the fast and the furious
THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS Presented by Property Solutions ™ HOUSEKEEPING ITEMS This webinar is being recorded A follow up email will be sent A recap and video link will be posted on the blog by Thursday ™ OUTLINE Our Panelists Prospect Expectations LeaseExecution Overview Screening Integration Who is on the call today? How are expectations changing the multifamily industry? What steps do online leasing eliminate from traditional leasing? How can integrated screening create a seamless leasing process? ™ EXPECTATIONS The Drive for Instantaneous Results ™ POLL QUESTION How many filing cabinets do you have in your leasing offices right now? ™ PAPER TRENDS Amount of Paper The average employee uses approximately 10,000 sheets of paper per year. Paper and paperboard account for 40 percent of our garbage. Paper to Paperless Businesses are moving towards paperless models. ™ CHANGING EXPECATIONS ™ CHANGING EXPECATIONS ™ CHANGING EXPECATIONS ™ CHANGING EXPECATIONS ™ CHANGING EXPECATIONS ™ INSTANTANEOUS RESULTS Paperless Leasing • The Application Process • The Convenience Factor • The Implementation Process ™ LeaseExecution Product Overview and Best Practices ™ Guest Card/ lead created Paper Lease Process Applicant is mailed a paper application Lease is complete Applicant comes Lease paperwork is Application is completed and returned Application payment is collected from the applicant Leasing agent manually enters lease into Property Management Software Applicant information is entered into Property Management Software Applicant is screened Property reviews lease for completion and signatures Application is approved Applicant is contacted Guarantors or co-applicants sign leases separately Prospect takes lease home Paper lease is returned Leasing Agent manually generates lease ™ Guest Card/ lead created Lease process complete LeaseExecution Property Management Software approves lease Secure online application Reduced chance for human error Most steps automated Can be done anywhere Faster time frame from creation to completion Tracking shows status of every lead Applicant pays application fees online Leasing agent countersigns lease Accessible electronically Includes forecasting and report tools Guarantors and co-applicants also sign online Property Management software automatically Applicant is screened/approved Leasing Agent generates and emails online lease ™ Prospect signs lease on their own time PIERCE EDUCATION PROPERTIES ™ LEASE EXECUTION OVERVIEW Online Leasing • True Online Leasing (Lead to Lease) • Renewals (Tiered, Ad-hoc, Online) • Implementation (Onsite Growing Pains) ™ BEST PRACTICES Additional Tips • Motivate at the property level and corporate level • Have a dedicated product expert • Review your lease documents ™ ResidentVerify Integrating Screening in Leasing ™ RESIDENT VERIFY OVERVIEW ™ RESIDENT VERIFY OVERVIEW ™ RESIDENT VERIFY UPDATES Product Updates • Non-Traditional Credit Reporting • Expanded Credit Filter • Criminal Categorization ™ QUESTION AND ANSWER ™ THANK YOU ™
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Car Lease LLC Montclair
At Montclair Car Leasing, we do things very differently than do other car leasing agencies, and those differences mean savings, options, convenience, and customer service that isn’t equaled anywhere.
The first big difference is one that at first sounds like a negative, but we assure you, it’s nothing but good: we don’t have a physical car lot. Instead, our lot is on the internet, in the virtual world, easily accessible by a few mouse clicks. There are a few reasons why this is such a great thing for you. First, it means we have the happiness of being able to undersell our competitors. We’re able to lease you cars at prices other car leasing services simply can’t touch. That’s because having a physical car lot costs money in terms of property costs, property taxes, utilities, insurance, payroll, etc. All of those add up to a large overhead, the costs of which are always passed down to the customer. We don’t have such costs, and when we save money, you save on leasing.
Working Hours: Mon - Thu: 9:00am – 9:00pm, Fri: 9:00 am – 7:00 pm, Sat: 9:00am – 9:00pm, Sun: 10:00am – 7:00pm
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Car Lease LLC Montclair
544 Aubrey Road
Montclair, NJ 07043
(908) 752-4499