Anatomy and Physiology - McGraw


Anatomy and Physiology - McGraw
Anatomy and
Anatomy & Physiology
Anatomy & Physiology:
The Unity of Form and
Function, 7e
Kenneth Saladin
Publishing: 1/10/2014
ISBN: 978-0-07-340371-7
With Saladin, students make connections
through learning outcomes and assessments,
integrated media, and a writing style that
clearly depicts anatomy and physiology
processes. A consistent set of chapter
learning tools helps students identify and
retain key concepts while the stunning
visual program provides a realistic view of
body structures and processes. Saladin’s
text requires no prior knowledge of college
chemistry or cell biology, and is designed for
a two-semester A&P course.
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-0-07-777372-4
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-767669-8
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-767667-4
Lab Manual ISBN: 978-0-07-767663-6
SSG ISBN: 978-0-07-767664-3
Puzzle ISBN: 978-0-07-767673-5
SmartBook ISBN: 978-1-25-920480-7
Seeley’s Anatomy
& Physiology, 10e
Clear descriptions and exceptional
illustrations combine to help students
develop a firm understanding of the
concepts of anatomy and physiology
and to teach them how to use that
information. Great care has been taken to
select important concepts and to perfectly
describe the anatomy of cells, organs, and
organ systems. The plan that has been
followed for ten editions of this popular
text is to combine clear and accurate
descriptions of anatomy with precise
explanations of how structures function
and examples of how they work together to
maintain life. To emphasize the concepts
of anatomy and physiology, the authors
provide explanations of how the systems
respond to aging, changes in physical
activity, and disease, with a special focus on
homeostasis and the regulatory mechanisms
that maintain it. This text has more clinical
content than any other A & P book on the
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-0-07-777393-9
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-742146-5
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-742141-0
Lab Manual ISBN: 978-0-07-742139-7
SSG ISBN: 978-0-07-742140-3
SmartBook ISBN: 978-0-07-813372-5
Anatomy & Physiology:
An Integrative Approach, 1e
Michael McKinley, Valerie O’Loughlin,
and Theresa Bidle
Cinnamon VanPutte, Rod Seeley, Trent
Stephens and PhilipTate
Published: 1/06/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-305461-2
Published: 1/11/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-340363-2
The McKinley/O’Loughlin/Bidle: Anatomy
& Physiology: An Integrative Approach text
brings multiple elements of the study
of A&P together in ways that maximize
understanding. Text discussions provide
structural details in the context of their
functional significance to integrate coverage
of anatomy and physiology in each chapter.
Chapters emphasize the interdependence
of body systems by weaving prior coverage
of one system into textual explanations
This text is written for the two semester
anatomy & physiology course. The
writing is comprehensive, providing the
depth necessary for those courses not
requiring prerequisites, and yet, is presented
with such clarity that it nicely balances the
thorough coverage.
of how other systems work. These system
relationships are also covered in “Integrate:
Concept Connection” boxes. All figures
are carefully designed to support the
text narrative, and carry brief textual
explanations to make figures self-contained
study tools. Special “Concept Overview”
figures in each chapter tie together multifaceted concepts in 1- or 2-page visual
summaries. Applications are presented in
“Integrate: Clinical View” boxes to apply
chapter content using clinical examples that
show students what can go wrong in the
body, to help crystallize understanding of
the “norm;” clinical scenarios are also used
in “What Do You Think?”, “Can You Apply
What You’ve Learned?”, and “Can You
Synthesize What You’ve Learned?” question
sets; and career opportunities pursued by
students studying A&P are highlighted
at the beginning of each chapter.
Everyday analogies and practical advice
for remembering material are presented
in “Integrate: Learning Strategy” boxes.
Chapters end with a summary of media
tools available to help learn each chapter’s
Users who purchase Connect Plus receive
access to the full online ebook version of the
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-728193-9
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-741742-0
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-0-07-777378-6
Laboratory Manual Main Version
ISBN: 978-0-07-763444-5
Laboratory Manual Cat Version
ISBN: 978-0-07-763445-2
Laboratory Manual Pig Version
ISBN: 978-0-07-763446-9
SmartBook ISBN: 978-1-25-914197-3
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative
or email us at
Anatomy and
Hole’s Human Anatomy &
Physiology, 13e
Seeley’s Principles of Anatomy
and Physiology, 2e
David Shier, Jackie Butler
and Ricki Lewis
Philip Tate
Published: 1/03/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-337827-5
Learn. Practice. Assess.
Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology was
created for the introductory level student
and assumes no prior science knowledge by
placing emphasis on the fundamentals. This
new edition updates a great A&P classic
while offering greater efficiencies to the user.
The format for the 13th edition focuses
on Learning Outcomes and Assessments.
This will benefit the student along with the
instructor. The 13th edition of Hole also
continues to offer technology that combined
with the text offer users an incredible course
solution. Technology like Anatomy and
Physiology Revealed and the first-time
availability of Connect bring unprecedented
opportunities to the classroom, whether on
campus or at home.
Users who purchase Connect Plus receive
access to the full online ebook version of the
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-739079-2
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-739083-9
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-0-07-777386-1
Student Study Guide ISBN: 978-0-07-739080-8
Laboratory Manual Pig Version
ISBN: 978-0-07-739074-7
Laboratory Manual Cat Version
ISBN: 978-0-07-739078-5
SmartBook ISBN: 978-0-07-820188-2
Published: 1/04/2011
ISBN: 978-0-07-337819-0
Principles of Anatomy and Physiology is
designed to be comprehensive enough to
provide the background necessary for those
courses not requiring prerequisites and yet is
concise so as not to confuse and overwhelm
students. The Tate text features realistic
illustrations and exceptional photographs
that, along with clear, straight-forward
writing and an emphasis on clinical material
help students develop a solid understanding
of anatomy and physiology concepts.
Explanations have just the right amount
of detail, with usually only one example
instead of two or three. Other texts use
several complex figures to illustrate many
concepts—Tate uses less, but more efficient,
art. The result is a shorter, simplified
textbook that covers all of the major
points found in more lengthy texts, but is
easier to read and more economical in price.
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-735126-7
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-735126-7
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-0-07-777376-2
Lab Manual ISBN: 978-0-07-735128-1
SmartBook ISBN: 978-0-07-813748-8
Anatomy & Physiology
Hole’s Essentials of Human
Anatomy & Physiology, 12e
David Shier, Jackie Butler, Ricki Lewis
Publishing: 1/10/2014
ISBN: 978-0-07-340372-4
Designed for the one-semester anatomy
and physiology course, Hole’s Essentials of
Human Anatomy and Physiology assumes
no prior science knowledge and supports
core topics with clinical applications,
making difficult concepts relevant to
students pursuing careers in the allied health
field. The unparalleled teaching system is
highly effective in providing students with
a solid understanding of the important
concepts in anatomy and physiology.
Users who purchase Connect Plus receive
access to the full online ebook version of the
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-763788-0
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-763782-8
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-1-25-917485-8
Lab Manual ISBN: 978-0-07-763784-2
SSG ISBN: 978-0-07-763786-6
SmartBook ISBN: 978-1-25-921207-9
Essentials of Anatomy &
Physiology, 1e
Kenneth Saladin and Robin McFarland
Published: 1/18/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-245828-2
Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology is a text
that blends up-to-date science, stimulating
writing, high-quality art, and cutting-edge
educational technology to provide the most
effective teaching and learning program
available in the one-semester anatomy and
physiology courses.
The distinctive pedagogy of the text revolves
around the theme of “Elevate Learning”.
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative
or email us at
Anatomy and
From “Base Camp” to “Assess Your Learning
Outcomes”, the student experiences a clear
sense of the path ahead, a convenient means
of charting progress, and a satisfying sense
of accomplishment at the end.
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
is accompanied by Connect® and
LearnSmart™,authored by Steve Sullivan to
reflect the content and style of the textbook
authors, and to help foster clarity for
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-0-07-813238-4
Lab Manual ISBN: 978-0-07-752256-8
SmartBook ISBN: 978-1-25-914571-1
Anatomy, Physiology &
Disease: Foundations for the
Health Professions, 1e
Deborah Roiger and Nia Bullock
Published: 1/11/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-340211-6
In Roiger/Bullock, connections are made
between systems so that students learn how
the body functions normally in homeostasis,
and how disruption of homeostasis leads to
disease and disorder. With a straightforward
writing style that engages the reader directly,
the authors explain difficult concepts in
the context of daily activities, making
them easier to grasp. A one-column design
and brand new art program also makes
the content more inviting and facilitates
comprehension in students. Chapters are
mapped out by specific learning outcomes
so that there are no surprises, and all
exercises throughout the text, workbook,
and digital ancillaries are directly tied to
these measurable outcomes. Integrated
digital content includes Body ANIMAT3D
and audio pronunciations.
Roiger and Bullock’s text requires no prior
knowledge of chemistry or cell biology, and
is designed for a one-semester, entry-level
A&P course.
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-760195-9
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-747511-6
Workbook ISBN: 978-0-07-740151-1
Mader’s Understanding
Human Anatomy &
Physiology, 8e
Susannah Longenbaker
Published: 1/11/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-340366-3
Renowned for her effective learning
systems, respected author Sylvia Mader has
helped thousands of entry-level students
understand and enjoy the principles
of human anatomy and physiology.
Beginning with the sixth edition, Susannah
Longenbaker has been building on Dr.
Mader’s format and engaging writing style
while adding her own personal touch to
this successful title. The writing is clear,
direct and user-friendly, and enriched with
new clinical information, terminology and
classroom-tested features such as “Focus on
Forensics” readings and in-text “Content
Check-Up” questions. Drawing on over
twenty years of teaching experience, Sue
Longenbaker writes for the next generation
of students that will learn anatomy and
physiology from this classic textbook.
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-747633-5
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-747634-2
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-0-07-813969-7
SmartBook ISBN: 978-1-25-917126-0
Anatomy, Physiology, and
Disease for the Health
Professions, 3e
through application and clinical-based
approaches. This edition offers a completely
redesigned learning experience through
larger, more focused art and expanded table
of contents. Students will feel a new sense
of engagement and motivation through
Chapter Opening Case Studies that unfold
as they move through each chapter. Updated
learning objectives and a wider variety and
quantity of questions and exercises for have
also been included with this edition.
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-760194-2
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-74751-6
Student Workbook ISBN: 978-0-07-747517-8
Seeley’s Essentials of Anatomy
and Physiology, 8e
Cinnamon VanPutte, Jennifer Regan,
and Andrew Russo
Published: 1/27/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-337826-8
Designed for the one-semester course,
Seeley’s Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
is written to allow instructors the ability to
accomplish one overall goal: to teach the
basics of A&P while fostering the skill of
problem solving. Through learning how to
solve problems and think critically, students
learn A&P based on two themes: the
relationship between structure and function,
and homeostasis.
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-739134-8
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-739136-2
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-0-07-777391-5
Laboratory Manual ISBN: 978-0-07-739131-7
SmartBook ISBN: 978-1-25-913305-3
Kathryn A. Booth, Terri D. Wyman,
and Virgil Stoia
Published: 3/02/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-340222-2
Anatomy, Physiology and Disease for Health
Professions connects human diseases and
disorders to anatomy and physiology
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative
or email us at
Anatomy and
Anatomy & Physiology with
Integrated Study Guide, 5e
Stanley Gunstream
Published: 1/12/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-337823-7
Designed for an introductory, one-semester
course, the scope, organization, writing
style, depth of presentation, and pedagogical
aspects of this text have been tailored to
meet the needs of students preparing for a
career in allied health. This text does not
assume any prior science knowledge on the
part of the student and effectively presents
students with the fundamentals of anatomy
and physiology.
It’s the only one-semester text available with
a built-in study guide/workbook.
A hallmark feature of this text is the author’s
presentation of A&P concepts that are
accurate, but presented at a level that is
appropriate for virtually all students. Stan
Gunstream highlights the relationships
between structure and function of body
parts and the mechanisms of homeostasis.
In addition, interrelationships of the organ
systems are noted where appropriate and
useful. Without the excessive detail of some
of the longer A & P texts, students can
better comprehend key critical concepts in
each important area of study.
Users who purchase Connect Plus receive
access to the full online ebook version of the
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-751181-4
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-751186-9
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-0-07-777384-7
Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Textbook
Essentials Version ISBN: 978-0-07-337824-4
SmartBook ISBN: 978-0-07-812519-5
Anatomy & Physiology:
Foundations for the Health
Professions, 1e
Deborah Roiger
Published: 1/04/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-340212-3
A Balanced Approach to anatomy and
physiology with the most robust digital
resource in Connect Plus and a full-color
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-760193-5
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-740161-0
Workbook ISBN: 978-0-07-740163-4
Human Anatomy
Human Anatomy, 4e
Michael McKinley, Valerie O’Loughlin
Publishing: 1/10/2014
ISBN: 978-0-07-352573-0
With its unrivaled art program and
accessible writing style, McKinley/
O’Loughlin’s Human Anatomy stands apart
from other anatomy texts. High-quality
photographs paired with brilliantly rendered
illustrations help students visualize,
understand, and appreciate the wonders of
human anatomy. Student-friendly Study
Tips, Clinical View boxes, and progressive
question sets motivate students to
internalize and apply what they’ve learned.
Users who purchase Connect Plus receive
access to the full online ebook version of the
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-767733-6
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-767731-2
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-0-07-352186-2
SmartBook ISBN: 978-1-25-919629-4
Human Anatomy, 4e
Kenneth Saladin
Published: 3/22/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-337829-9
Read it - Ken Saladin explains human
anatomy in an engaging, yet efficient way.
He puts a premium on the words, and uses
student-relevant analogies to motivate the
See it - Saladin’s collection of illustrations
and photos are carefully chosen to support
the text discussion. Vibrant and realistic
presentations engage students.
Master it - With Connect Anatomy and
Physiology, Learn Smart and Anatomy
and Physiology Revealed, students can
practice and improve their understanding of
From the most pedagogically sound
organization to the exceptional art, to the
integration of text with technology, Saladin
has formed a teaching system that will both
motivate and enable students to understand
and appreciate the wonders of human
anatomy. This distinctive text was developed
to stand apart from all other anatomy texts
with an approach borne out of more than
30 years of teaching, unparalleled art, and
a writing style that has been acclaimed by
reviewers. Designed for a one-semester
college anatomy course, Saladin requires no
prior knowledge of chemistry or cell biology.
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-750858-6
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-750864-7
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-0-07-735286-2
Laboratory Manual
ISBN: 978-0-07-750861-6
SmartBook ISBN: 978-1-25-916797-3
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative
or email us at
Anatomy and
Human Physiology
Human Physiology, 13e
Vander’s Human
Physiology, 13e
Published: 10/31/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-340362-5
Eric Widmaier, Hershel Raff and Kevin
Published: 3/29/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-337830-5
Eric Widmaier (Boston University), Hershel
Raff (Medical College of Wisconsin), and
Kevin Strang (University of Wisconsin)
have taken on the challenge of maintaining
the strengths and reputation of Vander’s
Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body
Function. Moving beyond the listing of mere
facts, it stresses the causal chains of events
that constitute the mechanisms of body
function. The fundamental purpose of this
textbook is to present the principles and
facts of human physiology in a format that
is suitable for undergraduates regardless of
academic background or field of study.
Vander’s Human Physiology,
thirteenth edition, carries on the tradition
of clarity and accuracy, while refining and
updating the content to meet the needs
of today’s instructors and students. The
thirteenth edition features a streamlined,
clinically oriented focus to the study of
human body systems. It has also responded
to reviewer requests for more clinical
applications. Chapter 19 now contains
four complete case studies. Additional
Physiology Inquiries have been added to
many figures throughout the chapters. These
critical-thinking questions are just one more
opportunity to add to the student’s learning
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-751020-6
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-751021-3
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-0-07-351734-6
SmartBook ISBN: 978-1-25-917109-3
Stuart Fox
Clear explanations and a solid learning
framework have been market tested and
refined. Fox helps students master the
fundamentals by providing appropriate
anatomical detail.
Human Physiology, thirteenth Edition, is
intended for the one-semester Human
Physiology course often taken by allied
health and biology students. The beginning
chapters introduce basic chemical and
biological concepts to provide students with
the framework they need to comprehend
physiological principles. The chapters that
follow promote conceptual understanding
rather than rote memorization of facts.
Health applications are included throughout
the book to heighten interest, deepen
understanding of physiological concepts,
and help students relate the material to their
individual career goals. Every effort has
been made to help students integrate related
concepts and understand the relationships
between anatomical structures and their
Connect ISBN: 978-0-07-742728-3
Connect Plus ISBN: 978-0-07-742730-6
LearnSmart ISBN: 978-0-07-813640-5
Laboratory Manual
ISBN: 978-0-07-742732-0
SmartBook ISBN: 978-0-07-820254-4
A&P Supplements
Ph.I.L.S. 4.0 CD-ROM, 4e
Phillip Stephens
Published: 8/17/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-757868-8
Ph.I.L.S. 4.0 is the perfect way to reinforce
key physiology concepts with powerful lab
experiments. Created by Dr. Phil Stephens
at Villanova University, this program offers
42 laboratory simulations that may be used
to supplement or substitute for wet labs. All
42 labs are self-contained experiments—no
lengthy instruction manual required. Users
can adjust variables, view outcomes, make
predictions, draw conclusions, and print lab
reports. This easy-to-use software offers the
flexibility to change the parameters of the
lab experiment. There is no limit! Workbook to accompany
Anatomy & Physiology
Revealed Version 3.0, 2e
Robert Broyles
Published: 8/17/2011
ISBN: 978-0-07-340367-0
The Workbook to Accompany Anatomy and
Physiology Revealed, Version 3 by Robert
Broyles is a workbook/study guide designed
to help students get the most they can out of
the Anatomy and Physiology Revealed (APR),
and out of their anatomy and physiology
course. The Table of Contents closely
follows APR 3.0, and is organized along the
lines of a typical Anatomy and Physiology
course. The individual exercises include art
from APR and also have review questions,
tables, coloring exercises, terminology quiz
questions, and reminders on key content.
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative
or email us at
Anatomy and
Atlas of Skeletal Muscles, 7e
Judith Stone and Robert Stone
Published: 1/24/2011
ISBN: 978-0-07-337816-9
The 7th edition includes changes reflecting
modern understanding, terminology and
teaching of the musculoskeletal system.
There are changes on 42 different pages
including many new or enhanced notes
on function and 20 new descriptions or
explanations of anatomical relationships. All
muscle illustrations are new.
Annual Editions: Nursing
11/12, 2e
Dionne Gibbs
Published: 1/04/2011
ISBN: 978-0-07-351559-5
The Annual Editions series is designed
to provide convenient, inexpensive access
to a wide range of current articles from
some of the most respected magazines,
newspapers, and journals published today.
Annual Editions are updated on a regular
basis through a continuous monitoring of
over 300 periodical sources. The articles
selected are authored by prominent scholars,
researchers, and commentators writing for
a general audience. The Annual Editions
volumes have a number of common
organizational features designed to make
them particularly useful in the classroom: a
general introduction; an annotated table of
contents; a topic guide; an annotated listing
of selected World Wide Web sites; and a
brief overview for each section. Each volume
also offers an online Instructor’s Resource
Guide with testing materials. Using Annual
Editions in the Classroom is a general guide
that provides a number of interesting and
functional ideas for using Annual Editions
readers in the classroom.
Using Annual Editions in the Classroom
ISBN: 978-0-07-330190-7
McGraw-­Hill Connect provides online
presentation, assignment, and assessment
solutions. It connects your students with
the tools and resources they’ll need to
achieve success. Additionally, Connect/
Connect Plus content (text, tools, and
homework) can be fully integrated with
your Blackboard course! McGraw-­Hill
ConnectPlus™ includes the full textbook
as an integrated, dynamic ebook. Media,
animation and assessments are merged with
the text’s narrative to engage students and
improve learning and learning retention.
See all Connect Products for Anatomy &
Physiology at:
Anatomy & Physiology Revealed is
the ultimate online interactive cadaver
dissection experience. Now fully
customizable to fit any course or lab, this
state-of-the-art program uses cadaver photos
combined with a layering technique that
allows the student to peel away layers of the
human body to reveal structures beneath the
surface. Anatomy & Physiology Revealed
also offers animations, histologic and
radiologic imaging, audio pronunciations,
and comprehensive quizzing. It can be
used as part of any one or two semester
undergraduate Anatomy & Physiology
or Human Anatomy course;Anatomy &
Physiology Revealed is available stand-alone,
or can be combined with any McGraw-Hill
Access Card ISBN: 978-0-07-340360-1
NEW! Ph.I.L.S. 4.0 has been updated!
Users have requested and we are providing
five new exercises (Respiratory Quotient,
Weight and Contraction, Insulin and
Glucose Tolerance, Blood Typing, and AntiDiuretic Hormone).
The ultimate virtual cadaver
dissection experience.
McGraw Hill partnered with Exprima
Media, Night and Day Studios and the
University of Toledo to bring you a state of
the art tablet experience! Exprima Media/
Night and Day Studios have extensive
expertise in building apps for the iPad. The
academic version of Anatomy & Physiology
Revealed was re-engineered to take
advantage of the native features of various
Available in the iTunes Store
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative
or email us at
Anatomy and
Anatomy & Physiology Revealed Pig is
available stand-alone, or can be combined
with any McGraw-Hill book.
Access Card ISBN: 978-0-07-802427-6
Anatomy & Physiology Revealed Cat is the
ultimate online interactive cat dissection
experience. This state-of-the-art program
uses cat photos combined with a layering
technique that allows the student to peel
away layers of the cat to reveal structures
beneath the surface. Anatomy & Physiology
Revealed Cat also offers animations,
histologic and radiologic imaging, audio
pronunciations, and comprehensive
quizzing. It can be used as part of any one
or two semester undergraduate anatomy
& physiology or human anatomy course;
Anatomy & Physiology Revealed Cat is
available stand-alone, or can be combined
with any McGraw-Hill book.
Access Card ISBN: 978-0-07-352575-4
LearnSmart Labs is a highly realistic
simulated lab experience that allows
students to practice the scientific method. Powered by LearnSmart’s proven adaptive
technology, LearnSmart Labs allows
students to “DO” and “THINK” like
a scientist by formulating a hypothesis,
developing an experimental strategy to test
it, conducting simulated lab experiments to
collect and analyze data, and even interact
with a virtual coach. Data driven reports
highlight the concepts individual students or the entire class are struggling with.
Access Card ISBN: 978-0-07-747127-9
LearnSmart Access Card for
Anatomy and Physiology, 1e
Title 2 Author: McGraw-Hill
Published: 03/20/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-772353-8
LearnSmart maximizes learning
productivity and efficiency by identifying
the most important learning objectives for
each student to master at a given point in
time. It knows when students are likely
to forget specific information and revisits
that content to advance knowledge from
their short-term to long-term memory. Data driven reports highlight the concepts
individual students - or the entire class
are struggling. LearnSmart is proven to
improve academic performance – including
higher retention rates and better grades. MediaPhys 3.0 Student 24
month Access Card, 1e
Tom Stavraky
Published: 10/19/2010
ISBN: 978-0-07-736937-8
Anatomy & Physiology Revealed Pig is the
ultimate online interactive pig dissection
experience. This state-of-the-art program
uses pig photos combined with a layering
technique that allows the student to peel
away layers of the pig to reveal structures
beneath the surface. Anatomy & Physiology
Revealed Pig also offers animations,
histologic and radiologic imaging, audio
pronunciations, and comprehensive
quizzing. It can be used as part of any one
or two semester undergraduate anatomy
& physiology or human anatomy course;
LearnSmart Prep is a study resource that
prepares students for college level work. Powered by LearnSmart’s proven adaptive
technology, LearnSmart Prep identifies the
concepts each student doesn’t know or fully
understand and provides learning resources
to teach essential concepts so he or she
enters the classroom prepared. Data driven
reports highlight the concepts individual
students - or the entire class are struggling
Learn more about all
Anatomy & Physiology print
and digital offerings at
Access Card ISBN: 978-0-07-774629-2
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative
or email us at
Anatomy and
LearnSmart maximizes learning
productivity and efficiency by identifying
the most important learning objectives for
each student to master at a given point in
time. It knows when students are likely
to forget specific information and revisits
that content to advance knowledge from
their short-term to long-term memory. Data driven reports highlight the concepts
individual students - or the entire class
are struggling. LearnSmart is proven to
improve academic performance – including
higher retention rates and better grades. With Create™ you can easily rearrange
chapters, combine material from other
content sources, and quickly upload
content you have written such as your
course syllabus or teaching notes. Find the
content you need in Create by searching
through thousands of leading McGraw-Hill
textbooks and arrange your book to fit your
teaching style. Explore Create at
Make your lectures available to your
students 24/7 without changing anything
about the way you teach! You speak 120
words per minute, while your students write
only 20. This forces them to decide between
listening or taking notes. With Tegrity
Campus they no longer have to make
that decision. Your students can engage
in class discussion, listen more intently
and retain more-- resulting in improved
course performance. A simple one-click
start/stop process automatically captures
audio, PowerPoint’s, all computer screens,
videos and more. Students can access their
instructors’ lectures anytime or anywhere.
They can search the lectures using keywords;
students can also use it to review a missed
class, for an exam, or to complete their
lecture notes. For more information, visit:
Whether you are searching for customized
textbooks and supplements, a new
curriculum, or online courses for an entire
discipline or institution, McGraw-Hill
Learning Solutions collaborates with you to
deliver students-centered experiences that
result in learning. To learn more, visit:
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative
or email us at