Resting-State Connectivity Predictors of Response to


Resting-State Connectivity Predictors of Response to
Neuropsychopharmacology (2015), 1–15
& 2015 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. All rights reserved 0893-133X/15
Resting-State Connectivity Predictors of Response to
Psychotherapy in Major Depressive Disorder
Andrew Crowther1, Moria J Smoski2, Jared Minkel2,3, Tyler Moore2, Devin Gibbs2, Chris Petty4,
Josh Bizzell3,4, Crystal Edler Schiller2, John Sideris5, Hannah Carl6 and Gabriel S Dichter*,1,2,3,4
UNC Neurobiology Curriculum, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, USA; 2Department of Psychiatry
and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA; 3Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, USA; 4Duke-UNC Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC,
USA; 5Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, USA;
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
Despite the heterogeneous symptom presentation and complex etiology of major depressive disorder (MDD), functional neuroimaging
studies have shown with remarkable consistency that dysfunction in mesocorticolimbic brain systems are central to the disorder.
Relatively less research has focused on the identification of biological markers of response to antidepressant treatment that would serve
to improve the personalized delivery of empirically supported antidepressant interventions. In the present study, we investigated whether
resting-state functional brain connectivity (rs-fcMRI) predicted response to Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression, an
empirically validated psychotherapy modality designed to increase engagement with rewarding stimuli and reduce avoidance behaviors.
Twenty-three unmedicated outpatients with MDD and 20 matched nondepressed controls completed rs-fcMRI scans after which the
MDD group received an average of 12 sessions of psychotherapy. The mean change in Beck Depression Inventory-II scores after
psychotherapy was 12.04 points, a clinically meaningful response. Resting-state neuroimaging data were analyzed with a seed-based
approach to investigate functional connectivity with four canonical resting-state networks: the default mode network, the dorsal attention
network, the executive control network, and the salience network. At baseline, the MDD group was characterized by relative
hyperconnectivity of multiple regions with precuneus, anterior insula, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), and left dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex seeds and by relative hypoconnectivity with intraparietal sulcus, anterior insula, and dACC seeds. Additionally,
connectivity of the precuneus with the left middle temporal gyrus and connectivity of the dACC with the parahippocampal gyrus
predicted the magnitude of pretreatment MDD symptoms. Hierarchical linear modeling revealed that response to psychotherapy in the
MDD group was predicted by pretreatment connectivity of the right insula with the right middle temporal gyrus and the left intraparietal
sulcus with the orbital frontal cortex. These results add to the nascent body of literature investigating pretreatment rs-fcMRI predictors of
antidepressant treatment response and is the first study to examine rs-fcMRI predictors of response to psychotherapy.
Neuropsychopharmacology advance online publication, 4 February 2015; doi:10.1038/npp.2015.12
Unipolar major depressive disorder (MDD) is projected to
be the second-leading contributor to the global burden of
disease across the lifespan by 2020 (Murray and Lopez,
1996) and is currently the leading cause of global burden
among all psychiatric and neurological disorders (Collins
et al, 2011). The lifetime prevalence rate of MDD is 16%,
with an estimated 32–35 million US residents expected to
develop the disorder during their lifetimes (Kessler et al,
2003). Despite the societal burden of MDD, there has been
*Correspondence: Dr GS Dichter, Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, CB 7155,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7155, USA, Tel: +1 919 445 0132,
Fax: +1 919 966 2230, E-mail:
Received 20 August 2014; revised 24 November 2014; accepted 16
December 2014; accepted article preview online 12 January 2015
relatively little progress in improving the efficacy of established antidepressant treatments (Fournier et al, 2010;
Undurraga and Baldessarini, 2012): first-line FDA-approved
pharmacotherapies demonstrate average response rates
of 54 vs 37% for placebo (Levkovitz et al, 2011),with
similar response rates to psychotherapy (Butler et al, 2006;
Robinson et al, 1990). Although a number of novel
antidepressant agents are currently under development
(Murrough and Charney, 2012), one approach to ameliorating the societal burden of MDD is to improve response rates
to currently available antidepressant treatments by developing methods to match specific patients to personalized,
empirically validated treatments (Kapur et al, 2012;
McGrath, et al, 2013; McGrath et al, 2013). To this end,
the purpose of the current study was to evaluate rs-fcMRI
differences in MDD relative to matched nondepressed
controls and to examine whether pretreatment rs-fcMRI
predicted response to psychotherapy.
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MDD is characterized by impaired cortico-limbic functioning, including dysfunction in (1) the cortical brain regions
that mediate attention, reward-based decision making, and
monitoring of emotional salience (Ressler and Mayberg,
2007; Seminowicz et al, 2004); (2) the subcortical brain
regions that process affective stimuli (Kumar et al, 2008;
Pizzagalli et al, 2009) and that modulate emotional memory
formation and retrieval (Dillon et al, 2013); and (3) the
coordinated interactions of distributed networks of limbiccortical pathways during processing of cognitive and affective information (Drevets et al, 2008; Northoff et al, 2011).
Neuroimaging treatment outcome research has shown that
MDD remission is associated with decreased activity in
orbitofrontal and medial prefrontal cortex (Goldapple et al,
2004; Kennedy et al, 2007), increased activity in hippocampus and dorsal cingulate cortex (Goldapple et al, 2004), and
increased subcortical circuits involved in responses to
rewards (Dichter et al, 2009; Stoy et al, 2012) and emotion
regulation (Ressler and Mayberg, 2007).
Recent efforts to understand the pathophysiology of
MDD have shifted toward a focus on network properties of
resting-state brain activity in MDD. As summarized by
Mayberg (2007), ‘depression is unlikely a disease of a single
gene, brain region, or neurotransmitter system. Rather, the
syndrome is conceptualized as a systems disorder with a
depressive episode viewed as the net effect of failed network
regulation’ (p. 729). This conceptualization of MDD as a
network-level disorder suggests the importance of considering
the functional connectivity among subcortical and cortical
regions implicated in MDD. More broadly, there has been
increased emphasis recently on conceptualizing MDD as a
disorder of functional brain connectivity (Wang et al, 2012).
The brain is organized into multiple canonical functional
networks, including the default mode network (DMN), the
dorsal attention network (DAN), the executive control
network (ECN), and the salience network (SN) (Damoiseaux
et al, 2006; Fox and Raichle, 2007; Raichle, 2011). The DMN
is active and synchronized when the brain is ‘at rest’ (ie, not
engaged with an external task) and is comprised of the
posterior cingulate cortex and adjacent precuneus, the medial
prefrontal cortex, medial, lateral, and inferior parietal
cortex, and medial and inferior temporal cortex (Buckner
et al, 2008; Raichle and Snyder, 2007). The DMN supports
internal mental activity, (Greicius et al, 2003; Mason et al,
2007) and deactivation of the DMN is associated with goaldirected behaviors (Harrison et al, 2011). Failure to deactivate the DMN is associated with a number of psychiatric
disorders, including MDD (Pomarol-Clotet et al, 2008). In
contrast to the DMN, the DAN shows increased synchronization during goal-directed processes (Corbetta et al,
1998; Kim, 2010) and includes the intraparietal sulcus/
superior parietal lobule, frontal eye fields, and extrastriate
visual areas (Corbetta and Shulman, 2002; Fox et al, 2006).
The ECN, including the medial frontal gyrus, superior frontal
gyrus, and the anterior cingulate cortex, is engaged during
executive function tasks that require cognitive control and
working memory (Seeley et al, 2007). The SN, comprised of
the anterior insula, the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex
(dACC), the amygdala, the substantia nigra/ventral tegmental
area, and thalamus (Seeley et al, 2007), segregates internal and
external stimuli to guide behavior (Menon and Uddin, 2010;
Uddin, 2014) (Some studies have considered the amygdala to
be part of the DMN (eg, Sheline et al, 2010). We here consider
the amygdala to be part of the SN based on the work of Seely
et al (2007) who demonstrated an independent network
distinct from the ECN and the DMN that is comprised of the
anterior insula, dACC, amygdala, substantia nigra/ventral
tegmental area, and thalamus, as well as studies showing
anatomical connectivity between the anterior insula and the
amygdala (Menon and Uddin, 2010).
A few studies have investigated rs-fcMRI in MDD (for a
review, see Wang et al, 2012). Sheline et al (2010) reported
hyperconnectivity with bilateral dorsal medial prefrontal
cortex across the ECN, the DMN, and the DAN and proposed that these patterns of hyperconnectivity may explain
impaired concentration (ECN), increased rumination, selffocus, and vigilance (DMN), and emotional, visceral, and
autonomic dysregulation (DAN) in MDD. These findings
converge with other reports of aberrant affective network
activation at rest and during emotional tasks in MDD
(Johansen-Berg et al, 2008; Mayberg et al, 1999; Smoski
et al, 2009), DMN hyperactivation during emotional tasks
(Sheline et al, 2009), DMN hyperconnectivity at rest in
MDD (Lemogne et al, 2009), and increased task-related
connectivity (Schlosser et al, 2008; Vasic et al, 2009) and
decreased task-related activation (Davidson et al, 2002;
Panksepp, 2010) in the ECN in MDD.
To progress the field from cross-sectional studies examining MDD pathophysiology to prospective studies that evaluate potential neuroimaging predictors of response to
antidepressant treatment, research is needed that examines
baseline neuroimaging measures as putative treatmentspecific biomarkers that predict patient-specific outcomes
(Dichter et al, 2012). Indeed, it has been suggested that
psychiatric research addressing resting-state network dynamics will be of maximal translational utility if it identifies
risk or resilience factors, predicts treatment response or
clinical outcomes, or aids in therapeutic targeting (Dietsche
et al, 2014; Zhang et al, 2013). Pretreatment rs-fcMRI
predictors of antidepressant treatment response appear to
be highly contingent on treatment modality, and thus it is
noteworthy that no study to date has addressed pretreatment rs-fcMRI predictors of psychotherapy response
(Dichter et al, 2015). This omission is notable given that
psychotherapy is an empirically validated first-line treatment for MDD (DeRubeis et al, 2008) with comparable
efficacy to pharmacological treatment in all but perhaps the
most severe cases of MDD (Elkin et al, 1995) and may offer
better protection against relapse than pharmacological
treatments (Hollon, 2011).
The purpose of the current study was to evaluate rs-fcMRI
differences in MDD relative to matched nondepressed
controls and to examine whether pretreatment rs-fcMRI
predicted response to Behavioral Activation Treatment for
Depression (BATD), a structured and validated psychotherapy designed to increase engagement with functional,
potentially rewarding behaviors and reduce avoidance
behaviors (Hopko et al, 2003). Behavioral activation treatments for MDD are theorized to work by facilitating engagement with potential positive reinforcers and to inhibit the
behavioral withdrawal often characteristic of depression
(Hopko et al, 2003; Jacobson et al, 2001). We thus focused
on the DMN, the DAN, the ECN, and the SN because of
linkages between these canonical resting-state networks,
Connectivity and psychotherapy
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cognitive and affective processes that are central to the
pathophysiology of MDD (Seeley et al, 2007; Sheline et al,
2010; Zhu et al, 2012). We hypothesized cognitive mechanisms of action of BATD. Given the focus of BATD on
decreasing avoidance behaviors and increasing behavioral
engagement with clinically relevant goals, our strongest
hypotheses concerned relations between connectivity in the
SN, which has been shown to be over-reactive to negative
stimuli in MDD (Hamilton et al, 2012), response to
treatment, and anhedonic symptoms specifically.
The study protocol was approved by the Institutional
Review Boards at the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill and Duke University Medical Centers, and all enrolled
participants provided written informed consent. Participants with MDD were recruited via the Cognitive Behavioral
Research and Treatment Program at the Duke University
Medical Center and nondepressed control participants were
recruited via listserves at UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke
University. Potential participants completed an initial brief
phone screen, and those who passed the phone screen were
clinically evaluated, including administration of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Axis I Disorders
(First et al, 2002) conducted by licensed clinical psychologists or trained clinicians to assess for Axis I disorders,
and completed the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
(HAMD; Hamilton, 1960) and Beck Depression Inventory-2
(BDI; Beck et al, 1996). If still eligible, they were invited to
participate in the MRI scan session. Participants with MDD
then began psychotherapy by trained and reliable study
clinicians. HAMD scores were used to verify inclusion
criteria, but only BDI scores are used in analyses.
After their fMRI scans, MDD outpatients received an
average of 11.71 (SD ¼ 4.08; range: 2–15) weekly sessions of
brief BATD. Up to 15 sessions of BATD were offered in this
intent-to-treat trial. Early responders were given the option
to end therapy after eight sessions, and non-responders
received the maximum number of sessions before being
referred for additional treatment.
Participants in the control group scored p6 on the HAMD
and did not meet criteria for a current or lifetime episode of
a mood disorder. Exclusion criteria included: (1) In the
MDD group: current mood, anxiety, psychotic, or substance
abuse disorder beyond unipolar MDD or dysthymia, (2)
history of psychosis or mania; (3) active suicidal ideation,
(4) evidence of organicity, (5) magnetic resonance imaging
contraindication (eg, metal in body), (7) history of
neurological injury or disease, (8) current pregnancy, or
(9) age not between 18 and 50 years. All participants with
MDD had been free of psychoactive medication use during
the previous month and remained off of psychoactive
medications during their participation in this study.
Participants were paid for participating in the clinical
assessments and neuroimaging sessions. Twenty-four outpatients with MDD (19 females) and 20 nondepressed controls
(14 females) enrolled in the study. One MDD participant was
taking antidepressant medication and was excluded from the
analyses. Thus the final sample was 23 outpatients with MDD
(19 female) and 20 nondepressed controls (14 females).
Groups did not differ in age, estimated IQ (measured by the
North American Adult Reading Test (Blair and Spreen, 1989),
or gender distribution, ps40.35 (see Table 1 for participant
Given that sleepiness is a common symptom of MDD and
recent evidence that a substantial proportion of individuals
show a loss of wakefulness during the first 3 min of restingstate scans (Tagliazucchi and Laufs, 2014), just prior to
scans participants completed the Karolinska Sleepiness
Scale (KSS; Akerstedt and Gillberg, 1990), a common and
well-validated measures of subjective sleepiness that includes a single item with anchor points from 1 (extremely
alert) to 9 (extremely sleepy—fighting sleep). Participants
with and without MDD reported similar subjective sleepiness: MDD mean (SD) ¼ 5.5 (1.4); control mean (SD) ¼ 4.6
(1.8), t(p) ¼ 1.68 (0.10) (KSS data were not available from
two control and three MDD participants). Additionally,
participants’ eyes were monitored via a camera mounted on
the head coil to ensure that participants kept their eyes open
throughout the scan session.
Brief BATD
Participants in the MDD group met DSM-IV criteria for a
current episode of MDD and scored X15 on the HAMD.
Behavioral activation treatments have gained increasing
interest since the seminal dismantling study of cognitive
Table 1 Participant Characteristics
MDD, N ¼ 23
Mean (SD)
Sex (M/F)
Age (years)
Pretreatment BDI
Previous major depressive episodes
Duration of current episode (months)
Con, N ¼ 20
Mean (SD)
33.09 (7.45)
31.1 (8.82)
110.87 (5.34)
26.04 (7.46)
3.39 (1.80)
32.96 (80.697)
112.03 (3.83)
1.1 (1.65)
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behavioral therapy by Jacobson et al (2001) in which
behavioral activation appeared equally effective as cognitive
therapy in reducing MDD symptoms. At follow-up,
behavioral activation was also as effective as cognitive
therapy in preventing relapse (Gortner et al, 1998), and a
subsequent large-scale randomized trial found that behavioral activation was equivalent to paroxetine in reducing
symptoms in moderately to severely depressed individuals
(Dimidjian et al, 2006). Recently, Lejuez et al (2001)
developed a brief BATD. Although sharing many common
elements with previous approaches, BATD is unique in that
it is shorter than traditional treatments (only 8–15 sessions)
and does not require as extensive skills on the part of the
therapist or the patient (Hopko et al, 2003). Treatment
proceeds through a series of structured units that (a)
provide psychoeducation about MDD and a rationale for the
treatment approach; (b) assess and monitor baseline
activity levels; (c) develop personally valued goals and a
hierarchical plan for goal attainment; and (d) monitor,
support, and reward achieving behavioral goals. Preliminary studies have demonstrated that BATD effectively
reduces MDD symptoms and is well tolerated in both
outpatient (Hopko et al, 2005; Lejuez et al, 2001) and
inpatient (Hopko et al, 2003) settings.
Treatment Outcomes
Treatment outcomes in the MDD group were evaluated by
examining changes in BDI scores that were collected at the
scan session, every 2 weeks during treatment, and at the last
psychotherapy session. BDI scores of 0–13 indicates
minimal MDD, 14–19 indicates mild MDD, 20–28 indicates
moderate MDD, and 29–63 indicates severe MDD (Beck
et al, 1996). The BDI provides an overall measure of MDD
severity and includes items that tap multiple MDD symptom
dimensions. Because specific psychological processes are
mediated by specific resting-state networks (Raichle, 2011),
we examined anhedonia, cognitive, and somatic subscale
scores of the BDI in addition to total BDI scores to address
whether specific resting-state networks might be predictive
of changes in specific MDD constructs. The BDI anhedonia
subscale includes items 4, 12, 15, and 21 (Joiner et al, 2003);
the cognitive BDI subscale includes items 2, 3, 5–9, and 14
(Siegert et al, 2009); and the somatic BDI subscale includes
items 1, 4, 10, 11–13, and 15–21 (Siegert et al, 2009).
Supplementary analyses evaluated relations between pretreatment rs-fcMRI and psychotherapy motivation, measured by the Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS; Guay et al,
2000), which was also administered every 2 weeks during
Imaging Methods
Functional images were acquired at the Duke-UNC Brain
Imaging and Analysis Center (BIAC) on a General Electric
(Waukesha, WI, USA) MR750 3.0 T scanner equipped with
50 mT/m gradients (200 T/m/s slew rate) and an eightchannel head coil for parallel imaging. High-resolution T1weighted anatomical images were acquired with 162 axial
slices using a FSPGR pulse sequence (TR ¼ 7.584 ms; TE ¼
2.936 ms; FOV ¼ 256 mm; image matrix ¼ 256 256; voxel
size ¼ 1 1 1 mm; flip angle ¼ 121) and were used for
normalization and coregistration with the functional data.
This structural image was aligned in a near axial plane
defined by the anterior and posterior commissures. Wholebrain functional images were acquired using a spiral-in
SENSE sequence (TR ¼ 1500 ms; TE ¼ 30 ms; FOV ¼ 240
mm; image matrix, 64 64; flip angle ¼ 601; voxel size,
3.75 3.75 4.0 mm; 34 axial slices) to reduce susceptibility
artifacts and recover signal in orbital frontal regions
(Pruessmann et al, 2001; Truong and Song, 2008). The
resting-state functional scan was 300 s long, and participants
were instructed to rest comfortably with their eyes open while
viewing a gray fixation cross. A semi-automated high-order
shimming program ensured global field homogeneity.
Imaging Data Preprocessing
The first four volumes of each functional imaging data set
were discarded to allow for magnetic field stabilization.
Heart rate and respiration were acquired from each participant during the scan, and retrospective correction for
physiological motion was performed using AFNI 3dretroicor (Glover et al, 2000), and signal outliers were removed
from the data using AFNI 3dDespike. Brain extraction,
motion correction, spatial smoothing, and slice-timing
correction were then performed using FSL version 5.0.1
(FMRIB Software Library, FMRIB Centre, Oxford University, UK) as previously described (Schiller et al, 2013). Data
were affine-registered to MNI152 standard space using
MCFLIRT in FSL using an intermodal registration tool
(Jenkinson et al, 2002; Smith et al, 2004). Next, white matter
and cerebrospinal fluid were regressed out using FMRIB’s
Automated Segmentation Tool (FAST) in FSL. Voxel-wise
temporal autocorrelation was estimated and corrected using
FMRIB’s Improved Linear Model (Jenkinson and Smith,
2001), and data were bandpass filtered between 0.008 and
0.1 Hz using custom python scripts. Volumes that exceeded
framewise displacement of 0.5 or DVARS (DVARS is a
measure of how much the intensity of a brain image
changes in comparison to the previous timepoint (Power
et al, 2012)) of 0.5% (mean global intensity of a single
volume over brain mask intensity) were removed prior to
connectivity analyses (Power et al, 2012). We did not
regress global signal intensity (Saad et al, 2012).
Functional Connectivity Analysis
Functional connectivity was analyzed via a whole-brain
seed-based approach. Standard seed regions were used to
analyze each canonical resting-state network (Schmidt et al,
2013; Woodward et al, 2011). These seeds were the anterior
insula (Elton and Gao, 2013) and dACC (Seeley et al, 2007)
for the SN; the posterior intraparietal sulcus/superior
parietal lobule (Schmidt et al, 2013; Vincent et al, 2008)
for the DAN; the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Elton and
Gao, 2013; Seeley et al, 2007; Sheline et al, 2010) for the ECN;
and the precuneus and medial prefrontal cortex for the DMN
(Sheline et al, 2010). Seed regions were 5-mm spheres with
centers as described in Raichle (2011) (see Table 2).
Mean fMRI timeseries were extracted from seed ROIs
using FSL fslmeants and analyzed as regressors to identify
voxels correlated with seed timeseries for each participant
in FSL FEAT as a first-level explanatory variable using a
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Table 2 Centers of 5 mm Sphere of Seed Regions (From Raichle,
Seed regions
MNI coordinates
Default mode
Dorsal attention
2.58 (2.02)
BDI somatic subscale
15.06 (4.98)
9.36 (6.20)
BDI cognitive subscale
10.21 (3.89)
5.26 (3.89)
BDI total score
BDI anhedonia subscale
Left intraparietal sulcus
Right anterior insula
Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex
Executive control Left dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex
Right dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex
general linear model approach with FILM prewhitening
(Jenkinson et al, 2012). The resulting parameter estimate
maps for each participant were entered into group-level
analyses calculated by a mixed effects analysis using
Bayesian estimation techniques (FILM, Woolrich et al,
2001) to compare MDD and control groups with respect to
seed-based connectivity using FMRIB Local Analysis of
Mixed Effects (FLAME 1 þ 2, Beckmann et al, 2003) using
Z-statistic images cluster thresholded at Z42.3 with a
corrected cluster significance threshold of po0.05. This
method of cluster correction, implemented via the cluster
thresholding option within FSL FEAT, compares each
cluster’s estimated significance level (from Gaussian random field theory) with the cluster probability threshold to
eliminate clusters below this threshold. Average Z-scores
from clusters with significantly different connectivity
between groups were extracted for each participant to
examine relations with antidepressant treatment outcomes
in the MDD group. Cluster localizations were based on
Harvard–Oxford cortical and subcortical structural probabilistic atlases in FSLView v3.1.8.
Treatment Response
Table 3 illustrates that BDI total and subscale scores showed
a significant decline from pretreatment to posttreatment.
The average decline in BDI total scores was 12.04
(po0.001), a clinically meaningful response (Jacobson and
Truax, 1991). Supplementary Materials SI presents correlations between BDI total and subscale scores at pretreatment
and posttreatment.
Head Motion
There were no significant differences between groups with
respect to mean relative or absolute displacement across
three dimensions, p’s40.05 (control mean (SD) absolute displacement ¼ 0.255 (0.241); MDD mean (SD) absolute displacement ¼ 0.189 (0.146)), calculated with FSL
4.97 (2.05)
Left anterior insula
Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range
Medial prefrontal cortex
Right intraparietal sulcus
Table 3 Change in BDI Total and Subscale Scores After
Treatment in the MDD Group
26.04 (7.46) 18–44 14.00 (8.40)
Pretreatment BDI scores were obtained at the scan session; posttreatment BDI
scores were obtained at the last therapy session. Posttreatment BDI subscale
scores were not available from one MDD participant.
Group Differences in Functional Connectivity
Table 4 and Figure 1 illustrate clusters with group differences in seed-based functional connectivity. The MDD
group was characterized by relatively increased connectivity
between: (1) right anterior insula and left visual cortex; (2)
left anterior insula and left superior parietal lobule; (3)
dACC and left visual cortex; (4) precuneus and left middle
temporal gyrus; and (5) left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
and right motor cortex. The MDD group was characterized
by relatively decreased connectivity between: (1) right anterior
insula and clusters within left and right middle temporal lobes;
(2) left anterior insula seed and the left middle temporal lobe;
(3) dACC and left parahippocampal gyrus; and (4) left
intraparietal sulcus and left orbitofrontal cortex.
Figure 2 illustrates the high degree of overlap in the left
middle temporal gyrus between clusters showing differential connectivity in the MDD group (ie, greater connectivity
with the precuneus seed and decreased connectivity with
right and left anterior insula seeds).
Supplementary Materials SII presents within-group connectivity maps for each seed regions to illustrate the extent
to which group differences in connectivity are related to
connectivity maps within the control and MDD samples.
Supplementary Materials SIII presents between-group
results with the exclusion of the four participants who
completed fewer than eight therapy sessions and illustrates
highly similar patterns of findings.
Relations between Pretreatment Functional
Connectivity and Symptom Severity
Correlation analyses between pretreatment BDI scores and
connectivity magnitude in regions that yielded different
connectivity between groups (ie, the nine pairs of regions
listed in Table 4) indicated significant relations between
MDD severity, as measured by total BDI scores, and
connectivity between the precuneus and left middle
temporal gyrus connectivity (inverse relation) and connectivity between the dACC and the parahippocampal gyrus
(direct relation), as illustrated in Figure 3. Correlations with
BDI subscale scores were not significant.
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Table 4 Between Group Differences in Connectivity (Cluster-Corrected po0.05)
Seed (network)
Region (BA)
MNI coordinates
Peak z-score
Right anterior insula (salience network)
Left visual cortex (BA17)
Left anterior insula (salience network)
Left superior parietal lobule (BA7)
Dorsal ACC (salience network)
Left visual cortex (BA17)
Precuneus (default mode network)
Left middle temporal lobe (BA21)
Left dorsolateral PFC (executive control network)
Right motor cortex (BA4)
Right anterior insula (salience network)
Left middle temporal lobe (BA21)
Right anterior insula (salience network)
Right middle temporal lobe (BA22)
Left anterior insula (salience network)
Left middle temporal lobe (BA22)
Dorsal ACC (salience network)
Left parahippocampal gyrus
Left IPS (dorsal attention network)
Left orbitofrontal cortex (BA47)
Abbreviation: BA, Brodmann area.
Figure 1 Group differences in resting-state connectivity in (a) the dorsal attention network (DAN); (b) the default mode network (DMN); (c) the
executive control network (ECN); and (d) the salience network (SN). All results are cluster-corrected, po0.05.
Prediction of Treatment Response from Pretreatment
Functional Connectivity
We used hierarchical linear models (HLM), implemented
via SAS ‘proc mixed’ (SAS version 9.3, Cary, NC) to evaluate
the predictive effects of pretreatment functional connectivity on response to psychotherapy, as measured by BDI
scores (Supplementary Materials SIV present results of
correlational analyses testing for relations between baseline
rs-fcMRI values and change in BDI scores, calculated as
simple differences between pretreatment and posttreatment
BDI scores). HLM models analyzed the capacity of baseline
rs-fcMRI data to predict change in symptoms using nine
BDI timepoints over 15 weeks. HLM controls for the nonindependence that arises through repeated measures by the
inclusion of random effects, and we included random effects
for BDI intercept and time. In traditional regression
analyses, participants are removed listwise when any of
Connectivity and psychotherapy
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their timepoints are missing. In HLM, repeated measures
are handled by treating each timepoint for each participant
as a separate observation. For this reason, participants with
at least one observation (ie, all MDD participants) are
included in these analyses.
We used models that tested whether linear change in BDI
scores over time was moderated by baseline connectivity
included as a time-invariant variable. To address the potential for nonlinear change of time, for all models presented
below, we tested models that also included quadratic and
cubic effects for time, which were all nonsignificant,
indicating that change was indeed linear (all Fo0.57, all
p40.45). Models included main effects for time and connectivity plus their interaction terms. Data were centered
such that the main effect for connectivity was estimated at
time ¼ 0 (ie, pretreatment), and the main effects for time
were estimated at the mean of connectivity values. We
examined models separately that assessed the predictive
capacity of the nine region pairs that differentiated the
MDD and control groups at baseline listed in Table 4 to
predict BDI total and BDI anhedonia, cognitive, and
Figure 2 Overlap in the left middle temporal gyrus clusters that
demonstrated differential connectivity with the right insula (in green), the
left insula (in red), and the precuneus (in blue).
somatic subscale scores. Figure 4 illustrates biweekly BDI
scores from individual MDD participants and average
biweekly BDI scores from all MDD participants. As described earlier, given the focus of BATD on decreasing
avoidance behaviors and increasing behavioral engagement
with clinically relevant goals, our strongest hypotheses
focused on relations between connectivity, response to
treatment, and anhedonic symptoms, as well as the severity
of MDD symptoms overall. Thus a priori hypotheses
focused on BDI total scores and BDI anhedonia subscale
scores, and analyses of other BDI subscales should be
considered exploratory. Four models yielded significant or
marginally significant connectivity time interaction effects, as described here:
Prediction of change in BDI anhedonia subscale scores
from right insula connectivity with right middle temporal
gyrus. Tests of random effects indicated a significant
effect for the intercept (z ¼ 2.82 po0.003) and a significant
effect for time (z ¼ 1.79, po0.04). The fixed effects indicated
a significant negative effect for time (t ¼ 5.17, po0.0001),
indicating that BDI anhedonia subscale scores decreased
with time for all participants, as well as for connectivity
(t ¼ 2.01, po0.05), indicating that connectivity was associated with BDI anhedonia subscale scores. The critical
connectivity time interaction was significant (t ¼ 2.19,
po0.04), indicating that varying levels of connectivity were
associated with differential change in anhedonia subscale
BDI scores over time, and more specifically that the amount
of change in BDI anhedonia subscale scores was greatest for
those with greater connectivity and least for those with
lower connectivity. This effect is illustrated in the top left of
Figure 5.
Prediction of change in BDI somatic subscale scores from
left intraparietal sulcus connectivity with orbital frontal
cortex. Tests of random effects indicated significant
effects for the intercept (z ¼ 2.91, po0.002) and for time
(z ¼ 1.93, po0.03). The fixed effects indicated a significant
negative effect for time (t ¼ 6.80, po0.0001), indicating
that BDI somatic subscale scores decreased with time for all
Figure 3 Left: Relations between pretreatment precuneus—left middle temporal gyrus connectivity and pretreatment BDI scores. At pretreatment, the
MDD group was characterized by greater precuneus—left middle temporal gyrus connectivity relative to controls. Right: Relations between pretreatment
dACC–parahippocampal connectivity and pretreatment BDI scores. At pretreatment, the MDD group was characterized by decreased dACC–
parahippocampal connectivity relative to controls.
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Figure 4 Biweekly BDI scores from individual MDD participants (thin lines) and average biweekly BDI scores from all MDD participants (thick line).
Baseline assessments occurred before the start of treatment. Fourteen data points were not available.
Figure 5 Graphical illustration of the significant interaction between baseline connectivity and time predicting change in BDI scores from the HLM models.
The lines represent the range of variability on connectivity: ‘low’ represents the expectation for change in an individual who is a SD below the mean, ‘mean’
for someone at the average, and ‘high’ for someone a SD above. Note that the lines are model-based estimates and do not represent averages but rather
ranges of brain connectivity variability.
Connectivity and psychotherapy
A Crowther et al
participants, but no effect for connectivity (t ¼ 0.51,
p40.60), indicating that connectivity was not associated
with BDI somatic subscale scores. The critical connectivity time interaction was marginally significant
(t ¼ 1.88, p ¼ 0.06), indicating that varying levels of
connectivity were associated with differential change in
BDI somatic subscale scores over time, and more specifically that the amount of change in BDI somatic subscale
scores was greatest for those with greater connectivity and
least for those with lower connectivity. This effect is
illustrated in the top right of Figure 5.
Prediction of change in BDI cognitive subscale scores from
right insula connectivity with right middle temporal
gyrus. Tests of random effects indicated a significant
effect for the intercept (z ¼ 2.98, po0.002) and a marginally
significant effect for time (z ¼ 1.53, po0.07). The fixed
effects indicated a significant negative effect for time
(t ¼ 7.15, po0.0001), indicating that BDI cognitive
subscale scores decreased with time for all participants, as
well as for connectivity (t ¼ 2.09, po0.04), indicating that
connectivity was associated with BDI cognitive subscale
scores. The critical connectivity time interaction was
significant (t ¼ 2.55, po0. 02), indicating that varying levels
of connectivity were associated with differential change in
BDI cognitive subscale scores over time, and more specifically that the amount of change in BDI cognitive subscale
scores was greatest for those with greater connectivity and
least for those with lower connectivity. This effect is
illustrated in the bottom left of Figure 5.
Prediction of change in total BDI scores from right insula
connectivity with right middle temporal gyrus. Tests of
random effects indicated significant effects for the intercept
(z ¼ 2.89, po0.002) and for time (z ¼ 1.86, po0.04). The
fixed effects indicated a significant negative effect for
time (t ¼ 6.99, po0.0001), indicating that BDI scores
decreased with time for all participants, and a marginal
positive effect for connectivity (t ¼ 1.81, p ¼ 0.075), indicating that connectivity was marginally positively associated
with BDI scores. The critical connectivity time interaction
was marginally significant (t ¼ 1.80, p ¼ 0.074), indicating
that varying levels of connectivity were associated with
differential change in BDI scores over time, and more
specifically that the amount of change in BDI scores was
greatest for those with greater connectivity and least for
those with lower connectivity. This effect is illustrated in the
bottom right of Figure 5.
Prediction of Change in SIMS Scores from Pretreatment
Supplementary Materials SV presents HLM models that
predict changes in SIMS scores (Guay et al, 2000) during the
course of psychotherapy from rs-fcMRI.
This purpose of this study was to examine differences in
resting-state functional connectivity between outpatients
with MDD and matched control participants and to
investigate whether pretreatment rs-fcMRI connectivity
predicted response to behavioral activation psychotherapy.
Specifically, we examined whether groups differed in connectivity with seeds previously identified as network hubs
in four canonical resting-state networks relevant to the
pathophysiology of MDD: the SN, the DAN, the ECN, and
the DMN. We examined response to BATD, a validated
psychotherapy designed to increase engagement with
functional, potentially rewarding behaviors and to reduce
avoidance behaviors (Hopko et al, 2003). This psychotherapy modality has been shown to be equally effective as
cognitive psychotherapy (Jacobson et al, 1996) and
paroxetine treatment (Dimidjian et al, 2006) in reducing
MDD symptoms and as effective as cognitive therapy in
preventing MDD relapse (Gortner et al, 1998).
The clinical effectiveness of BATD in the current study
was consistent with prior trials (Dichter et al, 2009; Hopko
et al, 2003): average BDI scores declined 12.25 points, a
clinically meaningful response (Jacobson and Truax, 1991).
Nevertheless, there was substantial variability in response
(ie, the range of change in BDI scores for individual patients
was between 6 and þ 25 points), highlighting the need to
develop methods to match specific patients to empirically
validated treatments in order to maximize treatment
success (Kapur et al, 2012).
We found that connectivity between nine region pairs
differentiated the MDD and control groups. Consistent with
a priori hypotheses, a number of findings converged on the
SN, a brain network that directs attention to salient stimuli
in the external environment (Menon and Uddin, 2010).
First, we found evidence of decreased connectivity in the
MDD group between the dACC (a SN hub) with the left
parahippocampal gyrus. The dACC is part of a distributed
attentional network that maintains strong reciprocal interconnections with lateral prefrontal, parietal, and motor
areas and is implicated in the modulation of attention by
influencing sensory and response selection, conflict monitoring, and error detection (eg, Bush et al, 1999; Carter
et al, 1999). More recent formulations of the functions of
the dACC stress the evaluative, rather than regulatory, role
of this region (see, eg, Botvinick, 2007 for a review),
highlighting that the dACC detects internal states indicating
a need to strengthen top–down control (Badre and Wagner,
2004). Additionally, the dACC serves to integrate the emotional or motivational relevance of stimuli with attentional
functions, due to its connections between the limbic system
and sensory processing areas (Mayberg, 1997; Mesulam,
1981). Notably, dACC–parahippocampal connectivity was
associated with pretreatment BDI scores within the MDD
group. Decreased connectivity in the MDD group between
the dACC and the parahippocampal gyrus, a component of
the limbic system that is differentially active in MDD in the
context of memory tasks (Dietsche et al, 2014), emotional
processing (Lai, 2014), and reward tasks (Zhang et al, 2013)
suggests aberrant dACC regulatory connectivity with this
affective processing region in the MDD group that is
predictive of symptom severity, suggesting a mechanistic
account of negative interpretation biases that characterize
MDD (Lawson and MacLeod, 1999).
Also implicating the SN, the left and right anterior insula
seeds showed differential connectivity with clusters in visual
cortex, the superior parietal lobule and the middle temporal
Connectivity and psychotherapy
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gyrus. The anterior insula is sensitive to salient external
stimuli and critical for externally oriented attention and
internally oriented or self-related cognitions, and the SN
more broadly functions to identify relevant stimuli to guide
goal-oriented behaviors (Menon and Uddin, 2010).
Additionally, the anterior insula has been implicated in
high-level social cognition (Baumgartner et al, 2009),
empathy (Singer, 2006), and compassion for social or
psychological pain (Immordino-Yang et al, 2009), as well as
categorization of negative information and the experience
of emotion more generally (Beatty et al, 2014). Differential
anterior insular connectivity dovetails with models of MDD
that emphasize altered motivational context to personally
relevant stimuli and difficulty engaging in cognitively
demanding tasks while ignoring irrelevant, negatively
valenced stimuli (Yuen et al, 2014), and the current results
suggest that greater anterior insula connectivity facilitated
response to BA, despite higher initial anhedonia scores.
It is noteworthy that the MDD group was characterized by
differential connectivity of the right anterior insula with
visual cortex and left anterior insula with left superior
parietal lobule. The visual cortex and the superior parietal
lobule are critical components of the visual information
processing system, with the superior parietal lobule in
particular involved in spatial orientation. Visual recognition
circuits have been implicated in studies of relations between
rs-fcMRI and response to antidepressant treatments (Guo
et al, 2013b; Guo et al, 2012; Wang et al, 2014), though the
precise functional role of connectivity between the anterior
insula and visual processing regions in antidepressant
treatment response remains to be elucidated.
The primary focus of the present study was to investigate
pretreatment rs-fcMRI predictors of response to BATD. We
evaluated this with hierarchical linear regression that
modeled BDI scores at nine time points during the course
of treatment and that allowed for the inclusion of participants with missing data. In contrast to an approach that
examines response to treatment calculated as a simple
pretreatment minus posttreatment scores, this approach
models scores during the entire course of treatment, mitigating the effect of outlier BDI scores and captures a more
detailed picture of the course of treatment response. Four
pretreatment connectivity pairs were found to predict
treatment response, and three of these involved the anterior
insula. Specifically, (1) change in BDI anhedonia subscale
scores were predicted by pretreatment right insula–right
middle temporal gyrus connectivity; (2) change in BDI cognitive subscale scores were predicted by pretreatment right
insula–middle temporal gyrus connectivity; and (3) change
in BDI total scores were marginally predicted by pretreatment right insula–middle temporal gyrus connectivity.
One additional BATD-response predictor was identified:
change in BDI somatic subscale scores were predicted by
pretreatment left intraparietal sulcus–orbital frontal cortex
connectivity. The DAN network shows increased synchronization during goal-directed processes (Corbetta et al,
1998; Kim, 2010), and MDD is characterized by poor performance in cognitive control tasks (Veiel, 1997; Zakzanis et al,
1998) as well as dysfunction in dorsolateral and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex
during cognitive control tasks (Brody et al, 2001; Rogers
et al, 2004). MDD is also characterized by altered orbital
frontal cortex activation in the context of processing
rewards (Dichter et al, 2012; Smoski et al, 2009), anticipating rewards (Dichter et al, 2012), and while processing sad
distracting information (Elliott et al, 2002). Thus our
finding of decreased connectivity between a DAN network
hub and orbitofrontal gyrus may reflect the well-replicated
finding of decreased cognitive control over emotion processing in MDD (Dichter et al, 2009) and prevailing neural
models of MDD that highlight decreased modulatory
control of prefrontal cortical brain regions over limbic
brain regions, particularly in the context of emotion
processing and emotion regulation (Johnstone et al, 2007;
Joormann and Gotlib, 2010; Ray et al, 2005). Additionally,
recent studies investigating response to antidepressant
medications in MDD highlight that treatment response is
associated with increased connectivity between prefrontal
cortical and limbic brain regions, possibly implicating
greater inhibitory control over neural circuits that process
emotions in positive treatment response (Alexopoulos et al,
2012; Lai and Wu, 2012; Lui et al, 2011; Wu et al, 2011; Yang
et al, 2014). The somatic subscale as defined by Siegert et al
(2009) encompasses mood (sadness), vegetative (eg, sleep,
fatigue), attention/concentration, and motivation-related
(interest, energy) symptoms and thus may be especially
sensitive to disruptions in circuits that underlie both
attention and goal-directed behaviors.
It was striking that of the nine region pairs that differentiated groups, four involved connectivity with the middle
temporal gyrus (ie, differential connectivity with the
precuneus (DMN), anterior insula (SN), and dACC (SN)).
Differential precuneus connectivity in MDD is consistent
with previous reports of DMN hyperconnectivity in MDD
(Broyd et al, 2009; Sheline et al, 2010). Given that the DMN
is most active when the brain is at rest (ie, not engaged in
goal-directed tasks), and involved in introspective thought
and attention orienting, it has been theorized that differential DMN connectivity may be responsible for the
negative rumination states that characterize MDD (Broyd
et al, 2009). It is also noteworthy that precuneus–left middle
temporal gyrus connectivity inversely predicted the severity
of pretreatment symptoms in the MDD sample, suggesting a
mechanistic linkage between DMN connectivity and MDD
The MDD group was also characterized by aberrant
middle temporal gyrus connectivity with a number of seeds.
The temporal lobes have a critical role in the subjective
experience of emotion (Beatty et al, 2014), and the posterior
and superior portions of the temporal sulcus are critically
involved in imitation, social cognition (Grossman and
Blake, 2002; Iacoboni, 2005), and mentalizing (Sommer
et al, 2014). These findings may suggest differential awareness
(DMN), salience (SN), and cognitive control (ECN) of
mental states in MDD that may contribute to rumination or
impaired planful action based on awareness of one’s own
mental states. Although the current study did not include
measures of these constructs, this interpretation is consistent with prevailing cognitive theories of MDD (eg,
Watters and Williams, 2011). Specific to the prediction of
treatment response, connectivity between anterior insula
and middle temporal gyrus may subserve attention to
internal affective states and social comparisons that
interacted with cognitive symptoms of MDD (eg, guilt,
Connectivity and psychotherapy
A Crowther et al
worthlessness). In addition, this circuit may also impact the
perceived salience of goals and awareness of one’s progress
toward those goals, interacting with anhedonic symptoms of
Also of note is that all of the connectivity pairs that
predicted better treatment response were consistent with
patterns of connectivity closer to that observed in controls.
In each case, the region pairs that demonstrated hypoconnectivity relative to the control group and relative hyperconnectivity within the MDD group predicted better
treatment response. Contrary to what one might expect,
this relatively normalized connectivity was also associated
with greater symptom severity in anhedonic and cognitive
symptoms of MDD at baseline. This suggests that hypoconnectivity between anterior insula and middle temporal
gyrus may serve a compensatory function, and individuals
with MDD who do not demonstrate compensatory pretreatment hypoconnectivity may be more amenable to other
forms of remediation. Clinically, it is promising to note that
greater severity of anhedonic and cognitive symptoms were
also associated with greater response, suggesting that treatments such as BATD may be especially useful in targeting
individuals with these symptom clusters, although the fact
that these patients also had higher BDI total scores suggests
the possibility that more severely depressed patients benefited the most from BATD.
The current study has a number of limitations to be
addressed in future research. First, a comparison treatment
condition (eg, another psychotherapy modality, psychopharmacologic treatment, or magnetic stimulation treatment) was not included, and thus it is not possible to
attribute findings specifically to BATD psychotherapy
relative to alternative treatments. Indeed, pretreatment
rs-fcMRI predictors of antidepressant treatment response
appear to be highly contingent on treatment modality
(Dichter et al, 2015). Additionally, there were no group
differences in connectivity with the DLPFC, a hub of the
ECN. The ECN is active during executive function tasks,
such as maintaining attention to salient stimuli (Seeley et al,
2007), and recent reports highlight hyperconnectivity of
dorsal medial prefrontal cortex with multiple brain
networks in MDD (Sheline et al, 2010). Future studies with
larger samples will be needed to address the replicability of
altered ECN connectivity in MDD. Undoubtedly, robust
algorithms predicting treatment response will need to
incorporate genetic testing (Frieling and Tadic, 2013),
pharmacogenetics (de Leon, 2009), and neuroendocrine
function (Holsboer, 2000). It is also well documented that a
number of patient factors predict response to antidepressant treatment across treatment modalities, including disease
severity, longer duration and frequency of the episodes,
comorbid anxiety disorders, and an older age of onset
(Kemp et al, 2008). Moreover, longitudinal clinical followup data would be critical to assess relapse after BATD
termination as well as rs-fcMRI predictors of relapse, and
posttreatment resting-state scans would be needed to
address potential mechanisms of antidepressant action on
canonical resting-state brain networks. Finally, although
a priori hypotheses focused on BDI total and anhedonia
subscale scores, findings from other BDI subscales were
exploratory in nature and thus should be interpreted with
caution until replicated.
In summary, the present study found that MDD is characterized by rs-fcMRI differences in connectivity with a
number of canonical brain network hubs. Of note, a number
of findings highlight altered connectivity with middle temporal gyrus, a brain area that is involved in imitation, social
cognition, and mentalizing, implicating brain regions that
code for awareness, salience, and cognitive control of
mental states in the pathophysiology of MDD. Additionally,
pretreatment connectivity of the anterior insula and
intraparietal sulcus predicted response to psychotherapy,
a pattern of results consistent with other reports of pretreatment anterior insula metabolism (McGrath et al, 2013)
and connectivity (Downar et al, 2013) as predictors of
response to psychotherapy and parietal lobe connectivity
predicting response to antidepressant medication treatment
(Guo et al, 2013a; Wu et al, 2011). More generally, the
present study adds to the nascent but growing body of
evidence linking pretreatment neuroimaging endophenotypes to antidepressant treatment outcomes (McGrath et al,
2013; McGrath et al, 2013). This line of research has
the ultimate goal of improved response rates to currently
available antidepressants through matching patients to
specific, empirically validated treatment options (Kapur
et al, 2012).
The project was funded by R21 MH094781 and R21
MH094781 S1 to GSD and MJS, by NIMH K23 MH087754
to MJS, and by NIMH K23 MH081285 to GSD. CES was
supported by the UNC Building Interdisciplinary Careers in
Women’s Health (BIRCWH) Career Development Program
(K12 HD001441) and by R21 MH101409. AC was supported
by the UNC Neuroscience Center predoctoral training grant,
T32NS007431. The content is solely the responsibility of the
authors and does not necessarily represent the official views
of the National Institutes of Health. The authors declare no
conflict of interest.
The authors thank MRI technologists Susan Music, Natalie
Goutkin, and Luke Poole for assistance with data acquisition, and BIAC Director Dr Allen Song for assistance with
various aspects of this project.
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