regional monitoring: greater than the sum of its parts
regional monitoring: greater than the sum of its parts
REGIONAL MONITORING: GREATER THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS Jo Wilhelm & Deb Lester, King County Leska Fore, Statistical Design Gretchen Hayslip, EPA Region 10 Karen Adams, WA Dept. of Ecology Society for Freshwater Science, May 20th, 2013 Puget Sound: 3,000 miles NW Puget Sound Stream Monitoring Adopt-A-Stream Bainbridge Island Bellevue Bellingham Everett Federal Way Issaquah Kirkland Lake Forest Park Redmond Seattle Clallam County King County - DNRP King County - Roads Kitsap County Pierce County Skokomish Tribal Nation Snohomish County Thurston County Ecology Life Before Collaboration Correlation with B-IBI Disturbance measure Correlation PCA Factor 1 0.68 % Urban (WS) -0.68 % Urban (1km WS) -0.67 Rd Density (WS) -0.66 % Forest (WS) 0.65 Population (WS) -0.64 % Urban (1km) -0.61 % Urban (1km buff) -0.57 Rd Crossings (WS) -0.61 Population (1km) -0.59 Rd Density (1km) -0.59 Rd Crossings (1km) -0.46 PCA * * * * * * * Primary Driver: Urbanization 50 R = - 0.68 B-IBI 40 30 20 10 0 20 40 60 80 % Urban Area (Watershed) 100 Collection Area 100 3 sq ft 8 sq ft B-IBI 80 60 40 20 0 0 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 % Urban Area (Watershed) 80-100 B-IBI Score: 3 vs. 8 sq ft 50 45 8 sq ft 40 35 30 25 20 15 R² = 0.7273 10 10 15 20 25 30 3 sq ft 35 40 45 50 Elevation (m) 100 80 0-25 B-IBI 25-50 60 50-75 75-100 40 x 100-200 >200 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 % Urban Area (Watershed) 100 Watershed Area (hectares) 100 80 B-IBI 0-250 60 250-500 500-1000 40 1000-2500 x 20 2500-5000 > 5000 0 0 20 40 60 80 % Urban Area (Watershed) 100 B-IBI Applicability • Puget Sound Partnership • Dashboard Indicator • Action Agenda Targets • WA Dept. of Ecology • NPDES Stormwater Permit • WQ Assessment – 303(d) • Local Decision Making • Project prioritization • Basin planning Acknowledgements Federal EPA NOAA USFWS USGS City Bellevue Bellingham Bothell Everett Issaquah Tribal Kirkland Port Gamble Skallam Redmond Snoqualmie Nation Seattle Stillaguamish Tukwila Upper Skagit Indian Private State Aquatic Biology Associates WA Ecology Aquatic Entomology PS Partnership Rhithron Associates, Inc. Statistical Design County Clallam King Kitsap Pierce Snohomish Thurston Academic University of Washington Non-profit Pierce Stream Team Lake Forest Park Streamkeepers A Project Funded by a US EPA Scientific Studies and Technical Investigation Assistance Program Grant Questions?