October 2014 - Lithuanian American Community
LITHUANIAN-AMERICAN NEWS JOURNAL $5 October 2014 contents Vol. 38 No. 8 / October 2014 Bridges is the official publication of the Lithuanian-American Community, Inc. www.lithuanian-american.org EDITOR Teresė Vekteris ART DIRECTOR Daniel P. Craig, Jr. CONTRIBUTING EDITOR, FOOD Jana Sirusaitė Motivans 3 Professionals Share Their Journeys North American Ateitis conference is a new type of gathering By Ramunė Kubilius CONTRIBUTING EDITOR, GENEALOGY 6 The 2014 LISS Program: A Memorable and Rewarding Experience By Rasa Ardys-Juška Glimpses From My Summer With LISS By Eduard Hessels Tom Sadauskas EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Aleksandra Vekteris ADVERTISING & SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER Rimas Gedeika HOW TO CONTACT BRIDGES Editorial Office 6125 McCallum Street, Philadelphia, PA 19144 bridges.terese@gmail.com Subscriber Services and Advertising 78 Mark Twain Drive, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 gedeikar@aol.com LAC, INC. NATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD 43 Anthony Street, New Haven, CT 06515 Phone: 203-415-7776, Fax: 703-773-1257 admin@lithuanian-american.org All statements and opinions, including product claims, are those of the organization/advertiser making those statements or claims. The publisher does not adopt, or put forth, any such statement or claim as his own, and any such statement or claim does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher. BRIDGES (ISSN: 87508028) is published 10 times per year (Jan/ Feb and Jul/Aug combined) by Lithuanian-American Community, Inc. The known office of publication is located at 78 Mark Twain Dr., Hamilton Square, NJ 08690. The editorial office is located at 6125 McCallum Street, Philadelphia, PA 19144. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and additional locations. Vol. 38, No. 8. POSTMASTER: Send address corrections and changes to LAC, Inc./Bridges, 78 Mark Twain Drive, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690. SUBSCRIPTIONS: For subscription questions or address changes, write to LAC, Inc./Bridges, 78 Mark Twain Drive, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690. Subscription rates are: US: $30 per year or $58 for two years.; International: $55 per year payable in advance in US funds. COPYRIGHT: ©2014 by Lithuanian-American Community, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. PRINTING: Printed in Chicago, USA by Lithuanian-American Community, Inc. 8 Lithuanian Archives Abroad Are we equal partners with Lithuania’s archives? By Loreta Timukienė 12 From Alameda With Love Interview with Vaidas Šukys of Mama Papa Lithuania By Jana Sirusaitė Motivans And more... c2 this month in history 2 from the editor 14 a taste of lithuania Cepelinai (Didžkukuliai) By Jana Sirusaitė Motivans 15 the list I Dream of Koldūnai: Lithuanian Restaurants in the United States By Aleksandra Vekteris 14 our community Daughters of Lithuania K of L 101st Convention Ateitis week Postcards from camp Angelė Podžiūnas Borisas Traubas concert Victims of Communism 22 current events 25 calendar Front cover: Evening image of old building with sunlit windows and tree shadows in Kaunas Old Town. Photo: Dat | Dreamstime.com Back cover: A bowl of koldūnai at the aptly named Koldūninė restaurant in Vilnius. Photo: Terese Vekteris October 2014 1 from the editor Food for the (Lithuanian) Soul In this issue, we have articles about places, events and cuisine that feed the heart, the mind and the body. Perhaps it has something to do with physical sustenance being the most basic need in Maslow’s hierarchy, or maybe because it’s such a big part of our Lithuanian culture, but food for the body holds court in this month’s issue. Our food editor, Jana Sirusaitė Motivans, dined at Mama Papa Lithuania Restaurant and Tea House in Alameda, California, recently and interviewed owner Vaidas Šukys. Vaidas generously shared his mother’s (the chef at the restaurant) cepelinai recipe with us, and Jana coaches us through the process step by step. Our editorial assistant, Aleksandra Vekteris (pictured at left), who mightily enjoyed the “lietuviški patiekalai” (Lithuanian cuisine) she sampled in the Baltic republic, wondered where one might find those specialties in the United States. She did a great job in crowdsourcing a list of restaurants and bakeries across the country. Not unexpectedly, many are concentrated in the Alex gives the Chicago area, but you might be surprised at where else they pop up. Perhaps the Lithuanian food trail will become the next hottest road trip! koldunai she had There’s also the story of Angelė Puodžiūnas, who year after year coordinates the sweets table in Niūronys a for Philadelphia’s Mugė (Lithuanian Festival). It was she who made me the offer I couldn’t refuse for the kugelis contest; in this issue, the offer you shouldn’t refuse is her help in finding traditional thumbs up Lithuanian dessert recipes. All she asks in return is for some of those baked goods to come back to the dessert table at Mugė this November 1 and 2. For those more interested in feeding their brains, we have Ramunė Kubilius’ article on the North American Ateitininkai Conference, held this year in the land of the think tank, Washington, D.C. Themed “Professionals’ Journey,” the conference featured presentations in the style of TED Talks, where speakers shared ideas, experiences and challenges with the audience. Ateitis Week, an annual Chautauqua-like event in Kennebunkport, Maine, nourishes the hearts of those who return year after year to revel in knowledge, spirituality, family, community and the outdoors. Read Laima Lileikienė Shea’s account of this year’s Lithuanian gathering “down east.” The young people who interned in Lithuania last summer through the LISS (Lithuanian International Student Services) program found a veritable feast of experiences to sustain them for the season. Student Eduard Hessels shares the bounty in his article about the classes, seminars, professional experience and travel that are all part of the program. In addition to the new Facebook page that we announced last issue, we have added another new item to the Bridges menu—a way to subscribe (or renew) online at www.lithuanian-american.org/bridges. Dare I say that the holidays will be here before you know it? Get a jump on your shopping list and give your favorite fan of Lithuania a gift subscription that will remind them of you 10 times a year. May your heart always be full, Teresė Vekteris, Editor Bridges welcomes your contributions! Have you just returned from a trip to Lithuania? Made an exciting genealogical discovery? Participated in an event in your local Lithuanian community? Share your news and insights with the readers of Bridges! Send your original stories, photos, news, letters and upcoming events to the editor at bridges.terese@gmail.com. Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/BridgesLithuanianAmericanMagazine Visit us and subscribe online: lithuanian-american.org/bridges 2 October 2014 the list I Dream of Koldūnai Lithuanian Restaurants in the United States By Aleksandra Vekteris As an American Lithuanian, I have had the great honor of visiting my ancestors’ home country. I’ve seen the Hill of Crosses, walked the streets of Vilnius and gotten lost in the smallest of rural towns trying to get from point A to point B. It was, in a word, incredible. Several years later, however, my fondest memory is the food. Blame it on my nature perhaps, but what I miss most of all about our dear country are the cafes and restaurants, knowing no matter which one I entered I would find the comforting, buttery goodness of authentic Lithuanian cuisine. In a particularly intense bout of daydreaming, I caught myself wondering where, among the Italian, Spanish and Asian restaurants, one might find a Lithuanian counterpart. We are, after all, a melting pot of cultures; Where is my plate of koldūnai? Where can I order cepelinai and not be met with confused stares? Wonder no longer, fellow Lithuanians. To all those craving a taste of home, here is a list of Lithuanian dining establishments. Check them out, let us know what you think and tell us about your favorite Lithuanian restaurants in the United States. And let us know if we missed any! A special “thank you” to the members of Our Moms’ Lithuanian Recipes on Facebook for their contributions! CALIFORNIA Mabenka Restaurant (Polish and Lithuanian) 7844 S Cicero Ave. Burbank, IL 60459 708-423-7679 mabenka.com Racine Bakery 6216 South Archer Ave. Chicago, IL 60638 773-581-8500 racinebakery.com Old Town Restaurant 113 Stephen St. Lemont, IL 60439 630-257-7570 Tues - Thurs: 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fri - Sat: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sunday: 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. Monday: Closed oldtownrestaurant.com South Boston Lithuanian Club 368 West Broadway South Boston, MA 02127 617-268-1055 Sat - Sun: 12 p.m. - 7 p.m. Bar: 12 p.m. - last customer sblca.org/index.php/ lithuanianrestaurantbar MICHIGAN Cafe Smilga 2819 83rd St. Darien, IL 60561 630-427-0929 Mon - Thurs: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri - Sat: 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Old Vilnius Cafe 2601 75th St., Suite B Darien, IL 60561 630-324-6811 Sun - Mon: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Tues - Thurs: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri - Sat: 10 a.m. - 12 a.m. oldvilniuscafe.com Grand Duke’s Restaurant 6312 S Harlem Ave. Summit, Illinois 60501 708-594-5622 Mon - Thurs: 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Fri - Sat: 11 a.m. - 12 a.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. granddukesrestaurant.com Ruta Cafe 6551 S. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 630-964-7882 Tues - Fri: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sat: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. rutacafeandrestaurant.com NEBRASKA Mama Papa Lithuania Restaurant and Tea House 1241 Park St. Alameda, CA 94501 510-522-4100 Mon - Sun: 11a.m. - 9 p.m. mamapapalithuania.com FLORIDA Lithuanian Club USA 4880 46th Ave. North St. Petersburg, FL 33714 727-866-7936 Sunday: 1 p.m. lithuanianclubusa.com ILLINOIS MASSACHUSETTS Milda’s Corner Market 9901 Townline Rd. Union Pier, MI 49129 269-469-9880 Sun - Thurs: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Fri - Sat: 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. milda.us Lithuanian Bakery, Inc. 5217 S. 33rd Ave. Omaha, NE 68107 800-798-5217 Mon - Fri: 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. lithuanianbakery.biz Lithuanian Bakery & Cafe 7427 Pacific St. Omaha, NE 68144 800-798-5217 Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Lunch Mon - Sat: 11:30 to 2:30 lithuanianbakery.biz NEW JERSEY Lithuanian Bake T.J. Inc. 131 Inslee Place Elizabeth, NJ 07206 908-354-0970 NEW YORK The Avenue Bar and Grill 7122 Myrtle Ave. Glendale NY 11385 347-725-3853 Select Sundays: Lithuanian brunch theavenuebarandgrill.com OHIO The Amber Rose 1400 Valley St. Dayton, OH 45404 937-228-2511 Monday: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tues - Thurs: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday: 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday: 4 p.m. - 10 p.m. theamberrose.com October 2014 13 New: Subscribe Online Go to lithuanian-american.org/bridges to order, renew or send a gift subscription today! SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Please check all that apply: New Renewal Gift Donation Mail to: LAC, Inc./BRIDGES Subscriptions 78 Mark Twain Dr. Hamilton Sq., NJ 08690 Please send me: 1 year (10 issues) $30.00 2 years (20 issues) $58.00 Outside U.S., add $25.00 per year MAKES A GREATIFT! G HOLIDAY Your Name (please print) Gift Subscription Name (please print) Your Email (used only for corresponding about your subscription) Gift Subscription Email Your Address Apt. No. Gift Subscription Address Zip City City State Apt. No. State Please enclose your subscription payment in U.S. funds. 24 October 2014 Zip October 2014 calendar Please verify all events, as places and times are subject to change. ONGOING Through December November 2 All Souls’ Day Visit to Roslyn Lithuanian Cemetery Roslyn, Wash. Info: seattle.lithuanian-american.org November 8 Rudens Balius/Fall Ball Marriot San Mateo, 1770 S. Amphlett Blvd., San Mateo, Calif. Info: sflithuanians.com No Home To Go To: The Story of Baltic Displaced Persons 1944-1952 Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture, Chicago Info: www.balzekasmuseum.org NOVEMBER 2014 November 1, 6 p.m. Baltimore Lithuanian Hall Fundraiser Night Lithuanian Hall, 851 Rollins St., Baltimore Tickets: $25 individual, $20 each for group of 10 or more Info: facebook.com/lithuanianhall November 1-2 Mugė: Phila. Lithuanian Fair Lithuanian Music Hall, 2715 E. Allegheny Ave., Philadelphia Info: lithuanianmha.org November 1-2, 1-4 p.m. November 8, 6 p.m. Lithuanian Foundation Annual Fall Gala Lithuanian World Center, 14911 127th Street, Lemont, Ill. Info: admin@ lithuanianfoundation.org November 9, 12:30 p.m. Saulute Orphan Aid Concert Lithuanian World Center, 14911 127th Street, Lemont, Ill. Info: sunlightorphanaid.org/ November 15, 1-3 p.m. Amber Roots Heritage Club Lithuanian Music Hall, 2715 E. Allegheny Ave., Philadelphia Potluck. Use side door. Info: milliemarks@aol.com November 16, 1 p.m. V.V. Landsbergis Documentary “Tricolor” and Concert Ballroom 384, 384 East Ave., Rochester, N.Y. Living Folk Art Exhibit Lithuanian World Center, 14911 127th St., Lemont, Ill. Info: lithaz.org/museums/ldm St. Andrew’s Philadelphia Lithuanian Parish 90th Jubilee November 30, 3 p.m. Under an Angel's Wing Concert Nativity BVM Church, 6812 S. Washtenaw, Chicago $25 in advance, $30 at door. Info: 773-578-0182 DECEMBER 2014 December 6 Lithuanians in Texas Kučios Info: ven.grant@hughes.net December 6 Baltic Fair Latvian House, San Francisco Info: sflithuanians.com MARCH 2015 March 19-22 Women's Weekend Camp Neringa, Marlboro, Vt. Info: neringa.org March 29-April 5 Lithuanian Ski Trip 2014 Snowbird Resort, Alta, Utah Info: Linda Crouch, linda@ski.com, 1-800-525-2052, ext. 3329 JULY 2015 July 3-5 X North American Lithuanian Song Festival Chicago Info: dainusvente.org/en December 6-7 Advent Silent Retreat Camp Neringa, Marlboro, Vt. Info: neringa.org December 6-7 Lithuanian World Center Holiday Craft Fair Lithuanian World Center, 14911 127th St., Lemont, Ill. Info: reklaitis@lcenter.org December 7, 3 p.m. JULY 2016 July 3 North American Lithuanian Dance Festival Baltimore Arena, Baltimore, Md. Info: lithuanian-american.org Lietuviškos Kūčios/Christmas Eve Party Mission San Luis Rey Parish, 4070 Mission Ave., Oceanside, Calif. December 13, 1-3 p.m. Amber Roots Kūčios Lithuanian Music Hall, 2715 E. Allegheny Ave., Philadelphia Bring a meatless dish to share. Info: lithuanianmha.org November 2, 10 a.m. Remembering the Departed Putnam Convent, 500 Liberty Highway, Putnam, Conn. RSVP: sesigne@gmail.com, 860928-7955 December 21, 1 p.m. November 2, noon Marian Fathers USA 100 Years Nativity BVM Church, 6812 S. Washtenaw, Chicago Info: thedivinemercy.org/news/6006 Tickets $20; LHSR members $10; Children free. Info: S. Philippone 585-489-5668 or A. Clifford 585-227-5018, ausramike@hotmail.com November 2 November 22, 7 p.m. LWC Fashion Show Lithuanian World Center, 14911 127th St., Lemont, Ill. RSVP: R. Pašilė, 708.252.0551 or Ž. Pranckevičius, 630.257.0153 November 30, 10 a.m. Lithuanian Opera Company Fall Concert Lithuanian Youth Center - JC, 5620 S. Claremont Ave., Chicago Info: www.operalt.com Chicago Ateitininkai Christmas Eve Fellowship Lithuanian Youth Center, 5620 S. Claremont Ave., Chicago Info: odaugirdas@hotmail.com, 630-325-3277 JANUARY 2015 January (date TBD) Winter Šventė/Celebration Camp Neringa, Marlboro, Vt. Info: neringa.org GOT EVENTS? Let us help you spread the word. Send you event notices to bridges.terese@gmail.com thwo months in advance of the publication date of the magazine. October 2014 25 PERIODICALS POSTAGE VOLUME 38 ISSUE 8 LITHUANIAN-AMERICAN NEWS JOURNAL
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