Summer 2016 Newsletter - First Congregational Church
Summer 2016 Newsletter - First Congregational Church
Summer 2016 JulyAugust Pastor’s page Rev. Michael Frady The Newsletter of First Congregational Church Of Braintree United Church of Christ Faith’s Journey “Summertime” “Summertime and the livin’s easy…” So begins that classic jazz standard from the 1930’s. The song, written by George Gershwin, has been performed by dozens of famous vocal artists over the decades, and my favorite rendition is by Ella Fitzgerald. Each year, by mid-spring I recall Ella’s voice reminding me that it will soon be time to take it easy. The work demands don’t go away. There are still chores, appointments, and responsibilities that require attention. But, the “shorts season” in New England is indeed a short season. So, we go into “coast mode” for a couple months to savor the longer days, warmer temperatures, casual attire, outdoor activities, gatherings with family and friends, the beach…and, some of you know that I enjoy fishing this time of year. It is important for all of us to indulge in a nice balance of work, play, and rest. Play, I believe, is as important to our well-being as our hard work, because it allows us to approach our tasks with creativity and joy. Rest is necessary to relax and release tension, allowing us to become focused, attuned, and receptive to divine direction. Even God rested in the Genesis creation story, so I hope you will take time to rest from your work and enjoy all the season has to offer you. I pray that your time together with family and friends is filled with abundant blessings. I also hope you will be attentive to your faith practice. Join us for worship on the lawn as often as you can. And, when you’re away, please remember to take time to pray. Thank God for your blessings each time you feel elated or content. Work will continue behind the scenes at church, albeit a slower pace. There will be meetings and planning for the coming church year, and I will be eager to have us all resume the momentum we gathered before Ella began sweetly singing her perennial song in my head. In the meantime…have fun, relax, rejuvenate, play, pray, and bring your guests to church for worship in the shade. I look forward to gathering with you for outdoor worship, with Nancy’s beautiful garden providing the backdrop to our sacred time together. I’ll meet you in the garden! Yours in Christ, Pastor Michael First Congregational Church of Braintree SUMMER Office Hours: Deb McMartin: Monday - Thursday ~ 9:00AM - 12:00Noon Pastor Michael: Tuesday and Wednesday ~ 10:00AM - 2:00PM, or by appointment. The office is closed on Fridays. Moderator’s Report Dear Fellow Members, First Congregational Church is coming back. Our finances are improving, thanks to good leadership by the Prudential Board and support from you. Our new minister has settled in and is doing a wonderful job. I enjoy his positive messages and I hope you do too. Our building is improving slowly but surely and our membership is growing. It is such a joy to go to church and see all of you. The backbone of this church has always been its congregation and again, you have proven this true. Enjoy your summer! May weeds never grow in your garden, A Tip for Gardens from Nancy Mills: Faith plants the seed, Love makes it grow… and always remember to say at planting, “God Bless You.” FAITH’S JOURNEY Page 2 SUMMER 2016 OUTDOOR SUMMER WORSHIP Sundays, July 3 - August 28, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. on the side lawn Children’s crafts and activities will be available. If you can help set up for the outdoor service, or if you can provide nut-free cookies & lemonade following the service, please sign up on the bulletin board in the Lower Parish Hall . SUMMER GIVING OPPORTUNITY As Summer approaches we often find ourselves busy with vacations, camps, and outdoor house chores, and we cannot always make it on a Sunday morning. A very simple way to continue giving without having to even think about it is to set the church up as a biller through your bank. This is especially helpful if you would like to set up a reoccurring payment. Please see the details below on setting up the church as a biller and let me know if you have any questions. Also please stay tuned as we are working towards adding a paypal donate button to the website. If you participate in online billing, you can set the church up as a biller using the contact information listed below. Account Number: If you are a church member, please use the number on your giving envelopes. If not, please use your last name and first initial. Address: FAITH’S JOURNEY First Congregational Church of Braintree 12 Elm St Braintree, MA 02184 7818433616 Page 3 SUMMER 2016 PRAYER CORNER Prayer Lists ar e available at the back of the sanctuar y. Confident in God’s amazing grace and divine Spirit, we join our hearts and minds in praying for those in our community and throughout the world who are experiencing joys and struggles of the human journey. If you would like to add anyone or anything to our prayer list, please see Nancy Mills or contact Deb in the office at 781-843-3616 or email CARE MINISTRY To help our church family, please notify the Church Office and/or Grace Reinelt if you know of anyone who is sick or if there is a death in the family. Office: 781-843-3616 Mon -Thu 9-noon or Grace Reinelt: 617-770-3687 or PRAYER SHAWLS If you or a loved one are in need of a prayer shawl, please call the office at 781-843-3616. If you would like to make a shawl, we have patterns and yarn available. MEETINGS LEADERSHIP TEAM will meet on Tuesday, August 16th Time and location TBD MISSIONS MINISTRY will meet on Tuesday, August 23rd at 7pm, in the Library WORSHIP MINISTRY (DEACONS) will meet on Sunday, August 21st Following worship, in the Library PRUDENTIAL BOARD will meet on Tuesday, September 13th Time and location TBD Newsletter Submissions: If you have an item to be included in the upcoming Fall (September/October) Newsletter, please get the information to Deb McMartin by August19th. FAITH’S JOURNEY Page 4 SUMMER 2016 SAVE THE DATES Sunday, September 25th Sunday, September 11th Pastor Michael Frady’s Installation Rally Sunday & Blessing of the Backpacks 2:00pm Ecclesiastical Council 3:00pm Service of Installation in the Sanctuary 4:00pm Reception in the Upper Parish Hall Details coming soon... SCHOOL BACKPACK DRIVE Interfaith Social Services (ISS) in Quincy serves about 500 school-age children each month. Every August they distribute backpacks full of school supplies to every child whose parents are food pantry clients. This initiative emphasizes the importance of education, defrays an additional cost faced by families, and helps kids start the year right. Two types of backpacks are needed – one for grades K-5 and another for grades 6-12. ALL backpacks should include: Spiral or composition notebooks 2 pocket folders # 2 pencils Pink pearl erasers For grades K-5 backpacks also include: Colored pencils washable markers crayons Glue sticks Safety scissors For grades 6-12 backpacks also include: Index cards Pens (black or blue, no gel) Highlighters 3-ring binder (2-inch) Flash drive (2GB or greater) Please label each individual bag by grade level to expedite the distribution process. Please make the labels large and easy to read. Please bring pre-packed backpacks to the church by Sunday, July 17th. You can bring them with you to Summer Worship, or drop them in the church office Monday - Thursday, 9:00am - 12noon. If you can’t assemble a backpack full of school supplies, please make a donation to help buy the supplies needed to put the back packs together. Checks should be made out to First Congregational Church of Braintree and write “ISS Backpack Drive” in the memo Contact Grace Reinelt with any questions: FAITH’S JOURNEY Page 5 SUMMER 2016 August 2015 - June 2016 FAITH’S JOURNEY Page 6 SUMMER 2016 FAITH’S JOURNEY Page 7 SUMMER 2016 Annual Meeting (Ministerial) Minutes First Congregational Church of Braintree Sunday, June 5, 2016 The Annual Meeting of First Congregational Church was called to order by Moderator Lois O’Brien at 11:10 a.m. in the Upper Parish Hall. There was a quorum of 41 members present. Rev. Michael Frady opened the meeting with an Invocation. Joanne Durham, Church Clerk, read the Call for the meeting: To discuss and vote on the slate of nominations; To provide the congregation an update on the financial status of the church; and To discuss any other such business as should come before the congregation. Printed annual reports were distributed to everyone in attendance. The Clerk read a synopsis of the 2015 Annual Ministerial Meeting Minutes which included the unanimous passage of two votes: one for the slate of nominees as presented; and another to change the percent qualifying as a quorum from 10% to 20%. In addition, the Minutes stated there was an appointment to create a By-laws Committee and a Financial Task Force. Behavioral Covenant: Rev. Fr ady r efer r ed ever yone to page 12 to r ead and r ecommit to the chur ch’s Behavioral Covenant. This was created by the Leadership Team and presented to the congregation in 2012 by Rev. Leanne Walt. This document is in this report for renewed commitment. Based on the Bible, it provides guidelines on how we should communicate with each other as Christians. Nomination Slate: Lois O’Br ien r efer enced pages 13-15 in the Annual Report regarding full list of teams that would report into the Leadership Team, Prudential Ministry and Worship Ministry for 2016-2017. A colorful diagram on page 13 shows the 12 teams that would flow into the three main teams. Rev. Frady said this was initiated a few years ago by Rev. Leanne but is now more embellished to facilitate communication and empower Christ in the center. Also, inviting more folks to serve on these teams will lighten the workload overall. In addition, it is planned that one representative from the 12 teams could rotate to report into the larger teams. Of particular note: Stewardship needs to be a year-round function A new music team will be formed A new Buildings and Grounds team will be formed A new Care Team is being formed We are excited that several young adults are joining the teams. The Nominations Slate was presented as follows: Nominations: Lois O’Brien, Don Porter, Melissa Staffier, Lucile Baker, Jean Opie, Rev. Michael Frady. Officers: Lois O’Brien, Moderator; Joanne Durham, Clerk; Lucile Baker, Treasurer; Diane Francis, Assistant Treasurer. Leadership Team: Michael Frady, Pastor; Lois O’Brien, Moderator; Joanne Durham, Clerk; Lorraine Young, Worship; Lucile Baker, Finance; Justine Fisler, Personnel; Grace Reinelt, Missions; Melissa Staffier, Children’s Ministry; Bill Opie, Buildings & Grounds. Prudential Ministry: Craig Barnes, Chair; Bill Opie, Buildings & Grounds; Lucile Baker, Contracts & Trusts; Justine Fisler, Personnel; Lois O’Brien, Member-at-Large; Michael Frady, Pastor. Buildings & Grounds Team: Bill Opie, Chair; Bob Gallagher, Dan Pimentel. Stewardship Ministry: Don Young, Chair; Don Bissett; Carl Francis; Jean Opie. FAITH’S JOURNEY Page 8 SUMMER 2016 Personnel Team: Joanne Durham, Justine Fisler, Beverly Roffo. Missions Ministry: Rick Durham, Chair; Deb Bjorkman, Ruth Hewson, Diane Porter, Don Porter, Grace Reinelt; Dick Jolls. Worship Ministry (Deacons): Donald Young, Chair; Lorraine Young, Co-Chair; Joanne Durham; Grace Reinelt; Beverly Roffo; Donald Porter; Denise Keaney; Aaron Young. Music: Craig Barnes, Michael Frady, Bob Gallagher; Breanna Hewson; Paul Kaatrud; Maria Opie; Sarah Shepherd. Flowers and Decorations: Beverly Roffo; Lucile Baker; Nancy Mills; ns Michele Robino. Hospitality: Joanne Durham, Grace Reinelt, Marcia Barnes, and Sandy Pimentel. U.C.C. Delegates: Rick Durham, Joanne Durham Pastoral Relations Team: Diane Porter, Grace Reinelt, Don Young Children’s Ministry: Melissa Staffier, Justine Fisler, Rebecca Young, Glenn Holton, and Kelley Sprague. Scout Representative: Carl Francis, Michael Frady By-Laws Team (ad hoc): Michael Frady, Lois O’Brien, Beverly Roffo, and Donald Young. There was discussion and questions answered about the nominees. Sandy Pimentel offered to serve on the Hospitality team. VOTE: The slate of nominees as presented was voted on and unanimously approved. Other Business: Pr udential Boar d Chair Cr aig Bar nes said that near ly half of the chur ch budget is r entals – a true blessing among many we have. As of March 31, 2016 – with 25% of the year completed, we were on target for collecting pledges and rentals; and close to that for expenses, administration, music and programming. The reduction of the deficit from investment borrowing has gone down more than $5,000. He reminded everyone to continue sending in pledges during the summer when giving tends to slow down. One member said it would be great if the Prudential Board could send the annual report to members at least a week ahead in January 2017 so they could study the figures. Craig said that was reasonable. Nancy Mills recommended two type of fundraising ideas be implemented: renting out our Chapel for one-time usage, such as baptisms, funerals, and small weddings. It would need to be marketed. The other was to rent our upper parking lot to flea markets which only involves a $5 fee to the town for a permit. Justine Fisler said anyone in our congregation can help implement ideas like this and it shouldn’t just fall on the Prudential Board. Kelley Sprague, Lois O’Brien, Pastor Michael, Marcia Barnes and Nancy Mills volunteered to help carry out these ideas. Diane Francis said we should build our relationship with Miracle Time Ministries. Perhaps we could worship with them or have a cook-out? With the Olympics being held in Brazil, perhaps an Olympics themed event would work? Pastor Michael supported Diane’s recommendation saying MTM was a faith community, not just renters. He closed by saying everyone takes a part in our church, we can do more. The meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Joanne Durham, Church Clerk FAITH’S JOURNEY Page 9 SUMMER 2015 2016/2017 Organizational Chart First Congregational Church of Braintree, UCC Buildings & Grounds Stewardship Ministry Missions Team Prudential Ministry Personnel Team Pastoral Relations Team Nominating Team Leadership Team U.C.C. Delegates Hospitality Team Children & Youth Ministry Worship Ministry (Deacons) Care Ministry FAITH’S JOURNEY Music Ministry Flowers & Decorations Page 10 SUMMER 2016 Kid’s Corner Melissa Staffier, Director of Children’s Ministries Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." ~ Matthew 19:14 Children's Sunday went just beautifully! I couldn't be more proud of the children; their talents, and their flexibility and willingness to participate. They are such blessings - each individually and together as a whole. Special thank you to Pastor Michael, our music director, Paul Kaatrud and the First Church choir for collaborating with our children in song. I'm sure all would agree it was so special and meaningful to hear all voices come together. I'm busy working to create fun and meaningful programs, activities and experiences for the upcoming school year. Although there is no formal Sunday School program throughout the summer, I will be present each week for outdoor worship, and will have fun materials to share with the children. Please come, and bring a friend! Vacation Bible School is fast approaching! This year, our children will be exploring the depths of the ocean and enjoying all God's creatures below, in Deep Sea Discovery. They'll experience God's presence and will learn the important truth that God is with them wherever they may go. They will also learn the importance of serving God, through serving others. Registration is in full swing, and I'm excited to see many returning campers. However, I am in need of volunteers to help. If you are able to volunteer your time and/or talents please let me know ASAP. VBS will be held at the church, Monday August 15th through Friday August 19th, 9am-12noon. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AUGUST 15-19, 2016 When: August 15th -19th (9am -12pm) Where: Fir st Congr egational Chur ch of Br aintr ee, 12 Elm Street, Braintree Who: All childr en who will begin kinder gar ten in September 2016 thr ough to those going into fifth gr ade. (Participants older than 5th grade are asked to register as a volunteer; they will work as teachers’ aids.) What: Deep Sea Discovery—where kids will know that God is always with them! Get ready to dive into a life-changing adventure that leads kids deeper into God’s love! At Deep Sea Discovery kids will participate in the large-group excitement of Celebration Reef, experience God’s Word at S.S. Discovery, learn ways to serve others at E.C.H.O. Sea Sub, explore the mysteries of the sea through crafts and science at Curiosity Cavern, and enjoy snacks and games at Pelican Pier. There’s even a place for little puddle jumpers at Tide Pool Playland! Along the way, kids will explore the depths of the Bible using five dive markers to guide them. Through Deep Sea Discovery, they will resurface knowing that God is with them wherever they go! Y our kids won’t want to miss this adventure! Secure their place on the dive team! How: Visit to register online. Cost: $20 per child - for the whole week! FAITH’S JOURNEY Page 11 SUMMER 2016 First Congregational Church of Braintree, UCC 12 Elm Street, Braintree, MA 02184 781-843-3616 Rev. Michael Frady, Pastor Dr. Paul Kaatrud, Director of Music 617-471-2686 Melissa Staffier, Director of Children’s Ministries Valerie Fink, Bookkeeper Dan & Sandy Pimentel, Sextons Deb McMartin, Administrative Assistant Faith’s Journey The Newsletter of First Congregational Church Of Braintree United Church of Christ Summer 2016 JulyAugust Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. OUTDOOR SUMMER WORSHIP July 3, 2016 - August 28, 2016 9:30 a.m. on the side lawn 12 Elm Street Braintree, MA 02184 781-843-3616