2015 Newsletter - South Florida PGA Golf
2015 Newsletter - South Florida PGA Golf
2015 PARTNERSHIP NEWSLETTER South Florida PGA 186 Atlantis Blvd. Atlantis, FL 33462 P: 561.729.0544 F: 561.729.0914 www.sfpgagolf.com www.sfpgajuniorgolf.com The South Florida Section of the PGA of America is an association of golf professionals whose mission is to promote interest, participation and enjoyment in the game of golf; establish and maintain professional standards or practice; and enhance the well-being of golf professionals. Approximately 1,800 members and apprentices are employed at over 425 facilities in the South Florida region, currently ranking South Florida Section the second largest Section of PGA Professionals amongst all 41 PGA Sections in the United States. In 2004, the South Florida PGA Foundation began operations as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded to support the South Florida community. Since its inception, the Foundation has experienced extreme growth through the support of the South Florida membership, facilities and numerous corporations. Over the past eleven years the Foundation has impacted the lives of more than 8,000 individuals residing in South Florida, through various programming included but not limited to junior golf, charitable gifting, and scholarships. All of the programming that takes place in the section whether it is PGA Professional events or Foundation activities would not be possible without the support of our partners. Both the Section and Foundation are proud to partner with some of the most influential and community-oriented companies in the United States. Our partnerships not only allow us to grow our community initiatives such as Smiling Fore Life, junior golf programming, and our support of Habitat for Humanity; but they also help to promote the various tournaments in which our PGA Professionals participate. In return, our partners receive valuable, direct exposure to thousands of PGA Professionals, families and individuals throughout the south Florida community. We would like to personally thank all of our partners for their support of our operations, and encourage our members to consider them when making decisions both at their facilities and at home. Kindly, The South Florida PGA Staff ALPHABETICAL PARTNERSHIP ROSTER 2UNDR Johnson & Wales University Agricredit Laser Link Ahead Mercedes-Benz Allianz Championship Mirasol Men’s Fun Group Antigua Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company Callaway Golf National Car Rental Center State Bank Nike Golf Chase 54 Omega Club Car Orange Whip Club Chef Palm Beach County Sports Commission Club Glove Pepsi Club Med Golf Academies PGA National Resort & Spa Cobra PUMA Golf PTE Golf Cure Putters Pukka Headwear Custom Made Comfort Seminole Casino Coconut Creek Cutter & Buck Seminole Casino Immokalee Digital Golf Technologies Skimp Don Law Golf Academy Sun Mountain E-Z-GO TaylorMade adidas Ashworth Golf Fairway & Greene TaylorMade adidas Golf Florida Junior Golf Council The Honda Classic FootJoy The Loxahatchee Club Fort Lauderdale Country Club The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club Game Golf The PGA Tour Global Golf Sales Tire Kingdom GolfBuddy Titleist Golf Scorecards, Inc. Verandah Golf Club Heritage Creations WeatherBug Inspired Style by Spanner Winner’s Award Group JaniKing Yamaha Thank you to all of our partners who make our events possible! ALPHABETICAL PARTNERSHIP ROSTER 2UNDR John Hughes - 772-546-4347 / john.hughes@cuttersales.com Scott Stiles - 727-403-1944 / stilesgolfsales@aol.com AGRICREDIT Geoff Hoffman - 515-537-6955 / g.a.hoffman@agricredit.com AHEAD John Hughes - 772-546-4347 / john.hughes@cuttersales.com Scott Stiles - 727-403-1944 / stilesgolfsales@aol.com ALLIANZ CHAMPIONSHIP PRESENTED BY INSPERITY 561-241-4653 www.allianzchampionship.com ANTIGUA Kevin Holt - 727-639-4652 / kevin@kevinholt.com Alexis Sieg - 386-871-6971 / alexislpgapro@gmail.com CALLAWAY GOLF Joe Baker - 954-816-3988 / joe.baker@callawaygolf.com Michael Hornung - 239-848-8054 / michael.hornung@callawaygolf.com CENTER STATE BANK John Tranter - 772-426-8150 / jtranter@centerstatebank.com George Hanley - 772-426-8100 / ghanley@centerstatebank.com CHASE 54 Marianne Deibel - 954-655-1365 / marianne.deibel@gmail.com ALPHABETICAL PARTNERSHIP ROSTER CLUB CAR Jim Staub - 706-373-0159 / jim_staub@clubcar.com Bill Gordon - 321-228-8815 / bill_gordon@clubcar.com David Kelly - 561-722-0314 / david_kelly@clubcar.com Nathan Oberle - 321-243-2017 / nathan_oberle@clubcar.com CLUB CHEF Ira Lee - 305-766-2995 / iral@cheneybrothers.com CLUB GLOVE Kerry Keena - 561-371-3393 / kerryk@golfsalesinc.com Mark Larson - 239-872-0733 / mlarson40@comcast.net Greg Lloyd - 714-500-3512 / greg@clubglove.com CLUB MED GOLF ACADEMY Diana Law - 772-323-0625 / diana@donlawgolfacademy.com COBRA PUMA GOLF Kerry Keena - 561-371-3933 / kerryk@golfsalesinc.com Jim Kaufman - 716-392-2444 / jkaufman.cobrapuma@gmail.com CURE PUTTERS Tommy Butcher - 561-523-7037 / tbutcher@cureputters.com CUSTOM MADE COMFORT Tony McBryan - 215-932-2696 / customcmfrt@aol.com ALPHABETICAL PARTNERSHIP ROSTER CUTTER & BUCK Greg Sweeten - 816-246-9841 / greg.sweeten@cutterbuck.com John Hughes - 772-546-4347 / John.hughes@cuttersales.com Mack Carneal - 813-505-9809 / Mack.carneal@cuttersales.com DIGITAL GOLF TECHNOLOGIES Matthew Dribnak - 720-498-3621 / matthew.dribnak@digitalgolftech.com Lyle Deitch - lyle.deitch@digitalgolftech.com DON LAW GOLF ACADEMY Don Law, PGA - 561-451-1128 / donlaw@bellsouth.net Rick Heard, PGA - 561-451-1125 / rick@parkitgolf.com E-Z-GO Justin Brennan, PGA - 706-831-9625 / jbrennan2@textron.com John Baughman - 954-540-2764 / jbaughman@textron.com Ashley Ellis - 321-243-4377 / aellis@textron.com Nick Forest - 239-218-3855 / nforest@textron.com FAIRWAY & GREENE Brendan McHugh, PGA - 203-402-9704 / brendan.mchugh@summitgolfbrands.com Mark Larson - 239-872-0733 / mlarson40@comcast.net FLORIDA JUNIOR GOLF COUNCIL grants@fjgc.org FOOTJOY Marc Feocco - 813-380-5348 / marc_feocco@acushnetgolf.com Mark Debien - 774-200-1059 / mark_debien@acushnetgolf.com John Murphy - 954-850-5608 / john_murphy@acushnetgolf.com Scott Van Dame - 239-404-8323 / scott_vandame@acushnetgolf.com ALPHABETICAL PARTNERSHIP ROSTER FORT LAUDERDALE COUNTRY CLUB Michael O’Brien, PGA - 954-587-4700 / gm@fortlauderdalecc.com Mark VanDyck, PGA - 954-587-4700 / markv@fortlauderdalecc.com GAME GOLF Mike Hamann - 561-512-1982 / mike@gameyourgame.com GLOBAL GOLF SALES Steve Sponder - 954-252-7188 / globalgolf@mindspring.com GOLFBUDDY Marianne Deibel - 954-655-1365 / marianne.deibel@gmail.com Kevin Holt - 727-639-4652 / kevin@kevinholt.com GOLF SCORECARDS, INC. Cynthia Grant - 1-800-238-7267 / cynthia@golfscorecards.com HERITAGE CREATIONS Kevin McClellan - 215-519-0837 / kmcclellan@heritagecreationsusa.com John Hughes - 772-546-4347 / john.hughes@cuttersales.com Mack Carneal - 813-505-9809 / mack.carneal@cuttersales.com INSPIRED STYLE BY SPANNER Jim Dougherty - 248-613-2112 / jdougherty@inspiredstyle.com Dwayn Olson - 321-749-3575 / olson.1956@gmail.com Nancy Olson - 321-749-3576 / olson.1956@gmail.com JANIKING Todd Shattuck - 239-826-2799 / tshattuck@janikingfortmyers.com Rich Henderson - 706-790-5977x102 / rich@janikingofaugusta.com Brent Beasley - 954-655-7659 / miarsm@janiking.com ALPHABETICAL PARTNERSHIP ROSTER JOHNSON & WALES UNIVERSITY Mario Santos - 305-892-7625 / mario.santos@jwu.edu Rob Campbell, PGA - robertcampbellgolf@yahoo.com AJ Broderick, PGA - abroderick7@gmail.com LASER LINK Kerry Keena - 561-371-3393 / kerryk@golfsalesinc.com Mark Larson - 239-872-0733 / mlarson40@comcast.net Dan Steiner - 608-838-3100 / dsteiner@laserlinkgolf.com MERCEDES BENZ 1-800-for-mercedes www.mbusa.com MIRASOL MEN’S GROUP 561-624-7555 NATALIE’S ORCHID ISLAND JUICE COMPANY Natalie Sexon - 772-465-1122 / nsexon@oijc.com NATIONAL CAR RENTAL 1-877-222-9058 www.nationalcar.com NIKE GOLF Kelley VanDenburg - 239-850-8678 / kelley.vandenburg@nike.com Kenny Hobbs - 407-687-6773 / kenny.hobbs@nike.com Betsy Townsend - betsy.townsend@nike.com Cindi Waugh - cindi.waugh@nike.com OMEGA www.omegawatches.com ALPHABETICAL PARTNERSHIP ROSTER ORANGE WHIP Jim Hackenberg, PGA - 877-505-9447 / jim@orangewhiptrainer.com PALM BEACH COUNTY SPORTS COMMISSION 561-233-3180 www.palmbeachsports.com PEPSI 1-866-pep-golf www.pepsi.com PGA NATIONAL RESORT & SPA 1-800-633-9150 www.pgaresort.com PGA TOUR 904-285-3700 www.pgatour.com PTE GOLF Matt Pollitt - 561-630-5205 / matt@ptegolf.com PUKKA HEADWEAR Dwight Rogers - 954-303-9141 / dwightrogers@me.com SEMINOLE CASINO COCONUT CREEK Robert Dearstine - 954-283-2882 / robert.dearstine@stofgaming.com Britta Kelley - 954-283-2812 / britta.kelley@stofgaming.com ALPHABETICAL PARTNERSHIP ROSTER SEMINOLE IMMOKALEE CASINO Kristen Llambias - 239-503-4078 / kristen.llambias@stofgaming.com Nan Mooney - 239-503-4182 / nan.mooney@stofgaming.com SKIMP Brian Foy, PGA - 215-287-8380 / bfoy@h4distribution.com Dean Baker - 954-234-3377 / dean@deanbakersports.com SUN MOUNTAIN Mike Connors - 516-297-6209 / michael.connors118@gmail.com TAYLOR FARMS Leonard Batti - 831-970-8204 TAYLORMADE-ADIDAS ASHWORTH GOLF Bill & Sandi Bishop - 954-771-6456 / bill.bishop@tmag.com Jimmy Bishop - 954-683-7476 / jimmy.bishop@tmag.com Riley Baumann - 254-535-0481 / riley.baumann@tmag.com TAYLORMADE-ADIDAS GOLF Eric Bean - 561-239-7191 / beane@adamsgolf.com Mike Budnyk - 561-762-5260 / mike.budnyk@tmag.com Collin Visina - 239-560-0428 / collin.visina@tmag.com Phil Olive - 239-287-4090 / phil.olive@tmag.com THE HONDA CLASSIC www.thehondaclassic.com THE LOXAHATCHEE CLUB Wilson Zehner, PGA - 561-744-5533 / wzehner@loxclub.com ALPHABETICAL PARTNERSHIP ROSTER THE NAPLES BEACH HOTEL AND GOLF CLUB Michael Watkins - 239-261-2222 / m_watkins@naplesbeachhotel.com Jason Parsons - 239-261-2222 / j.parsons@naplesbeachhotel.com TIRE KINGDOM Chris Hatfield - 561-383-3000 / chatfield@tirekingdom.com Regina Tracy - 561-383-3000 / rtracy@tbccorp.com TITLEIST Mark Goldstein - 774-200-1065 / mark_goldstein@acushnetgolf.com Don Goering - 561-746-4494 / don_goering@acushnetgolf.com Steve Taylor - 774-200-1133 / steve_taylor@acushnetgolf.com Jeff Wells - 866-750-7131 x4516 / jeff_wells@acushnetgolf.com VERANDAH GOLF CLUB JR Congdon, PGA - 239-694-4229 / jr.congdon@yahoo.com Nathan Groce, PGA - nathang@verandah.com WEATHERBUG Jesus Ferro - 301-250-4059 / jferro@earthnetworks.com Frank McCathran - 301-250-4122 / fmccathran@earthnetworks.com Brian Smack, PGA - 301-250-4097 / bsmack@earthnetworks.com WINNER’S AWARD GROUP Lou Chiera - 1-800-344-0545.21 / lou@winnersawardgroup.com Nick Chiera - 1-800-344-0545.14 / nick@winnersawardgroup.com YAMAHA Tommy Dee - 561-598-9518 / tdee@ymmc.yamaha-motor.com David Willis - 404-545-7359 / dwillis@ymmc.yamaha-motor.com 2015 SFPGA SECTION SCHEDULE JANUARY 29 ALLIANZ CHAMPIONSHIP PRE-QUALIFIER Fountains Country Club 2 ALLIANZ CHAMPIONSHIP EVENT QUALIFIER Fountains Country Club 5 ACE GROUP CLASSIC PRE-QUALIFIER Old Corkscrew Golf Club 7-8 JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP TOUR EVENT #1 Madison Green Golf Presented by The Honda Classic Club Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 10 ACE GROUP CLASSIC PRE-QUALIFIER FEBRUARY Old Corkscrew Golf Club 21-22 JUNIOR CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #1 Sandpiper Golf Club Presented by The Honda Classic at Club Med Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 2015 SFPGA SECTION SCHEDULE FEBRUARY (cont’ed) MARCH 17-19 THE HONDA CLASSIC PRE-QUALIFIER Fountains CC Madison Green Golf Club 23 THE HONDA CLASSIC MONDAY QUALIFIER 7-8 JUNIOR CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #2 The Country Club of Presented by The Honda Classic Coral Springs Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist Mayacoo Lakes Country Club . 21-22 JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP TOUR EVENT #2 Sandridge Golf Club Presented by The Honda Classic Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 23 NATIONAL CAR RENTAL FOUNDATION PRO-AM Fort Lauderdale Presented by National Car Rental and Fort Country Club Lauderdale Country Club Supported by Heritage Creations 2015 SFPGA SECTION SCHEDULE APRIL 11-12 JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP TOUR EVENT #3 Indian Spring Country Presented by The Honda Classic Club Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 20 PRO-OFFICIAL Presented by Club Car and WeatherBug Supported by Chase 54 and Agricredit Old Marsh Golf Club 20 PLAYER ABILITY TEST San Carlos Golf Club 25-26 JUNIOR CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #3 Fountains Country Presented by The Honda Classic Club Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist . 27 NELSON CUP MATCHES Presented by TaylorMade adidas Ashworth Gleneagles Country Club 27 WOMEN’S PRO-PRO Supported by Inspired Style by Spanner and The PGA Tour The Loxahatchee Club 2015 SFPGA SECTION SCHEDULE APRIL (cont’ed) 30 JUNIOR-SENIOR Presented by Yamaha Supported by Global Golf Sales and The PGA Tour MAY 2-3 JUNIOR CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #4 Vineyards Country Presented by The Honda Classic Club Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 4-5 FORT LAUDERDALE OPEN Parkland Golf & CC Presented by Seminole Casino-Coconut Creek Supported by Global Golf Sales, GolfBuddy, and The PGA Tour 12 FOUNDATION PRO-AM Presented by Tire Kingdom Supported by Fairway & Greene, Heritage Creations and The Loxahatchee Club 14-15 SOUTH FLORIDA SENIOR OPEN Presented by Cure Putters Lago Mar Country Club The Loxahatchee Club Jonathan’s Landing Golf Club @ Old Trail 16-17 JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP TOUR EVENT #4 TBD Presented by The Honda Classic Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 21 PLAYER ABILITY TEST Royal Palm Country Club 2015 SFPGA SECTION SCHEDULE JUNE 3 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERSHIP Presented by Seminole Casino Coconut Creek and PGA National Resort and Spa Seminole Casino Coconut Creek 8-10 SOUTH FLORIDA OPEN Presented by E-Z-GO and Seminole CasinoImmokalee Supported by 2UNDR, Antigua and JaniKing The Club at Renaissance Gateway Golf & CC 9-10 JUNIOR CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #5 West Bay Beach & Presented by The Honda Classic Golf Club Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 17 PLAYER ABILITY TEST 17-18 SFPGA JUNIOR PGA CHAMPIONSHIP Presented by Under Armour and Genesis Networks 22 PRO-ASSISTANT Presented by Cutter & Buck Supported by Ahead, Global Golf Sales, GolfBuddy, and The PGA Tour Oriole Golf & Tennis Club St. Lucie Trail Golf Club Imperial Golf Club 24-25 JUNIOR TOUR OPEN EVENT Dorado Beach Club Presented by The Honda Classic Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 2015 SFPGA SECTION SCHEDULE JUNE (cont’ed) 27 PRO-JUNIOR Presented by Callaway Golf Supported by Game Golf and Skimp Ballen Isles Country Club JULY 6-7 PRO-PRO Presented by TaylorMade adidas Ashworth and Yamaha Supported by Golf Scorecards, Inc., GolfBuddy, Global Golf Sales, PTE Golf and The PGA Tour Grand Harbor Club & The Indian River Club 9-10 JUNIOR CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #6 Fort Lauderdale Presented by The Honda Classic Country Club Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 10 SENIOR-SUPER SENIOR Supported by The PGA Tour Hunters Run Golf & Racquet Club 15-16 JUNIOR CHAMAPIONSHIP TOUR EVENT #6 Ocean Reef Club Presented by The Honda Classic Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 20 PRO-SCRATCH Presented by National Car Rental and Cobra PUMA Golf Supported by Laser Link Country Club of Florida 2015 SFPGA SECTION SCHEDULE JULY (cont’ed) 23-24 JUNIOR CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #7 Hunters Run Golf & Presented by The Honda Classic Racquet Club Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 23 FLORIDA SENIOR OPEN QUALIFIER Verandah Golf Club 23 FLORIDA SENIOR OPEN QUALIFIER The Breakers Rees Jones Course 24 FLORIDA SENIOR OPEN QUALIFIER Plantation Preserve Golf Club & Vero Beach Country Club 25-AUG 1 TRAVEL PRO-AM Supported by Club Glove England 29-30 JUNIOR CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #8 Plantation Preserve Presented by The Honda Classic Golf Club Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist AUGUST 3-4 SENIOR SECTION CHAMPIONHIP Presented by The PGA Tour Supported by Center State Bank Tequesta Country Club 2015 SFPGA SECTION SCHEDULE AUGUST (cont’ed) 5-6 JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP TOUR EVENT #7 The Breakers Rees Presented by The Honda Classic Jones Course Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 10 PRO-SUPERINTENDENT Presented by E-Z-GO Supported by Chase 54, Digital Golf Technologies and Global Golf Sales Broken Sound ClubOld Course 12-13 JUNIOR CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #9 Willoughby Golf Club Presented by The Honda Classic Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 14-16 FLORIDA SENIOR OPEN Bellaire Country Club 24-26 SFPGA PROFESSIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SECTION CHAMPIONSHIP Presented by Club Car, Omega and Mercedes Benz Supported by Callaway Golf, TaylorMade Adidas Golf, Titleist/FootJoy, Nike Golf, The PGA Tour and Verandah Golf Club Verandah Golf Club 29-30 JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP TOUR EVENT #8 Wyndemere Country Presented by The Honda Classic Club Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 2015 SFPGA SECTION SCHEDULE SEPTEMBER 12-13 JUNIOR CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #10 The Polo Club of Presented by The Honda Classic Boca Raton Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 17-18 ASSISTANTS CHAMPIONSHIP Presented by National Car Rental Supported by The PGA Tour 21 PLAYER ABILITY TEST Trump National Doral Stoneybrook GC of Estero 26-27 JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP TOUR EVENT #9 Banyan Golf Club Presented by The Honda Classic Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist OCTOBER 28 GLOBAL GOLF SALES CUP Presented by Global Golf Sales The Club at Old Cypress TBD TEACHING SYMPOSIUM Supported by Sun Mountain and Orange Whip TBD 1-2 CHALLENGE CUP MATCHES Presented by FootJoy Ritz Carlton Members Club - Sarasota 2015 SFPGA SECTION SCHEDULE OCTOBER (cont’ed) 3-4 JUNIOR CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #11 Old Marsh Golf Club Presented by The Honda Classic Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 6 PLAYER ABILITY TEST 23-25 NAPLES BEACH CLUB OPEN Presented by The Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club Supported by Pepsi Jonathan’s Landing Golf Club @ Old Trail Naples Beach Hotel & Golf Club 24-25 JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP TOUR EVENT #10 The Club at Emerald Hills Presented by The Honda Classic Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 26 PLAYER ABILITY TEST 26-27 SENIOR CHALLENGE CUP Ft. Lauderdale Country Club The Vinoy Renaissance St. Petersburg Resort and Golf Club 2015 SFPGA SECTION SCHEDULE OCTOBER (cont’ed) NOVEMBER 31-NOV 1 JUNIOR CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #12 Martin County Golf Presented by The Honda Classic Course Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 7-8 JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP TOUR EVENT #11 Wycliffe Golf & Presented by The Honda Classic Country Club Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 14-15 JUNIOR CHALLENGE TOUR EVENT #13 Santa Lucia River Club Presented by The Honda Classic Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist DECEMBER 30 QUAIL VALLEY HOLIDAY PRO AM Supported by Fairway & Greene, Heritage Creations, Tire Kingdom and Quail Valley Golf Club Quail Valley Golf Club 3 PLAYER ABILITY TEST Park Ridge Golf Course 2015 SFPGA SECTION SCHEDULE DECEMBER (cont’ed) 5-6 JUNIOR TOUR CHAMPIONSHIP Jonathan’s Landing Presented by The Honda Classic Golf Club @ Old Trail Supported by Allianz Championship, Antigua, Club Chef, Club Med Golf Academies, Don Law Golf Academy, Johnson & Wales University, Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Pukka Headwear, Skimp, The Fun Group at Mirasol and Titleist 14 MIXED TEAM EVENT Presented by Cure Putters Supported by Heritage Creations and The PGA Tour Bonita Bay Club Naples This year the South Florida PGA tournament trophies are supported by Winners Award Group and the male staff members are outfitted by FootJoy. In addition to their support of the Pro Official, WeatherBug provides their weather service at each SFPGA tournament site. The female staff members are outfitted by Cobra PUMA Golf. Thank you to all of our partners who make our events possible. South Florida PGA 186 Atlantis Blvd. Atlantis, FL 33462 Phone: (561) 729-0544 Fax: (561) 729-0914 www.sfpgagolf.com Chris Gilkey Tournament Director cgilkey@pgahq.com Tracey Jackson Office Manager tjackson@pgahq.com Geoff Lofstead Executive Director glofstead@pgahq.com Meredith Schuler Director of Operations mschuler@pgahq.com Tori Stock Communications/Special Events Manager tstock@pgahq.com Jake Weir Junior Golf Manager jweir@pgahq.com Tyler Wolford Team Golf/Player Development Manager twolford@pgahq.com
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