Detailed CV - Dr. Narendra Jadhav


Detailed CV - Dr. Narendra Jadhav
Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha, Nominated)
Economist, Educationist, Administrator, Author and Thought-Leader
Telephone and Fax
E-mail ID
D 852, Second Floor
New Friends Colony
New Delhi-110025
+91 - 11- 26320579
+97 – 11 - 198279
Career Objective and Highlights of Achievement
Professional Profile
Awards Received
Books Written or Edited
Official Reports
Research Papers, Conference Addresses and Memorial
Professional International Exposure
Professional Distinctions
Personal Details
(a) Career Objective
Active and productive pursuit of intellectual, professional and social work to make
a positive contribution to public policy by leveraging proven leadership qualities,
four decades of wide ranging experience and expertise as well as analytical and
communication skills towards the highest level of professional excellence,
efficiency, productivity and effectiveness in the widest interest of my country,
(b) Highlights of Achievement
From a modest start as a Dalit (former Untouchable) boy reared in the Mumbai
slums broke various glass ceilings in the upper echelons of the financial, academic
and literary communities in the national as well as international arena through single
minded dedication to excel using own intelligence, perseverance, leadership
qualities, unconventional thinking and communication skills.
Hon. Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh commented in 2005:
“Like the life of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, or indeed the life of our beloved former
president, the Late Dr. K.R. Narayanan, the life story of Dr. Jadhav is also a story
of change, of great courage, of progress, of hope …… I urge all political leaders
and social reformers to read both the autobiography of Dr. Jadhav and his treatise
on ‘Re-Emerging India’. We must draw the correct lessons from both. Narendra’s
autobiography must shape our social and political vision. It must shape our
educational policy. His book on the Indian economy must shape our thinking on
economic policy.”
Extracts from a Speech:
 Ph.D in Economics, Indiana University, USA; 1986, with a record Grade
Point Average (GPA): 3.93 out of 4.00.
 Received Award for Outstanding Contribution to Economic Theory for the
Ph.D dissertation in 1986, and Honored with the Best International Student
Award by Indiana University, USA in 1983.
 Received 4 Honorary D.Litt. degrees from 4 different Indian State
 MA (Economics), University of Bombay, 1975. Awarded degree with First
Class, Specialization in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics.
 B.Sc (Statistics & Economics), University of Bombay, 1973, Passed in First
Class with Distinction. Specialization in Statistics & Economics
Current Assignments
Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha, Nominated)
Professor, (on honorary basis)
Council for Social Development (CSD), New Delhi
(iii) Emeritus Professor of Public Policy
MIT School of Government, Pune
Chairman, RBI History Advisory Committee
Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai
Member, National Committee on Nation-wide Celebration of
125th Birth Anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar .
( Chairman : Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi )
Independent Director
(a) Tata Teleservices (TTSL) Ltd.
(b) SS Techno Ltd. Pune
(c) Sustainable Agro- Commercial Finance (SAFL) Ltd., Mumbai
Previous Assignments
(i) Member, Planning Commission (From June 16, 2009 – May 16, 2014)
Dr. Narendra Jadhav served as a Member, Planning Commission (in the rank
and status of Union Minister of State). Planning Commission that Dr Jadhav served
was chaired by Dr. Manmohan Singh with Shri Montek Singh Ahluwalia as the
Deputy Chairman. As Member, Planning Commission, Dr. Jadhav’s sectoral
responsibilities included Education, Labour-Employment-Skill Development, Sports
& Youth Affairs, and Social Justice and Empowerment. In addition, Dr. Jadhav
looked after the States of Bihar, Tamil Nadu, and Goa, besides the Union Territories
of Diu-Daman and Dadra-Nagar Haveli. Dr. Jadhav played an important role in
formulating the 12th Five Year Plan especially in respect of Education, and Skill
Development. Equally noteworthy is his contribution to Social Justice and
Empowerment, especially through the Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan (SCSP), Tribal
Sub-Plan (TSP) and Assessment and Monitoring Authority (AMA) for SocioReligious Communities.
(ii) Member, National Advisory Council (NAC) (From May 31, 2010 -May 16,
Dr. Narendra Jadhav has also served as a Member, National Advisory Council
(NAC), chaired by Smt. Sonia Gandhi.
Dr. Jadhav has made significant
contributions to the deliberations of the NAC, especially in the areas of National
Food Security Bill, Effective Implementation of the Flagship Programs, Right to
Education, SC & ST Prevention of Atrocities, Rights of Persons with Disabilities,
Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-nomadic Tribes, Child Labour (Prohibition and
Regulation) and Abolition of Manual Scavenging.
(iii) Educationist and Administrator Vice Chancellor, University of Pune
(From August 2006- June 2009)
Dr. Narendra Jadhav served as the Vice Chancellor of University of Pune,
which is a premier institution of higher education and the largest traditional
University in India now with 7,00,000 students, 700 + affiliated Graduate Colleges
and 330 Recognized Institutes.
After taking over as the Vice Chancellor, in August 2006, Dr. Jadhav placed
two principal objectives before himself: one, to place the University of Pune on the
global map as a Center of Excellence, and second, to bring the University out of its
splendid isolation and make it directly responsive to the ever changing societal needs.
Accordingly, Dr. Jadhav took several far reaching initiatives aimed at improving the
access (e.g. through “Education Guarantee Scheme” for the underprivileged youth)
and quality of higher education, (e.g. through a complete revision of all 484
curricula with involvement of relevant industry), and promoting the research
environment, (e.g. through innovative financial incentives).
Dr. Jadhav followed a dynamic marketing strategy so as to place the University
of Pune on the Global Map. There are more than 14,000 foreign students from 102
countries studying at the University of Pune. A Campus of the University of Pune
has been set up in United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2009. As Vice-Chancellor Dr.
Jadhav visited Austria, China, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, South Africa,
Sweden, UAE and the USA during his tenure of 33 months. Several collaborative
arrangements with the globally reputed educational institutions were established and
effort was made to widen their geographical spread and functional scope. Not
surprisingly, University of Pune emerged as the most favoured destination for
foreign students coming to India. More than 40 per cent of the foreign students
coming to India enroll in the University of Pune alone!
Social Initiatives
As a flagship program of the University, an ambitious ‘movement’ styled,
‘Samarth Bharat Abhiyaan’- a comprehensive rural development program, was
launched for directing the youth power towards constructive social engagement in
the rural areas. Under the Abhiyaan, all colleges adopted one village each in their
vicinity for all-round socio-economic development. In all, around 500 villages were
adopted. A 15 Point Program was drawn which covered, inter alia primary
education, tree plantation, water management, sanitation facilities, communal
harmony and the like. This movement involved more than half a million students
and teachers, and senior citizen volunteers working throughout the year in the
chosen village with the locals and the government machinery, NGOs active in the
relevant field, and endeavouring to bring about a complete transformation. The
results were most encouraging (e.g. more than 7, 00,000 saplings planted and 190
villages made Nirmal Grams).
A unique and innovative Soft–Skills Program for Personality
Development of the students was also initiated by Dr. Jadhav, wherein students
from rural areas, socially disadvantaged groups and economically poor strata of the
society were chosen for an intensive fifteen-days training program and outside
experts were invited to impart training in Conversational English, Techniques of
Interview and Group Discussion and Overall Personality Development. Personality
Development Centres have been established in 200 colleges.
Another path-breaking decision taken by Dr. Jadhav as the Vice Chancellor
was to provide scholarships of Rs One crore (US$2, 00,000) to the girl students at
the Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate levels. Under the Scheme, scholarships of
Rs. 5000/- each were awarded to 2000 girl students per year. A special feature of this
Scheme was that 30 per cent of the total amount was especially reserved for
daughters of Devdasis, Prostitutes and women affected with HIV.
Yet another socially relevant unique program initiated was Senior Citizen
Centre. The Center catered to the felt needs of the large and growing body of Senior
Citizens. The Center engaged Senior Citizens in five different activities: One-day
workshops on health and personal financial management; Three months Certificate
Programs of their choice (e.g. Indian History, Culture, Philosophy, Religion and the
like); a special Ph.D. Program for senior citizens with relaxed entry norms;
Teaching public at large under Adult and Continuing Education Program, and
Working as volunteers in the Samarth Bharat Abhiyaan.
Dr. Jadhav also launched an ambitious Triple Connectivity Program,
connecting the Main Campus with all affiliating colleges and an Information
Technology enabled Services (ITES) program in collaboration with CISCO and
several vocational courses for Entrepreneurial and Technician Development,
especially for high school drop-outs. In the wake of the terrorist attack on Mumbai,
Dr. Jadhav initiated the process of establishing Centre for Internal Security aimed
at creating a Think Tank, training all college students in Disaster Management and
creating awareness among the public at large. Most of these innovative schemes
were appreciated by the Government and are being adopted by all other State
Universities in Maharashtra.
Economic Policy Maker and Administrator
For 31 years, Dr Jadhav worked with the Indian Central Bank ( i.e. Reserve
Bank of India) and other Central Banks (i.e. Da Afghanistan Bank and National
Bank of Ethiopia) besides working for 4 ½ years in advisory capacity in the
International Monetary Fund (IMF). Dr. Jadhav took voluntary retirement from
RBI in October 2008 from the position of Principal Advisor and Chief Economist
in the rank of Executive Director.
POSITIONS HELD BY Dr JADHAV (in Reverse Chronological Order) are as under:
 February 2006 -- August 2006: Chief Economic Counsellor Government of Da
Afghanistan Bank, Kabul, Afghanistan. Worked in Kabul, Afghanistan leading the
nation building efforts underway in that country.
 September 2004 -- February 2006: Principal Adviser and Chief Economist,
Reserve Bank of India.
 August 2003 -- September 2004: Principal Adviser, Department of Economic
Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of India.
 March 2002 -- July 2003; December 1996 -- December 1997: Officer-in-Charge,
Department of Economic Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of India.
 September 1993 -- December 1996 : Reserve Bank of India, Department of
Economic Analysis and Policy (DEAP): Director and Adviser for various
Divisions in DEAP
 October 1992 -- September 1993: Reserve Bank of India, Secretary to the Central
Board of Directors: Coordinated various activities relating to the functioning of the
Central Board of Directors of the Reserve Bank of India.
 October 1977 -- October 1992: Reserve Bank of India, Department of Economic
Analysis and Policy (DEAP): Joined as Research Officer and held various
positions including Deputy Director and Press Relations Officer (PRO), October
1991-June 1992.
 September 1974 -- September 1977: State Bank of India Officer GR. I. Gained
first-hand experience of commercial banking in rural areas.
Author and Communicator
Dr. Jadhav has written or edited 36 books – 18 in English, 13 in Marathi and 5 in
Hindi. These include:
(a) An Intellectual Biography of Dr Ambedkar - in English as well as in
Marathi. (2014)
(b) On Dr Ambedkar’s Writings (Edited)
 2 Volumes in English (2013)
 2 Volumes in Marathi (2013)
(c) A Trilogy on Dr. Ambedkar’s Speeches (Edited)
 3 Volumes in English (2013)
 3 Volumes in Marathi (2013)
 4 Volumes in Hindi
(d) A Trilogy on Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore (2011)
An analytical biography of Gurudev (in Marathi as well as in Hindi)
An anthology of 151 poems translated into Marathi
An eclectic collection of Tagore’s writings (i.e., short stories, novels,
plays, parodies, articles and speeches) translated into Marathi.
As an Author, Dr Jadhav received worldwide recognition with his biographical
novel written in both Marathi and English – a runaway best seller (with combined sales
exceeding 6, 50,000 copies), which has also been translated into as many as 15 languages
(French, Spanish, Korean, Thai, as well as in most major Indian languages). The book has
received several awards including the coveted Sahitya Akademi Award for its Punjabi
In addition, Dr. Jadhav has authored 31 major official reports and more than 300
research papers and articles. He has delivered a large number of Convocation Addresses,
Memorial Lectures, Keynote Addresses besides numerous other speeches in national and
international fora.
4. AWARDS RECEIVED (updated till March 2015)
1.  ‘Life Time Achievement Award’, by Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar National
Institute of Social Sciences , MHoW, MP ( February 10, 2014)
2. ‘Govindrao Aadik Life Time Achievement Award’ by Govindrao Aadik
Diamond Jubilee Clebration Committee, Udgir, Maharashtra (January, 2014)
3. ‘Late Dr Annasaheb Shinde Smruti Puraskar’ by Rayat Shikshan
Sanstha, Sri Rampur, Maharashtra (September 30, 2013)
4. Anna Bhau Sathe Sahitya Ratna Puraskar by Kala Rang, Pune
(September 14, 2013)
5. ‘Maharashtra Gaurav Puraskar 2013’, Maharashtra Gujarati Samaj,
Mumbai (May 25, 2013)
6. ‘Chaitanya Deep Puraskar’, Rotary Club of Parvati, Pune (April 07, 2013)
7.  ‘Maharishi Valmiki Rashtriya Samman’ by Champaran Sanskritik
Mahostav Samiti, Motihari, Patna, Bihar (March 3, 2013)
8. ‘Purushottam’ Award P.K. Anna Patil Foundation, Shahada, Maharashtra,
(October 9, 2012)
9.  ‘Distinguished Fellowship 2012 Award’, Institute of Directors, New
Delhi (August 17, 2012)
10. ‘Maharashtra State 52nd Anniversary Award’, Peoples’ Art Centre,
Mumbai (May 1, 2012)
11. Honourary D.Litt by Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) Mysore,
(April 4, 2012)
12. Honourary D.Litt by Kalinga Institute of Social Services (KISS)
(January 6, 2012)
13.  ‘Commander of the Order of Academic Palms’(Commandar
dansl’ordre des Palmes), Government of France (2011)
14.  ‘Thomas Hart Benton Mural Medallion’ Indiana University, USA
15.  ‘Na. Ha. Apte Memorial Puraskar’ for the book “Ravindranath
Tagore Samagra Jeevan
Darshan” Organised by Pune Marathi
Granthalaya, Pune (December 7, 2011)
16. Honorary D.Litt by Dr. D.Y. Patil University, Pune - March 18, 2011
17. Degree of Doctor of Letters (Honoris Causa) by Sido-Kanhu Murmu
University, Dumka, Jharkhand – March 26, 2011
18. ‘Planner of the Year Award’, Journalist Federation of India, New Delhi
19. ‘Role –Model for India Award’ CMS, Delhi (2011)
20. ‘Indira Sant Puraskar’ for the book of Ravindranath Tagore’s Poems
:‘Bhayashoonya ChittaJeth’, Apte Vachnalya, Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra
21. ‘Savitribai Phule – Fatima Shaikh Award’
Maharashtra (2010)
22. ‘Elite Award- Excellence in Financial Communication’, by Association
of Business Communicators of India, Mumbai (November, 2010)
23. ‘Santdev Mamledar Yashwant Gaurav Purskar’, by I-News, SatanaNashik (June, 2010)
24. ‘Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar International Award’, by Jivak Welfare Society,
Nagpur (June, 2010)
25.  ‘Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Rashtriya Smruti Puraskar’, by Marwadi
Foundation, (February, 2010)
26. ‘Guruvarya Shankarrao Kanitkar Smruti Puraskar’, by Modern
Education and Progressive Society, Pune (January, (2010)
27.  ‘Jewel of Ruia Award’, by Alumni Association of Ruia College, Mumbai
(December, 2009)
28. ‘Bharat Shiromani Award’, New Delhi (September, 2009)
29.  ‘Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Award’for Excellence in Education Field, by
Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, Mumbai (September, 2009)
30. ‘Excellence Award for Excellence in Education Field’, by Top
Management Consortium, (April 2009)
31. ‘Kesari Gaurav Sanman Award’, by Kesari Art and Culture Foundation
(January 2009)
32. ‘Manohar Shikshan Ratna Puraskar’, by Manohar Pratishtan (January
33.  ‘Nyayamurthi M.G. Ranade Puraskar’,
Parishad, Pune (2008)
by Rashtriya Samajik
34.  ‘Yashwantrao Chavan Puraskar’, by Ahmednagar District Central Cooperative Bank. (2008)
35.  ‘Mahatma Phule Puraskar’, Pune (2008)
36. ‘Nashik Bhushan Puraskar’, Rotary International, Nashik, (2008)
37. ‘Neminath Jain Award’, Pune (2008)
38. ‘Bharat Jyoti Award’, by India International Society (2007)
39. ‘Srimanta Malojiraje Smriti Puraskar’, by Malojiraje Smriti Pratishtan,
Phaltan (2007)
40. ‘Kritadnyata Gaurav Puraskar’, by Preeti Sangam Dyanprobodhini
Sanstha, Karad (2007)
41.  ‘Samajik Nyaya Puraskar’, by Nyaymoorti Ramshastri Prabhune
Pratishtan (2007)
42.  ‘Swami Vivekanand National Award’, by Ramkrishna-Vivekananda
International Foundation (2007)
43. ‘Vocational Excellence Award’, by Rotary Club (2007)
44.  ‘Netaji Subhashchandra Bose Sahitya Gaurav Puraskar’, by Jaihind
Foundation, Satara (2007)
45. ‘Abhinav Bhushan Puraskar’, Abhinav Global Foundation, (2007)
46. Adjunct Professor, Honour by XI’AN JIOTANG University, China
(April 6, 2007)
47. ‘Lions Club International Award’, (2006)
48. ‘All India Association of MBAs Award’, (2006)
49. ‘Guruvarya Puraskar’, (Lokshikshan Puraskar), (2006)
50.  ‘Vishwa-Setu Award’, for International Peace and Harmony (2005)
51.  ‘Sahitya Akademi Award’, for the Punjabi version of the book ‘Amcha
Baap Aan Amhi’ (2005)
52. ‘Suryadatta Award’, Award for Excellence in Banking and Finance (2005)
53. ‘Maharashtra Ratna’, Award for all-round contribution (2004)
54.  ‘C.D. Deshmukh Award’, by Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, Mumbai, for contribution to economic literacy (1997)
55.  ‘FIE Foundation National Award’, for contribution to Indian culture
56. ‘All India Publishers’ Association Award’, for the book ‘Challenges to
Indian Banking’ (1996)
57. ‘Mukadam Award’, for the Book "Aamcha Baap Aan Amhi", (1996)
58.  ‘Asmita Darsha Award’, for the book "Dr. Ambedkar: Economic
Thoughts and Philosophy"(1994)
59. ‘All India Publishers’ Association Award’,
Economics for India’ (1994)
for the book ‘Monetary
60.  ‘Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad Award’, for the book:
Ambedkar: Economic Thoughts and Philosophy"(1993)
61.  ‘Award for Outstanding Contribution to Economic Theory’, for the
Ph.D. dissertation Indiana University, USA (1986)
62.  ‘Best International Student Award’, by Indiana University, USA (1983)
63.  ‘National Scholar in Economics’, Ministry of Education and Culture,
Government of India (1981-86)
64. ‘Best Debater Award’, Debating Competition Ruia College, Mumbai
65. ‘Late G.N.Akshikar Centenary Award’, (Second Prize & Exceptional
Performance in Marathi and Sanskrit), Chabildas High School, Mumbai
(i) English Books (18)
An Economist Extraordinaire
(Konark Publishers, New Delhi, August 2015, pages 300)
Awakening India’s Social Conscience
(Konark Publishers, New Delhi, 2014, pages 640)
Completed Writings of Dr Ambedkar (Edited) (2014)
Vol.I : Political Writings
Completed Writings of Dr Ambedkar (Edited) (2014)
Vol.II: Scholarly Writings
(Sociology, Economics, Anthropology, Law, Constitution and Religion)
(Konark Publishers, New Delhi, 2013, combined pages for two volumes:
5. AMBEDKAR SPEAKS : 301 Seminal Speeches (Edited)
Vol I: Introduction, Autobiography Speeches, Guidance to Followers and
Complete Bibliography
6. AMBEDKAR SPEAKS : 301 Seminal Speeches (Edited)
Vol II: Social, Economic, Religion, Law and Constitution
7. AMBEDKAR SPEAKS : 301 Seminal Speeches (Edited)
Vol III: Political Speeches
(Konark Publishers, New Delhi, combined pages for three volumes: 1630)
8. Untouchables
My Family Triumphant Journey Out of the Caste System in Modern
India (California University Press, USA 2007 and Simon and Schuster,
USA, 2005 pages 307)
9. Monetary Policy, Financial Stability and Central Banking in India,
(Macmillan India Ltd, New Delhi, 2006, pages 430+)
10. Re-emerging India – A Global Perspective
(ICFAI University Press: Hyderabad, 2005, pages 380+)
11. Outcaste-A Memoir : Life and Triumphs of an Untouchable Family in
India (Penguin, India, 2003, pages 280+)
12. Governors Speak (Edited) (Reserve Bank of India, 1997, pages 350)
13. CD Deshmukh Memorial Lectures
(Edited) (Reserve Bank of India, 1996, pages 240)
14. Challenges to Indian Banking Competition, Globalization and Financial
Markets (Edited) (Macmillan India Ltd, New Delhi, 1996, pages 440+)
15. Monetary Economics for India
(Macmillan India Ltd, New Delhi, 1994, pages 170)
16. Our Father and Us (Children’s Edition, Korean)
(Gimmyoung Publishers, Korea 2009, pages 170)
17. Dr AMBEDKAR Economic Thoughts and Philosophy
(Popular Prakashan, Mumbai, 1992, pages 109)
18. Macroeconomic Investment Management in LDCs - A Social Cost
Benefit Approach (Indian University, USA, 1986, pages 240)
Hindi Books (5)
Atmakatha Evam Jansanvad
(Prabhat Prakashan , New Delhi, April-May 2015 , Pages 300 +)
Samajik Vichar Evam Darshan
(Prabhat Prakashan, New Delhi, April-May 2015 , Pages 300 +)
Arthik Vichar Evam Darshan
(Prabhat Prakashan , New Delhi, April-May 2015 , Pages 300 +)
Rajneeti, Dharm Aur Sanvidhan Vichar
(Prabhat Prakashan , New Delhi, April-May 2015 , Pages 300 +)
Vishwa Manav
(Prabhat Prakashan , New Delhi, April-May 2015 , Pages 300 +)
Marathi Books (13)
Yugpravartak Mahamanav
Bharat Ratna Dr Babasaaheb Ambedkar
(Coffee Table Book, published by Brihan Mumbai Mahanagar Palika,
April 2016).
Pradnya Surya Dr Ambedkar : Samagra Vyacharik Charitra
(Granthali , Mumbai , January 2014, pages 790 +)
Pradnya Mahamanavachi :
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Samagra Lekhan Karya (Edited)
Vol.I : Rajkiya Lekhan
Pradnya Mahamanavachi :
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Samagra Lekhan Karya (Edited)
Vol.II : Artha Shastra, Samaj Shastra, Kayda-Sanvidhan Aani Dharma
Shastra (Granthali , Mumbai , October 2013, pages 610+ )
LASAVI Mazhya Samagra Abhivyakticha
(Granthali, Mumbai , Jun 2013, pages 610+)
Bol Mahamanavache : 500 Marmabhedi Bhashane (Edited)
Vol. I: Atmanivedan, Anuyayi Margadarshan Aani Samagra Suchi
Bol Mahamanavache : 500 Marmabhedi Bhashane (Edited)
Vol. II: Samajik, Arthik, Dharmik Aani Kayda-Sanvidhan Vishayak
Bol Mahamanavache : 500 Marmabhedi Bhashane (Edited)
Vol. III: Rajkiya Bhashane (Granthali, Mumbai, October 2012, pages1670)
Ravindranath Tagore
Yuga Nirmata Vishvamanav
(Granthali, Mumbai, May 2011, pages 350)
Ravindranath Tagore
Samagra Sahitya Darshan
(Granthali, Mumbai, May 2011, pages 310)
Bhaya Shoonya Chitta Jeth
Ravindranathanchya 151 Pratinidhik Kavita
(Granthali, Mumbai, Nov 2010, pages 440+)
Aamcha Baap Aan Amhi
(Granthali, Mumbai, 1993, pages 270)
Dr Ambedkar
Arthik Vichar Aani Tatvadnyan
(Sugava Prakashan , Pune , 1992, pages, 110)
The global best –seller ‘ Aamcha Baap Aan Amhi ’ has appeared in the following 15 versions :
Aamcha Baap Aan Amhi Marathi original, Narendra Jadhav , Granthali, 1993.
Amaro Baap Aane Ame , Gujarati, Gangaba Parivar Prakashan, 2002 (Translation : Kishore Gaud )
Damu Aachut Ate Usdi Aulaad Da Jivannama, Punjabi, Unistar Books, 2004.
( Translation : Dalbir Singh ) This book got the Sahitya Akademi Award
Asim Hai Asman, Hindi, Rajkamal Prakashan 2005.
Translation : Kamlakar Sontakke and Ajay Brahmatmaj
Dhruvnakshatram , Tamil, Academic Press , 2005.
Translation : Sumathi
Bahishkruta , Kannada , Navakarnataka, 2005.
Translator : Suma Dwarakanath
Sonu, Urdu, Adshot Publishers, 2005, Translator : Mumtaaz Nikhat
Aamcho Baap Aani Aami, Konkani, National Book Trust , 2012, Translator : Hema Nayak
Outcaste A Memoir, English 1, Penguin Viking, 2003, Translator : Narendra Jadhav
Untouchables, English 2 , Simon & Schuster - Scribner , USA 2005 and later
by University of California Press , USA 2007 ,
Translator : Narendra Jadhav
Intouchable , French , Librairie Artheme Fayard, 2002
Translator : Simone Manceau
Intocable , Spanish , Espasa Hoy, 2004
Translator : Margarita Saenz de la Calzada
Untouchables , Korean , Gimm - Young Publishers, 2007 , Translator : ?
Our Father And Us , Korean ( Children's Edition) Gimm- Young Jr Publishers, 2009.
Translator : Sun - hee Kim
Untouchables , Thai , Sanskrit Books, 2007
As Chairman or Principal Author
1. Report of the Committee on Preparation of Perspective Plan for Higher
Education in Maharashtra, Government of Maharashtra.
2. Convenor’s Report on ‘Development of Functionaries in the Flagship
Social Sector Programmes of the Government’, National Advisory
Council (NAC), September 27, 2013.
3. Report of the Visit to Tribal Areas (Jawhar, Mokhada, Vikramgad and
Dahanu, District Thane, Maharashtra State), September 26, 2013
4. Convenor’s Report on ‘Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) in
India’, National Advisory Council (NAC), March, 2013.
5. Report of ‘High Level Committee on Dr. Ambedkar National Memorial at 26
Alipur Road, Delhi’,Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment,
Government of India, ( 2012)
6. Report of ‘ High Level Committee’ on Dr. Ambedkar National Centre for
Social Justice at Janpath, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment,
Government of India, New Delhi (2012)
7. ‘Report on Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes (DNTs)’, Working
Group of National Advisory Council (NAC), (September 8, 2012)
8. Report of the Task Force to Review Guidelines on Scheduled Castes Sub Plan
and Tribal Sub-Plan for Union Ministries/Departments’ Planning Commission,
Government of India (2011)
9. ‘Report of the Expert Committee on Amendments to the Factories Act, 1948’
Prime Minister’s Office, Government of India (2011)
10. ‘Report of the Special Task Force on Developmental Needs of the Ladakh
Region’, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India (2011)
11. ‘Report of the Task Force on Evolving a Vision on the Vocational Education
and Training’, Planning Commission, Government of India (2011)
12. ‘Report of the Task Force on Amendments to the Apprenticeship Act, 1961’
Planning Commission, Government of India (2010)
13. ‘Report on the State Level Skill Development Missions’, Planning Commission,
Government of India (2010)
14. ‘Report on“Farmers Suicides” in Maharashtra, Government of Maharashtra,
15. ‘Principal Author-Report on Currency and Finance, 2003- 2004’ (Theme:
Monetary Policy.
16. ‘Report on Currency and Finance, 2002-2003’.(Theme: Management of the
External Sector in an Open Economy Framework
17. ‘Report on Currency and Finance, 2001-2002’. (Theme: A Decade of
Macroeconomic Reforms in Indian Economy)
18. Chairman, Internal Working Group of RBI on Auditing and Corporate
Governance. RBIReport, November, 2003
19. Chairman, Group on Inflation Conditions in India, Report on Inflation, RBI,
February, 2002
20. Chairman, Ministry of Finance--RBI Group on Prepayment on External Debt
Report RBI 2002
21. Chairman, Government of India--Reserve Bank of India Committee on FDI
Compilation in India, Report,2002
22. Chairman, Government of India-Reserve Bank of India Technical Group on
External Debt, Report, 2002.
23. Member Secretary of the Committee to Review the work of Indira Gandhi
Institute of Development Research (lGIDR) (Chairman: Dr. I.G. Patel) Reserve
Bank of India Report 1993
24. Member Secretary, Sub-Committee of the Central Board of Directors of the
RBI For working out the organizational details of the Board for Financial
Supervision 1993
25. Coordinator, Securities Irregularities Follow-up Group for assisting the Joint
Parliamentary Committee (JPC), Reserve Bank of India, 1993
26. Convener, RBI's Inter-departmental Task Force on the Gold Bank 1992
27. Author, Report on the Government Securities Markets in the USA and UK
(based on visits to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Bank of England)
28. Author, Report on the Hawala Market (based on brief assignment of a Two
Member Team to the Middle-East), Reserve Bank of India 1991
29. Author, Report on Recent Developments in the Financial System of Malaysia
and Singapore (based on a brief assignment of a Two-Member Team to these
countries),Reserve Bank of India 1989
30. Member Secretary, Study Group on Potential Exchange Rate Adjustment in
Ethiopia (An assignment to Ethiopia) National Bank of Ethiopia 1988 – 1989
31. Convenor, Study Group on Reforms in IMF Quotas. Reserve Bank of India, and
Ministry of Finance, (a brief assignment to the IMF) 1988
LECTURES (updated till March 2015).
1. ‘Recent Economic Developments and the Future of Indian Economy;’ 2nd
Rooshi kumar Pandy Memorial Lecture 2015, Organised by Bombay
Management Association Mumbai (March 27, 2015)
2. ‘Economic Reform, Poverty and Human Development’; Workshop on ‘The
Democratic Alternative from the South’. Organized by Centre for Policy
Research (CPR) India and Centre for Development and Enterprise, South Africa,
New Delhi (March 23, 2015)
3. Communication to Connect’ 9th Public Relations Council of India (PRCI) New
Delhi (March 14, 2015)
4. ’Social Transformation Forcing Inclusive Development in India’, Chief Guest
Address, UGC Sponsored National Seminar, Maharshi Dayanand
University(MDU), Rohtak (March 13, 2015)
5. Panel Discussion on Union Budget 2015-16 ’Key Notes Address. Organised by
K M Mani Centre for Budget Studies(KMMCBS) Cochin University of
Science and Technology Cochin (March 4, 2015)
6. Arth Sankalp 2015-16’ (Marathi) Savarkar Smarak Mumbai (March 1, 2015)
7. Mazi Sahitya Nirmiti: Maza Drishtikon’ (Marathi) GS Rajadhyaksha
Memorial Lecture Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune (February 27,
8. Economic Thoughts and Philosophy of Dr Ambedkar’ Chief Guest Address,
Organised by Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Chair for Social Justice’ MIT School
of Government, Pune (February 27, 2015)
9. Book Release (‘Samarpan’: Marathi) Aditya Prakashan, Aurangabad( February
14, 2015)
10. Marginalization and the Indian English Literature’ Chief Guest Address,
International Conference organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune (February 13,
11. Economic Thoughts and Philosophy of Dr Ambedkar’, Special lecture at Tata
Institutes of Social Science (TISS), Mumbai (February 6, 2015)
12. Kutumb Vyanastha Aani Vruddhanche Sthan’ (Marathi) Shri Paul Ruman
Guruji Felicitation Virar (W), Vasai (January 26, 2015)
13. Rise of Small States and Dr Ambedkar’ 2nd National Student Parliament
2015 Raisoni Group of Institutes (RGI) Nagpur (January 23, 2015)
14. Democracy and Development in India and China – Sharing Experience’
Inaugural Address in Seminar organized by Council for Social Development
(CSD, India) and Institute of Chinese Studies(China) New Delhi (January 19,
15. Chief Guest Speech and Interview (Marathi) Sahitya Jagar Vasai (January
17, 2015)
16. Chief Guest Address (Marathi) Valedictory Function, Post-Centenary Silver
Jubilee of GEI’s High School and Jr. College, Kalyan (January 4, 2015)
17. Dr Ambedkar: A Scholar Extraordinary’ (Hindi)
Foundation Rajkot (December 14, 2014)
Eklavya Education
18. Great Contributions of Sardar Patel’ (Hindi) Book Release Function
“Saurashtrama Sardar’ (Dr Sunil Jadav) Rajkot (December 14, 2014)
19. The Challenge of Urbanisation in India Today’ Special Lecture in Indian
Institute of Architects (IIA) National Convention 2014 Mumbai (December 11,
20. Paisa and More’ Dr C.L. Jhaveri Oration Association of Medical Consultants
Conference (AMCON) 2014 Theme: Do It Right and Chill Mumbai
(November 30th, 2014)
21. New Avatar of Planning Commission: Structure and Process’ National
Seminar, Organized by India Policy Foundation and Forum of Federations,
New Delhi (November 15, 2014)
22. Development, Governance and Law in China and India’ Inaugural Address
in International Conference Organized by OP Jindal Global University with
Shanghai Jioo Tong University and NYU Shanghai
Sonipat, Haryana
(November 13, 2014)
23. ‘Dr BR Ambedkar’s Thoughts on Economy’ Special Lecture, Ambedkarwadi
Mission, New Delhi (November 10, 2014)
24. ‘Education Society. Innovation’ Special Address 2014 Education Forum for
Asia Annual Conference, Chengdu, China (November 1, 2014)
25. Chief Guest Speech (Marathi) Teachers’ day –Golden Jubilee Ceremony
Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, Ghatkopar. Mumbai (October 5,2014)
26. Industrial Growth in India: Challenges and Future Prospects Visvesvaraya
Memorial Award Lecture Organized by Federation of Karnataka Chambers of
Commerce and Industry (FKCCI) Bangalore (September 20, 2014).
27. Valedictory Address for Refresher Course in Social Science,Bangalore
University, Bangalore (September 15, 2014) Key Notes Address Silver Jubilee
Lecture Series Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai
(September 2014)
28. Powering Maharashtra: A New Agenda for Leadership’ Sahyadri Mahatsav
2014 Organized by Maharashtra Development and Promation Centre New
Delhi (July 22, 2014)
29. Saturday Alive with Students’ -Inaugural Weekly Lecture to Students in
Mumbai Municipal Corporation Schools (through video Conferencing).
Organised by Valuable Edutainment Pvt Ltd. Mumbai (July 19, 2014).
30. Arth Sankalp 2014-15 (Marathi) Savarkar Smarak Mumbai (July 11,2014)
31. Special Address: Closing Ceremony of VIBGYOR HIGH MODEL United
Nations Mumbai (June 28, 2014)
32. Special Address: Career Guidance to children of Postal Employees. Organized
by All India Post & Telegraph SC/ST Employees Welfare Association (June 26,
33. Dr Ambedkar : An Intellectual colossus and a National Leader Key Notes
Address 123rd Birth Anniversary of Dr Ambedkar Indian Consulate at New
York, USA(May 3, 2014).
34. Special Lecture: ‘Globalisation and Higher Education with Local Aspirations’,
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur (April 26, 2014)
35. Chief Guest :Dr AmbedkarJayanti Celebrations, Bank of Baroda, Greater
Mumbai Zone, Mumbai (April 19, 2014)
36. Chief Guest Speech : ‘Dr Ambedkar and the History of Money and Banking in
India’, State Bank of India, Zonal Office, Nagpur (April 16, 2014)
37. Chief Guest Speech : ‘Dr Ambedkar : National Leader with a Difference’
Brahmapuri (Dist: Bhandara), Maharashtra (April 15, 2014)
38. Chief Guest Speech : ‘Dr Ambedkar : Neglected Economic Thoughts’, Bank
of Maharashtra, Central Office, Pune (April 14, 2014)
39. Chief Guest Speech :‘Dr Ambedkar :The Nation Builder’,
Dadasaheb Gaikwad Sanskritik Kendra, Mumbai (April 14, 2014)
40. Chief Guest Speech : ‘Little Known Aspects of Dr Ambedkar’s Contribution’,
Late Vasant Moon Memorial Committee, Ulhasnagar. (April 13, 2014)
41. Book Release Function : Author’s Comments ‘Ambedkar : Awakening Social
Conscience of Modern India’, Chief Guest: Vice-President of India, New Delhi
(February 27, 2014)
42. Book Release Function : Author’s Comments ‘Pradnya Surya Dr Ambedkar,’
Chief Guest : Kumar Ketkar, Asiatic Society, Mumbai (February 24, 2014)
43. Inaugural Address : ‘Publishing in India’, 2nd Edition of CEO Speak, Delhi
Book Fare, National Book Trust, New Delhi. (February 16, 2014).
44. Foundation Day Lecture: ‘Economic Thoughts and Philosophy of Dr
Ambedkar’, Silver Jubilee Year of Foundation, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar
National Institute of Social Sciences, MHOW (February 10, 2014)
45. Special Address: ‘Dr. Ambedkar and the Indian Constitution’, SNDT Law
College, Mumbai (February 8, 2014)
46. ‘Bhausaheb Kelkar Memorial Lecture’ on ‘India: Where Do We Stand and
Where Do We Go From Here’, Vaze College Mulund, Mumbai (February 6,
47. Chief Guest Speech : 8thAvishkar – Research Convention of Universities in
Maharashtra, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, Maharashtra (January 16,
48. Chief Guest, 15th Convocation of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune
(January 15, 2014)
49. Keynote Address at NCPCR Convention to Review Implementation of RTE
2009, New Delhi (January 14, 2014)
50. Chief Guest Address in Prashaskiya Pariksha Mahotsav, Badlapur, Maharashtra
(January 11, 2014)
51. Seminar Presentation :’Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyaan’(RUSA), by
Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), New Delhi (January 8,
52. Special Lecture :’Globalisation and Economic Thoughts of Dr Ambedkar’, Dr
Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (December 16,
53. Public Address: ‘Dr Ambedkar :The Intellectual Collossus’, Ambajogai,
Maharashtra (December 10, 2013)
54. Chief Guest, Conference on ‘Education and Employment’, Latur Maharashtra
(December 9, 2013)
55. Speech :’Falling Rupee and Rising Inflation’ RAPodar College of Commerce
and Economics (MONETA 2013), Mumbai (December 7, 2013)
56. Address to a Gathering of Senior Citizens, Jan Seva Foundation, Pune
(November 18, 2013)
57. Panelist, First National Seminar on ‘Social Innovations for Inclusive
Development’, National Innovations Foundation, Pune (November 17, 2013)
58. Public Speech, ‘Dr Ambedkar and Socio-economic Transformation in India’,
Anant Fandi Vyakhyanmala Sangamner, Maharashtra (November 11, 2013)
59. Conference Speech ‘Reforms in Higher Education – How Far Have We
Reached?’, AICTE – CII University – Industry Congress 2013 and Global
Higher Education Summit, New Delhi (November 7, 2013)
60. Key Note Address: in National Conference: ‘Reframing Budgets Towards
Redefining Economic Rights for Dalit Women in India’, NCDHR All India Dalit
Mahila Adhikar Manch, New Delhi (October 31, 2013)
61. Special Address on ‘Continued Relevance of Affirmative Action Policies’, Tata
Affirmative Action Programme, CENPEID, New Delhi (October 25, 2013)
62. Dialogue with Students, Golden Jubilee of Pune Marathi Granthalaya Study
Circle, Pune (October 20, 2013)
63. Book Release Function : Author’s Speech :‘Pradyna Mahamanavachi’,
Aurangabad (October 19, 2013)
64. Panelist in Discussion on ‘Saksham Yuvak, Samarth Bharat’ along with Dr
Mashelkar and others, Maitreya Foundation, Mumbai (October 12, 2013).
65. Book Release Function :’Pradnya Suryachi Prakash Kirane’ by Ms. Pratiksha
Kamble’, Mumbai (October 10, 2013)
66. Chief Guest Speech at ‘Keshav Sr4ushti Puraskar (4th) Distribution Function,
Mumbai (October 6, 2013)
67. Chief Guest Speech on ‘Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil 126th Birth Anniversary
Celebrations, Srirampur (September 30, 2013)
68. Chief Guest Address on ‘The Indian Economy – from Here to Where?’ at
Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (MCCIA) (79 TH
Annual General Meeting), Pune (September 29, 2013).
69. Chief Guest at Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Ambedkar College, Nagpur
(September 11, 2013)
70. Chief Guest at the ‘Marathi Patrakar Sangh Program, Aurangabad (August 24,
71. Chaired a book discussion of three books: ‘An India for Everyone’, ‘Beyond
Inclusion’ & ‘Higher Education in India’ at IIC in New Delhi (August 21, 2013)
72. Chief Guest at ‘Vyakhyanmala’ in honour of Late Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh,
Aurangabad (August 14, 2013)
73. Chief Guest at the Convocation of Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and
Technology in Faizabad, U.P. (August 12, 2013)
74. Chief Guest Address : ‘Indian Economy and Changing Technology’ Rajiv
Gandhi Polytehnic, Udgir (Latur), (August 3, 2013).
75. Chairman’s Remarks: National, Book Trust Foundation Day Lecture, by Prof.
Andre Beteille on ‘Books and Readings in Today’s India’, National Book Trust,
New Delhi (August 1, 2013).
76. Chief Guest at the book launch on ‘Corporate Governance’ in Mumbai (July 30,
77. Chief Guest at the book release function on ‘Shri Yashwantrao Chavan’ in
Nanded (July 25, 2013)
78. Chief Guest at Dr Girish Gandhi-National Social Service Award in Nagpur
(July 21, 2013)
79. Chief Guest at the presentation of Chimanlal Govindas Memorial Awards in
Pune (July 7, 2013)
80. Motivational Speech to Students, Charms Group, Pune (July 7, 2013)
81. Chief Guest at the inaugural function of National Conference at Vadodara (June
15, 2013)
82. Chief Guest at the occasion of book release of Smt. Shakuntaladevi N. Naik’s
book-‘Mazi Jiwan Yatra’ on her 84th birthday in Pune (June 6, 2013)
83. Convocation Speech at first convocation of PGDM programme of Durgadevi
Saraf Institute of Management Studies in Mumbai (June 2, 2013)
84. Presentation made on ‘Meeting Demands of Muslim Youth in respect of
Vocational and Technical Education’ in Mumbai (May 30, 2013)
85. Public Address: ’Gandhi, Ambedkar and Tagore’ organized by Madhyam, Latur
(May 25, 2013).
86. Chaired the Panel Group Discussions of National Policy Dialogue on:
‘University Rankings Metrics-What is Missing: What Does India Need?’ in New
Delhi (May 23, 2013)
87. Key Note Speaker to Honour the Assessors for Assessments under Tata
Affirmative Action Programme (TAAP), Tata Group Function, Mumbai (April
24, 2013)
88. Chief Guest cum Orator at the 20th Convocation of B.R. Ambedkar Open
University, Hyderabad (April 22, 2013)
89. Chief Guest at the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Smarak Chaity bhoomi Samvanya
Samiti Programme for 122nd Birth Anniversary of Babasaheb -Nagsen Kamble
Programme in Mumbai (April 18, 2013)
90. Chaired and Delivered Inaugural Address at 3rd International Summit on Yuva
Parivartan in New Delhi (April 17, 2013)
91. Delivered the Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Memorial Lecture on: ‘SC/ST Sub Plan:
Issues in Perspective’ at Osmania University, Hyderabad (April 15, 2013)
92. Delivered Presidential Address at the National Conference on Quality of
Higher Education and Economic Development in Chennai (April 12, 2013)
93. Guest Speaker at Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers (RCF) on the occasion
of Public Sector Week, Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers in Mumbai (April
12, 2013)
94. Chief Guest on the occasion of the Engineering Council of India’s Foundation
Day Function to give away Eminent Engineer Award at IHC, New Delhi (April
4, 2013)
95. Jury Member of Tata Affirmative Action Programme (TAAP) to give awards
to companies at Tata Steel Conference Room Bombay House (April 2, 2013)
96. Inaugurated ‘Apna Bank Branch’ in Mumbai (March 29, 2013)
97. Addressed a session of Association of Industries, M.P. on ‘Present Scenario of
Small Scale and Medium Industries in India and its Development’ in Indore
(March 24, 2013)
98. Chaired and Convened a Round Table Discussion on ‘Higher Education Policy:
A Dialogue Among Policymakers, Diplomats and Educationists’ at O.P. Jindal
Global University, Sonepat Campus (March 23, 2013)
99. Chief Guest at Yashwant Vyakhyanmala 2013 to celebrate the Birth Centenary
of Shri Y.B. Chavan in Aurangabad. Subject:’ Ambedkar speaks’. This was
followed by an interactive session with students of Nath Valley (March 18, 2013
100. Addressed a gathering of Budding Journalists of Ranade Institute and
Department of Mass Communication and Journalism BabasahebGarware
College, Pune at Yojana Bhavan Office, New Delhi(March 13, 2013)
101. Addressed a Gathering on the subject of Meeting Critical Challenges of Urban
Elderly at IIC Multipurpose hall, New Delhi(March 12, 2013)
102. Book Release Function: ‘Ambedkar Speaks’Vol I, II & III by the Hon’ble Vice
President of India Shri M. Hamid Ansari at Speakers Hall, Constitution Club of
India, New Delhi (March 8, 2013)
103. Delivered a Speech on Role of Nationalized Banks in the Changing Economic
Conditions in the All India Official Language Sammelan organised by the
Central Bank of India, New Delhi (March 8, 2013)
104. Delivered the Convocation Address at the 31st Annual Convocation of
Gulbarga University, Gulbarga (March 6, 2013)
105. Interview to Lok Sabha Channel – ‘What Budget 2013 has to offer for the
Education Sector’ (February 28, 2013)
106. Chief Guest and delivered a Speech on ‘Demographic Dividend’ and gave
‘Motivational Tips to Teachers and Students’ at the Tata Steel Education
Excellence Programme in Tata Steel, Jamshedpur (February 25, 2013)
107. Delivered a Special Lecture on ‘Democracy and Democratic Governance New
Directions: India and Republic of Korea’ in the MBN Forum 2013 hosted by
MK Media Group in Seoul, Great Republic of Korea (February 19, 2013)
108. Chief Guest in the Conference on Role of Co-operatives in Skill Development
organized by IFFCO Foundation, New Delhi (February 15, 2013)
109. Chaired a Session on “A Global Perspective on Women in the World of Work”
in the Conference on Understanding Women’s Labour Force Participation in
India and South Asia: Have Women benefitted from an Era Of Globalisation and
Growth? organized by International Labour Organisation, New Delhi and
Directorate General of Labour and Employment and Training. Government of
India in New Delhi (February 14, 2013)
110. As Key Note Speaker in the Inaugural Function of Second International
Conference on Academic Libraries organized by Guru Gobind Singh University
(I.P. University), New Delhi (February 12, 2013)
111. Chief Guest Address at the release of e-version of Volumes 14, 15 and 16 of
Marathi Vishvakosh, hosted by Marathi VishwakoshNirmiti Mandal, at
Acharya-Marathe College, Chembur, Mumbai (January 28, 2013)
112. Chief Guest Address to students (around 8000) hosted by Deepastambha at
Jalgaon (January 27, 2013)
113. Chief Guest Speech at Dnyneshwar Education Society School’s 75th
Anniversary, Bhusaval (January 27, 2013)
114. Chief Guest Speech at the 10th Dr. Neetu Mandke Oration, Kokilaben Dhirubhai
Ambani Hospital, Andheri (West), Mumbai (January 20, 2013)
115. Chief Guest Speech in the R & D Symposium organised by P.R. Pote Patil
Group of Institutions, Amravati (January 13, 2013)
116. Inaugural Address at the 11th All India Ambedkari Sahitya Sammelan,
Bhandara, Maharashtra,(January 12, 2013)
117. ‘Inaugural Address’ on Social Justice Issues and Sustainability at the
International Conference on Enhancing Health, Well Being and Sustainability,
hosted by Nirmala Niketan, College of Home Science, Mumbai (January 11,
118. ‘Keynote Address’ on Skill Development at International Conference for
Academic Institutions at PDPU Campus, (a part of Vibrant Gujarat Summit
2013), Ahmedabad (January 10, 2013)
119. Chief Guest Address on the 125th Anniversary of Nagar Vachan Mandir,
Chopda, District, Jalgaon (January 6, 2013)
120. ‘Third R.K.Nayak Memorial Lecture’ on ‘Gandhi Spirit and Ideal Living’,
hosted by R.K. Nayak National Foundation, Bhubaneswar (January 4, 2013)
121. Chief Guest Address on ‘Co-operation and Globalising Indian Economy’
hosted by Solapur District Co-operative Bank, Solapur (December 30, 2012)
122. Chief Guest Address on ‘Issues in Tribal Development, Annual Meeting of
Tribal Volunteers hosted by Suyash (NGO), Pune (December 30, 2012)
123. Chief Guest Address at Vachak Din (Readers’ Day), hosted by Granthali,
Mumbai (December 25, 2012)
124. Key Note Address on ‘Global Economic Crisis and the Indian Economy’ at the
Annual Alumni Reunion Day Celebrations, VJTI, Mumbai (December 16, 2012)
125. Bhaikaka Memorial Lecture (38th) on Democratic Dividend and Skill
Development, hosted by The Institution of Engineers India, New Delhi
(December 15, 2012)
126. Chief Guest Address at the India Launch of the UNESCO Chair hosted by
Jamia Milia Islamia University and Society for Participatory Research in Asia
(PRIA), New Delhi (December 10, 2012)
127. Key Note Address on “Co-operation : Solution to World Wide Recession’,
hosted by the Co-op Law Practitioners’ Association, Pune (December 8, 2012)
128. Convocation Address at the ‘9th Convocation of Symbiosis International
University’, Pune (December 8, 2012)
129. Inaugural Address at the 3rd National Conference of Dalit Organizations’,
hosted by NACDOR, New Delhi (December 4, 2012)
130. Key Note Address on ‘Sahakar:Kaal, Aaj, AaniUdya’, Concluding Ceremony
for the International Year of Co-operation, hosted by the Government of
Maharashtra, Pune (December 2, 2012)
131. Special Address on ‘Skill Development in India: Issues and Problems’, hosted
by Alumni Association of the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA),
New Delhi (November 29, 2012)
132. Chief Guest Address on ‘Dr. Ambedkar and Making of the Indian Constitution’,
at Conference on ‘Constitutional Vision and Governance’, hosted by All India
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Advocates Association, Mumbai (November 26,
133. Convocation Address at Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University,
Bareilly (November 20, 2012)
134. Special Address in ‘National Conference on Inclusive Growth : Opportunities
for Elderly’ hosted by Planning Commission and UNDP, New Delhi (November
19, 2012)
135. Chief Guest Address on ‘Agriculture in India : Challenges and Prospects’, at
72nd Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Banaras
Hindu University at Varanasi (November 17, 2012.
136. Key Note Address on ‘Infrastructural Development in India: The Road Map
Ahead’ at 65th All India Commerce Conference, hosted by KPB Hinduja College
of Commerce, Mumbai (November 9, 2012)
137. Key Note Address on ‘Skills, Knowledge, Innovation and the Demographic
Dividend’, in Australia – India Institute’s Conference: ‘The Argumentative
Indian: Critical Debates in the World’s Largest Democracy, at Melbourne
University, Melbourne, Australia (October 31, 2012)
138. Valedictory Address at the International Conference on “Diversity,
Discrimination and Social Exclusion in India and the USA” hosted by the O.P.
Jindal Global University, Sonepat, Haryana in collaboration with the Maurer
School of Law, Indiana University and the National Law School of India
University, Bangalore (2012)
139. Special Address Communications in Turbulent Times’, at ABCI’s Com Fest
2012 in Mumbai (October 18, 2012)
140. Speech at the World Senior Citizens Day, Janaseva Foundation, Pune (October
141. Guest Speech – an Interaction on ‘Space for Dalits in the Economy with Special
Reference to Private Sector’, by NACDOR, New Delhi (September 27, 2012)
142. Led the Indian Delegation to 2012 Education Forum for Asia Annual
Conference, Chengdu, China and delivered Opening Plenary Speech at the India
China Management Education Conference 2012 (September 21-23, 2012)
143. Convocation Address (2nd), Nava Nalanda Mahavihara (Deemed University),
Patna (September 17, 2012)
144. Public Speech: Role of Youth in India’s Emergence as a Super Power’, Synergy
Foundation, Nashik (September 16, 2012)
145. Inaugural Address at Conference on ‘Emerging Market Economies’, Chair:
Lord Meghnad Desai), Ruia College, Mumbai (August 27, 2012
146. Chief Guest at the Mahamahopadhyay Title Awarding Ceremony, Kavi
Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, Nagpur (August 11, 2012)
147. Chief Guest, Inaugural Ceremony of Safety Convention 2012, The Institution
of Engineers (India), New Delhi (August 9, 2012)
148. Concluding Remarks at the release of GOI-UNDP Report on ‘Livelihood
Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities’, UNDP, New Delhi (August 9,
149. Video Conference Address ‘Challenges in Higher Education’, LBSNAA,
Mussourie (August 8, 2012)
150. Inaugural Address: “RTE Bane or Boon’ at Conference by MCC Chamber of
Commerce and Industry, Kolkata (August 6, 2012)
151. Inaugural Address: “RTE Bane or Boon’ at Conference by MCC Chamber of
Commerce and Industry, Kolkata (August 6, 2012)
152. Inaugural Address: “RTE Bane or Boon’ at Conference by MCC Chamber of
Commerce and Industry, Kolkata (August 6, 2012)
153. Chief Guest at 30th Foundation Day Celebrations, World Peace Centre,
MAEER’s MIT, Pune (August 5, 2012)
154. Key Note Address in National Conference on ‘Revolutionizing Education – The
Technology Outreach), PHD Chamber, New Delhi (July 26, 2012)
155. Special Address at World Education Summit, 2012, ‘Global Education Leaders
Conclave: Fostering Innovations in Education – Best Practices Across the
Globe’ Digital Learning, New Delhi (July 23, 2012)
156. Chaired Session on ‘Human Development – Education’, at 3rd International
Growth Centre (IGC) and Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Development Policy
Conference, (July 20, 2012)
157. Speech (as Chief Guest) at Dainik Bhaskar – Tata Essay Competition Awards,
New Delhi (July 19, 2012)
158. Chair Session on ‘Priorities for Primary Education Policy in India’s 12th Five
Year Plan’, India Policy Forum 2012, NCAER and the Brookings Institution,
Washington DC, New Delhi, (July 17, 2012)
159. ‘Reform of Higher Education System and 12th Five Year Plan’
21stDurgabaiDehmukh Memorial Lecture, 2012, Council for Social
Development, New Delhi,( July 15, 2012)
160. Chief Guest on the occasion of “Refresher Training in Educational
Administration; to Principals of AP Social Welfare Residential Education
Society (APSWRES) organized by APSWRES & KEK Limited, Hyderabad
(May 26, 2012)
161. Inauguration of Art Exhibition and Speech on ‘Rabindranath – EkManoos, Ek
Kalavant” on the ocassion of Rabindranath Tagore Mahotsav, Kolhapur (May
15, 2012)
162. Chief Guest at launching ceremony of Children’s Magazine “Kloud 9” at KIIT
International School, Bhubaneswar (May 2, 2012)
163. Special Lecture on Rabindranath Tagore, Chair: Mahasweta Devi, KISS,
Bhubaneswar (May 2, 2012)
164. Chief Guest at the Function for Publication of “Anantarvedh” – A book written
by Shri Yashwant Rao GadakPatil, Ahmednagar, (April 28, 2012)
165. Keynote Address on ‘Skills Strategies for Inclusive Development in India –
Accelerating Prosperity through Policy Coherence’ organised OECD, ILO, CIII
and Institute for Competitiveness, New Delhi (April 27, 2012)
166. Panel Expert on “ Security for the Marginalized : Vision for Caring India” on
the occasion of Civil Services Day organized by Government of India, M/o
Personnel, New Delhi, (April 21, 2012)
167. “India Skills, Strategy and Roadmap” at India UK Round Table on Skills
Development organized by Ministry of HRD, Government of India and UKIERI
(UK-India Education and Research Initiative), New Delhi (April 20, 2012)
168. Chief Guest at the Function to distribute books to the School Libraries
organized by Shri Kapil Patil, MLA (Maharashtra State), Mumbai (April 13,
169. Chief Guest at the International Conference on “Radiation EnvironmentAssessment Measurement & Its Impact Cradenviron -2012” organized by
Babasaheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, Lucknow (April 12, 2012)
170. Chief Guest on the occasion of Convocation Ceremony of Bhartiya Vidhya
Bhavan’s Usha & Laxmi Mittal Institute of Management, New Delhi (April 7,
171. Lecture on Budget 2012 at the Maharashi Karve Lecture Series organized by
SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai (March 27, 2012)
172. Inaugural Address at the “International Round Table Conference” organized
by Shiv Nadar Foundation HCL, New Delhi (March 20, 2012)
173. Panelist Speaker at the Conference on “China and India: Sustaining High Quality
Growth” – Topic Ensuring that the Benefits of Growth are Shared Broadly”
organized Jointly by International Monetary Fund, ICRIER and China Society
for Finance and Banking, New Delhi (March 19, 2012)
174. Panelist Speaker at the International Education Conference - “Going Global2012” organized by the British Council, London (March 13, 2012)
175. Convocation Address at 12th Convocation of Assam University, Silchar,
(March 6, 2012)
176. Keynote Address at the Regional Conference on Skill Development organized
by Department. of Labour Employment & Factories, Government of Andhra
Pradesh at Hyderabad (March 3, 2012)
177. ‘4th Dr. B.L. Maheshwari Memorial Lecture’ Organized by Centre for
Organization Development, Hyderabad (March 2, 2012)
178. Chief Guest at Annual Social Gathering of Sanjay Ghodawat Group of
Institutions, Kolhapur (March 1, 2012)
179. Keynote Address on the occasion of “The Science Day Celebration” organized
by Veermata Jijabaii Technological Institutions (VJTI) as a part of its 125th
Anniversary Celebration, Mumbai (February 29, 2012)
180. Chief Guest at “International Convention on Virtual Education : Issues,
Challenges & Prospects” organized Consortium for Educational
Communication,(CEC) New Delhi (February 24, 2012)
181. Chief Guest at “Granthotsav” – A festival of Marathi Books organized by
Maharashtra Parichay Kendra, New Delhi (February 20, 2012)
182. Speech on “Inclusive Growth” at 16th India Investor Conference “Delhi Speaks”
Delhi (February 6, 2012)
183. Keynote Address at the “Macro Economic Forum for India Investors”
Organised by Merrill Lynch, New Delhi (February 6, 2012)
184. Keynote Address for Inaugural Program at National Seminar on “Two Decades
of India’s Economic Reforms-Understanding Poverty, Inequality and Regional
Disparities, Organized by S.P. College, Pune (February 2, 2012)
185. Keynote Address “Unconventional Talent Management – The New Normal”
organized by National Association of Software and Service Companies
(NASSCOM) HR FORUM 2011 at Chennai, (January 30, 2012)
186. Convocation Address on the occasion of 26th Convocation Programme,
Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur (January 28, 2012)
187. Chaired Session on ‘Mega Trends 2020’ : Shaping India’s Future’, FICCI, New
Delhi, January 17, 2012
188. Speech in the World Bank Seminar on ‘Understanding Economic Growth in
India’, New Delhi, January 13, 2012
189. Chaired Session of Making Public Policy Work for Migrants, at the National
Workshop on Internal Migration and Human Development in India organized
by UNESCO & UNICEF, New Delhi. (December 6, 2011)
190. Chief Guest for distribution of “Jain Bandhu Patrakarita Puraskar” and
Unveiling of a portrait of Sh. J.D. Jadhav at the function organized by Model
English Education Society, Parbhani (November 6, 2011)
191. Speech on “Global Financial Crises & India” at the Silver Jubilee Function of
Fergusson Mahavidyala SevalSahkari Patpathi Marydadit, Pune (September 30,
192. Chief Guest for the 52nd Convocation Function “Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Marathwada University”, Aurangabad (September 23, 2011)
193. Chief Guest for Inauguration of Workshop on Youth & Millennium
Development Goals (MDG) organised by Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of
Youth Development & Planning Commission, New Delhi. (September 21, 2011)
194. Chief Guest for the Valedictory Section on “Skills Development” Ideas for the
12th Five Year Plan” at 4th FICCI Global skills Summit, New Delhi. (September
195. Special Speaker on “Democracy, Governance & Development in Bihar” at
State Jagran Forum, Organized by Jagran Foundation, New Delhi (June 3, 2011)
196. ASSOCHAM’s National Banking Conclave: Challenges and Opportunities in a
Trillion Dollar Economy – ‘Financial Sector Reforms in India’, New Delhi,
(June 17, 2011)
197. Inaugural Address at Second International Summit on Skill Development by
Yuva Parivartan, Mumbai (June 15, 2011)
198. Keynote Address at the inaugural session of 2nd International summit on
creating “Livelihoods through Skill Development” organized by Maharashtra
Economic Development Council (MEDC) and Yuva Parivarthan (YP) at
Mumbai (June 15, 2011)
199. Keynote Address on “Strengthening & Motivating MSME’s in Goa” at Annual
General Function of Goa State Industries Association, Panji (June 24, 2011)
200. Special Address :‘Envisioning India’s New Landscape’ at London Business
School’s India Business Forum 2011, London (May 19, 2011)
201. Special Address :‘Financial Sector Reforms’ at the Stone’s Club, London (May
18, 2011)
202. ‘Exploiting the Demographic Dividend’ at LBSNM Mid–career Training
Program for IAS Officers, Mussorie (April 17,2011)
203. Special Lecture :‘Monetary Policy with Special Emphasis on Banking Sector’,
National Defence College (NDC), New Delhi (February 24, 2011)
204. Special Lecture :‘Inclusive Growth with India’s Demographic Surge’, Kotak
Institutional Equity’s (KIE) Global Investor Conference on ‘Chasing Growth’,
Mumbai (February 09, 2011)
205. Special Lecture :‘Globalization and Current International Economic
Dynamics’, MHOW, MP (February 08, 2011)
206. Special Lecture :‘Microfinance in India : Role of the RBI’, PRS Legislative
Research (for MPs), New Delhi (December 08, 20100
207. Special Lecture :‘Implications of an Indo-European FTA’, SP Jain Institute of
Management and Research, Mumbai (November 27, 2010)
208. Special Lecture :‘Education, Finance and Decentralization’; Seminar by
UNESCO, Bangkok (November 3, 2010)
209. Special Lecture :“Education –Globalization: Opportunities and Implication for
Higher Education in India”; American Chamber of Commerce in India, Kolkata
(May 15, 2010)
210. Special Lecture :“Caste Discriminations, Affirmative Actions, Transformative
Social Movements in Independent India and the Development of Human Capital
in Emerging Economics”;
International Conference by University of
Mumbai (April 25, 2010)
211. Guest Lecture at Conference on ‘Financial Sector Regulation and Reforms in
Asian Emerging Markets’ ( Mumbai, February 8, 2010)
212. Special Lecture :“The Global Financial Crisis and Implications for India”
International Conference, College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of
India (2009)
213. Special Lecture :“Global Meltdown: Opportunities and Challenges”,
International Conference, PUMBA, Pune (2009)
214. “Education in 2020”, Education Summit, Mumbai (2009)
215. “Sustainability, Innovation and Inclusion in the Education Sector”, Key Note
Address at CISCO Public Services Summit, Nobel Celebrations, Norway and
Sweden, (2008)
216. Special Lecture :“Discovering Incredible India”, A series of lectures to British
students selected by the British Prime Minister under the Prime Ministers
‟Global Fellowship Program “Unlocking Talent”, at the British Council, New
Delhi, (2008)
217. “Economic Model for Developed, Developing and Underdeveloped CountriesGlobal Perspective” at International Drying Symposium 2008, Hyderabad(
218. Comments on “Inclusive Growth and Schooling”, Ninth Annual Conference on
Indian Economic Policy Reform, Stanford University (2008)
219. Comments on the “OECD Report: India” (October 21-22, 2005)
220. “Developments of Securities Markets – the Indian Experience”, IMF and
Stanford University1 Conference in Beijing, China (October 2005)
221. “The World Trade Organization: An Overview”, Seminar on WTO and IPR,
Indian Merchant's Chamber, Mumbai (June 2005)
222. “Economic Renewal of Mumbai City: Opportunities and Constraints”, Paper
presented at the International Conference on Urban Renewal: Learnings for
Mumbai, Bombay First, Mumbai (May 24-26, 2005)
223. Special Lecture :“Exchange Rate Regime and Capital Flows: The Indian
Experience, CCBS, Bank of England (April, 2005)
224. Special Lecture :“Financial Systems in India and China – A Comparative
Study”, International Conference at Indira Gandhi Institute of Development
Research (February 24-26,2005).
225. Special Lecture :“Transforming Mumbai into a Regional Financial Hub: Issues
and Perspective, Conference of Bombay First, Mumbai (March, 2005)
226. Special Lecture :“Improving Market Design in Debt and Government
Securities Market”, International Conference, SEBI and ICFAI, Mumbai
(January, 2005)
227. Special Lecture : ‘Resurgent India: A Myth or Reality’ delivered at Kennedy
School of Government, Harvard University (April 19, 2004)
228. "Voting Rights and Voice in the IMF and World Bank: Quota Issues" Led the
discussion at the Second Meeting of Working Group on Improving Governance
in Global Financial Institutions (Ottawa, Canada, June 28-29, 2001)
229. Comment on "Accountability, Governance and Reform in the International
Financial institutions", by Ngaire Woods, in G-24 / OPEC Fund Workshop on
"Coherence or Dissonance in the International Institutional Framework. A
Shifting Paradigm" (Vienna: Austria, September 29-30, 2000)
230. "World Trade Organization: Evaluation and Obligations". Paper presented at a
Seminar -"WTO: Impact on Trade and Industry", organized by Bombay
Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Mumbai May 1997).
231. Central Bank Credibility: Need and Relevance" Paper prepared for South East
Asia, New Zealand, and Australia (SEANZA) program held at Karachi,
Pakistan(January 1995) “Industrial Policy in India since 1956”, Gale
Encyclopedias (2005).
232. “Industrial Policy in India since 1956”, Gale Encyclopedias (2005).
233. “Size and Capital Intensity in Indian Industries”, Gale Encyclopedias (2005).
234. “Developmental Aspects of Central Banking: The Indian Case”, Encyclopedia
of India, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.
235. “Dynamics of Monetary Policy in Emerging Market Economies: A Case Study
of India, P.R. Brahmananda Memorial Monograph Series, No.1, University of
236. “The Reserve Bank of India’s Balance Sheet: Analytics and Dynamics of
Evolution”, Reserve Bank of India Occasional Paper (Volume 24, No.3, Winter,
237. “Financial Sector Reforms and the Balance Sheet of the RBI”, Economic and
Political Weekly (March 19, 2005)
238. "Monetary Modelling for India: A Survey", forthcoming in the RBI Occasional
Papers, Reserve Bank of India.
239. "Central Bank Strategies, Credibility and Independence: Global Evolution and
the Indian Experience", Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers (Summer and
240. Capital Account Liberalization: The Indian Experience". Paper presented at the
Conference: A Tale of Two Giants: India's and China's Experience with Reform
and Growth jointly organized by International Monetary Fund (IMF) and
National Conference for Applied Economic Research (NCAER) (New Delhi,
November 14-16, 2003) (The paper has been reproduced in a book on "India's
and China's Recent Experience with Reform and Growth", edited by Wanda
Tseng and David Cowen, and co-published by the IMF and Palgrave-Macmillan.
241. "Maximizing Developmental Benefits of Migrant Remittances: The Indian
Experience". Paper presented at the International Conference on Migrant
Remittances jointly organized The Department for International Development
and The World Bank (London, October 9-10, 2003)
(The paper has been published as a book as part of the proceedings of the
Seminar by the World Bank. The paper has also been selected for publishing in
The UK-based journal called Small Enterprise Development).
242. “Role of Central Banks in Promoting Financial Stability” papers presented at
Regional Conference in Hyderabad, India, jointly organized by IMF, Tokyo
office and Administrative Staff College of India(ASCI, March 2001)
243. "IMF Quota Formulas and Mechanisms -A Developing Economy Perspective",
Paper presented at G-24 Technical Group Meeting (Lima: Peru, March 1-3,
244. "Rise and Fall of Capital Flows: The Indian Strategy and Experience", Paper
presented at Conference on "The Process Toward A New Financial
Architecture", by Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, the World Bank and
the Australian National University (Canberra: Australia, July 14 -16, 1999).
245. "IMF Quota Formulae and Mechanisms: A Revisit, Working Paper,
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Executive Director's Office(Washington
DC, February, 1999)
246. "Brazil: A Case for Preventive Crisis Management", Working Paper,
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Executive Director's Office (Washington
DC, December, 1998).
247. "The Asian Financial Crisis and Policy Imperatives for India" (jointly with Mr.
M.R. Sivaraman), Working Paper, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Executive Director's Office (Washington DC, November 1998).
248. "Towards Greater Exchange Rate Flexibility", Working Paper, International
Monetary Fund (IMF) Executive Director's Office (Washington DC, February,
249. "Central Banking in India and Abroad: Genesis, Evolution and Contemporary
Issues" RBI Working Paper (August 1997).
250. "The Role of Banks in Economic Development of India" (Jointly with D. Ajit)
Prajnan, Silver Jubilee Special Issue, (October 1996- March 1997)
251. "Key issues in Financial Reform", Business and Political Observer (September
5, 1994).
252. “Dynamics of Interaction between Government Deficit and Domestic Debt in
India” (along with Dr. C. Rangarajan and Dr. Anupam Basu) in “Tax Policy and
Planning in Developing Countries” (Edited by AmareshBagchi and Nicholas
Stem, Oxford University Press 1994).
253. "Issues in Financial Sector Reform", (jointly with Dr. C. Rangarajan) in "Indian
Economy: Problems and Prospects" (Edited by Bimal Jalan 1992)
254. "Money, Output and Prices: Casualty Issue and Evidence", Indian Economic
Journal (July -- September 1992).
255. "The Unsettled State of Macroeconomics and its Implications for Conduct of
Monetary Policy". (RBI Occasional Papers, September -- December 1991).
256. "Devaluation: The Real Issues". (Economic and Political Weekly, September 7,
257. "Neglected Economic Thought of Dr. Babasaheb Amdebkar". (Economic and
Political Weekly, Apri1 13, 1991).
258. "Financial Disintermediation and Imperatives for Bank Profitability",
Conference. Volume (Bank: Economists' Meet 1991) "Banking for Better
Profitability", (Macmillan 1992).
259. "Monetary Modelling of the Indian Economy: A Survey". (Reserve Bank of
India Occasional Papers, June 1990)
260. "Fiscal-Monetary Dynamic Nexus in India: An Econometric Model" (Economic
and Political Weekly, January 20, 1990).
261. “Analytics of Indian Plan Models" (Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers,
262. "Dynamics of Interaction between Government Deficit and Domestic Debt in
India" (along with Dr. C. Rangarajan and Dr. Anupam Basu), (Reserve Bank of
India Occasional Papers, September 1989).
263. "Weighted Monetary Aggregates: Rationale and Relevance for India" (Reserve
Bank of India Occasional Papers, March 1999).
264. "Effective Exchange Rate Indices: A New Methodology for Incorporating the
Third Country Competition". (Published by National Institute of Bank
Management (NIBM) Conference: Volume on International Finance 1988).
265. "Portfolio Management of International Reserves: An Application of TobinMarkowitz Methodology". (Published by National Institute of Bank
Management (NIBM), Conference Volume on International Finance 1988)
266. "Interest Rate Liberalization in the context of Financial Dualism: Some
Analytics with a Portfolio Model", Conference Volume, 71st Conference of the
Indian Economic Association. (December, 1988).
267. "Definition and Measurement of Money Supply". (Economic and Political
Weekly, September 24, 1988).
268. "Recent Financial Deepening & Disintermediation in India: Incidence, Impact
and Issues". (Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers, June 1988)
8. ARTICLES (updated till March 2015).
(i) In English
1. ‘Financial Sector Reforms-Meeting Growing Requirements’ The Mint
(September 22, 2011)
2. “The Importance of Being Obama”, in Sunday Telegraph (November 2008).
3. "Perspectives on Banking", Bombay Stock Exchange Journal (2004)
4. "50 Years of Independence: An Economist's View" Without Reserve, Special
Issue (August 15, 1997)
5. "Choice of an Appropriate Currency System for India in the 1920s", Business
and Political Observer (March 27,1993)]
6. "For Economic Democracy", Business and Political Observer (December 5, 1992)
7. "Domestic Debt Burden: Sustainability of Accumulation”. (Economic Times,
February 6, 1990)
8. "Domestic Debt Burden: Rhetoric and Reality", (Economic Times, February 5,
(ii) In Marathi, Hindi and Gujarati
9. ‘Mee, Teeche Thisare Mool’, Prahar (June 12, 2011)
10. “Aamche Ravindranath’, Maharashtra Times (May 8, 2011)
11. “Aamche Ravindranath’, Tarun Bharat (May 8, 2011)
12. ‘Ravindranathanchya Pratibhet Maharashtrache Yogdaan’, Maharashtra
Times (May 8, 2011)
‘Ravindranathanche Katha Sahitya, Sagar’, (May 8, 2011)
14. Ravindranathanchi Vaicharik Jadanghadan’, Sadhana Weekly, (May 7-14,
15. ‘Ravindranathanchi Naati Goti’, Punya Nagari (May 8, 2011)
16. ‘Gurudevaani Lokmanya’, Saamna (May 8, 2011)
17. ‘Tee, Maazhi Priyatama’ Deshdoot (March 06, 2011)
18. ‘Avhane Navya Dashakachi’ Maharashtra Times (January 2, 2011)
19. ‘Adnyat Kavi: Ravindranath;, (November 21, 2010)
20. “Vishwakavi Aani Chhatrapati”, Maharashtra Times Diwali Visheshank, 2010.
21. “Tagore Aani Gandhi- Sanvad Aani Visanvad”; Kaalnirnay Diwali Visheshank,
22. “Dusaryaa Harit Krantichi Garaj”; Traimasik Udyamshil Krushak, JulySeptember, 2010.
23. “Shikshan Hach Parivartanacha Aadhar!”; Lokrajya (Suvarn Mahotsavi
Maharashtra Visheshank), April- May, 2010.
24. “Anvayarth Arth sankalpacha”; Maharashtra Times, March 2010.
25. “Dahashatwadache Thaiman ani antargat Suraksheche Ahawan”(2008).
26. ”Jagatik Arthik Mahaarishta : Arthakaran ani Anarthaskaran” (2008)
27. “Aashiyayi Pechprasang", (Maharashtra Times, October 16, 1998)
28. "Aathavanitale Daya Pawar" (VrittaManas, September 29, 1996)
29. "Nakaratmaka Bhoomika Sodaila Havi" (Gomantak, March 20, 1995)
30. "Dilkhulas Banker" (Loksatta, February 12, 1995)
31. "Karmaveer Dadasaheb Gaikwad: Aek Mahan Karmayogi" (In the book with
the same name edited by BhauLokhande, 1995)
32. "American Vidyanagari" (Gandhali, 1995)
33. "Nave Aarthik Dhoran Aani Garibi" (Loksatta, December 25, 1994)
34. "Dunkel Prastav, GATT Karar Yanche Aarthakaran" (Loksatta, April 17,
35. “Aarthik Sahasvaad Navhe Tar Aarthik Dhadaswad" (Loksatta, March 20,
36. "LalitDoshi –AekAjatasatru Vyaktimatva" (Loksatta, February 6, 1994)
37. "Sone Aani Bharatiya Arthakaran" (Loksatta, January 9, 1994)
38. "Sone Aani Bhartiya Arthakaran" (AksharSahawas, Diwali 1993)
39. Rupaye ki Parivartaniyata Ki Disha Me Vastavik Kadam" (Vyapar January
18, 1993)
40. Rupayeki Parivartaniyata Avam LERMS" (Vyapar, January 25, 1993)
41. “Nyaymurti R.R. Bhole: Aek Samarpit Jeevan" (Loksatta, September 26, 1993)
42. "Dr. Ambedkaranchi Mumbai" (Bombay Municipal Corporation, Centenary
Special, July 31, 1993)
43. "Aarth-Sankalp 1992-93: Panvartaniya Rupaye Aani Suvarna Rokhe"
(Loksatta, March 8, 1992)
44. "Dr. Ambedkar Aani Aarthik, Samajik Lokshahi"
(Mumbai Sakal, December 6, 1992)
45. “Marxvaad Aani Dr. Ambedkar", Nav Shakti” (December 6, 1992)
46. “Arthatadnya Babasaheb” (Mumbai Tarun Bharat, December 6, 1992)
47. "Dr. Ambedkarna Aarthik Vichar Aane Phalsoophy"
(Vyapar, December 4, 1992)
48. "Ethiopia: Vedana Aani Vanchana" (Maharashtra Times, August 9, 1991)
49. "Rupayachc Awamulyan: Bhram Aani Vastusthithi"
(Maharashtra Times, July 7, 1991)
50. "Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: Eak Upekshit Arthatadnya"
(Loksatta, April 13, 1991)
1. Visited Chengdu (China) for Education Forum for Asia Annual Conference,
2014 and delivered a Special Lecture on ` Education-Society-Innovation’
(November 1, 2014)
2. Delivered a Speech on ‘Democracy and Democratic Governance New
Directions: India and Republic of Korea’ in the MBN Forum 2013 hosted by
MK Media Group in Seoul, Great Republic of Korea (February, 2013).
3. Visited Chengdu (China) for Education Forum for Asia Annual Conference,
2012 Chengdu, China and delivered Opening Plenary Speech at the India
China Management Education Conference 2012 (September 21-23, 2012).
4. Visited UK for “Going Global 2012: The International Education Conference’
organised by British Council, London (March 11-14, 2012)
5. Visited Melbourne, Australia for ‘The Argumentative Indian: Critical Debates
in the World’s Largest Democracy and delivered the keynote lecture on Skills,
Knowledge, Innovation and the Demographic Dividend’ organized by the
Australia India Institute, University of Melbourne (October 31 to November 2,
6. Visited USA for ‘US-India Higher Education Summit’ in Washington DC and
‘Indo-US Conference on Higher Education, (at Penn State University) (October
8-13, 2011)
7. Visited UK for London Business School’s India Business Forum 2011, London
(May 18-19, 2011)
8. Visited Colombo (Sri Lanka) for UNESCO-MSS Forum of Ministers on ‘Social
Protection Policies in South Asia’, Colombo, (February 20-22, 2011)
9. Visited Bangkok (Thailand) for UNESCO Seminar on ‘Education, Finance and
Decentralization’, Bangkok, Thailand (November 2, 2010)
10. Visited Brussels (Netherlands) and Madrid (Spain) for the Second Indian
Council of World Affairs (ICWA) – European Union Institute of Security
Studies (EUISS) Forum in Brussels and ICWA-CASA Tribune in Madrid
(October 10-17, 2010)
11. Invited to address Public Services Summit 2008 as part of Nobel Celebrations
held at Stockholm, Sweden (December 10, 2008).
12. Inaugurated the International Conference on “India’s Dalits”, University of
Pennsylvania, USA (December 2008).
13. Participated in the Ninth Annual Conference on Indian Economic Policy Reform
in the session on Inclusive Growth and Schooling at Stanford University,
14. As the Vice Chancellor of the University of Pune, visited Japan, China, Korea,
UAE, Germany, France, Austria and South Africa to negotiate MoUs for
academic collaborations (2007-08)
15. Deputed as Chief Economic Counsellor to the Governor of Da Afghanistan
Bank,Kabul, Afghanistan (2006)
16. In 2005 toured the US extensively in 2005 on the occasion of the release of the
book ‘Untouchable‛ and delivered 40 speeches in 12 days at places including
the New School University, Yale University, Cornell University, University of
Washington, University of California at Berkley and Santa Cruz and Stanford
University where the audience included leading literary figures, social activists,
university professors and students. Participated in autograph-signing sessions at
major locations and bookstores and appeared on the National Public Radio
(NPR) and various television channels.
17. Participated in World Bank Spring and Annual Meetings and the G-24
Meetings as a part of the Indian delegation (September 2005, April 2005,
September 2004, April 2004, September 2003, April 2003 and September 2002)
18. Delivered a lecture on "Liberalizing India's Financial Sector: Constraints,
Challenges and Prospects", Institute of South Asian Studies, National University
of Singapore at the Conference on "Monetary Policy and the Value of the
Dollar, jointly organised by Monetary Authority of Singapore and National
University of Singapore (August2005)
19. Participated in the Conference on "Asia-Middle East Dialogue: Common
Interestsand Common Challenges", Singapore(June 2005)
20. Participated in the Conference of Central Banking Studies, Bank of England
on Exchange Rate Regime and Capital Flows‛ (April 2005)
21. Participated in Chief Economists' Workshop at the Bank of England,
London, on "Perfect Partners or Uncomfortable Bedfellows: On the Nature of
the Relationship Between Monetary Policy and Financial Stability" (February
23-25, 2004)
22. Participated in International Conference on "Migrant Remittances –
Development Impact, Opportunities for the Financial Sector and Future
Prospects" at London, October 9-10, 2003 organised jointly by the DFID, UK
and the World Bank.
23. Study Visit to Public Debt Management Offices in Australia and New
Zealand as part of the Indian Delegation under the ADB Technical Assistance
(May 29-June 4, 2003)
24. Participated in Conference on Future of Domestic Capital Markets in
developing Countries, organised by the World Bank, Washington, USA(April
14-16, 2003)
25. Participated in BIS Spring Central Bank Economists' Meeting at Basel,
Switzerland (March 31-April 1, 2003)
26. Participated in Conference on the Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanism
organised by the IMF, Washington (January 21-22, 2003)
27. Participated in Conference on "Macroeconomic and Financial Policy
Implications of the Growing Economic Integration Among Asian Emerging
Economies", organised by the OECD (Paris,France January 14, 2003)
28. Coordinated the G-20 Meeting of Finance Ministers on behalf of the Reserve
Bank of India, which was hosted by India in New Delhi (October 2002)
29. Participated in BIS Conference on "Challenges to Central Bank Statistical
Activities" at Basel, Switzerland(August 20-22, 2002)
30. Attended various international conferences on behalf of the Indian Constituency
at the IMF in Washington DC and abroad (Canberra: Australia, Geneva:
Switzerland Lima: Peru, London: UK, Prague: Czech Republic, Vienna:
Austria) (1998-2001)
31. Visited Japan and Hong Kong as a part of a high-powered Capital Market
Delegation led by Mr. D.R. Mehta, Chairman, SEBI (March 1997)
32. Participated in the Conference on Financial Integration in Asia and the Role
of Hong Kong organized jointly by the IMF and the Hong Kong Monetary
Authority in Hong Kong (March 1997)
33. Participated in the Workshop on Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS)
organised by the IMF in Bangkok, Thailand(July 1996)
34. Visited the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Bank of England to
study the Government Securities markets in the USA and UK (July 1992)
35. Represented India at the International Seminar on "Open Capital Account"
organized by the World Bank in Washington DC (June 1992)
36. Deputed to the Middle East to study the Hawala Market (i.e., the parallel
foreign exchange market). The Report on the Hawala Market, the first of its
kind was, inter alia, a significant input in the set of policy decisions leading to
the partial convertibility of the Indian Rupee (December 1991)
37. Designated as Adviser to the Governor, Reserve Bank of India at the South
East Asia, New Zealand and Australia (SEANZA) Governors' Symposium
(December 1990)
38. Deputed to Malaysia and Singapore (December 1989) as a part of a twomember Study Team to examine developments in their financial systems.
39. Deputed to Ethiopia (October-December 1988 and February 1989) as Special
Adviser to the Governor, National Bank of Ethiopia. During this assignment,
served as Member Secretary of Study Group on Potential Exchange Rate
Adjustment in Ethiopia and was the Principal Author of the Report of the
Study Group.
40. Deputed to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) (January-March, 1988)
as the sole representative of the Reserve Bank of India and the Government of
India in connection with India's Proposal to the Executive Board of the IMF on
the subject of reforms in the IMF Quotas, being closely involved in the
underlying technical work in the form of a series of internal research notes.
41. Deputed to USA (August 1981-1986) jointly by the Reserve Bank of India and
the Government of India as a National Scholar. During this period, completed
Ph.D. in Economics at the Indiana University, USA.
10. PROFESSIONAL DISTINCTIONS (updated till March 2015).
1. Member, Governing Council , MIT School of Government, Pune
2. Member, National Advisory Council, Government of India (2010-2014)
3. Member, Planning Commission, Government of India (2009-2014).
4. Member, State Security Council, Government of Maharashtra (2008-09)
5. Member, National Council of Educational Research and Training, New
Delhi (2008-09).
6. Ex-Officio Member, Board of Governors, Yashwantrao Chavan Academy
Development Administration (YASHADA), Pune (2006-09).
7. Director, The Jammu and Kashmir Bank Ltd. Srinagar (2008-09).
8. Member, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Research and Training Institute
9. Special Invitee on the Executive Committee, Mahratta Chamber of
Commerce Industries and Agriculture (MCCIA)(2007).
10. Member, Board of National Water Academy, Pune (2007-09).
11. Member, Executive Council, Raja Dinkar Kelkar Museum (2007-09).
12. Chairman, Board of Trustees, Deccan College Poona Trust, Deccan
College Deemed University) (2006-09).
13. Member, Central Board for Workers Education, Pune (2006-09).
14. Member, Governing Board, Inter University Centre for Astronomy and
Astrophysics (IUCAA) (2006-09).
15. Member, Governing Council, Vasantdada Sugar Institute (VSI) Pune
16. Served as an External Examiner for the Ph.D. thesis on "Issue in
Monetary Policy Transmission in India" by a student from Indian Institute
of Management (IIM), Bangalore (2004)
17. Member of the Board of National Institute of Public Finance and
Policy (NIPFP), New Delhi (April 2004)
18. Member of the Board of Management of Gokhale Institute of Politics
and Economics, Pune (June 2003…)
19. Member of the Academic Advisory Council, Gitam Institute of
Technology andManagement, Visakhapatnam (March 2003…)
20. Member of the Selection Panel of the J. N. Tata Endowment for the
Higher Education of Indian Students, Mumbai (2003…)
21. Chairman, Editorial Committee, Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers
(July 2002…)
22. Member, Editorial Committee, Reserve Bank of India Bulletin (May
1996 -- December 1997; March 2002 onwards)
23. External Guide for Ph.D. in economics for two senior officials of the RBI
at the IIT,Mumbai (1994-96)
24. Invited by the Indian Economic Association to preside over deliberations
on the theme: "Economic and Social Thoughts of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar"
during its 76th Annual Conference (February 1994)
25. Member Secretary to the Sub-Committee of the Central Board (of the
Reserve Bank. of India) for working out the organizational details of the
proposed Board of Financial Supervision, (March 1993)
26. Member Secretary of the Committee (Chairman: Dr. I.G. Patel) to
review the working of the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development
Research (IGIDR) (March 1993)
27. Nominated as Coordinator of the Securities Irregularities Follow-up
Group (SIFG), set up by the Governor for assisting the Joint Parliamentary
Committee (JPC) investigating into the Government Securities Scam
(August 1992)
28. Entrusted with the responsibilities of Press Relations Officer (PRO) of the
Reserve Bank of India as an additional charge (October 1991-- June 1992)
29. Associate Editor, Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers (March
1988 -- June 1991)
Well-known public speaker and social worker – associated with several social
organizations including Maharashtra Sahitya Sanskruti Mandal (from 2008 to
date), Marathi Vishwakosh Nirmiti Mandal (Encyclopedia Committee),
Government of Maharashtra (1993-96) and Kusumagraja Pratishthan, Nashik
Anchored and participated in several discussions on All-India Radio, Radio
France, National Public Radio (USA), Doordarshan, NDTV, BBC (UK) and ABC
(USA) and CCTV (China).
Interviews in TIME (October 1997), the National Geographic Journal on
"Caste System in India" (March 2004), in International Herald Tribune (2005)
and a Cover Story in Readers’ Digest (October 2006).
Date of Birth: May 28, 1953
Wife - Vasundhara Jadhav
: (ex-Chief Librarian, ICICI Bank, now a
2. Daughter – Dr Apoorva Jadhav : (Post-Doctoral Fellow, Michigan University, Ann
Arbour USA
3. Son - Tanmoy Jadhav
: (Vice President with De-loitte, New York, USA)
4. Daughter in Law – Kejal Parikh : (Pharmacy Professional, Celgene , New York,
5. Grandson – Agastya Jadhav

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