Anchorage Policy - Cebu Port Authority
Anchorage Policy - Cebu Port Authority
Re'publi.:: of the Philippines ~ j) ",.' CEBU PORT AUTHORITY CIP Complex, Serging Osmefia Boulevard, North Reclamation Area, Cebu City E-mail: Telephone : 232-1461 to 63 . 231-6856 to 57 Fax No. : 231-6848 .~..I ~~ 03 March 2005 CPA Memorandum Circular No. 06 Series of2005 TO: All Departments, Divisions Shipping Lines and Others Concerned SUBJECT: ANCHORAGE POLICY Pursuant to RA. 7621 and paragraph a,b,c and d of Section 6, Article III of CPA A.O. No. 01-2000 otherwiseknown as the CPA General Port Rules and Regulations, this anchorage policy is hereby prescribed: Section 1. OBJECTIVES 1.1 To decongest the anchorage areas of idleor inactivevessels; 1.2 To maintain a safe and secured navigable fairways for vessels entering, traversing or leaving the Cebu Harbor; and 1.3' To designate anchorage areas and graving harbors for idle or inactive vessels. Section 2. POLICY STATEMENT It is the declared policy of the Authority to maintain a safe and secured navigable approaches and fairwayswithin the Cebu Harbor by restricting anchorage activities therein and correspondinglydesignatinganchorage areas and graving harbors. Section 3. SCOPE This Order shall apply to all vessels, both foreign and domestic and shall govern the designation of anchorage areas and graving harbors, the corresponding fees thereof and other matters relatingto documentary requirements.. .; 1 . . " ~ ~. . ..'.. . / ~/ \ ~ ~~ ' .. , . Section 4. DEFINmON OF TERMS 4.1 Anchorage Area - means areas with sufficient depth of water within the harbor designated by the Authority for vessels that are anchored under different circumstances. 4.2 Harbor - means a protected part ofthe sea, lakeor body ofwater used by vessels as a place of safety. 4.3 Graving Harbor - means a place with sufficient depth of water where idle or inactive vessels are moored or tied up. ~ ~ . ,,- 4.4 DecommissionedVessels - means vessels that are decommissioned for commercial use/trade and anchored in a designated area or otherwise unemployed and idle while waiting for better future businessopportunities. 4.5 Off-hire Vessels - are vessels that are temporarily decommissioned for commercial use/trade and anchored in a designated area or otherwise unemployed and idle while waiting for better future businessopportunities. I 4.6 Derelict Vessels - are vessels that are unserviceable, dilapidated, decrepit, and abandoned or otherwise incapable of self-propulsion or being towed, and is posing danger to safe navigation of other vessels - along anchorage areas, harbor basins, fairways/sea lanes and other navigational waters. 4.7 Afloat Repair - means any repair and related works done on vessels at designatedanchorage areas. ~ Section 5. ANCHORAGE Idle vessels like decommissioned or off-hire vessels, vessels with pending court litigations for violating marine laws and other related offenses and vessels that remains at anchor, either to load cargoes or for lighteningpurposes, shall anchor only at areas or graving harbors designated by the Authority. 5.1 DESIGNATED ANCHORAGE AREAS AND GRAVING DOCKS 5.1.1 Anchorage Areas a) For Foreign and Domestic Vessels waiting for berth LAT. 10° 18' 06" North 2 ./ ~ ...,:> LONG. 123055' 20" East LAT. 100 18' 13" North LONG. 123055' 32" East b) For Foreign Vessels Discharging lightening and quarantine cargoes for LAT. 100 16' 43" North LONG. 123053' 12" East c) Alternative quarantine station during southwest monsoon: LAT. 100 18' 06" North LONG. 123055' 20" East 1 . 5.1.2 GravingHarbors a) Carmen Port located at Carmen, Northern Cebu with coordinates: LAT. 10034' 50" North LONG. 124001' 37" East A! iI :1 .. b) Other graving harbors to be designated by the Authority in the future. , I I \ Section 6. ANCHORAGE FEES 11 I 'I j ,-. The prescribedanchorage fees pursuantto CPA MemorandumCircularNo. 08, Series of2002 shallhereto apply as follows: 6.1 DecommissionedVessels - Twenty-five percent (25%) of UsageI Berthing Fee 6.2 Off-hireVessels - Fifty percent (50%) of Usage/Berthing Fee 6.3 Afloat Repair - One-time fee based on the Gross RegisteredTonnage (GRT) 6.4 Derelict Vessels - None ./ 3 /~ '" ,/ :'jJ ' i '4,-.", .c..;;.. . #~' ,./ Domestic vessels that opts to anchor at designated graving harbor or at any private port that is duly registered and accredited with the Authority, shall be charged a minimal fee as reflected below: I 1st year of anchor = One (I) month fee computed based on the fee/rate for decommissionedvessels; 2ndyear of anchor = Two 3rt!year of anchor = Three (3) months fee computed based on the , I (2) months fee computed based on the fee/rate for decommissioned vessels; fee/rate for decommissionedvessels; and after 5 years ",- = double the fee (IO-month fee equivalent) computed based on the fee/rate for the decommissionedvessels; Section 7. DOCUMENTARY REOUIREMENTS The following documentary requirements prescribed under CPA Memorandum Circular No. 08 - Series of 2002, shall be adapted for the purpose of this Order. These are as follows: .. 7.1 Accomplished Vessel's Information Sheet; 7.2 CPA duly approved Application for Anchorage; 7.3 Decommission Certificate duly issued by the Maritime Industry t 7.4 7.5 Ii, 7.6 II .."" I': 1 7.7 Authority(MARINA)or the PhilippineCoast Guard (pCG); Authority to break/scrap vessel duly issued by MARINA (for vessels scrappedlbrokenonly); Authority to undertake repair works at anchorage issued by the CPA (for afloat repair only); Certificate of Repair at Anchorage duly issued by a MARINAregistered ship repair facility(for afloat repair'vessels only); and Duly notarized certificate issued by the shippingcompany concerned that the vessel is unemployed and idle while at anchor (for off-hire vessels only) Section 8. PENALTV CLAUSE Non-compliance and/or violation of any of the provisions herein and of any related policy, rules and regulations shall be subject to the penalties and fmes prescribed thereof. Further the Authority reserves the right to pursue other legal remedies when deemed necessary. /' 4 ./ f ~' ..... :;') " ,.I~,. '" .; .... I Section 9. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE I Should any of the provision of this Order be declared illegal or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, those provision to which such declarations does not apply shall remain in full force and effect. ,1 ,I . Section 10. REPEALING CLAUSE Any CPA Order, circular or other issuances or parts thereof that are contrary or inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly. t ~ Section 11. EFFECTIVlTY This Administrative Order takes effect immediately upon its approval and after two (2) publications in a newspaper of general circulation. ,- // ~., 7~&g5 & May Per Board R~oluti<J..n PublishedonAprl 3, 2005, The Freeman /" ./ t 5