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THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE ALTECH GROUP 2008 • issue one alk The Altech Siyabonga Awards pg 18 Altech Netstar Launches Guardian pg 28 We talk to Ndaba Ntsele, The CEO of Pamodzi pg 32 Altech takes control of East Africa’s leading ICT firms pg 12 Come inside Altech’s Northern Lights Ball - pg 15 President Mbeki opens the new SAPS radio centre - pg 17 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 2 The Altech CEO talks: A message from Craig Venter The Telecommunications Update The Strategic Update with Wessie van der Westhuizen Tech Talk with Steve Sidley The Sameer Group deal - much bigger than it looks Letter from the Editor Altech NamITech Makes an African Footprint at GSM Conference Altech Secures Major Deal in East Africa 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Altech Netstar is Voted Best Vehicle Recovery Company The Northern Lights Ball Altech Autopage Cellular Sponsors the Soweto Easter Games Altech Alcom Matomo Tranfers TETRA Network to the SAPS Altech Siyabonga Awards Altech Talk Trivia Out & About Altech Autopage Cellular’s talented Hendrietta Schoeman The Altech Academy CONTENTS Altech Netstar soars above the competition - pg 22 22 Altech Shines at the TT100 Awards 23 Altech Netstar’s Long Service Awards 24 Altech Autopage Cellular Helps Educate SA’s Most Vulnerable 26 Altech Porsche Challenge Banquet 28 Altech Netstar Launches Guardian 29 In-House Interview with Altech C.O.O. Andy Baker 32 Altech Talks to Pamodzi CEO, Ndaba Ntsele Altech Autopage Cellular builds a school for the children of Lamontville - pg 24 3 The Altech CEO Talks A Message from Craig Venter Our financial year-end has recently passed, with a good overall effort from our Group’s operating companies. Although I can’t divulge any details about our results, due to us being in a closed period, I look forward to discussing the numbers in the following issue of Altech Talk. However, there are a number of exciting exploits that our Group has made public in the past few months, and I would like to take this opportunity to make mention of these. 4 Altech has just announced the purchase of a controlling interest in three ICT subsidiaries of Kenya’s Sameer Group for roughly R650 million. This deal gives Altech a 51% stake in Kenya Data Networks Limited (KDN), Swift Global Limited (Swift) and Infocom Limited (Infocom), which effectively puts us in the position of becoming the number one data operator in East and Central Africa. By acquiring KDN we will take control of Kenya’s leading digital communications and data operator, which has almost 1500km of fibre throughout the country. This could possibly then be linked to the TEAMS and SEACOM undersea cables off Africa’s east coast when their production is completed. Swift is the top internet service provider in Kenya and Tanzania, whilst Infocom is a broadband and IT firm in Uganda. Between these three companies our presence on the African continent has increased substantially. The acquisition of ComTech by Altech Netstar Fleet Management Services (ANFMS) has now been unconditionally ratified by the Competition Commission. This boosts the market share of ANFMS to 20% of the total market from a previous 7%, and allows the company to offer all levels of fleet management products at various different pricing points. Altech Netstar has also been acknowledged as an industry leader after recently receiving two exceptional awards for their technological prowess. Foremost amongst these was the 2007 Technology Top 100 (TT100) Minister’s Award for Overall Excellence, which is recognised as one of the premier business excellence awards in the country, and was presented by Science and Technology Minister Mosibudi Mangena. Altech Netsar received a second TT100 award in the category of Excellence in the Management of Technology, whilst the Altech Group clinched the TT100 award for Excellence in the Management of Technology, Innovation and People. These are significant achievements for our Group that make me extremely proud, and reiterates the fact that we are at the cutting edge of technology in South Africa, as well as the world at large. The Altech Academy has now had its first board meeting and its curriculum has been finalised. The Academy officially enrolled its first class of students this year, and they are now involved in broadening their skills base and enhancing their educational qualifications. A total of 101 applicants from across the Group are going to be doing further studies ranging from diplomas to doctorates. Of this initial group, 40% are previously disadvantaged students, which will enable us to achieve the very important skills development and employment equity requirements within the Altech Group. Overall our Group is operating extremely well, with our order book exceeding R7,2 billion and our orders on hand passing R1 billion for the first time.These are record highs for us, and I believe they are just the beginning. Altech UEC has continued to expand into the global marketplace, in particular India, where they have secured significant orders and are now a true global player in decoder technology. Altech Netstar has just launched a new product named Guardian, which is a personal GPS tracking device that can pinpoint an individual’s location to within 3m. This product is a first in the South African market and should further increase Altech Netstar’s subscriber base. I believe there is going to be a convergence in the fields of voice, video and data, which leaves us exceptionally well positioned through Altech Autopage Cellular, Altech UEC and Altech Stream. The above has now also been strengthened by our recently announced acquisition of the Sameer ICT Group in Kenya. Before concluding this message, I would like to appeal to the Altech senior management in assisting the Group to achieve the BEE transformation targets that have been set under our Transformation 2012 Initiative. These are essential to the competitiveness and continued success of Altech going forward. I thank each and every one of you for your efforts over the past year in contributing to our Group’s strong performance, but I stress the fact that we cannot afford to become complacent. Our competitors are hoping for just this to happen, and it will take a significant effort from all of us to keep this great track record that we have intact. Craig Venter CEO, Altech Group 5 Looking back at a busy and challenging year for the Altech Wireless Division in 2007, some highlights stand out as being watershed steps towards a better and more profitable business for the year ahead. The team at Altech Autopage Cellular, under Steven Blewett, worked their way through a difficult downsizing early in the year and focused on sales of quality subscribers through revitalized channels throughout the year. The results came through in October with the forecast PBT raised to just under 10% over budget. Despite challenges, they have held to this forecast and are at set to deliver Altech Autopage’s best ever results to date. The Altech Netstar team continued to drive sales, ignoring negatives in the market such as interest rate hikes and the National Credit Act, which naturally impacted new car sales, a significant driver of subscribers for the company. Altech Netstar Fleet Management Services continued to grow at better than expected rates, to end up at some 27 000 subscribers, a growth of over 60% for the year. A highlight for the Altech Netstar team, ably driven by Andy Baker at the time, was the acquisition of ComTech, which adds a further 16 000 subscribers to the Fleet Management business and broadens the Altech Netstar product and service offering. Altech Alcom Matomo marked the substantial completion of the SAPS Gauteng TETRA contract with an opening presided over by President Mbeki. Despite many challenges, the project has been well managed, and now completed, by an exceptional team. This was done with the simultaneous submission of a bid for the SAPS Eastern Cape TETRA system – a mammoth task, which was achieved on time on 18 February 2008. Altech Alcom Radio Distributors achieved similarly good results through focused efforts in servicing a strong dealer base, together with a good export performance. Between them, both companies have achieved actual performance way ahead of budget. It was a team effort but Managing Director, Johan van Zyl, is well known for keeping his eye on the bottom-line. Well done to everyone in the Wireless Division on achieving solid results during 2007. I feel we can certainly build on these momentous achievements in the forthcoming year. The Telecommunications Update by Graham Passmoor 6 The Strategic Update by Wessie van der Westhuizen Systems Thinking In this column I would like to discuss my thoughts on ‘Systems Thinking’. Systems Thinking is an integral part of most of the training modules in the newly established Altech Academy. It is also compulsory for any of the post graduate degrees offered through the Da Vinci Institute in the management of innovation and technology. Why? Managers today have to cope with increasing complexity, change and diversity. Complexity stems from the nature of problems, which is typically related to other problems in what sometimes seems to be a chaotic manner. Change is a product of our era. Organizations, if they are to remain viable, have to respond adroitly to these constant shifts in their environments. In this world of complexity and change, managers have to tackle a much greater diversity of problems. They have to ensure that organizational processes are efficient and that they are served by the latest developments in technology. Staff need to be motivated and the organizational learning shared to ensure staying ahead of the competition. The pressure for flexible structures and transformational leadership is ever increasing, and so are changes in the legal, regulatory and social environments. Faced with this increasing complexity, change and diversity managers can easily fall in the “quick fix” trap of the latest management fads like benchmarking, rightsizing, continuous improvement, value chain analysis, etc. Sadly, these relatively simple solutions rarely work because they are not holistic or creative enough. Systems Thinking is holistic. Its focus is on ensuring that the parts of the organization function together to serve the needs of the whole. It is creative too, as the approaches used allow solving problems from multiple viewpoints using multiple techniques, and this in turn places a central emphasis on creative holism. Good luck to the first students on your creative and academic journey through the Altech Academy! Altech, as well as our country, needs your skills. 7 TECH TALK with Steve Sidley Altech’s Chief Technology Officer You’ve all probably read of Altech’s acquisition of the telecommunications assets of the Sameer Group in East Africa, announced at the end of February, 2008. So what’s really going on here? Just a good acquisition opportunity that we successfully snagged? Or is there more here than meets the eye? You bet there is. 8 The Sameer ICT deal: much bigger than it looks… Let’s step back a bit and look at the overall global telecommunications landscape.The worldwide trend is, on the one hand, seeing declining prices on data access and transport services. On the other hand, we are also seeing an increase in bandwidth, mainly due to fancy new technologies with confusing acronyms, which deliver bits faster and cheaper. What do you think happens when these two facts collide? Lower data prices, but more bandwidth. It turns out that consumers have an insatiable demand for more bandwidth (think YouTube and other bandwidth-heavy applications). So while it may be true that data prices are falling, there are also a slew of new higher bandwidth services being offered though new data channels, so revenues for the operators continue to climb. Bottom line – new revenue from more services over thicker pipes outweighs the inexorable downward pressure on bit prices. Yeah, you may argue, but we are in Africa, and our new Kenyan acquisition is in even darker Africa. So let’s zoom in – what do our new East African companies do? There are 3 separate companies that came with this deal. We purchased one network operator, KDN, and two ISPs (Swift in Kenya and Infocom in Uganda). The network operator provides the pipes, the ISPs hook up the customer and provide services, like email and internet access. The only competitor to KDN is Kenya Telecom, the incumbent, and we all know about the nimbleness of incumbents. KDN’s network is not only deemed by customers to be preferable to KT, but more importantly, KDN is the only company in Kenya (actually in the whole of East Africa) that has laid large stretches of wide area optical fibre, stretching from Mombasa on the coast, westwards to Nairobi, and on to the Ugandan border. That’s 1200kms worth, not to mention a complete network of fibre rings within Nairobi itself. Which brings us to the underlying strategy behind this acquisition. Most of you will probably know that there is an undersea cable being laid down the East Coast of Africa (called SEACOM), funded by a consortium of private investors. This will effectively end the Telkom monopoly on undersea cable access (the cable is called SAT3, which runs up the West Coast of Africa). It will also cause a lovely plummet in international internet access prices, given that Telkom’s international undersea charges are amongst the highest in the world. And guess where one of the major landing points of the new cable will be? Mombasa on the East coast of Kenya. And guess who will own the only fibre joining the SEACOM cable to Nairobi? Altech! This means we will not only get to carry all the sundry’s data in and around Kenya (like MTN and Safaricom data), but now we will also be the only fibre gateway to the rest of planet – meaning that anyone from East Africa who wants to browse Youtube or CNN or Google will likely choose to be transported on our highspeed bandwidth. Which brings us back to my original discussion. The undersea cable will bring high speed inexpensive international transport. Which will result in folks wanting new services (like video). And who gets to provide these services? Altech again, through Swift and Infocom. A truly virtuous circle. Finally – just think where we are going to take this. We are already rolling out WiFi in Rwanda. The cable is already on the border of Uganda. Think DRC. Look at a map. That would take us from the east coast all the way to the west coast. That would complete the SAT3/SeacOm ring. That would give us a strategic position that makes the mouth water. There’s more than meets the eye here, as I said. We are going to perform some serious magic that will metamorphose Altech into one of the most important telecommunications assets on the continent. Stay tuned. 9 Letter from the Editor Warm greetings to all our readers and fellow colleagues throughout the Altech Group! I would like to take this opportunity to comment on this new issue of our Group’s magazine, Altech Talk. I’m sure many of you have been wondering if there was to be another issue at all, since it’s been quite a stretch since our last edition. The reason for this should be evident from the revamped magazine you’re holding in your hands. Our CEO, Craig Venter, wanted our previous newsletter to be transformed into a proper glossy magazine, and so a complete overhaul of the old Altech Talk was undertaken. We have effectively doubled the pagination, which provides more space for the articles and images and will also allow us to include more regular features. Foremost amongst these is the introduction of Altech’s ‘Siyabonga Awards’. These awards will highlight an individual within the Altech Group who has gone that extra mile through hard work and dedication to their job. A R1000 cheque and certificate will be given to the recipients of this award at Head Office by Craig Venter himself. The process of how people are nominated and the winners chosen, is discussed on page 18. There will also be a trivia page that will feature Q & A’s about some sort of technology related to the Group’s businesses. Included on this page will be a competition question that will have a prize as an incentive. This issue’s reward for the chosen correct answer will be Altech Netstar’s brand new personal tracking product dubbed ‘Guardian’. This incredible device allows you to pinpoint a loved one to within 3 metres, and if assistance is required Altech Netstar’s ground and helicopter crews will be dispatched. 10 A new column named ‘Tech Talk’ written by Altech’s Chief Technology Officer, Steve Sidley, will highlight his views on a technological topic. The ‘Out & About’ page will feature news on an employee who’s involved in an activity, or achieved something noteworthy, outside their scope of daily work. We also hope to have an entire page dedicated to your comments, feedback and letters. So PLEASE feel free to send any praise, criticisms, ideas, comments etc. to our email address, which is We will try our best to reprint, in the following issue, all the messages we receive. As with our previous format, Altech’s Chief Strategic Officer, will share with us “ideas” of strategic importance. Graham Passmoor, who is the Group’s Executive for Wireless Communications, will provide us with ‘The Telecommunications Update’, and Craig Venter will provide us with his CEO’s message. Each edition will also contain two interviews, with one being an internal interview with an Altech employee, and the other with a leading business personality outside of the Altech Group. On top of all this there will be the usual array of articles highlighting the news of our subsidiary companies. I hope you all enjoy the brand new look and feel of our magazine, and I thank you for taking the time to read these words. Warm regards, Blane Venter The Sales & Marketing ladies: Fortune Gowera (from Altech NamITech South Africa), Sola Bajomo, Michele Kabangu and Adesola Ogundipe (all from NamITech West Africa) Altech NamITech Makes an African Footprint at GSM conference During the course of 2007, Altech NamITech participated in some of the biggest telecoms exhibitions in Africa. Foremost amongst these was the AfricaCom GSM Conference, which is the most prestigious networking GSM telecommunication conference on the continent. It is attended by high-profile mobile operator and telecommunications executives presenting their strategies and market trends analysis. This event is so important due to the fact that you have more than 4000 senior decision makers under one roof, all providing business opportunities for the companies involved. Altech NamITech participated in the conferences held in Nigeria, Kenya, Senegal and South Africa, making their successful mark on the African telecommunication industry. 11 Altech Secures Major Deal in East Africa Altech recently announced that it has acquired a controlling interest in 3 subsidiaries of Kenya’s Sameer ICT group for US$85.2 million (approximately R650 million). The transaction, which became effective 1 March 2008, sees Altech acquire a 51% controlling interest in Kenya Data Networks Limited (KDN), Swift Global Limited (Swift) and Infocom Limited (Infocom). KDN is the leading full service digital communications data operator in Kenya. Its network infrastructure includes a 1,000km fibre line from Mombasa to Nairobi, an additional 450km of fibre in Nairobi, a fibre link to the Uganda border, over 450 WiFi hotspots and a satellite based international gateway. KDN offers access to its network at wholesale rates to internet service providers and large corporate customers. It has an international gateway licence for Kenya and advanced plans to expand to other African countries, including the DRC, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Zambia and Malawi. It also intends to participate in a future African east coast undersea cable system. Infocom offers broadband, internet and IT services in Uganda. Having commenced business in 1995 and later becoming a division of Celtel, it has comprehensive agreements with Celtel with respect to the co-location of equipment in the cellphone operator’s facilities and other services provided by Celtel. Infocom is the only wireless broadband provider in Uganda. It is licensed to offer full communications services, including international traffic, as well as voice, data and video over any medium and technology. The company operates a WiMax network and a satellite based international gateway. “These acquisitions support our strategy of moving up the telecoms value chain, expanding our geographic presence in Africa and operating at technology’s cutting edge,” commented Altech’s CEO Craig Venter. “We are now the leading broadband network operator in East and Central Africa.” Swift is a leading internet service provider in Kenya and Tanzania. Utilising KDN’s infrastructure and network capacity, it provides corporate virtual private networks and wireless solutions, as well as VoIP (voice over internet protocol) services. Its products are aimed mainly at business users as contract customers. Swift consumes a large portion of the installed capacity of KDN, resulting in a close relationship between these two companies. N.N. Merali, founder and Executive Chairman of the Sameer Group, shakes hands with Altech’s CEO, Craig Venter, on completion of the deal 12 N. N. Merali looks on as Craig Venter signs the final documents. Mohammed Jeneby (MD of Swift), Akif Butt (FD of Sameer Investments Ltd.), Sam Nkusi (Altech Stream’s Rwanda partner), N. N. Merali ( Founder and Chairman of Sameer Investments Ltd.), Kai Wulff (MD of Kenya Data Networks) & Sameer Merali (Director of Sameer Investments Ltd.) 13 Altech Netstar is Voted best Toward the end of 2007 the national fleet management publication, Focus, officially declared Altech Netstar to be the country’s best vehicle recovery service provider. This was done at a glittering prize giving fuction at the Sound Stage in Midrand on 31 October last year. Ed Curthoys, Altech Netstar’s Commercial Customer Manager, was on hand to accept the prestigious accolade. The Focus awards, prior to 2007, didn’t include this category in their roster of prizes. So it’s fitting that Altech Netstar, having been the first commercial entrant into the South African market, was the first to win this award. The process that determined this outcome was intense to say the least, with Focus polling over 6000 subscribers and posing them almost 3500 questions relating to the industry. Furthermore, it’s entirely a service-based award with the questions relating to the service you receive after the product was purchased, the company’s recovery capabilities and how technical issues are resolved for the consumer. Various criteria gave Altech Netstar the edge over their competition.The fact that all of Altech Netstar’s call centres have been restructured was a big factor. The caller now receives a much faster response time than ever before, with the statistics speaking for themselves. 95% of calls are now answered within 20 seconds, with the abandoned call rate at a mere 2%. This is a dramatic improvement from the figures a year ago where only 30% of calls were answered in 20 seconds and 26% of calls abandoned. This puts Altech Netstar beyond anyone in South Africa and includes the company amongst the best in the world with regard to response times. The average speed of answer is now at a rapid 5 seconds (down from a minute and a half a year ago), and puts the firm beyond even the emergency services like Netcare 911. 14 Altech Netstar is operational 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and at any given time there are 2 choppers and between 10-15 ground crews on standby.This allows Altech Netstar’s actual vehicle recovery to hover between 85-87%, with the recovery rate increasing to almost 100% if they are alerted within 40 minutes of the vehicle being stolen. This has given Altech Netstar the largest national market share in this industry, which is now at 41%, and equals 440 000 subscribers with 114 fitment centres nationwide. It’s not surprising after all these impressive numbers that their customer recommendation rate is now the highest in the world, with the exception of HarleyDavidson. This is nothing short of exceptional for a local firm and is concrete evidence of their superiority in every facet of their highly competitive business. Because after all, the customer is always right. Charleen Clarke, editor of FOCUS onTransport and Logistics magazine presents the award to Ed Curthoys, Commercial Customer Manager, who represented Altech Netstar at the presentation dinner On Friday, 14 March, Altech hosted a glittering function to commemorate another successful financial year. The location was Summerplace in Hyde Park, with over 200 guests attending. Although the theme and décor reflected the cold Nordic theme of the Northern Lights, the atmosphere was warm and inviting. There were beautiful ice sculptures on display, and icy blue colours throughout the venue. Guests were brought refreshments and delectable food from a team of costumed waiters, as well as being able to help themselves from the fully stocked bar. There was also an Oyster Bar and Sushi Station alongside the pool where a variety of seafood delights were to be found. Altech prides itself on securing quality entertainment for its functions and this one was no exception. Naomi Tag, an electric violinist, was in the foyer to fill it with modern orchestral music upon the guests’ arrival. Later on the evening, Louise Carver, one of South Africa’s premier new vocal talents took to the stage to perform her repertoire of stunning ballads. She has had numerous hits played on South African radio stations and her stage presence was phenomenal from beginning to end as she simultaneously played the piano whilst performing her vocals. The MC for the evening was Hlubi Mboya of Isidingo fame, with the laughs provided by comedian Joey Rasdien, who is also a TV personality on the M-Net show called ‘Laugh Out Loud’. During the event there was a lucky draw on stage that included everyone’s name in attendance, and offered some fantastic prizes to those that fortune favoured. The first prize was incredible, 2 return tickets to Kenya with a 3 night stay at the magnificent Serena Resort Hotel on Kenya’s coastline in Mombasa. This prize was kindly sponsored by Kenya Airways and Serena Hotels and made possible by Travkor. Other prizes included a 4 night stay at Strathwold Farm, which is a private fly-fishing resort in Mpumalanga, Guardian tracking devices from Altech Netstar, cellular phones from Altech Autopage and 2 passenger drives around the infamous Kyalami racetrack at lightening speed in Altech Porsches. One of the expertly crafted ice sculptures of Altech’s logo on display Louise Carver performing on stage Naomi Tag plays the violin upon the guests’ arrival Karin Sieberhagen from Serena Hotels, Glenn Lweington from Kenya Airways, Reana Wolmarans from Altech Head Office (who won the fantastic first prize), & Nicolas Leonsins from Travkor Kate Sidley, Steve Sidley (Altech’s Chief Technology Officer), Justine Baker, Andy Baker (Altech’s Chief Operating Officer), Chrissie Tromp and Craig Venter (Altech’s Chief Executive Officer) Prizes kindly sponsered by: The Northern Lights Ball was a tremendous success, with guests relishing the experience of being Nordic royalty for a night. It was a brilliant sequel to Altech’s previous ‘Royal Flush’ year-end event, and who knows what grandeur awaits those attending next year. the Northern Lights ball 15 In line with our commitment to invest in our communities, Altech Autopage Cellular sponsored the Soweto Easter Games again this year. Our partnership with this initiative started three years ago and seems to be growing each year, with participating teams attending from as far away as Limpopo and Mpumalanga. The games started on Friday, 21 March 2008, with the finals played on Monday, 24 March 2008. With the Games receiving so much enthusiastic support from local fans, Altech Autopage Cellular couldn’t afford to miss this great opportunity to show our support for soccer development at grass roots level. We donated 20 soccer kits to previously disadvantaged teams. Black Poison FC playing Zondi FC in the semi finals of the Soweto Easter Games Altech Autopage cellular Sponsors PSL clubs representatives were there (as always) scouting for new talent for their professional clubs. We are very grateful for these events that give us, at Altech, the opportunity to reach our community and invest in our country’s talent. And for the youth it’s a dream come true to participate in a properly organised tournament that may help them start a professional career playing soccer. the Soweto Easter Games Dobsonville FC wearing their new uniforms that were proudly sponsored by Altech Autopage Cellular 16 ALTECH ALCOM MATOMO TRANSFERS TETRA NETWORK TO THE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICES Altech’s empowered subsidiary, Altech Alcom Matomo, recently handed over Gauteng’s new 10111 emergency call centre with its state-of-the-art digital radio technology to the South African Police Services (SAPS). The R600 million contract was commissioned in 2004 and officially completed on 29 November 2007. It was handed over to the SAPS at a prestigious launch in Midrand that was attended by leading political figures from across the nation, and officially opened by the president, Thabo Mbeki. The TETRA (TErrestrial TRunked Radio Network) deployment is across the entire Gauteng province, providing officers with seamless communication throughout the region. The 10111 call centre has 64 call operators answering emergency calls throughout the province that show up on a screen giving the exact location of the call. These registered calls are then fed through to 48 additional operators who dispatch the calls to the nearest available police officer. The location of the police officers is also monitored at the call centre through their radio handsets, whether portable or vehicle mounted, which transmit GPS based information to the dispatch operator’s screen. Thus, the system allows personnel at the call centre to know exactly where the emergency is and where the nearest police officers are. support of police operations and will be a major contributor in fighting crime in our country. We feel privileged to have played an instrumental role in South Africa’s safety and security and are pleased to have been involved in the first ever South African TETRA network supplied for the South African Police Services in Gauteng.” Commissioner Pillay gives the President a tour of the new facility Furthermore, TETRA allows the radio handset to function both as a cellphone complete with SMS capabilities, a two-way radio, a GPS locator and an emergency device that sends out a distress signal at the press of a single button. Digital encryption of the entire system allows only for authorised access to the network, with it being impossible for any outside party (such as towtrucks) to listen in on communications. Commissioner Pillay congratulates Thabo Mbeki on officially opening the new 10111 call centre President Thabo Mbeki highlighted the advantage of this during his speech at the opening ceremony by saying “A facility of this nature is key to improved efficacy of the SAPS and bringing criminals to justice. “I am confident that with this new system we will be able to respond faster to the scene of a crime.” Altech’s CEO, Craig Venter, echoed this sentiment by adding “The new SAPS system is a giant step in South Africa’s President, Thabo Mbeki, shakes hands with Altech’s CEO, Craig Venter, at the new TETRA facility in Midrand. Eugene Delaney, Motorola’s Executive Vice-President, is on his right Altech Alcom Matomo used Motorola’s leading radio communication technology to complete this enormous project.This partnership has now allowed Gauteng’s emergency and police communication facilities to rival the best in the world. 17 Due to this being a new feature of our quarterly magazine, an introduction to the nature and scope of these awards is needed… Altech would like to congratulate Bryan Savides from Altech Isis for winning the Altech Siyabonga Award for May 2008. The word ‘siyabonga’ is from the Zulu language and translates into ‘we thank you’ i.e. many people thanking one person. Bryan was diagnosed as having a tumour in his colon in February 2008. In March he underwent the operation to remove the tumour. Three days after his operation and while still recovering in hospital, Bryan was asking for a laptop so that he could work. He then spent a brief period at home to recover, where he continued to work with the aid of his laptop, before returning to the office. He has now started chemotherapy and currently attends work with his chemotherapy drip, bravely performing his duties whilst receiving treatment. He then goes back to the hospital at night for the drip to be removed. The Altech ‘Siyabonga Awards’ are a recognition of the highest order presented to an individual within the Altech Group. This award is given to an employee for their dedication to their respective work responsibilities by going beyond the call of duty, and setting a professional example of the highest standard, that others can aspire to. 18 Each month the name of an employee from each subsidiary company, along with a brief motivation, will be sent to Altech Head Office by the respective Managing Directors. From this list, one person will be chosen that the CEO and HR department feel is most deserving of this accolade. The winner will receive a cheque of R1000 and a certificate that will be handed over by Altech’s CEO, Craig Venter. Because the interval between issues is three months, this page will feature three individual winners in subsequent magazines. However, because this is the inaugural award, only one winner will feature for the month of May in this issue. In all the time he has suffered with this terrible illness, Bryan has only taken three weeks off work. Bryan’s department has recently been experiencing a major staff shortage, and without his dedication and commitment, his department wouldn’t have been able to deliver the services required by Altech Isis’ customers. We wish Bryan a speedy recovery, and thank him for his loyal service and dedication to the Altech Group. Altech Talk Trivia QUESTIONS Competition Q1. What dot-com success story did Jerry Yang and David Filo launch in 1995? Altech Netstar has just launched a revolutionary new personal tracking device called Guardian. Guardian is a hand-held GPS location device that gives off a silent distress signal at the push of a button. Fully trained and armed personnel are then immediately dispatched to the device’s location to assist the Guardian’s carrier. Q2. Google is now the world’s largest internet search engine. What does this word mean? Q3. What internet company earned co-founder Jim Clark $663 million in its first public trading day? Q4. Who founded Amazon and became the firstdot-com executive to be named Time’s Person of the Year? Q5. Which website did the founder of the Echo Bay Technology Group register, when he found that was already taken? Q6. What does HTML stand for? Q7. Which internet search engine now has a market capitalization of almost $150 billion, but was developed by founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin in their Stanford University dorm room? Altech Talk and Altech Netstar are giving away a Guardian with 3 months free airtime, at a retail value of R1,416, to the person who can answer this simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question correctly: “Can you track your loved ones via the internet if they have a Guardian?” Email your answer to All correct answers will be placed in a hat and one drawn at random. Please remember to include your contact details in the email. Prize kindly sponsored by: Q8. What medium remained advertising-free until 1992, when the U.S. Congress amended the National Science Foundation Act? Q9. What online retailer got a flood of sales once it changed its name from Q10. Which American government department was the internet originally created for in 1969? Q1. Q2. A mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros Q3. Netscape Q4. Jeff Bezos Q5. Q6. Hyper Text Markup Language Q7. Google Q8. The internet Q9. Q10. The Department of Defence 19 Answers: out & about Altech Autopage Cellular’s Talented Hendrietta Schoeman From the 4th to 15th of September 2007 a determined and disciplined Hendrietta Schoeman, who is the IT Developer at Altech Autopage Cellular (AAC), represented South Africa in Riccione, east of Italy. She competed in the 5000m, 10km and 20km speed walking events at the World Masters Athletics Championship where almost 9000 athletes from 83 different countries took part. This sport requires great technique and the judges are extremely strict. Hendrietta explained that technical fouls and not following the rules of the game, can easily lead to athletes receiving three penalties, which means that you are out of the race. This however did not slow Hendrietta down as she achieved a phenomenal 2nd place for the 5000m, 3rd place in the 20km and 4th place in the 10km! Hendrietta is thrilled to be back on South African soil and is extremely grateful for the support she received from AAC in attending this event. We will follow her every step on the way to the World Masters Championships in Lahti, Finland in 2009, where she’ll again compete with the world’s finest athletes. We wish her all the best for the many challenges and the hard work that lies ahead. Hendrietta proudly displays the silver medal she won in the 5000m speed walking event at the World Masters Athletics Championships in Italy Hendrietta Schoeman on the podium with her bronze medal after coming 3rd in the 20km speed walking event at the World Masters Athletics Championships 20 the ALTECH academy The Altech Academy had its official launch in November of last year, with its inaugral students beginning their studies throughout the course of 2008. A total of 101 students will be involved in a range of courses, including Certificates, Diplomas, Masters and Doctorates. The curriculums are administered through the Da Vinci Institute for Technology Management, and will provide each successful student with a fully accredited degree. The courses and students enrolled for 2008 are listed below: • Certificate: Project Management From Altech UEC – Mark Strachan, Mark Manson, Jan Theron, Johan van Rensberg, Tim Venter, Sanjay Sooklal, Mbusi Sibisi and Brendon Emmanual. From Altech Autopage – Precious Thamage, Joshua Pule, Wandi Masilela, Alex Gush, Julian de Combes, Clinton Ford and Adele McLintock. From Altech Netstar – Soheil Shams • Certificate: Management of Technology and Innovation From Altech Autopage – Philip Grobler, Madeleine Viljoen and Annelie Jacobs. From Altech Netstar – Rudy du Plooy and CJ van Niekerk. From Altech Card Solutions – Nafeesah Latiff From Altech Isis – Raynold Mokwena From Altech Namitech – Stephanie Grimes • Certificate: Systems Engineering At the Altech Academy’s opening are Dr John Carstens (Altech’s Chief Financial Officer),Wessie van der Westhuizen (Altech’s Chief Strategic Officer), Dr Phil Mjwara (Director General of the Department of Science and Technology), Craig Venter (Altech’s CEO), Prof. Roy Marcus (Chairman of the Da Vinci Institute) and Johan Klein (Altech’s Executive for HR and the Altech Academy’s Director of Studies) From Altech UEC – Ashley Driver, Kamal Maken, Wayne Smith, Kavish Parbhoo, Rajesh Madhanlala and Anton du Toit. From Altech Autopage – Leon Nortje and Etienne Botma. From Altech Isis – Danie van Graan, Stephan Burwitz and Braam van Heerden. • Diploma: Management of Technology and Innovation From Altech Autopage – Rhoda Damane, Michael Kelly, Dewald Steyn, Darron van Roy, Stanley Ernest, Juanita Kleynhans, Mfundo Dyasi, Shawn Pretorius, Navesh Naidoo, Marc Thompson and Gustav Steynberg. From Altech Netstar – Eddie Marcellino and Danny de Gouveia. • Masters Degree: Management of Technology and Innovation Dr Phil Mjwara, Director General of the Department of Science and Technology, delivers the keynote address at the Altech Academy’s launch From Altech Autopage – Ferdie Coertze, Pieter Welgemoed, Shayne Mitchell, Bradley Pillay, Anita Correia de Araujo, Hajra Osman, Linda Bruwer, Bancroft Metcalfe, Earl Chalklen, Jacinto Frazao and Peter Wattrus. From Altech Netstar – Peter Nthiti, Lee McFayden, Shaun Brashaw, Russel van der Walt and Hugues Mziga. From Altech Namitech – Francois Smidt From Altech Head Office – Tebalo Langa • Doctorate: Management of Technology and Innovation Craig Venter (Altech’s CEO), Dr Bill Venter (Chairman of Altron) and Dr Phil Mjwara who officially opened the Altech Academy last year From Altech Head Office – Wessie van der Westhuizen and Johan Klein. From Altech Netstar – Barry Groenewald From Altech Autopage – Paul Smith 21 ALTECH SHINES AT TECHNOLOGY TOP 100 AWARDS Altech dominated the Technology Top 100 Awards that were held on Thursday, 21st February 2008, at the University of Johannesburg. The event was hosted by the Da Vinci Institute for the Management of Technology and Innovation under the auspices of the Department of Science and Technology, with Altech winning three Excellence awards. Roy Marcus (the TT100 Chairman), Bernie Bowers (Technology Development Manager of Altech Netstar), and Mosibudi Mangena (SA’s Science and Technology Minister) The Technology Top 100 Awards, which are recognised as the premier business excellence awards in South Africa and were awarded by the Minister of Science and Technology, Mr Mosibudi Mangena, who regards the event as a celebration of excellence in truly South African innovation. More than 200 entrants participated in this year’s stringent submission and adjudication process, that saw Altech Netstar walking away with the highest accolade of the evening, namely the “2007 Minister’s Award for Overall Excellence”. In addition to Altech Netstar’s premier honour, two other categories were won by the group, with Altech Limited winning the “Award for Excellence in the Management of Technology, Innovation and People”. Altech Netstar was again honoured by receiving the “Award for Excellence in the Management of Innovation”, making them the only dual winner of the night. Altech Namitech, Altech UEC and Altech Netstar were also named as finalists in other award categories. Altech CEO, Craig Venter, who is no stranger to the TT100 accolades, having previously received the “2006 Minister’s Award for Overall Excellence” on behalf of the listed company. Craig commented, “We are extremely proud of Altech Netstar’s incredible achievement as well as the rest of the Altech group companies who were finalists at South Africa’s premier platform for the country’s most talented and significant contributors to the country’s economy through technology.” Ed Curthoys, who is Altech Netstar’s Commercial Customer Manager, with Joel Stransky, Altech Netstar’s Managing Director) 22 Steve Sidley, Altech’s Chief Technology Officer, added “the wide recognition given by the TT100 adjudication panel across a number of our group companies is testament to not only Altech’s technological prowess, but extends further into our management of systems, people and processes. We are extremely proud of the people who make this happen”. Altech Netstar’s Long Service Awards At a lunch held in October 2007, seven Altech Netstar employees received awards for 12 years of loyal service. Pictured from left to right are: Garth Turner (Technology), Graham Passmoor (Group Executive: Wireless), Rebecca Motilene (Credit Control), Irma Hugo (HR), Amelia Mamkeli (Credit Control), Retha Stoger (Projects), Harry Louw (International & Business Development Director), Kenneth Masemola (Stores), Leoni Le Roux (Operations). 23 ALTECH AUTOPAGE Cellular HELPS EDUCATE SA’S MOST VULNERABLE Altech Autopage Cellular (AAC), South Africa’s largest independent provider of cellular telephony, is playing its role in helping to reduce the disparity between this country’s have and have not’s. AAC has joined forces with the Community Outreach Programme Trust aimed at providing disadvantaged communities with opportunities for development and self-improvement. The overriding aim is to establish and manage projects which promise maximum sustainable results. The company’s most recent project is the construction of the Lamontville Pre-Primary School that forms part of the Lamontville Community Support Centre in KwaZulu-Natal. The province of KwaZulu-Natal is one of the regions worst affected by the scourge of HIV-AIDS and, more often than not, it’s the youngest children who are neglected, both emotionally and physically. Aimed at providing formative education and life skills training for 30 young children from the Lamontville community who would otherwise only receive formal education from age seven, construction of the pre-primary school is now complete. While the school’s primary role will be to provide care and formative education for children aged three to five, it will also act as the crux of a multifunctional centre which will provide key support services to parents, grandparents and other caregivers responsible for the day-to-day care of the children. It will house a tourism centre offering a South African township experience and provide the Stephen Blewett (Managing Director of AAC) with Isabel Mokgadi (the Local Councillor for the Lamontville District), at the opening of the new pre-school along with 3 children enjoying the festivities 24 base for a specialised football program for 12-15 year olds aimed at teaching youth life skills and HIV prevention skills. “At Altech Autopage Cellular, community development will always be part of our business focus,” explains AAC’s Managing Director, Stephen Blewett. “Our approach to corporate social investment is not about merely funding projects for the sake of it, but more about creating a concrete, sustainable and measureable impact. Illiteracy levels in this country are shocking, and if we don’t change our attitude towards our educational needs and partner with government to bring about fundamental changes, then our future and that of our children is bleak. Education initiatives like this one at Lamontville emphasise our commitment towards community development and we would like to challenge other Corporates to do the same”. To date Altech Autopage Cellular has invested more than R3 million in community outreach programmes. In an effort to bridge the digital divide, AAC donated and installed more than 50 computers at various schools and communitybased organisations in Alexander and Richards Bay. In 2005, the company built a preschool in Umtata in the Eastern Cape, which caters for children aged one to six from the Candu area. Looking to the future, AAC remains committed to development projects and will continue researching and supporting initiatives such as this. Jacinto Frazao (Sales Director of AAC), Bradley Pillay (AAC General Manager for KwaZulu/Natal), Stephen Blewett (Managing Director of AAC) and Alberts Breedt (Vodacom Executive Head for KwaZulu Natal) “ The Altech Group is firmly committed to the HIV/AIDS initiatives of South Africa ” 25 Altech Porsche Challenge Banquet The Altech Porsche awards dinner at the end of last year was the inaugural awards dinner for Altech and the Porsche Challenge Series. The décor, entertainment and stage set the standard of a memorable event and was of a calibre that Altech can truly be proud of. Joel Stransky and Izak Coetzee, with one of the Altech Porsches on display at the function Piet Nortje receives the Altech Porsche 924 Series trophy from Joel Stransky for coming 1st overall The venue was the impressive Sandton Sun Hotel, filled with live music and Porsche paraphernalia. The evening was attended not only by the 2007 Altech Porsche Challenge competitors but also by some very well respected South African sporting greats, with Joel Starnsky delivering the keynote address. The MC was Gugu Zulu, a well known TV presenter for Car Torque and other motoring shows, who ran the evening with racing precision. There was also live music and a comedian to keep the guests entertained all night. The event was a brilliant finale to an exciting year of racing, and all those in attendance had a great night to reflect on the highlights of some spectacular races. The success of the 2007 season has prompted Altech to renew its sponsorship of the series which will provide motoring enthusiasts with another full year of Porsche speeding thrills. The 2008 Altech Porsche Challenge Series promises to be even more exciting and will build on the success achieved throughout the previous year. The Marula Room venue at the Sandton Sun Hotel, ready for Altech’s guests to arrive 26 The awards given out on the evening were: Altech Porsche 924 Series • Altech Porsche 924 Series 1st Overall – Piet Nortje • Altech Porsche 924 Series 2nd Overall – Andrew Culbert • Altech Porsche 924 Series 3rd Overall – Marius Wait Altech Porsche Unlimited – Overall Championship • Altech Porsche Unlimited 1st Overall – Dave Fourie • Altech Porsche Unlimited 2nd Overall – Kevin Greig • Altech Porsche Unlimited 3rd Overall – Izak Coetzee Altech Porsche Unlimited – Class Winners • Altech Porsche Unlimited 1st Class A – Thomas Reib • Altech Porsche Unlimited 1st Class B – Andrea Taurino • Altech Porsche Unlimited 1st Class C – Izak Coetzee • Altech Porsche Unlimited 1st Class D – Rolf Schlub • Altech Porsche Unlimited 1st Class E – Dave Fourie •Altech Porsche Unlimited 1st Class F – Kevin Greig 27 Altech Netstar Launches Guardian™ With a proven track record of protecting vehicles from crime, a natural extension of Altech Netstar’s service would be to provide personal protection to subscribers in danger. This led to the development of Guardian™, which consists of a hand-held locator, backed up by a nationwide tracking and recovery infrastructure. Guardian™ is a personal protection service that at the press of a panic button can activate an immediate response to wherever the user may be in South Africa. The Guardian™ locator operates on GSM, and activation of the panic button transmits the user’s details and the GPS position of the locator through to the Altech Netstar emergency control centre. At this point the operator will make telephonic contact with the Guardian™ locator, whilst simultaneously placing a ground and air recovery team on standby to respond. The new Guardian device easily fits into the palm of your hand 28 GM of Operations at Altech Netstar, David Shipton, says “To provide an even faster recovery, we have added rapid response motorcycle teams to complement our vehicle-based recovery teams. These motorcycles will prove invaluable in heavy traffic, and are able to negotiate off-road terrain with ease. They are specially equipped with state of the art GPS location and communication equipment sponsored by Garmin”. Guardian™ can also be located by the user through the internet. If for example one of the family members is late, their position can be located and if there is any concern about his or her safety, the family can contact Altech Netstar who will respond immediately. Altech Netstar was the first to introduce a stolen vehicle recovery service into South Africa, and is proud to be the first to introduce a personal safety and response service. The Altech Netstar recovery units are ready to respond to your Guardian In-house Interview… andy baker the former Managing Director of Altech Netstar, who led the company to record profits before his recent promotion to Chief Operating Officer for the entire Altech Group. 29 Am I correct in assuming that you were born overseas? Yes that’s right, I was born in the south of England in a city called Portsmouth. What was it like growing up there? It was a good experience; it’s a Naval city situated on the coast and I had a decent upbringing there. I was born in 1965 and stayed there for 6 years until 1971 when my father moved us over to South Africa for a short while. So I did a brief stint of schooling in Fish Hoek in the Cape from 1971 to 1976. My father was in the Navy you see, and he was on a Naval exchange program, so we came over to South Africa for those 5 years and then we returned to Portsmouth. And once you had finished your schooling, did you launch directly into your professional career? I finished my schooling in 1981, and started work immediately at the age of 16. I had several jobs during those initial post-school years, but the first real job that I could say started my career off was in the beginning of 1984 when I joined a very large conglomerate and transport logistics operation called Exel Logistics. I started work there as a management trainee and luckily I was able to achieve a few rather quick promotions in a short period of time. Then in 1987 I took over an ailing branch in Luton, which is just north of London, at the ripe old age of 22! So I definitely hit the ground running there and that particular position was my first real foray into general management. So when did you return to this country? I moved back to South Africa in 1989. I joined a listed transport group over here called Laser Transport, which was also a logistics business. I took on the role of looking after 3 of their companies which were Frasers, Pickfords and another company called Wellstead, on a regional management basis. I was general manager for these firms in the old Transvaal, as well as in a few other smaller African countries. This lasted until 1993 when I was approached by DHL and was asked to join them in the same capacity as a regional general manager. I then had a couple of promotions and was appointed to DHL’s board of directors in 1996, and eventually became the CEO of DHL’s Southern African businesses in early 2000. I held this position for 4 years; a period which I enjoyed immensely. Tell me a bit more about your time spent working at DHL in such an important position? On the whole things went really well for me at DHL, and as I said, I enjoyed my time there enormously. It was an interesting company to work for as well because it is in 30 actual fact the most global company in the world, existing in more countries than Coca-Cola. In total, there were 208 different nations that the company was conducting business in. I then left South Africa again in 2004 because I had won an award that was given out by the global CEO of DHL to do a sponsored M.B.A. in the UK. So I did a 1 year full-time M.B.A. at Cranfield University which I finished in early 2005. I was then assigned to Istanbul as the CEO for DHL in Turkey, which was a big business and one which I ran for a year. That was also an incredible experience for me since Istanbul is split by the Bosphorous River, which places half of it in Europe and the other half in Asia. You can imagine how fascinating and extreme the mix of cultures are in a place like that, and also how exciting it was to be exposed to daily life there. Your employment at DHL was by far the longest part of your career thus far. What was it that prompted you to leave the company? I worked for DHL for over 12 years, which in my opinion is a fairly long time. I then decided to leave after this period because I was no longer enjoying the culture in particular, and so I decided that I wanted to move on. Soon after leaving the company I returned to South Africa on a family holiday and was fortuitously introduced to Craig Venter. Coincidentally, the role as Managing Director of Altech Netstar had just become available and through this encounter with Craig I was lucky enough to land the job. I joined the Altech Group in May, 2006. Well that’s amazing when one considers that late last year the company you were presiding over, Altech Netstar, won the award for ‘Best Supplier Of Vehicle Tracking Technology’ at the Focus On Excellence Awards. This was just over a year into your job as MD there. What impact did this have on you? I was delighted with the award, primarily because it had a very wide nomination base due to them polling over 6000 customers. And secondly because we were measured against all of our nearest competitors like Tracker, Matrix and Digicore, both on the stolen vehicle recovery side of the business and also on the fleet management side. We resoundingly won and were held up as the market leaders, as voted for by the actual customers and industry players, for providing the best services in our particular businesses. Altech Netstar has also just recently received another 2 awards at the Technology Top 100 (TT100) event.To receive just a single award at the TT100 is considered to be momentous, as they are one of our country’s premier accolades given out to business. How does this make you feel about your former stewardship of the company? It makes me exceptionally proud to have been at the helm of a company that has achieved so much. Altech Netstar won the award for Excellence in the Management of Technology for the TT100 Awards, as well as the event’s top honour, which was the 2007 Minister’s Award for Overall Excellence. This is indeed one of South Africa’s highest business honours, and it was presented by the Science and Technology Minister himself. When government acknowledges a company in this way you have no doubt about the competency of the organisation and its competitive ability, not only locally, but across the globe. It’s just another reminder of how Altech Netstar stands head and shoulders above the competition and the other leading technology firms. Did Altech Netstar pioneer vehicle tracking in this country? Yes, we were the first to bring it into the country. However, it was actually developed by 2 or 3 guys over in Canada who pioneered the technology to track the migration patterns of fish in the rivers around Canada. And from there it was modified to track the movement of train trailers that were carrying cargo. A few entrepreneurs brought this new technology to South Africa 12 or 13 years ago, and Craig and Dr Venter had the foresight to see its potential from the very outset, and bought the business as an absolute start-up. It has now gone from a start-up to a large company that is producing some extraordinary financial results. Some personal questions now… Do you have any hobbies or favourite pastimes? I love playing golf. I’m a bad golfer but I love it! I read a lot and enjoy spending time at home. What was the last book you read? It was a biography on Rockefeller called ‘Titan’ by Ron Cherno. Where do you most like going on holiday? My idea of a holiday is to do as little as possible. Ideally it would be somewhere on the coast, with a beach for the kids and a golf course nearby for me, so that I can take in a few rounds of golf. You say you have children. How many? I have 3 children, a son who is almost 18, and 2 daughters that are 7 and 6 years old. I have been married to my wife, Justine, for 8 years now. What quality do you most admire in another person? Honesty. What’s your new role as Chief Operating Officer of the Altech Group like? It’s tremendously exciting and very, very challenging. I’m extremely fortunate to have such an incredibly talented and experienced team of Executives to work with, and also to have such regular and ready access to Craig. The Group’s performance has been phenomenal over the past 10 years, and as a result of past efforts and very clever structuring of the Group, we are perfectly positioned to capitalise on some significant market opportunities. I’m enjoying my new role enormously, and am thriving on the culture, which is driven by energy and delivering results. 31 ALTECH TALKS TO... Ndaba Ntsele who has a true rags to riches story. He used to sell newspapers in Hillbrow, but is now the CEO of Pamodzi Investment Holdings, which has a multi-billion rand company portfolio and control of the country’s largest private equity fund. He will be going to Monte Carlo in June to represent South Africa at the Ernst & Young World Entrepreneur Awards. 32 Where were you born? I was born here in Johannesburg in 1952. The actual place was Kliptown near the Freedom Charter. Soon after I was born, the government rezoned Kliptown under the Group Areas Act, as an area for coloured people only. Due to this my family was forced to move somewhere else since we were black. We then moved to Orlando West in Soweto, when I was about 5 years old, and this is where I grew up and went to school. What was your first job? My first formal job was as a young boy helping my aunt with selling goods from a coffee cart. We used to sell coffee in the morning for people going to work at the bus and railway station in Kliptown, and then we would sell peanuts, apples and other items throughout the rest of the day. When I got older I was pushing trolleys at the Checkers in Yeoville during the day, and then also selling newspapers in Hillbrow at night. I would stand on the street corner near the cinemas and sell the papers to the people coming out of the movies. I did this while I was doing my matric, but after I finished my schooling I began work for the Johannesburg City Council as a clerk. You were involved with retail from an early age then. What difficulties did you face from the apartheid government when you were trying to nurture this entrepreneurial drive and build a career? The biggest problem that I faced was that the playing field wasn’t fair. Firstly, I could only trade in an area that was a black area, since it was illegal for me to conduct business in any other area. Secondly, there were other laws that encouraged black businesses to be run by a sole proprietor, turning them into ‘one man shows’ where it was impossible to form partnerships. These 2 things made it very difficult for a black person to become successful in his or her respective business. Especially since in those days all the money was to be found in the Central Business District, and this is where a person of colour was prohibited from trading. If you tried to sell any goods in the CBD you would be arrested by the Metropolitan Police. How did you manage to overcome these obstacles and create a successful business? Well I knew from the beginning that I was confined to the black areas, so I started a building construction operation with 2 of my friends. We could only do developments in the black townships and were not even allowed to have offices outside of these townships. The biggest problem was to get clients to come to us during the day because they were all in the CBD doing their work. So meetings were usually conducted on weekends or after hours with our clients, which made things very difficult for us and them. But having said this, we were determined to break the commercial laws and give ourselves a fair chance of succeeding in our business. So we rented a small office in the Carlton Centre, which we weren’t allowed to do. However, there was a white guy that we bought a lot of furniture from to put into the houses we were building, and we got him to do us a favour and put his name on the lease with Anglo American Properties for the first year. Our business then improved because our clients were in the vicinity, as were our building suppliers who were mainly white and didn’t want to go near the townships. But we still faced other problems from the banks in those days because black people didn’t own the actual properties that their houses were built on, the land belonged to the municipality, and so the banks were reluctant to lend people money to improve their homes. When the government introduced the 99 year lease this all changed, because for the first time black people were able to own the land they lived on for a period of 99 years. This helped many families improve their living standards, since they could then legally approach the banks for a loan. You were part of the team that brought Nike back into South Africa in the early 90’s. You then served as Executive Director at Nike from 1993 to 1997. What was it like being involved with one of the world’s best-known brands and doing business with Phil Knight? We applied for the licence to bring Nike, and also McDonald’s, back into South Africa in 1991. To do this we had to grow Nike from zero to number one in the country and we began by sponsoring the Springboks, the Gauteng Lions and the Natal cricket team. It was a personal milestone for me to do business with a man like Phil Knight. He had a big dream and was up against many hurdles to realise this dream. He started Nike by selling shoes from the back of a car at sporting events in America. He’s a visionary and saw this vision through and created one of the world’s leading companies. Which other groundbreaking deals have you done? In the early 90’s my business partner and friend, Solly Sithole, and I approached Mining Investment Corporation (MIC) about getting involved with diamond mining in South Africa. This lead to us gaining a percentage of one of their diamond interests and we became the first black people in the world to have a stake in a diamond mine. We’ve also done the 2 biggest leveraged buyouts in South Africa, and bought the first Europe Bond in the country through the Foodcorp structure. We beat 3 of the national banks in clinching the Wesbank Auto deal, which was a first for a black controlled company. Furthermore, Pamodzi recently launched the biggest private equity fund in South African history, with investment capital totalling US$1,3 billion. 33 How did Pamodzi take shape and become the success it is today? In 1996 we collected a team of 8 people, who are still all here today, and decided that we must all invest money in the business, all be at risk and all be working full time for Pamodzi. From the outset it was also a truly South African company, owned and run by South African people, and included 3 whites and 5 blacks on the team. This was our founding vision because we believed that the future of business in South Africa was not about BEE, but about all South Africans. Then in 1997 we were given the opportunity to buy Foodcorp, which we did. This became the biggest leveraged buyout in the country, with the deal totalling R1,8 billion. This acquisition allowed us to expand into other businesses and really paved the way for Pamodzi to become what it is today. Last year you won the South African chapter of the Ernst & Young World Entrepreneur Awards. This is the nation’s most prestigious accolade for entrepreneurship. How does it feel to be listed alongside previous winners like Brian Joffe, Bill Lynch, Koos Bekker, Mark Lamberti and Patrice Motsepe? It’s an honour for my name to be included with the ones you’ve just mentioned. They say the harder you work, the luckier you become, and this rings true for this competition. Although I also won the Financial Mail’s Business Mover and Shaker Award last year, this one is different because it allows me to represent our country on the world stage. It also draws candidates from across the board, black and white, from medium and large companies. So in this competition you really compete against the best of the best, and to be chosen from so many worthy individuals was a highlight of my business career. I’m humbled by this award but I feel I deserved it by looking at where I came from. I love business and I love what I do, and to be recognised by your peer group and the world at large that you’re number one in this category is truly a humbling experience. You’ve made mention of the private equity fund that Pamodzi has recently launched. It’s officially the largest equity fund in South African history, with US$1,3 billion in capital. How did you manage to persuade the Americans who invested this money, to show such confidence in your company and also in our country? We can be proud of this achievement because it’s the biggest fund on the continent. It took a lot of time to accomplish since there was a very long build up to securing this investment. It stemmed largely from the fact that the American investors who contributed to this fund saw me as a person with integrity, and moreover, as a person who has faith in our country. Although there are problems here, there are also solutions and many positives that outweigh these negatives. So we had to sell the nation of South Africa to these people first, and then my company second. In terms of race relations, we’re the best in the world thanks to Nelson Mandela setting the precedent that he did. Kobus du Plooy is my partner and the discussions relating to the fund have always been discussed together with Kobus. Because of this, the investors saw two South Africans who believe in their country, working together with none of the problems that the history of South Africa would’ve lead them to believe we had. My company’s track record was also very important, and the fact that I’ve always done business with a big heart. The figure was originally set at $1 billion, but I said to them when you come out to South Africa we can talk about the real figure. So I brought these Americans to our country to show them where our facilities and offices are. We walked through these buildings, meeting the people involved and showing them how we conducted business. They were impressed with our operations and also with the country, so after all this we sat down with them and I said “Look guys, 13 is a number that I love, let’s make it 1,3 billion!”. And that’s how the fund’s total was finalised. In June you head to Monaco to represent our country against 40 other finalists from around the world. Bill Lynch brought the world title home in 2006, and if you succeed in repeating this feat, South Africa will be the only nation to have won the award twice. Do you think you’ve got a good chance of achieving this? I have to give it my best shot if I hope to win this thing globally. I feel it’s very important to bring it home to South Africa because it allows the world to recognise business in this country and the investment opportunities that go with it. With my track record I feel I’ve got a good chance to triumph abroad and put our nation on the map by winning the title back to back with the late Bill Lynch. Each time we raise a flag for South Africa it benefits everyone that lives here. So I’m not only doing it for myself, but for all South Africans. 34 Who would you most like to meet? What does the name Pamodzi mean and why was it chosen? It means togetherness or “we are one”. It came about after trip I did with Solly to Lusaka a long time ago. We were there to a see a comrade of ours who had been shot and was in hospital there.While we were in Zambia we used to hear Kaunda singing on the radio and television about “togetherness” or pamodzi, and this is where the name first came to our minds. It’s a continental word, with similar derivatives being found and understood throughout Africa, from Nigeria to Tanzania. I like to think of it as referring to the inclusive nature of our company, where all races and genders are involved in it. We have 8 500 people working in Foodcorp alone, with about 25 000 employees in total when taking all our interests into consideration. A few personal questions… How do you relax? I spend time with my children doing some kind of activity like swimming or tennis. I also watch sport, particularly rugby, soccer and cricket. I often combine these events to network with people and enjoy the live game. I love interacting with others through discussions or general chatting. Like over a meal in a restaurant where I can enjoy another person’s company is something I benefit from. How many children do you have? I have 3 children. My oldest daughter is married and has just given birth to twins on the 11th of February. So now I have 2 grandchildren too! My other daughter is now in Grade 12 and I have a laat lammetjie who’s 4 years old. Warren Buffett. I love his management style and how he approaches business. I hope to meet him at his next AGM meeting. But if I think about South African personalities, I’d have to say Anton Rupert. After I read his autobiography, I then understood how much work he did for black entrepreneurs in this country. He donated large sums, along with Oppenheimer, in helping to promote black entrepreneurs in South Africa when there were no other initiatives being done. I only realised after I had read his book how much I owed him in making things easier for me and my businesses. Another mention must be made of a South African who I have met and who’s given me much joy from our meetings, and that is Altron’s founder, Dr Bill Venter. He has such a positive culture and has risen above many business obstacles to build his company. I gain a tremendous amount of inspiration from his success. If you look at the guest speakers he has chosen at Altron’s Annual Awards you cannot but feel humbled by these personalities, and how reflective they are of all our people. A final question… Pamodzi owns 25% of Altech Information Technologies. What’s it like being involved with the Altech Group? It’s very exciting for me. The history of the Altron and Altech Group reminds me of where I started and how tough it was to build something out of nothing. Craig Venter is continuing this trend by going against the odds. He’s turned Altech Autopage Cellular into the giant it is today and made world leading technologies along the way. I respect how he always has a hands on resolution to any problem within Altech, how he isn’t intimidated by his competitors from overseas and how he always listens to debate. This makes him a great leader in my opinion. He has created great wealth, but retains a big heart with a humble nature. This is reflected in his businesses and it’s no surprise that he has become one of our country’s leading entrepreneurs. I think he deserves to win the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur Award for his achievements! I’m proud to be associated with Altech and its people. 35 leading technologies: touching lives
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