Thirty years of rarities and outtakes from Dark Angel
Thirty years of rarities and outtakes from Dark Angel
ISSUE HERE’S MUD IN YOUR EYE FROM TOM N O. 8 FALL RUSSELL & 2002 CO. W ill my sins outlive me? With a gun at my head, I was forced to bless this rarities project, Museum of Memories. The money will go to keep the website rolling and will also keep those gig cards coming out to you. This is not the “next” Tom Russell album of new material. I hope to record that one in December and have it out by April of next year—working title: Unredeemed or What I Did After I Was Released From the Asylum. Or maybe just Tales of Ordinary Madness. Thanks to Ed Becker and John Yuelkenbeck for hanging in there and putting this together. I am not a good critic of my own stuff. I am always thinking up the next record, rhyme, and story. I hope it entertains you—thanks for helping keep the website alive. See you down the road. El Paso, 8/02 C aught somewhere between ’em It’s the best disc Tom Russell never released! A limited edition compilation of incredible songs, all appearing for the first time on CD, most for the first time anywhere. Possibly even a bonus track! Not sold in stores. Offered exclusively through us here at Dark Angel while supplies last. Destined to be the holiday gift this year. From Tom’s early band Mule Train, the (Patricia) Hardin & Russell years, the Tom Russell Band, and on through to a new song recorded live on his current tour—it’s all here.We asked Tom to jot some track-by-track notes for us: 1972 – Strung Out (Like The Tightest Wire On A Frozen Barbed Wire Fence). One of the first songs I wrote as a member of “Skid Row’s Finest Band,” Mule Train, in Vancouver, B.C. It owes a little to Commander Cody’s style, and to my working six sets a night in a topless bar on skid row. Financed by a well known “porn king” and put on 500 of his jukeboxes. Promptly removed by Mothers Against Drugs and Drunk Driving. So the 500 copies rotted in a Chinese warehouse. Until now. Enjoy. 1974 – Shipwreck Kelly. From one of Patricia Hardin and my demos in 1974. Don MacPherson, my old friend and drummer, is on both these first two tracks. I had moved to Austin by this time, but we drove back to Vancouver to record this on some grant money. Alvin ‘Shipwreck’ Kelly was a flagpole sitter in the 1920s. 1981 – Cross of Guadalupe. I have no idea what this song is about, except that it’s an early attempt at a drug running ballad. What is notable is that its from a live Lone Star Cafe show in NYC, opening for Robert Hunter, the Grateful Dead lyricist I had picked up in a cab. I sang Thirty years of rarities and outtakes from Dark Angel him “Gallo del Cielo” in my cab at 4 A.M. and he hired us to open shows. This was Andrew Hardin’s and my first live gig together. He’s playing the tiple, a South American instrument. I recall consuming quite a bit of Jack Daniels to bolster my courage since I had not performed in two years. Andrew was worried. 1985 – La Galué (The Glutton). The true, sordid life of Moulin Rouge dancer La Galué who appears in one of ToulouseLautrec’s paintings. All the facts are true. Don’t try any of this at home. I was hoping for a Serge Gainsbourg cover or perhaps Charles Aznavour. 1986 – Shut Out the Light. Rare Springsteen cover. There was one line I could not understand, so I blurted out something like “a John Deere Minor stands.” Whatever that means. 1987 – Can’t Keep No Liquor. Sounds like an attempt to write like John Prine. I only sang it once live. I guess I was feeling guilty that I usually drank up all the wine and vodka around the “Bunker,” my storefront in Brooklyn. Early alt country. 1988 – Chinatown in the Rain. I wrote “Hurricane Season” and this song one night quite blasted on vodka. I sang it into a old four-track machine. Sounds like Fats Kaplin on the accordion. Influenced by an earlier trip to the Yucatan in Mexico where we ran into a lot of “Jackie Spragues,” gringos who had disappeared into the jungle years ago—living off their wits or their inheritances. Graham Green characters. The lawless roads! 1988 – Amelia’s Railroad Flat. Katy Moffatt still opens her sets with this one. Can’t recall writing it. Influenced by cheap wine and beautiful women in long ago countries of the heart. 1989 – Mineral Wells. Love that town and the old Baker Hotel. The Baker has been boarded up, but the Crazy Water is an old age home. You can have the hotel for free if you put in a sprinkler system. Sang it with Katy on Long Way Around. I wrote a screenplay treatment of this with Sylvia Tyson. 1990 – The Heart. Written with Greg Trooper. Has been recorded by Sarah Elizabeth Campbell and Lucy Kaplanski. I sang this with Greg in Ireland this year. Not a bad song. 1991 – Big Fool. Written with Katy Moffatt, she’s singing harmony. Probably in Switzerland on one of those long, winefilled evenings in Buchs—before Cuno hung himself in our mountaintop hotel. Damn, Cuno, your took it all too seriously. 1993 – 10 Cent Lemonade. Wrote this with a Nashville writer, Alan Rhody. Trying to write something commercial. 1993 – Biggest Bordertown. Written with Dylan’s old protégé Bobby Neuwirth. He told me anyone could survive New York if they understood it was just a big ole bordertown. Understanding New York prepared me for Juarez. 1995 – Roddy McCorley. Dredged up for St. Paddy’s day in St. Louis. I first heard this old IRA song done by the Kingston Trio and Clancy Brothers. 1995 – Hank and Audrey. Another Katy Moffatt co-write. Written for George Jones and Tammy Wynette. No sale. 1996 – Closin’ Sunny’s Diner. Written about the place where I used to eat breakfast in Brooklyn. Sunny had his hand blown off in the war. Ebbets Field was torn down long ago. I was in L.A. when the Dodgers came to town. A few continued on back P.O. BOX 16083 SHAWNEE, KANSAS 66203-6083 U.S. CHARGE CARD ORDERS by PHONE or FAX: 1-800-327-5264 WEB PAGE • E-MAIL Do we have your e-mail address in our database? NEW! Museum of Memories ___ CD(s) @ $20 = _______ Borderland ___ CD(s) @ $16 = _______ ___ Borderland Postcard Lyric Book(s) @ $10 = _______ All Around These Northern Towns (import “best of”) ___ CD(s) @ $20 = _______ The Man From ___ CD(s) @ $16 = _______ God Knows Where Song of the West ___ CD(s) @ $16 = _______ ___ Tape(s) @ $10 = _______ Long Way Around ___ CD(s) @ $16 = _______ Rose of San Joaquin ___ CD(s) @ $16 = _______ Tulare Dust ___ CD(s) @ $16 = _______ T ramps and Hawkers Unprecedented merchandise offers from the Tom Russell home shopping network (various artist Merle Haggard tribute) Tom Russell & Patricia Hardin 1975–79: The Early Years ___ CD(s) @ $16 = _______ Box of Visions ___ CD(s) @ $16 = _______ Cowboy Mambo* ___ CD(s) @ $16 = _______ Hillbilly Voodoo* ___ CD(s) @ $16 = _______ Cowboy Real ___ CD(s) @ $16 = _______ Hurricane Season ___ CD(s) @ $16 = _______ Poor Man’s Dream ___ CD(s) @ $16 = _______ ___ Tape(s) @ $15 = _______ Road to Bayamon ___ CD(s) @ $16 = _______ Heart On A Sleeve ___ CD(s) @ $17 = _______ Other __________________________ = _______ Other __________________________ = _______ Postage and Handling $ __________ continued from front * *with Barrence Whitfield (U.S. and Canada $ 5, Europe $ 8, all other foreign $ 10) Tax (Kansas residents only, 7%) $ __________ Total Enclosed $ __________ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Check ▫ Money Order ▫ Credit Card # ________________ Exp. ______ CARD VICES L SER FINANCIA Credit card orders shipped within 24 hours and invoiced through Village Records, Shawnee, Kansas. Make check or money order payable to: P.O. BOX 16083 SHAWNEE, KANSAS 66203-6083 OPERATORS STANDING BY! 1-800-327-5264 Ship to: Ship to: Ship to: Ship to: Phone: E-mail: (print clearly) _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ * Scheduled Release: October 1, 2002 of them used to play poker with my Dad. I have an autographed ball of the Dodger team in 1959. Duke Snider, Sandy Koufax, and crew. 1999 – When Irish Girls Grow Up from The Man From God Knows Where. I’d like to do the whole album as a one-man show. 2000 – Open Pit Mine. Outtake from Borderland. Old song on a early George Jones record. Murder ballad. My brother likes it. 2002 – The Dogs Bark But The Caravan Moves On. A new song. I believe I heard Truman Capote use this old Moroccan saying. This is from a show this year in Denver. I thought I’d put this on the next album, but it’s become a one-trick pony. The coyote-ugly lines don’t grow on me. Feel free to use the line next time your relationship goes south. We have to stop Tom there before he gives away the bonus track. Museum of Memories 1972–2002 is a twenty track audio CD (not CD-R), running as close to a full 80 minutes as you can get. Packaged in an oversized, 5-color, multipanel wrap with liner notes and collector’s cards. The Dark Angel label is distributed by the merchandising team of Bill and Corky at Village Records. For the best in new and used music, be sure to check out or call (913) 631-4199 between 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., CST.
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