 1939-40 PASSENGER CAR FLOOR PAN 1939 and 1940 Coupe 91A-363-A (no bumper arm cut-out) ... each 91A-363-B (with bumper arm cut-out) . each 250.00 250.00 1938 Deluxe, 1939 and 1940 Sedan 81A-463 ............................................... each 250.00 Full one piece Floor Pan with Tunnel, except wagon O1A-7011135 ……………….. ………………..…375.00 TRANSMISSION COVER RAIN GUTTERS 1939-40, Coupe, Rear Half over Quarter Windows 91A-7050834-S ....................................... pair 90.00 1939-40, 2 Door, Rear Half over Quarter Windows 91A-7750834-S ....................................... pair 90.00 1939-40, Coupe and 2 Door, Front Half over Doors 91A-7751700-S ....................................... pair 90.00 1940, Passenger O1A-700380 .......................................... each 150.00 1940-47, Pickup O1C-700380 .......................................... each 75.00 TRANSMISSION COVER TO FLOOR SEAL 1937-40 Passenger 78-7012105-S ......................................... each 10.00 1940-47 Pickup O1C-8112105-S ..................................... each 12.00 Page 157 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1941-48 SHEET METAL Outer Panel Below Trunk Lid Cowl Patch Panel EMS INNER & OUTER DOOR BOTTOM PANELS Includes the outer door skin and the inner structure. These pieces sold as a kit for each door only 1941-48, Tudor Sedan and Convertible, Right Side 11A-236-R ................................................. kit 189.00 Rocker Panel Outer Door Bottom Rear Quarter 1941-48, Tudor Sedan and Convertible, Left Side 11A-236-L ................................................. kit 189.00 EMS COWL PATCH PANELS 1941-48, All body styles, Right Side 11A-114-R ................................... 2 piece set 175.00 1941-48, All body styles, Left Side 11A-114-L .................................... 2 piece set 175.00 1941-48, Coupe (Short Door), Right Side 11A-336-R ................................................. kit 189.00 1941-48, Coupe (Short Door), Left Side 11A-336-L ................................................. kit 189.00 25 1/2” OUTER ROCKER PANEL 1941-48, Coupe and 2 Door 11A-437 .................................................... pair EMS-176 REAR QUARTER PATCH PANELS 1941-48, 2 Dr. Sedan and Club Coupe (long door) EMS-176 Must state left or right side ..... each 120.00 r Cente t Fron Rear 1941-48, Front, extends from firewall to door EMS-166 Specify Left or Right Side ...... each 1941-48, Business Coupe (short door) EMS-177 Must state left or right side ..... each 120.00 1941-48, Passenger, Die Stamped Steel 21A-350 .................................................... pair 50.00 11A-363 EMS ROCKER BOXES 109.00 1941-48, Center, Tudor, Club Coupe & Convertible (long door), extends from door post to door post EMS-162 Specify Left or Right Side ...... each 165.00 1941-48, Business Coupe (short door), As Above EMS-159 Specify Left or Right Side ...... each 165.00 1941-48, Rear, Tudor, Club Coupe & Convertible (long door), from door post to rear fender EMS-160 Specify Left or Right Side ...... each 75.00 1941-48, Business Coupe (short door), As Above EMS-163 Specify Left or Right Side ...... each 75.00 Page 158 21A-350 70.00 OUTER PANEL BELOW DECK LID 1941-46 All 11A-363 ................................................ each 295.00 1947-48 All 6A-363 .................................................. each 135.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 FIREWALLS 1928-29 FD-121 ................................................ each 335.00 1930-31, 3” recess FD-155 .................................................. each 377.00 1930-31, 5” recess FD-156 .................................................. each 428.00 1930-31, 2 pc. Flat Firewall, 2-1/2” setback FD-155-SM .......................................... each 317.00 1932, 1-3/4” recess FD-227 ................................................ each 391.00 1932, 3” recess FD-227-3 ............................................... each 391.00 1932, 4” recess FD-227-4 ............................................... each 391.00 1933-34, Pickup, Smooth FD-206 ................................................ each 304.00 1933-34 Passenger, 3” recess FD-125 ................................................. each 433.00 1933-34 Passenger, 5” recess FD-126 ................................................... each 442.00 1935-36 Passenger, 3” recess FD-132 ................................................ each 433.00 1935-36 Passenger, 5” recess FD-131 .................................................. each 442.00 Page 159 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 FIREWALLS 1935-39 Pickup, 3” recess FD-235 ................................................ each 1941-48 Passenger, 2” recess FD-139 ................................................. each 376.00 1941-48 Passenger, 4” recess FD-140 ................................................... each 433.00 433.00 FLOORPANS 1940-47 Pickup, 2” recess FD-191 ................................................ each 396.00 1940-47 Pickup, 4” recess FD-246 .................................................. each 1928-31, Front Floor Pan with stock Firewall FD-157 ................................................ each 175.00 431.00 1928-31, As Above with recessed Firewall FD-117 .................................................. each 175.00 1937-40 Passenger, 3” recess FD-136 ................................................ each 433.00 1937-40 Passenger, 5” recess FD-137 .................................................. each 442.00 1930-31, Coupe FD-118-C ............................................ each 311.00 1928-29 Coupe and 1928-31 Tudor Sedan FD-118-S ............................................... each 311.00 Page 160 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 FLOORPANS 1932 Passenger, with stock firewall FD-122 ................................................ each 304.00 1932 Passenger, with recessed firewall FD-194 .................................................. each 304.00 1932 Pickup, Front Floorboard, with stock Firewall FD-122-PU ........................................... each 304.00 1932 Pickup, Front Floorboard, with recessed Firewall FD-194-PU ............................................ each 304.00 1933-34 Pickup, Front Floorboard with stock Firewall FD-270 .................................................. each 328.00 19333-34 Pickup, As Above with recessed Firewall FD-207 .................................................. each 328.00 1932 Passenger, Under Seat Pan FD-124 .................................................. each 92.00 1933-34 Pass., Front Floorboard with stock Firewall FD-129 ................................................ each 328.00 1933-34 Pass., Front Floorboard for small block FD-127 .................................................. each 328.00 1932, 5 Window Coupe, Rear Floorpan FD-188 ................................................ each 347.00 1932, 3 Window Coupe, Rear Floorpan FD-187 .................................................. each 347.00 1932, Tudor Sedan Rear Floorpan FD-189 .................................................. each 347.00 1933-34 Pass., Front Floorboard for big block FD-128 .................................................. each 328.00 1933-34 Passenger., Rear Floor, smooth FD-130 ................................................ each 304.00 Page 161 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 FLOORPANS 1935-39 Pickup, Floorpan, with Stock Firewall FD-301 ................................................ each 332.00 1935-39 Pickup, Floorpan with recessed Firewall FD-236 .................................................. each 332.00 1935-40 Passenger, Toeboards, with stock Firewall FD-198 ................................................ each 262.00 1935-36 Passenger, Rear Floor, Coupe FD-195 ................................................ each 293.00 1935-36 Passenger, Rear Floor, Sedan, to seat riser FD-193 .................................................. each 293.00 1937-40 Rear Floorboard, to seat riser FD-138 ................................................ each 213.00 1935-40 Passenger, Toeboards with recessed Firewall FD-198-SB ............................................ each 262.00 19341-48 Passenger., Toeboards, with stock Firewall FD-243 ................................................ each 262.00 1935-40 Passenger, Front Floor with stock Firewall FD-135 ................................................ each 332.00 1935-40 Passenger, Front Floor with small block FD-134 .................................................. each 332.00 1935-40 Passenger, Front Floor with big block FD-133 .................................................. each Page 162 332.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1941-48 Passenger, Front Floorboard, with small block Firewall FD-141 ................................................ each 286.00 1941-48 As Above, with big block Firewall FD-142 .................................................. each 1935-36 Coupe, Trunk Floor FD-196 ................................................ each 334.00 286.00 1941-48 Passenger, Rear Floorboard, to seat riser FD-154 ................................................ each 281.00 1935-36 Sedan and 1937-40 All, Trunk Floor FD-197 ................................................ each 334.00 1941-48 Passenger, Trunk Floor FD-211 ................................................ each 228.00 1941-48 Passenger, Rear Floorboard, to seat riser FD-212 ................................................ each 255.00 Page 163 PICKUP PATCH PANELS 1-800-543-5035 ’28-’48 Ford Parts O1C-8102042 O1C-8102056 O1C-8102054-L 81C-8140302 O1C-8111106 O1C-8111106O1C-837 REAR CAB CORNERS CAB FLOORS 1940-41, Specify Left or Right Side O1C-8111106 ................................... per side 85.00 1942-47, Specify Left or Right Side 21C-8111106 .................................... per side 85.00 1940-47, Cab Floor Center Hump O1C-8111106-C .................................... each 50.00 CAB FLOOR TOE BOARDS 1940-47 O1C-8111105 ........................................ pair 150.00 TRANSMISSION COVER 1935-37 50-700380 ............................................. each 75.00 1935-37 Pickup 50-8140302/3 ......................................... pair 80.00 1938-39 81C-8140302/3 ....................................... pair 80.00 1940-47 O1C-8140302/3 ...................................... pair 80.00 HINGE POST SECTION 1940-47, Specify Left or Right Side O1C-8102042 ....................................... each 40.00 ROCKER PANEL ASSEMBLY 1935-37 Pickup 50-837 ...................................................... pair 89.00 1940-47, Specify Left or Right Side O1C-837 ................................................ each 42.50 1938-39 81C-700380 ........................................... each 75.00 1940-47 O1C-700380 .......................................... each 75.00 1932-47 Pickup, mounts on Rocker Panel to hold lower Door Seal, right and left hand 7C-8120712-PR ....................................... pair 12.00 260.00 FRONT CAB MOUNTS REAR CAB FLOOR 1940-47, Under the seat O1C-8111107 ....................................... each COWL PATCH PANEL 1928-29, Full Cowl Panel A-114-A .................................................. pair 1940-47, Reinforcement for Cowl at lower Hinge O1C-8102056/7-PR ................................ pair 85.00 160.00 1930-31 All, Cowl Panel Patch with correct bead A-114-B ................................................... pair 25.00 1935-37 Pickup, State Right or Left Side 50-8102054 ........................................... each 65.00 1938-39 Pickup, State Right or Left 81C-8102054 ......................................... each 80.00 1940-47 Pickup, State Right or Left Side O1C-8102054 ........................................ each Page 164 LOWER DOOR SEAL RETAINER 80.00 LOWER REAR CAB REPAIR PANEL (NOT SHOWN) 1935-37, Bottom of cab below rear window, 44-1/2” wide 50-8102050 ........................................... each 60.00 1940-47, As Above O1C-8102050 ....................................... each 60.00 FORWARD CAB MOUNT 1940-47 O1C-8102011 ......................................... pair 75.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1935-37 INNER DOOR BOTTOMS 1930-31 Pickup, Closed Cab A-438-AB ................................................ pair 37.00 1935-37, Specify Left or Right Side 50-438 ................................................... each 42.50 1938-47, Specify Left or Right Side 81C-438 ................................................ each 42.50 COMPLETE CAB FLOOR 1935-37 1940-41 Pickup, One piece floor, includes rocker panels, 18 gauge steel, USA made as original O1C-8111106-FL ................................. each 595.00 OUTER DOOR BOTTOMS 1930-31 Pickup A-836-B ................................................... pair 75.00 1932-34 Pickup B-836 ...................................................... pair 65.00 1935-37, Pickup, Specify Left or Right Side 50-836 ................................................... each 40.00 1938-47, Pickup, Specify Left or Right Side 81C-836 ................................................ each 40.00 SEAT RISER 1940-41 Pickup, 18 gauge steel, USA made as original O1C-8111107-SR ................................. each 325.00 INNER CAB CORNERS 1940-47 Pickup, Right Side O1C-707500 ......................................... each 45.00 1940-47 Pickup, Left Side O1C-707501 ......................................... each 45.00 Page 165 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 FREIGHT TRUCK FREIGHT TRUCK 1928-31 MODEL “A” PICKUP BEDS 1928-31, Model “A” Pickup Bed. This is a complete bed, just paint and bolt to frame A-975-AB ............................................ each 1695.00 Crating charge for above ................. 250.00 Includes: Sides Front Tailgate Bedwood Bed Strips Rear Cap Tailgate Hinges Fender Bolts Tailgate Chains All Cross Members Complete Bolt Kit COMPLETE PICKUP BED ASSEMBLY A-958-AB 1932-37 830000 .................................. kit REAR FENDER SPACER 1928-31 A-958-AB ....................................... pair 1938-47, Complete Pickup Bed in unassembled state. It includes every part of the bed. Call for freight quote. Crating charge 100.00. Stainless Steel Upgrade includes: polished stainless bed strips, stainless bolts, polished stainless fender bolts, and polished stainless tailgate hinges. 135.00 1938-41 81C-830000 call for prices ................................... kit 1938-41, As Above, Stainless Steel Upgrade 81C-830000-SS .............................. kit 2195.00 1942-47 21C-830000 1995.00 ................................... kit 1942-47, As Above, Stainless Steel Upgrade 21C-830000-SS .............................. kit Call ahead to have your order delivered FREE to any of the major swap meets we attend this year. See page 181 for show schedule. Page 166 1995.00 2195.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 B-830522-R 81C-830522 PICKUP BED SIDES 1928-31, Pickup Bedsides only, no attaching parts A-950-AB ............................................... pair 550.00 B-830522-F 1932 B-830500/1 ............................................. pair CALL 1933-34 40-830500/1 ............................................ pair CALL 1931 Late-1937, Front B-830522-F .................................. each 40.00 1935-36 50-830500/1 ............................................ pair CALL 1931 Late-1937, Rear B-830522-R .................................. each 40.00 1937 77-830500/1 ............................................ pair CALL 1938-47 81C-830522 35.00 1938-41, Complete with stake pockets and center brace 81C-830500/1 ............................... pair 850.00 1942-47, As Above 21C-830500/1 ........................................ pair STAKE POCKET .................................. each PICKUP BED FRONT PANELS 850.00 1932-37 PICKUP BED SIDE FILLER PANELS 1935-37, Fits between running board and bed side 50-8307842-PR ....................................... pair 75.00 1938-41, As Above 81C-8307842-PR .............................. pair 50.00 1942-47, As Above 21C-8307842-PR ..................................... pair 50.00 830533 830538 PICKUP BED REAR STAKE POCKET BRACE 1938-47 81C-830533 ................................... pair 40.00 PICKUP BED SIDE SUPPORTS 1938-47 77-830538 ...................................... each 1928-31, Front Bed Panel with top corner brackets spot welded on A-871-S ................................................ each 135.00 1932-37 Pickup, Die Stamped Steel, 46” wide between bed sides 46-8300124 .......................................... each 200.00 1938-41 Pickup, Die Stamped Steel, 46” wide between bed sides 81C-8300124 ........................................ each 150.00 1942-48 Pickup, Die Stamped Steel, 49” wide between bed sides 21C-8300124 ........................................ each 150.00 20.00 Page 167 1-800-543-5035 ’28-’48 Ford Parts PICKUP TAILGATES SMOOTHIE TAILGATE A-952-AB 1928-31 Pickup .................... each 275.00 1942-56, For Flare Side Bed B7C-8340700-SM .......................... each A-961-A1 195.00 65011 46-8340700 1932-34 Pickup ................ each 295.00 TAILGATE HINGES 50-8340700 1935-36 Pickup ................ each 325.00 77-8340700 1937 Pickup ...................... each 325.00 1928-31, Tailgate Hinge Set, 4 pcs. A-961-A1 ......................................... set 60.00 1928-31, Tailgate Hinge Bolt A-963-AB ...................................... each 14.00 1932-36, Tailgate Hinge, 3 required B-65011 ........................................ each 8.00 1932-36, Tailgate Hinge Rod B-78456 ....................................... each 15.00 1932-36, Tailgate Hinge Rod, Stainless Steel B-78456-SS .................................. each 28.00 1937-47, Tailgate Hinge 81C-65011 ..................................... pair 15.00 1937-47, As Above, Polished Stainless Steel 81C-65011-SS ......................................... pair 35.00 81C-8340700 1938-40 Pickup .............. each 325.00 TAILGATE CHAIN ASSEMBLY 1938-47, Includes: tailgate chain, chain cover, hook and link, 81C-8344456-A ............................... pair 60.00 1938-Early 50, as above, stainless steel 81C-8344456-SS .................................... pair 11C-8340700 1941, 46” wide ............... each 325.00 21C-8340700 1942-48, 49” wide .......... each 295.00 51M-8340700 1946-50, Mercury .......... each 425.00 Page 168 140.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 81C-65008-S 7C-8344450-B PICKUP BED RIVET KIT 1932-47, This is all the Rivets necessary for you to completely restore your pickup bed 18-65005-K ...................................... kit 25.00 TAILGATE CHAIN COVERS 1928-31, A-962-AB ...................................... each 10.00 1932-56, Rubber 7C-8344450-B ................................ pair 10.00 TAILGATE CHAIN 1928-31 A-967-AB 8.00 1932-37, 18 links B-65008-S ...................................... pair 10.00 1938-47, 13 links 81C-65008-S .................................. pair 10.00 46-65007-R 81C-65007 81C-65006 81C-65010-S ....................................... each HIDDEN TAILGATE LATCHES All years, Pro’s Pick Hidden Tailgate Latches has small stainless steel brackets that attach to the inside of the tailgate, spring loaded catches that install in the bedside (hidden by the stake pocket posts) also made of stainless and nylon, and nylon woven check straps with stainless buckles that hold the tailgate in a horizontal position. The kit includes all fasteners, hardware and complete instructions. Fits any stock or custom tailgate. 7C-8344457-PR .............................. pair 185.00 TAILGATE CHAIN PARTS 1928-37, Tailgate Chain Hook A-965-AB ................................................ each 8.00 1938-47, Tailgate Chain Hook 81C-65007 ..................................... each 8.00 1933-47, Tailgate Chain Hook Retainer Spring 46-65007-R .................................... each 4.00 1928-31, Tailgate Chain Bracket A-964-AB .............................................. each 22.00 1932-37, Tailgate Chain Bracket B-65006 ................................................ each 10.00 1938-47, Tailgate Chain Bracket 81C-65006 ................................... each 10.00 1928-37, Tailgate Chain Top Link A-966-A1 ............................................... each 6.00 1938-47, Tailgate Chain Top Link 81C-65010-S ................................. each 12.00 HIDDEN TAILGATE LATCHES These stainless latches mount on the inside to allow removal of chains and hooks from Tailgate for that smooth look. 7C-8344457-SS ............................... pair 30.00 FREE SHIPPING Standard size UPS ground orders over $1000 are shipped free within the continental US. Free shipping does not apply to UPS over-size or overweight packages, back orders, or truck freight items. Larger parts such as, but not limited to, Running Boards, Bumpers, Headliners, Pickup Beds, Fenders, Tailgates and Firewall Insulators are not covered under the Free Shipping Offer. Page 169 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 78-1/4” Long BEDSIDE ANGLE STRIPS CUSTOM WOOD FLOOR KITS This has been developed to replace that all metal floor. This kit includes the complete oak wood floor, stainless steel bed strips, special spacers, bolts and brackets which make it appear to be factory original. Stainless Steel Strips to finish lower bedside where it meets the bed wood. Holes are pre-punched to bolt to bed floor. 7C-8312608-SS ................................ pair 60.00 As Above, smooth, no holes 7C-8312608-SSM .................................... pair 60.00 1928-31 Pickup, Wood, stainless strips and bolts A-8312606-SSK ....................................... kit 345.00 1928-31 Pickup, wood only A-65004 .................................................... kit 7C-355471 235.00 1932-50 Pickup, Wood, stainless strips and bolts 8312606-SSK ................................... kit 425.00 Please state year of pickup REAR FENDER TO BED BOLT 1932-48 7C-355471 ..................................... each 1.00 1932-48, As original, 5/16” x 24, 5/8” 7C-355471-S ............................ set of 24 20.00 1932-48, As Above, Polished Stainless 7C-355471-SSP .............................. set of 24 40.00 PICKUP BED STRIPS 1928-31, Plain Steel, with holes, set of 4 A-873 ........................................................ set 65.00 1928-31, As Above, Stainless Steel A-873-S .................................................... set 95.00 1938-41, Plain Steel, with holes 81C-8312605-A ...................................... each This covers the end of wood bed strips at back of bed below tailgate 10.00 1938-41, Polished Stainless Steel, with holes 81C-8312605-HSS ................................. each 1942-47 Plain Steel 7C-8312609-P ............................... each 15.00 18.00 1942-47 Stainless Steel 7C-8312609-SS ............................. each 25.00 1942-47, F-1, Plain Steel, with holes 21C-8312605-A ...................................... each 10.00 1942-47, F-1, Polished Stainless, with holes 21C-8312605-HSS ................................. each 18.00 Universal 10 foot bed strips, no holes U-8312605-P (Plain Steel) ................. each U-8312605-SS (Polished Stainless) ....... each 17.00 23.00 Page 170 WOOD SILL COVER FINISH STRIP ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1938-41 BED SIDE SUBRAILS 1938-41 Pickup 81C-8310249/50-PR ....................... pair 180.00 1942-47 Pickup 21C-8310249/50-PR ............................. pair 180.00 ROLL PAN 1938-41, Smooth 81C-8301110-P ............................. each 130.00 1942-50, Smooth 21C-8301110-P ............................. each 130.00 21C-830108 PICKUP BED CROSSMEMBERS 1942-50, Front Crossmember 21C-8310610-A ............................... each 35.00 1938-41, Middle Front Crossmember 81C-8310705-F ............................... each 50.00 1942-47, Middle Front Crossmember 21C-8310705-F ............................... each 50.00 1938-41, Middle Rear Crossmember 81C-8310705-R ............................... each 50.00 1942-47, Middle Rear Crossmember 21C-8310705-R ............................... each 50.00 1932-36 also fits 1937, Rear Crossmember B-830108 .............................................. each 60.00 1938-41, Rear Crossmember 81C-830108 ................................... each 65.00 1942-47, Rear Crossmember 21C-830108 ................................... each 65.00 ROLL PAN WITH LICENSE PLATE RECESS 1938-41, With License Plate Recess 81C-8301110-LR ........................... each 160.00 1942-50, With License Plate Recess 21C-8301110-LR ........................... each 160.00 HOT LITE’Z FOR PICKUP BED ROLL 50-88004 81C-88004 1948-56, Sizes available 15/16”, 1-1/8”, 1-1/4”, 1-5/8”. Specify size needed for your bed roll. 7C-830520-LT ................................ pair 110.00 BED MOUNTING WOOD 1935-37, Hardwood, all holes drilled, set of two 50-88004 ................................................. set 1938-41, As Above 81C-88004 ..................................... set 30.00 100.00 Page 171 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1940-48 Station Wagon (Woody) Parts BACK WINDOW WEATHER SEAL KIT 1937-39 Station Wagon, Die cut black rubber seals between tailgate and body, brown rubber seal molded in one shape fits sides and bottom of window frame 78-796130-K ............................................ kit 125.00 FENDER STONE GUARDS 1942-48 Station Wagon, Rubber molded to steel backing plate with mounting studs installed 51A-16349/50-B ..................................... pair 300.00 WOOD FINISH BUTTONS BACK WINDOW WEATHER SEAL KIT 1940 Station Wagon, Die cut black rubber seals between tailgate and body, rubber seal fits in the track on window frame and seals against the tailgate O1A-7942086-K ........................................ kit 75.00 1940-48 Station Wagon, Steel buttons tapped 5/16-18 and features 3 teeth for gripping wood, capped with polished stainless cover. 350967-S23 .................................... set of 10 40.00 BACK WINDOW WEATHER SEAL KIT 1941-48 Station Wagon, “U” shaped extruded rubber cut to length and “V” cut inside corners to surround glass. 11A-7941936-K ....................................... pair 35.00 Page 172 TAILGATE AND WINDOW SEAL KIT 1941-48 Station Wagon, Kit includes: Quarter Body Post Seals, Back Window Frame and Tailgate Seal, Tailgate Bottom Hinge Seal and Tailgate Side Seals. 11A-7942086-K ......................................... kit 60.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 1940-48 Station Wagon (Woody) Parts GAS NECK HOSES 1938-40 Station Wagon, Rubber hose with Ford script and part numbers 81A-9047 .............................................. each 15.00 1941-48 Station Wagon, As Above 11A-9047-B ............................................ each 7.50 DOOR SEAL KIT 1940-48 Station Wagon, does all 4 doors 21A-791980 ............................................... kit 55.00 LOWER DOOR SEAL DOOR CHECK STRAP 1932-48 Station Wagon, 5-1/8” Black B-162592-L6 ........................................... each 6.00 1932-48 Station Wagon, 5-1/8” Brown 78-794400 ............................................... pair 25.00 1932-48 Station Wagon, 6-1/8” Black B-162592-L7 .......................................... each 6.00 1932-48 Station Wagon, 6-1/8” Brown B-151587 ................................................ pair 25.00 1932-48 Station Wagon, 7-1/8” Black B-162592-L8 ......................................... each 6.00 1932-48 Station Wagon, 7-1/8” Brown 11A-7923504 .......................................... pair 25.00 1938-39 Station Wagon, fits on door scuff, does all 4 doors 81A-791980 ............................................... kit 35.00 DOOR BUMPER 1932-39 Station Wagon B-151444 .................................................. each 3.00 TAILGATE BUMPERS DOOR HANDLE PAD (OUTSIDE) 1941-48 Station Wagon, set of 4 11A-7922428-R ....................................... set 20.00 1939-41 Station Wagon 91A-7943916 ........................................... pair 20.00 1942-48 Station Wagon 21A-7943916 ........................................... pair 20.00 DOOR ESCUTCHEON PADS 1941-48 Station Wagon, 8 piece set 11A-7923465-K ........................................ set 20.00 Page 173 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 LED TAIL LIGHTS 1928-31 1932 1928-31 1933-36 1928-31 All, Right Side, Stainless, no License Lens FTL2831LEDAR .................................. each 45.00 1928-31 All, Left Side, Stainless, with License Lens FTL2831LEDAL .................................. each 53.00 1932 All, Right Side, Stainless, no License Lens FTL3201LEDAR .................................. each 45.00 1932 All, Left Side, Stainless, with License Lens FTL3201LEDAL ................................... each 53.00 1933-36, Right Side, Stainless, no License Lens FTL3336LEDAR .................................. each 49.00 19333-36, Left Side, Stainless, with License Lens FTL3336LEDAL .................................. each 59.00 1932 1933-36 1928-31 All, Right Side, no License Lens FTL2831LEDR .................................... each 27.00 1928-31 All, Left Side, with License Lens FTL2831LEDL .................................... each 36.00 1932 All, Right Side, no License Lens FTL3201LEDR .................................... each 27.00 1932 All, Left Side, with License Lens FTL3201LEDL ..................................... each 36.00 1933-36, Right Side, no License Lens FTL3336LEDR .................................... each 27.00 19333-36, Left Side, with License Lens FTL3336LEDL .................................... each 36.00 1938-39 1937 1937 1938-39 1940 52.00 1937 Passenger, Right Side, no License Lens FTL3701LEDR ..................................... each 24.00 1937 Passenger, Left Side, with License Lens FTL3711L .............................................. each 61.00 1937 Passenger, Left Side, with License Lens FTL3701LEDL ...................................... each 40.00 1938-39 Passenger, Right or Left Side F383904 ................................................ each 38.00 1938-39 Passenger, Right or Left, FTL3839NTLED ................................... each 39.00 1940 Passenger, Right or Left FTL4004LED ......................................... each 38.00 1937 Passenger, Right Side, no License Lens FTL3711R ........................................... each 1940 1942-48 1941 1940 Passenger, Right or Left, FTL4005LED ....................................... each 1942-48 Passenger, Right or Left F42802 .................................................. each Page 174 47.00 1942-48 1941 Passenger, Right or Left, FTL4101LED ........................................ each 26.00 48.00 1942-48 Passenger, Right or Left FTL4248LED ......................................... each 28.00 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 ididit TILT STEERING COLUMN Universal 30” — Paintable ……………… 369.00 Chrome ……………..… 485.00 Universal 32” — Paintable ……………… 369.00 Chrome ……………….. 485.00 Haywire 19 Circuit E Series Large selection of terminals, heat shrink, wire ties G.M. color coded and labeled wires GXL-UL listed 105° C—moisture and solvent resistant wire Call for more information and pricing for your particular application. Easy to follow instructions Alternator connector, Headlight connector, T/ Toll Free Order Number: 800-543-5035 Customer Service Number: 937-325-2408 signal connector, Ignition and dimmer connectors, fusible links, HEI connectors Comes complete with horn and radiator fan relays Technical; assistance available HW-14401-E Large selection of terminals, heat shrink, wire When a “little dab” will do ya, this small 3” x 3 1/8” x 3 3/8” PRO-T Fuse Panel and Harness is just the key. Designed for mounting on the firewall or in the trunk, the HAYWIRE PRO-T contains 7 fuses, 9 circuits, a horn relay, and electronic flasher. The PRO-T comes complete with G.M. column connectors, terminals, labeled harness wires, and easy to follow instructions. ................................. each 260.00 EZ-Wiring 21 Circuit Haywire PRO-T Series HW-14401-T ................................. each 145.00 ties Color coded and labeled wires GXL-UL listed 125° C—moisture and solvent resistant wire Easy to follow instructions Technical; assistance available 18 fuses, 21 circuits EZ-14401 ..................................... each 199.00 Page 175 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 DASH INSERTS (Less Gauges) O1A-9271-SR2 KUSC110332 1940 Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup, Aluminum, accepts VDO gauge kits, with hardware, Smooth Face, O1A-9271-SR2 .............................. each 110.00 KUSC110532 1932 Passenger, 3-3/8” openings, Polished Aluminum KUSC110332 ............................... each 130.00 1932 Passenger, for 5 Gauge Kit with 3-1/8” speedometer, Polished Aluminum KUSC110532 ............................... each KUSC110533 O1A-9271-SR4 As Above, Stepped Face O1A-9271-SR4 ............................... each 110.00 130.00 KUSC120534 1933-34 Passenger, 3-1/8” speedometer, Polished Aluminum KUSC110533 ............................... each 130.00 1934 Pickup, As Above KUSC120534 ............................... each KUSC120535 130.00 NEW VINTAGE GAUGE KIT Complete 5 Gauge Kit comes with all necessary senders. Chrome/White Face. Black Needles. Less Tachometer. 3– 3/8 Diameter Speedo. USA made. NV-909 ..................................................... kit 219.00 KUSC120340 1935-36 Pickup, 3-1/8” speedometer, Polished Aluminum KUSC120535 ............................... each 130.00 1940-47 Pickup, 3-3/8” openings, Polished Aluminum KUSC120340 ............................... each 130.00 KUSC110340 KUSC110540 1940 Passenger, 3-1/8” openings, Polished Aluminum KUSC110340 ............................... each 140.00 1940 Passenger, 3-1/8” speedometer, Polished Aluminum KUSC110540 ............................... each 140.00 OMEGA GAUGE KIT Complete 5 Gauge Kit comes with all necessary senders. Chrome/White Face. Red Needles. Less Tachometer.3– 3/8 Diameter Speedo. USA made. OM-909 .......................................... kit Page 176 Discontinued ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 CLASSIC INSTRUMENTS VDO GAUGE KIT Cockpit Royale’s distinctive styling features matte white faces, black lettering and pointers, and polished chrome bezels. Complete set with GM senders, less tachometer 600-927 3-3/8” Programable Speedometer . set of 5 375.00 Tachometer only 600-909-A ............................................ each 125.00 Pulse Sensor for Ford transmission 600-FORD ............................................ each 59.00 As Above, Chrome Bezel, white face, black needle. CW-5576-CLC ................................. kit 375.00 As Above, Chrome Bezel, black face, white needle. TR-5576-CLC .................................. kit 375.00 1940 INSTRUMENT CLUSTER NEW VINTAGE GAUGE KIT 1935-36, Woodward Series, 4-3/8” Speedo, 3-3/8” gauge hole openings (must enlarge outer hole openings), Beige with stainless rings, with sending units NV-1935-BGE ............................ 3 gauge kit 425.00 1935-36, As Above, Black with stainless rings NV-1935-BLK ............................ 3 gauge kit Brass Bezel, tan faced with red needle. Kit includes Speedometer & Quad Cluster, 3-3/8” diameter VT-5576-CLC .................................. kit 375.00 1940 Passenger and 1940-47 Pickup, includes Cluster, Gauges and necessary Senders, available in 4 color combinations, O1A-11804 ............................................. kit 975.00 425.00 NEW VINTAGE GAUGE KIT FORD MOTORSPORT GAUGE KIT 1937-39 Woodward Series, 4-3/8” hole openings, Beige with stainless rings, with sending units NV-1937-BGE ............................ 2 gauge kit 399.00 Complete 5 Gauge Kit comes with all necessary senders. Chrome with white face. Less Tachometer. 3-1/8 Diameter Speedo. M-19017-A961 ........................................ kit 425.00 1937-39 As Above, Black with stainless rings NV-1937-BLK ............................ 2 gauge kit 399.00 Page 177 1-800-543-5035 ’28-’48 Ford Parts EMERGENCY HAND BRAKE Gear plate and lock are heat treated for strength and safety. Available in 16” and 11” lengths. 11” lengths EHB-7011 .................................... each 140.00 16” lengths EHB-7016 ............................................ each 140.00 FLOOR MOUNT EMERGENCY HAND BRAKE EHB-7000-F ................................ each 105.00 LOKAR TRANSMISSION SHIFTER Available in 6” to 23” shaft length. Includes all hardware for installation. Specify Transmission type when ordering 6”, 8”, 10”, 12” Shifter .......................... each 239.00 16” Shifter ............................................ each 245.00 23” Shifter ............................................ each 255.00 Lokar offers a complete line of Emergency Brake Cables, Throttle Cables, Kick-Down Cables, Engine and Transmission Dip Sticks, and other related accessories. Call us for price and availability on all your Lokar needs. 1-800-543-5035 Page 178 SHIFTER AND BRAKE LEVER BOOT Classic Shifter Boot 70-CLB ........................................ each 36.00 Hot Rod Shifter Boot 70-HRB .................................................. each 29.00 Floor Mount Brake Boot 70-EHBF ................................................ each 29.00 Transmission Mount Brake Boot 70-EHBT ................................................ each 29.00 1-800-543-5035 ’28-’48 Ford Parts Hiboy UPPER SHOCK MOUNTS ENGINE MOUNT 1928-48 1932-34 Passenger, Front Shock Mounts, Stainless HR-60600 ................................................. kit 130.00 Call Early Ford for Applications and Pricing 1935-40 Shown 1935-40 Shown TRANSMISSION MOUNT 1928-48 FRONT SHOCK KIT 1928-48 Call Early Ford for Applications and Pricing Call Early Ford for Applications and Pricing 1941-48 Passenger Shown 1935-40 TRANSMISSION MOUNT 1928-48 REAR SHOCK KIT 1928-48 Call Early Ford for Applications and Pricing Call Early Ford for Applications and Pricing Page 179 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 POWER WINDOW KITS These kits include: 2 Regulator/Motor Assemblies, Wiring Harness and Conduit, your choice of GM Chrome or Black Illuminated Switches. These are bolt-in assemblies to replace your original regulators on both sides. It doesn’t get any easier than this. KIT $510.00 The Model A originally had a single arm. We manufacture our kits to have a scissor action to keep the window level. You would need to drill two holes for an adjusting bar. We provide a template to locate the two holes. You would need glass channels also. PICTURE NOT AVAILABLE KIT $580.00 1935-36 COUPE/SEDAN FRONTS (Kickback Feature) 1928-31 MODEL A FRONTS & REAR (SAME) KIT $580.00 KIT $580.00 1937-39 COUPE/SEDAN FRONTS (Kickback Feature) KIT $450.00 1932 5 WINDOW COUPE FRONTS 1940 COUPE FRONTS KIT $580.00 KIT $450.00 1933 FORD COUPE/SEDAN FRONTS 1941-48 COUPE-LONG DOOR, FRONTS (Same as Sedan) KIT $580.00 KIT $445.00 1937-40 Shown 1934 COUPE/SEDAN FRONTS (Kickback Feature) Available for all applications Page 180 1932-48 SEDAN QUARTER WINDOWS 1932-34 PICKUP . . . $510.00 1935-47 PICKUP . . . $580.00 1-800-543-5035 ’28-’48 Ford Parts Call ahead for free parts delivery to any of the shows below! You’ll find us at these Swap Meets DATE Feb. 5-7, 2016 Feb. 25-28, 2016 March 12-13, 2016 April 7-10, 2016 April 20-24, 2016 May 6-8, 2016 May 12-14, 2016 May 27-29, 2016 June 3-5, 2016 July 8-10, 2016 Aug. 4-7, 2016 Sept. 9-11, 2016 Sept. 22-25, 2016 Sept. 28-Oct. 2, 2016 Oct. 5-8, 2016 Oct. 21-23, 2016 Nov. 17-20, 2016 Nov. 24-27, 2016 CITY/STATE Moultrie, GA ............................. Zephyrhills, FL ......................... Louisville, KY ........................... Charlotte, NC ........................... Carlisle, PA .............................. Knoxville, TN ........................... Lebanon, TN ............................ Springfield, OH ........................ Carlisle, PA .............................. Columbus, OH ......................... Louisville, KY ........................... Kalamazoo, MI ......................... Charlotte, NC ........................... Carlisle, PA .............................. Hershey, PA ............................. Charlotte, NC ........................... Moultrie, GA ............................. Daytona, FL .............................. LOCATION Spence Air Field Festival Park @ Row 9, Space 66 Exposition Center@ Row F, #17-24 Speedway @ YYB 157, Blue field Fairgrounds @ Q-25 NSRA @ Chilhowee Park F-100 Nationals Cars & Parts @ Fairgrounds Fairgrounds, All Ford Meet @Q-25 Goodguys @ Ohio St. Fairgrounds NSRA Nationals @ Expo Center NSRA @ Fairgrounds Speedway, Orange Field, CCO-12 Fairgrounds @ Q-25 Chocolate Field, space CD-56 Goodguys @ Speedway Spence Air Field, E55-59 Turkey Run @ Daytona Spdwy., A-1 Email us at: MidwestEFS@core.com Page 181 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 WALK-IN SALE 10% OFF ur o Y Tell nds! Frie CASH SALES ONLY Also 5% discount for credit card use for this sale only Saturday, Sept. 10, 2016 Special Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon This is a one day in-store sale and cannot be used with any other discounts or coupons. Sale prices do not include shipping or taxes. You can call ahead to make sure the items you need will be in stock. TOLL FREE ORDERS ONLY PLEASE 800-543-5035 CUSTOMER SERVICE 937-325-2408 LLC www.MidwestEarlyFord.com FAX 937-325-1900 MidwestEFS@core.com 2141 West Main Street, Springfield, OH 45504 Page 174 Page 182 ’28-’48 Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 Early Ford Reproduction Parts has other great catalogs for Ford Cars and Trucks from 1928-56. All catalogs 4.00 each. Call for your copy today! Other Catalogs Available 1949-56 Car 1948-56 Truck To Urbana City of Springfield Rt. 4 & 40 W. Main St. Ex it 4 7 Rt Rt. 68-North Early Ford orth . 4-N 52 Exit B I-70 To Columbus To Xenia To Dayton 2141 WEST MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD, OHIO 45504 Customer Service (937) 325-2408 Toll Free Orders Only (800) 543-5035 Fax (937) 325-1900 Inside Back Cover—-delete this line before printing 1-800-543-5035 www.MidwestEarlyFord.com ’28-’48 Ford Parts Customer Service (937) 325-2408 Toll Free Orders Only (800) 543-5035 Fax (937) 325-1900 Email: MidwestEFS@core.com 2141 West Main Street, Springfield, OH 45504 Swap Meet Schedule—Page 181 Shirts in White only See page 17 Midwest Early Ford stocks quality Bob Drake Reproduction Parts Back Cover—-delete this line before printing Inside front cover—remove this line before printing HOW TO ORDER FROM ’28-’48 THIS CATALOG Ford Parts 1-800-543-5035 Phone Orders: MasterCard, VISA and Discover cards accepted. Phone: Toll-Free Order Number 1-800-543-5035. Customer Service Number 937-325-2408. Our phone representatives are at your service Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday 8:30-11:30 a.m.. Please have your part numbers ready. Fax: (937) 325-1900 Fax your completed order form along with year, make and model of the vehicle you are ordering for and your credit card information. Be sure to include a daytime phone number (include area code). Mail: If possible use order forms found in this catalog Please list year, make and model of vehicle for which you are ordering, complete part numbers, and description. Include daytime telephone number (including area code). Provide complete address with street name and house number. Mail to Early Ford, 2141 W. Main St., Springfield, OH 45504. Payment: Although personal checks are welcome, expect at least a two week delay in shipping to allow the check to clear the bank. Money orders, bank certified checks, MasterCard, VISA, Discover may also be used. Free Standard size UPS Ground orders over $1,000 are shipped free within the continental US. Shipping: Free shipping does not apply to UPS oversize or overweight packages, back orders or truck freight Items. Larger parts such as, but not limited to: Running Boards, Bumpers, Headliners, Pickup Beds, Fenders, Tailgates or Firewall Insulators, are not covered under the Free Shipping Offer. Return Policy If you need to return an item, you must call our store for authorization. All returns must be made within 30 days. After 30 days all sales are considered final. No returns will be processed without a completed merchandise return authorization form and a copy of the invoice. All returns are subject to a 20% restocking fee. Returned parts must be shipped prepaid, in the original unmarked manufacturer’s packaging, and in resalable condition. Special order items are not returnable. Claims: Inspect the merchandise upon arrival. All damage claims must be taken up with the carrier. Please keep merchandise in the original carton for carrier to inspect. Due to supplier price increases and decreases, PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. OHIO RESIDENTS Add 7-1/4% Sales Tax STORE HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:00 to 5:00 Saturday 8:30 to 11:30 Warranty: All merchandise is sold without warranty, either expressed or implied. We do not accept nor are we responsible for, the manner in which any of the products in this catalog are used. Neither seller nor manufacturer shall be liable for any loss, injury or damage, direct or consequential, arising out of the use of, or the inabilities of the product. After use, the user shall assume all risk and liability whatsoever in connection therewith. www.MidwestEarlyFord.com Email us at: MidwestEFS@core.com © 2016—Reproduction in whole or part without prior written consent is forbidden 1-800-543-5035 — ORDER FORM — ’28-’48 Ford Parts YEAR MODEL DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER REQUIRED Area Code 2141 West Main Street • Springfield, Ohio 45504 (937) 325-2408 • (800) 543-5035 • Fax (937) 325-1900 Number Please indicate method of payment □ Check or money order enclosed □ MasterCard □ VISA □ Discover Ship To: Expiration Date Street: State: Shipped Last 3 digits on signature strip on back of card Verification No. City: Zip: Quantity Ordered Part No. Signature required if using charge card Description Price Each SUB TOTAL When paying by check, please call our service desk for current UPS shipping charges. ESTIMATED NON-OVERSIZE SHIPPING RATES $1.00-100.00 ………13.00 shipping $101.00 + ………... 10% of amount Any overpayment of shipping will be refunded or issued as in-store credit. OVERSIZE SHIPPING RATES Oversize Shipping cost varies due to size, weight and value. To minimize delay in shipping, please call for current oversize shipping rates on items such as running boards, headliners, bumpers, fenders or other larger parts. Shipping & Handling SUB TOTAL Ohio Residents Add 7-1/4% Sales Tax TOTAL Amount Received Refund or Balance Due Total
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