Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 1.3 Volumen 25. Número 1-2. 2006 LIMNETICA Revista de la Asociación Española de Limnología The ecology of the Iberian inland waters: Homage to Ramon Margalef Editores Joan Armengol (Universitat de Barcelona) Ramon Moreno-Amich (Universitat de Girona) Antoni Palau (Universitat de Lleida) Con la colaboración de: UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA Página 1.1 ÍNDICE LIMNETICA Vol. 25(1-2), 2006 GRAÇA, MANUEL A. S., AND CRISTINA CANHOTO Leaf litter processing in low order streams .............................................. SERRANO, L., M. REINA, G. MARTÍN, I. REYES, A. ARECHEDERRA, D. LEÓN, AND J. TOJA The aquatic systems of Doñana (SW Spain): watersheds and frontiers ............................................................................................................................ RUEDA VALDIVIA, FRANCISCO Basin scale transport in stratified lakes and reservoirs: towards the knowledge of freshwater ecosystems ..................................................................................................................................................................... SOUSA, ARTURO, LEONCIO GARCÍA-BARRÓN, JULIA MORALES, AND PABLO GARCÍA-MURILLO Post-Little Ice Age warming and desiccation of the continental wetlands of the aeolian sheet in the Huelva region (SW Spain) ............................... GARCÍA MURILLO, P., R. FERNÁNDEZ ZAMUDIO, S. CIRUJANO, AND A. SOUSA Aquatic macrophytes in Doñana protected area (SW Spain): An overview ....................................................................................................................................... MARTÍNEZ -ABAIGAR, JAVIER , ENCARNACIÓN NÚÑEZ -OLIVERA , M ARÍA ARRÓNIZ-C RESPO, R AFAEL TOMÁS, NATHALIE BEAUCOURT, AND SAÚL OTERO Effects of ultraviolet radiation on aquatic bryophytes ................................................... GUERRERO, FRANCISCO, GEMA PARRA, FRANCISCO JIMÉNEZ-GÓMEZ, CARLOS SALAZAR, RAQUEL JIMÉNEZ-MELERO, ANDREA GALOTTI, ENRIQUE GARCÍA-MUÑOZ, Mª LUCÍA LENDÍNEZ, AND FERNANDO ORTEGA Ecological studies in Alto Guadalquivir wetlands: a first step towards the application of conservation plans ................................................................................. ÁLVAREZ-COBELAS, MIGUEL Groundwater-mediated limnology in Spain ............................................................................ ELOSEGI, ARTURO, ANA BASAGUREN, AND JESÚS POZO A functional approach to the ecology of Atlantic Basque streams ... SORIA GARCÍA, J. M. Past, present and future of la Albufera of Valencia Natural Park ....................................................... BÉCARES, ELOY Limnology of natural systems for wastewater treatment. Ten years of experiences at the Experimental Field for Low-Cost Sanitation in Mansilla de las Mulas (León, Spain) .................................................................................. CASAS, J. JESÚS, MARK O. GESSNER, PETER H. LANGTON, DEMETRIO CALLE, ENRIQUE DESCALS, AND MARÍA J. SALINAS Diversity of patterns and processes in rivers of eastern Andalusia....................................................................................................... MORALES-BAQUERO, RAFAEL, ELVIRA PULIDO-VILLENA, OTILIA ROMERA, EVA ORTEGA-RETUERTA, JOSE Mª CONDE-PORCUNA, CARMEN PÉREZ-MARTÍNEZ, AND ISABEL RECHE Significance of atmospheric deposition to freshwater ecosystems in the southern Iberian Peninsula ....................................................................................................................................... CASAMITJANA, XAVIER, JORDI COLOMER, ELENA ROGET, AND TERESA SERRA Physical Limnology in Lake Banyoles........... CARRILLO, PRESENTACIÓN, JUAN MANUEL MEDINA-SÁNCHEZ, MANUEL VILLAR-ARGAIZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO DELGADO-MOLINA, AND FRANCISCO JOSÉ BULLEJOS Complex interactions in microbial food webs: Stoichiometric and functional approaches... MORENO-OSTOS, E., L. CRUZ-PIZARRO, A. BASANTA-ALVÉS, C. ESCOT, AND D. G. GEORGE Algae in the motion: Spatial distribution of phytoplankton in thermally stratified reservoirs ..................................................................................... TORO, MANUEL, IGNACIO GRANADOS, SANTIAGO ROBLES, AND CARLOS MONTES High mountain lakes of the Central Range (Iberian Peninsula): Regional limnology & environmental changes .............................................................................. DE VICENTE, I., V. AMORES, AND L. CRUZ-PIZARRO Instability of shallow lakes: A matter of the complexity of factors involved in sediment and water interaction? ................................................................................................................................. PARDO, ISABEL, AND MARUXA ÁLVAREZ Comparison of resource and consumer dynamics in Atlantic and Mediterranean streams ........................................................................................................................................................................... PALAU, ANTONI Integrated environmental management of current reservoirs and regulated rivers...................................... 1 11 33 57 2006 18:43 71 81 95 107 123 135 143 155 LIMNETICA LIMNETICA 27/6/06 ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE LIMNOLOGÍA The ecology of the Iberian inland waters: Homage to Ramon Margalef 171 181 189 205 217 253 Vol. 25(1-2) Cob_R_Limnetica 25(1-2)MOD.qxd 271 287 (Continues in the inside cover) ISSN 0213-8409 25 UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA 9 770213 840007 Volumen 25(1-2), 2006 Cob_R_Limnetica 25(1-2)MOD.qxd 27/6/06 18:43 Página 1.2 ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE LIMNOLOGÍA Presidencia: Vicepresidencia: Secretaría: Tesorería: SERGI SABATER. Girona JULIA TOJA. Sevilla JUAN MIGUEL SORIA. Valencia EUGENIO RICO. Madrid LIMNETICA LIMNETICA es una revista internacional publicada por la Asociación Española de Limnología. Editor JOAN ARMENGOL Editores adjuntos ISABEL MUÑOZ Comité editorial J. Alba Tercedor. Granada M. J. Boavida. Lisboa, Portugal X. Casamitjana. Girona J. Catalán. Barcelona G. George. Lancaster, Reino Unido H. L. Golterman. Francia M. A. S. Graça. Coimbra, Portugal C. Granado. Sevilla B. Malmqvist. Umea, Suecia L. Naselli-Flores. Palermo, Italia A. Palau. Lleida C. Pedrós-Alió. Barcelona D. Planas. Montreal, Canadá J. Pozo. Bilbao N. Prat. Barcelona A. Quesada. Madrid A. Rodríguez Capítulo. La Plata, Argentina K. Simek. Ceske Budjovice, Rep. Checa J. G. Tundisi. Sao Carlos, Brasil E. Vicente. Valencia H. Zagarese. Chascomús, Argentina Secretaria de Redacción JAIME ORDÓÑEZ CARLOS COVIELA Toda correspondencia relativa a la ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE LIMNOLOGÍA y a la revista LIMNETICA, incluida la petición de altas, bajas, intercambios, suscripciones y ejemplares atrasados debe dirigirse a la Secretaria de la Asociación Española de Limnología, C/ Los Ángeles, 33, 46920-Mislata (Valencia). Web: Los manuscritos de trabajos científicos para su publicación en LIMNETICA deben ser enviados a Joan Armengol, Departament d'Ecologia. Facultat de Biologia. Universitat de Barcelona. Av. Diagonal, 645. 08028-Barcelona. Limnetica está indexada en las siguientes bases de datos: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA); Zoological Record of BIOSIS® database; Freshwater Biological Association (FBA); NISSC’s FISHLIT database; Sistema de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, Caribe, España y Portugal (LATINDEX); Library of Natural Sciences of Russian Academy of Science (LNS); Indice Español de Ciencia y Tecnología (ICYT). QUINTANA, X. D., D. BOIX, A. BADOSA, S. BRUCET, J. COMPTE, S. GASCÓN, R. LÓPEZ-FLORES, J. SALA, AND R. MORENO-AMICH Community structure in mediterranean shallow lentic ecosystems: size-based vs. taxon-based approaches...................................................................................................................................................................... MORENO-AMICH, RAMON, QUIM POU-ROVIRA, ANNA VILA-GISPERT, LLUÍS ZAMORA, AND EMILI GARCÍA-BERTHOU Fish ecology in Lake Banyoles (NE Spain): a tribute to Ramon Margalef .......................................................................................... SABATER, SERGI, HELENA GUASCH, ISABEL MUÑOZ, AND ANNA ROMANÍ Hydrology, light and the use of organic and inorganic materials as structuring factors of biological communities in Mediterranean streams ................................................... ENCINA, L., A. RODRÍGUEZ, AND C. GRANADO-LORENCIO The Iberian ichthyofauna: Ecological contributions.................... GUISANDE, CÁSTOR Biochemical fingerprints in zooplankton ............................................................................................. PRENDA, J., M. CLAVERO, F. BLANCO-GARRIDO, A. MENOR, AND V. HERMOSO Threats to the conservation of biotic integrity in Iberian fluvial ecosystems.......................................................................................................................................... GONZÁLEZ DEL TÁNAGO, MARTA, AND DIEGO GARCÍA DE JALÓN Attributes for assessing the environmental quality of riparian zones ................................................................................................................................................................. LÓPEZ-RODAS, V., E. MANEIRO, AND E.COSTAS Adaptation of cyanobacteria and microalgae to extreme environmental changes derived from anthropogenic pollution............................................................................................................... FERREIRA, M. TERESA, AND FRANCISCA C. AGUIAR Riparian and aquatic vegetation in Mediterranean-type streams (western Iberia) .............................................................................................................................................................. VASCONCELOS, VITOR Eutrophication, toxic cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins: when ecosystems cry for help ...................... FERNÁNDEZ ALÁEZ, CAMINO, MARGARITA FERNÁNDEZ ALÁEZ, CRISTINA TRIGAL DOMÍNGUEZ, AND BEATRIZ LUIS SANTOS Hydrochemistry of northwest Spain ponds and its relationships to groundwaters.......................................................... CAMACHO, ANTONIO On the occurrence and ecological features of deep chlorophyll maxima (DCM) in Spanish stratified lakes ............................................................................................................................................................................... OLIVEIRA, S. V., AND R. M. V. CORTES Environmental indicators of ecological integrity and their development for running waters in northern Portugal ............................................................................................................................................ LOPEZ, PILAR, ENRIQUE NAVARRO, RAFEL MARCE, JAIME ORDOÑEZ, LUCIANO CAPUTO, AND JOAN ARMENGOL Elemental ratios in sediments as indicators of ecological processes in spanish reservoirs .............................................................. MARTI, E., F. SABATER, J.L. RIERA, G.C. MERSEBURGER, D. VON SCHILLER, A. ARGERICH, F. CAILLE, AND P. FONOLLÀ Fluvial nutrient dynamics in a humanized landscape. Insights from a hierarchical perspective ................................................. MARCÉ, RAFEL, ENRIQUE MORENO-OSTOS, JAIME ORDÓÑEZ, CLAUDIA FEIJOÓ, ENRIQUE NAVARRO, LUCIANO CAPUTO, AND JOAN ARMENGOL Nutrient fluxes through boundaries in the hypolimnion of Sau reservoir: expected patterns and unanticipated processes ........................................................................................................................................... PRAT, NARCÍS, AND MARIA RIERADEVALL 25-years of biomonitoring in two mediterranean streams (Llobregat and Besòs basins, NE Spain) ........................................................................................................................................................... CATALAN, JORDI, LLUÍS CAMARERO, MARISOL FELIP, SERGI PLA, MARC VENTURA, TERESA BUCHACA, FREDERIC BARTUMEUS, GUILLERMO DE MENDOZA, ALEXANDRE MIRÓ, EMILIO O. CASAMAYOR, JUAN MANUEL MEDINA-SÁNCHEZ, MONTSERRAT BACARDIT, MADDI ALTUNA, MIREIA BARTRONS, DANIEL DÍAZ DE QUIJANO High mountain lakes: extreme habitats and witnesses of environmental changes............................................................................................................................... MIRACLE, M. R., B. MOSS, E. VICENTE, S. ROMO, J. RUEDA, E. BÉCARES, C. FERNÁNDEZ-ALÁEZ, M. FERNÁNDEZ-ALÁEZ, J. HIETALA, T. K AIRESALO, K. VAKKILAINEN, D. STEPHEN, L. A. H ANSSON & M. G YLLSTRÖM Response of macroinvertebrates to experimental nutrient and fish additions in European localities of different latitudes................. 303 321 335 349 369 377 389 403 411 425 433 453 479 499 513 527 541 551 585 Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 1.4 © Asociación Española de Limnología Depósito Legal:V-2404-1986 ISSN: 0213-8409 Autoedición: Servei Gràfic NJR, SL Impresión: Gráficas Rey, S.L. Impreso en España / Printed in Spain Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página i Ramon Margalef (1919-2004): teacher and researcher Joan Armengol Dept. Ecology. Univ. Barcelona The May 23th, 2004 Professor Ramon Margalef died in Barcelona at the age of 85. While not unexpected, his death equalled his life in simplicity and dignity. The professor had refused to be subjected to a treatment that could artificially prolong his life, wholly in keeping with the tenor of his character. Already in 1979, Margalef presented some very interesting thoughts, still valid today, on r- and K- strategy behaviours amongst human populations, the generational problem and the lengthening of life span in some human populations in the article “El precio de la supervivencia. Consideraciones ecológicas sobre las poblaciones humanas” (Margalef, 1979). In it, there is a sentence which has kept its full force over time, considering the circumstances that led to his death. I remember it quite clearly as, even back then, I found it profoundly disturbing and, quoting from memory, it goes something like:” I would not like to enjoy the privileges medicine granted to Franco and Tito”. It looks to me as if this sentence were what we call a living will “avant la lettre” and, in it as in so many respects, professor Margalef was way ahead of his time. However, I would not like to dwell on this subject which leads me to very painful recent memories, but to write about his life as a teacher and researcher at the University of Barcelona from the perspective of one of his pupils who got introduced the world of ecology by the hand of professor Margalef and lived side by side with him during part of his “golden years” of scientific research. Margalef was not especially didactic as a teacher, at least not for those who preferred well organised lectures that allowed the taking of clear and methodical notes, with outlines to complement the Limnetica 25(1-2)01 ii 12/6/06 13:53 Página ii J. Armengol explanations in class. We need not forget that until 1974 we cannot talk of a “book on ecology that could complement his lectures”. Until the publishing of Ecología (Margalef, 1974), we felt fortunate enough if we had a barely readable cyclostyled copy in thick paper of “Comunidades naturales” (1962), a compilation of some of the lectures he had given at a course on ecology in Puerto Rico which had been published in an unconventional way. His lectures would be a continuous improvisation and, even though there was a well-outlined thread in the syllabus, you could hardly follow it during the lecture on any given day. He followed, or better, pretended to follow some notes he had scribbled on one of those index cards we used to write down bibliographical notes. During the class, however, he would keep bringing up new topics to end up talking about the ones that were of his interest at that moment. More than once, you would write down that there were different ways of facing a specific aspect of an issue only to realise that he expanded on one of them and forgot about the rest. They could of course have been dealt with, or not, but that didn’t seem to worry him at all. But please do not reach false conclusions from my previous words: his lectures were speeches in the creative sense of the word as he was giving us a state-of-the-art account of key aspects of contemporary ecology, continually updated, as he was leading it himself together with E. Hutchinson, R. H. McArthur, the Odum brothers (Tom and Eugene) and R. Lewontin, amongst others. In his classes, he would bring up the latest books and articles from the latest issues from the most prestigious magazines and he would use them as the backbone of the lesson. I clearly remember as one time, during a lesson on marine plankton, he got sidetracked into talking about a most interesting book he was reading at the moment and about biology of leaves and he started to argue on how many times the surface of the earth could be covered if all the leaves were put one right next to the other one. A kind of biospheric foliar index which led to his reflecting on the idea of why life had not evolved towards one unique species that would cover the whole surface of the Earth, with an autotrophic top layer and an heterotrophic bottom layer, and he even predicted that its thickness would have to be no more than a few millimetres at the most, enough so that there would be a redox potential difference between layers, enough to balance production with respiration. This idea of a planet covered by just one species was the complete antithesis of the concept of biosphere but he used it to stimulate our thinking about what the biogeochemical cycles would be like within a system with no diversity, little biomass, but possibly a lot more efficient in the capture of energy from sunlight through photosynthesis. Margalef underwent cataract surgery in the days before laser surgery and with techniques that were a lot more invasive and required several days in hospital, and therefore we can imagine what it meant for him to spend those days with the eyes bandaged and with nothing else to do but to meditate on some of his favourite subjects. He asked for a cassette player to be brought to him and he recorded a story about a human expedition to a planet that fulfilled the requirements mentioned above, too long to relate now. Unfortunately, the recording is lost, even though it would nowadays be more relevant as a testimony of Margalef ’s personality rather than for the subject itself. What we can infer from these anecdotes is that Margalef enjoyed these kind of theoretical approaches similar to Einstein’s Gedankenexperimente and the ones by other physicists of his time, although they were not quite the same. I am referring to experiments whose realization is frequently impracticable but which nevertheless lead to reliable results. In Margalef ’s case, these mental experiments were not merely theoretical, but were based on a deep and perceptive observation of nature, on simple experiments and the application of regularities he had observed in nature that were based on ecological successions. For Margalef, perfect crime didn’t exist even in nature and the observation of natural phenomena allowed him to detect casual linkages that led him to discover principles that had gone unnoticed until then. That’s why Margalef had always regarded himself as a naturalist. “He dignified the meaning of naturalist”, wrote Joandomènec Ros (Ros, 2004) not too long ago to recall Margalef ’s passion for nature, and Margalef himself preferred this term to all others to describe his scientific activities. For this rea- Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página iii Ramon Margalef (1919-2004) iii son, some authors have adopted Josefina Castellví’s views that “talking about ecology is talking about Margalef, but talking about Margalef certainly implies a lot more than talking about ecology”. With these words, “more than ecology”, we mean the observation and study of nature along with deep intellectual interests. I do not want to expand on the emerging principles of ecology that Margalef developed together with the most prestigious ecologists of his time, Hutchinson, McArthur and the Odums amongst others, or on his lifelong contributions to theoretical ecology as they have been described in detail by other authors (Bascompte and Solé, 2005; Flos, 2005; Walter, 2005). However, I would like to emphasize that, in my opinion, the most relevant article published by Margalef is “On certain unifying principles in ecology” (Margalef, 1963). Very few times more has been said with fewer words. In this paper, Margalef presented a series of emerging principles based on the ecological succession and with them he started dissecting nature. In other words, he started to study and measure all ecosystems, from the least productive seas, such as the Mediterranean, to fertile ones like the Sahara upwelling. Likewise, the Mediterranean forest, the rainforest, the small pond, the biggest lakes or dams, the coral reefs or caves, they all became the subject of his studies. Nothing escaped his ability to discern patterns and the results were spectacular. The best of his comparisons can be found in “Perspectives in ecological theory” (Margalef, 1968), where we are able to realize how powerful the tool he had created was. No wonder this book is one of the top 10 most cited works in ecology and is fully up-to-date. Just to mention a few examples that are far from exhaustive of the application of these emerging principles: Margalef deduced that the natural evolution of lakes was from eutrophic to oligotrophic aquatic systems if the influx of nutrients or organic matter was cut off (Margalef, 1968). He also explained the dynamics of a river population as an equivalent to space succession (Margalef, 1960) and the seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton as a microsuccession (Margalef, 1978). The direct consequence of this last idea led him to develop the concept of biological types of phytoplankton as an adaptation of the species to a double gradient of concentration of nutrients and of turbulent kinetic energy, with his famous mandala model (Margalef, 1980). From those research topics he developed the concept of external or exosomatic energy and its relevance in the organisation of communities. Societies or systems that use more exosomatic energy are the ones that exploit or dominate the other ones. I would suggest a “Gedankenexperimente” to you and to apply this thesis to the present geopolitical situation for the control of the non-renewable natural resources and reach your own conclusions. Margalef used to do it as well, whether to study a coral reef or to analyze any level of organisation of human populations (Margalef, 1992). And, going back to the topic of Margalef as a teacher, I have to stress that all the advantages and disadvantages I mentioned before helped split his students in two groups: the ones that liked his classes and the ones that didn’t, with no intended disrespect towards the latter. Margalef was passionate of natural selection and he considered it could be applied to all aspects of life and at all levels of human organisation. He was, therefore, capable of giving a pass to some students who didn’t deserve it while telling them “life will fail you” or “look, I give you a pass but promise me you will never teach the subject or work in anything related to ecology”. It is true that he didn’t like being too hard on students during exams. He was, however, strict in his selection of the students that deserved the best marks. Exams are always a source of stress no matter the subject or the professor, but with respect to the exams on ecology, they had the disadvantage they were also atypical as far as the questions were concerned. Many times the problem lay in the way he formulated the questions and not in the subject itself. Margalef was always on the lookout for the bright student who could become a disciple and would show some degree of originality and he would pick the best by asking questions in his particular way. Some questions were handed down from year to year by senior students to the freshmen so that they knew what to expect. The questions might be of the sort: “Why are the taxis in Barcelona black and yellow? They may seem a bit esoteric to the students that are being introduced to the subject for the Limnetica 25(1-2)01 iv 12/6/06 13:53 Página iv J. Armengol first time but it would not be an insurmountable obstacle if you knew anything about aposematic coloration. Other questions such as “effect of the Coriolis force in the curvature of the antlers of antelopes, in the growth of branches in the tree trunks, and in the distribution of the genus Velella” were meant to sort out outstanding students who could have otherwise remained unnoticed. No matter how hard the exams were, the percentage of passes and failures never changed, with passes to failures at about 2-to1 ratio. However, many of the students that got a pass were aware of Margalef ’s opinion of them when they got back the exam together with a mark which was obviously a fail. The exams of the ones that didn’t pass do not even deserve to be mentioned. Regarding the exams we had to take during our own 1970-1971 ecology course, Margalef suffered from an extra dose of originality as he decided to abolish the traditional Napoleonic exams, with the students locked up in a classroom while they were answering questions. The novelty consisted in a short meeting with all the students early in the morning in the Department library where he hand us two topics to expand upon: we had from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. when we had to stop by his office and hand him the paper we had written on one of the two topics we had chosen. I have to admit that I had a very bad time over it and many of my classmates shared my feelings due to the difficulty of trying to write something original while having all the notes, books and other means at hand. A few days later he told us we didn’t deserve this kind of exams as we had done so badly in general. To a chosen group of us, who had done well, he let us take a second non-Napoleonic term exam but we had no chance of a third for the final exam and we all went back to the traditional system. I remember that during this first exam four of my classmates handed in an essay which was the result of a joint effort, probably very well thought out as they got an A. They had, however, to share the mark democratically amongst the four of them, with the result of an obvious fail. I have so far commented on professor Margalef ’s teaching career, but he pursued a career in research beyond this aspect of teaching which I would downright call frantic. In the first years of existence of the Ecology Department, Margalef combined his work between the University of Barcelona and the Fisheries Research Institute (IIP) of CSIC. He would go to IIP on Tuesdays and Thursdays and spend the rest of the week at the university. He had his own research team at each one of the centers: the marine biologists Marta Estrada in Barcelona and Miguel Alcaraz and Xavier Niell in Vigo, while at the university, the limnologists Dolors Planas and Rosa Miracle, who were at the time, early 70’s) beginning their research work at the lake of Banyoles plus a group of students who would go during their free time and amongst which I counted myself. Tecla Riera was Margalef ’s assistant and was soon joined by Joandomènec Ros and the department became divided into two kind of doctorate students, the marine ecologists and the fresh water ecologists. The writing of Ecología (Margalef, 1974), with its 951 pages, dates from that period. I suppose that, as with anything else, some people are better at writing than others but the way Margalef would write can only be described as extraordinary. His Olivetti typewriter sounded like a machine gun that only stopped when the letters hit the rubber cylinder with a different sound as when there was paper. It was time to stop, pick up the paper from the floor if it was handy or at least the carbon paper, as he used two sheets and some carbon paper to keep a copy. The writing began early in the morning, right after the ecology class, which started at 8 a.m. to allow him more time for his writing. He would seldom have a break, just enough for a coffee and he dealt quickly with any visits. He stopped writing at around 2 p.m., picked up the sheets that might have fallen to the floor, sorted them out, numbered them and piled them up at one end of the table and would call it a day just to continue two days later as if nothing had happened in between. We have to remember that on alternate days he went to IIP and he used the afternoons to attend to other matters. He kept the typed sheets inside a metallic cabinet in brown folders bound with a rubber band. On the cover of the folder he would leave handwritten notes and some of the sheets inside would also be full of them. The 951 pages could easily consist of 3000 or more sheets which made quite a considerable stack. While writing, he would include all the bibliography he remembered and then he would go over the text and insert the missing references by Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página v Ramon Margalef (1919-2004) v hand. The draft copy was finished in one year. The final writing of the book was not a mere copy of the first one but a full rewriting that took almost as long. If we take a look at Margalef ’s bibliography during those years, 1971-73 (Ros, 1991), we realise that he had time to write articles on the side that can match the amount of articles published in the previous and later years. The writing of Limnología (Margalef, 1983), with its 1010 pages, followed a similar pattern to the one described above and I will obviously not go over it again. Peter Wangersky, from the University of Halifax, who spent some sabbatical stays in Barcelona, used to say that Margalef could work right through a three-ring-circus show without losing track and being at his most efficient. Margalef was a person who didn’t get out of the office much but his door was always open and students and graduate students alike could visit him there any time we wanted, although we could always tell if he was eager to get on with something else or deeply involved in his thoughts. Tecla Riera was in a way a kind of transmission belt that would keep him connected to the department despite his many other information sources based on his observation skills. He knew what was going on, even though he didn’t interfere much. Whenever he proposed a research topic, he felt enthusiastic about it and even anticipated the results he expected if everything turned out well. On many occasions, he would use the pages of his desk calendar to scribble and sketch data to supplement his initial exposition. When he was done, he would tear the page and somehow you would find yourself standing in the corridor, or in the office or the library staring at it, trying to figure out what it said while trying to remember what Margalef had said in relation to what while he was going on about his ideas. We all had to work in a specific taxonomic group and from there we could fit in all the ecology we were able to develop. In those days, the zoological and botanical taxonomists that worked in Margalef ’s department were equivalent in numbers to the ones that made up the respective departments. Quoting Xavier Ferrer, “he would send us on a single-handed voyage along the seas of research and, as a rule, he wouldn’t warn you of any possible dangers” (Ferrer, 2004), always consistent with his belief in natural selection. The results would be uneven and, the same as with his students, some would just disappear discreetly without him losing any sleep over it. As I have mentioned earlier, he had this incredible capacity for transmitting enthusiasm for the ideas that interested him. You would come out of his office holding the calendar sheets feeling you were going to start a research project that would achieve a major breakthrough in ecology. Other times, he would ask you offhand about your progress and he liked to be shown the results and would get all excited if he considered them relevant and had no qualms about mentioning these results in his papers. Margalef founded three scientific magazines and he was a regular contributor with his papers Publicaciones del Instituto de Biología Aplicada (PIBA), Investigación Pesquera (IP) and Oecologia aquatica. The issues of PIBA or IP are hard to find and the articles published in them, quite often written by Margalef himself, are very rarely read. Big mistake, as you can find some gems amongst them, as not only would he present and interpret data, but he would also anticipate some of the results and conclusions and formulate hypotheses that he would develop later on. Nowadays this type of approach or projection of the results is called speculative science. “Too much speculative” is the fatal sentence that you can usually find in the letter editors send to reject a paper for publication when you spend too much time on the data assessment or on the conclusion. Margalef was not afraid to expound his ideas even though many times he himself admitted he was not able to prove them at the present stage of information available. Many of the criticisms he received from later ecologists were of the kind that he had this habit of jumping ahead while leaving many gaps to be filled, some of which have already been filled and some are still pending. The wealth of ideas we find in his writings in PIBA or IP can already be found in his earlier works, many of them geared towards the general public. In that sense I can recommend some booklets from the end of the 40’s published by Seix y Barral that took up less than a hundred pages and that he wrote as a complement to a meagre salary Limnetica 25(1-2)01 vi 12/6/06 13:53 Página vi J. Armengol to help support his family of six. That’s why, with a mischievous smile, he used to call these papers “nutritional ecology”. The topics, of course, were varied but all juicy nevertheless: La vida en el mar, Los insectos sociales, Las plantas carnivoras are some of the titles I have been lucky enough to read many years after they were written. One of my favourites has always been the latter as in it he predicted the new food adaptation of carnivorous plants, an example of allotrophy. According to Margalef, this adaptation came about because they had no other chances of obtaining nutrients through more orthodox means. A few years later we had the chance to prove his theory right at the old department in University old building with a specimen of Sarracenia he had brought from Canada and which we had kept for a long time in a crystallizer, watering it with distilled water and with regular visits to the genetics department to get a pot full of Drosophyla to feed to it. From the many activities going on at the department, the so-called magic soirees on Thursday afternoon were of special interest. We euphemistically called that to the seminars held by Margalef. They were open activities and they were not based on a previously announced topic; we would just attend and if it was time and nobody came up with a topic, Margalef would stand up and start talking about something that could lead to a discussion, without necessarily having to reach any conclusions. Many of the graduate students at IIP used to take part in those seminars and also many physicists, Jorge Wagensberg amongst others, and many of the physicists involved in the group of complex systems. Jordi Flos was the one that started calling these seminars magic soirees not because of the topics being discussed but for the way the ideas would flow, just like rabbits coming out of a magician’s hat. Flos gives a short but interesting account of those seminars in his book Ecología, entre la magia y el tópico (Flos, 1984). Ramon Margalef kept up his activities until his illness prevented him from leaving his house, and that was for a very short time. He kept coming to his office at the department, mostly as an incentive to walk around the libraries of the faculties of Biology, Geology and Physics and Chemistry. He remembered what day the issues from Science, Nature or many other magazines were expected and there he was, ready to be the first one to read them. His personal evolution during his last years was clearly the one of a K strategist, with a mental lucidity and incredible observation skills which he now used on himself. He didn’t mind talking about his illness and how his life had been altered because of it. He used to say he found interesting the way we lose memory, “just like the hard disk of a computer; clusters get deleted without having any links with one another”. He used to come and see us and he liked to stop by for a chat and tell us about his ideas and projects he thought interesting and could no longer embark on. He was concerned about the big manmade changes to the landscape, and he used to call them “the inversion in the landscape topology”. At the same time, he was interested in the number of cells of many species from a same taxonomic group that, according to him, was discontinuous at the species level. He used to compare those discontinuities to shoe size, “sort of a quantic cytometry”, and was as always worried about nutrients, with a special emphasis on phosphorus. During the opening speech of the Second Iberian Congress of Limnology in Valencia (June 2000), he insisted on his concerns over the pending issues and the relevance of their study in the future. He wrote these words in a short but delightful article, “Cabos sueltos” (2001), published one of the previous volumes of Limnetica, and it can be considered as a sort of future projection of his ideas. He used to enjoy our visits to him at his home. Delivering his mail was always a good excuse; just that many times there were several of us just for a few letters. Even though his memory was failing him, you could immediately tell if the subject caught his attention as he would awaken, his eyes would sparkle and would start up a typical Margalefian discussion. He admitted that our visits helped him while away the “black hours”, as he called the hours he spent by himself or in the company of his dear wife Maria. He died as he would have liked, on a Sunday, surrounded by his whole family and able to say his last goodbye to them. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página vii Ramon Margalef (1919-2004) vii It was then when many of us found out he had been a religious person and were finally able to understand some moments in his life when he had shown extreme fortitude. Pere Ynajara, parish priest from Sta. Eugenia del Congost and a good friend for many years, presided over the funeral service and during the homily he spoke about many aspects of his personality amongst which I would like to single out the sense of irony Margalef would display on many occasions. “He was worried about what would happen to his nutrients”, the priest told us. Which is logical as, being a religious person, he couldn’t have had many doubts regarding more spiritual matters. I can assure you I have no doubts he said it, nutrients being an issue that interested him and one that, once again, he applied on himself. Well then, I can only say that I truly hope his nutrients soon get to an oligotrophic ecosystem, such as the Mediterranean Sea, the waters around Mallorca or the Gulf of Lyons or along the coast of Castellón, the places he studied, described and became the basis of many of his scientific hypotheses. In those waters of great diversity and biodiversity, with low P/B values, with an internalization of the nutrient cycle, great pigment diversity and big sized K- strategist species, there is where I hope he can continue to enjoy the wonderful world he helped us understand. May he rest in peace. REFERENCES Bascompte, J. y R. Solé. Margalef y el espacio o porqué los ecosistemas no bailan sobre la punta de una aguja. Ecosistemas, Año XIV, nº 1. Ferrer, X. 2004. Margalef, el naturalista que yo conocí. Quercus, 221: 8-11. Flos, J. 1984. Ecología entre la magia y el tópico. Ed. Omega. Barcelona. 129 pp. Flos, J. 2005. El concepto de información en la ecología margalefiana. Ecosistemas, Año XIV, nº 1. Margalef, R. 1960. Ideas for a synthetic approach to the ecology of running waters. Int. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol., 45: 133-153. Margalef, R. 1962. Comunidades naturales. Instituto de Biología Marina de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Mayagüez. 469 pp. Margalef, R. 1963. On certain unifying principles in ecology. Am. Nat., 97: 357-374. Margalef, R. 1968. Perspectives in ecological theory. University of Chicago Press. 111 pp. Margalef, R. 1974. Ecología. Ed. Omega. Barcelona. 951 pp. Margalef, R. 1978. Life-forms of phytoplankton as survival alternatives in an unstable environment. Oceanol. Acta, 1: 493-509. Margalef, R. 1979. El precio de la supervivencia. Consideraciones ecológicas sobre las poblaciones humanas. Étnica, 15: 103-115. Margalef, R. 1980. La biosfera: entre la termodinámica y el juego. Ed. Omega, Barcelona. 236 pp. Margalef, R. 1981. Limnología. Ed. Omega, Barcelona. 1010 pp. Margalef, R. 1992. Planeta azul, planeta verde. Prensa Científica SA. Barcelona. 265 pp. Margalef, R. 2001. Cabos sueltos. Limnetica, 20: 1-2 Ros, J. D. 1991. Ramon Margalef, limnologist, marine biologist, ecologist, naturalist”. En: Homage to Ramón Margalef, or Why there is such pleasure studying nature. J. D. Ros y N. Prat (eds.). Oecologia aquatica, 10: 413-423. Ros, J. D. 2004. Dignificà l’apelatiu “naturalista”. Notícies de la Institució. Circular de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, 54: 1-3. Walker, L. R. 2005. Margalef y la sucesión ecológica. Ecosistemas, Año XIV, nº 1. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página viii Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 1 Limnetica, 25(1-2): 1-10 (2006) The ecology of the Iberian inland waters: Homage to Ramon Margalef © Asociación Española de Limnología, Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 0213-8409 Leaf litter processing in low order streams Manuel A. S. Graça & Cristina Canhoto Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de Coimbra, 3004-517 Coimbra, Portugal; ABSTRACT Forests produce a large amount of detritus, that inevitably end up in streams, subsidizing aquatic systems with organic matter and nutrients. Here we review some of the research carried out at the University of Coimbra with the objective of getting a better understanding of the breakdown process of these materials and its incorporation to secondary production. Litter-fall in deciduous forests in Central Portugal can reach up to 750 g AFDM of leaves m-2 yr-1, with 73% of the litter produced between October and December. In several retention experiments, we measured a 90% leaf retention in low order (1st- 4th) streams within 15 – 70 m, and a standing stock of up to 450 g AFDM m-2. The amount of nutrients in the water and the plant physical and chemical defenses can be an indicator of the rate at which plant material is incorporated into secondary production or exported as dissolved and fine particles of organic matter. Respiration rates of decomposing leaves incubated with fungicides were severely reduced, supporting the idea that fungi are very important agents in litter breakdown. The fungi group known as aquatic hyphomycetes are capable of producing enzymes able to cause leaf maceration, and by 2 to 3 weeks, up to 15 % of the decomposing leaf biomass corresponds to fungi. Shredder invertebrates are also biological agents involved in litter breakdown. Given their densities and feeding rates, we measured consumption rates of 12 – 54 g of leaves m-2 yr-1 in a stream in Central Portugal, corresponding to 2 to 9 times the litter standing stock. Feeding rates were high in nutrient rich leaves and low in chemical and physically protected leaves with low nutrient content. According to several experiments, fungal colonization facilitates the access of invertebrates to the energy trapped in deciduous leaves in streams. Some invertebrates have strategies to cope with low quality food (leaves with low microbial biomass or high chemical defenses). Those include high mobility, small size, compartmentalized digestion in the gut, presence of endosymbionts, and the capability to decrease respiration rates. The relative importance of fungi and invertebrates in the incorporation of plant litter material into secondary production varies across rivers and biomes. Shredder invertebrates seem to play a key role in litter breakdown in headwaters, but their importance appears to decrease downstream. In the same way, some systems where leaves are hard or protected, shredder invertebrates may be less abundant and the energy may be mainly recovered from litter by fungi. Eucalyptus plantations are systems with low diversity of invertebrates and aquatic hyphomycetes. Streams running through eucalyptus plantations seem therefore ideal to experimentally investigate relationships between structural parameters (biodiversity) and function. Finally, our research has been extended to other climatic areas including the Mediterranean and tropical streams. We reported a wide variety of situation in those systems. A general rule applying to all of them is that if leaf litter is abundant and high quality, the incorporation of energy into detrital food webs can be processed very quickly. However, if leaves are well protected and nutrients in the water are low, processing rates are equally very low, independently of the ambient temperatures. Key words: litter balance, decomposition, fungi, detritivores, Mediterranean and tropical streams. RESUMEN Los bosques producen una gran cantidad de detritus orgánicos, que inevitablemente llegan a los ríos, subsidiando los sistemas acuáticos con materiales y nutrientes. Aquí se revisan algunos de los trabajos que se han hecho en la Universidad de Coimbra con el objetivo de entender mejor el proceso de descomposición de este material y su incorporación en producción secundaria. La entrada de hojarasca en bosques caducifolios del Centro de Portugal puede alcanzar hasta 750 g PSLC (peso seco libre de cenizas) m-2 año-1, con 73 % de este valor ocurriendo entre Octubre y Diciembre. En varios experimentos de retención medimos que cerca de 90 % hojas que entran en ríos de baja orden (1ª- 4ª) eran retenidas entre los 15 y 75 m, y que la biomasa de hojarasca acumulada era de hasta 450 g PSLC m-2. La cantidad de nutrientes en el agua y las defensas físicas y químicas de las plantas pueden ser un indicador de la tasa a que el material orgánico es incorporado en producción secundaria o exportado como material disuelto o finamente particulado. Las tasas de respiración de hojas incubadas con fungicidas disminuyeron severamente apoyando la idea de que los hongos son agentes muy importantes en la descomposición de hojarasca el los ríos. El grupo de hongos conocido como hifomicetos acuáticos producen enzimas que causan la maceración de hojas, y en 2 o 3 semanas, hasta 15 % de la biomasa de una hoja en descomposición puede corresponder a hongos. Los invertebrados desmenuzadores son también agentes biológicos en la descomposición. Dadas las densidades de desmenuzado- Limnetica 25(1-2)01 2 12/6/06 13:53 Página 2 M. A. S. Graça & C. Canhoto res y sus tasas de ingestión de alimento, hemos calculado tasas de consumo de hojas en ríos de12 – 54 g m-2 año-1, lo que corresponde a 2 a 9 veces la cantidad de hojarasca presente. Las tasas de consumo son generalmente altas en substratos ricos en nutrientes y bajas en hojas pobres en nutrientes o protegidas del punto de vista químico y físico. De acuerdo varios experimentos, la colonización por hongos facilita el acceso de los invertebrados a la energía de las hojas. Algunos invertebrados han desarrollado estrategias para poder vencer la baja calidad de las hojas, incluyendo un alta movilidad, tamaño pequeño, compartimentalización de la digestión en el intestino, presencia de endosimbiontes y la capacidad para disminuir las tasas respiratorias. La importancia relativa de los hongos e invertebrados en la incorporación de la hojarasca en producción secundaria es variable entre ríos y biomas. Los invertebrados desmenuzadores parecen jugar un papel importante en la descomposición de hojarasca en los ríos de bajo orden, pero su importancia parece disminuir rió abajo. Del mismo modo, en algunos sistemas en que las hojas son duras o protegidas, los invertebrados pueden ser menos abundantes y la energía canalizada en producción secundaria principalmente por los hongos. Las plantaciones de eucaliptos son sistemas con una baja diversidad de invertebrados e hifomicetos acuáticos. Los ríos que corren por plantaciones de eucaliptos parecen ser por este motivo sistemas ideales para investigar las relaciones entre parámetros estructurales (biodiversidad) y función. Finalmente, nuestra investigación ha sido extendida para otras zonas climáticas, incluyendo el Mediterráneo y las zonas tropicales. Hemos reportado una gran variedad de situaciones en esos sistemas. Una regla general a todos ellos es que si la hojarasca es abundante y de alta calidad, la incorporación de la energía de las hojas en las cadenas alimentares se procesa de forma muy rápida. Sin embargo, si las hojas están bien protegidas y los nutrientes el agua son bajos, estas tasas son igualmente muy bajas, independientemente de las temperaturas ambientales. Palabras clave: Balance de la hojarasca, descomposición, hongos, detritívoros, arroyos mediterráneos y tropicales. ALHOCHTHONOUS ORGANIC MATTER IS AN IMPORTANT ENERGY SOURCE FOR FORESTED LOW ORDER STREAMS Forests are among the most productive systems on Earth with primary production reaching 1800 g dry mass m-2 year-1 in the tropics. Even boreal forests are more productive than cultivated lands (850 vs. 750 g dry mass m-2 year-1, respectively; Ricklefs, 2000). In forested systems less than 5 % of the primary production will be lost to herbivores (Ricklefs, 2000); this implies that a very large proportion of the energy fixed in forests will end in the detrital pathways (Fig. 1). This is particularly evident in deciduous forests with litter-fall ranging from 300 to 800g dry mass m-2 year-1, or with > 1000g dry mass m-2 year-1 in tropical forests (reviewed Abelho, 2001). With such an amount of litter production, it is virtually impossible that leaves, fruits, seeds, twigs, and other plant remains, will not end in streams. Moreover, trees in the riparian zones shade the small streams, decreasing in this way the amount of solar energy which could be used by primary producers. Therefore, litter shed by trees is likely to be a key energy source for low order streams running through forests. It is therefore ecologically relevant to understand the fate of energy and nutrients in those systems. At the University of Coimbra, Portugal, we have been addressing several aspects of litter decay in small streams for the last 15 years. Here we review the main findings of our research. LITTERFALL AND THE DYNAMICS OF ORGANIC MATTER How are leaves retained in streams? Can we predict decomposition rates of leaves based on their intrinsic characteristics? What is the relative role of the environment in litter decomposition? What are the main agents affecting litter decomposition? To address some of those questions we began measuring litter dynamics in deciduous forests in Central Portugal. In a forest dominated by Castanea sativa Mill., annual litter-fall reached 750 g m-2 yr-1, with 73 % of litter produced between October and December, which is consistent with other results reported for deciduous forests. Nearly 90 % of the leaves falling into low order streams in Central Portugal were retained in within 10 – 70 meters, with retention decreasing downstream (Canhoto & Graça, 1998). Retained litter accumulates in the stream-bed before being processed or washed away during floods; we measured standing Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 3 Leaf decomposition in streams stocks of organic matter of 50 – 450 g AFDM m-2 in streams of central Portugal. These values were much higher than the standing stock of periphyton (6 g m-2; Abelho & Graça, 1998) in the same river. Moreover the amounts of coarse particulate organic matter in rivers tend to decrease downstream, whereas the standing stocks of benthic algae tend to increase in the same direction (Cortes et al., 1995). Decomposition is therefore a critical ecosystem process, determining the availability of nutrients for primary producers. Can we predict the rate at which leaves decompose? The answer, to some extent, is yes. We found that decomposition rates increase with nitrogen content of leaves and decrease with the amount of plant chemical and physical defenses (Cortes et al., 1994; Canhoto & Graça, 1996). Decomposition rates also tend to increase with nutrient content in the water. This information is important for conservation, restoration and management of riparian zones. “Cleaning” 3 streams by removing wood and other retentive features and removing stream-shading vegetation is a bad environmental practice. Although litter decomposition proceeds until all material is mineralized, this paper will refer to the breakdown of large particles of organic matter and not to the processing of fine particles or dissolved organic matter. DECOMPOSERS When leaves enter the streams, their nitrogen content generally increases. This is evidence of microbial colonization, which can be corroborated by the increase of ATP and oxygen consumption of leaves (Abelho et al., 2005). Moreover, leaves start loosing mass at a rate proportional to microbial colonization (Suberkropp & Chauvet, 1995); decomposition is therefore a biological process and a measurement of the rate of incorporation of leaf material into secondary production. Figure 1. Leaf litter accumulated on soil in a Eucalyptus plantation. Hojarasca acumulada en el suelo de una plantación de Eucaliptus. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 4 12/6/06 13:53 Página 4 M. A. S. Graça & C. Canhoto Which are the microorganisms involved in litter decomposition? There is evidence from the literature, that fungi are more important than bacteria in this process in terms of biomass and production (e.g. Pascoal & Cassio, 2004; Abelho et al. 2005). In a tropical stream, we found that leaves exposed to fungicides had lower respiration rates and lower microbial biomass than leaves exposed to bactericides. Other authors concluded that even under organic pollution conditions, production of bacteria in leaves is lower than fungal production (Pascoal & Cassio, 2004). It is also generally accepted that fungal decomposers of leaves are aquatic hyphomycetes (Fig. 2; Gessner & Chauvet, 1994; Gulis & Suberkropp, 2003), since just after submersion a large amount of conidia start detaching from leaves (e.g. Bärlocher, 2000). However, many geofungi have been also isolated from decomposing submersed leaves plated over agar. What is the relative role of both types of decomposers in the decomposition of organic matter in streams? To answer this question we measured the capability of several species of geofungi and aquatic hyphomycetes to cause leaf maceration in water and under laboratory conditions. Only aquatic hyphomycetes caused significant leaf maceration (measured as mass loss and decrease in tensile strength) and had higher enzymatic (xylanase, pectinlyase and polygalacturonase cellulose C1 and Cx) activity in submerged substrates than terrestrial fungi isolated from leaves (Graça & Ferreira, 1995; Rodrigues & Graça, 1997). Softening was correlated with the activity of all enzymes, especially xylanase (rs = 0.94; P< 0.001). Our conclusion is that when falling in the water, leaves are already colonized by terrestrial fungi, but their activity is severely depressed. In the water, leaves are rapidly exposed to thousands of spores of aquatic hyphomycetes (e.g. Bärlocher & Graça, 2002) that germinate and grow into the leaf substrates (Canhoto & Graça, 1999) and produce degrading enzymes (Canhoto et al., 2002). Many of the chemical and physical plant defenses against pathogens and herbivores may remain active after senescence. Thick cuticles may have a two-fold role in plants, by decreasing water losses and retarding fungal attack. One of the explanations for the lower decomposition rates of some eucalyptus leaves in nutrient poor streams is the presence of a thick cuticle. Electronic microscopy observations showed that fungi can only penetrate into the leaf mesophyll of eucalyptus leaves through stomata and cracks at the waxy cuticle (Canhoto & Graça, 1999). Figure 2. Spores of aquatic hyphomicetes: left and right: Tricladium splendens; center: Clavariopsis aquatica, Articulospora tetracladia and a sigmoid. (Photos by Felix Bärlocher). Esporas de hifomicetes acuáticos: izquierda y derecha: Tricladium splendens; centro: Clavariopsis aquatica, Articulospora tetracladia y un sigmoide (Fotos de Felix Bärlocher). Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 5 Leaf decomposition in streams Another defense of eucalyptus leaves is the presence of oils, allocated in glands. In eucalyptus leaves, oils may account for up to 5 % of leaf mass (Canhoto & Graça, 1999) and they are known to be have antibiotic properties. They were found to also reduce or suppress growth of aquatic hyphomycetes in vitro (Canhoto & Graça, 1999) and interfere with microbial enzymes (Canhoto et al., 2002). Fungal sporulation from eucalyptus leaves was retarded when compared with other leaves, but the removal of cuticle and oils resulted in accelerated sporulation (Canhoto & Graça, 1996; Bärlocher et al., 1995). The extraction of oils from eucalyptus leaves also resulted in an increase of consumption by the shredder Tipula lateralis, whereas the transference of eucalyptus oils to alder leaves resulted in a decrease in food consumption by the same shredder. DETRITIVORES Many stream invertebrates use leaf litter as a food resource. Besides incorporating leaf material into secondary production, shredder invertebrates fragment leaves and produce a large quantity of fecal pellets. The result is the transformation of coarse particulate organic matter (C.P.O.M.) into fine particulate organic matter (F.P.O.M.), which may constitute an important food source for other organisms we call “deposit feeders” and “filter feeders”. Feio & Graça (2000), González & Graça (2003), and Azevedo-Pereira et al. (2006) calculated for a mountain stream in Central Portugal that the mean annual consumption of leaves by the caddisflies (Sericostoma vittatum Rambur and Lepidostoma hirtum (Fabricius)) was, respectively, 12 – 22 g m-2 year-1 and 54 g m-2 year-1. These values correspond to 2 – 9 times the leaf standing stock of the stream. Shredder invertebrates have therefore a key role in the trophic ecology of low order streams (reviewed Graça 1993, 2001). Several factors can constrain the access of invertebrates to the energy trapped in leaves. To start with, a reduced number of animals have the 5 enzymatic capability to use the structural compounds of leaves. How do they manage to access the plant energy? We have been studying energy transference from litter pool to invertebrate shredders, using the caddisflies Sericostoma vittatum Rambur, and Lepidostoma hirtum (Fabricius), as well as the crane fly Tipula lateralis Meigen (Fig. 3) as test organisms. Leaves differ in their quality for shredders as asserted from measurements of feeding rates, food choice experiments and growth rates (e.g. González & Graça, 2003). The incorporation of leaf material into invertebrate secondary production proceeds at a faster rate in nitrogen rich and soft leaves, when compared with nitrogen poor, chemically protected, hard leaves (Canhoto & Graça, 1995; González & Graça, 2003). The implication is that changes in the frequency of leaf types and therefore forest practices may affect the dynamics of invertebrates in streams. Moreover, litter-fall in temperate areas occurs mainly during autumn, and litter is composed by a mixture of leaves differing in their quality. Leaves of high quality such as alder are quickly consumed, whereas leaves of more recalcitrant species, such as oak, take longer time to be fully colonized and degraded by microorganisms, but they can be a good resource for later in the season. If the mixture of leaves is replaced exclusively by leaves of high quality, it may supply shredders with a large input of high quality food for a short period of time, but energy may lack in later stages. On the other hand, if streams are provided only with low quality resources, food may be scarce early in the season. Figure 3. Larvae of Tipula lateralis, a stream shredder. Larva de Tipula lateralis, un triturador fluvial. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 6 6 M. A. S. Graça & C. Canhoto INTERACTIONS BETWEEN DETRITIVORES AND FUNGI One common observation on the ecology of shredder detritivores is that they preferentially feed on fungal colonized leaves in laboratory (Suberkropp, 1992; Graça et al., 1993b) and field conditions (Graça, 1992). They also feed and grow faster, survive better and have a larger reproductive output when leaves are fully colonized by fongi (Graça et al., 1993b). The reason seems clear: fungal colonization cause leaves to increase nitrogen content (because of fungal biomass) and leaf maceration, benefiting in this way from microbial enzymes (Suberkropp, 1992; Graça et al., 1993b; Graça, 1993). Some shredders do selectively consume the leaf patches with high fungal mass or selectively feed on fungal biomass growing on the surface of the leaves (e.g. Graça et al., 1993b; Graça et al., 2000). SOME NOTES ON THE ECOLOGY OF SHREDDERS Fast moving invertebrates are very active visiting patches were litter accumulates and probably remaining for short periods of time in the patches if the food quality is low. For invertebrates with low mobility, high selectivity may not be an option because if they reject less-profitable food they may spend a long time searching before they encounter food again. Invertebrates with low mobility may be more efficient in taking their energetic requirements from low quality food. Tipulidae larvae are slow moving invertebrates that inhabit streams. Unlike carnivore tipulids, shredder tipulids have an alkaline anterior gut with a pH 10.5 – 11 (e.g. Bärlocher & Porter, 1986; Graça & Bärlocher, 1998; Canhoto, 2001). At such a high pH, the gut proteolytic activity of these tipulids remain active and is not affected by polyphenolics from leaf extracts (Graça & Bärlocher, 1998). This strategy therefore, allows for a maximum protein extraction and, at the same time, the plant defenses are overcome. In the posterior section of these tipulids gut, pH values are neutral/alcaline and a high number of endosymbionts seem to have a key role in the digestion of the plant polysaccharides. In a series of laboratory experiments, we found that Gammarus pulex (L.) was able to maintain growth even when low quality food was supplied whereas that did not happen with the less active Asellus aquaticus L. (Graça et al., 1993a). G. pulex compensated for low quality food by reductions in respiration rates. Although another form of compensation may be the increase of food intake to maintain a constant energy / nutrient income (e.g. Calow, 1975; Rollo & Hawryluk, 1988), in most cases, shredding invertebrates decrease their energy intake when fed low quality food. WHAT IS THE RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF INVERTEBRATES AND FUNGI IN THE INCORPORATION OF LEAF ENERGY INTO FOOD WEBS? The relative importance of invertebrates and fungi in litter breakdown, and therefore in the incorporation of energy trapped in leaf tissues into food webs has been a matter of debate (see references in Graça, 2001). Apparently, whereas fungi are omnipresent in all flowing waters, the densities of shredder invertebrates can be controlled by other factors, including the quality and quantity of the litter. Therefore, in some systems invertebrates can be considered as unimportant in energy transference in detritus based systems, while in other cases they may be the key elements. For example, Hiebber & Gessner (2002) calculated that, in a stream, fungi were responsible for removing 15 – 18 % of leaf mass, whereas the values for shredder invertebrates were 51 – 64 %. On the other hand, Gonçalves et al. (2006) calculated that almost no litter energy in the form of coarse particulate organic matter was taken into secondary production by invertebrates due to the high recalcitrant properties of Savannah Cerrado streams. As the availability of coarse particulate organic matter tends to decrease downstream and nutrients in the water to increase in the same Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 7 Leaf decomposition in streams Figure 4. Eucalyptus leaf with oil glands in white. Hoja de eucalipto con las vesículas de aceite en blanco. direction, it is plausible that the role of both types of organisms change along the longitudinal gradient. We tested this hypothesis in a series of streams, ranging from 2nd to 6th order in Central Portugal. Decomposition rates did not differ along the longitudinal gradient (see also Cortes et al., 1995). However, microbial role on litter decomposition increased downstream as judged by the difference in mass loss in leaves incubated in coarse and fine mesh bags. Consistently, the density in spores in the water column increased downstream, whereas the density and percentage of shredder invertebrates increased upstream. This relationship was observed only in spring / summer. It is conceivable that during autumn / winter there might be a surplus of energy in the form of leaves and the impact of invertebrate feeding on litter breakdown may then be small (Graça et al., 2001b). STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL PARAMETERS IN DETRITUS BASED SYSTEMS Detritus based systems are a ground for testing some ecological theories. For instance, species replacement has been analyzed from the structural point of view but we can learn a lot on the functional changes related to species replacement by invasions. Species invasions have shown to affect community structure, sometimes with the reduction of biodiversity due to 7 local extinctions and the dominance of introduced species (Towsend et al., 2000). Given that decomposition is controlled by nutrient related factors and plant defenses, can we predict the ecological effects of species introductions? If the plant invader is a nitrogen fixing species, then we may expect that the turn over of organic matter to be accelerated. However, if the invaders are chemically or physically protected, decomposition and therefore the rate at which energy re-enters the biota component of ecosystems to be retarded. Invaders are very common in riparian areas (e.g. Vitousek, 1996) and we have been testing these assumptions by looking at soil and aquatic systems. In a series of litter breakdown experiments in which introduced vs. native and high quality (N content) vs. low quality (high protection) leaves in soils and water were compared, it was found that decomposition rates and associated processes such as microbial and invertebrate colonization were independent of plant origin, but could be explained by intrinsic leaf proprieties (Pinto et al., 1997; Pereira et al., 1998). In aquatic systems we compared streams bordered by native deciduous and eucalyptus plantations. Eucalyptus are originally from Australia, but they are nowadays ubiquitous in several parts of the world. Vast areas in the Iberian Peninsula are planted with eucalyptus. This subject was reviewed by Graça et al. (2002) and will not be treated in detail here, but we can summarize the changes associated to eucalyptus plantations in the following way: In eucalyptus plantations the seasonality of litter-fall is altered from an autumn peak to an even litter-fall along the year or a summer peak if the hydrological stress is high. The average standing stock of organic matter was not different between native deciduous and eucalyptus plantations; streams or tended to be higher in eucalyptus plantations, probably because of spates and bark accumulation, which increases litter retention. Fungi accumulate in decomposing leaves at similar rates in both stream types. Eucalyptus leaves are a low quality substrate for shredder invertebrates and fungi, as judged from: (a) their oil content with antibiotic proper- Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 8 Página 8 M. A. S. Graça & C. Canhoto ties (Fig. 4), affecting fungal growth, fungal digestive enzyme activity (Canhoto et al., 2002), and (b) feeding experiments with invertebrates in which there was a decrease in surviving, growth and feeding rates when fed with eucalyptus leaves. Oils inhibit fungal growth and invertebrate consumption in vitro (Canhoto & Graça, 1999). Elimination of leaf lipids resulted in faster decomposition and high sporulation by aquatic hyphomycetes (Bärlocher et al., 1995). Maybe for those reasons, invertebrate and fungal richness was low in Portuguese streams running through eucalyptus plantations. Because assemblages of decomposer and detritivore species are poor in eucalyptus streams, we have an ideal model system to investigate relationships between community structure and ecosystem functioning. For instance, Bärlocher & Graça (2002) reported that although streams running through eucalyptus forests had lower number of aquatic hyphomycete species, decomposition rates of chestnut (Castanea sativa) were similar (but see Abelho & Graça, 1998). TROPICAL SYSTEMS The ecology of low order streams is well established for temperate areas, but scarce in other zones. Most of the literature on the dynamics of litter-fall and the fate of organic matter entering streams is based on research carried out in North America and Europe. A quick survey in the “Web of Science” was run for citations on papers dealing with litter breakdown in streams from 2000 to 2004 and 110 references were found, 44 % from North America, 30 % from Europe, 8 % from the Mediterranean, 8 % from Australia and New Zealand and 2 % for the rest of the world, revealing that patterns of litter dynamics in forested stream systems are based upon research carried out in a restricted geographic area. Do the reported patterns apply to areas with different productivity, seasonality and hydrology? Do invertebrates and microbes play a similar role in other climates? In a series of feeding trials we found that, as reported for tempered shredder species, tropical shredders also selectively feed on microbial colonized leaves, and there was a tendency for growth rates to be reduced in the absence of microbial assemblages in the leaves. The rate at which leaves are incorporated into secondary production was more variable in the tropical areas than in temperate ones. In experiments carried out in tropical cloudy forests in Venezuela, decomposition rates were fast, with 50 % of leaf mass loss in less than 10 days in leaves of Hura crepitas L. The leaves of this species were found to be equivalent to those of Alnus glutinosa (L.) in terms of food resources and decomposition rates (Graça et al., 2001a and unpublished data). However, in Savannah streams, in Brazil (Cerrado), it took 90 days for alder leaves to loose 50 % of their mass (Gonçalves et al., 2006). Apparently, the availability of leaves, their quality, and water chemistry are important factors explaining the differences. CONCLUSION Detritus based systems are ideal to test many current ecological theories. They can be studied at community, population, and auto-ecology levels. Litter decomposition is also a research field in which the knowledge of several areas of science (plant ecology, biochemistry, mycology, population ecology, and others) is needed. If organic matter breakdown is an important process in streams, factors interfering with the activities of fungi and invertebrates are likely to affect the functional process of decomposition. Therefore, decomposition rates may be used as indicators of functional status of streams, as proposed by Gessner & Chauvet (2002). REFERENCES ABELHO, M. 2001. 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Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 11 Limnetica, 25(1-2): 11-32 (2006) The ecology of the Iberian inland waters: Homage to Ramon Margalef © Asociación Española de Limnología, Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 0213-8409 The aquatic systems of Doñana (SW Spain): watersheds and frontiers L. Serrano1, M. Reina, G. Martín, I. Reyes, A. Arechederra, D. León & J. Toja Dep. Plant Biology and Ecology. University of Sevilla. P.O. Box. 1095, Sevilla 41080. 1corresponding author: ABSTRACT Doñana includes an extraordinary variety of aquatic systems. They are broadly classified according to their location (on either aeolian sands or marshland) as their hydrology largely depends on the geomorphology of their basins. Their chemical composition is mainly influenced by rainfall, evaporative concentration, groundwater discharge, biogeochemical interactions at the sediment-water interface, and the quality composition of their watersheds. The influence of the watershed can be studied at different scales of observation. Rainfall infiltration in sandy soils is usually high so surface runoff becomes a rare event of very short duration during floods which, nonetheless, exerts a huge influence on the limnology of temporary ponds on aeolian sands. The water quality of the Doñana marshland, on the contrary, is influenced by long-term processes taking place on large-scale areas: sediment deposition, eutrophication and heavy metal pollution. The review of the main literature on the limnology of the Doñana aquatic systems during the past two decades, enable us to make a comparison in time focusing on the interactions at the frontier between terrestrial and aquatic systems within watersheds. Presently, the eastern area of the Doñana marshland is particularly affected by the low quality of the incoming flowing water compared with the more isolated southern marshes within the National Park. Water from the lower strech of the Guadiamar River (“Entremuros”), that floods the marshes of “Lucio El Cangrejo Grande”, showed a significant correlation between inorganic suspended solids and total P (r=0.807, p<0.05) during 2003-04, indicating an important contribution of inorganic particulates to the eutrophication of this area. The northern streams of the “Arroyo del Partido” watershed have not significantly improved their water quality in the last two decades despite the construction of two waste-water treatment plants, being total P correlated to dissolved phosphate concentration (r=0.995, p<0.01) during 2003-05. A general increase in NO3- concentrations have been detected in all studied aquatic systems of the Doñana marshland, including those with the highest water quality (“Arroyo de la Rocina”) during the last two decades. Despite wetland management requires a watershed approach, successive hydrologic projects in Doñana have failed to address the great spatio-temporal variability of processes affecting water quality in this area. Keywords: temporary ponds, marshland, streams, water quality, long-term study, eutrophication. RESUMEN Doñana alberga una extraordinaria variedad de sistemas acuáticos que se clasifican de forma general según su localización, bien en las arenas o en la marisma, ya que su hidrología depende, fundamentalmente, de la geomorfología de sus cuencas. La composición química de sus aguas varía en función de la lluvia, la evaporación, la descarga freática, las interacciones biogeoquímicas en la interfase agua-sedimento y el estado ecológico de sus cuencas. La influencia de la cuenca se puede estudiar a escalas distintas. La lluvia se infiltra fácilmente en la arena por lo que la escorrentía se convierte en un episodio raro y breve que, sin embargo, afecta considerablemente al funcionamiento limnológico de las lagunas temporales sobre arenas. Por el contrario, la calidad del agua en la marisma de Doñana está afectada por procesos extensos y largos, como la sedimentación, la eutrofización y la contaminación por metales pesados. Una revisión de la bibliografía limnológica permite realizar un estudio comparativo de las últimas dos décadas, centrado en las interacciones que tienen lugar en las fronteras entre los ecosistemas terrestres y acuáticos que comparten las cuencas de estos cuerpos de agua. Actualmente, la zona Este de la marisma está especialmente afectada por la baja calidad de las aguas de entrada en comparación con la zona Sur del Parque Nacional que se encuentra más alejada de estos aportes. El agua que discurre por el último tramo del encauzamiento del río Guadiamar (“Entremuros”) inunda las marismas cercanas (“Lucio El Cangrejo Grande”) y mostró una correlación significativa entre la carga de materia inorgánica en suspensión y la concentración de P total (r=0.807, p<0.05) durante el periodo 2003-04, indicando la importante contribución del material particulado inorgánico en la eutrofización de esta zona. En la zona Norte, la calidad del agua en los arroyos de la cuenca del Partido no ha mejorado significativamente en la últimas dos décadas, a pesar de la construcción y funcionamiento de dos estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales. Las concentraciones de P total y fosfato disuelto en el agua se encontraron altamente correlacionadas (r=0.995, p<0.01) durante el periodo 2003-05. En las dos últimas décadas, se ha detectado un incremento de la concentración de NO3- en los siste- Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 12 13:53 Página 12 Serrano et al. mas acuáticos estudiados en la marisma, incluído áquel con la mejor calidad del agua (“Arroyo de la Rocina”). A pesar de que nadie duda que la gestión de los humedales require una estrategia a nivel de cuenca hidrográfica, los sucesivos proyectos hidrológicos que se desarrollan en Doñana no llegan a abarcar la gran escala espacio-temporal de los procesos que afectan a la calidad de su aguas. Palabras clave: lagunas temporales, marisma, arroyos, calidad del agua, eutrofización. INTRODUCTION Doñana is considered the most relevant wetland area in Spain. Despite its significance for wildfowl, research into the limnological processes of this vast wetland area started merely two decades ago. Prior to this, there were some scattered information published by re-known specialists in aquatic invertebrates that visited the area following the tradition of naturalists “exploring” Doñana in the previous 19th century and providing new zoological and botanical cites to the region. This was the case of surveys for the collection of rotifers (De Ridder, 1962), crustaceans (Dussart, 1962, 1967, Estrada, 1973, Armengol, 1976) aquatic insects (Bigot & Marazanof, 1965, Marazanof, 1967) and phytoplankton (Margalef, 1976). Later, microinvertebrates continued to be studied in the ponds, particularly ciliates (PérezCabrera & Toja, 1989), rotifers (Mazuelos et al., 1993) and crustaceans (Galindo et al., 1994 a,b, Ruiz et al., 1996, Serrano & Toja 1998, Fahd et al., 2000, Serrano & Fahd, 2005). The study of macroinvertebrates was mainly focused on Odonata, Heteroptera and Coleoptera from the marshes (Montes, 1980, Montes & RamírezDíaz, 1982), and later resumed with the impact of the red swamp crayfish (Gutierrez-Yurrita et al., 1998, Alcorlo et al., 2004). An extensive survey of aquatic and semiaquatic Coleoptera has been recently performed (Millán et al. 2005). Aquatic vertebrates such as amphibians have been extensively studied by Díaz-Paniagua (1979, 1988, 1990, Díaz-Paniagua et al., in press) while fish have received some attention much later (Fernández-Delgado et al., 2000). The study of aquatic vegetation in Doñana started also with early “explorations” to be later focused on particular aspects (García-Murillo et al., this issue). A floristic revision of aquatic macrophytes is provided by García-Murillo et al. (1993) and Espinar (2000). Aquatic vegetation has also been studied with a limnological perspective (Bernués, 1990, Duarte et al., 1990, Sousa & García-Murillo, 1999; Espinar et al., 2002), being the work by Espinar (2004) the most extensive study on the ecology and distribution of aquatic macrophytes in the Doñana marshland. The water composition of the Doñana marshland and the quality of the surface waters entering the marshes were thoroughly studied during the 80’s and reviewed by Arambarri et al. (1996). The first ecological studies (aimed at relating biological populations to environmental variables) were performed by Furest & Toja (1981) and Montes et al. (1982). Later, the Doñana ponds were typified according to their hydrology and chemical composition (GarcíaNovo et al., 1991; Manzano, 2001), their hydrology and substrate (Bravo & Montes, 1993) or their hydro-chemistry and littoral vegetation (Muñoz-Reinoso, 1996). The larger size of Santa Olalla and Dulce ponds made them suitable for many limnological studies (López et al., 1991, Toja et al., 1991, Sacks et al., 1992, Serrano et al., 1994, 1999, Toja et al., 1997, López-Archilla et al., 2004) compared to the rest of ponds (Bernués 1990, López et al., 1994, Serrano & Toja, 1995). Additionally, the relevance of sediment in the functioning of these shallow aquatic systems has been brought forward in numerous publications (Grimalt et al., 1991, Jaúregui & Toja, 1993, López et al., 1997, Díaz-Espejo et al., 1999, Álvarez et al., 2001, Serrano et al., 2003). The interaction with their surrounding terrestrial ecosystems has also been studied under different perspectives, such as vegetation-groundwater interactions (García-Novo et al., 1996, Zunzunegui et al., 1998), climate change (Sousa & GarcíaMurillo, 2003) and landscape management (Muñoz-Reinoso & García-Novo, 2005). Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 13 The aquatic systems of Doñana 13 Figure 1. Location of Doñana featuring different landscapes: marshland (1), stabilized sands (2), moving dunes (3), and the ecotone between aeolian sands and marshes. Antropic activities have deeply modified the landscape into: pine/gum-trees plantations (4), irrigation fields, rice fields, dry-land plant cultivars, artificial wetlands for fish cultives, salt pans, and villages. Localización del área de Doñana y sus diferentes tipos de paisaje: marisma (1), arenas estabilizadas (2), arenas móviles (3) y ecotono entre el manto arrasado y la marisma. Se incluyen paisajes muy antropizados como plantaciones de pino/eucalipto (4), regadíos, arrozales, cultivos de secano, piscicultura extensiva, salinas y núcleos urbanos. This wealth of limnological information enable us to make a comparison of the main aquatic systems of Doñana. We will focus on processes affecting water quality that take place at the frontier between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems at different spatio-temporal scales. STUDY AREA The Doñana region (37°N, 6°W), extends along the coastal plain of the Gulf of Cádiz from the left bank of the estuary of the Guadalquivir river to the estuary of the Tinto river, and inland from the lower Guadalquivir River valley to the uplands of “El Aljarafe” (Sevilla) and “Condado de Niebla” (Huelva). It includes several territories with a different degree of environmental protection covering over 100 000 ha: a Biological Reserve created in 1964, a National Park (designated as a Ramsar site in 1982 and a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1995) and a Natural Park created as a surrounding protective area in 1989 (Fig. 1). At the same time, the Doñana region constitutes a space featuring the widest variety of pressures regarding the use and assignment of water resources. In 1990, Doñana entered onto the Montreaux Record of Ramsar sites under threat because a number of disturbances related to the conservation of the marshes had the potential to change its ecological character. The Doñana region hosts a population of nearly 180 000 inhabitants whose activities are devoted to agriculture and tourism. Rice fields occupy a vast extension on the east margin (about 35 000 ha). Water for the growth of rice is mainly provided by the Guadalquivir River, while 15 000 ha of irrigation fields, scattered over the sandy soils on the west and northern areas, are watered by the aquifer which produces a groundwater withdrawal of 55-60 hm 3 per year (Cruz Villalón, 2005). Limnetica 25(1-2)01 14 12/6/06 13:53 Página 14 Serrano et al. Additionally, two large tourist resorts lie bordering the coast (“Matalascañas”) and the marshes (“El Rocío”). The former concentrates over 63 000 people in summer, while the latter attracts over half a million people during a traditional pilgrimage held in spring. Doñana has a Mediterranean climate with Atlantic influence, generally classified as dry subhumid. Rainfall is quite variable, both within a year and over the years, with a 580 mm yearly average, about 80 % of which is distributed throughout a wet period from the end of September to the beginning of April. Summers are very dry and hot, while winters are short and mild. Water balance is generally deficient as rainfall exceeds evapotranspiration only during 3-4 months of the year (Siljeström & Clemente, 1990). Potential evapotranspiration is very high with a yearly average of about 900 mm (Ménanteau, 1982). The deviation of rainfall to the yearly average (CDYP) showed an irregular sequence of hydrologic cycles (1st October-30th September) during the past 16 years: 6 wet, 5 dry and 5 moderate cycles (Fig. 2). Doñana started to be formed in the Quaternary age when the estuary of the Guadalquivir River was enlarged and reshaped by the formation of sandy spits after the last postglacial transgression. The alluvial deposition of fine materials brought about the filling of the former estuary and progressively isolated it from the sea. In 1984, the construction of a levee on the right bank of the Guadalquivir River (“Montaña del Río”, Fig. 1) minimized the tidal influence on the marshland which eventually became a continental formation (Clemente et al., 2004). Consequently, the deposits on this ancient plain present a rather heterogeneous lithology as it is partially covered by aeolian sands, while the central plain presents a saline silty-clay layer of up to 100 m thickness with deltaic deposits of sand and gravel increasing towards the north. The permeability of the main geomorphological units is very different: the aeolian sands correspond to an unconfined aquifer (with a shallow watertable and several flow systems) while groundwater is confined below the silty-clay deposits of the floodplain. Both units composed Figure 2. Deviation coefficient of rainfall to a yearly average (CDYP) of 563.2 mm recorded in the past 16 hydrologic cycles (1989/90-2004/05). Confidence limits at 95 % of significance (±128 mm) are indicated by dotted lines. Each hydrologic cycle was classified as wet (CDYP> 128 mm), dry (CDYP> -128 mm) or moderate (128 mm >CDYP< -128 mm). Coeficiente de desviación a la media anual de lluvia (CDYP) de 563.2 mm durante los últimos 16 ciclos hidrológicos (1989/90-2004/05). Los límites del intervalo de confianza al 95 % de significación (±128 mm) se indican con líneas punteadas. Cada ciclo hidrológico se ha clasificado como húmedo (CDYP> 128 mm), seco (CDYP> -128 mm) o moderado (128 mm >CDYP< -128 mm). Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 15 The aquatic systems of Doñana an aquifer system of about 3400 km2 bottomed by impermeable marine marls known as the “Almonte-Marismas” aquifer (Llamas, 1990). The depth of the aeolian sand deposits varies from over 100 m on the coast to barely 10 m at the northern edge of the Park. Groundwater recharge is produced by rainfall infiltration in the unconfined aquifer at an estimated rate of 200 mm y-1 (Vela, 1984). Groundwater in the confined aquifer, however, flows at a rate of 0.11 cm y-1 (Konikow & Rodríguez-Arévalo, 1993). The silty floodplain and the sand mantle also create two contrasting landscapes which make contact with each other along an ecotone locally known as “La Vera-Retuerta” (Fig. 1). The aquatic ecosystems of Doñana are broadly classified according to their location (on either aeolian sands or marshland) as their hydrology largely depends on the geomorphology on their basins. Outside the protected areas, watersheds are severely altered by human activities (Fig. 1). The lower valley of the Guadalquivir River is devoted to agriculture (traditional cultivars of olive trees, irrigated crops, and rice fields) and farming of cattle and horses. The watershed of the Guadiamar River extends to the highlands on the north (Sierra de Aracena) where soils are partially covered by scrub vegetation and plantations of gum-trees. Downstream, the river receives the drainage and seepage of the spoil heaps from an open-cast polymetallic sulphide mine (Aznalcóllar) through one of its tributaries (Arambarri et al., 1996). The dumping of 5 hm3 of mud and acid water with high concentrations of heavy metals in the mining accident of April 1998 flooded an extension of 2600 ha downstream. An extensive cleaning activity took place in the river floodplain and the riverbanks were later protected as a buffer area (“Corredor Verde del Guadiamar”). The lower stretch of the Guadiamar River runs between two levees (“Entremuros”) built in 1956. Its final stretch is canalised and connected to a dead arm-river (“Brazo de la Torre”) that drains to the estuary of the Guadalquivir River (Fig. 1). The flatness of the vast floodplain occupied by the marshland (about 23 000 ha) is altered at a topographic scale of a few cm that creates 15 depressions (locally known as “lucios”) and upper areas (“paciles”) which have the appearance of emerged islands (“vetas”) during heavy floods. On the north-western area, surface water to this plain is supplied by rainfall and the overflood of small water flows (“Arroyos de La Rocina, del Partido, Cañada Marín and Cañada Mayor”) which drain southwards into the Park through a channel called “Caño de la Madre de las Marismas del Rocío”. On the north-eastern marshland, the Guadiamar River used to drain southwards through numerous small creeks (or “caños”), but most of its water-flow is presently deviated to the estuary of the Guadalquivir river so only a minor part of it reaches the marshes through both pipes (“Caño del Guadiamar”) and a complex channel network (“Entremuros-Brazo de la Torre”) which also carries the drainage of the nearby rice-fields. Quantitavely less important, but ecologically relevant, is the ground water seepage along the ecotone (“La Vera”) that provides humidity to grass meadows and hygrophitic vegetation (“algaidas”), and feed small creeks (“caños” and “sotos”) especially during heavy rainy periods. In some spots of the marshland, groundwater seepage maintains permanent sub-surface springs (“ojos”). The Doñana marshland is flooded seasonally by freshwater, depending on hydro-meteorological conditions, as the Guadalquivir River is the only permanent river in the area and its tidal influence is currently minimal. This marked seasonality of flooding periods followed by summer drought has accentuated the endorreic character of the marshland (Clemente et al., 2004). The resulting ionic composition of the “lucios” is dominated by Cland Na+ as a result of the solubilization of salts from the sediment, the concentration of salts being dependent on the frequency and duration of flooding in each area (Clemente et al., 1998). Currently operative salt pans are located on the left bank of the Guadalquivir river. On the southeastern boundary of the Natural Park, 37 artificial wetlands (total surface about 3000 ha) are devoted to extensive fish cultures (“Veta La Palma”). Tidal marshes, in contrast, have been reduced to a narrow fringe along the banks of the Guadalquivir River (Gallego & García-Novo 2003). Limnetica 25(1-2)01 16 12/6/06 13:53 Página 16 Serrano et al. Figure 3. Location of a variety of aquatic systems on aeolian sands within the Doñana Biological Reserve (wet meadows, temporary ponds, wet dune slacks and temporary streams). The names of the main “peridune ponds” fringing the moving dunes are indicated. Localización de diversos sistemas acuáticos sobre el manto arrasado en la Reserva Biológica de Doñana (pastizales de la Vera, lagunas temporales, corrales encharcados y caños). Se indican los nombres de las principales lagunas peridunares situadas a lo largo del frente de dunas móviles. The Holocene aeolian sand mantle is composed of several dune generations originally deposited by marine drift (Vanney & Menanteau, 1985). A system of moving dunes with several dune fronts runs parallel to the coast-line with a NW-SE direction (max. altitude: 30 m). Within the Doñana Biological Reserve, the sand mantle is mostly covered by Mediterranean scrub (stabilized dunes) with a species composition closely following water availability which, in turn, depends on groundwater flow systems of different spatial scales (Muñoz-Reinoso & García-Novo, 2005). In this undulating landscape, hundreds of small ponds appear when the water table rises above the topographical surface during heavy rains (Fig. 3). These ponds (locally known as “lagunas”) are fed by freshwater (rainfall, runoff and groundwater discharge) and have no surface or groundwater connection to the sea so they cannot be properly called lagoons though they receive salts of marine origin through airborne deposition. Their groundwater feeding is relatively complex due to changes in recharge and topographic boundaries that modify their connection to different aquifer flow systems over time (Sacks et al., 1992, Muñoz-Reinoso, 2001). They range widely in size (from rain puddles to shallow lakes) and in flooding duration (from days to decades), but they all have been reported to dry out eventually. Hence, they all are temporary water bodies exhibiting wide fluctuations of water level. Many attempts have been made to classify them into different categories (permanent, semipermanent, seasonal, ephemeral), but a short number of observations have produced contradictory results (García-Novo et al., 1991, Bravo & Montes, 1993, Manzano, 2001). As a whole, the Doñana ponds form a system of temporary water bodies of remarkable singularity in Europe with a high protection status (Serrano & Toja, 1995, Williams et al., 2001). The area protected within the Biological Reserve (Fig. 3) covers a groundwater discharge surface of about 200 km2 (Allier et al., 1974). The density of ponds in this area during winter floods is 6 ponds per 100 ha (holding water for 1-6 months) and 1 pond in 100 ha (holding water for more than 6 months, García-Novo et al., 1996). A few artificial wetlands are maintained by groundwater pumping, while digging water-holes in the ground near ponds (“zacallones”) for cattle drinking during dry periods is a very common practice. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 17 17 The aquatic systems of Doñana Aquatic systems on aeolian sands within the Doñana Natural Park are also interesting and heterogenous (Fig. 1). A cliff formed by fossils dunes (“Médano del Asperillo”) runs along the coast to the west of the National Park and reaches a maximum altitude of 100 m. Rainfall and groundwater seepage drain to the sea through small ravines crossing the cliffs, providing shelter to some hygrophytic species (Díaz-Barradas & MuñozReinoso, 1992). Ponds also appeared inland to this formation, scattered over an area covering about 25 000 ha called “El Abalario” (Sousa & García-Murilllo, 1999). Vestiges of Atlantic peatbogs can be found there and along the margins of La Rocina brook. The extensive plantations of pines and gum-trees (“Coto del Rey”) shelter numerous small ponds during floods. A total of 568 temporary wetlands on sandy soils have been recorded by the local administration in the Doñana region (Junta de Andalucía, 2002). The only permanent aquatic system over sands (the lagoon of Tarelo) fringes the pine plantation of “La Algaida” on the left bank of the Guadalquivir River. Its basin was artificially excavated for sand and gravel extraction, and it is fed by rainfall and groundwater seepage from the estuary of the Guadalquivir River (Serrano et al., 2004). CSIC). New physico-chemical data presented here corresponded to four different locations. The experiment with limnocorrals was carried out in several temporary ponds (Doñana Biological Reserve): at November-December 1991 (Jabata pond) and November 1995 (Las Verdes and Dulce ponds). Groundwater samples were collected from shallow piezometers following the methodology used by López et al. (1994). Limnocorrals (1 m diameter, 1 m height) and runoff samplers (5 l volume) were made of translucient impervious plastic as described in Serrano et al. (1999). Samplings of the floodplain and water-flows entering the marsh area of “Lucio El Cangrejo Grande” (Doñana Natural Park) were carried out bimonthly from February 2003 to September 2004. Three sampling stations were located in the central floodplain of this area; one sampling station in the Guadiamar River at “Vuelta de la Arena” (“Entremuros”), 3 sampling stations along its canal (“Canal de Aguas Mínimas”) and one sampling station at the rice field main outlet (“Canal Principal de Desagüe”). In May 2004, five sites within the lower Guadiamar River watershed were sampled, both in the upper stretch of “Entremuros” and in several tributaries: “Arroyo de la Cigüeña”, “Arroyo de Gato”, “Arroyo Chucena” and “Arroyo Algarbe”. Samplings of the Rocina-Partido watershed were performed in November 2003, December 2004, March and June 2005. The Rocina brook was sampled in its main stream just before MATERIAL AND METHODS Rainfall data was obtained from the meteorological station of “Palacio de Doñana” (RBD- Table 1. Chemical composition of water inside limnocorrals (rainfall + groundwater discharge), outside them (rainfall + groundwater discharge + runoff), in surface runoff and phreatic water below several ponds at the onset of their filling period. Composición química del agua dentro de los limnocrrales (lluvia + descarga subterránea) y fuera de ellos (lluvia + descarga subterránea + escorrentía), de la escorrentía superficial y el agua freática en algunas lagunas al comienzo de su llenado. La Jabata pond (7/11/91) (5/12/91) phreatic inside outside E.C. (mS cm-1) pH Alkalinity (meq l-1) i-P (µg l-1) N-NO3- (µg l-1) N-NO2- (µg l-1) NH4+ (mg l-1) 0.81 7.0 0.7 111 1.4 1.9 0.96 0.87 6.4 0.6 9 15.4 2.4 0.28 0.41 7.3 0.2 9 14.0 1.5 0.45 Las Verdes pond (12/11/95) phreatic outside runoff 0.74 8.2 1.3 37 0.5 7.3 0.20 2.70 7.2 0.6 251 12.1 642.6 0.45 1.86 6.3 0.2 115 3.9 24.9 0.41 La Dulce pond inside 12.5 7.3 2.5 208 150.6 0.08 (12/11/95) outside 5.41 7.5 0.8 242 156.4 0.80 runoff 0.88 7.1 0.6 533 13.6 1.13 Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 18 18 Serrano et al. draining to the marsh. The Partido stream was sampled across the “Raya Real”, at its delta, and in a tributary (“Caño Marín”). Conductivity (compensated with temperature at 20 ºC) and pH were recorded in situ. Water samples (1-2 l) were collected, stored at 4 ºC and filtered in the laboratory through Whatman GF/C filters within the next 24 h. Suspended solids were analyzed gravimetrically, in 3-4 replicates, using previous dry filters (100 ºC). The concentration of inorganic suspended solids was estimated after ignition (450 ºC, 4 h). The rest of analyses were carried out in duplicates. COD determinations were performed using KMnO4 as oxidative agent. Total alkalinity was determined by titration (Rodier, 1981). The concentration of i-P was determined following the method of Murphy & Riley (1962). Tot-P was analyzed as i-P after acid digestion of the unfiltered water sample with 0.5 M H2SO4 and K2S2O8 (0.5-1 g) at 120 °C for 4 h (De Groot & Golterman, 1990). The concentration of NO2- and NH4+ were determined by colorimetry (Rodier, 1981). The concentration of NO3- was measured as NH4+ after complete oxidation with TiCl3 (Golterman, 1991). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The chemical composition of the Doñana aquatic systems is mainly influenced by rainfall, evaporative concentration, groundwater discharge, biogeochemical interactions at the sedimentwater interface, and the quality composition of their watersheds. The influence of the watershed can be studied at different scales of observation. Rainfall usually infiltrates easily through sandy soils so surface runoff rarely reaches the ponds (only for very short time-lapses during heavy rainfall). The water quality of the Doñana marshland, on the contrary, is influenced by long-term processes taking place on large-scale areas (such as sediment deposition, eutrophication and heavy metal pollution). The chemical composition of the unconfined aquifer is considered rather uniform, dominated by Ca(HCO3)2 and with a salinity usually lower than 500 µg l-1, except at discharge areas becau- se of the influence of biochemical processes (Llamas, 1990). As a whole, the aquifer shows a vertical gradient in salinity, from brine-water near the land surface to freshwater at 80 m of depth (Konikow & Rodríguez-Arévalo, 1993). Below the confined aquifer, salinity increases in a NE-SW direction pushing the interphase between the aquifer recharge and the fossil marine groundwater to the NE boundary of the Park where extensive irrigation fields happen to be developing (Plata & Ruiz, 2003). The high proportion of NaCl in rainwater due to marine influence affects the composition of shallow groundwater, but the high ratio of Mg 2+ over Na + suggests that wet and dry atmospheric deposition has not yet been properly addressed (Lozano, 2004). The successive cycles of flooding and evaporation in the discharge areas have enriched in NaCl the shallow free groundwater (or phreatic) below the pond basins as it was shown by López et al. (1994) in water samples collected in piezometers (<2 m depth) during a dry hydrologic year. Ca2+ dominated over Na + only in a small depression within the dune tail where recharge dominated over discharge flow and water was temporary deposited. Conductivity and total alkalinity of groundwater below the ponds showed little relationship to morphometry or trophic state, suggesting the existence of local flow systems. Limnocorral experiments were used in the temporary ponds to isolated both surface and groundwater sources at the onset of their filling period. The chemical composition of water inside the limnocorral (rainfall+groundwater discharge) and outside it (rainfall+groundwater discharge+runoff) was compared to the phreatic water below the ponds and to surface runoff collected in the watershed (Table 1). The chemical composition of the water filling the ponds resulted from an interaction of both surface and groundwater sources during discharge, but general trends were difficult to predict. Firstly because water budgets have not yet been elucidated with sufficient resolution and, secondly because of the impact of sparse local events on these shallow systems. For example, heavy rainstorms (>80 mm) that only represented 1.4 % of total Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 19 19 The aquatic systems of Doñana observations in a 7-year record (Serrano et al., 1999) can disrupt the pond development and revert it to earlier successional stages (Toja et al., 1991). De Castro-Ochoa & Muñoz-Reinoso (1997) elaborated a multiple regression model for water-table fluctuations of the dune wetslacks that depended on rainfall, time lapse between two consecutive measurements and present depth. They found, however, that groundwater discharge at the ponds did not fit into their dune aquifer model because pond feeding did not only depend on rainfall. A hydrologic budget for the largest pond during the rainy season (OctoberMarch) estimated that surface sources (rainfall and runoff) accounted for 48 % of the water input during very dry years (<250mm of annual rainfall), but reached 100 % during extremely wet cycles (>1000 mm of annual rainfall). The rest of the water input was due to groundwater discharge, from both a shallow phreatic and a deep water table (Sacks 1989). A review of studies on the ionic composition in the Doñana aquatic systems reveals the influence of the different scales of observation in each study. The hydroperiod (or duration of water on the surface) and the water origin are relevant hidrologic features that influence the ionic composition of water, but their assesment is greatly affected by the duration of the study period. The first extensive survey (47 ponds) of water chemical composition was performed by García-Novo et al. (1991) during the heavy floods of winter 1990. Again, Na+ and Cl- were the dominant ions in all pond waters. The ratio of Ca2+ over Na+ was not a good predictor compared to the Mg2+/Na+ ratio, probably due to the local effect of microtopography and vegetation on CaCO3 precipitation. A ratio of Mg2+ over Na+ higher than 0.25 (in meq/l) corresponded to discharge areas, and a lower ratio indicated recharge areas where water runoff could be temporary deposited due to the presence of a high concentration of organic matter and/or clay in the sediment. They segregated the ponds in three discharge groups according to their location, mineralization and trophic state (Fig. 3): 1) ponds in “Las Naves”, 2) those along the ecotone between the moving dunes and the stabilized Table 2. Maximum and minimum values of water conductivity (20 ºC) recorded in the water surface of the most visited ponds from 1989/90 onwards, indicating wet (w), dry (d) and moderate cycles (m). Valores máximos y mínimos de la conductividad (20 ºC) registrados en la superficie del agua de las lagunas más visitadas desde 1989/90, indicando los ciclos húmedos (w), secos (d) y moderados (m). Hydrologic cycle Santa Olalla Max 1989/90w 1990/91 m 1991/92 m 1992/93 d 1993/94 d 1994/95 d 1995/96 w 1996/97 w 1997/98 w 1998/99 d 1999/00 m 2000/01 w 2001/02 m 2002/03 m 2003/04 w 2004/05 d 4.1 4.3 16.5 28.4 1.1 0.7 0.6 11.6* 9.2* 5.7* 8.3 7.7 19.3 Min Dulce Taraje Max Min Max Min 0.4 5.8 1.3 7.1 2.3 12.5 4.4 10.6 6.0 2.0 0.7 5.9 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.5 1.7* 16.6* 1.9* 3.5* 1.7* 2.5* 2.3 3.7 1.1 3.3 1.9 1.9 0.2 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.7 0.5 0.3 0.4 1.6* 1.0* 0.6* 0.8 0.4 1.0 7.4 10.6 22.0 15.4 13.3 1.8 2.3 8.5 11.1 5.6 3.4 2.7 4.4 14.9 0.1 1.6 4.1 6.9 1.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 6.1 1.5 0.9 1.7 0.4 8.6 * LÓPEZ-ARCHILA et al. (2004) sands (“peridune pond” system), and 3) those between the stabilized sands and the marshland (“La Vera”). Later, Muñoz-Reinoso (1996) enlarged this classification to 5 groups by including the wet-slack formation of the moving dunes, and dividing the “peridune ponds” in two other groups according to pond size. Water pH is usually alkaline in the discharge areas, while acidic water (pH 4-5) has been occasionally reported when rainfall is temporary deposited on rich organic soils. The combination of alkaline waters over siliceous sand basins makes these water bodies rather singular compared to other European wetlands (Serrano & Toja, 1995). Hydrochemical classifications of ponds based on absolute limits have, so far, proved evasive as the ionic composition of the Doñana ponds change widely in time (Serrano & Toja, 1995). Table 2 shows the change in water conductivity recorded in some of the most visited ponds during the last two decades. In Taraje pond, conductivity ranged from 0.1 to 8.5 mS cm-1 during wet years, and from 1.2 to 22.0 mS cm-1 Limnetica 25(1-2)01 20 12/6/06 13:53 Página 20 Serrano et al. during dry years. Low maximum conductivity values corresponded to wet cycles while high minimum values to dry years in all ponds, but the relationship between conductivity and rainfall was not linear because conductivity also reflected the past conditions of previous dry cycles: the minimum conductivity values were not attained in 1995/96 despite it was the wettest cycle in the record (1093 mm) as it had been preceeded by several dry years. The conductivity range was widest in the larger pond (Santa Olalla: from 0.3 to 28.4 mS cm-1). Its larger watershed ensured a higher contribution of rainfall and the flooding of a considerable extension of soil and vegetation which accounted for the solubilization and leaching of salts which progresively concentrated in the water as evaporation proceeded. Sacks (1989) proved that the higher mineralization of Santa Olalla pond was also achieved by the downgradient movement of solutes through seepage from its neighbouring ponds (Dulce and Las Pajas) due to its larger evaporative discharge and lower altitude. She estimated that the residence time for Cl- was 6 years in Dulce pond and 34 years in Santa Olalla pond. During extremely wet periods, this pond complex (Santa Olalla-DulceLas Pajas) behaves as a flow-through floodplain of about 100 ha (García-Novo et al., 1991) that evacuates water and solutes to the nearby marshes through intermittent creeks. Flooding and runoff also contribute to the loading of nutrients and dissolved organic compounds to the ponds. The concentration of i-P in surface runoff water was relatively high compared to groundwater discharge (Table 1), but these differences were brief: ten days were enough to equilibrate a six-fold difference between the i-P concentrations inside and outside a limnocorral in Las Verdes pond during the filling period of 1991 (Serrano & Toja, 1995). A careful study of the P-fractional sediment composition showed that the incoming i-P was partially adsorbed by the sediment during the first weeks of the filling period. A pond with a sustrate rich in Fe (>10 mg g-1 dw) significantly increased its pool of inorganic P-bound to Fe, while another rich in organic matter (>17 %) increased its fraction of org-P solubilised by EDTA (Díaz-Espejo et al., 1999). Serrano et al. (1999) showed that the Doñana ponds received i-P from their watershed during heavy rainstorms after drought. In Dulce pond, i-P concentration was 100 times higher in the littoral than in the open-water area. Soil samples from the sandy uplands and the floodplain meadow, fresh scrub (Halimium halimifolium), and cattle manure leached i-P concentrations higher than 0.9 mg g-1 dw in distilled-water under laboratory conditions, suggesting that this material was a source of P to runoff water draining to the pond shore. The slow decomposition rate of litter in arid sandy soils of Doñana can explain the accumulation of nutrients in the upland areas of the pond watersheds where leaching of soluble compounds from litter can last up to 4 moths after deposition (Gallardo & Merino, 1993). The accumulation of organic matter, in turn, accounts for the dominance of organic P-fractions in the pond sediment (Serrano et al., 2003). The contribution of terrigenous lipids to the sedimentary composition (Grimalt et al., 1991) and the detection of organic P-compounds derived from vegetation in the sediment such as phytate (Serrano et al., 2000a) proved the strong influence of the watershed on these aquatic systems. Rainfall itself accounted for the leaching from fresh vegetation of soluble polyphenols (Serrano, 1992). During floods, dissolved organic matter is washed from the fringing vegetation and carried by runoff water to the ponds where the concentration of DOC can reach up to 120 mg l-1 during heavy rainfall (Serrano, 1994). Although the input of DOC by rainfall and runoff water is a common process in all aquatic systems: e.g. 10-25 % of total yearly input in Canadian lakes (Schindler 1992), the singularity of this process here relies on the unpredictability of the flooding events in the Mediterranean climate. Consequently, the Doñana ponds exhibit very contrasting conditions in different years that led Allier et al. (1974) to state that they had distrophic phases during floods. During distrophic phases, pond water shows a very dark colour due to high concentrations of DOM. Flooding itself produces the dilution of solutes and particulates, bringing about a drastic reduction of the phyto- Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 21 The aquatic systems of Doñana plankton populations and disrupting their previous succesional development (Toja et al., 1991). No direct effect of polyphenols on primary production has been proved in the ponds (Serrano et al., 1993) despite these compounds are able to chelate micronutrients (Serrano & Guisande, 1990). Vertical attenuation coefficients of PAR in the water of a pond rich in dissolved polypehnols were similar to those of the hypereutrophic Santa Olalla pond where chlorophyll a concentrations reached upt to 2 mg l-1 (Serrano et al., 1994). Flooding is, therefore, the cause of both the phytoplankton dilution and the polypehnolic enrichment. The perturbation caused by flooding in the ponds is so extreme that it resembles the flood pulse of tropical floodplains, in which heavy floods can clean water bodies and rearrange the communities to earlier successional stages (Junk & Weber, 1996). The drainage and vegetation pattern in the watershed determines the extent and variability of the runoff input to each pond during floods (García-Novo et al., 1996). Xerophytic scrub (Halimium halimifolium) growing in the upland areas of the pond watershed leached a higher amount of polypehnols than bulrushes from the floodplain under artificial rainfall experiments (Serrano, 1992). The fate of the dissolved polyphenols was also different in each pond till they dissapeared on the dry sediment (Serrano, 1994). Dissolved polyphenols are easily degraded by sunlight so photo-oxidation can account for their disappearance in the water. The depth of the water column limits the amount of sunlight that can penetrate in each pond and thus the extent of the photo-degradation of polyphenols in each pond (Serrano et al., 2000b). The expected development of the Doñana ponds during a moderate hydrologic cycle would be a low concentration of polypehnols in the water which, in combination with a moderate water depth, would allow the growth of extensive macrophyte beds. Biomass of submersed vegetation have been reported to reach up to 450 g dw m-2 in Dulce pond (López et al., 1991). As the ponds dry out, organic matter is partially mineralised on the dry sediment (Serrano, 1992). Hence, the concentration of sediment organic 21 Figure 4. Map of the surface watersheds in the Doñana region. The Guadalquivir River is the only permanent river. Other water-flows are intermittent under the tidal influence of the former or by the effect of urban sewage effluent. The rest of water-flows are considered seasonal. Some artificial canals are distinguished. Location of presently working waste-water treatment plants (WWTP) is indicated. Sampling sites in the watershed: “Lucio de los Ánsares” (1), “Lucio Cangrejo Grande” (2), “Guadiamar-Entremuros” (3), “La Cigüeña” (4), “Gato” (5), “Chucena” (6), “Algarbe” (7), El Partido stream (8), La Rocina brook (9). Mapa de la cuenca superficial de drenaje en el área de Doñana. El río Guadalquivir es el único curso de agua permanente. Otros ríos y arroyos son intermitentes bajo la influencia mareal de aquel o debido al efluente de las depuradoras. El resto de los cursos de agua se consideran estacionales. Se distinguen algunos canales artificiales. Se indica la localización de las plantas depuradoras de residuos urbanos (WWTP) operativas. Los puntos muestreados en la cuenca fueron: Lucio de los Ánsares (1), Lucio Cangrejo Grande (2), Guadiamar-Entremuros (3), arroyo de la Cigüeña (4), arroyo del Gato (5), arroyo de Chucena (6), arroyo Algarbe (7), arroyo del Partido (8), arroyo de La Rocina (9). matter is inversely correlated to the duration of flooding (Jaúregui & Toja, 1993). During dry periods, the vegetation pattern surrounding the ponds changes rapidly: hygrophytic species showed regression while xerophytic species advanced to lower areas (Zunzunegui et al., 1998). A flooding period following a long drought, therefore, will produce a larger impact of the watershed on the pond water composition regarding nutrient and dissolved organic matter concentrations. The variability of the hydro-me- Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 22 22 Serrano et al. teorological conditions in the area ensures the unpredictability of this terrestrial-aquatic frontier. Furthermore, vegetation changes induced by antropic disturbance in relation to groundwater abstraction add more uncertainty to this interaction (Muñoz-Reinoso, 2001). Long-term and large-scale processes have also been reported to alter the water composition of water bodies on aeolian sands. The alluvial aquifer of the Guadalquivir River has long been exposed to a severe NO3- pollution due to the excessive use of fertilizers in its cacthment. About 8 mM of NO3- were already reported in the estuary in 1987 (I.T.G.E., 1993). Groundwater pollution was most likely the cause of the high concentrations of NO3- (up to 1.5 mM) found in the water of Tarelo lagoon fed by groundwater seepage from the estuary of the Guadalquivir River (Serrano et al., 2004). The study of both ecological and historical records showed that the vegetation of Doñana has been deeply affected by management practices since the first quarter of the 17th century (GranadosCorona et al., 1998). Deep sediment cores from Dulce and Santa Olalla ponds showed that Tot-P concentrations had increased exponentially since 1960’s suggesting that recent changes in land management have contributed to their eutrophication (López et al., 1993). A decrease in the availabity of water may also have contributed to a decrease of their water quality. In a climatic context, Sousa & García-Murillo (2003) sugges- ted that Doñana is under an overall tendency of dessication due to an increase in aridity initiated at the end of the 19th century. More recently, the groundwater pumping for urban water supply to the tourist resort of Matalascañas has been reported to damage nearby ponds (Brezo and Charco del Toro, Fig. 3) located at less than 1 km to the pumping area during the drought period of 1992-94 (Serrano & Serrano, 1996). The Doñana marshland is basically fed by direct rainfall on its floodplain and by several watersheds: Guadiamar River (1180 km2), the Partido stream (300 km2) and La Rocina brook (about 1000 km2). Secondarily, it is fed by groundwater discharge along the ecotone and through seepage streams (“sotos”). Lastly, the tidal influence from the estuary of the Guadalquivir River is minimal nowadays. The relative contribution of each water source is expected to vary according to dry, moderate and wet cycles. On average, the water flow from the Guadiamar River is 3-7 times larger than the rest of sources, but since its drainage was modified by channels and levees in 1956, most of its water drains directly to the estuary of the Guadalquivir River (Espinar, 2004). At present, only several depressions located on the eastern and southern areas of the National Park are flooded by the Guadiamar River through a network of pipes and pumping stations. Nine outlets along the levee (“Montaña del Río”), eight of them provided with floodgates, maintain the confinement Table 3. Range values and means (or mean and standard deviation) of water conductivity (20 ºC), pH, nutrient concentrations and suspended solids (s.s.) in two marsh sites at different sampling periods. Intervalo máx-min y valores medios (o media y desviación estándar) de la conductividad (20 ºC), pH, concentración de nutrientes y sólidos en suspensión (s.s.) en dos zonas de muestreo de la marisma durante periodos distintos de estudio. 1981-82* Lucio Ánsares E.C. (mS cm-1) pH N-NO3- (mg l-1) i-P (µg l-1) Tot-P (µg l-1) s.s. (mg l-1) 1997** Lucio Cangrejo Lucio Ánsares 2002-04*** Lucio Cangrejo max min mean max min mean mean SD max min mean 35.7 10.2 6.2 620 628 7.9 6.9 1.3 33 19 21.4 8.6 3.8 195 186 36.7 9.2 10.8 587.4 124 20.2 6.9 3.2 78.3 18 31.2 7.9 5 228.4 50 4.25 9.3 0.2 8 - 0.37 0.42 0.03 3 - 8.0 8.5 4.7 39 974.7 433 1.6 7.8 0.1 0 45.5 33 4.4 8.1 1.2 13 179.6 102 Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 23 The aquatic systems of Doñana Table 4. Concentrations of dissolved nutrients and COD at several sites within the lower Guadiamar river watershed. Concentración de nutrientes y DQO en varios puntos de la cuenca baja del río Guadiamar. Entremuros Cigüeña Gato Chucena Algarbe N-NO3- (mg l-1) N-NO2- (mg l-1) N-NH4+ (mg l-1) i-P (mg l-1) COD (mg l-1) 0.33 0.10 0.02 0.26 11.36 0.46 0.21 0.02 0.25 12.48 0.57 0.22 0.02 0.22 15.60 0.46 0.47 0.03 0.11 14.88 0.46 0.04 0.02 0.02 14.56 of the water outflow during winter and spring though, occasionally, the levee is overflowed at heavy floods. During moderate and dry cycles, freshwater is accumulated in the depressions (“lucios”) causing the solubilization of salts from the top sediment. As the confined water evaporates, their salts and particulates become increasingly concentrated. The resulting ionic composition of the “lucios” is dominated by Cland Na+, the concentration of salts being dependent on the frequency and duration of flooding in each area (Clemente et al., 1998). One of the eight projects planned for the hydrologic regeneration of the marshland (“Doñana 2005”) plans to eliminate part of this levee in order to increase the connection between the southern marsh and the estuary of the Guadalquivir River. The water quality of the waters entering the Doñana marshland has been extensively studied in the past decades, while the water composition within the “lucios” is scarcer. Table 3 shows a comparison in time of the water composition at two sites (Fig. 4): “Lucio de los Ánsares” between 1981-82 (I.N.I.A., 1984) and 1995-97 (Espinar, 2004), and “Lucio Cangrejo Grande” between 1981-82 (I.N.I.A., 1984) and 2002-2004 (present data). Despite the recent data was recorded during a much wetter period, the physicochemical changes recorded in these “lucios” were mainly due to major hydrologic changes that took place in the past. The levee that isolated the marshland from the estuary of the Guadalquivir River (“Montaña del Río”) was built in 1984 and enlarged in 1998. Before its construction, the southern marshland received a large tidal influence that was reflected in both the large 23 conductivity of the water and the high concentration of nutrients in the sampling of 1981-82. The hydrology of the “Lucio Cangrejo Grande” had already been altered in 1956 with the construction of two levees that directed the water flow of the Guadiamar River to the estuary through a channel connected to a dead arm-river (“Brazo de la Torre”). The 8-fold difference in the average water conductivity after two decades was most likely due to a dilution of the tide water. At the end of September, rice pads located on the east, are drained through an outlet which is connected to the canal feeding the study area. The salinity of the water drained by this outlet is relatively low because rice require less than 1 g l-1 for growth. As this freshwater outlet was not operative till 1988, the study area received the direct influence of the estuarine water which presented an average water conductivity of 33.3 mS/cm at the mouth of the estuary during the sampling of 1981-82. The evaporation of water in the rice pads during the growth season increased the water conductivity of the outlet only slightly (2 mS cm-1) due to the recirculation of water through the rice fields. Therefore, the freshwater output of nearby rice pads contributed to reduce the salinity of the estuarine water during high tide. Although the concentration of i-P was lower in the recent sampling, the high concentration of suspended matter produced a high concentration of Tot-P as both variables were strongly correlated (r=0.978, p<0.01). The concentration of NO3- did not change considerably after two decades, suggesting that this area has received a high nutrient load for a long time. Furthermore, the nutrient concentrations of several tributaries to the Guadiamar River during a wet period in the spring of 2004 (Table 4) was similar to that found by previous authors more than two decades ago (Cabrera et al., 1984). Additionally, the Guadiamar River has created a chronic pollution of heavy metals in the area due to both resuspension of sediments from the river bed during floods (Cabrera et al., 1984, Arambarri et al., 1996) and direct overflow of the mine dam. Such overflow was recorded during the winter floods of 1989 (Dolz & Velasco, 1990). This Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 24 Página 24 Serrano et al. Table 5. List of main studies on water quality of Doñana marshland (before the mining spill of Aznalcóllar in 1998), indicating type of pollutant, location and reference. Lista de los principales estudios sobre la calidad del agua en la marisma de Doñana (antes del desastre minero de Aznalcóllar in 1998), indicando tipo de contaminante, localización y referencia. pollutant location Reference Guadiamar-Entremuros Olive-mill effluents Petroleum hydrocarbons Organochlorine plaguicides Guadalquivir estuary marshes Guadiamar-Entremuros Guadiamar-Entremuros marshes Guadiamar-Entremuros Heavy metals Guadalquivir estuary marshes Fertilizers Guadiamar-Entremuros El Partido stream Particulate organic matter Guadiamar-Entremuros El Partido stream chronic pollution probably accounted for the finding of a 3-times higher heavy metal concentration in seston of reference sites from Doñana compared to unpolluted sites reported in the literature during the monitoring of the Aznalcóllar mining spill (Prat et al., 1999). Unfortunately, the quality of the waters entering the Doñana marshland has imporved little over the past decades regarding the concentration of dissolved nutrients despite olive mill effluents have been significantly reduced and several waste-water treatment plants have been developed (in both cities and rural areas). The variety of pollutants detected in the surface water-flows of the Doñana watershed reflects a large concern on this issue (Table 5). The evaluation made by Arambarri et al. (1996) over the 1980’s decade concluded that the waters of the Partido stream ought to be treated as they contained high concentrations of organic matter and nutrients that were hazardous to other aquatic ecosystems (other streams and the freshwater Cabrera et al., 1984; 1986 Albaigés et al. 1987 Cabrera et al., 1986 Arambarri et al., 1984; 1996 Albaigés et al., 1987 Albaigés et al., 1987 Albaigés et al., 1987 Cabrera et al., 1984; 1987 González et al., 1987 Ramos et al., 1994 Arambarri et al., 1996 Zurera et al., 1987 Cabrera et al., 1987 Arambarri et al., 1984;1996 Albaigés et al., 1987 Ramos et al., 1994 González et al., 1987 Arambarri et al., 1996 González et al., 1987 Arambarri et al., 1996 González et al., 1987 González et al., 1987 Arambarri et al., 1996 marsh of “La Madre de las Marismas del Rocío”). The Rocina brook, in contrast, rated the highest water quality, while the estuary of the Guadalquvir showed an aceptable water quality except for its high salinity. Another report on the quality of water-flows entering the Doñana National Park estimated that the Partido stream carried a yearly nutrient load of 62.4 Tm of organic matter (COD), 2.7 Tm of P and 6.4 of N (Toja et al., 1992). More than a decade later and two waste-water treatment plants later (located in Almonte and El Rocío villages), the Partido stream is still highly polluted compared to the Rocina brook which does not receive urban waste-water (Table 6). Nevertheless, there has been a considerable increase of NO3- concentration in both water-flows during the past decade probably due to an increase in cultivated land and fertilizer applications. The influence of this pollution on the eutrophication of the nearby marshes should not be overlooked. During dry periods, Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 25 25 The aquatic systems of Doñana such as the spring of 2005, the effluents from the waste-water treatment plants of El Rocío and Almonte villages run downstream into the National Park through the “Madre de las Marismas del Rocío” creek. Besides the impact of waste-water treatment plants on river water quality, which is by itself an issue of great concern causing a severe disturbance at a regional scale (Martí et al., 2004), the Doñana marshland also features a large sedimentation rate which is contributing to its eutrophication. The concentration of suspended solids has increased in many areas during the past decades (Tables 3 and 6). In the lower strecht of the Guadiamar River (“Entremuros”), the waterflows feeding the nearby marshes (“Lucio de El Cangrejo Grande”) showed a significant correlation between inorganic suspended solids and Tot-P (r=0.807, p<0.05) during 2003-04. Most of the suspended matter was inorganic (6093 %) containing CaCO3 particles adsorbed to P in the form of hydroxi-apatite. Previous works have reported that soil particles are eroded and resuspended from the Guadiamar River watershed during floods, bringing about an increase of nutrient concentrations in the downstream waters (González Quesada et al., 1987, Arambarri et al., 1996). Even in the absence of floods, the higher speed of the water current through artificial canals promote the erosion of its bed and margins increasing the concentration of suspended solids in the water (Mintegui, 1999). In constrast, Tot-P concentration in the Partido watershed was not significantly correlated to suspended solids but to i-P concentration (r=0.995, p<0.01), indicating the sewage origin of its water. This area has received great attention because of the huge scale of its riverbank erosion during floods. Since 1995, a sediment load of nearly 3 x 106 m3 has been deposited in the marshes (Mintegui 2005). Both processes of eutrophication and sediment deposition have run parallel to the expansion of emergent macrophytes in the Doñana marshland, bringing about a drastic reduction of its open-water areas since 1956 (Espinar, 2004). At the same time, the recent expansion of introduced species, such as Azolla filiculoides, in the Doñana marshes could be a consequence of eutrophication as this N2 fixing symbiont thrives when the N/P ratio is unbalanced in the ecosystem. A proper wetland management requires a watershed approach. At the same time, the quality of the waters draining through a watershed will reflect the quality of the corresponding terrestrial ecosystems (Margalef 1983). In the Doñana region, groundwater recharge takes place by rain infiltration on the aeolian Table 6. Mean and range values of water conductivity (20 ºC), concentration of nutrients, suspended solids (s.s.), and COD within the watersheds of El Partido stream and La Rocina brook during two sampling periods. Valores medios e ntervalo máx-min de la conductividad (20 ºC), concentración de nutrientes, sólidos en suspensión (s.s.) y DQO en la cuenca de los arroyos del Partido y La Rocina durante dos períodos distintos de muestreo. 1991-92* El Partido E.C. (mS cm-1) N-NH4+ (mg l-1) N-NO2- (mg l-1) N-NO3- (mg l-1) i-P (mg l-1) Tot-P (mg l-1) s.s. (mg l-1) COD (mg l-1) *TOJA et al. (1992) 2003-04 La Rocina max min mean max min 1.42 27.4 0.04 0.14 3.2 5.4 103 90.4 0.53 3.6 <0.01 0.02 0.2 0.3 33 19.3 1.13 9.9 0.02 0.08 1.3 2.8 67 61.4 0.63 0.21 1.4 0.2 0.03 <0.01 0.89 0.10 0.13 0 0.8 0.1 175 22 50.3 21 El Partido mean max 0.39 0.5 0.01 0.38 0.04 0.3 97 31.8 1.29 15.0 0.28 11.45 3.4 4.2 311 - min mean 0.44 0.97 0.3 8.6 0.14 0.19 <0.01 7.57 0.4 1.7 1.1 2.7 12 161 - La Rocina max min mean 0.57 0.41 0.49 7.5 0.5 2.9 0.02 <0.01 0.015 1.26 0.01 0.67 0.08 0.03 0.005 2.0 0.4 1.2 92 32 62 - Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 26 Página 26 Serrano et al. sands covering about 3400 km2. The Doñana marshland covers a vast extension of both deeply transformed areas (dessicated marsh, rice fields, irrigation fields) and less transformed marshes (National and Natural Parks) which are hydrologicaly connected to each other. The surface watershed draining to the marshland extends by narrow corridors to the pyritic deposits of the northern uplands, while the lower valley of the Guadalquivir River is the recipient of waters draining through a huge watershed of more than 57 500 km2. Both surface and groundwater resources ought to be extremely difficult to manage at this massive scale and so, successive hydrologic projects carried out in Doñana have failed in many aspects. The recently developed hydrologic regeneration plan for Doñana (Doñana 2005) will bring a better connectivity to the Guadalquivir River, but rice fields continue to be segregated in this estrategy despite they are not isolated from the Doñana aquatic systems, neither by water surface nor by aerial depositions. The outlet water from rice-pads is flooding the nearby marshes (on the eastern margin of both the Natural and the National Park) every year at the end of the rice growing-season. Instead of lamenting on the issue, rice fields could become a source of freshwater in the hydrologic budget of the nearby marshes which, in turn, will create more concern on the control and monitoring of fertilizers and pesticides in the area. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to all the people that have participated in our limnology group during the past decades: A. Furest, T. López, C. Guisande, N. Gabellone, M. A. Casco, J. Prenda, J. C. Muñoz, J. Jaúregui, N. Mazuelos, J. A. García-Sánchez, M. D. Galindo, F. García-Bouzas, A. DíazEspejo, J. L. Moreiras, I. Calzada-Bujak, K. Fahd, M. D. Burgos, A. Plazuelos and E. Alcalá. Recent data corresponded to research projects supported by “Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía” and the Ministry of Envrionment (Doñana 2005). REFERENCES ALBAIGÉS, J., J. ALGABA, P. ARAMBARRI, F. CABRERA, G. BALUJA, L. M. HERNÁNDEZ & J. CASTROVIEJO. 1987. Budget of organic and inorganic pollutants in the Doñana National Park (Spain). Sci. 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ISSN: 0213-8409 Basin scale transport in stratified lakes and reservoirs: towards the knowledge of freshwater ecosystems Francisco Rueda Valdivia Instituto del Agua y Departamento de Ingeniería Civil – Universidad de Granada. C/Ramón y Cajal, 4 – 18071 – Granada. Spain. ABSTRACT The physical processes of transport and mixing exerts a profound influence on the biogeochemistry of aquatic systems: not only they determine the position of particulate and dissolved substances contained in the water at any given time, but they also contribute to determine the environment in which biogeochemical reactions occur. The physical behaviour of four aquatic systems are examined, trying to illustrate the mechanisms of transport at play in any given environment as determined by both the properties of the external forcing and the characteristics of the system itself (morphology, in particular). Scaling arguments, based on Lake and Wedderburn numbers, the Rossby radius of deformation and the nominal residence time, provide a simple and first order four-dimensional framework in which one can sketch and classify the physical behaviour of the system. The four case examples analyzed occupy, in that four dimensional framework, positions which are far apart. Transport in natural systems is shown, by means of examples, to be a highly dynamic feature determined by the exact details of how mass and energy enters (their magnitude, frequency, exact location in time, their spatial variability). Some of those ‘second order’ effects, not captured in the first order analysis based on simple scales or non-dimensional parameters, are analyzed. Keywords: transport, stratified lakes, basin-scale. RESUMEN Los procesos físicos de transporte y mezcla ejercen una influencia muy marcada sobre la biogeoquímica de sistemas acuáticos: no solo controlan la posición en el espacio y en un determinado momento de partículas en suspensión o sustancias disueltas en agua, sino que además contribuyen a fijar el ambiente en el que las reacciones biogeoquímicas tienen lugar En este documento se describen los mecanismos responsables del transporte en una serie de sistemas acuáticos naturales, como el resultado de la interacción entre fenómenos exógenos de forzamiento y las características de los propios sistemas (la morfología en particular). Argumentos de escala, basados en los números de Lago y Wedderburn, el radio de deformación de Rossby y el tiempo nominal de residencia, proporcionan un marco conceptual y de primer orden en el cual se puede definir y clasificar el comportamiento físico de los sistemas acuáticos. Los casos analizados corresponden a sistemas, que en este espacio de cuatro dimensiones, ocupan posiciones distantes entre sí. En este trabajo se muestra que la circulación y el transporte en sistemas acuáticos son fenómenos muy dinámicos, que en gran medida, están determinados por la magnitud, la frecuencia, la variabilidad espacial y su localización exacta en el tiempo de los flujos de masa y energía. Estos efectos, de ‘segundo orden’, son los que se analizan en este trabajo. Palabras clave: transporte, lagos estratificados, escala cubeta. INTRODUCTION Ramon Margalef ’s Mandala (e.g. Margalef 1997) describes the composition of phytoplankton communities, the relative abundance of component species, and their evolution (succession) as the result of a nutrient-turbulence balance (see also Reynolds 1997). If we accept Margalef ’s Mandala as a valid interpretation of succession in freshwater ecosystems, one necessarily concludes that the analysis and understanding of the functional structure of phytoplankton communities and its evolution needs to be grounded on the knowledge of the physical processes of transport and mixing determining turbulence levels and nutrient distribution in the Limnetica 25(1-2)01 34 12/6/06 13:53 Página 34 F. Rueda water column. The physical processes of transport and mixing in lakes and reservoirs occur at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, that go from the finest scales characteristic of turbulent motions – O(mm) and O(s) – to those characteristic of basin scale circulation – O(km) and O(d) – (e.g. Imboden and Wüest, 1995). Unfortunately and due to the small physical dimensions of the containing basin (compared to the ocean), transport processes in lakes and reservoirs are complex and, therefore, difficult to characterize and describe (Imberger 1998). Only in the last few years, the development of three-dimensional numerical models that solve the equations of motion with a high temporal and spatial resolution and low computational cost, together with the availability of technology capable of providing velocity and temperature field observations at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, has allowed aquatic scientists to initiate the exploration of transport processes in natural lakes and reservoirs. My research has been devoted to the analysis of basin-scale transport patterns in stratified lakes and reservoirs and to the exploration of their consequences on the distribution of substances in these environments, using three-dimensional hydrodynamic models, scaling analysis and field observations. My approach to the knowledge of freshwater aquatic ecosystems (lakes and reservoirs in particular) is, therefore and fundamentally, a physical one. However, it should be understood within the framework of Ramon Margalef´s vision of the structure and evolution of phytoplankton communities (Mandala), which suggests that physics has a role in determining the biology in aquatic ecosystems. My latest lines of research, recently initiated at the Water Institute in the University of Granada, in collaboration with several research groups in Aquatic Ecology from Southern Spain, attempt to examine the interactions between the structure of phytoplankton communities (functional and in terms of size) and the physical environment in reservoirs. This manuscript is a summary of some of the most relevant aspects of my previous work, which focuses on transport patterns in stratified lakes and reservoirs. TRANSPORT PROCESSES IN AQUATIC SYSTEMS: A BRIEF OVERVIEW Transport and mixing processes in aquatic systems, with the exception of molecular diffusion, are driven by fluxes of mass and energy (thermal and mechanical) that occur either through the free surface or through inflow or outflow sections (Fischer et al., 1979; Imboden and Wuest 1995). These fluxes are subject to spatial and temporal variations at a wide range of scales. For example, the heat fluxes through the free surface of a lake change at temporal scales ranging from sub-daily (characteristic of diel cycles of heating and cooling) to interannual scales (a feature of climate cycles). Mechanical energy fluxes on the other hand, either through the free surface (as a consequence of wind) or through the inflow or outflow sections occurs in pulses or events: wind is not continuously blowing over the surface of a lake, but it occurs as events with varying frequency, intensity and duration; inflow in reservoirs is maximal during rainfall events; outflows in reservoirs are subject to changes dictated by water demands, which in the case of hydroelectric power, for example, has peaks followed by periods of low demands. The specific transport patterns, either at the basin-scale or at the finest scale of turbulence, that develop in response to mass or energy fluxes depend on a balance of mass and energy fluxes and the specific spatial and temporal patterns characterizing the fluxes (the frequency, intensity, duration and location in time of the events), together with characteristics of the aquatic systems, as their morphometry (Imboden and Wuest 1995). It is a balance of energy fluxes what determines, for example, the stratification in aquatic systems and its evolution in time: stratification develops if and when the magnitude of fluxes inducing density gradients in the water column (e.g. heating through the free surface) is larger than the fluxes that introduce kinetic energy available to mix it (i.e. wind or cooling at the free surface). Atmospheric (wind) or hydrologic events acting on a stratified water body tend to perturb its equilibrium status by tilting the isotherms. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 35 35 Basin-scale transport in stratified systems The behaviour of stratified systems of small and medium-size in response to those perturbation events can be parameterized using the adimensional Lake LN and Wedderburn W numbers. These numbers relate the magnitude of the external forces acting upon the system and displacing it from its equilibrium status to the forces that tend to re-establish the original equilibrium status as the system is displaced from it (gravity). The Lake number LN is defined as the ratio between the stabilizing and the destabilizing moments referred to the centre of volume (Fig. 1). In the particular case of wind forcing acting upon a stratified system LN can be estimated as (e.g. Imberger and Patterson 1990) LN = Figure 1. Response of a stratified lake to wind forcing: (a) A system in equilibrium, with horizontal isotherms (thin lines). The centre of volume is represented with a solid dark circle, while the empty circle shows the location of centre of mass (displaced towards the bottom from the centre of volume, due to stratification). (b) The destabilizing moments are associated to wind force applied to the free surface, separated zm-zg from the centre of volume. The stabilizing moments are associated to gravity forces acting on the centre of mass. Diagram b shows a mode 1 response to wind: the metalimnion moves towards the surface at the upwind end of the lake. (c) Mode 2 response: isotherms open at the upwind end, and compress at the downwind end. Respuesta de un sistema estratificado frente al viento. (a) Sistema en equilibrio con isotermas en posición horizontal. La posición del centro del volumen aparece marcada con un punto negro, y la del centro de masas con un círculo con el interior en blanco. El centro de masas, como consecuencia de la estratificación queda por debajo del centro de volumen. (b) El viento, aplicado a la superficie del lago, ejerce una acción desestabilizadora sobre el sistema. La acción estabilizadora le corresponde a la fuerza de la gravedad que actúa sobre el centro de masas. El diagrama b muestra un respuesta de modo 1 frente al viento: el metalimnion se mueve hacia la superficie en la zona de barlovento (c) Respuesta de modo 2 frente a fenómenos perturbadores: las isotermas se abren en la zona de barlovento, y se comprimen en la zona de sotavento. (zg – z0) Mg (zm – zT) ρu2* A3/2 (zm – zg) (1) Here, zg is the elevation of the center of volume, z0 is the elevation of the center of mass, zm is the elevation of the free surface and zT is the elevation of the thermocline or the center of the metalimnion. The magnitude of the destabilizing force is related to u*, the friction velocity of the wind force is, in this case, applied tangentially to the free surface and is given by the product of τ, the shear stress τ (presumed uniform over the lake surface), by the surface area A. The shear stress, in turn, can be estimated as, τ = CDρaUa2 = ρ u2* (2) where CD is the drag coefficient for wind (≈ 1.5 x 10-3), ρa is the air density, Ua is the wind speed, ρ is the water density. The Wedderburn number W is estimated as (Imberger and Patterson 1990), W= 1 g′ h2 L u2* (3) where g′ is the reduced gravity (= gΔρ/ρ), h is the thickness of the surface mixed-layer and L is the length of the basin. For LN >> 1, the restoring force is larger than the forces perturbing the system, and the tilting of the isotherms is small Limnetica 25(1-2)01 36 12/6/06 13:53 Página 36 F. Rueda compared to the thickness of the epilimnion (Stevens and Imberger 1996). For LN << 1, the external forcing will generate significant horizontal gradients in the thermal and chemical characteristics of the lake. In the case of wind, deep hypolimnetic water will reach the surface in the upwind end. On the other hand, low values of the Wedderburn number (W ~ O(1) o W < 1) correspond to scenarios in which isotherms open in the upwind end, while they compress in the downwind end of the lake. This type of response is known as mode 2, while the behaviour defined by the condition LN << 1 is known as vertical mode 1 (Fig. 1). For the particular case of systems with a thin metalimnion, W and LN coincide. Lake and Wedderburn numbers not only parameterize the large-scale behaviour of aquatic systems. As shown by Fischer et al., 1979 (among others), the values taken by LN and W are also indicative of the nature of the dominant processes leading to mixing in the water column. For W > 1, mixing is driven by the direct flux of turbulent kinetic energy through the free surface (caused by processes like wave breaking, etc), which in the literature is known as stirring (Fischer et al., 1979). For W ~ O(1) o W < 1, on the other hand, mixing is energized by turbulent fluctuations driven by shear (velocity gradient) in the water column. Shear driven turbulence and mixing, acting upon horizontal gradients – induced by basin-scale motions for W ~ O(1) or W < 1 – drive, in turn, longitudinal dispersion processes that tend to mix the hypolimnetic o metalimnetic water upwelled in the upwind end of the lake with the surface water accumulated in the downwind end. Hence, W ~ O (1) o W < 1 is indicative of vigorous mixing processes (horizontal and vertical) leading to smeared physico-chemical gradients and thick metalimnetic layers. In relatively shallow and enclosed water bodies, the condition W ~ O (1) o W < 1 occurs on a frequent basis, and consequently, these systems tend to exhibit a weak (almost linear) and intermittent stratification. These are lakes that mix vertically several times during a year, i.e. polymictic lakes. In these systems, wind –its time and spatial distribution– determines, to a large extent, the transport patterns. The work of Rueda et al. (2003a), Rueda and Schladow (2003b) and Rueda et al. (2005a), suggests that thermal stratification, though weak and intermittent, may also play a major role in determining water motions in polymictic systems during the stratified periods (see section 3). In deeper lakes and reservoirs, stratification is more stable (W >> 1) and the system undergoes through a unique period during a year in which the water column mixes (monomictic lakes) due to surface cooling. Water motion, in these systems, is almost totally dominated by internal waves, motions of all scales and frequencies which cause isopycnals to oscillate with some well-defined frequency (Imberger 1998). Internal waves at the basin scale are directly excited by the wind forcing acting directly on the free surface. Once established, basin-scale internal waves steepen due to non-linear processes and to shoaling, forming a spectrum of internal wave motions with frequencies ranging from 10-6 to 10-2 Hz. The energy of the internal wave field is finally dissipated within the benthic boundary layer (Imberger 1998) through wave breaking or shear driven processes. Section 4 presents some results of work done on the analysis of basin-scale internal waves in Lake Tahoe, its temporal and spatial structure. This work suggests that, also in deep lakes, the frequency, duration and intensity of wind events are factors that need to be taken into account to understand the internal wave climate, and hence mixing processes. My interest on basinscale internal waves is justified in that they provide the main driving force for vertical and horizontal transport in deep stratified lakes (Imberger 1998, MacIntyre et al., 1998). Hence, the first step towards analyzing numerically the dynamics of nutrients and particles in deep lakes consists on being able to understand and represent with three-dimensional transport models the energy and spatial characteristics of basin scale internal waves. Upwelling events, either episodic or more frequent, its intensity and duration control the exchange of water between basins connected Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 37 Basin-scale transport in stratified systems 37 CIRCULATION PATTERNS IN POLYMICTIC LAKES Figure 2. Bathymetry map (in gray) of Clear Lake with contours shown every 2 m. Inset on left locates Clear Lake in California, USA. Also shown are the three basins of the lake, connected at the Narrows. Batimetría del Lago Clear, con contornos cada 2 m. En el recuadro de la izquierda se muestra la localización del lago en California, EEUU. Así mismo, se muestran los nombres y disposición de las tres subcuencas del lago, conectadas en el estrecho de ‘Narrows’. through narrow straights. Section 4 shows the results of some work done on exchage processes in semi-enclosed environments, applied to a particular embayment of Lake Ontario. Reservoirs, are considered open systems, where mass and energy is exchanged through distinct inflow and outflow sections. Inflow mixing controls the pathways of river nutrients in the reservoir and, in particular, the extent to which these nutrients can reach the euphotic zone to be used as resources for primary production. Moreover, the transport processes that occur at the river inflow sections, interacting with selective withdrawal (outflow) and vertical mixing processes driven by wind or surface cooling, control the average time a given water parcel remains within the reservoir. This time scale, known was the hydraulic residence time, has been proposed in the literature to explain a wide range of water quality processes. Section 5, presents results of work undertaken to estimate the residence times in reservoirs, as systems with large fluctuations in water level and inflow-outflow rates. Mixing and transport in large polymictic lakes has received little attention in the limnological and engineering literature. Instead most physical limnology has focused on the dynamics of deep, seasonally stratified lakes which are characterized by the presence of a vertical thermal stratification that evolves on a time scale of months, and free basin-scale internal waves with time scales on the order of hours to days (e.g. Antenucci et al., 2000; Hodges et al., 2000; Pan et al., 2002; among many others). One of the few attempts to describe transport patterns in a shallow polymictic lake is the series of three papers - Rueda et al. (2003a), Rueda and Schladow (2003) and Rueda et al. (2005a) - recently published in the peer reviewed literature. The results described in those publications are the result of a study conducted in Clear Lake (Fig. 2), during several periods in 1995, 1997 and 1999. Clear Lake is a large polymictic lake in northern California with three sub-basins (Oaks, Upper and Lower arms) separated by a narrow straight (Narrows). With an average annual inflow Q estimated to be 514x106 m3/year (Lynch 1996) the ratio V/Q (where V is the average lake volume) is approximately two to three years. Hence, advective flow (through-flow) through the lake is not considered to be a major factor in determining largescale circulation. As with many other large and polymictic systems, Clear Lake does not support free basin-scale internal waves since the wave periods are, in general, longer than the time scales associated with the stratification–destratification cycles. Maximum recorded temperature differences between the top to the bottom of the lake (max. depth is c.a. 15m) were of up to 6oC in 1999 (Rueda et al., 2003). On a typical summer day the winds are primarily from the northwest, minimal between midnight and dawn and reaching a maximum about dusk. Also, and due to the large extent of Clear Lake and the irregular nature of its surrounding topography, the wind exhibits a considerable degree of spatial variability. These two characteristics Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 38 38 F. Rueda of the wind field (its marked diurnal periodicity and its spatial variability) are key features, together with the weak stratification, to explain circulation patterns in the lake. Wind-stratification interaction in weakly stratified systems This research focused on one of the sub-basins of Clear Lake: the Oaks arm. The evening winds (blowing along the thalweg of the sub-basin) encounter a water column, which due to the surface heat flux during the morning and early afternoon hours, is stratified. The wind acts on this weakly stratified system to generate strong horizontal temperature gradients along the axis of the Oaks Arm (W << 1), which can be of up to 3oC in hardly 4 km. Deep water rises at the western end of the arm, near the Narrows. Due to the weak stratification, rotational effects modulate the response of the lake to wind forcing, causing upwelling of deep water also on the north shore of the Oaks Arm. The effect of the Earth’s rotation on a stratified system being forced by wind can be analyzed using the theoretical model proposed by Csanady (1982). In that model, it is assumed that a long-shore wind is applied impulsively on an initially quiescent and semi-infinite (i.e. only bounded on one side) two-layer system of depth H. The interface will tilt perpendicular to the wind direction and it will intersect the water surface – complete upwelling – if the wind impulse I (= u2* t, t being time) satisfies the condition I (H – h) / hHc1 ⭓ 1 (4) where h is the thickness of the upper layer and c1 is the speed of propagation of perturbations in the interface (i.e. internal wave speed). For the Oaks arm, presuming a two-layer stratification with the interface at mid-depth and a density change equal to half the density difference from top to bottom, the ratio in Eq. 4 was on average, for the wind events occurring on a 15day period in may 1999, equal to 1.64. Hence, deep cold water piles up in the northwestern shores in response to northwesterly winds (see Figure 3. Transect taken on day 143, 1999 at 16h across the Oaks Arm. Boat was moving from south to north. Velocity is given in cm/s in gray scale of each plot. The component of velocity along the main axis of Oaks Arm is shown on top, and that in perpendicular direction on bottom of the figure, and gray scale to left of value of velocity component (positive is eastward). Transecto de velocidad realizado a las 16h del día 143, 1999 de sur a norte en Oaks Arm. La velocidad se muestra en cm/s utilizando una escala de grises (a la derecha). Arriba se muestra el componente de velocidad u paralelo al eje principal de Oaks arm. Abajo se muestra el componente de velocidad v perpendicular a dicho eje. Valores positivos son hacia el este y hacia el norte para u y v respectivamente. circulation patterns in figure 3 captured with an acoustic Doppler Profiler ADCP). During the night and early morning hours, when the wind forcing is negligible, the pressure gradients that result from the horizontal differences in temperature become the dominant forcing mechanism in the system, driving currents of up to 10–15 cms-1, westward at the surface and eastward near the bottom (Fig. 4), that try to bring isotherms to their equilibrium horizontal position. The currents during the relaxation of the horizontal temperature gradients are affected by the Earth’s rotation, and westward currents mainly occur through the north shore. Residual circulation patterns The cycle of setup and relaxation of horizontal temperature gradients driven by wind and modulated by the Earth’s rotation, shown in the previous section, repeats in the stratified lake with a diurnal periodicity. As a result, a residual cyclonic circulation develops, which facilitates horizontal exchange processes in the lake. A particle Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 39 Basin-scale transport in stratified systems Figure 4. Transects taken at 14h on day 144, 1999. The gray scale represents the magnitude (cm/s) of velocity component along main axis of Oaks Arm (positive is eastward). Transecto de velocidad realizado a las 14h del día 144, 1999 de sur a norte en Oaks Arm. La escala de grises muestra el componente de velocidad u paralelo al eje de la subcuenca (cm/s). Valores positivos son hacia el este. left in the Oaks Arm would describe counterclockwise trajectories. This circulation pattern was revealed experimentally, using lagrangian followers, and numerically, using simulations of tracer release experiments and particle tracking techniques. Details of the modelling tools employed (here and throughout this work) can be found in Rueda and Schladow 2003 or Smith 1997. Figure 5, for example, shows the sequence of positions of a particle released near the easternmost end of the Oaks Arm. To describe the particles’ 3-D trajectories, plan-view (2-D) plots have been used, in which the depth below the surface of the particle is indicated by the grayscale of the marker used to show its horizontal position. Each dot represents the position of a particle, in which is shown every hour. An increased spacing between positions indicates higher velocities. Figure 5 shows the trajectory of a particle that, after plunging and rising twice at the downwind end of the Oaks Arm, is carried in day 142 (1999) by surface currents to the westernmost end of the Oaks Arm, and from there it enters the Lower Arm. The particle plunges following the winddriven downwelling currents close to the mine, and it rises to the surface at the embayment located at the southwest edge of the Oaks Arm. Direct wind-driven circulation patterns In the Lower Arm the particle shown in figure 5 describes several clockwise loops. As shown in Rueda et al. (2005a), the anticyclonic circulation revealed by the particle trajectories (and also by 39 observations gathered in 1995 with ADCP) is driven by the spatial variability of the wind field. In Clear Lake, sheltering by surrounding terrain is the major source of variability in the wind field. The topography of the landscape surrounding Clear Lake is complex and dominated by the presence of Mount Konocti, a dormant volcano rising over 900 m above the lake level. It is located upwind of the Lower arm in the direction of the predominant winds. The spatial variability of the wind field over Clear Lake was analyzed during two weeks starting on May 18, 1999, using an array of 14 anemometers. Vorticity is defined as twice the angular velocity of a fluid parcel and is used as a measure of the spatial variability of a flow field and its rotational character. As shown in figure 6, Mount Konocti modifies the wind field over the lake and creates areas of negative vorticity (anticyclonic or clockwise wind circulation) over the Lower Arm. The numerical simulations of Rueda et al. (2005a) show that the anticyclonic circulation patterns observed in the Lower Arm are not but the fingerprints of the anticyclonic wind circulation existing above it. Furthermore, it was shown that the spatial variability of winds increases the rate at which the Oaks Arm exchanges water mass with the rest of the lake, mainly with the Upper Arm, while it isolates the Lower Arm from the other two arms by increasing the recirculation rate (gyre formation) within this basin. The exchange rates between the Oaks and the Upper arms, for example, were almost twice the exchange rates between the Oaks and the Lower Arms under the spatially variable winds. Data collected in the last few years (Suchanek, pers.comm.) has shown that the annual loading to the sediment of particulate mercury is highest in the Oaks Arm, followed by the Upper Arm and then the Lower Arm (in the ratio of approximately 9:5:2). The ratio of loadings in the Upper and the Lower arms is approximately the same as the ratio of mass exchange rates of those two arms with the Oaks Arm, revealed by tracer simulations conducted in Rueda et al., 2005a. The coincidence of loading and exchange rate ratios among the different basins suggests a close link between chemical and hydrodynamic behaviour, which is driven by spatially variable winds. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 40 40 F. Rueda Figure 5. Trajectories followed by one of the groups of particles released near the eastern of the Oaks arm (Clear Lake) in the particle tracking simulations. Symbols are plotted one hour apart. The gray scale on the left shows the depth of the particle in the three-dimensional domain. Trayectoria seguida por una de las partículas liberadas en ejercicios numéricos de seguimiento de partículas en el extreme oriental de Oaks Arm (Lago Clear). Los símbolos representan la posición de la partícula en pasos de tiempo de una hora. La escala de grises representa la profundidad. BASIN SCALE INTERNAL WAVES IN DEEP STRATIFIED LAKES Lake Tahoe (Fig. 7) is located along the crest of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, between California and Nevada at an altitude of 1898 m. It has a maximum depth of 505 m, an average depth of 313 m, and its surface area is 501 km2. The lake contains 156 km3 of water, and the ratio of the lake volume to the average outflow rate V/Q is approximately 650 years. Typically, thermal stratification commences around March and reaches a maximum in August, at which time the top of the thermocline is approximately 20 m below the water surface. Slow weakening of the stratification may lead to approximately isothermal conditions by February in about one year in four (Jassby et al., 1999). As revealed by field data collected in Lake Tahoe since 1995 (see Thompson 2000), the temperature structure of the lake is subject to oscillations (internal waves) of varying amplitude, occurring at a range of frequencies. The work of Rueda et al., (2003b) analyzes temperature observations collected during a 25-day period at the end of 1999, to determine the nature of those internal waves, its frequency and spatial characteristics, and the factors controlling the energy contained in the internal wave field. Thermistors were deployed at different depths and at two stations in Lake Tahoe (MIDLAKE and INDEX stations in figure 7). The average temperature profile during the 25-day period studied in Rueda et al. (2003b), is characterized by a relatively smooth gradation in temperatures from the epilimnion, with an almost uniform temperature of 7.5 oC in the first 50 meters of the water column, to the hypolimnion starting at about 150 m below the water surface and having a uniform temperature of less than 5 oC. The Lake (LN) and Wedderburn (W) numbers are well above unity throughout this period, suggesting relatively small isotherm displacements compared to the thickness of the surface layer (no upwelling). Rather than analyzing thermistor records one by one, the temperature time series collected at different elevations z was used to generate, for each station, a unique time series of integrated potential energy IPE, defined as z1 IPE (t) = 冮 ρ (z, t) g z dz (5) z0 It was the time series of IPE (t) that was subject to spectral analysis to identify the frequencies of the most energetic oscillations. As shown by Antenucci et al., 2000, the IPE not only gives a clear and concise picture of the frequency content of the internal wave field, but it also represents correctly the relative distribution of potential energy among frequencies. Basin scale waves: a brief overview Basin scale internal waves are classified according to the horizontal and vertical structure of the isotherm displacements they induce. An internal wave of vertical mode 1 and horizontal mode 1 (V1H1) has only one node in the vertical and in the horizontal, as shown in figure 8a. Vertical mode 2 indicates the presence of more than one node in the vertical, i.e. two interfaces that oscillate with opposite phases compressing and expanding the metalimnion alternatively (see Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 41 Basin-scale transport in stratified systems Figure 6. (a) Windfield vorticity constructed from wind records at 1700 h on day 139, 1999. The triangle represents the location of Mount Konocti. The effect of an isolated 3-D obstacle in a boundary layer flow is illustrated in panel b. The flow field past 3-D obstacles is characterized by the presence of a lee-side separation region and an associated wake. The wake contains two distinct counter-rotating horseshoe vortices (see panel a). The near-surface streamlines tend to diverge on the upstream side and converge on the downstream side of the obstacle (Baines, 1995). (a) Vorticidad del campo de viento construida a partir de registros de vientos en 14 estaciones meteorológicas situadas alrededor del Lago Clear a las 17h del día 139, 1999. El triángulo blanco representa la localización del Monte Konocti (ver texto). El efecto de un obstáculo aislado en la capa límite atmosférica se ilustra en el panel (b). El campo de velocidades del fluido al pasar sobre el obstáculo está caracterizado por la presencia, en la zona de sotavento, de una región en que el fluido recircula. En la zona de recirculación existen dos vórtices con signos de rotación contrarios. Las líneas de flujo tienden a divergir en la zona de barlovento y a converger en la zona de sotavento (Baines, 1995). figure 8b, showing a V2H1 mode internal wave). Internal waves with horizontal modes two (and above) refer to the presence of two or more nodes in the horizontal direction (Fig. 8c). The spatial characteristics and oscillation periods of individual internal wave modes are controlled by the density stratification, the geometric properties of the enclosing basin, and, in the case of large lakes, by the Earth’s rotation (e.g. Imboden 1990). The Earth’s rotation can exert a significant influence on the internal 41 Figure 7. Lake Tahoe bathymetry (contoured on 100 m intervals) and instrument locations (•). Thermistor chain locations are MIDLAKE and INDEX. USCG indicates the location of the meteorological station. Batrimetría del Lago Tahoe, con contornos cada 100 m. Se muestra también la localización de las ristras de termistores (estaciones MIDLAKE e INDEX) y de la estación meteorológica del Servicio Geológico de EEUU (USGS). motions of lakes on temporal scales of the order of the inertial period (~ 19 hours in Clear Lake) and on spatial scales of the same order as the Rossby radius of deformation (Λ = c1/f where f is the Coriolis parameter or inertial frequency). In Lake Tahoe during the period analyzed in Rueda et al., (2003b) Λ is c.a. 3 km and smaller than the with of the basin (19 km), hence rotational effects are significant. Internal oscillations, under those conditions, are either Kelvin or Poincaré waves. Kelvin waves are long gravity waves with subinertial frequencies (periods larger than c.a. 17h the inertial period) that are trapped at the boundaries of the lake. The perturbations travel cyclonically (counterclockwise) around a basin in the Northern Hemisphere with amplitudes exhibiting an exponential decay offshore with a scale of O (Λ). The velocity fields show maxima at the boundaries (where the motion is rectilinear), and the current vectors in the lake interior rotate cyclonically (see for example Hutter 1984 or Antenucci and Imberger 2001). Poincaré modes are also progressive waves. In the Poincaré modes (or rotating internal seiches) the perturbations propagate Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 42 42 F. Rueda anti-cyclonically with superinertial frequencies (periods lower than 17h). As shown by Antenucci et al. (2000), the isotherm displacements induced by a Poincaré wave measured in cross section have a standing structure and are, in general, undistinguishable from those induced by a linear seiche. Poincaré waves, however, differ from the linear seiches in that the velocity vectors rotate anti-cyclonically. The maximum amplitudes of the water velocity induced by the wave are observed at the center of the basin. Thus the origin of isopycnal oscillations (either a linear seiche or a Poincaré wave) can only be positively confirmed by inspection of the velocity vectors at a single location or inspection of temperature records from multiple locations. The internal wave ‘zoo’ in Lake Tahoe Figure 9 shows the power spectrum of IPE signal, calculated from the temperature records collected at the INDEX station, exhibiting four peaks: three peaks in the subinertial range of the frequency, and one peak in the superinertial range. The three subinertial modes were identified as vertical mode one Kelvin waves travelling cyclonically around the perimeter of the lake with periodicities of approximately 128, 57 and 37 h. The longer period Kelvin wave has horizontal mode 1, while the others have horizontal modes 2 (57h) and 3 (37h). The fourth internal wave mode was identified as a V1H1 one Poincaré wave having a period of about 17 h, causing transverse oscillations of the isotherms. These results suggest that the internal oscillations in large lakes may be the result of the superposition of what Imboden and Wüest (1995) call a ‘zoo’ of basin-scale internal modes, rather than individual modes. Figure 10 shows the spatial structure of IPE, as simulated by the 3D model, and its evolution in sequences of plots at quarter-period (T/4) increments, for the three Kelvin wave modes identified in figure 9. Kelvin waves are seen travelling cyclonically around Lake Tahoe, with the shore on the right, and with one (Fig. 10 a, b, c, d), two (Fig. 10 e, f, g, h) and three (Fig. 10 i, j, k, l) peaks (zones with positive IPE values) Figure 8. Idealized structure of internal waves. Here, it is assumed that isotherms (shown in thin line) only oscillate in the plane shown, i.e. it is assumed that internal waves are seiches (not affected by earth’s rotation). (a) V1H1 mode, (b) V2H1 mode and (c) V1H2 mode. Estructura idealizada de ondas internas. Aquí se a asumido que las isotermas (mostradas en línea fina ) solo oscilan en un plano vertical, i. e. se asume que las ondas internas son secas (no afectadas por la rotación de la tierra). (a) modo V1H1, (b) modo V2H1 y (c) modo V1H2. and troughs (negative IPE values). The spatial structure of the Poincaré mode is shown in figure 11. The phase propagates anti-cyclonically around the basin. The behaviour of the IPE oscillations in the surrounding embayments, though, does not follow the basin-scale pattern. For example, in Fig 11 a, b, the wave is causing upwelling in the western shore in the main basin (high positive IPE) while close to the shore in the embayment the IPE signal shows negative values (downwelling). The IPE in the embayment oscillates with a node along the East-West direction, contrary to the general behaviour in the main deep basin. The horizontal structure of the oscillations is, thus, far from being simple due to the irregular shape of the basin. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 43 Basin-scale transport in stratified systems 43 - Interval 3 (from day 2, 2000 to the end of the record) when the wind again excites the internal waves at the periods previously observed during Interval 1. Figure 9. Power spectra of integrated potential energy, IPE, at the INDEX station (Lake Tahoe). Dashed lines indicate 95 % confidence levels. Marked in the figure are the periods corresponding to the peaks in the spectrum. Espectro de frecuencias de las series de tiempo de energía potencial integrada IPE estimada para la estación INDEX (Lago Tahoe). Las líneas discontinuas representan el nivel de confianza del 95 %. Sobre la figura se indican los períodos correspondientes a los picos de frecuencia. Interaction of wind and internal waves Figure 12 shows wind and temperature records collected in Lake Tahoe, during the 25-day period studied in Rueda et al. (2003b). Observations at the INDEX station, suggest that three intervals or sub-periods of internal wave activity can be distinguished: - Interval 1 (days 350 through 357 in 1999) with significant internal wave activity at both subinertial and superinertial frequencies, and amplitudes of up to 30 m; - Interval 2 (from day 358, 1999 through day 1, 2000) where the subinertial oscillations observed in Interval 1 with periods above 24 hours vanish; the diurnal and superinertial periodicity dominate during this interval; The evolution of the internal wave energy can be explained by analyzing the relative phase between the wind and the internal oscillations. A well known result in classical mechanics is that the amplitudes of the motions described by a forced harmonic oscillator depend on the energy of the forcing mechanism, the frequency of the forcing compared with the natural frequency of the oscillator, and their relative phase (see for example Wilson 1972). The Kelvin wave signal in the observed IPE time series at the INDEX station was extracted from the raw IPE signal using wavelet transforms (e.g. Torrence and Compo 1997) and plotted together with the East-West wind component at the USCG weather station in figure 13. An increase in the IPE time series marks an upwelling at the western shore of the lake, while downwelling periods correspond to decreasing trends in the series. Easterly winds acting at the time of upwelling will act to energize the internal wave (energizing event), as they act in phase. Easterly winds acting at the time of downwelling will drain energy from the internal wave (weakening event). In figure 13 the energizing events are marked with dark gray bars, while the weakening events are marked with light gray bars. The decay in the Kelvin wave amplitude follows a series of weakening events, while a series of energizing events precedes the excitation of Kelvin waves in the subperiod 3. These results suggest that the internal wave climate in lakes is, in general, the result of a complex and subtle interaction of atmospheric and the own internal wave features (their frequency, intensity and duration, as well as their spatial characteristics), which, in turn, is controlled by stratification, morphology and the Earth’s rotation. The analysis of the internal waves in large lakes, hence, requires the use of dynamic timevarying (e.g. 3D hydrodynamic models or wavelets) rather than static (classical power spectrum density, etc) or spatially-simplified (2-D or 1-D hydrodynamic models) tools. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 44 12/6/06 13:53 Página 44 F. Rueda Figure 11. First mode Poincaré wave in Lake Tahoe reproduced in the modeled IPE and presented at 2 hour intervals. Wave period is approximately 17 h. The arrow on the circle indicates the direction of time advance. The sense of rotation of the internal wave is anti-cyclonic. Time series of IPE at each horizontal location are processed as indicated in Figure 10. A black box is included to display the clockwise phase propagation of the Poincaré wave. Primer modo de la onda de Poincaré en Lake Tahoe, según el modelo de simulación. Se presenta la estructura horizontal del las desviaciones de IPE en relación a su valor promedio en cada punto. La estructura se muestra cada dos horas. El período es de aprox. 17h. La flecha en el círculo interior indica la dirección de avance del tiempo. El sentido de rotación de estas ondas es anticiclónico. Un cuadrado negro se ha utilizado para poner de manifiesto la propagación a favor de las aguas del reloj de la onda de Poincaré. SEMI-ENCLOSED SYSTEMS IN LITTORAL REGIONS Figure 10. Three modes of Kelvin waves in Lake Tahoe reproduced in the modelled IPE and presented at quarter period intervals. Sense of rotation is cyclonic in all cases. (a-d) first horizontal mode; (e-h) second horizontal mode; (i-l) third horizontal mode. Time series of IPE at each horizontal location of the model are first de-trended and then band-pass filtered. Ondas de Kelvin: estructura espacial de las excursiones de IPE sobre sus valores promedio en cada punto, correspondiente a los tres modos (modos horizontal 1, 2 y 3) identificados. La estructura espacial se muestra a intervalos de T/4, siendo T el período de la onda. (a-d) modo horinzontal 1 H1; (e-h) modo horizontal 2 H2; (i-l) modo horizontal 3. Los picos o valles se mueven en contra de las agujas del reloj, siguiendo la línea de costa. Under the action of upwelling favourable events nutrient-rich deepe water reaches the surface in near-shore regions, hence, inducing changes in the abundance and structure of the phytoplankton communities in littoral systems, such as semi-enclosed embayments. Data collected in Little Sodus Bay (LSB, 43o20’ N – 76o42’30” W, Fig. 14), a small embayment on the south shore of LO, is very suggestive in this regard (Fig. 15). LSB is approximately 4 km long and 1 km wide, and it is permanently connected to LO through a Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 45 Basin-scale transport in stratified systems 45 Figure 12. Time series of (a) isotherm depths at the INDEX station, and (b) wind speed and direction in Lake Tahoe. Isotherms in frames (a) are shown every 0.5 oC. The 5.5 oC has been marked for reference. The period under analysis started on day 350, 1999 (December 16), and ended on day 9, 2000 (January 9). Series de tiempo de (a) profundidad de las isotermas en la estación INDEX, y (b) velocidad y dirección del viento en el lago Tahoe. Las isotermas se muestran cada 0.5 oC, y la isoterma de 5.5 oC ha sido marcada como referencia. El período analizado en Rueda et al. (2003b) comienza en el día 350, 1999 (16 de diciembre), y finaliza el día 9, 2000 (9 de enero). man-made channel with design length, width, and depth of 550, 75, and 3 m, respectively. During summer, upwelling events in LO occur episodically along its southern shore in response to strong and sustained easterly winds1 (see Rueda and Cowen, 2005), and consequently LSB is exposed to nutrient-rich LO hypolimetic water. Secchi disk depth measurements were taken in LSB (Hairston and Doyle, personal communication) and compared with the time series of easterly wind impulse I (see section 3 for definition of I) in LO during several months in 2001. Upwelling events occur if the alongshore easterly wind impulse is larger than a threshold value (marked in figure 1 with crosses), determined by stratification conditions in the water column and the magnitude of offshore (southerly) winds (Csanady 1977). Thermal stratification in LO is presumed constant, characterized by a 14 m deep thermocline and a reduced gravity (g′ = g Δρ/ρ) of c.a. 1.5x10-3 m s-2, typical of summer conditions (Schwab 1977). The Secchi depth time series shows cyclic changes, which are typical of lake environments (see for example figure 7 in Thomann et al. 1981). Each 1 The Rossby radius of deformation in Lake Ontario during summer is lower than the average width of the lake (> 100 km), hence, upwelling occurs in response to along-shore winds (see section 3). of the three upwelling events that occurred in the three summer months of 2001 precede periods of decreases in water transparency, as indicated by negative trends in the Secchi depths. In Rueda and Cowen (2005) it was hypothesized that these decreases in transparency are the result of increased biological activity. Figure 13. Measured IPE signal at the INDEX station for the first horizontal mode Kelvin wave (as calculated through wavelets) and East-West component of the wind vector. The time series have been normalized using the maximum value during the time window analyzed. Vertical dark gray bars mark strong wind events when the phase of wind and the Kelvin wave results in the wave being enhanced (also indicated by a vertical arrow pointing upwards). Light gray bars mark events when the interaction is destructive (downward looking arrow). Series de tiempo de (a) profundidad de las isotermas en la estación INDEX, y (b) velocidad y dirección del viento en el lago Tahoe. Las isotermas se muestran cada 0.5 oC, y la isoterma de 5.5 oC ha sido marcada como referencia. El período analizado en Rueda et al. (2003b) comienza en el día 350, 1999 (16 de diciembre), y finaliza el día 9, 2000 (9 de enero). Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 46 46 F. Rueda Whether fluctuations in biological activity shown in the LSB data reflect an endogenous response of the system or are driven by exogenous (upwelling) influences, it remains to be proved, but what Rueda and Cowen (2005a and 2005b) showed was that the hydrodynamic behaviour of LSB undergo significant changes during upwelling events in LO. The work of Rueda and Cowen (2005a and 2005b) used the hydraulic residence time as a surrogate and single-value description of the transport characteristics of LSB. The residence time was estimated from the analysis of simulated tracer release experiments, consisting on releasing a certain amount of mass m0 of a conservative tracer at time t0 and at location α in LSB. The time varying tracer mass m(t) remaining in LSB was then monitored. The quantity m(t) is found from the spatial integration of the measured concentration field within the water body, and its decline over time reflects the net rate at which tracer leaves the water body. The rate of mass loss as a function of time r(t) provides the residence time distribution RTD ϕ(t), 1 dm r(t) = – (6) m0 dt which is the probability density function of the residence time of the ensemble of individual particles released at the beginning of the experiments. Equation 6 shows that the RTD has units of [T]-1. The mean residence time, based on the first moment of r(t), can then be calculated as ∞ τr = 冮r(t) t dt = – 0 1 m0 ∞ 冮 0 dm dt = 1 m0 ∞ 冮m(t) dt (7) 0 If instead of releasing tracer at location α, one presumes a release in which the whole water body is initially and uniformly filled with a mass m0 of a conservative tracer, Eq. 6 yields the flushing time distribution (see Rueda and Cowen 2005b). The mean flushing time is estimated as in Eq. 7, and it provides a bulk or integrative description (with no spatial dependence) of the transport characteristics of a water body. As Eq. 6 suggests, the residence or flushing time in LSB, and in any other aquatic system, is dictated by he rate at which water parcels leave Figure 14. Location and bathymetric map of Little Sodus Bay. Contours are shown every meter, and the 10-m and 7-m isobaths are shown in Little Sodus Bay and Lake Ontario, respectively. The bay is connected to the lake through a channel that is 550 m long, 75 m wide, and 3 m deep. Localización y batimetría de Little Sodus Bay. Los contornos se muestran a cada metro, y los correspondientes a 10 y 7 m se muestran en Little Sodus Bay y Lago Ontario, respectivamente. LSB está conectada al Lago Ontario por un canal de 550 m de longitud, 75 m de anchura y 3 m de profundidad media. the system. The processes involved in the transport of water parcels from any point in the embayment until they reach the lake can be classified, for the sake of clarity, into “exchange” processes, acting in the channel, and “internal mixing” processes, acting within the embayment. The difference between internal mixing and exchange time scales can be better understood using two idealized flow reactor models: the continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and the plug-flow reactor (PFR − e.g. Levenspiel 1999). In the CSTR internal mixing is considered infinitely fast and the mean residence time is set by the rate at which exchange takes place. At the other extreme, in the PFR the mean residence time is controlled by the rate particles move within the reactor (internal mixing in our semantics), and the exchange Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 47 Basin-scale transport in stratified systems 47 Physical processes driving exchange in the channel Figure 15. (a) Secchi depth observations (Doyle and Hairston, personal communication) for LSB in 2001. (b) Series of alongshore impulses of upwelling-favorable wind events (bars), and threshold values for the alongshore wind impulse to induce a full upwelling event (crosses). Calculations based on wind records from buoys 45139 and 45135 (operated by Environment Canada) in the northern and western ends of LO, respectively. The arrows in (a) and (b) mark periods when the wind records suggest that upwelling events could have occurred. (a) Observaciones de profundidad del disco de Secchi (Doyle and Hairston, comunicación personal) tomadas en LSB durante 2001. (b) Impulso del viento para eventos procedentes del Este (que provocan el ascenso de las isotermas a lo largo de la costa sur del Lago Ontario) – barras verticales –, junto a valores umbrales para que los eventos puedan llegar a producir afloramiento completo (cruces). Los cálculos se han hecho utilizando los registros de las boyas 45139 y 45135 (operadas por Environment Canada) en el norte y oeste de LO, respectivamente. Las flechas en (a) y (b) marcan períodos en que los registros de viento sugieren que fenómenos de afloramiento se producen a lo largo de la costa sur de LO, frente a LSB. processes do not set the RTD. Even though exchange and mixing processes are considered separately, they need to be jointly considered in the examination of basin water residence times since they are inextricably linked in the determination of mass fluxes across the channel (e.g. Ivey 2004). The density gradients in the channel, for example, are determined by the density in the respective basins, which is, in turn, influenced by the dynamics within the basins themselves. The estimated mean daily discharge Q from the contributing watershed into the embayment is 0.15 m3s-1. However, instantaneous discharge measurements taken in the LSB-LO channel during several periods of 2001 and 2002 and under baseline (non-upwelling) conditions were of up to 400 times larger, suggesting that through-flow was negligible in comparison with other exchange mechanisms at the channel scale. Moreover, discharge measurements were of oscillatory nature, indicating that the channel acts both as an inflow and outflow opening. The most energetic oscillations occurred with 2-3 h period, which corresponds to the fourth surface seiche mode in Lake Ontario, inducing water level oscillations of a few cm range. These results suggest that barotropic forcing (i.e. water level oscillations) is the dominant mechanism of motion under baseline conditions, moving water either towards LO or LSB with little shear (i.e. the water at all depths moved in the same direction, see figure 16a). During LO upwelling events, temperature differences between LO and LSB (in hardly 500 m) observed during 2002 were of up 16oC. In figure 16b, the temperature differences along the channel (500 m), during an upwelling event on day 148 in 2002, are c.a. 6oC (Fig. 16b). Temperature records collected at different depths in the channel and velocity measurements at the bottom of the channel, suggest that water from LSB exits the bay through the surface and LO water enters the bay through the bottom of the channel (Figs. 16c and d). The exchange pattern (outflow in the surface, inflow in the bottom) was persistent, indicating that the horizontal density gradients, induced in response to upwelling in LO, became the dominant forcing of exchange between LO and LSB. Furthermore, barolinic forcing is also dictated the by the internal dynamics of the embayment. As shown in Rueda and Cowen (2005a), LN and W can frequently reach values lower than 1 suggesting that isotherm excursions are large compared with the epilimion thickness and persist in time long enough, according to the internal hydraulic theo- Limnetica 25(1-2)01 48 12/6/06 13:53 Página 48 F. Rueda ry (e.g. Armi and Farmer 1986), to modify the exchange rates through the LSB-LO channel. In any case, either during base-line or upwelling conditions, Rueda and Cowen (2005a) show by scaling analysis that barotropic (water level) and baroclinic (density driven) forcing, wind stress applied at the free surface, frictional, and unsteady effects, all need to be considered in the quantitative analysis of exchange processes through straights in lake environments. Net exchange rate of mass through lake-embayment connection Field data and three-dimensional dynamic simulations for a period of 50 days in 2002, presented in Rueda and Cowen (2005b), showed that the net exchange rates between LO and LSB (the rate at which LSB water is renewed) under base-line (non-upwelling) conditions is at least 10 to 20 times smaller than during upwelling Figure 16. Observation of channel processes in 2002. (a) Time series of longitudinal channel velocity profiles during 11/2 h during base-line (non-upwelling) conditions. Isotachs are shown every 2 cm s-1 (–20 cm s-1 and 14 cm s-1 isotachs are given in the plot), time is represented along the x-axis and elevation from the bottom on the y-axis. (b), (c) and (d) correspond to upwelling conditions. Time series of (b) temperature at different depths at LO and LSB (near the channel); (c) temperature at 3 depths at the channel; and (d) velocity at the bottom of the permanent connection between Little Sodus Bay and Lake Ontario (negative is flood, i.e., toward LSB). Observaciones en el canal de conexión LSB-LO, tomadas en 2002. (a) Series de tiempo de perfiles del componente de la velocidad del agua paralelo a las paredes del canal (componente Norte-Sur). Los registros corresponden a un período de 11/2 h durante condiciones de base (no afloramiento). Líneas de isovelocidad se muestran cada 2 cm s-1 (los contornos correspondientes a –20 cm s-1 y 14 cm s-1 están marcados). El tiempo se representa en el eje x y la altura sobre el fondo en el eje y. (b), (c) y (d) corresponden a observaciones tomadas durante condiciones de afloramiento en el Lago Ontario. Son series de tiempo de (b) temperatura a diferentes profundidades en LO y LSB (en las inmediaciones del canal); (c) temperatura a tres profundidades en el canal; (d) velocidad medida en el fondo del canal (valores negativos indican que el agua se mueve hacia LSB). Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 49 Basin-scale transport in stratified systems 49 Figure 17. Results of simulated tracer experiments for summer 2002 in LSB. (a) Time series of reduced gravity across the channel joining LSB and LO. (b) Standard deviation of along-channel depth-averaged velocity fluctuations in a 1-day window. Its mangitude is related to the energy of the water level oscillations (barotropic processes) driving exchange. (c) Volumetric exchange rate for the 11 tracer experiments, given in non-dimensional form and as a percentage of the initial embayment volume. Resultados de la simulación de experimentos con trazadores durante el verano de 2002, en LSB. (a) Series de tiempo de la gravedad reducida (relacionada con la diferencia de temperatura a ambos lados del canal). (b) Desviación estándar de las fluctuaciones de velocidad promediada en la dirección vertical, en una ventana de tiempo de un día. Su magnitud es representativa de la energía de las oscilaciones del nivel del agua en LO (procesos barotrópicos) que inducen intercambio de masa entre LSB y LO. (c) Volumen intercambiado en cuatro días para 11 experimentos simulados de trazadores. La posición de la barra en el eje tiempo indica el momento de la liberación del trazador. El volumen se ha adimensionalizado, utilizando el volumen de agua en LSB al comienzo del experimento. conditions (Fig. 17). Baroclinic forcing (associated with density gradients) is, therefore, a much more effective exchange mechanism than water level fluctuations in littoral embayments. This can be better understood if we apply Stommel and Farmer’s 1952 visualization of exchange processes driven by water level changes to LSB inlet, as shown in figure 18a and 18b. Note that the same fluid mass is not transferred in and out of the basin on each seiche cycle, the difference being a net, or residual, mass transfer. The volume of water involved in the exchange, a jet during flood (filling of LSB) or the potential flow region during ebb (draining of LSB), will be, in general (but for the case of very small embayments), much smaller than the total volume of the embayment. Scaling arguments show that the average excursion of an individual particle during a typical 2 h seiche cycle is less than 500 m (recall this is the lake-embayment channel length scale), and considerably smaller than the length of the basin (4 km). The net exchange rate is determined by the rate at which the net water mass introduced during a tidal (event) cycle is mixed with the rest of the embayment water, which the numerical simulations indicate is small. Figure 18c shows, on the other hand, the circulation pattern induced by large temperature gradients in the channel, during upwelling events. During upwelling events gravitational forces (density differences) bring cold LO water into the interior of LSB; lake water advanced as gravity currents and reach the end of the embayment within hours (< 1 day) after penetration (see Rueda and Cowen 2005). Warmer LSB water is transported out towards LO through the surface. The whole basin is, therefore, actively involved in the exchange process. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 50 12/6/06 13:53 Página 50 F. Rueda number of upwelling events in LO, the smaller the simulated mean residence times in LSB. The control by upwelling frequency of the transport rates has strong implications for the study of spatial patterns of transport in littoral embayments. In LO, for example, the winds are predominantly from the west (Phillips and Almazan 1981); hence, one would expect faster renewal rates (and different biogeochemical behaviour) in embayments located along the west and north shores relative to embayments along the lake’s southern and eastern shores. RIVER WATER RESIDENCE TIME IN RESERVOIRS Figure 18. Exchange processes in semi-enclosed basins. (a) and (b) represent Stommel and Farmer’s (1952) visualization of flood and ebb flows (barotropic forcing) at an inlet, adapted to the geometry of LSB. (a) The flood flow enters as a confined jet, while the ebb flow waters (b) are drawn from all around the mouth in the form of a potential flow to a sink. (c) Basin-scale circulation in LSB driven by upwelling events in Lake Ontario. Cold LO water enters as a gravity current following the bottom and displaces warm LSB waters out through the channel. Procesos de intercambio en cuencas semicerradas. (a) y (b) representan la visualización, propuesta por Stommel and Farmer’s (1952), de los fenómenos de entrada y salida de agua forzadas por cambios en la superficie libre del agua (mareas o secas superficiales), particularizada para la geometría de LSB. (a) La entrada se produce a modo de chorro (‘jet’), mientras que a la salida (b) el agua es extraída de una región circular alrededor del canal, como un flujo potencial hacia un sumidero. (c) Circulación a escala cuenca en LSB, forzada por fenómenos de afloramiento en LO. El agua fría de LO entra como una corriente de gravedad, siguiendo el fondo y desplaza el agua cálida de LSB, que sale por la superficie. The simulation results of Rueda and Cowen (2005b) suggest that the mean residence time TR (estimated as in Eq.6) in freshwater littoral embayments depend on the occurrence of upwelling events, the magnitude of the thermal gradients induced across the connections, their duration, frequency and location in time. In LSB, for example, TR varied from 15 days to 90 days, depending on those features. Long-term 3D simulations conducted in LSB, furthermore, suggest that inter-annual variations in the magnitude of the transport time scales in the embayment are related to year-to-year changes in the number of upwelling events in LO: the larger the The study of Rueda and Cowen (2005b) showed, among other things, that widely used approaches to calculating residence times in dynamic freshwater systems could be wrong. As pointed by Monsen et al. (2002,) there exists widely spread misconceptions and confusion among aquatic scientists on suitable methods for the determination of residence times in dynamic aquatic systems. In some applications (e.g., Hecky et al., 1993; den Heyer and Kalff 1998) the computation of transport time has been done without specification of the underlying concept used. In other cases, the underlying concept and computational steps have been based on an idealized circumstance that is constrained by critical assumptions, but the validation (or even recognition) of those assumptions has not always been considered when applied to a real river, lake, reservoir or estuary (Monsen et al., 2002). For example, a widely used expression to estimate the ‘flushing’ time in reservoirs (Foy 1992, Sivadier et al., 1994, Straskraba et al., 1995), consists of dividing the volume of water V stored in the reservoir by the volumetric flow-rate Q Tf = V Q (8) This expression has also been used in this manuscript as a scale to estimate the importance of advective processes in driving the hydrodynamics of lakes and reservoirs. However, note that Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 51 Basin-scale transport in stratified systems 51 the name residence time has not been used, purposely, to refer to it. Geyer et al., 2000 defined, instead, the flushing time as ‘‘the ratio of the mass of a scalar in a reservoir to the rate of renewal of the scalar’’, i.e. Tf = M F (9) where M is the mass of scalar within the system and F is the flux of the scalar through the domain. Both expressions are equal only if one presumes that the concentration of scalar in the through-flow is equal to the concentration everywhere within the system. This assumption is equivalent to considering that reservoirs act as idealized completely stirred tank reactors CSTR (Levenspiel 1999), where any introduction of mass is instantaneously and evenly mixed throughout the domain. In deep or moderately deep reservoirs the assumption of instantaneous mixing is not valid and complex heterogeneus patterns are usually found (e.g. George 1993). Therefore, Eq. 8 is fundamentally incorrect. Stratification develops in the water column on seasonal time scales and imposes severe restrictions to water movements in the vertical direction. Furthermore, reservoirs are, in general, highly dynamic systems subject to seasonal and short-term variations in discharge rates Q coming in from the watersheds or leaving the reservoirs, or hence in stored volumes. Mediterranean reservoirs, in particular, experience large seasonal and inter-annual level fluctuations as a consequence of their hydrologic behavior characterized (1) by large variations in runoff volumes at the inter-annual scales, and (2) at the seasonal scales by random, scarce and large inflow events concentrated during the winter months together with high water demands (withdrawals) concentrated in the summer months. In highly dynamic systems (such as the Mediterranen reservoirs) it is not clear what values of Q or V should be entered in Eq. 8. Moreover, it is not clear at what temporal averaging scales (i.e. annual, monthly, bi-weekly) should Eq. 8 be valid. Hence, the estimate provided by Eq. 8 is not appropriate for this kind of systems (e.g. Toja 1982 or Pérez-Martínez et al., 1991). Figure 19. Sau Reservoir in North-Eastern Spain. Embalse de Sau, en el nordeste de España. Rueda et al. (2005b) reviewed the fundamental concepts of transport time scales in aquatic systems as they apply to reservoirs, and presented a physically-based approach to determining retention time scales in reservoirs. Their approach consisted on simulating tracer releases in the river using physically-based one-dimensional transport models. The mean residence time for river water was estimated, after constructing the RTD (Eq. 6), following Eq. 7. This approach, being based on a physically based description of transport, is fundamentally correct: not only it takes into consideration the effects of stratification on transport, but it is independent of the magnitude of level or discharge fluctuations. Rueda et al. (2006) used this approach (1) to reveal temporal patterns of variation in average retention times of river water and (2) to explore links between hydrodynamic processes and the transport time scales in a reservoir, taken as systems with separated inflow and outflow sections. Sau Reservoir (46o46’N - 4o51’E), a canyon type eutrophic reservoir located in NorthEastern Spain was used in that work as a prototypical example of medium size man-made lakes (Fig. 19). This is the work described here. Observations collected during 2003 in Sau reservoir were used to drive the tracer simulations. A total of 73 inflow releases (one every 5 days in 2003) were simulated, in order to assess the temporal dependence of mean residence times of river water. The tracer releases were identified by the day of year when the release was done. Rueda et al. (2006) show that the mean residence time TR of river water in Limnetica 25(1-2)01 52 12/6/06 13:53 Página 52 F. Rueda Figure 20. Estimated mean residence time for 73 tracer release experiments simulated with DYRESM. The right scale corresponds to estimates for tracer experiments with release after day 50 in 2003 (solid line). The left scale is for release days before day 50 (dashed line). Tiempo medio de residencia estimado a partir de 73 experimentos simulados de liberación de trazadores. Las simulaciones se hicieron con el modelo de transporte DYRESM. La escala de la derecha corresponde a estimaciones hechas con trazadores liberados después del día 50, 2003 (línea continua). La escala de la izquierda corresponde a trazadores liberados antes del día 50, 2003 (línea discontínua). the reservoir undergoes temporal changes at a range of scales (Fig. 20), from seasonal to almost-diurnal, associated to the complex interplay of transport processes that determine the fate of river water within the reservoir. The equal-weight average value of TR for the 73 experiments conducted is 75 days similar to that obtained by dividing the average volume by the average through-flow in 2003 (76 days). This similarity is, however, deceiving. The inflow weighted average value of TR, considered a more correct estimate of average yearly TR, is almost 30 % less than the V/Q estimate (76 days). Moreover, by changing the withdrawal elevation the V/Q estimate does not change, but the average value of TR does: the inflow weighted average TR for 2003 is 65 days. The pathways followed by river water entering the reservoir on any given day t0 from the inflow point to the outlet was analyzed, as they determine the value of TR. The pathways are controlled by: (1) the transport and mixing processes that occur at the inflow section, which determine the elevation, relative to the outlet, at which river water penetrates in the reservoir (intrusion layer) and (2) the interplay of advective and turbulent diffusion (mixing) processes which determine the vertical migration of the river water layer towards the outlet elevation. The most energetic mixing processes occur close to the surface, driven by wind or surface cooling, and hence the probability that mixing processes participate in determining the fate of river water in the reservoir will depend on the depth of intrusion. Vertical advection of any given layer formed by intrusion of river water on t0 is the result of the net extraction of water separating the intrusion layer and the outlet, which depends on (1) the withdrawal history (withdrawal elevation, volume, etc.) and (2) the river water insertion history after t0. In Rueda et al. (2006), it was presumed that there were no changes in the withdrawal elevation. The inclusion of these operational changes would have modified the numerical estimates of residence time scales, by changing the thermal structure and the distance from intrusion depth to the outlet (e.g. Fontane and Labadie 1981, Casamitjana et al., 2003). However, the factors governing residence times under changing withdrawal elevations are the same as described in Rueda et al. (2006). SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS As suggested by Ramon Margalef´s Mandala, the physical processes of transport and mixing exert a profound influence on the biogeochemistry of aquatic systems. Not only they determine the position of particulate and dissolved substances contained in the water at any given time, but they also contribute to determine the environment in which biogeochemical reactions occur (pH, dissolved oxygen, light, etc). This work has reviewed the behaviour of a range aquatic systems, trying to illustrate that the mechanisms of transport at play in any given environment are determined by both the properties of the external forcing and the characteristics of the system itself (morphology, in particular). As shown in Eqs. 1 and 2, both features (those of the external forcing and intrinsic of the system) are taken into account in the definition of the non-dimensional Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 Página 53 Basin-scale transport in stratified systems Lake LN and Wedderburn W numbers. They provide a first order description of the physical behaviour of lakes of small and medium size in response to perturbation (wind or hydrologic) events. Scaling arguments, based on length scales (the Rossby radius of deformation Λ compared with the average width of a system) or on time scales (the ratio of the volume V and the average through-flow Q) have also been used to parameterize the influence of the Earth’s rotation or advective processes on the hydrodynamics of lakes and reservoirs. These scaling arguments, based on LN, W, Λ and TR provide a simple and first order framework in which one can sketch and classify the physical behaviour of aquatic systems. A number of systems has been analyzed in this work to explore a wide range of possible, but not all, combinations existing in this four dimensional domain. Transport, however, in lakes and reservoirs is a dynamic feature and, therefore, the exact details of how fluxes of mass and energy into the systems (their magnitude, frequency, exact location in time, their spatial variability) determines the large scale circulation in these systems. In this revision some of those ‘second order’ effects, not captured in the first order analysis based on simple scales or nondimensional parameters, have been presented. In Clear Lake, and in particular in one of its sub-basins (the Oaks Arm) the interaction of a strong, directional and periodic wind with a weak stratification has been examined. Clear Lake is polymictic and exhibits a weak and intermittent stratification, in part, due to being shallow (maximum depth of 15 m) and subject to strong winds. LN and W are, in general, much lower than 1 and Λ is of the same order as the averaged width of the Oaks Arm. The interaction of wind, stratification and the Earth’s rotation, occurring with a diurnal periodicity, generates a net cyclonic residual circulation. The spatial variability of the wind is also responsible for creating circulation in shallow lakes and, therefore, establishing the exchange rates among subbasins. In Lake Tahoe, we have explored the internal waves processes which occur in lakes with LN >> 1 and W >> 1. Rotational effects (Λ < 19 km, the width of Lake Tahoe) bring in 53 new ‘creatures’ in the internal wave ‘zoo’: internal waves are either Kelvin or Poincaré waves. The spatial characteristics are complex and inherently three dimensional. Also, it has been shown that the energy contained in the internal wave field varies in time and is a strong function of the relative phase between wind and the internal waves themselves. In contrast to Clear Lake and Lake Tahoe, which are enclosed freshwater systems where hydrodynamic processes are driven by surface (mechanical or heat) fluxes, the other two cases presented (Little Sodus Bay and Sau reservoir) are semi-enclosed or open systems, where energy and mass fluxes occur at either unique or distinct inflow and outflow sections: TR in these two cases is < 1 year, compared with 3 years or 500 years in Clear Lake and Lake Tahoe respectively. In LSB, a semi-enclosed system, there is a unique forcing section: the channel between LO and LSB. It is shown there that the net exchange rate of mass across the channel is largely determined by the occurrence of upwelling events in LO and their characteristics (magnitude of temperature gradients induced along the channel, duration, frequency and location in time). In Sau, with distinct inflow and outflow sections, the estimates of residence times of river water were shown to be dependent on the interplay between processes resulting from the water exchange at those sections, as well as the vertical mixing rates. The residence time estimates are subject to variations in time, on a wide range of scales: from seasonal to scales lower than a week. Through the exploration of transport patterns in four different systems, it has been shown that physics in lakes and reservoirs is far from simple. Transport is not only inherently three-dimensional, but also subject to a considerable variability on a wide range of scales. Transport patterns vary according to characteristics of the external forcing (which can be arguably thought as stochastic) and the own and fixed characteristics of the water body. The range of transport patterns can be, therefore, large. However, although complex, it is possible, through scaling analysis together with the use of advanced numerical and observational techniques, to determine (leaving some margin for observational and numerical Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:53 54 Página 54 F. Rueda error) the particular transport patterns that occur in response to a given forcing scenario. It is plausible to think that the links between transport patterns and the biogeochemical behaviour of systems could be explored using similar techniques. However, this exploration poses a serious challenge, since it would require that physical and biological sampling be carried on similar spatial and temporal scales. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The modelling work carried in Sau reservoir was done using CWR-DYREMS one dimensional transport model. The author would like to thank the Center for Water Research CWRUniversity of Western Australia for making the model available for use in this work. Also, I want to thank my advisors, staff and research colleagues from the University of CaliforniaDavis and Berkeley, Stanford University, United States Geological Survey, Cornell University, Universidad de Granada and Universidad de Barcelona, for his invaluable help in conducting the research mentioned in this work. This research was conducted with support from several agencies and projects: the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science who supported the author during his PhD studies at the University of California-Davis, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (R819658 & R825433) sponsored Center for Ecological Health Research (CEHR) at UCDavis, the U.C. Toxic Substances Research and Teaching Program, the Ecotoxicology Lead Campus Program at UC Davis, the National Science Foundation (grant OCE-9906924), a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, National Science Foundation (NSF) Biocomplexity in the Environment Program (OCE-0083625) and National Science Foundation (NSF), CTS0093794, and the Office of Naval Research (ONR) N00014-98-1-0774, Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (project REN20012185-C02-02) and Water Supply Agency ATLL (contract for the study of Sau reservoir). 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ISSN: 0213-8409 Post-Little Ice Age warming and desiccation of the continental wetlands of the aeolian sheet in the Huelva region (SW Spain) Arturo Sousa1,3, Leoncio García-Barrón2, Julia Morales1 and Pablo García-Murillo1 1Department of Plant Biology and Ecology, University of Seville, C/ Profesor García González, 2, 41012 Sevilla, Spain.;; 2Department of Applied Physics II, University of Seville, Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012 Sevilla, Spain. 3Corresponding author ABSTRACT During the last few decades, studies have been performed and evidence has been found concerning the importance of the climatic period known as the “Little Ice Age” (mid 15th century through late 19th century). However, most of the studies have been focused to more northern latitudes and, therefore, scarce studies have still been made on the Mediterranean latitudes. In this paper, an analysis is made of the effects of the post-Little Ice Age warming and on its consequences upon the continental aquatic ecosystems of the Doñana coastal area and its surroundings. The results of such analysis evidence that the end of this period –climatically more benign in our latitudes– implied the start of an irreversible regression and disappearance of a large part of the most typical wetlands in the SW of the Iberian Peninsula. The significant impact of the human exploitation of natural resources in the area has masked the effect of this recent climatic change. Furthermore, when compared with those from other latitudes, the results of this analysis evidence the global or supraregional features of the impact caused by the post-Little Ice Age warming. Additionally, these results are useful for indicating which will be the future changing trends in the wetlands under study as a result of global warming. Key words: Little Ice Age, global warming, wetlands, lagoons, peat-bogs, Doñana, Huelva, peatlands, aeolian sheets. RESUMEN En las últimas décadas se ha estudiado y puesto en evidencia la importancia del período climático conocido como Pequeña Edad del Hielo (mediados S. XV hasta finales del S. XIX). Sin embargo la mayoría de los estudios se han centrado en latitudes más septentrionales, por lo que todavía son escasas las investigaciones sobre latitudes mediterráneas. Este trabajo analiza los efectos del final de la Pequeña Edad del Hielo (post-Little Ice Age warming), y las consecuencias que tuvo sobre los ecosistemas acuáticos continentales del litoral de Doñana y su entorno. Los resultados de este trabajo desvelan que la finalización de este período –climáticamente más benigno en nuestras latitudes- supuso el inicio de la regresión y desaparición de forma irreversible de gran parte de los humedales más singulares del SW de la Península Ibérica. El gran impacto que tuvo la explotación de los recursos naturales de la zona por parte del hombre, ha ocultado el efecto de este cambio climático reciente. Asimismo los resultados de este análisis, al compararlos con otras latitudes, ponen en evidencia el carácter global o supraregional del impacto del final de la Pequeña Edad del Hielo. Además estos resultados sirven para indicar cuales serán las tendencias futuras de cambios, en estos humedales, como consecuencia del Calentamiento Global. Palabras clave: Pequeña Edad del Hielo, Calentamiento Global, humedales, lagunas, lagunas turbosas, Doñana, Huelva, turberas, Manto Eólico Litoral. INTRODUCTION. THE LITTLE ICE AGE A climatic period that took place approximately between 1430 and 1850 (Pita, 1997), characterised by the severity of its winters, is known as the Little Ice Age and was initially studied because of the advancements and retreats of the glacial moraines. The Little Ace Age (hereinafter LIA) concept was originally defined by Matthes in 1939 (Grove, 1988) as an epoch of renewed but moderate glaciations that followed the warmest Limnetica 25(1-2)01 58 12/6/06 13:54 Página 58 Sousa et al. part of the Holocene, when he studied the Sierra Nevada (California, USA) glaciers. Therefore, its original definition arose from the field of glaciological (and not purely climatic) studies. Although, initially, this climatologically colder phase has been studied and acknowledged especially in the Alpine Glaciers (Grove, 1988; Le Roy Ladurie, 1991), it also implied a significant advancement in the European, North American and Asian glaciers. Specifically, in the Iberian Peninsula, it has been studied in the Pyrenean glaciers (Mateo García & Gómez Ortiz, 2000). During the LIA, the presence of temperatures between 1 and 3°C lower than the current ones has been confirmed in the North Atlantic Ocean (at about latitude 50°). This cooling trend disappeared in the mid 19th century and was substituted by a new warming process that, with slight fluctuations, persists until our days (Pita, 1997). One of the problems posed by this period, known as exceptionally cold at a global level, is the difficulty encountered in establishing its time limits (Font Tullot, 1988; Rodrigo et al., 1995; Sousa, 2004). As it has been pointed out by several authors (Grove, 1988; Le Roy Ladurie, 1991; Rodrigo et al., 1999), probably, part of the problem rests on the fact that the LIA itself involved rather a series of frequent fluctuations than a uniform block. However, most of the authors assert that it ended, approximately, within the second half of the 19th century. The fact that it was not a single block and that warmer intervals arose among the dominating cold periods does also hinder its interpretation. This is why Rodrigo et al. (1995) consider that the concept of LIA must be used with care, since it cannot be considered as a uniform or constant climatic phase, in so far as the time scale is concerned (Rodrigo et al., 1999). Thus, we are dealing with a climatic period involving a series of more or less marked fluctuations and, therefore, the general uniformity of its understanding will depend, to a large extent, on the time scale under consideration (Sousa, 2004). The first great reviews on this period –as from a purely climatic perspective– were carried out in the late 80s and early 90s (Grove, 1988; Pfister, 1992). And, precisely, Spain was one of the 3 countries worldwide where the effects of the LIA were least known (Grove, 1988). Until then, only a few essentially descriptive studies had been made (Rodrigo et al., 1999), such as those by Font Tullot (1988). Fortunately, in the mid 90s, the first doctoral theses dealing exclusively with this period in Spain started to be developed (Barriendos & Martín-Vide, 1998). The recent studies performed in Spain reveal that the LIA was characterised by the fact that the increase of aridity results from the interannual variability of rainfall and from the frequency of several extreme events, rather than from persistent droughts (Rodrigo et al., 1995). In short, in diverse studies (Barriendos & Martín-Vide, 1998; Rodrigo et al., 1999 and 2000) with some subtle differences, three periods within the LIA were detected as specially humid in the South of Spain: 1570-1630, 1780-1800 and 1830-1870. Therefore, the LIA in Andalusia was a specially wet period (thus differing from other that in more-northern latitudes), even if dry periods occurred among these three humid episodes. After the LIA, as of the late 19th century, rainfall in Andalusia has been progressively decreasing and has only been interrupted by positive anomalies in the 1960s (Rodrigo et al., 2000), as it was proved for the observatories in the SW of Spain by Sousa (2004). Currently, in the most northern latitudes of the North Hemisphere, an anomalous warming has been taking place as compared with the last three centuries. This trend must be partially attributed to the recovery of the LIA, but also to a recent increase of the thermic level. Flannigan et al. (1998) do also point out an increase in temperature in the Northern Hemisphere after the termination of the LIA. This corresponds with the results of the analyses performed by García Barrón (2002a and 2002b) at observatories in Huelva, which show a decrease in the spring rainfall and an increase of the minimum temperatures during the 20th century. They also serve to explain the presence of last humid peak of the LIA at the end of the 19th century, as well as the increase in dry years to the detriment of humid years since the end of the Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 59 Post-Little Ice Age effects on continental wetlands 59 Figure 1. Location of the study area, where the extraordinary number of existing wetlands can be observed. Localización del área de estudio, donde destaca el extraordinario número de humedales existentes. 19th century, according to the series of rainfall data of the observatory in San Fernando (Cadiz). This aridisation, loss of softness or Atlanticity in the climate since the late 19th century seems to have led to a global desiccation process in the local marshy formations (Sousa & GarcíaMurillo, 2002 and 2003; Sousa, 2004), comparable with the one detected by Granados (1987) and Granados et al. (1988) in the Doñana National Park. This might also be related to the erosional processes detected by Devereux (1982) at the ravines (gullies) in Algarve, Portugal. AREA OF STUDY. THE WETLANDS OF THE EASTERN COASTAL AREA OF HUELVA The area under study is limited to the continental humid formations (lagoons and small creeks) located on the eastern coastal area of Huelva (between the mouths of the Tinto and Guadalquivir rivers). As can be seen in Figure 1, the main substrate of these marshy areas is the Coastal Aeolian Sheet. Therefore, we are referring to a vast coastal area (~44,000 hectares) located at the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, within the Andalusia Region and, more precisely, in the Province of Huelva (including the municipalities of Almonte, Moguer, Palos de La Frontera and Lucena del Puerto). The eastern coastal area is very rich and diverse in its formations and wetlands, which are distributed within three natural regions protected by the regulations in force: the Las Madres and Palos lagoons Natural Area, the Doñana National Park and the Doñana Natural Park (Fig. 1). It was only within the boundaries of the Doñana Natural Park (in its west sector known as Abalario) that we have studied the evolution of about 300 small lagoons (both peat-bogs and seasonal lagoons). Limnetica 25(1-2)01 60 12/6/06 13:54 Página 60 Sousa et al. Figure 2. Segregation and division process in the swamped areas of the peridunal lagoons in the Doñana National Park, due to the advancement of live dunes between the late 19th century and the present. Proceso de segregación y división de las zonas encharcadas de las lagunas peridunares del Parque Nacional de Doñana, debido al avance de las dunas vivas, desde finales del S. XIX hasta nuestros días. In addition to the Abalario humid complex –which would take up the most central area in this study– the various types of lagoons in the Doñana National Park were analysed, although the research work was especially focused on the peridunal ponds located inside the Doñana Biological Reserve (Brezo, Charco del Toro, Taraje, Zaillo, Dulce and Santa Olalla lagoons). Also under analysis was the genesis of the coastal lagoons in Palos de la Frontera (Primera de Palos, La Jara and La Mujer), as well as the large Las Madres peat-bog, in Moguer, all of them located within the Las Madres and Palos lagoons Natural Area. In spite of the heterogeneity of these continental wetlands, when viewed as from the limnological, hydrogeological and vegetation points of view, they are all located within a common geological substrate: the coastal Aeolian Sheet of Huelva. The coastal Aeolian Sheet (hereinafter MEL, in its Spanish acronym) is mostly composed by quaternary sandy sediments produced by the successive appearance of several dune fronts. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 61 Post-Little Ice Age effects on continental wetlands 61 Table 1. Synthesis of the materials and methods used to rebuild the evolution of wetlands of the Aeolian sheets. Síntesis de los materiales y métodos empleados para reconstruir la evolución de los humedales del MEL. Material and methods used Concrete features Field data (flora) Transects of perilagoon vegetation Vegetation units Consultation aerial photographs Satellite images analysed 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004 and 2005 57 transects and 6 samplings (total 1632.8 m) Yes 1956, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998 and 2000 LANSAT-TM (1986), LANSAT-TM (1987), LANSAT-TM (1990), and SPOT (1989) 1956, 1998 and 2000 (depending on the specific marshy area) All the municipalities in the area under study (fundamentally from the 18th century, although also some data from the 19th century and from the first half of the 20th century) All the municipalities in the area under study (fundamentally the Land Registry of Marqués de la Ensenada, although also some data from the first half of the 20th century) 17th through 20th centuries Hygrophytic vegetation maps Historical floristic inventories Historical forestry inventories Data obtained from files and other documentary sources Historical cartography Hypsometric maps Microrelief Topographic profiles based on microrelief Conductivity > 70 maps and historical navigation charts from the 2nd to the 20th centuries (although the essential ones are as from the 18th century) 1:50000 and 1:10000 scales > 2,750 topographic heights interpolated at a 1:10000 scale Several Yes THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE WETLANDS In order to attain a reconstruction of the evolution of the MEL’s continental wetlands, a mixed method must be followed. The method is initially based in its reconnaissance and characterisation by means of field work. This allows to characterize the typology of the wetlands, as well as the phreatophytic vegetation related to them. This field phase serves as a basis for the photointerpretation and cartography –by means of aerial photographs and satellite images– of the marshy areas at a highly detailed scale. A combination of these data with the documental sources available in the files allows for a very accurate reconstruction of the evolution of the wetlands under study. To go even further back in time, the aforementioned results must be compared with the historical documentary and cartographic sources. Finally, the analysis is completed with a study of the area microrelief (by means of a manual interpolation of the topographic heights at a 1:10000 scale), which allows to reveal the situation of these wetlands at the end of the 19th century and, with lesser accuracy, in the early 17th century. For further details on the concrete sources and methods developed on the overall area under study, please see Sousa (2004), Sousa & García-Murillo (1999, 2001, 2002 and 2003) concerning the Abalario area, or Sousa & García Murillo (2005) regarding the Doñana National Park. A summary of them is shown in Table 1. The retreat of the continental wetlands in SW Spain cannot be interpreted as if they were a single homogeneous unit as far as their behaviour and evolution are concerned. This is because their ecological, limnologic, waterfeed and, especially, territorial features are significantly different. This is why we have grouped them as belonging to the Doñana National Park, to the Las Madres and Palos lagoons Natural Area or to the Doñana Natural Park. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 62 62 Sousa et al. Figure 3. Retreat of the peridunal lagoons in the Doñana National Park, between the late 19th century and the present. Regresión de las lagunas peridunares del Parque Nacional de Doñana desde finales del S. XIX hasta nuestros días. The peridunal lagoons in the Doñana National Park At least between the early 18th century and the late 19th century, these lagoons were altered by the advancement pulses of the MEL’s Aeolian Unit 5 (Rodríguez-Ramírez, et al., 2005). This turned the large original swampable area into two large lagoon areas: Santa Olalla and Charco del Toro; (Sousa, 2004; Sousa & García Murillo, 2006). In turn, these two large lagoons were, again, split into the current small ponds. Therefore, the current string of peridunal lagoons has been generated based on the advancement of the front of the coastal active dune systems and by silting and splitting the 2 large original lagoons between the late 19th century and the early 20th century (Fig. 2). It is important to note that —as already mentioned by Granados (1987)— these dune advancement pulses are associated with the climatologically driest periods. As it was later demonstrated by Rodrigo et al. (1994 y1999) and Barriendos & Martín-Vide (1998), these dry periods are located among the three abovementioned humid peaks of the LIA. Further to these changes, the drawing of water by the Matalascañas tourism centre, along with the centuries-old occurrence of fires in the Figure 4. Different phases in the genesis of the Palos de la Frontera and Las Madres lagoons, since the initial plugging of the drainage of the original creeks [taken from Sousa (2004) modified]. Diferentes fases de formación y génesis de las lagunas de Palos de la Frontera y Las Madres, a partir de la obturación inicial del avenamiento de los arroyos originales [tomado de Sousa (2004) modificado]. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 63 Post-Little Ice Age effects on continental wetlands region (Granados et al., 1986; Granados, 1987;), have affected the original vegetation irreversibly (Sousa, 2004; Sousa & García Murillo, 2005). Thus, its area has been reduced until the current situation was reached (Fig. 3). Las Madres and Palos lagoons Natural Area The case of this lagoon complex, located between the municipalities of Palos de la Frontera and Moguer, is indeed different. Its transformation and genesis, from the original Atlantic creeks (Menéndez & Florschütz, 1964), is due to intrinsic factors of the Spanish Atlantic coast (Sousa, 2004). This dynamics prompted the plugging of the mouths of these creeks, which were turned, first, into lagoons (Zazo et al., 2000) and, later on, into the coastal lagoons that we can find nowadays. The microtopographic reconstruction of the area makes it evident that, at the end of the 19th century —during the last wet period of the LIA— these lagoons were all interconnected (Fig. 4). This temporary interconnection among them is confirmed after an analysis of the historical cartographic sources of that time (Sousa, 2004; Fernández Zamudio et al., 2005). The differences between the great Las Madres peat-bog and the rest of the Palos lagoons (Jara, Mujer and Primera de Palos) refer to the intrinsic morphometric and area features of their hydrological basins. The lagoons of the Doñana Natural Park (Abalario sector) In the case of the numerous lagoons of the Abalario humid complex, the evolution has been very different from the former ones. Thus, during the second half of the 20th century, the forestry activities in the region (especially the application of monocultures of eucalyptus), prompted the desiccation of many lagoons. This effect was especially significant upon the Rivatehilos peat-bogs, which went from 178 to only 30 lagoons during the 1956-1987 period. These lagoons, located on peat soils and originally occupied by communities of Erico ciliarisUlicetum (minoris) lusitanicus (García Murillo 63 & Sousa, 1999), underwent an intensive desiccation process that led to the mineralisation of all the retained organic matter. This desiccation, caused by the lowering of the phreatic level (Sousa & García Murillo, 1999 and 2003, Trick & Custodio, 2003), prompted the substitution of the above-mentioned heather communities by less-stenohydric hygrophytic bushes (Erico scopariae-Ulicetum australis). However, when the evolution of these humid formations is historically reconstructed, it can be seen that this desiccation process is prior to the human activities in the region. Actually, it is a reduction process that started, at least, in the early 17th century, after the iciest period –and the most humid in our latitudes– of the LIA. Since then, 17th century, the surface covered by the Rivatehilos peat bogs has been decreasing at mean rate of 1.2 hectares/year. When the third and last humid peak at the termination of the LIA (late 19th century), this rate is doubled and the lagoon area decreases at a mean rate of 2.4 hectares/year. The forestry activities throughout the Abalario region accelerate this process exponentially (mean rate 43.6 hectares/year) during the second half of the 20th century, masking the previous climatic changes (Fig. 5). On the other hand, the seasonal lagoons in Abalario, due to their epigean waterfeed, have been less affected by the reduction of the phreatic level due to the implantation of large masses of eucalyptus. Since these are lagoons that depend only on the rainfall and on the surface runoff, they reflect very rapidly any change in the climatic trends. Thus, after the last wet period of the LIA, in the late 19th century, a significant reduction starts to take place in the Laguna de Invierno (covering almost 400 hectares and 5 km long) and in other smaller seasonal lagoons, at a mean rate of 5.2 hectares/year. The disappearance of this large seasonal lagoon –known as Laguna de Invierno (Winter Lagoon)– is highly relevant because, in Valverde’s opinion (1885-1888 and 1880), it was the largest in the province of Huelva. In fact, currently, in Andalusia, its area would only be exceeded by the Laguna de Fuente de Piedra (Málaga). Limnetica 25(1-2)01 64 12/6/06 13:54 Página 64 Sousa et al. Figure 5. Evolution of the peat-bogs in Rivatehilos, showing the disappearance of some large lagoons and the reduction of others linked to recent forestry activities. Evolución de las lagunas turbosas de Rivatehilos, con la desaparición inicial de las grandes lagunas y la reducción de otras vinculada a las actividades forestales más recientes. Table 2 shows a comparison of the mean annual reduction rates for the two lagoon types under study within the Doñana Natural Park. Figure 6 shows a comparative version of the evolution of both types of lagoons at the Doñana Natural Park (Abalario Sector), between the 17th and the 20th century. We have referred to different continental wetlands; nevertheless, similar processes have also been found in the linear wetlands of the region. This would be the case of gullies draining on the right margin of La Rocina Creek (Sousa & García Murillo, 1998 and 2000; García Murillo & Sousa, 1999; Sousa, 2004) or of the interesting Atlantic creeks, many of which disappeared before the start of the 20th century (Sousa & García Murillo, 1998; Sousa, 2004). Most of them are currently in a process leading to the full disappearance, in spite of the fact that they lodge exceptionally valued floristic com- Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 65 65 Post-Little Ice Age effects on continental wetlands Table 2. Mean annual reduction rate of the lagoons in the Doñana Natural Park (Abalario sector), in hectares/year. Tasa media anual de disminución de las lagunas del Parque Natural de Doñana (sector Abalario), en ha/año. 17th (≅1630)–19th (≅1869) 19th (≅1869) - 1956 1956-1987 1.2 0.1 2.4 5.2 43.6 * Rivatehilos peat-bogs Seasonal lagoons in Abalario * Non significant because, practically, there is no reduction. Only a slight increase is noticed due to the fact that some peatbogs start to behave as seasonal lagoons. Figure 6. Comparative evolution of the peat-bogs and seasonal lagoons in the Doñana Natural Park. Evolución comparada de las lagunas turbosas y temporales del Parque Natural de Doñana. munities with an Atlantic influence, as it is the case of the Sphagnum inundatum moss (García Murillo et al., 1995), among other taxons. Until now, we have outlined the evolution of these wetlands and mentioned some of the factors hidden behind these changes. In the following section, we are going to provide a more thorough description of the reasons for this retreat, using these results as a basis for analysing the effects of the ending of the LIA in the SW of Spain. What were the features of this climatic period that could affect these coastal wetlands so significantly? REASONS FOR THE RETREAT OF THE WETLANDS As it was mentioned above and as shown in different documents (Sousa & García Murillo, 1998, 1999 and 2001), human activities have conditioned and affected the wetlands of the MEL of Huelva very intensively. However, as shown by Sousa (2004), the studies on the usage of the region make it evident that human activi- ties were not relevant until the second half of the 20th century. This can be followed up very clearly, in the case of the wetlands of the Doñana Natural Park, by analysing usage and the occupation by forestry monocultures. In the case of the Las Madres and Palos lagoons Nature Area, the greatest impact is also recent and related to the exploitation of peat, the growing of strawberries and reforestation (Márquez, 1986 and 1992; Garrido, 1996; Sousa, 2004; Fernández Zamudio, 2005; Fernández-Zamudio et al., 2005). On the other hand, studies by Granados et al. (1986) and Granados (1987), reveal the important role played by fire as a differentiating factor at the Doñana National Park. The application of GIS to these data, along with the support of historical cartography, has also revealed the severe impact caused by fires upon the original phreatophytic vegetation of the peridunal lagoons in the Doñana Biological Reserve (Sousa, 2004; Sousa & García Murillo, 2005). Probably, the impact of fire, along with the decrease of the phreatic level in the region (due to usage and at the termination of the LIA), are the basic reasons for the retreat of a good number of peat-bogs in the Aeolian Unit 2 of the Doñana National Park. However, all these human activities are not enough to explain the general retreat of the MEL lagoons in Huelva and, especially, that occurred until the start of the second half of the 20th century. Hydrogeological studies (Trick & Custodio, 2003) reveal an important reduction of the phreatic level in connection with great forestry monocultures (pines and eucalyptus). However, when an analysis was made of the historical sequence in the disappearance of the peat-bogs of Rivatehilos since the 17th century (Sousa & Limnetica 25(1-2)01 66 12/6/06 13:54 Página 66 Sousa et al. Figure 7. Representation of the absolute frequency of Very Dry, Dry, Normal, Wet and Very Wet years at the observatory of San Fernando (Cadiz). Representación de la frecuencia absoluta de años Muy Secos, Secos, Normales, Húmedos y Muy Húmedos en el observatorio de San Fernando (Cádiz). García-Murillo, 1999 and 2003), it was confirmed that the process is prior to the reforestation (although intensified by the latter). Which are the reasons for this decrease of the phreatic levels, prior to the most intensive human activities in the region under study? A comparative analysis of the reduction in the area of the seasonal lagoons and peat-bogs of Abalario between the 17th and the 20th centuries reveals a clear relationship with the climate. Thus, a decrease in the number of humid years and an increase in the number of dry years might explain the disappearance of the large seasonal lagoons in the MEL (Sousa & García Murillo, 1999), since the availability of feedwater (which is epigean) was smaller. This explanation seems to be fully coherent with the features and changes detected in the rest of the MEL’s wetlands. In order to confirm this hypothesis involving a change in the sequence of dry years vs. wet years in the late 19th century (and related to the last wet period of the LIA), an analysis can be made of the historical rainfall and temperature series. Among the most complete instrumental series in the area, the one related to rainfall at the observatory of San Fernando (Cadiz) is outstanding (Sousa, 2004). The analysis of the trends is performed by means of a distribution of quintiles of the sample (Arlery et al., 1973), following the recommendations of the WMO. The result obtained (Fig. 7) shows a markedly wet period at the end of the 19th century, as there is an increase of the absolute frequency in the humid and very humid years. In order to further highlight this climatic inflection point, which coincides with the termination of the LIA, also the accumulated frequency can be represented. If, furthermore, the humid and very humid years and the dry and very dry years are grouped separately (Fig. 8), a change in the climatic trend appears clearly. This wet period squares with what Barriendos & Martín-Vide (1998) dated between 1830 and 1870 for Mediterranean Spain and with what Rodrigo et al. (1994 and 1999) dated at the end of the 19th century for Andalusia (after studying floods and other non-directly climatic sources), as the third humid peak of the LIA. This humid phase did also imply an increase in the spring rainfall (García Barrón, 2002a and 2002b) and greater anomalies in the rainfall (relative accumulated deviations of the mean annual rainfall). This increase in both spring rainfalls and irregularity appears as associated with the last wet period of the LIA. Contrarily, as of the 20th century, unmistakably, a decreasing trend of the spring rainfall can be found (although not of the total annual rainfall). Another climatic factor to be considered could be the increase of the mean minimum temperatures, which was detected in several observatories near the area under study (García-Barrón & Pita, 2004). This increase is not observed in the mean maximum temperatures or in the mean annual Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 67 Post-Little Ice Age effects on continental wetlands 67 Figure 8. The representation of the accumulated frequency of wet versus dry years is a clear indication of the climatic inflection point occurred in the late 19th century: the end of the LIA in the SW of Spain. La representación de la frecuencia acumulada de los años húmedos frente a los años secos, pone claramente de manifiesto un punto de inflexión climático a finales del S. XIX: el fin de la LIA en el SW de España. temperatures, thus differing from the situation in other more-northern observatories of the North Hemisphere (IPCC 2001 and even in the north of Spain (Castro et al., 2005). Figure 9 shows the increasing trend of the mean minimum temperature at the Huelva station (Huelva). These data obtained from the instrumental series confirm the initial hypothesis (previously outlined) concerning the features of the termination of the LIA in the SW of Spain. Thus, in addition to characterising this period as different from that in other more-northern latitudes (even in the north of Spain), it explains the reasons for the natural changes underwent by the Doñana wetlands and their surroundings, before the start of any significant human activity in the area. POST-LITTLE ICE AGE AND GLOBAL WARMING THE FUTURE OF THE WETLANDS AT THE HUELVA MEL It may be concluded that the termination of the LIA (what, in other more-northern latitudes of Europe has been named as the post-Little Ice Age warming) had different effects in southern latitudes as compared with those (far better known) of the more-northern latitudes. Thus, the winter severity feature of the LIA in more-northern latitudes was characterized in the southern Iberian Peninsula by increased rainfall (Rodrigo et al., 2000). The fact is that the climate change in the Iberian Peninsula may be related to precipitation rather than to temperature (Pfister et al.,1999). Figure 9. Since the early 20th century, a rise takes place in the mean minimum temperatures of the area under study. Desde principios del S. XX se produce un incremento en las temperaturas medias de las mínimas en el área de estudio. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 68 12/6/06 13:54 Página 68 Sousa et al. This interpretation agrees with the studies on the rainfall anomalies in Andalusia (16th-20th centuries) performed by Rodrigo et al. (1994, 1995 and 1999), as well as with the climatic reconstruction studies made by Barriendos & Martín-Vide (1998) on the basis of the hydrological levels and floods in the rivers of the Spanish Mediterranean basin (Cataluña, Valencia, Murcia and Baleares). This is why, as opposed to the situation in other more-northern European and Spanish latitudes, in the SW of Spain, the LIA brought along: • A decrease in the frequency of wet years and, on the other hand, an increase in the number of dry years as from the late 19th century. This decrease in the number of wet years implied a decrease in the spring rainfall during the 20th century. In fact, this implies an aridisation or, at least, more marked Mediterranean conditions, as opposed to the oceanic and Atlantic features of the Huelva coastal region. • This effect has been reinforced and sustained by a gradual and constant rise of the mean minimum temperatures that, in turn, produced an increase in the evapotranspiration rates (thus favouring the reduction of the flooded area and the retreat of the most demanding hygrophytic vegetal communities). Age warming– would be the result of the post19th century warming that –in our opinion– was due to the summation of the termination of the LIA and the start of the global warming. Anyhow, these results make it evident that, if global warming is as intensive as predicted by the various models, the Doñana aquatic ecosystems and their surroundings will be affected negatively. This alteration will depend on which are the most affected climatic variables (important changes in the amount or seasonal distribution of the rainfall appears as more critical than changes in temperature). There will also be an incidence of the various biological and waterfeed features involved in the regimes of the different types of wetlands, even if everything seems to indicate that the ones more liable to be affected are those associated with an epigean waterfeed and with a more stenohydric vegetation (such as the areas with peat soil), as well as the floristic elements whose distribution shows Atlantic features. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS These studies were supported in part by the project Doñana 2005 from the Spanish Environment Ministry. REFERENCES Sometimes simultaneously and sometimes consecutively, this natural process has been overlapped by forestry monocultures, irrigation practices, fires, charcoal burning, drawing of underground water, etc., depending on the specific area. 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DABRIO, J. L. GOY, A. C. STEVENSON & C. GÓMEZ (eds.): 42-53. Universidad de Sevilla. Sevilla. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 71 Limnetica, 25(1-2): 71-80 (2006) The ecology of the Iberian inland waters: Homage to Ramon Margalef © Asociación Española de Limnología, Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 0213-8409 Aquatic macrophytes in Doñana protected area (SW Spain): An overview P. García Murillo1, R. Fernández Zamudio1, S. Cirujano2 & A. Sousa1 1Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología. Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Sevilla. Apdo. 874. E-41080 Sevilla. Spain., & 2Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC. Plaza de Murillo 2. E-28014-Madrid. Spain. ABSTRACT A big portion of the Doñana protected areas corresponds to wetlands; in them aquatic macrophytes are the main primary producers and play also other important ecological functions. Nevertheless, they are inconspicuous organisms and their importance in these ecosystems does not seem to be well reflected in the bibliography about this natural area. This paper reviews the most significant information gathered about this group of organisms in this protected area, provides an updated catalogue of this group of plants, and offers some considerations related with this topic. Key words: Doñana, aquatic macrophytes, aquatic vegetation, SW Europe. RESUMEN Una gran parte de los espacios protegidos de Doñana corresponde a humedales, en ellos los macrófitos acuáticos son los principales productores primarios, realizando además otras importantes funciones ecológicas. Sin embargo, son organismos poco conspicuos y su importancia en estos ecosistemas no parece estar reflejada en las publicaciones existentes relativas a este espacio natural. Este artículo recopila la información más significativa sobre este grupo de organismos en este espacio protegido, proporciona el catálogo actualizado de este grupo de vegetales y ofrece algunas consideraciones relativas al tema. Palabras clave: Doñana, macrófitos acuáticos, vegetación acuática, SW Europa. INTRODUCTION A large portion of the Doñana protected area (Fig. 1) is composed of wetlands. In these ecosystems, aquatic macrophytes are responsible for most primary production and also play an important role in increasing ecosystem structures or recycling nutrients and elements. Aquatic macrophytes are, therefore, key elements in this paradigmatic natural area. Moreover, flora is one of the best natural sources of information regarding current and potential conservation in any natural place. The scarce number of studies on this conspicuous group of organisms is thus surprising. When the last Doñana Floristic Catalogue was published twenty-five years ago (Castoviejo et al., 1980), it was quite thorough at that time; however, the bulk of new floristic records since then have been aquatic plants (as shown in this Figure 1. Location of Doñana protected areas. Localización de los espacios protegidos de Doñana. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 72 72 García Murillo et al. paper). This indicates how little is known about aquatic plants in this area. This is coupled with the fact that some significant environmental events have occurred in this same time period, an increase in intensive agriculture in the area, increased tourism in bordering areas, overexploitation of ground waters, invasions of exotic species, global warming, etc. All of these issues point to the need to update the information related to the aquatic macrophytes in the Doñana protected area, which is the aim of this paper. FIRST STEP: CATALOGUING Unlike the cases of other places of great natural value in the southern Iberian Peninsula, such as the Sierra Nevada or Sierra de Grazalema, which were prospected by botanists during the nineteenth century or before, the first studies on Doñana´s flora appear much later in the mid-twentieth century. In 1945 C. Vicioso, an Aragonese botanist, published a list of taxa collected in the south part of the Huelva Province, but among these references there was no data on macrophytes. It was not until 1967, when references to aquatic macrophyte were found, that seven aquatic macrophytes were cited in an invertebrate catalogue (Mazaranov, 1967) for Guadalquivir Marshes (belonging to Doñana). Cabezudo later began the systematic study of flora in this preserved area, including 18 species of aquatic macrophytes in his studies (Cabezudo, 1974; 1975; 1978, and Galiano & Cabezudo, 1976). In 1981, some years later, the brilliant work of Castroviejo et al. (1980) completed the information compiled by Cabezudo, nearly completing the list of vascular plants in Doñana National Park. In subsequent years this Catalogue has changed very little, with the exception of aquatic plants that have contributed some important new records to the Doñana Catalogue: Althenia orientalis (García Murillo & Talavera, 1986), Callitriche lusitanica (Pizarro, 1990), Zannichellia obtusifolia (Talavera et al., 1986, Lemna trisulca, and Spirodella polyrhyza (García Murillo et al., 1991), etc. (Table. 1). In terms of the “other” plant groups included in aquatic macrophytes, i.e., Charophyta and Bryophyta, data on these are more scarce and inconsistent. The first records of Charophyta were noted by Corillion (1961), who included two of Doñana’s Charophyta species in his work on southern Spain and North Africa charophytes: Chara connivens and Nitella flexilis. Some years later, Comelles (1982) and Sánchez (1984) added two more taxa to the list: Tolypella hispanica and Chara fragifera, respectively. Almost one decade later García Murillo et al. (1993) added nine new records to Doñana’s charophyte catalogue. Finally, the most recent records are on Chara vulgaris var. oedophylla and Tolypella salina, referenced by Espinar et al. (1997). In the Bryophytes group, there are two papers on the Riella genus (Cirujano et al., 1988 and 1992); Riccia fluitans and Ricciocarpos natans were mentioned by Rivas Martínez et al. (1980) and Sphagnum inundatum by García Murillo et al. (1995). Table 1 shows the complete and current catalogue of Doñana’s submerged macrophytes. It includes 74 taxa (21 more than those related in 1993 by García Murillo et al.) of which 46 are Spermatophyta (62 %), 3 Pteridophyta (4 %), 6 Bryophyta (8 %) and 19 Chlorophyta (26 %). Besides, this table points to the first floristic record of each taxon. Table 1. Catalogue of aquatic macrophytes of Doñana protected areas. Catálogo de los macrófitos acuáticos de los espacios protegidos de Doñana. TAXA* FIRST RECORD CHLOROPHYTA Characeae Characeae Characeae Chara aspera Deth. ex Willd. var. aspera Chara canescens Desv. & Lois. Chara connivens Salmz. ex A. Braun García Murillo, Bernués & Montes, 1993 García Murillo, Bernués & Montes, 1993 Corrillion, 1961 Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 73 Aquatic macrophytes in Doñana Table 1. Continued. Continuación. CHLOROPHYTA Characeae Characeae Characeae Characeae Characeae Characeae Characeae Characeae Characeae Characeae Characeae Characeae Characeae Characeae Characeae Characeae Chara fragifera Durieu Chara fragilis Desv. Chara galioides DC. Chara hispida L. Chara vulgaris L. var. vulgaris Chara vulgaris L. var. contraria (A. Braun ex Kütz.) J. A. Moore Chara vulgaris L. var. oedophylla (Feldman) R. D. Wood Chara vulgaris L. var. longibracteata (Kütz.) J. Groves & Bullock-Webster Lamprothamnium papulosum (Wallr.) J. Groves Nitella flexilis (L.) C. Agardh Nitella hyalina (DC.) C. Agardh Nitella tenuisissima (Desv.) Kütz. Nitella translucens (Pers.) C. Agardh Tollypella glomerata (Desv.) Leonh. Tollypella hispanica Nordst. ex T.F. Allen Tollypella salina Corillion Sánchez, 1984 Fernández Zamudio et al. (2006) García Murillo, Bernués & Montes, 1993 Van Vierssen et al., 1982 García Murillo, Bernués & Montes, 1993 Fernández Zamudio et al. (2006) García Murillo, Bernués & Montes, 1993 Corrillion, 1961 García Murillo, Bernués & Montes, 1993 García Murillo, Bernués & Montes, 1993 García Murillo, Bernués & Montes, 1993 García Murillo, Bernués & Montes, 1993 Comelles, 1982 Espinar et al., 1997 Riccia fluitans L. Ricciocarpos natans L. Riella cossoniana Trabut Riella helicophylla (Bory & Mont.) Mont. Riella notarisii (Mont.) Mont. Sphagnum inundatum Rivas-Martínez et al., 1980 Rivas-Martínez et al., 1980 Cirujano et al., 1992a Cirujano et al., 1988 Cirujano et al., 1992a García Murillo et al., 1995 Azolla filiculides Lam. Isoetes velatum A. Braun subsp. velatum Marsilea strigosa Willd. Cobo et al., 2003 Galiano & Cabezudo, 1976 Fernández Zamudio et al. (2006) Apium inundatum L. Oenanthe fistulosa **L. Thorella verticillatinundata** (Thore) Briq. Oenanthe globulosa** L. Carum verticillatum** (L.) Koch Eryngium corniculatum** L. Eryngium galiodes** Lam Callitriche truncata Guss. subsp. occidentalis (Rouy) Schotsman Callitriche lusitanica Schotsman Callitriche stagnalis Scop. Callitriche brutia Petagna Callitriche obtusangula Le Gall Ceratophyllum demersum L. Scirpus fluitans L. Allier & Bresset, 1975 Cabezudo, 1975 Cabezudo, 1974 Cabezudo, 1975 Galiano & Cabezudo, 1976 Cabezudo, 1974 Cabezudo, 1978 Castroviejo et al., 1980 Espinar et al., 1997 Fernández Zamudio et al. (2006) BRYOPHYTA Ricciaceae Ricciaceae Riellaceae Riellaceae Riellaceae Sphagnaceae PTERIDOPHYTA Azollaceae Isoetaceae Marsileaceae SPERMATOPHYTA Apiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae Callitrichaceae Callitrichaceae Callitrichaceae Callitrichaceae Callitrichaceae Ceratophyllaceae Cyperaceae Pizarro, 1990 García Murillo, Bernués & Montes, 1993 Castroviejo et al., 1980 Fernández Zamudio et al. (2006) Mazaranov, 1967 Rivas-Martínez et al., 1980 73 Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 74 Página 74 García Murillo et al. Table 1. Continued. Continuación. SPERMATOPHYTA Elatinaceae Elatinaceae Elatinaceae Halogaraceae Halogaraceae Hydrocharitaceae Juncaceae Lemnaceae Lemnaceae Lemnaceae Lemnaceae Lemnaceae Lentibulariaceae Lentibulariaceae Nymphaeaceae Nymphaeaceae Polygonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ranunculaceae Ruppiaceae Ruppiaceae Zanichelliaceae Zanichelliaceae Zosteraceae Elatine alsinastrum L. Elatine macropoda Guss. Elatine hexandra (Lapierre) DC. Myriophyllum alterniflorum DC. Myriophyllum spicatum L. Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L. Juncus heterophyllus Dufour Lemna gibba L. Lemna trisulca L. Lemna minor L. Spirodella polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden Wolffia arrhiza (L.) Horkel ex Wimmer Utricularia exoleta R. Br. Utricularia australis R. Br. Nuphar luteum L. Nymphaea alba L. Polygonum amphibium L. Potamogeton natans L. Potamogeton polygonifolius Pourret Potamogeton lucens L. Potamogeton trichoides Charm. & Schlecht. Potamogeton crispus L. Potamogeton pectinatus L. Ranunculus tripartitus DC. Ranunculus peltatus subsp baudotii (Godron) Meikle ex C. D. K. Cook Ranunculus peltatus subsp saniculifolius (Viv.) C. D. K. Cook Ranunculus peltatus Schrank subsp fucoides (Freyn) Muñoz Garmendia Ruppia maritima L. var. maritima Ruppia drepanensis Tineo Althenia orientalis (Tzvelev) García Murillo & Talavera Zannichelllia obtusifolia Talavera, García & Smith Zostera noltii Hornem Mazaranov, 1967 Mazaranov, 1967 Cabezudo, 1975 Mazaranov, 1967 Van Vierssen et al., 1982 Cabezudo, 1978 Galiano & Cabezudo, 1976 Galiano & Cabezudo, 1976 García Murillo et al., 1991 Mazaranov, 1967 García Murillo et al., 1991 García Murillo, 2000 Castroviejo et al., 1980 Cabezudo, 1975 Castroviejo et al., 1980 Castroviejo et al., 1980 Castroviejo et al., 1980 Galiano & Cabezudo, 1976 Castroviejo et al., 1980 Mazaranov, 1967 Cabezudo, 1978 Mazaranov, 1967 Mazaranov, 1967 Cabezudo, 1978 Allier & Bresset, 1975 Pizarro, 1993 Cirujano et al., 1992b Cabezudo, 1978 Castroviejo et al., 1980 García Murillo & Talavera, 1986 Talavera et al., 1986 Castroviejo et al., 1980 * Some taxa refereed to Doñana Protected Areas have been related with incorrect identifications (as Callitriche palustris L., Hippuris vulgaris L., Zannichellia palustris L. or Zannichellia peltata Bertol.) in other cases they correspond with synonyms (as Ranunculus baudotii Godron; Ruppia maritima subsp. drepanensis L.(Tin.) Maire & Weiller or Utricularia gibba L.). ** The juvenile form of these species show morphological, anatomical and physiological characters corresponding with aquatic macrophytes. SECOND STEP: AQUATIC MACROPHYTES AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS At the end of the 1970s, González Bernáldez directed a series of studies on the relationship between the plants in Donaña and the environment (see García Novo, 1997). In this context, there was practically no mention of aquatic plants, with just one study found on the marsh’s vegetation (Allier & Bresset, 1977). In 1980, Rivas Martínez et al. published an excellent work on the vegetation in the Doñana National Park, in which they carried out a detailed phytosociological analysis of the different communities of plants in this protected natural area. Nevertheless, despite the superior quality of the research done, the informa- Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 75 Aquatic macrophytes in Doñana tion on aquatic plant communities was insufficient (as can be deduced from the chorological changes after 1980, included in Table 1). In the 90s, in response to researches by Montes on Donaña’s aquatic ecosystems, new data appeared on the ecology of aquatic plants in the area: data was published on their biomass (Duarte et al. 1990); the main factors (flooding time and salinity) controlling the distribution of these plants in Doñana’s wetlands were identified (Bernués, 1990; Duarte et al., 1990); and a study was done on the marsh’s seed bank (Grillas et al., 1993). Santamaría (Santamaría, 1995; Santamaría & Hootsmans, 1998; Santamaría et al., 1995; 1996), under the direction of Montes and with samples collected from Doñana, also carried out a series of studies on the autoecology of Ruppia drepanensis Tineo, one of the most abundant underwater macrophytes in the Doñana salt marsh. In this same period, Serrano & Toja (1995), working in sand lagoons of Doñana, related the presence of some aquatic macrophytes with other ecological parameters. And finally, more recent works by Espinar (2004) and Espinar et al. (2002) have contributed valuable information on the salt marsh aquatic macrophytes in relation to their environment and to communities of helophytes. Studies on Seed Dispersal At the turn of the century, and as a result of the multidisciplinary approach taken by the Doñana Biological Station to environmental processes and with the involvement of Santamaría, a series of studies appeared on the role of birds in the passive transport of organisms. To be sure, a large number of these studies focused on the dispersal of aquatic macrophyte seeds by aquatic birds (Charalambidou et al., 2003; Green et al., 2002; Figuerola & Green, 2002 and 2004; Figuerola et al., 2002; 2003 and 2005). These researches have been consolidated as a line of work, which is currently being carried out in the Doñana Biological Station under the direction of Green, with outstanding results. Likewise, Espinar et al. (2004) have recently published studies in this area. 75 Aquatic Plants and Climate Change As stated in the introduction to this paper, a site’s flora is one of the best natural sources of information on that area. This fact is even more perceptible in aquatic plants since their reaction to environmental changes (due to their particular physiology) is much faster and precise. Based on this premise, recent studies carried out in the eastern part of Doñana National Park and in the park’s lagoons have shown how useful diachronic studies on the presence and distribution of aquatic plants can be in detecting climatic changes within relatively recent timeframes. The work of Sousa (2004) and Sousa & García Murillo (1998; 1999; 2003 and 2005) illustrate this fact and find an explanation for the processes of aridization and desiccation of the coastal wetlands of Huelva Province by linking these processes to the end of the Little Ice Age, using –among other things– the presence of certain species of aquatic plans, the distribution of vegetation in the wetlands, and their changes over time. THIRD STEP: REGARDING CONSERVATION The uniqueness of the diverse species of aquatic macrophytes found in south-western Europe has been pointed out by some authors (Cook, 1983; García Murillo, 2003; Montes & Martino, 1987); the majority of these taxa are located in the Doñana area. The work of Cirujano et al. (1992b) is noteworthy here in its ranking of Spanish wetlands based on the presence of certain species of macrophytes; the Doñana salt marsh was ranked second among all wetlands considered.1 In addition, in the late 1990s, the Andalusian Regional Environmental Agency (later, the Environmental Council) started a line of research aimed at identifying the biology of the plant species most at risk from a conservation standpoint. 1 In the work cited, the authors did not consider the Doñana lagoons or the changes in flora, which occurred after the work’s publication, which clearly would have significantly increased the ranking of this area. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 76 13:54 Página 76 García Murillo et al. The most salient outcomes of these studies were the “Andalusian Plant Species Red List (Decreto 104/1994; Ley 8/2003)” and two volumes compiling the most significant information on the species selected (Blanca et al., 1999-2000). In contrast to previous Spanish “Red Lists” (ICONA, 1987), this one included a significant number of aquatic species, as well as Althenia orientalis, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, Utricularia exoleta, Wolffia arrhiza, Marsilea strigosa, and Thorella verticillatainundata (García Murillo, 2000; Silvestre, 2000), found in the Doñana area. This was followed, as proposed by the Ministry of Environment, by numerous studies intended to update the “Red List” (ICONA, 1987) nationally. These studies were compiled in the AFA Project (Bañares et al., 2003), including the red list and the most relevant data from the research done on the different species, although it was not possible to study some of the species listed. The AFA red list includes two aquatic macrophyte species found in Doñana (Utricularia exoleta and Hydrocharis morsus-ranae). The surveys and research carried out for the Red Lists generated numerous articles which highlighted the state of some species of aquatic macrophytes. Included among such articles were those of Cirujano et al. (1998) and García Murillo et al. (2000) on species found in the Doñana protected area. Exotic Organisms The early 1980s brought the detection of the first exotic organisms in Doñana (García Murillo et al., 2004b). The first of such invaders was the American crawfish (Procambarus clarckii) and its spectacular proliferation. The ability of P. clarckii to physically transform its environment and alter the availability of resources for other species in the aquatic ecosystems in which it was introduced, deeply concerned environmentalists and scientists. Its effect upon macrophyte communities was tremendous, given that they are its principal food source. After the initial period of crawfish expansion, numerous Doñana macrophyte communities were simply dwindling, with some species wiped out due to the activity of this animal (Bravo et al., 1993; Duarte et al., 1990; García Murillo et al., 1993). The numerous studies on P. clarkii, undertaken by the UAM (Universidad Autónoma of Madrid) research team headed by Montes, have emphasised the fact that it is now a key element in most of the aquatic ecosystems in Doñana and a significant control factor when it comes to aquatic macrophyte populations in this protected area (Bravo et al., 1993; Gutiérrez-Yurrita et al., 1998). Likewise, the Azolla filiculoides species –a floating pteridophyte native to the New World– began to appear in the Doñana marsh in the early part of the 21st century (Cobo et al., 2003 and García Murillo et al., 2004a). In just a couple of years, its presence has extended over nearly the entire marsh, forming carpets sometimes reaching 10cm thick, which can be clearly seen from the RBD (Doñana’s Biological Reserve) plane used for bird surveys. These carpets prevent the sun’s rays from reaching the water below, thereby making it impossible for submerged macrophytes (nearly all present in this area) to develop. They also increase eutrophyzation since they can fix nitrogen, and their respiratory activity consumes the oxygen in the water below (García Murillo et al. 2004a). Just as with the American red crawfish, the changes in the aquatic ecosystems of Doñana attributable to Azolla filiculoides may be dramatic. The attempts to control it have, to date, been futile (García Murillo et al., 2004b). Finally, in December of 2004, the tropical neophyte Pistia stratiotes was found in some irrigation canals located in the Doñana Park in the area of Sanlúcar de Barrameda covering 3Km of canals (García Murillo et al., 2005a). Thanks to the quick intervention of the Andalusian Regional Council on the Environment –faced with the risk posed by this new invasion to the Doñana protected areas– and the low temperatures in January 2005, the Pistia carpets were eliminated (García Murillo et al., 2005b). Nevertheless, the risk continues to exist since some of the Pistia plants sampled had flowers and seeds, and it is well-known that the seeds of this species can remain functional for long periods of time buried under the water. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 77 Aquatic macrophytes in Doñana CONCLUSIONS In the time span since the publication of the last floristic catalogue on the Doñana area, numerous references whose primary or secondary objective is the study of Doñana’s aquatic macrophytes can be cited, although they are few in comparison to existing information on other in the same area. With regard to the catalogue on aquatic macrophytes, we believe it is completed except for the addition of new exotic plants whose effects encompass this natural area (Cobo et al., 2003), and the withdrawal of others –cited by 20th-century researchers– which have disappeared due to the deterioration in water quality and the pressure of the environment surrounding this protected natural area. The regional administration –and to a lesser extent the national one– has taken this situation into account, by including some of the aquatic macrophytes in its red list of species in danger of extinction. Nevertheless, the number of taxa which should be included in the list is greater (see Cobo et al., 2002). Moreover, the importance of this area for the conservation of aquatic macrophytes is evident since it contains numerous species of aquatic macrophytes, many of which are limited-area species (“endemic species”), relatively uncommon in aquatic plants. Along the same lines, a conflict has arisen in the area’s flora conservation-management, fully affecting the group of aquatic plants: many of the aquatic macrophyte species found in Doñana cover wide areas of distribution (in theory); however (in reality) these areas are largely fragmented, with similarly fragmented populations. These species should be included in the red lists, since their vulnerability is quite high, a fact which has been ignored by environmentalists when it comes to the (theoretical) distribution areas of these species. As studies are concerned on aquatic macrophytes and how they relate to environmental factors, while there are a number of quality studies on this subject, more work on the basic aspects of this relationship would be of value 77 (e.g., how macrophytes relate to nutrients, factors determining macrophyte distribution, studies on succession, etc.). Finally, attention must be called to the deterioration of Doñana’s waters, the effects of which operate on two levels: 1. By causing the disappearance of so-called “difficult environment” specialist plants that had taken refuge in this natural setting (such as plants from bogs or oligotrophic wetlands) 2. By facilitating the invasion of exotic species, some of which have great potential for habitat modification and its consequences. A question remains: Is there still time for us to comprehend the full complexity of the native aquatic systems of Doñana or are the transformations detected in recent years the beginning of an irreversible process that will profoundly change this place? ACKNOWLEDGMENTS These studies were supported by the Project Doñana 2005 from the Spain Environmental Ministry. BIBLIOGRAPHY ALLIER, C. et V. BRESSET. 1975. La vegetation des milieux sales de la Reserve Biologique de Doñana (Bas Guadalquivir, Espagne). Colloques phytosociologiques, 4: 257-269. 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Complejo Científico-Tecnológico, Madre de Dios 51, 26006 Logroño (La Rioja), Spain *Corresponding author: ABSTRACT The depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer as a result of anthropogenic activities increases the ultraviolet-B (UV-B) irradiance at ground level. This may lead to harmful biological consequences affecting photosynthetic organisms. Mountain streams are especially exposed to a UV-B increase, and bryophytes play a key ecological role in them. In this paper, the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on photosynthetic organisms in general and on bryophytes in particular are described. Hereafter, some results obtained by our group on the effects of UV-B on bryophytes from mountain streams are presented. Laboratory and field experiments show that these effects depend on the species, the environmental factors (such as temperature), and the origin of the samples (sun or shade conditions, low or high altitude). Among the variables measured, the maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) and the level of UV-absorbing compounds seem to be the most responsive to enhanced UV-B, but no variable responded in the same manner in every species. The potential use of aquatic bryophytes as bio-indicators of changes in ambient UV-B radiation would require an adequate selection of both variables and species. Promising variables are Fv/Fm, the concentration of UV-absorbing compounds (especially if they are analyzed individually) and DNA damage, whereas the liverwort Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia has been revealed to be a good bio-indicator species. Globally, the responses of aquatic bryophytes to UV-B radiation and their protecting systems are still poorly characterized, and thus further study is required under both controlled and field conditions. Keywords: aquatic bryophytes, mosses, liverworts, ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation, mountain streams, bio-indicators. RESUMEN La degradación antropogénica de la capa de ozono estratosférico provoca un aumento de la radiación ultravioleta-B (UV-B) en la superficie de La Tierra. Esto puede causar consecuencias biológicas nocivas en los organismos fotosintéticos. Los arroyos de montaña están especialmente expuestos al aumento de UV-B, y los briófitos desempeñan un papel ecológico crucial en estos ecosistemas. En el presente artículo, se describen los efectos de un aumento de radiación UV-B sobre los organismos fotosintéticos en general y sobre los briófitos en particular. A continuación, se presentan algunos resultados obtenidos por nuestro grupo de investigación sobre los efectos de la radiación UV-B en briófitos de arroyos de montaña. Los experimentos realizados tanto en campo como en laboratorio muestran que dichos efectos dependen de la especie considerada, de los factores ambientales (como la temperatura) y de la procedencia de las muestras (aclimatadas a condiciones de sol o sombra, provenientes de baja o elevada altitud). Entre las variables analizadas, el rendimiento cuántico máximo del fotosistema II (Fv /Fm) y el nivel de compuestos absorbentes de radiación UV parecen ser las que mejor responden a un aumento de UV-B, pero ninguna variable responde de la misma manera en todas las especies. El uso potencial de los briófitos acuáticos como bioindicadores de cambios en los niveles naturales de radiación UV-B requiere una selección adecuada tanto de las variables analizadas como de las especies empleadas. Fv /Fm y la concentración de compuestos absorbentes de radiación UV (en especial si éstos son analizados individualmente), junto con los daños en el ADN, parecen ser las variables más prometedoras en este campo, mientras que la hepática Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia podría resultar una buena especie bioindicadora. Desde un punto de vista global, las respuestas de los briófitos acuáticos a la radiación UV-B, y los mecanismos protectores que utilizan para hacerle frente, están todavía poco caracterizados, y en consecuencia se necesita una mayor investigación en condiciones controladas y en campo. Palabras clave: briófitos acuáticos, musgos, hepáticas, radiación ultravioleta-B (UV-B), arroyos de montaña, bioindicadores. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 82 12/6/06 13:54 Página 82 Martínez-Abaigar et al. ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION AND ITS EFECTS ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC ORGANISMS Ultraviolet (UV) radiation induces many harmful effects in all living organisms, including humans. UV-C radiation (<280 nm) is ecologically not relevant since it is absorbed by atmospheric oxygen and ozone. However, both UV-B (280-315 nm) and UV-A (315-400 nm) penetrate to the biosphere and have significant biological effects, although only UV-B is absorbed by the stratospheric ozone layer. Biological responses to UV radiation are highly dependent on wavelength, and thus the biologically effective UV (UVBE) can be calculated. UVBE encompass UV-A and UV-B, but, given the logarithmic increase of its effects with the decrease in wavelength, it is often dominated by UV-B, especially at its shorter wavelengths. Thus, most studies on the effects of UV radiation have dealt with UV-B. UV-B irradiance at ground level depends on a number of factors, such as latitude, season, hour of the day, altitude, presence of clouds or aerosols, and surface reflectivity (Björn, 1999). In addition, ozone depletion as a result of anthropogenic emissions of halogenated carbon compounds leads to an increase in UV-B. In mid-latitudes, the ozone loss has led to a 6 to 12 % increase in UV-B radiation above 1980 levels, and predicted changes show the ozone layer will remain vulnerable to further depletion in the near future (McKenzie et al., 2003). Consequently, studies on the effects of ambient and elevated UV-B irradiances are increasingly important. In humans, an excessive exposure to UV-B causes acute and chronic damage to eyes and skin, including sunburn and cancer, and compromises the immune system (Vanicek et al., 1999). In photosynthetic organisms, increased UV-B may cause diverse damage in the photosynthetic apparatus: pigment degradation, photoinhibition, and decreases in quantum yield, photosynthetic rate, and the activity of the Calvin cycle enzymes (Jansen et al., 1998). Also, DNA alterations, oxidative damage, and changes in mineral absorption can occur. This may lead to alterations in growth and development. However, some controversy about the ecological relevance of these effects still persists (Fiscus & Booker, 1995; Allen et al., 1998; Searles et al., 2001a). At the ecosystem level, UV-B can affect decomposition, nutrient cycling, and trophic interactions (Caldwell et al., 1998). Photosynthetic organisms may develop a number of protection and repair mechanisms against the adverse effects of UV-B (Jansen et al., 1998): production of UV-absorbing compounds (flavonoids, phenyl-propanoids, mycosporine-like aminoacids, etc.), antioxidant and photo-protective mechanisms, and DNA-repairing processes. Much of the research regarding the effects of UV-B on photosynthetic organisms has focused on terrestrial environments, especially using crop plants, whereas aquatic ecosystems have received less attention. The vast majority of the studies concerning aquatic ecosystems have dealt with marine phytoplankton and macroalgae (Figueroa & Gómez, 2001; Day & Neale, 2002; Häder et al., 2003; Helbling & Zagarese, 2003), while the photosynthetic organisms from freshwater ecosystems have been less studied in line with their minor contribution to the global biomass and primary production of aquatic systems. However, rivers and lakes have an outstanding ecological importance as local systems and, because of their lower depth compared to marine systems, they are highly exposed to the harmful effects of UV-B radiation. In lakes, the penetration of UV radiation and its effects on phytoplankton have been the most studied topics (see for instance Villafañe et al., 1999; Huovinen & Goldman, 2000; Laurion et al., 2000), but macrophytes have also been occasionally considered (Rae et al., 2001). In rivers, scarce work has been done (Rader & Belish, 1997a, 1997b; Kelly et al., 2003), probably due to intrinsic methodological problems derived from their strongly dynamic environmental conditions (depth, discharge, water velocity, chemistry, etc.). Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 83 Ultraviolet radiation and aquatic bryophytes ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION AND BRYOPHYTES To our knowledge, around 65 papers have been published on the effects of UV-B radiation on bryophytes, among which only 49 contain original data (Table 1). Half of these are strictly bryological, whereas the remaining ones study bryophytes together with other photosynthetic organisms, such as vascular plants or lichens. The research on this topic has focused mainly on terrestrial and semi-aquatic bryophytes from Antarctic habitats and circumpolar heathlands and peatlands. The most used species belong to mosses: several Sphagnum species, Hylocomium splendens (typical from forest soils), and Polytrichum commune (typical from a wide range of acid habitats in damp to wet situations). Liverworts have been notably less studied than mosses, whereas no hornwort has been investigated. Diverse methodological approaches have been applied. Studies have been conducted under both field and controlled conditions, and in the latter case both in the laboratory and in the greenhouse. The manipulation of UV-B has included the two main experimental options in the context of UV-B research (Rousseaux et al., 2004): exclusion experiments using filters, and supplementation using lamps to simulate ozone depletion. The duration of the experiments has been diverse, from a few hours of UV-B exposure (usually under controlled conditions) to several years (under field conditions). The bryophyte responses have been assessed using morphological and, especially, physiological variables: colour, symptoms of cell degradation, ultrastructural damage, sclerophylly, reproductive effort, growth (both in length and dry mass), photosynthesis and respiration rates, chlorophyll fluorescence variables, photosynthetic pigment composition (chlorophylls, carotenoids), DNA damage (presence of thymine dimers and other photoproducts), protein and glucid concentrations, mineral elements content, and the appearance of UV-absorbing compounds which could serve as a protective mechanism. 83 The results obtained are conflicting, since UVB radiation has been found to either stimulate, to depress, or to have no effect on bryophyte performance. Several studies have found a growth reduction in bryophytes when exposed to UV-B (Sonesson et al., 1996; Gehrke et al., 1996; Markham et al., 1998; Gehrke, 1998, 1999; Ballaré et al., 2001), but this effect seems to depend on the species considered, the experimental design and other additional factors such as water availability and CO2 concentration. Other harmful effects (chlorophyll degradation, reduction in photosynthesis rates and Fv/Fm) are even less clear, since contradictory results have been found. In addition, the increase in UV-absorbing compounds, which represents the most usual response of vascular plants to enhanced UV-B (Searles et al., 2001a), has only been manifested occasionally in bryophytes (Markham et al., 1990; Ihle & Laasch, 1996; Newsham et al., 2002; Martínez-Abaigar et al., 2003a). Beneficial effects of UV-B radiation on bryophyte growth have also been reported (Johanson et al., 1995; Searles et al., 1999; Phoenix et al., 2001), which further complicates the global interpretation of the results. This controversy contrasts with intuitive thoughts that bryophytes would be strongly sensitive to UV-B radiation, because of their structural simplicity and the consequent lack of defenses commonly found in higher plants: thick cuticles, epicuticular waxes, epidermis (sometimes with several cell layers), hairs on leaf surfaces, etc. It must be taken into account that bryophyte “leaves” are mostly mono-stratified and lack air spaces, which dramatically reduces the radiation pathway and thus its attenuation. Thus, bryophytes (with the exception of thalloid forms, which have been understudied in relation to UV radiation), could only acquire chemical and metabolic defenses through, for instance, UV-absorbing compounds, antioxidant mechanisms, and repairing systems of DNA and photosynthetic machinery. However, the present knowledge on UV-absorbing compounds in bryophytes suggests that this mechanism does not occur in most bryophytes (Arróniz-Crespo et al., 2004), and the rest of Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 84 13:54 Página 84 Martínez-Abaigar et al. the mechanisms have hardly been tested regarding UV-B radiation. Globally, the responses of bryophytes to UV-B radiation and their protect- ing systems are still poorly characterized, and thus further study is required both under controlled and field conditions. Table 1. Original papers on the effects of UV radiation on bryophytes. Key for “Used Species”: L, liverwort; M, moss. Key for “Ambient”: T, terrestrial; P, peatlands; A, aquatic; R, rivers or streams; L, lakes. Key for “Type of Experiment”: F, Field; G, greenhouse; L, laboratory; E, exclusion of UV-B radiation; S, supplement of UV-B radiation; N, samples exposed to natural levels of solar radiation; VSh, very short duration (less than 1 day); Sh, short duration (1-30 days); M, medium duration (longer than one month and shorter than 6 months); Lo, long duration (6 months - 1 year); VLo, very long duration (longer than 1 year); ?, undetermined duration; H, historical study (comparison of samples over a prolonged period). Key for “Variables used”: A, alterations in DNA; Fl, chlorophyll fluorescence; FlS, fluorescence spectra; G, growth; H, hydric relations; M, morphology; Mt1, primary metabolites (glucids, proteins, lipids); Mt2, secondary metabolites, including UV-absorbing compounds; N, mineral nutrients; Ox, variables of oxidative stress (peroxide content, lipid peroxidation, ascorbate, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, catalase); P, photosynthesis; Ph, phenology; PP, photosynthetic pigments; PS1 and PS2, activity of photosystems I and II, respectively; R, respiration; Rf, reflectance indices; Sc, sclerophylly; U, ultrastructure. Artículos originales relacionados con los efectos de la radiación UV sobre los briófitos. Clave para “Especies utilizadas”: L, hepática; M, musgo. Clave para “Ambiente”: T, terrestre; P, turberas; A, acuático; R, ríos o arroyos; L, lagos. Clave para “Tipo de experimento”: F, campo; G, invernadero; L, laboratorio; E, exclusión de radiación UV-B; S, suplemento de radiación UV-B; N, muestras expuestas a niveles naturales de radiación solar; VSh, duración muy corta (menos de 1 día); Sh, duración corta (1-30 días); M, duración media (mayor de 1 mes y menor de 6 meses); Lo, duración larga (6 meses - 1 año); VLo, duración muy larga (mayor de 1 año); ?, duración indeterminada; H, estudio histórico (comparación de muestras a lo largo de un periodo prolongado). Clave para “Variables utilizadas”: A, alteraciones en el ADN; Fl, fluorescencia de clorofila; FlS, espectros de fluorescencia; G, crecimiento; H, relaciones hídricas; M, morfología; Mt1, metabolitos primarios (glúcidos, proteínas, lípidos); Mt2, metabolitos secundarios, incluyendo compuestos absorbentes de UV; N, nutrientes minerales; Ox, variables de estrés oxidativo (contenido de peróxido, peroxidación de lípidos, ascorbato, superóxido dismutasa, peroxidasa, catalasa); P, fotosíntesis; Ph, fenología; PP, pigmentos fotosintéticos; PS1 y PS2, actividad de los fotosistemas I y II, respectivamente; R, respiración; Rf, índices de reflectancia; Sc, esclerofilia; U, ultrastructura. Reference Arróniz-Crespo et al. (2004) Ballaré et al. (2001) Barsig et al. (1998) Björn et al. (1998) Conde-Álvarez et al. (2002) Csintalan et al. (2001) Gehrke (1998) Gehrke (1999) Gehrke et al. (1996) Huiskes et al. (1999) Huiskes et al. (2001) Huttunen et al. (1998) Used species Ambient Type of Variables used experiment Chiloscyphus polyanthos (L), Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia (L), Marsupella sphacelata (L), Scapania undulata (L), Brachythecium rivulare (M), Bryum alpinum (M), Bryum pseudotriquetrum (M), Fontinalis antipyretica (M), Palustriella commutata (M), Philonotis seriata (M), Polytrichum commune (M), Racomitrium aciculare (M), Rhynchostegium riparioides (M), Sphagnum flexuosum (M) Sphagnum magellanicum (M) Polytrichum commune (M) Aulacomnium turgidum (M), Dicranum elongatum (M), Hylocomium splendens (M), Polytrichum commune (M), P. hyperboreum (M), Sphagnum fuscum (M) Riella helicophylla (L) A (R) F, N Mt2, Sc P P T, P F, E, VLo G, S, M F, S, M-VLo G, Mt2 Mt1, Mt2, PP, U G, H A (L) L, E, VSh Fl, Mt2, P, PP, R Dicranum scoparium (M), Leucobryum glaucum (M), Mnium hornum (M), Pellia epiphylla (L), Plagiomnium undulatum (M), Plagiothecium undulatum (M), Polytrichum formosum (M), Sphagnum capillifolium (M), Tortula ruralis (M) Sphagnum fuscum (M) Hylocomium splendens (M), Polytrichum commune (M) Hylocomium splendens (M), Sphagnum fuscum (M) Sanionia uncinata (M) Sanionia uncinata (M) Dicranum sp. (M), Hylocomium splendens (M), Polytrichum commune (M) T L, S, Sh-M Fl, FlS, Mt2 P T, P T, P T T T, P F, S, VLo F, S, VLo F, S, VLo F, E, Sh G, S, ? G, M, Mt2, P, PP, R G, M, Mt2, PP G, H, Mt2, PP Fl M Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 85 85 Ultraviolet radiation and aquatic bryophytes Table 1. Continued. Continuación. Reference Huttunen et al. (2005a) Huttunen et al. (2005b) Ihle (1997) Ihle & Laasch (1996) Johanson et al. (1995) Lewis Smith (1999) Lovelock & Robinson (2002) Lud et al. (2002) Used species Dicranum scoparium (M), Funaria hygrometrica (M), Hylocomium splendens (M), Pleurozium schreberi (M), Polytrichum commune (M), Polytrichastrum alpinum (M), Sphagnum angustifolium (M), S. capillifolium (M), S. fuscum (M), S. warnstorfi (M) Hylocomium splendens (M), Pleurozium schreberi (M) Conocephalum conicum (L) Conocephalum conicum (L) Hylocomium splendens (M) Bryum argenteum (M), Bryum pseudotriquetrum (M), Ceratodon purpureus (M) Bryum pseudotriquetrum (M), Ceratodon purpureus (M), Grimmia antarctici (M) Sanionia uncinata (M) Lud et al. (2003) Markham et al. (1990) Markham et al. (1998) Martínez-Abaigar et al. (2003a) Martínez-Abaigar et al. (2003b) Montiel et al. (1999) Newsham (2003) Newsham et al. (2002) Newsham et al. (2005) Niemi et al. (2002a) Sanionia uncinata (M) Bryum argenteum (M) Marchantia polymorpha (L) Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia (L), Fontinalis antipyretica (M) Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia (L), Fontinalis antipyretica (M) Sanionia uncinata (M) Andreaea regularis (M) Sanionia uncinata (M), Cephaloziella varians (L) Cephaloziella varians (L) Sphagnum angustifolium (M), S. papillosum (M), S. magellanicum (M) Niemi et al. (2002b) Sphagnum balticum (M), Sphagnum papillosum (M) Núñez-Olivera et al. Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia (L), (2004) Fontinalis antipyretica (M) Núñez-Olivera et al. Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia (L), (2005) Fontinalis antipyretica (M) Phoenix et al. (2001) Hylocomium splendens (M) Post & Vesk (1992) Cephaloziella exiliflora (L) Prasad et al. (2004) Riccia sp. (L) Rader & Belish (1997a) Fontinalis neomexicana (M) Robinson et al. (2005) Grimmia antarctici (M) Robson et al. (2003) Robson et al. (2004) Rozema et al. (2002) Schipperges & Gehrke (1996) Searles et al. (1999) Searles et al. (2001b) Searles et al. (2002) Sonesson et al. (1996) Sonesson et al. (2002) Taipale & Huttunen (2002) Takács et al. (1999) Ambient Type of experiment Variables used T, P N, H M, Mt2 T T T T T N, H L, S, VSh L, S, VSh-Sh G, S, ? F, E, M M, Mt2 Mt1 Fl, Mt1, Mt2, P G, Ph G T F, N, ? Mt2, PP, Rf T F, L, E, S, VSh-VLo T T T A (R) A, G, Fl, M, P, Mt2, PP F, E, S, VSh-Sh A, Fl, Mt2, P, PP, R N, H Mt2 G, S, M G, M, Mt2, Ph L, S, M Fl, Mt2, P, PP, R, Sc A (R) L, S, M G, M T T T T P F, S, ? F, N, M F, N, Sh-M F, N, E, M F, S, M Fl Mt2, PP Fl, Mt2, PP Mt2, PP G, Mt2, PP P A (R) F, S, M L, S, M A (R) L, S, Sh T T T A (R) T F, S, VLo F, N, Sh L, S, VSh F, E-S, M F, E, VLo P P T T, P F, E, VLo F, E, VLo F, E, ? F-L, S, M- VLo G, Mt2, PP Fl, G, Mt1, Mt2, P, PP, R, Sc Fl, Mt1, Mt2, P, PP, R, Sc G, H M, Mt2, P, PP, U Ox, PP, PS1, PS2 G Fl, H, M, Mt2, P, PP, Rf G, M G, M G, Mt2 G, H, P Sphagnum magellanicum (M) Sphagnum magellanicum (M) Sphagnum magellanicum (M) Hylocomium splendens (M) Dicranum elongatum (M), Sphagnum fuscum (M) Hylocomium splendens (M), Pleurozium schreberi (M) P P P T P T F, E, Lo F, E, VLo F, E, VLo L, S, M F, S, VLo F, S, M G, Mt2, PP G, M, Mt2 G, M, Mt2, PP G, P G, H Mt2 Dicranum scoparium (M), Leucobryum glaucum (M), Mnium hornum (M), Pellia epiphylla (L), Plagiothecium undulatum (M), Polytrichum formosum (M), Tortula ruralis (M) T G, S, Sh-M Fl Sphagnum magellanicum (M) Sphagnum magellanicum (M) Tortula ruralis (M) Hylocomium splendens (M), Sphagnum fuscum (M) Limnetica 25(1-2)01 86 12/6/06 13:54 Página 86 Martínez-Abaigar et al. ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION AND AQUATIC BRYOPHYTES FROM MOUNTAIN STREAMS Before our studies, only two other ones had been conducted on the effects of UV radiation on truly aquatic bryophytes (see Table 1), despite the interest of how diverse organisms from different habitats respond to this environmental factor. In Conde-Álvarez et al. (2002), samples of the thalloid liverwort Riella helicophylla from a saline lake were cultivated throughout a natural daily light cycle under two radiation treatments: solar radiation (UV + photosynthetically active radiation or PAR) and solar radiation deprived of UV (PAR treatment). There were significant differences between the two treatments in the maximum quantum yield of photo-system II (Fv/Fm), the effective quantum yield of photosynthetic energy conversion of PSII (ΦPSII), the electron transport rate (ETR) and the initial slope of ETR vs. irradiance curve (all higher in PAR plants than in UV+PAR plants throughout the day), photosynthetic capacity (higher in PAR plants only at noon), chlorophyll a (lower in UV+PAR only at 11.00), and phenolic compounds (higher in UV+PAR only at 13.30). No differences between treatments were found in dark respiration, photochemical quenching, and carotenoid concentration, and only slight ones in non-photochemical quenching (higher in UV+PAR only in the morning). Thus, UV radiation (particularly UV-B) caused some damage to the photosynthetic apparatus. Recovery of inhibited photosynthesis took place in the afternoon, therefore solar UV radiation did not cause irreversible damage in the short term. Rader & Belish (1997a) carried out a ten-week field experiment in which samples of the moss Fontinalis neomexicana were transplanted from a reference site to both a shaded and an open section of a mountain stream and were irradiated with enhanced levels of UV-B radiation. The transplants from the open site showed an important, although non-significant, reduction in dry biomass with respect to those growing under ambient conditions. However, the moss in this experiment failed to grow in any site and under any treatment condition, and there was a loss of material in all samples from the beginning to the conclusion of the experiment, which casts doubt on the significance of the results. For several reasons, we circumscribe our research interest to the effects of UV-B radiation on aquatic bryophytes from mountain streams. Firstly, these ecosystems might be particularly exposed to the effects of UV-B radiation, since 1) the biologically active UV-B radiation increases between 5 % and 20 % per 1000 m altitudinal increase (Björn et al., 1998); 2) UV-B radiation can easily reach the organisms because they live at relatively low depths or even emersed, and UV-B radiation can penetrate into the oligotrophic waters typically occurring in mountain streams; and 3) the low temperatures which prevail during most of the year may limit the development of protection and repairing mechanisms against UV-B radiation. Secondly, bryophytes are the most abundant primary producers in mountain streams and are also important in nutrient cycles and food webs (Bowden et al., 1999; Núñez-Olivera et al., 2001). This domination suggests that they can withstand present levels of UV-B radiation, but the underlying physiological mechanisms are unknown and the structural protections against UV-B are lacking (as it was mentioned above for bryophytes as a group). Thirdly, bryophytes have an outstanding bio-indication ability in a number of pollution processes and environmental changes (see a recent review in Ah-Peng & Rausch de Traubenberg, 2004), which could suggest their potential use as bio-indicators of changes in UVB levels. And finally, the scarcity of studies existing on this particular topic recommends increasing our knowledge on it, especially considering the present social interest on the causes and consequences of global climate change. In our work, we have conducted both laboratory and field studies. In the laboratory, we have cultivated bryophytes under enhanced UV-B simulating a 20 % ozone depletion, with the aim to characterize bryophyte responses to higher than present UV-B levels. The applied biologically effective UV-B (UV-BBE) was 0.67 W m-2, equivalent to an exposure of 9.6 kJ m-2 d-1, Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 87 Ultraviolet radiation and aquatic bryophytes which was calculated using the generalized plant damage action spectrum of Caldwell (1971). We established three general radiation regimes (PAR, PAR + UV-A, and PAR + UV-A + UV-B) to distinguish the effects of UV-A and UV-B radiations separately. Bryophyte responses were analyzed in terms of sclerophylly, the photosynthetic pigment composition, the rates of net photosynthesis and dark respiration, some variables of chlorophyll fluorescence, and the UVabsorbing compounds. In addition, we occasionally measured DNA damage (through the appearance of thymine dimers), protein concentration, length growth and morphological symptoms (both macro- and microscopic). The duration of the experiments was diverse, from 3 days to 4 months. We have concentrated our studies on two species, the moss Fontinalis antipyretica and the foliose liverwort Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia (hereafter J. cordifolia), which were always collected from streams between 1300 and 2000 m altitude. The two bryophytes mentioned above responded differently to the enhancement in UV-B radiation under controlled conditions, while UVA radiation had a scarce biological effect (Martínez-Abaigar et al., 2003a), as it occurred in other experiments using bryophytes (Niemi et al., 2002a, 2002b). The samples of the moss which were irradiated with UV-B showed, with respect to the control, decreases in the chlorophyll and carotenoid concentration, the chlorophyll a/b quotient, the chlorophylls/phaeopigments ratios, the net photosynthesis rates, the light saturation point, Fv/Fm and ETR. They also showed increases in the sclerophylly index (“leaf ” mass per area) and the dark respiration rates. The majority of these changes were indicative of plant stress and some of them had been previously found in bryophytes exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation. However, the UV-Birradiated samples of the liverwort only showed a decrease in Fv/Fm, which might be the most sensitive physiological variable to UV-B, together with a 20 % increase in the concentration of UVabsorbing compounds. This defense mechanism, rarely described in bryophytes, would enable the liverwort to have a higher tolerance than the 87 moss against UV-B radiation, at least under the specific experimental conditions used. Also, the increment of UV-absorbing compounds in the liverwort might be a useful ecophysiological tool in the bioindication of UV-B. The different response of the two studied species to UV-B radiation was also evident in their morphological features (Martínez-Abaigar et al., 2003b). When exposed to enhanced UV-B, the moss showed brown colour, depressed growth, development of the central fibrilar body in the cells, chloroplast disappearance and presence of protoplasts progressively vesiculose, vacuolized and finally hyaline. These symptoms are little specific and have been described in several pleurocarpous mosses as a response to diverse processes of senescence and stress (both natural and anthropogenic). The uniquely specific response of the moss to enhanced UV-B was a colour change in the cell walls, from yellow to orange-brown. In contrast, the exposed samples of the liverwort looked healthy and their macroand microscopic appearances were quite similar to those of control samples. In the laboratory, we also examined the influence of temperature (2 ºC vs. 10 ºC) on the physiological and morphological responses of Fontinalis antipyretica and Jungermannia cordifolia to enhanced UV-B (Martínez-Abaigar et al., 2003b; Núñez-Olivera et al., 2004). The influence of temperature on the effects of UV-B radiation depended on the species: the higher the UV-B tolerance, the lower the influence of temperature. Also, different morphological and physiological variables showed varied responses to this influence. Particularly, the lower temperature used in our study enhanced the adverse effects of UV-B radiation on several important physiological variables (Fv/Fm, growth and chlorophylls/phaeopigments ratios) in the UV-B-sensitive F. antipyretica, but not in the more UV-Btolerant J. cordifolia. Thus, the adverse effects of cold and UV-B radiation were apparently additive in the moss (probably because the development of protection mechanisms was limited by cold), whereas this additiveness was lacking in the liverwort. We conducted a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) for both species using Limnetica 25(1-2)01 88 12/6/06 13:54 Página 88 Martínez-Abaigar et al. the physiological data obtained in the experiments and confirmed their different response to the concomitant action of UV-B and cold. Another environmental factor that can influence the response of different species to UV-B radiation is their previous field acclimation to sun or shade conditions (Núñez-Olivera et al., 2005). Shade samples of Fontinalis antipyretica were more sensitive to the UV-B treatment than sun samples, and Fv/Fm was the physiological variable which better discriminated both types of samples, since it decreased 42 % in the shade samples and only 27 % in the sun samples at the end of the culture period. In Jungermannia cordifolia, controls and UV-B-treated samples were not significantly different in either the sun or the shade samples. PCAs for each species, ranking the physiological results along the culture period, strongly supported these points. In conclusion, the shade samples were more sensitive to UV-B than the sun samples, but only in the more UV-B-sensitive species. We also determined that the sensitivity of bryophyte species to artificially enhanced UV-B could be tested without having to cultivate the samples for a long period. A continuous UV-B exposure of 78 h reproduced the differences in the responses of Fontinalis antipyretica and Jungermannia cordifolia, which had been previously found in longer experiments lasting 3682 days (Núñez-Olivera et al., 2005). For this short-term test, several culture conditions, which were known to accelerate the appearance of damage, were imposed: high ratio UVB/PAR, continuous UV-B exposure, and cold temperature. This type of fast test may therefore be used instead of long-duration tests to evaluate the UV-B tolerance of bryophytes. The different nature of the protection mechanisms between mosses and liverworts, which had been previously pointed out for Fontinalis antipyretica and Jungermannia cordifolia under laboratory conditions, was tested in a field survey conducted for 14 aquatic bryophytes from mountain streams, 10 mosses and 4 liverworts (Arróniz-Crespo et al., 2004). The diverse species showed significantly different levels of methanol-extractable UV-absorbing compounds (MEUVAC) and also different forms in their absorbance spectra in the UV band. The high levels of MEUVAC and the clearly hump-shaped spectra in the UV-B and UV-A wavelengths (280-400 nm), which were found in the liverworts, contrasted with the low levels and non hump-shaped spectra generally found in the mosses (except for Polytrichum commune). Thus, the accumulation of MEUVAC might represent a frequent and constitutive a protecting mechanism against UV-B radiation in liverworts, but not in mosses. In another field experiment, we tested the effects of a natural altitudinal gradient of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation, from 1140 to 1816 m altitude, on the physiology of 11 populations of Jungermannia cordifolia (Arróniz-Crespo, 2005). Several physiological variables showed significant linear relationships with altitude: global MEUVAC levels, the concentrations of two phenolic derivatives, ETRmax and NPQmax increased with altitude, whereas photoinhibition percentage and respiration rates decreased. This was also confirmed by a PCA, since most of these variables represented significant loading factors ordinating populations by altitude. The characteristics shown by high-altitude populations may confer tolerance to high UV-B levels, and the specific response to UV-B of the two phenolic derivatives suggests that they could be used as indicators of the spatial changes in UVB radiation. In addition, the concentrations of these two phenolic derivatives increased specifically under artificially enhanced UV-B radiation (unpublished results). An interesting question remains to be solved: could these compounds be used as indicators of temporal changes in UV-B, which could be related to ozone depletion? CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES 1. Our results demonstrate that the effects of UV-B radiation on aquatic bryophytes depend primarily on the species, and thus they do not constitute a single functional group in this respect. The different responses to UV-B are revealed not only by changes in colour or in Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 89 Ultraviolet radiation and aquatic bryophytes key physiological variables, such as growth, chlorophyll concentration, photosynthesis rates or chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, but also by variables responsible for protecting mechanisms, such as the concentration of UV-absorbing compounds. In particular, the constitutive presence and/or inducible enhancement of UV-absorbing compounds depend strongly on the species and, outstandingly, on the type of bryophyte (moss or liverwort) considered. 2. It is recommendable to evaluate UV-B sensitivity in sufficiently prolonged experiments, however short-term (72 h) tests may render comparable results. 3. The responses of aquatic bryophytes to UV-B radiation depend not only on specific genetic factors, but also on environmental factors (such as temperature) and the origin of the samples (sun or shade conditions, low or high altitude). The effects of these factors depend on the species: in the UV-B sensitive ones, both cold and previous shade acclimation may exacerbate the harmful effects of enhanced UV-B. 4. Among the variables measured under laboratory conditions, the maximum quantum yield of photo-system II (Fv/Fm) and the level of UV-absorbing compounds seem to be the most responsive ones to enhanced UV-B. However, no variable responds in the same manner in every species, which still limits our global comprehension on the effects of UV-B on bryophytes. The positive thing here is that a “UV-B syndrome” may be identified by the treatment of physiological data of control and UV-B-exposed samples through multivariant analyses (such as PCA), since both types of samples usually appear clearly separated in the generated plots. 5. The noteworthy variability of the results reported in the literature on the effects of UV radiation on bryophytes may be due to the above-mentioned diversity of species, environmental factors, variables and experimental conditions used in the different studies. Thus, it is necessary to take into account the methodological approaches to appropriately interpret the results obtained. 89 6. The use of aquatic bryophytes as bio-indicators of changes in UV-B radiation requires an adequate selection of both variables and species. Promising variables regarding this point are Fv/Fm, because of its sensitivity to UV-B, and the concentration of UV-absorbing compounds, due to its remarkable specificity of response. The analysis of individual UVabsorbing compounds may have a stronger ecological and physiological relevance than the usual global analysis of these compounds, since each one may respond in a different manner to UV-B. Thus, a previous identification of the compounds occurring in the different species is clearly needed. A third variable potentially useful for bio-indication purposes could be the evaluation of DNA damage caused specifically by UV-B radiation. Regarding the species selection, our results point at Jungermannia cordifolia because of its good responsiveness to UV-B, availability of healthy biomass throughout the year (if populations are selected properly), and wide distribution range over mountain streams of the northern hemisphere. 7. Two phenolic derivatives from Jungermannia cordifolia which absorb UV radiation have shown their ability to increase in response to a field spatial gradient of UV-B. The future combination of laboratory and field works studying the behaviour of these compounds under different UV treatments, and particularly the field assessment of their seasonal and inter-annual variations in response to temporal changes in ambient UV-B, could allow for the development of a protocol of bio-indication of the potential increase in UVB radiation due to ozone depletion. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia of Spain and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), and to the Government of La Rioja (Consejería de Educación, Cultura, Juventud y Deportes), for their financial support through the Projects Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 90 13:54 Página 90 Martínez-Abaigar et al. REN2002-03438/CLI, CGL2005-02663/BOS and ACPI 2003/06. 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Biol., 42: 215-224. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 94 Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 95 Limnetica, 25(1-2): 95-106 (2006) The ecology of the Iberian inland waters: Homage to Ramon Margalef © Asociación Española de Limnología, Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 0213-8409 Ecological studies in Alto Guadalquivir wetlands: a first step towards the application of conservation plans Francisco Guerrero*; Gema Parra; Francisco Jiménez-Gómez; Carlos Salazar; Raquel Jiménez-Melero; Andrea Galotti; Enrique García-Muñoz; Mª Lucía Lendínez and Fernando Ortega Departamento de Biología Animal, Biología Vegetal y Ecología. Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales. Universidad de Jaén. Campus de las Lagunillas s/n. E-23071 Jaén *Corresponding author: ABSTRACT This paper reviews the most recent studies carried out in the Alto Guadalquivir wetlands. Data on wetland inventory and classification in typologies, faunal and floral community values are presented as well as the effects that agricultural pollutants have on some aquatic species. These results support the need for a correct wetland policy that allows for the conservation of these aquatic ecosystems. Keywords: Natural wetlands, artificial wetlands, Alto Guadalquivir, agricultural impacts, conservation. RESUMEN Este trabajo revisa los estudios más recientes llevados a cabo en los humedales de la comarca del Alto Guadalquivir. Se presentan datos sobre el inventario de humedales y su clasificación en tipologías, los valores más relevantes de sus comunidades de flora y fauna y los efectos que ejercen los contaminantes agrícolas sobre algunas especies. Estos resultados apoyan la necesidad de una correcta política de humedales que permita la conservación de estos ecosistemas acuáticos. Palabras clave: Humedales naturales, humedales artificiales, Alto Guadalquivir, impactos agrícolas, conservación. INTRODUCTION Wetlands are among the most important ecosystems on earth and constitute a major feature of the landscape in almost all parts of the world (Mitsch & Gosselink, 2000). In Mediterranean landscapes, wetlands, as in other drylands, represent a broad variety of natural resources with environmental, social, and scientific values and play an important role in the maintenance of biological diversity (Williams, 1999). Despite their great intrinsic values, these ecosystems have been subjected to strong human influence (Naveh & Lieberman, 1994), and are suffering an accelerating process of degradation leading to the disappearance of many of them (Hollis, 1995; Brinson & Álvarez, 2002). Casado and Montes (1995) indicate that more than 60 % of Spanish wetlands have disappeared in the last 50 years and, in spite of the recent acceptance of the ecological importance of wetlands, this trend has not yet been reversed (Amezaga et al., 2002). Andalusia presents rich ecological wetland diversity, including the rarest ecosystem in Western Europe (Molina et al., 2002), which represents one of the most important wetland districts in Spain. Inside this group, little is known about the extent and condition of the wetlands in the Alto Guadalquivir region. Thus, as a consequence of the lack of attention given to wetlands and the scarcity of limnological information, this paper reviews the recent studies carried out in the Alto Guadalquivir wetlands, in order to encourage the expansion of wetland policies beyond the identification and conservation of individual wetland sites. Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 96 13:54 Página 96 Guerrero et al. STUDY AREA The Alto Guadalquivir region comprises the totality of the Jaén province and the eastern area of the Córdoba province, in southeastern Spain. This region covers the upper reaches of the Guadalquivir River Basin and encompasses a great environmental and physiographic diversity. The climate is Mediterranean, characterised by hot dry summers and cold dry winters, with mild humid springs and autumns. Another peculiarity is the existence of a high inter-annual variation in precipitation, with periods of wet or dry cycles. Agriculture, particularly olive plantations have been carried out for centuries in the area and currently constitute the major land use and the principal economic activity in the area. WETLAND INVENTORY AND CLASSIFICATION Wetland inventory and classification in typologies are necessary prior to carrying out limnological studies, in order to collect further management-oriented information, which can provide the basis for many important measures to conserve wetlands (Finlayson et al., 1999). The Alto Guadalquivir has been considered a poor wetlands region in the past, but recent studies have demonstrated the existence of a large number of aquatic ecosystems. The first results obtained showed the existence of at least 400 wetlands (see Ortega et al., 2003; Ortega et al., 2005; Guerrero et al., unpublished data). The data from this wetland inventory must be regarded as provi- Figure 1. Four examples of wetlands in the Alto Guadalquivir region. A: Laguna Honda (natural wetland); B: Laguna de Brujuelo (natural wetland); C: Chillar salina (artificial wetland) and D: Torrequebradilla irrigation pond (artificial wetland). Cuatro ejemplos de humedales de la comarca del Alto Guadalquivir. A: Laguna Honda (humedal natural); B: Laguna de Brujuelo (humedal natural); C: Salina de Chillar (humedal artificial) y D: Balsa de Torrequebradilla (humedal artificial). Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 97 Studies in Alto Guadalquivir wetlands sional, but it represents the first study based on field data, which provides a global view to the Alto Guadalquivir wetland conservation. An initial classification allows us to divide the wetlands in two typologies: natural (around one hundred of them) and artificial wetlands (Fig. 1). Most of the natural wetlands are situated in endorheic basins and they are strongly dependent on the hydrological budget, so limnological and ecological characteristics have a large seasonal and interannual variability. The most common natural wetlands are temporary shallow lakes with a small surface area, especially “lagunas” or steppe lakes. Wetlands are not randomly distributed throughout the Alto Guadalquivir region and are situated between 250 and 1600 m.a.s.l. Three main areas (Campiña Norte, Campiña Sur, and La Loma), close to the Guadalquivir River, can be distinguished according to the number of wetlands, representing up to 75 % of the total wetlands in the region. The rest of the wetlands are distributed in other six mountain areas (Sierra Morena, Sierra Sur, Sierra Mágina, El Condado, Sierra de Cazorla, and Sierra de Segura). In a second classification using a genetic-functional criterion, we detect the presence of other six wetlands categories. The predominant type in mountainous areas is karstic, and in the countryside areas the principal type is associated to calcareous-marl soils (Ortega et al., 2003). Artificial wetlands are principally represented in the area by inland salinas (solar evaporation salinas) and irrigation ponds, anthropogenic ecosystems, which present also important scientific, social, and cultural values (we did not include reservoirs neither man-made pool for livestock use, which are abundant in Sierra Morena). The inventory of inland salinas numbers nearly one hundred, ranging in size from 0.1 to 4.5 ha. They are situated between 250 and 1050 m.a.s.l., and principally on the right side of the Guadalquivir River (Guerrero et al., 2004), because the origin of inland salinas is especially linked with Keuper facies areas. Inland salinas are classified, based on morphological and geographical criteria, in two typologies (Quesada, 1996): inland mountain salinas (situated normally above 600 m.a.s.l., with small dimensions) and inland countryside sali- 97 nas (< 600 m.a.s.l., with a larger surface area situated across the riversides). Irrigation ponds are the most recent artificial wetlands in Alto Guadalquivir and they have been proliferating in recent years as a consequence of the intensification of agricultural practices. Therefore, they are also more abundant in the areas close to the Guadalquivir River (Campiña Norte, Campiña Sur, and La Loma), in which olive agriculture predominate. We can distinguish two categories according to the existence of a sedimentation basin (Ortega et al., 2005); those containing this basin present a richer diversity. They are permanent wetlands and represent an important refuge for the flora and fauna during dry periods, when natural wetlands do not store water. The most important human impacts affecting the Alto Guadalquivir wetlands are agricultural practices, including aquifer over-exploitation, tillage, drainage and dredging, and alteration of water regime (Ortega et al., 2003). These activities together with the economic death of inland salinas lead to a progressive abandonment and deterioration of both natural and artificial wetlands. As a result, many wetlands have disappeared and sometimes only some unidentifiable debris on the ground serves as a witness to their presence in the past. FLORA AND VEGETATION Wetlands comprise a marginal belt of phreatophytes and/or helophytes and an open-water area with different types of primary producers (i.e. submerged macrophytes). We studied these communities in both natural and artificial wetlands (see Ortega et al., 2001; Ortega & Guerrero, 2003; Ortega et al., 2004a; Salazar et al., 2003) and the results obtained show the existence of a high floristic diversity. A recent study performed on 140 Andalusian wetlands in 2004 (Ortega et al., unpublished data) demonstrated that the Alto Guadalquivir region is rich in species of submerged macrophytes, with the presence of 12 charophyte algae and 23 aquatic plants: 1 bryophyte, 1 pteridophyte and 21 angiosperms, which represent the 55 %, 50 %, 33 % and 70 % of the recorded Limnetica 25(1-2)01 98 12/6/06 13:54 Página 98 Guerrero et al. Figure 2. Macrophytes’ species richness (charophytes, angiosperms, bryophytes and pteridophytes) in the Andalusia (grey) and Alto Guadalquivir (black) wetlands. Data from a study performed in 2004 (Ortega et al., unpublished data). Riqueza específica de macrófitos (carófitos, angiospermas, briófitos y pteridófitos) en humedales de Andalucía (gris) y de la comarca del Alto Guadalquivir (negro). Datos obtenidos de un estudio realizado en 2004 (Ortega et al., datos no publicados). species in this study respectively (Fig. 2). The most significant submerged macrophyte species are the charophytes Chara connivens, Ch. fragilis, Ch. aspera, Ch. vulgaris longibracteata, Lamphrothamnium papulosum, Nitella flexilis and Tolypella hispanica; the aquatic angiosperms Althenia orientalis, Miriophyllum alterniflorum, Najas marina, Potamogeton pectinatus, P. natans, P. pusillus, Ranunculus peltatus, Ruppia drepanensis, R. maritima, Zannichellia contorta, Z. obtusifolia, Z. pedunculata and Z. peltata; and finally, the aquatic bryophyte Riella helicophylla, and the pteridophyte Isoetes setaceum. From the list mentioned above, Althenia orientalis and Zannichellia contorta are of national and regional interest, since they are included in the Red List of Spanish Vascular Flora (VV.AA., 2000), the Atlas and Red Data Book of Vascular Threatened Flora of Spain (Bañares et al., 2003) and the Red List of Vascular Flora of Andalusia (Cabezudo et al., 2005) under the IUCN threat category of vulnerable (VU), and Isoetes setaceum is included in the Red Data Book of Endangered Wild Flora of Andalusia (Blanca et al., 2000) with the same category. Furthermore, Zannichellia peltata and Z. pedunculata have recently been catalogued in the mentioned Andalusian Red List as vulnerable (VU), whilst Potamogeton natans, P. pusi- llus, Ruppia drepanensis and R. maritima appear as species with deficient data (DD). Finally, these species are included in three natural habitat types of community interest, and one of them is a priority type (coastal lagoons). The studies on phreatophyte communities in natural and artificial wetlands show the presence of at least 175 taxa and 40 phytosociological associations, 26 of which are included in Annex I of Habitat Directive 92/43/EEC. We also detected the existence of at least 12 habitats of community interest, three of which are priority types (mediterranean salt steppes, mediterranean temporary ponds and inland salt meadows). The most significant phytocoenoses are perennial helophytic communities (Typho-Schoenoplectetum glauci, Acrocladio cuspidati-Eleocharitetum palustris, Bolboschoenetum maritimi), ephemeral helophytic vegetation (Preslio-Eryngietum corniculati, Damasonio alismae-Crypsietum aculeatae), halophilous riparian shrublands (Elymo repentis-Tamaricetum canariensis), and a great variety of halophilous pastures and grasslands: Polypogono maritimi-Hordeetum marini, Parapholido incurvae-Frankenietum pulverulentae subas. spergularietosum tangerinae, Suaedo splendentis-Salsoletum sodae, Polypogono maritimi-Centaurietum spicati, Suaedo splendentisSalicornietum patulae, Aeluropodo littoralisJuncetum subulati, including the remarkable association Limonio quesadensis-Lygeetum sparti, endemic to the eastern Guadalquivir Basin (García-Fuentes et al., 2001). It is also important to note the presence of taxa such as Limonium quesadense, an endemic species included in the Red List of Spanish Vascular Flora, Atlas and Red Data Book of Vascular Threatened Flora of Spain and the Red List of Vascular Flora of Andalusia as an endangered species (EN), together with Puccinellia fasciculata, which is considered as a species with deficient data (DD) in the Red List of Spanish Vascular Flora. PLANKTON COMMUNITY Since knowing all wetlands is very difficult to attain, the studies on the plankton community in Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 99 Studies in Alto Guadalquivir wetlands natural wetlands were reduced to Laguna Honda. This is a hypersaline ecosystem situated in an endorheic basin (south-western Jaén), whose origin is connected with karstic phenomena in gypsum and saline materials of the Trias (Castro et al., 2003). This saline lake provides excellent conditions for ecological studies because is characterised by fluctuations in water level at different time scales. Thus, environmental factors play a major role in shaping the plankton community, and consequently changes in the biological communities are related to physical and chemical characteristics. We outline the characteristics of the plankton community during two periods with different hydrological budgets and consequently different behaviour of the system. The low precipitations during a dry cycle (1994-95) caused the lake to dry in summer, with an increment of salinity. This is the principal factor controlling the dynamics of plankton community in these hypersaline ecosystems, with the present number of species tending to decline as total salt content increases (García & Niell, 1993). As a consequence, plankton assemblages were very different between periods, with the dominance of the halotolerant pico-nanoplankton species (Dunaliella viridis; Dunaliella salina; Tetraselmis apiculata; Hantzchia amphioxys; Oscillatoria lutea and the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium excavatum) during the dry period (Guerrero & Castro, 1997; López-González et al., 1998), and a considerable increase of phytoplankton species richness (Jiménez-Melero, unpublished data) during the rainy cycle (1998-99 and 200102), especially diatoms (i.e. Fragilaria capucina, Navicula cocconeiformis and Nitzschia reversa). The harpacticoid benthonic copepod Cletocamptus retrogressus together with turbellarian species and the ciliate Fabrea salina, were the most important zooplankton species during dry cycles (López-González et al., 1998). Zooplankton richness increased in the wet period, with new species of a more planktonic behaviour that were not collected during the previous cycle (Daphnia mediterranea; Moina salina; Alona sp.; Cyclops sp.; Arctodiaptomus salinus and Hexarthra fennica) (Castro, 2004; 99 Jiménez-Melero, unpublished data). As we can see, the plankton community responds with usual changes to a salinity gradient occurring during a hydrological cycle and during a large inter-annual time scale. During rainy years, the plankton community ranges from limnogenic α-hypersaline to β-hypersaline type, whereas as the salinity increases the community changes towards a community similar to that of the γ-type and δ-type waters (sensu Por, 1980). The plankton community of artificial wetlands (inland salinas) is fundamentally represented by pico-nanoplanktonic species and by the anostracean crustacean Artemia sp., which are mainly present in the water accumulation basins of these ecosystems. In order to measure biomass, abundance, and the functional composition of the pico-nanoplankton community, scarcely studied in this type of ecosystems, we have applied automated analyses techniques such as flow cytometry and microscopic image analysis. These techniques allow for a fast and objective characterization of heterotrophic and phototrophic components of this biota, and permit the link between single cell properties and community organization (Platt, 1989). In a study of about thirty inland salinas, the phytoplankton community showed densities ranging between 1 and 1000 cells/ml, mostly small flagellates and by benthic diatoms, such as Nitzschia spp., Amphora ovalis and Cymbella spp. Heterotrophic bacteria reached a maximum of 2.4 10 7 cells/ml and a minimum of 2.2 10 6 cells/ml, ten/fold more than typical marine concentrations and similar to those of freshwater systems. Episodic blooms of Dunaliella spp. (up to 1500 cells/ml) were occasionally detected under summer conditions. The flow cytometry analysis showed two bacterial populations characterized by the DNA content (low and high DNA populations). Similar results have been related to the existence of two functional groups and to different metabolic activity (Gasol et al., 2000). The size abundance spectrum shows a non-linear behaviour characterized by discontinuities between bacteria and phytoplankton community (Fig. 3) (Galotti et al., in press). Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 100 Página 100 Guerrero et al. Figure 3. Size abundance spectrum of the pico and nanoplankton community of two Alto Guadalquivir salinas (San Carlos and Los Vélez) (modified from Galotti et al., in press). Espectro de abundancia de la comunidad de pico y nanoplancton en dos salinas del Alto Guadalquivir (San Carlos y Los Vélez) (modificado de Galotti et al., en prensa). OTHER FAUNA GROUPS Invertebrates: Coleoptera The invertebrate communities of hypersaline environments are of interest for fauna studies. The most interesting species is the endemic hydraenidae coleopteran Ochthebius glaber (Montes & Soler, 1988), which coexists in the studied area with other congeneric species such as O. notabilis, O. delgadoi, O. corrugatus, O. quadrifossulatus, O. andalusiacus and O. dentifer (Andrés Millán, personal communication, 2002). O. glaber is usually associated with hypersaline waters in the arid lands southeast of the Iberian Peninsula in the provinces of Córdoba, Jaén, Murcia and Albacete (Castro, 1997; Montes & Soler, 1998; Millán et al., 2002). We analysed the presence of this species in 35 inland salinas of the Alto Guadalquivir region and the results showed that O. glaber was present in 80 % of them, with maximum abundances during the summer-autumn period. Therefore, the conservation of wetlands and more specifically of inland salinas has special relevance in the protection of this endemic beetle. Waterbirds The Alto Guadalquivir wetlands are important sites for migratory waterfowl and shorebirds because it is located in a region where water is scarce in summer. We studied waterbirds over a period of eight years and registered a total of 71 species (see Ortega et al., 2004b; Ortega et al., 2005). The most common species were Tachybaptus ruficollis, Ardea cinerea, Anas platyrhynchos, Anas strepera, Aythia ferina, Gallinula chloropus and Fulica atra. The data obtained shows a total of 18 breeding, 17 wintering, 25 passing, and 11 resident bird species, which mainly use natural wetland and irrigation ponds. From these, twenty-seven species are included in the Red Data Book of Spanish Vertebrate (Blanco & González, 1992) and twenty-nine in the Red Data Book of Endangered Vertebrates of Andalusia (Franco & Rodríguez de los Santos, 2001). From the latter, 5 are catalogued as critically endangered species (CR: Ardeola ralloides, Marmaronetta angustirostris, Aythia nyroca, Fulica cristata and Chlidonias niger), 3 as endangered (EN), 7 as vulnerable (VU), and 14 species as near threatened (NT) or with deficient data (DD). Lastly, a total of 25 species are also included in Annex I of the Bird Directive 79/409/EEC. It is important to note the presence of the species Fulica cristata, which constitute the first site record in the region, and was part of a recent introduction programme in this area of Andalusia. This project permits the introduction of an incipient colony during the breeding season in the Alto Guadalquivir region, which has lead to the local reproduction of this species with a total of 40 and 34 flying chicks in 2004 and 2005, respectively (Ortega et al., unpublished data). Finally, we also analysed the movements of greater flamingos Phoenicopterus ruber in order to discover its dispersal routes along the Alto Guadalquivir wetlands. Greater flamingos move among wetlands and therefore, the connectivity between the breeding site and foraging sites may be an important determinant of wetland use (Amat et al., 2005). Our results using readings of bird rings seem to confirm that this species use the Alto Guadalquivir wetlands in their foraging and dispersal movements (Ortega, unpublished data). Limnetica 25(1-2)01 12/6/06 13:54 Página 101 Studies in Alto Guadalquivir wetlands IMPACT ACTIVITIES: AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES Regular procedures in agriculture generate unquestionable environmental impacts (Vitousek et al., 1997; Guerrero et al., 2002, 2005). Some of these impacts are related to a decrease in water quality, owing to the use of toxic products such as herbicides, fungicides or pesticides, which induce changes in ecological characteristics. In recent years, ecotoxicological studies have substantially increased in order to measure the ecological effect of agricultural pollution on aquatic ecosystems (Van Dam et al., 1998). The results obtained could be useful in catchment management plans in areas where a specific pesticide is used. Therefore, an important area of interest in research is how intensive agriculture practices affect the ecological functions and values of the Alto Guadalquivir wetlands, especially on the tolerance response of different species to pesticides. Ecotoxicological test, used to predict levels of contaminants that will cause minimal harm to the aquatic environment, have been carried out in the laboratory using aquatic species representative of these wetland ecosystems. The toxicological tests have been developed not only to assess the lethal effect but also the sublethal effects that could represent a more realistic view of the consequences of pesticide use. The chosen species were Arctodiaptomus salinus (Copepoda: Calanoida) and the amphibians Bufo calamita and Rana perezi (Amphibia: Anura). The copepod experiments were carried out with adult females and egg sacs, while the amphibian experiments were performed with eggs and tadpoles. Two different toxic substances extensively used in olive cultivation, dimetoate and copper, were used in the toxicological tests. The results obtained in the toxicological tests show that adult females, nauplii, egg sacs of the calanoid copepod, and amphibian larvae were all negatively affected by exposition to copper and dimetoate. The lethal concentration obtained for adult copepods (24-h LC50) was rather lower than the regular dose of pesticide used in olive agriculture, with values between 0.82-1.37 mg Cu/l and 3.30- 101 4.15 mg dimetoate /l. These results also reflect the negative effect on Arctodiaptomus salinus secondary production as a consequence of an increase in females and nauplii mortality and by a reduction in hatching rate (Parra et al., 2005). Amphibians have been widely advocated as excellent biological indicators of environmental health, because they are particularly vulnerable to environmental change (Wake, 1991). The results obtained show that amphibian populations are sensitive to pesticides during embryonic and larval development in aquatic habitats. Copper exposure affects growth with an increase in development time and mortality; therefore the use of this pesticide in agriculture has also a negative effect on the maintenance of amphibian populations in wetlands. The LC50 values obtained after 96-h were between 0.17-0.32 and 0.34-0.39 mg Cu/l for Bufo calamita and Rana perezi, respectively (GarcíaMuñoz, unpublished data). We also detected important epithelia damages in both species, which probably affect osmotic equilibrium, energy expenditure, and lead to a decrease in the activity of the immune system. A comparative sensitivity test between both species performed at 0.3 mg Cu/l, showed a different tolerance level, with a survival percentage at 96-h of 80 % and 23 % in Rana perezi and Bufo calamita, respectively. This implies a different resistance to copper, Rana perezi being more tolerant to pollution. Therefore, the legal restrictions in copper use must take into account the most sensitive species in order to protect a wider range of species in the community. CONSERVATION PLANS The demand for increased agricultural production in the Alto Guadalquivir region implies an intensive overexploitation on the water resources, which in combination with other factors has been the major cause of the loss of wetlands. This situation could be reversed and in this sense, the Andalusian government is operating a programme of wetland management and conservation (Andalusian Wetlands Plan). The plan defines the Limnetica 25(1-2)01 102 12/6/06 13:54 Página 102 Guerrero et al. environmental policy on wetland matters in order to conserve the integrity of the ecosystem, promoting its use and preserving, now and for the future, their ecological, socio-economical, and historical-cultural functions (VV.AA., 2002). Although a total of 147 wetlands are inventoried in this plan, only 9 wetlands of the Alto Guadalquivir region are included. Furthermore, in the framework of preservation in Andalusia, only four of these wetlands are currently protected areas (Laguna Honda, Chinche, Conde and Grande), and the first three are also included on the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance. Despite this lack of attention, these ecosystems are significant components of the Andalusian natural environment, and urgent conservation priorities are necessary. One of the first steps essential for the protection and conservation of wetlands is the recognition of their values. The results obtained by our research group in relation to the high ornithological and floral community values, and the use of the Habitat Directive on the presence of rare species, allow us to propose a list of another nineteen wetlands. Together with the ones mentioned above, these areas must be included as Important Bird Areas (I.B.A.), and Sites of Community Importance (S.C.I.), and constitute the proposal of the wetland network “Lagunas del Alto Guadalquivir” (Ortega et al., 2004b). The preservation of this wetland complex along the Guadalquivir River is very important at the regional level, not only for the population of migratory waterbirds, but also to allow for the biotic connection among wetlands, which contributes to the migration of other aquatic species and to the maintenance of local aquatic biodiversity. We also have analysed the spatial relationships between wetlands and the public network of livestock paths in the province of Jaén (Madero et al., 2004). Our focus was to assess possible benef its for wetland conservation that might arise from the introduction of environmental criteria in defining wetland restoration priorities within the program that the Andalusian government is carrying out for the recovery of an effective public ownership of the livestock paths. In addition, we have evaluated the land use in the catchment areas of natural wetlands. The results show that agriculture is the most important land use in the region (Ortega et al., in press). We recognize that there is a growing conflict between agricultural development and conservation in Spain, especially in the Alto Guadalquivir region, as a consequence of the intense growth of olive cultivation. A crucial aspect of this problem is the adverse effect on aquatic communities of the generalised use of pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides in wetland catchment areas that can enter the aquatic ecosystem via point or nonpoint sources. Consequently, laboratory toxicity tests are necessary to permit the regulation and enforcement of the legislation, which takes into account the most sensitive species. However, tolerance response tests cannot be easily used as tools for the evaluation of the state of a wetland. Thus, it is necessary to look for other methods that can provide quick and efficient information relating to the effects of pesticides on these ecosystems. The use of biomarkers that reflect subcellular or cellular responses can give us this information. These studies are of special interest in applied limnological research because the identification of biomarkers could be used to assess the toxic effects on wetland biota, and applied to the management of the ecosystem. Our future goals will be focused on the study of these biomarkers and the application of ecological models based on individuals (Grim & Railsback, 2005), in order to determine the relationships between individual traits and system dynamics in order to understand the ecosystems and be able to protect them right now. Only if agricultural development is balanced by environmental considerations can an effective restoration of the majority of wetlands in this region be successful. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by the Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT Projects PB98-0307 and REN2001-3441C0201). 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Future Spanish studies on groundwater-mediated limnology will be fostered if regionally oriented hydrogeologists meet locally oriented limnologists and they exchange their knowledge and perform joint research. These efforts will result in updating and expanding the ideas of regional limnology that Naumann and Margalef have promoted. Keywords: water renewal, Mediterranean limnosystems, regional hydrogeology, landscape, regional limnology RESUMEN A pesar de la relación obvia entre las aguas subterráneas y las superficiales, sólo algunos estudios han considerado indirectamente los efectos que las primeras pueden tener sobre los limnosistemas españoles, aunque haya numerosas sugerencias de que tales efectos puedan ser importantes. Aquí presento una breve revisión de dichos efectos, los cuales afectan al balance hídrico, a los movimientos de las capas lacustres, al ambiente luminoso subacuático, a la hidroquímica conservativa y los nutrientes y a la estructura y dinámica de las comunidades biológicas, y algunos de los cuales presentan desfases temporales. En el futuro, los estudios de limnología relacionada con las aguas subterráneas serán más interesantes cuando los hidrogeólogos de enfoque regional se mezclen con los limnólogos de enfoque local y ambos grupos intercambien conocimientos y realicen investigaciones conjuntas, lo cual dará como resultado la actualización y expansión de las ideas de la limnología regional que Naumann y Margalef emitieran en su día. Palabras clave: renovación del agua, limnosistemas mediterráneos, hidrogeología regional, paisaje, limnología regional RESUM A pesar de la relació òbvia entre les aigües subterrànies i les superficials, tan sols alguns estudis han considerat indirectament els efectes que les primeres poden tenir sobre els limnosistemes espanyols, encara que existeixen nombrosos suggeriments que indiquen que aquests efectes poden ser importants. Aquí presento una breu revisió d’aquests efectes, els quals afecten al balanç hídric, als moviments de les capes lacustres, a l’ambient lluminós subaquàtic, a la hidroquímica conservativa i als nutrients i a l’estructura i dinàmica de les comunitats biològiques, i alguns dels quals presenten desfasaments temporals. En el futur, els estudis de limnologia relacionada amb les aigües subterrànies es veuran impulsats si els hidrogeòlegs d’enfocament regional es barregen amb els limnòlegs d’enfocament local i ambdós grups s’intercanvien coneixements i realitzen investigacions conjuntes. Això tindrà com a resultat l’actualització i expansió de les idees de la limnologia regional que Naumann i Margalef varen emetre el seu dia. Paraules clau: renovació de l’aigua, limnosistemes mediterrànis, hidrogeologia regional, limnologia regional. Colc, Senyor Déu, la Figura Carnal, Els cels fecunds que il.lustren l’Oceà, Els rius subtils eixits d’un ull llunyà, El Pic, la Vall i el Pla; l’Ordre Cabdal J.V. FOIX (1936) MARGALEF (at the 13th SIL Congress in Finland): Les régions calcaires à érosion karstique sont très développées en Espagne... Je distingue en Espagne deux types principaux de lacs permanents dans ces régions, qu’on pourrait définir respectivement par la provenance superficielle ou profonde des eaux... (in Stankoviç, 1958) Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 108 13:48 Página 108 M. Álvarez-Cobelas INTRODUCTION Noel Hynes’ (1975) seminal paper, which was published after his conference at the 19th SIL Congress, held in Canada, certainly opened a new research field and a new scale of observation for limnological topics, which became more fruitful some 20 years later with the advent of GIS methodologies (Johnson & Gage, 1997). Hynes disclosed basin effects on in-stream ecological dynamics, and hence an astonishing view of terrestrial landscape influences on aquatic environments was fostered. Thomas Winter’s efforts have not been as successful as Hynes’. His attempts to promote the importance of groundwater in limnology, in spite of being sustained over time, have not reached a receptive and widespread limnological audience, as deserved by the topic. Anyway, he is to be credited for his efforts (Winter, 1981, 1988, 1995, 1999, 2003) to convince limnologists of the paramount significance of groundwater for freshwater ecology. This is particularly true in Mediterranean environments because the seasonal rainfall usually recharges aquifers that then experience delayed discharge during dry periods, thus supplying water to many limnosystems that would be dry otherwise (ÁlvarezCobelas et al., 2005a). Spain has 370 aquifers (Table 1), spreading over some 167,000 km2 (roughly 30 % of overall peninsular area) in all basins. The effects of groundwater on limnosystems concern the quantity and quality of freshwater, which in turn affect most limnological features. One hundred and one wetlands bigger than 10 Ha are acknowledged to be influenced by groundwater in Spain (Table 2). Despite these figures, only a few recent studies report the important role that groundwater plays in Spanish limnosystems (Table 3), and most of that recognition is in passing only. Obviously, this poor outcome arises from the almost non-existent relationships between Spanish ecologists and hydrogeologists, that pioneering studies by González Bernáldez (1992a) attempted to foster, but whose efforts were stopped by his untimely death. However, the intimacy between surface and groundwater in Spain has long been recognized in popular culture, a proof of which is the high number of topographic names related to groundwater upwelling throughout Spain ( Figure 1. Long-term flooding in Las Tablas de Daimiel wetland, a National Park since 1973. Since 1986 groundwater supply was discontinued due to aquifer overexploitation. Later, flooding was partly artificially induced by water transference from the nearby Tajo basin, though high rainfall and groundwater discharge from a nearby aquifer (Campo de Montiel) have been responsible for the 1997-1998 peaks. Data source: Tablas de Daimiel National Park and Álvarez-Cobelas (unpublished data). Inundación a largo plazo de Las Tablas de Daimiel, que desde 1973 es Parque Nacional. Desde 1986 no hay aportes de aguas subterráneas debido a la sobreexplotación del acuífero. Después, la inundación se ha conseguido en parte de manera artificial, mediante trasvase desde la cuenca del Tajo, si bien las elevadas pluviosidad y descarga desde un acuífero cercano (el del Campo de Montiel) han sido responsables de los máximos en 1997 y 1998. Fuente: Parque Nacional Tablas de Daimiel y Álvarez-Cobelas (datos inéditos). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 109 Groundwater-mediated limnology in Spain Table 1. Overall area of aquifers in Spanish hydrographic basins. Data source: Martín Pantoja et al. (1994). Extensión de los acuíferos en las cuencas hidrográficas españolas. Fuente: Martín Pantoja et al. (1994). Catchment/ Cuenca Northern Duero Tajo Guadiana Guadalquivir Guadalete-Barbate Southern Segura Júcar Ebro Inner Catalonia Balearic Islands Total Number of aquifers/ Permeable areas (km2)/ Nº acuíferos Zonas permeables 24 21 12 13 48 12 46 32 52 45 30 35 370 7,009 53,623 15,961 11,960 13,811 1,486 3,138 8,603 24,782 16,770 6,463 3,618 167,224 and the richness of limnosystem names in Spanish (González-Bernáldez, 1992b) and Mediterranean areas (Alvarez-Cobelas et al., 2005a). Groundwater effects on water quantity act upon stream discharge and water balance in lakes and wetlands. Sometimes, groundwater inflows may even trigger motions of water and solutes within limnobasins. Also, groundwater supply may affect emergent plant structure and dynamics in wetlands. Aquifer water quality impinges on the chemistry of limnosystems, either conservative or not, thus indirectly changing ionic composition and nutrient concentrations that shape inland water metabolism, sensu Golterman (1975), and biota. This overview will briefly describe the studies on the interaction between groundwater and freshwater systems in Spain to end up with some prospects for the discipline. Hyporheic effects, however, will not be dealt with here. WATER BALANCE EFFECTS These are the effects having paramount importance for limnosystems. They have often been addressed, albeit without frequent quantification. Lake and wetland levels and stream discharges are increased by groundwater inputs in many areas of Spain, those inputs being the sole ones in 109 some seasons. Thus groundwater enhances water availability and renewal for many Spanish limnosystems and enables rich biota to thrive. The oldest known process of groundwater supply to a Spanish limnosystem is perhaps that of the Upper Guadiana River (HernándezPacheco, 1932), which relied on a very old idea (Pliny the Elder, 1st century AC; 1998 edition) of an underground stream passage. Upper Guadiana has been believed to infiltrate North of Lagunas de Ruidera and upwell in Ojos del Guadiana, some 50 km west. This idea, of strong metaphoric power over time (any person, fact or process appearing and disappearing in Spain is thought to be like the Guadiana River in modern speaking and the mass media), was scientifically discredited 30 years ago (Torrens et al., 1976), but it is still receiving strong affection, maybe because it is cited in Cervantes’ Don Quixote (2nd part, chapter XXIII). Anyway, long-range groundwater has upwelled in a large spring, called Ojos del Guadiana (“Guadiana Eyes”), until 1986 when such an upwelling has been over because of aquifer overexploitation for irrigation purposes (Álvarez-Cobelas & Cirujano, 1996). The significance of the groundwater supply at the Ojos del Guadiana spring for the nearby Tablas de Daimiel wetland has been very high. A roughly constant volume of water has emerged for decades, flooding an area that in the fifties extended over more than 200 km2 (ÁlvarezCobelas & Cirujano, 1996). For many years, the wetland experienced a seasonal pattern of flooding (Fig. 1) that began changing in the seventies, when man-made activities strongly impacted the wetland, a National Park by then. That groundwater of low ionic strength has merged with intermittent stream water of higher salinity to provide a mixed environment, very suitable for a high species richness biota (Álvarez-Cobelas & Cirujano, 1996). In 1986 the spring no longer upwelled, and flooding of this wetland has lacked a predictable pattern since then (Fig. 1). Other wetlands where groundwater effects on water availability have been reported are those of Duero basin (Ávila-Valladolid; Rey-Benayas, 1991), La Safor (Valencia; Rodrigo et al., 2001) and L’Empordá (Girona; Quintana, 2002). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 110 12/6/06 13:48 Página 110 M. Álvarez-Cobelas Figure 2. Groundwater percentage of water inputs (subaquatic and shoreline springs) to the Colgada lake (Ruidera lake complex, Central Spain) in 2003 and 2004. Inputs of subaquatic springs comprise 47-89 % of overall groundwater entering the lake. Unpublished data. Porcentaje de los aportes hídricos de origen subterráneo (fuentes subacuáticas y manantiales litorales) a la laguna Colgada (complejo lacustre de Ruidera, Centro de España) en 2003 y 2004. Las entradas subacuáticas representan un 4789 % del total de las aguas subterráneas que entran al lago. Datos inéditos. Groundwater flows into lakes were recognized more recently. Margalef reported groundwater delivery in the Banyoles Lake in the same presentation of Stankoviç (1958), the evidence dating back to the early 20th century (Vidal-Pardal, 1960). In the eighties the study of groundwater upwelling in Banyoles started, as related to the sediment resuspension process (Roget & Casamitjana, 1986). Entering mostly through the southern basins of the lake, groundwater inflows ranged 1.6-5.1•104 m3 d-1, being 4-fold of surface inflows (table 2 of Casamitjana & Roget, 1993) and lacking strong seasonality. The Ruidera Lakes, comprised of 18 flowthrough, seepage basins, have also been known to experience groundwater supply for long, but its measurement has started very recently (CEDEX, 1997). More than a half of overall water supply received by the Colgada Lake (one of the largest basins of that lake complex) is of groundwater origin (Fig. 2), amounting to 7-14•104 m3 d-1 in 2003-2004. A slight seasonality is obvious in the groundwater supply of Colgada Lake in that picture, taken in years of high water availability, but such a seasonality wanes as rainfall becomes lower than the annual average (450 mm; Álvarez-Cobelas, unpublished data). These lakes are strongly dependent on the interplay among rainfall, surface- and groundwater, which –when sufficient- enhance lake connectivity, albeit showing delays of up to nine months from strong rainfall to surface connection of all lakes (Álvarez-Cobelas, unpublished data). As a result, their water renewal time happens to be highly variable (Table 4), and this has overwhelming effects on limnological features of Ruidera lakes (Álvarez-Cobelas et al., submitted). Since groundwater regional flow is a very complex phenomenon (Tóth, 1963), it is not surprising that some lakes experience sudden net groundwater inflow, irrespective to rainfall seasonality. This has been observed in the Table 2. Wetlands larger than 10 Ha connected to aquifers in Spain. Data source: Martín Pantoja et al. (1994). Humedales de más de 10 Ha conectados a acuíferos en España. Fuente: Martín Pantoja et al. (1994). Catchment Northern Duero Tajo Guadiana Guadalquivir Guadalete-Barbate Southern Segura Júcar Ebro Inner Catalonia Balearic Islands Total Number of wetlands 4 16 2 35 6 7 1 11 12 7 101 Overall wetland area (Ha) 77 574 24 2.068 125 1.923 10 2.458 6.745 370 14.374 Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 111 Groundwater-mediated limnology in Spain 111 Table 3. Spanish limnosystems for which groundwater effects have been reported since the birth of the journal Limnetica. Limnosistemas españoles para los cuales se han referido efectos de las aguas subterráneas desde el comienzo de la publicación de Limnetica. Site/Lugar Major catchment/ Cuenca Hidrográfica Banyoles lake Inner Catalonia Jarama lakes Tajo Ruidera lakes Doñana sandy ponds and marshes Duero sandy wetlands SW Madrid wetlands L’Empordá wetlands (“aiguamolls”) La Safor wetland Tablas de Daimiel wetland Chícamo river Sea-side intermittent streams (“ramblas”) Albufera de Valencia wells Pyrenean springs Guadiana Guadalquivir Reference/Referencia Duero Tajo Inner Catalonia Casamitjana & Roget (1993), Colomer et al. (2001), García-Gil et al. (1996), Roget & Casamitjana (1987), Serra et al. (2002, 2005) Álvarez-Cobelas et al. (1999, 2005c), CEDEX (2001), Domínguez (2002), Himi (2001), Roblas & García-Avilés (1999) Álvarez-Cobelas et al. (2006) de Castro & Muñoz-Reinoso (1997), Muñoz-Reinoso (1995, 1996), Sacks et al. (1992), Suso & Llamas (1993) Rey-Benayas (1991), Rey-Benayas et al. (1990) González-Besteiro (1992) Quintana (2002), Quintana et al. (1998) Júcar Guadiana Segura Segura Rodrigo et al. (2001, 2003) Álvarez-Cobelas et al. (2001) Vidal-Abarca et al. (2000) Moreno et al. (1995) Júcar Ebro Alonso & Miracle (1987), Miracle et al. (1995), Soria (1993) Roca (1990), Roca & Baltanás (1993), Roca & Gil (1992), Roca et al. (1992), Sabater & Roca (1990, 1992) Campillos lake complex (Málaga; Benavente & Rodríguez, 1997). Local, intermediate, and regional flows are also responsible for patterns of inundation of sandy ponds in Doñana National Park (Sacks et al., 1992; MuñozReinoso, 1996) and in SW ponds of the Madrid aquifer (González-Besteiro, 1992). Southeastern intermittent and permanent streams may also have groundwater discharge and recharge (Moreno et al., 1995; Vidal-Abarca et al., 2000), in some places at the scale of tenths of metres (Vidal-Abarca et al., 2000). The Upper Guadiana River and its tributaries in the Lagunas de Ruidera Natural Park receive discharged groundwater, but they have not been computed as yet. It is very likely that many other Spanish streams are fed by groundwater, but the SAIH (acronym for the Spanish Network for River Discharge Measurement) has not been designed to study that process. OTHER EFFECTS ON LIMNOPHYSICS Groundwater entering the Banyoles Lake (Girona) has been shown to resuspend sediments, also enhancing lutocline motions upwards up to 20 m in periods of average groundwater inflow (Casamitjana & Roget, 1993). Since that groundwater has a nearly constant temperature (17-19 ºC) throughout the year, a hydrothermal plume is often developed, also entraining cold hypolimnion water into the base of the seasonal thermocline of the lake. The plume spreads laterally at the level of neutral buoyancy, thus behaving as a horizontal baroclinic intrusion (Colomer et al., 2001). This plume experiences a strong seasonality because it is controlled by thermocline dynamics; i.e. it is constricted to the hypolimnion during stratifying periods but it spreads throughout the whole water column when Autumn thermal circulation is fully established (Serra et al., 2002). A similar phenomenon has been found in Las Madres lake (Madrid), with groundwater inflow of roughly constant temperature (13-14 ºC), promoting a lutocline of a much shorter behaviour (ÁlvarezCobelas, unpublished data), that delays complete mixing of the whole water column for more than a month (Álvarez-Cobelas et al., 2005c). Double diffusion processes, associated with groundwater inflows, have also been reported for both lakes (Serra et al., 2005; Álvarez-Cobelas et al., 2005c). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 112 12/6/06 13:48 Página 112 M. Álvarez-Cobelas Figure 3. Daily total phosphorus concentration per unit of surface present during 93 consecutive days at the 1991 transition of late stratification-to-early mixing in Las Madres lake (Central Spain). Unpublished data. Concentración diaria del fósforo total por unidad de superficie presente durante 93 días consecutivos de la transición de la estratificación tardía al inicio de la mezcla de 1991 en la laguna de Las Madres (Centro de España). Datos inéditos. EFFECTS ON LIMNOCHEMISTRY Conservative hydrochemistry is one of the main targets of the study of springs. Roca (1990) has undertaken a thorough study on 207 Pyrenean springs in Huesca and Lleida, attempting a typologic synthesis on a wide range of limnological features. Two complex factors are responsible for most of the observed hydrochemical variability: solubilization plus water residence time (42 % explanation of overall variance) and geochemical substrate (12 %), but there is a group of springs, seemingly heavily dependent on the hypogean environment, where expected hydrochemical patterns do not hold. Also, seaside intermittent streams of Murcia may have groundwater inflows upstream, comprised of magnesium chloride salts (Moreno et al., 1995). Springs surrounding Albufera de Valencia lake have high ionic strength and nitrate content, but are of oligo-mesotrophic nature, thus reflecting the low concentrations of phosphorus and ammonia in the groundwater they come from (Soria, 1993); this result is striking because in recent decades the lake has become hypertrophic as a result of sustained wastewater inputs over time (Romo et al., 2005), but springs partially feeding it are not. That oligo-mesotrophic status is also common in springs of La Safor wetland (Valencia), which also drain to hypertrophic areas of the marsh (Rodrigo et al., 2001). Groundwater conductivity and the length of groundwater flow are linearly correlated with each other in the vicinity of sandy wetlands of the Duero basin (r2 = 0.65 p < 0.01; Rey-Benayas et al., 1990), that relationship being of interest for plant community structure in those wetlands (see below). In seepage lakes located in alluvial plains, groundwater flows may result in depleting inlake areal phosphorus concentration during autumn circulation (Fig. 3). The lake setting in the plain, viz. being close to the river or not, may change seston sedimentation patterns (Fig. 4). In Campillo lake, a hypertrophic seepage lake located very close to Jarama river, phosphorus sediTable 4. Water renewal time (in years) of Ruidera lakes. Data source: Álvarez-Cobelas et al. (in press and unpublished). Tiempo de renovación del agua (en años) de las lagunas de Ruidera. Fuente: Álvarez-Cobelas et al. (en prensa y datos inéditos). Lake Conceja Tomilla Tinaja San Pedra Lengua Santos Morcillo Colgada Rey Cueva Morenilla Year 2000 2001 2004 9.14 10.30 11.19 12.38 14.47 32.50 262.12 111.21 130.10 4.08 4.60 5.00 3.91 2.00 3.96 270.31 114.69 132.56 0.10 0.12 0.11 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.13 0.14 Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 113 Groundwater-mediated limnology in Spain mentation rates are not much higher (0.047 ± 0.018 mg P m-2 d-1) than those in Las Madres lake (0.034 ± 0.020 mg P m-2 d-1), a mesotrophic seepage lake away from riverine influence. It is well known that river Jarama in the area of Campillo lake acts recharging the aquifer and the lake (Himi, 2001); so riverine-driven groundwater inflow to Campillo lake might reduce phosphorus sedimentation. Total seston sedimentation has been shown to be high close to the hydrother- 113 mal plume of Banyoles lake, reaching values up to 25 g m-2 d-1 (Serra et al., 2005). Such a silt deposition can be observed embedded with biocalcarenites in littoral sediments of that lake. Groundwater flows appear to be the main cause of the differential confinement of nutrients in L’Empordá wetland (Girona; Quintana et al., 1998), whereby nitrate is easily washed out but phosphorus accumulates, thus increasing eutrophication of this wetland. Figure 4. Chlorophyll-a in the mixed column and sedimentation rate of total phosphorus in two Central Spanish lakes. Both lakes lie on an alluvial plain, but Las Madres lake is a mesotrophic seepage lake complex, solely influenced by the alluvial aquifer, whereas Campillo lake is a hypertrophic seepage lake, influenced by groundwater strongly-dependent upon a heavily polluted stream (Jarama river). Scale for chlorophyll for the Campillo lake is the one on the right. Groundwater movement in the vicinity of the lakes is also shown in the lower pictures (Himi, 2001). Unpublished data. Clorofila “a” en la capa de mezcla y tasa de sedimentación del fósforo total en dos lagos del Centro de España, situados en una llanura aluvial. Las Madres es un conjunto de cubetas mesotróficas, influidas únicamente por el acuífero, mientras que El Campillo es un lago hipertrófico, afectado por aguas subterráneas muy dependientes de las entradas de un río muy contaminado (el río Jarama). La escala de la clorofila para el lago de El Campillo es la de la derecha. También se representa, en las figuras inferiores, el flujo del agua subterránea en las proximidades de los lagos (Himi, 2001). Datos inéditos. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 114 114 M. Álvarez-Cobelas EFFECTS ON THE LIMNOBIOTA Obviously, they can be more clearly seen in environments of groundwater upwelling, say, springs. In addition to the plethora of Margalef ’s biological observations in the forties and fifties in North and Central Spain (for example see his 1946, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1952 and 1955 papers), there have been some studies on the biota of springs that address this topic more recently. In his Ph.D. thesis, Roca has carried out a thorough study of Pyrenean springs (see Roca, 1990) that has enabled him and his coworkers to outline the main effects of groundwater discharge on spring assemblages of diatoms, turbellarians, mayflies, water mites and ostracods. Ionic content and current velocity appear to be the dominant factors affecting distribution of the 198 diatom species recorded in these springs (table 2 of Sabater & Roca, 1990), where peculiar environmental factors, such as dim light, high temperature and salinity, could be responsible for the 40 % variability of diatom distribution left unexplained by the two most important factors. Roca et al. (1992) recorded four species of turbellarians in some 50 springs, suggesting that interspecific competition explain the presence of single species in every spring, water temperature and current velocity being the most important abiotic factors shaping the distribution of the observed species. 22 taxa of hydracnellae have been found by Roca & Gil (table 1 of their 1992 paper), with substrate rocks and water renewal as the main factors explaining their distribution. 21 ostracod species have been reported in the same survey (table 1 of Roca & Baltanás, 1993), but high mineralization and low flow enhance ostracod species richness in those springs. Barquín & Death (2004) have studied the contrasting faunas of some springs and nearby rivers in Cantabria (N Spain), showing a switch between species richness and density: invertebrate density is higher in springs, but species richness is higher in streams. Predation effects by the amphipod Echinogammarus strongly shape communities in springs. Chlorophyll-a, as a surrogate for periphyton biomass, is much higher in springs than in streams and it is the factor showing the highest explanatory power, albeit weak, of the faunal patterns observed. Phytoplankton biomass, as ascertained by chlorophyll-a, also experiences the contrasting effect of the position of lakes in Madrid alluvial plains. Seepage lakes located close to nutrientrich rivers develop higher phytoplankton biomass (47.9 ± 24.6 µg Chl-a L-1 in 1995) than seepage lakes (2.5 ± 1.2 µg Chl-a L-1) farther away from such rivers (Fig. 4), despite the fact that neither is fed by riverine water via surface flow. In the Figure 5. Chlorophyll-a concentration in La Safor wetland in September 2000. White circles represent areas of lower chlorophyll-a, which increases along with the gray scale of the circles. Data from Rodrigo et al. (2001). Concentración de la clorofila “a” en el humedal de La Safor en Septiembre de 2000. Los círculos blancos representan las zonas de menor concentración, la cual se incrementa siguiendo la escala de grises de los círculos. Datos de Rodrigo et al. (2001) Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 115 115 Groundwater-mediated limnology in Spain Table 5. Indicator species organisms on recharge and discharge wetlands, from the Madrid aquifer; discharge wetlands are fed by groundwater. Data source: González-Besteiro (1992). Especies de organismos indicadores en humedales de recarga y descarga del acuífero de Madrid; los humedales de descarga se alimentan con aguas subterráneas. Fuente: González-Besteiro (1992). In recharge wetlands Cyzicus grubei Chirocephalus sp. Triops cancriformis Alona azorica Moina brachyata Mixodiaptomus incrassatus In discharge wetlands Local flow Regional flow (alkaline chemistry) Regional flow (mixed chemistry) Ranunculus sp. Daphnia obtusa Aeschna mixta Ischnura pumilio Lestes virens Chara vulgaris Lymnaea peregra Lymnaea truncatula Chydorus sphaericus Simocephalus vetulus Ruppia drepanensis Alona salina Arctodiaptomus salinus Arctodiaptomus wierzejskii Cletocamptus retrogressus “ullals” (freshwater springs) of La Safor wetland, Rodrigo et al. (2001) found lower chlorophyll-a concentrations when light was not limiting (September) than in the remaining wetland (Fig. 5). The ecological stability of those springs is higher than that of other areas of the wetland (Rodrigo et al., 2001). Groundwater upwellings importantly contribute to spatial heterogeneity that drives the species richness recorded in that wetland (128 phytoplankton and 126 zooplankton species; Rodrigo et al., 2003), which is higher than that in other wetlands, such as La Safor, experiencing strong polluting inputs. “Ullals” surrounding Albufera de Valencia lake can be considered as refuges for rare species of zooplankton. Alonso & Miracle (1987) recorded some interesting rotifers and crustaceans in those springs, such as the copepods Eucylops graetieri, Microcylops rubellus major and Horsiella brevicornis, the cladoceran Dunhevedia crassa, and the rotifers Asplachnopus multiceps, A. hyalinus, and Euchlanis dapidula. The species richness of rotifers in Albufera springs is very remarkable, because another study (Miracle et al., 1995) recorded 107 species (see their table 1), including many taxa only known to occur in very restricted geographical areas (Lecane pides, Erignata saggitoides, Dicranophorus hercules, Paradicranophorus hudsoni). Crustacean, dragonfly, molluscan, and plant species indicating distinct flows of groundwater have also been recorded in Central Spain by González-Besteiro (1992), whose recorded biological species enabled her to distinguish between recharge and discharge wetlands, the latter being fed by local or regional (either alkaline or mixed) groundwater flows (Table 5). González-Besteiro’s results are but one outcome of a research line relating biological species and groundwater, which has been explored by the González-Bernáldez school, also providing evidences of that relationship in sandy wetlands of Central and Southwestern Spain. Long-range groundwater flow (i.e. regional) results in the development of halophytic species, such as Juncus subulatus, Limonium costae, and Suaeda vera, that thrive in sulphate and chloride-rich Duero wetlands; local flows promote community compositions rich in glycophytic (Mentha suaveolens, Juncus inflexus, Poa trivialis) and alkalinophytic plants (Festuca arundinacea, Juncus acutus, J. gerardi) (Rey-Benayas et al., 1990). Furthermore, the depth of the hydraulic head and groundwater chemistry interact to produce four different plant communities in discharge wetlands of the Doñana National Park: 1st) higher mineralized discharges (conductivity > 1500 µS cm-1) are related with Tamarix canariensis and Juncus acutus; 2nd) mid-mineralized discharges (conductivity ≈ 500 µS cm-1) promote Scirpus holoschoenus and Juncus maritimus growth; 3rd) mid-mineralized, chloride-rich discharges are indicated by Juncus acutiflorus and J. effusus; and 4th) lower mineralized inflows Limnetica 25(1-2)02 116 12/6/06 13:48 Página 116 M. Álvarez-Cobelas Figure 6. Annual cover (vertical bars, left-hand scale) of the two main species of emergent macrophytes in Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park and average flooding area in the previous year (circles, right-hand scale) during the period 1945-2002. Groundwater supply ended in 1986 because of aquifer overexploitation. Data published in Álvarez-Cobelas et al. (2005b). Cobertura anual (barras verticales, escala de la izquierda) de las dos principales especies de macrófitos emergentes en el Parque Nacional Tablas de Daimiel y superficie inundada promedio en el año anterior (círculos, escala de la derecha) durante el periodo 1945-2002. Dejó de haber aportes de aguas subterráneas en 1986 debido a la sobreexplotación del acuífero. Datos publicados en Álvarez-Cobelas et al. (2005b). (conductivity < 300 µS cm-1) result in two distinct plant communities mediated by the depth of the water table (Muñoz-Reinoso, 1995). The outstanding, albeit delayed, effects of groundwater discharge into surface wetlands could be supported by the counterexample of Las Tablas de Daimiel wetland. When the underlying aquifer contributed waters for wetland flooding, the dominant emergent vegetation was comprised by the cut-sedge Cladium mariscus, whereas this plant dominance was substitut- ed by the reed Phragmites australis once that groundwater effect was over (Fig. 6; ÁlvarezCobelas et al., 2005b). Groundwater flooding provided longer hydroperiod and less fluctuating hydrolevels for many areas of the wetland that partly benefited Cladium. Later, the cover extent of that plant greatly diminished, being substituted by Phragmites, much better adapted to the higher water fluctuations that arose when groundwater supply was discontinued as a result of aquifer overexploitation by growing irrigation (Álvarez-Cobelas et al., 2001). Bacteria and fish are also suspected to suffer from indirect effects of groundwater inflows. García-Gil et al. (1996) suggest that the differential development of suspended layers pushed upward in different basins of Banyoles Lake by groundwater inflows, change underwater light climate, thus affecting seasonal dynamics of autotrophic sulphur bacteria in each basin. Serra et al. (2002) report that the hydrothermal plume may reduce the vertical habitat suitable for fish, that are restricted to areas above the plume, because suspended silt impairs the light climate that those fish (Perca and Rutilus) need to feed on their preys. FUTURE PROSPECTS The preceding pages have attempted to outline many studies dealing with the effects of groundwater on Spanish limnosystems. Despite its fragmentation, those studies demonstrate that groundwater happens to act upon many different features of aquatic environments, but results are very preliminary as yet. That groundwater and the solutes they transport impinge on surface waters is an obvious outcome of the water cycle. What is not as obvious is the strong tie that groundwater may develop with surface waters in Mediterranean environments (Álvarez-Cobelas et al., 2005a), where rainfall seasonality and frequent unevenness pose very strict limits to surface water availability, but whose limits can be partly circumvented on account of groundwater inflows into limnosystems. This could be another facet of the supply-side ecology that Margalef Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 117 Groundwater-mediated limnology in Spain (1980: 191) advocated when he talked about “external energy”. Turbulent flow is of course external or “exosomatic”, as he has later coined, but solutes and materials transported by groundwater can also enhance (or depress) biological productivity in freshwaters (i.e. they are energycontrollers), groundwater itself supplying a suitable environment when surface water is depleted. Anyway, all these contentions are preliminary enough to satisfy our scientific thirst. In its present state most Spanish limnologists work on a very local basis (a given lake, reservoir, stream or wetland), whereas most Spanish hydrogeologists work at a regional scale (a more or less large aquifer), and both scales hardly match. However, most Mediterranean limnosystems are very small, their basins having a paramount influence on their ecology (ÁAlvarez-Cobelas et al., 2005a). Spanish limnological studies on basin effects, that obviously include groundwater effects as I have already shown, are very scarce. Also, groundwater effects happen to be dictated by the hydraulic head field in the surroundings of the studied limnosystem, often implying the interplay of regional and local groundwater flows (Winter, 1999). It is then time both, for Spanish limnologists to gain a landscape approach and for Spanish hydrogeologists to gain a local focus. Another drawback for improving such a relationship is the expensiveness of some hydrogeological techniques. In order to study the groundwater field surrounding a given lake or wetland, it is necessary to have nested piezometers around it, but these devices exist very infrequently and are expensive to build. In sandy basins they can be profitably substituted by hand-operated piezometers that are reasonably cheaper (Winter et al., 1988), but in calcareous basins environmental managers (because many valuable limnosystems occur in environmentally-protected areas) must deal with the expenses needed to build piezometers in numbers enough to cover the whole local area to be surveyed. The superposition of regional and local flow systems associated with surface water bodies results in complex interactions between groundwater and surface water and climate in all land- 117 scapes, often including effects of limnosystem topographic setting. Such a complexity promotes very different patterns of water and solute transport into and out of the limnosystems, impinging on water renewal and exchange of materials. Those processes have been documented in glacial, dune, coastal, karst, and alluvial environments of U.S.A. (Winter, 1999), but none in Spain, despite some obvious similarities of local climate and geological substrate. Among the many features resulting from the connection of limnetic and groundwater environments in Spain that have not been explored as yet, are the responses of limnosystems to transient conditions of local and regional groundwater flow. Such as the effects of transpiration of emergent vegetation on the transport of groundwater solutes into playa lakes; the effects of changing aquifer geometry (3-D values of transmissivity and permeability) on limnosystem functioning; the effects of short, middle and long-term (including those of climate change) variability of rainfall in aquifer recharge from and discharge into limnosystems; the effects of man-made impacts on aquifer quantity and quality of water that may affect limnosystems later; and many more. Some of them are specifically known from other places (Winter, 1999; Winter & Rosenberry, 1995; Webster et al., 1996;; others have even been modeled (Nield et al., 1994; Smith & Townley, 2002), but most of this knowledge has been achieved in cold temperate areas of the world, quite different from Spanish ones. It is clear that the advancement of groundwater-mediated limnology in Spain should rely on the match between landscape-oriented limnology and site-oriented hydrogeology that must result in updating and expanding Naumann (1932) and Margalef (1951) ideas of regional limnology. There is a world ahead to be gained. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The life and work of Ramón Margalef has always been an inspiration to me. His very talented scientific endeavors and pursuits in very Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 118 13:48 Página 118 M. Álvarez-Cobelas hard times for the ever-lasting illiterate Spain have always been very encouraging and, not having been one of his students, I owe my dedication to limnology to one of his papers published in Jano: Medicina y Humanidades (a Spanish Medicine Journal) sometime in the seventies. This overview is an outcome of my interaction with some Spanish botanists, limnologists and hydrogeologists over time, such as Santos Cirujano (Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid, CSIC), Carmen Rojo and María Antonia Rodrigo (Instituto Cavanilles de Biodiversidad, Univ. Valencia), Youssef Himi (Spanish Ministry of Home Affairs) and Esperanza Montero (Dept. Geodinámica, Univ. Complutense de Madrid), and it is a pleasure to acknowledge them the countless hours of talking about anything, even groundwater-mediated limnology. Juan Soria (Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar), Javier Vidal (Univ. Girona), Carmen Rojo, María Antonia Rodrigo and José Barquín (Univ. Cantabria) have sent me papers and information. Carmen Rojo read carefully a preliminary draft of the manuscript. And last but not least, María Antonia Rodrigo translated the abstract into Catalan, as an homage to Ramón Margalef native language. REFERENCES ALONSO, M. T. & M. R. MIRACLE. 1987. 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ISSN: 0213-8409 A functional approach to the ecology of Atlantic Basque streams Arturo Elosegi1, Ana Basaguren2 & Jesús Pozo3 Department of Plant Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of the Basque Country, POBox 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain e-mail:,, ABSTRACT Most research on stream ecology is focused on structural characteristics of stream ecosystems, while less effort is being dedicated to the study of their functional attributes. The laboratory of stream ecology, at the University of the Basque Country, has been researching streams from an ecosystem perspective, including both structural and functional properties. Here we review the research done so far. Basque streams running to the Atlantic Ocean are short, steep, and flashy, and tend to show large spatial variations as a result of changes in geology and soil use. Where they exist, riparian forests limit the growth of primary producers and are a source of coarse particulate organic matter, an important food resource for consumers. The trophic structure of benthic macroinvertebrate communities changes downstream with resource abundance, although temporal variations of both resources and consumers are not coupled. Gut content analyses show the diet of some species to change with instar development, and thus, warn against the indiscriminate assignation of trophic categories. Floods are important disturbances, affecting primary producers, consumers, and ecosystem processes. Other important disturbances are changes in riparian vegetation, which can profoundly affect the food resources of stream communities. This basic knowledge has been used to develop new tools to assess stream functional impairment, based in two pivotal functions: litter breakdown and whole stream metabolism. Both eutrophication and changes in riparian vegetation affect the use of leaf litter, and thus impact stream functioning making litter breakdown a promising tool for stream monitoring. On the other hand, whole stream metabolism is affected by many human impacts, and can be measured continuously in modern gauging stations, thus allowing for almost real-time monitoring of ecosystem functioning. We hope these and other functional properties will be built into routine monitoring schemes, which will therefore look at both the structural and functional sides of stream ecosystems. Keywords: Basque streams, structural and functional properties, leaf breakdown and metabolism processes. RESUMEN La mayor parte de los trabajos sobre ecología de ríos se ha centrado en características estructurales, y se ha dedicado menos esfuerzo a estudiar los atributos funcionales de los ecosistemas fluviales. El laboratorio de ecología de ríos, en la Universidad del País Vasco, ha estado estudiando arroyos desde una perspectiva ecosistémica, incluyendo propiedades estructurales y funcionales, y mostramos aquí una revisión de los trabajos llevados a cabo. Los ríos vascos que drenan al Océano Atlántico son cortos, de fuerte pendiente, y torrenciales, y tienden a mostrar fuertes variaciones espaciales a consecuencia de cambios en geología y usos del suelo. Cuando existen, los bosques riparios limitan la capacidad de crecimiento de los productores primarios, y son fuente de materia orgánica particulada gruesa, un importante recurso alimentario para los consumidores. La estructura trófica de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentónicos cambia aguas abajo con la abundancia de recursos, aunque las variaciones temporales de recursos y consumidores no están sincronizadas. El análisis de contenidos digestivos muestra que la dieta de algunas especies cambia con el grado de desarrollo larvario, y en consecuencia, previene contra la asignación indiscriminada de categorías tróficas. Las riadas son perturbaciones importantes que afectan tanto a productores primarios como a consumidores, o a procesos a nivel de ecosistema. Otras perturbaciones importantes son los cambios en la vegetación riparia, que pueden afectar profundamente los recursos alimentarios de las comunidades fluviales. Este conocimiento básico se ha utilizado para desarrollar nuevas herramientas de evaluación del estado de los ríos, basadas en dos funciones claves: la descomposición de hojarasca y el metabolismo del río. Tanto la eutrofización como los cambios en la vegetación de ribera afectan el uso de la hojarasca y, por tanto, impactan en el funcionamiento del ecosistema, lo que hace de la descomposición de hojarasca una herramienta prometedora para el seguimiento de los ríos. Por otra parte, el metabolismo del ecosistema fluvial es afectado por muchos impactos humanos, y puede ser medido en continuo en estaciones de aforo modernas, lo que permite seguir el funcionamiento del ecosistema casi a tiempo real. Esperamos que estas y otras propiedades funcionales se integrarán en los protocolos de seguimiento rutinario, que así tendrán en cuenta tanto el lado estructural como el funcional de los ecosistemas fluviales. Palabras clave: Ríos vascos, propiedades estructurales, propiedades funcionales, descomposición de hojarasca, metabolismo. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 124 13:48 Página 124 Elosegi et al. INTRODUCTION For many years, research on stream ecology has focused mainly on the structural characteristics of ecosystems , like water chemistry, physical habitat or abundance, and structure of biotic communities (Plafkin et al., 1989; Rosenberg & Resh, 1992; Rosgen, 1996; Fairweather, 1999; Maddock, 1999). In contrast, functional attributes of stream ecosystems received less attention, and were often inferred from structural characteristics, like the widespread use of invertebrate functional feeding groups (Merritt & Cummins, 1996) to indirectly gather information on stream function (e.g. Rawer-Jost et al., 2000). This bias toward ecosystem structure and neglect of ecosystem function is reflected in most streammonitoring studies. These studies are typically based on biotic or other structural indices, or in the case of indices of biotic integrity (IBI, Karr, 1981), infer stream dysfunctions from structural attributes of fish or invertebrate communities. Even the European Water Framework Directive (WFD, 2000/60/EC), the most recent and ecologically sound framework for Community action in water policy for protection and restoration of aquatic ecosystems, relies heavily on structural stream characteristics, probably because standard functional metrics are still lacking. However, some effects of disturbances could go unnoticed if only community composition is measured, especially those resulting in longterm responses in the ecosystems. According to Young et al. (2004), including functional indicators together with structural variables for regular monitoring of river health has several advantages: Firstly, the evaluation of both structural and functional components of an ecosystem gives a wider and more complete view of ecosystem health. Secondly, functional variables give a true measure of ecosystem integral status. As an example, leaf litter decomposition is influenced by hydrology, water temperature, nutrient concentrations, etc., and many kinds of organisms are involved (e.g., bacteria, fungi, invertebrates, fishes). The group of Stream Ecology at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of the Figure 1. Climate diagram of San Sebastian for the period 1992-2003. Data from Eustat ( Diagrama climático de San Sebastián para el periodo 1992-2003. Datos de Eustat ( Basque Country, is researching streams in the Basque Country and Cantabria from an ecosystem perspective since 1988. Our main goal is to know the basic structure and function of streams running to the Gulf of Biscay, and how they are affected by human activities in the basin. Here we review some of the functional characteristics of these streams, with special emphasis on the transport and processing of materials and on production. PHYSICAL SETTING The Basque mountains are relatively low (highest elevations ca. 1500 m.-a.s.l.) and are composed of sedimentary rocks of Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary age (reefal limestone, sandstones and marls), along with some granitic, basaltic, and metamorphic outcrops, uplifted during the Pyrenean Orogeny. They are very close to the coast and thus, valleys are narrow, and rivers short (ca. 40 km), steep, and straight. The climate of the whole area is under the influence of the Atlantic Ocean, and therefore, is relatively mild and humid (Fig. 1). A twofold gradient in rainfall is usually observed: a southward increase in rainfall as the moist oceanic air rises over the mountain slopes, and superimposed, an eastward increase toward the corner of the Gulf of Biscay. As a result, average annual rainfall ranges from below 1500 mm in the area of Bilbao to over Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 125 Ecology of Atlantic Basque streams Figure 2. Weekly solar irradiation at Ordizia during 2003. Open: measured data. Closed: estimated irradiation under a closed canopy. Shaded area represents the period when the forest has leaves. Irradiacion solar semanal en Ordizia durante 2003. Open: datos medidos. Closed: irradiación estimada bajo un dosel cerrado. El área sombreada representa el periodo en que el bosque tiene hojas. 3000 mm in the mountains near the east end of Guipuscoa (Anonimous, 1995). Irradiance shows the typical pattern of mid latitudes, but is much affected by weather (Fig. 2). As a result of heavy rainfall and short, steep valleys Basque streams are quite flashy (Fig. 3). Around 1.8 million people live in this area (density = 400/km2), mainly in cities. Both heavy (steel and paper factories) and light industry (machine-tool, car components) are abundant in one of the most industrialised Spanish regions. Most rural areas are covered by intensive tree plantations of Monterey pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) and blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.), harvested in short rotations with heavy machinery. Native forests consist mainly of beech forests on the wet uplands; some oak stands on the lowlands, and some holm oak forests on karstic outcrops. There are also a number of farms and dairies, most of them growing cattle and sheep. As a result of all these activities in such a small territory, most streams were severely polluted after the mid 20th-century. Over the last 20 years, clean production systems and domestic and industrial water treatment plants have been implemented in most basins, resulting in a significant improvement of water quality (Arluziaga, 2002). 125 Figure 3. Hydrograph of the Agüera stream in a wet and in a dry year. The stippled line marks the level of bed-moving floods according to Elósegui & Pozo (1998). Hidrograma del río Agüera en un año húmedo y otro seco. La línea discontinua marca el nivel de las riadas que remueven el sedimento según Elósegui & Pozo (1998). Nowadays, some rivers are still severely degraded, whereas others have recovered and have been chosen for reintroduction programs, as it is the case of salmon (Galera & Antón, 2001). Apart from chemical pollution, many Basque streams are severely affected by canalisation and degradation of river margins and floodplains (Basque Government, 2003). THE AGÜERA AS A MODEL STREAM The Agüera, a stream at the border between Biscay and Cantabria, has been studied over the last 17 years by the group of Stream Ecology at the University of the Basque Country. It is a relatively well-preserved stream and thus, well suited as a model for the natural functioning of Basque streams (Elosegi et al., 2002). In the Agüera, large spatial variations in water chemistry reflect changes in geology and soil uses, and from a temporal perspective, seasonality is relatively small, main changes being related to relatively unpredictable floods, or to diel variations (Elósegui & Pozo, 1994; Elósegui et al., 1997). Riparian forests are present along most of the Agüera stream, with the exception of some rea- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 126 12/6/06 13:48 Página 126 Elosegi et al. Figure 4. Mass-balance of water (top) and dissolved phosphorus (bottom) along the Agüera stream on July 10, 1990. Numbers are sampling sites along the stream axis; vertical bars from the top represent inputs from the tributaries, and arrows on the bottom represent the net balance of other inputs and outputs. In the case of water, inputs are mainly groundwater. In the case of phosphorus, most inputs come from sewers, and outputs reflect in-stream nutrient withdrawal (self-purification). Note the differences between both variables, and the important retention of phosphorus in the mid reaches of the Agüera stream. Balance de masas de agua (arriba) y fósforo disuelto (abajo) a lo largo del río Agüera el 10 de julio de 1990. Los números representan estaciones de muestreo a lo largo del eje principal, las barras verticales de arriba la contribución de los afluentes, y las flechas de abajo el balance neto de otras entradas y salidas. En el caso del agua las entradas son fundamentalmente de agua subterránea. En el caso del fósforo, la mayor parte de las entradas proviene de colectores, y las salidas reflejan la retirada de fósforo en el cauce (autodepuración). Observense las diferencias entre ambas variables, y la importante retención de fósforo en tramos intermedios del Agüera. ches close to villages (Elosegui, 1992). Therefore, periphytic biomass tends to be low except at open reaches affected by sewage water, where primary production can be high in long periods of base-flow (Elosegui & Pozo, 1998). Izagirre & Elosegi (2005) showed that at closed reaches the cycle of growth and abscission of riparian tree leaves control periphytic biomass, whereas discharge is the main temporal controller at open ones. As a result of contrasting rainfall patterns, inter-annual differences can be very large. In periods of large periphytic biomass, mid reaches of the Agüera stream can be highly retentive (Fig. 4), thus resulting in active selfpurification (Elosegui et al., 1995). One important food source for consumers in forested streams, as is the present case, is allochthonous organic matter that enters the stream as coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM), fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) or dissolved organic matter (DOM). Both FPOM and DOM are also good indicators of intermediate disturbances and recovery in streams of the basin (Pozo et al., 1994; González & Pozo, 1995). Invertebrate communities tend to change their trophic structure along the main reach as a result of changes in resource abundance. Shredders and gatherers dominate the headwaters, and gatherers or scrapers, depending on shading and organic pollution, dominate the mid reaches (Riaño et al., 1993; Basaguren et al., 1996; González et al., 2003a). Nevertheless, the trophic structure of benthic invertebrate communities also changes throughout the year because of floods (Basaguren et al., 1996). From a trophic point of view, strict specialist invertebrates are rare. Gut content analyses indicate changes in diets with development, the main food in early instars being fine detritus, while other food types increased in importance in more developed instars (Riaño, 1998; Basaguren et al., 2002, Fig. 5). Thus, the grouping of all individuals of a population into a single trophic category might result in an oversimplification leading to imprecise trophic characterisation of the community (Basaguren et al., 2002). On the other hand, density and biomass of macroinvertebrates increase from headwaters to low reaches (Riaño et al., Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 127 Ecology of Atlantic Basque streams Figure 5. Changes in diet with instar development of Hydropsyche siltalai in the Agüera stream. Further information in Basaguren et al. (2002). Cambios de la dieta con el desarrollo larvario de Hydropsyche siltalai en el río Agüera. Más información en Basaguren et al. (2002). 1993; Basaguren et al., 1996; González et al., 2003a), and communities tend to be most diverse at mid and low reaches of the Agüera stream (González et al., 2003a). The frequency, timing, and intensity of floods in such a flashy stream can have strong effects on benthic community resistance (Imbert et al., 2005). A comparison of the taxonomic structure of winter invertebrates at several sites during several years showed large inter-annual variability (Fig. 6), with floods being an important factor in controlling temporal changes of benthic invertebrates. This fact, together with the small seasonality, would explain the low synchrony of invertebrate biological cycles in the Agüera stream (Basaguren et al., 2002; González et al., 2003b). Annual production of invertebrate species studied in the Agüera system fell well inside the values reported in the bibliography, and spatial patterns on production are mainly determined by in situ biomass (González et al., 2003 b, c). As mentioned before, riparian forests cover most reaches of the Agüera stream, and therefore, the dynamics of allochthonous organic inputs are of great importance to the ecosystem. In the Agüera basin indigenous deciduous species coexist with vast plantations of exotic species (pine and eucalyptus), thus making it an ideal setting to assess the impact of vegetation changes on stream ecology. Eucalyptus plantations change the timing of litter inputs, which tend to peak in 127 Figure 6. Structural similarity of winter invertebrate communities. Cuchillo, Salderrey, and Jornillo are 1st-order streams surrounded by deciduous forests; Jerguerón and Peñalar, 1storder streams surrounded by eucalyptus plantations; and Agüera 7 and Agüera 9, 3rd-order reaches with mixed vegetation. Riparian vegetation does not seem to affect the taxonomic structure of macroinvertebrate communities. Note that large inter-annual variability makes a reach more similar to another reach sampled the same year than to itself sampled in different years. Similaridad estructural de las comunidades invernales de macroinvertebrados bentónicos. Cuchillo, Salderrey y Jornillo son arroyos de orden 1 rodeados de bosques caducifolios, Jerguerón y Peñalar arroyos de orden 1 rodeados de plantaciones de eucaliptos, y Agüera 7 y Agüera 9 tramos de orden 3 y vegetación mixta. La vegetación de ribera no parece afectar a la estructura taxonómica de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados. Observese que la fuerte variabilidad interanual hace que un tramo sea más similar a otro muestreado el mismo año que a sí mismo en años diferentes. summer, unlike in the deciduous forests, and, because summer low flows do not scour leaves downstream, they increase benthic storage of coarse particulate organic matter (Pozo et al., 1997; Molinero & Pozo, 2004), which may facilitate its use by consumers and decomposers. However, because of its toxic oil glands, eucalyptus leaves are a poor resource for large streams detritivores (Canhoto & Graça, 1999), and could therefore affect stream invertebrate communities. Furthermore, because eucalyptus plantations are harvested in extremely short rotation times, the impact of logging and road-building operations can also severely affect streams in areas where eucalyptus is abundant (Graça et al., 2002). Most results on leaf litter decomposition processes in the Agüera stream have been already reviewed in a former work (Elosegi et al., 2002). In short, among the deciduous species, Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner is processed faster than other species in the region such as Quercus robur L. or Castanea sativa Miller (Molinero et al., 1996; Pozo et al., 1998), a Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 128 128 Elosegi et al. consequence of its higher quality (i.e. nutrient content) and soft texture (Pozo 1993; Molinero et al., 1996; Molinero & Pozo 2002). On the other hand, decomposition of the exotic Eucalyptus globulus can be fast if dissolved nutrients, particularly phosphorus, are high, although leaf colonisation by decomposers (e.g. fungi) and detritivores (e.g. macroinvertebrates) can be delayed with respect to alder leaves (Basaguren & Pozo 1994). So, the impact of eucalyptus plantations on stream communities is far from clear. New essays on this matter focus on applied science, aiming to design a tool for the assessment of stream ecological status based on litter decomposition. Some of the results are mentioned below. EXPANDING THE MODEL: NEW APPROACHES IN STREAM MONITORING Structure and function are the two sides of the ecosystem coin, and both are necessary to keep healthy ecosystems. Until now, most studies that monitored stream health relied heavily on structural components of the ecosystem. Recently there has been an awareness of the need to incorporate functional components into stream monitoring (Gessner & Chauvet 2002; Young et al., 2004). The group of Stream Ecology has been recently involved in two projects aiming to develop functional tools to be included in stream monitoring. These projects are called RIVFUNCTION and METATOOL. RIVFUNCTION ( rivfunction/) was a project funded by the EU, involving 12 partners in 9 European countries, from Portugal to Sweden, and from Ireland to Romania. Its goals were to develop and disseminate a methodology based on litter breakdown to assess stream functional impairment. Litter breakdown is a pivotal function in stream ecosystems, as they are highly dependent on allochthonous organic inputs; furthermore, litter breakdown is sensitive to many stressors such as eutrophication, pollution, acidification, or changes in riparian vegetation, and the relatively easy and cheap measurements make it a good potential candidate for a monitoring tool. RIVFUNCTION focused on two kinds of impacts that could affect stream function: changes in riparian vegetation and eutrophication, which can differ from country to country. To study the impact of changes in riparian vegetation, we selected 5 site pairs with similar chemistry but contrasting riparian vegetation (deciduous forests vs. eucalyptus plantations), and to assess the impact of eutrophication on litter breakdown, we selected 5 site pairs similar in size and water chemistry but differing in nutrient status. During October and November of 2002, freshly-fallen alder leaves were picked in the field, air dried, and 5.00 ± 0.25 g of leaves were enclosed in coarse (10 mm) and fine (0.5 mm) mesh bags, and incubated in the streams from December 10th, 2002 to January 10th, 2003 (vegetation series), and from December 27th, 2002 to January 24th, 2003 (eutrophication series). The end of these experiments was established at the time when an estimated loss of 50 % of the material in coarse bags was reached at the reference sites. The remaining material was given in terms of ash-free dry mass (AFDM, 550 ºC, 4 h). Results showed that at nutrient-enriched sites microbial decomposition is enhanced, but invertebrate consumption is not; on the other hand, eucalyptus plantations slow down invertebrate breakdown, but do not have a significant effect on the role of microbes (Fig. 7). Thus, leaf breakdown is a process sensitive to anthropogenic impacts on streams, but before using it to assess stream functional integrity, target values of loss rates must be defined in a broad variety of reference environmental conditions. METATOOL (METAbolism and periphyton of Cantabrian streams: a TOOL to assess the state of river ecosystems) is a project funded by the Spanish Department of Science and Technology, with researchers from the University of the Basque Country. Its objectives are to measure primary production and respiration of Basque streams, to study periphytic communities and their role in stream metabolism, to identify environmental factors governing metabolism, and to create a software to calculate metabolism auto- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 129 Ecology of Atlantic Basque streams 129 Figure 7. Ash-free dry mass remaining in alder litterbags after 4 weeks of exposure. Reference (R) streams are in grey, impacted streams (I) in black, and asterisks mark significant differences. Left, coarse mesh bags; right, fine mesh bags. Masa seca libre de cenizas remanente en bolsas de hojarasca de aliso tras 4 semanas de exposición. Arroyos de referencia (R) en gris, impactados (I) en negro. Los asteriscos marcan diferencias significativas. Izquierda, bolsas de malla gruesa, derecha, bolsas de malla fina. matically from continuous oxygen monitoring. The Governments of the provinces of Biscay and Guipuscoa are involved in this project, as they are responsible of the so-called hydrometheorological net, consisting in a series of dischargegauging stations where several physical and chemical parameters are monitored continuously. From continuous data on discharge, water temperature, and dissolved oxygen, we calculate whole ecosystem metabolism with the single station method (Odum, 1956), the re-aeration coefficient being calculated by the nighttime method by Hornberger & Kelly (1975). These calculations are performed with RIVERMET©, an Excel-based software created for that purpose (Izagirre et al., in press), which can be freely downloaded at Channel geomorphology is described from transversal transects, where total channel width and entrenchment, water depth, substrate category (silt, sand, gravel, pebble, cobble, boulder or bedrock), canopy cover (vertical projection), and water velocity at mid-depth (A.OTT Kempten Z30 current meter) are measured. Additionally, we measure bank and thalweg slope with a clinometer (Silva clino master) and a laser-beam level, and estimated changes in depth, wetted channel width, and water velocity resulting from changes in discharge with hydraulic modelling software HecRas 2.2. Results show that there are large differences in periphytic biomass in Basque streams, summer maxima ranging from below 2 to almost 200 gAFDM/m2 (Fig. 8). Periphyton is especially abundant at the mid and low reaches of the Oria stream, but its biomass shows no significant correlation to stream metabolism. Summer gross primary production in Basque streams ranges from negligible to almost 20 gO2/m2d, and respiration to 35 gO2/m2d. All Basque streams seem to be heterotrophic most of the time, and both gross primary production and ecosystem respiration are clearly related to the ecological status of the reach (Izagirre et al., in prep.). Nevertheless, stream metabolism shows high temporal variability, as it is strongly affected by floods, by changes in insolation, as well as by increases in water turbidity, which can often occur due to human activities. Thus, whole stream metabolism offers a powerful tool Limnetica 25(1-2)02 130 12/6/06 13:48 Página 130 Elosegi et al. to assess stream function continuously, but some care must be taken in order to discern natural variability from human impacts. BEYOND THE MODEL: HOT TOPICS IN MANAGEMENT OF BASQUE STREAMS Basic knowledge on the functioning of ecosystems is essential to improve the management and status of our environment. Here we briefly discuss some topics drawn from the research so far done in Basque streams, that have potential implications for environmental management. One of the aspects emerging from our studies is the high variability of the Agüera, and by extension, of Basque streams. Several sources of variability interact in complex patterns, and affect the different variables in a distinct way. Thus, all characteristics of stream ecosystems, from water chemistry to invertebrate production, are subject to large changes, at temporal scales that can range from diel to inter-annual. This variability makes it difficult to characterise streams and to measure their response to any environmental stress. Although it is a well-known fact, it has not been incorporated into monitoring studies as much as it should (Elosegui et al., 1997). Streams are metabolically active reactors, not mere conduits. Riparian and in-channel nutrient withdrawal can be among the most important services rendered by streams in the future, as the costs of ever greater reduction of nutrient loads into streams rise sharply. Thus, it is necessary to gain insight into the stream characteristics that control retention capacity. There has been extensive research on the role of riparian forests on nutrient retention (Haycock et al., 1993; Sabater et al., 2003), but no guidelines exist as to the extent, characteristics, and management these forests should have in Basque streams. On the other hand, there is less knowledge on the factors governing in-channel nutrient retention, and especially, on how to optimise it. Our studies also highlighted the important role of in-stream woody debris structuring the channel, creating habitats and retaining sediments and organic matter (Díez et al., 2000), and being a source of nutrients and energy (Díez et al., 2002). This role was pretty well known in the American Northwest, but much less evidence existed of its importance elsewhere, and in particular in European streams. Streams have been devoid of large wood during centuries, and strategies to enhance the amount and role of wood on stream function are necessary to restore streams (Kail & Hering, 2005). The existing literature shows that wood is always important, even in reaches where it is extremely rare (Elosegi & Johnson, 2003), and therefore efforts should be made to introduce it where it is absent. This should obviously be made with caution, as floating wood can block or damage bridges and other structures. Furthermore, people tend to perceive dead wood as an undesired feature of stream channels (Piégay et al., 2005), so any management activity meant to raise the amount of wood in streams should also target public awareness. Our work on organic matter stressed the role of riparian forests on many aspects of stream ecology, as well as some important characteristics of these forests, like species composition and size structure. For example, the retention rate of alder leaves is higher than the rates of other tree species (Larrañaga et al., 2003), which may have implications when alders are removed from riparian areas. Furthermore, the loss of alder trees can reduce the storage of benthic particulated organic nitrogen (Molinero & Pozo, 2002, 2004). Nevertheless, there is still a long way from our research to management guidelines. Many laws state that it is mandatory to keep riparian forests, but they most often give few clues about their characteristics, behind some minimum width, which is hardly based on ecological research. These laws should incorporate concepts like forest diversity, integrity, connectivity, size structure and management, and metrics to evaluate them should be built into methods to assess stream quality. For instance, QBR (Munné et al., 1998), the method to assess the quality of riparian forests most widely used in Spain, and also applied to Basque streams (Basque Government, 2003), totally neglects important aspects of riparian forest ecology, like Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 131 Ecology of Atlantic Basque streams 131 Figure 8. Periphytic biomass (top), gross primary production (mid) and ecosystem respiration (bottom) of Basque streams in summer 2003. Biomasa perifítica (arriba), producción primaria bruta (medio) y respiración del ecosistema (abajo) de ríos vascos en verano de 2003. the vigour of seedling growth, even or uneven size- or age-distribution, abundance of dead wood, or presence of snags. Connectivity is important for riparian forests, but also for in-channel communities. Basque streams show high temporal variability, and are subject to frequent disturbances, both natural and artificial. The most frequent natural disturbances are spates, but droughts can also affect small tributaries (Otermin et al., 2002). Artificial disturbances like toxic spills, or siltation from forest clear-cut or highway construction, are also frequent in densely populated areas like the Basque Country. Both natural and artificial disturbances affect stream biota, and the communities can only recover through recolonization, which can be negatively affected by the many barriers present in Basque streams, like dams, polluted areas, or reaches affected by water extraction. The Province Governments of Biscay and Guipuscoa are nowadays making a big effort to build fish ladders, remove non-operating dams, and ensure in-stream flows, but the problem of stream connectivity is far from solved. The sharp decline of some endangered species (e.g., Pyrenean desman, Álvarez et al., 1985; González-Esteban et al., 2003) in a period of improvement of water quality point to the fact that stream habitats are still being degraded, and to the need of considering population dynamics in the whole stream network. In this context of spatial relationships, we must stress the tight relationship between human activities in the basin and stream status. This has been well Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 132 Página 132 Elosegi et al. known for a long time, but its implications are often neglected in real management. Aspects that should be incorporated into landscape planning include restrictions to forestry and roadbuilding activities in sensitive basins (e.g., feeding reservoirs), localisation of farms with large amounts of livestock, effects of impervious areas on basin hydrology, and so on. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The group of Stream Ecology at the University of the Basque Country has been funded through the years with several projects by our university (UPV 118.310-0067/88; UPV 118.310-EA 154/92; UPV 118.310-EA 043/93; UPV 118.310EA 113/95; UPV 118.310-EC 23/97; UPV118.310G14/99; 9/UPV00118.310-14476/2002), by the Basque Government (PIGV 8924), by the Spanish Government (DGICYT PB 92-0459; DGICYT PB 95-0498; DGESIC PB98-0151; MCYT BOS2003-04466), and by the European Union (EVK1-CT-2001-00088). Many people took part in the research, via post-doctoral grants (Bosco Imbert), with doctoral grants (Raúl Bañuelos, Joserra Díez, Javier Galán, Esther González, Jose Manuel González, Oihana Izagirre, Santiago Larrañaga, Aitor Larrañaga, Jon Molinero, Ainhoa Otermin, Pilar Riaño, Joseba Santiago), through MsC Thesis (Xabi Arana, Arantza Arechederra, Lide Aristegi, Txomin Bargos, José Barquín, Ainhoa Beltrán de Nanclares, Elsa Milena Cabrera, Nicola Crosby, Joxemari Gonzalez, Arantzazu López de Luzuriaga, Javier Pérez, Amelia Rubio), as well as many assistant students. Our thanks also to the Confederación Hidrográfica del Norte, Instituto Nacional de Meteorología, Basque Government, and the Province Governments of Biscay and Guipuscoa, for data and support. REFERENCES ÁLVAREZ, J., A. BEA, J. M. FAUS, E. CASTIEN & I. MENDIOLA. 1985. Atlas de los vertebrados continentales de Alava, Vizcaya y Guipúzcoa (excepto Chiroptera). Gobierno Vasco. Vitoria. 336 pp. ANONIMOUS. 1995. 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Nelson, New Zealand. 54 pp. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 135 Limnetica, 25(1-2): 135-142 (2006) The ecology of the Iberian inland waters: Homage to Ramon Margalef © Asociación Española de Limnología, Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 0213-8409 Past, present and future of la Albufera of Valencia Natural Park J. M. Soria García Departament de Microbiologia i Ecologia. Facultat de Ciències Biològiques. Universitat de València. 46100 – Burjassot (Valencia). Spain. E-mail: ABSTRACT The Albufera of Valencia is a highly eutrophied coastal lagoon. Its ecological importance is recognised internationally. The complexity of the system functioning, as well as its location in a highly populated environment (marshland surrounded by rice crops), makes difficult the recovery of the system, in spite of the works carried out by the different organisms. The Department of Environment is developing an integral study to determine which are the necessary performances in order to make possible the sustainable development of the area as well as the conservation of the ecosystem. This and other studies aim to determine the current state of the problem and the necessary main works to solve it. With the current information, and keeping in mind the result of the last evaluation, it is necessary to contribute a bigger volume of water of good quality to the lagoon. This water will maintain the general quality of the lagoon and also, the arrival of the polluting substances will be eliminated. Keywords: Albufera of Valencia, Water management, Eutrophication, Coastal lagoons RESUMEN La Albufera de Valencia es una laguna costera altamente eutrofizada. Su importancia ecológica está reconocida internacionalmente. La complejidad del funcionamiento de este sistema, unida a que está ubicada en un entorno altamente poblado y rodeada de un marjal dedicado al cultivo del arroz, hace difícil la recuperación del mismo a pesar de las acciones en este sentido que realizan los diferentes organismos que tienen competencias sobre la Albufera y su entorno. Para determinar cuáles son las actuaciones necesarias para mantener el desarrollo sostenible de la zona y procurar la mejora del ecosistema, el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente ha encargado recientemente un estudio integral. El fin de este y otros estudios es llegar a conocer el estado actual del problema y sugerir las acciones necesarias para solventarlo. Con la información que se tiene en la actualidad y teniendo en cuenta el resultado de la última evaluación se concluye que es necesario que a la Albufera se le aporte un mayor volumen de agua de buena calidad que será quien mantenga la calidad general del lago y además, se elimine la llegada de las sustancias contaminantes. Palabras clave: Albufera de Valencia, Gestión del agua, Eutrofización, Lagunas costeras INTRODUCTION La Albufera of Valencia is a coastal lagoon placed in the Mediterranean coast line south from Valencia about 7.5 kilometres from Turia river mouth. The lagoon is surrounded by marshlands mainly devoted to rice crops and orchards, scattered country houses and coast line resorts, conforming a stunningly beautiful landscape, under human pressure. The marshland, the lagoon and the sandy dunes that detach the lagoon from the Mediterranean Sea were awarded the category of Natural Park by the Valencian Autonomous Government by decree 89/1986. Since 1990 this natural park has been included among the “international important wetlands” record established by the Ramsar agreement dated February 1971. It was also recognized as a special area for bird protection (ZEPA) since 1991. The set of small subterranean water springs or “ullals” had been protected by decree 96/1995 that gave green light to the “Natural resources management plan” of La Albufera hydrographical basin. This wetland shows a very knotty state, where several interests interact: agriculture, fishing and hunting, the town planning construction, neighbouring villages industrial plans, the tourism pressure, recreational or conservati- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 136 12/6/06 13:48 Página 136 J. M. Soria ves interests, making up a not yet solved problem. The maintenance of natural areas (landscape sites, reserve areas) and water management policy are very controversial matters, as it is currently happening in La Albufera. The goal of this paper is to describe the problem, departing from its roots and summing up the current intervention proposals to improve its situation. METHODS The data about the past and present limnological estate have been drawn both from existing bibliography and studies carried out by the author. The on-coming plans for La Albufera the work made by TYPSA for the Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar (River Júcar Basin Authority) have also been considered (TYPSA, 2005). Figure 1. The Albufera of Valencia Lagoon and the rivers and gullies in the surrounding area. They are indicated the Turia and Jucar river, the Poyo gully and the minor gullies: B, Picassent - Beniparrell; C, Hondo - Tramusser; D. Berenguera y E, Agua – Alginet. ARJ indicates the way of the Royal Channel of the Jucar River. Croquis de La Albufera de Valencia y los cauces naturales en su entorno y su cuenca hidrográfica. Se indican el río Turia y Júcar, el Barranco de Poyo y los barrancos menores: B, Picassent - Beniparrell; C, Hondo – Tramusser; D. Berenguera y E, Agua – Alginet. ARJ indica el trazado de la Acequia Real del Júcar. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 137 The Albufera of Valencia Natural Park The Albufera morphometry The most recent morphometric (TYPSA, 2005) and hydrologic parameters of La Albufera, are the following: Average depth: 0.9 m a.s.l. Lagoon perimeter: 23.9 km Surface of the free water sheet: 22.3 km2 Surface covered by vegetation. 2.0 km2 Water volume: (minimal at 0.0 masl) 17.2 hm3 Water volume (highest ordinary) 27.0 hm3 Basin area: 917 km2 Natural Park area: 211.2 km2 Water contribution volume (2004): 170 hm3 Average water renewal rate (2004): 7.39 times= 49, 5 days. THE HYDRAULIC OPERATION Five natural streams flow into La Albufera lagoon: Poyo-Torrent-Massanassa Gully, Picassent – Beniparrell Gully, Hondo – Tramusser Gully, Berenguera Gully and Agua - Alginet Gully (Fig. 1). Before the expansion of the irrigation in the surrounding shores (until the construction of the second phase of Acequia Real del Júcar and Acequia Mayor in Sueca in XVIII century) the surface waters flowing to the lagoon were scarce. The rivers Turia and Jucar, which were originating the system, did not contribute on an steady basis to its hydric balance, because they only flew into the lagoon in case of flood. La Albufera was receiving the water which was left from the irrigation channels of Favara and Oro (coming from Turia river) The sea connection of La Albufera has been controlled by man in the last centuries throughout the building of artificial channels called “golas”. Prior to XVIII century the lagoon connected with the sea by means of just one 200-m wide “gola”, allowing water flowing in both directions depending on the weather conditions. The water was more or less salty because its broad and scarcely controlled sea channel that allowed the mixing of sea and continental water. This system made possible the fishing use and yielded an important 137 salt crop as well. The lagoon level fluctuations began to be modified in order to allow for bigger catches. For such a purpose the channel would be opened or closed depending on the fish reproductive cycles. By then, rice production was still scant (Rosselló, 1995). Later (XIX and XX centuries) the connections between La Albufera and the sea began to increase. New “golas” were ditched, up to the three which are existing nowadays (Perelló, Perellonet and Pujol Nou). Improvements in the water circulation was the answer to the ancient solid matter sedimentation problem, an expression of the materials dragged by flowing water to the lagoon. That could entail a natural barrage on the water exit to the sea causing catastrophic consequences on the neighbouring crops (property of land owners and nobility). This, together with the need to regulate and manage the flooding periods, brought in the need of taking into consideration the problem of drainage and the widening of the sea connections. Irrigation development increased drastically the incoming of surface water. The expansion of irrigation in the lowlands of Valencia, from Turia river, Jucar river, Acequia Real and Sueca and Cullera Main irrigation channels derived to the lagoon a high amount of fresh water which before flew into the sea, a tendency that has been increasing in the last years. The most representative civil work was the second phase of the “Acequia Real del Júcar” started out in 1767 by the Duke of Hijar and Señor of Sollana for the purpose of irrigating his own land and those of royal property which were at the borders surrounding the lagoon. This channel allowed the transformation on unirrigated areas (those spanning between Magro river and Poyo gully) into irrigated land. New channels were opened along XVIII and XIX centuries in La Ribera Baja (Acequia Mayor of Sueca in 1798) and the Huerta of Valencia (extension of Favara irrigation channels and that from Francos and Marjales towards the lagoon). In all the number of streams flowing into La Albufera multiplied its number by ten in slightly more than a century. As a consequence, agrarian colonisation increased during the XVIII century the lagoon, Limnetica 25(1-2)02 138 12/6/06 13:48 Página 138 J. M. Soria and lead to the expansion of the rice crops. This supposed a spectacular increase in the water intake, the reduction of the lagoon dimensions and the opening of new sea exits. One of the main worries of those who have been in charge of the lagoon management has been the functioning of its hydrologic system, aiming to control the water level needed in the rice crops. The hydrologic management model is reflected in the two entities that embody the conflict between both historical activities linked to La Albufera: fishing and agriculture. On one hand the “Comú de Pescadores de la ciudad de Valencia” put forward the fishing activity as a mean to take advantage of the natural resources, confronting it to the farmer’s aggressions. On the other hand, the “Junta de Desagüe” which took over competences on the hydrological system management and, up to the present day, still controls the “golas” without any environmental sensibility. Nowadays fresh water flows into the lagoon through 64 spots, of which 5 are mouths of its hydrographical basin and the rest are channels which flow into La Albufera, mainly carrying irrigation waters from the fields, as well as urban and industrial outflows. The irrigation waters coming from the Turia system are derived through a channel network from Quart, Mislata, Favara and Oro irrigation channels and its water quality is poor. This is particularly true for the two last ones, which stem from the highly polluted Repartiment reservoir, that receives untreated industrial wastes coming from Paterna and the industrial estate “Fuente del Jarro”. The irrigation waters from the Acequia Real are more relevant and of better quality. Since water contribution to the whole system has been linked to agriculture, the contribution coming from the rivers has been decreasing throughout the last twenty years due to a better water management. The volume of water contribution has been of 280 hm3 in 1988 and 170 hm 3 in 2004. During the severe drought of year 1995 the volume was just 120 hm3 (Soria et al., 2005), being the minimum flow fixed by the Jucar Basin Hydric Management Plan (Plan Hidrológico del Júcar) (CHJ, 1997) of 100 hm3. Another important aspect when studying the hydrological changes produced in La Albufera of Valencia is the urban and industrial development. Both urban and industrial development have been characterized by accelerated growth, producing a chaotic situation that impairs its control and spatial planning. This constitutes a severe problem for the lagoon, because of the high polluting capability of these industries and the lack of wastewater treatment plants. Altogether, 428 123 inhabitants and 206 industries were censed in 1989, which join an unknown number of sources which are pouring untreated toxic waste to municipal sewers (Soria and Vicente, 2002). WATER QUALITY La Albufera is a coastal lagoon characterised by more or less muddy waters, depending on the suspended matter it receives. Due to its shallowness, it had an extraordinary development of emerging aquatic plants; air photographs (1956) and contemporary film documentaries (Anwander, 1957) showed that vegetation covered the largest part of the lagoon surface. This vegetation disappeared in the so called channels or paths used by the boats to sail from port to port. Water quality in La Albufera and its surroundings impaired since the 40’s, with a severe turndown from the 60’s on. In the 70’s aquatic plants had already disappeared, just remaining the reed in the shores. Main causes of this were both urban development and the industrialization of the basin and its surroundings. Between 1970 and 1980 the lagoon shifted from an oligotrophic to an hypertrophic state (Vicente and Miracle, 1992). Nowadays it is an hypertrophic system caused by the excessive intakes of allocthonous organic material and inorganic nutrients, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus compounds (Soria et al., 2002). This causes the overwhelming growing of cyanobacteria all throughout the year (Villena and Romo, 2003). The temporal rain distribution in its basin and the irrigation contributions have effects on the water conductivity (Soria et al., 2000, Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 139 139 The Albufera of Valencia Natural Park Table 1. Limnological variables before (1986–88) and after (1997–2000) sewage diversion from Albufera of Valencia lagoon. Probability values (P) refer to Wilcoxon’s test on monthly means (modified from ROMO et al. 2005).Variables limnológicas antes (1986-88) y después (1997-2000) de la disminución de los vertidos a la Albufera de Valencia. Los valores de probabilidad P se refieren al test realizado sobre las medias mensuales de Wilcoxon (modificado de ROMO et al. 2005). Variable Conductivity (µS cm-1) Average annual temperature (ºC) pH Secchi disc depth (m) Nitrate (mg N l-1) Ammonia (mg N l-1) Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (mg P l-1) Total Phosphorus (mg P l-1) Chlorophyll a (µg l-1) 1986-88 1784 ± 389 18.7 ± 6.9 8.8 ± 0.4 0.21 ± 0.08 0.94 ± 0.61 0.99 ± 1.66 0.17 ± 0.25 0.49 ± 0.2 269 ± 68 2005), but this is mainly affected by the water flow management through the opening and closing of the “golas” floodgates (Soria and Vicente, 2002). Finally, water quality is influenced by both the amount of nutrients and organic matter carried by several channels that produces the eutrophic estate of the system. The substitution of rice crops by more profitable and intensive crops (orchards) are related to the water pollution used to irrigate the fields. These turned out to be true decantation reservoirs (Vicente and Miracle, 1992). The most serious outcome derived from the shift in crops has been the reduction of the marshland (wetland surrounding the lagoon shore) by means of drainage and filling works, thus shrinking the wetlands that confer La Albufera its value as Natural Park. Generally speaking, agrarian transformation meant a highly negative drawback due to agrochemical pollution. Nowadays a better coexistence between agricultural activity and natural values preservation is meant. Therefore, in order to preserve rice crops (which are a cushion area against pollution), several grants have been issued aiming to decrease the pesticide pollution in the lagoon. Moreover, farmers are compensated for hypothetical damage in crops caused by protected birds (Las Provincias, 2004). Erosion is another of the lagoon big issues, since it is fundamentally related to human activity. Different soil classes, forest practices and arsons set up the amount of actual eroded and erodable 1997-2000 1878 ± 306 19.4 ± 6.2 9.0 ± 0.4 0.27 ± 0.15 0.97 ± 1.00 0.81 ± 0.49 <0.01 0.34 ± 0.14 180 ± 53 P Wilcoxon 0.67 0.21 0.05 0.59 0.75 0.78 <0.01 0.03 <0.01 soil. Furthermore, waters in contributing channels carry on a high amount of anthropic sediments and eroded materials. So, all in all, this erosion means a big amount of material which is alien to the lagoon (Sanjaume et al., 1992). La Albufera receives undepurated sewage waters from urban origin, together with those of water treatment plants. Moreover, dumping of highly polluted sewage through gutters occurs mainly under rainy weather. Nowadays, the West Main Sewer dumps sewage through its gutters even in times of dry weather (TYPSA, 2005), and its pumping devices show clear deficiencies (Soria, personal observation). All these contributions have negatively contributed to the trophic quality of the lagoon in the last fifteen years (Romo et al., 2005). Although phosphorus concentration has decreased since the 80’s, nowadays it stands between 0.49 until 0.34 mg P l-1; chlorophyll average stands between 269 µg l-1 until 180 µg l-1 (Table 1). During some clean phases it has gone under 10 µg l-1 for a few days only to restore, also in a short span of time, to the actual average values (Miracle & Sahuquillo, 2002), which are clearly unacceptable to keep the ecosystem quality. Due to the high phytoplankton growth, pH stands at very high levels, seldom below 8.5, being the most frequent values of 9.5, even 10. That raises the rate of a toxic ammonia compound in water in a very dangerous way –mainly for fish– (Blanco et al., 2003). It is not Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 140 13:48 Página 140 J. M. Soria only that the pH contributes to the ammonia compounds balance, but also that high temperatures provoke a rise in the rate of non ionized ammonia in water. Moreover, fluctuations in the dissolved oxygen as a result of the high production make animals more sensible to its toxicity (Vicente & Miracle, 1992). A further consequence of the high micro-algae concentration is the high amount of native organic matter, whose breakdown can not be completed in an aerobic way, so that, as well as producing nightly oxygen shortage in water it remains sedimented organic matter, part of which decomposes in an anaerobic way freeing H2S. BIODIVERSITY Phytoplankton population growth is well described by Villena & Romo (2003a and 2003b). Its main characteristic is the presence of cyanobacteria and chroococcales along with diatoms and chlorophyta. Zooplankton production is very reduced, and the hardly edible phytoplankton is recycled mainly by detritic way. There has been a loss of plankton filtering species capable of regulating the phytoplankton concentration, and consequently also of water quality and transparency. There is a higher contribution of Rotifera nowadays (Oltra et al., 2001). Native fish fauna is composed mainly by sea mullet (Mugil cephallus), sharpnose mullet (Liza aurata), carps , silverside fish and pumpkinseed sunfish (Blanco et al., 2003). In the middle 80’s (1984, 1987) “clear water phases” in which the phytoplankton population drastically decreases was observed by Miracle & Sahuquillo (2002). During 10 to 20 days water appears less muddy and in some spots, the lagoon bottom can even be seen. This phenomenon is produced by a substitution of the usual cyanobacteria plankton by other micro algae (diatoms and others) and the outcome of filter-feeders like Daphnia magna, capable of a very efficient filtration upon the algae population. This period of clear waters is probably related with the flowing of clean waters coming from the rice fields drainage after its initial flooding in January – February. The “clear water phase” does not show a regular pattern, either temporally or spatially in the lagoon. The clear phases are an evidence of the recovering capability of the whole system provided that the quality and quantity of water in the tributary channels improves. Nowadays some 250 bird species find shelter in the park and around 100 of them also reproduce there. The most numerous group during winter are the anatidae, ranging from 40.000 to 60.000 individuals. Worth mentioning is the redcrested pochard (Netta rufina), which attains about 17.000 individuals. Other common anatidae are the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), the pochard (Aythya ferina) and the shoveler (Anas clypeata). Smaller number of individuals are pintails (Anas acuta), wigeons (Anas Penelope) and teals (Anas crecca). Ardeidae, such as grey herons (Ardea cinerea) little egrets (Egretta garzetta) and cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis), are common during the winter and during nestling time attract international attention due to the high number of nests in the area (more than 2500). Significantly, the nestling species in the area of La Albufera ranks among those in the “List of Wetlands of International Importance” following the numerical criteria issued by Ramsar for several bird species, according to Valencian Ornitology Society data (2005). The lagoon fauna (both fish and benthic) have undergone modifications throughout the years, as a result of several actions taken upon the system. Eel and bass have shown sharp decreases, while others are now extinct, such as the endemic “samaruc” Valencia hispanica and “fartet” Aphanius iberus. Other fishes as the loach and the chub are possibly restricted to some channel areas (Blanco et al., 2003). Several endemic species among the invertebrates are now considered extinct: Dugastella valentina and Palaemonetes zariquieyi (known as “gambetes”) and the bivalvia Unio turtoni valentinus (“petxinot”), which can only be found in protected areas (Dugastella valentina and Palaemonetes zariquieyi) and possibly in some irrigation ditches (Unio turtoni valentinus) (Sánchez, 1991). The flora plays an important role within the Park structure, setting up the placement and Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 141 The Albufera of Valencia Natural Park diversity of both bird and fish species living there. Nonetheless in the last years flora diversity has decreased because of the rise of pollution and the building construction along the coast line. Flora biodiversity is now reduced to the presence of riparian in channels irrigation ditches and the lagoon shores: common reed, common cattail, yellow iris, and bulrush. The surface of the lagoon occupied by macrophytes has drastically reduced the former abundance of Myriophyllum, Chara, Ceratophyllum, Potamogeton and Nymphaea alba. Ranunculus aquatilis grows only in rice crops during the flooding period (Sánchez, 1991). Variety and abundance of “clean water” species in the future would be an expression for the wetland water quality improvement. ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN ACCORDING TO THE STUDY OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Some essential actions are planned in the near future in order to improve the ecosystem quality (TYPSA, 2005), aiming to obtain a sensible improvement in 15-20 years time (Phillips, 2005): a) Water. The ideal volume of water flowing into the lagoon should be more than 200 Hm3 of water of good quality (less than 0.1 mg P l-1 phosphorus), in order to prevent euthrophication (Romo et al., 2004). This would mean that contributions to the lagoon should come directly from reservoir waters. This water could be distributed among the rice fields in an ascending way, thus reversing the current flow scheme, later on it could be derived to other basins for agricultural purposes. In this sense the option of sending the amount of water left towards the Vinalopó basin would be highly advisable. The spare waters should be then directed towards the sea. b) Erosion. Lessening the erosion means taking actions such as the reforestation in the watershed, updating agricultural practices, arson control and clear actions leading to recover affected spots. 141 c) Agricultural areas. It would be desirable to obtain higher economic profits derived from rice crops and other varieties, cutting off the fertilizer and pesticide pollution hazards at the same time, taking into account that waters left from the flooding could be used for other agricultural practices. CONCLUSION Regardless of the efforts carried out by National, Regional and Municipal administration to preserve and improve the environmental state of La Albufera, after 20 years of investment and struggle, the eutrophy of the system has been scarcely reduced. Main problem is the west park boundaries urbanization which has overwhelmed the existing infrastructures, plus the slow pace in taking up unavoidable actions and the inappropriate management of flowing waters. To all this we must add the reduction of clean waters contribution coming from irrigation. The achievement of a desirable situation, between mesotrophic and oligotrophic, is only possible if good quality waters, needed to keep the environmental qualities, flow in. Also the arrival of polluting substances directly linked to eutrophy must be cut in short time. The seldom appearance of clear water phases during last years is a manifestation that improvement is possible. BIBLIOGRAPHY ANWANDER, CH. 1957. 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Changes in the phytoplankton of a shallow Mediterranean lagoon (Albufera of Valencia, Spain) after nutrient diversión. Hydrobiologia. 506: 281-287 Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 143 Limnetica, 25(1-2): 143-154 (2006) The ecology of the Iberian inland waters: Homage to Ramon Margalef © Asociación Española de Limnología, Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 0213-8409 Limnology of natural systems for wastewater treatment. Ten years of experiences at the Experimental Field for Low-Cost Sanitation in Mansilla de las Mulas (León, Spain) Eloy Bécares Area de Ecología. Facultad de Biología. Universidad de León. 24071 León. Spain Telf: 987291568 Fax: 987291409, e-mail: ABSTRACT The first experimental field in Spain for low-cost wastewater treatment was constructed in 1998 in Mansilla de las Mulas (León). The project was funded by the Diputación de León and was run scientifically by the Department of Ecology at the University of León until 1999. The objective of the field was to compare performances and to study the biological fundamentals of systems such as constructed wetlands and algal ponds which had been adapted for wastewater treatment in rural areas. The experiences carried out on constructed wetland systems proved that macrophytes had a significant role in the treatment of diluted wastewaters. The role of vegetation varied depending on the technology used, being important for organic matter removal in free water surface systems, whereas plants were only significant for nutrients and faecal bacteria in subsurface flow systems. There were no differences among plant species in the performance of free water surface systems. Algae-based systems such as high rate algal ponds proved to be a highly efficient technology for wastewater disinfection. Studies on decay and inactivation of faecal bacteria and parasites (helmiths and protozoan oocysts) demonstrated for the first time that the physico-chemical conditions created by the algae are powerful mechanisms for pathogen destruction. Wastewater treatment plants are technologically-confined ecosystems in which limnological studies should be further encouraged both examining basic knowledge on natural species and processes and leading to a better understanding of the biological foundations for their design and operation. Key words: wastewater, natural systems, constructed wetlands, high rate algal ponds, macrophytes, algae, nutrients, faecal bacteria, helminths, protozoa. RESUMEN La Universidad de León estableció en 1998 un proyecto de investigación con la Diputación Provincial cuya principal materialización fue la construcción del primer campo experimental en depuración de bajo coste en nuestro país. El objetivo del campo experimental fue el de estudiar, a escala experimental, diferentes procesos de bajo coste, entre ellos los humedales construidos y los lagunajes de alta carga. El presente trabajo resume los principales resultados de las investigaciones realizadas después de diez años de experiencias. Las plantas demostraron tener un papel significativo en humedales que tratan aguas residuales diluidas. Dicho papel fue diferente dependiendo de la tecnología. En sistemas de flujo sub-superficial las plantas demostraron influir significativamente sobre la eliminación de nutrientes y bacterias fecales, sin embargo en sistemas de flujo superficial dicho efecto fue insignificante, siendo sin embargo importante sobre la eliminación de materia orgánica. La especie de planta utilizada demostró no ser una variable importante en el funcionamiento de los sistemas de flujo superficial. Los experimentos realizados en lagunajes de alta carga demostraron que las condiciones físico-químicas creadas en dichos sistemas eran responsables de la inactivación del 50-90 % de los organismos patógenos e indicadores fecales estudiados. Los tratamientos biológicos de aguas residuales deben entenderse como ecosistemas tecnológicamente confinados en los que el conocimiento de su estructura y funcionamiento es aún excesivamente escaso en comparación con la importancia que representan para el medio ambiente. Palabras clave: aguas residuales, sistemas naturales, humedales, lagunajes de alta carga, algas, macrófitos, nutrientes, bacterias fecales, parásitos, protozoos. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 144 13:48 Página 144 E. Bécares INTRODUCTION The biology of wastewater treatment plants is an important aspect of applied limnology. It includes a wide variety of aquatic organisms, from viruses to fishes, and their interactions and processes in relation to the fate and degradation of conventional and industrial water pollutants. Unfortunately, limnologists have paid much less attention to this field than chemical or civil engineers, and even today much of the biological research in this field is not performed by limnologists. Wastewater treatment plants are technicallyconfined ecosystems in which design and operational variables have to be carefully controlled for the adequate selection of the organisms responsible for pollutants removal. Wastewater treatment plants are biotechnological reactors working under the same principles of other reactors (e.g. antibiotics production) with some important differences. First, they are biologically open systems. The continuous input of propagules is an important process for the system. The second aspect is that the quantity and quality of food (i.e. wastewater) is highly variable. Wastewater treatment was also of interest for Ramon Margalef, who described them as “forced ecosystems” in which an intensification of processes occurs with a production in excess of their organisms (Margalef 1983). These systems have contributed to scientific knowledge in important aspects of microbial ecology and taxonomy, for instance of filamentous bacteria, nitrogen and phosphorus biological removal or protozoan ecology and taxonomy (Seviour & Blackall 1999). Wastewater treatment systems can be classified depending on their electric requirements and maintenance costs in one of two types. The “conventional systems” (activated sludge, biofilters) require a substantial number of pumps, aerators or other devices for their functioning. The second types are “low-cost systems” (trickling filters, stabilization ponds, constructed wetlands). In the latter type, minimum electric requirements and maintenance costs are necessary, although a much larger surface is required for their installation. These characteristics make low-cost systems a sustainable option in most rural areas. The re- search on their biological foundations is an important objective for applied limnology. As the scientific coordinator of the activities carried out at the Experimental Field for Low-cost sanitation in Mansilla de las Mulas from 1988 to 1999, here I present the main outcomes of the research carried out by the group during that time. THE EXPERIMENTAL FIELD In 1988 I was asked to propose ideas on how to manage the funds that the Diputación Provincial de León was planning on investing in wastewater treatment studies. The knowledge gained at that time in one of the first masters in Spain on Environmental Engineering at the Cantabria University, the limnological background of the Ecology Department at León University, and the fact that the Diputacion is an administrative body focused on promoting the development of rural areas, gave me the idea of proposing the construction of the experimental field, the first in Spain, to compare performances, economic costs and the biological fundamentals of lowcost wastewater treatment plants. No studies were available at that time on low-cost wastewater treatment systems and specially, on the biological basis of processes occurring in them. The location of the field was decided among villages surrounding the city of León on the following criteria: i) the proximity to the University of León, ii) the availability of a municipal area large enough for construction, iii) the vicinity to the area of a sewage system with enough flow for the experiments, and iv) the absence of industrial or heavily loaded wastewaters. Climatic conditions in León province are a limiting factor for the design of wastewater treatment plant. Low temperatures in winter (mean temperature of the coldest month: 5 ºC) means systems must be larger than in other parts of Spain. Moreover, wastewater is much diluted in our rural areas as a consequence of the deficient construction of sewers and the entrance of water from urban wells. Also, wastewater is recycled for use, either directly from the sewer or indirectly by using water from polluted rivers and streams. Thus, the study of Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 145 Limnology of wastewater treatment 145 Figure 1. A view of the experimental field. High rate algae ponds in the bottom left. Stabilization pond in the middle and pilot tanks for constructed wetlands research on the top. Vista del campo experimental. Lagunajes de alta carga (parte inferior), lagunaje convencional de maduración (centro) y tanques piloto para experimentación con macrófitos acuáticos (parte superior). the use of low-cost systems is warranted. Having in account previous considerations, the systems selected for experimentation fulfilled the following requirements: i) to be low cost systems with regard to operation and management, ii) they should be an adequate technology considering the climatic conditions in León province, iii) they should priorize the study of systems with good pathogen removal efficiency since wastewater reuse is a common practice in rural areas. I outlined the construction project with advice from the Departments of Environmental Engineering at the Universities of Cantabria and Polytechnic University of Barcelona and the Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise. The construction project was finally designed in collaboration with the engineer from the Diputacion, César Roa. I decided first on a macrophytebased system due to the scientific background on aquatic plants available at the Department of Ecology, through the expertise of Drs. Camino and Margarita Fernández-Aláez. The experimental layout was based on that previously built by Radoux (Radoux & Kemp 1982) in Viville (Belgium), and adapted to our particular conditions (Bécares 1989, Bécares et al. 1989). Other pilot-plant systems considered were a conventional facultative pond and a high rate algal pond (Fig. 1). APPLICATION OF CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT Constructed wetlands are based on the use of plants for the treatment of wastewater. Depending on the type of plants, the systems can include submerged plants (limnophytes, e.g. Myriophyllum spp., Ceratophyllum spp.), emergents (helophytes, Typha spp., Scirpus spp., Phragmites spp.) or floating plants (pleustophytes, Lemna spp., Eichhornia spp., Salvinia spp.). Because of the presence of surface water, the systems are classified as free-water surface (FWS) systems, in which a small depth of water (approximately 25-30 cm) is maintained on the top of the soil, or subsurface flow (SSF) when water is a few centimetres below the soil level. According to flow type the systems are classified as horizontal or vertical flow systems. The combination of plant species and flow types has produced different technologies.The most common combine FWS with horizontal flow or SSF with horizontal or vertical flow. Detailed descriptions on these technologies can be found in several books and manuals (Hammer 1989, Moshiri 1993, Reed et al. 1995, Kadlec & Limnetica 25(1-2)02 146 12/6/06 13:48 Página 146 E. Bécares Knight 1996, Vymazal et al. 1998, Young et al. 1998, Kadlec et al. 2000). An up-to-date synthesis on these systems can be found in García J. et al. (2004). The first experiences in Spain on constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment were carried out in Murcia in the 80’s using Phragmites in small tanks (Moreno 1989), followed by our work in Mansilla de las Mulas. At present there are about ten different groups in Spain working on the subject. The experiments conducted by García and collaborators are probably the most widely embracing (e.g. García J. et al. 2003, 2004) Have plants a significant role in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment? The removal of organic and inorganic matter and bacteria from wastewater carried out by macrophytes has been explained through several mechanisms, such as sedimentation, mechanical filtration or nutrient assimilation by plants. Their roots may also serve as substrates for attached bacteria degrading and taking up nutrients and organic carbon (Brix, 1995). The latter process is favoured by oxygen release into the rhizosphere (Gersberg et al., 1986), and by plant exudates (Stengel, 1985). Despite this evidence, there is still controversy about the mechanisms of functioning of macrophytes for wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands. Some researchers have found wastewater treatment is improved in the presence of macrophytes (Rogers et al. 1991, Farahbakhshazad et al. 1995), while other studies have not detected significant differences in treatment results between planted and unplanted systems (Tanner et al., 1995). Nevertheless, comparisons between studies are difficult because they utilize diverse aquatic plant species, wastewaters and flows. One of our first objectives was therefore to test if plants had any significant role under the climatic conditions and wastewater characteristics in the province of León. Experiments were carried out in both FWS and SSF systems. Further details on the experiments and results are available in Ansola (1994) and García (2002). Organic matter and nutrient removal in subsurface flow systems SSF pilot-scale tanks 0.6 m3 in volume and with a surface of 1.1 m2 were planted with Scirpus lacustris growing on siliceous gravel. These systems were compared with treatments in which S. lacustris was grown in hydroponic culture, and with only gravel. The average diameter of gravel was 6 mm, and porosity was calculated as 35 %. Two replicates of each treatment were used and all received the same wastewater. Hydroponic cultures were designed to work under plug-flow hydraulic regime by means of deflectors, and plants were supported using a small roll of garden net of 2 cm pore. Details on the experiments and results are available in Soto et al. (1999a, 1999b, 2000). Organic matter and suspended solids Plants do not take up organic matter but foster the growth of organisms in the rhizosphere which could help on such task (Brix 1994). In our experiments, removal rates for biological oxygen demand (BOD5) and suspended solids (SS) were slightly higher in summer than winter but no statistically significant differences were found when comparing winter/summer or planted/unplanted conditions. In accordance with other authors (Tanner et al. 1995), absence of differences between tanks could be due to two reasons. First, solids (organic matter) accumulate in the first third of the system, mostly at the head of the tanks (Tanner & Sukias 1995). Therefore, efficiency is potentially independent of plant presence. Second, BOD loads were very low, below 3 g/m2 d. Tanner et al. (1995) found this value to be the limit for detecting significant plant effects on BOD removal. Nitrogen. Ammonia A strong positive correlation was found between ammonia surface loading and removal rate (Soto et al. 1999a, 1999b). Removal rate was significantly higher (P<0.05) in planted tanks and also higher in summer than winter. Planted tanks removed 50 % more ammonia than unplanted under winter conditions (0.145 g/m2 d.), and about 63 % Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 147 Limnology of wastewater treatment more in summer conditions (0.297 g/m2 d). This means that plant activity in summer was only responsible for 13 % of the ammonia uptake (i.e. 0.152 g/m2 d), while other mechanisms unrelated to plant uptake but linked to plant presence, were responsible for the rest of the removal observed. Nitrogen. Nitrate Nitrification effectively occurred in both planted and unplanted tanks. Unplanted tanks were marginally more effective than those with plants in the removal of nitrate (differences were not statistically significant). The ratio C:N (as BOD5:TN) was 2.42 in winter, and 3.55 during summer, high enough for denitrification to occur (Radtke, 1995). Nitrogen accumulation by plants was calculated in about 30 % of the TN removed into the planted system, including the N accumulated in submerged parts, while the remaining 70 % was likely removed by the microbial pool and lost through denitrification (Soto et al. 1999a). Phosphorus It is generally accepted that the mechanisms for phosphorus removal are more related to gravel surface processes, such as physical adsorption and chemical precipitation by Ca or Fe (see, for example, Nichols, 1983; Richardson, 1985; Faulkner and Richardson, 1989), than to biological processes, such as uptake by plants and microorganisms. However, and similarly to that found by Faulkner and Richardson (1989), the comparison between planted and unplanted systems showed that the removal rate of reactive phosphorus (SRP) and the removal efficiency were higher in planted than unplanted tanks. According to this, macrophytes were directly involved in the removal of 29 % of TP in winter and 47.3 % in summer (i.e. 0.024 and 0.057 g/m2 d removed, respectively). These differences were statistically significant in summer. The effect of plants in free-water surface flow systems In systems with subsurface water flow, substrate hydraulic conductivity is an important design parameter. Wastewater interacts directly with 147 the rhizosphere, and roots have additional functions apart from being the physical support for the biofilm. Nevertheless, in FWS systems, the hydraulic conductivity of the gravel bed and therefore the role of the rhizosphere is negligible (Kadlec and Knight, 1996). The main role of macrophytes is to provide additional surface for the development of a biofilm on the submerged parts of plants. Comparing planted and unplanted tanks, Ansola et al. (1993, 1995) proved that planted tanks were significantly different from control plots with regards to DBO, COD and total phosphorus, but no differences were found between planted and unplanted tanks with regards to nitrogen forms (ammonia, nitrates, organic nitrogen) nor phosphates. Differences between FWS and SSF in the type of substances removed (nutrients in SSF, organic matter in FWS) are evidence that plants have a passive role in the superficial-flow systems, acting as a physical support for bacterial growth on their submerged leaves and stems. Mechanisms responsible for bacteria removal in constructed wetlands Similarly to previous researches (Gersberg et al. 1990a, Rivera et al. 1995, Tanner et al. 1995, Loveridge et al. 1995), from differences between planted and unplanted systems it can be concluded that macrophytes also play an active role in the removal of microorganisms from wastewater. Rooted biofilms provide a better substrate than gravel surfaces for microbial activity (Loveridge et al. 1995). Constructed wetlands are more efficient than conventional systems in the removal of bacteria but generally less efficient than stabilization ponds (García & Bécares 1997). The comparison of planted and unplanted systems generally showed a higher rates of bacteria removal in the presence of plants, although results were highly variable and were dependent on plant type, hydraulic design and wastewater characteristics (Hammer 1989, Tanner et al. 1995). Several mechanisms have been proposed, and on occasion demonstrated, to be responsible for bacteria removal. Oxygen production and bacte- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 148 12/6/06 13:48 Página 148 E. Bécares rial activity in the rhizosphere (Brix 1987, 1997), sedimentation, filtration and adsorption (Gersberg et al. 1989, Williams et al. 1995) are commonly cited mechanisms in the literature. Decamp & Warren (1998) and Rivera et al. (1995) have pointed bacterivory as a key mechanism in CW, as microfaunal densities and predatory activity were higher in the presence of plants in their experiments. Excretion of antibacterial compounds by plants is another controversial mechanism frequently cited in the literature, but not yet clearly proved. Plants modify the soil microenvironment and probably release substances which enhance the development of specialized bacterial on its rhizosphere (Hatano et al., 1993). Commonly cited papers, such as those by Seidel (1955, 1976), Gopal & Goel (1993), Ottová et al. (1997) and others have not been able to prove a direct effect of plants on bacteria inhibition but have found that plant presence is related to higher bacteria reductions. There is evidence showing that some plants produce secondary metabolites with antibacterial properties (e.g. Dellagreca et al. 2001), although their role in wastewater treatment has still to be proved. An important part of our studies at the Experimental Field were focused on determining and quantifying the mechanisms involved in bacteria and pathogen removal by constructed wetlands. Studies comparing the role of Scirpus lacustris in planted and un-planted subsurface flow tanks (García et al. 1999, Soto et al. 2000) showed that planted tanks were more efficient at removing microbes (up to 99.9 %) than unplanted tanks. There were statistical differences between planted and control conditions (p<0.01) for total coliforms, faecal streptococci and total heterotrophs, and removal rates were higher in summer than winter. Antibacterial activity potentially exerted by plants was not detected by using filtered effluents from planted tanks as dilution water for total bacterial growth in the influent (García et al. 2004). Predation, as a potential mechanism for bacteria removal was also evaluated in these systems (García et al. 2004). Decamp et al. (1999) found a higher ciliate abundance and predatory activity in plan- ted than unplanted gravel wetlands. In our tanks, results showed that the abundances of ciliates and flagellates, the only bacterivorous organisms found, were much lower than reported in other similar systems (Decamp et al. 1999, Panswar and Chavalparit 1997). Differences in abundance in planted and unplanted tank were statistically significant for flagellates but not for ciliates. The presence of plants increased protozoan abundance, which could be another reason for the higher bacteria removal in planted systems (García et al. 2004). Do the plant species matter? It is well known that different plant species have different resource requirements and rates of matter processing. A question here was if there were differences among helophytes with regard to their processing efficiency on nutrients or organic matter pollution. Scirpus lacustris, Typha angustipholia, Iris pseudacorus, Phragmites australis and a control without plants were simultaneously grown in small tanks with surface flow hydraulics. Ansola et al. (1994) did not find differences among plant species for all variables studied with the exception of phosphates for Iris pseudacorus, which presented significantly higher removals compared to Typha and Phragmites. In other experiment (Ansola 1994), compared three-way combinations of plants (Scirpus-Iris-Phragmites, Typha-Iris-Scirpus, Typha-Scirpus-Phragmites) growing in separate tanks. Results showed no differences among combinations of plants for nutrients or organic matter. Concerning faecal indicators and pathogen removal, López & Bécares (1993) found that Scirpus lacustris had higher bacteria removal rates than the aforementioned species, as shown by most faecal indicators used. ALGAE-BASED SYSTEMS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT A high rate algal pond (HRAP) was the algaebased system selected for testing under the aforementioned climatic conditions in León. HRAP Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 149 Limnology of wastewater treatment is a low-cost wastewater treatment system designed to achieve two goals: the secondary treatment of wastewater and the production of algal biomass. The HRAP is a combination of intensified oxidation pond and algal reactor. Algae supply the oxygen needed for the bacterial degradation of organic matter, while bacteria supply mineral compounds excreted to the algae for their nutrition. The HRAP is characterized by shallow depths, mechanical mixing and short residence times, implying smaller surface areas than those of conventional stabilization ponds (Fallowfield & Garret 1985). HRAP systems were first designed for wastewater treatment by Oswald (1963, 1988), and thereinafter were used in other parts of the world. Particulary worthy of notice are the projects by Shelef in Israel (Shelef & Azov, 1987). The first experiences in Spain were carried out in the extinct Centro de Investigaciones del Agua in La Poveda (Arganda del Rey), where studies on algal biomass production were carried out in outdoor pilot plants (Velasco et al. 1988). Studies on this topic continued into the early nineties at the Polithecnic University of Barcelona (UPC; García J., 1996). Our experiences on HRAP systems followed the experimental layout and pilot plant characteristics previously developed at the UPC. The complete description of performances and details on the experiments and their seasonal and diurnal patterns are described in González 1999 and González et al. (1994, 1999, 2000, 2001) and Araki et al. (2000, 2001). Experiments tested several hydraulic detention times (10, 5 and 3 days) under both summer and winter conditions. A water velocity of 15 cm/sec could be achieved in the system by using paddle wheels at a rotational speed of 3 r.p.m. A depth of water of 30 cm was maintained constant during the study. The best results for COD, BOD 5 and solids removal were obtained with a hydraulic detention time of 3 days. Algal populations were dominated by blooms of Monoraphidium contortum followed by Scenedesmus spp. HRAP was therefore considered an adequate system for the wastewater treatment in the León area, being potentially 149 appropriate for the treatment of heavily polluted wastewater such as that from pig farms, which are abundant in the area. The pathogen removal mechanism in algae-systems. The role of physico-chemical conditions Evidence on disease transmission associated with raw wastewater reuse, points most strongly to the helminths and protozoa parasites as the number one problem, with only limited transmission of bacterial and virus disease (Shuval 1991). The very low doses required to produce infection (Boutin 1982), their cosmopolitan distribution and their long persistence in the environment (Feachmen et al, 1983) make these organisms the main problem in wastewater reuse, mainly in rural areas. Because of their tough wall, these parasites are also extremely resistant to disinfection with chlorine, monochloramine and many other chemicals (Campbel et al. 1995, Fayer et al. 1996). In recent years, various studies in different countries have shown that one of the most important waterborne pathogen is Cryptosporidium parvum, a protozoan parasite causing diarroheal disease in a wide range of vertebrates including humans (O’Donoghue 1995). International guidelines strongly recommend the use of low-cost, highly efficient pathogen removal systems for wastewater treatment and stabilization ponds systems are the most efficient for their removal (Schwardzbord et al. 1989, Shuval 1991). High rate algal ponds follow basically the same removal mechanisms than stabilization ponds. Both are highly efficient according to faecal bacteria indicators (García & Bécares 1997). However, the precise mechanisms underlying the removal of parasites in these systems are still unclear (El Hamouri et al. 1994). Several experiments were carried out at the Experimental Field with an aim to discriminating the role of ionic conditions as a mechanism for helminths and protozoa parasites decay, excluding other removal factors like sedimentation or predation. Further details on the experiments and the results obtained are presented in Araki et al. (2000, 2001). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 150 13:48 Página 150 E. Bécares The viability of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and Parascaris equorum eggs were studied in two experimental pilot-scale High Rate Algal ponds (HRAP) working in parallel during hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 3 and 10 days. Semi-permeable bags of cellulose (14000 daltons pore size) were used to determine the effect of the physico-chemical environment on the infectivity of the oocysts. Semi-permeable bags only allow the exchange of small ions and water between the reactor and the eggs. Viability was tested using the method used by Caseres et al. (1987) for helminths and neonatal NMRI mice inoculated intragrastricaly with treated and untreated C. parvum oocysts. Results revealed that inactivation of oocysts by HRAP was higher than in conventional wastewater treatment systems. The HRAP physico-chemical conditions were responsible for more than 97 % of the reduction of infection cases in mice. The lack of differences between the two retention times tested suggests that oocysts lose their infectivity shortly after contact with the water environment. With regard to the helminths, a 60 % reduction in viability was achieved after 4 days exposure to conditions in the HRAP, reaching a 90 % reduction after 10 days. The effect of ions and general osmotic conditions on the viability of nematode eggs under the HRAP water environment was responsible for 50-60 % of egg mortality. This implies that mortality due to the ionic environment in the HRAP could be more important than physical retention and other removal factors potentially involved. CONCLUSIONS Main outcomes after ten years of research can be summarized as follows: i) Plants have a significant effect on wastewater treatment when treating diluted wastewater, and are a necessary element of the treatment system. Nevertheless, their role depends on the type of treatment process. Plants are relevant to nutrient removal but not to that of organic matter in subsurface flow systems, whereas the opposite occurs in freewater surface systems, ii) the type of species used in FWS systems is not important; all spe- cies had good performances, iii) plants did not show a direct effect on bacteria removal but demonstrated an indirect effect through the creation of an hostile rhizosphere environment in turn stimulating the growth of bacterivorous populations, iv) high rate algal ponds are an adequate technology for wastewater treatment, specially when bacteria removal is an important treatment objective, v) physico-chemical conditions created by the metabolism of algae is the main mechanism responsible for the inactivation and decay of bacteria and parasites cysts. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This paper is especially dedicated to Félix Soto, Juan Manuel González and My Smail Araki, whose hard and enthusiastical work made possible the functioning of the Experimental Field. It is a tragedy of our university system that reasons other than scientific excellence very often prevail, driving away good researchers. The University of León established an agreement with the Diputación Provincial entitled: Estudio comparado de diferentes sistemas de depuración de bajo coste. Asesoramiento y análisis de la eficacia del Plan de Saneamiento de la Provincia de León. I would also like to thank the official director of this agreement, Dr. Estanislao Luis Calabuig, for his good management of institutional relations, and all students and University staff which were involved in the project, and specially my thanks to Gemma Ansola, Mercedes García, Gloria López, María J. López and Camino and Margarita Fernández-Aláez. This project was funded by the Diputación Provincial de León thanks to the good insight of its former President D.Alberto Pérez, and also thanks to the dedication of D. César Roa and D. 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Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 155 Limnetica, 25(1-2): 155-170 (2006) The ecology of the Iberian inland waters: Homage to Ramon Margalef © Asociación Española de Limnología, Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 0213-8409 Diversity of patterns and processes in rivers of eastern Andalusia J. Jesús Casas1, Mark O. Gessner2, Peter H. Langton3, Demetrio Calle4, Enrique Descals5 y María J. Salinas1 1Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología, Universidad de Almería, 04120-Almería. of Aquatic Ecology, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), and Institute of Integrative Biology (IBZ), ETH Zurich, Suiza 3Cambridge University Museum, Cambridge, Reino Unido 4Instituto de Enseñanza Media “Los Manantiales”, Torremolinos, Málaga. 5Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados (IMEDEA), CSIC/UIB, Palma, Mallorca Corresponding autor: J. J. Casas ( 2Department ABSTRACT We document the outstanding diversity of fluvial ecosystems in eastern Andalusia, mostly attributable to the high environmental heterogeneity of the region. The area’s altitudinal and climatic gradients are among the most pronounced in the Iberian Peninsula, and together with a concomitant high variability in geological characteristics and human impacts, result in a noticeable heterogeneity of the rivers’ thermal regime, discharge regime and chemical properties. Fluvial communities respond to this spatial heterogeneity with marked qualitative and quantitative changes among rivers and along the upstream-downstream continuum, generally exhibiting a great decrease in taxonomic and functional diversity as human impacts increase towards the lower reaches. Discharge fluctuations add heterogeneity on the temporal scale and are an additional essential determinant of biological diversity. Climatic, geological and hydrological characteristics profoundly affect the structure of the riparian vegetation, which in turn strongly conditions the community structure of benthic macroinvertebrates and organic matter turnover in fluvial ecosystems. Key words: rivers, eastern Andalusia, environmental gradients, human impacts, macroinvertebrates, chironomids, riparian vegetation, leaf litter decomposition, aquatic hyphomycetes. RESUMEN Se ilustra la notable diversidad de ecosistemas fluviales de Andalucía Oriental, atribuible a la gran heterogeneidad ambiental de esta región. Gradientes altitudinales y climáticos de los más pronunciados de la península Ibérica, concomitantes con una gran variedad de condiciones litológicas y de impactos humanos, acentúan en esta región la heterogeneidad térmica, de caudal y calidad química de los ríos. Las comunidades fluviales responden a esta heterogeneidad espacial con profundos cambios cualitativos y cuantitativos, y generalmente con una disminución de la diversidad taxonómica y funcional en respuesta al incremento de impactos humanos hacia los tramos bajos de los ríos. Las fluctuaciones de caudal suman heterogeneidad en la dimensión tiempo, y constituyen un determinante esencial de los patrones de diversidad biológica. La estructura de la vegetación de ribera responde con grandes cambios a las condiciones climáticas, litológicas e hidrológicas, y ésta a su vez condiciona sustancialmente el marco trófico del ecosistema fluvial. Palabras clave: ríos, Andalucía oriental, gradientes ambientales, impactos humanos, macroinvertebrados, quironómidos, vegetación de ribera, descomposición de hojarasca, hifomicetos acuáticos. INTRODUCTION Margalef (1960, 1983) highlighted as an essential characteristic of fluvial ecosystems their large interfaces with the surrounding landscape. This means that the climatic, geomorphic and biological setting of river basins strongly condition the structural and functional traits of river communi- ties (Hynes, 1970; Allan, 1995). This idea was behind Gasith & Resh’s (1999) proposal of a functional convergence of rivers under Mediterranean climate. The most general characteristic of the Mediterranean climate is the strong seasonality of precipitation, which tends to be concentrated in a few events mostly occurring during winter, and with high variability between Limnetica 25(1-2)02 156 12/6/06 13:48 Página 156 Casas et al. years. According to Gasith & Resh (loc. cit.), this pattern determines an annual sequence of predictable flood events (autumn-winter), during which the fluvial ecosystem is under abiotic control, followed by periods of stable flow (spring-summer) during which biotic control dominates. Although broadly speaking the above-mentioned convergence may occur, these authors and others (e.g. Blondel & Aronson, 1999) also recognise the great climatic diversity of the Mediterranean basin, together with the considerable heterogeneity of geomorphic features and human uses of rivers and surrounding land, which make generalisations difficult. For instance, both the highest and lowest precipitation in Europe occur in the Mediterranean basin, namely in the coast of Montenegro (4640 mm) and Almería (150-200 mm) (Grove & Rackham, 2001). At almost any spatial scale of observation the Mediterranean basin appears as a remarkably diverse mosaic, due to the extraordinary heterogeneity of topography, climate, geology and past and present human actions on the landscape (Monserrat, 1998; Blondel & Aronson, 1999). The present review aims to document, from a regional perspective, the diversity of ecological patterns and processes in rivers of eastern Andalusia, one of the most mountainous European regions. The area includes the Sierra Nevada, the southernmost high mountain range on the continent, which strongly influences the surrounding areas. We also aim to document the consequences of human impacts on these rivers. The results summarised here come from studies we have carried out in this region over the last two decades. ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS Physical, geological and climatic heterogeneity Eastern Andalusia includes a wide range of geological and climatic conditions. The Betic mountain ranges occupy most of the area, shaping an extraordinarily uneven relief. The mountain massif of the Sierra Nevada stands out with several peaks above 3000 m a.s.l., but several other sierras also reach altitudes above 2000 m a.s.l. (e.g. Cazorla, Mágina, Tejeda, Filabres-Baza, Gador). The geology of the sierras is diverse, including Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks, particularly in the upper layers of the Sierra Nevada and FilabresBaza, and mostly calcareous rocks, marble and vast dolomitic outcrops extending mainly into the mid to low altitudes of most sierras. A peculiar trait of the Betic mountain ranges is the high abundance of calcareous sierras with a varied karstic relief, also including a gypsum karst (Durán & López, 1999). This geologic diversity adds physical heterogeneity to the river courses of the area. Fluviokarstic canyons, for example, are a frequent landscape feature, particularly in the foothills of the sierras. Lowlands made up of continental, and frequently marine, sediments deposited during the Neogene period separated the sierras. These lowlands often comprise terrain composed of marl rich in sulphate and chloride. The greatly compartmentalized relief of the Betic ranges favours high spatial heterogeneity in precipitation. Mean annual rainfall ranges from over 1000 mm at the heart of Sierra de Cazorla, or over 800 mm on the peaks of Sierra Nevada or Sierras de Tejeda-Almijara, to less than 200 mm in Cabo de Gata (Capel-Molina, 2000). Cyclonic events from the northwest or west are the most frequent, and provide most of the rainfall in the region, particularly on the western mountain slopes. On the eastern sides, especially of the Sierra Nevada owing to its high altitude, the descending cool and dry air tends to accentuate arid conditions (Föhn effect), e.g. in the subdesert of Tabernas. Cyclonic events from the east are less frequent but bring a great proportion of the rainfall to the eastern part of the region, mainly during storms towards the end of summer and autumn (Castillo-Requena, 1981). Heterogeneity of discharge regimes: natural and human constraints The annual hydrograph of rivers in eastern Andalusia generally fits to the Mediterranean pluvial subtropical type, which is characterised by very low flow in summer and peak discharge during winter (Fig. 1a). This regime is distinctly modified (i.e. peaking slightly during summer) Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 157 Diversity in rivers of eastern Andalusia 157 Figure 1. Discharge regimes in several Betic rivers: a) upper Río Guadalquivir; b) Río Monachil in the Sierra Nevada; c) Río de Aguas in eastern Almería. Regímenes de caudal registrados en distintas cuencas béticas: a) Alto Guadalquivir; b) Río Monachil en Sierra Nevada; c) Río de Aguas en el levante almeriense. by reservoir regulation, particularly in the upper Río Guadalquivir, and mainly for agricultural purposes (Fig. 1a) (Calle et al., 1990). The abundance of groundwater sources up-welling from large karstic aquifers is noteworthy. It tends to confer rather constant discharge to rivers during summer. In fact, most permanent reaches in rivers from the most arid zone of the region (Almería) are fed by these karstic sources. The annual hydrograph of the rivers from the Sierra Nevada merit special attention in that it exhibits a pronounced snowmelt influence peaking between March and May (Fig. 1b) (Casas, 1990). The scarcity of rainfall and extreme concentration in a few events, together with the high permeability of the calcareous and/or evaporitic bedrocks, are responsible for the high percentage of temporary water courses in the fluvial networks. This ten- Figure 2. Thermal regimes in several streams located in the Sierra Nevada (Río Monachil at 2100 m a.s.l. and Río Jérez at 1280 m a.s.l.) and eastern Almería (Río de Aguas at Molinos, 265 m a.s.l., and Perales, 220 m a.s.l.). Río Monachil: maximum and minimum daily temperatures on 5 different dates in the year. Other streams: maximum and minimum monthly temperatures. Régimen térmico en varios ríos de cabecera de Sierra Nevada (Río Monachil y Río Jérez) y del litoral semiárido almeriense (Río de Aguas). Río Monachil: temperatura máxima-mínima diárias de 5 dias. Restantes ríos: temperaturas máximas-mínimas mensuales. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 158 12/6/06 13:48 Página 158 Casas et al. dency is most noticeable in the semiarid east of the region and in most lowland reaches, where water abstraction for agriculture and human settlements dries up many river courses (Fig. 1c). Physico-chemical variability of water quality: the influence of altitudinal gradients and geological and human factors Figure 3. Results of principal component analyses (PCA) of physico-chemical characteristics of three river ecosystems: a) Río Monachil from the Sierra Nevada (Casas, 1996), b) the upper Río Guadalquivir (Calle et al., 1990), and c) Ríos Almanzora and Aguas in eastern Almería (Vivas et al., 2001). The percentage of variance explained by the PCA axes is indicated in parentheses. A third axis is presented for the rivers in eastern Almería. Resultados del análisis de componentes principales (ACP) para las características físicas y químicas de las aguas de tres ecosistemas fluviales: a) Río Monachil en Sierra Nevada (Casas, 1996), b) Alto Guadalquivir (Calle et al., 1990), y c) cuencas de los ríos Almanzora y Aguas en el levante almeriense (Vivas et al., 2001). El porcentaje de varianza explicada por cada eje se indica entre paréntesis. Para los ríos almerienses se indican también los resultados del tercer eje extraido por el ACP. The thermal regime of rivers is considered a primer determinant of diversity patterns of aquatic communities along altitudinal-longitudinal gradients (Ward & Stanford, 1982; Jacobsen et al., 1997). The pronounced altitudinal gradient of the Betic ranges in such a southern region results in marked differences in temperature both between and within river basins (Fig. 2). Streams above tree line in the Sierra Nevada exhibit the lowest temperatures, with minimum values around 2 ºC and summer maxima below 13 ºC (Fig. 2a) (Casas, 1990), not much unlike other alpine streams (Milner et al., 2002). The middle and foothill reaches of the rivers often have closed canopies and higher discharge. Minimum temperatures do not usually fall below 5 ºC in these reaches, and maximum values rarely surpass 20 ºC (Fig. 2b). In contrast, summer temperatures in reaches flowing in the lowlands often greatly surpass 20 ºC, particularly in the semiarid eastern area. The Río de Aguas, which originates at 260 m a.s.l. and less than 15 km from the Mediterranean coast, illustrates the strong influence of karstic springs, riparian vegetation and discharge on the thermal regime of Mediterranean rivers: Seasonal temperature fluctuations are minor at Molinos, less than 1 km from the source, where ground water is upwelling from the gypsum karst of Sorbas and the cover by riparian tress and reeds is about 80 % (Fig. 2c). The site at Perales, in contrast, has sparse riparian vegetation and is impacted by water abstraction for irrigation; it is located only 2 km further downstream but shows strong annual thermal fluctuations (Fig. 2d). The impact of reservoir regulation often produces a net attenuating effect on temperature amplitudes. For instance, the upper Río Guadalquivir at Charco del Aceite, 6 km downstream from the Tranco reservoir, exhibits relatively narrow diel Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 159 Diversity in rivers of eastern Andalusia 159 Figure 4. a) Percentages of species of the major taxonomic groups of macroinvertebrates present (except Diptera) with different biogeographical distribution: Transiberic species (present in Europe, the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa); northern species (transiberic species absent from North Africa); southern species (transiberic species absent beyond the Pyrenees). b) Family richness and c) species richness of the main taxonomic groups of macroinvertebrates combined for the two river basins studied (total) and for each basin separately. a) Porcentajes de especies (excepto dípteros) según su distribución biogeográfica: Transibéricos, presentes en Europa, Peninsula Ibérica y Norte de África; Norteños, transibéricos que no alcanzan el Norte de África; Sureños, transibéricos que no traspasan los Pirineos. b) Riqueza de familias, y c) riqueza de especies, de los principales grupos taxonómicos en las dos cuencas almerienses estudiadas (total) y en cada una por separado. thermal oscillations and less extreme minima (10-11, 13-14, 17-21 and 18-21 ºC, respectively, in December, March, June and August) compared to the Santo Tome site, located 45 km downstream from the same reservoir (10-15, 9-21 and 7-12 ºC, respectively, in January, April and November) (Calle et al., 1990). On the river basin scale, the increase in ionic content from the headwaters to the lowland reaches is the most evident pattern of spatial variation in the rivers of eastern Andalusia (Fig. 3), as is commonly found in rivers worldwide (Margalef, 1983; Allan, 1995). This pattern may mainly be attributable to a marked altitudinal transition of geological formations: e.g. from siliceous to calcareous rocks in the Sierra Nevada (Río Monachil, with electrical conductivity ranging from 33-358 µS cm-1) (Casas, 1996); from calcareous to marl rocks in the upper Río Guadalquivir (conductivity ranging from 376-2960 µS cm-1) (Calle et al., 1990); or from siliceous to evaporitic rocks in the Río Almanzora (conductivity ranging from 150-8000 µS cm-1) (Vivas et al., 2001) (Fig. 3). Evaporation may also be important. In the intermittent Río de Aguas, for example, several permanent pools remaining during summer reach conductivity values of over 11 mS cm-1. In the western catchments, such as in the upper Rio Guadalquivir (Fig. 3b), the longitudinal gra- dient is more strongly related to increasing nitrogen concentrations downstream than to ionic content of the river water in general. This is due to prominent diffuse and point-source contamination caused by intensive agricultural activities and abundant human settlements in the olive-growing areas of Jaén. In this river, discharge shows a net increase downstream despite important water abstractions, probably due to the high number of relatively large tributaries. In the olive countryside of Jaén, as in many lowland reaches of western Andalusia, pollution by suspended solids shows strong seasonality. During winter-spring, surface runoff transports clay to the river from the nearby olive orchards, and there are also frequent inputs of olive-mill waste (alpechín), which increase the concentration of suspended solids and oxygen demand (axis 2 in Fig. 3b). Another notable feature of this river, which is widespread also in other calcareous sierras, is the high carbonate concentration in the headwaters (Fig. 3b), which makes calcite precipitation a common event and may lead to important tuff formation (Calle et al., 1990; Casas et al., 1994; Casas & Gessner, 1999). In eastern basins (Almería) the fluvial continuum is normally fragmented as a result of the arid climate and impoundments built for agricultural irrigation. Lowland reaches only carry water after marked rainfall events or where Limnetica 25(1-2)02 160 12/6/06 13:48 Página 160 Casas et al. springs generate isolated permanent or temporary pools. In these fluvial networks, wastewater pollution does not continuously increase downstream (axis 2 in Fig. 3c), but is rather limited to a few sites. This is probably because wastewaters that would normally be discharged into them are often diverted into the aquifer. Additionally, the human population density here is lower than in the western basins. In the eastern semiarid basins rainfall events are the main source of discharge variability, which is positively related to nitrate concentrations, probably due to inputs originating from agricultural soil lixiviation (axis 3 in Fig. 3c) (Vivas et al., 2001). MACROINVERTEBRATE DIVERSITY PATTERNS: NATURAL AND HUMAN CONSTRAINTS The Mediterranean basin, particularly the Betic region, is a biodiversity hot spot on the global scale (Médail & Quézel, 1999; Myers et al., 2000). The extraordinary species richness of the area may be attributable to its present environmental heterogeneity, its special geographical location, and the diverse climatic and geological changes in the past, which have led many taxa from different biogeographical origins to colonise, find refuges and/or radiate (Blondel & Aronson, 1999). Two fluvial basins in Almería illustrate the variety of biogeographical origins and distributions of macroinvertebrate taxa (Fig. 4a) (Vivas et al., 2002; Vivas, 2003). In both river systems, the dominant taxa have a transiberic distribution (Central Europe-North Africa), but taxa endemic to the Iberian Peninsula were also relatively abundant (10 %). The main difference between basins, Almanzora vs. Aguas, lies in the high percentage of taxa with a northern distribution (i.e. taxa absent in North Africa). These taxa are present in mountain sites of the Río Almanzora basin, but are absent in the lowland basin of the Río de Aguas. Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Odonata and Coleoptera species, which during their larval stages or, in the case of Coleoptera, during their entire life cycle require cool water and moderate hardwater condi- tions which characterise the mountain headwaters of the Río Almanzora (Fig. 4 b and c). In the Río de Aguas, on the other hand, the relatively high temperature and ionic content, plus the abundance of pools with aquatic vegetation, provide favourable habitats for Heteroptera and Crustacean. On the basin scale of the rivers Almanzora and Aguas, macroinvertebrate communities are primarily structured by the longitudinal increases in salinity and temperature towards the lower reaches (Vivas, 2003) (Table 1), similar to the trend observed in 12 basins studied across the Spanish Mediterranean region (Vivas et al., 2002). Furthermore, in the semiarid basins this longitudinal gradient was also negatively correlated with discharge and riparian cover by deciduous woody vegetation, which greatly diminishes towards the lower reaches. Although the overall taxonomic richness of benthic macroinvertebrates is not significantly correlated with these longitudinal changes in environmental conditions, the richTable 1. Spearman correlations of environmental variables and taxonomic richness, with Axes 1 and 2 determined by a canonical correspondence analysis of the environmental variables-macroinvertebrate taxa matrix. Level of significance, *p < 0.05. Correlaciones de Spearman de variables ambientales y riqueza taxonómica en lo ejes 1 y 2 extraídos por un análisis canónico de correspondencias ambiente-taxones de macroinvertebrados. Nivel de significación, * p < 0,05. CCA Axis 1 Environmental variables Electrical conductivity Temperature Discharge Hydroperiod span Index of physical impacts Deciduous vegetation cover Emergent macrophytes cover 0.85 0.46 -0.44 -0.20 0.14 0.80 0.49 Taxa richness Total richness Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Trichoptera Odonata Coleoptera Heteroptera Diptera Mollusca Crustacean 0.01 -0.40 -0.61 -0.30 0.44 0.30 0.58 0.36 0.12 0.46 * * * * * * * * * * * * * CCA Axis 2 -0.10 -0.10 -0.61 -0.75 0.83 -0.02 -0.64 * * * -0.79 -0.65 -0.31 -0.66 -0.75 -0.59 -0.46 -0.39 -0.55 -0.32 * * * * * * * * * * * Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 161 161 Diversity in rivers of eastern Andalusia Table 2. Transformed values of basin γ-richness (i.e. γ-richness / ln number of samples), with untransformed values shown in parentheses; average local α-richness; and average basin β-richness calculated as the percentage dissimilarity between pairs of sites (Sørensen index). The altitudinal range and the proportion of temporary study sites are also shown. Betic basins are shaded. Data extracted form GUADALMED-1 database (modified from Vivas, 2003). Riqueza de cuenca, valor transformado (γ-riqueza / ln nº de muestras), y valor absoluto entre parentesis. α-Riqueza media por localidad y β-riqueza media de la cuenca, calculado como el porcentaje de disimilitud entre pares de localidades (índice de Sorensen). Se muestra el intervalo altitudinal y el porcentaje de localidades temporales estudiadas. Las cuencas béticas se han sombreado. Datos tomados de la base de datos GUADALMED-1 (modificado de Vivas, 2003). Fluvial basin Adra Segura Llobregat Besos Jucar Turia Mijares Soller Almanzora Aguas Pollença Guadalfeo γ-Richness 23 (85) 22 (102) 20 (94) 20 (93) 20 (84) 20 (77) 20 (71) 18 (51) 17 (74) 17 (64) 17 (60) 16 (76) α-Richness β-Richness Altitudinal range (m) % Temporality 45 46 40 37 31 27 30 24 28 34 30 41 0.43 0.34 0.34 0.36 0.35 0.33 0.39 0.40 0.38 0.39 0.41 0.36 2060 1413 1200 556 1505 1520 1500 275 1270 270 325 2980 0 22 7 40 0 21 45 100 83 75 90 19 ness of particular groups changes markedly, with Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera being gradually replaced by species from other groups towards downstream sites characterised by high summer temperatures and salinity (Table 1). A second environmental gradient is positively related to the shortening of the hydroperiod and extent of anthropogenic impact on channel morphology, which both have negative effects on total macroinverterate richness and on richness within specific taxonomic groups (Table 1). Temporary reaches with short hydroperiods and close to human settlements are frequently used by farming vehicles. The resulting high frequency and magnitude of impacts on river channels reduces physical heterogeneity of aquatic habitats and impairs water quality. A comparative analysis of macroinvertebrate family studied among 12 Mediterranean basins revealed an unusually large heterogeneity of diversity patterns in the Betic basins. This result may be mainly due to the wide range of altitudes and temporality of the studied aquatic habitats (Table 2) (Vivas, 2003). Accordingly, γ-richness of macroinvertebrates at the basin scale showed a significant positive correlation with altitudinal range and a significant negative correlation with the percentage of temporary aquatic sites (rs = 0.72 and rs = -0.78, respectively, p < 0.05), whereas it was not significantly correlated with basin surface area as would be expected from the general species-area relationship. The permanence of fluvial habitats appears to affect local α-richness positively, as suggested by higher than average α-richness in the Río Guadalfeo and Río Adra in the Sierra Nevada, where all sites studied were permanent. Moreover, the great altitudinal gradient in these basins appears to favour a relatively high β-richness. It is well known that the wider the altitudinal range in a basin, the greater the habitat heterogeneity, with corresponding positive effects on taxa richness on this scale (Giller & Malmqvist, 1998; Jacobsen, 2004). On the other hand, basins with a high percentage of temporary sites generally exhibited relatively low values of local α-richness, although this effect may be somewhat offset by high basin β-richness (e.g. Almanzora and Aguas) (Table 2). The intermittent discharge regime of Mediterranean rivers, whether due to natural or human causes or both, induces fragmentation of the fluvial continuum, which in turn reduces longitudinal connectivity (e.g. Gasith & Resh, 1999; Boulton, 2003; Lake, 2003). This process tends to diversify fluvial habitats among reaches that are hydrologically isolated, possibly by favouring a stronger influence of Limnetica 25(1-2)02 162 12/6/06 13:48 Página 162 Casas et al. Figure 5. Dynamics of chironomid species from March 1996 to March 2000 (fortnightly sampling intervals) in two mountain streams of the Sierra de Albuñuelas (southern Granada) as a function of time elapsed since the last spate. Species number per sample was transformed according to the richness index proposed by Margalef (1982). The plot of the upper right panel takes into account the species list of the previous period of stable flow during the long-lasting drought from 1991-1995. For the temporary stream the first study year (1996, closed circles) was distinct from later years (1997-2000, open circles). Dinámica de las especies de quironómidos durante el periodo marzo-1996 a marzo-2000 (muestreos quincenales) en dos arroyos de cabecera de la Sierra de Albuñuelas (sur de Granada) en función del tiempo transcurrido desde la última avenida. El número de especies por muestra fue transformado según el índice de riqueza de Margalef (1982). En el gráfico de nuevas especies colectadas, para el río permanente se ha tenido en cuenta la lista de especies del periodo previo con caudal estable durante la prolongada sequía (1991-1995); para el río temporal se ha diferenciado el primer año de estudio (1996, circulos cerrados) de los posteriores (1997-2000, circulos abiertos). local factors as opposed to upstream basin factors, and also by suppressing downstream drift. Chironomid species richness and indicator value Diptera, particularly Chironomidae, are an ubiquitous, species rich and the often most abundant group of macroinvertebrates in fluvial ecosystems. However, this group is rarely identified to species or genus level in ecological studies of fluvial benthos, due to the difficulty of identifying larvae. Chironomid pupal exuviae are easier to identify thanks to their more distinctive morphological features. Using this approach, the chironomid communities of rivers in the Sierra Nevada and the upper Río Guadalquivir in the Sierra de Cazorla were compared in order to determine the indicator value of this group at species level. The study revealed high species richness of chironomids in the two regions (total of 204 species) and the group’s remarkable value for the biological classification of rivers (Calle & Casas, 2006). Two major groups of rivers were distinguished when using chironomid species as association criteria, clearly reflecting the two geographical locations. Obviously, there are pronounced enough differences between the rivers of both regions, including higher slopes and altitudes in the Sierra Nevada coupled with geological and hydrological differences, for the rivers to harbour distinctive chironomid communities. Interestingly, however, the sites studied on the Río Aguas-Blancas (Sierra Nevada) showed local characteristics close to those of rivers in the headwaters of the upper Río Guadalquivir (gentle slope, pluvial discharge regime and travertine precipitation), but faunistically were closer to the Sierra Nevada rivers. This suggests a preponderant role of regional rather than local factors determining chironomid species distribution. This pattern may well reflect a strong geographical “proximity effect”, sensu Hawkins et al. (2000), on the source-sink dynamics of midge populations, coupled with considerable aerial colonising capacities of adults and the strong seasonal dynamics of fluvial ecosystems in eastern Andalusia. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 163 Diversity in rivers of eastern Andalusia Temperature and especially the extent of water pollution were the primary determinants of chironomid community composition within both regions. Six chironomid species showed a significant indicator value for sites with impaired water quality (Chironomus riparius, Eukiefferiella claripennis, Paratrichocladius rufiventris, Rheocricotopus chalybeatus, Cricotopus bicinctus, and Tvetenia calvescens). The indicator values of these species cover a wide gradient of water quality impairment and occurrence of the species did not depend on the regional setting, whether in eastern Andalusia or elsewhere in European rivers, suggesting great potential for biomonitoring purposes (Calle & Casas, 2006). Chironomid diversity and hydrological disturbance The highly irregular rainfall among years is characteristic of Mediterranean climate, determining extreme discharge fluctuations, which in turn are considered the key factor for fluvial ecosystem dynamics (e.g. Boulton et al., 1992; Sabater et al., 1992). The southern part of the Iberian Peninsula was affected by drought from 1992-95, ending with heavy rains in winter 1995-96. These events caused profound changes in the chironomid communities in two first-order Betic mountain streams, one permanent and the other temporary. From 1991-95 the permanent stream showed no peaks in discharge, which decreased progressively till December 1995, and the chironomid assemblage was dominated by species of the subfamily Tanytarsini. The temporary stream had no surface water flow during these four years. Heavy rains in winter 1995-96 ended the drought and caused extraordinary discharge peaks and transport of benthic materials in both the permanent and temporary stream. Once the river bed had become more stable the dominant species were those typically associated with torrential lowtemperature mountain streams, belonging to the genera Diamesa, Eukiefferiella and Orthocladius in both streams (Langton & Casas, 1999). In contrast to several other studies (e.g. Williams, 1996; Rüegg & Robinson, 2004), which have found lower macroinvertebrate diversity in temporary aquatic habitats compared to perma- 163 nent ones, the intermittent and permanent stream showed a similar overall chironomid species richness and mean richness per sample. This unexpected resemblance may have been due to the long period of surface water permanence in the temporary stream (1996-2000) following the drought in the first half of the 1990s. In addition, the temporary stream showed a greater temporal β-richness, a feature that could be attributable to higher temporal thermal variability and substrate heterogeneity compared to the permanent stream. The observed pattern of species richness variation as a function of time elapsed since the last spate is in general agreement with the patch dynamics concept in streams (Townsend, 1989). In both streams, spates favoured records of new species but hardly affected sample α-richness (Fig. 5). On the other hand, prolonged periods without spates (>1 year) favoured records of new species in the permanent stream, but in the temporary stream this led to a disruption of flow an isolation of a few remaining pools which harboured an extremely impoverished chironomid assemblage (Fig. 5). Apart from the similar overall chironomid γ-richness, the two examined streams also exhibited similar mean values of species rarity and notable species assemblage complementarity (20 %). These results corroborate other studies which have stressed the high conservation value of temporary aquatic habitats, so frequently neglected, and the need to include them in plans for nature conservation. Although headwater streams in the Mediterranean are typically much less impacted by human actions than lower river reaches, agricultural activity in the catchments of headwaters is increasing, promoted in part by EU subsidies. In eastern Andalusia, this is particularly true for the expansion of olive groves and almond orchards, which is likely to exacerbate impacts on temporary stream habitats and diversity of the associated aquatic fauna. RIPARIAN VEGETATION, RESOURCE USE AND THE FLUVIAL FOOD WEB Fluvial ecosystems are landscape elements characterised by intense interactions between the Limnetica 25(1-2)02 164 12/6/06 13:48 Página 164 Casas et al. Figure 6. Results of a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA Axes 1 and 2) based on a biotic matrix of tree and shrub species (percentage cover data) and an abiotic matrix of fluvial environmental variables. Only the most abundant species and the environmental variables significantly correlated with the axes shown. The box in the top left-hand corner shows the ordination of macroinvertebrate functional feeding groups (relative abundance data) resulting from a CCA using the same environmental variables as the CCA for the vegetation: FI = Filterers, C = Collector-gatherers, SR = Shredders, GR = Grazers, SC = Scrapers, P = Predators. Resultados de un análisis canónico de correspondencias (ACC ejes 1 y 2) de las especies de árboles y arbustos (datos de cobertura) constreñidas por variables ambientales del río. Se indican las especies más abundantes y las variables ambientales (vectores) con correlación significativa con alguno de los ejes. Arriba a la izquierda se indica la ordenación de los grupos tróficos funcionales de macroinvertebrados (datos de abundancia relativa) resultante de un ACC utilizando las mismas variables ambientales: FI = filtradores, C = colectores, SR = fragmentadores, GR = ramoneadores, SC = raspadores, P = depredadores. river channel and riparian vegetation (Malanson, 1993). The climatic setting, hydrological dynamics and channel structure are of prime importance for riparian vegetation, which in turn determines essential traits of the fluvial benthic community (e.g. Gregory et al., 1991; Naiman et al., 2005). A study carried out in the rivers Almanzora and Aguas (Almería) illustrates how strong environmental gradients in these river basins affect the structure of riparian vegetation (M.J. Salinas & J.J. Casas, unpublished data). As for macroinvertebrate communities (see above), the altitudinal-longitudinal gradients determine the major structural changes of vegetation: a decrease in richness and percentage cover of deciduous species downstream and an increase in emergent macrophytes, phreatophytes and halophytes or halotolerant species. These changes appear to be related to the hydrological decay of rivers and a concomitant increase in salinity towards the lowland reaches under more arid climate (Fig. 6). Although this is a common natural pattern in arid zones (Jacobson et al., 2000), water impoundments of Mediterranean rivers exacerbate the situation, especially in the middle and lower reaches (Gasith & Resh, 1999). A second environmental factor is the downstream increase in physical anthropogenic impacts on the channel, in parallel to the shorter hydroperiods and concomitant with a reduction in species richness and percentage stream cover by riparian vegetation, except by ruderal and nitrophilous species such as Artemisia barrelieri and the phreatophyte Tamarix canariensis (Fig. 6). The trophic structure of the benthic community broadly matched the pattern of riparian vegetation variation (Fig. 6), in agreement with the “river continuum concept” (Vannote et al., 1980), at least in terms of resource-consumer relationships. However, mechanisms underlying the pattern in Mediterranean streams may differ substantially from those proposed by Vannote et al. (1980). Occurrence of macroinvertebrate shredders clearly correlated with high vegeta- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 165 Diversity in rivers of eastern Andalusia Figure 7. Percentage cover (mean + 1 SE) of two types of riparian vegetation at 3 Sierra Nevada sites and 4 semiarid sites of Almería. The second y-axis represents benthic coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM > 1 mm) measured in December 1999 (unpublished data). AFDM = ash free dry mass. Porcentajes de cobertura (valores medios + 1 error típico) de la vegetación riparia diferenciando estratos (árboles vs. arbustos y helófitos) para 3 localidades de Sierra Nevada y 4 de la región semiárida almeriense. El eje “y” derecho representa la materia orgánica particulada gruesa (CPOM > 1 mm) del bentos medida en diciembre de 1999 (datos no publicados). AFDM = Peso seco libre de cenizas. tion cover by deciduous woody vegetation and/or emergent macrophytes at sites with permanent surface water flow. Similarly, the relative abundance of scrapers was associated with permanent headwater sites of the Río de Aguas, which has low discharge, abundant pool habitats, and intermediate cover by emergent macrophytes such that ample light reaches the stream bottom and allows algae and submerged macrophytes to develop abundantly. At the most impacted sites (mainly in the middle reaches of the Río Almanzora), with sparse riparian vegetation and short hydroperiods, the trophic structure was extremely simplified with an overwhelming abundance of invertebrate collectors (Fig. 6). These results suggest that trophic structure of the benthic macroinvertebrate community responds sensitively to changes in natural conditions and human disturbances in Mediterranean rivers. Trophic characterisation of macroinvertebrates may therefore be a useful approach to biomonitoring of these rivers, as in more humid temperate regions (e.g. Barbour et al., 1996). According to Statzner & Higler (1985) and several other studies (Davies et al., 1994; Schade & Fisher, 1997), it is unusual to observe linkages between riparian vegetation structure, benthic resource availability and macroinvertebrate functional feeding groups in rivers under arid climates. This is thought to be due to the very 165 irregular discharge regime (i.e. high spates and severe droughts), which makes resource availability highly unpredictable. The unusual link we observed in our two rivers might be attributable to the absence of spates during the two-year study. Additionally, or alternatively, it may be argued that the possible lack of coupling on the local scale may be masked by the strong environmental gradients at the regional scale. Inputs of coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) from riparian vegetation, mainly leaf litter, frequently constitute the main source of energy in forested headwaters. Fungi and macroinvertebrate shredders consume and transform these materials into fine particles, a resource more readily exploitable by bacteria and invertebrate collectors (Wallace & Webster, 1996; Gessner et al., 1999). Several studies suggest that in rivers under arid climates riparian inputs are quantitatively and qualitatively less important for river food webs than in temperate forest streams (e.g. Schade & Fisher, 1997). A comparative study between mountain headwaters from the Sierra Nevada and lowland headwaters in the semiarid region of Almería indicated, however, that despite large differences in riparian cover, the availability of CPOM for benthic macroinvertebrates may be relatively important even in semiarid permanent streams. The standing stock of benthic organic matter was not significantly different between regions (Fig. 7), probably due to the extensive cover of emergent macrophytes in the lowland streams, which make up for the virtual absence of a tree canopy. Furthermore, the retention of benthic organic matter in the semiarid region might be greater than in the Sierra Nevada as a consequence of less frequent discharge peaks. Aquatic hyphomycete fungi appear to make a greater contribution to leaf litter decomposition in the Sierra Nevada streams, as deduced from the higher reproductive activity and biomass in streams of this region compared to streams in the semiarid lowland streams (Fig. 8). The diversity of aquatic hyphomycetes was also greater in the Sierra Nevada streams. Macroinvertebrates consuming leaf litter (in contrast) were similarly abundant and diverse in both regions (Fig. 9). Shredders belonging to the orders Plecoptera, Limnetica 25(1-2)02 166 12/6/06 13:48 Página 166 Casas et al. Trichoptera and Diptera dominated in the Sierra Nevada streams, whereas scrapers, primarily the snail Melanopsis praemorsa, were most important and occasionally reached extremely high biomass in the semiarid lowland streams (Fig. 9). This snail is known to be an efficient consumer of leaf litter (Chergui & Patte, 1991; Maamri et al., 1997; Heller & Abotbol, 1997), feeding on leaf species of even very low food quality. As a result, the highest decomposition rate of leaf litter was recorded in our study at Molinos in the Río de Aguas, coinciding with a very rapid and extraordinarily high colonization of leaves by M. praemorsa (Fig. 9). Therefore, although autotrophic resources may be abundant because of the virtual absence of a tree canopy shading these semiarid headwaters, it is likely that CPOM inputs from riparian vegetation or emergent macrophytes are quickly consumed. This is facilitated by a high degree of trophic generalism of the macroinvertebrate consumers present in theses streams. Moreover, as such inputs of leaf litter are a donorcontrolled energy source, they may constitute a trophic alternative when autotrophic sources are limited as a result of intense grazing and/or the nutrient limitation of primary production. Leaf litter dynamics in travertine streams Calcium carbonate precipitation is a frequent, sometimes intense, event forming travertine or tuff in headwaters of the sierras in eastern Andalusia, where limestone-dolomite bedrock is abundant. Calcite precipitation may occur when groundwater rich in carbon dioxide and calcium is upwelling in the river channel and the outgassing CO2 shifts the CO2-carbonate equilibrium towards CaCO3, a process that can also be caused Figure 8. Fungal dynamics on decomposing alder leaves (Alnus glutinosa) in two contrasting streams (Sierra Nevada vs. semiarid region of Almería). Means ± 1 SE (n = 4) are shown for each sampling date. Sporulation rates (conidia mg-1 leaf dry mass d-1) were measured in vitro at stream temperature. Ergosterol is a fungal lipid frequently used as a proxy of fungal biomass (Gessner & Newell, 2002). Dinámica de los hongos, aquaticos que intervienen en la descomposición de hojarasca de aliso (Alnus glutinosa) en dos ríos con gran contraste tipológico (Sierra Nevada vs. región semiárida almeriense). Se indican valores medios y error típico (n = 4) para cada fecha. Las tasas de esporulación (conidios mg-1 de peso seco de hojarasca d-1) se midieron mediante incubación in vitro a la temperatura del agua del río. El ergosterol es un lípido específico de los hongos que se utiliza como indicador de la biomasa fúngica en la hojarasca (Gessner & Newell, 2002). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 167 Diversity in rivers of eastern Andalusia 167 Figure 9. Dynamics of shredders and scrapers on decomposing alder leaf litter in two contrasting streams (Sierra Nevada vs. semiarid region of Almería). Symbols in the top panels show means ± 1 SE of biomass (n = 4), symbols in the bottom panels show richness, and relative abundances for the main shredder and scrpaer taxa, as indicated by different shading. Note the extremely high value of scraper biomass (M. praemorsa) after only 5 days (231 mg per leaf bag). Dinámica de invertebrados (fragmentadores y raspadores) colonizadores de bolsas de hojarasca de aliso en dos ríos con gran contraste tipológico (Sierra Nevada vs. región semiárida almeriense). Los gráficos de biomasa (mg de peso seco libre de cenizas de invertebrados por bolsa) muestran valores medios y error típico (n = 4). Los datos de abundancia relativa y riqueza corresponden a los principales taxones de fragmentadores y raspadores representados por diferentes tramas. Nótese que en el gráfico de biomasa para la localidad semiárida el valor de raspadores a los 5 días es 231 mg por bolsa. by CO2 removal through photosynthesis. Studies in a travertine stream in the Sierra de Almijara (Casas et al., 1994; Casas & Descals, 1997; Casas & Gessner, 1999; Vivas & Casas, 2002) have highlighted the key role of this process often exerts in ecosystem energy flow, mainly by interfering negatively with the action of microbial decomposers and detritivores. Two sites were studied in this stream, one devoid of riparian vegetation and experiencing intense travertine precipitation, the other covered by a canopy of riparian woody vegetation and reduced travertine precipitation. Large differences in standing stocks of benthic CPOM between both sites reflected the differences in riparian vegetation. Benthic CPOM stocks were remarkably high at the vegetated site compared to other studies, probably due to the extraordinary retention capacity of this type of travertine streams because riparian inputs typically become encrusted with calcite and firmly cemented to the stream bottom. Additionally, benthic CPOM stocks may be partly due to low decomposition rates. In fact, the leaf species examined exhibited decay rates among the lowest recorded in the literature, and rates were significantly lower at the open site with massive high travertine precipitation (Casas & Gessner, 1999). The calcite crust, which forms on CPOM rather quickly, probably acts as an effective barrier preventing physical abrasion and also hindering decomposition by both microbes and detritivores. Accordingly, the species richness and reproductive activity of aquatic hyphomycete fungi associated with leaves were lower at the open site with higher travertine precipitation (Casas & Descals, 1997), as was the biomass of detritivores (Vivas & Casas, 2002). These data indicate that in Mediterranean streams that are prone to travertine precipitation, basal resources such as leaf litter but also algal or bacterial biofilms on rocks are difficult to exploit for primary consumers. However, a well-developed woody riparian vegetation may significantly enhance energy flow in these streams not just by providing organic matter inputs but also by reducing tuff formation on the stream bed. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:48 Página 168 168 Casas et al. Conclusions and perspectives The results presented above illustrate the diversity of fluvial ecosystems in eastern Andalusia. The pronounced altitudinal, climatic and geological gradients in the area provide a wide range of natural conditions, superimposed by human impact. This sitting makes the area are well suited to carry out theoretical and applied studies on river ecology, particularly comparative investigations. The studies carried out to date have been mostly descriptive. The hypotheses they have generated now require experimental testing. Long-term observations are also needed to provide information on fluvial ecosystem dynamics at large time-scales, especially in view of the important interannual variability typical of the Mediterranean climate. In addition, our results highlight the conspicuous effects of human impacts on rivers in eastern Andalusia. This is another piece of evidence documenting the vast human pressures on aquatic ecosystems, which are likely to have particularly severe consequences in the Mediterranean where scarce and irregular rainfall is combined with everincreasing water demands and diverse sorts of surface water contamination. Headwater reaches may partly escape from this pressure, since they are often located in sierras that benefit from some sort of environmental protection status. However, even these streams are subject to human activities in their basins. A variety of farming, forestry and tourist activities are allowed in natural parks, and together with the overexploitation of groundwater, they may impair the ecological integrity of these rivers if preventive measures are not taken. The ambitious environmental objectives of the European Water Framework Directive to secure ecological sustainability of rivers are a step in the right direction, from which the rives in Andalusia may benefit. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Professor Ramón Margalef was a friend and outstanding scientist whose ideas were a guiding force for us and surely will continue inspi- ring new generations of limnologists. His death is an irreparable loss to many of us. We are grateful to Joan Armengol for having invited us to joint in this tribute. A substantial part of the results discussed in the present contribution has been funded by the Spanish “Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia” as part of the following projects: GUADALMED-1 (HID98-0323-C0504), GUADALMED-2 (REN2001-3438-C0705), and CGL2004-02496. REFERENCES ALLAN, J. D. 1995. Stream Ecology. Structure and Function of Running Waters. Chapman & Hall, London. 388 pp. BARBOUR, M. T., J. GERRITSEN, G. E. GRIFFITH, R. FRYDENBORG, R. MCCARRON, J. S. WHITE & M. L. BASTIAN. 1996. A framework for biological criteria for Florida streams using benthic macroinvertebrates. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc., 15: 185-211. BLONDEL, J. & J. ARONSON. 1999. 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Currently, it is recognized that atmospheric deposition of aerosols over ecosystems is a significant source not only of elements with gaseous phases but also of rock-derived ones. In the last years we have been quantifying the atmospheric flux of elements and substances of biogeochemical interest on the aquatic ecosystems of the South Iberian Peninsula, and their impact on their functioning and structure. The results we are obtaining indicate that atmospheric contribution of P and Ca are essential to explain the functioning of high mountain lakes, and that atmospheric input of organic matter partially supports the pelagic food web of these ecosystems. In this article we offer a summary of some of the results obtained to date. Key words: atmospheric deposition; phosphorus; nitrogen; calcium; soluble organic matter; lakes. RESUMEN La Península Ibérica está próxima al Desierto del Sahara que es la mayor fuente de aerosoles atmosféricos del Planeta. Actualmente, se reconoce que la deposición de aerosoles sobre los ecosistemas es una entrada significativa no sólo de elementos con fases gaseosas sino, también, de elementos derivados de rocas. En los últimos años hemos estado cuantificado el flujo atmosférico de elementos y sustancias de interés biogeoquímico sobre los ecosistemas acuáticos del sur de la Península Ibérica y el impacto sobre su funcionamiento y estructura. Los resultados que estamos obteniendo indican que los aportes atmosféricos de P y Ca son esenciales para explicar el funcionamiento de los lagos de alta montaña y que las entradas atmosféricas de materia orgánica sostienen parcialmente las redes tróficas pelágicas de estos ecosistemas. En este artículo ofrecemos un resumen de algunos de los resultados obtenidos hasta ahora. Palabras clave: deposición atmosférica; fósforo, nitrógeno, calcio, materia orgánica soluble, lagos. INTRODUCTION Biogeochemical cycles impose strong restrictions to the organization of the Biosphere (Margalef, 1997). Therefore, Ecology needs to understand the causes and consequences of the global mobilization and distribution of elements. In this sense, the atmosphere is a major component of the Biosphere (sensu Vernadsky) as well as a pathway throughout which elements can be mobilized among ecosystems. However, we are far from having a complete comprehension of its role in Biogeochemistry. Traditionally, the atmosphere has been considered the main source of elements with gaseous phases, such as N, for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. By contrast, atmospheric contribution of rock-derived elements, such as P or Ca, has been considered of minor relevance, highlighting the role of weathering inputs and sediment releases particularly in Limnology. This paradigm has prevailed over decades in studies on nutrient budgets in fresh-water ecosystems (Rodhe, 1948; Vollenweider, 1968, 1975, 1976). Due to anthropogenic activity, atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the Northern hemisphere significantly increased in the 70s and 80s and its effects on lake chemistry were intensely studied (Sullivan et al. 1990, Stoddard et al. 1999), whereas atmospheric inputs of phosphorus were not considered. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 172 12/6/06 13:48 Página 172 Morales-Baquero et al. Currently, it is well established that the atmosphere can mobilize amazing quantities of dust from the arid areas of the world (Schlesinger, 1997), and the role of the atmosphere as a vehicle for rock-derived elements has been recently revindicated (Chadwik et al., 1999). These authors found that the tropical ecosystems of Hawaii depend critically on phosphorus supplied by the atmosphere coming from the Central Asian Desert. At a global scale, the Sahara Desert is the largest arid area in the world and, consequently, it is the origin of the largest loads of dust to the atmosphere (D’Almeida, 1986). This dust is transported towards the Atlantic by the predominant westerly winds and towards the Mediterranean basin influenced by the presence of cyclones (Moulin et al., 1997). Saharan dust contains high quantities of particulate matter, soluble minerals and organic carbon (Talbot et al., 1986). The effects of dust deposition in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are now receiving attention (Ridame and Guieu 2002; Okin et al., 2004) and there is a considerable interest in assessing the effects of dust deposition on marine ecosystems (Guerzoni et al. 1999; Herut et al., 1999, 2002; Lenes et al., 2001). A particular scientific effort has been done to determine the availability of dust-derived P to primary producers (Migon and Sandroni, 1999; Ridame and Guieu, 2002; Markaki et al., 2003). Although the potential relevance of atmospheric P deposition for freshwater ecosystems has been previously exposed (Peters, 1977), the effects of P atmospheric inputs on lake biogeochemistry have been scarcely studied (Gibson el al, 1995). Every year, the Iberian Peninsula receives intrusions of air masses loaded with dust from the Sahara Desert (Querol et al., 2003). Their deposition rates are poorly known and published data comes mainly from the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula and is linked to rainfall (Camarero and Catalan, 1996; Avila et al., 1997). Nevertheless the Iberian Peninsula shows a strong gradient in the rainfall with minimum values in the Southeast where the dry deposition is predominant. During the last years, we have been developing a program to study wet and dry deposition in the Southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, and Figure 1. Relationship between TOMS aerosol index (NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center), as a surrogate of dust in the troposphere, and the dry PM collected weekly at 1000 m a.s.l. Despite that the TOMS aerosol index only provides valid values of dust at altitudes over 2000 m above ground, it is possible to establish a direct connection between the dust content at medium and high altitudes in the troposphere and the PM collected at ground level. Dust at these altitudes is mainly due to massive dust inputs originated in the Sahara Desert (after Morales-Baquero et al., 2006). Relación entre el índice de aerosoles TOMS (NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center), indicador del polvo en la troposfera, y el material particulado (PM) seco recogido semanalmente a 1000 m snm. A pesar de que el índice TOMS sólo proporciona valores válidos de polvo por encima de 2000 m sobre el nivel del suelo, se puede establecer una relación directa entre el contenido de polvo en niveles medios y altos de la troposfera y el PM recogido a nivel del suelo. En las altitudes citadas, el polvo procede principalmente de las inyecciones masivas originadas en el Desierto del Sahara (de Morales-Baquero et al., 2006). their effects on biogeochemistry of high mountain lakes and reservoirs of this area. Our goal is to quantify the atmospheric inputs of elements and substances relevant for the biogeochemical cycles of aquatic ecosystems, as representative of atmospheric deposition in the Southwest Mediterranean, and to establish direct links between such inputs and freshwater ecosystem responses. Here, we offer a summary of some of the more relevant results obtained to date. DEPOSITION OF PARTICULATE MATTER (PM) Data on dry and wet deposition obtained on a weekly basis during two years at 1000 m and at 2900 m a.s.l. (only ice-free periods), conforms to a Mediterranean regional pattern with gro- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 173 Atmospheric deposition in the southern Iberian Peninsula wing values, as distances from Sahara are shorter and closer to the Eastern latitudes (Goudie and Middleton, 2001). The mean PM total (dry + wet) deposition in Sierra Nevada at 1000 m. (11.2 g m-2 yr-1 Morales-Baquero et al., 2006) is higher than the values reported for Catalonia (Montseny) (5.3 g m-2 yr-1, Avila et al, 1997) and the Alps (0.2 to 0.4 g m-2 yr-1 Wagenbach and Geis, 1989; De Angelis and Gaudichet, 1991), similar to the values registered in Corsica (12-12.5 g m-2 yr-1, Bergametti et al., 1989; Löye-Pilot et al., 1986) and lower than those reported for the East Mediterranean area (36 to 72 g m-2 yr-1 Herut and Krom, 1996). Although rainfall can washout high quantities of PM, the contribution of dryfall to the annual total PM inputs registered in Sierra Nevada (79 %) was much higher than the wet deposition, emphasizing the importance of dry deposition in areas where the rain is scarce (Morales-Baquero et al., 2006). Several evidences point out that Saharan dust dominates PM deposition in the Southwest 173 Iberian Peninsula: 1) dry PM deposition exhibited a similar seasonal pattern to Saharan dust export toward the Mediterranean basin, which is characterized by maximum values particularly during spring and summer (Moulin et al. 1997); 2) there was a positive relationship between dry PM deposition and TOMS aerosol index (Fig. 1), which is a suitable estimator of Saharan dust content in the atmosphere (Chiapello et al., 1999); and 3) we registered higher PM deposition at 2900 m than at 1000 m which is consistent with the dynamics of Saharan dust transport, with maximum loads mobilized between 1500 and 4000 m (Talbot et al., 1986). Furthermore, the analysis of dust deposition depending on the air masses’ origin, determined by using backward trajectories analysis (HYSPLIT model, NASA) have clearly shown higher dust deposition when the air masses come from the South or Southwest rather than from other directions (Fig. 2). All these results reveal a significant and regular atmospheric transport of material from the African Continent to the South of the Iberian Peninsula. Figure 2. Synchronous measurements of dry PM deposition in three collectors located in sites up to 40 km distant in the Granada province and near three studied reservoirs. The values are cumulative data from weekly measurements during spring and summer of 2004 segregated according to the origin of the air masses for each corresponding week. Origins were determined by analysing 5-day backward trajectories at 3000 m asl using the HYSPLIT model (NOAA, Air Resources Laboratory). It is evident that PM deposition is higher when air masses arrive from the South or Southwest. Medidas sincrónicas de la deposición seca de material particulado (PM) en tres colectores situados en localidades separadas hasta en 40 km dentro de la Provincia de Granada y cercanos a tres embalses en estudio. Los valores son datos acumulados de medidas semanales durante la primavera y verano de 2004, separados de acuerdo con el origen de las masas de aire en cada semana. Los orígenes se determinaron analizando retrotrayectorias de 5 días a 3000 m snm calculadas aplicando el modelo HYSPLIT (NOAA, Air Resources Laboratory). Es evidente que la precipitación de PM es más elevada cuando las masas de aire llegan del Sur o Suroeste. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 174 174 Morales-Baquero et al. NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS DEPOSITION Saharan dust contains significant quantities of phosphorus. In fact, this source accounts for 3040 % of the total atmospheric flux of phosphorus into the Northwestern Mediterranean (Guieu et al., 2002). In Sierra Nevada the mean deposition of total phosphorus (TP) was 513 µmol m-2 yr-1 (Morales-Baquero et al., 2006), that is similar to deposition attributed to Saharan dust in Corsica (about 500 µmol m-2 yr-1, Bergametti et al., 1992), lower than the deposition measured in the East Mediterranean (1300 µmol m-2 yr-1, Herut et al., 1999), and higher than in Catalonia (100 µmol m-2 yr-1-only wet deposition-, Avila et al., 1998). The P deposition in our studies showed a similar pattern to PM deposition, with maximum values in spring and summer. In fact, we found a significant correlation between PM deposition and TP deposition (n= 107; r= 0.45; p< 0.001). In contrast, total nitrogen (TN) deposition (39.6 mmol m-2 yr-1, Morales-Baquero et al., 2006) was always lower than other sites from the Mediterranean basin (55 mmol m-2 yr-1 in the Northwest (Guerzoni et al., 1999) and about 50 mmol m-2 yr-1 in the East (Herut et al., 2002; Markaki et al., 2003), only inorganic fractions in both cases), making the anthropogenic impact over that area evident since N deposition is mostly linked to anthropogenic activity (Driscoll et al., 2003). TN deposition did not show a clear season pattern and was not correlated to PM deposition. In addition, wet deposition contributed more than 50 % to N inputs, whereas most P inputs over our study area were linked to dry deposition (72 %). The differences in the N and P inputs are also reflected in the molar TN:TP ratio of the atmospheric deposition, which varies seasonally from values as low as 11.9 in spring or summer to values >100 in fall or winter. The atmospheric inputs coming from Saharan dust appear to affect the biogeochemistry of the high mountain lakes from Sierra Nevada. The relatively high atmospheric inputs of P during summers were previously suggested as the responsible for the enhancement of P deficiency, as the summer progress, in lakes Figure 3. Relationships between the TN:TP molar ratio of the atmospheric deposition and the TN:TP molar ratio of the water column in La Caldera and Río Seco lakes. Although the atmospheric TN:TP molar ratio significantly affects both lakes, the influence on La Caldera nutrient status is steeper than that on Río Seco (after Morales-Baquero et al., 2006). Relaciones entre la razón molar TN:TP de la deposición atmosférica y la razón molar TN:TP de la columna de agua en las lagunas de La Caldera y Río Seco. Aunque la relación molar TN:TP atmosférica afecta significativamente a ambas lagunas, la influencia en los nutrientes de La Caldera es más acusada que en Río Seco. (de Morales-Baquero, et al. 2006). with bigger catchments areas (MoralesBaquero et al., 1999). The lakes with relatively smaller basins reflect the atmospheric N:P ratio more closely than the inputs from watersheds. In fact, N:P ratios of atmospheric inputs significantly relate to N:P ratios of lakes, affecting nutrient status (Morales-Baquero et al, 2006) (Fig. 3). In addition, we found a direct connection between atmospheric TP input and the response of phytoplankton (Morales-Baquero et al., 2006) (Fig. 4), demonstrating the importance and bioavailability of the P delivered from the atmosphere in natural conditions. CALCIUM DEPOSITION It is well known that Saharan dust contains high quantities of calcium carbonate (Löye-Pilot et al. 1986), which significantly increases the pH of rainwater and its deposition is an important input of Ca to terrestrial ecosystems (Avila et al., 1997). The mean total atmospheric inputs of calcium at 1000 m registered in Sierra Nevada Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 175 Atmospheric deposition in the southern Iberian Peninsula Figure 4. Relationship between atmospheric deposition of total phosphorous (TP) and Chlorophyl-a (Chl a) in La Caldera Lake. Each point represents the weekly input of TP (dry + wet) against the water column integrated Chl-a values at the end of the corresponding week. TP deposition explains 66 % of Chl-a variability (after Morales-Baquero et al., 1966). Relación entre la deposición atmosférica de fósforo total (TP) y el contenido en clorofila a (Chl a) de la laguna de La Caldera. Cada punto representa la entrada semanal de TP (seco + húmedo) frente a los valores de Chl a integrados para la columna de agua al final de la semana correspondiente. La deposición de TP explica el 66 % de la variabilidad de la Chl a (de Morales-Baquero, et al. 2006). (39.2 mmol m-2 yr-1; Pulido-Villena et al., 2006) were slightly higher than those reported for the Northeastern Iberian Peninsula, an area also influenced by Saharan dust inputs (24.8 mmol m-2 yr-1; Avila et al., 1997; 1998), and clearly higher than the reported for Northern Europe (6.1 mmol m-2 yr-1; Hultberg and Ferm, 2004). Like P deposition, Ca dry deposition was prevalent (64 % of total deposition), and showed the same seasonal pattern of PM dry deposition. Consequently, PM and Ca dry deposition were correlated (r=0.60; p<0.001; n=106). The influence of Saharan dust in Ca deposition is showed by the 50 % mean increase when Saharan intrusions over the Iberian Peninsula occur (Fig. 5). The atmospheric inputs of Ca are a determining factor for the Ca content in the Sierra Nevada lakes. We have recorded the Ca concentrations during three ice-free periods in two lakes: Rio Seco and La Caldera, with and without superficial outlets respectively. Ca concentration was always higher in La Caldera Lake (107.6 ± 1.1 µM) than in Río Seco Lake 175 Figure 5. Weekly averages of Ca deposition for 2001 and 2002 at the 1000 m a.s.l. collector. Values are segregated depending on the existence (62 weeks) or not (42 weeks) of Saharan intrusions (SI) over the Iberian Peninsula (after Pulido-Villena, 2004). Promedios semanales de deposición de Ca recogidos durante 2001 y 2002 en el colector situado a 1000 m snm. Los valores se han separado de acuerdo con la existencia (62 semanas) o no (42 semanas) de intrusiones saharianas (SI) sobre la Península Ibérica (de Pulido Villena, 2004). (37.4 ± 1.1 µM). Ca concentration in both lakes showed a significant synchronous dynamics (r=0.63; p< 0.001; n= 35). This fact suggests a climatic control, which could also be due to evaporative processes during summer. Nevertheless, analysing the in-lake variation of the 18O isotope, as a surrogate for evaporation, and the total direct Ca deposition to lakes, it has been possible to establish that Ca deposition is positively affecting the Ca concentration in both lakes. Furthermore, a mass estimate of Ca inputs to lakes and basins, realized on an annual basis, showed that atmospheric inputs can fully explain the Ca concentrations found in both lakes (Pulido-Villena et al., 2006). Therefore, the atmospheric Ca deposition appears to be a key factor to understand the high Ca content (and related variables, e.g. the acidneutralizing capacity) of some lakes in Sierra Nevada in comparison with the central Europe high mountain lakes (MOLAR, 1999). ORGANIC MATTER DEPOSITION Among the soil components mobilized as aerosols by the atmosphere, there are important Limnetica 25(1-2)02 176 12/6/06 13:49 Página 176 Morales-Baquero et al. Figure 6. Food web interactions in La Caldera lake as deduced from a 13C isotope analysis of their major components. The three crustacean species appear clearly segregated in their respective food sources. The significance of atmospheric inputs of organic Carbon is deduced from the high values of ␦13C signature of POM in the lake (after Pulido-Villena et al., 2005). 1) ␦13C of phytoplankton for La Caldera was estimated using a fractionation factor of 20‰ and the values of ␦13C of dissolved inorganic carbon measured by us. 2) ␦13C values for atmospheric inputs after Eglinton et al. (2002). Interacciones en la red trófica de la laguna de La Caldera según se deducen de un análisis del isótopo 13C en sus principales componentes. Los tres crustáceos mayoritarios aparecen claramente segregados en sus respectivas fuentes de alimento. La importancia de las entradas atmosféricas de carbono orgánico se deduce de los altos valores de ␦13C de la materia orgánica particulada (POM) en la laguna (de Pulido-Villena et al., 2005). 1) El ␦13C del fitoplancton en La Caldera se estimó usando un factor de fraccionamiento del 20‰ y los valores del ␦13C del carbono inorgánico disuelto medidos por nosotros. 2) Valores de ␦13C de las entradas atmosféricas según Eglinton et al. (2002). quantities of particulate and water-soluble organic carbon (W-SOC) (Talbot et al., 1986). Its deposition rates and ecological effects are poorly known, although it has been reported that atmospheric wet deposition of W-SOC to oceans can be similar to the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) derived from global river discharge (Willey et al. 2000). The atmospheric deposition of W-SOC is expected to be very significant in oligotrophic high mountain lakes where these compounds have low concentrations (<1 mg l-1) but play important functions, such as the regulation of ultraviolet radiation attenuation (Laurion et al. 2000; Reche et al., 2001). The total summer cumulative atmospheric deposition of W-SOC collected at 2900 m in Sierra Nevada was 20-mmol m-2, and about 50 % of this quantity arrived with the dry deposition of PM. Total PM deposition showed a direct relationship with total W-SOC deposition (r=0.62; p<0.001; n=33) (Pulido-Villena, 2004). These rates demonstrate that there is a substantial input of organic carbon, potentially bio-available, from the atmosphere to Sierra Nevada lakes. In fact, an analysis of the pelagic food webs, using a stable isotope approach, showed that this source of carbon might be essential for the food-webs in these lakes (Pulido-Villena et al., 2005). Fig. 6 shows the carbon stable isotope signature of the pelagic food web of La Caldera Lake. ␦13C of the zooplanktonic community revealed species-specific differences in their food sources, probably as a result of an ecological niche segregation. The cladoceran Daphnia pulicaria relied mainly on bulk particulate organic matter (POM) whose isotopic signature (␦13C= -24.5 ‰) was heavier than that estimated for phytoplankton (␦13C= -32.5 ‰). The most Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 177 Atmospheric deposition in the southern Iberian Peninsula plausible explanation for this discrepancy is that POM was composed not only of phytoplankton (and derived biota and detritus) but also of terrestrial organic matter, which is usually enriched in 13C. Since the basin of La Caldera Lake is rocky, the atmospheric inputs of organic matter, mainly derived from Sahara, could explain the heavy signal of POM in La Cadera. In this regard, the measured atmospheric input of WSOC in La Caldera may represent as much as 33 % of the dissolved organic carbon concentrations found in this lake (Pulido-Villena et al., 2005). Furthermore, a recent study by Eglinton et al. (2002) reported that the isotopic signature of total organic carbon in atmospheric dust derived from the Sahara Desert is especially heavy (c.a. -18 ‰) suggesting the presence of biomass and burning residues derived from predominantly C4 vegetation accumulated in the soils. The atmospheric inputs of organic matter can be a source of food not only for indiscriminate filter-feeding animals such as D. pulicaria, but also for bacteria. In fact, a bacteria culture enriched with atmospheric dust showed higher growth efficiency on atmospheric W-SOC than on lake DOC (Pulido-Villena, 2004). Therefore, the food webs of the high mountain lakes of Sierra Nevada can be partially supported by a source of energy originated in terrestrial ecosystems from other continents and whose transport is regulated by global atmospheric circulation patterns. MICROORGANISMS AS AEROSOLS Although the microbial component of aerosols is known since the 19th century, it has not received attention up to the present decade. Aerosols can mobilize about 1018 cells per year (Griffin et al., 2002) and these air-transported microorganisms can survive long distances suspended in dust particles. However, their colonizing abilities and outcompeting success are almost unknown. The deposition, viability, and expansion of these invading microorganisms can affect the indigenous microbiota, particularly in remote lakes with high ecological value. In 177 an ongoing project (ECOSENSOR, Fundación BBVA) we have selected remote lakes from the Arctic area, Antarctica, Patagonia, and high mountains to establish microbial biogeography patterns. We pretend to assess the role of the atmospheric long-range transport of microorganisms as a dispersal mechanism affecting microbial biodiversity patterns, since the spatial structure appears to contribute significantly to lake bacterial composition (Reche et al., 2005). Some preliminary experiments in our laboratory have also confirmed the existence of viable bacteria linked to dust deposition. CONCLUSIONS From the results obtained to date, it appears evident that the deposition of elements and compounds mobilized as aerosols by the atmosphere plays a significant role in the biogeochemistry of high mountain lakes from the Southern Iberian Peninsula. This deposition is related to dust exported from the Sahara desert on an annual basis, implying a regular intercontinental transfer of material. The deposition occurs mostly in dry form, and its effect on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems needs to be addressed. The dryfall of particulate matter is a climatic variable that, contrary to rainfall, has been scarcely considered. This variable is connected to global atmospheric circulation patterns such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). High positive NAO years involve high dust export from the Sahara to the Mediterranean basin (Moulin et al., 1997). The increase in the transport of aerosols that the recent models of climatic change have predicted, will probably lead to in an increase in the input of mineral nutrients and WSOC to freshwater ecosystems. In areas, such as the Mediterranean basin with long periods of absence of rainfall, the dryfall is continuously reaching aquatic ecosystems where the soluble components appear to have consequences, which we are now beginning to understand. From Margalef ’s legacy two major ideas have emanated and inspired this ongoing research. First, that biogeochemical cycles impose strong Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 178 Página 178 Morales-Baquero et al. restrictions to organization of the Biosphere, and second, that high mountain lakes are the finest sensors available to detect changes in the troposphere. We have now evidences that the atmosphere can supply both gaseous and rockderived elements essential for the biogeochemistry of Sierra Nevada high mountain lakes that are particularly sensible to variations in that supply. Since we are very grateful to the work of Margalef, these pages are a little tribute to him. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Financial support was provided by the projects CICYT AMB99-0541 and MCYT REN03-03038. REFERENCES AVILA, A., I. QUERALT-MITJANS & M. ALARCÓN. 1997. Mineralogical composition of African dust delivered by red rains over northeastern Spain. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102: 21977-21996. AVILA, A., M. ALARCON & I. QUERALT. 1998. The chemical composition of dust transported in red rains. 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These processes include the water fluxes below the surface of the lake, the behavior of the sediment in suspension in the basins, the heat fluxes at the surface and at the bottom layers, the internal seiching, the formation of a baroclinic current due to differences in cooling between the two lobes, the mixing dynamics, the meromictic behavior of some of the basins and the formation and dynamics of hydrothermal plumes Keywords: physical processes, sediment in suspension, internal seiches, baroclinic currents, hydrothermal plumes RESUMEN Los principales procesos físicos de gran escala que tienen lugar en le Lago de Banyotes son revisados como tributo al Profesor Margalef. Estos procesos incluyen los flujos de agua bajo la superficie del lago, el comportamiento del sedimento en suspensión en las cubetas, los flujos de calor en la superficie y en el fondo, las secas internas y la formación de corrientes baroclínicas debido a la diferencia de enfriamiento entre los dos lóbulos, la dinámica de mezcla, el comportamiento meromíctico de algunas de las cubetas y la formación y dinámica de las plumas hidrotérmicas. Palabras clave: procesos físicos, sedimento en suspensión, secas internas, corrientes baroclínicas, plumas hidrotérmicas. INTRODUCTION It was about 1985 when two of the authors of this paper and their future PhD supervisors (David Jou and Josep Enric Llebot) visited Prof. Margalef in his office at the Ecology Department of the University of Barcelona. The authors wanted to focus their studies on the physical processes occurring in Lake Banyoles and, knowing of Prof. Margalef ’s scientific interest in the lake, asked him for his advice. The pioneering work of Prof. Margalef in Lake Banyoles (Margalef, 1946), had been followed by various studies on the ecology of the lake (Planas, 1973; Guerrero et al., 1978; Rieradevall & Prat, 1991), but very little was known about the physical processes there. Prof. Margalef was always encouraging researchers with background in physics to undertake a study of the subject. After long and fruitful discussions, we decided to approach Lake Banyoles by studying the hydrodynamics of the lake. In 1992, when Prof. Margalef came to Girona as a member of the committee evaluating one of these PhDs, he let us know that he agreed with our approach and encouraged us to pursue physical limnology further. Since then, many other research studies undertaken by the Environmental Physics Group of the University of Girona have been related to the lake, and the PhD theses of the other two authors of this article were also related with Lake Banyoles. Although nowadays the focus of the Environmental Physics Group has been broadened to cover other fields such as reservoirs, wetlands and oceans (Serra et al., 2003; Roget et al., 2005), there are still two PhD theses being written about different aspects of Lake Banyoles, from which some preliminary results are referred to in this paper. The complexity of the lake’s hydrodynamics, together with recently develo- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 182 12/6/06 13:49 Página 182 Casamitjana et al. ped instruments, such as microstructure sensors, acoustic Doppler current meters, particle size analyzers, etc., make these new studies seem as passionate as those in the beginning. Going back to 20 years ago, we can’t avoid thinking in the first pioneering researches of Lake Banyoles. Although some of those papers, written in Catalan or Spanish, will not be of interest to an international audience, they might be for local researchers; the same applies to some of our first works which have never been published in English and are reviewed in this paper. Today we are pleased to review the history of hydrodynamic studies in Lake Banyoles as a tribute to Prof. Margalef. The main physical processes to be reviewed here are schematised in figure 1 and include the water fluxes below the surface of the lake, the behaviour of the sediment in suspension in the basins, the heat fluxes at the surface and at the bottom layers, the internal seiching, the formation of a baroclinic current due to differences in cooling between the two lobes, the mixing dynamics, the meromictic behaviour of some of the basins, and the formation and dynamics of hydrothermal plumes. THE SUBTERRANEAN SPRINGS OF THE LAKE Lake Banyoles, located in the eastern Catalan pre-Pyrenees (42°07’N, 2°45’E), is a small multi-basin lake of mixed tectonic-karstic origin with a surface area of 1.12 km2 (Fig. 2). The tectonic constraint of the lake forces the groundwater flow through the bottom of the basins in a vertical discharge (Moreno & García-Berthou, 1989). The subterranean springs keep several meters of sediment in suspension at the bottom of the conic inflow areas and up to a fairly sharp sediment interface, known as the lutocline, where the particle concentration can vary from about 180 mg/l to less than 1 mg/l. The suspended sediment is formed by a mixture of marly and argillaceous materials and they have a nearly constant temperature throughout the year (19 ºC), being 23 ºC higher that that of the hypolimnetic water in summer and 8-10 ºC higher in winter. Subterranean water inflow is also saltier than the bulk water of the lake (Casamitjana, 1989). The importance of the underground inflow to the lake’s dynamics did not escape the first re- Figure 1: Scheme of the main physical processes occurring in Lake Banyoles. Esquema de los principales procesos físicos que tienen lugar en el Lago de Banyoles. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 183 Physical Limnology in Lake Banyoles searchers studying the lake. Calculations based on the difference between the surface inflows and outflows had already been done 80 years ago, estimating a global underground inflow of around 600 l/s (Mascaró, 1914; Vidal-Pardal, 1925). However, the global estimations did not account for the different physical, chemical, and biological properties of the basins (Guerrero et al., 1978). The groundwater inflow within the individual basins was first determined in 1986 based on measurements of the settling velocity of the particles in the suspensions, their porosity and the cross sectional 183 area (Roget, 1987; Roget et al., 1994). The most important conclusion from this study was the location of the main underground inflow in the southern lobe (BI in Fig. 2), which usually supplies around 85 % of the total incoming water by subterranean springs. Casamitjana et al. (1988) calculated the heat flux from the basins of Lake Banyoles and estimated that, if the lake were not heated from below, the heat budget would increase by around 6.7 107 J m-2 over 7.9 107 J m-2. They also estimated that the heat through BI was 90 % of the total underground heat coming into the lake. Figure 2. Bathymetric map of Lake Banyoles. Depth contours are in meters. The lake is composed of six basins (BI to BVI). The bottom right panel shows a schematic view of basin I of Lake Banyoles (BI) obtained from a seismic profile and its interpretative section (adapted from Canals et al. 1990). The top right panel shows two echosounding profiles of basin BII for two different recharge volumes. Sediment in suspension is clearly delimited by an horizontal interface. Mapa batimétrico del lago de Banyoles. Los contornos de profundidad están en metros. El lago está formado por 6 cubetas. El panel de la parte inferior derecha es una representación esquemática de la cubeta I del Lago de Banyoles (BI), obtenida mediante perfiles sísmicos, juntamente con un esquema interpretativo (adaptado de Canals et al. 1990).El panel de la parte superior derecha muestra dos perfiles de ecosonda de la cubeta BII, para dos flujos diferentes de entrada. El sedimento en suspensión está claramente delimitado por una interfase horizontal. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 184 12/6/06 13:49 Página 184 Casamitjana et al. Different laboratory studies were carried out in order to simulate the re-suspension of particles by a flow from below. Roget & Casamitjana (1987) used a glass column 140 cm high and 10 cm in diameter with a variable water supply at its bottom and extraction points every 10 cm along the column to study the fluidisation process. Casamitjana & Roget (1990a) also stated the importance of the history of the bed on its departure for the ideal behaviour. Laboratory studies were also performed by Colomer & Fernando (1996) using a tank with a jet nozzle located at the centre of the bottom, beneath the particle layer. The jet, carrying fluidised particles, penetrated through the particle bed and emanated into the upper layer. They identified two different flow regimes. The first one, called the “continuous re-entrainment” regime, occurring at low values of momentum fluxes, is characterized by no significant deposition of particles from the particle-laden jet onto the bed. In the second one, called the “full deposition” regime, the particles that were initially entrained into the jet were found to deposit back onto the bed with time, thus forming an axisymmetric particle mound around the inlet jet. Casamitjana et al. (2000) carried out a similar experiment but using a conical basin. They identified two regimes: the so-called “jet flow” and “lutocline flow” regimes; the “full deposition” regime was not found here. In the “lutocline flow regime”, the particles were re-suspended forming a well-established interface along the entire cross sectional area of the cone. The maximum height to which particles can rise was found to depend on the momentum jet, the initial height of the particle bed, the particle diameter, the Reynolds number of the particle, and the slope of the conical basin. Results obtained in this experiment show good agreement to what was observed in Lake Banyoles, provided that the sediment particles aggregate within the suspension. Particle size distributions of the suspended sediments in Lake Banyoles have repeatedly been obtained by different methods (Sanz, 1985; Roget, 1987). However, the handling and analysing procedures may disrupt the suspended aggregates, altering the results. To measure the “real” diameter of the suspended particles, samples of sediment were immediately frozen in situ by introducing them into liquid nitrogen containers (Casamitjana et al., 1996). From the frozen sediment, samples were taken and deposited on a nucleopore membrane and then analysed by a scanning electron microscope. This technique showed mean diameters of around 60 µm, which reveal good agreement with the experiments carried out by Casamitjana et al. (1996). The re-suspension of sediments and the formation of the lutoclines can be also simulated by using a two-dimensional κ-ε model (Colomer et al., 1998). The results of the model predict a re-circulation zone below the lutocline and a severe damping of the turbulent kinetic energy and effective viscosity at the bottom of the lutocline due to the buoyancy flux. The lutocline acts as a barrier to the propagation of the turbulent kinetic energy. However, due to the convective processes generated immediately above this interface, there is a local increase of the rate of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation (Muñiz, 2000; Sánchez, 2001; Lozovatsky et al., 2005). Records over the past 20 years show that the sediment in basin BII (see Fig. 2) usually remains consolidated at the bottom, with the lutocline at a depth of approximately 44 m (Casamitjana & Roget, 1993, Colomer et al., 1998, Soler et al., 2005). Eventually, the subterranean springs in BII supply water to the lake at a rate comparable to those in BI. This is possible for high precipitation periods that recharge the aquifer, which in turn increases the pressure enough for incoming water to re-suspend the confined and consolidated sediment at the bottom of BII (Colomer et al., 2002). In this case the sediment migrates upward and initiates the fluidisation of the confined bed sediments. The initiation of the fluidisation usually coincides with the maximum mean monthly rainfall, which was about 250-350 mm/month. The rainfall, in turn, is associated with six main atmospheric circulation patterns among the 19 fundamental circulations that emerged in an earlier study that focused on significant rainfall days in Mediterranean Spain. They comprise a wide variety of flows over the Iberian Peninsula, with Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 185 Physical Limnology in Lake Banyoles marked seasonal distributions and a clear distinction between Atlantic and western Mediterranean disturbances (Soler et al., 2005). THERMAL STRUCTURE, SEICHING AND BAROCLINIC CURRENTS The thermal structure of Lake Banyoles can be predicted by using a one dimensional lake model, like DYRESM, and inserting the inflow directly to the bottom of the water column (Casamitjana et al., 1993). Mean daily measurements of global radiation, downward long-wave radiation, wind speed, air temperature and water surface temperature were used to calculate a new equation for the non-radiative fluxes (Colomer et al., 1996). The predicted water temperature profiles are in good agreement with the observations in basin BI. In basins BIII and BIV the evolution of the temperature inversion in the hypolimnion, due to meromixis (Casamitjana & Roget, 1986) and the rate of mixed layer deepening is also well predicted. The model shows how the groundwater intrusion greatly reduces the extent of summer stratification. The first vertical modes of the internal seiches in Lake Banyoles were first calculated by Besalú et al. (1988) using a one-dimensional model. Although by that time high vertical modes had rarely been described in the literature, it was found later using a multi layer twodimensional model, that second vertical modes dominate the internal wave field in Lake Banyoles in spring (Roget, 1992) and their amplitudes were measured to be up to 2 m. Furthermore, in an unexpected result, their period was not correlated to that of wind forcing (Roget et al., 1993a) as it was believed to always be the case for high vertical modes. Even considering the small fetch of the lake in this direction, due to the importance of the seabreeze regime (Roget et al., 1997), a persistent first vertical transversal mode was also found in the southern lobe. This transversal mode corresponds to the third horizontal for the southern lobe and coincides with the seventh of the whole lake. Coupling between oscillations of 185 other density interfaces of the lake was also described in Roget (1992). Because of the different thermal inertia of the two main lobes of the lake (with mean depths of 10 and 18 m) and the different incoming heat flux through the underground sources located in them, it was found that in winter, denser water of the shallower northern lobe was plunging into the deepest lobe forming a bottom current, with velocities of up to 12 cm/s observed in the central part of the lake. This current redistributes water between the two lobes and replaces the water of the northern lobe about every 5 days (otherwise its residence time would be about one year). Due to its magnitude (around 20000 l/s), it dominates the circulation of the lake (Roget et al., 1993b). This current was affected by the wind pattern and deflected towards the southwest due to the bottom topography, but also due to the Coriolis force. This is described in Roget & Colomer (1996) where it is found that the cross slope of the isotherms agrees with the geostrophic balance. DYNAMICS OF THE HYDROTHERMAL PLUME The difference in temperature between the sediments in suspension and the hypolimnetic water immediately above them leads to the formation of a turbulent convective plume immediately above the lutocline (Colomer et al., 2001). The plume develops upwards until it reaches the level of neutral buoyancy, spreading laterally as gravity current. The estimated values of the Rossby number showed that rotation affects the plume development and that the plume develops to a maximum height limited by the strong temperature gradient of the seasonal thermocline. When there is no inflow through basin BII, a second stationary thermocline develops at a depth of around 22 m in this basin. Casamitjana & Roget (1990b) found that this thermocline is only destroyed in the coldest months of January and February or whenever the fluidization of basin BII occurs. In this last case, the lutocline migrates upward, the secondary thermocline is Limnetica 25(1-2)02 186 12/6/06 13:49 Página 186 Casamitjana et al. destroyed and a new hydrothermal plume is formed in basin BII (Colomer et al., 2003). As a major characteristic of convection from an isolated source, the plume entrains particles from the lutocline and carries a suspension of clay and silt particles upward with particle volume concentrations of ∼ 5-10 µl L-1. Because of the temperature inversion at the lutocline, the plume is negatively buoyant. As a result, it moves upward and in the absence of a thermal stratification background or in the presence of a weak one (as in the mixed lake period), it reaches the surface waters and then spreads laterally, with the consequent change of water quality caused by an increase of the suspended particle concentration (Serra et al., 2002a). It can be expected, then, that the suspended particles change the clarity of the water, which might imply a habitat constraint for fishes by limiting their feeding opportunities and other visual activities (Serra et al., 2002b). Two-dimensional temperature and particle concentration measurements show the fate of the hydrothermal plume and its associated turbidity current and reveal its seasonal development (Serra et al., 2005). Silt particles transported by the plume have been used as tracers to determine the maximum and equilibrium heights of the plume. When the lake is stratified, the vertical transport of sediment is confined to the lake hypolimnion, since the thermocline limits the vertical propagation of the plume. In contrast, when the lake water column is mixed, the plume reaches the surface of the lake. The field measurements have been compared with models for thermal convection from finite isolated sources. Measurements of flow velocity at the source of the hydrothermal plume (i.e. the rim current velocity) indicate that cold hypolimnetic water is entrained by the plume. In the zone where the turbidity current develops, sedimentation rates measured from sediment traps vary between 10 and 25 g m-2 d-1, and result from continuous silt particle sedimentation from the turbidity current. Sedimentation rates in traps are higher for stations situated close to the source than for those further away (< 5 g m-2 d-1). Moreover, the results demonstrate that double diffusive sedi- mentation from the turbidity current was dominant over grain-by-grain settling, causing a mixed distribution of sediments in the region where the turbidity current spreads. The deposition of silt particles could explain the occurrence of silt layers interbedded with biocalcarenites in the littoral zones of the lake and the stratigraphy identified by seismic profiles and cores taken from the lake floor. Therefore, all of the mentioned results demonstrate that the presence of the plume and the turbidity current affects the sedimentary records in the lake. At the upper interface of the fluidised bed at the base of the plume, particle concentration and salinity (decreasing upwards) have the opposite effect of that of temperature (also decreasing upwards) on their contribution to the vertical density distribution, and the corresponding density ratio is a little bit greater than one. This condition, plus the fact that particle and salt diffusivities are lower than thermal diffusivity, makes the double-diffusive convection possible within a diffusive regime. At present, this is studied according to microstructure measurements recorded in basin BII, when a second thermocline at the entrance of the conic underground spring region exists, greatly isolating this region from the rest of the lake. In these circumstances, the upper interface of the fluidised bed is steplike for the three scalar fields, with well-mixed turbulent convective layers separated by diffusive interfaces (Sánchez & Roget, 2005). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank the various collaborators involved in different ways in Lake Banyoles’ research though the years: David Jou, Josep Enric Llebot, Josep Pararols, Marianna Soler, Ramon Julià, Xavier Vila, Esperança Gacia, Rafael Juanola, Jaume Piera, Romualdo Romero, John Alan Ross, Geoffrey Schladow, H. Joe Fernando, Xavier Sánchez, Javier Vidal, and Josep Pasqual. The authors are grateful to captain Joan Corominas for the outstanding help and support in the field campaigns in Lake Banyoles. Most of the funds were provided by Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 187 Physical Limnology in Lake Banyoles the Catalan and Spanish Governments, through different agencies and projects. REFERENCES BESALÚ, E., J. MESTRES, P. VILARDELL, P. & X. CASAMITJANA. 1988. 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ISSN: 0213-8409 Complex interactions in microbial food webs: Stoichiometric and functional approaches Presentación Carrillo1, Juan Manuel Medina-Sánchez2, Manuel Villar-Argaiz2, José Antonio Delgado-Molina2 and Francisco José Bullejos2 1Instituto del Agua, Universidad de Granada. 18071 Granada, SPAIN Departamento de Ecología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, SPAIN Corresponding author: 1,2 ABSTRACT The food web structure in some high mountain lakes deviates from the established tendency of high heterotrophic bacteria: phytoplankton biomass ratios in oligotrophic ecosystems. Thus, the microbial food web in La Caldera Lake is weakly developed, and bacteria constitute a minor component of the plankton community in terms of abundance, biomass and production. Autotrophic picoplankton is absent, and heterotrophic microbial food web is weakly developed compared to a grazing chain dominated by calanoid copepods and a phytoplankton community mainly composed of mixotrophic flagellates. In order to explain the singular food web structure of this lake, functional, stoichiometric and taxonomical approaches are followed to assess, on various temporal and spatial scales, the relevance of stressful abiotic factors (ultraviolet solar radiation and P-limitation) on the structure and functioning of this ecosystem. P-availability was the main factor controlling the algal biomass whereas bacterial P- limitation was a transient phenomenon. The algae-bacteria relationship was predominately commensalistic. In contrast to algae, full-sunlight radiation had no negative effect on bacterial growth but rather enhanced bacterial dependence on the carbon released by algae. The prevalence of the commensalistic-mutualistic relationship and the development of a more complex microbial food web were related to the stoichiometry of algae and bacteria (N:P ratios). The microbial food web only developed at balanced algal and bacterial N:P ratios, with the appearance of ciliates after a nutrient pulse. However, mixotrophic algae dominated the planktonic community under P-deficit conditions, and they were the main factor controlling bacterioplankton. Their regulatory effect has a dual nature: (i) a resource-based control, where bacteria depend on the photosynthetic carbon released by algae, i.e., a commensalistic interaction (“without you I cannot live”); and (ii) a predatory control, where bacteria is a prey for mixotrophs (“with you I die”). Hence, the niche of microheterotrophs (nanoflagellates and ciliates) is occupied by mixotrophs, and there is a resulting simplification of the planktonic structure. With respect to the carbon cycle, mixotrophic bacterivory constitutes a “by-pass” for the flux of C towards the grazing chain, precluding the development of a complex heterotrophic microbial food web. Mixotrophs thereby improve the energetic transfer efficiency in high mountain lakes through a reduction in the number of trophic levels. Antagonistic effects of UVR x P interactions on the algae-bacteria relationship were caused by an enhancement of dual (resource and predation) control. Based on these results, an alternative model for the flux of C in autotrophic high mountain lakes has been proposed. Key words: Carbon flux, high mountain lakes, microbial loop, nutrient limitation, stoichiometry, ultraviolet radiation. RESUMEN La estructura de la red trófica en algunos lagos de alta montaña, se aleja de los patrones establecidos para ecosistemas oligotróficos que proponen el predominio de la red trófica microbiana sobre la cadena de pastoreo. Así, en la laguna de La Caldera las bacterias son el componente minoritario de la comunidad planctónica en términos de abundancia, biomasa y producción. El picoplancton autótrofo está ausente y la red microbiana heterotrófica se encuentra escasamente desarrollada frente a una cadena de pastoreo dominada por copépodos calanoides y algas mixotróficas. Para comprender los mecanismos que determinan esta estructura trófica hemos seguido diferentes aproximaciones de análisis: funcional, estequiométrica y taxonómica sobre distintas escalas espaciales y temporales, en relación con los principales factores de estrés abiótico (radiación ultravioleta y limitación por fósforo) que controlan el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas de alta montaña. Nuestros resultados indican que la disponibilidad de fósforo, de forma generalizada, controla la biomasa algal y de manera transitoria la bacteriana, estableciéndose entre ambas comunidades una relación comensalista. La radiación solar completa no afecta negativamente el desarrollo de las bacterias y si el de las algas y potencia la relación de dependencia por el carbono orgánico (comensalismo) entre algas y bacterias. El predominio de la relación comensalista-mutualista y el desarrollo del bucle microbiano esta relacionado con la estequiometría (razón N:P) de algas y bacterias. Así, sólo cuando la razón N:P de algas y bacterias es equilibrada para crecer, un pulso de Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 190 13:49 Página 190 Carrillo et al. nutrientes permite el desarrollo del bucle microbiano. En condiciones naturales de déficit de P, sin embargo, existe un predominio de “algas” con metabolismo mixotrófico. Las algas mixotróficas ejercen un efecto regulador dual sobre las bacterias que denominamos Ni contigo ni sin ti, (i) control por depredación, donde las bacterias son consumidas por algas mixotróficas (“contigo me muero”), (ii) control basado en los recursos estableciéndose una relación de dependencia de las bacterias sobre del carbono liberado por las algas (“sin ti no puedo vivir”). La mixotrofia supone un simplificación en la cadena trófica microbiana, donde los mixótrofos ocupan el nicho potencial de nanoflagelados y ciliados. Desde un punto de vista energético implica un cortocircuito en el flujo de energía y un incremento en la eficiencia de transferencia energética en ecosistemas ultraoligotróficos y con alta dosis de radiación ultravioleta (RUV). Los efectos de la interacción entre RUV y pulsos de P tienen un efecto antagónico sobre la interacción alga-bacteria, intensificando la interacción comensal-depredadora. A partir de los resultados obtenidos proponemos un modelo alternativo de flujo de energía para ecosistemas autotróficos de alta montaña. Palabras clave: Bucle microbiano, Estequiometría, Flujo del carbono, Limitación por Nutrientes, Lagos de Alta Montaña, Radiación Ultravioleta INTRODUCTION The food web constitutes one of the most complex conceptual phenomena in modern Biology (Pimm et al., 1991). This complexity is increased by the “nodes” of the food web, through which energy and materials flow, are formed by individual organisms of diverse species, each individual is a complex biochemical system, and every species is the product of ongoing evolutionary change (Holt, 1995). Nevertheless, according to Margalef, knowledge of the relations among elements is more important to the understanding of a system than knowledge of the precise nature of its constituents (Margalef, 1992). It is therefore crucial to study the interactions that take place in the food web –an important issue in the emerging science of “Biocomplexity” (Michener et al., 2001)–, and to develop appropriate concepts or key variables for this purpose. Trophic level (tropho-dynamic view, Lindeman, 1942) and body size, which control many of the physiological properties of organisms and influence the trophic structure of the communities (Rodriguez, 1999), are among two of the traditionally considered variables. Recently, Sterner & Elser (2002) proposed stoichiometry as a tool for ecological analysis in order to relate the elemental composition of organisms (carbon [C], nitrogen [N] and phosphorus [P]) to their growth rates and resource availability (Biological stoichiometry; Elser et al., 1996). Furthermore, stoichiometry permits the examination of the balance of energy (usually characterized in carbon terms) with multiple chemical elements (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus) in the organisms, and of the relationship between ecological interactions and biogeochemical cycles (Ecological stoichiometry; Sterner & Elser, 2002). More recent studies of food webs suggest that the supposed complexity of the food web is more apparent than real (Elser & Hessen, 2005). On the grounds of biosimplicity, they proposed the consideration of the Darwinian paradigm in food web models alongside elemental composition and the laws of thermodynamics. This multiple approach avoids the bias implied by the use of a single tool to study the complexity of food webs. As these authors put it, “If your only tool is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail”. This multiple approach has been adopted in the food web analysis presented in this review. WHAT WE KNOW AND WHAT WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND Food webs in aquatic ecosystems function via the channeling of energy and the flux of materials among diverse organism assemblages organized in two chains: the classical grazing chain (phytoplankton-zooplankton-fish), traditionally considered the main pathway for the flow of energy within these ecosystems; and the so-called “microbial loop”, (bacteria-heterotrophic nanoflagellates [HNF] - ciliates). The latter is parallel to and converges with the grazing chain via zooplankton consumption of bacteria, HNF, and ciliates (Pomeroy, 1974; Azam et al., 1983). The clearly established Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 191 Complex interactions in microbial food webs 191 ¿Why does the microbial loop fail to develop in La Caldera Lake? Figure 1. Inter-annual variability of the food web structure of the plankton community in La Caldera Lake. AUT, phytoplankton; BAC, bacteria; HNF, heterotrophic nano-flagellates; CIL, ciliates; ZOO, zooplankton. Variabilidad interanual de la estructura de la red trófica de la comunidad planctónica de la laguna de La Caldera. AUT, fitoplancton; BAC, bacteria; HNF, nanoflagelados heterotróficos; CIL, ciliados; ZOO, zooplancton. dominance of the microbial communities in oligotrophic ecosystems (del Giorgio & Gasol, 1995; Gasol et al., 1997; Vadstein, 2000) derives from their ability to consume organic matter and mineral nutrients at higher rates compared to algae (Biddanda et al., 2001). The dominance of the microbial community in the metabolic balance of oligotrophic ecosystems invites an in-depth study of: the functioning of this compartment, the effects of variations in abiotic factors (i.e. ultraviolet radiation [UVR], nutrient availability) on interactions among its components, and the propagation or attenuation of stress-factor effects throughout the food web. The biological simplicity of the high mountain lakes in Sierra Nevada National Park, which is mediated by strong physical regulation and extreme oligotrophic conditions, makes them an ideal setting for observing and modelling the structure and functioning of the microbial food web. Thus, on an inter-annual scale, the food web structure of one of these ecosystems, La Caldera Lake (Fig. 1), deviates from the trends established for oligotrophic ecosystems, with scant microbial loop development, frequently represented only by bacteria. The first question that arises is then, Algae-bacteria interactions have been shown to be the key link between the classical grazing chain and the microbial food web, and the coexistence of both trophic levels is a “sine qua non” condition for the persistence of the ecosystem (Daufresne & Loreau, 2001). Different analyses in freshwater and marine ecosystems of the relationship between the biomass/production of bacteria and algae (Cole et al., 1988; Teira et al., 2001; Carrillo et al., 2002) have shown a direct relationship between these organisms. The commensalistic algae-bacteria relationship based on bacterial dependence on organic C released by algae has provided the key explanation of some empirical trends. Accordingly, it is assumed that bacterioplankton is not limited by mineral nutrients (Chrzanowski & Grover, 2001) and establishes an indirect mutualistic interaction with algae, whereby algae provide carbon to sustain bacterial growth and bacteria recycle mineral nutrients to support algal growth (Aota & Nahajima, 2001). This mutualistic interaction is often established in lakes with negligible allochthonous C input, absence of anoxic (or hypoxic) hypolimnion (see discussion in Pace & Cole, 1994), or a high N:P inorganic ratio (Lee et al., 1994), all characteristics of high mountain lakes. Nevertheless, preliminary studies in La Caldera Lake showed a decoupling between the two communities (Reche et al., l996). Since the algae-bacteria relationship is critical to an understanding of microbial loop development, deeper analysis of the nature of this interaction is required. Daufresne & Loreau (2001) were the first to propose that the alga-bacteria relationship varies according to stoichiometry of C and nutrient content in the matter transferred from primary producers to decomposers. Because the composition of the released organic matter and the nutritional status of the algae are intrinsically linked (Obernosterer & Herndl, 1997; Caron et al., 2000; Sterner & Elser, 2002), organism stoichiometry may be a useful Limnetica 25(1-2)02 192 12/6/06 13:49 Página 192 Carrillo et al. tool to understand algae-bacteria interactions, since it yields data on nutrient demands and nutrient limitations to growth. Thus, according to the elemental C:N:P cell content and the availability of substrates, bacteria or algae will be limited by one element or another. For example, if algae are P-deficient (high C:P), the organic matter released will be characterized by a high C:P ratio, leading towards a Plimitation for bacteria. The higher nutrient requirements of bacteria in terms of biomass, C:P and N:P ratios are met by the immobilization of mineral nutrients (Daufresne & Loreau, 2001). Therefore, competition results from a high C:nutrient ratio of the matter transferred between algae and bacteria. Thus, the algae-bacteria relationship can be changed from mutualism to competition for mineral nutrients, especially in oligotrophic environments (Aota & Nahajima, 2001; Cotner & Biddanda, 2002; Joint et al., 2002). Because of the dynamic nature of the algae-bacteria interaction, the relative importance of mutualism versus competition must be studied, as well as the individual and interactive effects of stressfactors (UVR and P-limitation) on this interaction. These fundamental ecological questions will be addressed in this review, allowing us to propose an alternative model for the microbial food web in high mountain lakes. Figure 2. Bacterial [3H] TdR incorporation rates in the presence versus the absence of algae under different light treatments. Error bars indicate means ± SD, n = 3. Valores de la tasa de incorporación de [3H] TdR por bacterias en presencia vs. ausencia de algas bajo diferentes tratamientos de luz (UVB+UVA+PAR, UVA+PAR, PAR, Oscuridad). Las barras indican medias ± SD, n=3. THE MICROBIAL LOOP DOES NOT DEVELOP. DAZZLED BY THE LIGHT? The high mountain lakes at Sierra Nevada receive a high ultraviolet radiation (UVR) flow due to their altitude (3000 m) and proximity to the subtropics. On the other hand, the low DOC concentration in the water of these lakes (Reche et al., 2001), a consequence of the scarce development of terrestrial vegetation in their catchment areas, allows for a high level of UVR penetration into the water column. Therefore, the low development of the microbial loop might be related to the direct negative effects of ultraviolet-B radiation (<320 nm) (UVB) on these communities. Experimental evaluation of the bacterial activity under different light qualities confirmed our initial hypothesis. Thus, UVB reduced bacterial [3H] TdR incorporation rates by 39-87 % at the surface, although it had no significant effect at intermediate layers (Fig. 2) (Carrillo et al., 2002; Medina–Sánchez et al., 2002). In contrast, either UVA and photosynthetic active radiation (UVA + PAR) or PAR alone exerted a stimulatory effect on [3H] TdR incorporation rates (Fig. 2). This bacterial response was interpreted as the result of photorepair mechanisms (Kim & Sancar, 1993; Vincent & Roy, 1993), which were especially efficient under high light intensities (Carrillo et al., 2002). This photorepair effect is translated into a net stimulatory full-sunlight effect (UVB + UVA + PAR) on bacterial growth (Fig. 2). Nevertheless, an adequate supply of photosynthetic carbon from algae is required to support a net increase in bacterial growth after the recovery of UVB-damaged bacteria. In fact, in experiments made in the absence of algae, this potential recovery did not manifest as enhanced bacterial growth (Fig. 2) (Medina-Sánchez et al., 2002). Can photosynthetic C supply be inhibited by ultraviolet radiation? Our experimental results showed that UVR inhibits primary production (PP) but increases excretion of organic carbon by algae (EOC) (Carrillo et al., 2002). A higher proportion of this released C is assimilated by bacteria (% PEA) under UVA + PAR or PAR rather than under UVB radiation. These data are compatible with the mechanism proposed Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 193 Complex interactions in microbial food webs Figure 3. Annual relationship between Bacterial Production and Excretion of Organic Carbon (EOC) for the entire water column (A), and discriminating between depths in 1997 (B). Error bars indicate means ± SD of bacterial production, n = 3. Relación anual entre Producción Bacteriana y Excreción de Carbono Orgánico (EOC) en la columna de agua completa (A) y discriminando entre profundidades (B). Las barras indican medias ± SD de producción bacteriana, n=3. by Berman-Frank & Dubinsky (1999) for the regulation of algae-bacteria interaction in poormineral nutrient ecosystems with high UVR flow, and also with the stimulatory effect on bacterial [3H] TdR incorporation rates under photorepair light (UVA and/or PAR). The consistency of the results obtained (increased net bacterial activity) using two different methodological approaches suggests a relationship between the consumption of bacterial C and the ability to channel it to new bacterial biomass. For this reason, our group proposed the PB: PEA ratio (as percentage; % CUEb) to quantify the use of photosynthetic carbon by bacteria. Interestingly, UVA + PAR or PAR were shown to increase carbon use efficiency (Carrillo et al., 2002). Therefore, a net increase of bacterial production (PB) under high full-sunlight inten- 193 sity is possible because the negative effect of UVB radiation on bacteria is counteracted by the positive effect of UVA and PAR (Kim & Sancar, 1993; Kaiser et al., 1997; Davidson & Van der Heijden, 2000), and the presence of higher photosynthetic C availability. A net positive bacterial response to full-sunlight would lead to a coupling between PB and PP (and EOC) (Fig. 3). In fact, when PB measurements were obtained under full-sunlight instead of the usual darkness incubations (Fig. 4), a coupled algae-bacteria relationship was verified. From all of the data above, we conclude that full-sunlight has no negative effect on bacterial development (basis of microbial loop) and increases bacterial dependence on organic carbon released by algae (commensalism). Moreover, the absence of the algal fraction produced a highly significant decrease in PB under different regions of the spectral solar radiation, confirming the dependence of bacteria on carbon released by algae (“without you I cannot live”) (Fig. 2). Further questions arose from these results: (i) What other factors, besides light quality, restrict bacterioplankton and microbial loop development in La Caldera Lake?; (ii) How prevalent is commensalism versus competition between algae and bacteria during the ice-free period? A more detailed analysis of the results obtained in this ecosystem revealed that (i) the stimulation of bacterial growth under full-sunlight only occurred when bacterial elemental composition was balanced and therefore suitable for growth (N:P ⭐ 20-24 sensu Chrzanowski et al., 1996) (MedinaSánchez et al., 2002) and (ii) algae can regulate C-release depending on their elemental composition and the nutrient-availability in lake water (Berman-Frank & Dubinsky, 1999; Villar-Argaiz et al., 2002a). This ability permits algae to modify the strength of their commensalistic relationship with bacteria and can even lead to a competitive interaction (Reche et al., 1997; Villar-Argaiz et al., 2002a). These results indicate that mineral nutrient availability and algal and bacterial elemental composition can generate important constraints in the development of the microbial loop. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 194 12/6/06 13:49 Página 194 Carrillo et al. Figure 4. Relationship between Bacterial Production and Excretion of Organic Carbon (EOC) measured at upper depths in 1997, with the bacterial production data obtained under full sunlight or dark incubations. Bars indicate means ± SD of EOC, n = 3. Relación entre Producción Bacteriana y Carbono Orgánico Excretado (EOC) en la capas superficiales del lago en 1997, con medidas de producción bacteriana obtenidas en incubaciones con luz completa y oscuridad. Las barras indican medias ± SD de EOC, n=3. THE MICROBIAL LOOP DOES NOT DEVELOP. IS IT NUTRIENT LIMITED? Most high mountain lakes in Sierra Nevada are chronically P-deficient ecosystems (DIN:TP> 40; Carrillo et al., 1996; Morales-Baquero et al., 1999). This strong limitation may be the cause of the low bacterial and microbial loop development. Nevertheless, our studies have shown that variances in bacterial activity or biomass in La Caldera Lake are not explained by the concentrations of Total Phosphorus (PT) or Total Dissolved Phosphorus (TDP) (Reche et al., 1997; Medina-Sánchez et al., 1999; Carrillo et al., 2002). Moreover, P-rich atmospheric inputs (Saharan dust) (Carrillo et al., 1990a; Villar-Argaiz et al., 2001, 2002a; PulidoVillena, 2004) are largely (60-80 %) incorporated into the algal fraction (Fig. 5) (Villar-Argaiz et al., 2001; Villar-Argaiz et al., 2002b). This preferential algal P-consumption has been demonstrated in natural observations (Fig. 5) and after experimental nutrient amendments in the short-term (hours) (Villar-Argaiz et al., 2002a; Medina-Sánchez et al., 2002), mediumterm (days), and long-term (weeks-months). These results are consistent with the greater abi- lity of algae versus bacteria to incorporate limiting nutrients at high P-substrate concentrations (Tarapchak & Moll, 1990). These mechanisms undoubtedly offer an ecological advantage for algae since they can grow by consuming intermittent P-pulses associated with allochthonous inputs (Cotner & Wetzel, 1992; Duarte et al., 2000) and P recycled by zooplankton (Carrillo et al., 1995, 1996; Reche et al., 1997). This generalized response to enrichment suggests that P-availability controls algal biomass in La Caldera Lake but is not a leading factor in the restriction of bacterial activity or biomass on a seasonal or experimental scale. The stimulatory effect of P on primary producers, in some conditions, is propagated throughout the microbial loop, allowing ciliate development. C-flux quantification allowed us to propose that the complex microbial loop is established by atmospheric nutrient inputs (MedinaSánchez et al., l999; Villar-Argaiz et al., 2002a) or P-addition, which stimulate algal growth, and algae-released organic carbon (Medina-Sánchez et al., 2006). The increase in C-availability enhances bacterial production (without changes in bacterial abundance or biomass), enabling ciliate development (Medina-Sánchez et al., Figure. 5. Temporal distribution of phosphorus in particulate (bacteria, phytoplankton, and zooplankton) and dissolved (TDP) fractions during 1996 in La Caldera Lake. Arrows indicate humid P inputs in the Lake area. Distribución temporal de fósforo en las fracciones particuladas (bacteria, fitoplancton y zooplancton) y disuelta (TDP) durante el año 1996 en la laguna de La Caldera. Las flechas indican entradas atmosféricas húmedas de fósforo en el área de la laguna. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 195 Complex interactions in microbial food webs 1999; Villar-Argaiz et al., 2002a). These results confirm that nutrient enrichment can lead to a lengthening of the microbial food chain (Samuelson et al., 2002; Vaqué et al., 2003). Therefore, the scarce microbial loop development can at least be partly ascribed to the severe oligotrophic conditions of this ecosystem. Nevertheless, propagation of the P-pulse effect to ciliate development does not always take place in the system, raising the question as to what constrains the development of a complex microbial loop. Microcosm studies showed that balanced algal (N:P = 16) and bacterial (N:P ⭐ 20-24) elemental compositions are required, providing further evidence that bacterial elemental composition plays a key role in determining the nature of the algae-bacteria relationship and the subsequent development of ciliates. Thus, when bacteria (N:P ⭐ 20-24) and algae (N:P ≈ 12) were P-sufficient (i.e., at thaw), algal P-incorporation rates were higher than bacterial rates after P addition (Fig. 6). This P-incorporation resulted in a substantial enhancement of algal abundance (Carrillo et al., submitted). P-enriched algae pursuing a net growth strategy may produce and release enough organic material to meet the P-requirements of bacteria, obviating the need to compete for inorganic nutrients (Caron et al., 2000). In this scenario, bacteria would function as a carbon-link to other trophic levels (ciliate development during thaw experiment) (Fig. 6). In contrast, growth of P-deficient algae (mid-summer) after nutrient pulse generates algal “bloom-growth” that limits the release of organic carbon (Villar-Argaiz et al., 2002a), thereby intensifying the mutualism-commensalism relationship and producing a tendency to bacterial P impoverishment (to see also Caron et al., 2000) that ultimately restricts the development of the microbial loop (Fig. 6). When bacteria were P-deficient (N:P⭓2024, late ice- free period), bacterial P-incorporation rates were significantly higher than algal rates (Fig. 6). Bacterial and primary production, were stimulated after the nutrient pulse, and competition for P was the prevalent relationship between algae and bacteria (Villar- 195 Figure 6. Phytoplankton and bacterial P-incorporation rates in un-enriched (control) and enriched (N:P16 and N:P5) treatments after short-term incubations [24 h in thaw experiment and 48 h in mid and late ice-free period experiments] (upper panel). Ciliate abundance in un-enriched (control) and enriched (N:P16 and N:P5) treatments after 15 days incubation period in the thaw, mid and late ice-free period experiments (lower panel). Error bars indicate means ± SD. Asterisks indicate significantly higher values relative to the controls (onetailed t-test). *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001. Tasas de incorporación algal y bacteriana de fósforo en tratamientos no enriquecidos (control) y enriquecidos en fósforo (N:P16 and N:P5) [después de 24 horas de incubación en el deshielo y 48 horas en mitad y al final del periodo libre de hielo] (gráfica superior). Abundancia de Ciliados en tratamientos no enriquecido (control) y enriquecido en fósforo (N:P16 and N:P5) al final de 15 días de incubación en el deshielo, mitad y final del periodo libre de hielo (gráfica inferior). Las barras de error son medias ± SD. Los asteriscos indican valores significativamente mayores en relación con el control (t-test). *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001. Argaiz et al., 2002a). In spite of the addition of P, bacterial elemental composition did not reach the threshold for balanced growth (Fig. 6). To summarize, the algae-bacteria interaction shifted from mutualism during most of the ice-free period to competition for available P towards the end of the ice-free period. Therefore, limitation by mineral nutrients can be a transient phe- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 196 12/6/06 13:49 Página 196 Carrillo et al. nomenon that lasts for a shorter time than the total turnover of the system (Daufresne & Loreau, 2001). This interpretation is further sustained by seasonal and inter-annual observations. First, the algal elemental composition is a good predictor of algal growth rate, whereas the bacterial N:P ratio is not related to bacterial growth rate (Fig. 7). This lack of relationship indicates that bacteria are limited by an element other than P, despite the strong P-limitation in La Caldera Lake (DIN:TP>40). Second, there is a coupled relation between bacterial and primary production based on a direct dependence on the organic carbon released by algae (see above) (Fig. 3). The prevalence of commensalism over competition contrasts with the clear bacterial P-limitation established for other oligotrophic ecosystems (Rivkin & Anderson, 1997; Vrede, 1999; Caron et al., 2000; Carlsson & Caron 2001) and with the Light Nutrient Hypothesis (LNH) (Sterner et al., 1997) on the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. We consider that the main difference with our approach is that the above authors did not include irradiance quality effects within the predictive conceptual framework of the LNH. This is especially important because we have shown that UVR favours algae-bacteria commensalism. Therefore, we can affirm that mutualism-commensalism is more prevalent than competition between algae and bacteria. However, given that bacteria can tolerate UVR-stress and respond positively to a shift in EOC-availability (basis of the predominantly mutualistic relationship), the question arises as to why they do not reach higher development if C exceeds bacterial requirements (Carrillo et al., 2002; Medina-Sánchez et al., 2006) and mineral nutrients do not strongly limit their growth (Villar-Argaiz et al., 2002a). Another relevant question is why bacterial production, C-assimilation and use efficiencies show such low or even decreased values (Carrillo et al., 2002; Medina-Sánchez et al., 2004) after the addition of P (Medina-Sánchez et al., 2002; 2006). It appears that other controls are responsible for the scarce abundance and activity of bacteria in La Caldera Lake. This paradoxical scenario calls for a shift from a simple trophic to a metabolic approach, whereby the “algal” community is divided into strict-autotrophs or mixotrophs. THE MICROBIAL LOOP DOES NOT DEVELOP. ARE ALGAE ANIMALS OR PLANTS? The traditional approach to the energy and matter that flows through an ecosystem involves the classification of organisms into two main trophic groups: osmotrophs/phototrophs (primary producers) and phagotrophs/heterotrophs (consumers). This basic division does not always match the reality of the microbial world because some organisms, such as protista, combine both Figure 7. Relationship between algal (upper panel) and bacterial (lower panel) growth rate and elemental composition (N:P ratio) of algae and bacteria, respectively, in nutrient-pulse experiments for the mid-and late ice free period experiments. Relación entre la tasa de crecimiento y la composición elemental (razón N:P) de algas (gráfica superior) y bacterias (grafica inferior), en experimentos de nutrientes pulsados llevados a cabo en la mitad y final del periodo libre de hielo. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 197 Complex interactions in microbial food webs 197 Figure 8. Bacterial production measured as BPA, BPB, and BPA+B in light treatments (‘dark’ and ‘full light’) in different moments during the ice-free period. August and September. BPA, Bacterial production incorporated in algal fraction; BPB, bacterial production not incorporated by algae; BPA+B,bacterial production in both the algal and bacterial fractions. Error bars indicate means ± SD. Producción bacteriana medida como BPA, BPB y BPA+B en tratamientos de luz (oscuridad y luz completa) en distintos momentos durante el periodo libre de hielo. BPA, Producción bacteriana incorporada en la fracción algal, BPB, Producción bacteriana no incorporada por las algas; BPA+B, Producción bacteriana en las fracciones algales y bacterianas juntas. Las barras de error son medias ± SD. trophic abilities and are designated mixotrophs (Sanders, 1991; Jones, 1997). By definition, a mixotroph is an organism in which both photosynthesis and phagotrophy are possible (Sanders, 1991). Although mixotrophic metabolism is an energetically more demanding strategy (maintaining both photosynthetic and phagotrophic systems in the same cell) compared with strictly autotrophic or heterotrophic metabolism, mixotrophy has evolved as an adaptive strategy for growth in adverse conditions. Mixotrophs constitute a functional type usually present in oligotrophic and dystrophic lakes (Salonen & Jokinen, 1988; Jansson et al., 1996) and at high latitudes (Duthie & Hart, 1987; Eloranta, 1989, 1995; Lepistö & Rosenström, 1998), and they are frequently dominant in the phytoplanktonic community of high mountain lakes (Sánchez-Castillo et al., 1989; Carrillo et al., 1990 b, 1991 a, b, 1995; De Hoyos et al., 1998; Straskrabová et al.,1999) and in marine and freshwater ecosystems (Raven, 1997; Sanders et al., 2000; Sherr & Sherr, 2002). The dual nature of mixotrophic (autotrophic and heterotrophic) metabolism offers an advantage in ecosystems where light or mineral nutrients are scarce, since the phagotrophic ability enables supplementation of autotrophic growth with the extra C and nutrient contents of prey, e.g., picoplankton (Rothhaupt, 1996 a, b; Raven, 1997). In this way, mixotrophs can constitute a key functional type for the structure of the community and the flow of energy through the food web. They not only contribute to the input of autochthonous C into the ecosystem but also, by their interaction with picoplankton, constitute a mechanism for the transfer of nutrients and energy towards upper trophic levels, such as zooplankton (Thingstad et al., 1996; Sherr & Sherr, 2002). On the other hand, it was recently shown that mixotrophy is an adaptive strategy both to deficient environmental conditions and also to excess-induced stress conditions. Thus, MedinaSánchez et al., (2004) found higher bacterial consumption rates by mixotrophs exposed to stressing-sunlight (UVB+UVA+PAR) (Fig. 8), suggesting that bacterivory by mixotrophs allows them to acquire organic carbon and mineral nutrient contents from their prey under inhibitory light conditions (+UVR) for C fixation (Carrillo et al., 2002) and acquisition of dissolved nutrients (Hessen et al., 1995; Döhler, 1997). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 198 12/6/06 13:49 Página 198 Carrillo et al. With this background, we propose that mixotrophy is an adaptive strategy of “algae” to stress by ultraviolet radiation (Medina-Sánchez et al., 2004). Mixotrophy implies a strong predatory control on bacteria, especially on the most active bacteria (Sherr & Sherr, 2002). Since algae act both as predators of, and C suppliers bacteria (dual control), we estimated the relative importance of Predation vs. Resource control by defining a new variable. This variable, designated “algal control”, is the ratio between the potential mixotrophic consumption of bacterial production and the photosynthetic C supplied (i.e. PMCBP:EOC, Medina-Sánchez et al., 2004). Figure 9 shows the strong inverse relationship between bacterial production and “algal control” when the algal community is dominated by mixotrophs. Therefore, predation by mixotrophs accounts for the scarcity of bacteria (105 cell/ml, lowest end of the values recorded for oligotrophic ecosystems; Cotner & Biddanda, 2002) and the low carbon use efficiency by bacteria. Hence, a complex regulation is established between algae and bacteria, namely “neither Figure 9. Intraannual relationship between bacterial production and ‘algal control’ measured as the ratio between potential mixotrophic consumption of bacterial C and photosynthetic C supplied by algae (i.e. PMCbp:EOC). Dashed lines indicate 95 % confidence intervals around the fitted regression line (solid line). Variación estacional en la relación entre la producción bacteriana y el ‘control algal’ medido como la razón entre consumo de carbono bacteriano por potenciales mixótrofos y el carbono fotosintético aportados por las algas (i.e. PMCbp: EOC). Líneas discontinuas indican el intervalo de confianza del 95 % en relación con la línea de ajuste por regresión (línea continua). with nor without you” (Medina-Sánchez et al., 2004). Bacteria are preyed upon by algae (“with you I die”) and simultaneously depend on the organic carbon released by the algae (“without you I cannot live”) (Carrillo et al., 2002; Medina-Sánchez et al., 2002, 2004). According to Thingstad et al. (1996), mixotrophs can take advantage in a situation where phytoplankton contribute the organic substrate that bacteria demand, while bacteria can favourably compete with algae for mineral nutrients (Currie & Kalff, 1984; Cotner & WetzeL, 1992) and finally, mixotrophs consume these enriched bacteria. Thus, when sunlight is intense and mineral nutrients are scarce, mixotrophic algae are able to grow because they can feed bacteria with “cheap” organic carbon and consume the “expensive” mineral nutrients packaged in the bacteria (sensu Thingstad et al., 1996). This scenario is consistent with (i) the ability of algae to regulate photosynthetic C release depending on their elemental composition (Villar-Argaiz et al., 2002a); (ii) the ability of bacteria to grow under high full-sunlight intensities (Carrillo et al., 2002, Medina-Sánchez et al., 2002); and (iii) the decrease in bacterial production in the presence of algae after a nutrient pulse (Medina-Sánchez, 2002, 2006). Furthermore, mixotrophs can retain or release the P contained in bacteria depending on their predominant nutrition mode (autotrophic vs. phagotrophic) and nutrient requirements (Rothhaupt, 1997). These abilities can constitute mechanisms that modulate the competition with bacteria for mineral nutrients, suggesting a higher complexity of the algae-bacteria interaction where algae exert the main control. Knowledge of this complex algae-bacteria interaction further advances the understanding of the planktonic structure and energy flow in this kind of aquatic ecosystem: 1) Thus, mixotrophs can overcome the harmful effects of UV radiation and displace: (i) strict autotrophs, less competitive at low concentrations of dissolved mineral nutrients (Rothhaupt, 1996a; Christaki et al., 1999), (ii) picoplankton autotrophs, better adapted to the uptake of dissolved nutrient at low con- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 199 Complex interactions in microbial food webs centrations but more sensitive to the inhibitory effect of UVR (Callieri et al., 2001), and (iii) heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF), which depend on a higher minimum threshold of bacterial abundance compared with mixotrophs (Havskum & Riemann, 1996). 2) With respect to the energy flow, mixotrophic bacterivory acts as a “by-pass” for the flow of energy and nutrients towards the grazing chain (Medina-Sánchez et al., 2004). Hence, mixotrophs would occupy the niche of microheterotrophs and produce a weakening of the traditional microbial loop (Medina-Sánchez et al., 2004). Besides, mixotrophic metabolism may improve the efficiency for the transfer of energy towards upper trophic levels, because the number of trophic steps has been reduced due to the by-pass from the heterotrophic microbial chain to the grazing chain (Fig. 10) (Rivkin & Anderson, 1997; Medina-Sánchez et al., 2004). Considering all of the above, mixotrophy may at least in part explain the scarce development of the microbial loop in La Caldera Lake. 199 Nevertheless, several important questions are raised by the fact that mixotrophy is an advantageous metabolism strategy for a system stressed by UVR and oligotrophy and that P-atmospheric input of Saharan origin are relatively frequent: How do allochthonous nutrient inputs affect mixotrophs? Do P pulses interact with UVR in modulating this metabolism? The addressing of these questions responds to the current demand for research into the interactive effects of multiple factors on the functioning and structure of ecosystems. THE MICROBIAL LOOP DOES NOT DEVELOP. INTERACTION OF LIGHT AND NUTRIENTS? The interaction between UVR and atmospheric nutrient inputs can affect species performance and their relationships in ways that cannot be predicted from single-factor analysis, since the effects of two or more factors are non-additive. The interaction among distinct factors can Figure 10. Proposed model of carbon flux through microbial food web in oligotrophic clear-water high mountain lakes. The curved arrows indicate reinforcement of the by-pass from bacteria to mixotrophs as a response to the interactive effect between UV radiation and the nutrient-pulses added. Thickness of arrows indicates the relative importance of C flux. Modelo propuesto de flujo de carbono en la red trófica microbiana de lagos oligotróficos claros de alta montaña. Las flechas curvas indican refuerzo del corto circuito desde bacterias a mixótrofos como respuesta al efecto interactivo entre la radiación ultravioleta y los aportes pulsados de nutrientes. El grosor de las flechas indica la importancia relativa del flujo del carbono. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 200 12/6/06 13:49 Página 200 Carrillo et al. either shift the sign of the effect of a single-factor (antagonistic effect) or, on the contrary, accentuate this effect (synergetic effect). Therefore, the analysis of multiple factors at different rates and scales is crucial for building a realistic model of the functioning of food webs (Breitburg et al., 1999; Folt et al., 1999; Xenopoulos et al., 2003; Medina-Sánchez et al., 2006). The increasing intensity and frequency of atmospheric material inputs from the Sahara desert to Sierra Nevada is associated with periodic climatic variations (North Atlantic Oscillation, NAO) and movements of the Intertropical Zone Convergence (ITZC). Hence, planktonic communities may be controlled not only by the “harmful” effect of UVR but also by the “stimulatory” effect of allocthonous inorganic nutrients. According to our initial hypothesis, P-pulses would reduce the negative effects that UVR exerts on algae, thereby decreasing the bacterivory rate (associated with mixotrophy). As a consequence, the nutrient pulses would modify the algae-bacteria relationship by shifting it from dual control (with bacterivory) to commensalism. Our investigations on short temporal scales showed that: 1) The elemental composition of algae and bacteria plays a key role in the ecological and biological response to light quality variation and nutrient availability. UVR x P interactions have an antagonistic effect on primary production, C-release by autotrophs, and bacterial production on both communities in un-enriched conditions. This antagonistic effect implies the attenuation or elimination of UVR effects. 2) The interactive effect between solar radiation and atmospheric nutrient inputs on the algaebacteria link reinforces the dual control that algae exert on bacteria, i.e., it increases both the carbon released by algae and the mixotrophic predation on bacteria (MedinaSánchez et al., 2006). The by-pass is therefore enhanced, with consequences for the development of the microbial loop. Finally, our results have implications at the ecosystem level. Thus, the attenuation of the harmful effects of UVR by P-inputs may smooth UVR stress, which is relevant in a scenario of climatic change with increased UVB fluxes. This buffering effect would be more accentuated in clear-water ecosystems, where the main nutrient inputs have an atmospheric origin, such as in the tropical Atlantic Ocean (Prospero & Lamb, 2003, see also NOAA htpp:// In the context of carbon flux, this buffering effect of harmful UVR at the base of both aquatic trophic webs (grazing chain and microbial loop) would favor the diversion of a higher proportion of released carbon flux through biotic webs, trapping carbon that would otherwise be susceptible to photolysis and be lost to the atmosphere. In spite of the light thrown by this study on the processes that regulate the pelagic community of clear-water high mountain lakes, many areas remain in the shadows and new questions have arisen, briefly summarized as follows: 1. Do the results obtained over short time scales apply to long-term scales (days, weeks or months)? 2. How do UVR x nutrient interactive effects propagate along the grazing chain? 3. How universal are the patterns established for high mountain lakes with high UVR doses? Can structural tendencies established across trophic gradients be extrapolated to high-UVRflux oligotrophic ecosystems? ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We sincerely acknowledge L. Cruz-Pizarro, R. Morales-Baquero, P. Sánchez-Castillo and I. Reche for their contribution to the database. We thank M. J. Villalba assistance in the field. We are indebted to the staff of the Radiopharmacy Department of Granada University for contributing their laboratory and experience. This study was supported by Acidification of Mountain Lakes: Palaeolimnology and Ecology (Al:PE2 EC-ENVIROMENT) Project, Contract Number EV5V-CT92-0205; MOLAR: Measuring and modelling the dynamic response of remote mountain lake ecosystems to environmental change; a programme of mountain lake Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 201 Complex interactions in microbial food webs research, Project EC Contract Number ENV4 CT95-0007); the Spanish Ministry Science and Technology Project AMB 0996 (to P.C.), Project REN2001-2840 (to PC). Red UVIFAN: Project FEDER 1FD97-0824, and the Spanish Ministry of Environment RPN25/2003 (to PC). REFERENCES AOTA, Y. & H. NAKAJIMA. 2001. Mutualistic relationships between phytoplankton and bacteria caused by carbon excretion from phytoplankton. Ecol. Res., 16: 289-299. AZAM, F., T. FENCHEL, J. G. FIELD, J. S. GRAY, L. A. MEYER-REIL, & F. THINGSTAD. 1983. The ecological role of water column microbes in the sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. 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ISSN: 0213-8409 Algae in the motion: Spatial distribution of phytoplankton in thermally stratified reservoirs E. Moreno-Ostos1, 2, L. Cruz-Pizarro2, A. Basanta-Alvés3, C. Escot3 & D. G. George4 1 Flumen Research Group. Dept. Ecology. University of Barcelona. Av. Diagonal 645. 08028. Barcelona (Spain) 2 Water Research Institute. University of Granada. C/Ramón y Cajal, 4. 18071. Granada. (Spain) 3 Aquatic Ecology Station. EMASESA. Avenida Leonardo da Vinci. 41092, Sevilla (Spain) 4 Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Lancaster Environment Centre. Library Avenue, Bailrigg LA1 4AP England (UK) Corresponding Author: ABSTRACT Phytoplankton spatial distribution patterns in four Andalusian reservoirs with different physical characteristics are described and evaluated in this work. Both vertical and horizontal distribution patterns are presented in order to demonstrate that thermally stratified reservoirs are dynamic, complex and heterogeneus ecosystems. Vertically, phytoplankton patchiness was physically controlled by turbulent mixing and light climate and biologically determined by the hydromechanical characteristics of each microalgae functional group. The horizontal distribution of phytoplankton was the result of the interaction between the wind-induced advective transport of water masses and the vertical distribution of each algal group. The precise knowledge of the phytoplankton spatial distribution patterns and their responsible agents constitutes a powerful tool for a limnologicallybased dynamic reservoir management and must be integrated in reservoir water quality monitoring procedures. The use of fastresponse and high-resolution technologies, such as in vivo and in situ spectrofluorimetry, should significantly helps in reaching this objective. Keywords: Reservoir, Phytoplankton, Heterogeneity, Patchiness, Physical-biological coupling, Spectrofluorimetry. RESUMEN En este estudio se describen y evalúan algunos de los principales patrones de distribución espacial del fitoplancton en un conjunto de cuatro embalses andaluces de diferentes características físicas. Los patrones de distribución vertical y horizontal del fitoplancton obtenidos demuestran que los embalses térmicamente estratificados constituyen un tipo de ecosistema especialmente dinámico, complejo y heterogéneo. La distribución vertical del fitoplancton estuvo controlada por agentes físicos como la mezcla turbulenta de la columna de agua y el clima lumínico al que son sometidas las algas así como por factores biológicos como las características hidromecánicas de los distintos grupos funcionales de fitoplancton. La distribución de las microalgas en el plano horizontal surge como resultado de la interacción entre el transporte advectivo de las distintas masas de agua inducido por el viento y la distribución vertical de cada grupo algal. El conocimiento preciso de los distintos patrones de distribución del fitoplancton y de los agentes responsables de los mismos constituye una herramienta de especial utilidad para una gestión dinámica y basada en principios limnológicos de los embalses y debe ser integrado en los procedimientos de control de la calidad del agua embalsada. El uso de tecnologías de respuesta rápida y alta resolución de toma de datos, tales como la espectrofluorimetría in vivo e in situ, puede facilitar considerablemente alcanzar este objetivo. Palabras clave: Embalses, Fitoplancton, Heterogeneidad, Manchas, Acoplamiento físico-biológico, Espectrofluorimetría. INTRODUCTION As Professor Ramón Margalef pointed out in his book La Biosfera: entre la termodinámica y el juego (1980), ecosystems constitute a complex organisation structured along two main axis: time and space. Every living organism contributes to the temporal organisation of the whole system with a characteristic time scale and also participates in its spatial organisation as a con- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 206 206 Moreno-Ostos et al. sequence of their motility, function and requirements. In nature, populations of most of the species exhibit heterogeneus spatial distributions with organisms agregating where favourable conditions for growth, reproduction and survival are found or accumulating in regions where they are passively transported by water in motion (Begon et al., 1999). Spatial heterogenity in the distribution of organisms in their habitats is considered a key concept for a number of ecological theories such as competition, species diversity, sucession, evolution, adaptation, parasitism, population genetics, population growth, predator-prey interactions and social behaviour (Legendre & Fortin, 1989; Wiens, 1989). In addittion, boundaries between “homogeneus” regions in the space are a significant structuring factor for the ecosystems (Allen, 1977; Legendre et al., 1986) especially relevant for their dynamics (Legendre & Demers, 1984). Moreover, some studies reveal a notable contribution of spatial heterogeneity to the ecosystem stability (Huffaker, 1958; May, 1974; Hassel & May, 1974; Neill, 1990). The interaction between the hydromechanical properties of each algal functional group (swimming algae, positively-, negatively- or neutrallybuoyant algae) and the physical conditions of the waterbody (i.e. turbulence, thermal structure, mixing conditions, advective transport and light climate, among others) is responsible for the generation and evolution of the vertical and horizontal algae patchiness (George & Edwards, 1976; George & Heaney, 1978; George, 1981a; Moreno-Ostos, 2002; Moreno-Ostos, 2004). In the case of water supply reservoirs, patches of non-desirable or harmful algae (such as Cyanobacteria and some Dinoflagellates) can induce notorious water quality problems increasing water treatment costs. An adequate and scientifically-based management of the stored water quality requires a profound knowledge of the spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton in reservoirs, taking into consideration their intrinsic heterogeneus character from the appropriate scales and using modern technologies to obtain data series under an optimal spatial and temporal resolution (Moreno-Ostos et al., 2004a; Moreno-Ostos et al., 2005). This is a particularly relevant topic in the case of the reservoirs located in the Mediterranean arid and semiarid region, where water is a scarce resource. In this work we describe spatial distribution patterns of phytoplankton (both in the vertical and horizontal axis) found in four Andalusian reservoirs, and analyze the underlying physical-biological mechanisms that create them. Reservoir Limnology and the study of the spatial distribution of organisms in their habitat are among the main “Margalef ian” subjects and, no doubt, the results of our research are inspired on his pioneer studies. MATERIAL AND METHODS Study site The spatial distribution of different phytoplankton functional groups is analyzed in four Andalusian reservoirs, with varying physical and morphometrical characteristics (Fig. 1 and table 1). In three of them, we focus on the distribution of phytoplankton groups in the vertical. In El Gergal reservoir we describe both vertical Table 1. Main morphometrical and light climate characteristics of the studied reservoirs. Principales características morfométricas y de clima lumínico de los embalses analizados Reservoir Location Surface (ha) Quentar Bermejales Béznar El Gergal Granada Granada Granada Sevilla 41.6 561.8 170.0 250.0 Volume (hm3) 13.6 102.6 54.0 35.0 Maximum depth (m) 100.0 48.0 100.0 35.0 Mean depth (m) Water transparency (m) 32.7 18.3 31.8 14.0 6.04 3.5 2.0 1.7 Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 207 Algae in the motion and horizontal distribution patterns. All surveys were conducted during July and August 2003 and 2004, coinciding with the maximum thermal stability of the water column. Physical determinations The mixed layer depth (Zmix) was estimated, from vertical temperature profiles, as the depth of the maximum thermal gradient. The euphotic layer depth (Z eu) was determined as in Walker (1980), from Secchi disk depth observations collected with a 20 cm diameter white disc. Water motions in El Gergal reservoir were characterized using a Nortek Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) and surficial free-running drogues (see George, 1981b and Moreno-Ostos, 2004). 207 Vertical and horizontal distribution of phytoplankton A recently developed fast-response high-resolution in vivo and in situ spectrofluorimetric probe (bbe Fluoroprobe, Moldaenke. Fig. 2) was used to examine the vertical and horizontal distribution patterns of different phytoplankton functional groups in the studied reservoirs. The probe directly measures total Chlorophyll-a concentration in the water and the fraction corresponding to four different functional groups of algae (Chlorophyceae, Cyanobacteria, Diatoms and Cryptophytes). To differentiate functional groups of phytoplancton the bbe Fluoroprobe uses 5 Light Emiting Diodes (LEDs) for fluorescence excitation. The LEDs emit pulsed light at selected wavelenghts (450 nm, 525 nm, 570 nm, Figure 1. Location and morphology of the studied reservoirs 1) El Gergal reservoir; 2) Quentar reservoir; 3) Bermejoles reservoir; 4) Béznar reservoir. (Andalusia map not to scale.) Localización y morfología de los embalses estudiados 1) Embalse de El Gergal 2) Embalse de Quentar; 3) Embalse de Bermejoles; 4) Embalse de Béznar. (El mapa de Andalucía no es a escala.) Limnetica 25(1-2)02 208 12/6/06 13:49 Página 208 Moreno-Ostos et al. 590 nm and 610 nm) while fluorimetric emission is measured at 680 nm by photomultiplier at an angle of 90 degrees to the exciting light source and directly transformed to Chl-a concentration by the bbe Fluoroprobe 1.4 software. The probe is also equiped with a temperature sonde so coupled thermal structure and algal distribution profiles/transects can be displayed. In order to describe the vertical distribution of phytoplankton, free-falling mode vertical spectrofluorimetric profiles were collected from fixed sampling stations located at the maximum depth points of each reservoir. The horizontal distribution of algae in El Gergal reservoir, on the other hand, was characterized from a set of surficial (1 meter depth) spectrofluorimetric data collected at a grid of up to 30 GPS-georeferenced sampling stations. Due to the reduced size of the reservoir and the use of a fast-response probe the time spent to complete a whole horizontal survey was minimized and the collected data can be considered as synoptic. For further details on bbe Fluoroprobe technical characteristics and its applications to study the phytoplankton spatial dynamics in reservoirs see Beutler et al. (2002) and Moreno-Ostos (2004). RESULTS Vertical patchiness Figure 2. bbe Fluoroprobe components (modified from bbe Moldaenke user manual). 1) Screw. 2) Connector. 3) Eyelet. 4) Screen. 5) Detector window. 6) LED window. 7) Temperature sensor. 8) Transmission window. 9) Preassure sensor Componentes del bbe Fluoroprobe (modificado del manual de usuario de bbe Moldaenke). 1) Tornillería de sujección. 2) Conector. 3) Arándela de sujección. 4) Pantalla de protección. 5) Ventana de detección. 6) Ventana de LEDs. 7) Sensor de temperatura. 8) Ventana de transmisión. 9) Sensor de presión. Figure 3 shows the vertical distribution of temperature, total Chl-a and the biomass corresponding to different algae functional groups in the studied reservoirs. The described patterns are closely related to the physical (light climate, mixing regime) and the biological (composition of the phytoplankton community) characteristics of each ecosystem. In Quentar, a deep and meso-oligotrophic reservoir, Zmix and Zeu are similar in magnitude (16.0 meters and 16.3 meters respectively). As a result, there exists a marked Deep Chlorophyll Maximum (DCM) located at the depth of the thermocline, i.e. 16 meters. Phytoplankton finds in the thermocline an appropriate site for growth and development since light levels are adequate for photosynthesis, nutrients from the hypolimnion are frequently entrained into the epilimnion and the stability is large. As for the composition of the phytoplankton community, Diatoms and Cryptophytes –two light-stress tolerant algae groups- are the most abundant groups. While Diatoms were mainly located just above the thermocline, the Cryptophytes (more tolerant to reduced light levels) were mostly below it. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 209 Algae in the motion 209 Figure 3. Vertical distribution of temperature (left), total Chl-a (centre) and different phytoplankton functional groups (right) in the studied reservoirs. Horizontal dotted line represent the euphotic layer depth. Distribución vertical de la temperatura (izquierda), Chl-a total (centro) y distintos grupos funcionales del fitoplancton (derecha) en los embalses estudiados. La línea de puntos horizontal representa la profundidad de la zona eufótica. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 210 Página 210 Moreno-Ostos et al. Light attenuation was higher in the mesotrophic Bermejales reservoir than in Quentar and the thermocline was shallower (around 10 meters). Here, Zmix and Zeu also have similar values (10.0 meters and 9.5 meters respectively). The vertical profile of Chl- a shows a DCM at 10 m. Chlorophytes, Diatoms and Cryptophytes were the main functional groups at the time when the profile was taken. As in Quentar, the Diatoms and Cryptophytes were most abundant in the DCM region. Chlorophytes, on the other hand, are green algae demanding higher light levels and were consequently detected only in the upper layers of the water column. The thermal structure of Béznar, an eutrophic reservoir, at the time when the profile was taken, was characterised by a relatively shallow diel thermocline located 8 meters below the free surface and a deeper and more stable seasonal thermocline at 18 meters. The bottom of the euphotic zone was estimated to be around A) B) 5.5 meters depth. As a consequence, maximum Chl-a concentration was found around the diel thermocline, where settling algae were accumulated. The intense and frequent wind-induced turbulent mixing events recorded in this reservoir (Rueda, unpublished data) allow the algae to enter from this main patch to the euphotic zone thus ensuring their survival (Margalef, 1983). The vertical distribution pattern was similar for the three phytoplankton groups found in the reservoir (Chlorophytes, Diatoms and Cyanobacteria). The final study case corresponds to El Gergal reservoir (Zmix=12.0 meters; Zeu=5.0 meters). In this ecosystem, the dominance of positivelybuoyant Cyanobacteria at the time when the profile was taken induced the formation of an intense surficial algal patch mainly composed by Aphanizomenon sp., while the neutral-buoyant Chlorophytes remained randomly distributed along the water column. C) Figure 4. Observed surficial hydrodynamics (A) and simultaneous horizontal variations in water temperature (°C) (B) and Chl-a (µg l–1) (C) under the influence of a Northeast wind. Note that arrows just show wind and current direction and are not proportional to velocity. Hidrodinámica superficial observada (A) y variación simultánea en el plano horizontal de la temperatura del agua (°C) (B) y de Chl-a (µg l–1) (C) bajo la acción de vientos de componente Noreste. Los vectores sólo indican las direcciones predominantes adoptadas por el viento y la corriente superficial y no son proporcionales a su velocidad. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 211 Algae in the motion 211 Figure 5. Vertical distribution of temperature (°C), Cyanobacteria biomass (µg l–1) and Diatoms biomass (µg l–1) during the late summer 2003 extensive survey in El Gergal reservoir. Distribución vertical de temperatura (°C), biomasa de Cianobacterias (µg l–1) y biomasa de Diatomeas (µg l–1) en el embalse de El Gergal durante el muestreo extensivo llevado a cabo a finales de verano de 2003. Horizontal patchiness During summer 2003 and 2004 a series of data collection campaigns were conducted in El Gergal in order to describe the horizontal distribution of phytoplankton in a thermally stratified reservoir and to analyze the mechanisms that were responsible for the spatial variability of phytoplankton abundance. In a first survey we studied the role of wind-induced water movement on the physical (water temperature) and biological (total Chl-a concentration) horizontal patchiness in the ecosystem. During a second survey, we focused on the differencial Cyanobacteria and Diatoms horizontal distribution as induced by the action of a prevailing North wind. Results from both surveys are presented below. The role of wind-induced water movement on the horizontal distribution of temperature and total Chl-a Under the influence of a constant wind of 1.2 ms-1 average module blowing from Northeast (60º) free-running drogues topographical monitoring revealed the existence of a main surficial water current moving from North to South and characterised by a marked gyre into the Cantalobos bay (Fig. 4a). The horizontal distribution of water temperature was consistent with this hydrodynamic behaviour and the warmer water masses were retained into the bay and along the West shore of the reservoir (Fig. 4b). Algal biomass acted as a passive tracer of surficial water movement and remained accumulated in the Cantalobos Bay, generating also some patches in the West shore associated to the higher temperature areas (Fig. 4c). The impact of North wind on the horizontal distribution of Diatoms and Cyanobacteria During the survey, wind (blowing from North with an average module of 2.5 ms-1) was the only factor inducing movement in the water mass. Figure 5 shows the vertical distribution of temperature, Cyanobacteria and Diatoms during the sampling. Thermal structure was characterised by a marked thermocline at 12 meters depth. Cyanobacteria were detected in the upper layers of the water column, while settling Diatoms were found deeper in the water column and mainly above the thermocline. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 212 12/6/06 13:49 Página 212 Moreno-Ostos et al. The hydrodynamical behaviour of the reservoir under such circumstances is shown in figure 6. Our ADCP records revealed wind-driven surface currents from North to South and deeper return currents above the thermocline. The horizontal distribution of phytoplankton (Fig. 7) was a result of the interaction between vertical patchiness and water-mass displacements at different depths. Positively-buoyant Cyanobacteria were passively transported by surface currents to the South region of the reservoir, accumulating around the dam. By contrast, the negativelybouyant Diatoms were selectively transported to the riverine region of El Gergal (North) by the deep recirculating currents, where they emerged and agregated due to the effect of upwelling currents and the increasing turbulence (Moreno-Ostos, 2004). This conveyor belt hydrodynamical mechanism for the generation of phytoplankton patchiness has previoulsly been documented by George & Edwards (1976). DISCUSSION The results presented in this paper show that thermally stratified reservoirs of all trophic states must be considered as spatially heterogeneus and complex ecosystems, both in the vertical and horizontal dimensions. From the clear-water reservoirs characterised by a Deep Chlorophyll Maximum to the more turbid ones, in which positively-buoyant algae agregate in the upper layers of the water column, phytoplankton adopts a whole gradient of heterogeneus (patchy) vertical distribution patterns. Under non-regulated hydraulic conditions (i.e absence of selective withdrawal events or water transfers from/to other reservoirs) phytoplankton vertical distribution is the result of the interaction between physical agents (Zmix:Zeu) and the buoyancy capacities of each algal functional group. As suggested by Kullemberg (1978) and demonstrated for El Gergal reservoir study cases, algae vertical patchiness coupled with the A) Figure 6. Velocity field (horizontal component) corresponding to the epilimnion of El Gergal reservoir as measured using ADCP. Positive values mean water moving from North to the South. Negative values mean water moving from South to the North. Campo de velocidades (componente horizontal) correspondiente al epilimnion del embalse de El Gergal determinado mediante ADCP. Valores positivos indican desplazamientos del agua de Norte a Sur. Valores negativos indican desplazamientos del agua de Sur a Norte. B) Figure 7. The horizontal distribution of Cyanobacteria (A) and Diatoms (B) in El Gergal reservoir. Algal biomass values expressed in µg l-1 Distribución vertical de Cianobacterias (A) y Diatomeas (B) en el embalse de El Gergal. Valores de biomasa algal expresados en µg l-1. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 213 Algae in the motion Figure 8. Total Chl-a vertical-horizontal coupling in El Gergal reservoir (from Moreno-Ostos, 2004). Acoplamiento entre la distribución vertical y horizontal de la Chl-a total en el embalse de El Gergal (tomado de Moreno-Ostos, 2004). wind-induced water movement at different depths resulted in the generation of heterogeneus horizontal distribution of phytoplankton. In addition, the different algae functional groups constitute differential and dynamical patches, each one having their own size, location and transport routes (Moreno-Ostos, 2004). Previous studies on the spatial distribution of plankton in lakes and reservoirs (George & Edwards, 1976; Moreno-Ostos, 2004) have revealed the existence of an intense verticalhorizontal coupling in microalgae patchiness. Figure 8 represents the correlation between vertical and horizontal phytoplankton patchiness in El Gergal reservoir during a two years field study (Moreno-Ostos, 2004). In this figure, algal patchiness was expressed as the coefficient between mean crowding and total Chl-a average values, following George & Edwards (1976). Based on similar observations, Reynolds (1984) points out that phytoplankton horizontal patchiness can be estimated from the vertical distribution of algae in a downwind sampling station and the appropriate morphometrical and meterological data. According to that, reservoir managers can approximate the degree of horizontal patchiness from a reduced number of vertical profiles, a detailed bathimetry of the reservoir and meteorological records, thus making possible to integrate horizontal heterogeneity in their monitoring procedures with minimal increases in time and money costs. 213 In the same context, our results demonstrate that surface water temperature horizontal distribution can be considered as an adequate surrogate of reservoir surficial hydrodynamics. Thus, extensive water temperature surveys along the horizontal plane of the system could be used by reservoir managers as an appropriate and non-expensive methodology in order to estimate advective processes involved in the formation and transport of phytoplankton horizontal patchiness. The precise knowledge of the phytoplankton vertical and horizontal distribution patterns under different biological, physical and meteorological conditions represent a valuable tool in hands of reservoir managers. It is essential for the adequate design of selective withdrawal strategies and water transfer operations and for the optimal selection of sampling stations and depths in water quality monitoring surveys (Moreno-Ostos et al., 2004b). Additionally, the integration of the spatial heterogeneity of phytoplankton in dynamic reservoir modelling would improve the quality and precission of simulations and predictions, thus advancing in the application of this kind of tools for a scientifically-based reservoir management. To adequately achieve these objectives it is essential to incorporate modern high-resolution technologies both for phytoplankton and hydrodynamical monitoring. The combination of in vivo and in situ spectrofluorimetry and ADCP represents a powerful and efficient device for the analysis of physical-biological coupling. Fee (1976) alerts on the necessity of taking into consideration the spatial distribution of Chl-a in plankton dynamic studies and points out that estimations of total Chl-a derived from just one vertical profile in the deepest area of the lake often presents errors of 25 %-40 %. In this context we encourage reservoir managers to incorporate in their routinary water quality monitoring procedures the development of extensive samplings on the vertical and horizontal planes of the system, especially during the thermal stratification period, when phytoplankton vertical and horizontal patchiness becomes more intense (Moreno-Ostos, 2004). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 214 Página 214 Moreno-Ostos et al. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study has been partly funded by the projects UE-LIFE 98 ENV/UK/000607; CICYT HI99/0836 and CICYT REN 2003-03038. Special thanks to the University of Granada Research Council for funding E Moreno-Ostos Postdoctoral position in the University of Barcelona. Authors would also like to thank the staff of EMASESA for their assistance in the field sampling campaigns in El Gergal reservoir and EMASAGRA for their help in Quentar reservoir. Dr. C. Escot and Dr. F.J. Rueda contributed with valuable comments and suggestions along all the study. 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Parque Científico de Madrid. Pol. Indust. Zona Oeste. 28760 Tres Cantos. Spain. Corresponding author: ABSTRACT High mountain lake ecosystems in the Iberian Peninsula, being more than 1700 water bodies, are represented mainly by small or medium size lakes (75 % with a surface less than 0.5 Ha.). The knowledge of their regional limnology in Spain is yet uneven and insufficient, as well as their ecological status and sensitivity to human activity impacts. This work describes the major limnological characteristics and functioning of high mountain lakes in the Spanish Central Range, and their relationships with regional environmental variables and existing human pressures. Some hydrological processes (turnover rate), thermal properties (ice-cover dynamics) or hydrochemical parameters (conductivity) are discussed in more detail in those lakes with long term monitoring data. The composition of planktonic and benthic communities responds to both human pressures and biogeographical or environmental aspects. The effects produced by tourism, cattle, lake damming, wastewater inflow, watershed erosion, introduction of the brook trout, or environmental warming, are studied in some lakes. Implemented management and restoration measures to reduce environmental impacts are described and evaluated. Key words: High mountain lakes, environmental change, human impacts, paleolimnology, lake restoration, regional limnology, Spanish Central Range. RESUMEN Los ecosistemas acuáticos leníticos de alta montaña de la Península Ibérica, con un número superior a 1700 masas de agua, se hallan representados en su mayor parte por lagos de pequeño o mediano tamaño (el 75 % presenta una superficie inferior a 0.5 Ha.). El conocimiento limnológico regional de estos sistemas es aún muy limitado e irregular en España, así como su estado de conservación y su sensibilidad ante los posibles impactos producidos por las actividades humanas. Este trabajo describe los principales aspectos limnológicos y el funcionamiento de las lagunas de alta montaña del Sistema Central en territorio español, en relación con las variables ambientales regionales y con las principales presiones humanas a las que se hallan sometidas. Algunos procesos hidrológicos (tasa de renovación), térmicos (cubierta de hielo) o hidroquímicos (mineralización) son abordados con mayor detalle en aquellas lagunas con un seguimiento limnológico más continuo. La composición de las principales comunidades planctónicas y bentónicas responde tanto a motivos biogeográficos o ambientales, como a la presión humana. Se analiza el impacto producido en algunas lagunas por el turismo y la ganadería, el represamiento, los vertidos de un refugio, la erosión en la cuenca, la introducción de un salmónido o por un posible calentamiento climático. Las medidas adoptadas para mitigar algunos de estos impactos o restaurar sus condiciones originales son descritas y evaluadas. Palabras clave: Lagunas de alta montaña, cambios ambientales, impactos humanos, paleolimnología, restauración de lagunas, limnología regional, Sistema Central Español. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 218 13:49 Página 218 Toro et al. INTRODUCTION The study of natural processes that guide the functioning of ecosystems is a difficult task for researchers in the 21st century, due to the direct or indirect interference of human activities. The location of semi-pristine ecosystems in which to study the Earth’s processes at different scales and its response to global environmental changes is a goal of recent interdisciplinary studies in the field of ecology (N.R.C., 2005). The aquatic ecosystems are a key to global change studies, due to the sensitivity and vulnerability of their biological communities and their ecological processes (Poff et al., 2002). In order to detect trends in the climate or in ecological processes, both natural and resulting from human activity, researchers have turned to high altitude aquatic ecosystems, as sites not altered directly (Marchetto & Rogora, 2004; Livingstone, 2005). Their value as sensors of environmental change come from a series of characteristics that set them apart from other aquatic systems: low mineralization and buffering capacity, low nutrient concentration (N compounds), accumulation of trace metals and organic compounds in the food chain, and the predicted higher reaction to global warming in alpine areas (MoralesBaquero et al., 2001). These aquatic ecosystems, present in most continents, have been studied as sensors of distinct environmental processes: acidification (Battarbee & Renberg, 1990; Camarero et al., 1995a, b; Marchetto, et al., 1995; Wögrath & Psenner, 1995; Tait & Thaler, 2000), climate change (Hauer et al., 1997; Lami et al., 1998; Battarbee et al., 2002; Abbott et al., 2003), dispersion of atmospheric contaminants (Fernández et al., 2002; Carrera et al., 2002; Curtis et al., 2005), land use changes (Hausmann et al., 2001) and erosion processes (Toro & Granados, 2002). The management and control of the factors that induce environmental changes, as well as informing society about the magnitude of such changes and the effectiveness of the adopted measures, require extensive, continuous and precise monitoring, which helps detect, monitor and link these variations to the parameters that quantify the environmental conditions (Parr et al., 2003). The researcher should make use of three basic tools to reach this goal: 1) reliable historical information, 2) long term monitoring networks, and 3) paleoecological studies. The first two tools are scarce in most of our alpine systems, which, due to their remote character and harsh environmental conditions, have been seldom visited in the past, with few rigorous research done until the 1980s (Pascual et al., 2000). In order to make up for the scarcity of long-term environmental studies, scientists have developed complex mathematical models, both predictive as reconstructive, in different spatial and temporal scales, for distinct geographical zones (Castro et al., 1995; Arpe & Roeckner, 1999). Nevertheless, it is essential to be able to use historical and current information, organized in databases, as calibration for the models (Richardson & Berish, 2003) or in the paleoecological reconstructions (Veski et al., 2005). In the alpine regions of the Iberian Peninsula, there are few long-term studies with sufficient time scale to detect natural ecosystems responses to regional environmental changes. The meteorological station located in Puerto de Navacerrada (1890 m a.s.l., Guadarrama Mountains, Central Range) (Martinez-Molina et al., 1984) has one of the longest databases, with more than 50 years of measurements. The paleoecological studies performed in the Iberian Peninsula are contributing valuable alternative data to the task of reconstructing our past, and though not homogenously distributed, have been established in numerous locations. A large part of these studies have been developed in alpine regions, contributing to the knowledge of past climate change and its effects in the ecosystems in the Iberian Peninsula (Toro et al., 1993; Ruíz-Zapata et al., 1997; Monserrat, 1992; Peñalba et al., 1997, Catalan et al., 2002), land use changes on the regional scale (Luque & Julia, 2002), long distance contaminant dispersion (Camarero et al., 1995b), or human activity effects on a local scale (Toro & Granados, 2002). The present work compiles the main studies performed during the past 15 years by a research team in the Ecology Department of the Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 219 High mountain lakes of Central Spain Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, on the Central Range (Guadarrama and Gredos Mountains) high mountain lakes and wetland ecosystems, in the Iberian Peninsula. The focus of the research done has been the local and regional characterization of these systems from a limnologic standpoint, as well as their utilization as environmental change sensors in the local and regional scales for natural and human induced processes. The results obtained have served as support for different measures adopted in the management and restoration of the natural systems studied. The historic scientific heritage. Ramon Margalef’s contribution Even though these alpine ecosystems are considered today pristine sites, free from impacts or considerable human activity, it was in the period of the first explorers (19th century and the first 219 half of the 20th century) that these ecosystems were in their most natural condition. The origins of scientific research in high mountain lakes and wetlands in Spain can be traced to this period, motivated by an excursionist illusion and seeking similarities with the studies done in the Alps lakes (Casado, 2000). Some of the first scientific or naturalistic explorations of the Central Range mountain lakes cited in the literature date back to the 19th century (Aznar, 1839; Pictet, 1865) and the first half of the 20th century (Azpeitia, 1911; Obermaier & Carandell, 1917; Arevalo, 1921, 1931, Pardo, 1932, 1948). The first aquatic species inventories are found in the works of González-Guerrero (1927, 1929a, b, 1965) and Caballero (1944, 1950) on phytoplankton. The Peñalara lakes were also visited by the best known Spanish limnologist, Ramón Margalef. On April 29, 1949, with his friend Emilio Fernández Galiano, Margalef collected Figure 1. Reproduction of Ramon Margalef ’s draws of aquatic organisms found in several lakes, streams and mires in Peñalara Massif in 1949. (Source: R.Margalef. 1949. Datos para la hidrobiologia de la Sierra de Guadarrama. Publ. Inst. Biol. Apl., Tomo VI: 5-21). Reproducción de los dibujos realizados por Ramón Margalef de los organismos acuáticos encontrados en varias lagunas, arroyos y turberas del Macizo de Peñalara en 1949. (Fuente: R.Margalef. 1949. Datos para la hidrobiologia de la Sierra de Guadarrama. Publ. Inst. Biol. Apl., Tomo VI: 5-21). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 220 12/6/06 13:49 Página 220 Toro et al. Figure 2. Location of high mountain lakes in Spanish Central Range (Guadarrama and Gredos Mountains). Localización de las lagunas de alta montaña del Sistema Central, España (Sierras de Guadarrama y Gredos). water samples from several lakes, streams and mires, in order to supply new biogeographic data on Iberian fresh water organisms. The results of this excursion, with an extensive list of organisms identified, were published in that same year in a paper entitled “Datos para la hidrobiologia de la Sierra de Guadarrama” [Data for the hydrobiology of Guadarrama Range] (Margalef, 1949). The historical data provided by Margalef in this work have served as valuable reference for recent studies, such as the effects of the introduction of the brook trout in the lake’s community, with the description of the species present previous to the introduction of this salmonid. Margalef mentioned the absence of phanerogams and mosses in the lake, as well as the absence of fish. His biological descriptions encompass phytoplankton, zooplankton, phytobenthos (herpon and pecton) and macroinvertebrate species, including detailed morphological and taxonomic notes on some species, as well as some drawings (Fig. 1). STUDY AREA The Central Range, with a ENE-WSW orientation, divides the two Iberian Peninsula plateaus corresponding to the basins of the Duero River to the north, and Tajo River, to the south (Fig. 2). This system is formed by the following mountains, from the northeast: Ayllón (1691 m), Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 221 High mountain lakes of Central Spain Somosierra (2250 m), Guadarrama (2430 m), Gredos (2592 m), Béjar (2401 m), Peña de Francia (1723 m), Gata (1519 m) and, in Portugal, the Estrela and Lousa (1991 m). It is constituted primarily by Paleozoic Precambrian igneous rocks (granite and gneiss) and metamorphic rock slates, with very low solubility. Lakes are only found in the Guadarrama, Gredos and Estrela Mountains, where the landscape forming role of the glaciers was more intense. The results obtained in projects in the Guadarrama and Gredos ranges are presented in this work. Information on the Estrela mountain range lakes can be found in the work of Boavida (2000). Most of the glaciers of the Gredos Mountains were located on the northern slope, where all of the alpine lakes are situated. Their watersheds flow into the Duero River basin, in the Northern Iberian Plateau (Fig. 2). The glacial impacts were much less in the neighbouring Guadarrama Mountains. The high snow accumulation by the wind in the leeward slopes facing southeast originated the development of these small glaciers of ice masses on south-facing slopes (SanzHerraiz, 1977). Sanz-Herraiz (1988, 1999) and Pedraza et al. (2004) describe and interpret glacier’s geomorphology in Peñalara Massif. Besides a considerable number of ponds, there are three main lakes which represent the circus and moraine types, whose watersheds flow into the Tajo river basin in the South Iberian Plateau (Fig. 2). The precipitation reaches maximum values above 2000 mm in some places in the Central Range. The mean annual precipitation in the Peñalara Massif (Guadarrama Mountains) is 1350 mm, ranging between 780 mm and 2380 mm, and maximum and minimum mean values of temperature are 20 ºC and -5 ºC respectively (data from the period of 1946-2004: Meteorological Station of Puerto de Navacerrada, 1890 m.a.s.l. National Institute of Meteorology). There are no meteorological stations in the high mountain zone of the Gredos Mountains that could collect local data, but bulk precipitation is estimated to be slightly higher and temperature values slightly lower that in the Guadarrama Mountains. The timberline is situated at an altitude of 1900-2100 m.a.s.l. 221 (Martínez, 1999), with the Pinus sylvestris pine as the forest community that reaches the highest altitude in all of the Central Range (Luceño y Vargas, 1991). The high mountain zone, the focus of this study, has two vegetation zones: the oromediterranean, typical of “piorno serrano” (Cytisus oromediterraneus) and the cryoromediterranean, represented by the psychroxerophilous grassland. Most of the lake basin has little vegetation or developed soils. The two groups of lakes studied in the Central Range are under the protection of two regional parks: the Peñalara Natural Park, reclassified in 1990 from the former National Interest Natural Site of 1930, and the Gredos Mountains Regional Park, created in 1996. The Peñalara Massif wetlands are in the process of approval for inclusion in the RAMSAR list of international importance. METHODS The limnologic samples have been collected from 1991 to the present with variable intervals, according to the lakes sampled. The methodology used was based on the following references: morphometric parameters according to Häkanson (1981), water chemistry following standard methods and protocols (APHA, 1992; Catalan & Camarero, 1988; Catalan Lafuente, 1990; Krol et al., 1997; Wathne & Hansen, 1997), plankton analyses (Sournia, 1978; De Hoyos & Negro, 2001), pigments (Jeffrey & Humphrey, 1975), macroinvertebrates (Toro & Granados, 1998), sediment sampling, dating and analyses (Battarbee, 1986; Appleby et al., 1986; Walker, 1987; Glew, 1988, 2001), and sediment traps (Wathne & Hansen, 1997). Besides that, the methodology used in the various specific environmental change studies is described in detail in the following works: effects of the brook trout introduction (Granados & Toro, 2000b), study of erosion in a lake basin (Toro & Granados, 2002), effects of wastewater refuse (Robles et al., 2000), and the study of subfossil diatoms and chironomids as sensors of recent changes (Toro et al., 1993; Granados & Toro, 2000a). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 222 222 Toro et al. REGIONAL LAKE LIMNOLOGY IN THE SPANISH CENTRAL RANGE Morphometrics and genesis The Central Range morphology is a result of several morphoclimatic processes, with a predominance of fluvial and glacial processes. The end of glaciers took place around 10.000 years ago (De Pedraza & López, 1980). The lakes were formed by the melting of ice and snow in the depressions, and by water retention by the lateral or frontal moraines, that acted as dams. Toro & Granados (2001), based on a previous classification done by De Pedraza & López (1980), developed a typology of the lake basins based on their genesis (glacial geomorphology) and morphometrics, that conditions the ecological functioning of each of the lake Figure 3. Distribution and total surface area (km2) of high mountain lakes (lake surface area > 0.5 ha) in the mountain ranges of the Iberian Peninsula (adapted from Pascual et al., 2000). Distribución y superficie total (km2) de los lagos de alta montaña (superficie mayor de 0.5 ha) en los sistemas montañosos de la Península Ibérica (adaptado de Pascual et al., 2000). systems (Table 1): circus (4 lakes), glacial valley bottom (10), “hoyas” (4), fluvial (2) and Table 1. Morphometric characteristics of high mountain lakes in Gredos and Guadarrama mountains (Central Range, Iberian Peninsula). Características morfométricas de las lagunas de alta montaña de las Sierras de Gredos y Guadarrama (Sistema Central, Península Ibérica). Lake Coord. UTM Lake Volume (m3) Altitude (m) Typology (genesis)* Watershed Area (ha) Surface Area (m2) Guadarrama Peñalara 30TVL190215 Claveles 30TVL201231 Pájaros 30TVL200239 2019 2119 2170 Circus Moraine Hoya 44.2 12.6 4.8 5779 6263 4943 11563 11560 1021 Gredos Duque Cura Barco Cervunal Majalaescoba Lagunilla Grande Gredos Nava Caballeros Trampal 3 Negra Cuadrada Gargantón Bajera Brincalobitos Trampal 2 Trampal 1 Mediana Galana Cimera Trochagosta Gutre 1595 1750 1785 1815 1830 1915 1935 1945 2025 2025 2070 2085 2085 2100 2100 2115 2125 2130 2135 2140 2210 2300 Bottom valley Moraine Bottom valley Moraine Fluvial Hoya Bottom valley Circus Circus Bottom valley Hoya Hoya Fluvial Bottom valley Bottom valley Bottom valley Bottom valley Bottom valley Bottom valley Circus -Hoya 760.0 4.8 374.4 6.3 403.1 62.5 325.0 62.4 58.0 188.0 2.3 42.6 99.0 120.0 106.3 70.0 54.2 97.9 92.3 75.6 19.5 3.1 203295 2000 74781 4200 2615 5437 63076 92268 14027 62042 1450 7773 441 9599 981 15352 6063 3240 15251 44900 -960 1644000 -357702 ---145837 425500 40840 599830 -10525 -14974 1391 37715 8780 4693 54353 216890 --- 30TTK716650 30TUK159614 30TTK785567 30TUK054630 30TUK042617 30TUK035621 30TUK064585 30TTK810565 30TTK798553 30TTK697658 30TTK697643 30TTK787557 30TUK054594 30TUK044605 30TUK042600 30TTK692657 30TTK689658 30TUK043602 30TUK045604 30TUK040596 30TTK691652 30TUK045594 * Hoya: local term for small lakes or ponds located at glacial valleys bottom or depressions (Toro & Granados, 2001). Lake Perimeter (m) Max. Depth (m) Residence Time (days) 364 440 447 4.7 2.6 0.5 9.0 -5.2 2440 150 1250 235 231 362 2423 1100 450 1140 180 380 250 505 150 650 400 295 680 1275 -175 21.5 0.4 14.8 1.0 1.2 1.7 6.5 11.0 5.2 20.8 2.0 2.5 1.5 4.2 3.3 4.25 2.9 2.4 7.6 9.4 -2.0 46.4 -20.5 ---9.6 146.4 15.1 68.5 -5.3 -2.7 0.3 11.6 3.5 1.0 12.6 61.6 --- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 223 High mountain lakes of Central Spain Figure 4. Bathymetric map of Grande de Gredos Lake with location of sampling sites and mountain refuge. Mapa batimétrico de la laguna Grande de Gredos con la ubicación de los puntos de muestreo y del refugio de montaña. moraine (3). The lakes of the Central Range have smaller dimensions when compared to other mountain systems in the Iberian Peninsula, such as the Pyrenees or the Cantabric Range, having much fewer water bodies (Fig. 3). This reduced size determines a greater influence of the external environmental conditions on the water bodies. The lakes with greater surface areas are the ones that were dammed: Duque (20.3 ha.), Nava (9.22 ha.) and Barco (7.47 ha.), with a considerable increase from their original surface areas. The larger natural lakes are the Grande de Gredos 223 (6.3 ha.) and the Cimera (4.49 ha.), both in the Gredos Mountains. In the Guadarrama Mountains, the largest permanent lake is the Grande de Peñalara (0.57 ha.), although Claveles, a temporary lake, is slightly larger (0.62). Table 1 contains the main morphometric parameters of Central Range lakes. Their altitudes range between 1600 m and 2300 m, with a mean altitude of 1994 m, and 60 % of the lakes situated above 2000 m. The Grande de Gredos Lake has the most peculiar morphometrics of all the Central Range lakes, in which the erosion of the ice on a long bottom glacier circus generated two depressions, originating two lake basins connected by a narrow strait (Fig. 4). The rocky nature of the basin generated a very sinuous perimeter, uncommon in these alpine lakes, giving it the longest perimeter of all the Central Range lakes (> 2400 m) and the largest surface area of the lakes that are not dammed (6.3 ha). The rest of the lakes have a single basin. Most of the lake catchment have steep slopes, with a predominance of partially fractured bedrock and moraines and talus zones with smaller sized materials, as well as small areas occupied by psychroxerophilous alpine fields, or small depressions occupied by ponds, wetlands or peatlands. There are few catchments with considerable alpine shrub vegetation on the less steep slopes (Duque, Barco, Caballeros, Cervunal, Majalaescoba and Peñalara). As a representative example, the Peñalara Lake watershed has 63 % of its surface occupied by bedrock and talus, 29 % by mountain scrubs (Cytisus oromeditarraneus, Juniperus communis ssp. alpina), some 6 % by psychroxerophilous grassland (mainly Festuca curvifolia) and 2 % by Nardus stricta wet meadows. The bottom of most of the lakes is mainly silty, with a relatively low organic matter content (13 % Peñalara, 16 % Cimera, 19.5 % Grande de Gredos) with a higher percentage of sandy material at the shores and at stream inlets, with the presence of blocks or scattered stones, usually at the foot of the hills, talus or slide rocks. One exception is the Claveles Lake (Guadarrama Mountains), loca- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 224 12/6/06 13:49 Página 224 Toro et al. Figure 5. Lake level, volume and turnover rate responses to the water inflow from snow melting and liquid precipitation in Peñalara Lake for 1999 and 2000. Respuesta del nivel, volumen y tasa de renovación de la laguna de Peñalara a la entrada de agua procedente de la fusión de la nieve y de la precipitación líquida durante 1999 y 2000. ted on a moraine arch, which gives it a temporary characteristic, due to the substrate permeability. This lake’s bottom is lined with medium sized rocks (0.1-1 m in diameter) with almost no silt or fine material, probably due to the small catchment slope of rocky nature and the absence of water in the summer months, when the biological productivity is greatest in these lakes (Toro et al., 2000). Hydrology All the Central Range lakes, except for the Cervunal and Negra lakes, have a superficial water outlet and one or two main surface water inlets and several intermittent streams, with greater flow during the thaw period or heavy storms. With the exception of the large lakes (Barco, Duque, Nava, Trampal 3 and Cimera), Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 225 High mountain lakes of Central Spain the mean annual turnover rate is less than 15 days (Table 1), reaching minimums of less than 1 day during the ice cover melting (the precipitation as snow can exceed 60 % of the total annual precipitation; Puerto de Navacerrada Meteorological Station data, INM). The interannual and seasonal variation in turnover rate is apparent in the data collected in the Peñalara Lake basin during a period of several years. Figure 5 reflects the lake level, volume and turnover rate responses to the phenomena of snow melt and liquid precipitation during the studied period, picked after the thawing and the autumn rains, and with minimum values during summer. Isolated precipitation events during the summer can cause an increase of between 4 and 15 % of the lake water volume in only one day (a precipitation of 32 mm caused a rise in the water level of 15.5 cm in July 1998), with theoretical lake turnover rates of up to 183 % for October 19, 2001 (almost twice its volume). It is relatively common to have periods of one or more days with a turnover rate of over 50 % of the water retained in the lake, in response to intense precipitation. The water discharge coming from the snowpack responds rapidly to the increased spring air temperatures, generating a hydrogram with strong daily fluctuations during the days of maximum melting, due to the day/night temperature difference. Figure 6a shows the Peñalara Lake outlet stream hydrogram during a typical thawing month, with a diminishing fluctuation range with temperature or by the snowpack disappearance. On the other hand, the typical hydrogram during the summer period is less fluctuating, though isolated sharp water level increments can be observed, resulting from heavy storms (Fig. 6b), returning to the normal flow 2 or 3 days later. It has been assumed, for the hydrological balance and turnover rate estimations, that the precipitation falling on a watershed, as well as the snowpack melting water, run almost entirely on the surface of the soil. Nevertheless, recent studies with markers have shown the important role of the “soil and talus reservoirs” in high mountain watersheds, where up to 50 % of the snow melt water is infiltrated in the terrain and later discharged in 225 Figure 6. Peñalara Lake outlet stream hydrogram during: a) a typical thaw month; b) a summer month with heavy storms. Hidrograma del arroyo de salida de la laguna de Peñalara durante: a) un mes típico de deshielo; b) un mes estival con fuertes tormentas. the watershed streams. This promotes the chemical interaction of the water and the substrate during the subsoil storage, noticeably affecting the water chemical composition (Williams et al., 2005). The storage capacity of the studied Central Range watersheds is not known, but it probably varies according to each watershed’s size and lithological characteristics. Nevertheless, base flow for Peñalara Lake watershed in summer is less than 5 L s-1, and the lake outlet uses to become dry after a 30-45 days period without rainfall, therefore underground water storage period or storage capacity would not be so large. During periods of intense turnover, the smaller lakes’ limnological characteristics are closer to a lotic ecosystem (e.g. lakes Majalaescoba, Brincalobitos, Gargantón), with predominance of watershed material transport by erosion and of aquatic organisms drift, with a total instability of the water column (turbulent heat and flux distribution) and a grater ion and nutrient dilution. The change magnitude of the water turn- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 226 13:49 Página 226 Toro et al. Figure 7. Isopleth diagram of temperature at Peñalara Lake during the period 1997-1999. Diagrama de isopletas de temperatura en la laguna de Peñalara durante el periodo 1997-1999. over rates depends mainly on two meteorological variables: temperature and precipitation, just as shown in the figure 6 hydrograms. Therefore, changes in precipitation and temperature regime in these high mountain watersheds (e.g. as a consequence of a possible climate change) would noticeably affect the water flow regime, and ultimately, the water availability as a resource throughout the year (Williams et al., 2005). Water temperature The physical stability of the water column, as well as it’s thermal inertia as related to the air temperature in the lakes studied are smaller than in other deeper alpine lakes, due to their smaller size. Mixed water column periods predominate over stratified ones (Fig. 7). The water thermal response to air temperature changes is fast: in summer, with maximum air temperatures above 25 ºC, the superficial water layer of some lakes reaches temperatures of 18-20 ºC, although there is not a stable and lasting actual thermocline in most lakes. In water depths of less than 10-15 m, stable stratification only occurs under ice cover (Fig. 7). Figure 8 illustrates the summer water temperature profiles in the Central Range’s deepest lakes. It can be observed that the three dammed lakes (Duque, Trampal 3 and Barco) have a greater surface/bottom thermal gradient, since there’s no natural water column turnover during the summer. Duque, the deepest lake, stands out, presenting a clear thermal stratification with an evident thermocline. During the autumn, temperatures progressively drop, and the water column is mixed by the rain water input, up to the formation of an ice cover. Lakes freeze over in November or December, coinciding with a period of at least 3 or 4 days with maximum air temperatures below 0 ºC, beginning the winter inverse stratification (Fig. 7). During the winter period, if the ice cover thickness is not thick enough and minimum air temperature increase over 0 ºC for a few days, it can melt completely until air temperature decreases again (Fig. 7). The ice cover duration in the lakes varies spatially and temporally. Besides precipitation, temperature, winds and radiation factors during the winter months, the watershed’s relief can prolong the duration of the ice cover, by obstructing direct radiation incidence on the lake surface. The Cimera Lake (Gredos Mountains) is a clear example of this. There is a distinctive escarpment in the south side, which exerts a noticeable shading effect on the lake. Figure 9 shows the percentage of reduction of the potential incident radiation (direct radiation) on the lake by the effect of the surrounding relief. As opposed to the north shore, the south shore does not receive direct solar radiation from October 7th to March 7th (there’s only diffuse solar radiation incidence) and receives less than 10 % of the potential radiation during five months of the year. On the other hand, the potential radiation only drops noticeably for one month a year at the north shore, with a relief-related reduction of only 40 %. This incident radiation asymmetry causes a delay in the south shore ice cover melting of 1-2 months compared to the north shore, and the lake water temperature has a marked north-south gradient during the melting, with temperatures of up to 12 ºC in the north side while the south shore still has a considerable ice cover. The possible ecological implications in the benthic shore habitat are evident: 1) water temperature differences between 8 and 12 ºC; 2) ice cover shading effect on the benthic habitat, reducing primary production; and 3) this situation can last up to two months. The relief effect is less important in the Peñalara lakes, due Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:49 Página 227 High mountain lakes of Central Spain to their south-southeast orientation, than in the Gredos lakes. Due to this, the mean ice cover duration is much more prolonged in the Gredos lakes (e.g.: 115 days in the Peñalara Lake, 185 days in the Grande de Gredos Lake, and 220 days in the Cimera Lake). The formation and melting of the ice cover are also quite different between the lakes of the two massifs: they form in November-December in Gredos, completely melt in June-July (August 1996 in Cimera); the ice cover period in Peñalara goes from December- 227 January to March-April (Fig. 7). Ice cover thicknesses of 142 cm (March 1996) and 165 cm (March 1991) have been recorded for Peñalara Lake, with the lowest maximum being approximately 30 cm (winter of 2001-2002). In the Cimera Lake (Gredos Mountains), the maximum ice cover thicknesses registered were >280 cm in the winter of 1996-1997 and 187 cm in the winter of 1997-1998. In the former, the ice cover was composed of up to 10 layers with different thickness, texture and water content. Figure 8. Profiles of water temperature and percentage of dissolved-oxygen saturation in the Central Range’s deepest lakes in summer months. Perfiles de temperatura y porcentaje de oxígeno disuelto en las lagunas más profundas del Sistema Central en los meses de verano. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 228 13:50 Página 228 Toro et al. Dissolved oxygen Under natural conditions, the water column oxygen concentration in the high mountain lakes is relatively high during the whole annual cycle, and is not a limiting factor for the biota’s development. Dissolved oxygen saturation between 90 and 110 % is common. There is an annual periodical fluctuation in the lake’s surface layer, with maximum values in the winter (e.g. 10-12 mg L-1 O2) and minimum values in the summer (e.g. 78 mg L-1 O2). Nevertheless, during the ice cover period, there can be a progressive depletion of the oxygen in the water layer closer to the sediment (up to 0.1 mg L-1), as compared to the upper layers under the ice cover (up to 13 mg L-1). This process is directly proportional to the ice cover duration. If the trend for increasing mean air temperatures is happened and continued, the processes related to the ice cover dynamics could be affected, such as the oxygen depletion in the bottom. The intensity of this process could have been reduced since the beginning of the 1980s, when the recent increase in air temperatures was first detected (Granados and Toro, 2000a). The melting of the ice cover produces a massive input of water in the lakes, mixing and renewing the whole volume in few days, reaching a maximum dissolved oxygen concentration in the deeper layers (10-12 mg L-1). In some of the dammed lakes (Trampal 3, Barco and Duque), the general pattern in dissolved oxygen concentration during the summer is different than the rest of the lakes, diminishing in depth as the summer passes, reaching anoxic conditions in the deepest layers (Fig. 8). The oxygen depletion in the Trampal 3 Lake caused the formation of methane bubbles in the sediment, as a result of the organic matter degradation in anaerobic conditions. These bubbles are then release to the water column from structures in the sediment that resemble small volcanoes, with several centimetres of height. This inadequate condition for a high mountain oligotrophic lake can be caused by the following reasons: 1) the decrease in the natural turnover rate and its annual variation, increasing the quantity of organic matter that reaches the sediment (Whiteside, 1983); 2) the damming produces a higher fluctuation in the lake’s water level eliminating the littoral aquatic vegetation and favouring the organic matter decomposition in the shore line with the alternation of dry/flooded periods, increasing the nutrient availability. The annual fluctuation in the water level can reach several meters in the dammed lakes, while in most natural lakes usually is less than 50 cm. Hydrochemistry The chemical composition of the high mountain lakes is determined by several factors: weathering and biogeochemical processes, atmospheric inputs, biological processes in the lakes, and finally, hydrological variables such as the evaporation and turnover rates dynamics. The chemical composition values of the Central Range lakes (displayed data from end-summer samplings) are shown in Table 2. The mean water column conductivity of all the lakes studied is very low, fluctuating between 4 µS cm-1 25 ºC in the lakes of the Cinco Lagunas circus (Gredos Mountains) and 22 µS cm-1 25 ºC in the Peñalara Lake (Guadarrama Mountains) in the summer months. Nevertheless, there are remarkable fluctuations in the annual and interannual scales, depending mainly on the turnover rate (Fig. 10). The mean water pH is slightly acid (ranging between 6.2 and 6.8), and the mean alkalinity is very low (ranging Figure 9. Percentage of reduction of the potential incident radiation (direct radiation) on Cimera Lake (Gredos Mountains) and mean duration of the ice cover over the different areas of lake. Porcentaje de reducción de la radiación potencial incidente (radiación directa) en la laguna Cimera (Sierra de Gredos) y duración media de la cubierta de hielo en las diferentes zonas de la laguna. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 229 229 High mountain lakes of Central Spain between 40 and 60 µeq L-1), contributing to a very low buffering capacity in lake waters. The pH fluctuation range observed in some lakes (e.g. Peñalara) is very broad, with minimum values of 4.76 during the ice cover meltdown to maximum values of 7.70 during the summer months (Fig. 10). The maximum values for conductivity, pH and alkalinity during the year occur in the middle of the summer, under low turnover rates and high evaporation, with maximum primary productivity, increasing the concentration of dissolved ions in the water (Fig. 10). Even though pH over 7.5 is common in the Gredos Mountains lakes, a peak of 8.70 was registered in the Peñalara Lake, in the year 2000. With the autumn rains, the conducti- vity decreases temporarily until the ice cover formation, when the turnover rate falls to almost zero. A progressive gradient in conductivity, alkalinity and pH is formed then, with higher values in the deeper layers of the lake. A significant correlation (r2 = 0.42; p<0.05) has been found between the ice cover duration and the increased conductivity under the ice cover for a 10 year time series in the Peñalara Lake. In the ice cover period in the years 19951996 and 2004-2005, when the ice cover was very thick, stable and long-lasting, there was a large increase in conductivity, reaching summerlike values (>17 µS cm-1 25 ºC). On the other hand, during the ice cover period in 1997-1998 y Table 2. End-summer chemical characteristics of the high mountain lakes in Central Range (Iberian Peninsula) (Gredos: 1995/1997; Guadarrama: 1999). Características químicas de los lagos de alta montaña del Sistema Central (Península Ibérica) a finales del periodo estival (Gredos: 1995/1997; Guadarrama: 1999). Lake pH Cond. µS/cm 25°C Ca2+ µeq/l Mg2+ µeq/l Na+ µeq/l K+ µeq/l Alk µeq /l SO42µeq/l Clµeq/l NO3µgN/l NH4+ µgN/l TN µgN/l TP µg/l TN/TP Guadarrama Mountains Peñalara Claveles Pájaros 6.87 6.85 6.80 16 7.0 23.1 53 23 27 23 16 13 39 52 44 4 17 8 106 44 120 33 15 37 4 7 17 27 18 11 22 45 321 164 403 529 7 26 35 15 15 15 Gredos Mountains Duque Cura Barco Cervunal Majalaescoba Lagunilla Grande Gredos Nava Caballeros Trampal 3 Negra Cuadrada Gargantón Bajera Brincalobitos Trampal 2 Trampal 1 Mediana Galana Cimera Trochagosta Gutre 6.50 5.89 6.49 5.52 7.00 6.23 6.72 6.60 6.62 6.24 6.50 6.55 6.18 7.24 6.90 7.03 6.40 7.15 7.47 6.80 6.73 6.52 8.0 18.4 10.2 14.4 7.8 9.3 7.0 6.6 9.9 9.5 13.0 6.6 8.1 5.3 5.5 12.9 17.7 5.2 5.1 5.3 7.7 9.3 49 56 26 33 29 33 35 13 25 51 56 13 23 20 18 69 114 21 20 20 15 24 20 21 23 22 16 9 15 6 18 23 30 7 9 13 13 23 62 11 11 14 4 13 47 80 25 47 24 18 15 20 19 44 24 14 15 13 11 54 62 12 11 15 31 20 3 21 3 15 2 2 3 2 2 5 2 2 2 3 2 3 4 1 2 2 2 3 94 120 46 79 42 66 47 34 45 103 101 36 33 36 29 129 167 30 39 42 63 33 12 14 13 2 14 16 19 10 16 20 25 10 11 10 11 28 34 11 11 3 13 13 10 33 4 18 6 7 6 5 5 10 6 6 5 5 5 11 12 6 5 2 7 8 7 145 52 245 125 12 100 9 9 2 14 26 0 8 62 14 34 14 13 36 35 159 0 84 53 284 29 105 64 118 31 0 125 122 101 75 29 0 0 1 103 0 290 56 92 848 225 1559 256 355 245 --98 303 532 313 227 204 176 514 167 228 288 208 252 6 13 7 39 5 <0.1 17 8 12 3 8 22 9 24 23 7 10 9 10 9 2 14 15 65 32 40 51 -14 --33 38 24 35 9 9 25 51 19 23 32 104 18 Limnetica 25(1-2)02 230 12/6/06 13:50 Página 230 Toro et al. Figure 10. Seasonal variation of alkalinity, pH and conductivity in Peñalara Lake during a four years period (2001-2004). Variación estacional de la alcalinidad. pH y conductividad en la laguna de Peñalara durante un periodo de cuatro años (2001-2004). 2000-2001, when the ice cover was thinner and lasted less time, the increase in conductivity was small (< 9 µS cm-1 25 ºC). The clear pH peaks in these deep layers is also only observed in the years with a long-lasting ice cover. When the ice is formed, there’s ionic exclusion, as observed in other high mountain or alpine shallow lakes (Barica, 1977; Baron, 1992; Welch & Bergman, 1985). The magnitude of this process can be approximately quantified with the example of the Peñalara Lake: with an ice cover of more than 1m thick (1995-96 or 2003-04), it is assumed that more than 40 % of the lake water volume becomes ice. There’s also a release of basic cations from the sediment (Psenner, 1988) and a sulphate and nitrate reduction in the anoxic condition that can be reached in the few millimetres of the water-sediment interface (Psenner & Catalan, 1994). The final result is a remarkable increase in the lake deeper layers conductivity, as well as an increment in the alkalinity –and therefore, of pH– of the water layer closer to the sediment. Under the ice, though, these parameters remain low. The more potent, stable and durable the ice cover, the more intense these changes in the lake water chemistry are. During the ice cover melting, there is a water mineralization increment due to the early fusion of the ion richer layers; nevertheless, the most important result is the input of a large quantity of water in the lake, which has a dilution effect in the medium, reaching the annual minimum conductivity, with extremely low values. The pH and alkalinity also decrease, with the input of acid ions retained in the snowpack and ice cover (Fig. 10). In the Cimera Lake, there has been a conductivity measurement of 1.34 µS cm-1 25 ºC (7/7/98), which is assumed to be the lowest registered value in these high mountain lakes. Therefore, the conductivity seems to be a good indicator of the intensity of the processes present in a lake as a consequence of the ice cover formation, such as the ion and compound fluxes from the sediment, the oxygen depletion in the bottom or the generation of alkalinity. The wide pH range observed in some lakes (Peñalara) (Fig. 10) is due to the scarce alkaline reserves (bicarbonate) which characterizes their hydrochemistry, in essence, the low buffering capacity of the water. Thus, their sensitivity to the atmospheric input of acid anions is very high, and acid rain is one of the potential risks for this type of lakes. There have been records of dry or wet deposition of dust from the Sahara (e.g. the orange snow episode in the Peñalara Lake in the winter of 1992), which contribute for the neutralization of the possible acid compound inputs from atmospheric deposition. This dust from the Sahara is an important source of alkalinity and nutrients for the alpine lakes in southern Europe (Psenner 1999), contributing with a high percentage of the total annual calcium (70 %) and bicarbonate (100 %) input in the lake watersheds (Rogora et al., 2004). Nevertheless, in the absence of this dust deposition from the Sahara, the snow is usually highly acid (pH between 4.19 and 5.43), with an extremely variable ionic composition, influencing in the lake Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 231 High mountain lakes of Central Spain hydrochemistry, especially during the ice cover melting period. Even though the bicarbonate concentration is low (< 100 µeq L-1), they represent a high percentage of the ionic composition in these lakes, reaching values of close to 90 % of the total anions in lakes like the Cimera, one of the least mineralized in all of the Central Range. The predominance of sulphates over chlorides reflects the distance from the ocean –and thus, from the influence of marine aerosols. The following relations are found in the Central Range lakes: for cations [Ca2+] ⭓ [Na+] > [Mg2+] >> [K+], and for anions [HCO3-] ⭓ [SO4=] > [Cl¯]. These relations are common in high mountain lakes on silica basins in other continental mountainous systems in the world (Baron, 1992; MOLAR, 1999). Summarizing the chemical composition described above, 231 the water in most of the Central Range lakes can be classified as a mix between bicarbonate-calcic and bicarbonate-sodic, a result of the crystalline lithology of the basins (gneisses and granites). Nitrate concentration is low in most of studied lakes (<60 µg L-1 N-NO3), with the exception of Cura, Cervunal, Majalaescoba, Grande de Gredos or Peñalara lakes, where NO3 reached higher values. Ammonium concentration is usually under 90 µg L -1 N-NH4, and mean annual values are about 20 µg L-1. Total phosphorus concentration do not exceed 25µg L-1, except for Cervunal Lake, where a maximum of 39 µg L-1 P was recorded. TN/TP ratio founded in summer months in lakes ranges from 9 to 104. Kopacek et al. (1996) established a TN/TP ratio of 7.2 for phytoplankton in high mountain Figure 11. Annual succession pattern of the main phytoplankton groups in Peñalara Lake (Source: Toro & Montes, 1993). Patrón de sucesión anual de los principales grupos del fitoplancton en la laguna de Peñalara (Fuente: Toro & Montes, 1993). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 232 13:50 Página 232 Toro et al. lakes; therefore, summer productivity should be P-limited in most of lakes. In Peñalara Lake, several years of monthly monitoring show a Plimited productivity during most all-year period, but TN/TP trend to reach lower values is detected in summer periods, changing to a N-limited phytoplankton productivity. This trend has been also observed by Morales-Baquero et al. (1999) in a survey of 31 high mountain lakes in Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain), where the importance of atmospheric N and P inputs together with the size of the lake catchment is highlighted. Phytoplancton The phytoplankton communities in the studied lakes are composed of widely distributed, nonendemic species, most of them typical of acidic oligotrophic lakes. Figure 11 reflects the annual succession pattern of the main algae groups in the Peñalara Lake (Toro & Montes, 1993). In the summer, with water column stability and high nutrient content and temperatures, the main algae groups reach their maximum density and biovolume: chlorophytes (up to 90 % of the biomass), with an alternation of predominance of Zygnematales (Arthrodesmus sp.) with Chlorococcales (Chlorella sp., Dydimocystis sp., Scenedesmus sp.), cianobacteria (summer bloom characteristic of a filamentous species, without heterocysts; Aphanothece sp., Pseudanabaena sp.) and, at the end of the summer, dinoflagellates and diatoms (Aulacoseira sp., Fragilaria sp.) favoured by the first autumn rains. The importance of planktonic diatoms is very low (<1 %) in the lakes studied, in comparison to their importance to the benthonic communities. The density of flagellate algae, favoured by their mobility in the stratification bellow the winter cover, increases in the beginning of the winter: dinoflagellates (Amphidinium sp., up to 50 % of the biomass), chrysophytes (Dynobrion sp., Ochromonas sp.) and some flagellate chlorophytes (Pedinomonas sp.). The ice cover melting causes a low phytoplankton density, even though small flagellate groups persist. This community succession annual pattern happens in the group level, since each period’s dominant species usually vary each year (Toro y Granados, 1997). There is a strong correlation between the different phytoplankton communities and the lake’s degree of mineralization, indicating a low organic contamination, or by nutrients in general, since this is the main factor that differentiates the algae communities (De Hoyos & Negro, 2001). The smaller and shallower lakes have been found to be the richest in number of species (e.g.: >200 species in the Peñalara Lake) (Toro & Montes, 1993; De Hoyos & Negro, 2001), in which the proportion of benthonic or shore habitats exceeds the pelagic zone, not corresponding to typically planktonic communities (>30 % of the algae species are diatoms, and most are benthonic). Macrophytes The composition of the macrophyte communities is determined by the degree of temporality or water level fluctuation in the lakes, and there are two main communities: permanent lakes with stable water level or shallow lakes or ponds with a fluctuating water level (Aldasoro & Toro, 2001). The typical alpine aquatic systems species are in the first group: Subularia acuatica, Isoetes velatum, Callitriche palustris or Sparganium angustifolium are the most representative. Subularia acuática, a boreoalpine species, has in the Trampal 1 and 2 lakes their only known distribution in the Central Range (Aldasoro & Toro, 2001). The surface area covered and the richness depend on the morphology of the shore and on the substrate type. Therefore, the Grande de Gredos Lake, with a large shore development and shallow zones, has one of the largest macrophyte richness and density in the Central Range. The most characteristic species of the second group are Ranunculus peltatus, Antinoria agrostidea, Potamogeton natans or Juncus bulbosus. Bryophyte species of the Fontinalis and Sphagnum genera are also common in the lakes. In the Guadarrama Mountains, the Grande de Peñalara Lake does not have any aquatic vegetation, although a couple of Callitriche plants were observed by the lake shore in 2002-2003 summer periods. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 233 High mountain lakes of Central Spain Nevertheless, there is in the area a total of 27 aquatic plant species (angiosperm phanerogams, charophytes and bryophytes), with the presence of Nitella flexilis, a charophyte typical of oligotrophic waters (Granados & Toro, 2000b). Zooplankton The zooplankton species richness in the lakes studied is smaller than in other alpine systems in the northern Iberian Peninsula (Miracle, 1978; Vega et al., 1991), being more like other lakes in the southern Peninsula (Cruz-Pizarro et al., 1981). There have been found 21 species in the Gredos Mountains lakes (Robles & Aldasoro, 2001), similar to the 19 species found in the Guadarrama Mountains lakes (Toro & Granados, 1998). Both mountain systems present a very similar community composition, with low specialized and cosmopolitan, copepods and cladoceran species, such as Tropocyclops prasinus, Ceriodaphnia quadrangula, Daphnia longispina or Chidorus sphaericus. Nevertheless, there are species with a more boreoalpine character, such as Alonella nana. The main difference between these mountain systems is the absence of the diaptomid Diaptomus castaneti in the Peñalara lakes, with presence in the Gredos lakes and in other mountain systems of the northern Iberian Peninsula (Aldasoro et al., 1984). The most frequent diaptomid in the Pyrenees lakes, Diaptomus cyaneus (Miracle, 1978), is not present in the Peñalara lakes, but has been cited in some high mountain ponds in an area very close to the Peñalara Massif (Baltanas, 1985). Within the rotifer group, species such as Poliarthra remata and Asplachna priodonta dominate in the summer months, while Keratella quadrata dominate in the winter, in the absence of predatory pressure from Asplachna sp. (Toro & Granados, 1997). Macroinvertebrates The richness of species in the benthonic macroinvertebrate communities is high in the Central Range lakes. More than 90 species have been identified in the Gredos Mountains, with 47 belonging to the chironomid group, with 33 different genera 233 (Toro & Granados, 2001). A total of 59 species have been identified in the Guadarrama Mountains lakes, with 29 chironomids (Granados & Toro, 2000b). This is one of the groups that contribute the most to the total benthonic invertebrate biomass in these lakes with mean values of 847 individuals/m2 for the Peñalara Lake, and peak concentrations of almost 4000 individuals/m2. The species Micropsectra spp., Heterotrissocladius marcidus or Parakieffieriella bathphyla, frequent in alpine systems (Langton, 1991; Rossaro, 1982; Soriano, 1995), stand out for their abundance. The oligochaetes are another group that represent a large proportion of the benthonic biomass in several of the lakes. The two most characteristic species are Stylodrilus heringianus, typical of oligotrophic environments, and Nais alpina, characteristic of high mountains (Brinkhurst, 1971). The mean abundance of individuals in the Peñalara Lake is 317 individuals m-2, with maximum abundance of up to 1800 individuos m-2. Besides the chironomids and oligochaetes, species like Sialis lutaria, a megalopteran predator, and Pisidium casertanum, the only represented bivalve mollusc, are common in the silty substrate of the lake bottom, with densities between 38 and 150 individuals/m2 in the Peñalara Lake. In the lake shores, where there’s greater substrate diversity, there are also other gastropod (Ancylus fluviatilis), hirudinea (Helobdella stagnalis), ephemeroptera (Baetis fuscatus, Siphlonurus lacustris, Habrophlebia fusca), plecoptera (Protonemura meyeri), tricoptera (Plectrocnemia conspersa, Athripsodes cinereus), odonata (Selysiothemis nigra), coleoptera (Nebrioporus fabressei, Oulimnius tuberculatus) and heteroptera (Notonecta obliqua, Arctocorisa carinata, Sigara sp.) (Granados & Toro, 2000b). The distribution of some species can be a response to certain impacts suffered by some lakes. Helobdella stagnalis, a species that tolerates anaerobic conditions or temporary dry periods, indicating an organic matter enrichment (Elliot & Mann, 1979), is present only in lakes that have been altered by damming (Barco, Trampal 3), with abundant aquatic vegetation (Grande de Gredos, Trampal 1) or with incipient eutrophication processes from a recent past (Peñalara and Grande de Gredos). The trichoptera are absent in the dammed Limnetica 25(1-2)02 234 12/6/06 13:50 Página 234 Toro et al. lakes, and from the lakes with a superior trophic level (Cura, Negra and Cervunal). The formation of a dry section in the shores of the dammed lakes, due to the water level oscillation, can hinder the colonization of the shore area by some macroinvertebrate groups. There are Chironomus sp. in some well conserved lakes, characteristic of situations with intense organic matter decomposition in usually eutrophic environments. This is explained by its adaptation to oxygen depletion in the bottom during the formation of the ice cover in the winter. Larger sized species from the odonata, coleoptera or heteroptera families are only present in the Central Range lakes without fish or with abundant aquatic vegetation. 2001). Finally, among the mammals, the otter (Lutra lutra) and the American mink (Mustela vison) are occasional visitors to the lakes searching mainly for fish, and occasionally for amphibious and other preys. The mink is an introduced species, naturalized in the Central Range by escaping the farms where it is raised for its fur. The Iberian desman (Galemys pyrenaica), although a fluvial habitat species, is occasionally present at some Gredos lakes (Lizana & Morales, 2001). Vertebrates Incipient eutrophication of the Peñalara Lake caused by tourism and cattle There are several fish, amphibious, reptile and mammal species in the Central Range lakes. Among the fish, the only endemic Iberian species is the brown trout (Salmo trutta), present in only 6 lakes, although it hasn’t been confirmed if this presence is natural or has been introduced. Besides that, the brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) has been introduced in the Cinco Lagunas complex (Cimera, Galana, Mediana, Brincalobitos and Bajera) and in the Peñalara Lake, and the Iberian chub (Leuciscus carolitertii) and the Iberian nase (Chondrostoma polylepis) have been introduced in the Duque Lake (Lizana & Morales, 2001). In the Gredos and Guadarrama Mountains lakes and wetlands, there are 10 amphibious species: the common salamander (Salamandra salamandra), the alpine newt (Triturus alpestris) (introduced in Peñalara in the beginning of the 1980s), the marbled newt (T. marmoratus), the midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans), the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita), the common toad (B. bufo), the Portugal painted frog (Discoglossus galganoi), the San Antonio frog (Hyla arborea), the Iberian frog (Rana iberica) and the green frog (R. perezi) (Lizana & Morales, 2001; Martínez-Solano et al., 2002) . Among the reptiles, there are only two species related to the aquatic ecosystems of these mountains: the two snakes of the genus Natrix (N. natrix and N. maura) (Lizana & Morales, ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE AND THE IMPACT IN THE CENTRAL RANGE HIGH MOUNTAIN LAKES In the end of the 1980s, the Peñalara Lake presented symptoms during the summer period that indi- Figure 12. Chlorophyll a (µg L-1) and TP (µg P-PO4 L-1) evolution in Peñalara Lake during a 15 years period. Recovery of natural levels of both variables, after restoration measures were adopted to reduce the input of nutrients (1991-1993), is observed. Evolución de la clorofila a (µg L-1) y TP (µg P-PO4 L-1) en la laguna de Peñalara durante un periodo de 15 años. Se observa la recuperación de los niveles naturales de ambas variables despues de que se adoptasen medidas de restauración para reducir la entrada de nutrientes (1991-1993). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 235 High mountain lakes of Central Spain cated an increase in the phytoplankton and benthic primary production. Chl-a concentration over 50 µg L-1 was recorded in the August 1990, in waters of an intense green and Secchi disk transparency under 50 cm. The maximum phosphorous concentration during that month was 427 µg PPO4 L-1, with a mean annual value of 242 µg PPO4 L-1. Several management practices were adopted in 1991 in order to reduce the nutrient input from human activity in the lake watershed: bathing and camping were prohibited, and cattle access to the lake was limited. The chlorophyll concentration decreased in a short period, approaching oligotrophic levels (Fig. 12), with summer maximums of 12.4 µg L-1 in 1992 and 4.5 µg L-1 in 1993, and phosphorus values of 137 µg P-PO4 L-1 in 1992 and 62 in 1993. From 1995 on, there was a clear annual pattern of this variable, with a Chl-a summer peak concentration of between 3-8 µg L-1, and phosphorus peaks of 10-40 µg P-PO4 L-1. Chl-a reached 7.6 µg L-1, in the summer of 2002, coinciding with a previous winter with very low rain and snow precipitation - which caused the lake turnover rate to be smaller and the water level to be the lowest. Chlorophyll concentration is minimum in the ice cover period, with mean minimum values under 1 µg L-1 Chl-a, although higher maximums under the ice cover have been recorded in some years. In the winter of 2004-2005, for example, there was a remarkable chlorophyll increment in 235 the deeper layers close to the sediment, reaching values of 7.7 µg L-1, and 0.4 µg L-1 in the layers adjacent to ice cover. The sensitivity of the phytoplankton primary production in the high mountain lakes to environmental variables such as total annual or winter precipitation, temperature or nutrient input, is evident in the response obtained throughout the management practices adopted in the Peñalara Lake to control nutrient input related to visitors and cattle. The turnover rate of some lakes (mean annual values of under 15 days, with minimum values of under 1 day during the melting of the ice cover) favour the fast recover of the oligotrophic levels, by producing a decrease in the nutrient input, reaching natural levels in 2 or 3 years of control. The high sensitivity of these ecosystems with oligotrophic vocation is demonstrated by the increments in summer maximum concentration of chlorophyll related to the minimum values of winter precipitation, which generate a lower melting volume, and thus, a lower turnover rate. Wastewater inflow from a refuge in the Grande de Gredos Lake In 1971 a mountain refuge was built close to the inlet stream of the Grande de Gredos Lake, near its south basin (Fig. 4). Until 1995, the residual waters were depurated in a waste treatment lagoon in a natural pond located between the refuge Figure 13. Dry weight (%), organic matter (% loss on ignition) and number of Clostridium sp. (CFU/g: colony-forming units per gram of dry weight of sediment) profiles of sediment cores collected at Grande de Gredos Lake in 1991 and 1997. 210Pb dating was carried out for 1991 sediment core (adapted from Toro et al., 1993 and Robles et al., 2000). Perfiles de peso seco (%), materia orgánica (% pérdida por combustión) y número de Clostridium sp. (CFU/g: unidades de colonias formadas por gramo de peso seco de sedimento) en dos testigos de sedimento obtenidos en la laguna Grande de Gredos en 1991 y 1997. El perfil de 1991 fue datado con 210Pb (adaptado de Toro et al., 1993 y Robles et al., 2000). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 236 12/6/06 13:50 Página 236 Toro et al. Figure 14. Formation process of the gas chambers and anoxic water layer under macrophyte roots in the bottom of south basin at Grande de Gredos Lake as a consequence of a waste water inflow from a refuge (Summer 1995). Proceso de formación de cámaras de gas y capas de agua anóxica bajo las raices de las macrófitas en el fondo de la cubeta sur de la laguna Grande de Gredos como consecuencia del vertido de un refugio (verano de 1995). and the lake. In that year, a more complex depuration system was constructed. It consisted basically of an initial grid, a 1st decant-anaerobic digestion tank, and a 2nd aerobic digestion tank with an electric air diffuser. The resultant effluent or wastewater circulated through some drainage pipes surrounded by gravel and sand in a ditch towards the Grande de Gredos Lake. During the following winter, one depuration system tank broke, due to the ice and the weight of the snow mantle over the installation, generating a continuous flow of wastewater into the lake. At the same time, the faulty operation has not produced the desirable purification levels. In this way, a second source of scarcely purified wastewater with diffuse character, passed through the drainage pipes, because the depuration system did not work due to low winter temperatures and to the lack of power. Tank repairs during the next summer originated a wastewater spill of about 6000 litres of black waters without depuration treatment over the surrounding area, close to the lake. This fact, together with diffuse pollution caused by the high number of visitors and campers in the lake watershed, originated serious changes in the lake’s trophic level. The paleolimnological surveys carried out in 1991 and 1997 reflected a big increase in the organic matter content accumulated in the period between both studies, as well as an increase in the sedimentation rate. A general trend to increase the organic matter content (measured as LOI) since the beginning of the 1960’s, according to the 210Pb dating, is observed along the sediment record (Fig. 13). Before 1991, the sedimentation rate was around 2.2 mm/year, increasing after that year to reach values of approximately 5 mm/year. This increase clearly reflects an extraordinary input of organic matter (measured by LOI) in the past few years. Since the lake has two different basins (Fig. 4), comparisons between north and south basins sediment profiles were made to look for differences in the sedimentation rates and organic matter content. The input of soluble and particulate materials (of natural origin from the watershed drainage or from the refuge and campground area) is higher in the south basin, which acts as a sediment and nutrient trap prior to the north basin. The LOI concentration in the surface sediment of the south basin is much higher than in the north basin, although there is an acceptable correlation between both curves’ trends. One of the main impacts and extreme consequences in the lake ecosystem because the high organic matter input from the refuge was the for- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 237 High mountain lakes of Central Spain mation of gas chambers, under macrophyte roots in the south basin. These gases originate as a consequence of intense organic matter degradation in anaerobic conditions. In another lake of the Central Range, the Trampal 3, a similar process has been verified as a consequence of the modification of the hydrological cycle due to damming lake (Toro & Granados, 2001). The formation of bacterial mats in the upper layers of the sediment, together with the dense net of macrophyte roots, hinders the efflux of the gas to the atmosphere. Because of this accumulation, the macrophytes and their roots are lifted up towards the water surface. In this way, gas chambers and a layer of anoxic water with relatively high concentrations of nutrients ([P-PO4=] = 43 µg L-1, [NH4+] = 1.025 mg L-1), reach a height of 2 m and a surface area of several square metres. The formation process of the gas chambers and anoxic water layer is schematised in figure 14. Robles et al. (2000) studied the effects of outdoor activities in the Grande de Gredos Lake watershed by the analysis of sulphite-reducing clostridia in the lake sediment from the south basin. Sulphite-reducing clostridia are good indicators of past human pollution because of their longevity in natural habitats, and they cannot multiply at temperatures below 20°C, or in the presence of O2. There was a great increase in the numbers of clostridia (expressed as colonyforming units per gram (CFU g-1) of dry weight of sediment) in the sediment record of this lake since the 1970s, showing the rise of human pressure caused by the practice of outdoor activities. Clostridia CFU g-1 increased dramatically after the breakdown of the refuge’s depuration system in 1995 (Fig. 13). Concentration levels of clostridia in the north basin of this lake were similar to those found in the surface sediment of the Cimera Lake, located in a more remote area without this high tourist pressure: both were two orders of magnitude lower than in the Grande de Gredos Lake (Robles et al., 2000). Additional evidences of a recent nutrient and organic content enrichment in the lake has been provided by Toro et al. (1993) by means of the subfossil diatoms analysis from the sediment core taken in the north lake basin. It reflected a 237 remarkable trend towards an increase in lake trophic conditions since the end of 60’s. Some species, such as Navicula radiosa var. tenella, Pinnularia microstauron, Fragilaria pinnata or Aulacoseira sp., showed a response to a possible nutrient enrichment increasing their densities in more recent sediment layers, whereas other species associated to oligotrophic conditions, such as Achnanthes austriaca or Cymbella perpusilla, decreased their densities towards surface layers (Toro et al., 1993). The progressive recovery that has been observed in the Grande de Gredos Lake after the repair and control of the wastewater inflow is another proof of the great self-recovery capacity which seems to be characteristic of these alpine systems. Nevertheless, the studies being carried on the follow up of these lakes biological communities (phytoplankton, zooplankton, macroinvertebrate and macrophytes) will provide knowledge in the future about the long term effects of these impacts. Erosion processes in the Peñalara Lake watershed The intense tourism and cattle raising activities in the proximity of the Peñalara Lake caused an advanced erosion process at the shores of the lake basin, in the beginning of the 1990s. The results obtained in the paleolimnological sediment study (Fig. 15) show clearly some of the effects of this pressure (Toro & Granados, 2002). Firstly, the dispersed and irregular radiometric profile obtained from sediment dating shows a possible recent alteration in the surface sediment layers (0-20 cm), probably due to its re-suspension by the numerous bathers who visited the lake during the summer, as well as by livestock. A period of increased sediment accumulation is observed from the 1970’s onwards, associated with denser sediment at a depth of 8.5 cm in the core. Furthermore, this period is the inflexion point of the relationship between the sedimentation rate (measured as g m-2 y-1 or cm y-1) and annual precipitation. Figure 15b shows that prior to 1970, the sedimentation rate is inversely correlated to annual precipitation, but after that Limnetica 25(1-2)02 238 12/6/06 13:50 Página 238 Toro et al. Figure 15. Relationship between sedimentation rate evolution and annual precipitation in Peñalara Lake during second half of 20th century. Correlation changes between both variables prior and post 1970 is emphasized (Toro & Granados, 2002). Relación entre la evolución de la tasa de sedimentación y la precipitación anual en la laguna de Peñalara durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Se señala el cambio producido en la correlación entre ambas variables antes y después de 1970 (Toro & Granados, 2002). year, a significant positive correlation is initiated between precipitation and sediment accumulation rate. Thus, before 1970, the sedimentation process was driven mainly by the opposed influence between the sedimentation and flushing rates: as water turnover time is reduced (i.e. more precipitation), the sedimentation rate is also reduced (Fig. 16). On the other hand, after 1970, a notable rise in the erosion rate in the watershed and at the shore of the lake starts as a consequence of the loss of vegetation cover (mainly mountain pasture) caused by visitors’ trampling. Because of these large areas of bare soil, erosion increases with increased precipitation. In addition, at the shoreline and in shallow parts of the lake, bathing visitors cause a process of re-suspension of the sediment, which accumulates in the deeper area. Prior to the increase in organic content, at a depth of 8-10 cm there is a sharp drop in these values, coinciding with an increase in the percentage of dry weight and wet density, and less 137Cs and 210Pb activity (Toro & Montes, 1993). This may represent a strong erosion process in the watershed or at the shore of the lake, as has been previously discussed. In some areas of critical erosion level, soil losses up to almost 1 m of thickness were recorded between 1985 and 1995 (Toro and Granados, 1999). For some zones of the frontal moraine that encloses the lake, this loss meant almost half of the height of the same above the water level of the lake. After the prohibition of access to the lake, the vegetation cover was recovered in the least degraded zones, but the erosive process continued in the critical zones. In 1997, it was necessary to interfere, artificially seeding the soil with various species of grasses and protecting it with vegetable fibre matting. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 239 High mountain lakes of Central Spain 239 Figure 16. Annual model of the erosion-sedimentation processes in the watershed of a small high mountain lake in natural conditions (prior 1970) and with high soil erosion problems (post 1970): Peñalara lake (Granados et al., 2002). Modelo anual del proceso de erosión-sedimentación en la cuenca de un pequeño lago de alta montaña en condiciones naturales (antes de 1970) y con problemas de alta erosión del suelo (después de 1970): laguna de Peñalara (Granados et al., 2002). The sedimentation rate in a lake basin may be used as an indirect measurement of sediment influx, i.e. the rate of erosion in the watershed (Dearing, 1986). The natural sedimentation processes in the studied lake watersheds follow a general annual pattern according to the erosion process degree (Fig. 16) (Granados et al., 2002). The sedimentation under the winter ice cover is minimal, without watershed material inflow and with a negligible photosynthetic primary productivity. During the melting period, the sedimentation rate is still low, due to the high lake water turnover rates, in spite of the very high available energy for particle transportation form the watershed (erosion) and the maximum soil erodibility due to its higher water content and the winter cryofraction phenomenon. During the summer, sedimentation reaches the annual maximum values, because of the higher water column stability, more visitors (watershed erosion) and annual maximum primary productivity (organic matter generation through photosynthesis), besides the highly erosive summer storms. The persistent autumn rains cause an increase in the turnover rates, a decrease in the primary productivity and, therefore, a decrease in the sedimentation rates. To monitoring the response of erosion-sedimentation processes to the restoration measures adopted in the Peñalara Lake watershed, two sediment traps were located in the deepest area of the lake (1.3 and 2.6 m above lake bottom) in 1997. The annual evolution of the rate of organic/inorganic material caught in the sediment traps from 1997 to 2005 validates this model, since the largest percentage of inorganic material is observed in the summer (Fig. 17). In this period, the mineral material input by watershed erosion is higher, increasing the percentage of organic matter during the rest of the year (Granados et al., 2002). Besides this clear annual pattern, the sedimentation rates have varied in the last few years, with a trend of decreased sedimentation, due to the watershed erosion control measures adopted and the re-vegetation of the most affected zones (Toro & Granados, 2002). The sedimentation rates in the summer of 1997 were between 24.3 and 29.2 g m-2 d-1 (1.9 kg m-2 y-1), reached a maximum of only 10.9 g m-2 d-1 (0.83 kg m-2 y-1) in 1998, and have since reached annual maximum Limnetica 25(1-2)02 240 12/6/06 13:50 Página 240 Toro et al. and 2003 (between 0.22 and 0.56 kg m-2) would be comparable to the mean values of the years preceding the impact of tourism. Climate change detection through the study of sediment subfossil chironomid Figure 17. Interannual evolution of the sedimentation rate in Peñalara Lake according to the material collected in the sediment traps during the period 1997-2005. Evolución interanual de la tasa de sedimentación en la laguna de Peñalara según el material recogido en las trampas de sedimento durante el periodo 1997-2005. values of between 2.6 and 8 g m-2 d-1 (0.22 – 0.56 m-2 y-1) (Fig. 17). According to the data obtained in the Peñalara Lake paleolimnological study (Toro and Montes, 1993; Granados et al., 2002), there was an annual maximum accumulation of 1.4 kg m-2 y-1 between 1918 and 1970, with a mean of 1.06 kg m-2 y-1 for this period. From 1970 on, with the beginning of tourism related erosion processes, the maximum accumulation was 2.5 kg m-2 y-1, with 1970-1991 mean of 1.59 kg m-2 y-1. Therefore, it is shown that both the paleolimnological and the sediment trap techniques provide results of the same order of magnitude. However, when comparing the results of both techniques, it is necessary to consider some aspects related to how each method represents the watershed erosion processes. The sediment traps produce values of percentage of organic matter sedimentation, since part of this material could have been degraded in the consolidated lake sediment. On the other hand, the traps underestimate the quantity of total sediment, since they do not collect the sediment that reaches the bottom through lateral “focusing” movement bellow the height of the trap’s entrance (Håkanson, 1977; Crusius and Anderson, 1995). Assuming certain compensation between both factors, the value obtained in 1997 with sediment traps (1.9 kg m-2) would be comparable to the average of the years when the tourism related erosion was more intense. Therefore, the values obtained between 1999 A paleolimnological study was carried out in Cimera Lake sediment, where some changes were observed in the diversity and abundance of the chironomid head capsules in the more recent sediment layers. It wasn’t possible to detect the possible sources of direct impacts on the lake that could be responsible for the biological changes during this period (Granados & Toro, 2000a). To explain these changes a hypothesis about a possible influence of local climate change (temperature) on chironomids communities was tested by temperature reconstruction. Several authors have used the subfossil chironomid to develop temperature reconstruction models (Walker et al., 1991; Lotter et al., 1997: Olander et al., 1997), though none of them is specific for the Iberian Peninsula. Granados and Toro (2000a) used the model developed by Lotter et al. (1997) in the Alps to estimate the summer mean temperature (June, July and August), since it is the mountainous region biogeographically most similar to the Iberian Peninsula, with a similar species composition. The Cimera Lake species taxonomy was previously harmonized with the one use in the model, to avoid incoherence in its application. Figure 18 shows the mean summer temperature reconstruction by way of subfossil chironomid transfer functions, as well as by the use of long term climate series (Agusti-Panareda & Thompson, 2002). When applying the transfer functions developed to reconstruct summer past temperatures in the Alps to fossil chironomids of the Cimera Lake, it is also well correlated with reconstructed air temperatures (n = 20, r = 0.45, p <0.01), especially when only the most accurate dating levels (top of the core, ca 75 years) are taken into account (n = 13, r = 0.75, p <0.01). However, 1) the linear regressions of both models show significantly different slopes, and 2) chironomid reconstruc- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 241 High mountain lakes of Central Spain 241 Figure 18. Upper graph: Reconstructed annual mean summer air temperatures using long climate series (Agusti-Panareda & Thompson, 2002). Lower graph: Reconstructed mean summer air temperatures in Lake Cimera by means of climate model and chironomids calibration model (Granados & Toro, 2000). Gráfica superior: Reconstrucción de las temperaturas del aire medias anuales del verano mediante largas series climáticas (Agusti-Panareda & Thompson, 2002). Gráfica inferior: Reconstrucción de las temperaturas del aire medias del verano en la laguna Cimera mediante un modelo climático y un modelo de calibración basado en el análisis de quironómidos (Granados & Toro, 2000). tion underestimates air reconstruction in ca. 3 ºC. The later is probably because the fossil chironomid model has been developed for a different geographical region. Nevertheless, the results of the two different and independent models suggest the existence of an environmental warming of over 1.5 ºC in the summer mean temperature since the 1980s in the Central Range mountains. Our data also supports the use of chironomid head capsules as an effective tool for past temperatures inference. The introduction of the brook trout The effects of the introduction of the brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), a salmonid from the northeast region of North America, have been studied in one of the Central Range lakes (Peñalara Lake). Although this species was introduced in Spain at the end of the 19th century (Gómez Caruana & Díaz Luna, 1991), it was in the 1970s that mountain rivers and lakes were populated for sport fishing purposes. The brook Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 242 Página 242 Toro et al. trout eats mainly aquatic invertebrates, though it preys upon a large range of organisms throughout its life cycle (zooplankton, juvenile fish, amphibious larvae) (Massabuau, 1997; Mullen, 1958; Newman & Dubois, 1996; Scott & Crossman, 1973), causing, besides, nutrient cycling in the lake water (mainly phosphorus), stimulating primary production (Slusarczyk,1997) and causing an important alteration in the lake ecosystem. Before the introduction of the brook trout, there were no fish species in the Peñalara Lake, as reported by researchers or naturalists who visited the lake in that period (Margalef, 1949; Arévalo, 1921, 1931). Besides, the existence of a small cascade in the lake outlet would be a barrier for the fish to swim upstream to colonize the lake. During 1997 a field experiment in situ was carried out in the lake to test the effects of fish predation on aquatic invertebrates by using two types of limnological enclosures, pelagic and littoral, to prevent the access of fishes. The results obtained with the shore limnological enclosures do not reflect differences in the species composition within and outside these enclosures. A year is probably not a long enough period to observe the re-colonization of aquatic organisms. Nevertheless, in some larger macroinvertebrate taxa, some differences were observed in the densities of the communities inside and outside the limnological enclosures, probably as a response to the presence/absence of the brook trout (Fig. 19). About the macroinvertebrates communities (littoral enclosures), the tricoptera and megaloptera, the larger sized taxa in the lake, have a larger population density inside the enclosures (Fig. 19a). There are no significant differences in the coleoptera present, small in size. Those taxa which live on top of the substrate (e.g. tricoptera) are more susceptible to the brook trout predation than the species which live buried in the sediment. In the presence of brook trout, no swimming or pelagic taxa individuals have been detected. The diptera of the chironomid and ceratopogonid families, of small size, were not different in both environments. However, the tabanids, larger sized, had a slightly higher density inside the limnological enclosures. The oligochaetes have a higher population density outside the enclosures, while the only bivalve species found in the lake tends to have a higher density inside the enclosures. The Peñalara Lake diversity has been much lower during the years with brook trout presence (9-13 species during the introduction, compared to 23 after its eradica- Table 3. Zoooplanktonic crustacea recorded in Peñalara Lake. In 1995 and 1997 columns, the percentage of samples with each taxa is indicated. Maximum length is related to partenogenetic female about cladocera (according to Alonso, 1996), but in copepoda it is related to both sexes (according to Dussart, 1969). Crustáceos zooplanctónicos citados en la laguna de Peñalara. Para los años 1995 y 1997 se cita entre paréntesis el porcentaje de muestras en que se ha encontrado cada especie. La longitud máxima se refiere a la de la hembra partenogenética en los cladóceros, según Alonso (1996), mientras que en los copépodos se presenta la longitud máxima para ambos sexos, según Dussart (1969). Cladocera Margalef, 1949 (1 sampling) Toro & Montes, 1995 (13 samplings) Toro & Granados, 1997 (17 samplings) Maximum lenght Daphnia pulex (=pulicaria) —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— 2.5 mm —— —— —— —— —— —— Copepoda —— —— —— Daphnia longispina (18 %) —— —— —— Ceriodaphnia reticulata Ceriodaphnia Ceriodaphnia quadrangula (82 %) quadrangula (100 %) Alona quadrangularis (23 %) Alona quadrangularis (47 %) Chydorus sphaericus (92 %) Chydorus sphaericus (76 %) Eucyclopslilljerborgi Eucyclops serrulatus (46 %) (=serrulatus) —— —— —— Tropocyclops prasinus (100 %) —— —— —— —— —— —— Eucyclops serrulatus (12 %) Tropocyclops prasinus (94 %) Cyclops strenuus (6 %) 2.3 mm 1.3 mm 0.8 mm 0.8 mm 0.5 mm 씸: 0.55-0.60 mm 씹: 0.67-0.95 mm 씸: 1.20-1.76 mm 씹: 1.46-2.30 mm 씸: 0.68-0.80 mm 씹: 0.80-1.45 mm Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 243 High mountain lakes of Central Spain 243 Figure 19. Differences observed in the densities of the aquatic invertebrates communities inside (fish absence) and outside (fish presence) the limnological enclosures in Peñalara lake during Summer 1997. a) Macroinvertebrates in littoral enclosures. b) Zooplankton in pelagic enclosure. Diferencias observadas en las densidades de las comunidades de invertebrados acuáticos dentro (con ausencia de peces) y fuera (con presencia de peces) de los limnocorrales instalados en la laguna de Peñalara durante el verano de 1997. a) Macroinvertebrados en los limnocorrales litorales. b) Zooplankton en el limnocorral pelágico. tion) when compared to the macroinvertebrate communities found in other Peñalara Natural Park ponds or lakes (Toro y Granados, 1998), where there are no fish species. In the case of the pelagic limnological enclosure, the densities of organisms (zooplankton) both inside and outside were relatively small, though presenting significant differences, and there were no differences in species composition in the two environments (Fig. 19b). The cladocera Ceriodaphnia reticulata, not cited before in this lake, much larger (maximum length: 1.3 mm) than the Ceriodaphnia species previously cited, quickly appeared in the enclosure, reaching higher densities in the absence of the brook trout pressure. The second cladocera species of larger size, Alona quadrangularis, had a lower density outside the enclosure. The third cladocera species found, Chydorus sphaericus, smaller in size and with a low and irregular density in both environments, had slight larger numbers inside the enclosure. Regarding the copepods, the two species found had a similar size (Tropocyclops prasinus and Eucyclops serrulatus), and had similar population densities, though with a trend for higher densities within the enclosure. Lastly, the two rotifer species identified (Asplancha priodonta and Keratella quadrata) presented the opposite trend, with a higher population density outside the enclosure, in the presence of the brook trout. Comparing the results of this and recent studies (Toro and Montes, 1993; Toro and Granados, 1997) after the fish introduction to the species composition data in Margalef’s historic research, previous to the introduction of the brook trout (Table 3), there are some interesting changes, which are probably related to the introduction of this salmonid. Margalef (1949) only cites 2 species of plankton crustaceous in the Peñalara Lake: Daphnia pulex and Eucyclops lilljerborgi, Limnetica 25(1-2)02 244 12/6/06 13:50 Página 244 Toro et al. which possibly would be correspond with D. pulicaria and E. serrulatus according to upto-date or later taxonomy (Alonso, 1996; Dussart, 1969, Margalef, 1953). In order to give a comparison of relative sizes of each species, there is a column with the species maximum length, since this is an essential factor in the probability of being predated by a brook trout. The difference in the number of species found is probably due to the fact that Margalef cited species found in one single sampling day (April 29th, 1949), while the other authors integrated the species found in 30 lake samplings, varying between 2 and 4 species per sample. After the brook trout introduction, two crustaceans clearly dominated: Ceriodaphnia quadrangula and Tropocyclops prasinus, representing at least 50 % of the individuals present, being frequently found with Chydorus sphaericus and, in a smaller proportion, with Alona quadrangularis and Eucyclops serrulatus, all species of small or medium size. On the other hand, the larger species, the cladocera Daphnia longispina and the copepod Cyclops strenuus, are only found sporadically and always represent less than 5 % of the total of individuals in a sample. Margalef ’s citation in 1949 of the presence of Daphnia pulex (= D. pulicaria), a macrofilterfeeder of a large relative size, without other smaller sized cladocera, is possibly evidence that the presence of this predator has clearly favored the smaller species in relation to the macrofilters. Besides, Margalef (1949) himself comments that “the absence of planktonic rotifers is remarkable”, while ten species of this group have been found in later samplings. The changes in the rotifer community structure caused by different fish population densities have been observed in experiments in other lakes (Stenson, 1982). In summary, the larger species tend to dominate in the zooplankton not submitted to the brook trout pressure. The copepod and cladocera population densities are higher inside the limnological enclosure. In contrast, the density of rotifers is higher outside the limnological enclosure. The brook trout juvenile stages have predominantly plantivore habits, although their incidence is directly proportional to the zoo- plankton species size. The rotifers, microscopic organisms, would be, thus, benefited by the brook trout presence, being able to use the trophic resources that would be otherwise consumed by the larger species in the zooplankton. As additional information, Bosch et al. (2000) observe that the common salamander (Salamandra salmandra) and the midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans) reproduced in the lake before the introduction of the brook trout. There are no citations of salamander larvae after the introduction of the brook trout (Bosch et al., 2002). The results of the experiments with shore and pelagic limnological enclosures, as well as the existing historic data, reflect remarkable changes in the aquatic vertebrate community structure in the lake, due to the brook trout predatory activity. The negative effect that the fish fauna can have on the benthonic and planktonic communities has been demonstrated in other lakes: Braña et al. (1996) found a significant decrease in the abundance of amphibious larvae in high mountain lakes in the Cantabric Range in relation to those without fish; Balvay (1978) observed the almost complete disappearance of benthos just a few years after the introduction of salmonids in a lake in the French Alps. Johnson et al. (1996) demonstrated a clear decrease in the number of benthonic (triclads, mollusks, odonate, ostracode) and planktonic (large sized daphnid) invertebrates due to predation by fish in mesocosmos experiments. Therefore, the eradication of the brook trout in the lake was proposed, in order to recover the aquatic population previous conditions. In order to achieve this, gill nets were used for 5 years, until the total absence of the brook trout was confirmed. Before the brook trout eradication, the maximum number of aquatic invertebrate families in the months without the ice cover (1991-2000) was 9-13. This taxonomic richness increased to 14 families in 2001, with a reduced brook trout population. Once the brook trout was eradicated, 17 families were found during the period without the ice cover in 2002, and 23 families were found in the two following years (2003 and 2004). It is evident that the brook trout eradication has brought about an increment in the taxo- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 245 High mountain lakes of Central Spain nomic richness of the macroinvertebrate fauna, and an absolute transformation in the benthonic macroinvertebrate community. Practically all the species that inhabited the lake before the eradication maintained their population, and a large number of taxa, mainly large sized aquatic insects, were added to the community. These taxa have been found in other Natural Park ponds and lakes (Toro y Granados, 1998), from which they were able to re-colonize the lake once their predator was eliminated. CONCLUSIONS The ecological characteristics of the Iberian Peninsula Central Range high mountain lakes make them extraordinary sensors for natural or human induced environmental change. The chemical composition of their waters, their thermal and hydrological dynamics, as well as their biological communities respond with high sensitivity to changes in climate variables such as temperature or precipitation, to excess nutrients from the watershed or the atmosphere, to erosion processes related to tourism or cattle raising activities, to water regulation by damming, to the introduction of exotic species, or to the organic contamination of the water. However, their self-recovery capacity once the pressure or the origin of the impact is eliminated is also extraordinary, due, mainly, to their high water turnover rates. One of the main contributions of this work is the joint utilization of paleoinformation and modern monitoring systems as support for management and restoration of the lake ecosystems and their watersheds. Besides, the importance of the historic information provided by the first researchers who dedicated their efforts to discover remote, unaltered ecosystems, leaving a writte heritage of invaluable documental and scientific importance, is emphasized. Finally, this work contributes indirectly by stressing the importance of communication and of cooperation between scientists and managers, in order to achieve a greater efficiency in environmental conservation and to technically back up management measures. The need for institutional support 245 to develop long-term monitoring systems which can provide invaluable information about local, regional and global trends is also emphasized. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research has been funded by following institutions and projects: The Natural Park of Peñalara (Consejeria de Medio Ambiente, Regional Government of Madrid), the Delegación Territorial de Ávila (Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio, Junta de Castilla y León), Acciones Integrades between UK (British Council) and Spain (M.E.C.) No. 93A (1991-1992), MOLAR project (EU contract ENV4-CT95-0007). Collaborators from the Department of Ecology (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Natural Park of Peñalara staff and personnel from the Mountain Refuge Elola (Sierra de Gredos) have helped in field or laboratory works since the beginning of the projects. REFERENCES ABBOTT, M. B., B. B. WOLFE, A. P. WOLFE, G. O. SELTZER, R. ARAVENA, B. G. MARK, P. POLISSAR, D. T. RODBELL, H. D. ROWE & M. VUILLE. 2003. Holocene paleohydrology of the central Andes using multiproxy lake sediments. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol., 194: 123-138. AGUSTI-PANAREDA, A. & R. 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Cruz-Pizarro1 1 Instituto del Agua, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain of Biology, University of Southern Denmark, 5230 Odense, Denmark *corresponding author: 2 Institute ABSTRACT Instability and extreme fluctuations in water quality characterizing shallow lakes are to a large extent due to rapid changes in the internal supply rates of nutrients. In fact, is in these systems that sediment and water interaction plays a major role in nutrients’ dynamics. For this study, a double-approach perspective with both field measurements and laboratory experiments has been used in order to determine the contribution of physical, biological, and chemical mechanisms to nutrients’ dynamics in two shallow adjacent lakes in Andalusia (Spain). Despite their geographic proximity, strong differences between the study systems have been recognised. In the Lake Honda, the high nutrient concentrations, which ultimately support a large algal biomass, are the result of: i. Resuspension of the surface sediment favoured by its morphometry, hydrologic regime and sediment granulometry. ii. Intense organic matter mineralization due to the labile nature of the organic settled matter (planktonic). In Lake Nueva, by contrast, physical constrains (i.e. wind-induced resuspension) have a limited effect due to the coarse surface sediment and to the development of macrophytes (Najas marina, Potamogeton pectinatus). In addition, the structurally more complex organic matter of its sediment regulates the low nutrients turnover. In this lake, nutrient exchange rates across the sediment-water interface are also controlled by chemical processes, such as P adsorption onto CaCO3, a mechanism that is favoured by the high Ca+2 concentration in the interstitial water. In this way, the joint effect of physical, chemical, and biological mechanisms determine the fast nutrients’ benthic regeneration in Lake Honda, while in contrast, a large fraction of the nutrients present in the sediment of the Lake Nueva is in particle form. Keywords: instability, shallow lagoons, benthic nutrient regeneration RESUMEN La inestabilidad y las extremas fluctuaciones en la calidad del agua que caracterizan a los lagos someros, se deben en gran medida, a cambios rápidos en la carga interna de nutrientes. De hecho, es en éstos sistemas, donde la interacción agua-sedimento juega un papel esencial en la dinámica de los nutrientes. Para este estudio, se ha empleado una doble aproximación, basada tanto en datos de campo como en experimentos en laboratorio, para determinar la contribución de mecanismos físicos, químicos y biológicos a la dinámica de los nutrientes en dos lagunas costeras en Andalucía (España). A pesar de su proximidad geográfica, se han reconocido fuertes diferencias entre ambos sistemas. En la laguna Honda, las elevadas concentraciones de nutrientes, que en última instancia soportan una elevada biomasa algal, son el resultado de: i. Resuspensión del sedimento superficial, favorecida por la morfometría, el régimen hídrico y la granulometría de su sedimento. ii. Intensa mineralización de la materia orgánica debida al carácter lábil de la materia orgánica sedimentada (origen planctónico). En la laguna Nueva, por el contrario, el impacto de los factores físicos (p.e. resuspensión inducida por el viento) se encuentra limitado por la gruesa granulometría del sedimento superficial así como por el desarrollo de macrófitos (Najas marina, Potamogeton pectinatus). Más aún, la naturaleza estructuralmente más compleja de la materia orgánica presente en su sedimento determina unas menores tasas de regeneración de nutrientes. En esta laguna, las tasas de intercambio de nutrientes a través de la interfase agua-sedimento se encuentran, además, controladas por procesos químicos, tales como la precipitación de P sobre CaCO3, mecanismo que se encuentra favorecido por las elevadas concentraciones de Ca+2 presentes en el agua intersticial. Por tanto, es la conjunción de mecanismos físicos, químicos y biológicos los que determinan la rápida regeneración béntica de nutrientes en la laguna Honda; mientras que, por el contrario, una importante fracción de los nutrientes presentes en el sedimento de la laguna Nueva se encuentra en forma particulada. Palabras clave: inestabilidad, lagunas someras, regeneración béntica de nutrientes Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 254 13:50 Página 254 de Vicente et al. INTRODUCTION Lake sediments play an outstanding role in limnological studies as they can both reflect and affect what is occurring in the overlying water column (Håkanson, 1984). In fact, sediments are the product of lake life and, consequently, they reflect the lake type. This notion was firstly stated by Lundqvist, who made several major investigations on the relationships between lake type, sediment type and lake surroundings during the thirties and forties (Lundqvist, 1938; 1942 in Håkanson, 1984). In this sense, sediments can be regarded as a bank of information about environmental changes occurring in both the water body and in the catchment area (Kalff, 2002; Luque and Juliá, 2002; Schmidt et al., 2002). Accordingly, there are many studies focused on the reconstruction of a lake’s trophic level using decay-resistant remains (diatom frustules and pigments) present in the sediment (Adams and Prentki, 1986; Lo Bianco, 1997; Musazzi, 2000; Bennion et al., 2000; Lotter, 2001). Furthermore, and regarding the chemical composition of the bottom sediments, many studies have stressed the relevance for analysing the sedimentary phosphorus (P) fractions to get some insights about the mechanisms involved in CaCO3 precipitation (i.e. de Vicente et al., 2006 and references there in). Besides considering lake sediments as a historical record, sediments may also affect the water quality as a consequence of their dynamic and active character resulting from a great variety of biogeochemical reactions and transformations. In particular, it is in shallow lakes where this sediment-water interaction is extremely important for understanding the whole nutrient dynamics (i.e. Ryding, 1985; Boström et al., 1988). For the case of P, this internal loading has been identified as an important mechanism in delaying recovery of shallow lakes following reduced external P loading (Marsden, 1989; Sas, 1989; Ryding and Rast, 1992; Harper, 1992; Istvánovics and Somlyódy, 1999; Søndergaard et al., 1999; Schauser et al., 2003, among others). As Golterman (1995) established, the phosphate concentrations in the sediment and the overlying water are in a dynamic equilibrium where the position of this equilibrium, that controls whether input or output dominates, is determined by the interaction of multiple factors that may change over different time-scales. We will synthesize some of the most relevant processes that could account for the dynamic sediment-water interactions characterizing shallow lakes. Firstly, physical processes, such as resuspension of unconsolidated sediment, usually play a fundamental role in shallow lakes, where sediment often undergoes continuous wave action (i.e. Kristensen et al., 1992; Nõges et al., 1999; Weyhenmeyer and Blosech, 2001). Evidence for the importance of resuspension is plentiful (Kristensen et al., 1992; Evans, 1994; Bloesch, 1995; Weyhenmeyer et al., 1995; Golterman, 2004): Water quality in a lake is affected by reduced light penetration, which can ultimately promote biological changes, inducing a transition from a macrophyte-dominated community to a plankton-dominated one. Furthermore, nutrients recycling increases due to sedimentary nutrients (in particulate and dissolved forms) being brought back to the water column where, because of previously low phosphate levels, available P adsorbed to sediment particles could also be released and alter the lake’s trophic status (Peters and Cattaneo, 1984). Nevertheless, the final effect of resuspension events on P availability depends on the particular properties of the lake’s water (i.e. o-P concentration) and of the sediment (i.e. FeOOH:TP), being therefore to a certain extent lake specific (Søndergaard et al., 1992; de Vicente, 2004). Apart from wind-induced resuspension, shallow lakes are also characterized by the fact that most of the organic matter produced in the water column, reach the sediment without being mineralised. Hence, it can be emphasized that sediments represent a crucial place for organic matter decomposition in these systems (Mann, 1982). There is controversial evidence on the relative importance of microbial activity on aerobic P-release from the sediment. Evidence is Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 255 Instability of shallow lakes mounting that microbial activity has a significant role in P-release (de Montigny and Prairie, 1993; Gächter and Meyer, 1993). Although many studies have been developed with an inappropriate P-fractionation methodology, the P-release from the sediment was shown to decrease in experiments were bacterial activity had been inactivated (Boers, 1986; Sinke and Cappenberg, 1988). The decomposition of organic matter in the sediment is a simple mechanism of o-P release that cannot be ruled out (de Montigny and Prairie, 1993). Qiu and McComb (1995) showed that the bacterial influence on P-release was mostly through their influence on the breakdown of org-P. However there also exist many studies revealing that microbial activity causes an immobilization of sedimentary P. In those cases, Prelease is lower in non-sterilised (biotic and abiotic processes) than in sterilised samples (abiotic process) (Kamp-Nielsen, 1974; Doremus and Clesceri, 1982; Eckert et al., 1997; Clavero et al., 1999; Watts, 2000). A likely explanation for these controversial results is the different P limitation of bacterial activity. Then, when bacteria are P limited is likely to occur a P retention during organic matter mineralization, while they tend to release P when there is no a P limitation. Another biologically mediated process that may account for the complexity of the sediment and water interactions typical of shallow lakes is the P translocation by some species of Cyanobacteria that live part of their life cycle in the sediment (i.e. Aphanizomenon, Gloeotrichia echinulata) (Osgood, 1988; Pettersson et al., 1993; Istvánovics et al., 2002). Furthermore, daily cycles production and respiration of benthic algae may affect both directly, through uptake and release of nutrients, and indirectly, by modifying redox potential, the nutrients exchange across the sediment-water interface (Carlton and Wetzel, 1988; Kelderman et al., 1988). Lastly, radicular systems of the aquatic macrophytes add even more complexity to P exchange across sediment-water interface. By one hand, they can uptake dissolved nutrients from the pore-water (Carignan and Kalff, 1980; 255 Carignan, 1982; Barko and Smart, 1980, 1981; Carignan, 1985; Barko et al., 1991). By the other hand, they can also release O2 from the rhizome promoting the precipitation of P bound to FeOOH (Christensen and Andersen, 1996). Aquatic macrophytes may, moreover, indirectly affect sedimentary P dynamic by sediment stabilization and the subsequent resuspension reduction (i.e. James and Barko, 1990; Horppila and Nurminen, 2003). Regarding chemical processes occurring at the sediment-water interface, their study has been traditionally focused on the Fe and P compounds’ chemistry (Mortimer, 1941 in 1971). Nevertheless, recent studies have reviewed the redox-controlled P retention in lake sediments concluding that, apart from O2 availability, the Fe:P ratio plays an outstanding role for P retention during aerobic conditions (Jensen et al., 1992; Gächter and Wehrli, 1998; Lehtoranta and Heiskanen, 2003; Gächter and Müller, 2003). Since the classical view about sediment and water interactions was mainly focused on the abiotic redox-dependent fixation and release of P, adsorption and desorption processes of P onto CaCO 3 have been continuously underestimated. However, it has recently been outlined the relevance of the anaerobic P release in hard-water lakes, as a result of apatite dissolution occurring at low pH (Driscoll et al., 1993; Gómez et al., 1999; Golterman, 2001). The interactions between P and Ca compounds are of major interest for shallow lakes, due to their predominant eutrophic condition and usually high alkalinity, and also due to their quick water heating, both factors reducing CaCO 3 solubility. All in all, instability and extreme fluctuations in water quality characterizing shallow lakes may be to a large extent regulated by rapid changes in the internal rates of nutrient supply. In this context, the present study is based on a multi-approach perspective focused on both field measurements and laboratory experiments in order to determine the contribution of physical, biological and chemical mechanisms to nutrients’ benthic dynamics in two shallow adjacent lakes. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 256 256 de Vicente et al. Figure 1. Location of the study lakes. Localización geográfica de las lagunas estudiadas. STUDY SITE The “Albufera de Adra” is the most important wetland located in south-eastern Spain (Fig. 1). It is composed of two shallow and eutrophic coastal lakes: Honda and Nueva. Because of the high biodiversity, an area of 230 ha surrounding both lakes was converted into a Natural Reserve (1989) and more recently (1994), Lake Honda and Lake Nueva have been included in the list of Protected Areas of the Ramsar Convention. Nevertheless, since the seventies, a steady process of land reclamation for agriculture (greenhouses) has resulted in an accelerated eutrophication process (Martinez-Vidal and Castro, 1990; Carrillo et al., 1996). During the last few years, both lakes have been deeply studied in the framework of a comprehensive Project (“Conservación de las Albu- feras de Adra”), partly financed by the UE-LIFE NATURE programme, which aims to insure that any water quality remedial measure is proposed on the basis of a thorough diagnosis and evaluation of the system (Cruz-Pizarro et al., 2002a). A recent study has evidenced that although both study lakes show a notable temporal variability, in agreement with the unstable features of eutrophic systems (i.e. Barica, 1980; Dokulil and Teubner, 2003), Lake Honda is characterized by large longterm, seasonal and diel fluctuations in water quality (de Vicente et al., 2004) (Table 1). Among the triggering mechanisms for the seasonal variability of Lake Honda, we can firstly remark the rapid changes in the external inputs and its high flushing rate (de Vicente et al., 2003). Because the hydrologic regime is dominated by surface water inputs (Benavente and Rodríguez, 2001; Benavente et al., 2003), Lake Honda can be considered as an epigenic and recharge wetland (González-Bernáldez, 1992). It explains its extreme high temporal variability through weather conditions and human activities on the drainage basin, and also its hypertrophic state as a result of the incoming of large amounts of allochthonous material from run-off (Cruz-Pizarro et al., 2002a,b; de Vicente et al., 2003; de Vicente and Cruz-Pizarro, 2003). By contrast, Lake Nueva can be classified as a hypogenic and discharge wetland where the predominant entry of groundwater plays an important role in buffering most wetland characteristics and in increasing its temporal stability. In the present study, we hypothesize that, apart from external forcing (i.e. weather and watershed processes), the noteworthy unpredic- Table 1. Inter-annual variability in water transparency (ZSD), Chl-a, o-P, TP and TN concentrations (modified from de Vicente, 2004). Mean (Min-Max). Variabilidad interanual en la transparencia del agua (ZSD) y concentraciones de Chl-a, o-P, TP y TN (modificado de de Vicente, 2004). Lake Honda o-P (µg l-1) TP (µg l-1) TN (mg l-1) Chl-a (µg l-1) ZSD (cm) Lake Nueva 1999-2000 2000-2001 1999-2000 2000-2001 40 (2-210) 255 (112-425) 2.94 (1.57-5.59) 160 (57-396) 34 (20-50) 77 (0-275) 295 (146-471) 3.86 (0.99-7.14) 129 (4-292) 64 (10-250) 7 (0-32) 79 (25-147) 1.10 (0.80-1.67) 57 (7-126) 119 (70-210) 4 (0-24) 99 (24-155) 1.68 (1.16-2.00) 54 (8-125) 75 (30-140) Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 257 Instability of shallow lakes 257 tability observed in the nutrients’ dynamic of Lake Honda compared to Lake Nueva (de Vicente et al., 2003; de Vicente, 2004) is the result of the specially intense physical (resuspension), chemical (oxidation vs. reduction), and biological (i.e. organic matter mineralization) processes, occurring at the sediment-water interface of this hypertrophic lake. lake-water samples were collected using a Van Dorn sampler at three different depths in the vertical profile (surface, mid-depth and bottom). Once at the laboratory, total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) were directly measured from non-filtered water (APHA, 1995). A sub-sample was filtered for the analysis of inorg- and org-Cdis concentrations using a TC Autoanalyser (Dohrman, DC-190). MATERIAL AND METHODS Sediment Monitoring Meteorological and morphometric data Chemical analyses Daily wind-speed data were gathered from a meteorological station at the experimental station “Las Palmerillas”, located in El Ejido, the closest town to the lake area (less than 5 km). Hypsographic curves and morphometric variables were based on the bathymetric map (Cruz-Pizarro et al., 1992). Hydrological regime is described in detail in de Vicente, 2004). Surface sediment samples (0-5 cm) were collected monthly, from July 2000 to August 2001, at the deepest site of each lake, using an Ekman dredge. Within 24 hours, the interstitial water was separated from the sediment particles by centrifugation at 5000 r.p.m. during 10 min. (Enell and Löfgren, 1988). The supernatants were then f iltered through Whatman GF/C f ilters. The wet sediments were kept at 4ºC until they were fractionated 1-2 weeks later. No treatment (drying, freezing or sieving) was performed on the sediment samples before fractionation. The concentration of TN and TP were quantified in the non-filtered interstitial water (APHA, 1995). A sub-sample was filtered for o-P quantification as molybdate reactive phosphorus (Murphy and Riley, 1962), the inorgand org-C diss using a TC Autoanalyser (Dohrman, DC-190) and Ammonium (NH4+) concentration following Rodier (1989). Sediment was analysed for TC and TN determination with a CNH Elemental Analyser. The P-fractionation in the sediment was performed following the EDTA method, based on a sequential extraction with chelating compounds (Golterman, 1996), (Table 2). Water Column Monitoring A fortnightly monitoring of Lake Honda and Lake Nueva was conducted from August 1999 to August 2001. From a sampling station located at the maximum depth site of each lake, Table 2. Abbreviations used in the text. Abreviaciones usadas en el texto. CaCO3≈P Fe(OOH)≈P Fe(OOH) org-P→acid org-P→alkali org-Presidual org-P inorg-P TP TN TC o-P org-Cdis inorg-Cdis C.F.U. calcium bound phosphate iron bound phosphate ferric oxyhydroxides acid soluble organic phosphate hot NaOH soluble organic phosphate residual organic phosphate organic P inorganic P total P total N total C ortho-phosphate; dissolved organic C dissolved inorganic C Colony Formation Units Physical properties The granulometric composition of the surface sediment layer was determined using the method proposed by Robinson (1922), basically based on the Stokes law. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 258 13:50 Página 258 de Vicente et al. Biological activity Contribution of biotic vs. abiotic processes on P sedimentary recycling For the continuous-flow experiment, 250 ml of H2O were added to a set of 5 beakers (10 cm diameter; 500 ml capacity) each containing 35 g of fresh sediment (1cm sediment layer) collected from Lake Honda and Lake Nueva in July and August 2001, respectively (Serrano et al., 2005). Three beakers were autoclaved (120ºC, 20 min) following Clavero et al. (1999) and two others were kept as controls. Continuous flow system consisted of incubating each beaker with a continuous input of H2O (controls) and H2O + 1 % ClCH3 (sterilised treatments), controlled by electrical pumps. In order to maintain a constant water volume inside the beaker (250 ml), output flow was exactly the same as input (1 ml min-1). The water from the outlet, collected in PET bottles, was kept for pH determination and for o-P concentration (Murphy and Riley, 1962). Conditions for incubation were darkness and an average temperature of 30ºC. Sediment respiratory activity Electron Transport System Activity (ETSA) was determined at the sediment top layer (0-5 cm) at the deepest site of each lake, from February to November 2002. ETSA was measured by using the method proposed by Broberg (1985) with slight modifications. In principle, this method is based on the biological reduction of the tetrazolium salts to their respective tetrazolium formazan by sediment microorganisms. The formazan produced can then be used as a measure of the ETSA in the sediment. For measuring ETSA in the study lakes, 2-3 grams of wet sediment was mixed with 10 ml of homogenisation buffer (MgSO4·7H2O, PVP, Triton and EDTA) and sonicated in an ice bath for 4 min (0ºC). The mixture was clarified by centrifuging it at 10.000 rpm for 10 min (0ºC). Then, we mixed 0.5 ml of the supernatant with 1 ml of substrate solution (NADH, NADPH and Nasuccinate), 0.5 ml of INT (2-(p-iodophenil-)-3(p-nitrophenol)-5 phenil tetrazolium chloride) and 0.5 ml of the homogenisation buffer. The mixture was incubated at the same temperature measured in the field (15-28ºC) for 20-30 min, depending on the temperature. Immediately after time incubation, the addition of Quench (phosphoric acid and formaldehyde in 1:1 proportion) was carried out in order to stop the reaction. Absorbance of the sample at 490 nm was read with a spectrophotometer. In calculating ETSA, the molar adsorption coefficient of INT-formazan of 1.42 (Kenner and Ahmed, 1975) was used. All ETSA values were determined within 24 hours of field sampling. For optimising the method, a set of preliminary experiments were performed in order to determine the amount of wet sediment, homogenisation conditions (method, time and homogenisation solution) and also to establish the sufficient concentration of substrates to achieve Vmax of the INT reduction (de Vicente, 2004). In addition, Chl-a, Phaeopigments, Colony Formation Units (CFU) of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, and Organic Matter (O.M.) content were determined at the surface sediment. All of these methods are thoroughly described in de Vicente (2004). Figure 2. Estimated value for the wave height (m) and estimated lake area (%) that is affected by waves (from de Vicente, 2004). Valor estimado de la altura (m) de la onda generada por el viento y del área (%) del lago afectada por las olas (tomado de de Vicente, 2004). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 259 259 Instability of shallow lakes Sedimentation rates A pair of sediment traps, Plexiglas cylinders with an aspect ratio higher than 6 (Bloesch and Burns, 1980), were set at three different layers (50, 135 and 260 cm) at the deepest site of each lake. The particulate matter collected in the traps, every two weeks (February 2000-August 2001), was dried (60ºC for 24 h) and weighed, to quantify settling fluxes (g d.w. m-2 d-1). The settled material was also analysed for TC, TN and TP using the method described above. Achieving the impact of sediment resuspension Model to predict resuspension events Following Carper and Bachman (1984), wave period (T, s) has been estimated as a function of wind speed (V, m s-1) and of the effective distance over water that the wind blows (fetch, F, m), by the equation: gT 2πV 冋 = 1.20 tanh 0.077 冉 V 冊册 gF 2 (1) Table 3. Main morphometric and hydrological features of the studied lakes (July 1999–August 2001). 1de Vicente et al. (2003). Principales características morfométricas e hidrológicas de las lagunas estudiadas (Julio de 1999–Agosto de 2001). 1de Vicente et al. (2003). Lake Honda Lake Nueva Lake area (A) (m2, 103) Maximum lenght (m) Shoreline lenght (m, 102) Maximum depth (Zmax) (m) Volume (m3, 103) Catchment area (Ac) (m2, 105) – Mean depth (Z ) (m) Relative depth (m) Shore development Zm:Zmax Ac:A 苴 /Z– ) Dynamic ratio (冪A Residence time (yr)1 External Areal loading (g P m-2 yr-1)1 80.1 586 14.66 3.19 91.52 137.2 1.14 1.00 1.46 0.36 171.30 253 0.17 1.73 260.4 759 20.66 3.80 594.70 5.0 2.28 0.66 1.14 0.60 1.92 223 2.95 0.03 cific details about these experiments are provided in de Vicente (2004) and de Vicente (2004). Statistical analysis Thus, wavelength (L, m) is related to its period (T) by the equation: gT 2 L= 2π (2) where g is the gravitational constant (9.8 m s-2). Wave height is then calculated as one-half of the wavelength. It can be assumed that windinduced waves touch the bottom when the water depth is less than a half of its wavelength (Carper and Bachmann, 1984). Adsorption experiments The flocculent layer was sampled in November 2002 at the maximum depth station in each lake, using a horizontal Van Dorn sampler, which was bounced off the bottom a few times to resuspend the sediment (Doremus and Clesceri, 1982). In the laboratory, the flocculent layer was concentrated by centrifugation (10 min, 10000 rpm) and P adsorption experiments were carried out using the batch-experimental technique. Spe- Statistical analysis was performed using StatSoft, Inc. (2001). For t-student test, unless otherwise stated, the significance level was established at p < 0.05. Results and discussion Although both study lakes show a notable temporal variability, Lake Honda is characterized by large long-term, seasonal and diel water quality fluctuations (de Vicente, 2004). Instability and extreme fluctuations in Lake Honda water quality are to a large extent regulated by rapid changes in the internal rates of nutrient supply as a result of intense biological, physical, and chemical mechanisms at the sediment-water interface. Physical forcing of water quality Some of the most important morphometric features of both lakes are summarised in Table 3. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 260 260 de Vicente et al. Figure 3. Areal hypsographic curves. Curvas hipsográficas de superficie. Table 4. Results of the adsorption experiment with the floculent layer (from de Vicente, 2004). Resultados del experimento de adsorción con el sedimento resuspendido (tomado de de Vicente, 2004) Figure 4. Granulometric composition of the surface sediment. Composición granulométrica del sedimento superficial. Table 5. Some of the biological variables measured at the surface sediment. Mean (SD). (n=7). Algunas de las variables biológicas medidas en la superficie del sedimento. Media (SD) (n=7). Lake Honda Lake Nueva Honda Nueva Pinitial (µg P-PO4-3 l-1) Pads (µg g-1 d.w.) 37 4 -22 +4 The higher values reported for the dynamic ratio, a measure for bottom dynamics (Håkanson and Jansson, 1983), in Lake Honda might suggest that resuspension may play a relatively major role in this lake compared to Lake Nueva. Similarly, the application of the empirical model showed that the impact of sediment resuspension is higher in the former lake than in the later one. In particular, as figure 2 shows, more than half of the lake area was affected by waves in 80 % of the wind events in Lake Honda and only in 25 % in Lake Nueva. The present study highlights that, apart from extrinsic factors (wind velocity), sediment resuspension depends on lake morphometry and sediment properties, factors that cause Lake Honda to be much more affected than Lake Nueva by resuspension events. Thus, while in Lake Honda a great proportion of sediment is located at relatively low depth (Fig. 3), sediment of the more recent Lake Nueva is less subjected to windinduced turbulence, and sediment resuspension is also ultimately limited by the relevant contribution of the sand-to-mineral matrix (Fig. 4). ETSA (µl O2 g-1 d.w. h-1) O.M. (%) Phaeopigments (µg g-1 d.w.) Chl-a (µg g-1 d.w.) Anaer. Bacteria (log C.F.U./g dw.) Aer. Bacteria (log C.F.U./g dw.) ETSA:OM 50.1 (15.7) 63.6 (48.6) 8.6 (1.9) 16.65 (1.4) 103.5 (3.5) 101.33 (19.9) 41.1 (8.8) 68.5 (29.8) 6.55 (0.50) 6.15 (0.42) 7.41 (0.18) 7.00 (0.25) 5.9 (1.9) 3.8 (2.7) Finally, the impact of sediment resuspension has also been examined simulating the effect of lake water enrichment in resuspended material. Our results have shown that while the flocculent layer tends to release phosphate to the water column in Lake Nueva, resuspension causes a phosphate removal from the water column in Lake Honda. Such patterns are a consequence of the large differences in the o-P concentrations in the two study lakes (Table 4). Additionally, we may outline the feedback relationship between resuspension and light climate in both lakes. In Lake Honda, resuspension events increase the total suspended solids, thereby attenuating light and limiting the development of macrophytes and benthic algae, which would otherwise aid sediment stabilization. By contrast, resuspension in Lake Nueva is also limited by the presence of cohesive agents in the sediment such as algal mats and submerged macrophytes, their growth being encouraged by the strong light penetration (Cruz-Pizarro et al., 2002a). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 261 Instability of shallow lakes As de Vicente (2004) have suggested, several facts indicate that resuspension plays a greater role in Lake Honda than in Lake Nueva. Firstly, the C:P ratio is similar in the surface sediment than in the material collected by the bottom sedimentation traps in Lake Honda, while Lake Nueva shows major differences between chemical composition of the two materials. Secondly, organic-matter concentrations in the surface sediment from the hypertrophic Lake Honda are far lower than in Lake Nueva (Table 5), presumably because of the dynamic transport of sedimentary particulate organic matter to the water column, which would stimulate its overall mineralization, in the way some recent studies have also suggested (Wainright and Hopkinson, 1997). Biological activity at the surface sediment Biotic vs. abiotic P release In Lake Nueva, the sediment retained o-P and there were no significant differences between poisoned and non-poisoned treatments (Fig. 5). Figure 5. Variation in time of o-P concentrations in the water from control and sterilised treatment (modified from Serrano et al., 2005). Variación de la concentración de o-P presente en el agua del control y del tratamiento esterilizado (modificado de Serrano et al., 2005). 261 Sediment from Lake Honda by contrast, showed very high P release rates in the control compared to the sterilised treatment. In this lake, abiotic mechanisms may play a secondary role, while biotic ones mainly control sedimentary phosphate mobilization. These results would hence confirm the temperature-dependence of o-P release rates that has been previously reported by de Vicente (2004). Actually, the impact of biotic activity on o-P release could be both direct by hydrolysing organic P, and indirect, by lowering the redox potential in the surface sediment which ultimately may induce release of Fe(OOH)≈P, a P-fraction that presents a large pool in the sediment of Lake Honda (Table 6). The relevance of biologically mediated aerobic o-P release, as stimulated by raised temperatures, was shown by Jensen and Andersen (1992), who found a notable reduction in the thickness of the oxidized surface layer and a subsequent increased in P release rates when temperature was raised. Differences observed in aerobic P-release from the sediment of both studied lakes are likely to be explained by differences in organic matter quality. De Vicente et al. (2003) showed that although the sestonic material had a similar concentration of TP in both lakes, the average C:P ratio was higher in Lake Honda than in Lake Nueva. However, the biodegradability of the top sediment was lower in Lake Nueva as the C:P ratio of the top sediment was significantly higher in this lake. Then, it is likely that the top sediment of Lake Nueva had a different source of organic matter, and hence C, that increased the C:P ratio. In this sense, the concentration of planktonic chlorophyll a was higher in Lake Honda, while the lower turbidity of the water in Lake Nueva favoured the growth of submersed macrophytes in the littoral area during spring and summer (Cruz-Pizarro et al., 2002b). As it is well known phytoplankton detritus is easily degradable, while vascular plants remains are structurally complex and their degradation is slower (Kristensen et al., 1995). Therefore, the presence of vascular plants that grew on the sediments could have accounted for the higher C:P ratio in the top sediment of Lake Nueva. This could cause a lower mineralization rate and Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 262 262 de Vicente et al. Table 6. P-fractions at the surface sediment (µg g-1 d.w.) (n=12). Fracciones de P en sedimento superficial (µg g-1 d.w.) (n=12). Fe(OOH)≈P CaCO3≈P Org-P→acid Org-P→alkali Org-Presidual ΣPsed Inorg-P:Org-P FeOOH (mg Fe g-1 d.w.) FeOOH:TP (atomic ratio) Honda Nueva 135 313 61 174 11 694 1.82 15.6 15 18 142 53 166 14 393 0.68 5.2 5 thereby leave a higher concentration of organic matter and org-P in the surface sediment as compared to Lake Honda. We suggest that the relative importance of planktonic (phytoplankton) and benthic (macrophytes) primary producers can explain the differences observed in the P-recycling and sediment-P composition of both lakes. primary production in Lake Balaton was comprised by benthic primary production. Furthermore, and contrarily to what was expected, there was no relation in the sediment of the studied lakes between the seasonality in organic matter content and ETSA within a single lake. This lack of relation may be due to the fact that benthic community does not respond immediately to organic matter inputs but it requires a time lag that ultimately depends on the organic matter nature (Newrkla, 1982; Sommaruga, 1991). Finally, and following Relexans et al. (1992), we have estimated the ETSA:O.M. ratio as a useful indicator of organic carbon quality. The significantly higher values in Lake Honda compared to Lake Nueva corroborate the already mentioned biodegradable and refractory nature of the settled material of Lake Honda and Nueva, respectively. Chemical monitoring at the sediment-water interface Sediment respiratory activity ETSA was higher in Lake Nueva than in Lake Honda (Table 5). Seasonal variation of ETSA was especially important for the case of Lake Nueva, reflected by the extremely high values of SD. Contrary to Relexans (1996), who found that the ETSA provided a good estimate of bacterial activity, our results have shown a weak relation between aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and ETSA. One likely explanation may be that, as Trevors (1984) suggested, the number of viable microbial cells in the sediment is much lower than the number of total cells. Moreover, ETSA is the result of the activity of both intra and extracellular enzymes, being these ones able to remain active for several days or even weeks (Trevors, 1984; Tóth, 1992; 1994). In the present study, among all analysed variables that may affect the ETSA (bacterial and algal biomass; organic matter concentration), we have recognized a large contribution of phytobenthos, especially in Lake Nueva. The relevance of this community for the whole lake metabolism was already stated by Tóth (1992), who found that a great proportion of the total Although settling fluxes of TC and TN were much higher in Lake Honda, its sediment showed lower concentrations than that of Lake Nueva (Fig. 6). These results together with the huge nutrient concentrations (o-P, NH4+ and inorg- and org-Cdis) measured in the interstitial water in Lake Honda again suggest a fast nutrient recycling in this lake. By contrast, the majority of nutrients in Lake Nueva sediment are in particulate forms, being slowly mobilized to the dissolved pool. In fact, we could relate the organic matter degradability with the ratio between the decomposition products (nutrients in the pore-water) and their sources (nutrients in the solid phase). Hence, the much higher values recorded for orgCdis:O.M., NH4+:TN and o-P:TP in the sediment of Lake Honda compared to Lake Nueva, support the idea of a labile organic settled matter (planktonic) in Lake Honda and a structurally more complex organic matter in Lake Nueva. Likewise, the much higher value for the ratio between inorganic and organic phosphate in the sediment from Lake Honda with respect to Lake Nueva once more confirms those statements. Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 263 Instability of shallow lakes 263 Figure 6. C (a), N (b) and P (c) regeneration at the sediment and water interface. Units: liquid phase: mg (C or N) l-1 and µg P l-1; solid phase: % (C, N or P); settling rates: g (C or N) m-2 d-1 and mg P m-2 d-1. All figures are referred to annual average concentrations of TC, TN or TP, unless otherwise stated. Regeneración de C (a), N (b) y P (c) en la interfase agua-sedimento. Unidades: fase líquida: mg (C o N) l-1 y µg P l-1; fase sólida: % (C, N o P); tasa de sediemntación: g (C or N) m-2 d-1 y mg P m-2 d-1. Todos los datos se refieren a la concentración media anual de TC, TN o TP, al menos que se especifique lo contrario. Regarding to the inorganic P pools (FeOOH≈P and CaCO3≈P), figure 7 shows that the distribution of each fraction ultimately depends on the amount of added P, depth of the water column, pH, Ca +2 concentration in the lake water, and FeOOH concentration in the sediment (Golterman, 1998). This diagram and the results obtained for Lake Honda suggest that Limnetica 25(1-2)02 264 12/6/06 13:50 Página 264 de Vicente et al. the much higher concentrations of Fe(OOH)≈P compared to Lake Nueva are the result of a much higher availability of FeOOH in the former lake (Table 6). Moreover, and although o-P concentration in the pore-water increases as Fe(OOH)≈P is forming, the lower Ca+2 concentration in Lake Honda delays CaCO3≈P precipitation. In Lake Nueva, by contrast, the high values for interstitial water Ca+2 concentrations and the lower values for oxyhydroxides in its sediment limit the presence of Fe(OOH)≈P. If we finally compare the TN concentration in both study lakes, and also consider that accordingly to Martinova (1993) and Golterman (2004) more than 90 % of TN is present as orga- nic N, we could assume that ammonification of organically bound N represents a key process for losing N from the sediment of Lake Honda. By contrast, in Lake Nueva, macrophytes patches and the presence of N2-fixing Cyanobacteria may account for an additional N input to the sediment. SYNTHESIS Strong differences between the two studied systems have been revealed. In Lake Honda, high in-lake nutrient concentrations, which ultimately support a large algal biomass, are basically maintained by: i. Sediment resuspension Figure 7. Concentrations of o-P, FeOOH≈P, CaCO3≈P (mmol m-2) in the successive sedimentary layers (lr) in a lake (2 m depth), as a function of the cumulative P load (g m-2). pH = 8; Ca+2 = 40 mg l-1 (Golterman, 2004). Concentraciones de o-P, FeOOH≈P, CaCO3≈P (mmol m-2) en los sucesivos estratos del sedimento (lr) en un lago de 2 m de profundidad, en función de la carga de P acumulada (g m-2). pH = 8; Ca+2 = 40 mg l-1 (Golterman, 2004). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 265 Instability of shallow lakes that is favoured by its morphometry, hydrologic regime and sediment granulometry. ii. Intense organic matter mineralization due to the labile nature of the organic settled matter (planktonic). In Lake Nueva, physical constrains (i.e. windinduced resuspension) have a limited effect due to the coarse surface sediment and to the development of macrophyte patches (Najas marina, Potamogeton pectinatus). In addition, the structurally more complex organic matter of its sediment regulates the low nutrients turnover. In this lake, nutrient exchange rates across the sediment-water interface are also controlled by the chemical equilibrium between the solid and the liquid phase, such as P adsorption onto CaCO3, a mechanism that is favoured by the high Ca+2 concentration in the pore-water. In conclusion, physical, chemical, and biological mechanisms govern the fast nutrients’ benthic regeneration in Lake Honda, while a large pool of nutrients is buried into the sediment of Lake Nueva. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Henning Jensen for his valuable suggestions and helpful discussions. 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ISSN: 0213-8409 Comparison of resource and consumer dynamics in Atlantic and Mediterranean streams Isabel Pardo1 & Maruxa Álvarez Área de Ecología, Universidad de Vigo, 36310 Vigo, Spain 1corresponding author: ABSTRACT This study integrates a wide range of ecological data into a comprehensive framework describing the functional and structural dynamics of streams located under different climatic conditions in Spain. Standing stocks of particulate organic matter, algal biomass and macroinvertebrate communities are examined and compared between Atlantic streams of North-West Spain and Mediterranean temporary streams of the island of Majorca. This data set, which link potential food sources to consumer dynamics, allows explanation for the structural and functional variability exhibited by these two fluvial systems. Results indicate that the differences in the dynamics of community trophic structure of the two types of streams are a reflection of their hydrology and climate characteristics. Keywords: climate, disturbances, trophic structure, Mediterranean streams, Atlantic streams. RESUMEN En este estudio se proporciona un marco conceptual que contrasta la dinámica estructural y funcional de ríos localizados en distintas regiones climáticas existentes en España. Con este propósito se examina un amplio rango de datos de materia orgánica particulada bentónica, de biomasa algal y de comunidades de invertebrados en ríos atlánticos del Noroeste de la Península y en ríos temporales Mediterráneos localizados en la isla de Mallorca. Esta serie de datos ecológicos, que relacionan las fuentes de alimentación potenciales con sus consumidores, suministra una base que permite diferenciar no sólo la estructura, si no también el funcionamiento fluvial de ambos sistemas. Los resultados indican que las variaciones en la importancia y dinámica de la estructura trófica en ambos tipos de ríos son un reflejo de sus características hidrológicas y climáticas. Palabras clave: clima, perturbaciones, estructura trófica, ríos Mediterráneos, ríos Atlánticos. INTRODUCTION Over the last few decades a number of studies have reviewed the structural and functional differences between temperate and Mediterranean aquatic systems (Gasith & Resh, 1999; ÁlvarezCovelas et al., 2005). These studies point out various gaps in the scientific understanding of Mediterranean systems, mainly in relation to the ecosystem approach. Seasonal patterns of rainfall and temperature across climatic regions have important implications for water availability and landscape structure in fluvial ecosystems. It is well-known that flow dynamics in Atlantic and Mediterranean regions differ strongly, both in quantity and seasonal variation. As a consequen- ce, the two types of stream systems are likely to be affected by different types of disturbances. While flooding is the main physical disturbance occurring in Atlantic areas, both floods and dry periods control Mediterranean streams. Indeed, while most Atlantic streams are permanent, depending on the availability of water and geographical setting, Mediterranean streams are subject to a permanence gradient, from permanent to temporary flow (Álvarez-Covelas et al., 2005). Moreover, Mediterranean temporary streams are subject to a predictable disturbance, drying out most of the summer, thus becoming terrestrial systems, disrupting the biota processes typically driven by water flow (Lake, 2000). When water flow resumes in early autumn, high levels Limnetica 25(1-2)02 272 12/6/06 13:50 Página 272 Pardo & Álvarez of light and temperature and high nutrient concentration initiates algae colonization, thus promoting a rapid increase in biomass (Dieterich & Anderson, 1998; Álvarez, 2004). Climate-related parameters also influence the composition, density and phenology of terrestrial vegetation. Differences in riparian forest affect the dynamics of instream allochtonous and autochthonous resources, with the biota being adapted to availability and variability (Cummins et al., 1989). Mediterranean streams have different types of riparian vegetation than temperate Atlantic streams. Mediterranean temporary streams in mountainous areas lack stream-dependent riparian vegetation, thus the stream corridor is primarily composed of terrestrial species with a low interaction with the wet stream channel. Typical Mediterranean riparian vegetation is dominated by evergreen plants, and the ecological significance of leaf longevity has been the subject of many hypotheses (Terradas, 2001), suggesting an adaptation to dry climatic conditions and drought (Cherbuy et al., 2001), scarcity of nutrient resources (Monk, 1966), and resistance to herbivores. In contrast, the riparian corridor of Atlantic temperate streams is dominated by deciduous species with pulses of litterfall coupled with the vegetative seasonal activity. Moreover, ensuring a continuous nutrient supply, some riparian species, e.g. Alder, acquire atmospheric nitrogen from symbiotic relationship with nitrogen fixing organisms in root nodules (Quispel et al., 1993). Algal communities also differ in Atlantic and Mediterranean streams, reflecting the differences in number of sunny hours in the year, light, temperature and nutrients dynamics that characterize the two stream types. In temporary streams, there is a seasonal sequence of biotic and abiotic regulation of stream assemblages in response to the seasonal events of floods and dry periods (Gasith & Resh, 1999). Undisturbed temporary streams show a predictable pattern of algae growth in response to the annual variation of the magnitude of temperature and light. However, their importance may be limited by the consumers (Biggs, 1996). In Atlantic temperate streams, dense shading from riparian trees prevents light from reaching the stream bed during warmer seasons, even though springsummer climatic conditions favour algae growth (Hynes, 1970). Therefore, the shorter growing season due to limited solar energy of temperate Atlantic streams compared to similar latitude Mediterranean streams may affect the variation in resource availability. Moreover, this seasonal variation in resources may reflect seasonal differences of macroinvertebrate assemblages, both in structure and function. Study rationale and objectives This study provides data from various streams under different climatic conditions (Atlantic vs Mediterranean) with different flow regimes (permanent vs. temporary), ranging from first order to second order streams. The study was designed to present a useful set of data for a general framework. Therefore, not all factors that might explain the natural variation in energy sources and macroinvertebrates in these systems are tested. Data are provided for macroinvertebrates, periphyton biomass, allochthonous inputs and benthic organic matter storage and retention. These data were recorded on different occasions and in different streams over the last two decades. The data available for these streams are integrated here in an attempt to explain the differences in underlying mechanisms and processes that characterize Atlantic and Mediterranean streams. METHODOLOGICAL REVIEW Study streams Atlantic streams: Mera, Deva, Cea and Louro The Mera, Deva and Cea are 2nd order streams (sensu Strahler), located in Northwestern Spain. The Mera is subject to continental influence, located at 545 m a.s.l. (UTM 606000, 475805); The Deva at 624 m a.s.l. (UTM 558844, 467797) and the Cea at 210 m a.s.l. (UTM 555018, 466396) (Figure 1). Additional information on Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 273 Dynamics of Atlantic and Mediterranean stream ecosystems the sites can be found in Cillero (2001). The Louro localities, LC1 at 320 m (UTM 535648 467929) and LC2 at 120 m a.s.l. (UTM 533601 467749), are 1st and 2nd order streams respectively, located in the proximity of the Galician coast in NW Spain. Additional information on the sites may be found in Pardo (1992). Mediterranean streams Most of the data provided for Majorcan streams were obtained from the torrent Gorg Blau (GB), a hardwater, spring-fed stream in the Sant Jordi catchment in the mountainous Northern area of the island (UTM 499564, 441616). The lower spring reach, which was the study site, is located around 500 m below the springhead and is generally dry during summer (see further details in Álvarez & Pardo (2005), Álvarez, 2004). The study was conducted in the northern mountainous area of the island (Fig. 1). Some data were also recorded from other sites located on the main axis of the torrent Ternelles (T4 and T5), of which the torrent Gorg Blau is the main tributary. These three sites are located ~1 km apart (Álvarez, 2004) (Fig. 1). Climatic data Seasonal and annual patterns of precipitation and temperature of the streams have been registered at recording stations of the national Spanish Institute of Metereology. For the Atlantic streams, data were recorded at three stations located in Galicia, one serving as a reference for the continental stream Mera (ID = 1518, Lugo, colegio Fingoy), and two other for the coastal streams Cea, Deva (ID = 1723, Ponteareas) and Louro (ID = 1495, Vigo, Peinador). For the Mediterranean streams, data were recorded on Majorca in the Can Serra gauging station (ID = B745) and Port de Pollensa (ID= B780). Physico-Chemical measurements Current velocity, water depth, and wet channel width were recorded for the studied streams. Current velocity was estimated from three inte- 273 grated recordings taken for one minute on the stream bottom with a velocity-meter (Global Water D-2466, England). Cover percentage of substrate type was determined in an area enclosed by a Surber sampler frame (Álvarez, 2004), or estimated along 20 perpendicular linear transects (Cillero, 2001). Substrate categories were classified by particle size according to the Wentworth Scale (after Cummins, 1962; Minshall, 1984). Allochthonous Inputs and related processes Allochthonous input estimates are only available for the continental Atlantic stream (Mera). Vertical litterfal was determined from 5 traps randomly placed over the stream. Each trap consisted of a 1 m2 frame with a funnel shaped net of 1 mm–mesh, tied with a rubber band to allow collection of samples. The traps were placed randomly, suspended ~ 1 m above the river surface from surrounding trees (see Cillero et al., 1999). All samples from each trap were kept separately. After collection, each leaf litter was dried (80 ºC, 20 h), sorted and weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g. Samples were collected monthly from June 1998 to June 1999. Benthic particulate organic matter standing stock (BPOM) was obtained for 3 Atlantic streams (Mera, Cea, Deva) and for the Torrent Gorg Blau. After removing all organisms, organic detritus was separated, dried at 60 °C for 48 h and weighed to estimate dry weight of BPOM. Samples were taken on two occasions (December and June) within a year period. Retention characteristics were measured for 3 Atlantic streams (Mera, Cea, Deva). Plastic strips were used as set of artificial leaves to measure retention capacity (following Webster et al., 1994). At each site, 100 plastic strips (4 x 8.5 cm) were released across the width of the channel at the upstream end of the studied reach. Thirty minutes after release, the entire reach was examined for strips retained, and the number of strips and distance travelled were recorded. Three releases were made on each sampling occasion. Leaf retention was adjusted to an exponential model, following Lamberti & Gregory (1996). This procedure allowed estima- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 274 Página 274 Pardo & Álvarez Figure 1. Location of the study streams. Atlantic streams are located in Galicia (NW Spain) and the Mediterranean streams in the island of Majorca. Localización de los ríos estudiados. Los ríos atlánticos se localizan en Galicia (NO España) y los ríos mediterráneos en la isla de Mallorca. tion of the instantaneous retention rate and average distance travelled by a specific particle in each stream. Samples were collected monthly from June 1998 to June 1999. Periphyton organic matter Data on periphyton biomass are available for 3 Atlantic (Cea, Deva and Mera) and three Mediterranean (GB, T4, T5) streams. Periphyton samples (examined by analysis of chl a) were taken from individual rocks collected from each site. From each rock, an area of 8.05 cm2 was scraped with a chisel and a nylon toothbrush. Chl a was extracted in 90 % acetone in darkness and at low temperature and measured spectrophotometrically (Unicam UV/VIS UV4 Spectrometer, Cambridge, UK). Values were determined using the equations described in Lorenzen (1967). Macroinvertebrate sampling Data on annual patterns of macroinvertebrates are available for 2 Atlantic (LC1, LC2) and one Mediterranean (GB) stream. Quantitative samples were collected with a Surber sampler (0.09 m2) of 500 µm in the Atlantic streams and of 100 µm mesh size in the Mediterranean stream. Small invertebrates (ostracoda and copepo- da), were not considered in the analysis. Samples were preserved in the field in 10 % formaldehyde and sorted in the laboratory. All invertebrates were picked from the fractions > 1 mm. However, when the volume of sample was large, smaller fractions were sub-sampled. Macroinvertebrates were identified to genus, family or species level under a dissecting microscope. Each taxa was assigned to a functional feeding group (FFG) based on mouthpart morphology and feeding behavior following Cummins (1973) and supported by examination of the gut contents of the dominant taxa. STREAMS CHARACTERIZATION Geomorphic setting: geography, geology and climate The Atlantic streams are located at medium elevations in North-West Spain (Galicia) (Fig. 1). They are relatively small (annual mean across streams ± 1SE = 2.1 ± 0.6 m wide, 24.4 ± 4.5 cm deep) and are characterized by a typical sequence of riffles and pools. The substrate is primarily composed of variously sized cobbles and pebbles placed on top of gravel and coarse sand (Pardo, 1992; Cillero 2001) Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 275 275 Dynamics of Atlantic and Mediterranean stream ecosystems Table 1. Selected physico-chemistry parameters at the study streams. Values represent the mean for an annual flow period (1986-87 in the Atlantic stream Louro; 1998-1999 in the Atlantic streams Mera, Cea and Deva; 2000-2001 in the Mediterranean streams). Parámetros físicoquímicos de los ríos estudiados. Los valores representan los valores medios para un periodo hidrológico anual (1986-87 en el río atlántico Louro; 1998-1999 en los ríos atlánticos Mera, Cea y Deva; 2000-2001 en los ríos mediterráneos). Temperature ATLANTIC Conductivity Oxygen Flow Water Channel Boulder Stone- Gravel Sand-silt depth width Pebble (µS cm-1) (mg L-1) (L s-1) (cm) (cm) (%) (%) (%) (%) STREAM (ºC) MERA CEA DEVA 13.4 14.7 13.3 6.2 6.0 5.7 41.0 24.3 18.9 9.6 9.9 9.6 113.8 127.5 310.0 13.8 6.0 28.1 9.7 16.9 18.3 13.8 7.4 7.6 7.9 763.2 1104.9 709.4 16.3 7.6 859.2 mean MEDITERRANEAN pH GB T4 T5 mean (Table 1). The parent rock is siliceous granite, reflected in waters of a slightly acidic character (pH mean of streams annual means of 6.1) and low salt content (electric conductivity mean of streams annual means of 42.0 µS cm-1) (Table 1) (see Pardo, 1995) for further details on the chemistry dynamics of the Louro stream sites). The climate is Atlantic temperate, characterized by mild to cool winters and warm summers, although the temperature and precipitation are influenced by a coastal –inland gradient of continentality (Table 2). Mean air temperature for a 24-year period was 25.0 190.8 _ _ 214.6 21.5 53.5 25.1 29.2 21.8 43.2 14.4 7.9 5.9 34.8 16.9 25.8 36.8 183.8 30.9 202.7 33.4 31.4 9.4 25.8 9.2 9.6 10.2 8.9 3.3 13.3 10.8 5.9 7.4 87.7 132.9 202.6 12.8 49.5 70.6 56.4 29.9 19.0 19.7 16.4 9.4 11.1 4.1 1.0 9.7 8.5 8.0 141.1 44.3 35.1 15.1 5.4 13.7 ± 1 ºC (1975-98) (mean monthly temperature average for each year across streams ± 1SE) (Table 2). Mean annual precipitation for the same period was 1449.7 mm (± 265.0) (Table 2). Generally, precipitation in Atlantic streams is higher in autumn and winter months reducing progressively through spring and summer (Fig. 2). However, these streams receive relatively constant year round precipitation, which, for the mentioned period, was reflected in the high average number of days with rain (mean across streams ± 1SE = 152 ± 4 days) and the low percentage contribution of monthly Figure 2. Climate diagrams for the coastal Atlantic streams (Ponteareas) and for the Mediterranean streams (Can Serra, Pollensa). Graph scales follow Molles (1999). Diagramas climáticos de los ríos costeros atlánticos (Puenteareas) y de los ríos Mediterráneos (Can Serra, Pollensa). Las escalas de los gráficos siguen a Molles (1999). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 276 276 Pardo & Álvarez Table 2. Climate characteristics of the study streams. See text for further details. Características climáticas de los ríos estudiados. Ver el texto para más detalle. Continental Lugo Precipitation Mean annual value SE Inter-anual variation (CV) SE Range (inter-annual) Maximun monthly contribution SE % of days with rain per year Mean number of days with rainper year SE Temperature Annual mean SE Inter-anual variation (CV) Atlantic Coastal Ponteareas Mediterranean GB Louro 991.5 40.3 0.78 0.05 0.45 - 1.33 4.9 % 0.3 % 41.2 % 150 4 1448.1 63.5 0.89 0.04 0.48-1.34 5.1 % 0.3 % 39.9 % 146 8 1909.5 63.5 0.85 0.04 0.50-1.41 4.5 % 0.2 % 43.5 % 159 3 895.7 54.9 0.92 0.04 0.59 -1.34 12.0 % 0.7 % 15.7 % 57 3 12.6 0.2 0.4 14.8 0.2 0.3 13.8 0.1 0.3 17.0 0.1 0.3 precipitation to the annual totals (mean across streams ± 1SE = 4.9 ± 0.2 %) (Table 2). Majorca is the largest (3640.16 km2) of the Balearic Islands, located at a distance of 167 km off the East coast of the Iberian Peninsula. The studied Mediterranean stream reaches are located in mountain areas, at relatively low altitude (125-150 m). Streams on the island of Majorca are not found at higher elevation than around 300 m a.s.l. The studied Mediterranean streams are small (annual mean across stream reaches ± 1SE = 1.4 ± 0.1 m wide, 8.0 ± 0.5 cm deep) (Table 1). Percentages of dominant substrate differed among streams. Substrate composition change among stream reaches, but mainly includes stones, pebbles and boulders (Table 1). However, in some streams (see for example T5), the stream bed is highly affected by calcite precipitation, which is reflected in an almost continuous layer of tightly consolidated substrate (i.e., bedrock) (Álvarez, 2004). The catchment geology is rather complex and largely consists of sandstone, limestone and dolomite (GarcíaAvilés, 1990). As expected, the geology is reflected in the chemistry of the waters, which are high in pH (annual mean across stream reaches ± 1SE =7.6 ± 0.1) and high in electric conductivity (859.2± 47.4 µS cm-1) (Table 1). Moreover, these mountain streams are fed by karstic aquifers with high infiltration capacity, which strongly affects the hydrology of these streams. The island of Majorca has a typical Mediterranean climate with warm to hot temperatures all year round (mean temperature for 1962-1991, was 17.0 ± 0.1 ºC) and low annual rainfall (for 1975-1998, was 895.7 ± 54.9 mm) (Table 2). Moreover, most of the precipitation over Majorca falls as torrential rain, which, for the mentioned 24-year period, is reflected in the low average number of days with rain (57 ± 3 days), the high percentage contribution of monthly precipitation to the annual total (12.0 ± 0.7 %) and in the relatively high average CV (0.92 ± 0.04) (Table 2). Hydrology and water temperature The high precipitation levels and high runoff that characterize the Atlantic catchments, generates a landscape drained by hundreds of small, fast flowing streams of a permanent character. Annual flow patterns in Atlantic streams usually show maximum peaks in autumn and winter (with frequent floods), progressive reduction towards spring and summer, and minimum discharges occurring in September (Fig. 3) (Pardo, 1995; 2000). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 277 Dynamics of Atlantic and Mediterranean stream ecosystems 277 for permanent streams (e.g., Dieterich & Anderson, 1998). In our comparison, the wider water temperature range corresponded to the temporary stream, fact that can be clearly attributed to the Mediterranean climate influence. RIPARIAN INFLUENCES ON THE STREAM Figure 3. Discharge for the Atlantic Mera stream and the Mediterranean torrent Gorg Blau for an hydrologic year, from October to July/August (O = October, S = September, N = November, D = December, J = January, F = February, M = March, A = April, M = May, Jn = June, Jl = July, Ag = August). Caudales del atlántico río Mera y del torrente mediterráneo Gorg Blau durante un año hidrológico, desde octubre a Julio/agosto (O = octubre, S = septiembre, N = noviembre, D = diciembre, J = enero, F = febrero, M = marzo, A = abril, M = mayo Jn = junio, Jl = julio, Ag = agosto). The Mediterranean stream, showed a delayed response to rainfall patterns compared to the Atlantic streams (Fig. 2 & Fig. 3), which may be attributed to the hydrogeologic features of the karstic aquifers (Del Rosario & Resh, 2000). Moreover, as occurs in many Mediterranean environments (Vidal-Albarca et al., 1992; Cattaneo et al., 1995), the negative hydrologic balance during the warm dry summer interrupts the stream flow (Fig. 3). For example, from 1999 to 2000 (considered as an average hydrological year), the flow period of the Gorg Blau lasted for about 10 months, starting with high discharges in autumn (end of October) and drying out completely in late-July (Fig. 3). As expected, discharge in the streams varied over time and space by several orders of magnitude during the years of study (e.g., ranged from 0.4 to 31.8 L s–1 in the torrent Gorg Blau and from 57 to 659.1 L s–1 in the Mera river) (Table 2, Fig. 3). Water temperature was also variable among streams and time (e.g., ranged from 7.4 to 17.9 ºC in the Mera river and from 12.6 to 29.6 ºC in the torrent Gorg Blau) (Table 2). Other studies which have compared temporary vs permanent streams in geographically close areas, provided greater water temperature range In Atlantic streams, riparian vegetation is usually dominated by Alnus glutinosa L., Betula alba L., and Fraxinus excelsior L., mixed with oak species (Quercus robur L., Q. pyrenaica Willd.). However, Alder is the dominant tree species in small, low-gradient streams. The riparian canopy in these streams is well-developed along the channel, and usually shade the stream completely. Alder asymmetric distribution of tree branches creatings a greater production of leaves towards the stream (Cillero et al., 1999). The riparian vegetation of Majorcan streams is composed of the typical Mediterranean terrestrial vegetation of holm-oak (Quercus ilex L.) and Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Miller), the latter dominating on southern slopes. These streams usually have wide active channels. Despite larger variations in flow over the years, the flow is mainly concentrated in the center of the channel. This reduction in the wet area towards the center of the channel allows the access of direct light to the stream bottom. Litterfall Litter inputs to the Atlantic Mera stream were 730.0 g·m-2·yr-1, and the vegetative-seasonal cycle of various species gives rise to a distinct litterfall seasonal pattern of leaves and fruits (Cillero et al. 1999), which was apparent in these riparian forests. Leaf shed of the dominant riparian alder showed a bimodal pattern with maximum values in July and November (Cillero et al., 1999). However, leaf shed from chestnut and oak was unimodal, beginning in October, and reaching a maximum for chestnut in November, and for oak in December. The input of reproductive structures was highest in Limnetica 25(1-2)02 278 12/6/06 13:50 Página 278 Pardo & Álvarez February-March due to higher amounts of alder flowers, while no clear seasonal patterns were observed for wood and debris fall. Although data are not available for the studied Mediterranean streams, studies conducted in other Mediterranean streams (e.g., Cherbuy et al., 2001; Bussotti et al., 2003; Bellot et al. 1992) show that evergreen holm-oak (Q. ilex) shed leaves throughout the year, with recorded maximum values between April and July. This more substantial inputs occur at a time of increasing temperatures and progressively reduced water levels in the Majorcan streams. Moreover, other studies conducted in central Italy (Bussotti et al., 2003) provided annual litter inputs values for holm-oak in xeric and mesic forests of 485 and 694 g m–2 respectively, which may be comparable to the litter input to the studied Majorcan streams. Benthic organic matter retention and storage Small Atlantic streams are generally very retentive due to a diversity of in-stream structures such as tree roots and dominance of coarse substrates such as stones and blocks. In the smallest channel of the Cea (2 m wide) and under low discharge ranges (< 0.31 m3 s–1), released plastic strips were retained within the first 7.1 m (1/k). However, in wider channels of the Mera and Deva (around 3 m wide) and under higher discharges (up to 0.72 m3 s–1), the mean distance travelled by the strips increased to 16.5 m (Cillero, 2001). Figure 4. Benthic organic matter (BOM) for the three Atlantic streams and for the Mediterranean stream (GB). The graph shows mean values (± 1SE). D = December samples; Jn= June samples. Materia orgánica bentónica (MOB) para los 3 ríos atlánticos y el río mediterráneo (GB). Los gráficos muestras los valores medios (± 1EE). D = muestras de diciembre; Jn= muestras de junio. BPOM estimated in the 3 continental Atlantic streams ranged from a mean of 5.2 (in the Deva in June) to 52 g m–2 (in the Mera in December) (Cillero, 2001), representing between 0.7 and 7 % of total annual inputs to the streams. In the Mera stream, BPOM follows the predicted pattern of higher standing stocks in autumn (December) (Fig. 4) before leaves have been processed completely. However, other streams (Fig. 4) (i.e., Cea and Deva) show only a slight difference between autumn (December) and summer (June). In Atlantic streams, spring-summer leaf processing of different riparian and terrestrial species occurs in less than 2 months. In these streams, decay rate is mainly explained by greater nutritional value and softer consistency of green leaves entering the stream, as well as to active processing by shredders. Autumn-winter processing is also similarly fast, influenced by higher frequency and intensity of flow disturbance and by physical fragmentation of leaf packs (López et al., 1997; López et al., 2001). In the torrent Gorg Blau, mean particulate organic matter standing stock over the studied flow period was 157.7 ± 33.9 g AFDM m –2 (Álvarez, 2004). On a seasonal basis, this temporary stream had from 7.3 (December) to 8.5 (June) times more BPOM than the Atlantic streams (Fig. 4). Several factors may explain these differences. Moderate flow-related physical forces, in combination with channel characteristics may contribute to higher retention of BPOM in the Mediterranean streams. Therefore, in spite of their shallowness and the near absence of retentive structures in the channel, temporary streams are very retentive during stable flow conditions. Only major floods, which mainly occur in autumn at the beginning of the flow period seem to be able to mobilise litter packs accumulated on the dry streambed during summer. Moreover, invertebrate leaf consumption that in turn is influenced by litter quality may influence stream organic matter standing stocks. Although research on leaf decomposition has not been conducted in Majorcan streams, other studies have observed that the leathery and lownutrient leaves of the evergreen holm-oak (Q. ilex) decompose slower than those of other Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 279 279 Dynamics of Atlantic and Mediterranean stream ecosystems species (Fano et al. 1988; Gessner & Chauvet, 1994; Schwarz & Schwoerbel, 1997). Additionally, other experimental studies on leaf decomposition in temporary streams attribute the lower breakdown of leaves to the lower microbial activity occurring in these systems due to the time lag required for the development of the microflora after submersion (e.g. Maamri et al., 1997). Rapp & Leonardi (1988) found that under Mediterranean climatic conditions, Holm-oak leaves entering the stream in summer required a minimum conditioning time of 5 months, and the leaves completed their decomposition only during the following flow season, thus also favouring BPOM accumulation in the stream bed. This should explain the stable values of BPOM found in the torrent Gorg Blau over the studied flow period (Álvarez, 2004). PRIMARY PRODUCERS: PERIPHYTON BIOMASS Overall, the Mediterranean temporary streams had 10 times more periphyton biomass (mean chl a over three streams ± 1SE = 49.6 ± 28.28 mg cm-1) than the Atlantic streams (mean over three streams ± 1SE = 4.6 ± 28.8 mg cm-1) (Fig. 5). Similar to other forested temperate streams around the world, values of chl a in the Atlantic streams remained relatively constant over time (Rosemond, 1994). However, chl a reached higher values in spring (e.g., 5.9 mg m-2 in May in Mera stream) and lower values in winter (e.g., 1.5 mg m-2 in January in Mera stream), coinciding with the less favourable season for periphyton growth in these streams (Bott et al., 1978; Rounick & Gregory, 1981) (Fig. 5). Moreover, higher values of benthic biomass in some of the Atlantic streams (Deva) was inversely related to flow, with higher values corresponding to the Cea and Mera streams with lower annual discharge amplitudes (Cillero, 2001). These results are similar to results reported by other studies (Sabater et al., 1998; Elosegui & Pozo, 1998; Lohman, 1992). In Mediterranean streams, maximum values of periphyton chl a were reached at the begin- Table 3. Components of taxonomic richness in two Atlantic streams (LC1 &LC2) and one Mediterranean stream (GB). Componentes de la riqueza taxonómica en dos ríos atlánticos (LC1 y LC2) y en un río mediterráneo (GB). Taxonomic Level Species Genus Family order/class LC2 Total Richness Annual average ± 1SE Total Richness Total Richness Total Richness 108 50 3 80 57 16 LC1 GB 76 28 2 61 42 18 41 31 1 40 34 14 ning of the flow period (e.g., 43.4 mg m-2 in Octuber in the torrent Gorg Blau) and subsequently declined towards the end of the flow period, which has been attributed to grazing (Álvarez, 2004) (Fig. 5). Depending on the strength of grazers-periphyton interactions, Mediterranean streams showed a gradient of periphyton availability. Streams with highest values of chl a correspond to those with lowest grazer density (e.g., T5), and values of chl a were relatively low in streams highly affected by grazing (e.g., GB) (Fig. 5). SECONDARY PRODUCERS: MACROINVERTEBRATES Taxonomic composition Patterns in macroinvertebrate density and community composition, examined using nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS) on the Bray Curtis similarity matrix of macroinvertebrate densities (at family level), showed a clear separation in the ordination diagram of permanent Atlantic (2 sites in the Louro stream, LC1 and LC2) and temporary Mediterranean streams (one site in the Gorg Blau) (Fig. 6). Macroinvertebrate density was thirty times higher in Gorg Blau (mean annual ± 1SE = 25803 ind m–2 ± 4257) than in LC1 (mean ± 1SE= 850 ind m–2 ± 236), the two sites most clearly differentiated by their taxa composition (Fig. 6, Table 3). Invertebrate families responsible for >90 % of dissimilarity between the Gorg Blau (GB) and the two Atlantic stream sites together (LC1, Limnetica 25(1-2)02 280 12/6/06 13:50 Página 280 Pardo & Álvarez Figure 5. Dynamics of periphyton chl a in three Atlantic (5A) and three Mediterranean (5B) streams for an hydrological year, from September/October to July/August. The graph shows mean values +1SE.(O = October, S= September, D = December, J =January, A = April, M = May, Jn = June, Jl = July, Ag = August). Dinámica de la Cl a del perifiton en los tres ríos atlánticos (5A) y en los tres mediterráneos (5B) para un año hidrológico, de septiembre/octubre a julio/agosto. Los gráficos muestras los valores medios +1EE. (O = octubre, S= septiembre, D = Diciembre, J =enero, A = abril, M = mayo, Jn = junio, Jl = julio, Ag = agosto). LC2), from a total of 70 families recorded (SIMPER analysis, programme PRIMER), were: Hydrobiidae, Caenidae, Ancylidae, Physidae, Glossosomatidae and Gammaridae (more abundant in GB), and Nemouridae and Psychomyiidae (more abundant in the Atlantic streams). These eight families contributed 32.6 % to the dissimilarly between the stream communities (total dissimilarity = 68.73 %). In general, permanent streams are inhabited by a richer fauna than temporary streams (Table 3). Taxa richness of macroinvertebrates, with similar identification level for insects, were compared in two permanent headwater Atlantic streams (LC2 and LC1) and the torrent Gorg Blau for a hydrological year. On an annual basis, total taxa richness per sampling area was considerably lower in GB (41) than in the other two sites (Table 3). However, such large variation was lower when comparing taxa at the family level table 3). These differences could be attributed to the low species-richness within groups that characterize the Majorcan streams, with most genera represented by a single species (Álvarez, 2004). In addition, average macroinvertebrate taxa richness (mostly family level) for the torrent Gorg Blau (31) was similar to that in LC1 (28), although somewhat lower than in LC2 (50). LC1 is a headwater Atlantic stream comparable in size to GB, which explains the lower taxa richness in comparison to LC2, an Atlantic second order stream with higher habitat heterogeneity and with a more developed riparian corridor (Pardo, 1992). Moreover, although GB and LC1 show similar average macroinvertebrate taxa richness, the total taxa richness was higher in LC1, indicating that the Atlantic stream has a higher replacement of taxa through time. Therefore, rather than attributing these differences to the insularity of GB, they may be attributed to the hydrologic regime of the compared streams. In fact, Vivas (2003) found that in a temporary spring-fed stream of Southeast Spain, total taxa richness was between 27 and 32 (overall total 45); values comparable to the totals of 27 - 34 Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 281 Dynamics of Atlantic and Mediterranean stream ecosystems (overall 41) observed in the torrent Gorg Blau. These results suggest that spring feed, temporary streams on the island of Majorca have taxa richness comparable to similar streams on the mainland. However, their temporality may explain the lower species richness than similar small permanent headwaters streams in Atlantic climate, which in turn may allow a longer growing season for aquatic insects and the occurrence of taxa with different species traits (i.e., longer life cycles) (Delucchi, 1989; Williams, 1996). Even though many studies have found a remarkable similarity between fauna in temporary stream habitats and fauna found in nearby permanent streams (Boulton & Lake, 1992; Feminella, 1996). Others have noted rather distinct differences between permanent and temporary forest streams (Delucchi, 1988; Dieterich & Anderson, 2000; Muñoz, 2003). MDS ordination indicated that differences in community composition between sites were greater than temporal differences (Fig. 6). However, there was a clear intra-annual variation in community structure in the GB, (Fig. 6), which 281 has been shown to reflect its temporality, with distinct signs of succession after the summer dry period (Álvarez, 2004). Functional organization of the macroinvertebrate communities On an annual basis, the relative importance of all FFG was significantly different between the three streams; Atlantic streams (LC1 and LC2) and torrent GB (ANOVA, p<0.001). The Mediterranean spring-fed stream consisted largely of collector-gatherers (38 %) and scrapers (45 %) followed by filter-feeders (9.7 %), shredders (4 %) and predators (3.4 %). However, in the permanent Atlantic streams, mean collectorgatherers and scrapers comprised (17.3 ± 2 %) and (26 ± 2.8 %), respectively. Filter-feeders (15 ± 2.5 %) were better represented in Atlantic streams, and shredders (32.3 ± 4 %) and predators (9.7 ± 1 %) were more abundant. In the permanent Atlantic streams (LC1 and LC2) relative abundances of FFGs showed significant temporal patterns, with most FFG Figure 6. MDS ordination plot of monthly samples of invertebrate assemblages. Analysis were based on arcsin(冪苴 x)-transformed abundances of the dominant taxa and a Bray-Curtis similarity matrix. Lines have been drawn around samples from the same stream (and thus, with similar taxa compositions) as an aid to visual interpretation (see text). Ordenación MDS de las muestras mensuales de comunidades de invertebrados bentónicos. Los análisis se basan en las abundancias de los taxones dominantes transformadas x ), e índice de similitud de Bray-Curtis. Las líneas agrupan muestras de un mismo río (y por tanto con mediante el arcoseno(冪 苴 similar composición taxonómica) para ayudar en la interpretación visual (ver texto). Limnetica 25(1-2)02 282 12/6/06 13:50 Página 282 Pardo & Álvarez Figure 7. Dynamics of scrappers (7A) and shredders (7B) in two Atlantic coastal streams (LC1 = Δ & LC2 = G ) and in one Mediterranean stream (GB = G). Hydrologic months are 1= October until 12= September. Dinámica de raspadores (7A) y desmenuzadores (7B) en los dos ríos atlánticos costeros (LC1 = Δ & LC2 = G ) y en un río mediterráneo (GB= G). Los meses hidrológicos son 1= octubre, hasta 12= septiembre. dynamics fitted to quadratic and cubic distributions (p<0.05) (Fig. 7). Percentage of collectorgatherers tended to be low in autumn for LC2 and in summer for LC1, whereas filter-feeders showed an increase in representation in springsummer months. Scrapers showed a cubic S shaped trend with a maximum value of 53 % in winter for LC2, while no significant trend was observed for LC1 (Fig. 7a). Predators showed a peak of maximum representation at the end of the spring (in June, they made up 11 % and 22 % of total FFG abundance in LC2 and LC1 respectively). Shredders showed opposite dynamics in the headwater stream (LC1) and in the second order stream (LC2) (Fig. 7b). In LC1, the highest shredder representation in Atlantic streams, showed a maximum (>50 %) of shredders between August and January, when litter inputs and BOM tend to be maximum. However, the bell-shaped curve described by shredders in LC2, with maximum representation in spring, may reflect the seasonal pattern of green alder leaves entering this reach, which has a better developed riparian alder dominated corridor than the upstream site (LC1), which is accompanied by sparse vegetation of Salix spp. adjoined by grasslands (Pardo, 1992). In the forested reach (LC2), spring-summer consumption of mostly green leaves will impulse shredders production after the winter shortage of resources (López et al., 2001). However, at the end of summer and in the beginning of autumn when rainfall levels increase, the rising water levels contribute to the physical abrasion and transport of leaves and individuals within the channel (López et al., 2001). In the Mediterranean temporary stream (GB) the dynamics followed by the different FFG were significatively fitted to cuadratic and cubic distributions (p<0.05). The relative abundance of collector-gatherers followed a U-shaped curve with maxima at the beginning and the end of the flow season, where they made up respectively 68 % and 57 % of total FFG abundance. Moreover, scrapers, which were maintained over 40 % for most of the year, showed the Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 Página 283 Dynamics of Atlantic and Mediterranean stream ecosystems opposite temporal dynamic, represented by a hump-shaped curve (Fig. 7a), thus reaching their minimum representation at the beginning and at the end of the flow period, where they represented respectively 10 % and 34 % of total FFG abundance. The relative abundance of filter-feeders tend to be higher at the beginning of the flow period, and only the relative abundance of shredders and predators increased significantly over the flow period (Fig. 7b). The disappearance of water in the temporary stream at the beginning of the summer, caused a sudden mortality of shredders, which otherwise in a wetter year should be expected to continue consuming litter during autumn-winter months (Álvarez, 2004). Moreover, as shown in other studies conducted in temporary streams (e.g., Boulton & Lake, 1992), predator densities increase with flow reduction at the end of the study period, when discharge is lower and invertebrate distribution becomes more concentrated (Álvarez, 2004). The annual hump-shaped curves described by monthly densities of shredders in the Atlantic forested stream and by scrapers in the Mediterranean temporary stream and the semi-annual distribution followed by scrapers in the Atlantic LC2 indicate that both groups may be seasonally limited by resource availability. In the Atlantic forested streams, the supply of allochthonous and autochthonous food sources is discontinuous half of the year, thus dynamics of relative abundance of functional feeding groups in these systems may reflect the phenology of energy sources availability. However, a recent study in the Gorg Blau showed no relation between the relative abundance of detritus feeding invertebrates (collectors or shredders) or grazers and their food supplies (Álvarez, 2004), thus food may be in continuous supply in these temporary systems. The main constraints on the trophic composition of the macroinvertebrate community in GB are related with the resumption or reduction of water flow that characterize temporary streams (Álvarez, 2004) and the associated alteration in habitat structure and availability (Lake, 2003). 283 CONCLUSION: ECOSYSTEMS GENERALIZATIONS 1. Climate promotes the availability and dynamics of food resources in the studied stream ecosystems: 1.1. In Atlantic temperate streams, inputs of food resources are discontinuous, due to a clear seasonal (summer-autumn) pattern of production. In these systems, allochtonous inputs, in the form of nutritious leaves, dominate from June to December, thus shading by the riparian vegetation simultaneously influences autochtonous production. As a consequence, autochthonous resources are relatively low over the year, slightly increasing in spring-summer months. 1.2. Mediterranean streams receive high inputs of solar radiation, thus increasing the importance of authoctonous production and plant-herbivore interactions compared to temperate Atlantic streams with closer canopies. A continuous supply of allochtonous resources along the year, of otherwise very low quality, may initially create resource bottleneck for detritivore shredders, thus explaining low abundances of this FFG in the beginning of the flow period. Therefore, allochtonous resources may be a seasonal alternative and less important energy pathway to consumers. 2. Temporary streams have a high retentive capacity. They accumulate large quantities of allochthonous material despite low input. Regardless of high retention values in Atlantic streams, standing stocks of organic matter are low, even during the major input season, pointing at the influence of biotically mediated higher processing rates coupled with physical processes in these streams. 3. Conditioning and processing of allochthonous materials is re-initiated once flow is resumed in temporary streams, probably needing longer times that the mean annual water period, before they are fully conditioned, therefore usually constituting an alter- Limnetica 25(1-2)02 12/6/06 13:50 284 Página 284 Pardo & Álvarez native food resource. Leaf processing in fast flowing Atlantic streams is a fast process occurring in approximately less than 2 months. Green leaves input of alder from the beginning of summer constitutes nutrient-rich materials to which shredders may adapt due to benign flow conditions during these predictable food supplies. It is to be expected that secondary production will be promoted during spring-summer after winter shortage of resources. 4. High densities of macroinvertebrates in the torrent Gorg Blau are explained by the following factors, fast rates of autochtonous production, close proximity to spring refugia, reduced predator pressure and the low competition, coupled with fast invertebrate colonization, which occurs 1-2 month after flow resumes (Álvarez, 2004; Álvarez & Pardo, 2005). In fact, high densities and sustained feeding by the dominant grazers were the most important factors depleting periphyton biomass in the Mediterranean temporary stream. 5. In Atlantic streams, low invertebrate densities relate with low resources amounts and limited availability on a seasonal basis, probably pointing at a seasonal bottom-up control of shredders and scrapers by food resources and prolonged adverse hydrodynamic conditions. Moreover, the presence of large predators in these small streams (primarily trout) may indicate a top-down control during benign flow periods. FUTURE RESEARCH It is recommended that a main line of research in both Atlantic and Mediterranean streams should focus on improving the understanding of the functioning of aquatic communities in both systems. Based on the above findings and observations we expect to conduct experiments on the mechanisms underlying predation, competition and resource-consumer interactions across stream types. The analysis of benthic energy budgets or energy flow through food webs should provide a more precise determination of the importance of autotrophic and heterotrophic food resources in streams with different riparian vegetation (e.g., deciduous vs. ever green) and flow permanence (temporary vs. permanent). Temporary streams are also good environments for studying patterns of colonization and community succession, as well as the function and adaptation mechanisms of their fauna. Within this line, studies will address the mechanisms allowing maintenance of temporary stream populations when facing disturbances (reproduction patterns of oviposition behaviour, egg hatching, diapause, mortality and emergence), as well as the determination of the importance of the hyporheic zone as refugia. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the editors Joan Armengol for his kind invitation to participate in this special volume dedicated to the Dr. Margalef. The data base analysed in this article reflects the help and support of many people and institutions. 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