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Redaelli Tecna S.p.A. Engineering Division 11.2i-e © Redaelli Tecna S.p.A. - Engineering Division Progetto e Stampa: Dimaprint - Milano, Italy T E N S O S T R U C T U R E S SUSPENSION STRUCTURES E N G I N E E R I N G Via A. Volta, 16 20093 Cologno Monzese Milano, Italy Tel. +39 02 25307291 Fax +39 02 25307292 E N G I N E E R I N G CABLE STAYED STRUCTURES Redaelli Engineering Division Redaelli Engineering Division, è nata con il nome as Tensoteci, started its Tensoteci nel 1972 con lo activity to introduce scopo di introdurre le tensostructures in Italy from tensostrutture in Italia e 1972, with the scope to assolvere tutte le fasi perform all the activities progettuali e realizzative di from design to manufacture. questo prodotto. Now, Engineering Division Oggi Engineering Division è is a leader in this market leader nel settore e offre and offers complete soluzioni tecniche technical solutions, complete, comprese including cable installation l’installazione e servizi di and maintenance services manutenzione per ogni tipo for all types of di tensostruttura. tensostructure. Nel recente passato ha In the recent past we have legato il proprio nome alla been involved in the costruzione del ponte Storebælt suspension Storebælt in Danimarca bridge project (the largest (il più grande ponte suspension bridge in sospeso d’Europa), Europe), in the Pisa leaning al consolidamento della tower consolidation works, torre di Pisa, alla in the cables system of the progettazione del sistema Giant London Eye di funi della gigantesca observation wheel, in the ruota di fine millennio di Athens Olympic Stadium Londra, alla realizzazione cable stayed roof, in the della copertura dello Stadio Zagreb Arena suspension Olimpico di Atene, della roof and in the Khan Shatyr copertura della Arena di Entertainment Centre Zagabria e del Parco in Astana. divertimenti coperto Khan Shatyr ad Astana. 1 E S P E R I E N Z E E X P E R I E N C E Picture: © Palladium 2010-2011 Stadio Juventus, Torino, Italia Juventus Stadium, Turin, Italy Copertura strallata. 28 funi FLC 104, 4 funi FLC 75. Le funi hanno una lunghezza totale di circa 3300 m per una massa di 200 tonnellate. Stayed roof. 28 ropes FLC 104, 4 ropes FLC 75. Total ropes length is about 3300 m for a total mass of 200 tons. 5 2010-2011 Stadio BC Place, Vancouver, Canada BC Place Stadium, Vancouver, Canada Copertura sospesa retrattile, 40.500 m2 coperti. Anello di funi composto da più di 6.000 m di fune FLC 125 mm. FREYSSINET - Pictures: B. Cousin Suspension retractable roof, 40.500 m2 covered. Ring cables made of more than 6.000 meters of locked coil cables FLC 125 mm. 6 2010-2011 Stadio Nazionale, Varsavia, Polonia National Stadium, Warsaw, Poland Suspension retractable roof, composed by nr. 2090 cables of FLC and OSS with nr. 23 different diameters, from 17 to 150 mm, for an approximate total length of 40.000 m and a weight of 1.300 tons. Fixed coved area 55.000 m2, total covered area 10.000 m2. Built by Spa - Pictures: C. Genuzio Copertura sospesa retrattile composta da n. 2090 funi FLC e OSS Galfan in 23 diversi diametri dal 17 al 150 mm, per una lunghezza totale di circa 40.000 m pari a 1.300 tons. Copertura fissa 55.000 m2; copertura mobile 10.000 m2. 7 2010-2011 Palazzetto per mountain bike, Manchester, Gran Bretagna National Indoor BMX Centre, Manchester, Great Britain Copertura strallata con 100 m di luce, 9.000 m2 coperti. Stralli a terra in FLC 60 e funi di sospensione in FLC 32. Stayed roof with 100 m span, 9.000 m2 covered. Suspension and back stays in FLC 32 and FLC 60. 8 2010 Ponte Jamarat, Mina, Arabia Saudita Jamarat bridge, Mina, Saudi Arabia Sistema di sospensione della membrana, 35000 m2 totali coperti, composto da più di n. 400 funi con funi FLC e OSS con diametri da 16 a 85 mm. TAMIMI & SONS - Eng. M. Maffeis Cable system for membrane covering, 35000 m2 covered, made of more than nr. 400 cables both FLC and OSS, with diameters between 16 and 85 mm. 9 2010 Ponte ad arco Dambovita, Bucarest, Romania Dambovita arch bridge, Bucharest, Romania Ponte stradale ad arco, 117 m luce libera con pendini in fune FLC 70. Arch road bridge, 117 m span. Hangers made with FLC 70. 10 2010 Passerella sospesa Forsoddin, Leira, Norvegia Suspension footbridge Forsoddin, Leira, Norway Passerella sospesa con 132 m di luce libera. Funi portanti FLC 60. Suspension footbridge with 132 m span. Main cables FLC 60. 11 2010 Passerella pedonale Bernatka sul fiume Vistola, Cracovia, Polonia Footbridge Bernatka over Vistula river, Krakow, Poland Passerella pedonale ad arco, 143 m di luce libera, n. 100 pendini in funi FLC 36. ATM-INTOP Arch footbridge, 143 m span, nr. 100 hangers FLC 36. 12 2009 Passerella strallata, Pescara, Italia Stayed footbridge, Pescara, Italy Passerella ciclopedonale strallata di 86 + 86 m di luce libera. Stralli in fune chiusa FLC 75, 60, 44. Pictures: Stahlbau Pichler Pedestrian stayed footbridge. 86 + 86 m span. Full locked coil strands FLC 75, 60, 44. 13 2009 Copertura Yas Marina Circuit, Abu Dhabi Yas Marina Circuit Covering, Abu Dhabi Funi di sostegno per sistema di copertura a membrana. 2500 + 8900 m2 coperti. Suspension cable system for membrane structure. 2500 + 8900 m2 covered. 14 2009 Passerella sospesa, Podgorica, Montenegro Suspension footbridge, Podgorica, Montenegro Passerella sospesa con 71,5 m di luce libera. Funi portanti e pendini FLC 40 e OSS 12. Pictures: Inter-Most AD Belgrade Suspension footbridge with 71,5 m span. Main cables and hangers FLC 40 and OSS 12. 15 2008-2009 Zagreb Arena, Zagabria, Croazia Zagreb Arena, Zagreb, Croatia Copertura sospesa con 136 m massimi di luce libera, 15.200 m2 coperti. Funi principali e funi di sospensione in fune chiusa FLC 60, 64, 40, 35, 24 e morsetti di collegamento. Pictures: © Studio HRG d.o.o. Suspended roof with 136 m maximum span, 15,200 m2 covered. Main cables and suspension cables in full locked cables FLC 60, 64, 40, 35, 24 and heavy clamps. 16 2008-2009 Passerella pedonale sospesa Collegebrug, Kortrijk, Belgio Collegebrug suspension footbridge, Kortrijk, Belgium Passerella pedonale sospesa con particolare geometria ad S di 210 m di lunghezza con campata centrale di luce libera 86 m. Funi principali e pendini in fune chiusa FLC 93, FLC 60 e fune spiroidale OSS 18, OSS 32. Pictures: © Alesa Dam Suspended footbridge following an “S” shape. The bridge’s length is 210 m with a central span of 86 m. Main cables and hangers Full locked cables FLC 93, FLC 60 and open spiral strand OSS 18, OSS 32. 17 2008-2009 Pictures: © Contrasto Parco divertimenti coperto Khan Shatyr, Astana, Kazakistan Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center, Astana, Kazakhstan 18 2008-2009 Parco divertimenti coperto Khan Shatyr, Astana, Kazakistan Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center, Astana, Kazakhstan La più alta struttura tessile del mondo. Rete di funi a base ellittica alta 150 m, 15,000 m2 coperti. 180 t m di funi OSS. The tallest tensile structure in the world. Elliptical base cable-net structure, 150 metres high, 15,000 m2 covered. 180 tons m of OSS cables. 19 2008 Passerella strallata, Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna), Italia Stayed footbridge, Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna), Italy Passerella strallata con pennone inclinato, 74 m di luce libera. Stralli in fune chiusa FLC 54 e FLC 32. Stayed footbridge with sloping mast, 74 m span. Stay cables FLC 54 and FLC 32. 20 2008 Passerella pedonale sul fiume Adda, Albosaggia (Sondrio), Italia Footbridge over the Adda river, Albosaggia (Sondrio), Italy Passerella pedonale sospesa, 63 m di luce libera. Funi portanti e stabilizzanti. Tensospazio, Italy Suspension footbridge, 63 m span. Supporting and stabilizing cables. 21 2008 Passerella Parque de Alzamora, Saragozza, Spagna Pedestrian bridge Parque de Alzamora, Zaragoza, Spain Passerella strallata per l’Expo 2008 di Saragozza con 94 + 191 m di luce libera. Stralli in fune chiusa FLC 35, 40, 45 e 128. FCC, Spain Pedestrian stayed footbridge for the Zaragoza Expo 2008 with 94 + 191 m span. Full locked coil strands FLC 35, 40, 45 and 128. 22 2008 Expo 2008 - Struttura tessile, Saragozza, Spagna Expo 2008 - Textile structure, Zaragoza, Spain Funi di sostegno copertura a membrana, 400 m di luce libera, 5000 m2 coperti. IASO, Spain Suspension cables for textile structure, 400 m span, 5000 m2 covered. 23 2008 Ponte ad arco, Zambana Vecchia (Trento), Italia Arch bridge, Zambana Vecchia (Trento), Italy Ponte stradale ad arco, 60 m di luce libera. Pendini in barre di diametro 72 mm. Oberosler - Cordioli, Italy Arch road bridge, 60 m span. Hangers made with bars 72 mm diameter. 24 2007-2008 Ponte strallato Adige, Lavis (Trento), Italia Adige stayed bridge, Lavis (Trento), Italy Ponte stradale strallato, 130+130 m di luce libera. Stralli in fune chiusa FLC 116 e 128. Oberosler - Cordioli, Italy Cable stayed road bridge, 130+130 m span. FLC 116 and 128 stay cables. 25 2007-2008 Pictures: © Palladium Ponte ferroviario metropolitano, Gerusalemme, Israele Light rail train bridge, Jerusalem, Israel 26 2007-2008 Ponte ferroviario metropolitano, Gerusalemme, Israele Light rail train bridge, Jerusalem, Israel Ponte ferroviario strallato di 225 m di luce libera con pennone inclinato di altezza 120 m. 70 stralli FLC 30, 40, 50 e 90. Stayed Bridge, 225 m span and 120 m tall mast. N. 70 stay cables FLC 30, 40, 50 and 90. 27 2007-2008 Ponte stradale sospeso Älvsborg, Gothenburg, Svezia Älvsborg road suspension bridge, Gothenburg, Sweden Ponte sospeso avente 418 m di luce libera. Sostituzione dei 112 pendini doppi di sospensione in fune chiusa FLC 45 extra-flessibile. Suspension road bridge. 418 m free span. Replacement of the 112 twin hangers with FLC 45 extra-flexible. 28 2007-2008 Scavalcamento pedonale autostrada A13, Bologna, Italia Pedestrian walkway A13 motorway, Bologna, Italy Passerella pedonale strallata con struttura portante a portale e stabilizzazione di impalcato. 90 m di luce libera. Studio Tecnico Majowiecki Stayed-stabilized footbridge with portal mast system, 90 m free span. 29 2007 Ponte stradale ad arco sul fiume Guadalquivir, Cordoba, Spagna Arch road bridge over the Guadalquivir river, Cordoba, Spain Ponte stradale a doppio arco con 92 pendini in funi FLC 37, 40 e 45. 130 m di luce libera. FCC, Spain Double arch road bridge 130 m span, 92 hangers FLC 47, 40 and 45. 30 2007 Pontile, Ureki, Georgia Pier, Ureki, Georgia Pontile in tensostruttura, 70+70 m di luce libera. Sistema di funi chiuse e spiroidali di vario diametro. Ltd "Elita-Burji", Georgia Tensostructural pier, 70+70 m span. Full locked coil and open spiral cable system. 31 2007 Passerella pedonale sopra lo Zuid, Willelmsvaart, Belgio Footbridge over Zuid, Willelmsvaart, Belgium Passerella pedonale strallata, 76 m di luce libera e pilone inclinato di 42 m d'altezza. Cable stayed footbridge, 76 m span and 42 m tall curved A-mast. 32 2007 Ponte strallato Fabian Way, Swansea, Gran Bretagna Fabian Way stayed bridge, Swansea, Great Britain Ponte stradale strallato, 70 m luce libera. Stralli FLC 56 con capicorda regolabili del tipo TBF. Pictures: © James Samuel - Flint & Neill Partnership Designer Stayed road bridge, 70 m span. Stay cables system with FLC 56 and adjustable socket type TBF. 33 2007 Copertura fiera di Madrid, Spagna Madrid fair pavilion roof, Spain Sistema radiale di funi di catena per copertura a volta, 111 m di luce libera. Tensostructure chain system for the pavilion vault roof with 111 m span. 34 2007 Passerella pedonale, Segrate (Milano), Italia Footbridge, Segrate (Milan), Italy Passerella pedonale sospesa, 10+39+10 m di luce libera. Suspension footbridge 10+39+10 m span. 35 2007 Ponte ad arco stradale, Egna Ora (Trento), Italia Arch road bridge, Egna Ora (Trento), Italy Ponte ad arco, pendini in fune FLC 44 con guaina in polietilene HDPE, 60 m di luce libera. Arch road bridge, 60 m span. Hangers FLC 44 protected with HDPE sheath. 36 2006-2007 Ponte stradale ad arco, Lucca, Italia Arch road bridge, Lucca, Italy Ponte stradale ad arco con 46 pendini in fune FLC 72 e 132 m di luce libera. Arch road bridge with 46 hangers FLC 72 and 132 m free span. 37 2006-2007 Passerella pedonale Università di Limerick, EIRE University of Limerick pedestrian bridge, EIRE Passerella sospesa, 6 x 44 m di luce libera. Funi spiroidali OSS 40. Pictures: © Ros Kavanagh - Wilkinson Eyre Architects Suspension footbridge, 6 x 44 m span. OSS 40 cable system. 38 2006 Membrana pontile Ichnusa, Cagliari, Italia Membrane pier Ichnusa, Cagliari, Italy Strallatura per la membrana di copertura di 1829 m2. Sistema di funi zincate e inox. Membrane stayed roof of 1829 m2. Galvanized and stainless steel cable system. 39 2006 Passerella strallata, Pireo, Grecia Stayed footbridge, Piraeus, Greece Passerella pedonale strallata, 43 m span. Stralli in OSS 17 e FLC 55 e 86. Studio Tecnico Majowiecki Cable stayed footbridge, 43 m span. Stay cables OSS 17 and FLC 55, 86. 40 2006 Stazione ferroviaria di Caracas, Venezuela Railway station roof in Caracas, Venezuela Doppia copertura strallata contrapposta sostenuta da 35 x 120 m e 85 x 20 m di luce libera per un totale di 4200 + 1700 m2 coperti. Strallatura in fune chiusa. Double cable stayed roof. 35 x 120 m and 85 x 20 m span for 4200 + 1700 m2 covered. FLC stay system. 41 2006 Passerella sospesa M-40, Madrid, Spagna Suspension footbridge M-40, Madrid, Spain Passerella sospesa con luce libera di 89 m. Funi portanti FLC 106, pendini e stralli OSS 26 e 20. Carlos Fernandez Casado - MK4 Suspension footbridge with 89 m free span. Catenary cable hangers and stay cables FLC 106, OSS 26 and OSS 20. 42 2006 Passerella sospesa R-3, Madrid, Spagna Suspension footbridge R-3, Madrid, Spain Passerella sospesa con 40+110+40 m di luce libera. Funi portanti FLC 118, pendini e stralli OSS 26 e 20. Carlos Fernandez Casado - MK4 Suspension footbridge with 40+110+40 m free span. Catenary cable hangers and stay cables FLC 118, OSS 26 and OSS 20. 43 2005-2006 Ponte stradale ad arco, Pieve di Soligo (Treviso), Italia Arch road bridge, Pieve di Soligo (Treviso), Italy Ponte a doppio arco. 30 pendini FLC 52, 90 m di luce libera. Double arch bridge. 30 hanger cables FLC 52, 90 m span. 44 2005-2006 Passerella pedonale, Karjaly, Bulgaria Footbridge, Karjaly, Bulgaria Passerella ciclopedonale sospesa, 170 m di luce libera. Funi portanti, stabilizzanti e pendini. Pictures: REA Bulgaria Suspension footbridge, 170 m span. Main cables, stabilizing cables and hangers. 45 2005-2006 Passerella strallata, Sestriere (Torino), Italia Pedestrian bridge, Sestriere (Turin), Italy Passerella strallata per i Giochi Olimpici Invernali di Torino 2006. Pedestrian stayed footbridge for Winter Olympic Games of Turin 2006. 46 2005-2006 Arco Olimpico. Olimpiadi Torino 2006, Italia Olympic Footbridge. Winter Olympic Games Turin 2006, Italy Passerella strallata avente luce libera di 160 m sostenuta da un grande arco inclinato alto 65 m simbolo delle Olimpiadi Invernali di Torino 2006. HDA Paris - ATI Sermeca Falcone Pedestrian stayed footbridge, symbol of the Olympic Games of Turin 2006; 160 m free span deck stayed on an inclined 65 m tall arch. 47 2005-2006 Ponti stradali, Reggio Emilia, Italia Road bridges, Reggio Emilia, Italy Sistema di 3 ponti stradali: ponte ad arco di 220 m di luce libera; 2 ponti strallati sostenuti da un arco centrale alto 70 m aventi 90+90 m di luce libera. Pictures: © Palladium System of 3 road bridges: arch bridge with 220 m span; 2 bridges stayed on 70 m tall transverse arch with 90+90 m span. 48 2005-2006 Ponti stradali, Reggio Emilia, Italia Road bridges, Reggio Emilia, Italy 49 2005 Ponte ad arco RN 141, Angouleme, Francia Arch bridge RN 141, Angouleme, France Ponte stradale ad arco, 45 m di luce libera. Pendini diagonali OSS 68 con guaina HDPE. Arch road bridge, 45 m span. Diagonal hangers OSS 68 + HDPE sheathed. 50 2005 Passerella strallata, Bormio (Sondrio), Italia Pedestrian bridge, Bormio (Sondrio), Italy Fornitura di 31 stralli in FLC 50, 42 e OSS 28, 22. Luce libera 62,5 m. 31 stay cables FLC 50, 42 and OSS 28, 22. 62,5 m span. 51 2005 Stadio di Malabo, Guinea Equatoriale Malabo Stadium, Equatorial Guinea Copertura strallata. Sistema di cavi in acciaio inossidabile OSS 14, 19, 24 e 32. © Ingérop Africa Suspension roof tensostructure. Cable stay system OSS 14, 19, 24 and 32 stainless steel. 52 2005 Ponte strallato, Fuengirola, Spagna Stayed bridge, Fuengirola, Spain Ponte stradale strallato. 70 m di luce libera. Pictures: FCC Cable stayed road bridge. 70 m free span. 53 2005 Passerella sospesa, Parco Naturale Alpi Marittime a Valdieri (Cuneo), Italia Pedestrian suspension bridge, Natural Park Alpi Marittime in Valdieri (Cuneo), Italy Passerella sospesa stabilizzata, 35 m di luce libera. Footbridge with supporting and stabilizing cables, 35 m span. 54 2005 Passerella ad arco sul fiume Topino, Foligno (Perugia), Italia Pedestrian arch bridge over Topino river, Foligno (Perugia), Italy Passerella con arco inclinato in pianta, 26 m di luce libera. Footbridge with inclined arch, 26 m span. 55 2005 Briglia sul Sarca, Trento, Italia River Sarca weir filter, Trento, Italy Sistema di cavi di filtraggio. 120 m di luce libera. Weir cable system, 120 m span. 56 2004-2005 Passerella sospesa, Venzone (Udine), Italia Pedestrian suspension bridge, Venzone (Udine), Italy Passerella sospesa. Fune portante, pendini e funi di parapetto. Luce libera 48 m. Suspension footbridge. Main cables, hangers and parapet cables. 48 m span. 57 2004 Passerella strallata, Beinasco (Torino), Italia Footbridge, Beinasco (Turin), Italy Passerella ciclopedonale, luce libera 50 m con pilone inclinato di 45 m d'altezza. Stayed footbridge with 50 m free span deck and 45 m tall mast. 58 2004 Passerella pedonale, Ortisei (Bolzano), Italia Pedestrian bridge, Ortisei (Bolzano), Italy Passerella sospesa, funi portanti e stabilizzanti, 65 m di luce libera. Suspension footbridge, supporting and stabilizing cables, 65 m span. 59 2004 Passerella pedonale Zouthaven, Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi Zouthaven footbridge, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Passerella con sistema tensostrutturale, 58 m luce libera. Pictures: HSM Tensostructural footbridge, 58 m span. 60 2004 Scultura in Matosiños, Portogallo Sculpture in Matosiños, Portugal Grande ruota con 45 m di diametro raggiata e sospesa tramite un sistema presollecitato di funi. ICQ, Portugal Giant wheel with 45 m diameter suspended with a system of spoke and stay cables. 61 2004 Copertura palasport, Trivero (Biella), Italia Sports hall roof, Trivero (Biella), Italy Sistema multi-modulare di tensostrutture piane con 36 m di luce libera. Funi portanti e stabilizzanti in FLC 46 e 31. Tensospazio, Italy Modular plane tensostructures, 36 m span. Main and stabilizing FLC 46 and 31. 62 2004 Passerella strallata ciclopedonale, Farra d'Alpago (BL), Italia Stayed footbridge, Farra d'Alpago (BL), Italy Passerella strallata di 23+63+23 m di luce libera. Stralli in OSS 44 e 32. Cable stayed pedestrian bridge, 23+63+23 m span. Stay cables made with OSS 44 and 32. 63 2003-2004 Stadio Olimpico di Atene, Grecia Athens Olympic Stadium, Greece Copertura strallata sostenuta da due doppi archi con luce libera di 300 m, stralli di collegamento principali e stralli di sospensione secondari in fune chiusa. 32 stralli principali di diametro 104 mm e 90 mm. 216 stralli di sospensione di diametro 40 mm. Pictures: © Palladium Cable stayed roof supported by two double arches with 300 m free span, main connection stay cables and secondary suspension stay cables made by full locked coil rope. 32 main stay cables 104 mm and 90 mm diameter. 216 suspension stay cables 40 mm diameter. 64 2003-2004 Stadio Olimpico di Atene, Grecia Athens Olympic Stadium, Greece 65 2003-2004 Ragnatela di funi. Cerimonia di apertura e chiusura dei Giochi Olimpici di Atene 2004 “Spidernet” for opening and closing ceremony of Olympic Games 2004 in Athens Sistema di funi strallato e sospeso, dipartente dal centro campo a raggiera con diametro di 200 m. Stay an suspension spoke cable system, opening from the center of field with 200 m diemeter. 66 2003-2004 Ponti strallati sull’Hoofdvaart ad Haarlemmermeer, Olanda Stayed bridges over the Hoofdvaart in Haarlemmermeer, Holland Toolenburg Sistema di due ponti stradali e pedonali. 2x26 m di luce libera. Pictures: © Palladium Two road and walkway cable stayed bridges. 2x26 m span. 67 2003-2004 Ponti strallati sull’Hoofdvaart ad Haarlemmermeer, Olanda Stayed bridges over the Hoofdvaart in Haarlemmermeer, Holland Nieuw Vennep Ponte stradale strallato. 56+87 m di luce libera. Pictures: © Palladium Cable stayed road bridge. 56+87 m span. 68 2003-2004 Ponti strallati sull’Hoofdvaart ad Haarlemmermeer, Olanda Stayed bridges over the Hoofdvaart in Haarlemmermeer, Holland Bennebroekerweg Ponti stradali strallati su due livelli. 75+75 m e 20 m di luce libera. Pictures: © Palladium Cable stayed road bridges. 75+75 and 20 m span. 69 2003 Ponte stradale, Villanova d’Albenga (Savona), Italia Road bridge, Villanova d’Albenga (Savona), Italy Ponte stradale strallato con 35 m di luce libera e pilone inclinato. Cable stayed road bridge, with 35 m span and inclined mast. 70 2003 Copertura piscina comunale, Travagliato (Brescia), Italia Swimming pool roof, Travagliato (Brescia), Italy Tensostruttura piana modulare, 36 m di luce libera. Funi portanti e stabilizzanti FLC 43 e 31. Tensospazio, Italy Modular plane tensostructures, 36 m span, main cables and stabilizing FLC 43 and 31. 71 2002-2003 Stadio di Braga, Portogallo Braga Stadium, Portugal Copertura sospesa. Funi di sospensione, supporti speciali, sistema ammortizzante. 202 m di luce libera, 550 t di funi chiuse. Suspension Roof. Suspension cables, roof supports, damping system. 202 m span, 550 tons Full Locked Coil Strand. 72 2002-2003 Stadio di Braga, Portogallo Braga Stadium, Portugal 73 2002 Pensilina fiera di Genova, Italia Genoa fair pavilion roof, Italy Copertura sospesa del padiglione fieristico. Funi di sospensione FLC 30. Suspension roof steel/membrane system. Suspension cables FLC 30. 74 2002 Stadio Hannappi, Vienna, Austria Hannappi Stadium, Wien, Austria Copertura strallata, 2 x 120 m di luce libera. Stand roof tensostructures cables, 2 x 120 m span. 75 2002 Copertura fiera di Bergamo, Italia Bergamo pavilion roof, Italy Funi di catena per copertura modulare, 96 m di luce libera. Pictures: Essetitre, Italy Roof cables system with chain cables, 96 m span. 76 2001-2002 Copertura piscina, Oggiono (LC), Italia Swimming pool roof, Oggiono (LC), Italy Copertura strallata di 26 m di luce libera. Cable stayed roof, 26 m span. 77 2001-2002 Passerella pedonale, Gressan (Aosta), Italia Pedestrian bridge, Gressan (Aosta), Italy Passarella pedonale strallata con 62 + 62 m di luce libera. Cable stayed footbridge with 62 + 62 m span. 78 2001 Velodromo Centro Mondiale del Ciclismo, Aigle, Svizzera World Cycling Centre velodrome, Aigle, Switzerland Tekhne SA - Pierre & Pascal Grand - Passera & Pedretti - Pictures: Leo Fabrizio, Switzerland Sistema di copertura tensegrity. 5875 m2 di superficie coperta. Sistema di funi spiroidali. Tensegrity membrane roof of 5875 m2. OSS cable system. 79 2001 Velodromo di Lommel, Belgio Lommel Velodrome, Belgium Stralli di sospensione per copertura di 7000 m2, con 83 x 100 m di luce libera. Stay cables for stadium roof of 7000 m2, with 83 x 100 m span. 80 2000-2001 Ponte strallato, Spiazzo (Trento), Italia Pedestrian bridge, Spiazzo (Trento), Italy Passerella pedonale strallata con 60 m di luce libera. Cable stayed footbridge with 60 m span, stay cables. 81 1999 British Airways London Eye, Londra, Inghilterra British Airways London Eye, England Diametro: 135 metri. 5.000 metri di stralli. Progetto e fornitura del sistema a funi. © Nick Wood 2000 Diameter: 135 m. 5.000 metres of stay cables. Wheel cable system, stay cable system, damping system, monitoring system. 82 1999 British Airways London Eye, Londra, Inghilterra British Airways London Eye, England 83 1998-1999 Ponte sospeso Forth Road, Edimburgo, Scozia Forth Road Bridge, suspension bridge, Edinburgh, Scotland Sostituzione dei pendini di sospensione. 406+1006+406 m di luce libera. Replacement of hangers. 406+1006+406 m span. 84 1998 Torre di Pisa, Italia Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy Stralli e sistema di cerchiatura per la messa in sicurezza temporanea. Temporary safety stay and hooping cable system. 85 1998 Passerella pedonale, Lissone (Milano), Italia Pedestrian bridge, Lissone (Milan), Italy Passerella curva strallata con sistema di stralli in fune. Cable stayed curved footbridge cable system. 86 1998 Ponte strallato Capelle a/d Ijssel, Paesi Bassi Capelle a/d Ijssel Rivium Bridge, The Netherlands Strallatura con guaina HDPE, luce libera 36,5 + 69,5 m. HDPE sheeted stay cables, 36,5 + 69,5 m span. 87 1997 Passerella pedonale, Cortina all’Adige (Bolzano), Italia Footbridge, Cortina all’Adige (Bolzano), Italy Passerella strallata, 18+67+18 m di luce libera. Cable stayed footbridge 18+67+18 m span. 88 1996-1997 Ponte strallato, Palazzolo sull’Oglio (Brescia), Italia Stayed road bridge, Palazzolo sull’Oglio (Brescia), Italy Ponte stradale strallato, luce libera 40 m. Cable stayed road bridge, 40 m span. 89 1996-1997 Ponte sospeso “Storebælt”, Danimarca Storebælt East Bridge suspension bridge, Denmark La struttura più grande in Danimarca. 535 + 1624 + 535 metri di luce libera. 1.000 tonnellate di funi chiuse protette con guaina in polietilene impiegate per i pendini di sospensione. The biggest structure in Denmark. 535 + 1624 + 535 m span. 1,000 tons of full locked coil steel ropes protected with HDPE sheath for the hangers. 90 1996-1997 Ponte sospeso “Storebælt”, Danimarca Storebælt East Bridge suspension bridge, Denmark 91 1995 Ponte stradale ad arco, Albenga (Savona), Italia Arch road bridge, Albenga (Savona), Italy Ponte ad arco, 100 m di luce libera. Pendini di sospensione di fune chiusa protetta con guaina in polietilene. Arch bridge, hanger cables, 100 m span. FLC hangers with HDPE sheath. 92 1994 Ponte stradale, Trofarello (Torino), Italia Road bridge, Trofarello (Turin), Italy Ponte stradale strallato con 63 m di luce libera, sistema strallato e stabilizzato. Cable stayed road bridge with 63 m span, stay and stabilizing cables system. 93 1993 Stazione di servizio ERG, Genova, Italia ERG fuel station, Genoa, Italy Copertura strallata di 700 m2, sistema di cavi con 200 m di luce libera. Cable stayed covering of 700 m2, stay cables system with 200 m span. 94 1992 Stadio comunale Santamonica, Misano Adriatico (Rimini), Italia Santamonica stadium, Misano Adriatico (Rimini), Italy Tensostruttura di copertura di 2250 m2. Funi portanti, stabilizzanti e della membrana. Roof space tensostructure of 2250 m2. Supporting, stabilizing, ridge, edge and valley cable system. 95 1991-1992 Grande Bigo, Genova, Italia Grande Bigo, Genoa, Italy Struttura spaziale strallata. Space stayed structure. 96 1990 Stadio Olimpico di Roma, Italia Olympic Stadium in Rome, Italy 40.000 m2 di copertura sorretti da una grande tensostruttura. 40.000 sq meters sustained by a large tensostructure. 97 1988 Copertura palazzetto dello sport, Reggio Calabria, Italia Sports hall roof, Reggio Calabria, Italy Tensostruttura spaziale. 106 x 75 m di luce libera, 6750 m2 coperti. Space tensostructure. 106 x 75 m span, 6750 m2 covered. Cable net. 98 1988 Stadio Brianteo di Monza, Italia Brianteo stadium, Monza, Italy Tensostruttura di copertura. 4300 m2 di superficie coperta. Space tensostructure of 4300 m2 for the covering of the stand. 99 Strallature torri ed antenne Stayed breathing and antenna towers Strallature per torri di impianti per lo stoccaggio e la raffinazione di idrocarburi e per antenne e ripetitori radio-televisivi. Stay cables for breathing towers for hydrocarbons refinery plants and antennas for radio-television broadcasting. 100 Manutenzioni torri ed antenne strallate Maintenance of stayed towers and antennas Impianti di raffinazione e stoccaggio idrocarburi. Strallature, ispezione e manutenzione, controlli non distruttivi (NDI) magnetoscopici, magnetoinduttivi, ultrasonori e con liquidi penetranti, ispezioni endoscopiche e controlli topografici. Verifica tiri sulle funi mediante sistemi oleodinamici e metodi vibrazionali. Verifica stato di conservazione generale delle strallature. Applicazione di sistemi protettivi superficiali Tensocoat Epoxy, Tensocoat Wax e Tensocoat Pro, sigillature con gomma butilica e nastro d’alluminio. Hydrocarbons refinery and storage plants. Stay cables, inspection and maintenance, non destructive inspections (NDI) magnetic particle, magnetoinductive, ultrasonic and dye penetrant examination, endoscopic inspections and topographic survey. Control of cable forces with oleodynamic and vibrational systems. Check on the state of conservation. Application of protective coatings systems such as Tensocoat Epoxy, Tensocoat Wax and Tensocoat Pro, sealing with butyl rubber and aluminium tapes. 101 102 m2 SITE PROJECT CLIENT PROJECT DATA YEAR I - Monza MI Stadio Brianteo Stand Roof Monza Calcio Space tensostructure. System of cables I - Reggio Calabria Sport Hall Roof M.L.M. Space tensostructure. System of cables I - Roma Olympic Stadium Olimpico ‘90 Space Tensostructure, Cable System I - Milano Pedestrian Bridge Pessina Cable Stayed Bridge, Stay Cables System 40.2 + 17.7 m I - Centuripe EN Factory Building Roof Centuripe Municipality Multispan Plane Tensostructures I - Centuripe EN Factory Building Roof Centuripe Municipality Multispan Plane Tensostructures I - Genova Grande Bigo, Genova, Italy Canobbio Space stayed structure. System of cables I - Nicolosi CT Factory Building Roof Nicolosi Municipality Multispan Plane Tensostructure 2 x 24 3 x 24 m span 1500 m2 1992 I - Vigevano PV Sport Hall CEFER Plane Tensostructures 32 m span 1500 m2 1992 I - Rondissone TO Motoway Terminal Bio Italia Cable Stayed Covering, Stay Cables System 22 m span 3580 m I - Alta Nurra SS Anemometric Towers Galtarossa Cable Stayed Towers, Stay Cables System 2 x 96 m Height 1992 I - Ponte S.Giovanni PG Pipeline Bridge Bosco Suspension Bridge, Special Maintenance 96 m span 1992 I - San Vincenzo LI Ropeway Solvay Ropeway, Special Maintenence 5000 m Lenght 1992 1993 I - Carrara MC International Exibition Internazionale Marmi e Macchine Multispan Plane Tensostructures Inspection and Maintenance 3 x 45 m span I - Sannazzaro PV AGIP Torch Tower SAMIA Cable Stayed Tower, Stay Cables System 134 m Height I - Misano Adriatico RN Santamonica Stadium Canobbio Supporting and stabilizing cables 188 m span 2250 m2 1992 I - Modena Hippodrome Grandstand CFM Cable Stayed Covering, Stay Cables System 50 m span 1700 m2 1993 I - Genova Square Covering CMC Cable Stayed Covering, Stay Cables System 36 m span 700 m2 I - Torino Football Stadium SAPAM Space Tensostructure, Retensioning, Inspection and Manintenance 200 m span 30000 m I - Roma Hooping of the dome of the S. Maria Degli Angeli Cathedral Pouchain Hooping Of The Dome 1993 I - Roma Torch Tower Raffinerie Di Roma Cable Stayed Tower, Inspection and Maintenance 1993 I - Alta Nurra SS Anemometric Tower Galtarossa Cable Stayed Towers, Inspection and Maintenance P - Lisbona 25 April Suspension Bridge Hidrosorefame Suspension Bridge, Replacement of Hangers I - Varedo MI Factory SACLA Cable Stayed Covering, Stay Cables System 26.2 x 7.4 m 200 m2 I - Pesaro Sport Hall CFM Tensioning Ropes for Space, Truss System 120 m span 10000 m I - Torino MGDR Factory MGDR Cable Stayed Road Bridge, Stay Cables System 63 m span 1994 I - Trofarello TO MGDR Office Building MGDR Cable Stayed Building, Stay Cables System 32 m span 1994 GB - Bristol Pedestrian Bridge Cimolai Cable Stayed Bridge, Stay Cables System 75 m span I - Roseto degli Abruzzi TE Sport Hall Roof Roseto Municipality Plane Tensostructures Inspection and Maintenance I - Arcore MI Swimming Pool Roof Arcore Municipality I - Scandicci FI Pedestrian Bridge I - Torino I - Roma 2 4300 m 1988 106 x 75 m span 6750 m2 1988 200 m span 40000 m2 1990 1 x 24 2 x 24 m span 3100 m2 1991 3 x 24 m span 1750 m2 1991 1991 1991 1992 1992 2 9300 m2 1992 1992 1993 2 2 x 96 m Height 1993 1994 1993 1993 1994 2 1994 1994 50 m span 2500 m 2 1994 Plane Tensostructures Special Maintenance 40 m span 1200 m2 1994 1995 Scandicci Municipality Cable Stayed Bridge Inspection 75 m span Delle Alpi Stadium SOGEALPI Space Tensostructure Inspection Monitoring and Maintenance 200 m span 30000 m2 1995 Olympic Stadium IMAC Space Tensostructure Inspection and Monitoring 200 m 40000 m2 1995 1995 UAE - Abu Dhabi Torch Tower NAO Cable Stayed Towers, Stay Cables System DK - Storebælt Storebælt East Bridge COINFRA Suspension Bridge Hangers 535 + 1624 + 535 m span 1995 1995 1997 I - Isili NU Swimming Pool Roofing Italengineering Plane Tensostructures, Cables 40 m span 1995 1996 I - Brembate BG Sport Hall Roofing Italengineering Plane Tensostructures, Cables 40 m span 1995 1996 I - Albenga SV Road Arch Bridge CFM Arch Suspension Bridge Hangers 100 m span 1995 I - Penice Mountain PC Telecom-TV Tower Libertà Piacenza Cable Stayed Tower Inspection and Maintence I - Avigliano PZ Congress Hall Roof Italengineering Plane Tensostructures, Cables 1996 35 m span 1996 SITE PROJECT CLIENT m2 PROJECT DATA YEAR I - Ferentino FR Stayed Building N2 Stayed Buiding, Stay Cables System I - Torino Delle Alpi Stadium SOGEALPI Space Tensostructure Inspection, Monitoring and Maintenance 200 m span 1996 I - Palazzolo BS Cable Stayed Road Bridge Viberto Cable Stayed Bridge, Stay Cables System 40 m span I - Palermo Sport Hall Roof CGP Plane Tensostructure 60 m span I - Brugherio MI San Bartolomeo Church Tecnobrianza Hooping of the Dome Chaining of the Archs I - Cortina all’Adige BZ Pedestrian Bridge Cimolai Cable Stayed Bridge, Stay Cables System 18 + 67 + 18 m span 1997 I - Torino Delle Alpi Stadium COMAPI Space Tensostructure Inspection, Monitoring and Maintenance 200 m span 30000 m2 1997 I - Centuripe EN Factory Building La Prometec Multispan Plane Tensostructures, Cables System 1 x 24, 2x24, 4x24 m span 1997 DK - Storebælt Storebælt East Bridge COINFRA Erection Supervision and Assistance 535 + 1624 + 535 m span 1996 1997 DK - Storebælt Storebælt East Bridge COINFRA Hangers Separators and Handropes Accessories 535 + 1624 + 535 m span 1997 I - Genova Grande Bigo Structure Porto Antico Genova Space Stayed Structure Inspection and Maintenance 1997 I - Torino MGDR Factory and Building MGDR Cable Stayed Road Bridge and Building Inspection and Maintenance 1997 I - Roma Olympic Stadium IMAC Space Tensostructure Retensioning 200 m 40000 m2 1997 I - Marina di Carrara MC Exibition Pavilion Rook IFF Carrara Expo Multispan Plane Tensostructures 2 x 45 m span 6100 m2 1997 1998 I - Prato FI Sport Hall Covering Fubelli Plane Tensostructures 55 m span 4200 m2 1997 1998 I - Schio VI Valex Stayed Covering VALEX Cable Stayed Roof, Stay Cable System 135 m span 3500 m2 1997 1998 I - Casale Cremasco CR Galbani Stayed Roof Ceriali Costruzioni Cable Stayed Roof, Stay Cable System 14 + 13 +14 m span 1540 m2 1997 1998 I - Lissone MI Pedestrian Bridge MECOOP Cable Stayed Curved Bridge, Stay Cable System 24 m span 1998 I - Palazzolo dello Stella UD Pedestrian Bridge Off. Ma. Suspension Bridge, Main Cables and Hangers Replacement 75 m span 1998 I - Anzio Roma Reinforced Concrete Colgate Palmolive Arch Frame External Reinforcement Cables 20 + 20 + 20 m span 1998 I - Torino Delle Alpi Stadium COMAPI Space Tensostructure Inspection, Monitoring and Maintenance 200 m span 1998 NL - Stadskanaal Stadskanaal Bridge HSM Cable Stayed Bridge, Stay Cables 62.5 + 62.5 m span 1998 NL - Capelle a/d IJssel Capelle a/d HSM IJssel Rivium Bridge Cable Stayed Bridge, Stay Cables 36.5 + 69.5 m span 1998 I - Garbagnate Milanese MI Bayer Stayed Roof Officine Landini Cable Stayed Roof, Stay Cable System 30 m span 1998 I - Pisa Pisa Tower Safety Stay Cables Soilmec Safety Stay Cables and Hoop Cable System I - Montebelluna TV Road Bridge Cogeba External Reinforcement Cables 14 m span 1998 GB - Edinburgh Forth Road Suspension Bridge MT Steel Suspension Bridge, New Hangers 406 + 1006 + 406 m span 1998 1999 I - Faedo V.T. SO Pedestrian Bridge Ital Engineering Suspension Bridge, Cables 80 m span I - Torino Delle Alpi Stadium COMAPI Space Tensostructure Inspection, Monitoring and Maintenance 200 m span E - Elche Vinalopo River Suspension Road Bridge Fomento Suspension Bridge, Main Cables, Hangers 165 m half span bridge 1999 GB - London British Airways London Eye Hollandia Wheel Cable System, Stay Cable System, Damping System, Monitoring System 135 m wheel diameter 1999 I - Modena Hippodrome Stand Roof SMEFCC Cable Stayed Roof, Stay Cables Inspection and Maintenance 35 m span 1700 m2 1999 I - Reggio Calabria Stadium Stand Roof Ferrocemento Condotte Cable Stayed Roof, Stay Cable System 135 m span 3000 m2 1999 I - Malpensa Airport Cargo City Malpensa 2000 Cargo City Stayed Roof Officine Tosoni Cable stayed roof, Stay Cable System 2 x 7 m span 5300 m2 1999 I - Roma Olympic Stadium IMAC Space Tensostructure Inspection 200 m span 40000 m2 1999 I - Cesano Maderno MI Pedestrian Bridges Olmet Cable Stayed Bridges, Stay Cables 20 m span 30000 m2 1996 1996 1997 4800 m2 1997 1998 1997 1998 30000 m2 1998 1999 30000 m2 1999 1999 103 SITE 104 PROJECT CLIENT m2 PROJECT DATA YEAR I - Brescia Swimming Pool Roof Tensospazio Italia Plane Tensostructures, Cables 30 m span 1999 E - Castejon River Ebro Bridge DRACE Cable Stayed Bridge, Stay Cables Replacement 150 m span 1999 I - Roma Torch Tower Raffinerie di Roma Cable Stayed Tower, Inspection and Maintenance I - Anzio Roma Reinforced Concrete Colgate Palmolive Arch Frame External Reinforcement Cables I - Desenzano BS Gymansium Roof Desenzano Municipality Space Tensostructure, Special Inspection and Maintenance I - Larderello SI Pipeline Bridge Società Chimica Larderello Suspension Bridge, Inspection 100 m span 2000 I - Sannazzaro NO Torch Tower SAMIA Cable Stayed Tower, Inspection and Maintenance 132 m Heigth 2000 I - Casale Cremasco CR Torch Tower ENI Cable Stayed Tower, Inspection and Maintenance 70 m Heigth 2000 I - Milano Deutsche Bank Building Leoni Cable Stayed Roof, Stay Cables 27 + 17 m span 2000 I - Centuripe EN Factory Building La Prometec Multispan Plane Tensostructures, Cables System 2 x 24 m span 2000 I - Torino Delle Alpi Stadium Torino Municipality Space Tensostructure, Retensioning and Special Maintenance 200 m span 30000 m2 2000 I - Cilavegna PV Gymnasium Cilavegna Municipality Roof, Plane Tensostructures, Retensioning 30 m span 1200 m2 2000 I - Genova Grande Bigo Structure Porto Antico Genova Space Stayed Structure, Inspection and Maintenance I - Modena Palapanini Sport Hall Fontana External Reinforcing Cables for Steel Trusses 68 x 75 m span 5000 m2 2000 I - Venezia Piazza Bucintoro Major Costruzioni Stay Cables for Space Structure 37 m Heigth 2000 2001 I - Castelsilano KR Lese River Bridge COGES Hanger Cables for Arch Suspended Bridge 70 m span 2000 2001 I - Castano Primo MI Party Area Covering Pizzi Plane Tensostructures 28 m span I - Spiazzo TN Pedestrian Bridge Pre Metal Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 60 m span I - Rimini New Rimini Exibition Pavilions Impregilo Arch Chains Tensostructures n. 12 pavilions 60 x 96 m 69000 m2 2000 2001 B - Lommel Lommel Stadium CSM Stay Cables for Stadium Roof 83 x 100 m span 7000 m2 2001 CH - Aigle Velodrome Seele Tensegrity Cables System for Stadium Roof 2001 I - Venezia Glass Roofing Maeg Cables for Stayed and Suspension Tensostructure 2001 I - Anzio Roma Reinforced Concrete Colgate Palmolive Arch Frame External Reinforcement Prestressing Cables 20 + 20 + 20 m span 2001 I - Torino Delle Alpi Stadium Space Tensostructure Inspection, Monitoring and Maintenance 200 m span 30000 m2 2001 38 m span 4300 m2 2001 3000 m2 2001 Torino Municipality 1999 20 + 20 + 20 m span 1999 2000 2000 490 m2 2000 2001 2000 2001 NL - Carnisselanden Pedestrian Bridge HBG Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables I - Monza MI Stadio Brianteo Stand Roof Monza Calcio Space Tensostructure, Inspection and Maintenance 2001 I - Reggio Calabria Stadium Stand Roof Reggio Calabria Municipality Cable Stayed Roof, Inspection, Retensioning and Maintenance 135 m span I - Oggiono LC Swimming Pool Roof Alberghi Briantei Cable Stayed Roof, Stay Cables 26 m span 2001 2002 I - Gressan AO Pedestrian Bridge Chenevier Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 62 + 62 m span 2001 2002 I - Venaria TO Glass Facade ED.AR.T. Cable for Glass Facade A - Wien Hanappi Stadium Stand Roof Zeman Roof Tensostructure Cables I - Como Pedestrian Bridge Cerri Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 30 m span 2002 I - Gorgonzola MI Road Bridge Alfa Sogemi Cable Stayed Bridge, Stay Cables 23 + 6 m span 2002 F - Saint Martin Pedestrian Bridge HCB Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables F - Blagnac Pedestrian Bridge HCB Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables I - Torino Delle Alpi Stadium Torino Municipality Space Tensostructure Inspection, Monitoring and Maintenance 200 m span 30000 m 2002 I - Loano SV Church Roof Parrocchia S. Pio X Roof Plane Tensostructures, Retensioning 30 m span 1300 m2 2002 2002 n. 2 x 120 m span 2002 2002 2002 2 CLIENT m2 SITE PROJECT PROJECT DATA YEAR GB - London British Airways London Eye Hollandia Wheel Cable System, Inspection 135 m wheel diameter 2002 I - Roma Olympic Stadium IMAC Space Tensostructure, Cable System Inspection 200 m span 40000 m2 2002 I - Bergamo Bergamo Fair Fiera Arch Chain Tensostructures, Cable System n. 2 pavilions 48 x 131 m 12600 m2 2002 I - Genova Marinafiera 1 Fair Falcone Cable Stayed Roof, Stay Cables E - Madrid Rio Manzanares M-30 Footbridge FCC Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables I - Bondeno FE Pipeline Bridge Coopcostruttori Cable Stayed Bridge, Stay Cables I - Castellaneta Marina TA Imax Cinema Metalmeccanica di Fonzo Cable Stayed Roof, Stay Cables 30 x 35 m I - Cortemaggiore PC Torch Tower Eni-Agip Cable Stayed Tower, Maintenance 60 m Height I - Sabbioncello FE Torch Tower Eni-Agip Cable Stayed Tower, Maintenance 48 m Height I - Rimini Rimini Exibition Pavilions Rimini Fiera Arch Chains Tensostructures, Inspection, Retensioning n. 12 pavilions 60 x 96 m I - Milano Forlanini Stayed Footbridge Profacta Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables, Inspection and Maintenance 55 m span 2002 2002 60 + 90 m 70 + 80 m 2002 2002 1000 m 2002 2 2002 2002 69000 m2 2002 I - Biancade TV Glass Facade Reflex Cables for Glass Facade I - Domodossola VB Torch Tower Sices Cable Stayed Tower, Stay Cables 45 m Height 2002 2002 I - Bocenago TN Pedestrian Bridge Pichler Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 30 m span 2002 I - Corsico MI Pedestrian Bridge Comune di Corsico Cable Stayed Bridge, Stay Cables 45 + 45 m span 2003 GB - London British Airways London Eye Hollandia Wheel Cable System, Inspection 135 m wheel diameter 2003 I - Colleferro RM Chimneys Pianimpianti Cable Stayed Chimneys, Stay Cables n. 2 x 50 m Height P - Braga Braga Stadium Assoc-Soares da Costa Design, Supply and Installation of the Roof Cables System 202 m span x 130 m 15000 m 2002 2003 I - Villanova d'Albenga SV Road Bridge Monsud Cable Stayed Bridge, Stay Cables 35 m span 1530 m2 2003 I - Travagliato BS Swimming Pool Roof Tensospazio Italia Plane Tensostructures, Cables 34 x 45 m span 2003 NL - Haarlemmermeer Nieuw Vennep Road Bridge Victor Buyck Cable Stayed Bridge, Stay Cables 56 + 87 m span 2003 2004 NL - Haarlemmermeer Toolenburg Walkway and Road Bridges Victor Buyck Two Cable Stayed Bridges, Stay Cables 2 x 26 m span 2003 2004 NL - Haarlemmermeer Bennebroekerweg Road Bridges Victor Buyck Two Cable Stayed Bridges, Stay Cables 75 + 75 m span and 20 m span 2003 2004 GR - Athens Olympic Stadium Stand Roof Cimolai Cable Stayed Roof, Two double Arches Main Connection and Secondary Suspension Stay Cables 2 x 300 m span 2003 2004 GR - Athens Spidernet for Olympic Stadium Elemka sa Rope Net, Cable System 400 m span 2003 2004 I - Torino Catenaries Lighting System CTE - SIFEL Main Cables, Secondary Cables and Hangers System 124 + 138 + 183 m span 2004 I - Farra d'Alpago BL Pedestrian Bridge Holzbau Cables Stayed Pedestrian Bridge, Stay Cables 23 + 63 + 23 m span 2004 I - Ortisei BZ Pedestrian Bridge Pichler Supported and Stabilized Footbridge, Cable System 65 m span 2004 P - Matosinhos Porto Sculpture San Salvador ICQ Cable Stayed Structure, Stay and Spoke Cable System 50 m diameter 2004 I - Beinasco TO Pedestrian Bridge Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 80 m span 2004 NL - Amsterdam Zouthaven Footbridge Bam-SS Supported and Stabilized Footbridge, Cable System 58 m span 2004 I - Bussolengo VR Suspended Offices LMV Suspended Building, Stay Cables 10 x 50 m I - Cornaredo MI Swimming Pool Roof Tensospazio Italia Plane Tensostructures, Cables 35 m span I - Rimini Rimini Exibition Pavilions Euroholz Arch Chains Tensostructures n. 1 pavilions 60 m span x 212 m 12700 m2 2004 I - Bologna Swimming Pool Roof ISPA Plane Tensostructures, Roof Cables 50 m span x 70 m 3500 m2 2004 I - Castano Primo MI Summer Pavilion Edil Serio Plane Tensostructures, Cables 32 m span 2004 GB - London British Airways London Eye Hollandia Wheel Cable System, Inspection 135 m wheel diameter 2004 I - Malizia SI Road Bridge Tecnosteel Arch Bridge, Hanger Cables 50 m span 2004 2003 2 500 m2 2004 2004 105 SITE 106 PROJECT CLIENT m2 PROJECT DATA YEAR I - Minerbio BO Torch Tower Stogit Cable Stayed Tower, Maintenance 110 m Height 2004 I - Cupello CH Torch Tower Stogit Cable Stayed Tower, Maintenance 90 m Height 2004 I - Piossasco TO Pedestrian Bridge La Fondazione Suspension Reinforcement Catenary Cable System 22.5 m span 2004 I - Arezzo Suspension Pipe Water F.lli Aguzzi - Coint Suspension Catenary Cable System, Maintenance 132 m span 2004 I - Roma Olympic Stadium IMAC Space Tensostructure, Cable System Inspection 200 m span I - Trivero BI Sport Hall Roof Tensospazio Plane Tensostructures, Cables 36 m span I - Milano Facade Italcables Glass Curtain Wall Cables I - Carrara Carrara Exibition Pavilions I.M.M.C. Plane Roof Tensostructures, Inspections I - Valbrembo BS Pedestrian Bridge Pandini Suspension Footbridge, Main Cables 36 m span 2004 NL - Dongen Torch Tower Mennens Cable Stayed Tower, Guy Cables 200 m height 2004 I - Bari Membrane Exposition Pavilion Italcover Plane Tensostructures, Cables 90 m span 2004 I - Treviso Pedestrian Bridge Ortolan Costruzioni Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables I - Venzone UD Pedestrian Bridge L'Elettrotecnica scarl Suspension Footbridge, Main, Stabilizing and Hanger Cables 42 m span 2004 2005 I - Trento Pedestrian Bridge Carpenterie Rotaliane 2 Suspension Footbridge, Main and Hanger Cables 48 m span 2004 2005 I - Segrate MI Swimming Pool Roof La Gen Plane Tensostructures, Cables Maintenance 42 m span 2004 2005 I - Calvisano BS Cammi1 Stayed Roof Ceriali Costruzioni Cable Stayed Roof, Stay Cable System 6.5 + 26 + 6.5 m 2004 2005 GB - London British Airways London Eye Hollandia Wheel Cable System, Inspection 135 m wheel diameter 2005 I - San Polo di Piave TV Inspection Elevator SBS Aerial Platform, Suspension and Stabilizing Cables 130 m operative elevation 2005 F - Paris Repere Signal Olympique H.C.B. - Eiffel Temporary Mast for Olympic Exibition 80 m height 2005 I - Valdieri CN Footbridge Parco Naturale Alpi Marittime Suspension Footbridge, Main and Stabilizing Cables 35 m span 2005 E - Fuengirola Pedestrian Bridge Mekano 4 Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 70 m span 2005 GB - London St. Pancras Station Ligthing System Macalloy - Entech Catenary Cables for Lighting System 4400 m length 2005 I - Montepulciano SI Sport Hall Carpem Stayed Roof - Stay Cables I - Sarche TN River Weir Filter Co.Gen. Weir Cable System - Guy Cables 120 m span 2005 I - Bormio SO Pedestrian Bridge G.A.L. Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 62.5 m span 2005 F - Clermont Ferrand Aesthetic Facade H.C.B. - Seram HDPE Sheath Protected Cables for Glass Curtain Road F - Angouleme Arch Road Bridge H.C.B. Joseph Paris Arch Bridge, HDPE Sheath Protected Hanger Cables 44 m span 2005 GNQ - Malabo Malabo Stadium H.C.B. - Bouygues International Tensostructure Cable System n. 2 pavilions 2005 P - Lagos Exibition Pavilions ICQ Arch Chains Tensostructures, Cable Chains 45 m span P - Braga Braga Stadium Soares da Costa Inspection and Maintenance 202 m span x 130 m I - Busto Arsizio MI Pedestrian Bridge COESTRA Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 21 m span 2005 I - Busto Arsizio MI Pedestrian Bridge COESTRA Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 23 m span 2005 40000 m2 2004 2004 2004 2004 9200 m2 2004 2005 180 m2 2005 2005 15000 m 2 2005 I - Busto Arsizio MI Pedestrian Bridge COESTRA Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 30 m span 2005 I - Foligno PG Pedestrian Bridge Over Topino River D'Allacqua Costruzioni Generali Arch Footbridge, Hanger Cables 26 m span 2005 I - Fortezza BZ Pedestrian Bridge Holzbau Suspension Reinforcement, Chatenary Cable System 38 m span I - Rimini Rimini Exibition Pavilions Rimini Fiera Arch Chains Tensostructures, Cable Chains n. 2 pavilions I - Torino Olympic Footbridge ATI Sermeca - Falcone Arch Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables and Installation Assistance 160 m span 2005 2006 I - Reggio Emilia Road Bridge Costruzioni Cimolai Armando Arch Bridge, Hanger Cables 220 m span 2005 2006 I - Reggio Emilia N° 2 Road Bridges Costruzioni Cimolai Armando Arch Stayed Bridges, Stay Cables N° 2, 90 + 90 m span 2005 2006 I - Pieve di Soligo TV Arch Road Bridge Ortolan Costruzioni Double Arch Bridge, Hanger Cables 90 m span 2005 2006 2005 12000 m 2 2005 2006 SITE PROJECT CLIENT m2 PROJECT DATA YEAR I - Sestriere TO Pedestrian Bridge Costrade Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 15 m span 2005 2006 BG - Karjaly Pedestrian Bridge Savarona Suspension Footbridge, Main, Stabilizing and Hanger Cables 170 m span 2005 2006 I - Bari Membrane Exposition Pavilion Italcover Boundary and Anchor Cables 90 m span E - Madrid Pedestrian Bridge M-40 Mekano 4 Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 89 m span 2006 E - Madrid Pedestrian Bridge R-3 Mekano 4 Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 110 + 40 + 40 m span 2006 P - Braga Braga Stadium Soares da Costa Inspection and Maintenance 202 m span x 130 m 2006 YV - Caracas Railway Station Roof Costruzioni Cimolai Armando Stayed Roof, Stay Cables 35 x 120 m 85 x 20 m 2006 I - Roma Pedestrian Bridge, Rome Exposition Cometal Footbridge Hanger 1000 m 2006 I - Montepulciano SI Gymnasium Carpem Cable Stayed Roof, Stay Cable System 15 m span 2006 I - Udine Pedestrian Bridge Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 78 m span I - Cagliari Membrane Pier Ichnusa Canobbio Membrane Stayed Roof, Stay Cables 69 x 41 m GR - Piraeus Footbridge Probeton Ergotechniki Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 43 m span GB - Vale of Glamorgan Transmitting Antenna RigOut Transmitting Station Antenna, Stay Cables I - Sannazzaro PV ENI Torch Tower ENI Cable Stayed Tower, Maintenance 134 m Height I - Genova Square Covering PDR Cable Stayed Covering, Maintenance 36 m span I - Torino MGDR Factory Geodis Immobiliare Cable Stayed Road Bridge, Stay Cables, Inspection and Maintenance 63 m span I - Beinasco TO Footbridge Edilsteel Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 62 + 42 m span 2006 IRL - Limerick University Footbridge HCB Supported Footbridge, Cable System 6 x 44 m span 2006 2007 CDN - Victoria, B.C. Floating Road Bridge Wesco Industries Floating Bridge, HDPE Sheath Protected Mooring Cables 300 m span 2006 2007 I - Lucca Road Bridge Ortolan Costruzioni Arch Bridge, Hanger Cables 132 m span 2006 2007 E - Toledo University Foobridge over the Tajo River ICQ Suspended Bridge, Main Cables and Hangers 99 m span 2007 I - Segrate MI Pedestrian Bridge Sonnante Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 10 + 37 + 10 m span 2007 E - Cordoba Road Bridge over the FCC, Contruccion Guadalquivir River Arch Bridge, Hanger 130 m span 2007 E - Madrid Madrid Fair Arch Chain Tensostructures, Cable System 111 m span 2007 GE - Ureki Pedestrian Bridge Elita Burji Suspension Footbridge, Cables system 70 + 70 m span 2007 GB - Swansea Fabian Way Bridge City and County of Swansea Stay Cables, Installation and Tensioning Assistance 70 m span 2007 I - Roma Flare Stays Cestaro Rossi Inspection and Maintenance I - Egna Ora TN Road Arch Bridge Giugliano Costruzioni HDPE Sheath Hangers 42 m span 2007 GB - Crimond Radio Mast Scotland RigOut Stay Cables 184 + 274 m Height I - Cesena Stayed Roof Mobilificio Lucchi Stay Cables Substitution 80 m2 I - Piacenza Editoriale Libertà Stay Roof C.I.B. Carp. Ind. Bresciana Roof Cable System 600 m B - Zuid-Willelmsvaart Cable Stayed Footbridge Iemants Stay Cables and Installation Assistance 76 m span 2007 IL - Jerusalem Road Bridge Koor Metals Stayed Bridge, Stay Cables 225 m span 2007 2008 S - Gothenburg Älvsborg Road Bridge Vagverket region Vast Suspension Bridge, New Hangers 418 m span 2007 2008 I - Bologna Bologna Fair Roof Mero Italiana Roof Cables System, Installation and Tensioning Assistance I - Bologna Pedestrian Bridge Sipal Cable Stayed Footbridge, Stay Cables 90 m span 2007 2008 I - Trento Suspended Building Premetal Suspended Building, Stay Cables n. 6 x 29 x 8,3 m 2007 2008 I - Trento Stayed Road Bridge Cordioli & C. spa Stay Cables, Installation and Tensioning Assistance 140 + 140 m span 2007 2008 Waagner Biro 5000 m2 15000 m2 2005 2006 2006 1800 m 2 2006 2006 2006 2006 700 m2 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2 10000 m2 2007 2007 2008 107 SITE 108 PROJECT CLIENT m2 PROJECT DATA YEAR I - Imola BO Stayed Footbridge GED Stay Cables, Installation and Tensioning Assistance 50 m span 2008 E - Zaragoza De La Alzamora Footbridge - Rio Ebro FCC Stay Cables 94+141 m span 2008 E - Zaragoza Textile structure IASO Suspension Cables 400 m span I - Modena Hippodrome Grandstand Roof Società Modenese I - Bologna Tensostucture Building Covering I - Albosaggia SO 5000 m2 2008 Inspection and Maintenance 1700 m 2008 Metalstrutture Horizontal Bracings 10000 m2 2008 Suspension Footbridge Tensospazio Supporting and Stabilizing Cables 63 m span 2008 AUS - Perth Waratah II-III-IV Operating Machine Sandvik Boom Suspension Cable 19 + 37 m 2008 E - Lugo Suspension Footbridge over Rio Miñio Mekano 4 Main and Hangers Cables 100 m span 2008 I - Sannazzaro de Burgondi Fare Stays Demont Tensioning Supervision and Assistance 4000 m2 2008 I - Biella Sport Hall Edilcentro Roof Stay Cables System 5000 m2 2008 AUS - Perth Brockman Operating Machine Sandvik Boom Suspension Cable 31 + 22 m 2008 I - Zambana TN Road Arch Bridge Cordioli & C. Tendon Hangers 60 m span 2008 2 IRL - Dublin Arch Bridge M50 Thompson Structure Suspension Hangers System 67 m span 2008 I - Ronchis UD Motorway Terminal Roof Ortolan Roof Stay Cables System 69 + 44 m span 830+550 m2 2008 I - Casalecchio BO Stayed Footbridge Ortolan Stay Cables 75 m span 2008 AUS - Perth Cape Lambert Operating Machine Sandvik Boom Suspension Cable 30 + 31 m 2008 AUS - Perth NCIG Operating Machine Sandvik Boom Suspension Cable 36 + 30 + 20 m 2008 I - Plan di Meduna PN Suspension Footbridge Impresa Prevedello Isidoro Suspension and Stabilizing Cables, Installation and Tensioning Assistance 107 m span 2008 I - Penice PC Telecom-TV Antena Libertà Piacenza Cable Stayed Antena Inspection and Maintenance I - Goito MN Stayed Footbridge GED Stay Cables and Installation Assistance 45 m span 2008 B - Collegebrug Kortrijk Stayed and Suspension Bridge Anmeco Stay cables, Tensioning and Installation Assistance 160 m span 2008 2009 KZ - Astana Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre Montageservice Roof Space Structure, Cable System 120 x 150 x 120 m 15000 m2 2008 2009 HR - Zagreb Sport Arena BBR Connex Suspension Roof Cables and Installation Assistance I - La Spezia Stayed Drawbridge S.I.M.A.N. Stay Cables and Installation Assistance 2008 80.000 m2 2008 2009 21 m span 2009 I - Pescara Stayed Footbridge Pichler Stay Cables, Site Assistance 86 + 86 m span 2009 I - Lucca Road Bridge Edilsteel Cable Stayed Bridge, Stay Cables 72 m span 2009 NZ - Auckland Clarkslane Footbridge HEB Construction Stayed footbridge. HDPE Sheath Protected Stay Cables 30+30 m span 2009 MNE - Podgorica Suspension Footbridge Inter-Most AD Main cables, Hangers and Clamps 44 m span 2009 UAE - Abu Dhabi Yas Marina Circuit Tayio Tensostructure, Suspension System I - Treviso New Treviso District Head Office Setten Tendon Cable System 2009 AUS - Perth Shiploader Sandvik Mining Austria Boom Suspension Cables 2009 I - Firenze Footbridge Over Sieve River Habitat Legno Stay Cables I - Ravello NA Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer Paco Costruzioni Bracings System PL - Warsaw Jagiellonska Arch Footbridge Intop - Atm Hangers Cables 32 + 32 m span 2009 I - Aosta Stayed Footbridge OMC Stay Cables, Installation and Tensioning Assistance 16 + 40 + 16 m 2009 I - Piacenza Temporary Road Bridge Over Po River Cimolai Floating Bridge, Mooring Cables 45.5 + 50 + 45.5 m span 2010 I - Cinisello Balsamo MI Stayed Footbridge Carpenfer-Roma Stay Cables, Installation and Tensioning Assistance 70 + 59 + 59 m span 2010 2500 m2 + 2009 8900 m2 50 m span 2009 2009 SITE D - Zwingenberg am Neckar PROJECT CLIENT m2 PROJECT DATA YEAR Neckarbruke Stayed Road Bridge Mce-Smb Stay cables, Installation and Tensioning Assistance 210 m span 2010 PL - Krakow Pedestrian Arch Bridge Intop - Atm Hangers Cables 143 m span 2010 I - Sassuolo MO Pedestrian Stayed Bridge Over Secchia River Cisaf Stay Cables, Installation and Tensioning Assistance 40 x 4 m span 2010 RO - Bucarest Road Arch Bridge Dambovita River Astaldi - FCC Hangers Cables 118 m span 2010 MOC - Tete Stayed Road Bridge ICQ Hangers Cables Substitution, Installation and Tensioning Assistance 90 + 180x3 + 90 m span 2010 KSA - Mina Tents Over Pedestrian Bridge Ali Tamimi & Sons Membrane Stayed Roof, Stay Cables I - Contron PN Suspension Footbridge Cos.Me. Suspension, Stabilizing and Hangers Cables. Installations and Tensioning Assistance 75 m span 2010 N - Leira Forsoddin Suspension HMR VOSS Footbridge Main Cables 132 m span 2010 CDN - Vancouver BC Place Vancouver Stadium Freyssinet International Ring Cables E - Lugo Arch Road Bridge Over Miño River FCC Hangers Cables I - Torino Juventus Stadium Fip Industriale Suspended Stayed Roof, Stay and Suspension Cables, Installation and Tensioning 35000 m2 2010 2011 PL - Warsaw National Stadium Cimolai Suspended Roof, Suspension Net Cables 70000 m2 2010 2011 GB - Manchester Olympic BMX Stadium Macalloy Stayed Roof, Stay and Anchor Cables 8000 m2 2010 2011 GB - Hemel Hempstead Pedestrian Stayed Bridge Sh Structures Stay Cables, Installation and Tensioning Assistance 40 m span 2011 S - Gothenburg Älvsborg Road Bridge C. Spencer Handrail Cables, Installation and Tensioning Assistance 148 + 418 + 145 m span 2011 GB - Drovers Stayed M20 Foot/Cycle Bridge Junction 9 and Drovers Roundabout Macalloy Stay Cables, Installation and Tensioning Assistance 101 m span 2011 GR - Athens Stayed Footbridge Kifisias Avenue Aktor Stay Cables & Stay Monitoring System 27 m span 2011 JO - Amman Abdali Boulevard Tents Ali Tamimi & Sons Cables System for Membrane Tent PL - Sopot Canopied Stage Opera Lesna Tayio Europe Membrane Arch Roof, Stay Cables PL - Pabianice Arch Bridges WD7 and WD8 Intop - Atm Hangers Cables 85 x 2 m span 2011 GE - Anaklia Footbridge Over Inguri River Caucasus Road Project Stay Cables, Installation and Tensioning 144 m span in progress 72 m diameter 2010 40500 m2 95 m span 2010 2011 2010 2011 2011 5000 m2 2011 NL - Eindhoven Stayed Circular Bridge Victor Buyck Stayed Cable BR - Salvador Arena Fonte Nova Martifer Suspended Roof, Suspension Net Cables, Assistance to Lay Down A - Bruck an Der Mur Road Arch Bridge NCA Hanger Cables, Installation and Tensioning Assistance 72 m span in progress I - Seriate BG Suspension Bridge Carpenterie Ghidotti Suspension, Stabilizing and Hangers Cables. Installations and Tensioning Assistance 63 m span in progress E - Elche Road Arch Bridge In Elche Ronda Sur De Elche Ute Hanger Cables, Installation and Tensioning 120 m span in progress I - Roma Ostiense Arch Bridge Over Railway Cimolai Hanger Cables, Installation Assistance and Tensioning 121 m span in progress I - Prato Road Arch Bridge Giovannini Over Ombrone River Costruzioni Hanger Cables, Installation Assistance and Tensioning 88 m in progress I - Torino Turin Tower - Banca Intesa San Paolo Bracing Cables System for the Mega-Colums Installaton and Tensioning 167 m Height in progress in progress Cometal in progress 55500 m2 in progress NL - Nijmegen Stayed Bridge Max-Bögl N.60 Cable Hangers. Installaton and Tensioning 290 m span PL - Wloclawek 3 Arch Bridges WD175, WD180 and WD186, A1 Motorway Junction Brzezie and Junction Kowal Intop - Atm Hangers Cables 55 m, 55 m and 80 m span in progress PL - Mokra 2 Arch Bridges WD19 and WD32 A4 Freeway BBR Polska Hangers Cables 66 x 2 m span in progress 109 Picture: © Palladium Redaelli opera nel campo Redaelli has been active in dei derivati dell’acciaio fin the field of steel derivates dalla seconda metà since the second half of the dell’800 e oggi è sinonimo 19th century and today the di qualità, progresso, Redaelli name is esperienza tecnica ed synonomous worldwide assistenza al cliente in tutto with quality, progress, il mondo in ogni settore di technical expertise, and utilizzo delle funi di acciaio. customer service in all L’elevato livello qualitativo fields of steel wire rope. delle funi di acciaio The very high quality of the prodotte dalla Redaelli e products manufactured by utilizzate dalla Engineering Redaelli and used by their Division è garantito dal Engineering Division is rispetto delle più severe guaranteed by meeting the normative internazionali ed most severe International è abitualmente certificato standards and is usually dai principali enti di certified by the principal controllo indipendenti quali independent controlling Lloyd's Register of bodies, including Lloyd's Shipping, Det Norske Register of Shipping, Det Veritas, American Bureau of Norske Veritas, American Shipping, Registro Italiano Bureau of Shipping, Navale ed altri. Il processo Registro Italiano Navale produttivo Redaelli è and many others. certificato ISO 9001:2008 e The certification to the ISO 14001:2000. ISO 9001:2008 and to the ISO 14001:2000 International Standard is the expression of the high quality level of our manufacturing process & top level quality system of Redaelli. 111 F C U A N B L I E S OSS Funi spiroidali Open spiral strands Le funi spiroidali Redaelli sono costituite da fili di acciaio ad alta resistenza zincati a caldo. The open spiral strands are made with hot dip galvanised high strength steel wires. La fune è formata da strati di fili tondi avvolti ad elica attorno al nucleo centrale. The strand is made up of several layers of round wires helically wound around the core. Le caratteristiche principali di resistenza e della protezione anticorrosione dei fili sono conformi alla EN 12385-10. Le caratteristiche di resistenza, snervamento, duttilità, allungamento a rottura, piega, torsione, aderenza del protettivo e avvolgimento vengono singolarmente verificate da Redaelli su ogni singolo filo. La zincatura e duttilità dei fili sono in accordo con le EN 10264 classe A o altri standard richiesti. Le funi spiroidali Redaelli garantiscono o superano le caratteristiche minime di resistenza a fatica previste dal EN 1993-1-9 e EN 1993-1-11. Redaelli Engineering Division ha già eseguito molteplici prove di resistenza a fatica su simulacri di fune completi di capicorda uguali a quelli realmente utilizzati. 114 The typical main properties of the wires conform to the EN 12385-10. Tensile strength, yield stress, ductility, elongation at breaking, bending, torsion, adherence and wrapping properties are individually tested by Readelli on each wire. The zinc coating and the wire ductility comply with the EN 10264 class A and other required standards. The OSS Redaelli cables meet or exceed the minimum specifications for fatigue strength defined by EN 1993-1-9 and EN 1993-1-11. Redaelli Engineering Division has already made many tests for fatigue resistance on cable mock-ups complete with sockets the same as those in real use. OSS Funi spiroidali Open spiral strands Funi portanti e stabilizzanti per tensostrutture. Stralli per ponti ciclo-pedonali. Stralli per torri. Carrying and stabilizing strands for tensostructures. Stays for pedestrian bridges. Guy ropes. Product code d Fu,k(1) FR,d(2) A EA Mass (mm) (kN) (kN) (mm2) (MN) (kg/m) 39 6.5 0.3 OSS 8 8 60 36 OSS 12 12 135 82 88 14.6 0.7 OSS 16 16 240 145 157 25.9 1.3 OSS 20 20 380 230 245 40.4 2.0 OSS 24 24 545 330 353 58.2 2.9 OSS 28 28 745 452 480 79.3 4.0 OSS 32 32 970 588 628 104 5.2 OSS 36 36 1230 745 794 131 6.5 OSS 40 40 1520 921 981 162 8.1 OSS 44 44 1840 1115 1186 196 9.8 d Diametro nominale Nominal diameter OSS 48 48 2190 1327 1412 233 11.6 Fu,k MBL (Forza di rottura minima) (Minimum breaking load) OSS 52 52 2570 1558 1657 273 13.7 OSS 56 56 2980 1806 1922 317 15.8 FR,d Forza resistente di progetto Design load OSS 60 60 3425 2076 2206 364 18.2 A Sezione metallica Metallic cross section OSS 64 64 3815 2312 2477 404 20.4 OSS 68 68 4290 2600 2796 456 23.0 OSS 72 72 4795 2906 3135 511 25.8 OSS 76 76 5325 3227 3493 569 28.8 OSS 80 80 5885 3567 3870 631 31.9 OSS 84 84 6475 3924 4267 695 35.2 OSS 88 88 7090 4297 4683 763 38.6 EA Rigidezza elastica Elastic stiffness Note: (1) (2) Fu,k MBL / γR with γR = 1 (EC3 1-11) FR,d (MBL / 1.5) / γR with γR = 1.1 115 FLC Funi chiuse Full locked coil strands Le funi chiuse Redaelli sono costituite da fili di acciaio ad alta resistenza zincati a caldo. The full locked coil strands are made with hot dip galvanised high strength steel wires. La fune è formata da un nucleo interno di fili tondi e da uno o più strati esterni di fili sagomati a Z. The strand is built with an inner core made of round wires and by one or more external layers of Z shaped wires. La forma a Z dei fili è tale da avere un bloccaggio reciproco dei fili per ottenere una sezione compatta. Le caratteristiche principali di resistenza e della protezione anticorrosione dei fili sono conformi alla EN 12385-10. Le caratteristiche di resistenza, snervamento, duttilità, allungamento a rottura, piega, torsione, aderenza del protettivo e avvolgimento vengono singolarmente verificate da Redaelli su ogni singolo filo. La zincatura e duttilità dei fili sono in accordo con le EN 10264 classe A o altri standard richiesti. La forma speciale dei fili a Z dà superfici di contatto piane e basse pressioni superficiali tra i fili. Geometrie speciali per i fili a Z possono essere proposte su richieste particolari. 116 The Z shape of the wires is so as to have a self-locking of the wires to obtain a compact section. The principal characteristics of resistance and corrosion protection of the wires conform with EN 12385-10. Tensile strength, yield stress, ductility, elongation at breaking, bending, torsion, adherence and wrapping properties are individually tested by Readelli on each wire. The zinc coating and the wire ductility comply with the EN 10264 class A and other required standards. The special shape of the Z shaped wires allows flat contact surfaces and low contact stresses between the wires. Special geometries for the Z shaped wires may be designed on request. La forma a Z dei fili previene l’ingresso di agenti esterni all’interno dei cavi. The Z shape of the wires prevents the entry of external agents inside the cables. Le funi chiuse Redaelli garantiscono o superano le caratteristiche minime di resistenza a fatica previste dal EN 1993-1-9 e EN 1993-1-11. Redaelli Engineering Division ha già eseguito molteplici prove di resistenza a fatica su simulacri di fune completi di capicorda uguali a quelli realmente utilizzati. The FLC Redaelli cables meet or exceed the minimum specifications for fatigue strength defined by EN 1993-1-9 and EN 1993-1-11. Redaelli Engineering Division has already made many tests for fatigue resistance on cable mock-ups complete with sockets the same as those in real use. FLC Funi chiuse Full locked coil strands Funi portanti e stabilizzanti per tensostrutture. Stralli per ponti. Pendini per ponti sospesi. Stralli e funi di sospensione per edifici. Carrying and prestressing strands for tensostructures. Stays for bridges. Hangers for suspension bridges. Stays and suspension cables for buildings. Product code d Fu,k(1) FR,d(2) A EA Mass (mm) (kN) (kN) (mm2) (MN) (kg/m) FLC 16 16 250 152 170 28.1 1.4 FLC 20 20 395 239 266 43.9 2.2 FLC 24 24 570 345 383 63.2 3.2 FLC 28 28 775 470 521 86.0 4.3 FLC 32 32 1015 615 681 112 5.7 FLC 36 36 1285 779 862 142 7.2 FLC 40 40 1605 973 1077 178 9.0 FLC 44 44 1945 1179 1303 215 10.8 FLC 48 48 2315 1403 1551 256 12.9 FLC 52 52 2750 1667 1841 304 15.3 FLC 56 56 3190 1933 2136 352 17.8 FLC 60 60 3660 2218 2452 405 20.4 FLC 64 64 4165 2524 2789 460 23.2 FLC 68 68 4700 2848 3149 513 26.2 FLC 72 72 5210 3158 3530 575 29.4 FLC 76 76 5790 3509 3933 641 32.7 FLC 80 80 6405 3882 4358 710 36.3 FLC 84 84 7045 4270 4805 783 40.0 FLC 88 88 7720 4679 5274 860 43.9 FLC 92 92 8430 5109 5764 940 48.0 FLC 96 96 9165 5555 6276 1023 52.2 FLC 100 100 10050 6091 6890 1123 57.3 FLC 104 104 10860 6582 7452 1215 62.0 d Diametro nominale Nominal diameter Fu,k MBL (Forza di rottura minima) (Minimum breaking load) FLC 108 108 11700 7091 8037 1310 66.9 FLC 112 112 12720 7709 8744 1425 72.8 Forza resistente di progetto Design load FLC 116 116 13635 8264 9379 1529 78.0 FLC 120 120 14585 8839 10037 1636 83.5 FLC 124 124 15565 9433 10718 1747 89.2 FLC 128 128 16765 10161 11551 1883 96.1 FLC 132 132 17820 10800 12285 1966 102.2 FLC 136 136 18910 11461 13040 2086 108.5 FLC 140 140 20260 12279 13976 2236 116.3 FLC 144 144 21425 12985 14786 2366 123.0 FR,d A Sezione metallica Metallic cross section EA Rigidezza elastica Elastic stiffness Note: (1) Fu,k MBL / γR with γR = 1 (EC3 1-11) (2) FR,d (MBL / 1.5) / γR with γR = 1.1 117 Descrizione tecnica delle funi Protezione anticorrosione La protezione anticorrosione è data dalla sovrapposizione dei seguenti sistemi: • zincatura a caldo o lega di zinco-alluminio Zn95/Al5 (galfan) dei fili; • tamponante interno Tensofill; • forma a Z dei fili esterni nelle funi chiuse, che previene l’ingresso di agenti esterni; • sistemi addizionali speciali possono essere usati: - protezione esterna con Tensocoat Wax, inibitore della corrosione per ambienti molto aggressivi additivato con microscaglie di alluminio Tensocoat Aluminium (colore grigio alluminio metallico) o con biossido di titanio Tensocoat Titanium (colore bianco); - protezione esterna con Tensocoat Epoxy, resina epossidica bi-componente, addizionata con microscaglie di alluminio, ad alta flessibilità, primer/finitura, surface tolerant; - guaina di HDPE, polietilene ad alta densità, estruso a caldo sul cavo; questo sistema fornisce completa impermeabilità, dalla prefabbricazione in stabilimento, durante l’installazione ed in servizio. Inibitore della corrosione Tensofill Le funi sono riempite negli strati interni con Tensofill, costituito da inibitore della corrosione per ambienti molto aggressivi addizionato con resine speciali e polvere di zinco. Il riempimento previene l’ingresso e diffusione di umidità e dà una protezione aggiuntiva ai fili zincati. Prestiratura e marcatura Le funi per impieghi strutturali sono prestirate in stabilimento per eliminare la deformazione anelastica iniziale e per stabilizzare il modulo di elasticità. 118 I cavi sono poi misurati e marcati sotto la forza specificata, per il taglio a misura e per il posizionamento di eventuali morsetti intermedi. La prestiratura è eseguita con 5 o più cicli dal 10% al 50÷60% della forza minima di rottura con un massimo di 5000 kN; dopo l’ultimo ciclo la forza viene mantenuta al valore massimo per un intervallo di tempo più lungo e poi regolata sul valore richiesto per la misurazione. Il metodo e la strumentazione di misurazione danno la compensazione delle deformazioni termiche. La tolleranza sulle lunghezze delle funi dopo le operazioni di prestiratura e di assemblaggio con i capicorda è dove L è la lunghezza della fune da inserire in metri (come esempio per uno strallo di lunghezza 100 m la tolleranza è di ±15 mm); questo grado di precisione può essere migliorato in caso di particolari necessità. La definizione delle lunghezze di marcatura è da noi eseguita, in base ai dati statico-geometrici del modello strutturale, in base alle dimensioni, offset e geometria degli elementi di connessione ed in base agli effetti di assestamento e viscosità a lungo termine attesi. Socketing Le estremità dei cavi sono ancorate con elementi che resistono alla forza di rottura dei cavi. Si usano molti tipi di ancoraggi e la connessione con il cavo è eseguita conformemente alla EN 13411-4 e alle severe procedure interne Redaelli, utilizzando i seguenti metodi: • getto di resina poliestere per uso strutturale, eseguito a temperatura ambiente; questo metodo sviluppa la resistenza del cavo senza connessioni o morse meccaniche o azioni concentrate sui fili, fornendo così una elevata resistenza a fatica (grado di efficienza 100%); - la resina e i fili formano un unico corpo conico che rimane all’interno della sede conica dei capicorda; - la resina viene colata a temperatura ambiente, preservando il tamponante anticorrosivo Tensofill presente vicino al capocorda all’interno della fune; • getto di metallo fuso (zinco puro o lega zamak), applicato a caldo, questo metodo sviluppa la resistenza del cavo senza connessioni o morse meccaniche o azioni concentrate sui fili (grado di efficienza 100%); • pressatura eseguita solo su cavi di piccole dimensioni, fino a 45 mm di diametro; con questo metodo la resistenza del cavo è ridotta fino ad un massimo del 10%, a causa delle deformazioni trasversali (grado di efficienza minimo 90%). Un sistema sigillante a gomma morbida e flessibile può essere applicato all’estremità delle teste gettate, per assicurare l’impermeabilità dopo la fabbricazione ed in esercizio nei casi di utilizzo delle funi in ambienti molto aggressivi. L’operazione di applicazione dei capicorda è eseguita in condizioni controllate, le attrezzature usate assicurano un adeguato centraggio ed allineamento dei cavi nei capicorda. Cable technical description Corrosion Protection The corrosion protection of the high strength steel cables is provided by applying the following systems: • hot dip galvanising or hot dip zinc-aluminium alloy Zn95/Al5 (galfan) coating of the wires can be provided; • internal anticorrosion compound Tensofill that surrounds the internal galvanised wires; • Z shape of the external locked coil wires, that prevents the entry of external agents; • additional special protection systems can be used as follows: - over coating with Tensocoat Wax, made from Severe Atmosphere Corrosion Inhibitor added with Aluminium Microflakes Tensocoat Aluminium (colour: aluminium metallic gray) or Titanium Dioxide Tensocoat Titanium (colour: white); this coating is applied during and after the installation of the cables; - over coating with Tensocoat Epoxy, a two component polyamine epoxy added with aluminium microflakes, offering high flexibility, primer/finish, surface tolerant; this coating is applied after the installation of the cables; - High Density Polyethylene sheath HDPE, applied by hot extrusion on the cable surface; this provides complete waterproofing, from workshop prefabrication, during installation and in service. The HDPE is of a grade suitable for long term reliability. Tensofill Corrosion Inhibitor The spiral strands and the locked coil strands are filled in the inner layers by Tensofill, the corrosion inhibitor compound made from Severe Atmosphere Corrosion Inhibitor added with zinc powder in a grade to optimise the anti corrosion shield and the galvanic protection. The filler prevents the entry and diffusion of moisture inside the cable and gives additional protection to the galvanised wires. Prestretching and Marking The strands for structural application are usually prestretched in the workshop, to remove the initial inelastic deformation due to the helical structure of the cables and to stabilize the elastic modulus. The cables are then measured and marked under the specified load for cutting and positioning of the intermediate clamps, when required. The prestretching operation is executed on a special plant, with 5000 kN capacity where the cable is anchored and pulled; the load cycles and the measuring force are automatically controlled. The prestretching is made usually by 5 or more cycles from 10% to 50-60% of the minimum breaking load; after the last cycle the load is adjusted to the load required for the measurement of the cable. load-geometry data of the structural model and considering the actual sizes, offsets and dimensions of the connection elements. Also the expected long term creep and the settling of the anchor ends is considered in the prefabrication lengths. Socketing The cable ends are anchored by means of systems that have the scope to resist up to the breaking strength of the cable. Our socket range is wide and the connection to the cable is executed according to EN 12411-4 and to the rigorous internal procedures of Redaelli, utilizing the following methods: • socketing by polyester resin for structural use, cast at room temperature; this procedure develops the complete strength of the cable through the resin interface, without any kind of mechanical grip or concentrated action on the wires, allowing in this way for high fatigue resistance of the cable; - the resin forms a solid cone with the cable wires inside; this cone acts and is locked as a wedge inside the socket conical hole; - the resin cast at room temperature preserves also the anticorrosion filler inside the cable near the socket; • socketing by metal (pure zinc or zamak alloy), applied melted inside the socket; - also this method develops the complete strength of the cable; (100% efficient) • swaging is used on small cable sizes, up to about 45 mm diameter, and is obtained by pressing the hollow part of the socket to the cable; with this method the cable strength is reduced by not more than 10% due to the effect of the transverse deformation at the connection. (Minimum efficiency 90%) A sealing system made of soft flexible rubber is applied to the end of the exposed poured cones, to give waterproofing after the fabrication and in operation, for use in harsh environments. The socketing operation is carried out in controlled conditions, the equipment used ensures the proper centring and alignment of the strands in the sockets. The measurement method allows for the automatic compensation of the thermal elongation, and is performed in monitored thermal condition. The length tolerance after the prestretching and the assembly with the sockets is where L is the length of the cable in meters, (as example for 100 m stay length the tolerance is ± 15 mm); we are able to improve this tolerance value if requested. The definition of the marking lengths is made by us starting from the 119 Picture: © Ros Kavanagh Cover picture: © Nick Wood 2000 Redaelli Engineering Division Redaelli Engineering Division offre una vasta gamma di supplies a wide range of sistemi d’ancoraggio standard socket systems standard ed è dotata dei and is equipped with the più avanzati strumenti di most advanced design progettazione quali tools like 3D modelling modellatori 3D, programmi software, design software di calcolo e programmi di and software for the finite verifica agli elementi finiti element method (FEM) (FEM). verification. Le diverse tipologie di The socket types are ancoraggi sono concepite designed to meet both the per venire incontro sia alle most common architectural più comuni soluzioni solutions and the always architettoniche che alla increasing request of sempre maggiore richiesta flexibility and customizing di flessibilità e in tensostructure designing. personalizzazione nella There are also several progettazione delle special socket types, that tensostrutture. Sono inoltre can be developed for disponibili diverse tipologie particular design speciali di capocorda che requirements. possono essere sviluppate The Engineering Division per esigenze progettuali systems employed in the particolari. tensostructure field are I sistemi Engineering regularly tested by the Division utilizzati nel campo most important official delle tensostrutture sono laboratories of Italian and regolarmente testati sia dai foreign Universities and by laboratori ufficiali delle the most appreciated principali università italiane European Certified Bodies. ed estere, sia da laboratori ufficiali legalmente riconosciuti di provata affidabilità e capacità tecniche. 121 A S N O C O C R K A E G G T I S Studio Tecnico Majowiecki TTF Capocorda a forcella Fork socket d max (mm) Fu,k(1) FR,d(2) C (kN) (kN) (mm) TTF 12 15 190 115 38 TTF 16 19 320 194 TTF 20 24 490 297 TTF 24 28 700 TTF 28 32 TTF 32 36 TTF 36 40 TTF 40 44 TTF 44 TTF 48 T min (mm) T max (mm) Mass (mm) S max (mm) 60 123 50 16 22 1.2 32 78 159 60 24 30 2.5 39 94 195 75 30 37 4.4 72 46 112 231 85 38 45 7.1 588 84 54 132 267 100 50 56 12 779 95 61 150 303 110 55 60 17 1605 973 104 67 164 334 120 65 70 23 1950 1182 120 76 188 375 135 70 75 33 48 2350 1424 130 83 205 406 145 80 85 44 52 2750 1667 140 90 220 442 155 90 95 57 TTF 52 56 3300 2000 154 98 242 478 170 95 105 71 TTF 56 60 3900 2364 172 109 270 519 185 105 110 89 TTF 60 64 4400 2667 182 116 286 560 205 115 120 107 TTF 64 68 5000 3030 196 124 308 596 215 125 130 131 TTF 68 72 5550 3364 208 131 325 637 230 130 135 154 TTF 72 76 6250 3788 218 138 345 673 240 140 145 182 TTF 76 80 7000 4242 232 146 365 708 255 150 155 216 TTF 80 84 7700 4667 245 154 386 750 270 155 165 253 TTF 84 88 8500 5152 256 161 404 781 280 165 170 290 TTF 88 92 9400 5697 282 179 442 827 300 175 180 349 TTF 92 96 10200 6182 293 187 462 868 315 185 190 401 TTF 96 100 11100 6727 305 194 482 899 325 190 200 449 TTF 100 104 12000 7273 320 202 502 945 345 195 205 511 TTF 104 108 13000 7879 332 210 522 976 355 205 215 567 Product code D HOLE (mm) E F (mm) 25.5 48 60 424 970 1285 (kg) dmax Diametro massimo fune Max strand diameter Fu,k MBL (Forza di rottura minima) (Minimum breaking load) TTF 108 112 14000 8485 345 218 544 1017 370 210 225 634 TTF 112 116 15200 9212 362 227 570 1058 385 215 230 710 Forza resistente di progetto Design load TTF 116 120 16150 9788 375 236 592 1094 400 225 240 790 TTF 120 124 17400 10545 388 243 612 1130 410 230 250 876 DHOLE Diametro del foro Hole diameter TTF 124 128 18450 11182 400 252 632 1171 430 240 255 961 Smax TTF 128 132 19800 12000 412 259 650 1207 440 250 265 1060 TTF 132 136 20900 12667 425 267 672 1238 450 255 270 1149 TTF 136 140 22200 13455 438 275 692 1279 465 265 280 1259 TTF 140 144 23500 14242 452 283 715 1315 475 270 290 1371 TTF 144 148 24850 15061 466 292 736 1351 490 280 300 1499 FR,d per/for T max Note: (1) (2) Fu,k MBL / γR with γR = 1 (EC3 1-11) FR,d (MBL / 1.5) / γR with γR = 1.1 125 TBF Capocorda a forcella regolabile Adjustable fork socket d max (mm) Fu,k(1) FR,d(2) (kN) (kN) TBF 12 15 160 97 TBF 16 19 280 TBF 20 24 440 TBF 24 28 TBF 28 TBF 32 Product code H (mm) S T T Adjust. max min max (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Mass (kg) 38 25.5 60 40 317 50 16 22 ± 40 2.3 170 48 32 78 55 402 60 24 30 ± 50 5.0 267 60 39 94 65 487 75 30 37 ± 60 8.9 620 376 72 46 112 75 597 85 38 45 ± 80 14 32 850 515 84 54 132 90 682 100 50 56 ± 90 24 36 1150 697 95 61 150 100 781 110 55 60 ± 100 35 TBF 36 40 1400 848 104 67 164 110 875 120 65 70 ± 110 48 TBF 40 44 1750 1061 120 76 188 120 970 135 70 75 ± 120 65 TBF 44 48 2100 1273 130 83 205 130 1055 145 80 85 ± 130 88 TBF 48 52 2500 1515 140 90 220 145 1160 155 90 95 ± 150 117 TBF 52 56 2950 1788 154 98 242 155 1255 170 95 105 ± 160 144 TBF 56 60 3400 2061 172 109 270 165 1355 185 105 110 ± 170 179 TBF 60 64 3900 2364 182 116 286 180 1440 205 115 120 ± 180 218 TBF 64 68 4500 2727 196 124 308 190 1555 215 125 130 ± 200 268 TBF 68 72 5000 3030 208 131 325 200 1670 230 130 135 ± 220 315 TBF 72 76 5600 3394 218 138 345 210 1770 240 140 145 ± 230 369 TBF 76 80 6300 3818 232 146 365 225 1854 255 150 155 ± 240 442 TBF 80 84 7000 4242 245 154 386 235 1955 270 155 165 ± 250 515 TBF 84 88 7700 4667 256 161 404 245 2040 280 165 170 ± 260 587 TBF 88 92 8500 5152 282 179 442 260 2140 300 175 180 ± 270 695 TBF 92 96 9300 5636 293 187 462 270 2260 315 185 190 ± 280 798 TBF 96 100 10100 6121 305 194 482 280 2340 325 190 200 ± 290 888 dmax Diametro massimo fune Max strand diameter TBF 100 104 10900 6606 320 202 502 295 2430 345 195 205 ± 300 1014 Fu,k MBL (Forza di rottura minima) (Minimum breaking load) TBF 104 108 11800 7152 332 210 522 305 2500 355 205 215 ± 300 1120 TBF 108 112 12700 7697 345 218 544 315 2575 370 210 225 ± 300 1234 FR,d Forza resistente di progetto Design load TBF 112 116 13900 8424 362 227 570 325 2645 385 215 230 ± 300 1364 TBF 116 120 14900 9030 375 236 592 340 2710 400 225 240 ± 300 1520 TBF 120 124 15900 9636 388 243 612 350 2775 410 230 250 ± 300 1669 TBF 124 128 17000 10303 400 252 632 360 2870 430 240 255 ± 300 1822 Adjust. Regolazione Adjustment TBF 128 132 18100 10970 412 259 650 370 2935 440 250 265 ± 300 1988 Note: TBF 132 136 19200 11636 425 267 672 380 2994 450 255 270 ± 300 2136 TBF 136 140 20400 12364 438 275 692 390 3062 465 265 280 ± 300 2318 TBF 140 144 21600 13091 452 283 715 410 3135 475 270 290 ± 300 2552 TBF 144 148 22900 13879 466 292 736 420 3198 490 280 300 ± 300 2748 DHOLE Diametro del foro Hole diameter Smax (1) (2) 126 E ØA D HOLE (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) C per/for T max Fu,k MBL / γR with γR = 1 (EC3 1-11) FR,d (MBL / 1.5) / γR with γR = 1.1 CYF Capocorda cilindrico fisso Fix cylindrical socket d max (mm) Fu,k(1) FR,d(2) ØA B (kN) (kN) (mm) CYF 12 15 160 97 40 CYF 16 19 280 170 CYF 20 24 440 267 CYF 24 28 620 376 CYF 28 32 850 CYF 32 36 1150 CYF 36 40 CYF 40 44 CYF 44 CYF 48 Mass (mm) D HOLE (mm) 63 18 0.4 55 84 23 1.0 65 105 27 1.8 75 126 32 2.7 515 90 147 37 4.8 697 100 168 42 6.6 1400 848 110 189 47 8.8 1750 1061 120 210 51 12 48 2100 1273 130 231 56 15 52 2500 1515 145 252 61 20 CYF 52 56 2950 1788 155 273 66 25 CYF 56 60 3400 2061 165 294 71 30 CYF 60 64 3900 2364 180 315 75 40 CYF 64 68 4500 2727 190 336 80 47 CYF 68 72 5000 3030 200 357 85 54 CYF 72 76 5600 3394 210 378 90 63 CYF 76 80 6300 3818 225 399 95 77 CYF 80 84 7000 4242 235 420 99 89 CYF 84 88 7700 4667 245 441 104 100 CYF 88 92 8500 5152 260 462 109 120 Product code (kg) CYF 92 96 9300 5636 270 483 114 134 CYF 96 100 10100 6121 280 504 119 149 CYF 100 104 10900 6606 295 525 123 176 CYF 104 108 11800 7152 305 546 128 194 dmax Diametro massimo fune Max strand diameter CYF 108 112 12700 7697 315 567 133 214 Fu,k MBL (Forza di rottura minima) (Minimum breaking load) CYF 112 116 13900 8424 325 588 138 234 CYF 116 120 14900 9030 340 609 143 269 FR,d Forza resistente di progetto Design load CYF 120 124 15900 9636 350 630 147 294 CYF 124 128 17000 10303 360 651 152 320 DHOLE Diametro del foro Hole diameter CYF 128 132 18100 10970 370 672 157 347 Note: CYF 132 136 19200 11636 380 693 162 375 CYF 136 140 20400 12364 390 714 167 405 CYF 140 144 21600 13091 410 735 171 475 CYF 144 148 22900 13879 420 756 176 510 (1) (2) Fu,k MBL / γR with γR = 1 (EC3 1-11) FR,d (MBL / 1.5) / γR with γR = 1.1 127 CYS Capocorda cilindrico spessorabile Cylindrical socket adjustable with shims d max (mm) Fu,k(1) FR,d(2) ØA B (kN) (kN) (mm) (mm) CYS 12 15 160 97 40 100 18 0.6 CYS 16 19 280 170 55 130 23 1.5 CYS 20 24 440 267 65 160 27 2.5 CYS 24 28 620 376 75 190 32 3.7 CYS 28 32 850 515 90 220 37 6.6 CYS 32 36 1150 697 100 250 42 9.0 CYS 36 40 1400 848 110 285 47 12 CYS 40 44 1750 1061 120 315 51 16 CYS 44 48 2100 1273 130 345 56 19 CYS 48 52 2500 1515 145 375 61 27 CYS 52 56 2950 1788 155 405 66 34 CYS 56 60 3400 2061 165 435 71 40 CYS 60 64 3900 2364 180 465 75 53 CYS 64 68 4500 2727 190 495 80 61 CYS 68 72 5000 3030 200 525 85 72 CYS 72 76 5600 3394 210 555 90 82 CYS 76 80 6300 3818 225 585 95 102 CYS 80 84 7000 4242 235 615 99 116 CYS 84 88 7700 4667 245 645 104 132 CYS 88 92 8500 5152 260 675 109 158 Product code Mass (kg) CYS 92 96 9300 5636 270 705 114 176 CYS 96 100 10100 6121 280 735 119 194 CYS 100 104 10900 6606 295 765 123 232 CYS 104 108 11800 7152 305 795 128 255 dmax Diametro massimo fune Max strand diameter CYS 108 112 12700 7697 315 825 133 279 Fu,k MBL (Forza di rottura minima) (Minimum breaking load) CYS 112 116 13900 8424 325 855 138 304 CYS 116 120 14900 9030 340 885 143 349 FR,d Forza resistente di progetto Design load CYS 120 124 15900 9636 350 915 147 384 CYS 124 128 17000 10303 360 945 152 416 DHOLE Diametro del foro Hole diameter CYS 128 132 18100 10970 370 975 157 449 Note: CYS 132 136 19200 11636 380 1005 162 483 CYS 136 140 20400 12364 390 1035 167 525 CYS 140 144 21600 13091 410 1065 171 619 CYS 144 148 22900 13879 420 1095 176 662 (1) (2) 128 D HOLE (mm) Fu,k MBL / γR with γR = 1 (EC3 1-11) FR,d (MBL / 1.5) / γR with γR = 1.1 CYT Capocorda cilindrico con dado di fissaggio Cylindrical socket anchored by nut d max (mm) Fu,k(1) FR,d(2) MA B (kN) (kN) (mm) (mm) CYT 12 15 160 97 45 63 48 CYT 16 19 280 170 55 84 CYT 20 24 440 267 70 105 CYT 24 28 620 376 80 126 CYT 28 32 850 515 90 CYT 32 36 1150 697 105 CYT 36 40 1400 848 CYT 40 44 1750 1061 CYT 44 48 2100 CYT 48 52 2500 CYT 52 56 CYT 56 60 CYT 60 ØN HN Adjust. Mass (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) 65 25 ± 16 0.8 59 80 35 ± 22 1.5 75 100 40 ± 30 3.2 85 115 50 ± 33 5.1 147 95 130 60 ± 39 7.5 168 110 150 65 ± 47 12 115 189 120 165 75 ± 49 15 130 210 135 185 80 ± 57 22 1273 140 231 145 200 90 ± 63 28 1515 150 252 155 210 100 ± 68 34 2950 1788 165 273 170 235 105 ± 76 46 3400 2061 175 294 180 245 115 ± 82 54 64 3900 2364 190 315 195 270 120 ± 88 69 CYT 64 68 4500 2727 200 336 208 280 130 ± 93 80 CYT 68 72 5000 3030 210 357 218 295 140 ± 99 94 CYT 72 76 5600 3394 225 378 233 315 145 ± 107 114 CYT 76 80 6300 3818 235 399 245 330 155 ± 107 130 CYT 80 84 7000 4242 250 420 260 350 160 ± 115 156 CYT 84 88 7700 4667 260 441 270 365 170 ± 121 178 CYT 88 92 8500 5152 270 462 280 380 180 ± 126 202 Product code D HOLE (mm) CYT 92 96 9300 5636 285 483 297 400 185 ± 129 232 CYT 96 100 10100 6121 295 504 307 420 195 ± 135 265 CYT 100 104 10900 6606 310 525 322 435 200 ± 143 300 CYT 104 108 11800 7152 320 546 332 450 210 ± 148 334 MBL (Forza di rottura minima) (Minimum breaking load) CYT 108 112 12700 7697 335 567 347 470 220 ± 149 378 CYT 112 116 13900 8424 350 588 365 490 225 ± 157 427 Forza resistente di progetto Design load CYT 116 120 14900 9030 360 609 375 510 235 ± 162 477 CYT 120 124 15900 9636 370 630 385 520 240 ± 170 512 CYT 124 128 17000 10303 385 651 405 540 250 ± 176 570 Adjust. Regolazione Adjustment CYT 128 132 18100 10970 395 672 415 560 260 ± 181 630 Note: CYT 132 136 19200 11636 410 693 430 580 265 ± 189 699 CYT 136 140 20400 12364 420 714 440 590 275 ± 195 741 CYT 140 144 21600 13091 435 735 460 610 280 ± 203 821 CYT 144 148 22900 13879 445 756 470 630 290 ± 208 897 dmax Fu,k FR,d Diametro massimo fune Max strand diameter DHOLE Diametro del foro Hole diameter (1) (2) Fu,k MBL / γR with γR = 1 (EC3 1-11) FR,d (MBL / 1.5) / γR with γR = 1.1 129 CYN Capocorda cilindrico regolabile con dado piano Adjustable cylindrical socket with flat nut d max (mm) Fu,k(1) FR,d(2) MA B (kN) (kN) (mm) (mm) CYN 12 15 160 97 45 100 48 CYN 16 19 280 170 55 130 CYN 20 24 440 267 70 160 CYN 24 28 620 376 80 190 CYN 28 32 850 515 90 CYN 32 36 1150 697 105 CYN 36 40 1400 848 CYN 40 44 1750 1061 CYN 44 48 2100 CYN 48 52 2500 CYN 52 56 CYN 56 60 CYN 60 ØN HN Adjust. Mass (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) 65 25 ± 35 1.0 59 80 35 ± 44 1.9 75 100 40 ± 56 4.0 85 115 50 ± 66 6.1 220 95 130 60 ± 76 9.0 250 110 150 65 ± 89 14 115 285 120 165 75 ± 100 19 130 315 135 185 80 ± 113 27 1273 140 345 145 200 90 ± 123 34 1515 150 375 155 210 100 ± 132 41 2950 1788 165 405 170 235 105 ± 144 56 3400 2061 175 435 180 245 115 ± 154 65 64 3900 2364 190 465 195 270 120 ± 165 83 CYN 64 68 4500 2727 200 495 208 280 130 ± 175 96 CYN 68 72 5000 3030 210 525 218 295 140 ± 185 113 CYN 72 76 5600 3394 225 555 233 315 145 ± 197 138 CYN 76 80 6300 3818 235 585 245 330 155 ± 205 155 CYN 80 84 7000 4242 250 615 260 350 160 ± 218 187 CYN 84 88 7700 4667 260 645 270 365 170 ± 228 214 CYN 88 92 8500 5152 270 675 280 380 180 ± 238 241 Product code CYN 92 96 9300 5636 285 705 297 400 185 ± 248 277 CYN 96 100 10100 6121 295 735 307 420 195 ± 258 314 CYN 100 104 10900 6606 310 765 322 435 200 ± 271 361 CYN 104 108 11800 7152 320 795 332 450 210 ± 281 399 MBL (Forza di rottura minima) (Minimum breaking load) CYN 108 112 12700 7697 335 825 347 470 220 ± 288 450 CYN 112 116 13900 8424 350 855 365 490 225 ± 300 510 Forza resistente di progetto Design load CYN 116 120 14900 9030 360 885 375 510 235 ± 310 565 CYN 120 124 15900 9636 370 915 385 520 240 ± 323 611 CYN 124 128 17000 10303 385 945 405 540 250 ± 330 678 Adjust. Regolazione Adjustment CYN 128 132 18100 10970 395 975 415 560 260 ± 340 745 Note: CYN 132 136 19200 11636 410 1005 430 580 265 ± 352 829 CYN 136 140 20400 12364 420 1035 440 590 275 ± 360 882 CYN 140 144 21600 13091 435 1065 460 610 280 ± 373 978 CYN 144 148 22900 13879 445 1095 470 630 290 ± 383 1063 dmax Fu,k FR,d Diametro massimo fune Max strand diameter DHOLE Diametro del foro Hole diameter (1) (2) 130 D HOLE (mm) Fu,k MBL / γR with γR = 1 (EC3 1-11) FR,d (MBL / 1.5) / γR with γR = 1.1 CYW Capocorda cilindrico regolabile con dado e rondella sferici Adjustable cylindrical socket with spherical nut and washer Product code d max (mm) Fu,k(1) FR,d(2) MA B (kN) (kN) (mm) (mm) D HOLE (mm) HNW ØEW Adjust. Mass (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) CYW 12 15 160 97 45 100 57 36 80 ± 35 1.5 CYW 16 19 280 170 55 130 68 47 100 ± 44 2.7 CYW 20 24 440 267 70 160 86 59 120 ± 56 5.3 CYW 24 28 620 376 80 190 99 72 140 ± 66 8.4 CYW 28 32 850 515 90 220 111 86 160 ± 76 12 CYW 32 36 1150 697 105 250 130 95 180 ± 89 19 CYW 36 40 1400 848 115 285 143 107 200 ± 100 25 CYW 40 44 1750 1061 130 315 161 116 230 ± 113 37 CYW 44 48 2100 1273 140 345 174 125 240 ± 123 44 CYW 48 52 2500 1515 150 375 186 140 260 ± 132 54 CYW 52 56 2950 1788 165 405 205 147 290 ± 144 74 CYW 56 60 3400 2061 175 435 217 163 300 ± 154 85 CYW 60 64 3900 2364 190 465 236 170 330 ± 165 110 CYW 64 68 4500 2727 200 495 248 181 340 ± 175 123 CYW 68 72 5000 3030 210 525 261 195 360 ± 185 147 CYW 72 76 5600 3394 225 555 279 203 380 ± 197 177 CYW 76 80 6300 3818 235 585 292 222 400 ± 205 204 CYW 80 84 7000 4242 250 615 310 226 410 ± 218 235 CYW 84 88 7700 4667 260 645 323 235 420 ± 228 263 CYW 88 92 8500 5152 270 675 336 254 440 ± 238 301 CYW 92 96 9300 5636 285 705 354 268 460 ± 248 348 CYW 96 100 10100 6121 295 735 367 275 490 ± 258 400 CYW 100 104 10900 6606 310 765 385 290 510 ± 271 460 CYW 104 108 11800 7152 320 795 398 299 520 ± 281 500 MBL (Forza di rottura minima) (Minimum breaking load) CYW 108 112 12700 7697 335 825 415 318 550 ± 288 574 CYW 112 116 13900 8424 350 855 434 322 570 ± 300 643 Forza resistente di progetto Design load CYW 116 120 14900 9030 360 885 446 329 590 ± 310 709 CYW 120 124 15900 9636 370 915 460 334 580 ± 323 738 CYW 124 128 17000 10303 385 945 477 353 600 ± 330 822 Adjust. Regolazione Adjustment CYW 128 132 18100 10970 395 975 490 361 620 ± 340 901 Note: CYW 132 136 19200 11636 410 1005 508 365 640 ± 352 994 CYW 136 140 20400 12364 420 1035 521 395 650 ± 360 1071 CYW 140 144 21600 13091 435 1065 539 398 680 ± 373 1191 CYW 144 148 22900 13879 445 1095 552 406 700 ± 383 1292 dmax Fu,k FR,d Diametro massimo fune Max strand diameter DHOLE Diametro del foro Hole diameter (1) (2) Fu,k MBL / γR with γR = 1 (EC3 1-11) FR,d (MBL / 1.5) / γR with γR = 1.1 131 CYB Capocorda cilindrico regolabile con barra filettata Adjustable cylindrical socket with threaded rod Product code dmax Fu,k FR,d (2) 132 FR,d(2) ØA B (kN) (kN) (mm) M Mass (mm) D HOLE (mm) (mm) (kg) CYB 12 15 160 97 40 107 21.5 20 x 2.5 0.5 CYB 16 19 280 170 55 140 26 24 x 3 1.4 CYB 20 24 440 267 65 170 32 30 x 3 2.4 CYB 24 28 620 376 75 200 38 36 x 3 3.7 CYB 28 32 850 515 90 230 45 42 x 3 6.2 CYB 32 36 1150 697 100 260 51 48 x 3 8.5 CYB 36 40 1400 848 110 295 55 52 x 3 12 CYB 40 44 1750 1061 120 325 63 60 x 4 15 CYB 44 48 2100 1273 130 360 67 64 x 4 20 CYB 48 52 2500 1515 145 390 75 72 x 4 27 CYB 52 56 2950 1788 155 420 84 80 x 6 32 CYB 56 60 3400 2061 165 450 89 85 x 6 39 CYB 60 64 3900 2364 180 480 94 90 x 6 51 CYB 64 68 4500 2727 190 510 99 95 x 6 60 CYB 68 72 5000 3030 200 540 109 105 x 6 69 CYB 72 76 5600 3394 210 575 114 110 x 6 80 CYB 76 80 6300 3818 225 605 124 120 x 6 97 CYB 80 84 7000 4242 235 635 130 125 x 6 111 CYB 84 88 7700 4667 245 665 135 130 x 6 126 CYB 88 92 8500 5152 260 695 140 135 x 6 150 96 9300 5636 270 725 145 140 x 6 168 CYB 96 100 10100 6121 280 755 150 145 x 6 188 CYB 100 104 10900 6606 295 785 160 155 x 6 218 CYB 104 108 11800 7152 305 815 165 160 x 6 242 MBL (Forza di rottura minima) (Minimum breaking load) CYB 108 112 12700 7697 315 845 170 165 x 8 267 CYB 112 116 13900 8424 325 875 180 175 x 8 291 Forza resistente di progetto Design load CYB 116 120 14900 9030 340 905 185 180 x 8 331 CYB 120 124 15900 9636 350 935 190 185 x 8 364 CYB 124 128 17000 10303 360 965 195 190 x 8 397 CYB 128 132 18100 10970 370 995 215 210 x 8 422 CYB 132 136 19200 11636 380 1025 225 220 x 10 454 CYB 136 140 20400 12364 390 1055 235 230 x 10 488 CYB 140 144 21600 13091 410 1085 235 230 x 10 571 CYB 144 148 22900 13879 420 1115 245 240 x 10 612 Diametro massimo fune Max strand diameter Massa senza barra filettata Mass without threaded rod Note: (1) Fu,k(1) CYB 92 DHOLE Diametro del foro Hole diameter Mass d max (mm) Fu,k MBL / γR with γR = 1 (EC3 1-11) FR,d (MBL / 1.5) / γR with γR = 1.1 CYR Capocorda cilindrico regolabile con barra filettata e dado sferico Adjustable cylindrical socket with threaded rod, spherical nut and spherical washer d max (mm) Fu,k(1) FR,d(2) ØA B (kN) (kN) (mm) (mm) D HOLE (mm) CYR 12 15 160 97 40 107 CYR 16 19 280 170 55 CYR 20 24 440 267 65 CYR 24 28 620 376 75 CYR 28 32 850 515 90 230 65 90 CYR 32 36 1150 697 100 260 74 100 CYR 36 40 1400 848 110 295 81 110 CYR 40 44 1750 1061 120 325 92 120 CYR 44 48 2100 1273 130 360 99 130 CYR 48 52 2500 1515 145 390 111 150 CYR 52 56 2950 1788 155 420 122 CYR 56 60 3400 2061 165 450 130 CYR 60 64 3900 2364 180 480 CYR 64 68 4500 2727 190 CYR 68 72 5000 3030 200 CYR 72 76 5600 3394 CYR 76 80 6300 3818 CYR 80 84 7000 CYR 84 88 7700 CYR 88 92 Product code dmax Fu,k FR,d (2) M Mass (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) 31 40 39 20 x 2.5 0.7 140 38 50 48 24 x 3 1.7 170 46 60 53 30 x 3 2.8 200 55 80 63 36 x 3 4.6 78 42 x 3 7.6 88 48 x 3 10 95 52 x 3 14 108 60 x 4 18 117 64 x 4 24 128 72 x 4 33 170 141 80 x 6 41 170 156 85 x 6 48 138 180 163 90 x 6 62 510 146 190 177 95 x 6 73 540 160 210 186 105 x 6 86 210 575 168 220 202 110 x 6 101 225 605 181 240 210 120 x 6 121 4242 235 635 189 250 224 125 x 6 140 4667 245 665 197 260 229 130 x 6 158 8500 5152 260 695 206 270 242 135 x 6 187 96 9300 5636 270 725 213 280 247 140 x 6 208 CYR 96 100 10100 6121 280 755 222 290 261 145 x 6 234 CYR 100 104 10900 6606 295 785 235 310 270 155 x 6 271 CYR 104 108 11800 7152 305 815 243 320 285 160 x 6 302 MBL (Forza di rottura minima) (Minimum breaking load) CYR 108 112 12700 7697 315 845 251 330 298 165 x 8 335 CYR 112 116 13900 8424 325 875 265 350 307 175 x 8 368 Forza resistente di progetto Design load CYR 116 120 14900 9030 340 905 273 360 323 180 x 8 418 CYR 120 124 15900 9636 350 935 281 370 327 185 x 8 456 CYR 124 128 17000 10303 360 965 289 380 342 190 x 8 500 CYR 128 132 18100 10970 370 995 314 410 358 210 x 8 539 CYR 132 136 19200 11636 380 1025 327 430 367 220 x 10 583 CYR 136 140 20400 12364 390 1055 340 450 376 230 x 10 630 CYR 140 144 21600 13091 410 1085 343 450 386 230 x 10 722 CYR 144 148 22900 13879 420 1115 356 470 395 240 x 10 776 Diametro massimo fune Max strand diameter Massa senza barra filettata Mass without threaded rod Note: (1) HNW CYR 92 DHOLE Diametro del foro Hole diameter Mass ØEW Fu,k MBL / γR with γR = 1 (EC3 1-11) FR,d (MBL / 1.5) / γR with γR = 1.1 133 CYC Giunto cilindrico in linea con nipplo Cylindrical coupler socket with connector d max (mm) Fu,k(1) FR,d(2) ØA H Mass (kN) (kN) (mm) (mm) (kg) CYC 12 15 160 97 40 218 1.2 CYC 16 19 280 170 55 280 2.9 CYC 20 24 440 267 65 334 5.1 CYC 24 28 620 376 75 399 8.0 CYC 28 32 850 515 90 464 13 CYC 32 36 1150 697 100 526 19 CYC 36 40 1400 848 110 600 27 CYC 40 44 1750 1061 120 665 35 CYC 44 48 2100 1273 130 720 46 CYC 48 52 2500 1515 145 780 61 CYC 52 56 2950 1788 155 840 76 CYC 56 60 3400 2061 165 910 92 CYC 60 64 3900 2364 180 970 117 CYC 64 68 4500 2727 190 1030 140 CYC 68 72 5000 3030 200 1100 163 CYC 72 76 5600 3394 210 1170 190 CYC 76 80 6300 3818 225 1230 230 CYC 80 84 7000 4242 235 1300 266 CYC 84 88 7700 4667 245 1360 303 CYC 88 92 8500 5152 260 1430 357 Product code 96 9300 5636 270 1510 407 CYC 96 100 10100 6121 280 1570 452 CYC 100 104 10900 6606 295 1630 523 CYC 104 108 11800 7152 305 1690 582 CYC 108 112 12700 7697 315 1750 642 CYC 112 116 13900 8424 325 1810 706 dmax Diametro massimo fune Max strand diameter CYC 116 120 14900 9030 340 1870 800 Fu,k MBL (Forza di rottura minima) (Minimum breaking load) CYC 120 124 15900 9636 350 1930 877 CYC 124 128 17000 10303 360 2010 965 Forza resistente di progetto Design load CYC 128 132 18100 10970 370 2070 1048 CYC 132 136 19200 11636 380 2130 1131 CYC 136 140 20400 12364 390 2190 1223 CYC 140 144 21600 13091 410 2255 1401 CYC 144 148 22900 13879 420 2315 1504 FR,d Note: (1) (2) 134 CYC 92 Fu,k MBL / γR with γR = 1 (EC3 1-11) FR,d (MBL / 1.5) / γR with γR = 1.1 CYA Giunto cilindrico in linea con nipplo regolabile Adjustable cylindrical coupler socket with connector d max (mm) Fu,k(1) FR,d(2) ØA H Adjust. Mass (kN) (kN) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) CYA 12 15 160 97 40 330 ± 40 1.8 CYA 16 19 280 170 55 416 ± 50 4.4 CYA 20 24 440 267 65 510 ± 60 7.8 CYA 24 28 620 376 75 633 ± 80 13 CYA 28 32 850 515 90 716 ± 90 21 CYA 32 36 1150 697 100 830 ± 100 30 CYA 36 40 1400 848 110 942 ± 110 42 CYA 40 44 1750 1061 120 1035 ± 120 54 CYA 44 48 2100 1273 130 1138 ± 130 71 CYA 48 52 2500 1515 145 1256 ± 150 98 CYA 52 56 2950 1788 155 1364 ± 160 120 CYA 56 60 3400 2061 165 1462 ± 170 145 CYA 60 64 3900 2364 180 1540 ± 180 184 CYA 64 68 4500 2727 190 1678 ± 200 225 CYA 68 72 5000 3030 200 1796 ± 220 265 CYA 72 76 5600 3394 210 1904 ± 230 310 CYA 76 80 6300 3818 225 1992 ± 240 374 CYA 80 84 7000 4242 235 2090 ± 250 428 CYA 84 88 7700 4667 245 2188 ± 260 489 CYA 88 92 8500 5152 260 2276 ± 270 573 Product code CYA 92 96 9300 5636 270 2404 ± 280 650 CYA 96 100 10100 6121 280 2492 ± 290 724 CYA 100 104 10900 6606 295 2570 ± 300 832 CYA 104 108 11800 7152 305 2648 ± 300 920 CYA 108 112 12700 7697 315 2716 ± 300 1006 CYA 112 116 13900 8424 325 2774 ± 300 1092 CYA 116 120 14900 9030 340 2832 ± 300 1223 CYA 120 124 15900 9636 350 2890 ± 300 1326 CYA 124 128 17000 10303 360 2978 ± 300 1444 Adjust. Regolazione Adjustment CYA 128 132 18100 10970 370 3036 ± 300 1553 Note: CYA 132 136 19200 11636 380 3092 ± 300 1663 CYA 136 140 20400 12364 390 3146 ± 300 1780 CYA 140 144 21600 13091 410 3215 ± 300 1996 CYA 144 148 22900 13879 420 3269 ± 300 2127 dmax Fu,k FR,d (1) (2) Diametro massimo fune Max strand diameter MBL (Forza di rottura minima) (Minimum breaking load) Forza resistente di progetto Design load Fu,k MBL / γR with γR = 1 (EC3 1-11) FR,d (MBL / 1.5) / γR with γR = 1.1 135 BRC Capocorda regolabile a ponte Adjustable socket type bridge Product code FR,d(2) (kN) A B C D E HOLE (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) M (mm) N T T Adjust. min max (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Mass (kg) BRC 12 15 160 97 40 66 80 32 37 16 x 2 56 16 22 ± 150 3.5 BRC 16 19 280 170 55 88 104 38 45 20 x 3 72 24 30 ± 150 7.0 BRC 20 24 440 267 65 110 126 47 55 24 x 3 86 30 37 ± 150 11 BRC 24 28 620 376 80 132 150 56 65 27 x 3 102 38 45 ± 150 18 BRC 28 32 850 515 BRC 32 36 1150 BRC 36 40 BRC 40 44 BRC 44 BRC 48 90 154 174 66 78 33 x 4 118 50 56 ± 150 27 697 105 176 198 72 85 36 x 3 134 55 60 ± 200 39 1400 848 120 198 220 80 94 39 x 3 148 65 70 ± 200 50 1750 1061 130 220 242 91 104 42 x 3 162 70 75 ± 200 70 48 2100 1273 140 242 268 97 114 48 x 3 180 80 85 ± 200 92 52 2500 1515 150 264 292 107 125 52 x 3 196 90 95 ± 200 114 BRC 52 56 2950 1788 170 286 316 117 136 56 x 4 212 95 105 ± 200 139 BRC 56 60 3400 2061 180 308 338 122 144 60 x 4 226 105 110 ± 200 164 BRC 60 64 3900 2364 190 330 358 131 150 60 x 4 238 115 120 ± 200 181 BRC 64 68 4500 2727 200 352 384 141 165 68 x 4 256 125 130 ± 250 228 BRC 68 72 5000 3030 220 374 408 151 176 72 x 4 272 130 135 ± 250 270 BRC 72 76 5600 3394 230 396 434 157 184 76 x 4 290 140 145 ± 250 310 BRC 76 80 6300 3818 240 418 456 171 198 80 x 4 304 150 155 ± 250 359 BRC 80 84 7000 4242 250 440 480 182 210 85 x 4 320 155 165 ± 250 496 BRC 84 88 7700 4667 270 462 504 191 221 90 x 6 336 165 170 ± 250 561 BRC 88 92 8500 5152 280 484 530 202 233 95 x 6 354 175 180 ± 250 638 96 BRC 92 9300 5636 290 506 560 212 251 105 x 6 376 185 190 ± 250 761 100 10100 6121 300 528 584 222 263 110 x 6 392 190 200 ± 250 852 BRC 100 104 10900 6606 310 550 608 232 274 115 x 6 408 195 205 ± 300 949 BRC 104 108 11800 7152 330 572 632 242 286 120 x 6 424 205 215 ± 300 1063 MBL (Forza di rottura minima) (Minimum breaking load) BRC 108 112 12700 7697 340 594 652 252 293 120 x 6 436 210 225 ± 300 1125 BRC 112 116 13900 8424 350 616 682 272 317 130 x 6 458 215 230 ± 300 1314 Forza resistente di progetto Design load BRC 116 120 14900 9030 360 638 702 282 324 130 x 6 470 225 240 ± 300 1387 BRC 120 124 15900 9636 380 660 726 292 336 135 x 6 486 230 250 ± 300 1533 BRC 124 128 17000 10303 390 682 750 303 348 140 x 6 502 240 255 ± 300 1674 Adjust. Regolazione Adjustment BRC 128 132 18100 10970 400 704 774 313 360 145 x 6 518 250 265 ± 300 1822 Note: BRC 132 136 19200 11636 410 726 800 323 372 150 x 6 536 255 270 ± 300 1981 BRC 136 140 20400 12364 430 748 830 333 389 160 x 6 558 265 280 ± 300 2232 BRC 140 144 21600 13091 440 770 858 343 406 170 x 6 578 270 290 ± 300 2479 BRC 144 148 22900 13879 450 792 890 353 423 180 x 6 602 280 300 ± 300 2749 BRC 96 dmax Fu,k FR,d Diametro massimo fune Max strand diameter DHOLE Diametro del foro Hole diameter (1) (2) 136 d Fu,k(1) max (mm) (kN) Fu,k MBL / γR with γR = 1 (EC3 1-11) FR,d (MBL / 1.5) / γR with γR = 1.1 Descrizione tecnica dei capicorda Capicorda di fusione (Forcella TTF, Forcella regolabile TBF e testa del BRC) Questi elementi sono realizzati in acciaio per getti BT1 (BS 3100), bonificato, lavorato meccanicamente, zincato a caldo, completi di perni in acciaio ad alta resistenza al CrNiMo (EN 10083, UNI 7845, UNI 7849), bonificato, lavorato meccanicamente. La resilienza Kv minima misurata a -20°C è 27 J. La protezione superficiale è data da zincatura a caldo con spessore minimo 80 µm. I capicorda hanno un carico di rottura superiore a quello delle rispettive funi. Le classi di accettabilità per i controlli non distruttivi sono definite secondo standard per impieghi gravosi. I controlli standard che vengono eseguiti sono: • caratteristiche meccaniche per ogni lotto di produzione; • magnetoscopico e ultrasonoro sul 100% dei pezzi, DIN 1690 Severity Level 2; • dimensionale; • spessore zincatura. I capicorda zincati possono essere ulteriormente protetti con applicazione di Tensocoat Epoxy o Tensocoat Wax. Ci sono diverse soluzioni speciali, che possono essere sviluppate per progetti specifici ad esempio con asole per regolazione, con limitatori di flessione, con perni strumentati per il monitoraggio delle forze, ecc. Capicorda cilindrici, dadi, perni e tenditori (TBF, CYF, CYS, CYT, CYN, CYW, CYC, CYA) Questi elementi sono realizzati in acciaio legato ad alta resistenza al CrNiMo (EN 10083, UNI 7845, UNI 7849), bonificato, lavorato meccanicamente a partire da barre ispezionate con controllo ultrasonoro al 100% dei pezzi. La resilienza Kv minima misurata a -20°C è 27 J. La protezione superficiale è data da zincatura a caldo con spessore minimo 80 µm, le parti filettate sono lucide, i tenditori sono zincati elettroliticamente. I tenditori e tutte le parti filettate sono protetti durante o dopo il montaggio mediante l’applicazione di protettivo ceroso Tensocoat Wax. I capicorda sono progettati per avere un carico di rottura superiore a quello delle rispettive funi. I controlli eseguiti sono: • caratteristiche meccaniche per ogni lotto di produzione; • ultrasonoro sul 100% dei capicorda secondo ASTM A388, con accettabilità secondo UNI 8572, part 3, Quality Level 2, de=3 mm. • dimensionale; • spessore zincatura. I capicorda zincati possono essere ulteriormente protetti con applicazione di Tensocoat Epoxy o Tensocoat Wax. Ci sono diverse soluzioni speciali, che possono essere sviluppate per progetti specifici ad esempio con asole per regolazione, con limitatori di flessione, con perni strumentati per il monitoraggio delle forze, ecc. metrico, eseguita per rullatura. Il trattamento superficiale è zincatura elettrolitica F1941-07 con trattamento di deidrogenazione e cromatazione. Le aste filettate saranno protette durante e dopo il montaggio mediante l’applicazione di protettivo ceroso Tensocoat Wax. I controlli eseguiti sono: • caratteristiche meccaniche per ogni lotto di produzione; • ultrasonoro sul 100% delle barre prima della rullatura, modalità ed accettabilità ASME VIII Div. 2, ASTM 428 de=1.2 mm; • magnetoscopico eseguito sul 100% dei dadi, modalità ed accettabilità ASME V Ed. 1980; • spessore zincatura. Rondelle sferiche e piatti di bloccaggio dei perni (CYW, CYR) Le rondelle sferiche sono realizzate in acciaio S355J2 EN 10025 zincato a caldo con spessore minimo 80 µm. Le rondelle sferiche hanno un sistema di drenaggi che permette lo scolo dell’acqua che percola all’interno della zona dell’ancoraggio quando l’ancoraggio è rivolto verso il basso. I controlli eseguiti sono: • caratteristiche meccaniche, per ogni lotto di produzione; • dimensionale; • spessore zincatura. Aste filettate e dadi di regolazione (CYB, CYR, BRC) Le aste filettate ed i dadi sono realizzati in acciaio ad alta resistenza bonificato ASTM-A193-B7, ASTM-A194-2H. La filettatura è di tipo 137 Socket technical description Cast Sockets (Fork TTF, Adjustable fork TBF and Head of the BRC) These components are made from high strength steel castings BT1 (BS 3100) quenched and tempered, machined, hot dip galvanised with pin made from high strength alloy steel CrNiMo (EN 10083, UNI 7845, UNI 7849), rolled or forged, quenched and tempered, machined. The impact toughness Kv at -20°C is higher than 27 J. The surface protection is provided by hot dip galvanising with 80 µm minimum thickness. The sockets are designed to have a breaking load higher than the one of the respective strands. The acceptance categories for the non-destructive inspections are defined according to relevant standards for severe applications. The controls carried out are: • mechanical properties for each production batch; • magnetic particle inspection and ultrasonic examination on each piece, DIN 1690 Severity Level 2; • dimensional; • zinc coating thickness. The galvanised sockets can be further protected with the application of Tensocoat Epoxy or Tensocoat Wax. There are several special types, that can be developed for special projects, with slots for adjustment, with bent stiffeners, with instrumented pins for load monitoring. Cylindrical sockets, nuts, pins and turnbuckles (TBF, CYF, CYS, CYT, CYN, CYW, CYC, CYA) These components are made from high strength alloy steel CrNiMo 138 (EN 10083, UNI 7845, UNI 7849), rolled or forged, quenched and tempered, machined, from bars inspected by ultrasonic examination on 100% of the pieces. The fork terminations are made from high strength steel castings (see TTF technical sheet), machined. The impact toughness Kv at -20°C is higher than 27 J. The surface protection is provided by hot dip galvanising with 80 µm minimum thickness, the threads are bright. The turnbuckles are electrolyticgalvanized; the corrosion protection Tensocoat Wax is applied to the turnbuckles and to all the threaded parts during or after the installation. and executed on the bars by rolling. The surface treatment is electrolytic-galvanising F1941-07 with dehydrogenation and chromate treatment. The corrosion protection Tensocoat Wax is applied to the threaded rods during and after the installation. The controls carried out are: • mechanical properties for each production batch; • ultrasonic examination on each bar before rolling/machining, according the ASME VII Div. 2, ASTM 428 de=1.2 mm; • magnetic particle inspection on each nut, according the ASME V Ed. 1980; The sockets and connections are designed to have a breaking load higher than the one of the respective strands. • zinc coating thickness. The controls carried out are: The spherical washers and the lock plates are made from S355J2 EN 10025 steel. • mechanical properties for each production batch; • ultrasonic examination on each bar, according the ASTM A388 and with acceptability according to the UNI 8572 part 3, Quality Level 2, de=3 mm; • dimensional; • zinc coating thickness. The galvanised sockets can be further protected with the application of Tensocoat Epoxy or Tensocoat Wax. There are several special types, that can be developed for special projects, with slots for adjustment, with bent stiffeners, with instrumented pins for load monitoring. Threaded rods and nuts for adjustment (CYB, CYR, BRC) The components are made from high strength alloy steel ASTM A193 B7, ASTM A194 2H. The thread is of metric type Spherical washers and lock plates for pins (CYW, CYR) The surface protection is given by hot dip galvanising with 80 µm minimum thickness. When one cable end is anchored downwards, the spherical washers have a drainage system that allows the water to exit from the internal part of the socket. The controls carried out are: • mechanical properties for each production batch; • dimensional; • zinc coating thickness. Redaelli Tecna S.p.A. Engineering Division Via A. Volta, 16 20093 Cologno Monzese Milano, Italy Tel. +39 02 25307291 Fax +39 02 25307292 11.2i-e © Redaelli Tecna S.p.A. - Engineering Division Progetto e Stampa: Dimaprint - Milano, Italy Picture: © Palladium Redaelli Tecna S.p.A. Engineering Division 11.2i-e © Redaelli Tecna S.p.A. - Engineering Division Progetto e Stampa: Dimaprint - Milano, Italy T E N S O S T R U C T U R E S SUSPENSION STRUCTURES E N G I N E E R I N G Via A. Volta, 16 20093 Cologno Monzese Milano, Italy Tel. +39 02 25307291 Fax +39 02 25307292 E N G I N E E R I N G CABLE STAYED STRUCTURES