Creating Promoting Providing Representing
Creating Promoting Providing Representing
OF COMMERCE Creating a strong local economy Promoting the community Providing networking opportunities Representing the interests of business with government L A F A Y E T T E CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Business & Community Directory CHAMBER 100 Lafayette Circle Suite 103 Lafayette, CA 94549 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2010-2011 Business & Community Directory Welcome to Lafayette................................................................................................... 2 Community Events............................................................................................................2 Lafayette Chamber of Commerce......................................................................................3 City Government/Other Important Phone Numbers................................................... 4-5 Lafayette Schools........................................................................................................... 6-7 Lafayette Arts and Science Foundation (LASF)................................................................7 Dine In Lafayette........................................................................................................... 8-9 The Library......................................................................................................................10 Places of Worship.............................................................................................................11 Shop Lafayette.................................................................................................................12 Lafayette Demographics...................................................................................................13 Economic Profile: City Revenues & Expenses................................................................14 Clubs and Organizations..................................................................................................15 Shopper’s Guide......................................................................................................... 17-33 The Arts............................................................................................................................34 Lafayette Reservoir & Recreation Area & Lafayette Community Center......................35 The Arts...................................................................................................................... 36-37 Lafayette History...............................................................................................................36 Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Membership List.................................................. 38-47 Publisher Lafayette Chamber of Commerce 100 Lafayette Circle, Suite 103 Lafayette,CA 94549 ph: 925.284.7404 fx: 925.284.3109 Design & Production Britt Brown Design Advertising Sales Lyn Thorsen Printing Minuteman Press The information in this directory is carefully gathered and compiled in such a way as to ensure maximum accuracy. However, the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce cannot guarantee the authenticity of the information furnished them, nor the absence thereof. Thus, no responsibility for omissions and errors can be, nor is assumed. Community E v e n t s Welcome to Lafayette While some people might still consider Lafayette a sleepy little town, those of us who live and work here know better. It’s a unique, beautiful and vibrant little corner of the world, characterized by a blossoming downtown, terrific schools and a sophisticated yet rural atmosphere. What really sets Lafayette apart is its true sense of community, evident just about everywhere you turn. Area schools rank among the best in the state, partially because of significant volunteerism by parents who know that being involved matters. You also see volunteers out on the field coaching, planning events, improving parks, building sets at the community theater or running a charity. Volunteers are also the backbone of our city government, as elected and appointed leaders give hundreds and hundreds of hours dedicated to improving our community. The city’s downtown area is alive with energy as new restaurants, retail shopping projects and thriving businesses turn what was once primarily strip development into a truly attractive destination to shop, dine and relax. Lafayette used to roll up the carpet and go to sleep at the end of the day, but an exciting mix of fine restaurants (our own “Restaurant Row”) now serves everything from Japanese, Thai, Chinese, Mexican and Indian cuisine. With many eating establishments located within walking distance of each other, it’s now common to see people strolling downtown in the evening, pleasantly nodding to neighbors as they pass on the street. Live theater, art galleries, musical programs and a four-diamond hotel and spa also grace the downtown area. Perhaps Lafayette’s community spirit is best exemplified by the effort to build our new Lafayette Library and Learning Center. Completed in 2009, the Library is a place where young families, retirees, emptynesters, college students and professionals all come together around a program of lifelong learning. City Council, City Staff and the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce are working together on completing a new Downtown Strategic Plan to ensure a promising future. Hundreds of residents and downtown property owners and business owners have weighed in on what our downtown should look and feel like in the years to come. This Business and Community Directory serves as a resource for learning a little bit about Lafayette, its local businesses and services, demographics, history, organizations and activities. We hope you’ll use it as a springboard for exploring all that Lafayette has to offer! Shopping in Lafayette produces additional revenue for our city to thrive. Remember, when doing your shopping, TRY LAFAYETTE FIRST! Jay Lifson Lafayette Chamber of Commerce CEO Other Community Events • • • • • • • Rock the Plaza on Friday Evenings Throughout August Annual Lafayette Jazz Festival Big Band Dances Featuring The Rossmoor Big Band Thanksgiving Community Breakfast Citizen of the Year Dinner Business Person of the Year Dinner December Art Walk For more information: or call the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce at (925) 284-7404. 4 A Taste of Lafayette A Taste of Lafayette which debuted in 2003 offers a tour of many of the City’s finest dining establishments with an opportunity to sample the signature cuisine of each restaurant. The evening begins at Lafayette Plaza with wine, hors d’oeuvres and music. From there, ticket holders go at their own pace to any or all - of the participating restaurants. The evening wraps up back at the Plaza with dessert and coffee. Proceeds from the event are shared with the Lafayette Community Foundation. This event is part of Lafayette’s Restaurant Row program each May. Lafayette Art & Wine Festival The Lafayette Art & Wine Festival, held each year on the third weekend in September, is the largest event in Lamorinda and one of the three biggest outdoor festivals in Contra Costa County. Over 100,000 visitors attend, strolling among the art, handmade crafts, sampling foods from top local restaurants, and enjoying quality wines and microbrews. Non-stop musical entertainment on four stages throughout the weekend helps spark the block party ambiance. The “Premium Wine Pavilion” offering tastes of some of the world’s finest wines. The event also includes a KIDS ZONE and a Local Artists Alley. Lafayette Reservoir Run The Lafayette Reservoir Run is the city’s most popular “family affair,” involving kids, parents, grandparents, and thousands of serious runners from throughout the Bay Area. 2,300 participants compete in a 10k, 5k or 2 mile race through the heart of the downtown, around the reservoir and back. Sprinters, walkers, the “stroller brigade” and many of Lafayette’s top four legged residents share the streets on this festive Sunday morning. The Chamber of Commerce and the City of Lafayette are co-sponsors of the Run which is traditionally held on the last Sunday in October. Beneficiaries of the event are the local schools and the services and programs of the Chamber. Lafayette Chamber of Commerce The Lafayette Chamber of Commerce has grown considerably over the years, but its mission remains the same as when it was launched in 1947: “To promote and maintain a healthy business climate and to preserve and enhance the quality of life in Lafayette.” The mission is still relevant more than half a century later because it recognizes that businesses flourish as part of a larger community that must also be maintained and nurtured. Representing more than 640 businesses and professionals in Lafayette and beyond, the Chamber: Provides opportunities for networking and referral, including monthly mixers, leads groups, membership luncheons, the “Entrepreneur’s Club” and events such as the “Business Person of the Year” dinner and “Citizen of the Year” dinner and “Coffee with the Mayor.” Hosts opportunities for business promotion, including ribbon cuttings, the business-to-business EXPO, the Chamber newsletter, directory, and cooperative advertising campaigns. Serves as an advocate for the business community, representing business issues and perspectives in public forums, including the Lafayette City Council and city commissions. Sponsors and supports community events, including the Lafayette Art & Wine Festival and the Lafayette Reservoir Run which is co-sponsored with the City of Lafayette, bringing thousands of visitors to the city, benefiting businesses, commu¬nity organizations and residents. We live and work in a special city that has outstanding schools, beautiful hillsides, quaint neighborhoods and shopping areas, and a vibrant downtown. We are blessed with hundreds of residents and business people who volunteer their time and money to create and run programs that have significant impact on our community. We are proud to be part of this community. For more information about the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, call (925) 284-7404, visit, or stop by 100 Lafayette Circle, #103. 2009 Officers EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair of the Board: Tony Eichers, Lafayette Park Hotel & Spa Vice Chair: Caesar Perales, CPA Executive Committee: Larry Blodgett, Blodgett’s Abbey Carpet & Flooring Steve Cortese, Cortese Investment Company Dennis Garrison, Oakwood Athletic Club Stacy Spell, Oakwood Athletic Club Edward Zeidan, Nerd4Rent Barbara Townsend, Futures Explored Immediate Past President: Larry Duson, Bank of the West BOARD OF DIRECTORS Polly Bernson, Diablo Rapid Print Debbie Cooper, Mechanics Bank Mike Heller, BMW Concord Budd MacKenzie, Trust in Education Sandi Mitchell, Empire Realty Associates A.J. Nisen, Bank of America Mortgages Steve Palsa, Minuteman Press Dave Simpson, Lafayette Book Store Steve Snyder, RPM Mortgage David Watson, Professional Automotive, LLC ADVISORY BOARD Joanne Archer, Sew Fine Interiors Fred Brill, Lafayette School District Ann Denny, Chamber C.E.O. Emeritus Steven Falk, City Manager, City of Lafayette Nora Harlow, East Bay Municipal Utility District Chris Lane, Judy Francis - State Farm Insurance Ute Medford, Heritage Bank of Commerce Ed Stokes, Diablo Foods, Inc. Wendy Tamis, Clocks, Etc. Jesse Wellen, Lafayette Car Wash & Detail Center CHAMBER OFFICE STAFF Jay Lifson, C.E.O. Karen Rose, Director of Events Linda Carlson, Office Manager Barbara Gilmore, Membership Services Director 5 City Government Community Development Hours: 8:30-11:30am & 1:30-4:30pm, Monday through Friday Since its incorporation in 1968, Lafayette has been governed by five non-paid council members who are elected at large for four year terms. The mayor is selected from the Council and serves a one-year term. The Council usually meets the second and fourth Monday nights of each month at the Community Center, 500 St. Mary’s Road. An appointed City Manager serves as chief executive officer and is responsible for the day-to-day administration of city affairs. 2009 LAFAYETTE CITY COUNCIL City Offices Phone: (925) 284-1968 Don Tatzin - Mayor Brandt Andersson - Vice Mayor Mike Anderson Carl Anduri Carol Federighi For messages to all Council CITY INFORMATION 3675 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #210 Lafayette, CA 94549-1968 Website: email: Council/staff members can be reached via e-mail using the following address format: first initial + last Administration General Reception:...................... 284-1968 Steven Falk, City Manager:........ 284-1968 fax:........................... 284-3169 Tracy Robinson, Administrative Services Director... 299-3227 Gonzalo Silva, Financial Services Manager . .... 299-3213 Joanne Robbins, City Clerk . ..... 299-3210 6 Ann Merideth, Director.............. 299-3218 Niroop Srivatsa, Planning Services Manager....... 299-3206 Tony Coe, Engineering Services Manager.. 299-3203 Ron Lefler, Public Works Services Manager...934-3908 Public Works Hotline (to report problems)................... 299-3259 Maintenance Yard........................ 934-3908 Police Services Lt. Michael Hubbard, Chief........ 283-3680 Emergency: 24 Hours............................ 911 Police Dispatch: 24 Hours........... 284-5010 Police Business Office.................. 283-3680 Contra Costa County Consolidated Fire District Emergency Calls.................................... 911 Emergency for Deaf or Hearing Impaired................... 930-5577 Weed Abatement......................... 941-3300 Fire Prevention Bureau................ 941-3300 Lamorinda School Bus Program Juliet Hansen, Program Manager...299-3216 fax:....................... 283-2181 Parks & Recreation Jennifer Russell, Director........... 284-2232 fax:....................... 284-1549 Mei Sun Li, Senior Services........ 284-5050 Building & Grading Permits One must go to the Lafayette Planning Services Division first, and then to Contra Costa County Building Inspection Office at 3685 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 120, Lafayette (299-0263) Hours: 8:00am-12:00noon and 1:00-4:30pm. (Closed during lunch hour.) Monday-Thursday and 2nd & 4th Fridays; closed 1st & 3rd Fridays. To Obtain a Business Permit in Contra Costa County Information needed to open a business in Contra Costa County may be obtained from the County Website ( or the following California Government website: CITY COMMISSIONS Commissions oversee specific areas of responsibility for the City. Commissioners are appointed to serve without compensation for an indefinite period. The Commissions are: • Circulation Commission • Crime Prevention Commission • Design Review Commission • Emergency Preparedness Commission • Parks, Trails & Recreation Commission • Planning Commission • Senior Services Commission • Youth Services Commission MONTHLY CITY MEETINGS City Council 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:00pm Manzanita Room* Circulation Commission 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:00pm Manzanita Room* Creeks Commission 1st Monday, 7:00pm 3675 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 265 Crime Prevention Commission 4th Wednesday, 7:00pm 3675 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 265 Design Review Commission 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:00pm Manzanita Room* Emergency Preparedness Commission 2nd Wednesday, 9:15am 3675 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 265 Parks, Trails & Recreation Commission 2nd Wednesday, 7:00pm Alder Room* Planning Commission 1st & 3rd Thursday, 7:00pm Manzanita Room* Senior Services Commission 4th Wednesday, 10:00am Elderberry Room* Youth Commission 2nd Monday, 6:00pm - Elderberry Room * * Located at the Lafayette Community Center, 500 St. Mary’s Road NOTE: City Council, Planning and DRC will move to the new Library and Learning Center after completion of project. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY Board of Supervisors, Second District Gayle B. Uilkema 651 Pine St., #108-A, Martinez, CA 94553 925-335-1046 (Martinez) 925-646-6067 (Lafayette) fax: 925-335-1076 email: STATE OF CALIFORNIA California State Assembly, Fourteenth District Nancy Skinner.............. 916-319-2014 Capitol Office, Room 4139 Sacramento, CA 95814 District Office 712 El Cerrito Plaza El Cerrito, CA 94530 510-559-1406 • fax: 510-559-1478 email: California State Senate, Seventh District Mark DeSaulnier ............. 925-942-6082 1350 Treat Blvd., #240 Walnut Creek, CA 9597 or State Capitol, Room 2068 916-445-6083 (Sacramento) Sacramento, CA 95814 Fax: 925-280-0299 email: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.... 916-445-2841 Constituent Affairs State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 fax: 916-445-4633 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Congressional Representative, Tenth District For information about the current Tenth District Representative for California go to U.S. Senate Barbara Boxer............... 415-403-0100 1700 Montgomery St., #240 San Francisco, CA 94111 202-224-3553 (Washington, D.C.) fax: 415-956-6701 email: Important Phone Numbers EMERGENCIES: POLICE, FIRE, MEDICAL - 911 Fire................................................ 941-3300 Police............................................ 284-5010 Animal Control............................... 335-8300 Sanitary Sewer........... 933-0955 & 933-0990 Public Works................................. 299-3259 UTILITIES Cable TV: Comcast Bills & Service........................ 800-945-2288 Garbage Allied Waste Waste (residential)........................ 603-1144 Waste (commercial)...................... 603-1144 Recycling Valley Waste Management ........... 935-8900 Pacific Gas & Electric............ 800-743-5000 Water (EBMUD)..................... 866-403-2683 Local Telephone Service AT&T-Residential Service........ 800-228-2020 . Business Service.................... 800-750-2355 TRANSPORTATION Senior Spirit Van........................... 284-5546 School Bus Program..................... 299-3216 Durham Transport.......................... 825-4790 Student Bus Passes...................... 284-1968 Public Bus - County Connection.... 676-7500 BART Info............................... 510-464-6000 Carpool Info........................................... 511 U.S. Senate continued Dianne Feinstein........... 415-393-0707 (San Francisco) 1 Post St., #2450 San Francisco, CA 94104 202-224-3841 (Washington, D.C.) fax: 415-536-6841 email: President Barack Obama . ............ 202-456-1414 The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D.C. 20500 fax: 202-456-2461 email: AIRPORTS Concord Airport (Buchanan Field) . ...... 646-5722 Oakland Airport............................. 510-563-3300 San Francisco Airport.................... 650-821-8211 San Jose Airport........................... 408-501-7600 NEWSPAPERS Contra Costa Times............................. 935-2525 Lafayette Today.................................... 820-8662 Lamorinda Sun..................................... 952-2648 Lamorinda Weekly................................ 377-0977 San Francisco Chronicle................ 800-281-2476 HOSPITALS Lafayette has a wide variety of physicians and dentists. Area hospitals are located in Walnut Creek, Concord, Berkeley, and Oakland. Check with local physicians to see the closest place various tests can be taken. The Shoppers’ Guide in this directory contains the names of some local physicians and dentists. You may also want to call the Alameda-Contra Costa Medical Association, 510-654-5383. Alta Bates Medical Center............. 510-540-4444 Children’s Hospital of Oakland................................... 510-428-3000 John Muir Medical Center.................... 939-3000 Kaiser Medical Center.......................... 295-4000 Alta Bates Summit Medical Center...510-655-4000 PUBLIC SERVICES Post Office........................................... 283-8229 Elections - Registration......................... 335-7800 Absentee Ballots.............................. 335-7800 Library.................................................. 283-3872 Senior Center....................................... 284-5050 PARKS & RECREATION City Parks & Recreation........................ 284-2232 East Bay Regional Parks................ 888-327-2757 Lafayette Reservoir.............................. 284-9669 COMMUNITY OFFICES Lafayette Historical Society.................. 283-6812 COMMUNITY SERVICES AIDS Hotline........................................ 313-6770 Alcoholics Anonymous Hotline............. 939-4155 Alcohol & Drug Abuse Council.............. 932-8100 California Highway Patrol...................... 828-0466 Child Abuse.......................................... 957-7300 Family Stress Center............................ 827-0212 Poison Control Center................... 800-222-1222 Rape Crisis Center........................ 800-670-7273 Senior Helpline Services....................... 284-8328 STAND Against Domestic Violence...... 676-2845 Suicide Prevention......................... 800-833-2900 7 L aLfafayette a y e t t e SSchools chools LAFAYETTE SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT OFFICES Welcome to the Lafayette School District. A kindergarten through eighth grade district, the system includes about 3200 students in four elementary (K-5) schools and one middle (6-8) school. The District offers a full range of services based on the needs of the students, yet the basic instructional day centers around the core subjects: Reading, Language Arts and Mathematics. As a result, the students continually score among the highest of all California students. Most will be collegebound after attending either Acalanes or Campolindo High Schools. The overall success in the district is attributed to a strong, ongoing “Partnership in Education” relationship which exists among students, parents, faculty and community. Persons who will have children attending one or more of the Lafayette schools should notify the district as soon as possible to help insure that their children’s academic needs will be properly met. Acalanes Union High School District Office 1212 Pleasant Hill Road Lafayette, CA 94549.................. 280-3900 Superintendent John Stockton SPECIAL PROGRAMS • Reading Specialists • Special Education • Special Day Classes • Resource Specialists • Language and Speech Specialists • English as a Second Language (ESL) • Library Services • Band, Orchestra and Chorus • Computer Education • Mentor Teacher Program • After-School Sports Program Stanley Middle • Academic and Athletic Awards Programs SUPPORTIVE ORGANIZATIONS • Lafayette Arts & Science Foundation (LASF) • Lafayette Special Education Enrichment and • Development Foundation (SEED) • Parent Teacher Associations and Parent-Faculty Clubs LAFAYETTE SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS Teresa Gerringer, President Ann Appert, Clerk Art Kapoor Shayne Silva Stephenie Teichman Dr. Fred Brill, Superintendent 8 Lafayette School District Offices 3477 School Street Lafayette, CA 94549.................. 927-3500 Superintendent Fred Brill, Ed.D. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Acalanes Union High School 1200 Pleasant Hill Road Lafayette, CA 94549.................. 280-3970 Principal Aida Glimme Burton Valley Elementary 561 Merriewood Drive Lafayette, CA 94549.................. 927-3550 Principal Sue Rusk Campolindo High School 300 Moraga Road Moraga, CA 94556.................... 280-3950 Principal Carol Kitchens Happy Valley Elementary 3885 Happy Valley Road Lafayette, CA 94549.................. 927-3560 Principal Wendy Patterson Lafayette Elementary 950 Moraga Road Lafayette, CA 94549.................. 927-3570 Principal Mary Maddux Springhill Elementary 3301 Springhill Road Lafayette, CA 94549.................. 927-3580 Principal Bruce Wodhams Stanley Middle School 3455 School Street Lafayette, CA 94549.................. 927-3530 Principal David Schrag PRIVATE SCHOOLS Diablo Valley Montessori School 3390 Deerhill Road Lafayette, CA 94549................... 283-6036 Orinda Academy 19 Altarinda Road Orinda, CA 94563...................... 254-7553 Springstone School 1035 Carol Lane Lafayette, CA 94549................... 962-9660 St. Perpetua’s Catholic School 3445 Hamlin Road Lafayette, CA 94549................... 284-1640 The Bentley School (Grades 9-12) 1000 Upper Happey Valley Road Lafayette, CA 94549......... (510) 843-2512 ACALANES UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT The Acalanes Union High School District is comprised of four comprehensive high schools, two alternative high schools, and an adult education program serving the communities of Canyon, Lafayette, Moraga, Orinda, and Walnut Creek. Acalanes High (1200 Pleasant Hill Road, Lafayette) and Campolindo High School (300 Moraga Road, Moraga) serve the Lafayette neighborhoods, but the District has an open enrollment policy. continued... “Voted Contra Costa Small Business of the Year 2009” 3289 Mt. Diablo Blvd • Lafayette (925)945-6006 • FAX: (925) 945-1610 • Email: The District ranks as the second highest performing high school district in California with an Academic Performance Index (API) of 868 with all four comprehensive high schools having an API over 800, which the state considers exemplary. The four comprehensive high schools have been recognized for two consecutive years by the California Business for Education Excellence (CBEE) Foundation as “Scholar Schools” for their outstanding academic performance. Student performance on the SAT and Advanced Placement (AP) tests exceed both the state and national averages. The District also offers outstanding extra-curricular programs ranging from the visual and performing arts to athletics to service clubs, which enhance and enrich a student’s high school experience. Strong academic programs coupled with an outstanding staff (99% fully credentialed) provide students with the foundation that they need to be successful in life. Over 95% of the District’s graduates attend colleges throughout California and across the nation. In March 2005, the community overwhelmingly supported Measure A, allowing the District to offer all students a sevenperiod day; maintain and expand an already strong college preparatory and elective program with a wide-range of honors and AP courses; and reduce class size in English 9 and 10, World History, and Algebra. The District has implemented California State Standards in the content areas as well as a district-wide grading policy for all courses. While the primary focus is the academic achievement of all students, the District fully recognizes the social, emotional, and physical needs of students. The District has expanded its counseling program and Healthy Choices Committees exist at all schools. In May 2006, after seven months of work by a 19-person core team, the Governing Board adopted a Strategic Plan which included the Mission - We educate every student to excel and contribute in a global society - which focuses and drives the work of the District. The plan also includes Strategic Priorities, Objectives, and Goals. Between October 2006 and February 2007, approximately 125 individuals were involved in developing the specific implementation Action Plans for the Strategic Goals. Community support for bond measures in recent years has allowed the District to remodel and upgrade the school campuses so that they now enjoy new and remodeled classrooms; remodeled swimming pools and a new aquatic center; upgraded athletic fields; and new theater and fine arts facilities. The district has also invested heavily in wiring the schools for modern technology, and in providing computers and instruction in the application of technology. District schools are superior educational institutions by every measure. A large part of the success is due to the tremendous support from the community - from parent clubs, booster organizations, educational foundations, community organizations, and local businesses. The community truly values the schools as an integral part of the quality of life in the Lafayette area. Assessment results for the Acalanes Union High School District and the individual schools are available from the California Department of Education (CDE) at dataquest/ We educate every student to excel and contribute in a global society. Web site: John Stockton, Superintendent SUPPORTIVE ORGANIZATIONS • Parent Teacher Associations • Parent-Faculty Clubs • Booster Clubs • Lafayette Arts & Science Foundation • Moraga Education Foundation ACALANES UNION SCHOOL GOVERNING BOARD MEMBERS Kathy Coppersmith, President Vanessa Crews, Clerk Tom Mulvaney Gwen Reinke Richard Whitmore Lafayette Arts & Science Foundation- LASF Formed in 1980, the Lafayette Arts & Science Foundation is a non-profit educational foundation whose mission is to support and enrich the education of every child in Lafayette’s public schools. The organization’s current budget is in excess of $1,000,000. Through a community based effort, LASF is able to provide each school in Lafayette with hundreds of hours of topquality academic enrichment programs and teacher training, primarily in areas of choral and instrument music, visual and performing arts, science, social studies, the humanities, mathematics and computer technology. LASF unites the community in a goal of excellence for Lafayette’s children. For more information, please write to LASF, P.O. Box 923, Lafayette, CA 94549. You may also call (925) 2991644, email them at or check the website at Celebrating 50+ Years in Pleasnt Hill! 9 BREAKFAST • LUNCH • BREAKFAST • LUNCH • BREAKFAST in Lafayette Dine 10 10 PATIO DINING, GREAT MARGARITAS. VOTED BEST MEXICAN IN THE EAST BAY. 5 AM – 2:30 PM Seven Days a Week 1018 Oak Hill Road • Lafayette, CA 94549 (925) 283-2397 BREAKFAST • LUNCH • BREAKFAST • LUNCH • BREAKFAST BREAKFAST • LUNCH • BREAKFAST • LUNCH • BREAKFAST BREAKFAST • LUNCH • BREAKFAST • LUNCH • BREAKFAST Dine in Lafayette Uncle Yu’s Lafayette Fine Chinese Cuisine • Since 1985 Diablo Magazine’s Best Chinese Food Wine Spectator’s Award of Excellence Dine in. Carry out. Catering. 999 Oak Hill Road • Lafayette (925)283-1688 2005 Crow Canyon Place. • San Ramon (925)275-1818 39 S. Livermore Avenue. • Livermore (925)449-7000 Lafayette’s Restaurant Row We’re eating out more often. Americans now spend 46 percent of their food dollars away from home, compared to 25% in 1955, and the figure is expected to climb to 53% by 2010. Where eating out used to be a luxury, it is now standard practice for so many busy families, who have to sandwich nourishment between work, carpool dates, soccer games, volunteer time, music lessons, play dates and even city council meetings. Restaurants do more than feed us; indeed, they often serve as that third place beyond home and work where we gather with family and friends to socialize, entertain and relax. Restaurants can nourish the soul as well as the body. Luckily for us, Lafayette has grown into something of a culinary micro-Mecca, with more than 50 restaurants now offering a variety of choices ranging from haute cuisine to ethnic delicacies to family-oriented fare. More than just fun and convenient, eating out is also good for our city coffers. In fact, 21 percent of our sales tax comes from restaurants – that’s half a million dollars in revenue that pays for police, public works, parks and other city services. Another reason to TRY LAFAYETTE FIRST! 11 11 Lafayette Library and Learning Center A three-level structure, built in stone and wood in a contemporary Bay Area Craftsman style, the new Library is located in the heart of Lafayette - at the corner of Mount Diablo Boulevard and First Street. The site is walking distance of Lafayette Elementary, Stanley Middle School, senior housing, Lafayette BART Station and many of the community’s neighborhoods. And it’s on the primary local transit route - making it convenient to Acalanes High School, and Burton Valley, Springhill and Happy Valley Elementary Schools. The location is great, but the big news is about space. The new facility exceeds 30,000 square feet compared with our old library’s 6,720. That means there’s room for all this and more: • Collection of more than 110,000 books and audiovisual materials • 186 reader seats • 42 public computers, a Technology Lab, and wireless connection • More than 80 on-site parking spaces • Separate Teen Area, Homework Center and three group study rooms • Community Meeting Room with up to 150 seats • Large adult area with quiet corners for reading and studying Library Hours • Storytelling and class visit space for 30 children Tuesday: 12 pm - 8 pm • Art & Science Discovery Center for 36-60 participants • Outdoor meeting and reading areas • Friends of the Lafayette Library used book store • Lafayette Historical Society collection exhibit and storage space We maximize your real estate profits using our professional qualifications, 25 years local realty experience, and a commitment to excellent service. Nobody does it better! 12 Monday: 10 am - 6 pm Wednesday: 12 pm - 8 pm Thursday: 10 am - 6 pm Friday: 1 pm - 5 pm Saturday: 1 pm - 5 pm THE GLENN SEABORG LEARNING CONSORTIUM AT THE LAFAYETTE LIBRARY AND LEARNING CENTER Lafayette believes that a library, in addition to being a resource center, should actively encourage learning and reflect the values, interests and passions of the community it serves. This belief has led to the extraordinary creation of the Glenn Seaborg Learning Consortium which brings together a dozen of the Bay Area’s most distinguished public institutions and non-profits at a single site to offer a wealth of collaborative learning materials, workshops, archives, exhibits, curricula, lectures, films and discovery centers to the community and its children. Consortium members include: the Lawrence Hall of Science, the Oakland Museum, Chabot Space & Science Center, Commonwealth Club of California, the Oakland Zoo, John Muir/ Mt. Diablo Health System, Lindsay Wildlife Museum, California Shakespeare Theater, Greenbelt Alliance, John F. Kennedy University, Saint Mary’s College and the UC Institute of Governmental Studies. Named in honor of Nobel Prize winner and Lafayette resident Glenn Seaborg, the Consortium is housed at the new Lafayette Library and is the first of its kind at any American public library. Places of Worship Buddha Gate Monastery 3254 Gloria Terrace 934-2411 Calvary Baptist Church of Lafayette 3201 Stanley Boulevard 935-7507 Lafayette Christian Church 584 Glenside Drive 283-8304 Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church 49 Knox Drive 283-8722 Lafayette United Methodist Church 955 Moraga Road 284-4765 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 1035 Carol Lane 283-3722 St. Anselm’s Episcopal Church 682 Michael Lane 284-7420 St. Perpetua’s Catholic Church 3454 Hamlin Road 283-0272 Sun Valley Bible Chapel 1031 Leland Drive 934-1378 Temple Isaiah Synagogue 3800 Mt. Diablo Boulevard 283-8575 13 Shop Lafayette With its tree-lined streets, small town atmosphere, and wide variety of shops, restaurants and specialty stores, shopping in Lafayette is just plain old fun! But shopping locally also means you are supporting local businesses as well as the larger community. Nearly one third of the city’s budget comes from sales taxes collected in Lafayette, and this money is used to fund street repairs, police services, youth and senior services and so much more. On a dollar basis, this means that approximately 12 percent of every single dollar spent with local businesses ends up staying in the community. “Shop Lafayette,” a campaign spear-headed by the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, also helps support what has become a thriving and attractive central business district. New restaurants and retail establishments have joined long-time successful businesses in offering unparalleled, yet competitive, dining and shopping experiences. Whether you’re hunting for a new coat, looking for a gift for someone special, need a haircut, desire a one-of-a-kind painting, or want to book a romantic dinner for two, look first in Lafayette–there’s undoubtedly a business that can fill the bill! Thank you for supporting local businesses and contributing to a sustainable economy Back in December 2008, the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce launched a campaign to remind residents to “TRY LAFAYETTE FIRST!” when buying gifts, hiring services, and dining out—and the community responded with over 1,000 pledges of support! We’ve heard dozens of stories of residents who decided to patronize a local merchant rather than making purchases online or out of town. The response was so terrific, we have kept the program going. We wanted to take this opportunity to remind residents why it makes sense to “TRY LAFAYETTE FIRST!”: • Local businesses re-circulate money in our community because local merchants patronize other local merchants, creating a stronger tax base for local public services. • Local businesses are the largest employer nationwide, hiring primarily local residents including high schoolers and seniors. • Local business owners often live in our community and are invested in the community’s future. • Local merchants provide better customer service and have a higher level of expertise about their products and services. It puts your tax dollar to work helping your community! LAFAYETTE - $.12 State General Fund - $.73 BART - $.06 CCC Transportation Authority - $.06 County Transportation Fund - $.03 • Local shopping requires less transportation. Because Lafayette merchants are right here in town, residents save on gas and parking and reduce their carbon footprint. • Local businesses provide the distinctive character and culture our community enjoys, and successful local businesses attract more of the same. • Local businesses support local non-profits. Shop Lafayette! 14 Check the yellow “Shopper’s Guide” section for listings of Lafayette businesses by category. “A dollar spent at a locallyowned store is usually spent 6 to 15 times before it leaves the community.” Lafayette Demographics The 2005 edition of McCormack’s Guide to Contra Costa Elevation............................... 200 to 1,136 feet Size....................................12.89 square miles Average temperature 69.7 high; 45.5 low Annual rainfall.................................. 28 inches Miles to Oakland........................ 17 miles west Miles to San Francisco............... 24 miles west & Solano describes Lafayette as a “Prestige town... Driving miles to Bay Bridge ($4 toll) School scores very high, crime low. Good commute. BART commute time to San Francisco Built over hills and valleys.” Form of Government ........................................... 13 miles ....................................... 30 minutes ...................... Council/City Manager Date of Incorporation............................... 1968 Population........................................... 25,011 Average Household Income ......................................... $122,570 Education Level of Population 18 & Older No Diploma........................................... 2% High School........................................... 9% Some College..................................... 16% Associate’s Degree............................... 5% Bachelor’s Degree............................... 38% Graduate Degree................................ 30% Number of Registered Voters............... 15,229 Democrat.......................................... 6,387 Republican......................................... 6,195 Non-partisan...................................... 2,441 Employed in Lafayette.......................... 12,803 Executives & Managers....................... 26% Professionals....................................... 26% Technicians............................................ 4% Sales................................................... 15% Clerical................................................ 12% Service occupations.............................. 8% Agriculture............................................. 1% Total Number of Residences................... 9,334 Single Homes.................................... 7,583 Single-Family Attached......................... 303 Multiples........................................... 1,586 Average Price Single Family Home Detached housing.....................$1,023,193 Condominium...............................$502,247 Average Rental Price Most Common occupation for males: Most Common occupation for females: lawyer......................................................... 7% manager..................................................... 6% top executive.............................................. 7% secretary & administration assistant........... 5% 2 Bedroom.......................................$1,950 sales representative................................... 6% business operation specialist...................... 4% computer specialist.................................... 5% other sales & supervisor............................. 4% other sales & supervisor............................. 5% accountant & auditor................................... 4% engineer..................................................... 4% lawyer......................................................... 3% Demographic data is based on the 2000 census, Association of Bay Area Governments, the 2006 McCormack’s Guide and City-data. com 1 Bedroom.......................................$1,400 15 Economic Profile City Revenues and Expenses— General Fund: City of Lafayette 2009-2010 Proposed Budget General Fund Revenues = $11,242,995 City of Lafayette 2009-2010 Proposed Budget General Fund Expenditures = $11,362,775* *Includes transfers of $1,737,506 but does not include changes in sinking fund balances. City Revenues and Expenses— All: City of Lafayette 2009-2010 Proposed Budget All Revenues = $22,365,253* City of Lafayette 2009-2010 Proposed Budget All Expenditures = $27,876,989* *Does not include expenses associated with the libarry. 16 CCl lubs u b s && OOrrganizations ganizations ART, DRAMA & MUSIC Generations in 283-0361 Lafayette 284-2788 Lafayette 284-5143 Town Hall Theatre Company of 283-6673 SPORTS & YOUTH Boy Scouts of 674-6100 (Mt. Diablo Silverado Council) Girls Scouts of Lafayette Community 284-2232 Lafayette Little 284-3583 Lafayette/Moraga Youth 299-1961 (LMYA) Lamorinda 376-3211 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Alzheimer’s 287-7942 American Cancer 934-7640 Assistance League of Diablo Valley........ 934-0901 Better Business . ................................. (800) 600-1511 Betty Jean Brown ............................................ 283-1723 BNI – Business By Referral 997-5793 Camp 788-1580 Contra Costa Interfaith Housing ................... 299-1067 Contra Costa Jewish Community Center 38-7800 East Bay Animal Rescue and 429-2785 Friends of Lafayette Creeks....................................................................................... 228-8323 Friends of the Lafayette 284-5376 Futures ........................ 284-3240 Hospice of the East 887-5678 Junior League of Oakland-East Bay, 284-3740 Lafayette Arts & Sciences 299-1644 Lafayette Community 284-2232 Lafayette Community 284-8214 Lafayette Garden Club........................... Lafayette Historical Lafayette Improvement Assoc.................................................................................. 283-3525 Lafayette Lafayette Library & Learning 284-8214 Lamorinda Democratic Lamorinda ..................941-4714 Lamorinda Republican Lafayette Senior Services.......................................................................................... 284-5050 Las Trampas, 284-1462 Loaves and Fishes of Contra 687-6760 Mt. Diablo Business 200-2902 Project Second .............................. 937-3250 Rotary Club of Rotary Club of Lamorinda Sunrise........................................................................... 324-2017 Senior Helpline Services 284-2207 Soroptimist International of 254-0895 The Commonwealth Club of Trust in Education ........................299-2010 Workforce Development Board of 646-5239 Youth Homes, 933-2627 934-7640 17 shopper’s guide Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Accountants-Certified PublIC Acupuncture / Acupressure Capital Tax and Accounting Services Jacques Bernou, L.Ac. 150 N. Wiget Lane, Suite 206 Walnut Creek, CA 94598....... (925)977-7780 Comyns, Smith, McCleary & Deaver LLP 3470 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #A-110 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-1040 Charmian Dobell, CPA 3364 Moraga Blvd. Lafayette CA 94549............... (925)283-2847 Caesar C. Perales, CPA 3650 Mt. Diablo Blvd. #230 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2620 3744 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #305 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-9228 The Grapevine – Coupon Books P.O. Box 793 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2651 Alarm Systems Bay Alarm 3744 Mt. Diablo Bvd., Suite 206 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-1600 60 Berry Dr. Pacheco, CA 94553............... (925)808-4809 Lamorinda Healing Arts Global Security Systems, Inc 961 Dewing Avenue Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-3860 346 Rheem Blvd., Suite 202 Moraga, CA 94556................. (925)377-8411 Dennis D. Lee, MSTCM, Pharm D, LAc Antique & Wood Restoring Wood Wizard Colette DeVore, L.Ac., M.S. 3501 School Street Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-2886 Advertising & Direct Mail 253 Briar Dr. Martinez CA 94553................ (925)370-1489 Apartments & Rentals Johnson Clark & Assoc., Inc. 21060 Redwood Rd., Suite 200 3697 Mt. Diablo Blvd., # 220 Castro Valley, CA 94546........ (510)247-8087 Apartment Rentals Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-8700 6 Blackthorn Road Tomei & Tonjes, LLP Comcast Spotlight Coupon Country 3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #288 Lafayette CA 94549............... (925)284-7168 Foster Media, Inc. Pier 26 Annex, The Embarcadero San Francisco, CA 94105...... (415)538-7070 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-0900 Lafayette Common, LLC 3263 Mt. Diablo Court, #105 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)287-1188 Lafayette East Apartments 3330 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-1940 Lafayette Highlands Apartments 1076 Carol Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2586 CAESAR C. PERALES CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Tax oriented accounting services for business and individuals Moraga Hills Apartments 640 Moraga Road Moraga, CA 94556................. (925)376-8350 Town Center Apartments 3594 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-7800 Architects R. Bruce Ballentine 1109 N. Thompson Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2423 Dale Turner Architect 3603-A Chestnut St. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-0713 Christopher J. Gilman, Architect. 3397 Mt. Diablo Blvd. # D Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-5840 Jensen/Ptaszynski Architects 3449-A Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4398 Kattenburg Architects 3650 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 230 Lafayette, CA 94549 (925) 284-2620 • Fax (925) 284-7348 11 Moraga Way, #3 Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)253-7828 Marquand Design Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4804 4 Lafayette Auto Body, Inc. Architects continued Robert J. Kent and Assoc. 3397 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #A Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-0400 Thorn Architects 1200 Upper Happy Valley Rd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-4949 Ward-Young Architects 3435 Mt. Diablo Blvd. #200 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-3278 Art Galleries / Art Studio Art School Art Room 50 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-1515 Bowles and Verna 2121 N. California Blvd., #875 Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)935-3300 Richard S. Horn, Attorney At Law 3445 Golden Gate Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2350 Law Office of Clay Deanhardt Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)258-9079 Law Offices of Belzer, Hulchiy & Murray 3650 Mt. Diablo Blvd.# 130 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-9600 Law Offices of Crosetti & Titmus. 889 Moraga Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-2030 Law Offices of Paul B. Justi 1981 North Broadway, Suite 250 Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)256-7900 Pedder, Hesseltine, Walker & Toth, LLP 3445 Golden Gate Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6816 RMKB - Kathleen Strickland 201 Spear Street, Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94105...... (415)543-4800 Automobile Services Lafayette Gallery Acalanes Tire Service & Repair 50 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2788 3440 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-5901 Lafayette Studio / Marcy Wheeler. BMW Concord 3506 A Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA94549............... (925)284-5143 1967 Market St. Concord, CA 94520............... (925)682-3577 Thomas R. Taneyhill 3328-A Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2258 929 Hough Avenue Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)286-9346 Zeta Gallery 3437 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6011 Attorneys / Legal Services Magany Abbass, Law Offices 3445 Golden Gate Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-9088 Daniel J. Bosshart, Attorney at Law Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-9555 Big O Tires Diablo Smog 3364 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1988 Greg’s Automotive and Muffler Repair 3329 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-0323 3291 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-3421 Lafayette Car Wash & Detail Center 3319 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-1190 Lafayette German Car Repair 3328-D Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-3390 Lamorinda Auto Detailing 1001-B Blackwood Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2277 Orinda Motors 63 Orinda Way Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)254-2012 Professional Automotive, LLC 3331 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2160 Urban Suburban 3328 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-5212 Valhalla Automotive, Inc. 3453 Golden Gate Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2844 Baby Services, Accessories & Furnishings Adorable Baby 3D/4D Ultrasound 411 Sycamore Valley Rd., West Danville, CA 94526................ (925)552-5700 The Nurture Center 3399 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-1346 Background Checks Accurate Verification 3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #391 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-9155 Bakery Teacake Bake Shop 35 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-9900 Banks Bank of America Mortgage 2020 Willow Pass Road 3rd Fl. Concord, CA 94520............... (925)963-5836 Bank of the West 3583 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-7072 5 shopper’s guide BANKS continued California Bank of Commerce 3595 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Second Floor Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2265 Guaranty Bank 2536 N. Main St., Suite 100 Walnut Creek, CA 94597....... (925)947-3434 Heritage Bank of Commerce 101 Ygnacio Valley Road, Suite 100 Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)287-4806 Mechanics Bank 3640 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-6900 Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Re-Bath by Schicker Hatz Business Solutions Beauty Salons & Services L & L Bookkeeping Solutions, Inc. 2250 Galaxy Court Concord, CA 94520............... (925)676-8422 Bobbie Freitas Salon 3361 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-1808 California Haircuts 3629 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite A Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-7930 Hair by Dallas & Company 3528 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)472-4760 Summit Bank 710 S. Broadway, Suite 100 Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)935-9220 US Bank 3498 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-7200 Union Bank - Moraga Branch 1460 Moraga Road, Suite A Moraga, CA 94556................. (925)631-1800 Union Bank - Orinda Branch 140 Brookwood Road, Suite 101 Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)253-8981 Westamerica Bank 3515 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-7716 Banquet Facilities & Room Rentals Veterans Memorial Building in Lafayette 3780 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-1153 Bath & Kitchen Altera Design and Remodeling, Inc.. 1079 Boulevard Way Walnut Creek, CA 94595....... (925)938-1100 6 PO Box 257 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)876-6700 Tax Buddha 3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #366 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (510)522-2300 Warren E. Boschin & Associates 950-A Hough Avenue Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2010 1078 Carol Lane # 201 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-8975 LoveBugs Salon Bookstore 3746 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #122 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-7700 Melissa at Plaza Park Salon Pacific National Bank 3466 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite C205 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)262-8358 3511 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6701 Lafayette Book Store 3569 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite E Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1233 Buddhist Monastery Robert Jenson Salon Buddha Gate Monastery Shelby Sexton Salon Builders 999 Oak Hill Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2860 33 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-1900 3254 Gloria Terrace Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)934-2411 C.E.M. Development Inc. Bicycles 3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #270 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-1222 Sharp Bicycles Woehrle and Son Builders 969 Moraga Rd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-9616 Biodegradable Water Bottles. Nature’s Bottles 400 Old Country Road Pacifica, CA 94044................. (925)283-4484 Blueprinting & Scanning Diablo Rapid Print, Inc. 1085 Marguerite Ct. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)212-8771 Business Services The Learning Café Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.......... (925)689-5726 The Outsource Resource PO Box 6045 Concord, CA 94524............... (925)228-7338 1014 Oak Hill Rd Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6610 Camp / Day Bookkeeping / Tax Services PO Box 1266 Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)283-3795 Accurate Bookkeeping, LLC 1080 Carol Lane, #260 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-5738 Carey Tax Services, Inc. Roughing It Day Camp & Ranch Camp CANDY STORE Powell’s Sweet Shoppe 3393 Santa Maria Court Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6663 3591 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-9866 Discount Tax Corporation Car Wash 3732 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 385 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-9590 Gold Coin Car Washes-Self Serve 1920 San Ramon Valley Blvd. San Ramon, CA 94583.......... (925)552-0544 Churches CAR WASH continued 584 Glenside Drive Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-8304 Sonoma Teriyaki Lafayette Orinda Presbyterian Church Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)899-9290 610 Eubanks Court, D-9 Vacaville, CA 95688............... (707)448-2551 SpringLoaf Catering 3744 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 307 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-9369 Susan Foord Catering 965 Mountain View Dr. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-7616 Lafayette Car Wash & Detail Center Cellular Phone Services/Repair. ProStar PCS 3319 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-1190 3541 Plaza Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-1300 Carpet Care & Upholstery Cleaning & Oriental Rugs Behymer Chiropractic Diablo Valley Carpet Care 1199 Dunsyre Drive Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)945-6767 Carpets & Rugs Blodgett’s Abbey Carpet & Flooring 3291 Mt. Diablo Court Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4807 Catering Chef Dan Leff Catering 9461 Skyline Blvd. Oakland, CA 94611................ (510)336-2433 Chef’s Touch 1293 Parkside Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (888)946-2433 Lafayette Christian Church Savory Affairs Chiropractors 3676 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-5581 Dr. Stephen Milligan / Dr. Michelle Coleman 3182 Old Tunnel Road, Suite D Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)256-1312 J.V. Chiropractic 1479 Ygnacio Valley Rd.# 202 Walnut Creek, CA 94598....... (925)927-4620 Lamorinda Chiropractic 978 2nd St. # 100 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1040 49 Knox Dr. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-8722 Lafayette United Methodist Church 955 Moraga Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4765 Our Saviors Lutheran Church 1035 Carol Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-3722 St. Perpetua Church 3454 Hamlin Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-0272 City Government City of Lafayette 3675 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #210 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1968 Cleaners Dry Cleaning To-Your-Door Martinez, CA 94553............... (925)602-0606 Dutch Girl Cleaners 3561 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #B Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2662 Hamlin Cleaners Christmas Lighting Installation 3516 Golden Gate Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2510 Christmas Light Specialists, Inc. Clocks Moraga, CA 94556................. (877)493-4264 Clocks, Etc. 971 Moraga Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4720 Clothing My O Baby Danville, CA 94506................ (925)876-3364 Specialtees 979 Moraga Rd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-5114 7 shopper’s guide Clubs & Organizations American Cancer Society 1885 Oak Park Blvd. Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.......... (925)934-7640 BNI - Business By Referral 3328 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite C Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)997-5793 Better Business Bureau 1000 Broadway, Suite 625 Oakland, CA 94607................ (800)600-1511 Betty Jean Brown Foundation PO Box 1337 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-1723 Camp Kesem PO Box 1113 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)788-1580 Contra Costa Interfaith Housing 978 2nd Street, Suite 240 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-1067 Contra Costa Jewish Community Center 2071 Tice Valley Blvd. Walnut Creek, CA 94595....... (925)938-7800 East Bay Animal Rescue and Refuge 1140 Kenwal Road, Suite C Concord, CA 94521............... (925)429-2785 Friends of Lafayette Creeks PO Box 311 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)228-8323 Friends of the Lafayette Library 952 Moraga Rd Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6634 Junior League of OaklandEast Bay, Inc. 3730 Mt. Diablo Blvd. # 325 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-3740 Lafayette Arts & Science Foundation PO Box 923 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-1644 Lafayette Community Center 500 St. Mary’s Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2232 Lafayette Community Foundation. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-8214 8 Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Lafayette Garden Club Youth Homes, Inc. 565 Arrowhead Drive Lafayette CA 94549 1291 Oakland Blvd. Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)933-2627 Lafayette Improvement Assoc. Coaches Life, Career & Health Lafayette Juniors Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)262-8201 3535 School St. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-3525 PO Box 241 Lafayette, CA 94549..................................... Lamorinda Democratic Club Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)323-2796 Pajaro Group, Inc. Coffee Papillon Gourmet Coffees 67 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-0466 Lamorinda Moms PO Box 1002 Lafayette, CA94549............... (925)941-4714 Las Trampas, Inc. 3460 Lana Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1462 Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa 1985 Bonifacio Street, Suite 100 Concord, CA 94520............... (925)687-6760 Mt. Diablo Business Women PO Box 101 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)200-2902 Project Second Chance 1750 Oak Park Blvd. Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.......... (925)927-3250 Rotary Club of Lafayette PO Box 943 Lafayette, CA 94549..................................... Rotary Club of Lamorinda Sunrise PO Box 1491 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)324-2017 Soroptimist International of 24-680 1630 North Main St., #213 Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)254-0895 The Commonwealth Club of California 595 Market St., Second Floor San Francisco, CA 94105...... (415)597-6700 Trust In Education 985 Moraga Road, #214 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-2010 Workforce Development Board of CCC-EHSD 2425 Bisso Lane, Suite 100 Concord, CA 94520............... (925)646-5239 Peet’s Coffee & Tea 3518 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-0735 Color Consultant Image Studio 3483 Golden Gate Way # 202 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-0660 Computer Consulting Services / Sales Coleman Computer Services 3704 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Suite 222 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-9500 Nerd4Rent, Inc. 3503 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 4 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-5666 Old Dog New Tricks Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)451-5289 Silicon Connections 1600 School Street, Suite 103 Moraga, CA 94556................. (925)631-0101 StarrForce Walnut Creek, CA 94597....... (925)323-6841 Confidential Document Destruction Shred-it A Securit Company 5159 Commercial Circle, Suite A Concord, CA 94520............... (925)363-7301 Consultants Crawford & Associates 3624 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-7534 Douglas E. Cowden, DDS CONSULTANTS continued Dave Smith & Co. PO Box 1635 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-3025 Diverse Strategies Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-9350 Human Resource Advisors 3746 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 107 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-7305 inConIT Corporation 1162 Camino Vallecito Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-2004 Successful Solutions Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)580-8884 Contractor / Commercial Construction Peacock Construction, Inc. 3421 Golden Gate Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-4550 Contractor / Construction Arbor Building Group, Inc. 3650 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 200 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-8753 Big Red Construction 946 Hough Avenue Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-0145 Bonny Weil, General Contractor 1155-C Arnold Drive, Suite 102 Martinez, CA 94553............... (925)229-3400 C.E.M. Development Inc. 3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #270 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-1222 David Selvig Construction 3466 Moraga Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-1243 Gayler Construction 319 Diablo Rd., Suite 202 Danville, CA 94526................ (925)820-0185 Lamorinda Home Repair Ring Construction, Inc. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-8430 Lamorinda Dental Coupon Books 911 Moraga Road, Suite 102 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-9922 Bay Areas Best Coupon Book Ryan Miyasaki, DDS Best of Coupons Vibhuti Patel, D.D.S. Inc. Good Stuff Coupons Mark F. Swimmer, DDS, Inc. PO Box 27 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)820-7434 696 San Ramon Valley Blvd., #343 Danville, CA 94526................ (925)837-5634 5100-B1 Clayton Road, #250 Concord, CA 94521............... (925)673-3350 The Grapevine – Coupon Books P.O. Box 793 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2651 Credit Card Processing Merchant Services of Lafayette 3195 Cordova Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-0766 POS Card Systems 2345 Spring St. Redwood City, CA 94063....... (925)895-9555 Payjunction 9000 Crow Canyon Rd., Suite S 195 Danville, CA 94506................ (866)535-9793 Credit Union Patelco Credit Union 3498-A Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-7220 895 Moraga Rd., #5 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4642 963 Dewing Avenue Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-7021 907 Moraga Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-0114 Betty S. Vodzak, DDS 895 Moraga Road # 1 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-5454 Department Stores McCaulou’s 3512 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-3380 Digital Imaging Pixel Outpost 331 Rheem Blvd. Moraga, CA 94556................. (925)376-7216 Draperies / Window Coverings Armand’s Drapery, Shutters and Upholstery 3391 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-8717 Sew Fine Interiors Dance Studio 3365 Woodview Dr. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-8801 Rhythm Room The Treasure Trove 1018 Almanor Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-4801 Dentists / Orthodontics / Implant / Teeth Whitening Abundant Smile Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.......... (615)636-4133 Angela Bayat, DDS - La Beaute 157 Nardi Lane # F Martinez, CA 94553............... (925)313-8956 3 Altarinda Road, Suite 305 Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)254-0084 RemCon, Inc. Art of Smile Family and Cosmetic Dentistry 2681 Cloverdale Avenue, Unit 1 Concord, CA 94518............... (925)288-0790 905-B Moraga Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-0313 3466 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #C-207 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-1504 7 Fiesta Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2252 Drug Store continued CVS Pharmacy 3625 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-7177 Educational Services Alissa Scanlin, PsyD 3468 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite B203 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-3902 Bodin Associates 3685 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #203 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-9100 9 shopper’s guide Educational Services continued Center for Collegiate Success Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Entertainment Feng Shui Color Me Mine Catlin Design Lynda Catlin, ASID, CID Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)270-5216 3541 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-2615 Emeritus College of DVC Generations in Jazz 1250 Arroyo Way Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)906-9105 Huntington Learning Center 3650 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #230 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-0361 490 Moraga Road Moraga, CA 94556................. (925)377-0737 Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (707)758-5226 Kumon Math and Reading Center of Lafayette 2000 Kirker Pass Rd. Concord, CA 94521............... (925)692-2400 925 Village Center Dr., #3 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-9038 Lafayette Academy 3400 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1644 Pediatric Motor Playground 3322 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Suite C Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-2660 Wendy Burnett, M.A. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)324-1454 Western Career College 380 Civic Drive, Suite 300 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.......... (925)609-6650 Electrician Spartan Electrical Construction Co. Concord, CA 94518............... (925)691-9393 Electronic Systems Contractor Home Systems Integration Concord, CA 94527............... (925)381-8690 Twilight Sounds Clayton, CA 94517................. (925)525-6105 Emergency Preparedness / Products Your Safety Place 7197 Village Parkway Dublin, CA 94568................... (925)425-3282 Engineers Humann Company 1021 Brown Ave. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-5000 Schell & Martin Engineers 3377 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-8111 10 Sleep Train Pavilion Wendy Tamis, Harpist PO Box 463 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)228-5832 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)937-0133 Financial Services & Planning Ameriprise Financial 3595 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 390 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-9900 Associated Securities Corp. 1017 Willow Drive Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2733 Deana Vick Davidson Waddell & Reed Environmental 1390 Willow Pass Road, Suite 470 Concord, CA 94520............... (925)689-9600 Sustainable Lafayette Matthew Kennedy & Co. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-1664 862 Mountain View Drive Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-7625 Event Rentals MetLife Securities C&M Party Props 1942 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)934-3181 Event Services Eckerstrom Productions 4908 Blank Road Sebastopol, CA 95472........... (707)829-5064 Founders Grove 584 Glenside Drive Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-3936 LLP Meetings & Conferences, LLC 9 Williams Drive Moraga, CA 94556................. (925)247-0416 Wildwood Acres Resort 1055 Hunsaker Canyon Rd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2600 Export Management Consulting US-Asia Connect 3305 Moraga Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)949-8825 Fashion Sewing Studio sewnow! fashion studio 960 Moraga Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-7396 7677 Oakport Street Oakland, CA 94621................ (925)451-1292 Morgan Stanley One Kaiser Plaza, Suite 900 Oakland, CA 94612................ (510)891-0597 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney 1995 University Avenue, Suite 500 Berkeley, CA 94704............... (510)486-2494 Mosaic Financial Partners, Inc. 3620 Happy Valley Rd., Suite 100 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (415)788-1952 Primerica 5673 W. Las Positas Blvd., Suite 208 Pleasanton, CA 94588........... (510)381-4658 Safeguard Financial 2999 Oak Road, Suite 120 Walnut Creek, CA 94597....... (925)627-1800 Thomas G. Henry @ Morgan Stanley Smith Barney 3422 Silver Springs Court Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-5775 Wedbush Morgan Securities Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (866)491-7828 Zischke Leland Financial PO Box 598 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)708-9761 Financial Wellness Planning For Life 1141 Roxie Lane Walnut Creek, CA 94597....... (925)949-3938 Framing / Art Fitness / Health Clubs ABsolute Center 3658 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #101 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-9642 CoreQuest Fitness Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)457-4587 Lamorinda Floors Fastframe of Lafayette 3344 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4440 3571 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-7620 Florists P & L Framing Floral Arts Florist 3584 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-5765 15 Fiesta Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-4668 Furniture Lafayette Health Club, Inc. 85 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-7732 Orchard Nursery & Florist Zeeba 4010 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4474 3574 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-9400 Lifestyle of Fitness c/o Lafayette Health Club Twigs Floral & Art Futon & Accessories Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)757-7531 70 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-7288 Oakwood Athletic Club Food Concessions 4000 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-4000 The Dailey Method 3471 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-5400 ‘B’ Food International Sugi Fine Bedding & Gifts 961-A Moraga Rd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-0882 San Jacinto, CA 92583.......... (951)654-9756 GARDEN & HOME ACCESSORIES California Corn Roast & More. ...... 3626 24th Street Sacramento, CA 95818.......... (916)704-8200 Clocks, Etc. Mainstreet Food Concessions 371 Moraga Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4720 PO Box 9174 Pittsburg, CA 94565............... (510)910-2759 Gifts 1908 Olympic Blvd. Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)932-6400 Maui Wowi Hawaiian Coffees & Smoothies Concord, CA 94520............... (925)915-1712 1933 Peralta Street Oakland, CA 94607................ (510)268-8111 Floor Coverings Mike Hutslar Dechen Designs Walnut Creek Sports & Fitness Club Blodgett’s Abbey Carpet & Flooring 3291 Mt. Diablo Court Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4807 Cox Floor Covering Concord, CA 94521............... (925)798-1438 Rainbow Snow Sacramento, CA 95822.......... (916)428-2447 Sweet Delights Stockton, CA 95219.............. (209)401-7120 1124 Willow Pass Court Concord, CA 94520............... (925)825-3103 TNT Special Events Catering & Concession Franklin Floors Food Products 1037 Blackwood Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1959 Brentwood, CA 94513........... (925)325-6690 Bell-Carter Foods, Inc. 3742 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-5933 Capay Oaks Farm/ Capay Oaks Olive Co. 8645 Co. Rd 49 Guinda, CA 95637................. (925)283-5112 Iron Horse Kettle Korn 511 Zephyr Circle Danville, CA 94526................ (925)866-8355 Nan’s Gourmet Foods Vallejo, CA 94589.................. (707)643-5730 The Nut Factory, Inc. 3477 Golden Gate Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6151 BellaChesta 180 Golf Club Road, #161 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.......... (925)395-1588 Orchard Nursery & Florist 4010 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4474 Queen Bee 261 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-7900 Whippersnappers 3645 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite B Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-0969 Glass Lafayette Glass 3469 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-9510 Graphic Arts / Design Blue Heron Graphics 2358 Westcliffe Lane, #A Walnut Creek, CA 94597....... (925)942-0897 Britt Brown Design 130 Cora Ct. Walnut Creek, CA 94597....... (925)932-2137 Cedric Cheng Design 761 Stonehaven Dr. Walnut Creek, CA 94598....... (925)216-9880 11 shopper’s guide Graphic Arts / Design continued Gnu Group 3445 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)444-2026 Julia Young Advertising Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Somatic Therapy Associates 3420 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)818-1555 Stillpoint Center for Health, Well-Being & Renewal 3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd.# 411 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)935-2176 953 Mountain View Drive Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)274-3311 Michelle Graphics Weigh 2 Health PO Box 721 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)691-1266 Pfy design PO Box 4832 Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)935-5854 Grocery Stores / Deli A.G. Ferrari Foods 953 Mountain View Drive Lafayette, CA94549............... (925)658-2500 Health Care Supplies JaCo Distributors, Inc. 1014 Blackwood Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-1333 Hotel / Motel Diablo Mountain Inn 2079 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)937-5050 Hilton Concord 1970 Diamond Blvd. Concord, CA 94520............... (925)827-2000 Lafayette Park Hotel & Spa 3287 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-3700 Renaissance Club Sport 2805 Jones Road Walnut Creek, CA 94597....... (925)938-8700 Walnut Creek Marriott Hotel 23 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-8040 Health Food / Nutritional Supplements 2355 North Main Street Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)934-2000 Diablo Foods, Inc. Open Sesame Specialty Health Foods Housecleaning Agency Residential & Commercial 3615 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-0737 Safeway Stores 3540 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-0228 983 Moraga Rd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2207 Vemma Sandy Meyers Distributor Hardware PO Box 494610 Redding, CA 96049................ (530)224-0930 Lafayette Ace Hardware Heating & Air Conditioning 3311 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-3600 Health Care / Wellness Alta Bates Summit Women’s Health Center 3595 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 350 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-9129 Go Green Develop Wellness & Income Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-5266 Linda Chrisman, MA, CMT, SEP 3744 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 206 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (510)507-2903 Always Clean PO Box 82 Brentwood, CA 94513........... (925)783-0227 Clean Sweep Housekeeping 3483 Golden Gate Way, #216 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2400 Tarabini Mechanical Antioch, CA 94509................. (510)599-4955 Walnut Creek Sheet Metal, Furnace & Air Conditioning, Inc. 3409-D Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-7000 Hospice Hospice of the East Bay 3470 Buskirk Avenue Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.......... (925)887-5678 Ice Cream / Frozen Yogurt Loards Ice Cream & Candies Orinda 230 Brookwood Rd. Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)254-3434 Yogurt Shack 3518 A Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-1127 Insurance Services AAA 2435 San Ramon Valley Blvd., #5 San Ramon, CA 94583.......... (925)314-2610 Allstate Insurance Company 3730 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #240 Lafayette, CA94549............... (925)283-3883 12 Insurance Services continued BB&T Tanner Insurance 4480 Willow Road Pleasanton, CA 94588........... (925)598-2056 Madden Insurance Agency Farmers Insurance 1080 Carol Lane, Suite # 110 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-7105 www.farmersagent/tmadden New York Life Insurance Co. T. Ray Bland CLU, ChFC 6210 Stoneridge Mall Rd., Suite 100 Pleasanton, CA 94588........... (925)847-4647 Breedlove Insurance Services Northwestern Mutual Financial Network PO Box 966 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)937-2029 89 Moraga Way Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)254-6262 D.N.M. Insurance Services 3915 S. Peardale Dr. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (800)815-9678 D/A Financial Group 3470 Mt. Diablo Blvd., A100 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)254-7100 Dudum Financial & Insurance Services, Inc. 959 Mountain View Drive Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-9900 E.G. Lee & Company 1009 Oak Hill Road, 3rd Flr. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-8000 Huether Insurance 100 Pringle Avenue, Suite 505 Walnut Creek CA 94596........ (925)296-5168 Risk Concepts Insurance Brokers, Inc. 1800 Oak Park Blvd., Suite B Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.......... (925)937-5030 Shashi Dosaj Insurance Danville, CA 94506................ (925)980-2552 Stanley E. Smith Insurance Agency 3540 Wilkinson Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6161 Mike Wilson - State Farm 3687 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 204 Lafayette CA 94549............... (925)283-6453 3216 Acalanes Ave. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)934-9191 Interior Design ISU Massie & Beck Insurance Services Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)899-0927 3470 Mt. Diablo Blvd.# A-300 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-5750 Judy Francis State Farm Insurance Judy Francis 3435 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-3911 Lafayette Square Insurance Services, Inc. 3730 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #220 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-7900 Noroian Capital Management 3685 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 353 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-2000 Schroeder Capital Management, LLC 3620 Happy Valley Road, Suite 203 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-7913 Jewelers / Jewelry Novina Fine Jewelry 3559 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-1800 Prive Jewelers 3557 Mt. Diablo Blvd. # A Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2472 serendipity jewels Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)935-0971 Ware Designs 3645 A Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2988 Catlin Design Lynda Catlin, ASID, CID Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)935-0971 Kosich & Callahan Insurance Services 1009 Oak Hill Road # 203 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-1300 3289 Theresa Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)939-3915 Chris Lane 3697 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Ste.100 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-8726 I.D.E.A.L. Financial Services Athena Charis Interior Design Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)937-0133 K.E.V. Insurance Services 985 Moraga Road, #205 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1260 Around Your Room 3581 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #225 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-5040 3581 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #225 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-5040 Creekside Partners Investment Counsel HomeStyle Interiors 1162 Oak Hill Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1556 Kitchen Design / Cabinets Equipment Season’s Interior Design Altera Design and Remodeling, Inc. PO Box 1835 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)385-0293 Spin Decorating 25A Crescent Dr., #167 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.......... (925)285-0815 1079 Boulevard Way Walnut Creek, CA 94595....... (925)938-1100 Bullnosing & Shaping Investment Advisor / Management 3687 Old Santa Rita Rd. Pleasanton, CA 94566........... (510)504-8736 Barnes Capital Douglah Designs, Inc. 985 Moraga Road, Suite 205 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-3503 3577 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4560 13 shopper’s guide Kitchen Design / Cabinets Equipment continued Home Systems 3404 Hall Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6638 KitchenWorks 615 Irwin St. San Rafael, CA 94901............ (800)464-2234 Premier Kitchens Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Market-Ability, LLC 1520 Rancho View Dr. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)210-9000 Pinnacle Promotions 1310 El Curtola Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)946-1657 Proclaim Promotions! Massage School AVALON School of Massage Therapy 1280 Boulevard Way, Suite 214 Walnut Creek, CA 94595....... (925)280-6500 Massage / Spa Supplies JaCo Distributors, Inc. 3373 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6500 1915 Mark Ct., Suite 130 Concord, CA 94520............... (800)758-0210 1014 Blackwood Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-1333 Landscape Design Your Trusted Advisors, LLC Massage Therapist Bryn Rowe Landscape Design 655 Leweling Blvd., Suite 348 San Leandro, CA 94578......... (925)783-0482 Del Conte’s Landscaping, Inc. Marriage, Family, Child & Individual Therapist PO Box 1772 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (510)541-9890 41900 Boscell Rd. Fremont, CA 94538................ (510)353-6030 Lafayette Tree & Landscape, Inc.. PO Box 1116 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-7816 Modo Verde Garden Designs Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)360-4694 Landscape SUPPLIES Diamond K Supply, Ltd. 3671 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4477 Leather Goods Alicia and Lawrence Leather Goods 3541 Wilkinson Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-1444 Marble, Tile & Granite Blodgett’s Abbey Carpet & Flooring 3291 Mt. Diablo Court Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4807 Alissa Scanlin, PsyD 3468 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite B203 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-3902 Bay Area Psychotherapy Training Institute. 3468 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite B201 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2298 Michael Anne Conley, MA, MFT 953 Mountain View Drive Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)274-3311 Counseling Resources, Inc. 3184 Old Tunnel Rd., Suite G Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-8280 Debbie Halliday, M.A., MFT 3470 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite A200 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)286-4415 Heart in Balance 953 Mountain View Rd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (510)496-6002 Lafayette Circle Psychotherapists Kathy M. Davis, MFT - Sole Proprietor 110 Lafayette Circle, Suite 200 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (510)507-1591 European Tile & Marble Co. Marcia Jacober, MFT - Sole Proprietor 110 Lafayette Circle, Suite 200 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)639-8182 Sosa Granite & Marble Christine Roslund, MFT - Sole Proprietor 110 Lafayette Circle, Suite 200 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (510)520-2811 3400 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-0290 7701 Marathon Drive Livermore, CA 94550............. (925)373-7675 Marketing Services Excel in Marketing 112 Moraga Way Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)876-7191 Insight Resource Group 3 Altarinda Road, Suite 301 Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)254-4114 14 Allison Smith, LMFT - Sole Proprietor 110 Lafayette Circle, Suite 200 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (510)644-4229 Nancy Verrier, MFT 919 Village Center #9 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-5813 Massage Cottage 71 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2881 Somatic Therapy Associates 3420 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)818-1555 Mens Apparel Jos. A. Bank Clothiers 3599 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-1051 Mortgage Lending / Services Bank of America Mortgage 2020 Willow Pass Road 3rd Fl. Concord, CA 94520............... (925)963-5836 RPM Mortgage 3201 Danville Blvd. Alamo, CA 94507................... (925)552-3572 Strike Financial 3575 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 215 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-9071 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 1277 Treat Blvd., #150 Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)287-6926 Mortuary / Funeral Services Neptune Society of Northern California 1855 Olympic Blvd., Suite 110 Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)944-5100 Oakmont Memorial Park, Mortuary & Floral Shop 2099 Reliez Valley Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)935-3311 Sinai Memorial Chapel 3415 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-3636 Music Studio Red House Studios, Inc. 1667 Botelho Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)938-6900 Warren E. Boschin & Associates Musical Instruments / Repair. Office Furniture Lamorinda Music & Gifts Workspace Resources 81 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)385-0963 Restoration PIANO by Benjamins Piano Tuning 3434 Golden Gate Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-3077 Musicians / Music Lessons Lafayette Music Center 3534 Golden Gate Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-0548 Nail Salons Lamorinda Nails 271 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-9007 Pinkies Nail Salons 3333 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-1229 U S Nails 3486 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-0955 Newspapers Contra Costa Times / Lamorinda Sun PO Box 5088 Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)977-8510 Lafayette Today 3400 Mt. Diablo Blvd. # 2B Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-6262 Office Supplies Cartridge World Walnut Creek 1554 Newell Avenue Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)932-1096 Elmwood Stationers 3643 D Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-6900 Radstons Office Plus 675 Alfred Nobel Drive Hercules, CA 94547............... (510)964-9604 Office Support Services Assistforce LLC 233 Sansome St., Suite 928 San Francisco, CA 94104...... (925)360-6454 Optometrists Lamorinda Optometry 3581 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-8502 Packaging Supplies Baer Packaging, LLC 3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #266 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)954-7123 PO Box 1335 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)820-8662 Painting Residential & Commercial Lamorinda Weekly Martinez, CA 94553............... (925)686-3273 PO Box 6133 Moraga, CA 94556................. (925)377-0977 San Francisco Chronicle 1025 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 101 Alameda, CA 94501............... (415)536-5161 Nursery Mt. Diablo Nursery & Garden 3295 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-3830 Orchard Nursery & Florist 4010 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4474 R. Berri Painting Tom Romaneck Painting Co. Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)323-9908 Party Supplies Boswells Party Supplies 3483 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-9150 Paving J V Lucas Paving, Inc. 1012-B Second St. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-8027 1078 Carol Lane # 201 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-8975 Pet Services Lafayette Pet Shoppe 3517 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-5212 Waiterock Kennels 18 South Acres Rd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4729 Photography Imagine That... 3339 Carlyle Terrace Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-0251 Lynds Photography 3483 Golden Gate Way, Suite 3 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-0180 PhotoHutch Alamo, CA 94507................... (925)324-5510 Tanya Boggs Photography Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (415)314-0145 Physical Therapy Lafayette Physical Therapy, Inc. 3390 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 201 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-6150 Physicians Berkeley Cardiovascular Medical Group 3466 Mt. Daiblo Blvd., Suite C100 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (510)204-1691 John H. Devor, M.D. 970 Dewing Avenue #200 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-5100 Lamorinda ENT, Face & Neck Surgery, Inc. 911 Moraga Road, Suite 102 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-9919 Peter A. Linfoot, Ph.D, M.D., Inc.. 978 Second Street, Suite 220 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-1240 Sutter East Bay Medical Foundation Payroll Services 3687 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 200 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-6613 Paychex Planning & Design 2527 Camino Ramon, Suite 185 San Ramon, CA 94583.......... (925)242-0700 POM Resource Group PO Box 1012 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)818-1566 15 shopper’s guide Plumbing LeapFrog Plumbing & Home Improvement Inc. 1196 Boulevard Way, Suite 15 Walnut Creek, CA 94595....... (925)377-6600 Volga Plumbing Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)947-0466 Point of Sale East Bay Point of Sale Systems 3838 Grand Avenue Oakland, CA 94610................ (510)832-5548 Postal Services / Box Rentals. U.S. Postal Service 3641 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-8229 Preschools / Child Care Happy Days Learning Center Lafayette Chamber of Commerce California Glass Company 155 98th Ave Oakland, CA 94603................ (510)635-7700 NeedleWorks Embroidery & Screenprinting 3357 Hermosa Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)949-7700 Psychologist Clare Ames-Klein, Ph.D 895 Moraga Rd. # 10 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6300 Adrianne B. Casadaban, Ph.D 110 Lafayette Circle #100 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)946-9991 S.L. Dudeck, MS, Ph.D MSCP 895 Moraga Rd. # 10 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)946-5385 Dr. Heather Martarella 3205 Stanley Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)932-8088 3685 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 398 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)465-1008 Lafayette Nursery School Roxanne Mysinger, Ph.D 979 First St. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2448 Michael Lane Preschool Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)852-1565 Public Relations Keller / King, Inc. 682 Michael Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-7244 1601 N. Main St., Suite 201 Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)935-2882 Old Firehouse School Publishers 984 Moraga Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4321 Printing & Copying A2Z Printing, Translations & Interpreting Big Hat Press 1014 Oak Hill Rd., Suite C Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)380-1381 Diablo Publications Radio 92.1 KKDV 7901 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 525 Pleasanton, CA 94588........... (925)455-4500 Real Estate Services Alain Pinel Realtors 2 Theatre Square, Suite 215 Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)258-1111 Association Communications, Inc. 3732 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #395 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-4900 Balco Properties 1624 Franklin Street, Suite 310 Oakland, CA 94612................ (510)763-2911 Better Homes Realty 3701 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-9500 Branagh Development 100 School Street Danville, CA 94526................ (925)743-9500 C & H Development Co. 43 Panoramic Way Walnut Creek, CA 94595....... (925)906-1960 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Dick Holt 3929 Woodside Ct. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)253-6332 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Orinda Valerie Cook-Watkins 5 Moraga Way and 2 Threatre Square, Suite 211 Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)253-4600 40 Berry Drive Pacheco, CA 94553............... (925)825-3700 2520 Camino Diablo Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)943-1111 Allegro Copy and Print Employerware, LLC Tom Stack 5 Moraga Way Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)878-9964 Walnut Creek Magazine Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Danville 3344-C Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)297-0100 Minuteman Press 3289 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)945-6006 Private Equity Investments Keiretsu Forum 3466 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite C-205 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-8829 Promotional & Marketing Products AB Promotions Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (541)991-0170 16 3687 Mt. Diablo Blvd., # A 100 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-9735 PO Box 5550 Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)212-5146 Your Town Monthly Magazine 2440 Camino Ramon, Suite 268 San Ramon, CA 94583.......... (925)328-0888 Quilting / Fabric Supplies Cotton Patch (The) 1025 Brown Ave. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1177 Pat Trager 600 San Ramon Blvd. Danville, CA 94526................ (925)216-1448 Colliers International 1850 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 200 Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)279-5598 Cortese Investment Company 21 Lafayette Circle, #200 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-8777 REAL ESTATE SERVICES continued Desco Development Co. 3675 Mt. Diablo Blvd. # 350 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-8470 ELM Group Partners, LP 1547 Palos Verdes Mall #316 Walnut Creek, CA 94597....... (925)937-3291 Empire Realty Associates 1261 Locust Street Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)465-2030 Freskos Realty Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-7700 Gallagher Properties, Inc. 3483 Golden Gate Way, # 16 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-7055 Golden Gate Plaza 3483 Golden Gate Way, Unit 201 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (510)452-2944 J. Rockcliff Realtors - Lafayette Ellen Anderson 3799 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 100 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)385-2330 Julie Barlier 3799 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 100 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)588-4300 Sereta Churchill 3799 Mt Diablo Blvd., Suite #100 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)998-4441 Nancy Crawford 3799 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 100 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-1466 George Denney 3799 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)385-2360 Larry Pestal 3799 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 100 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)286-7989 Lisa Quiros 3799 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite #100 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)385-2338 J. Rockcliff Realtors - Orinda Barb Conlon 89 Davis Road, Suite 100 Orinda, CA94563................... (925)212-5842 Geri Murphy 89 Davis Rd., Suite 100 Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)253-7010 Anna Stevenson 89 Davis Road, Suite 100 Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)286-8869 J. Rockcliff Realtors - Walnut Creek Suzanne Looker 1700 N. Main Street Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)917-9070 Mary Schulze 1700 N. Main Street Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)200-2902 Lemos Center 3340 - 3344 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)939-4396 Main Street Property Services 985 Moraga Rd. # 202 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-8170 Pacific Union GMAC Real Estate Pat Brennan 8 Camino Encinas Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)253-6252 Keith Miller 8 Camino Encinas, Suite 100 Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)258-0090 Diane Reilly 8 Camino Encinas, Suite 100 Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)253-6254 Parker Harrison Real Estate 3700 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #105 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-3115 Prudential California Realty Terracorp Management & Real Estate Services 1043 Stuart St. # 220 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-6464 Tom Rochford Real Estate Co. 926 Dewing Avenue Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-2371 Village Associates Real Estate 93 Moraga Way # 103 Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)254-0505 Watson Setzer Real Estate Partners LLC 1608 Fourth Street, Suite 120 Berkeley, CA 94710............... (510)528-9300 Whitten Properties, LLC 8001 River Road Forestville, CA 95436............. (925)284-3978 Recycling Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority 1111 Civic Drive, Suite 275 Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)906-1801 Restaurants Amarin Thai Cuisine 3555-B Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-8883 Artison Bistro 1005 Brown Avenue Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-0882 Bistro at The Park 3287 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-7108 Clark Anderson 999 Oak Hill Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-6128 Blue Gingko Restaurant Len Cohn 999 Oak Hill Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-6130 Casa Gourmet Burrito Ginnie Lahey 999 Oak Hill Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-7000 3666 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-8288 3518-A Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-9020 3322 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4415 Celias Mexican Restaurant RE/MAX Accord Chevalier Restaurant Mark Shaw 3390 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)297-0332 Chow Jerry Stadtler 3390 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-9200 Security Pacific Real Estate 1555 Riviera Avenue, Suite E Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)746-7650 960 Moraga Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)385-0793 53 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-2469 Duck Club 3287 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-7108 El Charro Mexican Dining 3339 Mt. Diablo Blvd. 17 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2345 shopper’s guide Restaurants continued El Jarro Mexican Cafe 3563 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6639 Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Round Table Pizza 3637 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-0404 Great Wall Restaurant PO Box 1029 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)927-3500 Orinda Academy 3500 Golden Gate Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-3500 Jamba Juice Lafayette School District 19 Altarinda Rd. Orinda, CA 94563.................. (925)254-7553 3518-C Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-4215 Squirrel’s Coffee Shop Knoxx Restaurant & Lounge Susan Foord Cafe 998 Moraga Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-7830 3576 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-5225 965 Mountain View Drive Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-2469 Kopitiam Restaurant Saint Mary’s College of California PO Box 5165 Moraga, CA 94575................. (925)631-4830 Springstone School (The) Swad Indian Cuisine 3647 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA s94549............ (925)299-1653 3602 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-9575 1035 Carol Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-9660 La Finestra Ristorante The Cheese Steak Shop 3445 Hamlin Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1640 100 Lafayette Circle # 101 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-5282 3455 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-1234 Lily’s House The French Bakery 3555 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-7569 71 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2226 Mangia Ristorante & Pizzeria Uncle Yu’s Szechuan 975 Moraga Rd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-3081 999 Oak Hill Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-1688 Marie Callender’s Vino 1101 South California Blvd. Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)943-7100 3531 Plaza Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1330 Metro Lafayette 3593 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-4100 3524-B Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4422 Millies Kitchen 1018 Oak Hill Rd Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2397 Mountain Mike’s Pizza 3614 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6363 Yankee Pier Saloon Round Up Saloon 3553 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4817 Schools Nibblers Eatery & Wine Bar Acalanes Union High School District 1922 Oak Park Blvd. Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.......... (925)944-0402 1212 Pleasant Hill Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)280-3900 Petar’s Restaurant & Pub Bentley School - Upper Division 32 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-7117 1000 Upper Happy Valley Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (510)843-2512 Pizza Antica Chapman University 3600 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-0500 Postino 3565 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-8700 Rising Loafer Cafe & Bakery 3643 Mt. Diablo Blvd. # B 18 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-8816 2950 Buskirk Ave., Suite 200 Walnut Creek, CA 94597....... (925)930-2000 French For Fun 3468 Mt. Diablo Blvd., # B-100 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-9822 St. Perpetua School Viva el Espanol 3451 Golden Gate Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-9177 Senior Services Aegis Assisted Living of Moraga 950 Country Club Dr. Moraga, CA 94556................. (925)377-7900 Alzheimer’s Association 251 Lafayette Circle, Suite 250 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-7942 Better Care Choices Walnut Creek, CA 94595....... (925)932-1400 BrightStar Healthcare 3746 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite 204 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-8888 Byron Park 1700 Tice Valley Blvd. Walnut Creek, CA 94595....... (925)937-1700 ComForcare Senior Services 1078 Carol Lane, Suite 200 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6025 Companion Care / ResCare 3730 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #320 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-5076 Lafayette Care Center 1010 First Street Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1420 Stationery / Greeting Cards Senior Services continued Moraga Royale 1600 Canyon Road Moraga, CA 94556................. (925)376-8900 Rossmoor Walnut Creek Golden Rain Foundation 1001 Golden Rain Road Walnut Creek, CA 94595....... (925)988-7712 Senior Helpers 1550 Viader Dr., Suite D Moraga, CA 94556................. (925)376-8000 Senior Helpline Services 1035 A Carol Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2207 The Chateaus Retirement Communities 2770 Pleasant Hill Road Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.......... (925)935-1160 The Heritage Pointe 1785 Shuey Avenue Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)943-7427 The Kensington (Vintage Senior Living) 1580 Geary Road Walnut Creek, CA 94597....... (925)943-1121 The Stratford at Countrywood 1545 Pleasant Hill Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)932-9910 Woodland Nursing Inn 3721 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-5544 Skin Solutions 3441 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-1035 Sonia’s Beauty & Body Salon 950 Hough Ave., #C Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-7407 Solar Products / Installation Sola-Brite 5729 Sonoma Drive, Suite H Pleasanton, CA 94566........... (925)600-1400 Valkyrie Solar 3520 Brook St., #3 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)383-9814 Skin Care Services Mary Kay Cosmetics 1076 Carol Lane, #149 Lafayette,CA 94549............... (925)435-5674 Storage Facilities Central Self Storage 3330 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-1940 5439 E Clayton Road Clayton, CA 94517................. (925)680-7792 Sporting Goods Forward Motion Sports 432 Hartz Ave Danville, CA 94526................ (925)820-9966 Nor-Ski Sports 3518-F Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2522 Rossi’s Tennis & Running 1005 Oak Hill Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1222 Soccer Post 1881 Ygnacio Valley Road Walnut Creek, CA 94598....... (925)941-6120 Sports Lafayette Moraga Youth Association PO Box 395 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-1961 Martinez, CA 94553............... (925)228-2789 Staging & Design Skin Care by Timberly Moraga, CA 94570................. (925)360-0947 874 Birdhaven Ct. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)323-1091 SendOutCards of Lamorinda Skin Care by Earline / Bella Mia Spa Sports Basement 3622 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4809 3645-C Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-2391 3579 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Suite C Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6975 The UPS Store One Stop Shoe Care Papyrus Aspen MedSpa 3618 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-8800 Shoe Repair 3678-A Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-0344 Spa Services Shipping, Freight & Business Services 3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1377 Paperweight Staging by Design Synagogue Temple Isaiah 3800 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-8575 Telecommunications AT&T 2150 Webster St. # 1030 Oakland, CA 94612................ (510)587-1930 Theater / Film Martinez Opera Contra Costa 1211 Grandview Avenue Martinez, CA 94553............... (925)372-6617 Rheem Theatre 350 Park Street Moraga, CA 94556................. (925)988-3411 Town Hall Kids Theater Classes 3535 School Street Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)262-1159 Town Hall Theatre Company of Lafayette 3535 School St. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-6673 19 shopper’s guide Thrift Shop Assistance League Way Side Inn Thrift Shop 3521 Golden Gate Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)934-0901 Nifty Thrift 3467 Golden Gate Way Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-5237 Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Far Western Trophy & Awards 2363 Blvd. Circle #23 Walnut Creek, CA 94595....... (925)935-7612 Upholstery M.R.S. Furniture Upholstery Utilities 440 Boulder Ct., #400 Pleasanton, CA 94566........... (925)249-2280 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553............... (925)229-7310 East Bay Municipal Utility District. 375 Eleventh St Oakland, CA 94607................ (866)403-2683 Pacific Gas & Electric Toys 3480 Buskirk Ave, # 150 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.......... (925)674-6592 Handlebar Toys Valley Waste Management White Song Incorporated 2658 North Main St. Walnut Creek, CA 94597....... (925)935-8900 Veterinarians PO Box 1692 Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-8880 Lafayette Animal Hospital Transportation Video Production County Connection Guava Films, Inc. 2477 Arnold Industrial Way Concord, CA 94520............... (925)676-1976 Travel Agencies / Consultants Kelly World Travel 3529 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-2122 Pulaski Tickets & Tours 2190 Meridian Park Blvd., Suite M Concord, CA 94520............... (925)676-2500 Shell Vacation Club 55 Main Street Isleton, CA 95641.................. (916)777-7011 Trophies / Awards Diablo Trophies & Awards 1922 Contra Costa Blvd. Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.......... (925)680-0155 20 2400 Monument Blvd. Concord, CA 94518............... (925)639-4903 Windows 441 N. Buchanan Circle Pacheco, CA 94553............... (925)685-4711 Translations Costco Wholesale 3418 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)962-0579 Allied Waste Services 3631 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4631 Wholesale 3394 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4412 Custom Exteriors, Inc. Winery Happy Valley Cellars 1223 Upper Happy Valley Road Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-1243 Tamayo Family Vineyards 2155 Elkins Way, Suite C Brentwood, CA 94513........... (925)513-8463 Wines / Liquors Jackson’s Wines & Spirits 3524 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-4100 Lamorinda Wine Growers’ Association Moraga, CA 94556................. (925)631-7981 Wine Chest 3380 Vincent Rd. Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.......... (925)979-1444 Wine Thieves 3401 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)299-9070 Walnut Creek, CA 94596....... (925)209-9650 Yarn Vocational Services 3604 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-1020 Futures Explored 3547 Wilkinson Lane Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)284-3240 Big Sky Luxury Yarns The Yarn Boutique 963-C Moraga Rd. Lafayette, CA 94549.............. (925)283-7377 The Arts TOWN HALL THEATRE The historic Lafayette Town Hall, which opened in 1914, hosts several of the performing arts groups that add brilliance to the local arts scene: 3535 School Street, Lafayette 94549 925-283-6673 • Town Hall Kids The Town Hall Kids program introduces children and teens of all ages to the magic of theater. For preschool-aged children, the Rising Stars program is designed to introduce singing and movement to the youngest actors. Elementary school-aged children delight in participating in the Bravo program, with kid-friendly shows such as “101 Dalmatians.” The Encore program for middle school-aged actors and the Ovation program for high school actors allow older students to refine their techniques in acting and musical theatre, while developing self-esteem, confidence, leadership, and team-building skills. Lafayette Jazz Festival Town Hall Theatre Company This weeklong community festival features “students and stars” from the local middle and high school music programs playing alongside some of the best jazz musicians in the country. Professionals who have appeared in past sold-out performances include Hall of Fame Jazz singer Countess Felder, Tower of Power’s Mic Gillete and a Dave Brubeck group. Established in 1944 as The Dramateurs and reorganized in 1992 as The Town Hall Theatre Company of Lafayette, it is the oldest continuously active live theater in Contra Costa County. Over the years the group has earned more than its share of “Shellie Awards,” the County’s equivalent of Tony Awards, for productions as varied as “Wit,” “The Rocky Horror Show,” and “Copenhagen.” Each season brings six new productions to the friendly and intimate environs of Town Hall. Produced by the Generations in Jazz Foundation, the Festival is one of many activities organized by this group. Town Hall Theatre Others include the Jazz in the Park concerts held each week during the month of September, the Lafayette Summer Music Workshop, and Jazz Outreach, a program designed to aid under-funded schools with resources, information and opportunities in jazz music. THE VISUAL ARTS The appreciation of fine arts in Lafayette is evident everywhere–in prestigious galleries such as the Barclay Simpson; in one of the many shops committed to helping residents best display–or add to–their treasured collections including The Print Gallery/ P & L Framing, Keenan Heinz or Fastframe; or in one of the many businesses in town that hang the impressive work of local artists. Lafayette Gallery & The Art Room The passion for art is clearly evident at the Lafayette Gallery. The Gallery, a cooperative of 23 local artists will be celebrating its 10 year Anniversary this year, 2009. For the past decade the Gallery has collaborated with many community organizations and remains an integral part of the Lamorinda Arts Alliance. This diverse group of Artists changes the Gallery exhibit every 8-9 weeks allowing for exciting new presentations and themes for their shows. The members’ work can also be seen in a special “Local Artists” section of the annual Lafayette Art & Wine Festival held each year in September. Lafayette Gallery is housed with The Art Room, a private art school and studio offering a variety of art classes for children, teens and adults. 21 Lafayette Reservoir &Recreation Area Located off Mt. Diablo Boulevard on the west end of Lafayette, the Lafayette Reservoir was completed in 1933 to be used as a standby supply of drinking water for East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) customers. The 925 acre site with a 1.4 billion gallon reservoir was opened to public recreation in 1966. Besides being used as an auxiliary water supply, the reservoir is a recreational area for hiking, fishing, boating and picnicking. The recreation area is open yearround during daylight hours. Opening and closing times are posted at the gate. There is a daily parking fee for cars or a yearly permit may be purchased instead. Fishing is $4.00 per day at the reservoir and the usual state license requirements and bait restrictions apply. EBMUD and the State Department of Fish and Game plants many thousand catchable fish each year. The reservoir also contains bluegill, black bass, black crappie and several kinds of catfish and sturgeon. Privately owned rowboats, canoes, kayaks and sailboats are allowed at the reservoir. There is a fee for boat registration. In addition, there are rowboats and pedal boats for rent at the visitor center on an hourly, half-day or all-day basis. No trailers are allowed. Surrounding the Lafayette Reservoir are 135 picnic tables and barbecues to accommodate families and small groups. Most picnic areas are located near the dam; others are scattered around the reservoir and are accessible by boat or on foot. Open fires and barbecues outside of developed areas are not allowed. Two areas are set aside for groups, one for up to 20 with prior reservations. The other area can accommodate up to 250 people. There is a prepaid reservation fee required. The reservation fee will be refunded if 30 days’ advance notice of cancellation is received. There is a $6.00 per vehicle entrance fee for parking: meter parking is 50 cents per hour with a two hour maximum. Annual pass is $120; $60 for seniors. Call (925) 284-9669 for further information. Lafayette Community Center If you haven’t experienced the Lafayette Community Center, you’re missing quite a treat! Nestled in beautiful Burton Valley, the Center has become many things to many people. It’s a place where parents can enroll toddlers in safe, loving activities; where teens can attend drug/alcohol free events; where adults can choose the fitness program that suits them best; where people paint, train their dogs, sculpt, stretch, play guitar, dance, and have their chi strengthened. Lafayette Community Center customers wear sweats, tu-tus, T-shirts, cowboy boots, rollerblades and big smiles! Call the Community Center at 284-2232 and request an activity brochure or, better yet, drop in for a visit any Monday through Friday between 9:00am and 5:00pm. We look forward to showing off our wonderful Center. A Center for Learning. . . A Center for the Arts. . . A Center for Laughter and Fun. Important Phone Numbers: Community Center Activities/ Parks, Trails & Recreation Office...................284-2232 Lafayette Senior Services Center..........284-5050 Renting Rooms at the Center..........................284-2232 Lamorinda Senior Transportation Program..........283-3534 22 Check us out on the web: Park Theatre Lafayette History Brown’s Mill, Brown’s Corners, Centerville, La Fayette - our community has had many names. It was officially granted the name Lafayette in 1855 when Benjamin Shreve, the town’s first school teacher, applied for a post office for the village. Located on land that once encompassed an entire Mexican land grant (Acalanes Rancho) and portions of four others, Lafayette was first settled in 1848. While the original land grant was made in 1834 to Candelario Valencia, the town founder was the third Rancho owner, Elam Brown. He bought the one square league Rancho for $900. As the hamlet straddled the road that led from the Moraga Redwoods to the lumber shipping point at Martinez, early Lafayette became a stop-over spot for wagon drivers. When Brown established a grist mill in 1853, the center of the farming village moved toward the present Mt. Diablo-Moraga Road intersection. Lafayette remained a quiet farming village until the post-World War II building boom turned cornfields into housing developments. The City marked the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the Yankee settlers in 1998. Throughout the year-long Sesquicentennial celebration, several new monuments to our history were dedicated. These sites included the spot on Happy Valley Road where founder Elam Brown and his family built their first home; the site of the Pony Express Station which served from 1860-186l, located near the present intersection of Mt. Diablo and Moraga Road; and the homestead of Jennie Bickerstaff, the community’s first teacher, in the Diablo Foods parking lot today. - Lafayette Historical Society Starbuck’s Coffe e For more information on the City’s history, contact the Lafayette Historical Society, P.O. Box 133, Lafayette, CA 94549. 23 Lafayette Reservoir & Recreation Area 24 membership list See Shopper’s Guide Page # 92.1 KKDV........................................ 29 Patrick J. Gutierrez.....................(925)455-4500 Fax: (925) A.G. Ferrari Foods............................ 25 Dave McCary.............................(925)299-8040 Fax: (925)299-8043 A2Z Printing, Translations & Interpreting.................................... 29 Dennis Arsenault........................(925)825-3700 Fax: (925) AAA.................................................. 25 Maichi Fong................................(925)314-2610 Fax: (925) AB Promotions.................................. 29 Ed Millerstrom............................(541)991-0170 Fax: (925) ABsolute Center............................... 24 Katie Santos...............................(925)299-9642 Fax: (925) AT&T................................................. 32 Barbara Leslie............................(510)587-1930 Fax: (510)832-7550........ AVALON School of Massage Therapy.......................... 27 Alexandra De Avalon..................(925)280-6500 Fax: (925)280-6618....... Abbass, Magany, Law Offices........... 18 Magany Abbass, Esquire............(925)283-9088 Abundant Smile................................ 22 Julie Sarginson...........................(615)636-4133 Fax: (509)561-0657.... Acalanes Tire Service & Repair......... 18 Jay Brar......................................(925)283-5901 Fax: (925)283-5903 Acalanes Union High School District.......................... 31 John Stockton............................(925)280-3900 Fax: (925)938-2846 Accurate Bookkeeping, LLC............. 19 Nancy Rogers............................(925)283-5738 Fax: (925) Accurate Verification........................ 18 Debra Blau.................................(925)962-9155 Adorable Baby 3D/4D Ultrasound.... 18 Nancy Clarke..............................(925)552-5700 Fax: (925) Aegis Assisted Living of Moraga...... 31 Candice Moses..........................(925)377-7900 Fax: (925)377-7929 Alain Pinel Realtors.......................... 29 Lori Legler..................................(925)258-1111 Fax: (925) Alicia and Lawrence Leather Goods...27 Alicia Klein..................................(925)299-1444 Fax: (925) Alissa Scanlin, PsyD................... 22, 27 Alissa Scanlin, PsyD...................(925)283-3902 Allegro Copy and Print..................... 29 Karen Smyth..............................(925)297-0100 Fax: (925)297-0119 Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Allied Waste Services....................... 33 Susan Hurl..................................(925)685-4711 Fax: (925) Allstate Insurance Company............. 25 Tyson Aldrich..............................(925)283-3883 Fax: (925) Alta Bates Summit Women’s Health Center..................... 25 Ike Mmeje..................................(925)962-9129 Fax: (925)962-9672 Altera Design and Remodeling, Inc................... 19, 26 Jim Vivrette................................(925)938-1100 Fax: (925)938-6805........ Always Clean.................................... 25 Sonia Gonzalez..........................(925)783-0227 Fax: (925)634-9597 Alzheimer’s Association.................... 31 Katherine Webb..........................(925)284-7942 Fax: (925)284-8032........ Amarin Thai Cuisine.......................... 30 Tom Karmonphet........................(925)283-8883 Fax: (925)283-0607 American Cancer Society................. 21 Kristen Hunter............................(925)934-7640 Fax: (925) Ameriprise Financial......................... 23 Ellen Resneck, CFP....................(925)299-9900 Fax: (925) Clare Ames-Klein, Ph.D.................... 29 Clare Ames-Klein........................(925)283-6300 Fax: (925)254-8389................... Angela Bayat, DDS - La Beaute......... 22 Jaime Aguinaldo.........................(925)254-0084 Fax: (925)254-0091............ Arbor Building Group, Inc. . ............. 22 Richard J. Dunn..........................(925)299-8753 Fax: (925)299-8769 Armand’s Drapery, Shutters and Upholstery................... 22 Ricky & Vern Levy......................(925)283-8717 Fax: (925)283-8356 Around Your Room........................... 26 Suzanne Kozel............................(925)899-0927 Fax: (925) Art Room.......................................... 18 Gigi Voris...................................(925)299-1515 Fax: (925)429-2479 Art of Smile Family and Cosmetic Dentistry......... 22 Sreshta Donthineni.....................(925)299-1504 Fax: (925)299-1514.... Artison Bistro................................... 30 Elizabeth Marquez......................(925)962-0882 Fax: (925)962-0887... Aspen MedSpa.................................. 32 William Birdsong.........................(925)283-6975 Fax: (925) Assistance League Way Side Inn Thrift Shop.................. 33 Karen Douglas (925)934-0901................... Fax: (925)934-4458 Assistforce LLC................................ 28 Al Poblete...................................(925)360-6454 Associated Securities Corp.............. 23 Jeff Stark...................................(925)283-2733 Fax: (925)284-2188.......... Association Communications, Inc......29 Caroline McCormick...................(925)283-4900 Fax: (925) Athena Charis Interior Design.......... 26 Athena Charis............................(925)939-3915 Fax: (925) ‘B’ Food International....................... 24 Bassam Dakduk.........................(951)654-9756 Fax: (951)654-9756.... BB&T Tanner Insurance.................... 26 Mark Ruggles.............................(925)598-2056 Fax: (925) BMW Concord................................... 18 Mike Heller.................................(925)682-3577 Fax: (925) BNI - Business By Referral................ 21 Krysten Laine.............................(925)997-5793 Fax: (925)283-1462.. Baer Packaging, LLC........................ 28 Joel Baer....................................(925)954-7123 Fax: (925)954-7124.. Balco Properties............................... 29 Mollie Gilbert..............................(510)763-2911 Fax: (510)763-2922 R. Bruce Ballentine........................... 17 Bruce Ballentine.........................(925)284-2423 Fax: (925)284-2493.. Bank of America Mortgage......... 18, 27 Alan ‘AJ’ Nisen, MBA, Notary....(925)963-5836 Fax: (866)923-9454 Bank of the West............................... 18 Larry Duson...............................(925)284-7072 Fax: (925)284-9366.. Barnes Capital.................................. 26 Daniel Barnes, CFA....................(925)284-3503 Fax: (925)284-3502... Bay Alarm......................................... 17 Lindsay Osborne........................(925)808-4809 Fax: (925)808-4848 Bay Area Psychotherapy Training Institute............................... 27 Marilyn Jenkins-Stark.................(925)284-2298 Bay Area’s Best Coupon Book.......... 22 Gayman Gee..............................(925)820-7434 Fax: (925)820-2305 Behymer Chiropractic....................... 20 Dr. Jerilee Behymer....................(925)284-5581 Fax: (925) Bell-Carter Foods, Inc....................... 24 Office Manager..........................(925)284-5933 Fax: (925)284-2377 BellaChesta....................................... 24 Dina Del Monica.........................(510)268-8111 Bentley School - Upper Division....... 31 Laura Kahn.................................(510)843-2512 Fax: (925) 25 Berkeley Cardiovascular Medical Group.................................. 28 Luisa Munoz...............................(510)204-1691 Fax: (510)204-5422 Jacques Bernou, L.Ac....................... 17 Jacques Bernou, L.Ac................(925)962-9228 Best of Coupons............................... 22 Mary Tuttle.................................(925)837-5634 Fax: (925)837-5676.............. Better Business Bureau.................... 21 Jumana Dajani............................(800)600-1511 Fax: (510)844-2600......... Better Care Choices.......................... 31 Linda Wurth................................(925)932-1400 Better Homes Realty......................... 29 Business Manager......................(925)284-9500 Fax: (925)283-7058............... Betty Jean Brown Foundation........... 21 Robert Brown.............................(925)283-1723 Fax: (925) Big Hat Press.................................... 29 Polly Bernson.............................(925)380-1381 Big O Tires........................................ 18 Ed Anderson...............................(925)283-2258 Fax: (925)283-2240 Big Red Construction........................ 22 Kathy Kovell...............................(925)962-0145 Fax: (925)962-0148 Big Sky Luxury Yarns........................ 33 Lisa Daniels................................(925)284-1020 Fax: (925) Bistro at The Park............................. 30 Bassem El-Rabaa.......................(925)283-7108 Fax: (925)299-4312 T. Ray Bland CLU, ChFC................... 26 Ray Bland...................................(925)937-2029 Fax: (925)937-2027...... Blodgett’s Abbey Carpet & Flooring............................. 20, 24, 27 Larry Blodgett............................(925)284-4807 Blue Gingko Restaurant.................... 30 Philip Yang..................................(925)962-9020 (925)962-9022 Blue Heron Graphics......................... 24 Laurie Prindle.............................(925)942-0897 Fax: (925)942-0897.......... Bobbie Freitas Salon......................... 19 Bobbie Freitas.................... Fax: (925)283-1808 Bodin Associates.............................. 22 Don Freed..................................(925)283-9100 (925)283-9104....... Bonny Weil, General Contractor........ 22 Bonny Weil.................................(925)229-3400 Fax: (925)229-3444.......... Daniel J. Bosshart, Attorney at Law................................ 18 Dan Bosshart.............................(925)962-9555 Fax: (925)283-9984.. Boswells Party Supplies................... 28 Luke & Mary Ellen Boswell..........(925)284-9150 Fax: (925) Bowles and Verna............................. 18 Richard Bowles..........................(925)935-3300 Fax: (925) Branagh Development....................... 29 Matt Branagh.............................(925)743-9500 Fax: (925)743-9822 Breedlove Insurance Services.......... 26 Sue Breedlove............................(925)254-6262 Fax: (925)885-0386 BrightStar Healthcare....................... 31 Matt Shriner...............................(925)284-8888 Fax: (925)284-8828 Britt Brown Design........................... 24 Britt Brown.................................(925)932-2137 Bryn Rowe Landscape Design.......... 27 Bryn Rowe.................................(510)541-9890 Buddha Gate Monastery................... 19 Master Jian-Sheng.....................(925)934-2411 Fax: (925) Bullnosing & Shaping........................ 26 John Lorio..................................(510)504-8736 Fax: (925) Byron Park........................................ 31 Pam Campbell............................(925)937-1700 Fax: (925)937-0348 C & H Development Co.................... 29 Basil Christopoulos....................(925)906-1960 Fax: (925)906-1955 C&M Party Props.............................. 23 Andy Chose...............................(925)934-3181 Fax: (925)934-3895............. C.E.M. Development Inc.............. 19, 22 Chad Morrison...........................(925)962-1222 Fax: (925) CVS Pharmacy.................................. 22 Kathleen Simonton.....................(925)284-7177 Fax: (925)284-2056 California Bank of Commerce........... 19 Diane Barbera............................(925)283-2265 Fax: (925)283-2269...... California Corn Roast & More........... 24 Michelle Ehrgood........................(916)704-8200 California Glass Company................. 29 Siobhan Poole............................(510)635-7700 Fax: (510)638-7616...... California Haircuts............................ 19 Jong Y Pak.................................(925)284-7930 Fax: (925)785-4000 Camp Kesem..................................... 21 Sarah Blumenfeld.......................(925)788-1580 Capay Oaks Farm/ Capay Oaks Olive Co........................ 24 Sandi & Ron Lutsko....................(925)283-5112 Fax: (925) Capital Tax and Accounting Services......................... 17 Zachary Sahar, CPA...................(925)977-7780 Fax: (925)977-1672 Carey Tax Services, Inc.................... 19 William Carey.............................(925)283-6663 (925) Cartridge World Walnut Creek.......... 28 Wan Chao..................................(925)932-1096 Fax: (925)465-6117 Casa Gourmet Burrito....................... 30 Dave Arghandiwal.......................(925)284-4415 Adrianne B. Casadaban, Ph.D. . ....... 29 Adrianne Casadaban, Ph.D.........(925)946-9991 Catlin Design Lynda Catlin, ASID, CID............. 23, 26 Lynda Catlin...............................(925)937-0133 Fax: (925) Cedric Cheng Design........................ 24 Cedric Cheng.............................(925)216-9880 Fax: (925) Celias Mexican Restaurant................ 30 Enrique Rodriquez......................(925)283-8288 Center for Collegiate Success.......... 23 Cynthia Ganote..........................(925)270-5216 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District................................ 33 Michael Scahill...........................(925)229-7310 Fax: (925) Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority....................... 30 Lois Courchaine.........................(925)906-1801 Fax: (925)906-1805 Central Self Storage......................... 32 Steve O’Connor.........................(925)962-1940 Fax: (925)962-1401 Chapman University.......................... 31 Susanne Hamilton......................(925)930-2000 Fax: (925) Chef Dan Leff Catering..................... 20 Dan Leff.....................................(510)336-2433 Chef’s Touch..................................... 20 Steve Orgain..............................(888)946-2433 Fax: (925)946-0564....... Chevalier Restaurant........................ 30 Philippe Chevalier.......................(925)385-0793 Fax: (925)385-0794...... Chow................................................ 30 Roxanne Logan..........................(925)962-2469 Fax: (925) Christmas Light Specialists, Inc....... 20 Dan Wisti...................................(877)493-4264 City of Lafayette............................... 20 Steve Falk..................................(925)284-1968 Fax: (925)283-3169....... Clean Sweep Housekeeping.............. 25 Margaret Dasso.........................(925)283-2400 Fax: (925)283-3429 Clocks, Etc.................................. 20, 24 Scott Hampton...........................(925)284-4720 Fax: (925) 26 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage....................... 29 Valerie Cook-Watkins................(925)253-4600 Fax: (925) Dick Holt....................................(925)253-6332 Fax: (925) Tom Stack..................................(925)878-9964 Fax: (925)253-0416... Pat Trager..................................(925)216-1448 Fax: (925) Coleman Computer Services............. 21 Glen Coleman............................(925)299-9500 Fax: (925) Colette DeVore, L.Ac., M.S. . ........... 17 Colette Devore...........................(925)299-1600 Colliers International........................ 29 Josh Scott..................................(925)279-5598 Fax: (925) Color Me Mine.................................. 23 Sean Goodwin............................(925)299-2615 ComForcare Senior Services............ 31 Vern McCalla..............................(925)283-6025 Fax: (925)283-6243.... Comcast Spotlight............................ 17 Scott Ingram...............................(510)247-8087 Fax: (510)728-7499 Companion Care / ResCare.............. 31 Sandra Lemmons.......................(925)283-5076 Fax: (925)283-8108..... Comyns, Smith, McCleary & Deaver LLP.................................... 17 Aryn Wilson................................(925)299-1040 Fax: (925)299-1100................ Michael Anne Conley, MA, MFT........ 27 Michael Anne Conley, MA, MFT.....(925)274-3311 Contra Costa Interfaith Housing....... 21 Judy Fassler...............................(925)299-1067 Fax: (925)299-1927.............. Contra Costa Jewish Community Center............................ 21 Jamie Hyams..............................(925)938-7800 Fax: (925)938-0765................ Contra Costa Times / Lamorinda Sun.................................. 28 Katie Eyerly................................(925)977-8510 Fax: (925)977-8457 CoreQuest Fitness............................ 24 Liesbet Bickett...........................(925)457-4587 Cortese Investment Company........... 29 Steve Cortese............................(925)283-8777 Fax: (925)283-8275 Costco Wholesale............................. 33 Ray Elliott...................................(925)639-4903 Fax: (925) Cotton Patch (The)............................ 29 Carolie A. Hensley......................(925)284-1177 Fax: (925)284-8470.............. Counseling Resources, Inc. ............. 27 Stephen B. Wright, Ph.D............(925)284-8280 Fax: (925)284-8280 County Connection........................... 33 Marie Knutson............................(925)676-1976 Fax: (925) Coupon Country................................ 17 Burt Kaufman.............................(925)284-7168 Fax: (925)283-8035 Cox Floor Covering........................... 24 Laura Cox...................................(925)825-3103 Fax: (925)825-3409 Crawford & Associates..................... 21 Karen Crawford..........................(925)284-7534 Fax: (925)284-7656........ Creekside Partners Investment Counsel... 26 Rick Ashburn..............................(925)284-1260 Fax: (925)284-1514... Custom Exteriors, Inc........................ 33 Jeff Kendall................................(925)249-2280 Fax: (925)249-2290 D.N.M. Insurance Services............... 26 Frank Burns, CEP.......................(800)815-9678 Fax: (925) D/A Financial Group......................... 26 John Hohman.............................(925)254-7100 Fax: (925) Dale Turner Architect........................ 17 Dale Linden Turner, AIA, LEED, AP, CGBP (925)299-0713................... Fax: (925)299-0714 Dave Smith & Co............................... 22 Dave Smith................................(925)283-3025 David Selvig Construction................ 22 Tamara Selvig.............................(925)299-1243 Fax: (925)299-1798.. Deana Vick Davidson Waddell & Reed................................. 23 Deana Vick Davidson.................(925)689-9600 Fax: (925) Dechen Designs................................ 24 Dechen Lama-Luna.....................(925)395-1588 Fax: (925)288-9990 Del Conte’s Landscaping, Inc............ 27 Bob Addington...........................(510)353-6030 Fax: (510)353-6036... Desco Development Co..................... 30 Curt Blomstrand.........................(925)283-8470 Fax: (925)283-9671 Devor, John H., M.D.......................... 28 Cyndi - Office Manager..............(925)284-5100 Fax: (925) Diablo Foods, Inc.............................. 25 Ed Stokes...................................(925)283-0737 Fax: (925)284-7648 Diablo Mountain Inn.......................... 25 Chance Tyler..............................(925)937-5050 Fax: (925) Diablo Publications........................... 29 Francine Lyall..............................(925)943-1111 Fax: (925) Diablo Rapid Print, Inc...................... 19 Polly Bernson.............................(925)283-6610 Fax: (925) Diablo Smog..................................... 18 Bala Subbiah..............................(925)284-1988 Diablo Trophies & Awards................ 33 David Mascaro...........................(925)680-0155 Fax: (925) Diablo Valley Carpet Care................. 20 Greg Eckstein.............................(925)945-6767 Diamond K Supply, Ltd..................... 27 Miler Magrath.............................(925)284-4477 Fax: (925)283-6990... Discount Tax Corporation................. 19 Charles Husen............................(925)962-9590 Diverse Strategies............................ 22 Clifford Tong...............................(925)284-9350 Fax: (925)226-3940... Charmian Dobell, CPA...................... 17 Charmian Dobell.........................(925)283-2847 Douglah Designs, Inc........................ 26 Leila Douglah..............................(925)284-4560 Fax: (925) Douglas E. Cowden, DDS.................. 22 Douglas E. Cowden...................(925)283-0313 Dr. Heather Martarella...................... 29 Heather Martarella, Psy.D...........(925)465-1008 Fax: (925) Dr. Stephen Milligan / Dr. Michelle Coleman........................ 20 Debbie Coleman.........................(925)256-1312 Dry Cleaning To-Your-Door............... 20 Jim Fitzgerald.............................(925)602-0606 Duck Club......................................... 30 Bassem El-Rabba.......................(925)283-7108 Fax: (925)284-1621 S.L. Dudeck, MS, Ph.D MSCP......... 29 S.L. Dudeck, Ph.D.....................(925)946-5385 Fax: (925) Dudum Financial & Insurance Services, Inc..................... 26 Keith & Jason Dudum.................(925)284-9900 Fax: (925)284-9910...... Dutch Girl Cleaners.......................... 20 Michelle Windsor........................(925)284-2662 Fax: (925) E.G. Lee & Company......................... 26 Ernest G. Lee.............................(925)299-8000 Fax: (925)299-8010.................... ELM Group Partners, LP................... 30 Audrey Richardson.....................(925)937-3291 East Bay Animal Rescue and Refuge.... 21 Grace Pruett...............................(925)429-2785 East Bay Municipal Utility District.... 33 Greg Chan.................................(866)403-2683 Fax: (510) 27 membership list East Bay Point of Sale Systems........ 29 Rick Powell.................................(510)832-5548 Fax: (510) Eckerstrom Productions................... 23 Chelley Dallara...........................(707)829-5064 Fax: (415)329-2380....... El Charro Mexican Dining................. 30 Dave Shields..............................(925)283-2345 Fax: (925)283-7447 El Jarro Mexican Cafe....................... 31 Guillermo Cortez........................(925)283-6639 Elmwood Stationers.......................... 28 Susan Dunn................................(925)299-6900 Emeritus College of DVC.................. 23 Jo Mele......................................(925)906-9105 Fax: (925) Empire Realty Associates................. 30 Sandi Mitchell.............................(925)465-2030 Fax: (925)465-9954.. Employerware, LLC........................... 29 Mo Levich..................................(925)283-9735 (800) European Tile & Marble Co................ 27 Benci Lavorini.............................(925)962-0290 Fax: (925) Excel in Marketing............................ 27 Christine Temple-Wolfe..............(925)876-7191 Fax: (925)254-0348 Far Western Trophy & Awards.......... 33 Elaine Whiteley...........................(925)935-7612 Fastframe of Lafayette...................... 24 Anthony Ruiz..............................(925)283-7620 Floral Arts Florist.............................. 24 Ellie Nowrouzi.............................(925)284-5765 Forward Motion Sports..................... 32 Marty Breen...............................(925)820-9966 Fax: (925) Foster Media, Inc.............................. 17 John Foster................................(415)538-7070 Fax: (415) Founders Grove................................ 23 Stephen Hinerman......................(925)283-3936 Fax: (925)283-1940 Franklin Floors.................................. 24 Roger & Dana Franklin................(925)284-1959 Fax: (925)284-2952.... French For Fun................................. 31 Catherine Jolivet-Johnson..........(925)283-9822 Fax: (925) Freskos Realty.................................. 30 Jack Freskos..............................(925)299-7700 Fax: (925)299-7707 Friends of Lafayette Creeks.............. 21 Carl Piercy..................................(925)228-8323 Friends of the Lafayette Library........ 21 Lois Laine...................................(925)283-6634 Futures Explored............................... 33 Will Sanford................................(925)284-3240 Fax: (925)284-3291 Gallagher Properties, Inc.................. 30 Ted Gallagher.............................(925)283-7055 Fax: (925)283-7054 28 Lafayette Chamber of .Commerce Gayler Construction. ........................ 22 Darlene Gayler...........................(925)820-0185 Fax: (925)820-0223 Generations in Jazz........................... 23 MoLevich...................................(925)283-0361 Christopher J. Gilman, Architect...... 17 Chris Gilman..............................(925)283-5840 Fax: (925)283-9727... Global Security Systems, Inc............ 17 Yelena Mucovich..........................(925)377-841 Gnu Group........................................ 25 Jennifer Fitzgerald......................(925)444-2026 Fax: (925)444-2039... Go Green Develop Wellness & Income.............. 25 Gayle Lee Pulley.........................(925)284-5266 Fax: (925)283-5120.. Gold Coin Car Washes Self Serve......................................... 19 Mike Lewis.................................(925)552-0544 Fax: (925)299-1322 Golden Gate Plaza............................. 30 Mike Moore................................(510)452-2944 Fax: (510) Good Stuff Coupons......................... 22 David de Leeuw..........................(925)673-3350 Fax: (800)417-6493 The Grapevine – Coupon Books............................ 17, 22 Beverly Schmidt.........................(925)284-2651 Fax: (925)284-2728 Great Wall Restaurant....................... 31 Linda Lin.....................................(925)284-3500 Fax: (925)284-3536 Greg’s Automotive and Muffler Repair............................ 18 Greg Coons...............................(925)283-0323 Fax: (925) Guaranty Bank.................................. 19 Linda Bolla-Dow.........................(925)947-3434 Fax: (925)947-3439 Guava Films, Inc............................... 33 Kelly Campbell...........................(925)209-9650 Fax: (925)891-3466......... Hair by Dallas & Company................ 19 Dallas & Judi Amos....................(925)284-2010 Fax: (925)284-4593 Debbie Halliday, M.A., MFT.............. 27 Debbie Halliday..........................(925)286-4415 Fax: (925) Hamlin Cleaners................................ 20 Jeanne Stewart..........................(925)283-2510 Handlebar Toys................................. 33 Lance Ghulam............................(925)284-4631 Fax: (925) Happy Days Learning Center............ 29 May Yen.....................................(925)932-8088 Happy Valley Cellars......................... 33 Dana Greason............................(925)283-1243 Fax: (925)284-5734.... Hatz Business Solutions.................... 19 Patricia Ahazie............................(925)262-8358 Heart in Balance............................... 27 Patricia E. Craven, MFT..............(510)496-6002 Heritage Bank of Commerce............. 19 Ute Medford...............................(925)287-4806 Fax: (925) Hilton Concord.................................. 25 Melissa Price..............................(925)827-2000 Fax: (925) Home Systems.................................. 27 Wendi Zampino..........................(925)283-6638 Fax: (925) Home Systems Integration................ 23 Teri McDonald............................(925)381-8690 Fax: (925)798-4251 HomeStyle........................................ 26 Karin Lechner.............................(925)935-0971 Fax: (925)935-1781.. Richard S. Horn, Attorney At Law.... 18 Rick Horn...................................(925)284-2350 Fax: (925) Hospice of the East Bay.................... 25 Karen Barnes-Jarvis...................(925)887-5678 Fax: (925)887-5667......... Huether Insurance............................ 26 Scotty Loucks............................(925)934-9191 Fax: (925)287-1786 Human Resource Advisors................ 22 Barbara Freet.............................(925)283-7305 Fax: (925)283-7306 Humann Company............................. 23 Rick Humann..............................(925)283-5000 Fax: (925)283-3578... Huntington Learning Center.............. 23 Kendra Aiken..............................(925)377-0737 Fax: (925)377-0316....... I.D.E.A.L. Financial Services............. 26 Jeff Witt.....................................(925)299-1300 Fax: (925)299-1449................. ISU Massie & Beck Insurance Services.... 26 David Massie.............................(925)283-5750 Fax: (925)283-5751...... Image Studio..................................... 21 Marjory DeRoeck.......................(925)299-0660 Fax: (925)299-1155 Imagine That..................................... 28 Penny Porter..............................(925)299-0251 Fax: (925)299-0247 inConIT Corporation......................... 22 Kathrein Meissner......................(925)962-2004 Fax: (925) Insight Resource Group.................... 27 Scott Mollahan...........................(925)254-4114 Fax: (925)254-4124 Interiors............................................ 26 Suzanne Warrick........................(925)284-1556 Fax: (925)284-1558 Iron Horse Kettle Korn...................... 24 Drew Kocir.................................(925)866-8355 J. Rockcliff Realtors......................... 30 Ellen Anderson..........................(925)385-2330 Fax: (925)385-2339.... Julie Barlier...............................(925)588-4300 Sereta Churchill.........................(925)998-4441 Fax: (925) J. Rockcliff Realtors continued . ........... 30 Barb Conlon..............................(925)212-5842 Fax: (925)886-6747... Nancy Crawford........................(925)299-1466 Fax: (925)871-5023..... George Denney.........................(925)385-2360 Fax: (925)871-5031....... Suzanne Looker.........................(925)917-9070 Fax: (925)886-4491......... Geri Murphy..............................(925)253-7010 Fax: (925) Larry Pestal...............................(925)286-7989 Fax: (925)871-4107.......... Lisa Quiros, Realtor...................(925)385-2338 Fax: (925)891-9113............. Mary Schulze.............................(925)200-2902 Fax: (925)820-1950 Anna Stevenson.........................(925)286-8869 Fax: (925)871-5029......... J.V. Chiropractic............................... 20 Jonas Vorzimer..........................(925)927-4620 Fax: (925)927-4622 JaCo Distributors, Inc................. 25, 27 Wayne Vico................................(925)283-1333 Fax: (925)283-4356... Jackson’s Wines & Spirits................. 33 Phil Selby...................................(925)284-4100 Fax: (925)284-4735 Jamba Juice...................................... 31 Rafael Saavedra.........................(925)283-4215 Fax: (925) Jensen/Ptaszynski Architects........... 17 Andre Ptaszynski........................(925)284-4398 Fax: (925) Johnson Clark & Assoc., Inc. Apartment Rentals............................ 17 Louise Clark...............................(925)299-0900 Fax: (925) Jos. A. Bank Clothiers...................... 27 Osamu Jitosho...........................(925)962-1051 Fax: (925)962-1054....... Judy Francis State Farm Insurance........................ 26 Judy Francis..............................(925)283-5040 Fax: (925) Chris Lane.................................(925)283-5040 Fax: (925)283-2108.......... Julia Young Advertising.................... 25 Julia Young.................................(925)935-2176 Fax: (925) Junior League of OaklandEast Bay, Inc..................................... 21 Pamela DeLuca..........................(925)284-3740 Fax: (925)284-5221..................... K.E.V. Insurance Services................. 26 Keith Vaisnor..............................(925)299-8726 Fax: (866)435-6332.............. Kattenburg Architects....................... 17 Rick Kattenburg..........................(925)253-7828 Fax: (925) Keiretsu Forum................................. 29 Randy Williams...........................(925)283-8829 Fax: (925)283-8159... Keller / King, Inc............................... 29 Matt Geiser................................(925)935-2882 Kelly World Travel............................. 33 Office Manager..........................(925)284-2122 Fax: (925)284-2144...... KitchenWorks.................................... 27 Margaret Harris..........................(800)464-2234 Fax: (415)256-1420 Knoxx Restaurant & Lounge.............. 31 Jay Singh...................................(925)284-5225 Fax: (925)520-2470............... Kopitiam Restaurant......................... 31 Edward Soon..............................(925)299-1653 Fax: (925)299-1391....... Kosich & Callahan Insurance Services........................... 26 Ken Kosich & Dick Callahan........(925)284-3911 Fax: (925) Kumon Math and Reading Center of Lafayette....................................... 23 WilsonTang.................................(925)284-9038 L & L Bookkeeping Solutions, Inc..... 19 Kathy Langner............................(925)876-6700 Fax: (925)949-8037........ LLP Meetings & Conferences, LLC.... 23 Leslie Pfeifer..............................(925)247-0416 Fax: (925)376-7532....... La Finestra Ristorante....................... 31 Jeff Assadi.................................(925)284-5282 Lafayette Academy........................... 23 Mark Bressler.............................(925)284-1644 Fax: (925)284-2338................ Lafayette Ace Hardware................... 25 Dave Erickson............................(925)283-3600 Fax: (925)283-3614 Lafayette Animal Hospital................. 33 Michael Radcliffe........................(925)284-4412 Fax: (925)284-7740 Lafayette Arts & Science Foundation...21 Myrna Kimmelman......................(925)299-1644 Fax: (925)299-1688.................... Lafayette Auto Body, Inc................... 18 Randy Sandlin............................(925)283-3421 (925)283-3579................. Lafayette Book Store........................ 19 Dave Simpson............................(925)284-1233 Fax: (925) Lafayette Car Wash & Detail Center....18, 20 Jesse Wellen..............................(925)283-1190 Fax: (925) Lafayette Care Center....................... 31 Al Macaseb................................(925)284-1420 Fax: (925)284-3370 Lafayette Christian Church............... 20 Kelley Lawton.............................(925)283-8304 Lafayette Circle Psychotherapists.... 27 Marcia Jacober, MFT - Sole Proprietor (925)639-8182................... Fax: (925)283-6593 Christine Roslund, MFT, CPC - Sole Proprietor (510) Kathy M. Davis, MFT - Sole Proprietor (510) Allison Smith, LMFT - Sole Proprietor (510)644-4229 Lafayette Common, LLC.................... 17 Nikki Szeto.................................(925)287-1188 Fax: (925) Lafayette Community Center............ 21 Parks, Trails & Recreation Director (925)284-2232................... Fax: (925)284-1549 Lafayette Community Foundation..... 21 Don Jenkins...............................(925)284-8214 Lafayette East Apartments................ 17 Steve O’Connor.........................(925)962-1940 Lafayette Gallery............................... 18 Judy Miller..................................(925)284-2788 Lafayette Garden Club...................... 21 Ruth McCahan Lafayette German Car Repair............ 18 Juan Lara...................................(925)284-3390 Fax: (925) Lafayette Glass................................. 24 Linda Smith................................(925)284-9510 Fax: (925)284-1178 Lafayette Health Club, Inc................. 24 Debbie Swigert..........................(925)284-7732 Fax: (925)284-7733... Lafayette Highlands Apartments....... 17 Property Manager......................(925)284-2586 Fax: (925)284-4573 Lafayette Improvement Assoc. ........ 21 Gregory Burnside.......................(925)283-3525 Lafayette Juniors.............................. 21 Amy Lafayette Moraga Youth Association............................. 32 JudyMcNeil................................(925)299-1961 Fax: (925) Lafayette Music Center..................... 28 Tony Trahan................................(925)299-0548 Fax: (925)299-0529 Lafayette Nursery School................. 29 President....................................(925)284-2448 Lafayette Orinda Presbyterian Church......................... 20 Chuck Fry...................................(925)283-8722 Fax: (925) Lafayette Park Hotel & Spa............... 25 Tony A. Eichers...........................(925)283-3700 Fax: (925)284-1621 Lafayette Pet Shoppe........................ 28 Jorge Quintero...........................(925)284-5212 Fax: (925)284-5732 Lafayette Physical Therapy, Inc........ 28 Valerie Watase...........................(925)284-6150 Fax: (925)284-6155............... Lafayette School District.................. 31 Dr. Fred Brill...............................(925)927-3500 Fax: (925) 29 membership list Lafayette Square Insurance Services, Inc. .................. 26 Tom Calbeck..............................(925)284-7900 Fax: (925) Lafayette Studio / Marcy Wheeler..... 18 Marcy Wheeler...........................(925)284-5143 Lafayette Today................................. 28 Alisa Corstorphine......................(925)820-8662 Lafayette Tree & Landscape, Inc....... 27 Thomas Raeth............................(925)284-7816 Fax: (925)284-5309........... Lafayette United Methodist Church............................. 20 Rev. Lori Sawdon.......................(925)284-4765 Fax: (925)284-5170................ Lamorinda Auto Detailing................. 18 Ron Morse.................................(925)283-2277 Lamorinda Chiropractic.................... 20 Chris Tucker, DC........................(925)284-1040 Fax: (925)284-1123 Lamorinda Democratic Club............. 21 John Hall....................................(925)323-2796 Lamorinda Dental.............................. 22 Fatima Beheshti, D.D.S..............(925)299-9922 Fax: (925)299-9924 Lamorinda ENT, Face & Neck Surgery, Inc...................................... 28 Sassan Falsafi, MD, MSCHE......(925)299-9919 Fax: (925)299-9924 Lamorinda Floors.............................. 24 Bob Hopfner...............................(925)284-4440 Fax: (925) Lamorinda Healing Arts.................... 17 Jason Luban, L.Ac......................(925)283-3860 Lamorinda Home Repair.................... 22 Dennis LaBrie.............................(925)313-8956 Fax: (925)313-8926 Lamorinda Moms.............................. 21 Alicia Griffith...............................(925)941-4714 Lamorinda Music & Gifts................... 28 Colleen McCormick....................(925)385-0963 Fax: (925)385-0965 Lamorinda Nails................................ 28 Kim Nguyen................................(925)299-9007 Lamorinda Optometry....................... 28 Richard Baker, O.D., F.A.A.O.....(925)283-8502 Fax: (925) Lamorinda Weekly............................. 28 Andy Scheck..............................(925)377-0977 Fax: (800) Lamorinda Wine Growers’ Association....................................... 33 Dave Parker...............................(925)631-7981 Fax: (925)631-7995....... Las Trampas, Inc............................... 21 Sandra Jackson..........................(925)284-1462 Fax: (925)283-1372.......... Law Office of Clay Deanhardt........... 18 Clay Deanhardt..........................(925)258-9079 30 (925)885-2478...... Fax: Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Law Offices of Belzer, Hulchiy & Murray.............................. 18 Robert Belzer.............................(925)284-9600 Fax: (925)284-9630.. Law Offices of Crosetti & Titmus...... 18 Janice Crosetti Titmus................(925)299-2030 Fax: (925) Law Offices of Paul B. Justi.............. 18 Paul Justi....................................(925)256-7900 Fax: (925)256-9204........... LeapFrog Plumbing & Home Improvement Inc..................... 29 Maurice Williams........................(925)377-6600 Fax: (925)933-1242 Dennis D. Lee, MSTCM, Pharm D, LAc................................... 17 Eunice Lee..................................(925)299-2886 Fax: (510)834-4372.... Lemos Center.................................... 30 P.R. Lemos.................................(925)939-4396 Fax: (925)935-5294...... Lifestyle of Fitness............................ 24 Tony Salinaro............................... 925)757-7531 Lily’s House....................................... 31 Lily Qiu.......................................(925)284-7569 Fax: (925)284-1788 Linda Chrisman, MA, CMT, SEP........ 25 Linda Chrisman..........................(510)507-2903 Loards Ice Cream & Candies - Orinda............................ 25 Brooks Stubblefield....................(925)254-3434 Fax: (925)377-5247................ Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa... 21 Jon Webster..............................(925)687-6760 Fax: (925)687-3474 LoveBugs Salon............................... 19 Mailana Mavromatis...................(925)283-7700 Fax: (925)283-7017.. J V Lucas Paving, Inc....................... 28 Karen Kallmes............................(925)283-8027 Fax: (925) Lynds Photography........................... 28 Keith Lynds................................(925)962-0180 Fax: (925)962-0181........ M.R.S. Furniture Upholstery............. 33 Robert Avanesyan......................(925)962-0579 Fax: (925) Madden Insurance Agency Farmers Insurance............................ 26 Thomas Madden.........................(925)284-7105 Fax: (925)283-5083 Main Street Property Services.......... 30 Craig Semmelmeyer...................(925)299-8170 Fax: (925)284-2331............ Mainstreet Food Concessions........... 24 Luz Villa......................................(510)910-2759 Mangia Ristorante & Pizzeria............ 31 Teresa & Chris Frumenti.............(925)284-3081 Fax: (925)284-3061 Marie Callender’s.............................. 31 Katie Hellier................................(925)943-7100 Fax: (925)943-1717............ Market-Ability, LLC........................... 27 Mike Hughes..............................(925)210-9000 Fax: (925) Marquand Design.............................. 17 William Marquand.......................(925)284-4804 Fax: (925) Martinez Opera Contra Costa........... 32 Maria Billingsley.........................(925)372-6617 Fax: (925) Mary Kay Cosmetics......................... 32 Kate Thon...................................(925)228-2789 Fax: (925)228-8988........... Massage Cottage.............................. 27 Jana Lynn, CMT.........................(925)284-2881 Matthew Kennedy & Co.................... 23 Michael Bloom...........................(925)284-7625 Fax: (925)284-5944 Maui Wowi Hawaiian Coffees & Smoothies...................................... 24 Juan Villanueva...........................(925)915-1712 Fax: (925)709-1893... McCaulou’s....................................... 22 Ken Stoddard.............................(925)283-3380 Fax: (925)283-5780.......... Mechanics Bank................................ 19 Debbie Cooper...........................(925)962-6900 Melissa at Plaza Park Salon.............. 19 Melissa Mazzoli..........................(925)283-6701 Merchant Services of Lafayette........ 22 Jerry Compton...........................(925)283-0766 MetLife Securities............................. 23 Fred Nelson, CFP.......................(925)451-1292 Metro Lafayette................................. 31 Jack Moore................................(925)284-4422 Fax: (925) Michael Lane Preschool.................... 29 Kim Olson..................................(925)284-7244 Fax: (925)284-7345 Michelle Graphics............................. 25 Michelle Billing...........................(925)691-1266 Mike Hutslar..................................... 24 Mike Hutslar...............................(925)798-1438 Millies Kitchen.................................. 31 Eva Clement...............................(925)283-2397 Minuteman Press.............................. 29 Steve Palsa................................(925)945-6006 Fax: (925)945-1610.............. Ryan Miyasaki, DDS......................... 22 Ryan Miyasaki............................(925)284-4642 Fax: (925) Modo Verde Garden Designs............ 27 Trix Toma....................................(925)360-4694 Moraga Hills Apartments.................. 17 Maria Demakas..........................(925)376-8350 Moraga Royale.................................. 32 Denise Lemings..........................(925)376-8900 Fax: (925) Morgan Stanley................................. 23 Daniel Deitrick............................(510)891-0597 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney.......... 23 Mort Johnson.............................(510)486-2494 Fax: (510)845-7288 Mosaic Financial Partners, Inc. . ...... 23 Geoffrey Zimmerman.................(415)788-1952 Fax: (415) Mountain Mike’s Pizza...................... 31 Len Shapiro /Ben Mahoney........(925)283-6363 Fax: (925)283-6161 Mt. Diablo Business Women............. 21 Mary Schulze.............................(925)200-2902 Fax: (925) Mt. Diablo Nursery & Garden............ 28 Garth Jacober............................(925)283-3830 My O Baby........................................ 20 Jyoti Singh.................................(925)876-3364 Fax: (925) Roxanne Mysinger, Ph.D................... 29 Roxanne Mysinger, Ph.D............(925)852-1565 Nan’s Gourmet Foods....................... 24 Nancy Pagen..............................(707)643-5730 Nature’s Bottles................................ 19 Mary Lou Till...............................(925)283-4484 NeedleWorks Embroidery & Screenprinting............ 29 Lisa Cohen.................................(925)949-7700 Neptune Society of Northern California........................... 27 Ironda Long................................(925)944-5100 Fax: (925) Nerd4Rent, Inc.................................. 21 Edward Zeidan............................(925)283-5666 New York Life Insurance Co............. 26 Eric C. Haag...............................(925)847-4647 Fax: (925) Nibblers Eatery & Wine Bar............... 31 Daniel Clayton............................(925)944-0402 Fax: (925)944-0460.. Nifty Thrift........................................ 33 Business Manager......................(925)284-5237 Nor-Ski Sports.................................. 32 Chris Carvacho..........................(925)283-2522 Fax: (925)283-2594............... Noroian Capital Management............ 26 Debbie Mitchell..........................(925)299-2000 Fax: (925)299-2002............... Northwestern Mutual Financial Network............................. 26 Nicole Wingerter........................(925)296-5168 Fax: (925) Novina Fine Jewelry......................... 26 Voytek Konopka.........................(925)283-1800 The Nurture Center........................... 18 Christine Alonso.........................(925)283-1346 The Nut Factory, Inc......................... 24 Pam Eis......................................(925)283-6151 Fax: (925)283-9683 Oakmont Memorial Park, Mortuary & Floral Shop..................... 27 Barry Bamford............................(925)935-3311 Fax: (925) Oakwood Athletic Club..................... 24 Mike Reardon.............................(925)283-4000 Fax: (925)284-9612 Old Dog New Tricks.......................... 21 Jeffrey Kell.................................(925)451-5289 Old Firehouse School....................... 29 Dorothy Stewart.........................(925)284-4321 Fax: (925)284-4408...... One Stop Shoe Care......................... 32 Roger & Karen Crawford............(925)284-4809 Open Sesame Specialty Health Foods..................................... 25 Euisook Jun................................(925)283-2207 Fax: (925)283-2208 Orchard Nursery & Florist..... 24, 24, 28 Tom Courtright...........................(925)284-4474 Fax: (925)284-7993 Orinda Academy............................... 31 Nettie Anthony-Harris.................(925)254-7553 Fax: (925)254-4768 Orinda Motors................................... 18 John Vanek................................(925)254-2012 Fax: (925) Our Saviors Lutheran Church........... 20 Pastor Dan Senter......................(925)283-3722 Fax: (925)283-4783...................... P & L Framing................................... 24 Lila Lomax..................................(925)283-4668 Fax: (925)283-1027 POM Resource Group....................... 28 Karen Maggio.............................(925)818-1566 Fax: (925) POS Card Systems........................... 22 Cherie Flanagan.........................(925)895-9555 Fax: (800) Pacific Gas & Electric........................ 33 Gregory Hoaglin.........................(925)674-6592 Fax: (925) Pacific National Bank........................ 19 Sanjay Prasad............................(925)472-4760 Fax: (925) Pacific Union GMAC Real Estate....... 30 Pat Brennan...............................(925)253-6252 Fax: (925)210-1938.... Keith Miller................................(925)258-0090 Fax: (925)258-0093........................................... Diane Reilly...............................(925)253-6254 Fax: (925) Pajaro Group, Inc.............................. 21 Luanne Stevenson......................(925)262-8201 Paperweight...................................... 32 Lauren Woolsey.........................(925)283-0344 Fax: (925)283-0345 Papillon Gourmet Coffees................. 21 Brenda Oum Tom Chea..............(925)283-0466 Papyrus............................................. 32 Mary Schrader...........................(925)283-2391 Fax: (925)283-0237 Parker Harrison Real Estate.............. 30 Sheila Spain...............................(925)283-3115 Fax: (925)283-6275 Vibhuti Patel, D.D.S. Inc................... 22 Shari Klenow..............................(925)284-7021 Fax: (925)284-7040.......... Patelco Credit Union......................... 22 Nora Elatrache............................(925)299-7220 Fax: (925) Paychex............................................ 28 Kristy Rodrigues.........................(925)242-0700 Fax: (925) Payjunction....................................... 22 Sonya Perrotti............................(866)535-9793 Fax: (800) Peacock Construction, Inc................ 22 Bill Peacock................................(925)283-4550 Fax: (925)283-0784 Pedder, Hesseltine, Walker & Toth, LLP............................ 18 Tim Walker.................................(925)283-6816 Fax: (925) Pediatric Motor Playground.............. 23 Dr. Brian Foltz.............................(925)299-2660 Fax: (925)299-2669..................... foltzandsato@ Peet’s Coffee & Tea........................... 21 Donald Pivella.............................(925)299-0735 Fax: (925)299-0739 Caesar C. Perales, CPA.................... 17 Caesar Perales...........................(925)284-2620 Fax: (925)284-7348 Petar’s Restaurant & Pub.................. 31 Ned Kermaninejad......................(925)284-7117 Fax: (925)284-9732....... Peter A. Linfoot, Ph.D, M.D., Inc...... 28 Peter Linfoot..............................(925)962-1240 Fax:(925)962-6984................... Pfy design......................................... 25 Ronni Shehorn-Maestas.............(925)935-5854 Fax: (925)935-5854............. PhotoHutch....................................... 28 Steve Hutchcraft........................(925)324-5510 Pinkies Nail Salons........................... 28 Derik Landry...............................(925)299-1229 Fax: (925)299-9335................. Pinnacle Promotions......................... 27 Brian Aiello.................................(925)946-1657 Fax: (925)946-1618........... Pixel Outpost.................................... 22 Steve Kozel................................(925)376-7216 Fax: (925)871-4090..... Pizza Antica...................................... 31 Melissa Lloyd.............................(925)299-0500 Fax: (925) Planning For Life............................... 23 Steven S. Shagrin......................(925)949-3938 Fax: (925)945-7326... Postino.............................................. 31 Marcus Hernandez.....................(925)299-8700 Fax: (925)299-2433... Powell’s Sweet Shoppe..................... 19 Zeina Hissen..............................(925)299-9866 Fax: (925)226-4832 31 membership list Premier Kitchens.............................. 27 Darla Carter...............................(925)283-6500 Fax: (925) Primerica.......................................... 23 Kent Alexander...........................(510)381-4658 Fax: (925)469-0940 Prive Jewelers.................................. 26 George Seferoglou.....................(925)284-2472 ProStar PCS..................................... 20 Richard Yom...............................(925)283-1300 Fax: (925)283-1300.......... Proclaim Promotions!....................... 27 Bill Welden.................................(800)758-0210 Fax: (800)758-4593 Professional Automotive, LLC.......... 18 Dave Watson.............................(925)283-2160 Project Second Chance.................... 21 Laura Seaholm...........................(925)927-3250 Fax: (925) Prudential California Realty.............. 30 Clark Anderson..........................(925)962-6128 Fax: (925)283-7022 Len Cohn...................................(925)962-6130 Fax: (925)283-7022 Ginnie Lahey.............................(925)283-7000 Fax: (925)283-7022 Pulaski Tickets & Tours..................... 33 Thomas Glee..............................(925)676-2500 Fax: (925) Queen Bee........................................ 24 Cheryl or Jane............................(925)283-7900 Fax: (925)283-7901........... R. Berri Painting............................... 28 Jennifer Berri..............................(925)686-3273 RE/MAX Accord................................ 30 Mark Shaw.................................(925)297-0332 Fax: (925)297-0300 Jerry Stadtler.............................(925)283-9200 RMKB - Kathleen Strickland............. 18 Kathleen Strickland.....................(415)543-4800 Fax: (415)972-6301...... RPM Mortgage.................................. 27 Steve Snyder.............................(925)552-3572 Fax: (866)743-1709....... Radstons Office Plus......................... 28 Diane Griffin...............................(510)964-9604 Fax: (510)964-9609........... Rainbow Snow.................................. 24 Bertha McCullagh.......................(916)428-2447 Fax: (916)428-8588..... Re-Bath by Schicker......................... 19 Tim Ortiz.....................................(925)676-8422 Fax: (925) Red House Studios, Inc..................... 27 Raja Singh..................................(925)938-6900 RemCon, Inc..................................... 22 Leif Rohrbach.............................(925)288-0790 Fax: (925) Renaissance Club Sport.................... 25 Kevin Cabral...............................(925)938-8700 32 (925)942-6342..... Fax: Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Restoration PIANO by Benjamins Piano Tuning............... 28 Steve Benjamins........................(925)284-3077 Rheem Theatre.................................. 32 Tom Peterson.............................(925)988-3411 Fax: (925)376-0886......... Rhythm Room.................................... 22 Di Rowley...................................(925)283-4801 Fax: (925)283-4807 Ring Construction, Inc...................... 22 Terry Ring...................................(925)284-8430 Fax: (925)284-1246........... Rising Loafer Cafe & Bakery............. 31 Maria Shibli................................(925)284-8816 Fax: (925)284-8819 Risk Concepts Insurance Brokers, Inc...................... 26 Kelli Robertson...........................(925)937-5030 Fax: (925) Robert J. Kent and Assoc................. 18 Robert Kent................................(925)284-0400 Fax: (925)284-0401....... Robert Jenson Salon......................... 19 Tana Srisawat.............................(925)284-2860 Fax: (925)284-1903 Rossi’s Tennis & Running............... 32 Brandt Rossi.......................... (925)284-1222 Fax: (925)284-1221 Rossmoor Walnut CreekGolden Rain Foundation.................... 32 Warren Salmons.........................(925)988-7712 Fax: (925) Rotary Club of Lafayette................... 21 Sandi Mitchell........... Rotary Club of Lamorinda Sunrise.... 21 John Fazel..................................(925)324-2017 Roughing It Day Camp & Ranch Camp...................................... 19 Hobie & Ann Woods...................(925)283-3795 Fax: (925)283-1619......... Round Table Pizza............................. 31 Wanda Coplan............................(925)283-0404 Fax: (925)283-2090 Round Up Saloon.............................. 31 Karen Johnson...........................(925)284-4817 Fax: (925)284-5450 Safeguard Financial.......................... 23 Patrick Scholz............................(925)627-1800 Safeway Stores................................. 25 Casey Aguilar.............................(925)283-0228 Fax: (925)283-3106 Saint Mary’s College of California.... 31 Tim Farley...................................(925)631-4830 Fax: (925) San Francisco Chronicle................... 28 Michele Miller.............................(415)536-5161 Fax: (415) Savory Affairs................................... 20 Carl Drosky................................(925)899-9290 Fax: (925) Schell & Martin Engineers................. 23 Howard Martin............................(925)283-8111 Fax: (925)283-2866.......... Schroeder Capital Management, LLC................. 26 Fred Schroeder..........................(925)283-7913 Fax: (925)283-7916 Season’s Interior Design................... 26 Shannon Boehme.......................(925)385-0293 Security Pacific Real Estate.............. 30 Rose Brudigam...........................(925)746-7650 Fax: (925)943-7409......... SendOutCards of Lamorinda............ 32 Susan Rachelle Cook.................(925)435-5674 Fax: (925)283-3121......... Senior Helpers.................................. 32 Kevin Reneau.............................(925)376-8000 Fax: (925)376-8002 Senior Helpline Services................... 32 Janet Johnson............................(925)284-2207 Fax: (925) serendipity jewels............................. 26 Karin Lechner.............................(925)935-0971 Fax: (925)935-1781.. 23 Tami Bean..................................(707)758-5226 Sew Fine Interiors............................. 22 JoAnne Archer...........................(925)283-8801 Fax: (925)283-8818 sewnow! fashion studio.................... 23 Susan Goldie..............................(925)283-7396 Fax: (510)649-5102.............. Sharp Bicycles.................................. 19 Matt Sharp.................................(925)284-9616 Fax: (925)284-9615 Shashi Dosaj Insurance.................... 26 Shashi Dosaj..............................(925)980-2552 Fax: (866)834-7951..... Shelby Sexton Salon......................... 19 Shelby Sexton............................(925)962-1900 Shell Vacation Club.......................... 33 Alisha Cataldo............................(916)777-7011 Fax: (916) Shred-it A Securit Company............. 21 Art Guzman................................(925)363-7301 Fax: (925)363-3952........................................... Silicon Connections.......................... 21 Mark Dalhen...............................(925)631-0101 Fax: (925) Sinai Memorial Chapel...................... 27 Susan Lefelstein.........................(925)962-3636 Fax: (925)284-3962 Skin Care by Earline/Bella Mia Spa....... 32 Earline Gomez............................(925)680-7792 Fax: (925)680-7792 Skin Care by Timberly....................... 32 Timberly Scott............................(925)323-1091 Skin Solutions................................... 32 Lynn Shibata Nakaso..................(925)299-1035 Sleep Train Pavilion.......................... 23 Trevor Ralph...............................(925)692-2400 Fax: (925)676-7262 Soccer Post...................................... 32 Tracy Hughes-Matson.................(925)299-8800 Fax: (925) Sola-Brite.......................................... 32 John Izzo....................................(925)600-1400 Fax: (925)600-1411........... Somatic Therapy Associates....... 25, 27 Heather Schlachter, MA, CMT....(925)818-1555 Sonia’s Beauty & Body Salon............ 32 Sonia Chilingirian........................(925)283-7407 Fax: (925) Sonoma Teriyaki............................... 20 Tom Doyle..................................(707)448-2551 Fax: (707)448-3012 Soroptimist International of 24-680.......................................... 21 Cynthia Lasky.............................(925)254-0895 Fax: (925)688-1481............ Sosa Granite & Marble...................... 27 Marissa Sosa.............................(925)373-7675 Fax: (925) Spartan Electrical Construction Co... 23 Tony Souza.................................(925)691-9393 Fax: (925)691-8393..... Specialtees....................................... 20 Ann Rubin...................................(925)283-5114 Spin Decorating................................ 26 Jackie Lopey..............................(925)285-0815 Sports Basement.............................. 32 Priscilla Moreno..........................(925)941-6120 SpringLoaf Catering.......................... 20 Darius Somary...........................(925)962-9369 Fax: (415) Springstone School (The)................. 31 Allan Nash..................................(925)962-9660 Squirrel’s Coffee Shop...................... 31 Richard Poy................................(925)284-7830 St. Perpetua Church......................... 20 Karen Goodshaw........................(925)283-0272 Fax: (925) St. Perpetua School.......................... 31 Karen Goodshaw, Principal.........(925)284-1640 (925) Staging by Design............................. 32 Nikolene Isely.............................(925)360-0947 Fax: (925) Stanley E. Smith Insurance Agency.. 26 Alan J. Mac................................(925)283-6161 Fax: (925)283-6464.............. StarrForce........................................ 21 Darren Starr...............................(925)323-6841 Stillpoint Center for Health, Well-Being & Renewal....................... 25 Michael Anne Conley, MA, MFT...... (925)274-3311 Strike Financial................................. 27 Richard Carlson..........................(925)962-9071 Fax: (925)962-9037... Successful Solutions........................ 22 Caryl Morrison...........................(925)580-8884 Fax: (925)254-3199 Sugi Fine Bedding & Gifts................. 24 Wanda Yu Huang........................(925)299-0882 Fax: (925)299-0882...... Summit Bank.................................... 19 Kip Penniman.............................(925)935-9220 Fax: (925) Susan Foord Cafe............................. 31 John Foord.................................(925)299-2469 Fax: (925)299-1030 Susan Foord Catering....................... 20 Susan Foord...............................(925)299-7616 Fax: (925)299-1030 Sustainable Lafayette....................... 23 Bart Carr....................................(925)299-1664 Fax: (866)850-8081... Sutter East Bay Medical Foundation....28 Len Alison..................................(925)962-6613 Fax: (925)284-5662 Swad Indian Cuisine......................... 31 Rajdeep Singh............................(925)962-9575 Fax: (925)962-9628 Sweet Delights.................................. 24 Louis Gubany.............................(209)401-7120 Fax: (209)951-2045...... Mark F. Swimmer, DDS, Inc.............. 22 Mark F. Swimmer, D.D.S............(925)283-0114 Fax: (925)283-3296 TNT Special Events Catering & Concession.................................... 24 Tim Nava....................................(925)325-6690 Tamayo Family Vineyards................. 33 Heather Clawson........................(925)513-8463 Fax: (925)513-9182.... Wendy Tamis, Harpist....................... 23 Wendy Tamis..............................(925)228-5832 Fax: (925)284-3677 Thomas R. Taneyhill.......................... 18 Tom Taneyhill..............................(925)286-9346 Tanya Boggs Photography................ 28 Tanya Boggs...............................(415)314-0145 Tarabini Mechanical.......................... 25 James Tarabini............................(510)599-4955 Fax: (925)756-6634 Tax Buddha....................................... 19 Andy Rogers..............................(510)522-2300 Fax: (510)522-2307........... Teacake Bake Shop........................... 18 Tim Hsu......................................(925)283-9900 Fax: (866)654-2799 Temple Isaiah.................................... 32 Michael Liepman........................(925)283-8575 Fax: (925)465-2077 Terracorp Management & Real Estate Services...................... 30 Matt Locati.................................(925)284-6464 Fax: (925)284-2313 The Chateaus Retirement Communities...................... 32 Francesca G. MacDonald...........(925)935-1160 Fax: (925)935-8304 The Cheese Steak Shop.................... 31 Gerry Henkel..............................(925)283-1234 Fax: (925) The Commonwealth Club of California...................................... 21 George Dobbins.........................(415)597-6700 Fax: (415)597-6729 The Dailey Method............................ 24 Diana La Brecque.......................(925)284-5400 The French Bakery............................ 31 Lynn Appleton............................(925)283-2226 Fax: (925) The Heritage Pointe.......................... 32 Barbara Simpson........................(925)943-7427 Fax: (925)945-7119 The Kensington (Vintage Senior Living)........................ 32 Kevin Young...............................(925)943-1121 The Learning Cafe............................. 19 Diane Fleck................................(925)689-5726 The Outsource Resource.................. 19 Cory McDade-Pascoe................(925)228-7338 (925)957-6998 The Stratford at Countrywood.......... 32 Lydia Hertzler.............................(925)932-9910 The UPS Store.................................. 32 Ann Baker..................................(925)284-1377 Fax: (925)284-9442... Thomas G. Henry @ Morgan Stanley Smith Barney.......... 23 Thomas Henry............................(925)284-5775 Fax: (925)284-0532 Thorn Architects............................... 18 Melissa Thorn, AIA.....................(925)283-4949 Fax: (925)283-0267............ Tom Rochford Real Estate Co............ 30 Tom Rochford.............................(925)299-2371 Fax: (925) Tom Romaneck Painting Co.............. 28 Tom Romaneck...........................(925)323-9908 Fax: (925) Tomei & Tonjes, LLP.......................... 17 Wayne L. Tomei..........................(925)283-8700 Fax: (925)283-9700.... Town Center Apartments.................. 17 Laurie Flores..............................(925)283-7800 (925)283-7877 Town Hall Kids Theater Classes........ 32 Janice Peacock..........................(925)262-1159 Fax: (925)283-3481... Town Hall Theatre Company of Lafayette....................................... 32 Lori Erokan.................................(925)283-6673 Fax: (925)283-3481.............. 33 membership list The Treasure Trove........................... 22 Anna Webb................................(925)283-2252 Fax: (925)283-9070 Trust In Education............................. 21 Budd MacKenzie........................(925)299-2010 Fax: (925) Twigs Floral & Art............................. 24 Cecilia Ou..................................(925)283-7288 Fax: (925)283-7294 Twilight Sounds................................ 23 Justin Johnston..........................(925)525-6105 Fax: (925)891-9145 U S Nails........................................... 28 Lien Vuong.................................(925)962-0955 Fax: (925)676-0770.......... U.S. Postal Service........................... 29 Business Manager......................(925)283-8229 Fax: (925)284-7539 US Bank............................................ 19 Michael Ball................................(925)283-7200 US-Asia Connect............................... 23 Romi Graham.............................(925)949-8825 Fax: (925) Uncle Yu’s Szechuan......................... 31 Daniel Yu....................................(925)283-1688 Fax: (925)283-1811 Union Bank - Moraga Branch........... 19 Dimitry Bokman..........................(925)631-1800 Fax: (925) Union Bank - Orinda Branch............ 19 Shawn-Michael Mathies.............(925)253-8981 Fax: (925)258-1250 Urban Suburban................................ 18 Rene Aguirre..............................(925)283-5212 Fax: (925)283-1462 Valhalla Automotive, Inc................... 18 John L. Maloney.........................(925)284-2844 Fax: (925)284-5806................ Valkyrie Solar................................... 32 Sherman Crancer.......................(925)383-9814 Valley Waste Management................ 33 Tom Remigio..............................(925)935-8900 Fax: (925)935-1617 Vemma - Sandy Meyers Distributor.....25 Sandra Meyers...........................(530)224-0930 Fax: (530)224-0931.... Nancy Verrier, MFT........................... 27 Nancy Verrier.............................(925)284-5813 Fax: (925)284-4248........... Veterans Memorial Building in Lafayette....................................... 19 John Wintersteen.......................(925)283-1153 Fax: (925) Village Associates Real Estate.......... 30 Ignacio Vega...............................(925)254-0505 Fax: (925) Vino.................................................. 31 Castro Ascarrunz.......................(925)284-1330 Viva el Espanol................................. 31 Margaret Grover-Roos...............(925)962-9177 Fax: (925) Betty S. Vodzak, DDS....................... 22 Betty S. Vodzak.........................(925)283-5454 Fax: (925)283-6881 34 Lafayette Chamber of Commerce Volga Plumbing................................. 29 Paul Volga..................................(925)947-0466 Fax: (925)947-0466.............. Waiterock Kennels............................ 28 Candice Harper..........................(925)284-4729 Fax: (925)284-4782............ Walnut Creek Magazine.................... 29 Pam Kessler...............................(925)212-5146 Fax: (925) Walnut Creek Marriott Hotel............. 25 Nick Scriabine............................(925)934-2000 Fax: (925) Walnut Creek Sheet Metal, Furnace & Air Conditioning, Inc........ 25 Business Manager......................(925)299-7000 Fax: (925)299-7002 Walnut Creek Sports & Fitness Club....24 Kia Compton..............................(925)932-6400 Fax: (925) Ward-Young Architects..................... 18 Tim Ward/Mike Mussano...........(925)283-3278 Fax: (925)283-1663........ Ware Designs.................................... 26 Stephen Ware............................(925)283-2988 Warren E. Boschin & Associates....19, 28 Warren Boschin..........................(925)299-8975 Fax: (925) Watson Setzer Real Estate Partners, LLC....30 Chris Watson.............................(510)528-9300 Fax: (510) Wedbush Morgan Securities............. 23 Lisa Gallo...................................(866)491-7828 Fax: (866)415-0756..... Weigh 2 Health.................................. 25 Nathalie Bera-Miller, MD, MPH..(925)658-2500 Fax: (925) Wells Fargo Home Mortgage............. 27 Tim Floyd....................................(925)287-6926 Fax: (925) Wendy Burnett, M.A.......................... 23 Wendy Burnett, M.A...................(925)324-1454 Westamerica Bank............................ 19 Jeremy Pumivutisan...................(925)299-7716 Fax: (925)284-1670 Western Career College.................... 23 La Shawn Wells..........................(925)609-6650 Fax: (925)609-6666.... Whippersnappers.............................. 24 Jeannette Hanson......................(925)962-0969 Fax: (925) White Song Incorporated.................. 33 Song C. White............................(925)962-8880 Fax: (925)299-0801......... Whitten Properties, LLC.................... 30 William Whitten..........................(925)284-3978 Fax: (925)284-1753..... Wildwood Acres Resort.................... 23 Daniel Jegers.............................(925)283-2600 Fax: (925) Mike Wilson - State Farm.................. 26 Mike Wilson...............................(925)283-6453 Fax: (925) Wine Chest........................................ 33 Debie Gibson.............................(925)979-1444 Fax: (925)979-1445.... Wine Thieves..................................... 33 Jim Meyers................................(925)299-9070 Fax: (925)299-9072.. Woehrle and Son Builders................. 19 Greg Woehrle.............................(925)212-8771 Fax: (925)974-0202 Wood Wizard..................................... 17 Darrell Stimson..........................(925)370-1489 Fax: (925) Woodland Nursing Inn....................... 32 Tara Murray................................(925)284-5544 Fax: (925) Workforce Development Board of CCC-EHSD......................... 21 BobLanter..................................(925)646-5239 Fax: (925)649-5517 Workspace Resources....................... 28 Chris Strachan...........................(925)284-6262 Fax: (925)284-6265 Yankee Pier....................................... 31 Michael Moore...........................(925)283-4100 Fax: (925)283-4101... The Yarn Boutique............................ 33 Marianne Adams........................(925)283-7377 Yogurt Shack.................................... 25 Jill Coccimiglio...........................(925)283-1127 Fax: (925) Your Safety Place............................. 33 Brian Klosterman........................(925)425-3282 Fax: (925) Your Town Monthly Magazine........... 29 Tom Giangreco...........................(925)328-0888 Fax: (925)397-3038 Your Trusted Advisors, LLC.............. 27 Ronald Bolden Jr........................(925)783-0482 Fax: (877) Youth Homes, Inc.............................. 21 Kathy Bowles.............................(925)933-2627 Fax: (925) Zeeba................................................ 24 Simin LaLefar.............................(925)299-9400 Zeta Gallery...................................... 18 Evelyn Fulgado-Taylor.................(925)283-6011 Fax: (925) Zischke Leland Financial................... 23 Carol Lu Zischke........................(925)708-9761 Your Getaway is Closer Than you Think Located in Central Lafayette, off Highway 24 on Mt. Diablo Boulevard between Lafayette Circle and Dewing Avenue. Yankee Pier Jos A. Bank Misto Lino Duchess Lavande Day Spa Yankee Pier Jos A. Bank Misto Lino Duchess Lavande Day Spa Powell’s Sweet Shoppe Powell’s Sweet Shoppe Yankee Pier Jos A. Bank Misto Lino Duchess Lavande Day Spa Misto Lino Duchess Lavande Day Spa Powell’s Sweet Shoppe A.G. FERRARI FOODS ART AND SCIENCE OF EYEWEAR CHICO'S CHOW NITRO DOG SHELBY SEXTON MANGIA SPECIALTEES FEDEX KINKO'S STARBUCKS COLOR ME MINE SUGI FINE BEDDING &GIFTS TEACAKE BAKE SHOP CLOCKS ETC. COLD STONE CREAMERY OPEN SESAME PAPILLON PENDLETON RED WAGON SHARP BICYCLE
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