Masterplan Highways
Masterplan Highways
Former Camelot theme park Former Camelot theme park tory tory OMES OMES CONTEXT & SITE CONSTRAINTS CONTEXT AND SITE CONSTRAINTS Access, Movement and Noise Existing Water Features N Existing Topography Existing Trees N N N Former Camelot theme park Former Camelot theme park tory tory OMES OMES CHARACTER PLACE MAKING / CHARACTER STRATEGY Existing Character Nestled amongst a series of distinctive towns and villages within Lancashire, the proposed development of the site can draw inspiration from several local settlements and architectural characters. In referencing from multiple contextual sources any future development will by nature develop its own unique identity while importantly respecting the history of its surrounds. Informal landscape spaces Strongly Informal More frequent breaks along street Red brick, render and vertical boarding. Sandstone can also be found Variable building line & orientation Generally 2 storey detached and semi-detached homes Buildings set back equidistant from streets Moments of strong formality interspersed amidst irregularity More frequent breaks along street Rural Village Character More frequent breaks along street Enclosed front gardens Character Strategy / Vision Arts & Crafts Contemporary Story Homes Former Camelot theme park tory OMES CYCLE ROUTES SITE Former Camelot theme park tory HIGHWAY NETWORK OMES M46 J27 SOUTHPORT ROAD NEW LANE BALSHAW LANE DAWBER’S LANE LYDIATE LANE A49 WIGAN ROAD LAWRENCE LANE GREEN LANE DOCTORS LANE A49 PRESTON ROAD MOTORWAY SERVICE ACCESS (W) MOTORWAY SERVICE ACCESS (E) SITE CHORLEY LANE PARK HALL ROAD WOOD LANE MILL LANE SPENDMORE LANE CARR HOUSE LANE CHURCH LANE A49 PRESTON ROAD MOSSY LEA ROAD M6 MOTORWAY CROW ORCHARD ROAD M6 J27 BACK LANE © CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED. REPRODUCED FROM THE ORDNANCE SURVEY MAP WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE CONTROLLER OF HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. LICENCE No. 100044286. Former Camelot theme park tory PUBLIC RIGHTS OMES OF WAY Former Camelot theme park tory AERIAL PHOTO OMES