Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL LICENSING COMMITTEE (SITTING IN ITS ROLE UNDER THE LICENSING ACT 2003) Minutes of the meeting held at the County Borough Council Offices, The Pavilions, Clydach Vale on Tuesday, 15 April 2014 at 4:30p.m. PRESENT County Borough Councillor A. Fox – in the Chair County Borough Councillors T. A. Bates B. Morgan S. A. Bradwick S. Powderhill (Mrs) S. Jones G. Smith (Mrs) C. Leyshon L. Walker R. B. McDonald E. Webster K. Montague Officers in Attendance Mr P.J. Mee – Service Director, Public Health & Protection Mrs R. Smith - Solicitor Mrs M. Williams – Licensing Manager Mr L. Morgan – Assistant Licensing Manager 23. APOLOGIES An apology of absence was received from County Borough Councillors I. Pearce, J. Rosser and T. Williams 24. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct the following declarations of personal interests were received:1. From County Borough Councillor B. Morgan in relation to Agenda Item 4, Temporary Events Notice No.396289, Ynysyngharad Park, Bridge Street, Pontypridd – ‘I represent the Town Council for Cilfynydd’ 2. From County Borough Councillor A. S. Fox in relation to Agenda Item 4, Temporary Events Notice No.394242, The Osborne Hotel, Rheola Street, Penrhiwceiber, Mountain Ash – ‘As local Member I was contacted by the applicant. I gave advice and directed the applicant to the relevant officer’ 1 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 25. HUMAN RIGHTS ACT 1988 AND CRIME & DISORDER ACT RESOLVED to note, that when Members determine the licensing and registration matters before them they have a duty not to act in a manner that is incompatible with the convention on Human Rights and the Crime and Disorder Act. 26. MINUTES RESOLVED to approve as an accurate record, the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Committee (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) held on 21st January 2014 REPORT OF PROTECTION 27. THE SERVICE DIRECTOR, PUBLIC HEALTH & REVIEW OF THE LICENSING ACT 2003 AND THE GAMBLING ACT 2005 The Service Director, Public Health & Protection presented the Committee with his quarterly report on relevant issues with regard to the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005. The Service Director, Public Health & Protection updated Members with details of the contested applications, reviews and appeals for the period. Committee was informed that the one appeal determined since the last report concerning the Best One Superstore was withdrawn shortly before the Court date. Further details were provided in respect of compliance and enforcement issues and in particular test purchasing and premises inspections and infringements. Members were informed that 30 test purchases were carried out during the period with one sale being made. The Service Director Public Health & Protection updated Members of the Committee with details of Licensee Training which has taken place with the support of funding made available by the Welsh Assembly Government. It was aimed at those licensees attaining Personal Licenses under ‘Grandfather Rights’. Thirty places were made available for the training of licensees and 15 places for the Managers/DPS to attain Level 2 qualification. The pass rate was excellent and the response of the candidates was very positive. A legislative update was provided in respect of the retention of personal licences and details on banning the sale of alcohol below the ‘cost of duty’ plus VAT were outlined. The position in respect of the recovery of annual fees was noted by Members. 2 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 The Service Director, Public Health & Protection confirmed there has been no change to the trade profile in respect of the Gambling Act 2005. Following consideration of the report, it was RESOLVED to:(i) Note the contents of the report in respect of the Licensing Act 2003 which has been provided for information (ii) Note the contents of the report in respect of the Gambling Act 2005, which has been provided for information 28. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED that the press and public be excluded from the meeting under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 13 of Schedule 12A of the Act, namely, information relating to a particular individual. Transparency in the conduct of Local Authority business is desirable, however, personal data relating to the conduct and capabilities of individuals will be discussed and considered. Consequently, it is considered the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing information. REPORT OF THE SERVICE DIRECTOR, PUBLIC PROTECTION CONTAINING EXEMPT INFORMATION 29. HEALTH AND LICENSING ACT 2003 – LICENCES AND REGISTRATIONS ISSUED UNDER THE PROVISION OF DELEGATED POWERS In his report, the Service Director, Public Health & Protection provided details of licences and registrations issued during the period 6th January 2014 to 23rd March 2014 in relation to Personal Licences and Premises Licences and it was RESOLVED to note the report. A. FOX CHAIRMAN The meeting terminated at 4.45pm 3 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 This page intentionally blank 4 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL MUNICIPAL YEAR 2014 - 2015 LICENSING COMMITTEE 29th July 2014 Part I REPORT OF: Service Director Public Health & Protection 1. Item No. 4 Review of Licensing Act 2003 & Gambling Act 2005 PURPOSE OF THE REPORT The purpose of the report is to update Members on relevant issues, with regard to 2. the Licensing Act 2003 the Gambling Act 2005 RECOMMENDATION Members are requested to: - 3. (i) note the contents of the report in respect of the Licensing Act 2003 which has been provided for information; (ii) note the contents of the report in respect of the Gambling Act 2005, which has been provided for information; BACKGROUND Members will be aware that a quarterly meeting is convened to review and discuss the implementation and progress of the Licensing Act 2003, together with any ancillary matters arising from responsibilities with which this particular Committee is charged. Such ancillary matters include the Gambling Act 2005. (There may also be ancillary matters arising from the impact of the Smoke-Free Premises Regulations, which have the potential to affect all licensed premises). Lic Act Cttee 29/7/14 5 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 4. LICENSING ACT 2003 4.1 Application Process Applications received since the last update (24th March 2014 to 13th July 2014) are as follows:Application Type Number received Personal Licence Premises Licence Transfer (Premises Licence) Vary (Premises Licence) Club Premises Certificate Vary (Club Premises Certificate) Temporary Event Notice (TEN) Application to Review Interim Authority Notice Change of DPS Minor Variation Disapply provision of DPS (Community Premises) Notification of Interest in Premises 60 17 29 8 0 0 130 1 0 10 9 4 Summary of TEN’s, reproduced as Appendix 1A. Analysis of figures indicates 31 for Members Clubs; 19 for Community events and 80 for existing Premises Licences. However 36 TEN’s were ‘FIFA World Cup 2014 Temporary Events’ , which were rather hastily introduced to mitigate the exclusion of premises in Wales from the English Deregulation Order. Following the elimination of the England Team from the tournament, such Notices ceased to have effect. Whilst generally such Notices give rise to no adverse impact , there has been one TEN in the period which has been the cause of significant complaint from the community in which it was held, to the extent that it was necessary to convene a multi agency meeting to address concerns. A TEN served by the same person for a subsequent event in August has been withdrawn and agencies have initiated an ‘Event Panel’ to consider proposals for 2015, where it is likely that the event proposed will now be covered by a time limited Premises Licence, should it proceed. In accordance with the advice received in respect of data protection matters, the summaries of Personal Licences and Premises Licences issued under delegated authority are now reproduced for information as a Part II restricted item. Lic Act Cttee 29/7/14 6 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 4.2 Contested Applications Two contested applications have been determined since the last summary report: Application Type Name of Applicant Name of Premises Date of Hearing Grant of a Premises Licence Big Mamma’s Kitchen Ltd. 4 Whitchurch Parade Whitchurch Lane Edgeware Middlesex HA8 6LR Big Mamma’s Kitchen 29 Dare Road Cwmdare Aberdare CF44 8UB 1st April, 2014 REFUSED: as grant would undermine the licensing objective for the prevention of public nuisance Grant of a Personal Licence Miss Jacqueline Matthews 11 Clydach Road Tonypandy CF40 2BD N/A 7th July 2014 REFUSED: as to do so was appropriate for the promotion of the crime prevention objective 4.3 Outcome Reviews One Review application has been received since the last report:Name of Applicant requesting Review Environmental Health 4.4 Name of Premises Premises Licence Holder Date of Receipt Hand & Squirrel 19 Ely Valley Road Talbot Green Pontyclun CF72 8AL The Hand and Squirrel Limited 27th June 2014 Appeals No new appeals have been received since the last report. Lic Act Cttee 29/7/14 7 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 4.5 Compliance & Enforcement (i) Prosecutions Details of Prosecutions are reproduced for information as Appendix 1B (iii) Test Purchasing 4 test purchases have been undertaken by Trading Standards Officers during the period which failed to secure any sales. Whilst the low level of test purchase continues to be encouraging and demonstrates a high level of compliance from retail outlets for direct sale, proxy sales are a continuing concern. (iv) Partnership Working Young persons continue to be in possession of alcohol which is evidenced by the Community Safety Partnership ‘Youth Engagement Project’, where over a series of 7 operations during the period the following seizures were made: Cannibis – 3 Bottles/Cans beer & Cider – 115 Spirits – 13 Wine – 4 The Youth Engagement Project aims to tackle anti social behaviour hotspots to reduce alcohol and other substance misuse by young persons. However, it is sometimes difficult to identify the source of the alcohol in some circumstances. There is a recognised advantage to the sharing of information regarding ‘supply & demand’ and working practices are being further developed to ensure that the supply of alcohol to young persons ( and its attendant consequences) are being addressed in an holistic manner. This has included Licensing &Trading Standards Officers participating in the Safer Town Centres Campaign currently being run by the Community Safety Partnership. It is anticipated that the relationships being developed will result in better use of intelligence to secure mutual aims. (v) Premises Inspection & Infringements 74 premises were inspected in the last period and the inspection programme continues to be targeted at high risk premises, which are reflected by WPI priority. Whilst it was anticipated that the Licensing Team would return to a full staff from July 2014, this has not transpired. Consequently arrangements have been made to prioritise workload, to make best use of resources, mindful of the ‘demand led ‘ nature of the service and the peak holiday period. Lic Act Cttee 29/7/14 8 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 The premises inspection programme is currently under review, however WPI priorities will continue to be met. A summary of infringements is reproduced as Appendix 1C 4.5 Recovery of Annual Fees The position to date for 2014/15 is as follows:Total Income Received; As at 30/6/14 Outstanding Invoices; As at £8540.00 £1910.00 Members will be aware that provision exists for suspension of licence for nonpayment of annual fee. To date no suspensions have been issued. However a recent review of outstanding fees has identified several licensees who have failed to pay annual fees over successive years. As a result , at the time of preparing this report, approximately 20 premises will be receiving letters of suspension. The relevant licensees have received several requests for payment, together with a warning re the implications of non-payment, but have failed to discharge their obligations in this respect. Licensees are afforded a period of 2 days before the suspension becomes effective to allow payment to be made and prevent suspension taking effect. Effective suspensions will be followed by test purchase to establish unlicensed activity, with the prospect of prosecution for any parties found trading contrary to the terms of their licence/certificate. 5. GAMBLING ACT 2005 5.1 Trade profile – Premises Licences Permissions are as detailed below, with no changes to report for this period:Permission Type Bingo Premises Licences Betting Premises Adult Gaming Centre Licensed Family Entertainment Centre Lotteries/ Registered Societies Lic Act Cttee 29/7/14 9 Number at Transition (1/9/07) 4 47 10 1 Number at 14/10/12 N/A 238 3 43 7 0 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 5.2 Trade profile – Gaming Permits Complimentary to Premises Licences are a wide range of Gambling Permits that allow lower level gaming in primarily alcohol licensed premises. At the time of preparing this report, information on Gaming Permits issued is not available and an update will be circulated at the meeting. 5.3 Enforcement There are no enforcement matters arising in the last quarter. 6 Recovery of Annual Fees As a result of the static nature of the trade, there is little change to the position, where 100% recovery of annual fees is the standard, primarily due to the robust provisions contained within the legislation which allow for withdrawal of the licence/permit for non-payment of appropriate fees. Paul J Mee Service Director Public Health & Protection Lic Act Cttee 29/7/14 10 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 398040 Tynewydd Labour Club Margaret Street Tynewydd Treorchy CF42 5LT Mrs Tracy Lorna Lewis 4 April 2014 McMillan Charity Event The Tumble Inn 4-9 Broadway Pontypridd CF37 1BA Mr Jayson Bales The Tumble Inn 4-9 Broadway Pontypridd CF37 1BA Mr Jayson Bales Gelligaled Park Tyntyla Road Ystrad Pentre CF41 7SY Mr Stephen Morris Late TENS 398169 Standard TENS 398170 Standard TENS 398339 Late TENS To 4 April 2014 18 April 2014 To The Extension of hours for licesable activities on Maundy Thursday 19 April 2014 21 April 2014 To 21 April 2014 5 April 2014 To 5 April 2014 11 The Extension of hours for licesable activities on Easter Sunday Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 398354 Maes Yr Haf Community Centre Brithweunydd Road Trealaw Tonypandy CF40 2UD Mr Graham Waters 12 April 2014 Main and Lesser Halls Yr Ieuan Ap Iago High Street Aberdare CF44 7AA Mr Rhys Kerr The Skinny Dog Broadway Pontypridd CF37 1BA Mrs Kay Morgan The Skinny Dog Broadway Pontypridd CF37 1BA Mrs Kay Morgan Standard TENS 398404 Standard TENS 398742 Standard TENS 398744 Standard TENS To 12 April 2012 18 April 2014 extention of opening hours To 18 April 2014 21 April 2014 Change of Time To 22 April 2014 5 May 2014 To 6 May 2014 12 Change of Time Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 398745 The Skinny Dog Broadway Pontypridd CF37 1BA Mrs Kay Morgan 26 May 2014 Change of Time Judges & Jurys 7 Market Street Aberdare CF44 7DY Mr Gino Fulgoni St Matthews Church and Hall Bute Street Treorchy CF42 6BB Mrs Catherine Mary Davies Suzy's at the old Ely Hotel Francis Street Thomastown Tonyrefail CF39 8DT Mr Richard Hopkins Standard TENS 398817 Standard TENS 398988 Standard TENS 398996 Late TENS To 27 May 2014 5 May 2014 Discotheque 5.5.14 To 5 May 2014 19 May 2014 Cheese & Wine evening & Bingo To 19 May 2014 18 April 2014 To 21 April 2014 13 Extra Opening Time Over Easter Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 399124 Treorchy RFC Regent Street Treorchy CF42 6PN Miss Nerys Phillips 20 April 2014 Rock Band & Disco - 20th April 2014 Late TENS 399540 Late TENS 399550 Standard TENS 399551 Late TENS To 20 April 2014 Gelli & Ystrad Comrades Club Mr Antony Sparrow 27-28 Gelli Road Gelli Treorchy, Pentre CF41 7LY 26 April 2014 Aberaman Band Club 226 Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6RE Mr Ronald Hancock 17 May 2014 Pontypridd Ex-Servicemens Club Woodland Terrace Maesycoed Pontypridd CF37 1DZ Mr Simon Wilce To End of Season Event - Club Memebers Football Team 26 April 2014 Entertainment Show To 17 May 2014 20 April 2014 To 20 April 2014 14 Concert/Disco/Artist Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 399552 The Lifelong Learning Centre Garth Olwg Community Campus St Illtyds Road Church Village Pontypridd CF38 1RQ Mrs Heidi Katya Thomas 22 May 2014 Charity Race Night O'Callaghans Coffee House 3 Fothergill Street Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1SG Mr Michael 25 April 2014 O'Callaghan-Williams To Maes Yr Haf Community Centre Brithweunydd Road Trealaw Tonypandy CF40 2UD Mr Graham Waters Standard TENS 399586 Late TENS 399667 Standard TENS To 22 May 2014 Fundraising Event in Aid of Mencap 27 April 2014 10 May 2014 To 10 May 2014 15 To Generate Funds for Local Charties by Engaging an Artiste Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 399681 Trallwn Workingmens Club Coedpenmaen Road Pontypridd CF37 4LR Mrs Anne Davies 2 May 2014 Elvis Tribute Concert - 2nd May 2014 Hollybush Inn Main Road Church Village Pontypridd CF38 1PS Mrs Tracey Joan Lewis The Banc 54-56 Llewellyn Street Pentre CF41 7BW Mr Garry Anthony Fisher The Banc 54-56 Llewellyn Street Pentre CF41 7BW Mr Garry Anthony Fisher Late TENS 399727 Late TENS 399814 Late TENS 399815 Standard TENS To 2 May 2014 27 April 2014 To Mini Rugby Festival - 27th April 2014 27 April 2014 To 25 May 2014 To 16 May 2014 16 Music & Dancing - 4th & 5th May 14 Music & Dance - 25 and 26 May 2014 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 400045 Treorchy RFC Regent Street Treorchy CF42 6PN Miss Nerys Phillips 4 May 2014 Rock Band and Disco - Bank Holiday Event - 4th May 2014 Parc Lewis Primary School Broadway Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BE Mrs Tracey Outing Commercial Hotel 35 Cilfynydd Road Cilfynydd Pontypridd CF37 4NL Mr Christopher Jones 10 May 2014 Rhydyfelin Non Political Club Poplar Road Rhydyfelin Pontypridd CF37 5LS Mr Brian James Late TENS 400057 Standard TENS 400081 Standard TENS 400174 Late TENS To 4 May 2014 28 June 2014 To Summer Fete run on conjuction with school & PTA to raise funds 28 June 2014 To Surprise 50th Birthday Party - 10th May 2014 10 May 2014 2 May 2014 To 2 May 2014 17 Boxing Dinner - 2nd May 2014 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 400175 Suzy's at the old Ely Hotel Francis Street Thomastown Tonyrefail CF39 8DT Mr Richard Hopkins 4 May 2014 Bank Holiday Party - 4th May 2014 Neuadd Dowlais Community Centre Crown Hill Llantwit Fardre Pontypridd CF38 2NA Mr Gary John Pitman Treorchy RFC Regent Street Treorchy CF42 6PN Miss Nerys Phillips Aberdare Park Hirwaun Road Trecynon Aberdare CF44 8BN Mountain Tops Ltd Late TENS 400177 Standard TENS 400238 Standard TENS 400261 Standard TENS To 4 May 2014 23 May 2014 To Llantwit Fardre Rugby Club Juniors Presentation Evening 24 May 2014 16 May 2014 To Rock Band & Disco - 16th May 2014 16 May 2014 23 May 2014 To 24 May 2014 18 Wedding breakfast and private evening party Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 400363 Coleg y Cymoedd Pontrhondda Road Llwynypia Tonypandy CF40 2SZ Mrs Jayne Jones 7 June 2014 Music Festival - 12 Bands Invited Llanharry Recreation Park Tyla Coch Llanharry Pontyclun Mrs Danielle Talbot Du A Gwyn 8-10 Oxford Street Mountain Ash CF45 3PL Mr Jason Roe Thomastown Social Club & Institute Francis Street Thomastown Porth, CF39 8DS Mrs Lynette Ann Griffiths Standard TENS 400364 Standard TENS 400396 Late TENS 400406 Standard TENS To 7 June 2014 17 May 2014 Summer Fayre - 17th May 2014 To 17 May 2014 10 May 2014 To Month Long Event to raise money for Baby Unit 11 May 2014 17 May 2014 To 17 May 2014 19 21st Birthday Party - 17th May 2014 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 400409 Du A Gwyn 8-10 Oxford Street Mountain Ash CF45 3PL Mr Jason Roe 24 May 2014 Month Long Event to raise money for Baby Unit - 24th/25th May 2014 Hot Gossip 115 Bute Street Treorchy CF42 6AU Miss Sara Lauren Bailey Penrhiwceiber Institute Workmens Hall 35 Penrhiwceiber Road Penrhiwceiber Mountain Ash CF45 3SP Miss Michelle Davies Du A Gwyn 8-10 Oxford Street Mountain Ash CF45 3PL Mr Jason Roe Standard TENS 400415 Late TENS 400426 Late TENS 400450 Late TENS To 25 May 2014 17 May 2014 To Ticket only theme night - 17th May 2014 17 May 2014 17 May 2014 Musical Comedy Act To 17 May 2014 17 May 2014 To 19 May 2014 20 Month Long Event to raise money for Baby Unit - 1718/19 May 2014 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT 400469 Commercial Hotel 35 Cilfynydd Road Cilfynydd Pontypridd CF37 4NL Mr Christopher Jones 23 May 2014 Treherbert RFC 55 Wyndham Street Tynewydd Treherbert CF42 5BS Mr Mansel Rowland Pryse Thomastown Social Club & Institute Francis Street Thomastown Porth, CF39 8DS Mrs Lynette Ann Griffiths Tynewydd Labour Club Margaret Street Tynewydd Treorchy CF42 5LT Mrs Tara Williams Standard TENS 400499 Standard TENS 400500 Standard TENS 400509 Standard TENS START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT Comedy Live Show (Tickets Only) To 24 May 2014 7 June 2014 To Live Evening Entertainment - 7th June 2014 8 June 2014 24 May 2014 Darts Competition and Exibition To 24 May 2014 29 May 2014 To 29 May 2014 21 Family Enetertainment Night - 29th May 2014 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 400515 Treforest Boys Club Queen Street Treforest Pontypridd CF31 1HX Mr Peter Gregory 16 May 2014 University Soceity Party Maes Yr Haf Community Centre Brithweunydd Road Trealaw Tonypandy CF40 2UD Mr Graham Waters Pontypridd Ex-Servicemens Club Woodland Terrace Maesycoed Pontypridd CF37 1DZ Mr Brian Christopher Roche Late TENS 400524 Standard TENS 400530 Standard TENS To 16 May 2014 14 June 2014 To To Generate Funds for Local Charities - 14th June 2014 14 June 2014 21 November 2014 To 21 November 2014 22 Annual Christmas Concert with Vocalist Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES 400546 Gelli & Ystrad Comrades Club Mr Antony Sparrow 27-28 Gelli Road Gelli Treorchy, Pentre CF41 7LY Late TENS 400558 Late TENS 400594 Standard TENS 400609 Standard TENS O'Callaghans Coffee House 3 Fothergill Street Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1SG APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 24 May 2014 End of Season Presentation with Entertainment To 24 May 2014 Mr Michael 30 May 2014 O'Callaghan-Williams To Fundraising Charity Music Event 1 June 2014 Llantrisant Workingmens Club Mr Anthony Colin 19 Swan Street McIntyre Llantrisant Pontyclun CF72 8ED 31 May 2014 St Dyfrigs RC Church Hall Broadway Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1DB 31 May 2014 To Celebration for Jeff Hooper's 40 years in Entertainment, 31 May 2014 31 May 2014 Mr David Colin Rossister To 31 May 2014 23 a night of entertainment and dance Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 400635 Gilfach Goch RFC 73 High Street Gilfach Goch Porth CF39 8SR Mrs Donna May Jenkins 31 May 2014 Band Disco - Late TEN for 31st May 2014 Coedpenmaen Primary School Coedpenmaen Road Pontypridd CF37 4LE Mr Paul Morgan Thomastown Social Club & Institute Francis Street Thomastown Porth, CF39 8DS Mrs Lynette Ann Griffiths Porth Harlequins RFC Nythbran Terrace Porth CF39 9TW Mr Clive Booth Late TENS 400651 Standard TENS 400672 Late TENS 400674 Standard TENS To 31 May 2014 4 July 2014 To School fundraising Event - Fete with Barbecue 4 July 2014 7 June 2014 Wedding - 7th June 2014 To 7 June 2014 29 June 2014 To 29 June 2014 24 Family Fun Day & Sponsored Walk - 29th June 2014 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 400703 Pick And Shovel 17 Fothergill Street Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1SG Mr Adam Roach 14 June 2014 Extended Hours for Football World Cup - 14/15 June Pick And Shovel 17 Fothergill Street Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1SG Mr Adam Roach Pick And Shovel 17 Fothergill Street Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1SG Mr Adam Roach Pick And Shovel 17 Fothergill Street Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1SG Mr Adam Roach Standard TENS 400704 Standard TENS 400705 Standard TENS 400706 Standard TENS To 15 June 2014 28 June 2014 To Extended Hours for Football World Cup - 28/29 June 29 June 2014 4 July 2014 To 8 July 2014 To 9 July 2014 25 Extended Hours for Football World Cup - 4/5/6 July 2014 Extended Hours for Football World Cup - 8/9 July 2014 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 400707 Pick And Shovel 17 Fothergill Street Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1SG Mr Adam Roach 12 July 2014 Extended Hours for Football World Cup - 12/13July 2014 St Dyfrigs RC Church Hall Broadway Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1DB Mr John Francis Egan Commercial Hotel 35 Cilfynydd Road Cilfynydd Pontypridd CF37 4NL Mr Christopher Jones 14 June 2014 Thomastown Social Club & Institute Francis Street Thomastown Porth, CF39 8DS Mrs Lynette Ann Griffiths Standard TENS 400708 Standard TENS 400710 Standard TENS 400728 Standard TENS To 13 July 2014 20 June 2014 Cabaret Night - 20th June 2014 To 20 June 2014 To 40th Birthday Party - 14th June 2014 14 June 2014 14 June 2014 To 14 June 2014 26 Young boys club with parents Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 400748 The Railway Inn 132-133 Broadway Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH Mr Lee Chapman 15 June 2014 World Cup Football Tournament 15 June - 13th July Commercial Hotel 35 Cilfynydd Road Cilfynydd Pontypridd CF37 4NL Mr Christopher Jones 20 June 2014 Brynna Community Centre Church Street Brynna Pontyclun CF72 9QP Ms Vanessa Christine McCarthy Late TENS 400759 Standard TENS 400775 Standard TENS To 15 June 2014 Coed Y Lan School Reunion To 20 June 2014 28 June 2014 To 28 June 2014 27 School Multicultural Carnival and Fete Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 400777 The Lifelong Learning Centre Garth Olwg Community Campus St Illtyds Road Church Village Pontypridd CF38 1RQ Mrs Heidi Katya Thomas 26 June 2014 Quiz and Music Night Barini's Unit 2 Broadway Retail Centre Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH Mrs Geraldine Ann Oakey Barini's Unit 2 Broadway Retail Centre Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH Mrs Geraldine Ann Oakey Late TENS 400782 Late TENS 400783 Standard TENS To 26 June 2014 14 June 2014 World Cup Football 14 June To 15 June 2014 19 June 2014 To 20 June 2014 28 World Cup Football 19 June Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES 400784 Standard TENS 400785 Standard TENS 400786 Standard TENS APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT Barini's Unit 2 Broadway Retail Centre Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH 28 June 2014 World Cup Football 29 June Barini's Unit 2 Broadway Retail Centre Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH 29 June 2014 Barini's Unit 2 Broadway Retail Centre Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH 4 July 2014 To 9 June 2014 World Cup Football 29 & 30 June To 30 June 2014 To 5 July 2014 29 World Cup Football 5 July Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES 400787 Standard TENS 400788 Standard TENS 400789 Standard TENS APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT Barini's Unit 2 Broadway Retail Centre Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH 5 July 2014 World Cup Football 6 July Barini's Unit 2 Broadway Retail Centre Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH 8 July 2014 Barini's Unit 2 Broadway Retail Centre Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH 9 July 2014 To 6 July 2014 To World Cup Football - 8th & 9th July 2014 9 July 2014 To 10 July 2014 30 World Cup Football - 9th to 10th July 2014 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES 400790 Standard TENS 400791 Standard TENS 400792 Standard TENS START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT Barini's Unit 2 Broadway Retail Centre Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH 12 July 2014 World Cup Football - 13th July 2014 Barini's Unit 2 Broadway Retail Centre Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH 13 July 2014 The Railway Inn 132-133 Broadway Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH APPLICANT To 13 July 2014 World Cup Football - 13th July To 14 July 2014 Mr Lee Chapman 19 June 2014 To 20 June 2014 31 World Cup Football - not required Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 400793 The Railway Inn 132-133 Broadway Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH Mr Lee Chapman 30 June 2014 World Cup Football 29 June The Railway Inn 132-133 Broadway Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH Mr Lee Chapman The Railway Inn 132-133 Broadway Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH Mr Lee Chapman The Railway Inn 132-133 Broadway Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH Mr Lee Chapman Standard TENS 400794 Standard TENS 400795 Standard TENS 400796 Standard TENS To 30 June 2014 29 June 2014 World Cup Football - 30 June To 29 June 2014 5 July 2014 World Cup Football 5 July To 5 July 2014 6 July 2014 To 6 July 2014 32 World Cup Football, 6 July Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES 400797 Standard TENS 400798 Standard TENS 400799 Standard TENS APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT The Railway Inn 132-133 Broadway Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH 9 July 2014 World Cup Football, 9 July The Railway Inn 132-133 Broadway Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH 1 July 2014 The Railway Inn 132-133 Broadway Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH 13 July 2014 To 9 July 2014 World Cup Football, 10 July To 10 July 2014 To 13 July 2014 33 World Cup Football 13 July Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES 400800 The Railway Inn 132-133 Broadway Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH Standard TENS 400815 Standard TENS 400817 Late TENS 400821 Standard TENS APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 13 July 2014 World Cup Football - 14 July To 14 July 2014 Hirwaun Recreation Ground Tower Road Hirwaun Aberdare Mr Richard Evans The Lion Treorchy Bute Street Treorchy CF42 6AH Mr Adrian Ian Emmett The Student Union Centre University of South Wales Treforest Campus Forest Grove Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1UF Mr Michael James Borley 12 July 2014 To Fundraising event and 5 A-Side Tournament 13 July 2013 14 June 2014 To FIFA World Cup TEN for 14th 15th June 2104 15 June 2014 15 July 2014 To 17 July 2014 34 15th, 16th & 17th July 2014 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES 400837 Late TENS 400839 Standard TENS 400840 Standard TENS 400841 Late TENS START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT Temple Bar 324 Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6UU 14 June 2014 World Cup Extended Hours Temple Bar 324 Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6UU 28 June 2014 Temple Bar 324 Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6UU 29 June 2014 Temple Bar 324 Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6UU APPLICANT To 15 June 2014 World Cup Extended Hours To 29 June 2014 World Cup Extended Hours To 30 June 2014 Miss Laura Banyard 19 June 2014 To 20 June 2014 35 World Cup Extended Hours Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES 400843 Standard TENS 400844 Standard TENS 400845 Standard TENS 400846 Standard TENS APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT Temple Bar 324 Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6UU 4 July 2014 World Cup Extended Hours Temple Bar 324 Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6UU 5 July 2014 Temple Bar 324 Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6UU 8 July 2014 Temple Bar 324 Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6UU 9 July 2014 To 5 July 2014 World Cup Extended Hours To 6 July 2014 World Cup Extended Hours To 9 July 2014 To 10 July 2014 36 World Cup Extended Hours Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES 400847 Standard TENS 400848 Standard TENS 400869 Standard TENS 400889 Standard TENS START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT Temple Bar 324 Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6UU 12 July 2014 World Cup Extended Hours Temple Bar 324 Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6UU 13 July 2014 Hirwaun Recreation Ground Tower Road Hirwaun Aberdare 2 August 2014 Central Park Playing Fields Central Park Church Village Pontypridd APPLICANT To 13 July 2014 World Cup Extended Hours To 14 July 2014 To Farmageddon Music Festival And Family Fun Day, Commnity Day. 3 August 2014 Mr Matthew John Walsh 6 July 2014 To 6 July 2014 37 6 A SIDE CRICKET TOURNAMENT Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 400899 Pontyclun RFC Llantrisant Road Pontyclun CF72 9DQ Ms Suzanne Carol Ayres 5 July 2014 TEN for Communty Fun Day, 5 July Red Lion Inn Church Road Penderyn Aberdare CF44 9JR Miss Natalie James Red Lion Inn Church Road Penderyn Aberdare CF44 9JR Miss Natalie James St Margarets RC Primary School Ty Fry Aberdare CF44 7PP Mrs Maria Elaine Buckley Standard TENS 400913 Standard TENS 400914 Standard TENS 400940 Standard TENS To 5 July 2014 20 September 2014 Supply of Bar for Private Wedding To 21 September 2014 27 September 2014 To Supply of Bar for Invited Guests for Birthday Party 28 September 2014 4 July 2014 To 4 July 2014 38 PTFA Annual Summer BBQ Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 400941 Rhigos RFC Heol Pen Darren Rhigos Aberdare CF44 9HJ Mr Richard Mark Williams 18 July 2014 Charity Fund Raising Event Hosted by Aberdare Motorcycle Club The Countryman Heol Ddu Castellau Pontyclun CF72 8LQ Mrs Barbara Gail Johnson Commercial Hotel 35 Cilfynydd Road Cilfynydd Pontypridd CF37 4NL Mr Christopher Jones 5 July 2014 Tynewydd Labour Club Margaret Street Tynewydd Treorchy CF42 5LT Mr Ronnie Bundock Standard TENS 400943 Standard TENS 400944 Standard TENS 400973 Late TENS To 20 July 2014 5 July 2014 Wedding 5th July 2014 To 6 July 2014 Wedding - 5th July 2014 To 25 July 2014 4 July 2014 To 4 July 2014 39 Fundraising Evening for Blaenrhondda FC Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 401017 The Old Rectory The Old Rectory Llanilid Pencoed Bridgend CF35 5LA Mr Stephen Williams 2 August 2014 Wedding with Pay Bar Gilfach Goch RFC 73 High Street Gilfach Goch Porth CF39 8SR Mrs Donna May Jenkins Miskin Primary School York Street Mountain Ash CF45 3BG Mrs Caroline Furlong Cwmdare Miners Social & Welfare Club Cwmdare Road Cwmdare Aberdare CF44 8TW Mr Brian Williams Standard TENS 401021 Standard TENS 401049 Late TENS 401050 Standard TENS To 3 August 2014 12 July 2014 Band & Disco - 12th July 2014 To 12 July 2014 10 July 2014 Summer Fund raising Event To 10 July 2014 12 July 2014 To 12 July 2014 40 Fete- Fun Day - 12th July 2014 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 401051 The Factory Welsh Hills Works Jenkin Street Porth CF39 9PP Mr John Davies 12 July 2014 Live Music Club Night - 12/13 July 2014 Ynys Playing Fields Ynys Road Aberdare CF44 7PA Mr Anthony William Derrick O'Callaghans Coffee House 3 Fothergill Street Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1SG Mrs Helen 19 July 2014 O'Callaghan-Williams To Ton Pentre AFC Social Club Llanfoist Street Ton Pentre Treorchy CF41 7AF Mr John Anthony Thomas Standard TENS 401161 Standard TENS 401389 Standard TENS 401390 Standard TENS To 13 July 2014 10 August 2014 To Cricket Club Summer Party - 10th August 2014 10 August 2014 Music weekend featuring Local musicians 20 July 2014 31 July 2014 To 31 July 2014 41 Police Barbacue - 31st July 2014 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 401391 Neuadd Dowlais Community Centre Crown Hill Llantwit Fardre Pontypridd CF38 2NA Mr Nathan Britton 19 September 2014 Fundraising Charity Event Penygraig Rugby Field Tylacelyn Road Penygraig Tonypandy CF40 1JR Mr Stephen Riddick Penygraig RFC Tylacelyn Road Penygraig Tonypandy CF40 1JR Mr Stephen Riddick Greenmeadow Riding Centre Dare Valley Country Park Cwmdare Aberdare CF44 7RG Mr Stephen John England Standard TENS 401490 Standard TENS 401491 Standard TENS 401493 Standard TENS To 20 September 2014 2 August 2014 To Seven -a-side tournament - field 2nd August 2014 2 August 2014 2 August 2014 To Seven-a-side Tournament club house 2nd August 2014 2 August 2014 2 August 2014 To 2 August 2014 42 BBQ and Pay Bar Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 401494 Greenmeadow Riding Centre Dare Valley Country Park Cwmdare Aberdare CF44 7RG Mr Stephen John England 16 August 2014 Fund Raising Event - 16/08/14 Greenmeadow Riding Centre Dare Valley Country Park Cwmdare Aberdare CF44 7RG Mr Stephen John England Mill Field Gilfach Goch Porth Mr Edward Folley Standard TENS 401496 Standard TENS 401503 Standard TENS 401512 Standard TENS To 16 August 2014 30 August 2014 Fundraising Event - 30/08/14 To 30 August 2014 9 August 2014 To Agricultural show - 9th August 2014 9 August 2014 Dare Valley Country Park Cwmdare Aberdare CF44 7RG Mr Duncan Gray 2 August 2014 To 3 August 2014 43 Wedding Reception & Evening Do - 2nd August 2014 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 401514 The Countryman Heol Ddu Castellau Pontyclun CF72 8LQ Mrs Barbara Gail Johnson 26 July 2014 Wedding with entertainment outisde - 26th July 2014 Caedrawnant Recreation Ground Dyffryn Road Mountain Ash Mr Wayne Pearson The Lion Treorchy Bute Street Treorchy CF42 6AH Mr Adrian Ian Emmett Aberdare Park Road Races Hirwaun Road Trecynon Aberdare Mr Richard Peter Standard TENS 401516 Standard TENS 401524 Standard TENS 401525 Standard TENS To 27 July 2014 27 July 2014 To Six A Side Cricket Tournament & Family Fun Day - 27th July 2014 27 July 2014 26 July 2014 To Treorchy Music Festival - 26th and 27th July 2014 27 July 2014 26 July 2014 To 27 July 2014 44 Aberdare Road Races - 26th July 2014 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Temporary Event Applications Received: from 24th March to 13th July 2014 REFERENCE APPL TYPE PREMISES APPLICANT START DATE END DATE & TIMES EVENT 401526 Hopkinstown Cricket Club Hopkinstown Road Hopkinstown Pontypridd CF37 2PR Mr Peter Baker 28 August 2014 Event to raise monies for charity 28th august 2014 Llantwit Fardre RFC The Parade Church Village Pontypridd CF38 1BU Mr Gary John Pitman Standard TENS 401536 Standard TENS To 28 August 2014 26 July 2014 To 26 July 2014 45 Touch Rugby Festival - 26th July 2014 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 This page intentionally blank 46 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION - LICENSING Prosecutions Heard th from 24 March to 13th July 2014 DEFENDANT PREMISES STATUTE HEARING DATE TOTAL FINE Mrs Janet Evans Village Trading Post 7 St Illtyd Road Church Village Pontypridd Licensing Act 2003 3 June 2014 0.00 SECTION No of Offences RESULT COSTS 146(1) 1 Informal Written Warning 0.00 DESCRIPTION OF OFFENCE Sold alcohol to an individual aged under 18 47 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION - LICENSING Prosecutions Heard from 19 December 2009 – 25 April 2010 DEFENDANT PREMISES STATUTE HEARING DATE TOTAL FINE Mrs Jordan Louise Hobby Tesco Express Unit 3 Broadway Retail Centre Treforest Pontypridd Licensing Act 2003 23 May 2014 0.00 SECTION No of Offences RESULT COSTS 146(1) 1 Informal Written Warning 0.00 DESCRIPTION OF OFFENCE Sold alcohol to an individual aged under 18 48 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 49 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 This page intentionally blank 50 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 NOT FOR PUBLICATION This Report will not be open to inspection by the press and public before the meeting as in the opinion of the Director of Legal & Democratic Services, it contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 13 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972 (as amended), namely information relating to a particular individual. Transparency in the conduct of local authority business is desirable however personal data relating to the conduct and capabilities of individuals will be discussed and considered. Consequently it is considered, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing information by virtue of which the meeting is likely not to be open to the public during its consideration. RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL MUNICIPAL YEAR 2014 - 2015 Part II LICENSING COMMITTEE 29th July 2014 REPORT OF: SERVICE DIRECTOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND PROTECTION Agenda Item No. 6 Licensing Act 2003; Licences and Registrations issued under the provision of delegated powers PURPOSE OF THE REPORT I append hereunder details of such licensing and registrations issued from the 24th March 2014 to 13th July 2014 in respect of the following : Personal Licences Premises Licences Members are requested to note the report. P J Mee Service Director Public Health and Protection 51 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 This page intentionally blank 52 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Personal Licences Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Personal Licence Holder Effective Date of Licence Mr Clive John Connell 2 St Peters Close Abercwmboi Aberdare CF44 6AZ 26 March 2014 Miss Melissa Smith 9 Twyn Bedw Cymmer Porth CF39 9HR 28 March 2014 Mr Matthew Dylan Thomas Dean 10 St Peters Avenue Llanharan Pontyclun CF72 9UQ 2 April 2014 Mr Steven Paul Vardon 64 Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6HJ 4 April 2014 Mr Jason Scott Evans 10 York Street Porth CF39 9UP 4 April 2014 Mrs Putli Mukhtiar Singh 165-166 Gelli Road Gelli Pentre CF41 7ND 7 April 2014 53 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Personal Licences Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Personal Licence Holder Effective Date of Licence Mr Mohammed Siddiq Turtle Beach Food & Wine Company 91-92 Bute Street Treherbert Treorchy CF42 5NY 14 April 2014 Mr Matthew Paul Otley Otley Arms 18-19 Forest Road Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1SY 14 April 2014 Mr Amandeep Singh Gelli Store 165-166 Gelli Road Gelli Pentre CF41 7ND 14 April 2014 Mr Mark Brian Parry Maerdy Farm Station Road Ferndale CF43 4BN 7 May 2014 Mrs Kim Louise Winsper-Parry Maerdy Farm Station Road Maerdy Ferndale CF43 4BN 7 May 2014 Mr Atputharajah Appukuddi Tylorstown Newsagent 249 East Road Tylorstown Ferndale CF43 3HG 16 April 2014 Mr Dale Hawkins 11 Ffrwd Street Godreaman Aberdare CF44 6DU 22 April 2014 54 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Personal Licences Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Personal Licence Holder Effective Date of Licence Mr Jamie Russell Pfaff 32 Elizabeth Street Aberdare CF44 7LN 23 April 2014 Mr Raymond Farr 28 Prichard Street Tonyrefail Porth CF39 8PA 25 April 2014 Miss Leah Louise Kinsey 5 Tyn-Y-Coedcae Treherbert Treorchy CF42 5EW 29 May 2014 Mr Stephen Wilshire 36 Brewery Street Pontygwaith Ferndale CF43 3LL 23 May 2014 Miss Kate Elinor Pritchard 14 St Johns Drive Ton Pentre Treorchy, Pentre CF41 7EU 6 May 2014 Mr Ceri John Price 10 Pontrhondda Avenue Llwyn-Y-Pia Tonypandy CF40 2TA 6 May 2014 55 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Personal Licences Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Personal Licence Holder Effective Date of Licence Mr Marc Thompson 34 Cilfynydd Road Cilfynydd Pontypridd CF37 4NL 6 May 2014 Mrs Kimberley Anne Davies Craigafon Vicarage Road Penygraig Tonypandy CF40 1HP 12 May 2014 John Creswell Ackerman 11 Clydach Road Clydach Tonypandy CF40 2BD 13 May 2014 Claire Louise Williams 5 Rhodfa'r Orsaf Church Village Pontypridd CF38 1BS 12 May 2014 Mr Craig Daniel Mills 15 Kingsland Terrace Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1RX 13 May 2014 Miss Diane Price 31 Glynfach Road Glynfach Porth CF39 9LG 13 May 2014 Nicola Pauline Pearce 100 Hawthorn Crescent Rhydyfelin Pontypridd CF37 5BA 20 May 2014 56 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Personal Licences Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Personal Licence Holder Effective Date of Licence Jamie Davies 4 Chapel Row Aberdare CF44 7NY 23 May 2014 Mrs Claire Lewis 41 Tan-Y-Bryn Street Aberdare CF44 7NB 23 May 2014 Mr Anthony Mark Stevens 39 Cornwall Road Williamstown Tonypandy CF40 1PR 29 May 2014 Mr Hywel John Baker-Powell 23 Edmondstown Road Edmondstown Tonypandy CF40 1NR 29 May 2014 Mr Ian Rhys Davies 10 Heol Tyle-Du Treorchy CF42 6TA 29 May 2014 Miss Rachel Crane 10 Maes Y Ffion Llwydcoed Aberdare CF44 0AQ 29 May 2014 57 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Personal Licences Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Personal Licence Holder Effective Date of Licence Mr Jonathan Greg White 4 Nant Rhydhalog Cowbridge Road Talygarn Pontyclun CF72 9FH 29 May 2014 Mr Michael James Buckley Mount View, Blaenllechau Farm Blaenllechau Road Blaenllechau Ferndale CF43 4UF 2 June 2014 Mrs Linda Howells 73 Bryngolau Tonyrefail Porth CF39 8HP 2 June 2014 Mrs Emma Jane Wilson 294 Trebanog Road Trebanog Porth CF39 9EP 9 June 2014 Mrs Dawn Louise McElhinney 4 Stuart Street Pontyclun CF72 9EF 10 June 2014 Miss Rebecca Marie Regan 31 Cwrt-Y-Goedwig Llantwit Fardre Pontypridd CF38 2RG 9 June 2014 Mrs Joanne Lent 44 Brocks Terrace Trebanog Porth CF39 9YS 13 June 2014 58 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Personal Licences Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Personal Licence Holder Effective Date of Licence Mrs Taran Kaur Bhatia 2 Salem Terrace Llwynypia Tonypandy CF40 2JJ 11 June 2014 Miss Jagmeet Bhatia 2 Salem Terrace Llwynypia Tonypandy CF40 2JJ 11 June 2014 Miss Lisa Pitman 148 Broadway Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BH 11 June 2014 Mr Simon Clifford Morris Glyncoed Dunraven Terrace Ynyswen Treorchy CF42 6EL 19 June 2014 Mr Kieron William James Mcginley 22 Park View Abercynon Mountain Ash CF45 4TP 23 June 2014 Mr Minesh Shah 2 Tan-Yr-Allt Cross Inn Llantrisant, Pontyclun CF72 8PY 8 July 2014 59 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Personal Licences Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Personal Licence Holder Effective Date of Licence Mrs Jayne McSherrie Jones 11 Hawthorne Terrace Aberdare CF44 7HE 24 June 2014 Miss Shauna Durbin 12 Godreaman Street Godreaman Aberdare CF44 6DF 25 June 2014 Mrs Angela Bowen 8 Trefelin Trecynon Aberdare CF44 8LB 1 July 2014 Mr Christopher James Stephen Baldwin 16 Egypt Street Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1BS 1 July 2014 60 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Premises Licence Applications New/Transfer/Variation Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Premises Tesco Extra Stores Ltd Green Park Talbot Green Pontyclun, Mid Glamorgan CF72 8RB Gilfach Goch Festival Club 159 High Street Gilfach Goch Porth, Mid Glamorgan CF39 8SW Blaengwawr Stores 69 Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare, Mid Glamorgan CF44 6HJ Pick And Shovel 17 Fothergill Street Treforest Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan CF37 1SG Paddy's Goose Hotel Trealaw Road Trealaw Tonypandy CF40 2NX Effective Date 23 June 2014 31 March 2014 9 May 2014 13 June 2014 15 May 2014 61 Applicant Details Tesco Stores Ltd New Tesco House Delamare Road Cheshunt Waltham Cross EN8 9SL Mrs Annette Warren Gilfach Goch Fesival Club 159 High Street Gilfach Goch Porth, Mid Glamorgan CF39 8SW Mr Abdul Hameed 69 Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6HJ SA Brain & Co Ltd The Cardiff Brewery PO Box 53 Crawshay Street Cardiff CF10 1SP LH Taverns (NW) Limited Rhyl Sports and Social Club 98 Wellington Road Rhyl Denbighshire LL18 1LH Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Premises Licence Applications New/Transfer/Variation Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Premises SB Stores 165 Bute Street Treherbert Treorchy CF42 5PE Golden Dragon 109 Garth Avenue Glyncoch Pontypridd CF37 3AD Morrisons Pontypridd Road Porth CF39 9BA Upper Boat Inn Williams Place Upper Boat Pontypridd CF37 5BP Home Bargains Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6DX Effective Date 4 July 2014 14 May 2014 23 June 2014 Applicant Details Mrs Nimerjeet Bains 165 Bute Street Treherbert Treorchy CF42 5PE Mr Chun Wing Chan Golden Dragon 109 Garth Avenue Glyncoch Pontypridd CF37 3AD Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Hilmore House Gain Lane Bradford BD3 7DL 25 April 2014 Mitchells & Butlers Retail Limited 27 Fleet Street Birmingham B3 1JP 3 June 2014 TJ Morris Limited t/a Home Bargains Axis Business Park Portal Way Gillmoss Liverpool L11 0JA 62 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Premises Licence Applications New/Transfer/Variation Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Premises Home Bargains Llwynypia Road Tonypandy CF40 2ES Tesco Stores Limited Gelli Hirion Industrial Estate Rhydyfelin Pontypridd CF37 5SN Brunel Arms Station Approach Pontyclun CF72 9DR The Pottery Main Avenue Treforest Industrial Estate Pontypridd CF37 5YR Bargain Booze 18 Mill Street Tonyrefail Pontypridd CF39 8AA Effective Date 16 May 2014 1 July 2014 4 July 2014 Applicant Details TJ Morris Limited t/a Home Bargains Axis Business Park Portal Way Gillmoss Liverpool L11 0JA Tesco Stores Ltd New Tesco House Delamare Road Cheshunt Waltham Cross EN8 9SL SA Brain & Co Ltd The Cardiff Brewery PO Box 53 Crawshay Street Cardiff CF10 1SP 11 April 2014 Mitchells & Butlers Retail Limited 27 Fleet Street Birmingham B3 1JP 16 May 2014 Mr Stuart Stephens 18 Mill Street Tonyrefail Porth CF39 8AA 63 Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Premises Licence Applications New/Transfer/Variation Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Premises Prince of Wales 21 High Street Treorchy CF42 6AA Bear Inn Tyla Coch Llanharry Pontyclun CF72 9LH Iceland Foods Ltd 205-206 High Street Treorchy CF42 6AS McColls 110-112 Llewellyn Street Pontygwaith Ferndale CF43 3LD Taffs Well RFC Glan-Y-Llyn Industrial Estate Taffs Well Cardiff CF15 7QD Effective Date 17 April 2014 7 April 2014 22 May 2014 28 March 2014 1 May 2014 64 Applicant Details Mr Mihail Alexandrov Mihaylov Parc Hotel Park Road Cwmparc Treorchy CF42 6LD Punch Taverns Jubilee House Second Avenue Burton Upon Trent Staffordshire DE14 2WF Iceland Foods Ltd 2nd Avenue Deeside Industrial Park Deeside Flintshire CH5 2NW Martin McColl Limited Martin McColl House Ashwells Road Brentwood Essex CM15 9ST Taffs Well RFC Glan-Y-Llyn Industrial Estate Taffs Well Cardiff CF15 7QD Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Premises Licence Applications New/Transfer/Variation Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Premises Cross Keys Hotel Cardiff Road Nantgarw Cardiff CF15 7SR Wok Box 23 Park Street Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1SN Cap Coch Inn 108 John Street Abercwmboi Aberdare CF44 6BN Frankie & Benny's 11a Newpark District Shopping Centre Talbot Green Pontyclun CF72 8LW The Bute Arms 1 Llantrisant Road Pontyclun CF72 9DP Effective Date Applicant Details 7 April 2014 Enterprise Inns Plc 3 Monkspath Hall Road Solihull West Midlands B90 4SJ 11 April 2014 Mr Enam Ahmed 101 Clive Street Grangetown Cardiff CF11 7HN 8 April 2014 29 April 2014 28 March 2014 65 Mr Wayne Clark 26 Maple Terrace Abercwmboi Aberdare CF44 6AU The Restaurant Group (UK) Ltd 5-7 Marshalsea Road London SE1 1EP Farmhouse Developments Limited Unit 2 Del Guerra Court Gelligron Industrial Estate Tonyrefail Pontypridd CF39 8ES Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Premises Licence Applications New/Transfer/Variation Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Premises Tonypandy Convenience Store 38-40 Dunraven Street Tonypandy CF40 1AL The Lion Treorchy Bute Street Treorchy CF42 6AH Tylorstown Workingmen's Club 238-239 East Road Tylorstown Ferndale CF43 3DA The Old Mill Harvester Felindre Road Llanharan Bridgend CF35 5HU Royal Oak 239 Merthyr Road Pontypridd CF37 4DW The Oval Regent Street Treorchy CF42 6PN Effective Date 31 March 2014 26 March 2014 31 March 2014 Applicant Details Mr Sathasivam Krishnamoorthy Tonypandy Convienence Store 38-40 Dunraven Street Tonypandy CF40 1AL Mr Adrian Ian Emmett The Lion Hotel Bute Street Treorchy CF42 6AH LH Taverns (NW) Limited Rhyl Sports and Social Club 98 Wellington Road Rhyl Denbighshire LL18 1LH 1 April 2014 Mitchells & Butlers Retail Limited 27 Fleet Street Birmingham B3 1JP 4 April 2014 Mr Sau Hung Leung 6 Belle Vue Terrace Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1TQ 1 May 2014 66 Miss Nerys Phillips 31 Glyncoli Road Treorchy CF42 6RY Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Premises Licence Applications New/Transfer/Variation Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Premises Star Supermarket Ivor Hael Garage Salem Terrace Llwyn-Y-Pia Tonypandy CF40 1JS The Penny Farthing Cardiff Road Llantrisant Pontyclun CF72 8DG Clydach Mini Market 11 Clydach Road Clydach Tonypandy CF40 2BD Aberdare Park Hirwaun Road Trecynon Aberdare CF44 8BN Asda Stores Ltd Llwynypia Road Llwynypia Tonypandy CF40 2JQ Effective Date 14 April 2014 15 April 2014 14 April 2014 14 May 2014 7 May 2014 67 Applicant Details Star Supermarket UK Limited c/o Desai & Co (Chartered Accountants) 9-13 Holbrook Lane Coventry CV6 4AD Miss Dawn Marie Griffiths 18 Park View Llantrisant Pontyclun CF72 8DL Ms Jacqueline Matthews 11 Clydach Road Clydach Tonypandy CF40 2BD Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council The Pavillions Cambrian Court Business Pavilion Clydach Tonypandy CF40 2XX Asda Stores Limited Asda House Great Wilson Street Leeds LS11 5AD Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Premises Licence Applications New/Transfer/Variation Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Premises The Boncyff 196 Brynmair Road Cwmaman Aberdare CF44 6LS Gecko Bar 21-22 Park Street Treforest Pontypridd CF37 1SN Savers Aberdare 44 Commercial Street Aberdare CF44 7RW Savers Tonypandy 32 Dunraven Street Tonypandy CF40 1AL Costcutter 61 Tylacelyn Road Penygraig Tonypandy CF40 1JU Effective Date 12 June 2014 16 May 2014 19 June 2014 21 May 2014 15 May 2014 68 Applicant Details Mr David Andrew Lippiatt Henrhiw Farm Monkswood Usk NP15 1QE Mr Jason Akers 12 Heol Las Llantrisant Pontyclun CF72 8EG Savers Health and Beauty Ltd Hutchinson House 5 Hester Road Battersea London SW11 4AN Savers Health and Beauty Ltd Hutchinson House 5 Hester Road Battersea London SW11 4AN Mrs Amarjit Kaur Chahal 26-28 Heol Las North Cornelly Bridgend CF33 4AS Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Premises Licence Applications New/Transfer/Variation Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Premises McDonalds Restaurant Llwynypia Road Llwyn-Y-Pia Tonypandy CF40 2JQ Parc Hotel Park Road Cwmparc Treorchy CF42 6LD The Ynyscynon Inn Cwmbach Road Cwmbach Aberdare CF44 0PA Ship Inn Crown Hill Llantwit Fardre Pontypridd CF38 1BH The Mighty Cod 36 Taff Street Pontypridd CF37 4TR Effective Date 8 May 2014 14 May 2014 20 May 2014 15 May 2014 29 May 2014 69 Applicant Details McDonalds Restaurants Ltd 11/59 High Street East Finchley London N2 8AW Mr Christopher Jones 14 Gilfach Road Penygraig Tonypandy CF40 1EN Mr Arie Thau 15 Bryn Gwyn Street Bedwas Caerphilly CF83 8BA Mrs Teresa Elizabeth Lee The Ship Inn Crown Hill Llantwit Fardre Pontypridd CF38 1BH Mr Ali Saeed The Mighty Cod 36 Taff Street Pontypridd CF37 4TR Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Premises Licence Applications New/Transfer/Variation Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Premises Milanos Pizza 75-76 Pontypridd Road Porth CF39 9PL The Patriot 25b Taff Street Pontypridd CF37 4UA Pontypridd Service Station Rhondda Road Pontypridd CF37 1HF Mountain Ash Service Station/Shop Cardiff Road Mountain Ash CF45 4EY Blaengwawr Inn 373 Cardiff Road Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6HX Effective Date 3 June 2014 11 June 2014 10 June 2014 27 May 2014 27 May 2014 70 Applicant Details Mr Karwin Yahia Salih Milanos Pizza 75 Pontypridd Road Porth CF39 9PL Rhymney Brewery (Dowlais) Ltd Gilchrist Thomas Industrial Estate Blaenavon Pontypool NP4 9RL Rontec Watford Limited 3rd Floor Meridien House 67-71 Clarendon Road Watford Hertfordshire WD17 1DS Rontec Watford Limited 3rd Floor Meridien House 67-71 Clarendon Road Watford Hertfordshire WD17 1DS Mrs Elaine Thomas Aberaman Uchaf George Street Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6SH Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Premises Licence Applications New/Transfer/Variation Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Premises KFC Heol Crochendy Treforest Industrial Estate Pontypridd CF15 7QW One Stop Stores Ltd 25-28 Lewis Street Aberaman Aberdare CF44 6PY Bargain Booze 59 Hannah Street Porth CF39 9RA White Hills Brynna Road Brynna Pontyclun CF72 9QF Aberdare Food & Wine 6 Canon Street Aberdare CF44 7AT Effective Date 12 June 2014 Applicant Details KFC (GB) Ltd 32 Goldsworth Road Woking Surrey GU21 6JT 28 May 2014 One Stop Stores Ltd Apex Road Walsall WS8 7TS 2 July 2014 Mr Mark Spanswick 24 Sorrel Drive Hengoed CF82 8LA 4 June 2014 7 July 2014 71 White Hills Pub Ltd Whitehills Brynna Road Brynna Pontyclun CF72 9QF Ms Vanathy Santhakumar 34 Pascde Road London SE13 5JB Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Premises Licence Applications New/Transfer/Variation Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Premises Co-operative Group Ltd 3-7 Cowbridge Road Pontyclun CF72 9EA The George 31 Cardiff Road Mountain Ash CF45 4HA White Dragon 144 Bute Street Treorchy CF42 6BN Co-operative Group Ltd 18 Commercial Street Beddau Pontypridd CF38 2DB Pencelli Hotel Pencai Terrace Treorchy CF42 6HL Effective Date 6 June 2014 23 June 2014 16 June 2014 19 June 2014 23 June 2014 72 Applicant Details Co-operative Group Food Limited 1 Angel Square Manchester M60 0AG Mr Robert Megson 63 Heol Gwys Upper Cwm Twrch Swansea SA9 2XQ Mr Gareth Williams 32 Ash Road Aldershot Hampshire GU12 4EZ Co-operative Group Food Limited 1 Angel Square Manchester M60 0AG Mr Neil Fisher Pencelli Hotel Pencai Terrace Treorchy CF42 6HL Licensing Act (sitting in its role under the Licensing Act 2003) - 29 July 2014 RHONDDA CYNON TAF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL PUBLIC HEALTH & PROTECTION – LICENSING Premises Licence Applications New/Transfer/Variation Approved between: 24th March to 13th July 2014 Premises TJ's Mini Market 16-18 High Street Gilfach Goch Porth CF39 8SP The Lighthouse 35 Victoria Square Aberdare CF44 7LB Glandover Arms 98 Gadlys Road Gadlys Aberdare CF44 8AB Effective Date 3 July 2014 7 July 2014 3 July 2014 73 Applicant Details Miss Natasha Tantrum 13 Westbury Houses Glamorgan Terrace Gilfach Goch Porth CF39 8ST Mrs Kim Louise WinsperParry Maerdy Farm Station Road Maerdy Ferndale CF43 4BN Mr David Mark Evans 50 Monk Street Aberdare CF44 7RF
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