"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic


"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic
Dear all,
Please find below and attached the updates for March. We are back to Fenton Manor on the weekend of 19th
/ 20th March for the Open Individual Apparatus, Group Seeding, and GBR Selection event. For more
information on how to purchase tickets, please see BG website here. See you there !
Have also appended the newsletter from UEG, which contains some interesting updates for Rhythmic.
If you would like to receive our newsletters, please send a request to RG TC Contact. Previous newsletters
can be found here. If you no longer wish to receive this information, then please send an email with the
subject “Rhythmic News Opt Out” to RG TC Contact
Kind regards
Ruth Wilson
RG TC Information Officer
14th March 2016
- Competition News
- GBR Representation
- Zonal Grades
- Cycle 14 FIG International Judging Course
- Coaching Update
- UEG Newsletter
Competitions News
The West Midlands Open Rhythmic competition will take place on Sunday 8 May 2016, Worcester as follows
Class 1 - learning disabilities
Class 2 - physical or sensory
Age groups
Under 10. Free routine only
Under 12. 1 apparatus routine only (by choice)
2 apparatus routines by choice
2 apparatus routines by choice.
Routines on level 1/2. Sheets are not required. Special Olympics routines are permitted.
(Classification certificates to be sent to Lisa Higgins , 7 Bond Street, Rowley Regis, West Midlands, B65 0QQ.
For further information please contact Lisa. Entry will be available via BG website
"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic Gymnastics to flourish in the UK"
GBR Representation
Our gymnasts have been representing GBR at a number of competitions recently. Please find results below.
Moscow Grand Prix, Moscow, Russia
On the 19th-21st February, Stephani Sherlock represented GBR, supported by Deb Hows as coach,
achieving 44th position with an overall score of 54.731.
World Cup, Espoo, Finland
On the 26th-28th February, Laura Halford represented GBR, supported by Nia Evans as coach and Jo
Coombs as Judge, achieving 31st position with an overall score of 61.250.
Aphrodite Cup, Athens, Greece
This competition took place on 11th-13th March, with both Senior and Junior representation. The
gymnasts were supported by Eva Gold and Borislava Ilieva as coaches, and Rebecca Bunce as judge.
- Junior (3 pieces)
Alida Bogdanova (40.550)
Hannah Martin (39.550)
Christiana Vitanova (38.500)
Eve-Baker Roberts (36.100)
Junior (2 pieces)
Amaranta Chavez (23.900)
Abigail Hanford (22.100)
11th Stephani Sherlock (57.650)
26th Gemma Frizelle (51.850)
Congratulations to the Junior team for their 8th position overall, with a combined score of 80.25 and to Stephani
Sherlock in reaching finals for Senior Individual Clubs.
Zonal Grades
Please find attached zonal grades information as available. Contact points below.
Zone A, contact Anni Ahmavaara
Zone B, contact Jo Coombs
Zone C, contact Nicky Richards
Zone D, contact Laura Hogg
Cycle 14 FIG International Judging Course
Please find attached information and application form for the selection of GBR judges to attend a Cycle 14 FIG
International Judging Course and Exam. If you wish to be considered for selection by GBR to attend an FIG
International Judges course and exam to become an FIG Brevet Judge in the next cycle, you must complete and
return the attached form to Vicki Pearson by "If you wish to be considered for selection by GBR to attend an
FIG International Judges course and exam to become an FIG Brevet Judge in the next cycle, you must
complete and return the attached form to Vicki Pearson by 31 March 2016
"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic Gymnastics to flourish in the UK"
Coaching Update
The sheets template and symbols table for constructing sheets for both Individual & Group can now be
found on RG Downloads here.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UEG Newsletter
From: UEG [mailto:info=ueg.org@cmail20.com] On Behalf Of UEG
Sent: 09 March 2016 11:05
To: information
Subject: Beauty, Art & Sport: The Rhythmic Gymnastics Newsletter N° 3
Beauty, Art & Sport: The Rhythmic Gymnastics
Newsletter N° 3
March 9th, 2016
No Images? Click here
"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic Gymnastics to flourish in the UK"
"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic Gymnastics to flourish in the UK"
Welcome to our first Newsletter of 2016! January
and February flew by with the preparation of an
action-packed Rhythmic Gymnastics season,
highlighted by the European Championships in
Holon (ISR) in June and our training camp for girls
in July in Obertraun (AUT). Of course we also
looked even further ahead, to the new Olympic
cycle 2017 - 2020 for which the FIG is working on
an updated Code of Points. Our meeting with FIG
première Newsletter de
2016 !
President Natalia Kuzmina brought out fruitful
discussions while focusing on cooperation between
the different Unions.
février ont passé très
vite avec la préparation
rythmique ; les temps
d’Europe à Holon (ISR)
en juin et notre stage
jeunes gymnastes en
(AUT). Bien sûr, nous
avons regardé bien audelà
en étudiant le
Olympique 2017-2020
"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic Gymnastics to flourish in the UK"
travaille sur une mise à
Présidente de la FIG
donné des discussions
nous focalisant sur la
coopération entre les
différentes Unions.
"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic Gymnastics to flourish in the UK"
Mid-February, in sub-zero weather, our Russian friends offered our Technical
Committee a verywarm welcome at the Olympic Center in Moscow. We
gathered there to hold our first TC meeting of 2016. The main task of the
meeting was a discussion with Natalia Kuzmina, President of the FIG RG-TC.
She shed her light on the new qualification system for the Olympic Games,
which will commence with the Tokyo 2020 Games, we discussed the
"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic Gymnastics to flourish in the UK"
preparation of the test event in Rio and the new Code of Points for the next
Olympic cycle 2017-2020. The first draft of the new Code of Points was
presented to us and Mrs Kuzmina asked for our remarks, especially concerning
the junior programme which we will happily provide. Our two next TC
meetings will be in Holon, the first from 14 to 17 April, when we will draw the
starting order for the European Championships, and the second during those
Europeans from 12 to 21 June.
Mi-février, par des températures en-dessous de zéro, nos amis russes ont
offert à notre Comité Technique un accueil très chaleureux au centre
olympique à Moscou. Nous nous sommes réunies pour notre première réunion
CT de 2016. La tâche principale de cette réunion était une discussion avec
Natalia Kuzmina, Présidente du CT-GR FIG. Elle a mis la lumière sur le
nouveau système de qualification pour les Jeux Olympiques, qui débutera avec
les Jeux de Tokyo en 2020 ; nous avons parlé de la préparation du test event
à Rio et du nouveau Code de Pointage pour le cycle Olympique à venir (20172020). Le premier projet du nouveau Code de Pointage nous a été présenté et
Mme Kuzmina a demandé notre avis, spécialement concernant le programme
junior, ce que nous allons faire avec joie. Nos deux prochaines réunions CT
auront lieu à Holon ; la première du 14 au 17 avril, avec le tirage au sort de
l’ordre de passage pour les Championnats d’Europe, et la deuxième lors de ces
Européens du 12 au 21 juin.
"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic Gymnastics to flourish in the UK"
2 months before the Olympics all eyes will be on Holon, where Europe’s best
junior and senior gymnasts will gather to battle for the continental title. The
Local Organising Committee is in full swing, tickets went on sale and the
website was launched. At the recent Moscow Grand Prix we saw the
extraordinary level of some of the juniors, and by then, the seniors will have
their routines perfected for the Olympics. A competition of a dazzling level
announces itself. And the OC is very pleased and anxious to welcome the
gymnasts, specialists and rhythmic gymnastics fans in their new sports center,
build especially for this beautiful sport.
"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic Gymnastics to flourish in the UK"
2 mois avant les Jeux Olympiques tous les yeux seront tournés sur Holon, où
les meilleures gymnastes juniors et seniors de l’Europe se réuniront pour
décrocher les titres continentaux. Le travail du Comité d’Organisation Local
avance bien, les billets sont en ventes et le site internet a été lancé. Au Grand
Prix de Moscou, nous avons pu voir le niveau extraordinaire de certaines
juniors, et jusqu’aux ChE, les seniors auront leurs exercices perfectionnés pour
les JO. Une compétition avec un niveau éblouissant s’annonce. Et le CO est
très heureux et anxieux de souhaiter la bienvenue aux gymnastes, spécialistes
et fans de la gymnastique rythmique dans le nouveaux complexe sportif,
construit tout spécialement pour ce magnifique sport.
"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic Gymnastics to flourish in the UK"
Obertraun in Austria welcomes gymnasts ages 10 to 12 (born 2004 – 2006) to
our 2016 training camp. It will be held from 3 to 8 July and the experts include
Olympic Champions Marina Lobach (technique of body movements) and
Evgeniya Kanaeva (apparatus). They will be joined by Alexander Savitsij
(ballet) and Annires Marchetti & Vincent Coppeaux (physiotherapy). We are
extremely proud to have such fantastic experts on hand to guide our talented
Obertraun en Autriche accueille des gymnastes âgées de 10 à 12 ans (nées
2004 – 2006) pour notre stage d’entraînement du 3 au 8 juillet. Parmi les
"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic Gymnastics to flourish in the UK"
experts sont les Championnes Olympiques Marina Lobach (technique des
mouvements corporels) et Evgeniya Kanaeva (engins). Elles seront rejointes
par Alexander Savitsij (ballet) et Annires Marchetti & Vincent Coppeaux
Nous sommes extrêmement fières d’avoir de tels experts fantastiques pour
guider nos talentueuses gymnastes.
On 22 April Olympic host Rio de Janeiro (BRA) organises the ‘Aquece Rio’ (Rio
Prepares) test event. This is the second and last qualifying event for all
gymnasts. 7 groups will battle for 4 remaining places, but with one place
guaranteed for host nation Brazil, it basically means 6 groups for 3 places. For
"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic Gymnastics to flourish in the UK"
Europe, Germany, Azerbaijan, Greece and Finland are competing. In the
individual competition 23 gymnasts fight for at least 6 places. 3 more places
are reserved for continental representation and one for the host nation. These
4 places can still go to the next eligible gymnast if the conditions for the
allocation have been fulfilled. 1 gymnast is invited by the Tripartite
Commission, the so-called ‘wild card’. The reigning World Champions, the
Russian group and Yana Kudryavtseva, are invited to compete, as are
Margarita Mamun and Melitina Staniouta. We wish our gymnasts, coaches and
judges a fantastic competition!
Le 22 avril, l’hôte Olympique Rio de Janeiro (BRA) organise le ‘Aquece Rio’ (Rio
Prépare) test event. Ceci est la deuxième et dernière chance de se qualifier
pour toutes les gymnastes. 7 ensembles seront en compétition pour les 4
places restantes, mais puisqu’une place est déjà garantie pour la nation hôte
le Brésil, il n’y a finalement que 3 places pour 6 ensembles. Les Fédérations
européennes suivantes seront en lice : Allemagne, Azerbaïdjan, Grèce et la
Finlande. Du côté des individuelles, 23 gymnastes se battront pour au moins 6
places. 3 places de plus sont réservées pour la représentation continentale et
une pour la nation hôte. Ces 4 places peuvent toujours aller aux prochaines
gymnastes éligibles si les conditions pour l’allocation ont été remplies. 1
gymnaste est invitée par la Commission Tripartite, appelée ‘wild card’. Les
Championnes du Monde en titre, l’ensemble russe et Yana Kudryavtseva, sont
invités à concourir, tout comme Margarita Mamun et Melitina Staniouta. Nous
souhaitons à nos gymnastes, entraîneurs et juges une sublime compétition !
"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic Gymnastics to flourish in the UK"
With my kind regards
Heide Bruneder
RG-TC President
"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic Gymnastics to flourish in the UK"
Union Européenne de Gymnastique (UEG)
Avenue de Rhodanie 2
1001 Lausanne
+41 21 613 7332
"Aspiring to create a performance environment for Rhythmic Gymnastics to flourish in the UK"