CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013 3


CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013 3
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Brother Joseph Jozwiak, FSC
Dear Alumni and Friends of CBA,
As you begin to read this fall newsletter, the 2013-2014 school year will be well under way. CBA’s long-standing tradition of providing a
strong Catholic Lasallian education over these past 114 years is best highlighted by the theme of this newsletter, ”Be The One.” To “be the
one” calls us to action, to continue moving forward and to be on the cutting edge of educational excellence in all of its many facets.
To “be the one” here at CBA requires that we are continually mindful of those qualities that are at the heart and soul of Lasallian
education. “Being the one” at CBA means that we demonstrate concern for the poor and strive to create a climate of social justice
for all. It means that we continually build on our faith and belief in the presence of God as seen in the lives of our students whom
we serve. “Being the one” calls us to build an educational community that is inclusive and shows respect for all persons. To “Be The One”
is ultimately equated with providing a quality education for all of our students—a reality that is the hallmark of Christian
Brothers Academy.
In the following pages of this newsletter, you will have the opportunity to read about and experience how CBA continues to
“Be The One.” Highlights of the graduating class of 2013, along with their accomplishments will be a testimony to the high quality of
education that students receive while at CBA. The various awards achieved through our many programs such as our school’s orchestra
winning “gold” at the New York State Music Association competition; the honor and recognition received by our Peer Ministry Program
by the Samaritan Center; the athletic accomplishments of our girls’ lacrosse team winning the State Title, along with our combined
CBA/JD hockey team’s winning the State Championship; the victory of our own Nardella Brothers winning the State Title in tennis—
all contributing to our theme, to “Be The One.”
Highlighted in this issue of the newsletter you will also find information about CBA’s “Open House” and the upcoming annual Corvette
Raffle. The CBA Alumni Association’s activities will showcase the Annual Golf Outing, along with reunion highlights from the classes
of 1963 (50th Year Reunion), 1973 and 1988.
I certainly hope that you will enjoy reading this fall newsletter and more clearly understand how Christian Brothers Academy has shown
itself to be true to the theme, “Be The One.”
Brother Joseph Jozwiak, FSC
315-446-5960 x1229
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
“St. John Baptist de La Salle... Pray for Us!”
“Live Jesus in Our Hearts... Forever!”
Board of Trustees 2013-2014
Paul Drescher
Vice Chair
John Murphy, Jr. ’77
Ellen LaBerge
Br. Joseph Jozwiak, FSC
From Our Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Inside Cover)
Will You Be The One? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Graduation Celebration Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Cole Speidel’s Valedictorian Speech . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Representative of the Brothers’ Community
Br. Gabriel Fiumano, FSC ’47
Graduation Award Winners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Alumni Association President
Michael Vavonese ’76
Class of 2013 College Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Representative of Provincialate
Br. Thomas Scanlan, FSC
Parents Club President
Laura Carno
Board Members
John Barsanti ’69 | Msgr. Ronald Bill ’49 | Kimberly Boynton
Br. James Butler, FSC | Ron Casciano ’71 | Steven Coker ’83
Donald DeKay Jr. ’72 | Dr. Dennis DePerro | Richard Engel ’82
Carol Fletcher | Christopher Harrigan ’90 | Marc Jones ’86
R. Daniel McCarthy ’66 | John McGowan | William Murphy ’75
John O’Connor ’85 | Michael O’Connor ’66 | W. Dennis Owen, AFSC ’44
Mark Pitonzo ’76 | Robert Scott, AFSC | John Sindoni, AFSC ’63
David Venditti ’78 | Robert Waters ’66
Heard In The Halls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Alumni News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Alumni Notes & Quotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Alumni Weddings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
A Legacy of Laughter: Ron Pelligra ’72 . . . . . . . . . . . 27
In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Back Cover)
Honorary Board Members
Edward Barno | James Breuer ’68 | William Bush | Robert Congel ’54
J. David Dickinson ’55 | Ernest Etoll ’53 | Robert Gang, Jr. ’35
Kevin Harrigan ’65 | Alfred Krause | John Marshall ’67
Edward Moses ’61 | Daniel Murphy ’65 | John Murphy ’48
Anthony Oliva | Eileen Oliva | Joseph T. Scuderi ’53
Doreen Simmons | Br. William Spellman, FSC
Alumni Association Officers
Michael Vavonese ’76
Vice President
Carl Thomas ’91
David Scrano ’83
Nick Aboud ’90
CBA Development Staff
Director of Development and Alumni
Patricia Callahan
Director of Alumni and Annual Giving
Helen Kelley
On the Cover
Christian Brothers Academy recognized St. John Baptist
de la Salle by creating a Lasallian Star in the middle of the
football field during a Founder’s Day celebration on Thursday,
May 16. Each of the five points of the Lasallian Star represents
a Lasallian theme: concern for the poor and social justice;
faith in the presence of God; respect in all persons; inclusive
community; and quality education.
Students wore a colored t-shirt representing their
class at CBA. The seniors formed the outline of the star.
More than 800 students and faculty participated in the
celebration. Prior to the star formation, the student body
gathered in the gym for prayer and a presentation on
St. John Baptist de la Salle. Senior Phil Parkes presented
a video on what it means to be Lasallian. The day also
marked the final day for seniors at CBA.
Director of Special Events and Programs, Campaign Manager
Annemarie Mosley
Administrative Assistant
Linda Saladino
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the publication.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CBA
Development Office at (315) 446-5960 or
Communications Assistant (Newsletter Editor)
Judy Salamone
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
Will You Be The One?
Once upon a time, there was a wise man who used to go
to the ocean to do his writing . He had a habit of walking
on the beach before he began his work .
One morning, as he was walking along the shore,
he looked down the beach and saw a human figure
moving like a dancer . He smiled to himself at the
thought of someone who would dance to the dawn,
and so, he walked faster to catch up .
As he got closer, he noticed that the figure was that of a
young girl, and that what she was doing was not dancing
at all . The girl was reaching down to the shore, picking
up small objects, and throwing them into the ocean .
He came closer still and called out “Good morning!
May I ask what it is that you are doing?”
The girl paused, looked up, and replied “Throwing
starfish into the ocean .”
“I must ask, then, why are you throwing starfish into
the ocean?” asked the somewhat startled wise man .
To this, the young girl replied, “The sun is coming up and
the tide is going out . If I don’t throw them in, they’ll die .”
Upon hearing this, the wise man commented, “But, my
dear, do you not realize that there are miles and miles
of beach and there are starfish all along every mile?
You can’t possibly make a difference!”
At this, she bent down, picked up yet another starfish,
and threw it into the ocean . As it met the water, she said,
“I made a difference to that one!”
~Adapted from “The Star Thrower” by Loren C . Eiseley
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
The Christian Brothers Academy community includes students, faculty, alumni, parents,
trustees, grandparents and friends all over the globe. Our actions as individuals may seem
small and unimportant, but indeed they are of tremendous importance to those whose lives
we touch. We have many opportunities to “Be the One.”
At CBA, students are challenged to do their very best academically and athletically. While
living and working in community, they distinguish themselves as individuals and as teams
with stellar testing scores, premier status in athletics, and peak achievements in fine arts.
They demonstrate a personal drive to Be The One to be accepted into a great college or be
recruited to play Division I athletics.
Even more importantly, CBA students care for one another as family. One reaches out to
help a 7th grader with a heavy backpack, another stops to hold the door for a grandparent,
another volunteers as a peer mentor, Peer Minister or Lasallian Youth.
Beyond the school walls, CBA students are The Ones who give back through service to
our community. You will find them at the Samaritan Center or the North Side CYO, at the
Salvation Army Day Care Center or a local elementary school.
CBA alumni step up to Be the One! Class agents make the calls to their classmates year
after year to give to the Annual Fund. Alumni sponsor regional events in Boston and
Naples and New York City. They create a scholarship fund to provide a CBA education to
kids who otherwise would not have that opportunity. In October, CBA alumni will Be the
Ones to participate in an Alumni Day of Service across the country, from Syracuse to Palm
Beach Gardens, from Boston to New York to Los Angeles.
In the true spirit of St. La Salle, CBA faculty members are The Ones who, by their actions,
their caring and their touching of hearts, make a difference in students lives every single
day. There is The One who is at school at 7:00 a.m. each morning and stays until 5:00 p.m.
each day to be available for kids who need extra help with math homework or preparing for
a test or who just want to talk about their lives. There is The One who has stayed on, well
past retirement age to continue to run the orchestra program she established, because she
loves the kids and recognizes the difference music makes in their lives.
CBA challenges all members of its community to consider finding a way to Be the One
One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream .
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring .
One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul .
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal .
One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room .
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom .
One step must start each journey,
One word must start each prayer .
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care .
One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what’s true .
One life can make a difference,
You see it’s up to YOU!
~Author Unknown
whether it is by spending an hour, offering a skill or making a gift. Big or small, your
actions do make a difference. Be the One!
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
2013 Graduation Highlights
Family, friends, alumni and faculty members gathered at
Temple Adath Yeshurun on June 2 as 123 students graduated
from Christian Brothers Academy.
The ceremony for the Class of 2013 included the presentation of several
academic and service awards, diplomas and the appointment of David Lopoo
to the United States Military Academy at West Point. Members of the Class of
1963, celebrating their Jubilee reunion, were also honored. The class presented
their alma mater with a check for $63,000, which will go towards a scholarship
and the school’s annual fund.
Cole Speidel, a National Merit Finalist and a US Presidential Scholar
semifinalist who is attending University of Pennsylvania, delivered the
Valedictorian speech. Sidney Perkins, a National Merit Commended Student,
who is attending Columbia University, delivered the Salutatorian speech.
Speidel and Perkins both carried a GPA over 100 for all four years at CBA.
Brother Dennis Malloy, FSC Provincial, District of Eastern North America
presided at the ceremony. He assisted Principal Brother Joseph Jozwiak,
FSC and Assistant Principal Mark Person in distributing the diplomas.
Twenty-four members of this year’s class had a father graduate from CBA.
Courtney Finkbeiner’s great-grandfather, John Bailey ’13, graduated 100 years
ago on the same day. Her father, Kurt, is a member of the Class of 1977. John
Massaro ’63 was celebrating his jubilee, while his son Leo ’91 was celebrating
daughter Carly Hail’s graduation. In addition, a total of five members of the
Five members of the Class of 1977 had children graduate.
Pictured are: Courtney and Kurt Finkbeiner; Marisa and Robert Romeo;
Honor and Stephen Bowman; Shane and Skip Pfohl;
and Matthew and John Marzocchi.
Class of 1977 have sons and daughters in the Class of 2013. The alumni
tradition is alive and well at CBA!
The entire 2013 class was accepted into a college/university. For over 20
years, 100 percent of all CBA graduating classes have moved on to post
graduate education. Eight students in the class were accepted to an Ivy
League school, four to Boston College, three to Notre Dame and one into
the United State Military Academy at West Point. In addition, 23 were
accepted to Syracuse University, 14 to Clarkson University, 11 to SUNY
Geneseo and four to Villanova University.
Prior to the ceremony, CBA Alumni who are fathers of this year’s graduates posed for the traditional “Dads ‘n Grads” photo. Pictured front (L to R):
Michael ’83 and Alexander Boyle; Robert ’77 and Marisa Romeo; Stephen ’77 and Honor Bowman; Thomas ’75 and Jared Sayles; Alyssa, Mark ’76 and Olivia Pitonzo;
Timothy ’79 and Toni Winderl
Middle (L to R) Edward (Skip) ’77 and Shane Pfohl; Robert ’75 and Matthew Cupelo; Kurt ’77 and Courtney Finkbeiner; Martin ’71 and Joseph Kelley;
Christopher ’84 and Rebecca Vignogna; Brian ’73 and Collin Reilly; Kevin ’83 and Brigid Corcoran; Joseph ’80 and Jennifer Merola;
David ’72 and Sydney Murphy; Leo ’91 and Carly Hail
Back (L to R) John ’85 and John O’Connor; Michael ’72 and Matthew Malvasi; Thomas ’73 and John Lenkiewicz; Samuel ’64 and Olivia Rotondo;
Robert ’76 and Robert Battaglia; John ’77 and Matthew Marzocchi
Richard ’76 and Christian Damico not in photo.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
2013 Graduation Highlights
Imaginary Lines
Delivered by Cole Speidel, Valedictorian
Valedictorian Cole Speidel delivered the following speech at
CBA’s graduation ceremony on June 2 . Speidel is attending
the University of Pennsylvania .
I extend a warm welcome to the Jubilee Class of 1963, Brother Dennis
Malloy, Brother Joseph Jozwiak, Board of Trustees, administration,
faculty, family, and friends.
To the 2013, I say congratulations. Well done.
Today, I want to talk to you about imaginary lines. And I want to start
by taking you back to your first geography lesson.
It’s first or second grade, and your teacher points to the middle of
a globe, showing you the equator. She tells you it divides the world
between north and south, and you wonder if there is a big red line
painted on the ground somewhere, like the yellow lines you’ve
seen in roads. But then she says these words: “The equator is
an imaginary line.”
And you think about that. You know the word imagination: your
parents marvel at yours and maybe you have a friend that exists
within it, so you understand the idea of a fictional line separating
the northern and southern hemispheres.
That’s where it starts. We familiarize ourselves with the idea that
with one step we can cross a state line, a national border, even the
boundary between entire hemispheres. With a walk across this stage,
we cross a line today, an educational Rubicon, and it signifies an
achievement years in the making, a recognition years in the earning.
But, more profoundly, I would like to focus on one kind of imaginary
line: the intangible rather than the physical, whose crossing brings
us to a new way of thinking rather than a new location, yet which
resembles a brick wall rather than a simple stepping-stone.
These exist between my fork and your food, between our personal
spaces. They exist all over human society, between nations and
neighbors; in conversation, when we avoid that awkward topic.
We stay within these lines because we feel we should, or think
we need to. They define what is proper, correct, and right.
These imaginary lines yield physical manifestations. Look to the
American South in the early twentieth century or apartheid in South
Africa to see them. A man believes another man is inferior based
solely on the color of his skin. This imaginary boundary between
men develops into ideas of class and caste, where origin of birth
determines quality of life. An observational distinction made long
ago develops into wooden signs reading “colored” or “whites only,”
into financial, residential, and educational differences highlighting
economic disparity, into a line of poll taxes, tests, and shaking heads
at the voting booth. All products of a single imaginary line.
Until one day, a man believes that the
imaginary line between himself and his
dream is not so broad. That maybe the
holding of hands, the struggle of a century,
the dedication of a life can cross that line.
Perhaps these lines are not ours, class of
2013, but they are our history, influencing
our present.
Our world has countless imaginary lines,
products of fear, misunderstanding, doubt.
They appear every day between us and they
require effort to pull away. Each part of
the 2013 spoke before the year ended, and
we expressed a desire to have known our
classmates better earlier. My question is:
what helwwd us back? We did.
Cole Speidel delivered the Valedictorian speech.
Speidel is attending University of Pennsylvania.
We created the imaginary lines labeled
Sidney Perkins delivered the Salutatorian speech.
cool, or athletic, or attractive, or smart;
Perkins is attending Columbia University.
we created lines between ourselves and we
stayed within them. We stayed in those comfort zones so long that the time
spent living within our imaginary social structure seems wasted now.
Breaking down imaginary lines means healing. Breaking boundaries
between people encourages cooperation and reconciliation. So, I challenge
you. Is there someone you come in contact with every day but never reach
out to? Reexamine what’s stopping you.
Still, I’ve saved maybe the most important imaginary lines for last: those that
exist between who we are and who we wish to be, the lines we or others place
between our goals and ourselves.
Imagine a map. It’s old, the parchment frayed and yellowed. In the middle
you see Europe and Africa, well-traveled areas captured in detail. Asia
appears a splotch beside these continents, the lack of meaningful exploration
resulting in an unsure shape. Australia and the Americas don’t exist yet,
according to this map. Instead, a thick line edges the map on all sides, and
beyond lies nothing. Scrawled all along this line in a cautionary script are
the words “Here there be dragons.”
Yet, explorers crossed that line. And when they entered the waters beyond
they beheld dolphins instead of monsters.
So, class of 2013, I believe we have a very big problem with imaginary lines.
Here we stand on the edge of our maps. We’ve explored all that we can here,
and although we don’t literally expect dragons to descend upon us when we
get on campus this fall, we will face challenges that stand between us and the
greatness beyond. And crossing these lines will be hard enough without the
can’ts and won’ts we force upon ourselves.
Challenge the imaginary lines, because in the end, they were never really
there to begin with.
Good luck.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
Class of 2013 Graduation Awards
General Excellence
Donated in Memory of Frank J . Spina ’47
Valedictorian: Cole Speidel
Salutatorian: Sidney Perkins
Donated in Memory of Brother B . James Quinn, FSC
Awarded to: Jennifer Tran
Next in Merit: Shannon Fitch
Donated in Memory of Louis J . Steigerwald, Sr . ’17
Awarded to: Luke Brown
Next in Merit: Zachary Taylor
Donated in Memory of Norbert F . Abend, AFSC ’22
Awarded to: Sidney Perkins
Next in Merit: Aaron Lim
Donated in Memory of Leonard P . Markert, AFSC ’18
Awarded to: Summer Schmitt
Next in Merit: Clarke Cady-McCrea
Donated in Memory of Eleanor Sullivan Owen
Awarded to: Sidney Perkins
Next in Merit: Cole Speidel
Donated in Memory of Mr . and Mrs . T . Frank Dolan
Awarded to: Courtney Finkbeiner
Next in Merit: Joseph Dwyer
Marine Corps Scholastic Academic Excellence Award
Ryan Dennehy and Kristen Rubenstein
Community Service Award
Ryan Davison, Lauren Fess, Errol Glowaki, Dylan Letcher,
Maire-Kate McGlynn, John O’Connor, Alexander Rost,
Jordan Sheridan, Jennifer Tran
Air Force Math And Science Award
Aaron Lim and Summer Schmitt
Social Studies
Donated in Memory of Leo D . Kelley ’17
Awarded to: Cole Speidel
Next in Merit: Zachary Taylor
New York State Senate Citizen’s Award
Sidney Perkins and Rebecca Vignogna
Fine Arts
Donated in Honor of Brother Anthony Lamb, FSC
Attorney General’s Triple “C” Award
Dametrius Brown and Dalia McKenzie
Awarded to: Kali Wallenbeck
Next in Merit: Jenna Bartolotti
Alumni Association Distinguished Senior Award
Donated by the Alumni Association in Memory of Dr . Samuel Uva ’57
Honor Bowman
Awarded to: Aaron Lim
Next in Merit: Toan Keith Huynh
“Oh, How Upstate” Award
Donated by Francis Rivette ’70 and Judith LaManna Rivette
Cole Speidel
Semper Fidelis Music Award
Shannon Fitch
Cheryl Anderson Memorial Science Award
Civic Morning Music Award
Breanna Tarnawsky
David Lopoo received a military appointment to the US Military Academy at
West Point. Pictured with David are: Col. Nancy Stevens and his parents,
Leonard and Melissa.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
Syracuse Rotary Club Award
Andrew DePerro and Margaret Fletcher
AP Biology: Mason Garlatti
AP Physics: Mark Peryer
AP Chemistry: Toan Keith Huynh
Class of 2013 Graduation Awards
New York State Comptroller’s Achievement Award
Clarke Cady-McCrea
Sons Of The American Revolution Good Citizen Award
Luke Brown and Ellen Mather
Air Force Scholar/Athlete Award
Marisa Romeo and Cole Speidel
Brother Basilian O’Connell Award
Ellen Mather
Brother Stephen McCabe Memorial Award
Courtney Finkbeiner
Bishop Joseph O’Keefe Award
Joseph Dwyer and Maire-Kate McGlynn
Bishop Harrison Award
In Memory of Margaret Owen
Donated by her children Richard, Dennis and Maureen
Christian Damico and Marygrace Hanson
DeFrancisco Family Award
Luke Brown and Daliah Greenwald
LaSalle Medal
Donated in Memory of Mr . Joseph J . Sindoni
& Mrs . Angela M . Sindoni
Jenna Bartolotti, William Burns, Benjamin Capella,
David Carey, Sarah Harmatuk, John Hillenbrand,
Ariana Marshall, Matthew Marzocchi, Jennifer Merola,
Olivia Messineo, John O’Connor, Zachary Taylor,
JaQuay Whatley
Principal’s Student Recognition Award
Phillip Parkes
Brother Mutien Marie Creative Arts Award
Marygrace Hanson, Toan Keith Huynh, Alexa McCauley, Phillip Parkes
Perfect Attendance Awards
6 Years: Toan Keith Huynh
4 Years: Jennifer Tran and Adam Wang
Military Appointment US Military Academy at West Point
David Alexei Lopoo
National Merit Finalist
Cole Speidel
National Merit Commended Students
Luke Brown, Ryan Dennehy, Courtney Finkbeiner, Aaron Lim,
Sidney Perkins
National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar
Courtney Finkbeiner
National Achievement Scholar
Dalia McKenzie and Alexander Ojugbel
Ellen Mather, who is attending the University of Notre Dame,
was the recipient of the Sons of The American Revolution Good Citizen Award
and the Brother Basilian O’Connell Award.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
Class of 2013 College Choices
For the 22nd consecutive year, 100% of CBA seniors were
accepted into a college of their choice. Here is where members
of the Class of 2013 are attending college:
Allegheny College: Benjamin Capella
Bentley University: Joseph Burns
Boston College: Alexander Ojugbeli
Boston University: Dalia McKenzie, Amanda Ojugbeli
Canisius College: David Carey
Emmanuel College: Lauren Fess
Florida Southern College: Caroline Cotran
Fordham University: Alexa McCauley, Rebecca Vignogna
Franciscan University at Steubenville: Clare Morris
Georgetown University: Luke Brown
Hamilton College: Philip Parkes
Harvard University: Marisa Romeo, Summer Schmitt
Case Western Reserve University: Daliah Greenwald
Hobart and William Smith Colleges: Christian Damico,
Ryan Davison, John Hillenbrand, Jack Pfohl
Clarkson University: Toan Keith Huynh, Bradley McAuliffe,
Alexander Rost
Ithaca College: Michael Lanzafame, Rory Sharon
Coastal Carolina University: Robert Battaglia
John Carroll University: Zeanna Otis
Colgate University: Clarke Cady-McCrea
Johns Hopkins University: Courtney Finkbeiner,
Cody Radziewicz
Columbia University: Sidney Perkins
Kent School: Dametrius Brown
Cornell University: Joseph Dwyer
LaSalle University: JaQuay Whatley
DePaul University: Errol Glowaki
Lehigh University: Zihan Liu, Colin Nardella
Elon University: William Brower
Class of 2013 members and their college choices include: Marisa Romeo, Harvard University; Gabby Carni, SUNY Geneseo;
Joe Potenza, University of Albany; Alex Ojugbeli, Boston College; Aziza Darwish, Syracuse University; Rachel Perla, St. Bonaventure;
Ashley Corasaniti, Syracuse University; and J.T. Romagnoli, University of Delaware.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Brothers Alumni Magazine—Heard In The Halls, Spring 2013
Class of 2013 College Choices
Le Moyne College: Jenna Bartolotti, Andrew Gacek, Carly Hail,
Marygrace Hanson, Sarah Harmatuk, Austin Higgins, Ariana
Marshall, Nicholas McCreary, Jennifer Merola, Helen Nguyen,
Andrea Zangari
Loyola University: Honor Bowman
Marist College: Madison Kenyon-Calkins, Alyssa Pitonzo,
Olivia Pitonzo
Mercy College: Joseph Kelley
SUNY University at Buffalo: Ethan Gorman, Matthew Malvasi,
Matthew Marzocchi, Sydney Murphy
(SUNY) College at Cortland: Joseph Pascarella and Jacob Wilcox
(SUNY) College at Geneseo: William Burns, III, Gabrielle Carni
(SUNY) Onondaga Community College: Daniel Rastegar,
Breanna Tarnawsky
(SUNY) Morrisville State College: John Lotito
Nazareth College: Amanda Calabrese, Andrew Gurka
Syracuse University: John Alexander, Nitinand Angubokul,
Ashley Corasaniti, Aziza Darwish, Sol Escribano, Olivia Messineo,
Taylor Poplawski, Collin Reilly, Timothy Smith, Adam Wang
New York University: Matthew Preston
Trinity College: Jennifer Tran
Niagara University: John Lenkiewicz
United States Military Academy at West Point: David Alexei Lopoo
North Carolina State University: Shane Pfohl
University of Delaware: Andrew Hogan, John Romagnoli
Providence College: Matthew Cupelo, Andrew DePerro
University of New Haven: Jasmine Sims
Rochester Institute of Technology: Ryan Dennehy,
Mark Peryer, Jr.,Toni Winderl
University of Notre Dame: Ellen Mather, Maire-Kate McGlynn,
John O’Connor
Sacred Heart University: Cara Fusillo
University of Pennsylvania: Matthew Nardella, Cole Speidel
Seton Hall University: Kali Wallenbeck
University of Rhode Island: Brigid Corcoran, Mason Garlatti,
Laura Heinrich, Ariana McCoy
Mercyhurst College: Gregory McCann
Siena College: Margaret Fletcher, Benjamin Fruce,
Dylan Letcher, John Valerio, Jr.
University of Richmond: Kristen Rubenstein
Springfield College: Mary Spizuoco
University of Rochester: Justin Brennan, Shannon Fitch, Aaron Lim
St. Bonaventure University: Cailin Monroe, Rachel Perla
University of Tampa: Nicholas Root
St. John Fisher College: Olivia Rotondo
Vanderbilt University: Kathryn Coughlin
St. Lawrence University: Jordan Sheridan
Villanova University: Emma Moran
(SUNY) University at Albany: Emily Pelose, Joseph Potenza,
Jared Sayles
Washington and Lee University: Zachary Taylor
(SUNY) College at Brockport: Alexander Boyle
Members of the CBA Class of 2013 and where they are attending college include: Ryan Dennehy, Rochester Institute of Technology; Joe Dwyer, Cornell University;
Clarke Cady-McCrea, Colgate University; Aaron Lim, University of Rochester; Cole Speidel, University of Pennsylvania and Alex Boyle, SUNY College at Brockport.
Heard InThe Halls
Brothers Hoist Two State Titles This Spring
The girls lacrosse team and twin brothers
Colin and Matt Nardella both brought home
state titles to CBA this spring.
Here’s a recap of their seasons.
Girls Lacrosse
The girls lacrosse team captured the
NYSPHSAA Class B Championship by
defeating Brighton, 14-7 on June 8 at
Cortland State. Harvard bound Marisa
Romeo had six goals and two assists and
Syracuse University bound Taylor Poplawski
added four goals. The Brothers finished the
2013 campaign with a 19-2 record.
Hailey Dobbins, Alea Bonner and Bella
Corieri; sophomores Alexa Radziewicz,
Evie Lopoo, Katie Anderson and Hannah
Werner; freshmen Amanda Fess, Adrianna
Fess, Alexandra Fess, Lexi Luthringer, Kate
Derrenbacker, Rachel Vercillo, Maddie
Cook, Emily Ehle and Lillie Hunt and
eighth grader Rachel Ziemba.
In addition to Romeo and Poplawski, Olivia
Pitonzo (Marist), Alyssa Pitonzo (Marist),
Calkins (Marist) and Perla
(St. Bonaventure) will play lacrosse
in college.
After going undefeated in league play,
the Brothers captured the Section III
Class B Championship with a 22-4 win over
Watertown. They defeated Vestal, 21-2 in
the first round of States, followed by
a 17-13 victory over John Jay Cross River
in the semifinals.
Romeo and Poplawski were named AllAmericans and Freedom National Lacrosse
All-Stars. Joining them were Perla, Olivia
Pitonzo, Alyssa Pitonzo and Dobbins.
Named to the Second Team were Cook,
Ehle, Radziewicz and Bonner. Vercillo was
an Honorable Mention.
Romeo led the team in scoring this
season with 115 points (73 G; 42 A),
while Poplawski finished with 76 points
(46 G; 30 A).
City of Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner
honored the team on the steps of City Hall
on July 8.
Members of the team include: Seniors
Marisa Romeo, Taylor Poplawski, Olivia
Pitonzo, Alyssa Pitonzo, Maddie Calkins,
Rachel Perla and Sydney Murphy; juniors
Matt and Colin Nardella became the first
doubles team in school history to win a
state title at the New York State Public
High School Athletic Association tennis
Boys Doubles Tennis
Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner honored the NYSPHSAA Class B Champion CBA Girls Lacrosse team
at a ceremony at City Hall on July 8.
tournament at the USTA Billie Jean
King National Tennis Center in Flushing
Meadows on June 1. The Nardellas had
played singles most of the season, but chose
to finish their high school careers together.
The boys won their championship match
with scores of 6-4, 6-4.
The twins were recognized for their
achievement, as they were the recipients
of the Syracuse Sports Corporation’s
‘Believe To Achieve’ Joe LaGuardia Male
Team Award.
The ‘Believe to Achieve’ Awards recognize
meritorious contributions to the Central
New York Sports Community. This is
the second time this year that CBA was
honored with the ‘Believe To Achieve’
Joe LaGuardia Team Award. The combined
CBA/Jamesville-Dewitt Hockey team,
which captured its first state title in March,
was also a ‘Believe To Achieve’ Award
recipient. This year’s award has an added
special meaning to both teams as it was
named after Joe LaGuardia. LaGuardia who
graduated from CBA in 1966, passed away
last year. His sons Joe Jr. ’92 and Steve ’96,
are also alumni of the school.
Twins Colin and Matt Nardella were the recipients
of the Syracuse Sports Corporation’s ‘Believe To Achieve’
Joe LaGuardia Male Team Award.
The Nardellas are the first doubles team in school history
to win a state title.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Brothers Alumni Magazine—Heard In The Halls, Spring 2013
Heard InThe Halls
Students competing included: Seniors Gabby Carni, Ashley Corasaniti,
Marygrace Hanson, Sydney Murphy, Joe Pascarella, Rachel Perla, Olivia
Pitonzo, Jordan Sheridan, John Lotito, Kali Wallenbeck, Jack Alexander, Sol
Escibano, Sarah Harmatuk, Maggie Liu, Lexi McCauley, Dalia McKenzie,
Alyssa Pitonzo, Jasmine Sims, Sone Angubokul and juniors Joe Kelley and
Charlie Russo.
CBA students at the 26th annual Feats of Clay event.
Samaritan Center Honors Selflessness
& Commitment
CBA and its students were honored by the Samaritan Center of Syracuse
at the Good Samaritan Awards Dinner held at the Holiday Inn and
Convention Center.
Students Compete at Feats
of Clay Event
Twenty-three CBA students competed at the 26th annual Feats of Clay
event in the quad at Onondaga Community College. This is CBA’s
second consecutive year to participate.
The events are designed to encourage teamwork and problem solving.
CBA competed with 22 CNY high schools. The events include mug
throwing, cylinder stack, blindfold throw and the no hands throw.
Seniors Joe Pascarella and Marygrace Hanson and junior Charlie
Russo had their artwork exhibited in the Ann Felton Memorial Gallery.
Each year the Samaritan Center, a food kitchen in downtown Syracuse,
honors individuals and organizations in the community who represent the
Good Samaritan in all. The individuals recognized symbolize the many
volunteers and contributors who help fulfill the mission of the Samaritan
Center 365 days a year through their investment of time, talent
and treasures.
The Peer Ministry Leadership team, along with senior softball pitcher
Jordan Sheridan, each received certificates for their collaborative and
individual work for the Samaritan Center.
Every first and third Monday of the month, students in Peer Ministry
and other CBA students served dinner at the Samaritan Center. They also
occasionally served breakfast and lunch.
For the past three years, Sheridan, an All-Central New York pitcher, raised
money for the Samaritan Center with her “Strike Out Hunger” campaign.
For every strike out posted by Sheridan, money raised through pledges,
went to the Samaritan Center.
CBA students were honored by the Samaritan Center of Syracuse on May 10. Pictured front row (l-r): Kendall Sangster, Maggie Fletcher, Jordan Sheridan and
Alyssa Pitonzo. Back row (l-r): Matt Preston, Peter Catalano, Christian Damico, Phil Parkes, Amanda Calabrese, Toni Winderl, Zach Taylor,
Honor Bowman, Courtney Finkbeiner, Luke Brown, Ellen Mather, John Hillenbrand, JaQuay Whatley and Joe Sullivan.
Also recognized at the ceremony was Anthony Basile.
Heard InThe Halls
Orchestra Wins The Gold at NYSSMA
The CBA orchestra which consists of students in grades 7-12, won a gold medal at the New York State Schools Music Association
(NYSSMA) Competition for Major Ensembles held at Skaneateles High School in early May. The band, which also competed,
received a silver medal.
This is the first time in the history of CBA that any music organization has attended this event. There are four levels of awards
given: Gold with Distinction, Gold, Silver and Bronze and six levels in which to compete. CBA was awarded a gold on level four.
The strings program, under the direction of Muriel Bodley, started just five years ago with six students. It has now over 20 students
participating in strings.
A few weeks later, at the Darien Lake Music Festival, the string ensemble, jazz ensemble, select chorus and senior high band all
received “Outstanding Honors With Distinction” designations. The string ensemble, jazz ensemble and select chorus were awarded
first place trophies, while the senior high band won second place. In addition, Breanna Tarnawsky was awarded “Outstanding Vocal
Soloist” and the string ensemble won the “Grand Champion” trophy for all string groups.
The CBA orchestra that won the gold medal at NYSSMA includes: Front row (l-r): Hari Nanthakumar, Sydney Wind, Claire Bailey, Elizabeth Sasser, Hannah Kang, Katie Toole.
Back row (l-r): Greg Maziuk, Geoffrey Parkes, Grace O’Connor, Sarah Garcia, Emery Lawrence, Summer Mills,
Sarah Boulos, Adam Wang, Jack Toole and Dan O’Connor. Sid Perkins, Marygrace Hanson and Phil Parkes were absent from photo.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Heard InThe Halls
Seventh Graders Host
Grandparents Breakfast
Joyce and Eric Will and grandson Francis Cannizzo at the
Grandparents Breakfast
Seventh graders invited their grandparents to school in May to
celebrate the annual Grandparents Mass and Breakfast. The event
was well attended, as almost 300 students, grandparents, and
faculty joined in the annual tradition. Mass was celebrated by
Bishop Thomas Costello.
Seventh graders had many roles during the mass as lectors, speakers,
gift bearers, altar servers, and members of the chorus. After mass,
families were served a pancake breakfast by parent volunteers.
Eighth Graders Enjoy Picnic
Eighth graders Zefaniah Edenfield (kneeling); Ben McCreary, Matt Vavonese,
Elizabeth Hucko, Sydney Congel, Anna Jeschke and Meredith Strott enjoy their
final day of junior high at class picnic.
The Class of 2017 capped off the 2012-13 school year and junior high
with a picnic at Camp Brockway Lodge at Pratt’s Falls State Park.
Students enjoyed a full day of food and fun including games, sports,
hiking, music and a rocket launch. The picnic was held the day after
the eighth grade moving-up Mass and Celebration, which officially
marked the end of middle school for the students who are freshman
this fall.
Best wishes and a happy retirement to Kevin Conroy and Theresa Quilty. Conroy, who taught Social Studies, was at CBA for 37 years.
Quilty, who was a guidance counselor, retires after 23 years.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
Alumni News
Nine Graduates to be Honored as Distinguished Alumni
Christian Brothers Academy will honor nine
graduates of the school as Distinguished
Alumni at a dinner on November 2 at the
DoubleTree Hotel on Carrier Circle.
This inaugural award recognizes CBA
graduates who have made significant
contributions to society; and whose
accomplishments, affiliations and careers
have honored the legacy of excellence at
CBA. The Distinguished Alumni Award will
be presented bi-annually alternating with
the Lasallian Athletic Hall of Fame Award.
This year’s recipients are: Dr. Carl Baum ’58,
Daniel Byrne ’70, Rev. Louis J. Canino, O.F.M.
’60, Dr. Robert Carsky ’73, Joseph Charles ’30,
Steven R. Fedrizzi ’72, Rev. James Mathews ’54,
Patrick Morelli ’62 and Gianfranco Zaccai ’65.
Dr. Carl Baum ’58
(Posthumously; Albuquerque, NM)
Dr. Carl Baum was the valedictorian
of the Class of 1958. He received B.S.,
M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
engineering from the California Institute
of Technology, Pasadena.
Dr. Baum was stationed at the Air Force
Research Laboratory. He directed Energy
Directorate at Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque,
N.M., from 1963-67 and from 1968-1971.
From 1971-2005, he served as a civil servant
with a position as Senior Scientist at the Air
Force Research Laboratory. Dr. Baum was
a distinguished and research professor at the
University of New Mexico, Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering from
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
In addition to his world renowned skills
as a scientist, teacher and mentor,
Dr. Baum was a talented composer
and writer. His works include “Sacred Music
of Dr. Carl E. Baum” performed by the
Symphony Orchestra of Albuquerque, Sonatas
for Piano and compositions for String Quartets
and Woodwind Quintets.Dr. Baum died on
December 2, 2010 at the age of 71.
Daniel Byrne ’70
(Seattle, WA)
Daniel Byrne earned a B.S. in mechanical
engineering from Tufts University and
an M.S. in mechanical engineering from
Stanford University. At Stanford, he was a
National Energy Science Foundation Fellow.
Byrne founded Byrne Specialty Gases, Inc.
in 1984 to provide engineered gas solutions,
market applications and world-class service to
biotech companies, research and development
firms, environmental and medical laboratories
and electronics manufacturers. By 2005, BSG
had become a nationally recognized leader
in the life sciences and analytical laboratory
fields generating more than $10 million in
annual sales.
After selling Byrne Specialty Gases, Inc.,
Byrne has engaged in several adventurous
entrepreneurial ventures including the
commercialization of innovative and reliable
temperature control and refrigeration systems.
These systems are based upon Free Piston
Stirling Cycle core technology. Powered
by electricity or solar power, these systems
are used to deliver vaccines to the
developing world.
Rev. Louis J. Canino ’60
(Stoneville, NC)
Rev. Louis J. Canino received a B.A. in
philosophy from St. Bonaventure University
with a B.A. in sacred theology from Catholic
University of American. He was ordained
a Franciscan priest on Sept. 1, 1969. Fr. Canino
also received an M.A. in Pastoral Counseling
from Boston State University and an M.A.
in Formative Spirituality from Duquesne
Fr. Canino started his seminary training with
the Franciscans in Calliccoon, N.Y. He served
as pastor at St. Joseph Church in WilkesBarre, Pa, and as rector at St. Anthony Shrine
in Boston. He founded St. Francis House in
Boston, a day shelter and soup kitchen for the
homeless in 1984 and served as one of
the directors of the facility until 1989.
Fr. Canino has been involved as a director,
chairperson and sponsor for various Peace
and Justice Programs. He was the Director of
the Franciscan Center in Greensboro, N.C.
He sponsored and was Director of
“An El Salvador Missionary Experience” and
founded and directed the St. Francis Springs
Prayer Center in Stoneville, N.C. in 2005.
Syracuse with just four teams. Today, there are
over 500 teams, both male and female
that participate in softball leagues in
Central New York. Charles died in 2002.
Steven R. Fedrizzi ’72
Dr. Robert Carsky ’73
(Posthumously; Cotonou, Benin)
Dr. Robert Carsky earned his B.A. from
Colgate University and his PhD from Cornell.
He joined the Peace Corps and taught in
the Congo.
Dr. Carsky became a well-known agronomist
working with the African Rice Center,
WARDA, one of the fifteen CGIAR agricultural
research Centers supported by the World
Bank. Prior to working with the Africa Rice
Center, Dr. Carsky spent 15 years with the
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
(IITA). Both institutes are based in West
Africa, with mandates to reduce poverty in
rural Africa by enhancing food production
and nutrition on small African farms.
Dr. Carsky was tragically killed in 2004 during
a civil war in Africa’s Ivory Coast when a bomb
struck the French school in Bouake’ while he
was trying to find a safe place to wait out the
uprisings plaguing that area.
Since Dr. Carsky’s death, CBA track teammates,
classmates and friends have gathered annually
to honor him with the Bob Carsky Run and
raise funds toward the CBA scholarship
established in his name.
Joseph Charles ’30
(Posthumously; Syracuse, NY)
Joseph Charles was a leader in the field of
sports for over 50 years and instituted many
youth programs including the six-man football
league, Biddy Basketball, Pee Wee Hockey,
Optimist Youth Basketball and Pop Warner
football. All of these programs are still active in
the City of Syracuse and in Central New York.
In addition, Charles was one of the original
inventors of Slow Pitch Softball in the country.
He brought the game to Syracuse from the
Chicago conventions. Slow Pitch was started in
(Syracuse, NY)
Steven R. Fedrizzi received his B.S. from
Le Moyne College and his MBA from Syracuse
University. Fedrizzi founded the U.S. Green
Building Council (USGBC) in 1993. In April
of 1994, he was appointed President & CEO.
Under his leadership, the Council has tripled
its membership, broadened its influence, and
cemented its role as a leadership voice in the
global environmental sustainability movement.
Patrick Morelli ’62
(Loudonville, NY)
Patrick Morelli received his undergraduate
degree from Syracuse University and an M.A.
in American Literature from Duke University.
Morelli is an internationally acclaimed artist
and architectural designer. He specializes in
sculpture (abstract and figurative); architectural
design (enhancements of interior and exterior
spaces, major memorials and monuments);
and contemporary art exhibits entitled
“Cutting Edges.”
His major public works of art include the
ten-foot, bronze father-and-infant “BEHOLD”
Monument to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
In 2009, Fedrizzi and the USGBC were
MEMORIAL.” Morelli’s “Cutting Edges”
recognized as visionaries in sustainability
art exhibits explore human psychology and
of the environment by the National Building
sexuality, and American mass media. He has
Museum, which earned them an Honor
Award. A founder of the World Green Building also created many interactive and performance
exhibitions that are purely entertaining,
Council, Fedrizzi is now an active member of
intriguing, fanciful, and humorous.
its board. He also serves on the board of the
United Nations Environment Programme’s
Gianfranco Zaccai ’65
(UNEP) Sustainable Buildings and
(West Newton, MA)
Climate Initiative.
Gianfranco Zaccai received a degree in
Industrial Design from Syracuse University
Rev. James Mathews ’54
and an Architectural Degree from the Center
(Syracuse, NY)
of Architecture in Boston.
Rev. Jim Mathews graduated in 1954.
He graduated from College of the Holy Cross
Zaccai founded Continuum, an industrial
and completed his seminary training at
design firm in Boston, in 1983. He invented
St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry.
the Swiffer system, the Compass system
He returned to Central New York and has
(hospital modular wall units to save space
served at seven churches throughout the
and keep rooms comfortable for patients),
Syracuse Diocese. Fr. Mathews worked mainly
and OMNIPOD, the miniature insulin delivery
in suburban parishes, before being assigned
system device for children. He worked with
pastor at St. Lucy’s Church in 1990.
MIT to develop the $100 laptop, the NALA
patient chair to assist disabled people in
Fr. Mathews advocates for the impoverished
sitting and standing, and the Reebok Pump.
and marginalized in his neighborhood.
He started a food pantry, a clothing shop and
Zaccai’s creative entrepreneurial spirit has
a free lunch program that feeds hundreds of
impacted the world. His inventions make
neighborhood residents.
cleaning easier and more efficient and make
sick children and patients more comfortable.
Fr. Mathews was the spark behind the
He devotes a great deal of time and resources
Near Westside Initiative, which combines the
to the Italian School in Boston where his
power of art, technology and innovation with
developmentally disabled daughter is a student.
neighborhood values and culture to revitalize
Syracuse’s Near Westside. The initiative,
Tickets for the Distinguished Alumni Dinner are
a multi-million dollar effort to revitalize one
$75 per person. For more information contact the
of the city’s poorest neighborhoods by teaming CBA Development Office at 446-5960 (ext. 1140)
Syracuse University, dozens of nonprofits,
corporations and government agencies
with neighborhood residents, arose from
discussions at St. Lucy’s organized by Mathews.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
Alumni News
Class of 1963 Jubilee Reunion
The great Class of 1963 celebrated their 50th
Reunion May 31 to June 2. The weekend kicked
off at the CBA campus with a catered steak dinner
which included anecdotal offerings from alumni
and former faculty in attendance. Of note: Brother
Peter Lagonowicz, FSC and Brother Stephen Olert,
FSC made the trip to Syracuse from the Brothers
retirement community in Lincroft, NJ, as did
former coaches from that era, Frank Cappelletti
’53 and Pete Vercillo, to join the celebration.
A few early risers enjoyed a round of golf on
Saturday at the Links at Erie Village. Then Tom
Pirro hosted the class for a picnic that afternoon
at his fabulous facility, Winter Harbor Marina, on
the Oneida River. Several members of the class
attended the Baccalaureate Mass offered Saturday
evening at Immaculate Conception Church in
Fayetteville, to honor the Class of 2013 as well as
1963, with special remembrance of their
deceased classmates.
On Sunday, the group was honored once again
during the 2013 Commencement ceremonies.
Class members present were invited up to the stage
to receive a gift from Brother Dennis Malloy, FSC,
Provincial, District of Eastern North America,
who presided at graduation. A proud moment
ensued when John Sindoni, AFSC, representing
the class, presented principal Brother Joseph
The Class of 1963 presented a check for $63,000 to the school.
Jozwiak, FSC with a check for $63,000—$50,000
of which established the Class of 1963 Scholarship
Fund and the remainder was donated to the CBA
Annual Fund Campaign. The amount of this gift
epitomizes a record in the history of Jubilee class
giving. Special thanks go to Barbara Dwyer, wife of
deceased classmate, Matt Dwyer, who challenged
the class to reach $50,000 by her significant
Members of the committee who met monthly
at the school to plan the event included: Warren
Bader, John Baichi, Mike Campbell, Jim Finocchio,
Paul Frazier, Mike Loftus, Ed McManus, and
John Sindoni.
Members of the class and their spouses attended graduation
mass at Immaculate Conception Church in Fayetteville.
Front Row (l-r): Gary Fey, Jim Michaels, Bob Arseneau, Ed McManus, Mike Campbell, Bob Bradley, Jim Finochio, Andy Tursi,
Brother Peter Lagonowicz, Brother Stephen Olert and Paul Duda.
Middle Row: Paul Frazier, Pete McCormick, Jamie Barksdale, Tony DiBello, Joe Brooks, Larry Woods, Jim Slusarski, Stanley Deptula, John Phillips,
Tony Bucci, Maurice Sheedy, Warren Bader.
CBA BrothersBack
John Massaro,
Damico, George Cregg, Mike Loftus, Jan Klapetzky, John Hoag, Frank Kroll, John Sindoni and John Baichi
Alumni News
Class of 1973 Reunion
The Class of 1973 chose to celebrate their 40th Reunion in concert with the Annual Alumni Golf Scramble the last weekend of June. On Friday evening,
classmates gathered at the Change of Pace, hosted by class member Bob Brazell, who owns the establishment. On Saturday, members joined in the Alumni
Baseball and Lacrosse games and the ensuing tailgate, hosted by the Alumni Association. The 40th Reunion weekend culminated on Monday, June 24th,
when several members of the Class of 1973 competed at the event.
Front Row (l to r): Sal Sciuga, Gary Neuser. Second row: Mark Hettler, Ron Spadafora, Mark West, Dave Crangle, Vito Morgese, Joe Mastriano
Third row: Ralph Tortora, Jim Merriman, Chuck Giarrusso, Tony Basile, Steve Fortunato, Skip Mortensen, Jay Kianka, Bill Cass, Joe Mullin
Back row: Steve Byrne, Gary Petrick, Bob Brazell, John McMahon, Matt Headd, Tom Lenkiewicz, Mike Kolinski, Jim Fletcher
Members of the Class of 1973 attending the golf outing included (l to r): Joe Perleoni, John Arnott, Vito Morgese,
Jim Merriman, Matt Headd, Tony Basile, Chuck Giarrusso, David Duerr, Mark Hettler
Alumni News
Up Next for Reunions:
EverTrue launched in June!
The Class of 2003’s 10-year reunion is going to take place
during Thanksgiving weekend when we KNOW you will be
in town, so don’t miss it! Festivities will be Friday, November
29, 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at King of Clubs in Armory Square
on Clinton St., adjacent to Daisy Dukes. $20 per person will
cover hot hors d’oeuvres and one drink. A cash bar will be
available. Working on the committee so far are Kelly Croglio,
Julie August and Dean Dellas. Anyone else who would like to
pitch in contacting classmates and getting the word out, please
contact CBA at 315-446-5960 X1140 or
Check out the Facebook event at PJCallahan
(Christian Brothers Grads),
CBA is pleased to offer a new way for alumni to stay connected: the
CBA EverTrue mobile app! No matter where you live or how busy your
schedule is, you will be able to connect with other alums and keep
up to date with the latest CBA school and alumni news. The app is
available for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Android.
2014 reunions are for the classes of 1964 (50th), 1974 (40th),
1989 (25th) and 2004 (10th). Anyone interested in getting
involved in planning for your class reunion, please contact
the CBA development office at 315-446-5960 X1140 or Your involvement will make
it a success!
For more information on EverTrue, visit
Features include:
Alumni directory integrated with LinkedIn
Real time Class Notes
Alumni Events Calendar
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
From the APP store on your iPhone, search CBA Syracuse,
click “FREE”, and then click “INSTALL”
Class of 1988: 25 Years!
The Class of 1988 celebrated its 25th reunion with a gathering in Syracuse’s Armory Square at King of Clubs on Friday, July 26, and followed that with dinner
at The Retreat Saturday night. Kudos are due to the committee members: Jim Battaglia, Mikell DiGiorgio and Ray Finney.
Front L to R: Andrea Duerr Rabbia (Convent), Mikell Miller DiGiorgio, Lisa Adornato, Jim Hughes
Back: Tom Benzel, Pete Dombroski, John Bisaillon, Ray Finney,
CBA Brothers Alumni
2013 Kirk Coyle, Jeff Silvaggio, Kenny Fifield, Paul Esposito, Jonathan Rosbrook O’Brien, Jim Battaglia
Dave Borasky,
Alumni News
The Alumni Association’s “School’s Out” Golf Scramble
152 CBA alumni and friends turned out at Tuscarora Golf Club on June 24.
Scramble Champions—First place winners of the golf tournament were:
Luke Esposito ’99, Mark Stanczyk, Emily Esposito ’04,
Rick Esposito and Pat Stanczyk ’99.
Members of the Class of ’54 who turned out for the tournament were
Len Basile, Don Hart, Rev. Jim Mathews, Ed Moses and Joe Rodrigues.
Jason Kaczor, Mark Haines, Pat Haines and Andrew Prucha won the Skins game
and also finished second overall at the tournament.
Seniors Allison Bargabos and Mary Hartnett were in charge of the putting
contest. Both girls are members of the CBA girls golf team.
Putting Contest Winner—Jack Macko
Putting Contest Winner—Pat Stanczyk ’99
Coley ’72
CBA Brothers
Spring 2013
Alumni Notes
John “Pat” King and his wife Evelyn of Sea Bright, NJ are recovering
from Hurricane Sandy and from assorted medical problems.
Thomas Gaughan is retired. He was an Army Officer in Vietnam,
spent 29 years in the insurance industry and is now a Fund
Development volunteer for Clear Path for Veterans, HIICAP.
Douglas Aller recently retired from a career in corporate
government relations and public service. His public service included
election to the New Hampshire House of Representatives, where
he served as Assistant Majority Whip and Vice Chairman of the
Judiciary Committee; appointment as Deputy Assistant Secretary
for Economic Development at the U. S. Department of Commerce,
under President Bush 41; and appointment as Chief of Staff for
the U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID) at the
U. S. Department of State, under President Bush 43. Following
the election of President Obama, Doug was asked to remain at
USAID to assist in the Presidential transition, eventually staying
on an additional two and a half years to serve as Deputy Assistant
Administrator for Management. He holds degrees from Georgetown
University’s School of Foreign Service, and the University of New
Hampshire’s School of Law. He and his wife, Babette, are enjoying
traveling, golf and family.
As of March 2013, Ron Casciano is
the President and Chief Executive
Officer, as well as a member of the
board of directors, for PAR Technology
Corporation (PAR) of New Hartford,
NY. Previously he was the CFO since
1995 and has worked at PAR for
29 years, including roles as Vice
President/Treasurer and
Corporate Controller.
Prior to joining PAR in 1983, Casciano
worked at Price Waterhouse as an Audit Manager. Casciano is a
Certified Public Account (State of New York) and holds a Bachelor
of Science degree in Accounting from LeMoyne College. He also
serves as a member of CBA’s Board of Trustees.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
John F. Fatti, MD reported that he and classmates from the Class of
1972 celebrated their 30th annual Brothers Cup Golf Trip last year.
Other attendees included M.C. Antil, Tom Harris, Jim O’Hern,
Chris Grover, Steve Hackett, Don DeKay, Mike LaCasse, Jim
Kearney, Ron Pelligra and Mike Siano. Thomas Procopio was
hired by MU Transportation and selected as Vice Chairman of the
Reading Council on Aging Board of Directors.
Longtime CBA Athletics Director, teacher and basketball coach
John “Buddy” Wleklinski was named Lasallian Educator of
the Year at the school. Wleklinski was elected to this prestigious
position by his CBA colleagues. He will be honored at the Honors
Night ceremony in the spring and at the Lasallian dinner auction
on April 12.
Ralph Gabriel was inducted into the National Wresting Hall of Fame.
Michael Penizotto transferred from Cleveland back to Upstate New
York to serve clients as a partner with PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP
Col. Mike Carroll and his wife, Chief Warrant Officer Five Leslie
Carroll, retired from the Army after 30 years with a ceremony at
Arlington National Cemetery. They relocated to the Big Island of
Hawaii where Mike is now a self-employed rancher.
Kristen (Kinney) Haines and her husband, Christopher, welcomed
a baby girl, Jordan. The family lives in Herndon, VA.
Valerie (Sindoni) Kovacs and her husband, Shane of Hoboken, NJ
welcomed a baby boy, Peter, on July 29, 2013. He joins big brother
Luca and big sister Caroline.
Alumni Notes
Sean Boyle and his wife, Julie, welcomed a baby girl, Penelope.
The family resides in Chicago, IL.
Jason Furgal has been living in Aue, Baden-Wurttemberg Germany
with his family since last November.
Shaun and Kimberly (Neri) Sweeney along with big brother
Lincoln, welcomed their second son, Declan Martin Sweeney
on May 26, 2013. The family resides in Liverpool, NY.
Michael Cusano has joined the faculty at Christian Brothers
Academy. Michael is teaching Social Studies.
Caitlin (Holmes) McGurn and her husband, Chris, welcomed
their first son, Finn, on March 3, 2013.
Julie Arkinson is engaged to George Garcia. Julie is a financial
advisor with The Arkinson Group at RBC Wealth Management.
They will be married in July 2014 at Holy Cross Church in
Dewitt, NY.
Matthew Harris is currently flying the B52, but will soon be
moving to California to work at the Test Pilot School there.
Matthew Schoeneck has been appointed as the Boots to Business and
VetNet program manager for The Institute for Veterans and Military
Families (IVMF) at Syracuse University. He is responsible for
the management, coordination and administration of the IVMF’s
self-employment program Operation Boots to Business: From Service
to Startup (B2B) and VetNet Entrepreneur Track.
Molly Scullin is a graduate of Siena College and Syracuse
University College of Law and is a Staff Operations Specialist for
the FBI, assigned to the Military Commissions Prosecution Unit of
the Counterterrorism Division. She resides in Arlington, VA.
Michael Caliva resides in Boston and is working in real estate
investments. He started a new firm earlier this year with two former
colleagues. The firm is Affordable Investment Advisors (AIA). They
provide advisory, consulting and investment services to the LowIncome Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) industry.
Jeff Callahan is taking a leave from Deloitte Consulting
in Boston, MA to pursue his MBA at Tuck School of Business
at Dartmouth College.
Alex Kirby is an Assistant Vice President, Commerical Relations
Manager at M&T Bank in Baltimore, MD. He is also coaching an
elite U16 lacrosse team for the Maryland Roughriders.
L to R: Katie Sue ’05, Becky ’12, Molly ’03 and Kellie ’08
The Scullin sisters pose for a rare photo together!
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
Alumni Notes
Lavar Lobdell took a class through SU in Brazil for 10 days on
Inclusive Education. The course is CFE 600 “Around the world
Inclusive education” and the class will be touring different schools
in Rio and San Paulo, as well as NGO. The trip is focused on
exploring multiple public and private schools in Rio and San Paulo.
The instructors encouraged the students to think of ways they could
leave a lasting impression on the people they would be
interacting with.
Katie-Sue Scullin is a graduate of Providence College and Boston
College School of Theology and Ministry. Katie-Sue has been the
Director of Ministry at Bishop Guertin High School in Nashua, NH
for the past year where she coordinated and led students on service
projects in Eastern New Orleans (St. Bernard Project) and Arizona
(Navajo reservation).
Leslie Finlay is teaching 9th grade (which they refer to as 1st grade)
in South Korea. This is a note she received from one of her students.
“Hello, teacher! I’m Ye-eum Kim, the captain of the English Debate
Club and in the first grade. I’m so glad to study with you. I appreciate
about it. I think you’re the prettiest native teacher, ever I’ve seen.
HaHa. I think your class is the best in my whole class. I’m so excited.
Thank you. Bye Bye”.
Peter Paris has joined the faculty at Christian Brothers Academy to
teach English.
Nicole Krenitsky participated in the
white coat ceremony at Yale School of
Medicine where she started medical
school this fall.
Kellie Scullin is a graduate of Siena College and is currently the office
manager and program coordinator for Sansi North America (SNA),
one of the largest LED lighting manufacturing companies in the
world. It is headquartered in Clifton Park, NY, where Kellie
now resides.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
Two recent grads of Villanova
University are heading east—FAR
east: Tom Lenkiewicz and Chris
Ponge have been selected to
participate in The Japan Exchange
and Teaching (JET) Program.
After an extensive and competitive
application process, they were both
Tom Lenkiewicz
offered one-year positions teaching
and Chris Ponge
English in Japanese schools. They
received their location assignments
in May/June, which then allowed them to begin to prepare, based on the
climate and setting of their respective assignments.
They flew out from JFK with a group of 96 participants on July 27th—
as part of a cohort of about 850 new “JETS” from around the world
all flying into Tokyo to stay at the same hotel for a 4-day orientation.
From there they traveled to their assigned cities/towns/villages within
“prefectures” (the equivalent of our “states”), where members of their
new communities assisted them in getting “settled in.” They will have the
option of extending their stay on a year-by-year basis for up to five years.
Lenkiewicz majored in Communications with minors in Japanese and
Business. His assignment for the year is in Hitachi City in the Ibaraki
Prefecture, a coastal city northeast of Tokyo. It’s a warmer climate and very
different from where he spent a semester during his junior year at Kansai
Gaidai University in the Osaka prefecture. Tom’s “base school” (2-3 days/
week) is Hitachi Taga Senior High School. He will also be teaching at
Hitachi Sawa Senior High School, Hitachi Shyougyou Senior High School,
and two additional schools next semester.
Ponge majored in Chemical Engineering with minors in Bio Engineering
and Japanese. He was also a four-year member of the Villanova Men’s
Crew Team. Chris is living in the Gifu Prefecture in the City of Gifu, west
of Tokyo in the center of Japan with a very rich historical past because
of its central location. He is an Assistant Language Teacher at Gifu
Prefectural Gizan Senior High School in Gifu-shi where they specialize in
Math and Science. Chris rides a bike to work, which is the norm where he
lives. This has proven to be very challenging due to the traffic and the heat,
but he tells us he is getting quite adept at dodging cars! He says his
students are very focused and extremely competitive.
For more about the JET program,
Alumni Notes
This summer Julie Thomson-Basha interviewed Albano Olivetti at the Irish
Open futures tournament at Fitzwilliam Lawn Tennis Club in Dublin, Ireland.
Olivetti qualified for the US Open and was playing in the first round when we
went to press.
Dylan Haines has been added as a second recruit to the Class of 2017 men’s
basketball team at Boston University.
Julie Thomson-Basha ’10 interviews Albano Olivetti at the
Irish Open, Dublin, Ireland
Becky Scullin completed her first year at Loyola University Maryland. During
her spring break, Becky worked with migrant workers in Immokalee, FL as
well as participated in several student mission projects involving intercity
youth. In addition, she also formed the first co-ed a cappella group at Loyola
University. This past summer Becky completed an internship for the Clerk’s
Office of the United States Supreme Court.
Fall 2012 Dean's List
Loyola University: Clare Kenville ’09, Rebecca Scullin ’12
Villanova University: Thomas Lenkiewicz ’09, Christopher Ponge ’09,
Colleen Tormey ’09, Sean Hartnett ’12, Charles Ponge ’12
Colgate University: Megan Underwood ’09, Elizabeth Catalano ’12
Hamilton College: Christopher Bousquet ’12, Maxwell Luthringer ’12
St. Bonaventure University: Brett Keegan ’09
St. Lawrence University: Amy Callahan ’09
State University College at Geneseo: Emily Wanamaker ’10 ,
Sam Kelley ’11, Paige Gordon ’12 and Bryce Wiley ’12
Do you have news you’d like to share? We’d love to hear it!
Please send newsletter content to
Becky Scullin ’12 with Justice Thomas
of the Supreme Court
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
Alumni Weddings
Sarah Tucci married John Mody on September 10,
2011. Bridesmaids were Kimberly (Neri) Sweeney
’98 (Matron of Honor), Elizabeth Applegate ’98,
Rebecca Bolton ’98 and Elizabeth (Nicoletti)
Bartlett ’98.
Trevor Barbano and Kristen Kistner are married
by Msgr. Robert Yeazel ’59
Trevor Barbano married Kristen Kistner on August 3, 2013 at Holy Cross Church in
DeWitt. Their reception was at Traditions at the Links at Erie Village. CBA alums in
attendance were Lennie DiFino ’97 and his parents, Santo and Debbie; Nick ’98 and
Lindsay (Walker) Goodman ’98 and his parents; Jon Wolf ’98; and Bob Tisdell ’97 and
his parents Bob ’67 and Anna Tisdell.
Sarah Tucci Moody ’98 with her dad
Thomas Tucci ’70
Meagan Barno and Christopher Zdep were married on August 11, 2012,
at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Baldwinsville, NY. Fr. Francis Pompei,
Fr. Fred Pompei and Fr. John Finnegan officiated the wedding ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of former trustee and board chair, Edward and Sharon
Barno, of Skaneateles. The groom is the son of Dr. Steven Zdep ’70 and Judy Zdep
of Baldwinsville.
Maid of honor was Kathryn Nave ’02. Bridesmaids were Sistina Barno, Lisa
Pohlman, Stacy Zdep ’95, Kerstin Von Locquenghien, Kelly Vincintini , and
Rebecca McCain. Best man was Dr. Steven Zdep ’95. Groomsmen were Andrew
Barno ’00, Jason Pohlman, Ryan Root, Matthew Ganter and Robert Sliker.
Additional CBA grads involved included Lisa (Zdep) Pohlman ’98 (her daughter
was a flower girl) and Jim Stanczyk ’02 and Katie (Weinheimer) Rowles ’02,
who each did a reading at the ceremony. Many friends of the bridal party
who attended the wedding and reception are graduates of Christian Brothers
Academy. The couple honeymooned in Costa Rica and now resides in Rochester, NY.
Meagan Barno ’02 and Chris Zdep ’02
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
Alumni Weddings
Alyssa Pizzolanti wed Andrew Miller on September 15, 2012 at Mirbeau Inn and Spa in Skaneateles, NY. A marriage blessing was given by
Ms. Marilyn Goulet. Maid of Honor was Alyson Barry ’03, best friend of the bride. A reception was held in Mirbeau’s gardens. The couple resides
in Manhattan.
On August 17 2013, Christopher Tooley ’05 and Kaelyn Witz were wed
by Reverend Frank Corbishley ’74 at the Frog Pond Bed and Breakfast
in Skaneateles. Bridal party attendants included John Tooley ’96 and
Michael Tooley ’97, Elizabeth Ann Tooley Calnon ’99, Matt Murphy ’05
and Kevin McNiff ’05.
Many other CBA alums were in attendance, including J.J. Pelligra ’05,
Jessica Ockenden ’05, Nick Ashenburg ’05, Ben Smith ’05, Kim Ginger
’05, Griffin Chase ’05, Pat O’Connell ’05, Ralph Bove ’71, Jeff Corbishley
’03, Katie Corbishley ’04 and Marianne Corbishley ’01.
Christopher is a District Engineer for the Nalco Group, and Kaelyn
is a Registered Nurse at the Northeast Medical Center in Fayetteville.
The couple resides in Syracuse.
Kaelyn Witz and Christopher Tooley ’05
Kelly Niland ’06 married Michael Mulanaphy
on August 17, 2013.
She is pictured with her dad, Tom Niland ’68
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
A Legacy of Laughter
nothing. Ronnie looked down at that white ball of his
that must have traveled all of two feet, furled his brow
and frowned. Undeterred, he took a step forward,
exhaled, repeated the ritual, and once again chopped
straight down. Again nothing, beyond another chop,
another grunt and, of course, one more dull thud.
A Memory of Ron Pelligra ’72
Written by M.C. Antil ’72
When I first heard Ron Pelligra had passed this
summer, my mind immediately raced back to a
particular round of golf we had played just three
months prior. Ronnie, you see, may have been one
of the most intimidating wrestlers, fear-inducing
football players, and overall storied athletes in the
history of this fine school. But in the interest of all
candor and (I guess) some level of brutal honesty,
as the late Tony Soprano might have once said,
“All due respect,” he was the single worst golfer CBA
had ever – or, frankly, would ever – unleash upon an
unsuspecting world.
(And this, mind you, from the second- or maybe
third-worst golfer the school has ever produced.)
But that’s not where my mind went as I sat reading
that day, feeling ever-so-slightly numbed by the
news that for many of us had become something
of a foregone conclusion once we heard that Ron’s
stay in intensive care had inched out of the realm of
hours and days into the ominous specter of weeks.
What I thought of as I sat at my desk was one of the
last times I ever saw him; big and still-powerful Ron
Pelligra standing under the unforgiving Florida sun
staring down intently at his little white ball, halfburied in a bunker full of billowy white sand,
just a few yards short of the safety of the green.
Who knows? At this point of the hole Ronnie
may have already unfurled a half-dozen or so of
his signature short, choppy, flailing golf swings;
and maybe more. But you could see it in his eyes.
He remained focused and continued to live in
the moment. And as he craned his thick neck
and prairie-dogged his concentration back and
forth between his ball and the pin, he appeared as
determined to put his next shot close as if he were
playing to a 2 handicap.
Then it happened. That short choppy swing, the
muted grunt, and then the thud; followed by…well,
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
Only this time something happened that burned itself
immediately into at the memories of at least three
grown men I know. Ron did not react in a manner
befitting most hackers in such circumstances. He
didn’t swear. He didn’t toss his wedge or swing the
club violently. Heck, he didn’t even exhale audibly
or let out yet another grunt. Instead, he just looked
down at the ball, raised his eyebrows, looked up at
us and began to laugh; slowly at first, but then longer
and with something approaching an almost childlike
joy. And Ronnie continued to laugh, even as he
swung again and duffed his sand shot for a third time
and the ball remained, just as it had the two shots
prior, trapped in the bunker.
And that’s when the rest of us in his foursome
stopped worrying about how we were playing, our
scores, our mortgage payments, and who knows what
else, and began howling with a brand of laughter that,
I swear, made the years, the troubles and the many
miles between us just seem to melt away.
Because, you see, Ron Pelligra didn’t have just any
laugh. Ron Pelligra had one of those laughs that
if it were a disease would have been quarantined.
Ronnie’s laugh was, arguably, the most contagious
laugh any man had ever had the privilege to call his
own. It was a laugh that seemed to start somewhere
deep in his soul, percolated its way up and out of the
corners of his mouth, darted about in the open air,
and then somehow found a way to tickle any man,
woman or child lucky enough to be within earshot.
Ron’s laugh was clean, and pure, and easy. It was
honest. But most of all, it seemed to live just below
the surface of his skin, where he didn’t so much need
to summon it to come out, as it escaped all on its
own and danced about in joyous pursuit of someone,
anyone, to grace with its presence.
That’s what flitted across the vast openness of my
memory when I heard that my once-a-year golfing
and belly-laughing buddy had passed.
At that moment, I didn’t think of his All-State honors
in football, his national championship in wrestling, or
his place in the CBA Athletic Hall of Fame.
I didn’t think of his almost superhuman strength or
his massive shoulders on which, I’m quite certain,
if the conditions were right and the pilot willing, it
might have been possible to land a small airplane.
I didn’t think of the story I heard once about how,
while playing defensive tackle at St. Lawrence, he
used to regularly line up across any number of wideeyed, ashen-faced and intimidated-beyond-belief
lineman, then toss them about like ragdolls after each
snap, all the while hearing the home crowd exhorting
and cheering him on louder and louder, “LUCA….
LUCA…LUCA,” a name someone had apparently
bestowed upon him early in his college days, no
doubt in homage to the good-hearted but not-tobe-trifled-with former muscle man of the Corleone
crime family.
I didn’t think of how far I went back with both
Ronnie and his beloved Debbie, both of whom I met
when they were something like, I don’t know, maybe
fourteen or fifteen; nor did I think of the fleeting
decades that had somehow passed between us.
I didn’t even think of that timeless and wonderfully
kitschy publicity shot he once posed for with another
former St. Lawrence wrestler, actor Kirk Douglas,
a photo which not only ran in a number of papers,
but which he proudly framed and hung on his office
wall long after he had retired his tights and headgear.
Nope, I only thought of that remarkably medicinal
laugh of his, and how often and how easily Ronnie
was willing to share it.
And I guess as I’m sitting her writing this,
if I had one bit of advice for any young man or
woman planning on taking on the world after
CBA, it would be this. Life is hard enough without
taking yourself or your lot too seriously. And
sometimes, even in the darkest, most desperate
hours, the best thing any man or woman can do is
something I learned first-hand from one of the most
accomplished, beloved and (at least for a while)
feared graduates the school has ever known.
Laugh, and do so early and often. Laugh easily, laugh
deeply and share your laughter with anyone and
everyone who happens by.
But most of all, just as my friend Ron Pelligra
spent the last few years teaching me, there is no
brand of laughter in this world quite so liberating,
soul-cleansing, therapeutic or contagious as the one
we have the courage and confidence to turn
on ourselves.
Godspeed, Ron. And God bless. And keep laughing,
just as we’ll continue to do, even through our tears.
M.C. Antil is a Chicago-based writer. He may be
reached at
In Memoriam
Timothy Adams ’82
Charles Allen ’67
Nicholas DiLauro ’69
William Fadden, Jr. ’72
James Giaquint ’61
John Hammerle ’56
William Healy, Jr. ’50
Howard Harrington, Jr. ’53
Edward “Ned” Kallfelz ’55
Thomas Miller ’55
Ronald Pelligra ’72
Dona Atwood
(Wife of David Atwood, teacher)
John Barry, III
(Son of John Barry ’66)
Nicholas Bartolomeo
(Father of Richard ’57)
Margaret Bewley
(Mother of Robert Bewley, teacher;
Grandmother of Kelly Bewley ’12)
Maria Bigotti
(Mother of Mario ’65, Mother-in-law of
Michael Kearney ’71; Grandmother of
William Kearney ’03, Paul Kearney ’05
& Kathryn Kearney ’07 )
Gertrude Borer
(Grandmother of James ’00)
Winifred Byrne
(Grandmother of Matthew ’15)
Martin Manning, Jr.
(Former Faculty)
Victoria Chase
(Grandmother of Shaun ’00,
Kara ’01, Griffin ’05 & Kyle ’09)
Brother Peter Mannion, FSC
Mario Cherny
(Father of Richard ’75; Grandfather of
Tina ’08, Grace ’14 & Maura ’16)
A. Victor Chini
(Grandfather of Joseph Sullivan ’15
& Julia Sullivan ’18)
Jeanne Cusano
(Grandmother of Marc ’96, Michael ’99
& Matthew ’02)
Rev. Leamon Dowdell
(Grandfather of Andrew ’15)
James Dwyer
(Father-in-law of Joseph Hartnett ’75
& Timothy Kelley ’80; Grandfather
of Teresa Hartnett ’06, Timothy Kelley ’07,
John Kelley ’08, Elizabeth Kelley ’12
& Joseph Dwyer ’13)
Robert Giarrusso
(Father of David ’71 & Charles ’73;
Grandfather of Bridget Frontale ’15
& Luke Frontale ’18)
Margaret Harrigan
(Mother of Christopher ’90, Jeff ’94
& Molly ’97; Grandmother of
Kathleen Harrigan ’18 & sister-in-law
of Kevin Harrigan ’65)
Robert Hurley
(Grandfather of Daniel Glover ’97
& Jack Glover ’12)
Dorothy LaBerge
(Mother-in-law of Ellen LaBerge (Trustee);
Grandmother of Christopher ’06, Stephen
’09 & Marielle ’16)
James Lawless
(Grandfather of Jessica ’04, Sean ’07
& Patrice ’10)
James McGuire
(Father of James ’79; Grandfather of
Ryan ’16 & Grace ’18)
Lawrence Nave
(Father of John ’69)
Maria Pawliw
(Mother of Taraw ’66)
Richard Pietrafesa, Sr.
(Grandfather of Catherine ’04, Mia ’07,
Christina ’09, Joseph ’11 & Savaria ’12)
John Rebhahn
(Grandfather of Reilly ’15)
Esther Stedman
(Mother-in-law of Valerie Stedman,
teacher, and Grandmother of
Matthew ’14)
Angeline (Vita) Splaine
(Sister of John Vita ’50 & Ludwig Vita ’50 )
Paolina Villani
(Grandmother of John Marzocchi ’77,
John Villani ’82, Joseph Villani ’95;
Great-grandmother of JP Marzocchi ’08,
Joe Mortelliti ’09 & Matthew Marzocchi ’13)
Lawrence Van Der Bogart, Jr.
(Grandfather of Lawrence IV ’09)
John “Jack” Whipple
(Father-in-Law of Rosalie Whipple,
teacher and Grandfather of Marella ’17)
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon them .
May their souls and the souls of all the
faithfully departed through the mercy
of God rest in peace . Amen .
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Summer/Fall 2013
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