Leaving a - Royal University Hospital Foundation
Leaving a - Royal University Hospital Foundation
L e av i n g a 2011-2012 Annual Report Royal University Hospital Foundation B R oya l U n i v e r s i t y H o s p i ta l F o u n dat i o n oard of Directors 2011-2012 Left to right: Chair Bill Johnson, Senior Director of Public Affairs, PotashCorp Dr. Daphne Taras, Dean, Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan Arla Gustafson, CEO, Royal University Hospital Foundation Past Chair Arnie Arnott, CEO, Saskatchewan Blue Cross Keitha McClocklin, Chartered Accountant Jim Rhode, President and Owner, Davis Machine Company (1960) Ltd. Vice Chair Dan Anderson, Partner, MacPherson, Leslie & Tyerman, LLP Sandra Blevins, Vice President Integrated Health Services, Saskatoon Health Region Blair Davidson, Partner, Hergott Duval Stack LLP Member at Large Gordon Martell, Superintendent, Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Dr. Anita Chakravarti, Anesthesiologist, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan Lori Isinger, Past President, Royal University Hospital Auxiliary Dr. Jim Thornhill, Special Assistant to the Office of Vice President Research, University of Saskatchewan Missing: Kim Goheen, retired Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Cameco Rita Mirwald, retired Senior Vice President Corporate Services, Cameco P urpose Statement The RUH Foundation creates excellence in and impacts health care by raising funds to anticipate and respond to needs for research, education and patient care. V R e p o rt o f t h e Bill Johnson Volunteer Chair Board of Directors Arla Gustafson CEO olunteer Chair and CEO The legacy we leave is part of the ongoing foundations of life. Those who came before leave us the world we live in. Those who will come after will have only what we leave them. We are stewards of this world, and we have a calling on our lives to leave it better than how we found it, even if it seems like such a small part. ~ Jim Rohn, business philosopher It is with pleasure that we present our 2011-2012 Annual Report to the community: Leaving a Legacy. As you read stories about the activities and successes of the past year, you will be reminded of how important this legacy of giving has been to patient care, research and education. When the then University Hospital opened its doors in 1955, the cardiologists of the day, Drs. Horlick and Lopez, had a dream of establishing a program to treat Saskatchewan patients with heart rhythm disorders. Through the generosity of donors to the Every Heart Matters Campaign, that dream has become reality, and the Royal University Hospital is now home to Saskatchewan’s first full-time Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory and Program. Since our inception in 1983, your Foundation has remained committed to funding initiatives not traditionally or fully supported by government operating dollars. We have raised $83,582,805 and invested these funds to enhance the patient care experience, to support knowledge expansion through education and training, and to advance medical research that improves treatment practices. Thanks to the generosity of so many, the Foundation raised approximately $6.2 million in 2011-2012 through donations, endowment gifts, events, lotteries and gaming, and investment income. Fundraising, event and administrative costs accounted for $1.6 million. The balance of $4.6 million was available for granting in the current and future years. Grants of $2.1 million including $390 thousand for research, $170 Royal University Hospital Foundation thousand for education and training, and $1.6 million for patient care and capital projects were committed. The balance of $2.5 million remains available for future granting through the Every Heart Matters Campaign and through endowments. In the past year, the Foundation continued its commitment to ensuring all activities deliver appropriate financial returns, while working with Saskatoon Health Region’s leadership to define future priorities. Making this work possible are Foundation and Hospital volunteers and staff who remain dedicated to our purpose of creating excellence in and impacting health care by raising funds to anticipate and respond to needs for research, education and patient care. If you’ve ever wondered if your gift to the RUH Foundation really makes a difference, we know you will find proof positive in the stories told on the following pages. Thank you! 1 S A M e s s ag e fr o m t h e askatoon Health Region Being exceptional is a high standard to achieve. At Saskatoon Health Region, we are very fortunate to be surrounded by exceptional people and partnerships that assist us in achieving our vision of healthiest people, healthiest communities, exceptional service. Maura Davies President and CEO Saskatoon Health Region 2 The exceptional care that our physicians, nurses, health care professionals and volunteers are able to provide is greatly assisted by the generous donors of the Royal University Hospital Foundation. From providing stateof-the-art equipment, to assisting professional development of health care professionals with research and teaching opportunities, RUHF donors are contributing to exceptional care and enhanced quality and safety. For example, the Every Heart Matters Campaign is raising the standard for life-saving cardiac care through the development of a fully functional Cardiac Electrophysiology (EP) laboratory and program. Having this level of cardiac care available here in Saskatoon will transform the experience of patients with heart rhythm disorders, not just in the Region but across the province. The Every Heart Matters Campaign is surging toward its goal of $5.5 million thanks to the generosity of donors who also include grateful patients and their families. They will leave a legacy. From exceptional people and partnerships come exceptional care. Saskatoon Health Region is proud and grateful for the relationship between the Region and the Foundation. Together we are improving and transforming care, services and programs for the patients, families and communities we serve. Exceptionally. F A Brighter Construction has begun, and soon the province’s first full-time Cardiac Electrophysiology (EP) laboratory and program will open at Royal University Hospital to treat people living with heart rhythm disorders. The imminent lab is the result of the $5.5 million Every Heart Matters Campaign that launched in September 2011. The lab will be open for public tours from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 20 at RUH. Over the past decade, RUH’s excellent Cardiology program has grown to the cutting edge of cardiac care supported by 12 cardiologists under the leadership of Dr. Jawed Akhtar, Head of Cardiology, and Dr. Rashpal Basran, former Head of Cardiology. Their passion is to complete the program with the addition of this final, integral program so essential to modern cardiac care – the establishment of a full-time EP program and lab. “Every facet of Cardiology is growing and uture Electrophysiology ties it all together. It’s that important,” says Dr. Akhtar. Starting in 2009, EP procedures were conducted one day per week at RUH using equipment purchased through RUH Foundation donations. Although that schedule has since been ramped up to two cases per day, two days per week, the patient waiting list is twelve months long and growing. In April 2011, patients needing the surgical implantation of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs) were able to have the procedure performed at RUH. Patients previously had to travel to Regina or Calgary for the procedure. EP cardiologists Dr. Kelly Coverett and Dr. Carlo Stuglin studied medicine at the University of Saskatchewan and then received their advanced training in Cardiac Electrophysiology at the Foothills Hospital in Calgary. Funding support from the RUH Foundation Royal Care Campaign for the specialized training included Dr. Carlo Stuglin (left) and Dr. Kelly Coverett agreement that the two would return to practice in Saskatchewan for at least four years. “We were more than happy to complete this training and bring it back to Saskatchewan,” says Dr. Coverett. “This will bring our Region and our Cardiology division on par with those in the rest of the country. We‘re very happy about that.” Royal University Hospital Foundation Because a third electrophysiologist is necessary in order for the new EP lab to operate five days per week, a third cardiologist, Dr. Stephen Wardell, has been recruited to train in this subspecialty of Cardiology and bring his skills back to RUH. 3 3 F Living Life to the replacement. In 2001 she had a heart attack, and in the years since developed heart failure due to a heart rhythm disorder. Patient Ambassador Lorna Callbeck and her daughters In poor health and unable to wait any longer, Ruth travelled to Calgary for Cardiac EP treatment.Within a month, she was back in the pool at the YWCA. The new Cardiac EP lab and program at RUH will have a huge impact on the lives of people suffering from heart rhythm disorders – people including Lorna Callbeck, Ruth Harker and Dan Lewans. Lorna calls her life “a journey of the heart.” Born with a heart defect, she suffered heart failure at the young age of two. At ten, she underwent corrective heart surgery. Now as an adult, she suffers from a heart rhythm disorder that causes her heart to race uncontrollably and requires ongoing cardiac care. Lorna could travel to another province for this procedure but has opted to stay close to home and her daughters, Cassie and Madison, hoping this procedure will be available soon. 4 ullest Patient Ambassador Ruth Harker “I want to be treated near the people who know me and with the cardiology team at RUH that has been treating me with love and kindness since I was born,” she says. Unlike Lorna, Ruth Harker couldn’t wait. An active volunteer and an even more active grandmother, Ruth’s heart problems began 25 years ago. She underwent a variety of medical procedures including an angiogram, open heart surgery and aortic valve “I was able to exercise again. I wasn’t short of breath any longer. I could keep up with – well, follow – my grandchildren,” she said. “It gave my husband peace of mind.” Sadly, Ruth passed away in late February. Her family says she was proud to be an ambassador for the Every Heart Matters Campaign because she knew the importance of bringing full-time EP treatment to Saskatchewan so that others, like her, could live life to the fullest. Cardiac EP treatment has also made a difference in Dan Lewans’ life. Five years ago, Dan began suffering from shortness of breath, fainting spells and, eventually, Patient Ambassador Dan Lewans and his wife, Pauline congestive heart failure. At RUH, he was diagnosed with a heart rhythm disorder. As an outdoor enthusiast, this seriously curtailed his enjoyment of life. At the time, the Cardiac EP team at RUH was trialling advanced equipment for the new EP lab. Using this technology, the EP cardiologist was able to identify the area of Dan’s heart that was misfiring and treat the irregular heartbeat. Within days of the procedure, Dan was enjoying the outdoors again – to the great relief of his children and his wife, Pauline. “I’m completely cured and feeling 100 per cent,” reports Dan. F A GI F T rom the Heart The Kinsmen Telemiracle Foundation (KTF) knows how important it is for Saskatchewan people to have a Cardiac EP lab and program at RUH. The KTF stepped forward to provide the last piece of our vision for a complete cardiac program. Their generous donation of $1.5 million ensures that, by being treated for heart rhythm disorders right here in Saskatchewan, patients and their families will not have to face the emotional and financial burdens of leaving our province for care. Since 1989, the KTF has donated more than $2.6 million for advanced health care at RUH including the first MRI in Saskatchewan, the first Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Units, the first newborn screening program for identification of hearing loss and now, most recently, a cutting-edge cardiac care program for the treatment of heart rhythm disorders. For its contribution to patient care at RUH over the years, the Kinsmen Telemiracle Foundation was honoured this past year at the 11th annual National Philanthropy Day Luncheon. “It’s wonderful to have such caring partners in health care,” says Arla Gustafson, CEO of the RUH Foundation. “They have touched the lives of everyone in our province.” Royal University Hospital Foundation Kinsmen Telemiracle Foundation’s transformational donation to the Every Heart Matters Campaign 5 F Pu t t i n g t h e The success of the Every Heart Matters Campaign is due in part to the strong support from health care staff and volunteers at RUH. Drs. Carlo Stuglin and Kelly Coverett have been instrumental in the campaign from the very beginning. “As physicians, we are very committed to advancing this important cardiac program at RUH,” they say. “That’s why we have spoken out and addressed the community, stressing the vital importance of establishing a dedicated EP program. We don’t want to practice medicine elsewhere – and we don’t want patients or their loved ones to have to go elsewhere for this treatment.” All Cardiology departments within RUH got into the spirit last Christmas season, when each showed its support for Every Heart Matters during the RUH Personnel Association’s annual Wreath Auction fundraiser held during the Christmas social. Lisa Bergen, Manager 6 un in Fundraising of the Cardiac EP program, challenged all other Cardiology departments to see whose wreath could raise the most money during the auction. The Cardiac Device Clinic’s “win” earned them bragging rights. The Clinic’s wreath featured gift cards. Karen Dunford, a retired Food and Nutrition employee, raised the most money as an individual for her “Shimmering Delight” wreath. Overall, the auction raised $2,758 for the Every Heart Matters Campaign. Furthermore, the strong support of physicians, nurses, health care professionals, staff and volunteers at RUH is evident by the number who are “buttoning up” in support of their hospital. To say “Thank You” to the many people who work at RUH, the Foundation held “Button Up” days in February and March. In return for donations to the Foundation, donors received special Back row (l-r): Rhonda Minisofer, Linda Forrest, Crystal Shendaruk. Front row (l-r): Jackie Zamosny, Linda Hanson, Lynn Zinger. Missing: Manager Lisa Bergen from the Cardiac Device Clinic. “I Support RUHF” buttons and wore them proudly! Those spotted wearing their buttons won prizes. The Foundation plans to hold “Button Up” days twice a year to continue recognizing RUH staff for their support of excellence in health care. H B R INGING IT Thanks to the hard work of volunteers in the community, the Royal University Hospital Foundation came one step closer to bringing home the Every Heart Matters Campaign. On March 28, 2012, RUH Foundation partnered with Cameco Corporation for the “Bring It Home Radio-a-thon” with all proceeds dedicated to the campaign. During the radio-a-thon with CJWW and Magic 98.3, people from more than ome 40 communities across Saskatchewan gave from the heart and donated either by phone, in-person at Market Mall or online. Cameco matched those donations up to $125,000 and brought the grand total raised to $400,521.29! “Cameco is making a difference in our community and knows how important it is to have this standard of life-saving care for people in Saskatchewan,” says Arla Gustafson, CEO of the RUH Foundation. Volunteers and staff at the Every Heart Matters Bring it Home Radio-a-thon with a cheque for $400,521.29. “We are just thrilled with the generosity of Saskatchewan people,” adds John Cross, Volunteer Chair of the campaign. “We knew we were undertaking an ambitious campaign when we began, but after such a successful radio-a-thon, we knew we would soon reach the goal of $5.5 million.” Radio-a-thon donations helped establish the province’s first full-time Cardiac Electrophysiology lab and program at RUH to treat people living with Royal University Hospital Foundation heart rhythm disorders. An abnormal heartbeat can lead to sudden cardiac arrest. Forty thousand people in Canada die of cardiac arrest each year – twelve hundred in Saskatchewan alone. Saskatchewan has been one of only two Canadian provinces without this full-time standard of care. That has meant that until now, many people in our province living with heart rhythm disorders (one in four Canadians) either have waited for treatment here or have had to seek it elsewhere. 7 L L EAVING A egacy Million-Dollar Man Homegrown hockey star Jarret Stoll of the Los Angelos Kings has left a legacy for young patients and their families at RUH. After just six years, the Jarret Stoll Celebrity Golf Classic raised a total of $1 million (after expenses) for the Jarret Stoll Patient Comfort Fund Endowment for Children at RUH. Investment earnings on the endowment purchase many items important to the care and comfort of children and their families while in the hospital. “This endowment will help children and their families at RUH for generations to come,” says Arla Gustafson, CEO of the RUH Foundation. This amazing million-dollar milestone was announced June 24, 2011, as the sixth annual golf tournament wrapped up at the Moonlake Golf & Country Club. The RUH Foundation thanks Jarret Stoll and all the hockey celebrities who came to play over the years, as well as the golfers and the tournament sponsors. Special thanks go to our presenting sponsor, Saskatoon and Region Home Builders’ Association. “Kids are the epitome of life, and this was a rare opportunity to golf and socialize with NHLers while raising money to help make a sick child’s hospital experience the best that it can be,” says Jarret. “I’m a firm believer that a hospital is not just about treating illness and injury, but also about comfort and healing.” Jarret grew up in Saskatchewan, so he’s giving back to his home province. Raised in Neudorf and Yorkton, he wears #28 for the LA Kings. The number is personally significant because his grandfather was born in 1928, and Jarret was born in 1982. Jarret Stoll with one of his biggest fans, Adam Silbernagal of Saskatoon (and his mom, Donna), at RUH Foundation’s June 2011 Celebrity Golf Classic. Adam was a patient in Pediatrics at RUH when he first met Jarret and has now been cancer-free for two and a half years. Royal University Hospital Auxiliary Creates Million Dollar Legacy Endowment Arla Gustafson, CEO RUH Foundation; Alice Hamp, President RUH Auxiliary; Bill Johnson, Chair RUH Foundation Board of Directors; and Gloria Reid, RUH Auxiliary Member sign the Legacy Endowment. 8 After more than 55 years of giving, the Royal University Hospital Auxiliary has made a legacy gift that will last far into the future. Last October, past and present members of the Auxiliary created the Royal University Hospital Auxiliary Endowment Fund with a $1.125 million gift to the RUH Foundation. Annual earnings will support the priority purchase of medical equipment and furnishings at RUH as well as fund annual Auxiliary scholarships and education. RUH Auxiliary President Alice Hamp is overwhelmed to be in a position where the Auxiliary can make such a generous donation. “It is history in the making,” she says. “It’s a wonderful legacy for the Auxiliary to leave our hospital.” Since its inception in 1955, the Auxiliary has been providing care and comfort for patients and their families at RUH through volunteerism and fundraising. Since 1974, members have raised and invested $3.5 million in support of health care priorities at RUH. Now each and every year the Auxiliary Endowment will benefit patients, their families and staff at RUH. “This endowment will remind future generations of the great impact the women who created and volunteered as Auxilians since 1955 have had on health care at RUH,” says Arla Gustafson, CEO of the RUH Foundation. “We know that others will want to make donations to this endowment, so it will continue to grow. We’re truly grateful for how hard the members of the Auxiliary have worked to preserve the efforts of past and present members.” Hamp says the Auxiliary wants to do whatever it can to help make a patient’s stay at RUH comfortable. “There’s a joy in giving and receiving,” she adds. “It’s a blessing for all.” Bryan Woods Memorial Scholarship Bryan Woods, a skilled and respected clinician, teacher and leader in the field of social work, lost his battle to cancer in October 2010. For three decades, Bryan was highly respected as someone who supported his clients and colleagues with understanding, kindness, patience, gentle strength, dependability, professionalism and wit. After leaving Social Services in 2001, he became the Director and Professional Leader of Social Work for the Saskatoon Health Region. On the first anniversary of his passing, a group comprising his former colleagues, Saskatoon Health Region senior leadership, friends and family sponsored a memorial lecture given by the Honourable Roy Romanow at the Broadway Theatre. Mr. Romanow, former Premier of Saskatchewan and Chair, Canadian Index of Well-Being Advisory Board, discussed a new national initiative that identifies and measures the overall well-being and quality of life of Canadians. There was no charge to attend the lecture, but people were asked to consider making a charitable donation to support the establishment of the Bryan Woods Scholarship for Social Work. More than $5,000 was raised and will support the Bryan Woods $500 scholarship that will be awarded to a social worker to assist with a formal education program or training that will further his or her knowledge and skills in a specific area of practice. In addition to being a caring professional, Bryan loved the outdoors, especially camping, canoeing, fishing, cross-country skiing and cycling. He paddled many rivers, skied many loppets and in 2008 proudly cycled the 300-km Golden Triangle in mountainous Alberta/BC. He was a loving and supportive husband to Terri, father to Kristen and Michael and brother. Bryan was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in April 2009 and plasma cell leukemia in February 2010. He dealt with his illness in the same way he approached many of life’s challenges: with focus, determination and hope. A Legacy of Caring – A Legacy of Giving For more than 30 years, Irene Anderson served her community as an operating room nurse at the Nipawin Hospital. When she passed away in January 2011, she left a legacy of caring for the future by including both her home hospital and Royal University Hospital in her last bequest. Irene Anderson receives recognition for her long-standing service at the Nipawin Hospital in 1984. Her estate gift of $35,000 to the RUH Foundation supports the Every Heart Matters Campaign, which is raising $5.5 million for a laboratory and program in the advanced sub-specialty of cardiology called Cardiac Electrophysiology (Cardiac EP). Irene and her husband, Eric, have been long-time annual supporters of RUH, so it was not completely unexpected when Irene included the hospital in her will. “We talked it over together and this is something we both wanted to do,” said Eric, a retired farmer. He added that they chose to make a planned gift in support of RUH where both received cancer treatments, while at the same time lowering their income tax bill. In memory of his wife, Eric also made a donation of $40,000 for respiratory health at RUH. A portion of his gift was allocated to the purchase of EBUS (Endobronchial Ultrasound) equipment, which is used for the early and non-surgical detection of lung cancer and other lung diseases. The acquisition of this $300,000 cutting-edge tool was a key factor in the recruitment of respiratory specialist Dr. Chris Hergott to RUH in 2010. “We are so grateful to the Andersons for including RUH in their wills. Their gifts will help make a difference in the lives of so many people who will benefit from these advanced treatments,” says Lisa Laskowski, the RUH Foundation’s Director of Development. 9 W e would like to acknowledge and thank these special individuals, organizations, businesses and anonymous friends who donated to the Royal University Hospital Foundation during the fiscal year of April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012. $1,000,000 + Kinsmen Telemiracle Foundation Inc. PotashCorp Royal University Hospital Auxiliary $100,000 - $499,999 The Leslie and Irene Dubé Foundation Greystone Classic For Parkinson’s Inc. Karim and Dora Nasser Lawrence and Patricia Rychjohn Anonymous Friends Patient and Family Resource Centre Thanks to $50,000 granted from the annual RUH Foundation HUG Fund, families and patients visiting loved ones at RUH now have a comfortable, quiet place to seek information or simply to relax. The Patient and Family Resource Centre officially opened in November 2011. “Whatever their reasons for coming to RUH, we hope that patients and families take advantage of this caring, comforting space and the resources available,” says family member Tammy Fleming, who spent much time at the hospital while her mother was a patient. “Sometimes the simplest convenience, like having a place to gather your thoughts, can transform your hospital experience.” $50,000 - $99,999 Conexus Credit Union Dakota Dunes Community Development Corporation Estate of George Hambleton Bryan Isinger Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon Malcolm and Marilyn Leggett Finlay and Faye MacKenzie Tom and Nicole MacNeill Millsap Fuel Distributors Ltd. Rawlco Radio Anonymous Friends $25,000 - $49,999 Eric Anderson Estate of Irene Anderson Paul and Elizabeth Babyn Estate of Artha M. Branscombe Maurice Cherney Hotels Helping Hospitals J + J Shared Services Rita and Robert Mirwald Richard Ozipko Estate of Norman Ratke Saskatchewan Blue Cross Saskatchewan Professional Fire Fighters Saskatoon & Region Home Builders’ Association The StarPhoenix Anonymous Friends $10,000 - $24,999 G. N. (Arnie) and Jan Arnott Rashpal and Jenny Basran Merlis Belsher Family Cameco Corporation 10 Kelly and Robin Coverett John Cross CVS Controls EMD Serono Canada Inc. Ens Lexus Toyota Ltd. Jerry and Tina Grandey Grasswood Auctions Terry Grieve and Susan Savino David and Heather Herauf Hergott Duval Stack LLP Hutterian Brethren Corp. - Clearspring Independent Order of Foresters Mainline Motors Group Darcy Marciniuk and Carla Krochak Maunders McNeil Foundation Inc. Hugh and Sheryl McKee Jason Orvold Erik and Lisa PausJenssen RBC Phillips, Hager & North Investment Counsel Saskatoon Community Foundation Endowed Donor Funds Daniel and Rosanne Stevenson Tap Communications Inc. University of Saskatchewan Academic Psychiatrists Sharon Wiens and Steve Wilson John and M. Dawn Weisberg Suzanne Yip and Ivan Jen $1,000 - $9,999 601268 Saskatchewan Ltd. A.C.T. Hall Trust Abacus Signs Inc. Abbott Laboratories, Limited Seth and Marla Adams and Family Affinity Credit Union Zeba Ahmad and Dr. Jawed Akhtar All Weather Windows Ltd. All-Fab Building Components Inc. AL-Loyd Welding Ltd. Dan and Louise Anderson Arctic Spas Areva Assante Financial Management Ltd. B. Hnatiw Holdings Inc. Mamie Bailey Mary and Tony Banks Beagle Productions Beauty’s Rainbow Productions Bella Sante MD Laser & Cosmetic Clinic Lisa and Jamie Bergen Dennis Bishop Nickolas and Regena Blocka BMO Bank of Montreal BMO Nesbitt Burns Olga Bokshowan Irene Boychuk Terry and Mike Bree Robert and Yvonne Butterfield and Family Estate of James Robert Caldwell Angus and Marilyn Cameron Cavalier Enterprises Ltd. Central Mine Supply Company Ltd. Chapman Holdings Ltd. Dennis and Jeanette Chenier Cherry Insurance Ltd. Garry Coleman and Cheryl Shepherd Colliers McClocklin Real Estate Corp. Richard Coquet CARG - Coronary Artery Rehabilitation Group Inc. Robert Corrigall cravings maternity & baby boutique Creative Fire Creatively Speaking Photography Cypress Sales Partnership D & S Homes Dakota Dunes Casino Daniels Wingerak Engineering Ltd. Blair and Joanne Davidson Dawn-Wynne Davies Bill Dean and Deborah Dubé-Dean Deloitte LLP Delta Bessborough Dervilia Designs Ltd. James and Una Dewitt Lorne and June Dignean Discovery Marketing Dominion Construction Company Inc. William and Anna Douglas Alan Duguid William and Suzanne Dust Brenda Edwards Eecol Electric Corp. Ehrenburg Homes Robert and Joan Emigh Envirotec Services Incorporated Annette Epp and James Flath Etceteras Ladies Boutique Inc. f:11 Photographic Design Ltd. Faculty of Social Work, University of Regina Terry and Sheila Fenton George and Charlene Ferguson Ferring Inc. FFUN Enterprises First Canadian Insurance Corporation Florists Supply Ltd. Foam Lake Savings and Credit Union Limited Christtine Fondse Brian and Donna Ford Gay Forster Barry and Giselle Frank Luwis French Friends of Smash Foundation Furniture World Peter and Myriam Golf (Golf Family Fund) Graham Construction & Engineering Inc. Great Western Brewing Company Ltd. Robert Griebel Arla A. L. Gustafson Lillian Hamilton Hamm Construction Ltd. Harden & Huyse Chocolates Larry Hardy Glenn and Simone Harris Bernice Harrison Heather Fritz Photography Louise and Harvey Heichman Marg Heraid Vernon and Christine Hoeppner Hub City Display Ltd. Hutterian Brethren - Shaunavon Industrial Alliance Pacific Insurance and Financial Services International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers - Local 529 Jean and Gus Jacek Brian W. Janser Arthur and Hilda Janzen and Family Gerald and Dolores Jaster Bill Johnson and Karen Lloyd Jeannette Jones David and Carolyn Keegan Roger and Nancy Keith Greg and Rhonda Keller Richard and Brenda Kilarski Gerry Kilduff Estate of James Alexander Kippan Klassique Designs Shantel Kolibab KPMG Foundation James Kracher Donald Kunaman Leading Surgical Implants Technology Inc. The Marvin Ledding Family Paul Leier and Donna Jubin Little Shop of Flowers London Drugs Foundation Jose and Matilde Lopez The Los Angeles Kings Hockey Club Donna Lozinsky M & M Meat Shops - Confederation Trevor Maber MacPherson Leslie & Tyerman LLP Carol Mailloux Manos Family Restaurant Maple Leaf Consumer Foods Linda Martin Martin’s Produce Sales M. Margaret Massey A. Keith and Marylin McIntyre W. Donald and Frances McLaren MD Ambulance Care Ltd. Meyers Norris Penny LLP Moga Mobile Moonlake Golf & Country Club Paul Murphy and Pam Gillies Crystal Nett North Ridge Development Corporation Novatex Graphics Marjoleine Nulle Oakland Bros. Farm Inc. Ewa and Wojciech Olszynski Mr. Pallet Joseph Parker Pellas Foods Limited Shelly Pikowicz Don and Judy Poon Prairie Meats Provincial Car Sevice Ram Printing & Promotions Inc. Adair Ramsell RBC Financial RBC Foundation Ruth Redden Dallas and Renelle Reilly Lorne and Phyllis Richardson Robb-Kullman Engineering LLP Rocy Homes Ltd. William and Shirley Ryan S.O. Asher Consultants Ltd. Orest and Pauline Sadownick Samuel, Son & Co., Limited Dana Sandergaard Jean Sandergaard Janet Sarich Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority Saskatoon Airport Authority Saskatoon Fastprint Saskatoon Fire & Protective Services SaskTel Schaan Healthcare Products Inc. Gordon Shaner Arnie and Linda Shaw Drs. Susan and Dean Shaw Betty Shearer Patricia Sheridan Evan and Carla Shoforost Clarence and Joyce Sidun Daniel and Karen Smith Myrna Sprecker Tom Stack Jeffrey C. Stein STEM - Saskatchewan Stem Cell Transplant Advocacy Group Jarret Stoll Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation Stuart Olson Dominion Construction Ltd. Maria Styacko and Gordon Stewart Suer & Pollon Mechanical Partnership The Sunesis Foundation Sunquest Vacations Barbara and Ray Surine Ian and Meredith Sutherland Stanley and Gladys Svoboda Synergy 8 Community Builders Sysco Food Services T. R. Johnson Medical Professional Corp. Daphne Taras and Allen Ponak TCRT Investments Inc. Teammates for Kids Foundation TESC Contracting Saskatchewan Ltd. Dorothy Thomson Threadworks Custom Embroidery H. Allan and R. Marie Toews Tusq Restaurant & Staqatto Piano House Under Armour Canada, Inc. United Way of Saskatoon and Area Donor Directed Giving University Medical Imaging Consultants University Based Members, Department of Medicine Leo and Regina Urban Andrew and Kristine Urmson Anita Veikle Edna Vibert Weber Barbecue Shop West Wind Aviation LLP Wheaton GMC Buick Cadillac Ltd. Shirley Wilmot WMCZ Legal Professional Corporation Allan Woo and Maya Wagner-Woo Terri Woods WorleyParsons Canada Elaine Yaychuk Jim and Lisa Yuel Anonymous Friends $200 - $999 Lenore Abraham Ace Truck Driver Training Ltd. Action Office Interiors Jack Adams Arthur Affeldt Agrium Vanscoy Potash Operations Audrey Ahenakew Nahid Ahmad Airtech Management Ltd. Gary and Gwen Allan Tressa Allard Cameron Allen Ray and Glenna Allison Cynthia and Robert Anderson Dave and Paige Anderson Denise Anderson Aquifer Distribution Ltd. Eleanor Atkinson Bert and Betty Anne Ayers Craig and Patricia Ayers Baby Thomas Boechler Memorial Fund Rino Bacchetto Douglas Badger Brian and Joanne Baker William Baker Mary Ballantyne Darryl and Cathy Barclay Leo and Virginia Baribeau Mary Anne Bartel Heidi Bartsch Bartzen AG Supply Ltd. Beryl D. Bates Pat Baum Myrtle Baxter Bazaar & Novelty Shannon Beatty Shari and Gord Bedient Lois Beggs Catherine Belisle Clint and Lynsey Belitsky Brian and Linda Bell Bob and Betty Bellamy Brett Bembridge Garett Bembridge Myrna and Brian Bentley John Bentz Rick Berry Angela Binsfeld Tom and Bev Blackwell Sandra Blevins and Nowell Seaman Bliss Fine Food Joseph and Deborah Blondeau Blossoms Florist John and Candace Boersma Gunter and Inga Bohlmann Raymond Bold Jason Bomborir Wanda Boon Boryski’s Butcher Block Tyler Bothorel Raymond and Carol Bowkowy Tom and Pat Bowman David Boyko and Lena Savino Linda and Ken Braun Theodore and Anita Brossart Raymond Brotzel Wayne and Ina Lou Brownlee Iris and Orest Buchko Annie Bueckert Albert and Fay Buettner The Bumper Foundation Burnett’s Key Shop Ltd. C.H. Stearns Inc. Glenn Camrud Robert and Helen Card Cardiac Device Clinic Staff Kelly and Marion Carlson Brad and Angela Carnegie Jim and Viola Carnegie S. Blaine Carruthers Carver’s Steakhouse Brenda and Ken Cavanaugh Centennial Food Service Don and Nadine Charabin Charton Hobbs Amber Chenier Rajni and Ravi Chibbar Natalie Chipak Cinepost Films Ltd. Clark Educational Consulting The Coachman Restaurant Robert and Koreen Conly Susan Conly Connoisseur Limousine Services Construction Fasteners & Tools Inc. Elizabeth Cook Country Style B.B.Q. John and Leslie Courtney Orol and Margaret Coverett Randy Cozart C. Harvey and C. Isobel Craig Andre and Annette Creurer William and M. Joyce Crossman CSI Pipeline Ltd. Reg Currie Ronald Curtis and Shanna Bell The Cutting Cafe Ltd. Dakota Dunes Golf & Country Club Kim and Tim Damm Danrich Controls Darke Marketing Inc. Daughters of Penelope Telemachus 69 Fund Bruce Davis Davis Machine Company (1960) Ltd. Ype De Jong Deca Industries DecoraHomes Dena’s on 21st Annie Derkach Derrick Stretch Realty Monique Devine DirectWest Helen Dirks John Dishko Sharon Dommett Donor’s Choice - Abernethy & District Keith and Edna Downey Dr. D. Dewa Medical Prof. Corp. Dr. Michael Rooney Medical Prof. Corp. Jacob Driedger R. Keith and Dorothy Dryden Janet Drysdale Richard and Christine Dubois Dundee Realty Corporation E.H. Price Limited - Regina Earl’s Pharmacy Ltd. Russel and Phyllis Ebner Edwards Edwards McEwen Architects Ltd. Kenneth Edwards James and Ethelyne Eichhorn Leo Elder Hazel Eliason Elk Ridge Resort Keith Ellis Elrose Lioness Bernice England Eric Davis Family F.O.E. #3395 Auxiliary 11 Hospital Home Lottery 28 Spring & Fall Hospital Home Lottery continues to be a huge success, and the addition of a second program in the fall will meet the increased demand from supporters for tickets. “Since 1985, when the first-ever HHL was held, more than $16 million has been raised, greatly enhancing health care right here in Saskatoon,” says Arla Gustafson, CEO of RUH Foundation. Proceeds from HHL are shared by Saskatoon’s three hospital foundations: St. Paul’s, Saskatoon City and RUH. cravings co-owners Rebecca Simpson and Jordana Jacobson cravings Local Saskatoon business cravings maternity & baby boutique celebrated its sixth anniversary in style by donating to the Royal University Hospital Foundation to update the lounge of the busy PotashCorp Maternal & Newborn Care Unit. Now called the “cravings maternity & baby lounge,” the nearly $50,000 donation of cash and inkind support has funded a stylish makeover (including the latest in bathroom renovations by Centennial Plumbing, Heating & Electrical) in an area that provides comfort to families following the birth of their new baby. 12 Elma Facca Eberhard Fass Anne Favreau Lawrence and Shirley Fay Guy Fehr Leslie Feltis Len and Isobel Findlay Karen Firlotte Harry and Marion Funk Rhonda Furber Joyce Gale Lisa Gastel David Gauley Gawley Refrigeration Inc. Michael Geddes Jerome and Anne Gedir Kenneth George Margaret Gerbrandt Lorna Gibson Malcolm and Elaine Gilbert Lionel Gilbertson and Gwen Wurm Lewis and Elizabeth Gill J. Harvey and Jennie Gjesdal Karla Glagau-Avery Robert and Theresa Godfrey Good Time Social Club Walter and Florence Graham Margaret Graham-Woloshyn The Granary Kathy Grant Stan and Yvonne Green Gilbert Groseth Grosvenor Park Dental Klaus and Margaret Gruber Mervin and Judy Grzybowski Don and Sherry Guenette Jason Guenther Neil Guenther Thomas Gullason Ruth and Ernest Gwilliam Alexander and Cecile Halyk Shelley Hamilton Dianne Hannam Palmer Hansen Gary Hanson Anne Hardy Ross Hardy Keith Harris Todd and Deanna Hassen David and Mary Hastings Cecil Hayward Charles and Phyllis Hedlin Elizabeth M. Heggie Cliff Heidel Justin Helgard Mary Herriges Audrey Hill Roland and Beverley Hobbs Erwin and Ingrid Hoehn Rudy and Martha Hoffman Carol Holmes R.M. and Marilynn Holowaty Marion and George Horton Mahbub-Ul Hosain Christian Houghton-Larsen Stuart and Mary Houston Marshall and Maureen Howell George and Erma Hrbachek Hudco Distributing Inc. Solon and Laura Hummel William and Linda Hunt Sheri Hupe Husky Energy Hutterian Brethren - Dinsmore Hutterian Brethren - Kyle Hutterian Brethren - Milden Hutterian Brethren - Pennant Hutterian Brethren - Rosetown Hutterian Brethren - Sovereign John and Sheila Hyshka Institute of Corporate Directors Insul Fibre Ltd. Investors Group Lori and Robert Isinger Vito Iula The Ivy Dining & Lounge Florence Jacobs Jancy Holdings Ltd. Elaine Janzen John Kostyna Hospital Fund John Paul II Collegiate Staff Isabel Johnson Leona Johnson Maxine Johnson Wilmar Johnson Mona Jones Lothar Josephs Donna Jouan-Tapp Ann Judd Jim Karpluk Laurie and David Karwacki Joseph and Shirley Kawchuk Joyce Keeler Donald and Gwynedd Kelly Christopher Kent Gilbert Kent Val Kereluk Herman Kernen Key West Engineering Ltd. Doreen Kienlen Peter Kilburn Kieron Kilduff and Mona Nasser Donald and Phyllis Kirychuk Boris and Marie Kishchuk Rita and Gordon Klimm Ineke Knight Stanley and Roshan Knight Alvin and Barbara Knippel Illa and Gordon Knudsen Kenneth and Anna Ko William and Judith Kobylak Peter and Wanda Kolenick Carynn Komiyama Metro and Victoria Koroluk Sheryl Korte Ted Kosteniuk John Kostyna Kota Graphics & Design Inc. Kozan Insurance & Investment Services Inc. Peter and Ramona Krawchuk Terry Krawchuk Joan Kulbida William Kurbis Perry and Sharyl Kurz Brian Kusisto Walter and Betty Laclare Lafarge Canada Inc. Mark and Brynn Lane Patrick Lapointe Edwin N. Larkai Lisa Laskowski and Jeffrey McLaughlin Mike Latosky Lead Pilates & Wellness Wynne and Darren Leedahl Ron LeFrancois and Terry Swan Warren LeGrand Len’s Hauling Leonard Lewko Maurice and Anita Lindsay Liquid Express Ltd. Live-To-Tape Productions Rose Lloyd Long & McQuade Musical Instruments Loraas Disposal Services Ltd. Arline Lozensky lululemon athletica Saskatoon Deborah Lundmark Gregory Lundmark Robert and Doris Lundmark Family Sandra Lundmark Kathryn Lusby Wade MacBain and Michelle Wildeman Don and Anne MacPherson Mad Can Drywall & Consulting Ltd. Ruby Mainprize Alex Manchur David and Sandra Mandzuk Lori Markham Edith Marlowe Marsh Canada Limited Celine Matchee Rose Matthews James McCartan Joan McAulay Tom and Keitha McClocklin Randy McConnell Sharon & J. Scott McDonald Stell and June McDougal Allan and Gillian McDougald Richard and Margaret McGowan Shirley McGuire Maureen and Alex McIsaac Graeme McIvor Allan and Janet McKenzie Donald McKercher Ben and Judy McKinnon Tracy McManus Delores M. Mengering Merlin Ford Lincoln Heather and Ted Miazga Linda Mickalishen Kay Milburn David Miller Grant and Wendy Miller Ruth Miller James Mills Mister Candyman Ltd. Mister Print Laurie Moen Richard Molde Roger Monette Bruce Morley Gerard and Colleen Moroney Raymond and Patricia Moroz C. Jean Morrison Donald Morrison Sylvia Moss Barbara Motesiczky Mountain High Potato & Onion Mueller Flow Control Tracy Muggli Julie Muir Munro’s Esthetics Gladys Murphy A. Ruth Murray Sonia Mysak Merle and Dawn Nagy Neesh Dental Justine Neudorf Susie Neudorf Neuralnet Interactive New Community Credit Union Jack Newman Ms. Nixon Marcel Nobert Phillip and Martha Ochosky Melvin and Margaret Opseth Quinton Osatchuk Leonard Osiowy May Owen PACE Athletic Training Centre Pacific Western Credit Bank Vetha Paine Paramount Energy Transfer Solutions Inc. George Parchomchuk David and Janice Paslawski Mark and Debbie Pasloski Gerald Penner Ray and Debbie Penner Bill Peterson Todd and Janice Peterson Harry Petterson Pharmasave Central Phenomenome Discoveries Inc. Herb and Madeleine Pinder Herbert Pinder Planet Beach Leonard Plummer Point Optical Blanche Pott Ken Powers Prairie Controls Ltd. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Pro Sask Mechanical Ltd. Provincial Galvanizing Ltd. Pro-Western Mechanical Ltd. Saba Qayyum Declan and June Quinn Ali and Karla Rajput Gary Randall Carrie Rayat Raymond James Foundation Clinton Reed Colleen Reed Howard Regier Leslie and Lillian Regier Simon Reschny Lilian Reynolds Jim and Judy Rhode Kathy Rhoden Riverside Golf & Country Club Gladys R. Rose Alfred and Anne Ruholl Garry and Ruth Ryan Frank Sabuda S. and J. Sanche Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation The Saskatoon Club Saskatoon Earl’s The Saskatoon Gallery & Conservatory Corporation Saskatoon Media Group The Saskatoon Stroke Recovery Association Saskatoon Transit Brent and Pamela Sattler Melvin Scalicky Luke Schenn Ellen Schmeiser John and Bonnie Schmelke Lorraine Schmidt Schryer’s Smoked BBQ Shack John Schumacher Scott Scissons and Regine Gould Marilyn J. Scutt Ken Seier Phillip Settler Bernice Shawaga Shane and Audrey Sheppard Mark and Cheryl Sheridan SIKH Society of Sask. Inc. Sisters of Our Lady of the Cross Ron and Loretta Skopyk Karen Slattery Elizabeth Sliwa Dennis Slywka Betty Smith Lowell and Phyllis Snodgrass Phyllis Speers H. J. and Beverly Spooner Roger Stalwick Mildred Stecyk Waltraude Stehwien Doreen Stenhouse Fern Stockdale Winder Rudolph and Lois Strom Alphonse and Ann Rose Suchan Brent and Charlotte Suer Tom and Myrna Sweeney Ruth Switzer Sysco Calgary Brian and Raymonde Tarry Wayne and Beryl Taylor Ted Henson Family Fund Jose Tellez-Zenteno Telus Corporation Larry Teneycke Edward and Marie Thibault Robert and Helen Thomson Jim and Tanya Thornhill D. J. and Sheila Thornton Tim and Patty Timmerman Conal and Margaret-Ann Tompson Travelodge Hotel Vern and Ilene Triol Douglas and Gabriele Trotzuk Gee Tsang Tupper’s Construction Ltd. Agatha Turbak Gordon Twigg Freda Tyerman Pat Tymchatyn and P. Ormiston Ukrainian Orthodox Mens’ Association Jenny Underhill Unique Lighting United Way of Greater Toronto Donor Direct Giving University of Saskatchewan Ursuline Nuns of Bruno V & S Plumbing & Heating Ltd. D. Van Huizen Vee’s Marketing Kamal and Marie-Therese Verma Joseph and Deborah Vidal Bruce and Elisa Vinding Vipond Inc. Howard and Frieda Wagner Lillian I. Wagner Lyle C. Wagner Tom Waiser Wakaw Happy Stitchers Howard and Judy Wall Ross Wallster Jeanne Walters Donald and Sandra Warren Wayne and Peggy Watts Bruce and Kate Waygood David and Shirley Weary Weczeria Food & Wine The Weedman Ron and Joanne Weighill Margot Weiner and Don Ewles Family of Gene Wenaas Martha Wendland Ilene Wettergreen Linda and Wayne Whatley Judy White Catherine Whyte Sophie Wig John and Mary Pat Will Sue and Kurt Williams Willows Golf & Country Club James Wilson Rosaline Winnichyn The Wireless Age G.R.M.W. Hugh and Claire Wood Eric Wooltorton Helen and William Woykin Donald and Carole Wright William and Michelle Wright Dolores Yungwirth Peter and Donna Zimmerman Lynn Zinger Shantel Zwingli Anonymous Friends Royal Medieval Feast Chair Shari Bedient with husband Gord Royal Medieval Feast The Guild of Friends is a special group of donors who have made provisions through endowments, wills, trusts and other means to create a legacy of giving that will continue long into the future. Estate of Irene Anderson Estate of Artha M. Branscombe Estate of James Robert Caldwell Estate of George Hambleton George and Marion Horton Bryan Isinger Estate of James Alexander Kippan Dan Kemmer A. Jean MacKenzie J. Herb McFaull Floyd T. McNabb Margaret Petersen Estate of Norman Ratke Oscar and Mary Slaght Mary H. Smith Neil Sutherland Goblets clinked and forks clattered as a record 280 lords and ladies enjoyed bounteous food and drink at the RUH Foundation’s Royal Medieval Feast, raising $100,000 in proceeds for the Every Heart Matters Campaign. “The success of this event means many more people with heart rhythm disorders can be treated right here in Saskatchewan,” said Shari Bedient, Volunteer Chair of the event. Royal Express The Royal Express was unveiled at Royal University Hospital on April 14, 2011. The Royal Express is an electric cart, driven by volunteers, to assist patients and clients to move throughout the main floor of Royal University Hospital. This past year, nearly 12,000 people rode the Royal Express! It runs Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., taking a circular route through the hospital to cover most of the main stopping points that patients and clients need to access. The Royal Express was made possible through donations to the RUH Foundation. 13 Remembering… a friend, a family member, a caregiver, a colleague who has touched your life and made the world a better place. The Royal University Hospital Foundation thanks those family members and friends who paid tribute to these special people between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012. T I n M e m o ry o f Warren Chykowski Robert R. Cook Judy Courteau Ronald G. Crone Ellen Crossman Doreen Currie Dwight Daradich Peighton R. DavisCameron Rita V. Dean Aniela Derkachenko Linda Dewald Joyce Dielschneider Eunice Dietrich Ken Dobchuk Al Dowling Danae Dupuis Peter F. Dyck Robert D. Ernst Blake R. Evans Doreen Farrant Sergey Fedoroff Mavis Fendelet Gordon M. Findlater George Fleming Eleanor Flory Larry Focht Allen Frederick Ceceile Albert Irene Anderson Eila Annala Marlene Antoniuk Shelbey Babecy Keith Bacon Debra Balke Lucy G. Barker Merrel Berg Verna Bernhardson Isabel Berntson Donald Blair Allan Blakeney Klaas Boersma Pieternella Boersma Eugene Bokshowan Elvira L. Breker Greg and Rachel Bremner Michael Brush Fred Butler Michael Bzdel Edith Carpenter Sarah A. Caspell Eleanor Casselman Willy Cederstrand Jeremy Chenier Rolf Christ S I n H o n o ur of a Dr. Rashpal Basran Merlis M. Belsher Dr. Richard Bigsby Natalee Bishop Lorna Callbeck Dr. Kelly Coverett John Cross 14 hose who have left us… Ethel J. Frederick Christian Gaboury Glenn Gabrielson Elianna J. GarciaBuchacher Lyndon Gaudet Benjamin R. Gerbrandt Ashley B. Gitzel John Glendinning Bill Gray Ruth Harker Craig Harmer Robert Heidel William Heise Bruce Henderson Ivy E. Hill Helen R. Hobbs Bruce Horan Elmer Hoyseth Julius A. Isaac Martin Isinger Mary Isinger Irene Jackson Marjorie Jamieson Erwin Janzen Lionel Joa Zach Johnson George and Mary Kaluzy Edward Kereluk Mary Keryluk Steve Keryluk Fred Kidley Violet Kirkwood Art Knight Ronald Knight Rose Knight Beth Knox Siegried J. Koegler Anna Kost Joseph Kostyniuk Wayne Kusisto Judy LaBrash Kyle Larre Robert B. Lehmann Edwin Lindgren Patricia J. Lindsay Pauline Lindsay John Loeppky Jamie Loewen Earl MacDonald Ruth M. MacIver Bev McCoshen Alice McIntosh James McKay Wilfred E. McLeod Robin Menzies Caiden Michnik Rosella Morissette James S. Murphy Sloane Murphy Bonnie Nordgulen Brett W. Nordgulen Wilma Nykiforuk Mike Paine Janice Pearson Margurite Pelland Benoit Perret Jessica Petruka Everett Phillips Pauline Praski Stanley Praski Emma Puff Jack Quick Joseph C. Reisenburg Betty Reves Donald Robertson Jeffrey Ruthven Bob Sandergaard Carl Sandner Norman Sarich Kristen J. Saunders Joseph Schlosser Bill Semchuk Tom Skogsrud John L. Smith Maureen Smith Jaren R. Spray Tony Stachniak Helmer Svenningsen Margaret Svingen John J. Tackaberry Ernie Tendler Arnold Thiessen Chad Thompson Vera Thompson John Tluchak Victoria Tluchak Thomas E. Tracey Pat Trischuk Donald Vibert Michael J. Wall Elmer Wiebe Robert J. Williams Alex Wilson Shirley Wood Robert Woodcock Bryan Woods Dr. Wright pecial person or to mark a special occasion… Diagnostic Imaging Staff Eric Davis Family Curtis Forsberg Dr. Daryl Fourney Fry Family Malcolm and Elaine Gilbert Ernie Hartz Mabel Head Dr. Housain Jullion Family Darryl Kacher Dr. H. Kennedy Brian Kusisto Harold Leece Robert and Doris Lundmark Family Rowan Lyons Dr. William McKay Merle Nagy OR and Recovery Room Staff Dr. Paula Paley Dr. Colin Pearce Jim Pravda Debbie Ramage Ned Riben Jessica Rynn Dr. David Sheridan Dr. Andrew Urmson Marilyn and Kim Williams Dr. Ken Yong-Hing L A G i f t T o day, A Nahid Ahmad Endowment – Supports cardiology and kidney research at Royal University Hospital. Areva Wish Fund Endowment – Funds the purchase of small items that improve patient care at Royal University Hospital, particularly items for which there is no alternate source of funding. Cameco Chair in Aboriginal Health Endowment – Supports a physician specialist in Aboriginal health at the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine and Saskatoon Health Region’s Royal University Hospital. Community Mental Health Endowment – Provides support to individuals and organizations undertaking innovative initiatives that improve the mental health of individuals and/or raise awareness of mental health and addictions. These initiatives include research, education, programs for patients and their families while in hospital, patient support programs in the community and equipment for patient care. The following three endowment funds are in support of the Community Mental Health Endowment: Tom and Nicole MacNeill Family Fund – Supports clinical research and related patient treatment programs in Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and other spectrum-associated disorders including anxiety and phobias. Patricia and Lawrence Rychjohn Family Fund – Supports individuals and organizations undertaking innovative programs for the benefit of those affected by mental illness and addictions in our community and beyond. University of Saskatchewan Academic Psychiatrists Fund – Supports psychiatric research and post-graduate psychiatric training. Donna and Tony Dagnone Endowment – Supports the Royal University Hospital Inspiration Award, recognizing staff members, physicians and volunteers whose actions serve to inspire others at Royal University Hospital. Danae Dupuis Memorial Endowment – Provides funding for areas of greatest need at Royal University Hospital. Adrienne Eidem Memorial Scholarship Endowment – Supports a nursing scholarship in recognition of academic achievement and enhanced health care proficiency. egacy Tomorrow Donald Francis Endowment – Supports programs and services that aid in the diagnosis and/or treatment of cancer patients at Royal University Hospital. Bernice E. (Betty) Godfrey Children’s Endowment – Supports programs at Royal University Hospital dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of children who have suffered accidental injuries. John C. (Jack) and Bernice E. (Betty) Godfrey Endowment – Funds the purchase of equipment for the Burn Unit at Royal University Hospital. Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life Scholarship Endowment – Provides scholarships for the education and training of medical personnel, other than physicians, who work with patients at Royal University Hospital. Helping Hands Endowment – Provides financial assistance for patients and families in need of essential items through social work required as a result of their stay at Royal University Hospital. Ostomy Endowment – Funds equipment for the Ostomy Clinic at Royal University Hospital. Pharmaceutical Services Endowment – Funds education, research and equipment in the Department of Pharmacy, Royal University Hospital. PotashCorp Chair in Clinical Health Research Endowment – Provides dedicated time for researchers to undertake clinical research at Royal University Hospital. Princeton Endowment Scholarship – Provides educational funding for nurses, licensed practical nurses and other medical professionals. The Bryan Isinger Pediatric Care Endowment - Provides funds to support pediatric care and comfort including equipment and furnishings. Dr. Ali Rajput Endowment for Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Research – Supports research into Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders at Royal University Hospital. Sonja Jeffrey Memorial Fund – Supports medical school residents at Royal University Hospital pursuing specialized training in dissociative disorders as a result of psychological trauma. Royal University Hospital Auxiliary Endowment Fund – Annual earnings will support the priority purchase of medical equipment and furnishings at RUH as well as fund annual Auxiliary scholarships and education. Drs. Ivan Jen and Suzanne Yip Family Endowment – Established in loving memory of their parents, Jim Kow Jen & Sue Lin Jen and David Sim Yip & Jean Yat Yip, in support of cancer research and patient care, as well as cardiac patient care at Royal University Hospital. SaskEnergy Centennial Research Fund in Children’s Health Endowment – Supports research projects at Royal University Hospital for the betterment of children’s health. Marlo L. Kelly Memorial Endowment – Funds the purchase of equipment in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Royal University Hospital. Bill Lemko Memorial Endowment – Funds the purchase of equipment that improves cancer care at Royal University Hospital. W. Gordon MacDougall Memorial Endowment – Supports research, training and patient care at Royal University Hospital. Hartley Sommerfeld Memorial Endowment – Supports neurosciences at Royal University Hospital. Jarret Stoll Patient Comfort Fund Endowment for Children at Royal University Hospital – Funds items and projects providing comfort, compassion and care to hospitalized children and their families at Royal University Hospital. Peter and Anna Zbeetnoff Memorial Endowment – Supports the annual Peter and Anna Zbeetnoff Memorial Drug Therapy Decision-Making Conference for physicians, pharmacists and nurse practitioners in Saskatchewan. 15 May 18, 2012 Independent Auditors’ Report To the Board of Directors of the Royal University Hospital Foundation Inc. The accompanying summary financial statements, which comprise the summary statement of financial position as at March 31, 2012, the summary statement of revenue and expenses and changes in fund balance for the year then ended are derived from the audited financial statements of Royal University Hospital Foundation Inc. for the year ended March 31, 2012. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those financial statements in our report dated May 18, 2012. Those financial statements, and the summary financial statements, do not reflect the effects of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on those financial statements. The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Reading the summary financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements of Royal University Hospital Foundation Inc. Management's Responsibility for the Summary Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited financial statements in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standard (CAS) 810, "Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements." Opinion In our opinion, the summary financial statements derived from the audited financial statements of Royal University Hospital Foundation Inc. for the year ended March 31, 2012 are a fair summary of those financial statements, in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Chartered Accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Accountants The Princeton Tower, 123 2nd Avenue South, Suite 200, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7K 7E6 T: +1 (306) 668 5900, F: +1 (306) 652 1315, www.pwc.com/ca “PwC” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an Ontario limited liability partnership. 16 complete 17 Royal University Hospital Foundation Staff Arla Gustafson – Chief Executive Officer Lisa Laskowski – Director of Development Maria Styacko, C.A. – Director of Finance Gay Oldhaver – Major and Planned Giving Officer* Margot Weiner – Donor Stewardship Officer Candace Boersma – Fund Development Coordinator Marlene Saretsky – Operations Coordinator Lisa Gaudet – Administrative Assistant Michelle Morrison – Administrative Assistant Amy Jo Ehman – Communications Advisor* Darla Read – Communications Advisor * left during the year Royal University Hospital Foundation 103 Hospital Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W8 Phone: 306-655-1984 Fax: 306-655-1979 Web site: www.ruhf.org Email: ruhfoundation@saskatoonhealthregion.ca Charitable Business Number: 11927 9131 RR001 Royal University Hospital Foundation is a member of the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy, the Canadian Association of Gift Planners, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, the Saskatoon Society of Fundraising Executives and the International Association of Business Communicators. Royal University Hospital Foundation does not sell, trade or lease the personal information of its donors. If you wish to be removed from our mailing lists, please contact us by phone at the RUH Foundation office. Granting Committee: Dr. Jim Thornhill, Chair; Dan Anderson; Lori Isinger; Dr. Daphne Taras; Arla Gustafson, RUH Foundation CEO; Marlene Saretsky, RUH Foundation Operations Coordinator Development Committee: Rita Mirwald, Chair; Sandra Blevins; Dr. Anita Chakravarti; Bill Johnson; Keitha McClocklin; Arla Gustafson, RUH Foundation CEO; Lisa Laskowski, RUH Foundation Director of Development; Candace Boersma, RUH Foundation Fund Development Coordinator Finance Committee: Kim Goheen, Chair; Arnie Arnott; Blair Davidson; Gordon Martell; Jim Rhode; Arla Gustafson, RUH Foundation CEO; Maria Styacko, RUH Foundation Director of Finance Executive Committee: Bill Johnson, Chair; Dan Anderson, Vice-Chair; Gordon Martell, Member-at-Large; Arnie Arnott, Past-Chair Royal Ball Committee: Shari Bedient, Chair; Zeba Ahmad; Lisa Bains; Laurie Karwacki; Karen Lloyd; Rita Mirwald; Judy Rhode; Dorothy Slawinski; Rhonda Speiss; Tim Trainor; Trona Wheaton; Nadine Wightman; Lisa Laskowski, RUH Foundation Director of Development; Candace Boersma, RUH Foundation Fund Development Coordinator Greek Gourmet Feast Committee: Co-chairs Erin Rohlicek and Patty Timmerman; Ann Barlas; Tennille Hanson; Laurel Jones; Jody Mitchell; Joan Tilk; Michelle Wildeman; Lisa Laskowski, RUHF Director of Development; Candace Boersma, RUHF Fund Development Coordinator Jarret Stoll Celebrity Golf Classic Committee: Theresa Grosse, Chair; Clint Belitsky; Garry Coleman; Terry Grieve; Bryan Hnatiw; Mark Loeppky; Kelly Minisofer; Stephanie Oleniuk; Jamie Windjack, Lisa Laskowski, RUH Foundation Director of Development; Candace Boersma, Fund Development Coordinator Every Heart Matters Campaign Committee: John Cross, Chair; Steering Members Dr. Jawed Akhtar, Dr. Rashpal Basran, RN Lisa Bergen, Dr. Kelly Coverett, Stuart Hutton, Dr. Carlo Stuglin, Major Gifts Members Nahid Ahmad, Arnie Arnott, Lester Cey, Catherine Gryba, Bill Johnson, Bryan Leverick, Keitha McClocklin, Curtis Merrifield, Rita Mirwald, Jim Rhode; Arla Gustafson, RUH Foundation CEO; Lisa Laskowski, RUH Foundation Director of Development; Ambassadors and Grateful Patients Lorna Callbeck, Ruth Harker, Darren LeFebvre, Dan Lewans, Eric Veikle.
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