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Mobile Directory 2010 GSM YOUR WORLD ANYWHERE. Today users have more and better services to be connected. Now not only have Roaming, unique number, SMS and ringtones, because thanks to the GSM evolution it is possible to enjoy mobile Internet, mobile digital TV and now with HSPA, mobile broadband. Since its inception GSMA LA in addition to promoting the constant technological evolution, it also promotes social responsibility initiatives such as the inclusion of more remote or poorer towns, allowing more and more people be connected. The future is in Latin America, live today with GSM. Mobile Broadband Video Conference Digital TV Mobile Internet ARGENTINA /Claro/Telecom Personal/Movistar /850-1900 ARUBA /Digicel/SETAR /900-1800-1900-2100 BELIZE /Belize Telecommunications /1900 BOLIVIA /Entel S.A./Viva/Tigo /850-1900 BRASIL /Amazonia Celular/Claro/CTBC Celular/Sercomtel Celular/Telemig Celular/TIM/Oi/Unicel/Vivo /850-900-1800-2100 BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS /Cable & Wireless/DIGICEL/CCT /850-900-1800-1900 CHILE /ENTEL PCS/Claro/Movistar/1900 COLOMBIA /TIGO/Comcel/Movistar /850-1900 COSTA RICA /I.C.E. /1800 CUBA /Cubacel /900 REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA /Orange/Claro/Trilogy /850-900-1800-1900 ECUADOR /Alegro PCS/PORTA/Movistar /850-1900 EL SALVADOR /Claro/DIGICEL/Telemovil/Movistar /850-900-1900 FRENCH WEST INDIES /Dauphin Telecom/DIGICEL/Orange Caraibe/Outremer Telecom/Tel Cell /900-1800 GUATEMALA /Claro/Comcel/Movistar /850-900-1900 GUYANA /DIGICEL/Guyana Telephone & Telegraph /900 HAITI /Comcel/DIGICEL /850-900-1800 HONDURAS /Claro/DIGICEL/Hondutel/Tigo /850-1900 MEXICO /Movistar/Telcel /850-1900 NETHERLANDS ANTILLES /Antillano por NV/DIGICEL/UTS Wireless Curacao/Telcell /900-1800 NICARAGUA /Claro/Movistar /850-1900 PANAMA /Cable & Wireless/Claro/DIGICEL/Movistar /850-1800-1900 PARAGUAY /Claro/Personal/Telecel/VOX /850-1900 PERU /Claro/Movistar /850-1900 SURINAME /Digicel/Intelsur/Telesur /900-1800 TURCOS & CAICOS /DIGICEL/Islandcom Telecommunication/Cable & Wireless /850-900-1800-1900 URUGUAY /Ancel/Claro/Movistar /850-1800-1900 VENEZUELA /Digitel/Movistar/Movilnet /850-900 Third Generation Services (3G) are offered by GSM through its technological evolution HSPA (High Speed Packet Access) Introduction Welcome to Mobile Directory 2010.The purpose of the directory is to act as the ultimate contact book for the Mobile telecommunications industry, enabling you to source right companies and contacts. This year´s directory has over 150 companies listed. Vital information for everyone operating in this market. The directory element is organised into two key parts - an institutional section and an A-Z listing which lets you quickly find company information. In the institutional section we´ve included articles by the main institutions of the sector as 3G Americas, GSMA Latin America, Mobile Marketing Association, Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) and Frost & Sullivan as growth partner. Mobile Directory 2010 is published by Enlace Media Group SRL Mobile Directory 2009 Free distribution for mobile operators. Mobile Directory 2010 sales: marketing@enlaceonline.com We have tried to be as complete as possible in providing you with accurate information and if feel that you would like to add further information about your company, whether irbe providing new information, enhancing your entry or becoming a sponsor, simply contact the Enlace Media Group Staff. We would like to thank all sponsors and institutional partner who have helped bring this valuable resource to you. Enlace Media Group SRL, Arenal Grande 1532 of. 903 C.P.: 11.200 Montevideo - Uruguay Tel: + 598 2 409 45 65 info@enlaceonline.com www.enlaceonline.com Depósito Legal Nº 333591 Marcelo Acosta y Lara Business Director We have entered the decade of 2010 with a new mobile reality; mobile voice networks in 2G have evolved toward voice + data networks in 3G and 4G; the number of users is now a factor that is less decisive for spectrum requirements than the number of added-value and broadband services required by each one of them. There is an urgent need to harmonize the spectrum for mobile services in the Americas to facilitate roaming of services and take advantage of economies of scale that shall exert an impact on the operating costs of services providers and the end user. the end of 2009, the adoption of these mobile broadband wireless services increased rapidly in Latin America with an annual growth that surpassed 200 percent, nearly 14 million HSPA subscriptions and commercial networks by 52 operators in 24 countries. HSPA wireless operators in the region are realizing increasing data revenues while serving society’s needs for better connectivity and Internet broadband access anywhere and at anytime. Revision of policies to increase the amount of spectrum operators may hold may be necessary to ensure sufficient spectrum to deploy broadband services; greater flexibility in this aspect is required to adapt to the new mobile reality of voice and data networks. About 3G Americas: Unifying the Americas through Wireless Technology Mobility served more than half a billion users in Latin America by the end of 2009 where the average wireless penetration already exceeds 86 percent. Citizens of the region are now connecting to the broadband Internet world with 3G HSPA high-speed mobile data networks. By Globally, GSM-HSPA technologies reached 4.17 billion subscriptions or 89 percent market share. Today, there are more than 450 million 3G UMTS-HSPA subscriptions representing 10 percent of the GSM family technology market on 345 commercial networks in 139 countries worldwide. HSPA will remain the leading mobile broadband technology well into the future. Informa forecasts that there will be 1 billion HSPA subscriptions worldwide by mid-2012 and 2 billion by 2015. 3G Americas is an industry trade organization composed of telecommunications service providers and manufacturers. The organization’s mission is to promote, facilitate and advocate for the deployment and adoption of the GSM family of technologies including LTE throughout the Americas. 3G Americas has contributed to the successful commercial rollout of GSM across the Americas and its place as the No. 1 technology in the region, as well as the global adoption of EDGE. The organization aims to develop the expansive wireless ecosystem of networks, devices, and applications enabled by GSM and its evolution to LTE. 3G Americas is headquartered in Bellevue, Wash., with an office for Latin America and the Caribbean in Dallas. More information is available at www.3gamericas.org. 3G Americas Board of Governors members include: Alcatel-Lucent, America Movil, Andrew Solutions, AT&T, Cable & Wireless, Ericsson, Gemalto, Huawei, HP, Motorola, Nokia Siemens Networks, Openwave Systems, Research in Motion, Rogers, Telefonica and T-Mobile USA. HSPA in Latin America and the Caribbean 52 networks in service in 24 countries 3G Americas Board of Governors The mission of 3G Americas is to promote, facilitate and advocate for the deployment and adoption of the GSM family of technologies including LTE throughout the Americas. 3G Global Cellular Forecast 2014 2014 UMTS 27% 908ÊM 3.3ÊBillionÊMobileÊ BroadbandÊ SubscribersÊ EstimatedÊbyÊ DecÊ2014 Source:ÊInformaÊTelecomsÊ&ÊMedia,ÊForecastÊSummary,Ê 4Q09 jueves 15 de abril de 2010 1.86ÊB HSPA 56% EV-DOÊRevÊA/B 10% 340ÊM 128ÊM 89ÊM LTEÊ4% WiMAXÊ 3% UMTS-HSPA-LTEÊ 2.9ÊBillion 87%ÊofÊGlobalÊTotalÊ 56% UNLEASH THE POWER OF MOBILE MONEY The 2010 GSMA Mobile Money Summit will be held at the Intercontinental Rio in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 25-26 May. As in yearsí past, the summit will help to stimulate greater collaboration and progress for all Mobile Money stakeholders globally. The event will include: • A spectacular conference focusing on new topics in the Mobile Money market • A cutting-edge exhibition showcasing the most innovative Mobile Money products • The premier forum for networking with C-Level leaders of financial services institutions, network operators, development organisations, solutions providers, regulators and policy makers Thought Leadership Conference Once again, the Mobile Money Summit conference will focus on emerging trends, hot topics, and issues related to bringing mobile money to market. Our speakers, made up of leaders in the Mobile Money industry including Visa, Western Union, Zain, Sofrecom, Oi Paggo and Nokia, will address the key differences between launching services in developed versus developing markets, while providing real detail on go-to-market strategies, product roadmaps, strategic partnership models, regulatory assessments, business models and marketing plans. The event offers something for everyone, with conference sessions including: The Case for Banks Investing in Mobile Money There are concrete examples in many countries of profitable mobile money deployments by banks, but these only serve to highlight that there is still no ìone size fits allî model for launching Mobile Money services. How can banks and operators be dynamic enough to change their business model dependent on the market they are entering and what have they learnt so far? Mobile Money Applications: What’s Hot? The uptake of mobile applications over the last few years has created a platform allowing anyone to reach the masses. Applications make the lives of banked people much easier by offering financial services at their fingertips, while increasing usability and therefore brand recognition. But they have the potential to also improve the lives of millions of unbanked and under-banked people as well. Financial Agents: Liquidity and Profitability The role of financial agents in the mobile money ecosystem cannot be underestimated. Agents are sometimes the only way for people to receive remittances and send money to friends and family. But despite their importance agents often face issues such as profitability and liquidity. Weíll look at the challenges of this important piece of the mobile money value chain and offer case studies to bring new perspectives to the audience. Additional conference topics include: Register Today! • Security This event moves locales from year to year, so 2010 is your best opportunity to get involved in Mobile Money. The industryís thought-leaders, CEOs and stakeholders are coming to Rio ñ thereís no better time than now. Register today at www.mobilemoneysummit.com •Growth Opportunities • Mobile Money Technology Enablers • Customer Behaviour Analytics • Mobile Money for Roamers • Fraud and Risk Management Mobile Money Summit at a Glance/Sidebar Copy • Enhanced Mobile Money Services GSMA Mobile Money Summit Register to Attend 25-26 May, 2010 Attending the industryís premier Mobile Money event, the GSMA Mobile Money Summit, costs $1,299 USD per person, and includes all conference sessions, the Mobile Money exhibition, daily lunches and networking breaks on 25-26 May. GSMA Members and Associate Members are eligible for a discount on this and all other GSMA events. For price and discount information, please visit our website. Intercontinental Rio Hotel, Rio de Janeiro Participants may also attend FREE ëMobile Money Acceleratorí classes at the beginning of each day for those new to the Mobile Money eco-system looking to quickly get up to speed. Mobile Money veterans looking for a refresher course may also benefit from these classes. Showcase Your Organisation at Mobile Money Summit Mobile Money Summit 2010 offers a number of incredible opportunities to showcase your brand and products to the industryís most influential players through exhibition, sponsorship and media partnerships.To learn more, please contact AFalconer@gsm.org or visit our website, www.mobilemoneysummit.com. www.mobilemoneysummit.com The Mobile Marketing Phenomenon in Central and Latin America Brands and agencies are increasing their use of mobile marketing throughout the region. Here’s how – and why. By Federico Pisani Massamormile, Mobile Marketing Association Global Board Chair and CEO of HANZO If you want a preview of how mobile marketing will reshape the Central and Latin America (CALA) region over the next few years, take a look at the Mobile Marketing Association’s (MMA) 2009 survey of CALA advertising and marketing agencies: Among major brands, 1015 percent of their digital advertising budgets will be spent on mobile campaigns in 2010. Why? The region’s brands and marketers recognize that mobile marketing is a powerful, flexible and cost-effective way to reach existing and potential customers. And like their peers in Asia, Europe and North America, CALA brands and marketers also recognize that mobile marketing can increase the effectiveness of campaigns that use traditional media, such as print, broadcast and direct mail. For example, in the United States, Money Mailer helps local businesses and national chains create and execute campaigns that feature SMS short codes in direct mail promos. Consumers send a text message to the code to receive an electronic coupon on their phone that they redeem by showing it to the merchant’s sales associate. (For more information about how short codes work, see www.mmaglobal.com/shortcodeprimer.pdf.) Participating Money Mailer merchants report a coupon-redemption lift averaging 3.5:1. Just as important, SMS also is giving these merchants an opportunity to build an opt-in list to enable future campaigns. That trend is starting to play out in CALA, too, because it’s a highly effective way for merchants to increases sales and brand awareness. The trend also benefits from high SMS adoption in CALA: Virtually every handset already supports the technology, and many consumers use it, creating an enormous installed based for brands and marketers to target. SMS also is relatively inexpensive for consumers, a major plus in the pricesensitive CALA region, and it doesn’t require a data plan. Compared to traditional media, such as print and broadcast, SMS is cheaper, faster and easier in terms of developing and executing campaigns, such as when a merchant wants to respond quickly to a competitor’s promotion. All of these benefits are among the reasons why SMS will become the foundation for more and more mobile campaigns in CALA over the next few years. Like their peers in other regions, CALA businesses already report good results for SMS-based campaigns, such as 10 times higher participation compared to campaigns that use other types of media. Calls to Action SMS also is ideal for enhancing the effectiveness of campaigns that involve traditional media. For example, in Europe, print and broadcast ads frequently include a “call to action”: a short code that lets consumers get more information or a coupon on the spot. This strategy is more effective than hoping they’ll remember the campaign the next time they’re at a computer – if they even have access to one. Short code responses also provide a mechanism for assessing a campaign’s effectiveness, such as the number of people who saw a billboard or commercial. For example, a different short code could be used for different types of media. Either way, SMS provides the brand or marketer with a powerful combination of flexibility and costeffectiveness. Many CALA brands have used SMS-based campaigns over the past two years, such as: Ponto Frio, a Brazilian electronics retailer whose print and TV ads invited consumers to text “TECNOSHOW” to a short code in order to receive an m-coupon that they could redeem at any of its stores. O Boticário, a Brazilian perfume store that gave an envelope to customers who spent more than R$99. Inside was a unique code that they could send via SMS to be entered in a contest that awarded trips to New York City. O Boticário promoted the contest, including the SMS component, in its in-store material and TV campaign. The Coca-Cola Company inserted a unique code inside its products – such as under bottle caps – that customers could send via SMS to try to win a prize. Leveraging Content Mobile content is another major opportunity that’s emerging in CALA this year. There’s already tremendous demand for horoscopes, sports, celebrity gossip and religious content, frequently delivered by SMS. Brands and marketers can leverage that demand by offering free or discounted content to consumers who are willing to view ads. This content also can be used to create or maintain loyalty for other types of content, such as by providing exclusive, sneak-peak information – delivered via SMS – about a character in a TV show. One example of sponsored content is the automaker Ford, whose Web site – www. fordtransit.com.br – let Brazilians sign up for three free SMS messages per week with news about their favorite soccer team. The three-month promotion ran during the State championship, the Libertadores Cup and the Brazilian Championship. Another example is the Brazilian magazine Veja and HSBC, which sponsored access to Radar’s SMS news service. Sponsorships benefit brands in a couple of ways, including creating another way to get their ads in front of their target demographics, and having their brand associated with popular content in the eyes of the existing and potential customers. And when consumers go through the process of opting in to sponsored content, that’s an opportunity to collect information, such as age or mailing address, that can be used for developing future campaigns. In some cases, that information might be difficult or expensive to obtain other ways. Over the next year, CALA brands and agencies will have additional mobile marketing options, such as the mobile Web and smartphone applications. However, those new options will remain niche plays through at least 2012 for reasons such as the cost of smartphones in price-sensitive markets and limited 3G coverage. That’s why SMS will dominate CALA mobile marketing in 2010 – and create produce some of the world’s most innovative campaigns. 2010 MMA MOBILE MARKETING FORUM EVENTS Singapore Join industry thought-leaders and mobile innovators at the upcoming MMA Forum events the best learning and networking experience of any event in the mobile space. Enjoy fully interactive agendas packed with the latest brand, operator and agency case studies designed to give you the most value from your attendance. 8 West 38th Street, suite 200, New York, NY 10018 © 2010 Mobile Marketing Association EVENT DATES: · Singapore - April 14-15 · New York - June 8-9 · São Paulo - September 2 · London - October · Los Angeles - November 17 Share real-world mobile success stories and learn how to deploy more advanced capabilities to enhance your existing mobile initiatives. Visit www.mobilemarketingforum.com to learn more and register today. HSPA+ is supporting mobile broadband growth, LTE will follow Mobile broadband is the major industry success story, even in difficult economic times. Most mobile operators have a wireless broadband offer to meet customer demand for fast connection to the Internet, in the office, at home, or when on the move. HSPA – High Speed Packet Access, the first evolution of the 3G/WCDMA system, is the technology of choice for mobile broadband services worldwide. Now 97% of WCDMA operators have launched the HSPA upgrade in their networks. There are 315 commercial HSPA systems operating in 133 countries, including 60 HSPA systems across the Americas (source: GSA survey, February 2010). More than 53% of HSPA systems globally are capable of peak downlink data speeds of 7.2 Mbps or higher. There are many reasons why customers choose mobile broadband. For some it is easier than buying “fixed” broadband, especially using “plug and play” USB modems (dongles), which is simpler than setting up a router. In some cases mobile broadband will also be the only option, where fixed infrastructure is not available, or is cheaper. A substantial proportion of people subscribe to mobile and fixed broadband. For the mobile business user, the ability to always be in touch over a fast broadband connection and to be able to access corporate resources means quicker response times to clients, improved feedback and service levels, and competitive advantage. There is also the social dimension of needing to be connected – for information, entertainment, and communication, especially as seen in the youth segments. The worldwide total of 3G/WCDMA subscriptions is rapidly approaching 500 million, with worldwide growth reaching 50% in 2009. HSPA subscriptions represent an increasing share, approaching 50% of the total. Latin America had 8.5 million HSPA subscriptions at the end of 2009. In many countries, the number of mobile broadband connections equals or exceeds fixed broadband connections; growth forecasts favour mobile. Subscriber traffic in networks has shifted and mobile data is now the main proportion. Financial reports from network operators including America Movil, AT&T, MTN, NTT DoCoMo, Orange, Telefonica, TeliaSonera, Telstra, Vivo, and Vodafone etc., confirm how data, which increasingly means mobile broadband, is driving traffic growth in networks and contributing more to revenues and profitability. AT&T for example reported it is managing unprecedented mobile broadband growth which is up more than 5,000% over the past 3 years. For users, there is a great choice of mobile broadband devices with 2,137 products launched by 214 manufacturers (source: GSA HSPA Devices Survey – January 2010). The majority of HSPA devices support a peak downlink speed of 7.2 Mbps or higher. Driven by the phenomenal global success of mobile broadband, mobile network operators recognise the need to deliver huge and growing volumes of data across their networks as efficiently as possible. Widespread market acceptance of dongles and the rapidly-growing smartphone segment have pushed data consumption to new levels, and the outlook is for continuing strong traffic growth, flat or declining revenue, and cost pressures. HSPA evolution (HSPA+) systems are meeting the challenge now by enabling network operators to deliver higher data capacities at lowest cost per byte delivered. 80 HSPA+ network commitments worldwide provide the evidence. HSPA+ brings features to networks and terminals offering clear benefits, including higher data speeds and capacities, improved operation times, longer terminal battery life, faster response times (lower latency), and extended network coverage area. 32 HSPA+ devices have been launched in the market. Commercial HSPA+ systems today support peak downlink speeds up to 28 Mbps, rising to 42 Mbps this year, i.e. 20 times improvement compared to the first HSPA systems introduced in 2005. Peak downlink speeds of 84 Mbps arrive in 2010/2011. HSPA+ is realized by a software upgrade to current HSPA network infrastructures. Operators use HSPA+ to carry more customers and deliver to them an excellent broadband experience, typically up to 8 Mbps per user. The business case for mobile broadband is excellent as efficiencies increase and costs fall. Latin America will benefit from HSPA+ deployments. In a recent global survey by GSA most respondents believed that HSPA+ would enter the mainstream during 2010. The majority stated that they expected 21 Mbps peak downlink (64QAM HSPA) systems would be the most prominent. GSA confirms this is becoming reality. 41 HSPA+ systems have entered commercial service in 26 countries, of which 36 support 21 Mbps. GSA expects there will be at least 100 HSPA+ networks in service globally by the end of 2010, including networks in Latin America. This figure will include systems using MIMO with 16QAM for 28 Mbps peak (5 HSPA+ networks with MIMO are in commercial service) and employing 64QAM with MIMO for 42 Mbps capability in a single 5 MHz carrier. An alternative solution for 42 Mbps is to double the bandwidth i.e. use dual carriers without MIMO. Tests and deployments of 42 Mbps HSPA+ systems have been confirmed in Australia and Scandinavia. Future HSPA+ evolution includes the introduction of multicarrier to achieve 84 Mbps peak on the downlink, for which deployment commitments are announced by operators in Scandinavia and Australia. Further evolution of both downlink and uplink speeds is foreseen beyond this. The next step in the 3GPP evolution story is LTE (Long Term Evolution) for an even better user experience, improved network efficiencies and performance, and lower cost for the mass market mobile broadband market. LTE brings the opportunity for additional spectrum, initially in Digital Dividend UHF bands (700 MHz in the Americas, 800 MHz in Europe, Asia) for efficient rural coverage and improved in-building performance in cities, and 2.6 GHz for capacity. Re-farming of current mobile spectrum (e.g. 900, 1800 MHz) will also help. The first LTE systems were commercially launched in Norway and Sweden in December 2009. LTE technology is performing very well – but the market will take time to develop. LTE will initially give comparable throughput capacity and performance to HSPA+ and will continue to improve and also benefit from larger bandwidth deployments (up to 20 MHz). GSA reported in February 2010 that 59 operators in 28 countries had committed to deploy LTE, and forecast that 22 LTE networks will be in commercial service by end 2010 – including launches by leading CDMA operators as well as GSM/HSPA operators. Up to 37 LTE networks will be in service by end 2011. In addition, several operators are testing or trialling LTE, including in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. Many of these trials, which are also taking place in Asia and Europe, will lead to additional LTE deployment commitments. Alan Hadden President Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) www.gsacom.com www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2313721 www.twitter.com/gsacom Operators are familiarizing with LTE technology in trials and pilot networks. Alongside this, operators will develop and grow their businesses and evolve their backhaul networks. HSPA+ will enter the mainstream. More spectrum is needed to realize the full benefits of LTE. Regulators in Latin America should prepare the path as quickly as possible for LTE introduction. 315 commercial HSPA networks: peak downlink speed capabilities www.gsacom.com www.gsacom.com 2% 11% 21% 6% 1.8 Mbps 3.6 Mbps 7.2 Mbps Over 53% of commercial HSPA networks support peak downlink data speeds of 7.2 Mbps or higher 14.4 Mbps 21 Mbps 26% 34% 28 Mbps HSPA+ is commercially launched on 13% of HSPA networks Source: GSA HSPA Operator Commitments survey: February 4, 2010 VAS: Expectations vs Reality By Bruno Neto, ICT Industry Analyst - Frost & Sullivan Latin America For many years Latin America has been the Promised Land where there were many opportunities for investments in all fields but internal problems such as political instability, economic volatility, lack of basic infrastructure for many core services and low educational levels created a less attractive scenario for foreign companies.. However, none of these issues could stop the development of the mobile telephony market and the entrance of new technologies aimed at stimulating the adoption of telephony services by lower prices with a minimum quality expected. From Mexico to Argentina, the last 10 years completely changed the way Latin Americans communicate and interact with their environment using available technologies. The fast penetration of mobile telephony, achieving more than 90% of the Latin American population, enabling the communication in areas where there was no network coverage and services availability, gave people a new perspective in which information and communication services became part of their basic consume. Operators´ strategies based on aggressive price competition were extremely successful and contributed to improve the massive adoption of mobile telephony services. However, operators are aware that in the long term, the lower ARPU for voice services is not enough to generate the profitability expected by stakeholders and necessary to support investments in new technologies and network upgrade. In this new scenario, VAS became part of operators` new strategy towards increasing clients´ spending. Investments in 3G networks expansion and a new portfolio of capable handsets exploring IPhone and BlackBerry trends were among the key drivers of VAS adoption all over the region. Moreover, the emergence of software developers with innovative technologies and oriented to local necessities, allied to the growing competition among operators to provide the best solutions to their client base with lower prices, contributed to attract more companies and end-users to the mobile VAS market. The growing adoption of VAS services can be perceived in both business and massive markets, where the necessities are different but the opportunities are many. Different verticals markets can adopt advanced applications with email and internet connectivity with the promise to improve productivity, reduce costs and increase companies´ competitiveness. Initially concentrated in the corporative segment, SMB companies are also investing in mobility, taking advantage of the lower prices for data and handsets. The growing demand for BlackBerry email solutions within companies from different verticals aimed at stimulating the mobile interaction between employees and enabling the access to internal email box messages from anywhere, anytime, is just an example. Integrated to broadband internet connectivity and a mobile office solution you have an office experience, where the employee can have access to the company’s information system to take important decisions and close deals with clients or providers far away from the head office. In the massive segment, VAS market can be still considered in a nascent stage in the region. With around 80% of total mobile users as prepaid clients, simpler services with lower prices, such as SMS, have the major acceptance. However, SMS has different utilization according to the country, where cultural and economic factors impact the traffic of message services. In Colombia, for example, the high incidence of fraudulent messages impacts the users’ acceptance, while in Brazil this service concentrates most of the revenues with mobile content services since the lower prices stimulate the adoption. Operators observe a growing demand for advanced VAS in the region, such as broadband internet, email solutions, music, games, and videos and they are already planning the launch of their own application stores aimed at boosting revenues with data traffic and download contents. Although cultural and economic factors define which services will be mostly demanded in each country, a strong growth of each VAS is expected, in general, in the region, some with more intensity than others, but definitely VAS is leaving the condition of “expectation” to the condition of “reality” in Latin America. Mobile operators are aware of VAS demand potential. Thus, investments to support the development of innovative solutions and partnerships to outstand in this market are considered priority in companies willing to stay one step ahead. About Frost & Sullivan Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, enables clients to accelerate growth and achieve best-in-class positions in growth, innovation and leadership. The company’s Growth Partnership Service provides the CEO and the CEO’s Growth Team with disciplined research and best-practice models to drive the generation, evaluation, and implementation of powerful growth strategies. Frost & Sullivan leverages over 45 years of experience in partnering with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses and the investment community from 40 offices on six continents. To join our Growth Partnership, please visit http://www.frost.com. The Mobile & Wireless Communications market is characterized by rapidly changing technology, evolving customer demands, and the frequent introduction of new products and services. With the deployment of Next Generation network technologies, today's service providers are in search of applications that can take advantage of increased data speeds and bandwidth to provide compelling services to users. Are you positioned for growth? With analysts covering all aspects of the mobile value chain, from delivery infrastructure and communication management to end-user content and applications, Frost & Sullivan is uniquely positioned to provide comprehensive coverage with a global perspective for all value chain participants. “We Accelerate Growth” For more information, please contact myfrost.la@frost.com or go to www.frost.com Mobile Directory 2010 We would like to thank al sponsors and institutional partner: Belgacom TM Refreshing Mobile Solutions 4M Wireless Ltd. 8motions 960 Capability Green Luton, LU1 3PE UK Tel: +44 1582 635 142 www.4mwireless.com 25, boulevard Odilon Redon LORMONT GIRONDE 33310 FRANCE Tel: +33 524 079 872 http://www.8motions.com/ Contact Giovanni Mita Business Manager Tel: +44 1582 635 142 @: giovanni.mita@4mwireless.com Company Profile 4M Wireless is the industry leader in 3GPP LTE protocol stack software for mobile devices, cellular handsets, data cards, embedded modules and wireless modems. A Contact AurÈlien Regnault CCO Tel: +33 524 079 872 @: a.regnault@8motions.com Company Profile 8motions is specialized in new technologies for mobile platform. We target the most used platforms including Apple I-phone, Google Android and Java J2ME. Our technology enables processing and aggregation of geographic and user-defined data. A real-time update is supported. 23 Abertis Telecom S.A. Accenture Av. Parc Logístic 12-20 08040 Barcelona Tel: +34 935 678 910 www.abertistelecom.com 118, avenue de France 75636 Paris Cedex 13 France Tel: +33 153 23 55 55 www.accenture.com Contact Roser Prenafeta Tel: +34 935 678 910 @: roser.prenafeta@abertistelecom.com Company Profile Abertis Telecom is Spain’s market leader for infrastructures and telecommunication services. It provides radio and TV broadcasting services (analog and digital), communication services for security forces and emergency services, and telecommunications services for mobile phone operators. Contact Emmanuel Lalloz Senior Marketing Manager Tel: +33 6 32 56 10 61 @: emmanuel.lalloz@accenture.com Company Profile Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. Our Communications and High Tech Industry Group helps communications service providers, electronics manufacturers, and content developers drive toward high performance in a converging digital environment. Accuris Network O’Connell Bridge House, Dublin 2 Ireland Tel: +353 1881 8700 www.accuris-networks.com Contact Helen Dunne Tel: +353 1881 8797 @: helen.dunne@accuris-networks.com Company Profile Accuris Networks is a leading provider of Roaming Inter-Working and Convergence solutions. Established in 1997, they are headquartered in Ireland with offices in the US and Malaysia. Aculab Lakeside Bramley Road Mount Farm Milton Keynes MK1 1PT UK Tel: +44 1908 273800 www.aculab.com Contact Chris Gravett Sales and Marketing Director Tel: +44 1908 273800 @: info@aculab.com Company Profile Aculab is an innovative, market leading company that provides world class IP and media processing boards and software to the global communications market. 24 AdMob 60 East 3rd Avenue Suite 225 San Mateo, CA 94401 USA Tel: + 1 650 931 3940 www.admob.com Adobe Systems Incorporated 345 Park Avenue San Jose, CA 95110-2704 USA Tel: +1 408 536 6000 www.adobe.com Contact Stephanie DeSantis Office Manager Tel: + 1 650 931 3940 @: stephanie@admob.com Contact Jack Oyharcabal Sr. Marketing Manager Tel: +1 408 536 6000 @: jacko@adobe.com Company Profile AdMob is the world’s largest and highest quality mobile advertising marketplace, serving more than 5.0 billion mobile banner and text ads per month. Incorporated in April 2006, AdMob allows advertisers to reach their customers on the mobile Web and enables publishers to increase the value of their mobile sites. Company Profile Adobe revolutionizes how the world engages with ideas and information - anytime, anywhere and through any medium. Implemented by the world’s largest operators and handset manufacturers, Adobe Flash technology enables rich experiences across hundreds of millions of mobile phones and consumer electronics devices today. Agilent Technologies 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd Santa Clara CA 95051 USA Tel: +1 408 345 8886 www.agilent.com Contact Carlos Arthur Barros Communications Solutions Latin America Manager Tel: +55 11 4197-3500 @: carlos_barros@agilent.com Company Profile Agilent Technologies, world’s premier measurement company, is a recognized innovator and leader in wireline and wireless computing and communications technology. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE DIRECTORY 2011? WOULD YOU LIKE TO HIGHLIGHT OR ENLARGE YOUR PARTICIPATION? 25 AIRCOM International Cassini Court, Randalls Research Park Randalls Way Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7TW UK Tel: +44 1932 44 2000 www.aircominternational.com Contact Deb Brooks VP Business Development Tel: +1 214 576 2700 @: america@aircominternational.com Company Profile AIRCOM is an independent provider of network and data management tools and services. The company specialises in end-to-end network planning, sharing, outsourcing and OSS optimisation for IP and cellular networks. PLEASE CONTACT: info@enlaceonline.com FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND PRICES Airvana 19 Alpha Road Chelmsford, MA 01824 USA Tel: +1 866 344 7437 www.airvana.com Contact Josh Adelson Product Marketing Director Tel: +1 978 367 8919 @: jadelson@airvana.com Company Profile Airvana was founded in 2000 on a vision of mobile broadband everywhere—long before it was popular. The company’s high-performance technology and products—from HubBub™ femtocells to comprehensive convergence solutions to macro radio access infrastructure—enable operators to deliver compelling broadband services to mobile subscribers, wherever they are. Airwide Solutions 20 Burlington Mall Road Suite 420 Burlington, MA 01803 USA Tel: +1 781 229 2406 www.airwidesolutions.com Contact Brenda Suarez Director of Corporate Communications Tel: +1 78122 92406 @: marketing@airwidesolutions.com Company Profile Airwide Solutions is the leading provider of next-generation mobile messaging and wireless internet infrastructure, applications and solutions. 26 Alcatel-Lucent Allot Communications 54, Rue La Boetie 75008 Paris France Tel.: +33 140 76 10 10 www.alcatel-lucent.com 300 TradeCenter, Suite 4680 Woburn, MA 01801 USA Tel: +1 781 939 9300 www.allot.com Contact Victor J. Agnellini President Caribbean & Latin America Tel: + 1 954 885 2100 @: vagnellini@alcatel-lucent.com Company Profile Alcatel-Lucent provides solutions that enable service providers, enterprise and governments worldwide, to deliver voice, data and video communication services to end-users. As a leader in fixed, mobile and converged broadband networking, IP technologies, applications and services, Alcatel-Lucent offers the end-to-end solutions that enable compelling communications services for people at home, at work and on the move. Contact Jonathon Gordon Director of Marketing Tel: + 1 972 9 7619301 @: jgordon@allot.com Company Profile Allot Communications is a leading provider of intelligent IP service optimization and revenue generation solutions based on deep packet inspection (DPI) technology. Allot hardware platforms and software applications help DSL, wireless and mobile broadband carriers, and service providers transform broadband pipes into smart networks that can rapidly and efficiently deploy value added Internet services. A Andrew a Commscope Company 1100 CommScope Place SE Hickory, North Carolina 28603 USA Tel: +1 828 324 2200 www.andrew.com Contact Philip Armstrong Senior Vice President, Investor Relation and Corporate Communications Tel: +1 828 323 4848 @: investor.relations@commscope.com Company Profile Andrew, a CommScope company, designs, manufactures, and delivers innovative and essential equipment and solutions for the global communications infrastructure market. Andrew supports the entire radio frequency (RF) footprint with transmission line systems, cables, antennas, base station subsystems, in-building distributed wireless systems, and network geolocation products and services. Animatele Inc. 40 Wall Street, 35th Floor New York, NY 10005 USA Tel: +1 646 233 1212 www.animatele.com Contact Paul Friar Vice President Sales Tel: +1 646 233 1212 @: contact@animatele.com Company Profile Animatele, from its entry in mobile messaging business in 2003 has since become Europe’s largest non-interconnected iSMS termination facility for real-time subscriber and financial transaction SMS traffic. The company’s Distributed SMSC is connected to 82 public and own STP-s and MAP gateways hosted at carriers on 4 continents, providing coverage of 900+ mobile networks with unprecedented redundancy. 28 Anritsu Antica 1155 East Collins Boulevard, Suite 100 Richardson, TX 75081 USA Tel: +1 972 644 1777 www.anritsu.com Av. Santa Maria 2810 piso 3 Santiago Chile Tel: +56 2 2443280 www.antica.cl Contact Katherine Van Diepen Director, Marketing Communications Tel: +1 408 778 2000 ext. 1550 @: Katherine.VanDiepen@anritsu.com Contact Felipe Suazo Commercial Director Tel: +56 2 2443280 @: fsuazo@antica.cl Company Profile Anritsu Company is the American subsidiary of Anritsu Corporation, a global provider of innovative communications test and measurement solutions for more than 110 years. Anritsu provides solutions for existing and next-generation wired and wireless communication systems and operators. Company Profile Antica is a Software Company specialized in designing, developing and providing customized solutions for telecommunication service providers, that integrate subscribers, network elements and support systems in a streamlined carrier-class platform. Aricent A-Tono 700,Hansen Way, Palo Alto USA Tel: +1 650 391 1088 www.aricent.com Corso Buenos Aires 77 20124 Milano Italy Tel: +39 02 32069100 www.a-tono.com Contact Keith Higgins Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Tel: +1 650 391 1088 @: keith.higgins@aricent.com Company Profile Aricent is a global innovation, technology and outsourcing company focused exclusively on communications. Aricent combines the leading innovation capabilities of frog design with unparalleled domain expertise in communications gained as a strategic supplier to the world’s foremost infrastructure, application and service providers. Contact Riccardo Bellati Chief Strategy Officer Tel: +39 02 32069100 @: riccardo.bellati@a-tono.com Company Profile A-Tono was founded in 2001 with the vision to develop services that would turn the mobilephone into an interactive marketing and communication channel. Today A-Tono is one of the leading VAS on the Italian market as well as a “Digital Marketing & Communication Solution Company”. 30 Azetti Networks Azimuth Systems Avenida Castilla y Leon 36 28100 San Sebastian de los Reyes, Madrid Spain Tel: +34 91 658 69 53 www.azzetti.com 35 Nagog Park Acton, MA 01720 USA Tel: +1 978 263 6610 www.azimuthsystems.com Contact Aki Siltamies CEO Tel: +34 91 658 69 53 @: aki.siltamies@azzetti.com Contact Graham Celine Marketing Tel: +1 978 268 9220 @: graham_celine@azimuthsystems.com Company Profile Azzetti Networks is one of the leading providers for value added mobile data solutions like: Push to Talk over Cellular (PoC), Instant Messaging and Presence (IMPS), Multimedia Messaging (MMSC), Wireless Internet Gateway, SMS Gateway, Mobile Content Management tools and Premium SMS Aplicacions. Company Profile Azimuth is a leading provider of wireless broadband test equipment and channel emulators for Wi-Fi,WiMAX, LTE and 2G/3G cellular technologies. Berazy Mobile Entertainment AB Bharti Telesoft Ltd Kungstorget 2 | 411 17 Göteborg Sweden Tel: +46 31 15 34 43 www.berazy.com F-13, Okhla Phase-1 New Delhi - 110020 India Tel: +91 11 41611666 www.bhartitelesoft.com Contact Erik Hedegård Business Development Tel: +46 31 15 34 43 @: erik@berazy.com Contact Monisha Sahu Senior Manager Tel: +91 11 41611666 @: monisha@bhartitelesoft.com Company Profile Berazy Mobile Entertainment AB is a well-established Company with a prominent position in the service solutions designed for mobile media. We provide a number of service concepts in a global market. Our customers and partners are available in 86 countries on all continents and reach a potential market of 2 billion customers. Company Profile Bharti Telesoft is the leading provider of integrated VAS solutions for mobile operators in emerging markets, enriching lives and enhancing the lifestyles of over 500 million mobile subscribers globally. 32 Big5Media 37, rue Dareau Paris 75014 FRANCE Tel: +33 608 989 506 http://www.big5media.com/ Contact Karim Zeroual CEO Tel: +33 608 989 506 @: karim.zeroual@big5media.com Company Profile Big5media creates and distributes mobile applications which serve business and life needs. -Developments on AndroÔd, J2ME, Iphone, RIM -Connected or not connected We provide full cycle of services from consulting and conception, to integration and reporting. Bitwave Semiconductor, Inc. 900 Chelmsford St. Tower 3 Floor 7 Lowell, MA 0185 USA Tel: +1 978 888 0200 www.bitwave.com Contact Erik Org Business Development and Marketing Tel: +1 978 888 0226 @: erik@bitwave.com Company Profile BitWave Semiconductor, Inc., is a fabless semiconductor company and developer of the Softransceiver RFIC. BitWave is implementing its patent pending programmable transceiver technology in a single CMOS RFIC chip designed to enable users of standard cell phones, laptops, femtocells and other mobile devices to communicate across diverse networks. Business Anywhere More subscribers. More devices. More applications. Chaos in the mobile ecosystem? Take control with Bridgewater’s subscriber data management (HSS), service (AAA), and policy control (PCRF) products. 303 Terry Fox Drive, Suite 500 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2K 3J1 P: +1.613.591.6655 communications@bridgewatersystems.com bridgewatersystems.com 4 allÈe du Doyen Georges Brus Parc Scientifique Unitec 1 Pessac Gironde 33600 FRANCE Tel: +33 531 615 120 http://www.business-anywhere.net/ Contact Jean-Benoit Charreton President Tel: +33 531 615 120 @: contact@business-anywhere.net Company Profile Business Anywhere is an inovative software vendor and integrator expert for mobile handsets. Specialized in offering new products for our customers (B2B2C mass markets) on all mobile platforms like mobile banking dematerialized loyalty cards, mcommerce. Clients such as TF1, CrÈdit Agricole, Banque Populaire, Cdiscount, Cofinoga, Macif, Jules group, Refleximmo, Bouygues Telecom, SFRÖ 33 Cellebrite Mobile Synchronization CellMaps (powered by American Roamer) 94, Derech Em Hamoshavot St. Petah Tikva 49130 Israel Tel: +972 39260 900 www.cellebrite.com 5909 Shelby Oaks Drive, Suite 105 Memphis, TN 38134 USA Tel: +1 901 377 8585 www.americanroamer.com Contact Yanit Kimhi Tel: +972 39260 900 @: yanit@cellebrite.com Contact Ray Westbrook Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing Tel: +1 901 377 8585 @: ray.westbrook@americanroamer.com Company Profile Established in 1999, Cellebrite provides solutions for mobile phone data management, enabling phone-to-phone transfer and backup of phonebook, SMS, images, video and more. We deploy over 60,000 units at the world’s premier operators, service providers and retail chains, including T-Mobile, Orange, Vodafone, The Phone House, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and Telstra. Company Profile With our roots in wireless, CellMaps (powered by American Roamer), is the leader in research and mapping for the telecommunications industry. We custom produce the industry’s most accurate and informative coverage maps as well as a broad range of solutions. CelPlan Technologies Inc. Celtro Ltd. 1897 Preston White Drive, Suite 300 Reston, VA 20191 USA Tel: +1 703 259 4020 www.celplan.com Azorim Business Park 94 Em Hamoshavot Road Petah Tikva 49527 Israel Tel: +972 3920 6500 www.celtro.com Contact Mark Crompton Sales, Marketing and Operations Tel: +1 703 259 4037 @: mark@celplan.com Company Profile CelPlan Technologies, Inc. is a leading provider of RF Planning Tools and engineering services to the wireless industry. Founded in 1992, CelPlan has steadily developed the CelPlanner Suite of tools into one of the finest set of PC-based application modules available for designing high quality fixed and mobile wireless networks. Contact Gabriel Matzkin VP Sales Tel: +972 3920 6595 @: gabriel.matzkin@celtro.com Company Profile Celtro provides innovative mobile backhaul switching solutions that significantly enhance revenues and markedly improve service delivery. 34 Ciena Cisco Systems, Inc. 1201 Winterson Road Linthicum, Maryland 21090 USA Tel: +1 410 694 5700 www.ciena.com 170 West Tasman Dr. San Jose, CA 95134 USA Tel: +1 408 526 4000 www.cisco.com Contact Nicole Anderson Director, Public Relations Tel: +1 410 694 5786 @: nanderso@ciena.com Contact Rita Kary Program Manager Tel: +1 408 525 4053 @: rkary@cisco.com Company Profile Ciena Corporation is a leader in communication network infrastructure, associated software and professional services. We specialize in helping customers transition to service-driven networks that fundamentally change the way they compete. Company Profile Cisco is the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate, and collaborate. Since 1984, Cisco has led in the innovation of IP-based networking technologies, including routing, switching, security, Cisco TelePresence™, unified communication and collaboration, video, and wireless. D Coiler Corporation Colibria 8F-4, No. 75, Sec. 1, Hsin Tai Wu Road, Hsih-Chih, Taipei Hsien Taiwan Tel: +886 2 2698 2618 http://www.coiler.com.tw Strandveien 15 PO BOX 255 Lysaker 1326 NO Norway Tel: +47 671 13 500 http://www.colibria.com/ Contact Ivan Cheng MEA Regional Manager Tel: +886 2 2698 2618 @: sales@coiler.com.tw Company Profile Innovation has been the dynamic force behind Coiler Corporationís success over the past 18 years. We have been able to offer our worldwide customers with dependable indoor mobile signal enhancement from our range of distinctive products. Coiler offers an extensive portfolio of indoor repeaters for RF signal enhancement. Contact Nikki Brown Marketing Communications Manager Tel: +47 671 13 500 @: brown@colibria.com Company Profile Colibria is a leading global provider of new generation Messaging, Presence, and Social Networking solutions. Installed with over 30 customers, Colibria’s award-winning technology has been deployed with over 30 customers providing scalable, future-proof solutions for mobile & converged messaging, presence profiling and routing, social network aggregation, and value-added content services. 36 Comarch Communigate Systems Al. Jana Pawla II 39a 31-864 Kraków Poland Tel: +48 12646 1000 www.comarch.com 655 Redwood Hwy, Ste 275 Mill Valley, Ca 94941 USA Tel: +1 415 383 7164 http://www.communigate.com Contact Eduardo Fernández Business Development - Telecommunications Tel: +48 12646 1000 @: eduardo.fernandez@comarch.com Contact Scott Stonham Vice President, Marketing Tel: +47 671 13 500 @: sstonham@communigate.com Company Profile Since 1993, Comarch’s Telecommunication Sector has been specializing in designing, implementing and integrating solutions and services for telecommunication operators. Company Profile Founded in 1991 and based in Mill Valley, California, CommuniGate Systems develops carrier-class Unified Communications and media delivery software for broadband and mobile operators to deliver value-added services and SaaS solutions. COMPRION GmbH Technologiepark 25 Paderborn 33100 Germany Tel: +49 525 169 9860 http://www.comprion.com Contact Kathleen Loeser Marketing Manager Tel: +49 525 169 9860 @: info@comprion.com E Company Profile COMPRION develops and sells devices for the testing of terminals, Smart Card interfaces and Smart Cards for the contact based and contactless world. Our trace and simulation tools are used by all top terminal and card manufacturers, chipset vendors, network operators and test labs. 37 Comptel Corporation Salmisaarenaukio 1 P.O.Box 1000 FI-00181 Helsinki Finland Tel: +358 9 7001131 www.comptel.com Contact Olivier Suard Marketing Director Tel: +44 207 887 4513 @: olivier.suard@comptel.com Company Profile Comptel delivers a range of dynamic Operations Support Systems (OSS) solutions for communications service providers. To help our customers deliver innovative lifestyle services flexibly and economically, Comptel draws on its long expertise in order management, inventory, provisioning and activation, mediation and charging. PLEASE CONTACT: info@enlaceonline.com FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND PRICES comScore COMVIVA 6/7 St. Cross Street, 3rd Floor London UK Tel: +44 771 113 9081 www.comscore.com A-26 Info City Sector 34 Gurgaon Haryana 122001 India Tel: +91 124 481 9000 http://www.comviva.com Contact Paul Goode SVP & Senior Analyst Tel: +44 771 113 9081 @: pgoode@comscore.com Company Profile comScore, Inc. is a global leader in measuring the digital world and preferred source of digital marketing intelligence. 38 Dassault Systèmes, ENOVIA 10, Rue Marcel Dassault 78140 Vélizy-Villacoublay France Tel: + 33 1 61 62 61 62 www.enovia.com Contact Ron Locklin Director of Marketing Tel: + 33 1 61 62 61 62 @: info@ds-enovia.com Company Profile ENOVIA, the Product Life-Cycle Management (PLM) brand for Dassault Systèmes, is the recognized leader in delivering collaborative PLM solutions. We enable companies from a broad range of industries to dramatically accelerate innovation, time-to-market and revenue generation by collaboratively developing, building and managing products. Contact Manoranjan (Mao) Mohapatra Executive Director & CEO Tel: +91 124 481 9000 @: info@comviva.com Company Profile Comviva is the leading provider of integrated VAS solutions for mobile operators in emerging markets, powering solutions for operators in more than 80 countries and enriching the lives of over 500 million mobile subscribers globally. Comvivaís extensive portfolio of solutions drives content, commerce and community-focused services and revenues for operators, simplifying user interactions and providing a range of multimedia infotainment solutions to enhance the mobile subscriberís service experience. DeviceAnywhere 1730 South Amphlett Blvd. Suite 300 San Mateo, CA 94402 USA Tel: +1 888 675 8612 www.deviceanywhere.com Contact Javier Llerena Sr. Director of Sales and Business Development Tel: +1 888 675 8612 @: jllerena@deviceanywhere.com Company Profile DeviceAnywhere is the award-winning provider of end-to-end solutions for the development, testing, porting, monitoring and marketing of mobile applications worldwide. DMAILER S.A. DOVADO 37 rue Guibal Hall Sud- 2Ème Ètage Marseille 13003 France Tel: +33 608 750 519 http://www.dmailer.com Kista Entré Knarrarnäsgatan 9 164 40 Kista Sweden Tel: +46 8 522 918 85 www.dovado.com Contact Bernard Gidon Sales & Business Development EMEA Tel: +33 608 750 519 @: bernard@dmailer.com Contact Samir Madani Head of Global Sales & Marketing Tel: +46 8 522 918 85 @: samir.madani@dovado.com Company Profile Established in Marseille in 2001, Dmailer S.A. is a privately held software company specializing in portable backup and synchronization solutions for a range of mobile devices including USB flash drives, memory cards, external hard disk drives, MP3 players,phone memories, SIM and flash based memory cards for mobile phones. Company Profile: DOVADO is an innovative supplier specializing in development of products for mobile broadband internet access. DOVADO has been developing the support for mobile broadband technologies since its inception in 2004 and aims to change the perception of mobile broadband from a casual form of internet access to a reliable and always-on source of broadband for homes and offices throughout the world. F 39 Campus 21, Liebermannstr. A01/405 2345 Brunn am Gebirge Austria Tel: +43 1 866 70 21050 @: sales@dimoco.org www.dimoco.org Contact Anton Chmelar and Markus Fischbacher International Sales Company Profile: DIMOCO was founded in the year 2000 and is now one of the leading mobile messaging and payment providers in Europe. PLUS: In order to carry out services the company has contracts with mobile network operators in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Australia, Serbia and Poland. Ecocarrier inc. Emerson Network Power 327 Renfrew Drive, Unit 202-201 Markham, Ontario Canada L3R 9S8 Tel: +1 905 948 1475 www.ecocarrier.com 2900 South Diablo Way, Suite 190 Tempe, AZ 85282-3222 USA Tel: 800 759 1107 or +1 602 438 5720 www.emerson.com Contact Nicolay Laptev Senior Manager Tel: +1 905 948 1475 @: nicolay@ecocarrier.com Contact Nuri Monsivaiz Regional Sales Manager CALA Tel: +1 602 438 5720 @: nuri.monsivaizs@emerson.com Company Profile Canadian private corporation in VoIP and GSM roaming space •A facilities-based operator specializing in offering value-added services to enterprises, residential users, migrant workers and travelers •A MVNE offering Super MVNO managed services for making international calls from mobile handsets with optimum savings of up to 75% when either calling through local mobile network or when the user is roaming abroad www. supermvne.com. Company Profile Through its Embedded Computing business, Emerson Network Power enables original quipment manufacturers and systems integrators to develop better products quickly, cost-effectively and with less risk. 40 Epsilon eServGlobal Friendly House 52-58 Tabernacle Street London EC2A 4NJ UK Tel: +44 20 7096 9600 www.epsilontel.com 60 rue Etienne Dolet MALAKOFF France Tel: +33 1 46 12 50 28 www.eservglobal.com Contact Valentina Dal Borgo Carrier Business Manager Tel: +44 20 7096 9600 @: v.dalborgo@epsilontel.com Company Profile Epsilon is a global service provider operating in the international telecoms wholesale market, with a core focus on voice and data connectivity. We also specialise in other important network related services such as installation and commissioning, co-location, system integration, network management, and first line maintenance. The Epsilon Network extends to almost 50 Carrier neutral Data Centres across Western Europe, America and Asia. In these Points of Presence we currently service around 250 International Carriers and have access to well over 1000 operators. Contact Mrs Laurence Girard Marketing & Communications Manager Tel: +33 1 46 12 50 28 @: laurence.girard@eservglobal.com Company Profile eServGlobal invents smart communication and payment services for telecommunications service providers operating on all generation networks. eServGlobal’s innovative solutions help service providers to grow new revenues, reduce churn, and lower costs. ETSI 650, route des Lucioles 06921 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex France Tel: +33 4 92 94 42 00 www.etsi.org Contact Kevin Flynn Tel: +33 4 92 94 42 58 @: kevin.flynn@etsi.org WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE DIRECTORY 2011? WOULD YOU LIKE TO HIGHLIGHT OR ENLARGE YOUR PARTICIPATION? Company Profile ETSI members are drawn from the world’s leading and most innovative companies involved in ICT, including Fixed telecommunications, 3G mobile and Broadcast (DVB, NGN, IPTV, Radio equipment, etc). 41 Evistel 7, rue de Sainte-Hélène 75013 Paris France Tel: +33 15362 9551 www.evistel.com Contact: Thierry Lafue Head of Marketing and Pre-sales Department Tel: +33 15362 9551 @: thierry.lafue@evistel.com Company Profile EVISTEL provides network operators with telecoms solutions, allowing them to supply their subscribers with effective telecoms services. PLEASE CONTACT: info@enlaceonline.com FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND PRICES Flash Networks Forsk 7 Sapir Road P.O.B. 12624 Herzlia 46733 Israel Tel: +972 9 9580666 www.flashnetworks.com 7 rue des Briquetiers 31700 Blagnac France Tel: +33 562 747 210 www.forsk.com Contact Merav Bahat VP Marketing and Products Tel: +972 9 9580666 @: info@flashnetworks.com Company Profile Flash Networks is a global provider of intelligent mobile Internet solutions that enable operators to improve quality of experience, reduce network operational expenses and manage and monetize the mobile Internet. Contact Benoit Guy Director, Marketing & Sales Tel: +33 562 747 218 @: bguy@forsk.com Company Profile Forsk is a leading provider of RF planning & optimisation software solutions (Atoll) for the wireless industry, with offices in France, the US and China. 42 Freescale Semiconductor Frog2Frog 6501 William Cannon Drive West Austin, Texas 78735 USA Tel: +1 800 521 6274 www.freescale.com Jungfrudansen 54bv 17151 Solna Sweden Tel: +46 70234 9504 www.frog2frog.com Contact Scott Kehm Controller, Global Sales & Marketing Tel: +1 800 521 6274 @: scott.kehm@freescale.com Contact Hans-Peter Kurz Owner Tel: +46 70234 9504 @: hape@frog2frog.com Company Profile Freescale Semiconductor is a global leader in the design and manufacture of embedded semiconductors for the automotive, consumer, industrial, networking and wireless markets. The privately held company is based in Austin, Texas, and has design, research and development, manufacturing or sales operations around the world. Company Profile Advertising funded SMS. Sender enjoys free (or reduced price) SMS, advertising appears on the senders (not the receivers) screen. NOT a SMS/MMS Spam push service! Works on all handsets. Funambol, Inc. FusionOne, Inc. 643 Bair Island Road, Suite 305 Redwood City, CA 94063 USA Tel: +1 650 701 1450 www.funambol.com 1 Almaden Blvd. 11th Floor San Jose, CA 95113 USA Tel: +1 408 282 1200 www.fusionone.com Contact Hal Steger VP Marketing Tel: +1 650 701 1450 @: hal@funambol.com Company Profile Funambol provides open source Mobile. We push email and mobile sync for mobile operators, device manufacturers, service providers, portals and ISVs. Funambol syncs push email, contacts, calendars and other content between mobile handsets and a cloud-based Web 2.0 portal, desktop clients such as Outlook and email systems such as Yahoo!, GMail, AOL and POP/IMAP. H Contact Christina van Fosson Sales and Marketing Coordinator Tel: +1 408 282 1200 @: inquiries@fusionone.com Company Profile FusionOne is the established leader in mobile content portability, helping mobile subscribers transfer their content between mobile devices and sharing that content with popular internet applications—anytime, anywhere. FusionOne pioneered mobile phone content transfer and its products currently support millions of subscribers on many major carriers worldwide. 43 FutureDial, Incorporated Futurlink 340 Potrero Avenue, Sunnyvale CA 94085 USA Tel: +1 408 245 8880 www.futuredial.com C/ Almogavers, 107-119 08018 Barcelona Spain Tel. +34 93 300 88 66 www.futurlink.com Contact Shu Gan President Tel: +1 408 245 8880 @: sgan@futuredial.com Contact José Luis Preciado Business Development Director Tel. +34 93 300 88 66 @: info@futurlink.com Company Profile FutureDial is a leading provider of mobile content management solutions to mobile operators for revenue-generating services like phone-tophone transfer, backup, restore, and content sales at retail shops. Company Profile Futurlink provides a new mobile marketing and content distribution category to enable brands to create interactive hannels with consumer’s mobile phones, starting with a website and reaching the point of sale. Genera Mobile Solutions, S.A. Giesecke & Devrient GmbH C/ José de la Cámara 5 - Edif. Luis Montoto 41018 Sevilla Spain Tel: +34 95453 7306 www.generamobile.com Prinzregentenstraße 159 81677 Munich Germany Tel. +49 89 41190 www.gi-de.com Contact María Higueras Manager Assistant Tel: +34 95453 7306 @: mhigueras@generamobile.com Contact John O’Malley VP Telecom Division Tel: +1 703 480 2000 @: telecom@gi-de.com Company Profile Genera Mobile is a creative and dynamic mobile multimedia company committed to provide quality content and rich user experiences for mobile devices and the web. With an expertise in WAP portal management and game development, Genera Mobile is a leading content provider in Spain and also distributes to more than 15 countries worldwide. Company Profile Giesecke & Devrient is a technology leader for smart cards and smart card solutions for telecommunications, e-payment, health care, transportation, and IT security. G&D is one of the leading SIM cards suppliers in the world and has played an important role in defining international mobile telecommunications standards. 44 GyPSii c/o GeoSentric Halys 175 Metro Center Blvd, Suite 4 Warwick, RI 02886 USA Tel: +1 401 921 5184 www.gypsii.com 28, rue Rosenwald 75015 Paris France Tel: +33 1 40 43 21 25 www.halys.fr Contact: Bill Conners SVP, Sales & Business Development Tel: +1 401 921 5184 @: sales@gypsii.com Contact Denis Demaugre Director Tel: +33 1 40 43 21 25 @: denis.demaugre@halys.fr Company Profile GyPSii® connects people, places & communities across networks and devices, from work to play to home, enabling members to share their real life experiences in the virtual world, using mobile devices, the web and Internet connected devices. Company Profile Halys,leading provider of VAS and roaming platforms,helps its clients deploying clever telecommunication solutions:SMS/ MMS services,open connectivity hubs, unified voice/video messaging services,location based services,welcome/bon voyage services,over the air OTA services, steering of roaming services,antispoofing/antispam SMS services,wap gateways,geo-localization systems,prepaid systems,GSM call termination over IP systems. Highdeal 286 Madison Ave. Suite 502 New York NY 10017-6381 USA Tel: +1 212 419 0760 www.highdeal.com Contact David McNierney VP Market Development Tel: +1 212 419 0760 @: david.mcnierney@highdeal.com Company Profile Highdeal is the world’s leading provider of service Pricing & Rating solutions. We provide the necessary agility to ensure the profitability of fast-evolving business models with both customers and partners. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE DIRECTORY I 2011? WOULD YOU LIKE TO HIGHLIGHT OR ENLARGE YOUR PARTICIPATION? 45 HiPro|Call Inc. 11921 Freedom Drive Suite 550 Reston, VA 20190 USA Tel: +1 703 397 5155 Contact Karl-Heinz Haeuslein CEO Tel: +49 89 4200 188 22 @: kh.haeuslein@hiprocall.de Company Profile Let your brand be heard.Our Audio Branding Solutions bring your corporate identity into your networks. We produce professional audio content like voicemail or music-on-hold clips and provide the Content Management Software which allows the deployment of any audio content anywhere in the networks. PLEASE CONTACT: info@enlaceonline.com FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND PRICES HSL (Hay Systems Ltd) HUBER+SUHNER AG Watermark Alba Campus Livingston EH54 7EG UK Tel: +44 15066 05260 www.haysystems.com Degersheimerstrasse 14 Herisau Switzerland Tel: +41 71353 4111 www.hubersuhner.com Contact Donna Rutherford Marketing & Sales Executive Tel: +44 15066 05260 @: donna.rutherford@haysystems.com Company Profile HSL located in the United Kingdom, is involved in the development of GSM mobile network infrastructure and provisioning of SMS gateway services. Contact Mats Önner Communication and Business Development Tel: +41 71353 4111 @: mats.onner@hubersuhner.com Company Profile The HUBER+SUHNER Group is a leading global supplier of components and systems for electrical and optical connectivity in telecommunications, industrial applications, and transportation. 46 IMImobile Infineon Technologies AG Plot No. 770 Road No. 44 Jubilee Hills Hyderabad - 500 033 India Tel: +91 40235 55945 www.imimobile.com Am Campeon 1-12 Neubiberg 85579 Germany Tel: +49 892 340 http://www.infineon.com Contact: Bibhu Kumar COO Tel: +507 6781 5162 @: bibhu@imimobile.com Company Profile IMImobile is a leading provider of converged mobile and online technology platforms and content services to mobile operators and media companies around the world. Contact Peter Bauer CEO Tel: +49 892 340 @: info@infineon.com Company Profile Infineon Technologies AG, Neubiberg, Germany, offers semiconductor and system solutions addressing three central challenges to modern society: energy efficiency, communications, and security. In the 2009 fiscal year (ending September), the company reported sales of Euro 3.03 billion with approximately 25,650 employees worldwide. Infobip Inmobia Mobile Technology Mletacka 12/III Pula 52100 HR Croatia Tel: +385 997 313 828 http://www.infobip.com Hemsögatan 12 S-211 24 Malmö Sweden Tel: +45 2616 6555 www.inmobia.com Contact Massimo Cristini Vice President Sales APAC Tel.: +49 89 9040 5160 @: sales@infobip.com Contact Mads Galsgaard Chief Marketing Officer Tel: +45 2616 6555 @: mads@inmobia.com Company Profile Since 2006, Infobip is a trusted mobile messaging provider with over 10000 satisfied clients and worldwide coverage, with a wide range of services and options. Infobip also provides advanced operator solutions of proprietary design, Infobip SMSC, Hub and Home Routing. As mobile messaging specialists, company policy of inhouse development is a strategic orientation, in order to maintain the highest level of service towards clients, operators and reseller partners. Company Profile Inmobia has more than 10 years experience in providing mobile technology and content to operators and media companies worldwide, with the core competence of providing stable and secure backend systems and precise delivery of content and services. 47 Intec Telecom Systems Integrat Wells Court, Albert Drive, Woking, Surrey GU21 5UB UK Tel: +44 1483 745800 www.intecbilling.com 168 14th Street Tuscan Gardens Office Park, Unit 11 Noordwyk - Midrand Johannesburg 1685 South Africa Tel: +27 112 067 600 http://www.integrat.co.za Contact Leonard Cremer Director Tel: +27 112 067 600 @: leonard@integrat.co.za Company Profile Integrat was founded in 2001 and is Africaís leading Mobile Value-Added Services (VAS) Aggregator, providing a one-stop shop for all your mobile integration needs. A single interface to all GSM bearer services (where available) including Bulk SMS, Premium Billing, USSD, LBS, MMS & IVR, enables a range of products and services. Gateway connectivity to operators is offered in South Africa and selected African countries such as Kenya, DRC, Nigeria, Tanzania with many others currently in roll-out. Integrat enables its customers Contact George Zelenjuk Sales Director South America Tel: 55 11 3372 1400 @: george.zelenjuk@intecbilling.com Company Profile Intec supplies solutions to over 70 of the world’s top 100 telecoms carriers and is one of the world’s fastest growing major BSS/OSS (business and operations support systems) vendors. 48 IntelliNet Technologies, Inc. Internetq 1990 W. New Haven Ave., Suite 303 Melbourne, FL 32904 USA Tel: +1 321 726 0686 www.intellinet-tech.com 17, TROIAS STR ATHENS 11257 Greece Tel: +30 211 102 1000 http://www.internetq.com Contact Dan Wonak Director of Marketing Tel: +1 321 726 0686 @: dwonak@intellinet-tech.com Contact Athina Ntoka Corporate Communications Manager Tel: +30 211 102 1000 @: a.ntoka@internetq.com Company Profile IntelliNet delivers core network infrastructure solutions, including security gateways, signaling gateways and protocol stacks, as well as custom development for network convergence technologies such as femtocells, I-WLAN, 3G/IMS and 4G/LTE. Company Profile Internetq is a leading Application Services Provider with a global presence in the mobile value-added services sector. We are specialists in innovative Web & WAP products, SMS, IVR & mobile applications, with an expansive list of products & services. Our attunement to rapidly shifting market trends and our ability to realize added value is reflected in our extensive client base of leading IT, Telecoms & Media companies. 49 Invigo itsmy.com / GOFRESH GmbH Berytech Technological Center P.O.Box: 11-7503 - Beirut Lebanon Tel: +96 13399 944 www.invigo.com Lilienstrasse 7 D-81669 Munich Germany Tel: +49 89 6230 3730 www.itsmy.com Contact Fouad Goraieb CEO Tel: +96 13399 944 @: fouad.goraieb@invigo.com Contact Mikko Saarelainen Director Content & Communities Tel: +49 89 6230 3730 @: mikko@gofreshgroup.com Company Profile itsmy.com - the stickiest mobile social network! A mobile pure-play since 2005, itsmy.com offers outstanding mobile 2.0 services: user generated content, mobile social TV channels, personal and friends only TV channels, location based micro-blogging and virtual gifts, just to mention a few. Company Profile Invigo is a leading Value Added Services Provider, composed of managers and experts coming from mobile operator’s world. Invigo’s capabilities span from “the heart of the network to the hands of mobile users”. 50 Jamo Solutions Jasper Wireless Houtemstraat 157 Tienen 3300 Belgium http://www.jamosolutions.com 501 Macara Avenue, Suite 202 Sunnyvale California 94085 USA Tel: +1 408 328 5220 http://www.jasperwireless.com Contact Jacques Wouters Director @: info@jamosolutions.com Company Profile Jamo Solutions provides a software based solution named ìM-eux Testî for automated testing of mobile applications. The environment automates functional tests, application tests and monitoring anywhere, anytime and operating system independent. Contact Macario Namie Senior Marketing Director Tel: +1 408 546 0660 @: macario.namie@jasperwireless.com Company Profile Jasper Wireless provides the platform needed to connect and manage machine-to-machine (M2M), embedded mobile and consumer electronic devices worldwide. Using the companyís unique end-to-end solution, network operators and international enterprises can simplify connected devices design, reduce connected solutions time to market and scale deployments easily. 51 Jinny Software Ltd Juniper Networks 29 North Anne Street, Dublin 7 Ireland Tel: +353 1 887 2626 www.jinny.ie 1194 North Mathilda Avenue Sunnyvale, California 94089-1206 USA Tel: +1 408 745 2000 www.juniper.net Contact Hércules Brito Regional Sales Director, CALA Tel: +55 11 3044 0363 Email: hercules.brito@jinny.ie Contact Gijs van Kersen Mobile Marketing Manager EMEA Tel: +32 4988 71261 @: gvankersen@juniper.net Company Profile Jinny enables network operators to deliver personalised messaging and media services to subscribers that add value and increase operator revenues. Jinny’s product suite focuses on increasing ARPU and reducing costs. Company Profile Juniper is the leader in high-performance networking. Juniper offers a high-performance network infrastructure that creates a responsive and trusted environment for accelerating the deployment of services and applications over a single network which fuels high-performance businesses. 52 KATHREIN-Werke KG Keynote SIGOS GmbH Anton-Kathrein Strafle 1-3 P.O. Box 100 444 Rosenheim 83004 Germany Tel: +49 803 118 4761 http://www.kathrein.de Klingenhofstrafle 50d Nuernberg Bavaria 90411 Germany Tel: +49 911 951 68131 http://www.keynote-sigos.com Contact Grigory Parra Vorobiov International Sales Manager Tel: +49 803 118 4761 @: central.sales@kathrein.de Contact Claudia Kanzler International Marketing Manager Tel: +49 803 118 4761 @: claudia.kanzler@keynote-sigos.com Company Profile KATHREIN is an international company engaged in antenna and communications technology. The KATHREIN Group, with KATHREINWerke KG at its head, currently includes some 58 subsidiary and associated companies, with four production works in Rosenheim and 14 more production locations on five continents. Company Profile As the worldwide leader of automated testing equipment, Keynote SIGOS is specialised in testing telecommunication networks, services and components. SITE supports network operators, manufacturers and other customers to implement new services and maintain existing ones at a peak quality level to secure maximum customer satisfaction and revenue. Kineto Wireless UK, Ltd. LD Mobile 1601 McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas 95035 USA Tel: +1 408 546 0660 http://www.kineto.com Station Alexandre 29/31 Boulevard charles Moretti Marseille 13014 France Tel: +33 491 531 465 http://www.ldmobile.net Contact Peter Schmid Vice President of Sales Tel: +1 408 546 0660 @: info@kineto.com Company Profile Kineto Wireless is the key innovator and leading supplier of standards-based solutions that enable mobile operators to embrace the cost and performance advantages of fixed and mobile broadband access networks. N Contact Sebastien Leclerc COO Tel: +33 491 531 465 @: sebastien.leclerc@ldmobile.net Company Profile LDMobile optimizes access to Digital technologies, develops marketing applications and services combining Web and Mobile. LDM Media, specialised in: - Direct marketing campaigns managing, - Mobile advertising space and Mobile media planning conception, - Mobile advertising integrating Xphones based on Ad Itô (Adserver solution). 53 Lechill Mobile Legos Consell de cent 314, principal 1a Catalunya BARCELONA 08007 Spain Tel: +34 932 374 181 http://www.lechill.com 215 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau Issy-les-Moulineaux 92130 France Tel: +33 017 229 2990 http://www.legos.fr Contact Christian Thorn Owner Tel: +34 932 374 181 @: ct@lechill.com Contact Pascal Prot CEO & Chairman Tel: +33 017 229 2990 @: pprot@legos.fr Company Profile We are now entering a new area where interaction with end users has been enabled via both mobile internet and mobile applications. We believe that we can help you to get a head start and with the number of mobile platforms still on the rise mobile specialists like Lechill Mobile plays an important role in making a complex environment simple. Company Profile Legos is a fully licensed french Fixed & Mobile Telephony Operator Legosís successful telephony service available to local operators in the French territory is now spreading across Europe. 54 LensVector Lexar Media 2307 Leghorn Street Mountain View California 94043 USA Tel: +1 650 618 0700 http://www.lensvector.com 12 Redwood Crescent Peel Park Campus East Kilbride G74 5PA GB UK Tel: +44 135 558 6000 http://www.lexar.com Contact Tristan Joo Sr. Director, Business Development Tel: +1 650 618 0700 @: info@lensvector.com Contact Manisha Sharma Director of Product Marketing Tel: +44 135 558 6000 @: info@lexar.com Company Profile LensVector is leading a revolution in dynamic solid-state optics, with solutions that are ideal for camera phone applications. LensVector replaces the complex, bulky and often fragile mechanical systems of a camera module with simple and easy-to-integrate solid-state components that focus light without mechanical movement. Company Profile Lexar Media Inc. boasts one of the most comprehensive offerings of memory product lines in the industry. This year at 3GSM we are proud to show our new range of Mobile products centred around how people work, play and use todays mobile devices. O 55 LILLYBELLE LIN.K nv 7, cours de la RÈpublique Villeurbanne 69100 France Tel: +33 610 691 023 http://www.gladiator-innovations.com Klein Begijnhofstraat 5 Melle B 9090 Belgium Tel: +32 925 228 47 http://www.linkid.be Contact Georges-Edouard Thorin Tel: +33 610 691 023 @: ge.thorin@lillybelle.eu Contact Mario Houthooft Owner Tel: +33 610 691 023 @: mario.houthooft@lin-k.net Company Profile Our focus is in products and services required for various aspects of cellular network planning, design, deployment, optimization and maintenance. We are arming the Telecommunications industry with the first open-architecture network quality management platform, Gladiator. Company Profile Provider of technologies and services for *online user registration, identification, strong authentication *digital signature/validation of data/transactions using smart cards, mobile phones, tokens and biometrics *+20 years of international experience in the authentication industry, especially in the banking and corporate sector as well as eID applications. 56 Linkcom Lleida.net 11 Rue du Soleil Levant Clamart 92140 France Tel: +33 140 831 313 http://www.linkcom.net Rambla de Aragon 35 3∫C Lleida 25003 Spain Tel: +34 973 282 300 http://massivesms.lleida.net Contact Tel: +33 140 831 313 @: pf@linkcom.net Contact Gerardo Neistat Communication Tel: +34 973 282 300 @: comunicacion@lleida.net Company Profile LINKCOM is a French Leader Telecommunication Solutions Provider Manufacturing innovative solutions; using GSM, VOIP (SIP) & TOIP technologies LINKCOM designs products satellite to PBX, IPBX, M2M and Triple Play Solutions . Company Profile Lleida.net is the first SMS operator. It has agreements with more than 1.000 carriers worldwide and has developed an international communication network via SMS reaching 200 countries. 57 MACH Mavenir Systems 2, rue Edmond Reuter L-5326 Contern G.D. of Luxembourg Tel: +352 27756 280 www.mach.com 1651 North Glenville Drive, Suite 216 Richardson, Texas 75081 USA Tel: +1 469 916 4393 www.mavenir.com Contact Fabio Pereira Regional Director, Sales & Account Management - Latin America Tel: +55 41 3221 6432 @: info@mach.com Contact Payam Maveddat VP, Product Management and Marketing Tel: +1 469 916 4393 @: pmaveddat@mavenir.com Company Profile MACH has a visionary portfolio of turnkey solutions to support today’s inter-standard and interoperability needs. Its seamless business processes optimise open connectivity and provide revenue assurance. Company Profile Mavenir’s innovative convergence solutions allow FMC operators to offer subscribers new and enhanced servicesand applications. Our Converged Voice Solutions include Mobile VoIP services without having to implement an IP Core and our Converged Messaging Solutions include IP SMSC as well as Mobile 2.0 applications such as Instant Messaging&Presence. 58 mBlox Media Layers 455 West Maude Avenue, Suite 100 Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Tel: +1 408 617 3700 www.mblox.com Corex House, 27 Maskit St. Hertzelia Pituach 46733 P.O.B 12840 - Israel Tel: +972 737 907 241 www.medialayers.com Contact David Lione Director of Sales Tel: +1 408 617 3700 @: david.lione@mblox.com Contact Assaf Katan VP Marketing & Business Development Tel: +972 737 907 241 @: assaf.katan@mlayers.com Company Profile mBlox, the world’s largest mobile transaction network, enables businesses to deliver and bill for mobile services and content around the world while simplifying the commercial and technical complexities involved. Company Profile Media Layers is a world pioneer in multi-channel, highly targeted mobile & digital advertising. The company’s SMART All Screen Advertising (TM) platform provides a comprehensive solution synchronizing players across the entire value chain and across all service channels - Mobile, IP-TV, Web, WiFi and more. Mobile Access Mobile Arts 8391 Old Courthouse Road Suite 300 - Vienna, Virginia 22182 USA Tel: +1 866 436 9266 www.mobileaccess.com Tj‰rhovsg. 56 Stockhom 116 28 Sweden Tel: +46 730 511 414 http://www.mobilearts.com Contact Erinne Bruce Manager, Marketing Communications Tel: +1 866 436 9266 @: ebruce@mobileaccess.com Contact Christopher Kingdon VP Marketing & Product Management Tel: +46 730 511 414 @: chris@mobilearts.com Company Profile MobileAccess is a global provider of enterprise wireless solutions. With its advanced Wire-ItOnce™ technology, MobileAccess provides facility-wide coverage for Wireless LAN (WLAN), Mobile WiMAX and/or public safety radio, a mong other wireless services, over a single infrastructure. Company Profile Mobile Arts provide innovative mobile messaging, advertisement and location solutions to mobile operators. The company is renowned for its ability to provide carrier-grade platforms with truly innovative applications, which it can customize to customer requirements with the shortest of lead times. 60 Mobile Tornado plc. MobileAware Ltd. Central House, Beckwith Knowle Harrogate, HG3 1SA UK Tel: + 44 1423 511900 www.mobiletornado.com 4 St. Catherine’s Lane West The Digital Hub Dublin, Ireland Tel: +353 1511 1281 www.mobileaware.com Contact Keren Karp Marcom Manager Tel: + 44 1423 511900 @: keren@mobiletornado.com Contact Arthur Cagney VP of Worldwide Sales Tel: +353 1511 1281 @: arthur.cagney@mobileaware.com Company Profile Mobile Tornado (AIM: MBT), established in 1999, is today’s leading independent software vendor providing real-time application. Its streaming solutions offer CDMA and GSM operators the ability to increase revenue, improve customer retention, and penetrate new market segments with exciting new applications. Company Profile MobileAware provides Mobile Customer and Employee Self Service solutions. Our market-leading technology enables enterprises to securely and reliably launch mobile data solutions. Mobile Engine Mobilethink Peterdy St. 15. 5th Floor Budapest Pest 1071 Hungary Tel: +36 120 216 45 http://www.mobileengine.hu Ny Banegaardsgade 55 Aarhus 8000 Denmark Tel: +45 862 078 00 http://www.mobilethink.com Contact Beata Turopoli Tel: +36 120 216 45 @: beata.turopoli@mobileengine.hu Contact Louise Dall J¯rgensen Sales Director Tel: +45 862 078 00 @: sales@mobilethink.com Company Profile Mobile Engine Ltd. develops mobile applications to support its clientsí business processes. Mobile Enine manages a SaaS (Software as a Service) mobile application center, which enables its clients to subscribe to the customed designed mobile application rather than investing into such a system. Company Profile Mobilethink develops and implements systems and infrastructure for remote mobile terminal settings management. The company’s prime business area lies in the area of terminal management solutions and knowledge about terminal features. 61 MobiTV, Inc 6425 Christie Avenue, 5th Floor Emeryville California 94127 USA Tel: +1 510 450 5223 http://www.mobitv.com Contact Jay Hinman Senior Director of Partner & Product Marketing Tel: +1 510 450 5223 @: jhinman@mobitv.com Company Profile MobiTV is the worldwide leader in mobile video and TV distribution. The hallmarks of the MobiTV technology platform are flexible & scalable video solutions, the ability to build top-notch experiences on virtually any device, and mature processes that support managed services to leading mobile operators around the world. 1735 Technology Drive Suite 550 San Jose, CA 95110 USA Tel: +1 650 353 3032 www.mobixell.com info@mobixell.com Contact Mona Popilian-Yona Corporate Marketing Mona.yona@mobixell.com Company Profile Mobixell Networks provides innovative rich media mobile internet, mobile broadband, mobile messaging and Web 2.0 and mobile advertising solutions. With over 350 deployments worldwide, Mobixell helps mobile operators to enhance the user experience by increasing adoption, encourage customer loyalty, and build on the operators’ assets to introduce new revenue streams. modu Mpathix 7 Atir Yeda St. Kfar Saba 44643 Israel Tel: +972 976 300 00 http://www.modumobile.com/ 87 Skyway Avenue, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada Tel: +1 416 849 4210 www.mpathix.com Contact Hila Aviel Tel: +972 976 300 00 @: hila.aviel@modumobile.com Contact Christopher Massi Account Manager Tel: +1 416 849 4210 @: christopher.massi@mpathix.com Company Profile modu Ltd. has invented, developed and is manufacturing the worldís first modular mobile phone, winner of the Guinness Book of World Recordsô for the lightest phone in the world. modu envision a world of personal communication, where modularity and freedom drives new forms of connections among people, and between people and electronic devices surrounding them. Company Profile Mpathix is a leading provider of Voice and Data Messaging solutions to wireless, landline and VOIP network operators. The Mpathix suite of messaging solutions include: * Voicemail * Voicemail to MMS * Unified Messaging * Auto Attendant. 62 MyScreen Mobile Navteq 70 Yorkville Ave, Suite 300 Toronto,Ontario Canada Tel: +1 416 500 2213 www.myscreen.com 425 West Randolph Street Chicago, Illinois 60606 USA Tel: +1 312 894 7000 www.navteq.com Contact Paul Tintinalli Advertising Specialist Tel: +1 416 500 2213 @: pault@myscreen.com Contact Kellie Bourdage Prowse Marketing Manager, Partner & Developer Programs Tel: +1 312 894 7000 @: kellie.prowse@navteq.com Company Profile MyScreen has revolutionized the way advertisers communicate with consumers. MyScreen is a patent-pending innovative marketing and advertising solution within the mobile communication industry. Company Profile NAVTEQ is a leading provider of comprehensive digital map information for automotive navigation systems, mobile navigation devices, Internet-based mapping applications, and government and business solutions. 63 Nokia Siemens Networks Nortel Karaportti 3 02610 Espoo Finland Tel: +358 71 400 4000 www.nokiasiemensnetworks.com Parc d’Activités de Magny - Châteaufort 78928 Yvelines Cedex 9 France Tel: +33 16955 44444 www.nortel.com Contact Aluizio Byrro Chairman Latin America Tel: + 55 11 4833 9100 @: aluizio.byrro@nsn.com Contact Christophe Eline Senior Manager, Customer Marketing Programmes Tel: +33 16955 44444 @: christophe.eline@nortel.com Company Profile Nortel is a recognized leader in delivering communications capabilities that make the promise of Business Made Simple a reality for our customers. Our next-generation technologies, for both service provider and enterprise networks, support multimedia and business-critical applications. Company Profile Nokia Siemens Networks is a leading global enabler of communications services. The company provides a complete, wellbalanced product portfolio of mobile and fixed network infrastructure solutions and addresses the growing demand for services with 20,000 service professionals worldwide. 64 NXP Semiconductors NVIDIA Corporation PO Box 80073 5600 KA Eindhoven Netherlands Tel: +31 40 27 29960 www.nxp.com 2701 San Tomas Expressway Santa Clara, CA 95050 USA Tel: +1 408 486 2000 www.nvidia.com Contact Nicole Unger Event Manager Tel: +31 40 27 29960 @: nicole.unger@nxp.com Company Profile NXP is a leading semiconductor company founded by Philips more than 50 years ago. Headquartered in Europe, the company has about 33,500 employees working in more than 20 countries and posted sales of USD 6.3 billion (including the Mobile & Personal business) in 2007. Contact Philip J. Carmack Senior Vice President, Mobile Business Unit Tel: +1 408 486 2000 @: pcarmack@nvidia.com Company Profile NVIDIA (Nasdaq: NVDA) is the world leader in visual computing technologies and the inventor of the GPU, a high-performance processor which generates breathtaking, interactive graphics on workstations, personal computers, game consoles, and mobile devices. Oberthur Technologies Openwave Systems 71-73 rue des Hautes-Pâtures 35 avenue de l’Ile Saint Martin 92726 Nanterre Cedex - France Tel. +33 01 4785 5400 www.oberthurcs.com 2100 Seaport Boulevard Redwood City, CA 94063 USA Tel: +1 650 480 8000 www.openwave.com Contact Olivier Leroux Marketing Director Tel. +33 01 4785 5400 info@oberthurcs.com Contact Alan Park Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales Tel: +1 650 480 8000 @: alan.park@openwave.com Company Profile With sales of 879 million Euros in 2008, Oberthur Technologies is a world leader in the field of secure technologies. Innovation and high quality services ensure Oberthur Technologies’ strong positioning in its main target markets: Smart cards, Secure printing, Cash protection. Company Profile Openwave Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: OPWV) is one of the world’s leading innovators of software applications and infrastructure designed to enable revenue-generating, personalized services, including mobile analytics, content adaptation, mobile and broadband advertising, and a suite of unified messaging solutions. 65 Praca Floriano No. 19 12,13,16 e 18 andares Centro/CEP 20031-050 Rio de Janeiro-RJ Brasil Tel: + 55 21 21 39 98 50 Fax:+ 55 21 21 39 98 98 Contact: Patricia Lopes Managing Director e-mail: plopes@orga-systems.com web: www.orga-systems.com.br As the future business strategy of service providers emerges towards the TIME model, we enable international telecommunications companies to rate, charge and bill any service for prepaid, postpaid and hybrid subscribers. To ensure flexibility, efficiency and time-tomarket on customers’ side we provide modular, scalable convergent real-time billing products. OSS Nokalva Panorama Antennas Ltd One Executive Drive, Suite 450 Somerset NJ 08873 USA Tel: +1 732 302 9669 http://www.oss.com Frogmore Wandsworth London SW18 1HF GB UK Tel: +44 208 877 4444 http://www.panorama-antennas.com Contact Frank Curran Senior Solutions Specialist Tel: +1 732 302 9669 @: frank.curran@oss.com Company Profile With over 20 years experience serving 900+ customers worldwide, OSS has earned a reputation as the leading vendor of ASN.1 development toolkits. Building on the high-performance and reliability of our ASN.1 encoder/decoder combined with our porting expertise, OSS is now offering an LTE UE Protocol Stack. Contact Robert Jesman Sales Manager Tel: +44 208 877 4444 @: rjesman@panorama-antennas.com Company Profile Panorama Antennas design, develop and manufacture antennas for the wireless radio communications industry. Our extensive portfolio of products cover the 3G, UMTS, GPS, GSM, M2M and ISM bands; all of which will be on show at the Mobile World Congress. 66 Pelikon an MFLEX Company Unit 5, Bar Hill Business Park Saxon Way, Bar Hill Cambridge CB23 8SL GB UK Tel: +44 195 478 365 http://www.pelikon.com Contact Andrew Green Manager, Product Marketing Tel: +44 195 478 365 @: andrew.green@pelikon.com Company Profile Panorama Antennas design, develop and manufacture antennas for the wireless radio communications industry. Our extensive portfolio of products cover the 3G, UMTS, GPS, GSM, M2M and ISM bands; all of which will be on show at the Mobile World Congress. Perfecto Mobile 10, Granit Street Petah Tikva 49514 Israel Tel: +972 392 601 00 http://www.perfectomobile.com Contact Michael Sharon Regional Sales Director Tel: +972 392 601 00 @: info@perfectomobile.com Company Profile The Perfecto Mobile Handset Cloud service enables mobile application developers and content providers to remotely control, over the web, a multitude of real mobile handsets located around the world. 67 Qualcomm Incorporated QuesCom 5775 Morehouse Drive San Diego, CA 92121 USA Tel: +1 858 587 1121 www.qualcomm.com Les Espaces de Sophia Bât. C 80 route des Lucioles - BP 327 06906 Sophia Antipolis France Tel: +33 49723 4848 www.quescom.com Contact Marco Aurélio Rodrigues Country Manager Brazil Tel: + 55 11 5503 4500 @: marketingbr@qualcomm.com Company Profile Qualcomm is a leading developer and innovator of advanced wireless technologies and data solutions. As the wireless industry leader, Qualcomm possesses the innovative vision, technology and proven track record to enable advanced multimedia and business solutions. Contact Vincent Brault Director of Channel Sales & Marketing @: info@quescom.com Tel: +33 49723 4848 Company Profile QuesCom designs enhanced telephony solutions focusing on the fixed mobile convergence for enterprises and service providers. QuesCom is a leading player on the markets of VoIP-mobile convergence and Telecom application solutions. 68 RAD Data Communications Research In Motion Limited 24 Raoul Wallenberg St. Tel-Aviv 69719 Israel Tel: +972 3 645 8181 www.rad.com 200 Bath Road Slough, Berks United Kingdom Tel: +44 1753 667 0000 www.blackberry.com Contact Daniel Rosenfeld Sales Director for Latin America Tel: +1 305 936 2798 @: daniel_r@rad.com Contact David Upsher Channel Sales Manager Tel: +44 1753 667 0000 @: dupsher@rim.com Company Profile Founded in 1981, RAD Data Communications is a leading manufacturer of cell-site gateways, aggregation site gateways, RNC site gateways, Ethernet demarcation devices, Abis optimization and voice compression equipment for backhaul and transport of 2G, 3G, and 4G cellular and mobile traffic such as HSPA and LTE. Company Profile Research In Motion is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of innovative wireless solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market. 69 Streamwide SVOX 84, Rue d` Hauteville 75010 Paris France Tel: +33 170 085 259 www.streamwide.com Baslerstrasse 30 Zurich 8048 CH Switzerland Tel: +41 435 440 600 http://www.svox.com Contact Régis Rain Marketing Manager Tel: +33 170 085 259 @: communication@streamwide.com Contact Alexander Davydov Marketing Manager Tel: +41 435 440 600 @: alexander.davydov@svox.com Company Profile Headquartered in Paris (France), with subsidiaries in USA, China, Romania, StreamWIDE is fully dedicated to developing Value-Added Services for Mobile and Fixed-line Telecommunication operators: Unified and Convergent Messaging, Online Charging Services, IVVR Service Creation Environment, Ring Back Tones and Proxy Solutions. Company Profile SVOX, a leading supplier of embedded speech solutions, has a reputation for quality and customer focus. SVOX drives adoption of speech user interfaces in automotive and mobile device industries. 70 Sybase 365 Tanla One Sybase Drive Dublin, CA 94568 USA Tel: +1 925 236 5000 www.sybase.com Tanla Mobile Ltd 5th Floor 39, Charing Cross Road,London WC2H OAR - UK Tel: +44 20 7494 5600 www.tanla.com Contact Shahzia Banth Marketing Manager Tel: +1 925 236 5000 @: shahzia.banth@sybase.com Contact Anuj Khanna Vice President, Mobile Operator Partnerships Tel: +44 20 7494 5600 @: anuj.khanna@tanla.com Company Profile Sybase 365 is the world leader in mobile messaging services. From mobile messaging interoperability to mobile content delivery and mobile commerce services, for operators, brands and content providers, enterprises and financial institutions, we have the market covered. Company Profile Tanla is a global provider of mobile payments, application license management and mobile value added services platforms. We have mobile payments and messaging partnerships with over 100 global mobile operators enabling the delivery and billing of mobile applications and content. Tecnotree Teles AG P.O. Box 93 - Finnoonniitynkuja 4 FIN-02271 Espoo Finland Tel: +358 9 804 781 www.tecnotree.com Ernst-Reuter-Platz 8 10587 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 30399 28066 www.teles.com Contact Kristiina Forsberg Marketing Manager Tel: +358 9 804 781 @: kristiina.forsberg@tecnotree.com Contact Eyal Ullert CO Sales & Marketing Tel: +49 30399 28066 @: sales@teles.com Company Profile Tecnotree, founded in 1978, is one of the leading suppliers of Business and Operations Support Systems (BSS/OSS) and Value Added Services (VAS) for telecom operators worldwide. Tecnotree’s mission is to make business flourish by serving telecommunication companies in every step of growth. Company Profile TELES provides worldwide wireline and wireless telephony service providers with complete Class 4 and Class 5 soft switch solutions, VoIP gateways, and mobile gateways for GSM, CDMA, and UMTS networks. 71 Transverse VNL 816 Congress Ave. Fourth Floor Austin Texas 78701 USA Tel: +1 512 279 4462 http://www.gotransverse.com 21 B, Sector 18 Gurgaon Haryana 122015 India Tel: +91 124 309 2000 http://www.vnl.in Contact Gilly Harris Director of Marketing Tel: +1 512 279 4462 @: gharris@gotransverse.com Company Profile Transverse is a provider of low-cost, carriergrade billing and business support solutions (BSS) for the telecommunications marketplace. Founded by a group of leading B/OSS executives with decades of experience in software development, systems integration, and consulting in the wireless, wireline, and broadband B/OSS industry segments. Contact Ananya Das Assistant Manager Marketing Communications Tel: +91 124 309 2000 @: ananya.das@vnl.in Company Profile VNL (www.vnl.in) is substantially changing the way operators build networks for the future. Their simple to install, solar powered WorldGSMô solutions help mobile operators reach rural markets profitably, with minimal capex and zero opex.2009 AWARDS:Third Most Innovative Company and the Most Innovative Telecoms Company ñ WSJ Technology Innovation Awards. 72 Voxbone Xilinx Boulevard de la Cambre, 33 Brussels B-1000 Belgium Tel: +32 280 800 00 http://www.voxbone.com Logic Drive Citywest Business Campus Saggart Dublin 24 Ireland Tel: +353 146 403 11 http://www.xilinx.com Contact Flora Nkuranga-Gaju Sales Manager Tel: +32 280 800 00 @: sales@voxbone.com Company Profile Voxbone provides local and toll-free numbers from 48 countries and 4,000+ cities to carriers, ITSPs and call-centers worldwide. Calls are collected locally and forwarded over IP to the customerís equipment. Ordering, provisioning and configuration are done in realtime using a powerful web-portal or a free API. Local number portability is supported in 15 countries. Contact Dean Moss Sales Manager Tel: +353 146 403 11 @: sales@xilinx.com Company Profile Xilinx is the worldís leading provider of programmable logic solutions, with more than 50% market share and $1.9B in 2008 revenue. Xilinx award-winning products enable designers to reduce time-to-market in multiple end markets. More than ever, economics favor programmable chips over costly application-specific chips.