2010 Who`s Who - Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association
2010 Who`s Who - Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association
2010 Who’s Who Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association, Inc. Membership Directory & Resource Guide PO Box 299, Elysburg, PA 17824 (800) 577-6801 • Fax (570) 672-9618 info@paauctioneers.org • www.paauctioneers.org “Defining professionalism in the auction industry” 2010 W ho’s W ho Membership Directory and Resource Guide “Defining professionalism in the auction industry” PENNSYLVANIA AUCTIONEERS ASSOCIATION PO Box 299 • Elysburg, PA 17824 Phone: 800-577-6801 • Fax: 570-672-9618 info@paauctioneers.org • www.paauctioneers.org Message from the President: We are pleased to provide you with a copy of the 2010 Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association Membership Directory and Resource Guide. This directory is one of the many benefits of being an active member of the Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association and is available exclusively to members. The most current version can also be found in the Members Only section of the PAA website. We encourage and appreciate your feedback in helping to make next year’s directory even better. As of March 31, 2010, all data in this directory was current, according to information supplied to the PAA on membership applications. If you find any information that is not up-to-date or needs changed during the ensuing months, please notify the PAA office administrator at 800-577-6801 or info@ paauctioneers.org or complete the correction form at the end of your directory and fax or mail to the PAA. The Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association thanks you, the members, for helping to create a diverse and qualified network of auctioneers to assist each person through the auction method of marketing. If the Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association can help you in any way, please call the PAA office at 800-577-6801. Be sure to visit the PAA website often. Gerald A. Rader 2010 PAA President PAA History The Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association (PAA) was formed by a group of successful businessmen who knew that in order to provide a better business environment for themselves and strengthen their share of the auction market, they needed to work together. They invested in their futures by forming the PAA. Their purpose was to speak with one voice to the auction industry across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to consumers, to governmental agencies, and to others, and in the process obtain tools to help them make sound and profitable decisions in their auction businesses. For over 60 years the PAA has been one of the best investments its members have made. The PAA has sought to establish and continually improve the standard of education, ethics and performance of its members. PAA Executive Office PO Box 299 Elysburg, PA 17824 800-577-6801 (570) 672.9618 fax info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org PAA Benefits The Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association is the only professional trade organization for auctioneers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Education, consumer and member benefits, legislative issues, and new ideas in the auction industry are the PAA’s hallmarks. As a professional resource, the PAA offers many benefits: UÊÊ*ÀÌiÃÊiLiÀýʫÕLVÊ>}iÆ 2 UÊÊ} ÌÃÊvÀÊÀi}Õ>ÌÊ>`ÊViÃ}ÊÞÕÊV>ÊÛiÊÜÌ Æ UÊÊÊ*>ÀÌV«>ÌÊvÀÊ>Ê`Þ>VÊ>`ÊÃÕ««ÀÌÛiÊ«ÕLVÊ>vv>ÀÃÊVÃÕÌ>ÌÊ ÌÊ>ÃÃÃÌÊÜÌ Êi}Ã>ÌÛiÊÌÀ}Ê>`ÊÌ>ÌÛiÃÆ UÊÊÊ*ÊVÕÃiÊÜi`}i>LiÊ>LÕÌÊ>ÕVÌÊ>ÜÊÌÊ>`ÛÃiÊ>ÃÊii`i`Æ UÊÊÊVÌÛiÊ *ÌV>Ê VÌÊ ÌÌiiÊ ÌÊ >Ì>Ê }}Ê «ÃÌÛiÊ Ài>Ìà «ÃÊÜÌ ÊiLiÀÃÊvÊÌ iÊ*ÊiiÀ>ÊÃÃiLÞÆ UÊÊÊ*ÀÛ`iÃÊ >VVÀi`Ìi`Ê VÌÕ}Ê i`ÕV>ÌÊ vÀÊ >`Û>Vi`Ê >ÕVÌiiÀÊ ViÀÌwV>ÌÃÉ`iÃ}>ÌÃÊ >`Ê ÌÊ >Ì>Ê ViÃ}Ê Ê ÃÌ>ÌiÃÊ ÜÌ Ê >`>ÌÀÞÊ Æ UÊÊÊ ÌÌiiÊ«>ÀÌV«>Ì]ÊiÌÜÀ}Ê««ÀÌÕÌiÃÊ>`Ê>Ü>À`ÃÊ>`Ê ÀiV}ÌÆ UÊÊÊ*ÀviÃÃ>Ê>Õ>Ê>ÕVÌiiÀÊVviÀiViÊvÀÊi`ÕV>ÌÊ>`Ê>Ê>À}iÊ ÌÀ>`iÊà ÜÊÌÊii«ÊÞÕÊÊÌ iÊVÕÌÌ}Êi`}iÊvÊ>ÕVÌÊ«À`ÕVÌÃ]ÊÃiÀÛViÃÊ >`ÊÌiV }ÞÆ UÊÊÊÛiÊ/6Ê* ®ÊVÛiÀ>}iÊvÊ>Õ>Ê>ÕVÌiiÀÊ>`ÊÀiÊV >«Ã «Ê >ÌÊÌ iÊ*Ê-Ì>ÌiÊ>ÀÊ- ÜÆ UÊÊÊvÀ>ÌÛiÊiÜÃÊ>}>âiÆ UÊÊÊÕ>ÊiLiÀà «Ê`ÀiVÌÀÞÊ>`ÊÀiÃÕÀViÊ}Õ`iÆ UÊÊÊ/vÀiiÊÕLiÀÊvÀÊi>ÃÞÊ>VViÃÃÊÌÊÌ iÊ*Ê>`Ê>VÌÛiÊi>Ê>VVÕÌ\ UÊÊÊ «Ài iÃÛiÊ ÜiLÊ ÃÌiÊ Ê «>ÀÌiÀà «Ê ÜÌ Ê ÕVÌ<«°VÊ >`Ê Ì iÊ >Ì>ÊÕVÌiiÀÃÊÃÃV>ÌÊÜ iÀiÊÞÕÊV>Ê>`ÛiÀÌÃiÊÞÕÀÊ >ÕVÌÃÊÌÊ>ÊÜÀ`Ü`iÊ>Õ`iViÊqÊ,Æ UÊÊÊÕ>ÊiLiÀà «ÊViÀÌwV>ÌiÊ>`ÊÜ>iÌÊV>À`Æ UÊÊÊÀiiÊÃ>«iÊVÌÀ>VÌÃÆ UÊÊÊ>LÌÞÊÃÕÀ>ViÊ«À}À>ÊVÀi>Ìi`ÊëiVwV>ÞÊvÀÊ>ÕVÌiiÀÃÊLÞÊPAA Platinum Sponsor E.R. Munro & Company,ÊÜ V Ê>ÃÊ«ÀÛ`iÃÊ >ÕVÌÊL`ÃÊ>ÌÊV«iÌÌÛiÊ«ÀViÃÊÜÌ ÊÕLi>Ì>LiÊÃiÀÛViÆ UÊÊÊi>Ì ]Êvi]Ê}ÊÌiÀÊV>Ài]Ê>`Ê`Ã>LÌÞÊÃÕÀ>ViÃÊvÀÊPlatinum Sponsor Pearson Insurance Associates; UÊÊÊiÌ>Ê >`Ê ÛÃÊ ÃÕÀ>ViÊ vÀÊ iLiÀÃÊ >`Ê Ì iÀÊ v>iÃÊ vÀÊ ÊiÌ>Ê-iÀÛViÃ]ÊV°ÆÊ UÊÊÊ,Ê Ê f]ÎäääÊ >VV`iÌ>Ê `i>Ì Ê ÃÕÀ>ViÊ LiiwÌÊ vÀÊ iÀV>Ê ViÊviÊ °Æ UÊÊÊ>V>Ê «>}Ê ÃÕÌÃÊ vÀÊ >ÕVÌiiÀÃÊ vÀÊ 7iiÊ EÊ ÃÃV>Ìið P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE 2010 Resource Guide and Membership Directory Contents Resource Guide Membership Directory 2010 PAA Executive Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2010 PAA State Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Past PAA Presidents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Past PAA Treasurers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 PAA Auctioneers of the Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 PAA Hall of Fame Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2010 Chapter Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2010 PAA Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Important Auction Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 State Board of Auctioneer Examiners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PAA Code of Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 PAA Auctioneer Champions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 PAA Rookie Auctioneer Champions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Constitution and Bylaws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 7 iÊÜiÊ >ÛiÊ>ÌÌi«Ìi`ÊÌÊÛiÀvÞÊ>Ê«ÀÌ>ÌÊvÀ>Ì]ÊiÀÀÀÃÊ`ÊVVÕÀ°ÊÊ >iÃÊ>`Ê >``ÀiÃÃiÃÊVÕ`i`ÊÊÌ iÊiLiÀà «ÊÃÌ}Ê>ÀiÊVÕÀÀiÌÊ>ÃÊvÊ>ÀV ÊΣ]ÊÓä£äÊ>`Ê >ÛiÊLiiÊL>Ãi`Ê ÊvÀ>ÌÊÃÕ««i`ÊÊ*ÊiLiÀà «Ê>««V>ÌÃÊ>`ÊÀiiÜ>ÊvÀðÊÊ,i«À`ÕVÌÊÀÊÕÃiÊ vÊÌ ÃÊ`ÀiVÌÀÞÊÜÌ ÕÌÊÌ iÊiÝ«ÀiÃÃÊ«iÀÃÃÊvÊÌ iÊ*ÊÃÊ«À LÌi`°® Membership Directory by Individual . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Membership Directory by Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Disclaimer and Request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Directory Advertisers 1-800-THE-SIGN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Alderfer Auction & Appraisal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 ̵ÕiÊ7ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IFC Auction Zip.com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IBC Bartus Auction Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Wm. F. Comly & Son, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 >ÀÊ>`Ê>ÀÞ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 >V>ÃÌiÀÊ>À} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 E.R. Munro and Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BC Pearson Insurance Associates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Roan Auctioneers and Appraisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Shamrock Auction Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Susquehanna Valley Sound & Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Identify Yourself . . . 2011 PAA Conference The use of a logo makes your company look more professional to the consumer. It immediately identifies your brand. And over time, it establishes a sense of quality and confidence people can expect whenever they see it. Demonstrate to your buyers and sellers that you are proud to be a member of the Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association. Use the PAA logo in all your ads, on your business cards and stationery and on your website. This logo identifies you as a member of a professional association and, as such, lets the public know you subscribe to a strict code of ethics. In addition, participation in your association lets you stay up-to-date on what’s happening in the auction industry and provides excellent opportunities that help you better serve your buyers and sellers. A sample of the logo is found here. If you’re not using it, we strongly urge you to proudly display the official PAA logo. A color logo and logos in varying formats with different resolutions can also be downloaded from the Members Only section of the PAA web site - www.paauctioneers.org. and Trade Show 800.577.6801 info@paauctioneers.org January 12-15, 2011 Sheraton Harrisburg/Hershey 4650 Lindle Road, Exit 2 (Swatara), I-283 Harrisburg, PA 17111 (717) 564-5511 www.paauctioneers.org 3 Resource Guide 2010 PAA Executive Committee 2010 PAA State Directors PRESIDENT CENTRAL CHAPTER Gerald A. Rader PO Box 877 Skippack, PA 19474 (610) 584-8058 (610) 584-3118 business (610) 613-2766 cell (610) 584-7272 fax geraldrader@comcast.net PRESIDENT-ELECT Kenneth A. Hansell Jr., CAI 923 Kulp Road Perkiomenville, PA 18074 (267) 640-2201 4hansfam@comcast.net VICE PRESIDENT Randy A. Betton Randy A. Betton Auctioneer 25 Nottingham Drive Greensburg, PA 15601 (724) 837-7948 (724) 832-1888 fax (724) 516-5515 cell fourbettons@comcast.net Phil Grosh CAI, BAS Jennings Auction Group 15 Hykes Mill Road York Haven, PA 17370 (717) 268-0020 (717) 266-2614 fax (717) 574-3417 cell philgrosh@jenningsauction.com LEHIGH VALLEY SOCIETY Kimberly K. Hemingway, GG 816 Layfield Rd. Perkiomenville, PA 18074 (215) 541-4025 phone, fax (215) 416-8837 cell hemingway4@comcast.net NORTHEAST CHAPTER Mike Weaver Michael P. Weaver Auction Service 17696 Russell Road Allenwood, PA 17810 (570) 538-2227 phone, fax (570) 713-5199 cell weaversauctions@windstream.net TREASURER Robert A. Ensminger, GPPA, CRREA Ensminger Auctioneers 3557 Elmerton Ave. Harrisburg, PA 17109-1132 (717) 652-4111 (717) 877-7350 cell (717) 370-5557 fax robert@ensmingers.net NORTHWEST CHAPTER Roger J. Roae Roae Auctioneers 4232 Amherst Road Erie, PA 16506 (814) 835-0505 (814) 454-0442 fax (814) 392-2556 cell roaeauctioneers@verizon.net PAST PRESIDENT Bill Anderson, Sr. Bill Anderson & Assocs. Auctioneers PO Box 107 Harrison City, PA 15636 (724) 327-3344; (800) 923-6727 (412) 389-1622 cell (724) 327-3344 fax bandersonauction@aol.com ADMINISTRATOR, MAGAZINE EDITOR Jeanie M. Crowl Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association PO Box 299, 128 Turkey Hill Rd. Elysburg, PA 17824 800-577-6801 (570) 850-1405 cell (570) 672-9618 fax info@paauctioneers.org 4 SOUTHEAST CHAPTER Katherine “Sparky” James, CAI Dingman & James Auction Co. 59 Spruce St. Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 733-1289 (609) 443-0652 fax (609) 820-8852 cell sparki9999@aol.com SOUTHWEST CHAPTER Samantha Parish Samantha Parish Auct./Appraisal PO Box 414 Smithton, PA 15479 (724) 872-0334 (724) 493-0750 cell samanthaparish@samanthaparishsales.com P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE PAA Presidents *1948 *1949 *1950 *1951 *1952 *1953 *1954 *1955 *1956 *1957 *1958 *1959 *1960 *1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 *1968 *1969 1970 1971 *1972 *1973 *1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 *1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 *1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Tom Berry Tom Berry Lee Pillsbury Lee Pillsbury Lee Pillsbury Lee Pillsbury Lee Pillsbury Harry Weimer Stan Deiter Wayne Posten Sam Lyons Sam Lyons Woodrow Roth Woodrow Roth R.M. Stewart Russ Kehr Elmer Murry Wylie Rittenhouse, CAI Ken Brown Jake Spencer Bill Boes C.J. Leiby Merv Adams Ralph Horst Clay Hess Clay Hess George Paich Rich Moyer Rich Moyer Ralph Zettlemoyer Ralph Zettlemoyer Larry Reed, CAI Harry Anderson, CAI Harry Anderson, CAI Kerry Pae, CAI Paul Ranck Charles Moyer, CAI Wil Hahn, CAI Ron Funk Don Hock Mike Charnego, CAI Fred Toomey, CAI Vernon Martin, CAI, AARE, GPPA Wayne Patterson Jerry Schwenk Sherman Hostetter, Jr., CAI, GPPA, AARE, CES Jerry Burke, CAI Larry Lefever Robert H. Clinton, CAGA C. Sherman Allen Sanford L. Alderfer, CAI, GPPA Blaine Rentzel James C. Young Olen Knecht Nevin B. Rentzel, GPPA James A. Clayton Jay E. Ziegler, CAI Harry H. Bachman H. Brent Souder, CAI, GPPA Sandra Brittingham, CAI, GPPA Daniel A. Trace Bill Anderson, Sr. Gerald A. Rader 2010 PAA Chapter Officers PAA Treasurers CENTRAL CHAPTER President Vice Pres. Sec. Treas. Director PAC Treasurer 2nd PAC Rep Charlene A. Caple, 213 Broadway, #1, Hanover 17331. (717) 632-8494; (717) 521-3018 cell; cacaple@comcast.net Cindy Fenton, 1635 State Rd., Duncannon 17020. (717) 957-9399; same fax; cindylou@pa.net Edie Lesh, 3540 Newport Rd., Newport 17074. (717) 567-3182; fax (717) 567.7888 leshauction@pa.net Phil Grosh, BAS, CAI, 15 Hykes Mill Rd., York Haven 17370. (717) 268-0020; fax 266-2614; philgrosh@jenningsauction.com Tom Saylor, 520 Hengst Ct., Hellam 17406. (717) 846-7153; (717) 880-9989 cell; tjd4230@aol.com Phil Grosh *1948-49 *1950-56 1957-59 1960-63 1964-65 *1966-68 1969-70 1971-72 1973 Margaret Berry Woodrow Roth Pete Stewart Ken Brown Harold Keller Margaret Berry Charles Moyer Larry Reed Richard Moyer 1974 1975 *1976-80 1981-82 1983-85 1985-96 1997-05 2006-10 Michael Quinn Harold Alderfer Clay Hess Blaine C. Brown Kerry Pae Jim Lewis Jerry Schwenk Robert Ensminger LEHIGH VALLEY SOCIETY President Vice Pres. Sec. Treas. Director PAC Rep 2nd PAC Rep Arn B. Malmberg, PO Box 404, Bally 19503. (610) 845-2594 Craig Brown, 233 Davisville Rd., Southampton 18966. (215) 322-7622 Kevin Smith, 1901 S. 12th St., Allentown 18103. (610) 797-1770; (215) 421-7431 cell; (610) 797-1770 fax. lvsauctioneers@yahoo.com Kim Hemingway, GG, 816 Layfield Rd., Perkiomenville 18074. (215) 541-4025; 215-416-8837 cell; hemingway4@comcast.net Len Walter, AARE CAI, GRI, Tranzon Alderfer, 2705 Clemens Rd., Ste. 1, Hatfield 19440. (800) 577-8845; (215) 799-0766 fax; (267) 446-8352 cell; lwalter@tranzon.com Kim Hemingway Sec. Treas. Director Alt. Director PAC Rep 2nd PAC Rep Dennis Hassinger, 1276 Kissimmee Rd., Middleburg 17842. (717) 837-3159 William G. Wolfe, 383 Four Bells Church Rd., Mifflinburg 17844. (570) 922-4118 Carlene Weaver, 17696 Russell Rd., Allenwood 17810. (570) 538-2227; (570) 713-5199 cell; (570) 538-2227 fax; weaversauctions@windstream.net Mike Weaver, see above for information Scott Younkin, CAGA, PRI, Scott Younkin & Associates, PO Box 69, Linden 17744. (570) 323-9011; (570) 326-7040 fax; younkinauction@aol.com; Robert E. Vanatta, Col. Bob’s Auction Service, 4514 New Columbia Rd., New Columbia 17856. (570) 568-5553; (570) 490-4699 cell; jlvanatta@mapatan.com Mike Weaver NORTHWEST CHAPTER President Vice Pres. Sec. Treas. Director Alt. Director PAC Rep 2nd PAC Rep Matt Hostetter, CES, Hostetter Auctioneers, 903 Constitution Blvd., Beaver Falls 15010. (724) 847-1887; (724) 847-3499 fax; (724) 462-5547 cell; matt@sherm.biz Anthony Nero, CAGA, Nero Auction Service, 12875 Union Rd., Waterford 16441. (814) 796-6301; (814) 323-6062 cell; anthonynero@velocity.net Karen Patterson, Patterson Auction, 452 Auction Ln., New Castle 16101. (724) 654-7933; same fax; (724) 730-6125 cell; karen@pattersonauction.com Roger Roae, Roae Auctioneers, 4232 Amherst Rd., Erie 16506. (814) 835-0505; (814) 454-0442 fax; (814) 392-2556 cell; roaeauctioneers@verizon.net Wayne Patterson (see above). (724) 730-6125 cell; wayne@pattersonauction.com Dan Trace, Trace Auction Service, 13348 Calvin St., Meadville 16335. (814) 336-4160; (814) 740-9174 fax; (814) 671-1005 cell; dan@traceauctions.com Roger Roae Vice Pres. Sec. Treas. Director PAC Rep 2nd PAC Rep *1974 1975 1977 1978 *1979 *1980 *1981 *1982 *1983 *1984 *1985 1986 1987 *1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 *1990 * Patrick Morgan, 208 Locust St., New Holland 17557. (717) 354-6939; (717) 278-9202 cell; (717) 354-0190 fax; pkmorgan@frontiernet.net James “Max” Fishel, 435 E. Mt. Airy Rd., Stevens 17578. (717) 336-3298; (717) 940-8254 cell; (717) 336-3298 fax; info@maxtheauctioneer.com Audrey Weaver Andersen, CAI, 1647 N. Reading Rd., Stevens 17578-9305. (717) 336-4825; (717) 979-1280 cell; (717) 336-7125 fax; aander@ptd.net Katherine ‘Sparky’ James, CAI, 59 Spruce St., Ephrata 17522. (717) 733-1289; (609) 820-8852 cell; (609) 443-0652 fax; sparki9999@aol.com Phil Wesel, 112 Ridgewood Circle, Downingtown 19335. (610) 873-0605; (610) 202-7872 cell; philwesel@gmail.com; Max Fishel, alternate Sparky James *1992 * 1993 1994 1995 1996 SOUTHWEST CHAPTER President Vice Pres. Sec. Treas. Director PAC Rep 2nd PAC Rep Bill Anderson, Jr., PO 107, Harrison City 15636 (724) 327-3344; (724) 331-6773 cell; fax (724) 744-4100; baauctioneer@comcast.net Pat Errigo, 848 State St., Curwensville 16833. (814) 236-3403 phone and fax; (814) 541-3403 cell; putt46@verizon.net Linda Lunt, 1156 Willowbrook Rd., Belle Vernon 15012. (724) 872-7431; (724) 331-2561 cell; (724) 872-1018 fax; linlunt@comcast.net Samantha Parish, PO Box 414, Smithton 15479. (724) 872-0334; (724) 493-0750 cell; samanthaparish@samanthaparishsales.com Tom Gazvoda, 1969 St. Rd. 980, Canonsburg 15317. (724) 745-4537; (317) 459-8811 cell; gvoda@yahoo.com Samantha Parish 800.577.6801 Ralph Horst Hubert Post Clarence Huber Quentin Chaffee Ken Brown Pete Stewart Clay Hess C.J. Leiby Roy Ebersole Ken Upperman John Ensminger John Martin Paul Ranck Rich Moyer Dan Comly Lee Pillsbury Bob Reimold Wil Hahn Wylie Rittenhouse Vernon L. Martin *1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 *2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Kenneth A. Geyer Donald E. Hock Merv Adams Blaine Rentzel John Fry Wayne Patterson Robert H. Clinton Larry Lefever, Sr. Jerry H. Schwenk James C. Young Thomas K. Girvin Olen Knecht Michael Ivankovich Sanford L. Alderfer James A. Clayton Charles L. Wehrly Robert H. Clinton Robert Ensminger Daniel A. Trace PAA Hall of Fame *1991 SOUTHEAST CHAPTER President *1973 *1976 NORTHEAST CHAPTER President Vice Pres. PAA Auctioneer of the Year *1997 * 1998 * 1999 * info@paauctioneers.org L.M.F. Hocker Sanford Alderfer C.J. Leiby Clay Hess Ralph Horst Lee Pillsbury Charles Baker William Doyle R.M. "Pete" Stewart Ralph Zettlemoyer Bob Reimold Jim Mohr James Young Wil Hahn Wylie Rittenhouse Gele L. Derr Kenneth A. Geyer Charles Moyer Jerry Burke Roy Ebersole Richard Crittenden Kenneth Upperman www.paauctioneers.org 2000 2001 * 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 * 2009 * 2010 Mervin Adams Vernon Martin Larry Reed Donald Hock John T. Ensminger Harold Alderfer Richard Moyer J. Wayne Patterson Kenyon B.Brown Simon J. Miller James E. Lewis Jerry H. Schwenk Frederick L. Toomey C. Sherman Allen Eugene "Jake" Zelmore Mark “Dutch” Kistler Ronald Funk Larry Lefever, Sr. Daniel F. Comly Thomas K. Girvin * Deceased 5 2010 PAA Committees Important Auction Numbers • Audit – Karen Patterson, chair; chapter secretaries, members Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association ....................... 800.577.6801 (570) 672.9618 (fax) info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org • Budget/Finance – Dan Trace, chair; Bob Ensminger, Wayne Patterson, Bill Anderson, Sr., Jim Lewis, members • Bylaws/Constitution – Phil Grosh, chair • Conference – Ken Hansell, chair; 2010 PAA Board of Directors, Jeanie Crowl - Advertising – LVSA (Kim Hemingway) - Auctioneer of Year – C (Phil Grosh) - Auctioneer & Rookie Championship – NE (Mike Weaver) - Auxiliary Speaker – NW (Roger Roae) - Fun Auction – SE (Sparky James) - Hall of Fame – Past Hall of Fame members; Jim Lewis, coordinator/secretary - Rotation (Entertainment, Sergeant-at-arms, Registration at annual mtg.) – SW (Samantha Parish) - Vendors/Sponsors – NW (Roger Roae) • Education (PAACE ) – Charlene Caple, chair • Grievance – Nevin Rentzel • Historian, Photography – Mike Keller (photographer) • Legislative – Bob Clinton, chair; Members: Jan Waltz, Keystone PAC Chair, Dan Trace, PAA PAC Chair, Sandy Brittingham, Sparky James, Nevin B. Rentzel, Jay Layman, George Michak. Ad Hoc – 5 PAA officers • Member Benefits – Sparky James • Membership – Randy Betton, PAA VP, chair • Nominating – Bill Anderson, Sr., chair; Nevin Rentzel, Sandy Brittingham, Harry Bachman, Blaine Rentzel, Jim Clayton • PAC – Dan Trace, chair; Tom Saylor, treasurer Members: C – Tom Saylor, Phil Grosh LV – Len Walter, Kim Hemingway NE – Bob Vanatta, Mike Weaver NW – Dan Trace, Roger Roae SE – Phil Wesel, Sparky James (alt. Max Fishel) SW – Tom Gazvoda, Samantha Parish Ad Hoc – PAA Officers, Jay Layman, George Michak Ex-Officio – Robert Clinton, PAA Legislative Committee Chair • Technology – Sue Ivankovich and Steve Johnson, Auction Zip.com National Auctioneers Association ............................... 888.541.8084 (913) 894.5281 (fax) info@auctioneers.org www.auctioneers.org PA State Board of Auctioneer Examiners ..................(717) 783.3397 (717) 705.5540 (fax) st-auctioneer@state.pa.us www.dos.state.pa.us PA Auctioneer Board Counsel .............. Christopher Grovich, Esq. (717) 783-7200 (717) 787-0251 (fax) cgrovich@state.pa.us PA Auctioneer Board Prosecutor .........................Lesa Tressler, Esq. (717) 783-7200 (717) 787-0251 (fax) ltressler@state.pa.us Clarion University – Venango Campus ................877- VENANGO Oil City, PA www.clarion.edu/venango Harrisburg Area Community College.....................Charlene Caple Auction Program Coordinator (717) 521.3018 800-ABC-HACC cacaple@comcast.net Reading Area Community College ................................ Deb Larkin Auction Program Coordinator (610) 372.4721, ext. 5181 800-626-1665 dlarkin@racc.edu Jay Layman, Capital Associates .................................(717) 234.5350 President & CEO (717) 234.2886 (fax) layman@capitalassoc.com Professional Credential Services ...............................877.U.TRY.PCS Testing Agency for PA Auctioneer Exam (877.887.9727) (615) 880.4275 paauccord@pcshq.com www.pcshq.com ToIf you File a Complaint believe the practice or the service provided by a licensed professional to be unethical, below an acceptable standard of practice or out of the scope of the profession, you are urged to contact the Department of State's Professional Compliance Office to obtain a complaint form. A toll-free telephone number is shown below: in Pennsylvania: 1-800-822-2113 out of state: 1-717-783-4849 A complaint form is also available on the department's internet site. The web address to access the form is: www.dos.state.pa.us/bpoa 6 P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE State Board of Auctioneer Examiners, Business Licensing Division Pennsylvania Department of State The regulating body for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s auction profession is the State Board of Auctioneer Examiners, one of 29 professional and occupational licensing boards within the PA Department of State. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Bellano, Joseph J. *ÕLVÊiLiÀ® 11/19/07 - 11/19/10 USQ for Six Months 2nd Term Davies, Anne N. *ÕLVÊiLiÀ® 03/10/09 - 01/10/12 USQ for Six Months 3rd Term Hostetter, Jr., Sherman E. *ÀviÃÃ>ÊiLiÀ® 6/4/07 - 6/4/10 USQ for Six Months 2nd Term Landis, J. Omar (Chairperson) *ÀviÃÃ>ÊiLiÀ® 10/16/06 - 10/16/09 USQ for Six Months 4th Term Rentzel, Blaine N. *ÀviÃÃ>ÊiLiÀ® 6/4/07 - 6/4/10 USQ for Six Months 1st Term Rittenhouse, Wylie S. *ÀviÃÃ>ÊiLiÀ® 6/4/07 - 6/4/10 USQ for Six Months 1st Term Stewart, Ralph M. *ÀviÃÃ>ÊiLiÀ® 12/16/09 - 12/16/12 USQ for Six Months 7th Term Foerster, Michael 1-+r1ÌÊ-ÕVViÃÃÀÊ+Õ>wiÃÊÊ Agent, Bureau of Consumer Protection Office of Attorney General +1",1Ê,+1, /-ÊÊÊ ÛiÊiLiÀðÊÊ Rader, Matthew Trading Assistant Representative xÊ*ÀviÃÃ>ÊiLiÀà ÓÊ*ÕLVÊiLiÀà £Ê ÃÕiÀÊ*ÀÌiVÌ PROFESSIONAL STAFF £Ê ÃÃiÀ DeAndra Burger, Board Administrator State Board of Auctioneer Examiners, PO Box 2649 (ARRISBURG0!ssFAX ST-AUCTIONEER@state.pa.usswww.dos.state.pa.us Chris Grovich, Attorney-at-Law Board Counsel, Governor’s Office of General Counsel 2601 N. Third St., PO Box 2649, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649 sFAXscgrovich@state.pa.us Lesa Tressler, Attorney-at-Law Assistant Counsel (Prosecuting) Governor’s Office of General Counsel 2601 N. Third St., PO Box 2649, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649 sFAXsltressler@state.pa.us AUCTION LICENSE INFORMATION Does PA require an auctioneer license? Yes. Requirements: Graduation from an approved school of auctioneering (Clarion University – Venango Campus, Harrisburg Area Community College or Reading Area Community College) OR two years of apprenticeship with 30 sales and passing score on the Pennsylvania Auctioneer Examination. (If an applicant fails the examination twice, he or she must request board approval to sit again. The board may require an applicant to complete additional training approved by the board, per §1.23(c) of the board’s regulations.) Exceptions: ** Please direct questions regarding exceptions to Section 3(h) and Section (i) of the law act. Specified single sale per year by owner of property, charity, government agency, if owner is not engaged in the business of selling the property. Does an auctioneer need a real estate license to call bids at a real estate auction? No. Does an auctioneer need a real estate license to handle all aspects of a real estate auction? No. Does a person need an auctioneer’s license to call bids at a real estate auction? Yes. Does a person need an auctioneer’s license to handle all other aspects of a real estate auction? No. Licensed Auctioneers in State: 2,091 are currently actively licensed. There have been 4,696 total auctioneers issued licenses. Apprentice Auctioneers: 255 are currently actively licensed. There have been 3,108 apprentice auctioneers issued licenses. Licensed Auction Companies: 141 are actively licensed. 389 auction company licenses have been issued 800.577.6801 Licensed Auction Houses: 120 are actively licensed. 404 auction house licenses have been issued Registered Auction Companies: 88 are actively registered. 292 auction companies have been issued registration. Registered Auction Houses: 88 are actively registered. 347 auction houses have been issued registration. Registered Trading Assistants: 38 actively registered. TOTAL 2,873 Auctioneer test administered: On a daily basis by Professional Credential Services, Inc. to eligible candidates on a computer-based testing platform using Laser Grade test locations (www.pcshq.com). Examination fee: $200 ($150 for a repeat candidate). Licenses expire February 28 of every odd-numbered year. The Postal Service does not forward licenses. Biennial (every 2 years) license fees: Apprentice - $100; Auctioneer - $200; Auction firm, company or house - $200; Trading Assistant - $100. Bonding requirement: $5,000 for all categories. A bond is not required for a licensed auctioneer applying for registration of an auction house or auction company that they operate. Reciprocity: PA currently has reciprocal agreements with the following 13 states: Alabama Louisiana Tennessee Florida North Carolina Virginia Georgia Ohio West Virginia Indiana Rhode Island Kentucky South Carolina To be eligible for licensure by reciprocity, he/she must be a nonresident of PA and hold a current auctioneer license by the state of his residence from the list above. A reciprocal license is limited to the sale of whatever property the laws and regulations of his state permit non-resident auctioneers and apprentice auctioneers to sell at auction. State Board of Auctioneer Examiners DeAndra Burger, Board Administrator State Board of Auctioneer Examiners PO Box 2649, 2601 N. Third St., Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649 (717) 783-3397; (717) 214-8401 direct line; (717) 705.5540 (fax) deburger@state.pa.us; www.dos.state.pa.us/auct Lesa Tressler, Attorney-at-Law Assistant Counsel (Prosecuting) Governor’s Office of General Counsel PO Box 2649, 2601 N. Third St., Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649 (717) 783-7200; (717) 787.0251 (fax); ltressler@state.pa.us Chris Grovich, Attorney-at-Law Board Counsel Governor’s Office of General Counsel PO Box 2649, 2601 N. Third St., Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649 (717) 783-7200; (717) 787.0251 (fax); cgrovich@state.pa.us Capital Associates, Inc. Jay Layman, President and CEO Capital Associates, Inc. PO Box 1085, 200 N. Third St., Harrisburg, PA 17108-1085 (717) 234-5350, (717) 234.2286 (fax); layman@capitalassoc.com www.capitalassoc.com info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org 7 PAA Code of Ethics Adopted: January 1993 Code of Professional Ethics Preamble The Pennsylvania Auctioneer and Auction Licensing Act sets forth the guidelines and requirements by which the Pennsylvania Auctioneer may sell real estate and personal property at public auction. The Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association (PAA) members are committed to support all provisions of the licensing act and are committed to serve their customers, both buyers and sellers, with integrity and fair dealing and actions that will serve to upgrade the image of the association and the auction industry. Further, the goals of this association will be to improve professional relationships and to earn increased public acceptance of the auction method. It is a fundamental belief of the Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association that our commitment to highly ethical and professional practices will strengthen our association and provide important visibility to our industry. Professional Relationships The PAA Auctioneer shall be loyal to the PAA and will willingly contribute his time and effort by serving the association as officer and committee member, and attend meetings and events scheduled by the association. The PAA Auctioneer shall actively encourage membership of new auctioneers into the membership of the PAA. The PAA Auctioneer will willingly share his experience and expertise with other members of the association, and all members shall be committed to the improvement and results of the auction industry, in addition to his own business. Relationship to Clients The PAA Auctioneer shall be committed to competency in his field of expertise and shall keep abreast of laws and regulations which affect the type of real or personal property he is selling. The PAA Auctioneer shall be committed to abide by all the regulations and laws relating to his field of endeavor. The PAAAuctioneer shall keep abreast of the current market values of the commodities he is selling in order to provide the seller with accurate information to make a proper decision. The PAAAuctioneer shall require a written contract where the terms and conditions are clearly stated, and where the terms and conditions are reviewed and understood by the parties to the contract. The PAA Auctioneer shall use his best efforts to properly advertise and promote the property being sold and represent accurately, clearly and fairly all property and merchandise being sold. The PAAAuctioneer shall always expend his best efforts to achieve the best possible results for his clients. The PAA Auctioneer subscribes to the code of ethics enumerated herein and agrees to be bound by this code of ethics. Relationships to Public The PAA Auctioneer shall be honest and forthright in all advertising and representation of property to be sold and shall disclose all known defects and conditions clearly and fairly. The PAA Auctioneer shall clearly spell out all the sales terms and responsibilities of the buyer and, if property is sold at "absolute auction," the sale shall be without limit, favor or reserve. The PAA Auctioneer will not bid for or buy for himself any real or personal property at an auction he is conducting or knowingly use false bidders. The PAA Auctioneer shall be committed to bringing buyer and seller together in the most equitable and fair means possible and will strive to uphold the highest level of ethical and moral practices. 8 PAA Auctioneer Champions 1980 1981 *1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 *1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 John Lindley Richard Moyer Mark Rohaly Harry Anderson Robert Clinton James Gibson, Sr. Kerry A. Pae Larry Lefever, Sr. David Yearsley Ed Miller Ken Hansell Bradley Smith Sherman Hostetter, Jr. Michael Fortna Gerald Pennay, Jr. Nevin Rentzel C. Sherman Allen Frank Trunzo John Rutt II Thomas Abruzzese Mark Ferry Randy Betton Ryan Groff H. Brent Souder Matthew S. Hurley B. J. Jennings Tim Rocco David Conley John M. Hess Michael Weaver Lee Alan Hostetter Prosperity Reading Pleasant Unity Georgetown Ottsville Pottstown Harrisburg Quarryville Kemblesville York Perkiomenville Brogue Beaver Falls Annville Hop Bottom York Conneaut Lake Apollo Ephrata Bath Latrobe Greensburg Manheim Sellersville Greencastle York Haven McKean York Manheim Allenwood Darlington PAA Rookie Auctioneer Champions 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Phil Grosh Matt Hostetter Kylee H. Reeder Michael Morris Bill Omalacy, Jr. Jeffery Pennington P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE York Haven Beaver Falls Beaver Falls Elizabethtown Smithfield New Castle PENNSYLVANIA AUCTIONEERS ASSOCIATION, INC. CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS PREAMBLE 1. Any resident citizen of this state who is honest, upright, worthy of confidence and of good moral character, having been duly licensed in this state as an auctioneer, or as an apprentice auctioneer, or being a non-resident, having been duly licensed in this state through reciprocity laws of this state and other states, shall be eligible for membership in this association. a. Auctioneer – Full membership with all benefits and one (1) vote b. Apprentice auctioneer – Full membership with all benefits and one (1) vote. c. Owner of Auction House or Auction Company – Full membership with all benefits but no voting privileges. We, the auctioneers of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in order to form ourselves into a mutual cooperative body for the promotion and elevation of the auction profession and to protect the public against unscrupulous practices; to maintain its rightful dignity and deserving place in society and commerce, the "Grand and Glorious Old Art" of bringing buyer and seller together through the process of honest and competitive bidding; to establish uniform rules of action, to assist in securing proper legislation for the betterment of the auction business and thus enable ourselves to be of greater service to the public; and to be entitled to the respect and consideration which honest and well-meaning auctioneers deserve, do hereby bind ourselves and adopt and establish for our government the following Constitution and Bylaws. ARTICLE I - NAME B. Associate Members 1. Associate member – Individual non-voting memberships for individuals who are not auctioneers but involved in an auction or auction-related business, such as ring person, clerk, cashier, spouse, family member, etc., and affiliated with one of the three licensed membership categories in A above may be granted. 2. Trade member – Non-voting memberships for individuals, firms, companies, corporations, or entities engaged in any related business or business endeavor having a relationship of a general nature with the business conducted by licensed membership classifications, such as publications, periodicals, software companies, online auction companies, auction supply companies, etc., may be granted. C. Life Voting Members 1. Senior Life Member Senior life memberships shall be granted to PAA members attaining the age of 70 years and having a total of 25 years as a PAA member. Senior life members shall have voting privileges and shall pay no dues. 2. Life Member Any active member may become a life member upon payment of twenty-five (25) times the appropriate annual dues at the time of application. The life member shall thereafter be exempt from all annual PAA dues and assessments but shall be responsible for payment of annual chapter dues at the current stated rate. Payment shall be made in accordance with PAA policies and procedures. A life member shall have all the rights and privileges of a regular member. The name of this organization shall be Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as PAA. ARTICLE II - PURPOSE It shall be the purpose of this association to: A. Foster good fellowship; B. Cultivate a more harmonious and friendly spirit among auctioneers; C. Follow the GOLDEN RULE regarding the relationship between auctioneers and clients; D. Discuss matters of common interest; E. Help, aid and assist in elevating the auctioneering profession by technical training, instruction, apprenticeship, practices, advertising and publicity; F. Foster and support passage of proper legislation for the general well-being of the auction profession as well as the public at large; and G. Secure the aid and cooperation of each chapter for the promotion and proper development of the auction profession to the end that the profession may reach its highest level and preserve its rightful place and dignity in our American economy. ARTICLE III - CHAPTERS AND LOCAL SOCIETIES Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. The PAA shall be composed and consist of various component parts or chapters as accepted or designated by a majority vote of the association members in attendance at any regular or special meeting. The division thereof shall be by counties and not by population. The PAA shall have and hold precedence over each and all chapters, and its ruling on any dispute, issue, or controversy shall be final and binding. The officers of each chapter and each local society thereunder, who shall comprise the board of directors, shall consist of a president, a vice-president, a secretary-treasurer; and three (3) directors, who shall serve for the terms hereinafter set forth. Each chapter shall elect one (1) state director and one (1) alternate director. ARTICLE IV - MEMBERS AND DUES Section 1. Members - Classification A. Licensed Members 800.577.6801 info@paauctioneers.org D. All applicants and members of PAA must be members of an area chapter and are encouraged to join the National Auctioneers Association by contacting the National Auctioneers Association. E. All applications for membership in PAA shall be accompanied by the annual PAA dues and chapter dues. Any member of this association may present the name of a qualified applicant for membership, who first signs an official application of this association stating that he/she solemnly promises and declares that he/she will faithfully conform to all Laws, Rules, Regulations and requirements of the Constitution and Bylaws of this association, and that he/she will deal equitably, honestly and sincerely with other auctioneers and the general public. G. An applicant for membership, after presenting his/her signed application in the regular manner, accompanied F. www.paauctioneers.org 9 by the necessary fees and receiving a majority vote of the members present either by proclamation or ballot at any regular chapter meeting, will be given membership in this association, providing he/she has been certified by his/ her local chapter as provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws. H. All applicants must be sponsored by a member of this association in good standing, indicating that he/she knows the applicant to be qualified and of good repute and that he/she is eligible for membership and has been certified by the local society or chapter. A member in good standing within the meaning of that term in this constitution and bylaws is one who is not in default in the payment of dues or other indebtedness to the association. I. A duly approved member will be duty bound to abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of this association and any amendments thereto. Section 2. Dues A. Annual Dues 1. The amount of annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors according to procedures established in the PAA Operating Procedures and shall be payable to the chapter secretary or online to the PAA Administrator by December 31. 2. First Year Member dues – The first year membership dues of any newly approved member shall be determined by the Board of Directors according to guidelines established in the PAA Operating Procedures and shall be payable to the chapter secretary or online to the PAA Administrator by December 31. B. C. Members whose PAA and chapter dues are not paid by December 31 as notified by the chapter secretary shall automatically forfeit their right to attend the PAA annual meeting. Members must pay PAA and chapter dues by March 31 of the current membership year. Individuals paying dues after March 31 will be considered inactive for the remainder of the year. New members shall not be affected by the March 31 deadline and can be accepted at any time of the year. Section 3. Fiscal Year The fiscal year shall be from January 1 through December 31. ARTICLE V - OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. 10 The elected officers of the PAA shall be: A. President B. President-Elect C. Vice-President D. Treasurer Qualification Only members of the PAA for five (5) or more years shall be eligible to serve as elected state officers. To be eligible for elective state office the member must be a resident of Pennsylvania and hold a Pennsylvania auctioneer's license. Removal from Office By a two-thirds (2/3) vote by ballot of members present at any regular or special meeting, any officer may be removed from that office for non-performance of his/her duties or for conducting himself/herself in a manner unbecoming an auctioneer. Revocation of state auctioneer or apprentice license means automatic expulsion in the association. Vacancies Vacancies occurring in office may be filled by an interim appointment by the president, with board approval, until the next regular or special meeting of the association. Section 6. Duties of Officers The duties of the various officers shall be those specified in this Constitution and Bylaws and in the parliamentary authority adopted by the PAA. A. The President shall: 1. Preside at all meetings of the PAA and enforce due observance of the Constitution and Bylaws, Rules and Regulations. 2. Decide all questions of order. 3. Offer for consideration all motions regularly made. 4. Call special meetings. 5. Appoint all committees not otherwise provided for. 6. Govern the administration of this association at all times and be accountable to the membership for the efficient and businesslike administration that is expected of him/her. 7. Conduct all meetings in absolute decorum at all times. 8. Make no motion or amendments, nor vote on any question or motion unless the members present be equally divided, when he/she shall cast the deciding vote. Upon completion of his/her term, the immediate past president shall become a member of the board of directors for a term of one (1) year with the power to make motions and vote on all matters of association business, and to perform whatever duties the president may so direct. The President may appoint a parliamentarian to serve at the Annual Meeting or for the entire term. B. The President-Elect shall: 1. Preside in the absence of the president and perform the duties of that office. 2. Perform whatever duties the president may so direct. 3. Serve as conference chairman for the upcoming conference, with the duty to plan and coordinate the agenda for the conference including, but not limited to, seminars, speakers, functions, meals, entertainment, awards and presentations, subject to the board's approval. C. The Vice-President shall: 1. Be a voting member of the board of directors and perform whatever duties the president may so direct. 2. Serve as Membership Chair. D. The Treasurer shall: 1. Receive the funds of the state association, pay all expenses, bills, and accounts and keep an accurate record of all money received and paid, and make a report of the same to the state association at every meeting. The treasurer shall give bond in sufficient sum to cover the amount of funds entrusted to him/her; said bond to be fixed by the board of directors at any meeting of the board and may be changed from time to time as occasion demands, or they may waive the required bond. The said bond if required shall be a surety bond and the premium therefore shall be paid from funds of this association. Each chapter treasurer shall function in the same manner and form as the state treasurer except that each chapter treasurer shall furnish the state association with a monthly report of all state dues collected and make remittance thereof with said report, which shall be the only funds payable by the chapters to the state association, except P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE any special assessment which may be levied upon them by the state association. Section 7. Compensation and Expenses A. The treasurer or other officers of this association shall receive no compensation for services except as provided by the association by a majority vote of a duly constituted quorum present at any regular meeting. The expenses incurred, however, in regular maintenance of this association shall be paid out of the general fund of this association. The general fund shall be recognized as that of the state association. B. Each chapter shall preserve its own maintenance and shall not call for funds from the state association only in dire necessity. Such request shall be subject to the decision of the state association acted on at a regular or special meeting. The PAA chapters may submit a request for funds, subject to a majority vote of a duly constituted quorum present at any regular board meeting, to offset a deficit in conducting an educational seminar by the members of the PAA for any licensed auctioneer. ARTICLE VI - NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS Section 1. Nominations - State Officers A. A Nominating Committee of five (5) members shall be appointed by the President. 1. No more than one member from a chapter shall be represented on the committee. 2. The Nominating Committee shall submit one or more candidates' name(s) for each office to be filled. B. Additional nominations for state officers may be made from the floor. Section 2. Election and Term A. The election of officers shall be held annually except the office of president. The president-elect, at the conclusion of the one-year term, shall automatically succeed to the office of president. B. The officers shall serve for a period of one year but shall remain in office until a duly elected or appointed successor qualifies. C. Elections shall be by ballot except in the case where there is only one nominee, the President may declare the nominee elected. D. A majority of the votes cast by those present and voting is necessary for election. E. In case of a tie vote, the election shall be determined by lot. ARTICLE VII - MEETINGS AND QUORUM Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Annual Meeting An annual meeting shall be held at a time and place to be determined by the board of directors. Special Meetings Special meetings shall be called by the President, or upon request of a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the board of directors. The time and place shall be set by those responsible for the call and only business stated in the call may be transacted. Notice Notice of the call to the annual meeting or to a special meeting shall be sent to each member of PAA at least thirty (30) days prior to the stated meeting. Quorum Fifty (50) members in good standing shall be necessary to constitute a quorum, three (3) of whom must be officers or directors of this association. 800.577.6801 ARTICLE VIII - REPRESENTATION AND VOTE Section 1. Section 2. Every regular and life member shall be entitled to attend all meetings, provided his dues have been paid in full for the current year to register for the conference at the member registration fee. In order to vote at the meetings, a member's dues must be paid by December 31 before the meeting is held. In the event a special meeting is called, a new member's dues must be paid (30) days in advance of the special meeting in order to vote. ARTICLE IX - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. Composition A. The PAA Board of Directors shall be composed of eleven (11) individuals: 1. The elected officers (4). 2. The immediate past president (1). 3. One director from each area chapter and/or the alternate director (6). 4. The parliamentarian, if appointed, who shall act in an advisory capacity without vote. 5. The Administrator who shall act in an advisory capacity without vote. Section 2. Meetings A. Regular meetings of this board shall be held four (4) times a year. B. Special meetings shall be called by the president, or upon request of two-thirds (2/3) of the board members. Notice of special meetings shall be sent to each board member at least twenty (20) days before the date of the meeting. C. Telephone Conference. Meetings may be conducted by telephone conference with twenty-four hours notice. Section 3. Duties and Responsibilities A. The board of directors shall keep in touch with the business management of this association and once a year audit and show in open meeting the books of this association and report to this association any mistakes or any irregularities they may discover. The board of directors shall have charge of the financial and business management of any undertaking for the progress and betterment of the association; acting, however, in harmony with the will and pleasure of its membership. B. This board shall be responsible for conducting the business of the PAA between annual meetings and may adopt rules for this purpose provided they do not conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of the PAA. C. Observers. Members of the PAA may attend meetings of the board of directors as observers. Section 4. Voting A. A majority vote shall be required to adopt a budget. Section 5. Quorum A. A majority of the board members including at least 3 elected officers shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE X - COMMITTEES AND THEIR DUTIES Section 1. info@paauctioneers.org Standing committees shall include: Budget/Finance Conference Constitution/Bylaws Education Grievance www.paauctioneers.org 11 Any member will automatically be dropped from this association for non-payment of dues after December 31 of each year. Historian/Photography Member Benefits Membership Nominating Political Action Committee Publications/Newsletter Technology Section 2. Section 3. Section 2. Duties. Their duties and responsibilities shall be outlined under the direction of the president or the Board of Directors. The Historian shall be appointed for a 2-year term beginning in 2008. His or her duties and responsibilities shall be outlined under the direction of the PAA President or the PAA Board of Directors. Special committees may be created by the president or the board as the need arises. ARTICLE XI - HEADQUARTERS The headquarters and principal office of the PAA shall be located at the residence or business office of its duly elected treasurer. The officers and directors may, from time to time if deemed necessary and to the best interests of the association, designate and establish other offices. Section 1. ARTICLE XII - EXPULSION Any member violating the Constitution and Bylaws or provisions herein stated shall be expelled from this association as determined by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at any regular meeting. Any member or officer shall automatically be dropped from membership from all associations upon revocation of his Pennsylvania auctioneer or apprentice license by the State officials supervising the auction license act. No former member may resubmit his application for membership to this association until three (3) months after his auctioneer or apprentice license has been reissued. ARTICLE XIII - INDEMNIFICATION This association shall indemnify to the fullest extent authorized or permitted by the corporation laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania any person made, or threatened to be made, a party to an action, suit or proceeding by reason of the fact that said person is or was an officer, employee, or member acting in good faith in behalf of this association. ARTICLE XIV - DISSOLUTION In the event of dissolution of PAA: A. All liabilities and obligations shall be paid, satisfied and discharged or adequate provisions shall be made therefore. B. Any remaining assets shall be transferred to a qualified tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code by a majority vote of members present and voting at a regular or special meeting. ARTICLE XV - PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority to govern all things not covered in this Constitution and Bylaws and any special rules of order that the PAA may adopt. ARTICLE XVI - AMENDMENTS This Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote by ballot of the members present and voting at any regular meeting, providing notice by mail of the meeting at which such amendments are to be considered must be given to every member in good standing at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting. ARTICLE XVII - BINDING AGREEMENT We, the auctioneers of Pennsylvania and our respective chapters thereof, do willingly, voluntarily, and irrevocably bind ourselves unto the provisions and conditions set forth in this Constitution and Bylaws. We further agree to be loyal and faithful to this association; honest and undiscriminating in dealing with its individual members and the general public; and to the best of our ability work for the protection, promotion, and betterment of the auction profession, and we pledge allegiance to the principles for which it stands. i`i`\Ê Ê Ê Ê 12 >Õ>ÀÞÊ£x]Ê£{Ê >Õ>ÀÞÊ£n]Ê£ÇÊ >Õ>ÀÞÊ£Ç]Ê£nÊ >Õ>ÀÞÊ£Ó]ÊÓääÓÊ P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE >Õ>ÀÞÊ£x]ÊÓääx >Õ>ÀÞÊ£{]ÊÓääÈ >Õ>ÀÞÊ£Ó]ÊÓään 800.577.6801 info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org 13 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY KEY: A-Antiques/Collectibles; Ap-Appraisals; B–Benefit; BL-Business Liquidations; C-Commercial; E-Estate; F-Farm/Livestock; I-Industrial/Manufacturing; R-Restaurant/Food; RE-Real Estate; T-Transportation. Other specialties listed individually. *Ê >ÃÊ`iÊiÛiÀÞÌ }Ê «ÃÃLiÊÌÊiÃÕÀiÊÌ >ÌÊÌ iÊÊ vÀ>ÌÊÊÌ ÃÊ`ÀiVÌÀÞÊ ÃÊVÀÀiVÌ°ÊÕÌÊÃiÌiÃÊÊ iÀÀÀÃÊ`ÊVVÕÀ°ÊvÊÞÕÊw`Ê Ì >ÌÊ>ÞÊvÊÌ iÊvÀ>ÌÊ ÊÞÕÀÊÃÌ}ÊÃÊ>VVÕÀ>ÌiÊ ÀÊÕÌÊvÊ`>Ìi]Ê«i>ÃiÊiÌÊÕÃÊ ÜÊÃÊÜiÊV>ÊVÀÀiVÌÊÕÀÊ ÀiVÀ`ÃÊ>`Ê}Õ>À>ÌiiÊÌ >ÌÊ iÝÌÊÞi>À¿ÃÊi`ÌÊÃÊiÛiÊ ÀiÊ>VVÕÀ>Ìi° A Adams, Mervin W. PAA President 1970 PAA Auctioneeer of Year 1995 PAA Hall of Fame 2000 Coins Adams Auction Sales Service (Senior Life Member) 208 Maple St Millersburg, PA 17061 C / (Dauphin) (717) 692-3076 (717) 692-4313 Adcock, Charles J. B, RE, Automobile C. J. Auction, Inc. 13 Bennington Pl. Newtown, PA 18940 SE / (Bucks) (215) 669-9054 nationwideauctioneer@yahoo.com Adcock, Oreon "Odie" Automobile (Senior Life Member) 2558 Golden Dr. East Petersburg, PA 17520 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 581-5297 (717) 371-8529 cell Adcock, David P. T David P. Adcock - Auctioneer 4900 Brown Lane York, PA 17406-8891 SE / (York) (717) 840-7878 (717) 840-6448 fax (717) 951-1911 cell bidtobuy1@comcast.net 14 Adcock, Michael T. Adcock Auctioneers 209 Wheatfield Way York, PA 17403 SE / (York) (717) 9577 (717) 577-5865 cell mikeadcock@mac.com Akins, Mark G. BL, C, E, RE Ken Geyer Real Estate 647 Congo Rd. Gilbertsville, PA 19525 SE / (Montgomery) (610) 754-9450 (610) 754-9480 fax (484) 239-3273 cell geyerauctions@comcast.net www.geyerauctions.com Akins, Paul BL, C, I, RE Ken Geyer RE Auctioneers 647 Congo Rd. Gilbertsville, PA 19525 SE / (Montgomery) (610) 754-9450 (610) 754-9480 fax (484) 357-5676 cell geyerauctions@comcast.net www.geyerauctions.com Alderfer, Harold A., CAI, GPPA PAA Treasurer 1975 PAA Hall of Fame 2002 A, RE Sanford Alderfer Companies (Senior Life Member) 263 Woods Dr. Lansdale, PA 19446 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 361-6850 (215) 808-9278 cell hfalderfer@gmail.com www.alderferauction.com Alderfer, Sanford A. PAA Hall of Fame 1990 A, RE Sanford Alderfer Companies (Senior Life Member) 112 Crescent Lane Harleysville, PA 19438 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 723-1301 saalderfer@verizon.net 2010 PAA Members Listed Alphabetically (includes PAA advertisers, exhibitors, supporters, and friends) Alderfer, Sanford L., CAI, GPPA PAA President 1998 PAA Auctioneer of the Year 2005 A,E Sanford Alderfer Companies (PAA Platinum Sponsor 2010) 501 Fairgrounds Rd. Hatfield, PA 19440 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 393-3000 (215) 368-9055 fax sandy@alderferauction.com www.alderferauction.com Anderson, Sr., Bill PAA President 2009 Nominating Chair 2010 A, BL, C, E, RE Bill Anderson Auctioneers LLC PO Box 107 Harrison City, PA 15636 SW / (Westmoreland) (724) 327-3344 (724) 327-3344 fax (412) 389-1622 cell bilandersonassoc@aol.com www.billandersonauctioneer.com Allen, C. Sherman PAA Auctioneer Champion 1996 PAA President 1997 PAA Hall of Fame 2008 A,B,BL,C,E,F,R,RE, Exotic Animals C. Sherman Allen Auctioneer 11367 State Highway 285 Conneaut Lake, PA 16316-1705 NW / (Crawford) (814) 382-2922 (814) 382-2923 fax (814) 671-9947 cell allen7@earthlink.net www.csallenauctioneer.com Ankney, Mark D. 312 Horseshoe Bend Rd. Rector, PA 15677 SW / (Westmoreland) (724)593-6571 (724) 787-2532 cell mdankney@lhtot.com Andersen, Audrey E., CAI SE Secretary 2010 A,B,E,RE Audrey Andersen Auctioneer 1647 N. Reading Rd. Stevens, PA 17578-9306 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 336-4825 (717) 336-7125 fax (717) 979-1280 cell aander@ptd.net Anderson, Harry A., CAI PAA President 1980-81 PAA Auctioneer Champion 1981 G Anderson Auctioneers (Senior Life Member) 44095 Pine Hollow Rd. Lisbon, OH 44432 NW (724) 312-4075 Anderson, Jr., A. William SW President 2010 A,BL,C,E,G,I,R,RE Bill Anderson Auctioneers LLC PO Box 107 Harrison City, PA 15636 SW / (Westmoreland) (724) 327-3344 (724) 327-3344 fax (724) 331-6773 cell baauctioneer@comcast.net www.billandersonauctioneer.com P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE Arana, Lyle C. A,B,BL,E,Ap,Rugs Arana's Auction 1541 Fitzwatertown Rd. Willow Grove, PA 19090 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 657-1220 (215) 659-6610 fax (215) 852-1140 cell larana2450@aol.com Arndt, Rodger L. A,B,BL,C,E,F,I,R,RE,T,Ap, FireFightingEq. All Points Auction Co. 951 S. 14th Ave. Lebanon, PA 17042 CE / (Lebanon) (717) 270-4555 (717) 222-6191 cell allpointssco@yahoo.com www.allpointsauctionco.com Arner, Dean R. A,E,F,RE Dean R. Arner Auctioneer LLC 174 Pine Hill Rd. New Ringgold, PA 17960-8911 LV / (Schuylkill) (570) 386-3389 (570) 386-3389 fax darner@ptd.net Arnold, Randall S. Randall S. Arnold Auctioneers, Inc. 630 Grange Hall Rd. Milton, PA 17847 SE / (Northumberland) (570) 742-1870 (570) 490-6977 cell ranjo810@yahoo.com PAA Arnold, William R. A,BL,C,E,F,I,R,RE William Arnold, Professional Auctioneer 151 Haupt Rd. Somerset, PA 15501 SW / (Somerset) (814) 445-4876 (814) 442-2359 cell billarnold338@yahoo.com Aronson, Tod E. AAI, CIC, Trade Member PA auction bonds/insurance E.R. Munro and Company (PAA Platinum Sponsor 2010) 420 Fort Duquesne Blvd., #400 Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1460 SW / (Allegheny) (412) 281-0673, x 116 (800) 707-7075 toll free bonds@ermunro.com www.ermunro.com Arthur, A. Wayne A,E,F,RE,Ap Arthur Auctioneering 563 Reed Rd. Hughesville, PA 17737 NE / (Lycoming) (570) 584-3697 arthurauctions@windstream.net Ashcroft, Shelley Auction /antiques advertising >V>ÃÌiÀÊ>À}Ê iÜà (PAA Donor Sponsor 2010) PO Box 609 1 E. Main St. Ephrata, PA 17522 (Lancaster) (717) 721-4453 (717) 626-1210 fax (717) 721-4405 cell sashcroft.eph@lnpnews.com www.lancasterfarming.com B Bachman, Charles H. Automobile Charles H. Bachman Auctioneer (Senior Life Member) 704 Oak Blvd. Ephrata, PA 17522 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 733-6886 (717) 951-5359 cell Bachman, Harry H. PAA President 2005 A,E,F,RE Harry H. Bachman Auctioneer (PAA Contributor 2010) 2051 Horseshoe Pike Annville, PA 17003-8850 C / (Lebanon) (717) 867-1809 (717) 867-1279 fax (717) 821-1638 cell bachauct@lmf.net www.bachmanauctioneer.com MEMBERS Baer, Kenneth E. A,B,BL,C,E,F,I,R,RE,T,AP Baer Auctioneers-Realty LLC 45625 State Route 154 Rogers, OH 44455 NW / (Columbiana) (330) 227-3236 (330) 227-3307 fax (330) 424-2505 cell ken@baerauctions.com www.baerauctions.com Basen, Sonnie A. A,BL,C,E,I,RE,T,Ap Philadelphia Estate Liq., Inc. 14 Jonathan Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 LV / (Camden) (215) 925-8690 (856) 429-6959 fax (609) 471-9077 cell pelinc1@verizon.net www.pelinc.com Baker, Charles D., CAI PAA Hall of Fame 1993 A,B,BL,C,E,R,RE,AP Baker & Bellis Auctioneers (Senior Life Member) 244 John Diamond Rd. Franklin, PA 16323 NW / (Venango) (814) 676-6066 (814) 676-9269 fax (814) 516-3896 cell bakerauction@msn.com Beach, Larry K. E,F,G,RE Beach's Auction Service 437 Curryville Rd. Martinsburg, PA 16662 SW / (Bedford) (814) 793-2296 (814) 793-2296 fax (814) 502-6763 cell lkbeach821@yahoo.com Barkley, Mark BL, F, PP, RE, Machinery Barkley Auctions LLC 106 S. Pittsburgh Street Zelienople, PA 16063 NW / (Butler) (724) 452-0873 (724) 816-1050 cell barkleyauctions@zoominternet.net Barnes, Thomas L. E,RE,Asset Recovery Barnes Auction Services 185 Cranberry Rd. Grove City, PA 16127 NW / (Mercer) (724) 458-4474 (724) 992-0238 cell tbarnes1@zoominternet.net Barr, Stephen J. A,BL,C,E,F,I,R,RE Barr/Davis Auctioneers LLC PO Box 7 Gap, PA 17527 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 442-9221 (717) 442-3198 fax steve@barr1.com www.barrdavis.com Barrett, Gordon M. Automobile, horses 3528 Mud Mill Rd. Wyoming, DE 19934 SE / (Kent) (302) 492-3708 (302) 492-3708 fax Bartus, Jr., William J., AARE C, BL, RE Bartus Auction Management Group 1010 Vanguard Dr. Red Hill, PA 18076 LV / (Montgomery) (267) 772-0390 (215) 679-4757 fax (267) 772-0390 cell billbartus@aol.com www.auctionzip.com ID #4911 800.577.6801 Bechtold, Claude F., CAI A,BL,C,E,I,RE,R Bechtold Auctioneers 1928 Creek Hill Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601-5502 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 397-9240 (717) 396-8911 fax (717) 951-3270 cell cfbauct@hotmail.com Becker, J. Marlin Quilts; Kline-Kreider-Good Manager Hometowne Auction LLC 1047 Mountain Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 665-7283 (717) 665-7972 fax (717) 629-4557 cell mna@dejazzd.com www.hometownequiltauction.com Becker, Jeff Automobile 794 Red Dale Rd. Orwigsburg, PA 17961 SE / (Schuylkill) (570) 640-1334 jeffbbt@comcast.net Behm, Charles J. Behm's Auction Service 518 Webster Rd Graysville, PA 15337 SW / (Greene) (724) 428-3664 (724) 428-4946 fax Bellano, Joseph J. Public Member State Board of Auct. Examiners 2301 Cherry St., #8E Philadelphia, PA 19103 (Philadelphia) Bellis, John K. HC87, Box 212 Pocono Lake,PA 18347 NE / (Monroe) (570) 646-6789 (570) 646-2667 fax (570) 856-2000 cell mrjohn@epix.net info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org Bellis, Jr., William J., CAGA A,C,E,F,G,I,RE Baker & Bellis Auctioneers 611 Buttermilk Hill Rd. Franklin, PA 16323 NW / (Venango) (814) 671-1978 info@bba411.com www.bba411.com Benchoff, Robert S. A,E,RE Robert S. Benchoff Auctioneer 360 Strickler Ave. Waynesboro, PA 17268 C / (Franklin) (717) 749-5202 (717) 749-5201 fax (717) 377-4729 cell benchoff360@comcast.net Bering, William N. RE,R,B,BL,C,Automobile Fortna Auctioneers 286 Camp Strauss Rd. Bethel, PA 19507 SE / (Berks) (717) 861-5784 (717) 926-7911 cell Bering, Robert D. RE,R,B,BL,C,Automobile Fortna Auctioneers 223 W. Walnut St. Palmyra, PA 17078 SE / (Lebanon) (717) 861-5784 (717) 926-5153 rbering@fortnaauctioneers.com www.fortnaanctioneers.com Bering, Jr., William N. RE, R, B, BL, C Fortna Auctioneers 1034 Kathleen Street Lebanon, PA 17046 SE / (Lebanon) (717) 926-7910 (717) 867-5265 fax (717) 926-7910 cell wbering@fortnaauctioneers.com www.fortnaauctioneers.com Betton, Randy A. PAA Auctioneer Champion 2001 PAA Vice President 2010 Membership Chair 2010 A,G,Machinery,Industrial Randy A. Betton Auctioneer 25 Nottingham Dr. Greensburg, PA 15601 SW / (Westmoreland) (724) 837-7948 (724) 832-1888 fax (724) 516-5515 cell fourbettons@comcast.net Binder, August R. C,F,G,I,Automobile August R. Binder Auction Svc. 2426 Keeler Rd. Bath, PA 18014 LV / (Northampton) (610) 837-3662 augie496@msn.com 15 PAA Black, John E. F, Livestock Black's Livestock, Inc. Box 662, 4533 Rt. 73 Skippack, PA 19474 LV / (Montgomery) (610) 584-4482 (610) 584-9111 fax (610) 220-5262 cell Blasco, Joseph C. F,Steam Eng,Hit&Miss Blasco's Berry Farm/Auction Service 9802 Martin Ave. Lake City, PA 16423 NW / (Erie) (814) 774-9212 (814) 774-9550 fax (814) 882-8250 cell jcbno1@verizon.net Bogart, Gerry Lectrosonics Dealer Susquehanna Valley Sound & Video (PAA Platinum Sponsor 2010) PO Box 21 Montgomery, PA 17752 NE / (Lycoming) (570) 547-6768 (570) 547-6406 fax (570) 764-2861 cell gerry@svsquared.com www.svsquared.com Boltz, Karl J. A,B,Fine Art Boltz Auction Company, LLC 1390 Columbia Ave. #200 Lancaster, PA 17603 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 330-6691 (717) 824-4422 fax boltz@boltzauctions.com www.boltzauctions.com Boring, Col. Harry R. A,B,E,F,RE,AP Boring's Auction Service (Senior Life Member) 109 Jakes Drive New Florence, PA 15944-2447 SW / (Westmoreland) (724) 235-9261 (724) 235-9261 fax (814) 421-7763 cell harryboring@verizon.net Bounds, III, Omar P., AARE, CES, GPPA A,E,RE,Ap Bounds Auction Company 100 West Ave., Beaver Hill S, #200 Jenkintown, PA 19046 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 277-5384 (215) 277-5431 fax (215) 510-2110 cell opbounds@comcast.net www.boundsauctions.com Brittingham, Sandra R., CAI, GPPA PAA President 2007 A, C, E, G, RE Rittenhouse Auction Company (PAA Contributor 2010) 90 Belmont Circle Uniontown, PA 15401 SW / (Fayette) (724) 438-0581 (724) 677-2884 fax (412) 582-3427 cell sandy@rittenhouseauction.com www.rittenhouseauction.com Brown, Craig M. LVSA Vice President 2010 B,E (PAA Contributor 2010) 233 Davisville Rd. Southampton, PA 18966 LV / (Bucks) (215) 322-7622 Brown, Kenyon B. PAA Treasurer 1960-63 PAA President 1966 PAA Auctioneer of Year 1977 PAA Hall of Fame 2003 Auction Gallery (Senior Life Member) PO BOX 457 Lahaska, PA 18931 LV / (Bucks) (215) 598-3766 Buchen, Burnell L. RE, Auto Auctions 33 Thresher Ct. Lititz, PA 17543 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 626-3410 oxshun2@hotmail.com Bucher, Stanley P. F, HH Stonebridge Auction Co. 1108 Bucher Lane Lebanon, PA 17042 C / (Lebanon) (717) 867-4165 (717) 304-6708 cell sandebucher@gmail.com Buckwalter, David R. Automobile 6 Tennis Ct. Lititz, PA 17543 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 627-1719 (717) 951-3356 cell Bukovitz, Gerald W. NAA Life Member E,G,F,Exotic Animals Bukovitz Auction Company 158 Bukovitz Farm Road McClellandtown, PA 15458 SW / (Fayette) (724) 737-0691 (724) 317-9398 cell Bullock, Darlene Collectibles 4635 Scrubgrass Road Grove City, PA 16127 NW / (Venango) (814) 786-7129 (724) 372-1066 cell dbullock1515@verizon.net 16 MEMBERS Bunch, William, H., CAI A, AP, E Bunch Auctions & Appraisals One Hillman Drive Chadds Ford, PA 19317 LV / (Chester) (610) 558-1800 (610) 558-0885 fax (610) 322-0903 cell whb@williambunchauctions.com www.williambunchauctions.com Burger, DeAndra Board Administrator State Board of Auctioneer Examiners PO Box 2649 Harrisburg, PA 17105 (Dauphin) (717) 783-3397 (717) 705-5540 fax deburger@state.pa.us Burke, Gerald E., AARE, CAI PAA President 1994 PAA Hall of Fame 1998 A,C,E,F,G,I,RE,Coins Shamrock Auctions PO Box 10 Meshoppen, PA 18630-0010 NE / (Susquehanna) (570) 833-5913 (570) 869-1859 fax (570) 362-0057 cell shamroc1@epix.net www.shamrockauctions.com Burke, Brian, CAI A,BL,E,RE,Ap Shamrock Auctions 210 Birch Dr. Tunkhannock, PA 18657 NE / (Wyoming) (570) 869-1982 (570) 869-1859 fax (570) 362-3756 cell bburke@ptd.net www.shamrockauctions.com Burke, Patrick A,BL,E,RE,Ap Shamrock Auctions PO Box 10 Meshoppen, PA 18630 NE / (Wyoming) (570) 833-5913 (570) 833-5666 shamroc1@epix.net www.shamrockauctions.com Burke-Dudock, Theresa A., AARE, CAI, GPPA A,BL,E,RE,Ap Shamrock Auctions PO Box 82 Meshoppen, PA 18630 NE / (Susquehanna) (570) 833-5913 (570) 869-1859 (570) 479-2903 tee6@epix.net www.shamrockauctions.com P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE Burkhouse Jr., Lloyd M. E,Business,Consignments Lloyd Burkhouse Auctions 819 S. Kendall Ave. Bradford, PA 16701 NW / (McKean) (814) 368-5726 (814) 331-5941 cell lmburkhouse@yahoo.com www.auctionzip.com site 12919 Bushspies, Harold J. G Liberty Auctions, LLC 1351 Kingston Dr. Northampton, PA 18067 LV / (Northampton) (610) 442-3100 libertyauctions@rcn.com C Calvert, Jr., Michael J. A,B,BL,C,E,R,RE,Ap, Web sites,Domain names Richmond Auction Service 6481 Harmonsburg Road Linesville, PA 16424 NW / (Crawford) (814) 683-4809 (866) 838-0776 toll free (814) 282-9488 cell sold@mikecalvert.com www.mikecalvert.com Caple, Charlene A., GPPA Central Chapter President 2010 Education Chair 2010 A, E, RE, Ap CA Caple Auctioneer/Appraiser (PAA Platinum Sponsor 2010-Central Chapter) 213 Broadway, Apt. #1 Hanover, PA 17331 C / (York) (717) 632-8494 (717) 521-3018 cell cacaple@comcast.net www.bidoneandall.com Carnahan, David M., RRPA A, E, F, G, RE Carnahan's Auctions 315 Main St. Shelocta, PA 15774 SW / (Armstrong) (724) 478-3601 (724) 354-4728 fax (724) 388-3065 cell dave@carnahansauctions.com www.carnahansauctions.com Carr, Allen W., CLU, ChFC, MSFS Financial Services Wienken & Associates 100 Corporate Center Dr., #201 Camp Hill, PA 17011 C / (Cumberland) (717) 763-7365, x. 314 (717) 763-7684 fax (717) 608-2028 cell acarr@finsvcs.com PAA Ceccoli, Jr., Joseph D. Automobile 1619 W. County Line Rd. Hatboro, PA 19040 SE / (Bucks) (267) 278-2758 (267) 278-2758 fax Cepek, Bill Trade Member Auction advertising signage 1-800-THE-SIGN (PAA Bronze Sponsor 2010) 2381 Griffin Rd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 LV (800) 843-7446 toll free (954) 989-9099 fax bill@1800THE SIGN www.1800THE SIGN.com Chamberlin, James L. A,B,BL,C.E.R.RE Keystone State Auctioneers, Inc. 1215 W. Southern Ave. S. Williamsport, PA 17702 NE / (Lycoming) (570) 329-1005 (570) 329-1055 fax jim@keystoneauctioneers.com www.keystoneauctioneers.com Charnego, Michael R., CAI PAA President 1988 A,BL,C,E,RE,Ap Michael Charnego Auctioneers 15 Station Street Homer City, PA 15748 SW / (Indiana) (724) 479-2481 (724) 479-0336 fax (724) 388-2247 cell auctionmike@verizon.net www.mcauctioneers.com Chesley, Douglas B. A,BL,C,E,F,I,R,RE Chesley Auctioneering 9530 Route 89 North East, PA 16428 NW / (Erie) (814) 725-8238 (814) 725-3898 cell dchesley@velocity.net www.chesleyauctioneering.com Chesney, Donald A. A,B,BL,C,E,F,RE Chesney Auctioneering, LLC 282 Little Kansas Rd. McVeytown, PA 17051 C / (Mifflin) (717) 899-7661 (717) 994-5266 cell robdon@jdweb.cc www.chesneyauction.com Cianci, Vince Horticultural Reimold Horticultural Auctioneers 3707 N. Hermitage Rd. Transfer, PA 16154 NW / (Mercer) (800) 646-6486 (724) 988-9118 cell vincentcianci@yahoo.com MEMBERS Clark, Deryl R. A,E,F,Barber Equip Clark's Auction Service 7023 Bedford Valley Road Bedford, PA 15572-6118 SW / (Bedford) (814) 356-3284 (814) 285-0236 cell wndrc@pennswoods.net Clark, Vincent Peter BL,F,I,AP,Heavy Const. Equipment Yoder & Frey Auctioneers, Inc. 1670 Commerce Rd. Holland, OH 43528 NW / (Lucas) (419) 865-3990 (419) 865-4595 fax (419) 356-4612 cell info@yoderandfrey.com www.yoderandfrey.com Clayton, James A. PAA President 2003 PAA Auctioneer of the Year 2006 A,E,F,RE Clayton Auctions (PAA Contributor 2010) 130 Kennel Road Waynesburg, PA 15370 SW / (Greene) (724) 627-8364 (724) 852-1661 fax (724) 747-9369 cell jclayton@windstream.net www.jamesclaytonauctions.com Clemens, Douglas, CAI RE Traiman Corp. 527 Plymouth Rd., Ste. 416 Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462-1641 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 799-0655 (215) 799-0656 fax (610) 721-4952 cell dclemens@traiman.com www.traiman.com Clemens, Toby A,Ap,RE,T Clemens & Clemens Auction, Inc. 726 S. Front St. Milton, PA 17847 SE / (Northumberland) (570) 742-3388 (570) 847-7768 cell tobyclem@yahoo.com Clemmer, Lon M., CAI, CES, GPPA A, Firearms, RE, Militaria Sanford Alderfer Companies 501 Fairgrounds Rd Hatfield, PA 19440 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 393-3008 (215) 368-9055 fax (267) 446-8351 cell lon@alderferauction.com www.alderferauction.com 800.577.6801 Clinton, Robert H., CAGA PAA Auctioneer Champion 1984 PAA President 1996 PAA Auctioneer of Year 1999 and 2008 Legislative Committee Chair 2010 A,B,BL,C,E,F,I,R,RE,Ap Clinton Auctioneers/Appraisers PO Box 29 Ottsville, PA 18942 LV / (Bucks) (610) 847-5432 (610) 847-2536 fax (610) 570-2488 cell rhclintonauction@hotmail.com www.rhclintonauction.com Coale, Ronald B., GPPA BL,F,I,AP,Const. Eq., Trucks,Trailers Yoder & Frey Auctioneers, Inc. 1670 Commerce Rd. Holland, OH 43528 NW / (Fulton) (419) 865-3990 (419) 865-4595 fax (419) 356-4095 cell roncyoderandfrey@aol.com www.yoderandfrey.com Coccodrilli, Richard Legacy Auction & Appraisal, LLC PO Box 224 Effort, PA 18330 NE / (Monroe) (570) 688-9555 (570) 629-3609 fax (570) 656-3299 cell yourlegacy@verizon.net www.bidlegacy.com Cochran, Harold E. F Cochran Auction Services 3286 Frampton Rd. West Middlesex, PA 16159 NW / (Mercer) (724) 528-0248 (724) 866-5688 cell cassold@verizon.net www.cochranmorganauction.com Cochran, James G. Bankruptcy,E,HH,RE,Heavy Eq. J. G. Cochran Auctioneers & Assoc. 7704 Mapleville Rd. Boonsboro, MD 21713 C / (Washington) (301) 739-0538 (301) 432-2844 fax info@cochranauctions.com www.cochranauctions.com Cohen, Eric I. China,Glass,Pottery,Toys,Trains, Sports Memor. Barry S. Slosberg, Inc. 2501 E. Ontario St. Philadelphia, PA 19134 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 425-7030 (215) 425-7039 fax ecohen@bssauction.com www.bssauction.com info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org Combest, Hannes, CAE National Auctioneers Assn. 8880 Ballentine Overland Park, KS 66214 (913) 541-8084 (913) 894-5281 fax (785) 393-1364 cell hcombest@auctioneers.org www.auctioneers.org Comly, Jr., Andrew, ASA BL,C,I,R,RE,Ap Wm. F. Comly & Son, Inc. 1825 E. Boston Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19125 LV / (Philadelphia) (215) 634-2500 (215) 634-0496 fax (215) 805-4990 cell andyjr@comly.com www.comly.com Comly, Daniel F. PAA Auctioneer of the Year 1987 PAA Hall of Fame 2010 BL,C,I,R,RE Wm. F. Comly & Son, Inc. (Senior Life Member) 1825 E. Boston Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19125 SE / (Philadelphia) (215) 634-2500 (215) 634-0496 fax (610) 389-4932 cell auctions@comly.com www.comly.com Comly, Stephen E., ASA, CAI BL,C,I,R,RE,Ap Wm. F. Comly & Son, Inc. 1825 E. Boston Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19125 LV / (Philadelphia) (215) 634-2500 (215) 634-0496 fax (215) 805-4991 cell scomly@comly.com www.comly.com Comly, James W. Wm. F. Comly & Son, Inc. 1825 E. Boston Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19125 LV / (Philadelphia) (215) 634-2500 (215) 634-0496 fax (610) 656-2190 cell jcomly@comly.com www.comly.com Comly, Jr., Daniel F. BL,C,I,R,RE Wm. F. Comly & Son, Inc. 1825 E. Boston Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19125 SE / (Philadelphia) (215) 634-2500 (215) 634-0496 fax (215) 805-4992 cell dcomly@comly.com www.comly.com 17 PAA Conley, David R. PAA Auctioneer Champion 2007 A,E,F,G,RE Rentzel Auction Service, Inc. 4120 N. Sherman St. Ext. Mount Wolf, PA 17347 C / (York) (717) 757-6186 (717) 764-5492 fax (717) 577-1886 cell conleyauction@yahoo.com www.rentzelsauctionservice.com Cordier, David, GPPA A,E,RE,Ap Cordier Auctions & Antiques 2151 Market St. Camp Hill, PA 17011 C / (Cumberland) (717) 731-8662 (717) 731-9830 fax (717) 805-3942 cell dcordier@cordierantiques.com www.cordierantiques.com Costea, Michael B. A,E,Quality Pieces Costea's Auction Service 2228 Gettysburg Rd. Camp Hill, PA 17011 C / (Cumberland) (717) 737-0000 (717) 737-0000 fax (717) 829-1268 cell auction737@aol.com www.costeasauction.com Courtney, Neil A. A,BL,E,R,RE Hassinger Courtney Auctioneers 3442 Heister Valley Road Richfield, PA 17086 NE / (Snyder) (570) 539-8791 (570) 539-8098 fax (570) 850-8791 cell neil@hassingercourtney.com www.hassingercourtney.com Cresswell, Donald A. A,B,BL,C,E,F,R,RE Cresswell Auction Service PO Box 87, 3185A Perry Hwy. Sheakleyville, PA 16151 NW / (Mercer) (724) 253-3493 (724) 253-3493 fax (724) 456-7918 cell cressdon@zoominternet.net www.cresswellauction.com Cunningham, Dale A,E,F,G,RE,Quilts (Senior Life Member) 1863 Shaffer Road Ellwood City, PA 16117 NW / (Lawrence) (724) 924-2836 18 D Dann, Robert, L., AARE C,F,RE,Condominiums Max Spann Auction Co. 518 Cedar Hill Rd. Ambler, PA 19002 LV / (Montgomery) (888) 299-1438 toll free (908) 735-9191 fax (215) 850-5466 cell bob@maxspann.com www.maxspann.com Darling, Scot Auction advertising Farm and Dairy PO Box 38, 185 E. State St. Salem, OH 44460 (800) 837-3419 toll free (330) 337-9550 fax sdarling@farmanddairy.com www.farmanddairy.com Davies, Anne N. Public Member Auctioneer Examiners Board 3 Richard Dr. Dallas, PA 18612 (Luzerne) (570) 675-3011 (570) 262-5977 cell Davis, Jr., James S. A,BL,C,E,F,I,R,RE Barr Davis Auctioneers LLC PO Box 7 Gap, PA 17527 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 442-9221 (717) 442-3198 fax (717) 314-7927 cell lakeallure@aol.com www.barrdavis.com Deck, Rodney M. A, Collectibles Rodney Deck Auctioneer 334 Valley Rd. Oreland, PA 19075 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 576-6176 (215) 806-9989 cell ondeck@comcast.net Deibler, David D. A,BL,E,F,RE Deibler/Shoop Auctioneers 4199 Powells Valley Road Halifax, PA 17032 C / (Dauphin) (717) 362-2942 (717) 362-8294 fax (717) 319-8382 cell daviddeibler@frontier.com www.auctionzip.com #1236 DeSpirito, Dominic J. Double D Auctions 895 Alter St. Hazleton, PA 18201 NE / (Luzerne) (570) 455-7965 (570) 578-3089 cell danddhobby@verizon.net MEMBERS Dickensheets, Randy J. A,BL,C,E,F,RE,Ap PA OnSite Auction Co. 776 Honda Rd. Hanover, PA 17331 C / (Adams) (717) 630-9349 (717) 630-9369 fax (717) 451-5999 cell randydickensheets@comcast.net www.paonsiteauction.com Dockey, Lee D. A, E, RE, Ap Dockey Auction Services PO Box 164, 135 N. Pine St. Pillow, PA 17080-0164 C / (Dauphin) (570) 758-6004 (570) 758-6004 fax (570) 850-3498 cell dockey@tds.net www.dockeyauctionservices.com Dietrich, Lynn A. A,E,F,RE,Ap Lynn Dietrich, Auctioneer 5346 Guitner Rd. Chambersburg, PA 17202 C / (Franklin) (717) 375-2451 (717) 375-2451 fax dietrichauctions@comcast.net Dockey-Romberger, Yvonne A,E,RE Dockey Auction Services PO Box 164, 135 N. Pine St. Pillow, PA 17080-0164 C / (Dauphin) (570) 758-6004 (570) 758-6004 fax dockey@tds.net www.dockeyauctionservices.com Dietrich, Edwin J. A,BL,E,F,RE,Ap Dietrich's Auction Service 21 Hallton Hill Rd. Pine Grove, PA 17963 C / (Schuylkill) (570) 345-1179 (570) 573-0411 www.dietrichsauction.com Diffenbach, Alan R. F A&C Diffenbach Auction, Inc. 577 E. Jackson Street New Holland, PA 17557 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 354-3297 (717) 355-9547 fax (717) 468-6050 cell alan@acauction.net www.acauction.net DiGiacobbe, Vincent (Jim), CAGA A, Household (Senior Life Member) 543 N. High St. Cortland, OH 44410 NW / (Trumbull) (330) 637-8287 (330) 638-0217 fax (330) 727-2539 cell Dilliard, Michael F. HH,RE,Ag,C,Ant./Collectibles Michael F. Dilliard Auction Co. LLC 155 Smith Rd. Port Matilda, PA 16870 C / (Centre) (814) 880-2893 (814) 880-2893 fax mike@dilliardauctions.com www.dilliardauctions.com Dixon, III, Mark E. A,B,C,E,F,I,R,RE,T,Ap Quic-Sale 4677 Parkwood Road Shelocta, PA 15774 SW / (Indiana) (724) 726-5462 (724) 726-9305 fax med@quic-sale.com www.quic-sale.com P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE Dotta, James M. A,Dolls,Toys,Sports memorabilia Richard L. Dotta Auction Co. 330 W. Moorestown Road Nazareth, PA 18064 LV / (Northampton) (610) 759-7389 (610) 759-3992 fax (610) 349-3149 cell dottaauctions@verizon.net www.dottaauction.com Dotta, Richard L. A, RE Richard L. Dotta Auction Co. 330 W. Moorestown Rd. Nazareth, PA 18064 LV / (Northampton) (610) 759-7389 (610) 759-3992 fax (610) 762-3858 cell dottaauctions@verizon.net www.dottaauction.com Doyle, William L. PAA Hall of Fame 1993 A,Business,G,RE (Senior Life Member) 70 Weiss Ave. Easton, PA 18042 LV / (Northampton) (610) 253-0634 Dreibelbis, Skip E, RE, Benefit Auctioneer Locator 1607 E. Branch Rd. State College PA, 16801 C / (Centre) (814) 753-4755 (888) 702-6033 toll free skip@auctioneerlocator.com www.trueblueauctions.com Dunkelberger, Jeffrey S. A, E, RE Dunkelberger Auctions 1997 Irish Valley Rd. Paxinos, PA 17860 NE / (Northumberland) (570) 648-4477 (570) 764-5131 cell jsdunk70@yahoo.com PAA E Egolf, J. Lester A,E,F,G J. Lester Egolf, Auctioneer 13800 Shimpstown Rd. Mercersburg, PA 17236 C / (Franklin) (717) 328-2260 (717) 328-9029 fax Ehmer, Richard Utility Fleet & Construction J. J. Kane Auctioneers 8008 US Hwy. 130, Ste.214 Delran, NJ 08075 LV / (Burlington) (856) 764-7163 (856) 764-4098 fax (609) 743-8593 cell rich@jjkane.com www.jjkane.com Eichelberger, Ike A,RE,Tools,Autos,Equipment Little Ike Eichelberger Auct. 12 Franklin Church Rd. Dillsburg, PA 17019 C / (York) (717) 432-0006 (717) 432-0006 fax (717) 580-7898 cell www.littleikesauction.com Eldridge, Bryn Automobile 696 Abbottstown Pike Abbottstown, PA 17301 C / (Adams) (717) 637-3987 (717) 476-2746 cell Ensminger, John S. Ap,A,BL,C,E,R,RE Ensminger Auctioneers 415 Bernheisel Bridge Rd. Carlisle, PA 17015 C / (Cumberland) (717) 691-5598 (717) 718-8800 fax (717) 319-1611 cell jensminger3@verizon.net Ensminger, Robert A., CAGA, CRREA PAA Treasurer 2010 PAA Auctioneer of the Year 2009 Ap,A,BL,C,E,I,R,RE,T,Coins Ensminger Auctioneers 3557 Elmerton Ave Harrisburg, PA 17109-1132 C / (Dauphin) (717) 652-4111 (717) 370-5557 fax (717) 877-7350 cell robert@ensmingers.net www.ensmingers.net Erb, Tammy S. A,B,E, HH, Advertising 620 N. Hanover St. Carlisle, PA 17013 C / (Cumberland) (717) 258-5740 (717) 258-5740 fax (717) 422-7666 cell terb132902@aol.com MEMBERS Errigo, Patsy N. SW Vice President 2010 A,BL,E,F,R,RE,AP Pat Errigo Auctioneer 848 State St. Curwensville, PA 16833 SW / (Clearfield) (814) 236-3403 (814) 236-3403 fax (814) 541-3403 cell putt46@verizon.net www.paterrigoauctions.comÊ Ê F Fahnestock, Brian N. HH 6208 Crosswick Circle Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 C / (Cumberland) (717) 654-1494 (717) 654-1494 fax b.fahnestock@hotmail.com Fahnestock, Nevin A, C, E, RE Fahnestock's Auction Service 495 Pisgah State Rd. Shermansdale, PA 17090 C / (Perry) (717) 582-8565 (717) 582-3911 fax (717) 574-2974 cell nevin@fahnestocksauction.com www.fahnestocksauction.com Faust, Jr., William L. Toys, Toy Trains PO Box 269 Elverson, PA 19520 LV / (Chester) (610) 913-0740 (610) 301-6111 cell Fenton, Cindy L. Central Chapter Vice President 2010 A,E,R,RE Cindy Fenton Auctioneer 1635 State Road Duncannon, PA 17020 C / (Perry) (717) 957-9399 (717) 957-9399 fax cindylou@pa.net www.cindyfentonauctioneer.net Ferry, Mark L. PAA Auctioneer Champion 2000 A,BL,C,F,I,RE Mark Ferry Auctioneers, Inc. 3517 Route 982 South Latrobe, PA 15650 SW / (Westmoreland) (724) 423-5580 (724) 423-5580 fax (724) 787-3977 cell mark@markferryauctioneers.com www.markferryauctioneers.com 800.577.6801 Firestone, Michael K. B,BL,C,E,F,RE,T Michael Firestone Auctioneer 393 Reinholds Rd. Denver, PA 17517 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 336-3103 (717) 336-3103 fax (717) 371-1972 cell mkfirestone@dejazzd.com Ê Fishel, James L. "Max" SE Vice President 2010 A,B,BL,C,E,F,G,RE Max the Auctioneer 435 E. Mt. Airy Rd. Stevens, PA 17578 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 336-3298 (717) 336-3298 fax (717) 940-8254 cell info@maxtheauctioneer.com www.maxtheauctioneer.com Fluck, Gary A. A,G,HH,Collectibles 760 Orvilla Rd. Hatfield, PA 19440 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 855-4154 (215) 896-9497 cell gafdarf@aol.com Fodero, Sr., Franklin A. Geyer Auction Co. 185 Tumble Creek Rd. Easton, PA 18042 LV / (Northampton) (610) 258-9669 (610) 349-0846 cell tgf2@ptd.net Foerster, Michael PA Office of Attorney General State Board of Auct. Examiners 14th Fl., Strawberry Square Harrisburg, PA 17120 (Dauphin) (717) 787-9707 mfoerster@state.pa.us www.attorneygeneral.gov Force, Samuel D. A,F,RE,Benefit Force's Auctioneer Service 150 N. Hunter Run Rd. Howard, PA 16848 NE / (Centre) (814) 625-3528 (570) 660-6282 cell followme2auctions@yahoo.com Fortenbaugh, Jeffrey A. 209 Buffalo Creek Rd. Newport, PA 17074 C / (Perry) (717) 567-7055 (717) 979-6430 cell info@paauctioneers.org Fortna, Michael R., CAI PAA Auctioneer Champion 1993 RE, E, C, F, G, Auto Fortna Auctioneers 26 E. Main St. Annville, PA 17003 SE / (Lebanon) (717) 867-4451 (717) 867-5265 fax (717) 821-6081 cell auctions@fortnaauctioneers.com www.fortnaauctioneers.com Foster, Scott F., CES A,B,E,Ap,Arcade Games,Sports Memorabilia Foster Auctions 1113 Pierce Rd. Norristown, PA 19403-4077 LV / (Montgomery) (610) 584-1386 (610) 584-5232 fax (484) 686-9301 cell gavel2000@aol.com www.scottfosterauctions.com Fox, William Z., CAI Residential RE Fox Residential Auctions, LLC 17 Warren Rd., Ste. 8A Baltimore, MD 21208 C / (Baltimore) (410) 484-8618 (410) 484-8294 fax (410) 977-2899 cell bfox@fox-residential.com www.fox-residential.com Fraley, Harold G. A,HH,Cattle,Farm Eq.,RE Fraley Auction Co., Inc. 1515 Kepner Hill Rd. Muncy, PA 17756 NE / (Lycoming) (570) 546-6907 (570) 546-9344 fax (570) 772-6835 cell info@fraleyauction.com www.fraleyauction.com Freed, Ralph D., CAGA A, E Ralph Freed Auctioneers, Inc. PO Box 194 Salford, PA 18957 LV / (Montgomery) (610) 287-8901 freedauctioneers@aol.com www.freedauctions.com Frey, George D. General Frey Auctioneers 800 Oley Line Road Douglassville, PA 19518 LV / (Berks) (610) 689-5269 freysgj@dejazzd.com Friedberg, Lee RE Lee Friedberg Real Estate Auctions 539 Patrick Pl. Chalfont, PA 18914 LV / (Bucks) (610) 308-2310 (610) 308-2310 fax lee.friedberg@lnf.com www.paauctioneers.org 19 PAA Frisco, Robert P. A,Ap,BL,E,T RD#2, Box 38 Falls, PA 18615 NE / (Wyoming) (570) 378-2931 (570) 881-1206 cell Fritzinger, Scott A. G 574 Beaver Run Dr. Lehighton, PA 18235 LV / (Carbon) (610) 377-5332 Fry, John Harvey PAA Auctioneer of Year 1997 A,F,RE John Fry "The Auctioneer" PO Box 341, Ephrata PA 17522-0341 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 733-3606 Fuhrman, James E. Fuhrman's Auction Service 2121 Worth St. York, PA 17404-5136 C / (York) (717) 870-3465 (717) 870-3465 fax fuhrmaj3@gmail.com Fuller, Jeffrey P. A, Fine Art Fuller's LLC 730 Carpenter Lane Philadelphia, PA 19119-2645 SE / (Montgomery) (215) 991-0100 (215) 991-0900 fax (215) 990-7319 cell jpf@jeffreyfuller.com www.fullersllc.com Funk, Ronald D. PAA President 1986 PAA Hall of Fame 2009 A, RE Ron Funk & Gordon Ressler Auctioneers 3045 Meadowview Dr. W. Gordonville, PA 17529 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 442-4279 (717) 442-8115 fax (717) 371-0395 cell jeepboy1945@hotmail.com G Gaines, Kaila R. Kaila R. Gaines Auctioneer 975 Lake Meade Rd. East Berlin PA, 17316 SE / (Adams) (717) 528-8482 (717) 528-8482 fax (717) 451-5340 cell kailagaines@yahoo.com 20 MEMBERS Gaines, Terry D. Automobile Terry D. Gaines Auctioneer 975 Lake Meade Rd. East Berlin, PA 17316 SE / (Adams) (717) 528-8482 (717) 528-8482 fax (717) 579-9232 cell tdgainesauctioneer@hotmail.com Gazvoda, Thomas SW PAC Rep 2010 E, HH, RE Gazvoda Auctions 1969 State Rd. 980 Canonsburg, PA 15317-6036 SW / (Washington) (724) 745-4537 (724) 413-3075 cell gvoda@yahoo.com Gearhart, Dean A., GPPA Machine Shop & Fabricating Hartland Machinery Auctioneers 573 E. Portersville Road Portersville, PA 16051 NW / (Butler) (724) 368-9788 (724) 368-9839 fax (724) 713-6394 cell info@hartlandmachinery.com www.hartlandmachinery.com Gehres, Peter D., CES A, RE, Pottery Peter D. Gehres Auctioneer 2746 Wynnerock Ct. Hilliard, OH 43026 NW / (Franklin) (614) 306-1435 (614) 388-6589 fax (614) 306-1435 cell petergehres@gmail.com www.pgauctioneer.com Geisler, Lee, PLS RE Geisler Brothers Auctioneers 202 Lewisberry Rd. New Cumberland, PA 17070-2419 C / (York) (717) 770-0332 (717) 986-8707 fax (717) 919-9700 cell auction1sold@aol.com Gelsinger, Brian W. 196 Lamms Mill Rd. Wernersville, PA 19565 LV / (Berks) (610) 693-3176 (717) 679-4079 cell gcgelsinger@netzero.net Geyer, Chester N. Automobile, RE Chester N. Geyer Auctioneers LLC 143 Benfield Rd. Macungie, PA 18062 SE / (Berks) (484) 824-1208 (484) 824-1208 fax cgeyer72@yahoo.com www.cgeyersellit.com Gilbert, Brian L. A, E,RE Gilbert & Gilbert Auctioneers Inc. 216 Forge Hill Rd. Wrightsville, PA 17368 C / (York) (717) 252-1656 (717) 252-5309 fax (717) 891-0537 cell bidness3@comcast.net www.gilbertauctions.com Glodzik, Jr., Leo A. Automobile, Industrial LAG Auction Service 124 Main St. Dupont, PA 18641 NE / (Luzerne) (570) 655-5366 (570) 883-1279 (570) 817-6147 lagauction@aol.com www.lagauctions.com Giles, Mark C. A,E,G,Coins,Catalog Sales,Vehicles Johnson Auction Service, Inc. 147 Flaugherty Run Rd. Moon Township, PA 15108 NW / (Beaver) (724) 457-1100 (724) 457-1302 fax johnsonauction@comcast.net www.johnsonauctionservice.com Goepfert, Michael L. A, Collectibles Richland Auction Hall 150 Richlandtown Pike Quakertown, PA 18951 LV / (Bucks) (215) 538-0610 (267) 549-3293 cell Gilligan, Ronald S. A, BL, E, RE Ron Gilligan Auctioneering 3771 W. Whitehall Rd. PA Furnace, PA 16865 C / (Centre) (814) 237-0189 (814) 237-0189 fax rgilligan1@aol.com www.rgilliganauctions.com Girvin, Gerald C. Automobile G. C. Girvin Auctioneer 125 Langley Square Lancaster, PA 17603 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 392-1812 (717) 940-7804 cell Girvin, Thomas K. PAA Auctioneer of Year 2002 PAA Hall of Fame 2010 Automobile Girvin Auctioneers 695 Sue Drive Lititz, PA 17543-8891 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 626-1378 (717) 951-5890 cell Glassburn, Mark A. G Glassburn Auction Service 158 Gimlet Hill Road Mt. Pleasant, PA 15666 SW / (Fayette) (724) 887-8340 (724) 887-5032 fax mag1@cvzoom.net www.glassburnauctions.com Glassburn, Samuel C. A, E, G, RE Glassburn Auction Service (Senior Life Member) 138 Gimlet Hill Road Mt. Pleasant, PA 15666 (SW / Fayette) (724) 887-7928 (724) 887-5032 fax (724) 378-2197 cell lauram@zoominternet.net www.glassburnauctions.com P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE Gokey, Matthew R. Automobile 306 Dorchester Dr. Lititz, PA 17543 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 625-3689 (717) 629-3408 cell mgbidcaller@dejazzd.com Good, LouAnn Lancaster Farming PO Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 (Lancaster) (717) 626-1164 Good, Jr., Roy E. A,C,E,F,RE Kline Kreider Good Auctioneers 289 W. Maple Grove Rd. Denver, PA 17517 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 445-4309 (717) 445-9774 fax (717) 629-2129 cell royegoodjr@yahoo.com www.klinekreidergood.com Gornik, Eugene G. Specializing in Westmoreland Glass A,BL,C,F Gene Gornik Auctioneer 121 Murrysville Rd. Trafford, PA 15085 NW / (Westmoreland) (412) 373-8977 (724) 640-7991 cell gornik2@comcast.net www.genegornikauctioneer.com Gostony, James A., CAI A,E,F The Auctioneer, Inc. 1035 Bushkill Center Rd. Nazareth, PA 18064 LV / (Northampton) (610) 759-5674 (610) 759-5674 fax (484) 357-3543 cell Grady, Roy J. 150 Sherfield Ct. Elizabethtown, PA 17022 C / (Lancaster) (717) 367-7888 (717) 329-0995 cell rjgrady@embarqmail.com PAA Graybill, Phillip S., AARE BL,E,I,RE Peak Auctioneering 3410 Willow Rd. Dover, PA 17315 C / (York) (717) 467-5454 (717) 873-7106 cell eman3@comcast.net Grimm, Bernard Antiques B. G. Grimm Auction Co. PO 48, 131 Fairview Ave. Bausman, PA 17504-0048 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 394-2258 (717) 917-8029 cell Groff, Ryan L. PAA Auctioneer Champion 2002 BL,C,RE, Cars Kerry Pae Auctioneers 531 N. Grant St. Palmyra, PA 17078 SE / (Lebanon) (717) 222-0074 (717) 473-3710 fax ryan@kerrypae.com www.kerrypae.com Grosh, J. Philip, CAI, BAS PAA Rookie Auctioneer Champion 2005 Central Director 2010 Bylaws Chair 2010 C,I,RE Jennings and Grosh, Inc. 15 Hykes Mill Rd. York Haven, PA 17370 C / (York) (717) 268-0020 (717) 266-2614 fax (717) 574-3417 cell philgrosh@jenningsauction.com www.jenningsauction.com Gross, Zachery R. Autos & Memorabilia 307 Bowers Bridge Rd. Manchester, PA 17345 C / (York) (717) 266-0170 (717) 266-6041 fax (717) 577-7178 cell dream4saleen@aol.com Grovich, Chris Attorney-at-Law Assistant Counsel, PA Dept. of State Gov. Office of General Counsel PO Box 2649 Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649 (Dauphin) (717) 783-7200 (717) 787-0251 fax cgrovich@state.pa.us www.dos.state.pa.us/bpoa Gutshall, Scott K., CAI A, B, E Scott Gutshall Auctioneer PO Box 212 Palmyra, PA 17078 C / (Lebanon) (717) 838-3502 scottgutshall@gmail.com MEMBERS H Haag, Robert W. "Rusty", CAI Utility Line Equipment J. J. Kane Auctioneers 8008 US Hwy. 130, #1, Ste.214 Delran, NJ 08075 LV / (Burlington) (856) 764-7163 (856) 764-4098 fax (609) 743-8587 cell rusty@jjkane.com www.jjkane.com Haar, George E. G George E. Haar Auctioneer (Senior Life Member) 933 W. Siddonsburg Rd Dillsburg, PA 17019 C / (York) (717) 432-3815 www.haars.com Hager, Earle V. RVs and supplies (Senior Life Member) 1150 Allentown Road Green Lane, PA 18054 LV / (Bucks) (215) 257-3445 (215) 536-0913 fax (267) 981-3319 cell blue9093@comcast.net www.homesteadcampground.com Hahn, Wilbur E. PAA President 1985 PAA Auctioneer of the Year 1990 PAA Hall of Fame 1996 A, RE Hahn Auction Company (Senior Life Member) 102 W. Main St. Bath, PA 18014 LV / (Northampton) (610) 837-7140 (610) 837-9451 (610) 390-9452 wilhahn@enter.net www.hahnauction.com Hall, Roger, CAI, CES RE,Machinery,Equipment Hostetter Auctioneers 309 College Ave. Beaver, PA 15009 NW / (Beaver) (412) 972-0690 (724) 847-3499 fax rhall@att.net www.hostetterauctioneers.com Hall, William R., AARE, CAI A, E, G, RE Tom Hall Auctions, Inc. 4644 Rt. 309, Box 310 Schnecksville, PA 18078 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 799-0808 (610) 799-2199 fax (610) 428-7075 cell info@tomhallauctions.com www.tomhallauctions.com 800.577.6801 Hall, William T. (Tom) A, E, G, RE Tom Hall Auctions, Inc. (Senior Life Member) 4644 Rt. 309, Box 310 Schnecksville, PA 18078 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 799-0808 (610) 799-2199 fax (610) 428-7073 cell info@tomhallauctions.com www.tomhallauctions.com Hamblin, John C. A,E,RE,Rare Coins, Stamps, Toys, Fine Art Jack Hamblin Auctions PO Box 504 Swiftwater, PA 18370 LV / (Monroe) (570) 839-9464 (570) 688-5735 cell theauctioneer@jackhamblinauctions.com www.jackhamblinauctions.com Hammond, Howard J. F,I,RE Concord Ridge Sales 20281 Hammond Rd. Corry, PA 16407 NW / (Erie) (814) 664-8040 (814) 665-2332 fax concordridge@earthlink.net www.concordridge.com Hanna, David A. Auto, HH Dave Hanna Auction Emporium 1035 Beach Dr. Cogan Station, PA 17728 NE / (Lycoming) (570) 998-8131 (570) 220-3022 cell dahanna3@yahoo.com Hansell, Jr., Kenneth A., CAI PAA Auctioneer Champion 1990 PAA President-Elect 2010 Conference Chair 2010 Automobile, RE 923 Kulp Rd. Perkiomenville, PA 18074 SE / (Montgomery) (267) 923-8071 fax (267) 640-2201 cell 4hansfam@comcast.net Harden, Keith C. Antiques, Country, Decorated Stoneware Harden Auctions 4063 Greystone Dr. Harrisburg, PA 17112 C / (Dauphin) (717) 526-4536 Hardy, Vickie L. A, E, RE, Ap Hardy's Auction/Haar's Auction 193 Orebank Rd. Dillsburg, PA 17019 C / (York) (717) 432-3779 (717) 315-8752 fax (717) 315-8752 cell vickiehardy@msn.com www.haars.com info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org Harker, Brandon Auction management software Auction Flex 7 E. Silver Spring, #200 Ocala, FL 34470 (352) 624-2791 (352) 368-9735 fax brandon@auctionflex.com www.auctionflex.com Harker, Jr., Ronald C. Automobile, Horse, G Harker's Auction 1146 Old Indian Mills Rd. Tabernacle, NJ 08088 SE / (Burlington) (609) 268-5541 (609) 636-6352 cell micheleharker78@yahoo.com Hart, Michael Lee A,B,BL,C,E,F,RE Lefever & Hart Auctions 1528 Georgetown Road Christiana, PA 17509 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 669-1483 (717) 529-3267 fax (717) 669-1483 cell hartsm@comcast.net www.lhauctions.com Hartzell, Raymond D. A,B,BL,E,R,RE,Ap Hartzell's Auction Gallery, Inc. 521 Richmond Rd. Bangor, PA 18013 LV / (Northampton) (610) 588-5831 (610) 588-6206 fax (610) 588-6206 cell hartzell@epix.net www.hartzellsauction.com Hartzell, Raymond M. A,E,G,RE,Ap Hartzell's Auction Gallery, Inc. 521 Richmond Rd. Bangor, PA 18013 LV / (Northampton) (610) 588-5831 (610) 588-6206 hartzell@epix.net www.hartzellsauction.com Hartzell, Richard M. A,BL,E,RE,Ap Hartzell's Auction Gallery, Inc. 521 Richmond Rd. Bangor, PA 18013 LV / (Northampton) (610) 588-5831 (610) 588-6206 hartzell@epix.net www.hartzellsauction.com Hassinger, Dennis E. NE President 2010 A,B,E,F,RE Dennis Hassinger Auctioneer 1276 Kissimmee Rd. Middleburg, PA 17842 NE / (Snyder) (570) 837-3159 21 PAA Hassinger, Kenneth E. A,E,G,R,RE,Building Supplies Hassinger/Courtney Auctioneers 330 Hassinger Way McClure, PA 17841 NE / (Snyder) (570) 658-3536 (570) 658-7521 fax (570) 850-6957 cell ken@hassingercourtney.com www.hassingercourtney.com Hernandez, Mark Automotive Mathies & Sons, Inc. 190-192 Fisher Rd. Slippery Rock, PA 16057 NW / (Lawrence) (724) 368-8885 (724) 368-8774 fax (724) 333-4106 cell buses@422sales.com www.422sales.com Hauseman, Gary K. A, E, F, G, RE Hauseman's Auctions 279 Mountain Mary Rd. Boyertown, PA 19512 LV / (Berks) (610) 987-6446 (610) 987-6446 fax (717) 648-6697 cell ghauction@aol.com Herr, Sr., Joseph A., AARE, CAI RE,A,BL,C,E,F,I,A Herr-A-Cane Auctions 736 Cook Rd. New Galilee, PA 16141 NW / (Lawrence) (724) 333-7051 (724) 336-3713 fax (724) 333-7051 cell joe@herracaneauctions.com www.herracaneauctions.com Hayes, John L. Automobile,C,F,G,I,RE, Heavy Equipment Edinburg Auction Sales, Inc. 4029 State Rt. 14 Rootstown, OH 44272 NW / (Portage) (330) 325-2966 (330) 325-0200 fax contact@itpaystocallhayes.com www.edinburgauctionsales.com Heinsey, Larry W. A,B,E,F,RE,Ap Larry Heinsey Auctioneer 52 N. Whisper Lane New Holland, PA 17557 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 354-0792 (717) 354-8190 fax (717) 808-6864 cell heinsey@frontiernet.net Hemingway, Kimberly K., GG A,Jewelry LVSA Director 2010 816 Layfield Rd. Perkiomenville, PA 18074 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 541-4025 (215) 541-4025 fax hemingway4@comcast.net Henry, Richard L., BAS PP,RE,Benefit Richard L. Henry Auctioneer PO Box 6545 Wyomissing PA 19610 LV / (Berks) (610) 858-3065 (610) 603-5250 fax (610) 858-3065 cell rlhenterprises@hotmail.com www.dickhenryauctioneer.com Henry, George J. A,E,F,G,RE George J. Henry Auctioneer (Senior Life Member) 368 Lake Glory Rd. Catawissa, PA 17820 NE / (Columbia) (570) 799-5351 22 Hess, John M. PAA Auctioneer Champion 2008 RE,A,BL John M. Hess Auct. Serv. 1667 Cider Press Road Manheim, PA 17545 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 664-5238 (717) 665-0809 fax hessauction@gmail.com www.hess-auction.com Hess-Lauver, Lori D. A,E,F,RE Hess's Auctioneering 148 East St. Mifflinburg, PA 17844 NE / (Union) (570) 966-2512 (570) 966-7191 fax llauver@dejazzd.com Hileman, Eileen PAA Parliamentarian 6145 Spring Knoll Dr. Harrisburg, PA 17111 (Dauphin) (717) 545-1094 (717) 571-0738 elhileman@aol.com Hill, Harold J. H.S.Hill & Son, Inc. PO Box 2265 Kemblesville, PA 19347 SE / (Chester) (610) 274-8525 (610) 255-0519 fax (484) 576-6368 cell hshillauction@gmail.com www.hillsauction.com Hillmar, Beth C. F,HH,RE,Auto,Livestock Beth C. Hillmar, Auctioneer 410 Vogan Drive Mercer, PA 16137 NW / (Mercer) (724) 662-4039 (724) 662-4039 fax (724) 967-4039 cell MEMBERS Hobbie, William W. A, BL, RE, C Hobbie Auctions 901 N. 2nd St. Harrisburg, PA 17102 C / (Dauphin) (717) 233-0115 (717) 230-8996 fax bill@hobbieauctions.com www.hobbieauctions.com Horst, Timothy G. A, E, G, RE Horst Auction Center 50 Durlach Rd. Ephrata, PA 17522 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 738-3080 (717) 738-2132 fax sale@horstauction.com www.horstauction.com Hock, Donald E. PAA President 1987 PAA Auctioneer of Year 1994 PAA Hall of Fame 2001 A, Collectibles, RE Hock's Auction Service (Senior Life Member) 205 Dutch Hill Rd. Bloomsburg, PA 17815 NE / (Columbia) (570) 784-7849 dehauction@peoplepc.com Hostetter, Lee W., CAI, AARE, CAGA A,B,BL,C,E,F,R,RE,Ap Lee Hostetter Auctioneers & Realtors 124 Blackhawk Rd. Beaver Falls, PA 15010 NW / (Beaver) (724) 847-1880 (724) 847-3415 fax (330) 507-3096 cell leehostetter@comcast.net www.leehostetter.com Hoffman, Matthew W. Black's Livestock, Inc. 4533 Skippack Pike, Box 1608 Skippack, PA 19474 LV / (Montgomery) (610) 584-4482 (610) 584-9111 fax (610) 656-3258 cell hofmat78@hotmail.com Hollenbach, Dave Auction signage DHC Signs PO Box 1405 Marion, OH 43302 (740) 382-2166 (740) 382-4846 fax discountsigns@adelphia.net Holsopple, Ernest D., CAI A,B,E,F,RE Holsopple Auctioneers 650 Sugar Maple Ave. Holsopple, PA 15935 SW / (Somerset) (814) 479-7682 (814) 241-0079 cell edholsopple@verizon.net www.bidholsopple.com Hoover III, John E. A, C, Griswold Circle H Auctions 10683 Worleytown Rd. Greencastle, PA 17225 C / (Franklin) (717) 643-0573 (717) 504-9768 cell circlehauctions@comcast.net Horning, Curvin M. A,Benefit,F,PP,RE Horning Auction Group 126 Cocalico Creek Rd. Ephrata, PA 17522 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 859-2028 (717) 859-5944 fax (717) 606-2226 cell curvin@kingswayrealty.com www.horningauctiongroup.com P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE Hostetter, Sherman, CAI, GPPA, AARE, CES, GRI, CRS, SRES PAA Auctioneer Champion 1992 PAA President 1993 State Board of Auctioneer Examiners PAA Donor Sponsor 2010 Ap,C,E,I,RE,Benefit Hostetter Auctioneers (PAA Life Member) 903 Constitution Blvd. Beaver Falls, PA 15010 NW / (Beaver) (724) 847-1887 (724) 847-3499 fax (724) 601-2333 cell auction2@verizon.net www.hostetterauctioneers.com Hostetter, Sherman Matthew, CES PAA Rookie Auctioneer Champion 2006 NW President 2010 Ap,B,BL,F,E,R,RE Hostetter Auctioneers (PAA Life Member) 903 Constitution Blvd. Beaver Falls, PA 15010 NW / (Beaver) (724) 847-1887 (724) 847-3499 fax (724) 462-5547 cell matt@sherm.biz www.hostetterauctioneers.com Hostetter, Lee Alan, CAI PAA Auctioneer Champion 2010 A,B,BL,C,E,F,I,R,RE,T,Ap Lee Hostetter Auctioneers & Realtors 4348 Constitution Blvd. Darlington, PA 16115 NW / (Beaver) (724) 847-1880 (724) 847-3415 fax (724) 683-4511 cell auctioneer208@yahoo.com www.leehostetter.com Hottle, LeRoy Cattle RR2, Box 183 Wysox, PA 18854-9603 NE / (Bradford) (570) 247-2958 PAA Houck, Tara S. A,B,E,RE Weaver-Rissler Auctioneers RR#2, Box 2108 Dushore, PA 18614 SE / (Sullivan) (570) 928-2009 (717) 286-8003 cell mozie@frontiernet.net Houser, Douglas A. A,BL,C,E,F,RE,AP Houser Auctioneers 4645 Penn Hills Dr. Schnecksville, PA 18078 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 799-2396 (610) 799-6103 fax (610) 442-7244 cell houserauctions@aol.com www.houserauctioneers.com Houser, Timothy M. A, E, F, RE Houser Auctioneers 106 Ridge Cup Rd. New Ringgold, PA 17960 LV / (Schuylkill) (570) 386-2191 (570) 386-8734 fax houserauctionnews@ houserauctioneers.com www.houserauctioneers.com Howard, Peter S., CAI, AARE A,BL,F,I,RE Howard Real Estate, Appraisers, Auctioneers PO Box 496, 10438 Main St. Findley Lake, NY 14736-0496 NW / (Chautauqua) (716) 769-7300 (716) 769-7341 fax (716) 499-7447 cell horealty@fairpoint.net www.findleylake-property.com Howard, Aaron Robert Livestock, Farm, Household, Antiques Aaron R. Howard Auctioneer 321 Chearney Rd. Acme, PA 15610-1002 SW / (Westmoreland) (724) 689-2149 arhoward41@yahoo.com Howze, William D., AARE, CAI, CES, GPPA A,B,BL,C,E,F,RE,AP, Historic Properties The Renaissance Auction Group 1404 Friedensburg Rd. Reading, PA 19606 LV / (Berks) (610) 370-2879 (610) 763-5959 cell bill@auctionhowze.com www.auctionhowze.com Hryckowian, Steve Automobile 726 Yorktown Rd. Pilesgrove, NJ 08098 SE (609) 929-4290 (856) 769-2074 whoopaa@msn.com MEMBERS Huey II, John R., CAI A,BL,E,F,R,RE,AP John R. Huey II, Auctioneer 495 Slippery Rock Rd. Slippery Rock, PA 16057 (Butler) (724) 794-4737 (724) 794-4737 fax Huff, Gary L. A,B,C,E,F,G,RE Huff's Auction Service 217 High St. New Wilmington, PA 16142 NW / (Lawrence) (724) 946-2350 (724) 946-2350 fax (724) 699-6605 cell huffauction@yahoo.com Hummer, Jonathan B. BL,C,I,RE,T Hummer & Waltz Auctioneers 2405 Junction Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 898-0997 (717) 898-1536 fax (717) 629-6682 cell humer@comcast.net www.hwauctioneers.com Hummer, Robert S. Automobile Hummer Auctioneers & Associates 378 Farmview Ln. Mount Joy, PA 17552 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 653-5221 (717) 475-2565 cell Hums, John A,PP,Drag Racing Equip. John Hums Auctions 7509 Route 220 Dushore, PA 18614 NE / (Sullivan) (570) 490-1284 (570) 490-1284 fax johnhumsauctions@gmail.com www.johnhumsauctions.com Hunt, Timothy E. A,E,F,HH,Collectibles Tim Hunt Auctioneers 1944 Eagleville Rd. Jefferson, OH 44047 NW / (Ashtabula) (440) 563-5840 tehunt@windstream.net Hunyady, Michael J., ASA, CAI C.I,T,Mining Equip. Hunyady Auction Co. (PAA Donor Sponsor 2010) 1440 Cowpath Rd. Hatfield, PA 19440 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 361-9099 (215) 361-9212 fax (267) 446-7142 cell mhunyady@hunyady.com www.hunyady.com 800.577.6801 Hurley, Matthew S., AARE, CAI, GPPA PAA Auctioneer Champion 2004 A,C,E,F,RE Matthew S. Hurley Auction Co. 2800 Buchanan Trail E. Greencastle, PA 17225 C / (Franklin) (717) 597-9100 (717) 597-9922 fax (717) 729-5501 cell info@hurleyauctions.com www.hurleyauctions.com Hurley, Robert Eugene, GPPA A, E, AP Matthew S. Hurley Auction Co. 2800 Buchanan Trail E. Greencastle, PA 17225 C / (Franklin) (717) 762-7779 (717) 597-9922 fax (717) 360-9176 cell ghurley@pa.net www.hurleyauctions.com I Isenberg, Donald L. A,B,G Isenberg Auctioneering 1310 Oneida St. Huntingdon, PA 16652 C / (Huntingdon) (814) 643-1850 (814) 599-8869 cell dki3@verizon.net Ivankovich, Michael, GPPA, MPPA PAA Auctioneer of Year 2004 A,Ap,B,Wallace Nutting Michael Ivankovich Auction Co. 3694 Concord Rd., PO 1536 Doylestown, PA 18901 LV / (Bucks) (215) 345-6094 (215) 264-4304 cell info@michaelivankovich.com www.michaelivankovich.com J James, Katherine E. "Sparky", CAI SE Director 2010 Member Benefits Chair 2010 BL,C,I,R,Ap,Automobiles Dingman & James Auction Co. 59 Spruce St. Ephrata, PA 17522 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 733-1289 (609) 443-0652 fax (609) 820-8852 cell sparki9999@aol.com www.dingmanjamesauctions.com Jennings, B. J., CAI, BAS PAA Auctioneer Champion 2005 C,I,RE,Benefit Auctions Jennings and Grosh, Inc. 15 Hykes Mill Rd. York Haven, PA 17370 C / (York) (717) 268-0020 (717) 266-2614 fax (717) 332-5304 cell bjjennings@jenningsauction.com www.jenningsauction.com info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org Johnson, Lynda K., CAI, GPPA A,C,E,G,RE Johnson Auction Service, Inc. 147 Flaugherty Run Rd. Moon Township, PA 15108 NW / (Allegheny) (724) 457-1100 (724) 457-1302 fax johnsonauction@comcast.net www.johnsonauctionservice.com Jones, Tracey L. RE, A, E, F, G Tracey L. Jones Auctioneers, Inc. PO Box 545 Morgantown, PA 19543 SE / (Berks) (610) 286-7834 (610) 286-2855 fax (484) 332-5287 cell tljauction@dejazzd.com www.tljonesauctioneers.com Jones, Mark J., GPPA A,B,BL,C,E,F,I,R,RE,T,AP Mark Jones Auctioneer 672 Boyles Run Road Sunbury, PA 17801 NE / (Northumberland) (570) 286-0052 (570) 988-6367 fax jonesm78@wildblue.net www.markjonesauct.com Jordan, John R. A, General 103 Cumberland Dr. Coatesville, PA 19320 SE / (Chester) (610) 384-0886 (610) 384-0886 fax houselantiques@aol.com Jung, Paul T. A P.O. Box 425 Bechtelsville, PA 19505 LV / (Berks) (610) 367-0239 jungpa@webtv.net K Kanagy Aaron , J. A, F, G, RE, Livestock K & R Auctioneering Service 60 Pleasant Maple Ln. Belleville, PA 17004 C / (Mifflin) (717) 935-2939 Kane, Joseph Utililty Line Equipment J.J. Kane Auctioneers 8008 US Hwy. 130, #1, Ste.214 Delran, NJ 08075 LV / (Burlington) (856) 764-7163 (856) 764-4098 (609) 743-8586 jjkane@jjkane.com www.jjkane.com 23 PAA Kapp, Jr., George S. E,Appraisals,Tent Rentals Kapp's Auction Service 2429 Elizabeth Rd. Millville, PA 17846 NE / (Lycoming) (570) 458-4384 g.kapp@worldnet.att.net www.kappsauction.com Keebaugh, James Eugene 1202 Old 126 Warfordsburg, PA 17267 C / (Fulton) (717) 294-3273 (814) 617-0355 cell jimmyboy6271@yahoo.com Keeny, Kenneth K. A, E, F, RE Kenneth Keeny Auctioneer 2606 Orwig Rd. Stewartstown, PA 17363-8249 C / (York) (717) 993-3448 (717) 993-3448 fax (717) 324-0601 cell keenyauctions@ddogcom.net Keister, Rod A. A,RE,Autos Rod Keister Auctioneer 368 Furnace Rd. Middleburg, PA 17842 C / (Snyder) (570) 837-1807 (570) 765-2184 cell aucttalker@yahoo.com Keller, Harold K., CAI, GRI A,B,E,RE Keller Auctioneers (Senior Life Member) PO Box 5093 Lancaster, PA 17606 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 653-8871 harold@kellerauctioneers.com www.KellerAuctioneers.com Keller, Tim A,B,E,RE Keller Auctioneers 2906 Marietta Ave. Lancaster, PA 17601 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 898-2836 (717) 898-2836 fax (717) 951-3861 cell tim@kellerauctioneers.com www.kellerauctioneers.com Keller, Mark K. A,BL,C,E,F,I,R,RE,AP Mark Keller Auctioneer 6441 Waggoners Gap Rd. Landisburg, PA 17040 C / (Perry) (717) 789-3616 (717) 789-9619 fax (717) 215-3338 cell mkkeller@embarqmail.com 24 MEMBERS Keys, Catherine A., CAI, GPPA A, E, G, RE Tom Hall Auctions, Inc. 4644 Rt. 309, Box 310 Schnecksville, PA 18078 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 799-0808 (610) 799-2199 fax (610) 428-7074 cell cathy@tomhallauctions.com www.tomhallauctions.com King, Gary W. A, G, RE 24 Yeager Rd. Clarks Mills, PA 16114 NW / (Mercer) (724) 253-2189 (724) 456-1371 cell pairofkings@zoominternet.net Kinzinger, Gordon W., CAI A,B,BL,C,E,F,I,R,RE,T Gordon W. Kinzinger, Auctioneer 1059 Shady Lane Honesdale, PA 18431 NE / (Wayne) (570) 253-5967 (570) 253-3537 fax (570) 470-4755 cell gordonk@ptd.net www.gordonkinzinger.com Kistler, Mark W. "Dutch" PAA Hall of Fame 2009 G (Senior Life Member) 753 Lawrence Dr. Emmaus, PA 18049 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 967-3584 Kline, Randal V., Realtor SE RE, F, A, G Kline Kreider Good Auctioneers 345 W. Mt. Airy Rd. Stevens, PA 17578 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 733-1006 (717) 859-6609 fax randy@kingswayrealty.com www.klinekreidergood.com Kline,III, William M., ISA A,E,F,RE,Fine Art,Collectibles The Three Rivers Auction Co. PO Box 1029 Washington, PA 15301 NW / (Washington) (724) 222-8020 (724) 222-8020 fax (412) 916-0187 cell bidhigh@3riversauction.com www.3riversauction.com Klinger, Garrett B. A,Coins,Military,Collections Keystone Auctions 857 Nightlight Drive York, PA 17402 C / (York) (717) 755-8954 (717) 487-2105 cell Klinger.Gary@gmail.com www.auctionsbykeystone.com Klouser, Scott A. A,E,F,RE,PP Scott A. Klouser Auction Svc. 179 Wolf Road Elizabethville, PA 17023 C / (Dauphin) (717) 362-9688 Knecht, Olen R. PAA President 2001 PAA Auctioneer of Year 2003 A,E,F,R,RE,Ap Olen R. Knecht Auctions 539A State Rt. 93 Orangeville, PA 17859 NE / (Columbia) (570) 683-5955 (570) 683-5315 fax (570) 441-7500 cell knecht1@epix.net www.knechtauctions.com Knecht, Ray H. A,Ap,BL,E,F,RE Knecht Auctions 835 Mt. Pleasant Rd. Bloomsburg, PA 17815 NE / (Columbia) (570) 784-1011 (570) 784-1011 fax (570) 854-3451 cell knechtauctions@hotmail.com Knecht, Daniel M. A,BL,C,E,RE,Ap Michael J. McKeown Real Estate PO Box 97 Mountainhome, PA 18342 NE / (Monroe) (570) 595-7658 (570) 424-2755 fax (570) 656-0166 cell dankych@verizon.net www.poconohome.net Knosp, Jeffrey L., CAI A, F, RE,Automobile Jeffrey L. Knosp Auctioneer 3041 Shumaker Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 664-4344 (717) 468-8946 bidcaller59@aol.com Koberg, Heino F. Estate Liquidations, Fine Art, Bronzes, Jewelry Avizon Auction Services 1264 Hausman Rd. Allentown, PA 18104 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 821-9400 (610) 432-0633 fax (484) 201-5070 cell avizonauctions@live.com Kohler, Jr., John F. A,B,E,RE Gateway Gallery Auction LLC 643 Kriner Rd. Chambersburg, PA 17202 C / (Franklin) (717) 263-6512 (717) 263-0188 fax (717) 729-0768 cell john@gatewayauction.com www.gatewayauction.com P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE Kopp, Jesse J. 6229 Elizabethtown Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 629-2233 jessejkopp@hotmail.com Koval, Joe Internet auction locator AuctionZip.com 105 S. Richard St., #B Bedford, PA 15522 (Bedford) (814) 623-5059 (866) 522-6324 toll free joe@auctionzip.com www.auctionzip.com Krall, Peter H., CAI A,BL,C,F,Municipal Surplus Peter Krall Auction Co. (Senior Life Member) 2577 W. Bullshead Rd. Northampton, PA 18067 LV / (Northampton) (610) 264-1088 (610) 264-2820 fax (610) 428-5679 cell phkrall@verizon.net Kratz, Jeffrey F. Real Estate 774 Quarry Rd. Harleysville, PA 19438 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 721-4700 jeffreyfkratz@aol.com Kratzer, Brandon L. Automobile 3 Pavilion Lane Selinsgrove, PA 17870 SE / (Snyder) (570) 743-0497 (570) 490-6929 cell whtubid2@aol.com L Lambrecht, Jared, GPPA Lambrecht Auction & Real Estate Co. 2698 Cty. Hwy. 47 Walton, NY 13856 NE / (Delaware) (607) 865-6951 (607) 865-8481 fax (607) 267-2332 cell jlauction@wildblue.net Landis, J. Omar State Board of Auctioneer Examiners Chair A,Autos,RE,ClassicAutos J. Omar Landis Enterprises (Senior Life Member) 4412 Oregon Pike Ephrata, PA 17522 SE / (Lancaster) (800) 325-9004 toll free (717) 859-4248 phone (717) 629-2230 cell jolandis@ptd.net PAA Landis, James O. Automobile, Classic cars Landis Enterprises 901 Highmeadow Ct. Lancaster, PA 17601 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 898-9621 (717) 898-8375 fax (717) 413-9133 cell bid2menow@comcast.net www.landisenterprises.com Lefever, Eric M. A,B,RE,Auto Lefever & Hart Auctioneers 404 Stanton Road Quarryville, PA 17566 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 786-6161 (717) 786-9005 fax (717) 989-5110 cell e.lefever78@hotmail.com www.lhauctions.com Landis, Robert A,Autos,Construction Equipment 111 Vilsmeier Rd. Lansdale, PA 19446 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 855-7034 (215) 896-2083 cell bid1call@aol.com Leiby, Kenneth P. E, F, HH, RE Kenneth Leiby Auctioneer 1126 Moselem Spring Rd. Hamburg, PA 19526 LV / (Berks) (610) 562-3929 dleiby@readingnorthern.com Larkin, Deb PA-approved auction curriculum Reading Area Comm. College PO Box 1706 Reading, PA 19603-1706 (Berks) (610) 372-4721, ext. 5181 (610) 607-6264 fax dlarkin@racc.edu www.racc.edu Lesh, Edie E. Central Secretary-Treasurer 2010 PAA Auxiliary President 2010 (Associate Member) Lesh Auction Co. (PAA Contributor 2010) 3540 Newport Rd. Newport, PA 17074 C / (Perry) (717) 567-3182 (717) 567-7888 fax (717) 856-1991 cell leshauction@pa.net Layman, Jay PAA Public Affairs Consultant Capital Associates, Inc. PO Box 1085, 200 N. 3rd St. Harrisburg, PA 17108-1085 (Dauphin) (717) 234-5350 (717) 234-2286 fax layman@capitalassoc.com www.capitalassoc.com Lesh, III, Ralph J. PO Box 320 Newport, PA 17074 C / (Perry) (717) 567-3211 (717) 567-3509 fax (717) 574-3664 cell Leaman, Sanford G., CAI BL,C,F,RE,Cattle Leaman Auctions & Real Estate 101 White Oak Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 SE / (Lancaster) 717-569-4264 717-569-8847 fax 717-471-4715 cell farmboy70@comcast.net Lesh, Jr., Ralph J., CAI A,C,E,F,G,I,RE Lesh Auction Co. 3540 Newport Rd. Newport, PA 17074 C / (Perry) (717) 567-3182 (717) 567-7888 fax (717) 856-1991 cell leshauction@pa.net Leary, Jay Miles, Realtor CRS & GRI Real Estate and Antiques Jay M. Leary & Associates P.O. Box 406 New Holland, PA 17557 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 354-0423 (717) 355-0111 fax (717) 575-2598 cell ohi@frontiernet.net www.learyauctioneers.com Levan, Barbara R. A, C, E, F, G, RE Box 5781 Wyomissing, PA 19610 LV / (Berks) (267) 432-0897 wyospace@yahoo.com Lecoff, Alan B. RE Barry S. Slosberg, Inc. 6507 Lawnton Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19126 LV / (Philadelphia) (215) 425-7030 (215) 425-7039 fax (215) 783-0218 cell alecoff@bssauction.com www.bssauction.com Lewis, James E., CAI PAA Treasurer 1985-96 PAA Hall of Fame 2005 A, E, G, Firearms Chuck's Auction Service (PAA Donor Sponsor 2010) 557 Wyoming Ave. Wyoming, PA 18644 NE / (Luzerne) (570) 655-6265 (570) 288-9185 fax (570) 212-1615 cell cjl123@verizon.net www.chucksauction.com 800.577.6801 MEMBERS Lewis, Linda L. PAA Auxiliary Secretary Treasurer 2010 A, E, G, Jewelry Chuck's Auction Service 557 Wyoming Ave. Wyoming, PA 18644 NE / (Luzerne) (570) 655-6265 (570) 288-9185 fax (570) 212-1612 cell cjl123@verizon.net www.chucksauction.com Lindley, John M., CAGA PAA Auctioneer Champion 1980 A, E, F, G, RE Lindley Auctions 76 Heritage Trail Prosperity, PA 15329 SW / (Washington) (724) 222-5766 (724) 222-5766 fax jmlindley@gmail.com www.lindleyauctions.com Lineman, Hope E. Clarion University-Venango Campus Coordinator Continuing Education PA-approved auction curriculum 1801 West First St., 215 Frame Hall Oil City, PA 16301 (814) 676-6591, x. 1273 (814) 676-1348 fax hlineman@clarion.edu www.clarion.edu Loeb, David P. A,E,RE,Ap David P. Loeb Auctioneer 116 Wisser Rd. Lenhartsville, PA 19534 LV / (Berks) (610) 756-4260 www.davidloeb.org Loeser, Alan D., ASA, USPAP, MDNA Ap,I,Machinery International Auction/ Appraisal Svcs. 2A W. Forrest Ave. Shrewsbury, PA 17361 C / (York) (717) 235-8299 (717) 235-8331 fax (410) 353-3312 cell alandloeser@aol.com www.iaasonline.com Loucks, Tammy C. A,B,BL,E,F,RE Lady Auctioneer LLC 20193 Beaver Center Rd. Linesville, PA 16424 NW / (Crawford) (814) 683-5120 (814) 683-5120 fax tcloucks@earthlink.net www.theladyauctioneer.com info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org Ludwig, Charles L., CAGA A,C,E,RE,Consignments, Liquidations Ludwig Auction & Realty, Inc. 20 Cross St., PO Box 69 Falconer, NY 14733-0069 NW / (Chautauqua) (716) 665-6614 (716) 665-6617 fax (716) 664-1020 cell chuck@ludwigauction.com www.ludwigauction.com Lunt, Leslie E. A,B,E Lunt Auction Services 1156 Willowbrook Rd. Belle Vernon, PA 15012 SW / (Westmoreland) (724) 872-7431 (724) 872-1018 fax linlunt@comcast.net Lunt, Linda L., CAGA, GPPA SW Secretary 2010 A,B,E,RE,G Lunt Auction Services 1156 Willowbrook Rd. Belle Vernon, PA 15012 SW / (Westmoreland) (724) 872-7431 (724) 872-1018 fax (724) 331-2561 cell linlunt@comcast.net Lynch, Timothy L. 600 Dull Rd. Red Lion, PA 17356 C / (York) (717) 880-2154 (717) 880-2154 fax doubletymz@aol.com M Macarro, Jeanne Lou A, E, RE Macarro Auction Co. 3633 Drifting Dr. Hellertown, PA 18055 LV / (Northampton) (610) 838-9677 (610) 838-0745 fax (610) 742-0182 cell jbmacarro@aol.com www.macarroauction.com Macarro, Michael A, R, RE Macarro Auction Co. 1743 Old Mill Rd. Bethlehem, PA 18015 LV / (Northampton) (484) 851-3132 (484) 432-1903 cell mngmacarro@yahoo.com www.macarroauction.com 25 PAA Macarro, Thomas G., AARE, CAI, CAGA TMAC Corporation A,BL,RE,Ap Macarro Auction Co. 3633 Drifting Dr. Hellertown, PA 18055 LV / (Northampton) (610) 838-9677 (610) 838-7025 fax (610) 554-0877 cell tgmac@enter.net www.macarroauction.com MacIlwain, Earl S. A,E,G,RE,AP,Real Estate Broker MacIlwain Auctioneers 524 W. Main St. Trappe, PA 19426 SE / (Montgomery) (610) 489-9797 (610) 489-4222 fax (610) 960-5400 cell mac@macsauctions.com www.macsauctions.com Mack, Kathleen M. Consignment, Estate Kathy Mack Auction Service 113 Jakes Dr. New Florence, PA 15944 SW / (Westmoreland) (724) 235-2688 fkmack@verizon.net Madden, Timothy L. Dunn & Madden Auction Svcs., LLC 549 Tannery Road Lake Ariel, PA 18436 NE / (Wayne) (570) 937-9300 (570) 937-9300 fax tim@dunnandmaddenauction.com www.dunnandmaddenauction.com Magaro, Steven Brian E,F,RE,Commercial Equipment Magaro Auction Services 608 Magaro Rd. Enola, PA 17025-1912 C / (Cumberland) (717) 732-7940 (717) 728-3442 fax magaroauction@aol.com Malmberg, Arn B., CAI, GPPA, CAGA LVSA President 2010 A,Ap,BL,C,E,G,F,RE,T Arn B. Malmberg Auctioneer/ Appraiser PO Box 404 Bally, PA 19503 LV / (Montgomery) (610) 845-2594 www.netjunction.com/auction Manasse, Matthew A. C, F, G, I, RE, Auto Mel Manasse & Son Auctioneers PO Box 738, 2524 US Rt. 11 Whitney Point, NY 13862-0738 NE / (Broome) (607) 692-4540 (607) 692-4327 fax (607) 222-4246 cell manasseauctions@aol.com www.manasseauctions.com 26 Manasse, Melvin J. C, F, G, I, RE Mel Manasse & Son Auctioneers PO Box 738, 2924 US Rt. 11 Whitney Point, NY 13862-0738 NE / (Broome) (607) 692-4540 (607) 692-4327 fax (607) 427-1254 cell manasseauctions@aol.com www.manasseauctions.com Manto, Mike Retired (Senior Life Member) PO Box 1393 Bethlehem, PA 18016 LV / (Northampton) (610) 865-1801 Marquette, Thomas B. A,E,G,Coins,Liquidations,Auto Marquette's Auction Marketing 551 McConnell Parkway Hughesville, PA 17737-8633 NE / (Lycoming) (570) 584-4881 (570) 584-3536 fax (570) 916-6903 cell auctiontommy@windstream.net www.marquetteauctions.com Martin, Leonard J. Antiques,Collectibles Martin's Auction Service, Inc. 106 Crosskeys Dr. Garnet Valley, PA 19060 SE / (Delaware) (610) 358-3504 (610) 497-7745 cell ljm59@comcast.net www.martin-antiques.com Martin, Larry L. Automobile, Horses PO Box 75 New Holland, PA 17557 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 468-2792 Martin, Michael J. A,E,F,RE,Quilts Martin & Rutt Auctioneers 583 S. Kinzer Ave. New Holland, PA 17557 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 354-3197 (717) 354-3197 fax (717) 371-3333 cell mjcamartin@frontiernet.net www.martinandrutt.com Martin, Vernon L., AARE, CAI, GPPA PAA President 1990 PAA Auctioneer of Year 1992 PAA Hall of Fame 2000 A, E Sanford Alderfer Companies 501 Fairgrounds Rd. Hatfield, PA 19440 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 393-3000 (215) 368-9055 fax vernon@alderferauction.com www.alderferauction.com MEMBERS Martin, Jr., Larry L. Automobile 519 Woodhall Dr. Willow Street, PA 17584 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 464-1130 (717) 989-3121 cell larryandalison@comcast.net Martin, Jr.. Paul Z. A,RE,Horse-Drawn Vehicles Paul Z. Martin, Jr. Aucts. & Assocs. PO Box 72 New Holland, PA 17557 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 354-6671 (717) 354-8248 fax (717) 278-9196 cell martinauctioneers@frontiernet.net www.martinauctioneers.com Maurer, Kristin K. Trains,Toys,Railroadiana,Auto (Associate Member) 1003 Brookwood Dr. Pottstown, PA 19464 LV / (Montgomery) (610) 323-1573 (610) 970-4856 fax kmaurer@maurerail.com www.maurerail.com Maurer, Ted A. Toy Trains, Railroadiana Ted Maurer Auctioneer (Senior Life Member) 1003 Brookwood Dr. Pottstown, PA 19464-3022 LV / (Montgomery) (610) 323-1573 (610) 367-5030 fax kmaurer@maurerail.com www.maurerail.com McCracken, Mark S. 428 Bolden Road Vanderbilt, PA 15486 SW / (Fayette) (724) 529-2460 (724) 323-0090 cell calmark77@yahoo.com McGuire, Darryl, CAGA A,F,G,Timber McGuire Auctioneers 10664 St. Rt. 82 Windham, OH 44288 NW / (Portage) (330) 348-1191 (330) 326-1295 fax (330) 348-1191 cell mcguire4@cebridge.net www.gmcauctions.com McKeown, Michael J. A,BL,C,E,F,I,RE,Ap McKeown Real Estate (Senior Life Member) 956 N. 9th St. Stroudsburg, PA 18360 NE / (Monroe) (570) 424-2762 (570) 424-2755 fax info@mckeownrealestate.com www.mckeownrealestate.com P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE McLaughlin, Alan M. A,B,E,RE Alan M. McLaughlin Auctioneer 8220 Wattsburg Rd. Erie, PA 16509-5844 NW / (Erie) (814) 825-8723 McNeal, Sr. Richard P. A, E, G, RE 631 Walnut Ave. Harrisburg, PA 17112 C / (Dauphin) (717) 545-5911 McPherson, Brian E., GG Coins,Jewelry,Sports Collectibles McPherson and Company, Inc. 730 N. Front St. Wormleysburg, PA 17043 C / (Cumberland) (717) 731-3420 (717) 645-4199 cell mcphersonandcompany@comcast.net www.mcphersonandcompany.com Meagher, Paul M. RE Meagher Auction Services LLC 416 Main St., #A Honesdale, PA 18431 NE / (Wayne) (570) 253-9566 (570) 253-9353 fax (570) 647-7003 cell tmeagher@remax.net www.meagherauctionservices.com Meck, William J. A,B,BL,C,E,FR 3885 Gun Club Rd. Alburtis, PA 18011 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 966-2704 (610) 248-3898 cell foxtail34@gmail.com Mellott, John H. E 8530 Clearshade Dr. Windber, PA 15963 SW / (Somerset) (814) 467-9382 (814) 241-9693 cell mellottauction@yahoo.com Mendenhall, Forrest Auctioneering school Mendenhall School of Auct. P.O. Box 7344 High Point, NC 27264 (336) 887-1165 (336) 887-1107 fax menauction@aol.com www.mendenhallschool.com Mentzer, Gary L. A,B,E,RE Gary L. Mentzer Auctioneer 505 Shippensburg Rd. Newville, PA 17241 C / (Cumberland) (717) 776-7447 PAA Meyer, Jessica Shaub, CAI, CES A, E, RE Shaub Enterprises, Inc. PO Box 208, 9 Brooks Ave. Willow Street, PA 17584 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 464-3541 (717) 464-3301 fax (717) 940-2601 cell jessica@shaubservices.com www.shaubservices.com Miceli, Carl B., CAI, ASA, CEA, CSA RE,Machinery/Equipment American Auctions & Appraisals, Inc. 9214 Dogwood Rd. Baltimore, MD 21244 C / (Baltimore) (410) 655-2169 (410) 655-1263 fax (443) 677-4349 cell cpmiceli@comcast.net www.americanaai.com Michak, Esq., George A. PAA Counsel George A. Michak, Attorney at Law PO Box 62188 Harrisburg, PA 17106-2188 (Dauphin) (717) 645-6329 (717) 200-1018 fax gam@michakteeter.com Miller, Simon J. PAA Hall of Fame 2004 A,E,F,RE Miller's Auction Service 4177 Rt. 19 Cochranton, PA 16314 NW / (Crawford) (814) 425-7779 (814) 425-7311 fax (724) 699-2838 cell millers12@zoominternet.com www.theareashopper.com Miller, Alvin L. Automobile, RE 1958 Horseshoe Rd. Lancaster, PA 17602 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 392-1547 (717) 368-3324 cell Miller, Michael S. Automobile, A, RE Michael S. Miller Auctioneer 1958 Horseshoe Rd. Lancaster, PA 17602 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 314-3398 Miller, Mark E. All American Auctions by Mark Miller 6565 McGuffey Rd. Ext. Lowellville, OH 44436 NW / (Mahoning) (330) 507-7600 (330) 507-7600 fax markmillerauctioneer@yahoo.com Miller, Joseph William A,E, F, G,Livestock Miller's Auction Service 1034 Petersburg Rd. Hadley, PA 16130 NW / (Mercer) (724) 253-4188 (724) 866-3501 cell miller4@zoominternet.net Miller, Dale C. RE, F, E, A C. C. Miller Sons 5064 Watertank Rd. Glenville, PA 17329-8971 C / (York) (717) 235-1079 dcmclmpa@gte.net Miller, James L. A, E, F, G, RE C. C. Miller Sons 5025 Miller Road Glenville, PA 17329-8940 C / (York) (717) 235-3673 Miller, Donald E. A, E, F, G, RE C. C. Miller Sons 5127 Miller Rd. Glenville, PA 17329 C / (York) (717) 235-3260 daudymiller@pa.net Miller, Donald E. A,G,RE,Automobile Donald Miller Auctioneer 859A Rhuehaus Ln. Hummelstown, PA 17036 SE / (Dauphin) (717) 520-0133 (717) 571-5199 cell Miller IV, George, GPPA A,Collectibles,E,RE George Miller IV Auction Co. 122 Poplar Road Fleetwood, PA 19522 LV / (Berks) (610) 944-0926 (610) 944-5649 fax (610) 944-5102 cell gmiller4@enter.net Miller, Jr., Kenneth R. A, E, F, G, RE Col. K.R. Miller, Jr. 3694 Mill Rd. Duncansville, PA 16635 C / (Blair) (814) 695-0351 (814) 317-7629 fax crosskeys01@aol.com www.colmillerauction.com Mirarchi, Lori A. 511 Schwaben Creek Rd. Dornsife, PA 17823 NE / (Northumberland) (570) 758-5844 lori_mba@yahoo.com MEMBERS Mitten, Alyse F. Professional association Mid-Atlantic Community Papers Assn. (Trade Member) PO Box 408 Hamburg, PA 19526 LV / (Berks) (610) 488-7774 (610) 743-8500 fax (610) 914-0142 cell info@macpa.net www.macpa.net/ www.macnetonline.com Mohr, James W. PAA Hall of Fame 1995 G James W. Mohr & Son Auction (Senior Life Member) PO Box 33 Milford Square, PA 18935 LV / (Bucks) (215) 536-2324 Moles, Charles L. 1121 W. Main St. Norristown, PA 19401 SE / (Montgomery) (610) 275-2050 (610) 275-0288 fax (610) 864-2634 cell chasmoles@aol.com Morgan, Patrick K. SE President 2010 A, RE, T 208 Locust St. New Holland, PA 17557 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 354-6939 (717) 354-8248 fax (717) 278-9202 cell pkmorgan@frontiernet.net Morris, Michael E. PAA Rookie Champ 2008 F, RE, T Mike Morris Auctioneer PO Box 242 Elizabethtown, PA 17022 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 575-6304 memorris@earthlink.net Moyer, Evelyn M. (Senior Life Member) 4001 Alpine Ct. Reading, PA 19606 SE / (Berks) (610) 406-9018 (610) 864-9933 cell Moyer, Richard J. PAA Treasurer 1973 PAA President 1975, 1976 PAA Auctioneer Champion 1982 PAA Auctioneer of Year 1986 PAA Hall of Fame 2002 (Senior Life Member) 4001 Alpine Ct. Reading, PA 19606 SE / (Berks) (610) 406-9018 (610) 721-0918 cell rmoyerauctions@verizon.net Moyer, Charles L., CAI, GPPA PAA President 1984 PAA Hall of Fame 1997 A,E,Jewelry,Hummels,Dolls Sanford Alderfer Companies (Senior Life Member) 5444 Vera Cruz Rd. Center Valley, PA 18034 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 965-0026 (215) 368-9055 fax charlie@alderferauction.com www.alderferauction.com Moyer, Judy, GPPA A, E, Hummels, Vintage Clothing (Associate Member) 5444 Vera Cruz Rd. Center Valley, PA 18034 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 965-0026 (215) 368-9005 fax jmread@aol.com Muehlhan, Jack RE Jack Muehlhan RE Auctioneer 601 Main St. #2 Stroudsburg, PA 18360 NE / (Monroe) (570) 421-8333 (570) 424-6831 fax Morrison, Arthur W. E (Senior Life Member) 1004 N.McKean St. Kittanning, PA 16201 NW / (Armstrong) (724) 545-1977 sold@penn.com Musser, Timothy S. E, RE, Benefit Timothy S. Musser Auction Service 1483 Bowersox Rd. Middleburg, PA 17842 C / (Snyder) (570) 837-0107 tsmusser@hotmail.com Motko, Jr., Jerome A. E,F,G Jerome A. Motko, Jr. Auctioneer 153 Dutchtown Rd. Butler, PA 16002 NW / (Butler) (724) 285-1552 (724) 290-4769 cell Musser, Bruce Allen A, E, G 32 Elm St. New Columbia, PA 17856 NE / (Union) (570) 568-2792 (570) 412-5952 cell mamusser@dejazzd.com Mowry, Charles Preston Livestock, Produce, Ag Products PO Box 176, 98 Gordon Road Sandy Lake, PA 16145 NW / (Mercer) (724) 376-2122 familycircus@windstream.net 800.577.6801 info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org 27 PAA Myers, Roger L. Automobile, RE Roger L. Myers - Auctioneer 240 Reist Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 C / (Lebanon) (717) 279-6926 (717) 507-6202 cell Myers, Ronald N. A, HH, RE Ron Myers Auctioneering Service 1018 US Hwy. 522 N Lewistown, PA 17044 C / (Mifflin) (717) 248-0772 (717) 363-6697 cell rnm65@verizon.net Myers, Emily Trade Member Auction advertising AntiqueWeek (PAA Platinum Sponsor 2010) PO Box 90 Knightstown, IN 46148 NW (800) 876-5133, x. 151 (800) 695-8153 emyers@midcountrymedia.com www.antiqueweek.com N Navarre, Sr., Barry D., CAGA A,B,C,F,RE Navarre Auctions 4921 Lowhill Church Rd. New Tripoli, PA 18066 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 298-2636 (610) 751-7624 cell navarreauctions@ptd.net Negley, Randall E. HH Randy Negley Auctioneering Service 1884 Crottlestown Rd. Chambersburg, PA 17201 C / (Franklin) (717) 264-8155 (717) 729-4403 cell rnegleyauctioneer@embarqmail.com Nero, Anthony S., CAGA NW Vice President 2010 A,B,BL,E,F,RE,AP Nero Auction Service 12875 Union Rd. Waterford, PA 16441 NW / (Erie) (814) 796-6301 (814) 323-6062 cell anthonynero@velocity.net Nicolls, David A,F,G Derby Hat Auction Service 7758 Guntown Rd. Conneautville, PA 16406 NW / (Crawford) (814) 587-2180 nicolls@windstream.net 28 MEMBERS Nicolls, W. Bruce RE,A,E,G Nicolls & Auctions 25865 Bell Hill Rd. Cochranton, PA 16314 NW / (Crawford) (814) 333-1988 (814) 425-2386 fax (814) 720-1988 cell nicandauctions@windstream.net www.nicandauctions.com Novak, Karen Online Auctions; Licensed Realtor Fidelity Auctions 2833 Quaker Valley Rd. New Paris, PA 15554 SW / (Bedford) (814) 839-4603 (814) 839-2908 fax (814) 243-0298 cell novak@fidelityauctions.com www.fidelityauctions.com O Ocker, Carl E. A,BL,E,F,RE,Ap Kenny's Auction 4401 Philadelphia Ave. Chambersburg, PA 17201 C / (Franklin) (717) 264-6578 (717) 264-6578 fax (717) 658-2999 cell info@kennysauction.com www.kennysauction.com O'Connor, Daniel W. A,E,BL Auction Boss 238 Willow Dr. Monroeville, PA 15146 SW / (Allegheny) (412) 829-9723 (412) 480-2602 cell auctionboss@msn.com Opfer, Jr., Richard, AARE, CAI A,RE,Advertising,Dolls,Toys Richard Opfer Auctioneering, Inc. 1919 Greenspring Dr Timonium, MD 21093 C / (Baltimore) (410) 252-5035 (410) 252-5863 fax (410) 236-9944 cell info@opferauction.com www.opferauction.com Orji, Murphy BL,RE Atlantic Auction Corp. 4845 Osage Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19143 SE / (Philadelphia) (267) 975-0966 (267) 975-0966 fax (215) 474-3134 cell murphyorji@yahoo.com P Pace, Wesley R., Certified Ringman BL,C,I,RE Wes Pace Auctions 613 Prison Rd. Leesport, PA 19533 LV / (Berks) (610) 745-1972 (610) 372-1351 (610) 745-1972 wes@wespaceauctions.com www.wespaceauctions.com Pae, Kerry A., CAI PAA President 1982 PAA Treasurer 1983-85 PAA Auctioneer Champion 1986 RE, C, I, E Kerry Pae Auctioneers 2 Chickadee Circle Palmyra, PA 17078 SE / (Lebanon) (717) 236-3752 (717) 964-2103 fax (717) 821-6080 cell auctions@kerrypae.com www.kerrypae.com Paisley, Rodger, CAI, GPPA E,RE,Liquidations,Benefits PaisleyAuctions, Inc. 212 Highland Ave. Downingtown, PA 19335 SE / (Chester) (610) 873-8860 (610) 873-9733 fax (484) 678-9201 cell rodger@paisleyauctions.com www.PaisleyAuctions.com Palmer, Jr., Donald G. G 275 Landis Dr. Lancaster, PA 17602-3849 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 393-9071 (717) 940-8581 cell dpalmerjr3@comcast.net Panasiti (Fla.), Douglas C. A,BL,E,R,RE,AP Panasiti & Associates P.C. 3051 Tuckahoe Lane DeLand, FL 32724 C Panasiti (Home), Douglas C. A,BL,E,R,RE,AP Panasiti & Associates P.C. 109 Horseshoe Dr. Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 C / (Blair) (814) 695-9091 (814) 937-5038 cell auctnr56@aol.com www.auctionzip.com#1004 Pannebecker, Arthur P. A,B,E,RE Art Pannebecker/Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. 32 Cardinal Dr. Stevens, PA 17578 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 336-6983 (717) 336-2933 fax (717) 989-0200 cell artsauction@dejazzd.com www.artsauctionservice.com P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE Paranzino, Timothy J. NW Building material, home improvements Paranzino Bros. Auctioneers 11505 South Avenue North Lima, OH 44452 (Mahoning) (330) 549-3133 (330) 549-3180 fax (330) 518-0788 cell jjpowers86@yahoo.com www.pbauctions.com Parish, Samantha SW Chapter Director 2010 A,E,RE,AP Samantha Parish Auct./Appraisal PO Box 414 Smithton, PA 15479 SW / (Westmoreland) (724) 872-0334 (724) 493-0750 cell samanthaparish@ samanthaparishsales.com www.samanthaparishsales.com Patterson, John W. PAA President 1991 PAA Auctioneer of Year 1998 PAA Hall of Fame 2002 NW Alternate Director 2010 A,B,E,F,AP Patterson Auction 452 Auction Lane New Castle, PA 16101 NW / (Lawrence) (724) 654-7933 (724) 654-7933 fax (724) 730-6125 cell wayne@pattersonauction.com www.pattersonauction.com Patterson, Karen F. NW Secretary/Treasurer 2010 Audit Chair 2010 (Associate Member) Patterson Auction (PAA Donor Sponsor 2010) 452 Auction Lane New Castle, PA 16101 NW / (Lawrence) (724) 654-7933 (724) 654-7933 fax (724) 674-8244 cell karen@pattersonauction.com www.pattersonauction.com Pearson, Maureen,Trade Member PAA Insurance Provider Specialized auctioneer insurance Pearson Insurance Assocs. (PAA Platinum Sponsor 2010) 8785 Duveen Dr. Wyndmoor, PA 19038 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 402-9045 (215) 689-1510 fax (215) 518-5028 cell maureen@pearsoninsuranceassociates.com Pendleton, James B. A,B,F,T 265 Wright Rd. Salt Lick, KY 40371 SE (717) 278-8500 (615) 804-0443 cell jamesbentonpendleton@yahoo.com www.heritagehorsesales.com PAA Pennay, Jr., Gerald R. PAA Auctioneer Champion 1994 Automobile,Antiques,Estate,General Pennay & Son Auctioneers, Inc. 6333 Kingsley Rd. Kingsley, PA 18826 SE / (Susquehanna) (570) 289-0877 (570) 289-4312 fax (570) 878-0048 cell jpennay2@msn.com Pletcher, Daniel K. A,B,BL,C,E,RE,AP Constantine & Pletcher, Inc. 542 Bell Memorial Church Rd. Latrobe, PA 15650 SW / (Westmoreland) (724) 275-7190 (724) 275-7191 fax (412) 628-2031 cell sold@cpauction.info www.cpauction.info Pennay, Sr., Gerald R. A,C,E,F,G,I,RE Gerald Pennay & Son Auctioneers 6443 Kingsley Rd. Kingsley, PA 18826 NE / (Susquehanna) (570) 289-4533 (570) 289-8732 fax (570) 561-6198 cell Poe, Gary L. A,C,E,F,G,I,RE" Poe Auction Service 5281 N. Salem Church Rd. Dover, PA 17315 C / (York) (717) 292-4026 (717) 292-4026 fax (717) 324-6483 cell Pennington, Jeffery T. PAA Rookie Champion 2010 A,B,E,RE Jeff Pennington Auction Svc. 1902 Williams Dr. New Castle, PA 16101 NW / (Lawrence) (724) 652-2070 (724) 657-4413 cell jefferypenn@comcast.net www.jeffpennauctions.com Porter, Larry G. G, RE, Auto Larry G. Porter Auctioneer 10434 Free Road Conneaut Lake, PA 16316 NW / (Crawford) (814) 382-0003 (814) 282-9069 cell dlporter75@yahoo.com Pepper, Edward B. A,B,E,F,RE Pepper's Auction Service RR 1 Box 5112 Canton, PA 17724 NE / (Bradford) (570) 364-5242 (570) 364-5242 fax (570) 637-1685 cell pepperauctionservice@yahoo.com Peters, Larry J. PP, RE Larry J. Peters, Auctioneer 247 Clear Spring Rd Biglerville, PA 17307 C / (Adams) (717) 677-8086 Peters, Frederick A., CAI BL,R,I Fred Peters Auctioneers 106 Center St. Brownsville, PA 15417 SW / (Fayette) (724) 785-8954 (724) 785-8954 fax (724) 880-3835 cell fpauctioneers@yahoo.com www.fpauctioneers.com Pickel, R. Carl A,Ap,RE Pickel Precision Auctions 80 Forest Hill Rd. Leola, PA 17540 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 656-3095 (717) 656-8774 fax (717) 314-3812 cell cpic1@comcast.net Prah, Joe Auction Supplies National Auction Supply House PO Box 46 Mifflinburg, PA 17844 (Union) (800) 326-7484 (570) 966-3674 fax nash1@dejazzd.com www.nash.cc Price, Steven C. A,Ap,B,E,F,G,RE Steve Price Auct./Tent Rentals 9115 Price Road Three Springs, PA 17264 C / (Huntingdon) (814) 447-3375 sprice@dishmail.net Price, Michele C. Autos 4769 U.S. Hwy. 322 Reedsville, PA 17084 SE / (Mifflin) (717) 773-6370 (717) 773-6370 fax mcprice24@yahoo.com Price, Robert F. A,C,F 848 Grakyn Lane Philadelphia, PA 19128 LV / (Philadelphia) (215) 482-4681 (717) 222-2991 cell 800.577.6801 MEMBERS Probst, Eric R. A,C,E,F,R,RE,Ap,Coins,Indian Artifacts Probst & Family Auctions 912 Rawlinsville Rd. Willow Street, PA 17584 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 464-3700 (717) 464-3700 fax (717) 940-3725 cell eprosit@aol.com www.probstauction.com Proffitt, Steve, Attorney-at-Law Contributing Editor J.P. King Company 108 Fountain Ave. Gadsden, AL 35901 (256) 439-0136 sproffitt@jpking.com www.jpking.com Pyle, Wayne S. A, B,BL,E, RE Kayne Auction Company 2010 Blue Mountain Parkway Harrisburg, PA 17112 C / (Dauphin) (717) 652-7421 (717) 350-4107 cell wpyle@kayneauctioncompany.com www.kayneauctioncompany.com Pyle, Joe R. A,BL,C,E,F,RE,Auto Joe R. Pyle Complete Auction & Realty 271 Gas Company Road Mt. Morris, PA 15349 SW / (Greene) (724) 324-5448 (724) 324-9259 fax (724) 998-5050 cell joepyle@mtstateaa.com www.joerpyleauctions.com Q Quarrick, Anthony J. E, RE, Machinery Quarrick Equipment & Auctions, Inc. 168 Quarrick Rd. Uniontown, PA 15401 SW / (Fayette) (724) 439-1621 (724) 439-9263 fax (412) 582-3643 cell info@quarrickauction.com www.quarrickauction.com R Racey, Alice E Racey's Auction Co. 11050 Old Trail North Huntingdon, PA 15642 SW / (Westmoreland) (724) 217-4753 (724) 217-4753 fax countryauction@comcast.net info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org Rader, Gerald A. PAA President 2010 Automobile P.O. Box 877 Skippack, PA 19474 SE / (Montgomery) (610) 584-8058 (610) 584-7272 fax (610) 613-2766 cell geraldrader@comcast.net Ranck, Randall L. A,B,F,RE Robt. Martin Sons Auctioneers 147 Sage Dr. Lancaster, PA 17602 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 291-2210 (717) 330-4317 cell ranckrand@aol.com www.remartinauctions.com Ranck, Terry R. A, E, RE 623 Old Danville Highway Northumberland, PA 17857 NE / (Northumberland) (570) 473-8984 Rankin, Gary L. A,Ap,BL,E,F,R,RE Rankin Auction Service 2584 Kemmer Rd. Clarion, PA 16214 NW / (Clarion) (814) 764-3502 (814) 764-3502 fax (814) 221-5878 cell rankin@pennswoods.net Redding, C. David A,E,F,RE,Firearms Redding Auction Service 1085 Table Rock Rd. Gettysburg, PA 17325 C / (Adams) (717) 334-6941 (717) 334-3525 fax (717) 752-5248 cell www.reddingauction.com Reed, Larry R., CAI PAA Treasurer - 1971, 1972 PAA President 1979 PAA Hall of Fame 2000 A,F,PP,RE Reed Auctioneers 457 Geer Rd. New Cumberland, WV 26047 NW (Hancock) Reed, Perry L. E, Automobile Perry L. Reed Auctioneer 2691 Rt. 220 Hwy. Pennsdale, PA 17756 NE / (Lycoming) (570) 584-5254 preed2691@comcast.net www.reedauctions.com Reed, Jr., R. Kenneth, CAI, GPPA A,BL,C,E,I,R,RE,Ap Ken Reed Auction Co., Inc. PO Box 178 Saint Peters, PA 19470 LV / (Chester) (610) 970-2890 (610) 970-2891 fax kenreedauction@aol.com www.kenreedauction.com 29 PAA Reeder, Daniel P., GPPA B, BL, E, RE Hostetter Auctioneers 590 5th St. Beaver, PA 15009 NW / (Beaver) (724) 561-9167 (724) 847-3499 fax (724) 561-9167 cell daniel-reeder@hotmail.com www.hostetterauctioneers.com Rehrer, Dennis R. Homing pigeons & supplies Dennis R. Rehrer Auctioneer 171 Amity Park Rd. Birdsboro, PA 19508 LV / (Berks) (610) 582-6914 (610) 217-4338 cell marehrer@dejazzd.com Reimold, Robert A. PAA Auctioneer of Year 1989 PAA Hall of Fame 1995 Reimold Bros. Auct. & Marketing Svc. G (Senior Life Member) 3701 N. Hermitage Rd. Transfer, PA 16154 NW / (Mercer) (724) 646-1771 (724) 646-1766 fax Reimold Robert J. (Gus), GRI, MRA A,C,E,I,RE R.J. Reimold RE/Auctions 554 River Rd. Greenville, PA 16125 NW / (Mercer) (724) 646-2100 (724) 646-2271 fax (724) 456-4626 cell gus@rjreimold.com www.rjreimold.com Reist, Alfred G. A,B,BL,C,E,F,G,RE, Auto,Coins Reist Auctioneers 89 W. Roseville Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 569-2409 (717) 569-2409 fax (717) 951-5088 cell ajreist85@comcast.net Reist, Arthur E. G, Automobile 980 Eden Rd. Lancaster, PA 17601 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 569-7987 (717) 203-3369 cell 30 MEMBERS Rentzel, Blaine N. PAA Auctioneer of Year 1996 PAA President 1999 State Board of Auctioneer Examiners A,C,E,F,G,I,RE Rentzel's Auction Service PO Box 222, 3265 Otterbein Ave Emigsville, PA 17318 C / (York) (717) 764-6412 (717) 764-5492 fax (717) 577-1888 cell rentzelsauction@yahoo.com www.rentzelsauctionservice.com Rentzel, Nevin B., GPPA PAA Auctioneer Champion 1995 PAA President 2002 Champion of Champions 2008 Grievance Committee Chair 2010 A,E,RE,Ap,Autos Nevin B. Rentzel, Auctioneer 800 Norman Rd. York, PA 17406 C / (York) (717) 843-2679 (717) 845-1473 fax (717) 309-6184 cell nrentzel@comcast.net www.rentzelauctions.com Ressler, Gordon B. G, RE Ron Funk & Gordon Ressler Auctioneers (Senior Life Member) 283 Bushong Rd. Leola, PA 17540 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 656-6451 (717) 475-0956 cell Rhoades, Joshua T. G, Automobile J.T.Rhoades Auctioneer 3420 Old Elk Neck Rd. Elkton, MD 21921 SE / (Cecil) (410) 620-1728 jjkrhoades@hotmail.com Rittenhouse, J. William (Senior Life Member) 1 N. Emerson St. Uniontown, PA 15401 SW / (Fayette) (724) 438-1700 (724) 438-2196 fax (724) 366-4058 cell billsr@lcsys.net Rittenhouse, Wylie S., CAI PAA President 1965 PAA Auctioneer of the Year 1991 PAA Hall of Fame 1996 A, C, E, F, RE Rittenhouse Auction Company (Senior Life Member) 501 Town Country Rd. Vanderbilt, PA 15486 SW / (Fayette) (724) 438-0581 (724) 677-2884 fax wsr@rittenhouseauction.com www.rittenhouseauction.com Ritter, James M. A, G James M. Ritter Auctioneer 2327 East Buck Rd. Pennsburg, PA 18073 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 679-7059 jimbo4499@netzero.com Rivenburg, Jr., Kenneth L. A, G Rivenburg's Auction Gallery PO Box U Route 11 Nicholson, PA 18446 NE / (Wyoming) (570) 942-6622 (570) 942-0171 fax (570) 840-6699 cell auction@epix.net www.rivenburgsauction.com Roae, Roger J. NW Chapter Director 2010 A,BL,C,E,R,RE Roae Auctioneers 4232 Amherst Rd. Erie, PA 16506 NW / (Erie) (814) 835-0505 (814) 454-0442 fax (814) 392-2556 cell roaeauctioneers@verizon.net Roan, Richard D. A,BL,C,E,RE,AP,R Roan Inc. 3530 Lycoming Creek Rd. Cogan Station, PA 17728 NE / (Lycoming) (570) 494-0170 (570) 494-1911 fax (570) 220-4177 cell roaninc@comcast.net www.roaninc.com Roan, Ronald W. A,BL,C,E,RE,AP,R Roan Inc. 3530 Lycoming Creek Rd. Cogan Station, PA 17728 NE / (Lycoming) (570) 494-0170 (570) 494-1911 fax (570) 220-0062 cell roaninc@comcast.net www.roaninc.com Robillard, John A., AARE, CAI A, G, RE Jack Robillard Auctioneers 3216 Burnt House Hill Rd. Doylestown, PA 18902 LV / (Bucks) (215) 348-9696 (215) 348-4580 fax (215) 353-2880 cell robillardauction@cs.com www.robillardauctions.com P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE Rocco, Timothy A., AARE, CAGA, CAI PAA Auctioneer Champion 2006 RE,A,BL,C,E,I Rocco's Auction/Appraisal Svc. 8990 Fry Rd. McKean, PA 16426 NW / (Erie) (814) 476-1217 (814) 476-1935 fax (814) 449-3162 cell tim_rocco@msn.com www.roccoauctions.com Roop, Sr., Charles (Senior Life Member) 1454 S. Pleasant Valley Rd. Westminster, MD 21157 SE / (Carroll) Rooth, Randall T. PO Box 143 Emmaus, PA 18049 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 967-1178 (570) 249-0605 cell bitterbot71@yahoo.com Rotenberger, James A. A,B,E,RE,AP JR's Auctioneering 258 Linden Dr. Trappe, PA 19426 LV / (Montgomery) (610) 489-3661 (610) 409-9694 fax jrsauction@aol.com www.jrsauctioneering.com Rowe, Christopher H. Auto, Horse/Tack Equipment PO Box 234 Cresson, PA 16630 SW / (Cambria) (814) 886-5228 (814) 886-5228 fax (814) 241-7833 cell redcarpetsaleco@aol.com Rowe, Edward E. 102 Sunrise Ave. New Cumberland, PA 17070 C / (York) (717) 938-5304 (717) 979-3909 cell eerowe@epix.net Rudy, Myron F. A,B,C,E,F,RE,Ap K & R Auctioneering Service 445 Bailey Ln. Boalsburg, PA 16827-1316 C / (Centre) (814) 466-3010 (814) 466-7221 fax (814) 404-0361 cell myrondarmfr@comcast.net Ruth, Joyce Z., CAI, CES Auction Sales/Coordinator Sanford Alderfer Companies (Associate Member) 501 Fairgrounds Rd. Hatfield, PA 19440 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 393-3009 (215) 368-9055 fax joyce@alderferauction.com www.alderferauction.com PAA MEMBERS Rutt, John J. G Farmersville Auction 19 W. Farmersville Rd. Ephrata, PA 17522 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 354-2471 (717) 354-6171 cell Schadel, Ricky E. A,Auto,F,Equipment,Firearms,RE 173 Fearnot Rd. Lykens, PA 17048 C / (Dauphin) (717) 365-3008 (717) 319-9152 cell rschadel@frontiernet.net Rutt, II, John J. PAA Auctioneer Champion 1998 A,B,E,RE Martin & Rutt Auctioneers 982 Newswanger Rd. Ephrata, PA 17522 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 354-3190 (717) 587-8906 cell jarutt@frontiernet.net www.martinandrutt.com Scheer, Paul W. C,I,RE,Inventories,Liquidation Aaron Posnik & Co., Inc. 83 State St., 2nd Fl. Springfield, MA 01103 LV / (Hampden) (413) 733-5238 (413) 731-5946 fax info@posnik.com www.posnik.com S Sabota, John P. Coins, Currency John P. Sabota Auction Service 565 Armbrust Hecla Rd. Hunker, PA 15639 SW / (Westmoreland) (724) 925-7186 (724) 925-1650 fax (724) 817-8098 cell janj@zoominternet.net www.johnpsabotaauctioneer.com Sater, Denise Antiques/auction weekly Antiques & Auction News PO Box 500 Mount Joy, PA 17552 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 625-4310 (717) 653-6165 fax dmsater@engleonline.com www.antiquesandauctionnews.net Saveri, Thomas RE 382 Heffner Hollow Rd. Lawrenceville, PA 16929 NW / (Tioga) (570) 827-2265 (570) 723-1620 fax (607) 426-2661 cell tomsaveri@hughes.net Sawyer, Tom Autos, BL, E, RE Tom Sawyer Auction Services 4937 McAnulty Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15236 SW / (Allegheny) (412) 885-0673 (412) 996-5252 cell sawyerauction@gmail.com www.sawyerauctions.com Saylor, Thomas M. PAC Treasurer 2010 E,F,RE Thomas M. Saylor Auctioneer 520 Hengst Ct. Hellam, PA 17406 C / (York) (717) 846-7153 (717) 880-9989 cell tjd4230@aol.com Schrack, Rob, CAI A,B,BL.C,E,R,RE,T Rob Schrack Auctioneer 615 Washington St. Huntingdon, PA 16652 C / (Huntingdon) (814) 643-6000 (814) 643-6012 fax (814) 599-5424 cell robschrack@hotmail.com Schwab, Jeff Dominion Dental Services, Inc. 115 S. Union St., #300 Alexandria, VA 22314 (888) 681-5100,x.3031 (513) 518-8849 fax jschwab@dominiondental.com www.dominiondental.com Schwenk, Jerry H., GPPA PAA President 1992 PAA Treasurer 1997-2005 PAA Auctioneer of Year 2001 PAA Hall of Fame 2006 A, E, RE, AP Schwenk Auctions (PAA Life Member) 5973 Glen Rd. Coopersburg, PA 18036 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 965-8064 schwenkauctions@aol.com Sechrist, Thomas H. A,BL,C,E,F,RE Sechrist Auctions 435 Woodland Dr. Dillsburg, PA 17019-1387 SE / (York) (717) 502-8449 (717) 578-3634 fax tommytucker39@comcast.net www.sechristauctions.com Seibert, Peter Swift Contributing Editor 12391 Susquehanna Trail Glen Rock, PA 17327 (York) (717) 329-8562 veloxswift@aol.com www.folktopop.com 800.577.6801 Shaffner, Harold (Abe), H. G (Senior Life Member) 1906 Harrisburg Ave. Mount Joy, PA 17552 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 653-5689 Shaylor, Eugene I. RE Northern Tier Real Estate 517 Elmira St. Troy, PA 16947 NE / (Bradford) (570) 297-2513 (570) 297-2435 fax (607) 857-4302 cell gene@northerntierrealestate.com www.northerntierrealestate.com Shaylor, Robert M. RE,F,BL Shaylor Auctioneers 515 Elmira St. Troy, PA 16947-1209 NE / (Bradford) (570) 297-3278 (570) 297-2620 fax (607) 398-4159 cell shaylor@epix.net www.shaylorauctioneers.com Shedden, Jeffrey D. A,E,R Shedden's Auction Service 36755 Route 14 Gillett, PA 16925 NE / (Bradford) (570) 596-2774 (570) 596-4898 fax sheddens@npacc.net www.sheddenswholesale.com Shellenberger, Herbert G. 1461 Main Street Bethlehem, PA 18018 LV / (Northampton) (610) 691-2148 (610) 393-0441 cell hgshell@aol.com Shelley, Zachary G. Automobile 4217 Rock Run Rd. Havre de Grace, MD 21078 SE / (Harford) (410) 734-7460 (443) 206-8095 cell zgsauctioneer@yahoo.com Shenk, Curtis L. G,RE,Automobile Curtis L. Shenk Auctioneering 1748 N. Colebrook Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 665-6431 (856) 498-5948 cell Shenk, Matthew A,E,RE Shenk Auction Company 2129 N. Colebrook Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 664-4574 (717) 381-7248 cell shenk@dejazzd.com www.shenkauctionco.com info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org Shetron, Terry J. E,F,RE,Farm/Construction Equipment Shetron Auction/Equipment LLC 103 Hammond Rd. Shippensburg, PA 17257 C / (Cumberland) (717) 532-8828 (717) 532-8277 fax (717) 226-1918 cell shetronequipment@embarqmail.com www.shetronequipment.com Shirk, Clarence N. A,E,F,RE Clarence Shirk Auction Service 229 Quarry Rd. Kutztown, PA 19530 LV / (Berks) (610) 683-5093 (610) 683-6595 fax (610) 780-2269 cell Shohayda, R. Fred Farm R. Fred Shohayda Auctioneer 5877 State Route 7 Kinsman, OH 44428 NW / (Trumbull) (330) 772-5905 (330) 772-5905 fax (330) 717-6950 cell lorisho@aol.com Sholley, Aaron M. Auto, Toy Trains The Sholley Auction Works 929 Bakerton Rd. Harpers Ferry, WV 25425 C / (Jefferson) (304) 535-2291 (717) 503-9227 cell asholley@hotmail.com Shoop, Edwin E. A,BL,E,F,RE Shoop & Deibler 282 Dividing Ridge Rd. Halifax, PA 17032 C / (Dauphin) (717) 896-8305 Shupp, Daryl L. Rich Harry/Daryl Shupp auctioneers PO Box 294 Denver, PA 17517 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 336-3625 (717) 336-3625 fax (717) 575-5891 cell dmshupp@ptd.net Siegrist, Elvin E. A,E,RE,Collectibles Miller & Siegrist Auctioneers (Senior Life Member) 235 Hartman Bridge Rd. Ronks, PA 17572 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 687-6857 (717) 687-6857 fax www.millersiegrist.com 31 PAA Silverman, David A. RE Silverman Auction Service 875 W. Miner St. West Chester, PA 19382 SE / (Chester) (610) 429-5419 (610) 429-5432 fax (215) 852-2702 cell dvd.silverman@gmail.com Simon, Robert O. A,E,Ap Royal York Auction Gallery, LTD. 5925 Baum Blvd., PO Box 5363 Pittsburgh, PA 15206 NW / (Allegheny) (412) 661-1171 (412) 361-7157 fax auctionryg@aol.com Sitar, Col. Steve C, I, RE Col. Steve Sitar & Co. PO Box 779 Waverly, PA 18421 NE / (Lackawanna) (570) 586-1397 (570) 586-6058 fax (570) 954-7001 cell sitar@sitarauctions.com www.sitarauctions.com Sites, Rusty L. Automobile 1470 Spring Side Court Chambersburg, PA 17202 SE / (Franklin) (717) 263-8210 (717) 860-6140 cell Slosberg, Barry S., ASA, CAI A,B,BL,C,E,I,R,RE,Ap,Auto Barry S. Slosberg, Inc. 2501 E. Ontario St. Philadelphia, PA 19134 LV / (Philadelphia) (215) 425-7030 (215) 425-7039 fax (215) 783-0215 cell info@bssauction.com www.bssauction.com Smith Auction Co. Annette Smith A,B,BL,E,Sports,Toys,Trains 1415 Horseshoe Pike Glenmoore, PA 19343 SE (Chester) (610) 942-2367 (610) 476-6965 cell smithauction@comcast.net www.smithauctionco.com Smith, Kevin D. LVSA Secretary-Treasurer 2010 A KD Smith Auctions (PAA Silver Sponsor 2010-LVSA) 1901 S. 12th St. Allentown, PA 18103 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 797-1770 (610) 797-1770 fax (215) 421-7431 cell kevin@kdsmithauctions.com www.kdsmithauctions.com 32 Smith, Kenneth E. E,F,RE Ken Smith Auctioneer 604 Kissimmee Rd. Middleburg, PA 17842 NE / (Snyder) (570) 837-3535 (570) 490-0664 cell Smith, Bradley K., CAI, AARE, GRI, CRS PAA Auctioneer Champion 1991 RE 1890 Delta Road Brogue, PA 17309 C / (York) (717) 927-6949 (717) 927-6852 fax (717) 891-9370 cell bradsmithauction@comcast.net Smith, Carl H. A,BL,C,E,F,G,RE,I Smith Auctioneers LLC 490 Main St. Brogue, PA 17309 C / (York) (717) 927-6949 (717) 927-6852 fax (717) 434-5671 cell smithauctioneers@comcast.net Smith, Patricia L. A, PP Patricia Smith Auctioneer 12778 Stamper Rd. Brogue, PA 17309 C / (York) (717) 927-6321 (717) 927-6852 fax (717) 495-3381 cell Smith, Jr., Leon J. A,C,E,F,G,RE Smith Auctions PO Box 196 Millheim, PA 16854 C / (Centre) (814) 349-8633 (814) 349-8633 fax mrssanta@verizon.net www.smith-auctions.com Smucker, Moses B. A,B,E,I,RE Smucker & Associates 2018 Main St. Narvon, PA 17555 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 445-5956 (717) 445-7752 fax (717) 278-6532 cell info@smuckersharness.com www.smuckersharness.com Snyder, Keith L. A,F,PP,RE Keith Snyder Auctioneer 2101 State Dr. Lebanon, PA 17042 C / (Lebanon) (717) 272-2847 (717) 450-3702 fax (717) 376-4029 cell kandmsnyd@comcast.net MEMBERS Snyder II, Rene A., Realtor Coins, RE Country Home Auction Svcs. LLC 203 Walnut St. Glen Rock, PA 17327 C / (York) (717) 227-0267 (717) 880-7217 cell snyderauctions@aol.com Steiner, Travis Automobile Travis Steiner Auctioneer 220 Reist Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 C / (Lebanon) (717) 279-8497 (717) 269-7802 cell tlsteiner@verizon.net Somers, Greg P., CAI, GPPA A,Native American,Instruments Somers Auctioneering, Inc. 6604 Limeport Pike Coopersburg, PA 18036 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 966-5241 (610) 966-4123 fax (484) 375-8410 cell greg@somers-auctioneering.com www.somers-auctioneering.com Stephenson, Cynthia, ISA A,B,BL,C,E,RE,Ap Stephenson's Auction 1005 Industrial Blvd. Southampton, PA 18966 LV / (Bucks) (215) 322-6182 (215) 364-0883 fax (215) 499-4188 cell info@stephensonsauction.com www.stephensonsauction.com Souder, H. Brent, CAI, GPPA PAA Auctioneer Champion 2003 PAA President 2006 A, Art Sanford Alderfer Companies 501 Fairgrounds Rd Hatfield, PA 19440 LV / (Montgomery) (215) 393-3003 (215) 368-9055 fax (267) 446-8350 cell brent@alderferauction.com www.alderferauction.com Stere, James H. A, E, F, G, RE James Stere Auction & Appraisal Service 144 Taylor Lane Julian, PA 16844 C / (Centre) (814) 355-0868 (814) 571-0028 cell jhstere@msn.com Sprigle, Chris E. A,BL,E,RE Olde Tyme Auctions 2615 Eastwood Dr. York, PA 17402 C / (York) (717) 755-2734 (717) 487-6708 cell cesprigle@comcast.net Stanley, III, Henry M., AARE, CAI, GPPA, CES A,BL,C,E,F,RE Stanley & Son, Inc. 86-88 N. Paint Street Chillicothe, OH 45601 NW / (Ross) (740) 775-3330 (740) 772-4961 fax (740) 649-SOLD cell info@stanleyandson.com www.stanleyandson.com Stauffer, Dale M. A,Ap,E,F,G,RE Stauffer Auction Service 90 N. Blairsport Rd. Reinholds, PA 17569 LV / (Lancaster) (717) 336-2264 (717) 355-9918 fax (717) 405-8935 cell staufferauction@dejazzd.com Stauffer, John Daniel A,Ap,B,BL,E,F,RE,T John D. Stauffer Auctioneers 106 Gingrich Dr. Lititz, PA 17543 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 627-0118 john@johndstaufferauctioneers.com www.johndstaufferauctioneers.com P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE Stermer Michael L. A, F, RE Stermer's Auction Service 125 Bermudian Church Rd. East Berlin, PA 17316 SE / (York) (717) 292-2855 (717) 577-9187 cell www.stermersauctionservice.com Sterner, Jeffrey L. A,E,RE Mt. Royal Auction 6421 Carlisle Road Dover, PA 17315 C / (York) (717) 292-1554 (717) 308-2051 fax (717) 887-0476 cell mtroyal6421@comcast.net www.mtroyalauction.com Stewart, Charles R. A, E, F, HH,RE Pete Stewart & Son 433 E Philadelphia St., PO Box 277 Armagh, PA 15920 SW / (Indiana) (814) 446-6909 (724) 463-9415 fax bcstewart1@verizon.net Stewart, Ralph M. (Pete) PAA Treasurer 1957-59 PAA President 1962 PAA Auctioneer of Year 1978 PAA Hall of Fame 1994 State Board of Auctioneer Examiners A, E, F, G, RE Pete Stewart & Son (Senior Life Member) 923 Philadelphia St. Indiana, PA 15701 SW / (Indiana) (724) 463-0715 (724) 463-9415 fax petestewart2@verizon.net PAA Stewart, David A,B,BL,E,F,Toys,Gold,Silver Dave Stewart Auction HCR 1 Box 142 Sciota, PA 18354 LV / (Monroe) (570) 656-5705 davecindysox@yahoo.com www.davestewartauction.com Stickney, Jr., Robert D. Automobile 4 Almond Ct. Florence, NJ 08518 SE / (Burlington) (609) 499-2491 (609) 304-3046 cell rdstickney23@aol.com Stickney, Kenneth R. Automobile 150 Blackborn Dr. Elkton, MD 21921 SE (609) 267-7144 (609) 320-1893 cell lissandken@comcast.net Stoltzfus, Elam R. 2051 Nittany Valley Dr. Bellefonte, PA 16823 C / (Centre) (814) 383-2665 Stoltzfus, John S. A,B,BL,E,F,RE,Ap Stoltzfus Auctions 78 Hill Top Dr. Cochranville, PA 19330 SE / (Chester) (610) 593-6680 (610) 593-5466 fax (484) 995-6610 cell lizysara68@yahoo.com Stoltzfus, J. Meryl F, RE Beiler-Campbell Auction Svcs. 355 Lyons Rd. Millerstown, PA 17062 C / (Perry) (717) 438-0208 (717) 438-3567 fax (717) 629-6036 cell www.beiler-campbell.com Storm, Paul M. Automobile Paul Storm Auctioneer 96 Burgs Lane York, PA 17406-8956 SE / (York) (717) 577-2764 (717) 577-2764 fax paul_storm@msn.com Stouffer, Denny, CAI, AARE, MPPA, CES A,Ap,E,F,G,R,RE,Coins,Firearms Stouffer's Auction & Real Estate Co. 23506 Ringgold Pike Smithsburg, MD 21783 C / (Washington) (301) 791-6896 (301) 824-3699 fax (240) 217-5977 cell denny@stouffersauctionco.com www.stouffersauctionco.com MEMBERS Strawser, Michael G., CES, GPPA Majolica, Fiesta,A,E Strawser Auction Group, Inc. P.O. Box 332 Wolcottville, IN 46795 SE / (LaGrange) (260) 854-2859 (260) 854-3979 fax (260) 336-2204 cell michael@strawserauctions.com www.majolicaauctions.com Strickler, Donald W. A,B,E,F,G,R, Strickler's Auction Service 300 Central School Rd. Fayette City, PA 15438 SW / (Fayette) (724) 326-4050 (724) 812-2078 cell Stull, Jack Jack's Chuckwagon (Trade Member) 2241 Helen St. Allentown, PA 18104 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 434-0128 (610) 837-1178 fax (484) 332-5929 cell Stump, Raymond P. A, E, RE Stump Auction Service 201 Reiners School Rd. Tower City, PA 17980 C / (Dauphin) (717) 647-2740 (570) 590-0251 cell ray.stump@comcast.net www.stumpauctions.com Sunderland, Earl L. F, HH Sunderland Auctioneering 6523 William Penn Hwy. Alexandria, PA 16611 C / (Huntingdon) (814) 669-4047 Sunderland, Tim A. A,HH,RE,Antiques,Coins 13629 Smith Rd. Huntingdon, PA 16652 C / (Huntingdon) (814) 643-3011 sunderland1978@yahoo.com Swaim, Connie Managing Editor Antique Week PO Box 90 Knightstown, IN 46148 (800) 876-5133, x. 189 (800) 695-8153 fax connie@antiqueweek.com www.antiqueweek.com Swartz, Larry A. 232 N High St. Biglerville, PA 17307 C / (Adams) (717) 677-0831 (717) 677-0712 fax (717) 360-4656 cell lcswartz@embarqmail.com 800.577.6801 Sweigart, Chad L. G, RE, Automobile 315 Creek Rd. Denver, PA 17517 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 336-7655 (717) 572-5254 cell T Taft, Robert, CAI, GAP E, RE North Allegheny Auctions 339 McClure Avenue Sharon, PA 16146 NW / (Mercer) (724) 981-5538 (724) 301-0394 cell btaft2@roadrunner.com Taylor, Christ RE Beiler-Campbell Auction Svcs. 229 W. Fourth St. Quarryville, PA 17566 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 786-6003 (717) 786-7900 (717) 371-1915 ctaylorfarms@msn.com www.beiler-campbell.com Teets, Kevin L. Real Estate, Estate, Auto Auctions Joe R. Pyle Auctions Co. 199 Gas Co. Road Mt. Morris, PA 15349 SW / (Greene) (888) 875-1599 (724) 324-2859 fax (304) 216-0121 cell teetsk@windstream.net www.joerpyleauctions.com Templeton, C. Wayne, CAGA AP,Auto,E,RE Wayne Templeton Auctioneer 902 N. Caroline St. Ebensburg, PA 15931 SW / (Cambria) (814) 472-6029 (814) 472-2182 fax (814) 242-5038 cell dtemp902@verizon.net www.templetonauctioneer.com Thoma, Adam M. Automotive Mathies & Sons, Inc. 188 Fisher Road Slippery Rock, PA 16057 NW / (Butler) (724) 368-8885 (724) 368-8774 fax (724) 333-0320 cell buses@422sales.com www.422sales.com Thoma, Earl G. Automotive Mathies & Sons, Inc. 188 Fisher Rd. Slippery Rock, PA 16057 NW / (Butler) (724) 368-8885 (724) 368-8774 fax (724) 333-0319 cell buses@422sales.com www.422sales.com info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org Thomas, Marlette E. A,B,F,RE 15021 Bonnair Rd. Glen Rock, PA 17327-7804 C / (York) (717) 235-3245 Thompson, Peggy U. A,E,G 1813 Alexander Ave. Chambersburg, PA 17201-1407 C / (Franklin) (717) 264-7818 (717) 263-5965 fax (717) 816-0061 cell peggythompson@comcast.net Tolby, Barry K., CAGA Trains, Military, Coins Emerald Auction & Appraisal Service 15 Sycamore Circle Etters, PA 17319 C / (York) (717) 938-3306 (717) 968-4694 cell emeraldauctions1@aol.com Tonkovic, III, John J. A,C,Firearms,Vintage Toys Paladin Auctions PO Box 6633 Harrisburg, PA 17112 C / (Dauphin) (717) 991-7000 paladinauctions@comcast.net www.paladinauctions.com Toomey, Frederick L., CAI PAA President 1989 PAA Hall of Fame 2007 E,BL,C,E,RE,Ap,Firearms Toomey Auction Service, Inc. 240 Hatchery Rd. York, PA 17406 C / (York) (717) 252-0289 (717) 252-0289 fax (717) 968-4085 cell toomeyauction@ddogcom.net www.toomeyauction.com Toomey, Mark A. A,BL,C,E,RE,Ap,Firearms Toomey Auction Service, Inc. 240 Hatchery Rd. York, PA 17406 C / (York) (717) 891-0321 (717) 891-0321 cell toomeyauction@ddogcom.net www.toomeyauction.com Townsend, Jr., Richard J. E, F, RE, Business Kist Auction Co. 726 Stokes Mill Rd. East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 NE / (Monroe) (570) 421-6320 (610) 756-6807 (610) 517-2077 rich@kistauction.com www.kistauctionlive.com 33 PAA Trace, Daniel A. PAA President 2008 PAA Auctioneer of the Year 2010 PAC Chair 2010 Budget/Finance Chair 2010 A,B,BL,C,E,F,I,RE Trace Auction Service 13348 Calvin St. Meadville, PA 16335 NW / (Crawford) (814) 336-4160 (814) 336-3940 fax (814) 671-1005 cell dan@traceauctions.com Trageser, Brian D. C,I,Bldg.Supplies,Closeouts Cambridge Industrial Liquidators 27 Birdsong Parkway Orchard Park, NY 14127 NE / (Erie) (716) 662-1882 (716) 662-2329 fax info@cambridgeindustrialauctions.com www.cambridgeindustrialliquidators.com Tressler, Lesa, Attorney-at-Law Prosecuting attorney Gov. Office of General Counsel PO Box 2649 Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649 (Dauphin) (717) 783-7200 (717) 787-0251 fax ltressler@state.pa.us www.dos.state.pa.us/bpoa Turner, John H., CES, GPPA Ap,A,BL,E,G,RE Briggs Auction, Inc. 124 Talley Ho Drive Chadds Ford, PA 19317 SE / (Delaware) (610) 566-3138 (610) 558-8955 fax (610) 724-6100 cell info@briggsauction.com www.briggsauction.com Turner, Jack R. A,B,E,F,RE Turner's Auction Service 1770 N. Williamson Rd. Covington, PA 16917 NE / (Tioga) (570) 659-5780 (570) 659-5165 fax (607) 398-4994 cell jrturner@ptd.net Tursovsky, Ronald D., CPCU BL,C,I,RE Advanced Auction Group, LLC 81 Winged Foot Dr. Reading, PA 19607 LV / (Berks) (610) 796-9029 supert7@verizon.net www.advancedauctiongroup.com 34 U Ulsh, Dean L. A,B,BL,C,E,RE,Autos Dean Ulsh Auctioneer PO Box 384, 232 Forest St. Auburn, PA 17922 SE / (Schuylkill) (570) 754-2200 (570) 754-4060 fax (570) 527-5108 cell deanulsh@yahoo.com www.deanulsh.com V Vanatta, Robert E. NE PAC Rep 2010 A,E,F,G,RE,Toys Col. Bob's Auction Service (Senior Life Member) 4514 New Columbia Road New Columbia, PA 17856 NE / (Union) (570) 568-5553 (570) 490-4699 cell jlvanatta@mapatan.com Vessella, Mark Deputy Commissioner Prof. & Occupational Affairs PO Box 2649 Harrisburg, PA 17105 (Dauphin) (717) 783-7194 (717) 783-0510 fax (717) 571-6357 cell mvessella@state.pa.us Visscher, Howard W. BL,C,E,F,I,RE Howard W. Visscher Auction & Realty 1400 S. Main St. Nichols, NY 13812 NE / (Tioga) (607) 699-7250 (607) 699-3883 fax wvisscher1@stny.rr.com www.visscherauction.com Vito, Raymond M. Raymond M. Vito Auction Svc. 403 Maple Ave. Coatesville, PA 19320 SE / (Chester) (610) 383-5453 (610) 585-6738 cell Voneida, Daniel A, E, F, G Voneida's Auction Service 15962 State Rt. 44 Hwy. Allenwood, PA 17810 NE / (Lycoming) (570) 547-6988 whitedeer44@windstream.net Von Nieda, Terry L. B,Liq.,Wholesale,Retail Terry Von Nieda Sales 920 Siddonsburg Rd. Lewisberry, PA 17339 C / (York) (717) 932-1535 (717) 932-1536 fax (717) 439-4001 cell tnieda@aol.com MEMBERS W Wagner, Dennis F. A,B,E,F,RE Wagner Auctioneers 100 Skyline Dr. Shoemakersville, PA 19555 LV / (Berks) (610) 562-7445 wagnerauctions@msn.com www.wagnerauctioneers.com Wagner, Tracy L. A,B,E,F,RE Wagner Auctioneers 617 Irish Creek Rd. Mohrsville, PA 19541 LV / (Berks) (610) 562-7445 (484) 433-2977 cell trace0213@aol.com www.wagnerauctioneers.com Wagner, Craig A. Automobile Craig A. Wagner Auctioneer 101 W. Fall St. Beavertown, PA 17813 SE / (Snyder) (570) 658-6068 (570) 765-2139 cell cawauct@ptd.net Wagner, Jack L. Automobile 580 W. Specht St. McClure, PA 17841 C / (Snyder) (570) 658-4843 (570) 850-4843 fax Wagner, Joe I. T Wagner's Auction Service 180 Southview Dr. Middleburg, PA 17842 C / (Snyder) (570) 837-0523 (570) 765-5478 cell bidcaller@verizon.net Wagner, Trent Wagner Auctioneers 846 Singing Bridge Road McClure, PA 17841 C / (Snyder) (570) 658-3617 Waldman, Stuart A,B,E,Ap Waldman Auctions & Appraisals 1115 Woodstock Lane West Chester, PA 19382 SE / (Chester) (610) 455-1580 (610) 909-2934 cell waldmanauctions@aol.com Walker, Richard A. A,E,F,Business Richard A. Walker Auctioneer 398 Walker Hollow Rd. Bellefonte, PA 16823 C / (Centre) (814) 355-1837 rrwalker4@verizon.net P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE Walsh III, Raymond F. A, B, E, RE Raymond Walsh Auctioneering 130 Schuylkill St. Cressona, PA 17929 LV / (Schuylkill) (570) 691-7882 RFWIII1965@yahoo.com Walter, Douglas Doug Walter Auct./Appraisals 886 Sarver Rd. Sarver, PA 16055 SW / (Butler) (724) 882-0001 cinw1@zoominternet.net www.dougwalter.com Walter, Leonard B., AARE, CAI, GRI LVSA PAC Rep 2010 RE,A,E,B Tranzon Alderfer 2705 Clemens Road, Ste. 1 Hatfield, PA 19440 LV / (Montgomery) (267) 638-1050 (215) 799-0766 fax (267) 446-8352 cell lwalter@tranzon.com www.tranzon.com Waltz, Jan M. A,C,E,F,G,I,RE,Auto Waltz & Hummer Auctioneers 1599 Old Line Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 664-4563 (717) 664-2649 fax (717) 940-3225 cell jan@waltzvineyards.com www.waltzvineyards.com Wampler, Fredrick D., GPPA A, Art, Collectibles Fredrick D. Wampler Auctioneer 1406 Thomas Rd. Wayne, PA 19087 LV / (Chester) (610) 688-6049 (610) 688-6049 fax fwampler@comcast.net Weaver, Michael P. NE Director 2010 Bid Champion 2009 A,E,F,G,RE,R,Ap Michael P. Weaver Auction Service 17696 Russell Rd. Allenwood, PA 17810 NE / (Union) (570) 538-2227 (570) 538-2227 fax (570) 713-5199 cell weaversauctions@windstream.net Wehrly, Charles L. PAA Auctioneer of the Year 2007 A, RE, F, E, G Wehrly's Auction, LLC 4065 Snyder Rd. Glen Rock, PA 17327 C / (York) (717) 227-0082 (717) 676-6244 cell wehrlysauction@yahoo.com www.wehrlysauction.com PAA Wehrly, Scott C. A,E,F,RE Wehrly's Auction Service, Inc. 4268 Huntrick Dr. Glen Rock, PA 17327 C / (York) (717) 235-4146 (717) 235-7415 fax (717) 676-6682 cell wehrlysauction@yahoo.com www.wehrlysauction.com Weigle, John W. A,C,E,F,G,I,RE dba Jack Weigle Auctioneer 2552 Harlansburg Rd New Castle, PA 16101 NW / (Lawrence) (724) 657-6863 (724) 822-0124 cell Weiler, R. Louis Automobile 3 Oakwood Ln. Lititz, PA 17543 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 627-4270 (717) 314-1917 cell auctn@ptd.net Weintraub, Ellen Auction industry software CUS Business Systems 1580 Sawgrass Corp. Pkwy.# 130 Sunrise, FL 33323 (954) 680-6545 (954) 680-6018 fax info@cus.com www.cus.com Welcer, John E. A,B,BL,C,I,R,RE John E. Welcer Auctioneer 1521 W. Main St., #D2 Norristown, PA 19403 SE / (Montgomery) (610) 275-8885 johnwelcer@hotmail.com Welker, Dennis D., AARE A, RE, Automobile Dennis D. Welker Auctioneer 1009 Brechbill Rd Chambersburg, PA 17202 C / (Franklin) (717) 263-8160 (717) 369-0015 fax (717) 860-5327 cell Welsh, Jr., Kenneth F. Automobile KW Auction Co. 427 W. Charlotte St. Millersville, PA 17551 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 435-3197 (717) 435-3197 fax kawelsh@comcast.net Wesel, Philip D. SE PAC Rep 2010 A,Art Nouveau and Deco, Glass The Auctioneere Co. 112 Ridgewood Circle Downingtown, PA 19335 SE / (Chester) (610) 873-0605 (610) 202-7872 cell philwesel@gmail.com www.auctioneere.com MEMBERS Wetmore, John H. F, G, Cattle John H. Wetmore Auctioneer 39 Happy Hollow Lane Honesdale, PA 18431 NE / (Wayne) (570) 253-1648 (570) 253-1648 fax (570) 493-6995 cell jhwetmore@verizon.net Wheeler, Kevin R. Heavy Equipment 9395 Eureka Rd. Girard, PA 16417 NW / (Erie) (814) 734-9839 (814) 602-7457 cell kevinwheeler@hughes.net Whitebread, Michael Utility Fleet & Construction J. J. Kane Auctioneers 8008 US Hwy. 130, Ste.214 Delran, NJ 08075 LV / (Burlington) (856) 764-7163 (856) 764-4098 fax (609) 743-8589 cell michael@jjkane.com www.jjkane.com Whiting, Duke A,F,RE,Liquidations,Firearms,Toys Whiting Auction 305 Easy St. Rte 208E New Wilmington, PA 16142 NW / (Lawrence) (724) 946-2024 (724) 946-8667 fax (724) 301-0319 cell duke@whitingweber.com www.whitingweber.com Whyte, Sr., Lawrence N., CAGA A,B,BL,E,RE,Ap Whyte's Auctions PO 127, 593 Pumping St. Rd. Kirkwood, PA 17536 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 806-2055 (717) 723-7591 cell wesell@epix.net Wiglesworth, Scott RE, E, F, A, G American Heritage Auction & RE, Inc. 1630 Manheim Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 569-1100 (717) 569-9281 fax (717) 575-4489 cell sw@americanheritageauction.net www.americanheritageauction.net Wilcox, Marcia P. Antiques & Auction News PO Box 500 Mount Joy, PA 17552 (Lancaster) (800) 800-1833 (717) 653-6165 fax mpwilcox@engleonline.com 800.577.6801 Williams, Kim A., CRS A,RE Kim's Auction Service 357 B Mainville Dr. Bloomsburg, PA 17815 NE / (Columbia) (570) 784-3797 (570) 204-0719 cell kimrealtorlutz@aol.com Willis III, Lloyd W. (Trae) RE, T Trae Willis Auctioneer, Inc. 4647 Afton Lane Roanoke, VA 24012 SE / (Roanoke) (540) 977-2967 (540) 904-2397 fax (540) 520-1158 cell fstalker1@aol.com Wilson, Curtis F., CAGA Antiques General Maurer & Wilson Auctioneers 338 Rosedale Drive Pottstown, PA 19464 LV / (Montgomery) (610) 970-7588 (610) 970-7588 fax (610) 213-5194 cell info@maurerail.com www.maurerail.com Wilson, Kathy Maurer, GG Antiques, Jewelry, Toys, Trains Maurer & Wilson Auctioneers 1408 Chestnut St. Pottstown, PA 19464 LV / (Montgomery) (610) 970-7588 info@maurerail.com www,maurerail.com Witman, Clarke N. E,Equipment,PP, RE Witman Auctioneers, Inc. 657 Fruitville Pike Manheim, PA 17545 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 665-5735 (717) 664-2737 fax (717) 278-9199 cell clarkewitman@gmail.com www.witmanauctioneers.com Witman, Luke R. A,Ap,C,E,RE,T,Auto Witman Auctioneers, Inc. 745 E. Pleasant View Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 665-2357 (717) 664-2737 fax jay@witmanauctioneers.com www.witmanauctioneers.com Wolf, Bradley A. A,HH,RE,Specialty Art Pannebecker/Brad Wolf Auctioneers, Inc. 1595 N. Reading Rd. Stevens, PA 17578 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 371-9603 (717) 371-9603 fax bwolf@realty1.com www.artsauctionservice.com info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org Wolf, Theodore G. A,B,BL,C,E,RE,T,Ap Auction America 200 S. Ridge Rd. Reinholds, PA 17569 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 336-0744 tedwolf@dejazzd.com Wolfe, Douglas N. William G. Wolfe & Sons Auctioneers 45 Reamer Lane Millmont, PA 17845 NE / (Union) (570) 922-0112 (570) 412-0075 cell Wolfe, William G. NE Vice President 2010 A,E,F,G,RE,Livestock William G. Wolfe & Sons Auctioneers 383 Four Bells Church Rd. Mifflinburg, PA 17844 NE / (Union) (570) 922-4118 Wolgemuth, Dennis M. F,RE,New bldg. supplies Wolgemuth Auction LLC 109 N. Maple Ave. Leola, PA 17540 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 656-2947 (717) 656-6011 fax (717) 629-3547 cell wolge3@verizon.net www.wolgemuth-auction.com Wolgemuth, Robert M. A,C,E,F,G,RE,Building Material Wolgemuth Auction Service 2101 Valley Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 665-6684 (717) 665-6684 fax Wovchko, Charles G (Senior Life Member) 5 Strawberry Lane Coraopolis, PA 15108 SW / (Allegheny) (412) 859-3273 Wroda, Jimmy A,E,Carnival,Coins Jim Wroda Auction Svcs. Ltd. 5239 St. Rt. 49S Greenville, OH 45331 NW / (Parke) (937) 548-7835 (937) 548-3492 fax (937) 459-9556 cell jimwroda@mac.com Wunderler, Theresa 4055 Abbott Street Coopersburg, PA 18036 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 390-5427 terrywunderler@hotmail.com 35 PAA Y Yearsley, David W. PAA Auctioneer Champion 1988 B PO Box 137 Kemblesville, PA 19347 SE / (Chester) (610) 255-0499 (610) 255-5031 fax byearsley@aol.com Yoder, Freeman M. A, Livestock 2404 Johnsonburg Rd. Rossiter, PA 15772 SW / (Indiana) (814) 938-1981 (814) 938-6839 fax Yoder, Noah J. A, E Yoder Auction Service 10473 Rt. 36 Punxsutawney, PA 15767 NW / (Jefferson) (814) 427-2243 (814) 427-2243 fax (814) 246-9673 cell Young, James C. PAA Hall of Fame 1996 PAA President 2000 PAA Auctioneer of Year 2001 A,B,E,F,RE Jim Young Auctioneer PO Box 158, 23 Church St. McEwensville, PA 17749 NE / (Northumberland) (570) 538-1620 (570) 538-4644 fax (570) 778-5628 cell jimyoungauction@windstream.net Younkin, Michelle, CAGA, PRI Scott Younkin & Associates (Associate Member) PO Box 69 Linden, PA 17744 NE / (Lycoming) (570) 323-9011 (570) 326-7040 fax (570) 772-3418 cell younkinauction@aol.com www.younkinauction.com Z Zander, Edward C. A,RE,E 13 Creekview Lane Strasburg, PA 17579 SE / (Lancaster) (717) 687-0382 eczfar@yahoo.com Zemba, Thomas M., CAI A,B,BL,E,I,R,RE,T Thomas M. Zemba, CAI Auctioneer PO Box 6633 Harrisburg, PA 17112 C / (Dauphin) (717) 361-2414 (717) 361-2414 fax (717) 497-2395 cell tzemba@aol.com www.zembaauctions.com Zerbe, Jairus A,B,Coins,E,HH,SportsCards (Senior Life Member) Zerbe's Auction Service 1305 Barkley Rd. Portersville, PA 16051 SE / (Lawrence) (724) 368-3787 (724) 368-3237 fax jezerbe@aol.com Zern, Lester L. A, B, Ap Zern Auction Services 740 Pine St. Barto, PA 19504 LV / (Berks) (610) 845-0630 (484) 576-7828 cell llz390@dejazzd.com MEMBERS Zettlemoyer, Ralph W. PAA President 1977-78 PAA Hall of Fame 1994 A,B,BL,C,E,F,R,RE (Senior Life Member) 8543 Claussville Rd. Fogelsville, PA 18051 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 285-4020 (610) 395-0227 fax (610) 390-9091 cell phzrwz@aol.com www.zettauction.com Zettlemoyer, Sherwood D. A,C,E,F,R,RE,Ap Zettlemoyer Auction Co. LLC PO Box 215, 820 Nursery St. Fogelsville, PA 18051 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 395-8084 (610) 395-0227 fax woody@zettauction.com www.zettauction.com Ziegler, Jay E., AARE, CAI PAA President 2004 A,C,E,RE,Government Ziegler Auction Co., Ltd. 1550 Sandhill Rd. Hummelstown, PA 17036 C / (Dauphin) (717) 533-4267 (717) 533-2114 fax (717) 580-3154 cell jay@zieglerauction.com www.zieglerauction.com Zettlemoyer, Eric J. A,C,E,F,R,RE,Ap Zettlemoyer Auction Co. LLC PO Box 215, 820 Nursery St. Fogelsville, PA 18051 LV / (Lehigh) (610) 395-8084 (610) 395-0227 fax info@zettauction.com www.zettauction.com Younkin, Scott A., CAGA, PRI NE Alternate Director 2010 A,B,BL,E,F,R,RE,Ap Scott Younkin & Associates (PAA Life Member) PO Box 69 Linden, PA 17744 NE / (Lycoming) (570) 323-9011 (570) 326-7040 fax younkinauction@aol.com www.younkinauction.com Younkins, James E. A, E, F, G James E. Younkins Auctions 503 Arthur St. Kittanning, PA 16201 NW / (Armstrong) (724) 543-6984 (724) 543-6984 fax bidemin@comcast.net 36 P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE Zogorski, Robert W. RE Robert Zogorski Real Estate 1845 Lititz Pike Lancaster, PA 17601-6501 SE / (Lancaster) (800) 294-9390 (717) 581-1880 fax (717) 689-0360 cell bobz@rzre.net www.rzre.net Zufall, Randy L. A,B,BL,C,E,F,G,I,R,RE,T,Ap Zufall Auction Service 313 W. Sherman Ave. DuBois, PA 15801 NW / (Clearfield) (814) 375-8951 (814) 375-8951 fax (814) 590-4257 cell zufallrl@verizon.net www.zufallauctionservice.com Zytkowicz, Lori, AARE RE Briggs Auction, Inc. 1347 Naaman's Creek Rd. Garnet Valley, PA 19061 LV / (Delaware) (610) 566-3138 (610) 558-8955 fax (610) 308-9927 cell lori@briggsauction.com www.briggsauction.com 800.577.6801 info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org 37 38 P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE 800.577.6801 info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org 39 PAA Central Chapter Members Adams, Mervin Arndt, Rodger Bachman, Harry Benchoff, Robert Bucher, Stanley Caple, Charlene Chesney, Donald Cochran, James Conley, David Cordier, David Costea, Michael Deibler, David Dickensheets, Randy Dietrich, Lynn Dietrich, Edwin Dilliard, Michael Dockey, Lee Dockey-Romberger, Yvonne Dreibelbis, Skip Egolf, J. Lester Eichelberger, Ike Eldridge, Bryn Ensminger, John Ensminger, Robert Erb, Tammy Fahnestock, Brian Fahnestock, Nevin Fenton, Cindy Fortenbaugh, Jeffrey Fox, William Fuhrman, James Geisler, Lee Gilbert, Brian Gilligan, Ronald Grady, Roy Graybill, Phillip Grosh, J. Philip Gross, Zachery Gutshall, Scott Haar, George Harden, Keith Hardy, Vickie Hobbie, William Hoover III, John Hurley, Matthew Hurley, Robert Eugene Isenberg, Donald Jennings, B. J. Kanagy, Aaron Keebaugh, James Eugene Keeny, Kenneth Keister, Rod Keller, Mark Klinger, Garrett Klouser, Scott Kohler, Jr., John Lesh, Edie Lesh, III, Ralph Lesh, Jr., Ralph Loeser, Alan Lynch, Timothy Magaro, Steven Brian McNeal, Richard McPherson, Brian Mentzer, Gary Miceli, Carl Miller, Dale Miller, James Miller (C), Donald Miller, Jr., Kenneth Musser, Timothy Myers, Roger Myers, Ronald Negley, Randall Ocker, Carl 40 Opfer, Jr., Richard Panasiti (Fla.), Douglas Panasiti (Home), Douglas Peters, Larry Poe, Gary Price, Steven Pyle, Wayne Redding, C. David Rentzel, Blaine Rentzel, Nevin Rowe, Edward Rudy, Myron Saylor, Thomas Schadel, Ricky Schrack, Rob Shetron, Terry Sholley, Aaron Shoop, Edwin Smith, Bradley Smith, Carl Smith, Patricia Smith, Jr., Leon Snyder, Keith Snyder II, Rene Sprigle, Chris Steiner, Travis Stere, James Sterner, Jeffrey Stoltzfus, Elam Stoltzfus, J. Meryl Stouffer, Denny Stump, Raymond Sunderland, Earl Sunderland, Tim Swartz, Larry Thomas, Marlette Thompson, Peggy Tolby, Barry Tonkovic, III, John Toomey, Frederick Toomey, Mark Von Nieda, Terry Wagner, Jack Wagner, Joe Wagner, Trent Walker, Richard Wehrly, Charles Wehrly, Scott Welker, Dennis Zemba, Thomas Ziegler, Jay Lehigh Valley Society Members Alderfer, Harold Alderfer, Sanford Alderfer, Sanford Arana, Lyle Arner, Dean Bartus, Jr., William Basen, Sonnie Binder, August Black, John Bounds, III, Omar Brown, Craig Brown, Kenyon Bunch, William Bushspies, Harold Cepek, Bill Clemens, Douglas Clemmer, Lon Clinton, Robert Cohen, Eric Comly, Jr., Andrew Comly, Stephen Comly, James Dann, Robert CHAPTERS Deck, Rodney Dotta, James Dotta, Richard Doyle, William Ehmer, Richard Faust, Jr., William Fluck, Gary Fodero, Sr., Franklin Foster, Scott Freed, Ralph Frey, George Friedberg, Lee Fritzinger, Scott Gelsinger, Brian Goepfert, Michael Gostony, James Haag, Robert W."Rusty" Hager, Earle Hahn, Wilbur Hall, William Hall, William T. (Tom) Hartzell, Raymond Hartzell, Raymond Hartzell, Richard Hauseman, Gary Hemingway, Kimberly Henry, Richard Hoffman, Matthew Houser, Douglas Houser, Timothy Howze, William Hunyady, Michael Ivankovich, Michael Jung, Paul Kane, Joseph Keys, Catherine Kistler, Mark W. "Dutch" Koberg, Heino Krall, Peter Kratz, Jeffrey Landis, Robert Lecoff, Alan Leiby, Kenneth Levan, Barbara Loeb, David Macarro, Jeanne Lou Macarro, Michael Macarro, Thomas Malmberg, Arn Manto, Mike Martin, Vernon Maurer, Kristin Maurer, Ted Meck, William Miller, IV, George Mitten, Alyse Mohr, James Moyer, Charles Moyer, Judy Navarre, Sr., Barry Pace, Wesley Pearson, Maureen Price, Robert Reed, Jr., R. Kenneth Rehrer, Dennis Ritter, James Robillard, John Rooth, Randall Rotenberger, James Ruth, Joyce Scheer, Paul Schwenk, Jerry Shellenberger, Herbert Shirk, Clarence Slosberg, Barry Smith, Kevin Somers, Greg Souder, H. Brent Stauffer, Dale P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE Stephenson, Cynthia Stewart, David Stull, Jack Tursovsky, Ronald Wagner, Dennis Wagner, Tracy Walsh III, Raymond Walter, Leonard Wampler, Fredrick Whitebread, Michael Wilson, Curtis Wilson, Kathy Maurer Wunderler, Theresa Zern, Lester Zettlemoyer, Eric Zettlemoyer, Ralph Zettlemoyer, Sherwood Zytkowicz, Lori Northeast Chapter Members Arthur, A. Wayne Bellis, John Bogart, Gerry Burke, Gerald Burke, Brian Burke, Patrick Burke-Dudock, Theresa Chamberlin, James Coccodrilli, Richard Courtney, Neil DeSpirito, Dominic Dunkelberger, Jeffrey Force, Samuel Fraley, Harold Frisco, Robert Glodzik, Jr., Leo Hamblin, John Hanna, David Hassinger, Dennis Hassinger, Kenneth Henry, George Hess-Lauver, Lori Hock, Donald Hottle, LeRoy Hums, John Jones, Mark Kapp, Jr., George Kinzinger, Gordon Knecht, Olen Knecht, Ray Knecht, Daniel Lambrecht, Jared Lewis, James Lewis, Linda Madden, Timothy Manasse, Matthew Manasse, Melvin Marquette, Thomas McKeown, Michael Meagher, Paul Mirarchi, Lori Muehlhan, Jack Musser, Bruce Allen Pennay, Sr., Gerald Pepper, Edward Ranck, Terry Reed, Perry Rivenburg, Kenneth Roan, Richard Roan, Ronald Shaylor, Eugene Shaylor, Robert Shedden, Jeffrey Sitar, Col. Steve Smith, Kenneth Townsend, Jr., Richard PAA Trageser, Brian Turner, Jack Vanatta, Robert Visscher, Howard Voneida, Daniel Weaver, Michael Wetmore, John Williams, Kim Wolfe, Douglas Wolfe, William Young, James Younkin, Michelle Younkin, Scott Northwest Chapter Members Allen, C. Sherman Anderson, Harry Baer, Kenneth Baker, Charles Barkley, Mark Barnes, Thomas Bellis, William Blasco, Joseph Bullock, Darlene Burkhouse Jr., Lloyd Calvert, Jr., Michael Chesley, Douglas Cianci, Vince Clark, Vincent Peter Coale, Ronald Cochran, Harold Cresswell, Donald Cunningham, Dale DiGiacobbe, Vincent (Jim) Gearhart, Dean Gehres, Peter Giles, Mark Gornik, Eugene Hall, Roger Hammond, Howard Hayes, John Hernandez, Mark Herr, Sr., Joseph Hillmar, Beth Hostetter, Lee Hostetter, Sherman Hostetter, Sherman Matthew Hostetter, Lee Alan Howard, Peter Huey, John Huff, Gary Hunt, Timothy Johnson, Lynda King, Gary Kline,III, William Loucks, Tammy Ludwig, Charles McGuire, Darryl McLaughlin, Alan Miller, Simon Miller, Mark Miller, Joseph William Morrison, Arthur Motko, Jr., Jerome Mowry, Charles Preston Myers, Emily Nero, Anthony Nicolls, David Nicolls, W. Bruce Paranzino, Timothy Patterson, John Patterson, Karen Pennington, Jeffery Porter, Larry Rankin, Gary Reed, Larry Reeder, Daniel Reimold, Robert Reimold, Robert J. (Gus) Roae, Roger Rocco, Timothy Saveri, Thomas Shohayda, R. Fred Simon, Robert Stanley, Henry Taft, Robert Thoma, Adam Thoma, Earl Trace, Daniel Weigle, John Wheeler, Kevin Whiting, Duke Wroda, Jimmy Yoder, Noah Younkins, James Zufall, Randy Southeast Chapter Members Adcock, Charles Adcock, Oreon "Odie" Adcock, David Adcock, Michael Akins, Mark Akins, Paul Andersen, Audrey Arnold, Randall Bachman, Charles Barr, Stephen Barrett, Gordon Bechtold, Claude Becker, J. Marlin Becker, Jeff Bering, William Bering, Robert Bering, William Boltz, Karl Buchen, Burnell Buckwalter, David Ceccoli, Jr., Joseph Clemens, Toby Comly, Daniel Comly, Jr., Daniel Davis, Jr., James Diffenbach, Alan Firestone, Michael Fishel, James L. "Max" Fortna, Michael Fry, John Harvey Fuller, Jeffrey Funk, Ronald Gaines, Kaila Gaines, Terry Geyer, Chester Girvin, Gerald Girvin, Thomas Gokey, Matthew Good, Jr., Roy Grimm, Bernard Groff, Ryan Hansell, Jr., Kenneth Harker, Jr., Ronald Hart, Michael Lee Heinsey, Larry Hess, John Hill, Harold Horning, Curvin Horst, Timothy Houck, Tara Hryckowian, Steve Hummer, Jonathan Hummer, Robert James, Katherine E. "Sparky" 800.577.6801 CHAPTERS Jones, Tracey Jordan, John Keller, Harold Keller, Tim Kline, Randal Knosp, Jeffrey Kopp, Jesse Kratzer, Brandon Landis, J. Omar Landis, James Leaman, Sanford Leary, Jay Lefever, Eric MacIlwain, Earl Martin, Leonard Martin, Larry Martin, Michael Martin, Jr., Larry Martin, Jr., Paul Meyer, Jessica Shaub Miller, Alvin Miller, Michael Miller (SE), Donald Moles, Charles Morgan, Patrick Morris (SE), Michael Moyer, Evelyn Moyer, Richard Orji, Murphy Pae, Kerry Paisley, Rodger Palmer, Jr., Donald Pannebecker, Arthur Pendleton, James Pennay, Jr., Gerald Pickel, R. Carl Price, Michele Probst, Eric Rader, Gerald Ranck, Randall Reist, Alfred Reist, Arthur Ressler, Gordon Rhoades, Joshua Roop, Sr., Charles Rutt, John Rutt, John Sater, Denise Sechrist, Thomas Shaffner, Harold (Abe) Shelley, Zachary Shenk, Curtis Shenk, Matthew Shupp, Daryl Siegrist, Elvin Silverman, David Sites, Rusty Smith Auction Co., Smucker, Moses Stauffer, John Daniel Stermer, Michael Stickney, Robert Stickney, Kenneth Stoltzfus, John Storm, Paul Strawser, Michael Sweigart, Chad Taylor, Christ Turner, John Ulsh, Dean Vito, Raymond Wagner, Craig Waldman, Stuart Waltz, Jan Weiler, R. Louis Welcer, John Welsh, Jr., Kenneth Wesel, Philip Whyte, Sr., Lawrence info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org Wiglesworth, Scott Willis, III, Lloyd W. (Trae) Witman, Clarke Witman, Luke Wolf, Bradley Wolf, Theodore Wolgemuth, Dennis Wolgemuth, Robert Yearsley, David Zander, Edward Zerbe, Jairus Zogorski, Robert Southwest Chapter Members Anderson, Jr., A. William Anderson, Sr., Bill Ankney, Mark Arnold, William Aronson, Tod Beach, Larry Behm, Charles Betton, Randy Boring, Col. Harry Brittingham, Sandra Bukovitz, Gerald Carnahan, David Charnego, Michael Clark, Deryl Clayton, James Dixon, III, Mark Errigo, Patsy Ferry, Mark Gazvoda, Thomas Glassburn, Mark Glassburn, Samuel Holsopple, Ernest Howard, Aaron Robert Lindley, John Lunt, Leslie Lunt, Linda Mack, Kathleen McCracken, Mark Mellott, John Novak, Karen O'Connor, Daniel Parish, Samantha Peters, Frederick Pletcher, Daniel Pyle, Joe Quarrick, Anthony Racey, Alice Rittenhouse, J. William Rittenhouse, Wylie Rowe, Christopher Sabota, John Sawyer, Tom Stewart, Charles Stewart, Ralph M. (Pete) Strickler, Donald Teets, Kevin Templeton, C. Wayne Walter, Douglas Wovchko, Charles Yoder, Freeman 41 42 P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE 800.577.6801 info@paauctioneers.org www.paauctioneers.org 43 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY DISCLAIMER AND REQUEST Although we have spent hours making phone calls, compiling, entering data, and proofreading this membership directory, we have been known to make mistakes! If your information is incorrect, please let the PAA office know immediately. Thank you! CORRECTIONS FOR THE PAA MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Name _____________________________________________________________________ Chapter _________ Company ___________________________________________________________________________________ Email / Website _____________________________________ / ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ County ______________________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________________________________ State ______ Zip _________________ Telephone _____________________ Fax _______________________ Cell _____________________________ Specialty Code(s): ____________________________________________________________________________ KEY: A- Antiques/Collectibles; B– Benefit; BL- Business Liquidations; C- Commercial; E- Estate; F- Farm/Livestock; I- Industrial/Manufacturing; R- Restaurant/Food; RE- Real Estate; T- Transportation; Ap- Appraisals. Other specialties listed individually. detach here and mail to: PAA, P.O. Box 299, Elysburg, PA 17824 • Fax (570) 672.9618 • Email: info@paauctioneers.org NOTES: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 44 P A A 2 0 1 0 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY AND RESOURCE GUIDE
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