2013 Annual Report


2013 Annual Report
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
Annual Report
We are an organization dedicated to EXCELLENCE, COMMITMENT, SUCCESS AND RESPECT
Island Har ves t Annual Rep or t 2013
Here we are—
in 2013
$1.6 Million
Estimated value of the 70,000 hours
of service contributed by our 5,000+
registered volunteers in 2013
4.7 Million
Disaster recovery—Pounds of food
and relief supplies distributed to
more than 75 communities in Nassau
and Suffolk Counties devastated by
Sandy…equivalent to 3,953,796 meals
in 2013 alone
Long Islanders turning to our
network for help in 2013 alone,
plus the tens of thousands
affected by Superstorm Sandy
10 Million
The equivalent of the
number of meals distributed
throughout the year
14 Million
Pounds of food, product and supplies
distributed throughout the year
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
Dear Friends,
Superstorm Sandy and its long, difficult recovery changed the landscape for us in many
ways. It hit Long Island on October 29, 2012 and our recovery and assistance efforts
continued well into 2013, and beyond. Every one of our staff were impacted by Sandy,
and despite their own storm-related issues, they helped to make sure that we were
able to keep our offices and warehouses open, our trucks filled and on the road, and
our volunteers dispatched seven days-a-week, and ultimately they made sure that the
community was properly served. The call for help from our neighbors, friends and the
community-at-large was daunting—yet our staff rose to the occasion, while managing
their own Sandy problems. It wasn’t easy and I am exceptionally proud of their work and
dedication during such a trying time.
I am still moved when I think back to the day we headed into the streets of
Point Lookout and Long Beach. Our team was eager to assist those affected
by the epic storm. We were sent to support first responders at firehouses
in communities hit the hardest. It was there that we encountered our first
resident who was devastated by the storm. I met her outside the firehouse;
she was sitting against the building with a very lost and dazed look on her
face. I approached her and asked her how we could help; letting her know
we had food, water and referral information. She didn’t respond. She had
“that look” that we would come to know all too well.
I remembered something a friend from the Nassau County Office of
Emergency Management said as she dispatched us that day, “Please
distribute food, supplies and hugs…” So after countless offers of assistance
to this woman, I asked her if I could give her a hug. Before I could even finish
the sentence, her arms were wrapped so tightly around me that all I could
do was humbly reciprocate. I will never forget that feeling, this woman, or
that moment in time. The tears were streaming down my cheeks. And as I
released my hold on her, she quickly disappeared down the street before I
could even speak.
What I learned that day, and the many to follow, is that when we put our minds to something
with conviction, we will accomplish whatever we set out to do, whether it is a disaster like
Sandy or the hunger we encounter each day.
This year also brought about tremendous change and growth for our organization — in
these pages, you’ll read about our Centers of Excellence, reorganization of some of our
departments and more.
It’s a source of great pride to be part of a caring team of staff, board members, volunteers,
and food and fund donors. I am pleased to share this annual report, which focuses on our
important recovery work in 2013 while highlighting the important work we do throughout
the year to help our fellow Long Islanders.
Randi Shubin Dresner
President & CEO
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
The Island Harvest
Centers of Excellence
Island Harvest Food Bank’s mission is simple—to end hunger and reduce food waste on Long Island. To
pursue that mission, we target both hunger and its root cause, poverty, so our services and solutions must
be complex. We collect and distribute food in multiple ways at a wide variety of locations, and we provide
direct services to Long Islanders in need. Island Harvest connects people to targeted, specialized advice
and assistance, and we are leaders in hunger awareness and emergency response in the region.
Our diverse initiatives fall within six key areas of concentration known as our Centers of Excellence. Our
valued staff, volunteers and partners work together to meet the highest standards within those centers to
serve our constituency and address the critical issue of hunger on Long Island.
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
The Center for Combatting Hunger
We firmly believe that fighting hunger is more than providing meals. At Island Harvest, we know we also
must fight the root causes that lead to hunger.
So, even as we provide vital food assistance to people
in need, we also offer support and referrals in order
to help them overcome the barriers that lead to food
insecurity. Through our specially designed programs
like our job training program, we help Long Islanders
address unemployment and underemployment;
and meet challenges faced in accessing health care
while promoting healthy lifestyles through our many
nutrition outreach and education programs. Through
our advocacy, educational and outreach initiatives,
we are able to identify and battle the problems
that negatively impact the progress of people in
need throughout Nassau and Suffolk counties. And,
through the Mobilized Interfaith Coalition Against
Hunger (MICAH), we advocate with the community,
government and businesses to strengthen the voices
of so many who suffer from hunger every day. Educating
the general public about issues related to hunger and
poverty is an important tool in combating it. If no one
knows there is a problem, our work becomes that much
more difficult. Our Coin Harvest/Hunger Awareness
program is one tool to bring information about the
crisis of childhood hunger to students of all ages.
When we help in these vastly different ways, we help give Long Islanders the tools they need to beat hunger.
The Center for Collection and Distribution
With all the vital programs at Island Harvest, our food collection
and distribution remain the core of our efforts. Throughout the
year we bring in massive amounts of food and non-food products,
and then transport, warehouse and distribute them, often in as
little as twenty-four hours. Imagine all the logistics necessary to
bring millions of meals to Long Island’s diverse communities!
We can do it all because we maintain solid and well-designed
facilities, bring together extraordinary amounts of food and
products, partner strategically with valued food donors across
Long Island (and beyond) all while responding to the evolving
needs across the Island.
Each day brings us new initiatives and challenges, and a
continuing commitment to making a difference throughout the
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
The Center for Emergency Services
Hunger is a crisis that we confront every day. The
region has been challenged by various emergencies
over the years—and Superstorm Sandy is only one
of the most striking examples. In each emergency
situation over the past twenty-two years, Island
Harvest has stepped up as a lead agency in
providing food, supplies and technical assistance
to individuals, families, first responders and entire
At Island Harvest Food Bank we prepare, respond,
support and serve. And in emergency situations, we
are there for each other as well as to support other
first responders who turn to us for food and expertise
with a unique level of response. Our service
partners in disaster have included the American
Red Cross, Offices of Emergency Management in
Nassau and Suffolk Counties, The Salvation Army,
the United Way, and LIVOAD, among others.
As always, in emergencies past and future, Island Harvest has been and will be prepared.
The Center for Mobile Services
Sometimes, help is best when it is on the move. Island Harvest ensures that our services are mobile,
bringing help across Nassau and
Suffolk counties right to the people
who need it.
Our Operation: HOPE team of veterans
is out in the community bringing food
and support to fellow servicemen
and women and the families of active
military members. Our Senior Mobile
Food Pantry is targeted to support
seniors and people with limited
mobility with food assistance and help.
Even our SNAP Outreach Program is
mobile, bringing our trained advisors
to many local sites to help eligible
Long Islanders enroll near where they
live and work.
Our mobile initiatives bring food
assistance and person-to-person
support. And thanks to our partnerships with other service providers, we help bring needed services that
transform lives.
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
The Center for Targeted Populations
By tailoring our services to the specific needs of Long
Islanders, we bring meaningful and lasting impact.
Hunger is found in every community on Long Island,
but it hits hardest for some very particular groups. For
these people, Island Harvest is there with specific help.
We deliver distinct assistance and services designed
especially to help children, seniors and veterans.
For example, at-risk children get nutrition and services
through our Kids Weekend Backpack Feeding Program
during the school year, and through our Summer Food
Service Program when school is out. Seniors receive
food distributions, direct services and referrals
through our Senior Mobile Food Pantry. And our
Operation: HOPE services bring food assistance and
critical resources to our veterans and military families.
By targeting programs at needs-specific populations,
we bring positive results that change lives forever.
The Center for Volunteer Services
Without the help of our volunteers, everything we do would not be possible.
Volunteers help us to pick up and distribute
food, help us to educate children about eating
well. Volunteers represent us at health fairs, and
they lead food and fund drives. Volunteers offer
welcome support to our administrative staff, and
lend a hand with professional services, and in our
warehouses. Volunteers fill so many roles at Island
Harvest, and we never could do all that we need
to do without them. They are seniors citizens who
share their knowledge and expertise, children of
all ages who want to help others, schools/clubs/
civic organizations/business groups and teams of
employees who want to engage in morale building
team work that helps the community; volunteers
also include college students, interns, religious
organizations, and individuals who have always
wanted to make a difference.
Our registered volunteer corps now numbers
more than 5,000. Their contributions to Island
Harvest add up to approximately 70,000 hours of service each year, and that translates to a value of about
$1.5 million!
We could never accomplish all that we do without the support of our valuable and dedicated corps of
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
Facts About Hunger :
WHO is at risk for hunger
on Long Island?
•There is no one “face” of hunger. People struggling to
put food on the table each day might be our friends,
relatives or neighbors.
•Hundreds of thousands of Long Islanders struggle
with hunger, including more than 110,000 children. An
estimated 47,000 seniors on Long Island are food
WHO do we serve?
•More than 316,000 Long Islanders in need turn to our
network of approximately 570 soup kitchens, food
pantries and other emergency programs each year.
Together, we provide services to adults, children,
seniors, families, veterans and others.
•Our services touch approximately 1 in 10 Long Islanders.
WHAT programs do we offer?
• Island Harvest combats hunger by providing emergency
food and support and serving as the bridge that
connects people with the services that they need to
battle poverty.
• Along with our core food collection and distribution,
we provide hunger awareness and nutrition education
programs, job training, targeted services for specific
populations, outreach and advocacy initiatives and
more, such as:
• Direct assistance to seniors, veterans and people
with disabilities through mobile food pantries
• Robust mobile education, outreach, mediation and
enrollment assistance for Long Islanders who are
eligible for SNAP (food stamp) benefits
• Nutritional meals and support for children through
our Kids Weekend Backpack Feeding Program and
Summer Food Service Program, helping children
throughout the year.
• Critical expertise in disaster preparedness and quick
and effective response in emergencies
*Statistics are released from the Hunger in America Study 2014
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
HOW do we distribute food?
At the foundation of our work, we collect and distribute
food to help people struggling with hunger. In 2013
alone, we collected and distributed 14 million pounds
of food, which provided 10 million needed meals to our
•We are the bridge between over 1,400 wholesalers,
distributors, farms and supermarkets with surplus food
and the soup kitchens, food pantries and emergency
food programs that distribute to those in need.
•We distribute food and products to our member agencies
in four different ways: direct delivery, warehouse-based
distributions, centrally-based distributions and direct
deliveries by our volunteers.
•Our professional drivers and fleet of 12 refrigerated
vehicles allow us to transport food and deliver support
services both safely and efficiently.
•Our staff and volunteers make “food runs,” picking up
food from approved food donors and delivering it to our
member agencies each week.
HOW do we fund our work?
A combination of committed individuals, foundations,
businesses, local and state government offices and
national corporations provides the generous funding
that supports our work.
•More than 95 cents of every dollar raised is directed
toward our programs and services.
•Through restricted grants, we purchase food for specific
programs, such as our Kids Weekend Backpack Feeding
Program, mobile food pantries, fresh food initiatives
and holiday turkey program.
•The support of our dedicated volunteers make our work
possible. More than 5,000 Island Harvest volunteers
contribute approximately 70,000 hours of service to us
each year, providing services equivalent to more than 40
additionally paid, full-time staff members.
HOW you can help:
• Make a monetary contribution.
• Conduct a fundraiser, food drive or both, (We most need
low sodium canned vegetables, soups, fruit, canned
meat, whole wheat pasta & cereal, nutritional beverages
and personal care items.)
• Donate goods and services. (Examples: printing, graphic
design and auction prizes.)
• Register to volunteer at www.islandharvest.volunteerhub.
com and help us with various year round community
based events.
• Advocate and educate others about hunger issues and
hunger relief in our community. Everyone should know
that there is a serious hunger problem on Long Island.
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
Superstorm Sandy
Island Harvest Food Bank played a pivotal role in providing disaster relief to first
responders and those directly impacted by Superstorm Sandy. The organization’s
efforts commenced prior to, and during the storm, when it supplied the American
Red Cross with 7,000 pounds of nonperishable food products destined for
emergency storm shelters in Nassau County in the middle of the storm.
In the days and months that followed, Island Harvest worked closely with local
emergency management and public safety agencies to identify and assess
areas of need in the most impacted communities. Island Harvest’s mobile food
pantries visited some of the hardest hit communities devastated by the storm
delivering food, supplies and personal care items to hundreds of thousands of
residents in need. In fact, for several weeks immediately following the storm,
volunteers and staff literally walked the streets with police and community
support; delivering much needed food and supplies door-to-door, community
to community.
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
Our formal partnership with the American Red
Cross in January 2013 included the distribution
of 82 tractor trailer loads of specially designed
disaster relief food boxes, bringing the total
amount of meals provided to Long Island
residents affected by Sandy to more than
2.7 million through this groundbreaking
partnership alone.
The specially designed disaster
relief food boxes included a
wide variety of nutrient-rich,
nonperishable foods for
breakfast, lunch, and dinner,
and contained enough food to feed a
family of four for about three to four
days. In addition, through American
Red Cross support, we were able to
hire temporary staff to carry out the
Throughout this period, and as a
result of significant support from
the community, foundations and
corporations, we supplemented the
delivery of our disaster relief food boxes
with more than 1.15 million pounds of
additional food and supplies, significantly
leveraging an American Red Cross partnership.
These much needed supplies included
cleaning products (bleach particularly in
high demand), paper goods, eating utensils,
diapers, blankets, water, clothing, personal
hygiene products, and Meals Ready to Eat
“Neighbors Supporting Neighbors Babylon’s partnership with
Island Harvest has been invaluable to our community’s recovery
from Super Storm Sandy. From days after the storm to two
years later, Island Harvest continues to support us. Without their
assistance we would not have been able to provide our neighbors
with the food and supplies they needed to get through. The look of
relief on homeowners faces when they saw Island Harvest trucks
unload supplies for them says it all. Thank you is an inadequate
phrase to explain just how grateful we are for Island Harvest.”
–Kim Skillen,
Executive Director, Neighbors Supporting Neighbors
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
2013 the year in review
Targeted Capacity
In 2013, with longtime and new staff working
together, our team began a process of
reorganizing and strengthening our base of
programs, supportive services, food sourcing,
distribution, emergency response programs
and much more. All done with a goal of
supporting our community members in need.
Healthy Foods Initiatives
We are moving in a strategic direction to
improve the nutritional value of the foods we
are distributing in order to meet the true needs
of the community. It’s not just about moving
pounds, rather moving product that is healthier.
We have increased the number of cooking
demonstrations, produced a record number
of specialty cookbooks and recipes, taught
and presented classes on nutrition education,
targeting specific populations and more.
Corporate Volunteer
Throughout 2013 and our emergency response
work, corporate teams became an integral
part of our organization. Though not new
to our work , our Corporate Teams Program
became a powerful tool for us to reach directly
into struggling communities with targeted
response work. With more than 1,700 new
volunteers this year, who logged in an amazing
6,200 hours of volunteer time, we were able to
collect, distribute and support more people in
need than ever before.
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
Some of Our Many Special Legislative Visitors
NYS Senator Dean Skelos assisting at a distribution
of Superstorm Sandy supplies in Long Beach.
U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand sorting food
We are grateful for
the partnerships
of legislators at
the local, state,
and federal levels
who support our
work. Through the
year, we knew we
could can count on
so many of them
to roll up their
sleeves and help
us distribute food,
advocate for those
we serve, align
with our issues
and help fund our
important work.
NYS Senator John Flanagan and NYS
Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick get a tour
of the recently-donated walk-in refrigerator
unit at our Hauppauge Distribution Center.
Celebrity chef and Restaurateur Tom Colicchio
and U.S. Congressman Steve Israel join other
notable panelists at a special screening of
“A Place at the Table.”
NYS Senator Phil Boyle and U.S Congressman Steve
Israel speak at Island Harvest’s Legislative Breakfast.
NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo, LI Federation
of Labor President John Durso and NYS
Assemblyman Phil Ramos get a special tour
of our Hauppauge Distribution Center.
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
Statement of
Financial Position
DECEMBER 31, 2013 DECEMBER 31, 2012
Cash and cash equivalents
Investments in marketable securities
Grants and contributions receivable
Inventory of food and consumer products
Property and equipment,
net of accumulated depreciation
Other assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Temporarily restricted
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
Statement of Activities
for the year ending December 31
Donated food
Golf, dinner, and other special events
(net of 2013 direct expense of $349,349)
Investment income
Other income
Net assets released from restriction
Program services
Management and general
Net assets, beginning
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
Board Listing
Fr. Thomas Hartman
Chairman Emeritus, Island Harvest
Ellen Sanders Co-Chair
Chairman’s Council, Executive
Dave Widmer Co-Chair
Chairman’s Council
GM/Market Manager
Connoisseur Media Long Island
Jill Bernstein Vice Chair
Community Leader
Barry Chandler Vice Chair
General Manager
Nissequogue Golf Club
Daniel S. Grinberg Treasurer
Elara Food Service Packaging LLC
Stephen J. Juchem Secretary
Senior Vice President & Chief Financial
First Long Island Investors
Seth Asofsky
Senior Vice President of Sales &
Planet Payment, Inc.
Arthur Gianelli
President of Mount Sinai St. Lukes
Special Advisor to the President & CEO
of the Mt. Sinai Health System
for Medicaid Strategy
Tariq Khan
Center Enterprises
Ignatius “Nate” L. Muscarella, Esq.
Court Attorney/Referee
Supreme Court, Nassau County
Michael Babich
Community Leader
Jay Bernstein
Chairman & President
NIC Holding Corp. (Northville)
Frank Beyrodt Jr.
Past President
Long Island Farm Bureau
Executive Vice-President
Delea Sod Farms, Inc.
Michele Dean
Senior Vice-President Lending &
Investment Services
Bethpage Federal Credit Union
Roy DiMarco
RGD Marketing
Edward J. Fred
TEE Enterprises, LLC
Doug Manditch
Empire National Bank
Douglas Nadjari
Ruskin Moscou Faltischek PC
David Napell
Board Member
Mazon, A Jewish Response
to Hunger
Sandi Nussbaum
Community Leader
Mark Rechler
Outhouse Music, Inc.
Stuart Richner
Richner Communications, Inc.
Don Sussman
Stop and Shop
Marc Tell
The Sam Tell Companies
Linda Breitstone
Founder, Island Harvest
Father Thomas Hartman
Chairman Emeritus, Island Harvest
Rabbi Marc Gellman
Steven A. Klar
Bob Nystrom
Lee Heit Beck, Esq.
Consultant, Attorney
Rabbi Mickey Baum
Director of Education
Temple Beth Am of
John T. Bauer, Esq.
Littler Mendelson, P.C.
Leslie Hall
Halls Carpet Inc.
Loretta Sehlmeyer
Community Leader
James Skinner
A & C Exterminating Corp.
Andrew J. Turro, Esq.
Meyer, Suozzi, English
& Klein
Diane Walsh
Area Manager
Flushing Bank
Arthur Waldbaum
Staff Listing
Randi Shubin Dresner
President & CEO
Andrew Acerra
Fleet Driver
Jennifer Bellissimo
Finance and Inventory Assistant
Anthony Brites
Mobile Food Program
Joann Cannon
Receptionist/Office Coordinator
Alvin Chamorro
Director of Operations
Roger D’Andria
Fleet Driver
Denise Eusebio
Vice President of Finance and
Joan Flynn
Volunteer & Community
Relations Manager
Georgina Goncalves
Sarah Geller
Programs and
Administration Coordinator
Mary Ellen Grimes
Nutrition Coordinator
Elena Huttenlocher
Advocacy and Program
Brian Leverton
Warehouse Coordinator
Melissa Levinsohn
Grants Consultant
Mike Manzer
Community Liaison
Ryan Mercorella
Warehouse Coordinator
Chris Mills
Fleet Driver
William Montgomery
Inventory Coordinator
Debra Nord
Graphic Designer
Elizabeth Notarbartolo
Community Outreach
Patricia O’Sullivan
Grants Administrator &
Finance Coordinator
Migdalia Otero
Vice President of Operations
& Food Sourcing
Marlon Paredes
Fllet Driver
Stacy Parsell
Vice President of
Doreen Principe
Senior Food Drive
Allison Puglia
Vice President of Programs
& Agency Relations
Mirian Rodriguez
Office Maintenance
Pablo Rodriguez
Warehouse Coordinator
Randy Rosenberg
Human Resources Consultant
Carlos Santos
Fleet Driver
Tom Sciacca
Fleet Driver
Rosalyn Smalls
Executive Assistant to the
President and CEO
Pastor Curtis Terry
Fleet Driver
Zoe Villarreal
Logistics Coordinator
Elissa Weick
Manager of Special Events &
Diane Worden
Warehouse Assistant
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
Food Donors
A Taste of Home
Abel & Schafer, Inc.
Abbott Nutrition
Acosta Food Service
Adirondack Beverage
Advantage Food Marketing
Adventureland Food Service
Airstream Foods
Albert’s Pizza
Alliance Foods
All County Provision
All Round Food
American Classic Ice Cream
American Pie
Amore Pizza
Amy’s Kitchen
Anco Foods
Andele’s Deli
Anderson Farms
Apple & Eve
Archway Distributors
Ardito Italian Deli
Arrow Produce
Associated Supermarkets
Auntie Anne’s
Au Bon Pain
Auggie’s Food
Bagel Boss
Bagel Café
Bagel Lady Café
Bagel Lovers
Bagel Mania
Bagel Maniac
Bagel Master
Bagel Plaza
Bagel USA Inc
Bagel Works
Bagelicious (Bagel Nook Café)
Bagelman of Garden City
Bagels N’ Stuff
Bagels Plus
Baja Fresh
Balsam Farm
Bakers of all Nations
Barbara’s Bagels
Bay Area Food Bank
Bayview Farms
BC Distributors
Bean & Bagel Café
Best Yet Market
Big Bang Beverage
Bimbo Bakery
Botticelli Foods
Briermere Farms
BJ’s Wholesale Club
Brooklyn Bagels & Café, Inc.
Bruno Farm
Bruno Speciality Foods
Café Dolce
Calda Pizza
Calico Cottage, Inc.
Carlyle at the Palace
Carlyle on the Green
Castella Imports
Catapano Dairy Farm
Central Virginia Food Bank
Crate & Barrel
Cheesecake Factory
Clem Snacks
CNM Snack Company
Coca Cola
Coffee Distributing Corp.
Conagra Foods
Condzella Farm
Cookies & More
Copenhagen Bakery
Costco Wholesale
Crest Hollow Country Club
Cupcake Contessa
Cupcake Gourmet
Dante’s Pizzeria
Dano’s Pizza
Davis Peach Farm
Deleo Sod Farms
Densiesky Farms
Design Foods
Deer Run Farms
Di Carlo Foods
Di Cocco Pizzeria
Diversified Foods, Inc.
Dortoni Bakery
Dunkin Donuts
Downtown Café & Pizza
Driscoll Foods
Duane Reade
Eastern Distributors
East End Bagels
East Hampton Grill Restaurant
East Hills Bagels
East Wind
Ed Zelnicki Farms
EECO (East End Community
Organic) Farm
Elara Foodservice Disposables
E.P. Distributors
ES Foods
Exclusive Beverage
Fairway Market
Family Bagel
Famous Dave’s
Fancy Foods Inc
Fashion Delivers
Feed The Children
Feels Good Cafe
Food Authority
Food Bank of Western New York
Fox Hollow Restaurant
Francesco’s Pizza & Pasta Restaurant
Frank’s Gourmet Pizza Inc.
Frito Lay Inc.
Front Street Bakery
Garden of Eve Farm
Gold Coast
Golden Earthworm Organic Farm
Got Cupcakes LLC
Gourmet Bake Shop
Grand Lux Café
Gullo Specialty Foods
Habco Sales Inc.
Hain Celestial Group
Hampton Popcorn Company
Harbes Farm
Harbor Seafood Inc.
Healthy Snack Solution
Henry Schein
Higbie Bagels
Hood Milk
Iberia Foods
Ikea North America
Interbrand LLC
Intercounty Bakers
J. Kings Food Service
Jandi’s Natural Market
Jenny O Turkey
Jericho Deli
Kellogg Sales Company
Key Food
Kids In Distressed Situations
King Kullen
Kings Supermarket
Kitchen Kabaret
Kozy Shack
Kraft Foods
Krupski Farm
L & E Bagels Inc
La Rosa’s Pizza
Lackmann Culinary Services
Land O’Lakes
Lewin Farm
LI Frozen Food & Storage
Lieber’s Kosher Food Specialties
Love & Quiches
Maines NY Metro Inc
Mama Lino’s
Maria’s Italian Bakery
Mario’s Pizza
Marshall’s Coffee
Martin Sidor
Maryland Food Bank
Meyer’s Farm
Mid Nite Snax
Mid-Ohio Food Bank
MJM Distributors
Modern Bakery
Mondelez Carlisle
Mr. Chips
Mr. Miceli’s Pizzeria
Nassau Candy Distributors, Inc
Natural Lifestyle Supplies
Nature’s Answer
Nestle USA
Neuhaus Inc
New York Ravioli
Nissequogue Golf Club
NOGA Dairy Inc.
North Ritz Club
Northville Farm
Old Westbury Golf & Country Club
Olive Garden
Organic Revolution Worldwide
Pancho’s Border Grill
Panera Bread
Penzeys Spices
Pepsi Co.
Philabundance Food Bank
Plainview Hospital Cafeteria
Pirandello Restaurant
Pizza Hut
Poland Springs
Port Royal Sales
Poultry Mart
Purity Products
Proctor & Gamble
Real Pasta Inc.
Red Lobster
Reisters Bakery
Restaurant Depot
Roe’s Casadolce Bakery
Rottkamp Farm
Sam’s Club
Sang Lee Farm
Satur Farms
Schmidt Farms
Seasons 52
Second Harvest Food
Bank of Central Florida
Second Harvest Of South Georgia
Second Harvest Food
Bank of Wisconsin
Select Nutrition Distributors
Seven Ponds Orchard
Seviroli Foods
Shake Shack
Shelter Rock Tennis Club
Sherry’s Healthy Gourmet
Shulmans Produce
Silver Point Beach Club
Smokey Bones
Souvlaki Stop
Stony Brook University
Medical Center
Stop & Shop
Superior Food Products
Sur La Table
Sweet Comfort Bakery and Cafe
Sysco Long Island, LLC
Taco Bell
Tasty Cakes
TaTe’s Bakeshop
The Burmax Company
The Milk Pail
The Seasons at East Meadow
Town Bagel
Trader Joe’s
Upsky Hotel
Uncle Wallys
Vincent’s Clam Bar
Vittorios Gourmet Food
Wall’s Bake Shop
Wantagh Bay Yacht Club
Watermill Restaurant/Caterers
Wells Homestead Acre Farms
Westbury Manor
White Post Farms
White Wave
Whole Foods Fresh Fields
Wickhams Fruit Farm
Winthrop University Hospital
Woodbury Country Deli
Wrapping It Up
Yohay Baking Company
Yorkshire Foods
You Give Goods LLC
Young Mashadi Jewish
Center Youngs Farm
…Thank you
Please note: While we strive for 100 percent accuracy, please accept our apology if your name is inadvertently
spelled incorrectly or unintentionally omitted. Each contribution and donation is greatly appreciated.
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
Food Drives
30 Minute Fitness
89 North Music Venue
ALK Abello
A.S.A.P Logistics Ltd
Absolute Yoga
Accommodation Plus International
Acorn Ponds
Acoustic Open Mic - NJ Grunts
Advanced DDS
ADE Systems
Adelphi University
Adriana Heneghan
AIDS Health Care Foundation
Air Industries Group
Ameriprise Platinum Financial Service
AON Hewitt
Asplundh Construction Corp.
Assigned Rick Solutions
A Taste of Home
Atlantic Hyundai
AT LAST Summer Camp
Aviva Life & Annuity Company of NY
Azoulay Weiss LLP
Bach Jewish Center
Donna J. Bach, DC, PC
Bagel Lovers
Balanced Wellness Consulting
Balfour Beatty Communities
Bank of America
Barbara Wilson Pre-School
Barnes & Noble
Batada Home Health Care
Bath Fitters
Bay Gardens
Bay Shore Brightwaters Library
Bay View Civic Association
Bayliss Elementary School
Bellco Health Company
Bellmore Blast PAL
Bender Insurance Agency, Inc
Bethel United Pentecostal
Bethpage Elementary School
Bethpage Federal Credit Union
Bethpage Fire Department
Big Chief Day Camp
Birchwood Court Owners
Bluefin Payment Systems
Bormann Family
Boy Scouts
Boys and Girls Club
Bradley S. Portenoy DDS, PC
Bright Horizons at Woodbury
Bristal Assisted Living
Broadridge Financial Solutions
Buckley Day Camp
Burr Intermediate School
Business Dynamics Limited
Butterfield Restaurant & LI Connect
C.W. Post Athletics Center
Cablevision & Call Center
Cactus Salon
Calico Cottage, Inc
Camp Anchor
Canon USA, Inc
Capital One
CAPS - Child Abuse Services
Carlyle at the Palace
Carol Fava
Carousel Day School
Cedar Realty Trust
Centereach Park Pool
Centerville High School Band
Centre Ave Elementary School
Century 21 Department Store
Chaminade High School
Chase Auto Finance
Chase Bank
Chesapeake Pharmaceutical
& Healthcare
Chestnut Hill Elementary School
Child Abuse Preventive Service
Child Care Council of Nassau
Chippewa Elementary School
Choka Lyme
Chyron Hegl Corp
Circle K International
Clear Skin
Colarossi & Williams
Financial Services
Coldwell Banker
Colleen Napoli
Commack Middle & High School
Common Ground Alliance
Computer Associates Technologies
Connetquot Elementary School
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Country Club Ladies Bowlers 35
Courthouse Kiwanis
Crestwood Country Day School
C’s Home and Office Management
Cub Scouts
Daniel Gale Southerbys
International Realty
Daniel LoPiccolo & Friends
Danielle DeBiasi
Danielle Poretsky
Davison Ave School
Dawnwood Middle School
Deer Park High School
Devoted Parents Association
Dix Hills Park Pool
DOAR Litigation Consultant Firm
Don’t Stop Dancin
Drastic Auto Club
Dr. Grace Shu
Drive Medical Design
& Manufacturing
Dynatech International LLC
Eagle Nurseries
Eamon Bonner
East Islip Chamber of Commerce
East Meadow Baseball/Softball
East Meadow High School
East Woods School
Eastern Suffolk BOCES
Echo Hill Feed Your Soul
Elmont Memorial High School
Emblem Health
Equinox Financial Partners
Esther Finkelstein
Eugene Auer Elementary School
Farmingdale High School
Farmingdale State College
Feds Feeds Families
Floral Park Memorial High School
Floyd Harbor Animal Hospital
Ford of Smithtown
Forest Park Elementary School
Fougera Pharmaceuticals
Frank Loiacono
Franklin Square Public Library
Friends Academy
Friends of Bradstock
FRR Recovery (Medisys)
Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc
Garden City Middle & High School
Garden City Pool
Gilligan Realty
Girl Scouts
Global Equipment Company
Gold Coast Physical Therapy
Golds Gym
Great Neck Terrace Owners Corp
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc
Gurwin Jewish Fay J. Lindner
Gutierrez, Julia & Jenna
H2M Labs, Inc
Half Hollow Hills High
School - East & West
Harbor Day Care at the Plaza
H. Frank Carey High School
Harrison Leifer DiMarco, Inc
Harvest Elves
Hauppauge Middle School
Health Solutions Marketing
Healthcare Partners ITA
Heights Elementary School
Hempstead High School
Henry Schein
Henry Viscardi School
Hewitt Elementary School
Hicksville Middle School
Highway Tool Administration
Hillside Public Library
Hilton Long Island
Hofstra University
Hospice Care Network
Howell Road Elementary School
Howitt Middle School
Hub International
Hub Truck Rental
Hunter Business Technical School
Huntington Honda
Huntington Hospital
I & S Property Management
Iavarone Brothers
I Don’t Know Motorcycle Club
Indian Hollow School
Interboro/AutoOne Insurance
Island South PMR, PC
Island Trees
Islip High School
J Shields Fine Wines & Spirits
Jackson Ave. St. Edwards CYO
JDM Services Inc.
JD Thomas Hair Salon
Jeanne and Anthony DeBiase
Jessica Zaput
Jildor Shoes
Joe Prisinzano
John F. Kennedy High School
John H. West Elementary School
Jr Yacht Club
Keats Agency
Keller Williams Realty
Kenneth Peters Center
KLD Labs
Knights of Pythias
Knox School
Kozeny, McCubbins & Katz LLP
Kravet Inc.
Kristin Cheslock
KWI (Kliger Weiss Infosystems)
Lackmann Culinary Services
Lakeville Elementary School
Learning Experience
Lee Avenue Elementary School
Legislator Sarah S. Anker Concert
Legislator Tom Cilmi
Lemon Tree
Let’s Dance, Inc
Levy - Lakeside School
Lewis Energy Oil Company
Liberty Mutual Insurance
LIPA - National Grid
LIU Post Youth Camps
Lifetime Athletics
Lifetime Brands Inc
Lindenhurst Middle School
Local 28 Sheet Metal Workers
Locust Valley Middle/
High School
Long Island Blood Service
Long Island Center of Yoga
Long Island Center for Business
& Professional Women
Long Island Dental/Spa
Long Island Import
Export Association
Long Island Library Conference
Long Island Lutheran
Middle & High School
Long Island Master Gardeners
Long Island Plastic
Surgical Group
Long Island Village
Clerks & Treasurers
Lynbrook North & South
Middle School
Mackey Avenue Block Party
Mandalay Elementary School
Manhasset High School
Mapfre Insurance
Marcum Accountants
Advisors LLP
Mercedes Benz of RVC
Marden-Kane, Inc
Mark Ginter
Marks, Lisa & David
Mather Hospital Food & Nutrition Services
Mercy Haven
Merrill Lynch
MGI Repetti LLP
Michael Mele
Microchip Technology
Midas Auto Service & Tires
Mineola Memorial Library
Miss Sue’s Nursery
School & Camp
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Moritt, Hoch, Hamroff, Horowitz
Please note: While we strive for 100 percent accuracy, please accept our apology if your name is inadvertently
spelled incorrectly or unintentionally omitted. Each contribution and donation is greatly appreciated.
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
Food Drives Continued
Mortgage Loan Specialist II
Mother Cabrini - Kgg Enterprises
MSC Industrial Supply
Mt. Sinai High School
Municipal Credit Union
NAC Marketing
Nassau County Aquatic Center
Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano
Nassau County Legislature
Nassau Radiology Garden City
National Grid Retirees
Nationwide Insurance
Net Smart
New Apostolic Church
New York Blood Center
Newman Orthodontics
Newpoint Estates Condominiums
Nickerson Beach Pool
Ninja Turtles
North Babylon Public Library
North Merrick Public Library
North Side School
North Shore Chaverot Hadassah
North Shore Day Camp
North Shore University Hospitals
Northern Parkway Elementary School
Novus Realty Group
NY Islanders
NY Martial Arts Academy
NYS Department of
Environment Conservation
Ocean Group
Oceanside Lutheran Church
OCLI (Ophthalmic Consultants of LI)
Ogden Elementary School
Old Bethpage Elementary School
Old Westbury Golf & Country Club
OM Sweet OM
OSI Pharmaceuticals
Our Lady of Lourdes of Malverne
Park Shore Day School
Parkway Elementary School
Peanuts Nursery School
Peconic Bay Medical Center
People’s United Bank
PerkinElmer/NTD Laboratories
PIA NYS Insurance
Plainedge High School
Plainview Old Bethpage
Middle School
Plymouth Estates
Port Jefferson High School
Pro Health Care
Progressive Insurance
Protection One
Providence on the Park Condo’s
Publisher’s Clearing House
Quest Lab Diagnostics
Quogue Beach Club Inc
Ray Longo MMA
RBS Citizens
Realty Connect USA
Reinhard Early Childhood Center
REIT Management & Research
Rhame Elementary School
Richner Communications Inc
Risa & Zach Saltzman
Rising Star - Plainedge Lacrosse
Robbins Lane Elementary School
Robert W. Carbonaro
Elementary School
Rolling Hills Primary School
Roslyn High School
RXR Realty
Ryu’s Martial Arts
Safe Health Educators
Salotti Family
Sam Lerner
Samoset Middle School
Samson Management LLC
Sartorius North America
Suffolk Community College Dietetic Tech Program
Sceptre Tours
School for Language &
Community Development
Seaford Manor Middle School
Select Nutrition Distributors
Senator Patty Ritchie
Service by Air
Shelter Rock Jewish Center
Signal Hill Elementary School PTA
Silver Point Beach Club
Simply Posh Aesthetic Spa
Sip This
Smithtown High School West
Social Security Disability
Adjudication and Review Office
Southern Wine & Spirits
Spina, Korchin & Weldon
Spine & Wellness Center
of Smithtown
Springfield Gardens
Church of Chris
St. Anthony’s High
School Crew Team
St. Dominic High School
St Edwards CYO
St. George’s Golf & Country Club
St. James United
Methodist Church
St. John’s University
Star Gas Partners
Stony Brook Diabetes Center
Stony Brook Hockey Club
Stony Brook University
Stuart Avenue Elementary School
Suffolk County Bar Association
Suffolk County Community College
Suffolk County Department
of Health Services
Sun & Surf Beach Club
SUNY Old Westbury
Syosset Dental
Syosset High School
Teen Beach Body of LI
Temple Am Echad
Temple Beth Torah
Temple Emanu-EL of East Meadow
Temple Sholom of Floral Park
Terryville Elementary School
The Arthur Gutmanstein
Jewish Center
The B & G Group
The Burmax Company
The Green Vale School
The Season at East Meadow
The Seasons at Massapequa
The Self Advocacy
Association of NYS
The Transition Network
The Whole You, LLC
Three Village Club
Time-Cap Labs
Tower Insurance
Town of Oyster Bay
Tri State Insurance Co
Tutor Time
UCP of Greater Suffolk
Ulysses Elementary School
Underwriters Laboratories
United Lifeline
United Skates
Unity Church of Healing Light
Valley Stream North High School
Valley Stream South High School
Van Buren Buick GMC
Verint Systems
Village Elementary School
W.S. Mount Elementary
W.T. Clarke Middle School
Wachtler Knopf Equities
Wallice, Allison, Patrick & Friends
Wantagh Bay Yacht Club
Wantagh Elementary School
Wantagh High School
Wantagh Park Pool
Warriors Soccer Team
Weight Watchers
WeiserMazars LLP
Wells Fargo
Westerman Ball Ederer
Miller & Shar
Western Suffolk BOCES
White Oaks Rehab & Nursing Home
Whole Foods
William Rall Elementary School
William S. Covert
Elementary School
Willow Road School
Wind Watch Golf & Country Club
Winthrop Management LP
Woodward Parkway
Elementary School
YogaLB Inc.
Young Mashadi Jewish Center
Please note: While we strive for 100 percent accuracy, please accept our apology if your name is inadvertently
spelled incorrectly or unintentionally omitted. Each contribution and donation is greatly appreciated.
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
$3,000,000 AND UP
American Red Cross
$100,000 TO $500,000
Doherty Breads, LLC
Feeding America
NYS Department Of Education
State Of New York Department Of Health
William R Kenan Jr Charitable Trust
$50,000 TO $99,999
Anthony Casagrande
Asofsky Family Foundation
County Of Suffolk
McCormick Tribune Foundation Newsday
Newsday Charities
Stop And Shop Family Foundation
The Randi And Clifford Lane Foundation
The Rona Jaffe Foundation
The Slomo And Cindy Silvian Foundation, Inc
Wright Risk Management Company, LLC
$30,000 TO $49,999
Bethpage Federal Credit Union
Charles A Frueauff Foundation, Inc
Jill And Jay Family Foundation
Knapp Swezey Foundation, Inc
Long Island Community Foundation
ShopRite Partners In Caring Fund
TD Charitable Foundation
The George Link Jr. Foundation, Inc
United Way Of Long Island
$20,000 TO $29,999
Elara Foodservice Packaging, LLC
Estee Lauder, Inc.
Geico Philantropic Foundation
Island Outreach Foundation, Inc
Laurel And Joseph Mancino
Linda And Lee Rubin
NIC Holding Corporation
Robin Hood Foundation
Sanders Family Foundation
The Barker Welfare Foundation
The Leon Lowenstein Foundation, Inc
The New York Community Trust
The Robert V. Hauff And John
F. Dreeland Foundation
$10,000 TO $19,999
Alpern Family Foundation, Inc
American Community Bank
Anne And Thomas Attivissimo
Bouchard Transportation Co
Bridgehampton National Bank
Capital One NA
Carroll Family Trust
Carter, Deluca, Farrell And Schmidt
Citi Community Development For LI
Community National Bank
Data Device Corporation
Ed Fred
Elizabeth And Benjamin Basil
Empire National Bank
Flushing Savings Bank
Frank J. Antun Foundation
Howard E. Stark Charitable Foundation
Ira Waldbaum Family Foundation
Iris And Saul Katz Family Foundation
Judith And Donald Rechler
Foundation, Inc
Julia Stanley
Marketing Werks
MSC Industrial Supply Co
New York Community Bank Foundation
Sam Tell And Son, Inc
Sandra Atlas Bass And Edythe
And Sol G Atlas Fund Inc
Susan And Leonard Feinstein Foundation
The County Of Nassau
The First National Bank Of Long Island
The Peter J. Haller Family Foundation
Walmart Stores, Inc
Wells Fargo Foundation
$5,000 TO $9,999
ACBL Charity Foundation Corporation
Allan F. Curran
Astoria Federal Savings
Bar Association Of Nassau
County Fund, We Care
Brookhaven Science Associates
C. Robert Passantino Charitable
CFS Investments, Inc
Crown Ford
D’Angelo Foundation
D’Brickashaw Ferguson Foundation
Dan’s Pallet’s, Inc.
David Dines
Edward Watson
Elizabeth Venuti
Ernest And Rose Samuels Foundation
Fay J. Lindner Foundation
Feinstein Foundation
Frances And James Avallone
Frank Leone
Gentry Construction
Give With Liberty Employee Donations
Harmony Vineyards
Howard Tucker
Igh Charitable Foundation, Inc
Jahn Levin
Jdsm Family Foundation
Jeff Seltzer
John Hahn
John King
John Kornreich Charitable Foundation
John McDonald
John Theissen Children Foundation, Inc
Linda And Jeffrey Brodsky
Love And Quiches Desserts
Matovich Family Charitable Fund
McQuilling Partners, Inc
Megan And Christopher Simon
Milton And Fannie Brown Family Foundation
New York Football Giants, Inc
Northport High School
Pinnacle Resource Group, Inc
Promac Healthcare Financing
Raymond Farrell
Richard Copell
Richard Horowitz
Rockville Centre PBA, Inc
Ronnie Kaye
Roslyn Middle School
Shepard Poole
Society Financial Service Professional
State Of NY OCFS
Suffolk County National Bank
Terry Glassman
The Allstate Foundation
The Claire Friedlander Family Foundation
The Jacobson Family Foundation
The Nussbaum Family Foundation, Inc
The TJX Foundation, Inc
Tweezerman International, Llc
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Vincent Palazzolo
Wells Fargo Bank
Whole Foods Market
Yardi Systems
Yvetta Rechler-Newman
$1,000 TO $4,999
84 Lumber Company
Abby And George O’Neill
Abraham Fuchsberg Family Foundation
Active Network
Adela Johnson
Adelphi University
Please note: While we strive for 100 percent accuracy, please accept our apology if your name is inadvertently
spelled incorrectly or unintentionally omitted. Each contribution and donation is greatly appreciated.
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
Contributors Continued
Adrienne Plotch And Robert Feldman
Advance Tabco
Agathe M Costa Charitable Foundation
AIG Matching Grants Program
Alderman And Company, LLP
Alnor Oil Company, Inc
Amber Kagan And Amy Ventry-Kagan
American Endowment Foundation
Ameriprise Financial
Andrew Melville
Ann And Rolf Lundelius
Anna And Bill G. Martakis
Anne C. And Richard R. Balfour
Anne Haran
Anthony Acampora
APC American Printing Converters, Inc
Arinc, Inc
Arlyn Apollo
Auxiliary Of St. Catherine Of Siena
Auxiliary Service Corporation
Babtkis Foundation
Bahnik Foundation, Inc
Bancker Construction Corp
Barbara And Gavin McElroy
Barbara Cameron And Victor Araujo
Berdon, LLP
Bernedette And Lee
Montellaro Family Fund
Bestcare, Inc
Bladykas And Panetta, LSPE, PC
Bloomingdales, Inc
BNP Paribas New York Branch
BNY Mellon
BNY Mellon Community Partnership
Bond, Schoeneck And King, PLLC
Bonnie And Dwight Arnesen
Bradley Spenser Parlo Foundation
Brian Morandi
Brian Spillane
Bruce Rosen
CA Technologies
Caitlin Insurance Company, Inc
Calico Cottage, Inc
Capano Little Associates, Inc
Carla Cooper
Carolyn Mazzenga
Cerini And Associates, LLP
Charles Sommer
Charles Vachris
Chernoff Diamond And Co, LLC
Cinema Arts Centre
Claire M. And Joseph C. Smetana
Clay Darrohn
Coca Cola Refreshments
Colette Thaw
Columbia Associates
Constance Berrill
Cristina L. Notaro
Dana Butensky
Daniel R Levy
Daniel Yarosh
David Scheuer
David Weissner
Dawn And Joseph Hedgecock Charitable
Deborah And John Kucharczyk
Deborah Blind
Deborah Rodgers
Deirdre And Marc Sokol Charitable Fund
Dena Surks
Denise And Michael Wiley
Diane And Howard Wohl Family Foundation
Direct Edge, Inc
Doris And Norman Sandys
Douglas Yagilowich
Early Bird Capital, Inc
EBM Executive Business Media, Inc
Edward Pecinka
Eileen And Brian Ribar
Eileen Fisher, Inc
Elaine And Paul Rauch
Elayne P. Bernstein Fund
Elise And David Napell
Elizabeth And Michael Blaskiewicz
Ellen And Michael Hamilton-Jones
Ellen Weiss And Andrew Chavkin
Emmy Hoerner
Eric Daniels
Eric Krueger
Erik Weiss
Ethan Falkove
Eve And Simon Colin Foundation
Faculty Student Association,
Stony Brook University
Farrell Fritz, PC
FJC Foundation of Philanthropic Funds
Forge Restaurant, LLC
Framingham Foundation
Frank Beyrodt Jr
Frank Ciotta And Associates, Inc
Fred I. Gelfand
Frequency Electronics
Friends Of Bradstock
Gary Lofgren
Gene Bernstein
George A Jackson Elementary School
Gerald Maher Sr
Gerard Boehme
Giulia And Stephen Hamacher
GKN Aerospace Monitor, Inc
Glen Oaks Club
Gloria J. Griffin
Grassi And Co
Gregory Paul
Grifols Therapeutics, Inc
Groovecar, Inc
Grover Church Of Christ
Gundermann And Gundermann, Inc
H. Neal Conolly
Harmon Foundation, Inc
Heather Riley And Nicholas Conway
Henry Schein
HP Company Match
I Don’t Know Motorcycle Club
Ileen And Jeffrey Doppelt
Incorporated Village Of
Rockville Centre
Inter-County Bakers, Inc
Isolation Dynamics Corp
J Kings Food Service Professionals, Inc
J.R. Rooney
Jacqueline And Mark Rechler
Jahn Levin
James O’Donnell
James Swearingen
James Wienclaw
Janet C. And Patrick Hearing
Jaqueline And Walter Wolpert
Jaral East End Hotel Corp
Jay Shapiro
Jayme And Douglas Wolfson
Jeff Sklar
Jeffery Kaufman
Jennie E. Hewitt Elementary School
Jennifer And David Ehlen
Jerri And Gerald Cirino
Jess Bunshaft
Jessica Kniesly
Jewish Federation of
Palm Beach County
Jo-Ann And Francis Livoti
Joanne Hawkins
Joe Giglio
Joe Koplik
John E. Alexander
John H. Fritsche
John P. Flaherty
Jonathan Gleason
Joseph Dussich
Joseph Seviroli, Inc
Josephine Cacioppo
JP Morgan Chase And Co
Jrds Associates, Inc
Judith And Lawrence Wergeles
Judith And Paul Hochhauser
Foundation, Inc
Judith C. White Foundation
Please note: While we strive for 100 percent accuracy, please accept our apology if your name is inadvertently
spelled incorrectly or unintentionally omitted. Each contribution and donation is greatly appreciated.
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
Contributors Continued
K. And R.J. Genalo
Karen And Jay Shapiro
Kathleen Keegan And Stephen Widlitz
Kathryn Payne
Kathryn Zaki
Ken Kurzweil
Kimberly And Kenneth Ackerman
Lactalis American Group, Inc
Land Baron Abstract Company, Inc
Larry Wurzel
Leav And Steinberg, LLP
Lee Heit Attorney at Law
LI Federation Of Labor AFL-CIO
Lighthouse Financial Network
Linda And Howard Arber
Linda And Michael M. Greenseide
Littler Foundation, Inc
Local 338 RWDSU/UFCW
Long Island Board Of Realtors, Inc
Long Island Field Hockey Association
Long Island Pulse
Long Island Scottish Clan MacDuff 81 Ltd
Lori And William Goldner
Lorrie And Michael Landsbert
Lostritto Family Foundation
Louis Desena
Louis Lombardi And Doris Family Foundation, Inc
Lower-Hudson NYAPT
Luisa And Barry Chandler
M.B. And Edna Zale Foundation
M.C. And Gerald Maher Sr
M.J. Hessel
Macy’s Corporate Services
Manhasset UFSD
Marcine Marcus
Margaret A. And John K. Sweeney
Margaret Spandonis
Marita And Manfred Demenus
Marjorie Klayman
Mark Goodman
Martin Elias
Martin T. Kelly
Mary E. And Dennis P. Ahern
Mary Ellen And Robert Sinko
Mary Lacoste
Mary M. McCarthy
Matthew And Lori-Ann Neiger Giving Account
Matthew Levine
Maureen And Edward V. Vrona
Maxim Group
Members Give Powered By Justgive
Michael D Baum
Michael Gargiulo
Michael Goldberg
Michael J. St Pierre
Michele Zlotnick
Motorola Foundation
Muriel And Jeffrey Weitzman
Muslim Student Association
Nancy And Stuart Richner
Nassau BOCES Early Childhood Center
National Grid
New York Life Giving Campaign
Nicholas Demeo
North Shore LIJ Health System
North Shore Middle School
Northrop Grumman
Northrop Grumman
Employees Special Relief
Nuveen Investments
NY Community Bank
NY State Society Of CPAS
Our Lady Of Grace Montessori School
Pamela And Laurence Tarcia Foundation
Patricia M. Golden
Paul Robinson
Paul Terry
Peapod, Llc
Peter Deluca
Peter Gollon
Pine Hollow Charity Fund, Inc
Prem Chatpar
Proto Restoration Group, Llc
PRP Restaurant, Inc
Pulaski Street School
Quality King
R. Scott Ornstein
Rabbi Marc Gellman
Randi Hoyt
Randi Shubin Dresner
Richard Fried
Richard Klein
Richard Krulik
Richard Meyer
Rita And Ernesto Grinberg
RLS Shared Services
Roanoke Sand And Gravel Corp
Robert B. Catell
Robert McMeekin
Robin A. Masterson
Roger B. Tilles
Roger Rechler Foundation
Ruskin, Moscou, Faltischek PC
S. Kotta
Sajiun Electric, Inc
Salvatore Mancuso
Sam Schwartz Engineering, Pllc
Samuel Deutsch
Sandi Daniel
Schwab Charitable Fund
Seaport Capital, Llc
Seedtime Fund, Inc
Shake Shack
Sharon Gail And Dan M. Barlev
Sherwood Lumber Corporation
Shirley Lewin
South Bay Country Club, Llc
Speed Wire, Inc
St Patrick’s School
St William The Abbot
Steel Los Dos, LLC
Stephanie Weiss-Tavroff
Stephen R. McDermott
Steven A. Klar Foundation
Steven K. Caputo
Susan And Mitchell I. Garber
Susan Michlow
Switches And Sensors, Inc
Target Corporation
Tariq Khan
TD Bank
Tenthwave Digital Llc
The Bartash Foundation
The Charles And Rose Marie Walsh Fund
The David Kimmel Foundation
The Delfield Company Llc
The Estate Of Ruth Rutkay
The Goldie Anna Charitable Trust
The Jewish Center of The Hamptons
The Judith C. White Foundation, Inc
The Laura B. Volger Foundation
The Leo S. Walsh Foundation
The McCormick Family Foundation
The Research Foundation For SUNY
The Sonora Area Foundation
The US Charitable Gift Trust
The Weiser Philanthropic Fund
Thomas Denapoli
Thomas Eschmann
Thrivent Financial For Lutherans
Tina And Steven Shayani
Tina Lear
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship At SB
Unitrends Usa, Inc
Upper Room Ministries, Inc
UPS United Parcel Service
Vanderbilt Elementary School Half Hollow Hills
Vermont Youth Conservation Corps
Water Pure Inc Dba Purity Products
Weissner Family Gift Trust
William Healey
William Skinner
Please note: While we strive for 100 percent accuracy, please accept our apology if your name is inadvertently
spelled incorrectly or unintentionally omitted. Each contribution and donation is greatly appreciated.
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
In-Kind Contributors
A Holly Patterson
A Taste of Home
A&C Extermination
Allegria Hotel
AMC Movie Theatres
American Classic Ice Cream
ananda nine
Andrea’s 25
Anthony Scotto Restaurants
Asian Moon
Baked By Melissa
Beckman Landscaping
Bob Genalo
Bohlen Restaurant Group
Brasserie 214
Brooklyn Bagel Chips
Bryant & Cooper Steakhouse
Build A Bear Workshop
Cactus Salon & Spa
Cardinaldi Bakery & Pastry Shop
Carter, Deluca, Farrell & Schmidt
Castlewood Apparel
CFS Investments
Chateau Briand / Fox Hollow
Cherry Valley Club
CIE Tours International
City Cellar
Classic Party Rental
Coca-Cola Refreshments
Cold Spring Country Club
CPI Aero
Cradle of Aviation
Crest Hollow Country Club
Crown Poly
CWI Medical
D’Amato landscaping
David Powers
Deco 1600 / Taste 99
Design Audio Visual
DiCarlo Foods
Don Juan Restaurant
Doug Nadjari
East Coast Refrigeration
Elara Foodservice Disposables LLC
Emerson Climate Technologies Inc
Emmy Hoerner
Executive Limousine
Fanny Cakes
Food Bank of California
Frank Beyrodt
Gail Fox
Gateway Playhouse
Gemeli Deli
Governor’s Comedy Club
Grace Braeuer
Great Neck Saw
Great Rock Golf Club
Green Mountain Coffee
Greenvale Bagels
Grimaldi’s Coal Fire Pizza
Hall’s Carpet
Hampton Hills Golf & Country Club
Harbor Ballet Theatre
Hard Rock Café
Harmony Vineyards
Harold Levinson Associates
Harrison Leifer DiMarco
Harvesters Food Bank
Hempstead Golf & Country Club
Hilton Long Island / Huntington
Hofstra University
Honu Kitchen & Cocktails
Howard Wechsler Photography
Ice Sculpture Designs
Interbrand LLC
J. Kings
Jack Britvan
Jack Halyards American Bar
Jan Altes
Jimmy Hays Steakhouse
John Michaels
John W Engeman Theatre
Jonathan Holtz
Karma 411
Kate Spade New York
Kathleen DiResta Jewelry
Kevin & Rachael Goodale
Kitchen Kabaret
La Bonne Boulangerie
Laurel Lake Vineyards
Lee Beck Heit, Esq
Legend Nissan
Les Hall
Lido Kosher Deli
Lita Carballeira
Littler Mendelson
Long Island Plastic Surgical Group
Long Island Radio Group/Connoisseur Media
Main Street Wholesale Meats
Marc Tell
Mark Goodman
Messina Market
Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein
Mike Babich
Mio Posto
Mirabeau Nail Boutique
MO Trucking
Morgan Stanley
New York Islanders
New York Mets Foundation
Nisen Sushi
Nissequogue Golf Club
North Shore Prosthodontic
Northern Manor
Old Westbury Gardens
Page One
Panera Bread
Panera Bread Café 4052
Paul Terry
PBI Payroll
PC Richard & Son
Personal Training Institute
Pidgeon Hill Wine & Spirits
Prime Time Butcher
Pulse Magazine
Richner Communications
Ristorante Bevanda
Ronald J Krowne Photography
Salon Pop
Sam Tell & Sons
Scott Levy Photography
Seagis Property Group LP
Seviroli Foods
Shake Shack
South Bay Country Club
Starbucks Coffee Company
Stop & Shop
Sweet Karma Desserts
Sweet Lucilles Desserts
Tam O’Shanter Country Club
Tanger Outlets
TD Bank
Teresa Pantoliano
The Alicart Restaurant Group
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
The Metropolitan
The Summit Lodge
Tim Gomes
United States Beverage
United States Tennis Association
Vanguard Fire Suppression LLC
Waste Management
Wells Fargo
West East Bistro
Wings Over Farmingdale
Wonderful Wedding Cakes
Woodbury Mens Shop
Please note: While we strive for 100 percent accuracy, please accept our apology if your name is inadvertently
spelled incorrectly or unintentionally omitted. Each contribution and donation is greatly appreciated.
Island Har vest Annual Rep or t 2013
40 Marcus Blvd, Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788 • (631) 873-4775
199 Second Street, Mineola, N.Y. 11501 • (516) 294-8528