Actress Judi Dench battling Macular Degeneration


Actress Judi Dench battling Macular Degeneration
Issue 8 | Spring 2012
Cataract Surgery Can
Improve Sight, Whole
Body Health .................. 2
Announcing All Natural
AREDS2 Formula............ 3
5 Tips for Dry Eye Sufferers
in Winter................... 4-5
NEW! Ocular Support &
R.B.I. Vision Performance
Formulas.................... 6-7
LOW “GI” = Health
for Eyes ........................ 8
News on Counterfeit
Avastin.......................... 9
U.S. Patients Highly
Dissatisfied with Health
Insurance............... 10-11
Order Form..................12
Actress Judi Dench battling
Macular Degeneration
scar-winning actress Judi Dench acknowledged in an
interview with the Daily Mirror that she suffers from
macular degeneration and can no longer see faces in
front of her or read scripts. However, she refuses to let the disease
interfere with her acting career.
Almost 240,000 people in the United Kingdom are affected by
macular degeneration and it accounts for more than half of the
registrations for blind and partially sighted people in the UK. Ms.
Dench is affected by the wet form in one eye and the dry form in
the other eye. She underwent injections in hopes of halting the
progression of the wet form.
Ms. Dench revealed that her mother had been afflicted with
macular degeneration as well. With no plans to retire, Ms. Dench
uses glasses and bright light to assist her and will be reprising her
role of M in the next James Bond film which is set to be released
November 9, 2012.
Cataract surgery
can improve sight,
whole body health
body of research has shown that
many health problems associated
with old age, including memory
loss, cancer, and heart disease, may be
attributed to aging of the eye.
The gradual yellowing of the lens and
narrowing of the pupil that naturally occur
over time were previously thought to have
only ocular effects. Now, researchers argue
that by letting less and less sunlight pass
through the lens to the retina, these aging
processes inhibit the activation of important
photoreceptors that regulate the body’s
circadian rhythms.
Circadian rhythms encompass the cyclical
hormonal and physiological processes that
mobilize the body during the day and slow it
down for rest at night. These rhythms depend
on light to function properly and correspond
to the 24 hour day/night cycle. Studies have
found that individuals whose circadian
rhythms are out of sync, like shift workers,
are more vulnerable to a variety of health
problems. This is believed to be due to lower
release of melatonin, a hormone with many
health-promoting functions that plays an
important role in circadian rhythm regulation.
As a result, cataract extractions that
increase light entry to the retina may have
benefits not only for the eye, but also for
maintenance of circadian rhythms and overall
body health. In addition, heightening one’s
exposure to natural sunlight and bright
indoor lighting may limit the incidence of
many age-related problems. | 1-877-880-5251 | | Page 2
VisiVite.Com Announces
All-Natural AREDS2
Formula for Eye Health
he Supplement Facts section from a vitamin label isn’t
the normal image that garners accolades or interest.
But we’re proud to be the first and only company
in the world with an all-natural AREDS2 (Age Related Eye
Disease Study 2) macular health formula with NO synthetic
Vitamin E, NO artificial color, NO artificial flavor, and NO
artificial anything.
We therefore announce the latest iteration of VisiVite Premier
Ocular Formula No. 2 state-of-the-art ocular nutritional
How is our AREDS2 supplement different?
1 No Synthetic DL-alpha tocopherol. Our
formula only contains Natural D-alpha
2 No artificial color
3 No added sugar
4 No artificial sweetener
5 No chemical preservatives
6 No Titanium Dioxide.
Contains pharmaceutical grade ROPUFA
Omega-3 essential fatty acids from purified
fish oil | 1-877-880-5251 | | Page 3
“If I’ve got dry eyes,
why am I tearing
all the time?”
By Dr. Paul Krawitz
ith Dry Eye Syndrome, your
tear glands can’t keep up with
the rapid evaporation. This is
especially common in women over the age
of 30.
The clear cornea on the eye’s surface, as a result,
develops uncomfortable dry spots. The white
conjunctiva may become red. Light sensitivity
(photophobia) is common. So is a sense of hazy or
unclear vision, especially when reading or working on
a computer, when you blink much less frequently.
The eye, now irritated, sends a message for help to
the brain. The brain obliges with intermittent floods
of very watery tears.
Unfortunately, these are not the tears that really
help the symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome. Rather,
they’re a clumsy built-in rescue system that briefly
douses each new fire.
The most effective and highest quality tears are the ones
that “seep” all day long, trickling high quality nutrients
and moisture throughout the day, like one of those
soaker garden hoses with the thousand pinprick holes
that you lay down in your tomato garden.
It is this shortage of “basal tearing” that is the most
common culprit in Dry Eye Syndrome.
Here are my 5 Helpful Tricks to make you more
comfortable if you’re experiencing Dry Eye Symptoms: | 1-877-880-5251 | | Page 4
Humidify your bedroom.
Ultrasonic humidifiers are the
quietest and cheapest, but
in my own bedroom, I much
prefer the moist humidified air
that a warm mist humidifier
produces. The latter sounds
like eggs quietly frying in the
kitchen, but over time, I’ve
grown to like the sound.
Use artificial tears
not when the eyes
hurt, but rather
BEFORE your eyes
hurt. For my patients,
I generally recommend
2-4 times per day,
depending on how
severe their dry eye
Discuss Restasis
eyedrops with
your eye doctor.
In our practice,
about 50% of
patients notice an
Discuss punctal
plugs with your
eye doctor. This is a
non surgical procedure
that works to hold your
limited tears on the
eye before you blink
them away and they
disappear down the
tear canal into your
Consider using
my patented
Dry Eye Relief
Tear Stabilization
Formula. After two
months use, double
blind studies indicate
about 70% of people
notice a marked
improvement in their
symptoms. | 1-877-880-5251 | | Page 5
Introducing 2 New VisiVite Formulas!
Did you know that 500 genes
contribute to inherited eye diseases?
Family history is a strong predictor
of eye problems, especially when
it comes to age-related macular
degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.
Whether you’re trying to avoid
grandma’s AMD or dad’s cataracts,
VisiVite has a new formula designed
to provide premium nutrition to
healthy eyes: VisiVite Balanced
Ocular Support.
VisiVite Balanced Ocular Support
is designed to maintain sharp vision and healthy eyes for a lifetime. This dynamic blend unites
traditional eye health nutrients like zeaxanthin, astaxanthin and lutein with microcirculationboosting ginkgo biloba, inflammation-modulating turmeric and a range of protective
The earlier you start with sight-supportive nutrition, the better your long-term results will be.
If eye problems run in your family, start with VisiVite Balanced Ocular Support right away to
preserve your crystal-clear vision. If you’re already dealing with eye health problems, share your
wisdom with your children and grandchildren – let them know that eye issues run in the family,
and give them VisiVite Balanced Ocular Support to promote their future vision health.
Both VisiVite Balanced Ocular Support and
R.B.I. Vision Performance are scheduled for sale on July 1, 2012. | 1-877-880-5251 | | Page 6
Do you have a hard time keeping an eye on
your golf drives? Always losing golf balls in
the rough? Or perhaps when playing tennis
you struggle with tracking the ball through
blazing sunlight, glare and shadows. If so,
you’re the reason why VisiVite is so proud
to introduce R.B.I. Vision Performance: an
innovative supplement that promotes pro
quality sports vision.
Featuring a never-before-seen blend of
sight-enhancing nutrients, R.B.I. Vision
Performance reduces glare, boosts contrast,
sharpens acuity, enhances focus speed,
energizes the eyes and accelerates electrical
transmission in the retina. R.B.I. Vision
Performance is safe and all-natural –
laboratory tested to be free of any banned
substances in professional and amateur
Do you want to take your game to the
next level? Do you want to achieve worldclass athletic vision for other pursuits, such
as driving or photography? Maybe you have
an athlete in your family; a nephew, niece
or grandchild who can elevate their prowess
with R.B.I. Vision Performance. Try a bottle
of R.B.I. today and see why this athletic
vision accelerator is a true game changer! | 1-877-880-5251 | | Page 7
for eyes
Counterfeit vials of Avastin discovered in the U.S.
ave you tried the South Beach Diet,
NutriSystem, or Zone Diet? If so,
you probably already know about
the Glycemic Index (GI): A rating scale of
1-100 that measures different foods’ impact
on blood sugar. “Low-GI” diets that keep
blood sugar levels stable have gained fame
for helping with weight loss. Better still,
these Low-GI diets have also been shown to
reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and
diabetes. Plus, new research now shows these
Low-GI diets may even protect your eyesight,
But what does Glycemic Index mean? Any
time you consume carbs (yes, beverages
count!), your body breaks those carbs down
into sugars that enter the bloodstream.
Simple carbohydrates (like white bread, rice,
potatoes and sugar) have higher GI ratings
– they are absorbed quickly and cause a big
spike in blood sugar. High blood sugar levels
have been associated with a host of different
health problems. Complex carbs (like multigrain whole wheat bread, legumes and fiber),
on the other hand, have lower GI ratings
– they are absorbed slowly, so their sugars
gradually enter the bloodstream.
A recent study conducted at the Laboratory
for Nutrition and Vision Research at Tufts
University suggests that “slow carb” lowGI diets may help to ward off Age-Related
Macular Degeneration (AMD). In the study,
middle-aged mice were fed either a lower GI
or higher GI diet. At the study’s conclusion,
the high-GI mice were found to have larger,
more severe age-related lesions in their
retinas than the low-GI mice. These lesions
also occur in human adults over age 60, and
are considered among the earliest warning
signs of AMD.
The researchers also pointed out that the
high-GI mice had higher levels of toxic,
age-accelerating waste matter known as
Advanced Glycation End Products (AGE)
in their retinal pigment epithelium (RPE).
These damaging AGEs may be especially
bad for vision health, since the RPE protects
and nourishes the eye’s rods and cones. RPE
LOW GI | Continued on Next Page | 1-877-880-5251 | | Page 8
octors and hospitals
around the country
are being put on alert
that a counterfeit version of
Avastin has been found in the
United States. It is unknown at
this time whether any patients
were given the fake version or
if it has caused any harm. It is
also unclear how much of the
counterfeit drug was distributed.
The product does not contain
the active ingredients that are in
Genentech, the makers of
Avastin, are still testing the
counterfeit vials to see what
they actually do contain
but a spokeswoman for the
pharmaceutical company asserts
that the counterfeit product
is not safe or effective and
should not be used. Healthcare
providers are being asked to
report any suspected counterfeit
products to the FDA’s Office of
Criminal Investigations.
The counterfeit product was
packaged in boxes that were
labeled in French and had lot
numbers that included letters
Continued from page 8
damage is associated with vision loss and
The recent Tufts study echoes other studies’
low-GI findings. In fact, an earlier analysis of
the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS)
suggested low-GI diets may reduce risk of
AMD development by up to twenty percent!
while the authentic Avastin
clearly indicates they are made
by Genentech and are labeled in
English with lot numbers that
do not contain letters. Avastin
is an approved treatment for
some forms of cancer but is also
used off label to treat the wet
form of age-related macular
Low-GI diets can be satisfying and easy
to follow, promoting overall wellness in
addition to preserving vision health. For even
more vision support, combine low-GI foods
with eye-protective antioxidant nutrients
like lutein and zeaxanthin. By minimizing
production of retina-damaging AGEs and
protecting important eye cells, this dietary
strategy may help to maintain crystal-clear
vision health for the long haul. | 1-877-880-5251 | | Page 9
U.S. Patients Highly Dissatisfied
with Health Insurance
atients often
ask me which
health insurer
I recommend for their
Other than Medicare
for people 65 and older,
there aren’t any. Monthly
costs to the subscriber
increase by 20-40% per
year. But that isn’t the
only economic burden.
Copays, formerly $10 per
visit, are now $40.00 to
$50.00 – in some cases,
more than the visit cost.
Deductibles -the annual
amount required for the individual or family to
spend before insurance pays the first dollar, are
now thousands of dollars. And doctors aren’t
the beneficiaries either, with lessened pay that
occurs each January 1st like clockwork. The
lingo that health insurance companies use when
referring to payments for doctors and hospitals
are “losses”, which clearly defines their primary
motivation with their subscribers.
My opinion is now backed up by Consumer
Reports, a not-for-profit magazine. In
November 2011, the magazine published a
report rating the largest insurers, state by state.
Here is how the largest health insurers on
Long Island, New York stacked up with
Consumer Satisfaction, on a scale of 1 (Worst)
to 5 (Best):
Medicare, with higher levels of satisfaction, is
financially underwater. And as the population
continues to shift to an older average, that will
REPORT | Continued on Next Page | 1-877-880-5251 | | Page 10
Continued from page 10
So what is the answer?
I believe that Canada
provides the template for a
reasonable solution, although
when that country instituted
universal health care, it wasn’t
initially true.
Canada provides all of its
citizens with a basic level of
coverage. Initially, it was the
only way in which patients
could see doctors or seek
hospital care. In its early
years, doctors were financially
penalized for earning above
a certain level of income,
leading many of them to take
four-month “holidays” (the
term that Canadians use for
vacations). And stories of
patients waiting 6 months to
obtain MRI’s in Canada were
legendary here in the United
Doctors and patients both
screamed to be allowed to go
outside the basic universal
health care system. The
Canadian government balked,
stating that they refused to
allow a “Two tier health care
But as the system evolved,
the government began to
bend. And it is now true that
companies and individuals
who can afford it can now go
outside the system for care that
is above the minimum.
Americans scream for
universal health care, but cry
for lower taxes.
And you can’t have both.
Canada’s top tax tier is 48%.
And up north, there is no such
thing as a mortgage interest
With the United States
presidential election less than
one year away, you’re going
to be hearing a lot about the
unsustainable, broken health
care system. And prior to the
election, no politician, not
even our incumbent President,
will tell you something that
you don’t want to hear.
But the 3 requirements are:
1. A beneficial tax
environment for businesses,
in order to foster employment
and a mighty economic
2. Higher personal taxes. Yes,
higher taxes. Of course, no
politician will tell you this in
an election year.
3. Basic Universal Health for
all, with the availability to go
outside that system. | 1-877-880-5251 | | Page 11 | 1-877-880-5251 | | Page 12