Comparison of Macrophages and Lymphocytes in Non
Comparison of Macrophages and Lymphocytes in Non
Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária Ciências Veterinárias Comparison of Macrophages and Lymphocytes in Non-diseased Endometrium and Feline Endometrial Adenocarcinomas Miguel Augusto Tavares Pereira Orientador: Professora Doutora Maria dos Anjos Clemente Pires Co-orientador: Professor Doutor John F. Edwards UNIVERSIDADE DE TRÁS-OS-MONTES E ALTO DOURO VILA REAL, 2012 Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária Ciências Veterinárias Comparison of Macrophages and Lymphocytes in Non-diseased Endometrium and Feline Endometrial Adenocarcinomas Miguel Augusto Tavares Pereira Orientador: Professora Doutora Maria dos Anjos Clemente Pires Co-orientador: Professor Doutor John F. Edwards UNIVERSIDADE DE TRÁS-OS-MONTES E ALTO DOURO VILA REAL, 2012 Dedicada à Dona Maria de Lourdes, uma grande senhora e melhor avó do mundo. “O caminho é longo e tem muitas encruzilhadas. Aí, podemos parar e pensar um pouco, porque temos opções a tomar. Algumas fecham-nos portas, mas podem abrir novas. Outras não são bem o que queremos, mas é o que precisamos. Outras não são as que precisamos, mas as que queremos. No fim disto tudo, temos de escolher! Porque se não escolheres, não vives!” Abstract In the queen, the uterus is the most common site within genital tract for the occurrence of tumors, though contributing to only 0.29% of all cancers diagnosed in these animals. Although considered a rare tumor in cats, late studies showed that feline endometrial adenocarcinomas (FEA) can to be more frequent than once thought. Aware of the importance of the immune system, through a dynamic relation, in tumor immunoediting, this study aimed to assess the infiltration of immune cells in FEA. Ten samples of papillary serous FEA were used, along with ten samples each in follicular and luteal stages of the oestrous cycle (controls). Indirect immunolabelling was performed using antibodies against macrophages, T and B lymphocytes (MAC 387, Ab-Serotec®, 1:100; CD3, Dako®, 1:50; CD79, Cell Marque®, 1:75 respectively). Infiltration of immune cells was assessed in two different layers on non-diseased endometrial stroma and in tumors in a total of 20 fields (at objective 40x), and also in the myometrium around the tumors. There were significant differences between layers of non-diseased endometrium, with higher numbers of T lymphocytes on surface layer of follicular stage and of B lymphocytes on deep layer of luteal stage. Only on T lymphocytes there were significantly higher counting values on tumors than on non-diseased uterus. However, it was noticed a main significant increase of the three cells types on tumors with pyometra. Also, in the tumor peripheral tissue macrophages showed a significant increase when pyometra was present. The presence of myometrium invasion didn´t showed significant variations. This work showed an overview of immune cell infiltration on non-diseased endometrium and in FEA and gave some suggestions on the importance of the immune system for this type of tumor in these animals. I Resumo Na gata, o útero é o órgão do trato genital onde ocorrem com maior frequência tumores, embora contribua apenas com 0,29% para todos os tumores diagnosticados nesta espécie animal. Apesar de ser considerado um tumor raro, vários estudos têm mostrado a possibilidade do adenocarcinoma do endometrio felino (FEA) poder ser mais frequente do que se pensava inicialmente. Conscientes da importância do sistema imunitário, através de uma relação dinâmica, na imunoedição dos tumores, este estudo teve por objetivo a avaliação do infiltrado inflamatório em FEA. Foram utilizadas dez amostras de FEA do tipo morfológico papilar seroso juntamente com 10 amostras de cada uma das principais fases do ciclo éstrico da gata - folicular e luteínica como controlos. A imunomarcação foi realizada pela técnica indireta utilizando anticorpos antimacrófagos, anti-linfócitos T e anti-linfócitos B (MAC 387, Ab-Serotec®, 1:100; CD3, Dako®, 1:50; CD79, Cell Marque®, 1:75, respetivamente). A presença destes tipos celulares foi avaliada em duas diferentes camadas nas amostras de útero sem doença e no tumor, num total de 20 campos cada (com a objetiva de 40x). Além disso, neste último grupo de amostras, contabilizou-se também o miométrio na periferia do tumor. Observaram-se diferenças significativas entre as duas camadas do endométrio, com contagem superior na camada superficial da fase folicular para os linfócitos T e na camada profunda da fase luteínica para os linfócitos B. Nos tumores verificou-se um aumento significativo de linfócitos T, e no caso de piómetra concomitante, há um aumento dos três tipos celulares. Por último, a quando da avaliação destes tipos celulares no tecido periférico ao tumor, notaram-se aumentos significativos no que respeita aos macrófagos aquando da presença de piómetra. A presença de invasão do miométrio não mostrou variações significativas. Este trabalho permitiu ter uma ideia geral da distribuição destes tipos celulares estudados no endométrio sem doença e nos FEA, permitiu-nos refletir sobre a importância do sistema imunitário nestes tipos de tumores para esta espécie animal. II General Index Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ I Resumo ........................................................................................................................................... II General Index ................................................................................................................................III Figure Index .................................................................................................................................... V Graphics Index ................................................................................................................................ V Tables Index ................................................................................................................................... V Attachments Index .......................................................................................................................... V Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................... VI Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................................... VII Chapter 1 - Introduction ..................................................................................................................1 1.1 Background ......................................................................................................................1 1.2 Feline estrous cycle .........................................................................................................2 1.2.1 General concepts..........................................................................................................2 1.2.2 Feline cycle stages .......................................................................................................2 1.3 Feline endometrial adenocarcinomas ..............................................................................5 1.3.1 Incidence and epidemiology ........................................................................................6 1.3.2 Morphological features ................................................................................................6 1.3.3 Clinical signs and diagnosis ........................................................................................8 1.3.4 Treatment and prognosis ...........................................................................................10 1.4 Tumor-suppressor mechanisms .....................................................................................10 1.4.1 Intrinsic mechanisms .................................................................................................11 1.4.2 Extrinsic mechanisms ................................................................................................12 Immunoediting .................................................................................................12 Elimination phase ........................................................................................14 Equilibrium phase ........................................................................................15 Escape phase ................................................................................................15 Inflammation and cancer ..................................................................................15 Macrophages ................................................................................................16 Lymphocytes ...............................................................................................18 T lymphocytes ......................................................................................19 B lymphocytes .....................................................................................20 Chapter 2 - Objectives ...................................................................................................................21 Chapter 3 – Material and methods.................................................................................................22 3.1 Biological material ........................................................................................................22 3.2 Sample selection ............................................................................................................23 III 3.3 Immunohistochemistry analysis ....................................................................................23 3.4 Quantification ................................................................................................................24 3.5 Statistical Analysis ........................................................................................................26 Chapter 4 – Results ........................................................................................................................27 4.1. Macrophages ..................................................................................................................27 4.2. B lymphocytes ...............................................................................................................30 4.3. T lymphocytes ...............................................................................................................33 Chapter 5 – Discussion ..................................................................................................................36 Chapter 6 - Final considerations ....................................................................................................42 Chapter 7 – References ..................................................................................................................43 Chapter 8 – Attachments ...............................................................................................................50 IV Figure Index Figure 1. Queen´s reproductive cycle ..............................................................................................3 Figure 2. In situ carcinoma ..............................................................................................................8 Figure 3. Papillary serous carcinoma ..............................................................................................8 Figure 4. Clear cells carcinoma .......................................................................................................8 Figure 5. The three phases of cancer immunoediting ....................................................................14 Figure 6. TAMs pro-tumoral functions. ........................................................................................18 Figure 7. Definition of layers on normal uterus ............................................................................25 Figure 8. Definition of layers on tumor .........................................................................................25 Figure 9. Macrophages’ immunohistochemistry results................................................................27 Figure 10. B lymphocytes’ immunohistochemistry results ...........................................................30 Figure 11. T lymphocytes’ immunohistochemistry results ...........................................................33 Graphics Index Graphic 1. Macrophages results ....................................................................................................29 Graphic 2. B lymphocytes results ..................................................................................................32 Graphic 3. T lymphocytes results ..................................................................................................35 Tables Index Table 1. Description of the used tumor cases ................................................................................22 Table 2. Used immunohistochemestry technic’s specifications ....................................................24 Table 3. Descriptive analysis of macrophages results ...................................................................28 Tabel 4. Descriptive analysis of B lymphocytes results ................................................................31 Table 5. Descriptive analysis of T lymphocytes results ................................................................34 Attachments Index Attachment 1. Analysis of variance of macrophages results .........................................................50 Attachment 2. Post Hoc test to macrophages results .....................................................................50 Attachment 3. Analysis of variance of B lymphocytes results ......................................................51 Attachment 4. Post Hoc test to B lymphocytes results ..................................................................51 Attachment 5. Analysis of variance of T lymphocytes results ......................................................51 Attachment 6. Post Hoc test to T lymphocytes results ..................................................................51 Attachment 7. Analysis of variance of immune cells counting on peripheral tissue whether pyometra is or not present .............................................................................................................51 Attachment 8. Analysis of variance of immune cells counting between tumor and peripheral tissue considering pyometra ..........................................................................................................51 Attachment 9. Analysis of variance of immune cells counting on tumor mean and peripheral tissue whether there is or not myometrium invasion .....................................................................51 Attachment 10. Analysis of variance of immune cells counting between tumor and peripheral tissue tissue considering invasion ..................................................................................................51 V Abbreviations X Min – Minimum AAM – Alternatively activated MMP – Matrix-metalloproteinase macrophages NK cells – Natural killer cells ANOVA – Analysis of variance NO – Nitrous oxide APC – Antigen presenting cell OVH – Ovariohysterectomy BSA – Bovine serum albumine PBS – Phosphate buffered saline CAM – Classically activated Periph – Peripheral macrophages SD – Standard deviation CTL – Cytotoxic T lymphocytes Supf – Superficial CV – Coefficient of variation TAM – Tumor associated macrophages DAB – 3,3'-Diaminobenzidine TCR – T cell receptor DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid TCR – T cell receptor FEA – Feline endometrial TGF – Tumor growth factor adenocarcinoma Th – T helper lymphocytes IS – Immune system TIL – Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes LH – Luteinizing hormone TNF – Tumor necrosis factor LinfB – B Lymphocytes TNFR – Tumor necrosis factor receptor LinfT – T lymphocytes TRAIL – Tumor necrosis factor related m – Months Mac – Macrophages Treg – T regulation lymphocytes MALT – Mucosal associated lymphoid U – Unknown tissue WHO – World Health Organization Max – Maximum y – Years MHC – Major histocompatibility –Mean apoptosis-inducing ligand complex VI Acknowledgments O atingir de mais uma etapa apenas foi possível pela presença e apoio de várias pessoas. Correndo o risco de, ao nomeá-las, me esquecer de alguém, a todos deixo, desde já o meu sincero agradecimento. Começando a individualização, tenho, obrigatoriamente de começar pelos meus pais. Sem eles, sem o apoio e força que sempre me deram, sem as longas conversas envoltas em conselhos e ensinamentos, em “pancadas” e carinho, em amor e apoio, nunca teria conseguido formar-me como pessoa e profissional. A eles e ao Marco, o meu irmão e melhor amigo, que mesmo na outra ponta do país, sempre me apoiou, aconselhou e deu força para me ajudar a terminar esta etapa, o meu muito obrigado. Também à minha restante família, em especial à minha avó Lourdes, pelo apoio e carinho. À Professora Maria dos Anjos pela orientação, ensinamentos, amizade e conselhos. Nunca conseguirei agradecer-lhe o suficiente pelo apoio que me deu nas horas desesperantes de trabalho laboratorial, ou nas longas tardes de escrita de tese, assim como pelos projectos e trabalhos paralelos que fomos desenvolvendo. Agradeço também à TAMU, em especial ao Professor John F. Edwards, mas também aos restantes professores, internos e pessoas que conheci em College Station por me terem recebido, pela oportunidade que me deram de poder aprender mais, aperfeiçoar a minha técnica de necrópsia e vivenciar uma experiência diferente de trabalho. Agradeço novamente ao Professor Edwards pela co-orientação deste trabalho, pelos ensinamentos e conselhos. E a ele e à Dona Nair por me receberem de braços abertos em casa deles, por me tratarem como um filho e pela paciência, amizade, carinho, conselhos e oportunidades que me deram de conhecer mais do Texas do que apenas College Station. A minha estadia, graças a eles, foi uma experiência refrescante, que me permitiu ganhar mais confiança no meu trabalho, aprender a vários níveis e conhecer um país diferente. Também à Professora Rita Payan-Carreira pelo apoio e amizade, pela co-autoria em vários trabalhos, pelo conhecimento transmitido e conselhos e pelo facto de se mostrar sempre disponível para dar uma “mão” ou para por em uso a minha capacidade crítica. À dra. Ana Laura Saraiva pela amizade, apoio e conselhos. A ambas, pela participação no projeto no qual este trabalho está inserido, o meu muito obrigado. Ainda ao Professor Jorge Colaço, pela ajuda na sempre complicada estatística. VII Agradeço ainda novamente à professora Rita e ao Victor pela ajuda que me deram na imagem 1. Sem as trocas de conhecimento, definições e escolha de termos corretos e trabalho fundamental na parte gráfica, não a conseguiria fazer. Agradeço também à UTAD pela oportunidade que me deram de fazer este curso, a todo o pessoal docente e não docente que, de uma forma ou de outra, me ensinaram, influenciaram e me ajudaram a terminar este curso. Tendo passado grande parte do meu estágio no LHAP-UTAD, tenho obviamente de agradecer à Dona Lígia Bento pelo excelente trabalho de apoio técnico no processamento do material, à Dona Ana Plácido e Dona Glória Milagres pelo apoio técnico, disponibilidade, amizade, descontração e ensinamentos. Agradeço também às restantes professoras do laboratório pelas oportunidades que me deram de aprender, pelas conversas mais descontraídos e pelos conselhos que me foram dando ao longo do meu estágio. Também aos meus parceiros de laboratório, à Marta, companheira de laboratório e de muitas outras andanças, e ainda à Daniela, Nuno, Raquel, Sara, Filipa e aos restantes, pelo que me ensinaram, pela descontração, amizade e por tornarem o dia-a-dia no laboratório mais fácil. Também à Armanda pela ajuda na revisão do inglês e apoio na escrita da tese. À minha família da residência, o Davide, Telmo e Tozé, por me terem recebido em Vila Real nos meus primeiros tempos fora de casa. Aproveito para juntar a este grupo o Victor, o meu colega de quarto que sobreviveu mais tempo. A estes quatro, agradeço, em primeiro lugar, por estarem presentes e por me permitirem saber que, chegando à residência, iria chegar a casa, onde não iria estar sozinho. Foi com eles, com o nosso Tratado de Kinshassa, com as nossas conversas noturnas, com as nossas brincadeiras e parvoíces “residenciais”, que consegui, apesar dos tropeções e cabeçadas na parede, manter-me firme em Vila Real, no meu curso e na minha vida. A eles e às outras pessoas com quem partilhei a minha vida de residência, como o Simão, a Tita e o Alexandre, o meu muito obrigado. Também à minha família de veterinários, com muito carinho à Xica, Fiúza, Di, Xeco e Lucy os meus companheiros de curso e de aulas, de bebedeiras e de conversas sérias, de parvoíce e festa, pela amizade e conselhos, pelo carinho e paciência, por toda a minha vida académica, pelos tempos de AEMV. Ainda neste grupo de veterinários malucos terei ainda de incluir muitas mais pessoas. Em primeiro lugar a Martinha, Té e Renata. Mas também muitos mais. Correndo o risco de me esquecer de alguns, aqui vai: a madrinha Diana e ao meu padrinho Bernardo pelo espírito académico e conselhos que me incutiram, à Ângela, Marta, Tati, Xico, Badano, Gritos e todos os meus praxadores, presidenta Raquel, Vanessa, Cristóvão, Hélio, Marco e todos os meus VIII companheiros finalistas e de Dominicana, à minha afilhada Karin, Vânia, Marta, Mia e Maria, pelas longas conversas, pelas vezes que me deram na cabeça, pela amizade e carinho e por confiarem, de vez em quando, nos meus conselhos, ao João, à restante dúzia e meia de afilhadas de praxe, aos meus restantes caloiros e restante família de praxe. A todos eles agradeço pelas noites na tenda, pelas jantaradas e por me acordarem nas aulas, pelos conselhos e conversas mais animadas, enfim, por estas e muitas mais coisas que alguma vez vou esquecer e que me permitiram viver uma longa e feliz vida académica. Agradeço ainda à AEMV-UTAD, a todos os meus companheiros “associativistas” e professores que colaboraram em diversos eventos e que ajudaram a torna-los um enorme sucesso. Esta experiência associativa foi enorme na minha formação pessoal e profissional e permitiu-me uma grande abertura de horizontes. Ao Leo e Cátia pelas longas conversas ao telemóvel ou num qualquer café em Albergaria, pela amizade e carinho. Também à Marisa pelas aventuras na Vila e na Bila. Ao Ricardo, Carla, Alex e Alice pela amizade. À Maria, Caracoleta, Daniela, Loura e todos os restantes elementos da Tribo da Luz, ao João, Cat e aos meus meninos do Jorac e aos meus amigos dos escuteiros. Todos vocês foram importantíssimos na minha vida e formação, nos momentos em que pude esfriar a cabeça e sentir-me em casa em Valmaior. Ao pessoal da Meo House e mais alguns de CM, a minha segunda casa neste último ano e cuja companhia, momentos de relaxamento (alguns na altura errada), amizade e ajuda em Photoshop sempre me safaram, à Sandrinha e às meninas, que sempre me mostraram com um sorriso e uma palavra de carinho em todos os momentos. Também aos companheiros de Tuna e a muitos mais com quem me cruzei nesta vida Transmontana. Tendo noção que mais agradecimentos seriam necessários, mas que o espaço é limitado e a memória também, agradeço a todos que estiveram na minha vida ao longo destes seis anos de curso e vinte e muitos anos de vida, e peço desculpa aos de que me esqueci. Sem vocês, esta vida não tinha piada nenhuma e este trabalho não seria possível! IX Chapter 1 - Introduction 1.1 Background The cat species (Felis catus) has evolved from the African wild cat (Felis lybica) and has become one of the most popular companion animals (Linnaeus, 1958; Goodrowe, 1992; Driscoll et al., 2007). A considerable increase on the study of the feline reproduction has followed their ever growing importance as pets (Chatdarong, 2003), moreover they have been used as a model for research aimed at the preservation of wild felids (Wildt et al., 1986) as well as their use for studying human physiologic abnormalities (Goodrowe et al., 1989) Despite the uterus role in reproduction, pathologic changes occurring in the uterine tube of dogs and cats have been reported infrequently (Gelberg & McEntee, 1986). In fact, uterine tumors represent only 0.29% of all neoplasms diagnosed in cats (Miller et al., 2003). Being considered extremely rare, uterine tumors in the cat include mesenchymal and epithelial origins as fibroma, adenocarcinoma and a mixed mesodermal tumor (Papparella & Roperto, 1984). Uterine adenocarcinoma are considered uncommon in domestic animals with exception for bovines and rabbits (Preiser, 1964). Feline endometrial adenocarcinoma (FEA) is considered a rare tumor; earlier studies only found a small number of cases (Miller et al., 2003; Gil da Costa et al., 2009). In a 2012 study, a large number of cases were identified in portuguese cats and concluded that the low number of previously identified cases could be due to many being clinically silent and therefore undiagnosed. In fact, metastasis is the only clinical sign of FEA easily detectable, as other clinical signs are nonspecific compared with those of pyometra (Saraiva et al., 2012). On the other hand, the importance of the immune system (IS) is increasingly taken into account. In fact, the relationship between this system and the tumor is seen as a continuous dynamic process during tumor genesis where, paradoxically, the IS acts both as an extrinsic suppressor (through the immunosurveillance) and a promoter for tumor growth (inflammation as a key point) (Vesely et al., 2011). Therefore, taking into account the importance of the immune system in the biology of tumors, we tried to characterize the immune response of feline endometrial tumors, comparing the results obtained in tumors with the B and T lymphocyte and macrophage infiltrates in two stages of oestrus cycle in apparently healthy uteri (devoid of lesions/disease). We sought to contribute to the knowledge of the immune system’s response to these types of tumors. 1 1.2 Feline estrous cycle Compared to the dog, there is still a lack of knowledge on the reproductive physiologic mechanisms in the cat, leading to some doubts and controversy on some points (Fontbonne & Garnier, 1998), such as nomenclature and characterization of cycle phases. 1.2.1 General concepts Queens are classically described as seasonally polyestrous and induced ovulators, with ovulation induced by coitus, usually more than once. However, in the absence of copulation, spontaneous ovulation may occur in some queens, perhaps triggered by visual stimulation or pheromone cues. Spontaneous ovulation occurs more frequently in young animals or when they are found in large groups (Concannon et al., 1980; Mialot, 1984; Banks, 1986; Fontbonne & Garnier, 1998; Johnston et al., 2001b; Little, 2001a). The pubertal estrus occurs for most queens between four to twelve months of age, being influenced by photoperiod and by the female body condition. Other factors affecting the onset of puberty include the breed (long-haired females usually reach puberty later than short-haired queens), social environment, health, physical condition and nutritional plan (Mialot, 1984; Fontbonne & Garnier, 1998; Johnston et al., 2001b; Little, 2001a). Having a positive response to the increase of day length (Cunningham, 2002; Brown, 2006), queens are long-day breeders, showing a prolonged anestrus during short-day length, that might be represented by the period between September and December in the Northern Hemisphere (Kutzler, 2007). The duration of anestrus may be shorter in southern regions. However, the length of the anestrus season may be shortened if the female is kept indoors under light and warm temperature (Johnston et al., 2001b; Brown, 2006). Meanwhile, queens start to cycle in late January and February as days start getting longer. The presence of a queen in estrus or a male is another factor that can provide stimulatory social stimuli for the onset of estrus (Johnston et al., 2001b). 1.2.2 Feline cycle stages As induced ovulators, queens can show two different sorts of estrous cycles whether ovulation occurred or not. They can show an anovulatory cycle, where, in the absence of ovulation no luteal stage exists and recurrent follicular stages (proestrus and estrus) accompany the recurrent follicular development waves (Mialot, 1984; Fontbonne & Garnier, 1998; Little, 2001a). 2 An ovulatory cycle is comprised of both follicular and luteal stages, the later having different durations if pregnancy occurs, in the case of a fertile mating, or in the case of a nonpregnant diestrus, if the queen attains ovulation, either spontaneous or coitus-induced. The nonpregnant luteal stage can be prolonged by pseudopregnancy in the case of non-fertile copulation. In the ovulatory cycles, the luteal stage can have different durations (Figure 1), that result in different interestral intervals (Mialot, 1984; Fontbonne & Garnier, 1998; Johnston et al., 2001b; Little, 2001b; Little, 2001a). Figure 1. Queen´s reproductive cycle After the period of seasonal anoestrus, the animal begins to cycle, having an anovulatory or ovulatory cycle. After the various phases of the cycle the animal returns to proestrus and the next cycle of the animal can keep or change their type, so in the same breeding season, the animal may have several different types of cycle. Also, at the end of the reproductive season the animal returns to a seasonal anestrus. The interestrous period between one estrus and the next is often designated postestrus. In this quiescent stage, plasma estradiol levels return to basal levels, and there is no sexual behavior or receptivity. The interestral interval can refer to the period between two consecutive breeding seasons (Banks, 1986; Stabenfeldt & Pedersen, 1991; Johnston et al., 2001b). In the reproductive season, consecutive cycles occur, reflecting the major ovarian events. As happens in some other domestic species, like the horse, the classical cycle stages are not easily distinguished, and often two stages are tagged under a common name, such as follicular 3 stage (including proestrus and estrus) or luteal stage (including metaestrus and diestrus) (Banks, 1986). In the ovulatory cycles classically consist of four stages: proestrus, estrus, metaestrus and diestrus (Mialot, 1984). Proestrus is a short stage (1-3 days long) with an irregular appearance in queens, as it often cannot be distinguished, both in morphology and behavior, from estrus. Hence, some authors refer that only a minority of females are observed in proestrus considering most are observed in estrus directly after anestrus, postestrus or diestrus. At the hormonal level, it is usually associated with the rise of serum estradiol concentrations, secreted by follicular granulosa cells of developing follicles (Shille et al., 1979; Johnston et al., 2001b). As proestrus is hardly distinguishable from estrus, the two stages are grouped together under the name of follicular phase. With the peak of follicular activity and estradiol secretion, estrus is the behavioral stage of receptivity to mating. Its duration is highly variable, ranging from 2 to 16 days (an average of 7 days), depending on the animal. After the coital stimulus, an increased blood luteinizing hormone (LH) concentration is found to occur, leading to subsequent ovulation with the formation of a corpus luteum and the end of the follicular phase. The number of mattings will determine the strength of the LH surge (both its length and its concentration) in triggering the ovulation cascade, therefore determining the occurrence or not of the ovulation and the number of ovulations. In this way, the LH surge indirectly controls both fertility and prolificity in the species. Ovulation occurs 24-48 hours post-copulation, but this interval may be extended up to 90h in particular conditions (Shille et al., 1979; Concannon et al., 1980; Wildt et al., 1981; Shille et al., 1983; Johnston et al., 2001b). Luteal cells rapidly proliferate in ovulated follicles, and corpora lutea soon become functional. In cats, it is not easy to distinguish the metaestrus from diestrus unless microscopical evaluation of the ovaries and uterus is performed. These two stages are often called postestrus or simply diestrus. Progesterone starts rising 24-48h after ovulation, closely following the formation of corpora lutea. In non-pregnant cycles, the progesterone-dominated phase lasts between approximately 30 days (diestrus) and 38-40 days (pseudopregnant queen), while the length of pregnancy phase is of 60 days. Plasma progesterone concentrations remain similar for the first 21 days in the pregnant and non-pregnant cycles, thereafter being lower in the nonpregnant diestrus (Paape et al., 1975; Verhage et al., 1976; Shille & Stabenfeldt, 1979; Wildt et 4 al., 1981; Banks & Stabenfeldt, 1983; Schmidt et al., 1983; Stabenfeldt & Pedersen, 1991; Johnston et al., 2001b). As previously mentioned, queens have a period of anestrus during the short-day season. However, there is a short post-partum anestrus phase, that corresponds to the period of uterine involution before resuming of estrous cycles. Uterine involution in cats is quite fast in comparison to dogs, and in some cases, a queen can start estrus and become pregnant during late lactation. During anestrus, plasma estradiol and progesterone concentrations are at basal levels (Banks et al., 1983; Banks & Stabenfeldt, 1983; Johnston et al., 2001b). 1.3 Feline endometrial adenocarcinomas The uterus is the most common site of tumors in the feline reproductive tract (Miller et al., 2003). An uterine adenocarcinoma is a neoplasm consisting of malignant epithelial endometrial cells (Kenedy et al., 1998), and in human medicine, endometrial cancer is the seventh most common malignant disorder (Mandiæ, 2004; Amant et al., 2005; Wallace et al., 2010), leading the scientific community to try to find animal models for study. This neoplasm is considered rare in most domestic animals, except rabbits, cattle (Cotchin, 1964; McEntee & Nielsen, 1976; Elsinghorst et al., 1984; Kenedy et al., 1998) and in virgin Han:Winstar rats (Deerberg et al., 1981; Elsinghorst et al., 1984). The uterus is the most common site of tumors in the feline reproductive tract. The common practice of ovariohysterectomy in cats is thought to be protective from uterine neoplasia (Miller et al., 2003; Taylor, 2010). However, there are reports of adenocarcinoma in the incompletely removed uterine stump of neutered cats (Miller et al., 2003; Anderson & Pratschke, 2011). Another explanation for the low prevalence of FEA in queens that may be subjected to long periods of unopposed estrogen stimulation may be linked to the practice of periodically breeding or inducing ovulation in queens (Stabenfeldt & Pedersen, 1991; Cho et al., 2011). Furthermore, spaying of young queens for contraception is not a common practice in purebred queens, nor is it a worldwide procedure. Saraiva and her collaborators (2012), suggested that perhaps other reasons can explain the small number of FEA in cats like the inadequate post mortem examination of the genital tract or the lack of interest in anatomopathologic evaluation of ovariohysterectomy (OVH) surgical specimens. 5 1.3.1 Incidence and epidemiology Endometrial adenocarcinoma is more common in the cat than in the dog and is usually locally invasive (Morris & Dobson, 2001). However, reports of metastases are common and, along with severe illness, they are considered responsible for the presentation of the animal at the clinic (Cho et al., 2011). While studying the epidemiology of a disease, breed can be an important factor. Previous studies have demonstrated an increased incidence of FEA in purebred animals, although no breed predisposition has been reported (Johnston et al., 2001a; Klein, 2007). This authors proposed that this fact maybe was correlated with the longer reproductive life of purebred cats relative to other domestic cats (Johnston et al., 2001a). However, Saraiva and collaborators (2012), states that population ratios between intact purebred and mixed breed animals may change with geographic location. They believe that, in Portugal, both purebred and mixed breed queens all tend to be spayed late. In addition, among the uterine samples used in their study, more cases of FEA were in crossbreed animals than in purebreds, reflecting the predominance of the population of the former over the later (Saraiva et al., 2012). Age is another important feature in the study of neoplasia study. A positive relationship between increased age and the development of FEA has been found, with FEA being seen more frequently in queens older than 9 years old (Preiser, 1964; Belter et al., 1968; McEntee & Nielsen, 1976; Morris & Dobson, 2001; Klein, 2007). Yet, sporadic reports of FEA in animals aged 5 or less are reported. Cho and collaborators (2011) and Saraiva and her colleagues (2012), concerned in their studies animals ranged from 2 to 15 years, indicating that FEA can develop at a younger stage. 1.3.2 Morphological features Macroscopically, the epithelial tumors of feline uterus present as a diffuse thickening of the endometrium along the uterine horns and corpus or as multiple, white nodules projecting into the lumen. In the presence of pyometra, the uterine wall can be thinned. Furthermore, in invasive tumors, tumor infiltration is found through the myometrium, being possible the production of an protuberance-like lesion into serosa that, if ruptured, promotes neoplasic peritonitis(Saraiva et al., 2012). Albeit the lack of morphology description of these lesions in the current WHO classification of tumors (Kenedy et al., 1998), Saraiva et al. (2012) recently classified FEA into 6 three different histologic types, based on their morphology and similar endometrial carcinoma patterns in women: papillary serous carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma and “in situ” carcinoma . Papillary serous carcinomas (Figure 2) were the most common type and have a papillary growth into the lumen supported by a variable fibrovascular stroma lined by more than one layer of neoplasic cells. The tumor is composed essentially of columnar shaped cells with a moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm that can have some clear spaces. Despite a predominant papillary serous morphology, some areas can have solid growth, and others have a glomeruloid pattern or a variable numbers of clear cells. The nuclei are round to oval with loss of polarity and can be vesicular or hyperchromatic. Large nucleoli and sometimes intranuclear clear inclusions can be observed together with other malignant features such as anisokaryosis, anisocytosis, frequent bizarre mitotic figures and numerous multinucleated cells. Some areas of necrosis may be found and, occasionally, psammoma bodies and calcification are noted. The tumor can invade the myometrium, blood or lymphatics vessels, and in severe cases, the serosa may rupture. Inflammatory foci with macrophages, plasma cells, lymphocytes, neutrophils and low numbers of eosinophils can be observed. In some situations squamous metaplasia can also be found (Belter et al., 1968; Saraiva et al., 2012). Although less common, FEA can have other morphologies. The “in situ” carcinoma (Figure 3) is morphologically very similar to the papillary serous carcinoma. The major difference, as the name implies, is the lack of invasiveness with the tumor developing very superficially in the apical endometrium and not even invading the submucosa (Saraiva et al., 2012). Clear cell carcinomas (Figure 4), the more infrequent type of FEA, are almost entirely composed of clear cells arranged in papillae, sheets or solid nests surrounded by fibrovascular stroma. Clear cells are large, round to polygonal with foamy cytoplasm and eccentric crenate or ovoid nucleus with a prominent eosinophilic nucleolus. These types of tumors can also present a moderate degree of anisokaryosis, anysocytosis and some foci of necrosis, as in the papillary serous type, but inflammatory cells are rare and multinucleated cells are absent. In these types of tumors, the invasion of the myometrium is not a constant feature and, despite the inexistence of descriptions of neoplastic emboli in vessels, it possible occurrence cannot be discarded (Saraiva et al., 2012). 7 Figure 3. Papillary serous carcinoma Papillary proliferation of endometrial cells. Hematoxilin and eosin stain, Bar = 100micra (with LHAP permission) Figure 2. In situ carcinoma Neoplasic proliferation of endometrium on the surface layer, with papilar proliferation. . Note the glands on the deep endometrium are normal. Hematoxilin and eosin stain, Bar = 100micra (with Saraiva permission) Figure 4. Clear cells carcinoma Proliferation of the endometrium. Note the cell with clarified cytoplasm. Bar = 30 micra (with Saraiva permission) 1.3.3 Clinical signs and diagnosis Most published studies of FEA include few details of its clinical aspects. Saraiva and colleagues (2012) suggested that early stages of FEA probably evolve as a silent disease and were only detected clinically in cases where large lesions, invasion, metastases or pyometra existed. The clinical signs of FEA vary with the size of the lesion, the age of the process and the presence and pattern of metastasis. The clinical signs seen may depend on the morphological 8 type of the tumor (Preiser, 1964; Belter et al., 1968; Anderson & Pratschke, 2011; Cho et al., 2011; Saraiva et al., 2012). The presence of a mass within the uterus, whose size may vary from less than one to ten centimeters (Johnston et al., 2001a) in the absence of metastasis, may induce a chronic inflammation (Taylor, 2010). Therefore, the result is that small-size masses are usually found incidentally at ovariohysterectomy or post-mortem, while large masses produce varying severe clinical signs (Taylor, 2010; Saraiva et al., 2012). By inducing inflammation within the uterus, FEA may result in vaginal discharge that can be mucous, purulent or hemorrhagic, which can be intermittent, or may be associated to pyometra (McEntee, 1990; Taylor, 2010). Major signs at presentation can be similar to those of pyometra including: vaginal discharge, vomiting, irregular appetite and polyuria/polydipsia, but these can be observed together with more localized signs when associated with palpable enlargement of the uterus that causes abdominal distress and distension (Johnston et al., 2001a; Taylor, 2010). A large tumor can compress adjacent viscera to cause other signs, like constipation and dysuria (Belter et al., 1968; Klein, 2007; Saraiva et al., 2012). Illness is usually related to the presence of metastases (Saraiva et al., 2012) or inflammation. In fact, as an indicative period, most cats develop disease within 6 months of diagnose if a uterine excision is not performed or if there is already lymphatic invasion (Taylor, 2010). It must not be forgotten that most cases are diagnosed in later stages of the disease (Saraiva et al., 2012). The primary signs associated to local or distant metastasis include ascites, anorexia and weight loss, that can co-exist with regenerative anaemia or neutrophilia, fever and cachexia (Belter et al., 1968; Johnston et al., 2001a; Morris & Dobson, 2001; Cho et al., 2011). FEA can metastasize regionally, on the uterine ligament (Papparella & Roperto, 1984), omentum (Cho et al., 2011), peritoneum (Gelberg & McEntee, 1986) and/or other abdominal organs (Anderson & Pratschke, 2011; Pires et al., 2012), or at distance, especially to lungs, brain or eyes (Klein, 2007; Taylor, 2010), causing variable secondary signs, depending on their location. The clinical history, presenting complaint and physical examination are features used to diagnose the disease. Vaginal bleeding or hemorrhagic discharge should alert the practitioner to the possibility of FEA. The differential diagnosis list for hemorrhagic discharge should include abortion, uterine tumor, cystic endometrial hyperplasia and pyometra. Thereafter, the physical exam can use abdominal palpation, radiological exploration and/or ultrasound to identify the tumor in the uterine horns and to search for metastasis. Usually however, FEA is diagnosed after 9 OVH or necropsy, if performed (Belter et al., 1968; Morris & Dobson, 2001; Klein, 2007; Saraiva et al., 2012). Only histology provides a definitive diagnose of this tumor (Klein, 2007). 1.3.4 Treatment and prognosis The supportive treatment varies with the stage of the neoplasm when diagnosed and with additional clinical signs. Supportive care and antibiotics may always be pondered in the presence of pyometra (Saraiva et al., 2012). The final treatment should be surgery. OVH is recommended whenever the uterus shows abnormal macroscopic features, and the abdominal cavity should be explored for any metastatic foci, that should be removed and sent with the entire surgical specimen of the uterus for histopathologic analysis(Saraiva et al., 2012). Despite being largely untested in veterinary medicine, chemotherapy and radiation can be used with the surgery, when malignancy is detected by histopathology (Morris & Dobson, 2001), as long the owner is familiar with the unclear benefits of it. This adjunctive treatment may prevent or delay the development of metastasis. Health of the patient should be monitored in follow-up appointments every three months to control undesirable effects (Saraiva et al., 2012). Because of the nonspecific signs and metastatic potential of the FEA, the initial prognosis should be initially guarded. The presence of metastasis demands a grave prognosis (Saraiva et al., 2012). Most cases involve a late diagnosis that resulted in a poor prognosis and, in some cases, euthanasia (Preiser, 1964; Belter et al., 1968; Sapierzynski et al., 2009; Anderson & Pratschke, 2011). In a study by Miller and collaborators (2003), four of eight diagnosed cases had metastized and only two survived longer than 5 months. However, a favorable prognosis can be given when a tumor is detected early, and surgery is performed. Furthermore, non-invasive tumors usually tend to have a better prognosis, but a long-term evaluation time is warranted (Saraiva et al., 2012). 1.4 Tumor-suppressor mechanisms Cancer is a progressive process that arises from a continuum where somatic cells acquire activating (oncogenes) or deactivating (tumor suppressor genes) mutations. In a series of welldefined steps, the mutations overcome the barriers that normally restrain uncontrolled cellular growth (Coussens & Werb, 2001; Vesely et al., 2011). Fortunately, numerous intrinsic and extrinsic tumor-suppressor mechanisms exist to prevent tumor development. Many of these processes had never been visualized in vivo, but have been inferred by experimental methods. 10 The most important experiments have compared tumor evolution in immune suppressed and normal mice (Kim et al., 2007; Teng et al., 2008; Hanahan & Weinberg, 2011; Vesely et al., 2011). The cancer immunosurveillance hypothesis, first conceived by Paul Ehrlich (at end of nineteenth century), proposed that the immune system could repress the incidence of neoplasia. However, it was only in the mid twentieth century, after studies on allograft rejection in which immune cells had a key role, that the Ehrlich’s idea returned(Dunn et al., 2002). Initially, Ehrlich proposed that “small accumulations of tumor cells may develop, and because of their possession of new antigenic potentialities, they provoke an effective immunological reaction with regression of the tumor and no clinical hint of existence”(Burnet, 1957). However, this idea was then put aside in the late seventies of last century due to the difficulty in showing its existence in experimental animals (Thomas, 1982; Dunn et al., 2002). Even Hanahan & Weingerg, who published an important article in 2000 where they listed six basic alterations essential for malignant growth, did not include the role of the immune system in the development of cancer (Hanahan & Weinberg, 2000; Dunn et al., 2002; Cavallo et al., 2011). It was only after the work of other authors and the discoveries of NK cells, interferon γ and their functions, and also various studies with inbred mice that two hallmark observations related to the role of the immune system were added (Smyth et al., 2000; Dunn et al., 2002; Cavallo et al., 2011; Hanahan & Weinberg, 2011; Vesely et al., 2011), that highlighted the role of the immune system in the occurrence and evolution of the tumor. 1.4.1 Intrinsic mechanisms The fundamental mechanisms of cellular division and DNA replication carry the inherit danger that the replication machinery will inevitably make mistakes. Therefore, intrinsic tumorsuppressor mechanisms, triggering senescence or apoptosis and repairing genetic mutation, will attempt to repair and prevent the acquired capability of cells to proliferate without environmental cues acting as a barrier to the further development of any preneoplasic cell (Hanahan & Weinberg, 2000; Vesely et al., 2011). Cellular senescence is characterized by permanent quiescence of the cell-cycle with specific changes in morphology and gene expression that can be triggered by activated oncogenes or induced by numerous cellular proteins. Escaping oncogene-induced senescence is now considered a prerequisite for cellular transformation and cell immortality (Serrano et al., 1997; Vesely et al., 2011). 11 Apoptosis is another intrinsic mechanism for preventing tumors. There are two important ways to promote apoptosis: the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. The first mechanism includes the p53 activation, and, having sensed the activity of oncogenes, initiation of programmed cell death machinery. Another intrinsic pathway includes alterations such as cellular stress, injury or lack of survival signals or alterations in mitochondria integrity that cause a release of proapoptotic effectors that trigger the executioner caspases, resulting in cell death. The extrinsic death pathways are activated through bonding to cell-surface death receptors such as TNFR, TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), TRAIL-R2 and Fas-CD95 with their correspondent ligands, inducing the formation of a signaling complex that activates caspase 8, and initiates the apoptosis caspase cascade (Peter & Krammer, 2003; Vesely et al., 2011). Despite the importance of these mechanisms, alternative forms of cell death such as necrosis, autophagy and mitotic catastrophe can halt the transformation process and recently are receiving increased attention (Danial & Korsmeyer, 2004; Vesely et al., 2011). 1.4.2 Extrinsic mechanisms The mechanisms that prevent cancer cells from invading and spreading to other sites are called extrinsic tumor-suppression mechanisms. These mechanisms involve cells sensing that adjacent tissues have cancerous cells. Three mechanisms are identified. Cells depend on specific trophic signals in the microenvironment to check their suicidal tendencies. When there is a failure in these signals, like the disruption of epithelial cell extracellular matrix, cells activate their death pathway. A second mechanism appears to involve links between cell polarity genes that control cell junctions and proliferation. A dysregulation of junctional complexes can also lead to cell death. The last mechanism, and the one more important to the present study, involves the limitation of transformation or growth of tumor cells by effector cells of the immune system (Vesely et al., 2011). However, the immune system has complex functions that cannot be limited to only destroying tumor cells. Humoral factors and cell interactions form a complex and active relationship between the immune system and tumors, called immunoediting Immunoediting Vesely et al. (2011) defined immunoediting as a continuous process during tumor genesis and progression where the immune system both protects against neoplasia development and promotes their growth. 12 Characterized as a three-phase process, immunoediting integrates one of the extrinsic tumor-suppression mechanisms. This concept that the immune system recognizes and destroys tumor cells was conceived 50 to 100 years ago, and despite all the controversy regarding this idea had over the years, studies supported concept (Smyth et al., 2000; Dunn et al., 2002; Vesely et al., 2011). Some authors (Hanahan & Weinberg, 2011), defend the importance of the immune system on tumor initiation and progress, by establishing the capacity of the tumor to avoid immune destruction and the importance of the tumor-promoting inflammation as two hallmarks of cancer biology. Both the innate and adaptive immune system are able to contribute significantly to immune surveillance and tumor eradication (Kim et al., 2007; Teng et al., 2008; Hanahan & Weinberg, 2011). Studies using immunodeficient and immunocompetent mice, researchers have shown the importance of both components of the immune system, and the important role that both these arms of the IS have in tumor immunogenicity (Hanahan & Weinberg, 2011; Vesely et al., 2011). Tumors are influenced by the immunological environment in which they form. Highly immunogenic cancer cells clones are destroyed by the IS leaving the less immunogenic neoplastic clones that have acquired mechanisms to evade or suppress the IS as, for example, the secretion of TGF-β and other suppressive factors that may paralyze infiltrating CTLs and NK cells allowing these clones to grow and form a solid tumor (Dunn et al., 2002; Hanahan & Weinberg, 2011). Hence, it can be concluded that the immune system controls both the number of tumor cells and the quality, selecting tumors better suited to survive in a immunologically intact environment (Vesely et al., 2011). After multiple iterations of “editing”, a dormant tumor cell population results that can escape and grow unrestricted by the IS and emerge as a clinically, apparent entity with the IS acting as a promoter (Hanahan & Weinberg, 2011; Vesely et al., 2011). For a better understanding of how this concept evolves, an overview of each of these phases and the mechanisms involved in the operation will follow below (Figure 5). 13 Figure 5. The three phases of cancer immunoediting Cancer immunoediting is the result of three processes that can function either independently or in sequence to control and shape cancer. After normal cells are transformed into tumor cells, the immune system can function as an extrinsic tumor suppressor, eliminating tumor cells or preventing their outgrowth. On elimination phase, also known as cancer immunosurveillance, innate and adaptive immune cells and molecules recognize and destroy transformed cells, resulting into a return to normal physiological tissue. Though, if antitumor immunity is unable to eliminate transformed cells, surviving variants may enter into an equilibrium phase, where cells and molecules of adaptive immunity prevent tumor outgrowth. These variants may, eventually, acquire further mutations, resulting into the evasion of tumor cell recognition, killing or control by immune cells, leading them to progress to clinically detectable malignancies in the escape phase (Vesely et al., 2011). Elimination phase Immunosurveillance is the primary process occurring in the first phase of cancer immunoediting. The innate and adaptive immune systems locate, recognize and destroy, or at least, select transformed cells, resulting a phenotypic non-diseased tissue or leading to an equilibrium phase with better adapted tumor clones (Dunn et al., 2002; Vesely et al., 2011). 14 Equilibrium phase This phase is characterized by tumor dormancy, where any tumor cell clone that survived the elimination process, after acquiring a means of evading immune-mediated recognition and destruction, remains in patients for decades but may eventually recur as local lesions or as distant metastases. When antitumor immunity is unable to eliminate completely transformed cells, the tumor enters an equilibrium phase, where the IS and the tumor find a dynamic balance (Dunn et al., 2002; Vesely et al., 2011). Escape phase Contrary to the immunosurveillance and equilibrium, that is usually clinically silent the escape phase represents a dramatic result of cancer immunoediting, where the IS fails either to eliminate or control transformed cells, and allows surviving and modified tumor cell variants to grow in an immunologically unrestricted manner, having circumvented both innate and adaptive immunological defenses. Moreover, the IS contributes to tumor progression by selecting more aggressive tumor variants through constant immunological pressure and suppressing the antitumor immune response for modifications effected by the tumor in immune cells or promoting tumor cell proliferation (Dunn et al., 2002; Dunn et al., 2004; Dunn et al., 2006; Vesely et al., 2011). Inflammation and cancer Inflammation is a complex physiological process in that the IS destroys a stressor and restores the tissue homeostasis (Medzhitov, 2008). Although widely recognized now, one of the first references to a dense infiltrate of leukocytes in tumors may have been made by Virchow in 1860´s (Sica et al., 2006; Jin et al., 2010; Hanahan & Weinberg, 2011; Vesely et al., 2011). This response was initially thought to be an attempt of the host to eradicate the tumor (de Visser et al., 2006; Hanahan & Weinberg, 2011). Population-based studies have shown that individuals with unresolved, chronic inflammation disease have an increased risk of developing cancer (Mauad et al., 1994; de Visser et al., 2006) and many tumors are believed to be developed in consequence of infectious conditions (Pikarsky et al., 2004; de Visser et al., 2006; Rakoff-Nahoum, 2006; Correa & Houghton, 2007; Gonzalez et al., 2012), indicating an important relationship between inflammation and tumor genesis. In recent years, there has been increasing evidence for a second immune system-related hallmark of cancer, tumor-promoting inflammation (Hanahan & Weinberg, 2011). Although inflammation has a role in tumor elimination, tumors can also recruit 15 immunosuppressive inflammatory cells and create an inflammatory microenvironment promoting tumors progression (Hanahan & Weinberg, 2011; Vesely et al., 2011). Some studies performed on mice actually emphasized the importance of the IS in tumor progression and evolution, showing that the IS can have a role on tumor prevention but at other times is a major tumor promoter (de Visser et al., 2006; Hanahan & Weinberg, 2011; Vesely et al., 2011). The microenvironment is important for the tumor. Even without external stimuli, tumor cells have the ability, through oncogene-driven signals, to activate intrinsic pro-inflammatory pathways (Cavallo et al., 2011). Necrosis has a key role in inflammation, since necrotic cells release pro-inflammatory signals to the surrounding microenvironment, recruiting inflammatory cells (Galluzzi & Kroemer, 2008; Grivennikov et al., 2010; White et al., 2010). All these proinflammatory mechanisms can lead to the presence of pro-tumor chronic inflammatory factors instead of an antitumor inflammatory response (Mauad et al., 1994; Smyth et al., 2000; de Visser et al., 2006). In fact, chronic inflammation is considered important in promotion of cellular proliferation and cancer progression by enhancing angiogenesis and tissue invasion (Vesely et al., 2011) and release of reactive oxygen species, products promoting carcinogenesis in nearby cells and accelerating genetic mutations through a state of malignancy (Hanahan & Weinberg, 2011). Finally, through cancer-derived products, immune and regulatory cells are recruited that weaken tumor antigenicity and subvert immune cells to ultimately promote cancer progression (Hagemann et al., 2008; Vesely et al., 2011). In conclusion, one understands the words of Hanahan (2011), “inflammation can be considered an enabling characteristic for it contributions to the acquisition of core hallmark capabilities”. Macrophages Macrophages are multifunctional cells. They sense and kill invading microorganisms; remove dead, dying and damaged cells; promote the bond between innate and acquired immune responses by releasing cytokines; present antigens to T cells; stimulate B and other cells; and have a major function in tissue repair (Mantovani et al., 2002; Sica et al., 2008; Tizard, 2012). Monocytes mature to macrophages when they migrate to the tissues. But, unlike monocytes that are found only in blood and serous cavities, macrophages are found spread through all body tissues. Their names differ depending on their location in tissues (Tizard, 2012). However, they belong to the mononuclear phagocyte system, a plastic and versatile cell lineage recognized as having their response affected by microenvironmental influences and leading to the expression of distinct functions (Mantovani et al., 2002; Tizard, 2012). 16 Two subpopulations of macrophages, M1 and M2, are recognized as having a dual function in their interaction with neoplasic cells, depending whether they are activated (Mantovani et al., 2002; Tizard, 2012). The macrophages residing in tumor sites are collectively termed tumor associated macrophages (TAMs), and are considered a major component of infiltrating leukocytes making a significant component of cancer-associated inflammation (Mantovani et al., 2002; Jin et al., 2010). These cells originate from blood monocytes recruited from tumor vasculature and, with a strong relation with B and T lymphocytes, can be activated as pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory cells, depending on the microenvironmental signals (Sica et al., 2008). M1 or classically activated macrophages (CAM) are pro-inflammatory cells with important roles in the defense of the organism. In the presence of a tumor, these cells are the main responsibles for their elimination (Mantovani et al., 2002; Sica et al., 2006; Karp & Murray, 2012). Their major aptitude is to provide defense against foreign pathogens and coordinate local immune cells diapedesis, contributing to a balance between antigen availability and clearance, through phagocytosis and degradation of neoplasic cells (Sica et al., 2008), acting thus as anti-tumor cells. Produced early on in the inflammatory process, the differentiation into these cells depends on the production of gamma interferon (INF-γ) by natural killer cells (NK) (O'Sullivan et al., 2012; Tizard, 2012), leading them to become NO producers, an important citotoxic agent, and allowing them to become tumor suppressors (Tizard, 2012). Eventually, M1 macrophages, in later stages and under the influence of tumor-inhibition to macrophage activation, acquire the properties of a polarized M2 phagocyte population, also called alternatively activated macrophages (AAM) (Mantovani et al., 2002; Sica et al., 2006; Whiteside, 2006; Sica et al., 2008; Jin et al., 2010; Tizard, 2012), who scavenge debris, regulate wound healing, drive fibrosis and suppress inflammation (Mantovani et al., 2002; Sica et al., 2008; Karp & Murray, 2012; O'Sullivan et al., 2012; Tizard, 2012). They are considered the active cells in tumor progression and invasion, due to their action, that leads to important modifications on the relationship between the immune system and the tumor (Sica et al., 2008; Tizard, 2012). Through their polarization, M2 macrophages display poor antigen presenting capacity and induce the presence of T regulation lymphocytes (Treg) that suppress T effectors cells and monocytes, leading to a restraint of the adaptive and innate immunity. They accumulate preferentially in poorly vascularized regions of the tumor, with poor oxygenation, inducing the neo-angiogenesis ability in M2 macrophages even as the synthesizing of chemokines, Matrixmetalloproteinases (MMPs) and TGFβ, lead to a matrix remodeling. Also, the chemokines and 17 MMPs, with tumor necrosis factors (TNF), promote tumor invasion and metastasis. Finally, the production of these growth factors and inhibition of NO secretion induce the tumor growth and survival (Mantovani et al., 2002; Sica et al., 2006; Tizard, 2012). There is a relationship between the improvement of intra-tumor macrophages and the upgrading of vessel density and tumor progression, showing that macrophages are active players in the process of tumor survival, progress and invasion (Figure 6) (Sica et al., 2006; Sica et al., 2008; Vesely et al., 2011), being associated to poor prognosis in several tumors, (Jin et al., 2010). Figure 6. TAMs pro-tumoral functions. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) display several pro-tumoral functions. Chemokines have a prominent role as they induce neo-angiogenesis, activate matrix-metalloproteases (MMPs) and stroma remodelling, and direct tumor growth. Selected chemokines and immunosuppressive cytokines inhibit the anti-tumor immune response (Sica et al., 2006). Lymphocytes In the primary response, the acquired immune system usually takes several days to become effective against a specific antigen. However, the specific immune system have the capacity of memory, and in subsequent contact with the same agent (on the secondary response), the antibody and cell answer quickly recognize the antigen and make a faster and more effective response. Each of these different responses is the responsibility of two different groups of cells: T and B lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are small, round cells, with 7-15 µm with a large round nucleus that stains intensively with hematoxylin. Usually localized in lymphoid organs, blood and related to mucosal surface, these uniform appearance cells are a mix of subpopulations that can only be properly identified and distinguished through their behavior, cell surface proteins 18 and products (Goldsby et al., 2000; Tizard, 2012). Despite these two major types of lymphocytic population, the NK cells could be considered as a granular lymphocyte that belongs to the innate immune system and are considered to have a key role in the relationship between immune system and tumors (Tizard, 2012). Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are the cells inside the group of lymphocytes that are commonly correlated with tumor disease and prognosis, varying its importance to the group taken into consideration (Vanherberghen et al., 2009; Carvalho et al., 2011). Also, is of general knowledge that different lymphocytes have different functions and that, through their permanence on tumor microenvironment they can be functionally compromised (Whiteside, 2004; Whiteside, 2006). An example of this loss of functionality is the failure of the T-cell receptor-associated signaling pathway, making them unable to successfully exercise the fundamental molecular pathway that leads to their activation against a cognate antigen (Whiteside, 2004). T lymphocytes T lymphocytes have recently been a main target of interest in tumor inflammation, being referred to in association with different types of tumors, with the aim of becoming a new therapeutic weapon (Zhang et al., 2003; Macchetti et al., 2006; Sheu et al., 2008; Tomsova et al., 2008; Leffers et al., 2009; Carvalho et al., 2011). T cells are the main mediated immunity effectors and are matured on the thymus from bone marrow precursors. Each T cell is programmed to recognize a specific antigen through their T cell receptor (TCR). However, a T cell only recognizes antigens when they are presented by an antigen presenting cell (APC), in the context of their major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins, meaning that it cannot be activated through soluble antigens. This receptor is intimately related to a group of molecules only expressed by T lymphocytes, the CD3. For that reason, these molecules became a useful marker for these types of cells (Ferrer et al., 1993; Goldsby et al., 2000; Tizard, 2012). The major APC are the dendritic cells that could activate the naïve T cells, and the macrophages that can only activate the previously triggered T lymphocytes (Tizard, 2012). Besides the MHC, and CD3 proteins, T cells also have other molecules on their surface that act as co-receptors and that allow them to be divided into two major different subpopulations: the CD4 and CD8 molecules. The CD4 is present in T helper lymphocytes, which only recognize antigens linked to class II MHC molecules and that also have regulatory functions, while CD8 is on the surface of T lymphocytes which have cytotoxic and suppressor 19 functions and only recognize antigens linked to class I MHC molecules (Goldsby et al., 2000; Tizard, 2012). The ratio CD4/CD8 can vary with the type of tumor, and some studies correlate a high tumor content of CD8 with a better prognosis, as T lymphocytes are able to destroy tumor cells (Carvalho et al., 2011). However, in some cases, the recruitment of Tregs by the tumor can cause a functional paralysis of cytotoxic T cells, allowing the tumor to progress (Whiteside, 2006; Vesely et al., 2011). B lymphocytes Few B cells circulate in the blood. They are mainly found in the cortex of lymph nodes, in marginal zones in the spleen, in the bone marrow, throughout the intestine and Peyer´s patches, and in mucosal associated lymphoid tissues (MALT). This subtype of lymphocytes produces antibodies that bind and destroy exogenous antigens. Tumor cells are antigenic and stimulate the cell-mediated immune response. Antibodies to tumor cells can be found in many tumor-bearing animals. Along with complement, these antibodies can lyse free tumor cells in the bloodstream, but are not effective in destroying the cells in solid cancers. However, antibodies can have an opposite effect, as blocking antibodies may be produced. As non-complementactivating, antitumor antibodies can bind and mask tumor antigens on the cell surfaces, protecting them from the attack of cytotoxic T cells (Goldsby et al., 2000; Tizard, 2012). Furthermore, although not well studied and being considered uncommon, plasma cells can be found in tumors (Kornstein et al., 1983). Although the antibodies are usually synthesized by B cells in other organs, like lymph nodes, spleen and liver, the presence of these cells on the tumor is being explained as a humoral response to tumor neo-antigens (Hansen et al., 2001; Coronella et al., 2002; Nzula et al., 2003) and may have an important biological action, as these antibodies may be tumor-specific and bind a intracellular protein translocated and presented to the cell surface upon tumor cell apoptosis (Hansen et al., 2001). However, the biological significance and prognostic values of B-TILs are still unknown, despite the ability to make antibodies in situ which may be an important aspect of host defense (Whiteside, 2006). These cells have been well studied in virus induced tumors like mouse mammary tumor virus, where B cells’ stimulation would assure the maintenance and possibly the amplification of the virus and increase the probability of infecting the mammary gland (Held et al., 1993). 20 Chapter 2 - Objectives With this project we intend to: Optimize immunohistochemistry technique for the identification of macrophages and lymphocytes (B and T-cells) in the feline tissues; Quantify feline endometrial macrophage, T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes populations on control tissues (healthy uterus in follicular and luteal phases of the reproductive cycle); Quantify macrophages, T-lymphocyte and B-lymphocyte populations in feline endometrial adenocarcinomas and on the tissue neighboring the tumor; Statistically compare this population of cells on the non-diseased (control) feline endometrium and on feline endometrial adenocarcinomas. 21 Chapter 3 – Material and methods 3.1 Biological material Material for study was from the archive of the Anatomical Pathology and Histology Laboratory of Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (LHAP-UTAD). These samples came from several veterinary practices. The anonymity of the sample sources was respected. Ten samples of feline papillary serous adenocarcinomas were studied (Table 1). Five of these also had pyometra. Another twenty uteri (ten in follicular and ten in luteal phase) were studied as controls. Table 1. Description of the used tumor cases Assembling of the available clinical data of the studied animals. (y = years, m = months, U = unknown). Cases 1 2 3 Breed European Shorthair European Shorthair European Shorthair Age 12 y U U Morphology Pyometra Papillary serous Papillary serous Papillary serous Myometrium Contraception Invasion Clinical signs Yes Yes U U Yes Yes U U Yes No U Vulvar discharge Bloody vulvar discharge Bloody vulvar discharge 4 European Shorthair 2y Papillary serous Yes No No 5 European Shorthair 8m Papillary serous Yes No No No Yes No U No No U U No Yes U U No Yes U U No No U U 6 7 8 9 10 European Shorthair European Shorthair European Shorthair European Shorthair European Shorthair 9y 5y 8y 10 y 7y Papillary serous Papillary serous Papillary serous Papillary serous Papillary serous The uteri had been fixed in 4% buffered formaldehyde immediately after surgery and sent to LHAP. The non-diseased uterus samples were collected cranially at 1cm from the ovary and caudally at 1cm from the uterine body in both uterine horns. Ovaries collected with the uterus were used to estimate the phase of estrus. In samples from diseased uterus, the organ was cut sagittally to better perceive the extent of the tumor. After identifying areas of endometrial 22 hyperplasia and areas of tumor development, samples were harvest from these last areas. All samples were then routinely paraffin-embedded and cut in 3 µm sections. 3.2 Sample selection For sample selection, 3 µm sections stained in haematoxylin-eosin were used. The nondiseased cyclic samples were staged as follicular or luteal phase upon the endometrial morphology (number and coiling of the endometrial glands) and the type and dimensions of ovarian structures (follicles vs. corpora lutea). Furthermore, tumor samples were also routinely stained in haematoxylin-eosin and analysis being performed by two different pathologists. They were classified according to the type of feline endometrial adenocarcinoma proposed by Saraiva et al. (2012). 3.3 Immunohistochemistry analysis The selected samples were then submitted to indirect immunohistochemistry technique to identify the different types of immune cells. Briefly, the 3 µm tissue sections were mounted on silane-coated slides (3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, Sigma®), deparaffinized in xylene and rehydrated in a graded alcohol series, ending with tap water. They were then subjected to thermal treatment (three cycles of five minutes in the microwave oven at 750W) in citrate buffer. After cooling (30 minutes) at room temperature, samples were dipped in hydrogen peroxide at 3% for 30 minutes. After incubation in the normal serum, the slides were then incubated with the primary antibody that was diluted in a solution of PBS and BSA (Sigma®), ranging the dilution expressed in Table 2. They were then subjected to the biotinilated serum, to the enzymatic complex and to DAB for revelation. Gill´s hematoxylin was used as counterstain, and after dehydrated, the slides were mounted with a lamella, using Entelan® (Merck) to get a definitive preparation. All immunohistochemistry analyze were performed along with a positive and negative control. For positive control a feline lymph node was used. Negative controls were performed replacing the primary antibody for PBS and BSA on a positive lymph node. For macrophages the chosen molecule was the MAC387 antibody, that binds to the LI protein, which is also present in the cytoplasm of resting peripheral neutrophils and monocytes (Brandtzaeg et al., 1988). This antibody was showed to have cross reactivity with the cat (Obert & Hoover, 2002). 23 CD3 is one chain of the T-cell receptor, and was shown to be a very reliable antibody in the identification of these cells (Alibaud et al., 2000). The CD79a is one of the two polypeptide chains of the CD79 molecule, physically associated with the membrane with immunoglobulin, present in a wide range of mature B-cells (Mason et al., 1995). All used clones of antibodies showed crossed reactivity with cat tissue. Table 2. Used immunohistochemestry technic’s specifications Resume of the used antibodies as well as the differences in the technic used for each one. Cells type Antibody/clone Macrophages T Lymphocytes Mac 387 (Serotec®) CD 3 (Dako®) B Lymphocytes CD 79 (Cell Marque®) UltraVision TM Detection System (Thermo Incubation method NovoLink® Max Fisher Scientific, LabVision Corporation, Polymer Detection Fremont, CA, USA) System (Leica) Primary antibody incubation Dilution Over-night 2 hour 1:100 1:50 1:100 Bovine serum albumin (Sigma®) 50% 100% DAB (NovoLink® Revelation Max Polymer DAB (Sigma®) for 10 minutes Detection System, Leica) for 30 minutes 3.4 Quantification The positive cells presented a distinct brownish to gold labeling in the membrane or cytoplasm and a corresponding morphological aspect to the cells in study. 24 In non-diseased (control) tissue samples the positive cells were counted in the 10 fields on superficial layer and in 10 fields on the deep layer of the endometrium (Figure 7). The counted area was chosen randomly and without overlap. Figure 7. Definition of layers on non-diseased uterus Definition of the two considered layers of the endometrium (in purple the surface layer and in orange the deep layer) in both follicular (A) and luteal (B) phases. Bar=300micra In tumor samples the hot spots areas were privileged on the different layers and also in the surrounding tissue (Figure 8), 10 fields each. Similarly to the non-diseased uterus samples, not only was a superficial area chosen near the lumen, but also a deep layer of the tumor near the myometrium. Figure 8. Definition of layers on tumor Definition of the considered layers on the tumor: A – Surface layer; B – Deep Layer; C – Surrounding tissue Bar=300micra 25 The analysis of the surrounding tissue compromised 10 images, against 20 of the tumor. For that, the values obtained from cells counting on this layer we compared to the tumor by evaluating their means. The fields were photographed using a microscope, NIKON Eclipse E600® (Nikon Instruments Europe BV, Kingston, Surrey, UK), that capture digital images using a NIKON Digital Camera DXM200® and NIKON ACT-1® (version2.12) imaging software with the objective of 40X. Using Adobe Photoshop® (version CS5) a patronized grid with 0, 04 mm2 was adapted to each captured image and every cell present with positive staining was counted. The results were then assembled in a Excel®, Office 2007 table and statistically treated. 3.5 Statistical Analysis Statistical comparisons were performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics Base 19.0 statistical software for Windows, using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means compared by Tukey Post Hoc tests to identify the differences between layers and cycle phases and tumors. We took into account the variations that could be promoted by the presence of pyometra or myometrium invasion. A p value ≤0.05 was regarded as statistically significant. 26 Chapter 4 – Results 4.1. Macrophages The results obtained for macrophages showed some differences between layers in each phase, between oestrous cycle phases and between non-diseased tissues and the tumor. Figure 9. Macrophages’ immunohistochemistry results Results of positive staining for Mac 387 on surface follicular endometrium (A), deep luteal endometrium (B) and tumor surface (C) and deep layer (D). Bar = 30micra Macrophages in non-diseased endometrium - despite no significant differences were observed between layers in each cycle phase, in the luteal period the difference is close to the statistical significant level (p=0,064) (Attachment 1). Also, we can observe a decrease in cell counting mean value on surface layer between follicular and luteal phase and an increase in their mean values on the deep layer. Lastly, it can be observed that the deep luteal layer shows a larger 27 standard error than on other layers, showing more variable values of macrophages (Table 3 and Graphic 1). Macrophages on tumors – the number of macrophages is higher on tumors than on the non-diseased uterus (whatever phase or layer in comparison), and also have higher standard errors than the non-diseased uterus (Table 3 and Graphic 1). Tumors with pyometra showed significant differences (p<0,05) both to non-diseased uterus as to tumor without pyometra (Attachment 2). In case of myometrium invasion no significant changes were observed on the number of cells studied (Graphic 1 and Attachment 9). Macrophages on peripheral tissue – comparing the adjacent tissues infiltrate with the macrophages inside the tumor, the ratio of cells is maintained and no significant differences were observed (Attachment 8 and Graphic 2). The presence of pyometra significantly increases (p=0,008) the numbers of infiltrating macrophages in peripheral tissue (Attachment 7 and Graphic 1). Despite no significant differences were observed (Attachments 9 and 10), in absolute terms, we can see higher numbers of macrophages on peripheral tissue when the tumor didn’t invade the myometrium (Graphic 1). Table 3. Descriptive analysis of macrophages results Results for the descriptive statistics for macrophages infiltration in the feline endometrial stroma in cyclic, non-diseased and in endometrial adenocarcinoma samples. Samples Follicular Cyclic Luteal Without pyometra Tumors With pyometra Layer X SD Min Max Median Supf 9,6 4,01 3 16 9 Deep 7,2 4,29 3 17 6,5 Supf 4,2 3,36 0 9 4 Deep 16,8 19,9 1 57 6 Supf 46,2 14,48 31 63 52 Deep 44,6 24,3 12 75 43 Periph 23 17,8 1 44 22 Supf 129,2 101,5 40 259 73 Deep 124 103,3 27 293 83 Periph 129 64,5 36 196 140 X - Mean; SD – Standard deviation; Min – minimum; Max – Maximum; CV – Coefficient of variation; Supf – Superficial; Periph – Peripheral 28 Graphic 1. Macrophages results Comparison of macrophages counting values between layers. A – Follicular phase (n=10); B – Luteal phase (n=10); C – Tumor without pyometra (n=5); D – Tumor with pyometra (n=5); E – Comparison between tumor mean and peripheral layer without pyometra (n=5); F – Comparison between tumor mean and peripheral layer with pyometra (n=5); G – Comparison between tumor mean and peripheral layer without myometrium invasion (n=5); H – Comparison between tumor mean and peripheral layer with myometrium invasion (n=5). The values of tumor mean and peripheral tissue, without great differences between them, increase greatly when pyometra is present (note the scale diference between A and B and C and D). 29 4.2. B lymphocytes The results obtained for B lymphocytes also showed differences between layers, among the different phase of oestrous cycle and comparing non-diseased uterus to tumors. Figure 10. B lymphocytes’ immunohistochemistry results Results of positive staining for CD79a on surface follicular endometrium (A, circle), deep luteal endometrium (B) and tumor surface (C) and deep layer (D). Bar = 30micra B cells in non-diseased endometrium - the results presented significant differences between both layers on luteal uterus (p=0,004) (Attachment 3). A reduce occurrence of B cells in both surface and deep layer can be observed together in follicular and luteal phase, with a small reduction of standard error on deep layer (Table 4 and Graphic 3). B cells on tumors – On tumors studied, the frequency of B cells were differently marked when pyometra was present or absent (Table 4 and Graphic 3). The tumor without pyometra showed no significant differences on B cell infiltrate when compared to non-diseased uterus, but when in the presence of this inflammation, the occurrence of these cells increases greatly (Attachment 4). There are no differences when comparing the surface and deep layer on tumor 30 with or without pyometra, and both values have higher standard errors than the non-diseased uterus (Attachment 3). No significant differences were observed whether there is or not myometrium invasion (Graphic 2 and Attachment 9). B cells on peripheral tissue – Comparing the adjacent tissues infiltrate with the B lymphocytes inside the tumor, the ratio of cells is maintained and no significant differences were observed (Attachment 8 and Graphic 4). The presence of pyometra significantly increases (p=0,046) the numbers of infiltrating B lymphocytes in the peripheral tissue (Attachment 7 and Graphic 4). Despite no significant differences were observed (Attachments 9 and 10), in absolute terms we can see a reduction of B lymphocytes both on the tumor and peripheral tissue when invasion is present (Graphic 2). Tabel 4. Descriptive analysis of B lymphocytes results Results for the descriptive statistics for B lymphocytes infiltration in the feline endometrial stroma in cyclic, non-diseased and in endometrial adenocarcinoma samples. Samples Follicular Cyclic Luteal Without pyometra Tumors With pyometra Layer X SD Min Max Median Supf 6,1 3,1 2 11 6,5 Deep 8,7 6,83 2 20 6,5 Supf 3 2,62 1 7 1,5 Deep 7,6 3,57 1 12 8,5 Supf 19 8,5 10 32 19 Deep 11,2 3,19 7 15 12 Periph 17,6 9,37 7 29 20 Supf 109,4 83,39 37 239 83 Deep 233,6 264 81 700 107 Periph 230,2 201,3 60 576 186 X - Mean; SD – Standard deviation; Min – minimum; Max – Maximum; CV – Coefficient of variation; Supf – Superficial; Periph – Peripheral. 31 Graphic 2. B lymphocytes results Comparison of B lymphocytes counting values between layers. A – Follicular phase (n=10); B – Luteal phase (n=10); C – Tumor without pyometra (n=5); D – Tumor with pyometra (n=5); E – Comparison between tumor mean and peripheral layer without pyometra (n=5); F – Comparison between tumor mean and peripheral layer with pyometra (n=5); G – Comparison between tumor mean and peripheral layer without myometrium invasion (n=5); H – Comparison between tumor mean and peripheral layer with myometrium invasion (n=5). (note the scale difference between different graphics). 32 4.3. T lymphocytes The count of T lymphocytes infiltrate showed differences between layers, concerning the oestrous cycle and between the control uterus and the tumors studied. Figure 11. T lymphocytes’ immunohistochemistry results Results of positive staining for CD3 on surface follicular endometrium (A), deep luteal endometrium (B) and tumor surface (C) and deep layer (D). Bar = 30micra T cells on non-diseased endometrium - The results of T cell counting present significant differences between both layers in the follicular phase (p=0,001), being more numerous on the surface layer (Table 5). Also, a lower number of T cells were observed on the surface layer in luteal uterus relating to follicular phase, and the inverse when comparing the deep layer (Table 5 and Graphic 5). In luteal uterus, the T cells evaluations had a higher standard error than the follicular phase (Table 5). 33 T cells on tumors – The mean value of T cell infiltration on endometrial tumors significantly increased (p<0,05) when compared to the non-diseased uterus, being very similar despite the presence or absence of pyometra (Attachment 6 and Graphic 5). The values show no significant differences between layers in both tumor situations, and both have higher standard errors than the non-diseased uterus (Table 5 and Attachment 5). No significant differences were observed whether there is or not myometrium invasion (Graphic 3 and Attachment 9). T cells on peripheral tissue – The adjacent tissues shows higher T cell infiltration whether pyometra is present or absent, but no significant differences between them were observed (Attachment 7 and 8 and Graphic 3). Despite no significant differences were observed (Attachments 9 and 10), in absolute terms we can see a reduction of T lymphocytes both on the tumor and peripheral tissue when invasion of myometrium is present. Also, cells counting was higher on the peripheral tissue than in the tumor (Graphic 3). Table 5. Descriptive analysis of T lymphocytes results Results for the descriptive statistics for macrophages infiltration in the feline endometrial stroma in cyclic, non-diseased and in endometrial adenocarcinoma samples. Samples Follicular Cyclic Luteal Without pyometra Tumors With pyometra Layer X SD Min Max Median Supf 44,9 11,1 33 68 41,5 Deep 25 9,96 9 43 24,5 Supf 26,3 30,32 3 99 11 Deep 38,7 34,56 10 122 22,5 Supf 159,8 128,9 48 332 101 Deep 74,8 46,6 33 147 58 Periph 151,2 128,2 36 342 115 Supf 157,4 59,79 75 214 182 Deep 93 70 37 210 67 Periph 173,6 94,4 82 308 180 X - Mean; SD – Standard deviation; Min – minimum; Max – Maximum; CV – Coefficient of variation; Supf – Superficial; Periph – Peripheral 34 Graphic 3. T lymphocytes results Comparison of B lymphocytes counting values between layers. A – Follicular phase (n=10); B – Luteal phase (n=10); C – Tumor without pyometra (n=5); D – Tumor with pyometra (n=5); E – Comparison between tumor mean and peripheral layer without pyometra (n=5); F – Comparison between tumor mean and peripheral layer with pyometra (n=5); G – Comparison between tumor mean and peripheral layer without myometrium invasion (n=5); H – Comparison between tumor mean and peripheral layer with myometrium invasion (n=5). (Note the scale difference between different graphics). 35 Chapter 5 – Discussion Most authors consulted consider FEA as an uncommon lesion (Preiser, 1964; Kenedy et al., 1998; Miller et al., 2003; Saraiva et al., 2012). Indeed, most published studies include few cases (Preiser, 1964; Miller et al., 2003; Gil da Costa et al., 2009). In cattle and rabbits, uterine adenocarcinoma is considered more common (Preiser, 1964; Kenedy et al., 1998). Rabbits does have a 79% of incidence of uterine adenocarcinoma after 5 years of age. The fact that they are induced ovulators and, many times, housed individually, can presumably explain this high incidence (Elsinghorst et al., 1984). Similarly, virgin Han:Winstar rats, have a 39% incidence of uterine adenocarcinoma, and these rats also are subjected to long periods of estrogenic stimuli (Deerberg et al., 1981). With a seasonal cycle and induced ovulation, the cat also is also subjected to long periods of estrogenic influence. Thus, early ovariohysterectomy, is considered protective against FEA, and the practice of breeding or inducing artificial ovulation (that reduce the exposure to estrogen) in these animals could explain the low incidence reported (Stabenfeldt & Pedersen, 1991; Saraiva et al., 2012). Recently, FEA was diagnosed more frequently in Portugal and was described to be 20% of incidence in all cases of uterine lesions observed by Saraiva et al. (2012). These differences between countries may be explained by husbandry differences. In Portugal, queens are spayed often after the first heat or only when there is genital disease while in other countries, OVH is done before the first heat (Saraiva et al., 2012). This practice could explain differences in FEA development. In addition, clinical signs of FEA are non-specific, increasing the chance of confusing FEA with other´s uterine pathologies, especially pyometra (Saraiva et al., 2012). In published case reports, few detail the clinical aspects of the FEA (Preiser, 1964; Belter et al., 1968; Anderson & Pratschke, 2011; Cho et al., 2011). The infrequency on uterus examination (Gelberg & McEntee, 1986), the lack of interest on the anatomopathological evaluation of ovariohysterectomy surgical specimens, most of them related with pyometra, an inadequate post mortem evaluation or even the fact that some small masses in the uterus can be overlooked on a standard analysis can explain this low number of cases (Saraiva et al., 2012). Miller and collaborators (2003) considered the uterus the site where genital tumors occur most commonly in cats. Recently, the LHAP, where this work was done, systematically harvested specimens from spayed queens and performed histopathological analysis, and around a 20% incidence of FEA was described (personal communication from Maria dos Anjos Pires - LHAP). Other feline genital tumors are more common and leiomyoma, is considered the most common mesenchymal tumor on the feline uterus (McEntee & Nielsen, 1976; Papparella & 36 Roperto, 1984; McEntee, 1990). Leiomyomas are firm, opalescent to tan nodules in the myometrium. They have interwoven bundles of leiomyocytes and fibroblasts with uncommon mitotic figures (McEntee, 1990; Kenedy et al., 1998). Despite not being considered a neoplasic lesion, adenomyosis is common in the bitch, cow and queen must be considered a differential diagnosis for FEA invasion. This frequent canine and feline lesion (Gelberg & McEntee, 1986; Bernardo, 2012) could be concurrent with FEA. This lesion, often a nodular growth of endometrial glands forming cysts filled with mucus or neutrophils may pre-exist in pyometras and commonly extends to the serosa (McEntee & Nielsen, 1976; Kenedy et al., 1998). Also, the cystic endometrial hyperplasia, a frequent lesion in a dogs (Payan-Carreira & Pires, 2005), is referred in a cat (Bernardo, 2012) and could be concurrent with FEA. Other lesion present on the uterus is the endometrial polyps. These pedunculated proliferative growths protruding on uterus lumen were considered non-preneoplastic (Gelberg & McEntee, 1984). Despite this, Saraiva et al. judged that the luminal papillary growths supported by a fibrovascular stroma and having anisokaryosis, anisocytosis, bizarre mitotic figures and numerous multinucleated cells, in some cases invading the myometrium, were FEA. The mammalian endometrium is a dynamic and complex tissue that functions to guarantee embryo implantation, survival and maintenance of pregnancy. Cyclic remodeling of the uterus is a response to sex steroids and controlled by several factors including cytokines, interleukins and growth factors. Between functional and structural cells, immune cells are found in the endometrium. Their recruitment has been proved to be cycle dependent, under steroid influence, participating with stromal and epithelial cells in the regulation of the cyclic remodeling and embryo implantation (Payan-Carreira et al., 2011). Some regulatory mechanisms of immune cells in the uterus have already been studied in different species, and the macrophage is one of the best studied immune cells (De & Wood, 1990; Butterworth et al., 2001; Kaeoket et al., 2001; Gu et al., 2005). Butterworth et. al. (2001) studied inflammatory cells in the endometrium on four non-diseased queens without specification of the estrous cycle. Also, unlike this thesis, the entire wall of the reproductive tract was studied without the diferentiating structures and layers in the uterus and the cell markers used were different from the ones used in this study. This thesis, to our knowledge, is the first study of immune cells along the estrous cycle on the endometrium and in FEA. These reasons turn this into a groundbreaking work. As the number and frequency of immune infiltrate changes between species (Pires et al., 2006), the comparison of our results with other species is not the most suitable. However, taking into account the physiological aspects of each species and knowing the IS and the cells, one 37 might infer and compare the results with others species like the rat, sow and the woman (De & Wood, 1990; Kaeoket et al., 2001; Jones et al., 2004; Gu et al., 2005). This work presents differences on immune cell endometrial distribution during estrous phases. The differences were not statistically significant, but this may be due to a low sample number or, in some cases, due to individual physiologic variation. T lymphocytes were more common than other cell types, consistent with the findings of Butterworth et al. (2001) that showed the CD8+ T lymphocytes were the most common type of immune cell in the feline reproductive tract. The reduction of macrophages and T cells in the surface layer on the luteal phase could be explained by uterine preparation for embryo implantation that takes place on this phase. Localized immunodepression may be necessary to allow acceptance of the fetal “allograft.” Macrophages and T cells increased in the deep layer of the luteal phase. This could indicate a migration of these cells to allow the implantation of the embryo (Kaeoket et al., 2001; Kayisli et al., 2004; Gu et al., 2005; Payan-Carreira et al., 2011). The variation between macrophages and T cells was to some degree predictable physiologically. Both estrogen and progesterone have an important, and as yet unexplained, role on macrophage distribution (De & Wood, 1990). Conversely, B cells decreased in both layers as queens changed from the follicular to the luteal phase, perhaps in response to the same mechanism that reduced macrophages and T lymphocytes. However, this doesn´t explain the reduction of B cells in the deep layer where macrophages and T cells increased. Because the luteal phase is longer in the feline reproductive cycle and sperm could be found or pseudopregnancy can develop, the luteal samples could be less homogeneous than the follicular. Therefore, more cell number variation could be expected in the luteal phase. However, macrophages of the luteal surface layer and B cells in both luteal layers decreased when compared with the follicular phase. The low sample number could explain these results. The IS is important in the tumor biology. In early tumor development, the IS acts to eliminate the tumor, but in the following phase, an equilibrium is established with immune cells (especially macrophages and T cells) facilitating tumor growth metastasis (Vesely et al., 2011). Knowing the kinetics of tumor development, early increase of immune cells in a tumor would be expected when compared with the non-diseased (control) uterus. This study showed macrophages increased in the tumors, suggesting their importance on the tumor biology. However, macrophages subsets were not evaluated. Subset identification is important since the M1 macrophages are related with tumor elimination, and M2 subpopulation promote tumor progression (Mantovani et al., 2002; Sica et al., 2008). Thus, it would be 38 interesting to compare population numbers or their ratio and distribution between FEA and nondiseased endometrial tissue. Likewise only total number of T lymphocytes were evaluated, but how T-cell subsets changed in tumors and non-diseased uteri and how they reflect survival and tumor progression or elimination (Whiteside, 2006; Tizard, 2012) would be informative. Regardless, T cells are an important cell in FEA suggesting that T-cells were stimulated by tumor antigens. Unlike T-cells and macrophages, B-cells may not have so great importance on FEA biology. Although a small increase of B-cells were seen in FEA when compared with nondiseased uterus, the increase was not statistically significant. Actually, there is little knowledge and understanding of the relation between B-cells and tumors (Nzula et al., 2003). Some studies of breast cancer suggest the possibility that most of the antibodies produced to breast tumors and regional ganglions are likely to be against auto-antigens (Coronella et al., 2002). Never the less, it remains hard to explain the differences of infiltrating B-cells between FEA and other neoplasms studied, such as breast adenocarcinoma, where up to 20% have a large infiltration of B-cells (Balch et al., 1990). Finally, differences observed between layers on the tumor might be related to a loss of stratification noticed in these cases. The lost of organized endometrial strata may induced local increase of immune cells related with the deregulation of concentrations or stimulating factors of tumor regulation and inflammation. The pyometra and FEA are commonly seen together. However it is not known which appears first, the pyometra or the FEA. Chronic inflammation is often seen with tumors. Indeed, the action of immune cells, through reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, induce DNA damage on proliferating cells, and repeated tissue damage and regeneration could result in genomic mutations and promote the development of tumor cells (Coussens & Werb, 2002). This causal relationship of inflammation and pathology has been shown to take part in colon carcinogenesis and in synovial arthritis (Yamanishi et al., 2002). Also, Th lymphocytes, recruited by tumor cells could reduce the presence of effector cells on tumor (Vesely et al., 2011). Interpretation of the relationship of immune cells present on FEA with or without pyometra was not one of the objectives of this work. Pyometra was associated with increased of macrophages and B-cell. Only after the study of the subsets of macrophages populations, could it be discussed if the increase in macrophages is related with the tumor, the infection or both processes. It would be interesting to compare the changes in the pattern of distribution of macrophage subtypes to understand how neoplastic responses change in infection. B-cells increased in FEA with pyometra, seen mainly as plasma cells. The presence of these plasma cells 39 on tumors that present pyometra could reflect a variation of local antigen stimulation and inflammatory regulators. On other hand, T-cells in FEA with or without pyometra did not change significantly, suggesting that T-cell chemotactic stimuli were the same in both circumstances. However, T-cell subsets changes that might have occurred would not be noticed because of the limitations of the study. Different subtypes of T-cells, also would have shown the types related to pyometra versus neoplasia (Tizard, 2012). The inflammatory/infection stimulus may have decreased the regulatory cells stimulated by the tumor or changed the overall organization of these cells subtypes in the tumor. The study of the immune cells infiltrating tissue outside of the tumor (in this specific case, on the myometrium surrounding the endometrial lesion) attempted to understand how much the infiltrate was due to tumor versus infection as we had no pyometra available as control. The three cell types increased in the presence of the tumor, when compared with nondiseased tissue. However, it was found that numbers of macrophages and B-cells when FEA isn’t associated with pyometra were low when compared with the presence of inflammation (pyometra). T cells increases at the periphery of the tumor and in both cases were not significantly different. In the end, only by evaluating subsets of inflammatory cells and immunomodulating proteins can one really understand these cells variations among non-diseased, tumor and pyometra. The lack of clinical history and follow-up of the studied animals limited our evaluation of the cyclic evaluation to the ovarian and uterine microscopic morphology. Likewise it limited conclusions on the tumors. It would be important to correlate the presence of immune cells with the surveillance of the FEA, and the follow-up to correlate to our results, given a prognostic value to the immune cells ratios. Several studies have been presented correlating the presence and numbers of a certain type of immune cell with the prognosis of the tumor. Jochems & Schlom (2011) resume several studies made in humans, where immune system may or may not be an important and independent prognostic factor for several types of tumors. Ino and collaborators (2008) showed that a reduction of TILs and NK cells in endometrial endometrioid adenocarcinoma can contribute to the disease progression. Also, de Jong and collaborators (2009) showed that the presence of high numbers of CD8+ T-lymphocytes was an independent prognostic factor in endometrial cancer. However, most of these studies focus in only one type of cell, and some of the comparisons didn´t have non-diseased tissues as a control. 40 The relation between the IS and the tumor is complex and involves different cells, extracellular matrix, biological and molecular compounds that change with the tumor. Hence, the evaluation of only one type of immune cell (or even three types) may be incomplete. By comparing the cells inside tumors with apparently healthy tissues in the same animal should not be considered as representative because all tissues may suffer the influence of the stimulus that the tumor generates, thus skewing values. Perhaps, studying cell ratios and comparing them with the values in similar tissues of non-diseased animals might be a more accurate approach to this research. Additionally, our results were influenced by the low number of cases. Although the twenty non-diseased samples used for evaluation of the endometrium and ten FEA (the highest number of FEA cases thus far studied), the differentiation between the cases that presented with and without pyometra reduced our statistical conclusions. In future, we would like to complement the non-diseased samples with a group of animals in anestrus, a complex stage that in Portugal is limited to a short period of December. As we referred before, the lack of clinical data and follow up of the studied cases, don’t allow us to have predictive studies as the prognostic value of our data. The myometrium invasion is a severe feature, morphologically related with a poor prognostic, instead the lack of information that we have on the disease evolution. In the work presented to this thesis, some cases (5/10) had myometrium invasion. Along the cell infiltrate evaluation, and despite the lack of significance of our results, some variances between the numbers of cells counting could be observed. In fact, when myometrium invasion is noted, we can observe a reduction of the values on peripheral tissue for all cells types and a reduced number of B and T lymphocytes inside the tumor. A future study, with more complete clinical information and higher number of cases could allow a better understanding of the relation between the myometrium invasion and the immune system, and if the variations of the numbers of these type of cells could be proposed as a prognostic factor. The choice to study these three immune cells was attempted to get a broad feeling for their importance in the non-diseased uterus and is this unstudied tumor. However, future identification of subtypes and other cells important on tumor development and elimination will provide information on the true importance and function of immune cells on the non-diseased uterus and its tumors. While the present study did not give an explanation of B-cell functions there is a dearth of work on B-cell roles in the reproductive tract or in FEA. 41 Chapter 6 - Final considerations Reviewing this thesis, one feature that limited our discussion and possible conclusions about the importance of the immune cells on these tumors was the limited number of samples and lack of clinical history, aspects out of our control. However, the objectives were accomplished. An unquestionable identification of the three studied immune cells was achieved with the chosen antibodies, although validation for two antibodies in the cat was not available (for B and T-cells). Also, infiltrating macrophages, B-cells and T-cells were quantified in both non-diseased and tumor tissue. This allowed us to confirm and understand their distribution on non-diseased tissue during follicular and luteal stages of the reproductive cycle and compare them with that of the FEA. In non-diseased uterus, it was possible to observe an interesting change of distribution of the studied cells, with the tendency to decrease their numbers on the surface of the endometrium and increase them on deep layer of luteal stage, when compared with the follicular stage. Indeed, macrophages and T-cells may be important in the development of FEA. Further studies should be done to better understand their function and importance. The presence of pyometra was associated with an increase of B-cells and, to a lesser extent, of macrophages in the neoplasm. There does not seem to be an increase of immune cells in peripheral tissue unless pyometra is present. The presence of myometrium invasion is related with all cell types reduced numbers in the peripheral tissues of the tumor and with only maintenance of the amount of macrophages within the tumor. For these reasons, we conclude that this innovator study provided information to drive future studies on this aspect of tumor immunobiology, the relation between the IS, the feline reproductive cycle and FEA biology. More complete series could allow us to see if the evaluation of immune cells could be related and proposed as a prognostic value. 42 Chapter 7 – References Alibaud, L.; Llobera, R.; Saati, T. A.; March, M.; Delsol, G. and Rubin, B.; A New Monoclonal Anti-CD3isin Antibody Reactive on Paraffin Sections. Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry, 2000, 48, 1609-1616. Amant, F.; Moerman, P.; Neven, P.; Timmerman, D.; Van Limbergen, E. and Vergote, I.; Endometrial cancer. The Lancet, 2005, 366, 491-505. 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Analysis of variance of macrophages results Comparison between variance values of both layers on reproductive cycle and tumor with and without pyometra. No significant differences observed between layers. p value ≤0.05 ANOVA Surface X Deep layer Sum of Cycle Vs Tumor Squares Follicular Between Groups Luteinic Tumor without pyometra Tumor with pyometra df Mean Square 28,800 1 28,800 Within Groups 310,000 18 17,222 Total 338,800 19 Between Groups 793,800 1 793,800 Within Groups 3669,200 18 203,844 Total 4463,000 19 6,400 1 6,400 Within Groups 3200,000 8 400,000 Total 3206,400 9 67,600 1 67,600 Within Groups 83858,800 8 10482,350 Total 83926,400 9 Between Groups Between Groups Attachment 2. Post Hoc test to macrophages results p value ≤0.05 and means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Significant differences observed between tumor with pyometra and other groups. Contagem Tukey HSD a,b Subset for alpha = 0.05 Cat_Ciclo N 1 2 Follicular 20 8,4000 Luteinic 20 10,5000 Tumor without pyometra 10 45,4000 Tumor with pyometra 10 Sig. 126,6000 ,097 50 1,000 F Sig. 1,672 ,212 3,894 ,064 ,016 ,902 ,006 ,938 Attachment 3. Analysis of variance of B lymphocytes results Comparison between variance values of both layers on reproductive cycle and tumor with and without pyometra. Significant values between layers in luteal phase. p value ≤0.05 ANOVA Contagem Sum of Fasextumor Folicullar Squares Mean Square 33,800 1 33,800 Within Groups 507,000 18 28,167 Total 540,800 19 Between Groups 105,800 1 105,800 Within Groups 176,400 18 9,800 Total 282,200 19 Tumor without Between Groups 152,100 1 152,100 pyometra Within Groups 330,800 8 41,350 Total 482,900 9 38564,100 1 38564,100 Within Groups 306600,400 8 38325,050 Total 345164,500 9 Luteinic Tumor with pyometra Between Groups df Between Groups Attachment 4. Post Hoc test to B lymphocytes results p value ≤0.05 and means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Significant differences observed between tumor with pyometra and other groups. Contagem Tukey HSD a,b Subset for alpha = 0.05 Fasextumor N 1 2 Luteal 20 5,3000 Follicular 20 7,4000 Tumor without pyometra 10 15,1000 Tumor with pyometra 10 Sig. 171,5000 ,988 51 1,000 F Sig. 1,200 ,288 10,796 ,004 3,678 ,091 1,006 ,345 Attachment 5. Analysis of variance of T lymphocytes results Comparison between variance values of both layers on reproductive cycle and tumor with and without pyometra. Significant values between layers in follicular phase. p value ≤0.05 ANOVA Contagem Cicloxtumor Sum of Squares Folicullar Luteinic Tumor With Pyometra Mean Square Between Groups 1980,050 1 1980,050 Within Groups 2008,900 18 111,606 Total 3988,950 19 768,800 1 768,800 Within Groups 19020,200 18 1056,678 Total 19789,000 19 Between Groups 18062,500 1 18062,500 Within Groups 75105,600 8 9388,200 Total 93168,100 9 Between Groups 10368,400 1 10368,400 Within Groups 33923,200 8 4240,400 Total 44291,600 9 Between Groups Tumor Without Pyometra df Attachment 6. Post Hoc test to T lymphocytes results p value ≤0.05 and means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Significant differences observed between control uterus and tumors. Contagem Tukey HSD a,b Subset for alpha = 0.05 Cicloxtumor N 1 2 Luteinic 20 32,5000 Folicullar 20 34,9500 Tumor Without Pyometra 10 117,3000 Tumor With Pyometra 10 125,2000 Sig. ,999 52 ,981 F Sig. 17,742 ,001 ,728 ,405 1,924 ,203 2,445 ,157 Attachment 7. Analysis of variance of immune cells counting on peripheral tissue whether pyometra is or not present Comparison between values of peripheral layer’s immune cells counting with and without the presence of pyometra. Significant differences observed on peripheral layer of B lymphocytes values between tumors with or without pyometra present. p ≤0.05. ANOVA Cell Layer LinfB peripheral LinfT Mac peripheral peripheral Sum of Squares df Mean Square Between Groups 112996,900 1 112996,900 Within Groups 162448,000 8 20306,000 Total 275444,900 9 1254,400 1 1254,400 Within Groups 101350,000 8 12668,750 Total 102604,400 9 Between Groups 28090,000 1 28090,000 Within Groups 17918,000 8 2239,750 Total 46008,000 9 Between Groups F Sig. 5,565 ,046 ,099 ,761 12,542 ,008 Attachment 8. Analysis of variance of immune cells counting between tumor and peripheral tissue considering pyometra Comparison between values of tumor and peripheral layer’s immune cells counting with and without the presence of pyometra. No significant differences observed. p ≤0.05. ANOVA Cell Pyometra LinfB with without LinfT with without Mac with without Sum of Squares Between Groups df Mean Square 8614,225 1 8614,225 Within Groups 236186,300 8 29523,288 Total 244800,525 9 15,625 1 15,625 Within Groups 467,900 8 58,488 Total 483,525 9 5856,400 1 5856,400 Within Groups 48674,000 8 6084,250 Total 54530,400 9 2873,025 1 2873,025 Within Groups 93267,100 8 11658,388 Total 96140,125 9 14,400 1 14,400 Within Groups 56284,700 8 7035,588 Total 56299,100 9 Between Groups 1254,400 1 1254,400 Within Groups 1920,700 8 240,088 Total 3175,100 9 Between Groups Between Groups Between Groups Between Groups 53 F Sig. ,292 ,604 ,267 ,619 ,963 ,355 ,246 ,633 ,002 ,965 5,225 ,052 Attachment 9. Analysis of variance of immune cells counting on tumor mean and peripheral tissue whether there is or not myometrium invasion Comparison of tumor mean and peripheral layer’s immune cells counting with and without the presence myometrium invasion. No significant differences observed. p ≤0.05. ANOVA Cell Layer LinfB mean peripheral LinfT mean peripheral Sum of Squares Between Groups mean peripheral Mean Square 20250,000 1 20250,000 Within Groups 115108,600 8 14388,575 Total 135358,600 9 27562,500 1 27562,500 Within Groups 247882,400 8 30985,300 Total 275444,900 9 9090,225 1 9090,225 Within Groups 31656,900 8 3957,113 Total 40747,125 9 Between Groups 19536,400 1 19536,400 Within Groups 83068,000 8 10383,500 102604,400 9 324,900 1 324,900 Within Groups 56446,100 8 7055,763 Total 56771,000 9 Between Groups 12673,600 1 12673,600 Within Groups 33334,400 8 4166,800 Total 46008,000 9 Between Groups Between Groups Total Mac df Between Groups 54 F Sig. 1,407 ,270 ,890 ,373 2,297 ,168 1,881 ,207 ,046 ,835 3,042 ,119 Attachment 10. Analysis of variance of immune cells counting between tumor and peripheral tissue tissue considering invasion Comparison between values of tumor mean and peripheral layer’s immune cells counting with and without the presence myometrium invasion. No significant differences observed. p ≤0.05. ANOVA Sum of Cell Invasion LinfB Not present Present LinfT Not present Present Mac Not present Present Squares Between Groups df Mean Square 3629,025 1 3629,025 Within Groups 329407,500 8 41175,938 Total 333036,525 9 1334,025 1 1334,025 Within Groups 33583,500 8 4197,938 Total 34917,525 9 7617,600 1 7617,600 Within Groups 81239,400 8 10154,925 Total 88857,000 9 1836,025 1 1836,025 Within Groups 33485,500 8 4185,688 Total 35321,525 9 2449,225 1 2449,225 Within Groups 42539,000 8 5317,375 Total 44988,225 9 6579,225 1 6579,225 Within Groups 47241,500 8 5905,188 Total 53820,725 9 Between Groups Between Groups Between Groups Between Groups Between Groups 55 F Sig. ,088 ,774 ,318 ,588 ,750 ,412 ,439 ,526 ,461 ,516 1,114 ,322