Xi term Newsletter - UCI CORE Accounts
Xi term Newsletter - UCI CORE Accounts
Alpha Phi Omega Xi term Newsletter Rho Rho Fall 2008 Leadership, Friendship & Service From the President INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Xi term Reflections 2-4 Family Head article 3 Farewell Xi Term 5 Poetry Corner 6-7 Inspirational Words 8 Mu Class 8 Jigga what? JiggaRHO 9 MVPs Just like Kobe 9 A Brother with hope 10 Words from an SAA 11 Confessions of a 2 term Service VP 11 Recording Secretaries 1213 Executive Committee 14 Dear Brothers, It has been my pleasure to serve as your Chapter President for the Fall 2008 term. The brothers of Rho Rho have made vast contributions to our community and to ourselves, and it is an honor to have our efforts recognized by those to whom we voluntarily offer our assistance. To close out 2008, our fraternity on a national level hosted a very successful National Convention in Boston, MA . Those of us who travelled the 3,000+ miles and represented our Rho Rho can attest that we experienced the greatest sense of brotherhood. That brotherhood is something we brought back to the chapter in hopes of extending to the rest of our Brothers. Although we had difficulties to face along the way, we triumphed and the lessons learned from those triumphs have only made us stronger. Rho Rho has, in no doubt, doubled in size over the last two terms. With the large size of what our chapter has become, it may seem to be more of a challenge rather than an advantage. Instead, we should use our quantity to further amplify the quality of our chapter and build its reputation among Southern California and Region X. It is so great to witness all of us develop as active participants in our fraternity, not just through leadership positions, but though being vocal and putting forth new ideas. Never cease to contribute and give back to the fra- ternity that has given so much to ourselves. Our opinions may not always be on the same page, but each opinion roots from the same ideal – to do what is best for Alpha Phi Omega. You have all shown me that we can be a unified brotherhood and I have no uncertainty that we can continue to strive for excellence. Don’t ever feel that your fervor for APhiO should be contained for censored. Your enthusiasm is what maintains our longstanding traditions and contributes to the development of new traditions. To end, I’d like to congratulate our newly active Xi Pledge Class. You have shown dedication and I am thrilled to have all of you as brothers. I would also like to thank ExComm from the bottom of my heart. We have worked so hard and I want you to know that your efforts and energy have never gone unnoticed. Lastly, I want to extend my appreciation toward the general body for your patience and cooperation with us. I am looking forward to a second term with you as President. May we continue in our endeavor to have Rho Rho be the best representation of LFS. iLFS, Crystal Quiroga President Reflections on Pledging... I am writing this the day requirements are due and I think I picked the perfect time. Over the last 2 weeks, I did some reflecting on what exactly I have done as far as pledging went and tried to figure out why exactly I was here. Well, to cut to the chase, the feeling I have toward pledging this term is one of detachment; both as a feeling and as my actions during pledging. This term sort of made pledging a juggle as I worked full time hours at my job while going to school. I’ll be honest, as far as my pledge class goes, I really don’t feel like I have that close of a connection, as I would have liked to develop over pledging. Yea, pretty sad and depressing thoughts, I know… but on the contrary, I didn’t feel that way, I didn’t have feel like I was completely separated from the pledge class at all. Which lead me to the point of me writing this. I want to say thank you to the Xi pledge class as a whole. Even though I haven’t been around outside of pledge meeting, Tuesday/Thursdays at tents, and couple of weekend endeavors you guys really seemed to still welcome and embrace me. I don’t know why I am pledging and never had a clear reason why; in fact I didn’t even know why I didn’t DP weeks before writing this. It’s because of you guys each one and every one of you. I know that I don’t know everyone’s face and I am truly embarrassed and sorry every time I approach one of you guys and ask for a interview because I mistake you guys as an active. I know pledging is over now and that it may be too late to catch everyone’s face, but I really hope that I will have the opportunity to know you guys more after we become actives. Hopefully, though it all, I can find my meaning within this Fraternity and become a better brother to you guys and the fraternity as a whole. Thank you Xi class. Plexcomm Historians!! Kevin Kim AsPlexcomm’sHistorians,ourmain responsibilitywastoputtogether twoscrapbooks-onecontainingall oftheindividualpledgepagesand onecontainingphotostakenatAlphaPhiOmegaevents.Eventhough enabledustogettoknowourfellowpledge brothersonamorepersonalbasis,butit alsoallowedustomakethemostoutof ourpledgingexperiencebybecomingmore involvedinAlphaPhiOmega.<3Weloveyou Xiclass!Xitillwedie! “A person is neither whole nor LoveyourPlexcommHistorians, healthy without the memories SandraChang&LindsayMatsushita of photo albums. They are the storybook of our lives” –Patrick Garry weconfrontedcountlesshoursof toilandenduredseveralsleepless nights,therewasneveramoment inwhichweregrettedourdecision torunforPlexcommHistorians. ServingonPlexcommnotonly Page X I T E R M NE W S L E T T E R FALL 2008 L E A D E R S H I P , F R I E N D SH I P A N D SE R V I C E Page 3 Love to my parents, my class, my family, and my brothers… Thank you counterpart for a great term. Family head wouldn’t have been as fun & entertaining with anyone else. More adventures to come fasho. BIGGIE & LITTLE you two are my rock. You guys made my 1st year memorable. Come visit next year please. LOVE YOU Jiggarho love. 3-peat. nuff said. YEAH COOL! rep the fam with more spirit. p.s. Great job excomm! Banquet was a Ten! Banquet is one of the things that everyone looks forward to at the end of a term, we all gather and talk to those that we have not see for a period of time or have not met at all. It is an event for the current actives as well as a celebration for the new actives. The process of making the banquet possible is hard to be done without the expertise and input of the previous banquet chairs as well as the committee that helps with the various aspects of preparation for the event that ends the term. This term we are trying our best to make it a memorable experience to end and celebrate our many memories of pledging and many more memories to come as we become actives. We wanted to try something new and surround our event under a different atmosphere. That's when we came up with the idea of having it at a club or lounge. Google works well for everything. One click and we got a whole list of the newest and most popular clubs in Orange County. We had several options and for those who knew, Ilounge was supposed to be our first choice. The day right before signing the contract for Ilounge, Tentation Ultra Lounge gave us a call and told us they could beat the price. They didn't go back on their words and we found the best place with the best price. Only problem is, it has to be on a Sunday. We compromised and had the pledge and active body vote on it. Fortunately, most were for it and a few weren't due to finals the following Monday. Nevertheless, a lot of people seem very excited for banquet and we hope everything goes as smoothly as we had planned. By Bebe Nguyen and Anna Li A word from Tri, Plexcomm Service VP!! SERVICE!! Lol, being Service VP in plexcomm has definitely been an awesome and fun experience throughout the pledging process and has definitely kept me busy. The best part was the opportunity to interact with all my pledge brothers (oh the emails, the calls, the chairing, the sign in sheets/ and logs), I will definitely miss them all <3. I really got the chance to meet all the pledges one way or another through this position and that’s why I loved every moment of it and that’s what made it worthwhile to input hours and respond to emails. And of course I couldn’t do it all without the input of the committee, which gave great support, ideas, and for just being there (although we didn’t meet much xD) & thanks to everyone who gave ideas for services. But let’s talk about service!! APhiO is all about doing community service and although some can be tiring, messy, and long, I have to admit that it makes you feel pretty good afterwards. Plus, I’ve gotten a lot of free t-shirts from doing services and more clothes are always good! xD One big thing that I have to mention is the 100% service!! Everyone made such awesome shoeboxes and donated such awesome gifts!! I’m sure the kids will really appreciate them and I hope everyone had a lot of fun!! Thanks for all the actives who came out and helped too! I hope everyone had a lot of fun this term and I will definitely miss pledging with you guys!! T_T Now for shoutouts lol: My co-Kevin Kim- for putting up with me lol and helping out w/everything! Service committee – cuz our committee totally rocks! Xi Class (xi ‘til I die!) cuz we’re so awesome (and the biggest and best pledge class ever)! Pledge Parents for being so patient, understanding, helpful, and so supportive lol! (And for being the most awesomest PPs ever xD) My Big <3 Angela Khai and Family – Jersey line!! You guys are just plain awesome + crazy!! In LFS and much love to all! Tri Tran Xi Class Service VP Mr. Retreat Chair’s Awesome Adventure You know, at first I was really skeptical about the position of Retreat Chair. I heard that it’d be stressful and that I needed to find a place and get money and this, that, and more of this. There was quite a bit of pressure as most of the people I talked to had their Retreat as one of the most memorable moments during their pledging experience. However, we were blessed by the winds of fortune (yes, winds of fortune) and as you may know, we held our retreat at one of the most premier venues imaginable, in a damn hot house Page 4 in San Clemente where the sun shines and the beaches are right there. The process of planning the retreat and the stress of having to find enough food to feed 87 ravenous mouths was daunting and it could never be done without the help of such a wonderful co-chair, Kevini Sitou and the ideas and freshness provided by our one and only retreat committee. I’ll take this moment to bypass the shout out fees and put them right here in my article: Yeah Retreat Com- mittee. So if any of you Xi’s read this, know that I wholeheartedly thank the people who helped towards Retreat and contributed ideas, condiments, forks, whatever. And not to mention, watching the sunrise and seeing the beach from on top of a blinking hill was some damn nice icing on the cake. Yeah Retreat!! X I T E R M NE W S L E T T E R L E A D E R S H I P , F R I E N D SH I P A N D SE R V I C E Page 5 Farewell Xi term...Sarah’s Shoutouts This term has gone by sooo fast! So many exciting things happened during Xi term; I was on Excomm for the first time, made new friends, reconnected with old friends, and personally grew as a Brother. I’d like to take this chance to acknowledge and thank those who made a difference to me during this term. Angie: You were THEEE best partner!! I couldn’t have asked for a better co-MVP. We had a lot of tough decisions, polos and emails to go through, but I’m glad we worked on it together. You helped instill confidence in me when I was lacking it behind the podium and would always fill in the gaps that I was missing. I’m proud of us for staying consistent, as hard as that was. MVPs just like KOBE!! ☺ Lea: I’m so excited for our future events and trips!!! Movies, San Diego, a wedding, ITALY… Wow, are you sure we’re not moving a little bit too fast? ROFL/LMAO! -Congrats on Pledge Parent; I know you will do wonderfully. I’m sooo proud of you!! -This term has brought us both ups and a lot of downs, but I’m so thankful and appreciative that you were ALWAYS there for me when I needed someone the most. I’m here for you always ☺ PS. I feel a trip to the motherlode of Forever 21’s coming up soon… DerekLeeDerekLeeDerekLee & Tanya: When I mentioned above that I “reconnected with old friends” this term, you two were some of those “old friends” that I was talking about. ☺ I’m really glad we all became closer over these past few months. I don’t wanna sound lame and corny, but you guys gave me the boost of inspiration that I really needed this term. When I was lacking it, you guys would say or do something that made me realize “Oh s**t, THAT’S what Brotherhood’s really about.” Thanksss! Hien: I knew I had to include you in this or else you’d probably throw a fit. Am I right or am I right? Haha ☺ Honestly though, you’ve been a great friend throughout the years, even though you do mean things like send me phallic IMs in HUUGE font sizes to embarrass me in class… Thanks… Now, MAKE ME FOOD! I’m a little sad to end this term but I am looking forward to Omicron!!! Let’s keep up the pride and spirit of Aphio and have an even better term ☺ Poetry Corner Time’s Chokehold What it means... By Abis Akolawala Looking for a clean slate I could not anticipate What would lie ahead in the life I led Nervous to approach the unknown (asian people) Not backing out, I guess some courage was shown Realizing this idea was the best to date Derived from a close friend and future roommate Thriving in a pool full of personalities Surviving in school full of other formalities Latching to fleeting hope of reaching the end Snatching and needing that rope to rise and transcend Discovering a new family and finding a place Recovering from calamity and finding grace Serving the community and doing what’s right Not deserving immunity when pursuing the wrong fight Drama exists no matter how we attempt to stay clear Drama persists no matter how “exempt” you may appear People may grow apart, and move on to whatever People stay low and start to move on to other endeavors Many remain to maintain what we hold dear Many sustain the reign of the leaders, often bold and sincere So what it all means is too convoluted for words It may result in something sounding diluted and absurd But to end this flow I might as well state The memories are eternal and we can never recreate After seeking an unexpected clean slate Life as I knew it changed, more than I can ever anticipate… Success is not a measure of a man but the character of his Gratitude is not repaid family. in a day, but rather returned in a lifetime. There are two kinds of people, those that want happiness and those that strive for it. Page By Lea La Croix Time is a fish. It’s hard to take a picture of a fish when you’re under for so long, holding your breath yet trying to breathe. Trying to grasp it but out of reach, a fish is unusually hard to hold onto, scurrying and slipping away. I’d like to say time is a fish, but the comparison isn’t quite right. I’ll tell you what time is like— from experience. I stare blankly waiting for you to approach. When you strike, what am I to do? I’m not going to tell you to stop, to die so I can catch my breath. I’m going to need a better reason to pull out your pin, throw you to the ground and press deep into your face. I stare, waiting for you to pass by, hoping you slow just a minute or two. I learned the hard way what they say about time, and my hopes sink under you and your ruthless hands. You are not like I thought— forever generous. You twisted society around your fingers, convincing them and me to be ruled by you. We rush to get tasks done by the end of your second lap. You failed your promise of an hour extra— to help me see with more daylight— and instead took one away. I’m not going to do something because you tell me to or because your biased hands want it done. Is that why you rush me? --because you like to see me writhe? Sweat? Is it ‘cause you have to or because you want to? If you’re on the checkered lap I’m not going to tell you to stop. Your heart has no good intentions so why sprint when you’ll reach the end anyway? I’ll abide when I believe there is a reason for you to rush me. Quotes by Hien Lam X I T E R M NE W S L E T T E R L E A D E R S H I P , F R I E N D SH I P A N D SE R V I C E Crickets No noise pollution way up here. Just Pure Silence. The familiarity of your heartbeat and the oxygen filling your lungs makes me feel at home. Viewing the world from behind black eyelids provides acute hearing above the noise pollution. Pure Silence except for thumping hearts and increased inhalations. As you gaze into the deep brown windows of my heart, your voice calms the part of me that feels weightless. Your voice waivers like a house of cards balancing as you hold your breath, cautious to not exhale quickly as to send the tower crumbling to the floor. Decisive yet slowly choosing the right words when you asked me to embark on a journey that we would remember forever By Lea La Croix Page 7 The hunt By Jennifer Katanyoutanat The environment is wild People everywhere, shouting and chasing Everyone dispersed in lines unfiled Racing, pacing, waiting… An interview here, an interview there We’re almost there we have to try not to be so brass but still, she’s got to go to class point the arrow release the pledges no mercy, no foul we’re almost there… faster and faster, this term comes to an end cha is around the corner be sure to make many friends get all the signatures, make the crossover active status is the goal In Between Between fall and spring is the winter season No rushing no pledging, an active body is set People may lay low for whatever reason But many stay involved, and keep their spirit at best. Fundraisers are at large, along with fellowship events Still have weekly GBM’s, but nobody’s at the tents! Finishing up requirements in the time that remains To perhaps run for excomm to see what responsibility contains Or to just keep your active membership sustained Snowboarding trips galore for so many to be excited Better grades since pledging is over, much to be delighted Valentine’s Day grams and various nominations Family points with Sexy domination Thinking about picking up for the first time or not Or maybe waiting for next fall cuz we know it costs A LOT BDC and Camp Mataguay, making memories we often mention Bonding in the snow or chillin’ with other chapters, with no phone reception! Voting for our new leaders and looking at what lies ahead Pondering on what the future holds for our chapter, much light will be shed Some may question their role in the fraternity today Caught in between terms, We should look at spring and be excited to play! By Abis Akolawala Inspirational Words from Karen Not many people can say they do what we do… not many people can actually DO what we do… pursuing an education on a collegiate level, maintaining jobs, earning internships, dealing with personal drama in regards to friends, family, etc… AND on top of all that, we are all actively involved in a NATIONAL COED FRATERNITY, selflessly dedicating our time and efforts to our campus, community, fraternity, and nation. take PRIDE in what you are achieving here in this brotherhood. take pride in what you will achieve in the future, what you are accomplishing in the present and what you have already overcome in the past… and when you are feeling a bit lost, just think about why you are here… why you continue to participate in this fraternity… go back to the basics and not only rediscover your motivations, but USE it. do NOT let it go to waste. use it to put meaning back into everything that you do… don’t merely “go through the motions.” going through the motions submits to mediocre actions, mediocre feelings, mediocre accomplishments. do not settle for average when you have the potential to be so much more... i believe in each AND every one of you, please open your eyes and allow yourselves to see the potential and greatness I already see. be open for change, embrace it, do not be afraid of it… change doesn’t always have negativity attached to it. Let’s work TOGETHER to get Rho Rho out of the standstill we’ve been in. i know my aspirations and visions seem unreal and idealistic, and yes they may be for the time being, however, please realize it is NOT IMPOSSIBLE. aspirations and dreams that are worth fighting for take time to achieve, but prove MORE than worth it in the end. just because we will not be able to reach such a goal within a term does not mean we should not try. progress is progress, whether we actually reach our goal or just land at the halfway mark. Remember there is ALWAYS room for improvement; lets all start NOW to reach that level sooner! BE GREAT, DREAM BIG! ☺ iLFS, Karen Castillo shout outs & thanks to the best of the BEST! my partnerrr! [ANDEEZIE] my familyyy! [BOW TO TAO] & my littleee! [ZHANHONGKONG] J [ps] I love you To the Mu Class... Telling you how ecstatic we are to see so many of you as active members of Rho Rho can never get old. It only makes us more proud to see so many of you step up to take on leadership roles and holding tight to your passion of APhiO. We have always said that you will be the future leaders of our chapter and we are happy to have you prove us correct. Congratulations on a year of active membership. WE LOVE MU!! – Crystal & Kevin Page 8 X I T E R M NE W S L E T T E R VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 9 Jigga What? JiggaRHO! By: Diana Peng One of my most memorable moments in Alpha Phi Omega has been dance comp 2008. When I heard about it as a pledge, there was absolutely no doubt that I would participate. I figured it would just be a group of us performing a short routine, competing with other chapters. Little did I know that performing at dance comp would feel like being on stage at Vibe. The amount of energy from the dancers as well as the crowd caused this sensational high that made all of us forget the fact that we didn’t get any sleep the night before. Those amazing fifteen minutes on stage were worth all the practices, the late nights of sweating and learning infinite counts of choreography, and the exhaustion and frustration in the wee hours of the night. It was at dance comp where I saw and felt the true spirit of our chapter as well as the meaning of brotherhood. I remembered why I decided to pledge, and I had never felt so proud to be a member of Rho Rho. I hope that we can carry the same spirit with us wherever we go, whenever we represent Alpha Phi Omega, and especially Rho Rho chapter. Here’s to the true spirit of brotherhood. JiggaRHO. 3-PEAT. LET’S GO. MVP, Just like Kobe!! By: Angie Vettel Being one of the lovely Xi term Membership VPs has definitely been an awesome experience. I know most people just think that we call roll and deal with a million different emails, but it really is more than that. I truly believe that Membership VP is one of the best positions on excomm. Sarah and I were fortunate enough to work with every position on excomm and learn so much about the ins and outs of the fraternity. I can honestly tell you that when I first pledged APO I had never intended to be on excomm and to work with everything that goes on behind the scenes. I’m so glad that I was able to have this opportunity to work with a group of such awesome and spirited brothers, brothers who weren’t afraid to say what they believed in, what they felt, and give ideas to help better the future of our fraternity. Yeah MVP is also about ordering standards and trying to sell those $10 polo’s, btw thank you John and Amara for making that bomb infomercial, making sure everyone finishes their requirements and etc, but it really helped me find the true reason why I joined and why I want to continue to stay active until I graduate. I’m so thankful that I was able to meet so many dedicated and inspirational people who have changed the way I think of APO and even life in general. I am just so proud to be a part of Alpha Phi Omega. All of you have so much to contribute to this fraternity, don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe and try things that may feel new and different to you. Life is all about experience and even though you might fail, in the end each experience allows you to grow and ultimately better your own sense of self. Thanks for helping to make Xi term one of my best. To whom it may concern, Being a brother for nearly two years now, it has come to my attention the state of affairs our chapter is currently in. But let us not take this state of affairs solely in a negative light. It is quite easy to give up faith, hope, and drive to see something mediocre fall beneath us without a second thought. But something of value, something of importance is not easily forgotten. For me personally Alpha Phi Omega, Rho Rho chapter is one of those things in my life. I believe so deeply in this fraternity that I know inside it will continue on even after I am gone, but the thing that rattles me is the condition this fraternity will be in. I know that there will be neophytes seeking admittance and there will be brothers wearing our letters promoting APhiO, but what I question in my head every day is, will they be upholding, improving, and adjusting to further improve for the best of chapter? Will the future be of mediocrity and settling? Or will it seek and hunger for improvement abiding to morals and standards? Will we value our chapter then as we did when this chapter was rechartered? Yet with all of these questions, I have been humbled and comforted. I have begun to see a new plethora of leaders arising. Leaders aren’t just those on Excomm, but rather each person in a multitude of other means. I urge everyone reading this to look inside themselves and search for their purpose and then highlight those strengths. If you are here to contribute through service, lead through example and promote the services you enjoyed. If your strength lies in brotherhood, exemplify yourself by being that helping, loving, caring brother. If you are here to lead, lead by example and lead by your voice. We are a body of many numbers. Physical means may be limited, but exercising your voice and your opinion is stronger than any army or any barricade. For those who may feel that it isn’t their time to speak or that their opinion isn’t as loud or as respected, you are WRONG. The voice of the new is even more impacting and to speak your mind is only an asset to the improvement of our chapter. Our chapter is full of promise and potential. Please reconsider and reevaluate what you can contribute and make our chapter stronger than it has ever been. The future is a constant parallel with the present, so lets take advantage of it, and start now… Page 10 iLFS, A brother with hope. X I T E R M NE W S L E T T E R VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 11 Words from an SAA Wow. It’s already end of the Xi term. I remember being elected as SAA during the fall quarter and not knowing what I was getting myself into. I was scared and worried that I would not know what I am supposed to do or not know what to say. I have come a long way since that time. Looking back on it now, I am really glad that I was part of Xi Ex Comm. Being an SAA made me gain the confidence and leadership skills that I was sorely lacking in the beginning of the term. I also got to know lot of brothers that I was not very close to. I am grateful that I got to share this experience with my two awesome partners, Vinay and Harry. We were given difficult tasks at times especially during Parliamentary procedures but we got through it. Whether I become a part of ex comm next term or not, I still want to be active as I can because I believe that I still have so much to give to this great fraternity. I look forward to seeing new faces and new hopes next term. ☺ Brian Hur SAA Confessions of a 2 term SVP LIKE O-M-G, today at school, I was totally crushing on this Korean Q-T in my math class. He has.. like… the most stunning face evvvaaa!.. like ya know! His face was like those Roman statues and when he shakes his bon bons at the clubs, I just wanna pass out from his godliness! But then after class I totally saw this b-i-t-c-h trying to make a move on my man! Oh no she didn’tttttt! Actually, I have never read or even seen that book/Lindsay Lohan movie in my life. So I was just pretending like I knew what I’m doing. Hahaha. Anyhooo. The term is almost up and its been super fun being ‘Cindy Service’ Here are a few “confessions” I just gotta tell before I leave office 1. When I’m walking to the front of the lecture hall to talk about service at GBM, I’m not really thinking about service, I’m thinking: “Oh my gosh, don’t trip… don’t trip!!! Everyone is looking!!!” I’m a massive clutz 2. Following on number 1, one time in DBH, while I was trying to walk down the aisles, the overhead projector got caught on my clothes and I almost dragged it down to the ground. Yikes, good thing I caught it, that would’ve been costly. 3. I have an identity crisis sometimes. During GBM I keep saying “We”, “Please let us know if you have any problems” “We’ll take care of it”. Then when people email me, they put “Hey SVPs!”, am I one person? Or two??!! Am I going insane?? 4. I never used gmail before in my life until I became SVP. I thought it was the most genius and amazing thing. I even made my own personal account! But after I made my own email, I never used it. Only the service one. Lol. Words from your Plexcomm and Care to Laugh? My job as a recording secretary was to not only pay close attention during Pledge and Plexcomm meetings in order to take minutes for our Xi class, but to also uplift the mood/spirit of our class at the end of the meetings by telling jokes, riddles, trivia facts, and even pick up lines! Get ready to hear some jokes, solve some riddles, and use some corny pick up lines on someone! –By Michelle Tran have them. One lady had her husband's ashes made into an egg timer so that even in death he can still "help" in the kitchen. When Albert Einstein died, his final words died with him. The nurse at his side didn't understand German. Women blink nearly twice as much as men. Mountains of Wishes Three men visit the mountain of wishes where, if you jump off and say your wish you'll get it. So the first guy jumps and says I wanna be famous, POOF he's famous. The second guy jumps and says I wanna be rich, POOF he's a trillionaire. Finally, the third guy goes trips over a stick and says shit. As he hits the bottom he lands in a pile of shit. Riddles (answers are backwards) What gets whiter the dirtier that it gets? draobklahc a What stays where it is when it goes off? kcolc mrala na Can a man legally marry his widow’s sister in the state of California? daed s’eh on Pick up Lines All those curves! And me with no brakes! What can you catch but not throw? dloc a My love for you is like diarrhea. I can’t hold it in… What crime is punishable if attempted, but is not punishable if committed? Do you work for Cingular, cause you’re raising Edicius my bar! Voices A teacher asked a pupil Do you sleep on your stomach? Can I? a question, but she could barely hear the child It's not my fault I fell in love, you're the one speaking since the other who tripped me! kids were making too much noise. In an atIs your dad a terrorist, because you’re the tempt to quiet them, she bomb! said, ''I can hear voices!'' I lost my teddy bear. Can I sleep with you? I know milk does a body good, but damn girl, how much have you been drinking? Random Facts In 1978, only eight percent of U.S. households had microwave ovens. As of 2006 Page 12 over 80 percent Two janitors outside heard the teacher and one said to the other, ''Jeez, she better stop telling the kids about her mental problems!'' X I T E R M NE W S L E T T E R VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 13 Excomm Recording Secretaries!! I figured I should write something because I had been asking you all to submit articles and thought I was only fair if I did the same. :) I guess I didn't really know what to write about for this sectionI so I’ll just let my write thoughts flow onto the page. figured I should something because I had been asking you all to submit articles and thought I was only fair if I did the same. :) I guess I didn't really know what to write about for this section so I’ll It has been a flow pleasant just let my thoughts ontoride the ever page.since I had pledge one year ago. Being Plexcomm historian was difficult but I had a great co-, Kim which helped me tremendously and we were very proud of It has a pleasant since I had pledge one Being plexcomm historian the work we been had done, and inride factever didn’t want to even give upyear the ago. scrapbooks which we had toiledwas over forbut hours hours. seriously like me we tremendously had given birthand to we twins. :D very proud of the work difficult I hadupon a great co-, ItKim which felt helped were we had done, and in fact didn’t want to even give up the scrapbooks which we had toiled over for hours upon hours. seriously likefor weNu hadterm givenwas birth to twins. but :D Helentina and I really cared Being ItCrazy familyfelt head challenging about the family and tried to promote spirit the best we could with innovative ideas like the Amazing Race. ItBeing was Crazy our first chance getNu to term plan events of our own it was difficultand butI fun at the same family headtofor was challenging butand Helentina really cared about time. :) and tried to promote spirit the best we could with innovative ideas like the Amazing Race. It the family was our first chance to get to plan events of our own and it was difficult but fun at the same time. :) Being on Excomm for the first time was interesting but the hardest part of the job was paying attention andon taking copious during Excomm meetings GBMs. really no ideaatBeing Excomm for notes the first timeboth was interesting but the and hardest partYou of the job have was paying how hard is! Trying to tune out conversations people are having, if you want to have anoconvertention andit taking copious notes during both Excomm meetings and and GBMs. You really idea how sationit of own, about it! :) hard is! your Trying to forget tune out conversations people are having, and if you want to have a conversation of your own, forget about it! :) And now for my shoutouts: :) And for my shoutouts: :) to thank Sarah for being the best big and best friend a girl could Firstnow and foremost I would like have. I wouldn’t know whatlike to to do thank without you! :Dfor being the best big and best friend a girl could have. First and foremost Iwords. would Sarah This story can fit 100-150 IThe wouldn’t know toindo without you! :D subject matter thatwhat appears newsletters is virtually endless. You can Secondly tothat myfocus littles, AJ and Lori thank you for everything!! AJ, your passion and enthusiasm is reinclude stories on current technologies or innovations in your Secondly to myLori littles,weAJ andsoLori thank you for everything!! are incredibly similar it’s scary! AJ, your passion and enthusiasm is refreshing. And field. freshing. And are or so incredibly similar it’s scary! You may also wantLori to note we business economic trends, or make predictions To my Ninja family we are one of the best families out there for your customers or clients. and I love that we always have time to get my together and sharewe good with To Ninja family are food one of thegood best friends. families out there and I love that we always have time to If the newsletter is distributed interget together and share nally, you might comment upongood new food with good people. procedures or improvements to the To theSales active body thatwillyou for giving me the chance to hold an Excomm business. figures or earnings T position. It business means isa growing. lot that you trust me to help lead this Fraternity in the show how your right direction. I hope that you all will internalize what it means to be a brother of Alpha Phi Omega and continue to serve the community with smiling faces, show kindness to each other and help each other lead this Fraternity in the direction you feel is best for everyone. “To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.” Thank you everyone for making the past year the most fun I’ve had in college so far and for helping me learn something new everyday. :) in Leadership, Friendship and Service, Lea La Croix Xi term Recording secretary Xi Term Executive Committee Crystal Quiroga President Cindy Nguyen Service Vice President Angela Vettel Sarah Chong Membership Vice President Lea La Croix Recording Secretary Jimmy Nguyen Fellowship Vice President Membership Vice President Derek Lee Pledge Parent Eric Sok Fellowship Vice Presi- Jennifer Fernandes Mihir Shah Treasurer Fundraising Coordinator Tanya Tabrizizadeh Pledge Parent Andrew Nguyen Corresponding Secre- Vinay Kunam Harry Kong Karen Castillo Brian Hur Corresponding Secretary Sergeant at Arms Sergeant at Arms Diana Peng Michael Tran Diana Laforteza Jeanelle Sebastian Historian Historian Webmaster Webmaster Sergeant at Arms
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