D1 Definition of a VR-based CME - ITIA-CNR
D1 Definition of a VR-based CME - ITIA-CNR
Project No. : Start : Duration : FP6 -2005 -IST -5No.035079 May 2006 36 Months D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Project (2002-2006) Dissemination Level CO Partners: Authors: Due Date: Version: Confidential IPA, ITIA, LMS, PPS Carmen Constantinescu, Christoph Runde, Johannes Volkmann (IPA), Chris Lalas (PPS), Marco Sacco, Dan Liu (ITIA), Christos Pavlopoulos, Menelaos Papas (LMS) Feb 2007 06.4 Version 03 04 05 05.1 05.2 Date 2006-10-20 2006-12-03 2006-12-15 2006-12-22 2007-01-09 06 06.1 06.2 2007-01-09 2007-01-12 2007-01-12 06.3 2007-01-17 06.4 2007-01-19 Keywords Author Address data Delivery date Comments New Structure (IPA: C. Constantinescu) Updated Contributions (LMS) New Template (SZTAKI: B. Kadar) New Contributions and update (IPA: C. Constantinescu) Final Template (SZTAKI: B. Kadar) and overall formatting (IPA: J. Volkmann) Update (PPS) Update (ITIA) Quality Management Team and contributing partners evaluation and improvement (SZTAKI: B. Kadar, ITIA: M. Sacco, LMS, PPS) Executive Summary (IPA: C. Constantinescu) and Conclusions (ITIA: M. Sacco) Final Tweaks (IPA: C. Constantinescu, J. Volkmann) Collaborative Working Environments; Digital Factory; Virtual Reality Name: Carmen Constantinescu Partner: Fraunhofer IPA Address: Nobelstr. 12 70569 Stuttgart Phone: +49 (0) 711 970 1934 Fax: +49 (0) 711 970 1220 E-mail: CLC@iff.uni-stuttgart.de 2007-02-15 i CONTENTS CONTENTS .........................................................................................................................II FIGURES........................................................................................................................... IV TABLES ........................................................................................................................... VII EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................. VIII 1 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING: PROBLEM STATEMENT, CHALLENGES .....1 1.1 Manufacturing Engineering: a holistic approach ........................................................ 1 1.2 Digital and Virtual Factory and Manufacturing ............................................................ 2 1.3 Collaborative and Sustainable Life Cycles Management for Manufacturing Engineering................................................................................................................................. 3 1.4 2 Collaborative Manufacturing Life Cycle Management challenges and risks............ 4 FOUNDATIONS OF COLLABORATIVE MANUFACTURING ENVIRONMENTS......6 2.1 Digital Factory................................................................................................................. 6 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 Virtual Reality................................................................................................................ 14 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 Definition of collaboration ......................................................................................................... 30 Challenges in collaboration....................................................................................................... 31 Benefits of collaboration ........................................................................................................... 33 Existing approaches.................................................................................................................. 33 COLLABORATIVE WORKING ENVIRONMENTS (CWE) .......................................36 3.1 CWE Challenges, approaches and technologies ...................................................... 36 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.2 Mobile and collaborative workspace......................................................................................... 37 Collaborative virtual environment ............................................................................................. 39 Collaborative support trends..................................................................................................... 43 CWE Analysis ............................................................................................................... 45 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 4 Differentiation vs complementarity of concepts ........................................................................ 16 Applications of VR within the Digital Factory ............................................................................ 17 Collaboration ................................................................................................................ 30 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 3 Definition of Virtual Reality........................................................................................................ 14 Virtual Presence and Immersion............................................................................................... 15 Relationship between Digital Factory and Virtual Reality ........................................ 16 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 Definition of Digital Factory......................................................................................................... 6 Digital Factory solutions available on the market ....................................................................... 7 Evaluation methods .................................................................................................................. 45 Evaluation criteria ..................................................................................................................... 46 Evaluation cases for Virtual Teams and Group Work Systems................................................ 46 Technical inadequacies ............................................................................................................ 48 Organisational inadequacies .................................................................................................... 48 CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................50 APPENDIX A – SURVEY OF REAL-TIME COLLABORATIVE SOLUTIONS ..................51 APPENDIX B – CWE RESEARCH TOPICS .....................................................................57 ii DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment APPENDIX C – SIMILAR EUROPEAN PROJECTS.........................................................63 APPENDIX D – CWE SYSTEM DEMONSTRATORS .......................................................66 APPENDIX E – COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS OF COLLABORATIVE MANUFACTURING ...........................................................................................................88 5 REFERENCES..........................................................................................................90 iii DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment FIGURES Figure 1: Manufacturing Engineering, a holistic approach ................................................................................ 1 Figure 2: The phases of planning the factory structures: from old existing structure (yesterday factory), to the real structure as it is today (digital factory), to the desired structure of tomorrow (virtual factory).................... 2 Figure 3: The harmonization of Product and Factory Life Cycle under the “Crossing-Life Cycles Point”......... 3 Figure 4: Zeltzer’s AIP cube ............................................................................................................................ 15 Figure 5: Virtual Reality as a component of the Digital Factory ...................................................................... 16 Figure 6: Virtual assembly scene .................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 7: Analysis of geometry alternatives for assembly ............................................................................... 17 Figure 8: The experimental setup and typical third and first person views provided by Jack ......................... 18 Figure 9: Evaluation of coating process with metaphors................................................................................. 19 Figure 10: Real-time seam creation ................................................................................................................ 19 Figure 11: Head and Torch Input Sources ...................................................................................................... 19 Figure 12: Implicit robot programming with VR ............................................................................................... 19 Figure 13: Work place evaluation with VR....................................................................................................... 20 Figure 14: Mannequin assembly execution ..................................................................................................... 20 Figure 15: Ergonomic simulation in desktop environment using a virtual human ........................................... 20 Figure 16: VRShoe - Shoe style design .......................................................................................................... 22 Figure 17: VRWashMachine - Aesthetical validation ...................................................................................... 22 Figure 18: ARBike - Usability Validation.......................................................................................................... 22 Figure 19: VRFactory – Plant Design and Simulation ..................................................................................... 22 Figure 20: VR based modular factory design .................................................................................................. 23 Figure 21: VR based shop floor design ........................................................................................................... 23 Figure 22: VR based factory building design................................................................................................... 23 Figure 23: Scheme of hardware-in-the-loop .................................................................................................... 23 Figure 24: Design of material flow systems..................................................................................................... 24 Figure 25: Spatial representation of logistic goods ......................................................................................... 24 Figure 26: Design of a safe work cell .............................................................................................................. 24 Figure 27: Training on an industrial control ..................................................................................................... 25 Figure 28: Maintenance scene ........................................................................................................................ 26 Figure 29: The simplified process plant case study ........................................................................................ 26 Figure 30: The process plant within the maintenance environment................................................................ 26 Figure 31: Mockup 2000i2 JET simulation ...................................................................................................... 26 Figure 32: Line configuration in 3D.................................................................................................................. 27 Figure 33: 3D model with additional documentation content........................................................................... 27 Figure 34: „Data for Life principle“ for VR data according to Flaig (1998b)..................................................... 28 Figure 35: View onto entire factory in 3D ........................................................................................................ 28 Figure 36: Augmented reality scene for assembly support ............................................................................. 29 Figure 37: Haptic tele presence....................................................................................................................... 29 Figure 38: Screenshot of a scene with 3 avatars representing dislocated users ............................................ 29 Figure 39: 3D presentation of control with sales information .......................................................................... 30 Figure 40: DiCODEv platform.......................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 41: The ‘‘Showcase’’ view of the 3-D Car prototype with ‘‘Walk’’......................................................... 34 Figure 42: Collaborative design of a fixture with the web-based CPD Platform.............................................. 35 Figure 43: Research strategies and approaches for mobile and collaborative workspace............................. 37 Figure 44: Real time conferencing................................................................................................................... 48 iv DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 45: Real time typing.............................................................................................................................. 48 Figure 46: Jabber interface.............................................................................................................................. 51 Figure 47: Trillian interface .............................................................................................................................. 51 Figure 48: Miranda interface............................................................................................................................ 51 Figure 49: Geim interface ................................................................................................................................ 51 Figure 50: Skype.............................................................................................................................................. 52 Figure 51: Babble ............................................................................................................................................ 52 Figure 52: Hot Conference .............................................................................................................................. 52 Figure 53: Voice Café ...................................................................................................................................... 52 Figure 54: RealVNC......................................................................................................................................... 53 Figure 55: Glance ............................................................................................................................................ 53 Figure 56: GoToMeeting.................................................................................................................................. 53 Figure 57: InstaColl tool................................................................................................................................... 53 Figure 58: Shinkuro tool .................................................................................................................................. 54 Figure 59: Grouper tool.................................................................................................................................... 54 Figure 60: InstantPresenter ............................................................................................................................. 54 Figure 61: FlashMeeting.................................................................................................................................. 55 Figure 62: 3wVP .............................................................................................................................................. 55 Figure 63: SightSpeed ..................................................................................................................................... 55 Figure 64: Microsoft Research ........................................................................................................................ 56 Figure 65: Qnext .............................................................................................................................................. 56 Figure 66: ConVoq........................................................................................................................................... 56 Figure 67: AMI@Work special interest group.................................................................................................. 58 Figure 68: Bartlett’s CVE categorisation model – part 1 ................................................................................. 68 Figure 69: Bartlett’s CVE categorisation model – part 2 ................................................................................. 68 Figure 70: Augmented collaborative work space – example 1........................................................................ 68 Figure 71: Augmented collaborative work space – example 2........................................................................ 69 Figure 72: User studies on a variety of tasks and interface types................................................................... 70 Figure 73: Example scenario: travel agent able to display route-planning information overlaid on a physical map .................................................................................................................................................................. 70 Figure 74: Steerable projection systems enable the extensive and intricate combination of electronic information with real objects and space .......................................................................................................... 71 Figure 75: Example scenario: the customer receives a simplified electronic representation of the detailed physical map that the agent works with........................................................................................................... 71 Figure 76: User in an augmented collaborative space, able to use physical space and objects within the space as a scratchpad..................................................................................................................................... 71 Figure 77: Basic architecture of virtual round table ......................................................................................... 72 Figure 78: An example of virtual round table scenario .................................................................................... 72 Figure 79: A collaborative map in a previous study used a radar view to display the collaborator’s viewports ......................................................................................................................................................................... 73 Figure 80: A collaborative virtual environment investigated combinations of egocentric and exocentric frames of reference...................................................................................................................................................... 74 Figure 81: Sample CVW screen ...................................................................................................................... 75 Figure 82: CVW Floor Layout: Original (left) and Immersive (right) ................................................................ 75 Figure 83: Sample avatars .............................................................................................................................. 76 Figure 84: Components of the DRRIVE system.............................................................................................. 78 Figure 85: The CABANA in CAVE mode......................................................................................................... 79 Figure 86: A perspective view rendering of a HIVE collaboration session...................................................... 79 v DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 87: Software components of DDRIVE .................................................................................................. 79 Figure 88: Gesture based 3D object modeling system ................................................................................... 80 Figure 89: Server-dependent data sharing method......................................................................................... 80 Figure 90: Proposed data sharing method ...................................................................................................... 81 Figure 91: 3D data sharing mechanism and procedure .................................................................................. 81 Figure 92: Client system structure................................................................................................................... 82 Figure 93: Prototype system organization ....................................................................................................... 82 Figure 94: The architecture of CVE for feature-based modelling.................................................................... 83 Figure 95: CVE system modules ..................................................................................................................... 83 Figure 96: CVE-VM system overview.............................................................................................................. 85 Figure 97: Client Interface ............................................................................................................................... 85 Figure 98: Structural schema representing the focal elements of research.................................................... 86 Figure 99: The duality of structure................................................................................................................... 86 Figure 100: OneSpace tool.............................................................................................................................. 89 Figure 101: eDrawings Professional................................................................................................................ 89 Figure 102: Windchill ProjectLink platform ...................................................................................................... 89 vi DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment TABLES Table 1: Newly launched projects in new working environment...................................................................... 63 Table 2: The ongoing projects within the new working environment............................................................... 63 vii DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Manufacturing enterprises, in this approach called factories, are confronted today with new models of competition and new collaborative modes of operation. The modern view of manufacturing approaches the factory as complex socio-technical system, being oriented towards economical and human efficiency and effectiveness. The factories have to provide competitive industrial goods and support services at decreased prices, high quality, by exceeding the customers’ expectations. They have to be adapted permanently and quickly react to the needs and requirements of markets and economic efficiency. Motivated by these challenges, the DiFac project aims at developing innovative models, methodologies and tools for supporting the manufacturing engineering collaboration, from the development of digital mock-ups and virtual prototypes over the factory planning, production simulation, real-time operation and maintenance up to humans’ assistance and training. Virtual Reality (VR) represents a valuable enabling technology whose employment foster, drive and support the collaboration between the mentioned main activities and the involved human factors. The overall goal of the deliverable D1 “Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment” represents the description of the collaborative manufacturing environments (CME) through the definition and state-of-the-art of its main concepts, models, methodologies and tools. The scientific objectives are structured in three main parts, as follows. The first part, “Manufacturing engineering: Problem statement, Challenges” aspires at clearly motivating the presented work. It introduces Manufacturing Engineering as “key technology to implement innovations and to design products, services, processes and manufacturing systems”. The holistic view of manufacturing engineering approaches the engineering of factory structures, design engineering, process engineering, the development of required tools and application systems at all levels i.e.: manufacturing network, segment or system, machine or equipment, subsystems and processes. The generic definitions of Digital and Virtual Factory, Products and Manufacturing are harmonised and then build the innovative concept of Collaborative and Sustainable Life Cycles Management of Manufacturing. The “Foundations of Collaborative Manufacturing Environments”, the second part of D1, presents the basic elements of such environments through their definition and several main aspects. The Digital Factory is introduced through the state-of-the-art and available solutions on the market. Virtual Reality is presented as the main enabling visualisation technology by pointed out its role in creating virtual presence and immersion. The relationship Digital Factory and Virtual Reality for the purposes of the implementation of manufacturing environments is revealed, as well. The collaboration in manufacturing is detailed through challenges, benefits and existing approaches. The last part of D1, “Collaborative Working Environment (CWE)” represents the background of Collaborative Manufacturing Environments, by enabling the seamless and natural collaboration amongst a diversity of agents (humans, machines, etc) within distributed, knowledge rich and virtualized working background. The current and state-of-the-art approaches and technologies are briefly introduced and then evaluated according to several methods and criteria. “Conclusions” points out the relevance of the briefly introduced approaches, technologies and tools for the design and development of the collaborative manufacturing environments, by representing a main contribution for the implementation of the DiFac approach and platform. The Appendixes A “Survey of realtime collaborative solutions”, B “CWE research topics”, C “Similar European projects”, D “CWE system demonstrators” and E “Commercial applications of collaborative manufacturing” support with detailed information the area and main topics of digital and virtual manufacturing. The used methods to perform the activities and to achieve the planned goal and scientific objectives are the state-of-the-art of a specific scientific topic, e.g. digital factory, and market overview, e.g. in the field of commercial solutions for real-time and collaborative commercial solutions. The main outputs of deliverable D1 “Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment” enhanced with the “Work groups and patterns in collaborative digital manufacturing” (D2) and the “Ergonomic requirements for and human safety and productivity” (D3) and “Presence requirements for group work in rich virtualised environment” (D4) represent the foundations of the development of the DiFac environment and platform for manufacturing engineering. viii 1 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING: PROBLEM STATEMENT, CHALLENGES For clearly positioning the topics related to the collaborative manufacturing environments in the wide area of Manufacturing Engineering and motivating the presented work, the first chapter aims at presenting the complexity of the Manufacturing Engineering and the main role of collaboration models, methodologies and tools. It introduces the Manufacturing Engineering as large accepted in the scientific community “key technology to implement innovations and to design products, services, processes and manufacturing systems”. The holistic view of manufacturing engineering approaches the engineering of factory structure, design engineering, process engineering, the development of required tools and application systems at all levels: manufacturing network, segment or system, machine or equipment, subsystems and processes. The generic definitions of the digital and virtual factory, products and manufacturing are harmonised into the innovative concept of Collaborative and Sustainable Life Cycles Management of Manufacturing, briefly introduced through its challenges and analysed regarding the envisioned risks. 1.1 Manufacturing Engineering: a holistic approach Manufacturing is a dynamic socio-technical system, which is operating in a turbulent environment. Changes are normal and continuous at all levels (Westkämper 2005; Kirchner and Winkler 2003). Innovative manufacturing envisioned as a new paradigm of the socio-technical system is oriented to permanent best of class and usage of resources by fast implementation of novel solutions. Innovative manufacturing is knowledge-based and operates with the latest state-of-the-art manufacturing and ICT technologies. Confronted with new models of competition and new modes of operation, the factories have to provide competitive industrial goods and support services at decreased prices with high quality, overcoming the customers’ expectations. Manufacturing Engineering is the key technology to implement innovations and to design products, services, processes and manufacturing systems. The implementation process requires the employment of efficient tools, based on the state-of-art knowledge, expertise and best practices in manufacturing engineering. Manufacturing enterprises, the factories, have to rethink their organizational structures and basic activities to accommodate the changes foreseen in manufacturing processes. Manufacturing Engineering addresses simultaneously all interrelated aspects of a product life cycle from design to recycling and disposal. The area of Manufacturing Engineering is the centre of manufacturing development. It is embedded in networks of: product engineering, material and component suppliers, manufacturing suppliers and customers. Manufacturing Engineering processes take place in the manufacturing system. Manufacturing Engineering is a holistic approach (Figure 1), which includes the engineering of the factory structure, the development of the organization, the design engineering, the process engineering and the development of the required tools and application systems. At all levels, e.g. manufacturing network, segment or system, machine or equipment, subsystems and processes, the factory and its manufacturing processes can be defined in their “current” and/or “future” states, under the so-called “digital” and respectively “virtual” representations. This relates to the employed models, methods and digital tools or simulation applications and systems used to represent the static or the dynamic states. Manufacturing Network Standards as Integrators Manufacturing Segment/System Global Standards Manufacturing Engineering Manufacturing Machines, Equipment Peripherals Standard Interfaces Open Networks Subsystems Control , Sensors, Actuators Function Elements Processes © Westkämper, IPA/IFF Stuttgart, 2006 Figure 1: Manufacturing Engineering, a holistic approach 1 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment 1.2 Digital and Virtual Factory and Manufacturing Digital manufacturing uses a wide range of engineering and planning tools and applications to integrate efficient and effective new information and communication technologies into manufacturing processes. The main area of research is the development of integrated tools for industrial engineering and adaptation of manufacturing taking into account the configurability of systems. Digital manufacturing employs the distributed data management, tools for process engineering, tools for presentation and graphic interfaces, participative, collaborative and networked engineering, multi-modal interfaces. Digital manufacturing has as main output the representation of the factory as it is today, e.g. the static image or the so-called “digital factory and manufacturing”. Starting with this digital representation of the factory and manufacturing and employing the virtual manufacturing technologies, simulation tools and specific applications and systems, the factory and its manufacturing processes are represented in their dynamics. This is the reflection of the “actual” state on the future, the so-called “virtual factory and manufacturing”. The representation of the states “yesterday-todaytomorrow” of the factory and the employed technologies are drafted in Figure 2. Two states of factory and manufacturing processes are distinguished: the “digital” and the “virtual” states (Westkämper 2003). This makes a clear difference between the models, methods and tools used for planning the factory. For the static representation of a factory and manufacturing as it is, the models, methods and tools of digital manufacturing are employed. This is defined as digital factory and manufacturing. To project the factory and manufacturing processes in the future, simulation and 3-D/virtual reality models, methods and tools are used. This approach, as very clearly drafted in Figure 2, is original and differentiates itself from other given and recognized standard definitions of the digital factory: “The digital factory is the generic term for a comprehensive network of digital models, methods, and tools – including simulation and 3D/Virtual Reality visualization – which are integrated by a continuous data management system” (VDIa). © Westkämper, IPA/IFF Stuttgart, 2006 Scientific Management advanced Industrial Engineering Digital Engineering PPS MRP Knowledge-based Manufacturing Adaptation Management Simulation Digital Factory Data Collection Data Analysis Feedback Old Factory Structure as it was Yesterday On-line and In-Situ Real Factory as it is Today Real-Time Adaptive and Configurable Systems Instructions Knowledge Future Virtual Factory as it will be Time Tomorrow Figure 2: The phases of planning the factory structures: from old existing structure (yesterday factory), to the real structure as it is today (digital factory), to the desired structure of tomorrow (virtual factory) 2 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment 1.3 Collaborative and Sustainable Life Cycles Management for Manufacturing Engineering The modern view on manufacturing engineering resides in migrating the Life Cycle paradigm into the factory as a whole, its corresponding products, manufacturing processes and technologies. The idea of “Product Life Cycle” is essential for the path to sustainability by expanding the focus from the production site to the whole factory and product life cycle. The main goal of Factory and Product Life Cycle thinking is to reduce resource use and to improve the technical and social performance, in various stages of a factory and product’s life (SETAC 2004; Kapp 2005; Aldinger 2006). Life Cycle Management is the application of Life Cycle thinking and models to modern manufacturing engineering practice, with the aim to manage the total and comprehensive life cycle of the factory and its products and manufacturing processes and services towards more sustainable consumption and production. Life Cycle Management is about systematic integration of the product sustainability into the manufacturing strategy and planning, product design and development decision making and communication and collaborating applications. By implementing the Life Cycle Management capability, considerable benefits, such as faster time to market, lower costs, reduction of rework and rejection dates and more component and technology reuse are achieved. This approach gives the image of a three-dimensional life cycle space for factory, pro-ducts, and manufacturing processes. Each of these entities has its own life cycle, consisting of specific phases. Figure 3 presents the factory and product life cycles in their relevant life phases. Figure 3: The harmonization of Product and Factory Life Cycle under the “Crossing-Life Cycles Point” Each factory follows a life cycle from its initial concept in the mind of an entrepreneur to the ecological dismantling, through a series of stages or phases (Aldinger 2006). Despite the identified and recognized phases: design and planning, construction, operation and maintenance, refurbishment or obsolence and 3 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment end-of-life phase or dismantling, this work focuses on the first phase, design and planning the factory. In this phase, in great interdependence with the life cycle of products and used technologies, the factory processes and its production facilities are planned. Figure 3 traces the factory’s life along investment planning, engineering, process planning, construction & ramp-up, production, service and maintenance, and finally, dismantling or refurbishment. Two states of factory and its manufacturing processes have been distinguished (Aldinger 2006; Westkämper 2006): “digital” and “virtual”, making a clear difference between the models, methods, technologies and tools of advanced Manufacturing Engineering (aME) used (Westkämper 2006). Digital factory represents the static image of a factory, modeled and re-presented by using digital manufacturing and modeling technologies. The projection of the factory into the future, through simulation and 3D/Virtual and Mixed Reality technologies represents the virtual factory. Applying the authors’ concepts regarding the digital and virtual factory (Aldinger 2006; Westkämper 2006), the factory life phases can be structured as follows. From investment planning to construction and ramp-up, the factory is digital. In these phases, it exists in its virtual form as well, being permanently optimized through simulation. Then the digital and virtual factory is constructed and ramps up. All remaining phases trace the real factory. Simultaneously, the products, which will be manufactured in the factory, are passing through the main phases of their life cycle, planning, development, design, rapid prototyping, production, usage & service and recycling. By transferring the authors’ concepts concerning the digital and virtual factory to the products, products are digital and virtual between planning and rapid prototyping phases. The real product lives from production to recycling. The central part of Figure 3, the overlapping of the factory operation & maintenance and the manufacturing of products in the so-called production phase, represents the crucial and at the same time critical point, called “Crossing-Life Cycles Point”. Here, virtual products and factories become reality. The real product is built into the real factory. Then the manufacturing processes are implemented by using the most suitable technologies. At this point, all the already performed engineering activities and efforts are to be proved and verified. In this phase, the real factory has to be highly transformable in order to quickly respond to the changes occurring in the product world: frequent product launches, increased product complexity as a consequence of using advanced and emerging technologies, e.g. the fast development of micro and nano electronics, increased micro computerization, and new materials development. The Crossing-Life Cycles Point shows the results of the preceding phases concerning the manufacturing of products under optimum conditions (time, quality, costs). The point not only highlights the efficiency and effectiveness of the used models, methods, technologies and tools for planning and designing products, processes and factories in digital and virtual world, but also the appropriateness of using them. The main advantage resulting from this approach is the transformability and changeability of the factory structures throughout their whole life, according to the manufactured products, the corresponding manufacturing processes, and the technologies used under economical conditions. Thus, in the operation phase the factory is already prepared to react to a change regarding a new release of a traditional product or a new product, a newly implemented state-of-the-art manufacturing process or the use of an innovative technology. These foreseen and possible changes have already been taken into consideration in the planning phase. Then, the factory is able to respond adequately and to adapt itself to these changes and turbulences in order to remain competitive. The information gathered in the production phase represents a valuable input for continuously replanning and adapting. 1.4 Collaborative Manufacturing Life Cycle Management challenges and risks An orchestration or harmonization of the specific life phases of product, manufacturing processes and technologies with the planning phase of the factory represents a great challenge. This approach is called Unified and Sustainable Life Cycles Management. There is a risk associated with the things in the world, which have a life cycle themselves, as in the case of a factory. The manufactured products, the corresponding manufacturing processes and the technologies used, all these subordinated factory entities, have their own life cycles. Each life cycle can be represented, at the end, as independent software application; therefore, a software technology infrastructure has to be formulated to allow for the seamless linkage and integration of software application and systems, representing various life cycle aspects. Because phases of these life cycles tend to be independent of each other, the current challenges and then the research efforts have to be coordinated towards integrated and unified life cycle paradigm. This unified life cycle paradigm builds upon current technologies and is 4 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment backwardly compatible while embracing future emerging technologies. Only when two of these life cycles coincide and one affects the other there is connectivity and a transfer of information at the interface. The current research approaches have to identify 1) linkage points (i.e., portals) between life cycles, 2) the type, and form of data passing between life cycles, and 3) conditions when life cycles interact and communicate. This is expected to be overcome by developing and integrating new technologies and tools, e.g. information and communication technologies (ICT), digital manufacturing technologies, collaboration models and tools, used to trace factories, products, processes and technologies over their life cycle from engineering to the end of their lives. Several strategies to support the required orchestration have to be mentioned: applying the simultaneous engineering for bridging the product design and process planning, and the development of suitable strategies for R&D in order to link the product planning and development and factory investment and engineering. The last can be achieved through the development of advanced and innovative manufacturing technologies. The envisioned solution for minimizing all risks and losses related to the Crossing-Life Cycles Point is the development of an environment for factory and product life cycle management, by collaboratively integrating the latest technologies and tools used to follow the factories and their products along their lives. The taking into consideration of the human and ergonomic aspects has to give originality and innovation feature to the concept as a whole. The vision of this work represents the “transformable and adaptable factory” which has to react quickly and appropriately to the internal and external turbulences, by using new collaboration and integration models, methods and procedures along the value chain. 5 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment 2 FOUNDATIONS OF COLLABORATIVE MANUFACTURING ENVIRONMENTS The chapter “Foundations of Collaborative Manufacturing Environments” (CME) presents the basic elements of the collaborative manufacturing environments through their definition and several main aspects. The used method is the state-of-the-art and market overview and study. Digital Factory is introduced through the stateof-the-art and available solutions on the market. The Virtual Reality is presented as the main enabling visualisation technology by pointed its role in creating virtual presence and immersion. The relationship Digital Factory and Virtual Reality for the implementation purposes of manufacturing environments is revealed, as well. The Collaboration in manufacturing is detailed through challenges, benefits and existing approaches. These main elements of CME have to be enhanced in the sense of immersing the user in the environment and adding presence and immersion measuring capability. The human and ergonomic aspects for the purposes of safety and productivity have to be taken into consideration as the future work. The Collaborative Manufacturing Environment is defined in this work as the instantiation or adaptation of Collaborative Working Environments for the purposes of Manufacturing Engineering, by giving reality to the Digital Factory, Virtual Factory, VR-based Immersion and Presence and Collaborative Life Cycles Management. 2.1 Digital Factory 2.1.1 Definition of Digital Factory Zäh analysed several definitions of Digital Factory and concluded that it represents both the model of a factory and also the tools used to create this model (Zäh 2003). Like Reinhart (2003) he identifies the following three digital factory components: • modelling and visualisation, • simulation and evaluation, • data management and communication. Zäh suggests giving reality to the digital factory elaborated by Reinhart in its virtual production concept (Reinhart 1999b). He defines virtual production as continuous, experiment-ready planning, evaluation and control of production processes and production resources by the means of digital models (Reinhart 1995b; Reinhart 2002b). Reinhart points to the common view onto factory, man/machine/device and technology (Reinhart 2002b). Many examples for the use of digital models for simulations purposes can be found at Bayer (2003). Quell and Kiel underline the importance of an integrated data management, especially as a supporting instrument of knowledge management (Quell 1999; Kiel 2001). Westkämper defines the Digital Factory as a mapping of the static content (immovable property, resources, media supply) of an existing real factory (Westkämper 2003; Westkämper 2004a). Westkämper distinguishes this definition in particular from the Virtual Factory, which comprises dynamic aspects of a factory model (process models, logistics models, simulation models), as well. Quell identifies the following elements of the digital factory: 3D machine visualisation, event simulation, manufacturing process simulation, ergonomics simulation (Quell 1999). Lurse lists the following tasks of the digital factory (Lurse 2002): parts list processing, process planning, assembly planning, cost planning and calculation, operational planning, programming of numeric controls and industrial robot cells, ergonomic analysis, production logistics planning, factory layout planning, factory simulation. Lurse mentions also a number of suppliers of digital factory IT systems and solutions (Delmia, Tecnomatix, EDS, FlexSimED, Mantra4D, vrcom, Lanner Group, Cosimir Festo Didactic). Walter refers to the concept of virtual manufacturing and subsumes it as a realistic, integrated computer model of a manufacturing location. This model includes single processes as well as the entire factory with all necessary functions to support planning, simulation, development, production control and maintenance (Walter 2002). According to Walter this model serves for simultaneous process and product development, communication, decision making, and documentation during the whole product life cycle – from the first concept to the realisation of the production facility (the factory). The guideline 4499 “Digitale Fabrik – Grundlagen“ elaborated by the Association of German Engineers VDI (VDI 4499) defines the digital factory as follows: “the digital factory is a superordinate concept of an allembracing network of digital models, methods and tools – including simulation and 3D visualisation – that 6 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment are integrated by a continuous data management. The goal is to plan, evaluate and improve holistically all relevant structures, processes, and resources of the real factory in combination with the product”. This VDI guideline further lists the following application areas of the digital factory: • product development (as supplier of input data into the digital factory like 3D product model, structure, functions of product), • production planning (production processes, production systems, industrial production sites, surveillance of realisation), • production ramp-up (implementation and start of production, planning, selection and acquisition of resources, scheduling), • operation/manufacturing (support of business and technical processes, creation of PLC, robot, and NC programs), • order processing (control and surveillance of production by production orders). 2.1.2 Digital Factory solutions available on the market Regarding the huge number of planning tasks within the digital factory as outlined in chapter 1.2.1. there is also a vast number of available commercial tools and solutions. As building up an entire prototype of a factory requires the combination of many of those planning tools, there are already two integration platforms available that should be mentioned. These are shortly presented in the following subsections. CAD systems Currently available CAD systems support 3D CAD. The classification of different CAD systems is based on the used operating concepts, complexity, price and the mathematical geometry representation. The following application areas should be mentioned, strong related on several main features: 1. Product development: • aesthetic aspects: Within the worldwide car and aerospace industry, Dassault’s CATIA V5 solution is the leading and dominant platform with a market share of far more than 50% (80% in worldwide car industry). The core field of application is the design of the aesthetic components of the car body and interior. Available at: http://www.3ds.com/products-solutions/plm-solutions/catia/overview/ • technical components: For technical product components like car power train, jet engines, Parametric Technology Corporation’s (PTC) Pro/Engineer is the leading system (PTC 2006). Available at: http://www.ptc.com/appserver/mkt/products/home.jsp?k=403 2. Industrial engineering: For machine and industrial equipment design is in use mainly PTC’s Pro/Engineer (PTC 2006). Further on, the quite simpler CAD systems Autodesk AutoCAD and Dassault’s SolidWorks are well spread in industry (SolidWorks 2006). Available at: http://www.ptc.com/appserver/mkt/products/home.jsp?k=403, http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112&id=2704278, http://www.solidworks.com 3. Factory planning: Some CAD systems either specialised in factory planning or their respective companies offer extension kits for factory planning purposes. One well known system is UGS’s FactoryCAD, which allows building a factory layout on the basis of a huge layout library of all resources like machines, floor, conveyors and much more. Another CAD system explicitly for factory layout design is Bentley’s MicroStation. Available at: http://www.ugs.com/products/tecnomatix/plant_design/factory_cad.shtml http://www.bentley.com/en-GB/Products/MicroStation/ 7 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Integration platforms The market of integration platforms is currently characterised as a typical duopoly, respectively there are two ICT key players which are following a strategy to offer all-embracing digital factory solutions including engineering data management, manufacturing process planning and simulation of various kinds of processes related to manufacturing. These are as follows: I) Dassault’s Delmia product consists of solutions for: A) Process planning: 1. DELMIA Process Engineer is a tool for process and resource planning, providing a solution for early recognition of process risks, re-use of proven processes, traceable changes and decisions and access to scattered process knowledge. This treatment of the relationships between product, process and manufacturing resource data, including plant layout, helps to avoid planning mistakes and obtain a precise overview, early in the process, of the required investment costs, production space and manpower. 2. PPR Hub and Navigator allow user to access the entire planning content and all logical relationships stored in DELMIA Manufacturing Hub. Product, process and resource items and their relations as well as planning prerequisites and objectives can be accessed by a Windows like user interface. 3. DPM Shop is an interactive 3D product and process information resource tool to enhance workers performance. DPM Shop uses visually intuitive, graphically intensive, easy-to-use engineering product and manufacturing process data and delivers work instructions directly to the shop floor to replace expensive, error-prone, and hard-to-manage paper-based systems. B) Process detailing and validation: 1. DPM Assembly solution supports the assembly process planning and verification. It incorporates a single, unified interface for pre–planning, detail planning, concurrent engineering and assembly process verification. 2. DPM Fastener Planning provides a tool for the Automotive Body in White process-planning domain that will allow engineers to design automotive body assembly processes, manage spot welds and other fasteners, select resources and validate the process plan using an interactive 3D environment. 3. DPM Machining Planning enhances the ability of manufacturing industries to cut down in time and cost to machine parts. These solutions comprises of a suite of applications based on a infrastructure that encapsulates numerous activities in the machining domain. 4. DPM Inspection Planning enables users to create and optimize Inspection processes (programs). Users define processes based on design and tolerance information and validate their work using simulation and collision detection. The resulting inspection process is associative to geometry and tolerance information and can be updated automatically after modification of the measured resource. 5. MTM Planning/Industrial Engineer allows users to efficiently and reliably determine the time required to perform a specific job sequence based on commonly used time measurement methods or company-proprietary time standards. Its user interface is compatible with the Microsoft Office standard and allows multiple users to work quickly and efficiently. C) Resource modelling and simulation: 1. Robotics: Delmia IGRIP offers a solution for tooling definition, workcell layout, robot programming, and workcell simulation. It is much more than a basic offline programming system. It can capture the underlying philosophy of and intent of the robot programmer allowing the company to capture and reuse best practices, leverage programming knowledge and automate the repetitive work of robot programming. DELMIA IGRIP is a physics-based, scalable robotic simulation solution for modelling and off-line programming complex, multi-device robotic workcells. IGRIP can be used to quickly and graphically construct workcells for applications such as welding, painting, dispensing, material removal and machine tending. 8 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment 2. Machining: DPM POWERTRAIN is a solution to addresses the machining process planning lifecycle for automotive powertrain development. DPM Powertrain integrates product engineering and process planning in a collaborative engineering environment enabling process designing, planning, verifying, managing and documenting the machining processes. Delmia Virtual NC is the digital manufacturing solution for rapidly emulating, validating and optimizing NC machine processes. Virtual NC’s simulation environment enables manufacturers to validate the post processed NC program off-line, in a digital environment, thereby keeping the actual machine tool in production. 3. Control Engineering: Delmia Automation offers a solution for control engineering and automation lifecycle management. Current offerings enable programming of various Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), and validation of these logics against a virtual machine, a cell, or an entire line and the performance analysis of these systems. DELMIA V5 Automation allows control departments to work in parallel and share information with mechanical and electrical departments earlier in the development process allowing optimization of engineering processes. 4. Factory: Delmia QUEST is a 3D digital factory environment for process flow simulation and analysis, accuracy, and profitability. 5. Inspection: Delmia INSPECT is a offline CMM programming, simulation and verification solution that offers direct associativity between inspection features, tolerance parameters and geometry features of the CAD master model. Developing and verifying inspection programs becomes a single step process allowing CMM programs to be automatically updated. D) Ergonomics: Delmia Human add-on solution is a human modelling bundle that offers the user to create and manipulate advanced, user-defined digital human manikins, "workers" in the DELMIA environment for human/product interaction and worker process analysis early in the product lifecycle. Human addons allows users to create detailed customized manikin's for an intended target audience, specifically analyze how the manikins will interact with objects in the virtual environment and determine operator comfort and performance in the context of a new design. II) UGS’s Tecnomatix solution consists of the following components shortly presented according their usage: A) Part manufacturing: Part Manufacturing Planner allows users the access to process data for re-use, editing or review from a central source. It is aimed at reducing time and errors in the piece-part manufacturing process. By integration of automated routines and quality checks embedded throughout the entire process definition, product quality increases. The use of automated routines for reporting, change control, and workflow are also instrumental in supporting manufacturing engineers. As a TeamCenter application, the Part Manufacturing Planner provides a common platform and a single source where all the planners in the manufacturing organisation can go to find information, communicate with each other and collaborate on the part manufacturing planning process. eM-Machining allows to balance lines by allocating operations according to machine specifications. The software calculates operating cycle times and generates a respective NC tool path. Discrete event simulation models provide a dynamic perspective of the balanced production line. It allows users to analyze throughput, work-in—process, resource utilisation and buffer sizes. eM-Machining Methods is used to describe company-specific manufacturing resources and machining methods. This includes machines, holders, adapters, cutters, inserts, tool assemblies, tool sets, fixing tools, materials, machinability data and parametric tool path motions. eM-Machining Planner is used by the process planners and the NC programmers. Based on a 3Dsolid of the work piece, the system recognizes manufacturing features and suggests setups, 9 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment machining operations, cutting tools, tool paths and technological data like feeds and speeds. Manufacturing times and costs, as well as production plans, APT- and CLdata-files are determined. eM-Machining Line Design (add on to the eM-Machining Planner module) is used by planners responsible for machining line design within OEMs and Line Builders. The module enables users to perform process planning for machining lines consisting of any number of general-purpose machine tools or transfer line machining units. The key characteristic of a machining line is that the component enters the line on the first machine, moves from one machine to the next and leaves the line at the last machine. With this module, users can optimize the operation and tool selection based on the capabilities of the line and can balance the line by allocating the operations to the machines. The module also supports the definition of parallel (multi-spindle) operations. eM-Machining Portal is used to document, communicate and exchange process information. It supports the Web-based generation and distribution of standard and customer-specific reports, work instructions and documentation. eM-Machining Feature Definition can be used to define machining features in those situations where 3D CAD solid data are not yet available. This applies to the proposal generation process of Line Builders and to the early Machining Line Design phases within OEMs. These features are subsequently written to a STEP-like feature file which can be imported by the eM-Machining Planner module. eM-Machining Performance Analyzer can be used to analyze the dynamic behavior and the throughput of a machining line. Aspects like buffer sizes and locations, resource utilization, meantime-between-failure and mean-time-to-repair can be taken into account. eM-RealNC is an off-line tool for analysis and optimization of NC programs. Depending on the batch size (job-shop or large-volume), reduction of setup times or shortening of cycle times are two benefits. eM-RealNC enables the user to identify and realize potential savings in machining processes at an early stage. eM-Machining RealNC provides full NC (ISO) simulation by using a standard NC machine and NC controller. By using this module, users can simulate material removal, perform full machine kinematics simulation, verify that the NC program is collision free and check for rest material. eM-Press enables to design, simulate and optimize stamping processes. It helps detect design errors of die designs, parts flow and tooling movements. By simulating a complete line in detail, the planner can optimize a press line without hardware mock up. eM-Press provides a 3D environment for interactive design and optimization of dies and press lines. The simulation includes dies, part flow, mechanization, grippers, suction cups and robots. B) Assembly planning: Assembly Process Planner is a collaborative solution for planning of manufacturing assembly processes. The need to get more products to market faster has driven manufacturers to distribute production over many, often geographically remote, plants and contract manufacturers. This requires technologies and methodologies that allow manufacturers to efficiently author, simulate and manage manufacturing information throughout their organization and with each other. The Assembly Process Planner addresses how a product has to be manufactured and provides the link between product design systems that address what has to be manufactured and shop-floor execution systems that address when and where. Features of the Assembly Process Planner are product data management (PDM) level management of manufacturing data, enabling users to track the entire lifecycle of manufacturing information like product data, common product and manufacturing (process, resource, plant) data management system, modelling of manufacturing processes and lines using a complete set of interoperable tools, analysis and management of operations, resources, variants and changes, automatic internet-based reporting and visualization of manufacturing information, integration with engineering applications and IT systems. eM-Planner enables planners across the enterprise to collaboratively plan and manage manufacturing processes for entire plants, lines and single operations. eM-Planner allows to evaluate manufacturing alternatives, coordinate resources, optimize throughput, plan for multiple variants, implement changes and estimate costs and cycle times in the very early stages of concept planning. Features of the eM-Planner are modeling of manufacturing processes and lines using a complete set of interoperable tools, analysis and management of operations, resources, variants and 10 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment changes, internet-based reporting and visualization of manufacturing information and integration with engineering applications and IT systems. Box Build Planning is an end-to-end solution for designing, optimizing and validating electronic box-build NPI (new product introduction) processes and transferring them to volume manufacturing plants. Its process-oriented environment allows OEMs, CEMs and EMS providers to collaborate on the development of manufacturing processes and is a facilitator of outsourcing. PCB Assembly and Test solution from is a solution for the design and optimization of PCB (printed circuit boards) assembly and test processes. By covering the entire NPI process, from CAD import through manufacturing recipe generation, and by supporting single platform and mixed-vendor lines, this solution helps to improve NPI process and maximize the uptime and throughput of lines. eM-Assembler is a tool that facilitates part assembly and disassembly planning processes. Using original CAD data, the planner can conduct a static analysis and detect design errors early in the design phase of the process. He can further more create optimal insertion and extraction paths and define the best assembly and disassembly sequence of operations. eM-Assembler also enables to examine service and maintenance procedures prior to building the first physical prototype. Features of eM-Assembler are 3D visualization, use of original CAD data, creation of insertion and extraction paths, static collision analysis, dynamic collision detection, complete assembly sequence definition using Gantt charts and tree diagrams and simulation including human, robot and tool resources. eM-Workplace PC (Robcad) enables the design, simulation, optimization, analysis and off-line programming of multidevice robotic and automated manufacturing processes in the context of product and production resource information. It provides a concurrent engineering platform to optimize processes and calculate cycle times. eM-Workplace integrates a powerful set of processspecific applications for a wide range of processes, including spot-welding, arc welding, laser- and water-jet cutting, drilling and riveting, and human operations. eM-Workplace simultaneously models all physical characteristics of robots and other automated devices, enabling users to verify the accessibility limits (reach target, define path, avoid collisions and calculate cycle times) while developing a planning concept. Features of eM-Workplace are interoperability with major MCAD systems (i.e., no data translation required), robots/machines/tools/equipment libraries, modelling of components, modelling of complex kinematics of robots and other mechanisms, 3D layout definition of workcells, 3D path definition with reachability check, collisions detection and optimized cycle time, motion simulation and synchronization of several robots and mechanisms, modelling and optimisation of the whole manufacturing process SOP (Sequence of Operations), OLP (Off-Line Programming), optimized programs downloaded to robots on the shop floor and up-load of existing production programs for optimisation. eM-Spot and eM-Weld address the spot-welding design process while taking into account critical factors such as space constriction, geometric limitations and welding cycle times. Features such as gun search, automatic robot placement, path cycle-time optimizers, and weld point management tools enable to create virtual cells, simulations, and programs that accurately reflect the physical cell and robot behavior. eM-Spot and eM-Weld also enable off-line programming of robots. C) Ressource management : Resource Manager provides a library to manage a range of manufacturing resource data, including data from machine tools, cutting tools and gages, to robots, welding guns and manufacturing process templates. The software allows to define a structure under which data can be classified and to conduct parametric search queries to retrieve the data. The Resource Manager is an application based on and tightly integrated with the Teamcenter data management platform. This allows data to be retrieved from the Resource Manager and used directly within Teamcenter Manufacturing and NX CAM. In addition, the Resource Manager can be configured as a standalone library system. D) Plant design and optimisation: eM-Plant enables the modelling and simulating of production systems and processes. Using Plant Simulation, the planner can optimize material flow, resource utilization and logistics for all levels of plant planning from global production facilities, through local plants, to specific lines. eM-Plant allows the creation of computer models of logistic systems (e.g., production) to explore system characteristics and optimize performance. The computer model enables users to run experiments 11 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment and what-if scenarios without disturbing an existing production system or - when used in the planning process - long before the real system is installed. Extensive analysis tools, statistics and charts let users evaluate different manufacturing scenarios and make fast, reliable decisions in the early stages of production planning. eM-Plant helps planners to detect and eliminate problems that otherwise would require cost- and time-consuming correction measures during production ramp-up, to minimize the investment cost for production lines without jeopardizing required output and to optimize the performance of existing production systems by implementing measures that have been verified in a simulation environment prior to implementation. FactoryCAD is a factory layout application. Instead of drawing lines, arcs, and circles, FactoryCAD allows to work with objects that represent the resources used in a Factory, from floor and overhead conveyors, mezzanines and cranes to material handling containers and operators. FactoryFLOW is a graphical material handling system that enables engineers to optimize layouts based on material flow distances, frequency, and costs. Factory layouts are analyzed by using part routing information, material storage needs, material handling equipment specifications, and part packaging (containerization) information. FactoryFLOW’s layout evaluation tools model the effect of layout changes before undertaking the risk and expense of physically reworking inefficient layouts. And optimized factory designs bring factories online faster, compress time to launch, and improve production efficiency. Customer testimonials show that users have recovered their investment in software and training in the first year, and often in the first study. FactoryFLOW is a graphical material handling system that enables engineers to optimize layouts based on material flow distances, frequency, and costs. Factory layouts are analyzed by using part routing information, material storage needs, material handling equipment specifications, and part packaging (containerization) information. FactoryFLOW uses aisle network information to find the shortest distance between any two points to identify the closest incoming dock and storage area to a part's point of use. Material flow studies are performed on alternate layout configurations and automatically compared to determine which layout is better. FactoryFLOW generates Euclidean (point-to-point) material flow diagrams, actual path flow diagrams, aisle congestion diagrams, and quantitative reports so engineers can compare layout options and improve production efficiency. Factory Mockup enables factory engineers and management to fly through, walk through, inspect, and animate motion in a rendered 3D factory model. Factory Mockup also provides design collaboration activities for these engineers so they can view, measure, and inspect for clearance in a 3D virtual factory model. eM-Sequencer is a scheduling solution for sequencing orders and allocating orders to parallel lines. If many different products and variants have to be produced, and sequencing of orders is restricted by a large number of rules, eM-Sequencer assists in improving the schedule quality. It will also help to reduce the manual effort for producing feasible schedules. E) Human performance and ergonomics: Jack is an ergonomics and human factors product that helps enterprises to improve the ergonomics of product designs and workplace tasks. This software enables users to position biomechanically accurate digital humans of various sizes, assign them tasks and analyze their performance. Jack (and Jill) digital humans can tell engineers what they can see and reach, how comfortable they are, when and why they're getting hurt, when they're getting tired and other important ergonomics information. This information helps organizations design safer and more effective products faster and for less cost. Ultimately, Jack helps companies bring factories on-line faster and optimize productivity while improving worker safety. eM-Human enables the design, analysis and optimization of detailed human operations. eM-Human provides a wide range of 3D virtual human models that allow accurate simulation of manual tasks, as well as the analysis of ergonomics and assembly time. eM-Human provides intuitive feasibility checks of human tasks, interactive improvement of manual workplaces and evaluation of different design variants. Product features are female and male models in different percentile sizes, advanced kinematics and motion capabilities, retransformation of the entire body, standard postures for standing and sitting, macros for fast task modelling and simulation, automatic following of moving devices, posture library, reach envelopes for fast workplace configuration, time analysis, field-ofvision analysis, online visualization of results, screen captures (avi) for documentation and presentation and generation of ergonomic reports and animated work instructions. 12 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment eM-Work Instructions enables to generate electronic work instructions directly from eMPower planning and engineering applications. These documents can be accessed from anywhere using a standard Web browser. eM-Work Instructions increases productivity, efficiency and quality on the shop floor by facilitating direct communication between engineers and shop floor personnel. F) Product quality planning and analysis: Tecnomatix Product Quality planning includes an analysis tool to predict the amounts and causes of variation in manufacturing processes. This helps to reduce the negative impact of variation on product quality, product cost and time to market. With this tool, engineers can create a 3D digital prototype to simulate the production run, including a full representation of parts, tolerances and process variation. The model predicts if there will be assembly build problems and identifies their root causes - before physical parts are made or tooling is cut. Tecnomatix Product Quality also enables to generate complex inspection programs for machines and perform quick and accurate analysis by comparing inspected data with specified design features and tolerances. The software uses nominal CAD geometry to generate, optimize and verify off-line inspection programs for CMMs and NC machine tools. It helps to interpret component and assembly tolerances defined by product design that can be used during programming for the identification of critical features and analysis of inspection results. G) Production management: Xfactory is a Tracking and Production Management system. It is an open platform combined with software applications that manage the day-to-day plant operations and the plant's integration to the extended enterprise and its supply chain. Xfactory is designed to capture and communicate real-time manufacturing data from the shop floor. It makes it easy to connect to a wide variety of external data sources such as serial devices and OPC servers and associate the data with manufacturing events in the system to automatically drive the production environment. Xfactory is designed to track all aspects of manufacturing production - providing defect tracking, traceability, route and materials enforcement, and providing a complete and accurate product genealogy to reduce work in progress, to lower cost of errors, and to lower cost of compliance with government regulations. Xfactory also makes it easy to communicate with other business systems with its PLM/ERP Connector. This connector uses a standards based XML implementation of the ISA 95 standard to allow customers to expand its interoperability with high-end business systems. eM-PLC enables the off-line programming of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). eM-PLC and STEP 7 Professional allow engineers from both mechanical design and control departments to work in parallel and share information. The software enables the automatic generation of PLC programs directly from the virtual manufacturing cell and allows for "virtual commissioning" prior to building the equipment on the shop floor. H) Manufacturing data management: Teamcenter Manufacturing is an information management engine based on Teamcenter Engineering, with several extensions that adapt its applicability to the manufacturing environment. Teamcenter Manufacturing serves as the foundation for UGS' Tecnomatix suite of digital manufacturing solutions, enabling companies to quickly assess the impact of their decisions on product, process, plant and resource requirements. Teamcenter Manufacturing extends Teamcenter Engineering which is focused on managing product definition and related information, to manage a wider set of data created in the manufacturing planning stage of the product lifecycle. The tools available in Teamcenter Engineering for workflow, change management, integrated visualization options, configuration management and integration tools are all available and directly relevant for Teamcenter Manufacturing. Teamcenter Manufacturing is the enabling technology behind Tecnomatix Process Planner and Resource Manager. These applications establish the relationships and associations between product, process, plant and resource, which are the basis for the creation of a manufacturing plan. eBOP Manager provides quick and easy access to electronic Bills of Processes (eBOPs) and other manufacturing information that are stored in the eMServer. The eBOP Manager makes it easy to search, navigate and view eBOPs in real time and at different levels of detail from a bird's eye view 13 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment and Pert chart of processes, to detailed 3D information of manufacturing facilities and products. Incorporating real-time, dynamic streaming, eBOP Manager users can interact with and exchange 3D manufacturing information over the Web, even over low-bandwidth networks. With the latest manufacturing information at the click of a mouse, manufacturers can make decisions and respond to market demand with levels of confidence and efficiency. III) Data management: A few years ago the digital factory scientific community believed that integrated digital factory solutions, that comprise the entire product life cycle and the factory life cycle will be build along engineering/product data management systems (EDM systems, PDM systems). 5 years ago Metaphase and MatrixOne have been the EDM/PDM systems with the highest market shares. EDM/PDM systems are able to store any files with product related information like CAD drawings, documentation, instructions and so on. Further more EDM/PDM systems allow defining user roles and access rights to data, developments processes including design freeze states and releases. Now it showed that the biggest EDM/PDM vendors have been acquired by those companies which are offering digital factory solutions and well known CAD systems. Metaphase now is developed into UGS’ TeamCenter Enterprise whereas MatrixOne and the former Enovia PDM solutions belong to Dassault. • UGS TeamCenter Enterprise (formerly Metaphase). Available at: http://www.ugs.com/products/teamcenter/ Dassault Enovia SmarTeam: Available at: http://www.3ds.com/products-solutions/plm-solutions/enovia• smarteam/overview/ • • Dassault Enovia VPLM: Available at: http://www.3ds.com/products-solutions/plm-solutions/enovia-vplm/overview/ Dassault Enovia MatrixOne: Available at: http://www.3ds.com/products-solutions/plm-solutions/enoviamatrixone/overview/ There are still a number of other EDM/PDM systems. The most important of them are product of the CAD systems companies and thus these EDM/PDM systems are directly integrated to the respective CAD systems like AutoDesk: Autodesk Productstream. Available at: http://www.autodesk.de/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=403786&id=6562670 IV) Stand-Alone Simulators: • Incontrol’s Entreprise Dynamics, Lanner Group’s Witness and Rockwell’s Arena are plant and material flow simulators with comparable functionality like Delmia’s QUEST and Tecnomatix’ eMPlant. • Human solution’s RAMSIS is a human model solution with similar functionality like Delmia Human and Tecnomatix’ eM-Human Jack. 2.2 Virtual Reality 2.2.1 Definition of Virtual Reality The concept of Virtual Reality (VR) represents a special way of interactive communication between human and computer. Despite approaches and systems for Virtual Reality exist since the years sixties of the twentieth century (Sutherland 1965; Sutherland 1968) there is still no standard definition of Virtual Reality. Nevertheless some core declarations have been widely diffused to the scientific community. Within a Virtual Reality environment, also called Virtual Environment, the user perceives the computer generated information as three dimensional images, spatial sound, tactile, kinaesthetic, olfactory or gustatory feedback. At the same time the psycho-motoric and physiological behaviour of the user is tracked and used to manipulate the Virtual Environment (Barfield 1995a; Bauer, C. 1996). The VR display technology addresses the user’s perception cues, the VR sensing technology tracks the user’s psycho-motoric and physiological behaviour. An environment that uses a number of perception cues is called multimodal environment. A VR system is further on defined as the aggregation of a computer platform (the VR computer), data to describe a 3D scene, input and output devices that enable human computer communication and a program environment. The input and output devices constitute interface between human and computer and are thus called interface devices further on. The sum of an interface device and its respective software is hereby defines as interface system. 14 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment 2.2.2 Virtual Presence and Immersion A Virtual Environment is an interactive, multi sensory, three-dimensional computer generated environment. Virtual presence describes the degree of presence or inclusion of a human within a Virtual Environment. In this sense, virtual presence is further defined as the feeling to be present in a cognitive and physical way with one’s visual, auditory or force generating display devices, that are driven by a computer system (Barfield 1995; Witmer 1998). The goal of tracking human behaviour for virtual world manipulation is to immerse the user into a Virtual Environment and to make himself part of the Virtual Environment. VR systems that fulfil this condition are called immersive VR systems (Barfield 1995b). Technologically this means that the user’s operations are tracked and interpreted in such a way, that the computer generated environment reacts exactly how a real environment would do. An application example is the change of a view perspective due to a user movement. Immersion is a psychological state, characterised by a feeling of immersion into an environment that generates continuous stream of stimuli and experience (Witmer 1998). If a Virtual Environment produces a higher degree of immersion, it provides stronger presence. Zeltzer uses the degree of presence as a means of measurement to characterise Virtual Environments (Figure 4) (Zeltzer 1992). Besides the degree of presence, Zeltzer uses autonomy and interaction as co-ordinate axis. In this case autonomy describes the independence of further processes in the environment like physical models or autonomous behaviour agents. Interaction is the accessibility to model and system parameters, thus interaction possibilities for the user. Witmer and Singer identified the factors influencing presence and classified them into four groups (Witmer 1998): • Sensory factors: Sensory modality, environmental richness, multimodal presentation, consistency of multimodal information, degree of movement perception, active search, • Distraction factors: isolation, selective attention, interface awareness, • Control factors: degree of control, immediacy of control, anticipation of events, mode of control, physical environment modifiability, • Realism factors: scene realism, information consistent with objective world, meaningfulness of experience, separation anxiety/disorientation. Stanney analyzed the influence of presence on the user performance in a virtual environment. He concludes that increasing degree of presence will lead in principle to a reduced complexity of operating and navigator efforts whereas the user performance will rise (Stanney 1998). Figure 4: Zeltzer’s AIP cube 15 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment 2.3 Relationship between Digital Factory and Virtual Reality 2.3.1 Differentiation vs complementarity of concepts According to the previous chapter the digital factory comprises a digital model of a production site or of a factory and the digital tools to create this model. Quell, Reinhart, Zäh, and the VDI guideline 4499 explicitly name 3D visualisation as one part of the digital factory (Quell 1999; Reinhart 2002b; Zäh 2003; VDI 4499). The basis of 3D visualisation is 3D data. An environment of virtual reality or virtual environment is according to the above chapter an interactive, multi sensory, three-dimensional computer generated environment, in which the user feels cognitively and physically present with visual, auditive, tactile, kinaesthetic, olfactory and gustatory senses. The VDI guideline 4499 sees Virtual Reality as a model class of the digital factory (VDI 4499). Other examples of model classes are accordingly architecture, the development process chain, design, simulation, animation and ergonomics. But results of architecture and simulation may also be presented in virtual environments. Design tasks may be performed within virtual environments. Virtual Reality can also use animation techniques (example: key frame animation technique in VRML (ISO 14772-1)). Thus it is problematic to see VR as an independent model class of the digital factory. Due to the previous chapter the digital factory models comprise structures, process and resources, especially 3D data. Additionally the tasks to be solved may have a strong spatial character (e.g. robotics, work place design). The context of virtual reality and the digital factory is rather that the digital factory’s 3D models can be driven by a VR system in such a manner that they formulate a spatial environment for the user. In this context, VR represents the user interface to the program applications of the digital factory (Figure 5 and (Koch 2000)). Virtual Reality is one method for perception and interaction with the models of the digital factory and can be seen as an alternative means to windows-icon-menu-pointer (WIMP) systems (Haselberger 2003; Scali 2003; Gauldie 2004) or alphanumeric. Figure 5 gives an overview. Figure 5: Virtual Reality as a component of the Digital Factory 16 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment 2.3.2 Applications of VR within the Digital Factory Companies worldwide are introducing new technologies into the production cycle to increase their effectiveness and generate faster responses to market demands. Before the manufacturing process, a designed object should be verified to make sure that all construction constraints are obeyed; a project could be easy or a time-consuming and expensive process, depending on the complexity of the object. As an alternative for physical prototyping and testing, more computer techniques are being incorporated for visualising and testing the functionality of the objects. VR is recognised as the technology that can offer to the user the ability to see and explore in a realistic manner new products or concepts before they exist in reality. The costs involved in virtual prototyping are often essentially lower than a similar test on real prototypes. Standard Web technologies are leading to easier, more effective and more generalized applications (Jezernik 2003). The integration of virtual reality with manufacturing applications fits perfectly. VR is usually defined as a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment, in which the user is both able to view and manipulate the contents of that environment. In VR, the visuals, sounds and sensations create an actual experience, leaving the user free to explore the environment, gather information, and effectively solve problems. VR can be easily used to explore the feasibility of a range of tools and techniques that support advanced manufacturing (NIST 2006). VR technology currently covers many digital factory application fields due to its multiple application opportunities (Flaig 1995b; Dai 1998; Boud 1999; Gillner 1999; Weyrich 1999; Beier 2000; Barfield 2001; Cunha 2001; Petzold 2000), as follows: 1. Assembly planning VR applications within assembly have two focuses. The first one is the assembly line/systems planning, the second one represents the proof of mountability/assembility of geometrical prototypes. The planning of assembly systems includes the design of entire assembly lines up to the design and evaluation of manual assembly processes (Allen 1995; Heger 1997; Bauer 1998; Bauer 1999; Drews 1998; Reinhart 1999a; Ye 1999; Koch 2000; Krause 2000; Petzold 2000; Barfield 2001; Georg 2001; Alt 2002; Mersinger 2002; Westkämper 2002a; Westkämper 2002b; Nikolakis 2003). Figure 6: Virtual assembly scene Figure 7: Analysis of geometry alternatives for assembly Assembly operations call for accurate manoeuvres in order to build in any new product. A trial and error approach is often employed in the planning of manufacturing processes (Chryssolouris 2004). Manual assembly tasks are typical cases in which human involvement is critical, due to its influencing the operation feasibility, cycle time, working comfort and safety. However, physical prototyping and experimentation for investigating human factors increases both the development cycle time and the cost. Thus, there has been a strong need for integrating human factors into the design and verification of industrial processes by using advanced simulation techniques. Assembly environments in virtual reality have gradually integrated the outputs of research activities of many research groups into the area of virtual assembly and human – oriented process simulation using VR. In addition, many interaction techniques are used to provide realistic capabilities for the immersive manipulation of virtual objects within a virtual environment such as grasping, voice commands and collision detection techniques (Figure 6, Figure 7). The environment developed in (Gaonkar 2005) has many advantages for studying assembly operations, chief among them being the inclusion of the whole humanoid for studying accessibility, reach and ergonomics (Figure 8). This immersive virtual reality environment (IVE) includes visual feedback of objects to be grasped and of collision, auditory 17 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment feedback, voice activated commands for navigating in the virtual world and capturing postures, behaviours such as rotation of jigs when a virtual button is pressed, etc. An interactive visualization solution for complex virtual assembly environments is developed in (Wang 2006). The solution combines a dynamic spatial dataset of virtual assembly model and a few visibility optimization approaches. By integrating a dynamic transformation mechanism with the spatial data set, the proposed virtual assembly model is well suited to represent dynamically changing virtual assembly scenes. Visibility optimization approaches are developed based on the proposed virtual assembly model. Figure 8: The experimental setup and typical third and first person views provided by Jack 2. Planning of manufacturing processes For the planning of manufacturing processes ((DIN 8580) VR applications have been developed that enable a fast and correct perception of a (intermediate) digital product. A method that is frequently used is to compare assembly processes of alternative parameter settings (comparative visualisation). There are VR applications for forming /casting: MAGMA 2005), shaping (Gillner 1999; Koch 2000; Huhn 2002a; Huhn 2002b; Huhn 2002c; Huhn 2002d; Huhn 2002e; Huhn 2004), separating (Tönshoff 2000; Straube 2001; Klocke 2003b; Straube 2004), joining (Tschirner 2002; Luczak 2003; Hillers 2004) und coating (Figure 9) (Westkämper 2004b) have to be mentioned, as well. Additional functionality for carrying out manual welding operations is also available in virtual environment since many innovations have been developed, by providing functionality for an immersive and interactive process execution within a virtual environment. The simulation features of this environment enable the user to set up, execute and validate the results of a welding process (Mavrikios 2006). The user can set-up a welding machine and perform a welding operation with the appropriate tools (Figure 10). The simulation environment provides interaction capabilities and supporting functions to assist the process performance or to simplify complex process aspects. Moreover, in order to account for the need of quantitative process performance validation, functions currently embedded only in mannequins’ technology applications have been adapted for use within the immersive environment. A prototype mixed reality system was created to allow a human to make a virtual gas metal arc fillet weld in the horizontal welding position (Figure 11). The system records process parameters, which are displayed after welding for critique and instruction. This represents a welder training approach that leverages current state-of-the-art VR technology (Porter 2005). 18 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 9: Evaluation of coating process with metaphors Figure 10: Real-time seam creation Figure 11: Head and Torch Input Sources 3. Robotics VR applications within robotics aim at developing and evaluating robot paths (Figure 12). This is done in pure virtual settings and also in coupling with real robot systems. Both the observation and the steering of a real robot are thus performed using its digital counterpart (Däinghaus 1994; Flaig 1994a; Flaig 1994b; Neugebauer 1994a; Neugebauer 1994b; Ilar 1996; Neugebauer 1997; Schraft 1997b; Bhatia 1999; Koch 2000; Denkena 2004). Figure 12: Implicit robot programming with VR 4. Work place design Virtual environments for work place design solve ergonomic and time-related questions. Work place design issues can be requirements according posture and motion for the worker at his work place (Figure 13, Figure 14, Figure 15). Further problems concern the layout of bins or the supply infrastructure like electricity, pressure air, light, noise (Allen 1995; Heger 1997; Bauer 1998; Bauer 1999; Deisinger 2000; Koch 2000; Petzold 2000; Doil 2003a; Hagenmeyer 2003; Whitman 2004). 19 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Human behaviour in real time is simulated through. In fact, human performers can be replaced, in virtual environments, by a computational human model, also called "virtual human" or "mannequin" that can be used as a subject in simulated tests. Mannequins can be either programmed to perform a specific task or can be driven by human motion data. In order to enhance the realism in the mannequin’s motion, the second method is more suitable (Chryssolouris 2004). Software tools that are used to manually fine-tune joints of the digital humanoid to achieve fully realistic postures are of relevant using, as well. Though several features to facilitate the positioning process are implemented in these software tools, positioning of these humanoids needs expertise and patience, since humanoids are complex inverse kinematics devices (Gaonkar 2005). Virtual reality is common used for ergonomic evaluation methods. A number of ergonomic models, such as the NIOSH lifting equation for recommended weight limit, and the GARG equations for energy expenditure, have been adapted for use within an immersive and interactive environment (Chryssolouris 2000). For the estimation of the necessary task variables required by the models, the position and orientation coordinates of specific subject’s limbs are employed. Moreover, it is possible to map the interactions of an immersed human onto a digital mannequin and carry out the ergonomic analysis of the assembly process in a desktop mode. In this way, ergonomic analysis may be carried out with the use of standard tools of human simulation software over a varying range of human populations. Based on the available models, the user is provided with quantified estimations on important ergonomic measures. Traditional methods for ergonomic analysis were based on statistical data obtained from previous studies or equations based on such studies (Jayaram 2006). In such a study (Montreuil 2000) an ergonomic group considered solutions to transform work situations during a brainstorming session and weighing of the solutions. The standard analytical tools included NIOSH lifting equation (Dempsey 2002), Ovaka posture analysis (Keyserling 2004) and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (McAtamney 2006). Various commercial software systems are available for ergonomic studies. Hanson (2000) presents a survey of three such tools: ANNIE-Ergoman, JACK, and RAMSIS, used for human simulation and ergonomic evaluation of car interiors. The tools are compared and the results show that all three tools have excellent potential in ergonomically evaluating car interiors in the early design phase. Jack (UGS 2006) is an ergonomics and human factors product which enables users to position bio-mechanically accurate digital humans of various sizes in virtual environments, assign them tasks, and analyze their performance. Figure 13: Work place evaluation with VR Figure 14: Mannequin assembly execution Figure 15: Ergonomic simulation in desktop environment using a virtual human 20 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment 5. Product/Process Design VR and/or AR are playing an increasing role in developing the industrial applications, particularly in the phases of product/process design and simulation. The main objective of the VR/AR environment supporting these phases is to create a support tool for the whole design team (designers, technicians, marketing people, decision makers and sample of consumers). The VR/AR allows to configure a new product (using drawings coming from designers) and to simulate its behaviour thanks to the integration with the control-logic of the product. In the future mass customised manufacturing, VR/AR based product design will lead to better efficiency, optimised ergonomics and higher satisfying quality. Sacco et al. (2001) examined some issues involved in producing custom footwear on a mass-market basis. The VRShoe system (Figure 16) was developed to provide designers with an interactive and immersive environment to draw or create or modify naturally the shoe style line on a shoe model that was created before in the CAD system. The designer imports the shoe last model and eventually, the style lines from the CAD or from the DB and can have a 3D immersive view of the footwear. He/she can fly-through and move around the shoe model. The 3D stereoscopic effect is implemented using stereoscopic glasses and a stereo projector, while the interaction device is a sensorised pen and a sensorised last. In a second step VRShoe allows the designer to draw (create) or to modify, directly on the shoe model, the style lines previously created in a commercial CAD. The new shoes, once created and verified in the VRE, are sent back to the CAD where the 3D model is flattened to obtain the shell and to step into the engineering phase of shoe design. The system permits to the designer to save time reducing the number of action that he/she should do for acquiring new design components and adjust them using CAD, and with time, the designer avoid waist of materials (great help for environment safeguard), because the changes are virtual and not real. VRShoe can be also useful in a creative design moment making also the consumer participating in a natural and user friendly way (Sacco et al. 2005; Mottura et al. 2003; Liao et al. 2005). For product aesthetical design and usability validation, VRWashMachine (Figure 17) and ARBike (Figure 18) are two examples. VRWashMachine is used to allow, in a virtual mode, to configure and validate new washing machine. With simple operations the product layout’s editing and validation process can be performed. The system allows the user to define the price category and the brand for each components involved in the assembly of the prototype constrained by the usual design process rules. The system is utilized both for the marketing team meetings as well for the designer team meetings: in this way, a configuration session can be considered where a user (Active User, AU) interacts with the VE, and the other users (Passive User, PU) can participate by viewing what’s happening in VR and they can directly interact with the AU. So, a circular relationship is established between AU and PU where the AU is, according with the cases, the main actor of the virtual experience because the himself performs the layout configuration, and also he’s the “functional tool” of the PU meeting because the can follow the considerations and the advices made in real-time in the VR environment. Besides it has been developed the integration of the control of the product and information about sounds and vibrations coming from the specific labs. In such a way a complete virtual product is available for aesthetical and usability validation. The same procedure is under development for motorcycles. This time instead of using VR technology the Augmented one is used with the effect to have a real mock-up of the product to which virtual parts are added. The purpose is not just the aesthetical and functional validation of the product itself but also the training of the designer, actually not used to evaluate virtual product. The mixed environment will help them to compare the real with the digital they should learn (Sacco 2005; Mottura et al. 2003). To shorten the time to market impacts heavily on the frequency of reconfiguring the manufacturing system. Anytime a product is changed or modified in its essential component or new feature are added the production process should be modified. The factory layout have to be reconfigured. The modular digital factory aims to improve standardisation, specialisation, flexibility and adaptability (Sacco 2005). VRFactory (Figure 19) is a system that allows model and simulate a factory in a virtual reality environment where both the layout design and the production process are taken into account. The modular digital factory design is to import module-oriented paradigm to design and create digital factory. To implement modular factory design, the object-oriented modelling is adopted. The factory resources are standardised and modelled as objects and have defined interfaces and properties. The properties of manufacturing resources can be made available to sublevel classes via the principle of object inheritances. A central object oriented database, Standard Facility Library (SFL) is created that stores all the standardised resource modules and reference architectures (Sacco 2005; Liao et al. 2005). 21 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 16: VRShoe - Shoe style design Figure 17: VRWashMachine - Aesthetical validation Figure 18: ARBike - Usability Validation Figure 19: VRFactory – Plant Design and Simulation The significant advantage of virtual reality for digital factory design is to increase planning speed and reduction of cost. It provides a friendly 3D interface for factory building or shop floor design under virtual reality environment. User will select the desired resource objects from the SFL, which have been stored previously, and will put them on the virtual factory floor, connecting outputs to inputs and verifying the hypothetical layout against the existing spatial constraints. In the case of factory building design (Figure 22), the main purpose of the virtual reality interface is that of allowing the user to navigate in the building and obtain an immediate and realistic feedback of design choices and change accordingly. In the case of a shop floor design (Figure 21), the layout of production resources will be arranged well with consideration of factory environmental constraints (Liao et al. 2004). The virtual reality environment makes user available to freely navigate and assembly these module objects in immersive environment, as shown in Figure 20. User can design factory building and evaluate environmental impacts on the factory itself, create shop floor area and design layouts of the production modules. The discrete event simulation tool allows for replaying the production process of the designed digital factory. All the factory resources can be emulated with an intuitive and powerful visualisation effect on three-dimensional (3D) VR interface. The design results can thus be verified and optimised. Correspondingly, the resource and energy consuming can be reduced. The reference architecture applies the standardised modules to construct template-like digital factory model that includes layouts as well as related production process information and so on. It could be realised from different levels (of factory, sector, line, or workstation) (Sacco et al. 2004). 22 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 20: VR based modular factory design Figure 21: VR based shop floor design Figure 22: VR based factory building design 6. Control Engineering By using in control engineering activities the VR methodologies and tools, the users can evaluate the combination of control logic, sensors and actuators. System architectures in use differ widely in terms of how they integrate real world control system components like program logic and hardware parts. Simple VR applications only indicate even the program logic; others integrate control simulators or allow connecting hardware controls to the VR world (Figure 23) (Däinghaus 1995a; Flaig 1998g; Osmers 1998; Spath 2000; Tönshoff 2000). Figure 23: Scheme of hardware-in-the-loop 7. Planning of material flow systems Virtual environments can be used to design the layout and control of conveyors, stocks and workstations supplied (Figure 24). For this reason geometrical and functional models of conveyor systems are brought into service, even with aspects of control engineering (Schraft 1997a; Flaig 1998h; Barfield 2001; Bergbauer 2002; Bracht 2003b; Gausemeier 2004; Dangelmaier 2005b). 23 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 24: Design of material flow systems 8. Logistics VR applications in logistics provide a basis for an analysis of logistics systems by their respective articles. Analysers take a look onto article movements related to the factory layout as well as representations of articles in spatial reference systems with axis made out of logistics quantities (like order frequency, order value, regularity (Figure 25) (Flaig 1996b; Schraft 1997a; Flaig 1998b; Flaig 1998h; Dangelmaier 2005a; Mueck 2005). Figure 25: Spatial representation of logistic goods 9. Safety engineering and worker protection Work safety systems are designed and evaluated with VR methods. Some demonstrations even included a worker model (Figure 26) (Däinghaus 1995b; Flaig 1996c; Flaig 1998e; Flaig 1998f; Flaig 1998k; EVICS 2003). Figure 26: Design of a safe work cell 10. Training VR for training can be used to present work processes, to advise a user to perform scenarios in a virtual environment or to log user interactions during a training scenario. Situations may be simulated that stand for a risk in terms of safety or costs (Breining 1997; Flaig 1998d; Flaig 1998e; Fahlbusch 2000; Fernandes 2003; Brüseke 2004; Fisser 2004; Wasfy 2005) (Figure 27). 24 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Very often VR techniques are used to train workers and other personnel before the real process takes place. Hands-on practice under real conditions, besides being expensive, can – in some cases – become dangerous both for the trainee and the system’s resources. Virtual reality technology has emerged as a simulation technology with a great potential of supporting design and training activities by integrating humans into the simulated environment (Mavrikios 2006). A very latest use of VR in training is the one presented in (Ronkko 2006) where an astronaut training is being accomplished on Earth. Zero gravity conditions are simulated to help to execute accurately tasks in outer space. Often haptic virtual reality has difficulty in presenting appropriate morphological engagement to its users, but this need not be a problem. For example, Moody in (Moody 2003) demonstrated that the use of haptic feedback in a virtual training simulator could be used to train suturing skills when people were given a pairs of needle holders to grasp in order to manipulate the virtual model. Additionally in (Fernandes 2003) a fully immersive VR visualization suite, called “Cybersphere”, can be used in conjunction with a collaborative product suite to achieve an ideal training environment for manufacturing industries. An intelligent virtual environment is described in (Wasfy 2004) for training users in the operation of complex engineering systems. The environment combines an intelligent agent facility, for tutoring, guiding and/or supervising the training; an object-oriented virtual environment engine, for displaying the engineering system; and a simulator, for simulating the system controls. The intelligent agent facility includes: (a) a hierarchical process knowledge base, (b) a rule-based expert system for natural language understanding, and (c) a human-like virtual characters engine. Three types of objects are used for representing the process knowledge, namely, processes, steps, and constraints. Figure 27: Training on an industrial control 11. Resource planning VR is used in resource planning activities to display 3D data related to the parts list, which is itself stored in the resource planning system. For this purpose, the VR systems have been integrated with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems (Appl 2001). Breining describes an approach to model and to manage business processes by the help of VR. Discussions about VR use in human resource planning concern the role that VR may play for the distribution of qualifications in an enterprise (Duffy 2000). 12. Maintenance and repair VR applications in maintenance and repair support these processes by including state diagnosis and education applications to perform maintenance/repair processes. New developments also allow assistance functions in real procedures in maintenance/repair (Flaig 1995a; Flaig 1998d; Flaig 1998e; Barfield 2001; Stadtler 2002; Schwald 2003; Brecher 2004). There are some special tasks that require very careful handling and many times it’s very critical how to approach the mechanism that is to be maintained. In such operations very often human operators are involved, along with all the difficulties in modelling and simulating their behaviour, due to the flexibility that a human brings with it. Virtual Reality with its immersion and interaction capabilities offers an advanced tool that needs to be properly exploited for the design of manufacturing, assembly and disassembly techniques, to include the human behaviour, and the human dimensions, which up to now, have been difficult to be incorporated (Chryssolouris 2000; Lu 1999). The development of a virtual environment for constraint based assembly and maintenance task simulation and analysis of large-scale mechanical products has to be mentioned, as well. The maintenance environment allows the user to select a component within the environment. The computer then calculates all geometrically feasible disassembly sequences and allows the self-animation or user-performed of the sequences (Figure 29, Figure 30, Figure 31). One of the latest uses of virtual reality in maintenance process is the maintenance of the Joint European torus (JET) (Figure 32), the world's largest nuclear fusion research facility investigating the use of nuclear fusion. The JET machine undergoes an on-going program of upgrades and modifications facilitating a broad 25 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment scientific program of experimentation and the maintenance are carried out remotely using telemanipulators mounted on a robotic Boom, employing a ‘man in the loop’ approach. The system relies on the use of real time 3D computer graphic models in a virtual reality environment for preparation and support of remotehandling operations with colour emphasis to highlight materials, components and systems requiring special care (Sanders 2006). Figure 28: Maintenance scene Figure 29: The simplified process plant case study Figure 30: The process plant within the maintenance environment Figure 31: Mockup 2000i2 JET simulation 26 DiFac IST5-035079 13. D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Machine design and project planning VR applications support the definition and evaluation of a machine (Figure 32) (Grefen 1997; Ebbesmeyer 1999; Gausemeier 2000; Bracht 2001b; Bracht 2002; Doil 2003b; Nett 2002; Fischer 2003; Daniel 2005). Figure 32: Line configuration in 3D 14. Documentation VR worlds can serve as a platform to store knowledge about processes and planning steps (Figure 33). Modelling can be done by an authoring tool or implicitly by logging the user interaction of a carrier of knowledge. The knowledge is passed to a new user by experiencing the virtual environment (Flaig 1998d; Cunha 2001; Eversheim 2002; Hillers 2004). Figure 33: 3D model with additional documentation content 15. Factory life cycle management With the ability of 3D worlds to store knowledge, to work in co-operation and to integrate results of many factory planning steps (Figure 34), they become challenging for the factory life cycle management (Flaig 1998b; Flaig 1998c; Westkämper 1999; Gausemeier 2000; Cunha 2001; Joosten 2001; Kiel 2001; Runde 2001; Eversheim 2002; Gausemeier 2002; Neugebauer 2004), as well . The VR applications are very intensively used in all phases of factory life cycle. . 27 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 34: „Data for Life principle“ for VR data according to Flaig (1998b) 16. Factory planning VR factory planning applications support the design and evaluation of building and facilities development, construction, layout, operation and dismantle (Figure 35). Further on developments were made to integrate and adjust singular planning sections within factory building structures. This latter approach thus requires access to results of all the different planning topics mentioned above. Some topics were explicitly named: assembly, manufacturing processes, material flow systems, logistics, robotics, and work places, control engineering, safety engineering (Flaig 1997; Grefen 1997; Flaig 1998b; Gausemeier 2000; Westkämper 2000; Barfield 2001; Fahlbusch 2001; Bracht 2001a; Bracht 2002; Wiendahl 2002; Bracht 2003a; Doil 2003a; Doil 2003b; Harms 2003; Reinhart 2003). Figure 35: View onto entire factory in 3D 17. In-process support Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are used to provide computer-generated additional information during real-world work procedures,. Technological solutions are made out of semi-transparent see-through devices (head mounted displays) or non transparent video-see-through devices (hand held displays or head mounted displays). Assistance and surveillance tasks both for the real production itself and for its planning are mentioned in literature (Figure 36) (Flaig 1995a; Flaig 1998d; Stadtler 2002; Doil 2003a; Doil 2003b; Luczak 2003; Schwald 2003; Brecher 2004; Dangelmaier 2005a; Mueck 2005). 28 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 36: Augmented reality scene for assembly support 18. Tele applications Physical, real environments can be perceived and controlled over distance using the virtual counterpart within a virtual environment. Existing developments comprise visual and haptic tele presence (Figure 37) (Classen 1998; Flaig 1998i; Bhatia 1999; Mersinger 2001; Petzold 2000). Figure 37: Haptic tele presence 19. Co-operative VR-applications Co-operative and collaborative VR uses the common space of perception and interaction to support collaboration. Technical and methodological approaches include co-located and distributed cooperation for concurrent engineering and simultaneous engineering (McLean 1997; Bergbauer 1998; Reinhart 1999a; Singhal 1999; Automobilentwicklung 2000b; Koch 2000; Sihn 2000; Westkämper 2000; Billinghurst 2001; Harms 2003; Runde 2004; Runde 2005) (Figure 38). Figure 38: Screenshot of a scene with 3 avatars representing dislocated users 29 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment 20. Sales support The use of VR in sales applications aims at sharing the product definition process between the vendor and the customer. The common design process and the kind of product presentation lead to better product understanding and increased identification with the product: the sales opportunities rise (Figure 39) (Bauer 1998; Flaig 1998i; Daniel 2005). Figure 39: 3D presentation of control with sales information All 19 mentioned digital factory VR applications cannot be regarded in an isolated of even separate way. They complement each other. This becomes clear already by classifying them into specific tasks of the digital factory, spanning tasks and work techniques. Also the work techniques may be combined (Billinghurst 2001). 2.4 Collaboration 2.4.1 Definition of collaboration There are many definitions that can be assigned to the term of collaboration. As its Latin roots suggest, collaboration reduced to its simplest definition means "to work together." The search for a more comprehensive definition leads to a myriad of possibilities each having something to offer and none being entirely satisfactory on its own. The most robust definition and the most commonly cited, seems to be found in Barbara Gray's “Collaborating: Finding Common Ground for Multiparty Problems”. She describes collaboration as "a process through which parties who see different aspects of a problem can constructively explore their differences and search for solutions that go beyond their own limited vision of what is possible". She also defines collaboration, as "a process of joint decision making among key stakeholders of a problem domain about the future of that domain". Below are some more commonly used definitions of collaboration: “The interaction among two or more individuals that can encompass a variety of actions, such as communication, information sharing, coordination, cooperation, problem solving, and negotiation” “Collaboration is broadly defined as the interaction among two or more individuals and can encompass a variety of behaviors, including communication, information sharing, coordination, cooperation, problem solving, and negotiation". “Collaboration is a mutually beneficial relationship between two or more parties who work toward common goals by sharing responsibility, authority, and accountability for achieving results”. ICT collaboration models, methodologies and tools have widened the scope of traditional collaboration. Today, collaboration includes virtual workgroups that bring people together virtually via telephone, specialized computer software, email or videoconference, essentially reducing distance and enhancing the experience of physical interaction. Storage technologies together with relational databases and file systems have created a new context to the meaning of collaboration - that of sharing or reuse. Dispersed departments use collaboration technologies to share a presentation or a document. With the use of versioning, they are able to simultaneously work on the same draft versions without duplicating efforts and at the same time utilizing resources that can even be globally interspersed. Thus, technologies give 30 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment collaboration a new meaning by reducing time and space barriers to bring people together delivering additional value to businesses. Therefore, a more appropriate definition of collaboration from ICT perspective would be: “Real-time IT collaboration is a media that uses the Internet and presence technology to communicate with co-workers as if they were in the same room, even if they are located on the other side of the world. Real-time collaboration involves several kinds of synchronous communication tools such as: • Instant messaging, • Group chat, • Buddy list and other presence awareness technology, • Whiteboard collaboration, • Application sharing, • Desktop sharing, • Co-browsing, • Voice over IP, • Video and audio conferencing tools. Therefore, real collaboration technologies deliver the functionality for many participants to augment a common deliverable. Record or document management, threaded discussions, audit history, and other mechanisms designed to capture the efforts of many into a managed content environment are typical of collaboration technologies”. 2.4.2 Challenges in collaboration When designing collaborative applications, there is a big difference if the targeted user group is the private consumer market or a company employee. The prominent collaboration tools from the consumer market like instant messenger, chat, discussion forums, and subscriptions on web pages are all focusing on entertaining communication and knowledge exchange of a loose association of people, or a group of buddies that share some common interest but have no well defined goal of achieving something. The computer is used more as a communication device and a virtual community place in which opinions are exchanged (SAP 2006). Very useful would prove to be collaboration techniques that include whiteboard tools, allowing multiple users to view a shared screen over the internet, and mark or draw on that screen with near instantaneous viewing by everyone sharing the whiteboard (Prosca 2006; Gartenberg 2006). Most whiteboards provide temporary viewing of markings. However, there are automated whiteboards that have side-mounted scanners, allowing the markings to be saved electronically for printing or viewing on a computer. Interactive whiteboards such as an InterWrite, PolyVision Walk-and-Talk, Promethean ACTIVboard, or SMART Board allow the user to project a computer display onto a whiteboard using a projector. The user can then control the application and draw mark-ups by writing directly on the whiteboard screen. Internet-based whiteboard software such as Microsoft NetMeeting, Groupboard, or E-Chalk allows people to draw together on a virtual whiteboard over the Internet without needing any special hardware. Each user connects to the whiteboard and they can see what other users are drawing in real-time on their computer screen. Whiteboards are useful to illustrate ideas and showing pictures for audience quickly and conveniently. In a collaborative session, all attendees can be given permission to use the whiteboard to capture ideas (Gartner 2003). Another challenge is the provision of an advanced web-based file sharing functionality that would enable teams to organize and share large files and documents efficiently and quickly. This web-based functionality/application does not require any special software on the user’s PC other than a standard Internet browser. Team members are able to upload and download files from any location, allowing teams that are not located in the same physical location to share and organize their information in a central place that is still accessible to everyone on the team. Nowadays, a very popular and efficient tool used is wiki. This is a type of website that allows users easily to add, remove, or otherwise edit and change most available content, sometimes without the need for registration. This ease of interaction and operation makes a wiki an effective tool for collaborative writing (Wikipedia 2006). Furthermore, bulletin boards (applications that allow a threaded discussion on a topic) allow the posting of information for groups to easily access by category of type. Group members should be able to reply to the 31 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment posting, and the system should automatically post their reply on-line and send email to all group members. These applications are considered very effective for managing discussions on topics within a team. Moreover, internet/shared presentations, is another useful functionality that allows a single presenter to broadcast to hundreds or thousands of meeting distributed participants. The broadcasts can include voice and graphics. Depending on the shared application, participants may need special software(s) to be preinstalled in their PC above a standard browser (Prosci 2006). Additionally, with a document collaboration software would be able to eliminate the multiple versions of a document that is being revised and rewritten many times. Such software allows a group of individuals to collaborate on writing and development of a single document. In some applications, the document is viewed in a text browser, and allows simultaneous editing by all users, with real time updates to all user screens. Project teams can use this type of application for creating design documents, project plans, issue tracking, and for documenting meeting notes in real time (Talk 2006). More specifically, this component in collaboration is the joint development of, for instance, a document. Traditionally email has been the preferred tool of use to distribute drafts for comments, but web-conferencing tools have made it possible for multiple persons to work on the same document – at the same time – even though they are not co-located (Wu 2004). Additionally, training is an issue that all companies around the world consider to be of major attention. Distance learning supports the delivery of training and educational courses over the web and is considered of major challenge in collaboration. Workers can participate in live presentations, access course material, course calendars, view courses on their own schedule, take tests and conduct the other administrative activities necessary for running multiple courses (Prosci 2006). Telecommuting, telework, or working from home (WFH) is a work arrangement in which employees enjoy limited flexibility in working location and hours. In other words, the daily commute to a central place of work is replaced by telecommunication links. A frequently repeated motto is that "work is something you do, not something you travel to" (Leonhard 1995). A successful telecommuting programme requires a management style, which is based on results and not on close scrutiny of individual employees. This is referred to as “managing by objective” as opposed to “managing by observation”. A more recent extension of telecommuting is distributed work. Distributed work entails the conduct of organizational tasks in places that extends beyond the confines of traditional offices. It can refer to organizational arrangements that permit or require workers to perform work more effectively at any appropriate locations, such as their homes and customers' sites - through the application of information and communication technology. An example is financial planners who meet clients during lunchtime with access to various financial planning tools and offerings on their mobile computers, or publishing executives who recommend and place orders for the latest book offerings to libraries and university professors, among others. These work arrangements are likely to become more popular with current trends towards greater customization of services and virtual organizing (Wikipedia 2006). One of the key trends is the bundling of technologies into packages. Gartner has coined the term Smart Enterprise Suites (SES) for an integrated set of tools that unite a number of related technologies. They define the features of an SES as including Content Management, Collaboration and Community Support, Information Retrieval and Process Management. This is all delivered within a portal framework (Kjaer 2004). Last but not least, chat and instant messaging allow real-time interaction including text chat and voice over IP. These functionalities are considered very effective and useful for collaborative users or groups and aside from these are provided to the internet users without any additional cost. Based on these functionalities, multiple members can simultaneously participate in both chat and voice conference sessions (Gartenberg 2006). Chat systems permit many people to write messages in real-time in a public space. As each person submits a message, it appears at the bottom of a scrolling screen. Chat groups are usually created by allocating chat rooms through name, location, number of people, topic of discussion, etc. Access to rooms can be grant through controlled access or with moderators. While chat-like systems are possible using nontext media, the text version of chat has the rather interesting aspect of having a direct transcript of the conversation, which not only has long-term value, but allows for backward reference during conversation making it easier for people to drop into a conversation and still pick up on the ongoing discussion (Gartner 2003). 32 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment 2.4.3 Benefits of collaboration What industries expect from collaboration is to better manage time, cost, workforce and supplies in order to increase the flexibility, productivity and product quality of the company. More specifically, managing time better has as a result to allocate the appropriate time for every need of the company. Moreover, if workforce is well trained and prepared for certain tasks, then the tasks are performed easier without troubles and inefficiencies. From the company perspective, the expertise of employees and the effectiveness of their collaboration are considered a human and social asset that increases agility and responsiveness to new business goals. This requires general knowledge management solutions as well as the establishment of an environment that helps people to successfully work together (SAP 2006). Collaboration technologies are imperative in modern companies for developing ideas, creation of a design, achievement of a shared goal. Such technologies deliver the functionality for many participants to augment a common deliverable. Record or document management, threaded discussions, audit history, and other mechanisms designed to capture the efforts of many into a managed content environment are typical of collaboration technologies. Although, Virtual Reality (VR) is heading more and more in the direction of creating lifelike environments and stimulating all of the users’ senses, the technology does not yet allow communication and interaction as it is in the real world. A more abstract representation is sufficient in most CVEs. CVEs have emerged in various forms in the recent years. Interaction and communication in these environments are realised in many different ways. The users can send text messages, use audio and video communication; they can change attributes of the simulation, can share data and might even be able to collaboratively manipulate this data (Anthes 2005). What actually triggers collaboration and how it is done varies from person to person depending on factors such as mutual trust, timing and distance. However, a series of components (e.g. how to find a person, how to schedule a meeting) make up the collaboration process. Identifying these components helps gather collaboration requirements. The next step is to assess the organization’s ability and willingness to collaborate (Wu 2004). Finally, today’s collaboration trends move towards activity-centric computing. The concept of activity-centric computing focuses on enabling users to organize, navigate, manage and share information, such as e-mail messages, calendar entries, instant messages and documents, around a particular activity or project. Through the activity-centric model, information is grouped and processed in the same way that the human brain arranges information -- according to the unique thought behind a project, and with all the related associations of information kept intact. By organizing collaboration in a similar way to how people organize their work and interact together, activity-centric computing means that enterprise collaboration solutions will fit more naturally with how people actually work, resulting in greater personal and organizational productivity (Gartenberg 2006). 2.4.4 Existing approaches Today’s global business environment in manufacturing industry is characterized by unprecedented competitive pressures and sophisticated customers, who demand innovative and speedy solutions. Understanding and optimizing design processes is a cornerstone of success in these fast-changing environments. A short time to market and maintaining a high quality level of a product have become the main success factors (Pappas 2006). Here the development of a web-based platform for collaborative process and product design evaluation is described. The Distributed Collaborative Design Evaluation (DiCoDEv) platform provides real-time collaboration of multiple users at different sites on the same project. The innovation concept of this platform lies in the use of Virtual Reality (VR) technology for the development of the working display environment that provides also navigation, immersion and interaction capabilities for all collaborative users in real time (Figure 40). 33 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 40: DiCODEv platform The main scope is to provide an efficient robust collaboration tool for the real time validation of a manufacturing product or process, from the early stages of the conceptual design until the latest stages of the production chain. A web-enabled PDM system, which facilitates various collaborative design activities (Xu 2003) has been developed providing also 3D visualization capabilities (Figure 41). Another tool for dynamic data sharing in collaborative design has been developed (Noel 2003), ensuring that experts may use it as a common space to define and share design entities. Figure 41: The ‘‘Showcase’’ view of the 3-D Car prototype with ‘‘Walk’’ A web-based collaborative product design platform for dispersed network manufacturing (Figure 42) has been proposed (Zhan 2003). This platform enables authorized users in geographically different locations to have access to the company’s product data, such as product drawing files stored at designated servers and to carry out product design work simultaneously and collaboratively on any operating systems. Furthermore, in (Park 2006), a knowledge-based approximate life cycle assessment system (KALCAS) is developed to assess the environmental impacts of product design alternatives. It aims at improving the environmental efficiency of a product using artificial neural networks, which consist of high-level product attributes and LCA results. The overall framework of a collaborative design environment involving KALCAS is proposed, using engineering solution CO™ based on the distributed object-based modeling and evaluation (DOME) system. 34 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 42: Collaborative design of a fixture with the web-based CPD Platform This framework allows users to access the product data and other related information on a wide variety of application. Here is explored an approximate LCA of product design alternatives represented by solid models in a collaborative design environment. Many authors have researched cooperative object manipulation. Good examples are given in (Pinho 2002) where different attributes of single objects can be changed simultaneously. In (Dong 2005), the concurrent object manipulation in a three dimensional environment is described as the highest level of collaboration. All these scenarios incorporate complex communication and interaction, but none of them provides abstract tools in form visualization of collaborative activities. Finally, two applications of collaborative design and manufacturing environments were presented in 2005, the first one is a collaborative assembly sequence planning system by Dong et al. (2005) and the second is a collaborative virtual prototyping system for mechatronics prototype design by Shen et al (Wu 2004). In (Dong 2005), The author presents an approach of collaborative assembly sequence planning to validate the “assemblability” of parts and subassemblies rapidly. In order to increase the planning efficiency and support the collaborative planning, role-based model is exploited to compress or simplify the product. This research shows that the typical or standard CSBAT (Connection Semantics Based Assembly Tree) can be applied to a given assembly problem and presents the structure of the Co-ASP (Collaborative Assembly Sequence Planning System). 35 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment 3 COLLABORATIVE WORKING ENVIRONMENTS (CWE) The chapter “Collaborative Working Environment (CWE)”, by defining the enabling CWE as enabling the collaboration between models, methodologies, tools, application systems and mainly the humans involved in performing the collaborative activities in a manufacturing environment, respectively in a factory, represents the one of the foundation towards the implementation of the Collaborative Manufacturing Environments. The scientific objective represents the investigation of the state-of-the-art of CWE from several perspectives, used technologies and demonstration capabilities, according the following aspects: • Analysis of the current CWE approaches, technologies and applications, are briefly introduced and then evaluated according several methods and criteria; • Collection of research directions, topics and projects in the field of CWE (Appendix B and C); • Survey of CWE scenarios and demonstration systems as well as various applications (Appendix D). 3.1 CWE Challenges, approaches and technologies Knowledgeable, productive and flexible employees, who contribute significantly to firm competitiveness through innovation, characterize new working environments. Such employees are supported by ICTs in order to improve their mobility, networking and interaction. New working environments will have a direct impact on European competitiveness through: • strong level of industrial interests, • economical growth through innovation, and creativity and productivity of knowledge work and creating innovative environments, • better quality jobs in teams and groups, • work and life balance, • empowering citizens in the knowledge society. Within the new working environments, the Collaborative Working Environment (CWE) will enable seamless and natural collaboration amongst a diversity of agents (humans, machines, etc) within distributed, knowledge, rich and virtualized working environments. Professional virtual communities and nomadic personal access to knowledge are to be supported. CWE will provide collaboration services to make possible the development of worker-centric, flexible, scalable and adaptable tools and applications. Thereby, CWE is able to meet demand-driven research in real world settings, support multidisciplinary, connected work environments for knowledge intense work and create possibilities for work communities and atypical work relations to capture the full participation of all Europeans. From the technical point of view, CWE concerns about the following aspects on the horizontal and vertical levels: • the horizontal perspectives: Living labs, Technology platform, Open collaborative architecture, Impact/socio-economic aspects, Communications, • the vertical perspectives: Interaction patterns, Mobility, Ad-Hoc P2P, Augmented group, Persistence and Synchronization, Prototyping and Simulation, Context reasoning, Group decision-making, Experience research. The EU research community, Collaborative@Work, elaborated the main approaches and technologies applied in developing the collaborative platform. Collaboration@Work is collaboration among individuals engaged in a common task to achieve a shared objective using collaboration technologies. This concept was introduced in the Collaboration@Work report 2004. At that time the focus was on collaboration services providing functionalities at middleware level which could be reusable at the application-level. FP6 call 5 includes the Strategic Objective (SO) 2.5.9 ‘Collaborative working environments’ which aims at achieving this common repository of collaboration services to be invoked by collaboration tools and integrated into large validating applicators. Work to be carried out within this SO will contribute to the use of collaborative technologies with a mediating role among distributed workers and as a glue to bring together diverse technologies (such as mixed-reality, visualization, interfaces technologies) to support collaboration among people and by interaction with other artifacts (robots, actuators, sensors). The collaborative working environments address flexibility, mobility and ad hoc communication requirements. This raises new demands on flexible collaboration support for intra- and inter-organizational communication and co-operation processes. More advanced systems that support distributed task management, shared 36 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment workspaces or workflows are still in their early adaptor phase compared to the use of email. This leads to the effect that complex and rich co-operation processes are narrowed through simple communication applications resulting in a cognitive overload of its users. Although the tools should support users in organizing their work, people often complain about information and communication overload and the disturbance of work. Therefore research is needed to develop concepts for a semantic-rich cooperation support that reduces the complexity of monitoring and organizing the collaboration with different partners in multiple projects and processes. Due to the increase in inter-organizational co-operation, users form teams and communities across organizational boundaries. This raises the issue of standardization and integration. Currently email is almost the only communication media that supports inter-organizational co-operation between different systems. Instant messaging, or shared workspace systems have not yet reached a status were systems of different vendors can easily be integrated or combined. Thus often the first decision an inter-organizational team or community has to make is the selection of the supporting collaboration environment. Since users are often involved in different teams they have to learn and use different collaboration applications for different teams and processes. Again this increases complexity and reduces the availability of time for creativity. Therefore, the CWE approaches should address human-centric usability, collaborative platforms/upper middleware, technology platforms and communities as the best way to integrate research, development, demonstration, take-up, policy and legislation development. In general, the CWE technologies are categorized by: 1) Mobile collaboration; 2) Computing; 3) Knowledge; 4) Virtualization; 5) Robotics. The CWE technologies strengthen the use of ICT for creativity and collaboration. ICT for CWE plus new concepts and methods supports the collaboration through seamless interaction in complex virtualized world. Knowledge organizations (human brains, procedures, business processes) serve the collaboration together with the ICT. Both will result in: effectiveness in doing tasks anytime, anywhere and with anyone; efficient allocation of resources; creation of new ideas, new products and services; productivity, growth and competitiveness. The next chapters will mainly investigate in detail the related approaches and technologies for 1) Mobile and collaborative workspace, 2) Collaborative virtual environment; and 3) Collaborative support. 3.1.1 Mobile and collaborative workspace The overall research strategies and approaches for mobile and collaborative workspace (Mosaic 2006), towards such a collaboration environment are illustrated in the following diagram (Figure 43). Figure 43: Research strategies and approaches for mobile and collaborative workspace 37 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment The basis for such a co-operation environment represents the already existing and new developed cooperation services. Among the new services presence and awareness services will play an important role. These services are needed for distributed cooperation to support users in their mutual understanding of the status and progress of work as well as the work rhythms of other organizations. On top of these services an integration layer enables the integration of different services. It further supports the interoperability of similar services, e.g. two shared workspace systems, from different vendors, as well as the interoperation between different architecture paradigms such as P2P or client-server. An important prerequisite for the realization of such a layer is the development of interoperability standards. Within this environment users can organize their resources according to their processes, activities, teams and communities. I.e. the documents and messages exchanged within a project will no longer be scattered over the attachments of emails in email folders, the local disk and a shared file system or a shared workspace. Based on a semantic integration of the co-operation activities as well as the services, users can organize the environment according to their project, team or community contexts. Within such a collaboration context the co-operation services are offered through activity-functions such as share, inform, notify, send, but not as applications like an email client, or a shared files browser. This approach is disruptive and it requires users to adopt a new collaboration paradigm that is not based on an application but on collaboration-activity and task-oriented thinking. This also requires that the objects users deal with become collaboration-aware. This relates to electronic documents that become aware of the co-operation processes they are involved in, but also to paper documents or other resources that will be augmented with electronic tracking and identification means, such as RFID tags. This will enable the association of the real with the electronic contexts, enabling the realization of innovative collaboration support for new working environments. Therefore, the mobile and collaborative workspaces have to face the following challenges: 1. Create new business models for a networked, collaborative and mobile society. Workers will no longer work and cooperate with or through an application, but they will use a mobile collaboration service. All the involved entities along the complex value chain will necessarily have to find flexible way to collaborate reaching agreements to solve conflicts and to support and improve standards and interoperability aspects. 2. Development of user-oriented design and tailoring methods for mobile workplaces. Local workplaces are designed to support the organizational or group requirements and guidelines. However, mobile workplaces are more specific to the individual or to the cooperating community. Therefore, methods are needed to address the balance between the self-organization of mobile and local work as well as the integration into the organizational procedures. 3. Paradigm shifting from application to activity-oriented system design. The basis for such a cooperation environment is existing and new cooperation services such as email, conferencing, instant messaging, shared workspaces or task and workflow management services. Among the new services presence and awareness service will play an important role. An important pre-requisite for the realization of such a layer is the development of interoperability standards. The cooperation services are offered through socalled activity-functions, such as share, inform, notify, send, but not as applications like an email client, or a shared files browser. 4. Sharing multi-dimensional work contexts and telepresence. Community based and mobile workplace cooperation includes multi-dimensional work contexts such as working simultaneously for different companies, including their systems, processes, rules, cultures. This requires methods for easy switching between workspaces. 5. Increasing the trust and security management in a mobile world. Security threats make it more and more difficult to establish ad hoc cooperation spaces between arbitrary partners. The challenge is to integrate trust and security into architecture as well as into a middleware in order to facilitate trustworthy interactions between mobile workers and systems and maximize security for management of the different situational contexts. Only when the systems enforce full trustworthiness, the mobile users will accept the applications and will reap their benefits. This will require also new concepts for optimal security services of the platforms. On the basis of fully understand the social impact of distributed working relations, the mobile collaborative workspace technologies should also identify the tools and services enabling end-user configuration of community based workplaces in a mobile world, integrate the next generation mobile services into real business and adapt home and business environment. From 2008 to 2012, the research strategies will stress a few other points on: 1) multi-cultural and multi-lingual support; 2) intelligent adaptive workplaces; 3) 38 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment semantic-based knowledge repositories; 4) non intrusive, ambient intelligent devices; 5) emotion detection; 6) Haptic control; 7) self-managing agents; 8) all-IP networks; 9) general mobile service architecture. 3.1.2 Collaborative virtual environment Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVE) are more and more widely used for applications in many sectors such as collaborative design and planning, education, training and so on. Collaborative virtual environments require all of the system level functionality of single site and single user virtual environments to create immersive data. In addition, CVEs require networking infrastructure to support communication and synchronization between application software at each site. As we know, multi-users, immersion, distributed virtual environment are the key features of today’s CVE. This section will deal with the related CVE technologies involved in distributed network, collaborative augmented reality and collaboration with wearable computers. Distributed Collaborative Virtual Environment Distributed virtual environment is a collaborative technology that enables various people which are geographically separated, such as designers and developers in different fields, external consultants, and customers to be involved in collaborative design and production activities. The distributed virtual environment provides dislocated participants with opportunities to be aware of others’ presence and interact in a virtually shared workspace without any temporal and spatial restrictions. Nishino et al. (1999) revealed that there exist several high-level available frameworks and application systems proposed to make distributed virtual environment a usable and practical technology. Recent advancement in this direction is the application of distributed virtual environment technology for the early conceptual design of new products such as the creation of original object shapes and patterns. It deals with developing a framework for sharing undocumentable knowledge. Differing from the static 3D data exchange and object sharing based on VRML and 3D avatars, this is a networked intuitive 3D modeling environment enabling multiple participants to work on the same objects and share all intermediate information during realtime collaboration. The targeted system allows the designers to specify shapes and deformation patterns by using their bimanual gestures captures with a pair of instrumented gloves. The intuitive hand gestures can be directly translated into modeling operations. To approach the variance of human gesticulation, neural networks are utilized to learn and recognize the required gestures for the modeling operations. Furthermore, wireless communication is provided to establish the no wired links to Internet. Distributed virtual environment on the network should easily support heterogeneous distributed platforms, and can customize the functions based on the available resources for each client. Nishino proposes a new method for simultaneous modifications from clients’ side and asynchronous data transmission is proposed (Nishino et al. 1999). Compared with the traditional method of the centralized processing by the server, it allows the clients to manage shared data and generate output with optimal resolutions in parallel without burdening the network and the server. Distributed virtual environment streamlines the integration of a range of collaboration applications as well as the provision of higher layers of support for collaboration (Daily et al. 2000), such as, avatars, high fidelity audio and video, shared artifact manipulation, GUI interface, gesture, voice input handling and possibly feeling/cognition recognization and other immersive devices and software tools. As visualization and virtual environment are critical enablers for next generation 3D model-based design and development processes, the effort is to be done for extending the single site functionality of visualization software by constructing a collaboration environment to match the performance of the available network and computing infrastructure. A key component to effective collaborative virtual environments is the communication infrastructure. CAVERNSoft from UIC EVL is a software library that allows VR developers to share information between their applications. This is a hybrid system that combines a distributed shared memory model with distributed database technology and real-time networking technology. This allows objects manipulated by one user to immediately be perceived by all other users at remote locations. The VisualEyes software uses this library to communicate keys or messages among components. Collaborative VisualEyes is a retrofitted version of VisualEyes enabling global scale collaboration between VisualEyes applications. Collaborative VisualEyes clients share 3D scene graph information by directly linking individual data nodes over a communiation channel implemented with CAVERNSoft. To support the requirement of distributed design, a dedicated network is essential in order to reduce latency and variability of latency in delivery of packets between sites. The goal of system architecture is to support so called “poly-modal” collaboration among participants with arbitrary hardware and software suites. 39 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Tang (2004) presents a new collaborative strategy to build a multi-user CVE for feature based modeling. Some kinds of token-passing mechanism used during the modification of the model while other users can only view or inquiry the locked product model are replaced by a new system architecture composed of Collaborative Manager and Model Manager along with a few synchronization rules for updating from the server. The new method solves the conflicts and defines a process for the non-locked multi-user collaborative design in CVE. The basic idea behind the rules is that the system ensure the Session Models to be snapshots of Part Model, and when a designer have already entered operation status, the system will not update Session Model until the designer finishes or aborts the operation. These rules also reduce network traffic loads for the system does not force Session Models to be always the same Part Model. CORBA’s Interface Definition Language (IDL) and the Application Programming Interfaces (API) that enable client/server object interaction within a specific implementation of an Object Request Broker (ORB). The ORB provides interoperability between applications on different computers in heterogeneous distributed environments and interconnects multiples object systems seamlessly. There are several technologies that allow the development of distributed virtual reality systems (Kirner et al. 2001). VRML is a language that can be viewed locally or transferred through the Internet. VRML provides powerful resources for modeling complex 3D scenes, but does not provide mechanisms to support the control of multiple users. Java is a platform-independent, object-oriented language that aims to the development of applications to run in network environments and the Internet. Nowadays, most of the browsers are able to execute Java applications. The combination of Java/VRML makes possible the Java code to access the events in the virtual world modeled in VRML, and manipulate them in order to enable the users to have a smooth and coherent navigation. External Authoring Interface (EAI) technology is used to allow a bi-directional communication between the Java applet and the VRML plug-in. The communication between the Server and the Clients can be implemented by socket technology based on a set of messages. Augmented Reality based Collaborative Virtual Environment Augmented Reality (AR) is a blend of reality and virtuality, which will let users see each other, will allow communication behaviors much more like face-to-face than like screen-based collaboration. In natural faceto-face collaboration, people use speech, gesture, gaze, and nonverbal cues to attempt to communicate (Billinghurst et al. 2002). In many cases, the surrounding physical world and objects also play an important role. Particularly in design and spatial collaboration tasks, real objects support collaboration through their appearance, physical affordances, such as size and weight, use as semantic representations, and ability to create reference frames for communication. In contrast, most computer interfaces for collocated collaboration create an artificial separation between the real world and the shared digital task space. People looking at a projection screen or crowded around a desktop monitor are often less able to refer to real objects or use natural communication behaviors. Observations of the use of large shared displays have found that simultaneous interaction rarely occurs due to the lack of software support and input devices for co-present collaboration. AR technology is able to enhance such face-to-face communication. AR interfaces blend the physical and virtual worlds so real objects can interact with 3D digital content and improve user’s shard understanding. Tangible interaction methods can be combined with AR display techniques to develop interfaces in which physical objects and interactions are as important as the virtual imagery. Technology for remote collaboration also involves limitations. It is difficult for current technology to provide remote participants with the same experience they would have if they were in a co-located meeting. Audio-only interfaces remove the visual cues vital for conversational turn taking, leading to increased interruptions and overlap., difficulty disambiguating between speakers and determining another’s willingness to interact. With conventional videoconferencing, subtle user movements or gestures can not be captured. There are few spatial cues among participants, the number of participants cannot readily make eye contact. Speakers also cannot know when people are paying attention to them or when it might be permissible to hold side conversations. Researchers have begun exploring how desktop and immersive collaborative virtual environments might provide spatial cues to support group interaction. AR technology can provide spatial audio and visual cues to overlay a person’s real environment and support remote collaboration. In this way, the remote participants are added to the users’ real world rather than separating them from it. The Studierstube researchers identified five key attributes of collaborative AR environments: 1. Virtuality – Objects that don’t exist in the real world can be viewed and examined. 2. Augmentation – Real objects can be augmented with virtual annotations. 40 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment 3. Cooperation – Multiple users can see each other and cooperate in natural ways. 4. Independence – Individual users control their own independent viewpoints. 5. Individuality – Displayed data can appear in different form for individual viewers depending on their personal needs and interests. Perhaps most important is the seamless nature of collaborative AR interfaces. Users see each other at the same time they see virtual objects in their midst. Unlike some other CSCW (Computer-Supported Collaborative Work) technologies, co-located AR interfaces do not separate the communication space from the task space, allowing users to interact with virtual content by using familiar real objects. AR technology can be also used to support remote collaboration. In an AR conferencing interface, a user worn a lightweight HMD (with camera) and could see a virtual image of a remote collaborator attached to a physical card as a life-size, live virtual video window. Computer-vision techniques are used to track black squares on the card, ensuring the virtual video appeared precisely aligned with the real object. The overall effect is that the remote collaborator sitting at a desktop computer appeared projected into the local user’s real workspace. A number of other significant factors differentiate this type of conferencing from traditional desktop videoconferencing. Users could arrange the cards on any surface to create a virtual spatial conferencing space; the cards were also small enough to be carried easily, ensuring portability. AR techniques are capable of supporting multi-scale collaboration, where users collaboratively view a data set from different viewpoints. The interface also supports collaboration on multiple scales. Users can fly into AR scenes, experiencing them as immersive virtual environments. Multiple users can be immersed in the same virtual scene, seeing each other represented as virtual characters. More interesting, one or more users can be immersed in the virtual world while others are viewing its content as an AR scene. Thus a group of collaborators can share both egocentric and exocentric views of the data set, leading to greater understanding of the virtual content. Some authors, for example, Broll et al. (2000), Swing (2000), Sihn et al. (2000) and Reinhart et al. (1999) have analysed a variety of AR applications for collaborative activities, among which, the following collaborative environments or approaches are relevant for this work and shortly presented in the following part: Virtual Round Table (VRT) The VRT is an interactive task-oriented cooperation environment based on AR technology. The VRT environment enables participants of a work group to share a 3D application within their regular working environment. Dynamic communication processes are supported by the VRT environment in a task oriented approach. Besides common facial communication, the environment encourages non-verbal communication, visual association, and sensorimotor abilities of the work group members. The basic idea of the VRT is the perspectively correct 3D stereo visualization of a synthetic scene within the real world working environment of the user using see-through projection glasses. AR is used as a key technology to enhance the real world by virtual objects. In contrast to other technical scenarios based on shutter glasses, the VRT is location independent and provides an individually adapted stereo view of the virtual world artifacts for each user. The use of conventional, non-sensor-attached items as place holder objects enforces flexibility, expendability, and local independence. The VRT emphasizes the use of common collaboration and cooperation mechanisms used in regular meeting situations and extends them into the virtual environment. The approach elaborated in Broll et al. (2000) highlights three critical aspects: Visualization, Tracking and Registration, Object manipulation. The visualization of 3D objects is based on the multi-user virtual reality toolkit SmallTool. This toolkit is currently available on IRIX, Solaris, Windows 9x/NT and Linux. However, PCbased solution for VRT application is focused on, which is able to use mobile laptops as soon as sophisticated 3D acceleration becomes available. Augmentation is realized using semi-transparent stereo projection glasses. The semi-transparent stereo projection of virtual objects into the real scene does not allow for complete superimposition or covering of real object. It provides a more accurate view than augmentation based on video mixing. The basic problem to be solved by all augmented or mixed reality environments are the tracking of the users’ viewpoints to allow the perspectively correct visualization of virtual objects projected into the real environment and the registration of real world objects or landmarks. To be able to keep the visualization of the virtual scene permanently synchronized to the movements of the individual user, the real world location and viewing direction of each participant has to be tracked continuously and in real-time by an appropriate tracking device. Because of the high accuracy of the human vision system, the realization of the device’s position and orientation detection mechanisms have to be highly accurate. To give the user the freedom to move around and manipulate objects arbitrarily, the ideal system 41 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment would be wireless as well as sourceless. Moreover, the tracking device should be insusceptible against external ascendancies. Existing magnetic or ultrasonic tracking systems have to deal with problems such as metal disturbances or occlusion, which are unacceptable for the application areas intended. In order to use the inertial tracking system for an accurate six-degree-of-freedom tracking, a rather large local installation of ultrasonic-based emitters has to be done. This limits the portability and location independence of the overall system significantly. Moreover, the ultrasonic sensors are susceptible to occlusion. Additionally wired sensors mounted to the user’s head restrict her possibilities to move and interact freely. In order to realize the registration of real world objects as tangible interfaces to the virtual environment, a camera driven image recognition process is used to register each physical object and track its movements. The main interaction paradigm used within the VRT scenario is the manipulation of virtual objects by tangible real world placeholder objects. The objects are then associated with a synthetic virtual 3D object. The important research results are: the limited field-of-view of the light-weight glasses currently used disturbs the user’s view significantly; the size of the see-through area is wider than the actual display. More advanced displays can be applied such as virtual retinal displays, or holographic displays as soon as such devices appear; it is particularly important to consider real objects covering virtual objects further away; Spontaneous interaction with real-world objects is very important; in particular application areas, especially in the area of construction, fully immersed walk-throughs may be required in addition to a pure augmented reality environment. Collaborative Virtual Workspace (CVW) Collaborative Virtual Workspace is a collaborative computing environment maintaining a persistent virtual space where users/immersive clients can communicate, collaborate, or share documents. Audio, video, immersion or simple text-based interactions are all supported within CVW (Swing 2000). The CVW environment is divided into virtual buildings. Each of which has several floors and a number of rooms on each floor. It supports a number of different types of objects: users, folders, notes, whiteboards, URLs and other documents. These can be imported from external programs and be shared with other users. Users can speak or emote publicly within a room, or whisper to another user privately. They can page other users, or locate them within the entire CVW environment. Users can also place a proxy of themselves in a room and monitor activity in one room while remaining in another. The CVW uses enhanced MUD (Multi-User Dungeon), Multi-Object-oriented (MOO) technology for its messages and controls. It also uses IP/Multicast technology to provide the underlying network infrastructure for multipoint video and audio conferencing. Each room in CVW has a unique multicast address on the intranet in which the audio and video conferences are held. Documents are managed through a document server, which not only provides a central location for the document, but also provides version controls for group editing. The document exchange interaction is based on the HTTP protocol. Document types are identified by MIME types, thus allowing users to add particular media types easily into a room. CVW will use MIME to identify the proper allocation to launch for editing a particular document. Users are able o enter the virtual room immersively, and interact with other users through avatars. The immersive display uses VRML running within a web browser. The room dialog is maintained in a panel below the immersive window. One floor is represented at a time within CVW3D. The default avatar is a simple model, showing a user’s face on a sphere and affiliation on a cube. While, it can incorporate more detailed models or full motion avatars so as to allow the user to customize his personal presence. The CVW uses a server for each building as the centralized coordinator for that building. The CVW clients have several different versions currently in operation (TCL/TK, Java, etc.). Collaborative Virtual Environment with Wearable Computers One promising approach for Collaborative Virtual Environment is through the newest generation of portable machines, wearable computers, coupled with improved wireless networking infrastructure (Billinghurst et al. 2001). Worn on the body, wearable computers provide constant access to computing and communications resources. In general, a wearable computer may be defined a computer that is subsumed into the personal space of the user, controlled by the wearer and has both operational and interactional constancy. Wearables are typically composed of a belt or backpack computer, see-through or see-around head mounted display, wireless communications, hardware such as a CDPD cellular modem, and a touch-pad or chording keyboard input device. This configuration has been demonstrated in a number of real- world applications including aircraft maintenance, navigational assistance, and vehicle mechanics. While wearable computers have been shown to be valuable for single user applications, less research has 42 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment been conducted on how they can enhance collaboration. Wearable computers can also be used to enhance communication among multiple remote people or between users at the same location. Certain attributes of wearable computers make them attractive as tools for collaboration. The key characteristics are identified by Fickas et al in 1997: 1. Hands-free operation, with one or no hands. 2. Mobility, are not tethered, allowing the user to roam freely. 3. Augmented Reality, see-through or see-around wearable displays allow the overlay of graphical information onto the real world. 4. Perception, with connected sensors that measure aspects of the surrounding environment allowing the computer to respond in an intelligent and context-sensitive manner. Augmented reality and the computer’s ability to perceive aspects of its physical environment are the most novel aspects of wearable systems. These attributes make wearable computers ideal platforms for CSCW because they support seamlessness and the ability to enhance reality. Traditional CSCW research attempts to use computer and audio-visual equipment to provide a sense of remote presence. The hope is that collaborative interfaces will eventually be indistinguishable from actually being there. A better way to develop interfaces for telecommunication is to focus on the communication aspect, not the tele- part. Wearable computers will allow normal face-to-face collaboration but enhance it with capabilities that satisfy previously unmet needs. The single-user wearable applications could be expanded to realize it, including: 1) Physically based hypertext in which graphics are overlaid over physical objects; 2) A remembrance agent that continually searches the user’s hard disk for information relevant to the current task and displays it in the user’s field of view, and 3) A face recognition tool that displays names and other information above people in the user’s field of view. Wearable computers are ideally suitable as a platform for collaborative interfaces to support remote collaboration and collocated collaboration. Wearable computers are an approach to develop new insights into the behavior of the Concurrent Enterprise (Boronowsky, Herzog and Lawo 2006). These novel computer systems support their users or groups of users in an unobtrusive way in different industrial environments. The basic idea is to allow the users to perform their primary task without distracting their attention enabling computer applications in novel fields. Interaction with wearables by the user is minimal to realize optimal overall system behavior. For this reason, a wearable computer has to recognize the current work situation of a user by integrated sensors. Based on the detected work context the system has to push useful information to its user, e.g. how to proceed with the work by probably reducing possible options to a minimum. Apart from speech output, media could be optical systems presenting the information, e.g. via semi-transparent glasses within the worker’s visual field. One of the major challenges of this new technology is to investigate the user acceptance of wearables. Suitable methods for user interaction and processes suited to wearables in industry are far from being settled. Investigations show that methods to detect the work context and a general architecture of wearables as well as a hardware and software platform for the implementation of wearables are urgently needed. 3.1.3 Collaborative support trends Working environments in today’s knowledge centric economy will provide seamless access anywhere and anytime to the broadest range of information and knowledge resources. Knowledge and information can be found in persons, in databases, in robots, in sensors, scattered around in the network, as part of support services, etc. Knowledge workers must therefore have the best means to access all those resources which will allow them to acquire and create the knowledge and information needed to drive the economic processes. Collaboration technologies are the fundamental components which will provide access to all those resources in a working environment. As the Internet provides the information transport capabilities needed to support data exchange, many tools and services have been developed for supporting collaboration in disperse groups, communities, projects or enterprises since the beginnings of the network. But there is still a long way to go before the full potential of collaborative working environments is developed. The most successful tools and services, which have appeared in the Internet during the last years, could be categorized as collaborative. For example: in P2P many peers collaborate by sharing cheap storage capacity to create an immense database of shared resources (songs, programs, videos, etc.); the blogosphere is a huge federation of diaries published on the Web, which can be seen as a collaborative knowledge production system; a GRID is a huge association of computing resources which collaborate to solve a complex problem; even the Web is a distributed and 43 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment collaborative electronic publishing system, where each author will link his documents to the ones he wishes to connect. The most popular tools of the Internet can be also categorized as collaborative because they connect and support groups, for example email and especially email lists, FTP and Web document repositories, calendaring and scheduling tools, forums and communities over the Web, electronic meeting places, conferencing with voice and video over IP, etc. Working environments at the corporate level have also included with the passage of time more and more collaborative capabilities, which try to improve the efficiency of the organization. For example most corporations have created Intranets where all the information of the organization is published over a private Web, where teams of designers collaborate or where email and Web based workflow procedures automate and accelerate the communication in the enterprise. There seems to be a strong trend in the Internet to support collaboration between all parties which have access to the network and at all levels where it is possible. For example, a large part of the working groups of the application and transport areas of IETF are working in collaborative technologies. Two of the main developments of the World Wide Web Consortium, Web Services and the Semantic Web, address two major problems, namely collaboration among services and semantic compatibility of data. This trend tries to define all the open interfaces needed to allow collaboration and inter-working among all the resources which can be found over the network. In the near future, new areas for e-Collaboration technologies have to explore more sophisticated application domains with a view to boost innovation in the business ecosystem. Among these future research lines, it is worthy to mention: 1. Collaboration technologies for knowledge activation. Electronic collaboration can be used to harness and use knowledge resources to support joint effects. Collaboration technologies are needed to determine what action is required and is relevant, and to determine what knowledge is required to carry out the determined action and initiate demand for action. The mediating role of electronic collaboration in activating knowledge into action is an important one and has implications for example in the activation of dispersed knowledge for the creation of customized goods and services. 2. Collaboration technologies for applied collective creativity. Collaboration technologies will encourage end users to bring out freely new ideas and will empower knowledge workers to share them with others and together create breakthrough concepts. It will support mass collaboration to promote collective creativity. Collaboration environments will facilitate new ideas generation by linking interface and mixed-reality technologies for use in virtual team environments. Through electronic collaboration teams will select the best ideas, and orchestrate people and resources to create new products, services, business systems and practices, which are required for innovation. In addition to these advanced collaboration technologies, New Working Environments research will embrace other areas based on emerging ubiquitous society paradigms. It will make use of networked devices embedded in any terminal and product, which will allow continuous, seamless streaming of communications, content, and services -exchanged among workers, artifacts and their partners and customers. Two of these future research areas are: 1. Responsive ubiquitous office. The future office will be responsive to the goals and needs of users, based on multiple sources of information about activity and interests. It will not infer users’ demands but will be responsive to users’ demands leveraging on ubiquitous working environments with devices embedded in terminals and goods. It is positioned at the crossroads of ICT-cognos to develop virtualized environments that sense the activities of the worker and act on his demands. It will be implemented through multi-technology and interdisciplinary complex systems including presence and context management in an office environment, adaptive systems, multi-modal human computer interaction and automated visual surveillance. 2. Robotics office. Future working environments will include human and robotic workers as partners, leveraging the capabilities of each where most useful. The aim is to augment human capabilities via robots that co-operate with humans. While considerable research has already focused on developing robot systems, scant attention has been paid to joint human-robot teams. This future research is expanded in a separate section within this publication. 44 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment 3.2 CWE Analysis 3.2.1 Evaluation methods In this sub-section, the actually useful evaluation methods for CWE are described below (Ramage 2000; Ricardo 2006). Their suitability is also briefly discussed in a collaborative context. • Heuristic evaluation: It relies on an evaluator's immediate reactions, intuitions and predictions, categorised under a set of Design Principles and Usability Attributes. These define the desirable properties of a usable interface, and typically include: consistency; feedback; user control; user's model; clarifying metaphors (Principles); learnability; memorability; error recovery; efficiency; and subjective satisfaction (attributes). These can be used as an intrinsic part of a Heuristic evaluation, or as a useful framework for categorising interface characteristics after any evaluative method. For collaborative application, additional issues such as awareness of other users, focus, coordination, ownership and communication must be considered - although results become increasingly sketchy given the complex group interactions of collaborative work. To an extent, heuristic evaluation is an inevitable part of any system design process, as designers do something and then try to figure out if they like it. • User testing: It generally takes the form of studies conducted by system designers with real users in a semi-realistic use context. The aim is to see how the system is used and what usability or functionality issues arise - typically qualitative data are collected, to feed back into the design process. • Lab experiments: (Cognitive/Social Psychology) Laboratory experiments are quite widely used to evaluate collaborative systems. These are used to collect quantitative data about a single specific factor, attempting to screen out other influences. • Interviews & Questionnaires: They focus on Groups and Customer Feedback. Various methods involving direct user reactions can be used to obtain various qualitative data about users' experiences with systems (either immediately or a little while after use). They have been used particularly as a way to capture data prior to further analysis and to improve a commercial product by collecting customer feedback. Their subjectivity (in that direct user opinions are being collected) makes them useful, but also limited. • Longitudinal trials and Semi-realistic ethnography: These sociological methods lie somewhere between the unsituated lab experiment and the messy, real-world ethnographic study. They often involve having one's colleagues (or a similar accessible, controllable group) use a system for a prolonged period of time, before it is tried out on real users. Such studies can suffer from being rather inward-looking, in that they end up focussing on their own research teams. However, such methods are often highly instructive in practice, given some degree of care as to their wider applicability. • Ethnography: The most realistic way of evaluating a system is to go into the place of work and watch real users using it over a prolonged period. Data collected include audio and video-tapes of work practices, field notes as to the most significant practices carried out by the participants, descriptions and diagrams of the work setting, and samples of various artefacts (such as documents) which illustrate the nature of work in the organisation. This approach has been used on its own to inform systems design or as a way of providing data for further analysis using distributed cognition, activity theory, social psychology and other methods. Traditionally, ethnography requires a long period of immersion - months or even years - in the study setting before the ethnographer can perform an informed analysis (not often practical in a systems design project). However, methods such as "quick and dirty ethnography" (a brief study, typically a few days, with specific questions in mind as to the nature of the work) can still provide useful amounts of data in a shorter time. • Conversation Analysis and Interaction Analysis: These methods study real group interactions as revealed by their (directly recorded) conversation and actions. The aim is that of ethno-methodology: to study the users' categories directly, rather than imposing a theoretical framework. They focus on the detailed features of interaction (at various levels), either on conversations alone or on interactions between people and between people and technology. However the undoubted usefulness of such methods in CWE evaluation is offset by their amount of details, which results in masses of transcript and/or video-tape to be analysed. 45 DiFac IST5-035079 • D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Breakdown Analysis: A breakdown is defined as any incident where the user has cause to focus on the system rather than the task. Breakdown analysis studies group interactions and conversation transcripts to highlight such breakdowns. This is a useful method for identifying key problems associated with user-system (or user-user) communication. However, the focus is necessarily restricted, disregarding many other interesting aspects of collaborative work, such as the distribution of roles and power amongst the group members. Like many of the other methods above, it might be usefully used in conjunction with others. 3.2.2 Evaluation criteria The following criteria might be considered when evaluate a CWE system, as summarized by Ramage (2000). • Functionality: software engineering issues such as reliability, robustness and efficiency; but also the particular technical novelties of a system • Efficiency: does the system do what is intended or needed? • Usability: is the system easy to use for its intended user population? • Standards: does the system fulfill the pertinent requirements of various standards-making bodies? • Effect on the individual: psychological, social, political questions are relevant here on what the system does to its users • Effect on the workforce as a group: again, mainly socio-political questions will be relevant • Effect on the organization: does the system make the organization more profitable? A nicer place to work? More bureaucratic? How does the organizational structure & culture change due to the system's implementation? • Effect on the wider society: does the implementation of the system affect society outside the organization? Are these changes positive or negative? Some of these questions (particularly the first six) will be relevant to a given CWE system wherever it is implemented; others (especially the last three) will only apply in a particular implementation within an organization. There is also a gradual widening of the scope of the evaluation as the focus moves from the internals of the computer through its interface and to effects on groups of people. This distinguishes CWE evaluation from individuals-oriented evaluation, which typically considers only the first five points, although it is not necessary to do this there: single-user systems have individual, organizational and social implications too. One final point on criteria is whether these are specified in advance, or emerge once the system has been built or implemented. These will partly depend on which stakeholders have power within the evaluation: managers will tend to privilege organizational effects; trade unionists will concentrate on workforce effects, and so on. Furthermore, the use of participatory evaluation methods will to some extent enhance the evaluation, by feeding in participants' concerns and issues to the evaluation. 3.2.3 Evaluation cases for Virtual Teams and Group Work Systems Virtual Teams Powell et al. (2004) from USA reviewed the virtual teams in the CWE. Virtual teams represent a new form of organization that offers unprecedented levels of flexibility and responsiveness and has the potential to revolutionize the workplace. The review is organized around a life cycle model which includes four general categories of variables: input, socio-emotional processes, task processes and outputs. Inputs concern about four issues, Design, Cultural differences, Technical expertise and Training. They represent the design and composition characteristics of virtual team and the endowment of resources, skills and abilities with which the team begins its work. The design of the virtual team and the structuring of its interactions, particularly early in the team’s life, have been found to impact the development of a shared language and shared understanding by team members. Cultural differences appear to lead to coordination difficulties and create obstacles to effective communications. The negative effect of cultural differences may be mitigated by an effort to actively understand and accept the differences. A lack of technical expertise and the inability to cope with technical problems has a negative effect on individual satisfaction with the team 46 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment experience and performance. The virtual team members are affected more by the newness of the technology being used than by the newness of the team structure itself. Socio-emotional processes: The practitioner press points to relationship building, cohesion and trust as fundamental processes that foster team effectiveness, while suggesting that virtual teams face significant difficulty in achieving them. Virtual teams tend to have more of a task-focus and less of a social-focus than traditional teams. Cohesion has been associated with better performance, but results found that collaborative technologies hindered the development of cohesion in virtual teams. Trust development presents significant challenges because it is difficult to assess teammates’ trustworthiness without ever having met them. Virtual team that exhibit high trusting behaviors experience significant social communication as well as predictable communication patterns, substantial feedback, positive leadership, enthusiasm, and the ability to cope with technical uncertainty. Task processes: They are the processes that occur as team members work together to accomplish a task or goal. Major issues identified included communication, coordination and task technology-structure fit. Communication is the core of any virtual team process. Due to the distributed nature of virtual team, virtual team members have to rely heavily on information and communication technologies, but technology tends to restrict the communication process because electronic media are intrinsically leaner than face-to-face communication and convey a limited set of communication cues. Members of teams that rely on a variety of different technologies to accomplish tasks are more satisfied and perform better. Output: It focused on the performance of the virtual team. Specific aspects of performance such as decision quality, number of ideas generated and/or time it took team members to reach a decision are identified. Besides, the ultimate performance of the virtual team, satisfaction with the virtual team experience has also been examined. However, many studies don’t clearly identify a specific theoretical perspective as guiding the research. Group Work systems Pekkola, et al. (2002) from Finland pointed out that group work supporting systems, which include VR, are usually laboratory systems. If these systems are commercial or used continuously in the real life, there is no VR – unless the task is very much VR tailored, and 3D models and objects are included. When inspecting the benefits of VR in the light of earlier discussions, they differ from prior research: • A shared sense of space is not relevant for group work. More important is the shared sense of place. Only if the space has a special meaning for the task, situation or goal, a 3D view might be valuable. But generally VR has no advantages over other media when creating an illusion of a place. A limited field of view may even hamper the illusion as it provides an incomplete picture of an environment. • A shared sense of presence can also be supported by user lists, for instance. However, lists do not support indirect awareness (“out of the corner of the eye”) nor spatial relationships (proxemics) that are claimed to be few of the (greatest) benefits of VR. Therefore, in situations, where indirect awareness is essential, VR most probably is the most valuable tool to be used. Otherwise, there are no special roles for VR. • VR has minimal value for communication thus that claims of “benefits” is clearly invalid. Communication, both verbal and non-verbal (excluding proxemics), often takes place through other media, not through VR. • A way to share objects and models in the space is meaningful only if those objects are 3D models. Otherwise sharing is accomplished easier through other media. Shared sense of time claim still applies as it applies to every real-time groupware. To them, it seems there is not much use for VR in the cooperative settings of the desktop environment. VR is good for visualising 3D models and objects, representing spatial relationships between artefacts and providing indirect awareness of other users, there is no doubt about that. But if those are not needed or are not essential, VR is seldom out of the lab yet. But bearing space-place discussion in the mind, and identification of problems in CAVE, there is a danger that they fall to the same trap with the desktop VR – they try to create an illusion of place without considering the fact that place is formed by people and their activities. They do not acquiesce to space. The main problems with 3D virtual realities for group work are their self-centeredness (i.e. people must enter the VR environment regardless whether they need such an interface), and more importantly, inadequacy in supporting shared objects (unless they are VR objects – and in group work, they seldom are). The so-called benefits of the 3D environment are acceptable and applicable 47 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment only in a few, dedicated, VR tailored situations. For a generic groupware, there is usually no need for a VR interface. 3.2.4 Technical inadequacies Currently the most common methods for group document creation (any kind of document, whether it is a word processor file, source code, etc) are to either write a portion of the document or pass it along (usually by email), or to have a shared directory where everyone reads and writes the document. This requires that everyone that has to collaborate on the document processing has either access to the shared directory, or has access to email and everyone's address (neither of which are a great problem now). A problem with this approach is that everyone must use programs that have filters that can read every other program that others use. Even if everyone has the same program, anyone that has worked with multiple users can confirm the problems of people sharing documents written with different versions of the same program, let alone different programs. Often problems such as these only show up after continued use, although, sometimes they can show up at the start. Often there is no audit trail to show how the current document was reached (Talk 2006). As a matter of fact, the issues that prevent the online collaboration tools are four key factors, namely, the excessive cost of the large web conferencing systems, the complexity of the use since the systems were integrating too many controls and having had little thought about the design of the user interface, the workflow and the way people refer to tasks and terms in ways that are different from what developers use, the complexity of setting up and configuration of the tools often requiring a server and technicians which discourages many people from using it. And finally, the problem is that many complex collaborative tools are designed by technical people and they have developed them similar to theirs philosophy and knowledge that it is difficult for common people to adopt them (Grassroots 2005). 3.2.5 Organisational inadequacies From organizational point of view there are some weaknesses as well. There are other types of collaboration such as, real time conferencing, as shown in Figure 44 (e.g.: face to face meetings, video and phone, or net conferencing) and real time typing (e.g.: Talk – Unix Talk, IRC – Internet Relay Chat, and ICQ – I seek you), (Figure 45) but they are either interactive where it is hard to capture the information (other than remembering who said what, when) or non-interactive where it is difficult to brainstorm together (Talk 2006). More specifically, scheduling meetings are many peoples’ worst nightmare, and often valuable time is wasted finding out who is available and when. Combine this with multiple time zones and calendaring systems and this activity becomes even harder. Even when all the participants are lined up, finding suitable rooms and supporting tools like telephone-conference phones, overhead projectors etc. just adds to the frustration (Kjaer 2004). Figure 44: Real time conferencing Figure 45: Real time typing In addition, the biggest hurdle in implementing collaborative techniques is convincing people to use it. Training is required to make people comfortable using it, and if people don't feel comfortable with the software, they won't use it. The company should be well organized and the employees should be given incentives to contribute: the rewards could be either financial or psychological. In many cases collaboration is at odds with the company's corporate culture so implementation will be disruptive. Shifting a corporate culture from being competitive to being cooperative is no small undertaking. It will require changes at all 48 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment levels of the organization (Wikipedia 2006). In general, we are now seeing many new product offerings in the collaboration space as well as new collaborative features being added to enterprise software e.g. ERP, Portals etc.. Without careful management one will end up with multiple tools, and multiple internal standards for what to use. This will have a negative impact on employees who just want simple technology that is easy to use (Kjaer 2004). 49 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment 4 CONCLUSIONS The deliverable D1 ”Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment” is targeted at the description of collaborative manufacturing environments (CME) through the definition and state-of-the-art of its main concepts, models, methodologies and tools. In this document, three important aspects about the collaborative manufacturing environment are examined and detailed with definitions, solutions, approaches, cases, evaluations and analyses: • • • Manufacturing Engineering: problem statement and challenges; Foundations of collaborative manufacturing environments; Collaborative working environments. “Manufacturing Engineering: problem statement and challenges” presented a holistic approach of manufacturing engineering and identified existing problems, challenges or risks in Digital and Virtual Factory and Manufacturing as well as the Collaborative and Sustainable Life Cycles Management of manufacturing. In view of the main objectives of DiFac, detailed definitions of Digital Factory, Virtual Reality and Collaboration are given. In addition, available solutions of Digital Factory and Collaboration, introduction to Virtual Presence and Immersion, applications of VR within the Digital Factory are presented as the fundamentals of the collaborative manufacturing environments. Based on the description of the collaborative manufacturing environment, the last chapter, “Collaborative Working Environments” focuses on the CWE approaches and technologies in the context of collaborative workspace, collaborative virtual environment and collaborative supports. Furthermore, the evaluation methods, criteria and cases for the CWE are introduced in brief. Technical inadequacies of the collaborative tools and organisational inadequacies in the manners and implementation forms of collaboration techniques are pointed out. The annexes give a more detailed view on some specific aspects: the survey of real-time collaborative commercial solutions, the CWE research topics, the list and a brief explanation of the projects within the EU, the catalogue of CWE system demonstrators and market applications supports with detailed information the area and main topics of digital and virtual manufacturing. In short, the key goal of D1 is to give the reader an overview of the main methodologies and technologies involved in the DiFac project and to present the point of view of the consortium for the realisation of a common framework to support the Digital Factory realisation. The expected outputs of D1, together with the “Work groups and patterns in collaborative digital manufacturing” (D2), the “Ergonomic requirements for and human safety and productivity” (D3) and “Presence requirements for group work in rich virtualised environment” (D4), will contribute to the modelling of the collaborative manufacturing environment for the VR based future Digital Factory. The mentioned methodologies and technologies in D1 are fundamental for constructing an innovative and common CME framework for the development of a supporting toolset, based on the three pillars of DiFac: Presence, Collaboration and Ergonomics. 50 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment APPENDIX A – SURVEY OF REAL-TIME COLLABORATIVE SOLUTIONS Many commercial real-time collaboration tools have been developed by several companies for effective online collaboration among distributed co-workers and others involved entities (Grassroots 2005). These tools can be classified into the following categories. • Instant messaging (IM) solutions provide real time text chat with any of the contacts that are online but integrate also video, audio, scheduling, and most interesting of all, the capability of incorporating all major IM tools (e.g.: msn, yahoo, AOL). As a result, there is no need to install many different applications to stay in touch with the contacts. These tools are: Jabber (2006) (Figure 46), Trillian (Cerulean 2006) (Figure 47), Miranda (2006) (Figure 48) and Geim (2006) (Figure 49). Figure 46: Jabber interface Figure 47: Trillian interface Figure 48: Miranda interface Figure 49: Geim interface 51 DiFac IST5-035079 • Voice over IP tools offer voice communication, as well as text messaging, with very good quality of voice and furthermore it is able to reach every phone around the world or a mobile phone and additionally receive calls while online. Some of the top quality tools are Skype (2006) (Figure 50) and Babble (2006) (Figure 51). Figure 50: Skype • D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 51: Babble Web Conferencing tools allow IM, voice over IP and many valuable features that enable a simple online meeting. iVocalize (2006) tool enables integrated recording, and a searchable blog which creates a full transcript where anyone can find what is told during a meeting. Another tool is the HotConference (Telco 2006) (Figure 52) which offers unlimited meetings for unlimited users and finally, in this category there is also the VoiceCafe (2006) (Figure 53) tool also enabling web conferencing capabilities. Figure 52: Hot Conference Figure 53: Voice Café 52 DiFac IST5-035079 • D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Screen Sharing solutions are a very effective way to collaborate online as it allows to broadcast whatever is appeared in ones screen in any number of participants are invited to join in. These solutions do not require any special software to be installed and work in any operation system. These platforms enable also IM, voice over IP, invitation management or even remote control of the mouse and the keyboard. Some of the most known and easy operating products are RealVNC (2006) (Figure 54), glance (Glance 2006) (Figure 55), GoToMeeting (Citrix 2006) (Figure 56) and eBLVD (Enc 2006). Figure 54: RealVNC Figure 55: Glance Figure 56: GoToMeeting • Document Sharing is one of the latest trends in online collaboration area. The InstaColl (2006) (Figure 57) tool enables the actual data sharing of a document or a presentation. More specifically, someone can invite anyone else within the document or the presentation and edit it together. It is a strong supporter of Microsoft Office applications and works on Windows technology. Figure 57: InstaColl tool 53 DiFac IST5-035079 • D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment File sharing is becoming more and more popular among internet users and many tools exist already in this category. There are many commercial tools such as Dropload (2006), Shinkuro (2006) (Figure 58) and grouper (Grouper 2006) (Figure 59) that in fact are open free web resources where it is able to send large files to anyone. With file sharing any user has a secure web space where can be kept documents, files etc and additionally interact with other users via IM, screen sharing etc. Figure 58: Shinkuro tool • Figure 59: Grouper tool Live Presentations through the web gives the opportunity to give a presentation to many other people without losing too much time with traveling. Some of the effective tools are namely the PresenterNet (2006) which allows to upload a PowerPoint presentation and automatically modify it to Flash keeping the quality of the presentation. Another tool in this category is the InstantPresenter (2006) (Figure 60) which enables, IM, and Voice over IP. Figure 60: InstantPresenter • Recording is something that anyone would find useful in an online collaborative meeting. FlashMeeting (2006) (Figure 61) and TechSmith (2006) gives this opportunity as well as to effectively distribute the outcome of the recording. 54 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 61: FlashMeeting • Video Conferencing tools enable and facilitate greatly the instant ability and desire to communicate with each other. Three tools here are 3wVP (2006) (Figure 62), SightSpeed (2006) (Figure 63) and Microsoft Research (Microsoft 2006) (Figure 64) which offer video and audio live communication. Figure 62: 3wVP Figure 63: SightSpeed 55 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 64: Microsoft Research • Full Collaboration tools can be named those tools that integrate the most of the tools that have been mentioned above. The following tools have been developed very lately and these are the Qnext (2006) (Figure 65) tool, and the ConVoq (2006) (Figure 66) tool which enable IM, Voice over IP, Screen Sharing, Video Conferencing and others. Figure 65: Qnext Figure 66: ConVoq 56 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment APPENDIX B – CWE RESEARCH TOPICS According to the Report (2005), the major categorization of R&D activities within CWE is done as follows: • Worker mobility • Collaborative technologies • Knowledge worker • Robotics at work • Ambient intelligence at work • Collaboration in the media industry • International collaboration And the current principle research focuses are on: • Development and use of collaboration technologies • Reference architecture for collaborative work • Seamless integration of heterogeneous platforms, tools applications and services New scientific research on CWE are directed towards: • Fundamental research on the nature of group collaboration, beyond current focus on considering the group as a collection of individuals but paying attention to what is unique about group behaviors. • New technological research in the adaptation and contextualisation into integrated environments of several technological pillars: P2P systems, applied robotics, knowledge activation, mixed reality. The New Working Environments unit of the European Commission’s Information Society Directorate-General fosters Information Society Technologies (IST) research to catalyze systemic innovation, in order to enable high-quality and productive person-centric and collaborative new working environments in Europe. To achieve this aim it is necessary to link European ‘dream team’ communities of research and deployment in a cross disciplinary manner. The AMI@Work family of self-organizing ERA communities links people in all 25 EU Member States and beyond for a European Research and Innovation Area (ERA) at work. This family facilitates new working environments innovation, ERA-wide and in EU 6th and 7th Framework Programmes of research. This family consists of self-organising communities, facilitated by elected leaders, in collaboration with EU projects MOSAIC and SEEMseed, and the New Working Environments unit of the Information Society Directorate-General of the European Commission, together with related Commission services. These communities represent potential cross-fertilizing technology themes and challenging validation environments with a significant technological, economic and societal impact. The AMI@Work family of ERA communities itself is a real-life collaboration experiment. ’Practice what we preach’. These communities are based on web-based membership registration by interested individuals. Following preparatory workshops in Brussels in March and in Budapest in May, the main launch event was held in Brussels from 7 to 9 June 2004. The first day was dedicated to AMI@Work communities, including leadership elections. On the second day, the plenary session launched the AMI@Work family of ERA communities, as well as EU Information Society Technologies projects related to the Strategic Objective ‘Applications and Services for the Mobile User and Worker’. The third day focused on information, networking and partnering for the future EU IST Calls for Proposals as well as AMI@Work Special Interest Groups. 57 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 67: AMI@Work special interest group In Figure 67, horizontal communities are representing the so-called "technology push" while the vertical communities are representing the famous "application pull". Many participants, from 25 European countries and beyond, have already registered to this initiative. An extensive and concrete list of the research topics from every community is listed below: 1. Collaboration@Work The collaboration platforms for engineering processes that have to be mentioned, as follows: • SOA for Collaborative Work: Service Oriented Architectures for supporting Collaborative Work • Collaboration Awareness: Collaboration Awareness support for distributed engineering teams • Collaboration for Knowledge Communities: Collaboration within Knowledge Communities • Community based Collaborative Workplaces: Collaborative Work and collaboration Awareness within online Communities acting as a networked workplace • New collaboration approaches: i.e. people-concept-networking-centric approach to complement existing document-centric or process-centric approaches • Collaboration middleware: interoperable software environment enabling users to use indifferently any collaboration tool • Collaboration anywhere at anytime: mobile working environment enabling users to interact whenever they need it and wherever they are. • Collaborative Workplace Living labs: Living labs experimentation environments for Collaborative workplace innovation involving all players including users at the earlier stage 2. Knowledge@Work • Access to knowledge anywhere anytime: mobile working environment enabling users to access knowledge whenever they need it and wherever they are. 58 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment • Connective knowledge methods and tools: all methods and tools supporting connective knowledge • Distributed knowledge management: architectures, tools and techniques supporting the distributed KM • Inter-enterprise knowledge management: KM systems for inter-enterprise applications • Knowledge clusters: linking knowledge items into clusters • KM in Ambient Intelligence: KM support into Ambient Intelligence related applications • KM in Community based Collaborative Workplaces: KM support to on-line communities where members have to collaborate • KM in Mobile Technologies: mobile technologies supporting KM • Eco-Knowledge in Information environments: ecological knowledge collection and organisation, relative tools and technologies for Eco-Knowledge application and management • KM standards: technical and managerial standards for KM 3. Mobility@Work • Mobile workplace innovative applications: Mobile workplace innovative applications in key industries and sectors • Mobile workplace platforms and technologies: platforms and technologies supporting mobile workplaces • Mobile work scenarios and roadmap: exploring mobile work vision scenarios and developing innovation roadmap to reach the vision • Mobile workplace and Ambient Intelligence: Mobile workplaces into Ambient Intelligence related applications • Mobile workplaces transition impact: Societal and organisational aspects of introducing mobile workplaces • Mobile Workplace Living labs: Living labs experimentation environments for mobile workplace innovation 4. SEEM@Work • SEEM Vision: Single Electronic European Market(SEEM) vision • SEEM Registries: EU-wide Marketplaces, Business Registries and Business Communities/Networks • Technologies for searching Business Opportunities: Methods and technologies for searching and finding Business Opportunities within the EC • Technologies for building Marketplaces: Technologies and approaches for building Marketplaces, Registries and Communities • Architectures for building Marketplaces: Architectures, Methods and Models for building Marketplaces • Inter-enterprise business processes: Implementation of Cross-Company Business Processes and Cooperation using Registries and Repositories • Exchange of Business Documents: Exchange of Business Documents within inter-enterprise cooperation environments • SEEM Standardisation: Standardisation of Business Documents, Harmonisation of Business Processes • Optimizing Supply Chains: Optimizing Supply Chains with Marketplaces and a Single European Market • Business Concepts and Business Models: Business Concepts and Business Models within EU-wide market, Opportunities • Implementing SEEM-related standards: UDDI, ebXML, BPEL4WS etc. • eRegistry/Repository architecture and technology: eRegistry/Repository architecture and technology 59 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment • SEEM Legal and regulatory implications: Legal and regulatory implications of the Single European Market • SEEM cultural and linguistic impacts: Overcoming cultural and linguistic barriers in a Single European Market • Consumer and data protection: Consumer and data protection in the Single European Market • SEEM Pilot cases: Single electronic market pilot cases experiences • SEEM and SMEs: SME participation in the single electronic market: requirements, visions and opportunities • SME market integration: SME market integration challenges from a technical and business viewpoint • SEEM Security: Security and Personalisation Issues • Sector specific impact: Sector specific impact of a Single European Market 5. Rural@Work • Rural mobility scenarios: Potential scenarios for deployment of mobile technologies • Rural mobile applications: Deployment of mobile technologies for various rural applications • Collaborative Work in Rural settings: Generic solutions for collaborative work in different contexts • Rural ICT attractiveness: ICT infrastructure for attractive, working and living environments • Rural@work technology platform: technology platform to explore and support Rural@work • Rural on-line Communities: Creation of the "Community" concept for rural people networking applications • Vision for Rural & Regional Work: Requirements, visions and scenarios for Rural & Regional Work • Social, cultural and economic potential: Social, cultural and economic potential of ICT services in rural areas • Rural transition through ICT: How information technologies can be used both to protect and transform rural areas? • Requirements visions: Requirements visions of end users, arising challenges 6. Engineering@Work • Integrated PSO Engineering: Integrated Engineering of Products, Services and Organisations • Ambient Intelligence in engineering processes: RFID, Smart Tags and Sensors technologies within Engineering processes • IE in Community based Collaborative Workplaces: Integrated Engineering in Community based Collaborative Workplaces • Life-cycle & Service Engineering: Life-cycle & Service Engineering • Engineering and Mobile technologies: Engineering and Mobile technologies 7. Well-being Services@Work • Support for mobile health professionals: Support for mobile health professionals • Collaboration Support for health professionals: Support for collaboration among (mobile) health professionals • Workflow support for virtual care teams: Workflow support for virtual care teams in chronic or acute care • Facilitation of informal care networks: Facilitation of informal care networks • Support for the citizen at work: Support for the citizen at work including workers with health challenges • Intelligent assistive work environments: Intelligent assistive work environments to optimise health and wellbeing in the future workplace 60 DiFac IST5-035079 • 8. D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Provision of positive lifestyle and wellbeing support: Provision of positive lifestyle and wellbeing support to optimise health and wellbeing for citizens and workers (prevention) Media@Work • Creative problem solving: Work process, creative problem solving and context based technologies for collaborative knowledge work • New value chains and business models: New value chains and business models for communitycentric content production in media rich knowledge work Modelling technology mediated knowledge work processes, individual differences and contextual and situational impacts • Multimodal tools for producing content: Multimodal tools for producing content for community-centric in media rich knowledge work • Knowledge work environments as media rich environments: Knowledge work environments as media rich environments • Personalization and dialogical technologies: Personalization and dialogical technologies for media rich knowledge work • Increasing knowledge worker information processing bandwidth: Increasing knowledge worker information processing bandwidth from technology • Technologies for creativity: Technologies for creativity in media rich knowledge work environments • Pleasure promoting technologies and calm technologies: Pleasure promoting technologies and calm technologies in media rich knowledge work environments • Social presence, emotion and collaborative technologies: Social presence, emotion and collaborative technologies in knowledge work • Risk management in media rich knowledge work environments: Risk management in distributed and collaborative media rich knowledge work environments • Multimedia content indexing, retrieval and tools: Multimedia content indexing, retrieval and tools for media rich knowledge work 9. Logistics@Work • Sustainable Logistic systems: Logistic systems for Sustainable Fruit and Vegetable Production • e-Agro Business and Production Chain Management: e-Agro Business and Production Chain Management • Virtual Agro-Logistic Information Systems: Virtual Agro-Logistic Information Systems • Manufacturing Logistics: Manufacturing Logistics • Supply Chain Design in the transportation: Supply Chain Design in the transportation • Logistic systems for sustainable cities: Logistic systems for sustainable cities or Intelligent City Logistics • Logistics strategies: Logistics strategies - The Modernisation of the City Logistic • Organisation of logistic services: Organisation of logistic services • Management of logistic services: Management of logistic services • Supply Chain Management: Supply Chain Management • Costing of logistics services: Costing of logistics services • Information Exchange and Controllability: Information Exchange and Controllability in Logistics • Ambient Intelligence in Logistics: RFID, Smart Tags and Sensors technologies within Logistics • Community based Collaborative Workplaces: Integrated Logistics in Community based Collaborative Workplaces • Reverse Logistics: Reverse Logistics • 3PL & 4PL: 3PL (third party logistics) & 4PL (fourth party logistics • Global Outsourcing: Global Outsourcing 61 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment • Environmental logistics: Environmental logistics • DSS and communication technologies: Decision support systems and communication technologies • Enhancing customer service in logistics: Enhancing customer service in logistics 10. LivingLabs@Work • Studying human beings in ICT rich environments: Increased understanding of the human being in the IT landscape - behaviour, learning, attitudes etc. • Exploring the innovation process: The innovation process, its methods, the implementation, leadership issues, governance role and the role of the citizens. • Collaborative research approach: Environments and the supportive methods for increased interdisciplinary co-operation in projects - the collaborative research approach. • The pan-European approach: Differences in culture, context etc. Integration of new member states. • Experimenting new services: Supporting the development of a mobile society - service and technology interoperability, the role of emerging technologies (like ambient technologies, link to item 1 above) • Business and social value chains and models: Changing business and social value chains and models, the role of emerging technologies of driving change, essential components. 62 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment APPENDIX C – SIMILAR EUROPEAN PROJECTS The recently launched projects in new working environment (2006) are shown in Table 1, and the ongoing projects with EU in the same scope are shown in Table 2: Table 1: Newly launched projects in new working environment Project Name Collaboration@ Rural CoSpaces Type Objectives IP A collaborative platform for working and living in rural areas Innovative collaborative work environments for individuals and teams in design and engineering CoVES InContext Collaborative virtual engineering for SMEs Interaction and context based technologies for collaborative teams POPEYE ROBOT@CWE STREP Professional peer environment beyond edge computing Advanced robotic systems in future collaborative working environment Table 2: The ongoing projects within the new working environment Project Type Objectives Name AMI@NE SSA Development of long-term shared vision on AMI technologies TFOOD for a networked agri-food sector Research strategy for agri-food and rural domain. AMI4SME STREP Ambient intelligence technology for systemic innovation in manufacturing SMEs flexible manufacturing control & industrial maintenance AMIRA STREP Multimodal intelligence for remote assistance Safety/business-critical field work (roadside assistance, fire brigade) BEACON STREP The potential socio-economic impact of broadband access and use on new forms of pan-European trading, collaborative work and advanced public service provision Broadband use for eWork, eBusiness, eGovernment BEANISH SSA Buildind Europe-Africa collaborative Network for applying IST in Health care sector Europe – Africa collaboration in healthcare BrainBrid ges CA CASCOM STREP Collaborative technologies and environments enhancing the seamless creativity process, leveraging the full European potential. European community for collaborative working environments Intelligent platform for mobile, context-aware applications/services(Generic platform) validation in pervasive healthcare COMIST SSA AMI@work -COMmunities stimulating participation of NMS and ACC organisations in eWork and eBusiness related IST activities eWork innovation in new member states 63 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment CREATE SSA Creative processes for enterprise innovation Methodology for creative working, validated in household appliance, motorbike industries eLOGMA R-M CA Web-based and mobile solutions for collaborative work environment with logistics and maritime applications (includes 3rd party target country: PR China) mobile actors in logistics and maritime sector (traders, resellers, railway carriers, shippers, consignees, insurers, agents, forwarders etc.) ENGAGE CA Engineering emotional design community for affective design (for consumer needs) Mobile distance working platform Pump manufacturer, healthcare trust Innovative ambient intelligent based services to support lifecycle management of flexible assembly and manufacturing systems agent-based collaborative platform (industrial product cycle) Network of excellence on virtual reality and virtual environments applications for future workspaces Virtual reality ERA (aerospace, energy, automotive) EUDOMAIN InAmI STREP STREP INTUITIO N NOE IST World SSA Knowledge base for RTD competencies collaborative research (new member states, associate countries) LIAISON IP Satellite-supported seamless & personalised LBS for the working environment Mobile workers in remote maintenance, emergency service MobileIN STREP Open framework for service creation & execution in multidomain heterogeneous network environments (Generic telco platform) MobiLife IP Context-aware mobile services in 3G and beyond Families, family-work interface Mobile worker support environments: aligning innovation in mobile technologies, applications and workplaces for locationindependent cooperation and networking lead support project for the ‘ami@work’ family of communities Awareness enhancement for multilingual and multicultural mobility issues Mobile value chain actors MOSAIC SSA MuliMob SSA POMPEI STREP P2P location & presence mobile services for crisis management safety, security, emergency services PRIME STREP Providing real integration in multi-disciplinary environments game based business simulation for industry SEEMSE ED STREP Study, evaluate and explore in the domain of the single electronic European market open seem platform (proof of concept – pollutant waste industry) SHARE STREP Push-to-share mobile service platform Rescue service workers SIMS SSA Supporting innovation of SMEs in the mobile services and application supply business smes developing mobile services and applications 64 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment SNOW STREP Authoring & exploitation of multimodal mobile documentation for nomadic workers Industrial maintenance, repair, overhaul worker SOCQUI T SSA Social Capital, Quality of Life and Information Society Technologies: Evidence-based dynamic modelling support for the IST Priority Special interest group on IST and social capital ULTRA STREP Portable augmented reality for industrial maintenance Industrial maintenance worker WearIT@ Work IP Wearable mobile computing in industrial settings Mobile worker (e.g. in manufacturing) CORELA BS CA Coordination of activities towards the establishment of cocreative Living Labs as the foundation of a Common European Innovation System on several levels MyCarEv ent Mobility and Collaborative Work in European Vehicle Emergency Networks – deals with new technologies, applications and services for the automotive aftermarket. Key area of the project is the mobile service world. LABORA NOVA Next generation Collaborative Tools which will change existing technological and social infrastructures for collaborating and support knowledge workers and eProfessionals in sharing, improving and evaluating ideas systematically across teams/companies and networks. Provision of the vision that by 2012 every Professional in Europe is empowered for seamless, dynamic and creative collaboration across teams, organizations and communities through a personalized collaborative working environment. ECOSPA CE IP 65 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment APPENDIX D – CWE SYSTEM DEMONSTRATORS Collaborative Awareness Demonstrators • Ami@Work: The on-line collaborative environment of the research communities for new working environment. It is aiming at providing valuable information about research fields of the different communities as well as supporting members’ discussion and interaction. • SmartGroups: Offering groups a variety of utilities to support CoWorking or CoPlaying. These include a polling function, table and document sharing facilities, and a group calendar. SmartGroups is WAPenabled and has a friendly, menu-driven graphical interface. Smartgroups is free. • eGroups: Offers on-line discussion forums, voice chat, document storage and retrieval, a shared calendar and group e-mail. Also provides an archive of previous messages along with several other collaboration utilities. • Sift Powering: online communities – best practice, white papers, case studies and links. • Uptilt: is a website service dedicated to user participation. Uptilt allows webmasters to proliferate their sites with fully searchable message boards (threaded and flat), trivia games, multiple polls, event calendars, email referrals and newsletters - each and all contributing to individual and community involvement. • Lotus: Quickplace IBM offers a build-it-yourself extranet tool for team collaboration. • Facilitate.com: provides a suite of tools to support collaboration. • GroupSystems: is a pioneer in "best practice automation" specialising in collaborative meeting technologies. • SneakerNet: is a new Internet conferencing service that focuses on remote delivery of multimedia presentations. • 4Projects: Providing web based collaboration for project team members, using a centrally located and maintained information management system. • CommunityZero.com provides next-generation web-based community development and hosting services to Internet users worldwide. • WebCrossing provides full-featured virtual community support technology and services. • Wiki, according to the people who host the "WikiWikiWeb," is a "composition system; it's a discussion medium; it's a repository; it's a mail system; it's a tool for collaboration. Really, we don't know quite what it is, but it's a fun way of communicating asynchronously across the network." Discussion Forums • Grouputer: A unique groupware product from Australia that uses multiple keyboards to allow a group of people to contribute simultaneously to the group discussion. The screen is divided into windows, one for each participant. Participants can see each other's anonymous contributions. • QuestMap: A "graphical group communication and problem-solving tool" that provides teams with a means for recording and structuring their dialogue. • ezboard: Easy, but not simple. You can create a "free, fully customisable online" CoWorking community. • Quick Topic; Supports single topic, asynchronous discussions, allowing you to invite readers to discuss a piece of work you publish on the web. • GeoCities: One of the most popular engines for building discussion groups. Also offers a news server. • Groupboard: A free, interactive, multi-user whiteboard, with chat and a message board that you can put up on your own website. • ICQ: The pioneer of free Internet Chat. The ICQ (I Seek You) instant messaging system allows users to send messages and files and to cut and paste. • NeoPlanet: Combines Instant Messaging with a browser. 66 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Mailing Lists • Delphi Offers free e-mail, chat, archiving, search, websites, "expert views" and the ability to send any message to a friend. • GroupVine A free discussion group service where you can join others, or create your own on-line community. Document Management and Collaboration Document collaboration is when you need not just to make files available to each other, but also to support the continued co-development of that information. • CommonSpace A collaborative writing tool designed specifically for enabling a group of individuals to work together at the same time on a document. • MeetingWorks A series of templates for processing agenda items. • OpenText A comprehensive knowledge management environment similar to Lotus Notes. • Correlate A tool for organizing and sharing knowledge resources. • Punch WebGroups and Instant Folders Punch WebGroups is designed specifically to support version control and tracking. • NetDocuments Easy to use web-based document sharing service. • My docs online Offers an easy-to-use environment for online storage, retrieval and distribution. • Driveway Free access to up to 25 megabytes of secure online file storage and sharing. • eFax Transmits faxes electronically, right to your virtual desktop, for instant online retrieval and paperless storage. • Council A Macintosh-based electronic meeting system for enhancing face-to-face meetings. Using a suite of software tools, participants can brainstorm, vote, record and present information, collaboratively and simultaneously. • SameTime Includes awareness of online users, conversation and document & application sharing. Collaborative Learning Planned and used effectively, training and development is an excellent management tool which should not be overlooked. At the present time the internet is playing an increased role in many aspects of business, including training and development. • Bizwise A business briefing entitled ‘Using the Internet to Train Your Employees. • Blackboard, Inc. A free array of tools including chat, document sharing, whiteboard, calendar. Even though the tools are structured to support US educational objectives, it offers an environment that is suitable for any application. • NiceNet Free, and advertisement-free, virtual conferencing, calendar, and document sharing. • Plato Designed for Computer-Based Education, but it has produced an on-line community due to its communication features. classroom environment including messaging, CVE systems and architectures Distributed Virtual Environments Bartlett (2004) from Australia presented a novel and significantly complex categorisation model for DVEs: implementation architecture and participant observable issues, see below (Figure 68 and Figure 69). 67 DiFac IST5-035079 Figure 68: Bartlett’s CVE categorisation model – part 1 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 69: Bartlett’s CVE categorisation model – part 2 Augmented Collaborative Spaces and Collaborative Management Billinghurst et al. (2002) adopted augmented reality technologies for collaborative spaces and collaborative management. It is pointed out that tangible interaction methods can be combined with AR display techniques to develop interfaces in which physical objects and interactions are as important as the virtual imagery, as illustrated in Figure 70 and Figure 71. Figure 70: Augmented collaborative work space – example 1 68 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 71: Augmented collaborative work space – example 2 Pingali (2003) from USA elaborated that, as collaborative environments evolve beyond the desktop, they see the emergence of a new class of augmented collaborative spaces that employ various devices and technologies to merge electronic information with physical space to support collaboration, both local and remote. To be effective, such spaces should give people the flexibility to combine their individual resources with the resources available in the space, while presenting appropriate information, taking into account the larger process within which a collaborative activity takes place. This demands richer ways of capturing content and actions, new ways of presenting multimodal information, and developing an architecture and infrastructure that unifies individuals, spaces, and processes to facilitate collaboration. The user studies (Figure 72) on a variety of tasks and interface types are provided. Their work in steerable interfaces (Figure 74) represents a first step in this direction. They have described several examples of the interfaces (see Figure 73, Figure 75 and Figure 76) that can be produced from taking advantage of these characteristics and expressions. Despite early promising results, a lot of research work needs to be done before collaborative AR interfaces are as well-understood as traditional telecommunication technology. Better display and input devices are needed. Rigorous user studies must be conducted on a variety of tasks and interface types. Hybrid interfaces integrating AR technology with other collaborative technologies need further exploration. 69 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 72: User studies on a variety of tasks and interface types Figure 73: Example scenario: travel agent able to display route-planning information overlaid on a physical map 70 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 74: Steerable projection systems enable the extensive and intricate combination of electronic information with real objects and space Figure 75: Example scenario: the customer receives a simplified electronic representation of the detailed physical map that the agent works with Figure 76: User in an augmented collaborative space, able to use physical space and objects within the space as a scratchpad 71 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Collaborative Augmented Multi-User Environment Broll et al. (2000) from Germany introduced a new collaborative augmented reality environment - the Virtual Round Table. This environment is designed to support location-independent mixed reality applications, overcoming the limitations for collabo-ration and interaction of existing approaches. Moreover it extends the physical workplace of the users into the virtual environment, while preserving traditional verbal and nonverbal communication and cooperation mechanisms. The Virtual Round Table (VRT) is an interactive task-oriented cooperation environment based on augmented reality technology [8]. A prototype of the Virtual Round Table is currently developed and evaluated within the CAMELOT (Collaborative Augmented Multi-User Environment with Live Object Tracking) project. The Virtual Round Table environment enables participants of a work group to share a 3D application within their regular working environment. Dynamic communication processes are supported by the VRT environment in a task oriented approach. Beside common facial communication the system particularly encourages non-verbal communication, visual association, and sensorimotor abilities of the work group members. The basic idea of the Virtual Round Table (Figure 77) is the perspectively correct 3D stereo visualization of a synthetic scene within the real world working environment of the user using see-through projection glasses. Augmented reality is used as a key technology to enhance the real world by virtual objects. They presented their approach of a collaborative virtual environment based on augmented reality technology. The Virtual Round Table provides an interactive, location-independent, 3D-enhanced working environment for multiple users. By the use of new interaction techniques based on the combination of real world objects and virtual world artifacts we provide an intuitive and natural approach to interact with virtual objects. By that the Virtual Round Table environment extends the user’s workplace into time and (3D-) space, providing the basis for new types of collaborative applications. Figure 78 provides an example of the VRT scenario. Figure 77: Basic architecture of virtual round table Figure 78: An example of virtual round table scenario In their future work they will continue their work with the six-degree-of-freedom MOVY tracker to provide a high-quality low-cost view-point registration solution. Object tracking will be enhanced in order to provide information on object orientation in addition to the pure location information. Video-based augmentation will be further evaluated. The impact on health risks when using head-mounted projection displays within regular working situations requires further investigation. Initial application scenarios will be tested with selected user groups to influence the further develop-ment of the user interface metaphor and to ensure the overall intuitiveness of the approach. 72 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Distributed Spatial Collaboration Schafer et al. (2005) from USA investigated a case of an existing group which is interested in rearranging their lab furniture, although all of the group members are rarely together at the same time to discuss the changes. Their work designs and evaluates a novel prototype based on a previous one (Figure 79) to investigate the group’s spatial collaboration needs. This work addresses the problem of supporting distributed, spatial collaboration. It presents a unique prototype (Figure 80) that uses multiple representations to enable distributed spatial collaboration. Focusing on the realistic task, the prototype allows the members of a research group to explore different furniture arrangements for their lab space. The study confirms the usefulness of multiple representations of the same space. It demonstrates collaborators choosing the different interfaces to position objects. It also realizes the utility of offering both similar and different representations. More importantly, it highlights the need for awareness techniques that transcend multiple representations. Providing additional visual indicators of all the collaborators in both interfaces would have allowed the participants to communicate between the representations. Lastly, the study reflects on the need for process support in spatial collaboration solutions. It offers a unique feature that could allow the collaborators to understand the areas where people are working and the progress the group is making. Figure 79: A collaborative map in a previous study used a radar view to display the collaborator’s viewports 73 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 80: A collaborative virtual environment investigated combinations of egocentric and exocentric frames of reference Immersive collaborative virtual workspace Swing (2000) from USA presented a prototype of collaborative computing environment created by the MITRE Corporation, see Figure 81 and Figure 83. CVW maintains a persistent virtual space where users can communicate, collaborate, or share documents. Audio, video or simple text-based interactions are all supported within CVW. The CVW collaborative environment is divided into virtual buildings, each of which has several floors and a number of rooms on each floor (Figure 82). Typically, the building might be devoted to a high-level organization or general topic, while each floor is devoted to a specific organization, or more specific topic. The individual rooms host the actual collaborative sessions. 74 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 81: Sample CVW screen Figure 82: CVW Floor Layout: Original (left) and Immersive (right) 75 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 83: Sample avatars Team Table for a Continuous Factory Planning Sihn et al. (2000) from Germany developed a new framework for a round table for integrated rough factory planning. It focuses on configuration and data management process integration. This enables an online system performance evaluation based on continuous availability of current data. The new framework is supported by a planning round table as a tool for team-based configuration processes integrating the knowledge of all persons involved in planning processes. A case study conducted at a German company shows the advantages which can be achieved by implementing the new framework and methods. The backbone fo this new framework is the strong bidirectional link between the configuration process which supports the process of defining alternatives of the factory structure and the data management system. The system is based on a new user interface developed by the ETH Zuerich and Tellware. This new interactive principle enables the direct interaction of a team with the computer system through an image recognition soft-and hardware solution. The team works on an ordinary table onto which a two-dimensional image of a planning area is projected, assisted by a three dimensional model which is projected onto the wall. the marking of objects on the table is done through small bricks with a reflection device. This procedure of picking the objects is technically realized through a camera scanning the image on the table and recognizing the reflection device. The configuration of the position and the numbers of the planning resources are working directly with the new interaction principle. The configuration of an attribution of the resources and an integration of information on products and processes is realized by placing a smaller brick onto an object. This smaller brick opens the individual data sheet of the resources and gives the possibility to add or change the data of the machine and to link processes or products to the machine. Advanced collaborative platform for professional virtual communities Ratti (2006) from Italy built a supporting platform (the Advanced Collaborative Platform ACP) for professional Virtual Communities (PVC) inside the ECOLEAD project. It covers: in defining the identified user functionalities, arranged accordingly the main life-cycle phases (PVC operations, Virtual Team Creation, and Virtual Team operations); in defining the reference architecture and the development environment of the platform for deploying PVC portals; in identifying the peculiar and specific functionalities to the PVC paradigm. The ACP will integrate under a unique entry point the social, knowledge and business workspaces which provide a real innovation in the field of PVC. In particular the preliminary results and the feed back from the end users demonstrations activated have shown a real need of this collaborative platform. Moreover the current software results, released with the first ACP prototype, have been satisfactory. Currently then end 76 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment users are testing and validation the first release of the ACP: the result of these activities will be the input for the next release of the platform planned for March 2007. Cooperative platforms through heterogeneous communication networks Shahin (2006) from Italy addressed the concept of cooperative platform where distributed resources (i.e., instrumentation and circuits, multimedia archives and applications, desktop) interconnected through heterogeneous communication network are remotely accessed and configured by users having Internet connectivity. Perspectives and the experiences made within projects devoted to this topic are reported in this paper, with the aim to enlighten related issues and present possible solutions. These solutions could provide great benefits in favour the SMEs for what concern the collaborative design and engineering. Virtual and augmented reality supporting people consciousness within CWE Antoniac (2006) from Finland and Italy presented a vision of a virtual space of networked individuals, based on Virtual & augmented Reality, forming ad-hoc presents a vision of a virtual common interests. The basic idea is how to connect people and concepts together, what methods to use, and how to make the collaboration and the exchange of information more fluent and easier to handle. Important issues like how community and browsing through the people-concepts maps, within a VAR environment, are discussed. A possible and their benefits into providing much faster and broader access to existing knowledge and people know-how, thus providing more tools and new technologies to professional engaged into knowledge intensive work. Decision support in strategic control on the base of Knowledge Management Cherniahovskaya (2006) from Russia represented solution of problem of strategic control decision quality increasing on the base of knowledge management. The hypertext knowledge base for collaborative knowledge gathering, storing, management and presentation is developed. Objective-cognitive analysis methodology is presented for the hypertext knowledge base design. This methodology integrates methods of the objective analysis and design with the Unified Modelling Language, semantic analysis and ontology analysis of domain. The algorithm of the case based reasoning for the decision support is presented. There is also shown the sample of application of intelligent decision support system in education process. Secured open source-based set of tools for collaborative networks Hartescu (2006) from Romania presented a secured open source-based set of tools managing and disseminating documents in heterogeneous software (source code files, database objects, graphical objects, text files etc) for collaborative networks. The paper motivates the utilization of open source models for the maintenance and adaptation of the application or generic software. It describes the representation of the software in Internet computing, the architecture of the open source-based XML repository manager and the most important issues for its implementation. The system uses encrypting and other security mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access the collaborative network and the data cannot be intercepted. It sues secure socket connection (SSL) to transmit all sensitive information during confidential processes. The application has been tested in an integrated system, with several servers running Windows 2000 and Linux, connected in a collaborative network. The system was configured easily, and it has worked very fast because the communication protocol transmits just the information needed. The systems targets cover three areas: • Content engineering: is a cooperative task of experts in the domain of SMEs management and information specialists from the IT and multimedia domain. Their outputs are digital modules, consisting of the combination of the management methods, realized by advanced IT solutions. • Platform engineering: generate the technical framework, supporting the management process and ebusiness. The platform engineering is based on available standards and methods and executed by integration for IT specialists and IT solutions. 77 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment • Business engineering: is a collaborative work which integrates all the activities of the management and IT professional partners. The target of the business engineering is to offer new management solutions, via the modern methodology and technology. • The systems uses encryption and other security mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access the collaborative network and the data cannot be intercepted. CVE Applications Distributed design in virtual environment Daily, et al. (2000) from USA described the integration of several components to enable distributed virtual design review in mixed multi-party, heterogeneous multi-site 2D and immersive 3D environments. The system provides higher layers of support for collaboration including avatars, high fidelity audio, and shared artifact manipulation. The system functions across several interface environments ranging from CAVEs to Walls to desktop workstations. At the center of the software architecture is the Human Integrating Virtual Environment (HIVE) , a collaboration infrastructure and toolset to support research and development of multi-user, geographically distributed, 2D and 3D shared applications. The HIVE functions with VisualEyes software for visualizing 3D data in virtual environments. They also describe in detail the configuration and lessons learned in a two site, heterogeneous multi-user demonstration of the system between HRL Laboratories in Malibu, California and GM R&D in Warren, Michigan. This paper describes the integration and application of capabilities developed at HRL Laboratories and General Motors Research & Development Center (GM R&D) in a system for Distributed Design Review In Virtual Environments (DDRIVE) (Figure 84). A central goal of the effort was to extend the single site functionality of GMR&D’s visualization software by constructing a prototype collaboration environment to match the performance of the available network and computing infrastructure. Collaboration infrastructure development to support seamless integration of a range of collaboration applications was emphasized. This paper has described a complex system (Figure 87) enabling a widely distributed collaborative virtual environment, as well as a number of lessons learned and technical details of importance in implementing these types of systems. The application of distributed design review in virtual environments (Figure 85 and Figure 86) motivated the development of key aspects of the system. The DDRIVE system provides an early concept demonstration. Figure 84: Components of the DDRIVE system 78 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 85: The CABANA in CAVE mode Figure 86: A perspective view rendering of a HIVE collaboration session Figure 87: Software components of DDRIVE 79 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Distributed virtual environment for designing original products and crafted objects Nishino et al. (1999) from Japan proposed a new approach (Figure 88) to collaboratively designing original products and crafted objects in a distributed virtual environment. Special attention is paid to concept formulation and image substantiation in the early design stage. A data management strategy and its implementation method are shown to effectively share and visualize a series of shape-forming and modeling operations performed by experts on a network (Figure 89, Figure 90 and Figure 91). A 3D object representation technique is devised to manage frequently updated geometrical information by exchanging only a small amount of data among participating systems. Figure 92 and Figure 93 give the client structure and the prototype system organization. Figure 88: Gesture based 3D object modeling system Figure 89: Server-dependent data sharing method 80 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 90: Proposed data sharing method Figure 91: 3D data sharing mechanism and procedure 81 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 92: Client system structure Figure 93: Prototype system organization CVE for Feature based Modeling Tang (2004) from USA and China proposed a new method to solve the conflicts and define a process for non-locked multi-user collaborative design. Based on this method, we have implemented a prototype system integrating C++, Java3D and VML, CORBA technologies to achieve flexibility and efficiency in CVE for feature based modeling. They presented a new method to overcome the above problems and to build a multi-user CVE for feature based modeling. They described the system architecture (Figure 94 and Figure 95) analyzed the system interactive graph of multi-user collaborative modeling and define some terms involved, analyzed the feature operations occur on the server side, and presented their method to solve conflicts and to reduce network traffic costs, presented the implementation details of our prototype system to test the method. 82 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 94: The architecture of CVE for feature-based modelling Figure 95: CVE system modules Shared VR for Concurrent Design of Assembly Systems Reinhart et al. (1999) from Germany described a shared virtual system which enables the concurrent design of (not only) assembly systems. It allows two or more participants to get connected and to examine the virtual model of an assembly system. Changes made to the model by any participant, like grasping and studying geometric objects or starting and stopping robot programs, are distributed to every connected system. Through this tool, solutions can be found very quickly, whenever there is a need for a short dated coordinated decision. The shared virtual environment focuses on the cooperation occurring during the threedimensional planning of assembly systems. Working with the system is divided up into four major steps: 1) Notifying your collaboration partners that you want to initiate a conference; 2) Initial setup of the system at every site; 3) Testing, discussing and possibly modifying the virtual assembly system; 4) Making the right decision and finish the conference. The shared virtual environment was implemented using the commercially available 3D simulation system AnySIM as the underlying 3D assembly planning environment. VR devices can be used for visualization and interaction with an assembly layout in AnySIM. The first application of the shared virtual environment was done within a demonstration of the Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management (iwb) held on the SYSTEMS fair in Munich in October, 1998. The scenario chosen for the demonstration consisted of two collaborating partners working with it. One user took the role of a manufacturer of assembly systems, the other the role of the principal who wants to take a look at the current state of assembly planning. On the assembly system a drill machine should be assembled. 83 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Multiscale Collaboration in Virtual Environments Adding multiscale capabilities to collaborative virtual environments can potentially help people work on very large electronic worlds. Zhang et al. (2003) from USA introduced the implications and design of mCVE systems, and then focused on a study of the effectiveness of a mCVE in supporting a cross-scale task. Their experiment shows that user performance on cross-scale tasks is needed improved. CVE for educational applications Kirner et al. (2001) from Brazil presented a Collaborative Virtual Environment (the CVE-VM, see Figure 96, developed to support educational applications involving collaborative learning (the client interface is shown in Figure 97). CVE is a multi-user, distributed system that works on the Internet and intends to improve and facilitate learning, according to the concepts of constructionism. The much reduced number of similar systems presently available motivated the development of CVE-VM. Moreover, educational applications can be extensively improved with the use of Collaborative Virtual Environments, primarily if the are available on the Internet. The article intended to contribute to the development of such Collaborative Virtual Environments, so the article focused mainly on logical design and implementation aspects. CVE-VM represents a very useful experience of developing Collaborative Virtual Environments, mainly in Brazil. Future already planned work includes the refinement and improvement of the system, such as: • Add sound and graphical resources in the Chat; • Enhance the message changing, aiming o get a better system performance; • Include a module to make possible the analysis of the behaviour of system users and • Extend the Virtual World Library to enable the construction and exploration of new virtual worlds related to different themes; • Test the system in schools, aiming to identify its usability and contribution to the learning process of children and teenagers students. Other improvements are also being considered, such as: • Use of more realistic avatars, presenting real faces obtained by photos of the users; • Use of an authoring tool added to the system, to allow the collaborative construction of new objects; • Generation of new versions of the system using alternative software, like Java3D and X3D; • Search for new educational applications, such as on-line games. 84 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 96: CVE-VM system overview Figure 97: Client Interface 85 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Collaborative working in a large pharmaceutical company Evans (2005) from UK presented the ongoing case study of a large pharmaceutical organization currently undertaking a number of changes to their work practices. These collaborative changes are being facilitated by groupware systems. In many instances this has led to the rejection of or resistance to the more complex tools. The paper outlines research based on a perspective informed by Structuration theory, that provides the organization with an approach to supporting staff in this new ‘collaborative environment ’. An example, drawn from the case study, shows how such support might be developed and presents a set of recommendations for supporting a particular group, based on this research schema (Figure 98 and Figure 99). The paper presented details of an ongoing case study in the manufacture and supply department of a large pharmaceuticals organization. This organisation has recently begun to roll out a wide variety of groupware with the explicit aim of developing and sustaining a new ‘collaborative culture ’. Employees, in many cases, have been asked to alter their expectations of their work processes. This research aims to provide a means of supporting this change through the development of a sensitizing approach, or schema, based on Structuration Theory, for coaching users of groupware. Figure 98: Structural schema representing the focal elements of research Figure 99: The duality of structure 86 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Knowledge-based collaboration in Construction Industry Sorli (2006) from Spain, Portugal, and Germany: this paper focuses on the topics of Communities & Networks but it also covers some issues on Collaborative Enterprises, Collaborative Process & Workspaces, and Business to Business networks. It is based mainly on the collective project Know construct (COLI-CT2004-500276) starting in March 2005. the project aims to develop a common internet-based platform for SMEs from the construction sector to provide an effective combination of two general functionalities: an innovative decision making support system regarding the products characteristics, application and other consultancy services for SMEs’ customers applying the “web enabled dialogue”, and a system for SMEs to support an advanced form of co-operation through the creation of Knowledge Communities of SMEs in Construction Industry. The system supports the integration, management and reuse of the area specific knowledge via a common knowledge base. The system is intended to be used with in the Associations to collect and exchange the business area specific knowledge among the members (SMEs) in a form of essential expertise, reachable anywhere, at any time. Shared workspace to support interpersonal knowledge connection Pallot (2006) from Italy, Germany, and Bulgaria presented a virtual space of networked individuals within online communities through the integration of several technologies, namely shared workspace, wikis, and blogs, to better support interpersonal knowledge connection. While shared workspace technology has been widely deployed to support project teams, very little has been done so far regarding the use of wiki and blog technologies in the context of supporting on-line communities (e.g. Wikipedia) of knowledge workers. The main idea of this paper was to integrate those technologies together and to use the resulting collaborative environment as knowledge networking instrument where formalised concepts and members’ profile are key components to support people-concepts networking. Overall this kind of technology integration could be providing much faster and broader access to existing knowledge and people know-how, thus providing more opportunities or alternatives to professionals engaged into knowledge intensive work. 87 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment APPENDIX E – COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS OF COLLABORATIVE MANUFACTURING One commercial platform that enables organizations to achieve seamless integration in manufacturing systems by building specific solutions on existing or legacy ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) systems is the one from Wripo Company. Wipro's Collaborative Manufacturing Enabler is a layered solution using a messaging bus middleware as a network layer and connects to various applications through adapters (Wipro 2006). Applications communicate, publish, listen or subscribe to, messages from the bus. Data is thus published only once and distributed to all applications. The characteristic features of the tool are the Application Connectivity which is about providing integration middleware that allows information to flow between applications and ability to determine appropriate destination for the information flow; the process integration that supports business processes and manages based on runtime data ensuring that processes are within boundaries of parameters. Process integration allows actions of applications to be controlled from a centralized middleware solution and the modelling and monitoring that enables organizations to collect, view and analyse data from runtime systems thus effectively providing necessary information for continuous process improvement ARC Advisory Group has developed a Collaborative Manufacturing Manager (CMM) which provides a useful model for manufacturers, regardless of their particular circumstances, to help think through all the complexities of collaboration that they need to consider. CMM establishes the idea that emerging technologies and business process management practices can be applied almost universally to obtain significant benefits (ARC 2006). It connects critical applications, production systems, and enterprise information, to maximize the responsiveness, flexibility, and profitability of the manufacturing enterprise, in conjunction with its value network partners. A very promising tool (Figure 100) is OneSpace.net of the CoCreate Company (CoCreate 2006). OneSpace.net is an internet-based collaboration and connectivity solution that makes it easy to bring suppliers, remote team members, and customers together into a project. This tool generates accurate representations of 2D and 3D product designs that anyone can view, mark up, and measure. Also enables a safe web space where new projects can be created, data can be exchanged and roles can be managed. A meeting centre exists where team collaboration members can schedule online meetings and interact in realtime using engineering applications (such as MCAD, ECAD and CAE analysis) and Microsoft Office applications. Another commercial tool (Figure 101) is eDrawings Professional (Pappas 2006). The tool enables the effective collaboration with everyone involved in product development by using eDrawings software, the first email-enabled visualization and communication tool that eases sharing of product design information. eDrawings files are almost 95% smaller than their equivalent CAD models. The characteristics of eDrawings are: marking on the file, displaying cross sections, dimension measurement, part transfer, exploding views, shade, animations, edits ACad DFX DWG SolidWorks files (SolidWorks 2006). 88 DiFac IST5-035079 D1 Definition of a VR based collaborative digital manufacturing environment Figure 100: OneSpace tool Figure 101: eDrawings Professional The Windchill ProjectLink platform of PTC (Figure 102) provides a virtual space where many users can collaborate for the production of a product (PTC 2006). 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