- Best Buddies


- Best Buddies
Trae Geier & Jesyah White
Middle School Buddies
BESTBUDDIES Three Mission Pillars:
Annual Report 2014
Table Of Contents
Message From Our Chairman1
Why We Matter2
Mission, Vision and Goals3
Best Buddies Programs4
Who We Are
- Global Programs Snapshot5
- Milestones 6
One-to-One Friendships
- Middle Schools, High Schools, Colleges, Citizens and e-Buddies
- Friendship Program Participant Story - Eric Matthes
Integrated Employment13-14
- Best Buddies Jobs15
- Did You Know?15
- Jobs Highlights16
- Jobs Program Participant Story - Billy O'Brien
Leadership Development19-20
- Ambassadors and Promoters21
- Leadership Development Participant Story - Charles Calhoun
Signature Event Highlights
- National Events26-28
- I'm In To Hire Campaign28
Financial Statement
- Where The Dollar Goes29
- Consolidated Statement of Activities29
- Balance Sheet 30
Our Leaders
- Board of Directors31
- Executive Team32
Meet Our Supporters
- Corporations33-34
- Individuals34-35
- Foundations35-36
- Government36-37
- In-Kind37
- Top Fundraising Teams37-38
Participating Employers38-39
Special Thanks39
Our Global Movement41-42
Best Buddies Iowa43-48
Cat Ridge & Courtnie Taylor
Middle School Buddies
Anthony Kennedy Shriver
Founder & Chairman
Best Buddies Challenge:
Hyannis Port 2014
Dear Friends,
This past year I spent a lot of time reflecting on the progress
that Best Buddies has made, and as I look towards 2015,
I am motivated and inspired to continue pouring my heart
and soul into impacting the lives of people with intellectual
and developmental disabilities (IDD). In 2014, Best Buddies
launched its I’m In To Hire campaign which brings to light the
business benefits of hiring people with IDD.
The movement has garnered pledges on its website and via
social media from more than 100,000 people who committed
to advocating for an inclusive workplace. We plan to double
that number in the year to come and continue the campaign’s
steady growth over the next 10 years. I am confident that
we can achieve our goal of getting one million unemployed
individuals with IDD off the sidelines and integrated into the
workforce. Additionally, our 2020 Initiative still remains at the forefront of my mind and I will never lose hope for our vision – to put
Best Buddies out of business!
Twenty-five years ago seemed like an eternity when I was in college and first started Best Buddies at Georgetown University. If
someone had told me that 25 years later I’d see individuals with IDD working for an investment firm while earning $40,000 a year,
participating in its pension plan and receiving full healthcare benefits; reporting for a national television show; testifying in front
of Congress; and delivering the keynote address at an annual corporate conference in Silicon Valley, I would not have believed
any of it. Yet here I am, 25 years later, having witnessed not just one, but all of these remarkable achievements!
This organization has grown into the world’s largest non-profit organization devoted solely to providing opportunities for
friendships, jobs and leadership development for people with IDD. Best Buddies continues to be an organization full of energy,
enthusiasm, passion, focus and hard work.
I would like to applaud our participants with and without IDD, as well as their families, who prove each and every day that
disabilities are a natural part of the world’s social fabric and that diversity enhances all of our lives. The power of mutually
rewarding relationships in enhancing the lives of people with IDD has always been recognized by Best Buddies and our
supporters. Our Global Ambassadors continue to grow and attend our events, speaking on behalf of people with IDD. They are
remarkable advocates for people with IDD and for themselves.
Similarly, our Jobs program continues to provide employment to people with IDD, and offer them the chance to become more
independent and gain the respect of their friends, family, and co-workers. The Best Buddies Friendship programs are even more
inspirational 25 years later and continue to promote friendship and social inclusion throughout the United States and 52 other
countries. I can’t even begin to imagine what the next 25 years will bring to Best Buddies!
Life has no greater joy than the satisfaction of contributing one’s time and energy to the enrichment of another person’s life; the
act of giving is the most rewarding manner by which to conduct each of our lives. On behalf of the 900,000 individuals whose
lives are impacted by Best Buddies, I extend our sincerest gratitude to all of our supporters, participants, volunteers, and staff
and to everyone who makes our mission possible.
In friendship,
Anthony Kennedy Shriver
Founder & Chairman
Best Buddies International
Cate Alix & Syd Winnick
High School Buddies
Ziad Hozayen
Global Ambassador from Egypt
Barbara Torres, Jobs Program Participant
Bob Friedman, Partner, Holland & Knight
Why We Matter
Over the past 50 years, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) have gained many rights that have improved
their lives. Yet, our society is still far from inclusive. Tragically, a great number of people within the IDD community are stereotyped,
marginalized and live life as an invisible minority, often times unemployed and without the simple joys of genuine friendships that
others may take for granted. As one study notes, “Legal mandates cannot, however, mandate acceptance by peers, neighbors,
fellow employees, employers or any of the other groups of individuals who directly impact the lives of people with disabilities."*
This is where Best Buddies International comes into play. Best Buddies is the world’s largest organization dedicated to ending
the social, physical and economic isolation of the 200 million people with IDD. For individuals within this community, Best
Buddies serves as a lifeline to creating life-long friendships, securing successful jobs, living independently and feeling valued
and respected by society.
Currently, an estimated 84% of adults (18+) with developmental disabilities do not have a paid job in the community. The Best Buddies
Jobs program has participants employed full-time who each have the potential to earn a total income upwards of $1 million over 30
years and contribute $250,000 in taxes back into the economy, rather than costing the government approximately $750,000 each in
Federal SSI and Medicaid support during that time period.
This is just one of many key examples of how Best Buddies is working to improve quality of life for individuals with IDD. Through
the creation of meaningful, lasting one-to-one friendships with peers without disabilities and the promotion of integrated
employment opportunities, Best Buddies is changing the world one friendship, one job and one leader at a time.
For more information, please visit www.bestbuddies.org.
*Teen Attitudes Toward Individuals with Mental Retardation, 2002
Best Buddies International is the world’s largest organization dedicated to ending the social, physical and economic
isolation of the 200 million people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Our programs help people
with IDD form meaningful friendships with their peers, secure successful jobs, live independently, improve public
speaking, self-advocacy and communication skills, and feel valued by society.
Best Buddies International is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that
creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with IDD.
To put Best Buddies out of business. Best Buddies envisions a world where people with IDD are so successfully integrated into
schools, workplaces, and communities that its efforts and services will be unnecessary. Until that vision becomes a reality, the
organization will continue to educate middle school, high school and college students, community members, corporations, and
employers about the emotional, functional, and natural needs and abilities of people with IDD.
Who We Serve
The IDD community that Best Buddies serves includes, but is not limited to, people with Down syndrome, autism, fragile X
syndrome, Williams syndrome, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury and other undiagnosed disabilities.
Goals | The 2020 Initiative
Best Buddies created the 2020 initiative in 2011, with the goal of opening offices in all 50 states by the end of 2020. The
initiative also includes plans to train 4,000 Buddy Ambassadors, develop 1,000 jobs for people with IDD around the world, and
increase the number of school-based chapters to 2,500. As a result of these ambitious efforts, Best Buddies hopes to become
a household name by the end of 2020.
Best Buddies programs sit on three key pillars listed below:
One-To-One Friendships
Integrated Employment
Leadership Development
One-To-One Friendships
Builds friendships between people with and without IDD, offering social mentoring while improving the quality of life and level of
inclusion for a population that is often isolated and excluded.
BESTBUDDIES Middle Schools,
High Schools and Colleges
Creates an inclusive school environment for students with
and without IDD during times of social and emotional
Offers an e-mail program, in which a participant with IDD
communicates online with a friend without IDD.
Helps adults with and without IDD develop meaningful
friendships and become more involved in their local
Integrated Employment
Secures integrated employment for people with IDD, allowing them to earn an income, pay taxes, and continuously and
independently support themselves.
Matches skilled, qualified individuals with IDD with businesses seeking enthusiastic and dedicated employees. Through the Jobs
program, Best Buddies develops partnerships with employers, assists with the hiring process and provides ongoing support to
the employee and employer.
An estimated 84% of adults (18+) with developmental disabilities do not have a paid
job in the community.* The Best Buddies Jobs program has participants employed full
time who each have the potential to earn a total income upwards of $1mm over 30
years and contribute $250k in taxes back into the economy, rather than costing the
government approximately $750k each in Federal SSI and Medicaid support during
that time period.
*National Core Indicators 2013-14
Leadership Development
Educates and empowers people with and without IDD, to become leaders, public speakers and advocates.
Offers people with and without IDD the opportunity to gain the
public speaking skills, self-esteem and confidence needed
to successfully advocate for themselves, their peers and
Best Buddies in communities, workplaces and government.
Empowers youth to become advocates for people with IDD
and help open new Best Buddies chapters and programs by
organizing special events that promote awareness to the disability
rights movement.
Global Programs Snapshot: 2014
313 7,344
54,890 419 25,478
Average Total Weekly Hours Worked:
Average Total Yearly Hours Worked:
Average Total Yearly Wages Earned:
Average Total Yearly Taxes Paid:
109 3,311
*BESTBUDDIES® Jobs participants stats as of December 31, 2014: Average hourly wage = $11.80. Average hours worked per week = 20.2. (in the U.S.)
Year One
Anthony Kennedy Shriver founded the original Best Buddies Chapter while a junior at Georgetown University in 1987.
1989 – 1993
• Incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization on January 19, 1989, BESTBUDDIES becomes America’s
first national, unified, social, and recreational program for people with IDD.
• The Best Buddies Fine Art Collection is developed, featuring masterpieces by Keith Haring, Roy Lichtenstein
and Robert Rauschenberg.
• Best Buddies hosts the first unified Leadership Conference, training both college student leaders and people
with IDD by providing intensive lessons in public speaking, management, team building, problem solving and
leadership skills.
• Best Buddies launches BESTBUDDIES Citizens with the goal of pairing adults with IDD with their nondisabled working peers.
1994 – 1998
• Best Buddies launches BESTBUDDIES Jobs, a supported employment program, targeting high-paying,
white-collar jobs for people with IDD in Florida, California and Massachusetts.
• Best Buddies establishes BESTBUDDIES High Schools with the goal of pairing special education students
in one-to-one friendships with high school volunteers.
• The BESTBUDDIES Middle Schools pilot program launches, reaching out to an even younger age group
with the hope that inclusion of people with IDD will have a lasting effect on societal norms for the next generation.
1999 – 2006
• e-BUDDIES launches as a cutting-edge online friendship program.
• Best Buddies launches the most successful fundraising event in its history, the nationally televised inaugural
Volvo Hearst Castle Challenge, a 100-mile bike ride along the Pacific Coast Highway chaired by California
First Lady Maria Shriver.
• For the first time, Best Buddies has programs in all 50 of the United States and on six continents.
2007 – 2011
• Best Buddies celebrates 20 years of friendships and jobs in 2009.
• In honor of its 20th anniversary, Best Buddies updates it mission statement to: “To establish a global volunteer
movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership
development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).”
• For the first time, Best Buddies has programs in 50 countries around the world.
• BESTBUDDIES Ambassadors becomes Best Buddies’ seventh formal program.
• BESTBUDDIES Jobs expands to Washington D.C. and San Francisco, CA.
• BESTBUDDIES Promoters officially launches as the organization’s eighth program for the 2012-2013 school
year. It is the first Best Buddies program open to elementary schools.
• Best Buddies celebrates its 25th anniversary.
• Best Buddies launches the I’m In To Hire campaign to promote the business benefits of hiring people with IDD.
Nila Huddleston & Hannah Black
High School Buddies
Without love, support and friends life would be empty
– a life people with IDD have often been forced to live
throughout history. Best Buddies offers people with IDD
the chance to have a friend, to gain self-confidence and
self-esteem, and to share interests, experiences and
activities that many other individuals enjoy.
One-to-One Friendships
Middle Schools | High Schools | Colleges
In today’s schools, students with IDD often enter the same building and walk the same hallways as their peers, but they are left
out of social activities. These students miss out on so many key elements of the school experience such as finding friends to sit
with at lunch, attending homecoming or prom, joining a club, or meeting a friend with whom to share their experiences.
Best Buddies offers students with IDD the chance to have a friend and to share interests, experiences and activities that so many
other students their age enjoy. The Middle Schools, High Schools and Colleges programs pair students with IDD in one-to-one
mentoring friendships with students without IDD. Each student agrees to a one-year commitment in which they will call and go
on an outing with their buddy at least once a week.
The Best Buddies Friendship program offers a peer mentoring relationship that affects both the person with and the person
without IDD. Not only do our programs create a lasting friendship, but they begin to facilitate an environment of inclusion
throughout the school and in the community.
For people with IDD, the void of meaningful friendships extends into adulthood. After age 21, some individuals with IDD may
never spend time with anyone besides a paid caretaker and family. Best Buddies Citizens pairs adults with IDD in one-to-one
friendships with other individuals in corporate and civic communities. Volunteers are sharing their time and energy with new
friends. Citizen buddy pairs are asked to commit to a one-year relationship during which the pair agrees to talk once a week and
see each other twice a month. These relationships usually grow into friendships that last for a lifetime.
Computers are an integral part of society, yet only 54% of people with disabilities report using a computer or other electronic
device to access the internet.* Compared to 85% of adults without a disability who use computers, it is apparent that people
with disabilities need more opportunities to interact on the computer and gain a valuable skill set necessary in today’s society.
By joining e-Buddies, participants can develop the skills necessary to become technology-literate, and therefore, able to
compete for higher-level employment and to communicate using a variety of sources.
e-Buddies is an e-mail pen pal program that pairs people with IDD in one-to-one e-mail friendships with peer volunteers who do not
have IDD. Participants from the 50 U.S. states, as well as international participants from various countries, are matched based on
age, gender and common interests. e-Buddies agree to e-mail each other at least once a week for one calendar year. This program
offers a safe way to make a new friend and connect with someone across the country.
In 2014, e-Buddies served 2,256 total participants. These participants exchanged more than 52,000 e-mails, and also posted
more than 600 messages on the e-Buddies Community message boards. e-Buddies was also used as a teaching tool in the
classroom by over 75 special education teachers and other disabilities professionals across the country.
*Kessler Foundation 2012
Matthew Murrell & Max Hulan
High School Buddies
Anthony Ray-Hall
e-Buddies Program Participant
Lorri Marby & Crystal Braswell
Citizens Buddies
One-to-One Friendships
Program Participants
Eric Matthes & Ryan Trebon
Eric receiving a medal after crossing the
finish line, during the 2008 Best Buddies
Challenge: Hearst Castle
Eric delivering a speech during
Leadership Conference
Eric & Kenny G.
Eric & Carl Lewis
Best Buddies Challenge
Hearst Castle 2014
"Hi, I’m Eric Matthes, and I live in Seattle. I have Down syndrome and I’m a self advocate.
That means I like to stand up for myself and make responsible choices in my own life. I
chose to celebrate friendship with you and Best Buddies! That is MY responsible choice!
When I was in kindergarten, I found out that I had a disability. I was called “RETARDED.”
Before that I didn’t even know I had a disability. I felt hurt, sad and confused. There were also people who heard me being called
names but did nothing. Although they were not making fun of me, they did not support me as a friend. Thankfully, my teachers
and true friends made me realize I had the power to overcome my sad feelings. I learned that although my disability is part of
I have made a difference in the world. I am making a difference through Best Buddies! This is what we do here! We make a
difference…one friendship at a time! I want to show the world that even though I have a disability, I can do ANYTHING I put my
mind to. Best Buddies shows that people with disabilities like me can live our lives to its full potential! Friendship is the fuel that
makes this happen!"
Dudley Williams III
Jobs Program participant
at John Hancock
Since its inception, Best Buddies Jobs has assisted
thousands of participants in earning an income, paying
taxes, receiving benefits, and working in an environment
alongside others in the community. The Jobs program
offers the opportunity for people with IDD to become
financially independent through their own efforts, and
removes the need for government reliance or parental
support. This program focuses on white-collar jobs,
which sets it apart from so many others, because Best
Buddies assists individuals in careers that are not only
enjoyable, but also competitive and inclusive.
Integrated Employment
Did You Know?
Best Buddies Jobs continues the integration of people with
IDD into the community through employment. Best Buddies
Jobs is a supported employment program that secures
competitive, paying jobs for people with IDD. This program
helps individuals with IDD maintain jobs of their own choosing
by providing ongoing support and training, enabling people
with IDD to earn an income, receive benefits such as health
insurance, pay taxes and work in an environment alongside
others in the community.
• Work plays a central role in the lives of many people with
IDD, and studies of supported work have shown that these
employees desire paid employment to the same degree as
young adults without disabilities. (Cordes & Howard, 2005;
Ferrari, Nota & Soresi, 2008; Griffen, 1996; Reid & Bray, 1997)
The Jobs program places focus beyond the typical jobs in which
a person with IDD might be placed. Best Buddies focuses on
white collar jobs such as: receptionist, mailroom assistant, file
clerk, lead fulfillment team member, office assistant, front desk
assistant, courtesy clerk and retail associate.
Best Buddies prides itself on developing jobs in professional
environments. Employers range from some of the top law firms
and talent agencies to well-known retail businesses and luxury
hotels. These job placements set Best Buddies Jobs above
so many other programs because individuals are placed in
careers that they not only enjoy, but also that are competitive
and inclusive. The states with active Best Buddies Jobs
programs in 2014 include California, Florida, Illinois, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico and Virginia.
Best Buddies Jobs furthers the integration of people with
IDD into the community through supported employment. The
focus is on developing competitive, integrated jobs that allow
participants to earn an income, pay taxes, and work in an
environment alongside their peers in the community, leading to
full inclusion and independence. Best Buddies Jobs conducts a
person-centered approach with each participant, working with
the individual to ultimately achieve their personal employment
goals. Coaching is provided in essential job interviewing
skills, and once a job is secured, there is assistance with onthe-job training. Job placement for participants depends on
factors such as their skills and abilities, location and vocational
preference. Once fully adjusted to their job, Best Buddies supports
participants with job coaching for continued career development.
• Many people with IDD want to work in integrated “real world”
employment situations. In 2007, only 26% of those employed
were working in integrated employment settings. The rest
were supported in sheltered employment, day rehabilitation
services or non-work community integration programs. (The
Arc 2012)
• The majority of adults with IDD are either unemployed or
underemployed, despite their ability, desire, and willingness
to engage in meaningful work in the community. The United
States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that in
January 2010, the percentage of people with disabilities in
the labor force was 21.8% compared with 70.1% for people
with no disability. (The Arc 2012)
• A Return on Disability Company 2012 report stated that
"...a brand that stands for innovations and messaging that
supports greater inclusion of people with disabilities, by
extension, stands for innovations and messaging that
support greater inclusion for everyone." This shows that not
only are companies supporting people with IDD in gaining
employment opportunities and becoming independent, but
also their brand begins to represent an inclusion for everyone
mentality, thus pushing the movement and benefits even further.
Best Buddies Jobs has given me the resources and
confidence to work at a great company like Audi, where
I receive an amazing sense of inclusion and support from
my co-workers. It makes me feel proud and needed.
Arjun Hemphill, Best Buddies Jobs Participant
Aaron Malman
Jobs Program participant
Whole Foods
Cristen Maxwell
Jobs Program participant
Holland and Knight
Jobs Highlights
• Best Buddies Jobs participants in the United States work
an average of 671,084 hours per year and earn approximately
$7.92 million combined per year.
• Cristen M. earns $38,984 a year at Holland and Knight in
Massachusetts. She also receives life insurance, medical
and dental care benefits, retirement plans, as well as, paid
vacation and sick time.
• Jessica C. earns $34,008 per year at Tesoro in California.
In addition, she receives medical, dental, and vision care as
well as access to an Education Assistance program, Employee
Assistance program, company discounts, Wellness program,
Fitness program, and paid sick days.
• Mubarek W. earns $33,500 per year at H.I.G. Capital in Florida.
• Curt H. earns $31,720 per year at William Morris Endeavor
in California.
• Brian P. earns $17 per hour at MasterCard Worldwide in Florida.
• Robert S. and Thomas K. earn $17 per hour at the NFL Network
in California.
Medical & Dental: 13%
Paid Vacation/Sick Days: 21%
401K Plan: 3%
Other: 50%
Average Total Weekly Hours worked: 13,695.60*
Average Total Yearly Hours worked: 671,084.40*
Average Total Yearly Wages Earned: $7,918,795.92*
Average Total Yearly Taxes paid: $1,583,759.18*
*Based on U.S. jobs placement. Refer to infographic on page 5.
• Cristen M. earns $21 per hour at Holland & Knight
in Massachusetts.
• Ashley W. earns $20 per hour at the Institute for Community
Inclusion in Massachusetts.
Integrated Employment
Program Participant
Billy O’Brien
This whole thing with Billy started as an
idea. It has taken very little effort on behalf
of Eaton Vance and staff. Billy came in and
wanted to learn and work, and we gave
him an opportunity. Quite frankly, there’s
no reason why any financial institution in
this city shouldn’t have Billy working in their
organization. It’s the right thing to do. It’s
great for Billy; it’s great for our staff; it’s great
for our culture; he fits right in.
Jeff Beale, Chief Administrative Officer,
Vice President / Eaton Vance Corporation
Billy's first day at his new job
with Eaton Vance in 2010.
Billy O’Brien began working with Best Buddies in September 2010 after being unemployed,
and acquired a position working as an Office Services Assistant through the Best Buddies
Jobs program with Eaton Vance Investment Managers in October 2010. Since starting at
Eaton Vance, Billy has grown from working part-time (25 hours per week) to working full-time
(40 hours per week). He also enjoys employee benefits including health insurance, a 401K
and profit sharing.
The progression that Billy has achieved at Eaton Vance has been extraordinary. He has grown to successfully take on and
contribute to a variety of projects within the mailroom, the print/copy center, the facilities department, and the company café.
Among his many responsibilities, Billy delivers mail to multiple floors within two wings of Eaton Vance’s downtown Boston office.
This affords him a good deal of interaction with many of the company’s approximately 1,000 employees at that location. In fact,
employees on each and every floor know him by name and are always happy to see him. In turn, Billy has formed personal
connections with most of the employees in the office. Billy’s consistent performance, punctuality, dependability, flawless
attendance record and willingness to contribute to the team have earned him a great deal of respect among his co-workers.
Beyond Billy’s work performance, he and his co-workers have impacted one another greatly in their unified efforts to create a
truly cohesive and integrated work atmosphere. Whether they are working on a special project, going on a delivery round or
having lunch with his team, one visit to their office makes it clear that everyone is happy to be there.
Eaton Vance employees throughout varying divisions of the company, keeping true to the company’s widespread reputation of
genuine integrity and personal attention, warmly welcomed Billy as a new member of the team, and have since voiced the fact
that they love what he has brought to their work environment. He is a dedicated coworker, a person who enjoys coming to work
each morning and has been an inspiration to the entire Eaton Vance community.
Billy’s journey from being unemployed to successfully thriving in corporate America is a great testament to the success of the
Best Buddies Jobs program. Billy continues to work and grow at Eaton Vance each day. He’s a man who loves his job and hopes
to continue his career as an Eaton Vance employee for many years to come.
Article featured in Eaton Vance’s newsletter.
Best Buddies educates and empowers people with IDD
to become leaders, public speakers and active agents of
change. These leaders inspire their peers, communities,
employers and the government to join in the mission of
Best Buddies.
Abby Meyer
Global Ambassador
Leadership Development
Best Buddies Ambassadors is a program that provides training for participants with and without IDD in areas of speech writing,
public speaking and self-advocacy. Ambassadors develop the skills to professionally share their life stories, promote Best
Buddies programs, network, and most importantly, advocate. The program prepares people to become active agents of change
and informed, engaging advocates for the disability rights movement.
Ambassadors participate in trainings focused on the art of public speaking and advocacy. Once trained, they are expected to
identify opportunities in their chapters, communities, and state to share their stories and become more involved and empowered
citizens. They are encouraged to make high-profile connections, speak to state and national legislators about opportunities for
people with IDD, present at recruitment fairs and Best Buddies events, and develop partnerships in the community given their
skills and awareness as advocates. Ambassadors could also help collect donations, present to other interest groups, and train
others with IDD.
Participants are paired with a speech coach for the duration of their Ambassador training to assist with the writing and practicing
of a speech. Speech Coaches help Ambassadors in areas of brainstorming, organization, and editing and serve as a guide who
provides one-on-one attention as needed.
As of December 31, 2014, Best Buddies had more than 658 active Buddy Ambassadors, in 26 states and nine countries who
were trained. Many Ambassador program participants attended the Best Buddies Leadership Conference in July and took part
in novice or advanced speech writing courses during the event.
Best Buddies Promoters not only empowers youth to become advocates for people with IDD, but allows them the opportunity
to interact and develop friendships with someone who they may not otherwise meet. The Promoters program offers students a
chance to develop leadership skills as they organize and host teen nights and awareness events for teens with and without IDD.
These events create a platform for friendships and a culture of inclusion and acceptance of individuals of all abilities.
Each Promoters chapter is led by a student leader and faculty advisor that oversee the membership and plan at least two events
per semester for an entire academic year to promote advocacy and awareness.
The Best Buddies chapter on campus has student and faculty volunteers who provide support to program participants.
Be proud of who you are. Don’t be ashamed if you have a disability or think you can’t. If just one person believes in
you deep, strong and long enough, you will start to think you can too. Best Buddies has given me that support to
think I can.
Rachel Lipke, Best Buddies Ambassador
Eric Matthes & Daniel Noltemeyer,
Global Ambassadors
Promoters Program event at
Washington Lee High School
Ikea Glover
Global Ambassador
Leadership Development
Program Participant & Best Buddies
Global Ambassador
Charles Calhoun
Charles & Carl Lewis
Best Buddies Challenge
Hearst Castle 2014
Charles & Dan Bivins
Global Ambassadors
My name is Charles Calhoun III, and I am a Best Buddies Global Ambassador.
As a Best Buddies Global Ambassador, I have spoken in front of Arizona Governor Jan
Brewer and traveled around the United States to speak at various national Best Buddies
events. I am also employed with Silicon Valley Bank, and in my spare time, I love to play
the drums, write songs and hang out with my friends.
I am diagnosed with Williams syndrome, autism, and ADHD. Growing up, I remember the hurtful names people would call me,
like “retarded.” They would mock, tease and ridicule me. Kids and even some adults would say things, point at me, and laugh.
I would come home from school and run into my room and cry.
The R-word hurts because it is exclusive. It’s offensive. It’s derogatory.
It’s time for a change! Let’s teach our communities that even if you are not using the R-word to purposely hurt someone, you
ARE hurting someone.
This word hurts, and it goes against everything Best Buddies stands for. Not only does the word affect people with disabilities,
it also affects people without disabilities; people just like you!
Please stand with me and pledge to stop using the R-word! Pledge your support to eliminate this offensive word from everyday
speech and pledge to promote the acceptance and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.
People with intellectual disabilities may seem different to you, but here are some things we may have in common: I love rock
music, wrestling, basketball and food. I want to do so much with my future. I would like to go to college for graphic design and
Thank you to Best Buddies for giving me the opportunity to have real friends and people who genuinely care about me, and I
thank you all for stopping the use of this hurtful word, promoting friendships and jobs and supporting this cause!
Copy reproduced from Charles Calhoun’s speech at the Best Buddies Challenge: Hearst Castle in 2011.
Sarah Markowitz & Best Buddies
Global Ambassador Tom Brady
National Events 2014
JUNE 1, 2014
Boston & Hyannis Port, Massachusetts
The Best Buddies Challenge: Hyannis Port, chaired by Tom Brady, was a 100,
50, or 20-mile cycling adventure from Boston to Hyannis Port, with an optional
5K run/walk chaired by Olympian Carl Lewis. The event kicked off with the
Tom Brady Football Challenge, and concluded with celebrity tandem races, a
celebratory clambake and a private concert by the Dropkick Murphys.
Carmel & San Simeon, California
The Best Buddies Challenge: Hearst Castle, co-chaired by Maria Shriver and
Lieutenant Governor of California Gavin Newsom, was a 100, 62, 30, or 15mile cycling adventure along the Pacific Coast Highway, from Carmel to the
renowned Hearst Castle in San Simeon, with an optional 5K run/walk led by
Olympian Carl Lewis. The event kicked off with a Friday night reception hosted
by Maria Shriver and concluded with celebrity tandem races, a festive barbecue
and private concert at Hearst Ranch.
OCTOBER 18, 2014
Washington, District of Columbia and Leesburg, Virginia
Best Buddies hosted a five-star, family-friendly event featuring 100K and 100mile bike rides from the Washington Monument to historic Morven Park in
Leesburg, Virginia. The event also featured a 20-mile bike ride, tandem bike
races, a 5K run/walk chaired by Olympian Carl Lewis, and a 5K Student Fun
Run which began and ended at the National Mall. It concluded with a barbecue
feast and private celebration.
NOVEMBER 21, 2014
Miami, Florida
The 18th Annual Best Buddies Miami Gala was a spectacular event supporting
people with IDD around the world. Each year, more than 800 prominent
local and international guests attend this elegant event, including notable
celebrities, athletic superstars, and incredible performers. Guests gathered at
the Fontainebleau Miami Beach hotel to celebrate Best Buddies while enjoying
a gourmet dinner, a top-notch auction and dazzling entertainment. The day’s
festivities kicked off with the Best Buddies Challenge: Miami, a 62-mile ride,
limited to only 50 cyclists. This exclusive ride featured a Tour de France style
police escorted peloton with road and intersection closures, support vehicles,
and three fully-stocked rest stops.
National Events 2014
What started 20 years ago as a one-day event has evolved into a month-long
celebration commemorating Best Buddies’ mission. Best Buddies Month,
which takes place each year in March, is a time for Best Buddies participants
to reflect on the importance of friendship, jobs, and the development of future
leaders. More importantly, it is a time to show the world the significance of
these essentials in every individual’s life. In March 2014, entire chapters and
individual volunteers showcased their passion for Best Buddies by participating
in community carnivals, regional dances, and school-wide assemblies.
Best Buddies continues to play a significant role in eliminating the demeaning
use of the R-word. The partnership with Special Olympics and dozens of other
organizations raises awareness of the hurtful effects of the word "retard(ed)"
and encourages people to pledge to stop using it. Spread the Word to End
the Word holds its' annual day of awareness on the first Wednesday of every
March. However, people everywhere can help spread the word throughout their
communities and schools all year long through pledge drives, youth rallies and
online activation.
An Evening with Tom Brady was a wonderful event, featuring a spectacular
dinner by esteemed chefs, silent auction, and a question & answer session
with Best Buddies Global Ambassador and New England Patriots Quarterback
Tom Brady. Houston Texans minority owners Javier Loya and Chuck Watson
and Olympian Carl Lewis were among notables at the event, hosted by Best
Buddies Board of Directors member Becca Cason Thrash. The event, held in
May 2014, raised $850,000 for the organization.
In July 2014, more than 2,000 student and adult leaders from around the globe
attended this three-day conference. Program participants united for a weekend
of leadership development and training. Participants were encouraged to think
about the global effects of social inclusion for people with IDD. Best Buddies
provided nearly 40 scholarships to disadvantaged student leaders who would
not have otherwise attended.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver (EKS) Day was created in 2010 in her honor, to inspire
people to experience her legacy, embrace the movement she founded to bring
awareness to the disability movement and champion the rights of people with
intellectual and developmental disabilities. EKS day promotes a global call for
people to commit actions of inclusion, acceptance and unity for people with
IDD. The third annual EKS Day was observed on September 23rd throughout the
United States and in 100 countries. Activities included playing sports, picnics,
canned-food drives, leadership trainings and pledges to stop using the R-word.
The Dallas Gala, with Jan and Jeff Rich serving as Honorary Chairs, was an
incredible event, featuring a gourmet dinner, live and silent auctions, and a private
concert. Each year more than 400 prominent guests from Dallas and around
the world, including business leaders, sports figures and celebrities, gather to
celebrate inclusion and help support Best Buddies' endeavors in Texas.
I’m In To Hire is a movement that launched on October 7, 2014. Rooted in the key findings of the groundbreaking 2014 report by
the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp), “Employing People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,” the campaign
brings to light the business benefits of hiring people with IDD so that more companies will take action by employing these skilled
and qualified individuals.
Campaign Goal:
To get one million unemployed individuals with IDD off the sidelines and integrated into the workforce over the next 10 years internationally.
Key Highlights From the i4cp Study:
High-performance organizations surveyed for the study who already employ people with IDD, such as the law firm Holland &
Knight and Silicon Valley Bank, reported the following benefits:
• 57% reported the addition of highly-motivated employees who are good talent matches
• 43% said it produces measureable and observable business benefits
• 47% reported an inclusive culture attractive to talent pools
• 60% said it supports their diversity and inclusion strategy
Carlos Slim Helú & Anthony Kennedy
Shriver at Bloomberg's In the Loop to
discuss I'm In To Hire.
Best Buddies New York office getting
ready to show their support at the
Today Show.
Best Buddies Global
Ambassador Kyrie Irving
supports inclusive workplaces.
Mike Maguire, Will Macon
& Bryan Link Tennessee program
participants at the Best Buddies
Leadership Conference.
Domestic Revenue:
Foundations and C orps.
S pecial E vents
Domestic E xpenses:
Management and General
International Revenue:***
Total Revenue:
Domestic Net Asset Summary
Net Assets (beginning of year)
C hange in Net Assets
Domestic Net Assets (end of year)
*S tatement of Activities for calendar year 2014 based on B est B uddies International's
Form 990-2014
**"Other" represents revenue generated from a collection of sources including Chapter
Dues, Annual Leadership Conference, Investment Income and Cause-Related Marketing.
***Gross consolidation of International Licensees that operate as their own NGOs.
and Corps.
and General
Current Assets
Cash in Bank
Marketable Securities
Pre-Paid Expenses
Accounts Receivable
Contributions Receivable
Grant Receivables
Investments - Deferred Compensation Plan
Total Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Total Fixed Assets
Accounts Payable
Deferred Revenue
Deferred Compensation Plan Liability
Total Liabilities
$ 1,478,766
Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance
Total Fund Balance
$ 8,143,816
$ 8,143,816
$ 9,622,582
$ 7,900,725
$ 8,143,815
Board of Directors
Hon. Nicole Avant
Former U.S. Ambassador
Brad Blank
Brad Blank & Associates, Inc.
Ronald L. Book
Romero Britto
Nan Bush
Ronald L. Book, P.A.
Pop Artist
Britto Central
Little Bear Studio
Global Ambassador
Best Buddies International
Administrative Assistant
Silicon Valley Bank
Charles Calhoun
Arturo Elias-Ayub
Director, Strategic Alliances
& Institutional Relations
Telmex Foundation
Robert Friedman
Holland & Knight
Arij Gasiunasen
Aaron Gershenberg
Denise Godreau
Michael Hardman Ph.D.
Gasiunasen Gallery
Managing Partner
SVB Capital
Chief Marketing Officer
Baha Mar Ltd.
Distinguished Professor
and Chief Global Officer
University of Utah
Hon. Patrick J. Kennedy
Gerard A. Klingman, CFP
Philip Levine
Carl Lewis
James Lintott
Former U.S. Congressman,
Founder, Kennedy Forum
Klingman & Associates
President & CEO
Baron Corporation
Nine Time Olympic
Gold Medalist
Chairman, Sterling
Foundation Mgmnt.
Don List
Jose Maria Olle
John P. Oswald
Tatiana S. Platt
Thomas Quick
Vice President
Adept Fasteners
President & CEO
Capital Trust Group
Vice President, International
Programs & Special Projects
Best Buddies International
Anthony Kennedy Shriver
Ben Silverman
Becca Cason Thrash
Dani Warmund
Bruce Weber
Bernie Yuman
Founder & Chairman
Best Buddies International
Founder & CEO
Graduate Student
University of N.C.
Little Bear Studio
Bernie Yuman Mgmnt.
Honorary Board Member
Honorary Board Member
Eunice Kennedy Shriver
Keith Allen Haring
Special Olympics International
Pop Artist
Creator of the Best Buddies Logo
Executive Team
John M. Carlin
Senior Director
Major Gifts & Planned Giving
Vice President
International Programs
& Special Projects
Lisa Derx
Vice President
Government Relations
Mark Lewis
Vice President
Marketing &
Strategic Development
JR Fry
Vice President
State Development
Jen Miller
Senior Vice President
Finance & Operations
David Quilleon
Anthony Kennedy Shriver
Founder & Chairman
Vice President
Human Resources & Operations
Scott Tracy
Natalie Van Eron
Mark J. Wylie
Senior Vice President
Global Mission, State
Development & Operations
Vice President
Challenges, Special Events,
& Sponsor Relations
Vice President
National Development
& Miami Challenge
Julie Torres
Vice President
Talent Relations
Meet Our Supporters
$500,000 and Above
Audi of America
$250,000 to $499,999
Country Kitchen Breads & Rolls*
$100,000 to $249,999
The Ferraro Law Firm
Las Vegas Sands Corporation
Natixis Global Asset Management
Pepsi-Cola Company
$50,000 to $99,999
20th Century Fox
BNY Mellon
Cutrale Citrus Juices U.S.A.
E & J Gallo Winery
FIJI Water
John Hancock
Med-Care Diabetic and Medical Supplies
Midland National Life Insurance Company
Rosetta Stone Ltd.
TracFone Wireless
$25,000 to $49,999
BlueCross BlueShield of Massachusetts
Compañia de elaborados de café ELCAFÉ
Demoulas Super Markets, Inc.
Eaton Vance Management
Equestrian Sport Productions
Foxwoods Resort Casino
Lyfe Kitchen Restaurants
Mack Cycle & Fitness
Municipal Acquisitions
Samsung Galaxy
Santander Bank
Westriver Management
$10,000 to $24,999
Abdo, Eick, & Meyers
Associated Bank
August Capital Master Management
Battery Management Company
Baystate Health Center, Inc.
Bloomberg L.P.
BlueRun Ventures
Boich Companies
Boone Pickens
Bridgestone Americas
Cargill Incorporated
Consolidated Press LTD
Dave Matthews Band
DNI Corp
EMC Corporation
EM-Power Services, Inc.
First Solar
Franklin American Mortgage Company
FTN Financial
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Greenberg Traurig - Boston
Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company
Holland & Knight
JP Morgan Chase
Key Bank
La Playa Properties Group, Inc.
Las Vegas Coffee Investors
Marcus Hotels & Resorts
Marriott Wailea Beach Resort & Spa
MFS Investments
Miami-Dade Employability Network
Nomura Securities International, Inc.
Parthenon Group
Pfizer, Inc.
Promoter Line Incorporated Festival &
Concert Division
Quality One Wireless
RatPac Entertainment
Reilly Worldwide, INC.
Ribbit Capital
Riemer & Braunstein
Ronald Book PA
Sally A. Heyman Campaign
Shields Health Care Group LP
Stanley Korshak, LP
Universal Fairs, Inc.
Winston Brothers, Inc.
$5,000 to $9,999
Altria Group Inc.
Artefacto Design Place, Inc.
Atlas Venture Advisors, Inc.
Ballengee Interests
BB&T Equipment Finance
Behavior Intervention Services
BMO Harris Bank N.A.
Boston Capital
Canaan Partners
Cape Air - Nantucket Airlines
Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation
Central Florida Marketing & Promotions
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Commonwealth Edison Company
Community Bridges
Cox Target Media
Deer Management Company
Delaware Diagnostic & Rehabilitation
Center P.A.
Delaware North Companies Sport
Services, Inc.
DelleDonne & Associates, Inc.
Discover Financial Services
Dynamic Therapy Services
Earl Swensson Associates, Inc.
Edwards Wildman Palmer
Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company
of Iowa
FEAT Organization
First Republic Bank
First State Orthopaedics, P.A.
Florida Power & Light
Genovese Joblove & Battista, P.A.
Gray Robinson Attorneys at Law
Hubbell Realty Company
Indiana University Health
J.E. Dunn Construction
Kimmel, Carter, Roman & Peltz, P.A.
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
Layton Construction Co., Inc.
Lipscomb University
Luxury Autos of Huntington, Inc.
Luxury Autos of Smithtown
Mahaffey Tent & Awning Co., Inc.
Mastercard Worldwide
Mayer Brown
Meltzer Carroll Life
Moore Oil Company
New England Performance Cars
New Regency Productions, Inc.
Northern Trust Charitable Giving Program
At The Chicago Comm
Northwestern Mutual
Open Road of Manhattan
Opportunity Village
Oxford Finance
Patrons of Blue Man Group Boston
Rx For Reading
Saltz, Mongeluzzi, Barrett & Bendesky, P.C.
Shook, Hardy & Bacon, Law Office
Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A.
Southland Industries
Summit Pharmacy, Inc.
Tesoro Companies, Inc.
The Lenox Hotel
The Mahoney Group
The Savings Bank Life Insurance
Company of Massachusetts
TUUCI Worldwide
TVL Management Corporation
United Phoenix Firefighters Association, Inc.
Walgreens Family of Companies
Washington Kastles
Waterstone Bank
Whole Foods Market
Xactly Corporation
$100,000 to $249,999
Martha & Rick De La Croix
Dondero Family
Richard Fant
Penney & Gerard Klingman
May Liang & James Lintott
Nancy & Richard Rogers
Donna & George Zoley
$50,000 to $99,999
Adil Adi
Luba & Alan Bigman
Theresa Havens
Barbara & Stephen Hearst
Melinda & Jeff Hildebrand
Marc Leder
Don List
Tommy Mottola
Mona & John Oswald
Lydia & Rudy Prio-Touzet
Shirley Rees
Lynda & Stewart Resnick
Daniel Ribeiro
Sammy Sosa
Tom Sullivan
Hiro Yamagata
$25,000 to $49,999
Adrienne Arsht
Mark Bellissimo
Rebecca Bowman Nassikas
Jan Brandt
Romero Britto
Chris Bruegger
Michael Descheneaux
Lisa D'Urso
Jan & Jim Field
Diane & Neil Goodhue
Brian Grazer
Christina Griffith
Donald Guloien
Marietta & Ken Harte
Michelle & Howard Kessler
Michele King & Don Soffer
Kate & Jonathan B. Kling
Bob Kraft
Lynn & Ted Leonsis
Shari & Eric Miller
Alvaro Noboa
Elizabeth North
Kathleen Pearson
Dianne & Philip Raso
Jan & Jeff Rich
Marlyne Sexton
Amira & Ron Simkins
Sandra & Tony Tamer
Mike Van Handel
Patricia Villareal
Mark Warner
Deborah & Jeffrey Wechsler
Natalie Wexler & James Feldman
Roger Winter
$10,000 to $24,999
Nicole Avant & Ted Sarandos
Andrew Barowsky*
Jo-Anne & Richard Bilotti
Stephen Bing
Snezana & Michael Bojkovic
Christopher Buchanan
Nan Bush & Bruce Weber
Tom Campion
Sara & Ugo Colombo
Kristina Daglio
Elena & Greg Davis
Trina & Robert Dean
Philippe Dehaene
Mark Denesuk
Stephanie & Irv Don
Kelly & Doug Eaton
John Fell
Jean-Marie & Raul Fernandez
Jay Fields
Linette Guerra & Mariano Pastor
MariaGuijarro Aguirre
Georgina Hartland
Patrick Heron
Jim Hinckley
Brian Hogan
Ann Howland - Doerr
Kyrie Irving
Ray Jackson
Sheila Johnson
Richard Kay
Patrick Kennedy
Bobby Kotick
Raymond Lamb
Dave Lambert
Rafael Lamuno
*Both Corporate and Individual contributions made to Best Buddies
Carl Lewis
Jay Luchs
Stephen Luczo
Robert Machiz
Catherinne Anne & Patrick Markert
Tom McDermott
Michael Meldman
Carlos Migoya
Michael Mithoff
Keli & Mark Mondello
Michele Mosbacher
Patty & Bobby Nail
Kim Perkins
Cynthia & Anthony Petrello
Katherine Phelps
Abigail & FJ Pollak
Heather Quinn
Cliffe Reckling
Ken Reilly
Keith Rich
Caroline Riley
J. Douglas Rippeto
Marilyn & Ronald Rotter
Randy & HarlanSelesnick
Connie & Joseph Shay
Michael Simkins
Jeff Skoll
James Stankard
Debbie & Bob Sullivan
Elizabeth & Lewis Swezy
David Treadwell
Dwarkesh Trivedi
Bobby Tudor
Terdema Ussery
Marianne Yood
Melissa Zachariasz
$5,000 to $9,999
John Adams
Eric Affeldt
Laura Anderson
Michael Apfelbaum
Jeffrey Apfelbaum
Angie Atema
Riza Aziz
Jonathan Babicka
Lon Baker
David Ball
Tom Bambury
Jeffrey Bank
Sam Banks
Stephen Barek
Jennifer Bateman
Meet Our Supporters
INDIVIDUALS (continued)
Robert Beal
Michelle & Greg Becker
David Belluck
Sallymoon Benz
Yolanda & Jeff Berkowitz
Kay Bernon
Alan Berro
Devinder Bhatia
Lucy & Henry Billingsley
Jonathan Blake
Brad Blank
Nancy Bohlen
Michael Bonini
Mariellen Boomsma
Cathy Borlenghi
Angela & Chip Boyd
Tony Bradfield
Robert Brugge
Chuck Bunnell
Patrick Burke
Keith Cargil
Scott Case
Ray Childress
James Clark
Charles Clark
Dougan Clarke
Stephanie & Ernie Cockrell
Gene Coffman
Peg & Dave Cooney
Arlyn Cypen
Kevin Danaj
Carole & Donald Dell
Beeni DeStefano
Selene Devaney
Mark DeVincentis
Robert Devlin
Phillip Dingle
Hazel Durand
Steven Durham
Joyce Echols
Scott Eisen
Cindy Elchenholz
Robert Ellin
John Emra
Dorothy Farrell
Ted Fowler
Lynn Friess
Maureen Gemma
Jeffrey Gerson
David Giunta
Gary Goldberg
Patricia Golumbic-Tang
Glen Gonzalez
Ceron Gonzalo
Barbara & Michael Goot-Gamson
Bertha Gray
Jonathan Grayer
Evan Greenberg
Laura Greenberg
Donna & Gary Greenfield
Debra Grierson
David Guarino
Michael Hahn
Maureen & John Hailer
Evan Hainey
Val Halamandaris
Ann Hallead
Ed Hawes
Herman Heise
Hattie Hill
Mark Hintlian
Thomas Holly
Bo & Courtney Hopson
J. Richard Huckaby
Mark Hunter
Rod Ingalls
Doreen Jimenez
Cortlandt Johnson
Thomas Jovin
Kathi Koll
David Latcha
Vanessa Lattner
Cathy Laurence
Caroline LeBlanc
Harold Lewis
Victor Livingstone
Diane Lokey Farb
Lynnette Loveland
Mark Lovell
Donna & Greg Lucas
Joe Majors
Jack Manning
Arthur Margolis
Kathleen Marx
Susan Mays
Donald McCree
Brian McCulloch
Carla McDonald
Jack McDonald
Ronda McDonald
Alan Meltzer
Jose Migoya
Yvette Mitchell
Thomas Molnar
Valeh Nazemoff-Acolyst
Anne Nesbitt
Konstantinos Nicolacakis
Robert O'Leary
Kathryn Oliver
James Packer
Marilynn & Kirk Peda
Stuart Pederson
Elizabeth Petersen
Amanda & Curtis Polk
Kathleen & Cliff Porter
Jacqueline Quinn
Matthew Radigan
Barrett Reasoner
Sabiha Rehmatulla
Greg Rivers
Jeanne Roberts
Walter Robinson
Cean Rogers
Mickey Rosemarin
Todd Ruderman
Joseph Scarlett
Robert Scherzer
Myrna Schlegel
Michael Schlesinger
Aydin Senkut
Jeff Shelton
James Silliman
Alex Simpson
Ellen & Kenneth Slater
Lyn Sohr
Marcia Solomon
Robin Stewart
Victoria Sullivan
Jeff Talley
Lorne Tappa
Geoff Tate
Michael Thoresen
Jim Thorp
Rochelle Trotter
Kimberly Trotz
Happy Walters
Richard Watson
Trisha Wilson
Vivian Wise
Fay Zakhem
Gabriele Zuliani
$500,000 and Above
Telmex Foundation
$250,000 to $499,999
Annenberg Foundation
$100,000 to $249,999
Carnival Cruise Line/Seabourn Cruise Line
Central Children's Charities
Crimson Lion Foundation
Engelstad Family Foundation
Highland Street
Kids Connect Charitable Fund
May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust
MGM Resorts International
Sterling Foundation Management
The NASCAR Foundation
United Way of Miami-Dade
$50,000 to $99,999
Ann G. and James B. Ritchey Foundation
Ansin Foundation
Anthony R. Abraham Foundation Inc.
Bank of America, N.A.
CVS Health
Helping Hands Foundation, Inc.
Liberty Mutual Foundation, Inc.
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Ruderman Family Foundation
The Caesars Foundation
The Hearst Foundation, Inc.
The Taft Foundation
The TJX Foundation, Inc.
Troesh Family Foundation
Windsong Trust
$25,000 to $49,999
Capital One Services
Cardinal Cushing Centers, Inc.
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Discovery Land Company Foundation
Madison Tournament
Drew Foundation
Durham Family Foundation
Edith L. Trees Charitable Trust
Helen Bader Foundation, Inc.
Manpower Foundation, Inc.
Miles for Miles Foundation
Nashville Predators Foundation
PG&E Corporation Foundation
Putnam Investments Foundation
Stan and Susan Ruta Family Charitable Fund
State Street Foundation
Team Shaan Foundation
Thadikonda Research Foundation Inc.
The Becker Family Charitable Fund
The Foundation For Those Without A Voice
The Gheens Foundation, Inc.
Greater Houston Community Foundation
The Mark & Mary Freitas Foundation
The Sharon D. Lund Foundation
The Tom Sullivan Foundation, Inc.
Wal-Mart Stores
William S. Abell Foundation, Inc.
Yahoo! Employee Fund
Yawkey Foundation II
$10,000 to $24,999
Arie and Ida Crown Memorial
Bessemer Trust
Boston Bruins Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Burns Family Foundation
Charles E. Benidt Foundation, Inc.
Charlottesville Area Community Foundation
Cheshire Half Marathon 5K Foundation Inc.
Clark Charitable Foundation
CSC Charitable Foundation
CVS Caremark Charity Classic
FISA Foundation
Hawaii Community Foundation
Houston Endowment, Inc.
John W. Alden Trust
Kenneth T. & Eileen L. Norris Foundation
Lakshmi Foundation
M Wahlberg Youth Foundation
Marshall R. Matley Foundation
Maui United Way
Middlesex Savings Charitable Foundation
Nationwide Insurance Foundation
Prairie Meadows Foundation
Renee and Ted's Big Heart Foundation
Schoenleber Foundation Inc.
Stackner Family Foundation
Suffolk Construction's Red & Blue
Foundation, Inc.
The Batchelor Foundation, Inc.
The Comcast Foundation
The Craig and Kathryn Hall Foundation
The Kimmel Spiller Charitable Foundation
The Lampert Foundation
The Pratt Foundation
The Robert Goelet Foundation
The Scannell Family Charitable Fund
The Will Smith Charitable Foundation
Trends International Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
United Way of Central New Mexico
Variety-The Children's Charity
Woolford Foundation
$5,000 to $9,999
100 Women in Hedge Funds
Adams Family Foundation II
Aged Pooled Trust
Alexander Russell Tulloch Trust
Boomerang Foundation, Inc.
Brees Dream Foundation
Cedar Street Charitable Foundation
Charles and M.R.Shapiro Foundation, Inc.
Charles R. Jelm Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Chloes Cause, Inc.
Communities Foundation of Texas
Community Foundation of Greater Memphis
Community Foundation of Howard County
Coyotes Charities
Denny Foundation
Doligale Family Charitable Foundation Inc.
Doris Woolsey Foundation
Elm Grove Junior Guild
Enterprise Holdings
Freeman E. Fairfield Foundation
Frieda and William Hunt Memorial Trust
Gary & Pennie Abramson Charitable
The Cockrell Foundation
Geico Philanthropic Foundation
George S. and Dolores Dore' Eccles
Greater Cedarburg Foundation
Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Inc.
Hope Christian Community Foundation, Inc.
J.M. McDonald Foundation, Inc.
Jana Foundation, Inc.
Jerome S. and Grace H. Murray Foundation
John J. & Pauline Gerlach Foundation
Joseph Briere Foundation
The Mark and Mary Ann Kaufman
Family Fund
Legacy Foundation
Lightning Foundation
Mcgowan Gin Rosica Family Foundation Inc.
McGraw Family Foundation
Milwaukee Brewers Community
Foundation, Inc.
MMAC Community Support Foundation
Phoenix Suns Charities, Inc.
Principal Financial Group Foundation
Rays Baseball Foundation, Inc.
Samerian Foundation Inc.
Schwab Charitable Fund
Steve J. Miller Foundation
Suzanne Jovin Memorial Fund
Taco Bell Foundation For Teens
The Apatow-Mann Family Foundation, Inc.
The Apax Foundation
The Beveridge Family Foundation, Inc.
The California Endowment
The Chesley G. Magruder Foundation, Inc.
The Community Foundation of Louisville, Inc.
The George & Judy Marcus Family
The John H. Schnatter Family Foundation Inc.
The Katharine Matthies Foundation
The Mentor Network Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
The Pioneer Fund
The Richard Lovett Trust of 1996
The Robert and Jamie Taylor Foundation
The Safeway Foundation
The Seabury Foundation
The Siebert Family Foundation
The Sundt Foundation
The Wellmark Foundation
Thomas W. Bradley Foundation, Inc.
United Way of Southern Nevada
Warmenhoven Family Foundation
WHAS Crusade For Children, Inc.
$500,000 and Above
Florida Department of Education
Illinois Department of Human Services
Meet Our Supporters
GOVERNMENT (continued)
$250,000 to $499,999
Connecticut Department of
Developmental Services
Maryland State Department of Education
$100,000 to $249,999
Arkansas Department of Health and
Human Services
Hawaii Department of Education Indiana Department of Education, Division
of Exceptional Learners
Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene
Massachusetts Department of
Developmental Services
Miami-Dade County Office of
Management and Budget
New Mexico Public Education Department
Region 10 Education Center, Texas
$50,000 to $99,999
Arizona Department of Education
Honolulu City and County Maui County, Hawaii
$25,000 to $49,999
Delaware Division of Developmental
Disabilities Services East Arkansas Planning and Development
John F. Kennedy Library and Museum
Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Florida
Montgomery County, Maryland, Department
of Health & Human Services
Utah Department of Human Services,
Services for People with Disabilities
Rhode Island Office of Higher Education
$10,000 to $24,999
Alexandria, Virginia
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Hearst Castle
State of Delaware
$5,000 to $9,999
City of Chandler, Arizona
City of Falls Church, Virginia
$500,000 and Above
Tom Brady
Hearst Corporation*
Jan & Jeff Rich
Maria Shriver
Becca Cason Thrash & John Thrash
$249,000 to $499,999
Joanne Jaxtimer
Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy III
Silicon Valley Bank
$100,000 to $249,999
Bicycling Magazine
Romero Britto
CBS Radio/98.5 The Sports Hub
Clear Channel
Sara & Ugo Colombo
Guy Fieri
Aaron Gershenberg
Maureen & John Hailer
Penney & Gerry Klingman
San Francisco Chronicle
Seyfarth Shaw
$50,000 to $99,999
Accenture Federal Services
Alexander Hernandez-Dessauer
Tara & Kenn Hitchcock-Francis
Pilot Freight Services
$25,000 to $49,999
90.9 WBUR
Aventura Worldwide Transportation
Ricardo Bellino
Rafael Feliz Jr.
Gary Fears
JCDecaux North America
May Liang & James Lintott
Catherine-Anne & Patrick Markert
Michael Meldman
Niche Media
The Soffer Family & Fontainebleau Hotel
Qatar Airways
Quail Lodge & Golf Club
$10,000 to $24,999
Amgen Tour of CA
Boston Globe
Classic Party Rentals
Fairmont Hotel
Paul Goldschmidt
Gourmet Catering
Harpoon Brewery
Kenneth Cole
Kurt Warner Foundation
M.C. Dean, Inc.
MY Skincare
The Moorings Village and Spa
Randy Perkins
Brett Ratner
Southern Wine & Spirits
Swirl Marketing
Tiffany & Co.
$5,000 to $9,999
Carlton Media
Courthouse Express
e .frastructure Technologies, Inc.
Evening Entertainment Group
Genovese Joblove & Battista
Getty Images
Goorin Bros
Health Warriors
Jacob Dietz
Jacobs Design
King Dahl Event Design
LGi Linens
Milwaukee Brewers Community Foundation
Peets Coffee & Tea
Edwards Wildman
$500,000 and Above
Team Silicon Valley Bank
$250,000 to $499,999
Team Maria
Team Tom Brady
$100,000 to $249,999
Team Audi
Team Eaton Vance
Team Greenberg Traurig/GT for KT
Team John Hancock
Team Natixis
Team Patriot Pedalers
$50,000 to $99,999
Team Believe
Team Brendan Kelly/C-Fam
Team California
Team Hearst
Team King James Buddies
Team Manpower/Wisconsin
Team Rosetta Stone
Team Swirl
Team Seyfarth Shaw
$25,000 to $49,999
Team Antonio Contreras
Team BNY Mellon
Team Dog Pack
Team Duxbury
Team Gallo
Team Guess?
Team Henry
Team Hincapie
Team Holland & Knight
Team Marlowe
Team Pepsi and Friends
Team Sunshine
Team Webcor
Team Daniel's Dynamos
Team East Bay Grille
Team Energi
Team Fowler
Team Freshbikes
Team Garden City High School
Team Granny Gear Drops
Team Guloien
Team H.B. Plant - Booty booty walk
it everywhere
Team Harrington
Team Harry and Karla
Team Holland & Knight LLP - Team Barbie
Team Ireland
Team ISU Best Buddies
Team Jacob
Team John and Kate
Team Kates & Barlow
Team L.E.K. San Francisco
$10,000 to $24,999
Team A Dam Good Decision
Team Atlantic Trust
Team Avid
Team Beacon Consulting
Team Best Coast Cycling Club
Team Blake
Team Blood Sweat & Gears
Team Blue Man Group Boston
Team Carl Lewis
Team Cassidy Turley
Team Christian at Latham & Watkins
Team Crown and Anchor
Team CVS Caremark
Team Lakshmi
Team Merrill Lynch & Friends
Team Miles for Murph
Team Pandora
Team PG&E
Team Project Search
Team Rutan and Tucker
Team Sabrofit
Team Safari Citizens
Team Sean!
Team Team Extreme
Team Teddy
Team Tesoro
Team TWHS Best Buddies
Team The James Gang
Team Virtual PBX
Team Whelen
Participating Employers
Bark of the Town
Hollywood Animal Clinic
Eaton Vance
Goldline International, INC
H.I.G. Capital, L.L.C.
Imperial Capital
MasterCard Worldwide
Natixis Global Asset Management
PenCal Administrators
Silicon Valley Bank
Britto Pop Art
DCH Gardena Honda
Kel & Partners
Participant Media
Relativity Media
Royal Media Partners
Swirl Advertising
Team One
De Moya Group
Angier Elementary School
Calvary Methodist Preschool
Dana Middle School
Institute for Community Inclusion
Pierce Middle School
Rosetta Stone
Chartwell's at Barry University
Temple Beth Am (Pressman Academy)
Trinity MOPS
UMASS Lowell
Best Fitness Health Center
Equinox Century City
George Mason Aquatic and Fitness Center
Thomas Menino YMCA of Greater Boston
Youfit Health Clubs
Blaze Pizza
Fiji Water
Hojas Tea House
Independent Purchasing Cooperative
Joe’s Stone Crab Restaurant
LYFE Kitchen
LongHorn Steakhouse #5352
Fruit Center of Milton
Gate Gourmet
Gardener’s Choice
Grocery Outlet
Protein Bar
*Contributors include the Hearst Ranch and Barbara & Stephen Hearst
Schnebly Redland's Winery
Star Market
Stop & Shop
Swine Southern Table & Bar
Tedeschi Food Shops
The Salty Dog
Trader Joe’s
Whole Foods Market
Accenture Federal Services
City of Doral
City of Hialeah
City of Long Beach - City Clerk's Office
City of Los Angeles - Mayor's Office of
Economic Development
City of Miami Beach
City of North Bay Village
Department of Developmental Services
Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities
Pleasant Hill Library
Village of Pinecrest
Weston Public Library
Access Medical Group
Cambridge Hospital
Participating Employers (continued)
Cambridge Nursing & Rehab Center
Cedars – Sinai Medical Center
Dr. Patricia L. Carolan, DMD,
General Dentistry
Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center
Mt. Auburn Hospital
Norwegian American Hospital
Oliver Pyatt Institute
Skokie Meadows Nursing Center
Sodexo at Dana Farber
Sodexo at Aventura Hospital
UNM Hospital
Westside Regional Center
Fairmont Miramar
Hilton LAX
Holiday Inn Express
Hyatt Regency
John Hancock
Marriott Burlington
MGM Resorts International
Service Systems Associates
The Ritz – Carlton Key Biscayne
Gelfand, Renner, & Feldman LLP
Goldberg & Rosen, PA
Holland & Knight
Kates & Barlow, PC
Latham & Watkins LLP
Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Trujillo Vargas Ortiz & Gonzalez LLC
Braille Institute Los Angeles
Futures Explored, Alive Program
My Life Foundation
Special Olympics
The Mentor Network
The Salvation Army
20th Century Fox
Adrienne Arsht Center
Boston Red Sox
Entertainment Tonight/ The Insider
Exceptional Theatre Co.
FOX Broadcasting Company
FOX Networks, Engineering & Operations
Lucky Strike
Miami Marlins
Monumental Sports & Entertainment
National Basketball Association
NFL Network
Ocean Drive Magazine
Washington Nationals
Wildfire Casino and Lanes
Starland Sports and Fun Park
Presidio Golf Course
Berglund Construction
Hobbs Brook LLC
John Phillips Property Management
Jones Lang LaSalle
LNR Property LLC
Aventura Mall
Bath and Body Works
Bob’s Discount Furniture
Carson's Clearance Store
Double R Vending
Party City
Sports Memorabilia
TJ Maxx
VERC Enterprises, Inc.
United Talent Agency
William Morris Endeavor
ArX Solutions
Brightstar Corporation
Museo Vault
Value Store It
Special Thanks
The Marketing and Strategic Development Department would like to thank HQ, State and International teams for all of their help in
creating this report. This collaborative effort was supported by the entire organization and across all departments. While we wish to
thank everyone for their contribution, please also note the following people that played a major role in its development:
Copy and Editing: Jessica Schwartz, Senior Director, Marketing
Nicole Maddox, Senior Manager, Sponsor Development & Communications
Stephanie Moore, Senior Director, State Operations
Global Statistics: Bill Maurer, Director, Online Programs
Jacob Laverriere, Senior Director, Jobs
Jen Miller, Senior Vice President, Finance & Operations
Noelle Smikle, Director, Sponsor Relations
Design: Vanessa Beltran, Director, State Marketing
Thank you,
Mark Lewis
Vice President, Marketing & Strategic Development
Buddy pair Matt Burns & Evan Parker
50 States / 6 Conti
nents / 54 Countries
A Message From Our Leaders
Going into 2014 our emphasis and primary goal was expansion in both strategic areas of programs and
staff while maintaining sound financial growth. Throughout the year we celebrated many successes: the
largest Friendship Walk in the history of the state, three regional Friendship Balls, the addition of one
new staff member, the opening of the state’s first Middle School Friendship chapter, the opening of our
second Corporate Citizen chapter thanks to generous support from Sammons Financial Group, high
BBIA representation at the Best Buddies International Leadership Conference, and a record-breaking
Chef Challenge in October. Additionally, our staff worked to host several trainings and networking
opportunities for our student leaders with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD)
and laid the groundwork to open several new chapters in 2015 all while continuing to provide support to
all of our growing friendships.
In 2015 we will continue to expand into new schools, continuing our focus on middle schools. We
will open new Corporate Citizen chapters and continue to build capacity of the state office through
successful state events.
John Kliegl
State Director
As Board Chair of Best Buddies Iowa, I am proud to announce that 2014 has been a break-out year! It
has been everyone’s hope and desire to expand our programs to have a positive impact on the lives of
individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The personal growth and leadership development
the mission brings to everyone involved is having an impact on our entire community. From friend-to-friend,
peers to parents, and buddy to buddy the inclusion revolution has momentum!
We are looking forward to another record-breaking year in 2015!
Jesse Bunney
Advisory Board Chair
Before Best Buddies I felt lonely and unattached to the world as if I didn't belong. I joined Best Buddies
because I wanted to feel special and happy. I also wanted to build a friendship. Seven years later, my
life has changed for the better. I am not only happy and feel wanted but I feel important and involved.
Best Buddies has given me the chance to open up and meet others. I have learned how to express
my feelings, which I couldn't do before. It has allowed me to create lasting friendships and for that I
am forever thankful.
Because of this organization, I have more confidence. I am proud that I can speak up for myself. As
a member of Best Buddies it’s my job to spread the word to others and to just have fun and enjoy
life. When I do these things, I feel out of this world and over joyed. I challenge you to do the same by
becoming a friend to someone with a disability and helping spread awareness! Be a friend, gain a friend!
Traci Long & Melia Dunbar
College Buddies
Thank you so much to all of our supporters. You are making a huge difference, not just here in Iowa,
but all over the whole world. Just 25 years ago, many individuals with disabilities were still tucked
away, hidden from the real world. Now, because of Best Buddies, we are in the real world, working real jobs for real pay. We are making a
difference with our lives.
Traci Long
Active Programs
One-To-One Friendships
- Total number of chapters: 1
- Total number of participants: 45
- Total number of buddy pairs: 17
- Cities/counties served: 1 city/1 county
- Total number of chapters: 17
- Total number of participants: 1050
- Total number of buddy pairs: 267
- Cities/counties served: 8 cities/9 counties
- Total number of participants: 60
- Total number of buddy pairs: 25
- Cities/counties served: 1 city/1 county
- Best Buddies Iowa served 21 individuals with
and without IDD through e-Buddies, including 34 new
participants, in 2014.
- Total number of chapters: 6
- Total number of participants: 420
- Total number of buddy pairs: 140
- Cities/counties served: 6 cities/6 counties
Integrated Employment
We need your support for Best Buddies to reach out to an even broader spectrum of employers in the coming years. With $150,000 to $250,000
in funding, Best Buddies will be able to launch a Jobs program in Iowa. For more information on how you can support the BESTBUDDIES®
JOBS program, please contact John Kliegl, State Director at johnkliegl@bestbuddies.org.
Leadership Development
- Total cumulative number of Ambassadors trained since
program inception: 200
- Total number of active Ambassadors: 13
- Total number of Ambassador trainings held this year: 2
- Total number of chapters: 1
- Total number of participants: 100
- Cities/counties served: 1 city /1 county
- Total number of Acts* completed: 4
Mission in ACTion - Promoters paving the way for inclusion
The Dowling Catholic HS Promoters chapter helps the state office to
plan two large scale events for all area chapters each year. The chapter
takes the lead on planning the annual Friendship Ball, hosting it at their
school for many years. The chapter also partners with Ruby Van Meter
School, a secondary school for individuals with moderate and severe
disabilities located in Des Moines, for several activities throughout the
school year. Students from Ruby Van Meter recently visited Dowling
Catholic to join their friends for lunch and also received a tour of the
school. Additionally, two students from Dowling Catholic serve on the
Best Buddies Iowa Local Leadership Council.
"I truly would be a completely different person than I am today without my relationship I have with
Andy, my buddy. It’s not even that Andy is just my buddy, he is my best friend and has shaped me into
who I am today. Without my best friend by my side, I would never have become as passionate about
special education as I am today. With graduation in the spring, I will be going to the University of Iowa
to pursue a major in Elementary Special Education. I truly believe this is because I have been able to
see firsthand how much Andy and I have been able to affect each other day to day and it is something
I really want to see happen more often."
Elena Rasmussen, peer buddy, Prairie High School
Signature Events
Friendship Ball
The Best Buddies Iowa Friendship Balls are hosted by the state office
each spring and take place in three key areas of the state: Des Moines,
Iowa City and Mason City. Nearly 800 participants from around the state
attend a Friendship Ball to celebrate friendship and inclusion, dancing
the night away with their friends! This year, the Friendship Ball theme
was “Hollywood.” Participants walked the red carpet, posed for pictures
in a photo booth and enjoyed movie themed food and refreshments.
Best Buddies Friendship Walk
In 2014, Best Buddies Iowa held two Friendship Walks. In April, 150
chapter members and their families along with members of the community
walked for inclusion on the University of Iowa Campus. In May, more than
400 Best Buddies participants and supporters gathered at the Valley
Community Center in West Des Moines to celebrate an amazing year
of friendship and inclusion in our communities! Together, our Friendship
Walks raised a total of $38,000.
Chef Challenge
At the 2014 Chef Challenge, 13 area chefs paired up with a buddy pair to
create and serve a feature dish. Event attendees voted on the best dish
and at the end of the night, two winners were announced: Della Dolce
Bakery and Woody’s Smoke Shack. The event also featured speeches
from Ambassador Traci Long, as well as, Jesse Avitt and Steven Strennan,
a Citizens buddy pair from the Sammons Financial Corporate Citizens
chapter. The Chef Challenge also included live and silent auctions which
helped to raise a total of $95,000 for Best Buddies Iowa.
Other Events:
Local Leadership Training Day
Best Buddies Iowa hosted four Local Leadership Trainings in 2014. At
the beginning of the spring semester, Best Buddies Iowa held “Back to
Best Buddies,” a refresher training for all chapter officers in two areas of
the state. More than 65 student leaders attended to learn more about the
Best Buddies Friendship Walks, tips on planning a successful “Spread
the Word to End the Word campaign” and network with their peers.
In the fall, Best Buddies Iowa held two additional Local Leadership
Trainings to provide student leaders with the opportunity to discuss
important challenges our leaders face such as the importance of age
appropriate group activities and making meaningful matches. Nearly 70
students attended these trainings in Iowa City and Des Moines.
"I have seen some amazing changes in the halls of our
high school since starting our Best Buddies program. I see
students that are excited to get into the halls to say hi to
their buddies. I see students that are comfortable in the
commons areas of school because they know if they find
themselves in a difficult situation, there will be a “buddy”
to intervene and make them feel safe. I see students that
are excited to go to school events because they know they
won’t have to be alone. I see students that can now be a
part of a club in which they can be leaders.
Because of Best Buddies, students now encourage and
embrace diversity that includes people with intellectual
Cindy Grandquist, High School Advisor
Valley High School
Program Success Stories
One-To-One Friendships
"Before joining Best Buddies, I had never really considered how much
friendship can mean to someone. I knew that friendship is important,
but didn’t know how it could change someone’s life. I joined Best
Buddies because one of my younger neighbors has a developmental
disability. I was going into my senior year of high school and he was
going to be a freshman. I knew he was nervous about going to high
school, so we joined together. We both didn’t really know anyone in
the club, so we both appreciated having the other person in the club
with us. I didn’t join with any larger goal than helping my friend be
more comfortable in a new school.
I am currently a member of the Drake University chapter, formerly
a member of the Roosevelt High School chapter. Since joining Best
Buddies, my life has changed dramatically. From my high school
experience, I realized that Best Buddies was something that I was
interested in continuing in college, and I got more involved in our
college chapter. I had never been overly passionate about anything
before, but I grew very passionate about this. I’ve learned so many
things from being in the program, the most important being how meaningful and important a friendship can be.
My buddy Alejandro and I have been paired up since 2011 and we continue to have a strong friendship. Alejandro is a pretty
amazing guy. He is an extremely passionate individual, and has a very strong sense of what is right and wrong. He believes
treating all people equal and as human beings is one of the most important things that you can do, and being around someone
like that has made me into a better person. Any given week, Alejandro and I will be out at a movie, getting lunch and a beer
together, or hanging out at a Drake sporting event."
Leadership Development
"My life before Best Buddies was pretty much the same. But because
of Best Buddies, I have more friends. It has taught me a bunch about
how everyone is the same, no matter what happens. I have also
learned to lead more. It's awesome.
I play power soccer. It's awesome. I work at Hy-Vee and keep busy.
I like to hang out with Mackayla, Sydney and Connor, my friends from
Best Buddies. I’m going to be in a play and I'll also be racing again
this year at the Special Olympics. I'm making a book that my staff
can use to help me with my care. I'm also learning how to drive a joy
stick wheelchair now. I'm hoping to get an Action Trak wheelchair so
that I can start my own lawn care and snow removal business.
Best Buddies has helped me become a better advocate for myself. It
has helped me meet new friends and given me the opportunity to share
with others about my life. We had disability awareness day at school,
to end the "R" word. That was a fun day. We blindfolded people so it
makes it hard for the students to see. I got to share a little bit about my
disability with all of our health classes. I made a difference."
State Financials
Iowa Revenue:
Foundations and Corps.
S pecial E vents
C ontribution to Reserve
and General
Iowa E xpenses:
Management and General
and Corps.
*"Other" represents revenue generated from a collection of sources including Chapter Dues, Annual Leadership Conference, Investment Income
and Cause-Related Marketing.
Meet Our Staff
Iowa Office (State Headquarters)
7648 Hickman Road
Des Moines, IA 50324
P: 515.282.6218 | F: 515.282.6221
John Kliegl, State Director
Jillian Schoonover, Program Supervisor
Melanie Hopkins, Lead Program Manager, School Friendship
"Best Buddies has impacted Cory's life and the life of our family in more ways than we ever imagined.
The relationship Cory has with his Best Buddy, Will, will be a highlight of his high school experience.
Will has the utmost respect for Cory and treats him like he would treat any of this other friends -- it is a
beautiful thing! We are so grateful for the Best Buddies program and how it has enhanced Cory's high
school experience. Thank you to all who support it with their time and resources!"
Dawn Schneider, parent of Cory, Valley High School, chapter member and Ambassador
Katie Ball and Kyrie Irving
at the 2014 Best Buddies
Leadership Conference
Friendship Walk.
Nancy O’Dell, Co-Host,
Entertainment Tonight and Best
Buddies Global Ambassador with
Lauren Potter, Actor and Best
Buddies Global Ambassador
Global Headquarters
100 Southeast Second Street, Suite 2200
Miami, Florida 33131
P 305.374.2233 | F 305.374.5305