Planning Commission CITY OF PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA AUGUST 22, 2016, 2:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 326 W. MARION AVENUE, PUNTA GORDA FL 33950 NOTE: Anyone wishing to address the Council on any agenda item may do so at the appropriate time during the meeting. Those who choose to speak must state their name for the record. Each person will be allowed to speak once on each subject up to a maximum of three minutes. I. CALL TO ORDER/ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Roll Call B. Next Scheduled Meeting 1. September 26, 2016 II. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS ONLY III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. IV. July 25, 2016 QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARINGS A. SE-04-16 – A request by Hans Wilson & Associates, Agent, for Vent, LLC, Vivante at Punta Gorda Property Owner’s Association, Inc., Palm Isles Condominium Development, LLC, and Vivante at Punta Gorda Condominium Association, Inc., owners, for a Special Exception pursuant to Chapter 26, Section 16.8, Punta Gorda Code, to construct a private marina with up to 264 private dock slips for the sole use of the residents of the Vivante development; to create a navigable channel connecting to the Peace River through vacant common area on the North end of the development, and to install a seawall along the lands abutting the proposed channel, since none of these activities are considered permitted uses or structures, but may be approved as a Special Exception. V. NEW BUSINESS VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VII. STAFF COMMENTS A. B. CRA Status Report City of Punta Gorda Comprehensive Plan - EAR BASED Amendments VIII. COMMITTEE/BOARD COMMENTS IX. CITIZENS' COMMENTS X. ADJOURNMENT At meetings in which public hearings are reviewed, any member of the audience who wishes to speak will be recognized and heard. All persons must be sworn in prior to offering testimony. Comments may be limited to three minutes. The following motion format is recommended for use by an advisory board/committee in a quasi-judicial proceeding: Based on the evidence and testimony presented at this Public Hearing for Item # ______, I find that this request (is/is not) consistent with the City of Punta Gorda Comprehensive Plan and move that we recommend to the City Council (approval/approval with conditions/denial) of this request. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by this Advisory Board/Committee with respect to any matter considered at the meeting or hearing, he or she may need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Florida Statute 286.26, the location of this public hearing is accessible to persons with disabilities. If you are a person with disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Interpreters for the hearing impaired (TTY 941-575-5013) or non-English speaking citizens, and any other special accommodations can be requested by contacting the Human Resources Manager/Non-Discrimination Coordinator whose address is 326 W. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950, whose telephone number is (941) 575-3308, and whose email address is; at least two (2) calendars days prior to the meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF PUNTA GORDA 8/22/2016 Print Approval of Minutes* Title: Funds: Recommended Action: Summary: Department/Division: EXHIBITS: 1. July 25, 2016 July 25, 2016 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 25, 2016 MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles Counsil, Chairman Ronald Baxter, Joseph Comeaux, Massey Loughman, Lynne Matthews, Charles Thomas, Edward Zapke OTHERS PRESENT: Teri Tubbs, Interim Urban Design Manager Mitchell Austin, Urban Design Planner Bruce Laishley, Don Smith CALL TO ORDER/ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Roll Call B. Next Scheduled Meeting 1. August 22, 2016 CITIZENS COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS ONLY - There were none. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Meeting of June 27, 2016 - Mr. Thomas clarified his opposition to prohibiting the sale of alcohol by mobile vendors was due to same being regulated by the State. - Ms. Matthews MOVED, Mr. Zapke SECONDED approval of the June 27, 2016 minutes as amended. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC HEARINGS - Recording Secretary Kelly swore in all participants. A. SV-02-16 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Punta Gorda, Florida, vacating that undeveloped right-of-way lying in Section 1, Township 41 South, Range 22 East, Charlotte County, Florida, being an unimproved 10 foot alleyway lying southeasterly of Lots ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘E’ and northwesterly of Lots ‘F’ and ‘K’, a subdivision of Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8, Block 9, Town of Trabue, Florida, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 23, of the Public Records of Charlotte County, Florida, containing 1,847.3 square feet, more or less, and more particularly described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part thereof; requesting a recommendation from the Planning Commission; and fixing a public hearing thereon. - Ms. Teri Tubbs, Interim Urban Design Manager, displayed an aerial view of the subject property, as delineated in the agenda material, stating the request to vacate a portion of the undeveloped alley was to combine two properties owned by Mr. Bruce Laishley and Ms. Helen McCauley, applicants. She noted the right-of-way (ROW) in question was not used, adding a structure encroached on a portion of the alley. She explained vacation of the alley would allow the applicants to combine their respective properties. She concluded staff recommended approval of the request, adding the Development Review Committee (DRC) had no concerns regarding SV-02-16. - Mr. Counsil asked if the City benefited from this action in any way. - Ms. Tubbs replied there would be no benefit nor any adverse effect. - Mr. Counsil observed one building encroached into the alley, confirming same would not encroach onto the other party's property upon equitable division of the ten foot alley. - Mr. Bruce Laishley, applicant, stated Ms. McCauley's garage encroached approximately three to four feet into the alley; however, Ms. McCauley had previously been unaware of the existence of the alley. He mentioned alleys within the surrounding blocks had all been vacated in the past. He explained vacation of the alley would allow completion of the picket fence around his property. - Ms. Matthews asked if there were any conflicts with utilities. - Ms. Tubbs replied the Utilities and Public Works Departments raised no concerns regarding same at the DRC meeting. - Ms. Matthews confirmed there were no complaints filed by surrounding property owners. - Mr. Counsil called three times for anyone to speak on SV-02-16. - Mr. Zapke MOVED, Ms. Matthews SECONDED to close the public hearing. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. - Ms. Matthews MOVED, Mr. Loughman SECONDED to find SV-02-16 consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and to recommend approval of same based upon the evidence and testimony presented. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding Current Regulations for Mobile Food Vending Vehicles - Ms. Tubbs reported research showed the City's mobile vending ordinance was similar in many aspects to those of other municipalities, acknowledging some were more stringent while others were less so. She recalled a concern was raised at a previous Commission meeting regarding a requirement for the property owner's notarized signature on the application, confirming this was a standard requirement on all City applications. She explained the requirement protected the City and placed the property owner on notice the mobile vending vehicle was not permitted to be located in an area designated as a loading zone, fire lane or any other area deemed to create a traffic hazard, and access must be maintained to restroom facilities. She agreed some -2- provisions, such as the reference to signage, needed to be adjusted as many mobile food trucks were "wrapped" in advertisement of their business. She advised the regulation regarding the use of sound equipment appeared to be a common standard among other municipalities and had been prohibited generally in Chapter 14 for many years to any and all other uses as opposed to only mobile vending vehicles. She pointed out no sales were permitted from the public right-of-way (ROW), not only from mobile vendors. - Mr. Zapke confirmed mobile vending no longer required a Special Exception. - Mr. Counsil noted the criteria for mobile vendors participating in a special event were different from those operating independently. - Ms. Tubbs stated any mobile vendor participating in a special event fell under that blanket permit approval, adding the event organizer must ensure their vendors had all necessary licensing. - Mr. Thomas commented some municipalities allowed mobile vending in the public ROW, stating he believed there were some areas in Punta Gorda where it should be permitted. He disagreed with the need for the property owner’s notarized signature in that the vendor was already regulated in many ways. He commented on the categories delineated in St. Petersburg's mobile vending code, i.e., license, location, permission, hours of operation, signage, sound, sanitation, restrooms and enforcement, stating he believed same was the reason their Code was kept to eight pages. - Ms. Tubbs clarified St. Petersburg allowed mobile vending two days per calendar week from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., adding vendors were also required to have a current written agreement with a State licensed facility for the proper disposal of grease. She opined the City should consider including a similar regulation. - Mr. Comeaux commented it seemed regulations were more stringent in smaller municipalities, noting Boston's guidelines encompassed only two pages. He acknowledged certain regulations were needed; however, a number were already in place within the City Code or as a requirement of the State and County. He suggested a bit more flexibility would encourage mobile vendors. He commented on the current trend for truck rallies, opining the City Marketplace property, which sat empty for much of the year, would be an ideal location for same. - Ms. Tubbs countered the demographics in Boston were a far cry from those in Punta Gorda. She advised the City Marketplace property was privately owned, adding a truck rally organizer could certainly apply for a special event. She explained the proposed regulations were directed toward those mobile vendors who wished to operate on a regular basis. -3- - Mr. Thomas asked if the City's goal was to discourage or encourage mobile food truck vendors. He cited as an example the vendor who typically set up at Palm Automotive, asserting that vendor would now be required to obtain notarized authorization and file a restrictive site plan. - Ms. Tubbs disagreed, explaining the vendor would simply need a business event, which was done on a regular basis and involved a no-charge permit. - Ms. Matthews asked if the standard permit for a mobile vendor would be required annually. - Ms. Tubbs replied the mobile vending application was required to be submitted with a one-time fee, adding staff had proposed a dollar amount of $250, as was the case with a Temporary Conditional Use permit. She explained staff would provide a technical review and conduct a site visit if necessary. She stated vendors could elect to operate at additional locations for a smaller fee. She clarified vendors would be required to pay a Local Business Tax (LBT) annually; however, that was the case for any business. - Ms. Matthews suggested requiring an annual registration, which would include a list of locations at which the vendor planned to operate but which could be amended as other sites were added or removed. - Mr. Thomas argued each of those locations would require notarized permission from the property owner and a site plan. - Mr. Zapke agreed with the idea of one application, one fee and an addendum for any changes beyond same. - Consensus of the Commission was to recommend the regulations be simplified. - Mr. Don Smith spoke in opposition to the current regulations, asserting same constituted protectionism. STAFF COMMENTS A. Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Project Status Report - Mr. Counsil drew members' attention to the CRA Project Status Report, as delineated in the agenda material, confirming there were no questions or comments. B. Fiscal Year 2017 Strategic Plan - Ms. Tubbs announced the City had initiated development of its Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Strategic Plan, a copy of which was provided in the agenda packet. She advised City Council was seeking input from various groups, including the City's advisory boards/ committees, in order to facilitate development of a potential list of strategic objectives for the upcoming fiscal year. She noted input could be provided to the City Manager from the Commission as a whole or from members individually. - Mr. Counsil commented he was always in awe of the magnitude of the Strategic Plan. -4- - Mr. Mitchell Austin, Urban Design Planner, then stated staff had anticipated presenting the Future Land Use and Transportation Elements of the Comprehensive Plan to the Commission for review this date; however, staff wished to first ensure all of the maps in the Transportation Element were complete. He noted the bulk of the Future Land Use Element was essentially complete with the exception of existing land use analysis, specifically a Geographic Information System analysis of all of the development patterns. He explained recent annexations had changed the City's boundaries, development in vacant land and the amount of preservation land. - Mr. Zapke commented the Comprehensive Plan would change on a regular basis due to annexations. - Mr. Austin agreed, acknowledging land use had changed substantially over the past eight years, noting the State typically reviewed Comprehensive Plans based on a seven year window. - Mr. Counsil asked if bicycling was included in the Transportation Element. - Mr. Austin replied affirmatively. - Mr. Loughman asked if staff provided input to the Metropolitan Planning Organization. - Mr. Austin replied affirmatively. ADJOURNMENT - Meeting Adjourned: 2:50 p.m. ______________________________ Charles Counsil, Chairman _______________________________ Mary Kelly, Recording Secretary -5- PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF PUNTA GORDA 8/22/2016 Print Quasi-Judicial Public Hearings* Title: SE-04-16 – A request by Hans Wilson & Associates, Agent, for Vent, LLC, Vivante at Punta Gorda Property Owner’s Association, Inc., Palm Isles Condominium Development, LLC, and Vivante at Punta Gorda Condominium Association, Inc., owners, for a Special Exception pursuant to Chapter 26, Section 16.8, Punta Gorda Code, to construct a private marina with up to 264 private dock slips for the sole use of the residents of the Vivante development; to create a navigable channel connecting to the Peace River through vacant common area on the North end of the development, and to install a seawall along the lands abutting the proposed channel, since none of these activities are considered permitted uses or structures, but may be approved as a Special Exception. Funds: N/A Recommended Action: Urban Design recommends approval, providing all other state permits are approved. Development Review Committee recommended approval of the request, and noted that the applicant will be responsible for moving any utilities that may be in the area of the proposed channel. Summary: Criteria #(1) The proposed use will not adversely affect the use of neighboring properties. Finding #1: With the design of the proposed navigable channel, the closest edge of the channel being at least 114 to 116 feet waterward of the existing shoreline and condominiums, the boat traffic should have no negative impact on existing conditions, within this boating community. The proposed use will not adversely affect the use of neighboring properties, and if approved will have a positive impact on all properties that abut the existing lake. Additional permitting through the Southwest Florida Management District, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, National Marine Fisheries Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is necessary. These agencies will ensure all environmental and marine life concerns are properly addressed. Concern was raised that the lake is a City owned lake. The City does not and never has owned the lake. The lake is owned and maintained by the PGI Section 24 property owner’s association per restrictive covenants recorded in 1984 by Punta Gorda Isles, Inc. Criteria #(2) The use shall comply with applicable district regulations and applicable provisions of the adopted Comprehensive Plan and downtown plans. Finding #2: The proposed use has no impact on the downtown plan, and is consistent with the City of Punta Gorda Comprehensive Plan, specifically; Objective 2.1.4, “Punta Gorda will continue a development pattern which is characterized by the location of water dependent and water related uses in its waterfront areas.” Goal 2.2: Public Access: “To promote the City of Punta Gorda as a “Boaters’ Destination” by enhancing public access between the land and the waters of the State of Florida for all residents and visitors of the City of Punta Gorda based upon current and projected demand. “ Objective 2.2.1: Improve access from the waters of the Peace River and the Charlotte Harbor to the City of Punta Gorda by improving the number and quality of boat slips, moorings and shore side support facilities for cruising boaters. Policy The City shall promote joint ventures, development or redevelopment of projects which support design standards that promote or improve public access from the Peace River to the City. Goal 2.5: Enhancement of the Viable Traditional Economy : To enhance economic development opportunities within the City of Punta Gorda that more fully connects the community to its waterfront. Objective 2.5.1: The City shall maintain and enhance its traditional economy in the areas of boating, fishing and tourism. Policy The City shall promote sport fishing events and other similar activities. Criteria #(3) The location, size and height of buildings structures, walls and fences, and the nature and extent of screening, buffering and landscaping shall be such that the use will not hinder or discourage the appropriate development and use of adjacent or nearby land and/or buildings. Finding #3: No new buildings are proposed on the site. The proposed docks are in the water, and are consistent with the surrounding neighborhoods and other waterways. The proposed navigable channel will allow boat traffic to access the harbor directly and will not impact boat traffic in other existing canals. The maintenance of the lake, seawalls and channel will remain the responsibility of the property owners abutting the lake. This was denoted in the Original Covenants and Restrictions for PGI Section 24 which were recorded in 1984. The proposed jetty will be set at 1 foot below mean high water line, and will only be exposed during low tide, and will be marked with channel markers as required. Therefore the jetty will not block any views of the water, and the proposed channel will not hinder or discourage the appropriate development and use of adjacent or nearby land or buildings. Environmental and lake water quality concerns have been raised, and will be addressed by the applicant based on the scientific environmental studies done of the area. Criteria #(4) The proposed use will be such that pedestrian and vehicular traffic generated will not be hazardous or conflict with the existing and anticipated traffic in the neighborhood and on the streets serving the site. Finding #4. The proposed channel is approximately 116 feet waterward and away from the existing shoreline of Colony Point Drive and the existing condominiums. The community, by its very nature is a boating community, and seeing boat traffic is commonplace. No additional pedestrian or vehicular traffic will be generated as the result of this request. Concerns raised of a ‘boat super-highway’ that would be created. In reality, only a small percentage of boat owners use their boats on a daily basis. For those that live on Tarpon Inlet, there are approximately 200 lots on the north side of the bridge, not counting any of the boat slips for the Colony Point condominium. How many watercraft actually travel through Tarpon Inlet to the harbor on any given day? Conclusions Based upon the findings presented above, the Punta Gorda Urban Design Division offers the following conclusions leading to its final staff recommendations. Conclusion #1: The lake ownership and control was granted by the Restrictive covenants for PGI Section 24. On page 5 of the restrictive covenants for Punta Gorda Isles, Section 24, recorded February 15, 1984, all lots and condominium units which may be built upon lands immediately adjacent to the lake shall have an undivided interest in all of the lake, which interest shall be equivalent to the owners’ obligation to pay maintenance thereon as set forth hereafter. PGI Section 24 is not part of the PGI Canal Maintenance District, and therefore the District would not be responsible for any costs associated with the lake or seawalls. Additionally, the covenants state that “Nothing shall prohibit the Association or the majority of the adjacent unit owners from seeking an outlet from the lake to the harbor.” This was clearly contemplated in 1984, when PGI Section 24 covenants were recorded. The request complies with Policies, Goals and Objectives of the City’s adopted Comprehensive plan. The request meets the required criteria and the application is in order. Department/Division: EXHIBITS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Notice of Public Hearing SE-04-16 Application Letter of Support Letter of Objections News Articles Excerpt of 08122016 DRC meeting Urban Design SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT SE-04-16 LETTER OF SUPPORT AS OF 08/15/2016 Page 1 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 2 of 27 Teri Tubbs From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Howard Kunik Wednesday, August 10, 2016 1:56 PM Gary Wein; Kim Devine; Kim Devine (personal email); Nancy Prafke; Nancy Prafke (personal email); Rachel Keesling; Tom Cavanaugh Sheri Stewart; Teri Tubbs; Bob Peterson; Brad Gamblin (; Jaha Cummings (; Lynne Matthews ( FW: Fw: Vivante Marina {0000005240160003508385451}_Marina Meetings.pdf Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged Cc: Howard Kunik City Manager City of Punta Gorda 941‐575‐3301 From: [] Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 8:25 PM To: Howard Kunik <HKunik@ci.punta‐> Subject: Fwd: Fw: Vivante Marina From: <> Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 12:45 PM Subject: Vivante Marina Greetings to all Vivante Owners, As November quickly approaches we look forward to seeing all of our northern residents return to Vivante. On the matter of the opening of Vivante Lake to Charlotte Harbor, I have attached a newspaper article for your reading pleasure and the posted Public Notice. As in any endeavor we have supporters and a few non supporters. We have 2 important meetings coming up regarding the city's approval process. The first is the Zoning Board which meets on August 22, 2016 at 2 pm, and the second in front of the City Council on September 21, 2016 at 9 am. Both will be held at the City Council Chambers at 326 West Marion Ave. 1 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 3 of 27 We have 342 units here at Vivante, plus Trevi (proposed 144 units) and all of the lots along the west side of Colony Point Drive that would benefit greatly by having direct access to Charlotte Harbor. The venue for this meeting is not very large and I would suggest if you want a seat to arrive in ample time before the meeting starts. These 2 meetings allow folks to discuss the pros and cons for granting the Special Exception permit. I submit to each of you to please put these important meetings on your calendar. Vivante needs to have an overwhelming presence to show support for opening Vivante Lake to Charlotte Harbor. The more support we can show will demonstrate to the city that the will of our resolve is stronger than the opposition and make no mistake that the opposition is doing the exact same thing. They have passed around a petition with some very subjective information and some are outright non truths. In closing, let me ask each of you that are able to attend these important meetings to please do so. We get one shot to do this right!! We would be sadly mistaken not to see this as an opportunity of a life time!! To show unity, support and strength please wear a blue top or shirt to these meetings and bring as many folks, friends and family as you can!! If anyone has any questions, please contact Charlie Cheek at: 918‐798‐5559. Warm Regards, Tony Inabnitt, LCAM32334, CGC058034 Vivante 92 Vivante Blvd. Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 2 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 4 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 5 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 6 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 7 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 8 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 9 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 10 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 11 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 12 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 13 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 14 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 15 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 16 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 17 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 18 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 19 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 20 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 21 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 22 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 23 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 24 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 25 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 26 of 27 SE-04-16 LETTER(S) SUPPORT Page 27 of 27 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION SE-04-16 LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION AS OF 08/15/2016 Page 1 of 34 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 2 of 34 Teri Tubbs From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Howard Kunik Wednesday, July 27, 2016 1:51 PM Teri Tubbs FW: Objections to the Special Exception Application Submission # SE-04-16 Filed by VENT LLC Colony Pt Street view.JPG; Colony Pt sunset view.JPG; Mangroves.jpeg; VENT proposal objections.pdf; SE-04-16-REVISED application_Vivante Cut Thru.pdf Howard Kunik City Manager City of Punta Gorda 941‐575‐3301 From: Tom Cavanaugh Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 12:24 PM To: citymgr <citymgr@CI.PUNTA‐GORDA.FL.US> Subject: FW: Objections to the Special Exception Application Submission # SE‐04‐16 Filed by VENT LLC Not sure if you got this. From: Teresa Pollock [] Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 11:11 AM Cc: Bob Pollock <> Subject: Objections to the Special Exception Application Submission # SE‐04‐16 Filed by VENT LLC Dear Council Member, We are contacting you as concerned Punta Gorda property owners to respectfully request your support in denying the recent application submitted by VENT, LLC to develop a marina and Charlotte Harbor access point at the Vivante Lake property. We and many of our neighbors are vehemently opposed to the proposed plan. Our community is obtaining petition signatures to communicate our concerns on the matter. We have attached a memorandum describing the nature of our objections, a copy of the VENT, LLC application, and photographs of the site for your information and consideration. We will contact you by phone to discuss this matter, and look forward to your support. Thank you, Bob and Terri Pollock, 28 Colony Point Drive 1 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 3 of 34 MEMOTO:TheCityPlanningCommissionandCityCouncilofPuntaGorda,FL FROM:ConcernedResidents‐ColonyPointDrive DATE:July27,2016 RE:ObjectionstotheSpecialExceptionApplicationSubmission#SE‐04‐16Filed WiththeCityofPuntaGorda,FLZoningandCodeComplianceDepartment WeareprovidingthismemorandumtothePuntaGordacityofficialstoformally documentourextremeoppositiontotherecentrequestfiledbyVENT,LLC.toalter theexistinglandareaatthenorthernpointofVivanteLakewestofColonyPoint Drive,dredgeaboatingchannelinCharlotteHarborimmediatelywestofColony Point,andconstructariprapbreakwater/rockjettyalongthewesternshore.We understandtheapplicant’sobjectiveistocreatemarinaspaceinthecurrentlyland‐ lockedVivanteLakeandcreateartificialaccesstoCharlotteHarbor.Wehavebeen toldthatVENT,LLCandaffiliatedentitiesintendtoconstructa264slipmarinain thelake,erectnewcondominiumbuildingsaroundthelake,andpresumablysellthe marinaslipstotheexistingandnewVivantecondominiumownersforaprofit. AspropertyownersandtaxpayersinPuntaGorda,weobjecttotheharmthatwould becausedtothecommunity,theenvironment,andtouspersonallyfromthis proposedproject.WerespectfullyrequestyoudenytheVENT,LLCapplicationfor thefollowingreasons: EnvironmentalDamage Theareaproposedforlandremovalconsistsofsomeofthelastremaining undevelopedandmangrovedshorelineborderingtheCharlotteHarborestuarynear themouthofthePeaceRiver.Theproposedboatingchannelwouldbeduginavery shallowandprotectednaturalbayareaontheHarborthatiscurrentlyfreeof virtuallyallmotorboatactivity. Themangrovesprovidedocumentedprotectiontothecoast,guardagainsterosion andweatherevents,andalsoprovidenaturalfiltrationtothecoastalwaters. Mangrovesserveasvaluablenurseryareasforbirds,fishandinvertebrates,and providearefugeformanyspeciesfrompredators.Forthesereasons,mangroves areprotectedunderseveralstateandlocallawsandordinances. Thespecifictargetedmangrovesandshoreareaproposedforeliminationarevisibly occupiedbymyriadspeciesofwildlife,andareathrivingnestingandnurseryarea forseveralspeciesofbirdsandotheranimals,includingtheendangeredhorseshoe crabandmanatee.Annually,thehorseshoecrabsusethesmallbeachinthe targetedareaasabreedingground.Thisareaisnaturallysuitedforwildlifedueto itsshallow,calm,andprotectedwaters,freefromboattraffic.Manateefamilies currentlythriveinthisshallowprotectedwater,andwouldbeforcedintodeeper SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 4 of 34 waterswithheavyboattraffic.Theremovalofthemangrovesandshorelinewould causeirreparabledamagetothisnaturalwildlifehabitat,andincreasethe vulnerabilityofthesurroundinghomesandstreetstoerosion,stormdamageand flooding. Inaddition,theVivanteLakebasinhousingtheproposedmarinaspaceconsistsofa largefreshwaterpondthatwouldnowfeedintoandpotentiallypollutethebrackish waterofthebay.Athoroughscientificevaluationoftheenvironmentalimpactof thiswouldbenecessarytoconsiderpossibletaintingofthebay,theimpacton naturalsalinelevelsandtidalflows,andothertoxicimpactsthatcouldcausefurther detrimenttofishandotherwildlife.TheVivantepropertyisaheavilylandscaped complex,andtherunoffoffertilizersandpesticidesintothebasincouldleachtoxins thatwouldjeopardizethefish,crab,manatee,dolphinandbirdpopulations.We understandthatatonepointseveralyearsagothestockedfishpopulationofthe VivanteLakeperishedforunknownreasons.Validconcernsalsoexistregarding potentialtriggerstoalgeagrowth,givenwhathasrecentlyplaguedmanycoastal areasofsouthernFlorida. AestheticHarmtotheCommunity Theareaproposedforerectionofthechannelandbreakwatercurrentlyoffersa beautifulunobstructedwesternviewoftheharborfromColonyPointDriveandfor theresidentsofthatstreetandtheColonyPointcondominiumcomplex.Colony PointDriveisapublicstreetandisunoccupiedonitsnorthwesternshore. CommunityresidentsandvisitorstoPuntaGordafrequentlybicycle,walk,jogand drivetothisstreetforthisuniqueopenvistaandtoviewandphotographthe breathtakingsunsetsacrossthenaturalundisturbedbay.Thislocationisoneof onlytwowesternfacingopenwaterviewswithpublicaccessinPuntaGorda(the otherbeingatPonceDeLeonPark).Theerectionofamonstrous860footrock jetty/breakwateracrosstheentirewesternexpanseofbay,additionof12channel markerposts,andlightsnecessaryforsafetywouldforeveralterthebeautyofthis areaanddeprivetheentirecommunityofthisnaturalattraction. Inaddition,thisareaisuniquelystill,quietandpeaceful,andtheboattrafficfrom theapproximately300boatslipswouldcreateexcessivenoiseandturbulencein thiscurrentlyserenearea. Thisprojectessentiallyestablishesamonstrous,unsightly,loud,andunsafeboat superhighwayinwhatisnowapristineandbeautifulnaturalpublicresource,solely forthefinancialbenefitofcommercialinterestsandafewselectpropertyowners. CreationofanArtificialLandmark Thediggingofthechannelanderectionofthebreakwaterislikelytodrawother fishingandboattrafficbeyondthatoftheVivantemarinaownerstoanareathatis currentlycalm,shallow,andlargelyoutsideofnormalfishinggrounds. SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 5 of 34 ThisartificialeyesoreandresultingtrafficwillservetodeprivetheentirePunta Gordacommunityoftheenjoymentofwhatisnowanundisturbednaturalareaand disturbexistingpropertyownersonColonyPointDrivewithexcessivenoise. Theattractionofboattraffictothisserenebaywillalsodisturbthenestinghabitsof crab,manatee,ducks,andotherwaterfowlandshorebirdsthatcurrentlyenjoythe shallow,calmandundisturbedwatersofthelocation. Safety Theareaproposedforthedredgingofthechannelanderectionofthebarrier breakwaterarefrequentlyusedbyresidentsofPuntaGordaIslesforkayaking, paddleboarding,andotherrecreationalactivities.Theareaisthenaturalexitpoint forthecanalsinthenorthwesternsectionoftheIsles.Thisareacurrentlyallows kayakersandboarderstoremaininshallowcalmwaterneartotheshorelineina safefashion.Theproposedplanwouldrequirekayakersandboarderstodivertfar fromshoreintodeepandwavywatersthatposedangerofcapsizingorcollisionand potentialforinjuryorlossoflife. Inaddition,theerectionofthebreakwaterwouldcreateacollisionhazardfor fisherman,jetskisandotherboatersintheharbor.Withoutadditionofunsightly lightingandmarkersalongthewall,itwouldbeveryeasyforvesselstooverlookthe structureandresultinaccidents. FinancialDamagetoColonyPointPropertyOwners TheresidentsofColonyPointcondominiumsandColonyPointDrivehavepaid premiumpricesfortheiruniquepropertieslocatedinfrontofthissilent,calm,and beautifulareawithopenwesternviewsofthesky,harborandmangroveareas.The alterationofthispristineviewandcalm,quietspacewillresultinsharpdeclinesin thevalueoftheproperties.Thisunjustlyharmstheeconomicinterestsofthese citizens,fortheenrichmentoftheVENT,LLCdevelopersandresidentsofVivante. TheVivantecomplexwasbuiltdecadesagoasalandlockedcomplexwithno boatingaccess.Itspropertyownersneveracquiredtheirpropertieswithany legitimateexpectationofobtainingsuchaccessatanyfuturedate. Ongoingfinancialrisk Itispresumedthattheinitialconstructioncostsoftheprojectwouldbeborneby VENT,LLC.Itisunclearwhetheranyassurancesareinplacethattheongoing maintenanceandrepairofthechannelwouldbebornebytheVivanteresidents. Evenwithassurancesoftheirintentiontopay,therestoftheCommunityis financiallyatriskshouldVivantebeunableto.Itwouldbeinappropriateforthe Cityandtaxpayerstoassumeanyfinancialriskforsupportofaninfrastructure elementthatbenefitsonlyacommercialenterpriseandafewprivatecitizens. SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 6 of 34 TimingofVENT,LLCApplication ThesubmissionofthezoningapplicationonJune5fordiscussionatanAugust planningmeetingsetsthestagetohavetheproposalconsideredwithouttherightful inputofthemanyseasonalresidentsofPuntaGorda,whogenerallydepartfortheir northernhomesbetweenMemorialandLaborDay.Itwouldbeinappropriateto approvesuchacontroversialapplicationwithouttheopportunityforthemany seasonalresidentsimpactedbytheprojecttoexpresstheirviewstotheCommission andCouncilatpublicmeetings. ConflictwithCityofPuntaGordaCriterionforSpecialExceptions TheCityofPuntaGordaspecialexceptionprocessprovidesthefollowingcriterion totheCityCouncilandzoningauthoritiestoconsiderwhenaskedtogrant exceptionstozoning: “BeforegrantingaSpecialException,followingcriteriamustfirstdeterminethatthe proposeduse: 1. Theproposedusewillnotadverselyaffecttheuseofneighboringproperties 2. The use shall comply with applicable district regulations and applicable provisionsoftheadoptedComprehensivePlananddowntownplans 3. Thelocation,sizeandheightofbuildingsstructures,wallsandfences,andthe natureandextentofscreening,bufferingandlandscapingshallbesuchthat theusewillnothinderordiscouragetheappropriatedevelopmentanduseof adjacentornearbylandand/orbuildings 4. Theproposedusewillbesuchthatpedestrianandvehiculartrafficgenerated willnotbehazardousorconflictwiththeexistingandanticipatedtrafficinthe neighborhoodandonthestreetsservingthesite” Webelievethatthenegativeaesthetic,environmentalandsafetyimpactsofthe proposedprojectareinclearconflictwithcriterion1and3listedabove,andfor thesereasons,theVENT,LLCrequestshouldclearlybedenied. Wesincerelyappreciateyoursupportofoureffortstopreservethisspecialplacein PuntaGorda. RobertM.andTeresaL.Pollock,28ColonyPointDrive SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 7 of 34 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 8 of 34 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 9 of 34 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 10 of 34 Teri Tubbs From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Teri Tubbs Monday, July 11, 2016 10:40 AM 'Michael Tisch'; Johanna Shifflette Hans Wilson FW: Vivante - Colony Point Condo concerns Importance: High Good Morning – I just wanted to make you aware of some concerns raised by some of the residents of Colony Point Condominiums as they will likely be an attendance at the public hearings. 1. Concern that there will be a negative impact on the dolphins that (I’m told) feed near the area that the channel is planned. 2. Concern that this will become a watercraft ‘highway’ with over 400 boats using it. 3. Want the cut to be further west of where proposed and then directed towards Ponce channel See email below with more concerns. Staff would not be able to answer most of the comments/concerns, especially as to impacts to the environment and wildlife. I am of the understanding that those are items your office has researched and will be able to address at the meetings. Respectfully, Teri Tubbs, Interim Urban Design Manager Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to City officials regarding City business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your e‐mail communications may be subject to public disclosure From: Howard Kunik Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2016 7:50 PM To: Teri Tubbs <TTubbs@ci.punta‐>; Rick Keeney <RKeeney@ci.punta‐> Subject: Fwd: Vivante Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------From: Tom Cavanaugh <> Date: 7/10/16 6:52 PM (GMT-05:00) To: citymgr <citymgr@CI.PUNTA-GORDA.FL.US> Subject: FW: Vivante Howard, what do you know about this? 1 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 11 of 34 From: Nancy McClary [] Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2016 5:25 PM To: Tom Cavanaugh <TCavanaugh@ci.punta‐>; Nancy Prafke <NPrafke@ci.punta‐> Subject: FW: Vivante HI Tom and Nancy As discussed today at Wally World, Tom – here’s what I know. Nancy and Tom - The condo I had for sale is sold but I continue to be on their mailing list. Please let me know if either of you want me to forward the emails. Happy Sunday Nancy From: [] Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2016 6:23 AM To:; Price, J <>; Bouton, Ed <>; Dalton, D <>; Farkas, F <>; Markey, M <>; Markey, K <>; Moore, T <>; Katzav, A <>; Burkhart, M <>; Dalton, J <>; DeLong, B <>; DeLong, P <>; Dube, D <>; Farkas, C <>; Fleury, L <>; Ahrndt, T <>; Katzav, B <>; Kaufman, L <>; Kershner, J <>; Kleiber, B <>; Koster, E <>; Kudis, B <>; Kumpf, B <>; Laco, J <>; Ladd, B <>; Lindenauer, C <>; Locasio, G <>; Mack, M <>; Maier, H <>; Mason, JM <>; Mastragostino, K <>; McClary, N <>; Baker, D <>; Burkhart, K <>; Michas, W <>; Miller, C <>; Nunn, L. <>; Pratt, M <>; Pratt, R <>; Rice, R <>; Richardson, L <>; Roberts, Stacy <>; Robinson, Craig <>; Robinson, S <>; Schwartz, Ava <>; Rugg, S <>; Sims, B <>; Steinbaugh, E <>; Swayze, B <>; Swope, D <>; Tharp, B <>; Tharp, R <>; Wanamaker, R <>; Warfield, J <>; Young, B <>; Zechlinski, P <>; Zechlinski, J <>; Wahlrab, M <>; Wright, L <>; Anderson, R <>; Bevans, D <>; Cash, S <>; Clark, M <>; Crispin, R <>; Difini, Enid <>; Fredrickson, J <>; Garraway, W <sea‐>; Hazeltine, M <>; Henrie, M <>; Kleiber, K <>; Moore, C <>; Miller, S <>; Mason, J <>;; Thierstein, A <>; Ackerman, W <>; Lakner, G <>; Stahl, W <>; Norwood, Thomas <> Subject: RE: Vivante Vince: There are some questions that need to be asked: 2 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 12 of 34 1. Why doesn't Vivante leave the mangrove next to us intact, move the channel to the West and then turn the channel also West to join up with the existing Ponce de Leon channel? That would eliminate the impact on us. This needs to be explored. 2. If a channel is proposed to be dredged in front of us, Vivante should pay for a professional environmental assessment by a consultant approved by us, addressing the impacts on the marine wildlife in front of us. 3. What are the environmental regulations, both State and local concerning cutting through the mangrove and what permits are required? Have applications been made to the local and State environmental authorities and have permits been issued? 4. Have the local environmental watchdog organizations (in particular marine wildlife) been notified about this proposal? Would you please provide me with names of these organizations? 5. What does the plan look like for the boat slips? Will the pond to the West turn from a pond with a fountain into a large marina? in closing, are you planning an imminent Board meeting and if so please arrange for appropriate technology so those interested who cannot attend in person can link in. Thanking you in advance, Shelley Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 14:57:27 +0000 From: To:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; sea‐;;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: Vivante 3 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 13 of 34 Dear Unit Owners Vivante is planning to provide access to Charlotte harbor from their present landlocked lakes by cutting through the mangroves adjacent to Colony Point Drive and dredging a channel around our condominium to Tarpon Inlet. A layout is attached for reference. The channel would exit Vivante property in a northerly direction then turn easterly and proceed to its entrance in Tarpon Inlet. A breakwater would be constructed about 200 ft off our westerly shore and proceed to around 270 ft.into the harbor from our northwest corner. The channel width is 89-99ft and its innermost boundary would be slightly greater than 100 ft offshore. The eastern channel boundary would contain channel markers, probably flashing (my guess). I have been told that Vivante is planning to provide 300 to 400 slips for their residents usage. Tom Moore has contacted the PG Zoning Board and has been told that a PG Zoning Board meeting could take place on 22 August to to discuss a Vivante special use permit to open up their water to the harbor. A meeting of Colony Point Drive homeowners is planned for 3:30pm Sunday July 10 at 80 Colony Point Drive. An invitation to Condominium owners is posted on the Office Door. This meeting will introduce a candidate for election to City Council but it is also hoped that owners may express their ideas about the cut through to this person. Owners are urged to attend these meetings if possible so that we may all learn what is planned and also have the opportunity to voice their respective opinions. Finally, Vivante management has suggested a get together with our owners at our convenience (probably during or after a Board Meeting) at which time they would present their plans and answer any questions we may have. We are all deeply interested in the Vivante plans and the impact their project could have on life at Colony Point. Pertinent information will be presented as available. Regards Vincent Difini President Colony Point Inc. 4 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 14 of 34 Teri Tubbs From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Bill Kaufman <> Thursday, July 28, 2016 5:25 PM Teri Tubbs FW: Message from "RNP002673B7445E" 20160728141318202.pdf Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged Greeting from Colony Point Condominiums 1 Colony Point Dr. Punta Gorda, Florida This is your invitation to our press conference explaining our position on the Special Exception Application #SE-04-16 (Cut-Thru), being made by Vent, LLC. Vent, LLC seeks to construct a Private Marina only to be used by the property owners of Vivante at Punta Gorda, Florida on a city owned lake. A navigable channel by extending the existing water feature into the Peace River (Charlotte Harbor). This requires approval of applicable submerged lands lease and dredging permits from the city. A press conference will be held Tuesday August 2nd at 10:30 am at 1 Colony Point Dr. (Clubhouse) in Punta Gorda, Florida. Attached are two (2) letters explaining the views of The Colony Point Board of Directors as well as neighbors on Colony Point Drive. Best Regards, Bill Kaufman Spokesperson for Colony Point Condominiums 615-948-3213 1 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 15 of 34 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 16 of 34 Teri Tubbs From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Teri Tubbs Wednesday, August 3, 2016 2:36 PM '' Howard Kunik; 'Rachel Keesling'; Kim Devine (; Nancy Prafke; Tom Cavanaugh; Gary Wein RE: Letter of Protest quasi judicial opinion-resolution.pdf Dear Mr. Difini: We are in receipt of your letter and are aware of your concerns. The Public Hearing for the project will be discussed at the August 22nd Planning Commission meeting and the September 21st City Council Meeting. These hearings are quasi-judicial in nature, and therefore all testimony and comments need to be on the record at the meeting. We encourage you to attend, as well as any of your neighbors who may have concerns or questions regarding the proposed project, so their concerns can be considered as part of the quasi-judicial public hearing process. As the hearings are quasi-judicial in nature, the project should not be discussed with any member of the decision making board, the City Council members, prior to the hearings. I have attached the Resolution that covers this topic. If you have any questions, or need anything additional, please feel free to contact me. Respectfully, Teri Tubbs, Interim Urban Design Manager Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to City officials regarding City business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your e‐mail communications may be subject to public disclosure From: Howard Kunik Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2016 12:40 PM To: Teri Tubbs <TTubbs@ci.punta‐> Subject: FW: Letter of Protest Please respond and copy Council and Candidates letting them know (albeit they most likely do know) of the dates and times for the Planning Commission and Council hearings. They should attend and voice their concerns, especially Council since it will be quasi judicial. Howard Kunik City Manager City of Punta Gorda 941‐575‐3301 1 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 17 of 34 From: Rachel Keesling Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2016 11:26 AM To: Howard Kunik <HKunik@ci.punta‐> Subject: Fwd: Letter of Protest Begin forwarded message: From: Subject: Letter of Protest Date: August 3, 2016 at 6:20:06 AM EDT To: Dear Ms Keesling As you know Vent, LLC. is proposing to connect the lake adjacent to Colony Point Drive to Charlotte Harbor. A layout of the channel is attached. A letter of protest has been prepared by the owners of Colony Point Condominiums and is also attached for your review and retention. Please read it so you may know and understand our feelings on the matter. Thank you for your time and attention. Sincerely Vincent Difini President, Colony Point Inc. 2 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 18 of 34 Teri Tubbs From: Sent: To: Subject: Sheri Stewart Wednesday, August 3, 2016 2:57 PM Teri Tubbs FW: For the Record: Reporting a Contact, For your records. This message is also filed within the Public Hearing file. Sheri Stewart, CMC ツ Deputy City Clerk City of Punta Gorda (941) 575-3369 Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to City officials regarding City business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications may be subject to public disclosure. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. From: Charles Counsil [] Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2016 1:32 PM To: Karen Smith Subject: For the Record: Reporting a Contact, Karen: For the record I want to report the following contact: On 7/26/16 I was contacted via e-mail and a telephone call by Bob Pollock representing a group of home owners at Colony point, and concerning the request by VENT, LLC (Vivante) to establish a “cut through” to Charlotte Harbor. The information and call was directed to me as Chair of the planning Commission. I advised Mr. Pollock that as a citizen he has the right to contact Commission members. But, I pointed out that I or any member of the Commission could only consider in any deliberation, written information or testimony presented under oath in an open forum. I refused to discuss any objections he wished to cite regarding the request by VENT, LLC. Thank you, Charlie Charles Counsil 1 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 19 of 34 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 20 of 34 Teri Tubbs From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Memo To: Mary Henrie <> Saturday, August 6, 2016 1:15 PM Teri Tubbs Objection to Vent, LLC Proposed Cut Through #SE-04-16 Vivante1ProChannelLayout6-21-16 (1) (1).pdf Teri Tubbs, Interim Urban Design Manager, Punta Gorda, Florida From: Mary Henrie, Colony Point Condominiums, Punta Gorda, Florida Date: August 8, 2016 Re: Objection to the Special Exception Application Submission #SE-04-16 Compliance Filed with the City of Punta Gorda, FL, Zoning Code Department As a full time resident of Colony Point Condominiums I am adamantly opposed to the proposed cut through by Vivanti Condominiums into the Charlotte Harbor for the following environmental and safety reasons. 1. The proposed cut would require dredging of the very shallow waters along the shoreline of the Peace River. The shallowness of the water can be seen from the attached field layout of the proposed channel. At low tide heron and egret wade 100 yards into the river to catch food. During breeding season hundreds of horseshoe crabs congregate along the sandy shoreline. Daily, dozens of ducks are seen dabbling for food in the shallow waters. These are all sights I can see along the shoreline. What other flora and fauna beneath the water would also be affected if this cut through is allowed to take place. 2. The seawall surrounding the Vivanti lake appears to be lower than the seawall along the city seawall along the Colony Point Condominiums. If this cut through is permitted, would high storm waters from the Peace River flood over the Vivanti wall and damage properties along the west side of Colony Point Drive? 1 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 21 of 34 3. The Vivanti plan calls for a 860 foot breakwater which would be submerged during high tide. Even if marked with lighted posts, it would be a disaster waiting to happen if kayakers or boaters strike the submerged wall. For all of the above listed reasons I personally object to permitting of Vivanti's cut through to Charlotte Harbor. Sincerely, Mary Henrie 1 Colony Point Drive, 11C Punta Gorda, FL 33950 phone: 941-249-3020 Attachment: 1 2 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 22 of 34 Teri Tubbs From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Howard Kunik Monday, August 8, 2016 7:06 AM Gary Wein; Kim Devine; Kim Devine (personal email); Nancy Prafke; Nancy Prafke (personal email); Rachel Keesling; Tom Cavanaugh Sheri Stewart; Teri Tubbs; Bob Peterson; Brad Gamblin (; Jaha Cummings (; Lynne Matthews ( FW: Vivanti Cut Through Howard Kunik City Manager City of Punta Gorda 941‐575‐3301 From: City of Punta Gorda, FL [mailto:webmaster@ci.punta‐] Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2016 9:45 PM To: Howard Kunik <HKunik@ci.punta‐> Subject: Email contact from City of Punta Gorda, FL Message submitted from the <City of Punta Gorda, FL> website. Site Visitor Name: Larry Holden Site Visitor Email: Please forward to the appropriate decision makers on the absurd cut through at Vivante. The wetlands Act of circa 1970 prohibited addition dredging through wet lands in order to preserve wildlife habitat and prevent wholesale destruction of mangroves etc. That has been enforced to the benefit of our harbor and all sorts of wildlife since the '70's. Development and purchases of condos have been planned and executed with those appropriate limitations in place. To even consider tossing out the law to build 264 marina slips which are absolutely unneeded by the community only to provide a windfall profit to a developer and condo owners is unconscionable. The cut would destroy a huge mangrove wildlife area for the sake of absolutely unnecessary dredging for the windfall profit of a few recent arrivals to our community. 1 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 23 of 34 Teri Tubbs From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Howard Kunik Monday, August 8, 2016 1:54 PM Gary Wein; Kim Devine; Kim Devine (personal email); Nancy Prafke; Nancy Prafke (personal email); Rachel Keesling; Tom Cavanaugh; Bob Peterson; Brad Gamblin (; Jaha Cummings (; Lynne Matthews ( Sheri Stewart; Teri Tubbs FW: Comment on Vivante project Howard Kunik City Manager City of Punta Gorda 941-575-3301 -----Original Message----From: Nancy Prafke Sent: Monday, August 8, 2016 1:49 PM To: citymgr <citymgr@CI.PUNTA-GORDA.FL.US> Subject: Comment on Vivante project -----Original Message----From: [] Sent: Monday, August 8, 2016 12:15 PM To: Nancy Prafke <> Subject: Re: Week-ending Aug. 5 Punta Gorda news from Nancy Prafke Hi Nancy, As usual, thanks for the update. Just wanted to let you know that I'm in total support of the Vivante cut to the harbor. I read the nice editorial in todays paper on it and couldn't agree more. I'm sure that you might be getting some negative backlash from the Colony Pt condo owners, but I feel they are very shortsighted on there view and they don't realize the positive impact it will have on the area as a whole. Thanks again for your updates and for being so dedicated to your job on the Council. Bill & Laurie Scully ____________________________________________________________ How to Stop Snoring and Improve Your Health If you’re like most Americans you probably don’t get eight hours sleep ... 1 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: Importance: Page 24 of 34 Teri Tubbs Julie Ryan; Macalle Finkle FW: [Quarantined by Barracuda Spam Firewall] Special Exemption SE-04-16 Wednesday, August 10, 2016 10:28:58 AM Attachment C.doc Low Please see below regarding the sign & mailings. It appears Mary Kelly was copied on the email. Respectfully, Teri Tubbs, Interim Urban Design Manager Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to City officials regarding City business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications may be subject to public disclosure From: A1 Property Preservation [] Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:50 AM To: Teri Tubbs <>; Lisa Hannon <>; District_1 <>; Mary Kelly <>; District_4 <>; District_2 <>; District_3 <>; District_5 <>; Gary Wein <>;;;;; Subject: [Quarantined by Barracuda Spam Firewall] Special Exemption SE-04-16 Importance: Low Re: Vent LLC Special Exemption To All Concerned City Council and Planning Commission; 1. Public Notice signage - Colony Point cul-de-sac. Kindly advise as to why there is only a photo of the proposed marina on the signage, not the proposed channel as this is clearly misleading. (Attachment A) 2. Notice of Public Hearing mailing Kindly advise as to why only a handful of Colony Point Residence were mailed this notice as this project would effect all of Colony Point, as well as, the residence that utilize Tarpon Inlet for boating access. Per my conversation with Mary Kelly (City of PG) 8/10/16 9:15am, Florida State requires all properties within 200' to be notified. Only the properties highlighted yellow were sent this mailing. The proposed plan would alter the views of all property owners on Colony Point due to both the proposed Marina and channel within the State mandated 200'. This would also effect all boaters that utilize the current Tarpon Inlet as the proposed channel would SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 25 of 34 intersect with this inlet. (Attachment B) 3. Decreased property value Please find attached letter from John Del Sasso, Licensed Sales Associate regarding the potential property value decrease per Special Exemption requirements 1 and 3. (Attachment C) 4. Petition Please find the following link to the petition to stop the Vivante cut through as after only nine days, there are 660 local signatures and over 6,800 globally. Kindly review the comments from local residents, boat captains and fisherman: Kindly review and advise at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Catherine Mabie 44 Colony Point Drive Punta Gorda, FL 3950 Vice President A1 Property Preservation, Inc. (941) 815-7000 Certified Residential Contractor CRC1331282 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 26 of 34 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 27 of 34 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 28 of 34 Kenneth and Catherine Mabie 44 Colony Point Dr. Punta Gorda, FL 33950 August 1, 2016 Re: Channel Vent LLC. Vivante Private Marina Dear Mr & Mrs Mabie. I have reviewed the plans for the channel cut through from Vivanti to open water known as Vent LLC. Vivante Private Marina. Your home located at 44 Colony Point Drive currently as well as several others will be adversely affected by the proposed change. Your current frontal view from your home is direct line of sight to the North End of Charlotte Harbor. If this proposed change were implemented your view would be permanently altered and your line of sight would be channel marker signs and a rip- rap barrier, virtually obstructing/changing your current view. While it’s impossible to establish the exact amount of market value loss to your home, even a 15 to 20 % loss would be substantial. In my best opinion a 15% loss would easily be $225,000. John M. Del Sasso Sales Associate Century 21 Aztec & Associates 4456 Tamiami Trail Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Business (941)629-3188 Toll Free (800)881-9437 Fax: (941)625-5244 Cellular (941)726-6539 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: Page 29 of 34 Cherry Prewitt Julie Ryan; Teri Tubbs FW: Objection to Vent, LLC Proposed Cut Through #SE-04-16 Monday, August 08, 2016 8:30:44 AM Vivante1ProChannelLayout6-21-16 (1) (1).pdf Cherry Cherry Cash Prewitt, Planner City of Punta Gorda Urban Design 941-575-3373 P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to City officials regarding City business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications may be subject to public disclosure. From: Mary Henrie [] Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2016 9:25 PM To: Growth Management <GrowthManagement@CI.PUNTA-GORDA.FL.US> Subject: Objection to Vent, LLC Proposed Cut Through #SE-04-16 Memo To: Members of the Punta Gorda Urban Design Committee From: Mary Henrie, Colony Point Condominiums, Punta Gorda, Florida Date: August 8, 2016 Re: Objection to the Special Exception Application Submission #SE-04-16 Filed with the City of Punta Gorda, FL, Zoning Code Compliance Department As a full time resident of Colony Point Condominiums I am adamantly opposed to the proposed cut through by Vivanti Condominiums into the Charlotte Harbor for the following environmental and safety reasons. 1. The proposed cut would require dredging of the very shallow waters along the shoreline of the Peace River. The shallowness of the water can be seen from the attached field layout of the proposed channel. At low tide heron and egret wade 100 yards into the river to catch food. During breeding season hundreds of horseshoe crabs congregate along the sandy shoreline. SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 30 of 34 Daily, dozens of ducks are seen dabbling for food in the shallow waters. These are all sights I can see along the shoreline. What other flora and fauna beneath the water would also be affected if this cut through is allowed to take place. 2. The seawall surrounding the Vivanti lake appears to be lower than the seawall along the city seawall along the Colony Point Condominiums. If this cut through is permitted, would high storm waters from the Peace River flood over the Vivanti wall and damage properties along the west side of Colony Point Drive? 3. The Vivanti plan calls for a 860 foot breakwater which would be submerged during high tide. Even if marked with lighted posts, it would be a disaster waiting to happen if kayakers or boaters strike the submerged wall. For all of the above listed reasons I personally object to permitting of Vivanti's cut through to Charlotte Harbor. Sincerely, Mary Henrie 1 Colony Point Drive, 11C Punta Gorda, FL 33950 phone: 941-249-3020 Attachment: 1 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 31 of 34 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 32 of 34 Teri Tubbs From: Sent: To: Subject: Mary Kelly Friday, August 12, 2016 3:53 PM Teri Tubbs FW: Vent, LLC Proposed Channel and Marina Mary Kelly, Recording Secretary City Clerk's Office 326 West Marion Avenue Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941)575-3309 Fax: (941)575-3365 E-mail: From: Joseph Comeaux [] Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 3:32 PM To: Mary Kelly Subject: Fw: Vent, LLC Proposed Channel and Marina Fourth From: I P <> Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2016 12:14 PM To: Cc: Subject: Vent, LLC Proposed Channel and Marina Dear Mr. Comeaux: We own #18A at 1 Colony Point Drive, which is on the ground floor of the Colony Point condominiums and has expansive north and west views of Charlotte Harbor and the Peace River. Our parents made an investment in this property 45 years ago. They retired there in 1984. We continue to enjoy the property and Irene plans to retire there herself in the coming years. Throughout our decades of ownership, we have had the thrill of watching manatees and dolphin come right to the sea wall and horseshoe crabs flock to the mangroves during their seasonal migrations. We have caught snook, flounder and assorted other fish from the sea wall by our home. Wood storks, osprey, ibis and herons are daily spectacles from our lanai. Our parents, and others who bought Colony Point properties, made a wise investment in their future and in ours. The proposal by Vent, LLC for development of a boat channel and associated 264 slip marina will destroy all of this. 1 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 33 of 34 The strucutural foundation of Punta Gorda Isles has not been substantively altered since the canals were built decades ago. A dozen years ago, Vent, LLC purchased a mangrove-surrounded property with no direct water supply and built condos on it they thought would sell for millions. They have attempted to provide views for their million dollar condos by hacking away at the mangroves on the north side of their property. What was initially a waiver to allow thinning of the mangroves has now become a razing of the mangroves to the point that we can see the first floor parking structure from our condominium. They have shown no respect for the wildlife that is supposed to be protected by the mangroves; only respect for their bottom line. The dead water, lack of tidal flow and lagoon effect caused by building what will amount to a boat superhighway immediately in front of our units will be unwelcome by all wildlife and most likely endanger them: driving birds and fish away with noise and exhaust emissions and potentially forcing manatee into heavily travelled boat lanes. Because Vent, LLC hopes to turn around a bad investment, they are essentially proposing to devalue our own investment in Colony Point. This development will drive home owners and renters out of Colony Point and make it a waste land surrounded by boat channels, strobing channel markers and gaseous emissions. We beg you on behalf of all the creatures who rely on the mangrove habitat in our little slice of heaven on earth to vote against the boat canal proposal put forth by Vent, LLC. It devastates us to think of what may become of the unparalleled beauty we have in Colony Point as it exists today, should this proposal move forward. Sincerely, Irene P. Marsh Jane M. Laco Owners of 1 Colony Point #18A 2 SE-04-16 - LETTER(S) OF OBJECTION Page 34 of 34 Teri Tubbs To: Subject: Mary Kelly RE: Vivante Cut Through Application From: "shelley swayze" <> To:,,,, Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 10:09:31 AM Subject: Vivante Cut Through Application Dear Sirs, I would like to express to you my strong objection of the proposal to rip out the protected mangroves at the base of Colony Point Drive to allow a developer to put in upwards of 300 boat docks in a city owned pond which would access Charlotte Harbour through this environmentally sensitive area. This application includes building a breakwall and dredging a channel in Charlotte Harbour. Why would the City even consider allowing this use of their property? 100's of horseshoe crab use this bay each year for their breeding. Personally I saw hundreds of them up on the sand this past spring. In addition, as little as a month ago, 8 - 10 manatee were seen in this bay area. I have seen bald eagles flying into this area, not sure if they are nesting there. Many fishermen use this area for recreational fishing. Furthermore, the north side where the dredging is proposed, is a manatee and dolphin feeding area. We see them daily from our condo at 1 Colony Point Drive. Large schools of mullet collect here and provide exceptional fishing for the community, both wildlife and human. The proposed breakwall will affect the natural flow of water not to mention the movement of fish and wildlife. Increased boat traffic will result in noise and air pollution. Our property values will be significantly negatively affected if this application is approved. We understand that there is a "push" to get this application in front of the Zoning Commission meeting August 22. I find this concerning as the majority of residents who are negatively affected by this application will not be able to contribute to this meeting. Would you please delay this meeting until the residents have returned from summer travels, seasonal residencies? Furthermore, someone has illegally been ripping out these mangroves starting in the 2015/2016 winter season. Why has there been no action taken to address this? I look forward to hearing an explanation regarding this. As I understand, the City is aware of this action. Would you please let me know if you intend on supporting this application? Shelley Swayze 1 ´ Map Layout Override 1 1:8,000 Block Number 0 Property Ownership 0 Lots Credits: Charlotte County This print was generated on August 2, 2016 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.2 mi 0.2 0.4 km EXCERPT EXCERPT EXCERPT EXCERPT EXCERPT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING AUGUST 12, 2016 MEMBERS PRESENT: Joan LeBeau, Acting Chairman Randy Cole, Chief Building Official Tom Jackson, Utilities Director Norman Nahra, Police Lieutenant Linda Sposito, Senior Project Manager Teri Tubbs, Interim Urban Design Manager MEMBERS ABSENT: Jennifer Molnar, Fire Marshal OTHERS PRESENT: Lisa Hannon, Code Compliance Supervisor CITIZENS COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS ONLY - Ms. LeBeau called three times for public comment. - Ms. Tubbs MOVED, Mr. Jackson SECONDED to close the meeting to public comment. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NEW BUSINESS A. SE-04-16 - A request by Hans Wilson & Associates, Agent, for Vent, LLC, Vivante at Punta Gorda Property Owner’s Association, Inc., Palm Isles Condominium Development, LLC, and Vivante at Punta Gorda Condominium Association, Inc., owners, for a Special Exception pursuant to Chapter 26, Section 26-16.8, Punta Gorda Code, to construct a private marina with up to 264 private dock slips for the sole use of the residents of the Vivante development; to create a navigable channel connecting to the Peace River through vacant common area on the north end of the development; and to install a seawall along the lands abutting the proposed channel since none of these activities are considered permitted uses or structures but may be approved as a Special Exception. - Ms. Tubbs displayed an overhead of the subject property, stating based on the design of the proposed navigable channel, the closest edge of same being at least 114 to 116 feet waterward of the existing shoreline and condominiums, boat traffic should have no negative impact on existing conditions within the boating community. She noted the proposed use would not adversely affect the use of neighboring properties and, if approved, would positively impact all properties abutting the existing lake. She advised additional permitting through various State agencies was necessary and would ensure all environmental and marine life concerns were properly addressed. She mentioned a concern was raised regarding the lake being owned by the City; however, the City did not and never had owned the lake, which was actually owned and maintained by the Punta Gorda Isles (PGI) Section 24 Property Owner's Association (POA). She stated the proposed use had no impact on the Downtown Plan and was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, specifically with regard to Objective 2.1.4., Goal 2.2., Objective 2.2.1., Policy, Goal 2.5., Objective 2.5.1. and Policy She confirmed no new buildings were proposed, adding the proposed docks would be constructed in the water, consistent with surrounding neighborhoods and other waterways. She stated the proposed navigable channel would allow boat traffic to access Charlotte Harbor directly and would not impact boat traffic in other canals. She noted maintenance of the lake, seawalls and channel would remain the responsibility of the property owners abutting the lake. She advised the proposed jetty would be set at one foot below mean high water line, would only be visible during low tide and would be marked with channel markers as required; therefore, the jetty would not block water views, adding the proposed channel would not hinder nor discourage the appropriate development and use of adjacent or nearby land or buildings. She commented on environmental and lake water quality concerns, stating same would be addressed by the applicant through the scientific environmental studies done of the area. She noted the proposed channel was approximately 116 feet waterward and away from the existing shoreline of Colony Point Drive and the existing condominiums. She pointed out the area was, by its very nature, a boating community; thus, seeing boat traffic was commonplace. She mentioned no additional pedestrian or vehicular traffic would be generated as a result of this request. She stated concerns had also been raised regarding creation of a "boat super-highway"; however, in reality, only a small percentage of boat owners used their boats on a daily basis. She pointed out there were 144 lots on the north side of the bridge over Tarpon Inlet; however, far less boats actually traveled through Tarpon Inlet to Charlotte Harbor on any given day. She noted lake ownership and control was granted by the restrictive covenants for PGI Section 24, which stated all lots and condominium units which might be built upon lands immediately adjacent to the lake would have an undivided interest in all of the lake, which would be equivalent to the owners' obligation to pay maintenance thereon. She confirmed PGI Section 24 was not a part of the PGI Canal Maintenance Assessment District (CMAD); therefore, the CMAD would not be responsible for any costs associated with the lake or seawalls. She continued the covenants stated "nothing shall prohibit the Association or the majority of the adjacent unit owners from seeking an outlet from the lake to the harbor"; therefore, a channel was clearly contemplated -2- when the covenants were recorded in 1984. She concluded the request met the required criteria, the application was in order, and the Urban Design Division recommended approval contingent upon approval of all State permits. She noted the application would next be presented to the Planning Commission and City Council on August 22, 2016, and September 21, 2016, respectively. - Mr. Cole stated the Building Division and Fire Department had no comments or concerns at this time but reserved the opportunity for comment in the future. - Mr. Jackson advised the developer was responsible for any necessary adjustments to utilities which might be affected by this project. - Ms. Tubbs MOVED, Mr. Jackson SECONDED to recommend approval of SE-04-16. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -3- PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF PUNTA GORDA 8/22/2016 Print Staff Comments* Title: CRA Status Report Funds: Recommended Action: No Action Required - Info Only Summary: August 24, 2016 Report Department/Division: Urban Design EXHIBITS: 1. 08/24/2016 Report CRA Update August 24, 2016 AFFORDABLE HOUSING Rehabilitation of 4 commercial units to 4 residential units for low income housing • • • • City Council approved funding on 04/06/2016 for rehabilitation of 4 commercial units to 4 residential units at the Andrews Building, 326 E. Virginia Avenue for low income housing. Scope of work and request for professional services for design has been submitted to Procurement to be bid to City's library of engineers/architects. No responses were received from the library firms; Procurement has adjusted solicitation and placed back out to library. Responses are due 6/7/16. Design services awarded to Alliance Design Group; kick-off meeting was held on Monday, 06/20/2016. Deliverable schedule is as follows: 100% Construction Documents by 08/31/2016 and cost estimate by 09/07/2016. COMMUNITY GARDEN Design and construction of a garden/fresh market area as an economic project in East Punta Gorda Staff has been negotiating an Interlocal Agreement with Charlotte County for use of property located at 512-514 E. Grace Street for several months. ILA has been re-submitted to County however the Trabue Woods Initiative has approached Staff regarding City owned lots in East Punta Gorda and has requested use of the vacant lot located at 317 E. Virginia Avenue for the garden/fresh market. The garden will be a economic project; once established the community will re-visit development of a community garden at alternate location. Request for use of 317 E. Virginia Avenue will be presented to City Council on 05/04/2016. • Council approved use of the E Virginia property for the garden/fresh market. Mayor Keesling and City Staff met with Dorothy Browning of Goodwill Industries to discuss how Goodwill programs may be of service for those participating in the garden/fresh market economic venture. Dorothy Browing suggested a good model for this project would be Pine Manor Garden in Ft. Myers; a tour has been scheduled for June 14th for Mayor, City Staff and the garden/fresh market participants. • City Staff and the garden/fresh market participants. Staff & Mayor Keesling visited Pine Manor Gardens, very rewarding and educational experience. Survey and Environmental Assessment have both been ordered. • Environamental has been ordered and anticipated to be complete by 08/31; survey has been completed and received; survey has been forwarded to Engineering for design. • HARBORWALK – WEST MASTER PLAN Phase 3 of the Harborwalk Project, Best Western to Fisherman’s Village • • Engineer is working on conceptual design; staff to meet with Engineer in January for review and comment Survey completed; preliminary design concept presented to CRA March 3, 2010. Weiler Engineering hosted a community meeting on March 31, 2010 to discuss the preliminary plans and the conceptual plans for the future of the existing Bay Front Center, Boat Club and Sailing Page 1 of 8 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Center. The meeting provided an opportunity for the public to view the conceptual plans, ask questions and provide feedback. Weiler Engineering presented 30% plans to CRA on May 5, 2010. Engineer and staff met with Boat Club representatives on May 26. 60% plans presented to City Council on July 7, 2010; DRC reviewed on July 23rd, comments have been forwarded to Engineer. Engineer has submitted SWFWMD and AOE response packages for review; 90% plans have been received and reviewed by City Council on October 6th. Received final document for SWFWMD release of ERP; anticipate SWFWMD forwarded to ACOE for their final review and permit issue. 100% plan update given to City Council on December 15, 2010. Construction Plans for small boat launch and seawall replacement approved by DRC. Specifications provided to Procurement 5/19/11; draft bid returned to growth management 5/23/11 for final review before issuance. Due to funding this project will be constructed in "Zones". At City Council direction the first two (2) zones to be constructed will be the Small Boat Launch and Zone 7, from the PG Waterfront Hotel to the existing gazebo. Staff has prepared a Scope of Services for plan revision for FDOT submittal. Notice to Proceed was given to Weiler Engineering on September 20 with 60% deliverables due October 14, 2013 for staff review. FDOT has requested additional information from the Design Engineers; anticipate FDOT 60% comments to be returned to City by mid-to-late January. 60% comments received from FDOT; meeting scheduled with Design Engineers to review is scheduled for 01/30/2014. Staff continues to negotiate 60% review comments with FDOT City Council directed staff to move forward with modification of the construction plans. Staff has been in communication with FDOT to verify design requirements; once FDOT confirms requirements( on or before May 5), the City will amend contract with design engineers to modify construction plans to meet FDOT/LAP requirements. Staff is currently in communication with MPO/FDOT regarding the procedure for amendment to construction limits and awaiting response. Amended construction limits - Gilchrist Park at Harvey St. to Gill St. have been approved; paperwork has been submitted to Procurement for contract/agreement with Weiler to begin revised construction plans to FDOT/LAP PPM standards. Procurement has submitted scope of work to Weiler Engineering for review and update of final timeline; formal agreement scheduled for City Council 11/5/14. Staff met with Engineer to discuss FDOT redesign and concerns regarding the 60% plans. All issues were addressed and Engineer to proceed with 90% plans. Staff requesting Council consideration to move forward with required ADA improvements as well as the non-federally funded Harborwalk improvements from the Bayfront Center and west end of Retta Esplanade prior to federal grant funds becoming available in 2016 for area between Harvey and Gill. Council has approved moving forward w/ ADA improvements to fishing pier and construction of seawall from approximately Gilchrist Street to Dolly Street. Council has requested reduction of seawall cap from 5' to 2'. There is a possibility FDOT may require railing along seawall cap. This requirement may affect the final width decision. Council has requested reduction of seawall cap from 5' to 2' with no railing; this was approved by FDOT with the provision of a 5' grass separation between the seawall and pathway. Seawall construction was awarded to Marine Contracting Group; Pre-construction meeting was held on 06/25/2015 - anticipate pre-construction start end of June/first of July with approximate completion of 180-210 days); during seawall construction the parts of the pathway along the water will be closed; Kiddieland will be impacted for a few days when the fencing is relocated. • • • • • • • • • • • Construction signage will be posted notifying public of construction dates and any areas of the park that will be "off-limits" to public use. SEAWALL: Demolition of existing seawall, excavation has begun. and installation of new seawall has begun. HARBORWALK WEST AREA 1: 100% plans have been submitted to FDOT for final review; proprietary items have been approved; and environmental have been completed. Harborwalk West Seawall Replacement continues with approximately 240 foot of cap constructed and 910 foot of sea wall panel placed. Additional 80 foot of cap forms are to be ready for concrete placement on Monday 10/04/2015. Contractor continues cap formwork to connect seawall panels. To date approximately 560 foot of cap has been constructed with approximately 1265 foot of seawall placed. Hauling of debris and backfill continues. To date approximately 954' of cap has been constructed. Final grading and sod placement continues. Due to storm damage incurred weekend of January 15th, final completion has been moved forward to February 19th. SEAWALL AREA 2: Additional storm damage to project created need for an additional extension for completion - sod fields remain wet; tentative schedule for grading & sod placement is 2-3 weeks. GILCHRIST RESTROOM FACILITY/PLAYGROUND: Citizens comments from survey, meeting and emails have been sorted and will be presented to City Council on 03/03/2016. Walk through scheduled for Tuesday, 04/05/2016, for final punch list development in preparation for final closeout. Seawall project has been completed and closed out. HARBORWALK WEST AREA 1:Final Construction Checklist has been completed and submitted to FDOT. Continue to work with FDOT to upload final documents into FDOT LAPIT program in order to secure funding. Notice to Proceed was received from FDOT on 08/08/2016; pre-bid meeting has been scheduled for 08/25/2016; per Procurement tentative schedule anticipate contract award on or about October 20, 2017 with start of work on or about November 3, 2016. Harborwalk West – Gilchrist Park Playground Design and construction of new playground in Gilchrist Park. • Citizens comments from survey, meeting and emails have been sorted and were presented to City Council on 03/03/2016. Playground design/build will be submitted to Procurement in May for design concepts. • as of 04/26/2016 the Friends of Gilchrist Park Playground has secured 3 $1,000 level sponsors and are negotiating for a $5,000 and $10,000 sponsor. Harborwalk West – Restroom Facilities Design and Construction of new restroom facility in Gilchrist Park at Playground • Restroom facility is being designed, approximate design time is 75 days; anticipate design completion late June. 60% plans have been reviewed by DRC; Engineer of Record (EOR) has addressed all comments. • 100% plans have been received; Staff preparing package to submit to Procurement for bid process. • Bid package has been let and pre-bid/site visit is scheduled for 08/18/2016. Page 3 of 8 Harborwalk East – Justice Center Widen existing Harborwalk turn behind Justice Center • Design is being completed in-house; anticipate completion in April 2016. • Request for exemption submitted to FDEP; FDEP has requested SWFWMD review project for possible impacts which will likely add 30 days to project timeline. • SWFWMD does not require a permit, project will proceed. • Package has been submitted to Procurement for bid process. • Project was awarded to Marine Contracting Group. Due to project conflicts construction has been pushed to late September/early October with a completion day of January 2017. Harborwalk US 41 SB Bridge Underpass Improvements Design widening of existing underpass sidewalk to 12' south towards bridge abutment and replace existing slope stabilizations with retaining wall and new stabilization. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Scope of Work has been forwarded to Weiler Engineering Services; anticipate presenting to City Council on February 18, 2015. Notice to proceed with design services was given to Weiler Engineering on 02/19/2015. EOR continues to do preliminary design, environmental and permit work; 30% plans to be presented to City Council on 04/15/2015. 30% design plans to be presented to City Council 5/20/2015. 60% Construction Plans have been submitted to City Staff for review; scheduled for DRC on 07/10/2015. 90% Construction Plans have been submitted to City Staff and FDOT for review. 100% plans are complete, EOR has sent to Staff for final review before submitting Signed/Sealed plans. FDOT has reviewed and requested a sketch and legal description for ROW to be used; submitted request to Procurement to add to Engineer services. 100% plans review complete by FDOT, plan set delivered to Urban Design for bid preparation. FDOT has reviewed and requested a sketch and legal description for ROW to be used; submitted request to Procurement to add to Engineer services. 100% plans review complete by FDOT, plan set delivered to Urban Design for bid preparation. FDOT has requested additional review of plans to confirm all improvements are within the FDOT ROW; once confirmed Staff will order legal description and sketch of ROW and submit request to Council for permission to enter into Public Purpose Lease Agreement with FDOT for use of their ROW. This process will take approximately 4-8 weeks. US Fish and Wildlife has determined there is a bat habitat under the bridge and the City will not be allowed to construct between April 15August 15; therefore, bid documents will not be let until July 2016 with an anticipated construction start in September 2016. FDOT Public Purpose Agreement package has been submitted. Staff is preparing package to submit to Procurement for bid. Project has been let for bidding; pre-bid meeting and site visit has been scheduled for 08/15/2016 Harborwalk Laishley Park Municipal Marina Design of Harborwalk behind Laishley Crab House and Harbor Marina Building to US 41N • Concept drawing is complete; Engineering will be completing design in-house; data collection has begun. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • City Engineer met with FDEP to discuss footbridge; City Engineer is researching how bridge can be constructed with an exemption and no mitigation. Design continues; submittal to FDOT expected by 5/1/15 with construction planned for October 2015. City Council presentation scheduled for 5/20/15. Design is complete, awaiting survey and FDOT agreement. Plan set, legal description and sketch are being prepared for FDOT permit submittal. Still in permitting w/FDOT (review of footbridge structural design. Continue to wait for FDOT approval (review of footbridge structural design; package has been submitted to Procurement for bid with bridges as an Add/Delete item. Construction plans and paperwork have been submitted to Procurement for their review in order to send out for bid. Bid opening scheduled for January 8. Footbridge is included as a bid option since FDOT has additional concerns with the plans. Pre-construction meeting held on 01/27/2016; anticipate begin construction on or before February 8, 2016. Mobilized week of 02/25/2016; underground electrical conduit in place and bases for lighted bollards poured. Installed lighted bollards, marina gate & walkway. The bridge connection remains "on hold" pending FDOT final approval. Installed lighted bollards, marina gate & walkway. The bridge connection remains "on hold" pending FDOT final approval. Project is substantially complete; remaining construction is the pedestrian bridge and compass rose. This construction cannot be completed until City receives approval from FDOT; all paperwork has been submitted FDOT and Staff is awaiting approval. ADA improvements required on walk at or near the LP Marina Building boat ramp, change order to be processed. Pilings installed and wrapped with the joists attached to the pile caps. The contractor is excavating in prep of: rebar, tie bolts and concrete placement at the footbridge approaches. A meeting was also held with City, contractor and sub-electrician to review electrical installations of the footbridge lighting after the vertical posts and rails installation commence. Substantial walk through was completed; awaiting FDOT inspection; anticiapte project completion mid to late September 2016. South County Library Description: Design and Construction of a new 24,000 SF library w/youth and program space, computer lab and spaces for instructional classes w/1,000 SF for archive functions (intake, processing, storage. Library will be constructed on City of Punta Gorda old warehouse site at Shreve/W. Virginia. • The final Request for Proposals (RFP) for Architectural Services has been submitted to Charlotte County Procurement Department. The RFP was released on April 17, 2015; submittal deadline information and other pertinent timeframes TBD. • Responses to Charlotte County's RFP for architectural services have been received: 4 firms responded: BSSW Architects, Inc. of Ft. Myers; Harvard-Jolly Architecture of Sarasota; HBM Architects of Cleveland, Ohio; and Sweetsparkman Architects of Sarasota. Interviews and rankings have been scheduled for 6/1/2015. • Charlotte County Commission approved selection committee ranking of Harvard Jolly Architects and authorized County Staff to begin contract negotiations for the design of South County Library and Historical Archives building. The City will be represented on the Contract Committee by the Urban Design Manager - dates and times will be forthcoming. Contract negotiations are closing; City Staff working w/Legal on deed with reverted clause. Page 5 of 8 • • • • • • • • • • • Charlotte County is moving forward with a Phase II Environmental Survey of the proposed site; contract negotiations continue with Harvard-Jolly Architecture firm With the Phase 2 Environmental inspection complete, no issues were found, Charlotte County Staff is putting together a "Kick-Off" meeting for introductions, identify meeting dates, review project budget, etc. Additionally the group will be visiting the site to get the overall feel for the space.. Meeting held on 11/30/2015 to discuss: preliminary project evaluation; alternative approaches to design & construction; feasibility of environmentally responsible design & construction; identify spaces to be included in facilty, i.e. sizes, relationships, media nd occupancy capacities, mechanical and technological requirements, systems performance criteria, sustainable design and energy performance criteria, and finishes. Design Studio scheduled for January 14, 2016. City approved deed 12/16/15. Design Studio as well as community input meeting scheduled for 1/14/16. City approved deed 12/16/15. County staff met with City's Design Studio on 1/29/15. City/County Staff and architect continue to refine the preliminary schematic design documents in anticipation of the second Public Input Session scheduled for Thursday, March 17, 2016 @ the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center from 1:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. City/County Staff and architect continue to refine the preliminary schematic design documents; the second Public Input Session was held Thursday, March 17, 2016 @ the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center from 4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m..; the next Library Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 4, 2016, to review public comments. Consulting architects continue to refine schematic design document; next design meeting will be mid-May. City Staff and Councilmember Cavanaugh met w/South County Library Representative on May 25, 2016 to discuss budgeting and funding. Staff met with the South County Library (Punta Gorda) design team and received updates from the architect, civil engineer and interior designer. Concerns raised by City staff at the The design team meets again in July. Further updates will be provided at that time.previous meeting in regards to the Shreve Street façade were addressed well by the architects. A public meeting was held on 08/05/2016 for citizens comments on current design plans at the direction of County Commissions; meeting comments will be presented to Charlotte County Commissioners at which time Commissioners will give direction to Staff on the "next step". Veteran’s Park @ Laishley park Joint partnership with community organizations and City Staff to renovate the area in Laishley Park known as Veteran's Park, a memorial to our service men and women. Funding will be through MAC grant and City Funds • • • • • Staff continues to work with the various community organizations assisting with design Staff is meeting with committee members in February to discuss City concepts in association with City's Parks & Recreating Master Plan requirements. Committee has reached goal of $32,000 which will allow for payment of fountain, pedestal monument, and approximately $10,000 for beautification efforts. Dedication for the fountain has been scheduled for July 3, 2013. Staff is reviewing plans for the "appreciation" monument. Monument is scheduled to be delivered in the beginning of October, staff continues to work on the Veteran's Park conceptual plan. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Staff is hosting a workshop with the areas veteran groups to gather information from the veteran community as to their ideas for the future redesign and brick laying opportunities of Veteran’s Park. Approximately 30 veteran representatives are expected to meet March 3rd at 2:00 pm at the American Legion on Harbor Blvd in Port Charlotte. After receiving the input, staff will draft the ideas received into a concept drawing and follow up with the committee. Brick area has been designed and approved by committees. Staff will participate in the next scheduled meeting (date to be determined). Staff continues to work with committees on both the garden and the "wall". . Staff continues to work on both the Veteran's Garden and Wall. Engineering and Urban Design are reviewing design requirements for wall; fund raising for wall is still going strong. Staff continues to work wtih the Veteran's groups on the engineering/design; wall fundraising is approximately $68,000 (85% of needed funds). Engineering and Urban Design are reviewing design requirements for wall; fund raising for wall is still going strong. Staff continues to work with the Veteran's groups on the engineering/design; wall fundraising; with donation from the 125th Anniversary funding the committee has exceeded goal for the purchase of the marble. Marble will be purchased and stored by Public Works Department. Wall has been staked out and Urban Design and Engineering continue to work on preliminary site plan. Wall location has been finalized; Staff meeting with veteran group/committee on 03/09/2015 to discuss and receive input on conceptual plan for park. Anticipate finalizing conceptual plans at next meeting 04/13/2015. Conceptual plans were presented and there were no additional comments. Staff is moving forward with finalization of design concept and financial responsibilities for Veterans Group/City with presentation to City Council TBD. FY2016 State Budget included $150,000 for Vietnam Wall. Staff will be presenting DEO Agreement for Council's acceptance for the $150,000 reimbursement grant at the 09/02/2015 meeting; Urban Design and Public Works continue to work with the Wall Committee in completion of plans. Engraving vs etching issue has been resolved and a PO will be issued to the granite company the week of 10/04/2015. Groundbreaking ceremony has been schedule for November 11, 2015 – Veteran’s Day Groundbreaking was successful, Governor Rick Scott, Mayor Keesling and City Council attended, still need to raise $60,000. Anonymous donor has offered to match dollar-for-dollar, up to $10,000, for every dollar raised between now and December 31st. City has initiated procurement of pavers, irrigation, landscaping, drainage, port-o-let, concrete and other materials in order to meet the $150,000 grant reimbursement requirements. Construction to begin January 4, 2016. Construction began January 4, 2016. City Staff is reviewing plans for modification possibilities to hang granite after site work has been completed, replacement of current signage, and additional options to sidewalk connections and lighting. Formed and poured concrete footings for wall. Concrete wall is constructed; granite installer has been on site to inspect and is preparing list of installation materials for City. Work on sidewalk along Nesbit has begun and will include the military star w/bronze medallions for each branch of the Armed Forces. Remainder of project must wait until the granite is installed, possibly June; Staff continues to research granite benches. Staff continues to research granite benches and flagpoles. The first set of panels arrived on 06/21/2016; medallion has been painted; and preparation for the next set of panels to arrive on July 11th...the wall is going up! Page 7 of 8 • Staff continues to research granite benches and flagpoles. The first set of panels arrived on 06/21/2016; medallion has been painted; and preparation for the next set of panels to arrive on July 11th...the wall is going up!