Morgex increases hole-in-one commission


Morgex increases hole-in-one commission
market finder 2007
Morgex increases
hole-in-one commission
orgex Insurance of
Edmonton is definitely at the top of the
class when it comes
to golf’s hole-in-one coverage. And
while business has been strong in the
past, it promises to pick up even more now
that a new commission rate is in place.
The program is underwritten by Royal &
SunAlliance and has been a Morgex offering
for about 15 years, says Brad Gibson, manager of the agency’s hole-in-one department.
Gibson says the Edmonton firm, one of
the largest personal lines brokerages in Alberta, is now offering brokers a commission
of 15 per cent, up from the previous 10 per
cent, on its hole-in-one product.
“This should make it much more appealing to brokers.”
Morgex makes a special effort to meet
with brokers throughout Canada, he says,
to promote and explain its hole-in-one
“We visit one-on-one and try to attend
all the annual provincial broker association
meetings across the country. We’re definitely writing product all across Canada.”
Gibson says more and more brokers are
using Morgex hole-in-one insurance as a
promotional tool.
“It’s an affordable product (a $1,000prize carries a premium of $30). The odds
of winning were one in 12,000 last year in
Canada. So instead of buying golf shirts
to distribute at tournaments, brokers are
buying hole-in-one.”
Golf is a fun game, Gibson says, and
hole-in-one is a fun product, adding value,
substance and excitement to a tournament.
It also gives a sponsor a large captive audience. Usually there are 144 participants in
a tournament, all passing by a hole-in-one
billboard for a good part of a day.
“They’re all potential clients.”
Morgex is able to offer hole-in-one insurance to cover $1 million in prize value. But
the more popular offerings are for prizes
running between $2,500 and $100,000.
“We haven’t paid out yet on $1 million.
So far, the highest single prize claim has
been for $100,000.”
There are more than a hundred employees working for Morgex Insurance in Edmonton. Three of those, including Gibson,
are in the hole-in-one department.
The firm can be contacted online at or by calling toll-free
1-888-465-3461. IW
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42 Insurancewest May 2007
market finder 2007
B.C.’s Insurance Vehicle Act
good for consumers, brokers
n June 1, 2007 the highly anand when you talk to brokers, it’s very
90,000 policyholders through almost 300
ticipated Bill 93 will officially
broker locations.
come into effect, enacting
He added: “A private market helps dif“We truly strive to provide a superior
several changes that will conferentiate brokers from their competitors
product,” said Kloosterhuis. “As a private
tribute to the reshaping of
and allows them to add value
insurer in B.C., we are in many ways the
the auto insurance industry
to the service they provide
underdog. ICBC still provides optional
in B.C.
clients. Providing options and
coverage for about 85 per cent of the market,
The Bill brings the governhelping your client find the
though we continue to grow every year. To
ment-owned Insurance Corinsurance that best fits his or
attract customers, we have to provide the
poration of B.C. – ICBC – and
her needs is really what being
best product possible.
private insurers under the
a broker is all about. When
“Bill 93 is a good start to promoting the
same legislation, the newly
you think about it, for any
development of a viable private auto marrenamed Insurance (Vehicle)
other type of insurance prodket. I believe it signifies that B.C. is going
Act. ICBC must produce a
uct, most brokers have several
to become more open to private insurance
separate insurance policy
markets to choose from. Why
in the future. With the emergence of more
for the optional insurance
should it be any different for
markets and competition from direct writportion, and for the first time
auto insurance?”
ers, now really is the time to consider a
provide a policy wording to
Family has been a presence
private market. Offering your client choices
its customers.
in the B.C. private auto insurance market
also benefits the broker by creating cusIt is hoped this separation will relinquish
since 1989 – and one of the largest providtomer loyalty, and this is what really gives
the somewhat monopolistic position ICBC
ers. It provides optional coverage to over
brokers that competitive edge.” IW
has enjoyed for the past 34 years. Also, the
Superintendent will no longer be required
to approve policy forms, resulting in more
insurer autonomy and self-regulation – an
important step towards paving the way
for a level playing field between ICBC and
private insurers.
The issuance of a separate optional policy
will bring new awareness to consumers
that basic and optional insurance are two
distinct products that do not have to be
purchased from the same insurer. The soonto-be-released ICBC optional wording will
allow consumers to more easily compare
products and provide clarification on exactly what is covered by the crown insurer.
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of their private insurance products, the
awareness of viable alternatives to government insurance will escalate and result in
more demand for private auto insurance
We are a specialty market for the following:
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Harry Kloosterhuis, president of Van  Professional Liability
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also believes that this legislation marks the
beginning of a trend towards increased
interest in private products.
“The number of requests for contracts
Send completed application by E-mail to:
we receive throughout the year is quite
incredible,” says Kloosterhuis. “There
definitely has been an increase in interest
towards private auto products recently,
May 2007 Insurancewest 43
market finder 2007
East meets West
– at least for Chutter casualty
By Peter and Mike Chutter
ere today, gone tomorrow?
Most of us in the industry have
experienced the unfortunately
not-to-be-missed hard and
soft cycles of insurance pricing, which, in
spite of everyone’s best efforts, seem to return like the rain to Chutter Underwriting’s
home base in North Vancouver.
But a little rain can be a good thing; it is
essential to a healthy environment, both in
nature and in business.
Chutter Underwriting Services started
up near the end of the last soft market.
If memory serves, it actually was raining
when the business opened its doors in 1996.
Bryan Kinney (L) and Keith Stead are senior
casualty underwriters (East) for Chutter
Underwriting Services.
•Agricultural Risks
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for Private & Commercial
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(Residential & Commercial)
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Pricing was depressed, underwriters were
depressed, and brokers were working very
hard for their livelihoods.
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Religious Institutions
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& Liability
•Contractors’ Equipment
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Co operty
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Property / Crime
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& Condo Packages
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(incl. Forcible Ejection)
•Jewellers’ Block
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44 Insurancewest May 2007
We Chutters, having been through this
kind of insurance climate before, thought
we knew the answer – umbrellas! Well, not
quite, but excess and umbrella liability is
our forte. They were the first products sold
when our doors opened.
But many companies sold similar products, so we needed an edge – something truly
helpful to the broker, our primary customer,
and the broker’s customer – the insured. We
needed something that would add value to
any dealings with the Chutter boys.
The answer then – and the answer now,
we believe – is service.
Chutter’s casualty products have expanded over the years. We’ve got primary CGL,
excess and umbrella, as well as a very successful property division. But regardless of
the insurance cycle, the one ingredient you
can always count on from us is service.
Because service makes a broker’s efforts
more efficient, a benefit passed along to
customers with quicker quotes and quicker
paper – the often too-long awaited evidence
of the protection the consumer spent his
money on.
These days, with renewed marketing
and promotional efforts, we’re focusing
on bringing this attitude of service to more
brokers in Eastern Canada. Our property
products will continue to be offered only in
the West. Our casualty products, however,
will be available across Canada.
We hope you’ll let us help you weather
the soft market pricing competition . . .with
service, service, service! IW
market finder 2007
Group Medical extends its reach
t’s been a busy decade for Saskatchewan-based health insurer and underwriter Group Medical Services. With
the release of new products and a national distribution expansion in full swing,
GMS has been hard at work introducing its
a penchant for product innovation are key
competitive advantages. When combined
with expert product knowledge, personalized customer service and strong support for
local brokers, GMS is well-positioned as an
attractive insurance provider of choice.
GMS offers health coverage for individuals with three comprehensive benefit
plans which can be supplemented with
any combination of options for prescription drugs, dental care, annual emergency
medical travel insurance and hospital cash.
Its popular Prescription Drug – Enhanced
option provides special coverage for those
with pre-existing medications. Customers
can choose the coverage that best fits their
needs and budget.
The company also specializes in travel
Insurance Brokers
Errors & Omissions
comprehensive choice of health and travel
insurance plans to brokers and consumers
in other Canadian provinces.
Group Medical Services began in Saskatchewan in 1949 as a non-profit medical
insurer of subscriber co-operative and physician-sponsored plans. Bringing consumers
and medical professionals together proved
beneficial, with a common goal of providing
the best possible health coverage.
Core benefits, including prescription
drugs, ambulance service and private duty
nursing, are still fundamental to the plans
offered today. As medical technologies,
prescription drugs and therapies have
advanced, GMS has kept pace, providing
coverage reflecting the needs of today’s
health care consumers. GMS products are
offered in all provinces except Quebec and
New Brunswick.
“We’re proud of the broker relationships we’ve forged over the past 58 years,”
said Shirley Raab, president and CEO of
the Regina-based insurer. “Through our
subsidiary GMS Insurance Inc., we’re excited to continue our expansion into other
provinces in partnership with innovative
agents and brokers, providing choice and
value to their customers.”
GMS underwrites all of its health, dental
and travel plans, streamlining administration
and claims processes, resulting in industryleading claims turnaround times. Agility and
the product speaks for itself!
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• Excellent service
Underwritten at Lloyd's London England
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May 2007 Insurancewest 45
46 Insurancewest May 2007
market finder 2007
insurance, offering annual and daily plans
that meet the diverse needs of Canadians travelling outside their province of
residence and out of country. The GMS
TravelStar daily insurance plan is popular
among snowbird travellers. Customers
can include options for trip cancellation
or interruption, baggage insurance and a
new coverage option for special risk items
like golf clubs or laptop computers. GMS
customers receive worldwide 24-hour travel
assistance and caring, skilled staff help guide
claimants through any medical situation.
Serving businesses with group benefit
plans has been another important component of the insurer’s success. Plan designs
respect the unique needs of employers,
helping them attract and retain valuable
employee resources. Plans incorporate
health, dental and drug coverage as well as
life and disability products. Employers can
choose traditional insured or self-insured
administrative services only (ASO) plans
and can incorporate health-spending accounts and other features as desired. GMS
Group Advantage plans are ideal for small
businesses, with a flexible design which
includes drug and dental options and pay-
direct cards, packaged for easy enrollment
and high affordability.
GMS advertising features the familiar
slogan “looking after you and the ones you
love.” With a rich history of experience,
a wealth of health and travel insurance
expertise and a commitment to support
the communities it serves, GMS and its
employees embody the slogan’s spirit, giving brokers and customers peace of mind
and confidence in their coverage.
Interested brokers can contact Group
Medical Services by phone at 1-800-6673699 or visit its website: IW
Experience makes all the
difference at Media/Pro
t Media/Professional Insurance,
experience not only makes the
difference, it is the difference.
“For over 25 years we have
been the international leader in E&O insurance in our fields of expertise,” says Kathy Jo
North, the firm’s Canadian marketing and
senior account manager.“We
aren’t the largest insurance
market – we focus on what
we do best.”
Media/Pro specializes in
media liability, cyber/technology and miscellaneous
E&O insurance. The firm
offers up to $5-million limits with minimum premiums starting at $2,500 for a
$1-million limit.
“Our specialties require experienced
underwriters and claims service, and we
employ some of the top
people in our field,” North
says. “The average tenure of
our employees is 15 years. We
were one of the first markets
to recognize the implications
of the E&O and media expoRuding
sures of the Internet. We’ve
been insuring these risks since 1992.”
Media/Pro’s underwriters, she says, have
unmatched expertise in all classes of media
business, including publishers, advertising
agencies, TV and film production, broadcasters and cable providers.
Although the firm, which started in 1979
in Kansas City, Missouri, was the largest
media liability insurer in the world, it was
relatively unknown when it opened an office
in Canada in 2000.
Jon Ruding, one of Media/Pro’s top
underwriters, has been involved with the
Canadian program since the beginning.
Says North: “When Jon moved to his
new home last year, we were loath to lose
his 30 years of experience, so we convinced
him to work remotely from his new place
in Florida. Having worked on Canadian
business for eight years, he’s one of the main
Spotlight on The People
Cathy Church
Marine Manager
Born a few miles outside of Liverpool in the UK, Cathy says she is one of only a few people who
can boast an ancestry riddled with gypsies, horse dealers and witches. A tad undersized and the
only girl in the family, it was her three brothers’ merciless teasing that helped her develop her sharp
wit and even sharper tongue. By her own admission a tomboy, she could often be found after school
kicking around a soccer ball, rock scrambling, or hiking the many trails of the Lake District.
In 1968, with two youngsters in tow, Cathy emigrated to Toronto, and in 1974 she got her first taste
of the insurance industry when she signed on as a personal lines underwriting clerk with Safeco’s
Mississauga office. She soon climbed the ranks in personal lines and before leaving Safeco was in
charge of their education unit.
In 1989 she “saw the light”, in her words, and headed west where she found employment with
Mardon & Campbell, a strong Safeco broker at the time. It was here, working in their Steveston office,
that she got her exposure to and developed her love for marine insurance. After one other brief stop
along the way, she moved back to the company side with AXA in 2004 as a senior Marine Underwriter,
and in 2006 accepted a promotion to Marine Manager. With a staff of 12, her responsibilities extend
to pleasurecraft, commercial marine and claims handling.
When not in the office, Cathy’s interests are wide and varied. Her lifelong passion for photography can be traced back to her 13th birthday
present, her very first camera, a Brownie 127. She and husband
Lorne love travelling, frequently back to the “old country” or off to visit
family in Toronto. She enjoys good books, good food and good wine
as well as hiking/walking with her two very spoiled pooches, Lizzie and
Nicki. She is the proud Grandma of two beautiful
grandchildren, Evan (7) and Claire (6). When not
visiting them she stays in touch through the wonders
of technology by e-mail or with her webcam.
Cathy has a rich heritage and passion for all things
in her life; she relishes the opportunities and challenges
that her position at AXA brings.
May 2007 Insurancewest 47
market finder 2007
contributors to our success here. However,
even with two hockey teams nearby, he still
doesn’t know the meaning of ‘offside.’”
In addition to the experience of its
underwriters, Media/Pro’s claims department is staffed with attorneys who have
specialized in freedom of expression, cyber liability, professional negligence and
intellectual property law. These attorneys
play prominent roles in various legal associations in these areas, staying current
on developments and working on strategies
favourable to their customers.
“We believe the expertise of our claims
department is an integral part of our
business strategy. We understand the importance of sophisticated claims handling
to our clients.”
In-house legal counsel is invaluable
for effective claims management of these
classes of risk, she says. Complicated claims
require development of defence strategies
that are often beyond the scope of standard P&C adjusters. Media/Pro works with
the client’s local legal counsel to ensure a
vigorous defence.
Media/Pro’s claims counsel also work
closely with underwriters on many risks and
are often utilized to preview films, programs
and websites, advising the underwriter on
unforeseen exposure. They meet regularly
with Canadian lawyers north of the border
to follow developments in Canadian law.
Recognized as leaders in the States, their
experience has been of great benefit to those
accounts where there is U.S. exposure.
The firm’s experienced underwriters
and attorneys also closely follow developments in the technology industry. With the
majority of companies detecting computer
security breaches, and three-quarters of
them acknowledging financial loss, coverage beyond traditional E&O is being
demanded more frequently.
“As technology evolves, so does the sophistication of those individuals committed to
disrupting the daily operation of business on
the Internet,” North says. “Information collected can be at risk, and privacy law is a big
issue. Companies hiring service providers
want a level of comfort. More are requiring
insurance for that financial protection.”
The CyberLiability Plus policy form contains broad third-party coverage, providing
personal injury, trademark and copyright
infringement, unauthorized access (hack-
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48 Insurancewest May 2007
ing and virus transmission) and E&O, all
under one policy form. The coverage is
provided at full policy limits, and most
risks can obtain a CGL as well.
Traditional and new media are not the
only classes Media/Pro can insure. The firm
offers E&O on a wide range of miscellaneous business services, including consultants, real estate agents, property managers,
graphic designers, printers, marketing and
PR firms, mortgage brokers, employment
agencies and other service providers.
The firm has worked with thousands of
businesses and not-for-profits in all types
of professions. Every new quote not only
leverages Media/Pro’s expertise, but helps
it grow.
“Media/Professional has responded
to many changes in the business world,”
North says. “Take graphic designers. Many
now offer some technology services such as
web design, and we can frequently provide
coverage for all operations on one policy,
tailored for that client.
“As business has evolved, so has Media/
Pro. The fact that we can tailor our policies, provide experienced claims handling
services, U.S. underwriting expertise and
now offer CGL on many classes, demonstrates our ability to respond to the needs
of clients.”
The website is full
of information. You can obtain claims examples for different classes and exposure,
applications, the newsletter M/PISource,
fact sheets, coverage details, a suggested
list of classes and contact information.
The website is fully international, with
special sub-sites for U.K. and Canadian
brokers. A very recent update has made the
printing and saving of applications easier
to manoeuvre.
“There is some interesting information
on our site,” says North. “We have details
on groundbreaking lawsuits such as the
Polanski trial in the U.K. and the Tasini
case in the U.S. It is also a source of useful
information to assist brokers with unfamiliar coverage they haven’t placed before,
like our Broker Checklist in our Media
Liability section.”
The stability of Media/Professional Insurance is critical to its clients, she said.
“The markets we serve are characterized
by change: new risks for media companies,
the arena of technological development
and the ever-shifting miscellaneous E&O
landscape. The ingredients of focused
knowledge, innovative products and experienced people at Media/Pro make the
difference.” IW
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50 Insurancewest May 2007
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