Untitled - Mother Ignacia Official Website
Untitled - Mother Ignacia Official Website
S. Me. tuartssa VlIl, ffnf lml- .. LfVING MORE YIBRANTLY MOTHER IGNACIA'S EAITH ANd HT]MBLE SERYICE.'' 20lJ LrvrNG MoRE VTBRANTLv MoTHEB TGNACTA s FArrH AND HUMBLE sERVrcE RvM | : Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo and the Religious of the Yirgin Mary LIFEAND SPMITUALIry M. Ignacia det Espiritu Santo was born, lived, and died during the Spanish colonial cra in the Philippines. The precise date ofher birth is not known. Her baptismal record mentions only the date ofher baptism, March 4, 1663. This confirms the statement of Pedro Murillo Velarde that Ignacia was 2l years old in 1684. She was the eldcst and the sole surviving child of Maria Jeronima, ar yrdia, and fusepe Iuco, a pure Chinese immigrant from Amoy, China, who rvas converted to Catholic hith in 1652 and resided in Binondo, Manila. I L When Ignacia rvas 2l years old, her par€nts wanted her to nrarry. Heeding a call deep within, but not wanting to disappoint her parents, Ignacia sought counsel from Fr. Paul Klein, a Iesuit priest lrom Bohemia, who arrived in Manila in 1682. The priest gave her the Spiritual Exercises ofSt. Ignatius. After this period ofsolitude and prayer, "lgnacia rvas inspired by God to rcmain in the seryice ofthe Divine Majesty and she resolved to live by the sweat ofher thcel' She left home and brought with her only a needle and a pair ofscissors. She started to live alone in the house located at the back ofthe fesuit College of Manila. Her lilb ofprayer and labor attracted )'ndias who also t'elt called to thc rcligious lil'e, but could not be admitted into the existing Congregation at that time. M. Ignacia accepted these ivomen into her company and the frrst community was born. They became known as the B€atas de la Compania de fesus because they frequently received the sacraments at the Church ofSt. Ignatius, perfornred many acts ofdevotion there, and had the Jesuit tathers tbr their spiritual dircctors and conlessors. on the suffering Christ and ried to imitate Him through a life ofservice and humility. She prayed earnestly to God and performed penances to move God to have mercy on them. Her spirituality olhumble servicc was expressed in her capacity to forgive, to bear wrongs patiently, and to correct with gentleness and meekness. This spirituality lvas manitasted in peace and harmony in the community, mutual love and union of wills, witnessing to the love ofChrist, and the maternal care of the Blessed Mother. M. lgnacia centered her lit-e This spirituality sustained the beatas in their moments of difrculties especially during times ofextr€me poverty, when they even had to beg for rice and salt and scour the streets for frrewood. The beatas continued to support themselves by the labor oftheir hands and sometimcs rcceived some financial help lrom pious people. In all rhese, they did not cease to thank God and to trust in divine providence. The growing number ofbeatas called tbr a more stable lil'estyle and a set of rules. A daily schedule was drawn up and community practices w€re delined, Following the spirit ofSt. Ignatius, M. lgnacia exhorted her beatas to always live in the presence ofGod and to develop great purity ofheart. She also emphasized charity in the community which was dedicated to the Blessed Mother. The spirit of Mary runs through the rules which lvere written tbr the guidance ofthe beatas. In defining her style of leadership, M. lgnacia drew inspiration from the Blessed Virgin Mary She stroye to be the living image of Mary to her companions and exhorted them to take Mary as their model in tbllowing Iesus. M- Ignacia gradually realized that the beaterio was called by God not only to a lit-e ofprayer and penance, but also to apostolic service. The beaterio admitted young girls as boarders rvho were taught Christian doctrine. as well as works proper to them. M. lgnacia did not make any distinction ofcolor or race, but accepted yndias, mestizas, and Spaniards as recogidas. The beatas were also involved in retr€at rvork and helped the ,esuit Fathers by PreParing the retreatants to be disposed to the Spiritual Exerciscs. M. Ignacia submitted the 1726 Constitutions to th€ Archdiocesan ollice for approval. After the approval was given in 1732 by the Fiscal Provisor of Manila, M. Ignacia decided to give up her responsibility as superior ofthe house. She lived as an ordinary member until her death on September 10, 1748. Murillo Velarde saw this as a great sign of her humility. She had no desire to command and control. ln his estimation, shc was a "true valiant woman'who overcame the great diflicultics which she met in thc foundation tiom the beginning to the end. She rvas "mortified, patient, devout, spiritual, and zealous tbr the good of souls." A t'ew months betbre her death, the Archbishop initiated a process of securing royal protection fbr the Beaterio. M. lgnacia died without knowing the response ofthe Spanish king, but her long lile in the beaterio must have taught her to trust in thc providence ofGod. Little did she expect that the beaterio would hecome a Congrcgation and continue to cxist until loday, more than 300 years alter her death. This Congregation, norv known as the Religious of the Virgin Mary, is a living testimony to h€r life as God's handmaid rvho openecl the door ofreligious Iife to native women in the Philippines. She proved that God is the God ofall peoples, of rvhatever color or race. ,iI RVM I,IOTHER IGNACIA MOVEMENT SECOND NATIONAL CONVENTION The royal protcction granted in 1755 guaranteed the sal'ety ofthe beatas, but it did not rccognizc the beaterio as a (ommunity of rcliSious women. It was ordainecl to remain as a pious association. The beatas, faithful to thc spirit oftheir tbundrcss, M. Ignacia, continued to live the religious lilb even without being oflicially recognized as such. The expulsion of the Jesuits in 1768 was another blorv to the beatas. They lost their spiritual guides, but they continued to enjoy the solicitude ofthe Archbishop of Manila and other Churchmen. In the spirit of M. lSnacia, the beatas lived by the sweat oftheir thces and pelsevered in their service ofGod through education and retreat rvork. Despite attcmpts by the Gol'crnor-General to change the nature ofthe beaterio, the bcatas remained lrue lo lhc vision and charisnr o[ M. Ignacia and survived the dark years. The gronth ofthe beaterio into a Congregation and its response to the apostolic challenges ofthe times show the vitality ofthe spirit of M. lgnacia. Indeed, her lamp continues to shine as her daughters courageously strive to rcspond with zeal to the call of mission in dili'erent contexts. The story ofthe Congregation that grolvn tiom the small Beaterio of M. Ignacia contirrues to untbld. It bears rvitDess to the cnduring vitality and strength of the tbundation, the spirituality of M. Ignacia. The lamp she lit to guide the path ofnative rvomen aspiring to the rcligious lite and the maturity oft'aith continues to shine. It renrains undimmetl. The life of this lorvly yndia antl the tiuits ofher spirituality proclain thc immense goodness ofGod lvhose generosity is unbounded. M. Ignacia trustcd in thc loving providence of God and she was never disappointed. has When Ignacia rvas 2t years old, her parents rvanted her to marry. Heeding a call deep within, but not rvanting to disappoint her parents, lgnacia sought counsel from Fr. Paul Klein, a Jesuit priest lrom Bohemia who arrived in Manila in 1682. The priest gave her the Spiritual Exercises ofSt. Ignatius. Atter this period ofsolitude and prayer, ''lgnacia rvas inspirerl hy Gotl to remain in the service ofthe frivin€ Maiesty and she resolved to live by th€ siveat ofher thcei' She Ieft home and brought with her only a ncedle and a pair o[scissors. She started to live alone in the house located at thc back ofthe fesuit College of Manila. Her lit'e of prayer antl labor attracted yndias who also tblt called to the religious lil'e, but could not be admitted into the existing Congregation at that time. THE BEATERIO AND SERYICETOTHE DTVINEM,qIESTY The dream ofthe RVM Sisters through the centuries had bcen to see Mothe! Foundress venerated at the altars of the Church as a model and mother lbr women of the times to identity with her ideals: to see what they, too, could be, with the grace ofGod. It took years betbre this indigenous Congregation tbund its lvay through thc procedures designed by Rome. ln 1988, Cardinal Sin took the initiative to present the Cause of Mother Ignacia to the Sacred Congregation. The Nihil Obstal ofthe Sacred Congregation was granted on October 20, 1986; and the archdiocesan tribunal was constituted in November to assess the collection of documents. The signilicant conclusiol1 arrivcd at by the tribunal was: C)ne reason in l-avor of the beatification of Mother Ignacia was that, the first l-ew hundrrd ycars ofthc Church\ lirc hcre in the Philippines, there was in the pcrson ofthis woman, a "shining cxample of a life of protbund Christian holinessl' What could be a better proofofthe fruitfulness ofthe Christian religion in the holiness ofthe Filipino taithful, not too long atter the coming ofthe taith to the Philippinc shores? On fanuary 16,2001 the Historical Commission designated by the Sacred Congregation tbr the causes ofSaints was convened to discuss the merits o[ the Positio. The maiority of the members stamped their approval. The proceedings wcre incorporatc(l in thc final volunre oi the Positio that rvould be considered by the Theological Commission. On February 23,2007. the Congress ofThcologians voted a thvorable decision to accept the POSITIO on the lit'e and virtues ofthe Servant ofGod, Ignacia del Espiritu Santo. On func 19,2007 the Congress ofCardinals scheduled the causc ofthe Servant ofGod. Th€ positivc decision of this gathcring resulted in the elevation of the Cause to His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, rvho on fuly 6, 2007, ordered the Promulgation ofthe f)ecree on virtues of Mother lgnacia del Espiritu Santo, the Servant ofGod. On February 1, 2008, in gratetul lubilation for having rgceived the f)ecree on Virtues that (lcclarcs Mother lgna(ia del Espiritu Santo VENERABLE, the Congragation offercd a Thanksgiving Mass at the Minor Basilica of San Lorenzo Ruiz in Binondo, Manila. His Eminence Gaudencio B. Cardinal Rosales, DD, Archbishop of Manila, rvas the MaiD CelebraDt and Homilist. LIVIN6 MOREVIBRANTLY MOTHER IGNACIA's FAITH AND HUMBLE SERVICE R\'I!t I :' TABLE OF CONTENTS o3 Mother lgnacia del Espiritu Santo and the Religious of the Virgin Mary o6 Message from Mrs. Esther A. 41 lnsights on the MIM - 2"d National Convention 45 The Joy of Believing! JoelT. Alegado (MlM - SMP - Zamboanga) Venerable lgnacia del Espiritu Santo - Decritum Super Virtutibus o7 Mother lgnacia Movement Convention Programme - 2"d National 46 Roster of Delegates 53 Prayer for the Beatification ofVenerable lgnacia del Espiritu Santo 10 Welcome Address 5. Ma. Ceferina E. BocJiong.rn, RVM 11 Venue Orientation S. l\4a. Rosabella R. Gallo 1Z The Role of MIM in the Promotion of the Cause for Mother lgnacia! Beatification Rev. tul. [4a. Evelyn C. Aguilar, RVfu1 18 Mother lgnacia's Vibrant Faith and Generous Humble Service S. I\4a. Anicia B. Co, RVM 25 Living More Vibrantly Mother lgnacia's Faith and Humble Service Rev. Fr Joseplr Walter Villanriel, NDV 3() Testimonies on the lntercession of Mother lgnacia del Espiritu Santo 35 MIM Holds 2"d National Convention S. M,r. Nicetas P Dael. RVlr4 36 MIM Celebrates Silver Jubilee on its 2"d National Convention S. Ma. Hermrnia G. Gornes, RVI\i (1,'1lM Sl\4P) 39 Living More Vibrantly JoelT. Alegado (Mll\4 - SMP Zanrbo.rrtga) 4O Remembering This Woman of Deep Faith Lester L. Cantones Mother lgnacia, Uliran ng Kagitingan s4 RVi\4 (MlM SMP' Baqanqa) lnspiration Faith Floreta (MlM - ZCC President) Vibal Photo Gallery I RvNl rrloruen rclACtA MovEt\4ENT 5EcoND NATToNAL coNVENTtoN our LorLl lestts Cln-ist ond ltis lrunble ttnd jhitlg'ul servtnt, Espiritu Santo. Greetittgs itt tlrc natne Mother lgnciLt Llel o.f 'tb hegin, please alk)t! nl!' to congratulate the Mother Ignacia Moverlent tbr 25 ycars of huntble servi.c to thc trilipiur) taithtll that began in May 1988 at thc Irurrraculatc Concepcion Cathedral in Irrtramur<rs, Mlnil:r. Ou tlrr: occirsiorr uf lhc celebration oithe movement'.s Silvcr Jubilcc, I staucl in unity with the Nlother [gnacil Njovcnrcnt an(l the entire R\rM Collgrcgation irr bc'conring a tvitncss ot hope, reconciliatiolt, irtr(l peirce to the $.orkl in our limc. lncleed, in tltt'sc timcs ofgrcat diliiculties u'hen socio-economic antl political turnloils baset our peoplc irnd thc cntirc countr)', the spirit of the \renerable Mothcr [!!!raciir contirlues to bc a shining lreacon of lrope and insPiration to all. May rve truly lrc hlcssctl rvith her example antJ be so imbued rvith her spirit and her()ic yirtues oigencrosit)', couragc. aud humility'. I thank Goti tirr the opportunity ofhaviDs scrvcd tlre N.lothcr Ign:rcia Nlovenrent as part ofits original Board of'li ustces, and as Chair ofthe (lommittct' o:r liclucltiolr and Publication on its Silver f ubilc'c' this yr:ur. May we IT cconrc instrunrel)ts oi the living will ol Gotl our fathcr', ald our [,ord )esus Christ in the same ntanner as Mother Iguacia clel Espiritu Santo. lvlay rvc live our livcs u.ith taith, hope, and charity antl bccomc truc embodinleDfs of the cartlinal virtucs ()f pl udcltcc, justicc, t!'mperilnce, all(l ibrtitude. Gorl blcss rrs all. lisl HL.R A. \rlBAL Clrairperson Vibal (iroup of Compauics "Servant of God, lgnacia del Espiritu Santo, foundress of the Congregation of the Religious of the Virgin Mary, is found to possess to a heroic degree the theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity toward God and neighbor as well as the cardinal virtues of Prudence, Justice, Temperance, and Fortitude;" -Decretum Super Virtutibus )uly 6,2007 "Living More Vibrantly Mother lgnocio's Faith and Humble Service" OBJECTTYES . . To tleepen the ibrnration ofthe MIM menrbets To intensiti/tbrmulate the Rccruitment Program lbr the Promotior) of the Cause of Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu SaDto PROGRAMME Febnrar.v r 6 AiU 7:f0 SAI'URDAY Registration St. Mary'.s College, QuezoD City Stall Breakfast lt:(X) Tribute to Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu Santo Doxology & National Anthcm Welcomc Presentation Selected MIM Members Stuclcnts of St. Maryt Acacleml', Caloocan City Welcome Address/Opening of the Co[vention S. Presentation of the Delegates S- Orientation: Venue S. Convention S. Faculty and Personnel oISN{CQC Ma. Ccllrina E. Borliongan, RVM Vicar General/Generalate Area Coordinator Ma. Consuelo B. Alvino, RVM Mother FounJress Comtrrission Chair Ma. Rosabella R. Gallo, R\rM SMCQC Presidcnt Ma. Magdalena L. Leocaclio, RVM MIM National CoordiDator 9:00 InspirationalTalk Rev. M. Ma. Evelyn C. Aguilar, RVM RVM Superior General l0: l5 Health Break I I r00 Eucharistic Celebration Rcverentl Gil Escalante, SSJV (SMA, Jasaan Alumnus) II RvM MoTHER rcNAclA MovEMENT sEcoND NATtoNAL coNVENTIoN PNt l2rl5 Lunch l:'15 CulturalPrescntalion 2:00 Talk 2:-15 Opcn Forum l5 Health Break -3: 3:.15 {:"15 Socialization with Parlor Games 5:,15 Closing Song: Uliran ng Kagitingan MIM Northern Mindanao S. Ma. Anicia B. Co, RVM Small Group Sharing (SGS with Guide Questions) c/o S. Ma Remedios D. Ababon, RVM with MIM Baliuag Supper February 17-SUNDAY 7:-10 EucharisticCelebration 8:00 Breakfast li:-15 Sharing:Venerablelgnacia's Influence on My Life and Vocation 9:-15 Reverend foseph Walter Villamiel, NDV Reverend Raul f)ael, SSIV (SMA, Jasaan Alumnus) Health Break I)ance MIM Southern Mindanao l0rl0 Testimony ofHealing through the Intercession of Venerable lgnacia (video) MIM Southern Mindanao l0:25 I l:00 Jurisdictional Planning (with guide questions) Presentation ofSGS Output c/o Jurisdictional Rcprcscntativcs Ratifi cation of the Convention Resolutions c/o S. Ma. Amparo C. Sanchez, RVM rvitlr MIM Visayas Region Renewal of Commitment To be led by S. Ma. Magdalena L. Leocadio, RVM Word ofThanks and Closing ofthe Convention S. Ma. Closing Paraliturgy c/o S. Ma Clara C. Platino, RVM with MIM Northern Mindanao Rcgion Consuelo B. Alvino, RVM Pl\l l2:30 Lunch l:{5 Tour to the Mother Housc and lntramuros CONYEI\TION SIIARED NESFONSIBIUTIES '1. Accommodation/Reservation Ma. Juanita Coruna, RVM & S. Ma. Rosabella R. Gallo, RVM SMCQC; S. S. Ma. Angela Nenette Santiago, RVM S. Ma. Magdalena S. L. Leocadio, RVM - - BRH - Phoenix Minitel Ma. Bernardita V. Zatarain, RVM & Mbal Publishing House, lnc. Rex Bookstore LIVING MOREVIBNANTLY I\4OTHER IGNACIAS FAITH ANO HUA48LE SERVICE Arrangement 3. Decoration 4. Program lnvitations 2. Physical RVM 5. Ma. Rosabella R. Gallo, RVM Roa, RVM & S. Ma. Adrialen B. Vallecera, RVM S. Ma. Editha S. Ma. Consuelo B. Alvino, RVM P. Mr. Regino Malundas 5. Preparation ofConvention Kit 5. Ma. Magdalena L. Leocadio, RVM S. 6. Registration & Name 7. Tags Liturgy Mary Grace Celocia, RVM & MIM Luzon SMCQC Multimedia Staff c/o Usherettes 9. Food Service 8. Receptionists & S. Ma. Clara Platino, RVM & MIM Northern Mlndanao SMCQC Personnel S. Ma. Nelda Roa, RVM 5. Ma. Lourdes Magtangob, RVM SMCQC Canteen Staff 10. Convention 11. Reservation 12. Resolution ofTransportations Documentation S. Ma. Amparo C. Sanchea RVM & MIM Visayas S. Ma. Magdalena L. Leocadio, RVM & MIM Luzon S. Ma. Bernardita V. Zatarain, RVM & Vibal Staff c/o S. Ma. Salvacion Borjal, RVM 13. Secretariat Communication b) Proceedings & Newsletter a) S. Ma. Editha S. Ma. Bernardita V. Zatarain, RVM, SMP MIM &Vibal Staff P. Roa, RVM STEERING COMMITTEE Chair Co-chair Members Generelate Area Luzon Region Visayas Region Honorary S. Ma. Andrea L. Yee, RVM RVM, MIM National Coordinator MIM Jurisdictional Coordinators S. Ma. Consuelo B. Alvino, RVM, MFC Chair S. Ma. Magdalena L. Leocadio, RVM S. Ma. An,paro C. Sanchez, RVM S. Ma. Magdalena L. Leocadio, Northern Mindanao I Region S. Ma. Clara C. Platino, RVM Southern Mindanao Province Secretary S. Ma. Bernardita V Zatarain, RVM Editha P Roa, RVM, MFC Co-Chair S. Ma. I I,' IrI I RvM MoTHER TGNACtA MovEMENT sEcoND NATtoNAL coNVENTIoN Welcome Address 5. Ma. Ceferina E. Bodiongan, RVM Maria Evelyn C. Aguilar, RVM, Superior General of the RVM Congregation, S. Maria Magdalena Leocadio, RVM, MIM National Coordinator, MIM Jurisdictional Coordinators, ofiicers and members oi the diff-erent Mother Ignacia Movcnents in the country, dcar Sisters and liiends, sons and daughters ot Mother Ignacia, good morning! Praiscd bc to ,csus So, at this time rrhcn our couDtry and our people are beset by innumerable difliculties ancl t-ears, rvhen rve have to reckon rvith the socio-economic-political structures ofour society, and when we are confrontetl rvith problems lbr which there seems to be no solution at all and and Mary! we t-eel powerless, Iet us discover anew It is my ioy to wclcome all of you to ratlical openncss to the will ofGod and this same spirit permeated all her actions. the riches of the spirit ofVenerable Mother Ignacia and lind lit-e-giving inspiration iD it and to seek meaningtul cxpressions ofthis spirit in the contcxt of our times-a spirit that will enable us to come again to the aid olour people and give them hope that rye can rise up and make our failures the very means by rvhich we transcend ourselves as a people and as a nation in order to become a nation that is truly Christian and a pcople truly iust. this trvo-day MIM National Conventiot) on the occasion of its 25'r' anniversary. It is indeed very inspiring to see all ofyou in this asscmbly ha-tl. This is a manilbstation ofyour great desire and interest to come together to learn liom one another and to inspire each other so that as children and tbllorvers of Mother lgnacia, rve can intcnsily our eiforts to spread the klowleclge ofand der.otion to her. We do acknorvledge rvith joy and gratitude your presence today for you have rvorked very closely with us fbr the promotion ofthe Cause of Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu Santo tbr 25 lruittul years that this movenrcnt has been irr As we thank God tbr the gift of Venerable Molher Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, it is also our iervent hope and prayer that our gracious Lord and Father may grant us thc grace to imbibe hcr existence. spirit This gathcring is also an occasion for grcater inlcraction, joylul eollaborat iorr, and sharing in Mother lgnaciai charisnt and spirituality of humble senanthood. May u,e find inspiration in her lil-e rvhich was characterized by one single desirc: to please God at all times and in all things, Bccause Mother Ignacia desired nothing nrore than to pleasc Gotl, she became a rvoman ofprayer and taith, profound humility, and selt'-ahncgation. The spirit that pervadetl her life was her Mariarr ?u1d heroic virtues, so that like l]ec we may be ablc to servc God and His people rvith so nruch generosity, courage, and humility and thus'become rvitnesses ofhope, reconciliation, and pcacc to the rvorltl in our tinre." At this point, allorv me once again, to welcome all ofyou with the love of fesus, the generosity of Mary, and the humility oIofour revered Foundress. With this, I norv declare the convention open. LlVlNG MORE VISRANTLY MOTHER IGNACIA 5 FAITH AND HUIVIBLE sERVICE R\'\l I Yenue Orientation S. Ma. Rosabella R. Gallo, RVM Revercn,,l Mother llvel,vn C. Aguilar, the General Council, the furisclictional Lcaders, Sisters, MIivl members, and dclcgatcs to thc 2 ' NIIIVI NatioDal Converrtion, goocl morning! (iurl has d<cply slv'rr.tl his Iitour in tlris gathcring through your presence. And i{ith io),, I ioin,you in the celcbration ,r[ the 2.; lnrrircrr.rr] o,-Mollrer Ig,r)a(ra Nlovement. the movement that has come to litb through ),our comnlitmeDt, deepened prayer, and strengthened l.rith kr lh( (.rus( ofth( hcalih(alion ol' Vrnerable lgnlcia del Espiritu Sa!]to. On behalf oi Sir{C lhrnily, .ongratulations ancl I n'elcome you all to SIvICQC. I tvish to orient vou rvith some amenitirs SNICQC shares n ith l,ou to tacilitate the ilow ofyour acti\.iries, as rvc'll as to ensure I'our comtbrt iD your stu), here. \Ve are gathered here right norv in the N'[. Joseiina Ya!]rzon Auditoriunl. This will be your sessiou hall rvhere the big group sharing and rrrasses rvill be hekl. Your small group sharing rvill be helcl in separate verru!'s, three of which are locatcrl ir) thc 2 "r flool of thc Collcgc lluilcling. lhe (ienc'ralate Area rvill occupy the IScIlcatioD Room (the last room befirre thc Grllcge t,ibrarl'), the Northern Nlintlanao Region rvill usc the Annunciirtion Hall. rvhile the Luzon Region rvill usc thc Collcge l,ibrar1..'Ihe other t\ro session roonrs are locatccl tloor.'lhe Southern N{indanao Pnl ince rvill occup}' the Ugnay'irn Room ncar the clinic td)ile the \Iisayas Region rvill use this place. at thc ground reiiesbmer)ts. Rest roonts are all over the place; 1'ou have one iust outside this auditorium, to )'our left upon entraucc. You may also use the rest roollls at thc grounrl lloor oi tlrc Co)lrge Builtlrng. There are two iD the 2'r floor near thc Annunciation Hall anll Etlucation Room. I helieve I have covered the iacilitics that you rvill be using. You ate also all wclcome to visit oul chapel at thc 2 ' tloor ofthe Nlain Librar1,, antl the pral'tr room in liont oitlle Registrar aDd thc Finance Oflicc. [,astl),, therc are signagcs arountl lbr'1,our guide, and plcase also tecl liee to ask tbr assistance shoulcl r"ou see some personnel arountl. Tlrey rvouLl be ver;- happy to accolnmoclat!' you. Ijor,vour parlor gamcs irn,,l progr:rms in the attcrnoon, you cart use thc spacious grountl iloor of the Immaculate 'lhank you and I rvish you stay tvith us. tiuitlul CoDception Iluilcling. 1hc canteen is also tbr your use lirr your ntcals an.l some - ,\ a good lntl I RvM morurn rcrAcrA MovEMENT 5EcoND NATToNAL coNvENTroN INSPIRATIONAL TALK The Role of MIM in the Promotion of the Cause for Mother lgnacia's Beatification Rev. M. Ma. Evelyn C. Aguilar, RVM A A L oleasant ,norrinn \^"a greetings to all on the occasion o[the 25' annivcrsary of the Mother Ignacia Movement! [ anr truly delighted to see all ofyou, coming t'rom the difierent regions ofthe country: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, gather iD this hislorical M. Maria )oselina Yamzon of St. Maryi College, for this MIM 2"' National (lonveDtion. This ),ear, 2013, nrarks the Silver lubilee Cclcbration of this movement. Silver, as a prccious metal, is rvhitc anrl shining and stands tbr purity, a clear conscience, pure intent, and good-heartedness, As one ofthe oldest netals of ornamentation, silver bas stood thc test of time. And, like any couple or religious celebrating their 25'r' anniversary, silver celebrates the craftsuranship in the creation oftheir love and fidelit1,. Silver is a mineral that is said to mirror the soul, helping us see ourselves as others see us. Like silver, as a precious metal, the Mother Ignacia Movement on its Silver fubilee Celebration is a prccious nrovcment, not only tbr the Congregation of the Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM), but also to the Church in the Philippines and overseas. The MIM is a shining movement with menrbers rvho truly "believe in the holiness of Motlrer Ignacia cle'l Espiritu Santo, a valiant wolnan rvho was born in the l7' century" (lracl,2007). This movenrent was tbrmally launched on May 16, 1988 at the Immaculate ConceptioD Cathedral, Intramuros, Manila. Spearheading this movement was His Eminence faintc Cardinal Sin, rvho had special intcrest and enthusiasnr tbr the Cause ofMother lgnacia. From the leaders ofthe religious and lay sectors of the Archdiocese of Manila, the Mother Ignacia Movement expanded to the provinces and citics in the Philippines. Later, the MIM crossed mountains and oceans where thc RVM Sistcrs are servirg on Drission: Itali,, Ghana, United States, Canatla, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Pakistan. Today, the MIM, rvhich started as a local movenent, has kcpt true to its mission: to promote the Cause tbr thc heati6caliolr ol Mother lgnacia by encouraginS others through concrete example ofoffering praycrs ancl sacrifices and letting others know who this holy and valiant woman is antl rvhy the MIM, in coordination with the RVM Congrcgation, is working lbr her eventual beatilication. This MIM 2"'r National Convention has lbr its theme: "Living More Vibrantly Mother lgnacia's Faith and Humble Service." Since the conycntion aims to dcepen the lbrmation of tlre MIM members, I rvould like to take this opportunity to sharc with you, as part oiyour formation, my rellections on th€ virtues oftaith and humble service. I rvould like to divide my sharing in threc essential parts, namely: i) faith and humble service as virtues, ii) the lile of taith and humble service of Mother Ignacia, and iii) the role of MIM in the promotion o[ the cause of Mother lgnacia del Espiritu Santo. LrvrNG MOREVTBRANTLY MOTHER r6NACrA',S FAITH AND HUMBLE SERVICE RVI!! | I :i Faith and Humble Service as Yirtues \\'e all knorv some pcople' rvho arc ver1, skillfirl at ;r varietl' ol';rertirrnrirnces: athletes, n.tr"rsiciirns, prrinters, sculptors, tlancers, atrcl others. All have in common the ability to do easily and well what tbr others would be impossible or at least very dimcult to do- Skillful persons have mastered the techniques by repeating the same actions over and over again. The same rule applies in the fbrmation ofthe virtues of faith and humble service. and humble service. The virtuous person is a person ofcharactet a whole and a fully realized person. Virtues are the health, strength, and excellence of a soul in communion lvith reauty. It is virtues that fill us with a sense ofourselves, vitalitF, purpose, and happiness (fuan Lorda,2010). us to a holy lite. It allows us not only to pertbrm good acts, but to give the best of ourselves in everything we do. Let me begin with the VIRTUE OF FAITH. In recent months and years, several countries in the world, including the Philippines, has been plagued with porvertul storms, hurricanes, We can never inprove our personal loves or our thmily/society apart tiom acquiring virtues. We are not born viduous, hence virtues must be pursued. No person, no matter how smart and loving he claims to be, can be of any help to himself or anyone else if he does not possess virtue , Allorv me to cite some examples: a soldier must havc courage, a doctor with care, a teacher with patience, a parent with love, a spouse with fidelity, a pri€st/religious with piety, a leader with determination, a friend with loyalty, and an MIM member/RvM Sister rvith faith The word virtue is related to the Latin words "vir" (man) and'vis" (strenglh). Our real strength resides in our virtues, Our Christian lil'e not only takes Jesus Christ as a model, but we identify ours€lves with Him: thinking rvhat He thought, sharing His norms ofconduct, and actinS as He lvould have done in our circumstances. The saints, our yery own Mother Ignacia included, who came closest to God, have shown us the face ofour Lord. This identification with Christ is the goal oiour Chrislian lite. All virtues call us to do good and lead earthquakes, tsunamis, flashfloods, and wildfires of enormous proportions, making many nations telt quite helpless and porrcrless. Why do they happen? We search for the ansler, even when rve cannot be totally at peace and secure on our olvn in this contingent rvorld. This is also true when wc look at the dilferent aspects and concerns in our own lilb: religion, finances, tamily, health, education, employrnent, age, and even our statcs and status in lit'e. When rve are contionted by any ofthese concerns I t,l\ \t .r 'i: .. r)tlr lll.. \. \\.1|ll 1,r St-.1\f il)r (l!af(r rlr.rlrin! i,l llt(.( rL, .(,r 11\. \\'a !lf.ir( 1,, 1r{ur (,rri llrr unl.t.Ji.t.il)l(.. .11\l I l r . l, - . I , , . . . , rr. L..r' rr \'( , . .\ .r, .1.r. ,,' 'r,.ll.( ).,r.,r. tl.! r)r\ \l.r \ L)l (,,,11 .rnLl to LlnaL)\i,t lh( \l)rr rlLr.tl 1l)eJrling ( il c\ rril\ ln .rll , rl I )ul lll1rr 11.1PIq111ngs \\i \..rrr) li)r(l(.1.r l,rrtlr. tlre l.irtrl ol l.\rllr lh.rt uithstun,l' llr( sl()rnl\" ()l orrr lrlc.irrrl Si\!\ Ll\ th( rrr ) rr l .: ,l,rrrl\ . , rr. I,'l (r(,'t\('(,,rl.rrrll,rr,l \'\ (llls .l\ \lrlll\ ()l (,oLl lil, '.' P.tssitlS orr t '.lr c. l lr,rllr lo llint .l)(l ..r\ \. l .r lh l\ lrr'lr. vrrrg , rtr rr lr.rt ( ',rLl .'..r1 r'r u'' r.rl .rlt l,'r'r(j...r -l-, Irert.c. lr nrf.l llj( inlrfl,)f It.lp tr',rni rl., ll.,lr .1 r t I rtlr r. r Irrrrr,r).,.,. j l ).t )). I .ritlt is .Lls, r L r,D\! r()rr\. .I|1\l lr (. 1 ,',r(.l ,,r, ...l,.r.,l .r, I rr' t ,r ,,rlr ..rlr.,tr,'rl i.ls I l,\-l). ll r\,r i()r('1.\\te r)l llrr' lin,,rrlc,lq. tlr.tl rrill nr.rl. trs blerrL.l in llr. lil. l() ! orrr. {! lS l) .1., bt irt rrLrl Wlr.rt .rlx,trl llr( \'l li t I ltr ( )ll I \'? 'llr. lrrrrrrbl, l,oson I)li\lir\ ir raxlr\tja lrss(\\r)r(r)l ()l \\l)() IIllNlll.l llrr' ( .rl(.lri\rl or tlrc ( lath,rlir ( I)uf(ll (( (.( ).l.lin(r Iillth.rslr.rs,ru.rl ,trilrrrcrrc( li) ( ,,,(l l--l;h) ( trLr\linl is llr'J,res not rrrrlli lrinrs.lt to he .nr.illcr',,r' l.rrq.r llr.rrr lr. rc.rllr ir. lle , '1..,, nr,'v. tl.. t.ii.l,,rrr t.,l rr1,.'rr, r.. lr< Ilt i' nirl troLrhlcLl l,r .r..t.l.lt.Ll' .rr.lr |.r.'I'|. ..l 'r.. ..'Lrrr( r.'.' ,r 'r r.l ll. t.rl.' j,,r rn llj. rnrftiri.ul(r 1)l \l),rl i' (I(,r1I r,rIhIr llr.rD rn Ilr. l.i.l llr.rl lr. lili,1,11r.'.i to [. tlrc Lrrr. ri lri, Llr,l rt. ll,' tlor.s lirrt r'r]r|it,)1ll(r. 1,, l). \\1r,, llr.\ .ir'( rl,)I,1l(,r .l !.ln!lrrl.rl( Ior .ell l.rlr l1r.' br{iDnin{ ()l lirrnrrliti' i' tll. l,r{rrrnr)( , rl ble'.e.lrtrs'.rr<l tlr. L, rn\ur)r nr.rtlr )n ol lrLrnrilitr is llrr'Ircrle.lrorr ol.rll ri,i i ll)r)nl.ls trl(fti)r)). Ir)f ( ()r)lLrtiLr\. lrLrnrriill' i\ llrr'..lrrl IrrrrrrLI.rIr.rr,rl.rll tlrc villtrts. I lr.'.tltiltrrli' ol lrrrrrrrlili'. lrt..rLrs. rl .\1).Lls |r()llllrtg. is rr'.rilr lo,rff r('(1.ilr' (!.rviliin!. llurrrilrlr rr lll. nl,,llr(r ,,1 rtltnv littrrcr. l;ccuLl\a lrrinr rl l.n,'llt,ilc. lrorraslr. lt'n{tlr .rrrrl J.,lri.rtr,,n .rr .' 1r,,r 't r I I). \Iiri,). l()')(r r ) .., a\' i. {'it *.i (: ._jl ti ;. J._ ); I L_ lr,l 1IG .1i I \ \ \f r I I I f uyj,r/ , tf tl ['. ; , IE, \krtlrcr lgnacia's Life of Faith and Humble Service r. Life of Faith lvl(xher lgna.ia! lile ol laith allows her to livc in God! presence, seekiDg not her own idea of servicc kr (;od, but how (;()d wished to be sened by her. ll is the st:urce ofcourage kr do what (ioti rvanted ofher, even ifshe did nol lully urderstanrl the entiret), of (;()d! plans. Bishop leotimo Pacis, (iNt ( 1979) identilied threedimensions olMothcr Ignacla! lrle rrl tailh: search lor (;r)d\ will, self'abandonment to (itrd, and constancy in the nridst oftrials. Her laith is alive in hope and in charity in her desire to serve God. Mother lgnacia spent her life in constaurt arvareness lhat (iod should overflow and aciualize into deep communitarian experience. .Vother lgnacia! fidelrty hrs rls ba\is in faith. She cairied the old Beaterio on her shoulders offaith. ln the midst oi the povertl ofthe earl) beata$, !{other lgnacia was able to encourage them k) put their faith and their trust itt (;od. In order to persevere in lheir choice ofa way of life, they needed faith in others and in themselves in order lo go beyond their experiences described by Murillo Vilarde truly difhcult &om beginning io end. lt must be faith then that contributed to their courage. only people offaith and with faith ol'<1uiet N'lother lEnncin! virtues oflaith nrakes her let go ofher irrsecurities, k) follow a personal visi(rr dcspite seeming odds, k) go on eveD when lhe way is uncertain, t() hold on despitc discouraging situati(nrs, and most imp()rt:rntly lo allow (;od k) ntake all thrngs 1,,'s'ible t,, w,xk tn ,'rrc\ lite (Agda, 2007). lvlother lBna.i.r-s spirit ualitl' of hu nrble service was expressed in her caprcit)" k) fi)igive, k) bear tl.rongs piilientl)', and k) correct with geDtlencss lnd meekness (11.6). ln putturg hcr gitts at the serlicc ot Her linalact oflaith was the lnst tim(r she received Holy (iommunion, a ferv moments alier she died on her knees. lhis was as indicatiorr ofher sanctity tbr she tirstered a lively devotiofl to ,esus in the Eucharist. z. Lil'e of llumble Service Hunilily aDd faith are ckrsr'ly lirrketl \rith Mother lgnacia! experience of (;od. Humility is considered as one r, the greatesl rirlues. Her humrlity is manifested in simple work and service. Her foundalion was not a mendicant order, but when the need arose for the support ofher growing f<rundation, she and her beatas went as t'ar as Pampanga to beg for iheir sustenance. as willing to live through uncertainty and difficulry The poverty of the early beatas tend to 6t into this picture rather well are (Agda,2007), A fundamental aspect ofMother lgnacia's spirituality is openness to the inspiration ofthe Holy Spirit. Her courageous stance was rooted in this openness. Allowing herself to be led by the Spirit, she found new ways of looking at her experiences, things, people, and events in her life. This openness which is rooted in lnd hunrhle ser!'ice (,i(;od's laith nrlde her eagcr to discover the will aurl actitxr of (iod in her life ((io, 1997). Within the communiry humility v'as a necessity and a source of.ioy. Her 1726 CoDstitutions did not leave room fbr enyy and pride. As Mother lgnaciai work had begun in humility, she would cary it on in humble service.'lhough the Beaterio was well known by the time of Mother Ignacia's death, although girls were comilg itl considerable numbers to enter the Beaterio, a.lthough women came each year by the hundreds to make the Spiritual Exercises, it had all come about, simply by the silent and hidden life of the beatas. 'Ihe details ofMother lgnacia! Iife may be shrouded in silence, but it was the sile[ce people. others, ,\{othcr lgrircia did not think ol lrertell, honor, and litnre. She had no other rroti$e thJn l,' I,'llow lc'us ur His IIe oi hunrble service. 'lhe motiioi humble service is vr'oven all throughout the 1726 Rules and CoDstituti()ns. iUother Ignaciai decrrron to serve the [)lvine Maresl)i $a: epitomizcd in the Beaterio way ofhumble service through rvorks that rvere oflered kr (iod, wholr lhe]'|rolrrised k) serve vrith all thir hearts (l.l), and lith greatcr fidelity ( tll.l ). Mother lgnacia resigned fron, the governance of the house and lived as an ordinary member until her death on September 10, l7{lt. She must have realized that (iod rvanted her to give up her position as Superior, so that a new leadership could emerge and take shape. i\rlrile she was still alive, she guided the community according to the spirit ofthe original fouodation, in the spirit ofhidden and humble service. Mothe! lgnacia is a model ofhumble service to us. From her, ir'e lealn that humble service releases in her potenlials that we may not even be a\r'aie of. Service in humility i[vites the action ofthe Spirit to be made manitest. As we continue in humble service, we becone more aware of God's dynamic presence in our lives. We can trust that God, who is generous, will supply whatever we need itr older to glow in our life ofservice and love (Co. 1998). l,a I RvM MoTHER rGNAcrA MovEt\4ENT sEcoND NATtoNAL coNVENTtoN And, because ofone dignity flowing lve all share in the responsihility tbr the Church's mission: to celebrate and proclaim God's love. Our world becomes the place and the means tbr us to tulfitl this Christian vocation. liom Baptism, As MIM rlembers, rve are called by God to contribute to the sanctilication of the world, by tulfilling our orvn particular duties. Hence, it is by our Iiving more vibrantly Mother lgnacia's virtues oftaith and humble service that we manit-est Christ to others in todayi rvorld. lVe need a model in thc person of Mother IgDacia that lrc can identify with tbr the upbuikling of thc Christian communities in our t'amilies, communities, church, and country. We need to turn our gaze on Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, our model and exemplar ofliving more vibrantly the virtues offaith and humble service rsho havc withslood thc t(st oi tinrc. h is in this national convention that we, as MIM members, be givcn thc opportunity to klorv her better, to imitate her virtues of taith and humble service, to be steadlast in our devotion to her, and thus become authentic tvitness ofher lilb and values. Thc 2''r Vatican Council taught clcarly that the entire Church is missionary, and that the work of evangelization is the duty ofthe rvhole People ofGod (Ecclesia in Asia #.12). Similarly, let this National Convention remind us all that the Mother Ignacia Movcment is nrissionary and that the work of evangelization is the duty ofthe rvhole nrcnrbcrship ofthis movemcnt. Evangelization is ncver an individual act; it is always carried out in communion with tltc cntire movement. There can be no truc celebration and proclamation of God's love unless rve, the MIM mcmbers, oller the rvitnesses ofour lives in harmony with the litb and virtues ofour beloved Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo. Genuine MIM witncsses, both religious and lay, are needed in todayi world, because people today put more trust in witnesses than in teachers, in experience than in teaching, and in our life oftaith and humblc seryice than in theories. May our experiences oflhith and humhlc servi,;e becomc the basis o[ all our MIM activities and unJcrtakings. Evcry situation is ahvays an opportunity lbr the members of this moveDrent to show tbrth the porrer rvhich the love of God has beconre in our lives. A fire can only be lit by something that is itselfon 6re. So, too, our celebration ofGodi love through Mother Ignaciai litb and virtues oflaith and humble scrrice, car only take place if we ourselves are on lire with the love oiChrist and burning with zeal to make Christ be knorvn more rvidel1,, loved more deeply, and follorvetl more closely. The MIM who speak ol Mothe r lgnacia must embody in our lives the message that our beloved Mother proclaims. and proclamation LIVING MORE VIBRANTLY MOTHER 16NACIA'5 FAITH AND HUMSLE SERVICE I wish to conclude this talk with a short story: "The Man from Heavenl' The grand performance ofthe Creation ivas held in Vienna, Austria on March 27, 1808. Though 76 years old, Franz )oseph Hayden, the great composer, was there. He was so old and sickly that he attended the performance in a wheelchair. Knowing of his presence, the audicnce became curious about the composer. The chorus and the orchestra acknowledged his presence with the passage and "there was light" and the spotlight was focused on him. The audience broke into a thunderous applause, Franz foseph started to rise slowly from his wheelchair. On his tbet, acknowledging the acceptance of the audience, he cried out, "No, no. Not for mel" Pointing with his fingers to heaven, he continued with so much strength,'From there, the man from heaven above, comes all." Franz loseph fell back to his wheelchair and was carried out ofthe Opera House, Franz Joseph met Jesus. He praised and thanked Him for the gift of music. He found Jesus and stood for Him. And at the end, Franz Joseph recognized that it is from Jesus that everything comes. Indeed, he was a witness of a life of faith and humble service. I chose this story because it is a story that took place just a century after the death of a laliant rvoman in the person of Molher Ignacia. Hers, too, was a story of a gradual maturing of taith and humble service. Just as Mother Ignacia has set her eyes and her sight to )esus, the man from heaven, we, too, as MIM members, are invited to do the same. Let us fix our gaze on fesus, the way our beloved Mother Ignacia lived with the person offesus. She has shown us the way, as MIM members, to live more vibrantly in today's world. Let us all together be identified with the message, so that the message we bring be always seen in the light of rvho we are..- men and women of faith and humble service. May lhis Year ofFaith be a good opportunity for us to reflect and rediscover our life offaith and a renewed conversion to God. Let us recall our li$[eness before God so that in humble setvice we, too, can become effective instruments in celebrating and proclaiming God's love to others. The important responsibilities of the members of MIM in the promotion of the Cause of Mother Ignacia's beatification are the following: i) to witness to others the spirit of faith and humble service of Mother Ignacial ii) to encourage and continuously motivate as many people as possible to pray for her cause; iii) to encourage people to seek Mother Ignacia's intercession so that in God's own time, she may be officially elevated to the honors ofthe altars ofsaints, and iv) to organize proiects and activities to intensiry the promotion of her Cause. On behalfofthe General Council and the RVM Sisters in the Philippines and in Overseas Mission, I thank you most sincerely for your choice to be members of the Mother Ignacia Movement. May our devotion to her life and virtues be steadfast and authentic, and together w€ pray for the completion ofthe Cause for her eventual beatification. Happy anniversary and thank you! RVM I - i! t ilt$i i\\ llrD(l\ .rnJ .rffr,)fr rirla l! r!ur !.illr( r i ( toS(lh.r lor tild i\ l, ) llr.r Iqnu( i.t N1()\'(l]lrnt I \.rlion.rl ( ,)nr.lrlrrJnl ll()\\ lillin{ tl l\ Ior u\ l0 l().u\,)ur fcll((ll()D r)lt tlrr I.rllr ()l \li,llr(r Irn.r.i.r ir) llrr liqlrl ol lhr ti.'(.h.tr.lrrt, Ilrc Siir.nrt i,l llilIrl. p lSo) lhrr'. to lir r' llrc I.titlr vihlartlr r: t,r he' \i.rr ol l.ritlr. \vlrr!lr !rlllluslilsn). ( I Lrlinrss l1,pc \\.rs i)l).nr(l br llis Ii.lr(li! I \\:l llsl ( )ctobr,r l l, l0l l .rntl rlrllcntl on Nrrrelrhcr 1.1. lrll i, llrr, Sole nrnrlr' (), (.lrri\l tlr. lijns. is pt'ovirltrtti.Ll tlr.rl ll to) lt \!( .cl.llr.rl(,tl)e l5ll .rl)lliver \.u \' ol llr( l).llli\r)) r)l i\'l()llt.r I{n.r.i.i,lel Ir\frr rlu SxIIi ) , )lt N1.lr.h.l \!itl)in llri\ \i.u 0l l:.Litlt \\ l (ll i. Dtc.lnl l,'r .r. ,' r .1.s.,,r.r'tlr, ,.\ 'l 1.,.r.\trS ,rrr.l tlrc .' rtl' r l.r, t I.'t ,,' lt\.l llll lli( lJlllt rl',)rt.r litlci. l) IIttrc rs cvrrr ti r,,,n l..l lr. t, t'. r..t.(. I,.l (,, .i , Ltlt ,l l.lrlll lo (,ur i\l0llrr'r I.orrndlts:.. .r l.iitlt llrat.lrr' lrrr.l'o,.rlrr.r Ilr ill I).t linl( .Lrtrl .lrrttrl rrttlr otlrer.lrtli jot anrl Ih. s,. r vrt. iD tllc sfirit is llrc inllllible, tlrr unr)risl.rkirt)lr, llr, l,t(,ll(, ,'l t,,,(l, tlr, l i,'r L lll( nrn,ril(\l.rli(ln ol \ il)rxnt l.ritl). ,.\n(l \[(,ll)(r Itnltns lttrrtttrlf ser r.ice i\ ur) .\pr-r.s\i()ll (,1 I). r \ ii)r.llt l.rith. ,lr.'rl ",! l' llrr I'Illlr( L r.rr.l!|url\IrL .l llr,rl .('r \,r.(. Itrr. rrr.l...l l. Llr( lIrJ. I ll)c \r)r){ lh,tl .,tv., loylLrl s.r'r'iec hcr rvrlnd\\inIl l:\'fr tlr. rflirin oI llt.tt:ol1g Iirt{\ lr u(: ( onri- rr.rlLtlre \.r\'\1()tlrar sirt!a lgn.r.i.r, \\'alkint llrr \\'.1\ li) h.rfPinc.s, ir) llr. lr.\( n.r ol t lre l.orLl rlit lr hler v l)oq' 1o1,slill lur'. .r pluie ru,rrrl ir(arls, ln i)lu lilL t,rd.r1,? I'er4rl1 111.1t .r,ll l),r rrt, lr,l \\.( ,,r r)llt.lr lr.rS(rl\. nltLr-c .tl([ i{)f ,,1 lrr'ltcritrt.Ltttl.tttItrsiast)l llr. lr(\cn(r ()l ( iotl ' l)irr rc icilltartl I I I . I r \ t' ()l !or)lusi()11, ilnll)igullr(\,.Lrr,l.lr.rll,.rrq.s ol living ir x l(rlrrr,)l(,!,rr.rl \,)(rIl\'.rn(l .1itit.rl Lrsc th.rl \c(1n\ t,r n.rlic peol,lc rD()r( (li{ll\".rrl(l lrllrl)lrer'\, llt.ln lrurtr.ln, crpcntl.rble li[t .rrrr olrie. t. \\( \. t.'l r rlk ,l t.r tlr n.i $c Nr'Lr in J \.t(i(rIlr. isol.rtiLl ar)lra.r s.rr)J (l.rrlr a\ all (,tlI o\rn .clr t,,\ ...1 1r'r,nr tlr. slrLrggJr.s,rl 1,c,,plc. t. .tnJ lll()ir' ln ( 'ul i.tnrrlr.. oLrr lorcLl onr:,.1n(l Il(n(l\ \\( a\par l(raf.rn(l f(\i)gnr,/( ( I)r i'lr.rn lJilll atiJ iol in llrr Drr(lrl 1)l ll)r'\..r1rtl)r\iil.nt r..rljtir\ oi lir:lrts.rr.l ilr:r,l,,Nr,'rr...".' on( typll(x)rr lrli('r .ln()llrer (l('vil\1ril li)r (olllnilllli(illin{ lhe,.ritli i\.r lllirJ\. tlr.rt Irrr rtte .rlllr cl,.s(ril)(\ \\lt.lt \il)r.lnl t.rr'lr rr.rll.rl,,'.rt 1,,\ r, lll.' ]r.rllrl,l, .rllr ()l siXrt,rl l,rving.rll I lr< u.rr'." (r)llr(rsiilsrrr,.r l.llllr \l)c lr.ut,l.tl.l,,rr,D l,) tr\..1r)rl .r l.lrllr llt.tl (()lllilluc\ l() li\( vil)rxnlll in cir(lr ol trs rvlro livr'ltel sPiritu.rlil) ()l hrrDrlrlr ol lliil r \. hlltJ rr itlr i()\'. ( )n(. ( 'ur ltL.rrtr.rrcfilItl illr irrr, rrr'e.iDnot bLrl cr.p|css atrrl :lr:rre llr.'l r r l.,rllr Il,.rr r. lr\ r (l r rl'r rrrrir r. slr.tt'.'tl art.l (r)lr)llunt..tleJ \ illl ir)), .Ll)(l $ I i.l)e\ \! lr rl( , rl lr< t .lrr , rl h Lrr,{r't. ' siaknr'\\..Iln\.ili()r],)l l).r\rL I)ur)r.rr) r),,.1.. r r, \' , ..rr rr. t.rll. ,,t Il.. r,'\ .,' laithl \\'. tl,, rtol .t r r' t I r I \ \ L \ 1() tl)r\. qu.\tli)n\, l)ut rl rs Ilr!rsrl\ i)ur liilh in Ic\Lr\ ( lrri.l lll.rl (n.rhl!\ u\ l,) r\pcricrl(. i,rr rtr llre rrri.lst ()l lr l.rl5. tJ tlrc cotrrpLrtlics ol r)lrr liye\, lrt llr. l.r.( iDg lc'\ ltvr's lnrl llrrpertics, il)o p(4'ul.tti1)n\2 lrtat ,rl ttncntlin{ rr'.tr's artil l!r)f .1is1,1.tq11,",,,,1 uPrr)()t 11,, n'. 11ot .lutli.t\. l)i!li.r f,)lili.i.iD\, \(ll r trltDt thI il.ir'. jD{.Lrrr,rng le.r.lels an.l int( t ( f.()l)l( \t. 'elli.hDc,i.. ll.rLr1llD.t lh.ir irlr(1 l.rilur ( s, jo', s .rDtl :ol l rr s l,( l uta lll( n sli.trr' rvil lr irrLr sontc I'cilc.tions ()lr llre vihr.rttt l.rillr ol NLrtlrer Ign.l.i.\,.r l.rillr Ih.rl worli\ Ilrrcuglr I,rve and {,rrttr',,rrr hLrrrlI)I( s(r\i(( l .lr.rlll,r',,..r.!r,' tlr' t{'l'r. .,tl.'r .r I'r,'l discLtssi,,n (,rl llrr rr)a.rrrrr{ (,1 I.rrlh rrr i'rrr (.atholiq lr.rrlrlron. Faith in our Catholic Tradition The Letter to the Hebrews expresses beautifully what faith is: "Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence ofthings not seen" (NAB Heb 1l:l). "Faith is the assurance of things hoped tbr, the conviction of things not seen" (NRSV). "To walk with God" is an expression in the Hebrew Scriptures for faith (G€n 5:22-24;6-9; l7:l; 24:40; 48:15). Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Isaac were said to have walked w"ith God. The story of Israel's ancestors in the Book ofGenesis highlights the promise, guidance, and protection ofGod in their nomadic life. "Walking with Godi that is, faith, was their respons€ to this Diving call and promise, guidance, and protection. The Hebrew words used to mean faith are 'aman" and 'batachl i{,man" connotes solidity and certainty (Gen l5:6; Ex 4:1.5). That is the origin of our "Amen'recited at the end of our prayers. "Batach" connotes security and trust (2 Kgs 18:22; Ps 55:23). Faith thus involves a relationship that is founded on something solid and stable, truth and reality. For the Hebrew "aman' the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures uses pistis, pisteuo, and aletheia and the Latin Vulgate renders it 6des, credere, and yeritas. "Batacn- is rendered in Greek as elpis, elpizo, and pepoitha and in the Latin Vulgates as spes, speraf,e, and confido. As the words imply, faith involves acceptance ofthe person and his/her words and relationship oftrust. In the Catechism ofthe Catholic Church, faith is defined as "a personal adherence ofthe whole person to God who reveals Himself. It involves an assent ofthe intellect and will to the self'revelation God has made through His deeds and words" (CCC 176, cf. 150). Faith is therefore the human response to God's self-revelation. Faith is a relationship, 'bur friendship with Christ and through Christ with the Father, in their Holy Sptuit" (CFC 124). Our faith as Catholics consists in "our personal conviction and beliefin God our Father, revealed by fesus Christ, His own divine Son-made-man and their presence to us through the Holy Spirit." Faith has thr€€ dimensions: believing, doing, entrusting/ worshipping. The ground of our faith is the faitMulness ofGod revealed in the Scriptures and in the very person, life, and ministry offesus Christ. "Faith grows when it is lived as an experience oflove received and when it is communicated as an experience of grace and joy. It makes us fruitful, because it expands our hearts in hope and enables us to bear life-giving witness: indeed, it op€ns the hearts and minds ofthose who listen to respond to the Lord's invitation to adhere to His word and become His disciples" (PF, 7). It is in the light ofthe faith of)esus, the pioneer and perfecter ofour taith (Heb l2:2), that we see the beauty ofthe faith of Mother Ignacia who sought all through her life to follow |esus' example oflove and humble service. Faith as Transforming Grace in Mother lgnacia's Life I rvould like to begin with thc Decretum Super Viltutibus approved to be promulgated by Pope Benedict XVI on July 6, 2007. This Decree declared that Moth€r lgnacia lived to a heroic degree the theological virtues offaith, hope, and charity and the cardinal virtues of prudence, iustice, temperance, aDd tb itude. "Servant ofGod, Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, foundress of the Congregation ofthe Religious ofthe Virgin Mary, lbund to possess to a is heroic degree the theological virtues ofFaith, Hope, and Charity toward God and neighbor, as well as the cardinal virtues of Ptudencc, Justice, Temperancc, and Fortitude." Our revierv ofthe life of Mother Ignacia is meant to highlight how she lived her faith vibrantly in the contcxt o[her times. I hope to go through this review adopting the interpretative key, language, and style of Hebrews I l. Chapter I I ofthe Letter to the Hebrews recounts Israel's ancestors as people of lbith. Their experienccs and their actions are interpreted in the light oftaith. Thus, Abraham's experience is presented in this manner: "By faith, Abraham obeyed rvhen he was called to go out to a placi' (Heb I l:8). Heb I I namcs the ancestors and people offaith in Israel in their chror,tological orrler according to their historical periods and thus summarizcs RVM MOTHER IGNACIA A4OVEMENT SECOND NATIONAL CONVENIION the history oflsrael. I shall present the experiences of Mother Ignacia according to the stages ofher life and adopt the formulation of Heb I I to highlight her thith. In my book'A Lamp to Our Pathl' I presented a division ofthe 85 years of Mother Ignacia's litb into 4 stages: t. The Young Ignacia ( 1663-1684) Ignacia, thc Beata (1684-1726) Ignacia, the Rectora It. III- (t726-t732) lgnacia, the Hidden and Humble Servant (1732-17 48) r. Gift of Life and Gift of Faith, Birth and Baptism Every human being born into the rvorld shares in the gitt of faith. Fairh is lundamental to human existence, When Ignacia was born, she reccived from God th€ Creator both life and the taith that makes human life possible. It is a laith that enables human beings to be open to realities other than the selt. At baptism, lgnacia reccivcd thc scerl of Catholic t-aith, the t'aith that enables a person to know God as revcaled by lesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. The 6rst transtbrmation in Ignacia! lif'e is at her baptism. The name given to Ignacia when she rvas baptized on March .1, 1663 in a way expressed symbolically rvhat her rvholc life rvould be. Her namc is derived fronr the Latin "ignis" rvhich nrcans fire. Attached to hcr nanlc lgnacia is "del Espiritu Santo." As her name suggests, she would be living under the guidance ot the Holy Spirit. Ifshe were Iire, she rvould be light and warmth. At baptism, she received the gift ofCatholic faith. It is Codi choice that lgnacia was born to a mlxet'l cultural heritage- l Chinese and yndia. Though no record of Maria Geronima's baptism is extant, the record o[her thther fusepe lucoi baptism indicated that she was born into a Catholic tamily. That, too, is a manifestation of God's gracious will. z. faith Nurtured in the Familv and Community In the t-an:ily, Ignacia's faith rvas nurtured by learning how to pray and opening her mind to understand what her parer:ts and her elders taught her about Gotl, fesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Her early experience of the loss ofher siblings brought home to her the reality ofrvhat taith teaches. Our life is not limited to this rvorld. There is a litb that awaits us aher death, a lit'e of complete union rvith God. This must have been imprinted in her soul that the first number ofthe 1726 rules expresses this truth: "The goal which should motivate each and every maiden who rvould desire the necessary knowledge in ordcr to reach the road of pertbction so that they nray attain a glorious death and heavenly bliss" (l,l ). In God! graciousness, a priest who rvould be instrumental in helping lgnacia to discover the will ofGod in her lite came to Manila in 1682. His namc is Fr. Paul Klein (Pablo Clain). Ignacia's faith moved her to seek the advice of Fr. Paul Klein rvhen her parents lvanted her to marry. For the first time in her life, she felt the challenge oftaith. She had to make a decision that would affcct her relationship to her parents and her future. How could she dety the wish and expectation ofher parents whom she loved so much? How could she tell thenr it was time lbr her to find her orvn patlr without making them leel she rejected their love and advice? By faith, lgnacia decided to remain at the scrvice of thc divine Maiesty and to live by the swcat ofher brorv. By taith, she left her home only rvith a needle and pair ofscissors believing that God will direct her next course ofaclion- r. It is also to be recalled that Fray Alberto Collares died when Ignacia was ten years old. Tlre young Ignacia must be very aware ofthe hope that hith teaches. We have no lasting place here on earth, Our true dwelling place is heaven. 1. faith Growing Steadily Our young Ignacia coniinuerl her pra€tice oftaith as she was growing up. She prayed the rosary, joined processions, attended Mass, received Holy Communion, and went to conl'cssion. For someone like her to be immersed in thc lif'e oI thith, it is no wonder that at a certain point in her lile, she wanted to drarv ever closer to God. At church, shc rvould mcct other women like the Dominican tertiaries rvho could have invited her to ioin their meetings. Ignacia was attracted to a lit-e that rvould open her heart completely to God. 'lirrstirrg antl Colrrage()u\ I aith By faith, Ignacia tbllowed the inner stirrings ofher heart towards an unklorvn tuture, deciding over her parents' rvish and desire tbr her to marry. Did Mother lgnacia not rvavcr a bit? hesitated? doubted? Too often, rve think that rcavering, hcsitating, and douhting are unrvorthy offaith. In reality, these are part ofthe process of taith developnrcnt. Iflgnacia ever doubted or hesitated, that experience made her r€alized that the power to respond to God's call did not come elrtircly from her, but tronr the grace ofthis loving God who calls her to something l-ar grcater than she could tlo hersell, far greater than she coultl ever imagine. Ignacia's taith may be comparetl to the lhith ofAbraham whonr God called to go forth tiom the land ofhis kinstblk and from his thther's house to a land that God r(,{dk ,i I I wili rhow ((;en l2:l). Abrahant went as thc Lorcl dirccted him ((ien l2:.1). He \!cl)t without kDorving rvhere he go (Heb rr.as kr sign shc rvas lookiug tbr. Later, ol course, Gotl rvould lead her b a taith that does Dot scck lor a sign. I iurr not Iikc you. I cannot bc like you." \dlrat coulcl hlvc been Motlrer Ignirciil.s repll'? \{as shc sadtlenecl? Surel1,, but shc lineh,that shc h;(l to lllorv this rvonran -,,. \1t,lt oInilrq Irril lr kr rnake her orr,tr rlecision attcr serioLrs Il:ti). Abraham believed Goti credite(l it to hin] irs righteousDcss Ignacia'.s fhith was Ahrahanic tirith. 11,ho ((icn l5:6). ll), taith, lgr)acia livetl in tlre housc originally occupir-'Ll by a grotrp oi I.llilr)esc b(.tl.t\. \Vhat rvouLl shr bc doiDg in thal house? Her hith dircctcd Itr'r to Irer singlc fursull: tll( \er\.i(( of the rlivine nrajesty. Shc rvoulcl u'ork anr.l carn lrer kcep, but her rrraiD goal is lilc \ritlr (;()(1, living hcr crrtlrll lite in By taith, IgDacia openetl her lrousc lo reaeiYe (,ther '\,\,onrcD rvilling to join her. fititlr, she openetl hcr healt to these rvonrcn ancl revealed to thenr tlrc seclet of her orvD vocation. By taith, shc trustcd that these ryonren bclicvecl as she ditl. aspirctl tbr the slnre goal, and krnged to experiencc the Iovr oiGod in thcir lite. From.l to 9 to 33 t{) -50, thcir !)utnbcr tbolJ"trazyl' could havc inheritetl thc, business of her tanrilv, rnarried a good husbanrl, rnd rose i[ status in the srrcictl'rvith lrcr innatc cap.icitics. Why tlirl she not pursuc thc ideals of the society shc rvas livine in? Others uright sav shc wits bo brass, inrpuclent. She aspired to the highest ilspiration. But can an yDdia attain to that? Nlothcr lgr)ncia'.s thith rvas testecl evrn as she spetrt her lite in solitude, She prn)'cr, and w(n k. [)icl she not pral', "horv krng, oh l,ord?" she not scck tbr a sign to provc thnt she rvas right in her clecision? iltaybe she did an<l perhaps the coming ofsonrc won)ct'l $.ho asked to livc rvith hcr was a tt'llrr.liorr rnrl pr.ryer. B1 liritlr, Ign.rci.r acceptetl thc'changcs happcniltg in hcl c()nlmunitl. B,v iDcrcilricd. comnluDion with Gocl. Others rvould have callerl her 'iill1,J' "a ;{! By taith, lgnacia tkcicled to ac(cpt the challcnges of builcli:rg a comnrunity over hcr scttlcd litc of solitude, pray,er. an(l rr,ork. l)itl all her companions persevere'in livit'rg in conlmunity? Could somc ofthcm not have returned horne rvhen they fbund the lilc too hartl tirr rhen)? [)i(l not lvlurillo Velare, the Jcsuit historian rvho gave us thirt brief account of Mothcr lgnacias liti', tell us that sortre ol tlle hciltas Bol sirk lrrcause ol tlrcir' penance arrd mortilicirtions an(l tlrirt Mothcr Ignacia hacl to counsel thenr to mor.leration and tempcrance? l)itl \{hcn lite \\'as klrl h:rrtl, coultl sonleonc not havc approache(l lvloiher Ignacia to tell her, "l want to go hontc. I \lt;rriilrsl i ir ilir Iil,taith, Nkrthcr lgnaciir leLl her community l)\, ller criurrplu ol pra),cr allJ rt lite UI virtu(. nlc) r{(r( IiviDg in povert),. Sorrrctinles thry would nol ltav< cttottglt lir,'tl, but tlrcy rtoLrltl enlur thc rice:urrl salt that thcv hatl. Mothcr lgnacia.s <lccision to livc by the srveat ol hcr brorr.harl arr intpact ot) thc charactcr r,I lter . otrtttturrrtr'. Jl)(\ \rrrul(l \u\tJrn llr,..nrselrc, b) rr,,rkuu. n,rt bv heggirrt. [Iorvcver, therc rvas a tilllt thnt tlley hi!l kr beg the Jcsuit t-irthers lirr salt and kr go is t.lr as P:ril]lrantl to gd rice. l],v taith. lVkrther Ignacil ctrcouragcrl hcr beatas to bcar cverr.lhing tirr the love ol Jesus Christ. \\:hen the l)eatils rvere lcw in nunlber, they woultl not have attritctcd the attcntion oi nlany. Ilut as the group incrcasecl in nrcnrbership, thc,v coulLl h:rvc caught thc atteDtioll ol-the authoritics. Who rvcre thcsc rvonren? What rvere thry tloing? 'lhcir eliistertc!- 'r2 RVM | MoTHER tGNActA MovEMENT sEcoND NATtoNAL coNVENTtoN as a Sroup must have been questioned. For horv could such a group of shgle rvomen be alloryecl to exist in their society lvhich defrned the places rvhere women should be? The Jesuit Fathers Save them direction and protection. They encouraged Ignacia to writc the rules of their community that they rvere already living. The death ofFr. Paul Klein in l7l7 dcalt a heary blorv on Mothcr lgnacia and her community. He was their spiritual thther and his passing arvay rvas a source ofgriefand mourning. By faith, Ignacia reminded her companions that our goal in this lile was to scek union rvith God in the atter-lilb. Ry tiith, she comtbrted and consoled her beatas and encouraged thenr to deeper l'aith. 4. l aith ()pclr to \er, irrrtl Challe rrging I.rl)re ssion\ The maturity of Mother lgnacia's taith is sholvlr in her openness to share that faith to others. When she tlecided to open her comn:unity to apostolic service ofteaching young children Christian rloctrine, household chores, and other knowledge necassary tbr them to fhce life, Ignacia showed how God had been leading her to the tullillment of His gracious rvill. God enabled Mother Ignacia to exprcss Irer thith truly in apostolic service. Mother IgDacia matured in Christian thith as she constantly frxed her gaze on the Lord Iesus. The difliculties she experienced throughout the long period olcstablishing the community rvere tbr her the ground in which her taith was nurtured, the sunlight, air, and rvater that strengthcned her taith. By taith, Mother Ignacia tvelcomed the coming of Fr. Pcdro Murillo Velarde who insistcd in having the rules ofher community written down. By taith, Mother Ignacia completed thc 1726 Rules- lcadership to take over the dircction of the community had come. By t'aith, she stepped down tiom ofi€e and gave the community the chance to choose her successor. The 1726 Rules defined the way of life of the community of Mother Ignacia. This rvas the rvay oilit-e they hat'l been living. While the 1726 Rules breathe the spirit ot their charismatic community, Mothcr lgnacia could have sensed the danger ofliving by the letter ofthe law rather than bF its spirit. Yet, by faith, Mother Ignacia accepted ancl contributed to the process o[gradual irlstitutionalization of their communit),. By tbith, Mother lgnacia sarv the positive outcome of the transition of their charismatic comnunity to one that is deirned by rules and structures. By taith, she allowed the beaterio to be translbrmetl according to Gods will. As the community was delined by structures and rules, their apostolic service and involvemcnt took on morc detined shapc. By i-aith, Mothrr lgnacia community to engage themselves in working tbr the upliftment ofthe dignity ofthe poor, women, and chiklren. lecl her As I reflect on Mother Ignacia's abdication tiom oflice, I cannot help but refer to the recent event that happened last Feb. I I rvhen our Holy Father announced his resignation or renouncement of the papacy on Feb. 28. I am truly saddencd by this, but I see it as a couragcous act of thith of our Holy Father. It could not but be done in deep reflection and discernment. It was not an easy decision. And as I turn again to Mothcr Ignaciai expericnce and decision to ahdicate, I car sce how,.lillicult it nrust have been tbr her, too. Pope Bc[edict XVI expresscd his faith by saying that the Pope is not the Church and that the Church is Christ'.s. ln the same way, Mother Ignacia did not see herselfas the foundation ofthe community. Jesus Christ is the true tbundation of this community. "To Him !r'e must lix our gazei' Mother Ignacia counselled. Her long years of rvalking with Gorl assuretl her that God rvill take care of this community. At this point in her lile and in the litc of the community, Mother lgnacia's taith may be compared rvith the thith of Moses on Mount Sinai where through hinr God made a covcnant with the people of Israel. Having walked with God as he led the people oflsrael tionr the slavery ofthe Eg)?tians through tlre Red Sc.r, Moses believr<l in Codi continuing guidance as inscrihed in the Larv. By thith, Moses received "the commandmcnts, the law of life and understanding" to bc taught to the people (Sirach 45:5). Ignacia's taith may be con.rpared to this Mosaic taith, a taith based on the law and the covenant. The 1726 Rules represented the stipulations oftheir covenantal relationship as a community cledicated to Gotl. By faith, Mother Ignacia decicled that the tinre tbr her to allorv a nerv r. I'aith that Opens to the Itllness o[ I-lle' By laith, she chosc to live the rest of her lite as a hidclen and humble servant of tlre Lord until that rlay, the l0' of September 17.18, rvhcn God finally called her home to His eternal dwelling place. Thus was tullillcd the eternal longing ofour beloved Founrlress, Ignacia del Espiritu Santo. "The joy oflove, the ansrver to the drama oisuflering and pain, the porver of ti:rgiveness in the t-ace ofan oll-ence reccived, and the victory oflite over the LIVING MOREVIERANTLY MOTHER IGNACIA's FAITH AND HUMBLE SERVICE emptiness o[death: all this finds tulfillment in the mystery of His IJesus'] Incarnation, in His becoming man, in His sharing our human weakness so as to transtbrm it by the potver of His resurrection' (PF, 13). By laith, Mother Ignacia breathed her last after receiving Holy Conrmunion as tradition says. By thith, Mother Ignacia received the joy ofhcr liic, tullness oilife in God, in union with the Father, the Son, and thc Spirit, in the company of Mary, the angels, ancl saints. z. Faith in the fullillment of God's Promise As I reflect on the 6nal days of Mother Ignacia, I recall the tbith of David and the post-exilic rcligious community of Israel, the remnant. Davidic faith is based on the promise of God to David (2 Sam 7). cod told David through the prophet Nathan that God rvould build him a house which means that the kingdom of l)avid will last lbrever. Cod said that there rvould ahvays be a descendant of David who would sit on the throne. Mother Ignacia's lhith may be compared to fravidic hith. God built a house tbr Mother Ignacia, the Beaterio dela Compaiia de |esus. The house is still standing. This house is not a physical structure. The house continues in the Congregation ofthe Religious ofthe Virgin Mary. I do not wish to imply that the RVM Congregation will last forever It is up to God. But I think it is true to say that God indeed built a house for Mother lgnacia. By t'aith, Mother Ignacia allowed herselfto be God's instrument in the emergence ofthis nativc community ofconsecrated womcn in the Philippine Islands at a time rvhen it ryas unheard ofthat a native and a woman at that could be and mean something in society. I also see Mother Ignacia's faith as the iaith ofthe post-exilic community oflsrael. After the tragedy ofthe tall ofJerusalenr and captivity in Babylon, some ofthe people of fudah were allowed to return to their own land. Those rvho returned manitbsted the faith ofthe humble and lowly. They returned to an untilled ground, they had to bring litb to a land that had knorvn death, a land that had ofthis post-exilic been devastated. The taith community rvas faith that looks toward the future of tullillment of God's promise. Mother Ignacia's faith alrvays looked to the future beyond this earthly lit-e. Her humble and lorvly faith is now fulfilled in her life of union rvith God. She counsels us to kecp our gaze on our tuture glory and not be entangled by the passing splendor ofthis world, no matter horv alluring, no matter horv capti!,?ting. Mother Ignaciai faith was lbunded on the truth that makes one free and is suffused with love lhat radiates ioy in humblc servicc. Her faith characterizes and is expressed iu the three accents of her spirituality: interior t-reedom, grateful dependence on God and appli€ation to work, centrality ofChrist and spirituality ofthe cross. All through her Iif-e when she had to make choices, Mother lgnacia grew in interior freedom. She made her decision after careful discernment in such a way that her decision was truly a result of seeking Godi will in faith. Her laith is beautifully cxpressed in her dependence on God and trust in His providence. Her trust in God is matched by her total dedication to her rvorlc In whatever work she engaged in, shr put her heart and soul into it. Her service was done in total generosity of self tbllowing the sell--giving love offesus Christ. Her faith is clearly manit-ested in th€ centrality offcsus Christ in her litb and in her desire to follorv the poor and humble Christ, to get so close to imitating Him in her sufferings and sacri6ces. The tbllorving provisions from 1726 Rules sholv her love lbr fesus Christ: Set/fix our eyes on |esus Christ (1.6) Remember/meditate on the love and mercy of )esus (I.13) Do things out oflove for [esus (I.34.39) Imitatc Jesus in His all-embracing love (Il.l2) Lovc as Jesus loves lmitate fesus as (II.l2) model of humility and obedience (1.42.44) RVM I . .lJ I RlrM MOTHER TCNACIA MOVEMENT SECOND NATTONAL CONVENTTON For Mother Ignacia, next to Jesus, Mary stands as the model trusting, courageous, and persevering faith. Mother Ignacia tbllowed Maryb pilgrimage at the tbot ofthe cross when lesus entrusted her to the beloved disciple and the beloved disciple to her must have been imprinted in the heart of Mother Ignacia. It was a failh in the love ofGod that no matter holv tragic one's experience might be, God continues to be present. Horv painful oftaith. The faith of Mary it is to see onet loved one sull'er especially rvhen one knows the loved one is sullbring unjustly. Mary, like all mothers, would have wished to suffer in place ofher Son- As she shared lhe suffering ofher Son, she entered into the very heart offesus, a heart full of love and forgiveness. How could fesus in his situation of reicction and suffering and at the point ofdeath be still tull oflove? His is the faith that can move mountains. His is thc faith that remains firm and steadthst that no suft-ering, no test, no trial not cven death could shake or destroy. The tbundation of that iaith is no other than love. As fesus' lhith, as Mary! l-aith, so is Mother Ignacia's taith as fhith rvorking through love (Gal 5:6). As I end, may I olicr some recoDrnendations lbr action. May we streDgthen our firith in Mother lgnacia's intercessory prayer, so that rve nray have the authcntic miracle required lbr her beati{ication. May rve ourselves be convinced that she descrves to be a model oftaith in our troubled tincs. The Catholic Bishops Cont'erence ofthe Philippines also calls on the laithlul Juring this year oI lhith to conversion o[ hcart. So many things are happcning around us that challcnge our faith. We hear of of young people even protbssing to be atheists. In other parts ofthe rvorld, there are people beginnin8 to losc their Catholic iaith and ask their parishes lbr certificate ofno longer being one. The time in which we livc in is a time ofconfusion rvhen people find it so difficult to discern thc right fron the lvrong, the truc liom the talse. ln our present situation, rvc are called to livc our laith as activc witnesses of thc Good News. A litb ofwitness, like the one lived hy Mother Ignacia and hcr companion bcatas, is the best way proclamation o[the gospel of Jesus Christ. Next to conycrsion and lit'e ofwitness, I tbel that one important contribution 'rye can offer is to shape the culturc of rvomen in our Philippine society. It is good to see positivc changes in society that improve the conditions ofwomen. However, rve wonder what image of women is now being promoted by our global society. It is time to take hold ofour orvn situation and contribute to the shaping of woman! identity and image as Filipino Catholic. What image of woman is shaping the mind and heart ofour young girls? What kind of ryomen rvill they be in the next generation? Lct us be true to the inspiration oi Mother Ignacia who in her time Save witness to what a womau tbrmed by God's love could be. With all our ellbrts to transtbrm our society and our world, let us remember that the only thing that counts is faith working through love (Gal 5:6). "Faith working through lovi' is the "nerv crit€rion ofunderstanding and action that changes" the whole o[a person's Iife (cf. Rom l2:2; Col 3:9-10; Eph +20-29;2 Cor 5:17). LIVING MOREVIERANTLY MOTH€R IGNACIA's FATTH AND HUMBLE SERVICE HOMILY: Living Nlore librantlv Nfother lgnacia's Faith and Humble Service Rev. Fr. Joseph Walter Villamiel, NDV Readings: Dt 26:4- 10 Ps 9l Ro l0:8- l3 Lk 4: l -13 "He heard our cry... He brought us out dfEgypt,.. He gave us this land..." "Be with me, LORD, when I am in trouble." "Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved." "One does not live by bread alone... You shall worship the LORD, your God, and Him alone shall you serve,.. You shall not put the LORD, your God, to the test." Kuwaresma means "forty' (quarento). Aswe celebrate today the I "' Sunday of Advent, we are reminded that Krraresna pertaias to the,l{, days and nighfs thaf ,esus spent in the dcscrt, where he was tempted by the evil one. This is also reminiscent of the 4O-year exodus of the people of God in the desert on the way to the Promised Land, where their fidelity was put to the test; (and of the 40-day walk of Abraham to Mt. Moriah where he was tested to sacrifice his own sou and ofthe 40-day walk of Elijah from Mt. Carmel to Mt. Horeb, confronted by his own weaknesses). Where the Israelites failed, fesus triumphed IIe wer teml,ted in every woy that we ory ond yet he did aot sir (cf. Heb 2: l8). In Him, God's promise of salvation for humanity is fulfilled. Today the Philippine Church is celebrating National Migrants' Sunday. We keep in our prayers all Filipinos working overseas, bearing the difficulty ofworking away from their loved ones, and whose faith is equally subjected to all sorts of temptations being far from home. And ofcourse, the reason we are gathered here today from different parts ofthe country is to celebrate lhe 25 yesrs of existence of the Mother Ignacia Movement. As you journey on your way to your "kuwarenta," to your 40 years and beyond, let us be reminded that ,esus triumphed against the tempter because of His fidelity to the Father. Our weapon is the Word ofGod, the sword ofthe Spirit. We take inspiration from the very examples ofVenerable Ignacia del Espiritu Santo. The heroicity of her God-given virtu€s, an imitation of Chdst's, are the vcry weapons with which we can protect ourselves from the worldly t€mptations in our society today; materialism, lust for power and authority, pride, and self-adulation. As we begin the Holy Eucharist, let us humbly ask our merciful Lord to forgive our sins, during those moments in our lives when we have willingly succumbed to the daily temptations to faith, hope, and chariry Natuko na po ba kayo? Have you ever been tempted? Nobody among us here today could say that he has never been tempted. [n fact, bolh the old and the youog arc subj€cted to temptations on a daily basis. I remember the story ofthe little children in a school run by nuns. I would not mention to you what school and where, because you will certainly be able to identify the Congregation. It was lunchtime and the school children were lining up for their m€al in the school cafeteria. You know how much nuns are obsessed with disciplining children, for the right reasons, and part of their strategy is to put etiquettes/ notices written on small rectangular cardboards, just like what they usually do in their convents, such as "Keep this door shut," "Keep the windows open," "Don'l step on the grass," "Don't pick "Flush alur llowers," use," etc. Now on this cafeteria's dessert section RVM t.]5 I T .a I RvNt MoTHER rGNAcrA MovEMENTsECoND NATtoNAL coNVENTtoN where the kids rvere queuing ivas a big borvl ofdelicious red apples, along with a ivritten warning: "Take only one. God One kid rvas shocked to scc his classmate easily rvin people tbr God by an arvesone display of His power and glory, with iust a magical flick of a linger? Or would He accept the rvay ofobedience to the will of the Father: the humble and painful way ofthe Suft'ering Servant, the way ofselt-denial and selt:emptying, the rvay ofthe in fiont taking handful aftcr handtul Cross? is watchingl'So thc kids only took one apple each. At the very end ofthe dessert choices is a big jar oichocolate cookies. ofthose cookies. He told I.ris classmate, "Natrr, lrrgot &a so rrgo nutre, Bawol i1url" ('Oh my, the sisters will get mad at you.'ftatt tbrbidden!") The classmate, apparently not bothered at all, managed an innocent smile and responds, "Pvedeng kwnuho norg kunuha nito. Tutal, uakatirgii ldng tng Diyos doott srt ga ,nirtlstulra,s!" (Come on, we can gel much as we want ofthis. An).ways, God is only looking at the apples!) as We know horv the story ends. Yet, looking closely at the three temptations makes us realize that what happened to rrsus in the desert more than two thousand years ago happens to every human being. Not Just Christians, but all of us, rvith no exceptions, arc subjected to the same temptations every day ofour Iives: . Notv, let us takc a look at fesus in the Gospel. We are told that fesus has )ust been baptized by John. He has iust received the Spirit. Now we lvould rvonder why this same Spirit ofGod rvould lead Him to ihe desert to be tempted. What was that all ahout? What do we find in the desert? Nothing. We rvould think there is no danger in that becausc rve often link temptation with something cot)cretely enticing that rvould bombard our senses. Yet it is precisely that "nothingness" in the clesert which rvoulcl make the temptation nrore dillicult becausc it rvould not be external. lt would test the human spirit. It would test our failh: would you see in that nothingness the presence ofthe one true invisible God, not bounded by our senses? Or rvould you end up thbricating your own god to satisfy your senses and resort to idolatry? Worst ofall, you might end up making yourselfyour own gocl. The desert experience would test the disposition ofthe heart of )esus. The desert then becomes a place of formation, of preparation, belbre Hc begins His public ministry. There in the desert, fesus rvould have to choose the method He rvould use to accomplish the mission entrusted to Him by the Fathcr, Aware of His identity as the Son ofGod, rvould He iust use his diyine porvers to "Turn ,hese stones into bread: This is the temptation tbr instant gratification ofour material and physical desires, relying solely on human effort, while puttilg God out ofthe equation. This is the mantra ofour contemporary society eaten up by materialism. "I can do everything on my own and God has nothing to do with itl' Selfsuffi ciency. A'forgetfulnessl' even an utter disregard tbr Gocl, as if God did not exist. Isn't this rvhat happens now in our world where wc permit science and technology to do even that ivhich is immoral, unethical, and anti-lit'e? Where now is the place for unwavering HOPE in the Lord? the place for true CIIARITY, that love ofneighbour? . 'Throw yourself down. God will send his ongels to prurec, you."This is the temptation for invhcibility. "I can do anphing and not be harmed because God loves me." Recklessness founded on false piety and fatalism. Obsession to hug the limelight and shorv to the rvorLl the spectacular. An utter lack ofprudence. Freedom rvithout responsibility. In our publicity-hungry society, isnt this what happens when people believe more and more that thcy have the right to rvear anlthing, go anpvhrre, rvatch an)'thinB, eat an)4hing, listeD to aDything, tell everything, expose lhemselvcs, and even probe into the personal lives ofothers? Isnt this rvhat happens rvhen we squander our resourccs and go on a spending spree without regard tbr tomorrorv? Where now is the place for true FAITH and trust in God, founded on reason, self-responsibility, and respecl for others? Come to think about it: are these not the exact opposite of the most important commandment that "You shall love the LORD your God with all your HEART, with all your SOUI. and with all your STRENGTH...?" Ibigin mo ong Panginoo6 ong iyong Diyos, nang buong puso, buong kaluluwa, at huottg ,4k4s, (Dt 6:{.5, ci. Mt 22:17-{0). Civing primacy to material things over spiritual needs ("txrri,rg sro[es into breod") . ^Atl this wilt be yours if you worship me." This is the temptation for dominion, at the expense of compromising that which is good. "I will make sure I will get thc posirioD rvhatever the cost." Unquenchable greed for power antl unreasonable lust lbr authority to the point of making a "pact with the devill' Isnt this what happens now in the rvorld ofboth business and politics rvhere ambitious clans would do anything, even resort to corruption and human riShts violalions iust to grah and stay iD porver? We witness this over and over again during clcctions. Where Dow is divides onet heart. Coveting porver and authority ('iuorshipping the devit") obscures onei soul. Reckless fatalism and taith without reason ("throwiry onesef of the tower") L\.sorients and drains onei strergth. At the core ofthese temptations to Jesus is the constant refrain, " If you qre the Son of God..." lesus triumphed in the desert but at the end oftoday's gospel, we are told that the devil only departed from Him Jbr a ti te.Trlue enough, this sin of putting God to the test will find its echo at the end offesus'earthly life. Dyrng on thc cross on Calvary, fcsus rvould !v[.,]ct1!)kEVtiltANTLyr\"ioTHtlltGl,lA( lAir-AlTltA\DiIrirll[]t r(r) llis tivtaL tt\ll ver), c\islcD(e..lltrl n)lslcit(l U\ to challenge God, to takc His place, b lirrget [liru irllor({lrrr .r\ ''lrr.l!'\'.lDl io orrI li',es llrer( is.rls,, tlrrl aorrll,lr) talltltlti,rrt oircnouI]crn, ,rrlli rr t. l, ' i,'rrr..,l,rrr rr 11,'111 1l1t..1r,ss' antl linally itn(l txkc rr1.tttcr\ intrr 0Lrr orr D lt.rnt1,. .rrr ()ulr ight rellr5ill r rl ( iotl r rvill, .tntl * it lr lrartltnctl lrc.rr t., irrrFosc (rnlv our ,)\r'1, rv ill. ll tr r rvc lrr'contt tirrcl<ss, thc il !v( 11(t llsc(l tlt, cont1,r, rnrisL,r rr ith tirr tlcvil tl)itl \!e.r,nl,)1tt (.lalt.lir\. I)l.U\li )ll Jit t]rt trr irsit[, as hlrrlrlrs., n c iu \t l]idltl ritrlrisc r)lrrsci','r's on. rl.Lt : in,tc.ttl r'l 11,'1 ,l111,f irrr ( i,r,l.rl,,rr. .rltl ,,t l,.rrrrl oLrr ntighlrot s. \\. r)ri{l)l rnJ ul\ n()t 1..1)l.rDiziD!l (;{)(l anJ rvorsliipping onh ()rrr\.1\.d\; obliviousncsr of (io<l and sell:idolxtr),. lhc probl.nt. hrrrrcr.er, rr t lr.r I irki (;d./i-r /i,/(.)//,,/. tltr,t.ntutt r1r/,irif-i, r/rs.rl)l\it, j' 1t / (i ltr,/rrrrrr r,/ sy,,-r llithiut !lt. (:t.rntit, -16)- tlrL,tt Lrut bt ttrt ira,r/r//i. \\'ithoul tirt (i,roJ \hr,phct.l. tlrr shccf rvoultl Irr. l,rsl \irq 1111g1r1 bt rtrr11qL,1i11g 11;n 1r,,*. ' tlel Espiritu SaIrto (()r)t. itlt() lhc fi( lur.? l\l\'/,)/,1 S. Ilcrls. I{\rNI (ntr tlt.rr)(l lint on lt! tLr<s Vencrirble lgllcia I.trlr(r.,t(j( rllt,I,. t.\ , r1'l.,rrr, rrl,r illl) with I l()(lil\') tc\le(l nl(' ir) il(lvaI1(e yrru worrlti b,. rr1,e.trnS t,r lterr tltlt y(rLr \()r)ell)tno Jlr()ul Ilrtllcr l{nii.l.t iD tlrl. cuclltrist. \\'ltel slre lr'ntiltlr:rl nlu ()l lll\ lhi\ rrl{)rni g at tlr. tloor, I tust tolLl htt', "ne jusl ltlr'..t,r Lrrrli irt S. I|.rrrs ro ns.tirt \aal ltcur the ir.u.rllel ot thc ll)r.r tcllll)titlion\, lronr t11. 111,,.tri,r* lrr:ts ol lhc cr.orttl irr rr,hi)\a Ira.lrt lltc et.rl onr'lt.ts srxr.n hllrt,tl (ci. ,\1t:;:i9 -l-r I ''.rd lr. r-i t/r,, (rrrg ry' /sr,rr'/. /.r't rr. littt totttt Jttt,n lro,/, IrL' r ill I'tlryt iu llttr. I ! /1riJ /trtrl rt,i rt, : ''1l.1r)r ,l1 /li. .\,),1 ,, (;r,r1. ..,lr1 'Il' tth,,l ,"t1,,\l lit (,t,,1 tt,tl, lt,t ttotr il 11t t,utl: to l.Ltt. ltt.l,tutr,,,l 'l,utt lr. S(rr ,y' (;,)(/ . ' lhr lenrptation t{' lut (;()d lo tii! tu\t rlil)'l). rlsily us.(i ilso tbr rrs by thc Ller.il especi rlll n trronrenls eithcr ofself-pily or of self-contentntnt: " i.l'ytrr rcolly, nrc a chikl ol Co.l...", iu)d ir)slantlt. l)e iotrlLl sorr nraliic in our htlr ts, n()l onh. t,r.l,'trl,t r,urls 1,rr,ri,l,.rri.,, lrrrt t,,.l,,,rlrt ' l..itlJinl .r:ir[,, wi.ollr havc lrr Lrol at ll)c lile ol lgnari.r trr s<,r, lrorv lilic lcsrrs, she also under$,col thesc lhree terDptalions llt tlrc diflercnt periods rrf her journev offirilh. 'lir lll ol Lrs lrcr,:. in orrr hc.rrtr. shc ir alrr...rrlt .r:.tilt..rnrl it i{ iust il (lurstiorr oi tirtrt anrl puticrrc<,. llul llr. 1'l.l th.rt slr. is llr...rrh otiici.rllr ,.,rll..l tr'tt.r,rhl.. .,'Lrl.l ',rrlv nt(.,ro rlr.rt llri I 'nrr'. r,.rl t lrrrr.l, r..,,tliz. r rlr. lreroicitl' of lrer virtues. Illis n)(itns tlllt tlr. rr.rr rlr. lrr.,llr. r lrt, ll,rac ((nnl.t,., ago a()(l(i scrvc Ll\.ls.tn (\.rntfl. lr) ll)( tlil lt lttl ot orrr tiDrIs. Ilrr'( llrtuclr *irr's it I I RVM [4OTHE R TGNACTA |\4OVEMENT SECON D NAT|ONAt CONVENTION Venerable lgnacia to thc contemporary world as a control while she still had some strength left, assured not only a smooth transition, but also the members' fidelity to the spirit of the foundation. They saw rvith their own eyes how lgnacia concret€ly and humbly lived out their charism. model to imitate, iust as she imitat€d the essential disposirions of Christ. . To th€ temptation ofeasy gratification of material desires, of "turning stones into breadi' the young Ignacia preibrred to live by the 'bweat of her face." She could havc prelbrred the easy rvay out lbr women during the Spanish colonial timcs, particularly among Chinese tamilies, by marrying a rvell-to-do husband. But no, she resolved to dedicate h€r lit-e to God by becoming obedient to His will, even ifthat meant leaying home and choosing a life of poverty, with only her needle and a pair of scissors, we are told. Instead ofa litb ofcomfort, honor, and prcstige, she tbllowed the path of lesus, and there, discovered the dignity of work, and her dignity as a woman. She lived in HOPE. . To the t€mptation of limitless power and dominion, of compromising ivith the evils ot authority, of"rvorshipping the devil," she responded with ellacement. She could have ruled as superior ofthe group of the beatas she founded, she had all the right, the experience, and rve could say, perhaps even the tavor ofthe member companions, and yet, rve all knorv how thc story went: she resigned from the office ofgoverning the house and lived as arly ordinary member rvould until her last breath. She chose a hidr.lcn life of humble service. She chose CHARITY-love in action. We could only imagine how it must have been a paintul and yet a wise practical dccision. Instcad oi' becoming a sign ofweakness, her renouncement of authority and This ediffing episode in Venerable Ignacia's life allows us to better understand Pope Benedict XVI! resignation from the highest position in thc church hierarchy in the tice ofa failing health, to ensure a better leadership. . not world peace, universal prospefity, and a better world? (There are still couhtries at war, many people are still poor and hungry!) What has he brought? " In his book, "Jesus of Nazareri" (2007), lhe Holy Father responds rvith clarity: The answer is very simple: God. He hos btoughl God... and now we kflo'/r' His foce, now we can call upon Him. Now wek oh'the path that we humar heings hove lo tdke in this r+,orld... our origin and destiny: faith, hope, and love. God\ po*,er u,orks quietly ifl this is the true and lasting pover To the temptation of reckless pi€ty word, but it and superficial faith, of"throwing oneself offthe temple towerl' she opted tbr prudent fidelity and complete trust in God's mercy. At the time of many difficulties cspecially scarcity of lbod for the growing number of members, Ignacia could have given up and easilyiumped at the obvious solution by disbanding the group. But r^.ith her leadership, the &eafas remained united in the face ofpoverty, going even to the extent ofbegging and of scouring the strects for firewood, rvithout sacrificing their lesus has ernerged vicloriousfrom hk battle with Sotqn. To the temptet\ lying diinization of power a d prosperity, he responds vith the fact that God is God, usual rhythm ofprayer and penance. They have taken care ofone another to live in the pres€ncc of God. We rvill always remember the scene when they shared their meals using banana leayes as plates at the botalan at fight, tvith only lhc moonbeanr as light. Instead of dampening their spirits and stifling the joy oftheir fellowship, the lack of tbod and electricity ouly lbrged the solidarity ot thcir community even more. With rnutual support and compl€te trust in the Lord, they experienced the joy of authentic FAITH. that God k mon" true Good," Ignacia del Espiritu Santo understood this early in her life, and through her virtuous example, she passcd on this living knorvledge ofGod to her companions, reaching our generation through the Congregation she founded. The very name she receiyed at the moment ofher baptism indicates the grace she received tiom lhe Holy Spirit rvhen she was anointed for the accomplishmcnt oI the lifelong mission God entrusted to her."Ignacia" carne tiom the Latin root word "lgnisi' meaning "lirel' To us, men and women of today, subiected to the samc tcmptations to fcsus in thc desert, Venerable Ignacia really becomes the "fire ofth€ Holy Spiritl' a veritable "Iamp to our path." In our materialistic, power-obsessed, and rcckless society, Ignacia illuminates the way with the very light ofChrist: the triumph of simplicity, humble service, and filial confidence-the victory ofthe virtues ofhope, charity and taith. AMEN. Benedict XVI resumes this tundamental question ofmany among us: "Whet did lesus octuolly bring, iJ' L VING l\,'ORt VIB RANTLT' 4OTHERtGNAalASFAITHANDHUlilUL[SERVTCI \iru ntust bc uontleling horl I cntlerl Llp.clcl)r.rting tlle rnirss tvith yorr on thc l' | .rrrnrr crs.rlr,rt' llr.' \l rtlrcr Igrr.rtia Nlovcntcnt. l:irst, r.ou tlreirr.ly, kno,ir, that nry lltlrcr. Antrando Zittilrain Villunricl, is a nilphcrr ol S. Berus Zatarililt, RVN.I. (Shc uscrl to givc 6lc blue rosarics ns (lhristntas plcscnt when I wils a little bot'l) Sccontl, I rr.iLs a slutlcnt at the UI) (iollr:gr,o[ Nursint ol l)r. l,etty Kuiul, a long tinre fiicud oi tlrc IIVM sistcrs and resi(lent until uorl ol tlrt, l.t\iNl llegional HoLIsc nt.Singalotrg in l)aco. (\es, I practiscd DursiDg tbr b(,ut a decir(lc betirre r:nterint the s!'ntitr.rr\,.) Lett), ltrrl I ttow both bclorlg to tbe (j.lrtuelitc s!'culilr Irrstitutc oI Notrc l)atrrc rl( \''ic l,rrrD.lt.l lrr \. D. r.rhlc l\ l.u lc l.urt(,n(r,t the Ohi[[ festrs. 'lhirtl, lirr morc Iharr two venrs n()w, I have been an arl()pted rverk.lal r esiticnt chaplirin of thc RVr\l'.s ltDmaculirte (i)rtrBptiotr [,irlies' I )ont)ilorv irlol)g l-lspirr)il. dornritor), nl lisp:ria to rvarntl). rvelconrc nlc ils you tvoultl a brotlrer, antl inciccd, ir piut oithc lt\rM tlnril1,, b lrr'lp mc pursuc highcr theological stu(iies at US I: grace? I Mut dispositions ofthe heart? \Vhich hcroia virtucs? Surptisingh,, the Jll\\!'ar t\ ItBl)l ltr,rr'lrelore rrr ver\, c),cs. Sonrc r)right c.rll A couplc, ofrlals auo, I rvirs nrer.litating on k)(lays (;ospel ill the iDtcri()r qar(l!'D ol ll)r, Inrnril(UIilt( ( irrrr.eption L.r.lir,s Hall. I'r'c iust reccir,eti Sr'. Bcrnh tr\l nlcssagc, s() \,()u can irnirqine horv I was sL'ilrahing a rv.ly t() aonD(,!t the t!'nrptation oi Jesus in Ihc'tlcstrt rlitlr thc lite oiMother lcnacia. And right thclc at thc I(il,H girrtlcn I lilrrrtl tlrc aus$'cr I rr,as lxrkine li)r. Besi(l. the bust lt- \'crrr'r.rhlr I$n.l( i.1. ir IrI.r.lrr(, I IrirI t.lr\i . a a(,Dcisd ncc{runt ()f lrcr lile, conclu.lts \\,ith this linr: 'l tln L\',1tc\t ol lrcl lilrc, 'Irott tut ori.l ol lit lues ol' irgi itt,.-." lrtiIr(l rlr.rr !cr\ (r,,t\,,lrng t,,l us rvlro are still in this vllley oltearsl' rr .Sparrrrrrr/ -rrrt's. descrt blosstmed .ll<rwcrs Ignrciirs litc, just likc ours. lras bcen !r,l (l(\(rt,rl I rvould likc to exprcss D)y deepest Brnlitu(lr to thc ( l(n)gt-ct.lt ion ollltr, Ilelicious oi thc Virgin iUan, tor nraking nr!' (nrr oI thc [).lrcficirrics ol-thcir gr'ner()sil). ar)(l kincl heirrtedness. lhank r.ou ti;r openirrr rvidc' tlrc rloors of your \\'llal brplisnlll R\'\l tC tl'l.tltr, \. ltrrl It a il\r.l wirs 0ble to rcsist those tcmpt.rtions rvitl) lh!'srir.c that thr., Ifull,Spirit anoiuts \villl at birptisl11. Shc triuntPh,.'tl bv us inlitating thc vcrv dispositiol)s ol Christ in t llr (lL'scrt. this c(,i11cid!'r).r, but tirithiirl b,,,li,-'r'err rvouki llrr,ar.s scc lhis.rs providcnae. Ilt., tlrr,rrrr','t y'' rttt' Sih. r',\rrtrivr'r'rurv f rovl(lc\ ll\ rrixatl), tl)c llrrec vit-tLl()us rasp(rl(!-\ to lhe thraa tcmptttiol)s (, (illrist in tlrr (lcsert: "Living i{ore Vibrantly trlother Igracia\ Firith and Humble Service." lir the tctrrptation ol inst.u)t gl atilicatil,r) r)l tnittcliilisti( (icsilcs: tl)c rtsponsc is a sinrple life nrade vibrlnt rvilh hopc. lt) thr tcrtrptatir)ll o[grcc(l lirt' Ir,1r'", 1,' tlr( (\l(DL'l (,)n)l)ro ti\ rr,ith the rlcvil: th. r(sponse is humble service or chlriil- (Irvc in irction). lir tr.l tll(' tcnlplati()n oi reckless firlse pict),: thr rcsponse is lilial faith and lidelitl'. Our .lltll lrurn.lrrrnr livr'r, likr tlte.lescrl. n)iv be till.(l \vith lrnrptali()l)\, BUI'in the eyes of faith ol the snints, in the clcs oi Vcnrrirl)lc Ignircia rltl EspiritLr Sarrto, anrl inrlcecl. in oul cr.cs as chilclrcn ol tht' I.athcr, cllltLl to tirlLrrv Jesus, the sarrrc rDr)notoll()lrs (lesert ol_oLrr- ortlinaly lilc is .ss.rrtiirll\,,t(),to//l..ri,rt. It is full of God. r- I h rl r i. il RV!l MOIHER TCNACTA MOVEM€NT SECOND NATTONAL CONVENTTON Testimonies on the Intercession of Mother Ignacia Del Espiritu Santo Healingof Acute Renal Failure or Kidney Malfunction Our mother, the late IRENE JUANEhas been sick tbr a long tinre. She has been on and offin the hospital, the last ofwhich rvas December 20, 2001 rvhen she was rushed to the hospital [or seizure and unconsciousness. This timc she had an acute renal thilure or kitlney nraltunction, rvith hemodialysis as the only remedy ifonly to prolong her lil'e; but rvhich the attending physician ZADORADO, cliscouraged the fhlily among others becausc of her age. I C)n December 27, my brother liom Manila arrived to visit her. He brought rvith hinr healing water tiom the HEALING CENTER of Sister Rachcl. We adninistered it externally on our mother's body near her kidneys and orally. When she started removing her oxygen and dextrose, thc attending physician decided that shc be discharged and sent home on December 29, At home, we gave her little fbod because she rel-used to eat and she lvas always asleep. She just survived on the small amounl of healing water she rvould sryallorv and our prayer to fESUS through the intercession ofMOTHER IGNACIA DEL ESPIRUTU SANTO. Her lit-e extended for 25 days more. During the days that she rvas asleep at home, she woke up onc day and talked to us in English, and rve suspected that her soul travelled to America and rvas ahle to communicate with one of our brothers there who rvas arvay lbr l0 years. My brother confirmed to us rvhen he arrived in Kidaparvan that he dreamed that our mother talked to him asking him to look after us when she is gone, and for which my brother allegedly promised to comply with. When my brother rvoke up, he told his witb that something might have happened to Mom in Kidaparvan, and later that same day, he learned iiom us that our mother passed away. To us, the miracle of Mother lgnacia is spiritual hcaling because when my Healing of Breast Cancer It during the n:onths offanuary and February 2010 when I went to the RVM Regional House, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City to requcst tbr a pray over to rvas be healed tiom breast cancer. I am Violeta Pimentel f)ae[, a resident of Jasaarr, Misamis Ori€[tal. A series of healing srssions was conducted by S. Ma. Consolacion Buenaventura, RVM. lt was done trvo to three times a week between 8:00 to 9:00 A.M. After every healing session, I experienced a very light aud peacelul feeling both spiritually and physically. I felt the heavy load being removed after the healing session. I have asked the Lord Iesus Christ to heal me completely tiom breast canccr through the intercession of Mother ISnacia del Espiritu Santo. The lhvor I asked was granted slorvly trom that time I have asked for it. I am now on my 3'J year when I have undergone a series ofhealing sessions. I thank the Lord fesus Christ tbr being healed completely through the intercession of Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo with the prayers from the RVM sisters, priests, and relatives who offered healing masses lbr me. (SGD) Yioleta Fimentel Dael Jasaan, illisamis ()ricnlal brother arrived, they settled any and all obligations incidental to the demise of our mother and promised to make our lives mote confortable by giving us aid to improve our lit-e. For this, thanks tbr the intercession of MOTHER IGNACIA. (!iGD) Juanezadorado [amily I am Virginia Amarillento, 57 years old. I am sick with complicated illnesses. I am always brought to the hospital, but there is no improvement. I could hardly walk and my blood sugar is very high. Somebody told me that she rvas healed by S. Ignacia. So I went to the Healing Center in Barangay Langub. It was the ofNovember 2012 when I visted the place. I was directed to go to the kiosk, where a Sister is healing the sick. I thought that she is S. lgnacia. Only upon sharing what happened to me to S. Bernardita that I learned that the Sister is S. Angelita Pascual. She prayed for me and to my surprise, I felt heat in my stomach and after the session, I t'elt good. 3"r Saturday I was able to sleep we[ that evening. After three tlays, I observed that I could already rvalk. From that timc on, I experienced good health and I am grateful to S. Angelita, but most especially to God and the intercession of Mother lgnacia. Every Saturday, I return to the Healing Center. Once a month, there is mass and anointing ofthe sick. I fbel so happy and grateful. Thank you Lordl Thank you Mother Ignacia. (SGD) \'irginia Amarillento Davao Citv LrvrNG MOREVIBRANTLY MOTHES |GNAC|A'S FATTH AND HUMETE SERV|CE RVM | ..1 Fast Healing after Bypass I have a congenital heart disease since I was born. Due to my illness, it was advised by heart specialists that I should undergo a heart bypass at a certain age. lt rvas my parents and my grandmother tvho stood by my side and even suffered more the agony that I have undergone during some attacks. In spite of my illness,I still do rvhat other children do-play, go to school, but with some rcstrictions. It ivas during my early elementary days when I was enrolled at Notre f)ame ofKidaparvan for ihe Girls (now St. Mary's Academy of Kidapawan) that I've learned to pray the rosary. It was during this time that nry grandmother, then Honorable Board Member Agnes S, Amador, became the President ofthe Mother Ignacia Movement. That time, I became the youngest member of the Mother lgnacia Club and the youngest MIM member. At age seven, I was advised to have a heart b)?ass at the Philippine Heart Healing of Slvollen Center. My heart specialist decided for me to undergo such operation because of my very crucial condition-I began to experience bleeding. Before I went inside the operating room, I prayed hard, "Come Holy Spirit. Enkindle my heart with the fire ofthy lovcl'I said it thricc betbre I became unconscious. During my operation, I saw ttyo doctors and a nurse inside. There was also a nun who wore a hlack dress with a rosary bracelet. She held my hand all throughout the duration oithe surgery. Right after the operation, rvhen I ryoke up, I asked my nurse about my rosary bracelet which the r:un in black gave ne. She told me that nobody saw the nun and that there was no rosary bracelet since it is prohibited iDside the operating room. I've requested her to ask my mommy to bring near me th€ picture of Mother Ignacia which I put near the operated part ofmy body. Miracle ofall miracles, and even my heart specialist could testity that my recovery after the operation was too fast, that I never passed the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) anymore which is a must tbr children rvho have undergone the same operation. My heart specialist told me that I need another heart bpass after a year or two. But thanks be to God and to the intercession of Mother Ignacia, my health continuously improved. I grew healthy and strong after I had my first and maybe, last heart bypass. Indeed, faith can really move nlountains. I believe Mother lgnacia helpetl me. I never thil to cling to Mother Ignacia whenever and whatever trials and problems that came and may come my way I believe Mother Ignacia will ncver fail me. She rvill always look and safeguard me tiom any harm. (!iGD) Thad Amador Irg It was iust a mosquito bite in November 2000 rvhen my husband rvas watching television by the window. He scratched and scratched until a wound lbrmed. Two weeks later, the leg srvelled and the wound became bigger. He washed the wound with boiled guava leaves water and mercurochrome every day, but the wound did not get any bettcr. He went to a skin specialist and was asked to apply ointmcnts and take antibiotics. The medicine did not help much as his rvound did not make him sleep. We rvere so worried. Someone told us to find the "albulario" in Digos who was good at healing, so wc went to him. We rvere not contcnted with his healing using his saliva and some roots and lcaves, so we went to another healer in Thcurong, Cotabato. The improvement was slow. Days later, the wound was oozing with pus and blood although we rvashed the wound very olien with warnr rvater and soap and applied an ointment given by another doctor. The healing was discouraging. The wound emitted ofensive smell in spite ofthe lvashing done morning and night. This worried us very much. One Sunday, we, members ofthe Mother Ignacia Movemcnt in Kidapawan led by Mrs. Agnes Amador, rvere called tbr a meeting. In that meeting, the Sisters gave handouts with the picture of Mother lgnacia del Espiritu Santo and the briefaccount of hcr lit'e in it. This I took home. I gave the picture to my husband who was sitting by the door. I told him to ask Mother lgnacia's help to heal him. This, he did many times a day, kissing the picture and praying to Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo to help heal his aching foot and leg. After three days hc stopped limping and his foot begun to (lry up. After our Novena, through the intercession of Mother lgnacia, thc wound continuetl to heal. The wound now is only a big scar, no longer the offensive smelly thing. Thank you, Mother lgnacia del Espiritu Santo tbr interceding in healing my husband's ailment. Praise and thank you Lord! I am also grateful to Mama Mary ibr her intercession(SGD) lllrs. [merenciana Z. Napoles Kidaparran Citv T :: I RVM I.IOTHER TGNACTA |\.,IOVEMENT SECOND NATTONAL CONVENTTON Fast Healingof Cough and Fever through Prayer to M. Ignacia I am Susan Hermosa, only daughter of fustina Hermosa tiom Cagayan de Oro City. I came to know Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo rhrough S. Ma. Rosa Castil, RVM ofLourdes College. S. Clare explaiued to nte what the Mother Ignacia Movement was all about. Whcn I started praying to Mother Ignacia, I happened to detect her subtle and silent rvay of giving me and my mom generous blessings and surprises daily even in simple ways. And so, I ivas telling the people rvhom I gave her prayer leaflets to pray to her and ask her intercessory help lbr she is generous, though she is silent. Whenever I faced the statue or photo of Mother Ignacia, I only plead for help in a sirnple and natural nranner, in our daily course of life. So many things she had given me and so many problems got solved as I iust continued to obey what the nuns asked me to do every tin)e they call me. But, the one expcrience I could not tbrget a lifetime happened only recently during the 7l'r bifihday of my mom, Justina Hermosa. Last Sept.26,2012, I happened to have l'ever and hard cough tbr 7 days already. After taking the mcdicines and antibiotics, I still found no reliet. My mom went out on that day to visit the elderly catechists with the nuns and her co-catechists. I was left along at home. The night prior to that, S. Clare, RVM texted nle to pray with faith and place the pholo of Mother Ignacia to any painful part ofmy body. That was relieving, but my cough and tbver still continued. I t-elt so dizzy on that day as our house would turn if I look around. I managed to stand up and positioned myself to vomit, after which, I lied dorvn on my bed as I was on my way to collapse. I closed my eyes because our house seemed to turn around as I looked around and l'elt the urge to vomit again. I prayed to God to lbrgive me all my sins if He was going to take me at that moment, but I begged Him to extend my life, because I pitied my mom if sheU be alone. I still managed to text S. Clare asking her what to do, what to press on my body to help me recover tiom my dizziness and wanting to vomit again. I also texted S. Conching Buenaventura, a healing nun, to give me healing through cell phone. I remained on my bed without moving at that moment and waited for what will happen next. I thcn telt something inside my body as the fluids in my system and the blood in my veins ran, and circulated slowly in my entire system as if 6xing something in nry body. I rcccivcd a text message from Conching, it was a healing prayer. I prayed it deeply as I was still fbeling very dizzy and wanting to vomit again. My body began sweating protusely, as my shilt and short pants were so wet, so with the thick towel that I was holding at that moment because my face and head were S. so rvet. My siveat flowed like tears at that moment. Everlthing was gone without any medicine. My seven-day l'ever and cough vanishcd. I texted S. Conching and S. Clare to tell them I was okay. It rvas so amazing at that momcnt I cam€ to realize that every minute of our life here on Earth is so precious as God would send us a miracle anltime on our borrowed life. As I personally experienced the instant healing process from M. Ignacia's intercession, I arn so thankful to God that by His grace, He instantly gavc miraculous healing to me through the intercession of Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, on rvhich I thought at that moment, that it rvould be the end ofmy life. (SGD) Susan Y. Hermosa S1. Augustine Cathedral Unit Cagayan de Oro CitY Healing from Stroke Burvan ng Hunyo 2008 akoy nagkaroon ng STROKE nang dahil sa dami ng problemang dumarating sa buhay namin. Bago uangyari ang lahat, ako ay nagpatingin sa doctor Sa mga oras na iyon ay hindi ako sinabihan ng doctor na tumaas ang aking dugo. Paguwi ko sa hahay ay dumeretso ako sa paghiga dahil sa pagod. Hindi ko namalayan na nastroke na pala ako. Dali-dali nila akong dinala sa ospital. Four days ako naconfine. Nang sabihin ng doktor na prvede na akong umuwi, maraming rescta ang ibinigay sa akin. Nag-alala ako kung saan na nanan ako kukuha ng pambili ng 8amot. Pinuntahan ako ng mga kasamahan ko sa simbahan at binigyan nila ako ng mga gamot ayon sa reseta ng doctor at nagpray over sila sa akin. Nang sabihin nung isang kasamahan namin na buksan ko ang bibliya, ang nabuksan ko ay ang verse ni "Mathew na 'Milagro."' Bago ko pinikit ang aking mga mata, nakita ko ang lararvan ni Mother Ignacia sa altar. lnabot ko ito at niyapos habang tinatawag ko ang pangalan niya kasama sina fesus, Mama Mary, at ang mga angel sa langit na sana gamutin nila ang aking karamdaman dahil po wala akong pambili ng gamot. Buivan at mga ararv ang lumipas at patuloy akong dumalangin sa kanila Hinahaplos ko ang larawan ni Mother Ignacia. Lumipas ang mga araw at hindi ko akalain na dahan-dahan akong gumaling na walang iniinom na gamot. Sa ngayon, ako'y nakalalakad na at nakakikilos na nang normal. Balik na rin po ako sa simbahan kung saan ako aktibo bilang GKK at MIM member. Laking pasalamat ko sa Panginoong )esus, Mama Mary, at kay Mother Ignacia. (SGD) fttatilde Surigao Boulevanl. Davao Citv oleqqo) ^lr-) olualuues enblru.f ((I.1\-) azrrd uorlelosuor 3u .ue:p eu lf8uvqeu es o1e epd eu opuEu ulrlelle oI lpurq 's,,(ep p .ragy ',ue.rp E179 o11o1 3u o1e e,{eun1 raqlory ,(eI 'otues nlrJIdsE IaP EI:teu8I od letueles 3utruere14l EBEIEI 'uollua^uo] IpuorttrN r,. Z 8u olEpBEd Ds o{ la8pnq 8up ue8epBepeu ,(e oueeded rltpl ru ue8urpqcl Suqu 3ue errtuSl ru ueS8urleurd -'(pIv lqrp ledttdeu '1^g 1e e,r,rn1eu oo ooo'tzsa 3u v8eleqrlSeu eu 1e ,(1t3 oleqeloJ Es taltno 91161 Suesr es o1e uuepedep'9197'91 ft"nue{ Es oI lr8pnq 3ue ueSep8epetu oI Etuasreul Ered 61161 es o1e le elrs urunpurded eues eu erreuSl lu raq1o61 'llew queql sr I 'atutl S,(ep O,{1 u-l aperu rq dnlraqr dn-,uo11o1 op1-3uop1 utqeruesel e8u 3ur1: 8uu EruEsE{EIEur oI rpulq lqep to13unln1tu ,{o1e 11pqng Sedrund lt ueurru o1e lc'102 'lt -9t ,{ren:qag stqt palnpaq:,s vIUPW Ur aJatl uollua^uoJ leuolleN aql Pu?lle ol auJ PIol raquIatu hlItr{ r., z -or dru 1rq1 7193raqolr6 tsel hlllll lo raqruaur e sE elualJadxa alqega8ro3un pue,(uorurlsal e Suueq'ra1deq3,!r;; olBqElo] 'trIeluotul wll^l lo Itqtueu ':rl 'olur[ures O anbrrul l1r1 '1 ara,rr a-,w'l1pug uaq^r saqlrnq) luara-UtP te ur Surddorp 'oe,re(I arllua aql Punorr 1uan a11 ':o-1 8uqoo1 a:an aar uosrad stql ErJoll) ielsrs'sa!uB( sdlrlqd ol dlaqlo se^r aq ue:r oqm uosrad eql rol paqrreas iM 3u11eaq aq1 .lo; SullBarl-Io aJrErIU Etuel,,{ 'sns.l BdEd 'alrerrr.u slqt qSnorql paparl -,(lElalduo) sauel sdrlq6 a,rop ede4 yrrrc ',(rery eureya; 'erreu31 ,(:o1e:oqe1 1,r1,(c1 o1e ,terdSeu lu o1 e,+reut8 3uy 'erad 3u uc8uelnlel es lrqep yq11,q 8u trrr o:qualnu e8ru vu e,(;tued 8ur1e 3ue eu JOJ PTETIE SB^{ aq o1 puq sd11rq4 y pueq le arntrrd .sdrpq4 Surr'eq 8u11eaq a:ruelsrp .raq q8norql sauel sd(rqd re^o llalerpaurur pa,(ud aq5 uos ,(ru -1o :aq ol papteld 1 'ar8uy selqou epullr'l (O9S) 'lu.)uIJle srq tuo:; uos aql ro1 nol lueqt'erreu81 :aqloytr 'sawvl sdrgq4lo 8u11eaq aqr ro..y s.Ia,(e:d raql qllM pedlaq oq^l sralsrs w^u aql ot oslE $luEql uos ,(ru -Io tulleaq aql u! luarunusur s.pog svar oq,r.r arBuy 'g pue 'erreu31 ol -S tllla Sullaalu q)ns ro; etreuSl :aqlo1a,1 pue 'snsal ede6 'l:eq ut8rrn passalg aqt ot slueqg run3e1ut arBuy'5 qllm 'Suru.roru 8uraro11o; rqt ,{1:eg 1au: raqto6 se,n 1 'run8el'aBeueqdrg lrsr.rq3 etro19 'g 1e oe,reglo qn8ue; leSuereg ur ar8uy purl uer a^i ter{t sn pau:oyur aq5 a18uy 'SIo ,tueu aql sn aAeB eqs os 'uos rno parlrd aq5 sdrpq6 :o1 d1at1 Surlse err art t?ql ErnE'I plot aM erro1g 5 pareldar oq^r req pa{se a ' iou aut13uol e ro1 A se^r elJol5 S leql sn u ou,c11 .s.lalsrs I^lAu aqt;o s:a,{rrd aqt lq peruedtuole 'snsal lo uorssarrelu aqt qtno:qt lualted aqt qlpr uolssas Suqeaq aql ql!^l Penulluol afuy g :ea1c arue:raq dauprl aqt lleug uorlerrpau Irlun'ruIq rol paqlrsard ou ueq^r .raqunu ur 3urqsrunurp se,n uorgra;ur aq1 111111 ,(q altl!l teq] arllou o1 pasr:d.tns surglasraq Jolrop aql 'uouralur ,(aupq aql ul aseartrap E dnfaq:r dn-,{{ollol eql sotuel sdr1q6 q1r,u palrels el)e.rlw spoD pamoqs aqtlo llnsar aql rr8uol ou PIol eqs elrolD's Pug plnor 3 1arrq^'l Jar{ pelse aM pJrEadde (urnE'l) IrIS E 'epls Jaqlo aql lE uaq^l ll?q JooP eql paqsnd pur ate8 aqt 1u paddols a14 'PalEaq :)q ot se os'I:rls sl oq^\ uos Jno qlr/t op ol tetl^{ uo paprn8 aq ,{eur a,t teqt :aderd ur dlaq rlaql palse a^{',(rEl^l EruEW puB snsal edEd Jo a(reu aql uI 'rutq rol uotle:rdo ,(sdorq,{aupq papuauuolel Jolf,oP.tll, 'paleolq peq are_1 st11 paSwq: eup)aq lI 'urq st^i uo!lE)IPlu ott ro1 paqt.rrsa.rd 1nq 'tsr8o1o:dep aql ol I)Bq luan i A 8urya3 luaultt stq qlt,u sllnsar a,rtltsorl pa^loqs leql lsat aut:n e o8:aPun ol aPerrt se.{r aH treulrff ]$eN1o:o1rop pdt:runru aql paqnsuor art 'lelap lnoqlr^1 Pur 1a,r 3u1aa; 1ou se,r aq leql paulelduro:t sdrlqg ':aaar'roq 'u1a.^t o^u JauY 'asnoH Plf,ul^old .\ ,(roleloqeJ e llle^rJsPun dn :tg, 'aa1le3au sem llnsar erurua5 .tq dq daup11 srq ur eruo:ptr,(5 plno: lpoqou '6002 't aunl uo ,(1r3 oe,,.e6;o letrdsog o.rpa6 ue5 1e 1st8o1o1ordau e 'e1tn3y 1 yrJ16 aqt;o ateS aql lo luo:] u1 etrtuBl :aqloq lo a:nlrtd 8tq e ,urs pueqsnq ,'(ut uaqm aruoq oB o1 lnoqt are,r,r aM 'ssuI i ,ql reuv 'ssew rEarl ol q)rnqf olqEd uu5 o1 3uro81o lq8noql 1 'auoq,{e,n :no uo aJe]l r^1 Uaqt\\ 's!]r{ lrlsls ,rll ajaq^l uortetuJoJu aql sn e rB tng Errol5 S pug uvr an '1sa1 prruraord a^r i.raq^r asnoq a:aq,u partnbut aq1 ol p:lra.ltp -,no11o1 se 1sa1 'sqluoru o^{t rau9 PUP rulq rol }ueulleall uorlE)rparx peqlrf,se:d :olrop rq1 r1o:qda1q qt1,u pasou8etp uaaq seq dorl p1o real-ua1 e 'salqoX saucl sd11q4 euoJpu,{s rllorrldaN Jo Eulpag I n.ru t)rluls l rgwnH o Nv HlvJ s,vr)vN9t ulHlow l-llNvuBtl luow gNtntt How I Came to Know Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo I am an ICCian that's why! In school, we were taught the M. Ignacia song, since grade school to high school. We were taught that she was the ibundress of the RVM, so the sisters say, who cares.,. Wlren college came, I Ieft ICC and transtbrred to another school. There goes M. Ignacia down the drain, completely lorgolten, not evcn a figment left in my imagination. College came and went. I got married, had a blissful marriage, had two wonderful and intelligent kids whom t sent them to a private school. I thought €verything rvas going great for us. ln 2002, my husband had his physical examination. He was diagnosed with LEUKEMI"A. We were dumbtbunded! We could hardly believe our ears. The 'BIG C" as they call it. It was darnnation for us! We all knorv that when CANCER comes to mind, what follorvs ncxt is CHEMOTHEMPY what goes hand in hand with CHEMO? .MoNEY!" We dont have any! We've been penny pinching and scrimping ever since the kids began schooling. lt was a good thing that the eldest graduated a.lready, but rve still have a son left in college. Just the lhought ofmy son not being able to 6nish college breaks our heart. My husband and I decidedly ruled out chemotherapy. Wc could not risk losing our home when there is no guarantee tbr his cure. We prayed hard and real tears flowed out. Suddenly, I remembered the M. IGNACIA HEALING CENTER. All the while I rhought my introduction about M. Ignacia ended in schoolwell actually it onlyjust began. We experienced spiritual, physical, and innermost healing. I was very diligent in going there, always the first patient to arrive and the last patient to leave. I took the initiative to lead the novena as there were no healers to lead anymore. I Patients came and went, but I was still there standing, rain or shine. Something struck m€. I came to realize that I LOVE going there and be with patients, cxchanging notes, experiences, and pleasantries. At the back of my mind, I wanted to become a "HEALERI'After two or three years, S. Ma. Gloria Ross, RVM, came to train for more healers. I was one of them. When I frnished the training, I was doubtful if I was really gifted- One night, my husband was complaining ofa painful spleen due to his illness. I pertbrmed the healing. He fell asleep during the healing process. The next morning when he woke up, he told me, "Healer ka na pala talaga" as the pain was gone and he had a very good night sleep. The time, money, and effort paid olf, I thought. Thus, myjourney with M. Ignacia del Espiritu Santo began. We were again taught the M. Ignacia song 'ULIRAN" and I ve memorized it by heart by now. We were given lectures and rcading materials about her litb, but I still have a hard time digesting the context of the materials. I rvas elected president of the MIM. I was praying to M. Ignacia to enlighten me and help me understand her. t even went to Binondo to see and feel for mpelf the place where she went. I went to the Beaterio to find the relics and her Baptismal certificate. My Cod! She was real! Early last year, my husband was hospitalized with pulmonary embolism, common among cancer patients. He recovered and was released betbre the Holy Week. We celebrated his birthday still. After a couple ofweeks, he was taken home by the Lord, and it was during those times when I needed M. Ignacia the most. She was there tbr me. She made me strong and helped me pull through. She made it easy for my husband too, because she never allowed him to suffer. During the entire duration ofhis illaess, he was able to Iive a normal lit'e. He was able to enjoy and devote his lil'e with his family, children, and his work. He happily drove me to and from the healing center and to where the healers should be. Something unbelievable happened one day at the healing center. I have been praying tbr a couple of weeks already wanting to knorv my husband's rvhereabouts in the atterlife. Does he need more prayers, rosaries, masses, and what not? My co-healers and a Sister were privy to \Mhat happened- My prayer rvas answered through a note, saying that he rvas okay in heaven. lt is clear to me that M. Ignacia had a hand in this. Moth€r did not let me down. She was there for my husband during the entire duration of his illness and was with me the entire time I was tending to my husband, and took the burden from me and helping me cope from the loss ofmy husband. M. Ignacia was instrumental for the inncrmost and spiritual healing ofmy husband because he died in peace. Healing doesnt necessarily mean physical; it may be innermost and spiritual. I carne to realize that spiritual healing is what matter most. With spiritual healing, everything will just fall into place. It is preparing us to something greater and bigger to happen in our life. It helps us accept all the hurdles that we may encounter in our life wholeheartedly. Now I am thcing a nerv chapter in my life. Together with M. Ignacia, I will be able to bravely thce all pitfalls and hurdtes that come my way. (SGD) Cynthia Parcon LlvrN6 MORE VtBRANTLY MOTHER |GNAC|A'S FATTH AND HU|\4BLE SERVTCE RVM | -l MIM Holds z"d National Convention Ma. Nicetas P Dael, Rtlll S. To commemorate the 25,r'year from its inception on May 16, 1988, the Mother Ignacia Movement gathered in convention on Febrtary 16-17,201j Malyi College of Quezon City (SMCQC). Almost 300 participants in this convention came tiom all over the country, namely: RVM province ofSouthern Mindanao, the regions of Northern Mindanao, Visayas, Luzon, a at St. and thc Generalate lurisdiction. "Living More Vibrantly Mother lgnacia's Faith and Humble Service" was the theme for the activity. Ushering in the convention proper was the tribute to Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu Santo by 20 delegates representing the different MIM chapters and units. Leading the group were trvo members ofthe original Board of Trustecs: Mrs. Esther A. Vibal, Chair o[the Committee on Education and Publication with S. Ma. Niceias p. Dael, RVM, National Executive Secretary, Highlighting the day's activity was the Eucharistic Celebration presided over by Rev. Fr Gil Escalante, SSJV (SMAJasaan alumnus). Father Escalantcs homily focused on the humility of Mother Ignacia's lite of simplicity and hiddenness. He pointed out that as a rvoman of thith, she rvas open to the Holy Spiriti inspiration to do the will of God. The speaker tbr the ahernoon scssion brought to the tbre, the Ignacian OPPTIC of Mother lgnacia by S. Ma. Anicia B. Co, RVM. She delineated the yirtu€s that were observable in Mother Ignacia's lil-e, summing them up as fbllows: "The openness to Holy Spirit is Mary's disposition as the handmaid ofthe Lorrl. Mary's pondcring heart are seen in the sceue after the visit ofthe shepherds and after linding fesus in the temple. Mother Ignacia must have been inspired by Mary at the foot ofthe cross, Ieading her to do God's will in fidelity and perseverance. Then Mother Ignaciai trust in Godi loving mercy brings to our mind the From the start, the solemnity ofthe occasion pervacled thc atmosphere with the choreographcd prayer presentaliorr ofselected groups ibllowed by the inrage oiMary's 'Magnilicat." Her intimacy with Christ points to Mary's own intimatc relationship with |esus. The couraSc and creativity of Molher Ignacia different speakers who wele most aptly rcnrinds us of Mary's courage at the tbot ofthe cross and her creative respor)se to prepared with their talks. Rev. M. Ma. Evelyn C. Aguilar, RVM set the tone of the entire activity as the keynote speaker, with her talk on "Mother lgnacia's Life of Faith and Humble Service." An excerpt f'ronr her sharing runs thus: "Humilily and thith are closely linked with Mother Ignaciat experience ofGod. Her humility is manifested in simple works and service." God's invitationl' As the conveDtion moved on to its 2"" da),, Rev. Fr. Walter Villamiel, NDV presided over thc Eucharistic Celebration. Stirring indeed was his homily where he tackled the topic on Mother Ignacia's life, linking it very closely to thc theme ofthe convention. He demonstrated graphically the thematic signihcance ofevery word that appearcd in the activity's theme with counterparts that enhanced the interest ofthe listeners rvith devotion. The next speaker o[the day rvas Rev. B. Dael, SSIV (SMA-)asaan alumnus). In an animated yct subdued presentation of Ven. lgnaciai influence in his liti and vocation, hc cvoked an aura of awe from his listeners, some of rvhom shed tears in silence. He depicted his own priestly life looking hack in retrospect to his younger years when he learned about Mother Ignacia's love of poverty. Connecting this rvith rvhat he sarv and experienced among the t)?hoon victims in Cagayan de Oro City, his f ull convictions was to be able to help. Seeing those helpless people, one cannot help but reach out to them in kindness. Their Fr Raul plight cannot simply be ignored. On the whole, the tlvo day activity proved to be a grand success. The fbedback tiom thc attendees was very eucouraging. The organizers of the convention dcserve grateful appreciation ofthe task that thcy handled rvith patience and perscverance. With thenr all those ivho wcrc irvolved in one rvay or another in contributing to the entirety of the activity are likervise appreciated. May the Lord be praised lbrevermore! 5 T 1. I RVM MOTHES t6NACtA MOVEMENT SECOND NATTONAL CONVENTTON MIM Celebrates SilverJubilee on its z"d National Convention S. N'ta. Herminia (i. Gornes. RyM The Mother Ignacia Movement held its 2 'r National Convention on the occasion ofits Silver fubilee Celebratiou last Fcbruary 16-17,2013 at St. Mary's Collcgc, Quezon City, Mothcr Joselina Yanrzon auditorium u,ith thc theme: 'Livirrg More Vibrantll Mother lgnaciab Foith and Humble Seryice," Its main obiectives rvere to deepen the lbrmation of MIM members and to intcnsify/ lbrmulate the Recruitntent Program of the MIM membcrs tbr the promotion ofthe Cause for the Beatilication oi Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu. There were 255 delegates who came all the rvay lrom dilli:rent jurisdictions, together rvith their Coordinators, uamely: S. Ma. Consuelo B. Alvino, RVM, Generalate Mindanao. S. Ma Ceterina E. Bodiongan, the Vicar General and Generalate Area coordinatoG delivered her rvelcome ar-ldress and opencd the convention. S. Ma. Consuelo B. Alvino, RyM, February 16,2013. The t', r.lay of thr convention started with a tribute Chair, Mother Foundrcss Commission presented the delegates to the 2 n MIM National Convention. S. Ma. Rosabella R. Gallo, RVM, SMCQC President and S. Maria Magdalena L. Leocadio, RVM, MIM National Coordinator, did the orientation on the ycnue and conventioD, respectively. It was highlighted by the inspirational talk of Rev. Mother Ma. Evelyn C. Aguilar, RVM, the Superior Gcneral ofthe RVM Congregation. Her ncssaSe rvas very relevant to the needs of to Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu Santo by olltring 25 candles by selected MIM everyone particularly the MIM members. Shc explaincd about thc dccpcr mcaning Area: S. Ma. Magdalena L. Leocadio, RVM, National & Luzor Region; S. Ma. Amparo Sanchez, RVM, Visayas Region; S. Ma. Clara Platino, RVM, N. Mindanao Region; and S. Ma. Bernardita V. Zatarair, RVM, Southern Mindanao Province. "9 I members especially the pioneers of the MIM like Mrs. Esther A. Vibal, S. Ma. Nicetas Dael, RVM, S. Ma. Consuelo B. Alvino, RVM, and many others. It was tbllowed by a doxology and singing of the Philippine National Anthem by the students of SMA, Caloocan City. 'Ilre t-aculty and personnel ofthe host school, SMCQC presented a colourful welconrc presentation depicting the culture and costumes ofLuzon, Visayas, and of t-aith that withstands the "storms" of lite and gives us the ability to perceive God's will and see events as signs ofGod "passing by in our lives." Furthermorc, she also expounded on Mother Ignacia! lit'e of tbith and humble service. There rvere threc dimensions of Mother Ignaciai lil-e oflhith, to rvit; "search lbr God's will, sclt--abandonment to God, and constancy in the midst oftrials. Her laith is alive in hope and charity in her desire to serve Godj' shc ar.lded. Mother Ignacia is a model of humble service. She articulated the role ofthe MIM in the promotion of the Cause tbr Mother lgnacia's Beatification and as a Silver O1i-ering, rve are called by God to contribute to thc sanctification ofthc rvorld by tullilling our o,rvn particular cluties. L'r other rrords, u,e become the sign of God's presence and love wherever rve are. Fi nally, she confirmeL! that MII+I is missionary and th.:tt the work of evatgalizotion is the duty oJ the whole nrcmbership oJ this ,ntttellaent Jor il is ficrcr n Drlirillual dLl rdthcr. tt i\ carried out it comnuuiofl \,ith the e lire !7]olenrcnt. Tlldt s the challenge she posted to all IvIIM neuberl uoorldrt Jo saua)s aql prluasald osle aH 'uorle)oA PuE all srq u! alucnuul lParS E r^Bq slrnsa{ eql 'BrreuSl alq8raur^ a)H lBql Pelea al requnJ,H srEew puE 'rusrrEq] 'dlllEnlrrrds se qtrns aJII srq ul slsod,{eI tueuodurl,tuos pelElnlIUe aH '.lll looqrs ,(ep aql-;o srolv:apour 'o8uo16 ,(r:e1 .ly,q pue yJng'selueroul O auew EsrolS 's qt!r$ a[SuBrPenb eqt lE Plrrl sE1vr 11 'salrBapp 1111^q aqt,,(q ur Paled!)Iued flau se^r q:rqm saueS :oyred qtpu uortezrlEr)os e qll^{ prpua lep aq1 qSrq srq ur paretuno)ua aq sralsrs aql-lo ssauFlndErd puE aulldDslp Jo purl aql -Jo asrcraq alll lEnlr]rds slrl uadaap ol u^leJp s"^r aq lBql pelDa^a.l aH '(rrqrBJt'If) hlAU 'oeqoBH elrad 'BW 'S pue (lEdr)uud looq)S) ,^lAU 'sollno EprtrDld ew s:,{leupu looq)s q8!q u! IJrls se,rl aq uaq^l s.ralsrs I^IAU o^rl ,srql Io Surssaulta eql qBno:ql uolleroa aH uortE)o Pue aJIl sltl srq Patnqulle pr)uenuur BllEuSI elqelaua^ PrJBqs ^1orl uE) IaEO aH (upPspl'VI ISJo snuurnF lneg :3 irag;o 8ur:eqs Sur8urlluq:r pue Surqrreas lnos e lq p!^{ollo_l sE,}vr }l 'r{Au 'oJ 'u Blrruv 'BW 'S {q uag!r^1 ..rl1e4 :no o1 durel V. Prllll {ooq aql-to,(dor e 1a8'o1ue5 nlrrdsg lap er*u31 elqereua1lo sanu! PUE aJII aql lnoqE uollEtu.Iojul aioru .IoJ 'uorunuruo3 d1o11 ur prol rno Euprtarar :age gg3o a8e aql te parp eqs pua eql lllun alrlras alqunq pue 8urao1 parapuar puB poc ot lnJqlrE-l paureruar aqs 'r-Irl ur rurE raq s? ! rnoqqSlau pue pog o1 (eP aql uo!letrgller PUB 3ur,r'.o11o-1 uoll€Pllosuo) JoJ IAX ))lPeur{ edod 'sseulloH srH dq pa1e81nuo:d se,n q:rtq,n ..snqttnuadn5 :adn5 urn1arra11,, aql parqeldxa osp aqg 's:aqlo aql sapas:adns aldoad s41 pue p:o1 rno 3up:as ut ,{o[3o 1r:rds aq1'op a,n s1:o,,n ,{ueru aq} altdsap leql s:aqruaru puE sjolejaPotll wl1r1 1e ot aSualeqr Y pue raputrua: poo8 rp E su^^ lI (ulpJPqJ p.rEIqrel a.uald) ..po9-1o a:ruasa:d eql Jo u8rs elqrlle-Iur eqt sr ,{o(. da{ aql s! .poD u! qltel put srotellll3el PauSrsse qtpu sdno:8 arg aJa,r eJagl sem paleu8rsap q:rea ur plaq sao8 Euos aq1 se .,Sulssaulhr rJq'a:tr JaS F-I,(ol" paDpuar sEq erreuSl :aqtow atrr .raslo puD[ aql uo PJ.IEtls I IAU'o:) 'g Prf,ruv'EN 's 'uoourrus aql ul a8req: ur aruttutuor aqt ol pJllrurqns aq ol suorlnlosar aqljo atuos arEqs ol papedxa osle a.la^r ,(aq1 ',{lsnotaard ua,r18 s11e1 puu lluloq eql ruo4 ueql pa:rdsur ;eqar u,top 1oio1 sat:elanas uo4rrpsrrn(,(q (59S) SulrEqS dnolg lPurs B s?^\ araqt 'uoouJauE aql uI 'ql!eJ,lo aSBtuuSlld s,,{reyq pa,rolo; etreuSl raqto4 'uorlelradxa pur qsul .s1ua:ed raq lsuyBe arnlry u^lorr)lun uE PrB^rol ueaq JaqJo s8ul.rrrls :auur aq1 arollol ol paprrap aqs 'q1re;,{q pue lpruul Jrll ul pelnunu se^l qlreg srrreuSl :aqro4 ,/o{ puo atot8 tear8 :aq;o asne:aq ulrorn{un ol snoeEEJno) sr iql alEJ aqs urlds dleuolssltu ? pue ;:eaq 8u11snr1 e s?q aqs anq sI Pog leql lnllsnrl pqe arEare l1p; auoq raq uel aqs 'rlpuef, patq311 e a1l st etreuSl :aqto11 'saurdd1lq4 aql ur uauo^t ro; uorleBarSuo3 snoua8rpul,.1 aq1 papunol aqs 1p.u s.po9 3u/aq6 ',(gsa(eu aur,rrp srH Jo arhJas aql uI uPruer ol [Jsl spoc o1 papuodsar ,(1pear aqs 'pog ,{q palpr alhras alqumq pue rll1e,l :aH ,{llunrutuol raqSo raquaur,fueulPro se sP ParaPtsuol eq ol asoqr pue asnoH aql-Io rolradns aql se uolusod req Pale3ruqv :o pa:'unoua: er:eu81 :aqlow lnq 'ln_Ira^rod pur snouel Buraqgo uorleldual ol paqun)f,ns auos 'arueualsns ,(ue :o1 1se ue^a lou prp eqs lnq ',{rltlEaM sE,ll Jaq}El :a11 'aruaplro:d aur^rp s.pog ur lsnrl pue leams aql.(q a^rl ot pesruord ^{orq:aqJo pue s:ossr:s1o:rud e put'pparql 'elpeau e dluo raq q1r,n tqBnorq aqs 't:)el ul 'e:uapr,rord aur,rrp s.po5 uo palsul put papuadap pue a;r1 aldurs e aarl ol asoq: aqs 'l! ol .JaqPB lou PIP aqs lnq 'alII snounxnl ? a^ll ol paldrua) sea.r er:teu8l raq1olr1 oo1paldtual ara,r'plo pue 8uno,{ 'sn1o 1y'sdep 97:euE Iasap aql ul snsal yo uorleldrual aqt lnoqe pareqs eH 111N 'laltuEIIr. ralplA'rC nag ,(q paprsa.rd uorlrrqalar rrtsueq)ng aqt,(q patq8rg8rq sv,r,r . lvp I lt,l)l ,,,7 aq1 '6yOZ'lI hontqa1 lo atuapadxa uo so paro)tunuuol s! tt uaq& puo pd^larat ?[o1to awaptadxa uo so pzn l s, 1! udtlu s,not8 r1t\og,, '*gt peJeqs aqs 'e.rou.raqtrnJ i(Epol pFo,ll aqt ur Suluaddeq s.lvq,r,r altdsap are] s.auo,{ra,ra ur Surleuetua lo( st araql a:ualpne:aq paSuxlpqr eqs 'otues -11 nlurdsg 1ap er:uu81 alqerauan pue d:eyq ,Io uorl?trqr u! tl:unqf sIH PUE Po5 :o1 aaol pue 'adoq 'qllu-I Jlaql pauadaap 5^eq snqt '8u!rEqs raq o1 ,(laarluape paualsrl sraqtuatu WIW aqf 'arrlsnl PUE 'apntruoJ'erwradtual'a)uaPn.Id -Io sanur^ [Eulp.lEJ eql se IIr^r sE 'JnoqqSlau pup po) prvMol dlr:eq3 pur 'ado11 'qtpJ .;o sanpu p:r8o1oaql aqt aa:8ap rrorarl e o1 ssassod o1 puno.; sr (re4 u18:rn aqt-Io sno€llau aqt Jo ssrJPunol 'oluEs nlrrrdsg 1ap erreu8y 'po9lo luEAraS aql rBql salBrs U l,Og7 '96,(renuul 1se1 ::nu:s:rgv,tnH cNv Hlrvl s,vrfvNgt ulH.Lov! llNvustlluow sE^r aqs lerll auBl aturl aql uaq/\ .laq JoJ paredard seq pog alrllo alels ra^aleq^r ol raq pa:eda:d qrtq,u slue:ud raq;o s1tu1 :alre.reqo poo8 rqt 11e paluaqur seq pr8 8uno,( e se eneu31 'ueruo^l eldurs pue E 'PrPud u€ rBllluolaD DIJEhI ol ruredurd PaIIJEUI sB/yr oql{ ueul PaPuIru-ss€ulsnq pue snolrtsnpur u€ sEM eH eurq3',{oLuy tuo:; se,lr erreuSl 8uno,{ aql Io iaqltJ aql 'otnt :dasn( .;eu1q3 ut paruatledxa ,{aql auluru-y1o asneraq,{r8unq put :ood a:aar ralpea saurddtlqd aql ol atuE) oq^l asaurqJ aqllo lsotu,, 'leq) PlBs aH dgurel strreuSl raqloyl 1o sturuurSaq alqrunrl aql p.lpa^ar 1t9 :rg,1o,{1tuoq eql'luerqalar-o) srq se 'odeuel oparly J{ psp lu€rqelar urpul sE (ueesEl 'VWS ralu€lErsg lo snuurnlE uP) AIss lrc itc :rag lq paplsa:d plaq sf,^r uorlPrqalatr rrlsrJeqtrng e 'I€arq qlleaq aql reuY gNtntl JE I RvNt MoTHER t6NActA l\4ovEMENT sEcoND NATtoNAL coNVENTtoN Sendong that hit Cagayan de Oro and Iligan Ciry as well as that oft)?hoon Pablo rvhich wrecked New Bataan, Compostela Valley, and Davao Oriental. He was involyed in the rehabilitation ot the people by t'acilitating a pschosocial training to make the victims whole again due to traumas which the government, like DSWD, cannot respond to. His Christ-like experiences made him appreciate morc his vocation as a priest and it deepened his love and commitment to serve God and His people as long as he lives. lt had a Sreat impact on the MIM members who listened atlentively to his sharing, together rvith the video clips which brought them to the reality of life and likervise deepened their taith, hope, and love tbr God. For without God, wc cannot be. We are called to be His instruments ofpeace, joy, hope, love, and justic€ in these challenging times of ours. We are contemplatives in action to 6nd cod in all things and to do all for the greater honor and glory ofGod. A testimony on God's healing and mercy through the intercession of Venerable Ignacia was shorvn on video by Southern Mindanao. We hope and pray that Venerable Ignacia be raised on our altars as Blessed and soon be Canonized as the 3,,r Filipino Saint. area, Mrs. Esther Vibal and personnel S, Ma. Magdalena Leocadio, RVM, the National and Luzon MIM Coordinator, announced that the ,urisdictional planning be done by jurisdiction attcr the convention due to time constraint. She also led the renewal of commitment pledged by all MIM members. The SGS output rvas presented by each jurisdictional representative. Horvever, the ratification ofthe Conyention Resolutions was not materialized because oflack of time to consolidate all the resolutions. They will be presented The opening and closing paraliturgy thcilitated by S. Ma. Clara platino, RVM and Northern Mindanao MIM members. ryas later. S. Ma. Consuelo B. Alvino, RVM, Chair, Mother Foundress Commission, thanked all those rvho, in one way or another, has made the 2,',rMIM Convention a memorable and fruitlul one. She also closed the 2,'.r National MIM Convention. Special thanks goes to Rev Mother General and Council, lhc Steering Committee headed by S. Ma. Andrea Yee, the honorary Chair, the MIM Jurisdictional Coordinators, the members ofthe Mother Foundress Commission, all RVM conlmunities especially in Luzon and G€neralate Thc MIM delegates went to a tour at the Mother House complex and proceeded to Intramuros ryhere the Memorial ofVenerable Ignacia is located. They were also treated to a presentation ofthe history of the Philippines in the lights and sounds section for free. Thanks to S. Ma. Consuelo Alvino tbr facilitating the tour. Congratulations and thanks to the organizers and management ofthe 2 "r MIM National Convention. May the spirit ofour dear Mother Foundress be etched in everyonei heart. Viva fESUS! Viva MARIA! Viva MOTHER IGNACIA! MABUHAY ang MIM! CONGRATTIIITTIONS to the R\rM SISTERS iuxl nretnbe rs of Vibal Publishing House, Inc., Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., REX Bookstore, S. Maria Magdalena L. Leocadio, RVM, National MIM Coordinator and all Jurisdictional MIM Coordinators, S. Ma. Rosabella R. Gallo, SMCQC President, S. Ma. |uanita Coruia, RVM, the local Superior, all school faculty and personnel, and ofcourse all delegates Ivho participated in the said conyenlion. ol tlrr l\lothcr lgnacia l\'krve lrrenI otr this tinre lv Conve nliorr an(l lilting llrclnc: "LMNG NIORI VIBRANTD' NIOTHIR IGNACIT|S IAITH and HtrNIBLf, SIRVICI TOI)AY" IIappv Silrer r\nniversan,, NII Nt ! Living More Yibrantly Mother lgnacia's Faith and Humble Service Today Joel L Alegado . Pilar College of Zamboanga City, Cluster president lt has been our customary tradition to model someone betbre us on the kind of lifc we want to live and even to realize. We seem to look at their way oI lil'e and to some inspiration relate with ours.'lhus, this reflectio[ is rooted on the desire of imitating the exemplary life lived by Mother lgnacia, a woman offaith and a humble servant of fesus. So timely, as the head ofthe Church, His Holines.s Pope Benedict XVI, declared this year as the "Year ofljaith' last October I l, 2012, a man offailh and ol lotal submission l() (;od r,ras also proclaimed as one amohg the holiest people of the Church to sainthord. And what was so inspiring, he is a Filipino, Saint Pedro Calungsod. 'Ihis o[ly paves the way to all our undertakings and hopes that our very own Mother lgnacia del Espiritu Sanb will soon be lifted up to sainthood as well. Mother Ignacia would be best described by her extraordinary faith. She chose k) stand with the Lord so as k, liye with Him. With all the hardships and rrials that came akrng her way kr uniting with Jesus in the consecrated life, she oever allowed any circumstances to doubt her faith in (iod. Instead, the more she grew in her desire for God and sought Him constantll this is because she underskrod the very reason fbr believing and the significance ofputting God as the center of her lit'e which made her feel comfo able to remain with the Lord. Remaidng with the Lord would mean total abandonment ofthe ealthly desires which is essential to lead a life of true discipleship. Most likely, it was never in her mind that her deep expression of faith during her time would later create an immense impact in the lives of many in the number ofgenerations until today. 'lhus, many, in their search for meaning in life, ibund inspiration in the exemplary li[e ofMother lgnacia andjoin her legacy in the ministry ofreligious life, while others in their ordinary ways. She served as a real icon of a humble seryant which resulted lo her copious contemporary tbllowers. They, in turn. have manilesled vibrantly lhe mission to be herald ofher cardinal virtues entrenched in the love of(iod: her faith, excellence, and service. And these under- takings have grown widely as it affects the life, not only among her constituents in the cloister, but more so in the lives ofevery ordinary people, especially the students in the education ministry, who witnessed her very life olhumble service. YouDg as thcy are can be the potent force olevangelizatioD when faith rnatures through adequate formation. Moreover, even to the elders, we have eyewitnesses on how the faith of Mother Ignacia contaminated theirs. It is eyident ali manifested in their way oflife, in their day to day journey in the classroom as RVM educators, in entrusting their sons and daughters to RVM firrmation among the MIM parents, and even the total selfgiving ofthe lay partners in the CongrcgatioD. Not so long ago, my life came across with Mother lgnacia after;'oining the formation to the ordain€d ministry It was believed to be God's intervention, a grace, since it was never given any part ofthe thought. He uses people to direct the virtues ofpeople. 'Ihus, I could say I was directed to ihe path never in my wildest dream will happen. It was a path of total reformulation ofthe goal in life; lionr the pulpit to the learning board; fronr the iectionary lo the learning plan; from most likely adult subiect k) mostly youtMul; and from community to a family. Yet, it was worth it. I have found a new lamily in the Spirit of Morher lgnacia which not only helped me continue my spiritual formation, but the opportunity as well to share this among the youth oftoday. Moreover, it was Dot and will never be far from what it is lo serve God at the pulpit and the humble service in the classroom. Itt more ofentrusting one's life to Him knowing Ihat in every step we make, He is there to walk with usIndeed, faith is a transforming grace. We may not know what lies ahead ofus, yet we coltinue ou! iourney because ahead ofus, klow someone is there who will never we abandon us. The joy we find along the way is the tiuit ofour vibrant exprcssions of faith which calls us to become seryant of God. Like Mother Ignacia, her theological virtue offaith is indeed a gift which she received from Cod, the Creator, and submitted totally her response to be open to the guidance oithe Holy Spirit b be able b share her life to othcrs. Her deep faith totally transformed her visions in life to seek more Cod's grace in order to become an agent of transibrmation in the live$ others. of Finally, we are all called to a vibrant reflection ofour faith that ilr every grace we receive from God, it has to be released and be lived in the fullness ofjoy in the presence of(;od. We, like Mother Ignacia, are called lo be instruments of humble service to the divine maiesly.'lhe exemplary virtues of Mother lgnacia kr the road ofperfection gives us hopes that wherevet whoever, and whatever we are, we are called to attain certain knowledge o[ truth thal will bring us to our salvatirln. ,I1] I RVM MoTHER IGNACIA MoVEI\4ENT sECoND NATIoNAL CoNVENTIoN Remembering This Woman of Deep Faith l.ester Helon L. Cantones . SMC, Baganga It had been over three centuries ago when woman fiom Binondo, Manila made a big diftercnce to the birth ofthe first Filipino Religious Congregation tbr rvomen. A rvoman who pioneered to give women the courage to serve Goc'l rrholcheartedly during the era whcn men rvere considered as supcrior in the socieq,. A valia[t woman who possessed characteristics ryhich an ordinary lass could hardly do. An exemplary woman both in rvords and action. True to her name, her acts, which only started fionr the little town of Binondo, spread like a blazing lire to the rest ofthe country and even ovcrseas norv through her tbllorcers, thc Rcligious ol thc Virgin Mary. a Vcnerable lgnacia is truly exemplary. For an ordinary woman, starting such works may be so hard, but with her desire and taith to our Almighty Father, she ovcrcame all tbelings and emotions an ordinary being ttels. Trull', paradox to be considered that thesc things served as her stepping stones to achieve her life's desire. a Tlre celebration of MIMs 25 years of existcnce in the Philippines tbr the cause ofVenerable Ignacia del Espiritu Santo's beatification is truly a great manit-estation of God's grorving vineyard. Like a mustard seerl, it rvas started by iust l'ew pioneering people and now grelv into a bigger commuDit),. This 2''r National Conyention with its themc, "Living More Vibrantly Mother Ignacia's Faith and Humblc Servicel' is very timely that this year is declared as the year of fhith. Faith has differcnt meanings in us depending on our personal encounter ofit. Some may say thal this is believing on things we dont see, yet our hearts tell they exist. Yes, it may be true to all. Things that may be impossible to happen. )icl w( k(cp on prafing that God will grant us. It may relate to the story ofNoah rvhen hc was told by God to prepare tbr the biggest catastrophe that rvould come. Though unbelievable during thc time when the earth was full ofgrecn lushes and was young then, still he tbllorved rvhat God had told him to do. M. Ignacia, at a very young age, believed in the providence ofGod. Even unsure ofwhat kind of lite that rvould await upon her request to part fiom their home, she rvas courageous to tbllorv her heart in the service of G<.rd. this maDifestation can be sccD in the first part ot thc 1726 Constitution lvhere she wrote that all rvho entered into her house must have total submission of thcmselves and dependence on God's divine grace. Her faith bore into the grorving number ofher tbllorvers rvho also emulate her apostolic deeds. M. Ignacia continually inspires others to live lvith tiee submission and abandonment to the Fathert holy rvill. This always rcminds us that with Him, all things will be possible. lt may not happen now or as what rve hope lbt but it happens in His own pertect time as long as rve have dcep f'aith to the Father fiom up above. LIVING MOREVIBRANTLY MOTHER I6NACIA'5 FAITH AND HUMELE SERVICE R\:M I .i Insights on the Mother Ignacia Movement 2"d National Convention I tclt so blessed I ioined and participated in the 2"'r National Convention celebrating Mother lgnacia Movement's 25" fubilee year ofexistence. Lit'e is s<r precious, a gift tronr God that should he spent rvisely. Although as a rvorking Mom, it is not easy to just pack nry bag an)'time, absent myself tror.Il rvork, and Ieave my t'amily lbr this conventior. But after a deep rcflection, nry lhith in God through VIDES and nry commitment to the MlMovement led nre to decide rvholeheartedly and ioin the said event which I belicved rvould be a gootl avenue tbr nre to spcnd timc strengthening my spiritual lifc. I taithtully and religiously responded "YES" to her call. It rvas October 2008 when I first ansrvered her calliug to bccome an oflicial member. I was even appointed of the MIM Cluster lV under the umbrella of Southern Mindanao Province at the RVM School ofPilar College ofZamboanga City. Members include the parents ofthe studcnts, guardians, and tiiends. Like M. Ignacia's modest way of living with taith carrying only a ncedle and a pair as secretary ofscissors, I myselfcould testity that without her sacrilices and love lbr the poor, this movement, nrost especially the Congregation, tvould never be possible at all. My sinple way oisearching tbr her virtucs an(l puning into practicc mirrors the kind ollife I rvas challenged by the exemplary yirtues of M. lgnacia. Since my involvement to this moyement, I had encountered numerous experiences where I could attest that \TIDES is really a great intercessor in rny lifb. make His presence be tblt the most. The accommodation, services, and sessions rvere really excellent. It tquched my heart and my whole personality as I treasured all the beautitul mcmories ofthis conventiou. Our dear speakers rvcre very ovcrwhelming tbr this year's convention theme, "Living More Vibrantly Mother Ignacia! Faith and Humble Service." Our sharing and reactions regarding VIDES virtues challenged nre morc to put into practice the good news of Jesus. With this, I committed to subn1it Her intercession in prayer, rvith God the Father's mercy and rvith Mama Mary everlthing is granted in Godi time. Indeed, I could say in God's name that nothinS is impossible. For instance, I was recently surprisetl last February 13, 2013 when I fbund out, after all the financial worries, that my expenses and budget to myioining to this convention in Manila ryould be all provided. Thus, rvith God's grace, He made me l'eel His presence more in the many events of my lite. Whcn we arrived at St. Mary's College, Quezon Ciry rve rvere warmly rvelcomed. God uses people and events to I'm happy na nakajoin ako sa convention. It was my first time to come here to Manila and also my first time to ioin the convention. I was blessed through Mother Ignacia kasi wala ako dito kung hindi dahil sa MIM Conyention. I'm very much thanKul to see the children of Mother Ignacia- myself more to the apostolate ofth€ MlMovement: to givc my brst in the infbrmation dissemination and to share thc virtues of Mother lgnacia to my ftllow parishioners, tiiends, and co-members ofthe parish organizations rvith thc hope of igniting in them thc spirit to hc part ofthis mission and to be an active and dedicated menrber tbr the nrain cause of Mothcr lgnacia del Espiritu Santo. Anna Mclinda Borres - Decir Clustcr 4, i4amboanga Citv Southern llindanao Proyincc I was touched by the inspirational talk by Rev. M. Ma. Evelln C. Aguilar. This convention opens my mind regarding the true humbleness of Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo. She ted thc Congregation by humility and gained strength from )esus Christ. This day is a turning point for me to focus on Christ like Moth€r did in her authentic respond to God's calling. lltyla B. pajo Cugman Unit/Eetania Retreat House Dasmarinas Peter C. Guerrenr Cavite Chapter Cill I Jit I RvM MoTHER rGNAcrA rvovEM€NrsECoND NATtoNAL coNVENTtoN The inspirational talk of Rev M. Ma. Evelyn C. Aguilar, RVM on the virtues of Mother Ignacia especially on kindness and humility is very touching and penetrating on the hearts of MIM members so that it also inspired us to work hard to imitate this particular virtue and draw more members to our group. So we need to have a copy ofher talk because we like to bring that good nervs to our own MIM members so by humility in the spirit of taith and love, we can bring more people to Jesus. Mrs. Purilicacion B. Magistrado Iriga City My impression ofthis convention is that it gave me knowledge about the family and life ofMother Ignacia. I will apply the topic ofSister Evel)'n Aguilar about the virtue of faith and humble service ofthe MIM during community meetings so that I can convince some p€ople to ioin the MIM group. Sa ararv na ito ng Feb. 16, 2013, maraming pagkakataon ang narinig ko tungkol kay Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo. Naiiba sa reflection tungkol sa history ng buhay Familia. Nagkaroon ako ng ilang pananaw. Kahirapan ang pagdating ng Familia Jusepe Iuco sa atinS bansang Pilipinas at tumira sa mga sidewall ng Binondo kung saan dito binigyang buhay at pananarv ng pagibig kay Maria Geronima ang tJpical Pilipina. Dito binigFng buhay ng pagiibigan si Ignacia. Sa harap ng paghamon, lumaki at nagkaisip sa mataas na desire na siya (Ignacia) na umalis upang hanapin ang kaayang karisma, nagnilay, nagisip. Binigay ang sarili sa Diyos at sa kapwa upang ikonek ang tao sa f)iyos sa pamamagitan ng isang Congregation. Maraming hanon, pagsubok, kagutuman, at paghihirap sa pinansyal subalit kailanman ay hindi siya sumuko. Bagkus ipinaubaya sa Diyos ang kanyang discernment at tugunan ang pangangailangan ng tao. Nabuo ang RVM na ako ay isang menber ng nasabing Kongregasyon na pilit tumutugon sa mga gawaing dala ng Banal na Espiritu Santo. Walang alinlangan ang aking isipan at puso na magkakaroon ng katugunan ang ating kahilingan in God's time na siya (Ignacia) na ma-beatily. Ang pagibig ay mula sa Diyos at ang tanging ganti natin ay katatagan, pananarnpalataya na maggarva, at huwag maghintay na di kumikilos. Kailangang magkaisa sa iisang gar-vain, magpakumbaba, at magtiis to serve people especially the Medinda There was a strong pres€nce of M. Ignacia especially during the candle offering. There was a strong fteling of reminder that our chapter (and me personally) have not done enough-either in offering prayers or sacri6ces. A question that came clearly is: are there people (anyone) who live a life oivirtue because ofour commitment to the MIM? Odhel Vega When I became a member on Feb.21,2009, many changed in my life: Faith and humility have grown strongly within my thmily because of the ground performance of Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo. I was given the opportunity to share },ith other people, especially in a far-flung barangay, who now forget their faith to God. poor Let's have the same hour ofintercessory prayers to Mother Ignacia for beatification. Sa aking narinig, naging labisJabis at lalo akong nagkaroon ng inspirasyon sa aking komunidad na ipakilala sa aking pag-apostolate sa mga batang nawawala sa realidad ng buhay, ang mga batang nakakulong sa kalinga ng DSWD sa Dasmariflas City, Cavite. Sa kanilang pagkakulong, higit akong nainspire na ipakilala ang nag, ing buhay-pananampalataya sa kanyang kapanahunan. At buhat noon hanggang ngayon tularan at ipagmalaki kung papaano kumilos ang Banal na Espiritu Santo sa buhay (Ignacia) at sa buhay ng mga nagpapatakbo ng RVM at mga apostles tayo MIM. I do hope, in God's time, Mother lgnacia be the l'' woman Saint tiom our country. Amen. l-t)lita Salvo The dayi activities nourished my commitment to continue to rvork lbr the cause of the beatification of Mother Ignacia. In spite ofdifficulties, nothing shattered her hope, corroded her taith, and crippled her love lbr fesus. llru. lltediatrix Villanueva Mrs. Remedios Pancipane LrvrNG MoREVTBRANTLv MoTHER rGNAcrA's FArrH AND HUMBLE sERvrcr Aftending the 2"'r National Congress ofthe Mother lgnacia Movement is one ofthe blessings I have received in my life despite of all expenses I have incurred travelling miles away from home leaving all responsibility at home, school, and work is really ryorth it. From all the inspirational talk given to us, I was really inspired by the talk given by our Revercnd Mother Maria Evelyn C. Aguilar, RVM the Superior General ofthe RVM and S. Ma Anica B. Co, RVM rvho awakened me rvhat taith is and the humble service of Mother Ignacia. Following the footsteps of M. Ignacia in this generation is not lot ofdistractions that even me I cannot hear and understand rvhat really the Lord wants me to do. nvu After hearing the inspirational message of Rev. M. General M. Ma. Evelyn Aguilar, RVM, I have realized that through M. Ignacia's htercession, as we offer everything to God and place our lives always in Godi hands, we can be assured that like M. Ignacia, we are safe all the time with |esus and Mary. Like what happened last night that there was no way that \ r'e have to eal the food against our health, but o,fering for the success ofthe MIM National Convention, we were not affected by the food we ate. Thanks to Venerable lgnacia. easy and a Marinduque Unit How nystcrious the work ofour Lord, through the intercession of Mother Ignacia, rvorks in my liti: norv. A strange question that pops in my lite rvhere I am still searching lbr alswer, as the day ends, from the valuc of reflection and settling dorvn the l'eelings, an answer comes ald makes me realize that M. ISnacia is there fbr me, despite reiecting her for a long time, I lbund her presence because she never leaves me. I found mysell and the fire started to ignite in my heart to tbllow hcr even in the midst ofmy sacrifice in lite. No regrets, no hatred in coming here. I am blessed and happy to go home refieshed. The emptiness I have carried fbr a long time is gone. Leaving this convention, I rvill always remember how M. lgnacia touched my lit'e and did not leave me, Her presence will be alrvays in me. Lord, than-k you! Thank you for helping and giving me this opportunity to aftend this convention. Thank you for giving to us M. Ignacia who has become my inspiration. MIll - Zamboanga City Boac, lltarinduque I was so amazcd. The true man from heaven was Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo. At this present time, her virtues and heroic deeds il service ofGod and fellow men are really amazing. Faith and humble life inspired me of having faith as Mother Ignacia in living like Christ. a great As a mother offaith, I lay down my sacrifices and obstacles in life, through the intercession of Mother Ignacia. I also wish to be like Mother Ignacia to be a channel ofblessings to our community. In this convention, Mother Ignacia embraced me, all of us at the prcsence, the Triun€ God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The hands ofVenerable lgnacia are vibrantly rvorking in the activities and in each participant as seen in their faces despite tiredness. Praise the Lord! Congratulations to all those who prepared the activities untiringly. Mother Ignacia's thith is really working through love tbr it radiates in the person ofeach delegate through their jol,ful and sell'-giving participation in the activities. Let us be more prayerful to strengthen our thith and humble heart and to renerv the spirit ofour families and communities. Thanks be to God. S. S. Nla. Dlilagros S. Sealongo, RVltt Bel,ania Retreat Home San Agustin, Iriga City I l,eticia Eli l.i l:: I RVM [4oTHER tGNActA l\,lovEMENT sEcoND NAIoNAL coNVENTtoN I rvould like to share my experiences why I was able to attend the l'' National Convention of MIM last April 1997. I am an alumna of St. Mary's College Roxas City, Capiz. And my Sister Emma f)asal entered the Religious Congregation ofthe Virgin Mary called RVM sisters where the tbunder was M. Ignacia. She gave mc a leaflet prayer to M. lgnacia and prayers to the Blessed Mother ancl fesus. So I kept on praying to them. One time I dreamed about Mother Ignacia rvhen I transt-erred to Capiz Institute ofTechnology, a vocational tech school. I r.lreaned of a big building rvhich was destroyed and turned into small pieces and belou a colfin was blown by the wind and stopped at the gate of CIT. My sister, Emma Dasal, happened to be assignecl at St. Mary! Academy ofCapiz at that time. So I told her about my dream. So she brought students with her at CIT and talked about M. Ignacia. Sister Fe Inginco, my teacher in high school, was also there at SMAC thal time, so when I told her, she also talked to our students irl HS at CIT. And that was the start of M. lgnacia Club, CIT chapter. So we ioined with St. Mary's MIC every time they have celebration about M. Ignacia Club. St. Pius X Sem also had M. Ignacia Club during that time. And one time in 1997, S. Fe told nre to go with her in Manila to attend the MIM 1., National Convention. AII frce at the school! cxPense. Before I attended the Convention, I ha!'c destroyed by an earthquake. To nry surprise, I said this was the big building I sarv in my dream which rvas destroyed into small pieces and saw a coflin which stopped at the gate of CIT. That must be the coflin of M. Ignacia because CIT is a tech vocational school olfering dressmaking, embroidery, cooking, etc. rvhere M. Ignacia, when she Ieft home, has brought with her a needle and pair ofscissors. And rvhen I passed a room with M. Ignacia dressed in her hlack und rvhite unitbrm, a sister told mc to make a wish and suddenly it iust canre to nry mind to wish CI'I'to become a university. I rvas surprised also rvhy ofall wishcs CIT to be a uriversity? I could have wished to be promotetl to a higher position or oflice as a guidance counselor ofthe College. Thcn it also cane to my nrind about my dream o[a big huilding with red carpct becausc rvhcn rve had a tour to Malacaiang, I sarv a red carpet there. And that rvas the l, time I have sccn and entcred Malacanang Palace during the convention and also Binondo Church where M. Ignacia was baptized. So thcse are my unlbrgettablc cxpericnces when I attended the l" National Convcntion of MIM at St. Mary's College QC. That's rvhy I was herc again tbr the second time as the 2''' National Convention - Silvcr fubilee of MIM. Thank you very much to Mother lgnacia del Espiritu Santo and to our Blessed Mother Mary lbr I have met many people in the MIM Convention. series ofdreams again. I dreanted about a big building which to me is like a school, but I can't picture which school is it. I dreamed also ofa building rvith a red carpet and chairs. When I arrived at the conventioD rvith S. Fc at St. Mary's QC where it lvas the venue ofthe convention,I was surprised to see the school rvhich I sarv in my dream. That must be St. Mary's College QC. Then during the exhibits at M. Housc, I salv a picture tiame labeled as St. Ignatius Church where M. Ignacia was buried and rvas S1. Virginia Dasal Oroceo lllarv's College, Roxas Citv LrvrNG M'RE vrBRANrLy M.THER TGNACTA's FArrH AN D HUMBLE sERvrce Inspiration Faith Floreta MIM-ZCC President How delighted I am, For you are there for me, You're beautiful as the star in heavens, Shining brightly with vibrant and glee Gratetll as can be, dth your guidance and mercy Horv I long to see you, to erase the melancholy in me... For your graces are free, always and everybody agrees... \ TheJoy of Believing! Joel T, Alegado Pilar College of Zamboanga City, Cluster President A famous author f)e Chardin quoted that foy is the infallible sign ofthe presence ofGod. As I r€flect on this, I was inspired to think: Are these the signs? That when I think of Cod, I feel happy? That rvhen every time I wake up betbre the sunrisc, I t-eel blessed? That when I f'eel the comlbrt o[ nry loved ones, I feel secured? That when I am assured of my safery I feel His presence? That when prayers are granted, I feet hopetul? Thal rvhen I an promoted, I feel the grace? That rvhen I am guided to the right decision, I t-eel enlightened? That when I accomplished any responsibiliry I felt supported? That rvhen I am thce to t-ace lvith troubles, I feel being strengthened? That rvhen I am downhearted, I feel emporvered? That rvhen I am conlused, I feel the rvisdom? That when I am disturbed, I t'eel the calmness? That rvhen I am heavy laden, I f'eel Simon of Cyrene with me? That rvhen I am astray, I feel companionship? And all ofa sudden, I was stoppedl My thought was brought to the image ofa woman! A woman who, in her whole life, Found the .ioy ofbelieving That no one else but God is the source Of all our happiness! Amen! nvnr I '15 . I nvM ttorHen rcNAcrA Mov€MENT sECoND NATIoNAL coNV€NTtoN ROSTER OFDETEGATES TUZON REGION l. 2. -1. -1. 5. 6. 7. ll. Ms. feanette Aguinalclo Singalong, Nlanila Ms. Sol Dacanay Singakrng, Manila S. Nla.'leresita Camarlin, RVN{ Singabng, Nlalrila S. Ma. Andrea Yee, IIVNI Singalong, Manila S. Ma. Estrella Querubin Singakrng, Nlanila Carla Arquizola Pasa,v (lit,Y, Crisrltla Pasay (lit)', MaDila Salac Phanrcla Antasan Eloisa Maric Inoccl]tes, RVlvl 9. S. t0. S. N4a. Sah'e I l. S. llorjal, RVNI Ma. Lourdes Ca<r Mrnila Pasal' Oity Nlarila Pasay Cit),, lvlarila Irasa),(iit)., Manila Pasay City, Mdnila t2. N1'dia Irranc<r Sta. Ana, Ilanila t3. llizabeth ValL: Sta. Ana, Minila t{. Atlela Manzano Sta. Ana, Manila 15. Illizabeth Inarvirsan Sta. 16. S. t7. Ir{a. -r\lice Diao 18. S. NIa. 19. Elvira Pilares Mel'cauayan, llulacan 20. Teresita Mcndoza Meycaua,van, Ilulacan 21. Alice Vista lvleycauayan, Bulacan 22. S. 23. S. Ma. Marissa ll. [,1rs.'leresita (le GuzrDan Sto. Nitio, Bulacalr 25. Norina Haganas Sto. 26. Rosita Pila Sto. Nirio, Ilulacart 27 Mr Larry Pikrngo Sto. Nilio, Bulacan 2tt. 29. 10. -11. S. Ma. Tcresita Dacio, RVM Ana, Manila Sta. ADa, N'l nila \ikal Elisa Forbes, RVNI Ma. Felisa [)eclaro, RVM Ardeta I'Ia. Perla Hao Hao. RVNI St., Mar)ila Yakal St., N'tanila Meycluayan, Bulaciur Meycauayan, Bulacau Niio, Bulacilr'r Sto. Nino, Bulacnn l\,ls. Salvacion Burao Caloocan (litv Ivlrs. l,evielyn Camasis C:rloocan (lity S. Marl'Grace Celocia, R\rM Caloocan Citl' 32. Ms. Beneth Putian ll. !lrs. Ruby Parungao 14. S. Ma. Nlylna Querol, RVM Guagua, Pampanga -35. Gu:rgua, Panrpanga S. lvta. Angclina Prado, RVM (iuagua, Parupanga Guaguir, Pampangir LIVING MOREVIBRANTLY MOTHER IGNACIA,S FAITH AND HUMBLE SERVICT 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 4950. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 6263. 6,1. 65. 66. Eliza Altar Balirvag, Bulacan Melanie Camara Baliwag, Bulacan Jo Cantos Baliwag, Bulacan S. Ma. Remedios Ababon, RVM Balirvag, Bulacan Tessie Juliano Hagonoy, Bulacan )anneth Macale Hagonoy, Bulacan Valen Sebastian Hagonoy, Bulacan Mrs. Milagros Cruz Hagonoy, Bulacan Paula Tolentino Hagonoy, Bulacan S. Ma. Ruby Amen, RVM Hagonoy, Bulacan Ms. )udith Sunico Nagcarlan, Laguna Ms. Carmen Retbrente Nagcarlan, Laguna Ms. Rhodora Irlanda Nagcarlan, Laguna Ms. loji Amores Nagcarlan, Laguna Ms. Gloria Balao-as Nagcarlan, Laguna S. Ma. Luz Britanico, RVM Nagcarlan, Laguna Dr. Ofelia Vega Ligao/Legaspi, Albay Mrs. Nonita Red Ligao/Legaspi, Albay Mrs. Mary Mediatrix Villanueva Ligao/Legaspi, Albay S. Ma. Erangeline Dorol, RVM Ligao/Legaspi, Albay Mrs. Remedios Pancipane Ligao/Legaspi, Albay Mrs. Purificacion Magistrado Iriga City, CamSur Mrs. Valeria Corporal Iriga City, CamSur S. Ma. Milagros Sealongo, RVM Iriga City, Camsur Ms. Elvira Malagante Iriga City, Camsur Mrs. Aida Malapote Boac, Marinduque Ms. Frenie Osicos Boac, Marinduque S. Ma. Amanda dela Cruz, RVM Boac, Marinduque Mrs. fosie Leal Boac, Marinduque Ms. Ycnchie Regis Boac, Marinduque Ms. Rachel Faeldo Boac, Marinduque GENIERAII\TEAREA l. Mr. Regino Malundas 2. Ms. Cecilia Acejo 3. Ms. Antonia Corpus 4. Ms. Zenaida Roferos 5. Luz Mariano St. Mary's College, QC St. Mary's College, QC St. Maryt College, QC St. Mary's Collegc, QC Dasmariias, Cavite NVTiT I ..1:, ,18 | RvM MoTHER rGNAcrA MovEMENT sEcoND NATToNAL coNvENTtoN 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I l. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. Mildred Roque Dasmarifras, Cavite Marietta Mame Dasmarifras, Cavite Emilia Arpon Dasmariias, Cavite Rosita Dungaran Dasmariias, Cavite Peter Cuerrero Dasmariias, Cavite Marilyn Miraflores Dasmariias, Cavite Lolita Salvo Dasmariias, Cavite Leticia Eli Dasmariias, Cavite Lorna Tecson f)asmariias, Cavite FlordelizaCastillo Dasmariias, Cavite Nenita Rabe Dasmariias, Cavite Agustina Naputo Dasmarifras, Cavite Rosalina Dayrit Dasmariias, Cavite Tina Silan Espaia, Manila Floresita Pareia Espafla, Manila S. Consolacion, RVM Espana, Manila Leonida Aranda Binondo, Manila Helen Lip Binondo, Manila Lumen Garcia Binondo, Manila S. Ma Rafaela Singson Binondo, Manila VISAYAS REGION l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I t. 12. 13. 14. 15. t6. 17. 18. Estrella Caballes Oslob, Cebu Salud Luna Oslob, Cebu l,ourdes Abines Oslob, Cebu Helen Balingit Oslob, Cebu Merylin Erauda Oslob, Cebu Wilma Nazareno Oslob, Cebu Gracia Ragandang Oslob, Cebu S. Ma. Natividad Gabuya Oslob, Cebu Expedizitas Lenares Dalaguete, Cebu Evelyn Sarmago Dalaguete, Cebu feremia Respecia Dalaguete, Cebu S. Ma Nancy Daclan, RVM Dalaguete, Cebu Nicolas, Cebu City Mrs. Wency Provido San Mr. Arnaldo Asuque San Nicolas, Cebu City S. Ma. Florencia Gerona, RVM San Nicolas, Cebu Maripas Urbina Palo, Leyte Angela Militante Palo, Leyte S. Ma. Rodina Bongoc, RVM Palo, Leyte City LrvrNG MoRE vTBRANTLv MoTHER rcNACrAs FAIIH AND HUMBLE sERVrcr 19. 20. 21. 2223. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 3637. Mr. Vicente Talagon S. Ma. Rachel Bernardo, RVM S. Ma- Gretchen Beronia, RVM Catbalogan, W. Samar Catbalogan, W. Samar Catbalogan, W. Samar Mrs. Remedios Versoza Catbalogan, W. Samar Mr. Allan Alberto fimalalud, Negros Or. S. Mary Grace Sebigan fimalalud, Negros Or. S. Ma Amelia MacArthur, Sadaba, RVM E. Samar Mr. Felix Contado MINSAC, Borongan Mrs. Estei Contado MINSAC, Borongan Mr. loel Archiva IMINSAC, Borongan Mrs. Glenda Archival MINSAC, Borongan Delfa Quitona MINSAC, Borongan Editha Latoia MINSAC, Borongan Evelina Voloso MINSAC, Borongan Nilda Bonga MINSAC, Borongan Narcisa Sayson MINSAC, Borongan Felrose Alota MINSAC, Borongan Andrea Bocar MINSAC, Borongan Purificacion Bianes MINSAC, Borongan 38. Nancy Aldes MINSAC, Borongan 39. S. 40. Apolinario Bocar Ma. Gemma Navidad, RVM NOKTHENN MINDANAO t. S. Ma. Clara C. Platino, RVM 2. Dr. Edorni Betita 3. Ms. Remedios Montaio 4. Mrs. Aurora Bagares 5. Ms. Nora Cabeltes 6. Dr. Florame Dadole 7. Norberto Gonzales 8. Rita Gulac MINSAC, Borongan MINSAC, Borongan Lourdes College CDOC Lourdes College CDOC Lourdes College CDOC Lourdes College CDOC Lourdes College CDOC Lourdes College CDOC Lourdes College CDOC Lourdes College CDOC 9. Mrs. Carmen Pia San Augustine Parish CDOC 10. Mrs. Mila Abesamis San Augustine Parish CDOC n. Mrs. Malene fonglco San 12. Ms. Susan Hermosa San Augustine Parish CDOC 13. Mrs. Lolita Tagarda San Augustine Parish CDOC 14. S. 15. fosephine Morong Mt. Carmel Parish, CDOC 16. Ema Akut Mt. Carmel Parish, CDOC Ma. Consolacion Buenaventura Augustine Parish CDOC Mt. Carmel Parish, CDOC nvna I r? 50 | RvM MorBEn rGNAcrA MovEMENT sEcoND NATToNAL coNVENTToN 17. Leonida Reyes Mt. Carmel Parish, CDoC 18. Ms. Asuncion Amante Balingasag, Mis. Or. t9. Ms. Mildred Quina Balingasag, Mis. Or. 20. Mrs. Phoebe Balabag Balingasag, Mis- Or. 2t. Mrs. Lourdes Sinogaya Balingasag, Mis. Or. 22. Glen Sabuga-a Balingasag, Mis. Or. 23. S. Ma. Marieta Escaian, RVM Balingasag, Mis. Or. 24. S- Lourdes Bataycan, RVM Lagonglong Mrs. Norma Delima Lagonglong 26. Mrs. Virginia Uba.lde Lagonglong 27. S. Ma. Rosita Banguis, 28. Mrs. Merlinda fabeniao 29, Joe 30. Myla Pajo 31. 32. 33. 3435. 36. 37. S- RVM Cagatin Ma. Dolores Rellita, RVM Betania, Malasag Betania, Malasag Betania, Malasag Betania, Malasag Iponan ConsolacionObsioma Iponan Eden Vallera Iponan foy Vicera Iponan Corazon Retuertas Iponan Eusebia Mando Iponan Norberta Gonzales Iponan Ma. Irene Amata, RVM Or 38. S. 39. Mrs. Junita Grana Tagoloan, Is. Or. 40. Mrs. Carmen Puso Tagoloan, Is. Or- 41. Mrs Erlinda Berondo Thgoloan, Is. Or. 42. Anita Bolante Tagoloan, Is. Or. 43. S. 44. Mystellie Sabejon fasaan, Mis. Or. 45. Estrella Carlos Jasaan, Mis. Or. 46. Mrs. Ttinidad Zayas fasaan, Mis Or. 47. Dr. Rodenio Zayas fasaan, Mis. Or. 48. S. 49. Ms. Carolina Estroga 50. S. 51. Ms. Fredeswinda Teatro Gingoog City 52. Libertad Guirnela Gingoog City 53. Werle Hernandez Gingoog City 54. 55. 56, 57. S. Ma. Pureza Manuat, RVM Ma. Cynthia Micabalo, RYM Ma. lacinta de Belen, RVM Ma Vuginia Taran, RVM Tagoloan, Is. Jasaan, Mis. Or. Thlisayan, Mis. Or. Talisayan, Mis. Or Gingoog City Malaybalay, Bukidnon Ms. Amy Villahermosa Malaybalay, Bukidnon Mrs. |ulia Egama Malaybalay, Bukidnon Ms. Fe Nacaytuna Malaybalay, Bukidnon LrvrNG MoREvTBnANTLy MoTHER rGNAclAs FArrH AND HUMBLE sEnvrce 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. Ascela Chua S. Ma. Lucia Lucine, RV Malaybalay, Bukidnon Iligan City Mrs- Leonillie Adalid Iligan City Mr. fulius Felicidario Iligan City Marlon Ganob Iligan City S. Ma. Erlinda Macatol, RVM Dipolog City Mrs. Ma. Rita |oy Rubillos DipoloS City Ms. Elena Brenda Frasco Dipolog City Mrs. Eumerita Padao Dapitan City S. Ma. Luz Espinas, RVM Labason, Zamboanga del Norte Salvacion Iniego Labason, Zamboanga del Norte Carolina Lim Labason, Zamboanga del Norte Luzvilla Sumicad Labason, Zamboanga del Norte GuillermaMagpulong Labason, Zamboanga del Norte S. Ma. Benita Compra, RVM Carmen Unit, CDOC Crisbie Yaiez Carmen Unit, CDOC Ethel Flores Carmen Unit, CDOC Winefreda Anguay Carmen Unit, CDOC S. Ma. Elisa Abecia, RVM M. Regional House SOUTHERN MINDANAO l. Mrs. Faith Flor€ta 2. Mrs. Luzbella Wee 3. Mrs. Anne Melinda Desir .1. Mrs. Princess Densing 5. Mrs, Beatrice Tan 6. Ms. Joanna Macatangay 7. Mrs. Elisa Zapanta 8. Mr. foel Alegado 9. S. Ma. losefina Lledo, RVM 10. Mrl F€ Rapas I l. Precy Macalolot 12- Romelina Barcena 13. S. Ma. Hedelita Bagatua, RVM 14. Cynthia Parcon 15. Meriam Alvar 16. Genoveva Perez 17. Mr. Jonald Palma 18. |udge Rosalina Monte.io 19. S. Ma. Helen del Valle, RVM 20. S. Ma. Herminia Gornes, RVM Zamboanga City Zamboanga City Zamboanga City Zamboanga City Zamboanga City Zamboanga City Zamboanga City Zamboanga City Zamboanga City Fatima, Davao City Falima, Davao City Fatima, Davao City Fatima, Davao City Healing Center Healing Center Healing Center Digos City, Davao del Sur Digos City, Davao del Sur Digos City, Davao del Sur Bansalan, Davao del Sur nvu I 5' LIVING MOREVIBRANTLY MOTHER IGNACIA's FAITH AND HUMBLE 5ERVICE Uotlgr lgnacia, Llliran ng I{agitingan Isang munting binhing sa Binondo sumibol. Dinilig ng biyayz, lumaki, yumabong. Namunga sa kabanalang ang hiyas ay karukhaan, damit ay kalinisan at masunuring kalooban. Pinalakas ng pag-ibig itong babaing mahinhin. Pinatibay ng pananalig ang pusong mahiyain sa Santa Iglesia nagbigay ng bagong supling. Angkan ni Maria, RVM ang naging turing. Koro: MADRE IGNACIA, uliran ng kagitingan. Sa pakikilaban kami ay patnubayan. (2x) MADRE IGNACIA hantungan ng aming paggiliw. Ma&e lgnacia, babaing tapat hanggang libing. Landas mong tinahak ang pangarap naming sundin, Daan ng paglilingkod, pagtitiis at panalangin. Korol MADRE IGNACIA, uliran ng kagitingan sa pakikilaban kami ay patnubayan. (2x) R\1'T I53 3 --"7-' MOTHER ICxACIA MOvEMENT It trLrBr^nn'_- ro'r Pi,l'Dqru! rnd- Nrninr' tsIliSlhtllri=<rii(ffi a c!r!.ir,r I Whateveryourtablet, \7 support\1, Mbe is here to allyour digital education needs. Vibe From apps to interactive e-books and rustom educationai materials, Vibe Technologies can deliver custom solutions to your school. Visit vibebookstore.com and find out more about our services for conversion, programming, and custom bookmaking. Make books come alive with Vibe's interartive platform, just in time, just for you. Er" www.vibebooktore.com Special thanks to Mrs. Esther A. Vibal and staff for this beautiful newsletter! 'I-lre RVM Sisters trr-rcl tlrc MIM of the Philippines i ti t"i fi I: i! *f;u q * tl l 7 ['.: ]1 ir ! iq I, I I i ,l ', ir-i' ,_ r I r .,t f,.i y-1 I