birdwood bugle - Geraldton City RSL Sub


birdwood bugle - Geraldton City RSL Sub
The quarterly newsletter of the City of Geraldton R&SL Sub Branch, Birdwood House, 46 Chapman Road Geraldton WA
PO Box 1243, Geraldton 6531 Tel. (08) 9964 1520
General: Secretary:
Information: Birdwood Museum
Ian Heberle ……...... 0419 214 379
Autumn 2016
Committee Meetings
General Meeting
Monday -1700 hrs
March 14th April 11th
May 9th June 13th
29th May
Time:-1030 hrs
Sausage Sizzle, Fellowship
Vice President:
Barry Stinson …...… 0408 222 653
Steve Butler ....……. 0447 528 574
Dennis Moss ……......... 9964 3825
Assistant Treasurer:
Andy Hayward ….....…. 9921 2375
John Basset-Jones....…9965 2114
Frank Sharp ……...........9921 1085
Graeme Dodds ….....0407 380 527
Ken Lawson ….........0417 998 315
Warren Nathan ….….... 9964 3767
John Russell..................9923 1606
Wayne Godenzie..... 0498 999 879
Kerry Ross................0408 231 279
Public Relations Officer:
Ken Morris.....................0427 010 548
* PLEASE NOTE: It is at the discretion of the Bar person on
duty at the time if he/she remains open beyond the nominated
closing times.
Welfare Officer:
Christina Ross...............0437 325 279
Midwest Member Board of Directors
Ross Davies ….................. 9923 1341
Membership Officer:
Michael Marsh..............0458 806 311
Birdwood Military Museum
Barry Stinson …..…..... 0408 222 653
Jim Day ………...…..... 0427 612 479
Thursday 1100 -1400
Friday 1700 - late
Sunday 1100 -1400
March 4th & 18th
April 1st, 15th & 29th
May 13th & 27th
June 10th & 24th
Dates to Remember
27 February – 1st May 2016.
Remember me: the lost diggers of Vignacourt photographic exhibition at WA Museum Geraldton
March 25th Good Friday – Bar Closed
ANZAC Day 25th April
Dawn Service 6.00am, March from McDonalds. See page 11
Main Service 10.30 Step off 11.00 am from Cathedral Ave.
Articles/Items for Winter Bugle can be emailed to Bugle Editor or dropped into RSL at
Birdwood House. Deadline is 25th May 2016. Earlier is better.
Autumn Bugle 2016 Page 2
President’s Report
Hi All
Well, we are into a new year and a lot has happened up to this time To start we had a New Year celebration
to see 2016 come in, we had about 40 people attend and all had a great time. Some of the Oldies left before midnight
but the rest kicked our heels up to some good old time music till the clock struck midnight, formed a big circle and
sang Auld Lang Syne. Cleaned up and left by 12.45am. Well done to Marilyn and her helpers for a great night, we are
hoping that next year will be even bigger and better.
Australia Day was again a huge success with raffles, best hat and other comedy and novelty events happening
throughout the day. This year surpassed last year, we had 60 patrons and everybody had a fantastic day.
Some of the outfits that were worn were great, showing the true Aussie Spirit, it was truly great to see. To Steve for
all his work in preparing the food, it was just better than My Kitchen Rules, a job well done. Also a big thank you to
Kerry, John and their helpers; a superb effort. A special thank you to Christina who put this all together and the ladies
who helped to make it all work
Our BBQ nights attendance has been on the increase, this is a good sign and positive for our RSL Sub Branch.
Margaret and the ladies are doing a fantastic job on these nights, they are all wonderful volunteers. We also have
John playing soft light music in the background and people are really enjoying it, some have even got up to dance, it is
creating a great atmosphere. Thursdays and Sundays have increased in numbers with plenty of banter flying around,
which makes for a very interesting arvo. Plenty of jokes, solve all the problems of the World, but most important that
old faces are coming back to the RSL.
Gillian does a good job behind the bar and is still making the sandwiches for everybody and they always hit
the right spot.
Geraldton Rotary held an auction night to raise money for our three students who will be travelling to Hellfire
Pass. What a night, Bob Symington did the auctions, a little deaf at times (even with his hearing aid in) which made for
a rather humorous night. There were many generous donations to auction which resulted in a magnificent $3500
being raised. The night got underway with a BBQ meal followed up with delicious desserts. A few of the older
Rotarians said a few words about days gone by and their time when they previously used the RSL as their meeting
The three students Charli Dichfield (female participant), Paul Ayella and Kaeleb Prout were introduced and
each given a diary to keep notes of their trip so they could give a report of their encounters when they return home.
All three students represent different schools.
A big thank you to President Sue and the Geraldton Rotary Club along with all the RSL members that
supported the event .Just as well that Warren had a ute to take all his purchases home in and I think there were
others in the same boat, President Sue was another one that bought up big. All in all it was a fabulous nite.
After many discussions by the committee and a visit from the local constabulary offering a hint or two, we
finally have our bar secure with new shutters. It has been a long time coming, but when the ramifications we could be
up for were explained, the decision to go ahead was easy.
Wayne is doing a great job as bar manager, he has implemented a few changes and everything is running like
clockwork. To the volunteer staff, we also say thank you, places such as ours cannot exist without the many hands
that make light work.
I must say I am very pleased that we are finally getting the main hall painted, it is something that I have been on
about for a number of years, so happy to announce it will done by ANZAC Day.
I had a phone call a couple of Saturdays ago to go visit an elderly veteran and when I called in I was handed a
cheque for $10,000.00. I almost fell off my chair, I just sat there , then he said , “This is not to go to Perth, it is for the
Geraldton RSL”, I said “No way, it will go towards the painting of the hall.” We had a long chat and I found out that he
led a very hard and very interesting life. I would like to sincerely thank Julio and Teresa Imerigo for this gracious
donation. The Geraldton RSL is extremely humble in accepting this donation. Plans are well underway for ANZAC Day,
the sub committee, in conjunction with the City of Greater Geraldton have put into place the events of the day. There
are still a few loose ends to tie up, but all is coming together nicely, given we have 2 months till the big event.
Saturday 27th February sees the official launch of the “Remember Me” The lost Diggers of Vignacourt at the
Western Australian Museum – Geraldton which will be on display until 1st May 2016. Make sure you take the time to
venture down to the Marina and have a look at the World War 1 Memorabilia.
I look forward to catching up with you all on ANZAC Day
Ian Heberle President
Autumn Bugle 2016 Page 3
From The Secretary’s Pen
Hello again everyone! The last three months has seen a lot happening at Birdwood House.
We held a New Years Eve function this year which was enjoyed by all who attended. Although the numbers in
attendance were not high I think it was a great success as it was organized on short notice with a lot of fun and
dancing on the night! My thanks go out to all involved in the organizing and running of the event and to those who
Next came the Australia Day Brunch which I believe saw the largest attendance for an Australia Day Brunch during
my time with the Sub Branch. My thanks go out to all who organized the event and who attended on the day. I would
also like to thank the people who helped set up and clean up on the day, and especially the ladies for their help in the
kitchen and the fellas who helped on the BBQ’s. A free raffle as held which saw a lot of people taking goodies home
with them. A number of people came dressed in the Ozzie theme with A Sub Branch Oz King and Queen voted to
hold the crowns till next Australia Day!
As most of you will be aware the Sub Branch has chosen to assist in sending some students on a Hellfire Pass ANZAC
Day tour this year and I would like to thank Christina Ross for taking on this project enthusiastically and in a very
short time frame. Two Rotary Clubs have offered their assistance with other local organizations offering assistance as
A BBQ night and auction was held at the RSL in conjunction with Geraldton Rotary Club which saw the Rotary Club
run an auction of goods mainly donated by RSL and Rotary members that raised $2500 on the night! A sterling effort
by all who were involved and a very big thank you to those who attended and dug deeply into their hip pockets on
the night!
Preparations are underway for this year’s ANZAC Day services and further information will be posted on the notice
board as it comes to hand.
Recently some complaints have been made by members about the behaviour of other members and I would like to
take this opportunity to remind you that the correct process for going about this is to write a letter of complaint to
the President and address it to the Secretary. In accordance with the constitution this is the correct procedure and
any emails sent to committee members of choice or letters handed to committee members of choice will be seen by
the Committee as being inappropriate and will not be tabled at the Committee meeting
Thank you all for your continued support over the past three months and we look forward to it again over the next
Happy autumn one and all till next time
Steve Butler Secretary
Autumn Bugle 2016 Page 4
Treasurer’s Report
Here we are another change in the year from 2015 to 2016. It seems the sub-branch's transition with a
New Year function was well attended and quite successful, it augers well for the coming year, also
adding to the coffers.
Another change, as most of you are aware Mike Marsh has relinquished the position of treasurer to
concentrate on membership which in itself is a very time consuming job and thus he is able to devote
more time to the task.
As the new Treasurer I am able to help him by taking subscriptions, however the preferred method
is to send subscriptions to Perth. In any case if no one is available, as I am sure Mike would mention
in his own report, provision has been made with a locked container on the bar with envelopes in which
to place your subscription when the bar is open. If the R&SL is closed use the letter box in the front
door which is also locked. Both methods shall be duly processed and receipts forwarded. It goes
without saying it is important to keep up our membership numbers and finances. Thanks Mike for
sharing the knowledge you have amassed over your years as treasurer.
I know we have only just started and there is a long way to go but there is a goal to be achieved.
Dennis Moss
99643825 / 0427526186
A distraught senior citizen phoned her doctor's office. "Is it true," she wanted to know, "that the medication you
prescribed has to be taken for the rest of my life?" "'Yes, I'm afraid so" the doctor told her. There was a
moment of silence before the senior lady replied, "I'm wondering, then, just how serious is my condition
because this prescription is marked 'NO REPEATS'
Remember Me
The Lost Diggers of Vignacourt
We have the opportunity to view the Australian War
Memorial’s extraordinary travelling exhibition
Remember me: the lost diggers of Vignacourt from 27th
February until 1st May 2016.
The unique First World War exhibition, an exquisite
collection of black and white images printed from the
original glass-plate negatives, as part of the Museum’s
Centenary of Service commemorative calendar.
WA Museum – Geraldton Regional Manager Catherine
Belcher said the images were printed onto postcards
the soldiers sent them to loved ones back home.
“The postcards were a treasured link to family amidst
the horrors of war, and the Australian War Memorial
has added several photographs of Western Australian
soldiers to the tour not previously displayed in any
other exhibition outside of WA,” Ms Belcher said.
Autumn Bugle 2016 Page 5
From the Membership Office
The response to the reminders posted out in November for renewal of Affiliate and Social
membership for 2016 has been quite good. There was also a renewal form in the Bugle that went out
about that time.
I have found that I have no record of some of the memberships, either here or in Perth records. If
this is the case, I send out a note asking about their membership, and also include application forms
in case they are needed. Please don’t get offended by this, we can only go by our records.
Affiliate membership is for those who have a relative who is or has been a defence force member,
also it covers members of paramilitary organisations, i.e. police, fire or ambulance officers. There are
a few other circumstances that give you eligibility for this class of membership. The other form of
membership is Social Membership, for those who don’t qualify for affiliate membership. You need
to be in the higher classification if eligible.
Affiliate members can purchase an official badge from the office for $5.
If you have renewed your membership and haven’t received your 2016 membership card, please
contact me at the office. It may take a couple of weeks between paying and receiving the card.
I am just about up to date on all this, it got a bit behind when I was also doing the job of treasurer,
however now I have only the membership officer’s position.
Full membership of the RSL is controlled by Perth, they send out renewals and also issue the
membership cards.
Michael Marsh
Membership Officer
0458 806 311
The RSL Footy Tipping Competition is ready to roll out again and you can be part
of the action for a meagre $30.00 if you are interested in being a part of the action this season
call Ian on 0419 214 379 or
During an election campaign, a political candidate's driver lost control of the car which ran roughshod through a
for several
all 9 winners
if nobody
of first
farmer's field
The politician
to reimburse
the does,
which was
to be won.
only) time
a politician
ever took responsibility for all the bulls hit.
I decided to stop calling the toilet the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim
this morning.
Autumn Bugle 2016 Page 6
Birdwood Military Museum Society (Inc)
President’s Report, February 2916
New to the collection
Legion of Frontiersman uniform
Mrs Gillian Campbell of Dongara recently donated an almost complete “Legion of Frontiersman” uniform
which had been owned by her relative William (Bill) Stanley Wacher who had served in World War I with
the 28th Btn and later 51st Btn.
The Legion of Frontiersmen Australian Division had its roots back in 1906 when the first Legion presence
established in Australia.
The intention was to form a voluntary self-governing military organisation which would link together men
who came from all parts of the British Empire to serve in South Africa during the Boer War and had
afterwards been disbanded, so that their services could be available in the event of another war. From there it
would go on enrolling others with suitable qualifications, and it particularly asked for ex members of the
Canadian North West Mounted Police C.N.M.P Police, cowboys, hunters, prospectors, and generally
enterprising types from outlying parts of the empire.
There was only one motive in forming the legion - Patriotism. No government funds were provided, and
every man bought his own uniform and subscribed to the cost of training and any other expenses.
Commands were formed in every part of the Empire and in most English countries, linked to the London
Headquarters, and a Regimental Journal reporting news from every unit for further details go to
I am interested in hearing from anyone that has a personal connection to the Legion of Frontiersmen or who
can provide photographs, cards artefacts etc. I am missing one brass button and the lanyard detailed in the
above photograph of Bill Wacher, please contact me if you know where I may be able to locate either of
these two items
Barry Stinson.
Birdwood Military Museum President
Autumn Bugle 2016 Page 7
Donating an item to the Birdwood Museum collection
Should you be thinking of donating an item, artefact, photograph or cards or letters to the collection, it will
be appreciated if you could contact me direct on Mobile: 0408 222 653 in the first instance to arrange a
suitable time to meet and discuss the donation in detail, this will ensure we have the correct details and
provenance (history) of the item.
On a recent Sunday an unknown individual dropped off three black and white photographs of a digger with
the only identifying marks being Charlie 1925 (Sloper) on the reverse of a print of a small child playing on a
beach. No details were taken from the donor therefore I have no way of contacting them for further details.
If you are considering dropping off a donation please ensure you leave your full name, address and contact
details to ensure I can make contact and ensure the item is correctly recorded as part of our collection.
Please note, Jim Day, Mark Gilligan and I are at Birdwood House on Mondays and Thursdays between 0930
a.m. and 2.00 p.m. We look forward to meeting with anyone wishing to discuss any museum matters.
Barry Stinson.
Birdwood Military Museum President
Autumn Bugle 2016 Page 8
Hello to all members, families and all fellow ex servicemen.
Recent events : Christmas meeting and dinner at the Wintersun Hotel, was well attended and most enjoyable.
National Servicemen’s Day commemoration was very successful. Special thanks to Sec. Lois, Fr Brenton Taylor (retired
chaplain ) and Dennis Moss who all helped it to go well. This service was concluded with an enjoyable dinner at the
Wintersun Hotel.
Several members and/or family are not enjoying good health or are requiring surgery and our thoughts and prayers
go to them for comfort and recovery.
Our next very important event is our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING on Monday March 7 th2016 at BIRDWOOD HOUSE
commencing at 6pm and followed by a bring and share meal. It is essential that we all turn up.
Subs are now due.
Until then, Best wishes from your executive.
Bert Lenane.
( Pres. )
In the light of recent police announcements that they no longer consider it necessary to attend the scene of domestic
burglaries I have taken down the Australian flag from beside the house and peeled the burglar alarm sticker off the
front door. We've disconnected our home alarm system and quit our Neighbourhood Watch. I've bought two
Pakistani flags on eBay and raised them in the front garden, one at each corner, plus a black flag of ISIS in the centre.
Now the local police, AFP, ASIS. ASIO, SAS and other Counter Terrorism agencies are all watching the house 24/7.
We've never felt safer and we're saving $24.95 a month.
Bert Lenane
Autumn Bugle 2016 Page 9
Legacy Service Trust
Another year over and who knows what’s ahead, but we do know Legacy Geraldton will be doing
our utmost to help our war widows and children.
Mr. Peter Hcany will be up from Perth at our next meeting. Peter is the Chairman of the personnel
committee and no doubt will bring us up to date on what is happening at Headquarters in Perth.
Roy Harris is still doing a wonderful job with his ladies – it takes a special person to handle all
those wonderful ladies – well done Roy!
Ross McCarthy is our secretary and treasurer; we would be lost without him as he does a sterling
Kevin Forrest is a dedicated worker for us; Kev not only works tirelessly for Legacy but fills in his
spare time as a volunteer firefighter. Maybe this is the cause of his thirst at times?
Joe Knight-Smith does a wonderful job. He represented us at the Legacy dinner in Perth with his
lovely wife Sharon. Joe is a dedicated Legatee.
Our old friend Andy (and we don’t use that term lightly) is going on the reserve list for a wellearned . Andy has given Legacy Geraldton 25 years of faithful service to my knowledge. Well
done Andy! Leah, look after him as we all know Andy will be back for another 25 years.
Ladies, if you need help in any way, ring your Legatee – he will be only too happy to solve the
See Max Jones’ article about the bus on page 14.
Brian Millett Chairman
A man with a winking problem is applying for a position as a sales representative for a large firm. The interviewer
looks over his papers and says, "This is phenomenal. You've graduated from the best schools; your
recommendations are wonderful, and your experience is unparalleled. Normally, we'd hire you without a second
thought. However, a sales representative has a highly visible position, and we're afraid that your constant winking
will scare off potential customers. I'm sorry.... we can't hire you."
"But wait," the man says. "If I take two aspirin, I'll stop winking!" "Really? Great! Show me!" So the applicant
reaches into his jacket pocket and begins pulling out all sorts of condoms: red condoms, blue condoms, ribbed
condoms, flavoured condoms; finally, at the bottom, he finds a packet of aspirin. He tears it open, swallows the
pills, and stops winking.
"Well," said the interviewer, "that's all well and good, but this is a respectable company, and we will not have our
employees womanizing all over the country." "Womanizing? What do you mean? I'm a happily married man!"
"Well then, how do you explain all these condoms?"
"Oh, that," he sighed. "Have you ever walked into a pharmacy, winking, and asked for aspirin?"
Autumn Bugle 2016 Page 10
Welfare Officer
Welfare Assistance Geraldton
Welfare provides a full range of welfare services to the veteran community including allied, currently serving
members and their dependants.
Welfare can take a variety of forms, such as monetary payments, subsidies and vouchers, housing assistance,
home and hospital visits.
Emergency relief
Overseas Pension applications
Crisis counselling to point of referral
Financial assistance
Referral to other services
Home and Hospital visits
General crisis assistance
All applications are treated in the strictest confidence with the Welfare Officer having complete autonomy in
dispersing the funds. Applicants are required to provide proof of service, financial situation and quote or
account from service provider.
Contact Christina Ross on 0437 325 279 if you wish to make an appointment to discuss your needs.
Christina and the Welfare Team
Geraldton R&SL is sending three students to Hellfire Pass
Kaeleb Prout, Charli Ditchfield and Paul Ayella, pictured, are
leaving Geraldton on 15th April for a 12 day trip to the ThaiBurma railway which was built by Allied prisoners of war and
Asian labourers during WW2. Around 13,000 of the POW’s
were Australian.
This ANZAC experience is being organised by Christina Ross
who told the Bugle “I believe the students’ experience will
give them a totally fresh view about Australia’s military
personnel and our ANZAC heritage.” She said that her trips
to Gallipoli had radically changed her views of ANZAC and
that she expected the students would be similarly moved by
their experience in Thailand.
Steve Butler, the R&SL Secretary stressed the importance of a new generation of Australians learning about
the past experiences of Australian military personnel during this four years of ANZAC centenary. “It goes
beyond beach landings and fighting under the Australian flag” he said. “We need to keep that message going
or it will be lost”. The R&SL is funding one student and is collaborating with other service clubs, business and
Rotary Clubs to help fund the others. Students are also holding fund raisers, a sausage sizzle on 6th March and
a Quiz night on 11th March. See the GoFundMe website and Quiz Night flyer on page 13 of this Bugle.
Autumn Bugle 2016 Page 11
Autumn Bugle 2016 Page 12
Gosh, almost 2 months gone already in 2016! Time
really moves along for sure.
We at the Laurel Club had the usual 2 months off over
Christmas and New Year, so there is not much news to
report. Of course the Christmas celebrations went well,
and our first meeting for 2016 has been and gone.
Freida, our president reported on a letter she had
received from Headquarters telling of all the really good
work that is done by Legacy. This made possible from
money raising ventures, including what we here in
Geraldton raise for these good ventures.
Laurel Club Ladies
Meet on the 1st Monday of every month
(regardless of public holidays)
at Birdwood House - 10:30 am
Tea and Coffee available prior to
All War Widows Welcome.
It was decided at that meeting that a First Aid kit be purchased by our Club. The Legacy Men kindly
offered to pay for this very worthy item, for which we thank them very much. This kit will be taken on trips, and
to have on hand each meeting. President Freida is to be the custodian of the kit.
At the next meeting we hope to have a talk by an Instructor from the St Johns Ambulance, giving us
useful information about first aid.
Our Annual General Meeting will be held at our April meeting, so we are hoping for a good roll up.
Good luck to you all for the rest of the year.
Bet Mitchell. Sec
The RSL was well represented at the
opening of Remember Me - The Lost
Diggers of Vignacourt photographic
Exhibition at WA Museum
Speakers were: MC, Ms. Catherine
Belcher, Regional Manager WA
Museum Geraldton; Mr Peter
'Bluey' Maher, Vietnam Veteran and
Military Medal recipient; Hon
Graham Edwards, State President
R&SL and Board Member of the
Australian War Memorial; and Mr
James Dexter, Director Creative
and Regional Development, WA
. Museum.
Photograph courtesy James Thompson, WA Museum.
Pictured above Ross Davies, past president; Geraldton R&SL; James Dexter, WA Museum; Hazel Davies; Peter
“Bluey” Maher, Barry Stinson, President Birdwood Military Museum; Ian Heberle, President Geraldton R&SL;
Rita Stinson, Graham Edwards, State President R&SL and Board Member of the Australian War Memorial and Christina Ross,
Welfare Officer and many other members attended an interesting and informative opening ceremony. Bluey Maher gave a
very moving address and all visitors enjoyed a tour of this outstanding exhibition. It is open until 1st May 2016. Don’t miss it!
Autumn Bugle 2016 Page 13
Friday 11th March—7pm start
Bar Open - bring your own nibbles
Friday 11th March—7pm start
Great Prizes!
Lots of Fun
Compere: Vic Tanti
ANZAC Day Hellfire Pass Student Tour
Tickets $10 EACH - Tables of 8
Book your table now Call 0437 325 279
Autumn Bugle 2016 Page 14
Annual Fishing Competition
April 8th - April 10th 2016
Registrations: Friday 8rd April from 4:30pm onwards at RSL Club Chapman
Road, there will be a BBQ provided.
Family Night Saturday: Photos of catch with sizes to be presented for
measurement at RSL Club Chapman Road by 5pm, BBQ, to follow and the
Bar is Open.
Family Night Sunday: Photos of catch with sizes to be presented for
measurement at RSL Club Chapman Road by 4pm, Buffet style meal, Bar
There are some fabulous prizes and there will be raffles on sale.
Please consider this comp not only to have a great time but to provide
support for Veterans & Service men & women who may need help with
Contact Kerry Ross 0408 231 279 or Ian Heberle on 0419 214 379 or email or for entry forms and information.
Legacy is one of several groups which hire the Toyota bus from the RSL Village in Francis St. At $50.00 +
fuel for a day’s hire the bus is a bargain for anyone with a tight budget. It is easy to drive, comfortable for
the passengers and is equipped with wheelchair access. All you need is a volunteer driver!
The Village has a very comprehensive agreement for anybody hiring the bus. Very few drivers have read it
and even fewer have signed it but it does exist. One clause makes the driver responsible for the excess
on the insurance policy in the event of an accident. The excess is $500.00.
This is not a problem if the driver is covered by his group’s insurance, as some are. However, if he is just a
friend doing the right thing and helping out, someone needs to ensure he doesn’t regret his kindness.
Max Jones
Autumn Bugle 2016 Page 15
Seniors Action Group meets every
2nd Tuesday of the month for a meeting and lunch ($7.00 at present)
Venue: QE2 Centre Durlacher Street. Time: 10.30am
Come and Join us, have fun and make new friends.
Next Meeting: 8th March, 2016
Bowls are on all day Mondays from 8.30am and 3rd Thurs. of the month at 1pm.
Darts, Cards, and Table Tennis are also available.
Dates for your Diary: (More information on Centre Notice Board)
17th March Midwest Fun Day - $10 Morn/Aft Tea and Lunch. SPOT PRIZES
And Prize for person with most brightly coloured clothes and also Prize for most
Outrageous Wig!!
14th April
Quiz Afternoon in Lower Hall
Thinking of all those seniors who are unwell at present or who have lost a loved
Jan Wennekes, Committee
“A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination!
- Nelson Mandela
A police officer called the station on
his radio. "I have an interesting
case here, an old lady shot her
husband for stepping on the floor
she just mopped.”
"Have you arrested the woman?"
Not yet, the floor's still wet."
Autumn Bugle 2016 Page 16
of Geraldton R&SL
PO Box 1243
Geraldton WA 6531
The Birdwood Bugle
Surface Mail
Autumn 2016