Short Curriculum Vitae


Short Curriculum Vitae
Alexander Tsigkas
June 2016
Short Curriculum Vitae
(Summary of Industrial & Academic Experience)
Alexander C. Tsigkas
GR – 67100 XANTHI
Democritus University of Thrace
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Production Engineering and Management
Tel: 30 25410 79307
Mobil: 30 6980881342
June 2016
Curriculum Vitae
Alexander Tsigkas
June 2016
1976 - 1978
Studies at the University of Salford, Manchester, United Kingdom and received the doctorate - Doctor of
Philosophy (PhD) on 18.12.1978 of the Department of Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering.
1974 - 1975
Studies at the University of Salford, Manchester, United Kingdom and received the degree Master of
Science (MSc, by examination and dissertation) on 15.12.1975.
1969 - 1974
Studies at the National University of Athens and received his degree in Natural Sciences (Physics) on
1963 - 1969
Private High School and Lyceum John Barbikas, Agia Paraskevi, Athens. Graduated with a high school
diploma on 30.6.1969.
English – Fluently in speaking and writing
German – Fluently in speaking and writing
French – Very good in speaking and writing
Italian – Good in speaking and writing
September 2009 - currently
Assistant Professor for Logistics and Supply Chain Management at Democritus University of Thrace,
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Production and Management Engineering, Xanthi, Greece
Senior Lecturer at Democritus University of Thrace, Polytechnic School, Department of Production
Engineering and Management, Xanthi , Greece
2006 – 2010
Senior Lecturer at a postgraduate program leading to the Master of Science, for Health Management
organized by the University of Piraeus: The Lean Hospital and the lean supply chain.
Industrial Experience
Before addressing in more detail my professional experience, I quote a short introduction in my
professional career. I have a total of thirty years experience in the industry, focused upon organizational
and systems management software at the Restructuring and Business Process Optimization, Production
Planning, Supply Chain Management and mass customization. Much of my professional career has
evolved, mainly in Europe in countries like Germany, where my main activities focused on training and
consultancy services to companies such as Lowe-Opta, Michelin, Boehringer, Hoechts AG, Hauni AG,
MBB ( now EADS), in Israel with Electra, In Italy with Saeco, Russia with Unicum, and Greece as
NEOSET, ALUMIL, KLEEMANN, Calpak and others. Due to the nature of the work I had to travel
Curriculum Vitae
Alexander Tsigkas
June 2016
frequently in many countries of Europe for visits to major customers. The last 10 years I have focused my
activities in education and implementation methodologies like Demand Flow Technology and Lean
Manufacturing mainly in France, England, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, Israel, Russia and China.
Since 1997 I am cooperating with the German company Leonardo-Group GmbH, in order to provide
educational and consulting services designed to help companies that chose methodologies as Demand Flow
Technology, Lean Manufacturing in order to optimize business processes, so as to increase their
competitive capabilities in the new environment of intensive competition that prevail today in markets
where they operate. I own the trademark FlowPRaxis referring to methodology implementation of lean
management practices in the Factory and the Hospital.
A. Professional experience as employee
1996 - 1997
JCIT (John Constanza Institute of Technology,, headquartered in Denver-Colorado, USA with work on the Nice, France. Appointment to the position of Director of Administration Methods, officer
training and applications "Methods of Demand Flow» (Demand Flow Technology) in Europe. The
methodology is a comprehensive business strategy that is springboard for adjusting an industrial enterprise
in amazingly immediate and structural changes in how products are designed, developed, ordered,
manufactured and distributed specifically to the period in which we live. The method is, for many a
panacea to creating competitive advantage for an industrial company. When implemented correctly, reduce
inventories, the size of the batch, the total production time and removes activities which do not add any
value to the product. This means:
for the enterprise: dramatically reduce the production cycle and delivery of the product,
for our customers: high quality and high degree of customization of products to be delivered
rapidly to the most competitive prices.
The method of flow demand is a strategic organization operating a plant-based
synchronization of business processes with market demand.
1995 - 1996
INTRASOFT S.A., Athens. Consultant, responsible for the promotion, implementation and training of an
MRP-II system called CIMBAN in the Greek market.
EUROCOM S.A, Athens. Marketing Manager for the promotion and organization of training seminars at
IEK (non-formal education).
1990 - 1994
Consilium GmbH, Munich, Germany - Senior Director of Production for the promotion, education and
support of systems planning and execution of production (Manufacturing Execution Systems) in different
industrial sectors such as metal industry, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. In this area are
companies like, Bosch, Loewe Opta, Hoechst AG, Michelin and Boehringer AG in Germany and Sandoz,
Scintilla in Switzerland.
1988 - 1990
SCS GmbH - Scientific Control Systems, Munich, Germany, Senior Systems Analyst for the development
and production control systems for military aircraft autopilots company MBB (Messerschmidt Boelkow
Curriculum Vitae
Alexander Tsigkas
June 2016
1980 - 1984
A6. HAUNI-WERKE & Co KG, Hamburg, Germany - System Analyst, responsible for planning and
control systems for collecting data on machines cigarette production and preparation of tobacco.
B. Professional experience as self-employed
1984 - 1987
MAX-PLANCK INSTITUT, Munich, Germany and Center for Atomic Energy Research "Demokritos",
Agia Paraskevi, Athens. Contract Project. The project was entitled: «CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF A
analyzing, designing and implementing a data collection system and the automatic control of a moving
sensor inside the plasma machine TOKAMAK ASDEX-UPGRADE.
PAPASTRATOS S.A., Piraeus. Analysis and design system for collecting and processing information
from machinery production.
1997 - 2009
Senior Consultant of the German company Leonardo-Group, Munich. Business Consultant in the following
areas: (
Applications management methods Lean Flow in Manufacturing
Re-engineering and optimization of business processes
Lean supply chain
Industrial Costing for products and processes
Lean and Demand Flow Manufacturing
Enterprise Resource Planning
Mass customization of products
The following projects were managed by me personally:
Airwell - France - Air Conditioning Industry
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of the method of lean flow in the
reorganization and administration of the factory Tillieres (Verneuil s / Avre).
Electra Consumer Products - Israel - Air Conditioning Industry
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of Lean Flow process to reorganize 2 factories
in Tel Aviv and Kyriat Gat respectively.
Wesper - France - Air Conditioning Industry
Apply Lean Flow in a production line and Fancoils line central air conditioning units.
Electra Shenzen - China - Production of Air Conditioners
Consulting services for the implementation of Lean Flow methodology in the reorganization and
administration of the factory and the introduction of methods of Demand Flow in the supply chain (supply
Curriculum Vitae
Alexander Tsigkas
June 2016
Electra Hong Kong - Production Electronic Products
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of Lean Flow methodology in the organization
and administration of a new plant producing consumer electronics in Donguan, China. Introduce demand
flow processes in the supply chain. The company operates as a subcontractor to other manufacturers.
VISONIC - Israel - Electronic Security Systems
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of Lean Flow methodology to reorganize
business processes of the factory electronics in Tel Aviv, Israel. Import demand flow processes in the
supply chain (supply chain management).
ISRALIFT - Israel - Lift Industry
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of Demand Flow methodology in organization
and administration of the new production plant elevators in Kadima, Israel.
VERINT SYSTEMS - Israel - Business Information Systems
The Company offers business information systems to improve efficiency of customer service centers.
Within their project support the production of integrated systems with the implementation of Demand Flow
methodology to drastically reduce the response time to customers.
EMELCOLD - Cyprus - Commercial Refrigerators and Coolers
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of Lean Flow methodology and reorganization
of the factory in Nicosia, Cyprus.
EMI Telecom - Israil - Telecommunication Systems
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of Lean Flow methodology for the
reorganization of the factory in Ofakim, Israel.
HATZILOUKAS S.A. - Chalkis - Production of synthetic resin
Contractor to develop and operate a system of quality control and production of synthetic resin in Chalkis.
Saeco International Group - Bologna, Italy - Coffee Machines
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of Lean Flow methodology and reorganization
of two factories. Reorganization of the supply chain business.
Christ, Czech Repulic - Carwash
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of Lean Flow methodology and reorganization
of two factories.
STILL, France - Forklifts
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of Lean Flow methodology and reorganization
of two factories. Reorganization of the supply chain business.
UNICUM, Russia - Payment Kiosks and CD-DVD Vending machines
Audit on the implementation of Lean Flow methodology and reorganization of a factory in St. Petersburg.
Curriculum Vitae
Alexander Tsigkas
June 2016
NEOSET, Greece - Office Furniture and Kitchen
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of Lean Flow methodology and reorganization
of the factory in Vasiliko, Evia.
ALUMIL, Greece - Industry profile and aluminum accessories - Kilkis
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of Lean Flow methodology and reorganization
of two plants in Komotini and Xanthi.
STAHL, Germany - Industrial Safety Systems in environmentally hazardous areas. Consulting and
educational services for the implementation of Lean Flow methodology and reorganization of two plants in
Waldenburg and Weimar.
KLEEMANN, Greece - Manufacturing elevator, Kilkis, Greece
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of the methodology Lean Flow. Application of
the method in the entire plant mechanocal and hydraulic lift. The project has been extended to the
electornic panels and the cabin production and assembly.
DRAKOS S.A. Wood Processing Industry, Xanthi. Greece
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of the methodology Lean Flow. Application of
the method in the entire plant for plywood manufacturing.
Calpak, Greece – Manufacturing of Solar Heating Systems, Korinthos, Greece
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of the methodology Lean Flow. Application of
the method in the entire plant.
Τsimis S.A. – Flexible Packaging, Lamia, Greece
Consulting and educational services for the implementation of the Lean Flow methodology.
Zwei plus zwei GmbH – Bicycle trailers, Köln, Germany
Consulting for the transformation of the company from a commerce oriented unit to a lean extended
Weidenhammer Hellas S.A. – Packaging Manufacturing
Training and Consulting for lean management.
Intra-company workshops on Lean Manufacturing
Corporate seminars – 2 days
NEOSET, Vasilikon, Evia
KLEEMANN, Kilkis - Seminar and Audit of Production
ALUMIL, Kilkis, Xanthi
STAHL, 2X Waldenburg, 2X Weimar, Germany in German
Rolls Royce, Derby, England
Rolls Royce, Oberursel, Germany in German
Unicum, St. Petersburg, Russia, in English
Still, Montataire, France in French
Sirona, Heidelberg, Germany German
Saeco, Gaggio Montano, Bologna, Italy in Italian
Christ, Pilsen, Check Republic in German
Airwell, Tillieres, Normandie, France in French
Electra, Tel Aviv, Israel in English
Elektra HK, Hong Kong, China in English
Curriculum Vitae
Alexander Tsigkas
June 2016
Electra Shenzen, Shenzen, China in English
Isralift, Tel Aviv, Israel in English
Visonic, Tel Aviv, Israel in English
Emelcold, Nicosia, Cyprus in Greek
Public training sessions with two days duration
In the training center of Leonardo the LEAN FACTORY in Stuttgart were held more than 30 seminars in
German language
Participation in Professional Associations
Member of a Network (Network of Excellence) for Mass Customisation in Europe since 2000.
Member of INCOSE (the International Council of Systems Engineering) since 1999, focusing on
issues of Smart Business (Intelligent Enterprise).
Member of the EBF (European Batch Forum) since 1993.
Teaching record
My teaching experience starts in 1974 in England, in the context of the preparation for the acquisition
of the MSc degree. It concerned teaching undergraduate teaching 2-hour seminars once per week in the
department of Electrical Engineering on the subject of Control Systems.
From 2004 until 2009, I was appointed as Lecturer at the department of Production and Management
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace. During that period I taught the
following subjects (undergraduate level – The faculty of Engineering in Greece has nine semesters and
a final semester is allocated to a final year bachelor dissertation):
Supply Chain Management
Production Systems
Inventory theory
Enterprise Resource Management
Total Quality Management
Quality Control
8th semester
8th semester
8th semester
8th semester
9th semester
9th semester
From 2004 until 2010 I taught as visiting Lecturer at the spring semester of the Postgraduate Program
for Health Management leading to the degree of Master of Science (MSc) of the University of Piraeus.
I taught the subject of Lean Hospital and Lean Supply Chain for health cares services.
From 2009 until present as Assistant Professor of the same department I teach the following subjects.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Enterprise Resource Management
Total Quality Management
Integrated Industrial Information Systems
Curriculum Vitae
7th semester
8th semester
8th semester
winter semester
9th semester
Alexander Tsigkas
June 2016
Future teaching interests
Keeping as backbone the design, organization and management of Supply Chain my main teaching
interests lay on connecting Supply Chain and Marketing especially covering contemporary and future
trends issues on lean customization and lean manufacturing for both, the factory, the hospital as well as the
energy supply sector in conjunction with ethics and responsibility in the society.
Research record and future research interests
In the last three years my main research interests were directed towards the collaboration between
Academia and Industry, in order to close the gap that I believe exits between experience gained in
academic research and experience gained in the industrial every day event to the benefits of both, academia
and industry. For this purpose a number of short projects were conducted in the form of final year work of
undergraduate students (around 50 in the last 3 years). In addition a project was conducted over the last
three years in collaboration with three targeted industrial companies from three different sectors (lifts,
furniture and packaging) in order to examine the impact of the customer live engagement in the product
value chain throughout the product life cycle. The first phase of the project was to establish the
requirements for the design and the implementation of a virtual living lab to conducting the research. The
research aims at reducing drastically the time for the development and introduction to production of new
products and services. The concept will be expanded to cover a wide range of mass customized products
and services, exploiting the benefits the internet provides, through crowdsourcing and the evolution of
value adding communities. The second phase of the project that just started will prove the validity of the
concept targeting at implementing a virtual living lab to function as a “The factory in the future”. Issues as
for example “design thinking” for acquiring new knowledge from user experience in collaboration with the
industry will be explored through a virtual living lab.
The following topics are top in my research interests.
Lean Customization and resilient surrounding sustainable Supply chains (R3SCM)
Lean Electricity and distributed Electricity Supply Chain
Heidegger’s hermeneutic Phenomenology for decomposing signification of everyday Supply Chain
(De-sign thinking)
Full record of publications are available in ResearchGate
Tsigkas C. A. (2013) The Lean Enterprise, from the mass economy to the economy of one. Springer,
ISBN 978-3-642-29401-3. (
Book review
2. Tsigkas C.A. (under edition) Revisiting waste in Lean from a customer-free perspective,
Springer Heidelberg.
Curriculum Vitae
Alexander Tsigkas
June 2016
Publications and research papers as well as yet unpublished research
1. Tsigkas A., Natsika A. (2015) Lean Customization and Co-creation, Supplying value in
everyday life, Conference: Mass Customization, Personalization and Co-creation, At
Montreal – Canada, 20 – 22 October.
The paper will also be published as Chapter 25 in: Springer Proceed. Business, Economics,
Jocelyn Bellemare et al. (Eds): Managing Complexity, 978-3-319-29056-0, 337475_1_En,
2. Tsigkas A. (2015) A research method for the future: Heidegger’s phenomenology for the
management of Surrounding Sustainable Supply Chains (unpublished research).
3. Tsigkas A., Fasoula (2015) Disclosing customer value, (unpublished research).
4. Tsigkas A., Fasoula E. (2015) De-sign Thinking or Developing Significance for Targeted
Open Innovation (unpublished research)
5. Tsigkas A (2014) De-sign Thinking for mini-innovation: a way to re-think technology in
MCP, Managing Co-Creation and Personalization in Central Europe, 6th International
Conference in Mass Customization and Personalization in Central Europe, Novi Sad,
September 23-26.
6. Tsigkas A, Fassoula E (2014) A method for Design Thinking, Cross-Organizational Value
Creation, Science-to-Business Marketing Conference, Zurich 2-4 June.
7. Kalampakas A, Spartalis S, Tsigkas A (2014) The Path Hyperoperation, Analele Stiintifice
ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Matematica, vol. 22 (1), 141-153.
8. Tsigkas A, Chatzopoulos C (2012) A proposed method for lean manufacturing
practitioners : How to start using plain management tools and value stream mapping, a case
study, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, (under review, submitted on 01-09
9. Chatzopoulos C, Chatzimichailidou M, Tsigkas A (2012) Production Logistics for MixedModel Lines: Embedding Mass Customization into Demand Flow Manufactruing. The 5th
International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization in Central Europe
(MCP-CE 2012). This paper has been published in the on-line magazine:
ACTA TECHNIKA CORVINIENSIS, Faculty of Engineering, Hunedoara, Romania
10. Tsigkas A (2011). Open Lean Electricity Supply Communities, Energy Systems, 2 (3): 407422, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s12667-011-0043-8.
11. Chatzopoulos C, Grabanin D, Vezan I, Tsigkas A (2012) Demand-driven Supply Chain
using Lean & Agile principles. In: Conference proceedings of International Conference for
Entreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development ICEIRD 2012.
12. Chatzimichailidou MM, Tsigkas A, Lukac D, Anisic Z (2011) Applying Living Lab
Strategy in Real Life Conditions, Proceedings of International Conference for
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development ICEIRD 2011, 5-7 May 2011,
Curriculum Vitae
Alexander Tsigkas
June 2016
Ohrid, Macedonia,
13. Chatzimichailidou MM, Chatzopoulos C, Tsigkas A (2011) Involving Mass Customization
and Living Labs in Product Design and Development Processes, MCP - CE, September 2224, Novi Sad, Serbia, published in: ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of
Engineering, Tome IV (2011). ISSN 2067 – 3800.
14. Chatzopoulos C, Tsigkas A, Anisic Z, Freund R (2011) Making approaches between
manufacturing and mass customization industries. XV International Scientific Conference
on Industrial Systems (IS 11), Novi Sad, Serbia, September 14. – 16.
15. Chatzopoulos C, Chatzimichailidou MM, Tsigkas A (2010), Review on Greek Economic
Recession in 2010, MCP - CE, September 22-24, Novi Sad, Serbia.
16. Freund R, Chatzopoulos C, Tsigkas A, Anisic Z (2009) Open Innovation for Entrepreneurs
in Central European Region. International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and
Regional Development.
17. Tsigkas, A., Papantoniou, A. (2009). Theorizing a New Agenda on Mass Customization. In J.
Suominen, F. Piller, M. Ruohonen, M. Tseng, & S. Jacobson (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization MCPC2009 (pp. 55–
62). Helsinki: Aalto University School of Art and Design.
18. Chatzopoulos C, Tsigkas A (2009) An approach of a flexible manufacturing thinking
system for Lean-Flow implementation for mass customization industries. 5th World
Conference on Mass Customization and Personialization, October, Helsinki, Finnland
19. Tsigkas A, Freund R (2008) The Lea®n Extended Enterprise, the art of continuously
achieving benefits through Value Adding Communities. In: IFIP International Federation
for Information Processing, Volume 257, Lean Business Systems and Beyond, Tomaz
Koch, ed, (Boston Springer), pp 425-431.
20. Tsigkas A, Freund R (2007) Intelligent Agents assisted Value Adding Communities for
Mass Customization. 4th World Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization,
MIT, Cambridge, US.
21. Karadimas N, Loumos V, Tsigkas A (2006) Mobile agent assisted value-adding
communities for mass customization. In: International Journal of Simulation, Systems,
Science & Technology Special Issue on Simulation in Industry, Business and Services,
Volume 7, No 7, ISSN 1473-804x online, 1473-8031 print, pp. 56-65.
22. Tsigkas A (2006) The factory in the post-industrial era: variety instead of flexibility, Mass
Customization, the production system of the future. 2nd Conference on Mass Customization
and Personalization in CE, Rzeszow, Poland.
23. Karadimas N, Loumos V, Tsigkas A (2006) Self organising structures of ad-hoc
cooperations for customized products and services. In: Proceedings of 20th European
Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS), ISBN 0-9553018-0-7 / ISBN 09553018-1-5 (CI).
24. Tsigkas A, Chatzopoulos C (2006) From design to manufacturing for Mass
Customization, 3rd International Conference MCP - CE, June 3-6, 2006, Palic - Novi Sad,
Serbia. In: Advances in Production Engineering & Management Journal, Vol. 1, Special
Issue 1, pp 5-12, ISSN 1854-6250.
Curriculum Vitae
Alexander Tsigkas
June 2016
25. Tsigkas A (2005) Mass Customisation through Value Adding Communities, , 3rd
Interdisciplinary World Congress for Mass Customisation, Hong Kong, September16-21.
26. Tsigkas A, Papantoniou A, Loumos V(2004) Τowards a new BOSC Paradigm for Mass
Customisation: Build to Order Supply Chain, International Conference on Mass
Customisation and Personalisation., Rzeszow, Poland, April 20-21.
27. Tsigkas A, Papantoniou A (2003) Towards Knowledge-Based Mass Customization: A
Framework for on Demand Design (ODD). In Proceedings 2nd Interdisciplinary World
Congress on Mass Customisation and Personalization, München, October 6-8.
28. Distributed Demand Flow Customisation, Tsigkas, de Jongh, Papantoniou, Loumos, included
in the book «Τhe Customer Centric Enterprise: Advances in Mass Customization and
Personalization», M. Tseng and F. Piller (Eds.), ISBN 3-540-02492-1, p.p. 361-379, 2003
Springer Berlin/New York.
29. Distributed Demand Flow Customisation for Global Enterprises, Dr. A. Tsigkas, Erik de
Jongh, A. Papantoniou, World Congress for Mass Customisation and Personalisation, Hong
Kong 1 and 2 October2001.(A4E004)
30. In drei Jahren amortisiert, Dr. A. Tsigkas and Hans Bilgram, Chemie Produκtion 1994/6.
Ausgabe III, p.p. 62-66.
31. Integrierte Produktionssteuerungslösungen, A. Tsingas, DECblatt 1993/8.
32. Optimierte Qualität in Fertigungsunternehmen, A. Tsingas, Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit,
Carl Hanser Verlag, München, ISSN 0720-1214, 8/93, p.p. 471-473, 38 Jahrgang.
33. Qualität als Waffe im Wettbewerb, A. Tsingas, Kunststoff Journal, Zeitschrift für die
Verarbeitung und Anwendung für Kunststoffen, Ausgabe 1-2/92, p.p. 37-39, 26 Jahrgang.
ASDEX-UPGRADE, A. Anastassiadis, A. Tsingas, N. Tsois, G. Zoumbos, DEMO Report
87/8, Plasma Physics Laboratory, Nuclear Center «Democritos», 15319 Aghia Paraskevi,
Attiki, Greece.
35. Singular pertubation methods in the design of linear multivariable tracking systems for plants
with polynomial command inputs, B. Porter and A. Tsingas, International Journal of
Control, 1978, Vol. 27, No 4, p.p. 639-650.
36. Unassigned eigenvalues in Morgan’s decoupling technique, H.M. Power and A. Tsingas
(UK), Electronics Letters 1976, Vol. 12, No 5, p.p. 114-115.
Publications for the acquisition of the degree of PhD at the department of Architecture Engineering
1. Tsigkas Α (2014) What is Design Thinking, Facts and Values in Aesthetics: Contemporary
Stakes and Approaches, VIth Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics, University Paris 1
Panthéon-Sorbonne Institut ACTE – UMR CNRS – Æsthetica, Florence – Villa Finaly, June,
24 – 28.
2. Tsigkas A (2012) The phenomenon of Geometry as the fundamental factor towards the
creation of architectural site (topos), Scientific symposium: Geometry from science to
application, TEI Pireus, Department of Civil Construction Projects, Athens, conference
proceedings, 513-522 (in Greek).
Curriculum Vitae
Alexander Tsigkas
June 2016
3. Tsigkas A (2012) Prolegomena for a Phenomenology of Architecture, Chronicles for
Aesthetics, issue 46, volume B. 50 years of the Hellenic Society for Aesthetics, Institute of
Efi and Panagiotis Michelis, Athens, 73-78 (in Greek).
4. Tsigkas A (2012) The importance of phenomenology in the architecture of the domicile and
the city today and in the future. Conference proceedings, Partras 9-11 October 2009,
Department of Architecture Engineering, University of Patras: the importance of philosophy
in the architectural education, Institute of Efi and Panagiotis Michelis, Athens, 137-143 (in
5. Mavridou T, Tsigkas A (2011) The role of Research in the renewability of the architectural
education in the cross-section of the industrial building and production, 11th Architects
Conference, Athens, Greece.
6. Tsigkas Α (2007) Transmuting imagination to sensation: from state space to architectural
space. Imagination, Sensuality, Art, Proc. II MediterraneanCongress of Aesthetics, Koper,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 222 – 224.
Curriculum Vitae