Prospector Digital Readout System Instructions Manual
Prospector Digital Readout System Instructions Manual
Prospector DigitalReadout System INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL lr' Fo lEr{oft ==- Tableof Gontents Features FlowChart QuickReference Installation AC Ground AC PowerConnection PowerUp Data Entering Numerical 1. SEL+INCR buttons 2. TableMovements SetupScreens 1. ScaleResolutions 2. ScaleDirections 3. Diameter/Radius Selections Cartesianand PolarCoordinate Systems ClearAll Functions Resetti ng AbsoluteCoordinates NormalMode 1 . D i m e n s i oPnr e s e t 2. CenterCalculation Recall 3. Dimension ProgramMode Programming a Bolt-Hole Pattern Programming a Line-Hole Pattern RunMode Runninga Bolt-Hole Pattern Running a Line-Hole Pattern On-LineHelp (MEC) MachineErrorCompensation Viewingthe MECFactor Clearing the MECFactor MEC Calibrating SargonIndustries,Inc. 9400LurlineAve.,UnitD Chatsworth, CA 91311 USA 818882-6904 Rel 11 1192-LD-1.21 1 3 5 7 7 8 10 11 12 13 13 15 16 17 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 34 35 38 42 43 43 44 44 Features DigitalReadout on yourpurchaseof the SargonProspector Congratulations otfersmanyadvancedfeaturesthatgo beyondbasic System.The Prospector and Lineamongtheseis the abilityto run Bolt-Hole DROfunctions.Foremost (see suchoperations simplifyperforming Holeprogramswhichconsiderably featuresshownbelow): W I SargonProspector b ho|d .ltd t dng d p6r sl. Ft p,.slrliha dl.ctq., md rrdla nodd !r@O t|. *.ybqrd ldn.euaL /gm6bvllh J.dilm Erq Cmmrton ++ o o o oo Warning:Useextremecaution! Hazardous_voltagesl All required electricalwork should be performedby a quatified electrician. Mountthe displayarm a minimum.of 6 inches(16 cm) away from motors. z any Quick ReferenceFlowChart Pleasenotethatto changemodesat anypoint,pressthe MODEbutton.To pressNEXT,as shownin the FlowChart. advancethroughthe functions, hasthe followingmodes: The Prospector TO NOR) 1. Normal(RETURN 2. Program(Startof Prog) 3. Run (Startof Run) 4. On LineHelp 5. ClearAll 6. RS232.(optional) The Prospector storesthe lastbolt-hole anda line-holeprogramthat has been is possibleto runthe storedprogramsin enteredintoits non-volatile andas manytimesas youwish. anysequence Seethe followingpage... 3 TEEUTN ED NNr rical Entry. l;G H [lJ rlcal Entry. alal Gi Gi Entry. rtcal Entryi G;) H H [1J E ilical Entryr 6bl rkal Enty. [lJ Fi e, Entry. t;;) EN EO LNE I G;I SEHTEH [9 rlc.l DNED EENEET I H t9 Enqt. r;;] H |.:1j ffif""*' H [1J rEE SHUE ENd PTDE r Nuclcal lNcFl [1J Pr€ssSELto select digit; PressINCRto increment digit F;l u3 rEE SHUE ENd PTDE ENd DF E TELE It RS232option is lmtattcd DN LNE HELP Quick ReferenceFlow Chart lnstallation Display locatedon top of the millingmachinecolumn(see Removethe large"eye-bolt" andthe displayontothe armwiththe Figure1). Mountthe armontothe machine kit (seeFigure1). in the Sargonhardware 5/16-18boltprovided Shouldyouwishto mountthe displayunderthe arm,openthe displayand reversethe top and bottomhalvesof the case(seeFigure2). Boltthe display kit (see in the Sargonhardware underthearmusingthe 5/16-18boltprovided Figure3). (normal machine configuration) Figure1: Display on a milling 5 \t Figure2: Openingof thedisplayto reversecasehalves Figure3: Display configuration) on a millingmachine(reverse 6 AC Ground outlet(asperArticle250 TheAC socketusedshouldbe a threepronggrounded Code).lf a threeprongoutletis not available,usea of the US NationalElectrical groundedadapterandverifythatthe adapteris grounded. Note: Verifythatthe machineis grounded;if it is not,a groundmustbe installed. provided) wire(customer fromthe groundlugon the Installa 14 AWGstranded power ground lf thisis not to the machine connection. backof the Prospector possible, placeon the machine locatean alternate anddrill+tap.Usestaror split washersto securethe groundwireto providean adequate connection.Usean where compound on the connection the paintwas approved anti-oxidation scraped. AC PowerConnection Do not connectthe Prospector to an outletwhichis alsousedto powera machine; usea separateoutlet.lf an outletis notavailable, one shouldbe installed location. nearthe displaymounting TheAC poweroutletshouldbe of thesamevoltageindicated on the identification/serial numberon the backof the display. Usethe powercordsupplied.Do not modifythe powercord. Connectandsecurethe scalecableconnectors to the display.Usingtie-wraps, securethe scalecablesand dressanyexcessslack. Do notwrapany AC power linestogetherwiththe scalecables.Maintain a minimum of 6 inches(16cm) fromAC linesandcrossthemat rightangles. XYZ r| |t-ttll.t AC cordsocket L]IIU GROUND Groundbolt groundbolt Figure4: Powercord,AC outlets, PowerUp Turnthe uniton usingthe powerswitchlocatedon the backof the display(see Figures andflash"" 5 and6). TheDROwilldisplay XYZ -t r-'l 0=off 1=Ofl r-'l | || tl u u ll caouruoQ r:E MEc Figure5: ON/OFFswitch o o @ W Figure6: Flashing 8's (initial display) Data EnteringNumerical Insteadof usinga numerickey pad,the Prospector employstwo alternative methodsfor enteringnumerical data: 1. SELandINCRButtons 2. TableMovements Seethe followingpage... 10 Buttons 1. SEL+INCR PressSELto selecta digitto edit. PressINCRto increment the selecteddigit,or pressand holdINCRto increment (see thedigitcontinuously Figure7). PressSELto selectdigitfrom leftto right , Momentarv tlash indicates digit is selected N HCT J/ 9-L ! tilc +++++++ W PressINCRto increment digitone unitat a time o o o W Figure7: UsingSEL/INCR buttons 11 2. TableMovements on the valuesaredisplayed Simplymovethetableuntildesirednumeric appropriate axis(es)(seeFigure8). o o c w w Figure8: Numerical dataentryby tablemovements 12 SetupScreens pressand hold "", Afterpowerup whenthe displayis stillflashing (see Setup Figure A/l enter the Screens 9). button to the o o W W PressA/l after PowerUp andenter SetupScreens E Figure9: Entering SetupScreens ln theSetupMode,thereare3 screens thatenableyouto select: 1. ScaleResolutions (polarity) 2. ScaleDirections 3. Diameter/Radius Selections-- dul^&s 1. ScaleResolutions (see Whilein the SetupMode,pressNEXTuntiltheDROdisplays the following Figure10): 13 Figure10: ScaleResolutions Whenthe appropriate PressSETto togglethroughavailablescaleresolutions. pressful to exitto NormalModeor pressNEXT scaleresolutions are displayed, value(s)and setting(s) to advanceto the nextSetupScreen.The lastdisplayed will be savedautomatically. notthe DRO. Thisscreen Note: The scalesdetermine the systemresolution, for eacha:<is. allowsthe DROresolutions to matchthe scaleresolution 14 2. ScaleDirections (see Whilein the SetupMode,pressNEXTuntiltheDROdisplays the following F i g u r e1 1 ) : Figure11: ScaleDirections PressSETto togglebetweenpositiveand negativescaledirections.Whenthe pressA/l to exitto NormalModeor appropriate are displayed, scaledirections pressNEXTto advanceto the nextSetupScreen.The lastdisplayeddirections will be savedautomatically. Note: Directions mustbe correctfor anglefunctions to operateproperly.Each axisis set independently. 15 3. Diameter/Radius Selections Whilein the SetupMode,pressNEXTuntilthe DROdisplays (see the following Figure12): W m Figure12: DIA/RAD P_ress sET to togglebetweenradiusanddiameter settings(DlANo = diameter = disabled(radius),.DlA YES diameter enabled).Whenihe desiredsettingsare pressA/l to exitto NormalModeor pressNEXTto advanceto ihe next display_ed, setup Screen.The lastdisplayedsettingswillbe savedautomatically. Note: The RAD/DIAbuttonwillaffecteachaxisfor whichthisfeaturehas been enabled. 16 Cartesianand PolarCoordinateSystems in bothCartesian is capableof displaying and PolarCoordinate The Prospector Systems. Pressand holdthe RAD/DIAbuttonto togglebetweenthe Cartesianand Polar modes(seeFigures13 and 14). o o o HoId RADiDIA 2 seconds Cartesian o o o Polar Figure13: CART/POLAR 17 HoId RAD/DIA 2 seconds Polar Cartesian 90o R(r,a) oo Figure14: Comparison of Cartesian andpolarSystems 18 GlearAll Function memory,pressMODEuntilthe DROdisplaysCLEARALL To clearthe display's is usefulin caseswhen (seeFigure15). ThenpressSEL. Thisfunction in malfunction. resulting conditionshavecauseddatacorruption PressSELto CLEARALL ALL Figure 15: CLEAR Caution!Thisfunctionswill causethe following: values:RES= 10pm,SCALE willbesetto default 1. Setupparameters = negative, as DIANO),andY = DIA X = RAD(shown DIRECTIONS 16). (shown as DIAYES;seeFigure demo bysample willbeerased andreplaced 2. CircleandLineprograms programs. willbelost. information 3. Position 19 xfficlgB I laI*q YlrutoM6 -l"lY*l l-l m a;l5;1 ;EH c#ffi /---\ /--\6-) l., l l*A X I " ><Fd A PKq c#ffi Figure16: DefaultSetupScreens ?o Resettingthe AbsoluteCoordinates Thg.np_reqs and.holdthe Usingthe A/l button,toggleto the AbsoluteMode_(A). ZEROABS(seeFigure17). At thatpointpress untilthe unitdisplays rut Outton to absolutecoordinate(s) the relevantSETbutton(s)toresetthe corresponding zero. HoldA/l2 seconds whileinABSMode Thenpress SET appropriate ffi ffi Figure17: ZEROABS z1 NormalMode Thisis the basicDROmodewherethe unitdisplays the positions of the scales. Pressanykeyotherthanful afterpowerup andthe displaywillenterthe Normal Mode. lf you pressand holdthe tul button,the displaywillenterthe SetupMode whichyoucanthenexitto NormalModeby pressing anykey. To go to the NormalModewhentheunitis in another mode,pressthe MODE (see RETURN TO NOR Figure 18). buttonuntiltheunitdisplays r W Figure18: RETURN TO NOR(momentary) ln additionto the basicDROfunction of displaying scalepositions, the Prospector performs also functions whilein the NormalMode: the following 1. Dimension Preset 2. CenterCalculation Recall 3. Dimension ?2 1. Dimension Preset displayed, Whilein the NormalMode,pressNEXTuntilPRESETis momentarily value(seeFigure19): followedby a coordinate followedby numerical valueto be edited Momentary, o c o Figure 19: PRESET preset valuebyusingSELandINCRbuttons Entera desired ortablemovements (seeEntering Numerical Data). 23 2. CenterCalculation Whilein the Normaland lncremental Modes,pressNEXTuntilCENTERis momentarily value(see on the desiredaxis,followed by a coordinate displayed Figure20): Momentary, followed by numerical valueto be edited o o o Figure20: CENTER Pressand holdSELfor 2 seconds to dividethe displayed dimension by 2 forthe selectedaxis. 24 3. DimensionRecall Whilein the NormalMode,pressNEXTuntilRECALLappearson the desired axis(seeFigure21): Momentary, followedby numerical valueto be edited o o o Figure 21: RECALL PressandholdSELfor2 seconds to recallthelastpresetvaluefortheselected axis. Note: Absolute memories andIncremental areindependent. 25 ProgramMode programs. or Line-Hole In thismode,you mayenterBolt-Hole To enterthe ProgramMode,pressMODEuntilthe DROdisplaysSTARTOF PROG(seeFigure22). W m Figure22: STARTOF PROG(momentary) The Prospector willthendisplaythewordsCIRCLEandLINE(seeFigure36). typeyouwishto run PressNEXTto defaultto CIRCLEor choosethe program eitherby togglingbetweenthetwo choicesusingthe SELbuttonor by pressing the corresponding SETbutton.PressNEXTto continue. 26 E W Figure23: CIRCL?LINE Programminga Bolt-Hole Pattern Modeandtheunitwillrequest thesizeofthe intheProgram Choose CIRCLE radius(seeFigure24). (see ortablemovements EntertheradiususingtheSELandINCRbuttons Data).ThenpressNEXT. Numerical Figure24andrefertoEntering w W Figure24: RADIUS 27 the starting willthenrequest angle(seeFigure25). Enterthe The Prospector angleandpressNEXT. o o w m Figure25: STARTANGLE The Prospector willrequestthe endingangle(seeFigure26). Enterthe angle and pressNEXT. o o Figure26: ENDA 28 Note: lf the EndAngleequalsthe StadAngle,holeswillbe spacedevenly thefirstholewillbe determined by StadAngle(see aroundthe circumference; Figure27). go" l80 o Staft Anglg - End Anglc - 45o Stan ArEle- 45 o / / oo E n d A n g l e -l 8 0 o - - > oo o zzoo 270 Example of a bolt-hole pattem with 4 hol6, stan angle - 45 and end angle 1 80 degrees Examplc of a bolt-holc pattcm with 4 holes and thc same start and cnd anglcs Figure27: StartAngleand EndAngle Finally, willrequest the Prospector the numberof holes.Enterthe numberof press holesand NEXT(seeFigure28). Figure28: HOLES 29 Theprogramis nowcomplete andthe unitdisplays (seeFigure29): the following Figure 29: RECSAVE/END PROG PressSEL,MODE, youhavejustentered or NEXTandtheprogram willbe saved(seeFlowChart).Pressing SELor MODEbuttons willtaketheDROto the beginning of RunMode,whereyoumustchoose between CIRCLE andLINE. Pressing process NEXTwillskipthisselection andwilltaketheDROto thefirst youhavejustentered stepof theprogram (seeFlowChartandthe RunMode sections of thismanual). Programminga Line-HolePattern ChooseLINEin the ProgramModeandthe unitwillrequestthe lengthof the Line-Hole Pattern(seeFigure30). 30 Press MODEuntil the CIRCLBLINE menu is displayed SelectCIRCLEor LINEby pressingthe conesponding SET button Figure30: CIRCLFJLINE Enterthelengthusingthe SELand INCRbuttonsortablemovements(see Figure31 and refertoEnteringNumerical Data).ThenpressNEXT. Figure31: LENGTH 31 willthenrequestthe angleof the linewithrespectto the X axis The Prospector (seeFigure32). Enterthe angleand pressNEXT. o o Figure 32: ANGLE Finally, requests of holes(seeFigure33). Enterthe thenumber the Prospector numberof holesandpressNEXT. o E Figure33: HOLES 32 The programis nowcomplete andthe unitdisplays the following words(see Figure34): Figure34: RECSAVE/END PROG PresssEL, MODE,or NEXTandthe program you havejustenteredwillbe saved(seeFlowChart).Pressing SELor MODEbuttonswilltakethe DROto the beginning of RunMode,whereyoumustchoosebetweenclROLEand LINE. Pressing processandwilltakethe DROto the first NEXTwillskipthisselection just program you have stepof the entered(seeFlowChartandthe RunMode sectionsof thismanual). 33 Run Mode runit, you may lf you havejust entereda programand wishto immediately press you program. However, NEXTafter savethe thiswilltakethe DRO simply a CIRCLE to the beginning of the RunMode,whereyoumustchoosebetween andLINEprogram. lf youwishto runa programwhichyou havepreviously enteredand savedin the DRO,pressMODEuntiltheProspector momentarily displays STARTOF RUN (seeFigure35). Figure35: STARTOF RUN(momentary) The Prospector willthendisplaythewordsCIRCLEand LINE(seeFigure36). PressNEXTto defaultto CIRCLEor choosethe program typeyouwishto run eitherby togglingbetweenthetwo choicesusingthe SELbuttonor by pressing the corresponding SETbutton.PressNEXTto continue. 34 PressMODEuntil the CIRCLEiLINE menu is displayed E SelectCIRCLEor LINEby pressingthe conesponding SET butlon W Figure36: CIRCLE/LINE Note: To exitRunModeat anytime,pressMODE. Running a Bolt-Hole Program ChooseCIRCLEin the RunModeandthe DROwilldisplaythefollowing screens (seeFigures37 and 38): w, o o tw W W Figure37: GO TO CENTER1 (momentary) 3s o l"'l Figure38: RESETTO ZERO(momentary) to the desiredcenter. In ABSMode,movethetableso thatthe spindleis pointing the sET buttons. changeto lNcR Modeandzerotheaxesby pressing of HOLE1 (seeFigure39). The DROwilldisplaythe coordinates Figure39: HOLE1 CIRCLE(momentary) 36 Adjustthe tableuntilthedisplayindicates 0,0. Thenperformcuttingoperation andpressNEXT.The DROwillthendisplaythe coordinates of holes2, 3, and you are readyto advanceto the nextstep. When so on. PressNEXTeachtime the Prospector willdisplayENDOF CIRCLE(seeFigure the holesarefinished, 40): RunModeautomatically resultsin INCRMode. Note: Entering w IW, Figure 40: ENDOFCIRCLE To continue aroundthesamecenter,pressNEXTafterthe momentary RETURN TOZEROmessage is displayed andmovethetableto 0,0. To exitRunModeat anytime,pressMODE. 37 Runninga Line-HoleProgram to LINE usingthe SEL bytoggling ChooseLINEin the RunModeby pressing (see Figure41). SETbutton the corresponding buttonor by pressing PressMODEuntil the CIRGLE/LINE menu is displayed W Selecl GIRCLEor LINE by pressingthe conesponding SET butlon W F i g u r4 e1 : C I R C L E / L I N E 38 Now pressNEXTandthe unitwilldisplaythe following 42 and screens(Figures 43): o t:J w= ew Figure 42: GOTOLINE1 (momentary) o o Figure43: RESETTO ZERO(momentary) 39 ln ABS Mode,movethetableso thatthe spindleis pointing to the firsthole. Thenchangeto INCRModeandzerotheaxesby pressing the SETbuttons. Adjustthetableuntilthe displayindicates 0,0. Thefirstholeis the starting positionof the line,so performcuttingoperation.ThenpressNEXTand moveon to otherholes.The DROwilldisplaythe coordinates of holes2, 3, and so on. PressNEXTeachtimeyouare readyto advanceto the nextstep. Whenthe holesare finished, willdisplayENDOF LINE(seeFigures44 and the Prospector 45): H W Figure44: HOLE Note: Entering RunModeautomatically resultsin INCRMode. 40 W W Figure 45: ENDOFLINE To continue fromthelasthole,pressNEXTafterthemomentary RETURN TO ZEROmessage is displayed, andmovethetableto 0,0. To exitRunModeat anytime,pressMODE. 41 On-LineHelp PressMODEuntilthe wordsON-LINEHELParedisplayed (seeFigure46). Figure46: ON-LINE HELP ThenpressSELandthe Prospector willrunthe existing bolt-hole and line-hole programs.lf programs havebeenerased(eg,afterCLEARALL),the DROwill programs use itssampledemonstration storedin its permanent memory. To stopcontinuous pressanybutton. displayof programs, 42 (MEC) MachineErrorCompensation wouldnothaveanyerrorif itstable A standardverticalmillingmachine perfectly straightlines.This,however,is notthe case. movements followed Therewillalwaysbe somefinitetransfererror. betweenthe actuallengthof a Machineerrcrcan be seenas the difference gauge by the digitalreadout.Thiserror blockandthe valuedisplayed standard in thataxis. machined willalsobe presentin anyworkpiece (MEC)multiplies MachineErrorCompensation the internal displaycountby a valuewillbe correct.Thisfactoris factorsuchthatthe displayed conversion memoryand is set at the factoryto a 1:1 ratio. storedin the display'snon-volatile gaugeblockis measured Example:A 10.0000inchstandard on a kneemill yielding a resultof 10.0050inch. MEC usingstandardmachineshoppractices willre-proportion the dimension so thatthedisplaywillthenindicate the correct measurement 10.0000 inches The inch had of of travel. 0.0050 error been withinthe 10.0000inchesof travel. displaced Displayed MECfactorrangeis from-0.999999 to +0.999999. Value- GaugeValue MECFactql= Measured Value Measured MECshouldbe a onetimejob. However, maywishto recalibrate an operator for particular particular performed. workis a areaon the machinetablewherea for machine AlthoughMECcancompensate it is notintendedas tableproblems, a substitute for propermachinemaintenance. Viewingthe MECFactor Setthe MECswitchon the backof the displayto CALand holdthe A/l button (seeFigure47). The MECfactorwillthenbe displayed.Whenfinished, move the MECswitchbackto OFF. 43 XYZ t-r nn | | tl l_l uu GROUND O il MECswitch Figure47 Clearinq the MEC Factor Setthe MECswitchto CAL,pressRESETfor the selectedaxisto clearthe MEQ factor.thenturnthe MECswitchto OFF. Calibrating MEC Clearthe MECas describedabove.Set FINE/CRS switchto FINEandthe RAD/DIAswitchto RAD. Also,setthe inch/mmswitchto appropriate unitsin whichyou will performyourwork. nterthe actualcertified selected affi. t4ca40te ft@t?bfrgr#ilthe gaugeblock@. Set MECswitchto to the ceftifiedgauge OFF. The valuedisplayedwillat thispointbe corrected blocklengthentered. Repeatgaugeblockmeasurement for that to ensureunitis properlycalibrated axis. for the remaining Repeatprocedure €xes. 44 Note: is performed oneaxisat a time. 1. The MECprocedure in unitsin whichit will the displayshouldbe calibrated 2. Forbestresults, be used(inchor mm). factorfor a 3. ABSand INCmodesalwayshavethe samecalibration giventime. are usedfor gaugeblockset up and 4. Standardmachinehopprocedures measurement. --\. \ 't \\ t\ h' "\) l,j / '-'n t\ I 45 I