Did You Know?


Did You Know?
4/1/11 Did You Know? What are 21st‐century Skills and Why Are they Important? Ilena D Key Ilena.key@lehigh.edu NESA Spring Educators Conference Bangkok, Thailand April 2‐5 , 2011 Resources For This Workshop Here are list of my Resources: •  Bookmarks: hEp://www.delicious.com/ilenakey •  Wiki‐ hEp://ilenakey.wikispaces.com/ 1 4/1/11 Resources For This Workshop Here are list of my Resources: •  Bookmarks: hEp://www.delicious.com/ilenakey •  Wiki‐ hEp://ilenakey.wikispaces.com/ Frameworks for 21st Century Skills • 
Partnership for 21st Century Skills enGauge 21st Century Skills Assessment & Teaching of 21st Century Skills NaBonal EducaBon Technology Standards (NETS/ISTE)
2 4/1/11 Partnership for 21st Century Skills hEp://www.p21.org/index.php enGauge 21st Century Skills
•  The sheer magnitude of human knowledge, globalizaKon, and the acceleraKng rate of change due to technology necessitate a shiL in our children’s educaKon from plateaus of knowing to conKnuous cycles of learning hEp://atc21s.org/purpose.aspx 3 4/1/11 NaKonal EducaKon Technology Standards (NETS/ISTE) •  hEp://www.iste.org/standards.aspx •  The new standards idenKfy several higher‐order thinking skills and digital ciKzenship as criKcal for students to learn effecKvely for a lifeKme and live producKvely in our emerging global society. These areas include the ability to: •  Demonstrate creaKvity and innovaKon •  Communicate and collaborate •  Conduct research and use informaKon •  Think criKcally, solve problems, and make decisions •  Use technology effecKvely and producKvely THE 21ST Century Learner •  Todays’ students, commonly referred to as the N generaKon, millenials, or digital naKves, were born into social and educaKonal environments where digital technologies are pervasive. •  The emergence of this first technologically savvy generaKon creates new challenges for parents (e.g., monitoring Kme devoted todigital interacKons and appropriate content) as well as for educators. •  Digitally naKve students bring different skills, interests, and needs to the classroom aneducators are grappling to understand these unique aEributes in order to design instrucKon accordingly. What Do We Know About Digital NaKves? 4 4/1/11 Digital Por]olio “It is now clear that as a result of this ubiquitous informaKon environment and the sheer volume of their interacKon with it, today’s students think and process informaKon fundamentally different from their predecessors.” Marc Prensky ‐ “Digital NaBves, Digital Immigrants” (2001) Task: In Groups of 3‐5 Discuss the Following QuesKon “How do we help children use their naKve intelligence about technology, in sophisKcated, responsible ways that serves them well as they make their was in the digital Age? 5 4/1/11 The 21st‐Century Teacher What Skills Do Teachers Need ? Literacy…. Basic Literacy Media Literacy ScienKfic Literacy Visual Literacy Economic Literacy InformaKon Literacy Technological Literacy ICT Literacy MulKcultural Literacy & Global Awareness 6 4/1/11 Thinking outside the Box Problem Solving Risk Taking Self‐ DirecKon CriKcal Thinking CreaKvity Higher Order Thinking and Sound Reasoning Adaptability and Managing Complexity Curiosity CollaboraKon Team Work Interpersonal Skills MIT Professor Henry Jenkins (2007) 7 4/1/11 Daniel Pink ‐ A Whole New Mind (2005) Any Century Skills “An emphasis on what students can do with knowledge, rather than what units of knowledge they have, is the essence of 21st Century Skills” ( Silva, 2009) How Do We TransiKon From Frameworks to PracKce? ‐Map Curriculum ( what should stay, what should be added?) ‐Find ways to use technology that is directly aligned with curricular goals and just not an add in. ‐Beginning with “Assessment and working backwards. What skills do we want students to be able to have at the end of a lesson/unit etc? 8 4/1/11 Excerpt From “A 21 Century Pledge: A Curricular Commitment from Each Teacher” Each teacher commits to . . . • Review all current available technological resources in the district. –  Online resources: video streaming; Internet Web sites and subscripKons; WebQuest creaKon; WebcasKng through laptop. –  Hardware resources: videoconferencing; laptop labs; digital cameras; digital recording studio. –  CreaKve soLware: Movie Maker; MediaPlayer; video clips via digital cameras. (Heidi Hayes Jacobs, 2010) Excerpt From “A 21 Century Pledge: A Curricular Commitment from Each Teacher” •  IdenKfy at least one specific unit to revise. •  Plan to replace a specific content, skill, and assessment pracKce with a 21st century upgrade within the unit. •  Share the proposed change with colleagues. •  Learn to use the tool that will be requisite to replace the current unit design with the new pracKce. •  Revise the unit and begin implementaKon with students. •  Tolerate a certain degree of frustraKon. •  Celebrate the victories. •  Review and share 21st century learning openly with colleagues at targeted work sessions through the school year. (Heidi Hayes Jacobs, 2010) Google Apps‐ CollaboraKve Tools 9 4/1/11 Task •  Go to hEp://ilenakey.wikispaces.com/ ‐ Click on Link to Google Doc. Wikis •  Define: A wiki is a website that allows the easy creaKon and ediKng of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a WYSIWYG text editor. •  Hawaiian word for Fast/Quick The Power of Community Developed Resource……. Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That’s what we’re doing. ‐‐ Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia 10 4/1/11 2004 Earthquake & Tsunami‐ Posts to Wikipedia •  9 hours: 76 word Wikipedia entry • 
24 hours: 3000 words, photos, graphics, 400 edits 48 hours: 6500 words, video, 1200 edits 6 months: 7200 words, 7000 edits Wiki Spaces Task •  Go the to following link: –  hEp://ilenakey.wikispaces.com/NESA We will build a page together. 11 4/1/11 Blogs •  Short for Web log, a blog is a Web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descripKons of events, or other material such as graphics or video. •  Sites such as: Edublogs.com, wordpress, blogger Blogs WordPress •  WordPress is a state‐of‐the‐art publishing pla]orm with a focus on aestheKcs, web standards, and usability. WordPress is both free and priceless at the same Kme. •  More simply, WordPress is what you use when you want to work with your blogging soLware, not fight it. 12 4/1/11 NavigaKng InformaKon •  How can we help students to navigate all the informaKon available to them online? •  What is informaKon literacy? •  What is media literacy? Course Management Systems Epals 13 4/1/11 QuesKons? If it were possible to define the mission of educaBon, it could be said that its fundamental purpose is to ensure that all students benefit from learning in ways that allow them to parBcipate fully in public,community, and economic life (New London Group, 2000, p. 9). Work Cited Couros, Alec (2008) Networked Teacher Diagram – Update. . Retrieved January 31, 2011 from flickr: hEp://www.flickr.com/photos/courosa/2922421696/ Flatley, Steve (2010) Fishing Boat nr Olhão, Portugal. Retrieved January 31, 2011 from flickr: hEp://www.flickr.com/photos/steve_flatley/5353130760/in/photostream/ Head, A. & EisenBerg, M (2010). Truth Be Told: How College Students Evaluate and Use InformaBon in the Digital Age. The InformaBon School, University of Washington InternaKonal Society for Technology in EducaKon. (2000). NaBonal educaBonal technology standards for students: ConnecBng curriculum and technology. Eugene, OR: Author. Retrieved April 11, 2003, from hEp://cnets.iste.org/students/s_book.html InternaKonal Society for Technology in EducaKon (2007). Maximizing the Impact The pivotal role of technology in a 21st century educaKon system. Retrieved January 31, 2011 from Google. www.setda.org/c/document_library/get_file?folderId=191 Johnson, L., Smith, R., Levine, A., and Haywood, K., (2010). 2010 Horizon Report: K‐12 EdiKon. AusKn, Texas: The New Media ConsorKum. . 14 4/1/11 Work Cited Narkunas, Julius (2009) Light Bulb. . Retrieved January 31, 2011 from flickr hEp://www.flickr.com/photos/cinamonas/3191659268/sizes/z/in/photostream/ North Central Regional EducaKonal Laboratory (2003) enGuage, enGauge21st Century Skills: Literacy in the Digital Age. Silva, Elena, Measuring Skills for 21st Century Learning, Phi Delta Kappan, Vol 90, No. 09, May 2009, pp. 630‐634 Partnership for 21st Century Skills Image‐ hEp://www.p21.org/route21/index.php Townsend, Paul (2009) Warmley Historical Timeline 1086 – 1899. Retrieved January 31, 2011 from flickr: hEp://www.flickr.com/photos/brizzlebornandbred/4021558443/sizes/o/in/photostream/ Vintage Globe, Retrieved January 31, 2011 from flickr: hEp://www.flickr.com/photos/rhona_vr/3097436294/in/photostream/ Voogt, J. & Pareja Roblin, N. (2010). 21st Century Skills: Discussion Paper 15