Vattenfall Heat


Vattenfall Heat
Vattenfall Heat
Southern Greater Stockholm
Safety, Health and Environment 2014
District heating in our municipalities
Heat Sweden is a business unit within
Vattenfall AB, whose main business
is district heating. Our customers
include property companies, housing
associations, homeowners, industries
and public premises such as, for
example, schools, swimming pools
and libraries. The business covers
the entire value chain: production,
distribution and sales. We also offer
district cooling and steam. The latter
is used in industrial processes and to
dry grain, for example. By generating
electricity and heat simultaneously
in our CHP plants, we utilise the
resources more efficiently, which in
turn reduces the impact on the
– It’s simple, it’s convenient and it
reduces emissions of CO2
Vattenfall supplies district heating
in Haninge, Tyresö and Älta, and
in Gustavsberg on the island of
Värmdö and Fisksätra in the municipality of Nacka. District heating
is secure, simple and convenient.
Heat generation, which is derived
almost exclusively from biofuels, is
efficient, and environmental emissions are low. As well as heat we
also generate CO2 neutral electricity at our CHP plant in Jordbro.
The above-mentioned operations
are grouped under the plant area
Southern Greater Stockholm within
Vattenfall AB Heat.
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With district heating, a small number of furnaces with
effective flue gas cleaning heat a large number of
properties. Consequently, the emissions to air, soil and
water are considerably lower than they would be if each
individual property was heated by its own boiler. The
types of fuel we select also ensure that we utilise
nature’s resources efficiently.
The heat plant in Jordbro comprises of two base
plants: a CHP plant and a wood powder boiler. The CHP
plant generates heat and electricity exclusively from
biofuels. The Jordbro plant is Vattenfall’s second largest
district heating plant in Sweden.
We have five plants in the Gustavsberg area. We plan
to bring everything (apart from the Hästhagen stand-by
plant) together in the Ekobacken industrial area.
Read more about district heating at
Good partnership with municipalities
The district heating is distributed in three networks. The
biggest of these includes Haninge, Tyresö and Älta in
Nacka municipality. There’s a separate network in
Fisksätra, which is also in the municipality of Nacka. The third network is the Gustavsberg network.
We have a good partnership with the four municipalities in which we operate. This means, for example, that
when new properties and residential areas are being
planned, we can help achieve effective energy solutions
with good environmental performance.
Reduced environmental impact is important
The municipalities impose stringent environmental
requirements. We meet these requirements and are in
favour of them. They help us maintain high standards
of operation and maintenance. We have the technology. All we have to do is to work systematically. Strict
requirements call for order and organisation, which
produces good results and ultimately is profitable.
Our objective is to constantly reduce our environmental
impact and to improve safety in our plants. We are
certified in accordance with ISO 14001 (environmental
certification), AFS 2001:1 (work environment certification) and OHSAS 18001 (international standard for work
environment certification). These certifications indicate
that we are actively working on our environmental and
work environment management systems and that we
have clear procedures for reducing our impact on the
environment and improving safety.
Through the Fair District Heat Quality Mark we have
undertaken to meet specific requirements in terms of
transparency and communication with customers and
other stakeholders, particularly when it comes to
reporting on how our operations affect the environment.
Visit a heat plant
A modern heat plant is an advanced production facility,
which is both exciting and educational to visit. We are
happy to show visiting groups our business.
Johnny Friman
Head of Production, Vattenfall Heat
Southern Greater Stockholm
Environmental auditor
SP, the Technical Research Institute of Sweden AB, is a SWEDAC accredited body for the certification of environmental management systems and work environment
management systems. In 2014 it audited Heat Sweden Operations’ certified management systems. Vattenfall Generation Sweden Southern Greater Stockholm forms part
of this management system. SP concluded that the management system meets the requirements of the standards SS-EN ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and AFS 2001:1
Vattenfall Heat Southern Greater Stockholm
Safety, Health and Environment 2014
Safety, Health and Environment 2014
Vattenfall Heat Southern Greater Stockholm
A rapid expansion
in Gustavsberg
Gustavsberg is one of the fastest
growing municipalities in Sweden.
2,500 new homes are currently under
construction, along with other new
buildings. In total we supply 47.6 GWh
in Gustavsberg, which is the equivalent of district heating for about
10,000 newly built apartments.
In order to meet our customers’ needs, we are securing
our supply capacity and building for future demand. A
lot is going to happen within the next three years.
Five plants around Gustavsberg
We have five plants and a coherent network in the
Gustavsberg area. The base load plant in Ekobacken has
one wood chip boiler and one biogas boiler. The wood
chip boiler produces heat from wood chips and we have
biogas from Kovikstippen. As we also extract energy out
of the flue gases, and simultaneously re-use the water in
the steam, we make maximum use of the fuel at the same
time as purifying the fumes and reducing emissions.
The population of Gustavsberg is set to rise, and
Vattenfall is taking steps now to ensure that it
can meet this increase in demand. We currently
supply district heating to around 75 per cent of
households in Gustavsberg.
Vattenfall Heat Southern Greater Stockholm
Our fuel and emissions
The basis for our heat production is wood fuel, what we
Safety, Health and Environment 2014
Safety, Health and Environment 2014
call solid fuel, i.e. wood chips or pellets and briquettes.
Landfill gas, bio-oil and wood pellets are used as fuel in
the smaller plants.
Forward planning
Installation of a new bio-oil boiler in Ekobacken with
various peripheral equipment is underway and will be in
operation in the second quarter of 2015.
We have converted the sewage system at the Ekobacken plant for surface and waste water. Re-using
more water in our own process enables us to reduce the
amount of water that is discharged into the sewage
disposal system.
An increasing number of inhabitants in the municipality means that we have initiated a project to increase
the production capacity in Ekobacken. If everything
goes according to plan, commissioning is planned for
late 2016. In parallel with the technical procurement,
discussions are underway with the permit authorities
regarding a new environmental permit for increased
Vattenfall Heat Southern Greater Stockholm
includes the operations in Haninge, Tyresö, Älta,
Fisksätra and Gustavsberg.
Vattenfall Heat Southern Greater Stockholm
Large, well-managed district
heating network in Haninge
and Tyresö
The base load plant in Gustavsberg is Ekobacken,
which comprises of a landfill gas boiler and a wood
chip boiler with flue gas condensing. The total
output is 11 MW. In addition to the base plant in
Ekobacken we have peak load plants in Hästhagen,
Mölnvik and the plumbing, heating and sanitary
(VVS) facility.
The Jordbro plant is Vattenfall’s second largest
district heating plant in Sweden. The CHP plant,
which runs at full capacity all year round except
during the summer, generates both heat and
electricity from renewable energy sources.
Environmental and work environment-related KPIs and
goals are high on the agenda in our operations. Examples
of KPIs and goals in Southern Greater Stockholm’s operations are: overtime, number of incidents and accidents,
staff well-being, emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen
oxide, as well as water and electricity consumption.
Energy supplied
Fuel 100
64 % Forest chips (37,34 GWh)
100 % District heating (49,6 GWh)
The linked district heating network in
Haninge, Tyresö and Älta is large and
well-maintained. It guarantees high
availability and good environmental
values. Overall heat production in
2014 was 447 GWh.
KPI for energy supplied,
in kg/MWh = g/kWh
20142013 2012 2011
CO2 2,96
4 16
CO2 1/
NOX 0,29
CO2 = carbon dioxide emissions according to ETS
CO2 = carbon dioxide emissions according to VM
NOX = nitrogen oxides
kWh = kilowatt hour
11 % Landfill gas (6,11 GWh)
MWh = megawatt hour
(1,000 kWh)
GWh = gigawatt hour
(1,000 MWh)
TWh = terawatt hour
(1,000 GWh)
This year we’re reporting CO2 emissions in accordance
with two different systems: on the one hand, as in
previous years, in accordance with the emissions trading
system ETS, and, on the other, in accordance with the
Heating Market Council (VMK)*. The latest report is
presented in more detail on the Swedish District Heating
Association’s website, As well as
emissions of CO2 from the plant, this data includes
templates for emissions of the greenhouse gases methane
and nitrous oxide, converted into CO2 equivalents. An
emission factor has also been added for the electricity
which the plant buys in.
* The Heating Market Council, VMK, comprises of: Fastighets­­­
ägarna, HSB, Hyresgästföreningen, Riksbyggen, SABO and
Svensk Fjärrvärme.
20 % Bio-oil (11,54 GWh)
Vattenfall Heat Southern Greater Stockholm
4 % Pellets (2,42 GWh)
1 % Fossil oil (0,59 GWh)
14 % Conversion and
distribution losses.
Heat losses occur during
production and on distribution.
The losses are normal for
this type of plant and
distribution network.
Comparative figures for emissions
Emissions for a detached house heated with district heating
from Jordbro CHP plant and with a consumption of 15,000
KWh are about 0 kg CO2 and about 4 kg NOX per year. As a
comparison, a new car₁ in Sweden that is driven 15,000
kilometres a year emits approximately 2,000 kg of CO2 and a
return flight from Arlanda to Bangkok for a family of four
persons emits about 4,500 kg CO2 into the atmosphere.
3/ An average car uses 0.55 liters of petrol per 10 kilometers,
which produces 136 g of CO2 per km according to
4/ The Swedish Transport Agency refers to
Safety, Health and Environment 2014
The heat is primarily produced at the CHP plant in Jordbro,
which consists of two base plants: a CHP plant and a
wood powder boiler. The Jordbro plant is Vattenfall’s
second largest district heating plant in Sweden.
The CHP plant produces both heat and electricity from
renewable energy sources (43 MW of district heating and
20 MW of electricity). The fuel used is recycled wood
chips, which are produced by crushing waste wood. The
CHP plant is run at full capacity all year round apart from
during the summer.
The electricity turbine generated 112.5 GWh in 2014,
which is the equivalent of the annual consumption of
electricity for 5,600 detached houses.
The next step in the chain is the wood powder boiler,
where pellets or briquettes are ground into powder and
sprayed into the fire. It is put into operation when the
outdoor temperature is a few degrees below zero. If it
gets even colder, the back-up plant in Bollmora, at the
other end of the district heating network, is also started.
It is fired with bio-oil.
Our fuel
During 2014, our production in the Haninge and Tyresö
network has been completely carbon dioxide-neutral. The
plants are fired with wood pellets, wood briquettes, bio-oil
Safety, Health and Environment 2014
and wood chips. The fuel for the base generation is
recycled wood; wood which, for example, is discarded at
refuse dumps. About 60% comes from the local area
(Södertörn), while the rest is imported (mainly from
England). Wood briquettes are remnants from the sawmill
industry that are pressed into pellets or briquettes.
Twelve trailer-loads a day of recycled chippings are
delivered to the CHP facility and about the same amount to
the powder boiler. They are driven directly into the plants
and unloaded indoors, which prevents dust being spread all
over the surrounding area, and means that no storage
space is needed for the fuel. The just-in-time concept is
used, with slot times within one hour, and it works very
well. There are two major roads and the distances
involved are short.
Maintenance and fuel issues are high priority. Availability
in the plants is consequently very high.
Forward planning
We are planning to add flue gas condensing to the CHP
plant. The flue gases are extremely hot. By utilising the
heat, production can be increased by 10–14 GWh, at the
same time as the flue gases are purified and in turn the
emissions are reduced. This sort of energy extractor of
flue gases is quite large and is estimated to cost SEK
40–60 million. It will require a new environmental permit,
which will take at least a year from when the application
is submitted. The extension is anticipated to be in operation in late 2016.
For the last few years we have been working on a
project which has the aim of recycling waste water from
the entire Jordbro plant. It has significantly reduced water
Vattenfall Heat Southern Greater Stockholm
KPIs – Haninge
and Tyresö
Solely biofuels
Since 2007, solely biofuels have been used for production
of district heating and electricity in Jordbro.
Environmental and work environment-related KPIs and
goals are high on the agenda in our operations. Examples
KPIs and goals in Southern Greater Stockholm’s operations
are: overtime, number of incidents and accidents, staff
well-being, emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen60oxide,
as well as water and electricity consumption.
KPI for energy supplied,
in kg/MWh = g/kWh
The Haninge and Tyresö network consists of two
plants. One in Jordbro and one in Bollmora. The
plants are combined in a shared network with
interconnecting piping. The base load plants in
the network are a CHP plant which is fired with
recycled wood, and a wood powder boiler, both in
Jordbro. Apart from district heating, the CHP
plant also generates electricity. For peak load and
back-up, there are five bio-oil-fired boilers, two in
Bollmora and three in Jordbro.
20142013 2012 2011
CO2 0 0 0 0
CO2 7,74
NOX 0,16
68,5 % Recycled wood
(493,6 GWh)
Energy supplied
84 % District heating (451,9 GWh)
28 % Wood briquettes, pellets
(199,47 GWh)
CO2 = carbon dioxide emissions according to ETS
CO2 = carbon dioxide emissions according to VM
NOX = nitrogen oxides
kWh = kilowatt hour
MWh = megawatt hour
(1,000 kWh)
GWh = gigawatt hour
(1,000 MWh)
TWh = terawatt hour
(1,000 GWh)
This year we’re reporting CO2 emissions in accordance
with two different systems: on the one hand, as in previous years, in accordance with the emissions trading
system ETS, and, on the other, in accordance with the
Heating Market Council (VMK)*. The latest report is
presented in more detail on the Swedish District Heating Association’s website, As well
as emissions of CO2 from the plant, this data includes
templates for emissions of the greenhouse gases
methane and nitrous oxide, converted into CO2 equivalents. An emission factor has also been added for the
electricity which the plant buys in.
16 % Electricity (88,55 GWh)
3 % Fossil oil (21,98 GWh)
0,5 % Forest chips (4,4 GWh)
Haninge Bostäder aims for
a sustainable community
Haninge Bostäder is Haninge’s municipal
housing company, which owns and
administers apartment buildings in
Jordbro, Vendelsö, Västerhaninge, Vega,
Handen, Tungelsta, Dalarö and Utö. It
is an environmentally-consciousness
company and a member of SABO, the
Swedish Association of Public Housing
Companies, which initiated the SABO
Energy Challenge. The Challenge entails
affiliated companies reducing their
energy usage by 20 % by 2016 from
the base year of 2007.
efficient fans with recycling,
started changing to windproof
windows, improved insulation
etc. and we are also intending
to utilise the district heating to
preheat the washing machines’
hot water, says Christoph Vejde,
CEO of Haninge Bostäder.
– With regard to the SABO Energy Challenge, we are
one of the companies with the lowest energy usage
per m² A-temp in relation to the age of the property.
We will not be able to fully achieve the target of a 20%
reduction, but will end up close to it. We have finetuned our plants, changed to more modern and energy
– The staff I have met and been involved with from
Vattenfall have a positive attitude to customers, which
makes our contacts significantly easier, and the fact
that district heating works so well and is convenient
means that at present we can’t see any reason to change
either supplier or heat source, says Christoph Vejde.
Christoph Vejde,
– We are proud of the fact
CEO Haninge Bostäder
that the CHP plant in Jordbro
has electricity and district heating production with no
emissions of fossil carbon dioxide. For us it is important
to work towards a sustainable society. So where heating
pipes are laid in the ground, we make sure to connect
up district heating to new builds. We feel that district
heating is both simple and reliable, but also a goodvalue alternative.
25 % Conversion and
distribution losses.
Heat losses occur during
production and on distribution.
The losses are normal for
this type of plant and
distribution network.
Comparative figures for emissions
Emissions for a detached house heated with district heating
from Jordbro CHP plant and with a consumption of 15,000
KWh are about 0 kg CO2 and about 4 kg NOX per year. As a
comparison, a new car₁ in Sweden that is driven 15,000
kilometres a year emits approximately 2,000 kg of CO2 and
a return flight from Arlanda to Bangkok for a family of four
persons emits about 4,500 kg CO2 into the atmosphere.
3/ An average car uses 0.55 liters of petrol per 10 kilometers,
which produces 136 g of CO2 per km according to
4/ The Swedish Transport Agency refers to
* The Heating Market Council, VMK, comprises of: Fastighets­­­
ägarna, HSB, Hyresgästföreningen, Riksbyggen, SABO and
Svensk Fjärrvärme.
Vattenfall Heat Southern Greater Stockholm
Safety, Health and Environment 2014
Säkerhet, hälsa och miljö 2014
Vattenfall Värme Södra Storstockholm
Two district heating
networks in Nacka
KPIs –
There are two district heating networks in
Nacka municipality: Älta is part of the large,
connected Haninge and Tyresö network,
and there is a separate network in Fisksätra.
During autumn 2014 the third and final boiler
in Fisksätra was also converted to bio-oil
operation. The entire plant at Fisksätra is now
fired with bio-oil. We supply about 28 GWh of
district heating in the area.
The Fisksätra plant consists of three oil boilers
that are fired with bio-oil.
Environmental and work environment-related KPIs and
goals are high on the agenda in our operations. Examples
of KPIs and goals in southern Greater Stockholm’s 80
operations are: overtime, number of incidents and
accidents, staff well-being, emissions of carbon dioxide
and nitrogen oxide, as well as water and electricity
99,5 % Bio-oil (29,9 GWh)
Energy supplied
100 % District heating
(27,2 GWh)
KPI for energy supplied,
in kg/MWh = g/kWh
20142013 2012 2011
CO2 2 6 4 16
CO2 2/
CO2 = carbon dioxide emissions according to ETS
CO2 = carbon dioxide emissions according to VM
NOX = nitrogen oxides
kWh = kilowatt hour
MWh = megawatt hour
(1,000 kWh) 0
GWh = gigawatt hour
(1,000 MWh)
TWh = terawatt hour
(1,000 GWh)
This year we’re reporting CO2 emissions in accordance
with two different systems: on the one hand, as in
previous years, in accordance with the emissions trading
system ETS, and, on the other, in accordance with the
Heating Market Council (VMK)*. The latest report is
presented in more detail on the Swedish District Heating
Association’s website, As well as
emissions of CO2 from the plant, this data includes
10 Vattenfall Heat Southern Greater Stockholm
Safety, Health and Environment 2014
Safety, Health and Environment 2014
0,5 % Fossil oil (0,191 GWh)
9,6 % Conversion and
distribution losses.
Heat losses occur during
production and on distribution.
The losses are normal for
this type of plant and
distribution network.
templates for emissions of the greenhouse gases methane
and nitrous oxide, converted into CO2 equivalents. An
emission factor has also been added for the electricity
which the plant buys in.
* The Heating Market Council, VMK, comprises of:
Fastighets­­­ägarna, HSB, Hyresgästföreningen, Riksbyggen,
SABO and Svensk Fjärrvärme.
Vattenfall Heat Southern Greater Stockholm
and health
How heat
reaches you
District heating is distributed to households and
premises by transporting hot water in well-insulated
pipes under high pressure to a central unit in each
property. The central unit contains a heat exchanger
that utilises the hot water partly to heat up the building’s
radiators and partly to heat the hot water in the taps.
The cooled district heating water is fed back to the
district heating plant to be reheated and pumped out
into the district heating system again.
District heating is flexible as resources are utilised
that would otherwise be lost and a number of different
fuels can be used. District heating provides a secure
supply and frees up space in the home. Customers have
low maintenance costs and can quickly obtain help.
The building’s heating system
Water is pumped round the property’s closed heating
system. It is heated in the heat exchanger by the district
heating water.
One of Vattenfall’s guiding principles
and core values is safety. We therefore actively monitor, inspect and
improve our internal working environment, our processes and our security
of supply in relation to customers.
Heated water from the
district heating plant
75 –120°C.
Cooled district heating water
40 – 60°C goes back to the
plant to be reheated.
Hot water.
Cold water from the water company.
The building’s heat exchanger
The district heating water heats
In the heat exchanger, the district heating is transferred to
the tapwater and shower water.
the building’s heating system. The two water systems are
entirely separate from each other.
12 Vattenfall Heat Southern Greater Stockholm
Safety, Health and Environment 2014
As a tool for our improvement measures, we work
according to a certified and integrated management
system (OHSAS 18001, AFS 2001:1 and ISO 14001).
The system does not just take technical and physical
aspects into account, but also psychological and social
circumstances. Every year we are inspected by external
auditors who check that we are complying with applicable
legal requirements and that we are operating a functional
and effective management system for safety, health and
the environment.
We manage risk factors such as heat, steam, hot ashes,
Safety, Health and Environment 2014
heavy shipments and chemicals on a daily basis in our
plants. One of the fundamentals for our improvement
work is the incident reporting system, which facilitates
follow-up and rectification of incidents and deviations.
Employees’ heath is important
Our work has produced results. During 2014 we had
no accidents that resulted in sick leave. Viewed over a
longer time interval, the incidence of injuries within our
operations is very low and we also have a low level of
sick leave. To further reduce our sick leave, we are
working actively to reduce overtime.
We have a functional rehabilitation process, which
identifies the need for rehabilitation and necessary
measures at an early stage. We also encourage staff to
engage in health-promoting initiatives.
Examples of other measures are that the vehicles we
use in operations must be no more than ten years old
and equipped with an alcohol lock for increased personal
safety, and also that our staff undergo training in safe
and fuel efficient driving.
Vattenfall Heat Southern Greater Stockholm
and ash
Our district
We work in a number of ways to
economise on raw materials and
the energy our operations require
to deliver our products.
Improving the efficiency in our plants is one way of
reducing consumption of raw materials. We are
therefore continuously engaged in finding a more
optimum combustion in our plant. The work is largely
performed by our own staff and to some extent by
specialist suppliers.
District heating – a natural part of the cycle
15 % Water vapour
65 % N2
15 % CO2
Nitrogen (N)
Different types of wood
heating and
Construction materials
Construction materials
Burning of renewable fuels means a very small impact on
the environment and the natural ecocycle. Considering the
photosynthesis, managed properly all nutrients circle and
the important carbon dioxide goes back to nature.
14 Vattenfall Heat Southern Greater Stockholm
Safety, Health and Environment 2014
Our district heating network is modern, despite
some parts having been built as early as the 1960s.
The network is well-maintained. We invest about
SEK 10 million per year in replacing old pipelines to
ensure deliveries of heat to our customers. There is
a high security of supply in the networks. During
last year unplanned stoppages comprised a total of
just a few hours. Where possible the networks are
designed with so-called ring mains so that there are
alternative supply routes if pipes were to be
Our largest network, with an overall length of
120 kilometers, is located in Haninge and Tyresö. It
extends from Håga industrial area in Västerhaninge
to Tyresö Strandskolan in Gamla Tyresö and to Älta
in Nacka municipality. Despite its length, the network
has relatively minor energy losses thanks to the large
delivery volumes and the effective distribution. The
network’s water volume is some 12,000 cubic metres.
The district heating pipes in the ground consist of
steel pipes through which the district heating water
is transported. The steel pipe has an outer layer of
polyurethane foam insulation, which in turn is covered
by a plastic outer tube.
In the summer the water that is supplied to our
customers maintains a temperature of about +75°C
and in a really cold winter +120°C. When the water
returns to the heating plant it has a temperature of
between +40°C and +60°C.
Vattenfall Heat Southern Greater Stockholm
Our major plants
in Sweden, including subsidiaries1
Volume of heat: 4 000 GWh
Volume of electricity: 380 GWh
Turnover: 3 000 million2
Employees: 400
Södra Storstockholm
If you have questions please
contact us:
Vattenfall Heat, Southern Greater Stockholm
Vattenfall Customer Service AB
PO Box 13
SE-880 30 Näsåker
Telephone: +46 (0)20 82 00 00
Visiting addresses:
Gustavsberg, Ekobacken
Leveransvägen 30
134 39 Gustavsberg
Granängsvägen 7
135 45 Tyresö
Fisksätravägen 30
133 04 Saltsjöbaden
Västerbergslagens Energi AB (VB Energi), Gotlands Energi AB (Geab),
and Haparanda Värmeverk.
This information includes revenues from energy sales (electricity, heating, cooling
and steam), and certain other revenues, primarily waste and back-up power.
2015, May. Blomquist & Co.
Nynäsvägen 140
136 37 Haninge