The Late Pleistocene Extinction in North America: An Investigation of
The Late Pleistocene Extinction in North America: An Investigation of
UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY The Late Pleistocene Extinction in North America: An Investigation of Horse and Bison Fossil Material and Its Implication for Nutritional Extinction Models by Christian Raúl Barrón-Ortiz A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY GRADUATE PROGRAM IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES CALGARY, ALBERTA JANUARY, 2016 © Christian Raúl Barrón-Ortiz 2016 Abstract Approximately 50,000 – 11,000 years ago many species around the world became extinct or were extirpated at a continental scale. The causes of the late Pleistocene extinctions have been extensively debated and are poorly understood. This dissertation focuses on testing two nutritional extinction models (coevolutionary disequilibrium and mosaicnutrient models) through the study of dental wear and enamel hypoplasia of equid and bison specimens from the Western Interior of North America. In order to undertake this task it was first necessary to determine the number of equid species that inhabited this region during the late Pleistocene. Notable findings of this research include the identification of four equid taxa based on molecular and morphometric analyses of the cheek teeth. Two non-caballine species and two caballine subspecies were identified which, pending further study of North American Pleistocene Equus, are referred as: Equus cedralensis, E. conversidens (which corresponds to the New World stilt-legged group of previous molecular analyses), E. ferus scotti, and E. ferus lambei. The separation into caballine and non-caballine equids was revealed in both the Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial ancient DNA and the geometric morphometric analyses of the upper and lower premolars. Investigation of the dental wear (microwear and mesowear) of the equid and bison samples studied yielded results which are consistent with predictions established for the coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model, but not for the mosaic-nutrient model. These ungulate species show statistically different dental wear patterns, suggesting dietary resource partitioning, prior to the postglacial, but not during this time interval in accordance to predictions of the coevolutionary disequilibrium model. In addition to changes in diet, these ungulates, i specifically the equid species, show increased levels of enamel hypoplasia during the postglacial indicating higher levels of systemic stress, a result which is consistent with the models tested as well as other climate-based extinction models that have been proposed. The extent to which the increase in systemic stress was detrimental to equid populations remains to be further investigated, but it is suggestive that environmental changes might have played an important role in the extinction of equids and perhaps other Pleistocene ungulates. ii Acknowledgments This dissertation would not have been possible without the help and support of a number of people. First, I want to thank my supervisor, Jessica Theodor, for guiding me through the whole process. Her thoughtful questions and insight allowed me to develop and refine my research ideas. I thank the rest of my supervisory committee, Anthony Russell and Sean Rogers, for their expert council and direction. I also extend my gratitude to my external thesis examiners, Brian Kooyman and Ernest Lundelius, for carefully reviewing the completed version of the dissertation. The administrative staff of the Department of Biological Sciences, Karen Barron and Sophia George, were always quick to answer my questions related to the program. Over the course of my research I visited several institutions and I would like to thank the curators and collection managers who provided access to specimens in their care: Stacey Girling-Christie (CMH), Joaquín Arroyo-Cabrales and Ana Fabiola Guzmán (INAH), Desui Miao (KU), Xioming Wang, Sam McLeod, and Vanessa Rhue, (LACM), Chris Jass and Peter Milot (Department of Quaternary Palaeontology, RAM), Jack Brink and Karen Giering (Department of Archaeology, RAM), Tim Rowe and Chris Sagebiel (TMM), and Art Harris (UTEP). I am indebted to a number of people at the University of Calgary for the stimulating discussions and support they provided me over the course of my dissertation. I especially thank Brian Rankin and the rest of my lab mates: Dani Fraser, Josh Ludtke, Tasha Cammidge, and Chelsey Zurowski. Thanks also to present and past members of the J. Anderson, S. Rogers, A. Russell, and D. Zelenitsky labs. I gratefully acknowledge the expert insight and training on ancient DNA provided by Camilla Speller. Tyler Murchie iii and Ana Morales provided valuable discussions and helped maintain the ancient DNA lab. Sean Rogers kindly allowed me access to his lab for PCR amplification and sample preparation for sequencing. Mason Kulbaba and Stevi Vanderzwan provided helpful assistance at the PCR lab. Larry Powell, Jordan Mallon, and Sian Wilson offered insightful discussions on morphometrics. Jason Anderson allowed me access to his lab and the micro CT-scanner under his care. Jason Pardo and Alex Tinius provided technical assistance with the use of the CT-scanner and the software AMIRA. Summer Yalda and Tasha Cammidge helped CT-scan some of the specimens studied and Shanna Walkert assisted with processing of the reconstructed images. I also appreciate the assistance provided Benoit Thériault and Sarah Prower who facilitated access to documentation on the Bluefish Caves on file at the Archives of the Canadian Museum of History. Ariane Burke and Lauriane Bourgeon kindly allowed me to study specimens from Bluefish Caves that were temporarily on loan at the Université de Montréal. Andrew Nelson, University of Western Ontario, CT-scanned equid mandibles from the Wally’s Beach site. I extend my gratitude to Chris Jass, Royal Alberta Museum, for allowing me to occasionally take time off work to finish writing this dissertation and for many stimulating discussions. This research was supported by a scholarship from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de México (CONACYT scholarship No. 310423), a Graduate Student Research Grant from the Geological Society of America, scholarships from the University of Calgary (Eyes High Leadership Doctoral Scholarship, Eyes High International Doctoral Scholarship, Chancellor’s Challenge Graduate Scholarship, Graeme Bell and Norma Kay Sullivan-Bell Graduate Scholarship in Biology, and Dr. iv Anthony P. Russell Distinguished Faculty Achievement Graduate Scholarship in Zoology), and a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant to Jessica Theodor. I extend a special thank you to Mr. Salvatore Schillaci, my eight grade science teacher, for fostering my passion for paleontology and to my friend Jesús for the many useful discussions about my research and help in navigating the unexpected circumstances that came up along the way. Last, but definitely not least, I would like to express my gratitude to my family for their constant love and support. My parents, Raúl and Graciela, have always encouraged me to follow my dreams and over the course of this dissertation they provided me with moral and sometimes technical support (thank you Dad for your help with MATLAB). My sisters, Jaqueline and Lupita, have been cheering me on from the beginning. Finally, I specially want to thank my wife, Liz, for taking this journey with me—I love you. v Dedication For my parents and my wife, Gracias por su constante apoyo y amor And for Christina, ¡Lo lograste! vi Table of contents Abstract .…..…………………………………………………………………………………i Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................. iii Dedication . ........................................................................................................................... vi Table of contents .................................................................................................................. vii List of Tables ..........................................................................................................................x List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... xiii List of Abbreviations ......................................................................................................... xvii Chapter 1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................1 1.1 The Pleistocene epoch and the Wisconsinan glacial stage ...........................................3 1.2 Non-analog communities and Wisconsinan paleoenvironments ..................................6 1.3 The late Pleistocene megafaunal extinction in North America ....................................9 1.4 Dissertation Chapters and Objectives .........................................................................15 1.5 Literature Cited ...........................................................................................................17 Chapter 2. Determination of equid species in the late Pleistocene of the Western Interior of North America: A molecular and morphometric analysis of the cheek tooth dentition ..................................................................................................................29 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................29 2.1.1 Northeastern Mexico: San Josecito Cave and Cedral fossil sites ....................32 2.1.2 The American Southwest: New Mexico, western Texas and northern Chihuahua, Mexico ..........................................................................................34 2.1.3 Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming ..........................................................................38 2.1.4 Alberta, Canada: the Edmonton area gravel pits and Wally’s Beach site........39 2.1.5 Eastern Beringia: Bluefish Caves ....................................................................39 2.2 Materials and Methods ...............................................................................................44 2.2.1 Linear morphometrics ......................................................................................46 2.2.2 Geometric morphometrics of the occlusal enamel pattern ..............................51 2.2.3 Mitochondrial ancient DNA.............................................................................59 2.3 Results ........................................................................................................................63 2.3.1 Linear morphometrics ......................................................................................63 2.3.2 Geometric morphometrics of the enamel pattern of upper premolars .............97 2.3.3 Geometric morphometrics of the enamel pattern of lower premolars ...........106 vii 2.3.4 Mitochondrial aDNA .....................................................................................115 2.4 Discussion.................................................................................................................122 2.4.1 Interpretation and synthesis of morphometric and molecular analyses .........122 2.4.2 Taxonomic nomenclature of late Pleistocene equids from the Western Interior of North America ..............................................................................126 2.5 Conclusions ..............................................................................................................134 2.6 Literature Cited .........................................................................................................135 Chapter 3. Dental microwear and mesowear in late Pleistocene equids and bison: testing predictions of nutritional extinction models .........................................................148 3.1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................148 3.2.1 The coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model.....................................150 3.2.2 The mosaic-nutrient extinction model ...........................................................152 3.2.3 Nutritional stress ............................................................................................154 3.3 Limitations and Assumptions ...................................................................................154 3.4 Materials and Methods .............................................................................................158 3.4.1 Analysis of dental wear ..................................................................................161 3.5 Results ......................................................................................................................171 3.5.1 Microwear ......................................................................................................171 3.5.2 Mesowear .......................................................................................................179 3.6 Discussion.................................................................................................................188 3.6.1 Diets of late Pleistocene equids and bison .....................................................197 3.7 Conclusions ..............................................................................................................199 3.8 Literature Cited .........................................................................................................200 Chapter 4. Enamel hypoplasia in late Pleistocene equids and bison: insights into early systemic stress of two herbivorous mammals.......................................................216 4.1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................216 4.1.1 Tooth development and enamel hypoplasia ...................................................218 4.2 Limitations and Assumptions ...................................................................................222 4.3 Materials and Methods .............................................................................................223 4.4 Results ......................................................................................................................236 4.5 Discussion.................................................................................................................243 4.6 Conclusions ..............................................................................................................249 4.7 Literature Cited .........................................................................................................249 viii Chapter 5. Conclusions ......................................................................................................262 5.1 Literature Cited .........................................................................................................268 Appendix.…………………………………………………………………………………274i ix List of Tables Table 2.1. Eigenvalues, percentage variance, and factor loadings for the principal components resulting from PCA of the linear measurements of the upper teeth. ........ 84 Table 2.2. Eigenvalues, percentage variance, and factor loadings for the principal components resulting from PCA of the linear measurements of the lower teeth. ........ 84 Table 2.3. Results of Shapiro-Wilk test for normal distribution of principal component 1 scores for each tooth category from Cedral and San Josecito Cave, Mexico.. ............. 95 Table 2.4. Results of Shapiro-Wilk test for normal distribution of principal component 1 scores for each tooth category from the American Southwest.. ................................... 95 Table 2.5. Results of Shapiro-Wilk test for normal distribution of principal component 1 scores for each tooth category from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming.. ........................... 96 Table 2.6. Results of Shapiro-Wilk test for normal distribution of principal component 1 scores for each tooth category from the Edmonton area and Wally’s Beach, Alberta..96 Table 2.7. Results of Shapiro-Wilk test for normal distribution of principal component 1 scores for each tooth category from Bluefish Caves, Yukon........................................ 97 Table 2.8. Eigenvalues, percentage variance, and cumulative percentage variance of the first five Canonical Variates resulting from CVA of 24 landmark coordinates of the occlusal enamel pattern of the upper premolars (P3/P4). ............................................. 99 Table 2.9. Procrustes distances among groups for the upper premolars.. .......................... 104 Table 2.10. P-values from permutation tests (10,000 permutation rounds) for Procrustes distances among groups for the upper premolars.. ..................................................... 105 Table 2.11. Eigenvalues, percentage variance, and cumulative percentage variance of the first five Canonical Variates resulting from CVA of 50 semilandmark coordinates of the double knot (metaconid-metastylid-entoconid complex) of the lower premolars (p3/p4). ........................................................................................................................ 108 Table 2.12. Procrustes distances among groups for the lower premolars.. ........................ 113 Table 2.13. P-values from permutation tests (10,000 permutation rounds) for Procrustes distances among groups for the lower premolars.. ..................................................... 114 Table 2.14. Ancient DNA extraction and amplification success rate by locality.. ............ 118 Table 2.15. Summary of the results of the morphometric analyses of the cheek tooth dentition and the Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial aDNA............... 133 x Table 3.1. Summary statistics of microwear variables of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied.. ......................................................................................................... 173 Table 3.2. Results of NP-MANOVA tests (10,000 replications and using the Mahalanobis distance measure) used to evaluate the hypotheses of the coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model. ................................................................................ 174 Table 3.3. Results of bootstrap statistical analyses conducted to test the hypotheses of the mosaic-nutrient extinction model using four counted microwear variables. .............. 175 Table 3.4. Summary statistics of microwear variables of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied following the methodology of Solounias and Sembrebon (2002).. .. 176 Table 3.5. Results of discriminant function analysis (DFA) of the Solounias and Semprebon (2002) microwear dataset of extant ungulate species.. ............................ 177 Table 3.6. Classification functions derived from a discriminant function analysis of the microwear data of extant ungulate species published by Solounias and Semprebon (2002), assuming equal prior classification probabilities for all dietary groups......... 177 Table 3.7. Classification posterior probabilities of the samples studied based on a discriminant function analysis of the microwear data of extant ungulates published by Solounias and Semprebon (2002), assuming equal prior classification probabilities for all dietary groups. ............................................................................. 178 Table 3.8. Summary statistics of the mesowear variables of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied.. ............................................................................................... 181 Table 3.9. Results of Kruskall-Wallis tests used to evaluate the hypotheses of the coevolutionarty disequilibrium extinction model using the mesowear score ............. 182 Table 3.10. Results of bootstrap statistical analyses conducted to test the hypotheses of the mosaic-nutrient extinction model using the mesowear score. .............................. 183 Table 3.11. Results of discriminant function analysis (DFA) of the dataset of extant ungulates published by Fortelius and Solounias (2000), with the exclusion of the minute abraded brachydont species and species with a sample size lower than ten specimens.. .................................................................................................................. 184 Table 3.12. Classification functions derived from a discriminant function analysis of the mesowear data of extant ungulate species published by Fortelius and Solounias (2000), assuming equal prior classification probabilities for all dietary groups......... 184 Table 3.13. Classification posterior probabilities of the equid and bison samples studied based on a discriminant function analysis of the mesowear data of extant ungulate species published by Fortelius and Solounias (2000), assuming equal prior classification probabilities for all dietary groups. ....................................................... 185 xi Table 4.1. Summary statistics of enamel hypoplasia data for the equid and bison samples studied.. ....................................................................................................................... 238 Table 4.2. Results of one-tailed Z-tests of proportions used to determine whether the incidence of enamel hypoplasia significantly increased during the postglacial relative to the previous time interval(s).. ................................................................................. 240 Table 4.3. Results of one-tailed bootstrap t-tests to determine whether the number of stress events per affected specimen increased during the postglacial relative to the previous time interval(s).. ........................................................................................... 242 xii List of Figures Figure 1.1. Global chronostratigraphical correlation table for the last 2.7 million years showing the paleomagnetic record, marine isotope stages, and North American stages. .............................................................................................................................. 5 Figure 1.2. Generalized vegetation formations of North America during the Last Glacial Maximum (A) and the Holocene (B). ............................................................................. 8 Figure 1.3. Important events during the terminal Pleistocene in North America.. .............. 14 Figure 2.1. Geographic location of the fossil localities considered in this study. ............... 43 Figure 2.2. Upper (A) and lower (B) fourth premolars showing the dental structures referred to in the text, based on the dental nomenclature of Evander (2004)... ............ 45 Figure 2.3. Lower (A and B) and upper (C and D) third premolars showing the measurements that were taken with a caliper for upper and lower cheek teeth... ......... 49 Figure 2.4. Occlusal surface of a P3 (LACM 192/18109) showing the landmarks used in the analysis. ................................................................................................................... 55 Figure 2.5. Digitized double knot of a lower p4 (KU 50629) showing the 50 semilandmarks used in the analysis. ............................................................................. 57 Figure 2.6. Plot of principal components for P2 specimens.. .............................................. 66 Figure 2.7. Plot of principal components for P3/P4 specimens.. ......................................... 67 Figure 2.8. Plot of principal components for M1/M2 specimens.. ...................................... 68 Figure 2.9. Plot of principal components for M3 specimens.. ............................................. 69 Figure 2.10. Plot of principal components for p2 specimens.. ............................................ 70 Figure 2.11. Plot of principal components for p3/p4 specimens.. ....................................... 71 Figure 2.12 Plot of principal components for m1/m2 specimens.. ...................................... 72 Figure 2.13. Plot of principal components for m3 specimens.. ........................................... 73 Figure 2.14. Principal component plots showing upper teeth from Cedral and San Josecito Cave, Mexico.. .............................................................................................................. 74 Figure 2.15. Principal component plots showing lower teeth from Cedral and San Josecito Cave, Mexico. ............................................................................................................... 75 Figure 2.16. Principal component plots showing upper teeth from the American Southwest.. .................................................................................................................... 76 xiii Figure 2.17. Principal component plots showing lower teeth from the American Southwest.. .................................................................................................................... 77 Figure 2.18. Principal component plots showing upper teeth from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming....................................................................................................................... 78 Figure 2.19. Principal component plots showing lower teeth from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming....................................................................................................................... 79 Figure 2.20. Principal component plots showing upper teeth from the Edmonton area and Wally’s Beach, Alberta.. ............................................................................................... 80 Figure 2.21. Principal component plots showing lower teeth from the Edmonton area and Wally’s Beach, Alberta.. ............................................................................................... 81 Figure 2.22. Principal component plots showing upper teeth from Bluefish Caves, Yukon. ....................................................................................................................................... 82 Figure 2.23. Principal component plots showing lower teeth from Bluefish Caves, Yukon. ....................................................................................................................................... 83 Figure 2.24. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of upper teeth from Cedral and San Josecito Cave, Mexico. ........................................................................ 85 Figure 2.25. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of lower teeth from Cedral and San Josecito Cave, Mexico. ........................................................................ 86 Figure 2.26. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of upper teeth from different localities of the American Southwest. ............................................................ 87 Figure 2.27. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of lower teeth from different localities of the American Southwest. ............................................................ 88 Figure 2.28. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of upper teeth from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming. ...................................................................................... 89 Figure 2.29. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of lower teeth from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming. ...................................................................................... 90 Figure 2.30. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of upper teeth from the Edmonton area and Wally’s Beach, Alberta. ................................................................ 91 Figure 2.31. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of lower teeth from the Edmonton area and Wally’s Beach, Alberta. ................................................................ 92 Figure 2.32. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of upper teeth from Bluefish Caves, Yukon. ................................................................................................ 93 xiv Figure 2.33. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of lower teeth from Bluefish Caves, Yukon. ................................................................................................ 94 Figure 2.34. Plot of the first two Canonical Variates resulting from CVA of 24 landmark coordinates of the occlusal enamel pattern of the upper premolars (P3/P4)............... 100 Figure 2.35. Plot of the first and third Canonical Variates resulting from CVA of 24 landmark coordinates of the occlusal enamel pattern of the upper premolars (P3/P4)... ..................................................................................................................... 102 Figure 2.36. Plot of the first two Canonical Variates resulting from CVA of the semilandmarks of the double knot (metaconid-metastylid-entoconid complex) of the lower teeth.. ................................................................................................................. 109 Figure 2.37. Plot of the first and third Canonical Variates resulting from CVA of the semilandmarks of the double knot (metaconid-metastylid-entoconid complex) of the lower teeth.. ................................................................................................................. 111 Figure 2.38. Consensus tree of Bayesian (Markov chain Monte Carlo) phylogenetic analysis displaying relationships between mitochondrial control region (HVR 1) haplotypes of extinct and extant equids constructed using 583 bp fragments of the HVR I.. ........................................................................................................................ 119 Figure 2.39. Consensus tree of Bayesian (Markov chain Monte Carlo) phylogenetic analysis displaying relationships between mitochondrial control region (HVR 1) haplotypes of extinct and extant equids constructed using 348 bp fragments of the HVR I.. ........................................................................................................................ 120 Figure 2.40. Consensus tree of Bayesian (Markov chain Monte Carlo) phylogenetic analysis displaying relationships between mitochondrial control region (HVR 1) haplotypes of extinct and extant equids constructed using 117 bp fragments of the HVR I.. ........................................................................................................................ 121 Figure 3.1. Geographic location of the fossil sites considered in this study. ..................... 161 Figure 3.2. High dynamic range image of the postfossette lingual enamel band (upper M2) of an equid tooth showing one of the 0.4 X 0.4 mm counting areas................... 168 Figure 3.3. Buccal view of the apices of three equid upper cheek teeth showing the different cusps morphologies examined with the mesowear method.. ....................... 170 Figure 3.4. Average mesowear score for the late Pleistocene bison and equid samples studied and extant ungulate species reported in Kaiser et al. (2013)... ....................... 186 Figure 4.1. A) Diagram of a human molar cross section showing perikymata, striae of Retzius, and cross-striations. B) Microphotograph of imbricational enamel.. ........... 221 Figure 4.2. Different types of enamel hypoplasia.. ............................................................ 222 xv Figure 4.3. Geographic location of the fossil sites considered in this study. ..................... 233 Figure 4.4. The timing of tooth mineralization of the dentary cheek tooth dentition in modern horses (Equus ferus caballus), based on data reported by Hoppe et al. (2004).. ........................................................................................................................ 234 Figure 4.5. The timing of tooth mineralization of the dentary cheek tooth dentition in modern bison (Bison bison), based on data reported by Niven et al. (2004). ............. 234 Figure 4.6. Example of CT-scan data that was used to determine the presence of enamel hypoplasia in three equid mandibles from Wally’s Beach, Alberta. .......................... 235 Figure 4.7. Incidence of enamel hypoplasia in the equid and bison samples studied.. ...... 239 Figure 4.8. Mean number of hypoplastic events per affected specimen in the equid and bison samples studied.. ............................................................................................... 241 xvi List of Abbreviations Institutional Abbreviations CMH INAH KU LACM RAM TMM UTEP Canadian Museum of History Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia University of Kansas Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Royal Alberta Museum Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin. University of Texas at El Paso Fossil localities A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Q R S U V X W Algerita Blossom Cave, New Mexico, U. S. A. Bluefish Caves, Yukon Territory, Canada Cedral, San Luis Potosí, Mexico Dry Cave, New Mexico, U. S. A. Edmonton area gravel pits, Alberta, Canada Fresnal Canyon, New Mexico, U. S. A. Highway 45, Chihuahua, Mexico Nash Draw, New Mexico, U. S. A. Isleta Cave No. 2, New Mexico, U. S. A. San Josecito Cave, Nuevo León, Mexico Dark Canyon Cave, New Mexico, U. S. A. Blackwater Draw Loc. 1, New Mexico, U. S. A. Big Manhole Cave, New Mexico, U. S. A. Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming Lubbock Lake site, Texas, U. S. A. Quitaque Creek, Texas, U. S. A. Scharbauer Ranch, Texas, U. S. A. Salt Creek, Texas, U. S. A. U-Bar Cave, New Mexico, U. S. A. Villa Ahumada, Chihuahua, Mexico El Barreal, Chihuahua, Mexico Wally’s Beach site, Alberta, Canada Statistical abbreviations CVA PCA MANOVA Canonical Variate Analysis Principal Component Analysis Multivariate Analysis of Variance xvii CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION The late Pleistocene was a dynamic time in Earth’s history. The planet experienced major climatic and biological changes, which played a significant role in shaping current biodiversity patterns (Koch and Barnosky, 2006; Hofreiter and Stewart, 2009). Approximately 50,000 – 11,000 cal BP (calibrated radiocarbon years before the present) many species around the world suffered extinctions or were extirpated at a continental scale (Koch and Barnosky, 2006). In North America south of the ice sheets, the vast majority of the extinctions and extirpations may have occurred as a synchronous event during the terminal Pleistocene, approximately 13,800 – 11,400 cal BP (Faith and Surovell, 2009). Horses, mammoths, and saber-tooth cats are examples of some of the mammals that disappeared from the continent during the late Pleistocene extinction, which represents the second most severe extinction event in North America in the past 55 million years (Alroy, 1999). There were survivors of course, such as bison and whitetailed deer, but the continent was left with a much lower diversity (Stuart, 2015). Notably, the late Pleistocene extinction primarily affected large animals, referred to in the literature as megafauna (animals with a body mass ≥ 44 kg), and species with low reproductive rates, regardless of body size (Johnson, 2002; Koch and Barnosky, 2006). Mammals were among the most adversely affected groups and it is estimated that over 30 genera disappeared from North America, including approximately 70 % of the continent’s megafauna (Grayson, 1991, 2007; Koch and Barnosky, 2006; Faith and Surovell, 2009; Stuart, 2015). South America and Australia were also hard hit and it is estimated that over 80 % of the megafaunal genera in these continents went extinct; 52 1 genera in South America and 14 in Australia (Koch and Barnosky, 2006; Barnosky and Lindsey, 2010). The late Pleistocene extinction roughly coincided with environmental changes associated with the most recent glacial-interglacial transition and/or with the dispersal (or population increases) of anatomically modern humans, Homo sapiens sapiens (Barnosky et al., 2004; Koch and Barnosky, 2006). Thus, some extinction models identify climate change as the primary causal factor (e.g., Kiltie, 1984; King and Saunders, 1984; Graham and Lundelius, 1984; Guthrie, 1984; Barnosky, 1986; Ficcarelli et al., 2003; Forster, 2004; Scott, 2010), while others place a greater emphasis on overhunting (e.g., Martin, 1967, 1984; Mosimann and Martin, 1975) or a combination of slow hunting rates and habitat alteration by early human populations (e.g., Diamond, 1989). A third set of extinction models invokes catastrophic events, such as a bolide impact (Firestone et al., 2007) or a hyperdisease (MacPhee and Marx, 1997). Despite decades of research, the cause or causes for the late Pleistocene extinction continue to be unresolved. One important problem with late Pleistocene extinction models is that they have yet to connect particular variables with particular species in convincing ways. In order to better understand extinction mechanisms some researchers have suggested that comprehensive species-by-species analyses are required (Grayson and Meltzer 2003; Koch and Barnosky, 2006; Grayson, 2007). On that account, this dissertation investigates late Pleistocene equid and bison specimens from different localities along the Western Interior of North America, with the objective of testing assumptions and predictions formulated for two climate-based extinction models. In order to accomplish this task, it was necessary to determine the number of equid species that 2 inhabited this region of North America during the late Pleistocene, using morphological and mitochondrial ancient DNA data derived from the cheek tooth dentition. To begin this discussion, I present a brief overview of Pleistocene glaciations, non-analog ecological communities, and the late Pleistocene extinction in North America. 1.1 The Pleistocene epoch and the Wisconsinan glacial stage The Pleistocene is the penultimate epoch in the geologic time scale; it preceded the Holocene epoch, in which we live, and occurred after the Pliocene epoch (Figure 1.1). The lower boundary of the Pleistocene is currently placed at approximately 2.6 million years ago (Ma) and the upper boundary is considered at 10,000 yr RCBP (radiocarbon years before the present) or 11,700 cal BP (calibrated radiocarbon years before the present) (Walker et al., 2009, Gibbard et al., 2010). The Pleistocene is characterized by great climatic oscillations at different amplitudes that gave rise to several glacial and interglacial periods. Traditionally, four or five glacial periods have been identified for North America (Boellstorff, 1978; Roy et al., 2006). Currently several additional glacial periods are recognized (Gibbard and Cohen, 2008), each marking a cooling event and an expansion of the polar and mountain ice sheets over the continent. Each of these glacial periods is separated by intervals of warmer temperatures, similar to the present day, known as interglacials. Moreover, within each glacial and interglacial there were short term climatic fluctuations. Brief cooling events are termed stadials or stades, whereas short periods of warm temperatures are known as interstadials or interstades. The last glacial period started approximately 100,000 yr RCBP and ended roughly 10,000 yr RCBP and is called, in North America, 3 the Wisconsin or Wisconsinan stage (Johnson et al. 1997). This stage is bracketed by the Sangamonian interglacial and the Holocene epoch (Figure 1.1). The Wisconsinan contained several interstadials and stadials (Johnson et al. 1997). The last maximum extent of the ice sheets over the continents is known as the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM); this terminated around 18,000 cal BP (Denton et al. 2010). These cycles of warming and cooling events were the climatic setting in which the fauna of the Pleistocene, including modern humans, evolved. 4 Figure 1.1. Global chronostratigraphical correlation table for the last 2.7 million years showing the paleomagnetic record, marine isotope stages, and North American stages; time scale is in millions of years (Ma) (Modified from Gibbard and Cohen, 2008). 5 1.2 Non-analog communities and Wisconsinan paleoenvironments Beside the great climatic fluctuations, the Pleistocene differs from the Holocene epoch in regard to the composition of biological communities; this is true even for species that did not become extinct at the end of the Pleistocene. During both glacial and interglacial periods, Pleistocene communities around the world show an unusual association of plants and animals, many of which today are only found in allopatry (e.g., Graham, 1985a,b; Williams and Jackson, 2007; Stewart, 2008). For example, Wisconsinan assemblages in the mid-Appalachian region show a mixture of tropical species such as tapir (Tapirus cf. veroensis) and jaguar (Panthera onca) alongside subarctic species such as caribou (Rangifer tarandus) (Guilday, 1984). These types of associations have been referred to as disharmonious, intermingled, mixed, and non-analog communities (Semken et al., 2010). When first observed in the fossil record, non-analog communities were thought to be the result of mixing of deposits of different ages (Grayson, 1984); however, several studies have demonstrated that many of these associations represented actual ecological communities (e.g., Grayson, 1984; Graham, 1985a,b; Williams and Jackson, 2007; Stewart, 2008; Semken et al., 2010). Different explanations for non-analog communities have been proposed (e.g., Kerney, 1963; Coope and Angus, 1975; Bramwell, 1984; Graham and Grimm, 1990; Graham et al., 1996; Stafford et al., 1999), but the most widely accepted is that populations of species respond individualistically to climate change and not as part of communities (Graham, 1985a,b; Graham et al., 1996). The individualistic response of species results in mixing of biotas in each subsequent climatic oscillation. This process can potentially have important implications for evolutionary ecology, especially in regard to processes such as diffuse coevolution and character 6 displacement (Stewart, 2009). Some climate-based extinction models, such as coevolutionary disequilibrium (Graham and Lundelius, 1984) and mosaic-nutrient (Guthrie, 1984) models draw upon the individualistic response of plant species to climate change to present plausible mechanisms for the late Pleistocene extinction. These models are discussed further in the next section. The unusual association of extant plants and animals along with the species that became extinct made North American ecosystems, and those in other parts around the world, look quite different from how they are today (Figure 1.2). During the LGM, Beringia (i.e., Alaska, parts of the Yukon, and eastern Siberia) and an area of several kilometres south of the ice sheets, were covered by a complex mixture of tundra and steppe elements that has come to be known as the mammoth steppe (McDonald, 1984; Guthrie, 2001). The mammoth steppe at this time is reconstructed as a cold, windy, and dry habitat (Szpak et al., 2010) in which the dominant large herbivores were woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius), horse (Equus ferus) and bison (Bison priscus), together with other ungulates such as caribou (Rangifer tarandus) and helmeted muskoxen (Bootherium bombifrons) (Guthrie, 2001). The Great Plains consisted primarily of woodland and forested areas where the abundant large herbivores were different species of equids (Equus spp.), Columbian mammoth (Mammuthus columbi), bison (Bison antiquus), and camels (e.g., Camelops hesternus) (Graham, 1986; Wells and Stewart, 1987). The currently dry American Southwest was more mesic during the LGM and supported, in addition to the large herbivores found in the Great Plains, significant populations of ground sloths (e.g., Nothrotheriops shastensis) in a woodland/shrubland habitat (Harris, 1989). The eastern part of North America south of the ice sheets consisted 7 primarily of coniferous forest and a mixed forest with deciduous elements to the southeast (McDonald, 1984). Mastodon (Mammut americanum) was one of the most abundant large herbivores that roamed these forested areas, along with tapir (Tapirus veroensis) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) (Graham, 1986, Webb and Simons, 2006). The presence of equids, mammoth, and bison, though not as common as in other regions of the continent (the ratio of mastodon to mammoth is approximately 4:1 [Webb and Simons, 2006]), indicates that these forests where not as closed as those found during the Holocene. A B Figure 1.2. Generalized vegetation formations of North America during the Last Glacial Maximum (A) and the Holocene (B) (Modified from McDonald, 1984). 8 1.3 The late Pleistocene megafaunal extinction in North America The late Pleistocene extinction is the second largest extinction event in North America in the past 55 million years (Alroy, 1999). This extinction event is also remarkable because it is strongly biased towards large (i.e., body mass ≥ 44 kg) as well as slow-breeding animals (Johnson, 2002; Koch and Barnosky, 2006). Mammals were among the most adversely affected groups and it is estimated that over 30 genera disappeared from North America, including approximately 70 % of the continent’s megafauna (Grayson, 1991, 2007; Koch and Barnosky, 2006; Faith and Surovell, 2009; Stuart, 2015). In North America south of the ice sheets the late Pleistocene extinction roughly coincided with environmental changes associated with the most recent glacial-interglacial transition and the arrival of humans (Figure 1.3) (Barnosky et al., 2004; Koch and Barnosky, 2006). Some studies suggest that the extinction was a synchronous event that occurred approximately 12,000 – 10,000 yr RCBP (~13,800 – 11,400 cal BP) (Faith and Surovell, 2009). Recent genetic evidence indicates that the population which gave rise to all Native Americans (with the exclusion of Eskimo-Aleuts who dispersed later during the Holocene) diverged from East Asian ancestors during the LGM, no earlier than ~23,000 cal BP, and possibly remained isolated in Siberia or Beringia for~8,000 cal BP (Raghavan et al., 2015). This group of people is thought to have spread into the midcontinent, south of the continental ice sheets, sometime after ~16,500 cal BP, probably dispersing along the recently deglaciated Pacific coastline (Goebel et al., 2008). In eastern Beringia (unglaciated Alaska and the Yukon Territory) the extinction appears to have been a two pulse event, with the extirpation of some warm-adapted species (e.g., stilt-legged horses, camels, mastodons, and short-faced bears) before the 9 LGM, approximately 20,000 – 50,000 yr RCBP (Barnes et al., 2002; Guthrie, 2003, 2006; Zazula et al., 2014). The disappearance of these mammals occurred apparently in the absence of human populations, as it pre-dates any undisputable archaeological sites in eastern Beringia (Goebel et al., 2008) as well as the divergence times mentioned above based on modern and ancient human genetic data (Raghavan et al., 2015). Most coldadapted megafauna characteristic of the mammoth steppe (e.g., woolly mammoths, caballoid horses, and helmeted muskoxen) disappeared from eastern Beringia approximately 12,000 – 9,000 yr RCBP (Barnosky et al., 2004). The causes of the late Pleistocene megafaunal extinction have been extensively debated and several extinction models have been proposed. Some models identify climate change as the primary causal factor (e.g., Kiltie, 1984; King and Saunders, 1984; Graham and Lundelius, 1984; Guthrie, 1984; Barnosky, 1986; Ficcarelli et al., 2003; Forster, 2004; Scott, 2010), while others place a greater emphasis on overhunting (e.g., Martin, 1967, 1984; Mosimann and Martin, 1975; Belovsky, 1988) or a combination of slow hunting rates and habitat alteration by early human populations (e.g., Diamond, 1989). A third set of extinction models invokes catastrophic events, such as a bolide impact (Firestone et al., 2007) or a hyperdisease (MacPhee and Marx, 1997). Currently, there is weak support for the catastrophic extinction models (e.g., Lyons et al., 2004; Koch and Barnosky, 2006; Surovell et al., 2009; Holliday et al., 2014; Meltzer et al., 2014) and much of the debate regarding the late Pleistocene extinction has focused on the relative importance of climate change versus human hunting. Under overhunting (more commonly known as overkill) extinction models, prey species go extinct because hunting, in addition to deaths from natural causes, result in death rates 10 exceeding birth rates. Probably the most debated and tested of the overkill extinction models is the blitzkrieg model (Martin, 1967, 1973,1984; Mosimann and Martin, 1975). The mode of extinction depicted in the blitzkrieg model is the active and intensive hunting of large herbivores by expanding populations of anatomically modern humans, with extinction occurring within 500 or 1000 years after human contact (Martin, 1973; Mosimann and Martin, 1975). It is proposed that the intense hunting resulted in a drastic decline in large herbivore populations, triggering their extinction and, as a consequence, fostering the concomitant extinction of large carnivores and scavengers that depended on them for survival (Martin, 1984). The blitzkrieg overkill model has been rejected on the basis of simulation studies that have employed optimal foraging theory as well as archaeological evidence which suggest that humans were present in North America thousands of years before the megafaunal extinction (Koch and Barnosky, 2006). Other overkill extinction models propose a more protracted extinction of megafauna through the agency of human populations who did not exclusively target large herbivores, but rather had more omnivorous diets. In these models human populations take large herbivores when encountered, but otherwise are sustained by fast-breeding “fall-back” prey such as small animals and plants (Belovsky, 1988; Alroy, 2001). Other extinction models have proposed that the killing might have been done slowly and primarily by indirect means, such as the burning and alteration of natural habitats, in addition to lower intensity hunting (“sitzkrieg”) (e.g., Diamond, 1989), or the overhunting of keystone species (Owen-Smith, 1987). Climate change has also been suggested to be the most important factor in the late Pleistocene extinction. Oxygen isotope records from ice-cores in Greenland (e.g., Alley, 11 2000), tropical corals (e.g., Guilderson et al., 2001), and deep sea sediments (e.g., Hodell et al., 2010) show drastic climatic fluctuations during the terminal Pleistocene. At about the same time, the fossil record shows significant reorganization of the flora and fauna throughout North America and in many regions around the world (Graham et al., 1996). Moreover, the fossil record demonstrates that species responded individualistically to these climatic changes and not as part of communities (Graham et al. 1996, Stewart, 2009). There are different models that try to explain how climate-induced vegetation changes may have been the driving force behind the late Pleistocene extinction, including habitat loss (e.g., King and Saunders, 1984; Barnosky, 1986; Ficcarelli et al., 2003), coevolutionary disequilibrium (Graham and Lundelius, 1984), and the mosaic-nutrient model (Guthrie, 1984). Both coevolutionary disequilibrium and mosaic-nutrient models draw upon the individualistic response of plant species to climate change to present a plausible scenario whereby nutritional stress is considered one of the primary drivers of extinction. The coevolutionary disequilibrium model (Graham and Lundelius, 1984) assumes that Pleistocene mammals partitioned available food resources through well-defined niche differentiation. It is further proposed that climate-induced environmental changes towards the end of the Pleistocene restructured vegetation patterns, resulting in coevolutionary disequilibrium, which caused a reduction in niche differentiation, increased competition, and resulted in the extinction of several species (Graham and Lundelius, 1984). Alternatively, the mosaic-nutrient model (Guthrie, 1984) suggests that the mosaic vegetation pattern present throughout the Pleistocene allowed ungulates, especially large hindgut fermenters (e.g., horses and mammoths), to obtain the right mix 12 of nutrients needed for survival. This model proposes that the shift from a mosaic vegetation pattern to a more zonal, low diversity, vegetation pattern during the terminal Pleistocene had a detrimental effect, particularly on the hind-gut fermenters (Guthrie, 1984). Thus, the coevolutionary disequilibrium model emphasizes competition for food resources between species, whereas the mosaic-nutrient model highlights constraints imposed on organisms by specific nutritional requirements. Some researchers believe that human impacts, such as hunting and perhaps habitat alteration, were crucial in precipitating the late Pleistocene extinction, but that climate change also played an important role in determining the spatial and temporal expression and impact of this extinction event (Barnosky et al., 2004). This seems plausible for the Americas where the three events (climate change, first appearance of humans, and extinction) largely overlap (Barnosky et al. 2004). If this was indeed the case, the relative contribution of climate change versus human impacts remains to be determined. Were large mammals experiencing significant stress as a result of environmental changes during the terminal Pleistocene at the time humans entered the continent? This is one of the questions that this research seeks to investigate, focusing specifically on equid and bison species. 13 Figure 1.3. Important events during the terminal Pleistocene in North America. Temperature is plotted against age in calibrated radiocarbon years before the present, derived from oxygen isotope records from Greenland ice-cores (data from Alley, 2000). The blue shaded overlay indicates the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (Denton, 2010). The solid line represents the oldest reliable archaeological sites in North America (Goebel et al., 2008). The estimated time of extinction for most megafauna south of the Canadian ice sheets (Faith and Surovell, 2009) is indicated by the red shaded overlay. 14 1.4 Dissertation Chapters and Objectives This dissertation aims to provide new insights into two contentious areas of Quaternary paleontology: the systematics of North American late Pleistocene equids and the late Pleistocene extinction. It is comprised of three quantitative studies, each one representing a separate chapter. The first study (Chapter 2) has the objective of determining the number of equid species that inhabited the Western Interior of North America during the late Pleistocene. More than 40 species of North American Pleistocene equids have been named (Winans, 1985). Despite several attempts at revising the taxonomy of this group (e.g., Gidley, 1901; Savage, 1951; Hibbard, 1955; Dalquest, 1978, 1979; Winans, 1985, 1989; Azzaroli, 1995, 1998), there is still considerable disagreement on the number of species that inhabited the continent and on the taxonomic nomenclature employed. Using morphological and molecular data derived from the cheek tooth dentition, I studied equid remains ranging from northeastern Mexico to northern Yukon Territory, Canada. The morphological analysis consisted of measurement-based morphometrics of overall tooth dimensions as well as geometric morphometrics of the occlusal enamel pattern. These studies allowed the identification of morphological groups which were further assessed by employing Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial ancient DNA of a subset of specimens, integrated in a dataset with published DNA sequences of extant (e.g., Achilli et al., 2012) and extinct equids (e.g., Weinstock et al., 2005; Orlando et al., 2008; Orlando et al., 2013; Vilstrup et al., 2013). Subsequent to my identification of the equid species present during the late Pleistocene of the Western Interior of North America, Chapters 3 and 4 focus on the 15 bison and equid species from three geographic regions: the American Southwest (eastern New Mexico and western Texas), Alberta (Wally’s Beach Site and the Edmonton area gravel pits), and eastern Beringia (Bluefish Caves, Yukon Territory). In Chapter 3, I investigate two nutritional extinction models (coevolutionary disequilibrium [Graham and Lundelius, 1984] and the mosaic-nutrient model [Guthrie, 1984]) that have been proposed to explain the late Pleistocene extinctions by testing predictions of dental wear patterns in bison and equid species formulated for each extinction model. Low magnification dental microwear (Solounias and Semprebon, 2002) and extended mesowear methods (Franz-Odendaal and Kaiser, 2003; Kaiser and Solounias, 2003) were used to characterize dental wear at micro- and macroscopic scales. Chapter 4 presents a study of enamel hypoplasia to permit inferences about early physiological stress in bison and equid species during the latest Pleistocene (~50,000 – 10,000 yr RCBP). The primary objective of this study was to test whether these ungulates experienced increased levels of systemic stress, as predicted by the two nutritional extinction models here investigated, as well as other climate-based extinction models. Enamel hypoplasia is a developmental tooth defect that results from a physical disruption of the amelobasts that secrete enamel (Goodman and Rose, 1990). This defect most commonly occurs as a result of systemic stress and results in a thinning of the enamel (Goodman and Rose, 1990). I examined changes in the incidence of enamel hypoplasia as well as whether the occurrence of enamel hypoplasia increased in frequency during the terminal Pleistocene. 16 The final chapter (Chapter 5) provides a summary of the central findings of this research, discussing some of the broader implications and outlining areas for further study. 1.5 Literature Cited Achilli, A., A. Olivieri, P. Soares, H. Lancioni, B. H. Kashani, U. A. Perego, S. G. Nergadze, V. 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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 111:18460–18465. 28 CHAPTER 2. DETERMINATION OF EQUID SPECIES IN THE LATE PLEISTOCENE OF THE WESTERN INTERIOR OF NORTH AMERICA: A MOLECULAR AND MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF THE CHEEK TOOTH DENTITION 2.1 Introduction Horses were a dominant component of North American Pleistocene land mammal communities and their remains are well represented in the fossil record (FAUNMAP, 1994). Despite the abundant material available for study, there is still considerable disagreement over the number of species that inhabited the continent and on the taxonomic nomenclature. More than 40 species of Equus have been named from the Pleistocene of North America (Winans, 1985). Different authors have attempted to revise the taxonomy of this group (e.g., Gidley, 1901; Savage, 1951; Hibbard, 1955; Dalquest, 1978, 1979; Winans, 1985, 1989; Azzaroli, 1995, 1998), but no consensus has been reached. The morphological revisions by Winans (1985, 1989) and Azzaroli (1995, 1998), as well as the recent molecular study by Weinstock et al. (2005), exemplify the diversity of opinions regarding the taxonomy of North American Pleistocene equids. One of the first large-scale quantitative studies of the genus Equus in North America was undertaken by Winans (1985, 1989). She conducted a multivariate analysis using linear measurements of cranial and metapodial remains, identifying five morphological groups, which she named according to the most senior type specimen included in each group. Winans (1985) originally treated these groups as actual species, but later referred to them as species groups, indicating that some groups may include 29 more than one species (Winans, 1989). Three of these five species groups have temporal ranges that extend into the late Pleistocene: Equus alaskae (Hay), 1913b (small and stoutlegged species group), E. francisci Hay, 1915 (small and stilt-legged species group), and E. laurentius Hay, 1913a (large and stout-legged species group) (Winans, 1989). The two other species groups identified by Winans (1989) are E. simplicidens Cope, 1892 and E. scotti Gidley, 1900. In another study, Azzaroli (1995, 1998) identified ten taxa of Equus as being valid for North America during the Irvingtonian and Rancholabrean North American Land Mammal Ages (middle and late Pleistocene). He based his taxonomic assignments on a primarily qualitative study of the morphology of the skull, dentition, and limb bones as well as size. Nine of the species proposed to be valid by Azzaroli (1998) have been found in late Pleistocene localities: E. ferus Boddaert, 1785, E. niobrarensis Hay, 1913a, E. lambei Hay, 1917, E. francisci Hay, 1915, E. fraternus Leidy, 1860, E. conversidens Owen, 1869, E. mexicanus (Hibbard), 1955, E. excelsus Leidy, 1858, and E. occidentalis sensu Merriam, 1913. The other taxon identified by Azzaroli (1998), E. semiplicatus Cope, 1892, is restricted to the early and middle Pleistocene. More recently, Weinstock et al. (2005) conducted a mitochondrial ancient DNA study and a basic analysis of metapodial dimensions of Eurasian, North American, and South American late Pleistocene equids. These authors concluded that only two lineages of equids were present in North America, a stout-legged (including Eurasian and modern caballines) and a stilt-legged lineage (endemic to North America), possibly each representing a distinct species. Weinstock et al. (2005) did not assign species names to these two potential equid species. The geographic and temporal coverage of this study 30 was small compared to the studies by Winans (1989) and Azzaroli (1998), as it was restricted to late Pleistocene sites located primarily in northern North America. It remains to be seen if the pattern identified by Weinstock et al. (2005) holds for the rest of the continent. The contrasting views presented in the three studies summarized above highlight the need for further investigations into the taxonomy of North American late Pleistocene equids. The discrepancy between the results of the molecular study and the morphological revisions is intriguing and merits further investigation. In contrast to previous studies, here I undertake a dual approach that includes a comprehensive morphometric analysis of the cheek teeth, using both linear and geometric morphometrics, and a study of mitochondrial ancient DNA obtained from a subsample of the teeth I studied. The study of the cheek teeth is important for two reasons. First, the use of the cheek teeth has been limited in the latest morphological revisions, even though they are well represented in the fossil record and, secondly, the dentition is one of the skeletal elements that best preserve ancient DNA and is less susceptible to contamination by exogenous DNA (Pilli et al., 2013), allowing the opportunity for the recovery of molecular data for specimens from localities in southern North America. Furthermore, elucidating the number of valid species using the cheek teeth is of particular relevance because teeth are archives of paleobiological and paleoclimatic information. Often, techniques used to extract this information (e.g., stable isotope analysis) are destructive and are performed on isolated teeth, which are regularly identified only as Equus sp. (e.g., Connin et al., 1998; Feranec, 2004; Kohn et al., 2005; DeSantis et al., 2009; Perez-Crespo et al., 2012), limiting the full potential of these studies. Refining the taxonomic 31 assignment of isolated cheek teeth will allow for in depth investigations into the paleobiology and extinction of Pleistocene North American equids. My study concentrates on fossil material retrieved from five geographic regions approximately arranged in a north-south transect along the Western Interior of North America, from northern Yukon Territory to northeastern Mexico (Figure 2.1). Below, I provide a summary of research conducted on horse remains from these fossil localities and discuss the species that have been identified. Two issues will become apparent in this summary: the lack of consensus regarding the number of equid species that existed in each geographic region and the confused nomenclature of Pleistocene Equus. 2.1.1 Northeastern Mexico: San Josecito Cave and Cedral fossil sites The fossil localities of San Josecito Cave (Nuevo León) and Cedral (San Luis Potosí) are two of the most studied late Pleistocene sites in northeastern Mexico. Stock (1950, 1953) considered all of the horse remains from San Josecito Cave to belong to a single species of Equus, which he thought was most similar to Equus conversidens Owen, 1869, but with sufficient morphological differences to be identified as a new subspecies: E. conversidens leoni. As pointed out by Dalquest (1979) and Winans (1985; 1989), Stock did not select a type nor publish a formal description, thus, the name should be regarded as a nomen nudum. Moreover, Winans (1985) proposed E. conversidens to be nomen dubium, because she considered, in accordance to Hibbard (1955), that the convergence of the cheek tooth rows toward the rostrum in the holotype (the main diagnostic character for this species) was the result of a distorted restoration. Winans (1985, 1989) assigned the specimens from San Josecito Cave to her species group E. alaskae (Hay), 1913b. Contrary to Winans (1985), Azzaroli (1998) regarded E. conversidens as a valid species 32 distinct from E. niobrarensis alaskae Hay, 1913b, which he considered to be a synonym of E. ferus Boddaert, 1785. He figured and described a partial skull from central Mexico, in which the two tooth rows converge toward the rostrum, suggesting that the holotype of E. conversidens was correctly mounted. In addition, Azzaroli (1998) referred the fossil material from San Josecito Cave to E. conversidens, further stating that this species was closely related to South American horses (Azzaroli, 1998), a relationship that has been suggested by other researchers (e.g., Dalquest, 1978; Harris and Porter, 1980). Eisenmann (2013a) agreed with Winans (1985) in considering the holotype of E. conversidens to be inadequate. She indicated that the upper cheek teeth of the holotype of E. conversidens are similar in morphology to those referred to E. semiplicatus Cope, 1893 and that because of the lack of associated lower cheek teeth and limb bones, it is better to abolish the use of this name for more complete material that has traditionally been referred to this species (Eisenmann, 2013a). Eisenmann (2013a) proposed referring the specimens from San Josecito Cave to the South American genus Amerhippus Hoffstetter, 1950, under the name Amerhippus leoni (Eisenmann, 2013a), but a formal description has not been published. Three equid species have been recognized from the late Pleistocene deposits of Cedral, San Luis Potosí, Mexico, based on differences in size (Alberdi et al., 2003; Melgarejo-Damian and Montellano-Ballesteros, 2008; Barrón-Ortiz and Theodor, 2011; Marin Leyva, 2011; Alberdi et al., 2014), metapodial proportions (Melgarejo-Damian and Montellano-Ballesteros, 2008; Marin Leyva, 2011), and features of the occlusal enamel pattern of the third and fourth upper premolars (Barrón-Ortiz and Theodor, 2011). The large and medium-sized species have been tentatively identified as E. mexicanus 33 (Hibbard), 1955 (originally described by Hibbard [1955] as E. (Hesperohippus) mexicanus), and E. conversidens, respectively (Alberdi et al., 2003; Melgarejo-Damian and Montellano-Ballesteros, 2008; Marin Leyva, 2011; Alberdi et al., 2014). The taxonomic identification of the smaller equid has been more problematic. Alberdi et al., (2003) originally identified it as Equus sp. A, whereas Melgarejo-Damian and Montellano-Ballesteros (2008) assigned it to Equus tau Owen, 1869. Recently, Alberdi et al. (2014) have designated a new species, Equus cedralensis, for this material. 2.1.2 The American Southwest: New Mexico, western Texas and northern Chihuahua, Mexico A number of important late Pleistocene fossil localities are known from New Mexico and western Texas, all of which have yielded large numbers of equid specimens, including Blackwater Draw Loc. 1, Dry Cave, Dark Canyon Cave, and U-bar Cave in New Mexico as well as Scharbauer Ranch and Quitaque Creek in Texas. Blackwater Draw Loc. 1, New Mexico, is the type locality of the Clovis cultural complex and a large collection of bones as well as lithic artifacts and other cultural remains have been retrieved from this site (Haynes, 1995). The equid material from Blackwater Draw has been assigned to a variety of species. Stock and Bode (1937) considered that only one species, E. excelsus Leidy, 1858, was represented in the material they studied. In contrast, Quinn (1957) identified four taxa from this locality: Asinus conversidens, Equus caballus caballus Linnaeus, 1758, E. caballus laurentius Hay 1913a, (originally described by Hay [1913a] as E. laurentius), and E. midlandensis Quinn, 1957, a new species he named based on specimens from Scharbauer Ranch, Texas. Quinn (1957) adhered to the proposal of dividing modern and fossil species of Equus into four genera, which consists of Equus for 34 horses, Asinus for African asses and the domestic donkey, Onager for Asiatic asses, and Hippotigris for zebras. Lundelius (1972), working with a larger sample from the Gray Sand unit of Blackwater Draw, agreed with Quinn (1957) in identifying A. conversidens, but following a broader definition of the genus Equus he referred it to E. conversidens. In addition, Lundelius (1972) reassigned the material identified by Quinn (1957) as E. caballus laurentius to E. niobrarensis Hay 1913a, whereas he reassigned the specimens identified as E. midlandensis and E. caballus caballus to E. scotti Gidley, 1900. A few years later, Harris and Porter (1980) concluded that the specimens studied by Stock and Bode (1937), Quinn (1957), and Lundelus (1972), with the exception of E. conversidens, appear to be assignable to E. niobrarensis. Recently, Harris (2015) has revised his opinion and now considers E. niobrarensis a junior synonym of E. scotti. In his study of fossil Equidae from Texas, Quinn (1957) also examined, among other material, specimens from Scharbauer Ranch. Like Blackwater Draw Loc. 1, this locality has also yielded lithic artifacts and other cultural remains (Holliday and Meltzer, 1996). Quinn (1957) identified some of the equid specimens he studied as A. conversidens and proposed a new species of large and stout-legged equid which he named E. midlandensis (Quinn, 1957). This latter species is not considered to be valid by various authors. Lundelius (1972) regarded E. midlandensis a synonym of E. scotti, Harris and Porter (1980) proposed that it was synonymous with E. niobrarensis, whereas Winans (1985) considered it a synonym of E. mexicanus, a species she thought was distinct from E. scotti. Winans (1989) later proposed the name E. laurentius for the species group of E. mexicanus; however, it was recently shown that the holotype of E. laurentius belongs to a historic domestic horse and it is therefore a junior synonym of this 35 species (Scott et al., 2010), a conclusion that had previously been expressed in the literature (e.g., Matthew, 1926; Savage, 1951; Winans, 1985; Azzaroli, 1995, 1998). Dalquest (1964) described an assemblage of fossils from a small tributary of Quitaque Creek, western Texas. Most of the equid remains collected were from a species of small horse, which Dalquest (1964) identified as E. cf. conversidens based on similarities with specimens from the Valley of Mexico referred to E. conversidens by Hibbard (1955). There were also some remains of a larger horse slightly smaller than the average size of comparable elements identified as E. scotti from the Seymour formation of Knox County, Texas, which Dalquest (1964) reported as Equus sp. In one of the first studies that applied multivariate morphometrics to fossil equids, Harris and Porter (1980) studied the equid remains from Dry Cave, southeastern New Mexico. They concluded that E. conversidens and E. niobrarensis were represented in the material they studied and also referred some specimens to E. occidentalis sensu Merriam, (1913), E. scotti, and a small zebrine species, which they called E. sp. A. Winans (1989) studied specimens from Dry Cave and assigned them to the small, stout-legged species group of E. alaskae and the large, stout-legged species group of E. laurentius. Harris (2015) has revised his interpretation of the equid remains from Dry Cave and currently recognizes E. conversidens, E. scotti (which he now considers the senior synonym of E. niobrarensis), E. occidentalis (sensu Merriam, [1913]; for the largest specimens in the fauna), E. sp. A (a small zebrine species), and a single partial upper tooth identified as E. francisci. In addition to Dry Cave, there are several other cave sites from the American Southwest that have yielded equid remains. Two of these are U-Bar Cave, located in 36 southwestern New Mexico, and Dark Canyon Cave, found south of Dry Cave, in southeastern New Mexico. Harris (1987, 1989) studied the fossil material collected from U-Bar Cave, separating it into mid-Wisconsinan and late Wisconsinan ages. He listed three equid species for the mid-Wisconsinan of U-Bar Cave, namely E. conversidens, E. cf. niobrarensis, and E. cf. occidentalis (Harris, 1987), whereas for the late Wisconsinan he considered that only E. conversidens and E. cf. niobrarensis were represented in the fauna (Harris, 1987). Harris (2015) maintains the same interpretation of the equid material from U-Bar Cave, with the exception that he now considers E. niobrarensis to be a junior synonym of E. scotti. Regarding Dark Canyon Cave, Lundelius (1973) tentatively identified E. conversidens and E. scotii from this site, whereas Harris and Porter (1980) referred to E. conversidens a small collection of equid remains from this locality housed at the University of Texas at El Paso. In his dissertation, Tebedge (1988) described the fauna collected from excavations undertaken in the East Side Pocket of Dark Canyon Cave. He decided to identify the equid material as Equus sp. because of the confused nomenclature of Pleistocene equids (Tebedge, 1988). The Vertebrate Paleobiology Collection of the University of Texas at El Paso houses specimens from different parts of Chihuahua, Mexico. Among these is a small collection of fossils from the ranch of Santa Barbara, located 9 km north of Villa Ahumada, northern Chihuahua (1992). In their report of this fossil locality, Comaduran et al. (1992) identified the presence of Mammuthus sp. and Equus sp. Harris (2015) examined the fossil material from this locality and identified the equid remains as Equus francisci. 37 2.1.3 Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming The Natural Trap Cave fossil locality, Wyoming, has yielded thousands of vertebrate remains, with a temporal range that extends from historical times to >100,000 years ago (Wang and Martin, 1993). In a report of the excavations at Natural Trap Cave, Martin and Gilbert (1978) mentioned the presence of three horse species for the equid material known at the time. They remarked that the most common species was a small, stilt-legged equid likely referrable to Hemionus (Martin and Gilbert, 1978), a group which has been treated as a genus or subgenus of Equus, and which includes the extant Asiatic asses. Martin and Gilbert (1978) indicated that the other two species were less abundant and that one of them is assignable to the subgenus Amerhippus. Winans (1989) studied several specimens from Natural Trap Cave and assigned them to the species group of E. alaskae, which generally includes small, stout-legged horses. In a recent study using mitochondrial aDNA, Weinstock et al. (2005) concluded that two clades were present at this fossil site, a caballine and a stilt-legged clade, each possibly representing a single species. The study by Weinstock et al. (2005) further indicated that the stilt-legged clade is phylogenetically closer to caballines than it is to Asiatic asses and that the presence of slender metapodials is, therefore, a convergent feature. In contrast, Eisenmann et al. (2008) proposed that four equid species are represented in the material from Natural Trap Cave: a caballine, E. cf. conversidens, and a large and small Amerhippus, both with slender metapodials. According to Eisenmann et al. (2008), the small Amerhippus is the most common species in the fauna. Subsequently, Eisenmann (2013b) assigned this species to Amerhippus cf. pseudaltidens (Hulbert), 1995, and she assigned the specimens of E. cf. conversidens to Amerhippus conversidens. 38 2.1.4 Alberta, Canada: the Edmonton area gravel pits and Wally’s Beach site The equid material from the Edmonton area gravel pits has not been described in detail. Burns (1994) listed two types of horses, which he referred to Equus cf. conversidens and E. cf. niobrarensis. Weinstock et al. (2005) obtained mitochondrial aDNA from a large sample of specimens from the gravel pits around the Edmonton area. All of the specimens they studied were found to belong to the caballine clade, suggesting that only one species was represented in the sample they studied (Weinstock et al., 2005). The archaeological-paleontological site of Wally’s Beach located in southern Alberta is remarkable in that it is the only known late Pleistocene horse and camel kill and butchering locality in North America (Kooyman et al., 2006; Kooyman et al., 2012; Waters et al., 2015). Seven butchered horses were recovered associated with lithic artifacts (Kooyman et al., 2006). McNeil (2009) compared the equid material collected from Wally’s Beach to specimens from the Yukon Territory identified as E. lambei, as well as a skull from Papago Springs Cave, Arizona, identified by Skinner (1942) as E. conversidens. McNeil (2009) assigned the equid material from Wally’s Beach to E. conversidens and noted several differences between the Wally’s Beach sample and the sample of E. lambei, particularly in skull morphology and dentition. 2.1.5 Eastern Beringia: Bluefish Caves The Bluefish Caves are located in northern Yukon Territory above the Arctic circle and have yielded, in addition to a large collection of vertebrate remains, some lithic artifacts, a few butchered bones, and other cultural evidence that arguably extends from the late glacial to the LGM or even earlier (Cinq-Mars, 1990; Goebel et al., 2008; Bourgeon, 2015). Burke and Cinq-Mars (1996, 1998) studied the horse remains from Bluefish Caves 39 identified as E. lambei Hay, 1917. These authors documented the range of variation in cheek tooth morphology (Burke and Cinq-Mars, 1996) and also constructed mortality profiles for each of the three caves (Burke and Cinq-Mars, 1998). Equus lambei has been identified as an onager (Quinn, 1957), as a member of the genus Asinus (Groves and Mazak, 1967; Harington, 1977), and as a caballine equid (Savage, 1951, Harington, 1980; Eisenmann, 1980, 1986; Forsten, 1988). This species has also been considered a junior synonym of E. ferus caballus (Savage, 1951; Winans, 1985) or E. asinus (Winans, 1985), has also been assigned to the E. alaskae species group of Winans (1989), and has been regarded as a possible subspecies of E. niobrarensis (Azarroli, 1995, 1998). Burke and Cinq-Mars (1996) concluded that E. lambei was a caballine horse, based on the morphology of the cheek tooth dentition. Weinstock et al. (2005) successfully extracted, amplified, and sequenced, mitochondrial aDNA from one horse metatarsal from Bluefish Cave III. Although the specimen was only identified as Equus sp., the sequence obtained by Weinstock et al. (2005) placed it within the caballine group. Other late Pleistocene sites in Beringia have yielded fossil material of a horse with slender metapodials (Guthrie, 2003, 2006), a feature that is present in extant hemione (Asiatic ass) species. However, molecular analysis of slender metapodials from the Yukon by Weinstock et al. (2005) have placed this equid outside of the modern hemiones as a distinct species, more closely related to caballine horses than to any other modern group of equids. These studies suggest that at least two species of Equus where present in Beringia during the late Pleistocene. 40 The summary presented above highlights the unstable and confused status of Pleistocene equid taxonomy. This can be attributed to a number of factors, including the existence of fragmentary holotypes (Winans, 1985, 1989; Eisenmann, 2013a), differences in the methodology used by taxonomists (e.g., qualitative vs. quantitative analyses), and emphasis on some characters over others (e.g., Skinner, 1972; Dalquest 1978, 1988; Eisenmann, 1981, Forsten, 1986). Probably the best avenue to follow for clarifying Pleistocene equid taxonomy is to conduct comprehensive morphological and molecular studies on the same set of specimens in order to contrast morphological and molecular variation. To accomplish this, I conducted a morphometric analysis, using both linear and geometric morphometrics, and a molecular study using the cheek tooth dentition. This approach brings us to the consideration of species concepts. Determination of species based on morphometric analyses is done under the morphological species concept, whereas determination of species based on phylogenetic analyses of molecular data makes use of the phylogenetic species concept. Under the morphological species concept, species are recognized based on morphological characters. It is assumed that species display a certain definable variability and are sufficiently distinct from other samples (Rose and Bown, 1986; Benton and Pearson, 2001). The morphological species concept is ahistorical, that is, it does not consider ancestor-descendant relationships in the identification of species (Mayden, 1999; Richards, 2010; Wiley and Liebermann, 2011). On the other hand, the phylogenetic species concept is historical and under the more common version of this species concept, a species is “a diagnosable cluster of individuals with which there is a parental pattern of ancestry and descent, beyond which there is not, and which exhibits a pattern of phylogenetic ancestry and descent among unit of like 41 kind” (Eldredge and Cracraft, 1980, p. 92). In this study, I gave priority to the results obtained in the phylogenetic analyses when encountering discrepancies between these analyses and the morphometric study. Nevertheless, as it will be seen below, the results of these two sets of analyses are mostly congruent with each other. 42 Figure 2.1. Geographic location of the fossil sites considered in this study. Northeastern Mexico: C = Cedral, J = San Josecito Cave; American Southwest: A = Algerita Blossom Cave, M = Big Manhole Cave, L = Blackwater Draw, K = Dark Canyon Cave, D = Dry Cave, X = El Barreal, F = Fresnal Canyon, G = Highway 45, Chihuahua, I = Isleta Cave No. 2, O = Lubbock Lake, H = Nash Draw, Q = Quitaque Creek, S = Salt Creek, R = Scharbauer Ranch, U = U-Bar Cave, V = Villa Ahumada; Wyoming: N = Natural Trap Cave; Alberta: E = Edmonton area gravel pits, W = Wally’s Beach; Eastern Beringia: B = Bluefish Caves . 43 2.2 Materials and Methods All of the specimens studied are housed at one of the following institutions, with corresponding institutional acronyms indicated in parentheses: Archaeology Collection (Bluefish Caves; MgVo-1, 2, and 3) of the Canadian Museum of History (CMH), Gatineau, Quebec, Canada; Quaternary Paleontology (P) and Archaeology collections (Wally’s Beach site; DhPg-8) of the Royal Alberta Museum (RAM), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; paleontology collection (DP) of the Archeozoology Laboratory ‘M. en C. Ticul Álvarez Solórzano’, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), Mexico City, Mexico; Vertebrate Paleontology collection of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM), Los Angeles, California, USA; Vertebrate Paleontology collection of the University of Kansas (KU), Lawrence, Kansas, USA; Vertebrate Paleontology collection, Laboratory for Environmental Biology, University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), El Paso, Texas, USA; and the Vertebrate Paleontology collection of the Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin (TMM), Austin, Texas, USA. Throughout this study, I use the revised dental nomenclature proposed by Evander (2004). The primary structures for upper and lower cheek teeth referred to in the text are shown in Figure 2.2. 44 Figure 2.2. Upper (A) and lower (B) fourth premolars showing the dental structures referred to in the text, based on the dental nomenclature of Evander (2004). Computed tomography (CT-scan) images of LACM 192/156497 (A) and TMM 937-169 (B). The anterior side of both teeth is located to the right. The lingual side is located at the bottom of panel A and the top of panel B. 45 2.2.1 Linear morphometrics Measurements and sample size The cheek tooth dentition of equids consists of three upper (P2, P3, and P4) and three lower (p2, p3, and p4) premolars, as well as three upper (M1, M2, and M3) and three lower (m1, m2, and m3) molars on each side of the dentition. I gathered linear measurements of the tooth crown dimensions of upper and lower cheek teeth using a Mitutoyo digital caliper with a measuring range of 0 – 150 mm, a resolution of 0.01 mm, and an accuracy of 0.003 mm. To account for measurement error, I took every measurement three times and used the mean of these measurements in all statistical analyses. The measurements collected are partially based on the methodology published by Eisenmann et al. (1988). For the p3 to m3 lower teeth, I measured the crown height on the buccal side of the tooth along the protoconid, from the occlusal surface down to the point at which the protoconid and hypoconid columns separate (Figure 2.3A). For the p2 I measured the crown height along the buccal side of the hypoconid, from the occlusal surface down to the point at which the protoconid and hypoconid columns separate. I also measured the length and width of each tooth (Figure 2.3B) at a crown height of 2 cm (i.e., 2 cm above from the point at which the protoconid and hypoconid columns separate). For the upper teeth, I measured the crown height on the buccal side of the tooth along the mesostyle, from the occlusal surface down to the point at which the mesostyle ends (Figure 2.3C). I then measured the length and width of the tooth crown (Figure 2.3D) at a crown height of 2 cm (i.e., 2 cm above from the point at which the mesostyle ends). The occlusal dimensions of a tooth change as it wears down (e.g., Gidley, 1901; Howe, 1970) 46 and taking measurements at a set tooth height partially compensates for this ontogenetic variation, especially for teeth with similar size and degree of hypsodonty. However, this is not the case for teeth that differ in these two parameters, but I decided to follow this approach because it allowed for the acquisition of larger sample sizes than dividing the specimens by wear classes and taking the measurements at the occlusal surface of the tooth. This also meant that depending on the developmental stage of the tooth (and its state of preservation) sometimes cementum covered the area where the measurements were taken. Nevertheless, this extra source of variation does not appear to confound the variation observed in the different samples, as is evident in the results section. I measured a total of 1,454 cheek teeth (738 upper and 716 lower teeth) (Table A 1 of the Appendix). Most of the specimens that I measured were isolated teeth, although there were some tooth series and some complete or partial dentaries and maxillaries. I determined the side and tooth position for every individual tooth using the criteria presented by Bode (1931) and Eisenmann et al. (1988). The upper and lower third and fourth premolars (P3/p3 and P4/p4) are sometimes difficult to distinguish, as is the case for upper and lower first and second molars (M1/m1 and M2/m2). As a result, Eisenmann et al. (1988) suggest combining upper P3 and P4 as well as lower p3 and p4 into a single category, respectively. The same suggestion applies to the upper M1 and M2 as well as the lower m1 and m2 teeth (Eisenmann et al., 1988). Combining these tooth positions also increases the sample size available for study, improving statistical power. Consequently, I arranged the data into eight tooth categories: Upper P2, P3/P4, M1/M2, and M3; and lower p2, p3/p4, m1/m2, and m3. For cases in which different tooth positions of the same tooth category were associated (i.e., they belong to the same 47 individual), for instance the left p3 and left p4, I selected one of the two specimens at random and excluded the other from the analysis. For situations in which the left and right sides of the same tooth position were associated, for example right P2 and left P2, I obtained the average of the two specimens and used it in the statistical analysis. The final dataset for each of the five geographic regions and each tooth category studied are shown in Table A 1 of the Appendix. 48 A C H B H D Figure 2.3. Lower (A and B) and upper (C and D) third premolars showing the measurements that were taken with a caliper for upper and lower cheek teeth. Photograph in labial view (A) and transversal section of a CT-scan reconstruction (B) of a left p3 (DhPg-8 3437.1) indicating the measurements for tooth height (H), transverse width (Tr), and anteroposterior length (Ap) (these last two measurements were taken at a crown height of 2 cm). The same set of measurements are shown for a right P3 (DP 3850) in a photograph of the labial side of the tooth (C) and a transversal section of a CT-scan reconstruction (D) of the specimen. 49 Statistical analyses I conducted a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) of the variance-covariance matrix for each of the eight tooth categories. For both the upper and lower teeth, I used the length and width of the tooth crown measured at a tooth height of 2 cm. Because of the possibility of a non-linear allometric relationship between these variables in the sample studied, I log-transformed the data prior to conducting the PCA. This transformation linearizes the data making it possible to use PCA and other statistical methods which assume linear relationships between variables (Hammer and Harper, 2006). For each tooth category, I first conducted a PCA for the five geographic regions combined, in order to place all of the specimens into the same multivariate space (i.e., morphospace). I then dissected the variation in the data by geographic region, by plotting the PC scores for specimens from each geographic region separately. This facilitated the identification of different clusters in the morphospace, which were primarily arranged along the first principal component (PC1). However, it should be noted that PCA is a statistical exploratory technique that facilitates the identification of patterns in the data and it is not a statistical test (Hammer and Harper, 2006). Therefore, to test for heterogeneity in the data that would indicate the presence of more than one population, I conducted a ShapiroWilk test for normal distribution for the PC1 scores. The null hypothesis is that the observations are drawn at random from a single population with a normal distribution. All statistical tests were conducted in PAST 2.17 (Hammer et al., 2001) and STATISTICA v. 9 (StatSoft, 2009) software packages. The significance level for all tests was set to a p-value of 0.05. 50 2.2.2 Geometric morphometrics of the occlusal enamel pattern The occlusal enamel pattern of equids is complex and has been used to varying degrees in the taxonomy of these ungulates. It was heavily used, along with other tooth characters such as the bucco-lingual curvature of the tooth, in early studies of equid paleontology. However, it was soon recognized that the enamel pattern is extremely variable. Gidley (1901) was one of the first researchers to caution against the use of tooth characters, including the enamel pattern, in equid taxonomy. He sectioned cheek teeth of the modern horse to demonstrate that the enamel pattern changes as the tooth wears down (Gidley, 1901). Other researchers have also pointed out that the occlusal surface and dimensions of hypsodont equid cheek teeth change with age as the teeth wear down (e.g., Howe, 1970; Carranza-Castañeda and Ferrusquía-Villafranca, 1979, Woodburne, 2003). This large ontogenetic variation has brought into question the utility of the cheek teeth in the determination of equid species. However, when comparing specimens at similar stages of wear, the enamel pattern can be taxonomically informative (Barrón-Ortiz et al., 2008; Barrón-Ortiz and Theodor, 2011). In this study, I examined teeth with a tooth height representing 30 – 40 % of the maximum crown height, which approximately corresponds to a crown height equivalent to the width of the tooth (or the length of the tooth for the lower teeth) measured at a tooth height of 2 cm. I photographed specimens showing the selected stage of wear using a SONY Cyber-shot DSC-H9 digital camera. When taking the photograph, the occlusal surface of the tooth was oriented perpendicular to the camera lens. In addition, I placed a scale bar oriented parallel to the occlusal surface on the lingual side of the tooth for the upper teeth (Figure 2.4) and on the buccal side for the lower teeth. 51 Acquisition of CT-scan data Typically, fossil assemblages present teeth with varying degrees of wear; therefore, restricting the analysis to teeth with equivalent stages of wear reduces the effective sample size. In order to increase the sample size available for study I relied on X-ray Computed Tomography to digitally section specimens at the selected stage of wear. Due to limitations in CT-scanning time and monetary resources, I did not scan all of the tooth positions, but rather concentrated on the third and fourth premolars, as these tooth positions had proven to be taxonomically useful in a previous study of the occlusal enamel pattern (Barrón-Ortiz et al., 2008). In total, 139 specimens were CT-scanned, 64 upper P3/P4 and 75 lower p3/p4. All of the specimens were scanned using a SkyScan 1173 high-resolution micro-CT scanner at the Department of Comparative Biology and Experimental Medicine, University of Calgary. The scanner was set to 100 – 130 kV, 61 µA, 250 – 600 ms of exposure, 0.40 – 0.50° rotation step, and a resolution of 38.91 – 60.35 µm. An aluminum filter of 1.0 mm or a brass filter of 0.25 mm was used according to the specimen being CT-scanned. Each slice was averaged from two frames and every specimen was rotated either 180 o or 360o during scanning. The software NRecon 1.4 was used to reconstruct the virtual slices through each tooth. Subsequently, 3-D surface models of the teeth were created in AMIRA 5.3.3. The 3-D models were sectioned at the selected tooth height using the “ObliqueSlice” module. The specimens were not sectioned perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth, but rather the cutting plane was aligned with the occlusal surface of the tooth. Thus, the cutting plane was inclined lingually and mesially to varying degrees for the upper teeth and 52 buccally and (generally) mesially on the lower teeth. The sectioned 3-D models were then oriented with the enamel pattern perpendicular to the screen and an image along with a scale bar was obtained. Further processing of the images is detailed in the sections below. Upper cheek teeth landmark acquisition and sample size I used the computer software tpsDig 2.16 (Rohlf, 2010) to digitize 24 landmarks on the images, including both photographs and images of the sectioned 3-D surface models, of the upper P3 and P4 teeth. The landmarks used in this analysis are presented in Figure 2.4 and are based on a study reported by Barrón-Ortiz and Theodor (2011). The first 18 landmarks are considered type II landmarks under Bookstein’s (1991) classification of landmarks. Type II landmarks are points located at local maxima and minima of curvature. The remaining six landmarks are considered type III landmarks. Type III landmarks are defined by their relative position to other landmarks. In this case, landmarks 19, 20, and 21 are defined by their relative position to landmarks 1 and 2, whereas landmarks 22, 23, and 24 are defined by their relative position to landmarks 3 and 5. Landmark 19 is placed at the mid-point between landmarks 1 and 2 and at the intersection with the enamel band of the metastyle-mesostyle valley. Landmarks 20 and 21 are placed at the mid-point between landmarks 1 and 2 and at the intersection with the buccal and lingual enamel bands of the postfossette, respectively, following the orientation of the distal margin of the tooth. Landmark 22 is placed at the mid-point between landmarks 3 and 5 and at the intersection with the enamel band of the mesostyleparastyle valley. Landmarks 23 and 24 are placed at the mid-point between landmarks 3 and 5 and at the intersection with the buccal and lingual enamel bands of the prefossette, 53 respectively, following the orientation of the distal margin of the tooth. I used these six type III landmarks to obtain a better characterization of the fossettes and the ectoloph (the buccal enamel band of the tooth). I originally placed a type II landmark on the pli hypostyle of the postfossette and on the pli protoloph of the prefossette, but decided to exclude these landmarks because these plications are not present in all of the specimens imaged. The pli hypostyle is absent from 18 specimens and the pli protoloph is absent from four teeth. In cases where there were images of associated specimens, for example left and right P3 of the same individual, I chose one of the two specimens at random for digitization. I also reflected all of the left teeth in the dataset in order to have all of the specimens in the same orientation. I then renamed every image with a four digit identifier generated at random, with the objective of mixing the sample of images and removing the identity of each image to minimize any biases during digitization. The final dataset consisted of 144 specimens (including both photographed and CT-scanned specimens) (Table A 2 of the Appendix). 54 Figure 2.4. Occlusal surface of a P3 (LACM 192/18109) showing the landmarks used in the analysis. Lower cheek teeth landmark acquisition and sample size For the lower cheek teeth, I focused my study on what some researchers call the doubleknot (e.g., Eisenmann et al., 1988), which consist of the metaconid, linguaflexid, and metastylid (Figure 2.2). The linguaflexid, in particular, has been considered taxonomically important by different researchers (e.g., Skinner, 1972; Dalquest 1978, 1988; Eisenmann, 1981, Forsten, 1986). These researchers indicate that horses, including the Mongolian wild horse (E. ferus przewalskii), tend to have a deep U-shaped linguaflexid, whereas zebrines have a V-shaped linguaflexid, and hemiones have a shallow V- or U-shaped linguaflexid. One methodological complication with this categorization of the linguaflexid is that it is subjective, that is, whether a linguaflexid is categorized as U-shaped or V-shaped depends on the judgment of the researcher 55 (Dalquest, 1988). A further potential complication is that this character may be variable within the same species; at least this has been reported in populations of the extant hemione Equus kiang, in which northern populations tend to have a U-shaped linguaflexid, whereas southern populations tend to present a V-shaped linguaflexid (Groves and Willoughby, 1981). The first complication can be addressed with the use of outline-based geometric morphometrics. This technique allows for the characterization of outlines or curves in a more objective manner. Regarding the second complication, what can be concluded at the moment is that further studies are needed to better assess the morphological plasticity of this trait and the present study attempts to shed some light on this issue. I prepared the images for digitization in two different ways. For the images of the sections of the 3-D surface models, I first converted the image into a binary image and adjusted the threshold (I used values between 190 and 230) to highlight the enamel band. I conducted this operation using the Outlines tab under Image Tools in the software tpsDig 2.16 (Rohlf, 2010). Subsequently, I opened the converted image in ImageJ 1.48v (Rasband, 2014), cropped it, converted it once again to a binary image, and used the operation called erode to smooth the enamel band and remove any fuzziness produced by the CT-scanner. For the digital photographs, I cropped the images in ImageJ 1.48v (Rasband, 2014) and traced the outline of the double knot with a dark blue color using a line width of 20 pixels. I then processed both sets of images in MATLAB 7.8 (MathWorks, 2009) using a modified version of the program developed by Barrón-Ortiz et al. (2008) to obtain 50 equally spaced semilandmarks along the double knot (Figure 2.5). 56 As for the upper cheek teeth, in cases where there were images of associated specimens, for example left and right p4 of the same individual, I chose one of the two specimens at random for digitization. I also reflected all of the left teeth in the dataset in order to have all of the specimens in the same orientation. I then renamed every image with a four digit identifier generated at random, with the objective of mixing the sample of images and removing the identity of each image to minimize any biases during digitization. The final dataset consisted of 128 specimens (including both photographed and CT-scanned specimens) (Table A 3 of the Appendix). Figure 2.5. Digitized double knot (metaconid, linguaflexid, and metastylid) of a lower p4 (KU 50629) showing the 50 semilandmarks used in the analysis. The arrow points to the first semilandmark. Statistical analyses The primary goal of the geometric morphometric analysis was to determine whether the groups that I identified in the analysis of the linear measurements, which were based on differences in size, statistically differed in shape for both the upper and the lower 57 premolars. Shape refers to the geometric features of an object after accounting for differences in size, position, and orientation (Kendal, 1977). Congruence between the linear and geometric morphometric analyses would provide support for the consideration of these groups as candidates for the recognition of different species under the morphological species concept. To this end, I organized the landmark data by size group (according to groups identified in the linear morphometric analysis) and geographic region. The groups considered in the analysis are: large, medium, and small specimens from northeastern Mexico; large, medium, and small specimens from the American Southwest; large and medium specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming; large and medium specimens from Alberta; and the specimens from Bluefish Caves, Yukon. For both the upper and the lower teeth, I superimposed the configuration of landmarks using the generalized least squares Procrustes superimposition algorithm in MorphoJ 1.05f (Klingenberg, 2011). This superimposition technique translates the configurations of landmarks to the origin, scales them to unit centroid size, and rotates them to minimize the summed square distances between homologous landmarks (Zelditch et al., 2004). A consensus (mean) configuration is obtained and the deviation of each configuration of landmarks from the consensus yields the Procrustees coordinates, which are subsequently used for statistical analyses. I performed a pooled within subgroups multivariate regression of log centroid size on the Procrustes coordinates to test for allometry; covariation between size and shape (e.g., Loy et al., 1998; Monteiro, 1999; Frost et al., 2003; Drake and Klingenberg, 2008). As will be seen in the results, the regression for both the upper and lower premolars yielded a statistically significant relationship. I used the regression residuals to control for 58 the variation of shape due to size and conducted a Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA). To test for significant differences between groups, I carried out pair-wise permutation tests, using10,000 permutation rounds, for the Procrustes distances among groups. 2.2.3 Mitochondrial ancient DNA Samples I processed a subsample of 50 late Pleistocene equid teeth from 12 North American localities for ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis (Table A 5 of the Appendix). These specimens were used in the linear and/or geometric morphometric analyses described above. I also extracted, amplified, and sequenced aDNA from an archaeological domestic horse (Equus ferus caballus) which served as the positive control (Table A 5 of the Appendix). DNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing I processed all of the samples at the Ancient DNA Laboratory located in the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology at the University of Calgary. This laboratory has been designed exclusively for ancient DNA (aDNA) work and no modern samples have ever been processed there. Furthermore, prior to this study, ancient equid samples had not been processed at the Ancient DNA Laboratory. The laboratory is equipped with UV filtered ventilation and positive airflow, as well as UV sources for decontamination. All equipment in the laboratory is dedicated for aDNA use. Strict contamination protocols are followed including: 1) the use of protective clothing such as Tyvex suits, masks, and disposable gloves; 2) separation of the aDNA lab into bone preparation, DNA extraction, 59 and PCR set-up rooms, with dedicated equipment for each room; 3) Separation of preand post-PCR work: extraction of aDNA and set-up of PCR reactions take place at the Ancient DNA Laboratory, whereas aDNA amplification is conducted at the PCR Laboratory in the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary (the two buildings are physically separated from each other and have separate ventilation systems); 4) the inclusion of multiple blank DNA extractions (one for every six to seven samples processed) and negative PCR controls. Sampling, decontamination, and DNA extraction For every tooth in this subsample, I obtained a sample from one of the roots in order to avoid damaging the tooth crown. I cut a fragment of approximately 10 mm in length from the tip of the root using a small hacksaw, which had previously been cleaned with 6 % sodium hypochlorite. Approximately 0.3 – 0.6 g of sample were subjected to chemical and UV decontamination. First, each sample was placed in a new 15 ml test tube and immersed in a 6 % sodium hypochlorite for 7 minutes, before rinsing it twice in ultrapure water to remove any residue of sodium hypochlorite. Subsequently, I placed the samples on clean weighing trays and UV irradiated them in a crosslinker for 30 minutes on two sides. I used a modified silica-spin column technique (Yang et al., 1998; Yang et al. 2004), to extract DNA from the decontaminated tooth samples. The samples were crushed into powder using a small hammer and incubated overnight in a new 15 ml test tube with 5 ml of lysis solution (0.5 M EDTA pH 8.0, 0.5% SDS, and 0.5 mg/mL proteinase K) in a rotating hybridization oven at 50 oC. The 15 ml tubes were centrifuged 60 for 25 minutes and 4 ml of supernatant was transferred to an Amicon 10K column (Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA) in order to concentrate the DNA. After concentration, approximately 50 – 100 µl of supernatant was purified using Qiagen Nucleotide Removal Kits (Qiagen, Valencia, California, USA). For each sample, approximately 200 µl of DNA extract were obtained in two separate elutions of 100 µl each. Primer design and PCR amplifications Primers were designed to target portions of the hypervariable region I (HVR I) of equid mitochondrial control region. In order to accomplish this task, I downloaded from GenBank ( DNA sequences of the mitochondrial control region of extant and extinct equids (Table A 6 of the Appendix). All of the sequences were aligned in BioEdit (Hall, 1999). I designed eight primer sets (Table A 4 of the Appendix) to amplify a 621 bp fragment of the HVR I by visually examining the aligned DNA sequences. The primers were designed on conserved regions of the sequences interspersed between regions with varying degrees of DNA sequence variation. The targeted fragments spanned positions 15,443 – 16,063 of the Equus ferus caballus mtDNA genome (Genbank accession: X79547.1). I conducted PCR reactions using an Eppendorf Mastercycler® in a 30 µl reaction volume containing 50 mmol/L KCl, 10 mmol/L Tris-HCl, 2.5 mmol/L MgCl2, 0.2mmol/L dNTP, 1.0 mg/mL BSA, 0.3 µmol/L each primer, 3.0 – 4.0 µl DNA sample, and 2 U (1 U ≈ 16.67 nkat) AmpliTaq Gold LD (Life Technologies Corporation, Carlsbad, California, USA). PCR started with an initial 12 min denaturation period at 95 o C, followed by 60 cycles at 95 oC denaturation for 30 s, 50-52 oC annealing for 30 s, and 61 72 oC extension for 40 s. I included blank extracts and negative controls in each of the PCR sets. PCR products were sequenced using forward and reverse primers at Eurofins MWG Operon, Inc., Huntsville, Alabama, USA. For all of the samples that yielded DNA I attempted repeat amplifications and sequencing and for five specimens (EQ29, EQ39, EQ43, EQ50, and EQ53) I conducted repeat extractions to ensure the reproducibility of the results and to detect any base pair misincorporations due to DNA damage. Contigs of the obtained DNA sequences were produced using ChromasPro software ( The aligned DNA fragments were checked for consistency and were visually edited where necessary. Subsequently, I truncated the contig sequences to remove primer sequences and to make them comparable with previously published equid reference sequences from GenBank. Data analysis I compiled DNA sequences of the mitochondrial control region of extant and extinct equids (Table A 6 of the Appendix) from GenBank, including sequences from the modern horse haplogroups identified by Achilli et al. (2012), ancient horse sequences obtained by Weinstock et al. (2005), sequences of stilt-legged horses reported by Vilstrup et al. (2013), and sequences of specimens identified as Equus (Amerhippus) neogeus obtained by Orlando et al. (2008). I also included in the dataset the mitochondrial control region of the fossil specimens from Thistle Creek, Yukon, and Taymyr peninsula, Siberia, reported by Orlando et al. (2013). I used sequences of the domestic and African donkeys as outgroups (Table A 6 of the Appendix). The sequences from the literature and the ones obtained in this study were arranged into two datasets depending on their degree 62 of completeness. One dataset consisted of 75 sequences of a 583 bp fragment of the HVR I. The second dataset was comprised by 126 sequences of a 348 bp of the HVR I. I aligned each of the datasets by way of a ClustalW Multiple alignment in BioEdit (Hall, 1999). Subsequently, I used MrModeltest 2.3 (Nylander, 2004) in PAUP 4.0b10 (Swofford, 2001) to determine the best nucleotide substitution model. Based on the Akaike Information Criterion, this analysis determined that the best model of nucleotide substitution for the three datasets is the general time reversible model with gamma-distributed rate variation across sites and a proportion of invariable sites (GTR+G+I). I then conducted a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis integrating Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms in MrBayes 3.2 (Ronquist et al., 2012) for each dataset. The posterior probability distribution of trees was approximated by drawing a sample every 1,000 steps over 10,000,000 generations, after discarding a burn-in of 1,000,000 generations. 2.3 2.3.1 Results Linear morphometrics In all analyses for both the upper and the lower cheek teeth, the first principal component (PC 1) accounted for over 87 % of the variation in the data (Tables 2.1 and 2.2). The factor loadings indicate that this component reflects variation in size, with larger specimens showing more positive scores (Tables 2.1 and 2.2). The scatter plot of the two principal components shows that the specimens grade from smallest to largest with few appreciable breaks (Figures 2.6 – 2.13); however, plotting the PC scores by geographic region reveals better-defined size clusters. 63 The upper and lower cheek teeth from northeastern Mexico tend to plot into three size groups: large, medium, and small (Figures 2.14 and 2.15). Moreover, the distribution of the specimens along PC 1 (Figures 2.24 and 2.25) statistically departs from normality in all tooth categories, except M3 and p2 (Table 2.3). The specimens from the American Southwest tend to plot into large and medium size clusters, except for the p3/p4 tooth category where there are three small sized specimens that plot in the same region of the morphospace as the small sized specimens from northeastern Mexico (Figures 2.16 and 2.17). Sample sizes for this geographic region are small for four of the eight tooth categories, namely P2, M3, p2, and m3 (Table 2.4). As a result, greater weight was given to the remaining tooth categories in the interpretation of the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality. The distribution of PC1 scores for P3/P4 and p3/p4 cheek teeth (Figures 2.26B and 2.27B) is statistically different from the expected normal distribution, whereas normality is not rejected for the M1/M2 and m1/m2 tooth categories (Table 2.4); although, the p-value for the M1/M2 category is marginally greater than 0.05. The vast majority of the specimens from Natural Trap Cave plot into one cluster that falls in the same region of the morphospace as the medium sized cluster from northeastern Mexico and the American Southwest (Figures 2.18 and 2.19). There are, however, a few specimens that are of larger size, producing a right-skewed distribution of specimens along PC1 for all of the tooth categories except p2 and p3/p4 (Figures 2.28 and 2.29). Accordingly, the Shapiro-Wilk test is not significant for these two tooth categories (Table 2.5). The test is also not significant for the m3 tooth category. 64 Significant departures from normality are detected for the remaining five tooth categories (Table 2.5). The specimens from Alberta tend to plot on the right side of the graph in the same region of the morphospace as the large specimens from the American Southwest and northeastern Mexico (Figures 2.20 and 2.21). However, this does not apply to all of the tooth positions, and there are four specimens (one p2, two p3/p4, and one m1) that are smaller in size and that fall in the same region of the morphospace as the medium sized specimens from Natural Trap Cave, the American Southwest, and northeastern Mexico. The sample size in four of the eight tooth categories (P2, M3, p2, and m3) is small and, therefore, greater weight was given to the interpretation of the Shapiro-Wilk test for the other tooth categories. Normality cannot be rejected for the distribution of specimens along PC1 in the P3/P4, M1/M2, and m1/m2 tooth categories, and the test is marginally not significant for the p3/p4 tooth category (Figures 2.30 and 2.31; Table 2.6). The specimens from Bluefish Caves form one cluster for all tooth categories. The specimens tend to plot in the lower range of the large specimens from the other geographic regions (Figures 2.22 and 2.23). The Shapiro-Wilk test is not significant for any tooth categories, although it is only marginally not significant for the p2 and m3 tooth categories (Figures 2.32 and 2.33; Table 2.7). 65 Figure 2.6. Plot of principal components for P2 specimens. Letters indicate specimens according to locality provenance (Figure 2.1). Teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” beside the letter and “*” indicates teeth associated with specimens that yielded aDNA. 66 Figure 2.7. Plot of principal components for P3/P4 specimens. Letters indicate specimens according to locality provenance (Fig. 2.1). Teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” beside the letter and “*” indicates teeth associated with specimens that yielded aDNA. 67 Figure 2.8. Plot of principal components for M1/M2 specimens. Letters indicate specimens according to locality provenance (Figure 2.1). Teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” beside the letter; “*” indicates teeth associated with specimens that yielded aDNA. 68 Figure 2.9. Plot of principal components for M3 specimens. Letters indicate specimens according to locality provenance (Figure 2.1). Teeth associated with specimens that yielded aDNA are identified by “*” beside the letter. 69 Figure 2.10. Plot of principal components for p2 specimens. Letters indicate specimens according to locality provenance (Figure 2.1). Teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” beside the letter and “*” indicates teeth associated with specimens that yielded aDNA. 70 Figure 2.11. Plot of principal components for p3/p4 specimens. Letters indicate specimens according to locality provenance (Fig. 2.1). Teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” beside the letter and “*” indicates teeth associated with specimens that yielded aDNA. 71 Figure 2.12 Plot of principal components for m1/m2 specimens. Letters indicate specimens according to locality provenance (Figure 2.1). Teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” beside the letter; “*” indicates teeth associated with specimens that yielded aDNA. 72 Figure 2.13. Plot of principal components for m3 specimens. Letters indicate specimens according to locality provenance (Figure 2.1). Teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” beside the letter and “*” indicates teeth associated with specimens that yielded aDNA. 73 P2 P3/P4 M1/M2 M3 Figure 2.14. Principal component plots showing upper teeth from Cedral (C) and San Josecito Cave (J), Mexico. The P2 specimen that yielded aDNA is identified by “a” and corresponds to EQ30 of the aDNA analysis. 74 p2 p3/p4 m1/m2 m3 Figure 2.15. Principal component plots showing lower teeth from Cedral (C) and San Josecito Cave (J), Mexico. 75 P2 P3/P4 M1/M2 M3 Figure 2.16. Principal component plots showing upper teeth from the American Southwest. Refer to Fig. 2.1 for locality abbreviations. Specimens that yielded aDNA (EQ3 and EQ16) and teeth associated with these specimens are identified by “a” and “*”, respectively. 76 p2 p3/p4 m1/m2 m3 Figure 2.17. Principal component plots showing lower teeth from the American Southwest. Letters indicate specimens according to locality provenance (Figure 2.1). Specimens that yielded aDNA (EQ1 and EQ2) are identified by “a”. 77 P2 P3/P4 M1/M2 M3 Figure 2.18. Principal component plots showing upper teeth from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming. The P2 specimen that yielded aDNA (EQ9) and teeth associated with it are identified by “a” and “*”, respectively. 78 p2 p3/p4 m1/m2 m3 Figure 2.19. Principal component plots showing lower teeth from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming. Specimens that yielded aDNA (EQ13, EQ22, and EQ41) are identified by “a”. 79 P2 P3/P4 M1/M2 M3 Figure 2.20. Principal component plots showing upper teeth from the Edmonton area (E) and Wally’s Beach (W), Alberta. Specimens associated with teeth that yielded aDNA (EQ43) are identified by “*”. 80 p2 p3/p4 m1/m2 m3 Figure 2.21. Principal component plots showing lower teeth from the Edmonton area (E) and Wally’s Beach (W), Alberta. Specimens that yielded aDNA (EQ4 and EQ43) and teeth associated with these specimens are identified by “a” and “*”, respectively. 81 P2 P3/P4 M1/M2 M3 Figure 2.22. Principal component plots showing upper teeth from Bluefish Caves, Yukon. Specimens that yielded aDNA (EQ38, EQ44, EQ45, and EQ47) and teeth associated with these specimens are identified by “a” and “*”, respectively. 82 p2 p3/p4 m1/m2 m3 Figure 2.23. Principal component plots showing lower teeth from Bluefish Caves, Yukon. Specimens that yielded aDNA (EQ39, EQ42, EQ47, EQ48, EQ50, EQ51, and EQ53) and teeth associated with these specimens are identified by “a” and “*”, respectively. 83 Table 2.1. Eigenvalues, percentage variance, and factor loadings for the principal components resulting from PCA of the linear measurements of the upper teeth (Ap = anteroposterior length; Tr = transversal width), taken at a crown height of 2 cm. Upper P2 Upper P3/P4 Upper M1/M2 Upper M3 PC1 PC2 PC1 PC2 PC1 PC2 PC1 PC2 Eigenvalue 0.0031 0.0003 0.0044 0.0002 0.0041 0.0002 0.0051 0.0004 % variance 92.49 7.51 94.62 5.38 96.18 3.82 93.04 6.96 Ap 0.7773 -0.6291 0.7680 -0.6405 0.7401 -0.6725 0.7905 -0.6125 Tr 0.6291 0.7773 0.6405 0.7680 0.6725 0.7401 0.6125 0.7905 Factor loadings Table 2.2. Eigenvalues, percentage variance, and factor loadings for the principal components resulting from PCA of the linear measurements of the lower teeth (Ap = anteroposterior length; Tr = transversal width), taken at a crown height of 2 cm. Lower p2 Lower p3/p4 Lower m1/m2 Lower m3 PC1 PC2 PC1 PC2 PC1 PC2 PC1 PC2 Eigenvalue 0.0042 0.0006 0.0037 0.0004 0.0043 0.0005 0.0055 0.0005 % variance 87.34 12.66 89.81 10.19 90.01 9.99 91.90 8.10 Ap 0.6873 0.7264 0.7036 0.7105 0.6411 0.7675 0.7230 -0.6909 Tr 0.7264 -0.6873 0.7105 -0.7036 0.7675 -0.6411 0.6909 0.7230 Factor loadings 84 P2 P3/P4 M1/M2 M3 Figure 2.24. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of upper teeth from Cedral and San Josecito Cave, Mexico, resulting from PCA of the linear measurements (anteroposterior length and transversal width), taken at a crown height of 2 cm. 85 p2 p3/p4 m1/m2 m3 Figure 2.25. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of lower teeth from Cedral and San Josecito Cave, Mexico, resulting from PCA of the linear measurements (anteroposterior length and transversal width), taken at a crown height of 2 cm. 86 P2 P3/P4 M1/M2 M3 Figure 2.26. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of upper teeth from localities in the American Southwest (Figure 2.1), resulting from PCA of the linear measurements (anteroposterior length and transversal width), taken at a crown height of 2 cm. 87 p2 p3/p4 m1/m2 m3 Figure 2.27. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of lower teeth from localities in the American Southwest (Figure 2.1), resulting from PCA of the linear measurements (anteroposterior length and transversal width), taken at a crown height of 2 cm. 88 P2 P3/P4 M1/M2 M3 Figure 2.28. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of upper teeth from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming, resulting from PCA of the linear measurements (anteroposterior length and transversal width), taken at a crown height of 2 cm. 89 p2 p3/p4 m1/m2 m3 Figure 2.29. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of lower teeth from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming, resulting from PCA of the linear measurements (anteroposterior length and transversal width), taken at a crown height of 2 cm. 90 P2 P3/P4 M1/M2 M3 Figure 2.30. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of upper teeth from the Edmonton area and Wally’s Beach, Alberta, resulting from PCA of the linear measurements (anteroposterior length and transversal width), taken at a crown height of 2 cm. 91 p2 p3/p4 m1/m2 m3 Figure 2.31. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of lower teeth from the Edmonton area and Wally’s Beach, Alberta, resulting from PCA of the linear measurements (anteroposterior length and transversal width), taken at a crown height of 2 cm. 92 P2 P3/P4 M1/M2 M3 Figure 2.32. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of upper teeth from Bluefish Caves, Yukon, resulting from PCA of the linear measurements (anteroposterior length and transversal width), taken at a crown height of 2 cm. 93 p2 p3/p4 m1/m2 m3 Figure 2.33. Histograms showing the distribution of PC 1 scores of lower teeth from Bluefish Caves, Yukon, resulting from PCA of the linear measurements (anteroposterior length and transversal width), taken at a crown height of 2 cm. 94 Table 2.3. Results of Shapiro-Wilk test for normal distribution of principal component 1 scores for each tooth category from Cedral and San Josecito Cave, Mexico. n = sample size. Statistically significant p-values are shown in bold. Tooth category n Shapiro-Wilk W p-value P2 33 0.9313 0.0382 P3/P4 71 0.9332 0.0010 M1/M2 103 0.9716 0.0256 M3 37 0.9496 0.0937 p2 44 0.9512 0.0608 p3/p4 77 0.9607 0.0177 m1/m2 134 0.9712 0.0061 m3 33 0.9323 0.0407 Table 2.4. Results of Shapiro-Wilk test for normal distribution of principal component 1 scores for each tooth category from the American Southwest. n = sample size. Statistically significant p-values are shown in bold. Tooth category n Shapiro-Wilk W p-value P2 10 0.9153 0.3190 P3/P4 26 0.9156 0.0356 M1/M2 34 0.9417 0.0695 M3 12 0.9322 0.4035 p2 14 0.9510 0.5765 p3/p4 34 0.8884 0.0023 m1/m2 56 0.9654 0.1079 m3 11 0.8826 0.1122 95 Table 2.5. Results of Shapiro-Wilk test for normal distribution of principal component 1 scores for each tooth category from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming. n = sample size. Statistically significant p-values are shown in bold. Tooth category n Shapiro-Wilk W p-value P2 27 0.8857 0.0064 P3/P4 66 0.9533 0.0144 M1/M2 72 0.9390 0.0017 M3 35 0.9040 0.0051 p2 25 0.9490 0.2383 p3/p4 46 0.9749 0.4147 m1/m2 56 0.9533 0.0298 m3 32 0.9440 0.0971 Table 2.6. Results of Shapiro-Wilk test for normal distribution of principal component 1 scores for each tooth category from the Edmonton area and Wally’s Beach, Alberta. n = sample size. Statistically significant p-values are shown in bold. Tooth category n Shapiro-Wilk W p-value P2 5 0.9067 0.4481 P3/P4 26 0.9715 0.6633 M1/M2 41 0.9835 0.8039 M3 11 0.9524 0.6752 p2 9 0.8189 0.0335 p3/p4 20 0.9136 0.0747 m1/m2 22 0.9686 0.6781 m3 5 0.8523 0.2020 96 Table 2.7. Results of Shapiro-Wilk test for normal distribution of principal component 1 scores for each tooth category from Bluefish Caves, Yukon. n = sample size. 2.3.2 Tooth category n Shapiro-Wilk W p-value P2 23 0.9641 0.5504 P3/P4 45 0.9815 0.6820 M1/M2 41 0.9819 0.7471 M3 20 0.9270 0.1354 p2 21 0.9132 0.0634 p3/p4 30 0.9681 0.4879 m1/m2 28 0.9860 0.9613 m3 19 0.9075 0.0665 Geometric morphometrics of the enamel pattern of upper premolars There is a statistically significant relationship between shape (as defined by the Procrustes coordinates) and log centroid size (p-value < 0.0001). The regression on centroid size accounts for 6.045 % of the total shape variation. Thus, it was necessary to standardize the data by computing the residuals from the regression to remove the shape variation due to allometry. The residuals were then used in further statistical analyses. The first three Canonical Variates (CV 1 to CV 3) account for 81.84 % of the relative between-group variation (Table 2.8). The different groups are arranged from small to large along CV 1, largely reflecting the pattern seen in the PCA of the linear measurements (Figure 2.34). The transformation grids show that negative scores on CV 1 correspond to shallow parastyle-mesostyle and mesostyle-metastyle valleys, buccolingually expanded fossettes, relatively short protocones, and mesial displacement of 97 landmark 11 (around the area where the pli caballin is located); the opposite is observed for positive CV 1 scores. The second Canonical Axis (CV 2) clearly separates the small specimens from northeastern Mexico and the specimens from Bluefish Caves from the rest of the groups. Negative CV 2 scores reflect a mesial extension of the anterior margin of the protocone and a more prominent mesostyle (landmarks 3 and 4 are more separated from each other); the opposite is seen for positive CV 2 scores. The third Canonical Axis (CV 3) does not clearly separate any of the groups, but arranges the intermediate size groups from south to north: specimens from northeastern Mexico show negative scores, whereas specimens from Wyoming have positive scores (Figure 2.35). Examination of the transformation grid for the CV 3 axis, shows that negative scores correspond to a displacement away from the center of the tooth of the pli paraconule (landmark 17), pli postfossette (landmark 14), and landmark 11; the opposite is observed for positive CV 3 scores. The pair-wise permutation tests identified significant differences in the Procrustes distance for all but eight comparisons (Table 2.10). Two of these comparisons concern the large size group from northeastern Mexico, which is not significantly different from the large size groups of the American Southwest and Alberta. Likewise, these last two groups are not statistically different from each other. The medium size group from Natural Trap Cave is not significantly different from the medium size group of the American Southwest. The four remaining pair-wise permutation tests that are nonsignificant include the large size group from Natural Trap Cave, which has a sample size of only two specimens and, thus, the reliability of these results is questionable. 98 Table 2.8. Eigenvalues, percentage variance, and cumulative percentage variance of the first five Canonical Variates resulting from CVA of 24 landmark coordinates of the occlusal enamel pattern of the upper premolars (P3/P4). Eigenvalues % Variance Cumulative % 1 10.9984 43.64 43.64 2 6.0334 23.94 67.58 3 3.5944 14.26 81.84 4 1.8776 7.45 89.29 5 1.3469 5.34 94.64 99 Figure 2.34. Plot of the first two Canonical Variates resulting from CVA of 24 landmark coordinates of the occlusal enamel pattern of the upper premolars (P3/P4). Shown on the margins of the graph is the change in tooth shape along each corresponding axis. The groups included in the analysis are: 1) large specimens from Cedral, Mexico (Cl); 2) medium specimens from Cedral (Cm) as well as all teeth from San Josecito Cave (J), Mexico; 3) small specimens from Cedral, Mexico (Cs); 4) large specimens from different localities of the American Southwest (identified by a lower case “l” beside the specimen abbreviation; refer to Figure 2.1 for abbreviations); 5) medium specimens from different localities of the American Southwest (identified by a lower case “m” beside the specimen abbreviation; refer to Figure 2.1 for abbreviations); 6) medium specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming (N); 7) large specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming (Nl); 8) large specimens from the Edmonton area gravel pits (E) and Wally’s Beach (W), Alberta; and 9) all of the specimens digitized from Bluefish Caves, Yukon (B). A lower case “a” beside the specimen abbreviation indicates a tooth that yielded aDNA (these include EQ38 and EQ45 from Bluefish Caves). An asterisk (*) beside the specimen abbreviation denotes a tooth associated (i.e., it belongs to the same individual) with a specimen from which aDNA was obtained (including teeth associated with EQ3 from Dry Cave, New Mexico, EQ9 from Natural Trap Cave, EQ43 from Wally’s Beach, and EQ44 as well as EQ47 from Bluefish Caves). 100 10 -10 -10 10 101 Figure 2.35. Plot of the first and third Canonical Variates resulting from CVA of 24 landmark coordinates of the occlusal enamel pattern of the upper premolars (P3/P4). Shown on the margins of the graph is the change in tooth shape along each corresponding axis. The groups included in the analysis are: 1) large specimens from Cedral, Mexico (Cl); 2) medium specimens from Cedral (Cm) as well as all teeth from San Josecito Cave (J), Mexico; 3) small specimens from Cedral, Mexico (Cs); 4) large specimens from different localities of the American Southwest (identified by a lower case “l” beside the specimen abbreviation; refer to Figure 2.1 for abbreviations); 5) medium specimens from different localities of the American Southwest (identified by a lower case “m” beside the specimen abbreviation; refer to Figure 2.1 for abbreviations); 6) medium specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming (N); 7) large specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming (Nl); 8) large specimens from the Edmonton area gravel pits (E) and Wally’s Beach (W), Alberta; and 9) all of the specimens digitized from Bluefish Caves, Yukon (B). A lower case “a” beside the specimen abbreviation indicates a tooth that yielded aDNA (these include EQ38 and EQ45 from Bluefish Caves). An asterisk (*) beside the specimen abbreviation denotes a tooth associated (i.e., it belongs to the same individual) with a specimen from which aDNA was obtained (including teeth associated with EQ3 from Dry Cave, New Mexico, EQ9 from Natural Trap Cave, EQ43 from Wally’s Beach, and EQ44 as well as EQ47 from Bluefish Caves). 102 10 -10 -10 10 103 Table 2.9. Procrustes distances among groups for the upper premolars (P3/P4). Abbreviations: Cl = large specimens from Cedral, Mexico. Cm/J = medium specimens from Cedral and specimens from San Josecito Cave, Mexico; Cs = small specimens from Cedral, Mexico; SWl = large specimens from the American Southwest; SWm = medium specimens from the American Southwest; Nl = large specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming; N = medium specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming; E/W = large specimens from the Edmonton area and Wally’s Beach, Alberta; B = specimens from Bluefish Caves, Yukon. Cl B Cm/J Cs SWl SWm Nl B 0.0606 Cm/J 0.0847 0.0649 Cs 0.1354 0.1099 0.0683 SWl 0.0358 0.0614 0.0870 0.1351 SWm 0.0618 0.0543 0.0412 0.0871 0.0657 Nl 0.0634 0.0657 0.0758 0.1095 0.0745 0.0590 N 0.0856 0.0698 0.0400 0.0672 0.0864 0.0370 0.0696 E/W 0.0327 0.0455 0.0746 0.1247 0.0324 0.0538 0.0670 N 0.0780 104 Table 2.10. P-values from permutation tests (10,000 permutation rounds) for Procrustes distances among groups of the upper premolars (P3/P4). Abbreviations: Cl = large specimens from Cedral, Mexico. Cm/J = medium specimens from Cedral and specimens from San Josecito Cave, Mexico; Cs = small specimens from Cedral, Mexico; SWl = large specimens from the American Southwest; SWm = medium specimens from the American Southwest; Nl = large specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming; N = medium specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming; E/W = large specimens from the Edmonton area and Wally’s Beach, Alberta; B = specimens from Bluefish Caves, Yukon. Statistically significant p-values are shown in bold. Cl B Cm/J Cs SWl SWm Nl B <.0001 Cm/J <.0001 <.0001 Cs <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 SWl 0.3251 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 SWm 0.0031 <.0001 0.0153 0.0007 0.001 Nl 0.2502 0.0250 0.0244 0.0263 0.028 0.4479 N <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.0514 0.0618 E/W 0.1672 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.2875 0.0007 0.0801 N <.0001 105 2.3.3 Geometric morphometrics of the enamel pattern of lower premolars The lower premolars show a marginally significant relationship between shape (as defined by the Procrustes coordinates) and log centroid size (p = 0.0437). The regression on centroid size accounts for 2.257 % of the total shape variation. As for the case of the upper premolars, the residuals were calculated and used in further statistical analyses. The first three Canonical Variates (CV 1 to CV 3) account for 71.93 % of the relative between-group variation (Table 2.11). The groups generally plot along CV 1 from small to large (Figure 2.36), reflecting the same overall pattern observed in the CVA of the upper premolars and the PCA of the linear measurements. Examination of the transformation grids reveals that the CV 1 axis corresponds to a morphological gradient which goes from a caballine double knot, with a deep, U-shaped linguaflexid on the right side of the plot (i.e., CV 1 values greater than 0) to a hemione-like double knot with a shallow and more open, U-shaped linguaflexid on the left side of the plot (i.e., CV 1 values less than 0). Moreover, positive CV 1 scores also reflect a tooth morphology in which the metaconid is “constricted” (i.e., the bucco-distal margin of the metaconid is displaced towards the linguaflexid) and the metastylid is “open” (i.e., the bucco-mesial margin of the metastylid is displaced away from the linguaflexid); the opposite pattern is observed for specimens with negative CV 1 scores. The small and large groups from northeastern Mexico, the small specimens from the American Southwest, and the specimens from Bluefish Caves all have positive CV 2 scores and are clearly separated from the rest of the groups along this axis. The transformation grids show that positive CV 2 scores correspond to a relatively rounded metastylid, whereas specimens with negative CV 2 scores reflect a triangular metastylid. The specimens from Bluefish Caves, 106 the large and medium size specimens from Natural Trap Cave and the small groups from northeastern Mexico and the American Southwest all have negative CV 3 scores and plot separately from the remaining groups in the dataset (Figure 2.37). Negative CV 3 scores correspond to a bucco-lingually compressed metastylid, whereas positive scores reflect a bucco-lingually expanded metastylid. In contrast to the upper premolars, there were fewer pair-wise comparisons in which the Procrustes distance between groups was statistically different (Table 2.13). This is partially due to the inclusion of groups with small sample sizes, namely the small groups from northeastern Mexico and the American Southwest, the large size group from Natural Trap Cave, and the medium size group from Alberta. Of the remaining groups in the dataset, the most relevant differences are: 1) the Bluefish Caves group is significantly different from all other groups; 2) the medium size group from northeastern Mexico differs from the medium size group of Natural Trap Cave as well as the large size groups from northeastern Mexico, the American Southwest, and Alberta; 3) the medium size group from the American Southwest is statistically different from the large size groups of Alberta and the American Southwest; and 4) the medium size group from Natural Trap Cave differs from the large size group of Alberta. 107 Table 2.11. Eigenvalues, percentage variance, and cumulative percentage variance of the first five Canonical Variates resulting from CVA of 50 semilandmark coordinates of the double knot (metaconid-metastylid-entoconid complex) of the lower premolars (p3/p4). Eigenvalues % Variance Cumulative % 1 30.9264 32.85 32.85 2 21.6312 22.98 55.83 3 15.1508 16.10 71.93 4 8.3076 8.83 80.75 5 5.6457 6.00 86.75 108 Figure 2.36. Plot of the first two Canonical Variates resulting from CVA of 50 semilandmark coordinates of the double knot (metaconid-metastylid-entoconid complex) of the lower premolars (p3/p4). Shown on the margins of the graph is the change in shape along each corresponding axis. The groups included in the analysis are: 1) large specimens from Cedral, Mexico (Cl); 2) medium specimens from Cedral (Cm) as well as all teeth from San Josecito Cave (J), Mexico; 3) small specimens from Cedral, Mexico (Cs); 4) large specimens from different localities of the American Southwest (identified by a lower case “l” beside the specimen abbreviation; refer to Figure 2.1 for abbreviations); 5) medium specimens from different localities of the American Southwest (identified by a lower case “m” beside the specimen abbreviation; refer to Figure 2.1 for abbreviations); 6) small specimens from Villa Ahumada (Vs) and Highway 45 (Gs), Chihuahua, Mexico; 7) medium specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming (N); 8) large specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming (Nl); 9) large specimens from the Edmonton area gravel pits (E) and Wally’s Beach (W), Alberta; 10) medium specimens from the Edmonton area gravel pits (Em), Alberta; and 11) all of the specimens digitized from Bluefish Caves, Yukon (B). A lower case “a” beside the specimen abbreviation indicates a tooth that yielded aDNA (these include EQ1 from Dry Cave, New Mexico, EQ4 from the Edmonton area gravel pits, EQ13 as well as EQ22 from Natural Trap Cave, EQ43 from Wally’s Beach, and EQ39, EQ48, and EQ50 from Bluefish Caves). An asterisk (*) beside the specimen abbreviation denotes a tooth associated (i.e., it belongs to the same individual) with a specimen from which aDNA was obtained (including teeth associated with EQ42, EQ51, and EQ53 from Bluefish Caves). 109 15 -15 -15 15 110 Figure 2.37. Plot of the first and third Canonical Variates resulting from CVA of 50 semilandmark coordinates of the double knot (metaconid-metastylid-entoconid complex) of the lower premolars (p3/p4). Shown on the margins of the graph is the change in shape along each corresponding axis. The groups included in the analysis are: 1) large specimens from Cedral, Mexico (Cl); 2) medium specimens from Cedral (Cm) as well as all teeth from San Josecito Cave (J), Mexico; 3) small specimens from Cedral, Mexico (Cs); 4) large specimens from different localities of the American Southwest (identified by a lower case “l” beside the specimen abbreviation; refer to Figure 2.1 for abbreviations); 5) medium specimens from different localities of the American Southwest (identified by a lower case “m” beside the specimen abbreviation; refer to Figure 2.1 for abbreviations); 6) small specimens from Villa Ahumada (Vs) and Highway 45 (Gs), Chihuahua, Mexico; 7) medium specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming (N); 8) large specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming (Nl); 9) large specimens from the Edmonton area gravel pits (E) and Wally’s Beach (W), Alberta; 10) medium specimens from the Edmonton area gravel pits (Em), Alberta; and 11) all of the specimens digitized from Bluefish Caves, Yukon (B). A lower case “a” beside the specimen abbreviation indicates a tooth that yielded aDNA (these include EQ1 from Dry Cave, New Mexico, EQ4 from the Edmonton area, EQ13 as well as EQ22 from Natural Trap Cave, EQ43 from Wally’s Beach, and EQ39, EQ48, and EQ50 from Bluefish Caves). An asterisk (*) beside the specimen abbreviation denotes a tooth associated (i.e., it belongs to the same individual) with a specimen from which aDNA was obtained (including teeth associated with EQ42, EQ51, and EQ53 from Bluefish Caves). 111 15 -15 -15 15 112 Table 2.12. Procrustes distances among groups for the lower premolars (p3/p4). Abbreviations: Cl = large specimens from Cedral, Mexico. Cm/J = medium specimens from Cedral and specimens from San Josecito Cave, Mexico; Cs = small specimens from Cedral, Mexico; SWl = large specimens from the American Southwest; SWm = medium specimens from the American Southwest; SWs = small specimens from the American Southwest (Villa Ahumada and Highway 45, Chihuahua); Nl = large specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming; N = medium specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming; E/W = large specimens from the Edmonton area gravel pits and Wally’s Beach, Alberta; Em = medium specimens from the Edmonton area gravel pits, Alberta; B = specimens from Bluefish Caves, Yukon. Cl Em B Cm/J Cs Em B Cm/J Cs SWl SWm SWs Nl 0.0894 0.0865 0.1224 0.1056 0.0762 0.1575 0.1383 0.1224 0.2062 0.0688 SWl 0.0369 0.0699 0.0849 0.0980 0.1389 SWm 0.0838 0.0519 0.1302 0.0387 0.0892 0.0722 SWs 0.1093 0.0963 0.1771 0.0728 0.0515 0.1089 0.0739 Nl 0.1392 0.1072 0.1510 0.0898 0.1452 0.1236 0.0872 0.1494 N 0.0698 0.0444 0.1111 0.0596 0.1069 0.0620 0.0321 0.0828 0.0977 E/W N 0.0511 0.0722 0.1008 0.1134 0.1443 0.0378 0.0857 0.1071 0.1483 0.0726 113 Table 2.13. P-values from permutation tests (10,000 permutation rounds) for Procrustes distances among groups of the lower premolars (p3/p4). Abbreviations: Cl = large specimens from Cedral, Mexico. Cm/J = medium specimens from Cedral and specimens from San Josecito Cave, Mexico; Cs = small specimens from Cedral, Mexico; SWl = large specimens from the American Southwest; SWm = medium specimens from the American Southwest; SWs = small specimens from the American Southwest (Villa Ahumada and Highway 45, Chihuahua); Nl = large specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming; N = medium specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming; E/W = large specimens from the Edmonton area gravel pits and Wally’s Beach, Alberta; Em = medium specimens from the Edmonton area gravel pits, Alberta; B = specimens from Bluefish Caves, Yukon. Statistically significant p-values are shown in bold. Cl Em B Cm/J Cs Em B Cm/J Cs SWl SWm SWs Nl 0.5058 0.0406 0.1796 0.0022 0.3584 <.0001 0.0784 0.4690 0.0010 0.2060 SWl 0.5379 0.4552 0.0068 0.0003 0.0141 SWm 0.0630 0.8363 0.0001 0.2552 0.1435 0.0223 SWs 0.2377 0.6013 0.0047 0.2328 0.9087 0.0705 0.3682 Nl 0.6303 1.0000 0.1799 0.4938 0.3942 0.2581 0.7017 0.7455 N 0.0973 0.8424 0.0017 0.0315 0.0855 0.0571 0.5407 0.2564 0.6039 E/W N 0.2837 0.4330 0.0009 <.0001 0.0143 0.3376 0.0062 0.0659 0.1217 0.0339 114 2.3.4 Mitochondrial aDNA I was able to extract and amplify mitochondrial aDNA from 22 of 50 late Pleistocene specimens I sampled (Table A 5 of the Appendix). For two of these specimens, EQ3 and EQ4, I only obtained a short fragment (117 bp) of the HVR I and, except for a preliminary assessment which will be discussed below, these specimens were excluded from the phylogenetic analyses because of the large amount of missing data. For the remaining 20 specimens I obtained the complete target sequence for 15 specimens. The aDNA extraction and amplification success rate varied among the sites, following a primarily north to south trend, with the highest success rate for the Bluefish Caves specimens (Table 2.14). The Bayesian phylogenetic analysis using a 584 bp fragment of the HVR I yields a polytomy consisting of caballine and stilt-legged clades (identified as clades 1 and 2, respectively in Figure 2.38) and the early middle Pleistocene specimen from Thistle Creek, Yukon Territory, sequenced by Orlando et al. (2013). The analysis also recovers 16 of the 18 extant horse haplogroups identified by Achilli et al. (2012). The two horse haplogroups that are not recovered in the analysis are haplogroups O and F. The Pleistocene sequences here studied separate into caballine and stilt-legged clades. All of the sequences from Bluefish Caves and Wally’s Beach fall in the caballine clade, whereas the sequences from Natural Trap Cave and the one obtained from San Josecito Cave cluster in the stilt-legged clade. Two sequences from Dry Cave fall in the stilt-legged clade, with a third sequence from this site clustering in the caballine clade. Within the caballine group, there is a well-supported clade (identified as clade 3 in Figure 2.38) that includes the modern horse haplogroups as well as a clade (clade 4 in Figure 2.38) 115 comprised by the sequences from Bluefish Caves, a sequence from the Yukon Territory, and a sequence from the Taymyr Peninsula, Siberia. Clade 3 also includes Pleistocene horses from Germany, Siberia, Alberta, and Argentina. The Wally’s Beach horses as well as the caballine specimen from Dry Cave and a late Pleistocene specimen from Alaska fall outside of Clade 3, forming a stem group to the extant caballine clade. There is little structure in the stilt-legged clade and most of the sequences group together forming a polytomy identified as Clade 5 in Figure 2.38. Within this clade two specimens from Natural Trap Cave here studied and a specimen from the Yukon Territory cluster together as Clade 6. The same overall pattern identified in the analysis of the 584 bp fragment of the HVR I is obtained in the phylogenetic analysis using a 348 bp fragment of the same region. Both caballine and stilt-legged clades (clades 1 and 2 in Figure 2.39) are recovered with comparable support to the analysis described above, with the middle Pleistocene Thistle Creek specimen not assigned to any of these clades. However, in this analysis only 14 of the extant horse haplogroups identified by Achilli et al. (2012) are obtained. Haplogroups C, F, N, and O are not recovered in the analysis. The late Pleistocene specimens here studied fall into the same groups mentioned above. The sequences from Bluefish Caves and Wally’s Beach, as well as one of the sequences from Dry Cave cluster in the caballine clade, whereas the sequences from Natural Trap Cave, two from Dry Cave and the one obtained from San Josecito Cave group in the stilt-legged clade. As for the analysis of the 584 bp fragment, within the caballine group there is a clade (identified as clade 3 in Figure 2.39) that includes all of the extant horse haplogroups as well as several late Pleistocene and historic equid sequences. Within this 116 clade, the sequences from Bluefish Caves form a separate group along with other specimens from Yukon, Alaska, and Siberia (clade 4 in Figure 2.39). Also included in clade 3 are sequences of late Pleistocene specimens from Germany, northeastern Siberia, China, Alberta, and Argentina. Caballine sequences that fall outside of clade 3 correspond mostly to North American late Pleistocene specimens (except JW17 which is from the Ural Mts., Central Asia), including the Wally’s Beach specimens, the caballine sequence from Dry Cave, as well as specimens from Alaska, Yukon, Alberta, and Natural Trap Cave. One of the sequences from Wally’s Beach groups with sequences from Natural Trap Cave, Yukon, and Alaska (clade 5 in Figure 2.39), whereas the other specimen from Wally’s Beach clusters with other sequences from Alberta (clade 6 in Figure 2.39). As for the analysis of the 584 bp fragment of the HVR I, there is little structure in the stilt-legged clade and most of the specimens form a polytomy (clade 7 in Figure 2.39). A phylogenetic analysis of the 117 bp fragment of the HVR I represented in the sequences obtained for specimens EQ3 and EQ4 yielded little resolution, but the few clades identified are congruent with those reported in the two analyses described above (Figure 2.40). This analysis revealed that the sequence of EQ3 is most similar to the sequence of a stilt-legged equid from Quartz Creek, Yukon (clade 1 in Figure 2.40), and the sequence of EQ4 is most similar to the sequence of EQ16 (clade 2 in Figure 2.40). These results suggest that both specimens are likely members of the stilt-legged group. 117 Table 2.14. Ancient DNA extraction and amplification success rate by locality. * indicates localities with specimens for which only a short fragment (117 bp) of the HVR I was obtained and are not considered as successful amplifications. Locality No. successful extractions and amplifications Success rate (%) Bluefish Caves, Yukon 10/10 100 Pit 48, Edmonton, Alberta 0/2* 0 Wally’s Beach, Alberta 2/2 100 Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming 4/6 66.7 Blackwater Draw, New Mexico 0/3 0 Dry Cave, New Mexico 3/9* 33.3 Dark Canyon Cave, New Mexico 0/3 0 Other sites, New Mexico 0/3 0 San Josecito Cave, Mexico 1/2 50.0 Cedral, Mexico 0/9 0 Loltún, Mexico 0/1 0 118 Figure 2.38. Consensus tree of Bayesian (Markov chain Monte Carlo) phylogenetic analysis displaying relationships between mitochondrial control region (HVR 1) haplotypes of extinct and extant equids, rooted with domestic donkey (Equus africanus asinus (L., 1758)) and Somali Wild Ass (Equus africanus somaliensis (Noack, 1884)) as the outgroup. The tree was constructed using 583 bp fragments of the HVR I. Posterior probabilities of the major nodes are listed for each of the branches. Identified by letters are the modern horse haplogroups defined by Achilli et al. (2012) that were recovered in the analysis. 119 Figure 2.39. Consensus tree of Bayesian (Markov chain Monte Carlo) phylogenetic analysis displaying relationships between mitochondrial control region (HVR 1) haplotypes of extinct and extant equids, rooted with domestic donkey (Equus africanus asinus (L., 1758)) and Somali Wild Ass (Equus africanus somaliensis (Noack, 1884)) as the outgroup. The tree was constructed using 348 bp fragments of the HVR I. Posterior probabilities of the major nodes are listed for each of the branches. Identified by letters are the modern horse haplogroups defined by Achilli et al. (2012) that were recovered in the analysis. 120 Figure 2.40. Consensus tree of Bayesian (Markov chain Monte Carlo) phylogenetic analysis displaying relationships between mitochondrial control region (HVR 1) haplotypes of extinct and extant equids, rooted with domestic donkey (Equus africanus asinus (L., 1758)) and Somali Wild Ass (Equus africanus somaliensis (Noack, 1884)) as the outgroup. The tree was constructed using 117 bp fragments of the HVR I. Posterior probabilities of the major nodes are listed for each of the branches. Identified by letters are the modern horse haplogroups defined by Achilli et al. (2012) that were recovered in the analysis. 121 2.4 2.4.1 Discussion Interpretation and synthesis of morphometric and molecular analyses The results of the morphometric analysis using the linear measurements indicate that each geographic region has anywhere between one and three tooth size groups. Tooth size in many mammals, including equids, is positively correlated with body mass (Fortelius, 1990; Janis, 1990). Moreover, extant equid species and monospecific quarry samples of fossil equid species do not show sexual dimorphism in the cheek tooth dimensions investigated here (MacFadden, 1992). This evidence suggests that the different tooth size categories indicate the presence of equid populations that differed in body mass. Body mass is one of the morphological characters that tends to differ in sympatric, taxonomically close species (Brown and Wilson, 1956). Therefore, given the temporal overlap of the samples within each geographic region, it is reasonable to hypothesize that these different size groups correspond to different equid species. The geometric morphometric analyses of the third and fourth upper and lower premolars show that the equid groups identified in the linear morphometric analysis within each geographic region not only differ in size, but also show differences in the upper P3/P4 and lower p3/p4 occlusal enamel pattern when standardizing for tooth size. Moreover, the geometric morphometric analyses provide insights about morphological variation across geographic regions. Taking into consideration the results of the linear morphometric analyses and the results for both geometric morphometric analyses, four morphological groups are identified across the Western Interior of North America. These groups correspond to: 1) the small size group from Cedral, Mexico, and the American 122 Southwest (comprised of a small sample of teeth from northern Chihuahua); 2) a group consisting of the medium size specimens from northeastern Mexico (Cedral and San Josecito Cave), the American Southwest, Natural Trap Cave, and Alberta (comprised of a small sample of teeth from the Edmonton area gravel pits); 3) a group consisting of the large specimens from Cedral, the American Southwest, Natural Trap Cave (comprised by a relatively small sample of specimens), and Alberta; and 4) the equid specimens from Bluefish Caves, Yukon, which overlap the lower size range of the large specimens from Cedral, the American Southwest, Natural Trap Cave, and Alberta, but have a statistically different occlusal enamel pattern for both upper P3/P4 and lower p3/p4. The identification of four morphological groups of Equus for the late Pleistocene of the Western Interior of North America differs from the latest morphological revisions of the genus. Winans (1989) identifies the presence of three equid species groups that were widely distributed throughout North America during late Pleistocene: Equus alaskae (Hay), 1913b (small and stout-legged species group), E. francisci Hay, 1915 (small and stilt-legged species group), and E. laurentius Hay, 1913a (large and stoutlegged species group). In contrast, Azzaroli (1998) recognizes nine species of equids that were present in the continent during this time interval, six of which he mentions have been found in localities from the Western Interior of North America. These are E. fraternus Leidy, 1860 and E. conversidens Owen, 1869 (short legged equids which Azzaroli [1998] considers were related to South American species of Equus), E. excelsus Leidy, 1858 (a large and stout legged equid with a heavy skull and mandible), E. niobrarensis Hay, 1913a (a large equid with more slender limbs than E. excelsus as well as a more slender skull and mandible), E. mexicanus (Hibbard) 1955 (a large equid which 123 according to Azzaroli [1998] shares some skull features with species of Equus from South America), and E. francisci Hay, 1915 (a stilt-legged equid). The analysis of mitochondrial aDNA for the most part agrees with the results of the morphological study (Table 2.15). Mitochondrial aDNA was successfully extracted, amplified, and sequenced from specimens belonging to each of the four groups identified by the morphological analyses, except for the small size group from Cedral, Mexico, and the American Southwest. The analysis of aDNA recovers the two main clades identified previously by Weinstock et al. (2005) and which they refer to as the New World “stiltlegged” (NWSL) and caballine clades. It is interesting to note that all of the specimens assigned to the medium size group from which aDNA was recovered fall within the NWSL clade. This was unexpected as the medium size specimens from Dry Cave, New Mexico (specimens identified as E. conversidens by Harris and Porter [1980], but identified as E. alaskae by Winans [1989]), and the specimens from San Josecito Cave (Stock, 1950, 1953; Winans, 1989; Azzaroli, 1998, Eisenmann, 2013a), northeastern Mexico, are not associated with slender metapodials. These results indicate a certain degree of plasticity in the metapodial proportions of this group. Examination of the PCA graphs of Winans, (1989, Figures 14.6C and 14.6D) lends support to this idea and hints at the presence of a geographical cline in which the degree of metapodial slenderness increases from San Josecito Cave to Natural Trap Cave, with the specimens from Dry Cave occupying an intermediate position. This graph also shows that the specimens from Natural Trap Cave do not attain the degree of slenderness presented by other North American Pleistocene equid samples (such as those from Channing, Texas), which other researchers consider as true stilt-legged equids (Eisenmann et al., 2008; Baskin et al., 124 2013). The implication of these results is that genetic data for true North American stiltlegged equids (such as E. francisci [Lundelius and Stevens, 1970] and E. semiplicatus [Eisenmann et al., 2008]) is presently lacking. A geographical cline was also revealed in the occlusal enamel pattern of the upper P3/P4 by the geometric morphometric analysis. The third Canonical Axis (CV 3) arranged the intermediate size specimens from south to north: specimens from northeastern Mexico have negative scores, whereas specimens from Wyoming have positive scores, with specimens from the American Southwest occupying an intermediate position (Figure 2.35). The specimens referred to the large size group from Alberta and Dry Cave as well as the specimens from Bluefish Caves from which aDNA was obtained have sequences that identify them as belonging to the caballine clade. Within this clade there is a group (clade 3 in Figures 2.38 and 2.39) which includes the haplogroups of extant horses as defined by Achilli et al. (2012). The Bluefish Caves specimens along with previously sequenced specimens from Alaska, Yukon, and Siberia cluster in clade 3 forming a distinct, apparently extinct haplogroup from those identified by Achilli et al. (2012). The specimens of the large size group from Alberta and Dry Cave as well as previously published sequences from Alaska, Yukon, Alberta, and Wyoming cluster outside of clade 3, forming a stem group to the extant caballines. Despite repeated attempts, aDNA was not recovered from specimens of the small equid group from Cedral, Mexico. Given its distinctive morphology, I hypothesize that this equid represents a separate lineage. It may prove to be more closely related to the medium size equid, as it does not possess a caballine tooth morphology. In both geometric morphometric analyses the first Canonical Variate (CV 1) separates caballine 125 equids, which show positive scores, from non-caballine equids, which show negative scores (Figures 2.34 and 2.36). The small specimens from Cedral as well as the small specimens from the American Southwest, have the most negative scores in the plot. Taking into account the morphological and the molecular analyses, I conclude that there were three equid species present during the late Pleistocene of the Western Interior of North America: one caballine (i.e., Equus ferus Boddaert, 1785) and two noncaballine species. Due to differences in size, tooth morphology, and geographic distribution between the caballine group from Bluefish Caves and the rest of the caballine specimens (i.e., Alberta, Wyoming, the American Southwest, and Cedral, Mexico), I consider it might be convenient to divide them into two subspecies, pending further study of the E. ferus species complex. 2.4.2 Taxonomic nomenclature of late Pleistocene equids from the Western Interior of North America Equid taxonomy is highly confused and clarifying it is beyond the scope of this research. This requires careful evaluation of every single holotype. Previous researchers (e.g., Winans, 1985, 1989; Eisenmann, 2013a) have lamented that several holotypes consist of isolated teeth or partial tooth rows and have questioned the diagnostic value of these elements, regarding the names based on them as nomina dubia. The methodology applied here presents the opportunity to evaluate many of these holotypes, potentially helping to clarify equid taxonomy. As a result of the existing problems in equid taxonomy, it is important to mention that the names I use for the species identified in this study must be, for the time being, regarded as tentative. The caballine equid species appears to be conspecific with E. ferus 126 and this is the name I propose should be assigned to this material. However, based on differences in size, tooth morphology, and geographic distribution, I suggest using the subspecific designation Equus ferus lambei for the specimens from Bluefish Caves and Equus ferus scotti for the large caballine specimens from the remaining geographic regions (i.e., Alberta, Wyoming, the American Southwest, and Cedral, Mexico). Equus lambei Hay, 1917 is the name that has been applied in the literature for the equid material from Bluefish Caves (e.g., Burke and Cinq-Mars, 1996, 1998) and I propose retaining it here as a subspecific name. Winans (1989) suggested that E. lambei might be a junior synonym of E. alaskae (Hay), 1913b, along with the specimens from San Josecito cave referred as E. conversidens leoni by Stock (1950, 1953). The synonymy with E. alaskae may prove to be correct, but the material from San Josecito Cave is clearly distinct based on the morphological and molecular analyses reported here. Azzaroli (1995, 1998) considered E. lambei as a valid species, but thought it was probably a subspecies of E. niobrarensis Hay, 1913a. The assignment of the subspecific name of the large caballine equid is more problematic, given the greater variety of names that have been proposed for large (presumably stout-legged) North American equids including: Equus excelsus Leidy, 1858; E. complicatus Leidy, 1858; Equus pacificus Leidy, 1868; Equus scotti Gidley, 1900; E. niobrarensis Hay, 1913a; E. occidentalis sensu Merriam, 1913; E. mexicanus Hibbard, 1955. Of these equids, the holotype of E. excelsus, which is middle Pleistocene in age, has certain morphological features that indicate it is not a caballine equid (Eisenmann, 2006). The same is true for E. occidentalis sensu Merriam, 1913, which based on the morphology of the upper P3/P4 premolars (Barrón-Ortiz and Theodor, 2011) 127 as well as the lack of infundibulae on the lower incisors and other cranial characters (Azzaroli, 1995; 1998), appears to represent a different equid species from the ones present in the Western Interior of North America, indicating the existence of at least four late Pleistocene species of Equus in North America. Out of the remaining species names E. scotti seems to be the most appropriate for the subspecific designation of the large form of Equus ferus, until evaluation of the holotypes based on isolated cheek teeth (e.g., E. complicatus and Equus pacificus) is undertaken. The medium size equid species, whose mitochondrial aDNA corresponds to the NWSL clade of Weinstock et al. (2005), is referred to Equus conversidens Owen, 1869. This name has been widely used in the literature of North American late Pleistocene equids, although not without some confusion (see Scott, 1996, for different morphological concepts of this species). The morphological and molecular datasets for this species included several specimens studied by previous authors and which were identified by them as E. conversidens, including material from San Josecito Cave (e.g, Stock 1950, 1953; Azzaroli, 1995; 1998; Scott 1996), specimens from Dry Cave (Harris and Porter, 1980; Harris, 2015), U-bar Cave (Harris, 1987), Scharbauer Ranch (Quinn, 1957), and Blackwater Draw (Lundelius, 1972). Alberdi et al. (2014) also report the presence of E. conversidens from Cedral, Mexico; however, many of the specimens that Alberdi et al. (2014) identify as the small equid from Cedral I identify here as E. conversidens. The specimens from Wally’s Beach were identified as E. conversidens by McNeil (2009); however this assignment is not supported by the morphological and molecular analyses of the specimens from this site included in my study. The results 128 show that the specimens from Wally’s Beach are caballine equids and are members of E. ferus scotti. The proposal put forward by different authors (e.g., Dalquest, 1978; Harris and Porter, 1980; Azzaroli, 1998) regarding the close phylogenetic affinity of E. conversidens to South American equids of the subgenus Amerhippus (sometimes regarded as a distinct genus [e.g., Eisenmann, 2013a]), based primarily on specimens from San Josecito Cave, is not supported by the molecular analysis. The specimens of Equus (Amerhippus) neogeus cluster well within the caballine clade (Figures 2.38 and 2.39) as it was originally reported by Orlando et al. (2008). Fossil material of Equus conversidens was recognized in four of the five geographic regions studied. It is well represented in northeastern Mexico (including Cedral and San Josecito Cave), the American Southwest (i.e., Algerita Blossom Cave, Blackwater Draw, Dark Canyon Cave, Dry Cave, Lubbock Lake, Quitaque Creek, Salt Creek, Scharbauer Ranch, and U-Bar Cave), and Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming. This species is much less common in Alberta, where it was identified based on at least four specimens from the Edmonton area gravel pits, but not from Wally’s Beach, and it was not found in the material examined from Bluefish Caves, Yukon. The presence of this species in the Edmonton area gravel pits is further supported by the association of some of the specimens studied (right and left p2 as well as left p3) as part of a partial dentary (P98.5.480) in which all of the incisors lack an infundibulum (a funnel-like cup of enamel filled with cementum). Partial mandibles and mandibular symphyses with lower incisors from San Josecito Cave (e.g., LACM 18404, 18383, 18802, 120758, 18644) and those identified as E. conversidens from Dry Cave (UTEP 22-955, 26-1064) by Harris and 129 Porter (1980) and Harris (2015) lack an infundibulum in all of the incisors. In contrast, mandibles and partial mandibles with associated lower incisors assigned to E. ferus lambei from Bluefish Caves (e.g., CMH MgVo-2 B3-3-23, MgVo-2 C3(E)-3-19, MgVo2 H6-3-7, MgVo-3 85-95, MgVo-3 85-76, MgVo-3 85-64, MgVo-3 M-9-83) and those assigned to E. ferus scotti (including specimens from Wally’s Beach [RAM DhPg-8 876.1, DhPg-8 863, DhPg-8 3437.2], the Edmonton area gravel pits [RAM P97.11.2A], Dry Cave [UTEP 22-1657], Salt Creek [UTEP 34-5], and Scharbauer Ranch [TMM 9981]) have an infundibulum on the first and second lower incisors and this feature is more variable on the third lower incisors. This pattern is certainly consistent with the results obtained for the morphological and molecular analyses of the cheek teeth; nevertheless the sample size represented by these specimens is not adequate to fully document the frequency of this morphological trait in each species or subspecies and further study is required. Eisenmann (1979) has noted that the frequency of infundibula in the lower incisors of modern equid species can show important intraspecific variation. Moreover, as with other morphological characters of the enamel pattern of equid teeth, the morphology of the infundibulum changes as the tooth wears down until it completely disappears; therefore, the assessment of this character has to take into consideration the stage of tooth wear. The taxonomic assignment of the small equid from Cedral, northeastern Mexico, and the few specimens from northern Chihuahua, Mexico, here grouped with the American Southwest samples, is not completely clear. Alberdi et al. (2014) considered that the small equid from Cedral represents a new species, which they named Equus cedralensis, but the morphology of the teeth from Cedral as well as the tooth dimensions 130 are comparable to those of E. tau Owen, 1869. The maxillary figured and described by Owen (1869) (designated the lectotype of E. tau by Mooser and Dalquest [1975]) has the third premolar damaged, but the fourth premolar shows many of the traits identified in the geometric morphometric analysis as present in the small species from Cedral: mesostyle and parastyle not prominent, shallow parastyle-mesostyle valley (the mesostyle-metastyle valley is not preserved in Owen’s [1869] specimen), and the region of the occlusal enamel corresponding to landmark 11 displaced mesially (CV1 transformation grid in Figure 2.34). Other morphological traits commonly present in the small equid from Cedral and shared with the cheek teeth figured by Owen (1869) are a straight (flat) lingual border of the protocone and the absence of a pli caballin. All of the features mentioned above are also present in the holotype of E. francisci figured by Lundelius and Stevens (1970) and Eisenmann et al. (2008). The holotype of E. tau appears to have been lost (Mooser and Dalquest, 1975), nevertheless, different researchers have assigned material from a variety of localities from Mexico and the United States to this species (e.g., Mooser and Dalquest, 1975; Dalquest, 1979; Melgarejo-Damian and MontellanoBallesteros, 2008), some of which may or may not correspond to the species described by Owen (1869). The most common morphological concept of E. tau in the literature is that of a small-sized equid with slender metapodials (e.g., Dalquest, 1979) and, as a result, some researchers have synonymised E. francisci with E. tau (e.g., Dalquest, 1979). It is not clear, however, whether E. tau possessed slender metapodials as the material described by Owen (1869) was not associated with metapodials or any other postcranial elements. According to Alberdi et al. (2014), the small equid from Cedral does not possess slender metapodials. Until the exact taxonomic status of E. tau and other small 131 North American equids (e.g., E. littoralis Hay, 1913a; E. achates Hay and Cooke, 1930) is clarified I prefer to refer to the small species from Cedral and Chihuahua, Mexico, as E. cedralensis. 132 Table 2.15. Summary of the results of the morphometric analyses of the cheek teeth and the Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial aDNA. Four taxa are identified based on tooth size, the morphology of the occlusal enamel pattern of the third and forth upper premolars (P3/P4), the morphology of the metaconid, linguaflexid, and metastylid of the third and fourth lower premolars (p3/p4), and aDNA of the mitochondrial control region (mt aDNA), hypervariable region I. The last column presents the tentative taxonomic identification of each taxon. NWSL = New World stilt-legged clade of Weinstock et al. (2005). Ancient DNA extraction for specimens of E. cedralensis failed. Size Upper P3/P4 Shallow parastyle-mesostyle and mesostylemetastyle valleys, fossettes bucco-lingually Small expanded, landmark 11 displaced mesially, anterior margin of protocone does not extend mesially Relatively shallow parastyle-mesostyle and mesostyle-metastyle valleys, fossettes sometimes bucco-lingually expanded, Medium landmark 11 in some specimens displaced mesially, anterior margin of protocone extends mesially Deep parastyle-mesostyle and mesostylemetastyle valleys, fossettes bucco-lingually Large compressed, landmark 11 displaced distally, anterior margin of protocone extends mesially Deep parastyle-mesostyle and mesostylemetastyle valleys, fossettes bucco-lingually Mediumcompressed, landmark 11 displaced distally, Large anterior margin of protocone does not extend mesially Lower p3/p4 mt aDNA Taxonomic id. Generally shallow and V- or broad Ushaped linguaflexid, open metaconid, and relatively rounded metastylid -- E. cedralensis Generally shallow and V- or broad Ushaped linguaflexid, open metaconid, and triangular metastylid NWSL E. conversidens Generally deep and U-shaped linguaflexid, constricted metaconid, and bucco-lingually expanded metastylid Caballine E. ferus scotti Generally deep and U-shaped linguaflexid, constricted metaconid, and bucco-lingually compressed metastylid Caballine E. ferus lambei 133 2.5 Conclusions Four equid taxa are identified from the late Pleistocene of the Western Interior of North America, based on morphological and molecular analyses of the cheek teeth: Equus cedralensis, E. conversidens, E. ferus scotti, and E. ferus lambei. Equus cedralensis is a small-sized equid which appears to have been restricted during the late Pleistocene to the southern latitudes of the Western Interior of North America, as it was only identified from Cedral, Mexico, and the American Southwest (sites located in northern Chihuahua, Mexico). The ancient DNA of this species is currently unknown. Equus conversidens is a medium-sized equid which was previously identified based on mitochondrial aDNA as the New World stilt-legged clade (Weinstock et al., 2005). The results of the present study suggest that this species exhibited a north-south cline in the degree of metapodial slenderness and that genetic data for true North American stilt-legged equids (such as E. francisci [Lundelius and Stevens, 1970] and E. semiplicatus [Eisenmann et al., 2008]) are presently lacking. A north-south geographical cline was also revealed in the occlusal enamel pattern of the upper P3/P4 by the geometric morphometric analysis. E. conversidens was widely distributed in North America and in this study it was identified from northeastern Mexico (Cedral and San Josecito Cave), the American Southwest (e.g., Blackwater Draw, Dark Canyon Cave, Dry Cave, Quitaque Creek, Salt Creek, Scharbauer Ranch, and U-Bar Cave), Natural Trap Cave, and Alberta (a small sample of teeth from the Edmonton area gravel pits). Equus ferus scotti is a large-sized caballine equid that in the phylogenetic analysis of aDNA forms a stem group to the extant caballine clade. This equid was found in North 134 America south of the continental ice sheets during the late Pleistocene. It was identified from Cedral, Mexico, the American Southwest (e.g., Blackwater Draw, Dry Cave, Isleta Cave No. 2, Salt Creek, Scharbauer Ranch, and U-Bar Cave), Natural Trap Cave (where it is represented by relatively few specimens) and Alberta (including the Edmonton area gravel pits and Wally’s Beach site). Equus ferus lambei is a caballine equid with a size range intermediate to that of E. conversidens and Equus ferus scotti. It was identified in this study from Bluefish Caves, Yukon Territory, and other studies report it from other parts of Beringia. Genetically, the specimens from Bluefish Caves are placed within the clade that includes all of the extant horse mitochondrial haplogroups; however, these specimens, along with previously sequenced specimens from Alaska, Yukon, and Siberia, cluster together forming a distinct, apparently extinct haplogroup. 2.6 Literature Cited Achilli, A., A. Olivieri, P. Soares, H. Lancioni, B. H. Kashani, U. A. Perego, S. G. Nergadze, V. Carossa, M. Santagostino, S. Capomaccio, et al. 2012. Mitochondrial genomes from modern horses reveal the major haplogroups that underwent domestication. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109:2449–2454. Alberdi, M. T., J. Arroyo-Cabrales and O. J. 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Mammals were among the most adversely affected groups and it is estimated that over 30 genera disappeared from the continent (Grayson, 1991, 2007; Koch and Barnosky, 2006; Faith and Surovell, 2009; Stuart, 2015). The causes of the extinction have been extensively debated and several extinction models have been proposed. Some models identify climate change as the primary causal factor (e.g., Kiltie, 1984; King and Saunders, 1984; Graham and Lundelius, 1984; Guthrie, 1984; Barnosky, 1986; Ficcarelli et al., 2003; Forster, 2004; Scott, 2010), others point to overhunting and alteration of natural habitats by early human populations (Martin, 1967, 1984; Mosimann and Martin, 1975; Diamond, 1989), and yet others invoke catastrophic events, such as a bolide impact (Firestone et al., 2007) or a hyperdisease (MacPhee and Marx, 1997). Currently there is weak support for the catastrophic extinction models (e.g., Lyons et al., 2004; Koch and Barnosky, 2006; Surovell et al., 2009; Holliday et al., 2014; Meltzer et al., 2014) and much of the debate regarding the late Pleistocene extinctions has focused on the relative importance of climate change versus human impacts, particularly hunting. Some of the climate change extinction models point to nutritional stress as the 148 primary factor responsible for the extinctions (e.g., Graham and Lundelius, 1984; Guthrie, 1984). The recent development of different methodologies for the reconstruction of mammalian paleodiets (e.g., dental wear and stable isotopes) promises to shed new light on this matter by allowing the formulation and testing of novel hypotheses about patterns of feeding ecology expected under different extinction models. Ultimately, finer reconstructions of paleodiets for Pleistocene mammals will result in a better understanding of community feeding ecology during the time leading up to the extinctions. Efforts on this front have already commenced (e.g., Koch et al., 1998; Hoppe and Koch, 2006; Sánchez et al., 2006; Fox-Dobbs et al., 2008; Rivals et al., 2008; Rivals et al., 2010; Faith, 2011). These types of studies will open up the way to evaluating the relative contribution of climate-induced vegetation changes during the late Pleistocene to the disappearance of a wide variety of mammalian species. In this chapter I employ methodologies based on dental wear (i.e., mesowear and low magnification dental microwear) to reconstruct the diets of horses and bison to test two nutritionally-based extinction models relating to climate-induced vegetation changes during the terminal Pleistocene: the coevolutionary disequilibrium (Graham and Lundelius, 1984) and mosaic-nutrient extinction models (Guthrie, 1984). Horses and bison are excellent herbivore mammals to study because they were an important component of Pleistocene land-mammal communities (particularly throughout the Western Interior of North America) and their fossilized remains are abundant (FAUNMAP, 1994). Moreover, some studies suggest that both types of ungulate may have interacted ecologically as competitors for food resources (e.g., Feranec et al., 2009). I focused on the study of the cheek teeth of these ungulates because teeth are the most 149 commonly found fossil elements, are taxonomically informative, and record a wealth of information about the biology of an organism, including diet and overall health status during the period of tooth formation. 3.1.1 The coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model Graham and Lundelius (1984) developed the coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model, working under the assumption that late Pleistocene communities were highly coevolved systems, similar to those currently found on the African savannas. The African grazing succession is an example of a coevolved system in which grazing by one mammalian herbivore species stimulates the growth of other plant species or plant parts that in turn form the food resource of another herbivore species. In this ecosystem, coevolved foraging sequences partition the environment through well-defined niche differentiation, allowing the coexistence of many large herbivores. There is evidence that plant and animal species responded individualistically to the climate events at the end of the Pleistocene (Graham et al., 1996; Stewart, 2009). This individualistic response restructured the vegetation, causing a disruption of coevolutionary interactions between plants and animals, resulting in coevolutionary disequilibrium. This would have created nutritional stress and/or detoxification problems for some herbivores which had to adapt to new plant associations. For most species, especially large herbivorous mammals, a coevolutionary disequilibrium would reduce niche differentiation and consequently increase competition among herbivores. Competition would have driven species with reduced fitness to extinction. Species better adapted to the new community patterns would have thrived and established a new interaction sphere. 150 Graham and Lundelius (1984) presented four predictive hypotheses to test the coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model, which pointed to specific extinction and survival patterns. These include correlation between the timing of community changes and the timing of the extinctions, association of surviving remnants or ecomorphs of the extinct fauna with analogous floral groups to those of the late Pleistocene, and divergence and habitat partitioning of surviving large herbivores as a consequence of competition. Additional hypotheses and predictions for this extinction model that can be derived based on the reconstruction of ungulate paleodiets are presented below. These are the hypotheses tested in this study and they are framed specifically for the bison and equid species I investigated, but can be extended to include other ungulate species: H10: Sympatric species of horse and bison inhabiting North America prior to the rapid climatic changes at the end of the Pleistocene (referred here as the postglacial), did not differ significantly in their diets suggesting that they did not partition the available food resources. H1A: Sympatric species of these ungulates prior to the postglacial differed significantly in their diets, indicating that they partitioned the available food resources just as modern large herbivorous ungulates of the African savannas do today. H1 Prediction: If the sympatric species of horse and bison partitioned food resources prior to the rapid climatic changes of the postglacial (i.e., during the preglacial and fullglacial time intervals), then the signals of the dietary proxies (mesowear and low magnification microwear) should be statistically different for the different taxa. 151 H20: Sympatric species of horse and bison did not differ significantly in their diets during the postglacial, suggesting that they were not partitioning the available food resources and were potentially competing for them. H2A: Sympatric species of these ungulates from this time interval differed significantly in their diets, indicating that they were partitioning the available food resources. H2 Prediction: If sympatric species of horse and bison were not partitioning the available food resources during the postglacial potentially due to coevolutionary disequilibrium brought about by a change in the composition of vegetational communities, then the signal of each dietary proxy (i.e., dental microwear and mesowear) should not be significantly different for the different taxa. 3.1.2 The mosaic-nutrient extinction model Guthrie (1984) draws from several lines of evidence, including the fossil record and interactions between living ungulates and plants, to propose an ecological model of megafaunal extinctions. He argues that the mosaic vegetation pattern present throughout the Pleistocene allowed ungulates, especially large caecalid ungulates (e.g., horse and mammoth), to obtain the right mix of nutrients needed for survival. These ungulates often need to eat a variety of plants besides their staple forage (e.g., grass for grazers) to obtain a well-balanced diet. Ruminants (e.g., bison and deer) also need to supplement their diets, but Guthrie (1984) cites evidence that they are also able to synthesize nutrients in the rumen through the help of microbial activity. In addition, ungulates are adapted to overcome some plant defenses but not others. Large caecalid grazers like horse and mammoth, are able to deal with grass phytoliths and a high concentration of fibre, but are 152 not as efficient, as is the case for ruminants, at detoxifying allelochemics which are commonly found in forbs and other browse. Guthrie (1984) reasons that as long as a diversity of plant species existed, nutrient supplements could be acquired by large caecalids by diluting a variety of different toxins, many of which could be detoxified in reduced quantities. Guthrie’s (1984) extinction model proposes that climatic changes in seasonal regimes (i.e., increased seasonality and less intra-annual variability) during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition decreased local plant diversity, increased zonation of plant communities, and caused a shift in net anti-herbivore defenses. This change affected the growing season for ungulates by shortening it and decreasing the net annual quality and quantity of food resources available. Decreased local faunal diversity, body size, geographic distribution, and often extinction occurred as a result of the restriction in available food resources. Some hypotheses that can be formulated and tested for this model are: H10: Bison and horse species did not suffer a decrease in the variety of plant species consumed during the postglacial relative to preglacial and full-glacial periods. H1A: These ungulates underwent a significant decrease in the variety of plant species consumed during the postglacial, potentially due to a reduction in local plant diversity. H1 Prediction: If the species of horse and bison experienced a significant decrease in the variety of plant species in their diets during the postglacial, then the statistical dispersion (measured by the variance) of the variables of each dietary proxy (i.e., low magnification 153 microwear variables and mesowear score) should be significantly smaller for this time interval than for the preglacial and full-glacial periods. 3.1.3 Nutritional stress Both coevolutinary disequilibrium and mosaic-nutrient extinction models point to nutritional stress on herbivorous mammals as the primary factor responsible for the late Pleistocene extinctions (Graham and Lundelius, 1984; Guthrie, 1984). This would trigger a “bottom-up” ecosystem collapse starting with the herbivores and filtering upwards to the apex carnivores. For these extinction models to be considered feasible, not only do the predictions here formulated have to be met, but also increased nutritional stress of herbivore mammals during the terminal Pleistocene must be demonstrated. Recent advances regarding the inference of physiological stress from dental remains, allows the opportunity to test this hypothesis. This topic is addressed in Chapter 4. 3.2 Limitations and Assumptions The primary assumption that is made in this study is that consumption of different plant species and plant parts is recorded in the dental wear of herbivore teeth. A large number of studies of dental wear at different scales and using different techniques (e.g., low magnification microwear, texture microwear analysis, conventional mesowear, mesowear using the mesowear ruler), have consistently shown that dental wear varies significantly across broad dietary groups such as grazers, browsers, mixed feeders, frugivores, and generalists (e.g., Solounias et al., 1988; Fortelius and Solounias, 2000; Solounias and Semprebon, 2002; Merceron et al., 2005; Ungar et al., 2007). However, in order to test both extinction models, finer dietary differences within these broad trophic groups have 154 to be detected. For example, the coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model uses the grazing succession of the African savannas as an example of a highly coevolved system (Graham and Lundelius, 1984). This particular system consists of several grazers, such as the plains zebra (Equus quagga), wildebeest (Connocaethes taurinus), hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus) and topi (Damaliscus lunatus). Field studies have shown that in some areas these grazers partition dietary resources by feeding on different plant parts and grasses at different growth stages (e.g., Gwynne and Bell, 1968; Bell, 1971; Murray and Brown, 1993). Few studies have been conducted to test whether finer dietary differences within the broad dietary groups can be detected based on dental wear. One of these studies was undertaken by Fortelius and Solounias (2000), when they introduced the mesowear method. These authors report that mesowear is able to recover the grazing succession with the plains zebra showing the most abrasive mesowear signal, followed by the topi, wildebeest, and the Grant’s gazelle which is a seasonal mixed feeder (Fortelius and Solounias, 2000). Scott (2012), investigating dental microwear texture analysis of extant African bovids, identified significant differences in microwear among species within some dietary categories (e.g., obligate grazers, variable grazers, browsers, and browsersgrazer intermediates) and related them to subtle differences in diet. In another study, Barrón-Ortiz et al. (2014) investigated the mesowear and low magnification dental microwear of three sympatric equid species from the late Pleistocene of Cedral, northeastern Mexico. Significant differences in the microwear pattern of all three species were detected, whereas mesowear was only significantly different in one of the species. The results of the mesowear analysis are consistent with stable isotope data for these 155 equids (Pérez-Crespo et al., 2009) in that the species that has a significantly different mesowear signature is identified as a C3/C4 mixed feeder, whereas the other two species show a high proportion of C4 grasses in their diet (Barrón-Ortiz et al., 2014). More importantly, the analysis of dental microwear identified significant differences between the two C4 grazing equids (Barrón-Ortiz et al., 2014), suggesting that it is possible to detect finer dietary differences within the grazing trophic group using feature-based low magnification dental microwear. The three studies mentioned above suggest that finer differences within broad dietary groups can be obtained through the analysis of dental wear. However, the nature of the differences in dental wear identified in these studies and what they actually indicate about the feeding ecology of the ungulates investigated is less clear. That is because, despite extensive research, there is still no consensus about the primary agent responsible for the formation of dental wear features. Phytoliths, lignin and cellulose, as well as exogenous grit, have each been proposed as the primary factor producing dental wear (e.g., Walker et al., 1978; Ungar et al., 1995; Sanson et al., 2007; Merceron et al., 2007; Lucas et al., 2013; Schulz et al., 2013; Tütken et al., 2013). If phytoliths are the primary agent causing dental wear, then plants or plant parts differing in their concentration and type of phytoliths would produce different dental wear patterns. Alternatively, if exogenous grit is responsible for producing dental wear, then differences in dental wear would reflect feeding in different microhabitats (i.e., dusty versus less dusty), or it could also reflect feeding on plant species or plant parts that differentially accumulate dust on their surface. It is also possible that both exogenous grit and the physical properties of the vegetation contribute, or might even interact, to produce dental 156 wear. Resolution of this important issue is beyond the scope of this study, and I must limit myself to working under the assumption that feeding on different plant species and plant parts is recorded to some extent in the dental wear of herbivore teeth. An additional assumption that I make in this study relates to the different digestive physiologies of equids and bison. Equids are hindgut fermenters which have high chewing efficiency and rapid passage times, that is they consume large amounts of plant material that passes rapidly through the digestive system and which gets fermented by microbial activity in the caecum (Janis, 1976; Clauss et al., 2009). Equids further have molarized premolars which greatly assist in the mechanical breakdown of plant material (Janis, 1988). Bison are ruminant foregut fermenters and have a four-chambered stomach in which microbial fermentation of plant material occurs in the rumen, the first chamber of the stomach (Janis, 1976). To complement the fermentation process, ruminants periodically regurgitate the food located in the rumen and rechew it (Janis, 1976). The second (reticulum) and third (omasum) chambers act as filters and the fourth chamber (abomasum) is the true stomach (Janis, 1976). The digestive system of ruminants achieves a high degree of particle size reduction, greater than that observed for hindgut fermenters and non-ruminant foregut fermenters (Fritz et al., 2009). There are few studies that have investigated whether differences in digestive physiology systematically bias the dental wear patterns produced. Campbell et al. (2013) conducted a preliminary study in which they examined low magnification microwear (specifically average counts of scratches and pits) on occlusal enamel bands located in the lingual side, center, and buccal side of upper molars of 18 extant and extinct perissodactyls, including six equid species, and four extant ruminant species, including 157 bison. These authors found that discriminant function analyses correctly classified extant perissodactyls according to diet when microwear data from the labial edge of the tooth was used, whereas the opposite pattern was observed in the four ruminants studied (Campbell et al., 2013). Further studies are needed to corroborate the preliminary conclusions drawn by Campbell et al. (2013). The vast majority of the photographs I obtained are from enamel bands located in the central portion of the tooth. If the pattern reported by Campbell et al. (2013) is confirmed by other studies and for a larger number of ungulate taxa, then using the central portion of the tooth may not be the most optimal area for inferring the diet of either equid or bison samples, but it may well be more appropriate for comparing these two ungulate groups than using only the lingual or labial sides. This is the second important assumption that I make in this study: differences in digestive physiology of the equid and bison species here investigated do not significantly bias dental wear patterns. If this assumption is severely violated, then I would expect to see statistically significant differences in the dental wear of all the sympatric equid and bison samples studied, which, as will be seen in the results section, is not the case. 3.3 Materials and Methods This study focused on the equids and bison from the Western Interior of North America of late Pleistocene (Wisconsinan glacial stage). The specimens that I studied come from three geographic regions which comprise the following localities: Bluefish Caves, Yukon; gravel pits around the Edmonton area and Wally’s Beach, Alberta; Dark Canyon Cave, the Dry Cave localities, and Blackwater Draw Loc. 1, located in eastern New Mexico, as well as Scharbauer Ranch and Lubbock Lake sites, from western Texas 158 (Figure 3.1). The data I collected were arranged into preglacial, full-glacial, and postglacial time intervals. The time incorporated by these time intervals varied slightly for each geographic region. The material from Bluefish Caves, which consisted of only one equid species (Equus ferus lambei; Chapter 2), could only be divided into two time intervals: preglacial/full-glacial (~31 ky – 14 ky RCBP) and postglacial (~14 ky – 10 ky RCBP). Specimens were assigned to one of these two time intervals based on published work (Cinq-Mars, 1979; Morlan, 1989), documents on file at the Canadian Museum of History (CMH Archives A2002-9 [Jacques Cinq-Mars’ documents]: box 11, f.7), and the spatial and stratigraphic provenance of equid specimens (retrieved from specimen catalogs and maps in the CMH Archives; A2002-9: box 2, f.1, f.2, f.4; box 3, f.1, f.3 – f.9, f.13; box 8, f.4, f.5) relative to bones that have been subjected to radiocarbon dating (Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database [CARD 2.0], accessed March 2015). These divisions correspond to a change in the vegetation of the region from tundra during the preglacial/full-glacial to dwarf birch during the postglacial (Cinq-Mars, 1979; Ritchie et al., 1982). Different publications mention the occurrence of bison remains at Bluefish Caves (Cinq-Mars, 1979; Cinq-Mars, 1990), but I did not locate any bison cheek teeth in the collection of the Canadian Museum of History. Thus, I only studied equid specimens from this site. The material from Alberta was divided into preglacial (>60 ky – 21 ky RCBP) and postglacial time intervals (~13 ky – 10 ky RCBP), based on published radiocarbon dates (Waters et al., 2015) and the association of specimens with localities that have only yielded dates of preglacial or postglacial age (Burns, 1996; Jass et al., 2011). Fossil material from the full-glacial is not represented in Alberta because most of the province 159 was covered by the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets at that time (Young et al., 1994, 1999; Burns, 1996; Jass et al., 2011). The specimens from Alberta studied in this chapter consisted of only one equid species (Equus ferus scotti; although a second less common species, Equus conversidens, was recognized from the Edmonton area gravel pits [Chapter 2]), as well as material referrable to Bison sp. The fossil material from the American Southwest (specifically eastern New Mexico and western Texas) can be divided into preglacial (~25 ky – 20 ky RCBP), fullglacial (~20 ky – 15 ky RCBP), and postglacial (~15 ky – 10 ky RCBP) ages, based on different publications (Harris, 1987, 1989, 2015; Tebedge, 1988; Haynes, 1995; Holliday and Meltzer, 1996). I was able to obtain data for only one equid species (Equus conversidens) during the preglacial, whereas for the full-glacial I was able to collect data for the two common equid species that inhabited this region during the late Pleistocene (Equus ferus scotti and Equus conversidens; Chapter 2). Although bison (Bison antiquus) was present in the American Southwest throughout the late Pleistocene (McDonald, 1981), I was only able to obtain mesowear and microwear data for postglacial specimens. I also collected data for postglacial specimens of Equus ferus scotti and Equus conversidens. The samples for study consisted of cheek teeth housed at the following institutions: Archaeology Collection (Bluefish Caves; MgVo-1, 2, and 3) of the Canadian Museum of History (CMH); Quaternary Paleontology (P) and Archaeology collections (Wally’s Beach site; DhPg-8) of the Royal Alberta Museum (RAM); Vertebrate Paleobiology Collection, Laboratory for Environmental Biology, University of Texas at 160 El Paso (UTEP); and the Vertebrate Paleontology Collection of the Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin (TMM). Figure 3.1. Geographic location of the fossil sites considered in this study. 3.3.1 Analysis of dental wear Dietary reconstructions for herbivorous mammals obtained by the study of dental wear are based on the physical interaction between the foodstuff and/or exogenous grit comminuted and the herbivore’s teeth. The processes shaping dental wear are attrition (tooth-on-tooth wear) and abrasion (tooth-on-food wear) (Fortelius and Solounias, 2000). Grazers tend to suffer more abrasive wear, whereas browsers are primarily attrition- 161 dominated (Fortelius and Solounias, 2000; Solounias and Semprebon, 2002). Dental wear of ungulates can be separated into mesowear and microwear, which provide insights into dietary preferences at different scales. Mesowear is studied on the cusps of the cheek teeth (Fortelius and Solounias, 2000; Franz-Odendaal and Kaiser, 2003; Kaiser and Solounias, 2003; Louys et al., 2011) and reflects long-term average wear; attrition is suggested to promote high and sharp cusps, whereas abrasion results in lower and more blunted cusps (Fortelius and Solounias, 2000; Rivals and Athanassiou, 2008). Microwear refers to microscopic features observed on the enamel band of the occlusal surface of the teeth, generated during mastication by the food and/or exogenous grit ingested (Walker et al., 1978; Teaford and Oyen, 1989; Solounias and Semprebon, 2002). Thus, mesowear provides information about diet representing a relatively long period of an individual’s lifetime, whereas microwear records the diet of an individual within the last weeks, days, or perhaps hours prior to death (Teaford and Oyen, 1989; Fortelius and Solounias, 2000; Solounias and Semprebon, 2002). I used the extended mesowear method (Franz-Odendaal and Kaiser, 2003; Kaiser and Solounias, 2003) and low magnification microwear method (Solounias and Semprebon, 2002; following the modifications by Fraser et al. [2009]), to test the hypotheses outlined for the coevolutionary disequilibrium and mosaic nutrient extinction models and to infer the paleodiets of horses and bison from each geographic region studied. A total of 226 specimens, consisting mostly of isolated teeth, were analyzed (Tables A 7 and A 8 of the Appendix). Statistical tests were conducted using PAST 2.17 (Hammer et al., 2001), MATLAB 7.8 (MathWorks, 2009), and STATISTICA v. 9 162 (StatSoft®, 2009) software packages. The significance level for all tests was set to a pvalue of 0.05. Low magnification microwear Several methodologies exist for the study of dental microwear of which low magnification microwear (e.g., Solounias and Semprebon, 2002; Semprebon et al., 2004; Merceron et al., 2004, 2005; Nelson et al., 2005; Gomes Rodrigues et al., 2009) and microwear texture analysis (e.g., Ungar et al., 2003, 2010; Scott et al., 2005, 2006; Merceron et al., 2010) are currently the most widely applied. In this study, I examined dental microwear at a low magnification (35 X) using high-resolution clear epoxy casts. I counted microwear features on high dynamic range images (HDR; Figure3.2) prepared following the methodology in Fraser et al. (2009), using an Olympus E-M10 digital camera and a Nikon SMZ1500 stereomicroscope; the digital resolution of the images obtained is 0.6 pixels/µm. Cleaning, molding, and casting of the teeth studied were done according to Solounias and Semprebon (2002). Only teeth in middle stages of wear were used. In addition, to minimize systematic biases during data collection, I randomized the order of the specimens during photography and the order of the HDR images was also randomized prior to data collection to ensure observer blindness (Mihlbachler et al., 2012). The majority of the specimens studied consisted of isolated upper (M1, M2, and M3) and lower (m1, m2, and m3) molars. In the case of associated teeth (i.e., teeth that belong to the same individual), I studied the second molar and if this tooth was damaged or absent I selected one of the other molars at random. I preferentially studied microwear 163 features on the lingual enamel band of the paracone and/or metacone for the upper molars and the buccal enamel band of the preflexid and/or postflexid for the lower molars. For specimens in which these enamel bands were damaged, I collected microwear data from the lingual enamel band of the fossettes, for the upper molars, and the protoconid or hypoconid enamel band for the lower molars. The microwear variables scored per tooth specimen are partially based on those presented by Solounias and Semprebon (2002) and include the average number of scratches and pits of two counting areas on the enamel band, each 0.4 X 0.4 mm. Pits are microwear features that are circular to sub-circular in outline, whereas scratches are elongated features typically with a length to width ratio of at least 4:1. I also recorded scratch texture for each counting area by noting whether the scratches present consisted of fine scratches (scratches that appear the narrowest), coarse scratches (scratches that appear wider), or mixed scratches (a combination of both fine and coarse scratches). I subsequently assigned a score of 0 if it consisted of fine scratches, 1 if it consisted of fine and coarse scratches, and 2 if it consisted of coarse scratches (e.g., Rivals et al., 2007; Rivals and Athanassiou, 2008). The average scratch texture score of the two counting areas was then calculated for each specimen. I also obtained the average number of cross scratches (scratches oriented at an oblique angle with respect to the majority of scratches), average number of large pits (which are at least twice the diameter of small pits), as well as the average number of exceptionally wide scratches (at least twice the width of coarse scratches) for the two counting areas. Finally, I recorded the presence of gouges (large, irregular microwear scars) on the visible enamel band of the photograph, providing a score of 1 if the feature was present or 0 if it was 164 absent. The data collected following this approach are shown in Table A 7 of the Appendix. In order to test the hypotheses developed for the coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model, I conducted non-parametric multivariate analyses of variance tests (NPMANOVA), in which significance is estimated by permutation, using 100,000 replicates and the Mahalanobis distance measure. Bonferroni corrected pairwise comparisons were used to identify which species are significantly different from each other. These analyses were preformed using PAST 2.17 (Hammer et al., 2001) on the data in Table A 7 of the Appendix. To test the hypotheses outlined for the mosaic-nutrient extinction model I calculated the quotient resulting from the division of the variance of a specific microwear variable at time interval 1 by the variance of that same variable at time interval 2. Significance of the variance quotient was assessed by bootstrap analysis conducted using MATLAB 7.8 (MathWorks, 2009), employing 100,000 replicates. For this analysis I examined the counted microwear variables found in Table A 7 of the Appendix: average number of scratches, average number of pits, average number of cross scratches, average number of large pits, and average number of wide scratches. As a final component of the analysis of dental microwear, I conducted dietary reconstructions for each species by geographic region and time interval. This was done by comparing the microwear data I collected with the dataset reported by Solounias and Semprebon (2002) for modern ungulate species. Recent studies have found high interobserver error in the scoring of microwear features using low magnification procedures (e.g., Mihlbachler et al., 2012). This means that until I am able to examine some of the 165 specimens studied by Solounias and Semprebon (2002), it is difficult to assess whether these authors and I are scoring microwear features in a similar manner, especially because I scored microwear features on HDR images, whereas these authors quantified microwear features without the aid of any type of photographs. As a result, the dietary reconstructions here presented should be regarded as tentative. Nevertheless, these issues do not interfere with the primary objective of the study, which is to test the coevolutionary disequilibrium and mosaic-nutrient extinction models. Accurately reconstructing the diet of each sample is not required to test the hypotheses developed for these two extinction models. It was necessary to adjust the microwear data I collected to make it comparable to the dataset of Solounias and Semprebon (2002). These authors did not quantify the average number of cross scratches and large pits, but rather noted the presence of more than four cross scratches and more than four large pits in each counting area and calculated the percentage of individuals presenting these variables for each species. Solounias and Semprebon (2002) also noted the presence of gouges, fine scratches, coarse scratches, and mixed scratches and calculated the percentage of individuals presenting these variables per species. The dataset of Solounias and Semprebon (2002), therefore, consisted of the following variables: average number of scratches, average number of pits, percentage of individuals per species with more than four cross scratches per field, percentage of individuals with more than four large pits per field, percentage of individuals per species with fine, coarse, and mixed scratches, and percentage of individuals per species with gouges present. Because the percentage of fine, coarse, and mixed scratches adds up to 100 percent, in the analysis I conducted I used only the first 166 two variables. All of the percentages were normalized for statistical analyses using the arcsine transformation. I compared the adjusted microwear data I collected (Table 3.4) with the extant ungulate dataset gathered by Solounias and Semprebon (2002). I first conducted a discriminant function analysis (DFA) on the Solounias and Semprebon (2002) dataset, assuming equal prior classification probabilities for all dietary groups. Subsequntly, I used the classification functions generated by the DFA to classify the horse and bison samples I studied into one of the dietary categories identified by Solounias and Semprebon (2002): browsers, fruit browsers, grazers, meal-by-meal mixed feeders, and seasonal mixed feeders. 167 Figure 3.2. High dynamic range image of the postfossette lingual enamel band (upper M2) of an equid tooth showing one of the 0.4 X 0.4 mm counting areas. This specimen shows relatively large numbers of scratches, with several pits and few cross scratches. Extended mesowear method The mesowear method was proposed by Fortelius and Solounias (2000) for reconstructing ungulate diets based on the analysis of the buccal (ectoloph) cusps of the M2 teeth. The variables considered include the development of the cusps (high or low) and the shape of the sharpest cusp (whether anterior or posterior) which can be scored as sharp, round, or blunt (Fortelius and Solounias, 2000). The method was subsequently extended in equids by Kaiser and Solounias (2003) to include the P4, M1, M2, and M3 upper tooth positions. Franz-Odendaal and Kaiser (2003) reported that the mesowear 168 method can be extended to the M3 tooth position in the ruminant species they investigated. I collected mesowear data for teeth in middle stages of wear (i.e., heavily worn as well as very little worn teeth were not included in the analysis) following the extended mesowear methods mentioned above. Most of the specimens studied consisted of isolated teeth. In the case of horses, I recorded mesowear data from P4, M1, M2, and M3 teeth. For bison, I obtained mesowear data from M2 and M3 teeth; however, in order to increase sample size in some cases I obtained mesowear data from M1 teeth. In some instances there were associated teeth (belonging to the same individual). In those cases, I preferentially recorded mesowear data from the M2. If the M2 was damaged or absent, I randomly selected one of the other tooth positions. Sometimes I encountered specimens in which the right and left M2 were present in a good state of preservation. In that case I selected one of the two teeth at random. I recorded the mesowear data by direct observation of the specimens and the frequency of the different variables was obtained for each sample. Subsequently, I calculated the mesowear score (Kaiser, 2011), which combines cusp relief and shape into a single value: 0 (high and sharp cusps), 1 (high and round cusps), 2 (low and sharp cusps), 3 (low and round cusps), and 4 (low and blunt cusps) (Figure 3.3). I used the mesowear score to test the hypotheses developed for the coevolutionary disequilibrium and mosaic-nutrient extinction models. In the former case, I conducted Kruskal-Wallis tests to assess whether the mesowear score significantly differs among sympatric bison and horse species. To test the hypotheses outlined for the mosaic-nutrient extinction model, I obtained the variance of the mesowear score for each equid and bison 169 sample, and then calculated the quotient resulting from the division of the variance of the mesowear score at time interval 1 by the variance at time interval 2. Significance of the variance quotient was assessed by bootstrap analysis conducted using MATLAB 7.8 (MathWorks, 2009) on 100,000 replicates. In order to reconstruct the diet of the different samples, I performed a DFA using the dataset of extant ungulates published by Fortelius and Solounias (2000), with the exclusion of the minute abraded brachydont species and species with a sample size lower than ten specimens. The variables percent high, percent sharp, and percent blunt cusps were employed in the DFA analysis. These variables were normalized using the arcsine transformation prior to performing the analysis. I followed the conservative dietary classification in Fortelius and Solounias (2000). The DFA was performed assuming equal prior classification probabilities for all groups. The classification functions derived from the DFA were subsequently used to classify the equid and bison samples into one of three extant ungulate dietary categories: browsers, mixed feeders, and grazers. Figure 3.3. Buccal view of the apices of three equid upper cheek teeth showing the different cusp morphologies studied in the mesowear method. A) Upper M2 showing high relief as well as round (anterior) and sharp (posterior) cusps; mesowear score = 0. B) Upper M1 displaying low relief and round cusps; mesowear score = 3. C) Upper M2 with low relief and blunt cusps; mesowear score = 4. The anterior side of the tooth is on the right in A and B, whereas it is on the left in C. Scale bar = 5 mm. (Modified from BarrónOrtiz et al., 2014). 170 3.4 3.4.1 Results Microwear Analysis of the low magnification microwear data (Table A 7 of the Appendix) indicates statistically significant differences in some of the samples studied for evaluating the hypotheses of the coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model. The NP-MANOVA test (Table 3.2) reveals that the microwear pattern of Equus conversidens from the American Southwest is marginally statistically different from the microwear pattern of E. ferus scotti for the full-glacial time interval (F = 1.713, p = 0.0496). In contrast, the microwear pattern of these two equid species, as well as that of Bison antiquus, is not significantly different for the postglacial (NP-MANOVA test, F = 0.8747, p = 0.6263). In the case of the specimens from Alberta, the comparison of the horse and bison samples for the preglacial time interval is marginally not significant (NP-MANOVA test, F = 1.556, p = 0.07901). A lack of statistical difference is also found for the horse and bison samples from the postglacial time interval of Alberta (NP-MANOVA test, F = 0.9605, p = 0.5284). The variance of the five counted microwear variables of each species sample did not significantly decrease during the postglacial relative to full-glacial and preglacial time intervals (Table 3.3). Only two pairwise-comparisons are statistically significant and four other comparison show the opposite trend in which the variance significantly increased during the postglacial (Table 3.3). The DFA (Table 3.5) of the Solounias and Semprebon (2002) dataset correctly classified 75 % of extant species by diet; 90.0 % for browsers, 100 % for fruit browsers, 77.8 % for grazers, 75.0 % for meal-by-meal mixed feeders, and 41.7 % for seasonal 171 mixed feeders. The discriminant functions generated (Table 3.6) classify all of the horse and bison samples I studied (Table 3.4) as seasonal mixed feeders, except for the American Southwest samples of Equus conversidens from the preglacial and full-glacial time intervals, which were classified as grazers (Table 3.7). 172 Table 3.1. Summary statistics of microwear variables of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. n = number of specimens; s = average number of scratches; p = average number of pits; cs = average number of cross scratches; g = average gouge score, ranging from 0 (none present) to 1 (all enamel bands observed had at least 1 gouge present); lp = average number of large pits; ws = average number of wide scratches; ts = average texture score. Locality and species Time interval n s p cs lp g ws ts Bluefish Caves Preglacial/Full-glacial 13 22.46 16.77 2.54 1.12 0.12 0.73 0.65 Equus ferus lambei Postglacial 12 25.63 16.21 4.00 1.17 0.46 0.50 0.67 Alberta Preglacial 7 25.07 16.07 2.36 1.79 0.79 1.00 0.86 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 7 23.64 25.29 3.00 1.07 0.64 1.29 0.86 Alberta Preglacial 9 23.39 18.67 3.28 1.22 0.61 1.67 1.00 Bison sp. Postglacial 9 24.78 18.89 3.11 0.78 0.61 1.06 0.83 Preglacial 15 28.67 16.00 3.20 0.77 0.50 0.70 0.93 Full-glacial 6 27.50 17.42 3.33 0.83 0.33 1.42 1.00 Postglacial 13 23.58 21.12 1.69 2.15 0.85 2.00 1.08 American Southwest Full-glacial 12 25.46 16.75 2.63 1.33 0.63 0.71 0.88 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 10 23.10 22.65 2.50 1.75 0.90 1.25 1.00 Postglacial 9 25.11 22.50 3.17 1.78 1.00 1.50 0.94 American Southwest Equus conversidens American Southwest Bison antiquus 173 Table 3.2. Results of NP-MANOVA tests (10,000 replications and using the Mahalanobis distance measure) used to evaluate the hypotheses of the coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model using the variables in Table A 7 of the Appendix. n = sample size; F = F-statistic; p = p-value. Statistically significant p-values are shown in bold. Locality Species Equus ferus scotti Alberta Bison sp. Equus ferus scotti Bison sp. Equus conversidens American Southwest Equus ferus scotti Time interval Preglacial Postglacial Full-glacial Equus conversidens Equus ferus scotti Bison antiquus n 7 9 7 9 6 12 F p 1.556 0.0790 0.9605 0.5284 1.713 0.0496 0.8747 0.6263 13 Postglacial 10 9 174 Table 3.3. Results of bootstrap statistical analyses conducted to test the hypotheses of the mosaic-nutrient extinction model using four counted microwear variables: s = average number of scratches; p = average number of pits; cs = average number of cross scratches; lp = average number of large pits; ws = average number of wide scratches; VarQ = variance quotient (variance at time interval 1 divided by variance at time interval 2); p = p-value based on bootstrap analysis using 10,000 replicates. Statistically significant p-values are indicated in bold. * identifies comparisons in which the variance at time interval 2 is greater than at time interval 1. Locality and species s Time interval comparisons Bluefish Caves Preglacial/Full-glacial Equus ferus lambei Postglacial Alberta Preglacial Equus ferus scotti Postglacial Alberta Preglacial Bison sp. Postglacial Preglacial Full-glacial American Southwest Full-glacial Equus conversidens Postglacial Preglacial Postglacial American Southwest Full-glacial Equus ferus scotti Postglacial p cs lp ws VarQ P VarQ P VarQ p VarQ P VarQ p 1.24 0.37 1.03 0.48 0.97 0.52 1.85 0.28 0.52 0.81 0.54 0.80 0.65 0.70 2.94 0.13 3.54 0.04 1.35 0.27 0.22 0.98* 0.71 0.72 0.64 0.78 0.32 0.77 1.09 0.44 1.44 0.32 1.32 0.40 1.77 0.25 0.82 0.63 0.18 0.99* 0.61 0.69 0.54 0.82 0.76 0.55 0.61 0.70 0.79 0.67 0.88 0.61 0.71 0.77 1.35 0.30 0.51 0.82 0.14 1.00* 3.30 0.04 0.31 0.97* 1.43 0.28 0.42 0.96* 0.49 0.89 175 Table 3.4. Summary statistics of microwear variables of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied following the methodology of Solounias and Sembrebon (2002). n = number of specimens, S = average number of scratches, P = average number of pits, CS = percentage of specimens with cross scratches, LP = percentage of specimens with large pits, G = percentage of specimens with gouges, F = percentage of specimens with fine scratches, C = percentage of specimens with coarse scratches, M = percentage of specimens with mixed scratches. Locality and species Time interval n S P CS LP G F C M Bluefish Caves Preglacial/Full-glacial 13 22.46 16.77 8.33 8.33 15.38 33.33 0.00 66.67 Equus ferus lambei Postglacial 12 25.63 16.21 40.00 0.00 50.00 35.00 0.00 65.00 Alberta Preglacial 7 25.07 16.07 0.00 0.00 85.71 12.50 0.00 87.50 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 7 23.64 25.29 23.08 0.00 71.43 15.38 0.00 84.62 Alberta Preglacial 9 23.39 18.67 30.77 0.00 66.67 0.00 0.00 100 Bison sp. Postglacial 9 24.78 18.89 42.86 7.14 66.67 28.57 7.14 64.29 Preglacial 15 28.67 16.00 28.00 0.00 60.00 8.00 0.00 92.00 Full-glacial 6 27.50 17.42 10.00 0.00 33.33 0.00 0.00 100 Postglacial 13 23.58 21.12 5.26 10.53 84.62 0.00 5.26 94.74 American Southwest Full-glacial 12 25.46 16.75 12.50 0.00 66.67 12.5 0.00 87.50 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 10 23.10 22.65 0.00 0.00 90.00 0.00 0.00 100 Postglacial 9 25.11 22.50 8.33 0.00 100 8.33 0.00 91.67 American Southwest Equus conversidens American Southwest Bison antiquus 176 Table 3.5. Results of discriminant function analysis (DFA) of the Solounias and Semprebon (2002) microwear dataset of extant ungulate species. The variables used in the analysis were: average number of scratches, average number of pits, percentage of individuals per species with more than four cross scratches per field, percentage of individuals with more than four large pits per field, percentage of individuals per species with fine and coarse scratches, and percentage of individuals per species with gouges present. All of the percentages were normalized for statistical analyses using the arcsine transformation. Wilks’ Lambda F p 0.0884 4.1262 <0.000 Table 3.6. Classification functions derived from a discriminant function analysis of the microwear data of extant ungulate species published by Solounias and Semprebon (2002), assuming equal prior classification probabilities for all dietary groups (p = 0.20). Dietary groups: B = browsers, FB = fruit browsers, G = grazers, M = meal-by-meal mixed feeders, SM = seasonal mixed feeders. Variables: S = average number of scratches, P = average number of pits, CS = percentage of specimens with cross scratches, LP = percentage of specimens with large pits, G = percentage of specimens with gouges, F = percentage of specimens with fine scratches, C = percentage of specimens with coarse scratches. All of the variables corresponding to percentages were normalized for the analysis using the arcsine transformation. Variable B FB G M SM S 0.8645 1.3141 1.6702 1.8856 1.3010 P 0.1409 0.0183 -0.0890 -0.0696 0.0311 CS 5.5524 11.5739 8.5471 10.0587 7.3397 LP 10.6330 22.1427 15.8302 16.7477 12.4398 G 0.1991 -2.7278 1.7066 3.8458 2.1182 F 18.8598 14.0748 14.2915 16.3990 17.6292 C 5.9276 5.5792 4.0572 1.6630 5.4380 Constant -24.1526 -39.0501 -37.1549 -47.4356 -30.3572 177 Table 3.7. Classification posterior probabilities of the samples studied based on a discriminant function analysis of the microwear data of extant ungulates published by Solounias and Semprebon (2002), assuming equal prior classification probabilities for all dietary groups (p = 0.20). B = browsers, FB = fruit browsers, G = grazers, M = meal-by-meal mixed feeders, SM = seasonal mixed feeders. Locality and species Time interval B FB G M SM Bluefish Caves Preglacial/Full-glacial 0.0444 0.0001 0.1861 0.0197 0.7497 Equus ferus lambei Postglacial 0.0034 0.0000 0.2420 0.1630 0.5916 Alberta Preglacial 0.0059 0.0000 0.2215 0.0620 0.7106 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 0.0218 0.0000 0.0890 0.0350 0.8542 Alberta Preglacial 0.0039 0.0000 0.4456 0.0637 0.4868 Bison sp. Postglacial 0.0029 0.0000 0.2683 0.1382 0.5906 Preglacial 0.0002 0.0000 0.5170 0.3294 0.1534 Full-glacial 0.0006 0.0000 0.7368 0.0805 0.1821 Postglacial 0.0036 0.0000 0.4651 0.0519 0.4794 American Southwest Full-glacial 0.0035 0.0000 0.3212 0.1050 0.5703 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 0.0178 0.0000 0.1750 0.0196 0.7876 Postglacial 0.0029 0.0000 0.1541 0.1522 0.6908 American Southwest Equus conversidens American Southwest Bison antiquus 178 3.4.2 Mesowear The mean mesowear score was used to evaluate the hypotheses of the coevolutionary disequilibrium and mosaic nutrient extinction models. Overall, the mean mesowear score of each sample analyzed (Table 3.8) plots on the abrasion end of the mesowear spectrum (Figure 3.4). The mesowear score of E. conversidens from the American Southwest is not statistically different from the mesowear score of E. ferus scotti for the full-glacial time interval (Kruskall-Wallis test, H = 1.00, p = 0.2834), although it should be pointed out that the sample size of E. conversidens consists of only two specimens (Table 3.9). The mesowear score for these two equid species, along with the specimens of Bison antiquus, for the postglacial of the American Southwest are also not significantly different (Kruskall-Wallis test, H = 1.309, p = 0.4851). The Kruskall-Wallis test reveals that the mesowear score for the preglacial samples of horse and bison from Alberta are significantly different (H = 5.442, p = 0.01341), but this is not the case for the postglacial samples of these ungulates (H = 1.771, p = 0.1582). The variance of the mesowear score of each species sample did not significantly decrease during the postglacial relative to full-glacial and preglacial time intervals (Table 3.10). None of the pairwise-comparisons are statistically significant and in one comparison (preglacial versus postglacial samples of E. conversidens from the American Southwest) the opposite trend was observed (Table 3.10). The DFA (Table 3.11) conducted on a subset of the extant ungulate dataset of Fortelius and Solounias (2000) correctly classified 75.6 % of the species by diet; 77.8 % for browsers, 76.0 % for mixed feeders, and 72.7 % for grazers. The discriminant functions generated (Table 3.12) classify the horse and bison samples studied within the 179 dietary group comprised by extant grazers, such as the plains zebra (Equus quagga) and the plains bison (Bison bison bison), with posterior probabilities greater than 0.74 (Table 3.13). 180 Table 3.8. Summary statistics of the mesowear variables of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. n = number of specimens, MS = mesowear score, h = percentage of specimens with high occlusal relief, l = percentage of specimens with low occlusal relief, s = percentage of specimens with sharp cusps, r = percentage of specimens with round cusps, b = percentage of specimens with blunt cusps. Locality and species Time interval n MS h l s r b Bluefish Caves Preglacial/Full-glacial 8 2.63 12.50 87.50 25.00 62.50 12.50 Equus ferus lambei Postglacial 5 3.00 0.00 100 20.00 60.00 20.00 Alberta Preglacial 21 3.05 14.29 85.71 4.76 57.14 38.10 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 7 2.86 0.00 100 28.57 57.14 14.29 Alberta Preglacial 6 1.67 66.67 33.33 0.00 100.00 0.00 Bison sp. Postglacial 7 1.86 57.14 42.86 14.29 71.43 14.29 Preglacial 8 3.38 0.00 100 0.00 62.50 37.50 Full-glacial 2 3.50 0.00 100 0.00 50.00 50.00 Postglacial 14 2.71 14.29 85.71 21.43 57.14 21.43 American Southwest Full-glacial 6 2.33 33.33 66.67 16.67 66.67 16.67 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 10 2.50 20.00 80.00 30.00 50.00 20.00 Postglacial 8 1.88 50.00 50.00 25.00 62.50 12.50 American Southwest Equus conversidens American Southwest Bison antiquus 181 Table 3.9. Results of Kruskall-Wallis tests used to evaluate the hypotheses of the coevolutionarty disequilibrium extinction model using the mesowear score MS. n = sample size; H = H-statistic; p = p-value. Statistically significant p-values are shown in bold. Locality Species Equus ferus scotti Alberta Bison sp. Equus ferus scotti Bison sp. Equus conversidens American Southwest Equus ferus scotti Time interval Preglacial Postglacial Full-glacial Equus conversidens Equus ferus scotti Bison antiquus n 21 6 8 7 2 6 H p 5.442 0.0134 1.771 0.1582 1.000 0.2834 1.309 0.4851 14 Postglacial 10 8 182 Table 3.10. Results of bootstrap statistical analyses conducted to test the hypotheses of the mosaic-nutrient extinction model using the mesowear score (MS). Var = variance of each sample; VarQ = variance quotient (variance at time interval 1 divided by variance at time interval 2); p = p-value based on bootstrap analysis using 10,000 replicates. Statistically significant p-values are indicated in bold. * identifies comparisons in which the variance at time interval 2 is greater than at time interval 1. Locality and species MS Time interval comparisons Var Bluefish Caves Preglacial/Full-glacial 1.4107 Equus ferus lambei Postglacial 0.5000 Alberta Preglacial 1.0476 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 0.4107 Alberta Preglacial 1.0667 Bison sp. Postglacial 2.1429 Preglacial 0.2679 Full-glacial 0.5000 American Southwest Full-glacial 0.5000 Equus conversidens Postglacial 0.9890 Preglacial 0.2679 Postglacial 0.9890 American Southwest Full-glacial 2.2667 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 2.0556 VarQ p 2.8214 0.3106 2.5507 0.1719 0.4978 0.8653 0.5357 0.6971 0.5056 0.5388 0.2708 0.9546* 1.1027 0.4488 183 Table 3.11. Results of discriminant function analysis (DFA) of the dataset of extant ungulates published by Fortelius and Solounias (2000), with the exclusion of the minute abraded brachydont species and species with a sample size lower than ten specimens. The variables percent high, percent sharp, and percent blunt cusps were normalized using the arcsine transformation and these values were used in the analysis. Wilks’ Lambda F p 0.2822 11.7645 <0.000 Table 3.12. Classification functions derived from a discriminant function analysis of the mesowear data of extant ungulate species published by Fortelius and Solounias (2000), with the exclusion of the minute abraded brachydont species and species with a sample size lower than ten specimens. The analysis was conducted assuming equal prior classification probabilities for all dietary groups (p = 0.33). Dietary groups: B = browsers, G = grazers, M = mixed feeders. Variables: h = percentage of specimens with high occlusal relief, s = percentage of specimens with sharp cusps, b = percentage of specimens with blunt cusps. All of the variables were normalized for the analysis using the arcsine transformation. Variable B G M h 27.0565 20.0305 25.7976 s 19.7424 7.5856 12.8349 b 34.4630 35.2358 33.5449 Constant -32.1042 -16.6522 -24.4111 184 Table 3.13. Classification posterior probabilities of the equid and bison samples studied based on a discriminant function analysis of the mesowear data of extant ungulate species published by Fortelius and Solounias (2000), with the exclusion of the minute abraded brachydont species and species with a sample size lower than ten specimens. The analysis was conducted assuming equal prior classification probabilities for all dietary groups (p = 0.33). B = browsers, G = grazers, M = mixed feeders. Locality and species Time interval B G M Bluefish Caves Preglacial/Full-glacial 0.0011 0.9707 0.0282 Equus ferus lambei Postglacial 0.0000 0.9977 0.0022 Alberta Preglacial 0.0000 0.9959 0.0041 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 0.0001 0.9963 0.0036 Alberta Preglacial 0.0001 0.9045 0.0954 Bison sp. Postglacial 0.0053 0.8037 0.1910 Preglacial 0.0000 0.9999 0.0001 Full-glacial 0.0000 0.9999 0.0001 Postglacial 0.0007 0.9777 0.0216 American Southwest Full-glacial 0.0017 0.9362 0.0621 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 0.0038 0.9405 0.0557 Postglacial 0.0157 0.7370 0.2473 American Southwest Equus conversidens American Southwest Bison antiquus 185 Figure 3.4. Average mesowear score for the late Pleistocene bison and equid samples studied and extant ungulate species reported in Kaiser et al. (2013). Each data point is the average for a species sample. Abbreviations: LB = leaf browsers, MF = mixed feeders, G = grazers, Pre-LGM = preglacial, LGM = full-glacial, Post-LGM = postglacial, ElB = Equus ferus lambei (Bluefish Caves, Yukon), EsA = Equus ferus scotti (Alberta), BpA = Bison sp. (Alberta), EcS = Equus conversidens (American Southwest), EsS = Equus ferus scotti (American Southwest), BpA = Bison antiquus (American Southwest). Leaf browsers: Alces alces (AA), Ammodorcas clarkei (AC), Antilocapra americana (AM), Capreolus capreolus (OL), Dicerorhinus sumatrensis (DS), Diceros bicornis (DB), Giraffa camelopardalis (GC), Litocranius walleri (LW), Odocoileus hemionus (OH), Odocoileus virginianus (OV), Okapia johnstoni (OJ), Tragelaphus strepsiceros (TS), Tragelaphus euryceros (TE). Mixed feeders: Aepyceros melampus (Am), Antidorcas marsupialis (Ma), Axis axis (Aa), Axis porcinus (Ap), Boselaphus tragocamelus (Tr), Budorcas taxicolor (Bt), Camelus dromedarius (Cd), Capra ibex (Ci), Capricornis sumatraensis (Cs), Cervus canadensis (Cc), Lama guanicoe (Lg), Nanger granti (Ng), Ourebia ourebi (Oo), Ovibos moschatus (Om), Ovis canadensis (Oc), Redunca fulvorufula (Rf), Rucervus duvaucelii (Rd), Rusa unicolor (Ru), Saiga tatarica (St), Syncerus caffer (Sc), Taurotragus oryx (To), Tetracerus quadricornis (Tq), Tragelaphus angasii (Ta), Tragelaphus imberbis (Ti), Tragelaphus scriptus (Ts), Vicugna vicugna (Vv). Grazers: Alcelaphus buselaphus (ab), Bison bison (bb), Ceratotherium simum (cs), Connochaetes taurinus (ct), Damaliscus lunatus (dl), Equus grevyi (eg), Equus quagga (eq), Hippotragus equinus (he), Hippotragus niger (hn), Kobus ellipsiprymnus (ke). 186 187 3.5 Discussion The coevolutionary disequilibrium (Graham and Lundelius, 1984) and mosaic-nutrient (Guthrie, 1984) extinction models are two climate-based models that have been proposed to explain the late Pleistocene megafaunal extinction. The coevolutionary disequilibrium model emphasizes competition for food resources among species as a result of changing vegetational assemblages (Graham and Lundelius, 1984), whereas the mosaic-nutrient model proposes that a change from a mosaic vegetation pattern to a more zonal, low diversity pattern decreased the dietary supplements available to herbivores (Guthrie, 1984). Although these models present different scenarios that lead to nutritional stress and extinction of some herbivore species, they are not mutually exclusive. In theory both could have operated, resulting in a scenario in which herbivores are faced with a decreased diversity of plants in their diets and a disruption of coevolved foraging sequences, increasing competition among species. This latter scenario, however, is not supported by the dental wear analyses. The results of the analyses of dental wear are overall consistent with the two predictions established for the coevolutionary disequilibrium model, but not with the prediction established for the mosaic-nutrient model. Working under the assumption that feeding on different vegetation would be reflected in the dental wear pattern (see Limitations and Assumptions section in the Introduction section of this chapter), a population of herbivores feeding on a restricted number of plant species during the terminal Pleistocene, as suggested in the mosaicnutrient model, would produce a dental wear sample in which the statistical dispersion of the microwear and mesowear variables is small, relative to populations feeding on a 188 greater diversity of plant species during preglacial and full-glacial times. As in seen in Tables 3.3 and 3.10, analyses of the dental wear data do not support this prediction. The variance of the microwear variables and the mesowear score are, for the most part, not significantly smaller during the postglacial. Out of 36 pairwise-comparisons involving the postglacial, only two were statistically significant and five other comparisons showed the opposite trend, with a significantly greater variance during the postglacial (Tables 3.3 and 3.10). There are a number of potential explanations that can be advanced to account for the lack of a statistically significant decrease in dental wear variance during the postglacial: 1) local plant diversity did not actually decrease during the postglacial as it is assumed by the mosaic-nutrient model; 2) local plant diversity decreased at this time, but ungulates were able to extend their home ranges or migrate to obtain the right mix of nutrients; 3) local plant diversity decreased during the postglacial, but the resulting change in diet is not recorded in the dental wear. Testing the hypothesis that local plant diversity decreased during the terminal Pleistocene has been difficult, because many of the commonly used proxies, such as fossil pollen, present certain limitations that make it difficult to reconstruct species-level vegetation changes. Although pollen records are highly informative, they tend to be biased towards groups that produce large quantities of pollen such as many graminoids (grasses, sedges, and rushes) and Artemisia, whereas many insect-pollinated plants are not adequately represented in these records (Anderson et al., 2003). Even when accounting for these potential biases, it is difficult to identify certain pollen types down to species level, which results in an underestimation of actual plant diversity (Lamb and Edwards, 1988). The study of plant macrofossils provides more detailed records of local 189 vegetation (e.g., Kienast et al., 2005; Zazula et al., 2006); however, the conditions for the preservation of such remains are far less common and, as a result, plant macrofossil assemblages are relatively rare. In addition, these studies still suffer from some taxonomical limitations and usually cannot provide quantitative estimates of abundance. The recent development and improvement of ancient DNA techniques has presented researchers with an alternative approach to reconstructing past vegetation changes, through the study of DNA preserved in sediment samples. This approach has been used to study changes in Arctic vegetation over the past 50,000 years (Willerslev et al., 2014). In contrast to pollen data, which indicate high plant diversity during the LGM, Willerslev et al. (2014) found that plant diversity was lowest during the LGM (25 – 15 ky cal BP [calibrated radiocarbon years before the present]) relative to the Pre-LGM (50 – 25 ky cal BP) and Post-LGM (15 – 0 ky cal BP) intervals they studied. Moreover, plant assemblages became more similar to each other during the LGM (Willerslev et al., 2014). These results are not consistent with the assumptions of the mosaic-nutrient model, which state that local plant diversity was high in the Pleistocene, but environmental changes during the terminal Pleistocene drastically decreased diversity and increased zonation of plant communities (Guthrie, 1984). The study of ancient DNA from sediment samples, however, presents its own challenges and limitations, such as the potential mixing of DNA across stratigraphic layers. It is therefore important to corroborate the results reported by Willerslev et al. (2014) using independent lines of evidence. Determining whether the reduction in plant diversity during the LGM identified by Willerslev et al. (2014) is reflected in the dental wear of Equus ferus lambei from Bluefish Caves, northern Yukon, cannot be made at this time because uncertainties in the 190 stratigraphic provenance of the specimens only allowed separation of specimens into postglacial (~14 ky – 10 ky RCBP) and preglacial/full-glacial (~31 ky – 14 ky RCBP) time intervals. Nevertheless, the lack of a statistically significant decrease in dental wear variance during the postglacial is more consistent with the pattern reported by Willerslev et al. (2014), than with the prediction established for the mosaic-nutrient model. In addition to spatial and temporal plant diversity, Willerslev et al. (2014) examined the relative abundance of different plant growth forms. These researchers determined that, although a mosaic of plant communities was present in the Arctic, plant assemblages during the Pre-LGM and LGM were dominated by forbs. Moreover, by studying aDNA from gut and dung samples of large ungulates (e.g., mammoth, horse, and bison), it was found that these herbivores had diets particularly rich in forbs (Willerslev et al., 2014). These results are also not consistent with the mosaic-nutrient model, which portrays large caecalid ungulates, such as horse and mammoth, as primarily feeding on grass and supplementing their diets by consuming a variety of other plant types (Guthrie, 1984). In contrast to the mosaic-nutrient extinction model, the results of the analysis of dental wear are overall consistent with the two predictions established for the coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model. The first prediction states that prior to the severe climatic changes that occurred during the terminal Pleistocene, sympatric species of ungulate herbivores partitioned available food resources (Graham and Lundelius, 1984). In this case dietary niche partitioning would be reflected by a statistically significant difference in dental microwear and mesowear score. This prediction is generally supported for the ungulates studied from the American Southwest 191 and Alberta. The dental microwear of Equus conversidens and E. ferus scotti from the American Southwest during the full-glacial is significantly different. Statistically significant differences were also detected for the mesowear score of E. ferus scotti and Bison sp. from preglacial deposits of Alberta. The analysis of the mesowear score of the equid samples from the American Southwest is considered inconclusive because of the small sample size of E. conversidens, which consisted of only two specimens. Similarly, the dental microwear of E. ferus scotti and Bison sp. from Alberta is marginally not significantly different, also likely due to the small sample size for these species. Although the results of the microwear and mesowear analyses support the hypothesis of dietary resource partitioning in sympatric bison and equid species from the American Southwest and Alberta, the analysis of dental wear provides little insight into the mechanism by which this division of resources might have taken place. Extant ungulates partition dietary resources in a variety of ways: feeding on different plant species, feeding on different plant parts and growth stages of the same species, feeding at different heights, and feeding in distinct microhabitats (e.g., Bell, 1971; Jarman and Sinclair, 1979; McNaughton and Georgiadis, 1986; du Toit, 1990; Spencer 1995; Stewart et al., 2002). Which of these alternatives for partitioning food resources was employed by the bison and equid species studied cannot be determined from the microwear data alone. Additional lines of evidence, such as ecomorphological studies, are needed to establish hypotheses by which these ungulates might have partitioned dietary resources. The second prediction outlined for the coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model states that sympatric species of horse and bison were competing for available food resources during the terminal Pleistocene, due to coevolutionary disequilibrium brought 192 about by a change in the composition of vegetational communities. Under this scenario dental microwear and mesowear should not be significantly different for the different taxa. This is the pattern that is observed for the postglacial ungulate species from the American Southwest (i.e., E. conversidens, E. ferus scotti, and Bison antiquus). The same was found for the horse and bison samples of E. ferus scotti and Bison sp. from postglacial deposits of Alberta. The results of the microwear and mesowear analyses of the postglacial ungulate species from the American Southwest and Alberta are, therefore, consistent with the second prediction of the coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model. The results of a number of dental wear (Rivals et al., 2008; Rivals et al., 2010) and stable isotope (Koch et al., 1998; Hoppe and Koch, 2006; Fox-Dobbs et al., 2008) studies also support the assumption of dietary resource partitioning postulated for the coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model. In other cases, however, dietary niche overlap is the emerging pattern (e.g., Feranec, 2004; Prado et al., 2005; Hoppe and Koch, 2006; Fox-Dobbs et al., 2008; Pérez-Crespo et al., 2012). Nevertheless, it is important to point out that all of the studies cited above, and also the study presented here, examined only one or two dietary proxies, which shed light on only a small portion of the feeding ecology of the Pleistocene megafauna. Dietary niche partitioning may occur along any of countless multidimensional axes (Hutchinson, 1957). Therefore, identification of statistically significant differences among species using one dietary proxy would provide support for dietary niche partitioning, but the opposite is not true. Inability to detect significant differences among species using one dietary proxy does not necessarily indicate they were competing for food resources, because the species could be segregating along another dimensional axis not considered in the study. This is an important point that is often missed 193 in paleoecological studies. A multi-proxy approach to reconstructing feeding ecology is required to better elucidate community feeding structure during the Pleistocene at different temporal and spatial scales. In that vein, the present study would benefit from the incorporation of additional paleoecological proxies such as stable isotope analysis. With these considerations in mind, it can only be concluded that the analyses of mesowear and dental microwear do not reject the hypothesis of competition for food resources during the postglacial in the bison and equid species investigated. It is interesting to note that this pattern was recovered for both Alberta and the American Southwest, even though these two regions experienced different ecosystem dynamics during the terminal Pleistocene. Preglacial ecosystems in Alberta were completely eliminated during the full-glacial by the advance and coalescence of the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets (Young et al., 1994, 1999; Burns, 1996). Radiocarbon dating of mammal specimens indicates that most of Alberta remained covered by the Laurentide ice sheet for approximately 9,000 radiocarbon years (Burns, 1996). As the ice sheets receded new ecosystems with new community associations were established. In contrast to Alberta the American Southwest did not become covered by ice sheets; nevertheless, important environmental changes occurred in this region during the postglacial. Paleontological and palynological evidence indicate that the American Southwest experienced significant changes in temperature, precipitation, and humidity (Connin et al., 1998). Both regions experienced different, but nonetheless major ecological disturbances during the terminal Pleistocene. One emerging pattern common to Alberta, the American Southwest and other regions of North America is the increased abundance of bison relative to other large herbivorous mammals, such as equids and mammoth, during the latest Pleistocene. 194 Although both bison and equids returned to Alberta as the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets receded, the evidence at hand indicates that bison was now the dominant ungulate species, in contrast to preglacial ecosystems in which equids were the dominant ungulates (Jass et al., 2011). A similar increase in the relative abundance of bison has been reported for the midcontinent of North America (McDonald, 1981), Alaska and the Yukon Territory (Guthrie, 2006), the southern Great Plains (Wyckoff and Dalquest, 1997), and the Pacific Coast (Scott et al., 2010). The great abundance and geographic distribution of bison during the latest Pleistocene, especially in western North America, has led Scott (2010) to propose an ecological extinction model for the late Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions, in which bison played a pivotal role. Scott (2010) notes that one major difference of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition with respect to previous glacial-interglacial transitions was the proliferation of Bison antiquus, a large, aggressive, herd-dwelling ruminant. Scott (2010) argues that B. antiquus and other late Pleistocene megafauna, such as mammoths and equids, were competing for available resources. Shifts in resource abundance and distribution due to changing climatic factors associated with the end of the Wisconsinan glaciation would have increased competition for those resources. Scott (2010) further states that responses of large herbivorous mammals to earlier climatic shifts (e.g., selection of different forage, reduction of body size, or migration to a different area) would have been altered by the widespread abundance and population density of bison. Even communities where bison were rare or absent could also be impacted, as large mammals displaced by bison in other regions moved in, increasing the competition among herbivores (Scott, 2010). 195 Scott (2010) cites isotope data for Rancho La Brea, California, and Florida that apparently support the argument that bison competed for resources with other late Pleistocene megafauna. Bison and equids from Rancho La Brea seemed to have relied heavily on C3 plants (Coltrain et al., 2004; Feranec et al., 2009), with bison periodically incorporating C4 plants in its diet, suggesting that these ungulates were seasonally competing for similar food resources (Feranec et al., 2009). Similar results have been reported for Florida, in which mammoths, bison, and equids apparently had similar diets, although these diets varied geographically across the state (Feranec, 2004). Nevertheless, the fact that these herbivorous mammals fed on plants with similar isotope compositions does not necessarily imply that they were competing for food resources. For instance, African grazing ungulates feed mostly on C4 grasses and their mean δ13C values largely overlap (e.g., Cerling et al., 2003), yet many of these grazing herbivores partition available grass resources by feeding on different structural components and/or grasses at different growth stages (e.g., Gwynne and Bell, 1968; Bell, 1971; Murray and Brown, 1993). As emphasized by McNaughton and Georgiadis (1986), grass is not a homogeneous resource and nutritional quality varies among its major structural components (leaf, sheath, and stem) as well as seasonally. Based on the results obtained from the present study, the pattern of competition among bison and other late Pleistocene ungulates postulated by Scott (2010) is supported for the equid and bison samples from the postglacial of Alberta and the American Southwest, but not for the preglacial of Alberta. This pattern is more consistent with the coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model (Graham and Lundelius, 1984), than with the model proposed by Scott (2010); however, additional studies are needed to further 196 evaluate these two extinction models. Nevertheless, Scott (2010) raises an important point that has been overlooked by many researchers investigating the late Pleistocene extinctions. An often raised objection against climate-based extinction models is that the Pleistocene-Holocene transition was not more severe in magnitude or duration than previous glacial-interglacial transitions and, because Pleistocene faunas survived earlier glacial-interglacial transitions without major extinction events, then climate change must not have been the primary factor responsible for the late Pleistocene extinctions (Koch and Barnosky, 2006). Scott (2010), using North American bison as an example, emphasizes that this point of view ignores the fact that the Pleistocene megafauna was not a static, cohesive entity. Large mammal communities were dynamic in nature and this must be considered when assessing the causes of the late Pleistocene extinctions. 3.5.1 Diets of late Pleistocene equids and bison The horse and bison samples studied show mesowear signatures indicative of an abrasive diet and are, therefore, classified by the DFA within the dietary group comprised by the extant grazing ungulates in the dataset of Fortelius and Solounias (2000). All of the bison samples have mean mesowear scores which are smaller than those of the equid samples for each corresponding geographic region and time interval studied; however, this difference is only statistically significant for the preglacial horse and bison samples from Alberta. Comparable, highly abrasive diets have been reported for horse and bison samples from a variety of sites throughout North America, including the American Southwest (Rivals and Semprebon, 2012) and eastern Beringia (Rivals et al., 2010). Both Equus sp. and Bison antiquus from Blackwater Draw, New Mexico, studied by Rivals and Semprebon (2012), showed a mesowear score indicative of an abrasive diet similar to 197 that of extant grazing ungulates, with Equus sp. showing a higher mean mesowear score (i.e., more abrasive diet) than Bison antiquus (Rivals and Semprebon, 2012). The same pattern was observed for E. lambei and B. priscus from the late Pleistocene of Alaska, in which both species plot on the abrasive end of the mesowear spectrum, with B. priscus showing a smaller average mesowear score than E. lambei (Rivals et al., 2010). In contrast to the analysis of mesowear, DFA of the dental microwear classified the samples of horse and bison studied with extant seasonal mixed feeders, except for the American Southwest samples of E. conversidens from the preglacial and full-glacial time bins, which were classified as grazers. Extant members of these two lineages are typically regarded as grazers (Nowak, 1999), and, therefore, identification of bison samples and most of equid samples as seasonal mixed feeders would initially seem surprising. However, dental wear studies and stable isotope analyses have found significant dietary plasticity in fossil members of these two ungulate lineages. Rivals et al. (2007) reported a wide dietary spectrum for North American Pleistocene and early Holocene bison, which ranged from pure grazing to mixed feeding. Akersten et al. (1988) report that Bison antiquus from Rancho La Brea, California, incorporated a small proportion of grasses in its diet based on plant remains extracted from the teeth of seven individuals. Extinct species of Equus also presented a considerable degree of dietary flexibility. Mesowear analysis indicates that E. capensis from the Pleistocene of South Africa was a mixed-feeder, possibly adapted to eating the unique fynbos vegetation that can still be found in the south-western part of the country (Kaiser and Franz-Odendaal, 2004). The Pleistocene equid species from the pampean region of Argentina were ingesting a pure C3 or an isotopically mixed diet (Sanchez et al., 2006). Similar results 198 have been reported for equids from Rancho La Brea, California (Coltrain et al., 2004), and Florida (Koch et al., 1998). Furthermore, plant remains recovered from a juvenile horse from Rancho La Brea consisted of more than 50 % dicotyledons, indicative of a browsing strategy (Akersten et al. 1988). Although classification of the bison samples and most of the equid samples as seasonal mixed feeders is consistent with the studies highlighted above, these results should be, for the moment, considered tentative. As was discussed in the methods section, it is unclear how accurate these dietary reconstructions are, in light of the high interobserver error reported for low magnification microwear analyses (see Mihlbachler et al., 2012, for additional discussion on this issue). 3.6 Conclusions The study of dental wear of equid and bison samples from the American Southwest, Alberta, and northern Yukon, support the hypotheses formulated for the coevolutionary disequilibrium extinction model (Graham and Lundelius, 1984), but not for the mosaicnutrient model (Guthrie, 1984). Sympatric species of equids and bison had significantly different dental wear patterns (and therefore presumably different diets) during the preglacial and full-glacial intervals, but not during the postglacial. These results indicate that environmental changes during the terminal Pleistocene disrupted large herbivore communities, possibly resulting in increased competition for food resources. 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Periods of disruption in tooth development during enamel matrix formation are recorded in the teeth in the form of tooth defects known as enamel hypoplasia (Goodman and Rose, 1990; Moggi-Cecchi and Crovella, 1991; Hillson, 1996, 2005; Kierdorf and Kierdorf, 1997; Guatelli-Steinberg, 2000, 2003; Witzel et al., 2008). These tooth defects have been extensively used in anthropological and archaeological studies to infer the health of past primate populations, especially humans (Goodman and Rose, 1990; Moggi-Cecchi and Crovella, 1991; Skinner and Goodman, 1992; Hillson, 1996, 2005; Guatelli-Steinberg, 2000, 2003; Skinner and Hopwood, 2004; King et al., 2005; Schwartz et al., 2006; Witzel et al., 2008). In the context of the late Pleistocene extinctions, the study of enamel hypoplasia provides the opportunity to test whether herbivorous mammals were potentially experiencing increased levels of systemic stress during the terminal Pleistocene as predicted by different climate-based extinction models. The two climatebased extinction models investigated in my dissertation, coevolutionary disequilibrium 216 (Graham and Lundelius, 1984) and mosaic-nutrient (Guthrie, 1984) extinction models, draw upon the individualistic response of plant species to climate change to present a plausible scenario in which nutritional stress is considered one of the primary causes for the late Pleistocene extinctions. Teeth are excellent elements for inferring episodes of early systemic stress because they are well represented in the fossil record, they can be identified to species, and enamel is not remodeled after maturation (Hillson, 2005). Therefore, enamel retains a permanent record of dental growth disruptions that occurred during tooth development (Hillson, 2005). Moreover, teeth provide the opportunity for estimating chronology and duration of potential stress episodes (Dobney and Ervynck, 2000; Franz-Odendaal et al., 2004). In this study, I examined the prevalence of enamel hypoplasia in the cheek teeth of North American late Pleistocene equids and bison as a proxy for the incidence of early systemic stress in these ungulates. The hypotheses tested are: H0: No significant difference in the frequency of enamel hypoplasia and number of hypoplastic events per affected tooth for bison and horse samples after the fullglacial. HA: These ungulates, in particular horses, show a significant increase in the frequency of enamel hypoplasia and number of hypoplastic events per affected tooth during the terminal Pleistocene (postglacial), potentially caused by an increase in systemic stress (specifically nutritional stress) due to new vegetational associations. Prediction: The coevolutionary disequilibrium and mosaic-nutrient extinction models both predict an increase in systemic stress (specifically nutritional stress), particularly for 217 the species that became extinct. Systemic stress encountered by an individual while the dentition was being formed can be inferred by examining for enamel hypoplasia. If horses experienced an important increase in systemic stress during the postglacial, the frequency of enamel hypoplasia, as well as the number of hypoplastic events per affected tooth, for this time interval should be significantly greater than that for earlier time periods (full-glacial and preglacial). 4.1.1 Tooth development and enamel hypoplasia Tooth development starts at the cusps and progresses down to the roots (Hoppe et al., 2004; Hillson, 2005). During the development of a tooth, enamel is deposited by ameloblasts in a circadian manner (Dean et al., 2001; Hillson, 2005). Enamel is secreted by ameloblasts between the outer surface of the tooth and the enamel-dentine junction in a process called apposition (Ramirez-Rozzi and Bermudez de Castro, 2004). Apposition determines the thickness of the enamel. The deposition of enamel progresses down the tooth as new ameloblasts differentiate over the whole crown height; this process determines the elongation (extension) of the tooth (Ramirez-Rozzi and Bermudez de Castro, 2004). Throughout these two processes (apposition and extension) several microscopic features within the enamel are formed (Figure 4.1; Moggi-Cecchi, 2001; Tafforeau et al., 2007). The smallest of all are cross-striations, which correspond to the daily enamel deposition by ameloblasts and they proceed from the enamel-dentine junction to the outer surface of the tooth. As cross striations are being formed by ameloblasts, a second cycle affects the deposition of enamel by these cells which causes the production of distinct lines that are called Retzius’ striae. In anatomically modern humans, Retzius’ striae have a modal periodicity of nine days that is, nine cross-striations 218 are found between two Retzius’ striae (Ramirez-Rozzi and Bermudez de Castro, 2004; Guatelli-Steinberg et al., 2005). Thus, Retzius’ striae formation proceeds at a constant rate which is consistent within a single tooth and in all teeth belonging to the same individual (Guatelli-Steinberg et al., 2005). The number and inclination of Retzius’ striae are a direct reflection of the extension rate. In the cuspal enamel, Retzius’ striae are placed one above the other like a series of domes. On the sides of the tooth (i.e., imbricational enamel) Retzius’ striae crop-out as perikymata. After the enamel matrix has been secreted, mineralization of the enamel begins (Hillson, 2005). Enamel hypoplasia is a developmental defect that is caused by a physical disruption of the amelobasts that secrete enamel (Goodman and Rose, 1990). This defect most commonly occurs as a result of systemic stress and causes a thinning of the enamel. The Federation Dentaire Internationale (FDI) established an international index for the study of enamel hypoplasia, which recognizes different categories of this defect: single pits, areas missing enamel, non-linear grooves, non-linear multiple pits, horizontal linear grooves, and horizontal linear pits (Federation Dentaire Internationale, 1982) (Figure 4.2). Non-linear pits and areas missing enamel are thought to result from localized physical trauma, usually associated with a thinning of the bone covering the developing tooth commonly caused by poor maternal diet (deficiencies in calcium, vitamin A or vitamin D) and premature births (Skinner and Hung, 1986). Small horizontal linear pits and horizontal linear grooves are known as linear enamel hypoplasia. Linear defects have been associated with different systemic stressors (e.g., weaning, parturition, nutritional stress, and illness) at the time of tooth formation (Franz-Odendaal, 2004; Franz-Odendaal et al., 2004). Some researchers consider that the width and depth of linear enamel 219 hypoplasia correspond, respectively, to the duration of the stress episode and its severity (Goodman et al., 1980; Suckling, 1989). Disruption of the mineralization phase of tooth enamel formation causes a developmental defect known as enamel hypomineralization (Suckling and Purdell-Lewis, 1982), which results in a discolouration of the enamel (Neiburger, 1990). As a result, hypomineralization is hard to distinguish from diagenesis and it is therefore usually not investigated in archaeological and fossil teeth (Franz-Odendaal et al., 2004; Hillson, 2005). Enamel hypoplasia has been extensively studied in primates, including humans, to infer the occurrence of episodes of early systemic stress (e.g., Goodman and Rose, 1990; Moggi-Cecchi and Crovella, 1991; Hillson, 1996, 2005; Guatelli-Steinberg, 2000, 2003; Skinner and Hopwood, 2004; King et al., 2005; Schwartz et al., 2006; Witzel et al., 2008). In contrast, relatively few studies have been conducted on archaeological and paleontological non-primate mammals, including Neogene rhinoceroses (Mead, 1999; Roohi et al., 2015), domestic pigs and wild boar (Dobney and Ervynck, 2000; Dobney et al., 2004; Witzel et al., 2006), late Pleistocene and Holocene bison (Niven, 2002; Niven et al., 2004; Byerly, 2007), Pliocene giraffids (Franz-Odendaal et al., 2004), cattle (Kierdorf et al., 2006), Pleistocene equids (Timperley and Lundelius, 2008), domestic sheep and goats (Kierdorf et al., 2012; Upex et al., 2014), and the Pleistocene notungulate Toxodon (Braunn et al., 2014). 220 Figure 4.1. A) Diagram of a human molar cross section showing perikymata, striae of Retzius, and cross-striations. B) Microphotograph of imbricational enamel. The striae of Retzius are indicated by white arrows; cross-striations are also evident (Figure adapted from Moggi-Cecchi, 2001). 221 A B C D Figure 4.2. Different types of enamel hypoplasia: A) area missing enamel exposing the dentine underneath (CMH MgVo-2 (E3)-H-3; left P4); B) non-linear multiple pits (RAM P02.8.45); C) two sets of small horizontal linear pits (UTEP 22-64; left M2); C) horizontal linear grooves (RAM P94.1.341). Scale bar = 5 mm. 4.2 Limitations and Assumptions Testing of the coevolutionary disequilibrium (Graham and Lundelius, 1984) and mosaicnutrient (Guthrie, 1984) extinction models requires assessment of nutritional stress in Pleistocene herbivore mammals. Although several studies indicate that enamel hypoplasia can be associated with nutritional stress (e.g., Goodman and Rose, 1990; Hillson, 1996; Larsen, 1997; Zhou and Corruccini, 1998; Dobney and Ervynck, 2000; 222 Hillson, 2005; Guatelli-Steinberg and Benderlioglu, 2006), this tooth defect has a multifactorial etiology and a variety of other stressors, in addition to malnutrition, have been associated with enamel hypoplasia. Systemic and infectious diseases, severe fevers, premature births, parturition, weaning, parasite infestation, and intoxication with fluoride are some of the stressors that have been linked to the development of enamel hypoplasia in mammals (Shearer et al., 1978; Shupe and Olson, 1983; Skinner and Hung, 1986; Suckling et al., 1986; Suckling et al., 1988; Miles and Grigson, 1990; Kierdorf et al., 1993; Hillson, 1996, 2005; Larsen, 1997; Dobney and Ervynck, 2000; Kierdorf et al., 2000; Kierdorf et al., 2004). Inferring which stressor potentially caused enamel hypoplasia in a given individual cannot be accomplished without additional lines of evidence, such as knowledge of the diet and life history of the species under study (e.g., Dobney and Ervynck, 2000; Franz-Odendaal et al., 2004; Niven et al., 2004). Therefore, the presence of enamel hypoplasia is more commonly treated as an indicator of overall health during tooth development. Despite the inability to unequivocally identify nutritional stress in the equid and bison samples here studied without additional lines of evidence, the identification of increased enamel hypoplasia during the terminal Pleistocene in these ungulates in addition to the results presented in Chapter 3 would be consistent with the nutritional extinction models advanced to explain the late Pleistocene extinctions. 4.3 Materials and Methods The samples for study consisted of late Pleistocene equid and bison cheek teeth from Bluefish Caves, Yukon; the Edmonton area gravel pits and Wally’s Beach site, Alberta; 223 and several sites in the American Southwest including Dark Canyon Cave, Dry Cave, and Blackwater Draw, New Mexico, as well as Sharbauer Ranch and Lubbock Lake sites, Texas (Figure 4.3). All of the specimens I studied are deposited in the following institutions, with corresponding specimen acronyms indicated in parentheses: Archaeology Collection (Bluefish Caves; MgVo-1, 2, and 3) of the Canadian Museum of History (CMH); Quaternary Paleontology (P) and Archaeology collections (Wally’s Beach site; DhPg-8) of the Royal Alberta Museum (RAM); Vertebrate Paleobiology Collection, Laboratory for Environmental Biology, University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP); and the Vertebrate Paleontology collection of the Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin (TMM). The data I collected were arranged into preglacial, full-glacial, and postglacial time intervals, as was done for the dental wear analyses conducted in Chapter 3. The time encompassed by these intervals varied slightly for each geographic region. The material from Bluefish Caves, which consisted of only one equid species (Equus ferus lambei; Chapter 2), could only be divided into two time intervals: preglacial/full-glacial (~31 ky – 14 ky RCBP) and postglacial (~14 ky – 10 ky RCBP). Specimens were assigned to one of these two time intervals based on published work (Cinq-Mars, 1979; Morlan, 1989), documents on file at the Canadian Museum of History (CMH Archives A2002-9 [Jacques Cinq-Mars’ documents]: box 11, f.7), and the spatial and stratigraphic provenance of equid specimens (retrieved from specimen catalogs and maps in the CMH Archives; A2002-9: box 2, f.1, f.2, f.4; box 3, f.1, f.3 – f.9, f.13; box 8, f.4, f.5) relative to bones that have been subjected to radiocarbon dating (Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database [CARD 2.0], accessed March 2015). These divisions correspond to a change in 224 the vegetation of the region from tundra during the preglacial/full-glacial to dwarf birch during the postglacial (Cinq-Mars, 1979; Ritchie et al., 1982). Different publications mention the occurrence of bison remains at Bluefish Caves (Cinq-Mars, 1979; CinqMars, 1990), but I did not locate any bison cheek teeth in the collection of the Canadian Museum of History. Thus, I only studied equid specimens from this site. The material from Alberta was divided into preglacial (>60 ky – 21 ky RCBP) and postglacial time intervals (~13 ky – 10 ky RCBP), based on published radiocarbon dates (Waters et al., 2015) and the association of specimens with localities that have only yielded dates of preglacial or postglacial age (Burns, 1996; Jass et al., 2011). Fossil material from the full-glacial is not represented in Alberta because most of the province was covered by the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets at that time (Young et al., 1994, 1999; Burns, 1996; Jass et al., 2011). The specimens from Alberta studied in this chapter consisted of only one equid species (Equus ferus scotti; although a second less common species, Equus conversidens, was recognized from the Edmonton area gravel pits [Chapter 2]), and material referrable to Bison sp. The fossil material from the American Southwest (specifically eastern New Mexico and western Texas) can be divided into preglacial (~25 ky – 20 ky RCBP), fullglacial (~20 ky – 15 ky RCBP), and postglacial (~15 ky – 10 ky RCBP) ages, based on different publications (Harris, 1987, 1989, 2015; Tebedge, 1988; Haynes, 1995; Holliday and Meltzer, 1996). I was able to obtain data for only one equid species (Equus conversidens) during the preglacial, whereas for the full-glacial I was able to collect data for the two common equid species that inhabited this region during the late Pleistocene (Equus ferus scotti and Equus conversidens; Chapter 2). Although bison (Bison antiquus) 225 was present in the American Southwest throughout the late Pleistocene (McDonald, 1981), I was only able to obtain mesowear and microwear data for postglacial specimens. I also collected data for postglacial specimens of Equus ferus scotti and Equus conversidens. Most of the specimens I studied consisted of isolated teeth. The initial objective of my study was to focus on a single tooth position; however, this resulted in very small sample sizes. I therefore included in the analysis as many complete teeth as I could reliably identify to species. Identification of the specimens to species was done using the methodologies presented in Chapter 2 for the equid teeth and published sources for the bison teeth (Lundelius, 1972; Jass et al., 2011; Harris, 2015). In the case of equids, I examined premolars (P2 – P4; p2 – p4) and molars (M1 – M3; m1 – m3). For bison I only studied molars (M1 – M3; m1 – m3), but not premolars, because the latter teeth are much smaller. This difference in size could potentially bias the preservation of premolars in the fossil record relative to molars and it could also affect their representation in research collections as a result of collecting biases. Moreover, the difference in size between premolars and molars might indicate that these two tooth groups have a different dental developmental geometry, a factor that is known to affect the identification of enamel hypoplasia when using macroscopic methods (Hillson and Bond, 1997; Hillson, 2014). In some cases there were associated teeth belonging to the same individual. When this occurred in equid specimens I examined either the P4 or M3 for enamel hypoplasia in addition to the M1 (p4 or m3 in addition to m1 in the case of lower teeth). This is because the timing of tooth crown formation for the P4/p4 and M3/m3 teeth minimally overlaps 226 with the timing of crown formation for the M1/m1 (Figure 4.4; Hoppe et al., 2004). Thus, hypoplastic deffects not occurring on the apical portion of the tooth crown (immediately below the area of the cusps) of the P4/p4 or M3/m3 can be identified as separate stress events from those present in the M1/m1. The timing of crown formation for all other tooth positions overlaps to a greater extent (Figure 4.4; Hoppe et al., 2004) and a thorough assessment of the location of hypoplastic deffects is needed to determine whether deffects present in different tooth positions actually correspond to distinct stress episodes. In the case of associated bison teeth belonging to the same individual, I examined enamel hypoplasia in each molar position: M1, M2, and M3 (m1, m2, and m3 in the case of lower teeth). This is because the timing of tooth crown formation for each of these tooth positions minimally overlaps (Figure 4.5; Gadbury et al., 2000; Niven et al., 2004). Therefore, hypoplastic deffects not occurring on the apical portion of the tooth crown (immediately below the area of the cusps) especially of M2/m2 and M3/m3 can be considered as distinct stress episodes. Evidence of enamel hypoplasia naturally becomes eliminated as the tooth wears down, because of this I originally examined unworn or little worn teeth. Nevertheless, restricting the assessment of enamel hypoplasia to unworn or little worn teeth resulted in small sample sizes. Therefore, it was necessary to study every reasonably complete tooth that could be assessed for enamel hypoplasia. I do not expect that this introduced systematic variation into the data, because this approach was undertaken for all of the fossil assemblages studied; however, it must have to some extent reduced the frequency of incidences of enamel hypoplasia across all samples. Fortunately, emerging evidence indicates that the cheek teeth of hypsodont ungulates present non-linear crown extension 227 rates and the lower portion of the tooth takes up most of the total crown formation period. For example, Upex et al. (2014) mention that the lower 25 % of caprine cheek teeth encompasses approximately 50 % of the total crown formation time. Exact data on the extension rate of equid and bison cheek teeth are currently lacking, but my personal observation of perikymata on the teeth of these ungulates suggests a similar crown extension pattern to that reported by Upex et al. (2014). Therefore, loss of the upper portion of a hypsodont cheek tooth due to dental wear represents a very small portion of the total crown formation time. Upex et al. (2014) further note that enamel hypoplasia occurs almost exclusively on the lower (cervical) portion of the tooth crown of caprine cheek teeth, regardless of the state of dental wear, and suggest that this might be due to variation in crown extension rates. As a result, these authors conclude that as long as younger age categories are represented in each sample studied, the use of teeth in more advanced stages of wear will not significantly bias recording of enamel hypoplasia to the lower portion of the crown (Upex et al., 2014). One important complication of the study of enamel hypoplasia of several hypsodont ungulate molars, including those of equids and bison, is the presence of cementum covering the tooth crown, which helps to anchor the tooth into the maxillary or dentary while the roots develop and the tooth erupts into the mouth (Kierdorf et al., 2006; Upex et al., 2014). Cementum covering the tooth crown develops after the enamel has been secreted and mineralized and it gets laid down periodically in response to continuous tooth eruption (Kierdorf et al., 2006; Upex et al., 2014). As a result, cementum can obscure evidence of enamel hypoplasia (Kierdorf et al., 2006). In order to circumvent this problem, Upex et al. (2014) suggest removing the cementum using a 228 tungsten drill bit. This was a procedure I could not attempt on the specimens I studied because of conservation concerns. Another alternative would be to CT-scan the specimens and digitally remove the coronal cementum in order to inspect the enamel; this procedure was undertaken for a limited number of specimens (see below) because it is not cost nor time effective. Nevertheless, cementum did not pose a serious problem to the examination and study of enamel hypoplasia, because for a large portion of the specimens I studied the cementum weathered and degraded, exposing the enamel underneath. Cementum is softer and contains a larger percentage of organic matter than enamel (Hillson, 2005). Therefore, cementum is degraded more easily than enamel. When examining the specimens, I qualitatively scored the extent to which cementum covers the tooth crown using a scoring system that ranges from 0 to 5: 0 indicating that the tooth crown is not covered by cementum, 1 denoting that 1 to 25 % of the tooth crown is covered by cementum, 2 indicating that 26 to 50 % of the tooth crown is covered by cementum, 3 denoting that 51 to 75 % of the tooth crown is covered by cementum, 4 indicating that 76 to 95 % of the tooth crown is covered by cementum, but that the cementum present consists of a thin layer, and 5 denoting that the entire tooth crown is covered by a thick layer of cementum. I did not use specimens with a score of 5, even if they showed evidence of hypoplasia beneath the cementum. Some equid teeth from Bluefish Caves had one side of the tooth crown (the buccal side in lower teeth and the lingual side in upper teeth) completely covered by cementum, but not the remaining sides. I decided to score the exposed sides for enamel hypoplasia and include these specimens in the analysis, because otherwise the sample size for this locality would have been extremely limited. 229 All of the specimens, except three equid dentaries from Wally’s Beach, were examined directly without the aid of magnification. I used oblique lighting to facilitate the identification of enamel hypoplasia. The vast majority of the equid cheek teeth from Wally’s Beach are encased in dentaries or maxillaries, preventing the direct assessment of these specimens for enamel hypoplasia. Therefore, three dentaries from this site were CTscanned to allow examination of the cheek teeth. The specimens were CT-scanned by Dr. Andrew Nelson, Department of Anthropology, University of Western Ontario, using a Nikon XT H 225 ST MicroCT Scanner with the following settings: 190 kVp, 85 microamps, 500 msec exposure time, averaged 2 frames/projection, and voxel size of 70 µm. The software Inspect-X v. 4.3 was used for scan capture, CT-Pro 3D v. 4.3 for volume reconstruction, and VG Studio Max v.2.2 for visualization and export to dicom. I created 3-D surface models of the CT-scanned specimens using the computer software AMIRA 5.3.3. I adjusted the threshold to digitally remove the dentary and the cementum from the cheek teeth in order to be able to detect the presence of enamel hypoplasia on the surface of the tooth crown (Figure 4.6A). I then prepared digital histological sections using the “ObliqueSlice” module in AMIRA 5.3.3. to verify that the tooth defects identified on the external surface of the tooth crown correspond to enamel hypoplasia (Figure 4.6B). All of the tooth defects identified in the 3-D surface models showed thinning of the imbricational enamel (Figure 4.6B), which is characteristic of enamel hypoplasia (Goodman and Rose, 1990). These observations support the contention that similar tooth defects identified in the specimens that were assessed via direct observation correspond to enamel hypoplasia. Other minor fluctuations in enamel thickness were sometimes observed in the digital histological sections as well as on the crown surface of 230 the 3-D surface models and the specimens assessed via direct observation; in the latter two cases, these appear as shallow and faint grooves. Goodman and Rose (1990) indicate that very small, shallow grooves may not be true hypoplastic defects. For this reason and because of the subjectivity in assessing whether grooves are deep or shallow, some studies suggest that only clearly defined, deep grooves be classified as enamel hypoplasia (e.g., Goodman and Rose, 1990; Franz-Odendaal et al., 2004). This was the protocol that I followed. However, contrary to Goodman and Rose (1990), some researchers have indicated that groove defects present a continuum of sizes from the microscopic (the smallest consisting of an increase in spacing between just two adjacent perikyma grooves) to those observed with the naked eye, and that macroscopically visible defects do not necessarily represent a more substantial growth disruption (Hillson and Bond, 1997; Hillson, 2014). If this is indeed the case, then the results presented here may actually underestimate the true frequency of enamel hypoplasia in all of the samples studied. I investigated two variables for the specimens observed directly and those that were CT-scanned: 1) presence/absence of enamel hypoplasia and 2) number of hypoplastic events present per affected tooth (Table A 9 of the Appendix). Any form of enamel hypoplasia was included in the analysis, because separation of the tooth defects into the categories established by the Federation Dentaire Internationale for the study of enamel hypoplasia (Federation Dentaire Internationale, 1982) resulted in very small sample sizes. With this information, I calculated the percentage of individuals presenting enamel hypoplasia in the different study samples, to determine the frequency of this tooth defect. As it was described above, when dealing with associated specimens belonging to 231 the same individual, I examined either the P4 or M3 for enamel hypoplasia in addition to the M1 in equid specimens (p4 or m3, and m1 for lower teeth), and the M1, M2, and M3 in bison specimens (m1, m2, and m3 for lower teeth). I also calculated the mean number of hypoplastic events per affected tooth, per study sample. Hypoplastic defects occurring at comparable heights on the same tooth crown were presumed to result from the same stress event and were, therefore, counted as a single hypoplastic event. When dealing with associated specimens, I added the number of hypoplastic events in each tooth considered (P4 or M3, and M1 in equids [p4 or m3, and m1 for lower teeth], and M1, M2, and M3 in bison [m1, m2, and m3 for lower teeth]) and divided this value by the number of teeth scored to determine the mean number of hypoplastic events per tooth. For each geographic region and species, I conducted one-tailed Z-tests of proportions to determine whether the frequency of enamel hypoplasia increased during the postglacial relative to the previous time interval(s). Similarly, I conducted one-tailed bootstrap t-tests, to determine whether the number of hypoplastic events per affected tooth increased during the postglacial, potentially indicating that stress events became more recurrent during this time interval as compared to full-glacial and preglacial intervals. I performed these tests for bison and equid samples separately, because currently it is not known whether both ungulate groups are equally sensitive to the development of enamel hypoplasia. Furthermore, the tooth crown of bison teeth develops faster than that of equids. For example, crown formation of the m3 takes on average 16 months in plains bison (Figure 4.5; Niven et al., 2004), whereas it takes 34 months in domestic horse (Figure 4.6; Hoppe et al., 2004). Thus, equid teeth can potentially record more stress events than bison teeth, especially if these occurred periodically with a 232 periodicity of up to two and a half years in the longer developing teeth such as the P4/p4, M2/m2, and M3/m3 (Figure 4.6). All statistical tests were conducted using the software package MATLAB 7.8 (MathWorks, 2009). The significance level for all tests was set to a p-value of 0.05. Figure 4.3. Geographic location of the fossil sites considered in this study. 233 60 Age (months) 50 40 30 20 10 0 p2 p3 p4 m1 m2 m3 Figure 4.4. The timing of tooth mineralization of the dentary cheek tooth dentition in modern horses (Equus ferus caballus), based on data reported by Hoppe et al. (2004). 35 30 Age (months) 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 p2 p3 p4 m1 m2 m3 Figure 4.5. The timing of tooth mineralization of the dentary cheek tooth dentition in modern bison (Bison bison), based on data reported by Niven et al. (2004). 234 A B c c b a b a Figure 4.6. Example of CT-scan data that was used to determine the presence of enamel hypoplasia in three equid mandibles from Wally’s Beach, Alberta. A) 3-D digital surface model of lower m1 (RAM DhPg-8 864) showing four hypoplastic events (horizontal linear grooves) indicated by the arrows. B) Radial digital section through the anterior portion of the same tooth showing the three hypoplastic events found on the protoconid column, labeled as a, b, and c. 235 4.4 Results Enamel hypoplasia was observed in all equid and bison samples studied. The frequency of this tooth defect showed a larger range of variation in equids than in bison. The incidence of enamel hypoplasia in the equid samples ranged from 31.25 % in the preglacial sample of Equus conversidens from the American Southwest to 64.29 % in the postglacial sample of E. ferus scotti from Alberta (Figure 4.7; Table 4.1). In contrast, the incidence of enamel hypoplasia in the bison samples ranged from 25.71 % in the preglacial sample of Bison sp. from Alberta to 29.41 % in the postglacial samples of Bison sp. from Alberta and Bison antiquus from the American Southwest (Figure 4.7; Table 4.1). The frequency of enamel hypoplasia in equids is greater for the postglacial than the preglacial in two out of the three species samples in which this comparison was made (Table 4.2). The sample of E. conversidens from the American Southwest shows an incidence of enamel hypoplasia of 31.25 % for the preglacial and 51.61 % for the postglacial and this difference is statistically significant (Z-test of proportions, Z = 1.8099, p = 0.0352). Similarly, the frequency of enamel hypoplasia of E. ferus scotti from Alberta is 43.05 % for the preglacial and 64.29 % for the postglacial and this difference approaches statistical significance (Z-test of proportions, Z = -1.5286, p = 0.0632). The incidence of enamel hypoplasia for the postglacial sample of E. ferus lambei from Bluefish Caves is not significantly greater than the incidence calculated for the preglacial/full-glacial interval (53.85 % vs. 52.94 %; Z = -0.0492, p = 0.4804). Also not significant is the comparison of preglacial (25.71 %) and postglacial (29.41 %) Bison sp. samples from Alberta (Z-test of proportions, Z = -0.3437, p = 0.3655) as well as the full- 236 glacial (41.67 %) and postglacial (54.55 %) samples of E. ferus scotti from the American Southwest (Z-test of proportions, Z = -0.8092, p = 0.2092). The average number of hypoplastic events per affected tooth increased during the postglacial in all of the equid pairwise comparisons except one (Figure 4.8; Table 4.3). The largest increase was observed in Equus ferus lambei from Bluefish Caves, in which the average number of hypoplastic events per affected tooth increased from 1.33 in the preglacial/full-glacial interval to 3.43 in the postglacial (bootstrap t-test, t = 4.4512, p = 0.0007). The average number of hypoplastic events also increased in the equid samples from the American Southwest, where it went from 1.23 in the preglacial to 1.78 in the postglacial for E. conversidens (bootstrap t-test, t = 1.9395, p = 0.0316) and 1.60 in the full-glacial to 2.30 in the postglacial for E. ferus scotti (although in this case the increase in hypoplastic events only approaches statistical significance; bootstrap t-test, t = 1.4383, p = 0.0595). Contrary to these trends, the average number of hypoplastic events per affected tooth significantly decreased during the postglacial in E. ferus scotti from Alberta (2.16 events in the preglacial versus 1.37 in the postglacial; bootstrap t-test, t = 1.9339, p = 1 - 0.9762 = 0.0238), whereas in Bison sp. from the same geographic region the average number of events appears to remain constant in the preglacial (1.31) as in the postglacial (1.30) (bootstrap t-test, t = -0.0298, p = 0.5207). 237 Table 4.1. Summary statistics of enamel hypoplasia data for the equid and bison samples studied. n = total number of specimens examined, H = number of specimens with enamel hypoplasia, PH = percentage of specimens with enamel hypoplasia, ME = mean number of hypoplastic events per affected specimen. Locality and species Time interval N H PH (%) ME Bluefish Caves Preglacial/Full-glacial 17 9 52.94 1.33 Equus ferus lambei Postglacial 13 7 53.85 3.43 Alberta Preglacial 151 65 43.05 2.16 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 14 9 64.29 1.37 Alberta Preglacial 35 9 25.71 1.31 Bison sp. Postglacial 34 10 29.41 1.30 Preglacial 48 15 31.25 1.23 Full-glacial 5 3 60.00 1.33 Postglacial 31 16 51.61 1.78 American Southwest Full-glacial 12 5 41.67 1.60 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 55 30 54.55 2.30 Postglacial 17 5 29.41 0.80 American Southwest Equus conversidens American Southwest Bison antiquus 238 Percentage of specimens 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Bf El AB Es AB Bp SW Ec SW Es Post-LGM Post-LGM LGM Post-LGM Pre-LGM Post-LGM Pre-LGM Post-LGM Pre-LGM Pre-LGM/LGM Post-LGM 0 SW Ba Figure 4.7. Incidence of enamel hypoplasia in the equid and bison samples studied. Bf El = Equus ferus lambei, Bluefish Caves; AB Es = E. ferus scotti, Aberta; AB Bp = Bison sp., Alberta; SW Ec = E. conversidens, American Southwest; SW Es = E. ferus scotti, American Southwest; SW Ba = B. antiquus, American Southwest. Time interval abbreviations: Pre-LGM = preglacial, LGM = full-glacial, Post-LGM = postglacial. 239 Table 4.2. Results of one-tailed Z-tests of proportions used to determine whether the incidence of enamel hypoplasia significantly increased during the postglacial relative to the previous time interval(s). n = total number of specimens examined; PH = percentage of specimens with enamel hypoplasia; Z = Z-statistic; p = p-value. Statistically significant p-values are shown in bold. Equus conversidens from the American Southwest for the full-glacial interval was excluded from the analysis because of its small sample size. Locality and species Time interval comparisons n PH (%) Bluefish Caves Preglacial/Full-glacial 17 52.94 Equus ferus lambei Postglacial 13 53.85 Alberta Preglacial 151 43.05 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 14 64.29 Alberta Preglacial 35 25.71 Bison sp. Postglacial 34 29.41 American Southwest Preglacial 48 31.25 Equus conversidens Postglacial 31 51.61 American Southwest Full-glacial 12 41.67 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 55 54.55 Z p -0.0492 0.4804 -1.5286 0.0632 -0.3437 0.3655 -1.8099 0.0352 -0.8092 0.2092 240 Mean hypopastic events 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 Bf El AB Es AB Bp SW Ec SW Es Post-LGM Post-LGM LGM Post-LGM Pre-LGM Post-LGM Pre-LGM Post-LGM Pre-LGM Pre-LGM/LGM Post-LGM 0 SW Ba Figure 4.8. Mean number of hypoplastic events per affected specimen in the equid and bison samples studied. Bf El = Equus ferus lambei, Bluefish Caves; AB Es = E. ferus scotti, Aberta; AB Bp = Bison sp., Alberta; SW Ec = E. conversidens, American Southwest; SW Es = E. ferus scotti, American Southwest; SW Ba = B. antiquus, American Southwest. Time interval abbreviations: Pre-LGM = preglacial, LGM = fullglacial, Post-LGM = postglacial. 241 Table 4.3. Results of one-tailed bootstrap t-tests to determine whether the number of stress events per affected specimen increased during the postglacial relative to the previous time interval(s). nH = total number of specimens with enamel hypoplasia; ME = mean number of hypoplastic events per affected specimen; t = t-statistic; p = p-value. Statistically significant p-values are shown in bold. * identifies comparisons in which the mean number of hypoplastic events per affected specimen significantly decreased during the postglacial (i.e., showing the opposite trend than the one being tested). Equus conversidens from the American Southwest for the full-glacial interval was excluded from the analysis because of its small sample size. Locality and species Time interval comparisons nH ME Bluefish Caves Preglacial/Full-glacial 9 1.33 Equus ferus lambei Postglacial 7 3.43 Alberta Preglacial 65 2.16 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 9 1.37 Alberta Preglacial 9 1.31 Bison sp. Postglacial 10 1.30 American Southwest Preglacial 15 1.23 Equus conversidens Postglacial 16 1.78 American Southwest Full-glacial 5 1.60 Equus ferus scotti Postglacial 30 2.30 t p 4.4512 0.0007 -1.9339 0.9762* -0.0298 0.5207 1.9395 0.0316 1.4383 0.0595 242 4.5 Discussion North America and other regions around the world experienced significant climatic changes during the late Pleistocene (Alley, 2000; Guilderson et al., 2001; Hodell et al., 2010). This has led many researchers to propose that climate change played an important role in the late Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions (e.g., Kiltie, 1984; King and Saunders, 1984; Graham and Lundelius, 1984; Guthrie, 1984; Barnosky, 1986; Ficcarelli et al., 2003; Forster, 2004; Scott, 2010). Different climate-based extinction models propose that populations of large mammals, especially the species that became extinct, were exposed to increased levels of systemic physiological stress, such as nutritional stress, resulting from climatic and environmental changes (Graham and Lundelius, 1984; Guthrie, 1984). The results of the analysis of enamel hypoplasia of late Pleistocene equids and bison from the Western Interior of North America indicate that disruptions in tooth development, particularly in the equid taxa studied, increased during the postglacial relative to earlier time intervals. Working under the assumption that enamel hypoplasia primarily reflects episodes of systemic stress (Goodman and Rose, 1990), these results support the hypothesis that equids experienced increased levels of systemic physiological stress during the postglacial. In all of the equid samples studied, the frequency of enamel hypoplasia and/or recurrence of hypoplastic events increased during this time interval (Tables 4.2 and 4.3). Nevertheless, as discussed below, these changes were not spatially or temporally uniform. The specimens of Equus ferus lambei from Bluefish Caves, northern Yukon, show that although the frequency of enamel hypoplasia did not significantly change from the preglacial/full-glacial to the postglacial (both time intervals show hypoplasia 243 frequencies of ~53 %), the number of hypoplastic events per affected tooth significantly increased during the postglacial from 1.33 to 3.43. These results indicate that E. ferus lambei in eastern Beringia, which apparently was already exposed to relatively high levels of stystemic stress during the preglacial/full-glacial with more than 50 % of the specimens showing some kind of enamel hypoplasia, experienced more recurrent severe stress events during the postglacial. Considering that the average horse cheek tooth takes approximately 26 months to form (Hoppe et al., 2004), some of the postglacial specimens of E. ferus lambei were experiencing more than one severe stress event in a single year. In Alberta, postglacial specimens of E. ferus scotti show a greater incidence of enamel hypoplasia, with 64.29 % of specimens displaying a hypoplastic defect as compared to the preglacial sample in which the incidence is 43.05 %. Contrary to the increase in the incidence of hypoplasia, the number of hypoplastic events per affected tooth is significantly smaller in the postglacial (1.37) than in the preglacial (2.16). These results might indicate that stress events encountered by E. ferus scotti were less recurrent during the postglacial, but when they did occur they were more severe affecting a greater proportion of individuals. In contrast to these results, the postglacial sample of Bison sp. from Alberta does not show a significantly greater frequency of enamel hypoplasia nor a greater number of hypoplastic events per affected tooth than preglacial specimens. This suggests that, contrary to E. ferus scotti, Bison sp. did not endure significantly greater levels of systemic stress during the postglacial relative to what members of this ungulate group encountered during preglacial times. The two equid species studied from the American Southwest, E. conversidens and E. ferus scotti, show an increase in the average number of hypoplastic events per affected 244 tooth during the postglacial. In the case of E. conversidens the number of hypoplastic events significantly increased from 1.23 in the preglacial to 1.78 in the postglacial, whereas in E. ferus scotti it increased from 1.60 in the full-glacial to 2.30 in the postglacial. The frequency of enamel hypoplasia also increased during the postglacial in both equid species, but it was only statistically significant in E. conversidens, which shows an increase from 31.25 % in the preglacial to 51.61 % in the postglacial. These results suggest that episodes causing systemic stress might have increased in severity and also probably became more recurrent. The postglacial sample of Bison antiquus shows comparable levels of hypoplasia as the preglacial and postglacial Bison sp. samples from Alberta, with a hypoplasia frequency of 29.41 %. The implication of the results described above for the late Pleistocene extinction debate requires a determination of whether the frequency and number of hypoplastic defects, especially for postglacial equid samples, are sufficiently high to suggest a dramatic increase in the morbidity of these ungulates. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, data on enamel hypoplasia in extant wild equid populations are lacking and they are scarce for wild bison populations. Byerly (2009), in a macroscopic study of dental pathologies in Bison from terminal Pleistocene and Holocene archaeological assemblages in the Northwestern and Central Great Plains, examined a collection of modern bison specimens from Montana (collected in 1886) and Yellowstone (donated to the Smithsonian Institution between 1909 and 1919). The frequency of enamel hypoplasia in the individuals with the cemento-enamel junction visible is 22.2 % for the sample from Montana and 25.0 % for Yellowstone, although the sample size for the latter is very small with only four minimum number of individuals [MNI] versus 27 MNI for the sample 245 from Montana (Byerly, 2009). These frequencies are relatively lower than those obtained for the postglacial bison samples from Alberta and the American Southwest. The frequency of enamel hypoplasia in the archaeological assemblages studied by Byerly (2009), for samples greater than 10 MNI, ranges from 7.7 % in the Horner I assemblage, Wyoming (~9,500 yr RCBP [radiocarbon years before the present]), to 36.8 % in the Frasca site, Colorado (~8,900 yr RCBP). Comparable values were reported by Niven et al. (2004) for Buffalo Creek, Wyoming (~2,500 yr RCBP), and Kaplan-Hoover, Colorado (~2,700 yr RCBP), in which 32.3 % and 14.1 %, respectively, of the molars examined show enamel hypoplasia. In this context, the level of hypoplasia in the postglacial bison samples from Alberta and the American Southwest is within the upper range reported for Holocene samples. Nevertheless, a lack of knowledge on the level of hypoplasia found in healthy and stable populations versus populations subjected to severe systemic stress prevents a determination of whether postglacial bison were experiencing detrimental levels of stress. This is a topic that merits further investigation. To my knowledge, only one previous study has examined enamel hypoplasia in North American late Pleistocene equids. Timperley and Lundelius (2008) reported the results of a preliminary survey in which they macroscopically analyzed enamel hypoplasia in the upper and lower cheek tooth dentition of equid specimens from three terminal Pleistocene localities (Blackwater Draw, Cueva Quebrada, and Gault) and three older Rancholabrean sites (Curry Gravel Pit, Norman Valley Pit, and Trinity River Terraces) in Texas and New Mexico. Except for Cueva Quebrada, where two species (Equus scotti and E. francisci) were previously identified by Lundelius (1984), these researchers studied enamel hypoplasia at the generic level (Timperley and Lundelius, 246 2008). In contrast to the results reported here, the equid specimens from the terminal Pleistocene localities do not show a greater frequency of enamel hypoplasia than the older Rancholabrean sites: Blackwater Draw 40 %; Equus scotti and E. francisci from Cueva Quebrada 16 % and 13 %, respectively, Gault 19 %, Curry Gravel Pit 56 %, Norman Valley Pit 26 %, and Trinity River Terraces 25 % (Timperley and Lundelius, 2008). Moreover, the hypoplasia frequencies for the terminal Pleistocene samples of Cueva Quebrada and Gault are significantly lower than the ones obtained for the terminal Pleistocene (postglacial) samples from Bluefish Caves, Alberta, and the American Southwest. The discrepancy of these results could reflect actual differences in the frequency of enamel hypoplasia among the sites studied or they could potentially be due to differences in the data collection protocol. It is reasonable to expect that geographically widespread taxa, such as Equus, would encounter certain regions with relatively more optimal conditions for growth and reproduction than others. The area in the vicinity of Cueva Quebrada and Gault sites, Texas, could potentially have harbored such favorable habitats. Alternatively, the low frequencies of enamel hypoplasia reported for these two sites could be due to bias introduced during data collection. It is not clear how specimens with cementum preserved on the tooth crown were recorded by Timperley and Lundelius (2008). Cementum develops after the enamel has been secreted and mineralized in response to continuous tooth eruption and can, therefore, obscure evidence of enamel hypoplasia (Kierdorf et al., 2006; Upex et al., 2014). A further complication of comparing the results published by Timperley and Lundelius (2008) with the ones reported here is the potential inter-observer difference in the scoring of enamel hypoplasia. The macroscopic recording of hypoplasia using the naked eye or a low 247 magnification hand lens introduces difficulties in the comparison between studies (Hillson, 2005). Under this approach, it is up to the individual observer to determine the lower limit for recording the smallest hypoplastic defects, so there can be little comparability between studies (Hillson and Bond, 1997; Hillson, 2005). In all of the geographic regions and time intervals studied, but especially in the postglacial equid material from Bluefish Caves and the American Southwest, it was common to find specimens showing more than one hypoplastic defect in the same tooth. Some studies suggest it is possible to determine the duration and timing of hypoplastic events macroscopically with the use of point calipers, by measuring the width of the tooth defect as well as its height from the cemento-enamel junction (e.g., Niven et al., 2004; Byerly, 2007). However, these methods have been shown to be inaccurate because of the way that teeth grow: tooth development is non-linear and, therefore, perikymata are more closely packed together towards the cervix of the tooth crown (Hillson and Bond, 1997; Hillson, 2014). A microscopic assessment is a better alternative for determining the exact timing and duration of hypoplastic events, particularly for horizontal groove defects (Hillson, 2014). The use of careful microscopy to study the number and spacing of perikymata on the surface (or on thin sections) of individual teeth, will allow the determination of whether recurrent stress events observed in the postglacial equid specimens from Bluefish Caves and the American Southwest were periodic or episodic in nature. Guthrie (1984) suggested that size diminution in many late Pleistocene ungulate mammals, including Beringian equids (Guthrie, 2003), was the direct result of increased seasonality among other environmental changes, which significantly reduced the growing season. Enamel hypoplasia has been associated with seasonal stress events in a number of 248 species, including orangutans (Skinner and Hopwood, 2004), chimpanzees (Skinner and Pruetz, 2012), and domestic sheep (Upex and Dobney, 2012). It therefore offers an opportunity for studying seasonal environmental changes during the late Pleistocene. 4.6 Conclusions The analysis of enamel hypoplasia of late Pleistocene equids and bison from the Western Interior of North America indicate that systemic stress, particularly in the equid taxa studied, significantly increased during the postglacial. 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CONCLUSIONS At the end of the Pleistocene epoch, approximately 50,000 – 11,000 cal BP, many species around the world became extinct or were extirpated at a continental scale in a geological instant (Koch and Barnosky, 2006). Climatic changes seemed to have played a significant role in the late Pleistocene extinctions on some continents, such as Europe (Stuart, 2015). In the case of North America, however, the relative contribution of climate change versus human impacts has been extensively debated (e.g., Grayson, 1991; Barnosky et al., 2004; Koch and Barnosky, 2006; Scott, 2010) and this continues to be a contentious subject. This dissertation focused on testing two nutritional extinction models based on climateinduced vegetation changes that have previously been proposed to explain the late Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions: coevolutionary disequilibrium (Graham and Lundelius, 1984) and mosaic-nutrient (Guthrie, 1984) extinction models. These models were tested through the study of dental wear (microwear and mesowear) and enamel hypoplasia of equid and bison specimens from the Western Interior of North America. In order to undertake this task it was first necessary to determine the number of equid species that inhabited this region of the continent during the late Pleistocene. Molecular and morphometric analyses of the cheek tooth dentition indicate that four equid taxa were present in the Western Interior of North America during the late Pleistocene (Chapter 2). Two non-caballine species and two caballine subspecies were identified, which, pending further study of North American Pleistocene Equus, are referred as: Equus cedralensis, E. conversidens, E. ferus scotti, and E. ferus lambei. Notably the separation into caballine and non-caballine equids was observed in the Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial ancient DNA as well as in the geometric 262 morphometric analyses of the upper and lower cheek teeth. In addition, these analyses demonstrate that E. conversidens corresponds to the New World Stilt-Legged clade identified in previous molecular studies (Weinstock et al., 2005; Vilstrup et al., 2013), suggesting that genetic data for true North American stilt-legged equids is presently lacking. Also lacking is genetic data for the small-sized equid identified as E. cedralensis. Future genetic studies should, therefore, try to target extracting and sequencing ancient DNA from these two equid lineages. The results of this study also provide insights into the spatial and temporal distribution of equid taxa, revealing a latitudinal diversity gradient across the Western Interior of North America during the last ~30,000 years of the Pleistocene. Three equid species are identified in the fossil material from northeastern Mexico and the American Southwest (Equus cedralensis, E. conversidens, and E. ferus scotti), but with some regional variation as Equus cedralensis is found in low numbers in the American Southwest and only E. conversidens was identified at San Josecito Cave, northeastern Mexico. Two species are recognized in Wyoming and Alberta (E. conversidens and E. ferus scotti), but there is also regional and temporal variation in the distribution of these taxa. Equus ferus scotti is found in low abundance at Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming, whereas the opposite trend is observed in Alberta where E. conversidens is represented by a small number of specimens. In addition, E. conversidens in Alberta appears to have been restricted to the preglacial, as it was not identified in any of the postglacial samples analyzed, suggesting that this equid did not return to the province after the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets started to recede, approximately 13,000 RCBP (Young et al., 1994; Burns, 1996). A single equid species is identified at Bluefish Caves, northern Yukon (E. 263 ferus lambei). The temporal range of the fossil deposits at Bluefish Caves extends from ~ 30,000 to the early Holocene and, thus, identification of a single equid species at this locality is consistent with the conclusions of Guthrie (2003; 2006) and Weinstock et al. (2005) who indicate that only one equid species (a caballine equid) was present in Alaska and the Yukon after ~ 30,000 years ago. The patterns described here highlight the dynamic nature of the spatial and temporal distribution of late Pleistocene North American equids. Further molecular and morphometric analyses of equid specimens from other localities within and outside of the Western Interior of North America will allow for a better understanding of the biogeography and extinction of late Pleistocene equids. After identifying the equid species present during the late Pleistocene in the Western Interior of North America, Chapter 3 focused on the study of dental wear (microwear and mesowear) of bison and equid species to test predictions formulated for the coevolutionary disequilibrium (Graham and Lundelius, 1984) and mosaic-nutrient (Guthrie, 1984) extinction models. Testing of these models is of particular importance because they try to take into account the complex interactions between environmental changes and their effects on biological communities. This means that their explanatory mechanisms are not limited to exceptional circumstances present during the late Pleistocene (e.g., an extraterrestrial impact [Firestone et al., 2007]) and can in theory operate under current conditions of rapid climatic change. The fossil record demonstrates that species and populations within species respond individualistically to climatic changes and not as part of communities (e.g., Graham et al. 1996, Stewart, 2009). Based on the individualistic response of plant species to climate change, the coevolutionary disequilibrium and mosaic-nutrient models present 264 alternative, although not mutually exclusive, scenarios where nutritional stress is considered one of the primary causes of the extinction of different herbivore mammals, including equids. The coevolutionary disequilibrium model emphasizes disruption of coevolved foraging sequences as a result of changing vegetational assemblages, resulting in competition for food resources among sympatric herbivore species (Graham and Lundelius, 1984). Conversely, the mosaic-nutrient model proposes that a change from a mosaic vegetation pattern to a more zonal, low diversity pattern decreased the dietary supplements available to herbivores (Guthrie, 1984). The study of dental microwear and mesowear of bison and equid species from three geographic regions of the Western Interior of North America (the American Southwest [eastern New Mexico and western Texas], Alberta [Wally’s Beach Site and the Edmonton area gravel pits], and eastern Beringia [Bluefish Caves, Yukon Territory]) yielded results which are generally consistent with the predictions formulated for the coevolutionary disequilibrium model, but not for the mosaic-nutrient model. Sympatric species of Bison and Equus show statistically different dental wear patterns during the preglacial and full-glacial, indicating that these ungulates were partitioning available dietary resources during these time intervals. In contrast, the dental wear of postglacial sympatric species of these ungulates is not significantly different, suggesting that they were not partitioning available food resources and were potentially competing for them as predicted under the coevolutionary disequilibrium model (Graham and Lundelius, 1984). On the other hand, the decrease in dietary supplements during the terminal Pleistocene especially required by certain ungulate species, such as equids and mammoths, as proposed in the mosaic-nutrient model (Guthrie, 1984), is not supported by the analyses 265 of dental wear. The statistical dispersion of the microwear and mesowear variables did not significantly decrease during the postglacial in either equid or bison samples, as would be expected under a more homogenous diet. Nevertheless, the validity of these conclusions rests on the assumption that dental wear is able to record subtle differences in diet. Although some studies hint at the possibility that this might indeed be the case (e.g., Fortelius and Solounias, 2000; Scott, 2012; Barrón-Ortiz et al., 2014), further investigations into the dietary resolution of dental wear are very much needed, not only for testing of nutritional extinction models but also to allow for finer reconstructions of ungulate feeding ecology. It is also important to undertake similar studies as the one presented here employing a larger representation of ungulate species. The assessment of bison and equid species reported admittedly provides a limited glimpse into the dynamics of North American late Pleistocene ungulate communities. Furthermore, dental wear studies should be complemented with other independent dietary proxies such as stable isotope analyses and the study of dental calculus. Identifying that equid and bison species were potentially competing for food resources during the terminal Pleistocene does not in itself indicate that this resulted in increased nutritional stress for these ungulates. This topic was indirectly evaluated in Chapter 4 through the study of enamel hypoplasia in bison and equid specimens from the same localities as the ones investigated for the study of dental wear. Enamel hypoplasia results from a disruption in tooth development during enamel matrix formation, usually as a result of systemic stress (e.g., Goodman and Rose, 1990; Hillson, 1996; Kierdorf and Kierdorf, 1997; Guatelli-Steinberg, 2000, 2003; Witzel et al., 2008). Nutritional deficiencies, systemic and infectious diseases, severe fevers, and a number of other 266 stressors have been associated with enamel hypoplasia in humans as well as other animals (Goodman and Rose, 1990; Hillson, 1996; Zhou and Corruccini, 1998; Dobney and Ervynck, 2000; Kierdorf et al., 2004). Although the multifactorial etiology of enamel hypoplasia makes it virtually impossible to determine whether a specific hypoplastic defect is due to nutritional stress without additional independent data, the significant increase in enamel hypoplasia observed in postglacial samples, particularly in equids, is consistent with both extinction models investigated as well as other climate-based extinction models that have been proposed to explain the late Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions (e.g., Kiltie, 1984; King and Saunders, 1984; Barnosky, 1986; Scott, 2010). One limitation of the present study is that a lack of information on the levels of enamel hypoplasia in modern stable populations versus populations subjected to severe systemic stress prevents determining whether postglacial equids and, perhaps, bison were experiencing detrimental levels of stress. This is a topic that merits further investigation. Another area for further research is establishing the exact timing and duration of horizontal groove defects through a microscopic assessment (Hillson and Bond, 1997; Hillson, 2014). The use of careful microscopy to study the number and spacing of perikymata on individual teeth, will allow the determination of whether recurrent stress events observed in the postglacial equid specimens from Bluefish Caves and the American Southwest were periodic or episodic in nature. Enamel hypoplasia has been associated with seasonal stress events in a number of species including orangutans (Skinner and Hopwood, 2004), chimpanzees (Skinner and Pruetz, 2012), and domestic sheep (Upex and Dobney, 2012). 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Locality Tooth position AP TR 2745 INAH Cedral Upper P2l 37.07 25.87 2763 INAH Cedral Upper P2l 39.12 25.61 2575 INAH Cedral Upper P2l 37.04 26.23 4596 INAH Cedral Upper P2l 37.88 27.59 4526 INAH Cedral Upper P2l 38.17 29.53 2769 INAH Cedral Upper P2r 38.54 26.63 3838 INAH Cedral Upper P2 average 39.29 27.86 2737 INAH Cedral Upper P2l 38.43 25.85 2589/2585 INAH Cedral Upper P2 average 37.10 25.90 2581 INAH Cedral Upper P2l 37.63 26.71 2679 INAH Cedral Upper P2r 36.51 26.49 2761 INAH Cedral Upper P2r 38.70 25.50 3836 INAH Cedral Upper P2r 30.62 21.30 4595 INAH Cedral Upper P2l 28.95 20.62 2754 INAH Cedral Upper P2r 32.20 21.51 4540 INAH Cedral Upper P2l 31.71 21.71 4544 INAH Cedral Upper P2r 31.00 19.91 3867 INAH Cedral Upper P2r 30.18 21.26 4547 INAH Cedral Upper P2 average 31.10 21.57 2746 INAH Cedral Upper P2l 29.05 20.67 4587 INAH Cedral Upper P2r 24.51 20.83 3830 INAH Cedral Upper P2r 25.04 18.33 3829 INAH Cedral Upper P2l 25.60 18.16 2747 INAH Cedral Upper P2r 24.10 18.68 192/116867 LACM San Josecito Cave Upper P2l 30.44 21.24 192/18111 LACM San Josecito Cave Upper P2r 32.02 23.30 192/18192 LACM San Josecito Cave Upper P2l 32.78 24.19 274 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. LACM = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso (* indicates Dry Cave localities), KU = University of Kansas. Specimen 192/116874 192/18660 192/18660 192/uncat. 192/18660 192/156481 937-504 998-uncat. 998-26 998-24 5689-162-21 22-1609 46-139 22-1617 22-1619 25-537 27358 36836 61159 42970 44396 32877 39426 36140 48438 34023 39422 Inst. LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM TMM TMM TMM TMM UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU Locality San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave Blackwater Draw Scharbauer Ranch Scharbauer Ranch Scharbauer Ranch U-Bar Cave Animal Fair* Isleta Cave No. 2 Animal Fair* Animal Fair* Camel Room* Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Tooth position Upper P2l Upper P2r Upper P2l Upper P2r Upper P2l Upper P2l Upper P2r Upper P2l Upper P2l Upper P2r Upper P2r Upper P2 average Upper P2l Upper P2l Upper P2l Upper P2 average Upper P2l Upper P2l Upper P2r Upper P2 average Upper P2r Upper P2r Upper P2r Upper P2l Upper P2r Upper P2r Upper P2l AP 32.87 31.53 31.37 31.12 29.44 33.86 34.13 39.06 38.38 38.36 30.60 30.08 35.77 36.12 32.72 30.44 32.96 31.01 32.41 31.70 30.55 31.66 34.31 33.98 32.54 33.57 30.54 TR 23.73 22.92 21.42 23.34 21.56 25.21 23.41 27.93 25.73 24.98 23.00 22.63 24.15 26.46 22.00 21.90 23.07 22.30 22.55 20.77 21.76 22.35 23.87 24.56 23.17 25.09 22.77 275 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. KU = University of Kansas, RAM = Royal Alberta Museum, CMH = Canadian Museum of History. Specimen 46645 35189 53793 33790 35288 27319 39666 41181 41179 33220 40630 32880 31439 57157 35848 46644 71.1 (Horse D) 860.1 (Horse 3) P02.6.2 P98.5.84 3437.1 (Horse 2) H7(E)-14-10/ H7(E)-15-1 H8(S)-10-1 G7(E1/2)-11-10 M7-2-29 T.P.1-E-47 J8-1-116 Inst. KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM Locality Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Wally's Beach Wally's Beach CloverBar Pit Pit 48 Wally's Beach Tooth position Upper P2 average Upper P2l Upper P2r Upper P2l Upper P2r Upper P2r Upper P2l Upper P2l Upper P2r Upper P2l Upper P2l Upper P2r Upper P2r Upper P2r Upper P2r Upper P2r Upper P2 average Upper P2 average Upper P2r Upper P2r Upper P2 average AP 31.82 30.71 31.22 30.19 31.73 31.24 33.38 33.70 33.82 31.25 31.26 31.70 35.52 32.19 31.27 31.42 35.44 36.09 35.00 37.09 33.05 TR 21.88 22.64 22.22 22.13 22.08 22.23 23.69 24.23 24.11 22.74 23.35 21.29 23.50 23.19 22.94 21.25 22.72 23.33 22.59 26.25 23.02 CMH MgVo-1 Upper P2 average 38.83 23.20 CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper P2l P2l P2r P2l P2l 37.36 35.40 35.84 37.52 36.04 23.73 23.67 22.27 23.54 23.38 276 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. CMH = Canadian Museum of History, INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Specimen N-3-15 Inst. CMH Locality MgVo-3 Tooth position Upper P2r AP 36.09 TR 23.69 B3-3-18/ C3(E)-2-41 CMH MgVo-2 Upper P2 average 33.16 23.43 I7-3-33 CMH MgVo-1 Upper P2l 36.95 24.15 T.P.1-F-36/ T.P.1-F-37 CMH MgVo-3 Upper P2 average 36.97 24.46 I7-1-12 I7-1-16 N-10-3 K6-1-5 J7-1-64 (D3)_6.6 F7-C-20 T.P.1-E-46 H7(W)-3-37 (D3)6.8 CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper P2r P2l P2r P2r P2l P2r P2r P2l P2l P2l 36.93 33.02 35.68 34.61 34.01 35.36 35.40 37.55 36.13 34.22 25.68 23.24 24.12 24.40 23.94 23.35 23.10 24.67 23.52 22.19 H5-3-23/ H5-3-22 CMH MgVo-2 Upper P2 average 36.68 25.01 J8-1-115 J8-1-159 3839 2599 2677 2784 2604 2662 2606 2603 2584 CMH CMH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH MgVo-1 MgVo-1 Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper P2r P2l P3/P4r P4l P4r P3l P4r P3l P3r P4l P4l 35.82 35.66 27.63 26.49 29.62 31.04 29.02 28.37 29.08 29.14 28.47 23.46 23.30 28.84 27.18 30.30 31.29 29.24 29.75 29.30 31.04 30.59 277 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Specimen 4522 2604 3838 2603 3833 2595 3859 3847 2563 2607 2573/2574 2608 2651 2572 4554 4540 2638 3850 4536 4543 4589 4547 2564 2652 4545 3832 2593 2779 Inst. INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH Locality Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Tooth position Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P3 average Upper P3l Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P4l Upper P3l Upper P4r Upper P3 average Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P4l Upper P3r Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P4 average Upper P4l Upper P3?/P4l Upper P4r Upper P4r Upper P4r Upper P3r AP 29.77 27.80 31.03 30.75 26.72 30.19 28.55 28.32 28.68 29.05 28.91 30.24 23.86 21.77 23.40 22.66 20.92 23.33 22.44 22.96 26.00 22.36 23.88 22.29 19.98 24.91 20.98 23.60 TR 30.15 30.20 30.44 29.24 28.80 29.76 29.72 31.04 28.23 30.26 29.12 29.59 23.10 22.60 22.79 23.94 22.22 23.07 22.62 22.03 25.00 22.75 25.07 23.97 22.85 24.69 22.83 23.44 278 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, LACM = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. Specimen 2668 4587 3854 3836 2773 3863 3830 3864 3841 4553 3829 4548 3868 2653 2783 3844 4528 3861 2576 3840 192/18674 192/uncat. 192/18111 192/116867 192/18105 192/18673 192/18657 192/156496 Inst. INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM Locality Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave Tooth position Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P4r Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P3l Upper P4l Upper P4l Upper P3r Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P4r Upper P4l Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P4r Upper P3r AP 19.38 20.03 18.80 18.84 17.88 19.34 19.26 18.06 20.14 17.54 18.41 19.45 19.69 29.66 28.70 28.23 30.74 19.95 29.64 20.15 25.19 24.58 23.59 22.88 25.36 23.39 24.10 22.56 TR 23.68 22.22 22.45 21.45 19.35 19.83 20.07 18.94 21.06 19.36 20.11 19.70 20.60 28.09 28.65 28.91 27.30 20.48 29.64 20.80 25.03 25.63 25.41 24.77 24.60 25.48 25.51 23.61 279 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. LACM = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso (* indicates Dry Cave localities). Specimen 192/156487 192/156484 192/156483 192/156497 192/156486 192/uncat. 41228-236 41228-360 41228-240 41228-1051 892-457 937-253 937-504 937-923 937-678 998-7 998-24 998-25 998-25 41228-302 937-986 22-981 34-46 119-14 34-8 22-1609 112-2 Inst. LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP Locality San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Lubbock Lake Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Scharbauer Ranch Scharbauer Ranch Scharbauer Ranch Scharbauer Ranch Dark Canyon Cave Blackwater Draw Charlies Parlor* Salt Creek Algerita Blossom Cave Salt Creek Animal Fair* Nash Draw Tooth position Upper P3/P4r Upper P4r Upper P3/P4l Upper P4r Upper P4l Upper P3l Upper P4l Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P4l Upper P3/P4r Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P4r Upper P3/P4r Upper P3/P4r Upper P4l Upper P4/M1r Upper P4l Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P4l Upper P4l Upper P4r AP 22.46 25.58 25.17 23.48 22.09 24.68 23.94 22.73 24.93 23.68 22.90 29.29 24.55 25.91 30.07 25.18 30.47 28.37 30.67 23.47 23.18 28.80 31.05 26.88 21.43 23.93 30.34 TR 24.02 25.97 25.54 25.38 22.69 23.98 26.57 26.36 23.59 23.79 22.69 29.12 27.56 25.95 30.83 24.94 31.09 29.72 27.62 24.06 23.40 30.49 30.20 26.69 23.29 25.87 31.19 280 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso (* indicates Dry Cave localities), KU = University of Kansas. Specimen 46-139 22-1608 25-537 5689-117-6 5689-67-6 39268 27215 38555 48366 48719 45751 46778 39232 36548 42970 41178 32316 32785 34020 35769 46645 41524 32789 36687 43306 36456 38844 38519 Inst. UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU Locality Isleta Cave No. 2 Animal Fair* Camel Room* U-Bar Cave U-Bar Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Tooth position Upper P3l Upper P4 average Upper P4 average Upper M1/P4r Upper P3l Upper P3/P4l Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P3 average Upper P3l Upper P3/P4r Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P4r AP 27.72 28.08 22.83 23.86 28.46 24.12 25.86 23.37 23.03 26.13 25.22 24.56 24.83 25.11 24.37 25.61 24.08 25.27 22.60 21.56 25.69 24.37 23.36 25.75 25.65 27.09 25.11 23.80 TR 26.12 29.44 24.81 24.29 28.86 26.28 24.74 24.43 25.12 24.37 24.78 25.01 23.99 25.40 23.48 23.64 24.04 23.51 25.64 24.29 23.28 24.33 23.80 24.74 24.90 27.15 24.58 25.97 281 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. KU = University of Kansas. Specimen 38193 53793 45557 53793 32986 44390 44079 27214 43665 44132 39493 41960 41984 39722 31485 35870 Inst. KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU 34083/34084 KU 41045 KU 35542 KU 41180 KU 39803 KU 33219 KU 53793 KU 38688 KU 35596 KU 36748 KU 27902 KU 35085 KU Locality Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Tooth position Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P4 average Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P3/P4l Upper P4 average Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P3/P4r Upper P4l Upper P3/P4r Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P4l Upper P3l Upper P4r Upper P4l Upper P4l Upper P3l AP 24.80 28.32 24.04 24.88 25.09 24.12 24.75 24.80 24.68 24.52 26.53 27.43 26.52 25.53 22.42 23.81 24.48 25.07 23.29 23.84 25.78 25.66 26.29 24.34 23.19 22.86 23.68 25.98 TR 24.53 26.59 25.23 24.90 27.26 23.71 23.56 24.37 24.60 24.85 25.47 25.92 28.52 24.22 24.62 24.58 26.25 26.11 25.49 26.05 23.78 24.71 28.14 25.22 25.69 23.59 25.66 26.06 282 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. KU = University of Kansas, RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Specimen 36438 36614 57157 38192 33536 50630 38190 32581 32704 36830 39685 39556 58354 45357 45356 P02.10.4 Inst. KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU RAM 71.1 (horse D) RAM P94.1.557 RAM P98.5.462 RAM Locality Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Pit 48 Wally's Beach Pit 48 Pit 48 Tooth position Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P4r Upper P4l Upper P4l Upper P4r Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P3 average Upper P3r Upper P4r Upper P3/P4l Upper P3/P4l Upper P4r Upper P4 average Upper P3r Upper P3?l AP 27.31 27.01 24.05 25.33 24.63 23.86 22.59 24.65 26.60 24.82 24.30 25.15 26.14 25.45 23.95 26.65 25.68 25.79 28.96 TR 25.40 25.86 25.97 27.47 24.10 25.85 24.70 23.92 25.50 23.74 24.61 24.63 27.62 24.13 24.60 25.94 27.50 25.23 27.74 3437.1 RAM Wally's Beach Upper P4 average 26.16 26.53 RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper P3/P4r P3l P4r P4l P4l P3l P3l P3r 30.18 28.26 30.50 28.26 28.94 29.82 30.32 30.81 30.10 27.49 31.16 28.20 29.05 28.49 30.55 30.51 (Horse 2) P94.1.866 P02.10.125 P89.13.610 P98.5.234 P94.1.259 P94.1.747 P89.13.617 P94.1.242 283 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum, CMH = Canadian Museum of History. Specimen P95.2.42 P94.8.161 P95.2.1 P94.1.583 P89.13.397 P94.1.150 P94.1.470 P89.13.400 P98.5.52 860.1 (Horse 3) P94.1.498 P98.5.21/P98.5.20 P99.3.6 K6-2-23 K7-1-6 D6-D-4 K8-1-15 K7-5-22 K8-1-8 L7-7-3 H8(N)-8-6 G7(E1/2)-11-13 H7(W)-3-36 H7(E)-14-20 J7-4-31/J8-1-166 85-89 I7-1-48 T.P.1-5.36?/T.P.1-F-29 Inst. RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH Locality Apex Evergreen Riverview Pit Apex Evergreen Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Wally's Beach Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 Tooth position Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P4/P3l Upper P3/P4l Upper P3l Upper P4l Upper P4r Upper P3average Upper P4r Upper P3average Upper (P4l Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P4average Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P3average AP 29.13 28.35 29.22 27.96 27.21 28.48 29.36 27.28 26.37 26.29 28.08 30.60 27.88 27.72 27.99 28.27 28.11 26.71 28.85 26.53 26.05 27.73 26.88 26.85 25.44 28.06 27.01 29.29 TR 27.96 29.11 29.78 27.91 27.25 26.16 28.86 27.61 29.12 25.00 28.66 29.45 27.47 26.62 27.07 27.41 26.83 27.12 27.68 27.24 26.00 25.57 28.75 27.77 26.31 27.18 26.53 27.95 284 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. CMH = Canadian Museum of History. Specimen B4(S)-12-8 Misc-52 85-41 E7-19-1 J7-1-72 I7-2-2 85-Misc-1 85-Misc:1.5 K6-1-"X" C6(W)-13.1 H7(E)-21-2 L8(N)-7-24 S-3-11 C-8.5 C-9.11 M7-2-21 K7-1-16 G6-4-4 S-3-104 EE0946-1_T3-21-79 85-Misc-130 S-3-79 (D3)_6.7 I7-1-21 J8-5-3 H6-3-26 H5-3-23/H5-3-24 H7(E)-14-9 Inst. CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH Locality MgVo-2 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 Tooth position Upper P3l Upper P4r Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P3l Upper P4r Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P4l Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P3l Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P4r Upper P4r Upper P4l Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P3average Upper P3/P4l AP 27.09 25.74 27.38 26.05 27.61 26.64 27.53 25.99 27.61 26.06 25.71 28.88 26.92 28.33 26.58 25.72 27.61 27.53 26.45 28.09 25.91 28.16 27.08 27.92 27.53 28.90 29.59 25.39 TR 26.19 26.89 25.85 25.93 27.61 25.90 28.94 25.88 26.40 26.20 26.48 26.38 26.95 26.77 26.58 24.99 27.22 26.84 27.05 28.21 26.24 27.09 25.74 26.47 26.06 26.53 27.87 27.33 285 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. CMH = Canadian Museum of History, INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Specimen M7-2-22 (K6) 3.7 2667 2775 2619 3873 2319 2646 2536 2606 2771 3845 2610 2770 2637 2537 2778 2782 2577 2573/2574 3831 2617 2676 3867 2781 3846 4539 4590 Inst. CMH CMH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH Locality MgVo-1 MgVo-2 Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Tooth position Upper P3/P4r Upper P3r Upper M2l Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M2r Upper M1r Upper M2r Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M1/M2r Upper M2l Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M2l Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M2 average Upper M1r Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M1r Upper M2r Upper M1r Upper M2l AP 25.39 28.25 18.56 22.81 26.35 28.87 26.09 23.73 25.75 27.58 23.98 24.02 24.56 23.96 25.48 25.78 25.80 26.52 25.63 25.45 25.11 26.34 22.54 21.73 20.17 21.38 20.28 18.82 TR 26.40 25.65 20.42 24.48 27.83 30.32 28.18 24.34 27.08 27.91 27.06 27.55 26.03 26.41 26.23 26.02 26.59 27.63 26.40 27.13 27.95 28.93 23.90 24.76 22.75 22.18 22.48 20.65 286 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Specimen 4540 4541 3853 2385 2652 2086 4537 2594 2780 2308 4545 4542 4594 2779 2648 2609 4547 2785 3843 3836 3871 4587 3870 2796 3828 3843 3858 3842 Inst. INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH Locality Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Tooth position Upper M1l Upper M1?l Upper M1r Upper M2r Upper M1 average Upper M1l Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M1l Upper M1 Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M2l Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M2r Upper M2 average Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M2l Upper M2l Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M1l Upper M1l AP 19.82 20.91 19.05 20.81 19.97 20.66 19.97 23.25 20.10 24.12 19.78 20.06 21.80 20.42 20.37 20.14 20.52 20.73 18.09 18.28 17.43 19.00 17.90 17.19 17.66 17.40 17.24 17.20 TR 22.61 20.62 20.93 21.63 21.14 21.97 20.55 22.96 22.96 23.07 20.71 20.42 22.75 22.53 21.88 21.25 20.63 21.31 19.46 18.10 18.57 20.62 18.44 18.57 19.10 18.84 18.96 19.77 287 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, LACM = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. Specimen 3829 3830 2622 4534 4555 2655 4597 2316 2595 2538 3866 2542 2530 2743 4530 4551 4530 192/uncat. 192/uncat. 192/18658 192/116867 18187/unc. 192/uncat. 192/uncat. 192/17969 192/17969 192/18662 192/18658 Inst. INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM Locality Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave Tooth position Upper M1l Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M2l Upper M2r Upper M1r Upper M2 r Upper M2l Upper M2l Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M2 average Upper M1/M2l Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M1 average Upper M2l Upper M1l Upper M1r Upper M2l Upper M1l Upper M2r AP 17.88 17.37 17.59 16.84 17.51 17.30 17.45 17.62 26.9 20.37 24.58 16.22 19.71 27.58 21.80 23.17 21.74 20.53 22.22 20.73 20.55 20.80 22.50 20.73 20.44 21.39 21.78 21.12 TR 18.95 18.38 19.25 18.53 19.49 19.16 18.63 18.58 28.52 21.70 28.29 17.02 20.31 29.77 22.74 25.87 22.62 22.31 23.30 24.46 22.87 23.92 22.49 21.80 21.91 22.46 24.01 21.92 288 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. LACM = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, TMM = Vert. Paleo. Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin. Specimen 192/uncat. 192/uncat. 192/18657 192/156482 192/uncat. 192/uncat. 192/18658 192/18658 192/18662 192/uncat. 192/18664 192/uncat. 192/uncat. 192/uncat. 192/uncat. Inst. LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM 18657/18658 LACM 192/18658 LACM 192/18664 LACM 192/uncat. LACM 192/uncat. LACM 192/uncat. LACM 937-195 TMM 41228-308 TMM 41228-261 TMM 937-207 TMM 998-8 TMM 937-194 TMM 937-203 TMM Locality San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave Blackwater Draw Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Blackwater Draw Scharbauer Ranch Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Tooth position Upper M2r Upper M1l Upper M1l Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M1/M2l Upper M1l Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M1r Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M2r Upper M1/M2 average Upper M1/M2l Upper M1/M2r Upper M1/M2l Upper M2r Upper M1/M2r Upper M2r Upper M1l Upper M1-M2l Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M1l Upper M2r AP 23.44 21.66 21.47 19.76 20.95 21.08 19.53 21.68 21.54 21.00 21.41 21.60 21.92 22.03 20.72 21.97 21.96 21.34 21.77 21.77 22.31 23.13 20.72 22.11 24.57 22.32 21.38 21.72 TR 24.28 23.95 23.08 20.17 25.38 23.35 22.28 23.46 22.96 23.72 22.53 22.15 23.55 22.14 21.26 23.87 23.64 22.09 23.26 21.72 23.18 23.22 22.58 24.10 24.65 22.54 22.18 22.34 289 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso (* indicates Dry Cave localities). Specimen 937-191 937-968 937-322 937-738 937-738 937-173 937-172 41228-59 4-827 34-26 75-29 120-218 22-1609 22-961 103-2 54-827 25-537 46-139 22-1608 22-64 54-1212 119-51 22-985 5689-54-2 112-3 175-1 937-799 Inst. TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP TMM Locality Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Dark Canyon Cave Bison Chamber* Salt Creek Dark Canyon Cave Big Manhole Cave Animal Fair* Charlies Parlor* Imperial TTII* Camel Room* Isleta Cave No. 2 Animal Fair* Animal Fair* TTII* Algerita Blossom Cave Charlies Parlor* U-Bar Cave Nash Draw Fresnal Canyon Blackwater Draw Tooth position Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M1l Upper M2-M1l Upper M1r Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M1/M2r Upper M1 average Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M1l Upper M1 average Upper M2l Upper M2 average Upper M1l Upper M2average Upper M2l Upper M1 average Upper M1r Upper M2r Upper M1l Upper M2l AP 24.00 26.06 22.39 26.72 25.39 25.32 25.82 25.03 21.46 23.89 22.84 21.84 21.79 21.15 25.80 22.65 22.56 24.41 26.36 26.64 22.56 19.85 24.02 23.21 27.10 27.02 28.18 TR 26.00 27.72 22.19 28.25 26.75 25.87 26.34 25.32 23.36 24.41 23.39 21.03 24.80 23.12 25.89 23.26 23.60 24.05 25.81 27.40 23.45 21.90 25.37 23.86 27.76 27.77 26.47 290 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. KU = University of Kansas. Specimen 33538 39542 38845 50631 33886 40729 40707 40853 42950 32319 31942 35953 38637 39598 33795 31497 46645 38119 39099 35373 32636 34132 32988 39905 53793 44169 41984 44399 Inst. KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU Locality Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Tooth position Upper M2l Upper M2r Upper M1r Upper M2r Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M2l Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M2r Upper M1l Upper M1l Upper M1l Upper M1l Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M1l Upper M2l Upper M1l Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M1/M2 average Upper M1r AP 20.86 22.85 22.66 22.90 22.33 20.67 21.71 20.86 21.39 20.99 21.23 21.93 21.55 21.24 22.11 24.41 22.84 21.13 21.62 21.70 24.67 22.23 23.89 21.98 21.47 22.61 23.76 20.85 TR 22.81 24.84 23.39 23.99 24.17 22.46 22.00 22.72 22.81 22.57 22.77 23.74 23.41 23.33 23.48 26.21 23.34 22.62 23.46 23.40 25.84 24.03 25.65 22.94 23.78 23.61 25.66 22.52 291 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. KU = University of Kansas. Specimen 40632 38143 35047 35574 44390 44079 43338 33791 36796 43666 41961 42949 39803 38687 27900 39630 34022 44079 36689 31577 57157 32051 39803 39554 45355 34019 35086 33884 Inst. KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU Locality Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Tooth position Upper M1r Upper M2l Upper M1/M2r Upper M2r Upper M1l Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M2l Upper M2r Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M2l Upper M1/M2r Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M1/M2l Upper M1r Upper M2l Upper M2r AP 21.98 21.97 22.53 22.07 21.80 21.62 22.28 22.99 25.13 21.76 24.60 22.04 23.39 21.72 22.39 22.23 21.63 21.32 25.07 22.24 21.49 21.31 23.34 21.70 21.56 22.16 23.13 22.86 TR 23.65 22.79 24.98 23.09 23.49 23.51 24.14 24.35 26.55 22.99 24.66 23.57 23.70 23.91 23.40 24.04 23.58 23.15 25.31 24.21 23.42 22.41 23.55 23.02 23.22 24.40 23.72 25.10 292 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. KU = University of Kansas, RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Specimen 34275 Inst. KU 58354/56806 KU 44397 KU 33730 KU 42970 KU 34024 KU 32950 KU 31442 KU 38690 KU 32580 KU 32787 KU 38858 KU 39685 KU 53690 KU 39555 KU 38674 KU P94.8.84 RAM P94.8.14 RAM P94.1.378 RAM P05.10.56 RAM P94.1.556 RAM Locality Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Riverview Pit Riverview Pit Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Tooth position Upper M2l Upper M1average Upper M2l Upper M2r Upper M1l Upper M1r Upper M2l Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M1 average Upper M1r Upper M2r Upper M1/M2l Upper M1r Upper M2l Upper M1l Upper M2r Upper M1r AP 22.84 24.53 20.77 24.52 22.35 20.85 23.72 21.28 22.34 22.45 23.98 21.02 22.53 21.70 21.30 24.48 23.89 27.54 26.37 25.65 28.50 TR 23.81 26.59 22.31 25.63 23.71 24.02 24.31 24.73 23.82 24.40 24.43 23.68 24.15 25.04 22.94 25.23 25.81 28.81 27.96 26.00 28.57 3437.1 RAM Wally's Beach Upper M2 average 23.45 23.39 RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper M2r M1l M2r M1r M2l M1l 24.83 24.18 26.10 26.08 26.44 23.77 25.90 26.19 25.70 28.11 25.55 23.88 (Horse 2) P94.1.497 P89.13.60 P94.1.390 P94.1.468 P04.3.40 P94.1.613 293 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Specimen P89.13.613 P89.13.267 P89.13.269 P89.13.616 P91.11.8 P98.5.191 P90.6.38 P94.1.765 P95.2.24 P95.6.89 P89.13.618 P95.6.41 P95.2.54 P94.1.248 P94.1.342 P94.1.478 P02.8.1 P94.1.388 P94.8.38 P94.1.141 P94.1.884 Inst. RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM 860.1 (Horse 3) RAM 71.1 (horse D) RAM P94.1.854 RAM P98.5.52 RAM 2990.1 RAM P89.13.223 RAM P04.3.40 RAM Locality Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 46 Pit 48 Apex Evergreen Pit Pit 48 Apex Evergreen Pit Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Apex Evergreen Pit Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 TBG Pit 4 Pit 48 Riverview Pit Pit 48 Pit 48 Wally's Beach Wally's Beach Pit 48 Pit 48 Wally's Beach Pit 48 Pit 48 Tooth position Upper M1l Upper M2l Upper M1r_ Upper M2r Upper M1l Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M2l Upper M1l Upper M2l Upper M2r Upper M2l Upper M2l Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M1 average Upper M1 average Upper M1l Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M1r Upper M1/M2l AP 24.94 25.60 25.38 27.40 25.98 28.30 24.54 26.04 25.34 24.67 25.57 25.04 24.93 26.38 23.64 25.46 26.72 25.62 26.12 25.87 26.13 23.14 22.70 25.37 21.79 25.19 24.97 26.10 TR 26.19 27.45 24.57 25.07 28.21 30.62 24.66 25.82 26.44 25.41 25.41 25.56 25.36 26.84 23.80 25.92 27.07 26.42 25.59 23.83 27.35 25.68 26.24 27.81 23.74 27.65 25.84 25.53 294 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum, CMH = Canadian Museum of History. Specimen P89.13.398 H7(E)-15-6 E6.4.38 L7-7-2 85-Misc-140 I7-3-35 H7(W)-3-25 Misc-52 Inst. RAM CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH J8-1-170/J8-1-73 CMH G7(E1/2)-17-5 CMH 85-41 CMH G7(E1/2)-12-2 CMH Misc-52 CMH E7-20-8 CMH I7-1-40 CMH N-3-16 CMH M-9-90/M-9-94 CMH C5(S)-6.2/B3-3-20 CMH 85-Misc-135 CMH T.P.1-F-67 CMH 85-Misc-5 CMH 85-Misc-31 CMH L7-5-2 CMH J7-1-36 CMH K6-1-25 CMH S-3-79 CMH L8(N)-8-2 CMH H6-6-14 CMH Locality Pit 48 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-2 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 Tooth position Upper M2l Upper M2l Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M1r Upper M2 average Upper M2r Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper M2r Upper M1r Upper M2l Upper M1r Upper M2 average Upper M2 average Upper M2l Upper M1l Upper M2r Upper M1r Upper M2l Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M1r Upper M1r Upper M1r AP 25.01 23.95 24.57 23.53 25.08 23.48 23.87 22.89 23.01 24.69 23.60 23.61 23.47 23.17 23.33 24.48 24.96 24.21 24.83 25.60 24.82 23.13 24.29 25.11 25.40 22.81 23.62 24.55 TR 24.58 25.09 27.00 24.50 27.19 25.99 24.02 24.62 24.69 24.79 26.08 24.78 24.55 25.07 25.11 26.47 25.00 25.09 24.75 27.75 25.02 24.84 24.09 25.56 24.20 25.46 25.52 25.48 295 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. CMH = Canadian Museum of History, INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Specimen I7-1-19 J8-1-67 J8-1-77/J8-1-117 J8-1-29 EE0946-1_T3-21-81 I7-3-26 H5-3-27/H5-2-16 J6-4.4 85-120 S-3-10 C-9.16 S-3-8 M7-2-18 J7-7.19 2613 2612 2758 4592 2749 4523 3838 2536 2591 3865 2583 2652 2623 4540 Inst. CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH Locality MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-2 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Tooth position Upper M2l Upper M2l Upper M2 average Upper M2l Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M1 average Upper M1l Upper M2l Upper M1l Upper M1l Upper M2l Upper M1r Upper M2l Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3 average Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3 average Upper M3r Upper M3r AP 25.08 24.52 23.77 24.30 24.30 23.96 25.17 24.37 25.40 24.25 24.45 25.36 22.20 24.91 28.65 30.80 29.60 33.44 29.82 29.24 29.95 28.91 25.37 29.29 21.82 21.39 21.35 26.02 TR 25.75 24.63 26.45 25.01 25.24 24.94 26.95 26.07 26.91 26.14 24.38 25.21 24.44 25.42 23.70 21.32 23.53 25.01 23.32 23.25 25.66 22.81 19.96 26.67 18.09 17.41 18.79 19.73 296 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, LACM = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin. Specimen 4538 4545 3893 4587 3855 3849 2795 2776 3860 2595 2752 4547 2563 2573/2574 192/18188 192/uncat. 192/uncat. 192/uncat. 192/uncat. 192/uncat. 192/18659 192/uncat. 192/17969 41228-402 41228-1026 892-458 41228-1030 Inst. INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM TMM TMM TMM TMM Locality Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Lubbock Lake Dark Canyon Cave Tooth position Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3 average Upper M3r Upper M3 average Upper M3l Upper M3 average Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3r AP 26.45 21.18 21.63 19.61 18.45 17.28 16.47 20.13 20.51 31.63 31.89 21.04 21.42 30.69 22.58 24.78 23.35 24.39 24.89 22.80 22.67 23.33 22.67 27.81 24.09 23.20 22.31 TR 19.57 18.00 17.35 16.47 15.20 15.90 15.58 19.00 18.55 26.28 25.85 18.45 18.40 23.57 20.97 19.54 20.44 18.93 19.29 18.68 21.09 19.24 20.28 23.16 20.58 19.01 19.66 297 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso (* indicates Dry Cave localities), KU = University of Kansas. Specimen 41228-391 22-981 120-84 22-1609 22-65 46-139 22-1608 22-64 39537 40631 38856 33794 36454 39685 33885 33864 32768 35816 32989 36690 32362 36549 44397 45557 44400 35542 35459 Inst. TMM UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU Locality Dark Canyon Cave Charlies Parlor* Big Manhole Cave Animal Fair* Animal Fair* Isleta Cave No. 2 Animal Fair* Animal Fair* Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Tooth position Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3 average Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3r AP 26.44 32.73 23.57 22.84 30.78 26.99 28.29 27.86 26.06 23.01 24.71 23.75 25.47 23.81 23.13 22.63 23.26 22.80 24.91 22.27 23.26 24.23 21.89 23.04 21.97 22.77 23.07 TR 21.08 24.00 20.57 20.57 22.97 22.17 24.41 24.10 21.65 20.80 21.51 20.64 22.37 22.62 21.48 20.36 20.21 19.60 21.87 21.23 20.30 19.10 20.40 20.93 20.40 20.55 20.15 298 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. KU = University of Kansas, RAM = Royal Alberta Museum, CMH = Canadian Museum of History. Specimen 35954 46645 41961 34131 44390 41984 43313 39510 27899 38744 36688 39631 35373 35048 39421 57157 71.1 (Horse D) P89.13.614 P93.8.47 3437.1 (Horse 2) P94.8.52 P95.1.94 P94.1.843 P89.13.270 P94.1.518 P02.6.1 860.1 (Horse 3) H7(E)-16-9 Inst. KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU RAM RAM RAM Locality Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Wally's Beach Pit 48 Pit 45 Tooth position Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3 average Upper M3l Upper M3r AP 25.55 23.55 25.44 22.46 22.31 25.96 22.42 24.12 25.43 24.21 28.75 24.81 23.48 24.10 25.27 25.39 30.56 30.83 31.46 TR 23.45 21.07 20.98 21.40 20.31 21.62 20.49 22.12 21.30 20.16 24.39 21.18 20.29 22.02 21.50 20.58 22.18 22.83 26.02 RAM Wally's Beach Upper M3 average 26.43 21.16 RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM CMH Riverview Pit CloverBar Pit Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 CloverBar Pit Wally's Beach MgVo-1 Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper M3r M3r M3r M3r M3l M3r M3 average M3l 28.78 25.77 33.16 30.49 29.14 29.29 26.94 27.37 22.96 22.30 22.74 26.37 22.69 23.83 22.98 23.07 299 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. CMH = Canadian Museum of History, INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Specimen M7-1-1 L8(N)-7-4 G7(E1/2)-11-11 I7-1-5 I8(S)-12-7 I7-1-56 J8-1-138 E6-4-55 G7(E1/2)-11-12 Misc-52 85-Misc-6 K6-1-4 C6(W)-12.1 .5-3-9 H7(E)-20-5 L7-2-1 85-Misc-132 EE0946-1_T3-21-78 K7-5-20 3913 2597 3893 4567 4558 4578 4606 4585 3911 Inst. CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH Locality MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Tooth position Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3l Upper M3r Upper M3r Upper M3l Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2r AP 26.95 26.64 24.66 26.15 25.47 24.92 23.70 27.29 25.04 25.36 26.58 27.22 27.28 26.44 24.57 25.71 26.22 26.83 25.06 26.15 31.56 22.75 21.75 22.06 32.69 31.21 35.55 23.37 TR 22.87 22.58 22.59 22.17 22.74 21.69 22.96 23.21 23.29 23.15 22.67 23.79 22.87 23.23 22.19 21.14 22.19 22.85 21.37 14.93 15.12 11.90 11.15 11.34 17.07 19.37 17.37 13.63 300 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Specimen 2598 2546 2587 2721 2727 2738 2681 2570 2314 4557 4584 2671 4600 2569 2666 4577 2566 2618 4566 2633 3874 2549 3878 3883 4573 4611 4556 388(1?) Inst. INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH Locality Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Tooth position Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2 average Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2 Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2r AP 32.93 24.15 33.20 25.23 32.77 36.59 25.98 28.88 32.49 28.55 34.23 32.17 24.43 35.06 36.91 24.96 35.59 31.58 33.18 30.47 28.86 30.48 29.25 27.46 31.13 29.31 25.15 23.46 TR 16.64 12.33 18.90 13.12 16.49 18.06 13.03 14.07 18.04 14.66 16.22 16.42 13.03 15.57 16.90 12.72 17.69 16.54 17.26 16.82 16.51 16.72 16.21 14.42 16.87 15.29 11.34 13.82 301 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. LACM = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso (* indicates Dry Cave localities), KU = University of Kansas. Specimen 120841/120843 192/18197 192/18197 192/18198 192/18198 192/18198 192/120844 41228-uncat. 8106 41228-345 937-123 937-952 937-192 41228-229 41228-244 22-956 22-1528 22-669 34-5 22-960 25-537 33866 38859 39067 34205 36586 40730 Inst. LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP KU KU KU KU KU KU Locality San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave Dark Canyon Cave Quitaque Creek Dark Canyon Cave Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Animal Fair* Charlies Parlor* Animal Fair* Salt Creek Charlies Parlor* Camel Room* Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Tooth position Lower p2 average Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2 average Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2l AP 28.41 28.25 27.67 28.24 27.40 30.52 27.54 27.15 24.63 30.62 27.18 33.45 34.68 30.72 25.60 26.12 28.55 28.15 33.47 29.50 28.45 25.84 27.27 28.27 27.17 28.56 26.39 TR 14.57 14.48 13.89 13.71 13.85 13.20 14.54 14.08 12.38 11.55 13.83 17.59 16.65 13.38 10.89 13.20 15.99 12.80 15.50 14.28 12.73 12.69 13.79 13.25 13.08 15.83 14.16 302 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. KU = University of Kansas, RAM = Royal Alberta Museum, CMH = Canadian Museum of History. Specimen 39592 40852 39344 40554 32878/32838 48439 31489 31488 39835 36626 27878 41528 35051 39942 38600 38745 42969 31547 36891 861.1 (Horse 3) P02.8.67 P99.3.162 3437.2 (Horse 2) P96.2.45 P89.13.399 P02.8.48 P94.1.559 P98.5.480 Inst. KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM Locality Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Wally's Beach TBG Pit 4 Pit 48 Wally's Beach Pit 48 Pit 48 TBG Pit 4 Pit 48 Pit 48 Tooth position Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2 average Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2 average Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2r Lower p2l Lower p2 average AP 25.96 29.02 26.31 29.69 29.66 27.90 26.26 26.20 27.44 28.61 27.88 29.44 27.86 26.67 29.11 30.73 28.42 30.94 25.84 32.02 33.90 32.75 28.75 33.20 34.07 29.12 31.11 27.26 TR 12.85 14.70 12.92 14.09 14.24 13.22 13.46 13.14 12.13 13.68 13.61 14.82 14.56 13.01 13.02 13.89 13.60 14.35 13.72 15.85 15.09 15.16 15.96 14.90 16.10 13.57 15.37 11.77 303 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. CMH = Canadian Museum of History, INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Specimen M-9-132 SE-24 J7-6.23 K7-5-23 Inst. CMH CMH CMH CMH Locality MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 Tooth position Lower p2l Lower p2l Lower p2r Lower p2l AP 32.16 28.28 31.19 29.62 TR 15.28 14.66 13.62 15.04 85-Misc-138/ 85-Misc143 CMH MgVo-3 Lower p2 average 32.80 15.68 CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-2 MgVo-2 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-2 Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower p2r p2l p2r p2l p2l p2r p2 average p2l p2 average p2 average p2 average p2r p2l p2r p2 average p2l p4?r p4l p4/p3l p3r p4r p3r 33.33 32.89 33.22 32.70 30.67 31.26 33.81 30.75 30.79 29.06 31.13 32.30 31.11 31.01 30.02 31.31 27.58 27.20 30.53 28.58 31.28 29.97 16.03 15.19 14.80 14.31 14.71 14.30 15.85 14.44 13.97 14.78 14.61 14.60 14.06 14.30 14.47 13.43 15.55 14.69 16.83 19.40 19.39 15.55 K8-1-2 85-Misc-141 J7-1-44 J7-1-9 Misc-1 EE0946-1_T3-21-82 85-89/85-95 D6(NE)-8-15 H6-3-8/H6-3-7? C3(E)-2-37/C3(E)-3-18 B3-3-23/C3(E)-3-2 85-90 I7-3-12 I7-3-27 85-76 J7-7.20 2697 2698 3430 2554 4601 2592 304 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Specimen s/N3 2684 2567 2645 2641 2315 2689 2556 3920 2625 4582 2663 2586 2669 2322 4583 2687 4609 2658 2633 4568 2614 2688 Uncat. 3887 2591 2718 2649 Inst. INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH Locality Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Tooth position Lower p3l Lower p3/p4r Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p3l Lower p4r Lower p4l Lower p3r Lower p3l Lower p3/p4l Lower p3/p4r Lower p3l Lower p4r Lower p3/p4r Lower p3l Lower p4l Lower p3r Lower p3/p4l Lower p4l Lower p3r Lower p4r Lower p4l Lower p4l Lower p4l Lower p4l Lower p3l Lower p4r Lower p3r AP 29.15 29.32 28.22 31.17 31.33 28.92 30.78 29.55 28.57 30.26 30.43 31.32 27.01 30.59 31.73 29.37 30.91 30.29 30.56 30.25 27.50 29.28 30.55 27.55 24.76 29.56 24.22 25.70 TR 16.55 18.55 17.00 19.53 19.56 18.44 20.49 17.60 18.16 17.09 16.91 20.37 17.78 17.29 17.53 16.85 17.61 18.20 20.23 17.24 17.56 18.28 19.80 16.45 14.70 17.36 15.00 16.57 305 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, LACM = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. Specimen 2312 3900 3891 2720 2707 4559 2635 2708 4575 3920 3874 2706 3927 3892 2709 4562 2553 4577 2716 3874 2670 3878 3933 192/18199 192/18393 192/18394 8535/8543 192/18199 Inst. INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM Locality Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave Tooth position Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p3/p4l Lower p4r Lower p3l Lower p4?l Lower p3/p4l Lower p3r Lower p3r Lower p4l Lower p3l Lower p3l Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p3r Lower p3r Lower p4r Lower p3 average Lower p4l Lower p4l Lower p4r Lower p4 average Lower p4?l Lower p4l Lower p4l Lower p4r Lower p3 average Lower p3l AP 23.50 22.27 25.13 22.14 22.80 21.53 22.11 22.90 22.76 28.35 30.18 20.92 21.87 19.78 22.87 22.47 24.99 24.05 22.94 30.39 28.93 27.66 26.87 23.38 25.30 24.06 24.33 23.81 TR 15.17 12.99 16.02 14.45 13.35 13.84 13.04 13.88 12.78 17.00 19.34 10.68 15.24 11.09 12.79 13.18 14.67 13.42 13.46 19.26 16.95 17.19 15.40 17.01 16.14 16.69 15.55 15.37 306 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. LACM = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, TMM = Vert. Paleo. Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin. Specimen 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/156490 192/156493 192/156491 192/156494 192/156489 192/156495 192/18199 192/18393 192/18199 192/18199 192/156492 937-949 937-122 937-972 998-9 937-965 937-945 41228-3821 41228-1031 937-48 937-973 937-940 937-725 41228-386 Inst. LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM Locality San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Scharbauer Ranch Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Dark Canyon Cave Tooth position Lower p4r Lower p3l Lower p4l Lower p4r Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p4r Lower p4l Lower p4l Lower p4r Lower p4l Lower p4l Lower p3/p4r Lower p4r Lower p4l Lower p3l Lower p4l Lower p3/p4r Lower p3r Lower p3/p4l Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p4r Lower p3/p4r Lower p4l Lower p4l Lower p4r Lower p3r AP 24.20 25.62 22.68 23.65 24.05 23.84 22.57 23.67 22.79 23.17 23.35 25.06 25.58 24.47 22.27 28.69 25.94 26.31 23.09 28.48 29.37 26.63 23.32 25.61 25.18 29.18 27.95 26.74 TR 16.81 16.09 14.70 15.26 14.42 14.10 14.16 14.21 14.05 14.14 15.18 15.05 14.53 15.50 13.78 15.82 14.22 16.48 15.84 15.63 17.63 15.57 15.35 15.29 15.25 17.72 16.52 14.66 307 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso (* indicates Dry Cave localities), KU = University of Kansas. Specimen 937-250 937-933 937-244 41228-389 937-169 998-1/998-2 41228-381 189-5 189-4 22-1528 203-1 75-31/75-29 23-65 22-61 22-669 22-1615 22-956 22-1538 937-955 937-954 937-251 34344 40838 50629 33867 31434 36543 Inst. TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP TMM TMM TMM KU KU KU KU KU KU Locality Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Dark Canyon Cave Blackwater Draw Scharbauer Ranch Dark Canyon Cave Villa Ahumada Villa Ahumada Charlies Parlor* Highway 45, Chi. Dark Canyon Cave Stalag 17* Animal Fair* Animal Fair* Charlies Parlor* Animal Fair* Charlies Parlor* Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Tooth position Lower p3l Lower p3/p4l Lower p4l Lower p4r Lower p4r Lower p4 average Lower p3r Lower p3/p4r Lower p3/p4r Lower p3 average Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p3r Lower p3l Lower p4r Lower p4/p3r Lower p3 average Lower p4r Lower p4-m1l Lower p4/m1r Lower p4/m1l Lower p3/p4l Lower p4l Lower p4r Lower p3/p4l Lower p3/p4l Lower p3r AP 28.66 27.94 28.82 24.85 28.38 28.38 24.22 20.52 19.33 28.56 20.45 25.08 25.17 30.67 23.75 28.06 24.18 28.45 28.30 27.18 27.80 24.89 22.71 24.93 23.54 23.58 23.66 TR 15.93 15.53 16.54 14.83 17.79 14.93 14.22 12.86 12.20 16.01 11.79 15.29 15.49 16.43 14.26 14.74 13.54 15.79 16.61 16.97 15.96 14.74 15.04 14.36 14.35 14.43 14.28 308 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. KU = University of Kansas. Specimen 39067 40733 39904 38572 36159 44424 40866 32767 27907 39098 40638 27879 33881 36626 40835 36625 41983 36433 27390 44394 41044 44395 33945 36158 36619 39944 40855 36624 Inst. KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU Locality Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Tooth position Lower p3 average Lower p4l Lower p3/p4r Lower p3r Lower p3r Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p4r Lower p3/p4r Lower p4r Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p3/p4r Lower p4l Lower p3l Lower p3/p4l Lower p4l Lower p4r Lower p4r Lower p4l Lower p4l Lower p4r Lower p3r Lower p3l Lower p4r Lower p3/p4r AP 24.64 22.02 24.38 23.43 23.35 24.01 26.40 24.24 24.02 23.65 25.61 23.01 25.15 24.98 23.89 23.15 24.81 25.35 25.45 23.13 24.63 23.34 24.45 23.65 23.87 23.57 25.66 24.54 TR 13.91 13.90 14.99 13.97 13.84 14.91 16.05 13.79 14.87 14.02 15.66 13.85 15.30 15.71 13.79 13.00 15.41 15.04 15.57 14.25 14.96 13.85 15.39 13.96 14.82 14.02 16.51 15.61 309 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. KU = University of Kansas, RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Specimen 33729 41528 41710 36620 32587 27253 39809 38689 35114 35082 41492 27216 69.1 P94.1.386 P99.3.162 P89.13.7 P91.11.2 P94.1.716 P94.1.585 P02.2.4 Inst. KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM Locality Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Wally's Beach Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 46 Pit 48 Pit 48 Apex Evergreen Tooth position Lower p4l Lower p3l Lower p3/p4l Lower p4l Lower p4l Lower p3l Lower p4l Lower p4l Lower p3/p4l Lower p4l Lower p3/p4l Lower p4r Lower p3l Lower p4r Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p4r Lower p3/p4l Lower p3r Lower p3/p4l AP 24.59 28.07 24.99 23.05 25.15 26.26 24.40 23.05 24.21 25.23 27.34 24.72 26.24 28.10 27.08 27.27 29.11 27.81 29.80 27.41 TR 15.82 16.64 14.76 13.05 15.49 15.11 16.21 14.14 14.59 15.69 15.87 15.21 15.08 16.47 16.50 15.91 14.46 16.78 14.97 16.48 3437.2 RAM Wally's Beach Lower p3 average 26.21 15.59 RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 TBG Pit 4 Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower p3/p4l p3/4l p3l p3l p3/p4r p4l p4r 27.09 28.34 24.36 31.60 30.16 31.44 27.40 15.94 14.36 13.83 15.68 16.06 15.43 15.26 (Horse 2) P94.1.670 P98.5.484 P94.1.499 P94.1.486 P89.13.50 P94.1.632 P02.8.48 310 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum, CMH = Canadian Museum of History. Specimen P98.5.480 861.1 (Horse 3) P94.1.341 P94.5.5 S-3-98 85-90 I6-E-5 S-3-94 K8-2-2 J7-8.19 L8(N)-4-7 L8(N)-7-28 J7-C-16 L8(N)-8-1 L8(N)-7-2 J8-1-147 85-64 L8(N)-7-27 K8-2-2 K6-1-14 85-Misc-133 85-32 L8(N)-7-15 EE0946-1 T3-21-85 H6-3-8/H6-3-7? D6(NE)-8-14 85-Misc-32 Inst. RAM RAM RAM RAM CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH Locality Pit 48 Wally's Beach Pit 48 Pit 45 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-2 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 Tooth position Lower p3l Lower p4 average Lower m1/p4l Lower p4/m1r Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p4r Lower p4r Lower p3l Lower p4l Lower p3r Lower p3l Lower p3l Lower p4r Lower p3l Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p4l Lower p4r Lower p4r Lower p3r Lower p4l Lower p4l Lower p3r Lower p3 average Lower p3l Lower p3r AP 24.26 26.53 29.66 29.02 26.29 28.79 26.59 26.78 27.05 24.64 28.00 27.87 27.74 26.65 27.01 27.78 28.20 26.40 27.66 27.51 28.29 25.95 26.86 27.51 27.66 27.35 29.38 TR 14.44 15.79 15.90 16.51 15.95 15.50 16.43 17.87 17.28 15.18 16.17 15.80 16.07 16.05 16.21 16.11 15.49 15.88 16.68 16.93 17.12 16.59 17.44 14.82 15.12 15.16 15.92 311 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. CMH = Canadian Museum of History, INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Specimen Inst. Locality C3(E)-2-37/C3(E)3-18 CMH MgVo-2 Lower CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower 85-90 I7-3-10 85-89/85-95 B3-3-23/C3(E)-3-2 I7-3-25 85-76 4561 255? 4581 2590 2567 2692 2562 3874 s/N4 4579 4580 3880 2605 2644 4561 4561 4612 4560 4570 2313 Tooth position AP TR p3 average 26.64 15.21 p4r p3l p4 average p4 average p4r p4 average m2r m1/m2l m2l m2l m1l m2r m2l m2l m2r m2r m2r m1r m2 average m2r m1r m2 m1/m2l m1/m2l m2r m1l 27.58 27.21 27.84 26.02 26.47 27.43 25.87 26.31 27.23 27.65 26.75 25.70 26.21 25.14 25.82 24.75 25.37 26.04 25.06 27.72 28.01 29.16 26.86 24.72 29.25 26.23 16.17 15.91 16.55 16.48 16.20 16.47 18.60 18.09 16.42 17.81 16.74 16.19 15.17 15.60 17.94 16.72 15.70 17.08 14.61 15.32 19.25 17.88 18.12 15.78 15.61 15.61 312 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Specimen 3916 2611 2729 2693 3928 2592 2656 2567 2730 2317 3894 2567 2566? 2739 3932 2642 4604 2596 2734 2596 3875 2578 2661 2590 4605 2614 2616 2614/2552 Inst. INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH Locality Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Tooth position Lower m1l Lower m2r Lower m2r Lower m1r Lower m2l Lower m1r Lower m2r Lower m1/m2l Lower m2l Lower m2r Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m1/m2l Lower m1l Lower m2l Lower m1r Lower m2r Lower m2r Lower m1r Lower m1?l Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m1/m2r Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m2r Lower m2 average AP 27.15 27.82 28.87 25.27 28.89 24.17 25.21 23.98 26.55 25.41 26.19 24.61 25.79 26.88 24.84 25.87 27.10 25.23 26.12 24.91 26.06 25.45 27.69 26.82 25.21 25.44 26.25 25.67 TR 19.22 15.55 19.65 16.32 18.70 17.76 15.87 17.41 16.06 17.62 17.62 14.90 15.64 17.98 16.59 15.75 16.41 16.56 15.43 15.45 18.87 15.76 15.94 16.03 15.32 16.38 16.20 15.80 313 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Specimen 4565 2735 2633 2322 2548 3912 4586 2626 2629 2627 2726 265? 3906 3925 2665 2559 2723 3887 4608 5887 2561 2547 4563 3908 4614 2545 2632 2704 Inst. INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH Locality Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Tooth position Lower m2r Lower m2r Lower m2r Lower m1l Lower m1/m2l Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m1r Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m2r Lower m1r Lower m1r Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m1l Lower m1r Lower m2l Lower m1l Lower m2l Lower m2r Lower m1l Lower m2r Lower m2r Lower m2r Lower m2l AP 27.94 27.00 25.68 26.49 19.92 20.76 24.92 20.26 20.77 23.04 23.91 23.71 21.65 20.78 19.35 23.79 23.57 22.55 21.99 22.63 21.38 21.29 20.73 18.50 18.95 17.44 17.64 18.18 TR 18.21 15.88 15.74 16.47 12.73 12.32 17.21 14.30 12.78 15.99 14.87 16.09 13.40 11.79 13.30 13.41 13.03 13.67 13.67 13.33 11.57 12.10 11.93 12.34 11.28 10.98 10.46 11.30 314 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, LACM = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. Specimen 3898 2710 2711 3888 2712 2673 4602 4577 2310 3931 2731 2739 2732 3220 3912 3913 3878 3934 2605 2628 3903 192/18199 192/18199 192/18393 192/18199 192/18393 192/18199 192/18199 Inst. INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM Locality Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave Tooth position Lower m1l Lower m1r Lower m2r Lower m1l Lower m2/m1r Lower m2l Lower m2r Lower m1 average Lower m2r Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m1/m2l Lower m1l Lower m1l Lower m2r Lower m2r Lower m2 average Lower m1/m2l Lower m1/p4l Lower m1/p4r Lower m1/p4r Lower m1r Lower m1/m2r Lower m1/m2l Lower m2l Lower m1l Lower m1r Lower m2r AP 18.09 19.90 20.34 19.03 17.99 19.80 21.03 20.64 20.29 26.18 28.64 26.73 27.02 28.62 20.36 21.16 25.73 26.34 20.36 21.94 17.61 21.51 21.51 23.96 22.28 22.19 23.62 24.48 TR 11.78 12.38 11.86 11.90 11.27 11.77 12.79 12.55 11.49 17.98 14.60 18.03 17.93 17.63 12.13 12.51 15.26 16.75( 16.25 14.53 12.15 13.80 14.71 13.91 14.87 14.00 14.84 13.96 315 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. LACM = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, TMM = Vert. Paleo. Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin. Specimen 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18191 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18195 192/18195 192/18199 192/18194 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18199 192/18194 192/18194 Inst. LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM LACM Locality San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave Tooth position Lower m2l Lower m1/m2l Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m1r Lower m1/m2l Lower m1/m2l Lower m1/m2l Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m2r Lower m1/m2r Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m2r Lower m2r Lower m2r Lower m1l Lower m2l Lower m1l Lower m1r Lower m1l Lower m1l Lower m1l Lower m1l Lower m1/m2r Lower m1/m2r AP 20.57 21.50 22.40 22.04 22.91 21.61 21.55 23.59 21.24 21.26 21.85 22.30 22.81 20.04 21.90 22.04 21.45 19.74 22.57 20.96 22.02 22.47 21.48 21.96 22.69 22.75 21.23 21.59 TR 13.58 13.26 14.93 14.54 14.25 13.73 12.98 15.39 12.94 13.26 13.98 13.81 14.24 11.69 13.34 13.26 12.61 11.74 12.60 12.48 14.00 13.20 12.60 13.91 15.09 14.18 12.41 13.19 316 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin. Specimen 192/18199 192/18190 937-678 937-930 937-121 937-702 937-859 998-10 937-944 41228-3849 937-225 937-938 41228-3888 41228-3841 41228-361 937-964 41228-233 937-204 41228-159 937-252 937-760 41228-234 937-966 41228-158 41228-394 41228-232 937-39 937-971 Inst. LACM LACM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM Locality San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Scharbauer Ranch Blackwater Draw Dark Canyon Cave Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Blackwater Draw Dark Canyon Cave Blackwater Draw Dark Canyon Cave Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Dark Canyon Cave Blackwater Draw Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Tooth position Lower m1/m2r Lower m1/m2l Lower m1/m2r Lower m2r Lower m1r Lower m1-m2r Lower m1l Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m1-m2r Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m1l Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m1r Lower m1l Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m2r Lower m1-m2r Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m2r AP 23.00 22.58 24.94 23.91 23.65 25.61 25.66 21.77 24.27 22.58 24.81 23.27 23.28 24.26 21.62 25.66 23.45 23.94 22.86 27.59 27.18 23.05 25.27 23.65 22.71 23.17 27.22 26.06 TR 13.97 12.86 16.78 14.33 13.17 15.82 15.22 13.34 14.10 13.16 16.11 15.37 13.29 13.50 12.33 14.79 13.65 14.64 14.73 14.04 15.64 13.68 14.31 13.77 13.40 13.40 16.96 14.71 317 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso (* indicates Dry Cave localities), KU = University of Kansas. Specimen 937-781 937-119 41228-1025 937-848 937-969 3234 937-953 41228-1038 41228-289 937-906 22-1528 22-956 22-1664 158-1 22-1607 5689-1-225 22-648 23-78 119-15 119-51 23-77 34-9 22-61 25-537 22-1616 31-44 937-931 Inst. TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP TMM Locality Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Dark Canyon Cave Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Quitaque Creek Blackwater Draw Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Blackwater Draw Charlies Parlor* Animal Fair* Hampton Court* El Barreal Animal Fair* U-Bar Cave Animal Fair* Stalag 17* Algerita Blossom Cave Algerita Blossom Cave Stalag 17* Salt Creek Animal Fair* Camel Room* Charlies Parlor* Early Man Corridor* Blackwater Draw Tooth position Lower m1l Lower m2r Lower m1l Lower m1r Lower m1r Lower m1-m2r Lower m1-m2r Lower m2r Lower m1-m2?l Lower m2r Lower m2 average Lower m1 average Lower m1/m2l Lower m2r Lower m1r Lower m1l Lower m1/m2l Lower m2r Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m1l Lower m2r Lower m1l Lower m2 average Lower m1r Lower m1/m2r Lower m2l AP 26.44 25.58 26.22 25.46 25.64 27.62 26.12 23.73 23.56 21.46 26.14 21.76 21.32 21.74 25.70 24.61 25.71 23.30 25.01 22.97 23.56 21.73 26.62 21.68 25.61 23.57 27.81 TR 16.78 16.26 15.07 16.83 15.71 16.90 14.99 14.07 13.43 12.94 15.76 14.25 12.11 13.35 15.13 18.25 14.72 13.49 14.97 13.40 12.43 13.97 14.86 12.44 15.11 13.94 16.35 318 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. KU = University of Kansas. Specimen 937-937 34-11 54-1312 33938 50629 31445 53690 35914 54625 40731 36492 39067 35767 34206 36491 27908 35080 35084 33793 41182 35910 36679 36622 39097/39096 36831 40629 35050 40904 Inst. TMM UTEP UTEP KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU Locality Blackwater Draw Salt Creek TTII* Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Tooth position Lower m1l Lower m1r Lower m1l Lower m2l Lower m1r Lower m1/m2l Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m1r Lower m1l Lower m1/m2l Lower m1r Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m1r Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m1/m2r Lower m1l Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m1 average Lower m1/m2r Lower m1/m2l Lower m2l Lower m1r AP 25.65 23.98 25.67 21.27 21.60 20.94 22.65 21.49 22.80 20.29 21.90 22.70 20.50 23.12 22.13 22.86 22.26 22.19 22.55 22.21 23.12 22.96 21.98 22.07 22.00 23.09 22.43 24.01 TR 15.35 16.46 15.41 13.40 14.16 13.61 13.43 11.77 12.33 13.55 14.45 14.28 11.86 14.16 12.63 12.92 12.71 12.28 13.64 13.86 13.00 14.43 12.50 13.85 13.67 13.20 14.48 14.40 319 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. KU = University of Kansas, RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Specimen 35083 32367 36797 44395 44394 34127 39945 39122 36626 39972 31566 38796 53793 27217 33792 41548 41043 36802 39810 34124 39946 38797 39490 41528 34129 38118 42989 34138 Inst. KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU Locality Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Tooth position Lower m2r Lower m1/m2r Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m2r Lower m1r Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m1r Lower m2r Lower m1/m2r Lower m2r Lower m1/m2r Lower m1r Lower m1r Lower m1r Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m1/m2l Lower m2r Lower m1l Lower m2r Lower m1/m2l Lower m2l Lower m1/m2l Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m1r AP 22.33 22.50 26.11 20.31 20.71 21.07 21.63 22.59 21.98 23.24 23.64 22.64 22.41 23.26 21.75 21.68 21.44 26.10 21.76 21.51 21.85 22.16 22.97 24.90 23.75 22.55 24.90 21.45 TR 13.39 14.49 16.26 12.32 11.92 13.59 13.11 12.43 13.22 14.26 12.44 13.64 12.82 14.71 12.91 12.86 13.33 15.16 12.59 12.47 12.59 12.92 12.68 13.64 13.61 12.76 13.99 12.62 320 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum, CMH = Canadian Museum of History. Specimen 39971 40575 36558 P95.1.70 P96.2.21 3437.2 (Horse 2) P94.1.113 P89.13.395 P94.1.347 P94.1.307 P94.1.212 P94.1.519 P94.1.686 P05.10.46 P94.1.372 P89.13.619 P90.6.37 P94.1.344 P02.8.48 P90.6.49 P94.4.7 P94.1.124 861.1 (Horse 3) P94.1.970 P94.1.614 E7-15-5 K8-1-29 EE0946-1 T3-17-15 Inst. KU KU KU RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM CMH CMH CMH Locality Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave CloverBar Pit Pit 48 Wally's Beach Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Apex Evergreen Pit 48 TBG Pit 4 Apex Evergreen Pit 46 Pit 48 Wally's Beach Pit 48 Pit 48 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 Tooth position Lower m2r Lower m1/m2r Lower m2l Lower m1/m2l Lower m2l Lower m1 average Lower m1l Lower m1l Lower m1r Lower m1l Lower m2?r Lower m2l Lower m1/m2r Lower m2l Lower m2r Lower m1/m2r Lower m1l Lower m2r Lower m1r Lower m2l Lower m1r Lower m2r Lower m1 average Lower m1/p4r Lower m1/p4l Lower m1l Lower m1l Lower m1r AP 25.66 22.49 23.21 24.30 27.30 23.42 27.68 24.33 26.07 27.76 25.60 27.29 25.44 25.89 26.71 27.34 26.33 27.44 24.63 26.86 27.48 28.34 23.53 26.55 28.98 24.04 23.23 23.71 TR 13.65 12.15 13.55 13.11 14.41 15.12 14.48 14.68 17.48 15.95 14.62 14.67 14.62 15.74 16.20 15.28 14.48 15.71 14.89 14.57 14.57 15.44 15.08 14.68 15.95 14.88 16.45 17.15 321 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. CMH = Canadian Museum of History, INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Specimen J8-1-169 85-90 L8(N)-5-2 L8(N)-7-5 L8(N)-7-3 L8(N)-9-10 J8-1-149 M7-2-27 K6-1-17 L8(N)-11-10 85-64 M7-2-34 J7-1-11 85-Misc-3/85-95 85-90 L8(N)-7-9 EE0946-1 T3-21-86 H6-3-8/H6-3-7 H8(N)-8-4 B3-3-16/C3(E)-3-2 85-70 I7-3-22 85-76 C3(E)-2-37/ C3(E)-3-2) I7-3-19 3878 3907 4561 Inst. CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH INAH INAH INAH Locality MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 Cedral Cedral Cedral Tooth position Lower m2r Lower m1 average Lower m1r Lower m2l Lower m2r Lower m1l Lower m1l Lower m1r_ Lower m1r Lower m2l Lower m2r Lower m2l Lower m2l Lower m2 average Lower m1r Lower m1r Lower m2r Lower m2 average Lower m2r Lower m2 average Lower m2r Lower m1r Lower m1/m2l Lower m2 average Lower m2l Lower m3 average Lower m3r Lower m3r AP 25.05 24.53 24.28 24.57 24.95 24.78 22.84 25.35 24.63 25.29 24.34 25.92 25.11 25.58 25.15 25.68 24.23 25.49 27.02 24.37 25.36 23.14 25.52 25.22 24.48 34.35 37.63 37.98 TR 16.16 16.31 16.30 15.00 14.73 15.41 14.21 15.38 17.16 14.41 14.28 15.48 15.80 14.98 15.49 15.48 14.65 13.80 14.14 14.90 15.14 14.49 14.86 14.49 14.35 13.28 15.40 16.04 322 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. INAH = Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, LACM = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. Specimen 2703 2620 2313 4580 3927 2551 3915 2639 2592 2640 3889 3926 Uncat. 4572 2725 3897 Uncat. 3905 2719 4571 4564 2722 2664 2633 3874 4577 192/18195 Inst. INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH LACM Locality Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral San Josecito Cave Tooth position Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3 average Lower m3l AP 21.18 36.89 35.24 35.33 37.02 35.55 27.25 25.03 32.26 32.88 23.61 36.94 32.24 25.22 24.99 22.23 25.36 25.89 24.80 37.72 25.23 26.87 31.85 33.11 32.99 25.55 29.89 TR 9.90 13.61 14.68 13.63 15.51 14.92 11.35 11.15 12.99 12.87 9.86 11.93 13.37 10.47 10.51 9.97 10.97 11.21 10.29 14.33 10.64 11.37 14.04 14.54 13.97 10.84 12.66 323 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. LACM = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso (* indicates Dry Cave localities), KU = University of Kansas. Specimen 192/18198 192/18198 192/18194 937-906 937-246 8106 937-125 937-970 937-223 937-692 892-299 937-702 937-977 22-1645 33948 34271 35052 36823 35768 40706 36489 39067 35081 41220 44266 34172 41042 Inst. LACM LACM LACM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM UTEP KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU Locality San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Quitaque Creek Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Lubbock Lake Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Animal Fair* Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Tooth position Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3l AP 26.49 28.42 26.61 27.49 34.84 29.29 36.11 32.77 34.38 31.43 33.67 29.93 37.35 32.50 29.01 28.77 27.37 27.29 27.40 27.48 29.63 27.16 26.80 28.40 27.08 26.13 28.98 TR 10.61 13.49 11.95 12.07 12.94 11.37 13.89 13.40 12.74 10.86 13.44 10.90 17.01 13.67 12.91 12.88 10.65 10.37 10.56 10.33 11.01 11.41 11.27 11.57 9.92 11.19 11.56 324 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. KU = University of Kansas, RAM = Royal Alberta Museum, CMH = Canadian Museum of History. Specimen 36680 45358 44395 38658 46723 36800 36621 36626 41491 31501 53793 34126 36490 38805 38117 38189 42989 27909 42070 Inst. KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU KU 3437.2 (Horse 2) RAM P89.15.1 RAM P94.1.348 RAM P05.10.26 RAM 861.1 (Horse 3) RAM S-3-89 CMH H6-5-24 CMH 85-90 CMH K8-1-11 CMH Locality Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Wally's Beach Riverview Pit Pit 48 Pit 48 Wally's Beach MgVo-3 MgVo-2 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 Tooth position Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3 average Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3 average Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3 average Lower m3l AP 30.11 27.73 28.27 27.84 28.01 34.85 26.06 26.50 31.24 30.94 28.72 28.58 28.81 27.77 31.55 31.35 29.40 29.94 28.07 30.48 37.61 36.88 34.02 31.08 32.96 31.05 36.30 32.72 TR 12.80 10.35 11.14 11.15 10.55 14.17 10.37 11.46 12.69 12.40 11.30 12.54 11.68 11.66 10.77 11.18 12.57 11.11 ? 13.55 13.92 15.12 12.76 13.77 14.02 13.54 13.53 13.66 325 Table A 1, continued. Measurement data of late Pleistocene equid samples studied. AP = anteroposterior length, TR = transversal width. CMH = Canadian Museum of History. Specimen J8-1-153 L8(N)-12-2 85-25 85-64 K6-1-16 L8(N)-7-29 85-Misc-28 J7-1-16 85-Misc-134 85-95 I7-3-36 B3-3-23/C3(E)-3-2 85-90 85-70 C3(E)-3-2 Inst. CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH Locality MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-2 Tooth position Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3l Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3r Lower m3 average Lower m3r Lower m3 average Lower m3 average AP 29.78 32.28 32.80 32.68 32.46 33.05 32.96 31.42 33.68 35.47 33.10 33.65 32.17 33.60 31.67 TR 11.72 13.25 13.90 13.73 13.30 13.14 13.28 13.11 13.17 13.67 11.02 13.94 13.36 13.13 12.97 326 Table A 2. Late Pleistocene equid specimens (lower teeth) included in the geometric morphometric analysis. Loc. ab. = Abbreviation of locality names used in Chapter 2 figures (l = large, m = medium, s = small specimens; teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” and those associated with specimens from which aDNA was obtained are indicated with “*”). Specimen 36625 2614 192/156491 4562 41228-393 P98.5.484 P91.11.2 C3(E)-2-37 192/156494 937-961 3437.1 (Horse 2) 937-169 35082 27216 C3(E)-3-2 22-669 36626 2687 192/uncat. 192/156492 4575 22-1528 41228-389 69.1 192/uncat. J8-1-147 192/156495 Inst. KU INAH LACM INAH TMM RAM RAM CMH LACM TMM RAM TMM KU KU CMH UTEP KU INAH LACM LACM INAH UTEP TMM RAM LACM CMH LACM Locality Natural Trap Cave Cedral San Josecito Cave Cedral Dark Canyon Cave Pit 48 Pit 46 MgVo-2 San Josecito Cave Blackwater Draw Wally's Beach Blackwater Draw Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave MgVo-2 Animal Fair (Dry Cave) Natural Trap Cave Cedral San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave Cedral Charlies Parlor (Dry Cave) Dark Canyon Cave Wally's Beach San Josecito Cave MgVo-1 San Josecito Cave Loc. ab. N Cl J Cm Km E E B J Ll Wa Ll N N B* Dm N Cl J J Cm Dl Km W J Ba J Tooth position Lower p4l Lower p4l Lower p4r Lower p3r Lower p3/p4l Lower p3/p4l Lower p4r Lower Lower p4l Lower p3/p4l Lower p3l Lower p4r Lower p4l Lower p4r Lower p3l/p4 Lower p4r Lower p3r Lower p3r Lower p4l Lower p4l Lower p3r Lower p4r Lower p4r Lower p4r Lower p4l Lower p3l Lower p4r 327 Table A 2, continued. Late Pleistocene equid specimens (lower teeth) included in the geometric morphometric analysis. Loc. ab. = Abbreviation of locality names used in Chapter 2 figures (l = large, m = medium, s = small specimens; teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” and those associated with specimens from which aDNA was obtained are indicated with “*”). Specimen 2592 22-1538 P94.1.386 40835 2688 192/156493 8106 4577 41228-386 J7-C-16 861.1 (Horse 3) J7-8.19 L8(N)-4-7 937-244 34344 54-1312 35114 33729 36624 937-949 H6-3-8 22-1615 2591 41710 2707 36543 S-3-98 Inst. INAH UTEP RAM KU INAH LACM TMM INAH TMM CMH RAM CMH CMH TMM KU UTEP KU KU KU TMM CMH UTEP INAH KU INAH KU CMH Locality Cedral Charlies Parlor (Dry Cave) Pit 48 Natural Trap Cave Cedral San Josecito Cave Quitaque Creek Cedral Dark Canyon Cave MgVo-1 Wally's Beach MgVo-2 MgVo-1 Blackwater Draw Natural Trap Cave TTII (Dry Cave) Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Blackwater Draw MgVo-2 Charlies Parlor (Dry Cave) Cedral Natural Trap Cave Cedral Natural Trap Cave MgVo-3 Loc. ab. Cl Dl E N Cl J Qm Cm Km B W B* Ba Ll N Dl N N N Ll B Dl Cl N Cm Na B Tooth position Lower p3r Lower p4r Lower p4r Lower p3/p4r Lower p4l Lower p3r Lower p4r Lower p3/p4 Lower p3r Lower p3l Lower p4l Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p4l Lower p3/p4l Lower p4l Lower p3/p4l Lower p4l Lower p3/p4r Lower p3l Lower p3l/p4 Lower p4/p3r Lower p3l Lower p3/p4l Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p3l 328 Table A 2, continued. Late Pleistocene equid specimens (lower teeth) included in the geometric morphometric analysis. Loc. ab. = Abbreviation of locality names used in Chapter 2 figures (l = large, m = medium, s = small specimens; teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” and those associated with specimens from which aDNA was obtained are indicated with “*”). Specimen P94.1.499 L8(N)-7-15 937-250 937-973 23-65 85-90 2698_ 31434 2708 192/uncat. I6-E-5 P94.1.585 192/uncat. 192/uncat. 998-9 S-3-94 937-251 25-537 2554 2709 K8-2-3 4601 85-95 J8-1-145 192/uncat. P94.1.632 937-725 Inst. RAM CMH TMM TMM UTEP CMH INAH KU INAH LACM CMH RAM LACM LACM TMM CMH TMM UTEP INAH INAH CMH INAH CMH CMH LACM RAM TMM Locality Pit 48 MgVo-1 Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Stalag 17 (Dry Cave) MgVo-3 Cedral Natural Trap Cave Cedral San Josecito Cave MgVo-2 Pit 48 San Josecito Cave San Josecito Cave Scharbauer Ranch MgVo-3 Blackwater Draw Camel Room (Dry Cave) Cedral Cedral MgVo-1 Cedral MgVo-3 MgVo-1 San Josecito Cave Pit 48 Blackwater Draw Loc. ab. Ema B Ll Lm Dma B* Cl N Cm J Ba E J J Rm B Ll Dm Cl Cs B Cl B B J E Ll Tooth position Lower p3l Lower p4l Lower p3l Lower Lower p3r Lower p4r Lower p4l Lower p3/p4l Lower p3r Lower p3l Lower p4r Lower p3r Lower p3l Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p4r Lower p4l Lower p3r Lower p3r Lower p3r Lower p4l Lower p4r Lower p3r/p4 Lower p4l Lower p3l Lower p4l Lower p4r 329 Table A 2, continued. Late Pleistocene equid specimens (lower teeth) included in the geometric morphometric analysis. Loc. ab. = Abbreviation of locality names used in Chapter 2 figures (l = large, m = medium, s = small specimens; teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” and those associated with specimens from which aDNA was obtained are indicated with “*”). Specimen 75-31 937-954 2706 41228-3821.2 192/156488 937-933 32587 50629 54348 192/uncat. P89.13.50 33867 L8(N)-7-2 203-1 189-4 3929 192/uncat. 3892 P89.13.7 P99.3.162 85-64 937-965 192/156489 937-940 2633 41592_ P89.13.620 Inst. UTEP TMM INAH TMM LACM TMM KU KU KU LACM RAM KU CMH UTEP UTEP INAH LACM INAH RAM RAM CMH TMM LACM TMM INAH KU RAM Locality Dark Canyon Cave Blackwater Draw Cedral Dark Canyon Cave San Josecito Cave Blackwater Draw Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave San Josecito Cave Pit 48 Natural Trap Cave MgVo-1 Highway 45, Chihuahua Villa Ahumada Cedral San Josecito Cave Cedral Pit 48 Pit 48 MgVo-3 Blackwater Draw San Josecito Cave Blackwater Draw Cedral Natural Trap Cave Pit 48 Loc. ab. Km Ll Cs Km J Ll N N N J E Na B Gs Vs Cs J Cs E E B Ll J Ll Cl N E Tooth position Lower p3r Lower p4r Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p3l Lower p3/p4l Lower p4l Lower p4r Lower p4r Lower p4r Lower p3/p4r Lower p3/p4l Lower p3l Lower p3l Lower p3/p4r Lower p4r Lower p4r Lower p3r Lower p3r Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p3/p4l Lower p4l Lower p4l Lower p3r Lower p3l Lower p4r 330 Table A 2, continued. Late Pleistocene equid specimens (lower teeth) included in the geometric morphometric analysis. Loc. ab. = Abbreviation of locality names used in Chapter 2 figures (l = large, m = medium, s = small specimens; teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” and those associated with specimens from which aDNA was obtained are indicated with “*”). Specimen 189-5 41983 4559 27390 36158 192/156490 P98.5.480 937-972 937-945 937-122 P97.11.2A D6(NE)-8-14 P94.1.486 2649_ 2628 2312 2684 2645_ 3909 4569 Inst. UTEP KU INAH KU KU LACM RAM TMM TMM TMM RAM CMH RAM INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH INAH Locality Villa Ahumada Natural Trap Cave Cedral Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave San Josecito Cave Pit 48 Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Riverview Pit MgVo-1 Pit 48 Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Cedral Loc. ab. Vs N Cm Nl N J Em Lm Ll Lm E B E Cm Cm Cm Cl Cl Cl Cl Tooth position Lower p3/p4r Lower p3l Lower p4?l Lower p4l Lower p4r Lower p3l Lower p3l Lower p3/p4r Lower p3l Lower p4l Lower p3r Lower p3l Lower p3l Lower p3r Lower p4r Lower p3l Lower p3/p4r Lower p3r Lower p3r Lower p4r 331 Table A 3. Late Pleistocene equid specimens (upper teeth) included in the geometric morphometric analysis. Loc. ab. = Abbreviation of locality names used in Chapter 2 figures (l = large, m = medium, s = small specimens; teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” and those associated with specimens from which aDNA was obtained are indicated with “*”). Specimen 2584 41228-1051 H5-3-24 192/uncat. P94.1.498 34-8 I7-1-21 192/uncat. K8-1-8 2608 937-253 2606 38192 52450 192/uncat. L7-7-3 P02.10.125 36548 192/uncat. E7-19-1 3838 62586 192/156497 41228-360 4587 46-139 192/uncat. Inst. INAH TMM CMH LACM RAM UTEP CMH LACM CMH INAH TMM INAH KU KU LACM CMH RAM KU LACM CMH INAH KU LACM TMM INAH UTEP LACM Locality Cedral Dark Canyon Cave MgVo-2 San Josecito Cave Pit 48 Salt Creek MgVo-1 San Josecito Cave MgVo-1 Cedral Blackwater Draw Cedral Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave San Josecito Cave MgVo-1 Pit 48 Natural Trap Cave San Josecito Cave MgVo-1 Cedral Natural Trap Cave San Josecito Cave Dark Canyon Cave Cedral Isleta Cave No. 2 San Josecito Cave Loc. ab. Cl Km B J E Sm B J B Cl Ll Cl N N J B E N J B Cl N J Km Cs Il J Tooth position Upper P4l Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P4r Upper P4l Upper P3r Upper P3/P4r Upper P3l Upper P4r Upper P4l Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P4r Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P4r Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3r 332 Table A 3, continued. Late Pleistocene equid specimens (upper teeth) included in the geometric morphometric analysis. Loc. ab. = Abbreviation of locality names used in Chapter 2 figures (l = large, m = medium, s = small specimens; teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” and those associated with specimens from which aDNA was obtained are indicated with “*”). Specimen 112-2 32315 192/uncat. 2604 192/uncat. 85-120 27214 32789 P89.13.397 36614 P98.5.21 36456 3850 2572 192/156496 I7-1-48 36748 3836 G7(E1/2)-14-3 119-14 K8-1-15 3847 41984 2662 937-504.1 46645 H7(E)-21-2 Inst. UTEP KU LACM INAH LACM CMH KU KU RAM KU RAM KU INAH INAH LACM CMH KU INAH CMH UTEP CMH INAH KU INAH TMM KU CMH Locality Nash Draw Natural Trap Cave San Josecito Cave Cedral San Josecito Cave MgVo-3 Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Pit 48 Natural Trap Cave Pit 48 Natural Trap Cave Cedral Cedral San Josecito Cave MgVo-1 Natural Trap Cave Cedral MgVo-1 Algerita Blossom Cave MgVo-1 Cedral Natural Trap Cave Cedral Blackwater Draw Natural Trap Cave MgVo-1 Loc. ab. Hl N J Cl J B N N E N E Nl Cm Cm J B N Cm B* Am B Cl Nl Cl Lm N B Tooth position Upper P4r Upper p4l Upper P4r Upper P4l Upper P4r Upper P4l Upper P3r Upper P3/P4r Upper P4/P3l Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P4l Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P4l 333 Table A 3, continued. Late Pleistocene equid specimens (upper teeth) included in the geometric morphometric analysis. Loc. ab. = Abbreviation of locality names used in Chapter 2 figures (l = large, m = medium, s = small specimens; teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” and those associated with specimens from which aDNA was obtained are indicated with “*”). Specimen 2607 192/uncat. P94.1.282 H7(E)-14-20 85-Misc-1.5 32985 3842 K7-5-22 P83.4.2 38688 P94.1.557 P94.4.6 3836 39232 RAM Horse 2 34020 P89.13.400 35769 48366 G6-4-4 81897 4554 2593 H8(N)-8-6 P94.1.470 3840 39803 Inst. INAH LACM RAM CMH CMH KU INAH CMH RAM KU RAM RAM INAH KU RAM KU RAM KU KU CMH KU INAH INAH CMH RAM INAH KU Locality Cedral San Josecito Cave Pit 48 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 Natural Trap Cave Cedral MgVo-1 Villenueve Natural Trap Cave Pit 48 Pit 46 Cedral Natural Trap Cave Wally's Beach Natural Trap Cave Pit 48 Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave MgVo-1 Natural Trap Cave Cedral Cedral MgVo-1 Pit 48 Cedral Natural Trap Cave Loc. ab. Cl J E B B N Cs B E N E E Cs N W* N E N N B N Cm Cm B E Cs N Tooth position Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P3/P4 Upper P3l Upper P3/P4l Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P4l Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P4r Upper P4l Upper P3r Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P4r Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P4l Upper P3r 334 Table A 3, continued. Late Pleistocene equid specimens (upper teeth) included in the geometric morphometric analysis. Loc. ab. = Abbreviation of locality names used in Chapter 2 figures (l = large, m = medium, s = small specimens; teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” and those associated with specimens from which aDNA was obtained are indicated with “*”). Specimen 998-25 42970 3862 33219 2638 (D3)-6-7 T.P.1-5 P89.13.610 38555 937-253 48342 J8-1-166 192/156487 860.1 (Horse 3) 2595 54-1212 4548 192/156483 44396 3863 81894 862 (Horse A) 937-678 3854 34084 2652 85-89 Inst. TMM KU INAH INAH INAH CMH CMH RAM KU TMM KU CMH LACM RAM INAH UTEP INAH LACM KU INAH KU RAM TMM INAH KU INAH CMH Locality Scharbauer Ranch Natural Trap Cave Cedral Cedral Cedral MgVo-2 MgVo-3 Pit 48 Natural Trap Cave Blackwater Draw Natural Trap Cave MgVo-1 San Josecito Cave Wally's Beach Cedral TTII (Dry Cave) Cedral San Josecito Cave Natural Trap Cave Cedral Natural Trap Cave Wally's Beach Blackwater Draw Cedral Natural Trap Cave Cedral MgVo-3 Loc. ab. Rl N* Cs N Cm B B E N Ll N B J W Cl Dm Cs J N Cs N W Ll Cs N Cm Ba Tooth position Upper P3/P4r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P4l Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P4l Upper P4l Upper P3/P4r Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P4/P3r Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P4l Upper P3?/P4l Upper P3l 335 Table A 3, continued. Late Pleistocene equid specimens (upper teeth) included in the geometric morphometric analysis. Loc. ab. = Abbreviation of locality names used in Chapter 2 figures (l = large, m = medium, s = small specimens; teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” and those associated with specimens from which aDNA was obtained are indicated with “*”). Specimen 22-1608 T3-21-79 27215 48719 P94.1.242 H7(W)-3-36 192/uncat. 35085 D6-D-4 B4(S)-12-8 4547 937-923 192/uncat. 41178 K6-2-23 K7-1-6 22-1609 P98.5.234 192/156484 45751 2576 P99.3.6 P94.1.259 3868 4540 85-41 27902 Inst. UTEP CMH KU KU RAM CMH LACM KU CMH CMH INAH TMM LACM KU CMH CMH UTEP RAM LACM KU INAH RAM RAM INAH INAH CMH KU Locality Animal Fair (Dry Cave) MgVo-1 Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Pit 48 MgVo-1 San Josecito Cave Natural Trap Cave MgVo-2 MgVo-2 Cedral Blackwater Draw San Josecito Cave Natural Trap Cave MgVo-1 MgVo-1 Animal Fair (Dry Cave) Pit 48 San Josecito Cave Natural Trap Cave Cedral Pit 48 Pit 48 Cedral Cedral MgVo-3 Natural Trap Cave Loc. ab. Dl B* N N E Ba J N B B Cm Lm J N B B Dm* E J N Cl E E Cs Cm B N Tooth position Upper P3l Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P4l Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P4l Upper P4r Upper P3r Upper P4r Upper P4?l Upper P3/P4l Upper P4r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P4l 336 Table A 3, continued. Late Pleistocene equid specimens (upper teeth) included in the geometric morphometric analysis. Loc. ab. = Abbreviation of locality names used in Chapter 2 figures (l = large, m = medium, s = small specimens; teeth that yielded aDNA are identified by “a” and those associated with specimens from which aDNA was obtained are indicated with “*”). Specimen 32785 J7-1-12 25-537 36438 C6(W)-13-1 38612 46778 2651 192/156486 Inst. KU CMH UTEP KU CMH KU KU INAH LACM Locality Natural Trap Cave MgVo-1 Camel Room (Dry Cave) Natural Trap Cave MgVo-2 Natural Trap Cave Natural Trap Cave Cedral San Josecito Cave Loc. ab. N B Dm N B N N Cm J Tooth position Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3r Upper P3r Upper P4l Upper P3r Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P4l 337 Table A 4. Primers used to amplify a 621 bp fragment of the HVR I, mitochondrial control region. Position numbers are given according to the location of the first nucleotide of the primer over the complete mtDNA sequence of Equus ferus caballus (GenBank accession number NC_001640). Primer Name EQL1-15425F EQH1-15596R EQ-15496F EQ-15628R EQ-15575F EQ-15708R EQ-15668_2F EQ-15852R EQ-15782F EQ-15945R EQ-15889_2F EQ-16018R EQ-15948F EQ-16085R EQ-15799R Sequence ACCATCAACACCCAAAGC TTAATGCACGAYGTACATAGG ACCCTCATGTRCYATGTCAGTA TGTACATGCTTATTATTCATGGG GCCTATGTACRTCGTGCATT TGTTGRCTGGAAATGATTTG TCGTGCATACCCCATYCAAG GAACCAGATGCCAGGTATAGTTTC TCCCAATCCTCGCTCCG TGTGAGCATGGGCTGATTAGTC CTTTCCCCTTAAATAAGACATCTCG CTTTGACGGCCATAGCTGAGT TAACTGTGRTTTCATGCATTTGG GGTTGCTGATGCGGAGTAATAA CCGGAGCGAGGATTGGG Description Horse, mtDNA HVR1, Forward primer Horse, mtDNA HVR1, Reverse primer Horse, mtDNA HVR1, Forward primer Horse, mtDNA HVR1, Reverse primer Horse, mtDNA HVR1, Forward primer Horse, mtDNA HVR1, Reverse primer Horse, mtDNA HVR1, Forward primer Horse, mtDNA HVR1, Reverse primer Horse, mtDNA HVR1, Forward primer Horse, mtDNA HVR1, Reverse primer Horse, mtDNA HVR1, Forward primer Horse, mtDNA HVR1, Reverse primer Horse, mtDNA HVR1, Forward primer Horse, mtDNA HVR1, Reverse primer Horse, mtDNA HVR1, Reverse primer 338 Table A 5. Equid specimens that were sampled for ancient DNA. * indicates succesful aDNA extractions; (p) = partially failed. Sample no. EQ1* EQ2* EQ3(p)/EQ18 EQ4(p) EQ5 EQ6/EQ40* Specimen UTEP 23-65 UTEP 22-648 UTEP 22-1609 RAM P94.1.499 RAM P94.1.486 Locality Dry Cave, New Mexico Dry Cave, New Mexico Dry Cave, New Mexico Pit 48, Alberta Pit 48, Alberta Element Lower p3r Lower m1l Upper P4l Lower p3l Lower p3l U of C Historic Horse, Calgary, Alberta Rib EQ7 EQ8 EQ9* EQ10 EQ11 EQ12 EQ13* EQ14 EQ15 EQ16* EQ17 EQ19 EQ20 EQ21 EQ22* EQ23 EQ24 EQ25 EQ26 EQ27 EQ28 INAH DP 2315 UTEP 22-1539 KU 42970 INAH DP L-12, VII, 152 INAH DP 4586 UTEP 22-65 KU 33867 UTEP 75-29 INAH DP 2676 UTEP 4-827 UTEP 46-139 INAH DP 4587 UTEP 22-1615/22-1616? TMM 41228-250 KU 36543 UTEP 5689-67-6 INAH DP 2592 INAH DP 2704 UTEP 22-1538 KU 32785 INAH DP 3843 Cedral, Mexico Dry Cave, New Mexico Natural Trap Cave, WY Loltun, Mexico Cedral, Mexico Dry Cave, New Mexico Natural Trap Cave, WY Dark Canyon Cave, NM Cedral, Mexico Dry Cave, New Mexico Isleta Cave No. 2, NM Cedral, Mexico Dry Cave, New Mexico Dark Canyon Cave, NM Natural Trap Cave, WY U-Bar Cave, New Mexico Cedral, Mexico Cedral, Mexico Dry Cave, New Mexico Natural Trap Cave, WY Cedral, Mexico Lower p4r Lower p3/p4 Upper P2l Lower p3/p4 Lower m2l Upper M3l Lower p3/p4l Upper M2r Upper M2r Upper M1r Upper P3l Lower m3r Lower p4?r Lower m1r Lower p3r Upper P3 Lower m1r Lower m2l Lower p4r Upper P3r Upper M1l EQ29/EQ29-2* (repeat) RAM DhPg-8 2993.1 Wally's Beach, Alberta Upper DP4 (repeat) Age (yr RCBP) 339 Table A 5, continued. Equid specimens that were sampled for ancient DNA. Succesful aDNA extractions are indicated in bold. Sample no. EQ30* EQ31 EQ32 EQ33 EQ34 EQ35 EQ36 EQ37 EQ38* EQ39/EQ39-2* (repeat) EQ41* EQ42* EQ43 (p2)* / EQ43-2 (p3)* EQ44* EQ45* EQ46 EQ47* EQ48* EQ49 EQ50/EQ50-2* Specimen LACM 192/156481 UTEP 120-41 INAH DP 3863 KU 35118 INAH DP 3889 LACM 192/156482 UTEP 22-1664 TMM 41228-3821 CMH MgVo-1 H7(W)-3-36 Provenance San Josecito Cave, Mexico Big Manhole Cave, NM Cedral, Mexico Natural Trap Cave, WY Cedral, Mexico San Josecito Cave, Mexico Dry Cave, New Mexico Dark Canyon Cave, NM Bluefish Cave 1, Yukon Element Upper P2l Lower p3l Upper P3l Lower p3/p4l Lower m3r Upper M1 Lower m1/m2l Lower p3r Upper P3r CMH MgVo-1 J8-1-147 Bluefish Cave 1, Yukon Lower p3l KU 42070 CMH MgVo-2 J7-8-19 RAM DhPg-8 3437.1/2 (Horse 2) CMH MgVo-1 G7(E1/2)-11-13 CMH MgVo-3 85-89 TMM 937-253 CMH MgVo-1 T3-21-86 CMH MgVo-2 I6-E-5 TMM 937-48 Natural Trap Cave, WY Bluefish Cave 2, Yukon Lower m3r Lower p4l Wally's Beach, Alberta Lower p2 and p3 Bluefish Cave 1, Yukon Bluefish Cave 3, Yukon Blackwater Draw, NM Bluefish Cave 1, Yukon Bluefish Cave 2, Yukon Blackwater Draw, NM Upper P3l Upper P3l Upper P4l Lower m2r Lower p4r Lower p3/p4r Lower p3r CMH MgVo-1 L8(N)-4-7 EQ51* CMH MgVo-2 B3-3-16 EQ52* TMM 937-947 EQ53/EQ53-2* CMH MgVo-3 85-90 p3 (repeat) (repeat) Bluefish Cave 1, Yukon Bluefish Cave 2, Yukon Blackwater Draw, NM Lower m2r Lower m1r Bluefish Cave 3, Yukon Lower p3r Age (yr RCBP) 340 Table A 6. Equid sequences used in the Bayesian phylogenetic analysis. Hap. = Haplogroup. Specimen 1 ChP01 4 Arb05 10 WeP01 11 Mrm14 17 AkT11 19 Irn09 22 NoF01 24 ILH01 25 Mrm05 26 Prz01 27 Prz02 32 Gia02 37 Arb06 38 Mrm06 41 CsP04 42 Trk01 43 Mrm15 44 Irn02 45_Bel01 48 APH01 55_And01 61_CsP05 62 Cly01 66 Sad01 67 Exm01 70 Irn12 Species/Breed Equus ferus caballus Chincoteague Pony E. f. caballus Arabian E. f. caballus Westphalian E. f. caballus Maremmano E. f. caballus Akhal-Teke E. f. caballus Unspecified Iranian Breed E. f. caballus Norwegian Fjord E. f. caballus Icelandic Horse E. f. caballus Maremmano E. f. przewalskii E. f. przewalskii Provenance Hap. North America Middle East Europe Centre Europe South Asia Centre Middle East Europe North Europe North Europe South Asia Centre Asia Centre Sardinia; Europe E. f. caballus Giara Horse South E. f. caballus Arabian Middle East E. f. caballus Maremmano Europe South E. f. caballus Caspian Pony Middle East E. f. caballus Trakhener Europe North E. f. caballus Maremmano Europe South E. f. caballus Unspecified Iranian Breed Middle East E. f. caballus Belgian Draft Europe Centre E. f. caballus American Paint Horse North America E. f. caballus Andalusian Europe South E. f. caballus Caspian Pony Middle East E. f. caballus Clydesdale Europe North E. ferus caballus Saddlebred North America E. f. caballus Exmoor Pony Europe North E. f. caballus Middle East Unspecified Iranian Breed Element GenBank # Age (yr RCBP) A JN398377 Recent A B B C C D D E F F JN398380 JN398386 JN398387 JN398393 JN398395 JN398398 JN398400 JN398401 JN398402 JN398403 Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent G JN398407 Recent G H I I J J K L L M M N N JN398412 JN398413 JN398416 JN398417 JN398418 JN398419 JN398420 JN398421 JN398430 JN398436 JN398439 JN398441 JN398442 Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent O JN398445 Recent 341 Table A 6, continued. Equid sequences used in the Bayesian phylogenetic analysis. Hap. = Haplogroup. Specimen 71 Irn03 73 Arb01 75 AkT01 77 AkT04 82 Mrm09 83 Irn04 NC_001788 X97337 AP012271 AP012269 HQ439484 AF072994 X79547 JW328 MS272 NC_001640.1 TC21c YG148.2 CGG10022 PET09 SMNS Vog IV-6671 SMNS 8010 Ek 253/557 EK 253/556 EK 994/217 Species/Breed E. f. caballus Unspecified Iranian Breed E. f. caballus Arabian E. f. caballus Akhal-Teke E. f. caballus Akhal-Teke E. f. caballus Maremmano E. f. caballus Unspecified Iranian Breed Equus asinus Equus asinus Equus asinus somalicus E. f. przewalskii E. f. przewalskii E. f. przewalskii E. f. caballus Equus sp. (NWSL) Equus sp. (NWSL) E. f. caballus Provenance Hap. Middle East Equus sp. Thistle Creek, Yukon Equus sp. Equus sp. (JW177) Equus sp. (JW175) Equus sp. (JW266) Equus sp. (JW196) Equus sp. (JW202) Equus sp. (JW16) Equus sp. (JW17) Yukon Petersfels, Germany Hohlefels, Germany Vogelherd IV, Germany Bockstein, Germany Ignatievskaya, Ural Mts. Ignatievskaya, Ural Mts. Sur’ya 5, Ural Mts. Bol. Lyakhovsky Island, NE Siberia IEM 202-279 Equus sp. (JW25) Element GenBank # Age (yr RCBP) P JN398446 Recent Middle East Asia Centre Asia Centre Europe South P Q Q R JN398448 JN398450 JN398452 JN398456 Recent Recent Recent Recent Middle East R JN398457 Recent NC_001788 X97337 AP012271 AP012269 HQ439484 AF072994 X79547 JX312726 JX312727 Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent Recent NC_001640.1 Recent Astragalus Astragalus Radius/Ulna Metatarsal Calcaneus Phalange II Phalange I DQ007558 DQ007556 DQ007591 DQ007590 DQ007572 DQ007571 JN570954 12,545±50 12,550±60 13,845±50 47,100±1000 Pelvis DQ007573 2,220±50* Europe North? Asia Centre Asia Centre Asia Centre Mineral Hill Cave, Nevada Upper Quartz Creek, Yukon 2,218±34 342 Table A 6, continued. Equid sequences used in the Bayesian phylogenetic analysis. Specimen IEM 202-128 IEM 202-847 IEM202-244 Species Equus sp. (JW27) Equus sp. (JW28) Equus sp. (JW29) PIN 3659-6 Equus sp. (JW188) PIN 3659-1 Equus sp. (JW189) IEM203-42 Equus sp. (JW190) IEM 205-6 Equus sp. (JW191) PIN 3658-121 IEM 207-30 PIN 169-43 PIN 3751-151 Equus sp. (JW194) Equus sp. (JW195) Equus sp. (JW209) Equus sp. (JW207) PIN 3100-421 Equus sp. (JW210) IEM 200-483 Equus sp. (JW203) UA-97-061221 AA26819 CMN MgVo3-85-60 CMN 49368 YG110.111 YG150.82 P94.1.415 P89.21.1 KU42625 Provenance Bol. Lyakhovsky Island, N-E Siberia Bol. Lyakhovsky Island, N-E Siberia Bol. Lyakhovsky Island, N-E Siberia Ulakhan-Sullar, Adycha R., Yana Basin, N-E Siberia Ulakhan-Sullar, Adycha R., Yana Basin, N-E Siberia Lena R. Delta, N-E Siberia Bykovsky Peninsula, Lena Delta, N-E Siberia Alyoshkina, Kolyma R., N-E Siberia Lena R. Delta, N-E Siberia Kolyma R. lower course, N-E Siberia Yana R. Lower course, N-E Siberia Chukochya R., Kolyma Lowland, N-E Siberia Bykovsky Peninsula, Lena Delta, N-E Siberia Element Humerus Femur Pelvis GenBank # DQ007605 DQ007574 DQ007575 Age (yr RCBP) 20,100±170* 28,800±1100* 34800±1000* Metatarsal DQ007553 53,100±1700 Metatarsal DQ007576 Humerus DQ007577 Tibia DQ007578 Humerus Ulna Metacarpal Metatarsal DQ007579 DQ007580 DQ007581 DQ007582 Metatarsal DQ007583 Scapula DQ007552 27,500±400* Equus sp. (JW69) Castle River, Alaska Radius DQ007584 15,090 Equus sp. (JW184) Ester Creek, Alaska Metacarpal DQ007554 12,510±130 Equus sp. (JW78) Bluefish Cave, Yukon Metatarsal DQ007585 Equus sp. (JW98) Equus sp. (JW128) Equus sp. (JW129) Equus sp. (JW71) Equus sp. (JW174) Equus sp. (JW157) Old Crow Loc. 22, Yukon Irish Gulch, Yukon Thistle Creek, Yukon Edmonton Pit 48, Alberta Grand Prairie, Alberta Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming Metacarpal Metacarpal Metatarsal Metatarsal Femur Metatarsal DQ007557 DQ007586 DQ007587 DQ007559 DQ007594 DQ007588 31220±180 43,900±180 11,200±90 343 Table A 6, continued. Equid sequences used in the Bayesian phylogenetic analysis. Specimen KU51467 HS23 YT03/280 YT03/286 YT03/279 Species (JW160) Equus sp. (NWSL) (JW161) Equus sp. (NWSL) (JW277) Equus sp. (NWSL) (JW125) Equus sp. (NWSL) (JW126) Equus sp. (JW163) Equus sp. (JW119) Equus sp. (JW123) Equus sp. (JW120) P97.12.9 Equus sp. (JW172) P98.6.8 Equus sp. (JW170) P96.2.33 Equus sp. (JW218) P96.9.18 Equus sp. (JW222) P88.19.3 Equus sp. (JW219) P95.1.12 Equus sp. (JW220) P94.2.1 Equus sp. (JW221) P95.2.29 Equus sp. (JW216) Equus (Amerhippus) neogeus (CH423) KU62158 LACM 109/150807 YG130.3 YG109.7 Provenance Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming Element Humerus GenBank # DQ007589 Age (yr RCBP) Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming Metatarsal DQ007569 Gypsum Cave, Nevada Femur DQ007570 13,070±55 Quartz Creek, Yukon Phalange I DQ007567 46,600±1000 Quartz Creek, Yukon Metatarsal DQ007568 >47,000 Tonghe Bridge, Harbin, China Thistle Creek, Yukon Thistle Creek, Yukon Thistle Creek, Yukon Cloverbar sand and gravel, Edmonton, AB Cloverbar sand and gravel, Edmonton, AB Pit 48, Edmonton, AB Twin Bridges Gravel Pit 80, Edmonton, AB Apex Evergreen Pit, Edmonton, AB Cloverbar sand and gravel, Edmonton, AB Twin Bridges Gravel Pit 80, Edmonton, AB Apex Evergreen Pit, Edmonton, AB Metatarsal Radius Radius Skull DQ007604 DQ007601 DQ007603 DQ007602 Metacarpal DQ007593 Metatarsal DQ007592 Metacarpal DQ007597 Scapula DQ007600 Metatarsal DQ007595 Metatarsal DQ007598 Metacarpal DQ007599 Metatarsal DQ007596 Inti Huasi, SL province, Argentina M1/M2 EU030680 344 Table A 6, continued. Equid sequences used in the Bayesian phylogenetic analysis. Specimen MLP 44 XII 29 23 AF326676 AF326677 AF326678 AF326679 AF326665 AF326668 AF326669 AF326670 AF326671 AF326672 AF326673 AF326674 AF326675 Species Equus (Amerhippus) neogeus (CH425) E. f. caballus Anc 1 E. f. caballus Anc 2 E. f. caballus Anc 3 E. f. caballus Anc 6 E. f. caballus EC8A E. f. caballus Pleist1 E. f. caballus Pleist2 E. f. caballus Pleist3 E. f. caballus Pleist4 E. f. caballus Pleist5 E. f. caballus Pleist6 E. f. caballus Pleist7 E. f. caballus Pleist8 Provenance Arroyo Tapalque´ (Olavarrı´a), BA province, Argentina Domestic Domestic Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Alaska Element GenBank # p3 EU030682 AF326676 AF326677 AF326678 AF326679 AF326665 AF326668 AF326669 AF326670 AF326671 AF326672 AF326673 AF326674 AF326675 Age (yr RCBP) 200-500 AD Recent Viking Period 200-500 AD 12,000 – 28,000 12,000 – 28,000 12,000 – 28,000 12,000 – 28,000 12,000 – 28,000 12,000 – 28,000 12,000 – 28,000 12,000 – 28,000 345 Equus ferus lambei Bluefish Caves Table A 7. Microwear data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. S = average number of scratches; P = average number of pits; CS = average number of cross scratches; LP = average number of large pits; WS = average number of wide scratches; G = gouges: 0 = none observed, 0.5 = at least one gouge present in one out of two enamel bands observed; 1 = at least one gouge present in the enamel bands observed; TS = average texture score. CMH = Canadian Museum of History. Species Specimen Institution Locality Tooth position Time interval S P CS LP WS G TS D5-F-31 CMH MgVo-2 Upper M3r Pre-/Full-glacial 21 16.5 2 0 0.5 0 0.5 H7(E)-20-5 CMH MgVo-1 Upper M3l Pre-/Full-glacial 25.5 12.5 3 0 1.5 0 1 D6(NE)-8-13 CMH MgVo-1 Lower m2l Pre-/Full-glacial 25 10 1 0 1 0 1 C3(E)-3-2 CMH MgVo-2 Lower m2l Pre-/Full-glacial 19.5 15 2 1.5 2 0 1 H6-5-24 CMH MgVo-2 Lower m3r Pre-/Full-glacial 24 23 2.5 0.5 0 0 0 T.P.1-F-67 CMH MgVo-3 Upper M1l Pre-/Full-glacial 17.5 22.5 1 2 1 0 1 H7(W)-3-25 CMH MgVo-1 Upper M2r Pre-/Full-glacial 19.5 16 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 Pre-/Full-glacial E7-20-8 CMH MgVo-1 Upper M1r 19 14.5 2.5 1 1 0 1 C5(S)-6.2 CMH MgVo-2 Upper M2l Pre-/Full-glacial 16.5 27 0.5 3 0 0 0 Pre-/Full-glacial H6-5-21 CMH MgVo-2 Upper M2r 24 17 4 0 1 0 1 C3(E)-3-2 CMH MgVo-2 Lower m2l Pre-/Full-glacial 23.5 18 4 6 0 1 0 F6-E-7 CMH MgVo-2 Lower m2r Pre-/Full-glacial 24 11 1 0 0 0 0 T3-21-86 CMH MgVo-1 Lower m2r Pre-/Full-glacial 33 15 8.5 0 1 0 1 L8(N)-7-3 CMH MgVo-1 Lower m2r Postglacial 22 10.5 2.5 2 2.5 0 1 L8(N)-7-4 CMH MgVo-1 Upper M3l Postglacial 25 11.5 4.5 0 0 0.5 0.5 L8(N)-8-2 CMH MgVo-1 Upper M1r Postglacial 27 15 1 0 1 0 0.5 T3-17-15 CMH MgVo-1 Lower m1r Postglacial 25.5 22 3.5 4 0 0 0.5 L8(N)-5-2 CMH MgVo-1 Lower m1r Postglacial 18 14 3 1 0 0 1 L8(N)-11-10 CMH MgVo-1 Lower m2l Postglacial 30 11 5 0 0 1 0 M7-2-34 CMH MgVo-1 Lower m2l Postglacial 29 14.5 5.5 1 0 1 1 L8(N)-7-5 CMH MgVo-1 Lower m2l Postglacial 25.5 17.5 2 2.5 2 1 1 L7-7-2 CMH MgVo-1 Upper M1r Postglacial 28 24 6 2 0 0 1 L7-5-2 CMH MgVo-1 Upper M2l Postglacial 22.5 22 7 0 0 0 0 M7-2-27 CMH MgVo-1 Lower m1r Postglacial 23 20.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 0.5 L8(N)-7-9 CMH MgVo-1 Lower m1r Postglacial 32 12 7 0 0 1 1 346 Equus ferus scotti Alberta Bison sp. Alberta Table A 7, continued. Microwear data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. S = average number of scratches; P = average number of pits; CS = average number of cross scratches; LP = average number of large pits; WS = average number of wide scratches; G = gouges: 0 = none observed, 0.5 = at least one gouge present in one out of two enamel bands observed; 1 = at least one gouge present in the enamel bands observed; TS = average texture score. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time interval S P CS LP WS G TS P92.8.10 RAM TBG Pit 1042 Upper M1l Preglacial 23 16.5 2 1 3.5 0 1 P96.2.32 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2l Preglacial 24.5 16.5 4.5 1 1 0.5 1 P94.1.201 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2l Preglacial 26.5 14 3.5 1.5 2 0 1 P68.2.690 RAM M2l Preglacial 20 18 3 0 0 1 1 Apex Evergreen Pit Upper P95.6.73 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2r Preglacial 23.5 16 4.5 1.5 1.5 0 1 P68.2.667 RAM m2l Preglacial 21 21 0 1 1 1 1 Apex Evergreen Pit Lower P68.2.666 RAM m2r Preglacial 23 24 7 2 3 1 1 Apex Evergreen Pit Lower P04.3.62 RAM Pit 48 Lower m3r Preglacial 24 19 3 0 1 1 1 P90.4.1 RAM TBG Pit 4 Upper M2l Postglacial 22 19 0 5 3 1 2 P02.8.27 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m2?r Postglacial 25 26 2 0 2 0 1 P02.8.15 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m3l Postglacial 23.5 22.5 6 0 0 0 0.5 P02.8.8 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m3r Postglacial 20 20 1 0 0 1 0 P02.8.49 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m2l Postglacial 31 15.5 5.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 P02.8.39 RAM TBG Pit 4 Upper M3r Postglacial 30.5 18 6.5 0 0.5 0.5 1 P02.8.18 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m1?r Postglacial 19.5 21 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 P02.8.13 RAM TBG Pit 4 Upper M2l Postglacial 23.5 14 2.5 1.5 1 1 1 P02.8.26 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m2r Postglacial 28 14 4 0 2 1 1 P94.1.124 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2r Preglacial 25.5 18.5 0.5 1.5 2 0.5 1 P02.10.4 RAM Pit 48 Upper M1r Preglacial 25 17 2 3 1 1 1 P94.8.84 RAM Riverview Pit Upper M1r Preglacial 21 14 2 0 0 1 0 P05.10.46 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2l Preglacial 23 12 2 4 2 1 1 P94.1.854 RAM Pit 48 Upper M1l Preglacial 27 13 3 1 2 0 1 P94.1.113 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1l Preglacial 26 14 4 0 0 1 1 P94.8.38 RAM Riverview Pit Upper M2r Preglacial 28 24 3 3 0 1 1 864 (Horse A) RAM Wally's Beach Lower m3l Postglacial 21 26 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.5 1 347 Equus conversidens American Southwest Bison antiquus American Southwest Equus ferus scotti Alberta Table A 7, continued. Microwear data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. S = average number of scratches; P = average number of pits; CS = average number of cross scratches; LP = average number of large pits; WS = average number of wide scratches; G = gouges: 0 = none observed, 0.5 = at least one gouge present in one out of two enamel bands observed; 1 = at least one gouge present in the enamel bands observed; TS = average texture score. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum, TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso. * indicates Dry Cave localities. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time interval S P CS LP WS G TS 861.1 (Horse 3) RAM Wally's Beach Lower m2l Postglacial 25.5 27.5 3 1.5 1.5 1 1 P97.11.2B RAM Riverview Pit Lower m2l Postglacial 29 25.5 4 1 1.5 0 1 3437.2 (Horse 2) RAM Wally's Beach Upper M2r Postglacial 21 26 2 0 2 0 1 865.1 (Horse B) RAM Wally's Beach Upper M2r Postglacial 20 34 3 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 74.1 (Horse C) RAM Wally's Beach Lower m1r/m1l Postglacial 25.5 18.5 3 0.5 1 1 0.5 69.1 (Horse D) RAM Wally's Beach Lower m1r Postglacial 23.5 19.5 3.5 1.5 0 1 1 27 21 4 4 2 1 1 937-492 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m3l Postglacial 26 23 4 1 2 1 1 937-667 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m2r Postglacial 22 20 2 4 2 1 1 4-18 UTEP Bison Chamber* Upper M2l Postglacial 27 20.5 1.5 0.5 1 1 1 892-bed #1 TMM Lubbock Lake Upper M1r Postglacial 25 23 1 1 2 1 1 937-907 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M2/M3r Postglacial 26 19.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 1 1 937-uncat. TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M3l Postglacial 21 24 3 0 1 1 1 937-886 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M1/M2l? Postglacial 26 29 8 0 1 1 1 937-uncat. TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M2r Postglacial 26 22.5 2.5 4 0 1 0.5 54-1252 UTEP TTII* Upper M2l Postglacial 41228-3849 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m1/m2r Preglacial 30.5 23.5 4 2 0 1 1 41228-232 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m2l Preglacial 29.5 14.5 2.5 0 0 0 1 41228-361 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m2l Preglacial 28 20 2.5 0 0 0.5 0 41228-158 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m1/m2r Preglacial 33 14 5 0 1 0 1 41228-371 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper M2r Preglacial 31.5 16.5 5 0 1 0.5 1 Dark Canyon Cave 41228-261 TMM Upper M1/M2l Preglacial 27 14 3.5 0 0.5 0 1 41228-394 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m2l Preglacial 29 23 2 4 1 1 1 Dark Canyon Cave 41228-uncat. TMM Lower m2r Preglacial 23 15 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 41228-235 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m2?r Preglacial 32 13 4 1 0 0 1 41228-233 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m2l Preglacial 24 17.5 4.5 1 1 1 1 348 Equus conversidens American Southwest Table A 7, continued. Microwear data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. S = average number of scratches; P = average number of pits; CS = average number of cross scratches; LP = average number of large pits; WS = average number of wide scratches; G = gouges: 0 = none observed, 0.5 = at least one gouge present in one out of two enamel bands observed; 1 = at least one gouge present in the enamel bands observed; TS = average texture score. TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso. * indicates Dry Cave localities. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time interval S P CS LP WS G TS 41228-308 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper M1l Preglacial 27.5 11 3.5 0.5 1 1 1 41228-234 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m2l Preglacial 31.5 15.5 2.5 1.5 0.5 0 1 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper M3r Preglacial 32 14 3 0 1 1 1 41228-1030 41228-159 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m1r Preglacial 23.5 16.5 4.5 0.5 1 1 1 Dark Canyon Cave TMM Upper M3r Preglacial 28 12 1 0 1 0 1 41228-1026 22-669 UTEP Animal Fair* Lower p4r 29 19 5 0 0 1 1 Full-glacial 22-1664 UTEP Hampton Court* Lower m1/m2l Full-glacial 26.5 23 2 3 2.5 0 1 22-955 UTEP Charlies Parlor* Lower m2l 25.5 17 3 0.5 1 0 1 Full-glacial 22-956 UTEP Animal Fair* Lower m2r 31.5 15.5 3 0 1.5 0 1 Full-glacial 22-961 UTEP Charlies Parlor* Upper M1r 24 14 4 0 3 0 1 Full-glacial 22-1609 UTEP Animal Fair* Upper M1r 28.5 16 3 1.5 0.5 1 1 Full-glacial 937-930 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m2r Postglacial 20 25.5 1 5.5 0.5 1 1 23-78 UTEP Stalag 17* Lower m2r Postglacial 18.5 25 1.5 2 0.5 0 1 937-203 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M2r Postglacial 20 17 0 1 4 1 2 23-77 UTEP Stalag 17* Lower m1l Postglacial 29 19 1 1 2 1 1 31-47 UTEP Early Man Corridor* Upper M2l Postglacial 24 23.5 2.5 4.5 2.5 1 1 937-906 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m2r Postglacial 23 27 0 4 2 1 1 937-322 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M1r Postglacial 22 25 2 1 4 1 1 998-8 TMM Scharbauer Ranch Upper M2l Postglacial 25 13 2 2 1 1 1 54-827 UTEP TTII* Upper M1l Postglacial 26 19 1 2 3 1 1 54-1212 UTEP TTII* Upper M2r Postglacial 30.5 21 2.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 4-827 UTEP Bison Chamber* Upper M1r Postglacial 22 16 2 1 1 0 1 937-702 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m3r Postglacial 22.5 18.5 4.5 2 3.5 1 1 23-64 UTEP Stalag 17* Lower m2r Postglacial 24 25 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 349 Equus ferus scotti American Southwest Table A 7, continued. Microwear data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. S = average number of scratches; P = average number of pits; CS = average number of cross scratches; LP = average number of large pits; WS = average number of wide scratches; G = average gouge score: 0 = none observed, 0.5 = at least one gouge present in one out of two enamel bands observed; 1 = at least one gouge present in the enamel bands observed; TS = average texture score. TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso. * indicates Dry Cave localities. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time interval S P CS LP WS G TS Full-glacial 22-1616 UTEP Charlies Parlor* Lower m1r 31.5 14 3 0 0 0 0.5 Full-glacial 22-981 UTEP Charlies Parlor* Upper M2l 21.5 17.5 1.5 2 1 1 1 Full-glacial 22-65 UTEP Animal Fair* Upper M3l 25.5 16 2 2.5 0 1 1 Full-glacial 22-1607 UTEP Animal Fair* Lower m1r 24.5 19 3 1.5 1.5 0.5 1 Full-glacial 22-1608 UTEP Animal Fair* Upper M2r 31.5 16.5 5 2 2.5 1 1 22-1645 UTEP Animal Fair* Lower m3l 35 14.5 4 1.5 0 0 0.5 Full-glacial 22-1528 UTEP Charlies Parlor* Lower m2l 21 18.5 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 Full-glacial 22-61 UTEP Animal Fair* Lower m1l 20.5 15 2.5 3 0 0 1 Full-glacial 22-648 UTEP Animal Fair* Lower m1/m2l Full-glacial 27.5 14 3 0.5 0.5 1 1 22-1611 UTEP Charlies Parlor* Upper M2l 26.5 16.5 1.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 Full-glacial 22-985 UTEP Charlies Parlor* Upper M1r 19 19 0 0.5 0.5 1 1 Full-glacial Full-glacial 22-64 UTEP Animal Fair* Upper M2l 21.5 20.5 4 1 0.5 1 1 937-971 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m2r Postglacial 22.5 21 2.5 0 1 1 1 937-678 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m1/m2r Postglacial 25 20 4 0 0 1 1 Blackwater Draw 937-252 TMM Lower m1l Postglacial 25 26 1 2 0 1 1 54-1312 UTEP TTII* Lower m1l Postglacial 20 28.5 3.5 3.5 1 1 1 Blackwater Draw 937-760 TMM Lower m2r Postglacial 29 20 1 2 2.5 1 1 937-738 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M2r Postglacial 19.5 19.5 1.5 3 2.5 1 1 937-247 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M3l Postglacial 21 23 2 4 1 1 1 937-956 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m1/m2r Postglacial 24 28.5 2.5 2 1.5 1 1 937-947 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m1r Postglacial 23 17 3 0 0 0 1 998-1 TMM Scharbauer Ranch Lower m1r Postglacial 22 23 4 1 3 1 1 350 Bison sp. Alberta Equus ferus lambei Bluefish Caves Table A 8. Mesowear data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. CR = cusp relief; P = paracone; M = metacone; MS = mesowear score; l = low cusps; h = high cusps; r = round cusps; s = sharp cusps; b = blunt cusps. CMH = Canadian Museum of History, RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth Time interval position CR P M MS H7(W)-3-25 CMH MgVo-1 M2r Pre-/Full-glacial l r r 3 H7(E)-20-5 CMH MgVo-1 M3l Pre-/Full-glacial l b r 3 T3-21-81 CMH MgVo-1 M2r Pre-/Full-glacial h s s 0 E7-20-8 CMH MgVo-1 M1r Pre-/Full-glacial l b b 4 D5-F-31 CMH MgVo-2 M3r Pre-/Full-glacial l r r 3 C5(S)-6.2 CMH MgVo-2 M2l Pre-/Full-glacial l s 2 T.P.1-F-67 CMH MgVo-3 M1l Pre-/Full-glacial l r r 3 T.P.1-F-35 CMH MgVo-3 M2r Pre-/Full-glacial l r r 3 M7-1-1 CMH MgVo-1 M3r Postglacial l r 3 L8(N)-8-2 CMH MgVo-1 M1r Postglacial l r r 3 L8(N)-7-4 CMH MgVo-1 M3l Postglacial l s r 2 L7-5-2 CMH MgVo-1 M2l Postglacial l r b 3 I8(S)-12-7 CMH MgVo-1 M3l Postglacial l b 4 P94.1.643 RAM Pit 48 M3l Preglacial h r 1 P95.6.2 RAM Pit 48 M1l Preglacial l r r 3 P95.6.1 RAM Pit 48 M3l Preglacial h/ r r 1 P96.2.20 RAM Pit 48 M3r Preglacial h r 1 P98.5.400 RAM Pit 48 M1l Preglacial h r r 1 P68.2.690 RAM Apex Evergreen Pit M2l Preglacial l b r 3 P02.8.12 RAM TBG Pit 4 M2r Postglacial h r r 1 P02.8.13 RAM TBG Pit 4 M2l Postglacial l r r 3 P02.8.4 RAM TBG Pit 4 M3r Postglacial h r 1 P02.8.40 RAM TBG Pit 4 M1l? Postglacial l b 4 P02.8.9 RAM TBG Pit 4 M2l Postglacial h r s 0 P02.8.24 RAM TBG Pit 4 M1r Postglacial l r r 3 P90.4.1 RAM TBG Pit 4 M2l Postglacial h r r 1 351 Equus ferus scotti Alberta Table A 8, continued. Mesowear data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. CR = cusp relief; P = paracone; M = metacone; MS = mesowear score; l = low cusps; h = high cusps; r = round cusps; s = sharp cusps; b = blunt cusps. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth Time interval position CR P M MS P89.13.396 RAM Pit 48 P4l Preglacial l r 3 P98.5.234 RAM Pit 48 P4l Preglacial l b 4 P02.10.4 RAM Pit 48 M2r Preglacial l 2 s P94.1.843 RAM Pit 48 M3r Preglacial l r r 3 P98.5.52 RAM Pit 48 M1r Preglacial l b 4 P04.3.40 RAM Pit 48 M1/M2l Preglacial h r r 1 P89.13.400 RAM Pit 48 P4l Preglacial l r r 3 P94.1.259 RAM Pit 48 P4l Preglacial l b 4 P94.1.141 RAM Pit 48 M2r Preglacial h r r 1 P94.1.479 RAM Pit 48 M1/M2?l Preglacial l r 3 P94.1.613 RAM Pit 48 M1l Preglacial l r b 3 P94.1.150 RAM Pit 48 P4l Preglacial l r 3 P94.8.161 RAM Riverview Pit P4l Preglacial l r 3 P90.6.38 RAM Apex Evergreen Pit M1r Preglacial l r 3 P95.2.24 RAM Apex Evergreen Pit M1l Preglacial l b b 4 P91.11.1 RAM Pit 46 M1r Preglacial h r 1 P91.11.8 RAM Pit 46 M1l Preglacial l b 4 P93.8.47 RAM Pit 45 M3r Preglacial l b 4 P94.8.52 RAM Riverview Pit M3r Preglacial l r 3 P94.8.38 RAM Riverview Pit M2r Preglacial l b 4 P94.4.6 RAM Pit 46 P4l Preglacial l b b 4 862 (Horse A) RAM Wally's Beach M2r Postglacial l r r 3 821 RAM Wally's Beach M1r Postglacial l s r 2 M2r Postglacial l b b 4 860.1 (Horse 3) RAM Wally's Beach 352 Equus conversidens American Southwest Bison antiquus American Southwest E. ferus scotti Alberta Table A 8, continued. Mesowear data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. CR = cusp relief; P = paracone; M = metacone; MS = mesowear score; l = low cusps; h = high cusps; r = round cusps; s = sharp cusps; b = blunt cusps. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum, TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso. * indicates Dry Cave localities. Species Specimen Int. Locality Tooth Time interval position CR P M MS M2l Postglacial l r b 3 71.1 (Horse D) RAM Wally's Beach 3437.1 Postglacial RAM Wally's Beach M2l (Horse 2) l r r 3 865.1 RAM Wally's Beach M2r Postglacial l s r 2 P98.8.85 RAM Gertzen Pit M1r Postglacial l r r 3 54-1252 UTEP TT II* M2l Postglacial h r r 1 937-uncat. TMM Blackwater Draw M2r Postglacial h s s 0 937-886 TMM Blackwater Draw M3?l Postglacial l b 4 937-907 TMM Blackwater Draw M2/M3l Postglacial l r 3 937-708 TMM Blackwater Draw M3l Postglacial l r 3 937-580 TMM Blackwater Draw M2l Postglacial l r 3 937-uncat. TMM Blackwater Draw M3l Postglacial h r s 0 892-bed #1 TMM Lubbock Lake M2r Postglacial h r 1 41228-302 TMM Dark Canyon Cave P4l Preglacial l r 3 41228-1026 TMM Dark Canyon Cave M3r Preglacial l r r 3 41228-1041 TMM Dark Canyon Cave M3l Preglacial l b 4 41228-360 TMM Dark Canyon Cave P4r Preglacial l b b 4 41228-60 TMM Dark Canyon Cave M1/P4l Preglacial l r 3 41228-402 TMM Dark Canyon Cave M3l Preglacial l b 4 41228-391 TMM Dark Canyon Cave M3r Preglacial l r r 3 75-29 UTEP Dark Canyon Cave M2r Preglacial l r/s 3 22-1609 UTEP Animal Fair* M2l Full-glacial l b b 4 22-961 UTEP Charlies Parlor* M1r Full-glacial l/h r b 3 353 Table A 9. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. CMH = Canadian Museum of History. Associated teeth indicated by a sequential number under tooth position. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time interval Hypoplastic defects Cementum score H7(W)-3-25 CMH MgVo-1 Upper M2r Pre-/Full-glacial 1l 3 T3-21-79 CMH MgVo-1 Upper P4r-1 Pre-/Full-glacial 2b 3 T3-21-80 CMH MgVo-1 Upper M1r-1 Pre-/Full-glacial 0 3 4b, 1l (same event as lower E7-19-2 CMH MgVo-1 Upper P4r-2 Pre-/Full-glacial 3b, 4l Equus ferus lambei Bluefish Caves b) E7-20-8 H7(E)-20-5 G6-4-4 D5-F-31 C3(E)-3-2 C5(S)-6.2 H6-6-14 H6-3-26 T.P.I-F.44 T.P.1-F-67 T.P.1-F-35 D6(NE)-8-13 CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-2 MgVo-2 MgVo-2 MgVo-2 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-3 MgVo-1 Upper M1r-2 Upper M3l Upper P3l Upper M3r Upper P3r Upper M2l Upper M1r Upper P3l Upper M1r Upper M1l Upper P4r Lower m3l Pre-/Full-glacial Pre-/Full-glacial Pre-/Full-glacial Pre-/Full-glacial Pre-/Full-glacial Pre-/Full-glacial Pre-/Full-glacial Pre-/Full-glacial Pre-/Full-glacial Pre-/Full-glacial Pre-/Full-glacial Pre-/Full-glacial T3-21-84 CMH MgVo-1 Lower p4r-3 Pre-/Full-glacial T3-21-86 C3(E)-3-2 C3(E)-3-2 C3(E)-3-2 C3(E)-3-2 L7-7-3 M7-2-18 CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH CMH MgVo-1 MgVo-2 MgVo-2 MgVo-2 MgVo-2 MgVo-1 MgVo-1 Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Upper Upper Pre-/Full-glacial Pre-/Full-glacial Pre-/Full-glacial Pre-/Full-glacial Pre-/Full-glacial m2r-3 m3r-4 m3l-4 p3l-5 m3l-5 P3r M1r Postglacial Postglacial 1l 0 1b 0 1b 0b, NA l 0b, NA l, 0 0 0b, NA l 0b (what is exposed) 2l 2b, 2p (same events), 1l, 1a (same as lower b and p) 0l, NA b 0l, NA b, 1l, NA b 1p 2b 0b, NA l 0b, NA l 4 3 3 4 2b, NA l 4b, 5l 4b, 5l 2b, 3l 1b, 2l 4b, 5l 4b 0l (what is exposed) 4b, 3l 4l, 5b 3l, 5b 4l, 5b 4l, 5b 4l, 5b 4b, NA l 4b, 5l 354 Equus ferus scotti Alberta Equus ferus lambei Bluefish Caves Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. CMH = Canadian Museum of History, RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score M7-1-1 CMH MgVo-1 Upper M3r Postglacial 2b, 2l 4 L8(N)-7-24 CMH MgVo-1 Upper P3r Postglacial At least 4b, NA l 4b, 5l L8(N)-8-2 CMH MgVo-1 Upper M1r Postglacial 0b, NA l 4b, 5l L8(N)-7-4 CMH MgVo-1 Upper M3l Postglacial NA 5 L7-5-2 CMH MgVo-1 Upper M2l Postglacial 3l, 3b (same events) 3 2l, 2b (lower b same as CMH MgVo-1 Upper M3l Postglacial L7-2-1 2 lower l) 5b, 6a (5 anterior events CMH MgVo-1 Upper P3l Postglacial M7-2-21 4 correspond to 5b) I8(S)-12-7 CMH MgVo-1 Upper M3l Postglacial 4l, 4b (same events) 4 L8(N)-5-2 CMH MgVo-1 Lower m1r Postglacial 1b 3 D6-SHL-5 CMH MgVo-1 Lower m1l Postglacial 0 3 L8(N)-7-19 CMH MgVo-1 Lower p4r Postglacial 0 3 L8(N)-11-10 CMH MgVo-1 Lower m2l Postglacial 0l, NA b 4l, 5b 4b, 3a (same as first 3 b), P83.4.2 RAM Villenueve Upper P3/P4l Preglacial 2 2l (upper same as lower b) P95.2.75 RAM Apex Evergreen Upper M2r Preglacial 1l 2 P95.2.54 RAM Apex Evergreen Upper M2l Preglacial 0 0 1 (a and p sides RAM Apex Evergreen Upper P3r Preglacial 1b P95.2.42 weathered) P90.6.38 RAM Apex Evergreen Upper M1r Preglacial 1l 0 Apex Evergreen P95.2.1 RAM Upper P4r Preglacial 1a, 2l (different events) 2 P95.2.24 RAM Apex Evergreen Upper M1l Preglacial 0 2 P93.8.47 RAM Pit 45 Upper M3r Preglacial 1b, 1l (different events) 0 P91.10.16 RAM Pit 45 Upper P4?l Preglacial 0 0 P89.6.5 RAM Pit 46 Upper M3r Preglacial 0 2 P91.11.1 RAM Pit 46 Upper M1r Preglacial 0 0 P91.11.8 RAM Pit 46 Upper M1l Preglacial 1b 1 (weathered) P89.9.1 RAM Pit 45 Upper M2l Preglacial 1l, 0a,p; NA b 1 l,a,p; NA b 355 Equus ferus scotti Alberta Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score P04.3.40 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2l Preglacial 0 3 P89.13.267 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2l Preglacial 2l 1 P89.13.396 RAM Pit 48 Upper P4l Preglacial 0 3 P89.13.269 RAM Pit 48 Upper M1r Preglacial 0 1 P89.13.270 RAM Pit 48 Upper M3r Preglacial 3a, 1l (same as lowermost a) 1 P89.13.223 RAM Pit 48 Upper M1r Preglacial 0 0 P98.5.142 RAM Pit 48 Upper M1/2r Preglacial 0 3 P89.13.397 RAM Pit 48 Upper P4/P3l Preglacial 2b 2 P89.13.398 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2l Preglacial 0 1 P98.5.21 RAM Pit 48 Upper P3r-1 Preglacial 3b 4 P98.5.19 RAM Pit 48 Upper P4l-1 Preglacial 1l, 1b (same) 1p (different) 4 P98.5.20 RAM Pit 48 Upper P3l-1 Preglacial 3b 4 4b, 3a (same as first 3b), 2a P98.5.234 RAM Pit 48 Upper P4l Preglacial 1 P98.5.191 P98.5.483 P98.5.462 P94.1.726 P94.1.467 P89.13.4 P89.13.60 P89.13.123 P99.3.6 P89.13.392 P89.13.393 P89.13.614 RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper M1r P3l P3?l P2r P2r P3l M1l M2?r P4?l M3r P3/P4r M3l Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial P89.13.611 RAM Pit 48 Upper P3r Preglacial (upper same as lowermost b) 1b, 1a (same event), 3l 0 3b, 1l (separate events) 0 0 3b, 3a (same events) 1l 0 0 1l 0 1l 4b, 6a (2nd and 3rd same as 1st and 2nd b; 4th and 5th same as 3rd b; 6th same as lowermost b) 3 3 2 0 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 356 Equus ferus scotti Alberta Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score P89.13.610 RAM Pit 48 Upper P4r Preglacial 3b, 2a (1st same as upper b) 0 P89.13.613 RAM Pit 48 Upper M1l Preglacial 0 1 P89.13.618 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2r Preglacial 0 1 P89.13.617 RAM Pit 48 Upper P3l Preglacial 0 0 P89.13.616 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2r Preglacial 2b, 2l (same events) 3 P95.6.41 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2l Preglacial 2l 1 P95.6.40 RAM Pit 48 Upper P3/P4l Preglacial 0 2 P95.6.89 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2l Preglacial 1a 2 P94.1.557 RAM Pit 48 Upper P3r Preglacial 3b 3 P94.1.866 RAM Pit 48 Upper P3/P4r Preglacial 3b, 1a (same as upper b) 1 P94.1.282 RAM Pit 48 Upper P3r Preglacial 0 4 P94.1.18 RAM Pit 48 Upper P2l Preglacial 2b 1 P94.1.533 RAM Pit 48 Upper P4r Preglacial 0 2 P94.1.498 RAM Pit 48 Upper P4r Preglacial 0 1 P94.1.242 RAM Pit 48 Upper P3r Preglacial 3b, 1l (same as lowest b) 2 P89.13.400 RAM Pit 48 Upper P4l Preglacial 1a 3 P94.1.747 RAM Pit 48 Upper P3l Preglacial 4b, 3a (same as last 3b) 4 P94.1.470 RAM Pit 48 Upper P3l Preglacial 3b 3 2b, 1a, 1p, 1l (lower buccal P94.1.259 RAM Pit 48 Upper P4l Preglacial 1 same as other sides) P94.1.583 P02.10.125 P94.1.892 P94.1.141 P89.13.612 P89.13.615 P99.3.136 P94.1.479 RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper P3l P3l P3/P4r M2r P4/P3l P3/P4l M3l M1?l Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial 0 0 0 1l 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 2 3 1 1 3 357 Equus ferus scotti Alberta Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score P94.1.518 RAM Pit 48 Upper M3l Preglacial 1a 2 P94.1.584 RAM Pit 48 Upper M3l Preglacial 0 0 P94.1.634 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2r Preglacial 0 1 P94.1.468 RAM Pit 48 Upper M1r Preglacial 0 1 P94.1.613 RAM Pit 48 Upper M1l Preglacial 0 4 P94.1.765 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2l Preglacial 1l 2 P94.1.599 RAM Pit 48 Upper P2l Preglacial 2b 0 P94.1.884 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2r Preglacial 0 3 P94.1.444 RAM Pit 48 Upper M1r Preglacial 0 3 P94.1.388 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2r Preglacial 2l 3 P94.1.556 RAM Pit 48 Upper M1r Preglacial 2b, 2l (same events) 2 P94.1.497 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2r Preglacial 0 3 P94.1.478 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2r Preglacial 3b 1 3b, 1a and 1l (these last two P94.1.342 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2r Preglacial 2 same event as upper b) P94.1.248 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2r Preglacial 2l, 1a (same event as upper l) 2 P94.1.727 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2l Preglacial 0 1 P94.1.633 RAM Pit 48 Upper M1?l Preglacial 0 0 P94.1.560 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2l Preglacial 0 2 P94.1.449 RAM Pit 48 Upper P3/P4l Preglacial 0 4 P94.1.378 RAM Pit 48 Upper M1l Preglacial 0 2 P94.1.150 RAM Pit 48 Upper P3/P4l Preglacial 2b 2 P94.1.390 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2r Preglacial 0 3 P96.2.43 RAM Pit 48 Upper P2r Preglacial 0 4 P04.3.40 RAM Pit 48 Upper M2l Preglacial 0 3 P94.8.161 RAM Riverview Upper P4l Preglacial 3b 3 P94.8.14 RAM Riverview Upper M2l Preglacial 0b, p; NA a, l 2b, 0p weathered P94.8.84 RAM Riverview Upper M1r Preglacial 2l 3 358 Equus ferus scotti Alberta Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score P94.8.101 RAM Riverview Upper P3r Preglacial 0 0 P89.15.2 RAM Riverview Upper M1/M2r Preglacial 0 2 P94.8.159 RAM Riverview Upper P3r Preglacial 0 2 P94.8.52 RAM Riverview Upper M3r Preglacial 0 1 P94.8.38 RAM Riverview Upper M2r Preglacial 0 4 Preglacial 2b, 2p (upper same as P90.6.49 RAM Apex Evergreen Lower m2l 1 lower b) P90.6.50 RAM Apex Evergreen Lower m3l Preglacial 1l 1 Preglacial 1a, 1l, 1p (all three same P90.6.37 RAM Apex Evergreen Lower m1l event), 2b (separate events) 1 P02.2.5 RAM Apex Evergreen Lower m1r Preglacial 0l, other sides NA 0l, weathered P95.2.90 RAM Apex Evergreen Lower p3r Preglacial 0 3 P02.2.4 RAM Apex Evergreen Lower p3/p4l Preglacial 0 3 P92.11.3 RAM Apex Evergreen Lower m2l Preglacial 0 2 P94.5.5 RAM Pit 45 Lower p4/m1r Preglacial 0b, a; NA l, p 1b, 0a; weathered P91.11.2 RAM Pit 46 Lower p4r Preglacial 0 0 P94.4.7 RAM Pit 46 Lower m1r Preglacial 1b 0 (weathered) P98.5.484 RAM Pit 48 Lower p3/4l Preglacial 0 0 P98.5.444 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2r Preglacial 1b, 1a, (different events) 0 P89.13.50 RAM Pit 48 Lower p3/p4r Preglacial 0 1 P89.13.391 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1l Preglacial 0 2 P89.13.395 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1l Preglacial 0 2 P94.1.213 RAM Pit 48 Lower p3/p4l Preglacial 1l 2 P94.1.113 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1l Preglacial 0 1 P05.10.46 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2l Preglacial 2p 4 P89.13.619 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1/m2r Preglacial 0 2 P89.13.399 RAM Pit 48 Lower p2r Preglacial 1b 1 P94.1.486 RAM Pit 48 Lower p3l Preglacial 1l 3 359 Equus ferus scotti Alberta Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score P94.1.632 RAM Pit 48 Lower p4l Preglacial 0 2 P94.1.585 RAM Pit 48 Lower p3r Preglacial 0 0 P94.1.347 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1r Preglacial 1p 4 P89.13.394 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1?r Preglacial 0 0 P05.10.26 RAM Pit 48 Lower m3r Preglacial 0 3b, 0l, a and p P94.1.582 RAM Pit 48 Lower p4/m1l Preglacial 0 1 P94.1.519 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2l Preglacial 2a 1 P94.1.308 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1/p4l Preglacial 0 0 P94.1.614 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1/p4l Preglacial 0 0 P94.1.343 RAM Pit 48 Lower p4/m1l Preglacial 0 1 P94.1.341 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1/p4l Preglacial 3b 0 P94.1.715 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1l Preglacial 0 1 P94.1.349 RAM Pit 48 Lower m3/m2r Preglacial 1b, 1a, 1l (same event) 2 P94.1.397 RAM Pit 48 Lower m3r Preglacial 0 0 P94.1.348 RAM Pit 48 Lower m3r Preglacial 2l 1 P94.1.344 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2r Preglacial 0 3 P94.1.212 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2?r Preglacial 0 0 P94.1.635 RAM Pit 48 Lower m3l Preglacial 0 4 P94.1.558 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2r Preglacial 0 b, p, and a; NA l 0 (weathered) P94.1.751 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1/m2r Preglacial 0 3 P94.1.686 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1/m2r Preglacial 0 l, p, and a; NA b 1 l, p, and a; 5 b P94.1.306 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1?r Preglacial 0 2 P94.1.970 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1/p4r Preglacial 0 4 P94.1.372 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2r Preglacial 1p, 1a 2 P94.1.124 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2r Preglacial 1a, 1p (same event) 4 P96.2.21 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2l Preglacial 2b 1 P96.2.45 RAM Pit 48 Lower p2l Preglacial 0 1 P05.10.103 RAM Pit 48 Lower p3r Preglacial 0 3 360 Equus ferus scotti Alberta Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Associated teeth indicated by a sequential number under tooth position. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score P94.8.137 RAM Riverview Lower m2l Preglacial 1b 0 RAM Lower Preglacial 5b, 2l (same events P89.15.1 Riverview m3r 1 as lower b) P94.8.87 RAM Riverview Lower m1/p4r Preglacial 0 1 P94.19.4 RAM TBG Pit 1042 Lower m1?r Preglacial 1b 0 P92.8.11 RAM TBG Pit 1042 Upper p4l Preglacial 0 1 P02.8.5 RAM TBG Pit 4 Upper M2l Postglacial 0 1 P02.8.1 RAM TBG Pit 4 Upper M2r Postglacial 0 1 P02.8.3 RAM TBG Pit 4 Upper M3l Postglacial 0 0 P02.8.14 RAM TBG Pit 4 Upper P2l Postglacial 1b 1 P02.8.21 RAM TBG Pit 4 Upper M1/M2l Postglacial 0 0 0 (portion parastyle 865.1 (Horse B) RAM Wally's Beach Upper P3l-2 Postglacial 2b exposed section; exposed, other sides NA other sides embeded in skull) 821 (Horse C) RAM Wally's Beach Upper P4r-3 Postglacial 0b; NA other sides 3 821 (Horse C) RAM Wally's Beach Upper M1r-3 Postglacial 0b, NA other sides 3 2990.1 RAM Wally's Beach Upper M1l Postglacial 0 2b, 3l 3437.1 (Horse 2) RAM Wally's Beach Upper P3l Postglacial 2a (NA other sides) 4a, 5 other sides 2l, 1b (same as P98.8.85 RAM Gertzen Pit Upper M1r Postglacial upper l) 4 P02.8.67 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower p2r Postglacial 1a 3 P02.8.48 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower p4r-4 Postglacial 1b 2 P02.8.48 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m1r-4 Postglacial 0 3 Wally's Beach 74.1 (Horse C) RAM Lower m1l-3 Postglacial 0 a, l; NA p, b 0 what is exposed 74.1 (Horse C) RAM Wally's Beach Lower m2l-3 Postglacial 1l, 0b; NA a, p 0 what is exposed 69.1 (Horse D) RAM Wally's Beach Lower p4l-5 Postglacial 1b 0; from CT-scans 69.1 (Horse D) RAM Wally's Beach Lower m1l-5 Postglacial 1b 0; from CT-scans 864 (Horse A) RAM Wally's Beach Lower p4l-6 Postglacial 2b 0; from CT 361 Equus ferus scotti Alberta Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Associated teeth indicated by a sequential number under tooth position. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score 864 (Horse A) RAM Wally's Beach Lower m1l-6 Postglacial 4b 0; from CT 2b, 2p (same), 2a 0; from CT (1st same as upper 876.1 (Horse B) RAM Wally's Beach Lower p4r-2 Postglacial b), 1l (same as up b) 876.1 (Horse B) RAM Wally's Beach Lower m1r-2 Postglacial 0 0; from CT P68.2.690 RAM Apex Evergreen Upper M1l-1 Preglacial 0l, NA b 1l, b (broken) 1l, b (broken and P68.2.690 RAM Apex Evergreen Upper M2l-1 Preglacial 0l, NA b Bison sp. Alberta weathered) P68.2.690 P94.1.885 P95.6.88 P94.1.643 P95.6.2 P95.6.108 P95.6.1 P96.2.20 P96.2.42 P98.5.400 P68.2.667 P68.2.666 P68.2.666 P68.2.666 P89.13.207 P96.2.32 RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM Apex Evergreen Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Pit 48 Apex Evergreen Apex Evergreen Apex Evergreen Apex Evergreen Pit 48 Pit 48 Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower P94.1.938 RAM Pit 48 P95.6.112 RAM Pit 48 M3l-1 M1r M3l M3l M1l M1r M3l M3r M3r M1l m2l m1r-2 m2r-2 m3r-2 m1l m2l Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial 0l,p; NA b 0 1l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1b 0 0 (what is exposed) 0 (what is exposed) 0b,p; NA a,l 0 Lower m2r Preglacial 0l; NA b, a, p Lower m2l-3 Preglacial 0 1l,p; b (weathered) 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 and in dentary 1 and in dentary 1b,p; a and l broken 1 0l; b,a,p sides in fragment of dentary 1 (< 25% in dentary) 362 Bison sp. Alberta Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Associated teeth indicated by a sequential number under tooth position. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score P95.6.112 RAM Pit 48 Lower m3l-3 Preglacial 1l 1 and in dentary P89.13.324 RAM Pit 48 Lower m3r Preglacial 5b 0 P94.1.122 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2l Preglacial 0 b, NA l 0b; l weathered P96.2.46 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2r Preglacial 1l 0 P94.1.728 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2l Preglacial 0 3 P95.6.109 RAM Pit 48 Lower m3l Preglacial 1b, 1a (same event) 1 P96.2.35 RAM Pit 48 Lower m3r Preglacial 0 0 P96.2.44 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2r Preglacial 1l 0 P89.13.505 RAM Pit 48 Lower m3l Preglacial 0 1 P94.1.17 RAM Pit 48 Lower m3r Preglacial 0 0 P99.3.28 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1l-4 Preglacial 0 1 P99.3.28 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2l-4 Preglacial 0 1 P99.3.28 RAM Pit 48 Lower m3l-4 Preglacial 0 2 P95.6.73 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1r-5 Preglacial 0 1 P95.6.73 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2r-5 Preglacial 0 2 P89.13.326 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1r-6 Preglacial 0 1 P89.13.326 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2r-6 Preglacial 0 what is exposed 1 (lower portion in dentary) P04.3.62 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1r-7 Preglacial 0 2 P04.3.62 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2r-7 Preglacial 0 3 P89.13.325 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1l-8 Preglacial 0 3 P89.13.325 RAM Pit 48 Lower m2l-8 Preglacial 0l, NAb 2b, 5l P05.10.88 RAM Pit 48 Lower m3r Preglacial 0 0 P89.13.158 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1r Preglacial 0 1 P02.10.98 RAM Pit 48 Lower m1l Preglacial 0 2 P09.7.10 RAM P09.7.10 RAM TBG Pit 1042 TBG Pit 1042 Lower m1l-9 Preglacial 0 1 Lower m2l-9 Preglacial 0 2 363 Bison sp. Alberta Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum. Associated teeth indicated by a sequential number under tooth position. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score P09.7.10 RAM P06.2.5 RAM P02.8.12 P02.8.13 P02.8.23 P02.8.10 P02.8.39 RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM TBG Pit 1042 TBG Pit 1042 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 P02.8.7 RAM P02.8.4 P02.8.40 P02.8.6 P02.8.45 P02.8.9 P02.8.11 P02.8.25 P02.8.24 P90.4.1 P02.8.18 P02.8.33 P02.8.30 P02.8.19 P02.8.35 P02.8.17 P02.8.20 P02.8.43 RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM RAM Lower m3l-9 Preglacial 1b 2 Lower m2?l Preglacial 1l 1 Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper M2r M2l M1r M1l M3r Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial 0 1 1 0 1 TBG Pit 4 Upper M3l Postglacial 0 0 0 0 1a 2l and 1b, p (likely same TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 TBG Pit 4 Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower M3r M1l? M1l? M1?r M2l M2r M3r M1r M1l m1?r m3l m2l m1/m2r m3r m3l m1r m3?l Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial as lower b) 3p, 1b (same as upper p) 1p 0 1p 0 0 1b 0 0 0 0b, NAl 1l 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 2b, l side weathered 0 0 2 0 1 0 364 Equus conversidens American Southwest Bison sp. Alberta Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. RAM = Royal Alberta Museum, TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin. Associated teeth indicated by a sequential number under tooth position. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score P02.8.8 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m3r Postglacial 0 1 P02.8.26 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m2r Postglacial 0 2 P02.8.28 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m1r Postglacial 0b, NAl 2b, l side broken P02.8.27 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m2?r Postglacial 0 1 P02.8.42 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m3l Postglacial 1a 2 P02.8.16 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m2l Postglacial 0 0 P02.8.15 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m3l Postglacial 0 1 P02.8.34 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m3r Postglacial 1b, 1l (same event) 0 P02.8.49 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m1l-10 Postglacial 0 1 P02.8.49 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m2l-10 Postglacial 2b 2 P02.8.49 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m3l-10 Postglacial 1b 3 and in dentary 0 posterior half, NA P02.8.46 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m3l Postglacial 3 and in dentary anterior half P02.8.47 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m2r-11 Postglacial 0 what is exposed 1 P02.8.47 RAM TBG Pit 4 Lower m3r-11 Postglacial 0 what is exposed 2 and in dentary Preglacial 1b 1 41228-1026 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper m3r 41228-59 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper m2-m1l Preglacial 0 3 Preglacial 0 4 41228-1030 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper m3r 41228-221 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper m3l Preglacial 0 4 (b side weathered) Preglacial 2b 4 41228-1041 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper m3l Preglacial 1b 4 41228-1051 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper p3r 41228-308 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper m1l Preglacial 0 4 41228-360 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper p4r Preglacial 0 4 41228-261 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper m1-m2l Preglacial 1a, 1b (different events) 4 41228-311 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper p4?r Preglacial 0 1 41228-60 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper m1-p4l Preglacial 0 4 1b 1 41228-368 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper m2?r Preglacial 365 Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. TMM = Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin. Associated teeth indicated by a sequential number under tooth position. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score Preglacial 1b 0 41228-3822 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper m2r 41228-391 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper m3r Preglacial 1l 4 41228-190 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper p2r Preglacial 0 3 Preglacial 0 1 75-31/75-29 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Upper p3r Preglacial 0 4 41228-3857 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m2r Preglacial 0 3 41228-1031 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower p4r 41228-288 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m3r Preglacial 0 1 3 (buccal side 41228-3817 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m2?l Preglacial 0 Equus conversidens American Southwest broken) TMM 41228-299 TMM 41228-254 TMM 41228-3888 TMM 41228-1025 TMM 41228-389 TMM 41228-367 TMM 41228-361 TMM 41228-235 TMM 41228-3841 TMM 41228-375 TMM 41228-3874 TMM 41228-3821 TMM 41228-3821 TMM 41228-252 TMM 41228-234 TMM 41228-386 TMM 41228-232 TMM 41228-1038 Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Dark Canyon Cave Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower m2r p4?r m3r m1l m1l p4r p3r m2l m2?r m2r m1-m2l m1-m2r p4r-1 p3r-1 m3l m2l p3r m2l Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial Preglacial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1p 0 3b 0 0 3 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 1 3 1 3 1l 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 3 2 4 4 366 Equus conversidens American Southwest Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. TMM = Vertebrate Paleo. Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso. * indicates Dry Cave localities. Associated teeth indicated by a sequential number in tooth position. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score 41228-233 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m2l Preglacial 0 1 41228-239 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower p3-p4l Preglacial 1l 2 41228-158 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m1-m2r Preglacial 0 4 41228-272 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m1?l Preglacial 1l 2 41228-394 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m2l Preglacial 0 4 41228-247 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m1-m2r Preglacial 0 1 Preglacial 1l, 1p (same event) 1 41228-uncat TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m2r Preglacial 1l, 1b (same event) 1 41228-uncat TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m3r 41228-181 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m1-m2l Preglacial 0 4 75-29 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m2r Preglacial 1l 4 75-30 TMM Dark Canyon Cave Lower m1/m2l Preglacial 0 4 Full-glacial 2l, 1b (same as upper l) 22-961 UTEP Charlies Parlor* Upper M1r 4 Full-glacial 22-1609 UTEP Animal Fair* Upper M3l 1l 5 Full-glacial 22-669 UTEP Animal Fair* Lower p2r-2 1a 4 Full-glacial 22-669 UTEP Animal Fair* Lower p3r-2 1b 4 Full-glacial 22-682 UTEP Animal Fair* Lower m3l 0 2 Full-glacial 22-955 UTEP Animal Fair* Lower p2d 0 (what is exposed) 2 (in dentary) Postglacial 3b, 1l (same as one of 937-uncat TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M3r 0 b) 937-203 937-195 937-194 937-322 937-918 937-504 937-504 TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper M2r M2r M1l M1r M1/P4r P3/P4r-3 P3r-3 Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial 0 1l, 1a (same event) 0 0 0 2l 1l 3 0 3 1 4 4 4 367 Equus conversidens American Southwest Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. TMM = Vertebrate Paleo. Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso. * indicates Dry Cave localities. Associated teeth indicated by a sequential number in tooth position. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score 937-504 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M2l-3 Postglacial 0 4 (weathered) 937-504 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper P3/P4l-3 Postglacial 0 4 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper P4/M1r Postglacial 3b 4 937-uncat 937-857 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M2l Postglacial 0 1 892-457 TMM Lubbock Lake Upper P4l Postglacial 1b 3 (cast) 892-458 TMM Lubbock Lake Upper M3r Postglacial 0 3 (cast) 998-7 TMM Scharbauer Ranch Upper P3l Postglacial 2b 1 998-8 TMM Scharbauer Ranch Upper M2l Postglacial 0 1 Scharbauer Ranch TMM Upper M3l Postglacial 0 1 998-uncat 31-47 UTEP Early man corridor* Upper P4l-4 Postglacial 1b 4b, NA l (in maxillary) 31-47 UTEP Early man corridor* Upper M1l-4 Postglacial 0 4b, NA l (in maxillary) 31-47 UTEP Early man corridor* Upper M3l-4 Postglacial 3b 4b NA l (in maxillary) 4-827 UTEP Bison Chamber* Upper M1r Postglacial 1b 5 54-1212 UTEP TTII* Upper P2l Postglacial 0b, NA l 1b, NA l (in maxillary) 54-827 UTEP TTII* Upper M1l Postglacial 0 4 937-930 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m2r Postglacial 0 2 937-122 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower p4l Postglacial 1p 0 937-123 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower p2r Postglacial 0 2 937-944 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m2l Postglacial 1b 1 Blackwater Draw 937-121 TMM Lower m1r Postglacial 0 2 937-692 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m3r Postglacial 1b 0 (weathered) 937-973 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower p4l Postglacial 2b 0 1b, 1l (different 937-702 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m3r Postglacial 2 events) 998-9 TMM Scharbauer Ranch 998-10 TMM Scharbauer Ranch Lower p3r Postglacial Lower m2r Postglacial 1b 2b, 1a (different events) 3l, NAb (in frag. dentary) 0 368 E. conver -sidens Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. TMM = Vertebrate Paleo. Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin, UTEP = University of Texas at El Paso. * indicates Dry Cave localities. Associated teeth indicated by a sequential number in tooth position. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score 23-65 UTEP Stalag 17* Lower p3r Postglacial 0 4 23-64 UTEP Stalag 17* Lower m2r Postglacial 1b, 1p (same event) 4 23-77 UTEP Stalag 17* Lower m1l Postglacial 0 3 4b, 2l (same as two Full-glacial 22-1608 UTEP Charlie's parlor* Upper P4r-1 1 Equus ferus scotti American Southwest lower b) 22-1608 22-1608 22-1611 22-1611 22-1617 22-64 22-64 22-65 UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP Animal Fair* Animal Fair* Animal Fair* Animal Fair* Animal Fair* Animal Fair* Animal Fair* Animal Fair* Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper Upper P4l-1 M1l-1 M3r-2 M3l-2 P2l M1l-3 M3l-3 M3l Full-glacial Full-glacial Full-glacial Full-glacial Full-glacial Full-glacial Full-glacial Full-glacial 22-981 UTEP Charlie's parlor* Upper M3l Full-glacial 22-985 22-1607 22-1616 22-1645 22-61 UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP UTEP Charlie's parlor* Animal Fair* Charlies Parlor* Animal Fair* Animal Fair* Upper Lower Lower Lower Lower M1l m1r m1r m3l m1l-4 Full-glacial Full-glacial Full-glacial Full-glacial Full-glacial 0l,p,a, NA b 0b (lingual side NA) 0 2l 0 22-61 UTEP Animal Fair* Lower p3l-4 Full-glacial 0l (what is exposed) 22-61 UTEP Animal Fair* 22-648 937-738 UTEP TMM 937-678 TMM Lower p4l-4 0 0 0 0 1b 2b 0 (what is exposed) 2b,2l (same events) 0l, 0b (what is exposed) Full-glacial 0l Animal Fair* Lower m1/m2l Blackwater Draw Upper P4?l Full-glacial 0 0 Blackwater Draw Upper Postglacial P3r Postglacial 2b, 1a (same as lower b) 4 (partially in plaster) 4 (partially in plaster) 0 0 3 4 2 4 4 (partially In maxillary) 2 (buccal side in maxillary) 0b, 5l 4 4 4 4 (b and bottom of l in dentary) 5 (b and bottom of l in dentary) 4 0 0 369 Equus ferus scotti American Southwest Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. TMM = Vertebrate Paleo. Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score Blackwater Draw 937-170 TMM Upper P3l Postglacial 0 0 937-191 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M1r Postglacial 2l, 1a 0 937-738 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M2r Postglacial 0 0 3b, 1a (same as 2nd 937-253 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper P4l Postglacial 1 b), 1l (same as 1st b) 937-uncat TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M1l Postglacial 0 1 937-738 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M1l Postglacial 2l 0 937-968 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M1r Postglacial 0 0 937-799 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M2l Postglacial 0 0 Scharbauer Ranch 998-26 TMM Upper P2l Postglacial 0 1 998-24 TMM Scharbauer Ranch Upper P2r Postglacial 1b 1 Scharbauer Ranch 998-25 TMM Upper P3/P4r Postglacial 2b 1 998-uncat TMM Scharbauer Ranch Upper P2l Postglacial 1b 3 998-25 TMM Scharbauer Ranch Upper P3/P4r Postglacial 0 4 998-26 TMM Scharbauer Ranch Upper M1r Postglacial 0 4 937-931 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m2l Postglacial 0 0 937-848 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m1r Postglacial 2b 2 937-738 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower p4l Postglacial 3 b,l,a,p (same) 0 937-969 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m1r Postglacial 0 2 937-760 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m2r Postglacial 2b 2 Blackwater Draw 937-39 TMM Lower m2l Postglacial 0 1 937-952 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower p2l Postglacial 0 3 937-956 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m1/m2r Postglacial 0 1 937-955 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower p4/m1l Postglacial 2b 1 937-961 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower p3/p4l Postglacial 1l 0 937-965 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower p3/p4l Postglacial 2b 0 937-953 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m1/m2 Postglacial 0 0 937-949 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower p3l Postglacial 3b 0 370 Equus ferus scotti American Southwest Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. TMM = Vertebrate Paleo. Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score Blackwater Draw 937-950 TMM Lower p4l Postglacial 0 0 937-964 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m2l Postglacial 0 0 937-678 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m1/m2r Postglacial 0 1 937-192 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower p2r Postglacial 2b 0 937-169 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower p4r Postglacial 0 0 937-781 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m1l Postglacial 0 3 937-246 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m3r Postglacial 2b 0 937-223 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m3r Postglacial 5b 1l (different from b) 0 937-254 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower p3l Postglacial 0 0 2a,p; 1b,l (same as upper 937-933 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower p3/p4l Postglacial 0 a,p) 937-945 937-119 937-244 937-250 937-251 937-971 937-970 937-940 937-937 937-125 937-225 937-252 937-977 937-859 937-725 937-702 892-299 TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM TMM Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Blackwater Draw Lubbock Lake Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower Lower p3l m2r p4l p3l p4/m1l m2r m3r p4l m1l m3l m2r m1l m3l m1l p4r m1-m2r m3r Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial Postglacial 1b 2b, 2a (same events) 0 0 1b 3b, 1p (same as 2nd b) 3b, 1l (same as lower b) 0 0 3b, 1l (same as upper b) 1b 2b, 1a (same as upper b) 3b, 1l (different events) 0 3b, 3p (same events) 2b 1b, 1l (different events) 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 4 371 Bison antiquus American Southwest Table A 9, continued. Hypoplasia data of late Pleistocene equid and bison samples studied. Number and location of hypoplastic defects: b = buccal, l = lingual, a = anterior, p = posterior. TMM = Vertebrate Paleo. Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin. Associated teeth indicated by a sequential number in tooth position. Species Specimen Inst. Locality Tooth position Time int. Hypoplastic defects Cementum score 937-uncat. TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M2r-1 Postglacial 0 3 (l side covered by matrix) 937-uncat. TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M3r-1 Postglacial 2b, 2l (same events) 1 937-uncat. TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M1r-1 Postglacial 0 1 937-886 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M1/M2l? Postglacial 0 1 937-886 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M1/M2l? Postglacial 0 0 937-886 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M3?l Postglacial 0 0 937-907 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M2/M3l Postglacial 0 1 937-492 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M1/M2r? Postglacial 0 0 937-492 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M1/M2l? Postglacial 0 0 937-708 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M3l-2 Postglacial 1b 0 Blackwater Draw 937-582 TMM Upper M2l?-3 Postglacial 0 0 937-708 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M3r-2 Postglacial 0 0 937-580 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M2l Postglacial 0 0 937-582 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M3r-3 Postglacial 0 0 937-582 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M2r-3 Postglacial 1b 0 937-582 TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M1?r?-3 Postglacial 0 0 937-uncat. TMM Blackwater Draw Upper M3l Postglacial 0 2 Scharbauer Ranch 998-uncat. TMM Upper M3l Postglacial 0 3 998-uncat. TMM Scharbauer Ranch Upper M1?l Postglacial 1l 2 Blackwater Draw 937-667 TMM Lower m3r Postglacial 0 2 937-523 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m3r Postglacial 1b 2 (in dentary) 937-492 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m1l-4 Postglacial 0 0 (extremely worn) 937-492 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m2l-4 Postglacial 0 0 (extremely worn) 937-492 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m1r Postglacial 0 0 (extremely worn) 937-707 TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m1r Postglacial 0 0 937-uncat. TMM Blackwater Draw Lower m?? Postglacial 0 2 998-194 TMM Scharbauer Ranch Lower m3r Postglacial 0 0 372